Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Materials Today: Proceedings journal homepage: A short review of molecularly inspired strut-based metal lattice structures N Shivakumar a, b, T Ramesh a, *, S. Muthukumaran c a Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu 620 015, India Department of Mechanical Engineering, Periyar Maniammai Institute of Science & Technology (Deemed to be University), Thanjavur, India c Department of Mechanical Engineering, University College of Engineering, Panruti, Cuddalore District, Tamil Nadu, India b A R T I C L E I N F O A B S T R A C T Keywords: Additive manufacturing Multi-cell structure Porous structure Lattices Mechanical performance Load-resilient porous materials are highly useful in aerospace, biomedical, automobile, and mechanical engi­ neering applications. Crystals have an ordered and repeated arrangement of atoms as lattice structures with unit cells as fundamental building blocks. Unit cells such as SC, BCC, FCC, diamond, and HCP are often found in molecular-based lattice structures. Mimicking these lattice structures at the macro level could yield unique material properties. Rapid progress in additive manufacturing has made it possible to design and fabricate molecularly inspired structures at the macroscale. Metal lattice structures (MLSs) are intricately shaped, molecularly inspired, lattice structures that are porous and possess mechanical strength. Moreover, there are different types of MLSs, such as shell-based, strut-based, hollow-strut-based, plate-based, and TPMS-based structures. This review focusses on recent improvements in strut-based MLSs, specifically hybrid MLSs based on SC, BCC, FCC, diamond, and other molecular lattice-based structures, and the yield strength of these lattice structures. 1. Introduction 1.1. Recent work on molecularly inspired, strut-based MLSs Many porous structures are available in both natural and synthetic forms. Metallic porous structures can be classified according to regu­ larity (regular or irregular), dimensionality (2D or 3D), structure (strut or surface), type (solid, hollow or shell-based), or node reinforcement (node reinforced or strut-based) [1]. Strut-based metal lattice structures (MLSs) can be divided into solid-strut-based and hollow-strut-based lattice structures, node-reinforced structures, and combinations of node-reinforced and hollow-strut structures. In recent years, the focus of experiments on strut-based MLSs has been mainly on determining compressive strength and energy absorption. These values were ob­ tained through various testing methods, such as quasi-static compres­ sion. Other mechanical performance tests include tensile, dynamic and fatigue tests. The primary cellular configurations in these structures are simple cubic (SC) [2–5], body-centred cubic (BCC) [6–10], face-centred cubic [2,8,11,12], edge-centred cubic (ECC) [12], octahedron [13], double pyramid dodecahedron [14], rhombic dodecahedron [15–18], tetrakaidecahedron [3,10], and diamond [10,15]. This review consid­ ered molecularly inspired MLSs: SC, BCC, FCC, diamond, Fluorite and Kelvin. Primarily, MLS samples were fabricated using the SLM process, sandwiched between two identical metallic plates, and then analysed using a quasi-static compression test at a 0.5 mm/min strain rate. The lattice structures discussed in this study were tested using a quasi-static compression test. Typically, samples were fabricated with at least three replicas [19]. During quasi-static compression, the MLS undergoes various types of deformation in different zones. Under dynamic loading conditions, certain BCC-based MLSs exhibit the bending-based defor­ mation behaviour of the struts, FCC metal lattice structures exhibit stretching-based deformation, while others exhibit a