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Dr I Mbukanma
29 MARCH 2024
-Food security.
-Challenges faced by Qombe maize.
-Technological advancement of Qombe
-Qombe maize Plant Target.
-SWOT Analysis of Qombe maize.
-Customer needs.
-Storage facility.
-Pricing methods.
-What is Shield.
-SHEIN’s Online Store Objectives.
-Customer reviews.
-SHEIN online store pricing methods.
-SHEIN online store shipping cost.
-Customer behaivour.
-SHEIN Online store SWOT Analysis.
-SHEIN Prohibited items in S.A.
Question 1
2020 saw the founding of Qombe Maize in Idutywa, a rural community in the Eastern
Cape, by Mr. Ncedo Ntsabo, a 26-year-old; Agriculture Marketing: Overview and
Terminology Producing food is how agriculture meets humanity's basic need. Farmers
used to produce food commodities about a century ago, either for their own consumption
or for trade with people in their village or adjacent areas, either in kind or cash. Most of
the time, they were independent. Furthermore, value addition in the raw agricultural
output is necessary to meet the growing demand for processed or semi-processed food
products. Food commodities must be transferred from producers to consumers in the
form of value-added goods to accommodate these developments. Through several
initiatives, agricultural marketing connects producers and customers, emerging as a
crucial component of the economy. Agricultural marketing's reach extends beyond the
final product of agriculture. It also concentrates on giving farmers access to inputs
(factors) for agriculture. In the Eastern Cape, Qombe Maize will contribute to the
eradication of unemployment and poverty.
He founded Qombe Maize, which bears the name of the Idutywa hamlet where he was
born, in response to the food scarcity that occurred in his area during the Covid-19
outbreak. The judges were impressed by the young student farmer's statement that he
uses contemporary agricultural techniques to ensure optimal yield and superior grain
quality in his production of high-grade yellow hybrid maize. He claimed that he took this
action to satisfy the present and increasing need for a wholesome and sustainable food
source. According to him, "Qombe Maize teaches skills in maize production and other
agriculturally related activities while addressing social challenges that include inequality,
unemployment, and poverty." Social Impact competition category. When Mr. Ncedo
Ntsabo, the 26-year-old founder of Qombe Maize, returns to his home village of Qombe
in Idutywa in the rural Eastern Cape, his business uplifts an entire community and has
rippling effects in his region. (Plessis, 2023)
Food security
Ntsabo places a great deal of importance on food security. It is imperative in these times
to guarantee a steady and dependable food supply for both my town and the country. In
addition to improving public health, Qombe Maize boosts the agricultural industry and
gives aspiring young farmers employment prospects. The foundation for sustainable
development and the reduction of poverty is laid by food security. When it comes to
cultivating maize, "food security" means making sure there is a steady and sufficient
supply of the grain to meet the needs of the populace and lower the danger of famine
and malnutrition. Being the staple crop for millions of people globally, maize is essential
to the security of the global food supply. The following are some crucial elements of food
security in maize planting:
1. Yield Stability:
To provide food security, maize yields must be steady and reliable. To sustain
consistent yield levels under difficult circumstances, farmers require access to
enhanced maize varieties that are resistant to pests, illnesses, and environmental
2. Access to Inputs:
Smallholder farmers must have easy access to high-quality seeds, fertilizers,
insecticides, and other inputs to increase maize yields. Support initiatives,
extension services, and government subsidies can all work to guarantee that
farmers have access to the inputs they need.
3. Infrastructure Development:
To move maize from production areas to consumers in an efficient manner, there
must be enough roadways, storage facilities, and market networks. Enhancing
rural communities' infrastructure can lower post-harvest losses and guarantee that
maize gets to markets on time.
4. Market Access:
To sell their corn at reasonable rates, farmers need to have access to markets.
Improving market accessibility, endorsing farmer cooperatives, and encouraging
market openness can all contribute to making sure farmers are fairly compensated
for their produce, which will increase food security.
5. Resilience and Diversification:
By lowering reliance on a single crop, encouraging crop diversification in
conjunction with maize planting can improve food security. Enhancing dietary
diversity and tolerance to pests, illnesses, and climate variability can be achieved
by intercropping maize with other crops or encouraging the growth of other food
6. Research and Innovation:
To advance post-harvest technology, farming methods, and maize varieties, it is
imperative to invest in agricultural research and innovation. The development of
maize cultivars with increased yields, improved nutritional value, and enhanced
resilience to diseases, pests, and climate change should be the main focus of
research efforts.
7. Policy Support:
Through encouraging policies and initiatives, governments play a vital role in
advancing food security. This entails making investments in agricultural
infrastructure, offering farmers financial incentives, putting in place efficient food
safety standards, and promoting social safety nets to help disadvantaged groups.
8. Adapting to Climate Change:
Food security and maize production are severely hampered by climate change.
The creation of climate-resilient maize varieties, the encouragement of
environmentally friendly agricultural methods, and the application of adaptation
techniques are necessary to lessen the effects of climate change on maize planting
and guarantee food security.
