SUCCESS INTERNATIONAL ENGLISH SKILLS FOR CAMBRIDGE IGCSE™: SAMPLE ANSWERS Unit 4: Reading and writing: formal (article) Exam-style question You and your friends have been discussing whether people should buy fewer clothes. You want to write an article for your local newspaper to make more people aware of the environmental issues. In your article, explain what the problem is and suggest what people could do to improve the situation. Here are some comments from your friends: The clothing industry is terrible for the environment. People throw away lots of clothes they haven’t used much. We should think before we buy. Second-hand clothes are great. Now write an article for the newspaper. The comments above may give you some ideas, and you should also use some ideas of your own. Write about 120 to 160 words. [15] [Total: 15] Success International English Skills for Cambridge IGCSE™ – Hubbard © Cambridge University Press 2022 1 SUCCESS INTERNATIONAL ENGLISH SKILLS FOR CAMBRIDGE IGCSE™: SAMPLE ANSWERS Sample answer 1 Feedback The planet which we live is suffering because of the greed of humans. For growing the materials we need to make clothes take a lot of land. How many cotton bushes make a blowse? How much water is needed to sustain these bushes? How much fertiliser and pestiside wash into our rivers and poison the soil? If we want a sweater made from wool, how many hectares of grass could the sheep have to eat? How much water will it have to take? If we think about these problems before we go shopping for clothes, perhaps we will mend the hole in our clothes before we buy a new one. If we really need a sweater when the weather goes cold, perhaps we can buy from a second hand shop. A new garment not only cost money. It costs the earth. Content 141 words Range and accuracy: There is a wide range of common and less common vocabulary (e.g. the greed of humans, A new garment). There is also a range of structures (e.g. If we want a sweater made from wool how many hectares of grass will the sheep have to eat?). The language used is generally accurate and the few errors made do not impede understanding (e.g. The planet which we live is suffering or growing the materials we need take a lot of land). Task fulfilment: The task is fulfilled and the content is totally relevant throughout. The style and register are consistently appropriate for an article, and the reader is fully informed. Development of ideas: The article is very well developed, with a series of rhetorical questions building up to an interesting conclusion. The response is of appropriate length. Assessment: Excellent Language Organisation: The text is effectively organised and sequenced. Although there are not many linking words, the article is effectively constructed through the use of rhetorical questions. Assessment: Excellent Overall assessment: Excellent. The article is thoughtful and provocative, with very few errors. Success International English Skills for Cambridge IGCSE™ – Hubbard © Cambridge University Press 2022 2 SUCCESS INTERNATIONAL ENGLISH SKILLS FOR CAMBRIDGE IGCSE™: SAMPLE ANSWERS Sample answer 2 Feedback Do everybody need all clothes that they are buying? That is a more and more popular question. In my opinion there is people buying every week new clothes and not wearing or maybe wearing one time only then choosing a new one. Therefore we must to remember that every new clothes has a bad affect on the earth. In fact many times people get to fat then cant wear the clothes but another one can fit well so remember if you dont can wear something don’t throw it take it to a special shop. That saves another new clothes and the environment also so always check this shops you maybe find a good shirt nearly new and very cheap. Content 135 words Task fulfilment: The task is fulfilled and the content is relevant. There is an attempt to use the style and register necessary for an article, which is generally successful. The reader is informed. Development of ideas: The content is reasonably well developed and of appropriate length. Assessment: Average Language Range and accuracy: There is a reasonable range of common vocabulary, but structures are mostly simple and mistakes tend to occur with more ambitious forms (e.g. we must to remember that every new clothes has a bad affect on the earth). Errors of accuracy are frequent throughout the text (e.g. Do everybody need all clothes that they are buying?). Organisation: Although overall, the text is quite well organised, some sentences are too long and need punctuation (e.g. That saves another new clothes . . . and very cheap). There is, however, some use of linking words (e.g. Therefore, In fact). Assessment: Poor Overall assessment: Poor. Work on subject/verb agreement and word order would be useful, as well as improved punctuation. Success International English Skills for Cambridge IGCSE™ – Hubbard © Cambridge University Press 2022 3