Module 2 Preliminary notes for all vocabulary lists: An asterisk next to a term indicates that there is another and (usually) disparate meaning for this term, to which you are referred to by information placed in square bracket; e.g., “[See Mod. 7, cervic-]” indicates that you will find this alternate meaning in Module 7. You must learn each term with its appropriately-placed dash (for example, bucc-). Round brackets indicate words which will be filled in by other parts of a term which you will normally expect to see in a definition or term. For example, in the term and definition “–cele = protrusion filled with (a substance),” the brackets indicate that you would normally expect to see the root for a substance, such as mucus or water, to complete the meaning. Square brackets provide clarifying information, such as unusual plural forms. Roots: External Anatomy brachibucccaudcelicellaparabdominventr-* cephalcervic-* trachel-* cheillabicheirchircrurdactyldermdermatcutanegnathinguinlater- arm cheek tail abdomen [See Mod. 9, ventr-] head neck [Generally, the neck on the shoulders, but applicable to any neck within a body structure] [See Mod. 7, cervic-, trachel-] lip; labium [pl. labia] hand leg; thigh digit; finger; toe skin jaw groin the side [i.e., of the body, or of a specific organ or structure] lumbment-* omomphalumbilicpathpodped-* sarcsomasomatthoracstethpector- loin chin [See Mod. 5, ment-] shoulder navel; umbilicus disease foot [See Mod. 4, ped-] flesh body chest; thorax Clinical Suffixes -ad -ate -ics -ist -itis -oid -osis -ism -iasis moving in a direction toward [When two roots are used, the first root denotes the origin and the second the end-point of the direction, e.g., cephalocaudad means “moving in a direction from the head toward the tail.” The order of the roots in the term must be properly reflected in the definition.] having; characterized by study (of a subject) [The termination -logy is more commonly and should be used, unless you are specifically directed to use this suffix.] a specialist (in a subject) inflammation resembling; like These suffixes form a noun and indicate a state of being, one which is usually (but not necessarily) negative or abnormal in character. Most usually, expect to see either of these in definitions given to you: a. disorder (of an organ, structure, function, characteristic); or b. condition characterised by/caused by (a substance or characteristic) Notice that the choice between the two options above depends upon the root to which the suffix is attached Frequently, however, these phrases will not be appropriate to the context; the word “condition,” e.g., may be an appropriate rendering in some contexts. Note also that -osis is the most commonly used of these three suffixes; you must use -osis when creating a term using the definitions given above, unless directed otherwise. -ous* containing [See -ous in Grammatical Suffixes, below.] Grammatical Suffixes -ia -y Suffixes which create a noun: a state of being, a process or act, a syndrome, a symptom, etc. Very often the suffix does not need a specific translation; if context requires, however, it could be rendered as either “condition” or “condition characterized by,” but the translation will depend upon the context. No single definition is possible, and so you must use context to decide on what kind of noun is being created. -ic -tic -al -ical -ac -ar -ary -eal -ine -ile -ous* -ize -ise If you need to use either of these suffixes when creating a word, you will be told this; if you do not see any such direction, then you must look for another suffix or a termination. Suffixes which create an adjective. Most usually the meaning can be conveyed by the phrases “pertaining to” or “located in” but it will depend upon context; in many instances neither of these phrases can be used. This situation is particularly true when the adjective is modifying a noun in a phrase; in such situations, the word “of” may be the best option. You need to be able to recognise all of these as adjectival suffixes in words given to you to define; when creating a word which requires only an adjectival suffix, you will be told which one to use. [See -ous in Clinical Suffixes, above.] Suffixes which create a verb, as