Policymakers, agricultural stakeholders, and communities can collaborate to
improve food security in maize planting by addressing these crucial factors, which
will eventually improve the lives and well-being of millions of people who rely on
maize as a staple crop. “Members of the community lease the remaining land. The
traditional council facilitates the leasing, which operates as follows: Suppose you
own an 8-hectare plot of land, and your kid is unemployed. "I hire your
unemployed son to supplement the family income, and I give you 1hectare worth
of produce, which is equal to R13 842." It's referred to by Ncedo as borrowing
land” from his neighbours.
Thirty-seven young men and women are employed by Qombe Maize, which pays
them R120 per day for temporary seasonal work. Director of Avo's Enterprise
Development, Judge Kwezi Fudu Cenenda
Challenges faced by Qombe maize
The month of June brought with it extremely frigid temperatures. In the province, there
was also a butterfly outbreak, which led to a rise in aphid infection of the maize crop. I
planted 13,500 cabbage heads this year, and I've been away from home for four weeks.
Because of my exams, I was unable to apply pesticides, therefore I'm currently going to
run at a loss. Because I'm at university, I'm going to lose 12,000 of those heads along
with some rotting maize.
However, I can provide a general overview of technological advancements in maize
cultivation, which could include improvements in various aspects such as breeding,
genetics, farming techniques, pest management, and processing. Here are some key
1. Genetic Modification: Researchers are working to create strains of maize that are
resistant to herbicides, diseases, and pests through genetic modification. These cultivars
can lower the requirement for chemical inputs while increasing yields.
2. Precision agriculture uses technology to maximize planting, irrigation, and fertilization,
resulting in improved yields and increased efficiency. Examples of these technologies
include drones, GPS-guided tractors, and satellite imagery.
3. Biotechnology and Breeding: To create maize varieties with desirable qualities like
drought tolerance, high yield, and nutritional content, conventional breeding procedures
are combined with biotechnological methods like marker-assisted selection.
4. Crop Management Techniques: Farmers can maximize yield while reducing their
environmental effect with the use of crop management innovations, such as enhanced
irrigation techniques, integrated pest management plans, and improved soil management
5. Data Analytics and Farm Management Software: To track crop growth, forecast yields,
allocate resources optimally, and make wise decisions that improve productivity and
profitability, farmers are utilizing these tools more and more.
6. Post-Harvest Technologies: Developments in drying, storing, and processing
techniques help maintain maize quality, lower post-harvest losses, and increase market
7.Climate Smart Agriculture: Due to the increasing difficulties posed by climate change,
efforts are being made to create maize cultivars and farming methods that can withstand
harsh weather events including heat waves, floods, and droughts. (Boshoff, 2023)
Technological advancement of Qombe maize
Ntsabo informed the judges that Qombe Maize innovates through the application of
cutting-edge farming methods and technology-driven procedures. To improve crop
management, we deploy state-of-the-art gear for data analysis and land application. We
bargain for the lease of land from the community through the local Traditional Council.
Technological developments in maize planting have completely changed agricultural
methods, resulting in higher production, sustainability, and efficiency. The following are
some significant technical developments in Qombe maize planting:
1. Precision Agriculture:
With the use of technologies like satellite imaging, drones, and GPS-guided tractors,
farmers can accurately control the planting process. This includes changing the rate of
sowing according to soil fertility and other conditions, as well as precise seed placement
and optimal spacing. Precision farming optimizes output potential while reducing wasteful
use of inputs.
To make planting operations more efficient, modern technology has been designed,
including as planters and seed drills. Mechanized planting improves crop establishment
and yields by requiring less work, planting more quickly, and ensuring consistent seed
3. Better Seed Varieties:
Breeding methods combined with biotechnology have produced high-yielding hybrids of
maize that have improved nutritional value, resilience to disease, and drought tolerance.
Higher productivity and resilience under a range of environmental circumstances are
facilitated by these improved seed variants.
4. Seed Treatment Technologies:
During germination and the early stages of growth, seedlings are shielded from pests
and diseases by seed treatment technologies such treating seeds with fungicides,
insecticides, and micronutrients. Improved stand uniformity and yield potential are the
results of seed treatments, which also improve plant health, Vigor, and establishment.
5. Data-Driven Decision Making:
To maximize planting decisions, farm management software and decision support
systems make use of data analytics, weather forecasting, and agronomic modelling. To
maximize yield potential and profitability, farmers may make educated decisions about
planting dates, seed selection, and input management by analysing historical data,
keeping an eye on current conditions, and simulating scenarios.
6. Conservation Tillage Practices: By minimizing soil disturbance and erosion and
maintaining soil structure and moisture, conservation tillage techniques such as no-till
and reduced tillage systems achieve these goals. Conservation tillage benefits maize
planting and total crop output by enhancing water infiltration, lowering input costs, and
improving soil health.
