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MG 602 Module 3 Case Study.docx

MBA 602-103
Module 3 – Case Study (Big Shoes to fill)
Part A
1. What type of leader, discussed within any of the course modules, best characterizes former
CEO Jack Donally. Be sure to provide rationale for your selection.
From the reading Jack Donally had many leadership styles. He was a charismatic,
transformational and monopolostic leader who had a major impact not only on employees but on
Innostat as a whole.
Jack was a charismatic leader because he was driven by his own personal passion and he
was the type of person that commanded respect.
Jack was also a transformational leader. He saw a vision for the company and he stopped
at nothing to see that vision come to life. When Jack first came to the company it was a small
company and when he became CEO the company became one of the largest prosthetic and
surgical implant companies generating billions in sales and employing thousands of people.
Jack demonstrated traits of a monopolistic leader based on the conversation Frank had
with Stephanie. In the reading Frank mentioned that Jack did not have faith in his employees to
come with new ideas for the company and considered himself the “chief passion officer”. Jack
did not trust that his employees can come with new innovative ideas so he took it upon himself to
be the creator of fresh ideas. He would take his ideas directly to the R&D team and rarely engage
with the Marketing department. This eventually caused and issue because the marketing
department was not heavily involved in product development they lacked the skills to do the
work that was eventually required of them.
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2. What situational variables contributed to the success and maintenance of this type of leader
in this specific case?
Jack Donally transformative leadership style contributed to the success of
the company. Due to Jacks passion and vision he was able to build the company
from the ground up. Jack had passion, vision, charisma which are all great traits
for a transformative leader. He was able to bring fresh innovative ideas which led
to the overall success of the company.
1. What leadership style/approach/theory would you embrace and implement, and why? Be
sure to reference reasons for your decision (e.g., company history, current personnel,
market trends, etc.).
For many years Jack Donallys multiple leadership style and approach worked. However,
there were many faults for example he was the only one bringing new ideas to the table, he didn’t
include the marketing team on new product development, the company lost their competitive
advantage a couple of years prior to Jacks retirement. With that being said I believe Stephanie
should take on a transformational leadership approach. By taking on a transformational
leadership approach, Stephanie can create a new approach to tackle competition, create a
dynamic where teams can collaborate on new ideas and create an inclusive working
environment. By implementing a transformational leadership, the company will potentially see
better results.
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2. How would you communicate your new strategy for the company to maximize buy-in
and organizational success and why would you use this style and medium of
In order to communicate my new strategy to the company to maximize buy-in and
organizational success I would use face-to-face media. While face-to-face media has a number of
disadvantages, it does however have many advantages. I would choose face-to-face media
because it allows two-way dialogue and its more personable. From my own personal experience,
I found that communicating change face-to-face shows followers that leadership cares and they
took the time to have this interaction rather than sending out a mass email to the organization.
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Dear Senior Management:
As many of you know I have recently acquired the new role as CEO. While Jack’s impact on this
organization will be a tough act to follow, I look forward to working with you all. On my to-do
list is the following:
Meet with the head of each department to discuss roles and responsibilities of your teams
Discuss ways in where we can collaborate with other departments
Discuss how each to contributes to the success to the organization
Create bi-weekly with your immediate team to discuss new ideas
Discuss any issues or concerns you may have
Before this meeting, please meet with your teams to discuss point 5 as I want to make sure all
issues/concerns are addressed.
Please note, I will be sending out a meeting invite in the next two weeks with conference room
details and a zoom link. For anyone dialing in via zoom, please be prepared to be on camera
during this meeting. I believe it’s very important we discuss the above matter face-to-face.
Let me know if you have any questions in the meantime.
Thank you,
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