SYLLABUS FOR ACC 605 GAY – FALL 2024 1 Accounting 605 – Fall 2024 Managerial Accounting and Business Intelligence Section 1: MW 2:30 – 3:45 p.m. Room: Conner 213 Section 2: MW 1:00 – 2:15 p.m. Room: Conner 213 Course Objectives: (1) Enhance our critical/strategic thinking skills (2) Use accounting information to support strategic decisions (3) Help you get prepared for the BEC portion of the CPA exam (4) Understand linear regression as a way to estimate and analyze relations in complex datasets well enough to use it appropriately on the job next year Professor: Dr. Jonathan Gay Email: Office: Holman Hall 369 Office Hours: Tuesday from 9:00-11:00 am Thursday from 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm By appointment: If you are unable to attend my scheduled office hours due to a scheduled conflict, send me an email and we will arrange an alternative meeting time during regular business hours. Cell Phone: 409-720-9633 (if urgent and at reasonable hours) SYLLABUS FOR ACC 605 GAY – FALL 2024 2 Required Text COST ACCOUNTING: A MANAGERIAL EMPHASIS, by Horngren, Datar, & Rajan (17th edition). Feel free to use an e-book or share a copy of the textbook with another student in the course if your living arrangements make it feasible. Required Supplements CASE READINGS: Case materials will be purchased through HBS case publishers. I will provide you this information in the coming weeks. These additional cases will cost approximately $5. OTHER COURSE READINGS: I will occasionally post other readings or content through Blackboard. Course Requirements There will be two mid-term exams. No make-up exams will be given. Medical emergencies and family emergencies are the only valid reasons that will be accepted for missing an exam. You must provide supporting documentation (e.g., signed note from a physician) if you do miss an exam. If you are excused from the midterm exam, the final exam will be re-weighted. If you do not have a valid reason for missing an exam, you will receive a zero on the exam, which usually implies failing the course. There will be ten homework assignments. The purpose of the homework assignments is to challenge and aid the student in learning the material as well as pacing the student's learning throughout the semester. Homework assignments will be turned in before or at the start of class on the date listed on the syllabus. The homework assignments will be graded for completion. Homework solutions will generally be provided in class on the date the assignment is due and on Blackboard. Homework is considered late (score of 0) if it is not turned in by the required time. However, homework assignments can be turned in early / any time before the due date and time. Each homework is worth 5 points each. Students are allowed to use fellow students as a learning resource as they perform their homework. However, each student must turn in their own homework assignment. And more importantly, each student is required to understand the solutions they are turning in. Turning in homework solutions that the student’s in-class participation reveals they do not understand is considered to be in violation of the university’s academic honesty policy. Data Projects. Students will undertake two data projects over the course of the term in small groups. These assignments will be graded for some combination of completeness and accuracy. There will be a group Case Term Project. Students will be assigned to groups and work together to create a deliverable surrounding the strategic management issues of a real-world SYLLABUS FOR ACC 605 GAY – FALL 2024 3 company. Most critically the group will report what strategic actions they believe the company should take. Reports should include why the group prefers these strategic actions and how they should be implemented. These reports should draw on the data analytic and data visualization techniques covered during the term. These case projects are critical to the objectives of this course. The cases enable our class to move away from the generation of managerial accounting information towards the understanding and use of accounting information. These cases will help develop a different skill set than your previous cost/managerial courses. Broadening the skills acquired may enhance students’ short-term job performance, but is ultimately directed towards students’ long-term career objectives. Your final exam will be cumulative. It will feature computational analyses and interpretation like your other in-class exams. It will cover new material introduced after the second midterm exam as well as information from the portion of the course preceding the two midterms. Course Structure Guiding Principle. You guys are adults. I’d like to treat you like adults. I strongly encourage students to attend