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Influential Father Essay

Luka Ramos
Eng 111 01
Mr. Hammond
Someone Who Gives It All
When talking about influential people in my life I can only imagine one person. Someone who
gave me life, who has been always next to me teaching me, correcting me and telling me where
my future was. That one special person is my dad. He always was my mentor, and still continues
to teach me how to succeed in life. Yet in my life there were a lot of influential people who
helped me arrive where I am now, but no one will be ever compared with my dad.
Since I was born, my dad always taught me a lot of different lessons. But the first influence
that I received from him was the music. All the taste for music that I preserve nowadays is
because of him, and that is one of the things that I am most grateful for. He showed me
amazing bands such as Pink Floyd, Radiohead, David Bowie, etc. And listening to music with a
cultural message was something really powerful, because it helped me comprehend the world
and to make a change in it. Since I was little he sat me on a chair every weekend to listen to a
specific song and after hearing it, we tried to find the meaning of that song.
In addition to that, apart from influencing me musically he had always put a strong effort on
the sports part. He was helping me with food, exercise and all aspects in order to have a
healthy life. He always wanted me to be a striker on soccer, but I never agreed with him until
2021, where he took me to the pitch and showed me the potential I have there. He showed me
the opportunities that I could have on the pitch being a striker, so since then I agree with him,
and he trained me to do my best on the pitch, he saw something in me that I could never see.
Every day he was there telling me what to eat, how to play, how to be someone better, and
thanks to that I achieve incredible things such as being champion with my first soccer team on
my first tournament. We were unstoppable. He was always seeing on my future, so he
encouraged me to take a big step, being a soccer player on a university, being capable of
playing and studying on a foreign country, so we decided to achieve that goal and he was
disposed to give everything in order to see me playing and studying on the USA.
That goal gives me the chance to talk how my dad has supported me financially. In the
country where I live, Argentina, things are not so good because of the politicians, so that was
one of the reasons that my dad wanted me to study on the United States. He works all day as a
medic in two different clinics. He is a recognized medic and he loves his work, so in our house I
always had everything, food health and love. And at the time to invest on Brevard in order to be
a successful person he had no doubt. He is full disposed to invest always on me because he
always thinks that I am his biggest investment and knows that he can trust on me, and I strongly
believe that he is my biggest investor.
He has never doubted to give every single penny that he gained to me. And when applying for
Brevard, he always showed me the financial support that he was laying on me. He with the help
of my mom gave me to me all the financial support that I need for reaching Brevard. He
invested on soccer clothes that I need, boots, socks, T-shirts, everything. All to make my dream
come true.
In addition to that my dad had influenced me on a spiritually way. He made me read books
that had a powerful meaning. With his help, I read, and he explained to me classic books that
make me change my way on seeing life around me. Such books us “a happy world”, 1984 or
animal farm he taught me the real meaning of these books and how to read them. He also
taught me about the love of different cultures, such as the English culture or the Inca culture.
He wanted me to be a free person that respects every person around the world, because in my
country most people teach to hate the British culture because of the Falklands war. There are
so many people that infect the others with ideas about that war.And one the thing that I will
always appreciate about my dad, is that he was someone different to all the rest of people. He
saw the true meaning of their culture, and he based on the British culture to raise me.
To conclude about this person that gave it all to make me the best version of myself I can only
say that raising a child is a really difficult task. Most of the times every parent has a good
relationship with their sons until their children reach 12 or 13 years old or when they turn 18,
but my father specially, with my mother, both of them do their best to keep raising me until the
date, because they understand the real meaning of raising a child, and since the day I was born,
they knew where my future was and they designed since then the perfect plan to make the
best person. But always remembering me, that day, won’t be by my side all life. My dad planted
the seed but I'm the only one who can water it.