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68. BROSUR - EAGLECARE Syringe Pump ESP-30

Eagle Care ESP-30 Syringe Pump
Compact design for efficient transporta on
Light weight for easy carrying
Stackable pumps and docking sta ons
Space saving design docking sta on
User-defined screen brightness
Selectable background colors
Relay infusion between any mode/pump
Non-stop therapy with mul ple infusion modes
Fast set-up
High accuracy
Visual, audible and textual alarm informa on standard
Occlusion levels adjustable
Unique touch-screen design
Intui ve opera on
Easy management of infusion
Big font for remote monitoring
Wi-fi Connec vity
Connec vity even in transport
Advanced monitoring pla orm
Connectable with any HiS / CIS
Classifica on
Compa ble IV set
244(W) x 74(H) x 164(D)mm
<1.60 kg (including ba ery)
Type CF, Class I, IPX2
2.4" LCD touchscreen, brightness 10 levels adjustable, 7 colors selectable
All syringes of 10ml, 20ml, 30ml, 50(60)ml comform to the standard
Basic Parameter
Infusion mode
Infusion rate range
VTBI range
Preset me
Accumulated volume
KVO rate
Bolus rate
Purge rate
Occlusion level
Rate, Time, Weight, Sequence, Relay mode
0.1-300.0ml/h (10ml syringe)
0.1-600.0ml/h (20ml syringe)
0.1-900.0ml/h (30ml syringe)
0.1-2000.0ml/h (50(60)ml syringe)
0.10 - 99.99 ml/h , minimum increment 0.01ml/h
100 - 999.9 ml/h, minimum increment 0.1ml/h
1000 - 2000 ml/h, minimum increment 1ml/h
0.1 - 99.99 (minimum increment 0.01)
100 - 999.9 (minimum increment 0.1)
1000 - 9999 (minimum increment 1)
00:00 - 99:59 (h:m) adjustable, step by 1min
0 - 99999.99ml
Mechanical accuracy:≤=1%, Accuracy including syringe:≤ ±2%
0.1 - 5.0 ml/h adjustable, step by 0.01ml/h, default rate: 1ml/h
Auto bolus,
0.1-300.0ml/h(10ml syringe)
0.1-600.0ml/h(20ml syringe)
0.1-900.0ml/h(30ml syringe)
0.1-2000.0ml/h(50(60)ml syringe)
300.0ml/h(10ml syringe)
600.0ml/h(20ml syringe)
900.0ml/h(30ml syringe)
2000.0ml/h(50(60)ml syringe)
3 levels selectable, (300±100)/(550±150)/(900±200)mmHg
Special Function
Rate change during
Relay func on
Auto screen lock
Repeat alarming
Event recording
Sound volume
Power supply switching
Infusion rate can be changed any me during infusion, not necessary to stop
Infusion before change
Con nuous infusion among any pump within docking sta on at any mode to guarantee non-stop
therapies for sensi ve drugs
“OFF” and “ON” 15s, 30s, 1min, 2min, 5min, 10min, 30min selectable when “ON”,”OFF” by default
Alarm sounds again in 2 minutes, if there is s ll alarm a er alarm is mute
Maximum 2000 events can be stored and played back
11 levels selectable
When AC/DC power supply is cut off, the infusion automa cally switch to internal ba ery supply
Power Supply
AC power
External DC power
Internal ba ery
Ba ery dura on
Charging me
100-240V, 50/60Hz, power consump on 45VA
DC 12V, 1A
Lithium ba ery 11.1V, 1500 mAh
>6 hours @ 5 mL/h (with a new ba ery)
10 hours when powered off
Visual and acous c alarm
Near Finished, Finished, Syringe Empty, Near Empty, OCCL, Low Ba ery, Ba ery Empty, No Ba ery,
No Power Supply, Unknown Syringe, Syringe Install Error, Scanby Time Expired, Relay Index Duplicate,
Syringe Start Fail, Reminder Alarm
WiFi / Wired (Optional)
Barcode scanning (Optional)
Data interface
To connect central infusion monitoring system, nurse pager, voice communica on and infusion pump
informa on network
Pa ent informa on input by barcode scanning
Supported, Rs232, USB
Inside docking sta on
Between pumps
Pole clamp direc on
Stackable between any MP series syringe / infusion pump produced by EagleCare
Can be mounted at different direc ons, 90° / 180° / 270° / 360°
Safety Requirement
Opera ng condi ons
Storage condi ons
Temperature : 5°C to 40°C
Temperature : -20°C to +55°C
Humidity: 15% to 95% RH
Humidity: 10% to 93% RH
Jl. Tentara Pelajar No. 42-42 A, Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan 90173 Indonesia
Tel: +62 (0411) 3617196
Fax: +62 (0411) 3617368
E-mail: pt_inaho@yahoo.com
Pressure al tude: 70.0kPa-106.0kPa
Pressure al tude: 22.0kPa-107.4kPa