Midterm Topic Week 1 Definition of Plank Exercise The plank is a popular isometric exercise that works every core muscle, as well as muscles in the back, shoulders, hips, and legs. While most traditional core exercises train the core through movement, the plank trains the core to resist movement by keeping the body stable for a period of time. Known as an anti-core exercise, it builds strength and stability and can improve strength in lifts like squats and bench press. Because there is no spinal flexion involved, planks are a good alternative for those who find ab exercises like sit ups and crunches stressful on the back. Planks can also help to build core strength and master correct engagement to make these exercises easier. Health Benefits of Plank Exercises Improves body balance and posture: Apart from muscle growth and endurance, a plank can also help achieve better body balance, posture, as well as coordination. The reason the plank is considered a fundamental part of an exercise routine is because of this. With great balance, you are less susceptible to incurring injuries to single muscle groups during your workout. Strengthens your core: The core of your body consists of the spine, shoulder bones, pelvis and joints. With a strong core, you will be able to better perform certain exercises. The 4 most important muscle groups (transversus abdominis, rectus abdominis, oblique muscles, and glutes) that constitute your core are strengthened with the help of the plank exercise. Improves body flexibility: Practicing the plank pose daily can help to stretch your core muscle groups mentioned earlier. This has a lot of benefits especially for those who engage in yoga. Reduces belly fat: Since the plank pose mainly works your core abdominal muscles, it is a great exercise to get rid of stubborn belly fat. Holding a plank for a few minutes each day can alone help to trump down belly fat and provide an appealing shape to your body. Reduces backache: The plank posture helps to perfectly align the vertebrae (small bones) in the backbone. This can help alleviate back pain and even delay the onset of or prevent back pain in old age. Moreover, since this pose strengthens your abdominal muscles, it will help support the weight of your body when walking upright. This will further help to prevent back pain. Improves metabolism: This pose helps to build abdominal muscles and in many cases even boosts the development of muscles in other parts of the body (due to added core strength). With more muscle mass, you will burn more calories and this will regulate a healthy appetite. Therefore, the plank pose if practised daily can help to improve metabolism as well. Basic Plank o o o In a basic plank, you start in a push-up position with your elbows on the ground directly beneath your shoulders and your forearms resting on the ground. Your body forms a straight line from your head to your heels, engaging your core muscles to maintain stability. The focus is on holding this position statically, without any movement, for a certain duration. Week 2 Plank Push-Up Hold A Plank to Push-up is a full-body exercise and variation of a plank. The move takes a standard plank to the next level by adding an element of controlled, moving arm work. Maintaining a plank position, you alternate between a high plank and a forearm plank. This exercise serves as an excellent core strengthened. Mechanics and Proper Execution o o o o Start in the plank position with your elbows shoulder-width apart. Press yourself up from the floor one arm at a time into a push-up, maintaining your body in a straight line. Slowly return to the starting plank position the same way, one arm at a time. Repeat the movement alternating sides. Week 3 Side Oblique Twist Oblique twists are a great way to strengthen your upper body. The twisting motion strengthens the shoulders and arms, while reducing stress on your lower back. This helps improve posture as well as balance out your core muscles (the abdominals, obliques, and transverse abdominis). Mechanics and Proper Execution o o o o Start in side elbow plank on your right side, with your feet stacked one on top of the other. Keep your weight on your right elbow with your fingers reaching away from your body. If you feel unstable with your feet stacked, stagger your feet by bringing your left foot in front of your right. Place your left arm behind your head, and inhale to prepare. Exhale, pull your navel to your spine engaging your deep abs, and bring your left elbow to your right hand twisting through your ribcage. Return to the starting position to complete one rep. Week 4 Scorpion Plank The Scorpion Plank is an advanced variation of the traditional plank exercise. In this variation, you maintain the plank position while lifting one leg off the ground and rotating it outward and upward towards the opposite shoulder, resembling the movement of a scorpion's tail. This challenging move targets the core, shoulders, and glutes, enhancing stability and strength. Mechanics and Proper Execution o o o o o Begin by getting into a high plank position. Place your hands directly beneath your shoulders on the floor, with your arms extended. Your body should form a straight line from your head to your heels, with your feet hip-width apart. Once you're in the plank position, slowly lift one leg off the ground while keeping your hips level. Your leg should be straight, and your toes pointed. Next, begin to rotate your hips towards the side of the lifted leg. Simultaneously, bend your knee and bring it towards your opposite elbow, aiming to touch or get as close as possible. After reaching as far as you can towards the opposite elbow, extend your leg back to the starting position, keeping it elevated off the ground. Your hips will naturally rotate back to the plank position as you extend your leg. Once you've completed the movement on one side, switch to the other side. Lift the opposite leg off the ground and rotate your hips, bringing the knee towards the opposite elbow. References: https://www.puregym.com/exercises/abs/planks/ https://powerliftingtechnique.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/core-muscles-used-in-theplank.jpg https://repkefitness.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/Abdominal-Muscles-.jpg https://pharmeasy.in/blog/benefits-of-doing-the-plank-exercise-everyday/#Benefits_of_Plank_Exercise https://blog-images-1.pharmeasy.in/blog/production/wpcontent/uploads/2021/01/06152556/3.jpg https://classpass.com/movements/plank-to-push-up https://workoutlabs.com/exercise-guide/plank-to-push-up-pushups-walking-plank/ https://cdn4.vectorstock.com/i/1000x1000/41/08/man-doing-plank-to-push-ups-movementvector-34644108.jpg https://www.americansportandfitness.com/blogs/fitness-blog/shape-your-obliques-the-top-10benefits-of-oblique-twists-with-atwist#:~:text=Oblique%20twists%20are%20a%20great,obliques%2C%20and%20transverse%20 abdominis https://www.popsugar.com/fitness/oblique-exercise-side-elbow-plank-twist-44487245 https://media1.popsugar-assets.com/files/thumbor/DnKwtbPseJfkagsatmZVeib5HcM=/fitin/1584x1584/filters:format_auto():upscale()/2018/01/09/915/n/1922729/tmp_ts6MjW_9f708 8c7bc55cf54_side-plank-gray.jpg https://redefiningstrength.com/plank-scorpions/