’s i,. X -U •• ■ fl&ST*:■ CONTENTS '■■ ; f\ f ) CHAPTER 1: NATURE OF OCEANOGRAPHY Oceanography as a branch o f sciences, oceanography as a branch o f geography, meaning and definition o f oceanography, scope o f oceanography, branches o f oceanography, growth o f oceanography, summary o f the history o f oceanography, = ? origin o f atmosphere, origin o f oceans, ocean's characteristic features, CHAPTER 2 : ORIGIN OF OCEAN BASINS CHAPTER 3 : CHAPTER 4 : distributional characteristics o f continents and ocean, continental drift theory o f Taylor, continental drift theory o f W agener, plate tectonic theory, seam ounts and tablem ounts, OCEAN MORPHOLOGY AND BOTTOM RELIEF m arine provinces, continental m argins, contin en tal shelf, contin en tal slope, subm arine canyons, d istrib u tio n o f subm arine canyons, o rigin o f subm arine canyons, deep sea fans and continental rise, deep ocean basins,, abyssal plains, abyssal hills, ocean deeps and trenches, m id-ocean ridge, bottom reliefs o f A tlantic O cean, bottom reliefs o f Pacific O cean, bottom reliefs o f Indian O cean, bottom reliefs o f A rctic O cean, PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF OCEAN WATER hydrological cycle, constituents o f seaw ater, physical properties o f seawater, sea temperature, density o f oceans, relationship between density, temperature and salinity, CHAPTER 5 : SALINITY OF SEAWATER CHAPTERS: meaning and derivations, principles o f constant proportion, com position o f seawater, sources o f ocean salinity, controlling factors o f salinity, horizontal distribution o f salinity, vertical distribution o f salinity, significance o f salinity, MARINE SEDIMENTS AND DEPOSITS nature o f marine sediments, v (x) production, transportation and d ep ssitio n o f marine sediments, man's impact on marine sediments, factors of marine sedimentation, <. ( sources o f marine sediments, mode of marine sedimentation, • classification of marine sediments,, lithogenic sediments, volcanogenic sediments, biogenic sediments, hydrogenic sediments, classification of ocean deposits, '■ distribution o f ocean deposits, CHAPTER 7 : ATMOSPHERE-SEA INTERACTIONS solar radiation and heating of earth's surface, . meridional transfer of heat from ocean surface, heating and cooling of ground and ocean surfaces, differential heating and cooling of land and ocean surfaces, atmospheric pressure, pressure gradient, horizontal distribution of air pressure and pressure belts, atmospheric motion, ' *" global wind belts, atmospheric cellular circulation, El Nino-La Nina phenomenon, W alkar circulation and southern osciellation, monsoon, • origin of Indian monsoon, land and sea breezes, tropical cyclones, CHAPTER 8 : SEA WAVES, SHORELINE PROCESSES AND COASTAL SCENERY sea waves : components and characteristics, '\ generation of sea waves, types and movement of sea waves, wave refraction, . . , •’ wave reflection, sea coasts and sea shores, classification of coasts and shores, waves and dynamic shorelines, coastal features and habitats, depositional coastal features, beaches, delta, development o f shorelines o f submergence, development o f shorelines of emergence, CHAPTER 9 : TSUNAMIS CHAPTER 10: tsunamis : nature and characteristics, tsunamis : causes and origin, chronology o f tsunami waves, arrival o f tsunami, adverse effects of tsunami disaster, Sumatra tsunami, management of tsunai(ni disaster, SURFACE OCEAN CURRENTS , ■ i {.,•**■ i>i<' ia meaning, concepts and types, i t s r v? 258 ocean currents : characteristics and significan ce, origin and factors o f ocean currents, circulation gyres, Ekm an spirals and Ekman Uansport, geostrophic circulation, western intensification, surface currents o f the oceans, surface currents o f Atlantic Ocean, sargasso sea, surface currents o f P acific Ocean, El N in o current, effects o f El N in o , su rfa ce c u rre n ts o f In d ia n O cean, e ffects o f surface ocean currents, W ATER MASSES AND DEEP CURRENTS w a te r m asse s, ty p e s o f w ater m asses, sources o f w ater m asses, d e e p c u rre n ts and th erm o h alin e circu latio n , c y c lic p a tte rn o f th erm o h alin e circulation, w a te r m asses o f A tlan tic O cean, w ater m asses o f P acific O cean , w a te r m asses and th erm o h alin e circulation in Indian O cean , c o n v e y e r b e lt circu latio n , dow nw elling, u p w e llin g , TIDES ;:V CHAFFER 11: CHAPTER 12: CHAPTER 13 : CHAPTER 14: Ite - *u tid e s : m e an in g and concep ts, tides : characteristic featu res, tid e g e n e ra tin g force, tim e o f tide, ty p e s o f tid es, th e o rie s o f th e o rig in o f tides, equilibrium m odel o f tid es, e q u ilib riu m th e o ry o f N ew ton, p ro g re s siv e w ave theory, sta tio n a ry w av e theory, tidal b o res, tidal currents, CORAL REEFS com p on en ts o f coral reefs, c o n d itio n s fo r th e gro w th o f coral polyps, coral e co lo g y , distribution o f coral reefs, typ es o f coral reefs, origin o f coral reefs and atolls, subsidence theory, standstill theory, .. . glacial control theory, concept o f W .M . D avis, coral bleaching, OCEAN HABITATS ocean habitats : characteristic features, classification o f ocean habitats, p elagic habitats and environment, benthic habitats and environment, coastal habitats, estuaries, Hugli estuary, lagoons, !• * ' . - f t ' y '.U'..V .V - - •.., 260 263 266 267 269 274 275 281 282 285 286 288 290 2 9 4 -3 0 6 294 295 296 298 298 299 300 301 302 3 0 7 -3 2 2 307 310 311 313 315 316 317 318 319 320 323-339 323 324 327 329 330 332 334 335 336 340-368 340 341 343 346 coastal wetlands, < .■; ?t m angrove swamps, m angrove swamps in India, salt marshes, , r Indian salt marshes, CHAPTER 15 : MARINE BIOMES (BIOZONES) AND SEA ORGANISMS marine biomes (b io z o n e s): meaning and characteristic features, types o f marine biomes, classification of marine organism s, plankton com m unity, marine biological com m unities, phytoplanktons, zooplanktons, nekton community, sea mammals, benthos community, CHAPTER 16 : MARINE ECOLOGY AND BIOLOGICAL PRODUCTIVITY m arine ecology, meaning and concept, factors of m arine ecology, adaptation of marine organisms, ecological productivity and biological production, limiting factors of primary production, prim ary producer marine organisms, regional pattern of net marine primary productivity, global pattern of primary production, 1 trophic levels and food chains, energy flow in marine ecosystem, m arine biogeochemical cycles, CHAPTER 17 : MARINE RESOURCES * m arine resources : meaning and importance, law o f sea : historical perspective, maritime zone, classification o f m arine resources, m arine biological resources, food resources, fishing, m arine farming, ocean ranching, whaling, m ineral resources, non-conventional m arine energy resources, vitam ins and drugs resources, conservation o f m arine resources, CHAPTER 18 : MAN AND OCEANS manipulation o f coastal processes, marine pollution, man and marine ecosystem , overfishing, global w arm ing and oceans, global w arm ing and m arine ecology, CHAPTER 19 : BERMUDA TRIANGLE Area o f Bermuda Triangle Disappearance o f aircrafts & ships Supernatural explanations Scientific explanations • INDEX • REFERENCES 358 359 361 364 365 369-386 . 369 371 373 377 378 380 380 382 387-412 387 389 393 398 399 401 401 404 406 408 409 413-429 - 413 414 416 417 418 419 421 422 426 427 430-451 431 435 442 443 445 449 452-454 452 453 453 454 455-458 459-460 ab an d o n ed delta, 232 abrasion, 221 ab so rption, 95 abyssal plain s, 70 abyssal hills, 71 active co n tin en tal m argins, 61 adiabatic heating and cooling, 154 ad so rp tion, 116, 124 a h erm atype corals, 328 algae ridge, 328 ap h o tic zone, 103, 345 apogean tide, 3 14 aq u asp h ere, 28 arcu ate delta, 231 atoll, 331 b a r-b u ilt e stu a rie s, 354 b a rrie r reef, 33 1 bars and b a rrie rs, 227, 228 b ath y m etry , 60 b a th y p elag ic zo n e, 344 b each es, 225 b each cusps, 227 b each rid g e s, 227 b eachridge-shelteredsaltm arshes, 366 b en th ic h a b ita ts, 346 b en th ic b io m e , 373 b en th o s c o m m u n ity , 381 b en th o s h y d ro th e rm a l v en t c o m ­ m u n itie s, 388 b erm s, 227 b io d e g ra d a tio n , 410 b io g e n ic se d im e n ts, 136 b io lo g ic a l o c e a n o g ra p h y , 6 b io lo g ic a l p ro d u c tio n , 399 b io sy n th e sis, 409 b ird -fo o t d e lta , 231 b lo c k ed d e lta , 232 b lu e m ud, 136 b re a k e rs, 214 b re a k w a te rs, 433 b u lk e m p la c e m e n t, 132, 134 146 buttress zone, 328 calc a re o u s oo£e, 137 cap illary w av es, 208 c arb o n ife ro u s g la c ia tio n , 38 ch em ical o c e a n o g ra p h y , 6 c h lo rin ity , 112, 124 c irc u la tio n g y res, 2 cliff, 221 c lim a tic o p tim u m , 12 c o asta l h a b ita ts, 348 c o a sta l p la in e stu a rie s, 351 c o asta l w e tla n d s, 2 2 8 , 358 co ld co re rin g s, 279 co ld w all, 278 c o llisio n zo n e, 42 c o m p o u n d sh o re lin e s, 218 c o n ju c tio n , 313 c o n se rv a tiv e p la te b o u n d a rie s, 4 1 ,4 3 c o n stru c tiv e w a v es, 213 c o n tin e n ta l d rift, 31, 32 c o n tin e n ta l m a rg in s, 61 c o n tin e n ta l rise, 70 c o n tin e n ta l sh elf, 62 c o n tin e n ta l slo p e, 65 c o n v e rg e n t p la te b o u n d a rie s, 42 c o n v e y e r b e lt c irc u la tio n , 301 c o ra l a n im a l, 323 c o ra lite , 324 c o rio lis d e fle c tiv e fo rc e , 265 c o rio lis fo rce, 165 c o rro s io n , 221 c u rre n ts , 2 6 0 c ry o s p h e re , 28 d a rk ag e, 12 d e e p s, 72 d e ep o c ea n c u rre n ts , 2 6 0 d e ep sea fa n s, 70 d eep w a te r w a v e s, 2 12 d e lta , 229 d e n sity , 105 d e n sity s tra tific a tio n , 108 d e s tru c tiv e p la te boundaries, 42 d e s tru c tiv e w a v e s, 213 d ia s tro p h ic th e o ry , 68 d ia to m o o z e , 138 d is p h o tic z o n e , 342 d iv erg en ce-d ep en d en t upwelling 304 d iv e rg e n t p la te b o u n d aries, 4 ] d o w n w e llin g , 301 d o w n w e llin g o c e a n currents 260 d re d g in g , 4 3 4 d rifts , 2 6 0 d y n a m ic o c e a n o g ra p h y , 6 e a st b o u n d a ry c u rre n ts , 266 e c o lo g ic a l p ro d u c tiv ity , 399 e c o lo g y , 388 e c o n o m ic o c e a n o g ra p h y , 6 e c o s o u n d e r, 60 edge w av es, 240 E k m a n s p ira l, 167, 268 E k m a n tra n s p o rt, 2 6 7 , 269 E l N in o , 176 e n v iro n m e n ta l o cean o g rap h y , 7 e p ip e la g ic b io z o n e , 343 e q u a to r ia l w e s te rlie s , 170 e q u ilib riu m m o d e l, 315 e s tu a rie s , 3 5 0 e u p h o tic z o n e , 3 4 4 e x c lu s iv e e c o n o m ic zo n e, 416 F e rre l c e ll, 175 f is h in g , 4 2 0 flo o d tid e , 3 0 8 fo o d c h a in s , 4 0 7 f r ic tio n a l d ra g , 2 6 4 f r ic tio n a l fo rc e , 166 f r in g in g re e f, 3 3 0 fr o n tlin e n a tu ra l b u ffe rs, 63 fu lly d e v e lo p e d sea , 208 g a se s , 93 g a s h y d ra te s , 4 2 6 , fit--: INDEX geological oceanography, 5 geom agnetic field, 47 geom orphological oceanogra­ phy, 6 g eo strophic c irc u latio n , 269 g eo strophic cu rren t, 269 global w arm ing, 446 g lo b ig c rin a ooze, 137 g lo u p , 224 g ra v ity w a v es, 208 g re e n h o u se e ffe c t, 447 green m u d , 136 g ro in s, 4 3 4 g u y o ts, 5 5 , 57, 71 g y res, 2 5 8 , 270 h ad al p e la g ic z o n e, 344 H a d le y c e ll, 175 h a lo c lin e , 108, 1 10, 123, 124 h e rm a ty p e c o ra ls, 327 h ig h sea , 4 1 6 h o rs e la titu d e , 1'73 h u rric a n e , 195 h y d ra u lic a c tio n , 220 h y d ro c a rb o n s , 4 4 0 h y d ro g e n ic s e d im e n ts , 138, 146 h y d ro lo g ic a l c y c le , 90 h y d ro s p h e ric c o m p o n e n ts, 2 h y d ro th e rm a l v e n ts, 73 h y p s o m e try (h y s o g ra p h y ), 60 ice fo rm a tio n , 117 ice ra ftin g , 132 in n e r e s tu a rin e s a ltm a rsh e s, 366 in te rn a l w a v e s , 209 is o h a lin e , 122 is o th e rm s , 98 k in g d o m fu n g i, 375 k in g d o m m e ta p h y ta e a , 375 k in g d o m m e ta z o a , 375 k in g d o m m o n e ra , 375 k in g d o m p ro tis ta , 375 la g o o n s, 357 land b reezes, 192 land h em isp h ere, 29 law o f sea , 4 1 5 liquid hydrosphere, 8 litto ral zo n e, 347 lith o g e n ic se d im e n ts, 134, 146 living h y d ro sp h e re , H looped bars, 228 lu n ar tid al b u lg e , 308 m an g an ese n o d u le, 138 m angrove-sheltered salt m arshes, 365 m ang ro v e sw an y p s, 359 m aricu ltu re, 421 m arine b io g eo ch em ical c y c le s, 4 1 0 ,4 1 1 m arine b io m es, 371 m arine eco lo g y , 388, 389 m arine form ing, 416 m arine o rg an ism s, 376 m arine p o llu tio n , 436 m arine p ro v in ces, 59 m arine sn o w fall, 126, 132, 147 m aritim e zone, 415 m eso p elag ic bio zo n e, 343 m id -latitu d e circ u latio n , 172 m id-o cean ridge, 72 m onso o n , 181 m o n stro u s w aves, 213 n a d ir lunar bulge, 31 1 n ad ir tide, 3 14 n atu ral b u ffers, 252 n atural c h im n ey s, 224 n ekto n c o m m u n ity , 381 neep tide, 313 n e re tic h a b ita ts, 343 n e re tic m a tte r, 137 n et m arin e p rin a ry p ro d u c tiv ­ ity, 402 n et tra n sp o rt, 269 n e u tra l s h o re lin e s, 2 18 n o n -c o n s e rv a tiv e gas, 93 n o rm a l p o la rity , 50 n u trie n ts in s e a w a te r, 93 o c e a n h a b ita ts, 340 o c e a n m o rp h o lo g y , 59 o c e a n ra n c h in g , 4 2 2 o c e a n ic ris e s, 73 o c e a n o lo g y , 3 o c ea n w a ter m m m d*, 2 6 7 ocean w ater v a lle y s * 2 6 6 o p p o sitio n , 3 13 o u tg a ssm g , 2 6 o z o n e d ep letio n , 4 4 7 p a la e o m a g n e tis m , 4 7 p a rtia lly m ix e d estu a ries, 3 5 5 p a ssi ve co n tin en ta l m argins, 62 p a tc h re e fs , 3 2 9 p e la g ic b io m e , 3 7 2 p e la g ic h a b ita ts , 3 4 3 p e la g ic s e d im e n ts , 137 p e rig e a n tid e , 3 1 4 p h o tic z o n e , 103 p h y s ic a l o c e a n o g ra p h y , 6 p h y to p la n k to n s , 3 7 9 p la n k to n c o m m u n ity , 3 7 8 p la te te c to n ic s , 4 0 p la te te c to n ic th e o ry ', 3 9 p lu n g e lin e , 2 1 4 p lu n g in g b re a k e rs , 2 1 5 p o la r c e ll, 176 p o la r a ir c irc u la tio n , 174 p re c a u tio n a ry p r in c ip le s , 4 4 5 p re s su re g ra d ie n t, 157, 163 p rim a ry p ro d u c e r, 4 0 2 p rin c ip le o f c o n s ta n t propor­ tio n , 1 1 2 ,1 2 4 p ro g ra d a tio n , 2 2 7 p s e u d o m o n s o o n , 184 p te ro p o d o o z e , 137 p y c n o c lin e , 107, 110, 124 p y c n o c lin e la y e r, 109 q u a d ra tu re , 313 ra d io la ria n o o z e , 138 red c la y , 138 re d m u d , 136 re e fs , 324 r e e f fa c e, 328 r e e f te rra c e , 3 28 re fle c tio n , 95 re m a n e n t m a g n e tis m , 4 7 retail sed im en ta tio n , 132, 147 retrogradation, 2 2 7 reversal o f p o la rity , 4 9 OCEANOd % 8 rogue w a v e s, 213 s a b k h a , 228 s a lin tiy , 111 s a lin o m e te r, 112, 125 sa lt m a rsh e s, 364 s a lt w e d g e e stu a rie s, 354 sc a tte rin g , 95 • sea a re a, 20 7 , 214 sea b re e z e s, 192 flo o r s p re a d in g , 44 sea k n o lls, 71 se a m a m m a ls, 381 sea m o u n ts, 55, 57, 71 se a w a lls, 432 seic h e s, 207 s e lf re v e rsa l o f p o la rity , 49 sh allo w w a te r w aves, 212 sh o re lin e o f e m erg en c e , 217 sh o re lin e s o f su b m erg en c e , 218 silic e o u s o o ze, 137 sin k s o f ocean salin ity , 125 sk errie s, 224 so la r b u lg e, 308 so lid h y d ro sp h e re , 8 so u n d in g te ch n iq u e, 60 so u th ern o sc illa tio n , 179 sp ec ific heat, 97 sp illin g b re a k ers, 215 sp rin g tid e, 313 stan d in g w aves, 216 storm w av es, 210 stream s, 261 S tefan -B o ltzm an Jaw, 153 subaerial ero sio n th e o ry , 68 su bduction zo n e, 42 su b litto ra l zo n e, 347 su b m arin e c o n y o n s, 65 subm arine density cu rren t theory, tu rb id ity c u rre n t th eo ry , 6$ > ; ty p h o o n , 195 -• »- *• _• **' u p w e llin g , 3 0 2 subpolar c irc u la tio n gyre, 268 su p ra litto ra l zo n e, 347 s u rf w aves, 208 su rface o cean c u rre n ts, 258 s u rf zone, 214 s y z y g y ,313 table m o u n ts, 71 te rrito ria l sea, 416 th e rm a l eq u ato r, 117 th e rm o a b ra sio n , 221 th e rm o c lin e , 105, 110, 124 therm oh aline c irc u la tio n , 295 tidal bo re, 3 19 tid al bulge, 308 tidal range, 308 to m b o lo , 228 trace elem en ts, 93 trade w in d s, 172 tra n sfo rm fau lts, 73 tra n sitio n a l w av es, 213 tra n slato ry w av es, 213 tre n c h es, 72 v e r tic a lly m ix e d estu aries, 354 v o lc a n o g e n ic sed im en ts, 135 W a lk a r c ir c u la tio n , 179 w a rm c o re rin g s , 278 w a rm c u r r e n ts , 261 w a te r h e m is p h e re , 29 w a te r h ill, 2 7 0 w a te r m a s s e s , 2 9 4 w ave base, 212 w a v e c e le r ity , 2 0 6 w a v e c re s ts , 2 0 5 w a v e -c u t p la tfo rm , 223 w ave freq u e n cy , 206 w a v e h e ig h t, 2 0 6 w a v e le n g th , 2 0 6 w a v e o r th o g o n a ls , 215 w a v e p e r io d , 2 0 6 w a v e r e f le c tio n , 2 1 6 w a v e r e f r a c tio n , 2 1 5 w a v e s te e p n e s s , 2 0 6 w a v e tr a in s , 2 0 7 tro p h ic level, 407 w a v e tro u g h , 2 0 5 tro p ical c irc u la tio n , 170 tro p ic a l cy clo n e s, 193 tru n c a te d d elta, 232 tsu n a m is, 239 tsu n am i sy n d ro m e , 240 w e s t b o u n d a ry c u rre n ts , 265 tsu n a m ig e n ic e a rth q u a k e s , 251 ts u n a m i-ru n n e r-u p , 240 tsu n am i w a rn in g sy ste m , 252 w e s te r lie s , 173 w e s te rn in te n s ific a tio n , 270 w h a lin g , 4 2 2 w h a lin g m o ra to riu m , 445 W ie n ’s d is p la c e m e n t law , 153 w in d d ra g , 2 6 5 z o o p la n k to n s , 2 7 9 /j'f ■ - - -r r- : , v :i .• . •vc/^v CONTENTS CHAPTER 1: 1-28 N A TU R E O F OCEANOGRAPHY O c ea n o g ra p h y as a branch o f sciences, o c e a n o g ra p h y as a branch o f geography, m e a n in g and d efin itio n o f oceanography, scope o f o c ea n o g ra p h y , b ra n c h e s o f o c ean o g rap h y , g ro w th o f o c ea n o g ra p h y , s u m m a ry o f th e h isto ry o f oceanography, o rig in o f a tm o sp h ere , o rig in o f o c e a n s, o c e a n 's c h a ra c te ristic featu res, 1 2 3 5 9 24 26 27 28 IQ -58 Scanned by CamScanner NATURE OF OCEANOGRAPHY H ydrosphere is one o f five m ajor com po­ nents o f the planet earth, nam ely, lithosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere, and cryosphere. About th ree-fo u rth o f the globe (70.8 percent) is covered by hydrosphere. Out o f the total surface area o f the globe (509,950,000 km 2), lithosphere and hydrosphere cover 148,890,000 km2 and 361,060,000 k m 2 respectively. The oceans and seas covering largest surface area o f the globle are of param ount significance to all o f the living organisms inclu d in g m an o f the biosphere be­ cause they help in the functioning o f global hydrological cycle through atm ospheric-oceanic circulation system ; they are significant sink o f carbon dioxide and thus help in reducing the greenhouse e ffe ct caused by hum an activities; they help in the dispersal o f seeds and small animals through ocean currents; they provide vital m ineral and biological resources, they help in the trade and com m erce; they provide varying marine habitats fo r the evolution, and develop­ ment o f m arine organism s etc. This is why the study o f various aspects o f oceans and seas under the banner o f oceanography has alw ays been at the center stage o f the developm ent o f hum an culture and civilization. 1.1 OCEANOGRAPHY : A BRANCH OF SCIENCE G enerally, people think oceanography as a pure science based on the fundam entals o f physics, chem istry, and m athem atics b u t this is not true because the discipline o f oceanography besides dealing with the physical and chem ical characteristics o f oceans, it also studies m arine organisms in tem poral and spatial contexts. Thus, oceanography is the am algam ation o f the fu n d a­ mentals o f pure and life sciences (botany, zoology, and ecology). It is, thus, apparent that oceanography is an applied branch o f sciences, both pure and biological sciences. The exclusion o f geography from the am bit o f oceanography in no way can be ju stifie d because different aspects o f oceanography, nam ely distribution o f continents and ocean basins (including seas), ocean dynamics and m ovem ents (ocean currents and tides), m arine sedim ents and deposits, marine organism s including corals, marine habitats, m arine resources etc., cannot be studied w ithout spatial consideration. It is also true that geography being a spatial science, is also a part o f sciences. Thus, it becomes obvious that Scanned by CamScanner 2 oceanography oceanography is a branch o f sciences including pure sciences, biological sciences, and space science (geography). 1.2 OCEANOGRAPHY : A BRANCH OF PHYSI­ CAL GEOGRAPHY Physical geography is one o f the two branches o f geography, namely physical geogra­ phy and hum an geography. In fact, the study o f physical aspects o f the planet earth represents the core o f spatial science, i.e., geography. Most of geographers have pleaded for bifurcation of geography into physical and human geography but it is rather unwise to ignore biotic aspects of the biospheric ecosystem or the earth and hence there should be trifurcation of geography into physical geography, human geography, and bio­ geography. Physical geography in terms of its meaning and definition, scope (subject matter), and meth­ ods o f study has undergone seachange in the past few decades. In the beginning, physical geogra­ phy was defined as the study of only physical environm ent, namely, land (reliefs), air and water (hydrosphere) o f the earth as is seen in the following definition : The study o f physical environment by itself is physical geography which includes considera­ tion o f surface reliefofthegloble (geomorphology), o f the seas and the oceans (oceanography), and o f the air (meteorology and climatology) ” " Arthur H olm es Arthur Holmes further elaborated the definition o f physical geography as follows : “Physical geography is simply the study o f unification o f a number o f earth sciences which give us a general insight into the nature o f man's environment. Not in itself a distinct branch o f science physical geography is a body o f basic principles o f earth sciences selected with a view to include primarily the environmental influces that varyfrom place to place over the earth's surface. " Arthur Holmes, I960 It may be pointed out that presently physical geography is not only the agglomeration and unification o f earth sciences as referred to above but it also studies the patterns o f interac­ tions between human activities and physical environment. As a distinct branch o f geography, physical geography studies the spatial patterns and spatial relationships o f environmental com­ ponents o f the globe in regional context, it also studies the causes o f regional patterns o f such spatial relationships, sim ultaneously it incorpo­ rates the explanation o f spatial and temporal changes o f environmental components and causes thereof. It is evident that the focus o f the study of physical geography is the biosphere (life layer) comprising the envelope o f land, air and water around the globe which supports the life of all biota o f the lithosphere and hydrosphere (plants and animals) on the earth surface. It is, thus, apparent that besides the study of lithosphere, atmosphere, and hydrosphere, the study o f biosphere has also been incorporated in physical geography. Recently, one more aspect of the planet earth e.g. cryosphere, has been added to the scope o f physical geography. It may be mentioned that cryosphere includes frozen parts o f both continents and oceans. Thus, physical geography may be defined in the following terms "Physical geography is the study o f charac­ teristic features o f lithosphere (geomorphology), atmosphere (climatology), biosphere (biogeogra­ phy), and cryosphere (cryogeography). " Savindra Singh, 2007 It is, thus, evident that the study o f hydrosphere, say oceanography, is an integral part o f physical geography. The study o f hydrospheric component in­ volves the consideration o f reliefs o f the ocean basins (continental shelves, submarine canyons, continental slope, deep sea plains, ocean deeps etc.); thermal characteristics o f ocean water; salinity (composition o f seawater, sources and distribution o f oceanic salinity); ocean deposits; ocean tides; ocean currents and coral reefs and atolls, marine sediments, marine resources, coastal processes, coastal habitats and biomes, marine ecology and marine organisms, m an and marine environment etc. Scanned by CamScanner - •. ;■ ■ 3 MATURE o f o c e a n o g r a p h y 1 3 OCEANOGRAPHY : MEANING AND ' d e f in it io n T he scien ce o f oceanography consists o f two G reek w ords e.g. okeanos or oceanus, m eaning thereby oceans, and graphia, m eaning thereby description. T hus, based on literal m eaning o f oceanography, it m ay be defined as follow s : "Oceanography is the description o f ma­ rine environment, say marine phenomena. -(I) It m ay be m entioned th at any science cannot be m erely th e d escription o f phenom ena, rather it m ust be an in vestigative and interpretative d isci­ pline. B ased on. this prem ise the science o f ocean o graphy m ay be defined as follow s : “O ceanography is that marine science which investigates and interprets marine environ­ ment and phenomena, and marine processes, namely physical, chemical, and biological proc­ ...(2) esses. ” In fact, the term oceanology represents m arine e n v iro n m en t and processes m ore com pre­ hensively an d m ore pro m in en tly than ocean o g ra­ phy but tra d itio n a lly oceanography has been in w ider use am ong the general public and hence it could n ev er be rep laced by oceanology, ‘ology’ means ‘science of7, and thus oceanology m eans science o f oceans. T h is term gives m ore scientific hue to the o cean s an d hence geography o f oceans. A few o f the trad itio n al definitions o f oceanography are g iv en below : "Oceanography em braces all studies p e r­ taining to the sea and integrates -the knowledge gained in the m arine sciences that deal with such subjects as the ocean boundaries and bottom topography, the ph ysics and chemistry o f sea water, the type ofcurrents, and the m a n y phases o f marine biology. ” ••■(3) H.U. Sverdrup, M.W. Johnson, and R.H. Flemming "Oceanography like meteorology is a sci­ ence which has grown from geographic soil. It is c°nserned with the hydrosphere, a very mobile p a r t o f the earth, an d stu dies tides, currents, p h ysical properties o f ocean water, configuration o f the coasts and the ocean flo o r, an d life in the ocean as w ell as its region al distribution. It is ; intim ately associated with the exact sciences. • ■■■(*) Freeman “O c e a n o g r a p h y , the scien ce o f the sea, embraces prim arily the stu dy o f the fo rm and nature o f the oceanic basins, the ch aracteristics o f the waters in these basins and the m ovem ents to which these waters are subjected to. ~ (5) H.A. Maimer I f w e co n sid er th e c o n ten ts o f a fo re sa id definitions o f ocean o g rap h y , it b e co m e s c le a r th a t m ost o f the above m en tio n ed d e fin itio n s also reveal the contents o f stu d y to be p u rs u e d u n d e r the discipline o f ocean o g rap h y . B a se d o n a b o v e facts a com prehensive d efin itio n o f o c e a n o g ra p h y m ay be presented in the fo llo w in g m a n n e r : "Oceanography is a science that in vesti­ gates and interprets the ch aracteristics and origin o f ocean basins and reliefs thereof, physical and chemical properties o f sea w a ter (temperature, salinity and density), ocean dynam ­ ics (tides, sea waves, ocean currents, an d tid a l surges including trunamis), coastal p ro cesses and coastal scenery, marine sedim ents and ocean deposits, coastal habitats and marine ecology, marine resources, marine organisms and b io lo g i­ cal productivity, and man and marine environ­ m ent.” --(6 ) Savindra Singh, 2007 1.4 SCOPE OF OCEANOGRAPHY A close perusal o f d efin itio n s o f o c e a n o g ra ­ phy, as discussed in th e p rev io u s se c tio n 1.3, clearly reveals the scope o f o c ean o g rap h y , say subject m atter to b e stu d ied in th is d iscip lin e. In a very sim ple term the stu d y o f h y d ro sp h ere (oceans and seas), say w atersp h ere c o v erin g 9 7.2 percent o f all w ater, b o th in liq u id and so lid form (ice) is called ocean o g rap h y o r th e geography of oceam, w hich includes the c o n sid e ra tio n o f Scanned by CamScanner description and analysis o f physical and biologi­ cal aspects o f hydrosphere. A ccording to J. Proudm an fundamental principles o f dynam ics and therm odynam ics are also studied in relation to characteristics o f ocean w ater and biological aspects. Thus, the science o f oceans, i.e., oceanography includes the studies o f m arine geology, m arine geomorphology, physical oceanography, chem istry o f ocean water, and bio­ oceanography. M arine geology and m arine geom orphology aspects o f oceanography include the consideration o f the origin o f ocean basins (continental drift, and sea-floor spreading on the basis o f plate tectonics); origin and characteristics of m arine sedim ents, and deposition thereof; mode o f operation o f coastal processes (sea w aves) and characteristic features o f coastal landform s. Physical aspects o f oceanography study the characteristics o f physical properties o f ocean w ater (such as temperature, pressure, density, salinity, com pressibility, viscosity, water m asses and their distributional patterns), and dynam ics o f ocean water, namely sea waves, ocean currents, tides, tsunamis, tidal and storm surges etc. Recently, marine meteorology is also in­ cluded in oceanography wherein atmospheric conditions over ocean water are studied. The biological aspect o f oceanography includes the study o f the characteristics, evolution, distribu­ tion and dispersal o f marine organisms; coastal habitats and biome, marine ecology and marine ecological productivity. The appearance o f man after industrial revolution as ‘economic man’ has greatly affected m arine environm ent and therefore the study o f the im pacts o f hum an activities on marine environ­ m ent has becom e very important subject matter of the scope o f oceanography. Thus, the subject matter and contents o f the study o f the science o f oceanography may be sum m arized as follows : (1) marine geological and tectonic aspects >■ origin o f oceans (2) marine geomorphological aspect* reliefs o f the ocean basins (3) (i) continental shelf and slope (ii) deep sea plains and trenches (iii) submarine conyons ► coastal processes and coastal landfonos physical and chemical aspects temperature o f ocean water >■ density o f ocean water *- viscosity, pressure and compressibility >• water masses and their distributional patterns >■ salinity o f ocean water (4) >■ marine sediments and deposits dynamics of oceans >- sea waves >■ ocean currents ocean tides tsunamis >■ tidal surges (5) global atmosphere-ocean circulation : air-sea interactions ^ atmospheric circulation and ocean currents *- southern oscillation and Walker cir­ culation >■ El Nino (6) coastal habitats and bionics ► coastal habitats (i) estuaries (ii) wetlands (iii) lagoons (iv) mangroves *■ coastal biomes >- origin o f ocean basins : continental drift (i) littoral biome v (ii) sublittoral biome plate tectonics and sea-floor spread­ ing (iii) pelagic biome Scanned by CamScanner 5 nature o f o cea n o g ra ph y (7) m arine organism s and m arine ecology (i) classificatio n o f m arine organism s (ii) m arine ecological produtivity (iii) marine food chains and biogeochemica) cycles (iv) m arine plants (v) m arine anim als 1.5 BRANCHES OF OCEANOGRAPHY If we consider the contents o f definitions o f oceanography (section 1.3), and the subject matter to be studied in the discipline o f oceanog­ raphy (section 1.4) together, the follow ing branches o f the discipline may be identified : • geological oceanography • geom orphological oceanography (8) coral reefs and atolls (7) m arine resources (9) m an and m arine environm ent • physical oceanography • chem ical oceanography Fig. 1 .1 : Branches o f oceanography. • d y n am ic o c e a n o g ra p h y • b io lo g ic a l o c e a n o g ra p h y • econom ic o c e a n o g ra p h y • e n v iro n m e n ta l o c e a n o g ra p h y The a fo re sa id 8 b ra n c h e s o f o c ea n o g ra p h y maV be fused to g e th e r so as to fo rm fo u r m a jo r branches as fo llo w s : 5s- p h y sical o cean o g rap h y (in clu d in g dy n am ic o c ea n o g ra p h y ) s* ch em ical o cean o g rap h y b io lo g ical o cean o g rap h y (in c lu d in g eco n o m ic an d e n v iro n m e n ta l o c ean o g rap h y ) Geological Oceanography v geological o c e a n o g ra p h y (including g e o m o n o p h o lo g ic a l o c e a n o g ra - G e o lo g ica l o cea n o g ra p h y is p rim a rily c o n ­ c ern ed w ith th e stu d y o f th e c h a ra c te ristic fe a tu re s Scanned by CamScanner OCEANOGRAPHY 6 and form ation o f sea floor, the origin o f ocean basins, the plate m ovem ents and sea-floor spread­ ing through tim e, m arine sedim ents in tem poral contexts etc. In this context the study o f therm al convective currents originating in the m antle becom es necessary. Geomorphological Oceanography G eom orphological oceanography includes the consideration o f m echanism s o f coastal processes o f denudation and characteristc result­ ant coastal iandform s, such as sea cliffs, wave-cut platform s, sea coves and caves, skerries, stacks, w ave-built platform s, sea beaches etc. It may be m entioned that these landforrns provide ideal habitats for different types o f marine organisms including m arine plants, animals and m icro­ organism s. It is, thus, obvious that these different geom orphological habitats and niches creat ma­ rine environm ents o f varying spatial scales. controls the d en sity o f seaw ater, m ovem ent of seaw ater, ev ap o ratio n m ech an ism , and marine organism s. It also in clu d es the co n sid eratio n of pollution o f seaw ater, an d ex tra ctio n o f some chem icals from salin e sea w ater so th at it may becom e u sab le atleast for d rin k in g purpose. Dynamic Oceanography D ynam ic o cean o g rap h y is p rim a rily con­ cerned w ith the study o f g en esis and ch aracteris­ tics o f various types o f m o tio n s o f sea w ater such as sea w aves, ocean cu rren ts, tid es, tsu n am is, and tidal and storm surges. It also in clu d es th e study of air-sea interactions and resu ltan t s o u th e r n oscilla­ tion and Walker c irc u la tio n . B esid es, E l Nino phenom ena, and tsunam is are given m o re focussed attention because these affect m arin e organism s to great extent. It m ay be m en tio n ed th at the study o f air-sea interactions is called m a rin e m eteo ro lo g y . Biological Oceanography Physical Oceanography Physical oceanography studies basically the physical properties o f ocean water in terms of therm al conditions, density, turbidity, viscosity, com pressibility o f ocean waters etc. In fact it includes the study of temperature and density of ocean w ater in tem poral and spatial contexts because these two properties determine the m otions o f sea w ater and movement o f water mass in the oceans. Some scientists advocate for the inclusion o f dynamics o f oceans such as sea w aves, ocean currents, tides etc. in physical oceanography, while others argue for the discus­ sion o f ocean dynamics in a separate branch of oceanography, as dynamic oceanography. The types, characteristics and origin, and the distribu­ tional patterns o f marine sedim ents are also studied in physical oceanography. Chemical Oceanography Basically, chemical oceanography is the study o f chemical com position and charactcritics o f seawater. The study o f salinity o f oceans is given more attention because it affects and Biological oceanography is b asiccally the study of different aspects o f m arine organism s (e.g. characteristics and distribution o f sea plants, sea anim als, and sea m icro-organism s); ch arac­ teristic features o f coastal habitats such as wetlands, corals, m angroves, sea beaches, la­ goons etc.; m arine biom es; ecological p ro d u c tiv ­ ity, marine food chains, and marine biogeochem ical cycle. Economic Oceanography Econom ically, oceans have becom e very significant resource base because these provide both biological and m ineral resources for hum an use. B esides, oceans have alw ays been used for trade and com m erce since tim e im m em orial. Oceans becam e o f m uch strategic im portance since 19th century. The econom ic oceanography deals w ith the characteristics, origin, im portance, classification, and distribution o f m arine re­ sources. O ceans besides providing a num ber of biological resources (food and non-food), also provide very vital resources o f great economic im portance (such as m ineral oil and natural gas), Scanned by CamScanner 7 NATURE OF OCEANOGRAPHY and non-conventional energy resources, namely tidal energy, w ave energy, and biomass energy. The study o f strategic aspects o f oceans is called strategic oceanography, while international oceanog­ raphy deals w ith strategic aspects o f oceans, and international laws o f seas. Environmental Oceanography Environm ental oceanography is prim arily concerned w ith the study o f interactions o f man and m arine environm ent, adverse impacts in the form o f pollution resulting therefrom , and reme-dial m easures thereof. The everincreasing human presence in the oceans and hum an economic activities such as extraction o f m inerals including m ineral oil, harvesting o f m arine biological resources (m ainly food resources), dredging o f sea beds for different purposes (e.g. dredging o f harbours, construction o f ship canals, for exam ­ ple, Sethusam udram Ship Canal through the bay o f M annar and Palk Bay in India), plying o f oil tankers (and resultant oil slicks due to spilling o f crude oil from dam aged oil tankers), industrial and urban growth in the im m ediate hinterlands o f sea coasts, d e fo re sta tio n (on the continents) etc. cause m arine pollution o f various sorts. It may be m entioned that forests are the largest sinks o f atm ospheric carbon dioxide. D eforestation re­ duces consum ption o f carbon dioxide, and hence oceans (w hich are second largest sinks o f carbon dioxide) have to absorb m ore atm ospheric carbon dioxide. This leads to increase in the acidity o f ocean water. The m elting o f continental glaciers and ice sheets, and ice sheets o f the A rctic Sea due to greenhouse effect and global w an n in g caused by anthropogenic sources leads to rise in sea level and clim ate changes, w hich introduce large-scale changes in ocean-atm ospheric circulation. The study o f these aspects has gained currency in the present century. 1.6 OCEANOGRAPHY AND OTHER SCIENCES It is true that oceanography is not pure science like m athem atics, physics, and chem istry, Fig. 1.2 : Relationships between oceanography and other sciences. ■>V' ri ; I ■::©i Scanned by CamScanner OCEANOGRAPHY 8 rather it is an applied science inv°lving fun ^ m entals o f other disciplines o f scienc , science such as physics, chemistry, > geology, (fig. 1.2), and interdisciplinary sciences namely geophysics, geochemistry (which are interrelated with physics, geology, and chem is­ try), biophysics (outcome o f physics and b io l­ ogy), biochem istry (related directly with biology and chem istry), and geography, which is a space science (fig. 1.2). Oceanography includes the study o f liquid hydrosphere (ocean water), solid hydrosphere (crust o f the ocean basins), and living hydrosphere (marine organism s). Since the ocean w ater rests on ocean crusts and hence it becomes necessary to investigate the origin and evolution o f ocean basins, and structure and com position o f ocean crusts and the sedim ents resting on them, volcanic and seism ic events occurring on ocean beds. The knowledge of geology helps in understanding these aspects o f oceanography. The geom orphological evolution o f bottom reliefs and coastal landscapes, which form suit­ able habitats o f different sorts for marine organ­ isms, is closely related with geomorphology w hich is itse lf related with geology and geogra­ phy. Thus geomorphology helps in understanding the coastal configuration. It may be m entioned that oceanography is a branch o f physical geography which is closely related to pure sciences (physics and chem istry), earth sciences (geology, geophysics, and geogra­ phy), and biological sciences (botany, zoology, and ecology). Geography in itself being an interdisciplinary science, is related with biologi­ cal sciences, earth sciences, and pure sciences, and thus oceanography draws much from geogra­ phy. B esides, geography being a spatial science, helps in determ ining boundaries, and m apping different m arine attributes, such as tem perature, density, salinity, m arine deposits etc., and in identifying distributional patterns o f these at­ tributes. In nut shell it may be m entioned that geography helps in the study o f locational aspects o f sea phenom ena. The study o f motions o f ocean waters is very significant in oceanography, and this is facilitated through the principles o f thermody­ nam ics and h y d ro d y n am ics d e riv e d fro m physic,. Such m otions in clu d e sea w av es, ocean currents, tidal currents and tid a l su rg es, sto rm surges, tsunam is etc. T h e o re tic al p h y sics h elp s in under­ standing the c h a ra c te ristic s, o rig in and m ode of operation o f th ese m o tio n s o f o c ea n m otions. A few devastating ev en ts o f tsu n am is in th e recent past (like S um atra tsu n am i o f D e c e m b e r 26,2004) have m ade the stu d y o f o cean d y n a m ic s as a whole significant, and o f m uch h u m an im p o rtan ce. The study o f the n atu re o f tsu n am is, tid a l and storm surges has draw n m ore fo c u sse d a tte n tio n from the scientists o f d ifferen t d isc ip lin e s a fte r killer tsunam i o f D ecem b er 26, 2 0 0 4 w h ic h claim ed m ore than 200,000 hum an liv es in th e countries bordering Indian O cean, m a in ly In d ia, Srilanka, T hailand, and Indonesia. C hem istry helps in understanding the chemical properties o f ocean w aters. C o m p o sitio n of seaw ater in term s o f salt c o n ten ts o f different types o f salts affects m arin e life, m o v em en t o f ocean w ater, and e v ap o ratio n co m p o n en t .of global hydrological cycle. T h e k n o w led g e o f chem istry also helps in sep aratin g ch em ica ls from ocean w aters and to m ake th em u sab le fo r hum an being. For example, desalinization and dealkalization o f ocean w ater m ay be carried th ro u g h a p p ro p ri­ ate chem ical process. Geophysics helps in the study o f th e n a tu re and mode o f plate tectonics w hich reveal the secret o f sea-floor spreading and co ntinental drift, o rig in o f various types o f fractures and faults on th e sea beds, nature o f vertical endogenetic m o v em en ts leading to the occurrences o f u n d ersea earth q u ak es and vulcanicity, undersea landslides, w h ich m ay generate pow erful tsunam i w aves. Marine life is clo sely related to biological sciences. The principles and p rocesses o f evolution o f life, biotic succession , b io g eo ch em ica l cycles, ecological productivity and transfer o f energy etc. greatly help in understanding the characteristics o f marine organisms including marine plants, animals, and m icro-organism s. B esides, other disciplin es such as marine m eteorology, ocean engineering, marine archae° l° g y , international law s, disaster management, cryogeography (Savindra Singh, 2 0 0 7 ) etc. also help in the study o f oceans. Scanned by CamScanner w ,w • 9 NATURE OF OCEANOGRAPHY 1.7 GROWTH OF OCEANOGRAPHY : HISTORI­ CAL PERSPECTIVE The growth o f oceanography is closely related to the developm ent o f knowledge o f skill o f making vessels, and navigation leading to the explorations and discovery o f different oceans, seas, and islands, and sea phenomena through successive stages in tune with the advancement o f science and technology and human skill, and state o f art. Thus, the growth o f knowledge o f oceans may be studied in a number o f ways as follow s : Growth o f Oceanography • stage o f individual approach • dark age • stage o f system atic approach • stage o f international approach or Growth o f Oceanography • ancient or classical period • middle period or darke age • modern period or age o f discovery and exploration or Growth o f Oceanography • early history • m iddle a g e , • m odem age 1. Stage of Individual Approach (Ancient Pe­ riod) The initial stage or first stage o f the know ledge o f oceans was characterized by indi­ vidual efforts o f the early mariners. This period is also known as ancient or classical period which was enriched by the know ledge o f seas and oceans by individual mariners, historians, philosphers and travelers. This period covering a long period o f time from pre-historic period (4000 B.C.) to 2nd century A .D . is divided in 3 sub-periods or 3 stages o f the developm ent o f know ledge o f oceans and seas, as fo llo w s : >- early period : from the age o f H om er (4000 B .C .) to the age o f H ecatius (500 B .C.). >- period of m easurem ent from 500 B.C. to the tim e o f Strabbo (54 B .C .— 25 A .D .) > period of m apping of oceans from 1st century to 2nd century A.D. The ancient period o f the gro w th o f k now l­ edge o f oceanography sp read in g o v er a long period o f about 4200 years (from 4 0 0 0 B.C. to 2nd century A .D .) is also know n as classical period o f historical developm ent o f o cean o grap h y . The follow ing are the salien t features o f d ev elo p m en t o f know ledge o f oceans, seas and n av ig atio n during three sub-periods o f an cien t age : (1) Early Period : This period sp read o v er about 3500 years (from 4000 B.C. to 500 B .C .) w as m arked by the navigation o f certain p o rtio n s o f the Pacific O cean and M ed iterran ean sea b y individual m ariners. T hus the early sta g e o f navigation o f oceans and seas w as b a se d on invidual voyages. It is not p recisely k n o w n as to who developed first the art o f n av ig atio n b u t it is generally believed that the E g y p tian s d e v e lo p e d the art o f m aking o f v essels and n a v ig a tio n o f coastal areas as early as 4000 B .C . T he fo llo w in g are the salient features o f d e v e lo p m e n t o f know ledge o f vessel m aking and n a v ig a tio n during early period o f th e g ro w th o f o c e a n o g ra ­ phy : 3- E gyptians d ev elo p ed th e art o f b u ild in g o f vessels for n av ig atio n , and sta rte d c o a sta l pioloting in the M ed iterran e a n S ea as early as 4000 B.C. »- It is b eliev ed th a t th e a n c e sto rs o f th e inhabitants o f the P a c ific isla n d s w e re n o t the natives o f th ese isla n d s, ra th e r th ey cam e from o th e r areas. 3- M ost o f the islan d s o f th e cen tral P a c ific O ceans w ere settled b y th e P o ly n e sia n s b etw een 2000 B .C . and 5 00 B .C . T he P acific islan d s are d iv id e d in th re e g ro u p s as follow s : • M icronesia re p re se n ts g ro u p o f sm all islan d s (m icro = sm all, n e s ia = isla n d s) lo cated b etw ee n th e la titu d e s o f 0° (e q u ato r) an d 2 3 .5 ° N , an d lo n g itu d e s o f 125° E an d 180° E (fig. 1.3). Scanned by CamScanner s ■■ OCEANOGRAPHY 10 • M elanesia (melan - bl^ck> ^ eS . islands, i.e., islands inhabited by black skinned people) consists o f islands o f the Pacific located to the south M icro­ nesia betw een the equator-30 S lati­ tude, and 125°- 180° E longitude. Significant islands are N ew Ireland, B orneo, Papua New G uinea, B runei, C alebes, New H ebrides etc. • P o ly n esia (poly = many, nesia = islands, group o f many islands) includes the islands o f the central and eastern Pacific Ocean. Important islands are Howaiian islands, Marquesas islands, Samoa islands, Toga, Easter Islands, Samoa etc. 5- Phoenesians are considered to be the first n avigators from Europe. It may be men- tioned that the people living in the eastern marginal coastal areas o f the Mediterra­ nean Sea, representing the present position o f Syria, Lebanon and Israel, were called Phoenesians, w ho developed the art o f navigation. Phoenesians explored the en­ tire Mediterranean Sea, Red Sea,, and parts o f Indian Oceans betw een 1000 B.C. and 600 B.C. Phoenesians are believed to have first circum-navigated A frica in 590 B.C. » Phoenesians also sailed in the A tlantic Ocean and reached C om w al, England. » The early navigators used coastal land marks and stars to sail their v essels, and thus they seldom ventured in the deep sea. Fig. 1.3 : Exploration o f Pacific islands. (2) Early Period of M easurem ent : This period was spread over about 500 years from 500 B.C. to the time o f Strabbo (54 BC - 25 A.D .). A number o f attempts were made to measure various c o m p o n e n t s o f the oceans. The follow in g are the s ig n ifie s ^ contributions in the field o f oceanography : Scanned by CamScanner NATURE OF OCEANOGRAPHY >- Pytheas w as probably the first navigator from G reece w ho circum -navigated E ng­ land and m easured the length o f coastlines o f E ngland in the 4th century B.C.; then he sailed to Iceland in 325 B.C. Pytheas was b asically astronom er-geographer, so he attem p ted to determ ine latitudes and longitudes o f a place w ith the help o f stars. D uring his voyage he also studied tides and propounded the concept o f lunar origin o f tides. In other w ords, according to Pytheas tides w ere originated due to influence o f m oon. Pytheas is also given credit to study the ocean processes such as tidal process. A ccording to him the regular variation o f tides in the A tlan tic O cean w as in tune w ith various phases o f the m oon. H erodotus p roduced a m ap o f the M ed iter­ ranean Sea in 4 50 B .C ., w hich w as surrounded by th ree co n tin en ts, nam ely Europe (E uropa), A sia, and L ybia (now the no rthernm ost p art o f A frica. It is ap p aren t from fig. 1.4 that H ero d o tu s b eliev ed in v ast extent o f oceans w hich su rro u n d ed three continents. H e n am ed the oceans m are. H e visualized 3 m ajor oceans (m are) su r­ rounding three co n tin en ts (as m en tio n ed above). T hese oceans w ere m ark ed on the map (fig. 1.4) as (1) M are E ry th raeu m , (2) M are A ustralis, and (3) M are A tlan ticu m . e&o, ’n8s Mas:SaQetae r.a m c a s ^5 Araxes Sogdi Phrygia / A rm enia f\ra * eS Bactri Caspapyrus Fig. 1.4 : The Herodotus ’map o f the world-the Greek world, sou rce: Challenger, Report, 1S95 A.D., in P. R. Pinet, 2000. »■ Eratosthenes (276-192 B .C .) was a G reek scholar and librarian in A lexandria o f Egypt. H e is given credit to determ ine the circum ference o f the earth w ith great accuracy. H e calculated the polar circum ferce (through north and south p o les) on the basis o f trig n o m etry , as 40,000 k m (2 4 ,8 4 0 m iles), w hich fell sh o rt o f o nly 32 k m from Scanned by CamScanner OCEANOGRAPHY 12 the present day accurate polar circum fer­ ence of 40,032 km (24,875 miles) o f the earth. s- strabbo (54BC-25A.D.) presented detailed description of land and sea. (3) E arly P eriod of M apping of Oceans : This period o f developm ent of knowledge of oceanography includes a time span of 200 years (1st and 2nd century A.D.). The following contributions are noteworthy in the field of the science o f oceans, say oceanography : s- Roman thinker Seneca (54 B.C. - 30 A.D.) observed inflow of water through rivers into the oceans and seas, the evaporation of ocean water, and sea level. On the basis of his observations, he opined that inspite of huge volume of water brought by the rivers into the seas and oceans, the sea level remains constant because the additional input o f water was suitably compensated by proportionate loss of water through evaporation. Thus Seneca visualized glo­ bal hydrological cycle. >- G reek Ptolem y compiled the map of entire Roman world in about 150 A.D. This map carried longitudes and latitudes. This map contained 3 continents of Europe, Asia, and Africa. Indian ocean was shown as closed sea surrounded by landmasses, which were not identified and named by Ptolemy. He visualized all the oceans like seas. It appears that he was influenced by the presence o f Mediterranean Sea. >■ P osidonium measured the depths o f ocean upto 1000 fathoms near Sardinia. 2. Middle Age : Dark Age M iddle age, very often known as dark age in the scientific world, continued from the end o f the 2nd century A.D. to the 14th century A.D. when no significant contributions could be made in the field of oceanography. The significant turn in the political scene in the regions surrounding the M editerranean Sea was very much reflected in the sluggish development o f knowledge in the field o f sciences including oceanography. The M editerra­ nean region was dom inated by the A rabs after the fall o f the Roman Em pire in the 5th century A.D. The entire long period o f about 1200 years was dominated by religious orthodoxy. The initiatives taken by the Roman philosophers, historians, thinkers, and navigators were overshadow ed by the Arabs who were in command. Consequently, ‘the western concept o f w orld geography degen­ erated considerably, one notion envisioned in the world as a disc with Jerusalem at the cen ter’ (H. V. Thurman and A.P. Trujillo, 1999). It may be m entioned that the A rabs were trading communities and hence they used to extensively trade with north and east Africa, Southeast Asia, and India across Indian Ocean. They understood the seasonal pattern o f wind circulation over Indian Ocean and thus they used to navigate with their ships carrying goods from the eastern parts o f Africa towards east follow ing the S. W. Monsoon winds across Indian Ocean while they used to return back during w inter season following the direction o f N.E. M onsoon winds. The following are the significant contribu­ tions in the field o f oceanography during dark age : >■ A.D. 673 - 735 : Bede, an English monk, observed the tidal phenomena, and opined that ocean tides were largely controlled by the moon, which he called lu n a r co n tro l. He also described tidal behaviour and ob­ served that there were monthly variations in ocean tides, and the height o f tides was greatly influced by the force o f wind. His publication, De T em porum R atio n e, con­ tained his descriptions o f oceans and tides. >■ Unlike Arab world, the inhabitants of northwestern Europe, called as V ikings of Scandinavia (Norway and Sweden) ven­ tured to sail through N orth A tlantic Ocean. The Vikings reached Iceland and colo­ nized the island in the late 9th century because o f warming o f climate in the northern hemisphere. >• The period from 950 to 1250 A.D., i.e., 300 year - period is called as a phase o f ‘little climatic optinum’ when climate became warm and relatively dry as average tem­ perature increased by 1° to 2°.C from the Scanned by CamScanner 13 n atu re o f o ceanography Ericson who nam ed the island as V inland, which later on becam e N ewfoundland. It may be m entioned that Ericson sailed directly from the southern tip o f Greenland present-day global average tem perature. The clim ate o f G reenland and Iceland becam e m ild and attracted the Vickings from Iceland to settle in Greenland. The clim ate in the southern G reenland allowed the grow th o f stunted vegetation, pasture, and agriculture to support newly settled hum an population, (fig. 1.5). to V inland (fig. 1-5). ^ >- The V ikings reached southern Greenland from Iceland under the leadership or Eric th e R ed, who further sailed westward from G reenland and reached Baffin Island of Canada. Thus, Eric the Red is given credit to discover Baffin island (fig. 1.5). H erjolfsson started from Iceland for Greenland but unknowingly reached Vinland, m odern N ewfoundland because he took more southerly route. Soon after he real­ ized his m istake and returned back without landing on the island. B jarn i L eif E ricson, the son o f Eric the Red, learned about Vinland from Bjarni Herjolfsson, and sailed to Vinland and colonized it in the y ear 995. In fact, it was vmuumuiuu' - . '1" ' " 1'!71 ' Greenland The period from 1250 A.D. to HSO A . a was characterized by the reversal o f m ild clim ate o f 10th to 13th centuries, as tem perature began to drop causing accu­ mulation o f more ice over G reenland, drifting o f ice sheets and num erous ice­ bergs in the North Atlantic Ocean. The drifting icebergs disrupted physical connection o f G reenland with Iceland and Europe. This clim atic change discouraged voyages through the N o rth A tlan tic Ocean. 3. The Great Age of Discovery and Exploration The period from 15th to 16th century is called ‘the great age o f discovery and exploration because efforts were made during this period to discover and explore new areas. C olum bus discovered America and M agellan circum navi­ gated the globe. The map presented by O rtelius m 1570 provided new knowledge about the distribu­ tion of land and seas. Significant contributions were made in the fields o f origin o f coastal geomorphology, theoretical base o f the origin o f tides, ocean currents, and sea w aves during this period of renaissance. The following are the salient features o f discovery and exploration during this period o f renaissance : >- Navigators from P o rtu g a l and S p a in are given full credit for discovering new areas like A m ericas, and opening o f new routes to India, East Indies etc. via Cape o f Good Hope (southern tip o f South Africa). First Viking voyage to Iceland -------- Leif Eriksson Fig 1 .5 : The voyages of Vikings of Scandinavia and discovery o f Greenland, Newfoundland and Vinlarul (N e w fo u n d la n d ) . Source : based on and m odified from Thurman and Trujillo, >■ Question arises as to why there was sudden spurt in discovery and exploration by the Europeans? In fact, the econom ic im por­ tance o f the New W orld, India, and S.E. Asia on one hand, and the fall o f C onstan­ tinople in the hands o f Sultan M oham m ed II in the year 1453, and consequential 1999. Scanned by CamScanner 14 OCEANOGRAPHY isolation o f the port cities bordering the M editerranean Sea from the access to India, Asia, and East Indies on the other land, forced the Europeans to search new routes. Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519 A.D.) stud­ ied currents and waves and presented detailed accounts about them. He postu­ lated that there were fluctuations in sea level. His observation was based on the study o f marine fossils found over the m ountains o f Italy. (of Spain) discov­ ered North America. Columbus started his voyage from Canary Islands on August 3, 1492 with 88 men and 3 ships. In fact] Colum bus planned to sail westward to reach East Indies (till then Americas were not known) but reached West Indies. Thus in place of reaching India, he discovered North America and islands in the Carribbean Sea. C hristopher Columbus Prince H e n r y th e N a v ig a to r o f Portugal is given credit to establish marine observa­ tory in Portugal so that Portuguese naviga­ tors and sailors could he trained in sailing skill so that they could search new alterna­ tive sea routes to India and East Indies but this could not be possible till I486 A.D. when B a r th o lo m e u D ia z became successful in rounding the Cape Agulhas. It may be m entioned that prior to this successful attem pt several abortive attempts were made to circumnavigate the Cape of A gulhas. »• It was the year 1500 A.D. when P ed ro A lv a r e s C a b r a l sailed across the Atlantic Ocean and discovered B razil of South Am erica. >• J u a n P o u n c e d e L eon observed the currents in the G u lf o f M exico and described the nature o f Florida current, which was found to be a powerful current with great velocity in the year 1513 A.D. >• The Pacific Ocean became known to Europeans in the year 1513 when V a sco Nunez de Balboa sailed through the central Atlantic Ocean and sailed to Panama and became successful in crossing the Isthmus o f Panama and sailed in the Pacific. It may be mentioned that Balboa could see a vast sea to the west o f Panama by clim bing a mountain top. ► Peter Maty r observed and studied the nature o f the G ulf Stream and described the mode o f its origin in the year 1515 A.D. >• The age o f great discovery reached its culmination when Ferdinand Magellan made a successful circum navigation o f the globe covering largest distance through oceans and seas, which was never achieved by any navigator earlier. The historic voyage started on September 20, 1519 from Sanlucar de Barrameda o f Spain under the leadership o f M agellan, who started his voyage with 5 ships and 280 sailors. He sailed south-westward across the A tlantic Ocean to the eastern coast o f South America, and reached the southernm ost tip of this continent. Here he located a strait measuring 500 km in width in the year 1519 (in December). This strait was named Magellan Strait in the honour o f the great explorer. From here Magellan sailed through the Pacific Ocean, and discovered PhiliDpmes on March 15, 1521. M agellan was killed on 27 April, 1521 by the inhabitants o f Mactan island. Though M agellan was killed but the onward voyage o f circum ­ navigation o f the globle continued. ^ S eb a stia n d el C a n o took the command o f the voyage after the death o f M agellan and completed the task o f circum navigating the globe. He sailed on the ship V ictoria across n ian Ocean and after navigating around Africa ultimately reached Spain on 8 September 1522 A.D. Out o f 280 sailors only 18 could survive to reach Seville. >■ Geradus Mercator constructed a map pro­ jection in the year 1569 for the preparation o f world map which could be used by the mariners tor navigational purposes. It may e mentioned that this is a true direction map projection and hence it is still used by the navigators. I Scanned by CamScanner TO W■’*83 ! 15 NA TU RE o f o c e a n o g r a p h y 160° 140* 120* 100"80“ 50” 4fT 20* 0* 20* 40' 60* 80* 100‘ 120'140* 160* Fig. 1 .6 : Voyage o f Columbus, and circumnavigation of globe by Magellan and Sebastian de Cano. 4. Period of Early Scientific Investigations of the Oceans T he study o f seas and oceans began on scientific and technological basis since 17th century and continued upto 18th century during w hich m athem atical m ethods and scientific prin­ ciples w ere used for the interpretation o f em piri­ cal know ledge and description about oceans. O cean tides becam e the focal theme o f oceanic study. D etailed studies were carried out regarding the m easurem ent and m apping o f ocean depth, variation in the horizontal and vertical distribu­ tion o f salinity, pressure o f ocean w ater, ocean tides and currents on the basis o f investigations o f these variables in G ibralter Strait. The follow ing are the salien t features o f the developm ent o f the know ledge o f the oceans and their phenom ena during this period : > - R o b e rt B oyle studied ocean salinity, tem ­ perature and density o f seaw ater and tried to understand the relationships am ong three variab les in different depth zones. T he results o f studies w ere published in 1% ‘O b serv atio n s and E x p e rim e n ts on th e S a lti­ ness o f th e S ea’ in the y ear 1674. >- N ew ton presented his theory o f the origin o f ocean tides. >- L uigi M arsig li for the first tim e p resen ted the description o f re g io n a l o c e a n o g ra p h y based on his studies o f b o tto m relief, tem perature, salinity, w ater p ressure, tid es, and currents o f the M ed iterran ean Sea. H e is given credit to com pile a co m p reh en siv e book on the science o f sea for the first tim e in the history o f oceanography. T h is boo k , captioned as ‘H istoir P hysique de la M e r’ in the year 1725. L e o n h a rd E u le r attem pted to study the causative factors o f ocean tides, m ainly forces w hich caused ocean tides. A fter calculating the m agnitude o f tid e g en erat­ ing forces he opined in the y ear 1740 that ocean tides are caused by the attractive (gravitational) force o f the m oon. B e n jam in F ra n k lin studied d ifferen t aspects o f the G u lf Stream , and p resen ted the first ocean chart o f the G u lf S tream during ■: k m Scanned by CamScanner 16 OCEANOGRAPHY 1769-70, which were regularly used by the navigators who sailed across the North Atlantic Ocean. ^ • Second voyage : Cook completed his sec­ ond voyage between 1772 and 1775 aboard the HMS Adventure, and HMS Resolution. He sailed in the direction of westerly winds to round the Cape o f Good Hope and to circumnavigate the globe, but in order to avoid icebergs he followed almost 60 S latitude for the navigation • Third voyage : Captain Cook started his third voyage in the year 1778 and ventured into the Pacific Ocean again to discover numerous islands. He discov­ ered a number o f islands including Hawaiian islands in the Pacific Ocean. He sailed to the Bering Sea but could not continue his voyage beyond 70°44' N latitude due to the presence o f pack ice. He then returned to the Hawaii where he was killed by the natives o f Hawaii island on Feb. 14, 1779. Captain James Cook The study o f oceans received greater and more focussed attention with the exploration of n T ™ ClflC Region by CaPtain James Co<* k '■ c °ok is given full credit for gathering mass dataset and valuable information i erent aspects o f oceans such as geography o f oceans and environs, geology of coastal areas n l » n t° Cean CrUSt’ m arine organisms including tu re S' a n im a ls ' and niicro-organism s, tem pera- ocean ° CCan WatCr’ ° CCan dynami« , namely ocean currents and ocean tides etc He also >*■»» o f coas.lines. Besides giving “ J* uValUable in^ormati°n about the oceans he” l l0gy ° f hethert0 un^P l« red and heh ' 3 S° P^esented accounts on customs and behaviours o f native people of discovered locations. In fact, Cook was the first nav.gator who c ° ncent d Qn the study Qf phys.cal J o f the oceans. He was also the first navigator who succeeded in sailing the polar seas of both the hem ispheres by crossing the Arctic and Antarctic circles. His voyages of the world oceans convering almost the entire globe were completed in three stages as follows : • First voyage : Captain James Cook, an English mariner, started his first major voyage aboard HMS Endeavour in the year 1768 and set out to explore Terra A ustralis which was then considered to be the Southern Land’, now better known as Antarctica, which was supposed to exist in the polar latitudes. He discovered New Zealand and prepared the detailed charts o f its shorelines. He opined that New Zealand was not a part o f Terra Australis. He believed that Terra Australis did not exist, if it exists at all, it may be beyond the polar ice fields. He then sailed westward and reached eastern coasts of A ustralia after crossing over the Great Barrier Reef, where he lost one o f his ships. He mapped the eastern coastlines o f A ustralia and presented a detailed chart thereof. Cook also used John H arrison’s chronom ­ eter to determine the vicinal location (longitudes) of the discovered areas. Cook also compiled huge data regarding coral reefs. He is given credit for the preparation o f the first authentic world map with vicmal locations. Captain Cook extensively sailed m the largest ocean, ,the Pacific, and prepared the detailed outline o f this great ocean It h» r ’ 7 i fr° m the above mentioned facts hat Captain Cook contributed much in the advancement of scientific knowledge o f the 5’ Century016"* ° f ° cea"°9raphy in the 19th The development o f the science ofoceanog19thyceSnty ma" nescience’ gained currency in the h ,C ntUry' during " h ic h a number o f marine expeditions were launched to understand the secrets o f seas and oceans. This period is divided into 3 stages o f the development o f knowledge o f oceanography as follows : ^ sors°d ° f EdWar<l F° rb' S '“ d his Pred' ces- *• period o f Challenger Expedition post-Challenger period Scanned by CamScanner ■■■ w P¥ 17 nature of o ceano g raph y published in a book form entitled ‘Origin of S p e c ie s ’ in 1859. He also studied coral reefs in different environm ents and propounded his ‘su b sid en ce theory o f coral reefs’ in the year 1837. He m odified his theory in the year 1842 during his voyage on Beagle. This theory w ill be elaborated in the chapter on coral reefs and atolls. (1) Period of Edward Forbes This period includes the tim e span from 1815 A.D. to 1854 A.D. The follow ing contrib­ uted in the advancem ent o f scientific knowledge in the field o f oceanography : >■ N a th a n ie l B o w d itc h made a significant con­ tribution in the field o f sea navigation by publishing a navigational mannual in the year 1802, popularly known as the ‘N ew A m e r ic a n P r a c tic a l N a v ig a to r ' which ib very often used in the present-day navigation. >■ A great effort was made to prepare the detailed chart o f the entire coastlines o f the USA as per order o f the US President Thom as Jefferson. The US Coast and G eodetic Survey was established to ac­ com plice the preparation o f the charts o f US coastlines. S ir J o h n R o ss sailed to the Arctic Ocean to explore Baffin Island o f Canada during 1817-1818. He measured the sea bottom by sounding method and studied marine or­ ganism s upto the depth ot about 2 km. A le x a n d e r M e r c a to r , a London-based Brit­ ish scientist studied the chemical com posi­ tion o f the oceans and concluded in 1820 that the basic chem ical com position o f seawater was alm ost sim ilar in all the oceans. ^ C h a r le s D a r w in an d B e a g le E x p ed itio n The Beagle expedition under the command o f Captain Robert started on 27 December, 1831 from D evonport o f England. C h a r le s D a r w in was also aboard the HMS Beagle as m em ber o f the expedition team. The main objective o f the Beagle expedition was to survey the coastlines o f Pantagon.a and Terra del Fuego and to determ ine longitudes and latitudes. D arw in, who was a natural­ ist, had the opportunity to study the plants and anim als o f the surveyed locations The close observation o f plants and anim als in different environm ents and biom es le D arwin to postulate his classical theory o the evolution o f species on the basis ot natural selection and adaptation. His views regarding the origin o f species were ^ S ir J a m e s R o ss started his scientific expedi­ tion in the year 1839 and com pleted the voyage in the year 1843. The main objective o f this expedition was to study the benthos organism s (bottom living marine organism s) on the basis ot sam ples derived from the depth o f 7 kilom eters. » (1815-1854) w as a m arine biologist. His contribution to the developm ent o f oceanography included the study o f sea anim als upto the depth ot 230 fathoms near G reat B ritain, H ebrides, and M editerranean Sea; study o f bottom reliefs o f some parts o f the A tlantic O cean, discovery o f sites o f subm erged ancient cities near Lybian coast; distribution o f marine life in the A egean Sea; preparation o f map show ing w orld distribution o f marine life etc. Forbes studied the star fishes around B ritain and published the history o f these fishes in a book form entitled ‘T h e H is to r y o f B r itis h S ta r F is h e s ’ in the year 1841. He also studied the m arine life in different depths and published his observations and findings in his fam ous book, ‘D is tr ib u tio n o f M a r in e L if e ’ in the year 1854. He concluded that m arine life cannot survive below the depth o f 600 m eters (This observation was later on invalidated by others as m arine benthos life was found to exist even at m uch greater depth). > • M a tth e w F o n t a in e M au ry , a naval o fficer in the US N avy, is given a credit to com pile and analyse num erous data and inform a­ tion regarding ocean currents, w inds over sea surface, and m arine w eather condi­ tions, w hich w ere recorded in the ship logbooks o f the D epot o f N aval C harts and Instrum ents o f the U.S. N avy, and sum m a­ S ir E d w a rd F orb es Scanned by CamScanner 18 QGEANOGRAPHY rized the information and presented them in a book form entitled ‘The Physical Geography of the Sea’ in the year 1855. ^ ^ Charles Wyville Thomson undertook his ambitious expedition using HMS Light­ ning, and HMS Porcupine from 1868 to 1870 to measure the temperature of seawater at greater depths. Thus, he collected ample data o f deep-sea temperature. He also found presence of marine life at great depth. So, he disproved the findings of Forbes that marine life cannot be possible beyond the depth o f 600 m. In order to study and monitor fish commu­ nities in the oceans the U.S. Fish Commis­ sion was established in the year 1871 and was equipped with modem laboratory at Woods Hole in the state of Massachusetts ot New England Region of the U.S.A. >■ to study the characteristics o f bottom deposits in the oceans in terms o f their physical and chemical composition, and to find out the mode o f origin o f various types o f sediments o f bottom deposits. to assign scientific explanations to the different ocean phenomena. It is significant to point out that the achievements o f the Challenger Expedition were so great on scientific note that the year 1872, when the expedition started in December, is considered as the yeai' o f the birth o f ocea n o grap h y ’ in the history of oceanography. The mission o f the expedition was completed in May, 1876, when the vessel Challenger returned back to England after covering a long distance o f 127,500 kilometers, and circumnavigating the globe. The expedition adopted scientific methodology o f investigation with uniform workplans at each station as follows (2) Period of Challenger Expedition Challenger expedition is considered to be one o f the most significant and successful scientific voyages as regards the search of both abiotic and biotic components of the oceans. The Challenger expedition was commanded by Charles W yville Thom son and the expedition ship was named HMS Challenger. Recommended by the Royal Society and funded by the British govern­ ment the Challenger Expedition was assigned the following objectives to study the secrets of the sea, and to resolve tne conflicting findings about the existence o f life in deep oceans, physical and chemical conditions at great depths, the nature of deep sea deposits etc : >- to find out the distribution of marine organisms including' both plants and ani­ mals (also microbes) at all depths of the oceans starting from sea surface to the ocean bottoms. >■ to find out the physical environmental conditions viz. temperature of seawater, density o f seawater, sea dynamics at great depths mainly in ocean basins. >■ to find out chemical composition of seawater at all depths from sea surface to sea bottoms through photic and aphotic zones. >- to measure and record the atmospheric and meteorological environmental conditions above the sea surface in and around the work station. >- to measure the depths o f ocean as accurate as possible by using sounding method. to callect the specimen o f marine organ­ isms at different depths. ° >■ to delineate sea bottom topography. to collect samples o f marine sediments o f ocean deposits at the bottom. * ^ to collect the sample o f water o f ocean bottom to determine the chemical compo­ sition of seawater. ^ *° ™easure temperature o f seawater at all depths in general and the bottom in particular. >■ to identify, name, and describe the species ot marine organisms. 1 The findings of the Challenger expedition made significant contributions in the fields Of ocean bottom relief,, seawater tempemu e marme depo!it5_ marine organisms £ . , • featarerr V rChallenger , . ’Ii!,e f° " Expedition 0wing are (1872-1876 ,he sali“ « features „offthe t. Scanned by CamScanner 19 nature o f o ceanography • The expedition follow ed the following routes w ith dates o f arrival and w ork at different locations (fig. 1.7): start from U .K .. D ecem ber, 1872 —> N.E. c o a s to fth e U .S.A ., M ay 1873 -> Brazilean coasts. Septem ber 1873 —» Cape Town, O ctober. 1873 —» K erguelen Island, Janu­ ary 1874 M anila (Philippines), Novem- ber, 1874 —» Japanese coast, June 1875 —> H ow aiian Islands, A ugust 1875 - » Peru coast, O ctober, 1875 -» return, M ay 1876, through A tlantic O cean. • The entire expedition program m e covered a distance o f 127, 500 kilom ers. • The expedition spent m ost o f 4 -y ear period in the A tlantic and the P acific O ceans. Fig. 1 .7 : Tracks of investigations followed by the Challenger Expedition ( 1872-1876). • Soundings w ere m ade to determ ine ocean depth at 492 locations, dredgings were also accomplished at these locations and sediments sam ples were collected. • 7,000 specim ens o f m arin e o rg an ism s including plants and an im als w ere c o l­ lected, d escrib ed , and w ere p re serv e d fo r their an aly sis in the lab o rato ries. • W ater sam ples were collected upto the depth o f 1830 m eters, and tem peratures o f seaw ater w ere recorded at 263 locations. • M arine organism s w ere found to e x ist at great depth, as deep as 9,000 m e te rs (9 km ). Scanned by CamScanner 20 o ceanography • A bout 5,000 new species o f marine organ­ ism s w ere found. These species were then classified and catalogued. • A w ater depth o f 8,185 m was recorded in the M ariana Trench. • It took a long period o f 23 years to process and analyze all o f the data and specimen o f various sorts which were collected during 4-year C hallenger Expedition. (6) No study could be conducted in the N orthern Indian O cean, and the A rctic Sea. (7) The results o f the C hallenger Expedition were published in a book entitled ‘Voyage* of the Challenger-the A tlantic’ in the year 1877, while Charles Thom son published a book on oceanography entitled ‘The Depths of the Sea’ in 1873. • The final findings o f the expedition were published in 55 volumes. (3) Post-Challenger Period • The sam ples o f seawater, 77 in number, w ere analyzed by a famous chemist William D ittm ar in the year 1884 to determine the chem ical constituents. The m om entum o f ocean searching gained during the C hallenger expedition continued in the later part o f the 19th century w herein Louis Agassiz (1877-1880 A.D .), and N ansen contrib­ uted significantly in the developm ent o f oceanog­ raphy. Besides, a few group attem pts w ere also made in this precarious field. The follow ing are a few significant events o f ocean searching : The follow ing are the m ajor findings and ach ievem ents o f the C hallenger Expedition : (1) The controversy o f existence or non­ existence o f m arine life beyond 600-m depth was resolved. The concept o f Edward Forbe about non-existence o f marine life b eyond 600-m depth was summararily rejected, and it was finally concluded on the basis o f am ple and convincing evi­ dences o f collected specim ens o f marine organism s from all depths that marine life exists at all depths. (2) O cean floor was not flat but was full o f reliefs o f varying altitudes and depths (such as M ariana Trench). (3) M anganese nodules were discovered from m arine deposits o f ocean bottoms. (4) T h e chem ical com position o f seawater was found alm ost uniform in all oceans. ‘Not only w ere the ratios between various salts v irtu ally constant across the surface from o cean to ocean, but they were also distinc­ tiv ely constant at depth, establishing the “ c o n sisten cy o f sea w a te r” principle (Thurman and T rujillo , 1999), which is now known as the ‘p rin c ip le o f c o n sta n t p ro p o rtio n ’ in terms o f salin ity o f the oceans. (5) M aps (sketch) o f bottom reliefs o f the oceans, and distribution o f sedim entary deposits on deep sea beds were prepared for the first tim e. • Louis Agassiz made detailed study o f Florida Reefs and Keys. He studied different aspects o f the ocean from F lorida coast to Sans Fransisco around South A m erican coasts. • John M urray (1841-1914) laid the fo unda­ tion o f m odern oceanography. H is m ajor contributions, based on Triton (1882), and Challenger Expedition (1872-1876) include discovery o f subm arine ridge o f W ayville Thom son Ridge located to the northw est of Scottland, study o f planktons; deposits on sea bottoms, form ation and origin o f coral reefs; form ulation o f the theory o f the origin o f atolls; determ ination o f fish zones, and mud lines based on M ichael Sars Expedition (1910); and preparation o f map o f ocean deeps o f the A tlantic Ocean. • Alexander Agassiz, an A m erican naturalist and son o f Louis A gassiz, undertook Survey covering a distance o f 160,000 km through Blacke and Albatross Expedition during 1877-1880. H is m ajor contributions include location and origin ot the G u lf Stream betw een N ew foundland an Florida, studies o f coral reefs near Bahamas and Cuba, B erm uda and Florida; Great B arrier Reefs o f A ustralia; Fizi Scanned by CamScanner n ature o f o c ea n o g ra ph y 21 Islands and M aldives etc. He rejected the D arw inian sub sid en ce theory o f the origin o f coral reefs and atolls. A ccording to him atolls and b a rrie r reefs are form ed due to b io lo g ical, m e ch a n ic al and chem ical p ro c­ esses. H e stu d ie d m arine life in the deep sea. It m ay b e m e n tio n e d th at he perform ed the stu d ies o f deep sea m arine life w ith the ship B lake, p ro v id e d by the U .S. C oast and G eodetic S u rv ey during 1877-1880. He is given c re d it for estab lish in g the M useum o f C o m p arativ e Z oology at H arw ard U n i­ v ersity , and first U .S. m arine station, nam ed as ‘the A n d erso n School o f N atural H is to ry ’ on P enikese Island, M assachu­ setts o f N ew E ngland R egion o f the U.S.A. and international levels. The follow ing are the salient features o f 20th century oceanography ; • E ffo rts w ere m ade to establish laboratories to study the sam ples o f different species o f m arin e organism s w hich w ere collected from d ifferen t depth zones o f the oceans. In the process, the M arine B iological L abora­ tory w as established in the year 1888 A.D. at W oods H ole, M assachusetts. >- D elineation o f rugged bo tto m to p o g rap h y o f sea bottom s o f c o n tin en tal sh elv es, continental slope, deep sea p la in s, and deeps and trenches. F r i d t j o f N a n se n , a N orw egian explorer, was >- Initiation o f am bitious large o cean su rv ey s by using latest tech n o lo g ies, m e th o d o lo ­ gies, and appropriate equipm ents. • first to reach the N orth Pole (86° 14') a b o ard his v essel the F ra m . He studied the a tm o sp h eric and oceanic circulation pat­ tern s o f the A rctic Sea. N ansen concluded th a t th ere w as no northern continent like the so u th ern p o la r continent-A ntarctica. N an sen stu d ie d the pattern s o f the m ove­ m ent o f p a c k ice'in the A rctic Sea. It m ay be m entioned th a t his v essel Fram w as so designed th at it could m ove, though slu g ­ gishly, through frozen sea surface but it could not m ove upto the north pole as it was stu c k in the ice and fell short o f 400 km fro m th e n o rth pole. C onsequently, N ansen and h is com panions left the vessel and m ove on dog driven sledges to reach the no rth pole. 6. Growth of Oceanography in the 20th Century T he b eg in n in g o f the 20th century h eralded the daw n o f m o d ern oceanographic researches equipped w ith late st vessels, instrum ents, and greater co o p eratio n and p articip atio n s at national >• D evelopm ent and pursuance o f elaborate experim ent designs involving in terd isci­ plinary approach. >- U se o f advanced and com plex instrum ents for obtaining and analysing m ass datasets o f different aspects o f biotic and abiotic com ponents o f m arine biom es o f varying spatial scales. >■ D evelopm ent and ap p licatio n o f a p p ro p ri­ ate scientific sam pling devices for c o lle ct­ ing sam ples ° f m arine o rg an ism s, m arine deposits, and seaw ater to d eterm in e its physical and chem ical ch aracteristics. »- M easurem ent o f salinity, w ater te m p e ra ­ ture, and dissolved oxygen in v ertical profiles o f oceans at n u m erous lo catio n s. >■ Positive im pacts o f tw o w orld w ars on th e developm ent o f oceanic re search es, as the w ars necessitated for the d ev elo p m en t and design o f m ore so p h isticated v e sse ls (w a r­ ships) fitted w ith electro n ic e q u ip m e n t so that the U .S. navy can u n d e rsta n d the accurate nature and b e h a v io u r o f the oceans and processes o p e ra tin g th e re in so that the navy can b e tte r p lan th e sea w arfare. This led to su b sta n tia l fin a n c ial grant from the U .S. g o v ern m en t fo r o c e a ­ nographic researches. >- ‘This financial su p p o rt by g o v ern m en t agencies stim u lated la rg e -sca le research en terp rises, and re stric ted the a c tiv itie s o f m any o cean o g rap h ers to p ro b lem s that w ere o f in terest m ainly to the m ilitary . P o st-w ar g o v ern m en t-sp o n so red su p p o rt led not only to g reat and ra p id ad v an ces in in stru m en tatio n , b u t also e v en tu a lly to the estab lish m en t o f sea -g ra n t c o lle g e s ’ (P.R . P in et, 2000). Scanned by CamScanner OCEANOGRAPHY ^ Establishm ent o f marine institutions to prom ote marine researches. Numerous institutes o f oceanography with varying nom enclatures were established in many countries to develop and facilitate marine reseasrches as follow s : >- Initiation o f in tern atio n al program m es an d m u ltin a tio n a l o rg a n iz a tio n s and cooperations in th e field o f m arine re­ searches as follow s : • International C ouncil for th e E x p lo ra­ tions o f Sea (IC E S ) form ed b y D anish m arine scientists and funded and backed by the G ovt, o f D enm ark in the year 1902. • E stablishm ent o f Friday H arbour O cea­ nographic Laboratory at Seattle, U.S.A. in 1902. • E stab lish m en t o f the Scripps Institu ­ tion o f B iological R esearch in 1903, w hich w as later nam ed as the Scripps In stitu tio n o f O ceanography, at La Jo lla o f C alifornia in the U.S.A . • International W haling C om m ission w as organized in the y e ar 1932 to study w hole com m unities in term s o f p o p u ­ lation o f d ifferen t w hale sp ecies, th e ir illegal hunting, and trad e, and to suggest m easures for c o n tro llin g w hale hunting. • E stab lish m en t o f the W oods Hole O ceanographic Institution,at Cape Cod o f M assachusetts, U .S.A ., in the years 1930. • 1957-1958 w as m ade In te rn a tio n a l G eophysical year (IG Y ) to c o o rd in a te researches being carried o u t in g e o ­ physical in v estig atio n s o f th e earth including oceans and seas. • E stab lish m en t o f Lam ont G eological O b serv ato ry at the U niversity o f C o­ lum bia in N ew York in the year 1949, w hich w as later renam ed as Lam ont D o h erty G eological O bservatory. • The U nited N ations O rg a n iz atio n d e ­ clared the decade 1970s as th e In te rn a ­ tional D ecade o f O cean E x p lo ratio n (ID O E ) in o rd er to c o o rd in a te, in te ­ grate, and p ro m o te m arin e re se a rc h being co n d u cted in d iffe re n t p a rts o f the oceans by d ifferen t g ro u p s o f scientists and agencies. • A d o ption o f Sea G rant College by the U .S. G overnm ent in 1966 to provide fu n d in g for education and research in the m arine sciences. • E stab lish m en t o f the G eophysical In­ stitu te, the H ydrographic B iological C om m ission in Scandinavia. • O rganization o f the G eochem ical O cean Sections Study (G E O S E C S ) at in te r­ national level in the y e a r 1972 to get m easu rem en ts o f ch em ical p ro p e rty o f seaw ater so th at th e m o d e o f c irc u la ­ tion p attern s in the o cean s an d m ix in g o f seaw ater h av in g v a ry in g c h em ica l co m p o sitio n can b e e x p la in e d and m onitored. • T he U .K . founded the M arine B iologi­ cal A ssociation. • C reation o f the N ational O ceanic and A tm o sp h eric A dm inistration (N O A A ) by the governm ent o f the U.S A. in the y e ar 1970. • E stab lish m en t o f M arine B iological A sso ciatio n in U .K .; the O cean o ­ g rap h ic In stitu te in Paris (F rance); In stitu tes o f O ceanography in C anada and R ussia. • Establishment ofNational Hydrographic O ffic e at D ehra D un, and the Department o f Ocean D evelopm ent in India. • T he y ear 1998 w as o rg a n iz e d as In tern atio n al Y e ar o f th e O cean to m ake th e g en eral p u b lic fa m ilia r w ith the im p o rtan ce o f th e o c ea n s, m arin e e n v iro n m en t, and m a rin e re so u rce s. ^ T h e 2 0th cen tu ry w as c h a ra c te riz e d b y the lau n ch in g o f a n u m b e r o f o c ea n ex p ed i­ tio n s e q u ip p ed w ith te ch n o lo g ic a lly ad ­ vanced v e rsio n o f v e sse ls w ith latest Scanned by CamScanner NATURE OF OCEANOGRAPHY 23 equipments and trained scientists o f differ­ ent disciplines for comprehensive investi­ comprising 20 countries, and 38 re­ search ships. gations o f ocean phenomena. A few investigation expeditions include the fol­ lowing : >> Technological achiev em ent s include the launching o f sea-satellites to get sea images. Thus the r e m o te s e n s in g tec h n iq u e and GIS were introduced in oceanographic researches from 1970. • M e te o r E x p e d itio n in the South Atlantic Ocean from 1925 to 1927. This was a Ge rma n effort using the vessel Meteor for extensive research in the Atlantic Ocean in general, and in the South Atlantic Ocean in particular. This expedition aimed at the study o f physical oceanography. The scientists aboard the Meteor used echo-sounder for the first time in the history o f scientific investigations o f the secret o f the sea. • The G a z e lle E x p e d itio n in the North Atlantic Ocean. • Fishing Commission, and Albatross Expedition in the East Pacific Ocean. • Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) with the vessel G lo m a r C h a lle n g e r , was lanched by the U.S. Science Founda­ tion in the year 1968 for drilling the sed im ent s and bedrocks o f the ocean basins to understand the nature o f ma rin e geological formations and se diments resting upon them. • The Deep Sea Drilling Project was again reorganized and named as the International Pr ogr am m e o f Ocean Drilling (IPOD) in 1975 which was sponsored and funded by France, U.K., the then Soviet Union, Japan, G er­ many, and the United States o f America. This project was terminated in the year 1983, but the deep sea drilling re­ started with anot her vessel J o id e s R e so ­ lu tio n . • The United Nations sponsored an am bit io us plan o f the study o f Indian Ocean. The first co-operative work for the study o f various aspects o f the Indian Ocean, was initiated in the year 1959 with the launching o f the In tern a­ tional Indian Ocean Expedition ( 110 E) • Seasat-A. was the first oceanographic satellite which was launched in the year 1978. • T O P E X / P o s i d o n s e a - s a te ll i te was launched by N A S A (USA) in the year 1998 with the main objective o f getting satellite images o f the ocean surfaces which may help in moni tor ing the trend o f fluctuations in we at he r and climatic conditions. • J a s o n - 1 satellite was launched join tly by the United States o f Amer ic a (NASA) and French Space A ge ncy in the year 2000 A.D. inorder to get accurate information o f ocean c u r ­ rents, atmospheric circulation over the oceans so that there ma y be correct forecast o f sea m o v e m en t and climatic fluctuations. >■ Several renowned o cea no gr ap h ers na m el y Nansen, A m un ds en, Pettersson, Shepard etc. enriched the science o f o c e a n o g r a p h y through their elaborate studies o f different aspects o f oceans and seas. F.B. T ay lor and A.G. W ege ner postulated the con ce p ts o f continental drift to ac co unt for the origin o f continents and ocean basins. In the 1960s Hary Hess (1960) p ro po un d ed the con ce pt o f sea floor sp rea d in g w h ic h further validated the hy pot he si s o f continental drift. With the postulation o f plate tectonic theory the riddle o f origin o f o c e a n basins, bottom reliefs o f the oc ea ns, d is p la ce m e n t and drifting o f co nt in en ts an d oc ea n basins could be suc ces sf ull y solved. Recently, new inf ormation abo ut m a ri n e e n v i r o n ­ ment and ma rine e c o l o g y are f o rth com ing thro ugh the institutes o f o ce a n og r ap hy , oce an d e p a r t m e n t s and o c e a n expe dition s es tab li sh ed a n d f u n d e d by several c o u n ­ tries and or ga ni za ti on s. . ■ Scanned by CamScanner id ! 24 7. Future Trends in Oceanographic Researches It may be pointed out that recently the study o f occeanography has gained currency because the economic and strategic importance o f seas and oceans is increasing very fast. Thus, more attention is paid towards applied oceanography which includes the consideration o f delineation, mapping, exploitation, utilization and m anage­ ment o f marine biotic and abiotic resources. M arine ecology and marine ecosystem have become the focal themes o f oceanography. There is a need to introduce and develop ‘economic oceanography’ (resource oceanography) as a new branch o f oceanography. The 21st century oceanography is destined to be enriched by scientific researches involving multidisciplinary and collective approaches through international cooperations and application of latest equipments, and remote sensing techniques and GIS. The fluctuations o f sea level, say possible rise in sea level as predicted by the IPCC (Intergovernm ental Panel on Climate Change) Reports 2001 and 2007, increase in the number and severity o f tropical cyclones, massive coral bleaching in the Indian Ocean during 1997-98, increase in the incidence o f El Nino penomena, m elting o f ice sheets o f the Arctic Sea, Southern O scillation and W alker circulation, incidence of killer Sumatra tsunami waves in the Indian Ocean on December 26, 2004 etc. have made the oceanographic researches more relevant in the present century. The powerful large computers have also facilitated the marine scientists to process the data more quickly, efficiently, and accurately. The study o f ocean-atm osphere inter­ actions has become relevant in order to m onitor clim ate change. R ecently, more attention is paid to investi­ gate the causes o f tsunam is by studying the nature o f sea floors in terms o f undersea earthquakes undersea volcanic eruptions, underw ater massive landslides caused by sudden tectonic movements such as faulting and rupture o f seabeds, collision o f covergent plate boundaries and upthrusting. The expedition team o f the experts o f several disciplines including tsunami m odellers, marine b io lo g ists, m arine ecologists, seism ologists, OCEANOGRAPHY geochem ists etc., funded by the Discovery Channel, spent 17 days on board the ship Perform er in M ay, 2005 to find out the exact cause o f the origin of tsunam i o f 2004 in the Indian O cean. The team found that h a lf o f the 2400 km long fault in the Indian O cean ruptured on D ecem ber 2 6 ,2 0 0 4 due to subduction o f Indo-A ustralian plate below Burmese plate, a part o f A sian plate, and resultant upthrusting o f seaw ater upto 12 m in height. Summary of the History of Oceanography The detailed accounts o f the grow th o f the science o f oceanography during various phases o f its developm ent, as discussed above, m ay be sum m arized as follows : »- The early phase o f the ancient period o f the growth o f oceanography w as m arked by individual efforts o f early m ariners. T his trend continued from 4000 B.C. to 500 B.C. The Egyptians are believed to have developed the art and skill o f m aking vessels as early as 4000 B.C. >- Phoenesians are considered to be first navigators from Europe, w ho explored the entire M editerranean Sea, R ed Sea and Parts o f Indian O cean, and first circum ­ navigated A frica in 590 B.C. Pytheas was probably the first navigator from Greece, who circum navigated E ng­ land, measured the lengths o f the co ast­ lines o f England in 4th century B .C ., and sailed to Iceland in 325 B.C. >■ H ero d o tu s p ro d u c e d a m ap M ediferranean Sea in 450 B.C. o f the Eratosthenes determ ined the circum fer­ ence of the earth w ith great accuracy, calculated the polar circum ference through north and south poles as 40,000 km, which fell short o f only 32 km from the present day accurate polar circum ference o f 40,032 km. **■ Ptolem y com piled the m ap o f entire Ro­ man w orld in about 150 A.D. Middle age, very often known as dark age in the scientific world, continued from the Scanned by CamScanner a a 0P" NATURE OF OCEANOGRAPHY end o f the 2nd century A.D. to the 14th century A.D. w hen no significant contribu­ tions could be m ade in the field o f oceanography except some sporadic w orks by the E uropeans like Bede (673-735 A.D.) w ho found lunar control as the prim ary cause o f ocean tides, V ikings from Scandi­ navia sailed to Iceland, southern G reen­ land and B affin Island. >- The period from the 15th to 16th centuries A.D. is called ‘the g re a t age o f discovery and e x p lo ra tio n ’ because efforts w ere made during this period to discover and explore new areas. C olum bus discovered Am erica, and M agellan circum navigated the globe. S ignificant contributions w ere made in the fields o f origin o f coastal landform s, theoretical base o f the origin o f tides, ocean currents, and sea waves during this p e rio d o f re n a issa n c e . Significant contribu­ tions w ere m ade by Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519 A .D .), C hristopher Columbus, Prince H enry the N avigator, Juan Pounce de Leon, V asco N uneze de Balboa, Peter M atyr, Ferdinand M agellan, Sebastian del C ano, G eradus M ercator etc. >- The 200-year period, 17th & 18th centu­ ries, is know n as th e p erio d o f th e scientific in v e s tig a tio n s o f th e oceans, when the study o f seas and oceans began on scientific and technological basis. O cean tides became the focal them e o f oceanic studies. D e­ tailed studies w ere carried out regarding the m easurem ent and m apping o f ocean depths, variation in the horizontal and vertical distribution o f ocean salinity, p ressu re o f seaw ater, ocean tides and currents. The significant contributions in d ifferent fields o f oceanography came from R obert B oyle (ocean salinity, seaw ater tem perature, density o f seaw ater), N ew ton (origin o f tides), Luigi M arsigli (regional oceanography), L. E uler (ocean tides), B enjam in Franklin (G u lf Stream ), C aptain Jam es Cook (exploration o f South Pacific region, physical nature o f oceans, ex p lo ra­ tion o f polar seas o f both the hem ispheres, p reparation o f w orld m ap) etc. 25 >- The developm ent o f the science o f ocea­ nography gained currency in the 19th century during w hich a num ber o f ocean expeditions w ere launched in order to understand the secrets o f the seas and the oceans. Significant contributions were made by Sir John Ross (A rctic O cean and B affin Island during 1817-1818), A lexan­ der Marcet (chemical composition o f oceans), C harles D arw in (B eagle E xpedition, origin o f species, subsidence theory o f coral reefs), Sir Janies Ross (deep sea o rg an ­ isms), Sir Edw ard Forbes (1815, 1854, study o f sea anim als, bottom reliefs o f A tlantic Ocean, distribution o f m arine life in the A egean Sea, m ap show ing w orld distribution o f marine life), M athew Fontaine M aury (com pilation and analysis o f n u ­ merous data o f ocean currents, w inds over sea surface, and m arine w eather c o n d i­ tions, publication Physical G eography, the Sea), Charles W yville Thom son (sea te m ­ perature, deep sea m arine life) etc. C hallenger Expedition is considered to be one o f the m ost significant and successful scientific voyages as regards the search for both biotic and abiotic com ponents o f the oceans. The findings o f the C h allen g er Expedition (1872 to 1876 A .D .) m ade significant contributions in the fields o f ocean bottom reliefs, seaw ater te m p e ra ­ ture, m arine sedim ents and deposits, m a­ rine organism s including coral reefs. The previous concept o f non-existence o f m a­ rine life beyond 600m depth as pro po u n d ed by Edw ard Forbes, w as rejected, and it w as finally concluded that m arine life ex isted at all depths. The m om entum o f ocean search in g during C hallenger E xpedition co n tin u ed during p ost-C hallenger period w hen Lois A gassiz (study o f F lorida R eefs and K eys), John M urray (location o f W ayville T hom son R idge, study o f planktons, deposits on sea bottom s, form ation and origin o f coral reefs), A lexander A gassiz (1877-1880, coastal survey o f 160,000 k m ., location o f G u lf Stream , G reat B arrier R eef, study o f Scanned by CamScanner 26 OCEANOGRAPHY coral reefs near Bahama and Cuba, Ber­ m uda and Florida), Nansen (sailed through 110 A rctic sea, reached almost North Pole, only 400 km aw ay) made important contri­ butions in the developm ent o f oceanogra­ phy. ' ■ Ss* The beginning o f the 20th century heralded the dawn o f modern oceanographic re­ searches equipped with latest vessels, instrum ents, and with greater cooperations at national and international levels. ^ The 20th Century oceanography was marked by the developm ent o f experim ent design and adoption o f interdisciplinary approach; use o f advanced and com plex instrum ents for obtaining and analysing mass datasets; developm ent and application o f appropri­ ate scientifc sam pling devices for collect­ ing sam ples o f m arine organism s, marine sedim ents and deposits, seaw ater etc.; delineation o f bottom reliefs o f the oceans; m easurem ent o f salinity, seaw ater tem ­ perature, and dissolved oxygen in vertical prof i les o f oceans at num erous locations; initiation o f am bitious large ocean surveys by using latest technologies, m ethodolo­ gies, and appropriate equipm ents; finan­ cial support by governm ent agencies; establishm ent o f m arine institutions to prom ote m arine researches; initiation o f international program m es, and m ulti-na­ tional organizations and cooperations in m arine researches; launching o f a num ber o f ocean expeditions equipped with tech­ nologically advanced version o f vessels with latest equipm ents and trained scien­ tists o f different disciplines etc. »- The 21 st century oceanography is destined to be enriched by scientific researches involving m ulti-dissciplinary and co llec­ tive ap p ro ach es through internatio n al cooperations and application o f latest equipm ents, and rem ote sensing tech ­ niques and GIS. The pow erful large com ­ puters have also facilitated the m arine scientists to process the data more quickly, efficiently, and accurately. The study o f ocean-atm osphere interactions has becom e more relevant in order to m onitor climate change. 1.8 ORIGIN OF ATMOSPHERE AND OCEANS The exact m ode o f origin o f the earth’s atm osphere and oceans is not precisely known. There are two view points regarding their origin namely ( I) external source, (2) internal source. It is, thus, desirable to discuss both the sources and modes o f origin o f the atm osphere and oceans. 1. Origin of Atmosphere T.C. Cham berlin postulated his ‘planetesinal hypothesis’ to explain the origin o f the earth in the year 1749. He m aintained that in the initial stage o f the origin o f the earth there was no atm osphere on it but as the earth grew in size, it captured ‘atm ospheric m aterials and e lem en ts’ by gravita­ tional force which was continuously increasing due to everincreasing size o f the earth. The e arth ’s atm osphere was form ed from two basic sources. (I ) External source-w hen the earth grew in size it becam e successful in capturing free atm ospheric m olecules. The supply o f atm ospheric m olecules was m ore but it decreased with the passage o f tim e as m ost o f the molecules were already captured by the earth. (2) Internal sources provided carbon dioxide, w ater vapour and nitrogen gases. A n o th er source o f the ‘atm ospheric m a te ria l’ w as o f occluded gases carried by the planetesim als captured by the ‘nu cleu s’ o f the earth. These occluded gas particles cam e out o f the interior o f the earth through volcanic eruptions and becam e part and parcel o f the present day atm osphere. O xygen, thus, was provided by the volcanic eruptions. The process o f com ing out o f gases from w ithin the earth is called outgassing. It is believed that the nature o f in itial gases com ing o f the e a rth ’s interior during volcanic eruptions was sim ilar to gases w hich are p resently emitted through volcanic eru p tio n s, hot springs and geysers. T hese gases include largest proportion of w ater vapour in the form o f steam , and sm aller ; volum e o f carbon dioxide, hydrogen, oxygen etc. j Scanned by CamScanner wm I '# ' : ■ s« '. nature o foceanography It is believed that there was no free oxygen in the original earth’s atmosphere. The molecular oxygen probably was formed only after the development o f photosynthesising organisms due to splitting o f water molecules by plant cells. W ater is split by plant cells and is reconstituted in about every 2 million years and thus oxygen produced circulates in the atmosphere through various components and is again recycled after about 2000 years. Thus, it is obvious that the residence time o f oxygen in the atmosphere is much longer (2000 years, that is oxygen is recycled in 2000 years) than the residence time of carbon (300 years, that is the carbon released by plants and animals through respiration is avail­ able again for them after 300 years). The oxygen continued to concentrate in the atmosphere from the time o f its formation and now it constitutes about 21 percent o f the total gaseous composition o f the atmosphere. It is important to note that oxygen remains in molecular oxygen form ( 0 2) for very short time because it readily combines with C 0 2 or H?0 or with other oxide forms. Oxygen is produced through the process of photosynthesis by the autotrophic green plants of terrestrial ecosystems and phytoplanktons of marine ecosystems and to a lesser extent by the reduction o f various mineral oxides. Oxygen, thus produced, enters the atmospheric storage pool. Every year some oxygen is also added to the atm osphere from volcanic eruption through outgassing mainly in the form o f C 0 2 and H20 . Oxygen from the atmospheric storage pool is used by marine and terrestiral animals during respira­ tion. Oxygen is also consumed during burning of wood and fossil fuels. Some portion of oxygen in the form o f oxides is incorporated in the drainage water and ultim ately reaches the oceans and is incorporated in the sediments. Thus, oxygen enters the sedim entary storage pool and remains there for considerably a longer period o f geologi­ cal time scale. Thus, the oxygen cycle involves the input o f oxygen to the atm ospheric storage pool from the photosynthesis o f marine and terrestiral autotrophic plants and from volcanic eruption and the loss o f oxygen from the atmospheric storage pool through respiration o f marine and terrestiral organism s and mineral oxidation, burning o f wood, grasses and forest fires, combustion o f fossil fuels (coal and petroleum) etc. 2. Origin of Oceans T.C. Chamberlin opined that the primitive oceans were first formed under the fragmented and crevice-ridden outer permeable zone o f the earth’s surface. Later on the crevices were cemented and thus water derived through the condensation of water vapour accumulated in these crevices and volcanic craters and the earth’s surface, thus, looked as if filled with numerous lakes. Gradually and graduallly these lakes were connected due to their expanding areal extents and thus different oceans were formed. Basic materials were weathered and eroded and were ultimately carried away by running w ater from the upstanding land masses (continents) and were deposited in the submerged areas o f the earth (oceans). Thus, there was gradual increase in the acidic material o f the landmasses because most o f the basic material was removed in solution form from the landmasses. This caused reduction o f the specific gravity o f the continental m aterial. In other words, the weight o f continental m aterial started decreasing whereas there was increase in the weight o f oceanic material. This caused further submergence o f the lowlying parts o f the continents. Continuous deposition o f w eathered and eroded debris and the weight o f the w ater itself further depressed the submerged parts o f the earth (oceans). This process caused further extension of the oceans. A ccording to J.A Steers ‘as long as the earth as a whole continued appreciably to grow by the accession o f the planetesimals, the oceanic regions expanded and deepened.’ It is generally believed that vast volum e o f water vapour was em itted during the process o f outgassing from within the earth through volcanic eruptions, hot spings, and geysers during the initial period o f the evolution and developm ent o f the earth. The w ater vapour was soon condensed and fell down on the earth’s surface in the form o f rainw ater, snow and other forms o f precipitation and accum ulated in the low er portions o f the earth’s surface to form the early prim itive w ater Scanned by CamScanner 28 OCEANOGRAPHY bodies about 4 billion years before present. These prim itive w ater hndies gradually grew and devel­ oped lino the present form o f the world oceans. world is stored in the oceans. The ocean surface comprises aquasphere representing liquid portion o f the oceans, and cryosphere, representing solid portion o f the ocean (Savindra Singh, 2008). Cryosphere includes frozen seas and oceans such as the Arctic Ocean. The ocean surface including both aquasphere and cryosphere, covers an area of 361 million square kilom etes (70.8 percent of total surface area o f the globe) while the continents occupy 149 m illion square kilometers area (29.2 percent). The follow ing are the vital statistics o f 4 m ajor oceans (table 1.1) : 1.9 OCEAN’S CHARACTERISTIC FEATURES As stated earlier world oceans, representing w ater sphere o f the earth comprise 70.8 percent of the total surface area o f the earth against 29.2 percent area of the continents representing lithosphere. A bout 97.2 percent water (including ice) o f the Table 1.1 : W orld oceans Oceans Area Average Percent o f Percent o f the (106 km2) depth the area o f area o f ocean (m) earth ’s surface surface 1. Pacific Ocean 181.344 3,940 35.5 50.1 2. Atlantic Ocean 94.314 3,844 18.4 26.0 3. Indian Ocean 74.118 3,840 14.5 20.5 4. Arctic Ocean 12.257 1.117 2.4 3.4 Source : H. V. Thurman and A.P. Trujillo, 1999. The Atlantic and Indian Oceans are charac­ terized by m id-oceanic ridges, while the Pacific Ocean does have oceanic ridge in its eastern part, known as the East Pacific Rise. The Pacific Ocean is characterized by the largest number o f islands and longest coastlines which are subjected to convergence o f plates, and consequent folding, faulting, volcanic, seismic activities. The Pacific coasts are surrounded by m ountain chains, and are often frequented by tsunam is o f varying magnitude. Scanned by CamScanner CHAPTER 2 : O R IG IN O F OCEAN BASINS d is trib u tio n a l c h a ra c te ris tic s o f co n tin en ts and ocean, c o n tin e n ta l d rift th eo ry o f T ay lo r, c o n tin e n ta l d rift th e o ry o f W ag en er, p la te te c to n ic th e o ry , s e a m o u n ts a n d ta b le m o u n ts, 29-58 29 31 32 39 35 on Scanned by CamScanner 2 ORIGIN OF OCEAN BASINS 2.1 CONTINENTS AND OCEAN BASINS : DISTRI­ BUTIONAL CHARACTERISTICS One cannot think of ocean basins without considering continents. In fact, continents and ocean basins are inseparable major reliefs of the globe. The ocean basins are huge depressions of great depth, usually more than 2000 m, having basaltic floors w ith varying topographic features. The solid basaltic floors o f the ocean basins representing the oceanic plates move, though very slowly, away from the mid-oceanic ridges. This is the reason that the ocean crust is much younger than the continental crust. Before attempting the origin and evolution o f ocean basins and conti­ nents it is desirable to discuss certain characteris­ tics o f the distributional patterns o f the continents and ocean basins. Continents and ocean basins being funda­ mental re lie f features o f the globe are considered as ‘relief features of the first o rd e r’. It is, therefore, desirable to inquire into their mode o f possible origin and evolution. D ifferent views, concepts, hypotheses and theories regarding the origin o f the continents and ocean basins have been put forth by the scientists from time to time. Before examining these views about their origin we should know the characteristic features o f the distributional patterns and arrangem ent o f the continents and ocean basins as seen at present (fig. 2.1). About 70.8 per cent o f the total surface area of the globe is represented by the oceans whereas remaining 29.2 per cent is represented by the continents. Even the distribution o f different continents and oceans in both the hem ispheres is not uniform. The following characteristic features of the distributional pattern o f the continents and ocean basins may be highlighted : >- There is overwhelming dom inance o f land areas in the northern hem isphere. M ore than 75 per cent o f the total land area o f the globe is situated to the north o f the equator (i.e. in the northern hem isphere). Contrary to this water bodies dom inate in the southern hemisphere. If we devide the globe in two such hem ispheres w here the north pole stands located in the English Channel and the south pole near New Zealand, then the northern hem isphere would be ‘land hemisphere’ w hile the southern hem isphere as ‘water hemisphere1. Thus, the land hem isphere w ould represent Scanned by CamScanner 30 OCEANOGRAPHY 83 p er cent o f the total land area o f the globe w hile the w ater hem isphere would 180° 150° 120" 90° 60° 30° carry 90.6 per cent o f the total oceanic areas o f the globe. 0° 30° 60° 90° 120° 150° 180' Fig. 2.1 : Present position o f the continents and ocean basins. >- C ontinents are arranged in roughly trian­ gular shape. M ost o f the continents have their bases (o f triangle) in the north while their apices are pointed towards south. If we take N orth and South Am ericas to ­ gether, they represent equibilateral trian ­ gles, the base o f which w ould be along the A rctic Sea w hile the apex would be represented by Cape Horn. If we take these tw o continents separately, again they form tw o separate triangles. Sim ilarly, Eurasia also assum es the form o f a triangle the base o f which is along the A rctic Sea while its apex is near East Indies. The base o f A frican triangle is tow ards north w hile its apex is the Cape o f Good Hope. A ustralia and A ntarctica are the exceptions o f this rule. >• R oughly, the oceans are also triangular in shape. C ontrary to the continents the bases o f oceans are in the south w hile their apices are in the north. The base o f the Atlantic Ocean extends betw een Cape Horn and Cape o f G ood H ope w hile its apex is located to the east o f G reenland. The base o f the Indian O cean is in the south but its two apices are located in the Bay o f Bengal and A rabian Sea. The apex o f the Pacific Ocean is near A leutian Islands while its base lies in the south. The north pole is surrounded by oceanic w ater w hile south pole is surrounded by land area (o f the A ntarctic continent). >• There is antipodal arrangem ent (situation) o f the continents and oceans. O nly 44.6 per cent oceans are situated opposite to oceans and 1.4 per cent o f the total land area o f the globe is opposite to land area. M ore than 95 per cent o f the total land area is situated diam etrically opposite to w ater bodies. Scanned by CamScanner O R I G I N OFOCEAN BASINS T here are only two cases o f exceptions to this general rule i.e\ (i) Patagonia is situated diam etrically opposite to a part o f north China, and (ii) N ew Zealand is situated opposite to Portugal and Spain (the Iberian Peninsula) >- The great Pacific Ocean basin occupies alm ost one-third o f the entire surface area o f the globe. The validity and authenticity o f any hypoth­ esis or theory dealing with the origin and evolution o f the continents and the ocean basins would be determ ined in the light o f aforesaid characteristics o f the distributional pattern o f the continents and ocean basins. The presence o f the great Pacific O cean basin and island arcs and festoons o f the Pacific O cean is teething problem before scientists who venture in the precarious field o f the postulation o f the relevant theory o f the origin o f the continents and ocean basins. K eeping the above facts in mind Low thian Green postulated his ‘T etrahedral H ypothesis’ to ex­ plain the intricate problem s o f the origin o f the continents and oceans and characteristic features o f their distributional pattern. Besides, Lord K elvin, Sollas, Love etc. also attem pted to explain the origin o f the continents and ocean basins but th eir view s are not discussed here because they are based on discarded and obsolete argum ents and assum ptions. In fact, all the previous hypoth­ eses and theories dealing with the origin o f the continents and ocean basins have faded away after the postulation o f plate tectonic theory. T here­ fore, only continental drift theory is being discussed here. 2.2 CONTINENTAL DRIFT THEORY OF TAYLOR F.B. T aylor postulated his concept o f ‘horizontal d isplacem ent o f the co n tin en ts’ in the year 1908 but it could be published only in the year 1910. The m ain purpose o f his hypothesis was to explain the problem s o f the origin o f the folded m ountains o f T ertiary period. In fact, F.B. Taylor w anted to solve the p eculiar problem o f the d istributional pattern o f T ertiary folded m oun ­ tains. The n o rth -so u th arrangem ent o f the R ockies and the A ndes o f the w estern m argins o f the N orth and South A m ericas and w est-east extent o f the A pline m ountains (A lps, C aucasus, H im alayas etc.) posed a serious problem before Taylor w hich needed careful explanation. H e could not find any help from the ‘contraction theory’ to explain the peculiar distribution o f T ertiary folded m ountains and hence he propounded his ‘d rift’ o r displace­ ment theory’. The concept o f T aylor, thus, is considered to be first attem pt in the field o f continental drift though A ntonio S nider p re ­ sented his view s about ‘drift’ in the y ear 1858 in France. M ain purpose behind the p o stu latio n o f ‘drift hypothesis’ o f Snider was to explain th e sim ilarity o f the fossils o f the coal seam s o f C arboniferous period in N orth A m erica and Europe. Taylor started from C retaceous perio d . A ccording to him there w ere tw o land m asses d u rin g C re tac e o u s p e rio d . L a u ra tia a n d G ondw analand w ere located near the n o rth and south poles respectively. He further assu m ed th a t the continents w ere m ade o f sial w hich w as practically absent in the oceanic crust. A cco rd in g to Taylor continents m oved tow ards the equator. The main driving force o f the co n tin en tal d rift w as tidal force. A ccording to T aylor co n tin en ts w ere displaced in two w ays e.g. (i) e q u ato rw ard m ovem ent, and (ii) w estw ard m o v em en t b u t the driving force responsible fo r b o th ty p es o f m ovem ent was tidal force o f the m oon. Lauratia started m oving aw ay from th e north pole because o f enorm ous tid a l fo rce o f th e moon tow ards the equator in a rad ial m an n er. T h is m ovem ent o f land m ass re su lted into te n sio n al force near the north pole w hich cau sed stre tch in g , splitting and rupture in the lan d m ass. C o n se ­ quently, B affin B ay, L ab rad o r S ea and D a v is Strait w ere form ed. S im ilarly , th e d isp la ce m e n t o f the G ondw analand from the so u th p o le to w a rd s the equator caused sp littin g and d isru p tio n and hence the G o n d w an alan d w as sp lit in to sev e ra l parts. C onsequently, G reat A u stra lia n B ig h t an d R oss Sea w ere fo rm ed aro u n d A n ta rc tic C o n ti­ nent. A rctic sea w as fo rm ed b e tw ee n G reen lan d and Siberia due to eq u ato rw ard m o v e m e n t o f L auratia. A tlan tic and In d ian o cean s w ere supposed to have been fo rm ed b e ca u se o f fillin g o f gaps b etw een the d riftin g co n tin en ts w ith ■I Scanned by CamScanner 32 w ater. Taylor assum ed that the landmasses began to m ove in lobe form while drifting through the zones o f lesser resistance. Thus, mountains and island arcs were form ed in the frontal part o f the m oving lobes. The H im alayas, Caucasus and Alps are considered to have been formed during equatorw ard m ovem ent o f the Lauratia and Gondwanaland from the north and south poles respectively while the Rockies and Andes were form ed due to w estw ard movement o f the landmasses. Evaluation Since F.B. Taylor’s main aim was to explain the origin o f Tertiary folded mountains and hence he made the continents to move at a very large scale. In fact, some sort o f horizontal movement o f the land masses was essential for the origin o f m ountains but the displacem ent o f land masses upto 32-64 km would have been sufficient enough for the purpose. Contrary to this Taylor has described the displacem ent o f the landmasses for thousands o f kilometers. Secondly, the mode o f drift as suggested by Taylor has also been erroneous. If the tidal force o f the moon was so enormous during Cretaceous period that it could displace the landmasses forthousands ofkilometers apart then it might have also put a break on the rotatory motion o f the earth and thus the rotation o f the earth m ight have stopped within a year. A ccording to A. Holmes neither tidal force nor any external force can drift the continents apart and can help in the formation o f mountains. The responsible force m ust come from within the earth. Though the concept o f F. B. Taylor is not acceptable but his hypothesis is considered to be significant on the ground that Taylor raised his voice very forcefully through deductive postula­ tion against the prevalent concept o f the perm a­ nency o f the continents and ocean basins and forcefully objected to the ‘contraction theory’ and showed a new direction to solve the problem o f the origin o f the continents and ocean basins. A. H olm es has rightly rem arked, ‘but Taylor must be given credit for m aking an independent and slightly an earlier start in this precarious fie ld .’ OCEANOGRAPHY 2.3 CONTINENTAL DRIFT THEORY OF WEGENER Aims and Objectives Professor A lfred W egener o f G erm any was prim arily a m eteorologist. He propounded his concept on continental drift in the year 1912 but it could not come in light till 1922 when he elaborated his concept in a book entitled ‘Die Entstehung der K ontinente and O zeane’ and his book was translated in English in 1924. W egener’s displacement hypothesis was based on the works and findings o f a host o f scientists such as geologists, palaeo-clim atologists, palaeontolo­ gists, geophysicists and others. The main problem before W egener, which needed explanation, was related to climatic changes. It may be pointed out that there are ample evidences w hich indicate widespread climatic changes throughout the past history o f the earth. In fact, the continental drift theory o f W egener ‘grew out o f the need o f explaining the m ajor variations o f clim ate in the p ast’ . The clim atic changes w hich have occurred on the globe may be explained in two ways. ( 1) If the continents rem ained stationary at their places throughout geological history o f the earth, the clim atic zones m ight have shifted from one region to another region and thus a particular region might have experienced varying climatic conditions from tim e to time. (2) If the clim atic zones rem ained station­ ary the land m asses m ight have been displaced and drifted. W egener opted for the second alternative as he rejected the view o f the perm anency of continents and ocean basins. T hus, the m ain objective o f W egener behind his ‘displacement h y p o t h e s is ’ was to explain the global clim atic changes w hich are reported to have taken place during the past earth history. Basic Premise of the Theory Follow ing E dw ard Suess, W egener be­ lieved in three layers system o f the earth e.g. outer layer o f ‘s ia l’, interm ediate lay er o f ‘s im a ’ and the low er layer o f ‘n ife. According to W egener si* Scanned by CamScanner ^ ■I 33 ORIGIN OF OCEAN BASINS w as considered to be lim ited to the continental m asses alone w hereas the ocean crust was represented by upper part o f sima. Continents or sialic m asses w ere floating on sim a without any resistance offered by sima. He assum ed, on the basis o f evidences o f palaeo-clim atology, palae­ ontology, palaeobotany, geology and geophysics, that all the landm asses were united together in the form o f one landm ass, which he named P angaea, in C arboniferous period. There were several sm aller inland seas scattered over the Pangaea which was surrounded by a huge w ater body, which was nam ed by W egener as ‘P a n th a la s a ’ (fig. 2.4) representing prim eval Pacific Ocean. Lauratia consisting o f present N orth A m erica, Europe and A sia form ed northern part o f the Pangaea while G o n d w a n a la n d consisting o f South America, Af­ rica M adagascar, Peninsular India, A ustralia and A n tarctica represented the southern part o f the Pangaea. South pole was located near present D urban (near N atal in southern Africa) during C arboniferous period. Thus, W egener’s theory o f continental drift begins from Carboniferous pe­ riod, he does not describe the conditions during pre-C arboniferous tim es “but the postulation o f a C arboniferous Pangaea does not mean that he disbelieves in pre-C arboniferous drift : events before this tim e are known with much less certainty, and the distribution o f plants and anim als can largely be explained by movements w hich have taken place since the C arboniferous’ (J. A. Steers, 1961,.p. 160). The Pangaea was disrupted during subsequent periods and broken landm asses drifted aw ay from each other and thus the present position o f the continents and ocean basins becam e possible. Evidences in Support of the Theory W egener has successfully attem pted to prove the unification o f all landm asses in the form o f a single landm ass, the Pangaea, during C arbon­ iferous period, on the basis o f evidences gathered from geological, clim atic and floral records. He claim ed that all the present-day continents could be jo in ed to form Pangaea. The follow ing evidences support the concept o f the existence o f Pangaea during C arboniferous period. >- A ccording to W egener there is geographi­ cal sim ilarity along both the coasts o f the A tlantic Ocean. B oth the opposing coasts o f the A tlantic can be fitted together in the sam e w ay as two cut o ff pieces o f w ood can be refitted (jig-saw fit) (fig. 2 .2 ). G eological evidences denote that the C aledo­ nian and H ercynian m ountain system s o f the w estern and eastern coastal areas o f the A tlantic are sim ilar and id entical (fig. 2.3). The A pplachians o f the north-eastern regions o f North A m erica are com patible with the m ountain system s o f Ireland, W ales and north-w estern Europe. Fig. 2.2 ; Jig-sawfitting(juxtaposition) o f South America and Africa. >■ G eologically, both the coasts o f the A tlantic are also identical. Du T oit, after detailed study o f the eastern coasts o f South A m erica and w estern coasts o f A frica, has said that the geological stru ctu res o f bo th the coasts are m ore o r less sim ilar. A cco rd ­ ing to D u T oit both the landm asses (i.e., South A m erica and A frica) can n o t be actually brought to g eth er b u t n ear to each other because a gap o f 400-800 km would separate them due to the existence o f Scanned by CamScanner 34 OCEANOGRAPHY continental shelves and slopes o f these two landm asses. There is marked sim ilarity in the fossils and vegetation remains found on the eastern coast o f South America and the w estern coast o f Africa. It has been reported from geodetic evi­ dences that Greenland is drifting westward at the rate o f 20 cm per year. The evidences o f seafloor spreading after 1960 have confirm ed the movement o f landmasses with respect to each other. The lemmings (small sized animals) o f the northern part o f Scandinavia have a ten­ dency to run westward when their popula­ tion is enormously increased but they are drowned in the sea water due to absence of any land beyond Norwagian coast. This behaviour o f lemmings proves the fact that the landmasses were united in the ancient times and the animals used to m igrate to far off places in the western direction. >• The distribution o f glossopteris flora in India, South Africa, A ustralia, Antarctica, Falkland islands etc. proves the fact that all the landmasses w ere previously united and contiguous in the form o f Pangaea. >■ The evidences o f Carboniferous glaciation o f Brazil, Falkland, South Africa, Peninsu­ lar India. Australia and A ntarctica further prove the unification o f all landmasses in one landmass (Pangaea) during Carbonif­ erous period. Process of the Theory As stated earlier the main aim o f W egener behind the postulation o f his ‘drift theory’ was to explain major climatic changes which are re­ ported to have taken place in the past geological history of the earth, such as Carboniferous glaciation o f major parts o f the Gondwanaland. Besides, W egener also attempted to solve other problems o f the earth e.g. origin o f mountains, island arcs and festoons, origin and evolution of continents and ocean basins etc. (1 ) Force responsible for the d rift : According to Cretaceous Eocene Pre-Silurian Silurian-Carboniferous Fig. 2.3 : Geological similarity on the eastern coast of South America and the western coast of Af­ rica. W egener the continents after breaking away from the Panagaea moved (drifted) in two directions e.g. (i) equatorw ard m ovem ent, and (ii) westward movement. The equatorw ard movement o f sialic blocks (continental blocks) was caused by gravi­ tational differential force and force o f buoyancy. As already stated the continental blocks, accord­ ing to W egener, were formed o f lighter sialic materials (silica and alum inium ) and w ere float­ ing w ithout any friction on relatively denser ‘sim a’. Thus , the equatorw ard m ovem ent o f the sialic blocks (continental blocks) w ould depend on the relation o f the centre o f gravity and the centre o f buoyancy o f the floating continental mass. G enerally, these two type o f forces operate in opposite directions. ‘But because o f the ellipsoidal form o f the earth, these forces are not in direct opposition, but are so related that, if the Scanned by CamScanner S?V •MM ORIGIN OF OCEAN BASINS 35 A. Present buoyancy point lies under the centre o f gravity, the resultant (force) is directed toward the equator’ (J. A. Steers, 1961, p. 164). The westward movement o f the continents was caused by the tidal force o f the sun and the moon. According to Wegener the attractional force o f the sun and the m o o n ,. which was maximum when the moon was nearest to the earth, dragged the outer sialic crust (continental blocks) over the interior o f the earth, towards the west. It may be pointed out that in any drift theory the weakest point and the most difficult problem is related to the competent force responsible for the movement o f the continents. ‘Such a force (tidal force/attractional force o f the sun and the moon) is extraordinarily small, but, as in the case o f other Scanned by CamScanner OCEAN) 38 f ig 2.6 : Different positions o f Poles and Equator. Americas (e.g. Rockies and A ndes and other m o u n t a i n chains associated with them) were formed. Similarly, the Alpine ranges o f Eurasia were folded due to equatorw ard m ovem ent o f Eurasia and Africa together with Peninsular India (equator was passing through Tethys sea at that time). Here, W egener postulated contrasting view points. According to W egener sial (continental blocks) was floating upon sima without any friction and resistance but during the later part o f his theory he pointed out that m ountains were formed at the frontal edges o f floating and drifting continental blocks (sialic crust) due to friction and resistance offered by sima. How could it be possible? The question remains unanswered. Inspite o f this serious flaw in the continental drift theory of Wegener, S. W. W ooldridge and R.S. Morgan have remarked, ‘certainly the problem o f mountain building is one in which the hypothesis of continental drift solves more difficulties than it creates.’ (4) Origin of island a rc s : W egener has related * e process of the origin o f island arcs and estoons (of eastern Asia, W est Indies and the arc and e.SOUt^ern Antilles between Tierra del Fugo rnntin nta^ct*ca) to the differential rates o f en drift. When the A siatic block (part o f A ngaraland) w as m o v in g w estw ard, the eastern m argin o f this b lo ck co u ld n o t keep pace w ith the w estv'ard m oving m a jo r landm ass, rather lagged behind, co n seq u en tly the island arcs and festoons consisting o f S akhalin, K u rile, Japan, Philippines etc. w ere form ed. S im ilarly , som e portions of N orth and South A m ericas w h ile they were m oving w estw ard, w ere left b eh in d and the island arcs o f W est Indies and so u th ern A n tilles were form ed. (5) C arboniferous glaciation : T here are am ple evidences to d em o n strate that there was large-scale g laciation d u rin g C arb o n ifero u s pe­ riod when B razil, F alk lan d , S o u th ern Africa, P eninsular India, A u stralia, A n ta rc tica etc. were extensively glaciated. A cco rd in g to W egener all ; continental blocks w ere u n ited to g e th e r in the form o f one land m ass called P angaea. South pole was located near the p resen t p o sitio n o f D urban in N atal. Thus, south pole w as lo cated in the middle o f Pangaea. C onsequently, ice sheets might have spread from south pole o u tw ard at the tim e of glaciation and the afo resaid land areas, which w ere closer to south pole, m ight have been covered w ith thick ice sheets. At much later date, these land areas might have parted away due to Scanned by CamScanner ORIGrN OF OCEAN BASINS disruption o f Pangaea and related continental drift G lossopteris flora m ight have also been distributed over the aforesaid areas w hen these were united together. Evaluation of the Theory It may be pointed out that W egener’s continental drift theory widely departed from the contemporary orthodox geological ideas o f the nineteenth century and the tim e-honoured ther­ mal contraction theory o f the mountain building and thus it was obvious that the believers of contraction theory should also discard it. It is now w idely agreed that he (W egener) handled his case as an advocate rather than as an impartial scientific observer, appearing to ignore evidences unfavourable to his ideas and distort other evidences in harmony with the theory’ (Wooldridge & M organ, 1959). The follow ing flaws and defects have been pointed out by different scientists in W egener’s theory o f continental drift : >- The forces (gravitational forces, tidal forces o f the sun and the moon, and force of buoyancy) applied by W egener are not sufficient enough to drift the continents so apart. >- W egener described several contrasting view points about ‘sial , and sima . Both the coasts o f the Atlantic Ocean cannot be com pletely fitted, and hence the concept o f ‘jig saw fit’ cannot be validated. »- W egener could not elaborate the direction and chronological sequence o f the dis­ placem ent o f the continents. >- The concept o f ‘pole w andering’ was also invalidated in 1960s on the basis o f plate tectonics. It may be mentioned that the evidences o f ‘sea floor spreading’, and p a la e o m a g n e tis m have proved the fact that it is not the poles which move, rather continents m ove, and hence the relative position o f poles change over time. It may be concluded that ‘even if all the matter o f his theory is w rong, geologists and 39 others can but rem em ber that it is largely to him that we owe our more recent views on world tectonics’ (J.A. Steers, 1961, p. 174). Though most points o f W egener’s theory were rejected but its central theme o f horizontal displacement was retained. In fact, the postulation o f plate tectonic theory after 1960 is the result o f this continental drift theory o f W egener. W egener is, thus, given credit to have started thinking in this precarious field. 2.4 : PLATE TECTONICS AND CONTINENTAL DRIFT The ocean basins are characterized by four physiographic regions, namely continental shelves, continental slopes, deep sea plains, and ocean deeps and trenches. The most characteristic features o f the ocean basins are m id-ocean ridges and deep trenches. The mid-ocean ridges com ­ prised of volcanic rocks (igneous, mostly basalts) run almost through the central positions o f the oceans, and represent the zone o f sea floor spreading, and creation o f new ocean crust through continuous upwelling o f magma. Thus, mid-ocean ridges are, in fact, sp r e a d in g z o n e s . These mid-ocean ridges rise upto 2,500 m (2.5 km) from the ocean floor, and at places come out of the sea level. These also represent active volcanism and newest basalt rocks. As one goes away from the mid-ocean ridges, the basaltic crust becomes older. It is, thus, clear that m id-ocean ridges are the centers o f divergence and accretion o f new ocean crust. On the other hand, the ocean trenches are the centers o f subduction o f crustal part due to convergences o f crusts. Thus, the subduction zones are centers o f loss o f ocean crusts. Ocean trenches also represent deepest parts o f the oceans. These characteristic features o f ocean basins must be explained on the basis o f any acceptable theory. It may be m entioned that plate tectonic theory based on the evidences o f sea floor spreading and palaeom agnetism offers plausible explanation o f the origin o f ocean basins and their characteristic features. It is, thus, desirable to discuss salient aspects o f plate tectonics and continental drift. Scanned by CamScanner 40 OCEANOGRAPHY The rigid lithospheric slabs or rigid and solid crustal layers are technically called ‘p lates’. The w hole m echanism o f the evolution, nature and m otion o f plates and resultant reactions is called ‘plate tectonics’. In other words, the w hole process o f plate m otions is referred to as plate tectonics. ‘M oving over the weak asthenosphere, individual lithospheric plates glide slow ly over the surface o f the globe; much as a pack o f ice o f the Arctic Ocean drifts under the dragging force EURASIAN PLATE o f currents and w in d s’ (A . N . Strahler and A . H I Strahler, 1978, p. 373). Plate tecton ic theory, * * great scien tific achievem en t o f the decade o f 1960s, is based on tw o major scie n tific concepts e.g. (i) the con cep t o f continental drift, and (ii) the concept o f sea floor spreading. L ithosphere is internally m ade o f rigid p lates (fig . 2 .7 ). S ix major and 20 m inor plates have been id en tified so far (Eurasian plate, Indian-A ustralian plate, A m eri­ can plate, P acific plate, A frican plate and Antarc­ tic plate). NORTH AMERICAN ’ \ ,4.0 ^ " K' 2 8 JU AN DE Faull^XARIBBEANy'2'5 1 p la te : . r 2 h COCOS KLAI PLATE ^ — J- - - / “ ■i f 1 2 0° '-'6:12 ]v PACIFIC PLATE ^ A A ndreas ndreas f u r .A pPLATE i ATP FUCA ’HILIPPINE PLAT JXlNDO-AUSTRALIANy\ EURASIAN — p LATE PLATE^ s oO uU tThH^ S) ^ S V^M ERICANf I ~~ -v -^ . PLATA/ PLATE if ! / ARABIAN s _____PLATE 3 0 ^ ^ 1 ------- 1 - r4:- —► \ —►N " 3r"- « / E-ast PjAfricar ) \ ( Rift AFRICAN ' V a lle y -■£- p l a t e ' s / ^ ' V i / «, • J « ^ „ ANTARCTIC PLATE ' - ' r' ; f t \ . i r r ’C ■i s ™ ' v v ''. PLATt AN p u t e TIC g 27 was first “s e d Cby ^ ^ r i ^ c o X 7 ^ S t r T oceanic o n ,., WM c o ^ ^ c ^ f o ™ ^ ^ .f t — a n t a r c t i c p la th ej ^ d8eS- ArrOWS indiCate direction movements. at m id -ocean ic ridges and destroyed at the renc es. Isacks and S yk es confirm ed the ‘paving stone h y p o th esis’ in 1967. W J . M organ and Le ichon elaborated the various aspects o f plate ecton ics in 1968. N o w the continental drift and isplacem ent are considered a reality on the basis o f plate tectonics. . Scanned by CamScanner ORIGIN OF OCEAN BASINS 41 It may be hig h lig h ted that te c h n ic a lly plate boundaries or plate m argins are m ost im portant because all tectonic activities occur along the plate boundaries e.g. seism ic events, vulcanicity, m ountain b u ilding, faulting etc. T hus, the detailed study o f p late boundaries is not only desirable but is also necessary. Plate b o u n d aries are generally divided into three groups, as follow s : Fig. 2.8 : Diagramatic presentation o f main aspects o f plate tectonics (based on A.N. Strahler, 1971). (1) Constructive or Divergent Plate Boundaries C onstructive plate boundaries are also called divergent plate boundaries or accreting plate boundaries. C onstructive plate m argins (boundaries) represent zones o f divergence where there is continuous upw elling o f m olten m aterial (lava) and Continental crust V£ iC thus new oceanic crust is continuously form ed. In fact, oceanic plates split apart along the m idoceanic ridges and move in opposite d irections (fig. 2.9). There is continuous creation o f new cru st at the trailing ends o f divergent plates w h ich m ove DIVERGENCE CONVERGENCE S e a floor spreading O ceanic crust (basalt) Fig. 2.9: Diagramatic presentation of different types o f plate boundaries. Scanned by CamScanner OCEANOGRAPHY 42 in op p osite directions from m id-oceanic ridges. T his is V uy d iv e rg e n t plate boundaries are called tran sfo rm faults, (v) o ccurrence o f shallow focus earth q u ak es, (vi) d riftin g o f oceanic p lates etc. accreting plate boundaries. (2) Convergent Plate Boundaries D iv e rg e n t plate m argins are constructiv e in th e sen se th at there is continuous form ation o f new cru st along th ese m argins because o f cooling and so lid ific a tio n o f basaltic lava w hich com es up as m agm a due to riftin g o f plates along the m ido ceanic ridges. D iv erg en t m ovem ent o f plates (i.e. m ovem ent o f tw o plates in opposite d irec­ tio n s) resu lts in (i) volcanic activity o f fissure flow o f b a sa ltic m agm a, (ii) creation o f new o ceanic crusts, (iii) form ation o f subm arine m ountain ridges and rises, (iv) creation o f Continental C onvergent plate bo u n d aries are also called d e s tru c tiv e p la te b o u n d a rie s or co n su m in g plate b o u n d a rie s because tw o p lates m ove tow ards each other or tw o p lates converge along a line and leading edge o f one plate overrides the other plate and the overridden p late is subducted or thrust into the m antle and thus part o f cru st (plate) is lost in the m antle (fig 2.10). These are the centres of deep ocean trenches. O cean ic Fig. 2.10 : Convergent plate boundaries, and subduction zone representing the region o f loss o f plate. The zone o f collision o f convergent plates is also called as ‘collision zon e’, ‘subduction zone- and ‘B enioff zo n e’ (after the scientist Hugo B e m o f^ C onvergence, collision and resultant subduction o f heavier plate m argin under lighter plate margin results in (i) the occurrence o f explosive type o f volcanic eruptions, (ii) deep focn earthquakes, (iii) form ation o f folded m ountains, island arcs and festoons, oceanic trenches etc. Plate collisions are o f three types viz. (i) ocean— ocean collision (collision o f two oceanic 1 plates), (ii) continent-continent collision (colli­ sion o f two continental plates), and (iii) oceancontinent collision (collision o f oceanic an continental plates). O cean-ocean collision involves collision o f two convergent plates having oceanic crusts where one oceanic crust having relative y denser m aterial is subducted into upper mantle. Such collision and subduction occurs along eas Asia and the resultant tectonic expression oipia. collision and subduction includes deformation crustal area, vulcanism , metam orphism , . :: ■ ■ Scanned by CamScanner ORIGIN OF OCEAN BASINS 43 tion o f oceanic tre n c h e s , is la n d arcs and festoons etc., and o c c u rre n c e o f e arth q u ak e s. Oceanco n tin en t collision in v o lv e s c o llisio n o f one oceanic plate h a v in g o c e a n ic c ru st and o th er one o f co n tin ental p la te h a v in g c o n tin e n ta l crust along Benioff zone (su b d u c tio n zo n e) and the resu ltan t te cto n ic e x p re ss io n s are d efo rm atio n o f crustal ro c k s, m e ta m o rp h ism , v o lc an ic eruptions, fo rm a­ tio n o f fo ld e d m o u n ta in s and occurrence o f deepfo cu s e arth q u ak e s. C o llisio n o f A m erican and P a c ific p la te s is a ty p ic a l exam ple o f this category and fo rm atio n o f m ajestic w estern co rdillera o f N. A m e ric a an d A ndes o f S. A m erica is significant re su lta n t te c to n ic ex p ressio n o f such situation. It m ay be m e n tio n e d th a t one o f the m anifestions o f c o n tin e n t-o c e a n ic p la te collisio n is the exposure o f d eep o c ea n ro ck s th ro u g h their thrusting in re s u lta n t m o u n ta in m asses. T his process is called obduction w h ich is o p p o site to su b d u ctio n as the fo rm e r im p lie s th ru stin g up w hile the latter m eans th ru s tin g dow n. C o n tin en t-co n tin en t collision involves co lli­ sio n o f tw o c o n tin e n tal plates along B en io ff zone an d is re sp o n sib le for the creation o f folded m o u n ta in s and o ccu rren ces o f earthquakes o f v a ry in g m a g n itu d e s. The collision o f A siaticIn d ia n p la te s, A n d E uro p ean -A frican plates is ty p ic a l e x a m p le o f such situation and the form a­ tio n s o f A lp in e and H im alay an m ountain chains are m a jo r m a n ife stio n s. (3) Conservative Plate Boundaries C o n se rv a tiv e p late bou n d aries are also c a lle d sh ea r p la te b o u n d a ries or transform b oun d a­ ries b e c a u s e o f th e fo rm atio n o f tran sfo rm faults. H e re tw o p la te s p a ss or slide past one another alo n g tra n s fo rm fa u lts and thus cru st is n either created n o r d e stro y e d . T he significant te c to n ic e x p re ssio n o f such situation is th e c re a tio n o f tra n sfo rm faults w hich m ove, on an a v e ra g e , p a ra lle l to the d ire c tio n o f plate m otion. T ra n s fo rm fa u lts o ffse t m id-o cean ic ridges. B esid e s o c e a n ic tra n sfo rm fau lts, th ere are also c o n tin e n tal tra n sfo rm fa u lts e.g ., San A ndreas fault (C a lifo rn ia , U S A ), A lp in e fa u lt (A frica) etc. It m ay b e m e n tio n e d th a t S an A n d re as fau lt is ridge to ridge transform f a u l t ’ The other m anifesta­ tions o f conservative plate m argins include no volcanic activity, seism ic events, creation o f ridge and valley, fractures zone etc. H. H ess pro stu lated the concept o f ‘plate te cto n ics’ in 1960 in su p p o rt o f co n tin en tal drift. The continents and oceans m ove w ith the m ove­ m ent o f these plates. The p resen t shape and arrangem ent o f the continents and ocean basins co u ld be a tta in e d b e c a u se o f c o n tin u o u s relative m ovem ent o f d ifferen t p lates o f the second Pangaea since C arboniferous period. Plate tectonic theory is based on the evidences o f (1 ) sea-floor spreading, and (ii) p alaeom agn etism . 1. Forces of Plate Movements It has been finally agreed th at the forces responsible for the m ovem ent o f p lates in d ifferent directions cannot be external rath er they com e from w ithin the earth. It has been com m only agreed that therm al convective currents o rig in at­ ing in the upper m antle o f the interior o f the earth (fig. 2 . 11) are responsible for dragging the p lates in different directions i.e. in opposite d irectio n s (divergent m ovem ent o f p lates), in face to face direction (convergent m ovem ent), and la te ral and parallel but in opposite d irectio n (c o n v erg en t m ovem ent o f plates). The divergent m ovem ent o f p lates is cau sed by rising (ascending) therm al co n v ectiv e c u r­ rents. The ascending th erm al co n v ectiv e cu rren ts diverge ju st below the m id -o cean rid g es (fig. 2 . 11) and thus drag the o cean cru st in o p p o site directions and cause sp read in g o f sea floor, u p w ellin g o f m agm a in the form o f b a sa ltic lavas w hich cool and so lid ify to .fo r m new b asaltic ocean crusts (accretio n o f p lates). O n the o ther hand, tw o sets o f th erm al co n v ectiv e cu rren ts c o m in g fro m o p p o site d ire c tio n s c o n v erg e below the cru st (fig. 2 . 11) and thus m ake the p la te s c o llid e a n d s u b d u c tio n th e re o f at su b d u ctio n or B e n io ff zone re su ltin g into fo rm atio n o f m o u n tain ran g es an d d eep ocean tren ch es. Scanned by CamScanner 44 oceanography Mid-Ocean ridge Deep-sea trench Plateau basalts Fig. 2.11 : Pattern of thermal convective currents and plate movements. 2. Sea-Floor Spreading The concept o f sea floor spreading was first propounded by professor Hary Hess o f the Princeton U niversity in the year 1960. His concept w as based on the research findings o f num erous m arine geologists, geochemists and geophysicists. M ason o f the Scripps Institute o f O ceanography obtained significant information about the m agnetism o f the rocks of sea-floor of the Pacific Ocean with the help o f magnetometer. Later on he surveyed a long stretch o f the sea-floor o f the Pacific Ocean from M exico to British C olum bia along the w estern coast o f North A m erica. W hen the data o f magnetic anomalies obtained during the aforesaid survey were dis­ played on a chart, there emerged well defined patterns o f stripes (fig. 2.12). Based on these inform ation Hary Hess propounded that the midoceanic ridges were situated on the rising thermal convection currents coming up form the mantle (fig. 2.11). The oceanic crust moves in opposite directions from m id-oceanic ridges and thus there is continuous upw elling o f new molten materials (lavas) along the m id-oceanic ridges. These m olten lavas cool down and solidify to form new crust along the trailing ends o f divergent plates (oceanic crust). Thus, there is continuous creation o f new crust along the m id-oceanic ridges. This, according to Hess, proves the fact that sea-floor Fig. 2.12 : Patterns of positive magnetic anomalies off the coast of Sanfransisco. Scanned by CamScanner i 45 ORIGIN o f o c e a n b a s in s spreads along the m id-oceanic ridges and the expanding crusts (plates) are destroyed along the oceanic trenches. T hese facts prove that the continents and ocean basins are in constant motion. W .G . V ine and M attheus conducted the m agnetic survey o f the central part o f Carlsberg R idge in Indian O cean in 1963 and computed the m agnetic profiles on the basis o f general m agnet­ ism. W hen he com pared the com puted magnetic profiles with the profiles o f m agnetic anomalies plotted on the basis o f actual data obtained during the survey, he found sizeable difference between the two profiles. W hen he plotted the magnetic profiles on the basis o f alternate bands o f normal and reverse m agnetism in separate stripes o f 20 km w idth on either side o f the ridge, he found complete parallelism betw een the computed profiles and observed profites. Vine and M attheus have opined on the basis o f the evidences o f tem poral reversal in the geomagnetic filed and the concept o f sea-floor spreading as propounded by Deitz and Hess that when m olten hot lavas come up with the rising therm al convection current along the mid-oceanic ridges and get cooled and solidified, these (lavas) also get magnetized, at the same time, in accordance with the then geomagnetic field and thus alternate bands or stripes of magnetic anomalies are formed on either side o f the midoceanic ridge. In other words, when molten lavas are upw elled along the mid-oceanic ridges, these divide the earlier basaltic layer into two equal halves and these basaltic layers slide horizontally on either side o f the mid-oceanic ridges. The findings o f Cox, Doell and Dalrympal (1964), Opdyke (1966) and H eritzler (1966) have vali­ dated the follow ing facts : (i) there is reversal in the m ain m agnetic field o f the earth (know n as geocentric dipole magnetic field), (ii) normal and reverse m agnetic amomalies are found in alternate m anner on either side o f the m id-oceanic ridges, (iii) there is com plete parallelism in the m ag­ netic anom alies on either side o f the midoceanic ridges, and (iv) there is p arallelism in the tim e sequence o f palaeom agnetic epochs and events calcu ­ lated for 4.5 m illion years on the basis o f m agnetism o f basaltic rocks or sedim en­ tary rocks. Fig. 2.13 depicts the p osition o f m agnetic stripes on eith er side o f the m idoceanic ridge along w ith the tim e-scale o f their form ation. Fig. 2.13 : Diagramatic presentation o f magnetic stripes on either side o f the mid-oceanic ridge accord­ ing to Vine and Matheus, The period o f the formation o f these stripes have been named after known scientists (e.g. Gillbert, Gass, Matuyama and Bruhnes). It may be concluded, on the basis o f above discussion, that there is continuous spreading o f seafloor. New basaltic crust is continuously formed along the m id-oceanic ridges. T he new ly formed basaltic layer is divided into tw o equal halves and is thus displaced aw ay from the m idoceanic ridge. A lternate stripes o f positive and negative magnetic anom alies are found on either side o f the m id-oceanic ridges. Such m agnetic anomalies (positive and negative) are form ed because o f tem poral reversal in the geom agnetic field. The rocks form ed during norm al m agnetic field contain positive m agnetic anom alies w hile the rocks form ed during reverse polarity (re­ versed geom agnetic field) denote negative m ag­ netic anomalies. Scanned by CamScanner 46 oceano g raph y Rates of Plate Spreading Movements and Sea Floor T he age o f m agnetic stripes, the rate o f sea floor spreading and the tim e o f drifting o f different continents are calculated on the basis o f above facts. The dating o f the m agnetic stripes form ed upto 4.5 m illion years before present has been com pleted on the basis o f inform ation obtained from the survey o f palaeom agnetism o f the sea floor o f different oceans. The rate o f sea floor spreading is calculated on the following two bases: **■ on the basis o f the age o f isochrons (isochrons are those lines which join the points o f equal dates o f m agnetic stripes plotted on the map), and ^ on the basis o f distance between two isochrons. Thus the rates o f spreading (drifting) o f different oceans have been determined on the basis o f above principles. It may be mentioned that the rate o f sea floor spreading always means the rate o f expansion only on one side o f the mid­ ocean ridges. F o r exam ple, if the rate o f sea floo^ spreading is reported to be 1.0 cm p er year, the total spreading o f the concerned ocean w ould be 1 + 1 = 2 cm per year. Though d ifferent rates o f plate m ovem ents and sea floor spreading have been reported by different sources but the generalized average rates are as follow s : 5=* The m axim um spreading o f the Pacific Ocean is 6 to 9 cm per year along the eastern Pacific ridge betw een equator and 30° S latitude, w hile it ranges between 2.5 cm to 3 cm per year along the western North A m erican coasts (fig. 2.14). >■ The southern A tlantic Ocean is expanding along the southern A tlantic ridge at the rate o f 2 cm per year. The Indian Ocean is expanding at the rate o f 1.5 cm to 3 cm per year. All o f the above m entioned spreading rates are only on one side o f the m id-ocean ridges. The figures should be doubled to get total rate o f sea floor spreading. Scanned by CamScanner 47 ORIGIN OF OCEAN BASINS 3 . Evidence of Palaeomagnetism Palaeom agnetism refers to the preservation o f m agnetic properties in the older rocks o f the earth. It may be m entioned that when any rock, w hether sedim entary or igneous, is formed it gets m agnetised depending on the presence o f iron content in the rock and is preserved (frozen at tem perature below C urie point, which is gener­ ally 600°C). It was the year 1600 A.D. when W illiam G ilbert, the physician o f Queen Eliza­ beth, postulated that the earth behaved like a giant m agnet and m agnetism o f the earth was produced in the inner part o f the earth. The magnetic field o f the earth is like a giant bar magnet o f dipoles, located in the centre (core) o f the earth and is aligned approxim ately along the axis o f rotation o f the earth. W hen the long axis o f dipole bar m agnet is extended it intersects the earth’s surface at two centres which are called north and south m agnetic poles. It may be pointed out that m agnetic south pole o f the earth is near its (earth’s) geographical north pole and vice-versa (i.e. m agnetic north pole is located near geo­ graphical south pole). If an ordinary small magnet is freely suspended at the earth’s surface then the earth ’s south m agnetic pole attracts north pole o f sm all m agnet and earth’s north magnetic pole attracts south pole o f small magnet. It may be clarified that as per general rule when two m agnets are brought together, then their similar poles repel each other but opposite poles attract each other. (1) S o u r c e o f G e o m a g n e tic Field The origin o f geom agnetic field is in no case related to m antle rath er it is related to the outer core o f the earth because o f the fact that there is gradual w estw ard m igration o f geom agnetic field at the rate o f 0.18° p e r year w hich proves that the rotation o f geom agnetic field is slow er than the rotation o f the earth. This indirectly proves that the core o f the earth rotates at slow er rate than the overlying m antle. It m ay be stated that the magnetic field cannot be a perm anent property o f the material o f the c o r e ........... m ust therefore be continuously produced and m ain ta in ed ’ (A, and Doris L. Holmes, 1978). I f perm anent geom agnetic field is not possible then the continuous produc­ tion and m aintenance o f geom agnetic field m ay be possible only when there would be presence o f materials o f high electrical conductivity in the core so that electrical currents m ay be generated. It is further pointed out that the generation o f electrical currents is possible only in m etallic liquid m aterials and such situation is found in the outer core o f the earth which functions as self exciting dynam o. Thus, the energy coming out o f the core is transform ed into electrical currents which in association with m etallic liquid sub­ stances produce geocentric dipole m agnetic field. (2) Remanent Magnetism The geocentric axial dipole m agnetic field represents 95 per cent o f a earth’s total m agnet­ ism. The remaining portion is represented by irregular, scattered and weak m agnetic fields. It may be pointed out that there is no such giant bar magnet inside the earth but there is more concentration o f m agnetism in the rocks o f the core o f the earth in the shape o f a bar m agnet. The hot and liquid lava and m agm a w ith high ferrom agnesian contents, when cooled and solidi­ fied to form igneous rocks, get m agnetised, the records o f which are preserved in the rocks. Such magnetism preserved (frozen) in the rocks are called re m a n en t or palaeo m ag n etism . It is to be remembered that the newly form ed rocks are magnetised in the direction o f existing geom agnetic field, and thus the m agnetic inclination/dip o f newly formed rocks is the same as that o f the geom agnetic field at the tim e o f the form ation o f said igneous rocks. Thus, it is evident that the o rie n ta tio n and m a g n etic in c lin a tio n o f palaeom agnetism preserved in the rocks is alw ays in accordance w ith the prevailing m agnetic inclination o f geom agnetic field. The intensity o f such palaeom agnetism /rem anent m agnetism de­ pends on the com position o f m inerals o f lava and m agm a at the tim e o f cooling and solidification and on the intensity o f geom agnetic field o f that period (w hen the concerned igneous rocks were form ed). Sim ilarly, sedim entary rocks, at the time o f their form ation, are also m agnetised, the am Scanned by CamScanner 48 OCEANOGRAPHY intensity o f w hich depends on the am ount o f ferrom agnesian m inerals present therein. Som e­ tim es, the m agnetism (w eak) o f sedim entary rocks is destroyed due to chem ical changes. R em anent m agnetism preserved in the rocks is recorded w ith the help o f galvanometer. experienced m ag n etic changes; (iii) so m e errors m ay crop up at the tim e o f o rien tatio n etc. In order to rem ove th ese erro rs sev eral ro ck sam p les o f sam e age are co lle cte d and the p o sitio n o f poles is determ ined after the study o f their palaeom agnetism and calcu latio n o f av erag e v alu e o n the b asis o f statistical m ethods. (3) Reconstruction of Palaeomagnetism B ased on th e ab o v e m eth o d th e p o sitio n s o f poles w ere d eterm in ed in Jap an , Ita ly , F ran c e etc. on the basis o f p alaeo m ag n etic re c o n stru c tio n o f C enozoic lavas. B lack ett and h is asso ciates determ ined the p o sitio n o f p o le s b e fo re 200 m illion years in B ritish Isles on th e b a sis o f p alaeom agnetic re c o n stru ctio n o f san d sto n es. The study revealed co n sid e ra b le c h a n g e s in the positions o f poles in the p ast. T h is stu d y , thus, revealed the fact, 'that m agnetic p o le s have changed their positions and there has been considerable wandering in the position o f poles. ’ On the basis o f this rev elatio n tw o in fe re n c e s m ay be draw n : The reconstruction o f palaeom agnetism involves the collection o f rock sam ples o f the sam e age from different places and determ ination and recording o f their orientation. It may be pointed out that som e changes may take place in the original orientation o f m agnetism due to tectonic events. Any w ay, after the determ ination o f orientation o f palaeom agnetism , the m agni­ tude, declination and inclination o f local force are m easured w ith the help o f m a g n e to m e te r. It is assum ed th at generally at the tim e o f m agnetisa­ tion o f rocks (palaeom agnetism ) the geom agnetic field is dipolar in shape and there is approximate coincidence betw een average geom agnetic field (average, because it varies temporally) and contem porary geographical poles. B ased on this assum ption average palaeom agnetic inclination/ dip o f rocks o f a certain place and o f a certain time is determ ined, on the basis o f w hich the latitude o f that place existing at that tim e is determ ined on the basis o f the follow ing equation : w hen tan I = 2 tan A I = m agnetic inclination ^ = latitude T hus, the latitude, so determ ined helps in determ ining the distance o f poles and the direc­ tion o f poles is determ ined on the basis o f palaeo m agnetic declination (D). On the basis o f distance and direction o f geographical poles from the selected place (from w here the rock sam ples are co llected) the position o f poles o f the globe, at the tim e o f the form ation o f the sam ple rocks, is determ ined. There m ay be som e errors in the aforesaid p rocess o f determ ination o f the position o f the globe viz. (i) at the tim e o f palaeom agnetic reconstruction the im pact o f only geom agnetic field is considered w hile m inor m agnetic fields are ignored; (ii) sam pled rocks m ight have ^ The poles m ust have ch an g ed th e ir p o s i­ tions and the co n tin en ts and o c ea n b asin s m ight have rem ained statio n ary at th e ir places th ro u g h o u t g eo lo g ical tim e. >- Polar w andering has o ccu rred d ue to continental drift i.e. c o n tin en ts ch an g e d their relative p o sitio n s w h ile m a g n etic poles rem ained stationary. Polar w andering curves are p re p a re d fo r different continents on the b asis o f d a ta d e riv e d through palaeom agnetic reco n stru ctio n . As per rule if there has not been continental rift, then the polar wandering curves o f different continents at a certain time p erio d (same tim e f o r all the continents) shall be the same, but i f the continental drift has occurred then these polar curves would be different f ° r each The m ag n etic p o lar w an d erin g curves p erlo V d iffc ^ <!;fferen, “ « — «■ * » clearlv ,hA c° " rab li' from cach o th er. This positions P° leS have n o t c h an ged their relative n o ^ f W C° ” tin en ts have ch an g ed their relative po sitio n s. T hus it is co n clu d ed t h a t : and n , I he C° ncepts ° f Permanency o f continents and ocean basins, and polar wandering stand Scanned by CamScanner I ORIGIN OF OCEAN BASINS rejected and continental displacement and drift becomes a reality. ” It is, thus, validated that if the relative positions o f continents have changed, the position o f magnetic pole determ ined on the basis o f contem porary rocks o f a continent would differ from the position o f magnetic pole (of same period) o f the other continents. It may be further elaborated. So long as two continents are joined together or are not drifting in relation to one another, the m agnetic polar wandering curves for same period would be the same for both the continents. According to A.G. W egener all the continents were joined together in the form of Pangaea till late Perm ian period. If this was so, then there should be only one palaeomagnetic pole for all the continents during Palaeozoic era. This inference became true when the palaeomagnetic pole w andering curve was prepared for Palaeozoic Pangaea by join in g all the present day continents together so as to conceive the situation in Palaeozoic era. It is, thus, finally concluded that : “Based on p o le wandering curves o f differ­ ent periods fo r different continents on the basis o f data derived fro m palaeom agnetic reconstruction and evidences o f sea jlo o r spreading, not only the concept o f continental drift is validated but the mechanism o f disruption o f W egener's Pangaea, separation o f different continents and their largescale displacement and drifting are also validated. (4) Reversal of P olarity The study o f palaeom agnetism also re­ vealed that m agnetization o f som e rocks was not conformal to the geom agnetic field i.e. the rocks Were magnetized in opposite direction o f main geomagnetic field. It w as further substantiated during the decade 1950-60 that the occurrence o f Aversely m agnetized rocks was not rare phenom ­ enon rather it was universal phenom enon. The available data o f palaeom agnetism reveals the fact that about 50 percent o f the rocks o f the crust ave got m agnetized in opposite direction to the geomagnetic field. T here m ay be tw o possibilities 111 this regard : 49 >- At the time o f m agnetization o f rocks at given tim e period some rocks might have been m agnetized in opposite direction to the geom agnetic field or initially all the rocks were m agnetized in the direction o f geom agnetic field but at a later date the direction o f some rocks m ight have changed and hence o p p o site d ire c tio n o f palaeomagnetism o f rocks m ight have become possible. This m echanism o f re­ versal o f polarity is called self reversal. >- Alternatively, originally the m agnetiza­ tion o f reversely m agnetized rocks m ight have taken place in the direction o f geomagnetic field but at a later date there might have been reversal in the direction o f geomagnetic field itself. This m echanism o f reversal o f polarity is called geomagnetic field reversal. The first possibility o f reversal o f polarity i.e. self reversal of polarity, as referred to above, could not be substantiated on the basis o f available field data though Neel suggested a few theoretical possibilities to validate self reversal. Most o f the scientists are o f the opinion that terrestrial rocks are m agnetized alw ays in the direction o f geomagnetic field, but there is reversal in the direction o f geom agnetic field, i. e ., north-south direction o f geom agnetic field after certain time becomes south-north. For exam ple, if the geomagnetic field is in norm al direction (north-south), all the rocks o f all the continents formed at that time are m agnetized in norm al direction but when the norm al direction o f geomagnetic field gets reversed (south-north), all the rocks o f all the continents at that tim e (during reversed direction o f geom agnetic field) are m agnetized again in the direction o f geom agnetic field but this time the direction o f m agnetism o f rocks is opposite to the direction o f previously formed and m agnetized rocks because now the direction o f geom agnetic field has got reversed itself. It is generally believed that field reversal occurs at regular interval o f time. Scientists have measured magnetic polarity o f rocks upto 4.5 million years which denotes definite and perfect time sequence. The rocks formed at the same time period in all the I i Scanned by CamScanner OCEANOGRAPHY 50 continents denote sam e polarity. Fig. 2.15 shows tim e sequence o f reversal o f geom agnetic field ot polarity reversal upto 4.5 m illion years. It is evident from fig. 2.15 that there are four polarity epochs w herein two epochs (e.g. Gauss and Bruhnes) are o f n o rm a l p o la rity w hile two epochs ~T 4> c _ >». < jQ o Fig. 2.15 : 4. Plate Tectonics and Actual Continental Dis­ placement TO O c <' iC S • ® 5* !S '♦r V- t (e.g. G ilbert and M atuyam a) arc o f reverie polarity. Polarity events within different geomagnetic polarity epochs have been nam ed after the placc w here rem anent m agnetism (palaeom agnetism ) w as studied first. Time scale o f reversal o f geomagnetic field (after A. Cox, 1969). On th e b a sis o f th e e v id e n c e s o f palaeom agnetism and sea floor spreading it has been now validated that the continents and ocean basins have never been stationary or perm anent at their places rather these have alw ays been m obile throughout the geological history o f the earth and they are still m oving in relation to each other. The scientists have discovered am ple evidences to dem onstrate the opening and closing o f ocean basins. For exam ple, the M editerranean sea is the residual o f once very vast ocean (T ethys sea) and the Pacific O cean is continuously contracting because o f gradual subduction o f A m erican plate along its ridge. On the other hand, the A tlantic Ocean is continuously expanding for the last 200 m illion years. Red Sea has started to open (to expand). It may be m entioned that continental m asses come closer to each other w hen the oceans begin to close while continents are displaced away when the oceans begin to open (expand). Though the sequence o f events o f co n tin en ­ tal displacem ent based on the evidences o f palaeom agnetism and sea floor spreading vs available only for the last 200 m illion years but on the basis o f general m echanism o f plate tectonics and the evidence from the continents the sequence o f earlier events may be reconstructed. V alentine and M oors (1970) and Ilallam (1972) have attem pted to reconstruct the chronological se­ quence o f the continents and ocean basins from the beginning to the present tim e. A bout 700 m illion years ago all the landm asses w ere united together in the form o f one single giant landmass know n as Pangaea 1. A bout 600-500 m illion years before present, first Pangaea w as broken because o f therm al convective currents com ing from w ithin the earth, m ost probably from the mant e and different landm asses drifted apart. These landm asses w ere again united together due o Scanned by CamScanner ORIGIN OF OCEAN BASINS plate m otions in one land m ass known as Pangaea II about 300-200 m illion years before present. A ccording to A. H allam Second Pangea began to break during early Jurassic period and N.W. A frica broke aw ay from N. A m erica and drifted away. The zone o f sea floor spreading continued to extend tow ards north and south. The separation o f South A m erica and A frica was accomplished during m iddle C retaceous period, and North A m erica and Europe began to move away from each other (Fig. 2.16). 51 N America S edim ent Supply Fault _ t _ Africa/Europe Proto Atlantic i M E 200 100 600 500 400 300 _ i__ _I_ _i_ _i_ _i_ _I_ 000 000 years B P (Before Present) Atlantic Mi E1 M2 E2 Fig. 2.16 : The probable pattern o f continental movement during the last 700 million years (based on Valentine and Moors, 1970) Miogeocline Fig. 2.17 The opening o f North A tlantic was accom­ plished in m any phases. After the separation o f North A m erica from A frica, Europe and Green­ land broke away from Labrador during late Cretaceous period (about 80 m illion years before present) and thus Labrador sea was formed. This newly form ed sea continued to remain for some time as northern extension o f the Atlantic Ocean. Rockall plateau was separated from Greenland during Tertiary period (about 60 million years before present). Labrador Sea and North Atlantic continued to expand between Europe and Green­ land upto m iddle M iocene period because the European and American plates continued to move eastward and w estward respectively. The spread­ ing of Labrador Sea stopped by middle Miocene period (about 47 million years before present) but North Atlantic continued to expand. Atlantic Eugeocline Evolutionary history o f the Atlantic Ocean during the past 700 million years. 1. Forma­ tion of new ocean basins 700 million years ago. 2. Deposition of miogeosyncline and eugeosyncline on the margins about 500 mil­ lion years ago. 3. Closing of the Atlantic Ocean and the formation o f part o f the Applachians due to convergence o f Eurasian and American plates about 400 million years ago. 4. Atlantic closed completely and the formation of the Applachians of North America and Hercytiian mountains o f Europe was com­ pleted about 300 million years ago. 5. Reopen­ ing o f the Atlantic due to plate motion about 150 million years ago . 6. Present situation, beginning of theformation o f new geosynclines (after Dietz, 1973). Indian Ocean did not exist before C reta­ ceous period. Indian plate began to move towards Scanned by CamScanner 52 OCEANOGRAPHY A siatic plate through ‘Tethys S ea’ and Austral­ ian-Antarctic plates after breaking away from African plate began to move southward during Cretaceous period. Dan Mackenzie and John Sclater have presented the chronological se­ quence o f the evolution o f Indian Ocean on the basis o f the study o f magnetic anomalies. Accord­ Fig. 2 .1 8 : ing to them Indian plate began to m ove northward at the rate o f 18 cm per year during early Tertiary period but the movem ent stopped during Eocene period. The same time Antarctica broke away from Australia. Thus, the Pacific Ocean began to shrink in size because o f expansion o f the Atlantic and Indian Oceans. The evolution o f the continents and ocean basins on the basis o f plate tectonics since Triassic period and the probable future pattern o f events upto 50 million years hence. I. Triassic period. 200 million years ago. 2. Late Triassic period, IHOmillion years ago. 3. Late Jurassic period, 135 million years ago. 4. Late Cretaceous period, 65 million years ago. 5. Present position, and 6. 50 million years hence. Arrows indicate the directions of movement o f the continents (after Dietz and Holden, 1973). Scanned by CamScanner »■ ORIGIN OF OCEAN BASINS Fig. 2.19 : 53 Diagramatic presentation o f the separation of Africa and Arabia due to spreading of Red Sea and Gulf o f Aden. Arrows indicate directions of the movement of the plates and spreading of Red Sea and Gulf of Aden. A and B denote the poles o f rotation (after A. M. Quennel, 1958). Fig. 2.17 depicts chronological events of the A tlan tic O cean during past 700 million years. The Atlantic Ocean began to open about 700 million years before present because of breaking of F irst P an g aea when the American and AfricaEuropean plates began to move in divergent directions and thus the Atlantic continued to expand till 400 million years before present when the Atlantic again began to close. Because o f the closing of the Atlantic Ocean Applachian moun­ tains o f North America were formed. The Atlantic Ocean again began to open up about 150 million years before present when Second Pani'aeu was broken into several landmasses and it still continues to expand because o f the m ovem ent o f American and European plates in opposite direc­ tions. It may be pointed out that the Atlantic Ocean is continuously expanding for the past 200 million years but the Pacific Ocean is contracting in size because o f westward movement o f the Pacific Ocean. Fig. 2.18 depicts the probable situation o f the continents and ocean basins during 50 million years hence. The following examples dem onstrate the trends and patterns o f continental displacem ent, sea-floor spreading and contraction in the size o f the oceans : Scanned by CamScanner Fig. 2. 20 : Gulf o f California (A), and San Andreas Fault (B). R ed Sea a n d G u lf o f Aden : R ed Sea is an exam ple o f axial trough w hich is located betw een A frica and A rabian peninsula (fig. 2.19). The surveyed m agnetic anom alies in this area show , as observed by A .W . G irdler, the pattern o f stripes and these are sim ilar to the m agnetic anom alies o f the ocean basins. F.J. V ine calculated the rate o f the spreading o f Red Sea on the basis o f the data o f m agnetic anom alies in the year 1966. A cco rd ­ ing to him the Red Sea is sp read in g at the rate o f one centim eter per year (to tal sp read in g 2 cm/ year) since the past 3-4 m illio n y ears. A len and M orelli calcu lated the sp read in g rate in 1969 as 1.1 cm /y ear (total sp read in g 2.2 cm /year). Sim i­ larly. the rate o f sp read in g o f the G u lf o f A den has been calcu lated on the basis o f strip p ed m agnetic anom alies as 0.9 to 1.1 cm /y ear (to tal spreading 1.8 to 2.2 cm /year). The R ed Sea and the G u lf of Scanned by CamScanner CRlGfct OF OCEAN BASINS 55 Adea an? located at the junction o f three plates viz. I M i t t plate. Somali plate and Arabian plate. Nubian and Somali plates are separated by Ethiopian Fault. Fig. 2.19 denotes the location o f Red Sea. G ulf o f Aden, Arabian, Nubian and Somali plates and the pole o f rotation. Gutf of California and San A d r e a s F a u lt T he Pacific Ocean is a w aning ocean because it is continuously being contracted in its s ire because o f gradual encroachm ent o f west­ w ard m oving A m erican plates. It is believed that like m id-A tlantic ridge there might have been a m id-oceanic ridge in the Pacific Ocean but it has now been rem arkably deform ed due to plate m ovem ent. The m agnetic survey o f the G ulf o f C alifornia revealed the presence o f stripped m agnetic anom aly. This situation validates two facts viz. (i) East Pacific Rise (ridge^ is also located in the G u lf o f California and there has been continuous spreading o f the gulf along the rid g e since the past four m illion years, and (ii) B aja, the C alifornian peninsula, was previously united w ith the m ainland o f North America but later on it broke aw ay from the continent due to spreading o f sea floor. 2.5 SEAMOUNTS AND TABLEMOUNTS Seamounts and tablem ounts are significant mobile topographic features o f volcanic origin on ocean floors, and are the results o f plate move­ ments, and witnesses o f sea floor spreading. In fact, seamounts and tablem ounts are the testi­ mony o f plate tectonics. Sea m ounts are tall volcanic peaks having cone-shaped top (conical volcanic peaks). These are generally not seen above the sea surface (sea level) but som etim es they project above the seaw ater surface. On the other hand, flat topped volcanic peaks are called tablemounts or guyots, after the name o f Swiss scientist Arnold Guyot. It may be m entioned that guyots are always submerged under seaw ater and are characterized by flat top surfaces covered w ith shallow deposits. It is believed that these guyots o f volcanic origin were initially o f conical shape but at later dates they were flattened by m arine erosion. The origin o f both seam ounts and guyots are associated with tectonic activities occurring at mid-ocean ridges which represent active spread­ ing zones caused by divergent plate m ovem ents under the influence o f divergent therm al convec­ tive currents originating from w ithin the m antle o f the interior o f the earth. Mid-Oceanic Ridge Trench Fig. 2 .2 / . Illustration offormation of new' ocean crust at spreading zone c f mid-ocean ridge. Scanned by CamScanner 56 OCEANOGRAPHY A ctive volcanoes are associated with m idoceanic ridges. U nder the influence o f rising th erm al convection currents oceanic plates (crust) are sep arated and tw o plates m ove in opposite d irectio n s from the ridge crests. B ecause o f d iv erg en ce o f tw o plates the confining pressure o f su p erincum bent load is released and conse­ quently m elting point is low ered w hich causes partial m elting o f upper m antle and form ation o f th o leiite basalt w hich m oves upw ard through ascending therm al convection currents and ap­ pears as fissure flow o f basaltic lava. This basaltic tholeiite lava after cooling and solidification form s new oceanic crust (fig. 2.21). The volcanic m echanism leads to form ation o f ridges parallel to m id-oceanic ridges. The new ly form ed basaltic crust is divided into tw o equal halves and are em placed on either side o f the ridge. These parallel basaltic stripes placed on eith er side o f the ridge m ove aw ay from the m id-oceanic ridge due to sea-floor spreading effected by ascending thermal convection currents and associated upwelling o f lava and basaltic stripes are accreted at the trailing m argins o f divergent plates. This is also validated on the basis o f p arallel but alternate pattern o f positive and negative anom alies o f palaeom agnetic stripes (fig. 2 .2 2 ,also see figs. 2.12 and 2.13). ’ + / \ /\ / - / >. / \ / Ocean floor IO --A sce n d in g m agm a NORMAL MAGNETISM Fig. 2.22 : A scending m agm a NORMAL MAGNETISM Formation o f ocean floor (magma) stripes on either side o f mid-oceanic ridge and magnetization. A. Ascending magma after reaching the ridge crest is solidified on cooling and is magnetized in accordance with the direction o f geomagnetic field. This is the present case o f normal magnetization. B. Formerly created basaltic layer (1) moves away from the ridge and new basaltic stripes form ed due to further upwelling o f magma and the solidified stripe gets magnetized in accordance with reversed geomagnetic field (indicated by arrow). This is the case of reversed magnetism. C. Geomagnetic field returns to its normal position (upward arrow) and the newly formed magma stripe close to the ridge is magnetized in accordance with normal geomagnetic field, a case o f normal magnetism. The upper part o f the diagram denotes positive (shown by +J and negative (shown by —) magnetic anomalies, after—M.J. Bradshaw, A.J. Abbott and A. P. Gelsthorpe, 1978. Iceland presents an ideal exam ple o f this m echanism because it is situated on both the sides o f m id-A tlantic ridge i.e. m id-A tlantic ridge (locally called as R eykjanes ridge) passes through the m iddle o f Iceland through w hich m agm a upwells from tim e to time. The eruption o f H elgafell volcano in 1973 presents evidence in support o f this proposition. T here is continuous grow th in the surface area o f Iceland due to basaltic lava. It is estim ated that the island has grow n in size by 400 km since the beginning of. T ertiary (65 m illion years B .P.) epoch, which indicates average grow th rate o f 0.6 cm/yr. T Scanned by CamScanner ORIGIN OF OCEAN BASINS age o f lava (basalt) increases aw ay from the ridge as re c e n t lava is found close to the ridge, 2 m illion Fig. 2.23 : 57 year-old lava aw ay from the ridge and 65 m illionyear old lava at the m argin o f the island. Sea-floor spreading, vulcanicity andformation of volcanic islands. A-Formation o f1st volcanic island 70 million years ago, B-present situation, gradual shifting o f volcanic islands due to sea-floor spreading, Volcanic island in A (shown by 1) has moved fa r away to position I in B. (after M.J. Bradshaw et. al, 1978). The aforesaid inference is also validated on the basis o f evidences o f volcanic islands situated on the ocean floor. For exam ple, the volcanic islands o f A tlantic O cean are w ithout doubt associated w ith the m id-A tlantic ridge. The most active volcanic islands are nearest to the ridge w hereas dorm ant and extinct volcanoes are located at the farthest distance from the ridge. It m ay be pointed out that volcanic islands are form ed near the ridge due to upw elling o f magma from below . As the sea floor spreads these volcanic peaks m ove away from the ridge and m agm a source. W hen they move far away from the ridge the supply o f m agm a com es to an end and thus m ost o f these volcanic islands are subm erged under sea w aves and becom e sea mounts or guyots (fig. 2.23). It m ay be m entioned that not all the volcanic peaks subm erge beneath sea waves as a few o f them project from 1500 to 3000 m above sea-level. The study o f basaltic lava o f the volcanic islands o f the A tlantic O cean has revealed the fact that volcanic islands located nearest to the ridge are characterized by recen t lava while those located at the farthest d istan ce from the ridge have oldest lava. For ex am p le, the oldest lava o f A zores islands located on eith er side o f the m id-A tlantic ridge is 4 m illio n y ears old while the oldest lava o f Cape V erae island located near A frican coast (farthest from the ridge) is 120 m illion years old. Fig. 2.23 rep resen ts sea -flo o r spreading, vulcanicity, form ation o f v o lcan ic islands and their d isplacem ent from the rid g e. The island arcs w ith volcanic peaks and associated oceanic trenches are form ed w hen oceanic plate is subducted below c o n tin en tal belt. Seism ic shocks and heat are g en erated at the depth o f 700 km due to friction o f co n tin en tal p late and subducted oceanic plate. C o n seq u en tly , u pper m antle, basaltic crust o f o cean flo o r and o v erly in g sedim ents get m elted and thus m agm a is form ed. It m ay be pointed out th at v o lcan ic peaks o f islan d arcs have been form ed o f so d iu m -rich basalt. Such basalt is form ed w hen v o lcan ic eru p tio n occurs in oceanic w ater. S o d iu m -rich b a sa lt is Scanned by CamScanner oceanography covered w ith andesite o f relatively lesser density but rich in silicon in com parison to underlying basalt. R egarding the origin o f andesite-daciterhyolite along the circum -Pacific folded m ountain chain two contrasting views have been floated. (1) Ringwood (1974) has stated that andesite— dacite— rhyolite are form ed due to partial m elting o f am phibolite o f subducted B enioff zone and m elting o f quartz eclogite at greater depth in the mantle. (2) A ccording to Gilluly andesite— dacite— rhyolite are form ed due to partial m elting of oceanic tholeiite or am phibolite or eclogite and its -m ixing with sedim ents o f ocean floor such as sandstone, chert and radiolrrian ooze. Apparently, the explanation o f volcanoes o f Hawai Island does not fit in the framework of plate tectonic theory but the problem may be solved if we look into the entire mechanism involved in the volcanic process in the east Pacific Ocean. The Hawai Island is south-eastern exten­ sion o f M idw ay Island-E m peror sea m ounts— K am chatka Island A rcs and is located far away from the East Pacific R idge but H aw ai Island is characterized by active volcanic activities whereas the above m entioned island arcs are dom inated by dorm ant volcanoes and ancient lava (25 to 75 m illion years old). It is believed that there is active plume (m agm a source) beneath H aw ai Island which ensures continuous supply o f m olten m agm a for longer duration o f tim e. T here has been upw elling o f lava in the H aw ai Island for the last 70 m illion years. Due to plate m ovem ents the Pacific Oceanic floor after being separated from East Pacific Ridge continued to m ove in n o rth ­ westerly direction at the rate o f 9 cm p er y ear w ith the result volcanic peaks having plum e u n d er­ neath also m oved north-w estw ard. Thus, the plume beneath Hawai Island continued to supply lava to the volcanoes o f the island. On the other hand, as the other islands m oved far aw ay from the centre (plume) o f lava supply due to sea-flo o r spreading, the lava supply dried up and the volcanoes becam e dorm ant. Scanned by CamScanner CHAPTER 3 : OCEA N M O R PH O LO G Y AND BOTTOM R ELIEF 59-89 m arin e provinces, co n tin en tal m argins, co n tin en tal shelf, co n tin en tal slope, subm arine canyons, d istrib u tio n o f subm arine canyons, origin o f subm arine canyons, d eep sea fans and continental rise, deep ocean basins,, abyssal plains, abyssal hills, ocean deeps and trenches, . . m id-ocean ridge, bottom reliefs o f A tlantic O cean, bottom reliefs o f Pacific O cean, bottom reliefs o f Indian O cean, bottom reliefs o_____ f Arctic O cean, / I H ^ T 117 A _„ y-« j-vwi 59 61 62 65 67 68 70 71 72 74 79 83 86 «^ a A j\ a Scanned by CamScanner 3 OCEAN MORPHOLOGY AND BOTTOM RELIEF 3.1 INTRODUCTION A bout three-fourth o f the globe is covered by hydrosphere. Out o f the total surface area of the globe (509,950,000 km 2) hydrosphere and lithosphere cover 361,060,000 km2 (about 71 per cent) and 148,890,000 km 2 (about 29 per cent) respectively. The hydrosphere is divided on the basis o f size and location into oceans, inland seas, sm all enclosed seas, bays etc. The Pacific Ocean (165,000,000 km2), the Atlantic Ocean (82,000,000 km2) and the Indian Ocean (73,000,000 km2) are im portant among the oceans whereas significant seas are A rctic Sea, M alay Sea, M iddle American Sea, M editerranean Sea, Bering Sea, Barnets Sea, K ara Sea, East Siberian Sea, Japan Sea, East C hina Sea, O khotsk Sea, Yellow Sea, Andman Sea, South C hina Sea, Yellow Sea, Caribbean Sea, N orth Sea, Celebes Sea, Labrador Sea, Beaufort Sea, A rabian Sea, Red Sea etc. Like lithosphere, the hydrosphere is also characterized by various types o f re lie f features like midoceanic ridges, trenches, deep sea plains, basins, submarine canyons etc. The average depth o f the oceans is 3,800 m against 840 m average height o f the lithosphere. The different height and depth zones o f the lithosphere and the hydrosphere are represented by hypsographic or hypsom etric curve. The ocean basins are characterized by four relief zones e.g. continental shelves, continental slopes, deep sea plains and oceanic trenches (fig. 3.1). 3.2 OCEAN MORPHOLOGY : MARINE PROV­ INCES It may be m entioned at the very outset that the morphology o f the ocean basins m eans configuration o f the ocean basins in term s o f reliefs o f various nature and dim ension w hile the marine provinces denote the relief zones o f ocean basins having common characteristic features. In the beginning o f the growth o f know ledge about the oceans and developm ent of the science o f oceanography people believed in m onotonous character o f the configuration o f ocean basins and these were considered to be featureless surfaces and hence they were least interested in the study o f the ocean floors. But with the launching o f ocean exploration expeditions lashed with advanced version o f vessels equipped with sophisticated instruments, m easuring devices, and scientists o f Scanned by CamScanner 60 sev e ra l d isc ip lin e s, the secrets o f the topographic v a ria b ility o f the ocean floors began to be u n ra v e lled . C onsequently, the scientists becam e m o re in te re ste d in studying and understanding the c o n fig u ra tio n o f ocean basins and bottom reliefs. S c ie n tific a lly sound m ethod o f b a th y m e try w as d ev elo p ed to m easure different depth zones o f th e o cean basins. In fact, bathym etry is the m e asu re m e n t and study o f depth zones o f the ocean b a sin s by so u n d in g tec h n iq u e . B athym etry co n sists o f tw o w ords, bathos m eans depth, and m etry m eans m easurem ent. On the other hand, h y p s o m e try (h y p s o g ra p h y ) is the m easurem ent of e a rth ’s e lev atio n above sea level. It is, thus, clear th at h y p o sm etry relates to the m easurem ent o f reliefs o f the e a rth ’s surface above sea level while b y th y m etry is the m easurem ent o f depths o f the o cean basin s below sea level. Thus, hypsom etry denotes p o sitiv e reliefs w hile bathym etry indi­ cates negative reliefs o f the earth. T hough the m easurem ent o f ocean depths in the M ed iterran ean Sea started as back as 85 B.C. bu t the first scientifically devised bathym etry o f ocean depths w as initiated in the year 1872 A.D. during HMS C h a lle n g e r ex p e d itio n . B athym etry w as fu rth er enriched by the use o f echosounder, w hich w as first used in M eteo r expedition in the y ear 1925 A .D ., w hen undersea m ountain range w as lo cated in the central South A tlantic Ocean. T he b athym etry becam e more accurate and useful w ith the developm ent o f p recisio n d e p th re co rd e r (P D R ) in the decades 1950s. A t present oceanogra­ phers are lashed with advanced m ultibeam echosounders (like seab eam ) and side-scan s o n a r and thus have becom e m ore efficient in m apping the ocean floors and recording reliefs o f various dimen­ sions. N ow the side-scan sonar system consists of m ore advanced Sea M A R C (Sea M apping and R em ote C haracterization), and G L O R IA (Geo­ logical Long R ange Inclined A ccoustical instru­ m ent) and thus enables the oceanographers to obtain detailed pictures o f the configuration ofthe ocean floor. The ocean provinces representing different depth zones and undersea topographic features are divided differently by oceanographers and scholars as follow s : (1) On the basis o f ocean bathym etry the ocean floors have been divided into the following 3 m ajor provinces by H .V . Thurm an and A.P. Trujillo (1999) : > - C o n tin e n ta l m a rg in s (shallow w ater areas close to the continents, like continental shelves and continental slopes. >■ deep ocean b asin s (deep seaw ater zones aw ay from conti­ nental m argins) High mt C ontinental Shelf 100 150 200 250 300 Area (000,000 kmz) 350 400 450 500 Fig. 3.1: Hypsometric (kypsographic) and bythemetric curves o f the earth. Scanned by CamScanner ' , I 61 o c e a n m o r p h o l o g y a n d b o t t o m r e l ie f Continental Margins >» mid-ocean ridges (shallow seaw ater areas near the m id­ dle o f oceans) The aforesaid division o f the ocean floors into above m entioned 3 m arine provinces is not m uch elastic so as to include other undersea relief zones such as deeps and ocean trenches. (2) The trad itio n al classification o f depth zones o f the ocean floors includes the follow ing four m arine provinces : >• continental shelves, >- continental slopes, >- deep sea plains, and >■ oceanic trenches (3) I f we m erge the above m entioned marine provinces o f Thurm an and Trujillo, and of traditional classification, the following five m arine provinces m ay be identified : continental shelves, C ontinental m argins represent the bounda­ ries o f lands tow ards oceans. In fact, continental m argins represent plate boundaries having shal­ low seaw ater. Thurm an and T rujillo (1999) have included continental s h e lf and s h e lf break, conti­ nental slope, and continental rise into continental m argins as a single ocean province but the m orphology o f these 3 features (continental shelves, continental slope and con tin en tal rise) is so varied that these cannot be considered together but as regards geological form ations, these represent one unit as they are form ed o f co n tin en ­ tal rocks (granites) w hereas ocean basins re p re ­ sent basalt. On this ground the zonation o f Thurm an and Trujillo is justified. M oreover, the presence o f subm arine canyons gives continental slope an independent and separate entity as a marine province. The continental m argins are generally divided into the follow ing 2 types : > - active co n tin en tal m argins >■ continental slopes, including subma­ rine canyons, >- deep sea plains, (i) transform active m argins (ii) convergent active margins. >■ passive continental margins >- m id-ocean ridges, and The active co n tin en tal m arg in s represent lithospheric or continental plate boundaries w hich >- ocean trenches Convergent active continental margin P a ssiv e continental margin Land Continental sh elf WWVWWWSNWVWVVNVW', Continental slope y\\\\\NN\\NN'NWWl‘«''V\W> vwwwvwwwwnwwwwA Abyssal f plain 4 km w w w w w V S,XXXNXXX\\\\\X>XXXXX\X\XXXXXXX* Continental rise TO i W . — t VVV\\\\\X X\X XX\X X\\XX\X\\XXXXXX\XX\\\XXXX\\\\X\\\XX\\\XX\>N\\XX\X\XXX\XXS.\\XXX\X\\X\\\XXVX' >,VNNXXXXXX\XXXXXX\\\X\XXXXX\\XXVX\XXX\\\\XXX\XXXX\\\X\X\\\XXX\VX\XXX\XXX\\XX\\XV\\V\\X\X\\\X\\XX\NX\\ V \X \X X \\X X X \X X \\\X X \X X \X \\X \\X X X X \X \X X X \X \X \X X X \X \\\\\X X X X \\\X \X \X \\X X X \\\X \\\\X \X > S \\X \\\X X \\'.W X X S »,VVVX\\XXX\XXXXX\XXXXXXX\\X\X\XXXX\X\XX\XX\XX\X\XX\XXXXXXXXX\\XXXXXXXX\XXXXX\\X\\X\\XXVXX\X\\XNX\>\X\ wN,\XXX\XXXXXXV\IXXXX\X\\\XXXXXXX\\X!V\X\X\\\\X\\XX\X\X\XX\XXXXXXX\\XXXXXXX\XXX\\\\X\N\XNXXXNX\X\XX\\\\X S w S xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxsxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxvxxxxxxxnxxsxxxxxxnxxxxsxxxxxswxx t Continental margin Continental shelf Continental slop e Continental sh elf S ea level S ea level Continental slope km AWWNNVWWWWWWWWWWWWW (SWXWV.WWWWVWNVVWWWWWWV, Ocean floor ^x\xx\\xxxx\\\xx\x\xx\\x\\xx\xxx\xxxxx Ocean kXXX\X\X\X\XXX\\XXXXXXX\\X\X\XXX\\\\\\VS .WWNWWWWWNWWNWmWWWXWVi trench »XXS\\\\\\\X\\XX\XXXX\\\X\XXXXXXXX\\\W W >.*»w»\\\n>\\sv>v\vv\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\.\\\\\\\\\\s5< < .\\\\\\\\\\\ W \\ X \ \X \\\\X X X \X X X \ X \ \\\\v K ' « \\W \\\\\V V V \\V \\\\\W \\\\\V V W W \ \ \ W :\X X \\\\\\\\\\X \X X X X \X \X \X X X X \X \\\\\\\\\\X X \X A X X X \\\\\X X \\N \\\X X X \X V X X \\X X \X X \\\\\X \\X V \\\\\\^ A \S S V S S \V V \S N \N \\\S \S \\S \\\N \N N V N \\\\\> \\\\\\S \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\> \\\V O A \\\\\\\N \\\\\X \X \\X X \X X X X X V » A X X X \X X X \\\X X \X X X X \X X X \\X \\X \\\\X \X \X X X X \\\X \\\\\X \\X \X \X X N X \\X \X \\\X \\X \\\\\\\\>,\\\X X \\\\X X \\\V | Continental margon ■ Shelf break Slope. \ shetf Seatableland (guyots) S e a level Seamounts J. 4 ’Kilometers R ise A byssal plain | Land .xxxxxxxxxxxxxx ,\\x\xxxx\x\\xxx\ KvAXXNWVjA-»•v•-SSvCO ,\\XXXXX\XXX\X\XXXV . ,svsn‘'VA%>v‘.>'s\'A7oA' ,\v g > v v iWWWWWNWWW W^ks\\s\>\'.,.vvvss\\yv\> \\\>\s,.'/ y \ xis\'\' v\»san\\ v\" \ v\\\\\'\\\»w "^'W W ^\\W v\\\ n\\'i\\\\\\\\ vTOW .xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxv , \ njWsv AW \ WSW WWVMW'W'.SW'N'VN'SxvWvAWv.S'WWNNNSmWWWNWWW^WWWWWW^ __ .\\X\\\\XX\X\XXX\X\X\ Mww.wwwwwwwww'wwswx'iwwwwswwwwwwwwwwwwwwwmwmwvwwww WM^WWIW»WftWWAW^WVAVA»MVW.V>WWiN|<V»VSVV»>\V\^\S\SS\v.NS\l> .XXXNXVAXXWWXNnXXWNWSXXXXNWXXWXWXXXXWXWX* m p i >X\\\XXXXXX\\\X\\XXXXXXXX\\XV ........................"" wwawwvvwwwsxsv ' O u ccean ean F rioor W»\\VIVAWWN'>S'A\V,S\W.N\WMNW»SVN'VSSNV\\\SN \\S\^SNSWVI>SWV''W\\ R ise of Magma lo o r;WXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXV '.W'.VXWS'.WNNWwVvWWS.W'.WVWWVWWWNV ‘ WWXXWAVVSWSNw, vn\ s s v . s \ s - . \ \ v . »\V XW W \V \\SX XS\SSW A '»S'.N»-SV s«.'X NW \S\\N X \\\\S'A vw .W .'A '»-»'.V v \S '« \\ \‘.\N S S \\S '\ ''V V NVW\\\\XV\*X>VAX\\XSXX>X\\V>\XNVX*XS\».\\\\\-.NS.NV, ‘ f c \ \ \ X X X \ X \ S \ X \ S \ \ \ X V W \ \ S S X \ V » \ S V » \ X S \ X \ S N * - WS.VSSVV*V*\ »>,'S ' MS,\\\\\NVV»\VAXXV»NP»**XV>V»^XV%XX«»\W»»XN\NV.SXSXXV>-.X<%\\N*W>’»'*^V-t AS.SWNNSW^vWSSNSv'.SNVWvUWAWWNWWWSNXWWWXNNNWXVWNSSXWWWWVVNWWVNNVXXWWW'WVXXXNWNXNWNNSWXNWWNXVVW'kVVV^! ^VwxWXsS'.SHWSSWWW.SV^XSXXNnSXX'.nVSXWWVXXYWnXW XX'AXWXXXWXW XXXXXXXXXXXXXSXXXXXXWW WXXXXXXSXXW WXXXW XW XW XW XXW XXXW'M i%\\».\\VN\S\X\VX\N\\\X\XX\XS\\\XX>\XXN\xX\\\\\X\XSyX\XVX>X\X\\VXXX\\\\XX\\XXXX\\\\X\\\\XXXN*<XNX\\>N\\\\\N\X\%\\\\Xx\\ ■A\SVN»VSS\>\N\\N>»\ Fig. 3.2: Configuration of ocean floors; modified from Thurman and Trujillo, 1999. Scanned by CamScanner OCEANOGRAPHY 62 a re a s s o c ia te d w ith te c to n ic a c tiv itie s lik e fa u ltin g and fo ld in g re s u ltin g into the fo rm atio n o f fo ld ed m o u n ta in s , v u lc a n ic ity , seism ic a c tiv itie s etc. O n th e o th e r h a n d , p a s s iv e c o n tin e n ta l m a rg in s re p re ­ se n t no m a jo r te c to n ic a ctiv itie s. T h e c o n tin e n ta l m a rg in s c o n sist o f c o n ti­ n e n ta l sh e lv e s, c o n tin e n ta l slo p e, s h e lf b re a k , and c o n tin e n ta l rise. c o n tin e n ts are c o n tin e n ta l sh e lv e s ” . T h e conti­ n e n tal sh e lv e s te rm in a te at s h e lf b reak point w h ic h is a t a v e ra g e w a te r d e p th o f 130 m or so m e tim e s m o re th a n 2 0 0 m . T h e s h e lf breaks slo p e at a v e ra g e a n g le o f 1° - 4° (fig . 3.4). T h e w id th o f c o n tin e n ta l sh elv es varies from 60 km to m o re th a n 1,500 km . T h e w idth of c o n tin e n ta l sh e lv e s la rg e ly d e p e n d s on the nature o f local and re g io n a l re lie fs o f th e co astal land as fo llo w s : 3.3 CONTINENTAL SHELF “ T he c o n tin e n tal s h e lf is d efin ed as a sh elf­ lik e zo ne e x ten d in g from the sh o re ben eath the o cean su rface to a poin t at w h ich a m arked in crease in slope angle occurs. T his point is re fe rre d to as the s h e lf b reak , and the steep er p o rtio n b ey o n d the s h e lf b reak is know n as the c o n tin en tal slo p e ” (T hurm an and T ru jillo , 1999). In fact, c o n tin en tal m arginal areas, subm erged u n d er ocean ic w ater w ith average w ater depth o f 100 fathom s (one fathom = 6 feet or 1.8 m eters) or 180 m, and gently sloping (1° to 3°) tow ards the oceans, are called co ntinental shelves. A ccording to P.R . Pinet (2000) “ the nearly flat p lains, or terraces, at the top o f the sed im en ­ tary w edge ben eath the drow ned edges o f the Submarine volcanoes T h e sh e lv e s are n a rro w w h e re high moun­ tain s are v e ry c lo se an d p a ra llel to the coast. F o r e x a m p le , th e P a c ific continental s h e lf a lo n g th e w e ste rn c o a st o f South A m e ric a is n a rro w (o n ly 16 km wide) b e ca u se o f the p re se n c e o f the Andes m o u n ta in s. 5^ T he sh e lv e s are w id e w h ere the coast lands are w id e p la in s. T h o u g h th e c o n tin e n ta l sh elv es are gener­ ally w id e r in fro n t o f th e riv er m ouths but the s h e lf o f f th e M ississip p i river m outh is e x c e p tio n a lly n arro w . O n an a v e ra g e , th e w id th o f continental sh elv es is ab o u t 48 km th o u g h Sheppard has taken 0 ■*Si .W- Sediment Fig. 3.3 : Morphology o f the ocean basins. Source : based on P. R. Pinet (2000). " '■•' "* :r‘' Scanned by CamScanner 63 o o w , m o rph o lo g y a n d b o tto m r e l ie f 67 km (42 miles) as average width. The Pacific C e n ta l s h e l f o f South America represents the £ 5 * « o w shelf (16 km), the Atlantic R e n t a l shelf o ff the east coast o f North A m e ric a r e p re s e n ts the example o f medium size s h e l v e s (96-120 km) and extensive shelves having width o f a few hundred kilometres are found off the coast o f East Indies, in the Arctic Sea, China Sea, A driatic Sea, A rafura Sea etc. Continental shelves represent 8.6 per cent o f the total area of the ocean basin. Regionally, these cover 13.3 per cent, 5.7 per cent and 4.2 per cent o f areal coverage o f the A tlantic O cean, the Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean respectively. Width R elief W ater D epth Continental shelf < 300 km < 20 m < 150 m Continental slope < 150 km > 2 km drops from Continental rise < 300 km < 40 m 1.5 to 5.0 km Submarine canyons 1-15 km 20-2,000 m 20-2,000 m 30-100 km > 2 km 5,000-12,000 m 100-100,000 m 1-1,000 m variable Marine Provinces and Features Deep sea trench Abyssal hills 100 ± 2000 m (0.1-100 km) Seamounts 2-100 km > 1,000 m variable Abyssal plains 1-1,000 km 0 > 3 km M idocean ridge flank 500-1,500 km < 1 km > 3 km M idocean ridge crest 500-1,000 km < 2 km 2-4 km Source : P. R. Pinet, 2000. It may be mentioned that the passive continental m argins are characterized by rela­ tively w ider continental shelves, such as the continental shelves o ff the east coasts o f North and South Am ericas, than the active continental margins, such as the continental shelves o ff the west coasts o f Americas. The average depth of ocean water o f sh elf breaks is generally 135 m but it is about 350 m around Antarctica. The northern coast o f Siberia, and North America in the Arctic Ocean, and the A laskan coast are characterized by the broadest continental shelves. The wider and shallow continental shelves weaken the ferosity o f tsunamis. Ecologically, continental shelves are very significant hecanse these provide ideal habitats for marine life including both plants and anim als (including m icro-organism s). These also provide ideal fishing grounds. The coral reefs are consid­ ered the frontline natural bu ffers against storm and tidal surges, and pow erful tsunam is because these absorb most o f the disruptive forces o f storm surges and tsunam is and thus w eaken them and protect the coastal inhabitats from the onslaught o f these natural hazards and disasters. It m ay be remembered that rich coral reefs on the continen­ tal shelves o f M aldives saved hum an lives from the fury o f Sum atra tsunam i o f D ecem ber, 267 2004, as the human deaths w ere m inim ised to only 98. The shallow continental shelves near the coasts support rich m angrove forests w hich provide ideal natural habitats for m arine as w ell as Scanned by CamScanner 64 land anim als, such as B engal tigers in the Sundarban (m angrove forest) o f w est Bengal. Pichhavaram o f Tam il Nadu and Bhitarkanika o f O rissa have rich mangroves w hich acted as protective w alls against the onslaught o f Sumatra tsu n a m i (D ecem ber, 2 6 ,2 0 0 4 ) w hich badly struck the east coasts o f India in 2004. Continental Shelves of India T he m axim um seaw ard lim it o f the c o n ti­ nen tal shelves o ff the Indian coasts is dem arcated b y 100 fathom contour. The continental shelves along the eastern and the w estern coasts o f India are 50 km and 150 km w ide re sp ectiv ely . The sh elv es are narrow (30-35 km ) o ff the m ouths o f the G anga, the M ahanandi, the G odaw ari. the K rish n a and the C auvery rivers but these are w ider o ff the estuaries o f the N arm ada, the T api and the M ahi rivers. T he average slope o f the continental shelves o ff the este m Indian coast is about 21° w h ereas it is 10° n ear C ape C om orin and only 1° n ear the G u lf o f C om bay. (2) Continental sh elves are formed through prolonged deposition o f detritus (under sea water) brought by the rivers alone. Such type o f continental shelves is formed only in those areas where sea conditions are calm so that prolonged sedimentation goes on uninterruptedly resulting into subsidence and thus allow ing more and more sedimentation. Such continental sh elves are con­ structional and are m ost extensive. (3) Origin of Continental Shelves (1) Continental shelves are the result of marine erosion and fluvial deposits. C o n tin en tal shelves are basically the ex­ ten d ed form o f continental platform s. M arine w aves and cu rren ts erode the continental m argins an d th u s form extensive platform s w hich receive d ep o sits o f sedim ents brought dow n by the rivers an d sea w aves. T hese sedim ents are continuously c o n so lid a te d und er sea w ater and ultim ately e x te n siv e c o n tin en tal shelves are form ed. T hus, the c o n tin e n ta l shelves are the result o f m arine e ro sio n and fluvial deposits. Continental shelves are the result of subsidence of the continental margins. R ising th erm al co n v ectiv e currents from beneath the co n tin en ts and the ocean basins converge along the co n tin en t-o cean boundary and descend. The resu ltan t com p ressiv e force causes subsidence o f the co n tin en tal m argins and thus continental shelves are form ed. (4) T he N ature, com position, extension and depth o f continental shelves are so varied that it becom es difficult to explain their exact m ode o f origin through a single m echanism and process. The follow ing different view s have been ex­ p ressed by several authorities to explain the co m p lex origin o f continental shelves : C o n tin en tal sh e lv e s a re form ed d u e to terrig e n o u s fluvial d e p o sits. Continental shelves are formed due to faulting and consequent subsidence of continental margins. Som etim es, p arallel faults are created in the continental m argins. T his event causes subsid­ ence o f the m arg in al land areas and consequent subm ergence u n d er sea w ater. Such submerged land areas b ecom e c o n tin en tal shelves, w hich are generally called as tectonically form ed continental shelves. (5) Continental shelves are formed due to glacial control and marine erosion. C ontinental sh elv es are form ed through m arine erosion o f the co n tin en tal m argins when there is negative ch an g e in sea-level (fall in sea level) either d u rin g ice ages o r due to subsidence o f oceanic floors. A cco rd in g to R .A . daly the sea level fell by 38 fathom s during Pleistocene Ice A ge, w ith the resu lt the continental margins w hich w ere prev io u sly subm erged becam e frce from sea w ater. T hese exposed land areas glacially eroded an d extensive platform s were form ed. Due to d eg laciatio n the sea level rose Scanned by CamScanner OCEAN MORPHOLOGY AND BOTTOM RELIEF again and these platforms were submerged under seawater and thus extensive continental shelves were formed. This concept o f the origin o f the continental shelves belongs to glacial control theory. (6) Continental shelves are formed due to cliff erosion (and recession) and submergence of wave-cut plat­ forms. T h e c o a sta l lan d s are e ffe c tiv e ly e roded t h r o u g h a b ra s iv e w o r k o f s tro n g se a w a v e s and s e v e ra l s e a c liffs are f o rm e d . T h e s e cliffs g r a d u ­ a lly b u t c o n tin u o u s ly re c e d e to w a rd s the land due to b a s a l e r o s i o n a n d c o n s e q u e n t fall o f their h a n g in g c re s ts a n d th u s e x te n s iv e w a v e -c u t p la tf o rm s a re fo rm e d . T h e s e p la tf o rm s are s u b ­ m e r g e d u n d e r sea w a t e r to fo rm c o n tin e n ta l s h e lv e s . (7) Continental shelves are formed due to tilting. T h e s u b m e r g e n c e o f c o n tin e n ta l m arg in s d u e to tiltin g o f land to w a rd s the sea results into th e f o r m a ti o n o f c o n tin e n ta l shelves. T h is p rocess a ls o le a d s to the e x te n s io n o f e x istin g continental s h e lv e s . T h e c o n t i n e n t a l shelves o f India have been f o rm e d d iff e re n tly . T h e c o n tin e n ta l shelves o f f the G a n g a , the G o d a w a r i, the K rish n a and the C a u v e r y m o u th s h a v e b e e n fo rm e d th ro u g h delta fo rm a tio n . T h e co n tin e n ta l shelves from M idinapur to M a d u r a a re the r e s u lt o f s e d im e n ta tio n and c o n s e q u e n t s u b s id e n c e w h ile the sh e lv e s o f A n d m an N icobar, L akshadw eep, G u lf o f M anar ( b e t w e e n I n d ia and Sri L a n k a ) are o rig in a te d due to c o ra l re e fs . T h e c o n tin e n ta l sh e lv e s o f w estern c o a st a re d u e to fa u ltin g a n d c o n s e q u e n t s u b m e r ­ 2,000m. C ontinental slopes occupy only 8.S ner cent o f the l ota I n r q u ilm c -a i& a n b a jim lM .it Z Z i Z from one ocean to the other e.g.. 12.4 per Sent in the AtlanticTTc^an, 7 per cent in the Pacific Ocean and 6.5 per cent in the Indian Ocean. The m o s t ^ e x t e n s i v e e o n .i n e n .n l s l o p e s a re found betw een 20“ N and 50" N latitudes and on 80° N and 70° S latitudes. G enerally, the steep g radient o f the ^ n tin g n in l Slopes does not allow any marine ^ p o s i t s because the m aterials com ing Hown from the continental sh elv es are im m edi­ ately removed dow nw ard b ut in som e cases a thin veneer o f denosits does exist. The m ost sig n ifi­ cant reliefs on the continental slopes are subm a­ rine canyons and trenches w hich are g en erally transverse to the continental shelves and the coasts. The origin o f continental slopes have been related by various authorities to e ro sio n a l, tec­ tonic and aggradational processes. The erosion theory o f the origin o f continental slopes is based on the presence o f subm arine canyons. A cco rd in g to this theory slopes are form ed due to erosion by marine processes mainly sea waves. A ccording to tectonic theory faulting is held responsible for the origin o f continental slopes. Som e exponents believe that the continental slopes are form ed due to bending and warping o f continental shelves followed by sedim entation. Since submarine canyons are sig n ifican t features o f continental slopes and hence they need separate elaborate discussion under sep arate heading as follows : 3.4 SUBMARINE CANYONS 1. Introduction : Characteristics g e n c e. 3.3 CONTINENTAL SLOPE The zone o f steep slope extending from the continental sh elf to the deep sea plains is called continental slope (fig. 3.4) which varies from 5°to more than 60° at different places e.g. 40° near St. Helena, 30° o ff Spanish coast, 62° near St. Paul, 5° to 15° near Calicut coast (India) etc. The depth o f water over continental slope varies from 200m to Long, narrow and very deep valleys and trenches located on the continental shelves and slopes with vertical walls resembling the conti­ nental canyons are called submarine canyons (fig. 3.4) because o f their location under oceanic water. On the basis o f morphogenetic processes these are classified into (i) glacially eroded canyons, and (ii) non-glacial canyons. The non-glacial submarine canyons being more in number than the glacial canyons and widely spread in all the oceans have Scanned by CamScanner OCEANOGRAPHY 66 been studied in much detail. The non-glacial canyons, thus, w ill be described as su ™^rine canyons in the follow in g discussion. T hese, b esid es a few exceptions, are found transverse to the coasts and in front o f the mouths o major rivers. On an average, there is little difference in the transverse and longitudinal profiles o f subma­ rine and subaerial (continental) canyons. A ccord­ ing to Sheppard the submarine canyons are Shelf sim ilar to the youthfu l river v a lle y s on the land but 1 are d ecid ed ly deeper and a few o f them have dendridtic pattern o f tributaries o f secondary canyons. The longitudinal course o f submarine canyons is u sually sinuous w h ile that o f the subaerial canyons is generally straight. The gradient o f subm arine canyons is steeper than the continental canyons. The subm arine canyons are generally several kilom eters w id e at their heads and their average length is 16 km . Submarine canyon Shelf break ^ Fan km Fig. 3.4 : Continental slope and submarine canyons. Source : based on P. R. Pinet (2000). Though the gradient o f longitudinal pro­ files o f the canyons varies significantly but on an average it is 1.7 per cent. The canyons facing the river mouths are usually long (e.jg. Congo Canyon) but have gentle gradient. The canyons located near the island are deep with steepest gradient (13.8 per cent). According to the studies o f 102 submarine canyons by Sheppard and Beard average gradients o f the upper, middle and lower segm ents o f the canyons are 11.62 per cent, 6.63 per cent and 4.76 per cent respectively. The depths o f submarine canyons vary from 610m to 9 1 5m. At few places the depth has been noted upto 3,048m . The subm arine canyons carry various types o f ocean deposits but the steep valley sides are d e v o id o f u n c o n so lid a te d m aterials. The floors o f the canyons have coarser materials than the adjacent continental sh elv es. The deposits inclu de sands, c la y s, silt, gravels and pebbles. Som e o f the marine canyons are so large and deep that they are com parable to land canyons formed by rivers. For exam ple, the M onterey Canyon o f f the coast o f Califomia_of the U .S .A . is very much comparable to the^ lSS^ Canyon o f the Colorado river in A rizona o f the U .S .A . • Scanned by CamScanner 67 OCEAN MORPHOLOGY AND BOTTOM RELIEF Table 3 .2 : Submarine canyons o ff the east coast o f India. N ame o f the canyons Location D epth 1. C uddalore canyon 11° 35' N -79°56' E 11° 50’ N -80°00°’E 37 km SSE from P alar river m outh 12° 06' N-79° 52' E 1304 5 'N -8 0 0 25' E 13° 45' N-80° 25' E 140 14' N-80° 19' E 14° 24’ N-80° 1 9 'E East o f Penner river m outh 14° 41' N-80° 16' E O pposite to the K rishna river mouth 15°35’N -80°50'E 16° 10' N-81° 50' E 16° 45' N-82° 32' E off the mouth o f N ilarevu river 16° 55' N-82° 30' E 18° 00' N-84° 0 0 'E 20° 5' N-86° 42' E 329m 2. Pondichery canyon 3. Palar canyon 4. Pulicat canyon 5. A rm agon canyon 6. Sw arnam ukhi canyon 7. G udur valley 8. Penner canyon 9. K rishna canyon 10. V asistha-G odavari canyon 11. G odavari canyon 12. K akinda canyon 13. M ahadeva canyon 14. Paradip depression 15. G anga canyon (Swatch o f N o G round) O ff the Ganga Delta 21° 15' N-21° 23' N 89° 28' E-89° 33' E 2. Distribution of Submarine Cayons The w orld distributional pattern o f subm a­ rine canyons does not reveal any control o f latitudes on their distributions and location. Francis Sheppard and C harles B eard have located 102 submarine canyons in the world on the basis ° f soundings o f the continental shelves and slopes. Shape o f the valley 466m V u ••' 1,141m — — 80-108m 30-40m V V V --u 225m u 30m V 30-60m — — 60-250m 10-20 m 350m — — — V — variable 278 to 421m in the norhtem portion; 543m to 892m in the m iddle portion; a few dep­ ressions are 1,050m to 1,088 deep V G enerally, subm arine canyons are m ore abundantly found along the straight coasts than highly indented and crenulated coastlines T hey are found along the stable and unstable coasts alike. They are m ore com m only found o ff the east coast o f the USA from C anada to C ape H atteras; o ff the C alifornian and M exican coasts; along the north M editerranean, Philippines., Jappan and A leutian islands: o ff the coast o f w est A frica; o ff the east coast o f India etc. Scanned by CamScanner W W SST*] 68 OCEANOGRAPHY A tlantic Ocean* : S ig n ific a n t su b m arin e c a n y o n s o f the A tla n tic O ccan arc H udson C a n v o n (fa c in g th e m o u th o f the H udson riv er, 8 2 7 m d e e p ), C h esa p ea k C an y o n , M ississip p i T ro u g h , F o sse de C ape B ren to n C anyon (in the B ay o f B isc a y o f f the so u th -w e ste rn c o ast o f F ra n c e ), N a za re C an y o n ( o f f the w estern c o a st o f P o rtu g a l, 4 0 0 0 m d e ep ), C o n g o C an y o n (n ear the m o u th o f th e C o n g o riv e r) etc. Pacific Occan : C o lu m b ia C anyon; M o n terey C an y o n (w h ic h h as sev e ra l trib u tary can y o n s like A scen sio n c an y o n , S oquel can y o n , C arnel canyon e tc.); M u g u can y o n , S crip p s canyon and D um e can y o n (all are o ff the C alifo rn ia n co ast); P anam a can y o n (o f f B u ric a P e n in su la ) etc. are the im p o rtan t can y o n s on the w estern coast o f N orth A m e ric a w h ile P iseu C h an g canyon (o ff the coast o f K o re a), P h ilip p in e can y o n (on the m ain coast o f L u z o n ), S a g a n in can y o n , Fizi canyon etc, are a few p ro m in e n t c an y o n s o f the w estern Pacific O cean. w a rp in g an d ste e p fo ld in g g iv e birth to synclinal b a sin s an d s y n c lin a l tro u g h s re sp e c tiv e ly which b e co m e su b m a rin e c an y o n s. A c co rd in g to De A n d rad e su b m a rin e c a n y o n s are fo rm ed due to c re atio n o f a se rie s o f g ra b e n -lik e v a lle y s during local c o a sta l d isp la c e m e n ts. S u c h tecto n ically o rig in a te d su b m arin e c a n y o n s h a v e b e en reported by L aw son o f f th e C a lifo rn ia n c o a st, b y D e la R o ch e P o n ie n e a r th e c o a s t o f C y p ru s and M o ro cco , by J. W . G re g o ry (H u d so n C an y o n and St. L aw ren ce T ro u g h ), b y Y a n a sa k i (n e a r Japan co ast) etc. A c co rd in g to J e n s e n an d B ourcart su b m arin e c an y o n s w ere fo rm e d d u rin g Q uater­ nary perio d due to su b sid e n c e a n d d ro w n in g o f riv e r v alley s a lo n g th e c o n tin e n ta l m arginal flexure. T h is d ia stro p h ic th e o ry o f th e origin o f su b m arin e can y o n s is c ritic is e d m a in ly on three counts. I n d ia n O c e a n : C anyons are found along the >■ M ajo rity o f can y o n s are found tra n sv erse to th e c o ast w h ereas faulting g en erally o c c urs p a ra lle l to th e coasts. e astern c o ast o f India (table 3.2), in front o f the In d u s riv e r, along the north-easterr. coast o f Sri L an k a, along the eastern coast o f A frica etc. »■ M any o f the su b m arin e canyons have d en d ritic p a tte rn o f th e ir trib u taries which can n o t be e x p lain ed th ro u g h faulting. 3. Origin of Submarine Canyons >* N ot all the c o n tin e n tal sh elv es and slopes show ev id en ces o f fa u ltin g. T hough th e re are d iv erg en t opinions about the m ode o f orig in o f subm arine canyons but m ajo rity o f the ex p o n en ts c o n sid er them as recent geologic p h en o m en a o f C anozoic era, m ainly o f Q u aternary p e rio d . A few canyons are still in the process o f form ation. T he follow ing theories have been p u t forth to explain the origin o f subm arine canyons. (1 ) D ia» tro p h ic th e o ry : A few exponents (A ndrade, L aw son, D e la R oche Ponie, J. W. G regory, Y anasaki, Jensen, B ourcart etc.) have related th e origin o f subm arine canyons to various types o f earth m ovem ents and tectonic im p lica­ tio n s (fa u ltin g , fo ld in g , w arn in g , sinking o f sea flo o r e tc.1). T he tensional forces caused by earth m o v em ent due to endogenetic forces result in the form ation o f faults and graben on the continental sh elv es and slopes. T hese fault-troughs and g raben b eco m e subm arine canyons. Sim ilarly, T his th eo ry m ay ex p lain the form ation o f canyons alo n g th e P acific coasts (w estern co asts o f N o rth and South A m ericas and eastern co asts o f A sia) and M editerranean Sea w h ere T e rtiary and Q uaternary earth m ovem ents w ere m ost active bu t the canyons alo n g the w estern (eastern coasts o f N orth and South A m ericas) and eastern (o ff the w estern co asts o f Europe and A frica) o f th e A tlan tic O cean may not be ex p lain ed in the ab sen ce o f such move­ m ents. T he can y o n s on th e eastern coast of N orth A m erica cut acro ss the lithology o f T ertiary and Q uaternary periods. (2) S u b a e ria l e ro sio n th e o ry : Several expo nents { £ £ ;JJJD ;J ) a n a 1j y \ _ S h e £ £ a ^ ^ 011 the basis o f resem blance o f subm arine canyons to the continental canyons in shape and deposition have related the form ation o f th e form er to the entrenching o f river valleys by running w a t e r and Scanned by CamScanner OCBAN M0RI*H0UX>Y AND HOTlX)M KKLIIW subsequent drowning o f those valleys due to subsidence and subm ergence ot' continental mar­ gins. According to them the rivers eroded their valleys very deep forming deep gorges during the period o f emeruencc when laud toso highci well above the sealavaLand the channel giiulicnt was_ sttcepcned, Later on the continental margins were either subsided due to earth movements or the senlevcl rose (due to deglaciation) and thus Ihcsc deep and long valleys were drowned and subma­ rine canyons were formed. The drowned valleys in Java Sea. Philippine CtuiYOn. Monterey Can­ yons etc. have been cited as typical exam ples o f submarine canyons formed due to subaerial erosion because their longitudinal profiles show upward concavity like continental canyons and there is significant terrigenous deposits in them. W.M. P avis w hile contradicting the above theory argued that the formation o f submarine canyons through subaerial erosion required verti­ cal oscillation o f land say upheaval o f the continental margins upto thousands o f feet above sealevel and subsequent equivalent regional subsidence to submerge the entrenched river valleys. This would require long geological period as the aforesaid tectonic mechanism is not possible within short geological tim e. Secondly, if the submarine canyons are the result o f subaerial erosion during emergence and subse­ quent drowning during submergence, these can­ yons must have continued over the land also but these are found far away from the river mouths. Emery and Sheppard w hile reacting to the first objection o f W. M. Davis maintained that the lowering o f sealevel upto 1000 m during Pleistocene glaciation provided ideal continental platforms for the entrenching o f valleys by the rivers and subsequent rise o f the sealevel due to deglaciation submerged the deeply entrenched valleys to form submarine canyons. If this explanation is ac­ cepted. the submarine canyons beyond the depth QpfrOO m remain imexplainciL Such density currents erode the continental shelves and form trenches w hile stagnant water on either side o f the trenches allow s sedim entation and dyke formation (le v e es). The density currents are originated m ainly in front o f the river mouths because o f differences (in terms o f temperature and salinity) in the water brought by the rivers and sea water. It may be pointed out that density currents are con lined to en closed sea s, reservoirs and lakes only and these are seld o m originated over shallow continental sh elv es and thus density currents may not be taken as causative factors o f the formation o f submarine canyons. (4) T u rb id ity c u r r e n t theory : Turbidity currents having fine materials in su sp en sion have been held responsible by several exponents (W . M. Davis, W. E. Rither, Tangier Sm ith, P. D. Trask, Lawson, Daly. Buchanan etc.) for the origin o f submarine canyons in one w ay or the other. Strong onshore winds pile up water near the sea-shore with the result undercurrents are g en er­ ated which flow towards the sea. T hese undercur­ rents bring fine materials in suspension and so they are called turbidity currents. The higher density o f these currents due to suspended sediments with them forces them to flow seaw ard under the surface water. The turbidity currents erode the continental shelves and form subm arine valleys and canyons. A ccording to D aly there is increased rate o f erosion o f coastal land through marine w aves due to fall in sea -lev el during glacial period, with the result trubidity o f sea water is increased due to w hich density o f sea water is also increased, consequently seaward turbidity currents are originated. T hese currents while moving over the continental sh elv es and slopes erode ihem in linear manner and form submarine cayons and valleys. Many critics (Zeppelin, H eim , Bucher etc.) have doubted the efficien cy o f turbidity currents to form submarine canyons. A ccording to them the velocity o f these currents is not such that they (3) Submarine density current theory : Holimann can powerfully erode the hard rocks o f continental X1883). A d o lf V on Sid is (t 1HH41 and F ln rej have shelves to form canyons. Bucher is o f the opinion related the formation o f submarine canyons to the that currents generated through earthquakes and submarine density currents. These density cur­ volcanic eruptions are more rapid and pow erful rents are originated due to difference in density and hence are more capable o f eroding the caused by temperature and salinity variations. continental shelves to form canyons. Scanned by CamScanner OCEANOG1 F o llo w in g K u n en it m ay be fo rw a rd e d th at su b m a rin e c an y o n s in d e ffe re n t lo c alitie s h®VI" £ v a ry in g lith o lo g ie s an d stru c tu re s sh o u ld be e x p la in e d sep a ra te ly . T he c an y o n s d ev e o p e in sta b le a reas o f c o m p ac t and te n ac e o u s lith o lo g ie s are fo rm ed due to d ro w n in g o f su b ae ria l v a lle y s, w h ile th o se carv ed in u n c o n so lid a te d lith o lo g ie s m ig h t have been fo rm ed th ro u g h la n d slid e s, tu rb id ity c u rren ts etc. 3.5 DEEP SEA FANS AND CONTINENTAL RISE D eep sea fans are fa n -sh ap e d , or lo b ateshaped, o r ap ro n -sh ap e d d e p o sitio n al fe a tu re s at the b ase o f the c o n tin e n tal slope, and at the m ouths o f the su b m arin e can y o n s. T he deep sea fan s, o ften called as su b m arin e fans, resem b le the co n tin en tal allu v ia l fans. T hey are form ed due to g radual d e p o sitio n o f sed im en ts b ro u g h t by the su b m arin e tu rb id ity c u rren ts m oving dow n the slo p e to w ard s deep sea p lain s th ro u g h subm arin e canyons. W hen a few deep sea fans co alesce, the re su ltan t d e p o sitio n al featu res is c alled continental rise h av in g v ary in g m o rp h o m etric ch aracteristics. M any o f the o c ean o g rap h ers have stu d ied the n atu re o f th ese c o n tin e n tal rise in d ifferen t lo catio ns. T hese are found ab u n d an tly in the A tlan tic and In d ian O ceans bu t are few in the Pacific O cean. T he av erag e w idth o f the c o n tin e n ­ tal rise is less than 300 km and the a m p litu d e o f reliefs is less than 40 m eters. T he depth o f w ater o v er co n tin en tal rise ranges betw een 1.5 to 5.0 km . A s reg ard s the o rig in o f c o n tin e n tal rise , the su b m arin e tu rb id ity c urrents are b eliev ed to be th e p o ten t fa c to r for th eir o rigin and d e v e lo p m e n t. A s tKe tu rb id ity c u rren ts m ove thro u g h the subm arin e can y o n s, they erode them and tran sp o rt the ero d ed sed im ents in su sp en sio n dow n the slo p e i.e. to w ard s deep sea plains. A s these c u rren ts cross the can yon m ouths, they are slow ed dow n in th eir speed b ecau se o f m arked d ecrease in the g rad ien t. C o n seq u en tly , the su sp en d ed sed im en ts settle dow n n ear the m ouths o f subm arine canyon s, and thus are d eposited. T he dep o sitio n is w ell graded i.e. the larg er sed im en ts are d ep o sited ju s t in front o f su b m arin e can y o n s., and size o f sed im en t d ecreases to w ard s deep sea plains. T he resu ltan t d e p o sitio n is c h a ra c te riz e d b y graded bedding. m ay b e m e n tio n e d th a t th e re is a lso v ertical g ra d in g o f se d im e n ts , i.e. s e d im e n ts becom e p ro g re s siv e ly fin e r u p w a rd w ith in a sin g le se­ q u e n c e o f d e p o s itio n a l u n it, w h ic h g rad u ally g ro w s in size an d a ss u m e s th e s h a p e o f a fan or lo b e (fig . 3 4 ). It is to be re m e m b e re d th a t the fo rm a tio n an d g ro w th o f d e e p s e a fa n s is a gradual p ro c e ss o f o p e ra tio n o f s e v e ra l tu rb id ity currents at d iffe re n t tim e s. It m a y b e fu r th e r elab o rated . T h e p ro c e ss o f th e fo rm a tio n o f d e e p sea fans b e in g s w ith th e d e p o s itio n o f g ra d e d m aterials (se d im e n ts) by th e firs t s e t o f tu rb id ity c u rre n ts at one tim e. L a te r on th e n e x t tu rb id ity currents ero d e so m e o f th e a lre a d y d e p o s ite d graded sed im en ts an d d e p o sit a n o th e r s e q u e n c e o f m a te ria ls u p o n p re v io u s ly d e p o s ite d seq u e n c e of m a te ria ls. T h is p ro c e ss c o n tin u e s th ro u g h subse­ q u en t tu rb id ity c u rre n ts a n d th u s sev e ra l se­ q u en ces o f g ra d e d d e p o s its a re la id do w n one upo n an o th er. T h is re s u lts in h o riz o n ta l and v e rtic al grow th o f d e e p se a fa n s o f se v e ra l m eters in h e ig h t, u su a lly b e lo w 4 0 m e te rs. .Such p iles o f g rad ed d e p o sits are c a lle d turbidite deposits. 3.6 DEEP OCEAN BASINS AND ASSOCIATED FEATURES T h e d eep o c e a n b a sin s are c h a ra c te riz e d by the fo llo w in g s ig n ific a n t r e lie f fe a tu re s o f eleva­ tio n (lik e a b y ssa l h ills ) an d d e p re ssio n s (like o cean tre n c h e s a n d o c ea n d eep s). T h e m ost e x ten siv e fe a tu re s a re d eep sea p la in s, v e ry often called as abyssal plains but these are physiographically m o n o to n o u s b e c a u se o f th e ir fla ttish c h arac te r o f v ast terrain . >- a b y ssa l p la in s >- a b y ssal h ills >■ sea m o u n ts (g u y o ts) an d seatablemounts o c ea n d e ep s a n d o c e a n tre n c h es. 1. Abyssal Plains A b y ssal p la in s, k n o w n as d eep s e a j riglB? (fig. 3.3) are th e m o st e x te n siv e b u t the flattest te rra in u n its to be fo u n d on th e e a rth ’s surface in clu d in g c o n tin e n ts. T h e a v erag e gradient s l o p e , Scanned by CamScanner “ ' OCEAN MORPHOLOGY AND BOTTOM RELIEF j<f afrrmt 0.5°. It m ay be m entioned that the basal surface o f volcanic rocks, say so lid ified basalt crust is overlain by terrigenous d eposits w hich are not consolidated but are layered. It is believed that the sedim ents o f land origin have been transported by the subm arine tu rbidity currents across subm a­ rine canyons and have been regularly deposited on the solid but irregular crustal surface o f volcanic origin. V olcanic deposits have also been reported at few places in different oceans. In fact. deep sea plains are ch aracterized by pelagic d ep o sits o f plants, m arine anim als and siliceous rem ains to gether w ith terrigenous m aterials. D eep sea plain characterized by flat and rolling subm arine plain is the m ost extensive re lie f zone o f the ocean basins. T hese deep-seated plains having the depth from 3000m to 6000m co v er 75.9 percent o f the total area o f the ocean b asin s b u t this areal coverage varies from one o cean to the o th e r (80.3 per cent in the Pacific O cean , 80.1 per cent in the Indian O cean and 54.9 per c en t in the A tlantic O cean). R em arkably low areal c o v erag e o f deep sea plains in the A tlantic O cean in c o m p ariso n to the Pacific and Indian O cean s is attrib u te d to larger extent o f co n tinen tal sh elv e s in the fo rm er. T hough vast and extensive d eep sea p lain s are g en erally featureless but a few long, n arro w and elo n g ated ridges, guyots etc. are sig n ific a n t reliefs. The subm arine ridges with stee p sid e -slo p e s som etim es reach the sea level and ev en p ro je c t above the w ater surface and a p p e a ra s islands. M id -A tlan tic ridge, E astP acific R ise and m id -In d ian O cean ridge are typical ex am p les. M ore d o m in an ce o f abyssal plains in the A tlan tic and the Indian O ceans is because o f d ifferen c e in the n ature o f plate m argins in these oceans. G e n erally , e x ten siv e a b y ssa l plains are found in the re g io n s o f passiv e plate m argins such as in the A tlan tic and Indian O ceans, w hile lim ited abyssal p lains are a sso c iate d w ith active plate m arg in s, as rep resen ted by P acific plate m argins. It m ay be m entioned that in the zones o f active p late m argins, i.e. active subduction (convergent zone) zo n es, ocean tren ch es are form ed, and these tren ch es trap the sed im en ts o f land origin and hence do not a llo w them to m ove in the deep ocean basins, w ith the re su lt ex ten siv e abyssal plains are 71 n o t form ed. On the o th er hand, passive plate m argins do n o t allo w the form ation o f enormous ocean trenches. T h u s, in the absence o f deep ocean trenches sed im en ts travel dow n to deep ocean and settle dow n on ocean basins to form extensive abyssal plains. T his is w hy the A tlantic and Indian O ceans have e x ten siv e deep sea plains. 2. Abyssal Hills A variety o f hills o f v o lcan ic o rig in p ro ject above the deep sea p lain s (ab y ssal p la in s), nam ely volcanic hills and isla n d s, sea m o u n ts, ta b le m o u n ts or guyots etc. The volcanic h ills are e ith e r dom e shaped or are elongated hills w ith ex ten siv e bases. W hen these hills appear above sea w ater su rface (sea level), they are called volcanic islan d s or sim ply islands. U sually, these hills are 1000 m high from the ocean floor w hile th eir w id th ranges betw een 0.1 km to 100 km. T he v o lcan ic h ills o f low er height are called a b y ssa l hills or s e a k n o lls . The conical volcanic hills subm erged u n d er ocean w ater, i.e. alw ays below sea level, are called sea m o u n ts, w hile flat-topped v o lcan ic hills are called ta b le m o u n ts or g u y o ts (fig. 3.3). The sea m ounts are the relict o f extinct subm arine volcanic m o u n tain s w ith average height o f 1,000 m from ocean floor, but they are alw ays below ocean w ater. S o m e­ tim es seam ounts also rep resen t activ e v o lcan ic peaks. The sides o f seam ounts are o f steep slopes. They may be found on the o cean flo o r in iso latio n or in groups. W hen num erous ab y ssal h ills are found in clu ster on ocean flo o rs, the re su ltan t m orphological features are called a b y s s a l hill p ro v in ce s. The deep sea p lain s o f the A tlan tic and Indian O ceans are d otted w ith su ch clu stered num bers o f abyssal v o lcan ic hills. M ost o f the subm arine v o lcan ic hills on deep o cean flo o rs are the result o f d iv erg en ce o f p lates and con seq u en t sea floor sp read in g resu ltin g into v o lcan ic a ctiv i­ ties and fo rm atio n o f n u m ero u s v o lcan ic hills. 3. Ocean Deeps and Trenches O cean deeps rep resen tin g d ep ressio n s and trenches on the ocean flo o rs are the d eep est zones o f the ocean basins. T h ese are g en erally located p arallel to the co asts facing m o u n tain s and along Scanned by CamScanner OCEANOGRAPHY 72 the islands. O cean deeps are grouped into two categories according to size viz. (1) very deep but less extensive depressions are called deep s, while (2) long and narrow linear depressions are called tre n c h e s . These deeps and trenches are character­ ized by very steep slopes. Som etim es, these rise alm ost to verticality. These deeps and trenches have been usually nam ed after the explorers and their geographical locations e.g. M urrary Deep (after J. M urrary), Japan and Sunda Trenches (after geographical location). O ut o f the explored and surveyed 57 deeps, the Pacific Ocean, the A tlantic O cean and the Indian O cean account for 3 2 ,1 9 , and 6 deeps respectively. M ariana Trench located to the w est o f Philippines in the N orth Pacific O cean is the d eepest (11.02 km deep) o f all the ocean d eep s. On an average, the ocean trenches are 3 to 5 km in depth from the surrounding surface o f ocean floor. It is significant to m ention th at these long, narrow and deep depressions are alw ays found near the land areas, say coastlands. and Island arcs, w hich represent active plate m argins, where tw o plates converge and collide, and the relatively heavier plate is subducted below the lighter plate. This is w hy m ost o f ocean trenches are found in the eastern and w estern parts o f the Pacific O ceans and near Jap an -P h ilip p in es island arcs. O cean trenches are seldom found in m id-ocean regions. A few im portant ocean trenches have been presented in table 3.2. Table 3.3. : M ajor O cean D e e p s (Trenches) 1. N am e Location D epth in metres C hallenger or N. Pacific 11,022 m Central S. Pacific 10,882 m N.W . Pacific 10,475 m N ares or Puerto O ff W est Indian 8,385 m R ico Trench Islands K urile Trench O ff Sakhalin, M ariana Trench 2. A ldrich or Tonga Trench 3. Swire or Philippine Trench 4. 5. 10,498 m K am chatka 6. T izard or Rom anche S. A tlantic 7,631 m E. Indian O cean 7,450 m Trench 7. Java Trench 4. Mid-Ocean Ridge M id-ocean ridges, o f volcanic origin, are the m ost extensive re lie f features not only o f the ocean basins but o f the entire globe. N ot all the m id-ocean ridges are centered in the ocean basins. The m id-A tlantic R idge, and the m id-Indian O cean R idge are exam ples o f central locations in the ocean basins, but the East Pacific Rise is certainly o f non-central location. The follow ing are the ch aracteristic com m on features o f mid­ ocean ridges : M id-ocean ridges are the longest mountain chains o f the globe ru n n in g for a distance o f 60,000 to 65,000 km across deep ocean basin. They occupy about one-third o f the ocean floor. N ot all o f the m id-ocean ridges occupy central locations in the deep ocean basins­ . . ,::d n Scanned by CamScanner ■. • r m ' 'V. OCEAN MORPHOLOGY AND BOTTOM RELIEF 73 For exam ple, the E ast P acific R ise is far away from the central axis o f the deep ocean b asin o f the P acific O cean. ( 1 ) H y d ro th e rm a l v en ts are in fact h o t springs. It hap p en s d u rin g th e fau ltin g o f the crestal parts o f m id -o cean rid g es th at seaw ater seeps into th e ocean cru st through the fractu res, is h eated , and finally gushes out as h o t sp rin g s. T hey appear as w h ite s m o k e rs w h en te m p e ra ­ ture ranges b etw een 30° and 350° C, and as b la c k s m o k e rs , w hen tem p eratu re exceeds 350° C. >- T he m id-A tlantic R idge and the East P acific R ise are the m ost extensively ex p lo red and studied ridges. ^ A ll o f the m id-ocean ridges are o f volcanic origin and consist o f basaltic pillow lava. >- T hey are alw ays associated w ith divergent p late m argins and sea floor spreading. >- T he crestal parts o f m id-ocean ridges are eith er dom e-shaped w ith rounded top, or are characterized by rift valleys, w hich are the creation o f sea floor spreading and a sso ciated faulting. 5s- T h ough the w idth o f m id-ocean ridge c o n sid erab ly varies but on an average it is 1,000 km . The average height o f these rid g es from the deep sea plains is about 2,500 m. >- M id-ocean ridges are characterized by active volcanism s and seism ic events. M id -o cean ridges are also characterized by the follow ing features in the crestal rift v alley zones. Inactive fracture <-------- zone------(Both blocks move in same direction) ■j*. ; '.'j \ • i • #: ‘ v: .>’ ' . (2) O cean ic rid g e s rep resen t th o se sectio n s o f m id-ocean ridges w hich have steep side slopes and are o f irre g u la r m o r­ phology. (3) O cean ic rises represent th o se seg m en ts o f m id-ocean ridges w hich hav e g en tle side slopes. (4) Transform faults : The re g u la rity o f m id-ocean ridges is broken by n u m er­ ous transform faults across them . These transform faults are cau sed due to divergence o f tw o plates and re su lt­ ant spreading o f sea floor along m id ­ ocean ridges. These are p erp en d icu lar to the axis o f spreading zone o f sea floor (fig. 3.5). Active fault — zone — (Blocks move in opposite directions) . Inactive fracture ----- zone ----(Both blocks move in same direction) • .- : ' ii . • . .i..; Fig. 3.5 : Transformfaults andfracture zones. Source : based on W.K. Hamblin and E. H. Christiansen, 1995. T he processes and m echanism o f the origin o f m id-ocean ridges have been explained in the preceding 2nd chapter. H ow ever, briefly it m ay be re8tated that the m id-ocean ridges are form ed due • • • '-*• ■ ' ■*- ■“ < 1 — i. Scanned by CamScanner I i»|M | HjhH'IH . OCEANOORA 74 to m ovem ent o f oceanic plates in opposite directions and resultant spreading o f ocean oors. W hen tw o ocean plates break away and m ove in opposite direction, faults are created, th e pressure o f superincumbent load is reduced, and hence the rocks o f upper mantle melts. The m olten materials rise in the form o f magma under the force ot violent gases and steam. After reaching the ocean water surface these are cooled and solidified and finally new basalting crust is formed along the constructive plate boundaries. The repetition o f this process o f active volcanism causes pilling o f basalt lava and the formation o f extensive m assive m id-ocean ridges all along the spreading zone in the deep ocean basins. These m id-ocean ridges denote the zone o f active volcanism s and seism ic activities. The process o f the formation o f m id­ ocean ridges w ill be explained in detail with the exam ple o f m id-A tlantic R idge in the succeeding section 3.7. 