2-6e Self-Assessment Exercise Cross-Cultural Awareness The following questions are intended to provide insights into your awareness of other cultures. Please indicate the best answers to the questions listed below. There is no passing or failing answer. For each question, rate yourself according to the following scale and place your rating in the “My Rating” column below: 1 = definitely no 2 = not likely 3 = not sure 4 = likely 5 = definitely yes Question 1. I can effectively conduct business in a language other than my native language. Rating 5 2. I can read and write a language other than my native language with great ease. 5 3. I understand the proper protocol for conducting a business card exchange in at least two countries other than my own. 2 4. I understand the role of the keiretsu in Japan or the chaebol in Korea. 2 5. I understand the differences in manager-subordinate relationships in two countries other than my own. 2 6. I understand the differences in negotiation styles in at least two countries other than my own. 2 7. I understand the proper protocols for gift giving in at least three countries. 1 8. I understand how a country’s characteristic preference for individualism versus collectivism can influence business practices. 4 9. I understand the nature and importance of demographic diversity in at least three countries. 1 10. I understand my own country’s laws regarding giving gifts or favors while on international assignments. 3 11. I understand how cultural factors influence the sales, marketing, and 3 distribution systems of different countries. 12. I understand how differences in male-female relationships influence business practices in at least three countries. 1 13. I have studied and understood the history of a country other than my native country. 4 14. I can identify the countries of the European Union without looking them up. 4 15. I know which gestures to avoid using overseas because of their obscene meanings. 4 16. I understand how the communication styles practiced in specific countries can influence business practices. 4 17. I know in which countries I can use my first name with recent business acquaintances. 3 18. I understand the culture and business trends in major countries in which my organization conducts business. 4 19. I regularly receive and review news and information from and about overseas locations. 4 20. I have access to and utilize a cultural informant before conducting business at an overseas location. 1 Total 59 When you have finished, add up your score. Later, you will compare it with those of others in your group. Discuss the areas of strength and weakness of the group members. [Note: This brief instrument has not been scientifically validated and is to be used for classroom discussion purposes only.] Reference: Neal R. Goodman, “Cross-Cultural Training for the Global Executive,” in Richard W. Brislin and Tomoko Yoshida (eds.), Improving Intercultural Interactions, pp. 35–36, copyright © 1994 by Sage Publications, Inc. Reprinted by permission of Sage Publications, Inc. Chapter 2: The Changing Environment of Organizations: 2-6e Self-Assessment Exercise Book Title: Organizational Behavior © 2014, 2012, 2010 South-Western, Cengage Learning © 2016 Cengage Learning Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this work may by reproduced or used in any form or by any means - graphic, electronic, or mechanical, or in any other manner - without the written permission of the copyright holder.