7. Integrated Pest Management (IPM): IPM plans combine chemical, cultural, and
biological approaches of pest and disease control to minimize environmental impact while
managing pests and diseases successfully. Sustainable pest management techniques are
supported by technologies like biopesticides, pheromone traps, and pest monitoring
systems, which guarantee crop protection and yield preservation. These technical
developments in maize planting are an example of continuous attempts to innovate and
enhance agricultural practices, tackling opportunities and problems to boost resilience,
productivity, and sustainability in systems that produce maize. (Mahlangu, 2023)
Qombe maize plant target
Retailers, facilities that handle animals, and farmers that raise livestock are our target
markets. We advertise our goods on social media, at agricultural networking events,
animal shows, and auctions. We employ nearby logisticians with trucks who live in the
The target market for planting maize might change based on several variables, including
geography, climate, soil quality, and local demand. Nonetheless, there are other main
types of maize markets, including:
1. Food eating: Human eating is one of maize's main markets. In many parts of the world,
especially in Sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America, and some parts of Asia, maize is a staple
grain. The different ways that people in these areas eat maize include meal, samp, flour
(which is used to make tortillas, bread, and other baked goods), and processed foods
such corn flakes, mageu, soupy, and cornmeal.
2. Animal Feed: Another important ingredient in animal feed is maize. Livestock,
including pigs, cattle, and poultry, are fed with it. In places where there is a high
concentration of animals or where intensive animal farming is done, there may be a
considerable demand for maize as animal feed.
3. Market for Seeds: Farmers might also focus on the maize seed market. Selling other
farmers certified hybrid or improved types of maize seeds is one example of this. In
regions where farmers wish to implement disease-resistant or high-yielding cultivars, the
seed market can have a substantial impact.
4. Government Programs or Subsidies: Governments in some areas may help programs
or subsidies for the production of maize. These programs may be the focus of farmers
All things considered, the target market for planting maize can differ significantly
depending on factors including regional demand, production expenses, market prices,
and governmental regulations. Depending on their own resources, market opportunities,
and production capability, farmers may decide to target one or more of these markets.
Any commercial enterprise, including farms and ranches, can benefit from using a SWOT
analysis as a tool to assess the SWOT factors (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities,
and Threats). Whether you're starting a new firm or managing an established one, a
SWOT analysis can help you see past mistakes and come up with solutions for current or
future issues. A successful SWOT analysis requires participation from every member of
your team, including your family, employees, attorney, accountant, and insurance agent.
Ultimately, even though Qombe maize planting presents farmers with a lot of chances,
ensuring sustainable and successful maize production requires skilfully addressing
weaknesses and risks while maximizing strengths and opportunities.
1. High Demand: Since maize is a staple food for many people worldwide, there is a
steady and steady demand for the crop.
2. Versatility: Maize offers numerous market opportunities due to its vast range of
applications, which include human consumption, animal feed, industrial uses, and the
generation of biofuel.
3. Adaptability: Because maize grows well in a range of soil types and climates, it
may be grown in a wide range of geographical areas worldwide.
4. Productivity Potential: By using enhanced seed types, technologies, and
contemporary agricultural techniques, maize yields can be greatly boosted, which will
boost farmers' profits.
1. Weather-Related Risks: Droughts, floods, and extremely high or low
temperatures can all have a detrimental effect on maize production, yields, and
2. Pest and Disease Pressure: Several pests and diseases, including as
armyworms, fungi, and corn borers, can harm maize crops and lower yields,
requiring expensive pest control procedures.
3. Dependency on Inputs: Growing maize frequently necessitates large inputs like
water, fertilizers, and pesticides, which raises the possibility of environmental
issues like chemical runoff and degraded soil. Additionally, high production
costs result from this practice.
4. The going rates Volatility: The stability of farmers' income might be
jeopardized by the volatility of maize prices, which can be influenced by global
supply and demand dynamics, currency changes, and trade policies.
1.Growing Demand for Biofuels: Increasing interest in renewable energy sources presents
opportunities for maize farmers to capitalize on the growing demand for biofuels,
particularly ethanol produced from maize.
2.Value-Added Products: Farmers can explore opportunities to diversify their income
streams by producing value-added maize products such as maize flour, cornmeal, snacks,
and specialty maize varieties targeting niche markets.
3.Technology Adoption: Adoption of precision agriculture technologies, improved seed
varieties, and sustainable farming practices can enhance productivity, reduce input costs,
and mitigate environmental impacts, offering opportunities for efficiency gains and
4.Export Markets: Access to export markets can provide opportunities for farmers to
expand their customer base and increase revenue, particularly in regions with surplus
maize production and favorable trade conditions.
1. Climate Change: The production of maize is seriously threatened by climate
change-related factors, which could result in yield losses and lower resilience.
These causes include irregular weather patterns, rising temperatures, and shifting
patterns of precipitation.
2. Trade obstacles: Tariffs, trade disputes, and trade obstacles among nations can
impede the export of goods and restrict maize farmers' access to markets, so
lowering their profitability and competitiveness.
3. Competition from Alternative Crops: Alternative crops compete with maize for
resources, land, and market share, especially in areas where farmers can change
their crop mix according to profitability and market conditions.
