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Blood Components:
Cells of the Blood
Foundations 2023
Session 12
• Where does it all begin? (Hematopoiesis)
• Red blood cells (RBC) – structure and function
• = Erythrocytes
• Species differences
• White blood cells (WBC) – structure and function
• = Leukocytes
• Platelets (PLT) – structure and function
• May also be called thrombocytes, especially in non-mammalian species
A brief overview of hematopoiesis
• What: the production of blood cells (“hem-” = blood, “-poiesis” = production)
• Where: predominantly within the bone marrow of adult animals
• Minor amounts in the spleen (most animals) +/- liver and kidney (amphibians, fish)
• Some WBCs (lymphocytes) complete their maturation outside of the marrow in lymphoid
• When: begins in the embryo, and continues throughout the life of the animal
• Why: all blood cells are essential for maintaining life, but they don’t live forever
so continuous production is needed
• It is important to understand normal hematopoiesis so that we can identify pathologic
alterations in the process
• How: starting with the earliest blood cell, a hematopoietic stem cell (HSC), a
series of differentiating steps and cell divisions results in the production of
mature red blood cells, platelets, and all types of white blood cells
Hematopoiesis as a continuous process – why?
• Once mature blood cells leave the bone marrow and enter circulation, their
time is limited
• Normal RBC lifespan in the blood:
• Cats: 65-76 days (~2 months)
• Dogs: 110-120 days (~4 months)
• Cattle: 130-160 days (~6 months)
• Horses: 140-150 days (~6 months)
• Normal WBC lifespan:
• Neutrophils: 5-15 hours in the blood lifespan in tissues can be prolonged by
inflammatory stimuli
• Monocytes: Hours to 3 days in blood  longer in tissues (where they become
• Eosinophils and basophils: ~1-2 days (may be longer with appropriate stimuli)
• Lymphocytes*: Days-years (these are the only WBCs that can go back and forth between
blood and (lymphoid) tissues!)
• Normal PLT lifespan in the blood: ~5-7 days
Red blood cells (RBC), aka erythrocytes
• Functions:
• Transport oxygen (from lungs to tissues)
• Transport carbon dioxide (from tissues to
• Buffer excess hydrogen ions (protons) to
maintain acid-base balance
• RBCs carry hemoglobin (Hgb), which is
the key to all RBC functions
This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY
“Eryth-” = red
RBC structure
• Mammals
• Most mammals have anucleate
erythrocytes in the shape of a biconcave
disc (discocytes)
• Biconcavity is best visualized in 3D (see
scanning electron micrograph )
• In two dimensions on a typical blood smear,
the central biconcavity appears as a region
of central pallor, with the red hemoglobin
present in a ring around the periphery of the
• This is best observed in canine RBCs, which
are some of the larger mammalian RBCs
• Discocyte shape helps to increase RBC
surface area to better enable gas exchange,
and to make the cell deformable as it flows
through vessels of varying sizes
• Depend on anaerobic glycolysis for energy
Images from Atlas of Veterinary Hematology, 2nd ed., J Harvey
RBC structure: mammals
• Cats, ruminants, and horses also
have discocyte-shaped RBCs, but
they often lack central pallor on
blood smears
• RBCs from these species are much
smaller than canine RBCs
• Camelids
• Camel, llama, alpaca, vicuña,
• RBCs are anucleate, but elliptical
or oval in shape, and very flat
RBC structure: non-mammalian species
• Elliptical or oval in shape
• Nucleated!
• Tend to be larger than
mammalian erythrocytes
Image from Atlas of Veterinary Hematology, 2nd ed., J Harvey
Normal life of an erythrocyte
• Produced in the bone marrow
This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY
• The hormone erythropoietin (EPO) stimulates RBC production
• Takes 3-4 days for a committed erythrocyte progenitor cell to produce mature RBCs
• Mature erythrocytes released into the blood
• Circulating lifespan: 2-6 months (species dependent)
• Aged erythrocytes are removed from the blood by macrophages in the
• Premature removal of RBCs from the blood can result in anemia
How we assess RBCs clinically – CBC + blood smear!
• Measures of erythrocyte mass:
• RBC count (RBC)
• Hematocrit (HCT) or packed cell volume (PCV)
• Hemoglobin concentration (Hgb)
Increased RBC mass = erythrocytosis
Decreased RBC mass = anemia
• Erythrocyte indices:
• RBC size – mean cell volume (MCV)
• RBC hemoglobin content – mean cell hemoglobin
concentration (MCHC)
• Erythrocyte production:
• Reticulocyte count
• Erythrocyte morphology:
• Shape changes
• Inclusions
• Infectious organisms
White blood cells (WBC), aka leukocytes
• Granulocytes
“Leuk” = white
• Neutrophils
• Eosinophils
• Basophils
• Mononuclear cells
• Lymphocytes
• Monocytes
• Rarely seen in blood of
healthy animals
• Mast cells
• Plasma cells
Increased total WBC = leukocytosis
Photo courtesy of Laurie Holm
Decreased total WBC = leukopenia
Neutrophil function
• Key player in the host’s innate immune system
• Primary defense against invading bacteria
• Leave the blood and enter tissues in response to
cellular and chemical signals of inflammation
• Cytokines and chemokines
• Phagocytosis (“cell eating”) of bacteria and other
• Ingested bacteria are neutralized by chemical and enzymatic
reactions inside the neutrophil cytoplasm (enzymes and
chemicals contained in neutrophil granules)
• Granule contents and degraded bacteria released into
surrounding tissue after digestion
• Fun fact: non-mammalian “neutrophils” are called
• Different morphology, similar function!