3.7 BOTTOM RELIEFS OF ATLANTIC OCEAN The ocean basins o f the Atlantic Ocean is most extensively explored and studied and hence more details are available about the m orphologi­ cal characteristics o f this great ocean basin. The basin-centered m id-Atlantic R idge attracted a large number o f geoscientists to study different aspects o f the ocean basins. The convincing geological, palaeonotological and palaeomagnetic evidences^enabled the scientists to formulate the revolutionary theory o f plate tectonics on the basis o f evid en ces o f sea floor spreading and palaeomagnetism in 1960s. Plausible explana­ tions were offered for the evolution o f varied m orphological features o f the ocean basins such as continental shelves, continental slopes, abyssal plains, ocean trenches, submarine canyons, trans­ form faults, volcanic hills, seamounts, guyots, mid-ocean ridges etc. In the light o f these facts let us discuss the characteristic features o f ocean basins morphology o f each ocean. (1) Introduction The Atlantic Ocean located between North and South Americas in the w est and Europe and A frica in the east covers an area o f 82,000, km2 w hich is l/6 th o f the geographical area o f the globe and h a lf o f the area o f the P acific Ocean. T h e ‘S ’ sh ap e o f the ocean indicates the fact that landm asses (continents) on its either side were once a contiguous part. The A tlantic Ocean was form ed due to drifting o f North and South A m ericas to the w est due to plate tectonics. The ocean w idens to the south o f equator and attains the m axim um w idth o f 5 ,9 2 0 km at 35° S latitude. It narrows dow n tow ards the equator. It is only 2560 km w ide betw een Liberian coast and Cape Sao Roque. The w idth further increases north­ ward and it b ecom es 4 8 0 0 km at 40° N latitude. It narrows dow n in the extrem e north where it maintains its contact w ith the A rctic Ocean through N orw egian Sea, D enm ark Strait and D avis Bay. The average depth o f the ocean is less than the P acific O cean b eca u se o f extensive continental sh elv es and m arginal and enclosed seas. A bout 24 per cent o f the A tlantic Ocean is less than 915 m deep. The A tlantic O cean w as first formed about 700 m illion years ago due to seafloor spreading (see fig. 2.17 chapter 2) and eastward movement o f the Eurasian and A frican plates from the midAtlantic ridge. A bout 3 00 m illio n years B. P. (before present) the A tlantic O cean w as closed due to convergence o f the A m erican and Eurasian-A frican plates. The ocean again started to open about 150 m illio n years B .P. due to the m ovem ent o f aforesaid p lates in opposite direc­ tions. The w idenin g o f the ocean still continues w hich is evidenced through sea flo o r spreading at an average rate o f 4 cm per year. (2) Continental Shelf C ontinental sh e lv es have developed along both the coasts o f the A tlantic O cean and the w idth ranges from 2 -4 km to m ore than 80 km. Id fact, the w idth o f continental sh elv es has been largely controlled by the reliefs o f the c o astal lands. T hese b ecom e sig n ifica n tly narrow where mountains and h ills border the coasts e.g■ African sh elves betw een B ay o f B isca y and Cape o f Good H ope and B razilian sh elv es between 5 and 10° S latitudes. The sh elv es becom e 200 to Scanned by CamScanner J OCEAN M O R PH O L O G Y AND BOTTOM R E L IE F 400 km wide along the north-eastern coast o f North America and the northwestern coast o f Europe. Extensive shelves are found around Newfoundland (Grand Bank) and British Islands (DoggarBank). Similarly, the continental shelves around G reenland and Iceland are quite wide. Very extensive continental shelves are found in the South A tlantic Ocean mainly between Bahia Blanca and A ntarctica (fig. 3.6). M any marginal seas are located on the continental shelves in the Fig 3-6 • Generalized bottom reliefs o f the Atlantic Ocean. Scanned by CamScanner ' 76 N o rth A tla n tic b u t such seas are p ractically absent in th e S o u th A tlan tic. A m ong the con tin en tal s h e lf sea te d seas sig n ific a n t are the H udson B ay, the B altic Sea, the N orth Sea, the D avis S trait, the D e n m ark Strait etc. T he C aribbean and M ed iter­ ran ean seas rep resen t enclosed seas. T here are sev e ra l islands w hich are located on the co n tin e n ­ tal sh elves e.g. B ritish Isles, Iceland, F aeroes, A zores, A scension, T ristan da C uncha, N ew ­ fo u n d land, W est Indies, M aderia, St. H elena, T rin id ad , F alkland, South O rkneys, S hetlands, G eorgia, Sandw itch, C anaries, C ape V erde etc., are sig n ifican t islands representing differen t lo catio ns and origin. (3) Mid-Atlantic Ridge The m id-A tlantic ridge representing the zone o f divergent or constructive plate m argins (A m erican plates m oving w estw ard and Eurassian and A frican plates m oving to the east) is the m ost striking re lie f feature w hich having S shape extends for 14,450 km from Iceland in the north and to B ouvet Island in the south. Though sw inging w est and east it m aintain its central p osition and now here goes dow n m ore than 4,000 m below sea level. The ridge is know n as D olphin R ise to the north and C hallenger R ise to the south o f equator. It is know n as W yville Thom pson R idge b etw een Iceland and Scotland. The ridge becom es quite extensive to the south o f G reenland and Iceland and is called T elegraphic Plateau because first cabbies w ere laid dow n in this area. A sig n ifican t branch em erges from this central ridge n ear 50°N latitude and extends n o rth ­ w estw ard as N ew foundland R ise and continues upto N ew foundland. A nother im portant branch know n as A zores R ise bifurcates from the m idA tlantic R idge to the south o f 40° N latitude and extends upto A zores Islands. A t the eq u ato r the ridge sends o ff tw o branches. Sierra L eone R ise extends tow ards n ortheast and P ara R ise stretches in no rth-w est direction. G uinea R idge, a m inor branch o f the central ridge, runs north-eastw ard and extends upto G uinea coast. Tw o significan t branches com e out o f the central ridge near 40° S latitude. T he W alvis R idge extends tow ards n o rth -easf and m erges w ith A frican continental ■ OCEANOGRAPHY | s h e lf w h ile R io G ran d e R ise e x te n d s towards S outh A m erican co ast. T h o u g h m a jo r p a rt o f th e m id -A tlan tic R idge is su b m erg ed u n d e r o c ea n ic w a ter b u t a host o f peaks and sea m o u n ts p ro je c t w ell above the w a ter su rfa ce and fo rm isla n d s. T h e Pico Inland o f A zo res is the h ig h e st p e a k w h ich rises 8,229.6m (2 7 ,0 0 0 feet) a b o v e th e sea flo o r and 2 1 3.36m to 2 4 3 .8 4 m a b o v e sea lev el. B esid e s, the m id -A tlan tic R id g e h as se v e ra l w ell m arked fractu re zo n es e.g. G ib b s F ra c tu re Z o n e (n e a r 40° N ), A tla n tic F ra c tu re z o n e (n e a r 30° N ), O cean o g rap h ic F rac tu re Z o n e (32° N ), K ane F ractu re Z one (25° N ), V e m a F ra c tu re Z o n e (10° N ), R o m an ch a F rac tu re z o n e (n e a r equator) etc. As reg ard s the o rig in o f th is u n iq u e feature all the p rev io u s th e o rie s b a se d on co m p ressiv e and ten sio n al fo rces sta n d re d u n d a n t due to advent o f p late te cto n ic th eo ry . T h e m id -A tlan tic R idge is the re su lt o f w e stw a rd m o v em en t o f A m erican p late and e a stw a rd m o v em en t o f E urasian and A frican p la te s. T h e rid g e represents the zone o f the d iv e rg e n t o r c o n stru c tiv e plate m argins w here b a sa ltic lav as rise continuously, get so lid ified and are slid e d e q u a lly on b o th sides o f the ridge. T he d iv e rg e n c e o f p la te s from this ridge is ev id en ced by the p re se n c e o f several tran sfo rm fau lts (frac tu re z o n es, as referred to above). It m ay be m e n tio n e d th a t th e b asaltic crust o f the A tlan tic O cean is the n e w e s t at the m idA tlan tic rid g e, bu t as o n e p ro c e d e s eith er east­ w ard or w estw ard th e c ru s ta l b a sa lt becom es older. T his c h ara c te ristic fe a tu re o f the ocean flo o r co m p o sed o f b a sa lt o f th e A tlantic O cean has been show n in fig u re 3 .7 . It is, th u s, evident that th ere is g rad u al sp re a d in g o f o cean floor at m id -A tlan tic rid g e an d th e re is continuous accretio n o f new b a sa ltic c ru st at the rear ends (constructive p la te m a rg in s) o f divergent (m oving eastw ard and w e stw a rd ) p lates. The y o u n g est cru st at th e c re st o f m id -A tlan tic Ridge is from latest to 5 m illio n y ears old. T he sequence o f the ag es o f b a saltic crusts fro m m id-A tlantic R idge to the co n tin e n tal m arg in s (fig. 3.7) is as fo llo w s : Scanned by CamScanner | .J| 77 OCBANMORPHOLOGY AND BOTTOM UBUIBF (1) U olooene to Pliocene crust 0-5 m illion years (2) M iocene crust 5-23 m illion years (?) QUgocene crust (4) Eocene crust (5) Pliocene crust (6) Cretaceous crust (7) Late Jurassic crust (8) M iddle Jurassic crust tm Fig 3 7 ' 23-35 m illion years 35-56 m illion years 56-65 m illion years 65-146 m illion years 146-157 m illion years 157-178 m illion years Holocene to Pliocene (0-5MY) Paleocene (56-65 My) M iocene (5-23 MY) Cretaceous (65-146 MY) Oligocene (23-35 MY) Late Jurassic (146-157 MY) Eocene (35-56 MY) Middle Jurassic (157-178 MY) Ages o f basaltic crust of the Atlantic Ocean floor. The sequence o f the ages o f the crust from the crest o f the A tlantic Ridge representing youngest one is towards the east and west upto the continental margins representing the oldest crust (157-178 million years). Source : based on W.K. Hamblin and E. H. Christiansen, 1995. (4) Ocean Basins The mid-Atlantic Ridge divides the Atlan­ tic Ocean into two major basins (fig. 3.6) viz. East and West Atlantic Basins. There are few im por­ tant basins within these two major basins (figs. 3.8 and 3.9). Scanned by CamScanner OCEANOGRAPHY bordered by A zores R ise in the south and extends upto 50° N latitude. The average depth is 5,000m. (5) N orth and South C an ary basin is com­ prised o f two almost circular basins and is 5,000m A v sV /w'X XwxwV /v\\\1A\"w«'V AVW (\\w\v fvwwsw .^N N \\\« .V \\V V N \V WWW VWVVSVWSV . .. /\\\\'\S\\\\N'>NNN'WW''v s'kVVW'^' ^WW kwwwwwm .vwwwwwwwww"'1 " wwswsvswww, <\\\\\V\\X\\\\\\\\\\SV\WWvW''-WSSNNNVSSSSSXVVNVV'NVV'NXV'Y' Knn«.\\\nsss'vV»ssvvsw"‘W^v^,"'''v'*wvvwnv'‘wsnxssvvs''nsnn^ U \v.vsn\v\v\\n\n\\wnw\^w,‘N ,‘''w'‘w''N '*nx*S‘N sv's'N xsv'‘sN sv''N wnSnN nN nV vV V S's'lN .vvvl1>\\\\\smm\\vwN^^''^'vw N V ' AvvL/vsmwww^\\vss\ vss\\\ wnssvwvv\ w w n W^v^ ^ nvx^ ^ Fig. 3 .8 : Cross-section o f the North Atlantic Ocean. 1. P uretarico basin, 2. North American basin, 3. North A tlantic Ridge, 4. Cape Verde basin, and 5. W est African coast. deep. (6) C ape V erde basin is located between the m id-A tlantic R idge and w est African coast and extends from 10° N to 23° N . A verage depth is 5,000m but at few places it becom es 5,000m or I more. (7) G uinea basin extends from north-east to south-w est in elongated shape betw een Guinea R idge and Sierra Leone R ise and measures 4,000 to 5,000m in depth. (8) A ngola b a sin is lo cated betw een the eq u ato r and 30° S latitude. It stretch es from the A frican coast in the n o rth -east to the knot o f the m id-A tlantic R idge and W alvis R idge in the south-w est. T he basin is m ost ex ten siv e near the A frican coast and narrow s dow n tow ards south­ w est. The average depth is 5,000 m. Fig. 3.9 ■' Cross-section o f the South Atlantic Ocean, 1. ' east South American coast, 2. Argentina ba­ sin, 3. South Atlantic Ridge, 4. Walvis Ridges, Cape B asin (25° S-45° S), A gulhas Basin (40°S-50°S), A rg en tin a B asin (35°S-50°S, depth 5,000m -6,000m ) and A tlan tic-A n tarctic Basin are the other sig n ifican t b asin s o f the Atlantic O cean. 5. Cape basin, and 6. Cape Town. (5) Ocean Deeps and Trenches (1 ) L a b r a d o r b a s in extends betw een the continental sh e lf o f Greenland in the north and N ew found land R ise in the south covering latitudi­ nal extent o f 40° N to 50° N where the depth o f the basin ranges from 4 ,0 0 0 to 4,500 m. (2) N o rth A m e r ic a n b a s in is the most exten­ siv e basin o f the Atlantic Ocean and extends betw een 12° N and 40° latitudes. The east-w est section lie s betw een the continental shelves o ff the east coast o f N . A m erica and 50° W m e d ia n . The depth o f the basin is more than 5,000m but few deeps measure more than 6,000m depth. (3) B ra z ilia n b a s in is confined betw een the equator and 30° S latitude and east coast o f Brazil in the w est and Para R ise in the east. The depth is m ore than 4,000m . (4) Spanish basin is locatedbetw een the midA tlantic R idge ahd Iberian Peninsula. It is The num ber o f deeps in the A tlantic Ocean is far less than in the P acific O cean because o f the absence o f the effects o f T ertiary orogenic m ovem ents along the A tlan tic coasts. M urray has identified 29 deeps upto the depth o f 3,000 fathom s (5,486.5m ) in the A tlan tic O cean. Nares D eep (6,000m ), P u reto R ico D eep (8,385m), H atteras D eep (5,445m ), C o lu m b iaD eep (5,125m, south o f H aiti), V ald iv ia D eep (3,134 fathoms), T izard or R om anche D eep (9,370m ), Buc^a?o9 D eep (3,063 fath o m s), M o seley D eep (3,j> fathom s), V em a D eep (4,900m ) etc. are a te im p o rtan t ocean deeps o f the A tlantic Ocean. The Mediterranean Sea, Caribbean1 G ulf o f M exico are significant marginal the Atlantic Ocean. The Mediterranean divided into two major basins (East ^ ^ 'r'd jp r Scanned by CamScanner I 79 o c e a n MORPHOLOGY AND BOTTOM RELIEF Basins) by 4.000m deep m id-sea ridge w hich runs Twui me southern Italian coast to the north African coast. The East M editerranean Basin is further divided into Ionian (4,600m deep) and Lavantine B asins (2,000-3,000m deep) by the ridge located betw een the southern coast o f Greece and the northern coast o f Africa. The W est M editerranean B asin is divided into two sub­ basins (A lgiers-Provencal Basin and Tyrrhenian Basin) by a 1,000m deep ridge running between Italy and Tunisia. Broad continental shelves (80 km to 240 km wide and 1,000m deep) are found along Spanish (eastern), Italian (western), Greek (western), Egyptian (northern), Tunisian and Lybian (north-eastern) coasts. The G u lf o f M exico and Caribbean Sea are separeted by a 1,600m deep ridge running betw een Yucatan Peninsula and Cuba Island. The prom inent basins are M exico basin and Caribbean basin. The latter is further divided into four sub­ basins e.g. Y ucatan basin, Cayman trough, C olum bia basin and Venezuela basin. 3.8 BOTTOM RELIEFS OF THE PACIFIC OCEAN 1. Introduction The Pacific Ocean, the largest ocean o f the w orld having one-third area o f the globe, extends from east to w est for 16,000 km from the east coast o f A sia in the west to the west coasts o f Americas in the east and for 14,880 km from north to south betw een Bering Strait in the north to Cape Adre (A ntarctica) in the south. The overall shape o f the ocean is triangular if its extent in both the hem ispheres is considered separately. Average depth o f the ocean is 4,572 m. Both the coasts (east and w est) o f the Pacific are paralleled by the chains o f folded m ountains and therefore the descent from the coast to the abyssal plains is very steep. M ore or less uniform broad and extensive ocean floor is characterized by several *"■ rises, sea m ounts and depressions (trenches and deeps). The O cean has the largest num ber o f islands (more than 2,000). It may be pointed out that the w estern coast is studded with islands, island arcs and festoons w hile the eastern coast has only a few islands. T he islan d s o f th e P acific O cean are grouped in the fo llo w in g 3 categ o ries : ( 1 ) T h e c o n tin e n ta l is la n d s : A leu tian islands, islands o ff B ritish C o lu m b ia o f C an ad a and C hilean islands. (2) Isla n d s a rc s a n d fe sto o n s : K u rile, Japanese A rchipilago, P h ilip p in es, an d In d o n esian Islands. (3) S c a tte re d sm a lle r i s l a n d s : T h ese islan d s are further subdivided in two maj or, subcategories as follow s : Islands based on racial g ro u p in g s su ch as (a) M a la n e sia : e.g. S o lo m an s, N ew H ebrides, Fizi., (b) M ic ro n e s ia : e .g . M a r s h a lls , C arolines, G ilbert, and E llice. (c) Polynesia: e.g. S ociety, C o o k and Tuam otu. >- Islands form ed o f v o lcan ic m a te ria ls and coral reefs : e.g. H aw aii Is la n d s-o f 1c origin, Fizi, F au n afu ti, E llice etc.-coral islands. Johnson has divided the Pacific O cean into the following four sub-regions : (1) The N orthern Pacific rep resen ts th e d e e p ­ est part o f the w hole Pacific w here av erag e depth ranges betw een 5,000m and 6 ,000m . This region m akes contact w ith th e A rctic Sea through B ering Strait. (2) The C entral Pacific is c h aracterized by largest num ber o f islands m ost o f w h ich are o f volcanic and coral origin. H .H . H ess has identified 160 flat-topped sea m o u n ts in this region. There are a few su b p arallel island chains w hich have been nam ed by E. Suess as O ceanides. (3) The South-W est Pacific carries a large num ber o f islands, m arginal seas, ex ten ­ sive co ntinental sh elv es and o cean ic trenches. (4) The South-East Pacific has the m ost striking re lie f o f the Pacific O cean as the East Pacific R ise or R idge b u t th ere is absence o f m arginal seas. Scanned by CamScanner 80 oceanography 2. Continental Shelf T here is sig n ifica n t difference in the extent and ch aracteristics o f continental sh elv es on the eastern and w estern coasts o f the Pacific. The sh elv es are quite broad and exten sive along the eastern coasts o f A ustralia and A sia where the w idth varies from 160 km to 1600 km and the Fig. 3 .1 0 : Bottom reliefs o f the Pacific Ocean. Scanned by CamScanner SP-V. 81 OCEAN MORPHOLOGY AND BOTTOM RELEF depth ranges b etw een 1,000 m and 2,000m . Several islands are seated on these b road c o n ti­ nental shelves (viz. K u riles, Japanese islands, Philippines, In d o n esia, N ew Z ealan d etc.). T hese continental shelves also carry num erous m arginal seas like B ering Sea, O khotsk Sea, Japan Sea, Y ellow Sea, C hina Sea, Java Sea, C oral Sea, T asm ania Sea, A rafura Sea etc. The continental shelve are less extensive along the w estern coasts o f A m ericas because o f nearness o f cordillerean chains o f folded m ountains to the coastal lands. The average w idth is 80 km. 3. East Pacific Rise T he P acific O cean does not have central or m id-oceanic ridge like the A tlantic and the Indian O ceans, albeit there are a few scattered ridges having local im portance. The East Pacific Rise or R idge know n as A lbatross Plateau is 1600 km w ide and it extends from north o f New Zealand to the C alifornian coasts. It sends o ff two branches betw een 23° S-35°S. The eastern branch merges w ith C hilean coast w hile the other branch moves southw ard in the nam e o f Eastern Island Rise. A m inor ridge know n as G alapagos Ridge runs p arallel to the East Pacific Rise in the east betw een the E astern Island Fracture Zone and t . . G alapagos islands from w here it moves m two branches viz. (i) C arnegie R idge, and (ii) Cocos R idge in no rth -east direction. The New Zealand R idge is about 200m to 2,000m below sea level and w idens near Fiji island to form Fiji Plateau w hich is 2,000m below sea level. The Hawaiian Rise extends from north-w est to south-east direction betw een 35°N-17°N for a distance o f 960 km. T his is the m ost extensive ridge (2640 km wide) o f the P acific O cean. The other m inor ridges are N azca R idge o ff Peru coast, Lord Howe Rise o ff eastern coast o f A ustralia betw een 20°S and 40°S latitude. N orfolk Island R idge betw een New C aledonia and N ew Z ealand (23°S-35°S), Eauripik-N ew G uinea R ise north o f New G uinea and parallel to 140° E longitude, C arolineSoloman R idge n o rth o f Solom an Islands etc. T h e E a st P a c ific R ise (rid g e ), lik e m id A tlan tic R id g e, has a lso b e e n fo rm e d d u e to d iv e rg e n t p la te m o v e m e n ts a n d s e a flo o r s p re a d ­ ing, w h ich is v a lid a te d by th e te m p o ra l seq u e n c e s o f b a saltic o cean c ru st s ta rtin g fro m th e y o u n g e st H o lo cen e-P lio cen e c ru st (0-5 m illio n y e a rs o ld ) at the crest o f th e E a st P a c ific R ise to th e o ld e st m iddle Ju rassic c ru st (1 5 7 -1 7 8 m illio n y e a rs o ld ) near the co n tin en tal m a rg in s on e ith e r sid e o f th e ridge (fig. 3.7). B esides, th ere are a few fra c tu re z o n e s running from w est to east e.g. (fro m n o rth to south) M endocino F ractu re Z o n e (40°N ), M u rra y Fracture Z one (30°N ), M o lo k ai F ra c tu re Z o n e (25°N), C larion F racture Z one (20°N ), C lip p e rto n Fracture Zone (10°N ), E astern Isla n d F ra c tu re Zone (30°S), C h allen g er F ractu re Z o n e (4 0 °S ) etc. 4. Ocean Basins There a re d ifferen t b asin s o f d iffe re n t shapes and sizes, T hese basins are se p a ra te d b y ridges and ‘rise s’. The fo llo w in g are a few im portant basins o f the P acific O cean. (1) P h ilip p in e b a sin is lo cated to th e e ast o f Philippines and extends from so u th o f Jap a n to 5°N latitude. K yushu-P aian R idge ru n s th ro u g h the m iddle o f the basins. A v erag e d e p th ra n g e s from 5,000m to 6,000m . (2) F iji b a sin is lo cated to the so u th o f Fiji Island betw een 10°S and 32°S la titu d e s an d the average depth is 4,000m . T he b a sin to th e north o f 20°S is know n as N o rth F iji B asin w hereas the South Fiji B asin b etw een 20°S an d 32°S is bordered by N o rk o lk Islan d R id g e in the w est and K arm adec-T onga T ren ch es in th e east. (3) East A ustralian basin is situ ated b etw een the east coast o f A ustralia and N ew Z ealan d R id g e w ith average depth o f m ore than 5,000m . (4) South A ustralian Basin also k now n as Jeffreys B asin is located to the so u th -east o f A ustralia having average depth o f 5,000m . Scanned by CamScanner OCEANOGRAPHY 82 - .5 (5 ) P e r u b a s in in located to the w est o f Peru co ast b e tw ee n 5°S and 24°S latitudes and extends upto 110°W longitude. The average depth o f the b a sin is 4 ,000m . (6) S o u th -W e s te rn P acific b asin is an elo n ­ g ated b a sin stretching betw een 20°S and 50°S la titu d e s and 180-129°W longitudes. K arm adec T ren ch w ith the depth o f 10,047m is located to the w est o f this basin. la titu d e s longitude. 6 0 °S and e x te n d s u p to 1 3 0 «W 5. Oceans Deeps and Trenches T h ere are sev eral tre n c h e s and d eep s in the P acific O cean. T h ese d e p re ssio n s are located e ith er along the isla n d arcs o r m o u n ta in chains. It m ay be p o in ted o u t th a t th e tre n c h e s are found m ainly in the w estern P a c ific O cean . T h e follow ­ ing are the sig n ific a n t tre n c h e s (ta b le 3 .4 ) . (7) P a c ific -A n ta rc tic B asin is located to the so u th -w est o f C hilean coast betw een 40°S and Table 3.4 : M ajor Trenches of the Pacific Ocean T ren ch es D epth in m etres T renches D ep th in m e tre s M arian a 11,002 M iddle A m erican 6,5 6 2 T onga 10,882 Ryukyu 6,395 K urile 10,498 B onin — P hilippine 10,475 Yap Palau — Japan 10,375 Solom an — K arm adec 10,047 N ew B ritain — P eru-C hile 8,025 N ew H ebbrides — A leutian 7,679 r T h e g enesis o f oceanic tre n c h e s and deeps is related to geotectonic activities caused by conver­ g ent p late m ovem ents and subduction o f two co nv erg ing plates along B en io ff zone. The fo l­ low ing exam ple o f the origin o f Japan T rench very w ell explains the genesis o f num erous m arine tren ch es o f various dim ensions in the Pacific O cean : H onshu is bordered by Japan T rench in the east and Japan Sea in the w est. T he w estern part o f the island is m ore frequented by volcanic activ i­ ties than the eastern part. The island is ch aracter­ ized by tw o belts o f m etam orphic rocks on either side. It is believed that the Japan T rench was form ed due to subduction o f Pacific O ceanic plate u nder the oceanic crust to the east o f Japan. A ccording to plate tectonic theory the subducted p ortion o f plate after reaching a depth o f 100 km o r m ore starts m elting due to high tem perature p rev ailin g in the u p p er m a n tle . T he m ag m a, thus form ed, ascends and ap p ea rs as v o lc a n ic eruption about 200 km aw ay fro m the o cea n ic tre n c h . Since Japan is very close to the Jap a n T re n c h an d hence w estern p art o f Jap a n is m o re freq u e n te d by volcanic activ ities. T h is p ro c e ss is still continuing as the Pacific plate is b ein g co n tin u o u sly subducted under the o cean ic c ru st a lo n g the Jap a n Trench (fig. 3 . 11). T he eru p tio n s o f v o lc a n o in th e m onth o f June, 1991 in Jap an a fte r a d o rm a n t p eriod o f about 200 years and the e ru p tio n o f M t. Pinatubo on June 9 , 1991 in M an ila, P h ilip p in e s, v a lid a te the a u th en ticity o f th is th e o ry o f p la te tectonics T he v o lcan ic eru p tio n s c au se d by su b d u ctio n o f o ceanic p lates u n d er the o cean ic cru st o f f the Jap an ese coast re su lted into c o n tin u o u s accum u­ lation o f v o lcan ic ro ck s and c o n seq u en t increase in the h eight o f island arc an d thus th e form ation o f volcanic m o u n tain s co u ld be po ssib le. Scanned by CamScanner A OCEAN MORPHOLOGY AND BOTTOM RELIEF It is, thus, e v id en t th a t Jap a n T ren c h w as form ed due to su b d u ctio n o f the P a c ific o cean ic crust below ocean c ru st to th e east o f Jap an . T his 83 is an ex am p le o f o c ea n cru st-o cean crust collision and su b d u ctio n . y HONSHU West P erm otriassic M etam orphic belt SEA OF JAPAN Cretaceous belt___ Flysch wedge Japan trench -----/ Rapid sedim entation High tem perature, high p ressu re Blueschist-high p ressure, low tem perature M etamorphic belt __Surface erosion, transport ^ M agm a g en era ted from plate below 100 km Rising m agm a Fig. 3 .11: Formation o f island arcs aiui Japan Trcnch on the basis o f plate tectonics (Reproducedfrom M.J. Bradshaw ct. al, 1978, this diagram o f Dewey and Bird was reproduced in Cox, 1973). 3.9 BOTTOM RELIEF OF INDIAN OCEAN 1. Introduction T he Indian O cean is sm aller than the Pacific and A tlan tic O cean in areal extent and is bounded, on all o f its sides, by A sia in the north, A frica in the w est, A sia in the east, A u stralia in the so u th ­ east and A n tarctica in th e south. T he ocean has contact w ith the P acific and the A tlantic oceans in the south n ear A n tarctica. The average depth o f the ocean is 4,000m . M ajor p arts o f the coastal lands o f the Indian O cean form ed by the block m ountains o f G o n d w an alan d are com pact and solid. T he coasts o f the E ast Indies are bordered by fold m ountain chains. T he m arginal seas are less in num ber th an the P acific and the A tla n tic oceans. S ig n ifican t m arg in al seas are M o z a m ­ bique C hannel, R ed Sea, P ersian G u lf, A n d m an Sea, A rabian Sea, B ay o f B en g al etc. M alg asy (M adagascar) and Sri L anka are th e b ig islan d s w hereas Suqutra, Z an zib ar, C o m o ro , R eu n io n , S ecychclles, P rince E d w ard s, C ro zet, K erg u elen , St. Paul, R odriges, M ald iv e, L accad iv e, A ndm anN icobar, C hristm as etc., b elo n g to the c ateg o ry o f sm all and tiny islands. Indian su b co n tin en t in the north divides the Indian O cean into A rab ian Sea and B ay o f B engal. The ocean w idens in the south. Johnson has div id ed the Indian O cean in 3 zones on the basis o f reg io n al c h aracteristics; (1) The W estern Z one betw een A frican co ast and th e m idIndian O ceanic R idge has large n u m b er o f islands and the average depth is 3650m (2 0 0 0 fathom s). Scanned by CamScanner 84 (2 ) T h e E a s te rn Z o n e is d e e p e st o f all th e zo n es w ith a v e ra g e d e p th o f 55 0 0 m (3 0 0 0 fath o m s). T h e c o n tin e n ta l sh e lv e s are n arro w bu t h av e steep s lo p e s , (3 ) T h e C e n tra l Z o n e re p re se n ts the m id -o c e a n ic rid g e w h e re m an y tin y isla n d s are lo c a te d . 2. Continental Shelf T h e re is w id e ra n g e o f v a ria tio n in the c o n tin e n ta l sh e lv e s o f th e In d ia n O cean. Q u ite e x te n s iv e sh e lv e s are fo u n d alo n g the m a rg in s o f A ra b ia n S e a and B ay o f B en g al. S im ilarly , e x te n s iv e sh e lv e s are o b se rv e d alo n g the easte rn c o a s t o f A fric a a n d a ro u n d M a d a g a sc a r w h ic h is its e lf lo c a te d on th e c o n tin e n ta l sh elv es. O n an a v e ra g e , th e c o n tin e n ta l sh e lv e s are v e ry w ide (6 4 0 k m ) in the w e st w h e re a s th e se are n arro w (1 6 0 k m ) a lo n g th e c o a st o f Ja v a and Sum atra. T h e se b e c o m e fu rth e r n a rro w alo n g the n o rth e rn c o a st o f A n ta rc tic a . 3. Mid-Ocean Ridge T h e c e n tra l rid g e o r m id -o c e a n ic rid g e k n o w n as M id -In d ia n O c e a n ic R id g e (fig. 3.12) e x te n d s fro m th e so u th e rn tip o f In d ia n P e n in su la in th e n o rth to A n ta rc tic a in th e so u th a lm o st in n o rth -so u th d ire c tio n an d fo rm s a co n tin u o u s c h a in o f h ig h la n d s. W h e re v e r th e c e n tra l rid g e or its b ra n c h e s e m erg e ab o v e th e sea lev el, isla n d s a re fo rm ed . T h e m a in c e n tra l rid g e starts fro m the c o n tin e n ta l s h e lf o f th e so u th ern tip o f In d ia n P e n in s u la w ith a v erag e w id th o f 320 km . T h is p a rt o f th e rid g e is k n o w n as L a c ca d iv e -C h ag o s R id g e (a lso k n o w n as M a ld iv e R id g e). T he rid g e fu rth e r e x te n d s s o u th w a rd a n d w id e n s n e a r eq u ato r. It is c a lle d C h a g o s-S t. P a u l R id g e b e tw ee n eq u ato r an d 30° S la titu d e w h e re the a v erag e w id th b e co m e s 320 km . T h e rid g e fu rth e r w id en s to 1,600 k m b e tw e e n 30° S and 50° S la titu d e s and is k n o w n as A m ste rd a m -S t P aul P lateau . T he cen tral rid g e b ifu rc a te s to th e sou th o f 50° S latitu d e. T he w e ste rn b ra n c h k n o w n as K e rg u elen -G a u ssb e rg rid g e e x te n d s in N W -S E d ire c tio n b e tw ee n 48° S a n d 63° S a n d th e eastern b ran ch is kno w n as In d ia n -A n ta rc tic R idge. Branches of the Central Ridge (1 ) S ocotra-C hagos R id g e also known as C arlesbreg R idge em erges from the central ridge at 5°S latitude and exten d s in north-westerly direction upto G ardafuli P eninsu la o f N .E . Africa. (2) S ey ch elles-M a u ritiu s ridge bifurcates from the main ridge around 18°S latitude near M auritius Island and runs in roughly north-west direction in arcuate shape upto Seych elles and Am irante islands. (3) M adagascar R id g e stretches from the southern tip o f M adagascar (M alagasy) to 40«S latitude. Its further southw ard ex ten sio n is known as Prince E dw ard-C rozet R id g e betw een 40°S48°S latitudes. (4) The south -w estern branch near 23°S latitude is know n as S. W . Indian R idge. (5) N in ety E ast R id g e extends from the continental s h e lf o f f the Irrawadi river mouth and runs in alm ost north-south d irection parallel to 90°E longitude upto 40°S w here it m erges with A m sterdam -St Paul Plateau. 4. Ocean Basins The m id-Indian O cean ic R id g e divides the Indian O cean into tw o m ajor basins-the eastern and the w estern basins. T h ese basins are further divided into sub-basins b y the branches o f the central ridge (fig . 3 .1 2 ). (1) O m an b asin fa ces the G u lf o f O m an and is spread over the e x te n siv e contin en tal s h e l f with average depth o f 3 ,6 5 8 m . (2) Arabian basin is located in almost circular shape b etw een L accadive-C h agos ridge and Socotra-C hagos R id g e w ith the depth o f 3 ,6 0 0 m -5 ,4 8 6 m . (3) Somali basin is bordered by SocotraC hagos ridge in the north -w est, Central Ridge in the east, S e y c h e lle s - M auritius R idge injjj® sou th -w est and A frican coast in the west, i average depth is 3 ,6 0 0 m . . (4) Mauritius basin is located b e tw e e n Indian R idge and South M adagascar Ridge extends from 20°S to 40°S l a t i t u d e . The Scanned by CamScanner L Fig- 3.12 : Bottom reliefs o f the Indian Ocean. A-Socotra-Chagos Ridge, B-Chagos Ridge, C-Seychelles Ridge, D-ChagosSt. Paul Ridge, E-Amsterdam-St Paul Ridge, F-lndian-Antarctic Ridge. G-Kerguelen-Gassberg Ridge, Hbasin, 5. Natal basin, 6. Atlantic-lndian-Antarctic Basin, 7. Andaman Basin. 8. Indian-Australia basin and 9. Antarctic basin. - ' ■■■ ■ g iU i Scanned by CamScanner varies b etw een 3 ,600m and 5,486m . T he d eep est part m easures 6 ,391m depth. (5 ) M ascarene basin b e tw e e n M a d a g a sc a r and M a u ritiu s y R l 8 <6) Agulhas-Natal basin is an elongated basin • thp <? F A frican c o a st in tne w esi in the east and the b .n . A ir and n o rth -w est. A verage depth is 3,600m . (7) A tlantic-Indian-A ntarctic basin is in fa c t the eastw ard c o n tin u atio n o f A tla n tic - A n ta rc tic B asin. It stretch es upto 70°E lo n g itu d e an d is bord ered by P rin ce E dw ard C ro z et R id g e in th e north, A n tarctica in the so u th and K e rg u e le n G assberg R idge in the n o rth -east. A v e rag e d ep th is 3,600m . (8) E a s te r n I n d ia n - A n ta r c tic b a s in is lo c ated betw een A m sterdam - St. P au l P la te a u and In d ia n A ntarctic R idge in th e n o rth and n o rth -e a st and A ntarctica in th e south. T he depth v aries fro m 3,600m to 4,800m . K e rg u elen -G a ssb e rg R id g e separates the b a sin from the A tla n tic -In d ia n A ntarctic B asin. (9) West Australian basin is th e m o st e x te n ­ sive basin and form s re c ta n g u la r sh ap e s u r­ rounded by S.E. In d ian R id g e in th e so u th -w e st, N inety E ast R idge in the w est, c o n tin e n ta l sh elv e s o f Java-S um atra in the n o rth -e a st and th e c o n ti­ nental s h e lf o f w est A u stralia. A v e rag e d e p th varies from 3 ,600m to 6 ,100m b u t the c e n tra l p a rt o f the b asin is 6,459m deep. (10) Mid-Indian basin is b o rd e re d b y th e central rid g e in the w e st and th e so u th -w e st, b y Meters Nmety coct Ridee in the east and by the Bengal north The average depth o f outer F r a n s e s from 3 , 600 m to 6 ,8 0 0 m w h ile the £ p t h o f t h e cen tra l part o f th e b a s in ranges b e tw e en 4,800m and 6,100m. 5. Deeps and T re n c h e s There are very few deeps and trenches in the ,„dian Ocean. About 60 per cent o f * e Ocean consists of deep sea p l a i n s w.th depth rangmg from 3.600m to 5,487m Important deep sea plains are Somali Abyssal plam^ Ceylone (Sn Lanka) Abyssal pl?in, Indian Abyssal Plam, (4 380m) etc. Significant trenches are Java or Sunda Trench (7,450m deep), Ob Trench (6,875m deep), Mauritius Trench, Amirante Trench etc. 3.10 BOTTOM R E L IE F OF ARCTIC OCEAN 1. C h a ra c te ris tic F e a tu re s Almost frozen and o f circular shape the Arctic Ocean has a great climatic significance for the inhabitants of the planet earth. It is believed that if the present state o f global wanning and consequent increase in the atmospheric tempera­ ture continues most o f the Arctic ice would melt and thus enormous volume o f melt-water would result in substantial increase in sea level which would trigger a chain effect. It has also been demonstrated through scientific researches that about 4 billion tonnes o f carbon and methane are buried in subsurface geomaterials. If the Arctic ice melts, the buried carbon and methane w o u l d be uncovered and would be released to the atmos­ phere. It may be mentioned that carbon dioxide and methane are greenhouse gases, and hence the greenhouse effect and consequent global wann­ ing would be further augmented. R eco rd in g o f ic e c o v e r s o v e r S e » and A rctic Sea h a v e r e v e a le d g ra d u a l bu t regulaf sh rin k in g o f th eir areas as f o llo w s : B Pig- 3.13: cross-section o f the Indian Ocean 1 Re u„ ion. 2. Indian-Australia Basin. e r i n g There has been 5 percent decrease in areal coverage o f Bering Sea ice since I960. ^ The sea ice area over the Arctic Sea b decreased by about 9 0 ,0 0 0 km2 since 19 78-: Scanned by CamScanner OCEAN M O R P H O L O G Y AND BOTTOM RELIEF >- The ice cover area o f the Arctic Sea around North Pole registered a record shrinkage during 2005-06 as reported by Walt Meier, a researcher at the U.S. National Snow and Ice Data Center, Colorado in 2006. yCwWX ^WWVWVWNVWVWWW >- ‘The Arctic is rapidly becoming the clear­ est demonstration o f the effects o f man­ kind’s impact on the global climate. The temperature is rising twice as fast as the Bering S e a K w \V \\V \\\\N \N V > V W \'\V A vW \ \ \ W " V \ ' \ \ N W \ ' ' ' ' V >>XXXXXXXX\XXXXXXXWN>VXV\X\XXXXXNNXXWW^ w k S W W t xV«NVWSSVW.'AAW«Wi<WW 1 VXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX............................................... X W S V A W IV N W ^ M W W W\XXX\XX\\XXX\XX\XXXXXX\\\\XXXXXX\XWX\XXNX\XXXX W V X S \S W .V rtW lW rtW «f 's N x » \ \\v v v x \x \s v AWXXXSW N W V W . '. W " " '’' ' ' ^ O I “ O.XXX\\\XX\\\X*«S**XVVW»' xXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXWXXXXXXX . ^ W S > XXSXXXXVXNXXVSXXV«VI*W k v X X X A W N ' . \ W V X N W ' 'X \ X \ X \ X \ N X X X \ \ \ \ N \ W ^ ^ ^ ^ w W v v ^ W V S W V V W y ,W M \ y » S W Xwwxwvwwvww'""""""' Yv\\\vwww\\\NV"vwvswv-^ « \ \ v w v \ \ \ \ \ « " V 'V n „ r :n n A I A S K A D C 1 "" C v w w w w " " " ' " " " " " " " " ' ' " " " " ’" ' " " ' " " " " " " " " ............ 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MXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXW ^ »»M«XXXVXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXxXXXXXXXXXXXXXXV wmwvxx^xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxy ■' 11*y KWCVVXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"’ [WKWKVX.XXXXXXXXVKXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX''" ^^VXXVXXXNXVXXXXXXXXXXSXyVNVXXXXVXXXVXXXXXXXXXXXVXXXX N .Strait VXXXXXXXX V /> E a st Siberia Sea <S> >— ir— in— ia nX —wwwwftwwwww* B KW W X lKW M X'W XX fX VXW XVXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX- / ' >XX\XX\XXXXXXXXX^.XX\SX\XXXXX\XXXXXXSX>fcWWl»£XXXXWXX ^xxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx x x x x \x x x x x x x x x x x x x x ^x x x x x x x w x x « * v > x x v >XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXV.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX^XXX«XV*£M«~>*» kxxxxxxxxxsxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx«xxxxx.~ VXXiAXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX* ^TLxXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX .^XXXXXXXXXXXSXXXXXXXXXXXXXXWXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXV % \x x x x\xxxxxx\xxx\xxxx\xx\xxxxxxxxxxxxxxv< xxWXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXVXXXXXX' /J Y^KXXXXXXXXXXXXXXVXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX' I Q C i k o r i o A xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxv (.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxwxxxxvxxx-J KxXXXX\XXXXXXXXNXXXXXXXX^»-»-»»-»-«»»"” m t) .<^X\XXXXXXXX\XX\\XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX\X*XXX' ^ New __ OlDena _ Chukchi 2.tp-<-3 3,Plateau lt> ■y CJ wwewxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxvxxxxxxv d xxxx^ xxxxS x' nxxxT Chukchi abyssae Plain Sea O r. a: Mnwwxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxj | C I O n H C^rfxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxv W rangle Sea ^^VW W M kXXXXXXXXKXXXXXXXXXXXSXXXXXXXXXVW C T I C O C E A N Isiana xXXXX^ --------------------- ' ' . eeeeM^xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxv. s®' M lW U^.XXW XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX>y MMi^kXXXXXXXXXXVXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX^k MCVXXXXVXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX3 Ittf* v°' HUDSON BAY Q ) I O I a I IW 'J k w >,s w s\x\\\\X X X X V \X X \X \\N \\X \N S \X \\X \V V\XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX' jxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxvxxw ' ' -^Vxxxxxxxxxxxxxxvxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' \.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX\VXX\XXXXXXXXXXV' Axxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxw YXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX' IxXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX\\.XV r .XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX* Kxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx* ^XXXXXXXXXXX^XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" C x x x x ^ —_ N^XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX' / a '. x w w w X . ).XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX\XXXXXXXXXX' V kxXXXXXXXXX'^W»XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX\XXXXXXXXNXX' Axxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx_ SJxxxxXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXVXXXXXXXXXXXX^ AXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX' X—-X^XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX' \yX\XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXV T>XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX»XXX' VxXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXV ^jxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxv >XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXV> \xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' r » ^ \x x x xx\xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxi ^\j,XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXVXXXXXXXXXX' \\xxxxxx-.x\xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' .NXXXXXXXXXXXXX' ......... Rxxxxxxxxxxxxx' . .^xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxv ^CXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" ■“ VXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX- Laprev Sea .... ■I ------ WKXXXXXXXXXXXXXXVXXXXXXXV^V^* WKWXXXXXXXXXX*'-' «0'1 sf1 NORTH POLE sr Kara S e a © ■wwV xXXXXXXXXXXXXX> VH-^JkXXXXXXXXXxXXXXXXXX^^ xxXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX'.XXXXXXXXXX . . .XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXVt >^xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>»x*».x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x y "' ^ \\\\\x \\\\\x x x x \\x \\\v x \x i. Ivxxxxxxxxxxxxxwxxxxxxxxxxxxv^ ^XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXx* XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX'■ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx^ . , XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX' • ^ N x x x xxxxxxxxxy Axxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx- . .'XXXXXXXXXXJ _»xxxxxxxxxxxxvxxxxxxx»' ^ .xxxxxxxxxxxx} Cxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx* . .xxXXXVXXXXXX>{ V xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxsY * .xxxxxxxxxxxv _,XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX' » * .'XXXXXXXXXXXXV C^xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxv VXXXXXXXXXXXXX' (xxxxxxxxxxxxxxs- A .XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXV ^XXXXSVXXXXVSS y ' xXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX^XXXXXXXXXXXXX* W y .XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX'V Ixxxvxxxxxxxxxv ^ .Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxv ■ .*N*XX\VX\XXXXXXXXXX>XXX'«A Xxxxxxxxxxxxx* C ^xxxxxxw C v” A ~.VXXXXXXXXXXNXX->XXXVVV kXXX\XV\X\\NXX\X\\\X\X^ XX-v ^ .* x x x x kXXXXVNXXXXVS'.XXXXSXXSXX'V^ . K ^ x x x x x x x x x V ^ .XXXXXX' XXXXXN'XXXXXXXX>J L.XXXXXXXX’WXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXNSXX; .XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXSXXVXXXvxxxx>» . iXXXXXXXXXXXXXXSXXXSXXNXSX.XXXXXXXSS( r.— Yt'lV y C \!\S V \\\\\W IW W .N N V .|_j_ Franz Josef Land BAFFIN BAY Labrador Sea Labrador Basin ^^x^sxXXXSXXXXXXXXXXXWO^ a ^ VS^™vsVVNXNSXXNSNNXSXW\WXS\SNXSXXXXXXXXXNVXXXXXV. ' " ~ 'x i"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx---------A* . XXXXXXXXV XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX\N»»XXXXXXX>.XX\Vw\XXV ^XXXXXXXXXXCXX^ XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXVXXXXXXX G hukchi Sea Beaufort poj.xxxxxxxxa.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxvxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'* xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxsxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\ ^ x x x x x x x x x x x x x x v x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x v x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x w x x x x ^ ^ ^ Sx x x s x \v v s \v v x v .x w w v - lA V \ V \ \ \ \ V \ V > « V " '" " . V V N \ \ W /k w w w w v"""""'"""'" -fVXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX’ [xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxv kxxxxxxxxxxxxxvxxxxxv Spitsbergen XXXXXXXVXXXXXXXXXXXXX' AXXXXXVXXXXXXXXXXXXXV . . . . vXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXV £> Cxxxxxxxxvxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxv l\XXXX\XXXXXX\XXXXXXXXXXXX' Lxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxv Greenland Plain -o Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxv Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' G reenland S e a .XSXNXXXV^ l.xxx^ Reykjanes Basin axxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'' Ynxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' ^Iceland , n e s ^ ge p.ery^'3' Iceland Basin > x x x \h ^ \W v > x x x x \\x x \\\\^ XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX>J txxxxx\xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\x' »— \XXX ' xxxxxxxxxxxxx\xx\x\x> -------^.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXVX' _kXXXXX‘ J L \x \x x x x \\x x > |VW1<^XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX\XX’ XXXXXX * x x x x x x \x x ^ HXXXXSXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX' ^XXXXX xXXXXXXXXXXX«.____ “yxxvxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxvxxxv vXXXX* " vXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXH XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX' .axxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx^^^-^XXXXXXX x x x \ x \x x \ \» '.» < > x > ” . Cxxxxxx* . V , .XXXXXXXXXXXXVXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXxXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX’ kxxxxv ►...................................................................... .......... .................XXX' kXVW kXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX' Kxx\' Ixxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' C v j l \ W ■ C .x> A* ^ XXXV K xXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX>\X'.x\ * xnxxx\ xx>xx\ x\ xxxxxxx\ \ xx sxxv [xXXXXXY\XXNXXX\XXXXXX\XXXXXXXXXXXX\XXXSX\XXXXXXXXXV xXXXX' ; \ x x x \ ^ V^Xr)>XX\XXXXX\S\XX\\\\VXVSXWXXXXXXXXXX' .XXXXXX' [vyxxxxj r / a \\XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX\\XXXX\NXXXXXX' r . .XXXXXXX' , \ \ v \ \ x \ \ s 5 > / r r . V sxnxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxvVXXXXXXXXXXXXXV > ^ *XXXXXX] xxxxxxxxx^wvxxxx\\xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' k x x \ 7 > .NXXXXX] . x x x x x x x x x x x v ^ Jvxxxxxw xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxv y^XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXxxxxxxxxxxy' y^XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Cxxxxxxxxxxxvxxxxxx'. ^xxxxxxxxxxxxxx^xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxv x xx xxxxxxxxxxxw w v Icelandic Plateau Norway Egian Basin Faroe Ridge L|XXNXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX' xxVXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX' KXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX' .« C II D O D — - « O Fig. 3.14: Arctic Ocean. Scanned by CamScanner % ’\ \ * . OCEANOGRAPHY 1 • U S.S . N a u tilu s rea ch ed N o rth P o le on Aug- 3, 1958 b y n u clea r subm arin e. 88 . to seven degrees by 210U a .u . i. » y in H indu, 2006). T he scientists believe that i f the piresen trend o f m elting o f A rctic ice continues the A rctic Sea w ill lose m ost o f its ice by 2030 A.D. T he follow ing are the characteristic fe a ­ tures o f the A rctic O cean . • The A rctic O cean is o f m ore or less circular shape w ith N orth Pole at its center. • The ocean is surrounded by land areas from all sides w ith a few openings such as (1) through B am ets Sea and N orw egian Sea tow ards the A tlantic O cean, (2) through Baffin Bay betw een G reenland, and B affin Islands to the A tlantic O cean; (3) through Bering Strait and B ering Sea betw een Alaska o f the USA, and R ussia to the Pacific Ocean, etc. • The areal coverage o f the ocean as reported by various sources ranges between 10,000,000 km 2 to 14,200,000 km 2, w hich is only 2.4 percent o f the total surface area o f the globe, and 3.4 percent o f all ocean su r­ faces. Its area is only 8.3 percent o f the total surface area o f the Pacific O cean. • The average depth o f the ocean is 1 ,1 1 7 m. • The first near successful attem pt to n a v i­ gate the Arctic Ocean and to reach N orth Pole was made by N ansen and F rederick Nansen aboard vessel Fram in 1893 but they could reach only upto 86° 14' N latitude and finally dropped the idea to reach the destination because th eir vessel was stuck in the ice packs o f the A rctic ocean. • The subsequent voyages to reach N orth ( i m T r ma?e by Peary (1909). Byrd 926 ' SC" ' E"SWonh “ d N o b ile eached n p ? " ' Na“Hlus (19S8>- Peary • The greatest depth o f th e A r c tic O cea n is 5,3 6 0 m . 2. Continental Shelf The A rctic O cean is c h a r a cter iz ed b y the w idest contin en tal s h e lv e s o f a ll th e o c e a n b a sin g The continental sh e lv e s o f f th e S ib er ia n c o a sts of= R ussia are w id est s h e lv e s w h ic h ran ge in w idth from 4 8 0 km to 2 ,0 0 0 km . T h e c o n tin e n ta l sh e lv e s are also quite w id e to the north o f C anada. It m ay be m entioned that num erous, isla n d s o f C anada are located on the co n tin en ta l s h e lv e s , su ch as the Canadian A rch ip ela g o . T he c o n tin e n ta l sh e lv e s o f f the northern c o a sts o f A la sk a and G reenland are com paratively narrow er as th e y ran ge in w idth from 96 km to 192 k m .~ ^ 3. Mid-Ocean Ridge Like the A tla n tic and In d ian O c e a n s, the A rctic O cean is a lso c h a r a cter iz ed b y a central ridge o f v o lc a n ic o rig in . T h e rid g e k n o w n as L om on osov R id g e w a s d is c o v e r e d b y R ussian polar ex p ed itio n in 1 9 4 8 -1 9 4 9 . T h is rid g e runs from the co n tin en ta l s h e lf o f th e S ib eria n coast through the N orth P o le to th e c o n tin e n ta l s h e lf o f ana a near E lle sm er e L a n d , and d iv id e s the rctic O cean into 2 great o c e a n b a sin s. It is beh eved that sin c e the rid g e is sim ila r to the midexten m ° r i g i n a n d h e n c e il is ^ o f f l a t t e r . T h is cen tra l rid g e p lays an water in^h r°A con tro llin g th e circu la tio n o f from th c t*° ® c e a n. T h e h e ig h t o f the ridge whUe (airship) on May 12, ,,2 6 ; Anderson c in In the b eg in n in g o f th e e x p lo r a tio n o f the A rctic O cean it w a s th o u g h t that th e ocean w as w ith ou t any cen tral rid g e as is the case o f o th e r o c e a n s but the R u ssia n e x p ed itio n s r e v e a l e d the p r e se n c e o f a cen tral ridge w h ich runs th rou gh th e N . P o le . u°m SUrface o f the ocean is 3 ’300m’ depth o f9 6 0 n W fr8ed 006811 WatCr Upt° ^ 6 0 m ( fron* th e w a ter su r fa c e ). N ansenR encS18nAflCant b a sin s are Fram Basin, ’ A m era sia B a sin , C an ad a B a sin . Scanned by CamScanner OCEAN MORPHOLOGY AND BOTTOM RELIEF " Besides, one sm all ridge has also been located to the north o f G reenland, i.e. in the northern G reenland Sea. S ubm erged pingos o f periglacial origin have been d isco v ered in the m arginal seas. It is believed that these pingos (elevated surface w ith m assive ice core) m ight have been form ed in the continental m arginal areas o f S iberia and C anada d uring P leistocene Ice age. D u rin g p o st-g la c ia l p erio d , these pingos w ere subm erged u nder seaw ater due to tran sgression o f the sea caused by rise in sea level as a resu lt o f po st-g lacial recovery o f sea level. 4. Marginal Seas The o u ter ring o f the A rctic O cean is c h aracterized by a n u m b er o f m arginal seas w hich are situ ated o ff the coasts o f landm asses. For exam ple, E ast Siberian Sea and Laptev Sea are located o ff the Siberian coasts. T he East Siberian Sea is quite extensive but L aptev Sea, located o ff the L een a delta, is com paratively sm all sea. The o th er im p o rtan t m arginal seas are K ara Sea (o ff th e Y en isey delta, and the Y am al peninsula), B arn ets Sea, N orw egian Sea (som etim es it is also co n sid ered as the part o f the A tlantic O cean), G reen land Sea (o f f the east coast o f G reenland), 89 B ea u fo rt S ea (o f f the e ast co asts o f Canada and A lask a) etc. 5. Islands T he A rctic O cean is e n d o w e d w ith n u m er­ ous islands o f v ary in g sizes a n d h e ig h ts (fro m sea level). B ro ad ly sp ea k in g th e lo c a tio n s o f islan d s o f the A rctic O cean m ay be d iv id e d in to tw o groups, nam ely (1) m a rg in a l lo c a tio n s, a n d (2) central locations. A s re g a rd s th e m a rg in a l lo c a ­ tions, the islands are lo cated m a in ly o f f th e c o a sts o f Siberia, and C anada. T he islan d s p a ra lle lin g th e Siberian coasts include the isla n d s o f N o v a y a Z em lya Island, B o lsh eick Islan d , S e v e rn a y a Zem lya Island, F ad d ey ev sk iy Isla n d , S ib e ria n Island, K otelnyy, L yakhov, N ew S ib e rian Isla n d , B ear Island, W rangel Islan d etc. T h e sig n ific a n t islands located o ff the C an ad ian co asts are B an k s Island, V ictoria Island, M ack en zie Islan d , B o rd e n Island, Q ueen E lizab eth Islan d , E lle f P in g n e s Island, H eiberg Island, P rin ce o f W ales Isla n d , Prince o f Patric Island, E llesm ere Islan d etc. T h e islands o f alm ost cen tral lo catio n are situ a te d to the east and so u th -east o f N o rth Pole w h e re in im portant islands are F ranz Islan d , R u d o lf Jo se p h Land, G eorge Land, A lex an d ra land, G rah am B e ll Island etc. Scanned by CamScanner W CHAPTER 4 : W V U I » y PH Y SIC A L PR O PE R T IE S OF OCEAN W ATER h y d ro lo g ic a l cycle, c o n stitu e n ts o f seaw ater, p h y sica l p ro p e rtie s o f seaw ater, sea te m p e ratu re, d e n sity o f ocean s, re la tio n s h ip betw een d en sity , tem perature and salinity, 90-110 90 92 93 94 105 107 111.1M Scanned by CamScanner 4 PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF OCEAN WATER (Temperature and Density) 4.1 NATURE OF SEAWATER The water in the oceans and above the oceans are found in 3 states, nam ely (1) in liquid state, (ii) in solid state i.e. in the form o f ice such as the cryosphere o f the Arctic O cean, and the Southern Ocean (Antarctic O cean). Cryosphere represents the frozen surfaces o f the oceans, as w e ll as the continents, and (iii) in gaseous state, i. e. in the form o f water vapour above the ocean surface. The ocean water plays major role in m aintaining and controlling the global hydrologi­ cal c y c le as fo llo w s : Hydrological Cycle The h yd rological cy cle refers to a m odel o f exchange o f water over the surfaces o f the earth from oceans via atm osphere, continents (land surface), and back to the oceans. Thus the hyd rological cy cle at a global scale involves the fo llo w in g m echanism s : »• evaporation o f water from ocean water surface through heat energy o f insolation (solar energy), >- co n v ersio n o f w ater into w a te r v a p o u r or hu m idity (first and s e c o n d p h a se s are alm ost the sa m e), >- horizontal transport o f a tm o sp h er ic m o is ­ ture (w ater vapou r) o v er th e o c e a n s and continents by g lo b a l a tm o sp h eric c ir c u la ­ tion (a d v ectio n a l m e c h a n ism ), >• release o f atm osp h eric m o istu re in the form o f p recip itation , eith er in liq u id form as w ater or in so lid form as s n o w and ic e and other m inor form s as d e w , fo g s e tc ., over the contin en ts and o c e a n s, and eventual return o f w ater r e c e iv e d at the earth s surface to the o c e a n s v ia v ariou s routes and ru n o ff and rivers (fig 4 .1 ) The ocean w ater is h eated b y in so la tio n (solar heat energy) and thus w ater is transform ed (only a sm all fraction o f o cea n ic w ater) into gaseous form -water vapour or m oistu re. T h is m oisture is horizontally transported across the oceans and over the contin en ts by atm ospheric circulation (w inds). T he air is c o o le d b ecau se o f its ascent and thus the m oisture is released as i p r e c ip ita tio n o v e r th e o c e a n s and th e J Scanned by CamScanner r?>r m 91 PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF OCEAN WATER cepted rainfall is evaporated from the leaves and the rem ainder reaches the ground through the branches and stem s o f plants as stem flow or aerial streams. ~s'v v Condensation j- > Evaporation from oceans Moist air mass moves • Some portion o f rainfall reaches the ground directly as through fall. Some portion o f rainfall is lost to the atm osphere through evapo-transpiration from vegeta­ tion. Some portion is also lost to the atmosphere through evaporation from lakes, ponds, tanks, reservoirs, and rivers. Fig. 4 .1 : • A sizeable portion o f rainfall reaching the g ro u n d su rfa c e b e c o m e s e ffe c tiv e overlandflow w hich reaches the stream s as surface runoff. • Some portion o f rainw ater in filtrates and reaches groundw ater storage. Global hydrological cycle involving different pathways o f water e.g. from the ocean through the atmosphere and the lithosphere back to the ocean. The precipitation falls on the continents in a v ariety o f ways as follows : • Som e precipitation falls directly in the stream s, lakes and other w aterbodies o f the land. This precipitation fall is called direct fall w hich is directly disposed o ff back to the oceans. • Som e portion o f rainfall is intercepted by vegetation. Some portion o f this inter- • The ch an n el sto ra g e re c e iv e s w a te r from surface storage through surface ru n ­ off. Thus the initial input o f p recip itatio n finds exit through tw o paths o f output e.g. (i) to the atm osphere through evaporation from rivers, lakes, ponds, soil, evapotranspiration from v eg ­ etation and evaporation o f falling rains, and (ii) to the oceans through channel ru n o ff or stream flow . This process is repeated every year to m ake the w ater or hydrological cycle at global scale effective (fig. 4.2). W ater vapour 517 km1 ------ ► ---------- Precipitation + 108 km1 j * Condensation Evaporation / , \ Precipitation - 455 km* + 409 km1 Infiltration Numbers in 000. Fig. 4.2 : Global hydrological balance. Source: data from M.L Budyko{l971). , • : US Scanned by CamScanner 92 OCEANOGF Hif, b e P o in te d o u t th a t th o u g h th e te r e n t h y d ro lo g ic a l p ro c e ss e s as e la b o ra te d a b o v e m a in ta in th e g lo b a l h y d ro lo g ic a l cy cle th r o u g h th e o c e a n s , th e a tm o sp h e re a n d the c o n tin e n ts b u t o u t o f th e to ta l m o istu re o f the b io s p h e r e 95 p e rc e n t is n e v e r a v a ila b le to h y d ro lo g ic a l c y c le b e c a u s e it is (e s tim a te d q u a n ­ tity b e in g 2 ,5 0 ,0 0 0 x 1020 g ra m s) lo c k e d in th e ro c k s o f th e e a r th ’s c ru st. T h u s o n ly 5 p e r c e n t o f th e to ta l m o is tu re o f th e b io s p h e re is a v a ila b le to th e g lo b a l h y d ro lo g ic a l c y cle . O f th is 5 p e r c e n t o f m o is tu re a b o u t 9 7 .2 p e r c e n t is sto re d in the oceans a n d th e re m a in d e r 2.8 p e r c e n t is re p re se n te d by 2 .1 5 p e r c e n t m o is tu re s to re d in p o la r icecaps and p e rm a n e n t g la c ie rs , 0 .6 2 p e r c en t m o istu re in the fo rm o f g ro u n d w a te r (w h ic h is in c ircu latio n ) and 0 .0 3 p e r c e n t m o is tu re in the stream s, soils, fre s h w a te r la k e s , sa lin e la k es an d inland seas. I t is b e lie v e d th a t ta e g lo b a l h y d ro lo g ica l c y c le in v o lv e s th e b a la n c e b e tw e e n e v ap o ratio n a n d p r e c ip ita tio n o v e r th e e a r th ’s su rface b u t the p a tte r n o f b a la n c e b e tw e e n e v a p o ra tio n and p r e c ip ita tio n is n o t u n ifo rm o v e r th e ocean s and th e la n d . A c c o rd in g to th e e stim a te o f M . L. B u d y k o (1 9 7 1 ) e v a p o ra tio n e x c e e d s p re c ip ita tio n o v e r th e o c e a n s b e c a u s e 4 5 5 ,0 0 0 cubic k m o f w a te r is e v a p o ra te d fro m th e o c ea n s ev ery y e ar w h e re a s o n ly 4 0 9 ,0 0 0 c u b ic k m o f w a te r is Table 4.1 : S a lt io n re tu rn e d to th e o cean s th ro u g h p re cip itatio n , an n u m . T h u s th e re is n e t loss o f 46,000 cubic kr o f w a te r fro m th e o cean s ev ery y e ar O n the nthh a n d , 6 2 ,0 0 0 c u b ic k m o f w ater is evap0^ d , fro m d iffe re n t w a te r b o d ie s o f the lan d annuallv ' b u t 108,000 cu b ic k m o f w a ter is annually' re c e iv e d at th e la n d th ro u g h p recip itatio n . Thus th e re is a n e t g ain o f 4 6 ,0 0 0 c u b ic km o f w ater on the lan d ev ery year. T h is is b e c a u se o f the fact that 4 6 ,0 0 0 cu b ic km o f e v a p o ra te d w a te r from the o c ea n s is ad d ed to a tm o sp h e ric b u d g e t of moisture o v er the land. T he a d d itio n al am o u n t o f 46,000 cubic km o f w ater is d isp o se d o f f to th e oceans th ro u g h stream ru n o ff ev ery y e a r (fig. 4.2). Constituents of Seawater T he o cean w a te r is c h a ra c te riz e d b y the fo llo w in g c o n stitu e n ts : so lu tes in sea w ater, i.e. sa lt c o n te n t n u trien ts >■ gases >- trace elem en ts ^ o rg a n ic co m p o u n d s T h e m a jo r c o n s titu e n ts o f s e a w a te r c p rise m a in ly p r i m a r y s o lu te s in th e fo rm o f cations (1 ) Major so lu te co nstituents of sea w a ter W e ig h t Io n s by w eig h t C u m u lativ e (in g ra m p e r k ilo g ram (in p ercen t) p e rc en ta g e 55 .0 4 85.65 93.33 97.02 98.18 99.28 99.69 99.88 99.95 99.99 9 9 .9 9 99.99 w e ig h t o f s e a w a te r) C h lo rid e 1 8.980 55.04 S o d iu m S u lp h a te M a g n e s iu m C a lc iu m P o ta s s iu m B ic a rb o n a te B ro m id e B o ric a c id S tro n tiu m F lo rid e T o ta l 10.556 2 .6 4 9 1.272 0 .4 0 0 0 .3 8 0 0 .1 4 0 0 .0 6 5 0 .0 2 6 0 .0 1 3 0.001 3 4 .4 8 2 30.61 7.68 3.69 1.16 1.10 0.41 0.19 0.07 0 .0 4 0 .00 9 9 .9 9 Source : H .U . S v e rd ru p , M .W . Jo h n so n , a n d R . H . F le m in g , T h e O cean s, 1942, in P. R . P in et, 2000. Scanned by CamScanner <§ I ,i 93 PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF OCEAN WATER and anions o f w hich ch lo rid e and sodium are by far the m ost sig n ifican t so lu tes as they com bined together re p re se n t m ore than 85 percent (85.65) o f all the solutes (d isso lv ed substances in ocean w ater) p resen t in seaw ater. T hese tw o ions, i.e. ch lo ride and sodium , are responsible to m ake halites w hich then becom e responsible for the salin ity o f seaw ater. I f fo u r m ore solutes, nam ely su lp h ate, m agnesium , calciu m and potassium are c o n sid e re d w ith ch lo rid e and sodium , then these 6 so lu tes co m p rise 99 p e rc en t o f d issolved su b ­ stan ces o f seaw ater. ‘B ecause the concentrations o f th ese m a jo r c o n stitu en ts in seaw ater vary little o v er tim e at m o st lo calities, they are described as conservative ions o f the o c e a n s ’. (P. R. Pinet, 2000 ). (2) N u tr ie n ts in s e a w a te r : The m ajor n u tri­ ents in seaw ater, w hich enable marine phytoplanktons to c o n v ert th e m into o rganic m atter through the p ro c e ss o f p h o to sy n th esis include the com pounds o f n itro g en (0.5 ppm ), silicon (3 ppm ), and p h o sp h o ro u s (0.07 ppm ). T hese nutrients are c o n c e n tra te d in the near-surface o f seaw ater. It m ay be m en tio n e d th at m arine organism s, both m a rin e p la n ts and anim als, m ostly use phosphate an d n itra te as th ey are unable to utilize elem ents o f n itro g e n and p h o sphorous. T he concentration o f n u trie n ts in seaw ater, unlike salt constituents, v a rie s b o th sp a tia lly and tem porally, and hence th e se are c a lle d as n o n -c o n se rv a tiv e ions. (3 ) G a s e s : T hough there is concentration o f several gases w ith varying proportions in seaw ater, n a m ely n itro g en (N 2), oxygen ( 0 2), carbon d io x id e, h y d ro g e n (H 2) and a few m inor gases su ch as argon, neon, h elium etc., but only d isso lv e d o x y g en and carbon dioxide play m ajor ro le in p h o to sy n th e sis by m arine phytoplanktons. T here are sp a tia l and tem poral variations in the co n cen tratio n o f th e se tw o gases in seaw ater and h en ce 'th ese are c alled n o n -c o n s e rv a tiv e gases. The sp atio -tem p o ral v a ria tio n s in the activ ities o f p h o to sy n th e sis by m arin e p la n ts are respo n sib le fo r sp atio -te m p o ra l v a riatio n s in n itro g en gas and carb o n d io x id e in d isso lv e d form in the oceans. It m ay b e m e n tio n e d that the o cean s are the second larg est sin k o f a tm o sp h eric c a rb o n dioxide. The 2 0 0 7 report o f the IPCC (Intergovern­ mental P anel on C lim ate C hange) l$ s revealed the fact th at the cap acity o f the Southern O cean to absorb m ost o f carbon dio x id e em itted from hum an sources has d ecreased because o f the effects o f clim ate change, m ainly increase in w ind speed over the ocean, and d epletion o f ozone over A n tarctica and environs. A ccording to this report the efficien cy o f the S outhern O cean as a potent carbon sin k has d ecreased b y 30 percent. The hum an sources pum p 9.3 b illio n tonnes o f additional C 0 2 in the atm o sp h ere an n u ally , o f w hich 0.7 b illion tonnes are soaked b y the Southern O cean alone. It m ay be m en tio n ed th at the atm ospheric C 0 2 abso rb ed by the oceans is stored in the deeper parts o f the oceans. T he increased w ind speed due to g lo b al w arm in g causes m ore m ixing o f seaw ater, due to w hich colder w ater saturated w ith disso lv ed CO?, at great depth com es upw ard and hence it c an n o t absorb additional CO?. (4) T ra c e e le m e n ts : p resen t in seaw ater include m anganese, lead, m ercury, gold, iodine, iron etc. The co n cen tratio n s o f th ese trace elem ents vary from 1 ppm to 1 ppb (p art p e r billion) or even 1 p p t (part p e r trillio n ). E ven v ery low concentration o f these trace elem en ts in seaw ater is o f param ount sig n ifican ce fo r m arin e organism s. Som etim es relativ ely h ig h e r c o n ce n ­ tration o f a few trace elem ents such as m ercu ry and lead m akes the seaw ater toxic and th u s k ills m arine organism s. (5) M a rin e o rg a n ic c o m p o u n d s : in clu d e fats, proteins, carbohydrates, vitam ines, h arm o n es etc. w hich are produced by sea organism s b u t th ese are present in very low concentrations. Physical Properties of Seawater The ph y sical p ro p erties o f seaw ater include tem p eratu re (therm al co nditions), denh e a and t _______ sity, colour, odour etc. Heat present in ocean water is o f vital significance as it determines the en ergy m o tio n s in m arine en vironm ent. The detailed discussions on thermal conditions and density o f seawater are included in this chapter. Scanned by CamScanner ■ . • - OCEANOGRAPHY 94 4.2 SEA TEMPERATURE : IMPORTANCE 1. Sources of Heat of the Oceans The tem perature o f seaw ater is directly very im portant for m arine organism s and is indirectly im portant for all the biota on this planet earth including both lithospheric and oceanic environ­ m ents because o f the follow ing facts : The m ajor source o f the h eat and thus tem perature o f ocean w ater is the insolation received from the sun. The rad ian t energy transm itted from the o u ter surface o f the sun. called as p h o to s p h e re , in the form o f electrom ag­ netic shortw aves and received at the ocean surface is called in so la tio n . B esides, som e energy, though insignificant, is also receiv ed from b elo w the ocean bottom s as g eotherm al h eat energy, and through the com pression o f seaw ater. >■ O ceans are great store house for heat energy because they receive and store solar energy and thereafter release heat energy in various form s. >■ The solar energy received at the w ater surfaces o f the oceans help in the process o f photosynthesis by phytoplanktons o f m a­ rine environm ent. Thus, sea tem perature b ecom es very im portant also for zoo planktons as they derive their food from phytoplanktons. >- The sea tem perature plays vital role in influencing global radiation balance and heat budget. >■ T h e th e rm a l c o n d itio n s o f o cean w ater determ ine and control planetary w ind belts and surface currents in the o cean s. >■ The tem perature o f seaw ater affects the w eather and clim ate o f coastal areas through diurnal rhythm o f land and sea breezes, evaporation and m oisture condi­ tions. In fact, oceans have m oderating e ffe c ts on w e a th e r c o n d itio n s o f coastal areas and gives birth to m arine clim ate. The am ount o f in so latio n to be receiv ed at the sea surface depends on the angle o f s u n ’s ra y s , length o f day, distance o f the earth from th e sun and effects o f the a tm o sp h ere. T he m e ch a n ism o f the heating and co o lin g o f ocean w a ter d iffers from the said m echanism on land b e c a u se b esid es horizontal and v ertical m o v em en ts o f w a ter, the evaporation is m ost active o v er the o cean s. As per rules v ertical ray s b rin g m ore insolation than oblique rays. In o th e r w ord s, as the angle o f the su n ’s rays d ecreases p o lew ard , the am ount o f in so latio n receiv ed on th e w ater surface o f the oceans also d ecreases fro m the equator tow ards the poles. T his la titu d in a l v a ria ­ tion in heat energy receiv ed from th e sun a t ocean surface causes d ecrease in tem p eratu re o f su rface w ater o f the oceans polew ard. >■ The sea tem perature determ in es ev ap o ra­ tion pro cess and p recip itatio n . If all the o th er co n d itio n s a ffe ctin g the receipt o f in so latio n at the w ater su rfa ce o f the oceans are favourable and eq u al, th en lo n g er duration o f sunshine (or length o f day) and sh o rter duration o f night enable the o cean w a ter su rfa ce to receive larger am ount o f in so latio n . O n th e o th er hand, shorter the d u ratio n o f su n sh in e and lo n g er the period o f night, the le sse r th e a m o u n t o f insolation received at the o cean w a ter su rface. JItt may be m entioned th at inspite o f in creasin g length o f day from the eq u ato r tow ards the north pole during sum m er so lstice and from the eq u ato r tow ards the south pole d uring w in ter so lstice the am ount o f in so latio n receiv ed at the o cean w ater su rface d ecreases co n sid erab ly p o lew ard because o f d ecrease in the angle o f s u n ’s ra y s . >• The salin ity and density o f ocean w ater are closely re la ted to sea tem perature. Inspite o f the lo n g est len g th o f day at the poles in so latio n becom es m inim um because >- Since the seaw ater has higher specific heat than land areas and hence its heating and co o lin g process are m uch slow er than these processes on lands, and hence oceans have high storage capacity o f heat. >• T he sea tem p eratu re plays vital role in m aking the global h ydrological cycle functional. Scanned by CamScanner • T; 95 PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF OCEAN WATER (.) tfr? sun’s ravs become more or less parallel to fjjjTprnimd surface, and (ii) the ice cover reflects mnst of the solar radiation. It is apparent that the angle o f the sun’s rays controls the amount of insolation received more effectively than the length o f day. It may be thus, concluded that the places having longer length o f day and vertical sun’s rays will certainly receive maximum insola­ tion. Since the electrom agnetic shortwave solar radiation has to pass through thick atmosphere and hence the atmosphere largely controls the distribution o f solar heat energy at the surface of ocean water. The atm osphere affects insolation thrm iph the processes o f absorption, scattering, and reflection. ? , A b so r p tio n : If the total amount o f energy radiated from the sun towards the earth and its atmosphere (which is 1.2 billionth part of the total energy radiated from the p h o to sp h e r e o f the sun) is taken to be 100 per cent, about 14 per cent o f this am ount is absorbed by the atmospheric gases (e.g. by ozone in the stratosphere to larger extent and oxygen and carbon dioxide to very limited extent), w ater vapour, haze etc.). The process of absorption is selective in nature. The shortest w avelengths ranging between 0.02 micron and 0.29 m icron are absorbed by oxygen ( 0 2) and ozone ( 0 3) gases. Ozone also absorbs ultraviolet rays o f the w avelengths varying from 1,000 angstrom s to 4,000 angstroms and thus prevents these ultraviolet radiation waves from reaching the earth ’s surface. W ater vapour absorbs the incom ing solar radiation waves o f the w ave­ lengths ranging between 0.9 micron and 2.1 microns. Scattering : Some portion o f the incoming electromagnetic solar radiation (23%) is scattered in the atmosphere by dust particles and haze. Six per cent o f this scattered energy is sent back to space while 17 per cent reaches the earth’s surface. The process o f scattering is selective in nature. Scattering becomes possible when the diameter o f invisible dust particles suspended in the air and the m olecules o f the atmospheric gases is shorter than the wave-lengths o f the solar radiation waves. Blue light o f the incoming shorter w avelengths is more scattered than red light. This is the reason that the sky looks blue. Similarly, the picturesque reddish hue o f the sky during sunrise (dawn) and sunset (tw ilight) is the result o f scattering o f all the colour spectra except the red and orange because at the tim e o f sunrise and sunset the oblique rays have to pass through the longest path o f the atm osphere. R e fle c tio n : The scattering o f incom ing solar radiation waves by dust particles and m olecules o f water vapour (clouds) when the diam eter o f these particles is longer than the w avelengths o f incoming solar radiation is c a l l e d d iffu se reflectio n which sends some portion o f incom ing solar energy back to space w hile som e p ortion rem ains in the lower atm osphere. The d iffused and scattered solar energy present in the low er atmosphere enables us to see even the dark portion o f the moon. One can also see (if not suffering from cataract) even in the pitch darkness o f night. Some o f the scattered and diffused so lar energy reaches the earth ’s ground surface. Such energy is called as diffuse b lue light o f th e sky or d iffu se d ay light. Some portion o f incom ing solar radiation is reflected back to space by high clouds (27 per cent) and by the ice-covered surface (2 percent). The portion o f incident radiation energy reflected back from a surface is called a lb e d o . Various attem pts have been m ade to m easure total albedo o f the earth (including its atm osphere). Various data derived so far indicate the e a rth ’s average albedo fluctuating betw een 29 p er cent and 34 per cent (including the energy reflected through the m echanism o f d iffu se re fle c tio n by dust particles, w ater m olecules etc., (fro m the cloud surface and from the e arth ’s surface). T he albedo o f other planets has also been estim ated e.g. M oon (7% ), M erecury (6% ), M arr (16% ), V enus (76% ) and the rem aining outer p lanets (73% to 94%). It may be pointed out that the processes o f absorption, scattering and reflection are not as simple as discussed above rather they are highly com plex. Further more, the figures used here to indicate the quantity o f solar radiation lost during its p a ssa g e through the atm osph ere by different processes are mere estim ates and these vary from the estim ates o f one scientist to the other. Scanned by CamScanner ’ 96 OCEANOGRAPHY 2. Dally Rang* of Tamparatura of Saawalar 4, Distribution of Tamparatura of 8eawatar Stnndnrd typo o f thermnmeter I n used to measure the surface temperature o f ocean water. Such thermometers record the temperature upto the accuracy ± 0.2° ccntrigrade. The distributional pattern o f temperature o f ocean water is studied in two ways viz, (i) horizontal distribution (temperature o f surface water), and (ii) vertical distribution (from surface water to the bottom). Since the ocean has three dimensional shape, the depth o f oceans, besides latitudes, is also taken into account in the study o f temperature distribution. The follow ing factors affect the distribution o f temperature o f ocean w ater: The difference o f maximum and minimum temperatures o f a day (24 houra) in known a« daily range o f temperature. The daily range o f tempera­ ture o f surface water o f the occana i?i almost insignificant as it is around l"C only. On ari a v erage, the m axim um and minimum temperature o f sea surface water arc recorded at 2 P.M. and 5 A.M. respectively. The daily range o f tem perature is usually 0.3°C in high latitudes. The diurnal range depends on the condi­ tions o f sky (cloudy or clear sky), stability or instability o f air and stratification o f seawater. The heating and cooling o f occan water is rapid under clear sky (cloudless) and hence the diurnal range o f temperature becom es a bit higher than under overcast sky and strong air circulation. The high density o f water below surface water causes very little transfer o f heat through conduction and hence the diurnal range o f tem perature becomes low. 3. Annual Range of Temperature of Seawater The maximum and minimum annual tem­ peratures o f ocean water are recorded in A ugust and February respectively (in the northern hemi­ sphere). Usually, the average annual range o f temperature o f ocean water is -12°C (10°F) but there is a lot o f regional variation which is due to regional variation in insolation, nature o f seas, prevailing winds, location o f seas etc. Annual range o f temperature is higher in the enclosed seas than in the open sea (Baltic Sea records annual range o f temperature o f 4.4°C or 40°F). The size o f the oceans and the seas also affects annual range o f temperature e.g. bigger the size, lower the annual range and vice versa. The Atlantic Ocean records relatively higher annual range o f tempera­ ture than the Pacific Ocean. (1) Latitudes The tem perature o f surface water decreases from equator towards the poles because the sun’s rays become more and m ore slanting and thus the amount o f isolation decreases polew ard accord­ ingly. The tem perature o f surface w ater between 40''N and 40'JS is low er than air temperature but it becomes higher than air temperature between 40th latitude, and the poles in both the hem i­ spheres. (2) U nequal D istribution of Land and W ater The tem perature o f ocean water varies in the northern and the southern hemispheres be­ cause o f the dom inance o f land in the former and water in the latter. The oceans in the northern hem isphere receive more heat due to their contact with larger extent o f land than their counter-parts in the southern hemisphere and thus the tempera­ ture o f surface water is comparatively higher in the former than the latter. The isotherms are not regular and do not follow latitudes in the northern hemisphere because o f the existence o f both warm and cold landmasses whereas they (isotherms) axe regular and follow latitudes in the southern hemisphere because o f the dominance o f water. The temperature in the enclosed seas in low latitudes becom es higher because o f the influence o f surrounding land areas than the open sea s e.g. the average annual temperature o f surface water at the equator is 26.7°C (80°F) whereas it is 37.8°C (100°F) in the Red Sea and 34.4°C (94°F) in the Persian Qulf. Scanned by CamScanner PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF OCEAN WATER (3) Nature of Land and Water The contrasting nature o f land and water, surfaces in relation to the incoming shortwave solar radiation largely affects the spatial and tem poral distribution o f temperature. It may be pointed out that land becomes warm and cold more quickly than the w ater body. This is why even after receiving equal amount o f insolation the tem perature o f land becomes more than the tem perature o f the w ater body. The following reasons explain the differential rate o f heating and cooling o f land and w ater >- The su n ’s rays penetrate to a depth o f only 3 feet in land because it is opaque but they penetrate to greater depth o f several metres in w ater ^because it is transparent to solar radiation. The thin layer o f soils and rocks o f land., thus, gets heated quickly because o f greater concentration o f insolation in 'm u c h sm aller mass o f m aterial o f ground surface. Sim ilarly, the thin ground layer em its heat quickly and becom es colder. On the other hand, the same amount o f insolation falling on w ater surface has to heat larger volume o f w ater because o f the penetration o f solar rays to greater depth and thus the tem perature o f ground surface becom es higher than that o f the w ater surface though the am ount o f insolation received by both the surfaces may be equal. >- T he heat is concentrated at the place where insolation is received and there is very slow process o f redistribution o f heat by conduction because land surfaces is static. It m ay be noted that dow nward distribution o f tem perature in the land surface w ithin a day (24 hours) is effective upto the depth o f only 10 centim etres. Thus, the land surface becom es w arm during day and cold during night very rapidly. On the other hand, w ater is m obile. The upper surface o f w ater becom es lighter w hen heated by insolatio n and thus m oves aw ay ho rizon­ ta lly to o th er places and the solar rays have to h eat fresh lay er o f cold w ater. Secondly, h e at is re d istrib u te d in w ater bodies by sea w aves, ocean currents and tid al w aves. A ll these extend the period o f w arm ing o f w ater surface. • >- There is more evaporation from the seas and the oceans and hence more heat is spent in this process w ith the result oceans get less insolation thar^ the land surface. On the other hand, there is less evaporation from the land surface because o f very lim ited am ount o f w ater. >■ The specific heat (the am ount o f heat needed to raise the tem perature o f one gram o f a substance by 1°C) o f w ater is m uch greater than the land because the relative density o f w ater is much low er than that o f land surface. It m eans m ore heat is required to raise the tem perature o f one gram o f w ater by 1°C than one gram o f land. M ore specifically, the heat required to raise the tem perature o f one cubic foot o f w ater by 1°C is two tim es greater than the h eat required for the equal volum e o f land (one cubic foot). It is apparent that sam e am ount o f insolation received by sam e m ass o f w ater and land w ould increase the tem ­ perature o f land m ore than the tem perature o f equal m ass o f w ater. >- The reflection (albedo) o f incom ing solar radiation from the oceanic w ater surface is far more than from the land surface and thus water receives less insolation than land. >- Oceanic areas are generally clo u d ed and hence they receive less insolation than land surface. B ut clouds absorb outgoing te rre s­ trial radiation and counter-radiate h eat back to the earth ’s surface. T his process retards the loss o f heat from the oceanic surfaces and hence slow s dow n the m ech a­ nism o f cooling o f the air lying over the oceans. On the other hand, land surfaces receive m ore insolation at faster rate because o f less cloudiness and sim ultane­ ously lose m ore h eat through outgoing terrestrial radiation very quickly. (4) Prevailing winds Wind direction largely affects the distribu­ tion o f temperature o f ocean water. The winds - ■ Scanned by CamScanner 98 blowing from th e land tow ards the oceans and seas (e.g. o ffsh o re w in d s) drive w arm surface w ater away from the coast resu ltin g into upw elling o f co ld b o tto m w ater from below . T hus, the re p la ce m e n t o f w arm w ater by cold w ater in tro d u ce s lo n g itu d in a l v ariatio n in tem peratu re. C o n tra ry to th is, the o n sh o re w inds pile up w arm w a te r n e a r th e c o ast and thus raise the te m p e ra ­ tu re. F o r e x am p le, trade w inds cause low te m ­ p e ra tu re (in th e tro p ics) along the e astern m argins o f th e o c ea n s o r the w estern coastal regions o f the c o n tin e n ts b e ca u se th ey b lo w from the land to w a rd s the ocean s w h ereas these trade w inds ra ise th e te m p e ra tu re in th e w estern m argins o f the o c e a n s o r the eastern co asta l areas o f the c o n tin e n ts b e c a u se o f th e ir onshore position. S im ilarly , the e a ste rn m a rg in s o f the oceans in the m id d le la titu d e s (w e stern coasts o f E urope and N o rth A m e ric a ) h a v e re la tiv e ly h igher tem p era­ tu r e th a n th e w e s te r n m a rg in s o f th e o c e a n s b e c a u se o f the onsh o re p osition o f the w e ste rlie s. (5) Ocean Currents S u rfa ce te m p e ratu res o f the oceans are c o n tro lle d by w arm and cold currents. W arm cu rre n ts raise the te m p e ratu re o f the affected areas w h e rea s cool cu rren ts lo w er dow n the te m p e ratu re. F o r exam ple, the G u lf Stream raises th e te m p e ra tu re n e a r th e eastern coasts o f N. A m e ric a an d the w e ste rn co asts o f E urope. K uro S h iv o d riv e s w arm w a te r aw ay from the eastern c o a st o f A sia and raises the tem p eratu re near A la sk a . L a b ra d o r cool cu rre n t low ers dow n the te m p e ra tu re n e a r n o rth -e a st co ast o f N. A m erica. S im ila rly , th e te m p e ra tu re o f the eastern co ast o f S ib e ria b e c o m e s low due to K u rile cool current. It m ay be m e n tio n e d th a t w arm cu rren ts raise the te m p e ra tu re m o re in the n o rth e rn h em isp h ere than in th e so u th e rn h e m isp h e re w hich is ap p aren t fro m the fa c t th a t th e 5°C iso th erm re a ch e s 70° la titu d e in th e n o rth e rn A tla n tic O cean w h ereas it is e x ten d ed upto o n ly 50° la titu d e in th e so u th ern A tla n tic O cean . T h is is b e ca u se o f m ore d o m in an t effe cts o f th e w arm B ra zil c u rre n t in the so u th ern A tla n tic O c ea n . OCEANOGRAPHY (6 ) Minor Factors ' -M nM M in o r fa c to rs include (i) subm arine ridges, (ii) local w eath er co n d itio n s like storm s, cy­ clo n es, h u rrican es, fog, clo u d in ess, evaporation and co n d en satio n , and (iii) lo catio n and shape o f the sea. L o n g itu d in ally m o re ex ten siv e seas in the low latitu d es have h ig h e r tem p eratu re than the latitu d in ally m ore ex ten siv e seas as the M ed iter­ ran ean Sea reco rd s h ig h er tem p eratu re than the G u lf o f C alifornia. T he en clo sed seas in the low latitudes reco rd relativ ely h ig h e r tem p eratu re than the open seas w hereas the en clo sed seas have low er tem p eratu re than the open seas in the high latitudes (B altic Sea records 0°C (32°F) and open seas have 4.4°C or 40°F). 5. Horizontal Distribution of Seawater Tem pera­ ture The se a so n a l te m p e r a tu r e s o f th e e a rth ’s surface in clu d in g both lan d and o cean su rfa c e s are show n through iso th erm s o f Jan u a ry fo r w in ter season and July fo r su m m er sea so n (fig s. 4 . la n d 4.2). Is o th e r m s are th e im a g in a ry lin es d raw n on the m aps jo in in g p la ce s o f e q u al te m p eratu re red u ced to sea level. It is n e c e ssa ry to re d u c e the actu al te m p e ratu res o f all p la ce s at sea level b e fo re d raw in g iso th erm s. It is, th u s, o b v io u s th at iso th erm s do n o t re p re se n t th e real te m p e ra tu re of the p laces th ro u g h w h ic h th ey p a ss ra th e r they show te m p e ratu re o f th e p la ce s at se a lev el. This is w hy the iso th e rm m ap s are n o t u se fu l for farm ers b e ca u se th ey n e e d re a l te m p e ra tu re of a p a rtic u la r p la ce fo r g ro w in g cro p s. N orm ally, iso th erm s run e ast-w e st an d are g e n e ra lly p arallel to latitu d es. T h is tre n d sh o w s stro n g c o n tro l of latitu d es on the h o riz o n ta l d is trib u tio n o f te m ­ peratu re. G en erally , iso th e rm s are stra ig h t but they b en d at th e ju n c tio n o f c o n tin e n ts and o cean s due to d iffe re n tia l h e atin g and c o o lin g o f lan d and w ater. Iso th e rm a l lin es are m o re irre g u la r in the n o rth e rn h em isp h ere b e ca u se o f larg e e x ten t o f co n tin e n ts b u t th ey are m o re re g u la r in the so u th ern h e m isp h ere d u e to o v e r-d o m in a n c e o f o cean s. Iso th e rm s are g e n e ra lly c lo se ly sp aced in th e n o rth e rn h e m isp h ere b u t th e y are w idely Scanned by CamScanner PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OP OCEAN WATER spaced in the southern hem isphere. The clo u d y spaced isotherm* denote rapid rate o f change o f tem perature and steep tem perature gradient. On the other hand, w idely spaced isotherm s indicate slow rate o f tem perature changc and low tem pera­ ture gradient. On an average, isotherm s trending from land tow ards the ocean bend equatorw ard during sum m er and polew ard during w inter. On the other hand, isotherm s trending from the oceans to the continents bend polew ard during sum m er and equatorw ard during w inter. I he isotherm s during the m onths o f January and July are taken as representatives for the study o f horizontal distribution o f tem perature during w inter and sum m er seasons respectively because they represent seasonal extrem es. The m onths o f m axim um (June, northern hem isphere,) and m inim um (D ecem ber, northern h em isphere) insolation do not coincide w ith the m onths o f h o ttest and coldest m onths (July and January in th e northern hem isphere) respectively and hence the m onths o f July (hottest in the n o rth ern hem isphere and coldest in the southern h e m isp h ere ) and January (coldest in the northern h e m isp h ere and hottest in the southern h em i­ sp h ere) are taken a.s representatives to describe the seasonal (and also annual) distribution o f average tem perature. Fig*. 4 .4 and 4,3 illustrate distribution o f average tem perature in July (representing tem perature d u ring sum m er season) and January (rep resen tin g tem perature during w inter season). T he tw o iso th erm m aps reveal the follow ing trends : >- T he m onths o f July and January are w arm est and co ld est in the no rth ern h em i­ sphere w hereas the w arm est an d co ld est m onths in the so u th ern h em isp h ere are January and July resp ectiv ely . >• Jloth the m aps (F igs. 4.3 and 4 .4 ) show latitudinal shifts o f iso th erm s in a c c o rd ­ ance with seasonal sh iftin g o f o v erh ead sun but this sh iftin g o f iso th erm s is m ore pronounced on the co n tin en ts. >■ T he m axim um tem p eratu res in Jan u a ry an d July are alw ays reco rd ed on the c o n tin e n ts. M inim um tem p eratu re in Jan u ary is o b ­ served in A sia and N orth A m erica. >• January isotherm s su d d en ly b en d p o lew ard w hile passin g th ro u g h w arm p o rtio n s o f the oceans and bend eq u ato rw ard w h ile passing through the co ld p o rtio n s o f th e Fig. 4.3 : Isotherms representing horizontal distribution o f temperature in January. Scanned by CamScanner OCEANOGRAPHY oceans in January in the northern hem i­ sphere w hile the trend is opposite in July. O n the other hand, the isotherm s are more or less regular and straight in the southern hem isphere because o f over-dom inance o f oceans. ^ Temperature gradient is more pronounced during winter than summer. ^ The January isotherm s denote steep tem ­ perature gradient in the northern hemi- sphere as revealed b y th eir clo ser spacings (fig. 4.4) w hile relatively w idely spaced isotherm s in the southern hem isphere denote gentle (low ) tem perature gradient because o f the dom inance o f the oceans. In the northern hem isphere the eastern coasts register steeper tem perature gradient (1.5°C per latitude) than the w estern coastal areas (0.5°C per latitude). Fig. 4.4 : Isotherms representing horizontal distribution o f temperature in July. On an average, the temperature o f surface w ater o f the oceans is 26.7°C (80°F) and the tem perature gradually decreases from equator tow ards the poles. The rate o f decrease of tem perature with increasing latitudes is generally 0 5°F per latitude. The average temperatures become 22°C (73°F) at 20° latitude, 14°C (57°F) at 40° latitude, and 0°C (32°F) near the poles. The oceans in the northern hemisphere record rela­ tively higher average tem perature than in the southern hem isphere. The highest tem perature is not recorded at the equator rather it is a b it north o i. e average annual tem perature o f all the oceans is 17.20C (63°F). The average annual temperatures for the northern and southern hemispheres are 19.4°C (67°F) and 16.1°C(610F) respectively. The variation o f tem peratures in the northern and southern hem ispheres is because o f unequal distribution o f land and ocean water. The decrease o f tem perature w ith increas­ ing latitudes in the northern A tlantic Ocean (figs. Scanned by CamScanner PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF OCEAN WATER and 4.6) is very low because o f w arm ocean currents. The average tem perature betw een 50°70°N latitudes is recorded as 5°C (41 °F). The decrease o f tem perature w ith increasing latitudes is more pronounced in the southern Atlantic Ocean. A ccording to K rum el the highest tem pera­ ture o f surface w ater o f the oceans is at 5°N latitude w hereas the low est tem perature is re­ corded betw een 80°N and the north pole and between 75°S and the south pole. The average annual tem perature o f the Pacific Ocean is slightly higher than the A tlantic O cean (16.91°C or 60°F) and the Indian O cean (17°C or 60.6°F). The low est (3.3°C or 35.94°F) and the highest (32.2°C or 89.96°F) tem peratures o f the oceans are recorded near N ew Scottland and in the w estern Pacific O cean respectively. The highest tem perature o f the Indian ocean (25°C or 82.4°F) is recorded in the A rabian Sea and Bay o f Bengal but the enclosed seas o f the Indian O cean record still higher tem peratures (Red Sea = 32.2°C or 90°F and Persian G ulf = 34.4°C or 94°F). The average seasonal tem peratures (February and A ugust) o f surface w ater o f the oceans have been rep resen ted through isotherm s (figs. 4.5, 4 .6 ,4 .7 , 4.8, 4.9 and 4.10). 101 4.5 Fig- 4.5. Horizontal distribution o f temperature in the Pacific Ocean (February), temp, in degree centigrade. !g. 4.6 : Horizontal distribution o f temperature in the Pacific Ocean (August), temp, in degree centrigrade. Fig. 4. 7 : Horizontal distribution o f temperature in the Indian Ocean (February), temp, in degree centrigrade. Scanned by CamScanner OCEANOGRAPHY 102 Fig. 4.8 : H orizontal distribution o f temperature in the Indian Ocean (August), temp, in degree centrigrade. Fig. 4.10 : Fig. 4 .9 : Horizontal distribution o f temperature in the Atlantic Ocean (February), temp, in degree centrigrade. Horizontal distribution o f temperature in the Atlantic Ocean (August), temp, in degree centrigrade. The tem perature o f the surface w ater o f the oceans is higher than the air tem p eratu re above the ocean surface w hich m eans ocean surface gives o ff heat to the atm osphere. This phen o m en on influences the generation o f oceanic circu latio n m ainly sea w aves and ocean currents. It has been observed that the air tem perature at the h eig h t o f 8m from the sea surface betw een 20°N and 55°S latitu d es in the A tlantic O cean is co o ler by 0.80°C than the sea surface. There is a lot o f variation in th e heat em itted from the oceans to the atm osphere during w inter and sum m er and this phenom enon causes differences o f air tem perature over the oceans and the continents m ainly during w inter season. ‘The tem p eratu re for January is 22.2°C hig h er o v e r the oceans betw een 20° and 80°N, w hile in July it is 4.8°C low er. The m ean annual tem perature is 7°C h ig h er over th e w ater m e rid ia n ’ (C .A .M . King, 1975). T he d ifference betw een a ir and sea surface Scanned by CamScanner p , r :, . - PH Y SICA L PR O PE R T IE S O F O C E A N W A T E R Table 4 .1 : Latitudes i qo Surface Water Temperature of the Oceans (in O0C) N. Hemisphere N. Hemisphere 70-60 - 5.60 60-50 5.74 8.66 50-40 9.99 13.16 40-30 18.62 20.40 _ 30-20 23.38 24.16 26.14 20-10 26.42 25.81 27.23 10-0 27.20 26.66 27.88 Atlantic Ocean Indian O cean Latitudes Pacific Ocean N. H em isphere 0-10 26.01 25.18 27.14 10-20 25.11 23.16 25.85 20-30 21.53 21.20 22.53 30-40 16.98 16.90 17.00 40-50 11.16 8.68 8.67 50-60 5.00 1.76 1.63 60-70 -1.30 -1.30 -1.50 S. Hemisphere S. Hemisphere S. H em isphere tem peratures causes fogs over the seas and the oceans. This happens when warm air passes over a cold sea surface having the temperature below dew point, o f the air. Consequently, the air over the sea surface is cooled from below and sea fog occurs. G enerally, sea fogs are frequently formed during spring and early sum m er because air com ing from over the land is w arm er while the sea surface is still cold. Sea fogs are very com m on in the high latitudes but are generally absent in the tropics. upto 20m depth and they seldom go beyond 200m depth. Consequently, the tem perature decreases from the ocean surface w ith increasing depth but the rate o f decrease o f tem perature w ith in creas­ ing depth is not uniform every w here. The tem perature falls very rapidly upto the depth o f 200m and thereafter the rate o f decrease o f tem perature is slow ed dow n. From this stand point the oceans are vertically divided into two zones. ^ Photic zone represents the up p er surface upto the depth o f 200m and is heated directly through solar radiation. ^ Aphotic zone extends from 200m depth to the bottom o f the oceans w here solar radiation is unable to penetrate. 6. Vertical Distribution of Temperature of Seawater It m ay be pointed out that m axim um tem perature o f the oceans is alw ays at their surface because it directly receives the insolation and the heat is transm itted to the low er sections o f the oceans through the m echanism o f conduction. In fact, the solar rays very effectively, penetrate The photic zone is b iologically very im por­ tant because m arine plants, and called as m arine phototrophs o r phytoplanktons produce th eir food energy through the process o f photosynthesis. Scanned by CamScanner 104 OCEANOGRAPHY These phytoplanktons becom e rich marine pas­ tures for marine animals o f the category o f zooplanktons. The follow in g are the characteristic fea­ tures o f vertical distribution o f temperature of ocean w a t e r : Table 4 . 2 : Vertical distribution o f temperature in the oceans D epth is T em p eratu re T em p eratu re (fm ) m eters (m) °F °C 100 183 60.7 16 200 366 50.1 10 500 915 45.1 7.3 1000 1830 36.5 2.3 1500 2745 35.5 2.0 2200 4026 35.2 1.7 D epth in fathom s >- T hough the sea tem perature decreases with increasing depth but the rate o f decrease o f tem perature is not uniform . The change in sea tem perature below the depth o f 2000m is negligible. The trend o f decrease in tem perature w ith increase in depth has been reported by M urray during his C hal­ lenger E xpedition (table 4.2). It is apparent from table 4.3 that change in ocean w ater tem perature beyond 500m depth is very slow . tem perature o f the seas d ecreases from equator tow ards the p o les b u t the tem pera­ ture at the ocean b o tto m s is u n ifo rm from the eq u ato r tow ards the p o le, w hich means that the rate o f decrease o f tem perature w ith increasing d ep th is m o re rap id near the eq u ato r than to w ard s the poles. The result o f G erm an A n tarctic E x p ed itio n in 1911 rev ealed that the tem p eratu re at the depth o f 100m at 7.30°N latitu d e equalled the surface tem p eratu re at 40°N latitude. Sim ilarly, the tem p eratu re at 20 0 m depth at 7.30°N latitu d e eq u alled the tem perature o f sea surface at 50°N latitu d e and the tem perature at the depth o f 7 0 0 -8 0 0 m was the sam e as it w as at the su rface at 60°N latitude. T able 4.3 rev eals th ese trends. >- D iurnal and annual ranges o f tem perature cease after the depth o f 5 fathom s (30 feet) and 100 fathom s (600 feet) respectively. >- The rate o f decrease o f tem perature with increasing depth from equator tow ards the poles is not uniform . Though the surface Table 4.3 : Comparison o f Temperature at Sea Surface at Different Depths L atitudes (N ) 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 Surface T em perature (°C) 26.88 25.60 23.90 20.30 12.94 8.94 4.26 D epth at 7.30°N (m eters) 0 100 200 400 800 1000 26.86 18.57 10.71 7.70 5.13 4.81 T em perature (°C) Scanned by CamScanner PH Y SIC A L PROPERTIES OF OCEAN WATER 105 The areas from w here sea surface w ater is driven aw ay by offshore w inds resulting into u p w elling o f w ater from below record low tem p eratu re at sea surface and thus the rate o f d ecrease o f tem perature with increasing depth becom es low. C ontrary to this, th e areas w here there is pilling o f sea w ater b ecau se o f onshore w inds, record relativ ely high tem perature at sea surface and thus the rate o f decrease o f tem perature w ith in creasin g depth becom es rapid. >■ In som e areas high tem perature is recorded at g re a ter depths e.g. in Sargasso Sea, R ed Sea, M ed iterran ean Sea, Sulu Sea etc. The M ed iterran ean Sea records 24.4°C at the depth o f 1,829m w hereas the Indian O cean has o n ly 1.1 °C tem perature at the sam e depth. Such anom alous conditions are n o tic e d in the enclosed seas o f low latitu d es. T he enclosed seas o f high lati­ tudes reg ister inversion o f tem perature i.e. the tem p eratu re o f sea surface is low er than the tem p eratu re below . >- T h e re is clear-cu t leyered therm al structure o f o cean w ater. V ertically the oceans are d iv id e d into 3 layers from the stand point o f th e rm a l conditions o f seaw ater, in the lo w e r an d m iddle latitudes as follow s : (1) T h e up p er layer represents the topla y e r o f w arm w ater m ass w ith a th ic k n e ss o f 500 m eters w ith average te m p e ratu re ran g in g betw een 20°C to 25°C . T his lig h ter ocean w ater m ass flo ats o v e r the thickest heavy w ater m ass o f the oceans extending upto the o cean bottom s. T his layer is p resen t w ith in the tro p ics th roughout the year bu t it d e v elo p s in m id d le latitudes only d u rin g su m m e r season. (2) The lower layer extends beyond 1000m depth upto the ocean bottom s. This layer is very cold and represents denser ocean water m ass. (3) The upper and low er ocean water m asses are separated by a transitional zo n e o f rapid change o f temperature w ith increasing depth. This zone o f ocean w ater m ass is called therm odine which extends betw een 300m-1000m depth. 1 B esides, there are seasonal therm odines betw een the depth o f 40m and 100m. These seasonal th e rm o d in e s are formed due to heating o f w ater surface through solar radiation during sum m er season. T here are also diurnal therm odines w hich form in shallow w ater depth usually less than 1 0-15m. T he polar seas have only one layer o f cold w ater m ass from the ocean surface (sea level) to the deep o cean floor. 4.3 DENSITY OF OCEANS Meaning and Significance D ensity refers to the am ount o f m ass per unit volum e o f substance. It is u su ally m easu red in gram (am ount o f m ass) p er cubic cen tim eter o f volum e and is expressed g/cm 3. T he d en sity o f pure (distilled) w ater is 1.00 g /cm 3 at the tem perature o f 4°C. The den sity o f pure w ater is taken as standard for the m easu rem en t o f density o f other substances. Since the seaw ater carries a few dissolved substances such as salt in it, its density is slightly hig h er than th at o f pure w ater. In fact, the average density o f sea w ater is 1.0278g/cm 3 (1.02677 g/cm 3) w h ich is 2 to 3 percent higher than the density o f p u re w ater (1.00g/cm 3) at 4°C tem perature. T h e d en sity o f seaw ater gradually increases w ith d ecreasin g tem perature and h ig h est density is re c o rd ed at the tem p eratu re of-1.3°C . It m ay be m en tio n ed th at it becom es cum bersom e and u n p racticab le to use density value upto 5 d ecim al p o in ts and h en ce sig m a t (a t) value is d eriv ed to sim p lify the d en sity value as fo llo w s : 1.02677 g lc n v _ 1 02677 l.OOOOOg/cm Thus, the units (g/cm 3) have been removed. In order to derive c t (sigm a value) first 1 is substracted from 1.02677 and then the derived value is m ultiplied by 1000 as follow s . Scanned by CamScanner 106 OCEANOGRAPHY o t = (1.02677 - l ) x 1000 = 26.77 T he density is very im portant physical property o f seaw ater because it determ ines the d ynam ics o f ocean w ater i. e. w hether the seaw ater w ill sink (subsidence and hence dow nw ard v ertical m ovem ent o f seaw ater), or w ill float (ex p ansion and hence horizontal m ovem ent) depends upon its density. As per rule, relatively lig h ter seaw ater (less dense seaw ater) floats and m oves h orizontally, w hereas heavier seaw ater (m ore dense w ater) sinks (dow nw ard m ovement). T his is the reason that a person floats over seaw ater having high salinity because salinity in creases density o f seaw ater. Controlling Factors of Density of Seawater T he density o f seaw ater is related to the follow ing 3 factors in one way or the other : | about three tim es the effect on density o f an equal change in tem perature occurring in colder, high latitude w aters’ (Thurm an and T rujillo, 1999). It is also im portant to note that tem perature o f seaw ater below freezing po in t cannot increase seaw ater density because at 0°C tem perature w ater starts freezing w ith the fo rm ation o f ice erystalls w hich do not allow the w ater m olecules to com e closer and coalesce ra th e r th ey are kept apart and hence few w ater m o lecu les are present in per unit volum e (one cubic cen tim eter) o f seaw ater. Thus, the seaw ater b eco m es less dense. This is why ice floats in w ater. It is th u s apparent that cooling effect on increase in th e seaw ater density continues upto 4°C te m p e ratu re only. Since there is less v ariatio n in te m p e ratu re of seaw ater in p o lar areas, and h en ce th e role of tem perature as con tro llin g fa c to r o f seaw ater density is m inim ised. (2) S alin ity is directly p o sitiv e ly related t seaw ater density i.e. on an av erag e, seaw ater >- tem perature -» therm al expansion density increases w ith in c re asin g salin ity and >- pressure —> com pressive effects decreases w ith d ecrease in salin ity . This is >- salinity —» addition o f dissolved sub­ because o f the fact that d isso lv e d salt in the stances seaw ater b ecom es m ore d en se th an pure w ater. It (1) T e m p e ra tu re is the m ost significant is also im portant to note th a t salin ity factor is controlling factor o f density o f seaw ater. T em ­ som etim es o ffset by tem p eratu re factor. Simi­ perature and density o f seaw ater are, on an larly, som etim es tem p eratu re fa c to r is suppressed average, inversely related i.e. higher the tem p era­ by salin ity v ariab le. A s alread y described that the ture, low er the density, and low er the tem perature, density o f p u re w ater is 1.00g/cm 3 whereas higher the density. In fact, seaw ater is heated density o f sea w ater o f 4°C tem perature and through insolation w hen m ore insolation is carry in g 35%o salin ity is 1.028 g/cm 3. This is why received on the sea surface and hence seaw ater fresh w ater flo ats o v e r sa lin e w ater. It may also expands. This phenom enon is called th e rm a l happen th at w ater w ith h ig h salin ity m ay He over ex p a n sio n due to insolational heating resulting into less salin e w a ter, i f th e te m p e ratu re o f high low density. On the other hand, low tem perature causes cooling o f seaw ater and hence th e rm a l salin e w a ter is m u ch h ig h e r th a n th e tem perature c o n tra c tio n resulting into decrease in volum e and o f u n d e rly in g c o ld less s a lty w a ter. T his is the increase in d ensity o f seaw ater. Thus, w arm w ater re a so n th a t in so m e a re a s o f tro p ic a l oceans and having large volum e but low density easily floats seas h ig h sa lin ity w a rm w a te r m as o v erlies low on cold seaw ater o f less volum e and relatively salin ity co ld w a te r m ass. T h is is b ecau se o f the m ore density. It is sig nificant to point out that the fact th a t g re a te r e v a p o ra tio n o f su rfa ce w ater o f role o f tem perature in controlling seaw ater the o cean s and seas in tro p ic a l areas increases density is m ore pronounced in low latitudes areas sea w ater sa lin ity . T h u s su ch u n iq u e situ atio n o f (tropical and su btropical oceans), w hereas the high sa lin ity s e a w a te r a b o v e an d low salinity im portance o f tem perature in controlling seaw ater w a ter b elo w is c a u se d d u e to evaporation den sity decreases polew ard. ‘T hus, a change in factor. tem p eratu re o f w arm , low -latitude w ater has Scanned by CamScanner PHYSICAL p r o p e r t ie s o f o c e a n w a t e r . fable 4 .4 . R e latio nship betw een tem perature and density o f ocean water T e m p e r a tu r e 0 10 20 25 30 1.0281 1.0270 1.0248 1.0234 1.0217 (°C) D e n s ity (g /c m 3) (3) P ressure is d ire c tly p o sitiv ely related to ocean w a te r d e n sity th ro u g h its com pressive effects, seaw ater d e n sity in c re ase s w ith increasin g p re s­ sure, and d e crea se s w ith d ecrease in pressure o f High seaw ater. It m ay be m e n tio n e d th a t unlik e air latitudes seaw ater (ev en w ater) is not m uch com pressible, rather ‘it is n e arly in c o m p re ssib le ’, and hence it exerts n eg lig ib le c o n tro l over seaw ater density. T hus, p re ssu re is co n sid ered as m inor factor o f seaw ater density. T he effect o f pressure o f th ick w ater m ass on density m ay be observed only in deep sea m ainly in deep sea trenches, but here too th e density o f seaw ater at the bottom o f trenches is o nly 5 p ercen t higher than that o f the sea surface area. Relationships Between Density, Temperature Increasing density Increasing temperature 4 8 12 16 20 24 1000 1500 2000 Q <U. 2500 D 3000 A and B 3500 4000 and Salinity A s sta te d above, d en sity o f seaw ater and te m p e ra tu re are in v e rsely pro p o rtio n al i.e. if te m p e ra tu re o f se a w a te r in creases, its density d e c re a se s and v ice versa. It is ap p aren t from fig. 4.11 th a t te m p e ra tu re o f seaw ater sharp ly d e­ c lin e s fro m 2 00m depth to 1000m depth in low la titu d e s a reas (tro p ic a l and su b tro p ic al re ­ g io n s), and th e re a fte r th ere is no v a ria tio n in s e a w a te r te m p e ra tu re w ith in c re asin g d ep th (cu rv e A in fig . 4 .1 1 ). O n th e o th e r h an d , th e re is no c h a n g e in s e a w a te r te m p e ra tu re w ith in c re a s ­ in g d e p th in h ig h la titu d e s a re a s (p o la r reg io n s, c u rv e B in fig. 4 .1 1 ). T h e zone o f sh arp ch an g e o f s e a w a te r te m p e ra tu re (d e c re a se in te m p e r a tu r e w ith in c r e a s in g d e p th u p to 1000m ) b e tw e e n 2 0 0 m a n d 1000m is c a lle d th e rm o c lin e . Fig. 4.11 : Variations o f seaw ater temperature with in­ creasing depth in low and high latitudes areas . Based on Thurman and Trujillo, 1999 . C ontrary to seaw ater te m p e ratu re, th e d e n ­ sity o f seaw ater in creases sh arp ly w ith in creasin g depth b etw een 200m and 1000m in low latitu d es areas (curve A in fig. 4 .1 2 ) b u t in h ig h latitudes areas (p o lar regions) th ere is no change in seaw ater d en sity (fig. 4 .12) as is rev ealed by curve B. T his zone o f 200m to 1000m d ep th ch aracter­ ized by sh arp ch an g e in d en sity o f seaw ater (in crease in seaw ater d en sity w ith increasing dep th ) in tro p ical and su b tro p ical regions is called pycnocline (p ycno m eans den sity , cline m eans slo p e o r g rad ien t). It is e v id en t from figs. 4.11 and 12 th at th e d en sity o f seaw ater and tem perature are in v ersely p ro p o rtio n al in tropical and su - Scanned by CamScanner 108 OCEANOGRAPHY tropical oceans. It m eans zones o f pycnocline and th e rm o d in e are confined to the depth zone o f 2 0 0 m -1 0 0 0 m in tropical and subtropical oceans (figs. 4.11 and 4.12). High 0 latitudes 1 .0 2 8 i 0 D ensity (g/cm 3) 1 .0 2 7 1 .0 2 6 1.0 2 5 i 4 i Temperature (°C) 8 12 16 i 20 300m 500 Increasing tem perature * Increasing den sity (g/cm 3) 1 .0 2 8 1.0 2 7 1.026 1.025 Thermodi >■and Pycnoclin- 1000 S/L 300m "■3 24 1500 V Pycnocline 2000 ? 2500 | 3000 o 3500 & 2500 3000 4000 A and B 4500 5000 3500 Fig. 4.13 : 4000 Fig. 4.12 : D eep w ater Variation o f seaw ater density with increasing depths in low (tropical and subtropical re­ gions) and in high latitudes (polar) regions. B ased on Thurman and Trujillo, 1999. T he co in cid en ce o f th erm od ine and p y c n o c lin e in the sam e depth zones denoting very c lo s e relationship b etw een seaw ater density and tem perature is d e a r ly seen in fig. 4.13 w herein the sam e curve (A ) denotes decrease in seawater tem perature and increase in ocean water density w ith in creasin g depth from 2 0 0 m to 1000m depth. S a lin ity d ecreases w ith increasing depth b etw een the depth zo n e o f 2 0 0 m - 1000m in the low latitudes region s w hereas it increases w ith in­ creasin g depth in h igh latitudes areas. Thus the depth zo n e o f 2 0 0 m - 1000 m o f the oceans denotes sharp ch an ge in ocean sa lin ity —> decrease in s a lin ity w ith in crease in depth in the tropical and su b tro p ical region s. T his zo n e o f sharp d eclin e o f sea w a te r sa lin ity is ca lled halocline (sharp salinity Illustration o f the close relationship between seaw ater temperature and density. Based on Thurman and Trujillo, 1999. gradient). I f w e compare figs. 4 .1 1 , 12, 13 and 14 it becom es evident that salinity factor has little control over seawater density atleast in the tropical and subtropical oceans w hereas seawater temperature em erges as the m ost potent factor o f seawater density. Density Stratification of Oceans It is evident from the above d iscu ssion that there are 3 layered structures i.e. 3 strata o f seawater colum ns from sea surface to the ocean bottom s as fo llo w s : \ >■ surface layer o f lo w est density, >- p ycn oclin e layer o f sharp density gradient, and >• deep or bottom layer o f h igh est but uniform density. (1 ) Surface layer represents the thin top layer o f the o cean s ranging in thickness o f 100 to - •• Scanned by CamScanner ■ p h y s i c a l pro perties o f o c e a n w a t e r 109 ^__ Decreasing density Increasing salinity (%0) — > 33 34 35 36 37 water in the polar regions cause higher density than in the tropical and subtropical regions, with the result dense w ater sinks in the polar oceans. This is why there is no sharp density gradient in polar oceans and hence there is absence of pycnoclinc. Fig. 4.14 : Relationships between ocean depth, seawater .salinity and seawater density, and halocline. Modified from Thurman and Trujillo, 1999. 200m. This layer is also called as photic zone which is directly penetrated by solar radiation and hence it is illum inated layer. This surface layer carries 2 percent o f total volum e o f ocean water. Because o f therm al expansion o f seaw ater due to direct insolational heating density becomes minimum in this layer, in the tropical oceans but due to more evaporation in the subtropical oceans, density becom es a bit higher than the low latitude areas because o f increased salinity consequent upon more evaporation. Since this layer is subjected to tem poral variations (diurnal, seasonal and an ­ nual) in the tem perature and salinity o f seaw ater due to its (o f surface layer) direct contact with the atmosphere and hence density in this zone is also liable to tem poral variations. This zone is very significant for m arine plants (phytoplanktons) because this is the only zone w here there is photosynthesis, through w hich phytoplanktons prepare th eir food and becom e source o f food energy to zooplanktons. E xtrem ely low tem pera­ ture due to least insolational heating o f sea surface (2) Pycnocline lay er represents a transition zone o f rapidly changing seaw ater density be­ tween low density upper surface (sea surface) w ater layer (w ater mass) and high density deep seaw ater below. In fact, pycnocline consists o f two words, namely pycno, which m eans density, and cline, which means slope or gradient. The pycnocline layer is found betw een 300m -1000m depth o f ocean water. As already stated pycnoline, th erm o clin e (therm o, means heat, tem perature, and cline, means slope or gradient, steep gradient o f change o f tem perature o f seaw ater), and halocline (sharp increase in salinity, salinity gradient) occupy alm ost the same depth zones o f 300m 1000m. Pycnoline layer is characterized by sharp increase in seaw ater density, therm ocline layer denotes sharp decrease in seaw ater tem perature, and halocline indicates sharp increase in salinity with increasing depth betw een 300m -1000m in the tropical and subtropical oceans (figs. 4.11, 4.12, 4.13). The Pycnocline layer carries 18 percen t o f total volume o f ocean water. It is interesting to note that the pycnocline layer coincides w ith the thermocline layer o f the ocean w ater m ass in the tropical and subtropical oceans w hereas it co in ­ cides with the halocline in the m iddle latitudes. The pycnocline layer having high degree o f gravitational stability stops vertical m ixing o f ocean w ater m asses lying above and below it. It is significant to note there is absence o f pycnocline and therm ocline in the polar areas o f the oceans because o f least insolational heating o f sea surface due to receipt o f m inim um am ount o f insolation. In fact, tem perature o f the surface layer rem ains very low throughout the year, and hence therm ocline and pycnocline are not devel­ oped. (3) Deep lay er represents high density w ater mass w hich extends from 1000m depth to the ocean floor, and carries 80 percent o f total volum e o f the ocean water. E xtrem ely low Scanned by CamScanner OCEANOGRAPHY no ... nf tem perature in the polar co ntraction o f w ater a ^ seaw ater density. T h'* ' density w ater mass o p » still high density o f deep o f high density seawater in U undersea flow o f w a S T A - . ~ “ p r a i s e ' in o f h igh ions „nd causes ^ ^ h e sinking latitu des causes ^ la titu des sut faee in the tro p ical regions. 4 .4 im p o r t a n t DEFINITIONS Isotherms, are th e im a g in a ry lin e s d ra w n on the m ap s jo in in g p la c e s o f e q u a l te m p e ra tu re re d u c ed to sea lev el. Photic /.one, T h e u p p e r 2 0 0 m d e e p w ater lay er o f th e o c e a n s, w h ic h is d ire c tly p e n e tra te d by so la r ra d ia tio n , is c a lle d p h o tic z o n e. photosphere, T h e b rig h t o u te r s u rfa c e o f the sun is c a lle d p h o to s p h e re b e c a u s e o f th e d o m i­ n an ce o f p h o to n s. P y c n o c lin e , is a la y e r o f s e a w a te r m ass b e tw ee n th e d e p th s o f 3 0 0 m - 10 0 0 m w h e re in th ere is sh arp c h an g e o f d e n s ity in th e v e rtic a l s e c tio n o f seaw ater. A b so rp tio n , refers to the retain in g o f a portion o f incident energy (rad iatio n ) by a substance and its conversion into h eat energy (sensible heat). A p h o tic zo n e, represents n o n -illu m in ated portion o f the oceans extending b etw een 200m depth to the ocean floor. D en sity , refers to the am ount o f m ass per unit volum e o f substance, u su ally m easured in gram p er cubic cen tim eter (g /cm 3). H a lo c lin e , denotes sharp salin ity change in the v ertical section o f the oceans betw een 300m 1000m depth. H y d ro lo g ic a l cycle, m eans a m odel o f ex ­ change o f w ater over the surface o f the earth from oceans via atm osphere, continents, and b ack to the oceans. In so la tio n , T he radiant energy receiv ed by the earth and its atm osphere from the sun is called insolation. R e fle c tio n , T h e p o rtio n o f in c id e n t ra d ia tio n (e n e rg y ) re tu rn e d b a c k fro m a s u rfa c e o f a b o d y is called alb ed o , o r re fle c tio n c o e f fic ie n t o r sim p ly re flectio n . S a lin ity , is a m e a s u re o f th e q u a n tity o f d isso lv e d so lid s (s a lts) in th e o c e a n . It is m e a s u re d in p a rt p e r th o u sa n d i.e. 0 /0 0 . S c a tte r in g , re fe rs to th e p ro c e s s o f d iffu sio n o f a p o rtio n o f in c o m in g s o la r ra d ia tio n in d iffe re n t d ire c tio n s b y p a rtic u la te m a tte r (d u sts) and m o le c u le s o f g a se s in c lu d in g v a p o u r in the atm o sp h ere. S p e c ific h e a t, is th e a m o u n t o f h e a t w h ic h is re q u ire d to in c re a se th e te m p e ra tu re o f o n e g ram o f a su b sta n c e b y o n e d e g re e c e n tig ra d e . T he sp ec ific h e a t o f w a te r is o n e c a lo rie . Therm ocline, is th e la y e r o f o c e a n w a ter b e tw ee n th e d e p th z o n e o f 3 0 0 m -1 0 0 0 m ch arac­ te riz ed b y sh a rp c h a n g e o f te m p e ra tu re in the v e rtic al se c tio n o f se a w a te r. Scanned by CamScanner J CHAPTER 5 : SALINITY OF SEAWATER m ea n in g and derivations, p rin cip les o f constant proportion, c o m p o s itio n o f seaw ater, so u r ce s o f o cea n salinity, c o n tr o llin g factors o f salinity, h orizon tal distribution o f salinity, vertical distribu tion o f salinity, s ig n ific a n c e o f salin ity, Scanned by CamScanner 5 SALINITY OF SEAWATER 5.1 SALINITY : MEANING AND DERIVATION S a lin ity o f th e ocean w ater sim ply m eans the p re se n c e o f d isso lv e d salts in the seaw ater. T he c h e m ic a l o c e a n o g ra p h ers define salinity in m o re te c h n ic a l te rm s w h ile gen eral ocean o g ra­ phers an d g e o g ra p h e rs d escribe salinity o f seaw aters in s im p le r w ays as follow s : S a lin ity is d e fin e d as the ratio b etw een the w eight o f th e d isso lv e d solid m aterials and the w eig ht o f the sam p le seaw ater. G en erally , salin ity is d efin ed as th e to ta l am o u n t o f solid m aterials in gram s c o n tain ed in o n e k ilo g ram o f seaw ater and is ex p ressed as p a rt p e r th o u san d (%o) e.g. 30%o (m eans 3 0 g ram s o f sa lt in 1 0 0 0 g ram s o f seaw ater). It m ay b e re m e m b e re d th a t one o f the fundam ental d iffe re n c e s b etw ee n pure w ater and seaw ater is th a t th e la tte r co n tain s salt in d isso lv ed form . T he fo llo w in g are th e b a sic featu res o f salinity : • S alin ity m e an s th e p resen ce o f d isso lv ed solids (su b sta n c e s) in w ater. • T he m a te ria ls m u st have the p ro p erties o f so lid state. • T he m a te ria ls (s u b sta n c e s o r s o lid s ) m u s t have the p ro p e rty o f s o lu b ility in w a te r, i.e. the so lid s m u st be in d is so lv e d s ta te in w ater and n o t b e sim p ly su sp e n d e d . • Salinity is no t o n ly c o n fin e d to s e a w a te r, ra th e r it ap p lies to all w a te r o n th e e a r th ’s surface. T hus, w h en w e m e a n s a lin ity o f the oceans, w e m u st a lw ay s c le a rly m e n ­ tion as salin ity o f seaw ater. F rom the v iew p o in t o f c h e m ic a l o c e a n o g ­ rap h ers salin ity is d efin ed as fo llo w s : ‘‘S a lin ity is the to ta l m a ss e x p r e s s e d in g ra m s o f all the su b sta n c e s d is s o lv e d in o n e kilogram o f seaw ater, w hen a ll th e c a rb o n a te h a s been c o n verted to oxide, a ll th e b ro m in e a n d iodine have been re p la c e d b y c h lo rin e, a n d a ll o rganic co m p o u n d s h a v e been o x id iz e d a t a tem p era tu re oj'480°C . “ (P. R. P in et, 2000). Such tech n ical d e fin itio n o f sa lin ity w ith ch em ical o v erto n e b e co m e s d ifficu lt an d cu m b er­ som e for g eo g rap h ers and h en ce se a w a te r sa lin ity should be d efin ed in m o re sim p le te rm s ‘as th e p resen ce o f to tal w eig h t o f d isso lv e d so lid s in gram s in seaw ater p e r 1 k ilo g ram o f sam p le se a w a te r’. Scanned by CamScanner 112 OCEANOGRAPHY T h e a v erag e salin ity o f seaw ater is 3.5% (p arts p er hun d red ) but it is alw ays m entioned as 35%o (p a rts p er th o u san d ) in o rd er to avoid d ecim als. A sim ple w ay to determ ine the am ount o f sa lin ity in sea w ater is to evaporate one kilogram o f se a w a te r and fin ally to w eigh the residue in g ram s. F or ex am p le, if the w eight o f solids after one k ilo g ram (1000 gram s) o f seaw ater is e v a p o ra te d , is 30 grains, then the salinity o f se a w a te r is d eriv ed and read as 30%o (30 gram s o f sa lts in 1000 gram s o f seaw ater). T his m ethod o f d e riv a tio n and d eterm in atio n o f seaw ater salinity is o v e r-g e n e ra liz e d and lacks in accuracy because th e c o m p o sitio n o f seaw ater varies both spatially (v a ria tio n s in salin ity from one area to the other are a) and tem p o rally (variations in salinity from on e tim e span (daily, m onthly, seasonal and y e a rly ) to the oth er tim e unit. Thus, the follow ing a lte rn a tiv e m ethod is applied to determ ine salinity o f seaw ater. (Cl"), sodium (N a+), potassium (K+), calcium (C a2+) etc. alw ays rem ain the sam e for the afo resaid salin ity (3 0 % o , 33% o, 35%o and 37%,,) Thus based on the ‘principle of constant proportions’ c h lo rid e ion (Cl*) is m easured to d erive chlorinity, w hich is the w eig h t o f chloride ion in a sam ple seaw ater, say one kilogram of seaw ater. W hy ch lo rin ity is used to determine salinity? because ch lo rid e ion is the m ost domi­ nant c o n stitu en t o f salin ity an d is e asily measured. It m ay be m entioned th at m e asu re m e n t o f chloride ions in all the o ceans has rev e ale d th at it accounts for 55.5 p ercen t o f the total am o u n t o f dissolved solids in the o ceans o r sea w a ter w h ereas average ch lo rin ity is 19.2%o (in one k ilo g ram o f seaw ater). ‘T h erefo re, by m e asu rin g o n ly the chloride ion co n cen tratio n , the total sa lin ity o f a seaw ater sam ple can be d e term in ed by the follow ing re la tio n sh ip ’ (T hurm an and T ru jillo , 1999) : S alinity (%0) = 1.80655 x c h lo rin ity (%o) w here 1.80655 is the c o n sta n t Principle of Constant Proportions A verage ch lo rin ity o f all o cean s = 19.2%o T herefore salin ity = 1.80655 x 19.2%o The chem ical analysis o f sam ples o f seaw ater collected during the C hallenger Expedition by W illiam D ittm ar revealed startling facts about the com position o f ocean w ater. The analysis re ­ vealed the fact that though the am ount o f total d isso lv e d substances in one kilogram o f sam ple se a w a te r m ay change from place to place and tim e to tim e (like 25%o, 30%o or 35%0) but the p ro p o rtio n s o f m ajor constitu en ts o f dissolved so lid s in sea w ater rem ain constant in all the o c e a n s and seas. T his revelation led W illiam D ittm a r to p o stu la te the ‘principle of constant p ro p o rtions’ w hich states that : ‘The m a jo r d is so lv e d co n stitu en ts that c o m p ris e th e s a lin ity o f s e a w a te r o ccu r n early e v e r y w h e re in th e ocean in the exa ct sam e p r o p o rtio n s , in d e p en d e n t o f sa lin ity. ’ Let us e x p lain this p rin c ip le . S uppose the s a lin ity o f d iffe re n t o cean s and seas is 30%<>, 33%», 40%o etc. T h is m ean s that there is spatial variation in th e a m o u n t o f total d isso lv e d so lid s o f all c o n s titu e n ts , but the p e rc e n ta g e (ratio or p ro p o r­ tio n ) o f d iffe re n t c o n stitu e n ts such as ch lo rid e = 3 4 .7 %0 S alin o m eter in stru m en t is u sed to measure seaw ater salin ity very a cc u ra te ly , i.e. upto the accuracy o f 0.003%o, o r even m ore. The co n stan t 1.80655 is d e riv e d from d ividing 1 by 0 .5 0 4 4 , w hich is the p ro p o rtio n o f chloride ion in seaw ater h av in g 5 5.04 percent co ncentration. It m ay be m e n tio n e d th at the actual quotient com es ou t to be 1.S16S6 bu t it has been com m only ag reed to have 1.80655 as a co n stan t to derive ocean salinity. Table 5 .1 : Chlorinity a n d salinity value ch lo rin ity salin ity (°/«o) ~(%o) 5 9 .0 3 10 1 8 .0 7 15 2 7 .1 0 20 3 6 . 