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Nursing Process in Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing

Chapter 7
The Nursing Process in PsychiatricMental Health Nursing
Nursing Process
Six-step, problem-solving care approach
˜ Facilitates care that is:
Ø Appropriate
Ø Safe
Ø Culturally competent
Ø Developmentally relevant
Ø High-quality
Foundation for the Standards of Practice
Standards of Practice (1 of 9)
Ø Criteria for certification
Ø Legal definition of nursing
Ø National Council of State Boards of Nursing Licensure
Examination (NCLEX-RN®)
Ø The Six Standards of Practice
• Defining the critical thinking model known as the nursing process
Standards of Practice (2 of 9)
STANDARD 1: Assessment
Ø “The psychiatric mental health registered nurse collects
and synthesizes comprehensive health data that are
pertinent to the health care consumer’s health and/or
Ø Use holistic, evidence-based assessment technique
Ø Primary source = patient; secondary sources (others)
Ø Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)
Ø Document relevant data in retrievable format
Assessment considerations
Ø Age
Ø Language barriers
Psychiatric Nursing Assessment
Goals (1 of 2)
Establish rapport.
˜ Obtain an understanding of the current problem or chief
˜ Review physical status and obtain baseline vital signs.
˜ Assess for risk factors affecting the safety of the patient
or others. (Suicide/homicide)
Psychiatric Nursing Assessment
Goals (2 of 2)
Perform a mental status examination (MSE).
˜ Assess psychosocial status.
˜ Identify mutual goals for treatment.
˜ Formulate a plan of care that prioritizes the patient’s
immediate condition and needs.
˜ Document data in a retrievable format
Gathering Data
Review of systems
˜ Laboratory data
˜ Mental status examination (MSE)
˜ Psychosocial assessment
˜ Spiritual and/or religious assessment
˜ Cultural and social assessment
˜ Self-awareness assessment
˜ Validating assessment
Objective 1: Conduct a mental
status examination (MSE).
MSE—Is fundamental to overall patient assessment.
˜ Purpose of the MSE—To evaluate the current cognitive
˜ Aids in collecting and organizing objective data.
˜ The nurse observes the person’s:
Ø Physical behavior, verbal and nonverbal communications,
appearance, speech, thought content and cognitive ability
as well as observations centering on the presenting
problem(s), current lifestyle, and strength of resources
such as family, friends, education and work experiences.
Mental Status Examination
Personal information
˜ Appearance
˜ Behavior
˜ Speech
˜ Affect and mood
˜ Thought
˜ Perceptual disturbances
˜ Cognition
Objective 2: Perform a
psychosocial assessment including
cultural and spiritual components.
(1 of 4)
Psychosocial assessment provides additional
information to develop a plan of care beyond the MSE.
˜ Spiritual and/or religious assessment
Ø Spirituality and religious beliefs
• Are often overlooked.
• Influence how people solve problems in their lives (e.g., illness).
Objective 2: Perform a
psychosocial assessment including
cultural and spiritual components.
(2 of 4)
Cultural and social assessment
Ø Cultural and social factors
• Influence health and illness.
• Awareness can help decrease stereotyping, stigmatizing, and
Objective 2: Perform a
psychosocial assessment including
cultural and spiritual components.
(3 of 4)
Psychosocial Assessment
Ø Helps in obtaining the following information:
• Central or chief complaint (in the patient’s own words)
• History of violent, suicidal, or self-mutilating behaviors
• Alcohol and/or substance abuse
• Family psychiatric history
• Personal psychiatric treatment including medications and
complementary therapies
• Current stressors and coping methods
• Quality of activities of daily living
Objective 2: Perform a
psychosocial assessment including
cultural and spiritual components.
(4 of 4)
Psychosocial Assessment
Ø Helps in obtaining the following information:
• Personal background
• Social background including support system
• Weaknesses, strengths, and goals for treatment
• Racial, ethnic, and cultural beliefs and practices
• Spiritual beliefs or religious practices
HEADSSS: Psychosocial Interview
˜ E
˜ A
˜ D
˜ S
˜ S
Home environment
Education and employment
Drugs, alcohol, and tobacco
Suicide risk
Ø Symptoms of depression and other mental disorders
Standards of Practice (3 of 9)
STANDARD 2: Diagnosis
Ø Formulating a nursing Diagnosis
Standard nursing diagnosis
Ø The problem (unmet need)
Ø The etiology (probable cause)
Ø The supporting data (signs and symptoms)
Risk diagnoses
Ø High probability of a future negative event for a vulnerable
Health promotion diagnoses
Ø Willingness to enhance specific health behaviors
Standards of Practice (4 of 9)
STANDARD 3: Outcomes Identification
Ø “The psychiatric mental health registered nurse identifies
expected outcomes and the health care consumer’s goals
were planned individualized to the health care consumer
or to the situation”
Outcomes criteria
Ø Goal outcomes reflect maximal patient health that can be
realistically achieved through evidence-based
Ø Provide direction for continuity of care
Ø Patient-centered and culturally appropriate
Objective 3: Explain three principles a nurse
follows in planning actions to reach approved
outcome criteria.