4. Regulatory Challenges: Production methods and market access for maize
farmers may be impacted by regulatory changes pertaining to agricultural policies,
environmental laws, and food safety requirements. These changes may also place
operational and compliance obligations on them. During the 2020–2021 corn
season, 462 bags were produced by Qombe Maize. Qombe Maize produced 1650
maize bags in 2021–2022. Qombe Maize produced 2800 bags of grain in 2022–
Various factors, including geographic location, market dynamics, agricultural policy, and
technical improvements, might influence competition in Qombe maize cultivation. The
following are a few typical types of competition that corn growers deal with:
1. Land Competition: For arable land, maize growers face competition from other crop
producers, animal farmers, and non-agricultural enterprises. There can be fierce rivalry
for land in areas where there is a shortage of available land or when there are conflicting
land uses like industrialization or urbanization.
2.Input Competition: Farmers compete for access to inputs such as seeds, fertilizers,
pesticides, and irrigation water. Limited availability or high prices of inputs can affect
farmers' ability to invest in maize production and impact overall yields and profitability.
3. Market Competition: Alternative grains and food items, as well as other maize
producers, compete with maize growers in local, regional, and global markets. Market
rivalry is influenced by several factors, such as changes in prices, the effectiveness of the
supply chain, quality requirements, and trade laws.
4. Technological Competition: Farmers compete with one another to implement the
newest advancements and boost output and efficiency. Examples of these advances
include mechanization, precision farming methods, and enhanced seed types.
5.Climate and Environmental Competition: For natural resources like water, soil nutrients,
and biodiversity, maize production faces competition from other crops and land uses.
Variability in the climate and environmental deterioration can affect maize yields and
sustainability and intensify competition for scarce resources.
6. Consumer Preferences: To satisfy consumer wants and preferences for certain
varieties, quality characteristics, and value-added goods, maize farmers compete.
Maintaining competitiveness and gaining market share requires an understanding of
consumer preferences and market developments.
7.Policy and Regulatory Competition: Government policies, rules, and assistance
initiatives that impact input costs, market accessibility, trade restrictions, and subsidies
may present challenges to maize growers. Changes in policy may have an impact on the
competitive environment for planting maize both domestically and abroad.
8. International Competition: In the global market, established exporting nations and
expanding maize-producing regions fight for customers. Variables including exchange
rates, shipping costs, trade agreements, and geopolitical developments might affect how
Farmers must embrace efficient farming techniques, make technological and innovative
investments, maximize input utilization, diversify their markets, and adjust to shifting
market and environmental conditions to be competitive in the maize planting industry.
Governments, academic institutions, agribusinesses, and farmer organizations are just a
few of the players that can work together to solve issues and improve maize production's
competitiveness. (Ntsabo, 2020)
Customer Needs
It's critical to acknowledge the wide range of stakeholders in the maize business, each
with specific needs, when evaluating consumer needs in the context of maize plants. Key
needs of customers across different segments are as follows:
 High yield potential maize varieties are essential for farmers to enhance crop
output and profitability.
Disease Resistance: To minimize crop losses and lower the need for chemical
inputs, maize plants should be resistant to common diseases and pests.
 To ensure more consistent yields in difficult circumstances, farmers need to choose
maize types that are resistant to environmental pressures such as drought.
 Easy-to-cultivate types of maize are valued by farmers due to their lower labour
requirements and lower operating expenses.
 Adaptability: Different soil types, temperatures, and growth circumstances should
not affect maize varieties, enabling farmers to plant them in a variety of places.
2. Food Processors and Manufacturers:
Quality Features: To satisfy the demands of their final products, food processors and
manufacturers look for maize varieties with certain quality features including kernel size,
 Efficient Processing of Maize: Food makers require maize plants that can be
processed efficiently into different food products like flour, cornmeal, snacks, and
 Uniformity and Consistency: Ensuring the uniformity of processed products and
upholding product standards depends on maintaining consistency in the quality
and features of maize across batches.
3.Livestock Farmers:
 Nutritional Value: To meet the dietary requirements of their animals and promote
healthy growth and productivity, livestock farmers need maize types with the best
nutritional value.
 Feed Conversion Efficiency: Animal feed made from maize should have a high feed
conversion efficiency, which will enhance animal performance and feed utilization.
Palatability: Feed made from maize should taste good to animals in order to
promote intake and cut down on feed waste.
 Nutritional Value: Products made from maize that have a high protein content,
dietary fibre, and vital vitamins and minerals are what consumers look for.
 Taste and Texture: To meet consumer preferences and improve the eating
experience, food products made from maize should have enticing tastes, textures,
and sensory elements.
Health and Safety: Products made from maize that are safe, contaminant-free,
and produced with sustainable and ecologically friendly methods are given priority
by consumers.
 Variety and Convenience: Consumers appreciate a variety of maize-based food
options that are convenient, easy to prepare, and suitable for different culinary
preferences and dietary requirements.
Stakeholders in the maize business may create and provide goods and services that meet
consumer demand, boost competitiveness, and support the resilience and sustainability
of the maize value chain by comprehending and meeting these varied customer needs.
