Uploaded by Dina Maulida Purbasari

Implied Meaning

Implied Meaning
L.O: To understand what implied
meaning is and how to use it.
Implied Meaning
Something that is implied is inferred - it is
suggested, by the way it is said/written.
Writers know that to entertain their readers
they need to draw them into their texts. Implied
meaning works because it causes the reader to
feel that they have made up their own mind
about something, such as a character, rather
than having to accept the writer’s word for it.
Implied Meaning
The clues you need to make up your mind about
a character are all in the text. Look for the
• what the character says
• what the character does
• what others say about them
• how others react to them
Have a look at the extract below from Holes by
Louis Sachar. In this extract, Stanley has just arrived
at the prison camp and meets a character you learn
later is a 'Mr Sir' (the man in the cowboy hat).
What do you learn about this mysterious character
by 'reading between the lines', that is,
by implication? Certain parts of the text have been
put in bold to give you some clues
Mr Sir
• The extract gives a lot of physical detail about the character. You can use
this detail to form an opinion about his personality.
• By 'reading between the lines' you will get an idea of what the writer is
trying to tell us about the character. Even though you are looking at a
character’s physical details, you will still begin to form an opinion about
his personality.
• Looking at the text, you can tell that the character likes to make an
impression and wants to be seen to be in charge. He is sitting 'with his feet
up on a desk' which suggests he feels powerful and he knows that he can
behave as he likes. He has made his appearance even more striking by
wearing sunglasses and a cowboy hat indoors.
Cont on next slide…
• When you consider the can of cream soda, you could say that the
fact that the character fails to offer either Stanley or the bus guard
anything to drink suggests that he is a selfish man. He keeps his
drink in full view of Stanley and the bus guard which further
suggests that he is cruel and likes to see other people's discomfort.
• The character has a tattoo of a rattlesnake - a dangerous reptile
that is supposed to have a bad temper - on his arm, which adds to
the impression of this man. You are led to believe that the
sunflower seeds are there to help him as an alternative to
cigarettes, but you don't get the optimistic feeling that they'll be
In conclusion, the character appears to us, through implication only,
to be powerful, bad-tempered and selfish.
Implied meaning
Show not tell!
How can you act to show
you are sad?
How do you know
someone is sad?
Her eyes glistened with
tears. She lowered her
head and sighed.
How can you act to show
you are angry?
How do you know
someone is angry?
His eyes scowled and he
clenched his fist. He
rapidly spun around and
stamped away.
How can you act to show
you are scared?
How do you know
someone is scared?
He sat quietly, lost in
thought. His hands shook
and his eyes widened as
the lieutenant shouted
How can you act to show
you are confidence?
How do you know
someone is confident?
She stood tall and
straight. She looked
directly into his eyes and
grinned as she pranced
back into the house.
Task 1: Write implied meaning
sentences for each of the emojis
How to use implied meaning in
your descriptive writing :
Tell Sentence:
Mr. Smith was an overweight, grouchy old man.
Show sentence:
Mr. Smith heaved his heavy frame out of his
well-worn armchair, huffing and puffing as he
reached for his walking stick.
Tell Sentence:
Joey was afraid. There was a storm and the lights
went out.
Show sentence:
The lights suddenly went out. In the darkness, the
wind and rain grew louder and closer. Joey sat still,
heart beating out of his chest. As he chewed on his
bottom lip, beads of cold sweat formed on his
Tell sentence:
Brian was angry.
Show sentence:
Brian pursed his lips and clenched his fists into
tight balls. Try as he might, he could not contain
himself. Within seconds, he erupted like a
Tell sentence:
He felt sad.
Show sentence:
An ache started deep in his stomach. He turned
away as his eyes welled up with tears
Task 2: Fill these columns with ideas you could use if you were writing
these emotions as implied meaning.
I’ve added some examples to help .
Try and get at least 6 for each one. You could ask someone to help if you
Pacing around
Eyes wide
Dry mouth Biting lip
Breathing deeply
Picking fights
Stiff posture
Downcast eyes
Sudden feeling of cold Red eyes
Task 3 – Could you write a descriptive
paragraph about this man – focussing
on implied meaning
Cheeks are red
Biting your lip
Droopy eyes