Images from Atlas of Veterinary Hematology, 2nd ed., J Harvey
Neutrophil structure and morphology
• Cell size: larger than RBCs and
lymphocytes; smaller than
• Segmented nucleus with
condensed (very darkly staining)
• 2-5 nuclear segments (lobes
separated by thin constrictions) are
typical of mature neutrophils
Images from Atlas of Veterinary Hematology, 2nd ed., J Harvey
• Cytoplasm contains numerous
granules, which are often colorless
(“neutral”), but may be light pink
in some animals
Normal life of a neutrophil
• Produced in the bone marrow
• The production and maturation process can be accelerated with inflammation
• Stored in the bone marrow
• There is a “storage pool” of neutrophils in the bone marrow, which contains mature
(segmented) neutrophils and lower numbers of immature neutrophils
• With acute inflammation, the storage pool is utilized first while new cells are being
• Mature neutrophils released into the blood
• Circulating lifespan very short: 5-15 hours
• Migration into tissue
• Inflammatory stimuli in the tissues signal to neutrophils to leave the blood
• Neutrophils may survive for a few days in tissues, then undergo apoptosis and are
cleared by tissue macrophages
How we assess neutrophils clinically: CBC + blood smear!
• Neutrophil numbers
Increased neutrophil numbers = neutrophilia
Decreased neutrophil numbers = neutropenia
• Relative (%)
• Absolute concentration
• Segmented neutrophils (“segs”): mature cells that
comprise the majority of all WBC in the blood of
healthy animals
• Neutrophil maturity
• Band neutrophils (“bands”): immature neutrophils
that may be present in very low numbers in health
• Increased numbers of bands in the blood indicate active
tissue inflammation
• Neutrophil morphology
• Certain changes in the neutrophil cytoplasm can
indicate an accelerated rate of cell production
• Inclusions
• Infectious organisms
Images from Atlas of Veterinary Hematology, 2nd ed., J Harvey
Eosinophil and basophil function
• Key players in immediate (type I) hypersensitivity
• Allergic diseases
• Provide host defense against parasite infections
• Helminths (worms)
• Insects (fleas)
• Some fungi
• Cytoplasmic granules contain unique chemicals and
• Defense against invading pathogens
• Attractants for other inflammatory and immune system cells
• Basophil granules contain histamine
• “Worms, wheezes, and weird diseases”
Eosinophils – morphology
• Cell size: eosinophils generally
equal to or slightly larger than
a neutrophil
• Segmented nuclei with
condensed chromatin, similar
to neutrophils
• Cytoplasm contains distinctly
colored granules
• Eosinophil granules of most
mammalian species are orangepink in color, and tend to be
Images from Atlas of Veterinary Hematology, 2nd ed., J Harvey
• Extreme species variability in
eosinophil granule color and
Stacy and Raskin. Reptilian eosinophils.
Vet Clin Pathol 44/2 (2015) 177–178 ©2015 American Society for Veterinary Clinical Pathology
Basophils - morphology • Cell size: generally equal to or larger
than a monocyte
• Often the largest WBC in circulation
(when present!)
• Segmented nuclei with condensed
chromatin, similar to neutrophils
• Basophil chromatin may occasionally
appear slightly less condensed, and the
nucleus itself may be “ribbon-like,” lacking
distinct constrictions between lobes
Images from Atlas of Veterinary Hematology, 2nd ed., J Harvey
• Cytoplasm contains distinctly colored
• Basophil granules of most mammalian
species are dark purple in color, but may
be very few in number (esp. dogs)
• In cats, granules are often light lavendergrey in color
How we assess eosinophils and basophils clinically
• Cell numbers (CBC)
• Relative (%)
• Absolute concentrations
Increased eosinophil numbers = eosinophilia
Decreased eosinophil numbers = eosinopenia*
• Cell maturity (blood smear)
• Banded eosinophils/basophils indicate active
production of these cells
• There are no bone marrow storage pools for
eosinophils or basophils
Increased basophil numbers = basophilia
*Decreased numbers of eosinophils or basophils are not clinically significant, and often not detectable.