Storage facility
Grain storage facilities, sometimes referred to as storage facilities for maize planting, are
essential for maintaining the quantity and quality of maize harvests. The following are a
few typical kinds of corn storage facilities:
1. Grain Bins:
Though usually smaller and composed of galvanized steel, grain bins resemble silos.
They provide shelter from the elements, pests, and rodents and are used to store corn
on farms. Aeration systems can be used in grain bins to preserve grain quality.
2. Flat Storage:
Corn is temporarily stored in flat storage spaces like sheds or warehouses. To keep it
dry and pest-free, maize is bulk-stored on a level surface and covered with a plastic
sheet or tarp. When there aren't many alternative storage options or need temporary
storage, flat storage is a good fit.
3. Elevators:
Designed to carry and unload maize, grain elevators are lofty buildings with
conveyor systems installed. They are frequently used to move maize between
processing plants, storage facilities, and transit vehicles. Storage bins may be
added to elevators so that corn can be temporarily stored.
4. Bag Storage:
You can keep maize in bags composed of jute or polypropylene. Small-scale farmers or
those in temporary storage situations can benefit from bag storage. It is advisable to
store bags on elevated surfaces to shield them from moisture and vermin.
5.Hermetic Storage:
Melds and fungi cannot thrive in an enclosed space created by hermetic storage
solutions, including airtight bags or containers, which smother pests. Hermetic storage
works well for post-harvest handling for small-scale farmers to maintain the quality of
6. Climate-Controlled Storage: To maintain maize quality for extended periods of time,
climate-controlled storage facilities with temperature and humidity control systems are
utilized. These facilities are frequently found in areas with harsh weather or where maize
is kept in preparation for export or long-term marketing.
Pricing methods
The strategies and tactics employed by companies to establish the selling price of their
goods or services are referred to as pricing procedures. Here are a few typical pricing
1. Cost-Plus Pricing: This technique determines the selling price by marking up the cost
of manufacturing or purchasing the good or service. Usually, the mark-up is expressed
as a percentage of the price. Cost-plus pricing guarantees a steady profit margin and
covers all expenses.
2. Competitive Pricing: Companies that use competitive pricing base their rates on what
their rivals charge for comparable goods and services. The objective is to draw clients by
providing equivalent or cheaper pricing while maintaining market competitiveness.
3. worth-Based Pricing: Value-based pricing places more emphasis on the customer's
perception of the product or service's worth than it does on production costs. Companies
base their pricing decisions on the value and advantages that clients obtain from their
goods and services. If the product or service has special qualities or advantages that
make the higher price point justified, this approach permits higher prices.
4. Dynamic Pricing: Dynamic pricing is the process of instantly modifying prices in
response to shifts in supply, demand, or other market variables. Companies optimize
revenue and profitability by dynamically setting prices using algorithms and data analysis.
In sectors including e-commerce, travel, and hospitality, dynamic pricing is typical.
5. Penetration Pricing: To enter the market rapidly and increase market share, new
products or services must first be offered at comparatively cheap costs. The idea is to
offer low pricing to draw in clients, then once the good or service has gained traction in
the market, raise prices gradually. For instance, adding stock with cabbage
6.Bundle Pricing: Bundle pricing involves offering multiple products or services together
as a package at a discounted price compared to purchasing each item separately. Bundle
pricing encourages customers to buy more and can increase overall sales and revenue.
7.Subscription Pricing: Customers who want access to a product or service for a
predetermined amount of time might pay a recurring cost through subscription pricing.
To cater to different client segments, subscription models might offer several pricing tiers
with varying levels of services or perks.
Depending on a variety of circumstances, including the product or service's nature, the
competitive landscape, the target market, and strategic goals, businesses may employ a
combination of these pricing techniques. For businesses to stay profitable and
competitive, they must constantly evaluate and modify their pricing strategy.
Qombe maize planting is an essential farming technique that requires a number of crucial
procedures to guarantee effective growth. First, farmers choose acceptable varieties of
maize and prepare the soil for ideal growth circumstances. Planting takes place at present
intervals, paying close attention to planting techniques, depth, and spacing.
To encourage healthy maize development, farmers must handle elements including
fertilizer, weed control, irrigation, and pest and disease management throughout the
growing season. Keeping an eye on the crop's development and adjusting as needed are
essential to optimizing both production and quality.
To preserve grain quality throughout storage, it is crucial to harvest maize at the optimum
maturity stage and to handle it properly after harvest. All things considered, growing
maize needs perseverance, understanding, and efficient management techniques to
produce a good crop and support both economic sustainability and food security. To
maximize productivity and profitability, planting maize successfully generally involves
meticulous planning, appropriate management techniques, and prompt interventions.
Boshoff, Z., 2023. project manager. EDHE-Entrepreneur, 15(Maize production), p. 3.
daniels, c., 2024. agriculture. 4th ed. south africa: institute.
Mahlangu, I., 2023. Empoering Maize Farm. Isaac Mahlangu, 5(Student scoops), p. 3.
Ntsabo, N., 2020. Qombe MAIZE, Idutywa: Linkedin.