13 j| 25 4 5 .1 6 S j : J <• „ Scanned by CamScanner ' 113 SALINITV OF SEAWATER 5 2 COMPOSITION OF SEAWATER Sea w a ter co n tain s a com plex solutio n o f several m ineral su b sta n c es in d ilute form because it is active solvent. T h e total am ount o f salt in seaw ater is g ra d u a lly in creasin g because it is brought from the land every y ear b u t the recent findings h ave re fu te d th is b e lie f as average ocean salinity has re m a in ed m o re or less co n stan t over the past 1.5 b illio n years. S everal efforts have been m ade to estim ate the to tal am ount o f salt in Table 5 .2 : the oceans and th e seas. T h e estim ates o f Joly, M urray, an d C larke p u t the to tal salt in the oceans and seas at 50 b illio n to n s, 5 b illio n tons and 2.7 b illio n tons resp ectiv ely . A cco rd in g to Joly if all the salts o f all the oceans and seas are d ried up and are spread o v er th e g lo b e th e se w ill form a 45.72 m th ick lay er and i f th ese salts are sp read only over the land, th ese w ill form 152.4 m in th ick layer I f all th e salts are re m o v e d fro m th e oceans and seas, th ere w ill be fall in sea le v el b y 30.5 m eters. D issolved m aterials in sam ple seaw ater having 35%o sa lin ity (35 gram s in one kilogram o f seawater) _______ ___________________________ M ajor constituents in %o (parts per thousand) Constituents Concentration Ratio o f total constituents (%0) (salts) in percent Chloride (Cl') 19.3 55.04 Sodium (Na+) 10.7 30.61 Sulphate ( SO4- ) 2.7 7.68 M agnesium (M g2+) 1.3 3.69 Calcium (Ca2+) 0.41 1.16 Potassium (K +) 0.38 1.10 Total 34.79%o 99.28% C onstituents minor constituents (in part per million, ppm) Gases C oncentration (ppm ) Carbon dioxide (C 0 2) 90 N itrogen (N 2) 14 Oxygen ( 0 2) 5 Nutrients Silicon (Si) 3.0 N itrogen (N) 0.5 P h o sp h o ro u s(P ) 0.07 Iron (Fe) 0.002 O thers B rom ine (Br) 65.0 C arbon (C) 28.0 Strontium (Sr) Boron (B) 8.0 4.6 Scanned by CamScanner OCEANOGRAPHY 114 Trace elements C oncentration Constituents (ppb, parts p er b illion) 60 Iodine (I) 2 M anganese (Mn) 0.03 L ead (P b ) 0.03 M ercury (Hg) 0.005 Gold (Au) Source : A d o p ted from T hurm an and T ru jillo , 1999 D ittm a r d u ring his C h allen g er E x p ed itio n in 1884 re p o rte d the existence o f 47 types o f salts in seaw ater out o f w hich 7 are m ost im po rtan t. S odium chloride or com m on salt is by far the m ost im p o rtant c o n stitu en t o f sea salt. T able 5.3 rep resen ts the w eig h t o f salt in gram s p er 1000 gram s (%o) and p e rc en ta g e s o f 7 im p o rtan t salts w ith a total salin ity o f 35%o as given by D ittm ar. B esides salts, silv er, go ld and radium also o ccu r but in m in u te p ro p o rtio n in seaw ater. T hese elem en ts are 0.3, 0.006 and 0.0 0 0 ,0 0 0 ,2 m g p er m etric ton or p a rt p e r th o u san d m illion. It m ay be m e n tio n e d th a t the p ro p o rtio n o f v a rio u s elem ents re m a in s c o n sta n t in s e a w a te r e v e ry w h e re though the to ta l sa lin ity m ay v a ry fro m p la c e to place. T he av erag e s a lin ity v a rie s fro m 33%o to 37%o in d ifferen t o cean s an d sea s. T h e re are num erous n u trien ts in the s e a w a te r w h ic h are u se d by living m arin e o rg an ism s. T h e se e le m e n ts are silicon, n itro g en , and p h o sp h o ro u s. B e s id e s, a rsen ic , iron, m an g an ese and c o p p e r a re a lso fo u n d in the sea w ater th o u g h in sm a lle r q u a n titie s. S alin ity is m e asu re d b y E le c tric S a lin ity M e te r to the accu racy o f ± 0.003%o. Table 5.3 : S ignificant salts in the oceans C oncentration Salts (°/oo) P ercent 1. Sodium C hloride (Nacl) 27.213 (% ) 77.8 2. M agnesium C hloride (M gc^) 3.807 10.9 3. M agnesium Sulphate (M g S 0 4) 1.658 4.7 4. C alcium Sulphate (C a S 0 4) 1.260 3.6 5. Potassium Sulphate (K2SO4) 0.863 2.5 6 . C alcium C arbonate (C a C 0 3) 0.123 0.3 7. M egnesium B rom ide (M gB r2) 0.076 0.2 35.00%o 100.0% Total 5.3 SOURCES OF OCEAN SALINITY B asically , the m ost sig n ific a n t so u rce o f sea w ater sa lin ity is th e c h em ical w e ath e rin g o f co n tin e n tal ro c k s and tra n sp o rt o f w eath ered m a te ria ls by th e riv e rs to th e o cean s b u t th ere are also a few m in o r so u rces. T h u s, o c ea n sa lin ity is d eriv ed from th e fo llo w in g th re e so u rces and p ro c e sses : • c h em ica l w e a th e rin g o f c o n tin e n ta l rocks and th e ir tra n s p o rt b y th e riv e rs to theo cean s. Scanned by CamScanner ' v> •" SALINITY OF SEAWATER • • dissolved substances (table 5.4) are carried by surface ru n o ff and overland flow and are b rought to the rivers w hich fin ally dum p these dissolved m aterials into the oceans. B esides, rivers also erode rocks o f th eir v alley s and thus carry ions o f salts to the oceans. B efore d iscu ssin g th e im p o r­ tance o f riv er ru n o ff it is d esirab le to study the difference in the p ro p o rtio n s o f d isso lv ed su b ­ stances in the riv ers and seaw ater (tab le 5.4). degassing by the earth i.e. undersea volcanic eruption. atm osphere and biological interactions. R iver ru n o ff is the m ost significant contribu­ tor o f seaw ater salinity. The continental rocks are subjected to chem ical w eathering through differ­ ent processes, nam ely carbonation, oxidation, solution, hydration, hydrolysis, chellation etc. and w eathered m aterials containing different Table 5 .4 : Comparison o f dissolved su b stances o f seaw ater a n d river runoff Constituents River ru n o ff Seaw ater Concentration Ratio o f C on centratio n Ratio o f (parts per thousand) total %0 total %0 constituents co nstituents (salts) in (salts) in percent per cent C hloride (C1‘) 19.3 55.04 7.8 6.5 S o dium (N aT) 10.7 30.61 6.3 5.2 S ulphate ( S O 4 - ) 2.7 7.68 1.2 9.3 M ag n esiu m (M g 2+) 1.3 3.69 / 4.1 3.4 C alciu m ( C a 2") 0.4 1.16 15.0 12.4 P otassium (K") 0.38 1.10 2.3 1.9 C arb o n ate ( C 0 32 ) — — 58.8 48.7 Silica (SiCK) — — 13.1 1 0. 8 N itrate ( N 0 3 ) — ---- 1.0 0.8 S u rp risin g ly , th ere is a lot o f v ariatio n in the c o m p o sitio n o f sea salt and riv e rin e salt as calciu m su lp h a te c o n stitu te s 6 0 p e rc en t o f riv er salin ity w h ile so d iu m c h lo rid e d o m in ates in the salinity o f o c ea n as it a c c o u n ts fo r 77.8 p e rc en t (table 5 . 3 ) o f to tal s e a w a te r sa lin ity . T able 5 . 4 reveals the fact th a t c a lc iu m (C a 2+) in the riv e r w ater (1 5%o) is a b o u t 3 0 tim e s g re a te r th an the calcium in se a w a te r ( 0 . 4 % o ) . R iv e r ru n o ff c o n ­ tains only 2 p e rc e n t o f so d iu m c h lo rid e . T h is is why som e s c ie n tists do n o t a c c e p t th e riv e r ru n o ff as the m a jo r so u rc e o f s a lin ity o f the o cean s b u t it m ay be p o in te d o u t th a t th e m a jo r p o rtio n o f calcium is c o n su m ed by m a rin e o rg a n ism s. T h is asp ect is fu rth er e la b o ra te d a t th e e n d o f th is sectio n . A c co rd in g to an e stim a te th e w o rld riv e rs carry 2.5 x 1015 to 4 x 1015 g ra m s o f d isso lv e d su b sta n c es p e r y e a r in to th e o c ea n s. T h e sec o n d so u rc e o f s e a w a te r sa lin ity is v u l c a n i c it y in th e o c ea n s. It m ay b e re m e m b ered th a t th e re is fre q u e n t v o lc a n ic a c tiv ity a lo n g the d iv e rg e n t p la te b o u n d a rie s re p re se n tin g d iv e r­ g en ce zo n e o f sea flo o r sp re a d in g a n d c o n v e rg e n t p la te b o u n d a rie s re p re se n tin g su b d u c tio n zo n e. T h e se u n d e rs e a v o lc a n ic e ru p tio n s sp ew c h lo rid e an d su lp h a te w h ic h are a d d e d to th e o c e a n w ater. Scanned by CamScanner OCEANOG su lp h ate b r o u g h t b y th e riv e rs in to th e oceans 116 T h e o th e r insign ificant s ° u rc e s o f s e a w a te r saiinity include atmospheric and bio j js s o jve(j C ertain g ases from the atm o sp h e in ocean w ater and contribute to the increase m th ocean salinity. C ertain b io lo g ical in teract.o r also add som e sort o f salt in the oceans. The addition o f salt in se a w a te r from various sources is called s o u rc e or i n p u t . It m ay-be m entioned that the w orld rivers and o th e r s o u ic e s are regularly adding salts in the o cea n w a te r sin ce the origin o f oceans about 3.4 b illion y ears b e fo re present but there has been very in s ig n ific a n t chang e in the salinity o f the o ceans sin ce the last 1.5 billion years. This clearly in dicates c o n s ta n c y in the salinity o f the o cean s w h ich m e an s th ere m ust be som e m e ch an ism o f re m o v a l (o u tp u t) ot salts from the oceans. I f this m e c h a n is m w o u ld have not been o p erativ e the o cea n salin ity w o u ld have substantially increased by now . T h u s it appears that there is annual b alan ce b e tw e e n input o f salts in the o cea n s and o u tp u t (rem o v a l) ot salts from the oceans. T h is state o f b alan ce o f input and output o f salts in the o cean s is called ste a d y s tate equ ilib riu m . The outputs o f salts from the o ceans are called sinks of ocean salinity, w hich include e v a p o ­ ration, salt spray by tidal surges from the oceans, new basalts w h ich are extruded alon g the midoceanic ridges due to div ergen t m o v e m en ts o f plates and resultant sea floor sp read in g, a d s o rp ­ tion etc. T he new ly created basalts from the undersea volcanic activity at the ocean floors and along mid oceanic ridges co n su m e disso lved ions o f m ag nesium , sulphate etc. The p rocess o f ad so rp tio n involves sticking o f cations o f p o ta s ­ sium and m a g n esiu m to clay m inerals w h ich form ferrom ang anese n odules w hich are then e m b e d ­ ded in the ocean floor. W hy certain d isso lv ed ions o f calcium and carb o n a te b ro u g h t by the rivers in ab undance in the oceans acc o u n t for rela tiv e ly low proportion in the se a w a te r salin ity ? T h e an sw er is that the salt ions b ro u g h t by the rivers have long resid en c e tim e, u ltim a tely th e se arc consum ed by certain m arine o rg a n is m s th ro u g h organic p rocesses, and c ertain a m o u n ts are extracted by inorganic processes. S uch e x tra c te d salt ions are e m b ed d ed in s e d im e n ta ry d e p o s its o f the ocean floors. T hus, the p ro p o rtio n o f c a lc iu m su b sta n tia lly re d u c ed . ‘T h e r i v e r - s u p p l i e d io n s ( o f s a lts) rem ain in ocean w a te r fo r a lo n g tim e , b u t e v en tu a lly are ex tra cte d by in o rg a n ic a n d o rg a n ic p ro c e sses and b eco m e p a rt o f the o c e a n ’s s e d im e n ta ry record’ (P .R . P in e t, 2 0 0 0 ). ‘T h e d iffe re n c e in th e re la tiv e com position o f so lu te s in s e a w a te r an d riv e r w a te r is a resu lt o f the re s id e n c e time o f io n s ( o f s a lts ) in th e ocean, w h ich is sim p ly th e a v e ra g e le n g th o f tim e that an ion rem ain s in s o lu tio n th e r e ’ (P .R . P m e t, 2000). It m ay be m e n tio n e d th a t th e re s id e n c e tim e (time taken by an ion o f sa lt to re m a in in so lu tio n form in w ater) o f c a lc iu m h as r e la tiv e ly lo w residence tim e o f 8 x 106 y e ars b e c a u s e th is is c o n su m e d by lim e sec re tin g m a rin e o rg a n is m s . It m ay be m en tio n ed th at c a lc iu m s u lp h a te d o m in a te s in riv er w ater. On th e o th e r h a n d , s o d iu m ions, w hich d o m in ate in o c e a n w a te r h a v e relativ ely long resid en ce tim e o f 2 6 0 x 106 y e a rs in the oceans. Table 5 .5 : Residence tim e o f certain constituents o fse aw ater Substances R e s id e n c e tim e (y ears) C hloride (Cl ) 00 Sodium (Na^) 260 x 1 0 6 Potassium ( K 1) 11 x 10 6 C alcium (C a 2f) 8 x 106 5.4 CONTROLLING FACTORS OF SALINITY T h ere is a w id e ra n g e o f v a ria tio n in the spatial d istrib u tio n o f s a lin ity w ith in th e oceans and the seas. T h e fa c to rs a ffe c tin g th e a m o u n t o f : salt in d iffe re n t o c e a n s a n d se a s a re c a lle d as c o n tro llin g fa c to rs o f o c e a n ic s a lin ity . E v ap o ra­ tio n , p re c ip ita tio n , in flu x o f riv e r w a te r, prevail* ing w in d s, o c ea n c u rre n ts an d se a w a v e s, m elting o f ice etc. are s ig n ific a n t c o n tro llin g facto rs. It m ay be re m e m b e re d th a t th e re is spatial v a ria tio n in to ta l s a lin ity (i.e. c o n c e n tra tio n o f . Scanned by CamScanner SALINITY OF SEAWATER salts per unit w eight o f seaw ater, usually am ount o f salts in gram in one kilogram o f seaw ater) b u t the proportions o f d ifferen t co nstituents o f salin ­ ity do not change, as per ‘p rin c ip le o f c o n s t a n t p r o p o r tio n ’ (alread y d iscu ssed in sections 5.1). The factors and p ro cesses w hich affect spatial distribution o f o cean salin ity are grouped into the follow ing tw o c ate g o rie s : >- factors th at increase ocean salinity, ex­ am ples: ev ap o ratio n , form ation o f ice. >■ factors th at d ecrease ocean salinity, ex­ am ples : p recip itatio n , river runoff, m elt­ ing o f ice. It m ay be m entioned that influx o f fresh w ater from various source reduces seaw ater salinity w hile ex tractio n o f w ater from oceans through ev ap o ratio n and ice form ation increases salin ity o f the oceans. Evaporation T here is direct positive relationship be­ tw een the rate o f evaporation and salinity e.g. g reater the evaporation, higher the salinity and v ice versa. In fact, salt concentration increases w ith rapid rate o f evaporation. Evaporation due to hig h tem perature w ith low hum idity (dry condi­ tion) causes m ore concentration o f salt and overall salin ity becom es higher. For exam ple, salinity is h ig h er n ear the tropics than at the equator because b o th the areas record high rate o f evaporation but w ith dry air over the tropics o f C ancer and C apricorn. A ccording to W ust ( 1 9 3 5 ) the average annual rate o f evaporation in the A tlantic Ocean is 9 4 cm to the north o f 4 0 ° N , 1 4 9 cm at 2 0 ° N and 1 0 5 cm n ear the equator (say thermal equator w hich is at 5 ° N ) . Salinity is 3 4 .6 8 % o at 5 ° N and m ore than 37%o at 2 0 ° N . E vaporation in the southern A tlantic O cean is 1 4 3 cm (per year) at 1 0 ° S and only 4 3 cm at 5°S. In general, subtropical high pressure belts and trade w ind belts record rapid rate o f e v ap o ratio n w hich in creases salinity but cloudy sky w ith high hum idity and influx o f rain w ater (direct and through rivers) lower dow n salinity in the equatorial belt. It may be pointed o ut that salinity also controls evapora­ tion. Ice Formation F o rm atio n o f ice in th e h ig h latitu d es areas o f the oceans in creases se a w a te r salin ity . It m ay be n oted th a t th e fo rm atio n o f ice in th e oceans requires e x tractio n o f se a w a te r and th e re after freezing o f su ch w ater. W h en e v e r te m p e ratu re o f seaw ater b eco m es at o r b e lo w free zin g p o in t, w ater m o lecu les are re m o v e d fro m se a w a te r and are frozen to form sea ice. T h u s, se a ice co n tain s fresh w ater and o n ly less th a n 30 p e rc e n t o f seaw ater salin ity w here w a ter free ze s to fo rm sea ice. F or exam ple, i f the sa lin ity o f s e a w a te r o f a part o f an ocean is 33%o, and i f th e se a w a te r freezes and is changed to sea ice, it c o n ta in s o n ly 30 percent o f seaw ater salin ity o f 33%o, i.e. a b o u t 10%o only. It appears th a t th e sea ice c o n ta in s m ostly fresh w ater. This re su lts in th e re d u c tio n o f volum e o f fresh w ater in the oceans. T h is situ a tio n causes increase in seaw ater salin ity . T h e o p p o site process o f sea ice fo rm ation is m e ltin g o f se a ice, w hich increases volum e o f fresh w a ter an d h e n ce the salinity o f seaw ater is reduced. Precipitation P re c ip ita tio n is in v ersely re la te d to sa lin ity e.g. higher the p recip itatio n , lo w er th e sa lin ity and vice versa. This is w hy th e re g io n s o f h ig h rainfall (equatorial zone) re c o rd co m p arativ ely low er salinity than th e reg io n s o f low ra in fa ll (sub-tropical high p ressure b elts). T he e x tra w a te r in the tem perate regions su p p lied b y m e lt-w a te r o f ice com ing from the p o lar areas in creases th e volum e o f w ater and th erefo re red u ces .salinity. It may be sim ply stated th at th e v o lu m e o f fresh w ater in the oceans is in creased due to h eav y rainfall and thus the ratio o f salt to th e to tal volum e o f w ater is reduced. Influx of River Water Though the riv ers b rin g salt from ,the land to the oceans but b ig and volu m in o u s riv ers p o m dow n im m ense volum e o f w ater into th e oceans and thus salin ity is red u ced a t th e ir m ou th s. F o r exam ple, co m p arativ ely low salin ity is fo u n d n ear the m ouths o f the G anga, the C ongo, th e N izer, the Scanned by CamScanner ■:W OCEANOGRAP 118 A m azon, the St. L aw rence etc. T he effect o f in flu x o f riv er w a ter is m ore p ronounced in the en clo sed seas e.g. th e D anube, the D n eister, the D n e ip er etc. red u ce the salin ity in the B lack Sea (18%o). S alin ity is red u ced to 5%o in the G u lf o f B o th n ia due to influ x o f im m ense volum e o f w ater b ro u g h t by the rivers. O n the other hand, w here ev ap o ration exceeds the influx o f fresh river w aters, there is increase in salinity (M editerra­ nean S ea records 40%o). T here is seasonal v ariatio n o f surface salinity w ith m axim um and m inim um ru n o ff from the land i.e. salinity d ecreases w ith m axim um ru n o ff during rainy season and increases in the season o f m inim um runoff. T he com position o f river w ater in term s o f d isso lv ed substances i.e. ions o f salts, has been show n in ta b le 5.4 w h e re in c a lc iu m sulphate constitutes about 60 percent o f river salinity. Atmospheric Pressure and Wind Direction A nticyclonic conditions w ith stable air and high tem perature increase salinity o f the surface w ater o f the oceans. Sub-tropical high pressure belts represent such conditions to cause high salinity. W inds also help in the redistribution o f salt in the oceans and the seas as w inds drive away m ore saline w ater to less saline areas resulting into decrease o f salinity in the form er and increase in the latter. In other w ords, in the areas o f upw elling o f w ater less saline w ater m oves up from below (and hence low salinity) w hereas the areas w here w ater is piled up, salinity is in­ creased. For exam ple, trade w inds drive away saline w aters from the w estern coasts o f the continents (or eastern m argins o f the oceans) and pile them up near the eastern coasts (or w estern m argins o f the oceans) causing low salinity in the form er area and high salinity in the latter. This is why the G ulf o f M exico records 36%o to 37%o salinity w hereas it is only 34%o in the G u lf o f C alifornia. W esterlies increase the salinity along the w estern coasts o f the continents w hereas they low er the salinity along the eastern coast. Som etim es, w inds m inim ize the spatial variation in salinity. Circulation of Ocean Water O cean c u rre n ts a ffe c t th e s p a tia l d i s t r i h u - t | tion o f salin ity by m ix in g se a w a te rs. E q u a to ria J P w arm cu rren ts d riv e aw ay salts fro m th e w e ste rn co astal areas o f th e c o n tin e n ts a n d a ccu m u late ^ them alo n g th e e aste rn c o a s ta l a re as. The high salin ity o f the M ex ic a n G u lf is p a rtly d u e to this factor. The N o rth A tla n tic D rift, th e ex ten sio n of the G u lf Stream increases sa lin ity , along the n o rth -w estern co asts o f E u ro p e . S im ila rly , salin ­ i t y is red u ced a lo n g th e n o rth -e a s te rn co asts of N. A m erica due to co o l L a b ra d o r c u rre n t. O cean currents h ave le a st in flu e n c e o n sa lin ity in the e n c lo s e d seas b u t th o se m a rg in a l seas w hich have c o m m u n i c a t i o n w ith o p e n sea s through wide openings are c e rta in ly a ffe c te d by currents in term s o f salin ity . F o r e x a m p le , the N o rth A tlan tic D rift raises the sa lin ity o f th e N o rw e g ian and the N orth Seas. A cco rd in g to W u st s a lin ity is affe cted and c o n t r o l l e d m ain ly b y 3 fa c to rs as fo llo w s : • S alin ity is re d u c e d b y p re c ip ita tio n . • S alin ity in c re a se s d u e to e v ap o ratio n . • S alin ity v a rie s d u e to m ix in g o f w a ter o f d ifferen t c h arac te r. The facto rs and p ro c e ss e s w h ic h a ffe c t and control ocean sa lin ity as e la b o ra te d m ay be sum m arized in the fo llo w in g m a n n e r : • S alin ity is re d u c e d d u e p re c ip ita tio n . • S alin ity d e crea se s d u e to in flu x o f river ru n o ff at th e riv e r m o u th s in th e oceans. • S alin ity is re d u c e d d u e to m e ltin g o f sea ice. • S ain ity is in c re a se d d u e to e v ap o ratio n . • S alin ity in c re a se s d u e to h ig h atm os­ p h eric p re ssu re an d a n tic y c lo n ic condi­ tions. • S alin ity is in c re ase d d u e to freezin g o f sea w ater and ic e fo rm a tio n in high latitu d es. • S alin ity v a rie s due to m ix in g o f seaw ater o f d iffe re n t ch arac te r. • O cean cu rre n ts an d p re v a ilin g w inds cause sp atial v a ria tio n in s e a w a te r salin- Scanned by CamScanner 119 SALINITY OF SEAWATER ity. B e s id e s , t h e y a l s o h e l p in t h e m i x in g o f s e a w a te r s a lin ity . There are also tem p o ral variatio n s in s e a w a te r salinity. T he oceans in the northern hem isphere record m ax im u m and m inim um sa lin ­ ity during June (in creased ev ap o ratio n ) and D e c e m b e r (low ev ap o ratio n ) respectively. 5.5 DISTRIBUTION OF SALINITY The average salin ity in the oceans and the seas is 35%o b u t it sp atially and tem p o rally varies in d ifferen t o cean s, seas, and lakes. T he variation in salin ity is b o th h o riz o n ta l and v ertical (w ith d epth). S alin ity also v aries fro m en clo sed seas th ro u g h p artia lly c lo sed seas to o p en seas. Thus, the sp atial d istrib u tio n o f salin ity is stu d ied in tw o w ays e.g. (1) h o riz o n ta l d istrib u tio n , and (2) v ertical d istrib u tio n . F ig. 5.1 sh o w s g en eralized picture o f h o riz o n ta l (la titu d in a l) d istrib u tio n o f su rface salin ity o f seaw ater. • h o rizo n tal o r su rfa ce sa lin ity v a ria tio n . • v ertical o r d ep th sa lin ity v a ria tio n . SEA-SURFACE SAL8INITY (%o) IN AUGUST Fig. 5 .1 : Horizontal (latitudinal) distribution o f surface salinity o f seawater. Horizontal Distribution of Seawater Salinity Horizontal distribution o f surface salinity o f seawater at w orld lev el is studied in relation to latitudes but regional distribution o f seawater salinity in terms o f individual ocean s and seas is eq u ally im p o rtan t in o c ea n o g ra p h y fo r d iffe re n t p u rp o se s, n am ely d e sa lin iz a tio n o f se a w a te r fo r d o m estic p u rp o ses. B esid es th e stu d y o f p a tte rn s o f sp atial d istrib u tio n o f se a w a te r sa lin ity in in d iv id u al o cean s su ch as th e P a c ific , A tla n tic and In d ia n O cean s, th e p a tte rn s o f sp a tia l d istrib u tio n Scanned by CamScanner OCEANOGRAPHY. 120 m o f salin ity o f seaw ater in enclosed seas, en clo sed seas, and open seas is also c Latitudinal Distribution of Seawater Salinity O n an average, salin ity decreases from eq u ato r tow ards the poles. It m ay b e m entio n ed that th e highest salin ity is seld o m reco rd ed n e a th e eq u ato r though this zone records hig h tem p eratu re and ev ap o ratio n b u t h ig h ra in fa ll red u ces the relative p ro p o rtio n o f salt. T hus the eq u ato r accounts fo r only 35% o salin ity . The h ig h e st salin ity is o b serv ed b etw een 2 0 M 0 N ( 3 6 / o o ) because this zone is ch arac te riz ed by hig h tem p erature, h ig h ev ap o ratio n b u t sig n ific a n tly low rain fall. T he av erag e sa lin ity o f 3 5 /oo is reco rd ed b e tw ee n 1 0 ° - 3 0 0 la titu d e s in the so u th ­ ern h em isp h ere. T h e zone b etw ee n 4 0 ° - 6 0 ° latitu d es in b o th the h e m isp h ere s reco rd s low salin ity w h ere it is 31% o and 33% o in the n o rth e rn and the so u th ern h e m isp h ere s re sp ec tiv e ly . S a lin ­ ity fu rth er d ecreases in the p o la r zones b ecau se o f in flu x o f m e lt-w a te r. O n an av erag e, the n o rth e rn and th e so u th ern h e m isp h ere s re c o rd av erag e salin ity o f 34% o an d 35% o re sp ec tiv e ly . O n th e b a sis o f la titu d in a l d istrib u tio n o f su rface sa lin ity o f o cean w a te r (fig. 5.2) 4 zo n es o f o cean salin ity m ay be id e n tifie d as fo llo w s : Temperature zone (10° to 20° la titu d e s Oft o f th e e q u a to r) o f re la tiv e ly low sa lin ity , w h ic h is d u e to e x c e ssiv e rainfall. E q u a to r ia l e i t h e r s i d e (2 ) T r o p i c a l z o n e (2 0 °-30°N a n d S latitu d es) m a x im u m s a lin ity d u e to lo w ra in fa ll, high e v a p o ra tio n an d h ig h a tm o s p h e ric pressun c a u se d b y s u b sid e n c e o f a ir (an ticy clo n i c o n d itio n ). (3) T e m p e r a te zone o f lo w s a lin ity . (4) S u b - p o l a r a n d p o l a r z o n e o f m in im u m salin­ ity d u e to n e g l i g i b l e e v a p o ra tio n , more m e lt w a te r etc. It is a p p a re n t fro m fig . 5 .2 th a t there is in v e rse re la tio n s h ip b e tw e e n te m p eratu re and su rfa c e s a lin ity o f s e a w a te r in th e equatorial zone b u t p o s itiv e re la tio n in th e h ig h latitudes. It m ay b e p o in te d o u t th a t th e m arginal areas o f th e o c ea n s b o rd e rin g th e c o n tin e n ts have lower sa lin ity th a n th e ir c e n tra l p a rts b e c a u s e freshw a­ te r is a d d e d to th e m a rg in a l a re a s th ro u g h the riv e rs. T h e s a lin ity v a rie s in th e o p en seas a c c o rd in g to th e la titu d e s th o u g h it d ep en d s on the o c e a n c u rre n ts b u t th e re is n o c o n tro l o f latitudes o n th e d is trib u tio n o f s a lin ity in th e in la n d seas. S a lin ity o f p a rtia lly e n c lo s e d se a s in th e higher la titu d e s is s e ld o m c o n tro lle d b y la titu d e s rather it d e p en d s o n in flu x o f m e lt w a te r. T h is is w hy the B altic S e a re c o rd s c o m p a r a tiv e ly lo w e r salinity th a n th e N o rth S e a th o u g h th e la titu d in a l extent of b o th th e se a s is th e s a m e . T a b le 5.6 presents la titu d e -w is e d is trib u tio n o f o c e a n ic salinity ® b o th th e h e m is p h e re s . Table 5 .6 : L a titu d in a l salinity d istrib u tio n o f surfac*] N o rth e rn H e m isp h e re L atitu d in al zones S alin ity (%o) 7 0 °- 50° 3 0 -3 1 5 0 ° -4 0 ° 3 3 -3 4 4 0 ° -1 5 ° 1 5 °- 10° North Fig. 5.2 : Latitude South Latitudinal distribution o f surface salinity o f seawater. Source: Thurman and Trujillo, 1999. 35 - 36 34.5 - 35 S o u th ern H e m isp h e re 1 0 ° -3 0 ° 3 5 -3 6 30° - 50° 3 4 -3 5 50° - 70° 33 - 34 Scanned by CamScanner 121 salin ity o f s e a w a t e r Regional Distribution of Surface Salinity R e g io n a l d i s t r i b u t i o n o f s u r f a c e s a l i n i ty o f in th e f o l l o w i n g tw o seaw ater is c o n s i d e r e d w a y s: > Just to the south o f high salinity zone (betw een 15° - 2 0 ° S ) in the southern P acific as referred to above (3 6 % o ) it becom es low along the Peruvian and C hilean coasts (3 3 % o ). Low salin ity is noted infront o f riv er m ouths (Y ellow R iv er = 3 0 % o , and Y angtzekiang = 3 3 % o ). s a lin ity d i s t r i b u t i o n in i n d i v id u a l o c e a n s , and >» s a lin ity z o n e s o f a ll th e o c e a n s to g e th e r . Jenkins has divided the oceans and seas on the basis o f variations in surface salinity into 3 categories as follow s : (1) Seas h a v in g salinity ab ove n o rm a l —(a) Red Sea ( 3 4 - 4 l% o ), (b ) Persian G u lf (3 7 - 3 8 % o ) , and (c ) M editerranean Sea (3 7 - 3 9 % o ) . ( 2 ) Seas h a v in g n o rm a l salinity —(a) C aribbean Sea and G u lf o f M exico (3 5 - 3 6 % o ) , (b) B ass Strait (3 5 .% o ), and (c) G u lf o f C alifornia ( 2 5 - 3 5 . 5% o). ( 3 ) Seas h aving salinity below no rm al —(a) Slightly less; (i) A rctic O cean ( 2 0 - 3 5% o), (ii) N orth A ustralian Sea (3 3 - 3 4 % o ), (iii) B ering Sea (2 8 - 3 3 % o ) , (iv) O khotsk Sea (3 0 - 3 2 % o ) , (v) Japan Sea (3 0 - 3 4 % o ) , (vi) C hina Sea ( 2 5 3 5 % o ), (vii) A ndm an Sea (3 0 - 3 2 % o ), (viii) N orth Sea ( 3 l- 3 5 % o ), (ix) English Channel ( 3 2 - 3 5 % o ) , and (x) G u lf o f St. Lawrence ( 3 0 - 3 2 % o ) ; (b) M uch below : (i) B altic Sea ( 3 2 - 1 5% o ), (ii) H udson B ay ( 3 - 1 5% o). Fig. 5. 3 : Horizontal distribution o f salinity in the P a ­ cific Ocean. Salinity Variation in the Atlantic Ocean Salinity Variations in the Pacific Ocean T here is w ide range o f salinity difference in the Pacific O cean because o f its shape and larger areal extent (fig. 5 . 3 ) . S alinity rem ains 3 4 .8 5 % o near the equator. It increases to 35% o betw een 1 5 ° - 20° latitudes in the northern hem isphere but it becomes still h ig h er (3 6 % o ) in the southern Pacific Ocean betw een the sam e latitudes. S alinity again decreases further n o rth w ard in the w estern parts o f the Pacific w here it becom es 3 1 % o in the Okhotsk Sea and 3 4 % o n ear M anchuria because o f influx o f m elt w ater b ro u g h t by the O yashio current com ing from the B ering S trait and due to weakening o f K uroshio w arm current. S alinity also decreases along the C alifornian, M iddle American and Peruvian C oasts due to tran sfer o f water and upw elling o f cold w ater from below . The average salin ity o f th e A tla n tic O cean is 3 5 .6 7 % o . The h ig h est salin ity is n o t o b se rv e d at the equator rather it is reco rd ed b etw een 15° - 20° latitudes. Salinity reco rd ed at 5 ° N , 15°N a n d 15°S as 3 4 .9 8 % o , 3 6% o and 3 7 .7 7 % o re sp ec tiv e ly in d i­ cates increasing trend o f salin ity fro m e q u ato r tow ards the tropics o f C an cer and C ap rico rn . T h e central zone o f the N o rth A tlan tic O cean lo cated betw een 20°N and 30°N and 20°W - 60°W reco rd s m axim um salin ity (3 7 % o ) and it g ra d u a lly d e ­ creases fu rth er n o rth w ard but w ith v ary in g tren d s. T he eastern m arg in al areas o f th e N o rth A tlan tic bey o n d 40° latitu d e reco rd c o m p arativ ely h ig h e r salin ity than the w estern m arg in (east A m erican co ast) because the G u lf S tream c arrie s salin e w ater from the A m erican co ast to th e n o rth ­ w estern E uropean coast. M ax im u m sa lin ity o f Scanned by CamScanner |P OCEANOGRAPHY 122 37%o in the southern Atlantic is found in B " 8 ^ " demarcated by 12<*S-200S lati t u t o a n d j o w 15°W longitudes. Salinity, there®^ ’ * f 5A decreases southward. It is appare margin salinity is higher along the western margin t h a t hand, records low salinity due to influx o f river; water. Further northw ard sa lin ity co n tin u es to d ecreases as it b e c o m e s 7 to 8%o around Rugen Island. It b e c o m e s as lo w as 2%o in the G ulf 0| B othn ia due to in flu x o f fresh w ater. S a lin ity o f g to 1 l%o is recorded to th e so u th o f S w e d e n (around B orn holm in B a ltic S ea ). T h e Mediterranean Sea V W W VW W kV W W W V'’""'""" ""'' records h ig h sa lin ity d u e to ev a p o ra tio n and little m ixture o f A tla n tic w ater. S a lin ity in crea ses from w vsvvvvw "' .V W W W W 'V 'V /Uv'vVSVNV ftNWWW\XWW'w'VW^ N. America WWW""'"’ Sea ( 3 6 . 5 % o ) to the eastern part ( 3 9 % o ) but it is rem arkably red u ced to 1 7 -1 8%0 in the B la ck Sea the w estern part o f th e M ed iterran ean due to enorm ous v o lu m e o f fresh w a ter brought by the D n eip er, the D a n u b e etc. T here is h igh salinity in the G u lf o f M e x ic o ( 3 6 % o ) and the Caribbean Sea due to m ore sa lin e w ater b rou gh t by the north equatorial current. Salinity V ariations in the Indian Ocean Fig. 5.4: Horizontal distribution o f salinity in the Atlan­ tic Ocean. The spatial d istribu tion o f sa lin ity in the Indian O cean is m ore variab le and c o m p le x than the P a cific and A tla n tic o c e a n s. A n average salin ity o f 3 5 % 0 is fou nd b e tw e en 0 ° - 1 0 ° N but it gradually d ecrea ses northw ard in the B a y o f B en g a l ( 3 3 . 5 % o at 1 0 ° N lat to 3 0 % o at th e m o u th o f the G anga) b eca u se o f in flu x o f im m en se volu m e o f freshw ater brought b y the G anga river. O n the other hand, the A rabian S ea record s higher sa lin ity ( 3 6 % 0) than the B a y o f B e n g a l because there is high er rate o f ev a p o ra tio n due to rela tiv ely le ss hum id co n d itio n s and lo w influx o f freshw ater as com pared to the B a y o f B en g a l. The w estern co a st o f A u stralia records h ig h er salinity h h M la n ™ h ^ rg m b 'f 1 0 ° ' 3 0 0 in th e due to dry w eather. T he p artially e n c lo se d seas al™8 the African coast J?Welling. o f water have high er sa lin ity e.g. it is 37%o at the head and W 3 ° ,r t : r of t , o f the Atlantic Oceans. The N m h y0enclosed s ^as ^ location i„ higher l a ' f e S in ^ of salinity due to more saline water K CCords 34%0 North Atlantic Drift. B a ltic T e a o T f t by tho 40%° in the interior o f th e P ersian G ulf. T he Red S ea r eco rd s th e h ig h e s t s a lin ity (v a ry in g etw een 36%0 and 41%0 in its d ifferen t parts) eca u se o f lo w p recip ita tio n and v ery high evaporation. ’ It m ay be m en tio n ed that spatial distribuion of surface sa lin ity o f the o c ea n s and the seas Is ^ePresented by isohalines w h ic h are the lin es that P^a ces ° f equal sa lin ity at the sea surface (on the m ap). - M Scanned by CamScanner — ': 7• 123 SALINITY OF SEAWATER Vertical Distribution of Salinity N o d efin ite trend o f d istrib u tio n o f salinity w ith depth can be sp elt o u t because b oth the trends o f increase and decrease o f salin ity w ith in creas­ ing depths h ave been observ ed . F or exam ple, salinity at the sou th ern b o u n d ary o f th e A tlan tic is 3 3% o at the su rface b ut it in creases to 3 4 .5 % o at the depth o f 2 0 0 fathom s ( 1 2 0 0 feet). It fu rth er increases to 34.75% at the d ep th o f 6 0 0 fath o m s. On the other hand, su rface salin ity is 3 7 % o at 2 0 ° S latitude but it decreases to 3 5 % o at g re a te r depth. The follow ing ch aracteristics o f v e rtic al d is trib u ­ tion o f salin ity m ay be stated : S alinity increases w ith in c re asin g d ep th from 300 m eters to 1000 m eters in h ig h latitudes i.e. th ere is p o sitiv e re la tio n sh ip b etw een the am o u n t o f salin ity a n d d ep th because o f d en ser w ater b elo w (fig . 4 .1 4 , c h ap ter 4) but salin ity b e co m e s m o re o r less co n stan t b ey o n d 1000 m dep th . Fig. 5.5 : Horizontal distribution o f salinity in the In­ dian Ocean. Salinity Variations in Inland Seas and Lakes T he am ount o f salt in the inland seas and lakes is c o n tro lled by the rate o f evaporation, tem perature, influx o f riv e r w ater and the p re s­ ence or absence o f outlets. W herever a river com es o ut o f a lake or inland sea, salin ity is reduced b ecause salt is taken out o f the w ater bodies by the river. The in flu x o f fresh w ater brought by the riv e r into the lakes and inland seas also low ers dow n the salinity. F o r exam ple, low salinity o f the n o rth ern p art o f C aspian Sea (1 4% o ) is because o f ad d itio n o f eno rm o u s volum e o f water brought by the riv ers like V olga, U ral etc. but it b ecom es as high as 1 7 0 % o in the southern part i.e. the G u lf o f K arabugas. V ery high salin ity is found in G reat S alt lake (2 2 0 % o , U tah, U SA ), Red Sea ( 2 4 0 % o ) , L ake V an ( 3 3 0 % o , T urk ey ), D ead Sea ( 2 3 8 % o ) etc. >- Salinity d ecreases b etw een th e d ep th z o n e o f 300 m eters to 1000 m e te rs in th e lo w latitudes (fig. 4.1 4 , c h ap te r 4 ) b u t it becom es m ore o r less c o n sta n t b e y o n d 1000 m depth. >- It appears from the above m e n tio n e d tre n d s o f v ertical d istrib u tio n o f sa lin ity th a t th e re is rapid rate o f ch an g e o f sa lin ity (b o th increase and d ecrease) in th e d ep th z o n e o f 3 00m -1000m . T his zo n e o f steep g ra d ie n t o f salin ity (fig 4 .1 4 , c h a p te r 4 ) is c a lle d halocline. S alin ity is low at the su rface at th e e q u a to r due to high ra in fall and tra n s fe r o f w a te r th ro u g h e q u ato rial c u rre n ts b u t h ig h e r salin ity is n o ted b elo w th e w a ter su rfa c e . It again b eco m es low at th e b o tto m . M ore stu d ies and d ata o f salin ity d istrib u tio n at re g u la r d ep th s in d iffe re n t o cean s and seas are req u ired so th at d e fin ite ch arac te ristic featu res o f v e rtic al d istrib u tio n o f salin ity m ay be d eterm in ed . »• M ax im u m salin ity is fo u n d in the u p p er lay er o f the o cean ic w ater. S alin ity d e­ c reases w ith in creasin g depth. T h u s, the u p p er zone o f m ax im u m salin ity and the lo w er zone o f m inim um salin ity is sep a Scanned by CamScanner OCEANOGRAF r a te d b y a tra n s itio n z o n e w h ic h is c a lle d as halocline, o n an a v e ra g e ab o v e w h ich h ig h s a lin ity is fo u n d in the low la titu d e s w h ile lo w s a lin ity is fo u n d in th e h ig h la titu d e s. It m a y b e re m e m b e re d th a t this sh o u ld n o t be ta k e n as a g e n e ra l ru le b e ca u se th e v ertic al d is trib u tio n o f s a lin ity is v e ry co m p licated . »• It m ay b e m e n tio n e d th a t the d ep th zone o f o c e a n s b e tw e e n 3 0 0 m and 1000m is c h a ra c triz e d b y v a ry in g tren d s o f vertical d is trib u tio n o f te m p e ra tu re (fig. 4.1 1 , c h a p te r 4 ), d e n sity o f se a w a te r (fig. 4.1 2 , c h a p te r 4 ), and sa lin ity o f o cean w ater (fig. 4 .1 4 , c h a p te r 4). T his zone is c h aracterized b y ra p id ch an g e o f sea w ater den sity (in c re a se in d e n sity w ith in creasin g depth in lo w la titu d e s, b u t co n stan t high den sity in h ig h latitu d es) and is know n as pycnocline, w h ile th is zone rep resen ts rapid decrease o f te m p e ra tu re w ith in creasin g depth upto 1000m in low la titu d es (fig. 4.11, ch ap ter 4 ), and is c alled as therm o dine. O n the o th e r h an d , this zone, re p re se n tin g rapid c h an g e o f salin ity (d ecrease in seaw ater salin ity w ith in c re asin g depth in low la titu d e s, an d in c re ase in sea w ater salin ity w ith in c re asin g d ep th in hig h la titu d e s) is kno w n as h alo clin e (fig. 4.14). It is a p p aren t fro m fig. 4.13 (c h a p te r 4) that th e rm o d in e and pycnocline rev eal opp o site tren d s o f v e rtic al d istrib u tio n o f te m p e ra ­ tu re and d e n sity o f seaw ater, w hile fig. 4 .1 4 show s p o sitiv e re la tio n sh ip betw een salin ity and d en sity o f seaw ater. 5.6 SIGNIFICANCE O F SALINITY T he ocean sa lin ity has sig n ific a n t effects on p h y sical p ro p erty o f sea w ater and o th er aspects o f the o cean s as follo w s : >- T he freezing and b o ilin g p o ints are greatly affected and con tro lled by add itio n or su b stractio n o f salts in seaw ater. T he salin e w ater freezes slow ly in co m p ariso n to fresh w ater. It is know n to all th at pure w ater freezes at the tem p eratu re o f 0°C freezing p oint. I f the salin ity o f seaw ater becom es 35%o then it w ould freeze at the te m p e ra tu re o f - 1.91°C . O n th e o th e r hand, | th e b o ilin g p o in t o f sa lin e w a te r (se a w a te r)1 is h ig h e r th a n fresh w a ter. >■ S a lin ity an d d e n sity o f s e a w a te r are posi­ tiv ely c o rre la te d i. e. th e sa lin ity o f seawater in c re ase s its d e n sity b e c a u s e so lu te s (here s a lts ) in w a te r h a v e g r e a te r atom ic w e ig h t th a n th e m o le c u le s o f fresh w a te r. T h is is w h y m a n is seldom d ro w n e d in th e s e a w a te r w ith v ery high salin ity . >• E v a p o ra tio n is c o n tro lle d b y s a lin ity o f the o cean s. In fa c t, s o lu te s (s a lts) in water lo w ers the ra te o f e v a p o ra tio n in the oceans. T h u s m o re sa lin e w a te r is less e v ap o ra te d th a n le ss s a lin e w a te r. It m ay be m e n tio n e d th a t e v a p o ra tio n a lso controls salin ity o f se a w a te r. M o re evaporation red u ces th e v o lu m e o f s e a w a te r and hence the c o n c e n tra tio n o f s a lts in creases (i.e se a w a te r s a lin ity in c re a s e s). 5=- S p atial v a ria tio n in p e a w a te r salin ity be­ co m es p o te n t fa c to r in th e o rig in o f ocean cu rren ts. T he o c ea n s a lin ity a ffe c ts the marine o rg a n ism s an d p la n t c o m m u n ity . 5.7 IMPORTANT DEFINITIONS A dsorption : T h e p ro c e s s o f adsorption in v o lv es stic k in g o f c a tio n s o f p o ta ssiu m and m a g n e s iu m to c la y m in e r a ls w h ic h form fe rro m an g a n ese n o d u le s w h ic h are th e n embeded in the o cean floor. C hlorinity : C h lo rin ity is th e w eig h t of c h lo rid e ion in a sa m p le s e a w a te r, u s u a lly in one k ilo g ram o f sea w ater. H alo clin e : H a lo c lin e d e n o te s a z o n e ofsharp salin ity ch an g e in th e v e rtic a l se c tio n o f tb® o cean s b e tw e e n 3 0 0 m -1 0 0 0 m d e p th . Principle of constant p ro p o rtio n : T h e princl* p ie o f c o n sta n t p ro p o rtio n sta te s th a t ‘the major d isso lv e d c o n stitu e n ts th a t c o m p rise the salinity o f sea w ater o c c u r n e a rly e v e ry w h e re in the oceans in the e x ac t sam e p ro p o rtio n , independent °* s a lin ity ’. -■ Scanned by CamScanner SALINITY OF SEAWATER Pycnocline: P y cn o clin e is a layer o f seaw ater mass betw een the d ep ths o f 3 0 0 m -1000m w herein there is sharp ch an g e o f d en sity in the vertical section o f seaw ater. S a lin o m e te r : Salinom eter is an instrum ent w hich is used to m easure salinity o f seaw ater very accurately i.e. upto the accuracy o f 0.003%o or even m ore. R e sid e n c e t i m e : T he re sid en c e tim e o f ions Sinks o f ocean salinity : The outputs (w ith­ draw al) o f salts from the oceans are called sinks o f ocean salinity w hich include evaporation, salt spray, new basalts, adsorption etc. (o f salts) in th e o cean s is sim ply the average length o f tim e th a t an ion rem ain s in solution. S a lin ity : S a lin ity is d efin ed as the ratio betw een the w e ig h t o f the d isso lv e d solid m ateri­ als and the w eig h t o f sam ple seaw ater, usually one k ilogram . It is e x p re ssed as p a rt per thousand (%o). T h e r m o c lin e : T herm ocline is the layer o f ocean w ater betw een the depth zone o f 300m 1000m characterized b y sharp change o f tem pera­ ture in the vertical section o f seaw ater. Scanned by CamScanner Scanned by CamScanner > ’T . (X) production, transportation and deposition o f m arine sed im en ts, man's im pact on marine sedim ents, factors o f marine sedim entation, sources o f marine sedim ents, • : ^ ;m ode o f marine sedim entation, ; classification o f marine sedim ents,. lith ogen ic sedim ents, volcan ogen ic sedim ents, b iogen ic sedim ents, hydrogenic sedim ents, classification o f ocean deposits, distribution o f ocean deposits, A T A /f n C D T J F D T ? C T A TMTTTT1 A P T T f W T C 127 128 130 U 'tS w 132 133 .. 134 136 13g 139 24^ , . . __________ Scanned by CamScanner I 6 I MARINE SEDIMENTS AND DEPOSITS 6.1 MARINE SEDIMENTS : NATURE AND SIG­ NIFICANCE T he u n co n so lid ated m aterials, derived from vario u s sources and d ep o sited at the ocean floors are c alled m arine sedim ents, w hich include w eath ered and eroded p articles o f rocks, frag ­ m en ts o f dirt, dust, volcanic ashes, rem ains o f m arin e organism s, fragm ents o f m eteorites etc. T h e settlin g o f m arine sedim ents on the ocean flo o rs is called ‘marine snow fall’. B esides, the b ro k en p arts o f sunken ships and boats through ages have also becom e parts o f ocean floor m aterials. T hus, the ocean floors are the repository of sediments o f various sorts and d ifferen t tim e perio d s and act as the library of the e a rth ’s geological history.’ T he u n co n so lid ated m arine sedim ents are lith ified due to tecto n ic activ ities and thus w e find layered co n so lid ated m aterials on the deep ocean floors. Such co n so lid ated m arine sedim ents are called ocean deposits. In fact ocean deposits includeds both loose and u n co n so lid ated m a te ri­ als lying on the ocean floors, and layered co n so lidated sedim ents in the form o f sed im en ­ tary rocks. It m ay be m en tioned th a t m o st o f the sedim entary rocks o f the earth are o f m arine o rig in i.e. th e se w e re d e p o s ite d in th e o c e a n flo o rs and th e re a fte r w e re fo ld e d a n d d e fo rm e d b y tecto n ic m o v e m e n ts (p la te m o v e m e n ts ) fr o m tim e to tim e. T hus th e stu d y o f m a rin e s e d im e n ts a n d dep o sits in clu d es th e c o n s id e ra tio n o f n a tu re a n d sig n ifican ce o f m a rin e se d im e n ts , th e ir ty p e s a n d sources, p ro cesses o f th e ir fo rm a tio n , m e th o d s o f th eir tra n sp o rta tio n , ty p e s o f o c e a n d e p o s its a n d their horizontal distribution, lith o lo g ica l su c c e ssio n s or v e rtic al v a ria tio n s in th e ir d is trib u tio n a n d co m p o sitio n . T h e sed im en ts d e riv e d fro m w e a th e rin g and ero sio n o f c o n tin e n ta l ro c k s are tra n s p o rte d to the o cean s b y riv e rs, w in d s, g la c ie rs (in h ig h la titu d e s) etc. T h e se d im e n ts d e riv e d fro m w e a th ­ erin g an d e ro sio n o f c o a s ta l ro c k s b y s e a w av es, tsu n am is, tid a l an d s to rm s u rg e s a re re w o rk e d and tra n sp o rte d b y sea w a v e s. It m a y b e m e n tio n e d th at the tra n s p o rta tio n o f m a rin e s e d im e n ts by sea w av es is b i-d ire c tio n a l i.e. fro m th e co asts to w ard s th e sea an d fro m th e s e a to w a rd s the co asts. T h e a n a ly sis o f m a rin e s e d im e n ts cores d e riv e d th ro u g h d e e p d rillin g fro m th e o cean flo o rs p ro v id e s v a lu a b le c lu e s to th e o c e a n o g ra ­ p h ers to re c o n stru c t th e p a st g e o lo g ic a l and Scanned by CamScanner I 1 MARINE s e d im e n t s a n d d e p o s it s tectonic history o f the earth. Thus, the study o f marine deposits is geologically, biologically, culturally and clim atologically very significant as follows : >► The analysis o f nature o f m arine sedim ents in term s o f lithological succession, nature and disposition o f sedim entary beds p ro ­ vides vital proxy data for deciphering the tectonic history o f the earth, m ainly plate m ovem ents. »• The analysis o f sedim ents cores provides vital clues (proxy data) to find out the chronology o f palaeoclim ate. The nature o f sedim ents and fossils o f m arine organ­ isms (both phytoplanktons and zooplanktons) em beded in different layers o f sedim entary deposits provide significant proxy data w hich enable the geologists and clim atolo­ gists to find out the past clim ate changes and sea level fluctuations. >- The nature and patterns o f deposits o f m arine sedim ents on the ocean floors give clue to trace the variations in the flow patterns o f ocean circulation m ainly o f ocean currents. archives o f hum an culture and civilization, science and technology because a large num ber o f sunken ships and boats, subm arines and w arships, w eapons o f various kinds, m issiles etc. in the past centuries lying on the ocean floors have preserved cultural w ealth o f hum ans. Sim ilarly, the ‘ancient m arine sedim ents........are the inform ation high­ w ays into e arth ’s ancient past* (T hurm an and Trujillo, 1999). Thus, ‘the epic stories can be read from the record that is preserved in the vast sedim entary accum ulation on the sea bottom* (P.R . Pinet, 2000 ). The proxy data and clues from the an cien t m arine sedim ents about the aforesaid aspects m ay be sum m arized as follow s : >■ clues about tectonic history o f the earth and plate m ovem ents, >■ reconstruction o f palaeoclim ate, »■ understanding flow pattern o f ocean w ater, m ainly ocean currents, »- evolutionary history o f m arine organism s, »- im pacts o f m eteorites on the com position o f m arine sedim ents, >- T he analysis o f fossils o f m arine organism s em beded in sedim entary layers enables the b io lo g ists to trace the history o f evolution o f m arine life and mass extinction o f m arin e organism s. >- nature o f undersea volcanic eruptions, >■ nature and pattern o f m ovem ent o f ocean floors i.e. sea floor spreading, >- reconstruction o f palaeom agnetism , nutrients supply to m arine organism s, B esides, the analysis o f m arine sedim ents and deposits provides vital clues to the follow ing »■ occurrence o f m ass ex tin ctio n o f m arine organism s, • to assess the im pacts o f m eteorites on the com position o f m arine sedim ents. >- reconstruction o f sea lev el and clim ate changes, • to investigate the nature and frequency o f subm arine volcanic eruptions and the m aterials com ing therefrom . >• cultural heritage from th e sunken ships, and bo ats etc. • to u nderstand the nature and pattern o f m ovem ents o f ocean floors (sea floor spreading) that m ight have taken place in the past geological history o f the earth. • to ascertain the nature o f nutrients supply to m arine organism s. It m ay be subm itted th at the m arine sedim ents and the ocean floors are significant 6.2 PRODUCTION, TRANSPORTATION AND DEPOSITION OF MARINE SEDIMENTS T here are 3 m ain m echanism s o f the production o f m arine sedim ents as follow s : 1. w eathering, 2. erosion, and 3. decay o f shells. Scanned by CamScanner , The continental rocks are weathered through the processes o f disintegration and decomposition S f s m a l l pieces. The weathered and w « t a » d rocks are eroded by different a g e n c i e s o f d e n u d a tion mainly by fluvial prcocesse^ Tte ero“ d materials (sediments) brought to the oceans By rivers. The average annual surface runoff of 40 000 km5 from the continents to the oceans through the rivers transports about 15,000 million to 20,000 million tonnes of sediments per year to the oceans besides 4,000 million tonnes of soluble a r e m ate ria l in su sp e n sio n (A ke S u n d b o rg , 1963). T he Y ello w (C h in a , 1640 m illio n to n n e s/y ea r), the G an g a (In d ia an d B an g la d e sh , 1450 m illio n to n n e s/y e a r), th e A m azo n (B ra z il, 850 m illio n to n n e s/y e a r), th e B ra h m a p u tra (In d ia and B a n g la ­ d esh , 703 m illio n to n n e s/y ea r), the Y an g tze (C h in a , 4 8 0 m illio n to n n e s/y ea r), the Indus (P ak ista n , 435 m illio n to n n e s/y ea r), the M issis­ sippi (U SA , 300 m illion tonnes/year), the Irraw addy (M y n m ar, 300 m illio n to n n e s/y ea r), the R ed (S o c ia list R e p u b lic o f V iet N am , 130 m illio n to n n e s/y ea r) etc. are th e sig n ifican t contribu to rs o f sed im en ts to th e oceans. T he g la ciers in th e hig h latitu d es also brin g glacially e ro d e d sed im en ts in th e oceans. W ind b lo w n sands and d u sts from the coastal lands and h in te rla n d s are d ep o sited in the oceans. T he d ecay an d d eco m p o sitio n o f skeleto n s o f d ead m arin e o rganism s p ro v id e b io g en o u s sedim ents to o cean re p o sito ry . T he ero sio n o f c o astal ro ck s b y m arin e w aves, tid a l and storm surges also pro d u ces su b stan tial q u an tity o f sed im en ts w h ic h are tran sp o rted b y th e sea w aves to the o cean flo o rs. T he e ro d ed m a terials are tra n sp o rte d b y sea w aves in d iffe re n t m an n er b u t th e tra n sp o rta tio n a l w ork o f sea w aves varies sig n ific a n tly fro m o th er agents o f ero sio n and tra n sp o rtatio n . F o r e x am ­ p le, th e b a c k w a s h , or u n d e r t o w c u r r e n t s (m o v in g from the co ast and beach to w ard s th e sea) p ick up the eroded m aterials and tra n sp o rt th e m seaw ard b u t th e u p ru sh in g b r e a k e r w a v e s o r s u r f c u r r e n t s p ick up th ese m a terials and b rin g th em b a c k to th e co ast and beach es. T hus, the tra n sp o rta tio n o f m aterials tak es p la ce fro m c o astlan d to w a rd s sea an d fro m sea to w a rd s th e coast. W h en o b liq u e w av es strik e th e c o ast, lo n g sh o re c u rre n ts are g e n e ra te d . T h e s e lo n g s h o re currents transport the m a te ria ls p a ra lle l to th e sh o re lin e . T h e material* in v o lv e d in th e tra n s p o rta tio n b y sea w a v es in c lu d e sa n d s, silts , g ra v e ls, p e b b le s , c o b b les and so m e tim e b o u ld e rs . W h e n th e re is e q u ilib riu m b e tw e e n in c o m in g su p p lie s o f se d im e n ts by u p ru sh in g b re a k e r w a v es an d re m o v a l o f sed im en ts b y b a c k w a sh o r u n d e rto w c u rre n ts o n th e w a v ec u t p la tfo rm , a p r o f i l e o f e q u i l i b r i u m is a c h ie v e d . I f t h e w a v e -c u t ro c k p la tfo rm is c h a ra c te riz e d by steep slo p e to w a rd s th e o c e a n ic s lo p e th e d e stru c tiv e w a v es b e c o m e v e ry a c tiv e a n d th u s re su lta n t p o w e rfu l b a c k w a sh re m o v e s th e m a te ri­ als fro m th e la n d w ard sid e so th a t th e s lo p e o f e p la tfo rm is lessen ed . O n th e o th e r h a n d , i f th e slope o f th e w a v e -c u t p la tfo rm is le ss ste e p , c o n stru ctiv e w av es b e co m e m o re e ffe c tiv e as th e y fav o u r sed im en ta tio n an d b e a c h d e p o s itio n o n th e lan d w ard side so th a t th e slo p e o f t h e p la tf o r m b eco m es steep er. ‘T h e su rfa c e is th e re fo re c o n ­ tin u ally m o d ified , in su ch a w a y th a t a t e a c h p o m it ten d s to acq u ire ju s t th e rig h t slo p e to e n s u re th a t in co m in g su p p lies o f se d im e n ts c a n b e e a r n e d aw ay ju s t as fa st as th e y are re c e iv e d . A p r o f ile so ad ju sted th a t th is flu c tu a tin g sta te o f b a la n c e is a p p ro x im a te ly a c h ie v e d is c a lle d a p r o f i l e o f e q u i l i b r i u m (A . H o lm e s an d D .L . H o lm e s , 19 7 8 ). A I ] M a n ’s Im p a c t on M a r in e S e d im e n ta tio n H u m a n e c o n o m ic a c tiv itie s a ffe c t th e n a ­ tu re o f c o a sta l e ro sio n , s e d im e n t p ro d u c tio n an d th e ir d e p o sitio n a tle a s t in th e c o n tin e n ta l m a rg in s and c o n tin e n ta l sh e lv e s in a v a rie ty o f w a y s as fo llo w s : D re d g in g o f p o rts a n d h a rb o u rs to im p ro v e n a v ig a tio n c h a n n e ls m o d ifie s th e p a tte rn and v e lo c ity o f w a v es a n d c u rre n ts . T h e m a te ria ls d e riv e d fro m d re d g in g a re g e n e ra lly d u p m p e d at m an y a lte rn a tiv e lo c a tio n s e.g . o ffs h o re lo c a tio n s, sh allo w a re as a d ja c e n t to th e h a rb o u r, o n sh o re sh allo w a re as (to re c la im la n d ), b e a c h e s (to enrich th em ) etc. T h e se d u m p e d m a te ria ls a re r e w o r k e d and d is p e rse d b y w a v e s in a v a rie ty o f w a y s. T h e .Jj d u m p in g o f d re d g e d m a te ria ls o ffs h o re c re a te s > n ew m o u n d s w h ic h m o d ify th e d ire c tio n , stren g th , v e lo c ity an d o v e ra ll p a tte rn o f s e a w a v e s. Som e tim e s sea flo o r is d re d g e d to o b ta in m a te ria ls to re c la im m a rsh y c o a s ta l la n d s o r to re p le n ish e ro d in g b e a c h e s. T h is a c tiv ity d e e p e n s th e se* Scanned by CamScanner p-rv-«:• 129 M A R IN E S E D IM E N T S A N D D E P O S IT S m aterials b ro u g h t by the rivers. T his p rocess has resu lted into rapid rate o f siltatio n o f bays and inlets at the m ouths o f rivers along the M editerranean coast due to ex ten siv e rem o v al o f v eg etatio n (for in­ creasin g the cro p lan d ) and resu ltan t accel­ erated rate o f soil erosion and supply o f enorm ous q u an tity o f sedim ents. floor w hich in tu rn gen erates long w aves w hich ero d e the co astal lan d at re la tiv e ly fa ster rate than the norm al w aves. G ovt, o f In d ia lau n ch ed a m assive pro ject o f 2005 fo r dredg in g the shallow p o rtio n s o f sea to th e so u th o f T am il N adu coast in o rd er to c o n n ec t the B ay o f B engal and the G u lf o f M an a r th ro u g h P a lk S trait in o rd er to facilitate easy an d sm o o th m o v em en t o f co m m er­ cial ships b e tw ee n east and w e st coasts o f the country. T hus c irc u m -n a v ig atio n o f Sri L anka w ould be avoided . T he p ro je c t w as launch ed after p ro p er an aly sis o f e n v iro n m en tal co n ditio n s o f the area su ch as m arin e, lan d and socio-econom ic en v iro n m en t and p ro p e r env iro n m en tal im pact assem ent. T he project also ensures to protect m arine ecological resources m ainly coral reefs in the G u lf o f M anar and P alk B ay. T he w ork on the pro ject has been stopped due to religious objection. ‘S e th u sa m u d r a m ’ in July, M a n ’s activ ities also affect sed im en to lo g ical c h a r a c te r i s t ic s o f coastal environm ent o f seas and o cean s as follow s : »- T h e re is additional supply o f w aste m ateri­ als com ing out o f quarrying in the coastal zo n es. T hese m aterials are rew orked and d isp e rse d by sea w aves and thus these m a te ria ls are deposited in certain localities a n d n ew b each es are form ed (exam plep ro g ra d a tio n o f beach ridge plain on the e ast c o a st o f Ju tlan d , D enm ark, due to d u m p in g o f w aste m aterials com ing out fro m c h alk quarry). >• A rtific ia l re p le n ish m en t o f eroded beaches due to a lte ra tio n o f sed im en t supply caused b y c o n stru ctio n o f b re a k w aters. >- Q u arry in g o f b each es to o b tain b u ild in g m a te ria ls leads to ero sio n o f co astal land becau se o f d ep letio n o f b each and d irect exposure o f co ast to severe w ave attack and thus a d d itio n a l sed im en ts are p ro d u ced w hich are th e n d e p o site d in th e oceans. >■ D e v eg e ta tio n and e x ten siv e c u ltiv atio n , in the im m ediate h in te rla n d s o f the c a tc h ­ m ents o f th o se riv ers w hich drain the coast, re su lt in p ro g rad a tio n o f coastal lands, p h en o m en al g row th in b each es and deltas b ecau se o f in creased supply o f fluvial >■ C o n stru ctio n o f dam s and re serv o irs on m ajor riv ers (w hich d rain into the seas) rev erses the p ro cess o f g ro w th o f beaches and deltas b ecau se the dam s trap the sedim ents and force them to settle dow n in the reserv o irs and th erefo re su p p ly o f fluvial sedim ents th ro u g h the riv e r m ouths is m arkedly reduced. T his resu lts in rapid rate o f erosion o f beaches and d eltas w hich causes retro g rad atio n . It has b een rep o rted that the N ile d elta is su fferin g fro m severe w ave erosion w h ich is p ro d u cin g m ore sedim ents. T he shoreline is re c ed in g a t the rate o f 40m per y ear since th e co m p letio n o f A "w an H igh D am in 1970. M an ’s attem pts to reduce or stop co astal erosion and th erefo re to check re tro g ra d a tio n on the one hand and to p rom ote d e p o sitio n to encourage p ro g rad atio n on the o th er h an d have not been successful because o f co m p lex n a tu re o f m echanism s o f coastal p ro cesses, b o th e ro sio n al and depositional. T hese direct attem p ts o f m an to m anipulate and m odify coastal p ro cesses for specific purposes (to h a lt ero sio n at h arb o u rs, to b uild b each es, to rep len ish alread y d ep leted beaches, to open in lets to en co u rag e sea tran sp o rt etc.) b rin g in changes in n earsh o re topography, m ech an ism o f w ave and c u rren t actio n s and co astal erosion, n atu re and p attern o f sedim ent m o v em en t and d ep o sitio n on the adjacent part o f the co ast w h ere stru ctu ral w orks have been in itiated , as follow s : ^ C o n stru ctio n o f d ifferen t types o f sea walls along the sea coasts to check c liff erosion leads to d ep letio n o f sea beaches because (1) the supply o f sands and shingles from c liff ero sio n is stopped due to protection p ro v id ed by sea w alls p arallel to the coast^ and (2) sea w aves after stn k in g p o w crfu l y ag ain st th e sea w als sco u r the beaches and Scanned by CamScanner OCBANOGRAF 130 rem ove the materials to be deposited on ocean floors. 'The construction o f breakwaters to shelter the harbours and the estuanes o f river m ouths results in accumulation o f sands and sin gles and formation o f beaches on the updrift side o f breakwaters whereas beaches are eroded on the downdrift side o f b reakw aters b e c a u se of m arked reduction in the transport o f sedim ents downdrift. It appears from the above discussion h um an econ om ic activities not only affect b _ m od ify the patterns o f coastal erosion by s e i w aves, transport o f sedim ents and their deposition o f ocean beds. Factors of Marine Sedimentation The processes o f sedim entation i.e. deposi* tion o f marine sedim ents on ocean beds are affected and controlled by the fo llo w in g 3 major factors • q u an tity (d en sity ) o f m arin e sed im en ts Factors o f M arine • size and shape o f p articles Sedim entation • energy co n d itio n o f cu rren ts at the site o f d e p o sitio n ) A s sta te d earlier, the rivers are the m ajo r tra n sp o rtin g ag en ts o f m arine sedim ents. The c o n tin e n ta l ro ck s are eroded by surface ru n o ff and riv ers and th e ero d ed m aterials are b rought to the o cean s by th ese rivers. T hese sed im en ts are p ick ed up by sea w aves and cu rren ts and are d ep o sited on sea flo o r u n d er v ary in g co n d itio n s. It slow rate o f m ay be m entioned that terrig en o u s eroded sedim ents (o f c o n tin e n tal o rig in ) are rew o rk ed and d is­ p ersed by sea w a v es an d cu rren ts before they are fin a lly d e p o site d on sea floor. T he rate o f se d im e n ta tio n d e p e n d s on the rate o f ero sio n o f co n tin e n tal ro ck s su c h as slow or ra p id rate o f ero sio n . slow rate o f w e ll sorted sed im ents sed im en ta tio n e.g . coarse sands, fin e sands, silt, m ud etc. ero sio n ra p id rate o f p oorly sorted sed im ents se d im e n ta tio n e .g . m ix e d sed im en ts such as g ra v els m ix ed w ith sands or m ud m ixed w ith sands. I f the continental rocks are resistant to erosion , they are eroded very slo w ly and hence there is very lo w supply o f sed im ents by the rivers to the ocean s and hence sea w aves and currents have enough tim e to rework and disperse them . W ith the result the terrigenous sed im ents are sorted b y the currents a ccord in g to their size> shape and quantity b efo re th ey settle dow n on the sea flo o rs. For ex a m p le, sands are graded into coarse and fin e ca teg o ries. T he terrigenous sed im ents grade from bou lders to co b b les, peb­ b le s, gravels, silt, sands, m ud etc. On the other Scanned by CamScanner v<'' •- ,••;-/"j7 131 MARINE s e d i m e n t s a n d d e p o s i t s h a the w eaker and less re sista n t continen tal ks are rapidly ero d ed w ith the resu lt th ere is h ^ h rate o f sed im en t supply and th e currents do not have required tim e to so rt out the sedim ents from large size to sm aller size. T hus, rap id rate o f supply o f sedim ents resu lts in the dep o sitio n o f mixed sedim ents. T he q u a n t i t y or d e n s ity o f sedim ents also c o n tro ls so rtin g o r n o n -so rtin g o f sedim ents b e fo re th e y are d ep o sited . T he large quantity o f sed im en ts w ith larg e size increases the density and h en ce h ig h d en sity sed im en ts are depositedm ore quickly than low density sedim ents. It m ay b e n o te d th a t the rate o f sedim en tatio n d eterm in es the deg ree o f so rtin g o f p a rtic le s. T hus, h ig h d en sity sed im en ts are p o o rly s o rte d w hile low d en sity sed im en ts are w e ll s o tte d b e fo re th ey are d ep o sited in lay ers o n th e sea floors. T h e th ird im p o rtan t fa c to r o f m a rin e s e d i­ m en tatio n is the energy condition (e n e rg y le v e l) o f b o tto m cu rren ts at th e site o f d e p o sitio n (se a floor). T he g rain size o f sed im en ts is p ro p o rtio n a l (p o sitiv ely co rre la ted ) to th e e n e rg y le v e l o f b o tto m cu rren ts at the tim e o f s e d im e n ta tio n o n sea floor. strong h ig h energy d ep o sitio n o f c o a rse r currents lev el sed im en ts w eak low energy d e p o sitio n o f fin e currents level sed im en ts T he stro n g b ottom currents are ch aracter­ ized by sw iftly m oving turbulent w ater. Such sw ift an d tu rb u le n t w ater carries fine sedim ents in su sp en sio n an d h e n ce does n o t allow them to settle dow n. T h u s, stro n g b o tto m currents o f high energy le v el a llo w on ly c o arse r sedim ents to settle down. O n th e o th e r hand, w eak b o tto m currents denote low e n e rg y lev el an d thus cannot carry coarser sed im en ts, ra th e r th e y tra n sp o rt only fine sedim ents. T h u s, w e ak c u rre n ts o f low energy level d e p o sit o n ly fine sed im en ts. It, th u s, becomes e v id e n t th a t th e an aly sis o f grain size o f sediments, d e p o site d on sea flo o r, m ay rev eal the energy c o n d itio n s at th e tim e w h en the sed im en ts were dep o sited on th e b o tto m , ‘fin e g rain ed sedim ents d en o te lo w -e n e rg y c o n d itio n ; co arse sedim ents, h ig h e n erg y c o n d itio n s ’ (P. R. P in et, 2000). Sources of Marine Sediments T he m arin e sed im en ts are d e riv e d and supplied fro m 4 m a jo r so u rces as fo llo w s : ^ te rrig en o u s o r lith o g e n o u s so u rce, ^ b io g en o u s so u rce o r o rg a n ic so u rce, >■ h y d ro g en o u s so u rce, and >■ co sm o g en o u s source. T he above m e n tio n e d so u rc es o f m a rin e sedim ents m ay be a lte rn ativ ely g ro u p e d in to th e follow ing 3 categ o ries : >- ex tern al so u rce (te rrig en o u s s o u rc e ) »- in tern al source (b io g en o u s a n d h y d ro g ­ enous so u rces) >■ co sm o g en o u s so u rce T he te rrig e n o u s or lith o g en o u s s o u rc e o f m arin e sed im en ts in c lu d e s w e a th e rin g an d e ro ­ sio n o f c o n tin e n tal ro c k s an d tra n s p o rt o f e ro d e d m a te ria ls by th e riv e rs; c o a sta l e ro sio n by s e a w av es; and g la cial e ro sio n o f c o n tin e n ta l ro c k s and th e ir tra n sp o rt b y g la ciers to th e sea s in h ig h la titu d e s. T h e w in d s also tra n sp o rt d u sts a n d san d s fro m the h in te rla n d s o f th e c o a sts to th e o cean s. T h e te rrig e n o u s so u rce c o n trib u te s ro c k frag m e n ts o f v a ry in g size s su ch as b o u ld e rs , p e b b les, c o b b les, g ra v e ls e tc., q u a rtz sa n d s , q u a rtz silt, clay , d u sts etc. T h e b io g e n o u s s o u r c e o f m a rin e s e d im e n ts c o m p rises th e p ro c e sse s o f d e ca y a n d d e c o m p o s i­ tio n o f sh ells an d sk e le to n s o f m a rin e o rg a n is m s Scanned by CamScanner OCEANOGl in situ. Su ch sed im en ts are grouped in tw o broad ca teg o ries o f (1 ) calcium carbonate (calcareous o o z e s ) and sh e lls o f m arine organism s and fragm ents o f corals, and (2 ) silic a (silic e o u s o o z e s). T he b iogen ou s sed im ents o f calcium carbonate are produced in warm sea surface w ater w h ile th ose o f silic a are generated in cold sea surface water. T h e hydrogenous source o f m a rin e se d im e n ts in c lu d e s th e se d im e n ts d e riv e d fro m p re c ip ita tio n o f d is so lv e d s u b sta n c e s d u e to c h e m ic a l re a c tio n s su ch as p h o s p h o rite s (p h o s p h o ro u s ), o o lite s (c a l­ ciu m c a rb o n a te ), m e ta l su lfid e s (c o p p e r, silv e r, z in c, iro n , n ic k e l e tc .), e v a p o rite s (su c h as g y p su m a n d so m e salts). T h e cosmogeneous source o f m arin e sedim ents in c lu d e s th e s e d im e n ts p ro d u c e d fro m the c o lli­ sio n o f m e te o rite s in th e sp a c e an d thus the space d u s ts so p ro d u c e d d ire c tly fa ll in to the oceans. B e s id e s , th e v o lc a n ic d u sts and ashes, w h ic h are e je c te d th ro u g h c o n tin e n ta l v o lcan ic e ru p tio n s , a re c a rrie d aw ay by th e atm o sp h eric c irc u la tio n a n d fin a lly th ey fall dow n th ro u g h p re c ip ita tio n in to th e oceans. Mode of Marine Sedim entation T h e p ro c e ss e s o f m a rin e sed im en ta tio n m ay b e g ro u p e d in to the fo llo w in g tw o c ate g o rie s . >- b u lk d e p o sitio n (b u lk em p lacem en t) >- re ta il d e p o sitio n T h e process of bulk deposition o f m arine s ed im en ts, g e o lo g ic a lly b e tte r k n o w n as bulk emplacement, in v o lv e s th e slu m p in g o f sed im en ts en m ass in c lu d in g all ty p e s o f te rrig e n o u s and b io g e n ic se d im e n ts d ow n th e u n d e rsea slope u n d er th e fo rce o f g rav ity . T he riv ers u n lo ad h uge am o u n t o f te rrig e n o u s sed im en ts o f v ary in g sizes (v ery c o arse to v e ry fine g ra in e d p a rtic le s) in the w aters o f c o n tin e n tal m a rg in s and in n er c o n tin e n ­ ta l sh elves. T h e c o n tin u o u s b u ild up o f terrig en o u s m a te ria ls cau ses slo p e in sta b ility due to ste e p e n ­ ing o f slo p e o f heaps o f deb ris. T h is cau ses in crease in g ra v ity fo rce w h ic h in tu rn cau ses m ass m o v e m e n t o f m a te ria ls to w a rd s th e ou ter co n tin e n tal sh elv e s and c o n tin e n tal slo p e in the form s o f d e b ris slu m p , d e b ris flow , m ud flo w etc. It is im p o rta n t to n o te th a t b e d d in g s o f sed im en ­ ta ry la y e rs o f te rrig e n o u s s e d im e n ts a re seldom : d is tu rb e d , ra th e r th e y a re m a in ta in e d w h ile they? are s lu m p e d en m a ss d o w n th e slo p e u n d e r the fo rc e o f g ra v ity . M a ssiv e u n d e rs e a slid e s also o c c u r in d e e p se a a re a s b u t su c h slid e s a re not c o m p a ra b le to b u lk slid e s o f te rrig e n o u s sed im en ts b e c a u s e th e fo rm e r (u n d e rs e a s lid e s) is c a u se d by te c to n ic a c tiv itie s o n th e s e a flo o r, w h ile th e la tte r is c a u se d b y g ra v ity a lo n e. T h e slu m p e d se d im e n ts in th e fo rm o f m u d flo w s, k n o w n as slurries a re p ic k e d u p by p o w e rfu l b o tto m c u rre n ts, c a lle d as turbidity currents, a n d th u s th e se tu rb id ity c u rre n ts a re lad en w ith s lu rrie s a n d m o v e d o w n th e c o n tin e n ta l slo p e u n d e r th e fo rce o f g ra v ity . A s th e se s lu rry ­ laden b o tto m tu rb id ity c u rre n ts d e sc e n d to d e e p sea p lain , th e ir v e lo c ity is slo w e d d o w n a n d h e n c e th ey u n lo a d c o a se r se d im e n ts o n th e s e a flo o r first. F u rth e r m o v e m e n t o f th e se c u rre n ts c a rrie s fine sed im en ts in su sp e n sio n w h ic h a re fin a lly d e p o sited on fla t sea flo o rs (fig . 6 .1 ). It m a y b e m en tio n e d th a t th e d e p o sitio n o f se d im e n ts b y turbidity currents show s graded beddings o f sedim ents w h erein the size o f se d im e n ts b e c o m e s fin e r fro m th e b o tto m u p w ard . In o th e r w o rd s, v e ry c o a rse sed im en ts are d e p o site d at th e se a flo o r w h e re a s fine sed im en ts are d e p o site d in th e u p p e rm o s t lay er o f sed im en ts. T he c o n e -sh a p e d d e p o sits o f g rad ed m a terials at th e m o u th s o f su b m a rin e can y o n s are c a lle d deep sea fans. T h e g la c ie rs re so rt to b u lk d e p o sitio n o f te rrig e n o u s m a te ria ls in the o cean s in h ig h la titu d e s b y th e p ro c e s s o f ice rafting. T he ice ra ftin g in v o lv e s th e tra n s p o rt o f terrig e n o u s se d im e n ts e m b e d e d in th e ic eb e rg s. T he ice sh eets a sso c ia te d w ith c o n tin e n ta l g la­ ciers in p o la r re g io n s c arry c o n tin e n ta l sed im en ts. W h en the ice sh ee ts are b ro k e n a n d d islo d g e d fro m th e g la c ie rs, th e y flo a t as ic e b e rg s o n sea su rfa ce and are c a rrie d aw ay b y o c e a n currents into d eep sea a re a w h ere th e y b e g in to m elt. Thus th e e m b ed e d se d im e n ts are re le a s e d a n d settle d o w n on sea flo o rs. T h e retail sedimentation in v o lv e s deposition o f se d im e n ts p a rtic le b y p a rtic le in th e sam e way as flak es o f sn o w fall d o w n o n th e la n d o n e by one. T h is is the re a so n th a t fa ll d o w n o f p a rtic le s one by o ne on sea flo o r is c a lle d marine snowfall • Scanned by CamScanner f S ll. MARINE SEDIMENTS AND DEPOSITS Wind-blown volcanic ash wind-blown d usts and sa n d s S e a Level Retail Sedim enta­ tion B iogen ous S ed im ents Retail Sedim entation Settling d u sts and sa n d s Settling of S ed im ents V *V *Z /Z Z y # V A V .W Z Z » V Z Z y Z Z Z /Z Z Z Z Z Z Z y Z tStt'SJtZZ//ZZZ/ / / / W W / i V ' / ' ' "ZZ.VZZZZZ ■ i H M / M W ' W W A ' i ' VZZ/ZZZZZZZZ/Z.VZZZZZZZ/" > " -V.'ZZ ......... W/WWw""""'""' " " >t _ S e a Floor ______„ . f..fy ” ! ! ! ! = = = r = = = = = = = ^ ^ " " ' '■ / ' f t V ,,,. , . . V ,, ,/ Authigenic S ed im en ts rz z y zz zz zz zz zz zz zz zz zz zy y /zz y y yyyy y y y " " •.v z y z - v /z z y z /y z z z z /z z /z z z z /z z z z /z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z -- //y y y y y y y y z z z z z z z /z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z / yyy/ y y y y y y z z z z z y z /z zz zz zz zy z zz zz zz zz zz zz zz zz zz zz z zz zz zz z> ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZi 'ZZZZZZZZZ/ZZZZZZZZ. V/ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ. /zzzzzzzzzz/z/zzzzz. yyzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz, 'y y z z z z z z z z /z z z z z z z . VZZZ/ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ. vzzzzzzzzz/zzzzzzz. C l£ £ iV s * * v » v v v v z z z A V z z z z z /z y v /z z z z z /z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z y y y y z .' ' - ' tw v v w z z z z z z z z z y y y z y y z y y z y z z z z z z z z z z z y y z y y z z y /z y z z z z z z z z z /y z.> zzzzzy // / >/ Fig. 6.1: Mode o f marine sedimentation : bulk emplacement, and retail sedimentation. 6.3 C L A S S IF IC A T IO N O F MARINE S ED IM EN TS The m arine sedim ents register large varia­ tions in term s o f th eir origin and form ation, size and shape, com position, locational aspect etc. because they are derived from various sources such as (1) lithogenous (terrigenous) sources wherein sedim ents are produced due to w eather­ ing and erosion o f continental rocks, and m arine volcanic islands, (2) biogenous sources, w hich provide sedim ents through decay and disinteg ra­ tion o f m arine plants and anim als, (3) h y d ro g ­ enous sources w hich include the precipitates o f dissolved su b sta n c e s in o cean w a ter, (4) cosmogeneous source w herein sedim ents are produced due to collision o f m eteorites in space and thereafter these sedim ents fall in the oceans. Thus, m arine sedim ents involve four m ajor categories o f (1) terrigenous or lithogenous sediments, (2) biogeneous sedim ents, (3) hydrog- enous sedim ents, and (4) cosm ogenous sedim ents. The sedim ents derived from the above m en tio n ed 4 m ajor sources are alternatively n a m ed as inorganic sedim ents (terrigenous sed im en ts), o r­ ganic sedim ents (biogenous sedim ents), calcare- . ous and siliceous sediments (hydrogenous sedim ents) etc. Thus, on the basis o f sources and m ode o f form ation m arine sedim ents are classified into the follow ing categories : 1. T e r r i g e n o u s (lithog enic) m a r i n e sed im en ts (1) con tin en tal lithogenous sedim ents (2) s u b m a rin e sedim ents v o lc a n ic lith o g e n o u s ’ , exam ples : (i) gravels (ii) sands (iii) silt . . • ■ ■ . ■. • " Scanned by CamScanner OCEANOGRAPHY* (iv ) clay (v ) m ud to clay p articles) w h ich are p ro d u ced by w eather­ ing and erosion o f o nly co n tin en tal rocks. (a) blu e m ud (b) green m ud (c) red m ud 2. B io g e n o u s m a r i n e s e d im e n ts (1) n e re tic sedim ents (2) p e lag ic sedim ents e x am p les : (i) calcareous oozes (ii) pteropod oozes (iii) globigerina oozes (iv) siliceous oozes (v) radiolarian oozes (vi) diatom oozes 3. H ydrogen ous m arine sedim ents (authigenic sedim ents) (1) m anganese nodules (2) phosphates (3) oolites (C aC o3, lim estone particles) (4) m etal sulfides (5) gypsum , halite, other salts 4. C o sm o g e n ic m a rin e sedim ents (1) space dusts (2) m eteors particles (i) iron-nickel m eteorites (ii) silicate chondrites 5. V o lc a n o g e n ic m a r i n e sed im ents v o lcan ic dusts v o lcan ic ashes 1. Terrigenous (Lithogenic) Sediments T he lith o g e n ic sedim ents are derived from the w eath erin g and erosion o f rocks ^lith o s rocks, stones, genic/genous = genera - to p ro ­ duce) w h eth er on land (lithosphere) or in the oceans (w eath erin g and erosion o f sea volcanic islan d s), w hereas terrigenous (terri = lands, g en ere = to p ro d u ce) sedim ents include only those sed im ents o f v ario u s sizes (ranging from boulders T he co n tin en tal ro ck s are d isin teg rated and decom posed due to v ario u s ty p es o f w eathering and thus fine to coarse sed im en ts are produced. T hese sedim ents o f c o n tin en tal o rig in are called terrig en o u s m aterials w h ich are b ro u g h t to the rivers. B esides, rocks are also ero d ed b y surface ru n o ff and stream s th ro u g h the p ro cesses o f surface w ash, splash erosion, sheet w ash, rainw ash, rill and gully erosion, lateral and v ertical erosion o f valleys by rivers. T he w eath ered and eroded m aterials are carried by the riv ers and are ultim ately unloaded into the o ceans and seas. ‘Som e 15,000 to 20,000 m illion tonnes o f so lid m aterials are discharged through the riv ers to the oceans annually. To this can be in clu d ed a to tal o f about 4,000 m illion tonnes o f soluble m aterials. This m eans that for every cubic m e te r o f w a ter reaching the sea an average o f ab o u t h a lf a kilogram o f sedim ents is carried aw ay fro m the continents’ (Ake Sundborg, 1983). The terrigenous sedim ents can be d ep o sited in various locations o f oceans, nam ely bays and lagoons near the coasts, at the m ouths o f riv ers in the form s o f deltas, in the riv er estuaries, p arallel to the coasts form beaches. The terrig en o u s sedim ents brought by the rivers to the oceans are also carried away and rew orked by sea w aves and currents. The turbidity currents carry sed im en ts to deep ocean basins. In the high latitudes g laciers dum p glacially eroded m aterials into the fiords. M ost o f terrigenous m aterials are deposited in the areas o f continental m argins and inner continental shelves but high b u ild up o f terrigenous sedim ents on continental shelves form s heaps (m ounds) o f sedim ents w ith steep slope. Thus the sedim ents slide dow n enm ass u n d er the im pact o f gravity along the continental slope. T he turbidity currents disperse these sed im en ts on deep sea floor. The slum ping o f sedim ents is called bulk e m p la c e m e n t. The m ode o f bulk and retail s e d i ­ m entation has been explained in the p r e c e d i n g section. The distribution o f terrigenous sediments on sea floor is ubiquitous i.e. w idespread (omni- Scanned by CamScanner 135 MARINE SEDIMENTS AND DEPOSITS present). In o ther w ords, terrig en o u s sedim ents have been found alm ost in all p arts o f the oceans but m ost c o n cen tratio n is found in the continental m argins and c o n tin en tal shelves. O nly traces o f terrigenous sed im en ts have been found on deep sea plains. T he fine p articles are picked up by prevailing w in d s from tro p ical and subtropical deserts an d are carried far aw ay from the c o n tin ents to the deep ocean w here these particles fall d o w n and settle dow n on deep sea plains p a rtic le b y particle, this process o f sedim entation in called retail deposition. T h e settlin g o f fin e m aterials p a rtic le a fte r p a rtic le in the deep sea is called marine snowfall. It is, th u s, ev id en t th at th e great d eserts o f A sia (A rab ian and T h ar d eserts), A frica (S ah a ra and K a lah a ri), S o u th A m erica (A catam a), and A u stra lia are p o o ls o f fine p articles to be d e p o sited in th e o cean s. T he te rrig e n o u s sed im en ts are co m p o se d m ostly o f quartz m ineral. T he tex tu re o f te rrig en o u s sedim ents is d eterm in ed on th e b a sis o f g ra in size for w hich th e fo llo w in g Wentworth scale is u sed . Table 6 .1 : W entworth scale o f grain size for sedim ents S edim ents type Size range G rain size E n erg y c o n d itio n s C o arse-g rain ed H ig h en erg y F in e -g rain e d L o w e n e rg y (d iam eter in m illim eters) Gravels Sand mud colloide 1. boulder > 256 2. cobble 65 - 256 3. pebble 4 - 64 4. granule 2 -4 1. very coarse 1-2 2. coarse 0.5 - 1.0 3. m edium 0.25 - 0.5 4. fine 5. very fine, 0.0625 - 0.125 1. silt 0.0039 - 0.0625 2. clay 0.0002 - 0.0039 0.125 - 0.25 < 0.0002 S in ce there is m uch v a riatio n in the size and shape o f te rrig e n o u s m a te ria ls, th ere is m ark ed gradation o f th ese m a te ria ls w hen they are deposited in the ocean , i.e. c o a rse r and la rg e r sedim ents (b o u ld e rs, c o b b les an d p e b b les) are deposited n e a r the c o a st and the siz e o f sed im en ts becom es sm a lle r and fin e r a w ay fro m the coast. V ery fine sed im en ts a re k ep t in su sp e n sio n in the offshore reg io n s. O n the b a sis o f size, c o m p o si­ tion, and c h em ica l c h a ra c te ris tic s te rrig e n o u s sedim ents are d iv id e d into g ra v e ls, san d s and silt, clay and m uds, (ta b le 6.1). Gravels : T h e d ia m e te r o f g ra v e ls ra n g e s fro m 2 m m to 25 6 m m . T h e re is m a rk e d g ra d a tio n in th e size o f g rav els. T h e fo llo w in g are su b -ty p e s o f g ra v e ls o n th e b a sis o f d ia m e te r o f p a rtic le s (fig u re s in th e b ra c k e ts in d ic a te d ia m e te r) ? | boulders ( > 2 56 m m ), cobbles (65 - 256 mm),pebbles (4 to 64 m m ), granules (2 to 4 ) m m ) e ttv S in ce th e se se d im e n ts a re v e ry la rg e in size, th e se are d e p o site d n e a r th e c o a st on th e continent sh elv e s by h ig h en erg y cu rre n ts. T h ese sedim enl are fu rth e r re d u c ed in size d u e to fu rth f d is in te g ra tio n cau se d b y sea w av es. G rav els b ro u g h t to th e o c ea n s b y th e riv ers. Scanned by CamScanner o c e an o g ra p h y 136 S a n d s : T he sedim ents v ary in g in diam eter from 2 mm to 1/16 m m are term ed sands. On the b a sis of size of g rains sands are classified into five ty p e s viz. (fig u res in the brack ets denote d ia m ­ eter). (i) very coarse sands (1 to 2 m m ), (ii) c o a rs e sands (0.5 to 1 m m ), (iii) medium sands (0.25 to 0.5 m m ), (iv) fine sands (0.725 to 0.25 m m ), and (v) very fine sands (0.0625 to 0.125 ram). The d isin te g ra tio n and com m unition o f continental ro c k fragm ents into fine sedim ents produces sands w hich are deposited in the oceans by rivers, su rface w ash and w inds. T here is m arked grada­ tio n o f sand deposits in the oceans i.e. coarser sands are deposited close to the coast w hile fine sands are deposited aw ay from the coast. Silt, C lay a n d M u d : The finer sedim ents ranging in diam eter from 1/32 mm to 1/8192 mm are grouped under the category silt, clay and mud (silt = 1/32 m m to 1/256 m m , clay = 1/256 mm to l/8 1 9 2m m ). M ud is still finer than clay. Some tim es, silt and clay are included in the category o f mud. C lay is significant cem enting elem ent. These m aterials are brought from the continents by the rivers. C lay and m ud are deposited in calm seaw ater by low energy currents. G enerally, these deposits are found at the depth o f 100 to 1000 fathom s (600 to 6000 feet). M urray has divided m ud into three types on the basis o f colour. (i) B lue m u d includes the m aterials derived through the d isintegration o f rocks rich in iron sulphide and organic elem ents. These are gener­ ally found at greater depth o f the continental shelves. T he original colour o f blue m ud is bluish black and it contains 35 per cent o f calcium carbonate. B lue m ud predom inates in the A tlantic O cean, M editerranean Sea, A rctic Sea and en ­ closed seas. (ii) R ed m u d : The sedim ents derived through the com m unition o f rocks rich in iron oxides (FeO ) form red mud. The reddish colour is m ainly due to the dom inance o f iron content. It contains 32 per cent o f calcium carbonate. The deposit o f red m ud is confined m ostly to the Y ellow Sea, B razilian coast, and the floors o f the A tlantic O cean. (iii) G r e e n m u d is form ed due to chem ical w eathering w herein the colour o f blue m ud is changed to green m ud due to reaction o f seaw ater. ! It co n tain s green silic a te s o f p o ta ssiu m a n d ! glau co n ite (form o f iro n ) w h ic h c o n stitu te s 7 - 8 1 p er cent o f to tal m in e ra l c o m p o sitio n w hereas calciu m carb o n ate ra n g e s fro m 0 to 56 p e r cent. T he d ep o sits o f green m u d are fo u n d alo n g the A tlan tic and P acific c o asts o f N . A m e ric a, o f f the coasts o f Japan, A u stra lia an d A frica . T h ese are g en erally found at the depth o f 100 to 900 fathom s (600 to 5,400 feet). J 2. Volcanogenic Sediments V olcanic m a te ria ls d e p o sited in th e m arin e environm ent are d eriv ed from tw o so u rc e s, (i) , V olcanic eruptions on the la n d -th e v o lc a n ic m aterials through v io len t cen tral e ru p tio n s b e ­ come very fine due to c o llisio n am o n g th e m se lv e s and due to further d isin teg ratio n . F in e v o lc a n ic m aterials nearer to the co astal lands are b lo w n by w ind and are carried to the o cean s w h ile v o lc an ic m aterials o f distant p laces are b ro u g h t by the rivers via overland flow , rain w ash , rills and sm all rivulets, (ii) V olcanic eru p tio n in the o c ea n s and the seas-in such cases v o lcan ic m a te ria ls are directly deposited. V olcanic m a te ria ls resem b le blue m ud and are grey to black in co lo u r. 3. B io g e n ic S e d i m e n t s B iogenous (bio = life, g en ere = to p ro d u ce), also know n as organic m arin e sed im en ts, are the decay and disintegration o f hard p arts (sk e leto n s) o f m arine organism s. T hus, the source o f b io g en ic sedim ents is sea itself. T he p ro cess o f fo rm atio n o f biogenous m arine sed im en ts in clu d es the disintegration o f hard parts o f m arin e an im als and plants such as th eir bones, sh ells, te ath etc. after their death. Such m aterials fall dow n one after another and are d ep o sited on sea flo o rs o f varying locations. Prim arily b io g en o u s m arin e sediments are divided into the fo llo w in g tw o categ o ries : >- m acroscopic b io g en ic sed im en ts, and >• m icroscopic b io g en ic sed im ents. Macroscopic biogenic sediments include shells, bones, and teeth o f large m arin e anim als which are not w id esp read sea living organism s. sedim ents are found on co n tin en tal shelves an Scanned by CamScanner ■ ' ■' 137 MARINE SEDIMENTS AND DEPOSITS very rare on d eep sea p la in s b e ca u se deep sea floors are d o m in ated b y v e ry sm a ll o rg an ism s. O n the o th e r hand, microscopic biogenous sediments are very sm all p a rtic le s o f v e ry sm all sea o rg an ism s. They are so sm a ll an d m in u te th a t th e y c a n n o t be seen w ithout th e a id o f p o w e rfu l m ic ro sco p e . There are c o u n tle ss tin y m ic ro sc o p ic m arin e o r g a n is m s . T h e t i n y s h e lls o f th e se o rg a n ism s are called tests w h ic h c o n tin u o u s ly fa ll d ow n on the sea bed a fte r d e ath . In fa c t, th e re is co n tin u o u s r a in o f c o u n tle ss te sts o f m ic ro sc o p ic o rg an ism s. The accu m u la tio n o f th e se te sts on deep sea flo o rs gives b irth to the fo rm a tio n o f d iffe re n t ty p es o f oozes. T he o o zes c o n sist o f 30 p e rc e n t o f m icro sco p ic b io g e n o u s se d im e n ts and rem ain in g 70 p e rc en t o f te rrig e n o u s clay. It m ay be m en tio n ed th a t m ic ro sc o p ic b io g e n ic m a te ria ls and te rrig e n o u s clay fa ll dow n to g e th e r to settle dow n on deep sea flo o rs. T h e b io g e n ic sed im en ts are c o m p o sed o f tw o m a in ch em ica l c o n stitu en ts, nam ely calciu m c a rb o n a te and silica. D iato m s and rad io la ria n s c o n trib u te m o st o f silic a to the m icro sco p ic b io g e n ic s e d im e n ts, w h ile fo ram in ifers c o n trib ­ u te m o s t o f c a lc iu m c arb o n ate . T he m icro sco p ic a lg ae , w h ic h is c a lle d as c o co lith o p h o re s also c o n trib u te c a lc iu m c arb o n ate . T he b io g en o u s m a rin e s e d im e n ts , a fte r m ix e d w ith terrig en o u s clay s a n d th e ir a c c u m u la tio n , form d ifferen t types o f o o zes w h ic h a re n a m e d a fte r the nam e o f m ic ro sc o p ic m a rin e o rg a n ism s su ch as diato m s, p te ro p o d s, ra d io la ria etc. T h e b io g e n ic s e d im e n ts are also d iv id ed into th e fo llo w in g tw o b ro a d c a te g o rie s : >• n e re tic b io g e n ic s e d im e n ts , an d > p e la g ic b io g e n ic s e d im e n ts . T h e neretic m atter in c lu d e s sk e le to n s o f m arine o rg a n ism s a n d p la n t re m a in s w h ile p e la g ic m atter c o n sis ts o f re m a in s o f d iffe re n t ty p e s o f algae. T h e s k e le to n s o f a n im a ls a n d d e ad p la n ts are su b jec te d to d e c o m p o s itio n an d c h e m ic a l changes. T h u s, th e y a re c h a n g e d to m u d an d sa n d s and are u ltim a te ly d e p o s ite d on th e se a flo o r. N e retic m a tte r is d e p o s ite d m o stly on the continental sh e lv e s an d a re g e n e ra lly c o v e re d b y terrigenous m a te ria ls. T h e s e in c lu d e s h e lls o f niolluscs and th e ir frag m en ts, sk eleto n s o f ra d io la ria an d sp ic u le s o f sp o n g es, c a lc a re o u s an d siliceo u s p la n t re m a in s. Pelagic sediments c o n sist o f m a tte r d eriv ed fro m alg ae an d are m o stly in th e fo rm o f liq u id m u d , g e n e ra lly k n o w n as o o ze. P e la g ic m aterials are o o zes w h ic h a re d iv id e d in to tw o g ro u p s on the b a sis o f lim e an d s ilic a c o n te n ts as fo llo w s. (i) C alcareous oozes c o n ta in lim e c o n te n t in ab u n d an c e an d are s e ld o m fo u n d a t g re a te r d ep th b e c a u se o f th e ir h ig h d e g re e o f so lu b ility . T h ey are g e n e ra lly fo u n d at th e se a flo o r b e tw e e n th e d ep th s ra n g in g fro m 1000 fa th o m s (6 0 0 0 fe e t) to 2 0 0 0 fa th o m s (1 2 0 0 0 feet). O n th e b a s is o f p rin c ip a l o rg a n ism s c a lc a re o u s o o z e s a re fu rth e r d iv id e d into tw o su b -ty p e s v iz , (a ) p te ro p o d o o z e , an d (b) g lo b ig e rin a o o ze. (a) P teropod Ooze : M o st o f th e p te ro p o d o o zes are fo rm ed o f flo a tin g p te ro p o d m o llu s c s h a v in g th in sh ells o f g e n e ra lly c o n ic a l sh a p e w ith a v erag e d ia m e te r o f h a lf in ch . It c o n ta in s 80 p e r c en t c a lc iu m c arb o n a te an d is m o s tly fo u n d in th e tro p ic a l o c ea n s an d se a s a t th e d e p th o f 3 0 0 -1 0 0 0 fath o m s. It d e c re a se s w ith g re a te r d e p th s a n d p ra c tic a lly d isa p p e a rs b e y o n d 2 0 0 0 fa th o m d e p th . It is fo u n d m o stly in th e re g io n s o f c o ra ls . T h e m a in lo c a tio n o f p te ro p o d o o z e in c lu d e s th e w e ste rn and e aste rn p a rts o f th e P a c ific O c e a n , s u rro u n d in g s o f A z o re s, C a n a ry Is la n d , A n tile s , m id -M e d ite rra n e a n su b m a rin e rid g e a n d In d ia n O cean . (b) G lobigerina Ooze : T h o u g h th is o o z e is fo rm ed fro m th e sh e lls o f a v a rie ty o f fo ra m in ife ra b u t m o st o f su ch o o z e s a re fo rm e d o f g e rm s c a lle d g lo b ig e rin a . W h e n th is d e p o s it is d rie d u p it b e c o m e s d irty w h ite p o w d e r. B e s id e s m ilk y w h ite c o lo u r, it is also b lu e , g re y , y e llo w a n d g re e n in c o lo u r. T h e c h e m ic a l c o m p o s itio n re v e a ls 6 4 .4 6 p e rc e n t o f c a lc iu m , 1.64 p e rc e n t o f s ilic a an d 3.33 p e rc e n t o f m in e ra ls . G lo b ig e rin a is fo u n d m o stly in th e tro p ic a l an d te m p e ra te z o n e s o f th e A tla n tic O c e a n , o n th e e a s te rn a n d w e s te rn c o n tin e n ta l s h e lv e s o f th e In d ia n O c e a n a n d in th e e a ste rn P a c ific O c e a n . It is g e n e ra lly fo u n d b e tw e e n th e d e p th s o f 2 0 0 0 to 4 0 0 0 fa th o m s a n d b e co m e s a b s e n t at g re a te r d e p th s. (ii) Siliceous Ooze : w h e n s ilic a c o n te n t d o m in a te s , th e o o z e b e c o m e s s ilic e o u s in n atu re. Scanned by CamScanner ft OCEANOGRAPHY S ilica is d e riv e d from a group o f protozo a or ra d io la ria n s and b enthic anim als m ainly sponges. T h is ooze does not dissolve as com pared to calcareo u s ooze because o f less calcium carb o n ­ ate and dom inance o f silica. Thus, such oozes are found in b oth w arm and cold w ater at g reater depths. T his group is further divided into tw o subtypes on the basis o f dom inance o f a p articu lar organism . (a) R a d i o l a r i a n ooze is form ed by the shells o f rad io laria and foram inifera. It changes to dirty grey p ow der w hen dried. Silica predom inates but calcium carbonate is also present (ranging b e ­ tw een 5 to 20 p ercen t, average being 4 percent). Lim e con ten t d ecreases w ith increasing depth and it ab solutely disap p ears at greater depth. This ooze is found upto the depth o f 2000 to 5000 fathom s in the tro p ica l oceans and seas. It covers the larg est areas in the P acific O cean. (b) D i a t o m ooze is form ed o f the shells o f very m icro sco p ic plants containing silica in abundance. It also contains som e clay. C alcium content v aries from 3 to 30 percent. It is blue near the land and the co lo u r changes yellow or cream aw ay from the land. It becom es fine coherent w hite p o w d e r w hen dried. D iatom ooze is very freq u ently fo u n d a t greater depth in high latitudes. S ig n ifican t a re a o f this d ep o sit includes the zone around A n ta rc tic a and a b e lt from A laska to Japan in the N. P a cific at th e dep th o f 600-2000 fathom s. 4. Hydrogenic Marine Sediments H y d ro g en o u s sed im en ts are also inorganic m atter and in v o lv e p rec ip ita tes o f dissolved substances from w ater both on land and in oceans. M ajority o f in o rg an ic elem ents are b a si­ cally p recip itates w hich fall dow n from above. These elem ents fall on the land as w ell as in the oceans. Som e o f the inorganic elem en ts are transported from the land to the oceans by various agencies. The inorganic p recip itates include dolom ite, am orphous silica, iron, m anganese oxide, phosphate, b arite etc. B esides, glauconite, phosphorite, feldspar, ph illip site and clay m in er­ als are also found. The organic and inorganic m aterials are so m ixed to g eth er due to chem ical p ro cesses th at it b eco m es v ery d iffic u lt to isolate | them from each other. T he sig n ifican t h y d ro g en o u s m arin e depo sitio n in clu d es m an g an ese n o d u les, phosphates, carb o n ates, m etal su lfid es, ev ap o rites etc. These hydro g en o u s m arine sed im en ts h av e g reat eco­ nom ic significance. M a n g a n e s e n o d u le s have ro u n d sh ap e and consist o f m anganese, iron and som e m etals. These are form ed aro u n d n u clei o f co ral, volcanic rock, bones o f fishes or fish teeth s. M an g an ese nodules are p rim arily co m p o sed o f m an g an ese dioxide and iron oxide w hich c o n stitu te to g eth er 50 percent by w eight. The o th er c o n stitu e n ts o f m anganese nodules include co p p er, n ick el, c o b alt etc. P h o s p h a te s are infact com pounds o f p h o s p h o ­ rous w hich are p recipitated as co atin g s a ro u n d rocks. They are also found in the form o f n o d u les. Phosphates are used for m ak in g fe rtilizers. C a r b o n a te s include tw o sig n ifican t m in erals i.e. aragonite and calcite w hich are co m p o sed o f calcium carbonate (lim estone). M e t a l su lfid es are generally found along m id -o cean ic rid g es and include iron, coper, silver, n ick el, zinc etc. E v a p o r ite s , as the w ord im plies, re su lt from excessive evaporation o f seaw ater. T hey are basically salts (halite). The o th er ev ap o rite m inerals are gypsum and calcite. R e d clay, previously co n sid ered to be o f organic origin, is the m ost sig n ifican t in o rg an ic m atter and very im portant m em ber o f p elagic deposits. It covers the largest area o f deep sea deposits. Silicates o f alum ina (85.35 percen t) and oxides o f iron are the c h ie f co n situ en ts o f re d clay. B esides, calcium (6.7 percent), siliceo u s organ­ ism s (2.39 percent) and a few m inerals are also present. It also contains d eco m p o sed volcanic m aterial. It m ay be p o in ted out th at red clay contains m ore rad io activ e su b stan ces than any other m arine deposit. It is soft, p lastic and greasy in character. It becom es red d ish brow n powder w hen dried. R ed clay is w idely distrib u ted at theg reatest depth in all the oceans. Its locations include the zone betw een 40°N and 40 in the A tlan tic O cean, eastern part o f the Indi O cean and the N orth P acific O cean covering m m illion km 2 o f area. Scanned by CamScanner 139 HjARlNE SEDIMENTS AND DEPOSITS 5 . coamo genic Sediments sed im en ts are e x tra terre s­ trial m aterials w h ic h are p ro d u c e d due to collision o f m eteors in sp ace. T his is w hy cosm ogenic sediments are c a lle d space dusts w hich regularly fall dow n on th e e a rth ’s su rface (b o th on the lands and in th e o c ea n s). C o sm ogeneous sedim ents com prise (1) m ic ro sco p ic sp h eru les, and (2) m acroscopic d e b ris o f m eteors. C osm ogenous 6.4 CLASSIFICATION OF OCEAN DEPOSITS processes and are transported to the oceans by various agencies. Their colour may be blue, yellow , grey or red. Pelagic deposits consist o f the materials formed o f skeletons and shells o f marine organisms and a few inorganic substances. They are generally blue, grey or red in colour. C lassificatio n o f J e n k i n s : Jenkins has divided marine deposits into three groups v iz (a) deep sea deposits, (b) shallow water deposits, and (c) littoral deposits. The follow ing is the detailed classification o f Jenkins : (A) Pelagic deposits (1) red clay O cean d e p o sits are c lassified on different bases as fo llo w s : (2) radiolarian ooze (3) diatom ooze 1. O n th e b a sis o f location (4) globigerina ooze 2. O n th e b a sis o f depth o f ocean w ater (5) pteropod ooze 3. O n th e b a sis o f origin o f sedim ents (B) Terrigenous deposits 1. On the Basis of Location T h is c lassificatio n is based on typical lo c a tio n s o f p a rtic u la r m arine sedim ent. Though sev e ra l sc ie n tists have attem pted to classify ocean d e p o sits on the basis o f their locations, the c la ssific a tio n s o f Sir John M urray and J.T. Jen k in s are w id ely acclaim ed. G e n era lly , ocean deposits are locationally c la ssifie d into the follow ing tw o categories : >- s h e lf deposits >■ p e lag ic deposits S h e lf d ep o sits include the deposition o f m arin e se d im e n ts o f variable origin on the floors o f c o n tin e n ta l sh elv es, w hile pelagic deposits co n sist o f sed im en tatio n o f fine particles on the floors o f d eep sea plains. Classification of M urray : Sir John M urray has c lassifie d th e ocean deposits into tw o broad categories viz. (a) terrigenous deposits, and (b) pelagic deposits. T errigenous deposits are found m ainly on the continental shelves and slopes w h ereas p elag ic deposits predom inate on the deep sea floor. T errigenous deposits are com posed o f c o arse r m aterials and are derived from the c o n tin e n ts th ro u g h w eath erin g and erosional (1) blue mud (2) red mud ( 3) green mud (4) coral mud (5) volcanic mud (6) gravel (7) sand 2. On the Basis of Depth (A) Deep sea d epo sits (below 100 fathoms) (a) Pelagic deposits (1) red clay (2) radiolarian ooze (3) diatom ooze (4) globigerina ooze (5) pteropod ooze (b) Terrigenous deposits (1) blue mud (2) red mud (3) green mud (4) coral mud (5) volcanic mud Scanned by CamScanner 3. General Classification 140 (B) Shallow sea deposits (1) Terrigenous deposits (i) littoral deposits (between low tide water add 100 fathoms) (1) gravels (2) sands (3) mud (ii) shallow water deposits (iii) terrigenous mud (2) Neritic deposits (i) shallow water neritic deposits (C) Littoral deposits (between high and low tide water) (1) gravels (2) sands (3) mud (ii) deep seawater neritic deposits (iii) pelagic deposits. feet 0 pteropod ooze 90% CaC03 6000 globlgerina ooze 20% CaC03 12000 18000 red clay 1% CaC03 24000 Fig. 6.2 : General vertical distribution of ocean deposits. (ii) radiolarian ooze 4. Classification on the Basis of Origin of Sediments (i) green mud (ii) volcanic mud (iii) coral mud (3) Gupelagic deposits (of marine and cosmic origin) (i) red clay (iv) pteropod ooze X) c Shinglei Sand ! Blue Mud j1 Mud j Green 1 Coral | Mud TO Sands _J Sea-level ^ ^ r^ jC o n lin e n ta l ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ S lo p e ! 1200 Fathom ^GontinentEil Shelf .O ce a n Deep ___ , ■UyJjL (1) Littoral deposits (derived from land) (i) shore deposits (ii) shelf deposits (2) Hemipelagic deposits (partly from land and partly from marine origin) (iii) globigerina ooze F ig . 6.3 : G e n e ra l d is trib u tio n o f m a rin e sediments. Scanned by CamScanner 141 m ariN E s e d i m e n t s a n d d e p o s i t s 5 5 DISTRIBUTION OF OCEAN DEPOSITS Distribution o f o c e a n d e p o sits m ay be a t t e m p t in various w a y s as fo llo w s : ^ v e rtic a l d is trib u tio n o f o c e a n d e p o sits (fig. 6 .2) »• re g io n a l d is trib u tio n (o c e a n -w ise d is trib u ­ tio n ) >- m a rin e p ro v in c e -w is e d is trib u tio n , such as o c e a n d e p o s its o n c o n tin e n ta l sh elv e s, and on d eep s e a p la in s. »• sedim ent-w ise distribution, such as terrigenous d e p o s its , a n d p e la g ic d e p o sits. th ro u g h w e a th e rin g an d e ro sio n o f c o n tin e n ta l ro c k s by v a rio u s d e n u d a tio n a l p ro c e sses. T h e re is m a rk e d g ra d a tio n o f th e se sed im en ts w h en th e y are d e p o sited in th e o c ea n s. T h e seq u en ce o f th e se m a terials fro m th e c o a st to w a rd s th e sea is g rav el, sand, silt, c lay an d m ud. T h e o c e a n c u rre n ts an d w av es v ery o fte n d istu rb th e g ra d a tio n and seq u en ce o f sed im en ts. T e rrig e n o u s d e p o sits are c lassifie d into 3 c a te g o rie s on th e b a sis o f lo c atio n and d ep th as fo llo w s : >- litto ral d ep o sits sh allo w w a ter d ep o sits deep w a ter d ep o sits Distribution of Terrigenous Deposits T e rrig e n o u s d ep o sits in clu d e gravels, sands, m u d s, v o lc a n ic m a te ria ls etc. w h ich are derived (1) L i t t o r a l d e p o s its are g e n e ra lly fo u n d on the co n tin en tal sh elv es m a in ly n e a r th e c o a sta l m argins upto th e d ep th o f 100 fa th o m s (6 0 0 fe e t) bu t they have b e en also tra c e d u p to th e d e p th o f 1000 m -2000 m. L itto ra l d e p o sits c o n s is t o f g ravels, sands, silt, clay s an d m uds. (2) S hallo w w a t e r d e p o s its in c lu d e te rrig e n o u s sedim ents d ep o sited b e tw ee n lo w tid e w a te r a n d 100-fathom depth. T h ese d e p o sits c o n s is t o f g ravels, sands, silt and clay s o f v a ry in g p ro p o r­ tions. Sea w aves an d tid a l w a v es h e lp in th e g rad atio n and so rtin g o f sed im en ts b u t u n d e rs e a lan d slid es, slu m p in g , stro n g sto rm w a v e s, an d storm s som e tim es d istu rb th e v e rtic a l s tra tific a ­ tion o f sed im en ts. (3) Deep w ater deposits in c lu d e th e se d im e n ts d ep o sited b elo w th e d ep th o f 100 fa th o m s. T h e re is m arked g rad atio n o f sed im en ts in v e rtic a l succession w h ere the seq u en ce o f s e d im e n ts w ith in creasin g d ep th s is b lu e m u d , re d m u d , g re e n m ud, co ral m ud and v o lc an ic m ud. _ _ t w , - _- «!'?k\s'> .v \v » v sv » V T '« 1 ■ \V \W N \W ' IS S W W V A V W W V V 'N S ' i\S\VKS.SVVV»' *' s ' 1■"111 —i — >• Distribution of Pelagic Deposits '' V w \V «\SSW -V v\ > x S W •. .V* •. -N W M M V > ’■ WW>W V i\W »sv ^ Sv A S ' . . v' \ \ \ \ \ W v ' sX V " ' V . v , w . » w n v \ \ \ v\ V - n\V< ....... kki U V V K W \ \ W W ,V \S '\V 1 terrigen ou s glob igerin a Fig, 6 .4 : Horizontal distribution o f marine deposits in P elag ic d ep o sits c o n sistin g o f re m a in s o f m arin e p lan ts an d an im als in th e fo rm o f d iffe re n t ty p es o f o o zes c o v er ab o u t 75.5 p e r c en t o f th e o cean areas. P tero p o d , d iato m an d ra d io la ria n o o zes co v er 0 .4 , 6.4 and 3.4 p e r cen t a re as o f a ll the o cean ic d ep o sits resp ectiv ely . R e d clay c o n stitu tes 31.1 p e rc en t o f th e to ta l o c ea n dep o sits. the Indian Ocean. Scanned by CamScanner 142 radiolarian ooze terrigenous globigerina A V \\\\\V \W \\ \ \ \ \ xVWSWW diatom Red clay Fig. 6.5 : H orizontal distribution o f marine deposits in the Pacific Ocean. Table 6 .2 : A re a s co vered by pelagic sed im en ts (million km 2) S e d im e n ts A tla n tic O cean P acific O cean C a lc a re o u s O o zes (i) G lo b ig e rin a 40.1 (ii) P te ro p o d 1.5 T o tal 4 1.6 S ilice o u s O o zes (i) D ia to m 4.1 (ii) R a d io la ria n T o tal 4.1 R ed C lay 15.9 T o tal 61.6 143.2 Scanned by CamScanner ;• . M A R IN E S E D IM E N T S a n d d e p o s its m r - ■; i 143 ^L'-'K vv Fig. 6 .7 : S p a tia l distribution o f deep sea deposition o f pelagic sediments. Source. T.A. D avies and D.S. Gorsline, in C hem ical Oceanography, edited by J.P. Riley and R. Chester, 1976; in P. R. Pinet, 2000. P te ro p o d o o z e s are fo u n d o v er an area o f 12,90,000 k m 2.- G lo b ig e rin a oo zes c o v er larg er areas in th e P a c ific (6 4 .5 m illio n k m 2), the A tla n tic (3 7 .9 m illio n k m 2) an d th e In d ia n (31.4 m illio n k m 2) o c e a n s (fig s. 6.4 , 6.5 and 6.6). R a d io la ria n o o z e s are fo u n d o v e r an a re a o f 5.16 m illio n k m 2 in th e P a c ific an d In d ia n o cean s. D iato m o o z e s a re sp re a d o v e r an a re a o f 1,03,000 km 2 in th e N o rth P a c ific O c ea n an d 2 7 .6 m illio n km 2 in th e s o u th e rn o c e a n s. R ed c lay is d istrib u te d over an a re a o f 129 m illio n k m 2 o f all th e o cean s. P h ilip p i h a s d e sc rib e d a v e rtic a l s tra tific a ­ tion o f d iffe re n t p e la g ic se d im e n ts w h e re in the seq u en ce fro m to p to th e b o tto m in c lu d e s pte ro p o d ooze, g lo b ig e rin a o o z e, ra d io la ria n o o ze, d iato m ooze, an d re d c lay . F ig s. 6 .4 ,6 .5 , 6.6 & 6.7 d e p ict, g eneral p a tte rn o f h o riz o n ta l d is trib u tio n o f o cean dep o sits. It is a p p a re n t from th e fig u re s th at terrig e n o u s d e p o sits are fo u n d a lo n g th e co asts m ain ly on c o n tin e n tal sh elv es b u t th e y c o v e r g re a ter ex ten t n e a r th e E ast In d ie s, in th e N o rth P a c ific and along the L a b ra d o r co ast. G lo b ig e rin a ooze, red clay and d iato m o oze d o m in a te in the w estern , e aste rn and so u th ern p arts o f th e In d ian O cean w h e rea s it c o n tain s m a x im u m a real ex ten t in th e P a c ific O cean. Ocean Deposits on Continental Shelves It m ay be re c a lle d th a t co n tin e n tal rocks are the m o st sig n ific a n t so u rce o f m a rin e sedim ents, as c o n tin e n ta l ro ck s are w eath ered by d ifferen t w e a th e rin g p ro c e sses (p h y sical, ch em ical and p h y sic o -b io -c h e m ic a l w e ath erin g ) and are eroded by su rfa c e ru n o ff. T h e eroded m aterials are c arrie d by the riv ers and are u ltim ately unloaded in the o cean s. T h u s, terrig en o u s so u rce is the m a jo r c o n trib u tin g so u rce o f sed im en ts to be ■ :. . • •• . .• . . ■ *:• Scanned by CamScanner SvS ri^>.iassS OCEANOGRAPHY deposited on the co n tin en tal shelves. The follow ­ ing facto rs d eterm in e the process o f sedim ental on co n tin ental shelves : >• am ount o f terrigenous m aterials brought by the rivers from the lands, >• velocity o f riv er flow at th eir m ouths, >■ distance from the coast, >■ depth o f w ater, >■ energy co nditions o f w aves, and currents, etc. It m ay be re e sta te d that continental shelves are broad, alm o st flat and shallow platform s o f land su b m erg ed u n d e r seaw ater, w hich range in length (from coasts to the p o int o f s h e lf break, fig. 6.8) from 70 to 100 kilom eters o r even more having depths from o m (at the shoreline) to 120­ 150 m eters. T idal w aves, w ind-generated sea w aves and currents are p rim ary energy sources. Since the energy o f bottom currents decreases from the shoreline w ith increasing distance of co ntinental shelves and increasing depth of seaw ater, and hence there is m arked gradation (sorting) o f terrigenous sedim ents on the floors of continental shelves in the fo llo w in g sequence (fig. 6 .8 ): S ho relin e : gravels (b o u ld ers, cobbles, peb­ bles granules) coarse to m ed iu m grain ed sands —►fine grained sands sand and m ud —* sandy m ud -+ m ud in offshore reg io n = s h e l f b r e a k (outer m argin o f continental shelves). Fig. 6 .8 : Sequence o f deposition o f marine sediments on continental shelves. It appears from the above discussion and fig. 6.8 that grain size o f sedim ents on continental shelves is proportional to energy level o f w aves and currents. As the energy level decreases aw ay from the shoreline, the grain size o f sh elf sediments also decreases i.e. becom es finer towards outer m argin o f sh elf (sh elf break). Thus shallow water is characterized by high energy condition and coarser sedim ents whereas deeper water denotes low energy condition and fine sediments. It m ay be m entioned th at the aforesaid ideal sequence o f m arine sedim ents on continental shelves is seldom found in reality because fluctuation in sea level causes tran sg ressio n and regression o f seaw ater on co astal lands and the environm ent o f energy levels o f w aves and current also changes. A t the tim e o f fall in sea level (negative sea level change caused either by tectonic activities or glacial age) the inner parts of continental shelves (coastw ard p art) emerges above sea level w hile during rise in sea level Scanned by CamScanner 145 (positive sea level changes caused either by tectonic activities or deglaciation o f ice sheets during interglacial period) seaw ater transgresses on to land. T hese events disturb the norm al sequence o f m arine deposits on continental shelves. T he geological records reveal fall o f sea level due to late Pleistocene glaciation by about 130 m eters 15,000 years before preset from the present sea level. T hereafter deglaciation during H olocene period enabled the sea level to regain its present level by rising 130m from the late Pleistocene sea level. This is w hy m ajor portion o f sedim ents on continental shelves is relict sedi­ ment. A round 60-65 percent o f outer continental shelves is characterized by relict sedim ents o f coarse texture (gravels and sands). It may be m entioned that the outer continental shelves (seaw ard portion) have relatively deeper water w here low energy condition predom inates. Thus coarse grained sedim ents cannot be deposited on quiet sea condition o f present time. On the other hand, the inner parts o f continental shelves are characterized by coarse to fine grained sedim ents w hich are in accordance w ith high energy level o f bottom currents at p resent tim e. In other w ords, the coarse and fine grained sedim ents on the floors o f the inner continental shelves are m odem sedim ents. The w orldw ide d istribution o f m arine de­ posits on continental shelves denotes latitudinal variation. K.O. Em ery (1969) has id en tified zonal pattern o f distribution o f m arine sedim ents on continental shelves at w orld level as follow s : (1) Tropical shelves are dom inated by b io ­ genic sedim ents. (2) Tem perate (m idlatitudes) shelves are ch ar­ acterized by the dom inance o f terrigenous sedim ents brought by the rivers. (3) Continental shelves in the p o la r areas are dom inated by glacial m arine sedim ents (tills and ice-rafted debris). Table 6.3 : Distribution of deep-sea ocean deposits (pelagic deposits) (in percentage) Type o f sedim ents Com position Atlantic Pacific Indian Ocean Ocean Ocean W hole G lobe G lobigerina ooze carbonate 65 36 54 47 Pteropod ooze carbonate 2 0.1 - 0.5 Ditom ooze silica 7 10 20 12 R adiolarian ooze silica - 5 0.5 3 R ed clay alum inium 26 49 25 38 silicate Source : W .H . B erger, 1982 Deep-Sea Ocean Deposits As already stated pelagic deposits predom i­ nate in the deep sea m arine deposits. The areal distribution o f deep sea ocean deposits consisting o f calcareous oozes (globigerina and pteropod oozes), silicines oozes (diatom and radiolanian and red clay) has been show n in table 6.2 w hile percentages o f these deposits in different oceans (A tlantic, P acific and Indian O ceans) have been shown in table 6.3rT t is apparent from table 6.3 that globigerina ooze is the m ost w idespread deposits on the floors o f deep oceans, as it occupies 47 percent o f total global deep sea deposits. Except the Pacific O cean, the A tlantic and Indian O ceans are dom inated by globigerina ooze as they account for 65 and 54 percent o f th eir total deep sea deposits respectively. It is the red clay w hich is m ost w idespread in the Pacific Ocean (49 percent). The A tlantic and Indian Oceans account for 26 and 25 percent o f th eir respective total deep sea deposits. D iatom ooze is Scanned by CamScanner vm 146 the th ird sig n ific a n t d e ep -se a d e p o sit (12 p e rc e n t o f to ta l glo b al d eep sea d e p o sits). T he In d ia , P acific and A tla n tic O ceans c o n tain 20, 10 an p ercen t o f th e ir total deep sea d ep o sits re s p e c ­ tively. R ad io larian ooze is a lm o st in sig n ific a n t as it sh ares on ly 3 p e rc en t o f to ta l g lo b a l d eep sea deposits. 