in “to (do something).” Some possible renderings, depending on the context, include “to make X,” “to become X,” “to cause X to occur,” “to subject X to,” or “to engage in X.” Terminations -algia pain (in) [For any termination indicating pain in a body part (there will be others in later modules), English requires the preposition “in” to indicate that body part.] -cele -ectome -ectomize -ectomy -gram -graph -graphy -logist -logical -logy -megaly -meter -metry -ostomy -pathic -pathy -plasty -scope -scopy -tome -tomy 8.7.21 protrusion from (an organ or other structure); protrusion filled with (a substance) instrument used to excise [i.e., to cut out] to excise; to cut out; to remove surgically excision; surgical removal a record instrument used to record a recording [i.e., a process of making a record] specialist in the study (of a subject) pertaining to the study (of a subject) study (of a subject) enlargement (of an organ or structure) instrument used to measure measurement (of an organ, structure, function, characteristic, etc.) creation of a passage into (an organ or structure); creation of a passage between (organ or structure X) and (organ or structure Y) pertaining to disease; diseased disease surgical repair instrument used to make a visual examination [On rare occasion the instrument does not refer to visual examination but to examination by other means.] visual examination instrument used to cut (into) incision (in, or into) Module 3 Be sure to read the Vocabulary Notes for this module to fully understand the use of many of these prefixes. Prefixes a[an-] [ar-] antepreproantidediadys- ectoenendoentointraepiesoeisoeu- exexohyper- absence; lack [when used in a word which is a noun] without; lacking [when used in a word which is an adjective] Note the additional letter, depending on the letter following this prefix: a- becomes an- when the following letter is a vowel or “h” a- becomes ar- when the following letter is “r” before against; opposing from; down from; away through Indicates a negative state; many possible words could be used, depending on the context. Some examples: abnormal; faulty; difficult; painful; malfunctioning; poor; poorly outside within; inner; interior; inside Note: there is no prefix which means just “in,” as in “pain in the arm” or “located in the arm.” The use of “in” in definitions is the same as the use of “of”: it is a common connector which does not need to be accounted for. on; upon; toward into Indicates a positive state; many possible words could be used, depending on the context. Some examples: normal; healthy; proper; good; well out; out of; outside Could be either qualitative or quantitative, but always negative in sense. excessive; excess of; greater than normal hyposub- Either prefix can be qualitative or quantitative (in negative sense), but also locatively. infraintermeta- less than normal; deficiency of [qualitative/quantitative] below; under; inferior to [locative] below; under; inferior to [locative only] between beyond; after neonon-* parapericircumpostsuper- suprasyncontrans22.2.21 Can also indicate a change of some sort, e.g., metabolism new not [See Mod. 8, non-] beside; beyond around after; behind; posterior to Can be qualitative or quantitative (in positive sense), but also locative. superior; greater than normal [qualitative/quantitative] above; beyond; superior to [locative] above; beyond; superior to [locative only] joined; fused; simultaneous; in association; together; with See Vocabulary Notes for further discussion on these two prefixes. across; through Module 4 Do not panic about the size of this module’s vocabulary list: it is the longest list by far in the course. No other module will have a list quite so long! Important note: some definitions from hereon are augmented by a description of the term, which is put into italics; this is particularly true for anatomical roots. For example, see the entry below for chori-. The meaning of this root is “choroid”, while the phrase “middle layer of the eye” is a description for those unfamiliar with the anatomy of the eye. You are not required to reproduce the italicized descriptive phrase (although you may use them if you wish to, of course). If asked for the meaning of