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HFT2 System Sale™ PDF eBook by Chad Waterbury

HFT2 System Sale™ PDF eBook by
Chad Waterbury Program
HFT2: Build 2wice the Muscle Review
HFT2: Build 2wice the Muscle is a video based training program
developed by Chad Waterbury, a neurophysiologist and fitness
expert. This program is an enhanced version of his original High
Frequency Training (HFT) program, launched in 2012, which
received mixed reviews. Based on feedback from the first
version, Chad created HFT2, a more refined approach to high
frequency muscle training. The core idea behind the program is
that frequent muscle stimulation leads to faster growth,
provided that the right muscle groups are targeted with the
appropriate techniques.
About the Author: Chad Waterbury
Chad Waterbury is a well known figure in the fitness world,
particularly in the areas of muscle building and strength
training. He holds a master's degree in physiology from the
University of Arizona, with a focus on neurophysiology of
human movement and performance. He also earned a Doctor
of Physical Therapy degree from the University of Southern
California. Chad is a regular contributor to leading fitness
magazines like TNation, Men’s Health, and Men’s Fitness, and
has authored several muscle building programs. His expertise
lies in creating training methods that maximize strength and
muscle growth while minimizing fatigue and recovery time.
Program Components
The HFT2 program consists of three main components designed
to provide a comprehensive muscle building strategy over a
12week period:
1. The HFT2 Training Handbook:
This is a PDF manual that serves as the foundation of the
program. It includes detailed instructions on two primary
training approaches: targeted training for specific muscle
groups and a full body workout regimen. The handbook is easy
to follow, with clear explanations of each exercise and how to
perform them effectively. The 12week program is structured to
guide users step by step, ensuring they achieve optimal muscle
2. 38 High Definition Guideline Videos:
These videos provide detailed demonstrations of each
exercise in the program. Chad Waterbury himself explains the
techniques, making it easy for users to replicate the
movements correctly. The videos are designed to enhance the
effectiveness of the workouts by ensuring proper form and
3. Printable Workout Logs:
The printable workout logs are an essential tool for tracking
progress throughout the program. These logs help users
monitor their development, ensuring they stay on track and
make continuous gains. The inclusion of these logs is a
significant improvement from the original HFT program, adding
a layer of accountability and personalization to the training
Click Here to Download “HFT2 System Sale” PDF by
Chad Waterbury
Key Features and Benefits
 Time Efficient Workouts: The program is designed to fit
into a busy lifestyle. Each workout session lasts around 45
minutes, with four sessions per week.
Additionally, targeted frequency sessions for major muscle
groups require only a few minutes and do not necessitate
special equipment.
 Targeted Muscle Stimulation: One of the program's
standout features is its focus on targeting specific muscle
groups. This approach ensures that users can address
areas of their body that need the most improvement,
leading to more balanced and aesthetically pleasing
muscle development.
 No Need for Special Equipment: The exercises in HFT2 can
be performed using just body weight and basic equipment
like kettle bells. This makes the program accessible to
people who may not have access to a fully equipped gym.
 Portability and Accessibility: Since the program is entirely
digital, users can take the PDF handbook and videos
anywhere. This flexibility allows users to continue their
training on the go, using devices like tablets or smart
 Scientifically Backed Methods: The HFT2 system is
grounded in scientific principles, particularly the short
cycle of protein synthesis and the anabolic response
triggered by high frequency workouts. This approach
ensures that users experience consistent muscle gains
without overtraining.
 60Day Money Back Guarantee: The program is sold
through ClickBank, which offers a 60day money back
guarantee. This provides users with the confidence to try
the program risk free.
1. Not for Maximal Strength Training: While HFT2 is
excellent for hypertrophy and strength gains, it is not ideal
for those focused on maximal strength training, which
requires less frequency due to the demands on the central
nervous system (CNS).
2. Not Suitable for Joint or Tendon Issues: Individuals with
joint or tendon inflammation may find the high frequency
nature of the program challenging. It is essential to be
injury free before starting HFT2.
HFT2: Build 2wice the Muscle is a well rounded, scientifically
backed muscle building program that is ideal for natural
bodybuilders, hard gainers, and anyone experiencing a plateau
in their muscle growth. Chad Waterbury's expertise in
neurophysiology and his experience in strength training shine
through in this program, offering a highly effective and time
efficient approach to muscle building.
While it may not be suitable for those focused on maximal
strength or those with existing joint issues, HFT2 is an excellent
choice for anyone looking to break through stagnation and
achieve significant muscle gains. The inclusion of
comprehensive videos, a detailed handbook, and printable
workout logs makes it easy to follow and execute, ensuring
users get the most out of their training efforts.