class, as it’s really tough to do well without attending. But I understand you have competing interests and incentives and I’m fine with you managing your schedule as you want. You have plenty of freedom outside of deadlines and due dates for homework and exams. The trade-off is you live with the consequences of your choices. Professionalism. Along with your freedom to manage your time and learning, comes an obligation to not disrupt anyone else’s. So, you should be on time and treat instructors, proctors, graders, and other students respectfully. Your display of professionalism should extend to office hours, emails, and work with other students outside of class. You should make yourself as available as possible for group work while being understanding of other’s needs and restrictions too. This discretionary evaluation will be based upon my assessment of your professional behavior. If issues with a lack of professionalism occur it can have a detrimental impact on your score in the class. In return, you can expect professional behavior from me. I will respect your need to learn the material in the course and be prompt and professional during office hours, emails, and class. Timing of assignments to lectures. As you will see on the following class schedule, you are going to be assigned homework problems which will be due on the day that the related topics will be discussed and taught. This requires the students to take ownership in their own learning process. While this can be new for some students, the decision is intentional. This is how the business world will ask you to learn! Students are expected to prepare the related problems correctly before class. This allows our class time to center on fine tuning the skill practiced at home and then expanding to the conceptual application of the skill. SYLLABUS FOR ACC 605 GAY – FALL 2024 4 Students should note that in addition to the textbook, they can utilize office hours appointments with me, other students, and other outside sources to aide in learning the assigned information. However, students remain responsible for understanding their own work. You will receive a zero for all homework and other assignments turned in after the due date. Exceptions will be granted for medical or family emergencies, not for convenience. You will be asked to provide documentation to support an excused circumstance. Data Analytics. I am aware that not everyone in the course is attempting to receive a degree with an emphasis in data analytics. For those students that are not and are not inclined towards technology and “data analytics,” I think that you should be very motivated for this portion of the course for two reasons 1) the skills we are labeling “data analytic” skills are increasingly necessary to succeed in the profession, and 2) these skills really aren’t substantially different than the “regular” accounting skills you’ve been learning throughout your curriculum. Accounting is always about analyzing data (or organizing it so that it can be analyzed). The technology changes, but the need to understand relationships within data hasn’t changed. Generative AI. Generative AI refers to artificial intelligence technologies, like those used for ChatGPT, that can draw on a large corpus of training data to create new written, visual, or audio content. See Blackboard for resources that can help you learn more about AI and machine learning. AI can support your learning in this course by helping you: Consider points of view that hadn’t occurred to you Get feedback on your work/ideas Generating images for use in presentations Polishing your spelling and grammar Understand passages from readings However, it can also hinder your learning by generating ideas for you before you have had a chance to think of your own ideas; inhibiting the development of your own writing skills; generating factually inaccurate statements or fictional reference sources (this happens a lot!). I would encourage you to try each assignment on your own BEFORE using an AI tool. I hope that you will view and use AI as a tool to aid and improve your work rather than a cheat sheet or shortcut. While AI can be helpful, these tools won’t have all of the nuance and specifics of your future workplace where you will be tasked to make difficult decisions. If you use an AI tool to complete an assignment, please disclose your use of it by disclosing the tool you used and how you used the tool, and write a brief reflection on how AI affected your process. Please know that you are responsible for the work you submit for this course, whether or not you use AI tools in the creation of that work. This means, among other things, that you should SYLLABUS FOR ACC 605 GAY – FALL 2024 5 check the factual accuracy of what you submit, ensure that any