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Miami Swordfish Fishing Charters

Miami, FL Fishing Charters
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Swordfish Fishing in Miami, Florida
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Swordfish — Gladiator of the Sea — Prince of
Darkness. These names may well describe the
toughest predator in the ocean. In fact, many
seasoned anglers, captains and fishing magazines
have voted the swordfish as the toughest adversary
to be encountered on rod and reel.
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Not only does this magnificent fish have toughness,
but also the speed and agility of the mighty swordfish
can defy logic. How can a fish hooked 300 feet deep
jump in the moonlight only seconds later and then
with full drag on an 80 wide, takes you down 500 feet
in mere seconds?
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For many anglers seeking to accomplish catching all the different
species of billfish, swordfish is usually the hardest adversary for
them to conquer. We are blessed to have this great fishery in our
backyard and proud that we can offer swordfish trips to our
clients. In South Florida, we have a year round swordfish season
and our swordfish grounds, out in deep seas, are on average
only 20 miles from Miami's shoreline where we depart.
Miami ­ A Nursery For Swordfish
The area off of Miami is important to the well being of the entire
North Atlantic swordfish population. It is well documented that
this area of South Florida is a nursery area for swordfish.
Because of this, this area is well protected from commercial
interests and is well regulated for recreational efforts.
Because this is a nursery area it doesn't mean that the fish we catch on our swordfish trips
are all pups. We do catch some swordfish that are small, but because we are catching them
on rod and reel, these fish can be successfully released. We also catch fish that are in
excess of 300 to 400 pounds.
What needs to be understood is that even a 100 pound swordfish
can be quite a battle on 80 pound classBook
rod and
reel. A 400 pound
swordfish is a battle of epic proportions. It is not uncommon for
anglers in South Florida to hook swordfish and fight them for 8
hours. Some of the fish caught weigh over 300 pounds, but some
are lost and the size can only be assumed to have been even
Swordfish Fishing Tactics
Capt. Dean Panos
The tactics we use to fish for swordfish off of South Florida are drift
fishing live or dead baits or a combination of live and dead baits.
Large blue runners, tinker mackerel, goggle eyes, etc. are often the
live baits chosen, and dead squid are usually the preferred dead
Chemical or battery operated lights are attached close to
the bait and with the aid of a large sinker, the bait is
suspended anywhere from 50 feet to 500 feet deep.
Several rods are deployed like this and then the wait
begins. Although the nighttime fishery has slowed down
a bit in the past few years, the possibility of hooking a
fish of a lifetime is very possible on any given night.
In my opinion, not much can beat the excitement of
watching a huge broadbill jumping in the moonlight
while your electric light is trailing behind. The rod is bent
over and you're in the harness having the fight and thrill of your life.
Daytime Swordfishing Now Possible
We have now also developed a technique to catch swordfish during the day. While this has
been done for years in foreign countries like Venezuela, the speed of the Gulfstream along
Florida's coast was an adversary that many thought couldn't be overcome. Utilizing new
space age braided lines, coupled with a heavy lead, we are able to get a bait to the bottom
and using the boat, we can keep the bait on the bottom.
For the most part, during the day, swordfish are found on the
bottom and it is critical to keep your bait as close to the
bottom as you can. We can utilize either electric reels, manual
reels, or our new Hooker Electric Shimano 80W
electric/manual combo.
The swordfish that we have been catching during the day are
typically much bigger than the average swordfish caught at
night. We have now successfully landed swordfish over the
600 pound mark and numerous swordfish over the 300 and
400 pound mark. Trust me when I tell you, the sight of a 400
pound swordfish just feet under the boat during the day is
awesome. Just imagine getting a bait to the bottom in 1600
feet of water, watching the rod tip twitch, then bend over. As
you are reeling the fish up, you see a huge broadbill jumping
in the sunlight. You now realize that that swordfish jumping is
the one on your line. The adrenaline is running as you are
closing the gap between you and the fish. Seeing a swordfish
during the day is amazing and not many anglers throughout the world have been able to do
As I mentioned earlier, it is a privilege to have this fishery so close to our marina in Miami
and it is a privilege for me to put my clients on a fish of a lifetime. We need to protect and
manage this species as carefully as possible. With that said, come on out and lets tackle the
most magnificent gamefish in the world!
Book Your Swordfishing Trip Today!
Ready to experience a day time or night time swordfishing trip? Maybe you want to combine
it with fishing for other species? Call Captain Dean Panos on (954) 805­8231 or email
dean@doubledcharters.com to get in touch.
Want to learn more about our fishing trips? Read our charter information page.
Double D Charters
Capt. Dean Panos
(954) 805­8231
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