Lymphocyte functions
• T-lymphocytes (T-cells)
• Cell-mediated immunity
• Delayed hypersensitivity reactions (type IV)
• Regulation of other immune and inflammatory processes
• B-lymphocytes (B-cells)
• Production of immunoglobulins (antibodies)
• Natural killer (NK) cells
• Cytotoxicity
• Can kill virus-infected and tumor cells
• Regulation of other immune and inflammatory processes
Lymphocyte morphology
• Cell size: mature lymphocytes are
the smallest WBC in the blood –
only slightly larger than an
• Should be smaller than a neutrophil
• Nucleus is small, but takes up
most of the cell (high nucleus to
cytoplasm ratio)
Normal - dog
Normal - cow
• Round to oval shaped nucleus
• Chromatin is highly condensed (very
dark staining)
• Small amount of pale blue
(basophilic) cytoplasm
Reactive - cow
Granular - cow
Images from Atlas of Veterinary Hematology, 2nd ed., J Harvey
• Low numbers of lymphocytes may
contain a few dark pink granules
• Reactive lymphocytes may be larger
and have more abundant cytoplasm
(seen with antigen stimulation)
Lymphocyte production (lymphopoiesis) & circulation
• Produced in the bone
marrow (low overall %) and
to thymus for
lymphoid organs (lymph
differentiation and
nodes, spleen, thymus)
• Unlike other WBCs,
lymphocytes are able to reenter lymphoid tissues from
the blood
• Circulation time in blood may
be very short, but some cells
(especially memory B-cells)
can live for years in lymphoid
How we assess (blood) lymphocytes clinically – CBC & blood smear!
• Lymphocyte numbers
• Relative (%)
• Absolute concentration
• Increase in lymphocytes = lymphocytosis
• Decrease in lymphocytes = lymphopenia
• Lymphocyte morphology
• Size (small, intermediate, large)
• Compared to size of neutrophil
• Nuclear and cytoplasmic changes
associated with reactivity (inflammation,
antigen stimulation) vs. neoplasia
(immature, atypical cells)
• Not always possible to differentiate
reactive from neoplastic lymphocytes via
light microscopy alone
• Granules, vacuoles, other inclusions in
Images from Atlas of Veterinary Hematology, 2nd ed., J Harvey
Monocyte function
• Phagocytosis of invading pathogens
• Presenting antigens to T-lymphocytes to stimulate immune response to
• Regulation of other inflammatory and immune processes
• Once monocytes leave the blood and enter tissues, they differentiate
into macrophages or dendritic cells
• Similar functions, different name
Monocyte morphology
• Cell size: larger than
granulocytes; often the largest
WBC present in blood
• Nucleus is variably shaped,
with less densely-stained
chromatin than other WBCs
• Round to oval, kidney beanshaped, band-shaped, irregular
• Moderate to abundant
amounts of pale to moderately
blue (basophilic) cytoplasm
Images from Atlas of Veterinary Hematology, 2nd ed., J Harvey
• Monocyte cytoplasm often
contains variable numbers of
discrete clear vacuoles
How we assess monocytes clinically – CBC + blood
• Monocyte numbers
• Relative (%)
• Absolute concentration
• Increased in blood with chronic inflammation
• Increase in monocytes = monocytosis
• Decrease in monocytes = monocytopenia*
• Monocyte morphology
• Activated monocytes may have increased
numbers of cytoplasmic vacuoles, or be
actively phagocytizing cells or
• Important to differentiate from band
neutrophils and intermediate/large
Images from Atlas of Veterinary Hematology, 2nd ed., J Harvey
*Decreased blood monocyte concentration is not clinically significant
Platelet structure and function
• In mammals, platelets are not intact
cells but fragments of cytoplasm
from a bone marrow precursor cell
• Granules within the cytoplasm contain
molecules needed for clot formation
• Platelet aggregation (formation of a
“platelet plug”) is one of the first
responses to a blood vessel injury
• This platelet aggregate forms the
foundation for the rest of the clotting
Images from Atlas of Veterinary Hematology, 2nd ed., J Harvey
Platelet structure and function
• In non-mammalian species, thrombocytes are intact, nucleated cells
• Morphology is similar to that of lymphocytes
• Function is the same as mammalian platelets
Images from Atlas of Veterinary Hematology, 2nd ed., J Harvey
How we assess platelets clinically – CBC, blood smear,
and more!
• Platelet numbers
• Platelet count (automated and manual
• Platelet concentration (platelet “crit” or PCT)
• ~ HCT for red blood cells
• Platelet size
• Mean platelet volume (MPV)
• Young, recently produced platelets tend to be
larger than mature platelets
• Certain platelet disorders can result in increased
numbers of large platelets
• Platelet morphology (blood smear)
• Clumping!
• Can interfere with platelet count
• Large platelets (aka macroplatelets)
• Platelet function
• Specialized coagulation assays
Increased platelets = thrombocytosis
Decreased platelets = thrombocytopenia
Red blood cells
White blood cells
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