sources you cite are not fictional, and be aware of potential biases in your work. While you may use AI tools to enhance your learning in this course, please bear in mind that instructors for other courses will have different policies. If you’re unsure about whether or not a specific tool or use of AI is permitted, please contact me. Disability Access and Inclusion: The University of Mississippi is committed to the creation of inclusive learning environments for all students. If there are aspects of the instruction or design of this course that result in barriers to your full inclusion and participation, or to accurate assessment of your achievement, please contact the course instructor as soon as possible. Barriers may include, but are not necessarily limited to, timed exams and in-class assignments, difficulty with the acquisition of lecture content, inaccessible web content, and the use of non-captioned or non-transcribed video and audio files. If you are approved through SDS, you must log in to your Rebel Access portal at to request approved accommodations. If you are NOT approved through SDS, you must contact Student Disability Services at 662-915-7128 so the office can: 1. determine your eligibility for accommodations, 2. disseminate to your instructors a Faculty Notification Letter, 3. facilitate the removal of barriers, and 4. ensure you have equal access to the same opportunities for success that are available to all students. University Diversity Statement: The University of Mississippi embraces its public flagship mission of inspiring and educating our diverse and vibrant community where all individuals are able to intellectually, socially, and culturally thrive through transformative experiences on our campus and beyond. In fulfillment of this mission, we demonstrate the following commitments to diversity, equity and inclusion: Diversity is an affirmation of the intersecting individual, social and organizational identities that make our community vibrant and transformational. We commit to openly increasing, embracing and recognizing the full spectrum of diversity at all levels of our institution. Equity is directly addressing the social, institutional, organizational and systemic barriers that prevent members of marginalized groups from thriving in our community. We commit to be both proactive and responsive in mitigating barriers so that all members of our institution are able to reach their full potential. Inclusion is actively and intentionally creating a welcoming campus where all individuals feel they have a supportive and affirming space to learn, grow and engage. We commit to fostering a campus environment that fully supports, values and engages the intersectional identities of every member of our community. University Counseling Center: At the University Counseling Center (UCC), you will find a team of dedicated professionals who strive to offer the best care possible in an atmosphere of SYLLABUS FOR ACC 605 GAY – FALL 2024 6 acceptance and respect. No record of counseling is contained in any academic, educational, or personnel file. No information, written or oral, is released to other persons without the client’s written permission. The Counseling Center is staffed by licensed, professional counselors and social workers, as well as Graduate Assistant student counselors from the Counseling, Psychology, and Social Work programs. The UCC provides a variety of counseling services, including individual and group sessions, for diverse mental health concerns using a brief therapy model. Services for students are free and confidential. Course Grades Course grades are determined by the following weighting scheme: Midterm Exam 1 Midterm Exam 2 Final Exam Term Project Data Projects Homework TOTAL POINTS 100 (20%) 100 (20%) 150 (30%) 50 (10%) 50 (10%) 50 (10%) 500 (100%) Letter grades will be assigned based on the following: A = 448+ points B = 447 – 398 points C = 397 – 348 points D = 347 – 298 points F = <= 297 Curving of final grades is at the professor's discretion. If grades are curved, the curve will only occur after all exams and assignments are completed and not on individual exams. Extra credit opportunities could arise throughout the semester and will be made available to all students. Re-grading policy I will make every effort to ensure the accuracy of grading. Should grading discrepancies (e.g., my counting something wrong that you think is right, not adding up your points correctly, etc.) arise, email me a request for re-grading describing the issue within 3 calendar days (72 hours) after the exam is given back to you. Getting off to a solid start At this point you have taken two previous Cost/Managerial accounting classes (202 and 309). You are expected to retain the skills taught in those courses, specifically