Plessis, J. D., 2023. EDHEAwards2023 [Interview] (20 Deceember 2023).
Chris Xu launched Shein, an online fast fashion store, in October of 2008. Originally
operating as a modest online retailer of women's apparel, the company is headquartered
in China. Clothing, accessories, shoes, and cosmetics for men and kids have all been
included to Shein's ever-expanding product line. Offering stylish and reasonably priced
fashion items to clients across the globe is the company's primary goal. Shein has
established a reputation for offering a large selection of goods, having regular sales and
discounts, and releasing new styles quickly. Along with working with influencers and
marketing their business on numerous channels, they also have a strong social media
presence. Among the biggest and most well-known internet retailers in the world today
is Shein.
What is Shein?
Chris Xu launched Shein, an online fast fashion store, in October of 2008. Originally
operating as a modest online retailer of women's apparel, the company is headquartered
in China. Clothing, accessories, shoes, and cosmetics for men and kids have all been
included to Shein's ever-expanding product line. Offering stylish and reasonably priced
fashion items to clients across the globe is the company's primary goal. Shein has
established a reputation for offering a large selection of goods, having regular sales and
discounts, and releasing new styles quickly. Along with working with influencers and
marketing their business on numerous channels, they also have a strong social media
presence. Among the biggest and most well-known internet retailers in the world today
is Shein.
SHEIN's Online Store Objectives:
SHEIN, a global online fashion store, bases its operations and strategy on a number of
1. Accessibility: By providing a wide selection of stylish, reasonably priced apparel that
fits a variety of body types, styles, and budgets, SHEIN seeks to make fashion accessible
to everyone. The company works hard to make sure that its items may be found online
anywhere in the world.
2. Customer satisfaction is one of SHEIN's main goals. It aims to give its consumers a
smooth and joyful online purchasing experience. In order to satisfy the wants and tastes
of its target demographic, which is predominantly Gen Z customers, this entails providing
simple navigation, regular catalog updates, and top-notch customer support.
3. Innovation and Agility: SHEIN is committed to being innovative and quick to adapt to
the newest styles in fashion. By utilizing
4. Global Expansion: In order to obtain a larger client base and solidify its position as the
industry's top online fashion retailer, SHEIN wants to increase its visibility in global
markets. This entails adapting its products to the distinct tastes and subtle cultural
5. Sustainability: SHEIN has established goals to lower its carbon footprint and encourage
more environmentally friendly practices across its supply chain in recognition of the
negative environmental effects of the fashion sector. This entails employing
environmentally friendly products, cutting waste, and putting ethical production practices
6. Brand Awareness and Loyalty: SHEIN wants to build consumer loyalty and raise brand
awareness in order to keep its competitive edge. This entails using a variety of marketing
platforms, such as influencer relationships and social media, to interact with the target
demographic and highlight the brand's
Customer Reviews
The question of whether SHEIN has become their favourite is raised by the way that
young female consumers are referring to her in TikTok videos, as mentioned above. A
location where everyone can afford to buy as many garments as they want, be
surrounded by individuals who share their enthusiasm and motivate one another, and
where wealth is not a factor. a location where people can find anything they need,
including items they never even knew they needed. The most well-liked fashion brand in
2022 was SHEIN, a Chinese ultra-fast fashion retailer. The worth of the ultra-fast fashion
shop exceeded that of Zara and H&M put together (Brain 2022; Duncan 2022).
With ultra-fast fashion production combined with a marketing strategy based on usergenerated content, it seems that SHEIN is responding extremely well to young consumer
needs (Roy 2021). At the same time, this is not the only reason for which SHEIN is known.
They are also known for the widespread news about their bad working conditions,
polluting productions, not following (social) sustainable laws and stealing ideas from other
fashion designers (Shukuya 2023; William 2022). During the last few years, the
stereotypical picture of the fashion consumer that buys cheap clothing has been
obliterated through the business model of fast fashion. The consumers' attitudes towards
cheap clothing has changed, which has made fast fashion brands such as H&M and Zara
popular among young consumers (Gabrielli, Baghi & Codeluppi
Fast fashion products are particularly appealing to younger consumers because of their
low cost and scarcity (Cook & Yurchisin 2017). Since SHEIN and other ultra-fast fashion
businesses are relatively new, not much study has been done on them. What exactly
draws youthful customers to SHEIN is unknown. People from lower socioeconomic
position can also afford the ultra-cheap products sold by ultra-fast fashion website
SHEIN2. Nonetheless, a media item on the internet questions whether this demographic
is the primary buyer of ultra-fast fashion (Gan 2021).
This article discusses how those with lower socioeconomic status lack the financial means
to sustain the ultra-fast fashion business, with those with middle-class or higher
socioeconomic position appearing to have this ability more often (Gan 2021).
Simultaneously, fasting used to be viewed as a status and money symbol, but it appears
that society has moved past that (Gee 2019).
