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Oscillations and Waves Lecture Slides

PHYS1002 Fundamentals
Module 3
A/Prof Helen Johnston
Room 213, A28 School of Physics
The University of Sydney
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My research:
• black holes in binary star systems
• supermassive black holes in the centres of
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Module content
“College Physics” by Knight, Jones & Field:
Chapter 14: Oscillations (Periodic motion)
Chapter 15 : Travelling wave and sound
Chapter 16 (parts): Superposition and standing waves
Chapter 17 (parts): Wave optics
Assignment 3: due Week 13
The University of Sydney
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Course outline
L1: Oscillations and Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM)
L2: Properties of SHM; Simple Pendulum
L3: Damped and Forced Oscillations; Resonance
L4: Introduction to Waves
L5: Descriptions of Waves
L6: Superposition, interference and standing waves
L7: Boundary conditions and normal modes
L8: Sound as a wave
L9: Perception of sound
L10: Interference and beats
L11: Light, refraction, diffraction and interference
L12: Doppler effect, shock waves
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This lecture (L1)
• Oscillations §14.1 473-474
• Linear restoring force (Hooke’s law) §8.3 266m-268t
• Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM) §14.2,14.3 475-478
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Maths reminder: Sines and cosines
sin ๐‘ฅ = cos ๐‘ฅ
cos ๐‘ฅ = −sin ๐‘ฅ
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What is an oscillation?
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What is an oscillation?
Example: a marble rolling in a bowl
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What is an oscillation?
Example: a marble rolling in a bowl
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What is an oscillation?
Any motion that repeats itself
Described with reference to
• an equilibrium position where the net force is zero
• a restoring force which acts to return object to equilibrium
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Oscillatory motion
Example: a marble rolling in a bowl – position vs. time
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Period, Frequency, and Amplitude
• Period ๐‘‡ : time to complete one full cycle [s]
• Frequency ๐‘“ : number of cycles per second, ๐‘“ = 1/๐‘‡ [Hz]
• Angular frequency ๐œ” = 2๐œ‹๐‘“ = 2๐œ‹/๐‘‡ [rad/s]
The University of Sydney
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The spring: Hooke’s law
A spring which is stretched or compressed
exerts a force. This force is proportional to
the displacement of the end of the spring,
and always points in the opposite direction.
๐น = −๐‘˜๐‘ฅ
(Hooke’s law)
๐‘˜ is the spring constant: large for a stiff
spring, small for a soft spring
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Motion of a mass on a spring
What happens when we displace a mass on a spring from
equilibrium and let go?
We get an oscillation.
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Motion of a mass on a spring
Oscillation about an equilibrium
position with a linear restoring force
is always sinusoidal.
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Simple harmonic motion
Any system where the restoring force varies linearly with
displacement from equilibrium
๐น(๐‘ก) = −๐‘˜๐‘ฅ(๐‘ก)
results in an oscillation where the displacement, velocity and
acceleration are all sinusoidal functions of time.
Any such oscillation is called simple harmonic motion (SHM).
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Sinusoidal functions
๐‘ฅ ๐‘ก = ๐ด sin
๐‘ฅ ๐‘ก = ๐ด cos
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Velocity and acceleration
The position of the mass ๐‘ฅ is sinusoidal. What about ๐‘ฃ and ๐‘Ž?
Can you predict
• where the velocity will be maximum?
• where the velocity will be zero?
• where the acceleration will be maximum?
• where the acceleration will be zero?
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Velocity and acceleration
The position of the mass ๐‘ฅ is sinusoidal. What about ๐‘ฃ and ๐‘Ž?
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Describing SHM
๐œ” = 2๐œ‹๐‘“ =
๐‘ฆ ๐‘ก = ๐ด cos(๐œ”๐‘ก)
๐‘ฆmax = ๐ด
๐‘ฃ ๐‘ก = −๐œ”๐ด sin(๐œ”๐‘ก)
๐‘ฃmax = ๐œ”๐ด
๐‘Ž ๐‘ก = −๐œ”! ๐ด cos ๐œ”๐‘ก
−๐œ”of !Sydney
๐‘ฆ ๐‘ก
๐‘Žmax = ๐œ”! ๐ด
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Next lecture
Next lecture: Properties of SHM, and the Simple Pendulum
§Pre-reading: §14.2, 14.4, 14.5
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