6.6. IMPORTANT DEFINITIONS A u th ig e n ic d e p o s its : T h e m a te ria ls d e riv e d Deep sea fans : C o n e -s h a p e d d ep o sits of g ra d e d m a te ria ls a t th e m o u th s o f subm arine c a n y o n s a re c a lle d d e e p s e a fan s. Density current : T h e u n d e rs e a gravity* d riv e n c u rre n t is c a lle d d e n s ity c u rre n t su ch as tu rb id ity c u rre n t. Diatoms : are s in g le c e lle d m icro sco p ic p h y to p la n k to n s (m a rin e p la n ts ) w h ic h a re respon­ sib le fo r b u lk p rim a ry p ro d u c tio n in m arine e n v iro n m e n t. E v a p o r ites : are d eposits o fd is s o lv e d sub through b io ch em ical p re c ip ita tio n and d e p o site d on sea floors in situ are c a lle d a u th ig e n ic d ep o sits. d ue to e v a p o ra tio n o f w a te r s u c h as s a lts and B a c k w a s h : T he b re a k e rs or sw ash or su rfs F o r a m i n i f e r a : are m a rin e p ro to z o a n s h aving after re ach in g th e slo p in g b e a c h re tu rn tow ard s the sea as b a c k w a sh or u n d e r t o w c u r r e n t s and r ip te st c o m p o se d o f c a lc iu m c a rb o n a te , a n d lin e a r or sp ira l o r c o n c e n tric sh e lls p e rfo ra te d b y sm all h o les or p o res. currents. g y p su m . B io g en ic s e d i m e n t s : T he sed im en ts form ed G lacial m arin e s e d im e n ts : are those terrigenous through th e d ep o sitio n o f skeletal rem ains o f m arine organism s on sea floors are called biogenous sed im en ts and deposits w hich have at least 30 p ercen t by volum e o f rem ains o f m arine organism s. sed im en ts w h ic h are tra n s p o rte d a n d d ep o sited by g laciers in th e o c e a n s. T h e s e a lso in clu d e the sed im en ts p ro d u c e d th ro u g h ic e r a ftin g . B r e a k e r w a v e s : T he tu rb u len t and unstab le fo rw ard m o v in g sh o re b o u n d w aves, w hich b reak at the sh o re lin e, are c alled b re a k er w aves or sim ply b r e a k e r s o r s u r f , o r u p r u s h o r s w ash . B r e a k w a t e r s : are protective structures errected o ffsh o re to sav e th e co asts from the w ave erosion. T hey m ay be p a ra lle l, p e rp e n d ic u la r or slan tin g to the coasts. B u lk e m p l a c e m e n t : in volves the enm ass tran sp o rt (slu m p in g ) o f m arine sedim ents dow n the u n d ersea slope by g rav ity cu rren ts or tu rb id ity currents u n d e r the force o f gravity. C o n t in e n ta l s h e lf : T he bro ad , flat, shallow and g en tly slop in g sea flo o r ex ten d in g from the coasts to th e p o in t o f s h e lf b reak or u pper p art o f continental slope is c alled co n tin en tal shelf. Continental slope : S teeply sloping s u b ­ m erged sea bottom ex ten d in g from the outer m arging o f continental s h e lf o r from the p o in t o f sh e lf break and ending into deep sea trenches is called continental slope. Cosmogenous sediments : T he sedim ents o f ex traterrestrial origin, say from the m eteo rites in the space, are called cosm ogenous sedim ents. G rad ed b e d d in g : d e n o te s v e rtic a l g rad in g o f g rain size in th e la y e re d s tru c tu re o f sed im en tary d ep o sits w h ere g ra in s iz e b e c o m e s fin e r in a sc e n d in g order. G ravels : are c o a r s e -g ra in e d terrig en o u s m a te ria ls c o n sis tin g o f b o u ld e rs , c o b b le s , pebbles and g ran u les. G ra v ity w aves : a r e m a r in e u n d e r s e a w a v e s , s u c h a s tu r b id ity w a v e s o r c u r r e n t s . G roin s : are p ro te c tiv e s tru c tu re s o f either c o n crete o r w o o d s w h ic h a re e rre c te d p e rp e n d icu ­ lar to th e c o asts at re g u la r in te rv a ls to protect h a rb o u rs an d b e ac h e s. Hydrogenous sedim ents : T h e sedim ents d eriv ed fro m p re c ip ita tio n o f d is s o lv e d sub­ stances due to chem ical reactions such as phosphorites, o o lites (c a lc iu m c a rb o n a te ), m e ta l su lfid e s, gyp­ sum , salts etc. are c a lle d h y d ro g e n o u s sediments. Lithogenous sediments : T h e sed im en ts derived froth the w eath erin g and ero sio n o f rocks either on land or in oceans are called lith o g en o u s sedim ents. L ittoral zone : T h e z o n e o f b e n th ic province b etw een h ig h and low tid e w a te rs is c a lle d littoral zone. Scanned by CamScanner 147 m arine sed im en ts a n d d epo sits Mucro'blogcnlc sediments : are those sediments which are derived from the shells, bones and teeths o f marine animals. R a d l o l a r l a : are u n icellu lar m arine anim als having siliceous tests and belong to planktom c and benthos com m unity. M lcro -b lo g c n lc s e d i m e n t s : are sm all particles R elict s e d i m e n t s : denote those sedim ents on the continental shelves w hich are not o f m odern age as they are not in equilibrium to present environm ental condition. o f m icroscopic m arin e o rg an ism s, such as tests w hich co n tinuously fall dow n on sea bottoms. M a r in e s n o w f a l l : T he continuous fall o f tiny marine sedim ents on the ocean floors is called marine snow fall. It resem bles the fall o f snow flakes on the land. : T he m arine sedim ents deposited on the floors o f continental shelves are called n eritic sedim ents. N e ritic s e d im e n ts O c e a n d e p o s its : T he consolidated m arine sedim ents in the form o f sedim entary layers on sea floors are called ocean deposits. P e la g ic m a t t e r : T he sedim ents deposited on deep sea floors through slow sedim entation are called pelagic m atter. : T he hydrogenic deposits h av in g th e nodules o f phosphorous (P2O 5) are called p h o sp h o rites. P h o s p h o r i te s R e t a i l s e d i m e n t a t i o n : involves deposition o f m arine sed im en ts particle by particle, known as co n tin u ous ra in o f tiny particles. Seawall : is a p ro tectiv e stru ctu re o f w ood, boulders or concrete w hich are co nstructed along the coasts to p rotect them from w ave erosion. S h elf b r e a k : is the o uter edge o f the continental shelves from w here starts th e co n ti­ nental slope. T e r rig e n o u s sedim en ts : are those m arine sedim ents w hich are derived through the w eath er­ ing and erosion o f continental rocks and b ro u g h t to the oceans by rivers. T ests : The tiny shells o f m icroscopic m arine organism s are called tests w hich co n tin u ­ ously fall on sea floors. T u r b id ity c u r r e n t s : are driven by the high density o f sedim ents. They are laden w ith slurry o f sedim ents and m ove dow nslope w ith high speed in the oceans. U n d e rto w c u r r e n ts : T he b reak er w aves (surfs) after reaching the sloping beach returns to the sea as a backw ash or undertow current. Scanned by CamScanner CHAPTER 7 148-204 ATMOSPHERE-SEA INTERACTIONS s o la r ra d ia tio n a n d h e a tin g o f e a rth 's su rfa c e , m e rid io n a l tra n s fe r o f h e a t fro m o c e a n su rfa ce , h e a tin g a n d c o o lin g o f g ro u n d an d o c e a n su rfa ce s, d iffe re n tia l h e a tin g and c o o lin g o f lan d an d o c ea n su rfa c e s, a tm o s p h e ric p re s su re , p re s s u re g ra d ie n t, h o riz o n ta l d is trib u tio n o f air p re ssu re and p re ssu re b e lts, a tm o s p h e ric m o tio n , g lo b a l w in d b e lts , a tm o s p h e ric c e llu la r c irc u la tio n , E l N in o -L a N in a p h e n o m e n o n , W a lk a r c irc u la tio n a n d so u th ern o scie lla tio n , m onsoon, o rig in o f In d ia n m o n so o n , la n d a n d sea b re e z e s, tro p ic a l c y c lo n e s , ____ _____ —^ rn * C T U c rrw rD V Scanned by CamScanner ATMOSPHERE - SEA INTERACTIONS 7.1 GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS T h e a tm o s p h e re -o c e a n s y ste m is a m u tu a lly in te ra c tin g s y ste m w h ic h a ffe c ts life fo rm s, b o th on th e c o n tin e n ts an d in th e o c e a n s. T h u s, th e stu d y o f a tm o s p h e re -o c e a n in te ra c tio n s is o f p a ra m o u n t s ig n ific a n c e b e c a u s e o f th e fo llo w in g c h a ra c te ris tic fe a tu re s o f in te ra c tio n s b e tw e e n th e a tm o sp h e re an d th e o c e a n s a t lo c al, re g io n a l an d g lo b a l le v e ls : >■ T h e a tm o sp h e re -o c e a n s y n d ro m e is c h a r­ a c te riz e d by m u tu a lly in te ra c tiv e c o m p o ­ n e n ts o f b o th , the a tm o sp h e re , an d th e o c ea n s. >■ T he atm osphere and the oceans are interlinked th ro u g h v a rio u s p h y sic a l and c h e m ic a l p ro c e ss e s su ch as flo w o f h e a t e n erg y , a tm o sp h e ric an d o c ea n ic c irc u la tio n s, p re ­ c ip ita tio n p ro c e ss etc. T he atm osphere and the oceans are interlinked and o p e ra te th ro u g h fe e d b a c k m ech an ism . F o r e x a m p le , the a tm o sp h e ric c irc u la tio n p a tte rn s (w in d b e lts) g e n erate su rfa ce c u rre n ts in the o cean s. O n the o th e r h an d , a tm o sp h e ric sto rm s, m a in ly tro p ic a l c y ­ c lo n es, b re e d in the o ceans. T h e so la r r a d ia tio n e n e r g y is th e prime so u rce o f m o tio n s in th e atm osphere (tem p eratu re —►air p r e ssu r e —►air circula­ tio n ) and the o c e a n s ( —►h ea t, temperature, air -♦ su r fa c e cu rren ts). T he a tm o sp h ere p la y s a k ey role in the op eration and m a in te n a n c e o f global h y ­ d r o lo g ic a l c y c le fro m th e o c ea n s —►to the atm o sp h ere, —►fro m th e atm osp h ere to the co n tin en ts —* and fro m th e co n tin en ts back to the o c e a n s. T h e so la r h eat causes ev a p o ra tio n o f sea w a te r , th e atm ospheric circu la tio n (air c ir c u la tio n ) transports the m o istu re from o v e r s the o c e a n s to the c o n tin en ts and b a ck to th e o c e a n in the form o f p r e cip ita tio n . T here is c o n sta n t e x c h a n g e o f energy b e tw e en th e a tm o sp h er e and th e oceans through p h y sic a l p r o c e s s e s , su c h as input o f solar rad iation fr o m th e su n through the atm osph ere in to th e o c e a n s , and input o f m oisture through evap oration from seawater to t e a tm o sp h ere, h e a tin g o f su rface water o the o c ea n s and th us form ation o f pressure and w in d b e lts etc. Scanned by CamScanner ATMOSPHERE - SEA INTERACTIONS >> T h e in te ra c tio n s b e tw ee n the c o m p o n en ts o f a tm o sp h e re -o c e a n sy ste m d eterm in e w e a th e r p a tte rn s. T h e p e rio d ic c h an g e s in the a tm o sp h eric an d w e a th e r c o n d itio n s g iv in g b irth to e x tre m e w e a th e r ev en ts su ch as sev ere tro p ic a l c y c lo n ic sto rm s, flo o d s, dro u g h ts etc. are d ire c tly re la te d to p e rio d ic ch an g es in th e p h y s ic a l c o n d itio n s o f su rface w a ter o f th e o c ea n s. T h e El. N in o ev en ts are the d ire c t re s u lt o f p e rio d ic ch an g es in the p h y s ic a l c o n d itio n s o f the o cea n -a tm o sp h e re sy ste m . 149 7.2 SOLAR RADIATION AND HEATING O F T H 8 EARTH'S SURFACE . jSi.V.'/ T h e h e atin g an d co o lin g o f th e e a rth ’s su rfa ce in c lu d in g b o th lan d and o c ea n su rfa c e s d eterm in e s the w e ath e r p a tte rn s o v e r th e g lo b e. T he e a r th ’s su rfa ce re c eiv e s en erg y fro m th re e so u rces, n a m ely ( 1 ) solar radiation, (2 ) gravity, and (3) cndogcnetic forces c o m in g from w ith in th e earth b u t the so lar ra d ia tio n is the m o s t s ig n ific a n t so u rce o f te rre stria l h e at en erg y . S o la r e n e rg y received through solar radiation from the photosphere >■ T h e W a lk e r c irc u la tio n an d the S o u th ern O s c illa tio n a lso v a lid a te th e in te rd e p e n d ­ en c e o f th e a tm o sp h e re an d the oceans. o f the sun h eats the e a r th ’s s u rfa c e a n d th e atm o sp h ere and th u s is re sp o n sib le fo r th e >- T h e s e a s o n a l v a ria tio n s in w e a th e r c o n d i­ tio n s in a s p e c ific re g io n are also in d icativ e o f m u tu a l in te ra c tio n s an d in te rd e p e n d ­ e n c e o f th e a tm o sp h e re an d th e ocean s. m o v em en t o f a ir and c u rre n ts, d riv in g th e s u rfa c e cu rren ts in the o cean s th ro u g h c h a n g e s in te m ­ p eratu re, and p re ssu re g ra d ie n ts, an d d riv in g th e h y d ro lo g ica l cy cle th ro u g h e v ap o ra tio n a n d p r e ­ cip itatio n . >- T h e o c e a n s are g re a t sin k s o f atm o sp h eric c a rb o n d io x id e . A su b sta n tia l p o rtio n o f in c re a s e d c a rb o n d io x id e by a n th ro p o ­ g e n ic so u rc es, w h ich cau ses, and is c au s­ in g , g lo b a l w a rm in g , is a b so rb ed by the o c e a n s d u rin g th e p h o to sy n th e sis by the p h y to p la n k to n s . T h u s , th e re are am p le ev id en ces and e x a m p le s to d e m o n stra te th e c lo se in te rd e ­ p e n d e n c e o f th e a tm o sp h e re and the oceans in a n u m b e r o f w ay s. It is, th erefo re, d e s ira b le th a t th e fo llo w in g asp e c ts o f a tm o s p h e re -o c e a n sy ste m sh o u ld be b rie fly d e s c rib e d : 1. In s o la tio n a n d h e a tin g an d c o o lin g o f th e e a r th ’s s u rfa c e in c lu d in g b o th land a n d o c e a n s u rfa c e s. 2. G lo b a l a ir p re s s u re a n d w in d b elts. 3. G e n e ra l a tm o s p h e ric c irc u la tio n and its im p a c ts on th e o c e a n c irc u la tio n . 4. P e rio d ic c h a n g e s in th e w e a th e r o f the a tm o s p h e re -o c e a n s y ste m v is -a v is E l N in o P h e n o m e n o n , W a lk e r C irc u la ­ tio n , a n d S o u th e rn O sc illa tio n . 5. Seasonal variation in the regional w eather c o n d itio n s v is-a - v is m o n so o n s. 6. T ro p ic a l c y c lo n e s. It m ay be p o in te d o u t th a t the s o la r e n e rg y is resp o n sib le fo r the fu n c tio n in g and m a in te n a n c e o f the ‘e arth -a tm o sp h e re s y s te m ’ a n d th e s o la r e n erg y is re c eiv e d th ro u g h so lar ra d ia tio n . D iff e r­ ent types o f w e a th e r p h e n o m en a w h ic h o c c u r o n the e a rth ’s su rface d ep en d on the m o d e o f tra n s fe r and ex ch an g e o f so lar e n erg y b e tw e e n th e e a r th ’s su rface and the a tm o sp h ere . T he e n e rg y tra n s fe r from p lace to p la ce ta k e s p la c e th ro u g h th e p ro c e sses o f c o n d u ctio n , c o n v e c tio n an d ra d ia ­ tion. O n an a v erag e , th e a m o u n t o f in s o la tio n re c e iv e d at th e e a rth ’s s u rfa c e d e c re a se s fro m e q u a to r to w a rd s th e p o le s b u t th e re is te m p o ra l v a ria tio n o f in s o la tio n re c e iv e d at d iffe re n t la titu d e s a t d iffe re n t tim e s o f th e y e a r. T a b le 7.1 d e p ic ts th e a m o u n t o f in s o la tio n re c e iv e d a t th e o u te r b o u n d a ry o f th e a tm o sp h e re a n d a t th e e a r th ’s su rfa c e a t th e tim e o f w in te r s o ls tic e (2 2 D e c e m b e r), v e rn a l e q u in o x (2 1 M a rc h ), su m m e r so lstic e (21 J u n e ) a n d autum nal e q u in o x (23 S e p te m b e r) as g iv e n b y B a u r and P h illip s. f >,,:W Scanned by CamScanner I,, : OCEANOGF 150 Table 7 .1 : Average amount of direct solar radiation received at the outer boundary of the atmosphere and at earth’s surface (in cal/crr^/min) D a te L a titu d e s (n o rth e rn h e m is p h e re ) 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-90 A -R e c e iv e d at th e u p p e r lim it o f th e a tm o s p h e re D e c e m b e r, 22 0.549 0.465 0.373 0.274 0.173 0.079 0.006 M arch, 21 0.619 0.601 0.563 0.509 0.441 0.358 0.211 June, 21 0.579 0.629 0.664 0.684 0.689 0.683 0.703 S e p te m b e r, 23 0.610 0.592 0.556 0.503 0.435 0.353 0.208 B -R eceived at the earth ’s surface if cloudiness and turbidity are considered D ecem ber, 22 0.164 0.161 0.134 0.082 0.036 0.013 0 .0 0 1 ­ M arch, 21 0.191 0.221 0.206 0.161 0.116 0.096 0.055 June, 21 0.144 0.170 0.216 0.233 0.183 0.159 0.133 0.162 0.201 0.183 0.131 0.079 0.028 Septem ber, 23 0.170 S o u r c e : B aur and Phillips ab so rp tio n (th ro u g h ozo n e). T he d a ta o f in s o la ­ tio n as p o rtray ed in tab le 7.1. A fu rth e r re v e a l th a t m axim um in so la tio n re a ch e s th e o u te r lim it o f the atm o sp h ere at n o rth p o le a t th e tim e o f sum m er so lstice w h ile m a x im u m in s o la tio n is re c e iv e d at the g round su rface b e tw e e n la titu d e s 30°-40°N on 21st June b e ca u se o f m in im u m a m o u n t o f c lo u d in ess due to th e p re sen c e o f s u b tro p ic a l h ig h p ressu re b e lt and a n tic y c lo n ic c o n d itio n s. It is a p p aren t from table 7.1 th at the am ount o f so lar ra d ia tio n re a ch in g the o u ter lim it o f our a tm o sp here is sig n ific a n tly m ore at d ifferen t latitu d es (A in tab le 7.1) th an the am ount o f in so latio n re c e iv e d at the g round surface. This trend re v e a ls the fact th a t a sizeab le p ortio n o f in co m in g so la r ra d ia tio n is lo st w hile passing th ro u g h the a tm o sp h ere due to clo u d in ess, atm o s­ p h eric tu rb id ity (sc atte rin g ) , re flectio n , and Table 7 .2 : Am ount o f insolation received at the earth’s surface from equator towards the poles (in percentage). Latitudes 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 99 95 88 79 68 57 47 43 42 Insolation in per cent T ab le 7 .2 re v e a ls the fa c t th a t to ta l am o u n t o f in so la tio n re c eiv e d at the e a r th ’s su rface d e crea se s fro m e q u a to r to w a rd s the po les. T h e in so la tio n b e c o m e s so low at the p o le s th a t th ey re c eiv e a b o u t 40 p e r c e n t o f th e am o u n t re c eiv e d at th e eq u ato r. T h e tro p ic a l zo n e e x te n d in g b e tw ee n th e tro p ic s o f C an c e r (23.5°N ) and C a p ric o rn (2 3 .5 °S ) re c e iv e s m a x im u m in so la tio n . N o t o n ly th is, th e re is v ery little v a ria tio n o f in so la tio n d u rin g w in te r an d su m m e r seasons b e c a u se e v e ry p la c e e x p e rie n c e s ' o v e rh e ad s u n > tw ic e ev ery y e ar. T h e g lo b e is d iv id e d in to 3 zones j on th e b a sis o f th e a m o u n t o f in s o la tio n re c e iv e # j d u rin g th e c o u rse o f a y ear. (1) Low latitude o r tropical zone exten b e tw e e n th e tro p ic s o f C a n c e r a n d C ap rico rn .7 p la c e s e x p e rie n c e o v e rh e a d su n (s u n ’s rays v e rtic a l) tw ic e d u rin g th e c o u rs e p f a yea* due Scanned by CamScanner ATMOSPHERE - SEA INTERACTIONS n o rth w a rd a n d s o u th w a rd m a rc h o f th e sun. C o n se q u e n tly , e v e ry p la c e re c e iv e s m a x im u m an d m in im u m in s o la tio n tw ic e a y e ar. T he re g io n re c e iv e s h ig h e s t a m o u n t o f in s o la tio n o f all o th e r z o n e s a n d th e re is little se a s o n a l v a ria tio n . (2 ) M i d d l e l a t i t u d e z o n e e x ten d s b e tw ee n 2 3 .5 ° a n d 66° la titu d e s in b o th th e h e m isp h ere s. W ith in th is z o n e e v e ry p la c e re c e iv e s m a x im u m (a t th e tim e o f s u m m e r so lstice -2 1 Ju n e in the n o rth e rn h e m is p h e re a n d at th e tim e o f w in te r s o ls tic e -2 2 D e c e m b e r in th e so u th e rn h e m i­ sp h ere) a n d m in im u m (a t th e tim e o f v e rn a l e q u in o x -2 1 M a rc h in th e n o rth e rn h e m isp h e re and at th e tim e o f a u tu m n a l e q u in o x -2 3 S e p te m b e r in th e s o u th e rn h e m is p h e re ) in s o la tio n o n ce d u rin g the c o u rs e o f a y e a r. In s o la tio n is n e v e r a b se n t at any tim e o f th e y e a r b u t s e a s o n a l v a ria tio n in c re a s e s w ith in c re a s in g la titu d e s. in so la tio n b e co m e s zero d u e to ab sen ce o f d irect s o la r ray s. T h e a tm o sp h ere affects th e am o u n t o f so lar e n erg y re a c h in g th e su rfaces o f th e co n tin e n ts and th e o cean s th ro u g h the p ro c e sses o f re fle c tio n , d iffu s e re fle c tio n , a b s o r p t i o n , an d s c a t t e r i n g . T he p o la r areas re c eiv e th e le a st am o u n t o f so lar ra d ia tio n b e ca u se o f th e fo llo w in g fa c to rs : >■ T h e so lar ra d ia tio n w a v es h av e to p ass th ro u g h th e th ic k e st p o rtio n o f th e a tm o s­ p h ere an d h en ce m u ch o f so la r e n e rg y is lo st in th e tra n sit. >- T h e so la r ra d ia tio n w a v es re a c h th e e a rth ’s su rface at v ery low a n g les in th e h ig h latitu d e s an d h e n ce v e ry little a m o u n t o f so lar ra d ia tio n is tra n sp o rte d to th e p o la r reg io n s. >- T h e su rfa ce s o f th e ocean s are co v e re d w ith ice in th e p o la r areas an d h e n ce m o st o f th e so lar ra d ia tio n is re fle c te d b a c k to sp ac e (tab le 7.3). (3 ) P o l a r z o n e e x te n d s b e tw e e n 66° and 90° (p o le s ) la titu d e s in b o th th e h e m isp h e re s. E v ery p la c e re c e iv e s m a x im u m an d m in im u m in so la tio n o n c e d u rin g th e c o u rs e o f a y e a r b u t som e tim es Table 7 .3 : Albedo (reflection of solar radiation) of flat surface of the oceans in relation to the angle ofthe sun s rays A ngle o f the su n ’s ray s 90° 60° 50° 30° 15° 10° 5° 0° (near the horizons) (poles) (e q u a to r) —__ R eflected so la r radiation (p e rc e n t) 2 3 3.5 6 20 35 40 99+ 98 97 96.5 94 80 65 60 -1 A bsorbed so la r radiation (p e rc e n t) S in c e th e o c e a n ’s s u rfa c e c o v e rs m o re th a n 70 p e rc e n t o f to ta l e a r th ’s s u rfa c e and h e n c e reflectio n a n d a b s o r p tio n o f s o la r ra d ia tio n is o f great re le v a n c e f o r th e d if f e r e n tia l h e a tin g a n d cooling o f th e la n d a n d s e a s u rfa c e s , g lo b a l patterns o f a ir p re s s u re a n d w in d s y s te m s w h ic h in him d e te rm in e th e m o tio n s in th e o c e a n s se a waves, s u rfa c e c u rre n ts o f th e o c e a n s , u p w e llin g aQd d o w n w e llin g o f o c e a n w a te r a n d h e n c e M ovem ent o f o c e a n w a te r m a s s e s . It is e v id e n t from ta b le 7.3 th a t th e a lb e d o (r e fle c tio n ) o f s o la r rad iation fro m th e o c e a n s u rfa c e ra p id ly in c re a s e s p o le w a rd as it is o n ly 2 p e rc e n t a t th e e q u a to r an d b e c o m e s m o re th a n 90 p e rc e n t a t th e p o le s. O n th e o th e r h a n d , a b so rp tio n o f s o la r ra d ia tio n b y the o c e a n s ra p id ly d e c re a se s p o le w a rd (ta b le 7.3). T h is situ a tio n o f v e ry lo w in s o la tio n in th e h ig h la titu d e s a n d v e ry h ig h in s o la tio n in th e low la titu d e s c a u se s s in k in g (d o w n w e llin g ), an d s p re a d in g a n d u p w e llin g o f o c e a n w a te rs in th e p o la r a re a s a n d lo w tro p ic a l re g io n s re sp e c tiv e ly . T h e sin k in g o f c o ld w a te r in th e h ig h la titu d e s c a u s e s e q u a to rw a rd m o v e m e n t o f u n d e rs e a w a te r m a ss e s w h ile u p w e llin g a n d sp re a d in g o f w a rm Scanned by CamScanner 152 o c e a n w a te r causes polew ard m ovem ent o f s u rfa c e w a te r o f the ocean# but this polew ard m o v e m e n t o f surface ocean w ater is deflected w e stw a rd in the tropical regions due to prevailing w in d s. T h is aspect w ill be discussed later in this c h ap te r. **• T he rotation o f the earth along its in c lin e d axis (23.5°) causes daily (daylight and n ig h t) v a ria tio n s in the am ount o f solar radiation at a p lace. >• T he reso lu tio n o f the earth with its in c lin e d axis around the sun causes seasonal and an n u al variatio n s in solar radiation to be received at the ocean surfaces. It m ay be m entioned that there is latitudinal im b alance in the net solar radiation (which is equal to total radiation received minus total rad iatio n lost) over the ocean surface (and also o v er the land surface) betw een the tropical and polar regions in term s o f energy surplus (where incom ing solar radiation exceeds outgoing radia­ tion from the ocean surface and energy deficit (w here outgoing radiation from the ocean surface exceeds incom ing solar radiation). The energy surplus and energy deficit areas m ay be identified and interpreted in two ways as follow s, latitudinal base being common in both the cases : >- at the surface o f the oceans >- in the atm osphere ( ! ) The distribution o f net solar radiation at the ocean surface from equator tow ards the poles show s the follow ing trends : (a) T here is large en e rg y s u rp lu s a r e a betw een 30°N and 40°S (due to larger proportion o f ocean area) w here energy gain from the incom ing solar radiation is m ore than the loss o f energy through outgoing long wave terrestrial radiation from the ocean surface (table 7.3). (b) N et radiation rapidly decreases from the energy surplus areas o f low latitudes to m id-latitudes area. (c) N et radiation becom es zero at 70° latitude in both the hem ispheres. (d) The polar areas are the zones o f perennial energy deficit. (2) ‘The latitudinal distribution o f net radiation in the atm osphere is itse lf a net loser of radiation at all latitu d es’ (J. E. Hobbs, 1980). Thus, the atm osphere is the zone o f perennial energy deficit because the d eficit o f energy alw ays exceeds 60 kilo langleys per year. If the data o f net radiation o f both, the earth ’s surface (land and ocean surfaces) and the atm osphere are com bined together, the net radiation value, for the com bined e a rth ’s s u r f a c e - a t m o s p h e r e system’ may be calculated. B ased on the com bined data the follow ing energy zones are identified (A.N. Strahler, 1978) : >*■ Large region o f surplus radiation extend­ ing betw een 30°N and 40°S latitudes, Northern high latitudes o f deficit radiation, and Southern high latitudes o f deficit radiation. 7.3 MERIDIONAL TRANSFER OF HEAT FROM OCEAN SURFACE One should not infer from the above discussion that the areas o f energy surplus and deficit are always m aintained. The nature tries to m aintain balance in the heat budget o f the landocean-atm osphere system . It m eans that ‘there must exist a two-way heat transfer; from the earth ’s surface to the atm osphere, and from the equator to the p o les’ (J.E. H obbs, 1980). This can be achieved if heat is transported from the earth ’s surface (land and ocean surfaces), and from tropical and subtropical areas o f surplus radiation to polar areas o f deficit radiation. The transport o f heat from equatorial areas tow ards the poles is called meridional transport of heat. The m eridional transport o f heat energy in the form o f sensible heat is accom plished by the a tm o sp h e ric c irc u la tio n an d ocean currents w hich transport heat energy from ‘I®* latitu d es su rp lu s energy a re a s ’ to ‘high latitudes deficit energy a re a s ’. The vertical transport oi heat in the atm osphere is accom plished 36ascending air in the form o f sensible heat ^ latent heat. Scanned by CamScanner 153 ATMOSfHBRB ~SEA INTfERACTTONS 74 * HEATING AND COOLING OF GROUND AND OCEAN SURFACES AND THE ATMOS­ PHERE The solar energy received by the earth's surface including both ground (.land) surface and w ater surtace (ot the seas and the oceans) is converted into heat energy in the form o f sensible heat (heat that can be measured by therm om eter) and is tem porarily stored. This stored energy is radiated from the ground (land) and ocean surfaces in the form o f longw aves into the atm osphere. The process ot radiation of heat energy from the earth 's surtace is called ground radiation (including radiation from both, land surface and ocean w ater surtaceV The part ot this radiation after being absorbed bv the atm osphere is again radiated back to the earth 's surtace. This process o f radiation o f terrestrial heat energy from the atm osphere back to the earth's surtace is called c o u n te r -ra d ia tio n o r sky radiation . The coun­ ter-radiation is effected mainly by w ater vapour and atm ospheric carbon dioxide. The heating and cooling o f the atm osphere, ground and oceans is accom plished through the processes o f direct absorption o f solar radiation, conduction, terres­ trial radiation, convection condensation, adi­ abatic m echanism etc. 1. Heating of the Atmosphere by Direct Solar Insolation T he heat energy is radiated from the outer surface o f the sun (photosphere) in the form o f shortw aves. The atm osphere absorbs 14 per cent o f incom ing shortw ave solar radiation through ozone, oxygen, w ater vapour etc. present therein. Seven p er cent o f this energy is spread in the lower atm osphere up to the height o f 2 km. It is apparent that this am ount is too low to heat the atm osphere significantly. 2. C onduction The tran sfer o f heat through the m olecules o f m atter in any body is called conduction. The transfer o f h eat under the process o f conduction may be accom plished in tw o w ays viz. (i) from one part o f a body to the other part o f the sam e body, and (ii) from one body to the other touching body C onduction m ay be effective only w hen there is difference in tem peratures in different parts o f a single body or in two bodies and the process continues till the tem peratures o f all parts o f a body or o f two touching bodies becom e sam e. It is obvious that heat m oves from w arm er body to the cooler body through m olecular m ovem ent. The rate o f transfer o f heat through m olecular movement depends on the heat cond u ctiv ity o f the substance. The substance or a body w hich allow s transfer o f heat through conduction at a very fast rate is called good c o n d u c to r of h e a t w hile the substance or a body w hich retards co n duction o f heat is called bad or po or c o n d u c to r o f h e a t. M etal is a good conductor o f heat w hile air is v ery p oor conductor o f heat. The e arth ’s land and ocean surface is heated during day-tim e after receiv in g solar radiation. The air com ing in contact w ith the warm er land and ocean surface is also h eated because o f transfer o f heat (conduction o f h eat) from the ground and ocean surface th ro u g h the m olecules to the air. Since air is very p o o r conductor o f heat and hence the tran sfer o f h eat from the land and ocean surface through c o n d u c ­ tion is effective only upto a few m etres in the lower atm osphere and thus the low er atm o sp h ere is heated. The land and ocean surface b eco m es colder than the air above during w in ter n ig h ts and thus heat is transferred from the low er p o rtio n o f the atm osphere to the land surface and th u s the atm osphere is cooled. 3. Terrestrial Radiation The process o f tran sfer o f h e a t fro m one body to the other bo d y w ith o u t the aid o f a m aterial m edium (e.g. solid, liq u id o r g as) is called radiation. T here are tw o b asic law s w h ich govern the n ature o f flow o f h eat en erg y th ro u g h radiation. (a) Wien’s displacement law ‘states th a t the w avelength o f the ra d iatio n is in v ersely p ro p o r­ tio n al to the ab so lu te tem p eratu re o f th e e m ittin g b o d y ’. (b) Stefan-Boltzmann law ‘states th a t flo w , o r flux o f rad iatio n is p ro p o rtio n al to th e fo u rth Scanned by CamScanner 154 power o f the absolute temperature o f the radiating bo d y’. The e arth ’s ground and occan surface after receiving insolation from the sun through shortwave electrom agnetic radiation gets heated and radiates heat to the atm osphere in the form o f longwave or infrared radiation throughout 24 hours. It may be rem em bered that the atm osphere is more or less transparent for incom ing shortw ave solar rad ia­ tion but it absorbs more than 90 per cent o f outgoing longw ave terrestrial radiation through w ater vapour, carbon dioxide, ozone etc. Thus, the terrestrial radiation is the most im portant source o f heating o f the atm osphere. The process o f radiation o f heat from the earth’s ground and ocean surface is called groun d rad iation . The part o f this ground radiation after oeing absorbed by the atm osphere is radiated back to the earth s surface. This process o f radiation o f terrestrial heat energy from the atm osphere back to the e arth ’s surface is called cou n ter-ra d ia tio n or iky ra d ia tio n which is effected m ainly by w ater vapour and atm ospheric carbon dioxide. This mechanism know n as green h o u se effect keeps the lower atm osphere and the ground and ocean surface relatively w arm er. Thus, the atm osphere acts as w indow glasspane which allow s the shortw ave solar radiation to come in and prevent the longw ave terrestrial radiation to escape into space. It is obvious that the increase in the co n centration o f carbon dioxide in the atm osphere w ill in crease the greenhouse effect and thus the tem p eratu re o fth e e a rth ’s surface would increase. It m ay be p o in te d out that carbon dioxide also ab so rbs lo n g w av e terrestrial radiation and helps in k e e p in g the lo w er atm osphere and the ground and o cean su rfa ce w arm er. W ater vapour absorbs both the in c o m in g sh o rtw av e so lar radiation and o u tg o in g lo n g w a v e te rre stria l radiation. Since m o st o f w a te r v a p o u r is c o n ce n tra te d in the low er atm o sp h ere (9 0 p e r cen t o f the total atm ospheric w ater v ap o u r is found upto the h e ig h t o f 5 km in th e lo w e r a tm o sp h e re ) and hen ce both the in co m in g s o la r ra d ia tio n and o u tg o in g terrestrial ra d ia tio n in c re a se w ith in c re a sin g height. T h is is th e re a so n th a t hig h m o u n ta in s are called radiation windows. 4. Convection The t r a n s f e r o f heat energy through t* | m ovem ent o f a mas* o f . s t a n c e f r o m a n e p W to another place is called convection. T he pro o f convection becom es effectiv e only in f l m d , , «ases because internal m ass m otion activate, convection o f heat energy. T he earth * surface g e t, heated after receiving h eat energy (msolaTon) from the sun. Consequently th e a ir co rn u , in contact w ith th e w arm er e arth s surface a l* g e t s heated and ex p an d s in volume. T h u s w a n * , » r becom es lig h ter and rise s u p w ard and a vertical circu latio n o f air is se t in. C onversely, the relatively co ld er air a lo ft b eco m es h eav ter be­ cause o f contraction in v olum e an d th u s descend, to reach the e arth ’s surface. T h e d e sc e n d in g air is w anned because o f dry ad iab a tic rate an d warm ground and ocean su rface. T h is w arm a ir again ascends because o f in crease in volume and decrease in density. T h e w h o le m e ch a n ism of ascent o f w arm er air and d esc e n t o f colder air generates convection cu rren ts in the low er atmos­ phere. This connective m ech an ism transports heat from the ground and o cean surface to the atm osphere and thus help s in the heating o f the low er atm osphere. S im ilarly , horizontal convec­ tion currents are also generated on the ground surface. t h e i r 5. Adiabatic heating and Cooling The ad iab atic heating and c o o lin g o f the atm osphere takes p lace through the ascen t and descent o f a p arcel o f air resp ectiv ely . It is a general tren d th at temperature decreases w ith increasing height at the rate o f 6.5°C per 1000 m or 3.6°F p er 1000 feet. T his rate o f decrease of temperature w ith increasing height is called normal lapse rate. A defin ite ascend ing air with given volum e and temperature expands due to decrease in pressure and thus c o o ls. For exam ple, an air with the volum e o f one cu b ic foot and air pressure o f 1016 mb at sea le v e l i f rises to the height o f 17,500 feet, its v o lu m e is doubled because o f expansion. On the other hand, a descending air contracts and thus its volume decreases but its temperature increases. It ** Scanned by CamScanner " ATMOSPHERE - SEA INTERACTIONS apparent that there is change in tem perature o f air due to ascent or descent but w ithout addition or substraction o f heat. Such type o f change o f temperature o f air due to contraction or expansion o f air is called adiabatic change of temperature. A diabatic change o f tem perature is o f two types viz. (i) d r y a d i a b a t ic c h a n g e, and (ii) m oist a d ia b a tic c h a n g e . T he tem perature o f unsaturated ascen ding a ir decreases w ith increasing height at t h e rate o f 5 . 5 ° F per 1000 feet or 10°C per 1000 m. T his ty p e o f change o f tem perature o f unsaturated ascen d in g o r descending air is called dry adiabatic rate. It m ay be p o inted out that if an air descends its tem p eratu re increases at the above m entioned rate. T he rate o f decrease o f tem perature o f an ascen d in g air beyond condensation level is lo w ered due to ad d itio n o f latent heat o f conden­ satio n to the air. T his is called m o ist a d ia b a tic ra te w herein te m p e ratu re o f a p arcel o f ascending air beyond co n d en satio n level decreases (and hence air co o ls) at the rate o f 3°F per 1000 feet or 6°C per 1000 m e te rs. T his is also called r e ta r d e d a d ia b a tic r a t e an d cooling. C onversely, the descending p a rc e l o f a ir contracts in volum e due to increase o f p re ssu re an d hence is w arm ed at the rate o f 10°C p e r 1000 m eters. 7.5 DIFFERENTIAL HEATING AND COOLING O F LAND AND OCEAN SURFACES T h e c o n tra stin g n atu re o f land and sea w ater su rfa ce s in re la tio n to the incom ing shortw ave s o la r ra d ia tio n la rg e ly a ffects the spatial and te m p o ra l d is trib u tio n o f tem perature. It m ay be p o in ted o u t th a t lan d becom es w arm and cold m ore q u ic k ly th a n th e sea w a ter body. T his is w hy even a fte r re c e iv in g eq u al a m o u n t o f in so latio n the te m p e ra tu re o f land b eco m es m ore th an the tem p eratu re o f th e o c ea n w a ter body. T he follow ing re a so n s e x p la in th e d ifferen tia l rate o f heating an d c o o lin g o f la n d an d sea w ater. T h e s u n ’s ray s p e n e tra te to a d ep th o f only one m e te r in lan d b e c a u se it is o p aq u e b u t they p en etrate to g re a te r d ep th o f sev eral m etres in sea w a ter (u p to 200 m e te rs) b e c a u se it is tra n sp aren t to so la r ra d ia tio n . T h e th in la y e r o f soils and ro c k s o f lan d , th u s, g ets h e ate d q u ick ly 155 because o f greater concentration o f insolation in m uch sm aller m ass o f m aterial o f ground surface. Sim ilarly, the thin ground layer em its heat quickly and becom es colder. O n the other hand, the sam e am ount o f insolation falling on w ater surface has to heat larger volum e o f w ater b ecause o f the penetration o f solar rays to g reater depth and thus the tem perature o f ground surface b eco m es h ig h er than that o f the ocean w ater surface th o u g h the am ount o f insolation receiv ed by bo th th e su rfaces may be equal. >- The heat is concentrated at th e place w here insoalation is receiv ed on the gro u n d surface and there is very slow p ro cess o f redistribution o f heat by co n duction b e ca u se lan d surface is static. It m ay be noted th a t d o w n w ard distribution o f solar rad iatio n and re su lta n t h e at energy in the land surface w ithin a day (24 h o u rs) is effective upto the depth o f only 10 c en tim etres. Thus, the land surface becom es w arm d u rin g day and cold during night very rapidly. O n the o th e r hand, ocean w ater is m obile. The u p p e r su rfa ce o f sea w ater becom es lig h ter w hen h e a te d b y insolation and thus m oves aw ay h o riz o n ta lly to other places and the solar rays h av e to h e a t fresh layer o f upw elling cold w ater. S eco n d ly , h e a t is redistributed in w ater b o d ies by sea w av es, o c ea n currents and tid al w aves. A ll th ese e x ten d the period o f w arm ing o f sea w a te r su rface. >■ There is m ore ev ap o ratio n fro m th e seas and the oceans and hence m ore h e a t is sp en t in th is process w ith the resu lt oceans get less in so la tio n than the land surface. O n the o th e r h a n d , th e re is less evaporation from the lan d su rface b e c a u se o f very lim ited am ount o f w ater. The sp ecific h e at (the am o u n t o f h e at needed to raise the te m p e ratu re o f one g ram o f a su b stan ce by 1°C) o f w a ter is m u ch g re a te r (fiv e tim es) th an the la n d (sp ecific h e a t o f w a te r and land surface is 1.0 cal/g/°C an d 0.19 cal/g/°C resp ectiv ely ) b ecau se the re la tiv e d e n sity o f w a te r is m uch lo w er th a n th at o f la n d su rface. It m ean s m ore h eat is re q u ire d to ra ise th e te m p e ratu re o f one gram o f sea w a ter b y 1°C th a n o ne g ram o f land. M o re sp ec ific a lly , the h e a t re q u ire d to raise the te m p e ratu re o f o ne cu b ic fo o t o f sea w a te r by 1°C is tw o tim es g re a ter th a n th e h e a t re q u ire d fo r the eq u al v o lu m e o f la n d (o n e c u b ic fo o t). It is Scanned by CamScanner 156 apparent that sam e amount o f insolation received by sam e m ass o f water and land w ould increase the tem perature o f land more than the temperature o f equal m ass o f water. >■ The reflection (albedo) o f incom ing solar radiation from the oceanic water surface (table 7 .3 ) is far m ore than from the land surface (table 7 .4 ) and thus water receives less insolation than land. It m ay be m entioned that this is the generalized statem ent because the nature o f ground surface varies from low latitudes to higher latitudes because the percentage o f snow -covered surface increases beyond 60° latitude and there­ Table 7.4 : fore the albedo also increases in d ie i proportation. * gV >- O ceanic areas are generally clouded and hence they receive less insolation than land surface. But clouds absorb outgoing terrestrial radiation and counter-radiate heat back to the earth’s surface. This process retards the lo ss o f heat from the oceanic surfaces and hence slow s down the m echanism o f the air ly in g over the oceans. On the other hand, land surfaces receive more insolation at faster rate because o f less cloudiness and sim ultaneously lo se m ore heat through outgoing terrestrial radiation very quickly. Albedo of different types of earth surfaces to solar radiation (in percentage) T ypes o f surfaces Per cent P lanet Earth 30 P er cent Types o f surfaces W a t e r S u rfa c e (angle o f sun’s inclination) Snow C over 99 + (a) fresh snow 75-95 (a) near the horizon (0°) (b) old snow 30-40 (b) 10° 35 (c) 30° 06 C lo u d co v e r (a) Cumulonimbus 70-80 (d) 50° 2.5 (b) stratocum ulus 25-50 (e) 90° 2 F o r e s t c o v e r (average) 5-10 Green field crops 3-15 (a) deciduous (average) 10-20 Dry ploughed field 5-25 (b) coniferous forest 5-15 D c'ei'. u.eas (sands) 25-30 Dry earth (surface) 1-25 Wet earth (surface) 10 7.6 ATMOSPHERIC PHESSURE Air being a physical substance is an admixture o f several gases present in the atm os­ phere and thus it has its ow n w eight. Thus, the air exerts pressure through its w eight. Air pressure is, thus, defined as the force per unit area or total w eight o f m ass o f colum n o f air above per unit area at sea lev el (unit area being one square inch, one square foot, one square centim eter, one square m eter etc.). The atm ospheric pressure is m axim um at sea level. It exerts the w eigh t o f 14.7 pounds on the area o f one square inch at sea lev el or 1034 g ram s (a b o u t o n e k ilo g ra m ) per square cen tim eter. The standard atm ospheric air pressure jj varies both h orizon tally and v ertica lly (table 7.5), seasonally, and d iu m a lly . It is apparent from table 7.5 that atm ospheric pressure d ecreases with increasing hegiht. A s regards sea so n a l changes o f air pressure, there is pronou nced variation from sum m er to w inter sea so n . T he sea so n a l changes o f f air pressure are in proportion to the siz e o f ; continents and o cea n s, and air tem perature, to fact, there is in verse relation sh ip betw een tem perature and air pressure. , Scanned by CamScanner :■ ;«r- ATMOSPHERE - SEA INTERACTIONS T he d istrib u tio n o f atm ospheric pressu re is controlled by altitu d e , atm ospheric tem perature, a ir circu latio n , e a rth ’s ro ta tio n , w a ter v ap o u r, atm ospheric sto rm s etc. Table 7 .5 : Standard Atmospheric Pressure and Temperature ------------------- Tem perature Air Pressure D ensity (°C) (m illibars, mb) (kg/m 3) 30 -46.5 11.97 0.02 20 -56.5 55.92 0.09 15 -56.5 121.11 0.20 10 -4 9 .9 264.99 0.41 5 - 17.5 540.48 0.74 4 -1 1 .0 616.60 0.82 3 -4 .5 701.21 0.91 2 2.0 795.01 1.01 1 8.5 898.76 1.11 0 15.0 1013.25 1.23 A ltitude (km) * ' ' —s | - m i - r‘ . , ri ' 1 '3 • • ^ ‘ ‘V,: ■ *• - V1 M Source : J.M . M o rg an and M .D. M organ, 1991, referred by O liver and H idore, 20 0 3 . 7.7 PRESSURE GRADIENT G e n e ra lly , p ressu re gradient is defined as d e c re a se o f p re ssu re betw een isobars o f different values i.e. from high pressu re to low p re ssu re . It m ay be m entioned th at high and low p re ssu re s are alw ays used in relativ e term s an d n o t in a b so lu te term s. M ore p recisely air p re ssu re g ra d ie n t re fe rs to the rate o f change o f p re ssu re p e r u n it Scanned by CamScanner 158 OCEANOGRAPHY h o rizontal distance betw een tw o points. Pressure grad ient denotes change o f direction o f air p ressure w hich is alw ays from high to low pressure and perpendicular to the isobars. Pres­ sure gradient is also called as b a ro m e tric slope C losely spaced isobars denote steep pressure gradient w hile w idely spaced isobars are indica­ tive o f gentle or low pressure gradient. It may be m entioned that w ind velocity depends on pressure gradient. 7.8 PRESSURE TYPES A ir pressure is generally divided into two types, nam ely (1 ) high pressure, and (2) low p r e s s u r e w hich are indicated by the shapes of isobars. These are simply known as High and lows. Since there are much variations in the size and duration o f high and low pressures displayed by alm ost closed isobars and hence these are termed as pressuresystemswhich are again divided into (1) high pressure systems, and (2) low pressure systems. They are further divided into (1) sem i-perm anent high and low pressure system s, (2) tem porary and short-lived high and low pressure system s, and (3) m igratory high and low pressure system s. It may be m entioned that sem i-perm anent pressure sys­ tems are large-scale w eather phenom ena and cover larger area and are indicative o f monthly, seasonal and annual w eather conditions as re­ vealed by their location on the m onthly, seasonal (summer and w inter seasons) and annual weather maps whereas temporary' or shortlived high and low pressure systems are very sm all in size and of short duration, generally o f less than 24 hour duration. They indicate daily w eath er conditions. Since their size and location change very fre­ quently, and hence they becom e very im portant indicator o f daily w eather conditions and thus are displayed in daily w eather maps. Fig. 7.2: (A) ridge (wedge) of high pressure system, and (Bj trough o f low pressure system. 7.9 HORIZONTAL DISTRIBUTION OF AIR PRES­ SURE AND PRESSURE BELTS The horizontal distribution o f air pressure on the globe having land and ocean surfaces is studied on the basis o f isobars. A ir pressure is generally divided into two types viz. (1) high pressure, also called as ‘h i g h ’ or anticyclone, and (2) low pressure, also called as ‘low ’ o r cyclone or depression. I f we look at the globe then it appears Hefei#:C>:, Scanned by CamScanner 159 ATMOSPHERE - SEA INTERACTIONS that there is certain definite system o f high and low pressure. If, for generalization, the globe is c o n s i d e r e d to be hom ogeneous (either o f land or water), then there should be regular and system ­ atic zonal d istrib ution o f high and low pressure but the regularity o f pressure belts is disturbed due to unequal d istribution o f land and w ater on the globe. The pressure belts are discontinued in the northern hem isphere and several centres o f pressure belts are developed but the pressure belts are found m ore or less in regular pattern in the southern hem isphere. increase o f pressure polew ard because tem p era­ ture regularly decreases from the equator tow ards the poles but this is not the case. T here is low pressure near the equator due to high m ean annual tem perature but the existence o f high pressure belts near the tropics o f C ancer and C apricorn cannot be explained on the basis o f tem perature because the tropics record very high tem perature and hence there should have been low pressure if the tem perature w ould have been the only control o f air pressure. The air pressure should increase polew ard from the tropics o f C ancer and C ap ri­ corn because there is rapid rate o f d ecrease o f tem perature polew ard but w e find low pressu re belt near 60° latitude. A gain we find h igh pressu re belts near the poles due to ex ceed in g ly low tem perature throughout the year. It is o b v io u s th a t pressure belts are not only induced by th erm al factor but they are also induced by dynam ic factors. In all, there are seven p ressure b e lts on the globe. On the basis o f m ode o f g enesis p re ssu re belts are divided into two broad categ o ries e.g. (1) therm ally induced pressure belts (e.g. e q u ato rial low pressure belt and polar high p re ssu re b e lt), and (2) dynam ically induced p ressu re b e lts (e.g. subtropical high pressure b elt and su b p o lar low pressure belt (fig 7.3). It is apparent from fig. 7.3 th a t the contrasting nature o f land and ocean su rfa ce s h as profound im pact on the h o rizo n tal d istrib u tio n o f air pressure on the globe. T h e iso b ars are discontinuous in the n o rth ern h e m isp h ere d u e to dom inance o f land su rfaces (c o n tin e n ts), w h ile they are continuous in the so u th ern h e m isp h ere due to hom ogeneity o f e a rth ’s su rfa ce , i.e. o v er dom inance o f oceans. 1. Equatorial Low Pressure Belt Fig. 7.3: Generalized distribution o f air pressure over the globe. Latitudinal Distribution of Pressure There is no definite trend o f distribution o f pressure from equator towards the poles. I f the air pressure w ould have been the function o f air temperature alone there should have been regular The equatorial low pressure belt is located on either side o f the geographical equator in a zone extending betw een 5°N and 5°S latitudes but this zone is not stationary because there is seasonal shift o f this belt w ith the northward (summer solstice) and southward (w inter so lstice) migration o f the sun. During northern summer this belt extends upto 20°N in A frica and to the north Scanned by CamScanner 160 o f tro p ic o f C a n c e r in A sia w h ile d u rin g sou th ern su m m e r th is lo w p re ssu re b e lt sh ifts to 10° to 20°S la titu d e . T h e e q u a to ria l low p ressu re b e lt is th e rm a lly in d u c e d b ecau se th e g ro u n d and ocean s u rfa c e is in te n se ly h e ate d d u rin g the day due to a lm o s t v e rtic a l s u n ’s rays and thus the low erm ost la y e rs o f a ir c o m in g in c o n tac t w ith the heated g ro u n d su rfa c e also gets w arm ed. T hus, w arm ed a ir e x p a n d s, b e co m e s lig h t, and consequently rise s u p w a rd c au sin g low p ressure. The equatorial lo w p re s su re b e lt rep resen ts the zone o f co n v er­ g en ce o f n o rth -e a st and so u th -east trade w inds. T h e re are lig h t, feeble and v ariable w inds w ithin th is c o n v e rg e n c e b elt. B ecause o f frequent calm c o n d itio n s th is b e lt is called a belt o f claim or d o l d r u m . T his b elt is ch aracterized by pronounced d iu rn a l p re ssu re v ariation. 2. Sub-Tropical High Pressure Belt S u b -tro p ic al H igh pressure belt extends b e tw ee n the latitu d es o f 25°-35° in both the h e m isp h ere s. It is im portant to note that this high p re ssu re belt is not therm ally induced because this zone, besid es tw o to three w inter m onths, receives fa irly high insolation throughout the year. Thus, this b elt ow es its origin to the rotation o f the earth and sinking and settling dow n o f winds. It is, thus, apparent that the sub-tropical high pressure belt is dynam ically induced. The convergence o f winds at higher altitude above this zone results in the subsidence o f air from higher altitudes. Thus, descent o f w inds results in the contraction o f their volum e, increase in density, and ultim ately causes high pressure. This is why this zone is character­ ized by anticyclonic conditions w hich cause atm ospheric stability and aridity. This is one o f the reasons for the presence o f hot deserts o f the w orld in the w estern parts o f the continents in a zone extending betw een 25°-35° in both the hemispheres. This zone o f high pressure is called ‘horse latitude' because o f prevalence o f frequent calms. In ancient times, the merchants carrying horses in their ships, had to throw out some o f the horses while passing through this zone o f calm in order to lighten their ships. This is why thic zone is called horse latitude. It is interesting to note that this zone o f high pressure is not continuous belt OCEANOGRAPHY but is broken into a number o f high pressure centres or cells (fig. 7.3). 3. Sub-Polar Low Pressure Belt T his belt o f su b -p o lar low pressure is located betw een 60°-65° la titu d es in both the h em ispheres. T he low p re ssu re b elt does not appear to be th erm ally in d u ced b ecause there is low tem perature th ro u g h o u t the y e ar and as such there should have been high p re ssu re b elt instead o f low pressure belt. It is, thus, o b v io u s that this low pressure belt is dy n am ically produced. In fact, the surface air spreads o u tw ard from this zone due to rotation o f the earth and low pressure is caused. It m ay be pointed out that this factor should be more effective at the poles but the effects o f the rotation is negated or say o v ersh ad ­ owed due to exceptionally low tem perature prevailing throughout the year at the poles. The sub-polar low pressure belt is m ore developed and regular in the southern hem isphere w hile it is broken in the northern hem isphere (fig. 7.3) because o f over dom inance o f w ater (o cean s) in the former. Instead o f regular and co n tin u o u s belt there are well defined low pressure centres or cells over the oceans in the northern hem isphere e.g. in the neighbourhood o f A leutian Islands in the Pacific Ocean and betw een G reenland and Iceland in the Atlantic Ocean. It may be noted th at due to great contrasts o f tem peratures o f the con tin en ts and oceans during northern sum m er the low pressure belt becom es discontinuous and is found in a few low pressure cells w hile the tem perature contrast betw een the continents and oceans is m uch reduced during w inter and hence low pressure belt becom es m ore o r less regular and continuous in the northern hem isphere. T he m id­ latitude low pressure belt (su b p o lar low pressure belt) is regular and unbroken b ecau se o f vast extent o f oceans and hence the co n trast o f heating and cooling o f the continents and oceans is m inim ized in the southern hem isphere. 4. Polar High Pressure Belt High pressure persists at the poles through­ out the year because o f prevalence o f very low Scanned by CamScanner a t m o n p h b k h - k h a tN T M tA criO N N te m p e ra tu re (below 1Ycc?,Iii« point) nil the year round. In fact, both (lie factors, tharmnl and d y n a m ic , operate at the poles, There is thinning out of layers o f a ir due to diurnal rotation o f the e arth an the air sprends outw ard due to this factor thin is overshadow ed by therm al factor and hence high pressure is produced due to very low tem perature, Polm | Huh Promtun! Fix. 7.4 : Air pressure wui wind bells. Is o b a ric h o riz o n ta l d istrib u tio n of air pressure : Isobars arc im aginary lines on a map joining places o f equal pressure at sea level. The seasonal (annual) horizontal distribution o f air pressure is represented and studied through isobars for the m onths o f July (to represent pressure conditions during sum m er season) and January (to represent air pressure during w inter season) in the northern hem isphere. It m ay be m entioned that July isobars represent pressure conditions o f w inter season and January isobars display sum m er pressure conditions in the southern hem isphere. Figs^ 7.6 and 7.7 display the w orld distribution o f air pressure through isobars in July an ai*ua*y respectively. T he class interval o f isobars is 3 mb. (1) Northern s u m m e r pressure and the s o u th ­ ern winter pressure conditions are represented y 161 July lioltiiri. It is apparent from fig. 7.5 that there are a few pressure cells displayed by closed Isobars In the northern hem isphere while the isobars are more or less regular and straight in the southern hemisphere. Equatorial low pressure is found in a narrow atonal stretch while subtropical hi|(h pressure assumes discontinuous stretches marked by a few cells o f high pressure as displayed by closed isobars. The subtropical high pressure cells have been pushed northw ard due. to northward migration o fth e overhead sun (sum m er solstice) and are located betw een 20°-40° N latitudes. A well marked low pressure cells has developed in the south-west Asia due to excessive insolational heating o f ground surtace and hence dynamic factor has been negated by therm al factor. It is interesting to note that all the subtropical high pressure cells in the n orthern and the southern hemispheres have developed over the oceans. The subpolar low pressure alm ost disappears due to northw ard m igration ot the sun. As is evident from fig. 7.6 the Icelandic low pressure is m aintained but ihe A leutian low pressure has disappearred. Subpolar low pressure in the southern hem isphere also shitts northw ard due to northward m igration o f the sun (sum m er solstice) and is located to the north o f 60° S latitude but unlike northern hem isphere it is continuous zonal in character because o f the absence o f landmasses and overdom inance o f oceanic surfaces. (2) The n o rth e r n winter and s o u th e rn s u m m e r pressure conditions are shown by J a n u a r y is o b ars (fig. 7.6). The conditions o f July have alm ost reversed in January. The continuity o f subpolar low pressure belt is broken in the northern hem isphere because o f vast stretches o f co n ti­ nents and hence it is broken into w ell developed A leution low pressure cell (50° N latitude) and Icelandic low pressure cell (60°-65°N latitude). The subtropical high pressure zone is also fragm ented into w eak high pressure cells over the oceans (e.g. high pressure cell o f over 1020 mb o ff the C alifornian coast in the Pacific Ocean and 1023 mb cell o ff the north-w estern coast o f Africa in the A tlantic O cean) and strongly developed extensive stretches over the continents mainly over Asia (fig. 7.6). The equatorial low pressure Scanned by CamScanner Fig. 7.5 : P a ttern s o f iso b a rs and distrib u tio n o f a i r p re ssu re on con tin en ts a n d o c e a n s in Ju ly, f ig u r e s d e n o te m illibars (m b). Fg 76 m !)™ °flSObarS 0/1(1 distribution o f a ir p ressu re on continents and oceans in January, figu res in Scanned by CamScanner 163 ATMOSPHERE - SEA INTERACTIONS v • belt shifts to the south o f the equator. The subtropical high pressure zone in the southern hemisphere also shifts to the south o f 30°S latitude. Fig. 7.6 show s w ell developed high pressure cells (betw een 30°-40°S latitudes) over the Pacific, the A tlantic, and the Indian Oceans. The subpolar low pressure b elt in the southern hem isphere develops in continuous zone betw een 60°-70°S latitudes. 7.10 ATMOSPHERIC MOTION ** The atm osphere is a turbulent fluid because gases and liquids (w ater vapour in the case o f the atm osphere) are fluids and these are principal constituents o f the atm ospheric com position. It, thus, becom es obvious that the laws o f gases and fluids in term s o f m otions w ill also be applicable in the case o f atm ospheric m otion (air circula­ tion). F luids are characterized by basically two types o f m otion (flow ), nam ely la m in a r flow and t u r b u l e n t flow w herein a lam inar flow particles m ove in only one direction i.e. in forward direction w hile particles move almost in all d irectio n s in turbulent flow which may assume the form o f either convection currents or eddies. T urbulent flow is generated because o f inequality o f forces. In the case o f the atm osphere inequality o f forces is caused due to variation in tem perature and pressure. A c c o r d i n g to N e w to n ’s Law of M otions the change in velocity o f a body, which is in m otion, is effected w hen the acting force changes and becom es unbalanced. The velocity and direction o f m otion o f a body (here the atm osphere) rem ain constant so long as the forces o f acceleration rem ain constant and in balance. In the case o f the e arth ’s atm osphere air seldom moves continuously in sam e direction w ith same velocity in straight line rather its velocity and direction frequently change because o f frequent changes in tem perature and pressure conditions. In fact, the acceleration o f air m otion is the function o f the sum o f all forces acting on it. T ese forces include (1) pressure gradient force, (2) Coriolis force or the e arth ’s deflective force, (3) frictional force, and (4) rotational force. N ew ton s second low of m otion states that the acceleration o f any body-in this case, the parcel o f air-is direct y proportional to the m agnitude o f tile net forces acting on it and inversely proportional to its m ass (O liver and H idore, 2003). 1. Pressure Gradient and Air Circulation The difference o f pressure betw een two places is called pressure gradient. Since pressure is inversely related to tem perature, differences in pressure are, thus, the result o f differences in the heating and cooling o f land and ocean surfaces. Low tem perature generates high pressure and high tem perature gives birth to low pressure. Steep pressure gradient is represented by closely spaced isobars while w idely spaced isobars reveal low pressure gradient. Since pressure is the function o f tem perature, steep pressure gradient is generated by large tem perature variation betw een two places and gentle (low) pressure gradient is the result o f sm all tem perature variation. The direction o f pressure gradient is considered from high pressure to decreasing pressure and the pressure gradient is always perpendicular to isobars. Pressure gradient is also called barometric slope. There is very close relationship betw een pressure gradient and atm ospheric m otion (air circulation) in term s o f speed and direction o f air movement. As per rule air m oves dow n the pressure gradient from high pressure to low pressure. In other w ords, air m ovem ent follow s barom etric slope. The rate o f air m ovem ent (i.e. wind speed) depends on the steepness o f gradient. As per rule there is direct positive relationship betw een steepness o f pressure gradient and w ind speed. The steeper the pressure gradient, the higher the rate o f air m ovem ent (w ind speed) and low er the pressure gradient, the slow er the w ind speed. The w ind direction is also dependent on the direction o f pressure gradient (w hich is alw ays from high pressure to low pressure areas). As per rule the direction o f air m ovem ent should be perpendicular to the isobars (fig. 7.7) because the direction o f pressure gradient is perpendicular to the isobars but the direction is deviated from the expected theoretical direction due to C oriolis force caused by the rotational m ovem ent o f the earth and hence the w inds cross the isobars at acute angle instead o f right angle. C enters o f high Scanned by CamScanner 164 OCEANOGRAPHY p re ssu re an d low p ressu re cause horizontal d iv e rg e n ce an d convergence o f air circulation on th e g ro u n d and ocean surfaces but convergence an d d iv e rg e n ce a lo ft respectively. Fig. 7 .7 : P ressu re gradien t an d w ind direction. Fig. 7 .8 : It m ay be p o in ted out th a t th e force generated b y p ressu re g rad ien t is called presc«rc g r a d i e n t force w hich is acceleratin g force for air m ovem ent. Since p ressu re v aries b o th horizon­ tally and v ertically , and h en ce p ressu re gradient force is d iv id ed into tw o ty p es, nam ely (j) horizontal p ressu re g rad ien t fo rce (P H), and (2) v ertical p ressu re g rad ien t fo rce (P v). T h e horizon­ tal p ressu re g rad ien t fo rce g en erates horizontal m ovem ent o f air at the g ro u n d su rfa ce from the cen ter o f high p ressu re to the low p re ssu re center, w hile the v ertical p ressu re g ra d ie n t force gener­ ates upw ard and d o w n w ard m o v em en t o f air as co nvection currents an d tu rb u le n t a ir circulation. T he p ressu re decreases u p w ard ra p id ly and hence p ressu re g rad ien t is also stee p e n ed vertically. Since the w ind speed d ep en d s on th e stee p e n esso f p ressu re g rad ien t and re su ltan t p re ssu re gradient force, it is ex p ected th at the sp eed o f upward m ovem ent o f air sh o u ld be h ig h b u t th e force o f g rav ity (G ) acts d o w n w ard an d h e n ce it obstructs the u pw ard m o v em en t o f a ir an d thus the speed is slow ed dow n. W hen th e u p w a rd p re ssu re gradient force is b alan ced b y d o w n w ard actin g gravity High and low pressure system s and wind direction. Pressure gradient is d irected from the center pressure (H) tow ards the center o f low pressure (L) and so is the wind direction i.e. from H to L Scanned by CamScanner 165 VnJOSPHERE - SEA INTERACTIONS force* the vertical acceleration becom es zero. This situation o f balance is called hydrostatic ^■Hibrium. So long as this equilibrium exists, j tcre is atm ospheric stability and dry condition prevails, but w h en ev er deviation from this ideal equilibrium co n d itio n is occasioned, vertical acceleration o f air is activated, upw ard m ovem ent o f air o ccurs, e q u ilib riu m condition is disturbed, atm ospheric in stab ility prevails resulting into cloud form ation, p recipitation and m oist w eather condition. It m ay also be m entioned that the horizontal pressu re gradient force (P H) is not balanced by any other force as is the case o f vertical p ressu re g radient force and gravity force, the acceleratio n continues, but the speed o f horizontal m oving w ind is slow ed dow n due to frictio n al force generated by the friction o f gro u n d and w ater surfaces over w hich blow s the w ind. 2. Coriolis Force (Effect) T he d irectio n o f surface winds is usually co n tro lled by the p ressu re gradient and rotation o f the earth. B ecau se o f rotation o f the earth along its axis the w in d s are deflected. The force which deflects the d ire c tio n o f w inds is called deflection force. T his force is also c a lle d coriolis force on the basis o f the nam e o f fam ous scientist G.G. C oriolis (1 7 9 2 -1 8 4 3 ) w ho observed and ex­ plained the p ro cess o f d eflectio n in w ind direction for the first tim e. B ecau se o f coriolis force all the w inds are d e fle c te d to the right in the northern hem isphere w hile th ey are d e fle cte d to the left in the so u thern h e m isp h ere w ith respect to the rotating earth. T h is is w hy w inds blow counter clockw ise around the c e n te r o f low pressure (to make a c y clo n ic circ u latio n ) in the northern hem isphere w h ile th e y b low in clockw ise d irec­ tion in the so u th ern h em isp h ere. It m ay be m entioned th at co rio lis force is no t in its e lf a force in real sense ra th e r it is an e ffe ct o f the rotatio n al movement o f the earth and hence it is also called as Coriolis Effect. The ch arac te ristic features o f C oriolis E ffect may be su m m arized as follow s : >- C oriolis force is not in its e lf a force rather is an effect o f rotational m ovem ent o f the earth. Coriolis force becom es effective on any object w hich is in m otion (i.e. w ind, flying birds, aircrafts, b allistic m issiles, longrange artillery fire etc.) >■ C oriolis force affects w ind d irectio n and not the w ind speed as it deflects the w ind (and other m oving objects) d irectio n from expected path. >■ The m agnitude o f C oriolis force is d e ter­ m ined by w ind speed. T he h ig h er th e w in d speed, the greater is the d eflectio n o f w in d direction due to resu ltan t g reater d eflectiv e (C oriolis) force. >- It becom es m axim um at the po les due to m inim um rotational speed o f the earth w hile it becom es zero at the equator. >- It alw ays acts at rig h t angles to the horizontally m oving air and o th er m o v in g objects. The net effect is th at th e h o riz o n ta l w inds are deflected to the rig h t in th e northern hem isphere and to the le ft in the southern hem isphere. The m agnitude o f d eflectio n (C o rio lis effects) is directly p ro p o rtio n al to (i) the sine o f the latitude (sin 0° =0, 90° = I), (ii) the m ass o f the m oving b o d y , an d (iii) horizontal velocity o f the w ind. It may be remembered that the direction o f pressure gradient is always from high pressure to low pressure. The earth rotates from w est to east. Every latitude is a com plete circle. Equatorial latitudinal circle is the largest one and the latitudinal circles decrease poleward wherein polar circle is the sm allest one. The w hole earth com pletes one rotation along its axis roughly in 24 hours. Thus, the rotational speed o f the earth is highest at the equator and decreases poleward. When the wind m oves either northward or southward follow in g straight path in equatorial region it does not reach its destination because b y Scanned by CamScanner 166 OCEANOGRAPHY that tim e the destination place m oves ahead and .1 th e w in d la g s behind because o f high rotational sp e ed o f th e earth (fig. 7.9). Contrary to this, the w in d m o v in g either northward or southward in C oriolis force becom es operative and effective only w hen the object (here, w ind) is in motion. The follow ing are the ch aracteristics o f frictional *ss force. h ig h latitudes reaches ahead o f its destination b eca u se o f decreasing rotational speed o f the earth. >• The m agnitude o f frictio n al force de­ pends upon the degree o f roughness o f the surface over w hich w inds blow follow ing the pressure Sub Polar Low Pressure 60 N Sub T ropical High Pressure 30 - Equatorial Low Pressure Fig. 7 .9 : Sub Tropical High Pressure 30 - 1' S Sub Polar Low Pressure 60 Deflective force and wind direction. 3. Frictional Force The force generated by the resistance o f the surface o f an object against a m oving object is called fric tio n a l force. In the case o f atm ospheric m otion the frictional force is generated by the resistance o f ground or w ater surfaces (oceans) over w hich blow s the wind. Thus, frictional force w orks in opposition to the pressure gradient force and reduces the w ind speed and C oriolis force. It m ay be m entioned that frictional force like 1004 mb 1000 mb Fig. 7.10: 9 9 6 mb 9 9 2 mb (A) Pressure gradient force (Pp), frictiond force , and Coriolis force (effect), (B) horizontal wind direction over ocean and I surfaces. Isobars are in millibars. Scanned by CamScanner mw 167 ATMOSPHERE - SEA INTERACTIONS gradient (high p ressu re to low pressure). The surfaces are o f tw o ty p es, nam ely ground surface and w ater surface o f the o ceans. T he ground surface is c h arac te riz ed by high degree o f roughness becau se o f h ill ran g es, stony surface, vegetation c o v e r (ran g in g from grasses to fo r­ ests), b u ild in g s w h ile the sea w ater su rface is smooth. T h u s, g round su rface offers m axim um degree o f re sista n c e and hence frictio n due to higher degree o f ro u g h n ess w hile sea w ater surface offers m in im u m resistan ce. It m ay be sum m arized th a t the g reater the roughness o f the surface, the h ig h e r the degree o f resistan ce and resultant frictio n and v ice versa. ~ ■> >- T he frictio n al force w orks in opposition to the p ressu re g rad ien t force and hence against the h o riz o n ta l m o v em en t o f air. T hus, the frictio nal fo rce h in d ers the free m ovem ent o f air dow n th e p re ssu re gradient and reduces the w ind sp eed (v e lo c ity ) and C oriolis effects. >- T he zone o f low er atm osphere w here fric tio n a l fo rce becom es effective is called friction layer. T he frictio n al force is m axim um at the surface an d d ecreases upw ard in the low er atm o sphere. It m ay be m entioned that the fric­ tional e ffe c t is tra n sp o rte d upw ard due to tu rb u ­ lence upto the h e ig h t o f about 1000 m eters. It m ay also be p o in te d out that the effect o f frictional force dim in ish es rap id ly u p w ard in the lo w er atm o sp h ere and thus th e w inds ch aracteristics becom e equal to geo stro p h ic w in d s alo ft. T he altitu d in al v ariatio n s o f w inds are show n b y sp irals w h erein each sp iral o f w inds rep resen ts equal angle. Such eq u i-an g le sp irals are called E k m a n S p ira ls . »■ A s stated above th e g ro u n d an d sea w a ter surfaces h aving co n trastin g b e h av io u rs d u e to v ary in g degree o f ro u g h n ess red u ce th e C o rio lis effect differently. O ver th e w a ter su rfaces o f d ie seas and oceans the horizontal w inds cross the isobars at the angle o f 10°-20° due to least frictio n al force w hile they cross the isobars at th e g ro u n d surface at the angle o f 45 degree. The n et re su lt o f the frictional force w orking in opposition to the horizontal w inds is that the velocity o f w in d is reduced by 35 per cent and hence w inds b lo w w ith only 65 per cent o f the velocity g en erated by pressure gradient force (i.e. gradient v elo city ) o v er oceanic surfaces. O n the other hand, w ind v elo city is reduced by 60 per cent over ground su rface and hence w inds below w ith only 40 p er cent o f the gradient velocity (velocity produced by the h o ri­ zontal pressure gradient force) (fig. 7.10). The relative directions o f p re ssu re g ra d ie n t force, frictio n al force and C o rio lis fo rce h av e been show n in figs. 7.11 and 7.12. V FiS- 7.11: (A) Direction o f Pressure gradient fo rce (PGF) and Coriolis force (CF) and relation between wind direction and Coriolis force, (B) with increase in wind speed Coriolis fo rce increase .*and deflection o f wind direction also increases; (C) pressure gradient fo rce is balanced by Coriolis fo rce and resultant wind (geostrophic) blows parallel to the isobars (in m illibars) Scanned by CamScanner m ? -- ■m + __ ^ Gradient wind PGF = Pressure gradient force CEF = Centrifugal force CF = Coriolis force CEP = Centripetal force H = High pressure L = Low pressure •- Fig. 7.12 : Illustration o f gradient winds: (A) gradient winds blowing parallel to circular centre in clockwise d"*cti°n « the northern hemisphere, and (B) gradient winds b lo w iZ la r a lU l to circular Bfe>: Scanned by CamScanner * 169 ATMOSPHERE - SEA INTERACTIONS ■711 g l o b a l w in d b e l t s Global zonal circulation o f the atmosphere involves the consideration o f the distribution and flow patterns o f permanent wind system s in latitudinal zones from the equator towards the poles wherein characteristic features o f air circu­ lation on the earth’s surface as w ell as at different heights in the troposphere are considered. Such zonal circulation is related to global pressure and wind belts w hich also register seasonal variations. On an average, the location o f high and low pressure belts is considered to be stationary on the globe (though they are seld om stationary and continuous). C onsequently, w inds b lo w from high pressure belts to lo w pressure belts. The direction o f such w inds remains more or less the same throughout the year though their areas change seasonally. Thus, such w inds are called perm anent w in d s. S in c e th ese w in d s are distributed all over the glob e and th ese are related to th erm ally and d y n a m ic a lly in d u c ed pressure belts and rotation o f the earth and hence they are called planetary winds. T hese w inds include trade w inds, w esterlies and polar w inds (fig. 7.14). Polar Mid-latitude Rossby waves T ropop ause -* ROW"0? _ M a jo r overturning cells and ____ A uPPer w aves ------Q > tfT'fl / - - 1' P Fj . P o |ar j e t st re a m s S T J -Subtropical S u rfa ce w inds S u rfa ce pressure syste m s and w inds (A = a n ticyclo ne s. C = cyclones) jet streams Fig. 7.13: Z on al circu lation o f the atm osphere in the northern hem isphere. After J. Hartwell, 1980, in Oliver and Hidore, 2003. In m ay be m entioned that both surface and upper air circulations are interrelated and control the weather conditions o f the earth’s surface (both land and oceans) at different spatial scales. The primary or planetary circulation o f the globe is not as simple as referred to above. For exam ple, the tropical zone is dom inated by Hadley cell o f surface easterly trade (north-east and south-east) winds and upper air antitrades or w esterlies, the Olid-latitudinal Ferrel’s c ell is characterized by surface w esterlies associated with cyclon es and anticyclones and upper air Rossby waves (nam ed after Carl-Gustav R ossby) having w est to east circulation and jet streams and the polar c e ll has the prevalence o f surface polar w inds (north-east and south-east in the northern and the southern hem ispheres respectively) and upper air w esterly polar jet streams. F igs. 7.13 and 7 .1 4 depict zonal circulation o f surface and upper air w ind system s in the northern hem isphere and over the entire globe respectively. Scanned by CamScanner 170 T he zonal circulation o f surface wind* is stu d ied in the th ree-zone aystem s, nam ely I . tropical circulation, 2 . md-latitudinal circulation, and 3. polar circulation. It m ay be m entioned that the b elts o f permanent or planetary surface winds as show n in fig. 7.14 are approxim ations as these w in d belts are not continuous and regular in reality because o f uneven diatribution o f land and sea, and their contrasting nature o f heating and co o lin g. Polar \:A\itcrUc% _ _ N,H, Trader * * D oM ru m pLow Pre^*un fffp lfe h S ,£ uijjfi W c s ic rlic * T rad e* xa V ><” w Pnlar f-rnnl ^ ■ belt. The air near the equator is heated due to so radiation, rises upward and after reaching upper troposphere, turns to the north (in th* northern hem isphere) and south (in the southern hem isphere), gets c o o le d , b e c o m e s h ea v y and descends (sin k s) near the tropics o f Cancer and Capricorn to form h igh pressure. T hus, t h | pressure gradient is oriepted tow ards the equator. This results in the circu la tio n o f w ind s from subtropical h igh pressure areas to equatorial low pressure and thus the equatorial z o n e b eco m es the zone o f c o n v e rg e n c e o f s u rfa c e w in d s and the tro p ics b e co m e th e z o n e o f d iv erg en ce. The c o n v erg en ce zo n e is characterized by iiigher am ount o f s o la r ra d ia tio n , m ore evaporation and relativ e h u m id ity , c lo u d y sk y , and h ea v y precipi- -t tation w hile th e d iv e rg e n c e z o n e is dom inated by h ig h est am o u n t o f s o la r ra d ia tio n , m ore sunshine, low o r say least e v a p o ra tio n , c le a r sk y , very low relativ e h u m id ity , le ast p re c ip ita tio n or say alm ost dry c o n d itio n s .T h is circu la fion zon e is ch aracterized by n o rth an d so u th b lo w in g trade w inds but th e ir actu al d ire c tio n b eco m es north­ east (in the n o rth e rn h e m is p h e re ) an d south-east Cin the so uthern h e m isp h e re d u e to C o rio lis force and an g u lar m o m en tu m ) and a n ti-tr a a e s (w ester­ lies) aloft. It is im p o rtan t to n o te th a t th is piim ary tropical c ircu latio n o f the a tm o s p h e re m o v e s heat energy and m o istu re fro m lo w latitudes to high latitudes. The F /# . 7. : The generalized global pattern o f planetary winds (zonal circulatum o f the atrrwspherej. 1. Tropical Circulation (Winds in the Tropics) The tropical circulation zone o f planetary surface w inds extends between 25°-30° latitudes in both the hem ispheres and very closely corre­ sponds to the H adley cell o f air circulation. The middle portion o f this zone is dom inated by thermally induced lo w pressure surrounding the equator and is popularly known as equatorial low pressure belt w hile the outer margin o f this zone is characterized by dynam ically induced (due to subsidence or sinking o f air from above) high pressure surrounding the tropics o f Cancer and Capricorn, known as subtropical high pressure tro p ical zo n e is c h a r a c te riz e d by doldrum , eq u atorial w e ste r lie s, an d tra d * w in d s. E q u atorial W e s t e r lie s : On an average, there is w esterly air circulation (from w est to ea st) in the doldrum s (fig. 7 .1 5 ) o r say in the intertropical j convergence (fig . 7 .1 6 ). T h ese w e ste r ly w inds ? have been called by Flohn as e q u a to r ia l westerlies , (fig. 7.17 w h ich cover 200° lo n g itu d es. A ccording to Flohn the equatorial w esterlies co v er the areas extending from the w estern parts o f A frica across the Indian O cean to the w estern P a c ific Ocean. The equatorial w esterlies are associated with strong atmospheric disturbances (cy clo n ic storms). Flohn has further m aintained that south-w estern m onsoons o f South A sia are, infact, equatorial w esterlies because these w ind s are extended l 3 0-35°N latitudes over Indian subcontinent duel northward shifting o f N ITC at the tim e o f summer so lstice (fig. 7 .1 8 ). V. Scanned by CamScanner -A I I"'';?' | i' A T M O SPH E R E - SEA INTERACTIONS Fig- 7.15 : Position o f doldrum s: (1) Indo-Pacific doldrum, (2) equatorial western region ofAfrica, and (3) western coastal region o f Central America. Fig. 7.16 : Inter tropical convergence (NITC and SITC). 0° Fig. 7 .1 7 : Equatorial westerlies and NITC and SITC. Scanned by CamScanner OCEANOGRAPHY 172 'gcrr^ H July Fig. 7 .1 8 : Seasonal (July and January) shifting o f equatorial westerlies. After H. Flohn, 1960, in Barry and Chorley, 2002. T r a d e W inds : T here is m ore or less regular inflow o f w inds from subtropical high pressure belts to equatorial low pressure belt. These tro p ical w inds have north-easterly direction in the northern hem isphere w hile they are south-east­ erly in the southern hem isphere. These winds are called trade w inds because o f the fact that they helped the sea m erchants in sailing their ships as their (o f trade w'inds) direction rem ains more or less constant and regular. A ccording to F errel’s law (based on C oriolis force generated by the rotation o f the earth) trade w inds are deflected to the right in the northern hem isphere and to the left in the southern hem isphere. There are much variations in the w eather conditions in the different parts o f trade winds. T he polew ard parts o f the trade winds or eastern sides o f th e subtropical anticyclones are dry because o f strong subsidence o f air currents from above. Because o f the dominance o f anticyclonic conditions there is strong atm os­ pheric stability, strong inversion o f tem perature and clear sky. On the other hand, the equatorward parts o f the trade winds are hum id because they are characterized by atm ospheric instability and m uch precipitation as the trade winds while blow ing over the oceans pick up moisture. It may be stated that the trade w inds are m ore regular and constant over the oceans than over the lands. At some places on the lands (e.g. S.E. Asia and southern USA) the trade w inds disappear during sum m er season due to form ation o f low pressure cells because o f high tem perature but the trade winds are m ore constant and regular over the continents during w inter season. It may be pointed out that the zone o f trade winds is called Hadeley Cell on the basis o f the convective model prepared by George H adley for the entire earth. It is evident that the oceans play significant role not only in the circulation o f equatorial w esterlies and trade winds but also determine their m oisture status. 2. Mid-latitude circulation M id-latitude zonal circulation extends be­ tween 30°-60° latitudes in the northern and the southern hem ispheres and is re p re se n te d by subpolar or Ferrel therm ally indirect cell of ‘air circulation wherein winds blow from subtropica sem iperm anent high pressure belt (30°-35° I**1 tude) to subpolar therm ally indirect semiperma nent low pressure belt in both the hem ispheres. Scanned by CamScanner rsssS ;-M18 f. 1 I I . ■ ATMOSPHERE - SEA INTERACTIONS The Ferrel cell o f atm ospheric circulation is not as much effective in this zone as is the H adley cell in the tropical zone. T he general surface air circulation is w esterly w hich becom es south-w esterly and north-w esterly in the northern and the southern hem ispheres respectively due to C oriolis force. The follow ing are the characteristic fea­ tures o f this zonal atm ospheric circulation. - >■ T he actual w ind system s in the m id­ latitude zone is quite different from the three- cell m odel o f atm ospheric circulation because the local conditions at the surface and aloft com pli­ cate the general circulation pattern. As per th ree­ cell m odel o f m eridional circulation there should be active m eridional flow betw een subtropical high pressure and subpolar low pressure belts but the real m eridional circulation is weak and is in terrupted by frequent high (anticyclones) and low (cyclones) pressure system s. . . ' >- The general surface zonal circulation is from w est to east but there are a lot o f variations in both directions and velocities. It is interesting to note that unlike H adley cell, the upper air winds also have w esterly com ponent. The surface w esterlies are stronger in the southern hem isphere than in the northern hem isphere because o f co m paratively less friction due to over dom inance o f oceans in the southern hem isphere than in the northern hem isphere w here land surface is pre­ dom inant. >■ The m axim um transfer o f energy and angular m om entum takes place betw een the latitudes 38°-40° in both the hem ispheres, and hence the w esterlies becom e strongest. It may be m entioned th at such an active energy transfer is accom plished no t only by w eak m eridional circulation but also by anticyclonic and cyclonic waves. T he polew ard p art o f this zone is infact a m ixing zone o f w arm tropical and subtropical winds (w esterlies) and cold polar w inds along polar fronts. >■ T he upper air circulation is also ch arac­ terized by w esterly R ossby w aves in the upper troposphere and low er stratosphere. The Kossby waves are m eandering loops o f flow patterns o f upper air w esterlies and are em bedded w ith je t 173 stream s. The R ossby w aves have w esterly co m p o ­ nent o f air flow w hich is d irected from w est to east but due to seasonal shifting the m eandering loops o f R ossby w aves are intensified and are d irected north-south and hence there begins m eridional circulation aloft instead o f h o rizontal flow (w est to east). This m eridional circu latio n also m odifies surface zonal flow and hence there begins tran sfer o f energy and angular m om entum p o lew ard m ore vigorously. >■ The surface circulation is also c h arac te r­ ized by the developm ent o f ro tatio n al eddies (o r vortices) representing anticyclones and cyclones with a diam eter ranging betw een 1000-2000 km and a life span o f several days. T h ese are the cyclonic and anticyclonic w aves o f su rface eddies which effectively transfer energy polew ard. T hese eddies are rotational in the sense th a t they transport polar cold air to the tro p ical areas and tropical w arm air to the high latitu d es. It is also im portant to note that the su b p o lar zone o f convergence is quite different from the tro p ical (equatorial) convergence zone b ecau se th e fo rm er represents convergence o f tw o d issim ilar and contrasting air m asses (polar cold a ir m ass and tropical w arm air m asses) w hile the la tter is formed due to convergence o f tw o sim ila r air masses (tropical air m asses). The su b p o lar co n ­ vergence generates polar front w hich b eco m es the source o f the origin o f tem perate cyclones. The subtropical high pressu re zone, also called as horse latitudes, is a sso ciated w ith subsidence o f air from above and d iv erg en t surface air circulation, and westerlies (b o th surface w esterlies and upper air w esterlies) are sig n ifi­ cant com ponents o f m id-latitude zo n al atm o s­ pheric circulation and hence needs separate discussion. Westerlies : The perm anent w inds blow ing from the subtropical high pressure belts (30°-35°) to the subpolar low pressure belts (60°-65°) in both the hem ispheres are called w esterlies (fig. 7.14). The general direction o f the w esterlies is S.W. to N.E. in the northern hem isphere an d N .W . to S.E. in the southern hem isphere. T here is m uch variation in the w eather co nditions in their polew ard parts w here there is convergence o f cold and denser polar w inds and w arm and lighter Scanned by CamScanner 174 w e s te rlie s . In fa c t, a c y clo n ic front, called as polar ro n t, is fo rm e d due to tw o contrasting air m asses M referred to ab o v e and thus tem perate cyclones a re o rig in a te d . T h ese cyclones m ove alongw ith th e w e ste rlie s in easterly direction. Thus, the g e n e ra l c h a ra c te ristic features o f the w esterlies a re la rg e ly m o d ified due to cyclones and anticy­ c lo n e s a sso c ia te d w ith them . B ecause o f the d o m in a n c e o f land in the northern hem isphere the w e ste rlie s b eco m e m ore com plex and com pli­ c a te d and b eco m e less effective during summ er s e a so n s and m ore vigorous during w inter season. T h e se w e ste rlie s bring m uch precipitation in the w e ste rn p arts o f the continents (e.g. north-w est E u ro p ea n coasts) because they pick up much m o istu re w hile passing over the vast stretches of th e oceans. The w esterlies becom e more vigorous in th e southern hem isphere because o f lack o f land and dom inance o f oceans and hence less friction from ocean surfaces. Their velocity increases southw ard and they becom e stormy. They are also associated with biosterous gales. The velocity o f the w esterlies becom es so great that they are called roaring roriin betw een the latitudes o f 40°50nS, furious nftlei at 50°S latitude and jhriccklnu ilxtlei at 60°S latitude. 3. Polar Air Circulation P olar air circulation is represented by polar cell o f the atm ospheric circulation which, on an average, is confined betw een 60°-90° latitudes in both the hem ispheres and is characterized by su rface p o lar easterly w inds, upper air polar whirl and w esterly w inds, w estw ard flow ing jet stream s, u p p er air divergence and tem perature inversion, su rface divergent circulation over polar areas m ainly o v er n orth A m erican and Eurasian cold p o les etc. It m ay be m entioned that cold pole rep resen tin g low est tem perature does not co in ­ cide w ith the geographical pole, this is w hy there are tw o cold poles in the northern hem isphere as m en tio ned above. Since tem perature rem ains below freezing p o in t during m ost part o f year, the h ig h p ressure system s and resu ltan t divergen t air flow from the p o lar areas are m ore p ersisten t and become annual feature. T he influence zone o f cold poles expands during w in ter season and OCBANOtiRAWY shrinks during sum m er season. T he pressure gradient betw een polar high pressure and subpolar low pressure generates easterly air circulation know n as polar circulation d o m in ated by weak polar easterly w inds w hich arc elab o rated below. A low pressure b elt, p ro d u ced due to dynam ic factor, lies w ithin the la U tu d in a lb .ltof 60°-65° in both the hem ispheres. T h is b elt o f low pressure is m ore p ersisten t in su m m er season but generally disappears in w in ter season. The Icelandic and A leutian low p ressu re cells persist throughout the year. T here is very high pressure over the poles because o f ex ceed in g ly low pressure. T hus, w inds blow from the po lar high pressure to subpolar low p ressu re cells. I hese are called polar w inds w hich arc n o rth e a ste rly in the northern hem isphere and so u th -e a ste rly in the southern hem isphere. I lie zone of p o lar winds shrinks due to northw ard sh iftin g ol p ressu re belts at the time o f northern sum m er (su m m e r solstice) in the northern h em isphere but it is e x ten d ed upto 60°N latitude d u rin g n o rth ern w in te r (w inter solstice). As m entioned e a rlie r p o la r easterly w inds arc w eak but b eco m e stro n g e r and more effective during no rth ern su m m e r i.e. sum m er season in the northern h e m isp h ere . T u n d ra region is characterized by w eak p re ssu re g ra d ie n t result­ ing into w eak easterly c irc u la tio n w h ich makes tundra region the least sto rm y reg io n o f th e planet earth. The po lar easterly w ind sy stem is com pli­ cated in the so u th ern h e m isp h e re , by th e presence o f ice-capped c o n tin e n t o f A n ta rc tic a where anticyclonic c irc u latio n is p re d o m in a n t feature m ainly in the eastern p a rt o f the c o n tin e n t. 7.12 ATMOSPHERIC CELLULAR CIRCULATION The m odern sch o o l o f a tm o sp h e ric science en v isag es a three-cell model o f m e rid io n a l circula­ tio n o f th e a tm o sp h e re , p o p u la rly know a* tricellular m eridional circulation o f th e atmosphere* w h erein it is b e lie v e d th a t th e re is cellular c ircu latio n o f a ir at each m e rid ia n (longitude)* S u rface w in d s b lo w fro m h ig h p re s su re areas to low p re ssu re a reas b u t in th e u p p e r a tm o sp h ere the g en eral d ire c tio n o f a ir c irc u la tio n is opposite W th e d ire c tio n o f su rfa c e w in d s. Thus, each m e rid ia n h as th re e c e lls o f air c irc u la tio n to the Scanned by CamScanner I 1 ATMOSPHERE - SEA INTERACTIONS northern hem isphere e.g. (1) tropical cell or Hadley cell, (2) polar front cell or midlatitude cell or Ferrel cell, and (3) polar or subpolar cell (figs. 7.13 and 7.19). 175 latitudes. It m ay be pointed out that the regularity and continuity o f the antitrade w ind system s in the upper air has been refuted by a host o f m eteorolo­ gists on the basis o f m ore upper air data being available during and after Second W orld W ar. " 2. Ferrel Cell Fig. 7.19 : Tricellular meridional circulation o f the at­ m osphere (1) tropical H adley cell, (2) Midlatitude (Ferrel) cell, and (3) Polar cell. 1. Hadley Cell (Tropical Cell) T rop ical ceil is also called as Hadley cell b ecau se G. H adley first identified this therm ally in d u ced cell in both the hem ispheres in the year 1735. T he w inds after being heated due to very h igh te m p e ra tu re at the equator ascend upward. T hese a sc e n d in g w arm and m oist w inds release latent h e a t a fte r condensation w hich causes fu rth er a sc e n t o f the w inds w hich after reaching the h e ig h t o f 8 to 12 kilo m eters in the troposphere over the e q u a to r d iv erg e northw ard and south­ w ard o r say p o le w ard . T he surface w inds in the nam e o f tra d e w in d s blow from subtropical high p ressu re b e lts to e q u ato rial low pressure belt in o rder to re p la c e th e a scen d in g a ir at the equator. The u p p e r a ir m o v in g in o p p o site directio n to surface w in d s (tra d e w inds) is called antitrade. T hese u p p e r a ir a n titra d e s d escen d n e ar 30°-35° latitudes to cau se su b tro p ic a l hig h p ressu re belt. T hese a n titra d e s a fte r d e sc e n d in g n e a r 30°-35° latitu des, a g ain b lo w to w a rd s th e eq u ato r w here they are a g a in h e a te d and ascend. T hus, one com plete m e rid io n a l cell o f a ir circ u latio n is form ed. T h is is c a lle d tropical meridional cell w hich is lo c a te d b e tw e e n th e e q u a to r an d 30° The m id-latitude cell is called as F errel cell or polar front cell. A ccording to old concept surface w inds, know n as w esterly w inds or sim ply w esterlies, blow from the subtropical sem i­ perm anent high pressure cells to subpolar sem i­ perm anent low pressure cells (60°-65°). The winds ascend near 60°-65° latitudes because o f the rotation o f the earth and after reaching the upper troposphere diverge in opposite d irections (polew ard and equatorw ard). These w inds (w hich diverge equatorw ard) again descend n ear horse latitudes (30°-35° latitudes) to reinforce su b tro p i­ cal high pressure belt. A fter descending these w inds again blow polew ard as surface w esterlies and thus a com plete cell is formed. A ccording to new concept o f air circu latio n the pattern betw een 30°-60° latitudes co n sists o f surface w esterlies. In fact, w inds blow from su b ­ tropical high pressure belt to su b p o lar low pressure belt but the w inds b ecom e alm o st w esterly due to C oriolis force. It m ay be m entioned that the regularity and co n tin u ity o f w esterlies are frequently disturbed by tem p erate cyclones, m igratory extratropical cy clo n es and anticyclones. C ontrary to the ex istin g v iew o f upper air tropospheric easterly w inds in th e zones extending betw een 3 0 °-6 0 0 latitu d es R ossby observed the existence o f u pper air w esterlies in the m iddle latitudes due to p o lew ard d ecrease o f air tem perature. A ccording to G .T. T rew arth a the m iddle and u p p er tro p o sp h eric w esterlies are associated w ith long w aves and je t stream s. W arm air ascends along the p o la r fro n t w h ich is m ore re g u la r and continuous in the m iddle tro p o sp h ere. It m ay be p o in ted ou t th a t this new co n cep t does n o t explain the c ellu lar m eridional circ u latio n in the m id d le latitu d es. Scanned by CamScanner OCEANOGRAPHY 176 3. Polar Cell 7.13 EL NINO-LA NINA PHENOMENON : RE­ SULT OF ATMOSPHERE-OCEAN INTER. ACTION Polar cell involves the atmospheric circula­ tion prevailing between 60° and poles. Cold ^ El N ino is considered as a significant w inds, known as polar easterlies, blow from polar weather phenomenon or event which occurs o ff high pressure areas to sub-polar or mid- latitude the w est coast o f S. A m erica, m ainly o f f the Peru low pressure belt. The general direction o f surface Coast. The El N ino event was first noticed in the polar w inds becom es easterly (east to w est) due to year 1541. Since then more than a dozen events C oriolis force. These polar cold winds converge have occurred (e.g. 1.1951 - 52, 53; 2. 1957-58; 3. w ith warm w esterlies near 60°-65° latitudes and 1963-64; 4. 1965-66; 5. 1969-70; 6. 1972-73; 7. form polar front or mid-latitude front which 1976-77; 8. 1977-78; 9. 1979-80; 1 0 .1 9 8 2 -8 3 ; 11. b ecom es the centre for the origin o f temperate 1986-88; 12. 1991-92, 93; 13. 1994-95; 14. 1997­ cyclon es. The winds ascend upward due to the 98; etc.). La Nina event w as identified and named rotation o f the earth at the subpolar low pressure as La N ina phenom enon in the year 1986 but its belt and after reaching middle troposphere they occurrence was recorded in 1950-51, 1954-56, turn poleward and equatorward. The poleward 1964-65, 1970-72, 1973-74, 1974-76, 1984-85, upper air descends at the poles and reinforce the 198-89, 1995-96 etc. The occurrence o f La Nina polar high pressure. Thus, a complete polar cell is event strengthens Southern O scillation and Walker formed. Circulation, the eastern P acific O cean o f f the Peru Coast is characterized by relatively colder water Numerous objections have been raised and dry condition w hile the w estern equatorial against the concept o f tricellular meridional Pacific Ocean has warm water and m ore hum id circulation o f the atmosphere. The temperature weather, trade w inds becom e m ore vigorous, the gradient should not be taken as the only basis for south and south-east A sia receives m ore p recip i­ the origin and maintenance o f cellular meridional tation etc. circulation because not all the high and low pressure belts are thermally induced. For exam ­ ple, the subtropical high pressure and subpolar lo w pressure belts are dynam ically induced due to subsidence and spreading o f air caused by the rotation o f the earth respectively. Upper air anti­ trades are not uniform ly found over all the m eridians. I f the trade winds are exclu sively o f thermal origin, then the thermal gradient must be present boldly throughout the tropics but this is not true. A t the height o f 500 to 1000 m in the atm osphere the winds becom e alm ost parallel to the iscjbars w hich are generally parallel to the latitude. I f this is so, the meridional cell o f air circulation m ay not be possible. The pressure and w inds in m ost parts o f low er atmosphere are found in cellular form rather than in zonal pattern. These pressure and wind cells are elliptical, circular or sem icircular in shape. These evid en ces (cellular form o f air circulation) no doubt contradict the old concept o f general pattern o f atm ospheric circu la­ tion but the cellular m eridional circulation has not been fu lly validated. A subsurface warm current, kn ow n as El Nino Current, flow s from north to south b etw een 3°S and 36°S latitudes at a distance o f about 180 km from the Peruvian coast. The southward shifting o f the counter equatorial warm current during southern w inter g iv e s birth to El N ino current. The temperature at Peruvian coast does not fall considerably because o f this current Though the amount o f rainfall in creases along the coasts due to this current but fish es die due to disappearance o f planktons and occurrence o f guano disease and pests cau sed by E l N in o . It may be pointed out that El N in o a lso a ffects monsoons in the Indian O cean. W hen El N in o is extended to the southern end o f S. A m erica warm water is pushed eastw ard to jo in the South Atlantic w esterlies d n ft w h ich brings warm water in the southern Indian O cean during southern winters* C onseq uently, the high pressure in the Indian O cean during southern w inter is not intensifi®® due to w h ich the so u th -w est sum m er monsoon is w eakened. Scanned by CamScanner 1 m 177 ATMOSPHERE - SEA INTERACTIONS rE ^V .v.‘.~.vc-.v.-.v.v.v>.\u\ v /jl 180° ------1------ 1--- 1---- 150“WXwiwSl 20°w (a) NORMAL CONDITIONS (b) ELNINOCONDITIONS Fig- 7.20: (A) La Nina (normal Pacific Ocean condition), and (B fE l Nino condition (Source: based on P.R. Pinet, 2000). Scanned by CamScanner OCEANOGRAPHY 178 P resently, El N ino is considered as a w eath er event or phenom enon. El N ino is co n sidered as C hirst child w hile La N ina as you n g er sister o f E l Nino. El N ino has been related to the increase o f tem perature o f east Pacific O cean o ff Peruvian coast while La N ina is related to the w anning o f the w estern Pacific O cean. The strong El N ino brings heavy rainfall exceeding norm al rainfall resulting into lush green otherw ise dry coastal land o f Peru. The cold w ater m ass near Peruvian coast becom es warm due to strong El N ino event resulting into heavy rainfall in the first h alf o f the year (January to M arch). E arlier the people o f Peru in the event o f dry conditions while looking towards the sky prayed ‘Ye God, give us rain and keep drought aw ay, but when they came to know that copious heavy rainfall causing mass destruction o f marine life (m ainly death o f fishes due to disappearance o f planktons) was associated w ith strong El Nino event, they began to pray, ‘Ye God, give us rain and keep El Nino aw ay.’ The heavy rainfall associated with strong El Nino event makes coastal Peruvian deserts green and there is rich harvest o f cotton, coconuts and bananas but there is oceanic biological disaster. It may be m ain­ tained that in the event o f strong El Nino the tropical eastern Pacific receives four to six times m ore rainfall than normal amount but dry condition prevails in the tropical western Pacific resulting into severe drought in Indonesia, Bang­ ladesh, India etc. The w idespread fire in the forest o f Indonesia in 1997-98 was related to drought resulting from strong El Nino event. La Nina is a counter ocean current w hich becom es effective in the tropical w estern Pacific when El Nino becom es ineffective in the tropical eastern Pa­ cific. The dry condition in the w estern Pacific is term inated and w et condition is introduced in the tropical w estern Pacific by La N ina. Effects of El Nino Events The occurrence o f El N ino events brings far reaching im pacts on w eather conditions in the n o rth e rn h e m isp h ere in g e n e ra l an d tro p ic a l and su b tro p ic a l re g io n s in p a rtic u la r, m a rin e life, v e g eta tio n , a g ric u ltu re an d h u m a n h e a lth and w ealth . T w o El N in o e v e n ts o f 1982-83 and j 9 9 7 .9 8 h av e p ro v e d m o re d is a s te ro u s . The 1982-83 El N in o e v e n t c a u s e d ris e in norm al t e m p e r a t u r e in th e n o rth -w e s te rn p a rts o f C anada an d A la sk a ; ris e in w in te r norm al te m p e ratu re in th e e a s te rn p a rts o f th e U nited States o f A m e ric a; se v e re d ro u g h t co n d itio n s and fa ilu re o f m o n so o n in S .E . a n d S o u th Asia m ain ly in In d o n e s ia a n d In d ia ; ex cessiv e ra in fa ll and s u b s ta n tia l fa ll in fis h c a tc h near t h e P eru n v ian c o a sts; c o ra l b le a c h in g in the P acific O cean ; sp re a d o f e n c e p h a litis d ise a se in t h e e astern U n ite d S ta te s o f A m e ric a ; droughts in M ex ico , S.E . A fric a , A u s tra lia an d New Z ealan d etc. T he 199 7 -9 8 El N in o e v e n t caused rise in n o rm al sea s u rfa c e te m p e ra tu re b y 5°C in the P a cific O cean an d In d ia n O c e a n which resu lted in co ral b le a c h in g an d m a ss destruc­ tion o f C o rals. A b o u t 95 p e r c e n t o f shallow w ater co rals in B a h a ra in , M a ld iv e s , Sri Lanka, S in g ap o re and T a n ja n ia w e re k ille d due to c ata stro p h ic b le a c h in g w h ile 5 0 -7 0 p e r cent co rals died due to se v e re b le a c h in g in K enya, S ech eelles, Jap a n , T h a ila n d , V ie tn a m , A ndm an and N ic o b ar Isla n d s etc. T h e y e a rs o f stro n g El N ino b ring sev ere d ro u g h t c o n d itio n s in India, In d o n esia, A u stra lia , m e x ic o , S o u th A frica, P h ilip p in es etc. w h ic h re s u lts in irrep a ra b le loss o f a g ric u ltu ra l p ro d u c tio n , d e v asta tin g fo rest fire in In d o n e sia . T h o u g h s tro n g El N ino b rin g s co p io u s ra in fa ll in c o a s ta l d e se rts o f P eru and C h ile m a k in g th e d e s e rts lu sh green b u t it cau ses m ass k illin g o f fis h e s m ainly an ch o v y sp e c ie s d u e to s ta rv a tio n b e c a u se the p re sen c e o f w arm w a te r s to p s th e u p w e llin g o f co ld w a te r and n u trie n ts fro m b lo w an d hence th e su p p ly o f p la n k to n s is s u b s ta n tia lly red u ced . T he im p a c t o f E l N in o on w eath er c o n d itio n s is fu rth e r e la b o ra te d in th e fo llo w in g sectio n . Scanned by CamScanner ] 179 high altitude How EL NINO B descending air high pressure 1 _ _ surface flow Pacific Ocean ° 120° E 180° _L Fig. 7 .2 1 : Southern Oscillation, Walker circulation and El Nino. 7.14 WALKAR CIRCULATION AND EL-NINOSOUTHERN OSCILLATION (ENSO) C ertain variatio n s are fou n d from the atm ospheric general circu latio n p a tte rn s e.g. surface trad es, w esterlies and po lar w in d s c irc u la ­ tio n and trice llu la r m erid io n al c ircu latio n . C irc u ­ lation o f local and seaso n al (m o n so o n ) w in d s m ay be cited exam ple o f such d ev iatio n s. E ast- w est zonal circu latio n o f tro p ical w inds is an im p o rtan t Scanned by CamScanner 180 v a ria n t fro m g e n eral atm o sp h eric circu latio n . T h is ty p ic a l e a st-w e st c irc u latio n o f tro p ical w ind is c a lle d W alkar circulation nam ed a fte r fam ous s c ie n tis t G .T . W a lk a r in 1922-23. In fact, W alk ar c irc u la tio n is a zo n al co n v ectiv e cell o f air c irc u la tio n , w h ic h is fo rm ed due to the d ev elo p ­ m e n t o f p re ssu re g ra d ie n t from east to w est in the e q u a to ria l P a c ific ocean. A fte r tw o-three years th is g e n e ra l c o n d itio n o f east-w est pressure g ra d ie n t is re v e rse d i.e. pressure gradien t b e ­ co m es fro m w e st to e ast (fig. 7.21 B). Thus, there are o s c illa tio n s in p ressu re gradient and air c irc u la tio n a fte r the in terv als o f 2-3 years. W alkar c a lle d su ch o sc illa tio n as southern osicillation. W a lk a r c ircu latio n and southern oscilla­ tio n s are d riv en by the sea surface pressure g ra d ie n t fro m the equatorial estem Pacific ocean (n e a r the w estern coastal areas o f South A m erica) to th e eq u ato rial w estern Pacific ocean (near S-E A sian co asts). In norm al conditions high pressure d e v elo p s on the sea surface o f the equatorial east P a c ific ocean and the w estern coastal lands o f so u th A m erica (fig. 7.21 A) due to subsidence o f a ir fro m above and upw elling o f cold oceanic w ater. On the other hand, low pressure is form ed in the equatorial w estern Pacific ocean due to rise o f air from the w arm sea surface. This pressure gradient from east to w est generates east-w est circulation o f trade w inds on the surface w hile there is reverse upper air circulation i. e. from w est to east (fig. 7 .2 1 A) w hich com pletes a convective cell. T his east-w est air circulation drives the ocean w ater m ass from the w estern coast o f South A m erica tow ards the w est. This phenom enon facilitates upw elling o f cold sea w ater near the coasts o f P eru and E quator resulting in further c o o lin g o f air. high air pressure, atm ospheric stab ility and dry w eather condition. Contrary' to this, east-w est air circulation becom es w arm n o rth -east trades in the equatorial w est Pacific o cean w here it, a fte r being heated, rises upw ard, b eco m es unstable and causes p recipitation. A fter risin g to certain h eig h t it turns eastw ard and d escen d s in the equatorial eastern P acific ocean to co m p lete th e c o n v ec tiv e c ell (fig. 7.21 A ). T h is is n o w ev id en t th a t tropical eastern an d w estern P a c ific is c h arac te riz ed by d ry and w et w eath er c o n d itio n s resp ectiv ely . OCEANOGRAPHY B y O c to b er-N o v em b e r th e low a ir pressure o f the tro p ica l w e ste rn P a c ific is sh ifted to the tro p ica l e astern P acific c au sin g w eak en in g 0f trade w inds. T his re v e rsa l in p re ssu re condition facilitates the retu rn o f w arm s e a w a te r w hich was d riven from the c o asts o f S o u th A m erica w est­ w ard, to w ard s the tro p ic a l e ast P acific. C onse­ quently, low air p re ssu re is fo rm e d in th e south­ east P acific m ain ly o ff th e c o asts o f South A m erica (E q u ad o r an d P eru ), u p w e llin g o f cold sea w ater is sto p p ed , w arm a ir rise s u p w ard and becom es unstable and u ltim a te ly y ield s rainfall after con d en satio n . It is e v id e n t th a t th e general norm al co n d itio n (fig- 7.21 A ) has g o t reversed (7.21 B). T his event is c alled El Nino penomenon. The rising air in the east P a c ific co o ls above and turns w estw ard in the tro p o sp h e re and ultim ately descends in the tro p ical w est P a c ific g iv in g birth to high pressure w hich d riv es w arm air towards the coasts o f South A m erica. T h u s, again a com plete co n v ectiv e cell is fo rm ed . Such condi­ tion is called El Nino-Southern Oscillation Event (EN SO Event). In fact, ch an g es in the p o sitio n s o f air pressure in the tro p ical e aste rn and w estern Pacific are called southern oscillations. D u rin g El N ino event W alkar c irc u latio n is w e ak e n ed due to the d ev elo p m en t o f eq u ato rial w e ste rlie s on sea surface (fig. 7.21 B) but H ad ley circu latio n is activated. This p h en o m en o n a g ain activ ate s trade w inds w hich again drive s e a -w a te r o f th e tropical eastern Pacific w estw ard re su ltin g in the upw elling o f cold w ater from below , w e ak e n in g o f El Nino event and re -e stab lish m e n t o f n o rm a l condition (fig 7.21 A). It m ay be m en tio n e d th a t th e p h ases and stren g th s o f the S o u th ern O sc illa tio n (spatiotem poral sh iftin g o f p re ssu re sy ste m s (high and low') b etw een tro p ica l e aste rn an d w estern Pacific O cean) are d e term in e d on th e b a sis o f differences o f air p re ssu re b etw ee n th ese tw o areas, to be more sp ecific, b etw een T a h iti (e a ste rn P acific, 18°S latitu d e and 150°W lo n g itu d e ) a n d D arw in (Aus­ tralia, w e ste rn P a c ific , 12°S la titu d e and 130°W lo n g itu d e). T h e p h a se s o f th e SO are term ed as Southern Oscillation Index (SOI) w h e rein tw o phases are m o st s ig n ific a n t n am ely , high phase and l°w phase. High phase o f SO in d ic a tes n o rm a l condition o r n o n -E N S O p h a se w h e rein tro p ic a l eastern and Scanned by CamScanner .a 181 ATMOSPHERE-SEA INTERACTIONS S th e a ste rn Pacific is characterized b y strong p r e s s u r e system w hereas low pressure cvstem develops in the tropical w estern Pacific (fie 7 21 A), strong easterly w inds dom inate over the s u r f a c e , tropospheric subtropical w esterly je t streams are w eakened and shift polew ard in both the hem ispheres, La N ina effects set in, m onsoon becom es strong and brings copious precipitation in the south and south-eastern A sian regions, tropical south A m erica (i.e. A m azonia) and A frica (i.e. cen tral A frica), and alm ost dry conditions in the tropical eastern P acific (i.e. w estern co astal areas o f S. A m erica, m ainly Peru and C hile) T he low phase o f SO (fig- 7 .2 1 B ) is indicative o f reversal o f non-E N SO phase as d escribed above and onset o f El N ino phase ch aracterized by the developm ent o f high p res­ sure sy stem over tropical w estern Pacific and low pressu re system over tropical w estern Pacific and low pressure system over tropical eastern pacific, dom inance o f El N ino event o ff the Peruvian and C h ilean coasts and accentuated rainfall but d isap p earan ce o f L a N ina phenom enon from the tro p ic a l w estern P acific O cean and decreased p re c ip ita tio n in In dia and Indonesia resulting into d ro u g h t co n dition. 7 15 MONSOONS :RESULTOF ATMOSPHEREOCEAN INTERACTIONS T he m onsoons are seasonal w ind system s w hich change th e ir d irectio n s at least by 120° tw ice a y e a r and are caused due to d ifferen tial heating o f lan d (co n tin en t) and ocean surfaces and resu ltan t h igh and low p ressu re system s, seaso n al shifting o f w in d s in th e tro p ics due to e a rth ’s rev o lution a lo n g its o rb it around the sun, and upper a ir a tm o sp h eric c ircu latio n like je t stream s. Thus, m o n so o n s are the d ire c t re su lt o f a tm o s­ phere— o c ea n in te ra ctio n s. 1. Monsoons : Meaning and Concept T he w o rd ‘m o n so o n ’ is u sed to in d ic a te the w inds in the a reas w here they ch an g e th e ir direction tw ice each year. In fact, th e w ord ‘monsoon’ w hich has b een d eriv ed fro m A rab ic w ord ‘mausim’ or M alay an w o rd ‘monsin’ m e an in g thereby ‘sea so n ’ refers to such an a tm o sp h eric c ir c u la tio n w hich rev erses its d ire c tio n c o m ­ pletely every 6 m onths or say du rin g su m m er and w in ter seasons. T he w ord ‘m a u sim ’ w as first u sed by A rab n avigators fo r the w in d s b lo w in g o v er th e A rabian Sea betw een A rab and In d ia w h e rein they blow from n o rth -east to so u th -w est fo r 6 m o n th s during w in ter seaso n and fro m so u th -w e st to north-east during sum m er seaso n . O n th is b asis the w ord m onsoon w as ap p lied to a ll th o se w in d o f the globe w hich had d ire c tio n a l ch an g e fro m sum m er season to w in ter sea so n and v ic e -v e rsa . In m ay be p ointed out th a t th e re are m a n y su ch places on the globe w h ere th e re is c o m p le te seasonal rev ersal in th e w in d d ire c tio n e.g. e region lying betw een 60°-70° la titu d e s in th e northern hem isphere is c h a ra c te riz e d b y n o rth ­ east polar w inds during w in te r sea so n a n d by south-w est w esterlies du rin g su m m er se a so n , an d th e M e d i t e r r a n e a n reg io n s (30°-40° la titu d e s) are c h a r a c te r iz e d b y w esterlies d u rin g w in te r se a so n a n d north-east trade w inds d u rin g su m m e r se a so n b u t t h e s e w inds are n o t called m o n so o n s. It is a p p a r e n t th a t d irectio n al ch an g e o f th e w in d s is n o t th e only criterio n o f m o n so o n s. In fa c t, th e m onsoons a r e surface co n v ectiv e sy ste m s w h ic h are originated due to d ifferen tia l h e a tin g an d cooling o f the land and w a ter (o cean s) an d th e rm a l variations. T he reg io n s d o m in ated b y m o n so o n w inds are called ‘m o n so o n c lim a tic re g io n s ’ w hich are m ore d ev elo p ed in In d ia n s u b -c o n ti­ n e n t , so u th -east A sia, p arts o f C h in a an d Jap a n . B esides, southern U S A , n o rth e rn A u stra lia , w e s t­ e rn A fric a e tc . a lso r e p r e s e n t p s e u d o ­ m onsoons. A cco rd in g to C h an g -C h ia C h ’ en g m o n so o n is a flo w p a tte rn o f the g e n e ra l a tm o sp h e ric circu la tio n o ver a w id e g e o g ra p h ic a l area, in w hich there is clea rly d o m in a n t w in d in o n e d irectio n in every p a r t o f the reg io n co n cern ed , bu t in w hich this p r e v a ilin g d irec tio n o f w in d is rev e rsed (or a lm o st reversed ) fr o m w in te r to su m m er a n d fr o m su m m e r to w in ter. A cco rd in g to N ie u w o lt, th e w o rd m o n so o n is u sed o n ly f o r w in d syste m w h ere th e se a s o n a l re v e rsa l is p r o n o u n c e d a n d e xc e ed s a m in im u m n u m b er o f d e g re e s (1 2 0 deg rees). Scanned by CamScanner . 