SHEIN's Online-Based Pricing Strategy One of the main reasons SHEIN has been
successful as an online fast-fashion shop is its pricing approach. Value-based pricing,
which considers customers' perceived value and willingness to pay for contemporary and
fashionable things, is the brand's primary pricing strategy. Crucial components of SHEIN's
1. Affordability: SHEIN's main target market is budget-conscious shoppers looking for the
newest trends, so the company strives to provide stylish apparel at reasonable costs.
2. Competitive Pricing: To keep a competitive edge in the fast-fashion industry, SHEIN
keeps an eye on its rivals' pricing tactics and modifies its own rates accordingly.
3. Data-driven Dynamic Pricing: SHEIN uses dynamic pricing to maximize its profitability
while maintaining an affordable product line. It does this by analyzing real-time sales
data, market trends, and customer behaviour. This involves adjusting prices based on
factors like demand, seasonality, and inventory levels.
4. Discounts for Bulk Purchases: SHEIN periodically provides discounts for clients who
buy numerous items or in bulk, encouraging larger orders and raising the average order
5. Flash Sales and Promotions: SHEIN constantly runs time-limited flash sales and
promotions to entice customers to make impulsive purchases and return often to check
6. Loyalty Programs and Coupons: SHEIN offers exclusive discounts, coupons, and loyalty
points to its devoted clientele. These points can be accumulated and exchanged for future
purchases. This promotes consumer retention and further purchases. To summarize,
SHEIN's online store pricing strategy emphasizes data-driven dynamic pricing,
affordability, and competitiveness while concentrating on giving clients stylish fashion
SHEIN Online Store Shipping Costs:
The destination nation, the selected delivery option, and the order total all affect how
much SHEIN charges for shipping. An outline of the shipping charges for SHEIN's online
Standard Shipping: The least expensive choice, standard shipping takes between 7 and
15 business days to reach its destination. The following are the typical shipping fees for
orders placed within the United States: - $3.99 for orders under $29; free for orders over
Faster delivery times are possible with express shipping; most deliveries happen in three
to seven business days. Express delivery inside the US is charged at the following rates:
Delivery to Other Nations- The shipping charges and delivery schedules for other nations
can vary from the previously stated US rates. During the purchase process, it is advised
to verify the SHEIN website or mobile app for particular shipping information relevant to
It is recommended to check the SHEIN website for the most recent information as these
shipping charges and delivery schedules are subject to change. International orders may
also be subject to additional customs duties and taxes, which the buyer is responsible for
The destination nation, the preferred delivery option, and the order total all affect SHEIN's
shipping prices. An summary of SHEIN's online store's shipping charges may be found
Standard Shipping: Depending on the destination, standard shipping has delivery periods
ranging from 7 to 15 business days. It is the least expensive choice. Standard shipping
charges for orders placed within the United States are as follows: - Orders under $29 are
$3.99; orders over $29 are free.
Faster delivery times are possible with express shipping; most deliveries happen in three
to seven business days. Express delivery inside the US is charged at the following rates:
Consumer behaviour:
Research on motivation, which began in the 1940s, set the groundwork for the area of
consumer behaviour research. According to Fullerton (2013), motivation research
primarily aims to identify the core driving forces behind customer behaviour. Three former
PhD students from the Vienna School, Paul Lazarsfeldt, Herta Herzog, and Ernest Dichter,
are the leading authorities on motivation research (Fullerton 2013). Sigmund Freud, the
neurologist and creator of psychoanalysis, whose psychoanalytical theories are essential
to this discipline, conducted extensive psychology research that is used in motivation
research (Fullerton 2013). Ernest Dichters later applies Freud's psychoanalytic theories to
consumer behaviour research (Pincus 2004).
The two main researchers who did not employ the motivation research are professor of
marketing Russell W. Belk and economist and sociologist Thorstein Veblen, who are still
often cited in modern studies of consumer behaviour. The application of Veblen's
"conspicuous consumption theory" is debatable since some academics contend that the
wealth of studies that have drawn upon this theory has not contributed to a deeper
knowledge of consumer behaviour from an economic standpoint (Hammerl & Kradischnig
2018). To further delve into this topic of study, a combination of economic and
psychological models may be helpful (Mason 1984).
Over the years, the focus of study on consumer behaviour has changed several times.
Marketing faculty member Kaveh Peighambari (2016) states that there are four main
categories into which prior research may be subdivided: (1) internal, (2) buy process, (3)
external, and (4) miscellaneous. These sections aid in providing a variety of viewpoints
for understanding this discipline. The study of internal and purchase processes has been
increasingly popular in recent years (Peighambari, Sattari, Kordestani & Oghazi 2016).
These days, the study of how people, groups, and organizations choose, acquire, use,
and discard products, services, concepts, or experiences to fulfil their needs and
aspirations is known as consumer behaviour.
This is an expansive field of study that centres on the nine psychological, social, and
cultural elements that influence customers' decision-making processes as well as their
attitudes and behaviours about a specific good or service (Khan 2007).
