Topic: Depression in Children and Teens Question: How does depression affect children in middle childhood and adolescence years and what can be done about it? Introduction According to camh, “[depression] is much more than simple unhappiness”(camh) What is depression? Depression is much more complicated than simple unhappiness o Effects the way you think of certain topics o Effects the way you feel o Effects how you act Unhappiness or sadness is a human emotion that everyone feels from time to time o Feeling sad is what makes us human Depression often has an impact on o Brain development and cognitive impairment o Physical health and symptoms o Social isolation and belonging However there are ways to combat this o Antidepressant treatment on cognitive impairment o Provide social support with depression Cognitive Impact Brain development MDD has an impact on one’s cortical gray matter(Luby et al., 2016) o Gray matter in the central nervous system lets individuals to control their movement, memory, and emotions(Mercadante & Tadi, 2022) Depression can be noted from the changes in areas related to emotion processing o P-SA-MDD Score of 5 experienced a decrease in cortical gray matter 1.69 times greater than those with a score of 0(Luby et al., 2016) There is a correlation between a child’s self reported CDI(Children’s Depression Inventory) score and gray matter volume o A higher P-SA-MDD score related to a faster and more severe decline in cortical gray matter(Luby et al., 2016) Decrease in cortical gray matter because of depression can begin in children as early as middle childhood(Luby et al., 2016) o A correlation between severity of depression and decrease in cortical gray matter volume(Luby et al., 2016) Cognitive Health Physical Impact Social Impact Cognitive Aid Social Aid