as they relate to the SYLLABUS FOR ACC 605 GAY – FALL 2024 7 creation of managerial accounting information. This course will build on those techniques and then move toward a more conceptual use of the information. I recommend that those of you who feel in any way nervous about a particular skill from those courses to read through the pertinent early chapter in the textbook and work some problems (our work in the textbook will begin in Chapter 13). Work through as many as you need to feel comfortable. Other Blackboard. I will use Blackboard as my primary way of communicating with the class. Tableau License. You will need Tableau on your computer and a license to use it. You can apply for a free student license at General Computing. In addition to Tableau, we will be doing in-class problems and running regressions in Excel, which I have been told some Macs have trouble with. While it isn’t a hard requirement to bring a laptop to class, it will be extremely beneficial. Academic Honesty. The University of Mississippi policy Student Academic Conduct and Discipline will be strictly enforced in this class. The policy can be found here: 17696 If a student is found to violate the academic honesty policy, the student will face the following consequences: First offense: Receive a zero on the assignment and will have three times the value of the assignment deducted from their overall score. I will also initiate an academic discipline case through the myOleMiss portal. Second offense: Receive an F in the course and I will also initiate an academic discipline case through the myOleMiss portal. Academic dishonesty in this course includes, but is not limited to: Providing solutions to another student on an exam or other assignment Receiving solutions from another student on an exam or other assignment Providing information about exam content to other students taking the course during the same semester Soliciting information about exam content from other students in the course during the same semester Using prohibited items while taking an exam SYLLABUS FOR ACC 605 GAY – FALL 2024 8 Class Schedule Class # 1 2 3 4 Date Day 8/26 M Topic / Task Assignment Introduction / Syllabus 8/28 W Porter’s Five Forces 9/02 M LABOR DAY HOLIDAY 9/04 W Strategic Profitability Analysis M Pricing Decisions and Cost Management 9/09 Text Chapter Read Porter 2008 HW1: Write Two Page Paper Summarizing (Minimum 700 words) 13 HW2: Exercises: 1330, 13-31 14 HW3: Exercises 1420, 14-22; Problems 14-31, 14-33 5 9/11 W Sales Variances 15 HW4: Exercises: 1525, 15-26; Problems: 15-38, 15-39 6 9/16 M Quality & Constraints 20 HW5: Exercises: 2021; Problems: 20-32, 20-33, 20-37 7 9/18 W Linear Regression I: What is regression? 8 9/23 M Linear Regression II: Indicator Variables 9 9/25 W Cost Estimation Data Project 10 9/30 M Review Session 11 10/02 W Midterm Exam 1 12 10/07 M Linear Regression III: Data Visualization [There are some background readings in blackboard if you want] In-class Group Project SYLLABUS FOR ACC 605 GAY – FALL 2024 13 10/09 W Liner Regression IV: Outliers [Timp Health Data Project Begins] [You’ve got everything you need to finish the Timp Health Project, so just do it now] 14 10/14 M Liner Regression V: Statistical Wrap Up 15 10/16 W Spoilage, Rework, & Scrap 16 10/21 M Inventory Management & JIT 17 10/23 W Management Control & Transfer Pricing 18 10/28 M Review Session 19 10/30 W Midterm Exam 2 M Group Meeting Time for Term Case Project 20 21 11/04 11/06 W 9 Performance Measurement 19 HW6: Exercises:1925, 19-26, 19-32 21 HW7: Exercises: 2123, 21-25; Problems: 21-30, 21-32 23 HW8: Exercises: 2317, 23-22; Problems: 23-32, 23-35 Timp Health Project Due [Professor Gay available during class time to discuss term cases project progress] 24 Read GHR (portion) Read Dechow & Sloan 1991 (Intro) HW9: Exercises: 2423; Problem: 24-35 22 11/11 M Incentive Systems & Compensation 24 Read Murphy 2002 (Intro) Read New York Times Article SYLLABUS FOR ACC 605 GAY – FALL 2024 23 11/13 W Group Meeting Time for Term Case Project [Professor Gay available during class time to discuss term cases project progress] HW10: Exercises: 1619, 16-20; Problems: 16-30 (Repeated Iterations not required) 24 11/18 M Cost Allocation, CustomerProfitability Analysis, and SalesVariance Analysis 25 11/20 W Group Meeting Time for Term Case Project Completion 11/2511/29 M-F THANKSGIVING BREAK M Corporate Social Responsibilities/Environment, Social, and Governance 26 12/02 10 16 Assigned Readings Term Projects Due (End of Day 12/02) 27 12/04 W Review Session 12/11 W FINAL EXAM (12:00 pm) Section 2 12/12 Th FINAL EXAM (04:00 pm) Section 1 *Note that anything in this syllabus is subject to change at Professor Gay’s discretion. Should anything change, I will notify everyone in class and on Blackboard.