combination of stretching and bending during compression [20]. Certain nodereinforced BCC MLS exhibit sudden plastic deformation [19], and some of the MLSs experience oscillations in stress values after the yield point [21]. As a result, local densification, which increases in size as compression proceeds, is often observed in specific MLS regions. In addition, certain hybrid MLSs reinforced with nodes exhibit uniform densification [22] as compression progresses, which reduces the size of the lattice structures, resulting in increased stress levels. The area under the stress–strain curve is defined as energy absorption (MJ/mm3), which is also measured similarly for most MLSs. A higher energy absorption * Corresponding author. E-mail address: (T. Ramesh). Received 14 March 2024; Received in revised form 10 May 2024; Accepted 13 May 2024 2214-7853/© 2024 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 3rd International Conference on Materials Science and Engineering. Please cite this article as: N Shivakumar et al., Materials Today: Proceedings, N. Shivakumar et al. Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx Fig. 1. Variations in the unit cell design of SC-based MLSs. value is preferable for structural applications. Molecularly inspired simple cubic MLSs based on simple struts are primitive lattice structures that are simple in design and fabrication. Struts are often positioned vertically or horizontally without any inclination angles, which in­ creases the difficulty of fabrication using the SLM technique. SC, BCC, FCC, and diamond-based MLSs with different design variations were named based on the base lattice structure. The SC MLS coupled with the BCC MLS results in a hybrid lattice structure called SC-BCC. Similarly, SC coupled with Octet MLS is called SC-Octet. SC rectangular truss connected using snap-fitting method re­ sults in MLSs called SC-snap-fit1, SC-snap-fit2. The SC MLS is centred inside an octagonal MLS called SC-Octagonal. SC MLS is based on a strut coupled to plate-like structures, resulting in SC-Plate. SC MLSs with curved struts are called SC-curved MLSs. The strut-based hollow SC MLS is reinforced with four plates around the strut axis, resulting in three design variations. The plates could be arranged at the periphery of the strut, called SC-hollow-node-out; plates that are entirely inside the hollow strut are called SC-hollow-node-in, and plates that are partially placed both inside and outside of the strut were named SC-hollow-nodemix. SC MLS has a hollow rectangular strut called SC-hollow-rect. SC MLSs with curved struts inspired by catenary architecture were named SC-arch. SC lattice structure with smooth strut was named SC-smooth. 2 N. Shivakumar et al. Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx Table 1 SC lattice structures and materials. SC-Type Fabrication process Strut Dia. (mm) Strut Length (mm) Lattice Size (mm) Loading Method Load Type Energy absorption MJ/m3 Applications Materials (Refs.) SC-Octet SC-BCC SLM 10–100 NA 3,4.5,6 and 10 Uniaxial tensile displacement Quasi-static, simulations – SS316L [23] SC-Octagonal (hybrid) LPBF 1.0753 <10 mm 10,50 Uniaxial compression Simulated compression SC (cylindrical strut and plate) SC-BCC High-precision SLM 0.5 mm 0.2 mm for BCC-P NA Around 15 Uniaxial compression Compression Titanium alloy sheets cut and assembled, vacuum brazing NA Around 15 Around 45 Uniaxial compression (10^-3 s− 1) Compression HS2 better in energy absorption EA (not available), SEA = 16.3 to 18.3 J/g. 1.5–3.5 SC (curved beam) Selective electron beam melting NA 0.57 55 × 25 × 25 Compression – SC-hollownodereinforcedin, mix, out PBF NA Cell repetitions 2 × 2 × 2, 4 × 4 × 4, and 7 ×7×7 Compression NA Ultra lightweight energy absorptive components. Ti-6Al-4V [27] SC (hollow