Ø Are variable and measurable
Ø Are a reflection of patient’s actual state
Ø Are measurable
Ø Indicate the desired patient behavior(s)
Ø Include a set time for achievement
Ø Are short and specific
Summary of three (3) principles: Therefore outcomes
criteria are patient centered, geared to each individual,
and documented as obtainable goals.
Outcome Criteria
Planning interventions to achieve outcomes includes the
use of specific principles. The plan should be:
(1) Safe
(2) Evidence-based whenever possible
(3) Realistic
(4) Compatible with other therapies
Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC) provides
nurses with standardized interventions.
˜ Nursing Outcomes Classification (NOC) provides
standardized outcomes.
Standards of Practice (5 of 9)
STANDARD 4: Planning
Ø “The psychiatric–mental health registered nurse develops
a plan that prescribes strategies and alternatives to assist
the health care consumer in attainment of expected
(ANA, APNA, ISPN, 2014)
Care Plans
Care plans should always follow these principles:
Ø Safe
Ø Appropriate
Ø Individualized
Ø Evidenced Based
Objective 4: Construct a plan of care for a patient
with a mental or emotional health problem.
Scenario: Hal, a high-school science teacher, 38 years of
age, has severe depression with suicidal ideation. He is
admitted to the hospital psychiatric unit. He has recently
experienced a divorce and job loss. His appetite is poor,
and he has done little but sleep for the past 2 weeks. He
is very withdrawn and is not leaving his room. He tells
the nurse manager that he does not want to interact with
the other patients on the unit.
Standards of Practice (6 of 9)
STANDARD 5: Implementation
Ø “The psychiatric–mental health registered nurse
implements the identified plan.”
Basic Level: PMH-RN Role
Ø Standard 5A-Coordination of Care
Ø Standard 5B-Health Teaching and Health Promotion
Ø Standard 5E-Phamacological, Biological, and Integrative
Ø Standard 5F- Milieu therapy
Ø Standard 5G-Therapeutic relationship and counseling
Standards of Practice (7 of 9)
STANDARD 5: Implementation
Ø “The psychiatric–mental health registered nurse
implements the identified plan.”
Advanced Practice Level: PMH-APRN Role
Ø Prescriptive Authority and Treatment
Ø Psychotherapy
Ø Consultation
Objective 5: Identify three advanced practice
psychiatric nursing interventions.
Advanced practice interventions only
˜ Prescriptive authority
and treatment
˜ Psychotherapy
˜ Consultation
Audience Response Question 1
(1 of 2)
Which is a responsibility that only an APRN-PMH
can perform?
A. Conducting psychotherapy
B. Administering prescription medications
C. Integrating biological and complementary
D. Adapting health instruction to a patient’s specific
Audience Response Question 1
(2 of 2)
A. Conducting psychotherapy
Objective 6: Demonstrate basic nursing
interventions and evaluation of care using the
Standards of Practice (ANA, APNA, ISPN, 2014).
(1 of 2)
A theoretical framework has been supported by
Psychiatric–Mental Health Nursing: Scope and
Standards of Practice (ANA, 2007).
˜ The Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing Standards of
Practice is the basis for the following:
Ø Criteria for certification
Ø Legal definition of nursing as reflected in many states’
nurse practice acts
Objective 6: Demonstrate basic nursing
interventions and evaluation of care using the
Standards of Practice (ANA, APNA, ISPN, 2014).
(2 of 2)
Ø The National Council Licensure Examination for
Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN)
Psychiatric–mental health nursing practice bases its
nursing judgments and behaviors on an accepted
theoretical framework.
Standards of Practice (8 of 9)
STANDARD 6: Evaluation
Ø “The psychiatric–mental health registered nurse enhances
progress toward attainment of expected outcomes.”
Systematic, ongoing, criterion-based
˜ Include supporting data
˜ Enables revisions to diagnoses, outcomes, and
Standards of Practice (9 of 9)
Ø Considered 7th step in nursing process
Ø Patient records are legal documents
Ø Evaluation of stated outcomes
Ø All changes in patient condition
Ø Record of informed consents
Ø Medication reactions
Ø Symptoms/concerns
Ø Untoward incidents
Ø Patient progress
Ø “Nonadherence”
APNA Standards
Objective 7: Compare and contrast the Nursing
Interventions Classification, Nursing Outcomes
Classification, and evidence-based nursing
practice. (1 of 2)
Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC)
Ø Is a research-based standardized listing of
interventions that the nurse can use to plan care
Nursing Outcomes Classification (NOC)
Ø Includes standardized outcomes that provide a
mechanism for communicating the effect of nursing
Objective 7: Compare and contrast the Nursing
Interventions Classification, Nursing Outcomes
Classification, and evidence-based nursing
practice. (2 of 2)
Evidence-based practice (EBP)
Ø Is a combination of clinical skills; EBP uses clinically
relevant research in the delivery of effective patientcentered care
Audience Response Question 2
(1 of 2)
Which step in SOAPIE involves interpretation of two kinds
of data in identifying a problem or a nursing diagnosis?
A. “S”
B. “A”
C. “P”
D. “I”
Audience Response Question 2
(2 of 2)
B. “A”