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Letter to Mayor: Public Transport vs Stadium

Universidad San Francisco de Quito
Carla Rivera (331571)
English Level 6 (NRC: 3086)
To the Mayor:
So it has come to my attention that our local city council is currently discussing about
whether they should build a stadium or to improve the public transport system.
Personally, I’d prefer the improvement of the public transport system and building bike
lanes. The main reason is because this would benefit us all as citizens. As for the building
of bicycle lanes, this will be very great for those who drive bikes and it will give them safety
and bike accidents will be reduced considerably. Besides, not everyone is able to have a
car or drive one, or maybe they’d rather choose other transportation methods. We should
consider them too. Also, if the public transportation is improved, there is a chance that
car jams are kind of reduced as well.
To explain myself about why not choosing the stadium is the best decision we can make,
is mainly because this would be beneficial for only a few people. So, do we as a city, prefer
a few people having somethings that it’s not really that useful or do we want to help
Carla Rivera.