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Opening Speech - Republic of South Africa (GA 1) - Tran Nam Anh

Honourable chairs, distinguished delegates and esteemed guests of the house
The Republic of South Africa is highly honoured to be in the position to speak
in front of this committee and acknowledges the importance of all 3 topics but
however would like to focus on the question of the implications of cyber and
ABC weapons defence research. South Africa believes the research and
development of ABC weapons should be completely banned and outlawed. Not
only does the research and development of ABC weapons threaten the
international stability and security of the world, the delegate believes they also
pose a grave reminder to ordinary citizens about the supposed danger of nuclear
weapons and this causes a great amount of anxiety surrounding nuclear and
atomic weapons specifically resulting in a global misunderstanding of nuclear
power, and this hinders the world’s progress towards a greener future. The
delegate believes cyber weapons are a cause for great concern especially in the
hands of unstable states and groups, and should be heavily monitored and
sanctioned. The delegate is looking forward to having a fruitful debate on all 3