182 ° c e a n o g r APHy 2 . T y p e s an d D istribution of M onsoons ft- • . R eg io n a lly , m on soon s are divided into 3 broad categories, nam ely (i) A sian m onsoons, (ii) A frican m on soon s, and (iii) A m erican m onsoons. A sian m on soon s are divided into south A sian m on soon s and south-east A sian m onsoons. M on­ soon s are also divided into (1) traditional mon­ soons, e.g south and south-east A sian m onsoons, and (2) pseudo monsoons e.g. African and A m erican m on soon s. It m ay be m entioned that true m on soon s are b est develop ed over Indian subcontinent or say south A sia whereas in other areas m on soon s are found in m odified form. The m on soon areas are further subdivided as fo llo w s : (1) True or traditional monsoon areas inclurf India, Pakistan, B angladesh, Myanmar (Burm \ Thailand, Laos, Com bodia, North and S o u tP Vietnam, Southern China, Philippines, andNorthem coastal areas o f Australia. (2) Areas of Monsoonal tendencies or pseudo monsoons are found along south-w est coast of A frica including the coasts o f Guinea, Sierra Leone, Liberia and Ivory Coast; eastern Africa and W estern M adagascar. (3) Areas of Monsoonal effects include north­ east coast o f Latin A m erica (e.g. east Venezuela, Guyana, Surinam, French Guyana, and North-east Brazil), Puertiorico, and D om inican R epublic in the Caribbean Island. (4) Areas of Modified monsoons are found in parts o f Central Am erica and south-east U SA . Fig. 7.22 : Distribution o f monsoon areas. Asian M onsoons Asian m onsoons are divided into (1) South Asian m onsoons, (2) S.E. Asian m onsoons, and (3) East Asian m onsoons. The A sian m onsoons are, on an average, the outcom e o f large-scale seasonal shifting o f pressure and associated wind belts and humidity. Much o f the northern and central Asia is dominated by winter high pressure and subsiding airmasses resulting in outspread o f air circu "-M'n towards coastal areas. During winter season, thus, the winds are offshore in south, south-east and east A sia and hence almost dry condition prevails. But the offshore islands receive precipitation because the offshore winds w hile passing over the oceans pick up moisture through evaporation. The winter conditions are reversed during summer season as the monsoon lands are dominated by thermally induced low pressure system s and strong c o n v e r g e n c e result­ ing into strong onshore m onsoon winds. T h e se onshore south-w est m onsoon winds pickupmuc moisture w hile passing over the Indian Ocean an Scanned by CamScanner w 183 ATMOSPHERE - SEA INTERACTIONS the Arabian Sea and y ie ld p recip itatio n over south . m ainly In d ian su b co n tin en t. T he details o f Indian m onsoon w ill be d iscu ssed in the foregoing ection. T here are som e sig n ific a n t v ariatio n s in south A sian and E a st A sian m onsoons as follows : >■ T h ere are v a ria tio n s in sum m er and w inter m o n so o n s o v e r so uth and E ast A sia because o f v a ry in g g e o g ra p h ica l locations o f land and oceans. M o st o f E a st A sian m onsoon lands (e.g. S o uth K o rea, E a st C hina, Japan etc.) are located in te m p e ra te zone w hile South A sian m onsoon lan d s are lo c ated in tro p ical and su b tro p ical zo n es. T h is is the reaso n that sum m er m onso o ns are n o t as m u ch strong in East A sia as in S outh A sia b e ca u se low p ressu re system in E ast A sia is n o t in te n sifie d w h ile it is very m uch in te n sifie d in n o rth -w e st In d ian subcontinen t due to in te n se su m m er h e atin g (A pril-June). >- T h e H im alay as and th eir branches b e co m e e ffe ctiv e b arriers in p rotecting the Indian su b c o n tin e n t fro m the on slau g h t o f cold pow dery p o la r a irm a sse s o rig in ate d from Siberian and C e n tra l A sia n h ig h p ressu re system s during w in te r sea so n . O n the other hand, outw ard s p re a d in g o ffsh o re cold w inds from Siberian high p re ssu re sy ste m s lo w e r the w in ter tem perature in E ast A sian m o n so o n lands. It is evident that East A sian m o n so o n lands are m ore influenced by c o n tin e n ta l p o la r a irm a sse s as elab o rated below : T h e se a irm a sse s o rig in ate over extensive areas c o m p ris in g S ib e ria and o uter M ongolia hav in g v e ry c o ld g ro u n d su rface. In itia y, t e a irm asses are v e ry c o ld and dry in th e ir source regions. T h e lo w e r p o rtio n u p to the h e ig h t o f one k ilo m eter is c h a ra c te riz e d by in v e rsio n o f te m ­ p erature. T h e a ir m a sse s m o v e e astw a rd an d after covering lo n g d is ta n c e s are m e c h a n ic a lly m o d i­ fied as m e c h a n ic a l tu rb u le n c e is p ro d u c e d w h en these a ir m a sse s c ro s s o v e r th e m o u n ta in b a rrie rs. This p ro c e ss le a d s to th e d is a p p e a ra n c e o f inversion la y e r re s u ltin g in to in c re a se o f te m p e ra ­ ture and h u m id ity in th e lo w e r la y er. T h e se air m asses e n te r C h in a th ro u g h tw o ro u te s v iz . (i) through la n d su rfa c e , a n d (ii) th ro u g h sea w a te r surface. W h en h ig h p re s su re lie s o v e r M o n g o lia and N o rth C h in a , th e n th e se a ir m a sse s e n te r C hina b y la n d ro u te . T h e y a re m u c h w a rm e r in C hina than in th e ir so u rce areas. T h ese a ir m asses are asso ciated w ith c le a r sk y an d dry w eath er an d cold air. W hen th ese air m asses com e w ith high velo city , they b rin g w ith them im m ense q u an tity o f dust and sands and d e p o sit th em as lo ess. T h e co n tin en tal p o lar a ir m asses in th e ir m o d ified form s affect the w e ath e r co n d itio n s o f m o st p arts o f A sia du rin g w in ter season. T h ese a ir m asses do not en ter the In d ian su b co n tin en t b e c a u se o f effectiv e b a rrie r o f the H im alay as. W hen high p ressu re lies o v e r M an c h u ria and Japan Sea, the c o n tin en tal p o la r a ir m a sse s enter C hina by sea route a fte r m o v in g o v e r Jap an Sea, and Y ellow Sea and th u s p ic k u p a b u n d a n t m oisture T hese air m asses are re la tiv e ly w a rm e r and m ore hu m id than the c o n tin e n tal p o la r a ir m asses com ing by land route. U n til th e y are asso ciated w ith fro n ts, th ey are c h a ra c te riz e d b y clear sky and p leasan t w eath er. T h e lo w e r p o rtio n is unstable and thus they give p re c ip ita tio n w h e n they ascend along the m o u n tain b a rrie rs. T h e co n tin en tal air m asses co m in g th ro u g h s e a an d land routes co n v erg e along the eastern c o a s ts o f A sia and form cy clo n es th ro u g h fro n to g e n e s is and cause p recip itatio n . It is ev id en t th at w in ter m o n so o n s are stronger in E ast A sia than in S o u th A sia. >- The sum m er m on so o n s are m u ch s tro n g e r in South A sia and are w eak in E a st A sia b e c a u se the m aritim e tro p ica l a irm a sse s, in fa c t su m m e r m onsoon w inds, are w arm er, m o re h u m id an d un stab le. T hey y ie ld to rre n tia l ra in fa ll w h e n th e y are fo rced to ascen d b y m o u n ta in b a rrie r (th e H im alay as and th e ir ch ain s). A fte r b e in g o rig i­ n a ted in so u th ern In d ian O cean th e y m o v e n o rth and n o rth -ea stw ard , an d a fte r e n te rin g th e m a in ­ la n d (In d ian su b co n tin en t) th e y are h e a te d fro m b elo w b e c a u se o f w arm g ro u n d su rfa c e an d h e n ce th ey b e co m e u n sta b le an d c o n v e c tio n a l c u rre n ts are p ro d u c e d . T h e so u th -w e st su m m e r m o n so o n s o f In d ia n S u b c o n tin e n t are ty p ic a l re p re se n ta ­ tiv e s o f tru e m o n so o n s. T h e se a irm a s s e s p ro d u c e c y c lo n ic c o n d itio n s w h e n th e y c o n v e rg e w ito c o n tin e n ta l p o la r a irm a sse s d u rin g s p rin g s m c e n tra l C h in a an d d u rin g m id d le s u m m e r in M a n c h u ria . Scanned by CamScanner 184 North American Modified Monsoons N orth A m erican m onsoons are in fact m o d ified m o n so o n s in relation to South A sian m on soon s and are found over S.E. and S.W . U n ited States. The location o f the R ockies C o rd ille ra causes seasonal contrasts in the w eather c o n d itio n s o f S.E. and S.W . USA. D uring n o rth e rn su m m er subtropical high pressure shifts n o rth w a rd and lies over w estern Pacific coast and h en ce atm ospheric stability causes dry condition but the situ atio n to the east o f the R ockies is quite d ifferen t as the S. E. States o f the U SA are do m in ated by low pressure system w hich attracts m o isture laden m arine w inds com ing from over the A tlantic O cean and the M exican G u lf and pushed by the A tlantic high pressure near B arm uda. The m aritim e tropical A tlantic air m asses originate near B arm uda w here high pressure is formed. They m ove northw estw ard and control the w eather conditions o f vast areas o f the USA east o f the Rocky M ountains during sum m er m onths. The therm ally induced low pressure over southern and central USA draws m aritim e tropical air m asses (m P) far inland but the existence o f polar front in the vicinity o f the G reat Lakes restricts their entry into Canada. Since tem perature and m oisture content in the air increases considerably due to arrival o f these air m asses in the central and eastern USA, the w eather becom es oppressive and unpleasant. As these air m asses m ove out o f their source areas and enter the USA after crossing over the G u lf o f M exico, surface tem perature increases, and they are m odified into m aritim e tropical unstable air masses (m TKu) because the heating o f overlying relatively cold air mass causes atm ospheric instability. Thus, thunderstorm s and cyclones are produced w hich yield heavy show ers. As the air mass m oves northw ard it loses its m oisture content and becom es dry in the upper M ississippi valley. W hen these air m asses m ove w estw ard and rise along the Rocky m ountains they yield heavy downpour with cloud burst. Sim ilarly, when they cross over the A pplachians they give heavy showers through thunderstorm s. t, D unn6 w inter season the above situation o f w e a th e rre v e rs e d . The subtropical high pressure and subpolar lowpressuresystems raoveequatorw^ T he S W U S A , west o f the Rockies comes the in flu en ce o f su b p o la r convergence zone (pol* front) w hich is a sso c ia te d w ith strong cyclonic activ ities w h ich y ie ld m u c h precipitation in the so u th -w estern c o asta l areas. The region east of the R ockies is d o m in a te d b y winter high pressure system m ain ly o v e r the G re a t Plains and the winds becom e o ffsh o re re su ltin g in to le ss precipitation. It b ecom es very d iffic u lt to th e tro p ic a l maritime A tlantic air m asses to e n te r th e so u th ern and central U SA b e ca u se o f the d o m in a n c e o f the continental p o la r airm a ss o v e r th is area. Accord­ ing to P ierre the sea so n al c o n tra sts (sum m er and w inter v ariatio n s) are n o t as m u ch m ark ed as in South and South E ast A sian m o n so o n s because the sam e c y clo n ic c o n d itio n s an d inconsistency is ch aracteristic (fea tu re ) o f b o th w in te r and sum­ m er (seasons). Pseudo Monsoons A reas o f m o n so o n al te n d e n c ie s or pseudo m onsoons are fo u n d alo n g so u th -w e st coast of A frica in clu d in g the co asts o f G uinea, Sierra Leone, L iberia and Iv o ry C o ast; Eastern Africa and w estern M ad ag ascar. West Africa : T he c o astal areas o f the west A frica located b etw een 5°N -20°N latitudes in­ cluding Sierra L eon, L ib eria, Iv o ry C oast, Guinea, Senegal. M au ritan ia etc. are ch aracterized by m onsoonal te n d en c ie s w h e rein sum m er mon­ soons (Ju n e-A u g u st) are w ell m ark ed but winter m onsoons (D e c e m b e r-F e b ru a ry ) are not well developed. D u rin g the n o rth e rn sum m er the su b tro p ical high p re ssu re sh ifts to the north of tropic o f C an cer in the n o rth e rn hemisphere w hereas the so u th ern su b tro p ic a l h ig h pressure is located to the n o rth o f T ro p ic o f C ap rico rn . The northw ard shift o f the so u th e rn su b tro p ical high pressure p u sh es the S.E. trad e w in d s n o rth w a rd w hich after c ro ssin g o v e r th e e q u ato r become so u th -w esterly due to C o rio lis e ffe ct and Ferrel s law. T hese su rface so u th -w e ste rlie s ure o u e rrid e n by u p p er air tro p ica l e aste rlie s. S in ce the su rfa c e so u th -w esterlies com e from o v e r the Atlantic O cean and G u lf o f G u in ea, th ey p ick -u p moisture and yield rain fall in the c o astal w est A frica. These Scanned by CamScanner 185 ATMOSPHERE - SEA INTERACTIONS moist winds lose m oisture and energy as these move further inland. During winter season, the western coast o f A frica is dom inated by surface Isj E Trades and hence w inters are dry because the tropical easterlies b low over land areas. It may also be m entioned that unlike South Asian monsoon areas, the G uinea coasts are dominated by moist weather throughout the year. The annual weather conditions in the w estern coast o f Africa are characterized and determ ined by (1) formation o f clouds and resultant light rainfall due to frictional convergence w ithin the surface south­ westerly m on soon flo w and upper air easterlies; (2) lo w -le v e l convergence o f easterly w aves having cy clo n ic circulation; (3) m oist air w aves a sso c ia te d w ith su m m er so u th -w e ste r lie s; (4) north-south Sudan-Sahel belt o f cumulonimbus cells; (5 ) location and m ovem ent o f m onsoon trough; (6) u p w ellin g o f cool water (20°C) along the coasts o f Senegal and Mauretania during January-April and along the Central southern coast located to the w est o f Lagos during JulyO ctober etc. The average annual rainfall decreases from about 5°N latitude (2000 m m -3000 mm) to 20°N latitude (1 0 0 0 m m ). The rainfall intensity in the im m ediate v icin ity o f the coasts is the highest (300 mm per day during summer rainy months) and decreases tow ards the east. A ccording toR.J. Chorley and R.G. Barry (2 0 0 2 ) m onsoon rains in Nigeria contribute only 28 per cent o f the mean a n n n a l rainfall (2 0 0 0 m m ) w hile remaining amount (72 per cent) is received through thunder­ storms (51 p e r ce n t) and disturbance lines (21 per cent). I f on e g o e s further north, the m onsoon contribution to total annual rainfall further decreases e.g . at about 10° N . latitude only 9 per cent o f annual total is received through m onsoon. E a st-A frica : The east coastal regions o f South Africa lyin g betw een the latitudes o f 5° S and 25°S falling in Tanzania and M ozam bique countries and also M adagascar are characterized by monsoon tendencies wherein w et (sum m er season, southern summer i.e. January) and dry (southern winter, i.e. July) are w ell marked. With southward migration o f the sun after autumn equinox (i.e. after 23 Septem ber) during southern summer the intertropical convergence (ITC) shifts to the south o f the equator, southern subtropical high pressure shifts southward, south­ east tropical trades are pushed southward, conse­ quently tropical easterlies (N .E . Trades) occupy the coastal regions o f Tanzania and M ozam bique and entire Madagascar. These tropical easterly winds pickup moisture from the Indian ocean and becom e m oist summer north-east m onsoons, and bring rains in the eastern coastal regions o f South Africa. It may be m entioned that during southern summer the South Africa is characterized by low pressure and depressions w hich draw the m oist tropical easterlies w hich are associated w ith easterly w aves at 850-700 mb le v el or at the altitude o f 200m -3000m above the surface. T hese easterly w aves becom e more active during south­ ern summer (D ecem ber to February) and bring much rains (the rainfall intensity reaches 4 0 mm per day) (Chorley and Barry, 2 0 0 2 ). It m ay be mentioned that the easterly w aves are associated with tropical cyclones w hich are developed in the Southern Indian Ocean in January and February and m ove w est and north-westward towards east African coast under the influence o f southern tropical easterlies. During southern winter the above co n d i­ tions are reversed due to migration o f the sun to the north o f the equator after s p r i n g equin ox (21 March). The intertropical convergence (ITC) is pushed to the north o f the equator together w ith northward shifting o f the northern subtropical high pressure. The southern sub-tropical high pressure is also pushed to the north o f the tropic o f Capricorn. C onsequently, the eastern coastal plains o f South Africa com e under the influence o f extratropical (m id-latitude) w esterlies. Since these south-w esterly winter m onsoon w inds are o ff­ shore and hence are alm ost dry resulting into alm ost winter dry season. The high phase o f the Walker circulation (Southern O scillation) during southern summer over south A frica, intensified intertropical convergence and subtropical high pressure cells, strong easterly w aves and tropical cy clo n es originating in the southern Indian O cean etc. are responsible for high rainfall during summer m onsoon (D ecem ber to February) o f eastern Africa. Scanned by CamScanner 186 OCEANOG Australian Monsoon d e v elo p e d o v e r A sia d u e to v e ry lo w tem perature T w o b o ld h ig h p re ssu re a re a s a re d ev elo p ed neai B ay k al L ake a n d P e sh a w a r. O n th e o th er hand, low p re ssu re c en tre is d e v e lo p e d in the southeinjg Indian O cean d u e to s u m m e r s e a so n and relq tejT high te m p e ratu re in th e s o u th e rn hem isphere,. C o n seq u en tly , w in d s sta rt b lo w in g fro m the high" p ressu re land a re as to th e lo w p re s su re oceanic,, areas. T hese are c a lle d n o rth -e a s t m o n so o n s or w in ter m o n so o n s (fig. 7 .2 3 ). T h e s e are d ry w inds, because th ey co m e fro m o v e r th e land. T h e A u stra lia n m o n so o n is p laced u nd er the c a te g o ry o f tru e o r tra d itio n a l m onsoon but it is c o n fin e d o n ly to th e n arro w coastal strip s o f n o rth e rn A u stra lia w h e rein active m onsoon p e ­ rio d is e x p e rie n c e d d u rin g austral (southern) su m m e r (D e c e m b e r to M arch). The northern A u s tra lia is c h a ra c te riz e d by therm ally induced lo w p re s su re in late D ecem b er and early January w h ic h a ttra c ts low level w esterlies overlain by u p p e r tro p o sp h e ric easterlies. The m onsoon sets in la te D e c e m b e r and retreats in m id-M arch. On an a v erag e , the average active m onsoon period is o f 75 day s b u t this is highly variable because a n n u a l activ e m onsoon period ranges betw een 10 d a y s and 125 days. The tropical easterlies asso c iate d w ith tropical cyclones and squall lines also brin g rains during sum m er m onsoon. The m onsoon effect does not have deeper penetration in the northern A ustralia because the seasonal shifting o f intertropical convergence (ITC) is not very effective. D uring southern w inter the coastal northern A ustralia is characterized by dry co n ti­ nental airm ass and hence w inters have very little rainfall. 7.16 CONCEPTS OF THE ORIGIN OF MON­ SOONS The concept o f the origin o f m onsoon is related to therm al and dynam ic factors and thus there are tw o concepts o f the origin o f m onsoon e.g. (1) therm al concept, and (2) dynam ic concept. 1. Thermal Concept T he therm al concept o f the origin o f m onsoon was first pro p o u n d ed by H ailey in 1686. A ccording to this concept the m onsoons are the result o f heterogeneous ch arac te r o f the globe (unequal distribution o f land and w ater) and fferentia seasonal heating and cooling o f the wm tm ental and oceanic areas. D uring north ern vertical o v e ^ ' f 06- WhfCn the Sun M o n ie s southern h e m i s n h e ^ T u Capncorn in phere h ,8h P ressure areas are Fig. 7.23 : (A) Winter monsoon, (B) Sum m er m onsoon. T he a fo re sa id c o n d itio n s a re r e v e rs e d at the tim e o f su m m e r so lstic e w h e n th e su n b eco m es v ertical o v er th e tro p ic o f C a n c e r in th e n o rth e rn le m isp h ere. B e c a u se o f h ig h te m p e ra tu re low p re ssu re c en tres are d e v e lo p e d a t tw o p la c e s due o the p re se n te o f th e H im a la y a s e.g. n e a r B aykal L ake and M u h a n C o n v e r s d y j h .g h p re ssu n j T ar f d e v e lo p e d in th e s o u th e rn Indian a n ’K 01 ie n ° rth o f A u s tra lia a n d to th e so u th o f h e m k n ieCaUS w *n te r s e a s o n in th e southern In d ian nseclu e n tb'» w in d s b lo w from In d ia n O cean to A sia n c o n tin e n t. T h e se w inds e rlv , c ro ®s *ng th e e q u a to r b e c o m e so u th -w e stmuch mn t F e m ‘:s la w - T h ese * * * » pi<* and v ie lf /h UrC w p a ssin g through the ocean Uvelv Th y rai"fa" when obstructed effecsummer n,eSe are ca**e(* south-west monsoons or su m m e r m o n so o n s. i Scanned by CamScanner Bjffiv• ~ r* 3»j-: * ATMOSPHERE - SEA INTERACTIONS 2 . Dynamic Concept A host o f scientists have refuted the therm al origin o f m onsoon and have raised the follow ing objections against the old concept o f therm al concept. >• I f the ‘lows’ developed over the land areas are ‘heat lows’ (low pressure centres devel­ oped due to high tem perature), then they should remain stationary at their places for some time but they are never stationary. There is sudden and w idespread shifting in their positions. It, thus, appears that the low pressure centres are not related to therm al conditions, rather they repre­ sent cyclonic low s associated with the south-w est monsoon. >- T he rain producing capacity o f monsoon w inds is also doubtful. In fact, the monsoon rainfall is associated w ith tropical disturbances. >- I f the m onsoons are therm ally induced then there should be anti-m onsoon circulation in the upper air. It may be pointed out that a few m eteo ro lo g ists have also noticed seasonal varia­ tions o f w inds aloft in the tropsphere and strato sphere. Such upper air w inds, which change their d irectio n s, seasonally, are called ‘upper air m on soon ’ o r ‘aerological m onsoon’. * B ased on above objections Flohn rejected the therm al concept o f the origin o f monsoon winds and p ro pounded his new concept in 1951 which is based on the dynam ic origin o f m on­ soons. A ccording to him m onsoons are originated due to sh ifting o f pressure and w ind belts. Tropical convergence is form ed due to conver­ gence o f n o rth -east and south-east trade w inds near the equator. This is called intertopical convergence (IT C ). T he northern and southem boundaries o f ITC are called N ITC and SITC respectively (figs. 7.16 and 7.17). T here is a belt o f doldrum w ith in the intertropical convergence characterized by equatorial westerlies. A t the time of sum m er solstice (June 21) w hen the sun becomes vertical over the tropic o f C ancer, N ITC is extended upto 30°N latitude covering south and south-east A sia and thus eq u ato rial w esterlies are established over these areas. T hese equatorial w esterlies becom e south-w est or sum m er m on­ soons. The NITC is associated with numerous atm ospheric storms (cyclones) which yield heavy rainfall during wet monsoon months (July to September). Sim ilarly, the north-east or winter m onsoon does not originate due to low pressure in the southern hem isphere during w inter solstice (southern summer, when the sun becomes vertical over the tropic o f Capricorn). In fact, the north­ east monsoons are north-east trade winds which are reestablished over south and south-east Asia during northern w inter (w inter solstice) due to southward shifting o f pressure and w ind belts and NITC. It is obvious that due to southw ard movement o f the sun at the time o f the w inter solstice the NITC is withdrawn from over south and south-east Asia and north-east trade w inds occupy their normal position. These north-east trades, thus, become w inter m onsoons. Since they come from over the land, and hence they are dry. 7.17 ORIGIN OF INDIAN MONSOON The findings o f researches conducted in connection with the Indian monsoon after 1950 have revealed that its origin and m echanism are related to the following facts : The role o f the position o f the H im alayas and Tibetan plateau as m echanical b arrier or as high level heat source. >- The existence o f upper air circum -polar whirls over north and south poles in the tro p o ­ sphere. >- The circulation o f upper air jet streams in the troposphere. D ifferential heating and cooling o f huge landm ass o f A sia and Indian Ocean. >■ The El Nino-Southern O scillation (ENSO) event. Before 1950 the origin and m echanism o f Indian m onsoon was related to surface air circulation and therm ally induced low and high pressures and thus m onsoon was considered to be a sim ple air circulation system but the studies o f air circulation in the m iddle and upper tropo­ sphere have shown that the m onsoon is a com plex air circulation system . H igh pressure is developed Scanned by CamScanner ?v>BM 188 d u e to e x tre m e ly lo w te m p e ra tu re an d d e sc e n t o f a ir f r o m a b o v e in th e a rc tic c irc le o v e r the p o les w h e r e a s u p p e r a ir lo w p re s su re is d e v e lo p e d in the tr o p o s p h e r e ju s t a b o v e the su rfa ce o f high p r e s s u r e a re a . T liu s, u p p e r a ir c irc u m p o la r w hirl is d e v e lo p e d a b o v e th e p o le s w h erein w inds blow fo llo w in g c u rv e d p a th s in a c y c lo n ic system . In o th e r w o rd s , w in d s b lo w aro u n d u pper a ir low p re s s u re c c n tre in a c y c lo n ic p a tte rn and thus form a w h irl. T h is w h irl is c a lle d c irc u m p o la r w hirl. T h e g e n e ra l d ire c tio n o f a ir m o v em en t o v er A sia is fro m w e st to east. T h e e q u a to rw a rd w in d s o f th is u p p e r a ir w h irl are c a lle d jet streams. T h e je t stre am s b lo w in a m ean d erin g c o u rse . T h e a rc tic u p p e r a ir w hirl becom es m ore p ro m in e n t and activ e d u rin g w in te r season in the n o rth e rn h e m isp h ere (a t the tim e o f w in te r s o lstie c ) and th u s the u p p e r a ir w esterly je t stre am s are e sta b lish e d in th e latitu d in a l zo n e o f 20°-35°N . B ec a u se o f e q u to rw a rd sh iftin g o f u p p e r a ir c irc u m p o la r w h irl the n o rth in te rtro p ica l c o n v erg en c e (N IT C ) is p u sh ed fu rth e r so u th w ard fro m its n a tu ra l p o sitio n . N o rth -e a st trade w in d s fo rm th e s u rfa c e a ir c irc u la tio n o v e r In d ian s u b c o n tin e n t d u rin g n o rth e rn w in te r (fig. 7.24 A ). T h e u p p e r a ir w e ste rly je t stream s are p o s itio n e d in A sia at the h e ig h t o f a b o u t 12 k ilo m e tre s in th e tro p o sp h e re . T h e se je t stream s are b ifu rc a te d d u e to th e m e c h a n ic a l o b stru c tio n o f th e Himalayas an d Tibetan plateau d u rin g n o rth e rn w in te r. T h e n o rth e rn b ra n c h b lo w s fro m w est to east in a rc u a te sh ap e to th e n o rth o f th e H im alay as and T ib e ta n p la te a u (fig. 7.24 A ) w h ile th e so u th ern b ra n c h m o v e s fro m w e st to e a st to the south o f the H im a la y as. It m ay be p o in te d ou t th a t the m ain b ra n c h o f u p p e r-a ir je t stre am s fo llo w s anti-cy clonic p ath w h e re in a n tic y c lo n ic a ir c irc u ­ lation is d ev elo p ed to th e rig h t o f the g en eral flo w d irectio n o f the je t stre am s a cro ss A fg h a n ista n and P ak istan w ith the re s u lt u p p e r air h ig h p ressu re is form ed o v e r th e m (fig. 7 .2 4 A , indicated by H igh) at th e h e ig h t o f 10-12 k m and hence w inds d escen d an d se ttle d o w n w ard . C onversely, th e m ain b ra n c h o f je t stream s to th e south o f the H im alay as fo llo w s c y clo n ic arc having an ti-clockw ise air c irc u la tio n due to m ountain b arrier. W ith the re su lt u p p er a ir low pressure and cyclonic air c irc u latio n are d e v e l­ OCEANOGRA*^ o p e d o v e r Tibetan plateau (fig . 7 .2 4 A low ). Let us d iscu ss the general co n d itio n s during w inter and sum m er sea so n s. T he upper air w esterly je t stream s are exten d ed upto 20°-35°H latitude due to equatorw ard sh ift o f upper air north polar w hirl during northern w inter (O ctober to February). T he upper air w e ste r ly je t streams are bifurcated into tw o branches due to m echanical obstructions o f the H im alayas and T ibetan Platean. One branch is located to the south o f the H im alayas w h ile the seco n d branch is positioned to the north o f T ibetan plateau (fig . 7 .2 4 A ). Upper air high pressure and a n ticy c lo n ic (w ith clock­ w ise air circulation) co n d itio n s are developed in the troposphere over A fg h a n ista n and Pakistan. C onsequently, the w in d s tend to d escen d over north-w estern part o f India resu ltin g into the developm ent o f atm osph eric sta b ility and dry conditions. B esid e s, the upper air w esterly jet streams also cause period ic ch a n g es in general w eather con d ition s b eca u se th ey lie over the tem perate lo w pressure (c y c lo n ic w aves) or cy clo n es w hich m o v e from w e st to east under the in flu en ce o f upper air w e ste r ly je t streams across the M editerranean Sea and reach Pakistan and north-w est India. T h ese storm s are not frontal cy clo n es but are w a v e s w h ic h m o v e at the height o f 2 0 0 m etres from m ean sea le v e l, w hile at the surface there are n orth -east trade winds. The arrival o f th ese tem perate storm s cau ses precipita­ tion and abrupt d ecrease in air temperature. The w eather b eco m es clear after th ey pass away. On an average 4 to 8 c y c lo n ic w a v e s per m onth reach north-w estern India b etw een O ctober and April each year. T hey a ffec t the w eather conditions during w inter sea so n s upto Patna. N o w q u e stio n a ris e s as to w h y th e re is no re g u la rity a n d c o n tin u ity in th e w in te r cyclonic w a v e s? A s s ta te d e a r lie r th e u p p e r a ir high p re s s u re an d a n tic y lo n ic s y s te m s a re positioned a b o v e th e g ro u n d s u rfa c e fre q u e n te d b y cyclonic w a v es. T h is is w h y th e w in d s d e sc e n d and the c y c lo n ic w a v e s lo c a te d a t th e h e ig h t o f 200 ta fro m th e su rfa c e a re u n a b le to a sc e n d b ecau se the w in d s d e sc e n d in g fro m th e u p p e r a ir high p re s su re o b s tru c t th em . S im u lta n e o u s ly , the sur­ face tra d e w in d s p o s itio n e d b e lo w the cyclonic Scanned by CamScanner ATM OSI'H ERE _ SEA INTERACTIONS cooling and increase in relative humidity). On an average, most parts of India remain dry during • winter season except Tamil Nadu coast which receives much rainfall during October-November. ^ jv e s also c o o l them from below . Consequently, nJOSt o f the precipitation from these cyclonic waves is orographic in character (the winds rise altpig the Him alayas and yield precipitation due to TROPOSPHERIC ANTI CYCLONE TROPOSPHERIC DEPRESSION CYCLONE N 200 mb WINTER WESTERLY JET STREAM TDHDncDUPPir c \ c \ ONF TROPOSPHERIC 200 mb WESTERLY JET STREAM Fig. 7.24: Origin of Indian monsoon : W conJuum during w i^ r season. out (B) condign Jmng sunmer season. Scanned by CamScanner 190 A fte r v e rn a l equinox (21 M arch) sun m oves n o rth w a rd and b e co m e s v e rtical o v er the trop ic o t C an cer (a t th e tim e o f sum m er so lstice, 21 June) w ith th e re s u lt th e p o la r su rface high p ressu re is w eak en ed an d u p p e r air c ircu m -p o lar w hirl w hich ex ten d ed u p to 20°-35°N latitu d es d u ring w in ter seaso n sh ifts n o rth w ard due to w hich u pper air w e ste rly je t stream s are also w ithdraw n and sh itl n o rth w ard. T h u s, the dynam ic force o f the p olar w h irl is w eakened. C onsequently, the u pp er air c irc u m -p o la r w h irl becom es unable to m aintain the so u th ern b ran ch o f the w esterly je t stream s (to the so u th o f th e H im alayas, fig. 7.24 A) and thus th ey (jet stream s) shift to the north o f the H im alay as and T ibetan plateau (fig. 7.24 B). Final w ith d raw al o f upper air stream s from over India is co m p leted by m iddle o f June. Low pressure areas are developed at the ground surface in north-w est Pakistan and n o rth ­ w est India due to intense heating o f ground surface during A pril-M ay. B ut so long as the position o f upper air je t stream s is m aintained above the surface low pressure (to the south o f the H im alayas), the dynam ic cyclonic conditions persist over A fghanistan, north-w est Pakistan and north-w est India. The w inds descending from the upper air high pressure obstruct the ascent o f winds from the surface low pressure areas, w ith the result the w eather rem ains w arm and dry. This is w'hy the m onths o f April and M ay are dry inspite o f high tem perature and evaporation. It m ay be pointed out that m onsoon arrives in M ay in M yanm ar but north-w est India rem ains dry. U pper air low pressure is form ed to the east o f the eastern lim it o f the H im alayas due to upper air je t stream s, w ith the result the w inds com ing from south in M yanm ar are forced to ascend and yield copious rainfall. The M yanm ar m onsoon also affects B angladesh and adjoining Indian territory w hich receives prem onsoon rainfall. T he upper air w esterly je t stream (southern branch o f w inter je t stream (is w ithdraw n from over India by the m iddle o f June (fig. 7.24 B), reason has already been explained above. N ow the je t stream is positioned to the north o f Tibet and the trajectory o f its flow becom es opposite (fig. 7.24 B ) to the flow curvature during w inter season (fig. 7.24 A). The flow path o f upper air w e ste rly je t s tre a m b e c o m e s c y c lo n ic (a n tic lo c k w ise m o v e m e n t o f free a,r) over an d A fg h a n ista n d u e to w h .c h d y n a m i c ^ in d u ced lo w p re s su re is fo rm e d m th e upper J e tro p o sp h e re , c a lle d a s tr o p o s p h e n c low « c y clo n e , fig. 7.24 B) a n d thus c y c lo n ic c o n d m o ® d o m in ate th e u p p e r a tm o s p h e re . It m ay be rem em b ered th a t there is h ig h p re s s u re and a n tic y c lo n ic c o n d itio n s d u rin g w in te r seaso n in th e areas o f s u m m e r u p p e r a ir tro p o s p h e n c low p ressu re an d c y c lo n ic c o n d itio n . T h is u p p er an low p re ssu re is also e x te n d e d o v e r P a k is ta n and n o rth -w est In d ia. T h e re is a lre a d y therm ally induced low p re s s u re a t th e g ro u n d surface located b elo w the u p p e r a ir lo w p re s s u re . C onse­ qu en tly , the su rfa ce w a rm w in d s ris e u p w a rd . The ascen t o f su rfa ce w a rm a ir is f u r th e r accelerated because the u p p e r a ir lo w p re s s u re su c k s th e air from the g ro u n d su rfa c e . T h is m e c h a n is m causes sudden b u rs t o f s o u th -w e s t m o n so o n . It m ay be re m e m b e re d th a t d u rin g northern sum m er th ere is w in te r se a so n in th e southern h em isp h ere, w ith th e re s u lt s o u th e rn p o la r w hirl is m ore d ev elo p ed and is e x te n d e d u p to th e equator. C onseq u en tly , the in te rtro p ic a l c o n v erg en c e (ITC) is p u sh ed to th e n o rth o f e q u a to r. B ec a u se o f the push facto r o f th e so u th e rn p o la r w h irl the south­ east trad e w in d s are fo rc e d e q u a to rw a rd and w hile cro ssin g o v e r th e e q u a to r th e y b ecom e south­ w esterly due to c o rio lis fo rc e (d e fe ctiv e force caused due to th e ro ta tio n o f th e e a rth ) and rush tow ards In d ia. It m a y b e p o in te d o u t th a t rapid advance o f in te r-tro p ic a l c o n v e rg e n c e northw ard is b ecau se o f th e p u s h fa c to r o f th e southern circu m p o lar w h irl a n d n o t b e c a u s e o f su ck in g by the th erm ally in d u c e d s u rfa c e lo w p re ssu re over n o rth -w est In d ia. N o d o u b t, th is su rfa ce low p ressure a c c e le ra te s th e a d v a n c e of intertropical co n v erg en ce n o rth w a rd . In te rtro p ic a l conver­ gence is c h a ra c te riz e d b y d y n a m ic a lly induced w aves and n o t b y fro n ta l c y clo n e s. T h e se dynami­ cally in d u ced w a v es a fte r c o m in g over India b ecom e cy clo n e v o rtice s. T h e s u m m er monsoon rains of In d ia re su lt fro m these cyclonic vortices. In o th er w o rd s, th e d e v e lo p m e n t o f cyclonic vortices is fo llo w ed b y w e t weather while their occlusion cau ses d ry w e ath e r w h ic h continues till new cyclonic v o rtex is form ed. Scanned by CamScanner ATMOSPHERE - SEA INTERACTIONS There is much spatial and tem poral varia­ tion o f m onsoon rainfall in India. T opographic factor plays a m ajor role in such variation. For example, the A rabian Sea B ranch o f south-w est monsoon rises ab ruptly a lte r being obstructed by the W estern G hats and yield heavy rainfall w hile the regions locatcd to the cast o f the W estern Ghats receive m eagre am ount o f rainfall because the w inds d escend along the eastern slopes and thus are w arm ed due to w hich relative hum idity decreases and arid ity increases. Such regions o f low rainfall are called ‘rain oliudow region*’. The H im alayas affect the Bay o f B engal Branch o f so u th -w est m onsoon in tw o w ays e.g. (i) the air ascends due to o b stru ctio n o f the m ountain and yields heavy ra in fa ll, and (ii) the obstruction by the H im alay as causes ch annelling effects due to w hich w inds blow w estw ard along the m ountains. C o n seq u en tly , the m onsoon reaches northw estern In d ia th ro u g h the G anga valley. Inspite o f strong surface low pressure over R ajasthan and adjoin­ ing P ak istan i territo ry the rainfall is m inim um . G e n era lly , the low est am ount o f rainfall over n o rth -w e st India is related to the parallel position o f th e A ra v a llis to the A rbian Sea Branch to south­ w e st m o n so o n but the real cause is related to the d ep th o f m o n s o o n d rift w hich depends on the p o sitio n o f u p p e r a ir dynam ic anticyclonic condi­ tion a b o v e su rfa c e low pressure. T h e u p p e r a ir high p ressu re obstructs the u pw ard m o v e m e n t o f su rface w inds. W henever this u p p e r a ir h igh p re ssu re sh ifts w estw ard, m onsoon w in d s rise ra p id ly and yield heavy rain fall ev en in R a j a s t h a n . El N ! n o — Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and Indian hitlh phiua (strong SO) and low phai« (weak SO). The high phase o f SO causes strong monsoon over South and South-East Asia. In fact, high phase o f SO indicates normal condition or Non-ENSO phase wherein tropical eastern and south-eastern Pacific Ocean is characterized by strong high surface pressure system whereas low pressure system develops over tropical western Pacific Ocean (fig. 7.21 A), strong easterly winds dom inate over the ground surface (including both land and sea surfaces), tropospheric (upper atm osphere) subtropical w esterly je t stream s are w eakened and shift polew ard in both the hem ispheres, La Nina becom es strong which induces strong monsoon resulting into copious rainfall in the south and south-eastern A sian regions but there is drought conditions in the w estern coastal areas o f South A m erica (mainly Peru and Chile). It is obvious that weak El N ino but strong La N ina are responsible for strong Indian m onsoon, as well as for south and S outh­ Eastern A sian regions. On the other hand, low phase (w eak) o f SO (fig. 7.21 B) is indicative o f reversal o f above m entioned N on-ENSO phase and onset o f El N ino phase characterized by the developm ent o f high pressure system over tropical eastern P acific O cean and low pressure system over tro p ical eastern Pacific O cean, dom inance o f strong El N ino event o ff the Peruvian and C hilean co asts and a c c e n t u a t e d ra in f a ll therein but d isap p e a r­ ance o f La N ina phenom enon from the T ro p ica l w estern Pacific O cean. T his situ atio n w eakens Indian m onsoons resulting into low rain fall o v er south and south-eastern A sia. 7 .1 8 LAND AND SE A B R E E Z E S Monsoon A s d iscu ssed in section 7.13 o f this chapter, the phases and strengths o f the Southern O scill tion (SO ) in term s o f sp atio -te m p o ra l shifting o high and low pressure system s betw een tropica eastern and w estern P acific O cean are determined on the basis o f d ifferen ces o f air pressures between these tw o areas and resultant air circu a tion. The phases o f the SO (i.e. strong an w'ca ) are termed as Southern O scillation Index (b ) wherein tw o ph ases are m ost sign ifican t name y, Land and sea breezes, representing a com plete cycle o f diurnal w inds, are, in fact, m onsoon winds at local scale because they change their direction tw ice in every 24-hour period. These local diurnal m onsoon w inds very com ­ m only known as land and see breezes are found in the coastal areas wherein sea b r e e z e blow s from sea to land, during day time and land breeze m oves from land to sea during ni 8 ht d^ t0 differential heating and cooling o f land and water. Scanned by CamScanner : il^ai 192 d a ily lo c a l w in d s in lake shore areas are c a lle d land and lake breezes. T he land and sea b re e z e s o r la n d a n d lak e b reezes are the function o f d iu rn a l re v e rsa l in te m p e ratu res and resu ltan t p re s s u re s o v e r la n d and w a ter su rfaces due to th eir c o n tra s tin g n a tu re o f h e atin g and cooling. Sea Breeze L a n d is h e a te d m ore qu ick ly than the a d ja c e n t sea d u rin g d a y lig h t tim e, w ith the result th e w a rm a ir o v e r th e ad jacen t land is h eated and e x p a n d s a n d th u s low p re ssu re is dev elo p ed w hile h ig h p re s su re is d e v elo p e d o v er adjacent sea. The p re s s u re g ra d ie n t fro m sea su rface to land surface c a u s e s c irc u la tio n o f rela tiv e ly cool air from sea to a d ja c e n t lan d (fig. 7.25). Sea b reezes begin to flo w u su a lly b e tw ee n 10-11 a.m . and becom e m o s t a c tiv e in e arly a fte rn o o n u su ally b etw een 10 to 2 0 p.m . w ith m ax im u m v elo city ranging b e tw e e n 10 to 20 k ilo m e tre s p er hour and are te rm in a te d by 8 p.m . at night. T he average depth o f sea b re e z e sy ste m ran g es b etw een 1000-2000 m e tre s in th e c o a sta l re g io n s o f the tro p ica l areas ) Fig. 7.25: A = Sea breeze, B - Land breeze. w h ile its depth is b etw een 200 and 500 m neat th« lakes. T he c o o lin g e ffe ct o f sea bree*es reaches 50 to 65 km inland in the tro p ical reg io n s w hile 15 to 50 km in the m iddle latitu d es. T h e velocity of these w in d s v aries sp atially <\jj. the velocity v aries from 25 to 50 km p er h o u r in the tem perate areas w h ile som e tim es sea b reezes become storm y in the tro p ica l areas. Sea b reezes have co o lin g effects on the c o astal land as the tem p eratu re drops by 5°C to 10°C, w ith the result * w eath er b eco m es p leasan t. Sea b re e ze s are most active d uring su m m er season. Land Breeze A fter su n set the sea b re e ze s are w eakened because the d ay lig h t tim e low p re ssu re o v er land is w eakened due to rap id loss o f heat through outg o in g lo n g w av e rad iatio n from the land, C o n seq u en tly , the p o sitio n o f d ay lig h t tim e high and low pressu re is rev ersed . N ow high p ressu re is developed on land ag ain st low p re ssu re on the adjacent sea w ith the resu lt air starts m o v in g from land to sea d uring n ig h t (fig .7.2513). L and b reezes are co m p arativ ely w eak er than sea b reezes. T hese are dry w inds. It m ay be m en tio n ed th at n ig h t tim e low p ressure over sea su rface in re la tio n to high pressu re over land su rface is not due to n o c tu rn a l heatin g o f sea surface. T h e h ig h p re ssu re o v er land su rface is caused due to ra d ia tio n lo ss o f h eat w hile sea su rface re m a in s w arm b e c a u se o f d elay ed c o o lin g o f sea su rface d u rin g n ig h t. It is also im p o rtan t to n o te th a t te m p e ra tu re and c o n se q u e n t p re ssu re v a ria tio n s o v e r sea and a d jac e n t la n d su rfa ce are n o t so p ro n o u n ced , d u rin g n ig h t tim e as d u rin g d a y lig h t tim e, and h e n ce lan d b re e z e s are n o t as stro n g as sea b re e z e s. L a n d and sea b re e z e s are m o re regular an d fu lly d e v e lo p e d a ro u n d isla n d s in the tropical a n d s u b tro p ic a l re g io n s b u t th e y are a b sen t in high la titu d e a re as b e c a u s e o f little v ariatio n s in te m p e ra tu re s an d p re ssu re s o v e r lan d and sea a re a s. D u rin g d a y lig h t tim e a c o n v ec tiv e cell ^ d e v e lo p e d i.e. th e o n sh o re su rfa c e sea b reezes are c o m p e n s a te d b y o ffsh o re b re e z e s alo ft. T h e night tim e c o n v e c tiv e c e ll is le ss d ev elo p ed . The o n sh o re s e a b re a z e s fo rm so m e so rt o f fro n ts at the Scanned by CamScanner ATMOSPHERE - SEA INTERACTIONS coastal areas and are associated w ith cum ulus clouds- The C oriolis force becom es m ore effec­ tive in the m iddle latitudes aqd m akes the onshore sea breezes to blow m ore or less parallel to the coasts in the northern hem isphere. The land and sea breezes have significant influences on local w eather conditions. These winds produce fogs, though o f lesser intensity, round the y e ar ov er the seas and such fogs are transported to the adjacent coastal land by onshore seab reezes in the afternoon but they disappear during n ight tim e. Sea breezes bring cooling effect in the coastal lands and thus provide resp ite from the oppressive heat in the tro p ical and su b tro p ical regions. Land and sea breezes also help local navigators for handling their sm all size boats. Such diurnal rhythem ic land and sea b reezes m oderate daylight and n o ctu rnal tem peratures in the coastal lands and low er dow n the daily range o f tem perature. 7.19 TROPICAL CYCLONES T ro p ical cyclones are the direct outcom e o f atm o sp h ere and O cean interactions. The oceans are b re e d in g p laces o f tropical cyclones. The in so la tio n al h eatin g and resultant extrem ely low p re ssu re on sea surface, accelerated evaporation and a sc e n t o f w arm air etc. give birth to tropical cy clo n es w h ich are m ost severe in the oceans but as th ey in v ad e land a r e a s , they lose energy and are u ltim ately d issip a te d on land. T ro p ical cy clo n e, rep resenting a closed low p ressu re sy stem g e n erally having a diam eter o f about 650 k ilo m e te rs, counterclockw ise and clockw ise a ir c irc u latio n in the northern and southern h e m isp h ere s resp ectiv ely , energy pow er equivalent to m ore than 10,000 atom ic bom bs which w ere h u rle d at N agasaki in Japan during W orld W ar II, is one o f the m ost pow erful, destructive, d an g ero u s and deadly atm ospheric storm s on the p la n et earth. T ro p ical cyclones are differentally called in d ifferen t parts o f the globe such as hurricanes in the N orth A tlantic O cean m ainly in th e C arib b ean S ea and so utheastern USA; typhoons in N orth P acific O cean, m ainly in C hina Sea, eastern and so u th ern coasts o f C hina, Japan, P h ilip p in es and S.E. A sia; cyclones in 193 Bangladesh and eastern coastal areas o f India; and willy willy in Australia. Tropical cyclones become more disastrous natural hazards because o f their high wind speed o f 180 to 400 kilom etres per hour, high tidal surges, high rainfall intensity (highest recorded rainfall value exceeded 2 0 0 0 mm per day in Philippines), very low atm ospheric pressures causing unusual rise in sea level, and their persistence for several days or say about one week. The total cum ulative effects o f high velocities o f wind, torrential rainfall and trans­ gression o f sea w ater on to the coastal land becom e so enorm ous that the cyclones cause havoc in the affected areas and thus trem endous loss o f hum an lives and property is the ultim ate result o f such atm ospheric deluge. T he ‘storm surge’ or ‘tidal surge’ refers to unusual rise in sea­ level caused by very low atm ospheric pressure and the stress o f the strong gusty w inds on the sea surface. These storm surges or tidal surges, when coincide with high tide, are further in te n s ifie d and a fte r in tru d in g in to th e coastal land cause w idespread inundation o f coastal areas and great dam age o f hum an lives and property. 1. Characteristics of Tropical Cyclones Cyclones developed in the regions lying betw een the tropics o f C apricorn and C an cer are called tropical cyclones w hich are not regular and uniform like extratropical or tem p erate cyclones. There are num erous form s o f these cyclones w hich vary considerably in shape, size, velocity, and w eather conditions. The w eath er conditions o f low la titu d e s m a in ly rainfall regim es are largely controlled by tropical cyclones. They are ch aracterized by the follow ing salient fea­ tures: >- Size o f tropical cyclones varies consider­ ably. On an average, their diameters range between 80 km and 300 km but som e tim es they becom e so sm all that their diameter is restricted to 50 km or even less. Scanned by CamScanner OCEANOORAfKt | H 194 >- T hey advance w ith varying velocities. W eak cyclones m ove at the speed o f about 32km p er hour w hile hurricanes attain the velocity o f 180km p er hour or more. >■ T ropical cyclones becom e m ore v igor­ ous and m ove w ith very high velocity over the oceans but becom e w eak and feeble w hile m oving over land areas and ultim ately die out after reaching the interior portion o f the continents. T his is w hy these cyclones affect only the coastal areas o f the continents (e.g. south and south-east coasts o f the U SA , Tam il N adu, O rissa and W est B engal coasts o f India, southern coastal regions o f B angladesh etc.). >■ The centre o f the cyclone is characterized by extrem ely low pressure. Isobars are m ore or less circular but are few er in num ber. This is why w inds hurriedly rush up tow ards the centre and attain gale velocity. The air pressure at the center som etim es becom es as low as 650 m illim eters. >• L ike tem perate cyclones, tropical cy­ clones are not characterized by tem perature variations in th eir different parts because they do no t have different fronts (w arm and cold fronts). >- T ropical cyclones become disastrous l l natural hazards because o f their high wind speed M o f 180 to 400km p er hour, high tidal surges, high | | rainfall intensity (h ig h est recorded rain fall value J e x c e e d e d 2000m m p er day in P h ilip p in es), very | low atm ospheric p ressu re causing unusually rise J | in sea-level, and th eir p ersisten ce fo r several days I or say about one w eek o ver a p articu lar place. 2. Types of Tropical Cyclones It m ay be pointed ou t th at tro p ica l cyclones are so varied in size, w eath er co n d itio n s and their general characteristics th at no tw o c y clo n es are identical and th erefore it b ecom es v e ry d iffic u lt to classify them into certain categ o ries. G en erally , they are divided into 4 m ajor types. (1) T ropical disturbances or easte rly w aves (2) T ropical d epressions (3) T ropical storm s (4) H urricanes or typhoons On the basis o f in ten sity th ey are d iv id e d into tw o p rincipal types and 4 su b ty p es. >■ T here are no different rainfall cells in the tropical cyclones as is the case o f tem perate cyclones and hence each part o f the cyclones yields rainfall. (1) W eak cyclones »■ T ropical cyclones are not alw ays m obile. Som e tim es, they becom e stationary over a p a rtic u la r place for several days and yield heavy rain fall causing flood deluge and environm ental disaster. (2) Strong and fu rio u s cy clo n e s >• T he tracks o f tropical cyclones v ary c o n sid erab ly in different parts. N orm ally , they m ove from east to w est u nder the influen ce o f trad e w inds. T he general directio n is w esterly u p to 15° latitu d e from the equator, po lew ard b etw een 15°-30° latitu d es, and th e re after easterly. T hese cy clo n es w eaken w hen th ey e n ter su b tro p i­ cal regions. >• T ro p ica l cy clo n es are c o n fin ed to a p a rtic u la r p e rio d o f the y e ar, m ain ly d u rin g su m m e r season. T he freq u en cy and affected areas o f tro p ic a l c y c lo n e s are fa r less th an th o se o f the te m p e ra te c y clo n e s. (i) T ro p ical d istu rb an ces (ii) T ro p ical d e p ressio n s (i) h u rrica n e s o r ty p h o o n s (ii) to rn ad o es (1) Tropical disturbances are m ig ra to ry wa like cy clo n es and are a sso c ia te d w ith easterly trad e w inds. T h ey are also c a lle d easterly waves. W inds m ove to w a rd s c en tre w ith lo w speed. T h o u g h th ey m o v e in w e ste rly d ire c tio n u n d er the in flu en ce o f tra d e w in d s w ith lo w v e lo c ity but they are m o st e x te n siv e an d w id e sp re a d and in flu en c e th e w e a th e r c o n d itio n s o f b o th tropical and s u b tro p ic a l a reas. M o st o f th e e a ste rly waves d e v elo p b e tw e e n 5° an d 2 0 ° n o rth la titu d e s in the w e ste rn p a rts o f th e o c ea n s. S o m e tim e s, th ey arc so slu g g ish th a t th ey re m a in s ta tio n a ry over an area fo r se v e ra l d ay s. T h e y a re a ss o c ia te d with h eav y c u m u lu s o r c u m u lo n im b u s c lo u d s which y ie ld m o d e ra te to h e a v y ra in fa ll with tbundefvj Scanned by CamScanner ATMOSPHERE• SEA INTERACTIONS storms. Some tim es, the easterly waves are so greatly intensified that they develop into hurri­ canes. Generally, they develop in the Caribbean Sea and N orth Pacific Ocean during summer months. (2) Tropical depressions are centres o f low pressure surrounded by more than one closed isobars and are very sm all in size. Wind velocity around low pressure centre ranges betw een 40-50 km per hour. T heir direction and velocity are highly variable. Som e tim es, they rem ain station­ ary at a place for several days. They usually develop in the vicinity o f inter-tropical conver­ gence (ITC ) but seldom develop in the trade wind belt. T ropical depressions generally influence the w eather conditions o f India and north Australia during sum m ers. A fter being originated in the Bay o f B engal these cyclones move in north-w esterly and w esterly directions and reach inner parts o f India. Som e tim es, they becom e so strong that they yield heavy dow npour resulting into severe floods. (3) T ropical storm s are low pressure centres and are surrounded by closed isobars wherein w inds m ove tow ards the centre with the velocity ran g in g betw een 40 to 120 km per hour. They freq u en tly develop in the B ay o f Bengal and A rab ian Sea during sum m er season. They also develop in the C aribbean Sea and in the vicinity o f P h ilip p in es. M any o f these cyclones becom e v io lent and d isastro u s atm ospheric hazards as they cause h eavy rainfall and thus inundate lo w ly ing areas o f B angladesh, delta region o f W est B engal and coastal aras o f O rissa, A ndhra P radesh and T am il N adu. The northern parts o f B ay o f B en g al m o stly the G anga D elta plains o f W est B en g al, In d ia and B angladesh very often suffer fro m freq u en t severe cyclonic storm s and resultant sto rm su rg es (tidal w aves) because o f a com bination o f sev eral n atu ral condition s and phenom ena su ch as a stro n o m ic al tides, funneling coast c o n fig u ra tio n , low and flat terrian s o f coastal areas and freq u en t o ccu rren ce o f sevre cyclonic storm s. T he m o st d isastro u s cyclone, which hit the co astal lo w lan d o f B an g lad esh on N ovem ber 1 2 , 1970, claim ed 3 , 0 0 , 0 0 0 hum an lives. S im ilarly , the d e ad ly c y clo n e o f 1737 claim ed th e liv es o f 3 , 0 0 , 0 0 0 p eo p le in the east 195 coast o f India. The disastrous cyclone o f 1977 moving with a speed o f 175km per hour killed 55,000 people, destroyed the homes o f 2,000,000 people and ruined 1,200,000 hectares o f agricul­ tural crops and made most o f the coastal land barren and wasteland because o f deposition of thick layer o f salt on the soils by storm surges in Andhra Pradesh. Super cyclone o f Orissa o f 1999 (Oct. 29-31) with wind velocity o f more than 300 km per hour killed about 100,000 people (official figure, 10,000), washed out 200 villages, dam­ aged standing crops o f 1.75 m illion hectares and claimed loss o f property worth 1,000 billion rupees in the coastal districts. (4) Hurricances or Typhoons: The extensive tropical cyclones surrounded by several closed isobars are called hurricanes in the USA and typhoons in China. They are also called w illy willy in Australia, cyclones in Indian Ocean, ‘b aguio’ in Philippines, ‘taifu’ in Japan etc. H urricanes are, in fact, most violent, m ost awesome, and m ost disastrous hazards o f all the atm ospheric distur­ bances. They m ove with average speed o f m ore than 120 km per hour. Though hurricanes are m ost extensive and violent but their clim atic im por­ tance is lim ited because o f their few er num bers and their occurrence in lim ited areas. T hough hurricanes and tem perate cyclones look sim ilar in appearance but they m ay be differentiated on the following grounds : »■ H urricanes are represented by m ore sym m etrical and circular isobars. P ressure in­ creases sharply from the centre tow ards the outer m argin resulting into steep pressure gradient. This is why hurricanes m ove w ith great force and high speed. »- The rainfall occurring from h u rrican es is in the form o f heavy dow npour and is w idespread and uniform ly d istributed w hereas p recipitation from tem perate cyclones is confined to only w arm and cold fronts. W arm and cold sectors are devoid o f precipitation. > There is no temperature variation in hurricanes. They are also not characterized by different types o f fronts (warm and cold fronts) and contrasting air m asses as is the case with temperate cyclon es. Scanned by CamScanner 19 6 >- There is no change in wind direction in hurricanes. Winds blow from the outer margin towards the centre and then rise upward. >■ Hurricanes are not associated with anti cyclones. >» Unlike temperate cyclones they move from east to west. B esid es, hurrican es are characterized by th e fo llo w in g properties. The diam eters range b etw een 160 and 640 km . The size o f hurricanes is u su ally sm all at th eir origin points near the e q u ato r b u t the size gradually increases aw ay from the equator. T he pressure at the centre ranges b etw een 900 and 950 mb w hich is perhaps the lo w est p ressu re o f all the tropical cyclones. The p ressu re gradient betw een the centre and outer m argin ranges from 10 mb to 55 mb. The areas o f 6 to 48 sq km around the centre o f hurricane is g enerally dry and rainless and w inds are feeble. T his is called ‘eye o f the cy clo n e’ . T he w aves caused in the oceans due to ferocity o f hurricanes are called h urricane w aves w hich are generally from 3 to 6 m in height. These storm surges inundate the coastal areas w ith im m ense volum e o f oceanic w ater and thus cause im m ense loss to hum an health and w ealth. H urricanes extend upto 12,000 m above the ocean surface. T hey last for m any days and som e tim es for m ore than a week. 3. Origin of Tropical Cyclones T here is no com m only acceptable v iew ­ p o in t for the origin o f tropical cyclones because the exact m echanism o f the form ation and d ev elo pm ent o f these cyclones could not be pro p erly understood as yet. A ccording to the advocates o f frontal theory all types o f cyclones o rig in ate because o f frontogenesis. Inspite o f the absence o f tw o contrasting air m asses in the eq u ato rial region fronts are form ed due to m eeting o f land and sea w inds. Initially, different fronts are form ed but later they disappear. This frontal concept o f the origin o f tropical cyclone is no lo n g er acceptable because tropical cyclones in no case are related to fronts. In fact, tropical cyclone is like a heat engine w hich is energised by the laten t h eat o f condensation. O n an average, tropical cyclones are formed due •» devel of low pressure o f thermal ongm. They , when the following requirements are fulfilled. (1) There should be continuous supply of a b u n d an t w arm a n d moist a ir. Without d o * , tro p ica l c y c lo n e s o rig in a te o v w warm o c e a . h aving su rfa c e te m p e ra tu re o f 27«C during sum­ m er seaso n . (2 ) H ig h e r v a lu e o f conobs force » req u ired fo r the o rig in o f these cyclone,. U tt ap p aren t th a t tro p ic a l c y c lo n e s a re pract.caU , ab sen t in a b elt o f 5°-8» w id e o n both sid es of d* e q u ato r w h ere c o rio lis fo rc e is m .n .m u m , Itmeaa. that cy clo n ic c irc u la tio n o f a ir is c a u se d doe to d eflectio n in w in d d ire c tio n re su ltin g boro co rio lis force. M a jo rity o f th e tro p ic a l cyclone, o rig in ate w ith in a b e lt o f 5°-20° la titu d e s in the w estern p arts o f th e o c ea n s. (3 ) T hey arc asso ciated w ith inter-tropical convergence ( H Q w hich ex ten d s from 5° to 30°N latitudes during sum m er season. (4) P re -e x is tin g w e a k tropical d istu rb an ces in te n sify and u ltim a te ly develop into high in te n sity v io le n t tro p ic a l cyclones. (5) There should be a n tic y c lo n ic c irc u latio n at the height o f 9000 to 15000 m a b o v e the surface disturbance. T he u p p e r a ir a n tic y c lo n ic circula­ tion sucks the air fro m th e o c ea n surface above and thus the u p w ard m o v e m e n t o f air is acceler­ ated and low p re ssu re c e n tre at the surface is fu rth er in ten sified . (6 ) T ro p ic a l cyclones develop around sm all a tm o sp h e ric v o rtic e s in the inter­ tro p ical c o n v erg en c e zo n e (IT C ). T he n e ce ssa ry c o n d itio n s req u ired for the form ation o f tro p ic a l c y c lo n e s (a ll ty p es) may be su m m arized as fo llo w s : >- co n tin u o u s su p p ly o f warm and mois air, >- su itab le so u rce o f se n sib le and laten heat (o f co n d en sa tio n ), >■ vertical air motion and convergence of aff> >• powerful trigger mechanism in the fonn of intruding low pressure system at hig® altitude, >• warm water surface o f the oceans (having atleast 27°C temperature) upto the depth o 60-70 meters, >■ presence of preexisting disturbances ^ lower attitude to be intensified and trans­ formed into fully developed storms, Scanned by CamScanner ATMOSPHERE - SEA INTERACTIONS 197 >► h ig h e r v a lu e s o f c o rio lis force, d iv e rg e n t a ir c irc u la tio n tro p o sp h e re , in th e u p p er e x isten c e o f sm a ll a tm o sp h e ric v o rtice s in the in te rtro p ic a l c o n v e rg e n c e zone, >- w eak v e rtic a l w in d sh e a r etc. 4 . Weather Conditions Associated With Tropical Cyclones The a rriv a l o f tro p ic a l c y c lo n e s a t a p articular p la ce is h e ra ld e d b y su d d e n in c re a se in air tem p eratu re a n d w in d v e lo c ity , m a rk e d d e ­ crease in a ir p re s su re , a p p e a ra n c e o f c irru s or cirrostratus clo u d s in th e sk y , a n d e m erg en c e o f high w aves in th e o c e a n s. T h e c lo u d s are thickened and b e co m e c u m u lo n im b u s w h ic h y ie ld heavy rains. T he clo u d s are a lso a ss o c ia te d w ith th u n d er and lig h tn in g . O n an a v e ra g e , a sin g le storm yield s 100 to 250 m m o f ra in fa ll b u t if obstructed by re lie f b a rrie r it m a y g iv e as h eav y rains as 750 to 1000 m m . T he v is ib ility b e co m e s zero b ecau se the sky is o v e rc a st w ith th ic k and dark th u n d e r clouds. S uch d e s tru c tiv e c o n d itio n s p e rsist fo r a few h o u rs o n ly . T h e a rriv a l o f the centre o r the eye o f th e c y c lo n e is c h a ra c te riz e d by calm b re e ze s, c le a r sk y , ra in le s s fin e a n d settled w eather, a n d lo w p re s s u re at th e c e n tre . S uch w eather c o n d itio n s do n o t p e rs is t fo r m o re th an h a lf an h o u r. T h e w e a th e r s u d d e n ly c h a n g e s w ith the arriv al o f th e re a r p o rtio n o f th e c y c lo n e as the sky a g ain b e c o m e s o v e rc a s t, w in d d ire c tio n changes, a n d p re s s u re s h a r p ly g o e s u p . T h e re is heavy d o w n p o u r w ith c lo u d th u n d e r a n d lig h tn in g and sto rm b e c o m e s v e ry s e v e re a n d fu rio u s. T h is situation p e rs is ts fo r s e v e ra l h o u rs . S lo w ly an d slow ly th e fe ro c ity o f c y c lo n e s ta rts d e c lin in g an d the w e a th e r b e c o m e s c a lm a f te r th e c y c lo n e h as passed off. T h e s e a s u rfa c e a ls o b e c o m e s c a lm and clear w e a th e r s e ts in. N orth A tlan tic O cean : It m ay be p o in ted out th at th e o ccurrences o f tro p ical cyclones are rh y th m ic in n atu re b ecau se they are restricted to a certain season o f a y ear w hich varies from one reg io n to the o th er region. O n an average, about 7 cyclones develop ev ery y ear in the so u th ern and so u th -w estern parts o f the A tlan tic O cean, m o st o f w hich becom e h u rrican es. T h ey develop (i) in A u g u st and S eptem ber around C ape V erd e I s la n d ,, (ii) betw een June and O cto b er to the N o rth and east o f W est Indies and to the so u th o f th e A tlan tic co ast o f the U S A , (iii) from M ay to N o v e m b er in the N o rth C arib b ean Sea, (iv) fro m Ju n e to O cto b er in the so u th C arib b ean sea, an d (v) fro m June to O cto b er in the G u lf o f M exico. North P acific O cean : T h e c y clo n e s a fte r o rig in atin g o ff the w estern co ast o f M ex ic o m o v e n o rth -w estw ard and affect the w e ath e r o f C a lifo r­ nia. Som e tim es, they also reach H aw aii Islan d . A b o u t 5 to 6 tro p ica l cy clo n es develop each y e ar b etw een June and N o v em b er and tw o o f th e m g ain h u rrica n e in ten sity . S ou th -W est N orth P acific O cean : N o rm a lly tro p ica l c y clo n es dev elo p in C h in a S ea, o f f th e co asts o f P h ilip p in es Islan d s and S o u th Jap a n b e tw ee n M ay and D ecem ber. T h ey h av e d is a s ­ tro u s effects on th e eastern co asts o f C h in a w h ere th ey gain the fero city o f ty p h o o n s. A b o u t 12 ty p h o o n s d ev elo p every year. South P acific O cean : T ro p ic a l c y c lo n e s d ev elo p to th e east o f S o ciety Isla n d (e a st o f 180° lo n g itu d e ) d u rin g D e c e m b e r-A p ril a n d in flu en c e th e w e a th e r o f n o rth -e a st c o ast o f A u stra lia . N orth In d ian O cean : A fte r o rig in a tin g in th e A ra b ia n S ea an d B ay o f B e n g a l tro p ic a l c y c lo n e s (also c a lle d as d e p re ssio n s) in flu e n c e th e w e a th e r c o n d itio n s o f In d ia an d B a n g la d e sh o n a la rg e s ca le b e tw e e n A p ril an d D e ce m b e r. S ou th In d ia n O c e a n : C y c lo n e s o rig in a te o f f th e c o a sts o f R e U n io n , M a d a g a sc a r, an d M aritiu s isla n d s b e tw e e n N o v e m b e r a n d A p ril. 5- Distribution of Tropical Cyclones 6. Tracks of Tropical Cyclones T ro p ic a l c y c lo n e s m o s tly d e v e lo p o v e r th e ®cean su rfa c e b e tw e e n 5 ° -l 5 la titu d e s in b o th th e e*nispheres a n d in flu e n c e w e a th e r o f c o a s ta l freas o f th e c o n tin e n ts . T h e re a re 6 m a jo r re g io n s °* tropical c y c lo n e s . T h e tro p ic a l c y c lo n e s a fte r th e ir fo rm a tio n o v e r w a rm w a te r s u rfa c e s o f th e tro p ic a l o c e a n s m o v e w e stw a rd in g e n e ra l b e tw e e n a z o n e o f Scanned by CamScanner 198 OCEANOGRAPHY 5°-20° la titu d e s in b o th the h e m isp h eres und er the in flu e n c e o f e a s te rly tra d e w inds b u t after re a c h in g th e w e ste rn m a rg in s o f the oceans and s trik in g th e c o n tin e n ta l c o astal lands curve n o rth ­ w e s tw a rd a n d p o le w ard . T he eq u ato rial w arm o c e a n c u rre n ts also h elp in th e w estw ard m o v e­ m e n t o f tro p ic a l c y clo n es. A fter reach in g 20°-30° la titu d e s th e tro p ic a l c y clo n e s, if not exhausted a n d fin ish e d , m o v e eastw a rd u n d er the influence o f w e s te rly w in d s. It m ay be m en tioned that w hen th e tro p ic a l sto rm s strik e the coastland, they start lo s in g e n e rg y and d issip a tio n as the source o f re q u ire d e n e rg y o f la te n t h eat o f condensation, w hich is o v er the w arm w a te r su rface o f th e ^ tro p ical o cean s, is cut off. Som e tim e s th e tropical , cyclones b eco m e statio n ary at a p a rtic u la r place | for m o st p art o f th e ir life cy cle. It m ay be re m e m b ered th a t th e tracks fo llo w ed by tro p ica l cy clo n e s v a ry considerably in d ifferen t parts. N o rm a lly , th e y m o v e from east to w est un d er the in flu en c e o f e a ste rly trad e winds and eq u ato rial w arm o c ea n c u rre n ts. T h e general d irectio n is w esterly u p to 15° la titu d e from the equator, p o lew ard b etw ee n 15°-30° latitu d es, and th ereafter e asterly (fig. 7 .2 6 ) Fig. 7.26 : Tracks o f tropical cyclones. 7. Effects of Tropical Cyclones T ro p ical cyclones are very severe d isas­ tro u s n atu ral hazards w hich in flict heavy loss to h um an lives and p ro p erty in term s o f d estru ctio n o f b u ild in g s, tra n sp o rt system s, w ater and pow er su p p ly system , d isru p tio n o f com m unicatio n system , d estru ctio n o f standing ag ricu ltu ral crops, d o m estic and w ild anim als, natural v eg etatio n , p riv ate and p u b lic in stitu tio n s, etc. through d am ag es c au sed by h ig h v elo city w inds, floods and sto rm surges. T ables 7.6 to 7.8 d ep ict the d eath toll o f hum an life by tropical cyclones in d ifferen t p arts o f the w orld. T h e follow ing tables (7.6, 7.7 and 7.8) p o rtra y th e d eath to ll o f hum an lives caused by tro p ica l storm s and local storm s in d ifferen t p arts o f th e w o r l d : Table 7.6 : Some noteworthy Indian tropical cyclonic disasters Y ear H u m an d eath year H u m a n death 1737 3 0 0 ,0 0 0 1789 20,000 1833 1864 1990 1999 5 0 ,0 0 0 5 0 ,0 0 0 598 > 10,000 1839 1977 1998 20,000 55,000 >1000 Note : T h e in te n sity o f 1990 A n d h ra cyclone was 25 tim es g re a te r th a n th e 1977 A r\dhra cyclone but i h u m an c a su a lty c o u ld b e c o n ta in e d because 0 fJ c o rre ct p re d ic tio n an d b e tte r w a rn in g system s bu J the p ro p e rty d am ag e c o u ld n o t b e stopped. On tW- J o th e r h an d , in sp ite o f tim e ly w arn in g o f y su p er c y clo n e o f O rissa d e ath to ll o f h um an beWS co u ld not b e av o id ed b e c a u se o f inefficieQ ;|1 g o v e rn m e n t m ach in ery . Scanned by CamScanner ATMOSPHERE - SEA INTERACTIONS 199 Table 7.7: Notable tropical cyclonic disasters in Bang­ ladesh Year Human deaths 40,000 1822 175,000 1879 11,488 1963 100,000 1976 Y ear Hum an deaths 1876 1960 1970 1985 100,000 5,149 300,000 11,000 Table 7.8: Typhoon disasters in the far East year C ountry H um an deaths 1881 1923 1950 C hina Japan 300,000 2,50,000 5,000 Japan Hurricanes in the United States of America T h e h u rrica n e s are chronic disasters in G ulf c o a sta l an d A tlan tic coastal areas o f the U nited S tates o f A m e ric a. B efo re attem pting description o f h u rric a n e o n sla u g h t in the U SA it is desirable to discuss the hurricane damage scale as devised by Saffir-Simpson popularly known as Saffir-Sioipua Hurricane Damage Scale (table 7.9) wherein 5 point scale has been developed on the basis o f size, intensity in terms o f duration o f occurrence in minutes, wind velocity in km/hour, height o f storm surge and quantam o f damage. The scale starts from a value o f 1 for the weakest hurricanes o f shortest duration to the value o f 5 for the strongest and m ost severe and hazardous hurricanes. Hurricanes very often strike the southern and the south-eastern coasts o f the USA. G ulf coasts o f Louisiana, Texas, A labam a and Florida are w orst affected areas. The G alveston, Texas (U .S.A .) disaster o f Septem ber 8, 1900 tells the story o f devastation caused by hurricanes in the G u lf coastal region o f the U .S.A. The terrible hurricane generated a strong storm surge (tidal wave) w hich raced inland and killed 6000 people m ostly through drow ning caused by inundation under 10 to 15 feet (3 to 4.5 m) deep w ater and destroyed 3000 houses. Flying planks and tim bers under the force o f strong gale winds also caused several deaths and dam age to hum an structures. Table 7 .9 : Saffir - Sim pson hurricane damage scale Scale n u m b e r 1 4 5 C o n tro l p re s su re (m m ) W ind speed (km /hour Storm surge(m eters) 980 118-152 1.5 9 6 5 -9 7 9 153-176 2 .0 -2 .5 9 4 5 -9 6 4 177-208 9 2 0 -9 4 4 <920 2 0 9 -2 4 8 > 248 2 . 5 - 4 .0 4 .0 - 5 .5 >5 5 Description minimum damage, m ainly to vegetation and m obile houses moderate damage, m ainly up­ rooting and blow ing o f trees, roofs o f b u ild in g are d am ­ aged. extensive damage to trees, mobile houses, roofs ofbuildings, structural damage to sm all buildings. extrem e c cta stro p h ic, w indow s, glass panes, roofs o f houses and industrial buildings etc. are severely damaged. Source.*sum m arized from I.E . O liv er and J.J. H idore 2 0 0 3 . It is are divided into 5 typ es based on the quantum o f ^ ™ ageu r °"anes o f exten sive dam age, (4 ) extrem e minimum dam age, ( 2 ) hurricanes o f m oderate dam age, ( ) ; hurricanes, and (5 ) catastrophic hurricanes. Scanned by CamScanner m : IS 200 OCRANtXlKA*HY them away, uprooted sealed concrete tom bs and floated them 32 kilom etres aw ay from theif I resting places, but on ly 550 human death could be. caused because o f better warning system s t a d ) | spontaneous response o f p eop le to the warning and predictions. In fact, the water lev el used toi l rise at the rate o f 1.5 feet per hour. Thus most of the people had am ple tim e to evacuate them to*! safer places before the w ater lev el forced by strong storm surge could reach its peak o f 8 to 12 feet (2 .4 to 3.6 m) above high tide water. It m ay be pointed out that M ississippi Delta P lains o f the state o f Louisiana (U .S .A .) have the eq u ivalen ce o f Ganga D elta Plains o f India and B anglad esh as regards the frequency and intensity o f tropical cyclon es but the dam ages mainly in the form o f human casualties are far less in the former than in the latter because o f more advanced and better w arning system s. The A u d rey H u rrican e ot June, 1957 struck the Louisiana coast betw een N ew Orleans and G alveston. Though the storm w as very severe as it sm ashed houses and floated Table 7 .1 0 : Category-wise num ber o f hurricanes is the USA from 1990 to 1996. Safflr-Sim pson dam age scale (vid e table 7 .9) 1 2 3 4 5 Total Scale N um ber USA 58 36 47 15 2 158 Florida 17 16 17 6 1 57 T exas 12 9 9 6 0 36 L ouisiana 8 5 8 3 1 25 North C arolina 10 4 10 1 0 25 S o u r ce : J.E. O liver and J.J. H idore, 2003. Table 7 .1 1 : Deadliest US Hurricanes L ocation (nam e) year C a te g o ry H um an deaths (S a ffir, S im p so n sc a le TX (G alveston 1900 8000 (m ay be 1 0 ,0 0 0 to 12,000) FL"(Lake O keech obee) 1928 4 1 836 FL (K eys) S. TX 1919 4 600 1938 3 600 1935 5 408 NE FL (K eys) FL - Florida, T X = T exas, N E = N ew England Source : J.E. O liver and J.J. H idore, 2003. Scanned by CamScanner Al'MOOWBHB* 201 INTERACTIONS T & l* 1 1 * ’ Wlwf B *P *n *IV 9 U S Hurritmno* (propaily damago In US bllllona of dollan) jJ S n f o F S # iutrriottne your of occurrence Damage cost I Andrew 1992 30.5 3, H ugo 1989 8.5 3. Agnes 1972 7.5 4 . Betsy 1965 7.4 1969 6.1 o, Floyd 1999 6.0 7, K atrina 2005 devastated N ew O rleans 8 , W ilm a 2005 devasted Florida C am ille Source (upto serin! no. 6) : J.b . O liver unci J.J. H idore, 2003. S e v e re h u rrican ces cause luivoc in the U .S .A . as reg ard s the dam age o f property. ‘In a te n -y e a r period from 1961 to 1971 propeity d am ag e from U nited States H urricanes averaged so m e $ 4 4 0 m illio n annually. Single hurricane in th is p e rio d cau sed dam age valued at $ 1 .5 billion. A c c o rd in g to R .F. A bey (1976) tornadoes cause the p ro p e rty loss of about 100 m illion US dollars and 150 h u m a n c a u sa litie s per annum . ‘Since 1950 e v e ry y e a r in the U .S.A . there has been an av erag e o f 662 to rn a d o e s, resu ltin g in 114 deaths. E ffo rts a re b e in g m ad e to forecast the origin and travel p a th s o f h u rric a n e s and tornadoes in the U .S.A . on th e b a sis o f the study o t synoptic situ atio n c o m b in in g sev en elem en ts viz. (0 co n v e rg e n c e n e a r the su rfa ce , (n ) m ass d iv er­ gence a lo ft, (iii) a b u o y a n t airm ass, (iv) w ind shear in th e v e rtic a l, (v) m o ist air mass; i low er la y e rs, (v i) a trig g e r m e ch a n ism and1 (vii) surface c y c lo g e n e sis . A tte m p ts are also being m ade to d e v e lo p e ffe c tiv e d e v ice s o f cloud seeding to d e c re a se th e in d e n sity o f h u rrican es and to rn a d o e s. F u rth e r m o re , sc ie n tis ts are try in g to d ev elo p s c ie n tific m e th o d s to d iv e rt the p ath s ot hurricanes a n d to rn a d o e s to su ch a re as w u c i not so im p o rtan t fro m th e s ta n d p o in t o tu population an d e c o n o m ic loss. Cyclones In India and Bangladesh C yclon ic hazards very often v isit the eastern coastal areas o f India and the southern coastal areas o f Bangladesh. The disaster o f the deadliest storm in the recorded history occurred on N ovem ber 12, 1970 in the coastal low land o f B angladesh. This Bay o f Bengal disastrous cyclone tells the m agnitude o f environm ental hazards in respect o f its killer im pact on the affected people as it caused as m any as 300,000 deaths (som e sources put the figure betw een 3 0 0 ,0 0 0 and 1,000,000 deaths in B angladesh and W est Bengal o f India) w herein m ost o f the deaths were caused by drow ning in the storm surge o f oceanic w ater (20 feet) on the land. The official record o f B angladesh presented the total loss as death o f people-200,000, m issing p ersons-50,000 to 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 , cattle death-300,000, ho u ses de­ stroyed 4 0 ,0 0 0 , crops losses o f 63,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 US dollars, fishing boats destroyed-9,000 (o ffsh o re) and 9 0 ,0 0 0 (inland w ater). The tro p ical cyclones com ing from o v er the Bay o f B engal also becom e h azard o u s to th e east co astal lands o f India (W est B en g al, O rissa, A ndhra P radesh and T am il N ad u ). T he d ead liest hazard o u s cyclone stru ck the east co ast in 1737 »„d claim ed the lives o f 300 000 peo p le O A er d isastro u s c y clo n e s o c cu rred in 1977 55,00 d eath ) 1864 (5 0 ,0 0 0 d eath s), 1839 (20,000 d eath s), 1789 (2 0 ,0 0 0 d eath s) etc.. T he N o v e m ­ b e r 1977 c y clo n ic sto rm stru c k A n d h ra coast^and generated three su ccessiv e 'storm W < * £ £ fhe b ig g est surge o f 6 m height w as recorded in the Scanned by CamScanner OCEANOGRAPHY ^ 202 last. This deadly storm,mov k ilo m e tre s p ^ T h e M g 1 200,000 hectares o ag jtll a speed o f 175 s u r g e raced «nto - » « and w a ste land most o f U yer o f sa l. on the saline land co u ld be because of d P rK' The strongest and most „o.or ous cyc on . . . thp A ndhra coast on M ay, 9, 1990. « w as " times stronger and m ore disastrous than e S i e s t cyclone o f N ovem ber, 1977 (w hich also S c l c the A ndhra coast as referred to ab o v e) b u t c“ ld elaim the lives o f only 598 people (o ffic ial figure but the actual figure m ight have c ro ssed 1000 deaths). B esides killing 598 p eo p le, it a d v e rse ly affected 3,000,000 people, ren d ered 3.00.000 people hom eless, perished 90,000 cattle and caused loss o f 1000 crore rupees w o rth o f property. Very low figure o f hum an c asu a ltie s (598 deaths) in com parison to the k iller cy clo n e o f 1977 (55,000 deaths) inspite o f 25 tim es m ore intensity o f M ay, 1990 cyclone was becau se o f the advance m onitoring and prediction o f the cy clo n e from the time o f its form ation in the B ay o f B en g a l off the southern coast o f T am il N adu on M ay 5, 1990. > This cyclone is term ed m ost n o to rio u s in the sense it shifted its course alm ost by 90 d eg ree. But more than 100 direct w arning sy stem s and even dying IN SA T-1B provided d irect a u d io ­ broadcasts from meteorological stations in C hennai fin-H n e? bad ,a" d 6 cycl°ne detection ra d a rs 5 . , f" 8 coastline Provided minute by minute information about the m ovem ent o f incoming cyclone. Initially, the cyclone w as I K K f i S S T ! Viskhapatnam It m*. u G odaw ari and cyclone was so stronD5" pointed out that the 80 °n g and enom ous that som e o f th e m a jo r to w n s o f K ris h n a a n d G u n tu r districts su ch as V ija y a w a d a , M a c h lip a tn a m , Pamarru, G u n tu r, B a p a tia , R e p a lle a n d T e n a li, w h ic h could n o t b e a ffe c te d by th e d e a d lie s t 1977 c y c lo n e and I tid a l w a v e , w ere a lso h it th is tim e b y th e p o w erfu l sto rm su rg e s (tid a l w a v e s ) c a u s e d b y g a le winds w ith a s p e e d o f 2 2 0 to 2 5 0 k ilo m e tre s p e r hour. G u ja r a t c o a s t w a s s tru c k by a very pow erful c y c lo n ic s to rm w ith a v e lo c ity o f m o re than 200 k m p e r h o u r o n tu e s d a y , J u n e 9, 1998 and caused a s u rg in g tid a l w a v e o f 8 m height which t r a n s g r e s s e d in to th e c o a s ta l la n d and caused im m e n se lo s s o f p e o p e r ty a n d human death u n k n o w n in th e c y c lo n ic h is to ry o f G u ja ra t. The s a lt w o rk e rs w o rk in g in th e s a lt p a n s in th e Runn an d th e L ittle R u n n a re a s o f K u tc h w e re w ashed aw ay b y h ig h tid a l w a v e s . T h e sto rm w as so p o w e rfu l a c c o m p a n i e d b y h e a v y rain fall that h u m a n s e ttle m e n ts w e re d e s tr o y e d all the way fro m S u ra t a n d A m e re li i n G u ja ra t to Jalo re and J o d h p u r in R a ja s th a n . M u d -b u ilt h o u se s were fla tte n e d , p o w e r s u p p ly w a s s n a p p e d , tre e s were u p ro o te d a n d c a r rie d a w a y as m is sile s , and c o m m u n ic a tio n a n d v e h ic u la r tra ffic w e re com ­ p le te ly d is ru p te d . T h e s to rm c a u s e d m o re than 1000 h u m a n d e a th s a n d e c o n o m ic lo ss w o rth m ore t h a n 100 b illio n ru p e e s (u n o ffic ia l e stim a te s put t h e n u m b e r o f d e a th b e tw e e n 5 ,0 0 0 a n d 10,000). K a n d la p o rt w a s g r e a tly d a m a g e d . Super C yclone of O rissa, 1999 T h e 2 9 th O c to b e r, 1999 p ro v e d a b la c k and k ille r d a y fo r th e in h a b ita n ts o f th e c o a s ta l region o f O ris s a (In d ia ) w h e n th e s tr o n g e s t c y c lo n e in the c y c lo n e h is to ry o f In d ia s tru c k th e O ris sa coast a n d c a u s e d h a v o c o f m a s s d e s tr u c tio n th ro u g h its n o to rio u s a c ts fro m O c to b e r 2 9 to 31, 1999. N e a rly o n e th ird o f O ris s a p lu n g e d in to g lo o m and d is p a ir. P r io r to th e fin a l a s s a u lt b y th is killer c y c lo n e , a s tro n g c y c lo n e a lre a d y k n o c k e d at the d o o r o f O ris s a o n O c to b e r 1 8 ,1 9 9 9 w ith a velocity o f 2 0 0 k m p e r h o u r. T h is c y c lo n e c la im e d the lives o f 2 0 0 p e o p le , d a m a g e d 4 6 0 v illa g e s a n d a d ' v e rs e ly a ffe c te d 5 ,0 0 ,0 0 0 p e o p le in Ganjaifl d is tric t. T h e p e o p le o f O ris s a w e re y et to r e c o v r' fro m th e tra u m a o f th is c y c lo n e , the k iller su f c y c lo n e h it th e O rissa coast on O ctober 29- Scanned by CamScanner ATMOSPHERE - SEA INTERACTIONS u c c e s s i v e phases o f the form ation and advance­ ment o f super cyclone may be outlined as f o llo w s : ( 1 ) O ctober 2 5 : A d e p r e s s io n was formed 500 km east o f Portblair in Andm an Sea, which sta r te d to m ove in N-W direction from the midnight and soon turned into a d e e p d e p r e s ­ sion.^) O c to b e r 2 6 : T he deep depression changed into a c y c lo n ic s to r m by the m orning o f O ctober 26 which was stationed about 350 km away from Portblair. T he Indian M eteorological D epartm ent s t a r t e d to issue w arning o f advancing cyclonic storm.. (3) O c to b e r 2 7 : By the m orning o f October 27, this cyclonic storm changed to s e v e r e c y c lo n ic sto rm and w as positioned 750 km away from Paradeep port. It rem ained stationary tor 6 hours at the distance o f 600 km from Paradeep. (4) O c to b e r 2 8 : A dvancing tow ards north-w est this severe cyclonic storm becam e a fully developed s u p p e r c y c lo n ic s to r m and m oved tow ards Paradeep w ith a velocity o f 260 km, (5) O c to b e r , 29 : Indian M eteorological D epartm ent (IM D) issued an alarm o f w arning about the arrival o f the super cyclone betw een Paradeep and Puri. Though the G ovt, o f O rissa was posted with this warning by 5.30 A M but this w arning could not be conveyed to the g eneral public due to lack o f radio network. U ltim ately, the super cyclone entered Orissa on O cto b er 29, 1999 and began to play its game o f destruction in 10 coastal districts. M oving with a velocity o f 300 km per hour the cyclone becam e stationary for 8 hours over this vast area. This disastrous cyclone g enerated 9 m high tidal surges w hich tr a n s g r e s s e d upto 15-20 km inside coastal region. K en d rap ara, Jagatsinghpur, B alosore, Paradeep, B h ad rak and K hurda w ere w orst affected. A cco rd in g to o fficial sources m ore than ten th ousands peo p le w ere killed and 200 villages were com p letely w ashed out but the uno fficial sources put hum an death toll at about hundre thousand. M ore th an 6000 people w ere killed in Jagatsinghpur alone. S everal hundred thousand cattle p erished and c o u n tle ss people w ere ren dered hom eless. T he stan d in g k h a rif crops over 1.75 m illion h ectares w ere destroyed. T he loss o f property m ounted to ab o u t 10,000 crore rupees (1000 b illio n ru p ees). T he severe super cy clo n ic storm resulted into the d isru p tio n o f the su p p ly o f water and electricity . T h e co m m u n icatio n system was thrown out o f gear. D estruction and obstruc­ tion o f roads and rails brought a grinding halt to rail and road transport which continued for weeks. 7 . 1 9 IMPORTANT DEFINITIONS : refers to the retaining o f a portion o f incident energy (radiation) by a substance and its conversion into heat energy (sensible heat). A d ia b a tic c h a n g e : The rate o f change o f tem perature o f ascending or descending parcel o f air is called adiabatic change or ‘adiabatic lapse ra te ’ which is 10°C per 1000 m eters before dew point (condensation level, dry adiabatic change), and 5°C per 1000 m eters after dew point (m oist adiatic change). A e r o lo g ic a l m o n so o n : The upper air (tro p o ­ spheric) winds which change their directions seasonally are called ‘upper air m o n so o n ’ or ‘aerological m onsoon.’ A lb e d o : The portion o f incident rad iatio n (energy) reflected back from a surface o f a b o d y is called albedo or reflection coefficient or sim ply reflectivity. C o r io lis f o r c e : is the force w hich d eflects the direction o f surface winds. C oriolis force o r effect is not a force in itse lf in real sense rath er it is an effect o f the rotational m ovem ent o f the earth (nam ed after G.G. C oriolis). A b so r p tio n D iffu s e r e fle c tio n : The scatterin g o f in cid en t radiation w aves by dust particles and m o lecu les o f w ater vapour, w hen the diam eter o f these particles is larger than the w avelengths o f in cid en t ra d ia t­ ion w aves is called diffuse reflectio n w hich sends som e portion o f incident rad iatio n b ack to space while some portion remains in the low er admosphere. D o ld r u m : A belt o f low p ressu re, popularly know n as equatorial tro u g h o f low pressure extending disco n tin u o u sly w ith in a zone o f 5°N and 5°S latitudes is called the b e lt o f c a lm or doldrum . Easterly waves : T he m igratory w av es like tro p ical d istu rb an ces (cy clo n es) a sso ciated w ith trad e w inds are called easterly w aves. Scanned by CamScanner 204 OCEANOGRAPHY i spirals : The equi-angle spirals o f winds showing altitudina1 variations o f winds are called Ekman spirals. narrow belt of a few hundred kilometers width in the upper limit o f the troposphere is called i-t stream. •£ EL Nino : is an e p iso d ic ocean current o f warm w ater o f f the w e st coast o f South A m erica, m ain ly o f f the co a sts o f Peru and Ecquador. This is a lso con sid ered as a sig n ifica n t w eather phenom enon. La Nina : is a counter-w arm ocean current w hich b ecom es effe ctiv e in the tropical western P acific O cean w hen El N in o b ecom es ineffective in the tropical eastern P a cific O cean. Eqaatorial w esterlies: T he w esterly surface air circu lation in th e doldrum or in the intertropical co n v erg en ce zo n e is called equatorial w esterly. Normal lapse rate : T h e d e crea se of air te m p e ra tu re w ith in c re a sin g h e ig h t a t the rate of 6.5°C p e r 1000 m e te rs is c a lle d v e rtic a l tempera-' tu re g ra d ie n t o r n o rm a l la p se ra te . P ressu re g r a d ie n t : is d e fin e d as decrease of Ferrel cell : A n interm ediate m id-latitude th erm ally in d irect c e ll o f air circulation b e tw ee n trop ical H ad ley c e ll and polar c e ll is called F e rrel c e ll or polar front c e ll. a ir p re ssu re b e tw e e n tw o iso b a rs o f different v alu es i.e. from h ig h to lo w p re ssu re . T his is also c a lle d b a ro m e tric slo p e. Frictional force : T h e fo rc e g e n erate d by the resista n ce o f th e s u rfa c e o f an o b je c t a g a in st a m o v in g o b je c t is c a lle d fric tio n a l force. by p re ssu re g ra d ie n t is c a lle d p re ssu re gradient fo rce w h ich is a c c e le ra tin g fo rc e fo r air move­ m ent. Friction layer : The z o n e o f lo w er a tm o s­ phere w here frictional fo rc e b e co m e s e ffe ctiv e is c a lle d friction layer. R eflection: T h e p o rtio n o f in c id e n t radiation (en erg y ) re fle c te d b a c k fro m a su rfa c e o f a body is called re fle c tio n o r a lb ed o w h ic h is presented in p ercen tag e. Hadley cell : T h e tro p ic a l c o n v ec tiv e cell, o n e e a c h in th e n o rth e rn an d the so u th ern h e m is p h e re s , is c a lle d H a d le y c ell (n am ed after G e o rg e H a d le y , in 1735). H orse latitudes : T h e b e lt o f d y n am ically in d u ced h ig h p re s s u re b e tw e e n 25°-35° latitu d es in b o th th e h e m is p h e r e s is c a lle d h o rs e latitude. Hurricanes : T ro p ic a l c y clo n e s o rig in atin g in th e C a rib b e a n S e a an d in v a d in g the S ou th and S o u th -E a s t U S A a re c a lle d h u rric a n e s. Hurricane waves : T h e w a v es cau sed in the o cea n s due to fe ro s ity o f h u rric a n e s are called hurricane w a v e s w h ic h a re g e n e ra lly 3 to 6 m in height. H ydrostatic equilibrium : W h en th e u p w ard pressure gradient fo rc e is b a la n c e d by d o w n w ard acting gravity fo rce , th e v e rtic a l a c c e le ra tio n b ecom es zero. T his situation is c a lle d h y d ro sta tic equilibrium . Isobars : T he im aginery lin es jo in in g the p laces o f equal pressure reduced to sea le v el on the maps are called isobars. Jet stream s: T he strong and rapidly m ovin g circum polar upper air w esterly air circulation in a P ressu re g r a d ie n t fo r ce : T h e fo rce generated R oarin g fo rties : T h e v e ry h ig h velocity w e ste rly w in d s in th e la titu d in a l zone of 40°-50° in the so u th e rn h e m isp h e re is called ro arin g fo rties. R ossb y w aves : T h e w a v y je t stream s are c alled R o ssb y w av es (n a m e d a fte r Carl-Gustav R o ssb y ). S catterin g : re fe rs to th e p ro c e ss o f diffusion o f a p o rtio n o f in c o m in g s o la r radiation in d iffe re n t d ire c tio n s by p a rtic u la te m atter (dust p a rtic le s) and m o le c u le s o f g ases including v a p o u r in the a tm o sp h ere . Sky r a d ia tio n : T h e p ro c e ss o f re-radiation of te rre stria l h eat by th e a tm o sp h e re back to the e a rth ’s su rface is c a lle d c o u n te r rad iatio n or sky ra d ia tio n . S outhern o s c illa tio n : S p atio-tem poral changes in the h ig h an d low p re ssu re system s in ® tro p ic a l e aste rn an d w e ste rn P acific O cean a c a lle d so u th ern o sc illa tio n (S O ). : A ty p ical eaS*J? ?s c o n v e c tiv e cell o f c irc u la tio n o f tro p ica wi ■ c a lle d W alk e r c irc u la tio n n am ed after W a lk e r in th e y e a r 1922. W a lk er circ u la tio n Scanned by CamScanner CHAPTER 8 : SEA WAVES, SHORELINE PROCESSES AND COASTAL SCENERY sea w aves : com ponents and ch aracteristics, g en eratio n o f sea w aves, types and m o v em en t o f sea w aves, . v w ave refractio n . • , w ave reflectio n , sea co asts and sea shores, classificatio n o f co asts and sh o res, w aves and d y nam ic shorelin es, coastal featu res and h ab itats, d ep o sitio n al co astal features, b each es, delta, d ev elo p m en t o f shorelines o f su b m erg en ce, d ev elo p m en t o f shorelines o f e m erg en ce, 205-238 2 05 207 210 c £ h 4 216 217 220 221 225 229 233 234 1 SEA WAVES, SHORELINE PROCESSES AND COASTAL SCENERY 8.1 SEA WAVES : COMPONENTS AND CHARAC­ TERISTICS a storm f a r out a t sea o ver d ista n ces o f severa l th ousand k ilo m e te r s ” (T hurm an and Trujillo, 1999). The ocean surfaces are never calm and sm ooth ra th e r they are uneven, irregular, rough and restless. In o th er w ords the ocean surfaces are characterized by constant m otions o f seaw ater in different w ays and d ifferent form s like sim ple sea waves, ocean currents, tidal w aves (surges), storm w aves (surges), tsunam i etc. H ere we are prim arily concerned w ith only sea w aves, which are m ost p ow erful and effective geom orphic agents o f coastal regions. The m echanism o f the origin o f sea w aves is not precisely know n but it is com m only b eliev ed that w aves are generated due to frictio n on o cean w ater surface caused by blow ing w inds. Sea w aves are defined as undulation o f seaw ater characterized by w ell developed crests and troughs (fig. 8.1). B esides geom orphic im portance, seaw aves are now also considered as a source o f non -co n v en tio n al energy. Thus, sea waves have great energy potential for future generations. T his is w hy H. V. Thurm an and A.P. Trujillo (1999) have defined sea w aves in term s o f energy level as follow s : ‘W a v e s are m oving energy travelling a lo n g the in terfa ce betw een ocean a n d atm osphere, often tra n sferrin g energy fr o m The undulations o f seaw ater at th e p lace o f their origin are called sw ells w hich are low , bro ad , regular and rounded ridges and tro u g h s o f w ater. In other w ords, the reg u lar p attern o f sm o o th , rounded w aves that characterize the su rface o f the ocean during fair w eath er is called s w e ll’ (A. B loom , 1978). The sea w aves are ch aracterized b y the follow ing com ponents : >■ Wave c r e s t : T he su ccessiv e h ig h er p arts o f p rogressive sea w aves are called w ave crests (fig. 8 . 1) w hich are the h ig h est p arts o f the w aves. Wave tro u g h s: are su ccessiv e lo w est parts o f pro g ressiv e sea w aves w hich are a lte r­ nated by w ave crests such as w ave crest —> w ave trough —> w ave crest— w ave trough and so on. It is, thus, c lear th a t a w ave 206 OCEANOGRAPHY ^ tr o u g h is lo c a te d b e tw e e n tw o su ccessiv e w a v e c re s ts , o r a w a v e c re st is lo cated b e tw e e n tw o s u c c e ssiv e w a v e tro u g h s. the w a v ele n g th , h ig h e r th e w av e fre­ q u en cy , an d lo n g e r th e w a v e le n g th s, lo w er the w av e freq u e n cy (fig . 8 . 1). S till w a te r le v e l, a lso k n o w n as zero en ergy T h e w av e p e rio d , w a v ele n g th and w av e v e lo c ity (sp e e d ) are in terrelated . I f e ith e r w av e p e rio d o r w a v e le n g th is k n o w n , th e o th e r v a ria b le (e ith e r w av e­ len g th o r w a v e p e rio d ) can b e found o u t on th e b a sis o f th e fo llo w in g fo rm u la : le v e l re p re s e n ts th e w a te r zo n e h alfw ay b e tw e e n th e w a v e c re sts and the w ave tro u g h s . W a v e h e ig h t is a v e rtic a l d ista n ce betw een th e c re s t a n d h o riz o n ta l stra ig h t distance b e tw e e n tw o su c c e ssiv e tro u g h s o f p ro ­ g re s s iv e se a w a v es (fig. 8 . 1), or betw een th e tro u g h an d h o riz o n ta l straig h t distance b e tw e e n tw o su cc e ssiv e w ave crests. W a v e le n g th is th e stra ig h t h o rizontal d is­ ta n c e b e tw e e n tw o successive w ave crests o r w a v e tro u g h s, w h ich is expressed in te rm s o f le n g th u n it o f m eters in the case o f se a w av es. w ave v e lo c ity or w ave sp e e d (s) I f the w av ele n g th o f a g iv e n se a w a v e is = 150 m eters an d th e w a v e p e rio d o f the sam e w av e is = 10 s e c o n d s then the w av e sp e e d (S ) = —■ = > - W a v e steep n ess is the ratio o f w ave height to w a v e -le n g th as expressed below : wave height (H) w ave steepness = ---------------- ——— wave length (L) The breaking o f w aves depend on the ratio o f w ave steepness. I f the ratio is m ore than 1:7, then the w aves break at plunge line and thus spills forw ard. W hy do the w aves break? W hen the ratio o f w ave steepness becom es high i.e. w hen the w ave h eight increases to su ch extent that the w ave cannot su p p o rt the huge w ave height, then the w ave b reak s and spills forw ard. >- W a v e p erio d : T he timfe tak en by a p ro g res­ siv e se a w ave to c o v er the d istance o f one w av e le n g th o r one w ave cycle is called w av e p e rio d , w h ich is u su ally ex p ressed in th e tim e u n it o f seconds. >■ W a v e fr e q u e n c y : T he n u m b e r o f sea w aves (o n e w ave is eq u al to one w av elen g th ) p a ssin g th ro u g h a c e rta in p o in t p e r u n it tim e (u su a lly one seco n d o r one m in u te ) is c a lle d w a v e freq u e n cy , w h ich v aries a c ­ c o rd in g to th e w av ele n g th s o f w aves. T h e re is in v e rse re la tio n sh ip b e tw ee n the w a v ele n g th an d w ave freq u e n cy i.e. sh o rte r 150m ,r , ---------------- = 15 m /sec 10 seconds >■ W ave celerity is in fa c t w av e sp ee d . P h y s i­ cists use the term c e le rity to d e n o te th e speed o f sea w av es b e c a u s e w a te r m a ss does n o t m o v e fo rw a rd ra th e r th e w a v e form m oves fo rw ard . T h e c e le rity o f se a w ave is c a lc u la te d w ith th e h e lp o f th e fo llo w in g fo rm u la : C = L/T w h ere C = c e le rity (s p e e d ) o f sea w av es L = w a v e le n g th o f se a w a v e s T = w av e p e rio d (T = tim e ta k e n b y one w a v e le n g th to p a ss th ro u g h a c ertain p o in t o f o b se rv a tio n ). T e c h n ic a lly s p e a k in g th e re is n o w ave sp ee d at all b e c a u se th e re is n o actu al d isp la c e m e n t o f w a te r fo rw a rd b e­ n e a th a p ro g re s siv e s e a w a v e b ecau se w a te r p a rtic le s m o v e in c irc u la r orbits an d th u s o n ly th e w a v e fo rm m oves fo rw a rd an d n o t th e w a te r m ass. *So we u se c e le rity to re fe r to th e ‘speed* o f a w av e to re m in d o u rs e lv e s th a t it is the e n erg y an d n o t th e m a ss o f th e w ave th a t is in m o tio n . * gBA WAVES, SHORELINE PROCESSES AND COASTAL SCENERY FW F 1 Fig. 8 .1 : Patterns and components o f sea w aves : »* Fetch represents the distance or length o f sea surface over w hich the wind blow s in o n e d irection for longer duration. It is the fetch that determ ines the nature o f sea w a v e s. th ey c o m b in e to g eth er and p ro d u ce su ccessio n s o f high and lo w w a v es. 8.2 GENERATION OF SEA WAVES > - Sea area, sim p ly called as ‘s e a ’ represents the area w here sea w aves are generated by w in d s. T his is the area o f an ocean or a sea w h ere the w ind-driven w aves radiate in d ifferen t d irections, w hich is caused due to c h a n g e in w in d direction. A s stated earlier, the m ech an ism o f the origin o f sea w a v es is not p recisely know n but it is com m only agreed that the sea w a v es are gener­ ated by som e sort o f energy release. T he fo llo w in g are the probable cau ses o f generation o f w a v es in the oceans and sea s : >• Seiches are harbour w aves w herein water m o v e s back and forth. atm ospheric circulation and w ind, > - W ave train s represent those sw ells w hich com p rise num erous sets o f w aves having v aryin g w avelen gth s. T hese w ave trains origin ate in different generating areas and m o v e outw ard from w ave generation areas. W hen th ese w a v e trains approach a shore, >• m ovem ent o f flu ids o f tw o contrasting den sities (air and seaw ater) along the interfaces o f tw o m asses o f fluids o f varying densities, > m ovem ent o f water m asses o f varying densities in the oceans such as turbidity currents, m a ss m ovem ent into the oceans such as la n d slid e s in the coastal areas, ^ te c to n ic activ ities on the sea floor such as fa u ltin g , th ru stin g etc. ^ occurrence o f undersea earthquakes, know n as tsu n am ig en ic quakes, ^ u n d ersea volcanic eruptions, g rav ita tio n a l forces o f the sun and the m o o n (tidal w aves), >■ a tm o s p h e ric storm s such as tro p ical cy clo n es (storm w aves or storm surges), a n th ro p o g en ic activities, nam ely plying o f larg e com m ercial ships, undersea nuclear tests and explosions etc. 1. Winds as Wave-generating Force It is com m only agreed that m ost o f sea w av es are generated due to friction on w ater surface o f the oceans by gusty w inds. Since wind circulation, though w ith varying speeds, is regular feature, the w aves generated by w inds are m ore com m on and persistent w hile w aves gener­ ated by other factors, as m entioned above, are periodic, say tim e specific. The w ind-generated w aves vary in size, speed and directions. T h ese aspects are controlled by the follow ing facto rs : >• w ind velocity (speed) d u ra tio n o f tim e o f blow ing o f w ind in one d ire c tio n , >■ e x te n t o f fetch w hich represents the extent o f sea o v e r w hich w ind glow s in one d ire c tio n , and >■ o rig in al co n d itio n o f the sea. T h e w in d -g e n e rated sea w aves p ass through a life cy cle w h ich in clu d es the stages o f g en era­ tio n o f sm all an d y o u n g w aves, th e ir dev elo p m en t in term s o f w a v ele n g th , w ave h e ig h t an d v elo city an d m o v e m e n t, an d fin ally th e ir te rm in a tio n w hen th e y b re a k e ith e r in open sea o r at p lu n g e lin e n e ar th e sea sh o re an d re le a se th e ir energy. The frictio n created by the sea surface during the w ind blow s o v er it causes stress and pressure w hich results in the form ation of undulating sea surface. T his u n dulating sea surface causes bulges o f o cean w ater w h ich in turn causes surface m otion in seaw ater. T his m otion of seaw ater becom es in itial sea w ave w hich radiates in all directions. In itially , sea w av es are very sm all w ith sh o rtest w av elen g th s, u su ally less than 2 centim eters, and are c alled ripples o r capillary waves having rounded crests and V -sh ap ed troughs. As the w inds co n tin u e to b lo w in the same direction, the cap illary w av es d e v elo p into larger w aves w ith m ore energy an d lo n g e r w avelengths, usually m ore than 2 cm , an d u p to 10 m eters. These w aves are called gravity w a v es. A s th e gravity w aves grow and advance, th e ir h e ig h t increases m ore rapidly than th e ir w a v ele n g th s d u e to energy provided by w ind speed, w h ich ex ceed s wave speed. W hen the w ind sp eed an d w a v e speed are balanced, no fu rth er en erg y is p ro v id e d to the w aves by the w ind, and h en ce th e re is no further increase in w ave h eig h t and w a v ele n g th . It m ay be m entioned that it is n o t o n ly th e w in d sp eed which controls the w av elen g th and w av e h e ig h t but the extent o f fetch o v er w h ich th e w in d b lo w s is also a sig n ifican t facto r in th is re g a rd . T h u s, wind speed and ex ten t o f fetch are p o s itiv e ly correlated w ith w ave h eig h t and w a v ele n g th s. T he high speed w inds b lo w in g o v e r la rg e r sp an (extent) of fetch give b irth to h ig h e n e rg y se a w aves of g reater h eig h t and lo n g er w a v e le n g th . T he stage o f m axim um d e v e lo p m e n t o f s e a w av es (attain­ m ent o f m ax im u m w av e h e ig h t a n d w av elen g th ) is called a ‘fully developed sea’ u n d e r c e rta in condi­ tion o f w in d sp eed . A fte r th is stag e , th e loss of energy by b re a k in g o f w a v e s fa r e x ceed s the gain o f energy by sea w av es b e c a u se th e w av es leave fetch a re a an d b re a k a t p lu n g e lin e an d advance co astw ard as su rf waves o r swash o r uprush. Table 8.1 d en o tes re la tio n sh ip s a n d significant wave height, w h ich is th e a v erag e o f th e h ig h est one th ird o f all th e w a v es p re s e n t in th e a re a o f sea su rface. T h e sig n ific a n t w av e h e ig h t w ill alw ays b e m o re th a n th e a v e ra g e w a v e height* (P-& P in e t, 2 0 0 0 ). SEA WAVES, SHORELINE PROCESSES AND COASTAL SCENERY T ab le 8 . 1 ' C o m p o n e n ts o f s e a w a v e s in fu lly d e v e lo p e d s e a w in d s p e e d X w ave h e ig h t X w avelength X w ave p erio d sig n ific a n t w av e h e ig h t (km/hour) (m ) (m ) (second) 20 0.33 10.6 3.2 0.5 30 0.88 22.2 4.6 1.2 40 1.80 39.7 6.2 2.5 50 3.20 61.8 7.7 4.5 60 5.10 89.2 9.9 7.1 70 7.40 121.4 10.8 10.3 80 10.30 158.6 12.4 14.3 90 13.39 201.6 13.9 19.3 (m ) ________ S o u rce : H .V . T h u rm an , 1988, in P.R . P inet, 2000. S in ce the w ave h eig h t and w ave energy are d ire c tly re la te d to w ind speed, and the w ave h e ig h t is p o sitiv e ly related to w ave energy, and h en ce w av e energy in creases w ith increase in w av e sp eed , and w ave heig h t increases in a c c o rd a n c e w ith increase in w ave energy. The su b sta n tia l in c re ase in w ave height and w ave e n e rg y re s u lts in the increase o f steepness o f w av es. W h e n the steep n ess o f sea w aves attains th e th re s h o ld v a lu e o f 1 : 7, the w aves begin to b re a k an d th u s b re a k ers are form ed, w hich are c alled w h ite c a p s. T he gusty w esterly w inds gain e v e r-in c re a sin g sp eed w ith in creasin g latitudes in the s o u th e rn h e m isp h ere . T his is w hy they are called ro a r in g fo r ties (b etw een 40° to 50°S. latitu d es), fu rio u s fiftie s (50° to 60°S. latitudes), and sh r ie k in g six tie s (60^ to 70®S. latitudes). Thus, the in c re a s in g sp ee d o f w e ste rly w inds w ith in creasin g la titu d e s in th e so u th ern hem isphere causes h ig h e n e rg y w av es w ith g re a test height. T he w a v e l e n g t h is also d irectly co rrelated with w av e sp ee d , i.e. th e la rg e r the w av elen g th , the g re a te r th e w a v e sp ee d and vice v ersa in deep water. 2. Minor Causes of Wave Generation T he m in o r cau ses include th e fo llo w in g : ^ o f w ave g en eratio n T h e m o v e m e n t o f tw o c o n tra stin g m asses o f flu id s in te rm s o f v a ry in g d en sities causes w aves in the o cean s at th e in te rfa c e o f tw o m asses. T h e in te rfa c e o f th e m ovem ent o f air an d w a te r m a ss o f seaw ater (air and w a te r a re flu id s o f d ifferen t d e n sities) c re ate s sm all b u t in s ig ­ n ifican t w aves in th e o c ea n s. It m a y b e m entioned th a t th is fa c to r c a n n o t w o rk in dependently, ra th e r it m ay b e e ffe c tiv e w ith o th er facto rs o f w a v e o rig in . >- The rap id rate o f la n d slid e s in th e c o a s ta l areas and u n d e rse a m a ss m o v e m e n t o f huge debris causes d isp lacem en t o f s e a w a te r w hich g en erates h ig h e n e rg y s e a w a v e s w hich m ay cau se d e stru c tio n o n th e in h a b ­ ited islan d s and c o a sta l areas. The u n d ersea m o v e m e n t o f w a te r m a s s e s o f d ifferen t d en sities, tu rb id ity c u rre n ts etc. creates larg e u n d e rse a w a v e s , w h ic h are c alled as in tern a l w a v e s. T h e w a v e ­ lengths and w av e h e ig h ts o f th e se in te rn a l w aves are o f m u ch h ig h e r v a lu e s th a n th e su rface o cean w av es. T h e in te rn a l w a v e s are a sso c iate d w ith p y c n o c lin e z o n e , w h ic h is c h arac te riz ed by ra p id ly c h a n g in g d e n s i­ ties o f w a te r m asses. S o m e tim e s, th e h eig h t o f in te rn a l w av es e x c e e d s 100 m eters. T he d isp la ce m e n t o f s e a w a te r d u e to m o v em en ts o f p la te s, fa u ltin g a n d u p th ru stin g o f fa u lte d o c e a n flo o rs a lo n g fau lts c re ate su rface sea w a v es o f h ig h no m agn itu d e. The occurrence o f h igh m a g n i­ tu d e un dersea earthquakes e x ce e d in g the m a gn itu d e o f 7 .0 degree on R ichter scale c a u se s tsunami waves, w h ich after invad ing the in h ab ited coastal areas cause h eavy lo s s o f property and hum an liv e s. The o ccu rren ce o f p ow erfu l undersea earth­ q u ake o f the m agn itud e o f 9.3 on R ichter s c a le o f f the co a st o f Sum atra in the Indian O cea n o n D e ce m b e r 2 6 ,2 0 0 4 claim ed m ore than 2 0 0 , 0 0 0 hum an liv e s in 1 2 countries, bord erin g the Indian O cean in clu d in g India, Sri L anka, T hailand, In d on esia etc. T su n am i w a v e s w ill be d iscu ssed in m uch d eta il in the su c ce e d in g 9th chapter. T h e un dersea v o lc a n ic eruption cau ses w a v e s o f various d im en sio n s in the o c ea n s. > - T he gravitation al p u ll o f the m oon and the sun c a u ses ocean tid es w h ich create sur­ fa c e w a v e s. T h ese are ca lled tidal waves w h ic h occu r tw ic e a m onth. T he p red iction and tracking o f tidal w a v e s are, thus, easy task. >■ T he sev e r e trop ical c y c lo n e s w ith high v e lo c ity w in d s create v ery h igh energy w a v e s o f great h eigh t. T h ese are ca lled storm waves or storm surges. Such storm g en erated w a v e s are in fact w in d generated se a w a v e s in o n e w a y or the other. W hen th e se storm w a v e s in vad e the c o astal areas, th ey in flic t great dam age to hum an health and w ealth . S u ch w a v e s are very com m on a lo n g the eastern co a sts o f India and c o a sta l r eg io n s o f B a n g la d esh . T he hurri­ ca n e-g en era ted w a v e s in vad e the southern and sou th -eastern c o a sts o f the U S A a lm o st ev ery year. The w a v e s gen erated by H urricane K atrina and H urricane W ilm a in flic te d h ea v y lo ss o f hum an liv e s and property in the year 2 0 0 5 in N e w O rleans and Florida resp e c tiv e ly . T yp h oon -gen erated storm w a v e s very often invad e the co a stal areas o f C hina, Japan and P h ilip ­ p in es every year. > - T he p ly in g o f h u ge tankers, contain er sh ip s, w arships, subm arines etc.; undersea n u clear te stin g and e x p lo s io n s etc. creatc w a v e s in the o c ea n s. It m ay be m e n tio n e d that the seawaves generated b y a b o v e -m e n tio n e d m in or factors are not regular featu res in the o c e a n s, rather they are p erio d ic in nature. S o , the w in d -g en era ted sea w a v es are o n ly regu lar se a p h en o m en a and are g e o m o r p h o lo g ic a lly s ig n ific a n t b e c a u se these w a v es shape the c o a sta l s c e n e r y . 8.3 TYPES AND MOVEMENT OF SEA WAVES It m ay be m e n tio n e d at the v e r y o u tset that as regards m o tio n o f w ater, se a w a v e s and current d iffer sig n ific a n tly . T here is forw ard m ovem ent o f w ater in o cea n currents but w a ter d oes not m o v e forw ard h o r iz o n ta lly in w a v e s , rather it has orbital m o v em en t. It is o n ly th e w a v e form that m o v e s forw ard. B ut w h e n th e se a w a v e s attain critical lim it o f w a v e h e ig h t th e y break at the p lu n ge lin e, w h ere the w a v e s fe e l (to u c h ) bottom, the resultant su r f currents m o v e coastw ard to­ gether w ith w h o le w ater m a ss. S e a w aves are c la ss ifie d on d ifferen t b a se s in to v a r io u s types as fo llo w s : 1. On the basis of w av e-g en eratin g force ( 1 ) w in d -g e n e ra ted se a w a v e s , m o st com ­ m on w a v e s (2 ) undersea la n d slid e-g en era ted sea waves (3) t e c h n ic a lly g e n e ra ted s e a w a v e s (4 ) tsunami w aves generated b y tsunamigenic u n d ersea earth q u ak es (5 ) tid al w a v e s c a u se d b y gravitational p u ll o f the m o o n and th e sun ( 6 ) storm -generatedseaw aves— storm surges or storm w a v e s (7 ) u n d ersea v o lc a n o g e n ic s e a w a v es 2. On the basis of d ep th o f seawater ( 1 ) d eep w a ter w a v e s vor o s c illa to r y w aves ( 2 ) s h a llo w w a ter w a v e s or translatory w aves (3 ) tra n sitio n a l w a v e s 3. On the basis o f geomorphic significance ( 1 ) c o n str u c tiv e w a v e s ( 2 ) d estru ctiv e w a v e s . p 211 SEA WAVES, SHORELINE PROCESSES AND COASTAL SCENERY 4 W ater M otions in th e W ind-generated W aves On the basis of breaking of waves breaker w aves o r sim p ly b re a k ers (1) spillin g b reak ers (2) p lu n g in g b reak ers (3) surg in g b reak ers (4) c o lla p sin g b reak ers 5. O n th e b asis o f m u ltip le cau ses ( 1) sw ell w aves, w in d -g e n e rated w aves (2 ) ro g u e w aves, su p er w aves, due to o v e rla p p in g o f m u ltip le w aves, also k n o w n as m o n stro u s w aves (3) s u r f w av es, g en erated by b reak in g o f w in d -g e n e ra te d sea w aves A ;:>v&■« It m ay be p o in te d o u t th a t o n ly th e fo rm o f w ave m oves fo rw ard in seas an d o cean s th ro u g h the w ater and the w a ter does n o t m o v e fo rw ard . W ater p a rtic le s w ith in a w av e in th e seas an d o ceans do n o t m o v e fo rw ard w ith c o astw a rd o r lan d w ard ad v an cin g w ave its e lf b u t m o v e in c irc u lar o rb it (fig. 8 .2 A ). In an o p e n se a th e o rb ita l m o tio n o f w ater p a rtic le a sso c ia te d w ith th e p assag e o f a w ave d e crea se s ra p id ly fro m th e w ater surface d o w n w ard s (to w ard s th e se a flo o r). The o rb it o f p a rtic le s d e crea se s w ith in c re a sin g depth from the w a ter su rface (fig. 8 .2 A ) w ith th e resu lt orbits beco m e m o re an d m o re e llip tic a l tow ards sea b o tto m and th e re is o n ly h o riz o n ta l m ovem ent o f w a ter p a rtic le s (b a c k a n d fo rth m ovem ent o f w ater p a rtic le s) (fig. 8 .2 B ). W a ve le n gth (L) <---------------------- ------------------------>\ T rough C re s t B Orbits become more elliptical toward bottom Horizontal movement only Fig. 8.2 : A-Generation of wave forms by orbital motion of water particles. Each water particle continues orbitting about the same position while the wave form advances forward. B-The size of orbits of water particles decreases and orbits become more and more elliptical downwards or as they approach a shallow bottom where the movement of water particles becomes horizontal i.e. water particles move back andforth only. :v h . f e ' ' ’ * 212 o c e a n o g r a ph y It m a y b e m e n tio n e d th a t the m o v em en t o f w a v e fo rm fo rw a rd m ean s fo rw a rd tran sm issio n o f w a v e e n e rg y . It is v e ry in te re stin g to n o te th at w a te r p a rtic le s w h ile m o v in g in a c irc le in w ind g e n e ra te d s e a w a v es p ass the energy forw ard. S u c h ty p e o f m o tio n o f w a te r in sea w aves is k n o w n as c ir c u la r o rb ita l m otion (fig. 8 .2), w hich d is a p p e a rs w h e n th e d ep th o f w a ter in creases one h a lf o f th e w a v e le n g th . It is also im p o rtan t to b ear in m in d th a t w a te r p a rtic le w h ile m o v in g in c irc u la r o rb ita l m o tio n d oes n o t re tu rn e x actly to its o rig in a l p la c e , ra th e r it is slig h tly m o ved fo rw a rd b e c a u s e th e sp ee d o f m o v e m e n t o f w a ter in th e h a lf o f o rb ita l c irc le in the tro u g h o f the w a v e is s lo w e r th a n th e sp ee d o f w a ter m o v em en t in th e re m a in in g h a lf o f the o rb ital circle in the c re s t o f th e w av e. T his is w hy w a ter slig h tly m o v e s fo rw a rd . S uch fo rw a rd m o v em en t o f w a ter is c a lle d w a v e d rift. S in ce th e d ep th o f o rb ital circle o f sea w a v e s is e q u al to o ne h a lf o f the w a v ele n g th , the d e p th o f o rb ita l c irc le is p o sitiv e ly c o rre la te d w ith w a v e le n g th o f sea w av es. T h u s, lo n g er the w a v e le n g th s, the g re a te r is the d ep th o f o rb ital c irc le o f se a w a v es and v ic e v ersa. T he d ep th o f o rb ita l c irc le o f se a w a v es is c a lle d w a v e b ase w h ic h is o n e h a lf o f th e w a v e le n g th . A s th e w av es a p p ro a c h s e a sh o re , th e w a v e le n g th d e crea se s and h e n c e th e d e p th o f w av e b a se also d e crea se s b u t th e w a v e h e ig h t in c re a se s. W h en the d ep th o f sea w a te r b e c o m e s e q u a l to o n e h a lf the w a v ele n g th , th e d e p th o f w a v e b a se s to u c h e s th e sea b o tto m , i.e . th e s e a w a v e s feel b o tto m an d the w av e en erg y b e c o m e s u n a b le to m a in ta in th e en o rm o u sly g ro w n w a v e h e ig h t, th e w a v es b re a k at p lu n g e lin e o r b r e a k e r lin e fro m w h e re the w a te r m o v es fo r w a rd a n d d o e s n o t fo llo w o rb ita l c irc u la r p ath a n d th u s b e c o m e s s u r f c u rre n t (re m e m b e r th a t in w a te r c u r r e n t w a te r m o v e s fo rw a rd ). It m a y b e c o n c lu d e d th a t th e re are tw o ty p es o f m o tio n s in w in d -g e n e ra te d w av es as fo llo w s : »■ T h e fo rw ard m o v e m e n t o f w av e form is m e asu re d as wave speed o r celerity in meters p e r seco n d . T h e w av e sp eed is directly re la ted to w a v e le n g th i.e. lo n g er the w a v ele n g th , g re a te r th e w a v e sp eed and v ice v ersa. T h e w a v e freq u e n cy is jm_ v e rsely re la te d to w a v e le n g th i.e. longer the w a v e le n g th , lo w e r th e w av e frequency and v ic e v e rsa. >- In an o rb ita l m o v e m e n t o f w av e w ater p a rtic le s m o v e b a c k a n d fo rth an d up-anddo w n an d re tu rn to a lm o st th e same p o sitio n fro m w h e re th e y s ta rte d m oving. T h e w av e siz e (w a v e le n g th ) an d th e size o f o rb it o f m o v e m e n t o f w a te r p a rtic le s beneath a w ave are d ire c tly c o rre la te d i.e ., th e b ig g er the size o f w av e (w a v e le n g th ), th e la rg e r is the size o f o rb it o f m o tio n o f w a te r p a rtic le s an d v ice versa. ‘T h e n e t re s u lt is th a t in th e o ry there is no fo rw ard m o tio n o f m a ss ( o f w a te r), no m atter how m an y w av es p a ss th ro u g h th e a rea. T hus, wave en erg y , n o t w a te r p a rtic le , tra v e ls across the sea s u rfa c e ’ (P .R . P in e t, 2 0 0 0 )’. Deep-Water Waves T h e d eep w a te r z o n e o f th e oceans is that p a rt o f th e o c e a n w h e re th e d e p th o f ocean water e x ce e d s th e d e p th o f w a v e b a se , w h ic h is one half o f th e w a v e le n g th . So th e w a v e s g e n e ra te d in deep o cean w a te r b y w in d s a re c a lle d d e ep ocean w ater w a v es an d do n o t h a v e a n y in te ra c tio n w ith ocean b o tto m s. T h e se w a v e s a re a lso c a lle d oscillatory w a v e s. T h e m o tio n s in o s c illa to ry w av es are the sam e as d e sc rib e d a b o v e i.e. th e w a te r particles m o v e in o rb ita l c irc le a n d th e y re tu rn v ery nearly to th e ir o rig in a l p o s itio n a fte r th e passag e o f w av es w h ile w a v e fo rm o r w a v e en erg y m oves fo rw ard . Shallow -W ater W aves • fo rw a rd m o v e m e n t o f w a v e fo rm (w a v e e n e rg y ) w a v e m o tio n s ^ • o rb ita l m o v e m e n t o f w a te r p a r tic le s b e n e a th the w av e T h e s e a w a v e s tra v e llin g in sh allo w w ater z o n e , w h e re th e d e p th o f o c e a n w a te r o r w ave base is le ss th a n 1/ 2 0 th o f th e w a v e le n g th , are called s h a llo w w a te r w a v e s o r long waves. T h u s, shallow w a te r w a v e s tra v e ll in th e sh a llo w n e a r shore 213 SEA WAVES, SH O RELIN E PROCESSES AND COASTAL SCENERY zo n es o f o cean s, a n d to u c h th e b o tto m o f th e oceans, o r say w a v e s ‘fe el b o tto m ’ b e c a u s e th e re is alw ays .c o n ta c t b e tw e e n th e w a v e s an d sea bottom- T he w a te r p a rtic le s in su c h w a v e fo llo w fla tte n e d o rb its a n d h e n c e th e re is fo rw a rd m ovem ent o f w a t e n n a s s a lso . S u c h m o v e m e n t o f waves is c a lle d tr a n s la to r y m o tio n a n d th e c o n ­ cern ed w a v e s a re c a lle d w a v e s o f tr a n s la tio n o r translatory w a v e s w h e re in th e w a te r p a rtic le s m o v e forw ard a p p ro x im a te ly a t th e sa m e v e lo c ity as th e w ave fo rm .T h is c a te g o ry in c lu d e s th e fo llo w in g w aves : w in d -g e n e ra te d w a v e s in n e a r-s h o re zo n e, >- ts u n a m i w a v e s , g e n e ra te d b y ts u n a m ig e n ic q uakes, tid a l w a v e s , g e n e ra te d b y g ra v ita tio n a l fo rc e o f th e su n an d th e m o o n . T ransitio nal W aves T h e s e a w a v e s b e tw e e n the a b o v e m e n ­ tio n e d tw o c a te g o rie s o f w a v e s e.g. d e e p -w a te r w a v e s, a n d s h a llo w w a te r w a v e s, are called tr a n s itio n a l w a v e s o r in te r m e d ia te w a v e s, ill w h ich the d e p th o f w a te r o r w a v e b a se is g re a te r than 1/ 20th p a rt o f w a v e le n g th o f s h a llo w -w a te r w av es but less th a n 1/2 o f th e w a v e le n g th o f d e e p -w a te r w aves as g iv e n b e lo w : ( 1) d e p th o f d e e p - w a te r w a v e s (d ) = > L / 2 (2 ) d e p th o f s h a llo w - w a te r w a v e s >■ T h e w a v e le n g th d e te rm in e s th e s p e e d o f d e e p -w a te r w a v e s i.e . th e lo n g e r th e w a v e le n g th , th e g re a te r th e s p e e d a n d v ic e v e rsa . B o th , w a te r d e p th a n d w a v e le n g th c o n tro l th e s p e e d o f in te rm e d ia te o r tra n s itio n a l w a v es. Rogue Waves T h e o c c a s io n a l a n d u n u s u a l o r n o n - r e g u la r sea w a v e s o f e n o rm o u s w a v e h e ig h t a re c a lle d ro g u e w a v e s o r m o n str o u s w a v e s o n ly b e c a u s e o f th e fa c t th a t su ch w a v e s o c c u r v e ry r a r e ly a n d a ssu m e v e ry g re a t h e ig h t a n d th u s b e c o m e v e ry se v e re an d d e s tru c tiv e . T h e y a re a ls o c a lle d s u p e r w a v e s, in th e sam e w a y as th e s e v e r e s t a n d m o s t d e stru c tiv e tro p ic a l c y c lo n e s a re n a m e d s u p e r cy c lo n e s. T h e e x a c t m o d e o f o rig in o f ro g u e w a v e s is a c tu a lly n o t y e t k n o w n b u t th e th e o r e tic a l m o d e ls h a v e s h o w n th a t th e o v e r la p p in g o f n u m e ro u s w a v e s c a n p ro d u c e o n e s in g le m o n ­ stro u s w a v e. T h e c o llis io n o f s tro n g s to r m - w a v e s g e n e ra te d by p o w e rfu l a tm o s p h e r ic d i s tu r b a n c e (c y c lo n e , m a in ly tro p ic a l c y c lo n e ) a n d s tr o n g o c ea n c u rre n ts re s u lts in th e g e n e s is o f r o g u e w a v es b e c a u s e th e c o llis io n fo r c e c a u s e s s t e e p e n ­ in g and s h o rte n in g o f s to rm w a v e s w h ic h u l t i ­ m a te ly are tra n s fo rm e d in to m o n s tr o u s w a v e s . T h e p ro b a b ility o f o c c u r r e n c e o f r o u g u e w a v e s h as b e e n w o rk e d o u t to b e o n e in e v e r y o n e b illio n n o rm a l se a w a v e s . T h is m a k e s p r e d ic tio n o f th e o c c u rre n c e o f m o n s tro u s w a v e s v e ry d if f ic u lt. (d ) = < L / 20 (3) d e p th o f tr a n s itio n a l w a v e s C onstructive and D estru ctive W aves (d ) = > L /2 0 b u t < L ! 2 w h e re d = d e p th o f w a te r > = g r e a te r th a n < = le ss th a n >■ c o n s tr u c tiv e w a v e s L = w a v e le n g th - d e s tr u c tiv e w a v e s T h e w a v e s p e e d o f th e a b o v e m e n tio n e d 3 ^ e s o f w a v e s a re v a ria b ly r e la te d to w a te r d e p th and w a v e le n g th a s fo llo w s : ^ F ro m g e o m o rp h o lo g ic a l p o in t o f v ie w s e a w a v e s are d iv id e d in to tw o m a jo r ty p e s : T h e s p e e d o f s h a llo w - w a te r w a v e s d e p e n d s on w a te r d e p th , i.e . th e g r e a te r th e w a te r d e p th , th e h ig h e r th e w a v e s p e e d , a n d v ic e v e rsa. T h e lo w fr e q u e n c y w a v e s w ith lo n g e r w a v e le n g th a p p r o a c h in g th e s h o re a n d b e a c h e s a re c o n s tr u c tiv e in c h a r a c te r b e c a u s e th e y lo s e v o lu m e a n d e n e rg y r a p id ly w h ile m o v in g u p th e b e a c h e s b e c a u s e w a te r p e r c o la te s in th e s h in g le s a n d o th e r b e a c h m a te ria ls a n d th u s th e b a c k w a s h is w e a k e n e d w h ic h h in d e r s th e r em o v a l o f 214 OCEANOGRAWfV 1 m aterials seaw ard. It is, thus, obvious that lowfreq u en cy w aves help in the building o f beaches. O n the other hand, high frequency w aves with sh o rter w avelengths and high wave heights (crests) approaching a m ore steeply sloping shore are destructive in nature because instead o f sp illing they plunge and generate pow erful b reakers travelling tow ards the shore and strong b ack w ash tow ards the sea which combs down the b eaches i.e. rem oves the beach m aterials and tran sp o rts them tow ards the sea. Such destructive w aves also resort to cliff erosion w hich leads to retro gradation o f coastland and sea. Surf Zone and Breakers The sea waves after being originated by pow erful w inds in the ‘se a a r e a ’ (the breeding area o f the oceans is technically called by the m ariners as ‘sea a r e a ’) radiate outw ard in all directions from the generating ‘sea areas’. The grow th o f sea w aves in term s o f increase in the size (w ave­ length) and speed is controlled by the strength o f storm w inds. As the w inds get stronger by attaining high speed, the wind energy is trans­ ferred to the ocean surface. This w ind energy increases the heights o f waves. It m eans wind strength i.e. w ind speed is strongly positively correlated with wave strength i.e. size o f w ave­ length and wave height. As the w ind speed increases, the w avelength and wave height also increases. It may be m entioned that the size o f sea w aves, i.e. w avelength in controlled by the size o f Surf zone Broken wave fetch (that part o f the sea over w hich w inds bl©* in one direction for long duration to generate pow erful sea w aves), the w ind speed and wind . duration. The larger fetch, high w ind speed and | long duration o f w ind m otion in one direction % cause large size (long w avelength) w aves. The sea w aves w ith longest wavelengths ] m ove m ost rapidly. Steep w aves w ith shorter ' w avelengths but greater heights (higher crests) decay m ore rapidly w hile m oving aw ay from generating ‘sea area’ w hile w aves w ith longer -1 w avelengths and low er heights radiate and travel for thousands o f kilom eters across the oceans with little energy loss. As the w aves advance towards the shores, the depth o f w ater d ecreases, the wave height increases and the w avelength decreases. As the w aves m ove in shallow w ater of near-shore zone, they feel b o tto m (touch the sea bottom ) and lose energy because they suffer from friction and distortion caused by th eir interactions with bottom surface. Thus, the w aves begin to feel bottom when the depth o f w ater becom es eq u iv alent to about the h a lf o f the w avelength. A s th e | waves approach the shore, the w av elen g th co n tin ­ ues to decrease w hile the w ave h e ig h t in creases to such an extent that the crest o f the w ave topples over and the w ave is tran sfo rm ed into breaker w hich then collapses. The tu rb u len t w ater, known as sw a sh or u p r u s h rushes sh o rew ard w ith great velocity and force. The distance from the shore where the waves break is called plunge line where the depth o f seaw ater and the w ave height are approxi­ mately equal. The tm bulent forw ard m oving swash Wave crest Wave trough Fig. 8.3: Progression of wind-generated sea waves, breaking of waves, plunge line and surf zone. m- SEA WAVES, SHORELINE PROCESSES AND COASTAL SCENERY or breaker is also called surf. The zone o f seaw ater between the plunge line and the shore is called surf zone. B reakers are o f 3 types as follow s ; >- spilling b reakers >• plunging b reakers >■ surging breakers (1) Spilling breakers are m ost com m on type o f b reak ers in w hich w ater does not fall but grad u ally spills dow n the front o f sea w aves and form s p ro m in en t foam ing coast. The spilling breakers are form ed over gently sloping sea b ottom w h ere there is slow rate o f loss o f w ave energy. (2) Plunging breakers are those in w hich w ater falls v e rtic ally and rushes shorew ard in the form o f tu rb u len t foam ing w ater m ass. W hen the w ave crests becom e so steep and high then they becom e curling crests. T hus, the w ave energy becom es unable to su p p o rt such curling crests, w ith the result they b reak and plunge vertically. (3) Surging breakers are those in w hich w ater m oves ra p id ly shorew ard. Such breakers occur very close to the sea shore. Spilling b reakers are a sso ciated w ith steep w aves and are caused w hen the v e lo cities in the w ave crest and w ave body are alm ost equal. P lu n g in g b reakers are caused w hen the v elo city o f w a te r in the w ave crest exceed s the velocity o f w ave body (o f in term ed iate w aves). Surging b reak ers are a sso c iate d w ith gentle w aves (in term s o f steep n ess o f w are crest). T he b reak ers o f sw ash or surfs after reaching the slo p in g b e ac h re tu rn tow ards th e sea as backwash or undertow currents and rip currents. It may be p o in te d o u t th a t s u rf cu rren ts or sw ash or breakers and u n d e rto w c u rre n ts or b ack w ash are significant g e o m o rp h ic ag en ts. T he sea w aves become g e o m o rp h o ic ag en t o n ly w hen th ey feel bottom at the p lu n g e line. 8-4 WAVE REFRACTION W ave re fra c tio n sim p ly m ean s the b en d in g o f the crests o f sea w av es ap p ro a ch in g sea shore. The w ave re fra c tio n is cau sed due to d ra g g in g o f shore- b o u n d w av es alo n g the sea bottom . W hy do 215 the w ave crests refract o r b en d ? It m ay b e m entioned th at crestlines o f w ave crests o f f th e shoreline are alm ost straig h t and p arallel in deep w ater but w hen they approach the shallow w ater o f su rf zone they bccom e irreg u lar and u ltim ately they bend or are refracted due to differential w ave speed (celerity). I f the co astlin e is highly irreg u lar and indented ch aracterized by bays (em b ay m en ts) and headlands, the approaching w ave c rests break o ff the headland earlier (first) d ue to sh allo w depth o f w ater than the crests o f sam e w ave w hich enters the bays due to relativ ely d e ep e r w ater. In other w ords, one part o f the w ave re a ch e s the shallow w ater o ff the h ead lan d s so o n er th a n th e other part o f the sam e w ave w h ich en ters th e b ay . Thus, the Crestline o f a w ave a p p ro a ch in g th e headlands breaks first and is slo w ed d o w n w h ile the other Crestline o f the sam e w av e b re a k e s la te r and thus the tw o p arts o f the sam e w av e b re a k at d ifferent tim es. T his cau ses b e n d in g o f sea w av es, w hich we called w ave re fra c tio n . It m ay also be m entioned th at the w ave en erg y is c o n c e n tra te d at the head lan d s b ecau se w ave crests b re a k h ere first and thus h ead lan d s are ero d ed m o re v ig o ro u sly . On the o ther hand, w ave en erg y is d istrib u te d in the bays and hence th ere is m ore d ep o sitio n . The refracted w av es te n d to b eco m e p a ra l­ lel to the sh o relin es. T he w ave re fra c tio n is also caused by the irreg u la rity o f c o astlin e s as ex p lain ed above. T he m o st sp e c tu la r im p act o f w ave re fra c tio n is u n ev en d istrib u tio n o f w av e en ergy w h erev er the co ast and sh o re lin es are irre g u la r an d in d e n te d su c h as b a y s an d h ead lan d s. T his a sp ect has also b e en e x p lain ed above. Wave orthogonals are th e im a g in a ry equispaced arrows draw n perpendicular to the Crestline o f sea w av es b efo re th e w av es a re re fra c ted . In o th er w ords, ev en ly sp aced im ag in ary arro w s or rays draw n perpendicular to th e cre sts o f th e d eep w ater w aves are called w av e o rth o g o n a ls w h ich are u sed to d em o n strate d istrib u tio n o f w ave energy. T hus, the en erg y b e tw ee n any tw o w ave o rth o g o n als is su p p o sed to be eq u al alo n g th e en tire crests (fig. 8.4). T h u s, w av e o rth o g o n a ls h elp in the u n d e rstan d in g o f d istrib u tio n o f w ave en ergy in the n ear-sh o re areas. W h erev er the w ave o rth o g o n als c o n v erg e (at th e h e ad la n d s, A 216 diverge or are dispersed (B in fig. 8.4), denote dispersal and hence lo ss o f w ave enerev and deposition . in fig . 