chori-, e.g., choose “choroid.” You must, however, be able to recognise the descriptive phrase if it is used in a definition. That is, if given “middle layer of the eye”, you must know that the root is chori-. Anatomical Roots: The Eye and the Ear blepharchorichoroidconjunctivcorcorepupillcyclciliarcilidacrylacrimdacryocystiriridkerat-* cerat-* cornu-* corne-* ophthalmoculoptphacphaklentretin- eyelid choroid; middle layer of the eye conjunctiva; membrane that lines the eyelid pupil ciliary body; structure encircling the lens tear; tear sac tear sac iris cornea [See Mod. 6, kerat-, cerat-, cornu-, corne-] eye eye; eyesight lens retina; inner layer of the eye 1 sclerauriculcochleincudlabyrinthmallemyringotaur-* phonstapedstapeditympan- sclera; outer layer of the eye auricle; pinna; the outer structure of the ear cochlea incus; anvil-shaped bone of the middle ear labyrinth; inner ear malleus; hammer-shaped bone of the middle ear eardrum; tympanum ear ear; hearing [See Mod. 8 and 12, aur-] voice; sound stapes; stirrup-shaped bone of the middle ear eardrum; tympanum; middle ear [includes eardrum, malleus, stapes, and incus] Roots: The Human Being and Senses andranthrophom-* hominbi-* vitcytdemdipsgamgergerontgyngynegynecgynaechapthaphhygieniatrmismortthanatnecrnarcnat- male; man [pl. men] human being; person [pl. persons] [See Mod. 9, hom-] life [See Mod. 8, bi-] cell people; population thirst marriage; sexual union old person [i.e., as an individual]; old people [i.e., as a group]; old age female; woman [pl. women] sense of touch; touch health medicine; physician aversion (to something or someone) [Always a subordinate root.] death death; corpse; dead tissue; dead cell stupor; sleep birth; born 2 olfactped-* paed- sense of smell child [pl. children] [See Mod. 2, ped-] Terminations -acousia -acousis -algesia -odynia -aphia -centesis -cyte -dipsia -ectasis -ectasia -ectopia -ectopy -edema -oedema -gamy -geusia -geustia -iatry -iatrics -lysis -lytic -necrosis -opia -opy -opsia -opsy -orexia -orexis -osphresia -osphresis -osmia -penia -ptosis sense of hearing pain sense of touch; touch surgical puncture to withdraw fluid cell thirst dilation; expansion; bulge malposition; displacement fluid-filled swelling (of an organ or structure) marriage; sexual union sense of taste study and treatment [in specific reference to the medical profession or a physician] destruction; breakdown; a loosening pertaining to the destruction (or breakdown, or loosening) death [in particular, of cells, tissues, or organs] visual disorder; eyesight; examination appetite sense of smell an insufficient amount (of a substance) prolapse [i.e., a slipping down of an organ or part of an organ from its usual location] 3 -rrhagia -rhagia -rrhage -rhage -rrhaphy -rrhea -rhea -rrhexis -rhexis -sclerosis -sepsis -septic -spasm -stasis -stat -static -stenosis -therapy rapid discharge (of a substance, or from an organ or other location) suture; suturing discharge (of a substance, or from an organ or other location) rupture a hardening (of an organ or other body structure); a hardening caused by (a substance) infection pertaining to infection; infected involuntary movement stagnation (of a flow or movement); cessation (of a flow or movement) device used to control; agent used to control pertaining to the control (of a substance); pertaining to the stagnation (or, cessation) (of a flow or movement) constriction (of a passage or duct); an abnormal narrowing (of a structure) treatment (of an organ, symptom, or disease); treatment by means (of a substance or process) 7.7.21 4 Module 5 Anatomical Roots: The Nervous System arachn-* cerebellcerebrcortic-* dendrdurencephalgangliganglionglihypothalammedullmeningmeningemeningimyelneurnervoncpiaplexpoli-* pontrhizradicradiculthalamventricul- arachnoid mater; arachnoid; middle layer of the meninges [See Mod. 12, arachn-] cerebellum; posterior part of the brain cerebrum; largest part of the brain cortex [pl. cortices]; the outer layer (of an organ or biological structure) [See Mod. 12, cortic-] dendrite; threadlike extension of a neuron dura mater; outermost layer of the meninges brain; encephalon ganglion [pl. ganglia]; collection of nervous tissue glia; supporting tissue of the brain and spinal