strut) Dip coating 3D printed polymer with metal particle suspension and sintering 1.73, Strut with plates, thickness 0.89 mm wide and 0.36 mm thick 1 Hydro compression between two plates Uniaxial compression using MTS 250 kN Functional engineering in aerospace, automobile and biomedical Aerospace, automobile and marine vessels Aerospace, Automobile and construction industries. Lightweight loadbearing applications in aerospace, energy absorption applications Impact engineering with blast protection 1 8×8×7 Quasi-static compression Compression NA Metal oxide (CuO, Cu2O, Fe2O3) [28] SC-BCC (Delaunay) Additive manufacturing NA 0.5 NA Quasi-static compression at 10-4 s− 1 Compression NA SC (catenary arched strut) SLM under argon environment, samples heat treated SLM using Renishaw AM250 SLM system with AlSi7Mg powder. 3D printing Around 2 µm NA, curved 16 µm Uniaxial compression Compression NA Tissue engineering scaffolds, thermal insulation, hightemperature filtration Automobile, protective sports equipment, aerospace Load bearing applications 0.6 2.4 9.6 × 9.6 × 9.6 Fatigue test Cyclic loadinginduced fatigue test NA Aerospace AlSi7Mg [30] 1.5–3 10–50 60 × 12 × 12 Compression, tension 0.5–1.5 Sandwich structures in aerospace Ceramics [31] snap-fit and vacuum brazing processes Around 1 20 35 Compressive test at 1 mm/ min and tensile test 5 mm/min. Compressive at 10-3 s− 1 Compression NA Lightweight loadbearing applications suitable for Ti alloy Ti-6Al-4V [32] SC-BCC, SC8FCC SC (smooth strut, node, plated) SC-Snapfit1,2 SC MLSs with FCC lead to different variations named SC8-FCC. SC MLSs represented as Tesseract were named SC-Tesseract. All SC MLSs are illustrated in Fig. 1 and are listed in Table 1. Bamboo-inspired BCC MLSs have different design variations, such as hybrid BCC, hybrid bio-BCC, MBCC-1, MBCC-2, and hybrid MBCC. Hollow BCC MLSs with hollow spherical node reinforcement were named Hollow BCC. The BCC struts supported by vertical strut members were named VBCC. BCC unit cell with the thickness of the strut increasing from top to bottom (blue indicates a lower strut thickness, red indicates higher strut thickness) was named BCC-graded1. BCC unit cell with the thickness of the strut decreasing from top to centre, increasing from centre to bottom (blue indicates the lower strut thickness, red SS316L [24] SS316L [25] Ti-6Al-4V [26] Ti-6Al-4V [4] Al-6101 [3] AlSi10Mg [29] indicates higher strut thickness) was named BCC-graded2. The BCC MLSs with bent struts using cosine function were named BCC-cosinegraded. The BCC MLS, coupled with FCC and vertical Z-struts, was named FBCCZ. Vertical strut members support the BCC MLS called BCCZ; instead of adding vertical strut support to the BCC MLSs, hori­ zontal strut support could be added, resulting in BCC + C MLSs. The BCC unit cell adjusted for height was called BCC-height adjusted MLSs. The BCC unit cell design variant is called G7(BCC). The bio-inspired, glass-sponge-based BCC MLSs were named BCC-sponge. Purely strutbased body-centred (BCC), face-centred cubic lattice (FCC), combined lattice (F2BCC) and enhanced body-centred cubic lattice (BCT), while the curved strut of BCC, BCT, and F2BCC MLS was called BCC-curved, 3 N. Shivakumar et al. Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx Fig. 2. Variations in the unit cell design of BCC-based MLSs. BCT-curved, and F2BCC-curve. BCC MLSs with curved struts inspired by catenary architecture were named BCC-catenary arch. The BCC MLS, coupled with plate-like structures, was named the BCC-plate. The G7 (BCC) centred inside an octagonal lattice was called the BCC-Octagonal. BCC with a larger strut diameter of 575 µm was called BCC-1, while a lower strut diameter of 500 µm was called BCC-2; the BCC reinforced with spherical solid nodes (node reinforcement) was called NR-BCC. All BCC MLSs illustrated in Figs. 2 and 3, and listed in Table 2. The FCC MLSs with added vertical strut support were named VFCC, FCC MLSs with curved struts were called FCC-Curve, and FCCs with vertical rectangular solid support were called FCC-Z. The edge-centre interstitial lattice (ECIL) structure and the Vertex-node substitutional lattice (VNSL) structure are some of the other FCC-based lattice variants. The FCC-based Hollow Octet Truss (HOT) lattice, Hollow Sphere As­ sembly (HSA), Solid Octet Truss (SOT) and Hybrid Truss-Sphere Assembly (HTS), The graded skeleton diamond (GSKD), graded sheet diamond (GSHD), uniform skeleton diamond (USKD), and uniform sheet diamond (USHD) are different graded lattice structures. The FCC with different samples of laser energy densities is called S-FCC, S-FCC-Z, and FCC-XYZ. The bamboo-inspired FCC MLS coupled with octahedron MLS is called Bamboo FCC-Octahedron. All FCC, diamond and other MLSs are illustrated in Fig. 4 and are listed in Tables 3 and 4. 2. Comparison of the yield strengths for different lattice structures The compressive yield strengths of various SC-based lattice struc­ tures are shown in Fig. 6. SC-based lattice structures, including SC-arch (catenary), SC-BCC, SC-FCC, SC-Smooth, SC-Tesseract, SC-hollow-rect., SC-Octagonal, SC-Octet, SC-Snap-fit1, SC-Snap-fit2, SC-hollow-node-in, 4 N. Shivakumar et al. Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx Fig. 3. Variations in the unit cell design of BCC-based MLSs. SC-hollow-node-mix, and SC-hollow-node-out, were compared for their quasistatic compressive performance against relative density. The SC-arch (catenary) lattice, composed of AlSi10Mg, exhibited a yield strength of 8 MPa in quasi-static simulations. Similarly, the AlSi7Mg-based SC-BCC and SC-FCC lattices demonstrated lower compressive fatigue strengths, around 4 MPa. Lattices manufactured from ceramic resin, such as SC-Smooth and SC-Tesseract, also exhibited minimal compressive yield strengths of 2.25 to 3.125 MPa and 2.08 MPa, respectively, as determined through quasi-static simulations. Additionally, the metal oxide-based lattice, SC-hollow-rect., displayed a yield strength of 0.15 MPa. Stainless steel SS316L-based lattice struc­ tures, including SC-Octagonal, SC-BCC, and SC-Octet, demonstrated increased compressive and tensile strengths, as their geometry and material composition primarily influence the mechanical performance of these lattices. SC-Snap-fit structures fabricated from Ti6-AL4-V at a relative density of 23 % possess a maximum yield strength of 100 MPa under quasi-static compression, followed by the SC-Octet fabricated using SS316L, which exhibited a yield strength of 87.5 MPa. The BCC MLSs with design variations are represented in Figs. 2 and 3 and are listed in Table 2. The compression yield strength vs. relative density plot is shown in Fig. 7. BCC structures with lower relative den­ sities tend to have lower compression yield strengths under quasi-static compression. The lattice structures composed of AlSi12Mg and AlSi10Mg, such as BCC, BCC + C, BCCZ, and FBCCZ, exhibit lower compression yield strengths of 4.5, 7, 9, and 19 MPa, respectively, due to their lower relative density. SS316L-based lattice structures, namely BCC, BCC-graded1, BCCgraded2, BCC-cosine-graded, BCC uniform, Hybrid Bio BCC, BCC (G7) -octagonal, VBCC, Hybrid MBCC, Hollow BCC, and MBCC-1, exhibit yield strengths of 2.17, 3.5, 7, 4.86, 7, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, and 23 MPa, respectively. The BCCZ, composed of AlSi10Mg, exhibits a medium yield strength of 38 MPa at a relative density of 31 %. 