8 .4 ), th ey denote concentration o f w ave en erg y w h ic h ca u ses erosion o f headlands. On the other h an d , w h erever the w ave orthogonals E rosional H igh-energy zone H eadland 0,1 E m b aym en t W ave c r e s ts S ea coast W ave trou ghs bea Lo w -e n e rg y zone Fig. 8.4 : B e a ch W ave orthogonal Wave orthogonals, concentration o f wave energy at the convergence o f w ave orthogonals (headlands, A) and w ave erosion; dispersal o f wave energy at the divergence o f w ave orthogonals and consequent deposition (bays, beaches, B in fig. 8.4), Source : after P.R. Pinet, 2000. W av e re fra c tio n re su lts in the fo rm atio n o f litto r a l or lo n g sh o re cu rren ts o r d rifts w hich m ove p a ra lle l to th e sea shore. T h ese cu rren ts are g e n e ra te d in tw o w ay s as fo llo w s : >■ W h en th e sea w ater u n d e r th e in flu en ce o f g u sty w in d s strik es the co ast, th ere is m ass tra n s p o rt o f sea w ater p a ra lle l to the coast. >- W h en p o w e rfu l w in d -g e n e rated w aves u n d e r th e in flu en ce o f h ig h v elo city w in d s strik e th e co ast, m o st o f w ater m ove p a ra lle l to the coast. 8.5 WAVE REFLECTION W av e re fle c tio n sim ply m eans b o u n cin g b a c k o f w ave en erg y w hen the p ro g ressiv e w aves strik e th e s tra ig h t c o astlin es o f re sista n t rocks, say c lif f co astlin e s o r m an -m ad e stru ctu res such as se a w a lls, w h ic h are c o n stru cte d parallel to the c o a s t to p ro te c t th e lan d from ag g ressiv e c liff e ro sio n . W h e n the c o a st b o u n d w av es strike the seaw alls o r re s ista n t c o a sts a lm o st at rig h t angle, the w av e en erg y is re fle c te d b a c k an d seabound w av es are created . T h e se se a b o u n d outgoing w aves are p a ra lle l to in c o m in g co ast bound w av es. W h en th e se tw o o p p o sin g w aves meet, u n u su al w av e fo rm s w ith g re a te r h eig h t, usually m ore th a n 10 m e te rs, are g en erate d . It may be m e n tio n e d th a t th e o rig in a l w av es, i.e. the in c o m in g w av es b e fo re b e in g re fle c ted , and the re fle c te d w av es h av e th e sam e w avelengths. The o v e rla p p in g o f th e c re sts o f o u tg o in g reflected w av es an d in c o m in g p ro g re ssiv e w aves causes w ave w ed g e o f g re a t heigh^ b ecau se o f the d o u b lin g o f th e cre sts o f th e se tw o opposing w av es. S o m etim es, th e co m b in atio n o f two o p p o sin g w av es (re fle c te d w av es and incoming w av es) h a v in g th e sam e w a v ele n g th s results in fo rm atio n o f standing o r stationary waves where#* th ere is no actu al h o riz o n ta l m o vem ent o f water. SEA WAVES, SHORELINE PROCESSES AND COASTAL SCENERY ‘In effect, the w ater level oscillates up and down about the fixed node, which is located near the center’ (P- R- Pinet, 2000). The standing or stationary wave, w hen occurs in a bay, harbour or estuary, is called seiche. 8.6 SEA COAST AND SEA SHORE G enerally, sea coast and sea shore are taken as synonym ous but geom orphologically these two terms have quite different m eanings. Sea shore represents the zone o f land betw een high tide w ater (H TW ) and low tide w ater (LTW ) (fig. 8.5) w hile the shoreline represents the actual landward lim it o f sea w ater at a given m om ent o f time. ‘The shoreline is the line o f dem arcation betw een land and w ater. It fluctuates from m om ent to moment influenced by w aves and tid e s’ (A. Bloom, 1979). The coast represents the land-zone immediately behind the cliff. The coastline represents the cliffline or the m argin o f land rising above the sea w ater. The shore zone or sim ply shore is divided into 3 zones : (1) back shore represents the beach zone startin g from the lim it o f frequent storm w aves to the c liff base, (2) foreshore extends from low tide w ater to high tide w ater, and (3) offshore represents the zone o f shallow bottom o f the continental slope. Coast - Sea Backshore *-------- v Foreshore ■ k -------------------- 217 coastlines and shorelines. Not only this, there is also difference o f opinions regarding the meaning and definitions o f coastlines and shorelines as some scientists treat them separately while some take them as synonym. The m eaning o f sea coast and sea-shore has already been explained in the preceding section 8.5. Here both the terms are taken as synnonym. The schem es o f classification o f sea coast and seashore differ significantly because o f different bases adopted by different geom orphologists. The difference o f opinions arises from the fact that (i) coasts and shores have been classified separately, (ii) the present day coastlines are complex rather than sim ple, (iii) sea level is not perm anent as there are phases o f rise and fall in sea level resulting into subm ergence and emergence o f coastlines. The schem es o f classification o f sea coasts and sea shores o f D.W . Johnson and F.P. Shepard, being m ore popular, are being discussed here. 1 . Johnson’s Classification of Shorelines D.W. Johnson (1919) presented a genetic classification o f shorelines w herein he divided shorelines into four main types, on the basis o f (i) nature o f coastland before changes in sea level i.e. w hether the coastland was upland or low land before changes in sea level, and (ii) em ergence or subm ergence o f shorelines due to sea level change, as follows : Offshore 1. Shorelines o f em ergence, High tide water Low tide water 2. Shorelines o f subm ergence, Land Fig. 8.5 : Sea coast and sea shore. 8.7 CLASSIFICATION OF COASTS AND SHORELINES There is a w ide range o f variations in opinions in relation to types and classification o f 3. N eutral shorelines, and 4. Com pound shorelines. Shoreline of emergence is form ed due to changes in sea level (fall in sea level or negative change) either due to fall in sea level in relation to coastland or upheaval o f coastland in relation to sea level. Change in sea level (negative) may be due to either clim atic factor (ice age and w id e sp rea d g la c ia tio n ) or te cto n ic fa c to r (i.e. su b sid e n c e in sea flo o r or rise in coastland). 218 OCEANOGRAPHY 1 ' T V ' ' /«. % L. ------ — --------------- f —K iimuiDJiiiiiiiniiiJimiiJiiirmmiinufflil i— ——-—------------- ------------- u 'kVii/J, t / : h\J mmmrnrn ■~V K 'S - - ' x!. - • 1, \-v' ' ' ' / jl ii 3 eroded area, like estuaries o f the rivers. Ria shore is funnel shaped, the narrow part o f which the land area. It narrow s dow n further landward term inating at the m outh o f the river while it w idens out tow ards the sea. (b) Fiord shorelines are form ed due to subm ergence o f glacial trough^ G laciers form deep valleys near the coast during glacial period. A fter clim atic change leading to dcglaciation sea level rises because o f return of m elt-w ater and hence glacial v alleys are drowned under sea w ater to form fiord coast and shore (fio 8 . 6 - 2 ). Neutral shorelines are form ed neither by em ergence nor by subm ergence because they do not reveal any such evidence w hich can prove em ergence or subm ergence. In fact, neutral shorelines are form ed due to deposition of sed im en ts/Jo h n so n id en tified six types o f shore­ lines under this category d epending on the nature o f deposited m aterials viz. (i) delta shoreline (fig. 8.6-4), (ii) alluvial plain shoreline (fig. 8.6-3), (iii) outw ash plain shoreline, (iv) volcanic shore­ line (fig. 8 .6-6), (v) coral re e f shoreline, and(vi) fault shoreline (fig. 8.7-7). C o m p o u n d s h o r e lin e s are characterized by the evidences o f both subm ergence and emer­ gence. N o rw ag ian coast is example o f this category. J o h n so n ’s schem e o f the classification of shorelines w as w idely ap preciated and popular­ ized by his d iscip les and follow ers. For example, J.B. L ucke (1938) d escrib ed the follow ing posi­ tive points in his schem e : >■ It is sim ple and easily understandable, Fig. 8 .6 : It is b ased on sound reasoning, Types o f shorelines-( 1) ria coast (submerged), (2) fio r d coast (submerged), ( 3 ) coastal plain co ast (submerged), and (4) deltaic coast (neu­ >- It is easily ap p licab le, and tra l shoreline). >* It is m ore sy stem atic and coherent. S h o r e lin e s o f su b m erg en ce is form ed b ecau se o f su b m e rg e n c e o f c o a sta l land due to rise in sea le v el e ith e r d u e to clim a tic ch an g e (in terg lacial p e rio d le a d in g to d e g la c ia tio n ) or te cto n ic m o v e­ m e n t {i.e. su b sid e n c e o f sea flo o r or co astal area). J o h n so n d iv id e d sh o re lin es o f su b m erg en ce into tw o s u b ty p e s viz. (a) R ia sh o relin es (fig. 8.6-1) are fo rm e d b y p a rtia l su b m erg en c e o f su b aerially B esides b o u q u ets, this schem e also re­ ceiv ed b rick b ats, as the schem e was severely c ritic ised by sev eral geom orphologists. F.P> Shepard (1937 and 1938) criticised the division o t sh o relin es into em erg ed and subm erged tyP®? b ecau se every co ast and shore has e x p e r i e n c e p h ases o f su b m erg en ce and em ergence and heflce all the sh o relin es sh o u ld be c o m p o u n d s^ ore^ ^ f j D elta co ast and shore can n o t b e neutral i n SEA WAVES, SHORELINE PROCESSES AND COASTAL SCENERY b ecau se it also re v e als e v id e n c e s o f su b m erg en ce an d e m e r g e n c e (fo r e x am p le, M ississip p i d elta). A c c o r d in g to S h e p a rd Jo h n so n d id n o t c o n sid e r eustatic c h an g e s in sea le v el d u e to g la c ia tio n and d eg laciatio n w h ile c la s s ify in g sh o re lin e s. 219 2. Shepard’s Classification of Coasts and Shorelines F .P . S h ep ard p re se n te d th e c la ssific a tio n o f co asts in 1937 w h ic h w as se v e re ly c ritic iz e d b y J.B . L u ck e w h o in d ic a te d fo u r sh o rtc o m in g s in th is sch em e viz. (i) S h e p a rd s ’ c la ssific a tio n in clu d es o n ly c o asts b u t s h o re lin e s h a v e b e en ig n o red ; (ii) m ain b a sis o f c la s s ific a tio n is co asta l ch arts w h ich are n o t c o m p e te n t fo r th e c la s s ific a ­ tio n o f co ast an d sh o re lin e s; (iii) th is sc h e m e d o es n o t re v e al e v o lu tio n a ry c h a n g e s in c o a sts an d sh o res; and (iv) in all, S h e p a rd ’s c la s s ific a tio n is in co m p lete. S h ep ard , c o n se q u e n tly , p re s e n te d h is re v ised sch em e in 1948, w h e re in h e in c lu d e d b o th co astlin es an d sh o re lin es. H is re v is e d c la s s ific a ­ tio n is b a se d on th e stag e o f d e v e lo p m e n t o f c o a sts and sh o res an d th e fa c to rs an d p ro c e ss e s in v o lv e d in th e ir d ev elo p m en t. F irstly , c o a sts a n d sh o re s h av e b e en d iv id e d in to tw o b ro a d c a te g o rie s o n the b a sis o f p ro c e sse s an d a g e n ts o f th e ir fo rm atio n an d d e v e lo p m e n t viz. (A ) p r im a r y c o a sts and sh o r e lin e s, fo rm e d b y n o n -m a rin e a g e n c ie s, an d (B ) sec o n d a ry or m in o r co a sts a n d s h o r e lin e s , fo rm ed b y m a rin e p ro c e ss e s . T h e se h a v e b e e n fu rth e r d iv id e d in to su b ty p e s o n th e b a s is o f ero sio n , d e p o sitio n , e m e rg e n c e , s u b m e rg e n c e , u p w a rp in g , d o w n w a rp in g , v o lc a n ic a c tiv ity etc. (A) Primary or youthful coasts and shorelines 1. S u b m e rg e d c o a sts a n d s h o re lin e s d u e to rise in se a le v el e ith e r d u e to d o w n w a rp in g or subaerial erosion and co n seq u en t drow ning d u e to d e g la c ia tio n . (i) d ro w n e d riv e r c o a sts (ria c o a s ts ) (ii) d ro w n e d g la c ia le d c o a s ts (fio rd s ) 2. C o a sts d u e to d e p o sitio n o n la n d (a) d u e to flu v ia l d e p o sitio n Fig. 8.7: Types o f shorelines-(5) alluvial plain shore­ line, (6) volcanic shoreline, (7) fault shore­ line, (8) composite shoreline (shoreline of submergencefollowed by emergence), (9) com­ posite shoreline (shoreline o f emergence fol­ lowed by submergence). (i) d e lta c o a st (ii) d ro w n e d a llu v ia l p la in c o a s t (b ) d u e to g la c ia l d e p o sits (i) p artially subm erged m o rain ic co ast (ii) p a rtia lly su b m erg ed d ru m lin c o a st (c ) a e o lia n d e p o sit-c o a s ts (d ) v e g e ta tio n e x te n d e d c o a sts 220 o c e a n o g r a ph y 3. C o a s ts s h a p e d b y v o lc a n ic a c tiv ity (i) c o a s ts on re c e n t la v a flo w s (ii) c o a s ts d u e to c o lla p se o f v o lcan ic c o n e s o r d u e to v o lc a n ic eru p tio n >■ Structure and com position o f bedrocks o f coast land. W ell join ted and fractured rocks are more ea sily plucked, quarried and abraded by sea w aves. R ock types (lith ological characteristics) determine the nature o f erosion. 4 . C o a s ts s h a p e d b y d ia stro p h ism (i) f a u lt-s c a r p c o a sts (ii) c o a s ts on fo ld e d ro ck s (B) Secondary or mature coasts and shorelines >■ M ore or less stable coastline is subjected to more erosion than unstable coastline. 1 . S h o r e lin e s sh a p e d by m a rin e erosio n (i) s h o re lin e s stra ig h te n e d b y m arin e e ro ­ s io n (ii) irr e g u la r sh o re lin e s by m arin e erosion 2. S h o re lin e s sh a p e d by m arin e d ep o sitio n and SHO RELINES A vailability o f erosion to o ls (sands, grav­ els, pebbles and cobbles and som etim es boulders), and (ii) p ro g ra d e d sh o re lin e s o ffsh o re bars (iv ) c o ra l r e e f co asts 8.8 W A V E S AND DYNA M IC V ertical coast land (c liffs) having deep water is less eroded because the sea w aves are reflected back w ithout causing much harm to the cliff. On the other hand, the c liffs, w hich rise m oderately from w ide basal platform and i f the sea water is o f sh allow depth, are prone to more hydraulic action and pluck­ ing because the breakers or sw ash strike the c liff w ith great ferocity and enormous pow er and thus ham mer the rocks. (i) s tra ig h te n e d sh o re lin es (iii) sh o re lin e s w ith lo n g s h o re sp its >- W avelength, w ave v elo city , w ave fre­ quency and w ave period. Long enduring w aves w ith longer w avelength and high v elo city becom e effectiv e erosive agent. (COASTAL SCENERY) »* Duration o f marine erosion. S ea w a v es re s o rt to e ro sio n o f th e co astal lan d a n d b a c k sh o re z o n e th ro u g h th e p ro c e sses an d m e c h a n ism o f h y d ra u lic a ctio n , c o rra sio n or a b ra sio n , a ttritio n , c o rro sio n o r so lu tio n and w a te r p re ssu re . W h en th e sea w a v es b re a k at p lu n g e lin e , th e p o te n tia l e n erg y o f th e w a v es is c o n v e rte d in to k in e tic e n erg y an d th e re su lta n t breakers o r swash o r surf currents strik e th e c o ast land w ith enorm ous pow er and erode the geom aterials in d iffe re n t m a n n e r as stated ab o v e. It m ay be p o in te d o u t th a t th e c o a sta l ro c k s are im m e n sely a ffe c te d b y w e a th e rin g p ro c e sse s re s u ltin g in to d is in te g ra tio n a n d d e c o m p o sitio n an d th u s w e a k ­ e n in g o f ro c k s. S u c h w e a k e n e d ro c k s are easily p lu c k e d an d e ro d e d aw ay by th e h y d ra u lic p re s s u re an d tu rb u le n c e o f b re a k in g w av es (sw a sh ). The nature and magnitude o f coastal ero­ sion are affected and determined by the following fa cto rs: Hydraulic action refers to the im pact o f m oving water on the coastal rocks. Large storm w aves attack the coastal rocks w ith enormous hammer blow s am ounting to 50 k g f per square centim etre (gravity force (f) is 9.81 and hence sea w aves, norm ally, hurl a force o f 50 kg per square centim etre o f the coastal rocks). R epeated blow s o f striking sea w aves enlarge the incipient joints, fracture patterns and thus help in breaking the rocks into sm aller join t-b ound ed blocks. The w aves are capable o f d islo d g in g larger fragments o f rocks w eig h in g several tonnes in w eight. This process o f displacem ent o f rock fragm ents is also called as quarrying and plucking. In fact, wave quarrying and w a v e plu ck ing caused by the hydraulic pressure and turbulence o f breaking w aves is very e ffe ctiv e m echanism o f erosion o f w eathered and join t-b ound ed fresh bedrocks. The striking breaking w aves also exert enormous J pressure on the air trapped in the crevices an1 SEA WAVES, SHORELINE PROCESSES AND COASTAL SCENERY hollows w ithin the co astal rocks. T hus, alternate process o f co m p ressio n (w hen the w aves strike the rocks as sw ash) and d eco m p ressio n (w hen the waves retu rn as b ack w ash ) causes p ressu re changes and w eak en s the ro ck s to b re a k into the blocks o f sev eral tonnes. T he c liff ero sio n in the p e rm a fro st in the A rctic re g io n is c alled thermoabrasion by the R u ssian s b u t th is is c o m m o n ly te rm e d as thermoquarrying. Abrasion o r corrasion is an o th er effectiv e m e ch a n ism o f c o asta l ero sio n by m arin e w aves w ith the h e lp o f to o ls o f ero sio n (co arse sands, p e b b les, c o b b les and so m etim e b o u ld ers). H ighen erg y s to rm w a v es charge#d w ith large cobbles d rill o u t c irc u la r p o th o le s and abrade the standing b e d ro c k s. Attrition in v o lv e s m e ch an ical tear and w e ar a n d c o n se q u e n tia l b re a k d o w n o f fragm ents d u e to th e ir m u tu a l c o llisio n effected by backw ash a n d rip c u rre n ts w h ic h rem o v e the fragm en ts from th e c liff b a se an d tra n sp o rt th em tow ards the sea. Corrosion or so lu tio n refers to the chem ical a lte ra tio n o f ro c k s m a in ly carb o n ate ro ck s (lim e ­ sto n e s, d o lo m ite s and ch alk s) due to th e ir co n tact w ith s e a w a ter. B e sid e s h y d ra u lic actio n , ab rasio n a n d c o rro s io n , c o a sta l ro c k s are also w eak en ed a n d d is in te g ra te d d u e to a lte rn a te p ro c e sse s o f w e ttin g (h y d ra tio n ) a n d d ry in g (d e h y d ra tio n ) b e ca u se th e s e p ro m o te a w id e ra n g e o f ch em ica l p ro c e sse s w h ic h h e lp in th e d is in te g ra tio n and d e c o m p o sitio n o f c o a s ta l ro c k s. A lte rn a te free ze and th a w a c tio n s in th e fo re s h o re z o n es in th e co ld clim ates c a u se d is in te g ra tio n o f jo in t-b o u n d e d rocks. It m a y b e m e n tio n e d th a t lith o lo g ic a l c h a ra c te ris tic s o f c o a s ta l z o n es a n d th e ir la y o u t larg ely c o n tro l th e m e c h a n is m o f m a rin e e ro sio n . It is a rg u e d th a t b a s a lts a n d o b s id ia n w e a th e r far m ore in m a rin e w a te r th a n in fre sh w a te r. T h is facto r e x p la in s th e u n u s u a l w id th o f c o n tin e n ta l s h e lf w e s t o f th e D e c c a n b a s a lt re g io n o f P e n in su la r In d ia . T h e w e st c o a s t o f M a h a ra sh tra is c h a ra c te riz e d b y ria s , c o v e s, c a v e s, sta c k s, inlets etc. b e c a u s e th e w a v e s s trik e th e jo in ts a n d fissu res o f b a s a lts tra n s v e rs e ly a n d th u s h av e cau sed d iffe re n tia l e ro s io n w h ile th e so u th c o a st o f K a th ia w a r h a v in g th e sa m e lith o lo g y (b a s a lt) is a lm o st d e v o id o f s u c h fe a tu re s b e c a u s e th e w a v es do n o t attack th e co ast tra n sv e rse ly as th ey m o v e p a re llel to the coast. ?.; +. l r i f '•> 8.9 COASTAL FEATURES AND HABITATS S ig n ific an t c o asta l fe a tu re s fo rm ed d u e to m arine ero sio n by sea w av es an d o th e r c u rre n ts and so lu tio n al p ro c e sse s in c lu d e c liffs, co v es, caves, in d en ted c o astlin e , sta c k s, c h im n e y s, arch , inlets, w a v e-c u t p la tfo rm s etc. Cliffs Steep ro c k y c o ast risin g a lm o st v e rtic a lly above sea w a te r is c a lle d sea c lif f w h ic h is v e ry p recip ito u s w ith o v e rh a n g in g c re s t (fig . 8 .8). T h e steep n ess o f tru e v e rtic a l c liffs d e p e n d s o n v ariatio n s o f lith o lo g y an d g e o lo g ic a l s tru c tu re and relativ e ra te o f s u b a e ria l w e a th e rin g an d ero sio n o f c lif f face an d c re st an d m a rin e e ro s io n o f c liff b ase. I f m a rin e e ro sio n at th e b a s e o f c lif f is m uch fa s te r th a n th e s u b a e ria l w e a th e rin g o f c liff face an d c re st, o v e rh a n g in g c lif f w ith stee p v e rtic al face is fo rm ed . O n th e o th e r h a n d , i f th e su b a e ria l p ro c e sse s d o m in a te o v e r m a rin e p ro c ­ esses th e v e r t ic a l l y o f c lif f d is a p p e a rs a n d th e c liff lo ses its tru e c lif f c h a ra c te r. Cliff —> Sea coast I Notch High tide w a ter Low tide w ater i Fig. 8.8: An example o f sea cliff. T ru e c liffs are g e n e ra lly fo rm e d w h e re b e d ro c k s a re a ffe c te d b y lo w ra te o f s u b a e ria l w e a th e rin g a n d m a ss m o v e m e n t viz. lim e s to n e s , c h a lk , h o riz o n ta lly b e d d e d sa n d s to n e s, m a s s iv e ly jo in te d ig n e o u s ro c k s a n d m e ta m o rp h ic ro c k s. In fa c t, th e m o rp h o lo g y o f se a c liffs is d e te rm in e d b y (i) th e in flu e n c e s o f b e d ro c k s lith o lo g y 222 OCEANOGRAPHY sUucture, and (ii) balance between marine and subaerial erosional processes. A Guilcher (1958) has identified 4 types o f cliffs on the basis o f their m orphology determined by the aforesaid two factors (fig. 8.9) viz. (1) resistant cliffs formed on Resistant diff chalk (fig. 8.9A) and horizontally bedded sandstones (fig. 8.9B ), (2) weak cliffs developed on clays and shales (fig. 8.9C ), (3) composite cliffs o f chalk overlying clay (fig. 8.9D ) and o f interbedded sandstones and shales (fig. 8.9E ), and (4) complex cliffs. Resistant cliff Composite cliff Composite cliff Complex coast p Sand stone Fig. 8.9: Types o f cliffs, (A) resistant cliff. (B) resistant cliff, (C) weak cliff, (D) composite cliff, (E) composite cliffcnd(F) complex cliffs (after A. Guilcher, 1958). T he form ation o f sea c lif f b egin s w ith the e ro sio n o f coastal rocks through the m echanism s o f hyd rau lic actions and abrasion by breaker w a v e s (sw a sh or su r f currents). This results in the form ation o f n otch and the coast b ecom es v e rtica l. T here is gradual ex ten sio n o f notch lan d w ard due to con tin u ou s w a v e attack w ith the resu lt the crest o f the cli^ f overh angs the notch. If th e n o tch at the b ase o f the c lif f is extended lan d w ard to su ch an exten t that the support to the c lif f crest is w ea k en ed the overh anging head o f the c lif f breaks and fa lls dow n resulting into gradual r ec e ssio n o f the c liffs landward. The rate o f c lif f rec e ssio n v a ries both in sp ace and time depend ing on the fo llo w in g co n d itio n s : ^ ^ rock lith o lo g y and g e o lo g ic a l structure, su sce p tib ility to ch em ica l erosion,, mass m o v em en t and sub aerial erosion , >• c lif f h eig h t, it& M 223 SEAWAVES, SHORELINE PROCESSES AND COASTAL SCENERY ^ orientation o f the coast, wave refraction and w ave energy, ^ offshore topographic features, rate o f rem oval o f debris from the c liff b a se by the backw ash or undertow currents, etc. Fig. 8 .1 0 : Coastal scenery : headlands, cliffs, bays, caves, stack, beaches etc. Wave-Cut Platform Cliff R o ck -cu t flat surfaces in front o f cliffs are called w av e-cu t platform s or sim ply shore plat­ forms (fig. 8 . 11) w hich are slightly concave upw ard. T he origin and developm ent o f w ave-cut p latfo rm s is re la ted to c liff recession. T hese are also called w a v e-cu t b en ch es. Shore platform s are form ed w here c liff recessio n is active due to pow erful b o m b ard m en t o f c liff base by up rushing breaker w aves and effectiv e rem oval o f eroded m aterials b y b ack w ash (u n d erto w currents). The form s o f w a v e-c u t p la tfo rm s dep en d on g eo lo g i­ cal factors. E x ten siv e p latfo rm s are develo p ed where the ro ck s are le ast re sista n t to w ave erosion. In o th e r w o rd s, th in ly b ed d ed and densely jo in te d , an d h o riz o n ta lly d isp o se d rocks with strike p a ra lle l to the co astlin e are m ore vigorously e ro d e d b y u p ru sh in g b re a k e r w aves and thus are a sso c ia te d w ith e x ten siv e shore platform s. O n th e o th e r hand, n arro w and stee p e r platform s w ith h ig h m ean e lev a tio n are d e v elo p ed over re sista n t rocks. A s re g a rd s the p ro c e sses and m echanism o f the d ev elo p m en t o f w a v e-c u t platform s , q u a rry in g an d p lu c k in g b y larg e and high-energy sto rm w a v es an d w a te r-le v e l w eath ermg are e ffe ctiv e m a rin e p ro c e sses o f sh o re platform d ev elo p m en t. "n Vty. s. r Notch Wave-cut platform 1111111111111111111111111II11111111 High tide water Low tide water Wave built platform iii Fig. 8 .1 1 : Wave-cut and w ave-built platform s. W av e-cu t p latfo rm s are g e n e ra lly d iv id e d into the fo llo w in g 3 zo n es : (1) Mesolittoral zone, b e tw ee n h ig h an d lo w tid e w ater, (2) Supralittoral zone, ab o v e h ig h tid e w a te r b u t w ith in the ra n g e o f sp ra y , a n d (3) Sublittoral zone, b e lo w lo w tid e w a ter. O n th e b a sis o f m o rp h o lo g y w a v e -c u t p latfo rm s are c la ssifie d in to th e fo llo w in g ty p e s : (1) shore platforms w ith in c lin e d p la n e (a b o u t o n e m e te r ab o v e h ig h e st tid e le v e l, (2 ) stepped platforms, are fo rm e d b y tro p ic a l w a te r-le v e l w e a th e rin g , b io lo g ic a l a c tio n , an d sm all tid a l su rg e s, M --: y -W 224 (3 ) storm wave platforms, and (4 ) solution platforms, w hich are developed on carbonate rocks in the shore zone by ch em ical processes m ainly solution. Sea Caves And Associated Features Sea ca v es are form ed along the coast due to gradual erosion o f w eak and strongly join ted rocks b y uprushing breaker w aves (surf currents). T he jo in ts are w idened into large cavities and h o llo w s w h ich are further enlarged due to gradual w a v e erosion into w e ll d evelop ed coastal caves. S ea ca v es are m ore frequently form ed in carbon­ ate rocks (m ain ly lim eston es and chalks) because th ey are eroded more by solutional processes. It m a y b e p oin ted out that sea caves are not perm anent features as they are very often d e­ stroyed by uprushing high -energy storm w aves. W hen the caves are enlarged to such an extent that their roofs becom e rem arkably thin, they u lti­ m ately collap se and fall and the debris are rem oved by p ow erfu l backw ash and thus resultant lon g narrow in lets are called ‘geo’ in Scottland. S om etim es, the air in the cave is com pressed by uprushing p ow erfu l storm w aves and finding no other route to escap e it breaks open the r o o f o f the cave and appears w ith great force m aking unique w histlin g. Such h oles are called natural chimneys or blow holes or gloup. “The nam e b low h ole refers to the fact that during storm s spray is forcib ly b lo w n into the air each tim e a breaker surges through the cave beneath” (A . H olm es and D .L . H o lm es, 1978). W hen caves are form ed on o p p o site sid e s o f the seaw ard projecting h ead ­ land, a natural arch is form ed due to co a lesc en ce o f tw o ca v es (fig . 8 .1 2 ). It m ay be m entioned that natural arches are not perm anent coastal features b e c a u se the roof, after b ecom in g very thin c o lla p se s and thus the seaw ard part o f the arch stands d etach ed from the coast. Such iso la ted rem nant o f headland projecting w e ll ab ove sea le v e l is c a lle d stack (fig . 8 .1 2 ). T his is also called as chimney rock. Stacks are also called needles, columns, pillars, skerries etc. The O ld M an o f H o y (1 3 7 m h ig h ) in the O rkney is an exam p le o f a stack . Cave Fig. 8.12 : C him ney a n d stack. N ea rly all o f the a fo r e sa id co a sta l erosional features are fou nd a lo n g th e w e stern and eastern coasts o f P en in su lar India. T h e author noticed the ex a m p les o f c liffs , w a v e -c u t p latform s, caves, arches, tidal in lets, c h im n e y s etc. along the eastern co a st in the environs o f VishakhapatnamSuch features are freq u en tly observed on the w estern Indian c o a st m a in ly b e tw e en M um bai and M angalore. B . A ru n ach alam h as stu d ied 3 head-j lands near R atnagiri. T h ese h ead lan d s are m arked by o v erh a n g in g c liffs ran gin g in h eig h t from 4 5© t0 90 m . . SEA WAVES SHORELINE PROCESSES AND COASTAL SCENERY becom es steeper. ‘The surface is th erefo re c o n ­ tinually m odified, and in such a w ay th a t a t each p oint it tends to acquire ju s t the rig h t slo p e to ensure that incom ing supplies o f sed im en t can be carried away ju st as fast as they are received. A profile so adjusted that this fluctuating state o f balance is approxim ately achieved is called a profile o f equilibrium ’ (A. & D.L. H olm es, 1978, p. 516). Fig. 8.13 : Formation o f coves and island. 8.10 DEPOSITIONAL, COASTAL FEATURES T he eroded m aterials are transported by sea w aves in d ifferen t m anner but the transportational w o rk o f sea w aves varies significantly from other agents o f erosion and transportation. For exam ­ p le, the b ack w ash, or undertow currents (m oving from the co ast and beach tow ards the sea) pick up the e ro d e d m aterials and transport them seaw ard b u t the u p ru sh in g b reak er w aves or su rf currents p ick up th e se m aterials and bring them again to the coast a n d beaches. Thus, the transportation o f m aterials takes p lace from coastland tow ards sea and from sea to w ard s the coast. W hen oblique w aves strik e the coast, longshore currents are generated. T h ese lo n g sh o re currents transp o rt the m aterials p a ra lle l to the shoreline. The m aterials involved in the tra n sp o rta tio n by sea w aves include san d s, silts, g rav els, peb b les, cobbles and som etim es b o u ld ers. W hen there is equilib riu m betw een in c o m in g su p p lies o f sedim en ts by uprushing b re a k er w aves and rem oval o f sedim ents by b ackw ash o r u n d e rto w cu rren ts on the w avecut p latform s, a p ro file o f eq u ilib riu m is achieved. I f the w ave-cut ro ck p la tfo rm is c h aracterized by steep slo p e to w a rd s the o cean ic slop e, the destructive w av es b e co m e v ery a ctiv e and thus resultant p o w e rfu l b a ck w a sh rem o v es the m a te ri­ als from the lan d w ard sid e so th a t the slope o f the platform is lessen ed . O n the o th e r h an d , i f the slope o f the w a v e-c u t p la tfo rm is less steep, constructive w av es b eco m e m o re e ffe ctiv e as they favour sed im en ta tio n and b e ac h d e p o sitio n on the landw ard side so th a t the slope o f th e p latfo rm Significant d ep o sitio n al lan d fo rm s d e v e l­ oped by sea w aves include sea b each es, b a rs an d barriers, offshore and longshore bars, spits, hooks, loops, connecting bars, looped bars, to m b o lo , barrier island, tidal inlets, w in g ed h ead lan d s, pro gradation, w ave-built p latfo rm s etc. B esides, m angrove sw am p s, sa b k h a an d delta are also included in the category o f d ep o sitio n al coastal landform s, th o u g h deltas are fo rm e d d u e to deposition o f sedim ents b ro u g h t b y th e riv e rs Beaches T em porary o r sh o rt-liv ed d e p o sits o f m a ­ rine sedim ents co n sistin g o f san d s, sh in g le s, cobbles etc. on the sea shore are c a lle d b e a c h e s. A ccording to A. B loom (1 9 7 9 ) ‘th e s e d im e n t in m otion along a shore is th e b e a c h ’. B e a c h e s are deposited by b reak er w aves b e tw e e n h ig h a n d lo w tide w ater. B eaches are in fa c t w e d g e -s h a p e d sedim ent deposits on sea shore. In w id th b e a c h e s vary from a few m etres to sev e ra l k ilo m e tre s . B eaches are g en erally fo rm ed w h e n sea is c a lm and w inds are o f low v e lo city . B e a c h m a te ria ls consist o f fine to co arse san d s, sh in g le s (p e b b le s), cobbles and b o u ld ers. T he m a jo r so u rc e s o f th e supply o f b each m aterials are e ro sio n o f h e a d ­ lands and cliffs, sed im en ts b ro u g h t b y th e riv e rs and nallas at th e ir m o u th s, m ass w a stin g a n d m a ss m ovem ent (lan d slid es and slu m p in g ) o f c liffs , scouring o f the o ffsh o re zo n e o f sto rm w a v e s, ero sio n o f p re -e x istin g b e ac h e s etc. T h e s ig n ifi­ can t b each es d e v elo p e d on th e w e st c o a sts o f In d ia in clu d e Ju h u b e ac h (M u m b ai c o ast). C o lb a , K alan g u t, A n ja n a etc. alo n g G o a c o ast, K o b la m b each alo n g K e rala c o ast etc. M a rin a b e a c h o n T am il N ad u c o ast (C h e n n ai), V ish a k h a p a tn a m b each on A n d h ra c o ast an d P u ri b e a c h a t P u ri alo n g O rissa co ast etc. are im p o rta n t b e a c h e s d e v elo p e d alo n g th e e aste rn c o a st o f In d ia. OCEANOGRAPHY Upper beach Lower beach Fig. 8.14 : Different components of an ideal beach (after A. Goudie, 1984). I f Zv * i eros Plunge line Offshore transport Continental shelf Longshore transport Wave crest Fig 8. IS : Transport of sediments an beach and surfzvne. Based on P.R. PmeU 2000 SEA WAVES. SHORELINE PROCESSES AND COASTAL SCENERY : An ideal beach consists o f two main elem ents e.g. u p p e r beach and low er beach and several minor elem ents e.g. storm beach, beach ridges, or berm s, beach cusps, sm all channels, ripples, ridges and ru n n e ls etc. (fig . 8.14). The u p p e r beach re p re s e n tin g the landward section o f the beach is composed o f coarser and larger materials such as pebbles, cobbles and boulders and the slope ranges betw een 10° to 20°. On the other hand, the low er b each representing the seaward section o f the beach is com posed o f sands and has low gradient o f 2° or even less. The s to r m b e a c h is a sem i­ permanent ridge which stands w ell above the level o f highest spring tides. The successive low ridges built by constructive w aves parallel to the coastline and b elow the level o f high spring tides are called b each rid g es or berm s. Beach cusps are sm all regular em baym ents and a series o f head­ lands com posed o f shingles. Small anastomosing drainage channels are developed in the sands below the cusps. Sand ripples are developed on the low er beach section by w ave action or by tidal currents. Ridges and runnels are broad and gentle rises and depressions w hich are developed at the seaw ard side o f the sand beach and are aligned parallel to the shoreline. B ea ch es are generally classified on the basis o f beach m aterials into (1) sand beach (sand grains ranging in size betw een 0.5 to 2m m ), (2) shingle b ea ch (com p osed o f pebbles ranging in size from 2 to 100 m m ), and (3) b o u ld e r b each (more than 100 mm in diam eter). The regular increase in the width o f sea b each es towards the sea is called p ro g ra d a tio n w h ile d ep letion o f beaches due to erosion and thus their narrowing or beach cutting is called re tr o g r a d a tio n . Bars and Barriers and Associated Features The ridges, embankments or mounds o f sands formed by sedimentation through sea waves parallel to the shoreline are called b a rs . The larger forms o f bars are called b a r r ie r s . The formation o f bars and barriers starts with the developm ent o f shoals due to deposition o f sands. These shoals grow in height by addition o f sedim ents until they appear above sea level. Bars and barriers may be formed near the coast or away from the coast, 227 parallel to the coastline or transverse to the coast. There are different forms o f sand bars and barriers. If the bars are formed in such a way that they are parallel to the coast but are not attached to the land, they are called offshore or longshore bar* (fig. 8.16). If the sand bars are formed in such a way that their one end is attached to the land w hile the other end projects or opens out towards the sea, they are called spits (fig. 20.11). A few spits have been reported from the eastern and western coasts o f India. For examples, 50 km long spit in the mouth o f Chilka lake (Orissa coast), 16 km long spit near Kalinagpatnam, a w ell developed spit growing at the rate o f 12 km per century to the east o f Kakinada Bay, 60 km long spit to the east o f Pulicat lake-all along the east coast; 22 km and 55 km long two spits enclosing the Vembanad Lake and converg­ ing at the port o f Cochin on the east coast o f India. Rameshwaram spit projecting seaward from Tamil Nadu coast is very important spit which is so stabilized that it bears human settlements. 228 H igh -en ergy storm w aves very often m odify the shape o f spits by bending them towards the coast. T he curved spits assum e the shape o f hook and thus such spits are called h o o k e d sp its or sim p ly h o o k s (fig . 8.17). H ooks are stabilized w h en there is equilibrium betw een constructive and destructive w aves. W h en the opposing currents becom e more dom inant than the littoral currents, the spits are bent to su ch an extent that they are attached to the m ain land (coast) and thus form com plete loop w h ic h e n c lo se s sea water in the form o f lagoons. Su ch form o f a spit is called loop (fig. 8.18). W hen su ch lo op is form ed around an island, it is called lo o p e d b a r (fig . 8.18). h e a d la n d . There m ay be 3 location s o f bars in the bays viz. (1) b a y h e a d b a r s , form ed at the head (landward) o f the bay, ( 2 ) m id -b a y bars, formed in the m iddle portion o f a bay, and (3) bay-mouth b a r s , form ed at the opening o f a bay. L agoons are formed w hen the c o v es or bays are com pletely enclosed by bars. C hilka lake and Pulicat lake on the east coast o f India are exam ples o f lagoons. Coastal Wetlands Flat and rolling m arshy lands developed in the co a sta l areas o f hum id tropics are called c o a s ta l w e tla n d s , w h ich are gen erally formed behind spits or bars. There is ab sen ce o f reliefs and sea water rem ains stagnant in th ese wetlands. Sedim ents are fin e and w ater is sa lin e. The floral environm ent is dom inated b y m an groves. Such w etlands are found e x te n siv e ly in the coastal zones o f W est B en g a l w here the m an groves ofthe w etlands are know n as S u n d a r b a n . Sabkha D ep o sitio n a l co a sta l areas h avin g flat sur­ face in the dry tropical zo n es are ca lled sa b k h a s w h ic h are fla t b u t b arren c o a s ta l lands. Sabkhas have d e v e lo p e d in the co a sta l zones o f U A R (E g y p t), U A E , M e x ic o , B aja o f C alifornia (U S A ) etc. Sabkhas are a lso called as s a ltf la ts . Fig. 8.18 : Loop and h o p ed bar. C o n n e c tin g b a r s are form ed w hen bars are so ex ten d ed that they either jo in tw o headlands or tw o islan d s (fig . 8.18). C onnecting bars are v a r io u sly nam ed on the basis o f their shapes and form s. For exam p le, a bar connecting tw o h ead lan d s is ca lled con n ectin g bar w h ile a bar b e c o m e s to m b o lo w hen it con n ects the m ainland w ith an islan d or con n ects a headland w ith the isla n d (fig . 8 .1 9 ). T hus, a tom bolo acts as a bridge b e tw e e n the coast and an island. A few exam ple o f to m b o lo are ob served along the w estern coast o f In d ia b e tw e e n R atangiri and M alvan. W hen bars o f p e b b le s and c o b b le s are form ed on either side o f a h ead lan d , su ch headland is called a w in g e d Fig. 8 .1 9 : Tombolo. SEA WAVES, SHORELINE PROCESSES AND COASTAL SCENERY 229 >* medium grain-size o f sedim ents (because if the sedim ents are very fine, they w ould be carried in the sea in suspension for longer distances, and i f they are very coarse-grained, they w ould soon settle down at sea bottom, and hence no delta would be formed), Fig. 8. 20 : Different types o f bars. >■ large amount o f sedim ent supply, Delta The deposition al feature o f almost triangu­ lar shape at the mouth o f a river debounching in a sea is called delta. The word delta, derived from Greek letter, was first used by Greek historian H erodotous (485-425 BC) for the triangular d ep osition al feature at the mouth o f the N ile river. W hether sm all or large, alm ost every river forms delta. The siz e o f delta o f major and sm all rivers all over the w orld varies from a few square k ilom etres to thousands o f square kilom etres (e.g. G anga delta in India and B angladesh). The size o f delta depends on the rock characteristics, vegetal cover, rate o f eosion , amount o f annual rainfall etc. The depth o f sed im ents has been reported to be hundreds o f m etres. For exam ple, the average depth o f sed im en ts in M ississip p i delta is about 610 m. The shape o f delta also varies from one river to the other. C om m on shapes o f delta are arcuate shape, b ird -foot shape, elongated shape etc. 1. Conditions for Delta Formation T he id eal favourable conditions for the formation o f delta in clu d e the fo llo w in g : ^ suitable p lace in the form o f gently slopin g continental sh e lv es w ith sh allow sea, ^ >■ relatively calm and sheltered sea at the mouths o f the rivers (so that ocean currents strong sea w aves or high tidal or storm w aves do not interfere w ith the natural process o f gradual sedim entation and delta formation), long cou rses o f the rivers (i.e. long rivers so that they can bring huge am ount o f eroded sed im en ts), >- accelerated rate o f erosion o f terrigenous rocks in the catchm ent area o f the co n ­ cerned river, >■ almost stable condition o f sea co a st and ocean bottom (because sea coast subjected to frequent em ergence or subm ergence caused by tectonic m ovem ents d oes not alow regular sedimentation and thus disfavours delta formation) etc. 2 . Delta Formation The formation o f delta starts w ith the deposition o f sedim ents i f the aforesaid favourble conditions are available. The sedim entation takes place regularly at the m outh o f the river, on the sides o f stream channel, in the bed o f the river and in front o f river mouth w here the river d eb ou ch es in the sea. Thus, an exten sive fan is form ed w hich slopes towards the sea. Several such fans are formed at the mouth o f the river. T hese fans gradually grow towards the sea. U ltim ately these fans are coalesced and a delta is form ed. T hese deposits obstruct the free flo w o f m ain river and hence it is divided into several branches. T his process o f segm entation o f m ain stream is know n as bifurcation. Thus, the m ain channel is bifur­ cated into numerous sm all and narrow sub channels w hich are called distributaries and the stream w ith num erous distributaries is called braided stream 230 o cea no graph y 3 . S t r u c tu r e of Delta 5. Classification of Delta T h e d e p o sitio n o f sed im ents or say m ateri­ a ls ta k es p la c e in such a w ay that larger materials ( e S* g r a v els, p eb b les, cob b les etc.) are deposited to w a rd s the co a sta l land and the size o f sedim ents g ra d u ally d ecreases w ith increasing distance from the c o a sta l land tow ards the sea. A n average delta c o n s ists o f three beds o f sedim ents e.g. ( 1 ) to p s e t b e d s , (2 ) f o r e s e t b e d s , and (3) b o tto ra s e t b e d s. The to p se t b ed s represent the upperm ost bed o f sed im e n ts o f a delta. T hese are quite extensive, w id e and gen tle in slope. T hese represent delta p la in s. T he top set beds are relatively higher than se a le v e l. The series o f steeply dipping beds in c lin ed tow ards the sea are called foreset beds w h ic h are alw ays under sea water. The low est bed s are called bottom set beds because they rest on sea bottom s. D eltas undergo subsidence because o f ( 1 ) gradual sedim entation and co n se­ quent increase in the w eigh t o f delta m aterials, ( 2 ) com paction o f sed im ents caused by load o f sed im ents, (3) enorm ous thickness o f sedim ents, (4 ) isostatic adjustm ent etc. D eltas are generally c la ssified on the baiig o f com m on characteristics o f shape, structure size, growth etc. The shape o f deltas is determined by the physical conditions such a discharge of water, v elo city o f stream flo w , supp ly and amount o f sedim ents, rate o f su b sid en ce, tidal waves, sea w aves, oceanic currents, rate o f grow th etc. Some scientists have related the shapes o f deltas to hydrodynam ics. I f the river is overloaded with sedim ents and the river w ater is heavier than the sea water, an elongated subm arine delta is formed. A lobate or fan-shaped delta is formed if the river water is as d en se as the seawater. A lternatively, a b ird-foot delta is form ed when the river w a ter is lig h te r than sea water. G enerally, deltas are d iv id ed on the follow ing two bases : ( 1 ) On the basis o f shape (i) arcuate delta (ii) bird-foot delta (iii) estuarine delta (iv ) truncated delta 4. Growth of Delta (2) On the b asis o f grow th (i) grow in g delta N o doubt, there is growth in all types o f delta tow ards the sea but the rate o f grow th varies co n sid erab ly from one situation to the other. The nature and rate o f delta grow th depends on a va riety o f factors e.g. ( 1 ) v e lo city o f the stream flo w , (2 ) nature o f sea w aves, (3) supply o f sed im e n ts, (4 ) ocean ic currents, (5) slop e and h eig h t o f deltas etc. M ost o f the sedim ents are u n load ed at the m ouths o f the rivers i f their v e lo c ity is ex trem ely lo w and thus the grow th o f d elta s tow ards the sea b ecom es slu ggish . On the oth er hand, stream s w ith greater v e lo city trans­ port th eir load far greater distance in the sea and th us a llo w faster rate o f delta grow th, but deltas fo rm ed in su ch situation are narrow and long. S tro n g s e a w a v e s and ocean ic currents retard the g ro w th o f d eltas b ecau se they erode and rem ove th e sed im e n ts aw ay. T he slid in g o f m aterials from h ig h er d e lta s tow ards the sea also encourages the sea w a rd grow th o f deltas. (ii) b lock ed delta M e d ite rra n e a n S e a .W NW SsJ*,* < » t *, ' f f • f > » 1*t > * .W W W W W | » w w w v w w w w w s ^ y '» .w\v\\\\y\v.w\s\\ ■WWW W W W \ \ \ \ \ N \ \ \ \ \ \ { '3IT0 N \\\W N V W W W W W W W V \\W \W W W W \N N \\\W \i N W S \\\\\\W \W W \W N \W W \S W W W W W W W W S J V N \S \\\S W V W W W \\\\S S S \S S V W W \ . . . . . ^ s \W W W W W W W \W W V A V ’ 4w \ \ \ \ w w w v \ \ w w w w W n s w w ^ > » \W W W W W W W W W W \W S W \W snww\nvn\N sW NXNSXNSVWWWNile river I iNNVNW NNWWWSWWNNNWWWWWV............................. ■SW N NW SNW W W W W VNW NW W W W VW W SW W W W ' *SNVOv,\W W W W W W N \\\V s\ \ \ , \ w \ \ \ \ \ \ \ vW W W W ' , » v w sw w w w w w w w w w w sw w w ^ ►v w ^ w w w w s w w w w w w w w w w • .s v w w w w s w s s w s w w w x w w w v w ►,W W W W W W W W W W N W SW N \W *,\w \\w s w w w w \w w w w w W ► ................................ vv vv VVVVVWWWW\W V| Fig. 8.21: Arcuate delta (Nile delta). ggA WAVES, SHORELINE PROCESSES AND COASTAL SCENERY ( t) Arcuata Delta Such deltas are like an arc o f a circle or a boW and are o f lobate form in appearance wherein middle portion has maximum extent towards the sea whereas they narrow down towards their margins. Such deltas are formed when the river water is as dense as the sea water. The arcuate or sem i-circular shape is also given to such deltas by gravels, sands and silt. The main river is bifurcated into numerous channels known as distributaries. Such deltas are very often formed in the regions o f semi-arid climate. Significant examples o f arcuate delta include Ganga delta, Rhine delta, N iger delta, Y ellow (Hwang Ho) delta, Irrawaddy delta, V olga delta, Indus delta, Danub Delta, M eekong Delta, Po delta, Rhone Delta, Leena delta etc. Arcuate delta is an example o f growing delta as it grows towards the sea every year but the annual rate o f growth varies from one delta to another. This process o f seaward growth o f deltas is called progradation. (2) Bird-Foot Delta sea w a v es and ocean ic currents. The N ile D elta is the best exam p le o f arcuate deltas (fig. 8 .2 1 ), w hich is a lso called as N ile type o f deita. Arcuate deltas are form ed o f coarser m aterials including Bird-foot deltas resem bling the shape o f foot o f a bird are formed due to deposition o f finer materials which are kept in suspension in the river water which is lighter than the sea water. The rivers with high v elocity carry suspended finer load to greater distances inside the ocean ic water. The fine materials after com ing in contact w ith saline oceanic water settle dow n on either side o f the main channel and thus a linear delta is form ed. It is interesting to note that the distributaries o f the main channel also form linear segm ents o f delta. North s e a |W W W W \T .W W V W W W N W W W sN N W W W V V WWWWWW .W W W W W S W AWW WW WW V W V w sw w sw s ^WWISSWNVNWV V w w v A w w vw » v s n n w v v v w n w w v vnV . s n n v s w v w w w v w w m w A ) W V N V V W ''1 l\ V \ W V A \ W W ' W V 5 t\\\ N V N V W .W v W W W W W S ' W W .,\W W W ’ . VA w V s W W V N V ^ S W / L * ' V W , \ v vVW W W W W W N. v \ W W ' \ V \\W W W ^SWWWSSSWN^» ^ N N N W S W W w v w v u s V w. , - 1• | - ( • ( • A W SW W SS W V W W S W W W W W W '.V .SW W W .W W V V W ' '^ W W W W W W W W W W XXW W W V A W W W ANNS' V 'N ’-AM ^^N W SW W W W W W W \ \ A W A ' \ \ V \W W W SSW S W W W l k W S \ \ S \ \ \ \ \ \ \ W \ > lVViVW y \ W ,V^ V iW V W V \\V V ■ i^ > ^ N > \\\\\\N S N S N \N S V \\\N \V v S \\\v \N \y .V ‘ Vv .. w w w w x w w \ \ v \ v w w w lN> v\V W W \V W W W W W W W W W * Z ^ k\ \v \ N W W W V W W W WXXW W W X W W A x W W X V 'W W W W W W W W W W S \ \w W W W S W \V V * V A W \ W W N W * S \\V s\ vW \ vW V \W W W W VW V W SW W W SW * , .sVAV\>'- w x w w w » » - w w w w w w w v l % s W t v w V ‘ .W v W N V .N W W W W W W V 11 V y ■ Fig. 8.23: Rhine delta : an example of arcuate delta Fig. 8.24: Bird-foot delta of Mississippi river. 232 T hese linear bars o f sedim ents on either side o f the distributaries o f the m ain channel resem ble the fin gers o f human hand. Such delta is, thus, also ca lled f i n g e r d e lta . The M ississip p i delta exhibits the b est exam p le o f bird-foot delta (fig. 8.24). (3) Estuarine Delta T he deltas form ed due to fillin g o f estuaries o f rivers are called estuarine deltas. Those mouths o f the rivers are called estuaries w hich are subm erged under marine water and sea w aves and o c ea n ic currents rem ove the sedim ents brought by the rivers. There is continuous struggle betw een the rivers and sea w aves w herein the former d ep o sit sedim ents w hile the latter rem ove them. W h en ever rivers succeed in depositing sedim ents at their subm erged m ouths, long and narrow deltas are form ed. Such deltas are called estuarine deltas. The deltas o f Narmada and Tapi (formerly Tapti) rivers o f India are the exam ples o f estuarine deltas. The other significan t exam ples o f estua­ rine deltas include M ackenzie delta, Vistuala delta, Elb delta, Ob delta, Seine delta, Hudson delta etc. (4) Truncated Delta Sea w aves and ocean currents m od ify and e v en destroy deltas deposited by the river through their erosion al work. Thus, eroded and dissected d eltas are called truncated deltas. (5) Blocked Delta B lo c k e d deltas are those w h ose seaward g row th is b lo ck ed by sea w aves and ocean currents through their erosion al activities. The progradation o f deltas m ay also be ham pered due to sudd en d ecrease in the supply o f sedim ents co n seq u en t upon clim atic change or m anagem ent o f catch m en t areas o f concerned rivers. (6) Abandoned Delta W hen the rivers sh ift their m ouths in the se a s and o c ea n s, n ew deltas are form ed, w h ile the OCEANOGRAPHY previous deltas are left unnourished. Such deltas % are called abandoned deltas. The Y ello w (for­ m erly H w ang H o) river o f China has changed its 3 mouths several tim es and thus has form ed several deltas. For exam ple, the present delta o f the Y ello w river is to the north o f Shantung Peninsula w hile the previous delta w as deposited to the south o f the peninsula. The w estern part o f the Ganga delta, w hich is drained by the H o o g li river, is an exam ple o f abandoned delta. (6) Major Deltas of Indian Ocean Major deltas o f Indian O cean (in the B a y o f B engal) include Ganga delta, M ahanadi delta, Godawari delta, Krishna delta, and Cauvery delta. The Ganga delta is the m ost ex ten siv e delta o f the world, the arc o f w hich extends for 4 0 0 km from H oogli to M eghna rivers. The outer m argin is highly indented and the delta is frequented by numerous north-south distributaries and tidal (marine) inlets. The lands b etw een m arine inlets are marshy lands w hich are partly transgressed by marine water during high tidal w ater. T here are several evid en ces w h ich indicate gradual subsid­ ence and sinking o f the delta. It is show ly prograding towards the sea. T here are numerous sm all and tiny islands bordering the outer margin o f the Ganga delta (e.g. Sagar islan d , Bangaduni islands etc.). M oore island is the exam ple o f n ew ly em erged island due to progradation. “The M ahanadi delta is triple delta where deltaic sed im ents o f the M ahanadi, the Brahmani, and the B aitam i are dropped” (E . A hm ad , 1972). The arc o f the arcuate shaped M ahanadi delta, on O rissa coast, stretches for a len g th o f about 300 km. The enorm ous delta has b een form ed due to supply o f hu ge quantity o f sed im en ts consequent upon accelerated rate o f flu v ia l erosion o f the rugged terrain o f the catch m en t area o f the | M ahanadi basin. T here are a lso a fe w deltaic lakes such as Sar lake (2 4 km 2) and Sam ang lake (4.5 | km 2) o f fresh w ater. The G odavari d elta ex ten d s upto 3 5 km in the B a y o f B en g a l o f f the co a st o f Andhra Pradesh but the m axim u m len gth o f the longer side through the m id d le portion o f th e delta is 90 kfl* w h ile the other tw o sid e s are 3 5 km long' ■ SEA WAVES, SHORELINE PROCESSES AND COASTAL SCENERY deltaic shore stretches for a distance o f 150 km. This is also an exam ple o f arcuate shaped delta. The strong m onsoon-generated ocean currents, long-shore drifts and sea w aves obstruct in the free growth o f the delta towards the sea. 8.11 DEVELOPMENT OF SHORELINE OF SUBMERGENCE The initial stage o f the evolution and developm ent o f shoreline o f subm ergence begins 233 with the subm ergence o f coastal land under sea water. Submergence o f coastal land takes place in two w ays viz. (i) either due to rise in sea lev el (positive change in sea-level) or (ii) subsidence o f coast land so that m ost o f the coast land is submerged under sea water due to its transgres­ sion on main land. R ise in sea -lev el m ay be either due to rise in the oceanic floor due to tectonic factors or due to return o f m elt-w ater locked in the form o f ice sheets on the continents during ice age. The initial form o f shoreline o f subm ergence m ay be a r ia co a st or a fio rd c o a s t. The low er segm ents o f the rivers at their mouths are dism em bered due to submergence o f coast land. The initial sub­ merged coastline is highly irregular characterized by numerous em baym ents, co v es, bays, head­ lands, inlets, islands etc. (fig. 8.25). The evolution o f shoreline o f subm ergence takes place in the fo llo w in g youth, mature and penultimate stages : Youth Pig. 8.25: Stages of the evolution of shoreline ofsubmer­ gence. Marine w aves m ainly swash or b r e a k e r w a v e s or s u r f c u r r e n ts erode the exp osed coastal land through the m echanism s o f hydraulic action and corrasion (abrasion). The uprushing h igh energy storm w aves bombard the densely jo in ted rocks and dislodge larger rock blocks. C on seq u en tly, the coastline is highly indented and b e c o m e s crenulated and irregular. N um erous ca v es and headlands are form ed due to differential ero sio n o f coastal rocks. The breaker w a v es notch the rocks at water lev el and thus initiates the formation o f sea cliffs. In the b egin n in g the c liffs are o f low height and are im p erfectly d ev elo p ed . Gadually, the c liffs are sharpened due to regular erosion at the c liff base. W ave-cut platform s (shore platform s) are form ed in front o f c liffs due to regular landward recession o f c liffs. T hough the early youth is dom inated by erosional w ork but som e depositional features are also d ev elo p ed such as beaches in the back shore zone. W avecut platform s are characterized by several coastal features such as a r c h , s ta c k s , c a v e s, n a t u r a l c h im n e y s etc. Late youth is characterized by m axim um developm ent o f w ave-cut platforms as they be­ com e m ost extensive due to progressive recession OCEANOGRAPHY 234 »#T1AL STAGE o f c liffs. M o st o f the e ro sio n a l featu res start disappearing and nu m erou s d e p o sitio n a l features are form ed e.g . b a r s , o ff s h o re b a r s , c o n n e c tin g b a r s , s p its , h o o k s, lo o p s, lo o p e d b a r s , to m b o lo , b e a c h e s , etc. Several types o f b ea ch es such as sh ore b ea ch es, headland b each es, b ay-h ead b e a c h e s, b erm s, cusp beaches etc. are d e v elo p ed . M ost o f the b a y s are en clo sed by bars and thus la g o o n s are form ed. C liffs are fu lly d ev elo p ed and thus th e co a st becom es alm ost vertical. Maturity M ost o f the features d e v e lo p e d during youthful stage are obliterated. P ro file o f e q u ilib ­ rium is attained due to balan ce in the rate o f erosion and deposition. M ost o f the d e p o sitio n a l features are destroyed by late m aturity and th us the coastline becom es alm ost straight and regu lar. The height and gradient o f co a stla n d d ecrea se significantly. Old Stage C oast and shore are sig n ific a n tly lo w ered in height because o f con tin u ed w eath erin g and erosion. A djoining land areas are eroded d ow n to sea-level. Thus, the co a st and shore b eco m e straight and slop e very g en tly tow ards the sea. It m ay be pointed out that this m ay be p o ssib le only when there is crustal sta b ility for lo n g period. It is obvious that the co n d itio n s o f o ld stage are only theoretically p o ssib le b eca u se c o a sts are affected by em ergence and su b m erg en ce due to diastrophic forces. 8.12 DEVELOPMENT OF SHORELINE OF EMERGENCE Sh orelin e o f em e rg e n c e is e v o lv e d in tw o w ays v iz . (i) due to u p liftm en t o f co a stla n d in relation to se a -le v e l b e c a u se o f te c to n ic e v e n ts, or (n ) due to fall in s e a -le v e l b e c a u se o f su b sid en ce Ftg. 8.26: Stages of the evolution of shoreline of emer­ gence. o f o cea n ic floor. In itia lly , sh o r e lin e s o f em er­ gence are straight and regular. C o a sta l plains extend for great d ista n ce in se a w a ter but their gra ient is quite g en tle. S in c e th e.d ep th o f water SEA WAVES, SHORELINE PROCESSES AND COASTAL SCENERY is shallow, most o f the sea waves break in offshore 3 Old Stage zone. The breakers erode the coast to form ‘notch’ and small cliffs. Such small cliffs are called ‘nips’. S u b m a rin e b a r s a re f o r m e d d u e to d e p o s itio n o f sediments on submerged coastal plains These submarine bars gradually grow in height and are aligned parallel to the shoreline. T h e deve^°Pment o f o l d s t a g e o f th e m a rin e cycIe o f erosion on shoreline o f m ergence can be dedu<*d theoretically only as its practicability is n0t possible- v„„,h 13. IMPORTANT DEFINITIONS The youthful stage o f marine cycle o f erosion on shoreline o f emergence begins with the appearance o f submarine bars above the sea-level. Numerous independent small bars are united and thus form offshore bars. These offshore bars protect the coast from wave erosion. Sea water locked betw een the coast and offshore bars becom es lagoon. Sea waves break offshore bars at som e places and thus make their way to the lagoons. Such openings in the offshore bars are called tidal inlets. Lagoons are filled with sediments brought by the rivers (which debouch in the lagoons) and wind. Sometimes, lagoons become swamps and marshes because o f vegeta­ tion. Late youth is characterized by migration o f offshore bars towards the coast. Seaward side o f these bars is steepened due to their erosion by storm w aves. Eroded materials are deposited by sea w aves on the landward side o f these bars. This process causes gradual shifting o f offshore bars coastward w ith the result lagoons become nar­ rower. Maturity Offshore bars, lagoons, swamps and marshes, tidal inlets etc. are distroyed by the beginning o f mature stage. Sea w aves erode the submerged coastal platform upto w ave base. M ost o f the coastal irregularities are obliterated and the coastline becom es sim ple and straight. The slope o f the coast becom es steep and the depth o f water increases. A rcuate d e lta : is like an are o f a circle or bow and is o f lobate form in appearance wherein middle portion has maximum extent towards sea whereas it narrows down towards its margins. Back shore : represents the beach zone starting from the limit o f frequent storm waves to the cliff base. B ars and b a rrie rs : The ridges o f sands formed by sedimentation through sea waves parallel to the shoreline are called bars. The bars o f larger dimension are called barrier bars. B e a c h e s : Temporary or short-lived deposits o f marine sediments consisting o f sands, shingles, pebbles, cobbles etc. on the sea shore are called beaches. Beach c u s p s : are small regular embayments and a series o f headlands composed o f shingles. B erm : The successive low ridges built by constructive waves parallel to the coastline and below the level o f high spring tides are called beach ridges, or berm s. B irdfoot d e l t a : resembling the shape o f foot o f bird is formed due to deposition o f finer materials which are kept in suspension in the river water which is lighter than the seawater. C ap illa ry w a v e s : Initially, the sea waves are very small with shortest wavelengths, usually less than 2 centimeters, and are called ripples or capillary waves having rounded crests and Vshaped troughs. C e le rity : is in fact wave speed and this term is used by the physicists to denote the speed o f 236 - o ceanography w a v e s b eca u se w ater m ass does n ot m ove forward rather the w a v e form m oves forward. Circular orbital motion : in v o lv es the m o v e­ m en t o f w ater particles in a circular orbit in w indgen erated sea w a v es w herein the w aves pass the en erg y forward. T he circular orbital m otion o f w in d -g e n e ra ted w a v e s disappears w hen the depth o f w ater increases one h a lf o f the w a v e­ len gth . C liff : Steep rocky coast rising alm ost v e rtica lly ab ove seaw ater is called c lif f w hich is v ery precip itou s h a n g in g c liff. and overlapping w ith over C o a s ta l w e tla n d s : Flat and rolling marshy lands d e v elo p ed in the coastal areas o f humid trop ics are called coastal w etlands, w hich are g e n e ra lly form ed behind spits or bars. Fetch : The distance or length o f sea surface o v e r w h ich w ind b lo w s in one direction for longer duration is ca lled fetch. F i n g e r d e lta : The delta consisting o f linear bars o f sed im ents on either side o f the distributaries o f the m ain channel o f the river resem bling the fin gers o f human hand is called finger delta (also O ffsh o re : represents the zon e o f shallow bottom o f the continental slope O sc illa to ry waves : The w aves generated in deep ocean water by gusty w inds are called oscillatory or deep ocean water w aves w hich do not have any interactions w ith ocean bottom s. The water particles m ove in orbital circle and they return very nearly to their original position after the passage o f w aves w h ile w ave form or wave energy m oves forward. P lucking : The process o f d islod gin g and displacem ent o f rock fragm ents by. attacking sea w aves is called plucking or q u a r r y i n g , w hich is effected by hydraulic pressure and turbulence o f breaking waves. Plunge l i n e : The distance from the sea shore where the w aves break due to shallow water depth and enormous w ave height is called plunge line. P lunging b r e a k e r s : are those in w h ich water falls vertically and rushes shoreward in the form o f turbulent foam ing water m ass. Pycnocline zone : is that part o f the ocean w hich are characterized by rapidly changing densities o f water m asses. c a lle d as birdfoot delta). F o r e s h o r e : The portion o f sea shore betw een the lo w tide w ater and high tide water is called R o a rin g forties : The gusty w esterly winds w ith enorm ous speed in the latitude zon e o f 40°50° south are called roaring forties. fo resh o re. R ogue w aves : The o cca sio n a l and non­ m a x im u m w a v e h eigh t and w avelen gth is called regular sea w aves o f enorm ous w a v e height are called rogue w aves or m o n s tr o u s w aves only because o f the fact that such rogue w aves occur ‘fu lly d e v e lo p e d s e a ’ under certain condition o f very rarely and assum e very great h eight and thus w in d sp eed . b ecom e very severe and destructive. T hey are also called s u p e r w aves. F u l ly d e v e lo p e d sea : The stage o f m axim um d e v e lo p m e n t o f sea w a v es, w hen sea w aves attain Gravity w a v e s : T he sea w aves having d o m in a n t restorin g force o f gravity and having w a v e le n g th o f m ore than 2 cen tim eters are called g ra v ity w a v e s, the sp eed o f w h ich is con trolled by g ra v ity . Internal waves: T he undersea m ovem en t o f S a b k h a : The d ep osition al coastal areas having flat surface in the dry tropical zones are ca lled sabkhas w h ich are flat but barren c o a s ta l lands. Sea a r e a : sim p ly ca lled ‘se a ’ by the w a ter m a s se s o f d ifferen t d en sities creates large m ariners represents the area o f the ocean where sea w a v es are generated by w inds and radiate IB u n d ersea w a v e s are c a lle d internal w a v es, such as all directions. S ea area, in fact, is tu rb id ity currents. w ind -generated w a v es. SBA WAVES, SHORELINE PROCESSES AND COASTAL SCENERY StlchM i are harbour w aves wherein water moves back and forth. S eich es, in fact, are itatlonary or standing wave* in harbours and bays. These are the result o f w ave reflection. Significant wave height: is the average o f the highest one third o f all the w aves present in the area o f surface. The significant w ave height w ill alw ays be more than the average wave height. Spilling breakers : are m ost com m on type o f breakers in w hich water does not fall but gradually sp ills dow n the front o f sea w aves and forms prom inent foam ing coast. S t a n d in g w aves : or stationary w aves are those in w hich there is no actual horizontal m ovem ent o f water. ‘In effect, the water level o scilla te s up and down about the fixed node, w h ich is located near the center.’ These are generated by w ave reflection. S t o r m w aves : V ery high energy w aves o f great h eigh t created by severe tropical cyclones on the ocean surface are called storm w aves or s to r m s u rg e s . S u r f w aves : The foam ing w aves or currents generated by breaking o f w aves at the plunge line are ca lled s u r f w a ves, or swash or u p ru sh . S u r f z o n e : The zon e o f peawater betw een the plunge lin e and the sea shore is called surf zone w hich is dom inated by su rf currents. S u r g in g b r e a k e r s i are those in w hich water m oves rapidly shorew ard. Such breakers occur Swells : T he undulations o f seaw ater at the place o f their origin are called sw e lls, w hich are low , broad, regular and rounded ridges and the regular pattern o f sm o o th , rounded w aves that character­ ize the surface o f the ocean during fair weather is called s w e ll’. T h e r m o a b r a s io n : T he c l i f f erosion in the perm afrost o f th e A rctic region therm oabrasion or thermoquarrying. Transitional w a v e s : Sea waves between the categories o f deep water waves and shallow water waves are called transitional or intermediate waves in which the depth o f water or wave base is greater than l / 2 0 th part o f wavelength o f shallow water waves but less than 1/2 o f the wavelength o f deep-water waves. Translatory motion : The forward movement o f water particles and water mass following flattemed orbit is called translatory motion and the resultant waves are called translatory waves wherein the water particles move forward approxi­ mately at the same velocity as the wave form. Tsunamis : The long-period casual ocean waves caused by the displacement o f enormous volum e o f water due .to undersea tectonic activi­ ties such as occurrence o f undersea powerful tsunamigenic earthquakes (exceeding the magni­ tude o f 7.5 on Richter scale); faulting, up and downthrusting o f ocean floors due to plate movements; undersea volcanic eruptions; under­ sea m assive landslides etc., are called tsunamis. These are very com m only known as ocean seismic waves. U ndertow c u r r e n t s : are the seabound back­ wash currents which are caused due to return o f surface currents towards the sea after reaching the sloping beaches. very c lo se to sea shore. troughs o f seaw ater. A ltern atively, Tidal wave* ? The sea wave* caused by the ocean tides due to the gravitational pull o f the moon and the sun on the sea surface are called tidal waves or tidal surges, which occur twice a month. is ca e W ave b a s e : The depth o f orbital circle o f sea w aves is called w ave base which is one half o f the wavelength o f the concerned wave. W a v e -b u ilt platform : is that seaward part o f the continental shelves which have thick terrigenous deposits. W a v e -c u t p la tf o r m : Rock-cut flat surfaces in front o f c liffs are called wave-cut platform or Simply s h o re p la tf o r m , w hich are slightly concave upward. 238 OCEANOGRAPHy W ave d r ift: T h e s lig h t forw ard m ovem en t o f w a te r in th e w a v e s w h erein w ater particles m ove in o r b ita l c ir c le is c a lle d w a v e drift. tures such as seaw alls, the w ave energy i 8 r e fle c te d b a ck and sea -b o u n d w a v es are created. W aveorth ogon als: are eq u i-sp a ced arrows or ra y s d ra w n p erp en d icu lar to the crestlin es o f sea w a v e s b e fo r e th e w a v e s are refracted. T hese w ave o r th o g o n a ls are u se d to dem onstrate the distribu­ tio n o f w a v e e n erg y . W a v e re f r a c tio n : m eans the bending o f the crests o f the progressive sea w aves approaching the sea shore, caused b y dragging o f shorebound w a v es along the sea bottom . W ave reflection : sim p ly m eans bou ncing b a c k o f w a v e e n e rg y w h e n the p rogressive w a v es str ik e th e straigh t c o a stlin e s o f resistant rocks, say c l i f f c o a s tlin e s , or m an -m ade protective struc­ w hite foam are called w hite caps, w hich are form ed w hen the steep ness o f sea w aves attains the threshold value o f 1:7 and the w aves break along the plunge line. W h ite c a p s : T he breakers o f sea w aves with CHAPTER 9 : ., TSUNAMIS ° tsunam is : nature and characteristics, tsunam is : causes and origin, chronology o f tsunami w aves, arrival o f tsunam i, adverse effects o f tsunami disaster, Sumatra tsunam i, m anagem ent o f tsunami disaster, 239-257 ' 239 241 242 246 247 252 9 TSUNAMIS To m ost o f the com m on people tsunamis mean ocean seism ic w aves caused by tsunamigenic undersea earthquakes but tsunamis are not only created by undersea earthquakes but a host o f other factors such as tectonic activities occurring on the ocean floors due to plate m ovem ents, undersea volcan ic earthquakes, undersea land­ slides etc. also create tsunam is. In fact, the w aves created in the ocean s due to displacem ent o f enormous volu m e o f w ater caused b y internal factors, say undersea factors as described above, are called tsunam i w a v es or sim p ly tsunam is. On the other hand, norm al sea w a v es, as d iscu ssed in the p recedin g 8th chapter o f this book are generated b y external factors such as w inds, tidal force o f the m oon and the sun, though som e internal factors a lso cau se norm al w a v es and currents, such as turbidity currents are generated by gravity force. T sunam is are very disastrous oceanic extrem e ev en ts and hazards. W henever tsunamis strike inhabited islan d s and coasts o f continents, th ey b eco m e m ost m onstrous d isa s­ ters, as th ey in flic t h ea v y lo ss to hum an liv es and property. It m ay be m entioned that all the undersea tectonic activities and disturbances as mentioned above cause undersea earthquakes in one w ay or the other, w hich in turn cause tsunamis, that is w hy tsunam is are generally called ‘seism ic sea w a v es’. Tsunam is differ from normal sea w aves in the sen se that these do not break w hen they approach the shore as n o r m a l sea w aves do, rather the entire water m ass lik e a w a ll invades the coastal areas. Thus, tsunam is resem ­ ble tidal w aves and hence they are m isnam ed as ‘tid a l w a v es’. Like other normal sea w aves, water mass in tsunamis does not m ove forward rather only w ave form or w ave energy' m oves forward in deep sea. Rem em ber, tsunam is after b eing originated radi­ ate outward in deep sea and travel with great speed exceeding 760 km per hour but they do not pose any threat to v e sse ls in deep sea because on one hand, their wave height is extremely low , on the other hand, water m ass does not m ove forward. But as they m ove in the shallow water o f the continental shelves, their w ave height assum es unusual great height while their w avelengths are extremely shortened, they do not break and hence invade the coastlands and submerge them under deep water. Thus, tsunamis becom e disasters only when they strike the coasts having human settlem ents. Tsunamis are not single w ave phe- 240 oceanography r ? °n rat^er th eY are m ultiple w ave phenom in o onnL?!180 ° f Very large w a v elen gths, exceed 8 k ilo m eters, tsunam i w a v es are considered S i f !? W' Water w a v e s every w here in the ocean, w n eth er it is deep sea or continental s h e lf area. B e c a u s e o f extrem ely lo w h eight o f even 0.5m tsu n am i w a v e s are not observed in the open sea. h e y are o b serv ed o n ly in the sh allow water zone o f the se a w h ere they assum e enorm ous w ave h e ig h t, so m e tim e s ex ce ed in g 10 m eters but their sp e e d is co n sid era b ly slo w ed down. This sudden f decrease in w ave speed but enorm ous increase ia w ave height the forward m oving water mass is piled us as a w all, w hich invades and submerge the coastal areas. The first tsunam i w ave is followed by a few su ccessiv e w aves and ultim ately the water m ass receds and the tsunam i episode is over. This is w hy tsunam i phenom ena are longperiod events because the factors, which are responsible for their origin, are not regular features o f ocean environm ent. Fig. 9 .1 : Tsunami wave caused by undersea slumping. After T. Hatori, 1983, in P.R. Pinet, 2000. 9.1 TSUNAMIS : NATURE AND CH AR ACTER ISTICS T su n a m is are h igh en ergy w a v es in the o c e a n s g en era ted by high m agnitude earthquakes in th e o c e a n flo o rs (e x c e e d in g 7.5 on R ichter s c a le ) , or b y v io le n t central v o lca n ic eruptions or b y m a s s iv e la n d slid s o f co a sta l lands or o f s u b m e r g e d c o n tin e n ta l s h e lv e s and slo p es or in d e e p o c e a n ic tren ch es. T sunam i is a Japanese w o r d m e n in g th erb y harbour waves. Tsunam i c o n s is t s o f J a p a n ese w ord s tsu + n ah + m e = ‘tsu’ ("means h arb ou r) and ‘nam i’ (m ean s w a v es). T s u n a m is are c a lle d as ‘seismic sea waves’ b ecau se m o s t o f th e tsu n a m is are g en erated by undersea s e is m ic ev en ts (ea rth q u a k es). T h ese are a lso c a l le d high energy tidal waves. T su n am , m o v es aw ay from the center o f origin w ith high speed and lo w crests across the o cea n and is usually not n o ticed as the m a ssiv e o cean w a v es moove silen tly but assum e destru ctive form as these travel through sh a llo w w aters o f continental sh elv es and approach coastal w aters and cause w idespread d evastation a lon g the coastlines o f lo w h eigh t and g en tle slo p e. T sunam is are gen era lly d ivid ed into the fo llo w in g tw o ty p es : (1 ) distant tsunam i or deep sea tsunamis, and (2 ) lo ca l tsunam i. A fter b ein g origin ated in the deep waters in itial tsun am is are sp lit in tw o e .g . distant tsunam i and lo ca l tsunam i. D istant tsunam i m oves TSUNAMIS out to the deep ocean (open ocean) w hile local travels towards the coasts. Thus, two tsunamis m ove in oppsoite directions. Distant or deep tsunamis travel much faster than local tsunamis but it is the local tsunami that causes destruction in the coastal zones. The follow ing are the characteristic fea­ tures o f tsunami w aves : > T s u n a m is are h ig h en erg y sea w aves c a u s e d b y a h o st o f cau sativ e factors but u n d e rs e a e a rth q u a k e event is the m o st p o te n t factor. > T h e s e are lon g w av es h av in g longer w a v e le n g th s ex c e e d in g 1 0 0 k ilo m eters in the deep oceans but as these m ove coastward, th e ir w a v e le n g th s decre ase rem arkably. > A fte r th e ir origin tsu n am i w av s are split in to tw o b ra n c e s e.g. d istan t or deep ts u n a m i, and local tsunam i. T hese two ts u n a m is m o v e in opposite directions i.e. local tsu n am is m ov e tow ards coastlines w h ile dista n t tsu nam is travel out to deep o cea n . T h e sp eed o f m o v e m e n t o f these tw o w a v e s dep en d s on the depth o f ocean w a te r an d h en ce varies as ‘square root o f w a te r d e p t h ’ o f the ocean. > A s s ta te d ab o v e, the speed o f tsunam i in c r e a s e s w ith increase in w ater depth and v ic e versa. N o rm ally , d istant tsunam is tr a v e l in the d eep o cean w ith the speed o f 5 0 0 to 1 0 0 0 k m /h o u r w h ile the speed d e c re a s e s r e m a r k a b ly as the local ts u n a ­ m is a p p ro a c h th e c o ast b e c a u se the w a te r d e p th a lso d e c r e a s e s su b sta n tia lly . > The w avelength o f distant tsunamis in the deep ocean is much longer exceeding 1 0 0 kilometers but the w avelength decreases as the local tsunam is approach the coasts. > The wave height o f distant tsunamis in the deep ocean is very low , say about a meter or so but as tsunam is approach the coasts the heights o f both, distant and local tsunamis, increase phenom enally, som e­ tim es exceeding 25 meters or so. In fact, as the depth o f water on continental shelves decreases, the tsunami speed decreases but w ave height increases. This is w hy tsuna­ 241 mis are not detectable in the deep ocean because o f their very low w ave height. This is the reason that ships travelling at the top o f tsunamis in deap oceans do not feel the impact o f tsunamis. > The height o f water o f tsunami w aves above mean sea lev el (M SL ) in the near shore zone is called ‘ts u n a m i r u n - u p ’. This is the ‘run-up’ or w ave am plitude that brings w alls o f water in the coastal zone and by sudden flooding o f coasts these cause devastation. > Tsunami w aves do not break at the plunge line as do the surf currents rather tsunam is come over the beaches as w alls o f huge volume o f water and invade the coastal zone far inland and the strong current and floating debris, may be called flo a tin g m issiles or ts u n a m i m issies, cause havoc in the coastal areas by destroying hum an structures and killing people. > The time lag betw een su ccessiv e tsunam i waves ranges betw een 20 to 40 m inutes. In other words, tsunami is not a sin g le w a v e p h e n o m e n o n but is a m u ltip le w a v e p h e n o m ­ enon. So, one should not return to the beach after the first w ave has returned back because after the sea recedes there m ay come a few more tsunam is after an interval o f 20-40 minutes. U nlike norm al sea w aves, su ccessive tsuam i w av es do not break nearing the beaches but enter the coastal zone further inland w ith fu ll energy and force. > Tsunamis, som etim es, generate peculaiar w aves called as ‘e d g e w aves* w h ich m ove back and forth and parallel to the c o a sts’. These edge w aves are responsible for the occurrences o f su ccessiv e w aves w ith tim e interval o f 2 0 -4 0 m inutes. This phenom ­ enon further com plicates the tsunam is and produces ts u n a m i s y n d ro m e (nam ed by S avd ind ra sin g h , 2 0 0 6 ). T he w a v e height or sim ply the crest o f the first tsunami w ave n ecessarily m ay not b e highest, the next tsunam i w ave w ith further higher r u n - u p (w ave height) m ay invade the coast. - 24 2 o c ea n o g r a ph y > T he arrival o f tsunam is in the coastal zone is heralded by sudden recession o f sea water. > T he detection, tracking and m onitoring o f tsuam is in the deep sea is not possible b ecau se o f low w ave height. These can be d etected on ly w hen these enter the shallow w ater zone o f the continental shelves w here tsunam is assum e enormous w ave crest but the tim e available to forewarn and to send an alarm o f alert is very short. G enerally, the tim e available is 2 0 to 30 m in utes w hen tsunami hooters on the coast can work. > W hen tsunam is are generated along a fault zon e due to upthrusting o f one side, they do not radiate in all directions, follow ing circular paths rather they m ove in eastw est or north-w est directin depending on the orientation o f fault. In the case o f Sumatra tsunami o f 2004, the direction o f the rupture o f fault m easuring 1 2 0 0 km was north-south and hence the w aves m oved in east-w est direction. 9.2 TSUNAM IS : CAUSES AND ORIGIN It m ay be em phasized at the very outset that tsunam is in the oceans are not generated by the forces com in g outside the earth’s surface such as gravitational pull o f the m oon and the sun rather these are produced by the forces com ing out from w ithin the earth such as tectonic m ovem ents w hich cause undersea earthquakes, volcanic eruption, undersea lan d slid es, fau lting and dow nthusting etc., w hich becom e plausible causes o f tsunam is. In fact, tsunam is are produced due to large scale displacem ent o f im m ense volum e o f sea water due to sudden tectonic disturbances in the sea floor. The changes and disturbances in sea floor are produced by a host o f causative factors such as faulting in the sea floor, slum ping and m a s siv e u n d ersea la n d slid e s, s lid in g o f large b lock s o f ice near the fiord coasts, ava­ lanches, subm arine volcan ic eruption, undersea s e is m ic e v e n ts e tc . T h u s, the fo llo w in g factors m ay be identified as tsunami producing factors : >► U n d e rse a p o w e rfu l e a r th q u a k e event exceed­ ing 7.5 m agnitude on Richter scale. The tsunami o f D ecem ber 26, 2004 in the Indian O cean is a fin e exam ple o f earth­ quake-generated tsunam is. > U n d e rs e a m a ssiv e la n d s lid e s caused b y sud­ den tectonic m ovem ents displace seawater upward w hich generates tsunamis, (fig 9.1). >► Collision of c o n v e rg e n t d e s tru c tiv e plates and subduction o f rela tiv ely heavier plate below relatively lighter plate results in upthrusting o f plate m argins which causes sudden upward m ovem en t o f immense volum e o f seaw ater resulting into the gen esis o f tsunam is (fig . 9.3). The dimen­ sion and m agnitude o f tsunam is in terms of force and energy depend upon the nature of rupture o f plate m argins and upthrusting thereof. The Sumatra tsunam i o f 2004 in the Indian O cean w as the result o f such rupture and upthrusting and consequqnt occurrence o f ts u n a m ig e n ic e a rth q u a k e of the m agnitude o f 9.3 on Richter scale. > E x p lo siv e v o lc a n ic e r u p ti o n s in the sea floor or on islands also generate powerful tsunami w a v es. The violent eruption o f Krakatoa v o lca n o in the year 1883 gener­ ated a pow erful 1 2 0 -fo o t (36 meters) high tsunam i w hich claim ed the lives o f 36,000 people o f Java and Sumatra. I f w e exam ine the causes o f genesis of tsunam is as d iscu ssed above it becom es evident that it is the tectonic m ovem ents and disturbances in the sea floor w h ich are the pivatal cause of tsunam is b ecause undersea earthquakes, undersea volcan ic eruption, underw ater m assive lan d slid es etc., w hich are sources o f the origin o f tsu n am is, are th em selves the results o f sudden tectonic m ovem ents such as fau lting, rupture o f seabeds, c o llisio n o f convergin g plates and upthrusting* The expedition team o f the experts o f seV®r*, d iscip lin es including tsunam i m odellers, funde by the D iscovery C h a n n e l, spent 17 days on boar th e ship P e r f o r m e r in M ay 17, 2005 to find out the exact cause o f the origin o f tsunam i o f 2004 in e Indian O cean. T h e team found that the h a lf o f ® j 2 4 0 0 km long fault in the Indian Ocean rupture | 243 t s u n a m is i on D e c e m b e r 2 6 ,2 0 0 4 due to subduction o f IndoAustnd*311 plate below Burma plate, a part o f A sia plate. This sudden collision o f two plates and ra p tu re o f southern h a lf ( 1 2 0 0 km) o f the said fault lifted the seafloor by 10 to 12 meters and thus displaced 2 0 0 trillion tonnes o f seawater which generated strong tsunami initially travelling at the speed o f 500 m iles (800 km) per hour. The m om ent the plates collide and rupture, the ruptured part o f the plate is displaced and lifted upward, the potential energy o f displace­ ment is changed into kinetic energy which generates horizontal m ovem ent o f water in the form o f w aves, w hich are called tsunamis. Thus, the w aves so generated from the place o f displacem ent m ove outward in all directions. Initially, the w ave height is generally a meter or two but as the tsunami w aves approach shallow waters o f continental sh elves, their height (am pli­ tude) increases but the speed decreases. Such high crest tsunami w aves becom e disastrous when they strike the coasts o f very low height and gentle gradient. This is the reason that the breadh o f continental sh elves control the energy and feroc­ ity o f tsunam is. M uch o f the energy o f tsunamis is dissipated on broader and and shallow continental sh elves and hence tsunam is becom e less destruc­ tive than the coasts having narrow continental shelves. 9.3 CHRONOLOGY OF TSUNAMI EVENTS T hough to the m ost o f Indians the word tsunami w as alien b efore D ecem ber 26, 2004 when the p ow erfu l tsunam i struck the coasts o f southern India and p layed a dreadful drama by killing thousands o f p eo p le and destroying prop­ erties worth b illio n s o f rupees, but the people o f the P acific coasts k n ew the killer tsunam i long before. T hough tsunam i is a natural phenom enon and is asso cia ted w ith the earth’s tectonic activities and h en ce is a part o f the dynam ics o f oceans and m igh t have occurred sin ce the oceans came into e x isten ce but due to lack o f proper recording o f tsun am is, the accurate ch ronological description is not p o ssib le. It is b e liev ed that the evidences o f earliest kn ow n tsunam is are av a il­ able sin ce 1400 B .C . w h en a p o w erfu l and v io len t volcanic eruption in the Santorin island generated high energy tsunami in the eastern Mediterranean Sea which w ashed out the ancient Minoan civilization. In fact, w e get system atic description o f tsunami tragedy from the 19th century. The follow ing is probable chronological order o f important tsunami disasters : 1400 B.C. : A powerful tsunami, triggered by a violent volcanic eruption in the island Santorin in the eastern M editerranean sea, washed out and com pletely obliterated the ancient M inoan civilization. 1 7 0 0 A.D. (J a n . 2 6 ) : Powerful tsunami w aves were generated at 9 p.m. on January 2 6 ,1 7 0 0 A.D. due to the occurrence o f pow erful tsunamigenic undersea earthquake o f the magnitude o f 9.0 (estim ated, no proper recording was done) o ff the north-w est Pacific coast o f the U S A (w est o f Seattle) caused by the subduction o f Juan de Fuca Plate beneath the North A m erica Plate along Cascadia subduction zone. The tsu­ nami waves,, so generated, radiated from the source o f origin and adversely affected Japan, Pacific coasts o f South A m erica, Alaska, and the Kamchatka P eninsula in Russia. 1 7 7 5 (P o rtu g a l) : The great tsunamis caused b y the Lisbon earthquake (Portugal) o f the year 1 7 7 5 generated about 12-m high sea w a v es w hich damaged m ost parts o f L isb on city and killed 30,000 to 6 0 ,0 0 0 people. : The Kutch earthquake (Gujarat, India) o f June 6 , 1 8 1 9 generated strong tsunam is w hich subm erged the coastal areas. The land area m easuring 24 km in length w as raised upward b ecause o f tectonic m ovem ents. This raised land area was called the A lla h ’s B u n d (B und created by the G od). 1 8 1 9 (I n d ia ) 1 8 6 8 ( P e r u ) : A dreadful tsunam i having 2 1 m w ave height adversely affected A frican and Peru coasts. The tsunami w ave w as so p ow erful that it carried ships 5 km inland. 1881, December 31 (In d ia ) : The first tsunam i even t on the eastern coasts o f India w as recorded on D ecem ber 31,1881 w hen an earthquake OCEANOGRAPHY 244 m easuring 7.5 on Richter scale caused by the subduction o f plate to the east o f N icobar Island triggered tsunami w aves. 1847 ( I n d i a ) : 31 October, Great Nicobar and Car N icobar. 1 8 8 3 , A u g u st 2 7 (In d o n e sia ) : A severe earthquake caused by violent volcanic eruption in Krakatoa, located between Java and Sumatra on A ugust 27, 1883 generated furious tsunami w aves ranging between 30 to 40m in height (average being 120 feet or 36.5m ) w hich devastated the coasts o f Java and Sumatra and killed 36,000 persons and rendered lacs o f people hom eless. 1 8 9 6 , J u n e 15 (J a p a n ) : nearly 27,000 people were killed on the east coast o f Japan. 1 9 3 3 (J a p a n ) : A powerful tsunami caused by tsunamigenic quake took o ff in the Japan Trench with a wave height o f 27m. The tsunami took 10 hours to reach Sans Fransisco on the west coast o f U SA and 20 hours to reach Chile on the w est coast o f South America. 1941 ( I n d i a ) : A tsunami triggered by tsunamigenic earthquake in the Andman islands was noted on June 26, 1941 but could not be recorded due to military disturbances and political uncertainty created by Japanese attack on Andmans in 1941. The earth­ quake was measured 8.5 magnitude on Richter scale. 1 9 4 5 (In d ia ) : A 11. 8 -meter tsunami hit the G ulf o f Combay, Gujarat, in November 1945 but no records are available. 1 9 4 6 ( N .A m e r i c a .): The Aleutian tsunami (April 1 , 1946), generated by Aleutian earthquake o f the m agnitude o f 7.8 on Richter scale, with a height o f 35 meters killed many people in A laska and Hawaiian coastal areas. 1 9 5 2 (K a m c h a tk a ) : The Kamchatka tsunami was generated on N ovem ber 4, 1952 due to tsunam igenic quake o f the m agnitude o f 8 . 2 . This tsunami with a height o f 15 meters was a P acific-w id e phenom enon. 1 9 5 7 ( A l a s k a ) : An earthquake o ft h e m agnitude o f 8.3 on Richter scale generated a Pacificw ide tsunami w ith a height o f 16m , known as A leutian tsunam i, on M arch 9 , 1957. This tsunami adversely affected Hawaii islands. I960 (C hile): A strong earthquake o f the magnitude o f 8 . 6 generated a Pacific-w ide tsunami, known as C hilean tsunam i, on M ay 22, 1960 and claim ed 2 ,3 0 0 human lives in Chile alone. 1 9 6 4 ( A l a s k a ) : A strong tsun am igenic quake o f the magnitude o f 8.4 on R ichter scale, gener­ ated 15m high w ave know n as Alaskan tsunami on March 2 8 ,1 9 6 4 and killed more than 120 people in A laska. 1 9 7 5 (P h ilip p in e s ) : The tsunam igenic Moro Gulf quake generated 5-m eter high tsunami w aves on A ugust 16, 1975 w hich killed 3000 people, injured 8 , 0 0 0 persons and rendered 1 2 , 0 0 0 fa m ilies hom eless. 1 9 7 6 , A ugust 23, Philippines : N early 8,000 people killed. 1 9 9 2 (N ic a ra g u a ) : Septem ber 2, 1992, maximum w ave height 1 0 m eters, human casualities 170 in Nicaragua. 1 9 9 2 (Flores I s l a n d ) : D ecem ber 1 2 ,1 9 9 2 , in Flores Island o f East Indies, S.W . P acific Ocean, maxim um w ave height 26 m eters, human casualities more than 1 , 0 0 0 . 1 9 9 3 ( J a p a n ) : July 12, 1993 Okushiri, Japan, m axim um w ave height 31 m eters, human casualities 239. 1 9 9 3 (P a p u a New G u in e a ) : July 12, 1993, S.W. P acific O cean, East Indies, m a x i m u m wave height 15 m eters, hum an deaths more than 2 ,200 . 1 9 9 4 (E a s t J a v a ) : June 2, 199 4 , m axim um wave height 14m, human ca su la lities 238. 14, 1994, M indoro Island o f P h ilip p in es, maximum w ave height o f 7m , hum an casualities 49. 1 9 9 4 (M in d o ro I s la n d ) : N o v em b er 1 9 9 5 ( J a p a n ) : O ctober 9, 1995, Jalisco (Japan)* m axim um w a v e h eigh t 11 m eters, leas* human casualty (o n ly one). 245 TSU N A M I 19% (Sulawesi Island): January 1, 19% , Sulawesi Island ot'East Indies in S.W , Pacific Ocean, maximum w ave height V4 meters, human c a su a lties 9, tude o f 9.3 on Richter scale, o ff the coast o f Sumatra with its epicenter at Simeulue in the Indian Ocean occurred at 00:58:53 (GM T), 7:58:53 (Indonesian Local Tim e) or 6.28 a.m. (Indian Standard Time, 1ST) and generated a powerful tsunami w ith a wavelength o f 160 km and initial speed o f 960 km/hr. The deep oceanic earthquake was caused due to sudden subduction o f Indian plate below B u rm a p late upto 20 meters in a boundary line o f 1 2 0 0 km or even more. This tectonic m ovem ent caused 1 0 -1 2 m rise in the oceanic bed w hich suddenly displaced im m ense volum e o f water causing killer tsunami. This earth­ quake was largest (highest on Richter scale) since 1950 and the 4th largest sin ce 1900 A.D. The Andnian and N icobar group o f islands were only 128 km (80 m iles) away from the epicenter (Sim eulue) and 1 9 9 6 (Iria n J a y a ) : February 17, 19%, near Papua N ew Guinea in S.W . Pacific Ocean, maxi­ mum w ave height 7.7 meters, human deaths l(>l. 1996 (Peru) : February 21. 1996, north coast o f Peru, maxim um wave height human c a su a ltie s 1 2 . 5 meters, 1998 (Papua New Guinea) : July 17, 1998, a moderate intensity (7.0 on Richter scale) submarine earthquake and resultant mas­ sive submarine landslides generated 30m high tsunami which claimed thousands o f human lives along the coasts o f lagoon. 2004 (South and South East Asia) : December 26, 2 004, a powerful earthquake o f the raagni- Tsunam is of the recent p ast Ja n u a ry 1, 1996 Sulawesi Island Maximum wave: 3.4m Fatalities: 9 December 12, 1992 Flores Island Maximum wave: 26m Fatalities: >1.000 12, 1993 October 9, 1995 Jalisco. Mexico Maximum w ave: 1 lm Fatalities: 1 September 2, 1992 February 17, 1996 November 14, 1994 Irian Java Nicaragua Maximum M indoro Island Maximum wave: 7.7m wave: 10m Maximum wave: 7mj Fatalities: 161 Fatalities: 170 Fatalities: 49 J u ly Okushiri. Japan Maximum wave: 31 m Fatalities: 239 July 12, 1993 Papua New Guinea Maximum wave: 15m Fatalities: >2,200 J u n e 2, 1994 East Java Maximum wave: 14m Fatalities: 2 3 8 \x February 2 1 , 1 9 % North coast of Peru Maximum wave: 5m, Fatalities: 12 Pacific Ocean / ) Indian — Oc e a n C — v December 2 6 , 2 0 0 4 Simeulue. Sumatra July 1 7 , 2 0 0 6 J Maximum wave: 10- 12m, Casualties: > 200.000 - S.W, Java coast Fatalities; > 600 Fig. 9.2 : Major tsunamis from 1990 to 2006. Source: Frontline, 2005. Ocean o cea no graph y 246 th e ea st co a sts o f India w ere about 1920 km (1 2 0 0 m ile s ) aw ay from the ep icen ter. The fu riou s tsunam i w ith a h eigh t o f about 10 m a d v ersely a ffected 12 countries bordering the Indian O cean , w orst a ffected areas in clu d ed T am il N adu co a st and A ndinanN ico b a r Islands o f India, Sri Lanka, Indo­ n esia and T hailand. T he strong tsunam i took about 3 hours to strike T am il N adu co a st. The k iller tsunam i claim ed m ore than 2 5 0 ,0 0 0 human liv es in the affected cou n tries w herein Indonesia, Sri Lanka and India stood 1st, 2nd, and 3rd in the num ber o f human casu lalities. D etailed d is c u s s io n on Sumatra tsunami w ill be presented in the su cceed in g subsection. 2006 (Java) : 17 July, 204 km S.W . o f Java, undersea earthquakes o f 7.7 and 6 .1 m agn i­ tude generated 2.5 to 3.0m high tsunami k illin g more than 4 0 0 p eople o f Java. 2011 (Japan) : 11 March, m agnitude o f undersea earthquake = 8.9, height o f tsunami w aves = 10 m, dead persons = over 1 0 , 0 0 0 . Tsunam is occur m ostly in the P acific O cean wherein 8 6 per cent o f the total tsunam i occu r­ rences are the products o f tsunam igenic undersea earthquakes. In fact, the P acific rim is the m ost favoured tsunam igenic region b ecause this region represents the co llisio n (and h ence subduction) zon e o f continental and ocean ic plates and hence is the tecton cially m ost active area and generates m ost o f w orld ’s earthquakes, m ost o f the P acific tsunam is are the result o f undersea earthquakes. T hough tsunam is are com paratively rare ph en om ­ ena in the Indian O cean but not unprecedented natural even ts. The decadal average num ber o f tsunam i ocurrences w orldover is 57 w hereas the d ecade 1 9 9 0 ’s alon e accou nted for as m any as 82 tsunam is. T he last major 10 tsunam is, leavin g 2 0 0 4 Sumatra tsunam i, claim d about 4 ,0 0 0 human liv e s w hereas D ecem ber, 2 6 , 2 0 0 4 Sumatra tsunam i o f Indian O cean claim ed m ore than 2 5 0 ,0 0 0 hum an liv e s in 12 countires bordering the Indian O cean. S ign ifican t tsunam is sin ce 1990 h a v e been sh ow n on fig . 9.2. T he o ffic ia l records o f tsunam i even ts in Japan sin c e 8 6 4 A .D . sh o w that sin ce then Japan has b een a d v e r se ly a ffe c te d b y m o re than 150 strong tsu n a m is. T h u s, Japan is m o re frequently , a ffec te d b y tsu n a m is than a n y oth er country around the P a c ific and Indian O c ea n s. T he Mejji Santriku tsun am i o f A .D . 1 8 9 6 a lo n e claim ed m ore than 2 7 hum an liv e s in Japan. 9.4 : A R R IV A L OF TS U N A M I A s stated earlier tsu n a m is in the o p en ocean are not o b serv ed b e c a u se o f th eir lo w height, usu ally on e m ater or e v e n le ss . L ik e w indgenerated w a v e s w ater m a ss d o e s n o t m ove forw ard, rather w ater p a rticles m o v e in circular orbits in tsunam i w a v e s. T h u s, o n ly the w a v e form or w a v e en ergy m o v e s forw ard. In m a n y c a s e s , the arrival o f tsunam is at the c o a sts is h e ra ld ed by sudden seaw ard retreat o f o c e a n w a ter. W hen tsunam is enter sh a llo w w a ter z o n e , th ey assu m e enorm ous h eig h t w ith sh orter w a v e le n g th . The w a v es do not break in th e s h a llo w sea w a te r like w ind -generated w a v e s rather th e en tire water m ass m o v e s forw ard lik e a w a ll o f w a ter w hich enters the c o a sta l land s m o re ra p id ly than tidal w a v es or su rges. T he w a ter a g a in retreats w ith the arrival o f trough o f tsu n a m i w a v e and w ater drops dow n m any m eters lo w e r than du rin g the occur­ rence o f the lo w e s t tid e. S o m e tim e s, people m istak in gly c o n sid e r tsu n a m i w a v e s as tid es and go to the sh ore after the c rest o f tsunam i is w ithdraw n but after fe w m in u te s tsun am i wave again su rges and e n g u lfs th e p e o p le and washes them to d eep o c ea n . In fa c t, tsunami system c o n sists o f a se r ie s o f s u c c e s s iv e w a v e s having alternate a d v a n ce m e n t o f h u g e w a ter m ass over the co a sta l areas and w ith d r a w a ls o f w ater mass. The tim e lag b e tw e e n tw o tsu n a m i su rg es is only o f a fe w m in u tes. It a ls o h a p p en s that the first tsunam i su rge is n o t a lw a y s th e la rg est one with h ig h est w a ll o f w a ter. It is not su re that w hich one o f t h e ser ie s o f su r g es in a tsu n a m i sy ste m would be largest o n e . S o m e tim e s , e v e n the last tsunami surge b e c o m e s the la r g est and g rea test tsunaifl* surge ev en t. S o , the p e o p le p resen t o n shoreline sh ou ld not c o m e b a ck to th e sh ore u fll|8* | s u ffic ie n t tim e has p a s s e d and th e se a conditio*^ has returned b ack to norm al c o n d itio n . 247 t s u n a m is Successively Increasing Wave Height Fig. 9.3 : Genesis o f Sumatra tsunami of December 26, 2004 in the Indian Ocean. Source : Outlook, January, 2005. 9.5 ADVERSE EFFECTS OF TSUNAMI DISASTER The adverse effects o f tsunami attacks are many folds ranging from human casualties to loss o f properties including cattle, crops, fishing, tourism, transport system s, communication sys­ tem; destruction o f beaches, shifting o f location of small islands, deposition o f sands on coastal plains; destruction o f marine ecological resources mainly corals and fishes. B esides, the ferocity o f powerful tsunamis also creates social problems such as mental stresses leading to physiological disorder and several types o f diseases, such as epidemics, restlessness, fear psychosis etc. The following case study o f Sumatra tsunami o f December 26, 2004 clearly demonstrates the dim ension tsunami. of adverse im pact of strong 9.6 SUMATRA TSUNAMI (2004) Powerful and deadly tsunami w aves were generated in the Indian Ocean on D ecem ber 26, 2004 due to occurrence o f severe undersea earthquake measuring 9.3 on Richter scale with its epicenter at Simeuleu o ff the coast o f Sumatra and 250 km (fig. 9.4) sout-west o f Banda A ceh town o f Sumatra. These killer w aves claim ed more than 250,000 human lives o f 12 countries bordering the Indian Ocean wherein Indonesia, Sri Lanka, India and Thailand were worst sufferers. OCEANOGRAPHY Mumbai Visakhapatnum Thailand / Mangalore X • * Chennai / Ponclicherry jt \ f . 'Jajeapattinam v ■c .Kozhikode A / Kochi 1 / ^ V o lla r r ThipiivflnnnthaDurajiK / ' /> I 3 ' V-"*--* CL t‘ < V \ Nrrinc^malee Kanyakumari /ABatticaloa / Colombo ' f t ) j G aU & J^ vV 'i> ri Lanka /) North Andamark \ /I q *fc Si J •: f L J South Andaman -S'§ ) / ^ > ^ P o r t Blair s ly .y ^ Little Andaman!? £; / ° i 3 7 i £ '% .C a rNicobar 60/ U \ 5 \ k ; j *1 ^ nCo Phuket ^ G r e a t N ic o ^ a t ^ ^ ^ V ^ ^ / Banda~Xc<£‘V ^ \ _______ L----- ------ ,A © *1 Maldives Malaysia ^ M id a n l E P IC E N T R E 9.0 magnitude [y \ ^Sumatra / Indonesia Tsunami wave Plate Boundary Fig. 9.4: Sunuura tsunami o f2004 and adversely affected locations. Source: Outlook, January, 2005. The Sumatra tsunami w as generated b y the T ectonic activities i.e. subduction o f In d o-A u strahan plate below Burmese plate and con seq u en t pow erful undersea earthquake o f the m agnitude o f 9.3 on Richter scale (fig. 9.3). The expedition team o f the experts o f several disciplines includ­ ing tsunami modeller, funded by the Discovery Channel, spent 17 days on board the ship TSUNAMIS P e r f o r m e r in M ay 9, 2 0 0 5 to find out the exact cause o fth e orign o f tsunam i o f 2 0 0 4 in the Indian Ocean. The team exp lored a fe w p o ssib ilities such as undersea la n d slid es, fau lting and thursting as probable cau ses o f Sum atra tsunam i and u lti­ m ately found that the h a lf o f the 2400-k m long subm arine fau lt in the Indian O cean along the con vergen ce z o n e o f Indo-A ustralian and A siatic plates ruptured on D ecem b er 2 6 , 2 0 0 4 due to sudden su b d u ction o f Indian plate b elo w Burm ese plate, a part o f A sia plte. This sudden co llisio n o f tw o convergent plates (fig. 9.3) and consequent rupture o f southern h a lf ( 1 2 0 0 km) o fth e said fault induced a high m agnitude (9 .3 ) earthquake w ith its epicentre at Sim euleu and lifted the sea floor by 1 0 to 1 2 meters and thus displaced 2 0 0 trillion tonnes o f seawater w hich generated strong tsuanmi w aves initially travelling at the speed o f 500 m iles (800 km) per hour in the deep sea and slo w in g dow n w hile reaching the coastal areas. Vital S tatistics of Sum atra Tsunam i, 2004 > D a y o f occu rren ce Sunday, D ecem ber 26, 2 0 0 4 >► T im e o f un dersea earthquake GMT; 00 : 58 : 53 Indonesian local time; 7 : 58 : 53, Indian standard tim e : 6 . 28 a.m. >- E p icen ter o f quake Sim euleu, 250 km south-east o f B anda A ceh town o f Sumatra > L o ca tio n o f ep icen ter 3 .3 ° N — 95.78° E > M a g n itu d e o f quake on R ichter scale 9.3 >■ D is ta n c e from quake epicenter to Andman and >- N ic o b a r 80 m iles (128 (km) D is ta n c e from quake epicenter to Bangkok 1,260 km >► D is ta n c e from quake epicen ter to Jakarta > D is ta n c e from quake ep icen ter to eastern Indian c o a st in T a m il N ad u > 1,605 km 2 0 0 0 km T im e tak en b y tsun am i to reach east coast o f Indin (a) C u d d alore (b ) C h en n ai ( c ) M a c h ilip a tta n a m > T im e tak en b y tsu n am i to reach A frican coast > A v e ra g e w a v e h e ig h t at the east-coast o f India >- T otal number o f countries affected by tsunami >■ Ranking o f the earthquake > Total number o f human casualities by 10 big tsunamis since 1990 v Total number o f huamn casulaities one and h a lf hours after the quake i.e. 8 . 0 a.m . at 8.40 a.m. 1 0 . 0 a.m. 6 hours from the event 4 meters (4.1 m as recorded b y Chennai port, w hereas Ennore Port Trust recorded 3.5 m) 12 4th largest sin ce 1990; largest sin ce 1950 4 .0 0 0 m ore than 2 5 0 ,0 0 0 250 Indonesia Indonesia, Sri Lanka, India and Thailand were worst affected by killer tsunami. More than 150.000 people were killed in Indonesia alone and Banda Aceh town o f Sumatra was almost wiped out by 5m to 10m high waves and a few villages were washed out from the map while only a few houses could be saved. The bridges across the estuaries were washed out. The worst sufferer was Meulaboth town, only 150 km away from the epicenter (Semeuleu) o f the quake as about 40.000 o f its total population of 120,000 perished in the killer wave disaster. OCEANOOHAHl^ r | been timely forewarned. ■• :I Indian Scenario Thailand The D ecem b er 2 6 , 2 0 0 4 Sum atra tsunami hit the Indian co a sts o f Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, O rissa and K erala but the Tamil Nadu coast w as w orst a ffected . B e s id e s , Andman and N icobar islands w ere d ev a sta ted . Nagapattinam, Cuddalore and K anyakum ari districts o f Tamil Nadu and P on d ich ery su ffe r ed h e a v ily from the killer tsunam i but N agap attin am was the worst affected am ong the sunam i h it co a sta l districts of south India. In the co a sta l rim o f Nagapattinam ‘th e fero city o f the w a v e s that hit Nagapattinam tow n w as u n im agin ab le. The w a v e s lifted up T su n am i w a v es hit the Thailand coasts at 8 a.m . lo c a l tim e. The Phuket and Phi Phi islands p a ck ed w ith tourists w ere attacked by 10 m high w a v e s, w h ich claim ed hundreds o f human lives. T he o ffic ia l sources put the total death toll at 5,291 but the actual figures m ight have been m uch m ore as thousands were reported m issing. The foreign tourists enjoying at the beaches o f Phuket island w ere caught by surprise and m any o f them were w ashed into the sea. m e c h a n i s e d traw lers, spun them around, and dum ped them on the r a ilw a y track there. One, w eig h in g sev era l to n n es, land ed on the railw ay line to N a g o r e ’ (F ro n tlin e, 2 0 0 5 ). The pow erful tsunam i w a v es entered K alpakkam housing two nuclear reactor p lan ts and k ille d 6 0 persons. The M am allapuram tem p le w a s flo o d e d b y 6 -foot tall w all o f seaw ater, the g ro y n e w a ll constructed for the protection o f Mamallapuram beach was breached. The o ffic ia l record s put death toll to 8 ,0 0 9 in Tamil N adu. Sri Lanka The killer tsunami waves first struck the eastern Barticaloa district at 8.45 a.m. local time and later ravaged 9 provinces of Jaffna, Trincomalee, Barticaloa, Amparai, Hambantota, Matara, Galle, Kulutara and Colombo and claimed lives o f 30,882 people. More than 2.8 million people lost their homes and about one million were adversely affected. These figures were upto January 14, 2005 but the figures might have gone up. The unstopable waves measuring 8 to 11 feet in height destroyed expensive hotels, roads, bridges, rails, houses, other buildings, bus sta­ tions, vehicles in the northern, eastern and southern coastal rims o f island nation. It was the absence o f any tsunami warning system which was responsible for the destruction beyond imagination, otherwise there was ample time o f 2 hours for safe evacuation if the people would have S ri L a n k a , The tsunami affected districts o f Andhra Pradesh included Nellore, Krishna, EastGodawari, West Godawari, Prakasam and Visakhapatnam where 107 persons were reported killed by tsunami waves. The Kollam and Alappugha districts o f Kerala were badly affected by surging tsunami waves. As per official source 117 people were washed in the Arabian Sea. Andman and Nicobar islands suffered most from tsunami onslaught on December 2 6 , 2 0 0 6 . The key islands, which were worst affected, include Car Nicobar (total population4 0 ,0 0 0 -5 0 ,0 0 0 , Noncowarie Group o f Islands (total population 21,000), Compbell Bay (total population 5 ,0 0 0 ), Little Andman (total population 2 1 ,0 0 0 ) and Chowra (total population 1 8 0 0 ). Car Nicobar w a s worst affected as the island was almost flattened. The Indian Air Force base in Car Nicobar was washed away. Great damage was done to the t r i b a l s o f the islands which included Great Andamanese, Onges, Jarawa, Sentinelese, Shompens, and Great. 251 TSUNAMIS N ic o b a r e s e . The Andman groups o f islands were worst sufferers o f the tsunami because o f their n e a re s t location to the epicenter (Sem euieu) o f the earthquake and flattish nature o f terrain. It may be mentioned that rich mangove and corals minimished human causalities. The official sources put human deaths at 3,513 but un official sources recorded more than 1 0 , 0 0 0 human casualties. 8.0 a.m, Tsunami waves hit Cuddalore, Chennai, and M achilipattanam . 8.31 a.m., IMD inform s C risis M anagem ent Group (CM G ) 8.45 a.m., earthquake o f the magnitude o f 9 .3 on Richter scale occurs with its epicenter at Sim enleu about 250 km S.E. o f Banda A ceh o f Sumatra. A fresh earthquake o f 7.3 m agnitude occurs near Andm ans. Just after 15 minutes tsunami strikes India, Sri Lanka and M aldives. 8.56 a.m., Indian M eteorological Department (IM D ) know s about the occurrence o f the earthquake but does not analyse the data because o f computer develops defects. Department o f S cien ce and T ech n o l­ ogy and H om e M inistry are inform ed about the tsunami attack. 10.30 a.m., The secretary o f the D epartm ent o f Ocean D evelopm ent inform s the C h ief Secretary o f India. Tsunami Diary of India (2004) 6 . 28 a.m ., 6.40 a.m ., 7.3 0 a.m ., informs the Air Force base at Tambaram about the quake. The Tambaram A ir Force base inform s the D efen ce M inister o f India. 12 noon, Tsunami hits Car Nicobar, the Car N icobar base o f Indian Air Force Crisis M anagem ent Group m eets to estim ate damage and d iscu sses resue and r elief work. Table 9.1 : D evastation b y Sum atra Tsunami in India, 2004 Tamil Nadu Kerala Andhra Pradesh Pondic- Andman T otal hery & N icobar 8.97 1.3 1.96 0.43 3.56 2 7 .9 2 376 187 301 33 192 1,089 8,009 177 107 599 3,513 12,405 289 3 6 39 143 480 190,000 13,735 481 10,061 2 1 ,1 0 0 2 5 3 ,3 7 7 affected (in hectares) 19,168 7,763 302 792 1 1 ,0 1 0 39,0 3 5 Boats dam aged 52,638 10,882 12,189 6 ,678 1,401 8 3 ,7 8 8 U verstock lost 1,653 — 86 2 ,685 2,7331 31,755 4 ,5 2 8 .6 6 2 ,3 7 1 .0 2 342.67 4 6 6 .0 3 ,8 3 6 .5 6 11,544.91 Population affected (in lakhs) Number o f v illa g e s affected Human deaths Orphaned children Houses dam aged Cropped area Damage (R s in crores) Human deaths do not included ‘m issin g ’ in the Andman and N icobar Islands. Source: ‘Tsunam i-A R eport to the N ation’, published by the M inistry o f Inform ation and Broadcasting, Govt, o f India « 9.8 M A N A G E M E N T OF TSUNAM I D I S A S T E R ^ 252 9.7 JAVA TSUNAMI-2006 iyik- ... v»f> 'tig} •' •' j v>*v' ^ A localized tsunam i with wave height frorr| 2 .5 to 3 .0 m was generated due to the occurrence o shallow focus ( 1 0 km deep) earthquake o ■ m agnitude on July 17, 2006 about 245 km s 0 ^ w est o f Java o f Indonesia in the Indian O cean, e subduction o f A ustralian plate under Sunda plate caused vertical uplift o f the latter by 90 cm along 150 km long fault zone. This vertical uplift caused vertical disp lacem ent o f seaw ater and g enerated tsunam i w aves m oving in two directions i.e. (l) tow ards Java coast, and (ii) tow ards open sea in the direction o f C hristm as Island. Since the vertical displacem ent o f sea w ater was only 0.9m , the resultant tsunami was localized and hence its en erg y was soon dissipated. This w as the reason that this tsunam i could not reach Indian coasts. T his tsunami killed m ore than 400 people in S.W. Java coast and displaced 54,000 people. 9.7 b. JAPAN TSUNAMI, 2011 Date : M arch, 11, 2 0 11; tim e : Jap an tim e = 2.46 A. M., 1ST = 6.15 A. M.; u n d ersea earth quake o f 8.9 m agnitude; e p ce n ter 130 km o f f the coast o f Sendai City near L am en g V illag e and 380 km north-east o f Tokyo, at the depth o f 10 km on sea bed; tsunam i w ave height 1 0 m; m o re than 10,000 people killed; m an y cities like M iy ak o , M iyagi, K esenn um a w ere flattened; S end ai air po rt w as inundated w ith heaps o f cars, trucks, buses and m ud deposits; aircrafts in c lu d in g fig h te r p la n es stan d in g on air po rt w ere w a s h e d o u t by g u sh in g tsunam i w av es; rotation sp eed o f the earth in c re ased by 16 m ic ro s e c o n d s ; day length d e c re a se d by 1.6 m ic ro se c o n d s; H o n sh u island w as d isp la c e d by 2.4 m due to m o n s tro u s q u a k e ; earth ro tatio n al axis w as d isp la c e d by 10 c e n tim e te rs ; 2 1 0 0 km stretch o f easte rn c o a s tlin e s h a v in g sev eral v illag es, cities and to w n s w e re b a tte re d by k ille r ts u n a m i; n u c le a r p o w e r p la n ts in Fukushim a s e v e re ly d a m a g e d resulting into leak ­ a g e o f k ille r ra d ia c tiv e rad ia tio n ; m o re than 5 lakh p e o p le in the ra d iu s o f 2 0 km from Fukushim a p o w er plants w ere evacuated and sh ifted to safer p la c e s . A s sta te d in th e p r e c e d i n g c h a p t e r t» m anagem ent o f any natu ral d isaste r i n c l u d t e t ^ principal c o m p o n e n ts s u c h a s (1 ) p r e - d . s a s ^ stages, and (2 ) p o s t - d i s a s t e r s ta g e . T h e d is a s te r j stag es o f r e d u c tio n o f t s u n a m i d is a s te r i n c l u d e ^ the f o llo w in g : 1 Pre-tsunam i disaster stage . id e n tif ic a tio n a n d m a p p i n g o f area s o f ts u n a m ig e n i c e a r t h q u a k e s , d e m a r c a ti o n o f c o a s t a l r e g u la tio n zone (C R Z ) a n d to m a k e it f r e e fro m hum an s e ttle m e n ts a n d d e n s e s tr u c t u r e s except a few i m p o r ta n t i n s t a l l a t i o n s such as m ili­ ta ry b a s e s . p r o te c tio n a n d c o n s e r v a t i o n o f n atu ra l line o f p r o te c tio n f r o m t s u n a m i w a v e s such as c o a s ta l d u n e s , b e a c h e s , m a n g r o v e s , corals etc. in s ta lla tio n o f t s u n a m i m e t e r s , tr a c k in g o f u n d e r s e a e a r t h q u a k e s a n d r e s u l t a n t tsu­ nam i w aves. > p ro v isio n s for ea rly tsu n a m i w a rn in g sys­ tem (T W S ) and p r e p a r e d n e ss for tim ely ev a cu a tio n o f p e o p le liv in g in the danger co a sta l z o n e to sa fe r p la c e s . ( 2 ) Post-tsunami disaster stage T he fo llo w in g ste p s s h o u ld b e taken after the tsunam i has stru ck a p a rticu la r lo c a lity o f a country : >■ rescu e and e v a c u a tio n o f stran ded alive p e o p le , > im m ed ia te r e l ie f w o rk , > r e c o v e r y , and »yy ‘.ll > rehabilitation (1 ) P r e - ts u n a m i D i s a s te r s ta g e : A s Sta earlier a tsu n am i is g e n e r a lly g e n e r a te d w h en the m agn itu d e o f u n d ersea (su b m a r in e ) earthquake is | or m ore on R ic h te r s c a le . S u ch undersea S q u ak es are c a lle d t s u n a m i g e n i c e a rth q u a k e s * ;Jj| t s u n a m is id en tification and preparation o f m aps o f a r e a s o f potential tsu n a m ig en ic earthquakes is the first step under tsun am i d isa ster reduction and m itigation p rogram m es. T he su b d u ction zo n es o f convergent p late boundaries*along the rim s o f the Pacific O cean are very high tsu n a m ig en ic p o ten ­ tial areas. T he w estern co a sta l zo n es o f N orth and South A m eric a s, and the eastern co a sta l rim s o f A sia and A u stralia are the d anger zo n es o f h igh est order and h en ce the p eo p le liv in g in th ese areas sh ould a lw a y s b e prepared to fa ce tsunam i tragedy. T h e su b d u ctio n z o n e o f In do-A ustralian p lates and B u rm ese p la te, part o f A sia plate, are a lso v u ln era b le to tsun am i ev en ts. T he occurrence o f D e c e m b e r 2 6 , 2 0 0 4 Sum atra tsunam i proved to be m o st d isa stro u s in the past h istory o f tsunam i e v e n ts as regards hum an ca su a lities and property lo ss. E x c e p t the stu d en ts o f earth sc ie n c e s and c iv il e n g in e e r in g and s e is m o lo g y , the general p u b lic , ad m in istrators, p o liticia n s etc. o f India w ere not e v e n acq u ain ted w ith tsunam i word. N o w e v e r y n ation h a v in g co a sts sh ould be in the sta te o f p rep ared n ess to fa ce the fury o f tsunam i. T h e (2 ) C o a s ta l z o n e r e g u la tio n (C R Z ) should be str ic tly e n fo r c e d in order to sa v e the hum ans from death traps o f tsun am i w a v e s. In India coastal R eg u la tio n Z o n e s w ere d eclared through g o v ern ­ m ent n o tific a tio n in 1991 w herein coastal and m arine e c o s y s te m s are under co n tin u ed threat. Such c o a s ta l z o n e natural e c o s y s te m s include co a sta l d u n e s, b e a c h e s, m a n g ro v e forests and coral r e e fs. T h e c o a s ts as per 1991 n o tific a tio n has been d iv id e d in to 4 z o n e as fo llo w s : > Zone I in c lu d e s m o st s e n s itiv e areas h avin g m a n g r o v e s and coral reefs. N o d e v e lo p ­ m en t is a llo w e d w ith in 5 0 0 m eters o f the h ig h tid e w a ter. It m a y b e m en tio n ed that coral r e e fs and m a n g r o v e s are natural lin es o f p r o te c tio n from tid al su rg es and tsunam i ___ w a v e s b e c a u s e th e se ab sorb a siz e a b le p o rtio n o f w a v e e n e r g y and p rotect the h u m an s from th e fury o f tid al su rg es and tsu n am i w a v e s . T h e s e are v a r io u sly ca lled su ch as n a t u r a l lin e o f d e fe n c e , n a t u r a l b u f f e r s , n a t u r a l b a r r i e r s etc. T h e fo llo w in g • th ree lo c a tio n s c o u ld su ffe r le a st d estru c­ tio n from D e c e m b e r 2 6 , 2 0 0 4 tsun am i o n s la u g h t b u ffers : b ecau se of ric h n a tu ra l :;; y t m a i - (a) Pichavaram in T am il N adu (b) M uthupet in T am il N adu (c) B hitarkhanika in O rissa P ichavaram and M u thupet in T am il N adu have d en se c o v e r o f M a n g ro v es w h ich w ere resp o n sib le for fe w e r hum an ca su a l­ ties and le ss p roperty lo s s during 2 0 0 4 tsunam i w a v e s. B h itark an ik a in O rissa has the seco n d largest m a n g ro v e c o v e r in India after Sunderbans m a n g ro v es o f W est B en ­ gal. T h is is w h y v illa g e s around B h itar­ kanika w ere lea st im p a cted b y 2 0 0 4 tsu ­ nam i. B esid es the a b o v e m en tio n ed Indian lo c a ­ tion s, the M a ld iv es c o m p rised o f 1 ,1 9 0 tiny islan d s risin g on an a v era g e ab ou t on e m eter a b o v e sea le v e l and h a v in g a lm o st flat terrain h a v e rich coral reefs w h ic h absorbed m o st o f the en erg y o f 2 0 0 4 tsunam i w a v e s and restricted hu m an ca u ­ sa lities to o n ly 85. > Z o n e II in clu d es the areas a b o v e 5 0 0 m distan ce lin e h a v in g to w n s and c itie s . Here, n ew co n stru ctio n s are p erm itted further landw ard from the alread y c o n ­ structed b u ild in g s. > Z o n e II I co m p rises u n d e v e lo p e d areas and tourists cen ters. P er m issio n to n e w c o n ­ structions and d ev elo p m en t plan s is granted on the b a sis o f r ev iew o f in d iv id u a l c a se s. > Z one IV includes A ndm ans and L akshadw eep w here a zo n e o f 5 0 0 m eters from the c o a st (h igh tid e w ater) is f u P y p ro tected and no con stru ctio n and n ew d e v e lo p m e n t plan is a llo w e d . It m ay be m en tio n ed that the rules for CRZ have b een rela x ed and d ilu ted sin c e 1991 through sev era l am en d m en ts in 1 9 9 4 , 1 9 9 7 , 2 0 0 0 , 2 0 0 1 , 2 0 0 2 and 2 0 0 3 (June) and thus the islan d and co a sta l e c o lo g y has b een s y ste m a tic a lly erod ed by the g o v ern m en t. For e x a m p le, the lim it o f n o ­ d ev elo p m en t z o n e in A n d m an s and N ico b a rs w as relaxed from 2 0 0 m to 5 0 m on June 2 4 ,2 0 0 3 . T he inhabitants o f A n d m an s p aid the p en alty o f this 254 OCEANOGRAPHY governm ent n egligen ce and deliberate action, on ecem er 2 6 ,2 0 0 4 when the killer tsunami waves sw a llo w ed thousands o f people o fth e islands and flattened m ost o f human structures. A s per report o f the US-based Earth nstitute once m angrove forests covered 75 per cen t o f w orld ’s coastlines o f tropical and sub­ tropical nations but now only 50 per cent is covered with m angroves. It is suggested that the Coastal Regulation Z one should be properly maintained to strengthen the c co lo g ica l security o f coastal areas. The fish in g com m unities should be shifted beyond 2 0 0 m eters, seaw alls should be constructed along the 2 0 0 m line and mangroves should be d evelop ed all along the seawalls. Coastal dunes and swam ps should not be reclaimed. New m angroves should be developed along tsunami vulernable coastlines, and existing mangroves should not be destroyed in the name o f the developm ent o f tourism industry and agriculture. ^ X W (3) T s u n a m i W a rn in g S ystem : The Pacific Tsunami Warming System (P T W S ) was set up in the year 1948 with total membership o f 26 countries around Pacific Ocean including Indone­ sia. The Tsunami Warning Centers (T W C ) have been located in Alaska, Hawaii (U SA ) and Japan. ' Several tsunami meters (6 along the US Pacific coastlin es, one near Chile and 14 o ff the Japanese coasts) have been installed along the Pacific coastlines. These tsunami meters detect, locate and determ ine the magnitude o f tsunamigenic undersea earthquakes and send the data to the Pacifi Tsunami Warning Centers (PTWC) located in A laska and Hawaii which transmit information to Pacific Tsunami Warning System member countries (26 in number) within 3 to 14 hours. The tsunami meter consists o f three major com ponents as fo llow s (fig. 9.5) : ( 1) Pressure recorder (or deep sea sensors), (2 ) Floating buoys, and (3) Satellite. The pressure recorders or deep sea sensors are placed at sea bottom (ocean floor) which m easure changes in water pressure as a tsunami passes overhead. The recorders send the data through acounstic signal to floating buoys (placed at sea level). The bouy measures wind speed, temperature and barometric air pressure. The data so derived are transmitterd to satellites which relay information to. tsunamis warning centers. These centers then issue warnings to member countries. It may be m entioned that the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center at Hawaii did know the genesis o f Sumatra tsunami on Decem ber 26, 2004 but could not transmit to Indian Ocean Countries except Indonesia due to lack o f the capability to receive tsunami advisories in these countries and to issue appropriate warnings. Hawaii PTWC did inform Indonesia and Australia which are members o f PTSW but they ignored the warnings and did not inform India about tsunami waves. ‘Had any o f the Indian Ocean nations been members o f the Tsunami Warning System , they would have got the advisory and India would have had atleast three hours before the tsunami actually struck its coast to order evacuation or signal people to move to safety’ (India Today, January, 2005) but tim ely warnings w ould have not saved Andmans and Nicobar Islands because ‘the reaction time offered by the system (warning system) would be o f the order o f 5-10 m inutes only. Practically it is as good as having received no warning’ (V.K. Porwal, Hindu, 2 005). But the east coasts o f India w ould have been saved. N ow , efforts are on to set up Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning and M itigation System (IO T W S ). Under this plan Australia, India, Indonesia, Iran, M alaysia, Pakistan, and Thailand w ould set up their National Tsunami W arning System (NTW S) which w ould detect tsunami in Indian Ocean and issue tim ely warnings o f tsunami occurrence. Other countries w ould set up capabality centers to receive tsunami advisories from the IOTWC and then issue warnings to the p eople o f coastal areas o f their own countries. The IOTWS m ay install U S-m ade DART (D eep -ocean A ssessm en t and Reporting o f Tsu­ nam is) w hich has tw o com ponents e.g. (i) sea level gauges, and (ii) deep sea pressure sensors. India is planning to create Tsunam i and Storm Surge W arning System (TSSWS) at an estimated cost o f Rs. 125 crores w hich w ould be operational ------------- Data are transmitted to a satellite that relays information to several warning centers — The buoy measures windspeed, temperature and barometric pressure Sea level Hydrophone Anchor chain 19.800 feet under sea level Recorder sends data via an acoustic signal to the buoy Signal flag Glass ball flotation A bottom pressure recorder on the ocean floor measures change in water pressure as a tsunam i passes overhead -----------------------------------P ressure recorder Not to scale SOURCE: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). Fig. 9.5: Tsunami warning system. Source : National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). by 2 0 0 7 . T h is sy stem requires placing o f 20-25 automated sea le v el g au ges along the east and w est coasts. B e sid e s, 10 to 12 D A R T -typ e deep sea pressure sen sors and sea lev el buoys w ould be deployed to track tsunam i and tidal surge w aves on the east and w est coasts. T he data from various sensors w ould autom atically co m e to w arning center at H yderabad w here the Indian N ation al Center for O cean Inform ation S erv ices (IN C O IS ), w ould handle the data. V isakhapatnam has also been su ggest as ideal lo ca tio n o f w arning center. W'■' J p s n M H •V jrp:*Xvv ■■ ^ .