cord hypothalamus marrow; medulla; inner portion (of an organ or structure) [pl. medullae] meninges; membranes covering the spinal cord and brain bone marrow; spinal cord nerve; nervous system; nervous tissue tumour; a swelling; abnormal mass pia mater; innermost layer of the meninges plexus; collection of nervous tissue; collection of blood or lymph cells grey matter [of the nervous system] [See Mod. 8, poli-] pons Varolii; pons; bridge of tissue (of a bodily structure) nerve root; root thalamus ventricle; small cavity 1 Roots for Cognition oneironomatphasphobphren-* psychment-* dream; dreaming name; word speech; speaking; ability to speak persistent and irrational fear (of something or someone) mind; mental activity [See Mod. 6, phren-; see Mod. 2, ment-] Roots for Movement kinematkinesikinema- movement Terminations -carcinoma -esthesia -aesthesia -esthetic -aesthetic -kinesia -kinesis -kinetic -malacia -mania -maniac -philia -phile -philic -phobia -phobe malignant tumour sensation pertaining to sensation movement pertaining to movement a softening (of an organ or structure) excessive preoccupation (with something) someone who has an excessive preoccupation (with something) a love (of something/someone); a liking (or, preference) (for something/someone); an affinity (for something) someone who has a love (of something/someone); someone who has a liking (or, preference) (for something/someone); someone who has an affinity (for something) loving/liking/preferring (something/someone); having a love/liking/preference (for someone/something); having an affinity (for something) persistent and irrational fear (of something/someone) someone who has a persistent and irrational fear (of something/someone) 2 -phobic -phoria -oma -omata [pl. only] -oncus -plegia persistently and irrationally afraid (of something/someone); having a persistent, irrational fear (of something/someone) 1. emotional state; state of feeling [i.e., a mental state; -phoria is not used in relation to the five senses, with the exception below] 2. a turning of the visual axis of the eye tumour; a swelling; abnormal mass paralysis (pl. paralyses) 8.7.21 3 Module 7 Anatomical Roots: Reproductive Systems balandidymorchidorchiorcheorchtestepididymgonadoschescrotphallpenprostatpubpubiseminspermatspermvas-* cervic-* trachel-* colpvaginepisivulvhymenhystermetruterfetmammmast-* menoovoophorovariperine- glans penis testis [pl. testes]; testicle epididymis gonad scrotum penis prostate pubis; pubic bone; pubic region semen semen; spermatozoa; seminal cord; seminal vesicle vas deferens [See Mod. 8, vas-] cervix; the neck of the uterus [See Mod. 2, cervic-, trachel-] vagina vulva hymen uterus fetus breast [See Mod. 10, mast-] menstruation; menstrual cycle egg; ovum [pl. ova] ovary perineum; region between anus and scrotum or anus and vulva 1 salpingtubthelerotgenittoc- Fallopian tube; a tube (within any biological structure) nipple sexual desire; sexual act reproduction; genitals childbirth Adjective Roots ambly- dull; blunt; weak amphamb- both archarchaearcheaut- cryptechingymnhem-* sempanhol- [no connecting vowel follows] [connecting vowel for amph- is either i or o; connecting vowel for amb- is always i] ancient; primitive; original; first; chief; principal spontaneous; itself; own; self [aut- often modifies the termination, rather than the root, but in either case this adjective root is almost always placed at the beginning of the word] hidden spiny [adjective]; a spine [noun] [note: does not refer to the vertebrate spine, but to a hard, pointed structure] naked half [connecting vowel for both roots is i] [see Mod. 8, hem-] all; entire; whole [no connecting vowel usually follows pan-, but see Vocabulary Notes for more information] Terminations -atresia -cide -cleisis -cyesis -genesis -genic absence of the opening (to a bodily structure) act of killing; destruction; agent used to kill (or, destroy) [usually preceded by the connecting vowel “i”: there are some exceptions, but use “i” unless told otherwise] blockage; (surgical) closure pregnancy formation; development; growth forming; developing; producing; produced by; pertaining to the formation/development/production of 2 -gravida woman who is (or has been) pregnant for (nth