5 N. Shivakumar et al. Table 2 BCC MLSs with material details. BCC-Type Fabrication process Strut Dia. (mm) Strut length (mm) Lattice size (mm) Loading method Load type Energy absorption MJ/ m3 Applications Materials (Refs.) BCC(G7) + octagonal LPBF 1.0753 <10 mm 10,50 Uniaxial compression Simulated compression Aerospace, automobile and marine vessels SS316L [24] BCC- (hexactinellid sponge structure) BCC (hollow strut, node) SLM 0.03 7 Quasi-static compression Compression SLM 0.3 1 Varying sizes. 40 × 40 × 40 HS2 better in energy absorption 0.2 J/g–20 J/g. Compression NA SS316L [33] SS316L [34] VBCC (Vertical strut added BCC) BCC (Uni, Bidirectionally graded) CFCB-BCC (graded cosine function) SLM 0.8 Around 1 25 × 25 × 40 Compression was done using a universal electronic testing unit, loading velocity at 2.4 mm/min. Uniaxial compression Structures with energy and sound absorption. Structural materials Compression 7.57 J/g SLM 1.25–1.89 2 40 × 40 × 40 Quasi-static compression, tensile testing Compression, tension 6 SS316L [35] SS316L [36] Metal sintering 3D printer (ZRapidiSLM280) SLM Around 0.5, varying based on the cosine function 0.05–0.2 Varying 8–12 Quasi-static compression Compression 3–5 Aerospace, military equipment Impact, ballistic and load response-related component fabrication Optimized design applications Around 100 Quasi-static compression Compression 0.01–0.1 Aerospace and automotive BCC + C (Central column attached) SLM Quasi-static compression Lightweight structures with crashworthiness 10–15 NA SLM 0.8–2 Varying, gradient type Tension, Compression NA High-strength and highstiffness applications Lightweight applications AlSi10Mg [40] Al-Si alloy BCC (aspect ratio adjusted) BCC (based on G7 struts) SLM 0.5–0.8 4 Compression between two plates Tension testing Uniform compression load of 2000 N Quasi-static compression Compression was done using the servohydraulic (2 mm/min) Compression NA SLM Decided by an optimization algorithm around 3 AlSi12Mg [38] AlSi10Mg [39] Tetrahedral-BCC, BCCZ BCC-SDG (Size and dia. gradient) Decided by an optimization algorithm 0.5–0.8 2×2×2 unit cells 4–16 Electron beam melting (EBM) 1.4–2.9 0.98–2.28 8.41–17.57 Compression at 3 mm/ min. Compression Lightweight applications with tailored property. Biomedical devices, implants. Ti-6Al-4 V [41] Ti-6Al-4 V ELI [42] BCC-GSLS (Glass Sponge Lattice structure) BCC (functionally graded) BCC, BCT, FCC and F2BCC (curved) BCC-1, BCC-2, nodereinforced BCC SLM 0.35 3 15 × 15 × 15 Dynamic explicit load in analysis 5.95 Medical implants Ti-6Al-4 V [43] LPBF NA NA, graded Compression at 0.001 s− 1 Compression load at 3 mm/min Compression at 0.001 s− 1 1.5 kJ/g Medical implants Ti6Al4VELI [44] Ti-6Al-4 V [45] Ti-6Al-4 V [19] BCC, BCCZ 6 35 0.6 Around 2 SLM 0.5,0.575 for strut 1.16 for node dia. 1.66 10 × 10 × 15 Quasi-static compression Compression testing is done 60kN protective loading cell Quasi-static compression NA 3 2–18 J/cm Light-weight components Nodereinforced BCC100.8 BCC-1 77.2 BCC-2 33.6 Biomedical implants Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx LPBF Not mentioned 20 × 20 × 20 Compression testing is done by Instron 8854 servo-hydraulic machine Quasi-static compression simulated using ABAQUS SS316L [37] N. Shivakumar et al. Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx Fig. 4. Variations in the unit cell design of FCC, diamond, and other MLSs. 7 N. Shivakumar et al. Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx Fig. 5. Variations in the unit cell design of cubic Fluorite and Kelvin MLSs. Ti6Al4V-based lattice structures exhibit lower, medium, and higher yield strengths with increasing relative density. The BCC-catenary-arch, BCC, BCT, and BCC-curved samples exhibited yield strengths of less than 17 MPa. The primary reasons behind this are the limited relative density and the lattice structure. The BCT-curved lattice structure exhibits a medium yield strength of 27.5 MPa at a relative density of 10 %. The F2BCC, BCC-sponge, BCC-graded, F2BCC-Curve, BCC-height-adjusted, G7 (BCC), BCC-1, node-reinforced BCC, and BCC-2 lattice structures exhibit compressive yield strengths of 40, 40, 42, 58, 80, 160, 322.6, 349, and 435 MPa, respectively, at relative densities ranging from 18.5 % to 67 %. Ti6AL4V-based BCC lattice structures show an increasing trend in compressive yield strength corresponding to their increasing relative density and lattice structures. The different FCC, diamond, and other MLSs are represented in Fig. 4 and listed in Table 3. The compression yield strength vs. relative density plot is shown in Fig. 9. The FCC-smooth strut and the diamond-smooth strut composed of ceramic resin exhibit compression yield strengths of 1.562 MPa and 2.08 MPa, respectively. Quadrangular, hexagonal, and triangular MLSs composed of AlSi10Mg exhibit lower compressive yield strengths of 5.8 MPa, 6.1 MPa, and 7 MPa versus relative densities of 18.2, 20.7 and 21.1 %, respectively. Other aluminium alloy-based FCC-VNSL, FCC-Z, FCCFCSL, and FCC-ECIL MLSs composed of Al-Mg-Sc-Zr also exhibit lower compressive yield strengths of 8.9 MPa, 9 MPa, 10.22 MPa, and 11.8 MPa, respectively, corresponding to relative densities of 8.3 %, 7.2 %, 7.8 %, and 7.8 %, respectively. As shown in Fig. 8, the aluminium alloybased FCC MLSs tended to have a lower compressive yield strength than the other FCC MLSs. Ti-6Al-4V and SS316L exhibit compressive yield strengths that range from low to high, proportional to increasing relative density. For example, SS316L MLSs, FCC-HOT, skeletal-diamond-GSKD, and VFCC exhibit lower compressive yield strengths of 20, 21.54, and 25 MPa, respectively, corresponding to relative densities of 20 %, 30 %, and 12.63 %. SS316L-based USKD, S-FCC, GSHD, FCC-HTS, FCC-SOT, FCC and USHD exhibited medium compressive yield strengths of 33.4, 35, 36.67, 40, 40, 55, and 56.34 against relative densities of 30, 23.1, 30, 20, 8 N. Shivakumar et al. Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx Table 3 FCC MLSs with material details. FCC-Type Fabrication process Strut dia. (mm) Strut length (mm) Lattice size (mm) Loading method Load type Energy absorption MJ/m3 Applications Materials (Refs.) FCC-Z, S-FCC, S-FCCZ, and FCC-XYZ. SLM machine with laser power of 114 W and 200 W SLM 1 mm 5 25 × 20 × 20 Tensile testing, Flexural testing using 3-point bending Tensile, Compressive And Flexural 38.6–99.9 Biomedical implant SS316L [46] Controlled by strut-tolength ratio NA unit cell repetitions 5x5x5 UTM Compression – SS316L [47] SLM 0.3 1 40 × 40 × 40 SLM 0.8 Around 1 25 × 25 × 40 Compression loading velocity at 2.4 mm/min. Compression NA VFCC (Vertical strut added FCC) Compression was done using a universal electronic testing unit Uniaxial compression Structural components for aerospace and engineering applications. Structural materials SS316L [35] FCC, FCCZ (hollow strut) LPBF NA 30 × 30 × 30 Uniaxial compression Compression 34 (hollow strut) FCC -GSLS (Glass Sponge Lattice structure) SLM 0.54 to 0.86 Outer dia. 1.1 mm for hollow 0.35 NA 18x18x18 Compression 3–5 FCC- (bioinspired lattice-based mechanical metamaterials (BLMMs)) FCC (functionally graded) FCCZ structure, Facecentred substitutional lattice (FCSL), Edge-centred interstitial lattice (ECIL), Vertexnode substitutional lattice (VNSL) FCC, FCCZ, and FBCCZ SLM 1.1 (Outer dia.) Around 5 20 × 20 × 20 Quasi-static uniaxial compression tests were conducted by a 100-kN electromechanical universal testing machine Compression testing through Numerical optimized samples Aerospace, military equipment Heat exchangers, medical equipment Load bearing applications Compression 8 Biomedical applications Ti-6Al-4 V [49] LPBF NA 1 Not mentioned 30 × 30 × 30 Quasi-static compression