Uploaded by Kaid R.

Catan Procedures

Hypothesis: Games of Settlers of Catan would take more rolls using a TI-84 calculator than with
the traditional 2 dice method due to dice having greater odds of landing on integers 5 thru 9
versus the TI-84 picking integers at random.
- Two games will be played. For both games, a random integer will be generated each
time the dice are rolled.
The moves for the first game will be decided using the dice. The two dice will be rolled
and then the sum of both determines the move. The moves for the second game will be
decided using the random integer.
- The dice used will be two 6 sided dye. The random integer will be generated using the
randINT(2,12) function on a TI-84 Plus calculator.
- Data for each roll will be calculated in two columns: one for the TI-84 calculator and one
for the dice roll.
- The map has 24 spaces available for resource placards:
- 4 stone
- 4 grain
- 5 bricks
- 4 sheep
- 5 forest
- 2 desert
- Resource placards can’t touch another placard of the same resource nor can they touch
a port of the same resource. Deserts are exempt from this rule.
- Desert pieces must be placed in the center of the board.
- Resource ports cannot touch other resource ports. Instead, resource ports must be
interspersed with 3:1 ports.
- The map will have 2 number pieces of each digit except for 7 (no piece for 7) and will
have 3x of 5 and 3x of 6
- Numbers of the same probability cannot be touching
- Numbers cannot have duplicates on the same type of resource placard (2 pieces of 2 on
brick placards)