The "hierarchy of needs theory" developed by psychologist Abraham H. Maslow has been
used extensively in consumer behaviour research as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic
(Dwivedi & Badge 2021; Duygun & Erdal 2020; Li et al. 2021). The five human needs are
listed in descending order in Maslow's "hierarchy of needs theory," a psychological theory
of motivation that includes the following requirements: (1) physiological; (2) safety; (3)
love and belonging; (4) esteem; and (5) self-actualization.
These five different needs can be clustered as deficiency needs and growth needs. Those
basic deficiency needs need to be fulfilled before a human can fulfil their growth needs
(Maslow 1943). The consumption of fast fashion can be explained by the consumer’s
need for love and belonging. As consumers want to fit into society, they most likely get
influenced in their fashion buying behaviour by a group of people they aspire to be part
of (Xiang 2021). However, Maslow's theory has been criticised for putting too much
attention on the individual self, while ignoring culture and learning. In addition, this theory
neglects different needs regarding socioeconomic status and gender (Trigg 2004).
The research field of consumer behaviour is not undisputed. Deborah J. Macinnis,
professor of business administration, and Valerie S. Folkes, professor of marketing,
(2010) highlight that there are three controversies within the consumer behaviour
research field. Firstly, whether consumer behaviour is an independent discipline.
Secondly, the definition of what is and what is not considered to be consumer behaviour.
And thirdly, whether consumer behaviour is an interdisciplinary research field.
SHEIN Online Store SWOT Analysis:
An examination of SHEIN's online store's SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities,
and Threats) can yield important information on how the company is positioned in the
fast-fashion sector. This is SHEIN's SWOT analysis:
Trendy yet reasonably priced clothing: SHEIN appeals to customers on a budget who
wish to keep up with the newest trends by providing stylish apparel at affordable costs.
Broad product selection: SHEIN offers a vast selection of apparel, accessories, and shoes
for men, women, and kids, meeting the needs of a wide spectrum of consumer
Fast fashion model: The company is able to stay relevant and attract customers by
Global presence: SHEIN's online store offers shipping to all countries, giving the brand
access to a large consumer base and significant income.
Product quality concerns: A few consumers have voiced concerns regarding the strength
and quality of SHEIN's products, which may have an effect on customer retention and
Environmental and moral dilemmas: The detrimental effects of fast fashion on the
environment combined with SHEIN's past involvement in unethical labor practices could
harm the brand's standing with consumers who care about the environment and society.
Concerns with shipping and returns: Unreliable customer support, return policies, and
shipment schedules have caused several consumers to leave poor reviews.
 New market expansion: SHEIN may keep expanding its reach throughout the world
by going after new markets, particularly in emerging nations where people have
more money to spend.
 Initiatives for sustainability: SHEIN may attract more customers and enhance its
standing in the market by making investments in waste reduction, ethical
manufacturing practices, and environmentally friendly products.
 Use cutting-edge technologies: SHEIN can improve its supply chain efficiency,
anticipate trends more accurately, and customize consumer experiences by
utilizing AI and big data.
 Product quality concerns: A few consumers have voiced concerns regarding the
strength and quality of SHEIN's products, which may have an effect on customer
retention and satisfaction.
Environmental and moral dilemmas: The detrimental effects of fast fashion on the
environment combined with SHEIN's past involvement in unethical labour practices
could harm the brand's standing with consumers who care about the environment
and society.
 Concerns with shipping and returns: Some consumers have left unfavourable
reviews due to inconsistent customer support, shipment times, and return policies.
Intense competition: SHEIN faces competition from other fast-fashion brands, both
online and offline, which could put pressure on its pricing strategy and market share. Regulatory challenges: Changes in international trade policies, tariffs, and environmental
regulations could impact SHEIN's global operations and supply chain.
Consumer behaviour shift: Growing consumer interest in sustainable fashion,
minimalism, and conscious consumption could pose a threat to SHEIN's business model,
which relies on frequent, trend-driven purchases. Overall, this SWOT analysis highlights
SHEIN's potential areas for growth and improvement as it navigates the fast-paced and
competitive fast-fashion industry.
SHIEN Prohibited items in South Africa:
While there isn't a specific list of prohibited items from SHEIN in South Africa, it is
important to consider that South Africa has its own import restrictions and prohibited
goods. As a general rule, the following items are prohibited or restricted from import into
South Africa:
-Narcotic and habit-forming drugs.
-Fully automatic, military, and unnumbered weapons.
-Explosive weapons and devices.
-Hazardous chemical substances.
-Pornographic materials. -Counterfeit goods.
-Certain agricultural products, plants, and animals
SHEIN is a company that specializes in selling home goods, clothing, and accessories—
all of which are legal to import into South Africa. However, labour organizations in the
country have expressed concerns about SHEIN's potential to evade import taxes and thus
gain an unfair competitive advantage. As a result, the Department of Trade, Industry,
and Competition in South Africa is currently conducting an investigation into this matter.
It's important to be aware of potential customs fees when ordering products from SHEIN
and having them sent to South Africa. The South African customs officials levy these fees,
which have the potential to drastically raise the overall cost of the purchase. To ensure
you have the most recent information on import laws and restrictions, visit the website
of the South African Revenue Service (SARS) or get in touch with them directly.