time) -para woman who has given birth (n times) -pexy -pexis -strophe -poiesis -poietic [a numerical root which immediately precedes this termination indicates the number of pregnancies experienced; connecting vowel preceding -gravida is always “i”] [a numerical root which immediately precedes this termination indicates the number of births; connecting vowel preceding -para is always “i”] surgical attachment [often of one organ or tissue to another] a turning; a twisting formation; development; production; act of shaping forming; developing; producing; shaping; pertaining to the formation/development/production/shaping of 8.7.21 3 Module 8 Anatomical Roots: Cardiovascular and Haematological Systems aneurysmangivas-* vascul- aortarteriarteriolatricapillarcardihemathaemathem-* haemsanguinphlebvenplasmplasmatrhythmsersphygmthrombthrombocytvalvvalvulvaricvenul- aneurysm; dilation of the wall of the heart, artery, or vein blood vessel; vessel; duct [All three roots are very often used for blood vessels, even without a specific root for blood, but can also refer to other types of vessel or ducts within the body.] [See Mod. 7, vas-] aorta; main vessel of the arterial system artery [vessel that carries blood away from the heart] arteriole; small artery [adjoining capillaries] atrium [pl. atria]; chamber; cavity [in the body] capillary; smallest blood vessel heart blood [See Mod. 7, hem-] vein [vessel that carries blood to the heart] plasma rhythm serum pulse clot thrombocyte; platelet valve varix; a tortuous dilation of a vein venule; small vein 1 Adjective Roots for Colours anthrac-* melannigrargent-* argyraur-* chrys-* chlorviridchromchromat- cirrhcrocflavlutexanthcoccincyanerythrrhodrubrubrrubecandidleucleukalbalbidiodviolpoli-* purpur- black [See Mod. 12, anthrac-] silver [See Mod. 12, argent-] golden [See Mod. 4 and 12, aur, and see Mod. 12 -, chrys-] green colourful; tinted [adjective] colour; pigment [noun] These two adjective roots can sometimes be rendered as nouns, but the rules concerning adjective roots still apply. yellow scarlet blue red white violet grey [See Mod. 5, poli-] purple 2 Adjective Roots for Numbers Take careful note of the connecting vowels for numbers: many take “i”. Furthermore, any number root which ends in “a”, such as penta-, is not followed by a connecting vowel. nullmonunprim- didiplbi-* binsecund- terttritriplquadrtetr-, tetraquartquintpentpentasexthexhexasexheptheptasept-* none; no [connecting vowel is “i”] one [un- with -gravida or -para means “once”] [connecting vowel for un- is “i”] first [with -gravida or -para means “first time”] [connecting vowel is “i”] two; double [no connecting vowel follows di-, bi-, bin-] [Use bi- if consonant follows, bin- if vowel follows] [See Mod. 4, bi-] second [with -gravida or -para means “second time” or “twice”] [connecting vowel is “i”] three; third [connecting vowel is “i”] three [no connecting vowel follows] three; triple four [connecting vowel is “i”] four four; fourth [connecting vowel is “i”] five; fifth [connecting vowel is “i”] five six; sixth [connecting vowel is “i”] six seven; seventh [connecting vowel for hept- and sept- is “i”] octocta- [See Mod. 11, sept-] eight; eighth [connecting vowel for oct- is “i”] non-* nona- nine; ninth [connecting vowel for non- is “i”] [See Mod. 3, non-] 3 decmerpolymultplur- ten; tenth; one-tenth [connecting vowel is “i”] partial [adj.]; part; segment [noun] many; multiple [no connecting vowel follows poly-] [connecting vowel for mult- and plur- is “i”] Terminations -emia or -hemia -aemia or -haemia a condition of the blood; presence of (a substance) in the blood; presence of blood in (an organ) 5.5.20 4 Module 9 Anatomical Roots: Mouth and Digestive System adamantadamantinamelalvealveolappendappendiccholangcholecystcholedochcolcolonduodenenterepiplomentesophagoesophaggastrstomachgingivglosslinguhepathepaticilejejunodontdentpancreatpancreaticperitoneproctrectptyalsialpylorsphinctersplanchnviscer- enamel tooth socket; socket; cavity appendix bile duct bile bladder; gall bladder common bile duct colon; large intestine duodenum; the first part of the small intestine intestines omentum; fatty membrane lining the abdominal cavity esophagus stomach gums tongue; language liver hepatic