compression testing by the CMT5205 machine Compression at 0.001 s− 1 Compression 1.55 kJ/g LPBF NA, graded NA Medical implants Energyabsorptive lightweight components Ti6Al4V ELI [44] Al–Mg-ScZr alloy [22] SLM 0.05–0.2 Around 100 2×2×2 unit cells Quasi-static compression Compression 0.01–0.1 Aerospace and automotive AlSi12Mg [38] FCC-octet, FCChollow node, FCChollow octet strut, FCC-hollow-strut, sphere FCC (hollow strut, node) NA 70–90 SS316L [34] Ti-6Al-4 V [48] Ti-6Al-4 V [43] Table 4 Diamond lattice structures. Diamond-Type Fabrication process Strut Dia. (mm) Strut Length (mm) Lattice Size (mm) Loading Method Load Type Energy absorption MJ/m3 Applications Materials (Refs.) Diamond-solid SLM 0.54–4.02 Varying 15 × 15 × 15 Tensile testing, compression testing Tension, compression Na SS316L [50] Diamond (Graded skeleton) SLM graded graded 15 × 15 × 15 Tension, compression 80 to 100 Diamond -GSLS (Glass Sponge Lattice structure) Diamond-BCCFCC SLM 0.35 3 15 × 15 × 15 Dynamic explicit load in analysis 0.21 Medical implants Ti-6Al-4V [43] SLM 0.5 NA 42.42–51.96 Tensile testing, compression testing At UTM at 2mm/ min Quasi-static compression simulated using ABAQUS Quasi-static compressive test Aerospace and automobile lightweight components Aerospace and automobile lightweight components Compression Around 12 Lightweight aerospace and automobile applications AlSi10Mg [52] 9 SS316L [51] N. Shivakumar et al. Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx Fig. 6. Yield strength of different simple cubic MLSs. Fig. 7. Yield strength of different BCC-based MLSs. 60, 32.3, and 30 %, respectively. The SS316L-based S-FCC-Z, FCC-HSA, FCC-Z, and FCC-XYZ MLSs exhibited higher compressive yield strengths of 70, 70, 80, and 92 MPa at relative densities of 27.1, 60, 34.2, and 39.1 %, respectively. In addition, SS316L-reported MLSs exhibit a slightly lower compressive yield strength than Ti6Al4V-reported MLSs. The SS316L-based Diamond MLS exhibited 45 MPa at a relative density of 30 %. The FCC and the FCC-Curve of the Ti6Al4V MLSs exhibit lower compressive yield strengths at lower relative densities of 9 % and 9 %, respectively. The Ti6Al4V MLSs F2BCC, F2BCC-Curve, and bioinspired 10 N. Shivakumar et al. Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx Fig. 8. Yield strength of different FCC, diamond and other MLSs. Table 5 Fluorite and Kelvin lattice structures. Lattice-Type Fabrication process Strut Dia. (mm) Strut Length (mm) Lattice size (mm) Loading method Load type Energy absorption MJ/m3 Applications Materials (Refs.) Cubic fluorite-1 SLM 0.4, 0.5 NA NA SLM 0.6 to 0.85 NA Compression test at 10-4 s− 1 Compression test at 7.0 × 10–4 s− 1 Compression Cubic fluorite-2 Around 15 4.8–8.5 Compression NA AlSi10Mg [53] WE43[54] Open Kelvin NA NA NA NA NA NA NA compression NA Open Kelvin (foam) − 2 SLM using M290 3D printer, 2 NA 30 × 30 × 30 Compression NA Kelvin cell (KC), elliptical skeletons (ES), reversed elliptical skeletons (RES) Open Kelvin-1 SLM KC0.62, ES-0.45, RES0.45 NA 100 × 50 × 12 Numerical simulation Numerical simulation, compression Numerical simulation, compression – NA Open Kelvin (foam) − 1 Modelling and simulation Modelling and simulation, compared Lightweight components Components with corrosion resistance Lightweight components Tailored engineering materials Lightweight components – NA Heat transfer lightweight components GH4169 [58] SLM 1.5 30.75 × 30.75 × 30.75 Compression, tensile testing, simulation Compression, Tension, NA Lightweight Engineering component SS316L [59] Open Kelvin − 2, Cubic fluorite-3 Open Kelvin-3 – 0.5, 0.70, 0.85 and 1.00 – – – – – – - [60] 1 4 20 × 20 × 20 - Numerical simulation only Compression, tensile testing Compression, Tension NA Lightweight component Inconel 718 [61] Vat photopolymerization 3D printing NA -Not applicable/Not available. 