duct ileum jejunum tooth; teeth pancreas pancreatic duct peritoneum; serous membrane lining the abdominal cavity rectum; anus; rectum and anus saliva; salivary gland pylorus; lower portion of the stomach sphincter; circular muscle [which closes an orifice] viscera; the internal organs [collectively] 1 staphyluvulstomstomatortyphlcaecceculuranuraniscpalat- uvula mouth cecum (caecum); first part of the large intestine gums; scar palate Other Common Roots acratherbromatsitfebrphagtrophnutrinutrit- extremities [of the body]; height; tip(s) yellowish plaque food fever [followed by the connecting vowel “i”] the eating (or, chewing; biting; swallowing; devouring) (of a substance) nutrition [Note: troph- may also mean “growth” in certain contexts] Adjective Roots anomalheterhom-* homehomoischistschiz- irregular different; other same; unchanging [See Mod. 4, hom-] a splitting; a cleft [nouns] split; cleft [adjectives] Adjective Roots Indicating Relative Positions anterdextrdorsexterninferintern- before; front; in front right [as opposed to left]; clockwise back [as opposed to front] outside below inside 2 levposterretrsinistrsuper-* telteleventr-* left; counter-clockwise behind; posterior to behind; posterior to; backward left above [See Mod. 3, super-, and note that this term is not a prefix when it is followed by a connecting vowel] distant; at a distance [adjectives] end; goal [nouns] front [See Mod. 2, ventr-] Terminations -pepsia -clasis -clasia -clysis -plasia -phage -phagia -phagy -schisis -tripsy -tripsis -trophy digestion (the act/process of) breaking (something) up irrigation proliferation; growth; development [in reference to tissue or cells] something that eats (or, devours) the eating (or, chewing; biting; swallowing; devouring) (of a substance) a splitting a crushing (or, rubbing) (of a substance); friction nutrition; growth 6.5.20 3 Module 10 Note: some terms in this module, in addition to having italicized descriptions, have bolded definitions; terms which are bolded must be used in any exercise, test or exam. Anatomical Roots: Musculoskeletal System osteossossecraniethmoidfrontmast-* mastoidoccipitparietsphentempormalzygomatzygomaticmandibulmaxillcoccygrachispin-* sacrspondylvertebracromicleidclavicclaviculcostcoxiliischiscapulsterncarp-* bone cranium; skull ethmoid bone frontal bone; forehead bone mastoid process [a process is a projection or outgrowth of bone] [See Mod. 7, mast-] occiput; occipital bone parietal bone; any “wall” (in a cavity or organ) sphenoid bone; a wedge-shaped bone temporal bone; temple bone cheek; cheek bone; malar bone; zygomatic bone mandible; lower jaw maxilla; upper jaw coccyx; tail bone spinal column; spine [after a vowel, rachi- frequently becomes rrhachi-] [See Mod. 12, spin-] sacrum; triangular pelvic bone vertebra [pl. vertebrae] acromion; the lateral projection of the shoulder blade clavicle; collar bone rib hip; hip joint ilium; upper pelvic bone ischium; lower pelvic bone scapula; shoulder blade sternum; breast bone carpus; a carpal bone; wrist; wrist bone [i.e., either the wrist joint itself, or one or more of the bones which make up the wrist joint] [See Mod. 12, carp-] 1 humermetacarpolecranphalangradiulnacetabulcalcanecondylfemorfibulmalleolpatelltaltarsmetatarstibifascimymyosmusculpygarthrarticulburschondrcartilagcartilagindesmsyndesmligamentdiskfibrfibrossynovitentend- humerus; upper arm bone metacarpus; metacarpal bone; bone radiating from the wrist to fingers olecranon; elbow phalanx [pl. phalanges]; finger bone; toe bone radius; the shorter of the lower arm bones ulna; the longer of the lower arm bones acetabulum; hip bone socket [into which femur fits] calcaneus; heel bone condyle; knuckle [only of the fingers or toes]; any rounded bone protuberance [which articulates with another bone] femur; thigh bone fibula; smaller bone of the lower leg malleolus; ankle protuberance patella; kneecap talus; ankle bone tarsus; a tarsal bone; ankle; ankle bone [i.e., either the ankle joint itself, or one or more of the bones which make up the joint; analogous to carpus, above] metatarsus; metatarsal bone; bone radiating from the ankle to the toes tibia; shin bone; larger bone of the lower leg fascia; connective tissue enclosing a muscle