11 NA[55] NA[56] IN625[57] N. Shivakumar et al. Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx Fig. 9. Yield strength of Kelvin and fluorite MLSs. should be the first choice among strut-based MLSs with higher yield strengths, followed by FCC, diamond, and SC. Bioinspired MLSs gener­ ally exhibit relatively high compressive yield strengths with low relative densities. Bamboo FCC exhibit medium compressive yield strengths of 40 MPa, 57 MPa, and 62.5 MPa at relative densities of 19 %, 19 %, and 28.9 %, respectively. Fig. 5 and Table 5 show recently reported literature on fluorite and kelvin-based MLSs. From Fig. 9, it is evident that AlSi10Mg-based MLSs with fluorite structures with relative densities ranging from 20 to 45 % tend to have yield strength of 50–225 MPa. For a similar range of rela­ tive densities, WE43 has a relatively lower yield strength of 7–70 MPa than AlSi10Mg-based MLSs. IN625 and SS316L-based Kelvin structures have a relative velocity of around 5 % with yield strength values ranging from 7 to 10 MPa. Most of the MLSs tested were using quasi-static compression fol­ lowed by tensile and fatigue testing, with less exploration of thermal and heat transfer capabilities. Hollow MLS has the potential to increase heat transfer capability, and being lightweight, along with tailored yield strength, is a suitable combination for future lightweight applications. CRediT authorship contribution statement N Shivakumar: . T Ramesh: Writing – review & editing, Visuali­ zation, Project administration, Investigation. S. Muthukumaran: . Declaration of competing interest The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper. Data availability 3. Summary Data will be made available on request. This review primarily focuses on recent studies of molecularly inspired metal lattice structures (MLSs), such as simple cubic (SC), bodycentred cubic (BCC), face-centred cubic (FCC), diamond, and other structures. Due to their diverse designs, these structures result in a wide range of MLSs with varying yield strengths. The BCC-based MLS with a larger strut diameter (BCC-2), fabricated with Ti-6Al-4V, exhibited the highest yield strength of 435 MPa and a relative density of 67 %. The node-reinforced BCC structure demonstrated the second highest compressive yield strength of 349 MPa with a relative density of 59 %. With a smaller strut diameter than BCC-2, BCC-1 exhibited a yield strength of 322.6 MPa and a relative density of 55 %. The G7(BCC) MLS exhibited a yield strength of 160 MPa with a relative density of 20 %. The bioinspired FCC-octahedron MLSs fabricated using Ti-6Al-4V had a yield strength of 120 MPa, followed by the MLS based on SS316L. AlSi10Mg-based cubic fluorite MLSs have yield strength of 225 MPa for a moderate relative density of 45 %, which gives more strength for a medium relative density. As inferred from the results, Ti-6Al-4V is the primary material, and SS316L is the secondary preferred material for constructing MLSs with higher yield strengths. With its added advantage of biocompatibility, Ti-6Al-4V is an ideal material for biomedical ap­ plications. SS316L could be beneficial in engineering applications that require lightweight and energy-absorptive materials. Furthermore, BCC References [1] H. Yin, W. Zhang, L. Zhu, F. Meng, J. Liu, G. Wen, Review on lattice structures for energy absorption properties, Compos. Struct. 304 (2023) 116397, 10.1016/j.compstruct.2022.116397. [2] T. Tancogne-Dejean, D. Mohr, Elastically-isotropic truss lattice materials of reduced plastic anisotropy, Int. J. Solids Struct. 138 (2018) 24–39, 10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2017.12.025. [3] J. Mueller, K.H. Matlack, K. Shea, C. 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