muscle buttock joint bursa; sac of synovial fluid cartilage ligament disk fibrous tissue synovial fluid; fluid that lubricates a joint; synovial membrane tendon 2 Adjective Roots ankylleirhabd- skelet- crooked; bent; stiff; fixed; fused; imperforated smooth rod; rod-shaped; skeletal; striated [when rhabd- precedes the root my-, it denotes skeletal or striated muscle; when it is used with other roots, it denotes a rod or rod-shaped structure] skeletal Terminations -agra -asthenia -clast -desis -ferous -paresis -phylaxis -phylactic -sthenia sudden and severe pain absence of strength; weakness instrument used to break surgical immobilization; surgical fusion [if used with the prefix syn-, avoid redundancy by ignoring the prefix] bearing; containing [preceded by the connecting vowel i] slight paralysis protection of (something); protection against (something); protection by means of (a substance or process) protective of (something); protective against (something); protective by means of (a substance or process) strength 8.7.21 3 Module 11 Anatomical Roots: The Urinary, Endocrine, and Lymphatic Systems cystvesicnephrrenpyel- sac; cyst; bladder ururinureterurethr- urine; urinary tract; urination uricadenadrenhormonamygdal-* tonsilllymphlymphaticporsplenlien- kidney renal pelvis; urine reservoir in kidney [which passes urine to ureter] ureter; tube carrying urine from kidney to bladder urethra; tube carrying urine from bladder to outside the body uric acid gland; lymph node adrenal gland hormone tonsil [See Mod. 12, amygdal-] lymph lymphatic system; lymphatic duct pore; passage spleen Substance Roots adiplipsteatsebcrinemehidrhisthygrpytoxtoxictoxinven-* venenvenomzym- fat sebum; oily secretion [of the sebaceous gland] secretion vomit sweat; sweat gland tissue [of an animal or plant] moisture pus poison [See Mod. 8, ven-] enzyme; fermentation 1 Miscellaneous Roots aetietiantrauxbarbarybathbathycarcinchrondromdynamhelchypnsomnictersept-* saept- cause antrum; cavity increase weight; pressure depth; depths [nouns]; deep [adjective] [no connecting vowel follows bathy-] cancer [noun]; cancerous [adjective] time flow; a running power ulceration sleep jaundice septum; a wall that divides two cavities [See Mod. 8, sept-] Miscellaneous Adjective Roots allanisatelatretbrachybradyidiisequleptmacrmegalmesmicroligorthoxy-* pachypalepoikil- other; another; divergent; alternating unequal incomplete without an opening (to an organ/structure) short [no connecting vowel follows] slow [no connecting vowel follows] individual; distinct; distinctive; unknown equal [equ- is followed by connecting vowel i] thin large; long large middle small few; small; scanty straight; normal; correct acute; swift; sharp; sour [no connecting vowel follows] [See Mod. 6, oxy-] thick [no connecting vowel follows] old; ancient mottled; varied; irregular 2 prosthprosthetprotpseudscirrhscolistentachtachyxenxersicc- artificial earliest; first false; imaginary hard [adjective]; hard, cancerous tumour [noun] crooked; laterally curved narrow; constricted rapid [no connecting vowel follows tachy-] strange; foreign [adjectives]; foreigner [noun] dry Terminations -agogue anti- ... -agogue -auxe -auxis -auxesis -crine -elcosis -emesis -emetic -emphraxis -lepsy -phyma -phymata [pl.] -pore -toxin anti- ... -toxin -uria a- ... -uria 6.1.21 agent used to induce (an action); agent used to induce the flow (of a substance, or from an organ or tissue); agent used to induce the expulsion (of a foreign body) agent used to suppress (an action); agent used to suppress the flow (of a substance, or from an organ or tissue); agent used to suppress the expulsion (of a foreign body) enlargement (of an organ or structure) secretion ulceration (of an organ or structure) the vomiting (of a substance) causing vomiting (of a substance) obstruction; blockage seizure a swelling pore; passage substance poisonous to (an organ or tissue); poisonous substance present in (a plant or life form) agent used to counteract a substance poisonous to (an organ or tissue); agent used to counteract a poisonous substance present in (a plant or life form) urination; presence of (a substance) in the urine; (abnormal) condition of the urine absence of (a substance) in the urine 3