• • ' f . -r^. ■* ., OCEANOGRAPHY 256 (2) Post-tsunami Disaster stage : The post­ tsunami stage o f disaster m anagem ent includes three major steps, popularly known as ‘ three Rs’ after the tsunami has actually struck the coasts such as relief work, recovery and rehabilitation. On an average, there is spontantancous response for help i f any disaster strikes a nation. The response to a disaster cuts across the language, religion and politics. The im m ediate response to D ecem ber 26, 200 4 tsunam i devastation from several countries tells the truth o f human feelin gs o f helping the p eop le in distress. Though India was itse lf severely attacked by 2004 tsunami, yet it helped the countries w hich were worst affected by tsunam i fury like Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Thailand, M aldives etc. In fact, India stood tall as it initially did not accept foreign help rather urged foreign nations to help Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Tabie 9 .2 : M aldives etc. Just after tsunam i struck the eastern coasts o f India it started m a ssiv e r e lie f op eration under the co d e- nam ed r e lie f op era tio n as ‘O p e r a tio n Sea W a v e s ’ w herein 2 0 ,0 0 0 m en from arm ed forces, 40 ships o f Indian N a v y and C o a st Guard, 34 aircrafts and 4 4 h e lic o p te r s p ro v id ed the lo g istics o f the r e l i e f op era tio n s. W h ile r e lie f m ay n ot have been prom pt or e x a c tin g , th e fa ct is that by day 10 ( f r o m D ecem b er 2 6 , 2 0 0 4 ) o v e r 6 lakh p eop le w ere evacu ated , 6 0 5 r e lie f c a m p s set up to h ouse 579 506 p eo p le and 2 ,1 4 2 m e d ic a l team s are w orking round th e c lo c k to p rev en t any outbreak ep id em ic and d e a th ’ (In d ia T o d a y , January, 2 0 0 5 ). It w a s sa id to b e ‘th e b ig g e s t ev er peace tim e r e lie f o p era tio n . T a b le 9 .2 dp icts the con certed a ctio n o f In d ia to u n d erta k e r e lie f and restoration w o rk s : R eliefand rehabilitation package under R ajiv Gandhi R ehabilitation Program m e fo r tsunam ih it states o f India (Rs in crores). Tam il Nadu Kerala T otal A ndhra P a n d i- A ndm an Pradesh ch ery & N Ic o b a r 8 .1 2 2 6 .0 3 1 0 7 .3 5 3 9 1 .9 9 (1) R elief and response 2 3 3 .3 3 17.161 (2) Subsistence allow an ce 118.80 12.30 — 1.05 2 3 .0 4 1 5 5 .1 9 (3) Temporary shelters 9 0 .0 0 17.39 0.31 6 .0 4 9 9 .1 0 2 1 2 .8 4 (4) Permanent housing 6 5 0 .0 0 5 0 .0 0 2 .3 0 5 0 .0 0 (5) R e lie f equipm ent 54 .0 0 2 6 .0 0 12.60 (6) Infrastructure 161.15 44.01 3 2 .3 5 (8) A ssistan ce to fisherm en 1007.56 — 7 5 2 .3 0 1 .9 5 9 .7 5 1 0 4 .3 0 10.35 6 .6 1 3 0 5 .9 7 5 2 8 .0 9 3 .5 2 1.16 0 .8 0 2 6 1 .6 6 2 9 9 .4 9 7 8 .9 8 3 5 .1 6 6 3 .1 4 1 5 .0 1 1 1 9 9 .8 5 2 4 9 .3 6 7 0 .0 0 ~ T 5 5 j6 2 ~ 8 2 1 .8 8 3 6 4 4 .0 5 (7) A griculture & anim al husbandry Total 2 3 4 7 .1 9 Source : ‘T sunam i • A Pnnnrt tU a : ____ > Ministry ot Information and Broadcasting, Govt, o f India. II may be mentioned that there was no im pedim ent in e x e c u tin g r e li e f o p era tio n in timei dearth o f men and materials for evacuation and ne reh ab ilitation p rogram m e is lo n g -p e rio d task relief work rather bureaucratic set up and mode o f w ic i m ay take a c o u p le o f y ea rs. T h e rehabili& ^f “ o f rellef materials including food ion o 2 0 0 4 tsu n am i v ic tim s in India was* clothes, shelters (te n ts), m edicines etc. w as major nip ete e v en b y June 2 0 0 6 . T h e fis h in g coini . wm 257 t s u n a m is nities were th e w o rst sufferers as th ey lo st n ot o n ly their houses b u t th e y a ls o lo s t th e ir m ea n s o f livelihood su c h a s f is h in g n e ts and b o a ts. T h e restoration o f su c h f a c ilit ie s req u ir es h u g e m on etary fu n d . The recovery fro m m en tal ag o n y and fea r is a ls o a lo n g -te r m p r o c e s s . T he sea, o n c e a s o u r c e o f liv e lih o o d o f fish e r m e n , turned to th e m as d e m o n . T h is frig h te n e d the fis h e r m e n to v e n tu r e in to th e s e a fo r w e e k s and m o n th s from th e d rea d fu l tsu n a m i e v e n t on D e c e m b e r 2 6 , 2 0 0 4 . T h e lo s s o f k ith and k in s and tsun am i w a v e s b eca u se th ese absorb a s iz e a b le p o rtio n of w ave en ergy and p rotect the h u m ans from the fury o f tsunam i w a v e s. T h ey are a lso c a lle d n a t u r a l lin es o f d e fe n c e , n a t u r a l b u f f e r s , n a t u r a l b a r r i e r s etc. Seismic sea w aves : T h e tsu n a m i w a v e s in the ocean s cau sed by t s u n a m ig e n ic u n d ersea earthquakes are c a lle d s e is m ic sea w a v e s. Tidal surges : H igh en erg y w a v e s gen erated during a ls o u p se t m a n y s u r v iv o r s w h o rem a in e d m en ­ ta lly s tr e s s e d fo r s e v e r a l m o n th s. T h u s, r e c o v ­ high tide (sp rin g tid e) w ith en o rm o u s w a v e ery from m e n ta l s tr e s s c a u s e d b y any d isa ste r is an u p h ill ta sk . ca lled tidal su rges. h eigh t and in v a d in g the co a sta l areas are Tsunamigenic earthquakes : T he u n d ersea earth­ quakes e x c e e d in g the m a g n itu d e o f 7 .0 on 9.9 IMPORTANT DEFINITIONS R ichter sc a le , w h ich h a v e the ca p a b ility o f g en era tin g Distant tsu n am is : T he tsunam i w a v es generated in d eep ocea n and m o v in g outward are called d istan t tsu n am is. tsu n a m i w aves, are c a lle d tsu n a m ig en ic earthquakes. Tsunami missiles : T he flo a tin g d eb ris carried by Edge waves : T h e tsunam i w a v e s m o v in g back and tsunam i w a v e s are ca lle d tsunam i m is s ile s or floating missiles. forth and parallel to the co a sts are called Tsunami run-up : T he h eig h t o f w ater o f tsun am i ed g e w aves. Local ts u n am is : T h e tsu n a m is, after b ein g origin at­ w a v es a b o v e m ean sea le v e l in the near shore zo n e is ca lled tsunam i run-up. in g in d eep sea , tra v ellin g in the coastal Tsunami syndrome : The co m p lex set o f su ccessiv e areas are c a lle d lo ca l tsun am is. N atu ral buffers : C oral reefs and m an groves are natural lin e s o f p ro tectio n from tidal surges w aves in a tsunam i system or even t w ith the interval o f 2 0 -4 0 m inutes is called tsunam i syndrom e (nam ed by Savindra Singh in 20 0 6 ). CHAPTER 10 : S U R F A C E O C E A N C U R R EN TS meaning, concepts and types, 2 5 8 -2 9 3 258 ocean currents : characteristics and significance, origin and factors of ocean currents, circulation gyres, Ekman spirals and Ekman transport, geostrophic circulation, western intensification, surface currents of the oceans, surface currents of Atlantic Ocean, sargasso sea, surface currents of Pacific Ocean, El Nino current, effects of El Nino, surface currents of Indian Ocean, effects of surface ocean currents, 10 SURFACE OCEAN CURRENTS 10.1 MEANING, C O N C E P TS AND TYPES m asses in m o tio n ’(H. V . Thurman and A.P. Trujillo, 1999). The w ater m a sses involved in A s stated in chapter 8 , the atm osphere and the ocean s are c lo se ly linked. Both are character­ ized by constant m otions o f different types and nature. The interactions o f the atm osphere and the o cea n s are both, clim atically and econ om ica lly im portant as global hyd rological cy cle and su rface and subsurface ocean currents affect life on the land surface (continents) and in the oceans. T he surface ocean currents are the direct result o f the interactions o f the atm osphere with the ocean surface b ecau se m ost o f ocean currents are gen erated by w ind-drag. Thus, it is im perative to stud y d ifferen t asp ects o f surface and deep ocean currents in this and su cceed in g ( l l ) chapters. The general m ovem ent o f a m ass o f ocean w ater in a d efin ite direction is called ocean current, w h ich is m ore or less sim ilar to water stream s (rivers) draining on the land surface on the earth. In fact, ‘ocean currents are m asses o f o c ea n ic w ater that flo w from one place to another. T his m o vem en t can in v o lv e large or sm all m asses surface ocean currents m ay be warm or cold m asses g iv in g birth to tw o d ifferen t types o f ocean currents, nam ely w a r m and c o ld o c e a n cu rren ts. O cean currents are m ost p ow erfu l o f all types of dynam ics (m o tio n s) o f o cea n ic w ater, such as sea w aves, ocean tid es, and o cea n currents, because they drive o cea n ic w aters for thousands of kilom eters aw ay. It m ay be m entioned that in sea w aves w ater particles m o v e in orbital circle and hence w ater m ass d o es not m o v e forward, only the w ave form or w a v e en erg y m o v es forward but in ocean currents entire w ater m ass m oves forward. I f tidal w a v es are p erio d ica l phenom ena o f the o cea n s, as they occu r tw ic e a m onth, the ocean currents are all sea so n perennial ocean phenom­ ena. The o cea n currents are d ivid ed into two broad ca teg o ries on the b asis o f depth of seaw ater : • surface o cea n currents o f w ater. It can occu r at the surface or deep b elo w the surface ....... sim p ly put, currents are water • deep o cea n currents 259 SURFACE OCEAN CURRENTS is clearly dem onstrated b y c lo se parallelism ( 1) The s u rfa c e o c e a n c u r r e n ts , though involve only 1 0 per cent o f the total water m ass o f all betw een global w ind belts o f planetary w inds and die oceans but they cover the largest surface area the patterns o f surface ocean currents. It m ay be o f the oceans and affect m ost o f marine organism s m entioned that the pattern o f surface ocean in one w ay or the other. The surface ocean* currents fo llo w in g planetary w inds i.e. trade currents are originated due to friction o f prevail­ w inds, w esterlies, and polar w inds, is not sim ple ing w inds on the ocean surface. Thus, w e can say as stated above, rather this is com plicated one due that the surface ocean currents are the direct result to impacts o f distributional pattern o f continents o f atm osphereocean interactions. This is w hy and coriolis force resulting from the rotation o f surface ocean currents are also called w in d -d riv e n the earth. The resultant g y re s in the m id dle o f ocean c u r r e n ts . The atm osphere-ocean interactions surface ocean currents in different ocea n s, nam ely transfer on ly 2 percent o f w ind energy to the ocean ( 1 ) northern, and ( 2 ) southern subtropical g yres o f surface but even this sm all transferred wind the Atlantic Ocean (fig. 10.1); (3 ) northern, and energy enables the surface currents to transport 10 (4) southern subtropical gyres o f the P a cific percent volum e o f ocean water. T hese windOcean; and (5) subtropical gyre o f the Indian driven surface ocean currents transport, besides Ocean (fig. 10.1), denote the co m p lex ity o f the enormous water m ass, heat energy across the pattern o f surface ocean currents generated b y the latitudes i.e. from the tropical (lo w latitude) areas frictional force o f the wind. This asp ect w ill be to high latitude (polar) areas. The impact o f elaborated later in this chapter. atmospheric circulation on surface ocean currents —'rTW" ----1----------150° W , 90° W ^ 120° W *^ 60° W 90! E . < f : 120° E 60 30° W , .WWWWWNC^. Ife a tfd S L W NW NW VW WWWWWVNVJ' \ \ —• • • ;.• • •x : ^ A r c o c C ir c le a w w w w w w v / A w w w sw w JvSSSW W v/ ^W V W W W W W W V W W W W .W 1\ \ \ \ \ \ \ s \ nn\ \ \ nnnssn 'C '' H s \ nn VInn\ \ \ s < ; ■• a v w w s n s w n s w w V [\\S N \S V W ^ / A w v m v . M W W W W m / < v V v( i k x \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ v w \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ v w \ \ V\ \\S\ \\\\\N\ N\ \\V\ \ W \V A A li\\\\NN \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ V \\W ^w V w v w w w ^J V v y( \ \ \w\ \ Sw \ w \ VwNw\ \ w \ \ \w \ SwN wN w \ \ \w\ \ V - C: v OU ni:m T f W T f y •SjV’ wr V A A M J * k \\\\\S \\\\\\\\\\\W \\v J vwwvv ' \ > > ^ \.\S \s S s \\N \\s\S \\\\N s \ \\\ \\\\\S \\\\\\S \\\ \\\ \\'k \\\\\\s V \\\y \\\\\v \S\v \\S\\ \\\S \\\\S \\\\\\\\S \\V»\S \\\\V C l ^ N W S \ W \ N V \ \ V \ S \ \ \ \ \ \ V \ \ \ \ \ \ \ A « |y \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ S \ \ \ V fs \s \\\\s \v \s wwsOvCKv ^ w w w s s .w w s s iw s s ’ 'W SNtHtfOP6 >AW W VSNXW N^^^NW >>ywvwv - .VSVWWWWWWW W \ s v .\\\\\S \\\\S S \N \C \\\\\\\'.S \\\\\\\\\W \\\\\\\\\\\^ A ks \\\ \\\ v .SWWSWWWWWWWWWWWWWWXWWWWWWWWWSVWWWWWWWW • ww wvw ww wv "3Q°N ^ f ^ X c 7 ,\\v . \ VV'syvNWY ^W 0* E q u a t o r ^T*s. T r o p ic o f -C a p r ic o r n 30* S _______ - > ^ -Qy i W w w ^ N w w w w w w s v w w V Vn s w w ^ w w w ^sw w w w w w w w d W w w w V ------ 1--- - I I AWWV M illC aN N N V sV \VNNV quatonal \ ^vw^vvwwmNsvwswv ntercurr^nPi Aui^^wwwwwwwwvv Equa w v y jA x E q u a to r ia l C o u n te r c u iT e n t S. Equatorial Current JWWNWWWWVWWWWWVWWWWWWXSVV \w W w \y CVWWWNWWWWWWWVNWWWVWWV .W N W W X A W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W V X N ^ 6 North Atlantic Gyre N.Equatorial C I W\s\sv>W Africa w N.Equatorial Current ) ^------- ^ --------------_ _ _ _ _ ^ ________ y a g. » - ; s North Pacific Gyre ^ \ T r o p ic o f C a n c e r I*34 'fef N .P a c if ic rial seam * Equa --------|\\NV‘, - r — i f K\\\\\vs\\\\V»v> i\\\\\\\\\\> T v \> S.Equatorial C S K vw w w w w vr' Vy*V w m i 1 1 f w w w w v K S\\\\\S\\\\\^\\S\S\N SV kWWSWN'/XWW'i \\\\\SW S\^NSv{ X w w w sw w w sw © X \\\\\\\\\\V s\V W \\\\\\\\] (w w w w w v AVSWWWV South Pacific Gyre Xwww NWWWV Kwwvj ,W w w w w / * South Atlantic Gyre , K w vw w w y i ' Indian^ ANVW Q c e a n G y r ^ Iw w w KWNVC ^ ,\ \ \ \ V West Wind Drift drift! Antarctic Circumpolar Current Circum-Anfaijtic'gyre C" m n n m fw i\y m v AWAntarctica Antarctic Circumpolar Current Circum-Antarctic gyre c i (V W W W W W W W W N W W V W W W W W W W W W W V W S W V V /VNWWNWWWWWNWWW - _ A______ .\\\\\VVSX\W\\\\\NW\S\N\\SNN\ l< S\\N S \\i\S \S \\\\\\\V V \\S \\S\\\ nwnnvwwwwswwwwww ^WWWWVWWWWWWWWWWNS s \\V \\\\\\\\V \\\\\\\\\\\V \\\\S \ M niarccIC o Fig. 10.1: Surface ocean currents and gyres. ■V;\ o cea no graph y 260 Surface ocean currents arc also divided on the basis o f temperature o f water into the fo llo w in g 2 c a te g o r ie s : • w a rm o c e a n c u r r e n t s s u rfa c e o cean c u rre n ts • cold o ce an c u r r e n t s The w a rm s u r f a c e o c e a n c u r r e n t s generally fo llo w the directions o f planetary winds i.e. trade w inds and w esterlies and flow from low latitudes to m iddle and high latitudes and thus transport heat from tropical areas to polar areas. On the other hand, co ld s u rfa c e o c e a n currents flow in north-south and south-north directions in the northern and the southern hem ispheres respec­ tiv ely . Thus, cold currents bring cold water m ass to the tropical and subtropical regions and also help in the formation o f g y re s. Surface ocean currents are also divided on the basis o f volum e o f water mass, speed o f currents and their directions into the follow in g 3 categories : (i) Drifts : The surface ocean currents m oving forward under the influence o f prevailing w inds are called drift, for exam ple : North A tlantic Drift, which flow s from south-w est to north-east direction under the influence o f the w esterlies (north-w esterly w inds) in the northern A tlantic Ocean and W est Wind drift. (ii) C u r r e n ts ; surface ocean currents in­ v o lv e the m ovem ent o f ocean ic water in defin ite directions with greater velo city , for exam ple, north and south equatorial currents. (iii) S t r e a m s : Ocean streams in volve m o v e­ m ent o f enorm ous volum e o f ocean water say large m ass o f ocean water like big rivers o f the continent in a definite direction with greater v e lo city than the drifts and currents, e.g. G u lf Stream. (2) Deep o c e a n c u r r e n t * ; T he ocea n curr below the p y c n o c lin e l a y e r , w h ich is a zon e o f rapid density ch an ge in the depth z o n e o f 300m to 1 0 0 0 m, are ca lle d d eep o cea n currents or sim p ly deep currents w h ich arc generated b y density variations in o cea n w ater. S in ce the density o f ocean w ater is the fu n ction o f its temperature and sa lin ity , and h e n c e d eep currents are also called t h e r m o h a l i n e c u r r e n ts # D eep ocean currents in v o lv e about 9 0 p ercen t o f w ater o f the ocean s. D eep ocean currents are generated due to sinking or d o w n w e llin g o f d en ser seaw ater, and hence they m ay a lso be c a lle d d o w n w e llin g ocean c u rre n ts . 10.2 OCEAN CURRENTS : CHARACTERISTICS AND S IG N IF IC A N C E O cean currents h a v in g certain unique char­ acteristic features are o f great c lim a tic , b io lo g i­ cal, and eco n o m ic im p ortan ce. T h ou gh som e o f the characteristic features o f o cea n currents have been enum erated a b o v e but the fo llo w in g charac­ teristics may be m ore h ig h lig h te d : U nlike sea w a v e s, the entire w ater mass m oves forw ard in o cea n currents. It may be m entioned that w ater p a r tic le s do not move forward but m o v e in orbital c ir c le , and only w ave form or w a v e e n e rg y m o v e s forward in sea w a v e s g en era ted by w in d s. >■ O nly 2 to 4 p ercen t o f w in d energy is transferred to sea su rfa ce through friction. Thus, i f the p r e v a ilin g w in d is blow ing w ith the sp eed o f 6 0 k ilo m e ter s per hour then the sp eed o f w in d -d riv en surface currents w o u ld be o n ly 2 to 4 percent ot w ind en ergy i.e. 1 .2 to 2 . 4 km per hour. ^ The surface o cea n currents in v o lv e only 10 percent o f v o lu m e o f o c ea n w ater, whereas deep o cea n currents in v o lv e the largest volu m e i.e. 9 0 p ercen t o f the total v o lu m e o f ocea n w ater. ^ Su rface o cea n currents flo w ab ove and w ithin p y c lo n c lin e layer. In other words, the w ater m ass upto the depth o f o n ly 1 0 0 0 m eters (o n e k ilo m e ter ) is involved surface o cea n currents, w hereas deep SURFACE OCEAN CURRENTS currents flow between pycnocline layer and ocean bottoms. >■ Ocean currents move in definite directions as determined by a host o f factors such as prevailing winds, coriolis force, pressure gradient, density variations, convergence and divergence etc. >- The surface ocean currents and near­ surface prevailing winds are closely re­ lated as in most parts o f the oceans surface ocean currents follow global wind belts o f trade winds, westerlies and polar winds. The Antarctic Ocean is the only exception where surface ocean currents do not follow wind patterns. >• Major surface ocean currents form closed circular pattern o f water motion in the subtropical oceans except the Arctic and the Antarctic Oceans. These closed circu­ lar patterns o f currents flow s are called gyre. In the northern hemisphere, the gyre is bordered by westward flow ing ocean currents in the south, eastward flowing currents in the north, and north-south flow ing currents forming the eastern (par­ allel to western margins o f the continents), and the western (parallel to the eastern margins o f the continents) boundaries. Similar patterns have developed in the subtropical areas o f the oceans in the southern hemisphere (fig. 10.1). There are altogether 5 gyres in the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans. » - Antarctica is surrounded by a single ocean current, w hich is known as circum-polar ocean current. >- The surface ocean currents flow ing along the eastern margins o f the continent (the western margins o f ocean basins) are relatively narrow in width in the northern hem isphere but flow with great speed ranging from 40 to 1 2 0 kilom eters per hour, in volve water m ass upto the depth o f one kilom eter, and cover longest distances through different clim atic zones. Exam­ p les : the G u lf Stream and North Atlantic D rift, K uroshio in North Pacific Ocean etc. 261 >* The surface ocean currents in the northern hemisphere are deflected to the right o f prevailing winds and to the left in the southern hemisphere due to Coriolis force caused by the rotation o f the earth. >* The surface and deep ocean currents are separated by pycnocline layer lying be­ tween 3 0 0 -1000m water depth. > “ Deep ocean currents follow north-south (northern hemisphere) and south-north (southern hemisphere) directions and un­ like surface currents cross over the equa­ tor. >• Deep ocean currents are sluggish in com ­ parison to surface ocean currents. >- Deep ocean currents are generated by sinking (downwelling) o f cold denser water mass. Thus, deep ocean currents are cold currents and m ove towards the equa­ tor on ocean floors. >■ There is easy m ixing o f water m asses o f different basins o f the Atlantic Ocean separated by submarine ridges through fractures (transform faults) in these ridges. But the cold deep ocean currents o f the Arctic Ocean is unable to enter the Atlantic Ocean because they are stopped by eastw est stretching Arctic Ocean ridge. >- The cold water mass o f deep ocean currents reappear on the ocean surface due to upw elling o f water mass in the eastern margins o f the oceans along the w estern margins o f the continents. Such upw elling o f cold water mass from greater depth brings nutrients on the ocean surface w hich are beneficial to marine organism s. The ocean currents are o f great importance to the human beings as w ell as marine organism s. B esides, ocean currents affect and m odify local and regional weather and clim atic conditions. The follow ing are the significan ce o f surface and deep ocean currents : • Ocean currents are considered as thermal regulators of the oceans because they transfer heat from the equator towards the poles. O cean currents n ot o n ly h elp in m ain tain ing the heat b alan ce o f the o c e a n s but they a lso h elp in m a in ta in in g the g lo b a l heat b alan ce o f t h e ea rth ’s su rface through heat ex c h a n g e s b e tw e e n the lo w latitu d es o f surplus heat en erg y areas, and the h igh latitud es o f d e fic it heat en erg y areas. It m ay be m en tio n ed that the m ajor g lo b a l w ind b elts transfer ab out 7 0 p ercen t o f total heat en erg y from the tro p ics to the p o le s , w h ile the rem a in in g 3 0 p ercen t o f the total heat en erg y is transferred b y o cea n cu r­ p eratu re an d d e n s e f o g s w h ic h b ecom e I h a za rd s to s h ip s a n d v e s s e ls . F or exam p le, ; th e c o n v e r g e n c e o f w a rm G u lf Stream and c o ld L ab rad or cu rre n ts p r o d u c e s d en se f0g o f f th e c o a s t s o f N e w F o u n d la n d . Sim ila rly , th e m e e t in g o f w a rm Kuroshio cu rren t an d c o ld K u r ile cu rren t o f f the c o a s ts o f Japan p r o d u c e s d e n s e fo g s. • m a sses S u rface o cea n currents are d riven by so la r radiant en erg y and fo llo w g lo b a l w in d r e g io n s b rin g oxygen o c e a n flo o r s . • T h e r isin g or u p w e llin g w a te r m asses from d eep o c e a n b a s in s b r in g n u tr ie n ts to ocean su rfa ce. T h e s e n u tr ie n ts are c o n su m e d by b oth p h y to p la n k to n s an d zoop lan tk an s. T h is is th e r e a so n th at th e ea stern tropical P a c ific O c ea n o f f th e c o a s t o f Peru and E q u ad or o f S o u th A m e r ic a is rich fishing area. D u r in g w e a k El N in o e v e n t, there is c o n tin u o u s u p w e llin g o f c o ld w a te r o f f the c o a s ts o f Peru and E q u a to r. R ic h nutrients S u rface o cea n currents a ffe c t and c o n d i­ tion the w eath er and clim a te o f the co n tin en ta l and islan d lo c a tio n s w h ich are c lo s e to a d efin ite o cea n current. C old cu rrents, w h ich flo w equatorw ard a lo n g the eastern p o rtio n s o f the o cea n s and w estern m a rg in s o f the co n tin en ts, m ake the w ea th er c o n d itio n s dry, w h e rea s the polew'ard flo w in g o cea n currents a lo n g the eastern s id e s o f the c o n tin e n ts and in the w estern parts o f o c e a n s bring m o ist w eath er are b ro u g h t u p w e llin g on c o ld th e ocean w a te r s . su rfa ce by P la n k to n s , both p h y to and z o o p la n k t o n s , th r iv e on these n u trien ts, w h ile f is h e s th r iv e o n planktons. D u r in g s tr o n g El N in o e v e n t w a rm tropical w a ter reaches E q u a d o r, w ith th e c o a sts o f Peru and th e r e s u lt u p w e llin g o f w a te r s to p s an d th u s th e s u p p ly o f nutrients from b elow ' a ls o s to p s . T h is situation resu lts in m a s s d e a th s o f f is h e s , m ainly p r e c io u s a n c h o v y , d u e to sta rv a tio n be­ c o n d itio n s. F ore e x a m p le s, the G u lf Stream and its e x te n d e d branch, the N orth A tla n tic D rift m ak es m od erate w ea th er o f the c a u s e p la n k to n s d o n o t th r iv e . O n the other la n d , d u rin g th is p h a s e o f str o n g Ei N ino co a sta l reg io n s o f w e st and n o rth -w estern E urope. It is, thus, ev id e n t that the w arm T h e c o n v e r g e n c e o f co ld and warm su rfa ce — —n currents p ro d u ces in v er sio n o f tem ­ p o la r sp rea d s la te r a lly o n o c e a n b o tto m s and th u s m a k e m a r in e lif e p o s s i b l e on the deep belts. o c e a n currents in crea se the tem p eratu re o f v isite d co a sta l areas w h ile o ff-s h o r e c o o l o cea n currents lo w er d ow n the tem p eratu re o f coastal areas. in d o w n w a r d . T h is d o w n w a r d transport of o x y g e n w ith s in k in g c o ld w a ter mass rents. S in c e the actual flo w patterns o f o cea n currents vary at any g iv e n lo c a tio n due to va ria tio n s in day to day w ea th er c o n d i­ tio n s, and h en ce the nature o f current flo w m ay h elp in m o n ito rin g the w ea th er c o n d i­ tion s o f a d efin ite lo c a tio n , th ou gh gen eral pattern o f w in d -g en era ted su rfa ce o cea n currents is d eterm in ed by the in teraction o f w in d drag on o cea n su rfa ce, c o r io lis fo rce, and pressure grad ien ts. O c ea n cu rre n ts are o f v ita l s ig n ific a n c e to b e n th ic m a rin e o r g a n is m s b e c a u se the s in k in g or d o w n w e llin g o f c o ld water e v e n t th e P e r u v ia n c o a s t s r e c e iv e 6 tim es m o re rain th an n o r m a l rain. • In th e e v e n t o f s tr o n g El N in o , th ere is weak La N in a p h e n o m e n o n in th e w estern M tro p ica l P a c if ic O c e a n . T h u s, m o n so o n is w e a k e n e d in S o u th an d S o u th -E a s t A sia . j O n th e o th e r h a n d , w h e n E l N in o is either ;Cg w e e k or is n o t p r e s e n t in th e e a s t e ^ | | | SURFACE O C E A N C U R R E N T S 263 tropical P a c ific O cean, La N in a b ecom es strong in the w estern tropical P acific and h ence m o n so o n b eco m es strong and v ig o r­ ous. nutrients is stopped. This causes econom ic recession in Peru affecting large human population in one w ay or the other. • In ancient tim es, w hen power-propelled v e sse ls and ships w ere not invented, the ocean currents helped the sailors from Europe and A frica to reach A m ericas, w hich w ere not explored before. Surface ocean currents also helped sea trades in ancient period. It m ay be m entioned that it w as Benjamin Franklin w ho w as the first to notice the influence o f the G u lf Stream on postal m ail routes betw een A .D . 1753 and 1774. The sailors w h ile undertaking more northerly route to reach North A m erica took more tim e than those w ho undertook southerly route. He realized that it w as the resistance o f the G u lf Stream w h ich w as respon sib le for longer tim e because w hen the ships w ere sailin g against the currents, they w ere som etim es pushed backwards. After studying the reports o f sailors Benjamin Frankline fin a lly opined that the strong eastward flow in g strong currents obstructed the sm ooth sailin g o f A m erica-bound ships and thus w ere respon sib le for increasing the tim e o f voyages. • The c o n v e rg e n c e o f w arm and co ld cur­ rents on the eastern sid es o f the continents a llo w m ix in g o f w aters o f constrasting tem peratures and nutrients. T hus, m ixing o f w arm and c o ld o cea n currents bring rich nutrients w h ic h support m arine organism s and thus m ak es rich m arine e co sy stem h a v in g h ig h p op u lation o f fish es and rich fish in g ground s. For exam p le, the Grand B an k s o f f N e w F oundland, is a rich fish in g ground b e c a u se o f m eetin g o f warm G u lf Stream and c o ld Labrador currents. S im i­ larly, sea around Iceland (due to con ver­ g e n c e o f w arm N orth A tlan tic D rift and c o ld E ast G reenland currents), seas north o f Japan (due to m eetin g o f warm K uroshio and c o ld K urile currents) etc. have becom e rich fish in g grounds due to m eeting o f w arm and co ld ocean currents. • S u rfa ce ocea n currents distribute and d is p e r se m arine organism s m ainly algae w h ic h is grazed b y several m arine organ­ is m s in the su rface w aters o f the oceans. • B e s id e s m arin e organ ism s, surface ocean currents and u p w e llin g o f cold w ater from b e lo w a lso a ffe c t hum an life on the c o n c e r n e d c o a sta l r eg io n s o f the continents and isla n d s b e c a u se w eather and clim ate are la r g e ly m o d ifie d b y ocean currents. I f E l N in o b e c o m e s strong o f f the w e st coasts o f S ou th A m e rica , it b e c o m e s injurious to m arin e lif e and fish erm en but b eco m es b e n e fic ia l to farm ers liv in g in the dry w e ste r n parts o f E quador and Peru because there is 6 tim es m ore rainfall than the norm al rain. T h is situ a tio n h elp s the farmer to h a v e rich h arvest o f crop s. B ut sin c e the e c o n o m y o f Peru d ep en d s on fish in g , m a in ly fish in g o f a n c h o v y , w h ich has high v a lu e in th e in tern ation al m arkets, the strong E l N in o e v en t resu lts in m ass death o f fis h e s as th e u p w e llin g o f w ater w ith rich 10.3 ORIGIN AND FACTORS OF OCEAN CUR­ RENTS The currents in the oceans are originated due to com bined effects o f several factors acting internally as w ell as externally. The factors, in fact, controlling the origin and other characteris­ tics o f ocean currents, are related to different characteristics o f ocean waters in terms o f their thermal conditions, salinity and density, rota­ tional m echanism o f the earth and resultant co rio lis force (d eflectiv e force), external factors o f the atm osphere, topographic characteristics o f the coasts, ocean basins and ocean bottom s. The factors and causes o f ocean currents, w hich are respon sib le for the g en esis o f ocean currents, ‘d eflectio n o f their directions, and m odifications o f ocean currents, can be cla ssified as fo llo w s ; (XKANOftftAPHy 264 (A ) Factors of the Origin of Ocean Currents 1. Planotary Wind* and Wind Drag 1. Factors related to atmospheric circulation ( 1) air pressure ( 2 ) planetary winds (i) wind drag (ii) frictional force 2. Factors related to the rotation of the earth ( 1 ) pooling o f water mass (2 ) coriolis deflection (i) ocean gyres (ii) Ekman spirals and Ekman transport (iii) geostrophic circulation (iv) western boundary intensifi­ cation 3. F a c to rs re la te d to atm o sp h eric m oisture ( 1 ) evaporation (2 ) precipitation (rainfall and meltwater) 4 . F a c to rs re la te d to ocean w ater ( 1 ) pressure gradient (2 ) temperature variations (3) salinity variations (B ) F a c to rs o f th e M o d ificatio n s o f O cean C u rre n ts ( 1 ) direction (orientation) and shape of coastlines ( 2 ) bottom reliefs o f ocean basins (3) season variation (4 ) rotation o f the earth (coriolis deflec­ tion) It may be mentioned that the factors o f ocean currents are so interrelated that it is not wise to isolate them. The coriolis deflection as the product o f the rotation o f earth is, in fact, not the factor o f the origin o f ocean currents rather it deflects the direction o f wind-generated currents. Ocean gyres and Ekman spirals and transport are the outcome o f deflection o f ocean currents. The geostrophic circulation and geostrophic currents, a n d the w e s te rn boundary intensification are not f a c to r s o f th e o rig in o f o c e a n currents in th e m s e lv e s , ra th e r th e y a re s p e c ia l ty p e s o f surface flo w o f o c e a n w a te r , g e n e r a te d by a set o f factors. The atm ospheric circulation at th e interface o f the lower atmosphere and th e ocean surface is the m ost dominant factor o f the generation of surface occan currents. The w inds blow ing on th e surface o f occan water collid e with the water m olecules o f the seawater and drag the m olecules. Thus, the collision o f air m olecules with the m olcculcs o f ocean water produces friction through which a portion o f wind energy, about 2 to 4 percent, is transferred to the water molecules. This process o f transfer o f wind energy to water m olecule is called fric tio n a l d ra g , which sets the ocean water in m otion. This motion o f ocean water caused by frictional drag or sim ply wiod d ra g makes the surface o f ocean water undulating which ultimately results in the formation o f swells which slow ly m ove forward follow ing wind direction. It should be remembered that not all the wind energy is transferred to ocean surface. Only 2 to 4 percent o f the total wind energy or wind speed is transferred to the m olecules o f ocean water which sets the surface water in m otion, i.e. sea surface water m oves forward as ocean currents. It is, thus, evident that prevailing winds (winds blow ing in the same direction throughout the year, such as trade w inds, w esterlies etc.) not only generate surface ocean currents but also determines the speed o f flow o f surface currents. For exam ple, if the wind is b low ing at the speed of 40 kilom eters per hour, the speed o f current flow would be l .2 to l .6 kilom eter per hour. The patterns o f surface ocean currents (fig. 10.1) follow the global wind belts o f planetary winds (fig. 7.4, chapter 7), nam ely trade winds (N.E. and S.E trades), w esterlies (S.W . westerlies and N.W . w esterlies) and polar w inds (N.E. and S.E. polar w inds). It may be remembered that the coriolis deflective force generated by the rotation of earth deflects the wind direction to the right in the northern hem isphere and to the left in the southern hem isphere (fig. 7.9, chapter 7). This also applies to the directions o f surface currents which are deflected to the right in the northern hemisphere and to the left in the southern hemisphere. The surface currents are also deflected by the conti­ nents. Thus, the w esterlies generate eastward and north-eastward flow in g surface currents while the SURFACE OCEAN CURRENTS trade winds produce westward flowing currents. T he deflective force forms loops o f surface cu rren ts in the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian O cean s, which are knows as circu latio n gyres (fig 10.1). This aspect is being discussed in the following heading (coriolis deflection and gyres). It is apparent from the above discussion that prevailing or planetary winds {e.g. trades, wester­ lies and polar winds) play major roles in the origin o f ocean currents. The wind blowing on the water surface also moves water in its direction due to its friction with the water. Most ofthe ocean currents o f the world follow the direction o f prevailing winds. For example, equatorial currents flow westward under the influence o f N.E. and S.E. trade winds. The G ulf Stream in the Atlantic and the Kuroshio in the Pacific move in north-eastern direction under the influence o f the westerlies. There is seasonal change in the direction of currents in the Indian Ocean twice a year (after every 6 months) due to seasonal change in the direction o f monsoon winds. It has been commonly agreed by the majority o f the scientists that friction caused by the wind sets the sea water in motion. Karl Zoppritz mathematically demonstrated in 1878 that a steady blowing wind through its friction with sea water can drag water in its direction. He further demonstrated that there is definite rela­ tionship between the direction o f winds and ocean currents. According to Karl Zoppritz the currents generated by wind force move the whole water mass from sea surface to the bottom in wind direction. Findlay has objected to this observation o f Karl Zoppritz and has maintained that wind force is active only upto the depth o f 30 to 36 feet and thus only the upper water layer moves as currents in the wind direction. Since the density increases downward with increasing depth, the wind becomes ineffective in dragging sea water at greater depths. A ccording to H.U. Sverdrup there is definite relationship between winds and veloc­ ity o f currents. A ccording to him the friction and the stress o f the wind causing ocean currents is proportional to the square o f the wind velocity. The velocity o f ocean currents is 1.5 percent o f wind velocity. For exam ple, if the wind blow s at the velocity o f 50 km per hour, the velocity o f the 265 resultant current would be 0.75 km per hour. As stated earlier in this section, it is commonly agreed that the velocity o f surface ocean currents is 3 to 4 percent o f wind velocity. 2. Rotation of the Earth and Coriolis Deflection The rotation o f the earth on its axis from west to east results in the genesis o f deflective fo rce or coriolis force which deflects the general direc­ tions o f prevailing winds and ocean currents because surface ocean currents are the result o f frictional force caused by wind drag on ocean surface. The coriolis force, named after famous scientist G.G. Coriolis is not in itself a force rather is an effect o f the rotational movement ofthe earth and hence it is also called coriolis effect. The characteristic features o f coriolis effect may be summarized as follows : >- Coriolis force becomes effective on any object which is in motion such as wind, seawater, flying birds, aircrafts etc. >- Coriolis force affects (deflects) the direc­ tion o f winds and ocean currents and not their speed as it deflects the wind and ocean currents (and other moving objects) from their expected paths. >■ The magnitude o f coriolis force and d eflec­ tion is determined by wind speed. The higher the wind speed, the greater is the deflection o f wind and ocean currents due to resultant greater deflective force. >■ Coriolis force becomes maximum at the poles due to minimum rotational speed o f the earth while it becom es zero at the equator. It always acts at right angle to the horizontally moving air, ocean currents and other moving objects. The net effect is that the horizontal winds and surface ocean currents are deflected to right in the northern hemisphere and to the left in the southern hemisphere. >- The magnitude o f deflection is directly proportional to (i) the sine o f the latitude (sine 0° = 0, sine 90° = 1), (ii) the mass o f m oving body, and (iii) horizontal velocity o f wind and ocean currents. 266 OCEANOGRAPHY i he net result o f the rotation o f the earth is the g e n e sis o f co rio lis d eflectiv e force which u ltim ately d e ile c ts the directions o f surface ocean currents. For exam p le, currents flow in g from equator tow ards the north pole or from north pole tow ards the equator are deflected to their right in the northern hem isphere w hile the currents flo w in g north-south and south-north in the south­ ern h em isphere are d eflected towards their left. The rotational force o f the earth causes m ovem ent o f ocean w ater near the equator in opposite d irection to ‘the w est to east rotation’ o f the earth and thus e q u a to r ia l c u r r e n ts are generated. These equatorial currents flo w from east to w est. Som e ocean w ater m o v es in the direction o f the rotation ot the earth i.e. from w est to east and thus c o u n te r e q u a to r ia l c u r r e n ts are generated. The w esterly w in d s, w hich are the outcom e ofp ressure gradient and co rio lis d eflection , cause north-eastward flo w o f ocean water in the northern hem isphere such as the G u lf Stream and North-East A tlantic Drift in the A tlantic O cean and K uroshio ocean current in the P acific Ocean. R e s u lta n ts o f W in d D ra g an d C o rio lis D eflection The wind-drag, pressure gradient and coriolis d eflection generate so m e unique typ es o f flo w s o f ocean w ater and ocean circulation w hich need explanations as fo llo w s : (1) C irculation gyre (2) Ekman transport (3) W estern boundary in ten sification (1) Circulation Gyres In sim ple terms ocean circulation gyres are closed system s o f surface ocean currents with extensive area o f ocean in the centre surround by ocean currents from all sides. D ue to higher water level the central part o f the circulation gyre is dom e-shaped having steep pressure gradient to the w est and gentle gradient to the east (fig. 10.3). It may be m entioned that in oceanography the pressure gradient o f sea surface m eans horizontal variations in the heights o f the surface o f ocean water. W herever ocean water is p illed up due to convergence o f surface water flow , it is called w a te r m o u n d or w a te r h ill w hich is character- ized by steep pressure gradient. The height of ocean water mound is about 1 meter. On the other hand, the areas o f divergence o f ocean water flows are called ocean w a te r valleys. The difference of height between the top o f the ocean water hill’ and the bottom o f the ‘ocean water v a lley ’ seldom exceeds one meter. The circulation gyres have developed in subtropical zones o f the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans in both the hemispheres (fig. 10.1) and have been formed and bordered by four surface ocean currents, namely westward flow ing equato­ rial c u rre n ts , w est b o u n d a ry c u r re n ts , eastward flow­ ing currents driven by the westerlies, and east boundary currents. The equatorial currents are driven by trade winds in both the hemispheres and are almost parallel to the equator. The west b o u n d a ry c u rre n ts flow along the western boundary o f the respective ocean basins (the western boundary o f the ocean basins is along the eastern margin o f the continents) like the G u lf Stream and Brazil currents. The w est boundary currents carrying warm water o f the equatorial regions are formed by the deflection caused by continental barriers and coriolis effect. The eastward flowing currents m ove forward under the influence o f the w esterlies blow ing from south-w est to north-east direction in the northern hem isphere, and from north-west to south-east direction in the southern hemisphere. The alm ost easterly direction o f the westerlies is because o f coriolis d eflective force and hence the eastward flow in g currents are also influenced by coriolis deflection. The fourth currents bordering the circulation gyre are east b o u n d a r y c u r r e n ts , w hich flo w along the eastern boundaries o f respective ocean basins. The east boundary currents are cold currents because they com e from the cold high latitude areas w hile west boundary currents are warm surface ocean currents as they com e from the warm tropical oceans. Thus, the typ ical circular pattern o f flow s o f ocean w ater o f equatorial w arm ocea n s through w estw ard flo w in g warm equatorial currents to w est boundary currents —►to eastw ard travelling currents under the in flu en ce o f w esterlies and c o rio lis d e fle c tiv e force and back —►to equatorial ocean s through c o ld east boundary currents (fig1 0 . 1) is ca lled ocean circulation gyre or simply gyre. In all, there are 5 circu la tio n g y res, 2 each in SURFACE O CEA N CU RREN TS the Atlantic, P acific and one in Indian Oceans. There are also tw o less developed additional gyres, nam ely subpolar gyre (marked by 6 in fig. 10.1) and circum -A ntarctic Ocean gyres. A tlan tic O c e a n ( 1 ) N o rth A tlantic s u b tro p ic a l gyre form ed by north equatorial current, w est boundary current o f G u lf Stream, north A tlantic current and Canary cold current (east boundary current). ( 2 ) S o u th A tlan tic s u b tro p ic a l gyre form ed by south equatorial warm current, B razil warm current (w est boundary cur­ rent), w est w ind drift, and B enguela cold current (east boundary current). Pacific O c e a n ( 3 ) N o r th Pacific su b tro p ica l gyre surrounded by north equatorial warm current, Kuroshio warm current (west boundary current), north Pacific warm current, and California cool current (east boundary current). ( 4 ) S o u th Pacific su b tro p ica l gyre sourrounded by warm south equatorial current, east Australia warm current (w est boundary current), w est wind drift, and cold Peru current (east boundary current). Indian O c e a n ( 5 ) I n d ia n O cean su b tro p ic a l gyre surrounded by south equatorial warm current, Agulhas warm current (west boundary current), w est w ind drift, and w est Austral­ ian cold current (east boundary current). The centre o f all the aforesaid gyres is characterized by o c e a n w a te r m o u n d s (h ills) w hich are higher by about one meter than the peripheral areas o f the gyres. Thus, pressure gradient is oriented from the center o f the gyre towards its periphery. This causes m ovem ent o f ocean water from the central water m ounds towards the peripheral w a te r v a lle y . Such flow o f water is very much com plicated due to coriolis deflection. This aspect w ill be discussed in subsequent headings. It may be m entioned that the centers o f these gyres, say central water m ounds, coin cid e with 30° latitude in both the hem ispheres. A s m entioned above the subtropical gyres, which is in fact Marge circular-m oving loop o f w ater’ rotates in clo ck w ise direction in the northern hem isphere and in anti-clockw ise direc­ tion in the southern hem isphere. S u b p o la r c irc u la tio n g y re s are produced due to the com bined effects o f polar easterlies and coriolis deflection. The true subpolar gyre has developed only in the Northern A tlantic Ocean (fig. 10.1) betw een eastern Greenland and north­ w est Europe. This gyre is surrounded by East Greenland current and N orw egian current but all the currents are cold currents. The subpolar gyres are poorly developed in the P acific and Indian Oceans. The circum -Antarctic subpolar gyre is the most extensive as it passes through the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian O ceans (fig. 10.1). (2) Ekman Spiral and Ekman Transport V. W alfrid Ekman, a Scandinavian p h y si­ cist, developed a m athematical m odel o f d e fe c ­ tion o f surface ocean currents relative to w ind direction caused by c o rio lis d e fle c tio n , in the year 1902. Later on this m odel o f deflection o f surface ocean currents was named E k m a n s p ir a l and the transport o f ocean water as E k m a n t r a n s p o r t in the honour o f Ekman. The theoretical m od el d em o n ­ strates the deflection o f surface ocean currents from the direction o f currents-generating w ind s. According to Ekman the surface w'ater o f the ocean, w hen set in m otion by the w ind, is deflected to the right o f the direction o f the current-generating w ind at alm ost 45° angle in the northern hem isphere, and to the left o f the w ind direction in the southern hem isphere. The m odel further states that the speed o f each su ccessiv e low er layer o f ocean water decreases in response to the downward decrease o f frictional force o f current-generating w ind. The frictional force o f the w ind becom es alm ost zero at the depth o f 1 0 0 to 2 0 0 m eters and hence the subsurface m ovem ent o f ocean water stops. Let us explain this m odel w ith the help o f figure 10.2. The w ind sets the surface water o fth e ocean in m otion through its friction w ith the surface o f oceans caused by w ind-drag. The resultant m ovem ent o f surface water o f the ocean 268 does not fo llo w the direction o f wind but is d eflected to the right o f the wind direction at the angle o f 45° (fig. 10.2 A) in the northern hem isphere and to the left in the southern hem isphere. The frictional force o f current generating wind is slightly slow ed down in the subsequent low er layers o f ocean water (B in fig. 1 0 . 2 ) and hence the speed o f the lower layer lying below the surface layer A is also slow ed down. The direction o f the flow o f water in B layer is deflected to the right o f the direction o f the m ovem ent o f water in the layer lying above (A). This process continues till the current generating force o f the wind becom es either zero or negligible. In other words, layer o f ocean water upto the depth meters m oves forward with less speed than upper layer and is deflected to its right (in the northern hemisphere in relation to the direction o f m ovem ent o f water in the layer lyin g above it with increasing depth o f water and are deflected to the left in the southern hem isphere. Figure 10.2 show s that A is deflected to the right o f wind direction, B is deflected to the right o f A, C is deflected to the right o f B and so on in the northern hemisphere. A ll these result in the formation o f s p ira lin g c u r r e n t w hich is called E k m a n s p ira l. Direction of wind 4 5 * Net w a te r tra n s p o rt (bulk of w a te r) Direction of Surface current Net water transport + / Ekman 90° transport Fig. 10.2 : Ekman spiral and Ekman transport in the northern hemisphere. A, B, C, D etc. denote successive l o w e r layer m water depth zone o f100-200 meters. The lengths of arrow denoting direction ofwaterflcnv. (A, B, C, D...........® are in proportion to decreasing speed ofwaterflow with increasing depth. H denotes opposite direction to current generating wind direction (CGD). Source : P. R .Pinet, 2000. It is thus evident from above d iscussion and figure 1 0 . 2 that each su ccessiv e low er water layer p asses the w ind energy downward but this energy d ecreases downward. C onsequently, velo city o f w ater flo w o f each su ccessiv e low er layer also decreases dow nward. Each low er layer’s dtree~ tion o f water flo w is d eflected to the right o f the flo w direction o f the w ater layer ly in g ju st above it in the northern hem isphere w h ile the f t o * direction is d eflected to the left in the soothe*51 g j SURFACE OCEAN CU RREN TS hem isphere. This p ro cess o f d e fle c tio n s o f flo w direction o f each s u c c e s s iv e w a ter layer co n tin u es upto a certain depth w h ere the flo w d irection becom es o p p o site to the d irectio n o f current generating w in d (fig . 1 0 .2 ). T hus , ‘the Ekman spiral d escrib es the sp eed and d irectio n o f flo w o f surface w aters at v a rio u s d e p th s’ (Thurm an and Trujillo, 19 9 9 ). It m ay b e m en tio n ed that the w ater o f individual la y ers m o v e s in d ifferen t d irectio n s but the o v era ll d ire ctio n o f the bulk o f w ater m ass o f all the la y ers o f su rfa ce current is a lm o st 9 0° to the right o f the cu rren t-g en era tin g w in d in the northern h em isp h ere. T h is is ca lled net tr a n s p o r t (bulk transport) o f all the la y ers, w h ich m o v es at the a n g le o f 9 0 ° to the right o f current-generating w in d d ire ctio n in the northern h em isp h ere and to the le ft in the sou thern h em isp h ere. T his net or b u lk transport o f w ater o f all the layers is called E k m an tra n sp o rt. It m ay b e m en tio n ed that in real sen se, as r e v e a le d b y ex p erim en ts in the ocean s, surface currents are d e fle c te d at the an gle less than 45°, and E km an transport takes p la ce at the angle o f less than 9 0 °, w ith resp ect to current generating w in d d ir e c tio n . U su a lly , the an gle o f Ekman transport is ab ou t 70° from the direction o f cu rren t-gen eratin g w in d . (3) Geostrophic Circulation G e o str o p h ic currents are secon d ary surface currents w ith in su b tro p ica l circu la tio n gyres and are the c o m b in e d e f f e c t s o f c o r io lis d eflec tio n , Ekman tran sport and g ra v ity or pressure gradient. As stated a b o v e th e p r e v a ilin g w in d s and co rio lis d eflection c a u s e a lm o st circu lar m o v em en t o f surface o c e a n cu rren ts in su b trop ical reg io n s o f the o cea n s. T h is la rg e circu la r lo o p o f m o v in g water is c a lle d c ir c u la tio n gy re (fig . 1 0 . 1 ) w h ich has d ev elo p e d in all th e o c e a n s (alread y ela b o ­ rated). T h is g y re is ch a ra cterized by c lo c k -w is e circulation o f w ater (g e o str o p h ic currents) in the northern h em isp h ere and a n ti-c lo c k w ise in the southern h em isp h ere. It m ay b e m en tio n ed that Ekman transport m o v e s the w ater to the right ol trade w in d s (n orthw ard in the northern h em i­ sphere and sou th w ard in the southern hem isp h ere, at 9 0° a n g le) and the w e ste r ly w in d s (southw ard or equatorw ard in the northern h em isp h ere, and northward or equatorw ard in the southern h em i­ sphere at 9 0 ° a n g le). T h is w ater circu lation in o p p o site d irectio n s w ith in the circu lation gyre results in the c o n v e r g e n c e o f w ater m ass w hich cau ses p ilin g o f w ater m a ss in the cen ter o f gyre. T his his ca lled w a te r m o u n d or w a te r hill (fig 10.3). T he w ater m o v es d o w n the s lo p e o f w ater m ound under the force o f g ra v ity fo llo w in g the d irection o f pressure gradient (sh o w n b y PG in fig. 10.3) but the co rio lis force d eflec ts the w ater, w h ich flo w s dow n the w ater h ill, to the right. T h u s, the gravity force alw ays acts to m o v e w ater d ow n the slo p e o f w ater hill. In other w ord s, g ravity a lw a y s k eep s the w ater aw ay from the w ater h ill. On the other hand, co rio lis e ffe c t co n tin u es to p ush the w ater into water h ill through curved path. It is, thus, evident that tw o o p p o sin g fo rces (g ra v ity and co rio lis effect) are en g a g ed in m o v in g the w ater aw ay from the w ater h ill (g ra v ity force) and towards the w ater h ill (c o r io lis fo rce). W hen th ese tw o op p osite fo rces are b alan ced , the w ater m o v e s along the contours o f w ater h ill i.e. around the center o f gyre. T his circular m o tion o f w ater around the w ater h ill in the gyre is ca lled geostrophic circulation (fig . 10.3) or g eo stro p h ic c u rre n t. It m ay be m en tion ed that th eo retica lly in geostrop h ic circu lation w ater p articles m o v e parallel to the contours o f w ater h ill in the gyre (as sh ow n by TD in fig . 10.3) but actu a lly th is d o es not happen b eca u se ‘due to friction b etw een w ater m o lec u les, the w ater d o es co n v erg e and b u ild up, but it gradually m o v es d ow n the slo p e o f the h ill ( o f w ater) as it flo w s arou n d ’ (Thurm an and T rujillo, 1999). T he actual path fo llo w e d by geostrop h ic currents (circu la tio n ) is sh ow n by A G in figure 10.3. (4) Western Intensification It is ev id en t from fig . 10.3 that the appex o f the w ater m ound (w ater h ill) is not in the center o f the gyre, rather it is nearer to the w estern boundary o f t h e gyre or the w estern boundary o f o cean basins bordering the eastern m argin o f the Western side of gyre closely spaced lines, steep gradient, fast speed of surrface current Appex t hill (mound) of water surface Eastern side of gyre, widely spaced lines, gentle gradient, slow speed of surface current CD = Coriolis deflection (coriolis e ffe c t) PG = pressure gradient (gravity force) TD - Theoretical path of geostrophic circulationAG = actual path of geostrophic circulation Fig. 10.3 : Geostrophic circulation in the center ofthe gyre. CD = coriolis deffective force, PG = pressure gradient force (gravity), TG = theoretical path of geostrophic current, AG = actual path ofgeotrophic current. The western part ofthe diagram denotes western margin ofthe ocean basin where steep gradient ofthe central mound o f water in the gyre is denoted by closely spaced lines whereas the eastern part ofthe water mound is characterized by gentle gradient as indicated by widely spaced lines. continents because the shape o f the water mound surface currents in the w estern arms (w estern is asym m etrical as is indicated by steep gradient on the w estern sid e and gentle gradient in the eastern sid e. This situation is responsible for the parts) o f the circulation gyres in all o f the subtropical gyres whether in the northern or the southern hem isphere is called w e s te rn b o u n d a ry intensification or sim ply w e stern in te n sific a tio n . I t is, thus, evident that all the w est boundary surface currents o f all the subtropical circulation gyres in both the hem ispheres are w e stern intensified. narrow w idth and faster v elo city o f western b o u n d a r y s u rf a c e c u r r e n ts (for exam ple, G ulf Stream in the case o f subtropical North Atlantic gyre). On the other hand, the gentle gradient ofth e eastern sid e o f w ater m ound provides ample space betw een the appex o f w ater m ound and eastern margin o f the ocean basin because o f greater distance b etw een the appex o f water mound and eastern m argin o f the ocean basins. This situation results in greater w idth but slow er velocity o f e a ste rn b o u n d a r y su rfa c e c u r r e n ts (for exam ple, Canary current in the subtropical North A tlantic gyre). T hese anom alous characteristics o f w est and east boundary surface currents are validated from the data o f w idths and v elo cities o f these currents in the subtropical gyres given in table 10.1. Thus, the high v elo city o f w est boundary 3. Factors Related to the Oceans Local variations in the ph ysical properties o f the oceans, nam ely pressure gradient, tempera­ ture differences, salinity variations, density vari­ ations etc. generate both surface and deep ocean currents. The fo llo w in g 3 factors are exclusively related to the oceans, w hich help in the generation o f ocean currents : >■ temperature variation, >* salinity variation, and >■ density variation. SURFACE OCEAN CURRENTS lo c a tio n and type o f boundary currents 1. Western boundary currents width depth speed Transport o f volum e (km ) (km ) (m /sec) o f water (sv) < 100 km l-2 k m > 1.5m /sec > 50 sv (hundreds o f Exam ples : kilometers per G u lf Stream day) Brazil current K uroshio current 2. Eastern boundary currents > 1 ,0 0 0 km < 0.5km < 0.3m /sec 10-15 sv (tens o f kilometers E xam ples : per day) Canary current B en gu ela current C alifornia current One sv = one m illion cubic meters per second sv = rate o f transport o f volum e o f ocean water is named in the honour o f famous oceanographer H .V . Sverdrup. Temperature Variation The am ount o f insolation received at the earth’s surface and consequent temperature de­ creases from equator towards the pole. Due to high temperature in the equatorial region the water density d ecrea ses because o f greater expansion o f water p articles w hereas the density o f sea water becom es com p aratively greater in the polar areas. C onsequently, w ater m oves due to expasion o f volum e from equatorial region ( o f higher tem ­ perature) to polar areas (cold er areas) o f relatively very lo w tem perature. There is m ovem ent o f ocean w ater b elo w the water surface in the form o f subsurface current from colder polar areas to warmer equatorial areas in order to balance the lo ss o f w ater in the equatorial areas. Thus, the polew ard surface current and equatorward subsur­ face currents form a com plete circulatory system o f ocean water. The G ulf Stream and K uroshio warm currents m oving from equator towards north are exam ples o f such currents. Salinity Variation Oceanic salinity affects the density o f ocean water and density variation causes ocean currents. Salinity increases the density o f ocean water. If two areas having equal temperature are characterized by varying salinity, the area o f high salinity w ill have greater density than the area o f low salinity. The denser water sinks and m oves as subsurface current whereas less saline water m oves towards greater saline water as surface current. In other words, ocean currents on the water surface are generated from the areas o f less salinity to the areas o f greater salinity. Such system o f surface and sub-surface currents caused y-m 272 OCEANOGRAFJfy b y s a lin ity variation is originated in open and o s e d se a s. For exam ple, the current flow in g o m the A tla n tic O cean to the M editerranean Sea v ia G ibralter Strait is caused because o f salinity feren ce. fact> the salinity o f the M editerra­ n ean S ea is m uch higher than the adjoining A tla n tic O cean . C onsequently, water sinks in the M ed iterranean Sea. In order to com pensate the lo s s o f w ater A tlantic water flow s as surface current into the M editerranean Sea. The sinking w ater in the M editerranean Sea m oves as subsur­ fa c e current towards the A tlantic Ocean. Sim i­ larly, su ch system o f surface and subsurface currents is generated betw een the Red Sea and the A rabian S ea via Babel M andeb Strait. The salinity o fth e B a ltic Sea is low ered due to the flow o f fresh w ater by the rivers but the lev el o f water is raised. W ith the result water m oves northward as a surface current into the North Sea and subsurface current m o v es from the North Sea to the Baltic Sea. Density Variation In fact, difference in the density o f oceanic water is the m ain cause for the m ovem ent o f ocean ic w ater as ocean currents. Water density depends on a number o f factors e.g. temperature, salin ity, pressure etc. In other w ords, density is the function o f temperature, air pressure and salin ity. A s a rule, water m oves from the areas o f low er d en sity to the areas o f higher density. The den sity variation caused by temperature and salin ity and resultant m ovem ent o f oceanic water as ocean current has been explained just above. The density o f water also decreases due to influx o f fresh w ater resulting from m elting o f ice in the polar areas. H igh density is caused due to sig n ifican tly very lo w insolation in the polar areas but at som e p laces density is low ered due to influx o f m elt-w ater. C onsequently, cold water m oves as co o l current from polar areas towards the equator. East G reenland current is supposed to be caused by this factors. It m ay be pointed out that the factors o f pressure, tem perature, salinity and density should be con sid ered together and not separately. It may be sum m arized that low density water is lighter f and hence expands and m oves forward as surface 1 current towards high density water where there is sinking o f water. The high density water then m oves as subsurface current from greater density to lesser density b elow the water surface. 4. Factors Related to the Atmosphere-Ocean Interactions Ocean currents are greatly influenced and controlled by atm ospheric conditions like atmos­ pheric pressure and resultant pressure gradients, w ind direction and speed, evaporation, precipita­ tion etc. The effects o f atm ospheric pressure and air circulation on ocean currents have already been explained under the heading o f ‘planetary winds and wind d r a g ’. The pressure gradient in oceanography relates to the difference in the heights o f water surface. The ocean surface is seldom flat, rather it is undulating characterized by w a te r mounds or w a te r hills having higher le v el o f water surface, and w a te r valleys o f low er water level. The difference o f heights betw een water mounds and water valleys is generally o f one meter. Thus pressure is directed from the crests o f water mounds (hills) towards water va lley s. This is called pressure gradient w hich is the product of the follow in g : PG = pgh w here = p is pressure g is gravity acceleration h is height o f water This results in the circulation o f water down the slope o f water m ounds (h ills). In other words, water m oves from the water m ounds towards the water v a lley s fo llo w in g pressure gradient. All the c irc u la tio n gyres (subtropical and subpolar circula­ tion gyres, sea figs. 10.1 and 10.3) have central water m ounds. The dow nhill circulation of surface water is d eflected to the right in the northern hem isphere and to the left in the s o u th e rn hem isphere by coriolis d eflectiv e f o r c e a n d hence the water circulation fo llo w s curved paths arouad the water mound. Thus, the water circulation i# each circulation gyre in the northern h e m is p h ^ SURFACE OCEAN CURRENTS rotates in clockw ise direction, and anti-clockwise in the southern hemisphere. This aspect has already been explained in the above headings o f g e o s t r o p h ic c irc u la tio n and w e ste rn b o u n d a ry in te n si­ fication. Evaporation and Rainfall 273 try o f w a te r m ounds in the subtropical circulation gyres (this aspect has already been discussed in the heading, western boundary intensification and the facts o f characteristic features o f western and eastern boundary currents have been given in table 10.1). Thus, only the effects o f the following factors on ocean currents are discussed here : >- configuration o f coastlines, The sea water level becom es relatively higher in the areas o f low evaporation and high rainfall than those areas which record low rainfall but high evaporation. In fact, evaporation and rainfall are also related to oceanic salinity and density. L ow evaporation coupled with high rainfall low ers the amount o f salinity and thus reduces water density. This mechanism results in the rise o f sea level. On the other hand, high evaporation and low rainfall increases salinity and water density and thus lowers the sea level. Thus, surface ocean currents are generated from the area o f high water level to the area o f low water lev el. O cean currents are originated near the equator because o f high water level caused by excep tion ally heavy daily rainfall and relatively low evaporation. Thus, ocean currents after being originated in low latitudes m ove towards high latitudes. O cean currents are also generated in polar areas due to high water level resulting from low evaporation due to exceptionally low tem­ perature and abundance o f water due to melting o f ice m ass. T hese polar cofd currents m ove towards low latitudes. (B) FACTORS OFTHE MODIFICATIONS OF OCEAN CURRENTS M od ification s in the ocean currents are primarily related to changes and deflection o f ocean currents, flo w v e lo city and flow volum e, and width o f ocean currents. The direction o f ocean currents is determ ined, m odified and deflected by prevailing w inds, rotation o f the earth and resultant coriolis effect (these factors have already b een explained above), configura­ tion o f coast lin es and bottom reliefs o f the ocean basins, w h ile the w idth, flo w v elocity and flow volum e are prim arily determ ined by the asym m e­ >■ bottom reliefs o f ocean basins, and seasonal variations. Configuration of Coastlines Direction, shape and configuration o f coastlines deflect the surface ocean currents which strike the coasts. Configuration o f the coasts means inden­ tations characterized by headlands and embayments, depositional features like bars, barriers and beaches, nature o f shoreline such as shoreline o f submergence and emergence, position o f islands etc. The disposition o f coastline perpendicular to the natural flow direction o f surface ocean currents obstructs them (currents) with the result surface ocean currents are some time bifurcated and turn in opposite directions and flow parallel to coastlines. The south equatorial current after being obstructed by the Brazilean coasts o f South America is bifurcated in two branches e.g. northern branch and southern branch (fig. 10.4). It is to be remembered that originally south equato­ rial current flows in westerly direction parallel to the equator. The northern branch, known as G ulf Stream, flow s along the eastern coasts o f the U SA while the southern branch flow s southward in the name o f Brazil current along the east coasts o f South America. The Indian Penisula largely controls the surface ocean currents which flow along the coastline o f India, though the direction o f currents is determined by the directions o f S.W. and N.E. m onsoon winds. The south equatorial currents in the Indian Ocean are deflected southward due to obstructions created by Mada­ gascar and east coasts o f Africa. The S.W. m onsoon ocean currents follow almost southerly direction along the w est coast o f peninsular India but are turned north and north-eastward by the southern tip o f Indian Peninsula and Sri Lanka but 274 OCEANOGRAPHY after entering the B ay o f B engal they again turn southw ard due to obstruction offered by w est co a sts o f M ynmar. Bottom Reliefs of Ocean Basins The irregularities o f the bottom reliefs o f the ocean basins m odify the surface ocean currents above pycnocline layer and deep ocean currents b elo w pycnoclin e layer. A ccording to Ekm an the ocean currents tend to follow the bottom contours in the m iddle and high latitudes but they are independent o f bottom reliefs in the lo w latitudes. The submarine ridges usually d eflect the course o f currents. Generally, the ocean currents w hile crossing over a sub-marine ridge are deflected to the right in the northern hem isphere and to the left in the southern hem isphere. For exam ple, the North Atlantic Drift (the extension o f the G u lf Stream) is deflected to the right w hen it crosses over the W yville Thom pson R idge. Sim ilarly, the north equatorial current is deflected to the right w hile crossing over the m id-A tlantic R idge. The Antarctic Circum Polar Current, to the south and south-w est o f N ew Zealand, bends sharply north and south w hen it crosses M acquarie Ridge. Seasonal Variation There is seasonal change in the directions o f currents in som e areas in response to seasonal change in w eather conditions e.g. in the regions o f m onsoon clim ate as the currents o f the Indian Ocean show seasonal changes in their flow directions. The m onsoon drifts (currents) m ove east to w est along the coast during north-east m onsoon in w inter season w hile these flow in north-eastern direction under the influence o f south-w est m onsoon in sum m er season. 10.4 SURFACE CURRENTS O F TH E ATLANTIC OCEANS Oceans but they have poorly d evelop ed in the Antarctic Ocean (Southern O cean) and Arctic Ocean. There are dense network o f surface ocean currents in the P acific and the A tlantic O ceans in comparison to the Indian O cean because o f vast stretches o f the former tw o ocean s in both the hem ispheres w hile Indian O cean has compara­ tively less areal extent to the north o f equator. This is w hy the P acific and A tlantic Oceans have two w ell developed c ir c u la tio n g y re s each (north and south subtropical gyres in both, the Pacific and Atlantic O ceans), w h ile there is only one circulation gyre to the south o f equator in Indian Ocean. The significan t surface ocean currents o f the oceans are as fo llo w s : 1. Atlantic Ocean North Equatorial Current (warm) (1) A n tilles current (2) Caribbean current South Equatorial Current Counter Equatorial Current G u lf Stream system ( 1) Florida current (2) G u lf Stream (3) North A tlantic Current (drift) (A ) northern branch - Norway current (B ) southern branch - Irminger current (C) eastern branch (i) currents o f Mediterra­ nean Sea (ii) R ennel current (iii) w est w ind drift Labrador Current (co ld ) Brazil Current (warm ) Falkland Current (co ld ) South A tlantic Drift (cold ) D efin ite patterns o f surface circulations have d eveloped in the A tlantic, P acific and Indian Canary Current (co ld ) B enguela Current (cold ) SURFACE OCEAN CURRENTS 2. Pacific Ocean North Equatorial P acific current (warm) Counter equatorial current South Equatorial current K uroshio system (1) K uroshio current (2) K uroshio extension (3) North P acific drift (4) T sushim a current (5) C ounter-K uroshio current O yashio Current (cold) C alifornia Current (cold) Peru Current (cold) El N in o or Counter Current (warm) E ast A ustralia Current (warm) W est W ind Drift (cold) 3. Indian O cean N orth-E ast M onsoon Current (warm) Indian Counter-Current (warm) Sou th -W est M onsoon Current (warm) Indian Equatorial Current (warm) M ozam biqu e Current (warm) W est W ind D rift (cold ) A gu lh as current (cold ) W est A ustralia current (cold ) 4. Antarctic (S o u th e rn ) O cean A ntarctic C ircum Gyre East W ind D rift W est W ind D rift 10.5 SURFACE CURRENTS OF ATLANTIC OCEAN There are w e ll d evelop ed netw orks o f surface currents in the A tlantic O cean. Tw o subtropical circulation gyres have d evelop ed in the North and South A tlan tic O cean. Each circulation gyre is surrounded by four major surface currents e.g. equatorial currents, western boundary cur­ rents (G u lf Stream in the case o f northern Atlantic gyre and Brazil current in the case o f southern Atlantic gyre), north-east and eastward (in the North Atlantic) and south-east and eastward (in the South A tlantic) flow in g currents (North Atlantic current and W est W ind Drift in the North and South Atlantic Ocean respectively), and eastern boundary currents such as Canary current (North Atlantic) and B enguela current (South Atlantic Ocean). Each circulation gyre has cen ­ trally located w a te r m o u n d or w a te r h ill having asynmetrical shape i. e. the eastern side has gentle gradient w hile the western side has steep gradient (fig. 10.3). Thus, the ocean currents flo w in g to the w est o f water mound or in the w estern arm o f the gyre are narrow in width but sw ift in v e lo city . This is called w e ste rn b o u n d a r y in te n s ific a tio n . G u lf Stream is an exam ple o f w estern boundary current in the subtropical North Atlantic gyre. On the other hand, the eastern arm has wider ocean area and hence the eastern boundary current is w id e but slow in velocity. The Canary current is the exam ple o f east boundary current in the subtropi­ cal North Atlantic gyre (fig. 10.1). The subtropi­ cal circulation o f the South Atlantic O cean (fig . 1 0 . 1 ) is formed by westward flo w in g south equatorial current, Brazil current (w estern b ou nd­ ary current), W est W ind drift and B en g u ela current (eastern boundary current). The subtropi­ cal circulation gyre rotates in clo ck w ise direction in the northern A tlantic O cean and a n ti-clo ck w ise direction in the southern A tlantic O cean. Such circulation o f water around water m ound is called g e o s tro p h ic c irc u la tio n w herein water particles m ove along the contours o f water m ound (fig . 10.3). G eostrophic circulation o f surface water results where the coriolis force and gravity force are balanced. The fo llo w in g are the significan t surface currents o f the A tlantic O cean (fig . 1 0 .4 ): (1) North Equatorial Current (warm) N orm ally, the north equatorial current is form ed betw een the equator and 10° N latitude. This current is generated because o f up w ellin g o f • %■ 276 -:X iw u u w u u n w w i u w [\\\> \\\\\\\\\\V \\\N \\\\\\\S > KwNNN'^y WWWSNWWWWNSWWSWVN KwswswnQ J A w \ \ \ ss\ \ \ \ s\ v\ \ \ s\ \ \ \ \ \ A N N \\\\\\\N V W X J S \\\\\W S N \\\\\S \\S \S \\\S > A V \\V \N S \X S V \N \N S S V < V V \S \\\\V \\N \\V n\ \ \ \ V \ S \ \ V s,> - ^WWVNWVSWV J,VV WVNWN""4' ' ’ »\WW fiWNWS'J \w \n w \ lvNWS'vi TISWWV^ ^ yw w vvv^ >v\w Bay ,S\V\WN'>'I | »\NN\V< Jas \w \ ^ V v\\S\VV\SV\S^ A\SWW\\S\\ kXww Ur y\\\V\V ^wwvvj AXWVV A V W 'vvj 1 § S 3 k s w w v w w ssw w w sw w w sw sw w w V^*V ^ ‘ 4k“ k' ,y l v v \\ \\ \v \ \w \\ \ \\ \\ * ksvv> p a s s ^ s s s ^ s s Hudson ^ U n v \sn s\\\\n n v \sv \\s\ss\\v n \s\s\sn \> V v/ Vwv ^vVSI V\\\\\V\VNNW ,vvvs\vv worm k \V\WN W WW"«"J SES America W jA\W\\N\N\\>\\\\\\NN\\\\\> W \S \\\\\\\\\\V \V \W \V \\> k\\\\N\\N\\\\W\\NWN\NWS> A \ \ \V S V \ \ N \ \\ \ V y \ \\ \ \\ \ \\ V k \S \\S \\\\\\\\\\\N N \W \V \> kWWWNNWWWWSWWWW _ l\\\\N V Sw www . IIW I W W W W \W W '''V | v. ANNW = S sss^ ;S ;r := ;;^ ^ 5 ^ > .w\\j] AWVV «T»A\\NSNNNNW * N\\> ^ ■ < N \V S \\N N \\\N V S \\N V \\N V \\S \\\\\\\W \\\W A W N \\\S N \N \\N \\W \\N N V S \\N \V \\W \\\N \N \\ rv.WNSSSWSWWWWSVWWWW'.WVSNS'.WWS k \\\S \N \\N N \\\\\\\\\\\N N N N \\N N N N S \N \\\V v \S N > y .A \N S \\V S N \\S \W N \W S W W N W \W S N \W W . . A S \S N N S N W \\V S \S W m V N V W W W \W \V N N V V ANNWWWWNWWWWV ^ \N \N \S \\\\\S V W N N V lXSVVVWWVV' ■50 West y/Vind Drift .V\\VW''"-"V">>..„„vvvvV\V\WW'""NS'''SViS>^^ W sW W N N nwwnn jw w w v (s \ w v Csvvnsw [w w w w w w iWWWVWNV ^w vvw w w v kWWWWW' kSWSWSWNNWV s — ---------- « NNv s \ \ v s \ \ \ ' W > r ^ vwwnnv [w n ^ C w n w w w w w w w w w w n w w w sV v K w w v v XWSWWWWSSSWSWNNWNNSWSWWNWWNNWV A \ \ \ \ W \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ W \ W W ' ,‘W W W \ W N \ W V ^NX^-VNVNNSNNSNNSNSNSNSNSSVSNV vSW VW VW NW SNW NV \ £ / r ^Florida Current - Sargasso Sea SNAG . fC ^V N W W W N W W SW W W W W W N W N SW N W W W N N W W W V L\\NN\\\S\\\SSSS\\NNSSNN\SS\\\\W\\\N\\V\\N\VVSWV ^W W W W W W W W NW W W NW W W W W NW W W NNVW SNNW i^ \\S \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\N \\\\\\\S \\\\N \\N N \\S \N \\\\\N N \\N V A sn ssssvw sxw w w w w w w w w w w w vvw w vw w w w v^W SW W W W SSW W SW N W W W SSSW W SSSW W W W W N N W N SW V rv V W S S W S N W W W S W W N S W V W W S W W W W W W W W SW W N W N W ,S \ S '.\ S W V N W \\\W \ V \ W \V \W \\W V N .\W W \W V \W W V ..........................> - ‘ W VVVVVV. , ,\\\V \\\\\\W \\\S \V k\W A friC d .\ \ V S \ \ \ \ N \ \ X X \ N \ \ V .SNWWNWNWWWW ,\V \S \\\W W W W W W W W W W W V s W ,W V s \\W \\W \\\\\\V \\\\\\V \\\N\\V\M WNWSNWVS k \\\\\S \\N \\ N \ \ N \ S S \\ N N S \ \S \S \S \ \S \\ \ S W \ \V > .\ N \ \ \\ S \ \ W \\ \ V / w w sw w w w w w w w w sw w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w v K w w w w sw ssssv w ssw sw w w ssw w sw w w w w sw sssw ssss' U\S\vi X W W W W W W W \W W \\\ V \ \.W V O O v \S \W N W S W W W V \\ \W \\\\ \\V ^ .w w v v w w w w w v w w w w v w v v w w w w w w w w w w w w w / ' / / \^ \W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W \W W W W W \W \ W W \W Y V V Y > \\\\\\\\\S \\\\\\\\\\\\\N \\\\N \N \\N N S \\N N N \\N N \\\\\\V ' y V N E q u a to ria l C u rre n t Xnwwwwswswwwnwwvswswwwwwswwnwwwv AWWWWWWSSV — ■— <WWWWWWW\V ^^JSW W W V Y-SVSWV Guinea Current V- ________________________________ .a w ^ v v v A v v ^ v v v v v v ^ v w v w v v v w ^ w w w w w v w v w y kw sw v S. ■^1 ------ iK\S\S\V KVVSWSV AW W W Knwwwv JW i V v w w w v w w w v w v v v v w w w v v v w v w w w w v w w w w w v ' / ^ . . . ^ ............... - -✓ \\\v \NSVWV ySNW w ^ IK r^v i A w SV W W W W W W W V W W W W W W W W W W W W W W V W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W ^w S Equatorial Current \\\\S\\\S\SS\S\NN\\\\\\\SN\\\S\\\\\\\SS\\SSSN\S\V\\V\\\\S\\S\\\\N\SS\\NN\S\SN\\N\SSSSSS\'J V n N \\\\\\\S \\\N \\N N \\\V S V vWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWJ ,VW »\\\\\N \\\\SS\\\V\WVSouth wwwwwwwww W v U U 1 ..........A \\\\\\\\V \\N \\N \\\\\\\\m \\V \\\m 'J »WWWWWWWWW\\WWWWW w w w w j A \\\\\\\\\V \\\\\\\\N N \\\\\\\\N \\W \\^ A xw w w w vw w w v .\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\v \\\\\\\\\\v \\\\\\\y V w w w w N w w w w w w v w w w w w w w w w w sw w w v w v w w w w w w w w u VWWWWNWWWWW » ■ ^S\N\NS\\W S\N\\\N\Alii©ri03 ViW W SS.'.W W SW W W W V.W N.W '.SVW SSSW W W W W W W NW NNNSW SW SW W W s/ X^W W NW NN W W W W W W NW W W W W W W W W W W W VW W W W V SW W W ^ W \S\\\\V \\,\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\N \\\\\\\\\W \\\\S W \^W SW N S |J ■\S ^N W NNSW W W W W SW W W W W ^VW W SW W W W W W W W W W VV V v v v w \ v v \ v \ \ v \ \ \ \ \ \ w s \ v \ ^ \ \ \ s ^ s NVvSNSSNXy ' IW W W SW W SW W W W VVW W W W SW W W W W ^I K \\\\\\\\\\\\n \\v \\v \w \ n w w w w w w \v l \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ w v \ \ N v w v .w w w w w w / K w w w \ w w \ w \ w w \ WAWW w w w w j \ vn.v vnw sw ssw ssw n w v nw w w w .wnw n -) K w m \w w \w \w w wvw w w \w \w \y W W W W VNW W W W VW W W VW W A \\\\\\N \\w w w w \\w w w \\\\\w y v ',\w w w \w \w w w \w \w w \\\y K \\SW N \W W W \\W \\SW \W N \y W \ \W \ S W W \ \ N W \ \y CD ^S S A C j l / £\\v AWSV Jk\\V\V Awwv AWNNW kWNWW \SSW\Y AWVWV VvWWV Vw w v Kww 30 Aw w v K\\\\V K w sw U \\\\Y Lwvwv W sv Vw w v Vnnnnv Jvww Vww K ww ww w w w w vnw w A W w w w w w w sv w w w y |\W \\W \W \W W W W \\ Iw w v w w w w w w y K w w w w sw sw W » \\s \\\w v w w \\J PNNWWWWW \N\WWWWW\] VxwwwwW V s w v .w s y “►Warm Current U xNW W V Vw nw nI V 'W vw vw ^ Q ^ S \s\\N \\\W -A w w \\NN\W A\\\\v West Wind Drift -> ------ > ' t 50 . |VNN\\\\/ > w ssv 4 •> Cold Current Fig. 10.4: South Atlantic g y r e ^ Atiantic ° cean- I = SNAG = subtropical North Atlantic gyre; 2 = SSAG = subtropical SURFACE O C E A N C U R R E N T S cold water near the w e st coast o f A frica and movement o f w ater due to w ind drag and resultant friction by N .E . trade w ind s w hich drive the surface w ater tow ards the w est. Here coriolis effect is alm ost zero due to high rotational speed o f the earth. T his is w h y north equatorial A tlantic current is seld o m d e fle c te d and thus flo w s in w esterly direction. T his w arm current is also pushed w estw ard b y the co ld Canary current. On an average, the north equatorial warm current flow s from east to w e st but this salin e current is d eflected northw ard w h en it cro sses the m idA tlantic R id g e near 15°N latitude. It again turns southward after c ro ssin g over the ridge. This current, after b ein g obstructed b y the land barrier o f the east c o a st o f B razil, is bifurcated into two branches e.g. (i) A n tille s c u r r e n t , and (ii) C a r ib b e a n c u r r e n t. T he A n tille s current is diverted northward and flo w s to the east o f W est In d ies islands, and h elp s in the form ation o f Sargasso Sea eddy w h ile the secon d branch kn ow n as the C aribbean current enters the G u lf o f M e x ic o and b eco m es G u lf Stream (fig . 10.4). (2) South Equatorial Current (warm ) South equatorial current flo w s from the w estern c o a st o f A frica to the eastern coast o f South A m e rica b e tw e en the equator and 20°S latitude. T h is current is m ore constant, stronger and o f greater ex te n t than the north equatorial current. In fact, th is current is the contin uation o f the B e n g u e la current. T h is w arm current is bifurcated in to tw o b ran ch es due to obstruction o f land barrier in th e form o f th e east co a st o f B razil. The northw ard branch after tak in g n orth -w esterly course m e r g es w ith the north equatorial current near T rinidad w h ile the se c o n d branch turns southward and c o n tin u e s as B ra zil warm current parallel to the e a st c o a st o f Sou th A m erica. T his current is b a s ic a lly o rig in a ted under the stress o f trade w in d s. (3) C ounter-equatorial C urrent (w arm ) T he cou n ter eq u atorial current flo w s from w est to ea st in b e tw e e n the w estw ard flo w in g strong north and so u th eq u atorial currents. T his 277 current is less developed in the w est due to stress o f trade winds. In fact, the counter current m ixes with the equatorial currents in the w est but it is more developed in the east where it is known as the G uinea S tre a m . The counter equatorial current carries relatively higher temperature and lower density than the two equatorial currents. Several ideas have been put forth to explain the origin o f the counter equatorial current. According to som e scientists this current is originated because o f the influence o f e q uatorial westerlies w hich blow from w est to east in the calm zone o f the d o ld ru m or in the convergence zone o f the north-east and south­ east trade winds. It is argued that south-w est m onsoon winds develop in the zone o f equatorial calm (doldrum) during northern summers. These equatorial w esterlies drag the waters and force them to flow from w est to east under their influence. This concept is disputed on the ground that the counter equatorial current is all year phenom enon. In other words, it flow s throughout the year w hile the m onsoon winds (say equatorial w esterlies) in the equatorial calm zone disappear during winter season. According to another v iew the counter equatorial current is originated due to piling up o f im m ense volum e o f water because o f the convergence o f the two great equatorial warm currents near the coast o f Brazil. The piling up o f water raises the water level and hence water flow s eastward as com pensation c u rr e n t upto the G u lf o f Guinea. (4) Gulf Stream System (warm) The G u lf Stream is a system o f several currents m oving in north-easterly direction. This current system originates in the G u lf o f M exico around 2 0 °N latitude and m oves in north-easterly direction along the eastern coast o f North A m erica and reaches the w estern coasts o f Europe near 70°N latitude. This system , nam ed G u lf Stream because o f its origin in the M exican G ulf, co n sists o f (i) Florida current from the strait o f Florida to Cape Hatteras, (ii) G u lf Stream from Cape Hatteras to the Grand Bank, and (iii) North A tlantic D rift (current) from Grand Bank to the W estern European coast. 278 0) Florida Current (ii) Gulf Stream G u lf Stream w as d isco v ered for the first Florida current is in fact, the northward tim e by P once d e L eon in the year 1513 A .D . The ex ten sio n o f the north equatorial current. This G u lf Stream is the w estern boundary current o f the current flo w s through Yucatan channel into the subtropical N orth A tlan tic c ir c u la tio n g y re having G u lf o f M exico, thereafter the current m oves narrow width o f w ater m ass and v ery fast, rather forward through Florida Strait and reaches 30° N fastest surface ocean current as a result o f the latitude. Thus, the Florida warm current contains w e stern b o u n d a r y i n te n s if ic a tio n . T he average width m ost o f the characteristics o f the equatorial water o f the current ranges b etw een 50 to 75 km and the m ass. The average temperature o f water at the depth is 1.5 k ilom eters. The v e lo c ity o f G ulf surface is 75°F (2 4 °C) w hile the salinity is 36%o. Stream ranges from 3 to 10 k ilo m eters per hour. It The temperature never falls b elow 43.7°F (6.5°C ) m ay be m entioned that the G u lf Stream is the at 39°N latitude. The current becom es narrow fastest surface ocean current o f all o f the w h ile passing through the Florida Strait but oceans. thereafter its width increases and the current The Florida current after h a v in g the water flow s clo se to the coast. The current is about 30 o f A n tille s current is k n o w n as G u lf Stream nautical m iles (55 km) aw ay from the coast near beyond Cape Hatteras. T his current is very wide A ugustine and it is 85 nautical m iles (156 km ) o ff and warm and is separated from the S a r g a s s o sea to the coast near 15°N latitude but the current com es its right (in the east) and r e la tiv ely c o ld w ater near very clo se to the coast near Cape Hatteras where the coast to its left. T he tem perature o f w ater near it is only 10-20 nautical m iles (18.4k m to 36.8km ) the coast ranges betw en 4 ° and 1 0°C . This zone o f aw ay from the coast. There is w ide range o f cold water b etw een the co a st and the G u lf Stream variation in the width o f the Florida current at is called cold w all. The e x iste n c e o f this cold w all different places. Its width is 30 nautical m iles o f cold w ater neai the eastern c o a st o f the U S A is (55k m ) in the Florida strait, 60 nautical m iles (110 attributed to m any factors. S o m e scien tists opine km ) near Cape Canaveral and 120 to 150 nautical that strong w esterly w in d s drive the warm waters m iles (2 2 0 to 275km ) at Charleston. Further o f the coast eastw ard and c o o l w aters o f the cold northward this current is join ed by the A ntilles Labrador current m o v e south erw rd along the current, a branch o f the north equatorial current, coast upto Cape H atteras, w h ile so m e scientists near 3 0 °N latitude. The origin o f Florida current is b eliev e that the co ld w ater o f th e G u lf o f St. attributed to the p i l i n g up o f im m ense volum e o f Law rence is d e fle c te d sou th w ard along the water in the G u lf o f M ex ic o due to pow erful trade eastern coast o f the U S A . T he G u lf Stream carries w inds. Thus, the w ater is forced to m ove out o f warm w ater northward into the c o ld w ater o f high Florida Strait. The annual average v e lo city o f latitudes and thus m o d ifie s the w eath er conditions Florida current is about 72 m iles per day but it o f the adjoinin g areas. T he G u lf Stream generally b eco m es 100 to 120 m ile s per day in January fo llo w s the co a st lin e but it is d e fle c te d eastward and June. A c c o r d in g to W ust the d isch a rg e o f at 4 0 °N latitude due to the in flu e n c e o f w esterlies and d e fle c tiv e force o f the ea rth 5s rotation Florida current p a s sin g through F lorid a Strait is (co rio lis e ffe ct). Further northw ard this current is 26 m illio n m 3 per se c o n d or 1 0 0 b illio n ton s o f divided into sev era l branches k n o w n as the D elti w ater p a sse s per hour th rou gh F lorid a Strait. o f th e Gulf S t r e a m . T he m ain north -easterly branch The latest M easu rem en t has r e v e a le d that the is still ca lled G u lf Stream . T here is w id e range o f v o lu m e o f w ater carried by F lorid a current variation in the v e lo c ity o f the current. The so m e tim e s e x c e e d s 35 m illio n cu b ic m eters per average v e lo c ity in the o p en o cea n is 1 0 to 15 sec o n d (3 5 sverdrup ). O ne sverdrup (n am ed m iles per day. It attains the v e lo c ity o f 72 m iles after fam ou s o cean ograp h er Sverdrup) is eq u al per day near N e w Y ork but it slo w s dow n to 30 to o n e m illio n cu b ic m eters o f w ater per m iles per day further eastw ard. T he G u lf Stream sec o n d . lo s e s its origin al characteristics near 4 0 °N lati- SURFACE OCEAN CURRENTS 279 tude b e c a u s e it m ixes with the cold Labrador c u rre n t. This c u r r e n t transports 7 4 to 93 million o f water per second to the north o f Chesapeake Bay. The inversion o f temperature (warmer air above cool air) caused due to the covergence o f warm G ulf Stream and cold Labrador current near Newfoundland results in the formation o f dense fogs w hich present effective obstructions in the navigation o f ships. The G u lf Stream follow s a meandering course after Cape Hatteras (fig. 10.5). Several rings o f rotating water are separated from the meandering course o f the G ulf Stream, These rings are called w a rm c o re rin g s and cold co re rin g s. ( 1 ) W a rm co re rings are in fact water eddies or vortices and are surrounded by the rings o f cold water. These warm core rings thus have warm water in the centre o f rings and cold water surrounds the warm core. Warm core rings located to the north o f G ulf Streams, rotate in clockw ise direction. On the other hand, cold c o re rin g s have cold water in the center o f rings (eddies) and wrm water surrounds the cold core rings, and rotates in counter-clockw ise direction. G u lf o f M aine United S ta te s of America Cold w a te r Warm Water W a rm C ore ring W a rm W a te r Cape H a tte ra s W a rm W a te r Gulf of Mexico Guif ^ Kg. 10.5: S tre a m Meandering path of the GulfStream with cold core rings to its southern side and wa/m core rings to its northern side. The cold core rings have cold water in the core and are surrounded by rings of warm water, while warm core rings have warm water in the core and are surrounded by rings of cold water The GulfStream moves northeastward, while cold core rings, rotating in counter-clockwise direction, move in south-westerly direction to meet the Gulf Stream. On the other hand, warm core rings rotate in north-easterly direction. OCEANOGRAPHY 280 T h e c o ld core rings loctated to the south o f G u lf Stream , are relatively narrow, diam eter b e in g 5 0 0 k ilom eters, at the ocean surface but w id e n s w ith increasing depth o f water. It is sig n ifica n t to m ention that cold rings m ove in so u th -w est direction i.e. in opposite direction o f G u lf Stream , w hich m oves in north-east direction, but th ese cold core rings are very sluggish in m o tio n as daily rate o f their south westward m o v em en t ranges betw een 3 and 7 kilom eters. T he south-w estw ard m ovem ent allow s the cold core rings to m erge with the G u lf Stream, and thus they reinforce it (G u lf Stream) with additional volu m e o f water (fig. 10.5) w hich w as earlier withrawn by the core rings as they were detached from the meanders o f G u lf Stream. (iii) N orth A tlan tic C u rre n t The G u lf Stream is divided into many branches at 45° N latitude and 45°W longitude. A ll the branches are co llectiv ely called as North A tlantic D rift or current. (A ) N o rth e rn b ra n c h m oves north-eastward. It undergoes major changes because o f m ixin g o f co o l water o f the cold Labrador current w ith its warm water. Though the temperature and salin ity are significan tly reduced yet it m aintains its main characteristics as warm current. The v e lo city o f the current also de­ creases. This current is further divided into several m inor branches, (a) One branch, know n as N orw egian c u r r e n t , flo w s along the coast o f N orway across W y v ille T hom pson R idge and reaches the N orw egian Sea. (b) Second branch is known as I r m in g e r c u r r e n t w hich flow s north and north-westward upto the southern coast o f Ice­ land. (c) Third branch m oves tow ards the eastern coast o f Greenland where it jo in s the Greenland current. (B ) E a s te r n b r a n c h is com paratively warmer than the northern branch. This branch flow s in easterly direction and reaches the w estern coasts o f France and Spain. This branch is also divided into several sub-branches, (a) One branch emers the Mediterranean Sea w h ile (b) the other known as R ennell c u r r e n t (nam ed after scientist Rermell), enters the B ay o f B isca y and flow s upto the northern coasts o f France and Spain. Rennell current is further divided into subbranches w herein one branch enters the English Channel w hile the other branch after flow ing to the south o f Iceland m erges w ith the North A tlantic Current, (c) Third branch is the main branch w hich flow s through the coasts o f Spain. A zores etc. and reaches the w estern coast of A frica to jo in the cold C anary current. The G u lf Stream sy ste m la rg ely m od ifies the w eather co n d itio n s o f the eastern co a sts o f the U S A and the w estern co a sts o f E urope. The tem peratures o f th ese co a sta l areas are 4®F higher than the average tem peratures o f their latitudes. G u lf Stream is resp o n sib le for un iq u e characteris­ tics o f W est European T yp e o f C lim ate. The temperature o f the sou th -eastern and eastern USA becom es ex ce p tio n a lly h ig h during summers because the w in d s co m in g from o v er the G u lf Stream bring m ore heat in th ese areas but the eastern coastal areas o f the U S A are not b enefitted by the G u lf Stream during w in ter b eca u se the w inds are o f f shore (from the land tow ards the A tlantic O cean). T he c o n v e r g e n c e o f warm G u lf Stream and co ld Labrador current near N ew foundland cau ses in v ersio n o f tem perature w hich results in the form ation o f d en se fo g s w h ich hinder sea transport. (5) Canary Current (cold) The Canary current, a c o ld current, flo w s along the w estern coast o f north A fr ic a b etw een M aderia and Cape V erde. In fact, th is current is the continuation o f N orth A tla n tic D rift w hich turns southward near the S p an ish c o a st and flo w s to the south alon g the c o a st o f C anaries Island. The average v e lo c ity o f th is current is 8 to 30 nautical m iles (9 .2 to 55 k ilo m e ter s) per day. This current brings co ld w ater o f th e h ig h latitudes to the warm w ater o f the lo w latitu d es and finally m erges w ith the north equatorial current. The Canary co ld current am elio ra tes th e oth erw ise hot and h u m id w e a th e r c o n d it io n s o f the w estern coasts o f N orth A frica . T his current is the eastern boundary current w h ich form s the eastern boundary o f the subtropical North Atlantic gyre. S U R F A C E O C E A N C U R R E N T S (6) Labrador Current (cold) (9) South Atlantic Drift (cold) The Labrador current, an exam ple o f cold c u rre n t, originates in the B affin Bay and Davis Strait and after flow ing through the coastal waters o f Newfoundland and Grand Bank merges with the G ulf Stream around 50°W longitude. The flow discharge rate o f the current is 7.5 m illion m 3 o f water per second. This current brings with it a large number o f big icebergs as far south as Newfoundland and Grand Bank. These iceberges present effective hindrances in the oceanic navigation. D ense fogs are also produced due to the convergence o f the Labrador cold current and the G u lf Stream near Newfoundland. The eastward continuation o f the Brazil current is called South Atlantic Drift. This current is originated because o f the deflection o f the Brazil warm current eastward at40°S latitude due to the deflective force o f the rotation o f the earth (coriolis effect). The South Atlantic Drift, thus, flow s eastward under the influence o f the w ester­ lies. This current is also known as the W esterlies Drift or the Antarctic Drift. (7) Brazil Current (warm) The B razil current is characterized by high temperature and high salinity. This current is generated because o f the bifurcation o f the south equatorial current because o f obstruction o f the B razilean coast near Sun Rock. The northern branch flo w s northward and merges with the north equatorial current w hile the southern branch know n as the Brazil current flow s southward along the east coast o f South America upto 40°S latitude. Thereafter it is deflected eastward due to the d eflectiv e force o f the rotation o f the earth (coriolis effect) and flow s in easterly direction under the in flu en ce o f the w esterilies. The F a lk la n d cold c u r r e n t com ing from the south merges with the Brazil current near 40°S latitude.The Brazil current, also know n as the w estern b o u n d a ry c u rr e n t form s the w estern lim it o f the s u b tro p ica l South A tla n tic gyre. (8 ) Falkland Current (cold) (10) Benguela Current (cold) The B enguela current, a cold current, flo w s from south to north along the western coast o f south Africa. In fact, the South A tlantic D rift turns northward due to obstruction caused by the southern tip o f Africa. Further northward, this current merges with the South Equatorial Current. This current, also known as the e a ste rn b o u n d a r y c u rre n t, forms the eastern lim it o f the s o u th e r n subtropical Atlantic Ocean gyre. Sargasso Sea In tro d u c tio n : There is an anticyclon ic circulation o f ocean currents com prising the north equatorial current, the G u lf Stream and the Canary current in the North A tlantic O cean. The water confined in this gyral (gyre) is calm and m otionless. Thus, the m otionless sea o f the said gyral (gyre, figs. 10.1 and 10.4) is called Sargasso Sea w hich is derived from the Portuguese w ord ‘sa rg a s s u m ’ meaning thereby sea w eed s. It m ay be pointed out that sim ilar sargasso sea is not found in the South A tlantic Ocean. E x te n t : The extent o f the sargasso sea is The cold w aters o f the Antarctic Sea flow s in the form o f Falkland cold current from south to north along the eastern coast o f South A m erica upto Argentina. T his current b ecom es m ost extensive and d evelop ed near 30°S latitude. This current also brings num erous icebergs from the Antarctic area to the South Am erican coast. delineated on the basis o f the extent o f sea w eed s and the gyral o f ocean currents. A ccording to M anner the sargasso sea is found betw een 20°-40° N latitudes and 35°-75° W longitudes. A ccording to W ing the boundary is determ ined by 27° W longitude in the east, by 20 aN longitude in the south, by 40°N latitude in the north and by the location o f the G u lf Stream in the w est. 282 10.6 SURFACE CURRENTS OF PACIFIC Origin , The origin o f the sargasso sen is attributed to several factors: »* The sizeable portion o f the waters of the North Atlantic Ocean is confined in me gyral system formed by the anticyclonic circulation of the North Equatorial current, the Gulf Stream and the Canary current and thus the confined water does not have any connection with remaining waters of the ocean. Thus, the confined water becomes calm and motionless. »* The sargasso sea is located in the transition zone o f the trade winds (N.H. Trades) and the w esterlies. This zone is characterized by the subsidence o f air from above and the resultant anticyclonic conditions. Thus, the anticyclonic conditions cause atm os­ pheric stability and hence there are very feeble and calm w inds due to w hich there is little m ixing o f confined water (sargasso sea) w ith the rem aining waters o f the North Atlantic Ocean. >• The North A tlantic Ocean is less extensive betw een 20°-40° N latitudes than other oceans in the same latitudes. >• The confined waters becom e calm due to higher velo city o f the North Equatorial Current and the G u lf Stream. : The sargasso sea records the high est salinity (37%o) o f the Atlantic M a in C h a r a c te r is tic s O cean due to high temperature and evaporation. The salin ity is also increased because o f no m ixing o f the water o f the sargasso sea with the rem aining water o f the North A tlantic Ocean. The mean annual temperature is 28°C. The sea is covered w ith rootless sea w eeds w hich obstruct navigation. There are contrasting opinions about the extent and origin o f sargassum (sea w eed s). According to one group the sea w eeds grow along the banks o f A zores and Baham as and these are brought by the sea w aves and w inds. A ccordin g to another theory sea w eed s grow in the M exican G ulf and these are brought by the G u lf Stream to the sargasso sea. The third group b eliev es that the sea w eeds o f the sargasso sea are floating plants without roots. The Pacific O cean, like the A tlan tic Ocean, is also characterized by tw o w ell developed circulation gyre, in the N orth and S outh Pacific > O cean in tropical and su b tro p ica l r e g io n s o f the occan. Each circu la tio n g y re is surrou nded by four w e ll d e v e l o p e d su rfa ce o c e a n currents w hich m ove in c lo c k w is e d irectio n in the N orth Pacific O cean and in a n ti-c lo c k w is e d ir e ctio n in the South P a c ific O cean . T he s u b t r o p i c a l North Pacific g y re is form ed by w e stw a r d flo w in g north equatorial P a c ific current, K u r o sh io current which is know n as the w estern b o u n d a ry current and is the result o f w e s te r n b o u n d a r y i n t e n s i f i c a t i o n , North P a cific current and C a lifo rn ia current, k n ow n as the e a s te r n b o u n d a r y c u r r e n t . T h e s u b t r o p i c a l South P a c ific g y re is form ed b y so u th eq u a to ria l Pacific current (northern b o u n d a ry ), E a st A u str a lia cur­ rent, know n as the w estern b o u n d a ry current, w hich is the result o f w e ste r n b o u n d a ry in ten sifi­ cation, the w e st w in d drift or S o u th P a c ific D rift (southern boundary), and Peru current, w hich is know n as the eastern b o u n d a ry current. A s stated earlier each circu la tio n g y re is ch aracterized by centrally lo ca ted w ater m o u n d (h ill) w h ic h is one to tw o m eters h igh er than th e w a te r v a lle y s in the periphery o f the w ater h ill bu t th ere are tw o water h ills in the su b trop ical N o rth P a c ific gyre (fig. 10.6). T here is g e o s t r o p h i c c i r c u l a t i o n o f water around the w ater h ill. The fo llo w in g are th e s ig n ific a n t surface current o f the P a c ific O cea n : (1) North Equatorial C urrent (w arm ) The north eq u atorial current o rig in a tes o ff the w estern co a st o f M e x ic o and flo w s in w esterly direction (fig 10 .6 ) and rea ch es the Philippines coast after c o v er in g a d ista n ce o f 7 5 0 0 nautical mi es. (1 3 8 3 0 km ). T h is current is originated ecau se o f the C aliforn ian current and north-east m on soon . T he v o lu m e o f w ater con tin u ou sly increases w estw a rd b e c a u se nu m erou s m inor branches jo in th is current from the north. A few branches a lso co m e out o f the m ain current and turn tow ards north and south . O n e branch em erges from the north equatorial current near T aiw an and ;J§j SURFACE O CEA N CU R REN TS flow s northward to jo in Kuroshio current w hile the southern branch turns eastward to form c o u n te r e q u a to ria l c u r r e n t . It is significan t to note that north equatorial current flow s as a continuous current in the north P acific O cean but there are seasonal variations in its northern and southern marginal areas. The velocity o f the current ranges between 12 and 18 nautical m iles ( 2 2 to 32 kilom eters) per day. W ith the northward (northern summer) and southward (southern summer) mi­ gration o f the sun this current m oves northward and southward but it alw ays remains to the north o f equator. A W W W W W W vW SxW W W V W SW SV W W SW W W W W W N SW W W W SN N N W W VSSSW i A W W W W W W S S W W W W S W N V W W V W S W V W sw sw w sS N W N S S V W N W W W W S y A w w N N N W W v w sv w w sw sw w w w sw w sv w w w sw w sv w v ssw v N S w w w N y J^r jW V W W W W S ' W w w w s w A la ska C urrent -A ^ N. P a c ific C urrent M n r f h n w *M l * « v w n w sw n w w w w ssw m n nw w sw snsw svsn nnW A \\\\\\\S \\\\\S \V Wwww Am erica \\W W \ asvavwvwww ASWWWSSWNNWH \ K \\\\\\\\\\S N \V \\\\S \\\\\\\\\V \S S W \V \\S \\a X kw S W W W W N N W W V S W W W W W S W W W W S W N X ' W \\V \\\S \\S \\\\\\\S \\\\\\\\S \N \\\\W \S \\V s j V \N S \\ N \ \\\\ \N \\S \S \ \\\\\ \S \ S S \\N \\\\ W \S .V \y ^ O a V W N W W W W W W W W SNN W W N W W SV N W I \ \ \ \ w \ \ \ \ \ \ s \ \ s\ \ \ \ w w >n s s s ^ ^ s w \ . 'O,1 v \ W NN\ ^ \ \ \ \ \ S N \ S S \ \ S \ N N N y —^ N. ^ P \ y^\\\SNS\\NS\\\/ >4 SNPG -------- N. E quatorial C urrent ^ ^ \ 6v.<^v^s’'n'‘nsnsv,vi V \ Gv*> V^xxxvA ) Iv ^ SVVW SS\ AN ^ - — ■ v xvvw sN sw sy _ ^ !>j N ns H nW W W W ^ LW W W W W W W SX NW k v w sw w w . w w w w I W W W V W '.W W W W ' tSNNNWWWNW a | k \ \ S S \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ' U •' _ J ^ o u n te r E quatorial C u rre n t*”" U \ \ \ \ V’ NSSWSWWNN' ' w w v w w v S E quatorial C urrent f/ / ^ V v \v 7 VK'V\\V . a Ls\\\\,L X\s\\sw\\\\\Jssvx\ S outh •America ' ■ ▼v K w w w w w w , w .v » ' K \W \\\N \V V \\\\\\\\' F ^\\\\N\N\N\\\S\N\V /W W W W W S W W N W W V V . -A\S\\\W\S\\\\\\VV\\W\\A ,. i I A u s t r a l Id nL IAww'w 20 ki ykw N NN W VN W W . \W V A X \W k\\\SS , , .......................................VNWWWVO Sw W W W W W V W W SW W W N W W V N V W W X ' \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ S \ \ V V 's \ \ \ N \ 'V \ \ \ \ V N V V \ \ \ V | X w w w w y^ OkNNW WNW NVW NV \ » T V kW W W N N V W W A s w w w w w v , \ \ \ \ \ \ \ s nWWV^v X \ V S \ A \ V \ \ \ N W V \ S W \ ^ ''W 'W V X \\\\ m « I• WWWWW ^ / * |I lAN'‘ VkV'‘VvWW K \\ . \ \ \ W ' " " v j v A w w w v n w f c W \> A vw w w w sw w w w f / ’ A \\\\\\S \\W \\\\\\\V / AVWW W W W W W NW W 9 KWVW NW W W W W NNW K w s \\\\J Jk ^/\\\\' AW W V Fig. 1 0.6: Surface currents o f the Pacific Ocean. 3 = SNPG = subtropical North Pacific gyre; 4= SSPG = subtropical South Pacific gyre. (2) South Equatorial Current (warm) The south equatorial current is originated due to the in flu en ce o f sou th -east trade w inds and flow s from east to w est. T his current is stronger than the north equatorial current. The average velocity is 2 0 nautical m iles per day w h ile the maxim um v e lo c ity b eco m es 1 0 0 nautical m iles (184 kilom eters) a day. N um erous minor currents join this current from the left and thus the volum e o f water continuously increases westward. The current is bifurcated into northern and southern branches near N ew Guinea. The northern branch turns eastward and flow s as -c o u n te r e q u a to r ia l c u r r e n t w h ile the southern branch m oves towards the northern and north -eastern c o a sts o f Australia. 284 (3) C ounter Equatorial C urrent (warm) The current flow in g w est to east between the north and south equatorial currents is termed counter equatorial current. Because o f trade w inds im m ense volum e o f water is piled up in the w estern m arginal parts o f the ocean, with the result there is general slope gradient o f water surface from w est to east. This higher water level in the w est and descending slope gradient o f water surface from w est to east make the oceanic water flow in easterly direction in the name o f counter equatorial current which is the most developed counter current in the Pacific Ocean. This counter equatorial current is extended upto the Panama Bay. The average temperature and salinity are 27.5°C and 34.5%o respectively. The current transports oceanic water at the rate o f 25 m illion m 3 per second. (4) Kuroshio System (warm) The Kuroshio system com prised o f several currents and drifts is similar to the G ulf Stream system o f the Atlantic Ocean. This system runs from Taiwan to the Bering Strait and consists o f the Kuroshio current, the Kuroshio extension, the north Pacific drift, the Tsushima current and the counter Kuroshio current. (i) Kuroshio Current The north equatorial current turns north­ ward due to the obstruction o f Philippines and thus gives birth to the Kuroshio current w hich flow s from Taiv/an to Ryuku ridge at 30°N latitude. The K uroshio, a warm current, is sim ilar to the Florida current o f the North A tlantic Ocean. The average temperature and salinity are 8°C and 35%o respectively. The depth o f water involved in this current between Taiwan and South Ryuku is 700m w hile its average velocity is 89 cm per second. The average discharge is 20 m illion m 3 per second. The Kuroshio current is the w e ite r n b o u n d ­ a ry c u r r e n t and forms the western margin o f the subtropical North Pacific gyre. (ii) Kuroshio Extension The K u ro sh io c u rre n t leaves Japanese coast and turns eastward near 3 5®N latitude under the influence of the westerlies and is bifurcated int0 two branches. One branch moves in easterly direction while the second branch flows m north­ eastern direction upto 42°N latitude and thereafter it also turns eastward. The northern branch ultimately merges with the cold O ya.hio current coming from the north. (iii) North Pacific Drift The K uroshio current is e x te n d e d further eastward under the in flu e n c e o f th e w e sterlies and reaches the w estern c o a st o f N o rth A m erica. Just before 150°W lo n g itu d e th e m a jo r part o f this current turns southw ard w h ile th e remaining water m o v es eastw ard upto H a w a iia n coast and the w estern co a st o f N . A m e rica . T h e north Pacific drift is bifurcated into tw o b ra n ch es. T he northern branch b eco m es A le u tia n current w h ile the southern branch g iv e s birth to the C alifornian cold current. T he A le u tia n current is further divided into tw o b ra n ch es. O n e branch goes towards the B erin g Strait w h ile th e s e c o n d branch m oves tow ards G u lf o f A la sk a . The K u roshio E x te n s io n and the North P acific D rift form the north ern b o u n d a ry o f the subtropical N orth P a c ific g y r e. (iv) Tsusima Current N ear 3 0 °N latitu d e o n e b ran ch separates from the K u rosh io current and en ters the Japan Sea and flo w s a lo n g the w e ste r n c o a st o f Japan in the nam e o f T su sh im a current. T h is w arm current w ith rela tiv ely h ig h er tem p era tu re and salinity m o d ifies the w eath er c o n d itio n o f th e Japanese coast. (v) Counter-Kuroshio Current The Kuroshio current forms a gyral system etween Hawaiian islands and the American coast : an t us the oceanic water moves in westerly | irection in the name o f counter Kuroshio current SURFACE OCEAN CURRENTS (5) Oyashio Current (cold) The Oyashio cold current is also known as Kurile cold current. This cold current flow s through the Bering Strait in southerly direction and thus transports cold water o f the Arctic Sea into the Pacific Ocean. Near 50°N latitude this current is bifurcated into two branches. One branch turns eastward and merges with the Aleutian a n d K uroshio c u rr e n ts . The second branch moves upto the Japanese coasts. This current is comparable to the cold Labrador current o f the North Atlantic Ocean. The convergence o f cold Oyashio (Kurile) and warm Kuroshio current causes dense fogs which becom e potential haz­ ards for navigation. (6 ) California Current (cold) The California current, an exam ple o f cold current, is similar to the Canary cold current o f the A tlantic Ocean in m ost o f its characteristics. In fact, this current is the eastward extended portion o f the North Pacific drift. The cold California current is generated because o f the movement o f oceanic w ater along the Californian coast from north to south in order to compensate the loss o f water w hich is caused due to large-scale transport o f water o f f the coast o f M exico under the influence o f trade w inds in the form o f the north equatorial current. This current after reaching the M exican coast turns westward and m erges with the north equatorial current. (7) Peru C u rren t (co ld ) The cold current flow in g along the western coast o f South A m erica from south to north is called Peru current or H u m b o ld t c u r r e n t. The current is know n as Peru coastal current near the coast w hile it is called Peru ocean ic current o f f the coast. M ean annual temperature ranges betw een H°C and 17°C and the average v e lo city o f m oving water is 15 nautical m iles (27 km ) per day. The temperature o f sea water increases from the coast towards the ocean. The winds blow ing in the coastal areas o f the w est coast o f South America drives the surface ocean water through E k m a n tra n s p o rt. This situa­ tion causes upw elling o f cold ocean water o ff the coasts o f Peru and Ecuador. This rising or upwelling ocean water brings nutrients from below on the sea surface. These nutrients are consumed by phytoplanktons w hich then becom e rich food for fishes. This is the reason that Peru has emerged one o f the largest fish catching countries o f the world. A nchovies (a variety o f fishes) command fish markets o f the world. The weather and ocean conditions o f f the coasts o f Ecuador and Peru, say the eastern tropical South Pacific Ocean, and in the w estern tropical P acific Ocean in terms o f El Nino-La N ina events (phenom ­ ena), W a lk e r circulation and S o u th e rn O scillation, and El N ino-Southern Oscillation (E N S O ) events have already been explained in m uch detail in chapter 7 (figs. 7.20 and 7.21) o f this book. Readers are advised to go through these top ics in chapter 7. These aspects are not reproduced here in order to avoid repetition. (8 ) El Nino or Counter Current (warm) A subsurface warm current, know n as E l N ino Current, flow s from north to south b etw een 3°S and 36°S latitudes at a distance o f about 180 km from the Peruvian coast. The southw ard shifting o f the counter equatorial warm current during southern winter g iv es birth to E l N in o current. The temperature at Peruvian co a st d oes not fall considerably because o f this current. Though the amount o f rainfall increases alo n g the coasts due to this current but fish es die due to disappearance o f planktons and occurrence o f guano disease and pests caused oy El Nino. It m ay be pointed out that El N in o also affects m on soon s in the Indian Ocean. W hen El N in o is extended to the southern end o f S. A m erica warm w ater is pushed eastward to jo in the South A tlantic w esterlies drift w h ich brings warm water in the southern Indian O cean during southern w inters. C onsequently, the high pressure in the Indian O cean during southern w inter is not in ten sified due to w hich the south -w est sum m er m on soon is w eakened. 286 This aspect has been in secti 7.13 and 7.14 o f the 7th chapter o f this boo . d i s c u s s e d Presently, El Nino is consj?er?J. “ £ weather event or phenomenon, considered as Christ child while a i younger sister o f El Nino. El Nino has been related to the increase o f temperature o f east act ic Ocean o ff Peruvian coast while La Nina is related to the warming o f the western Pacific Ocean. The strong El Nino brings heavy rainfall exceeding normal rainfall resulting into lush green otherwise dry coastal land o f Peru. The cold water mass near Peruvian coast becomes warm due to strong E Nino event resulting into heavy rainfall in the first half o f the year (January to March). Earlier the people o f Peru in the event o f dry conditions w hile looking towards the sky prayed ‘Ye God, give us rain and keep drought away! but when they came to know that copious heavy rainfall causing mass destruction o f marine life (mainly death o f fishes due to disappearance o f planktons) was associated with strong El N ino event, they began to pray, ‘Ye God, give us rain and keep El N ino aw ay.’ The heavy rainfall associated with strong El N ino event makes coastal Peruvian deserts green and there is rich harvest o f cotton, coconuts and bananas but there is oceanic biological disaster. It may be maintained that in the event o f strong El N ino the tropical eastern Pacific receives four to six tim es more rainfall than normal amount but dry condition prevails in the tropical western P acific resulting into severe drought in Indonesia, B angladesh, India etc. The widespread fire in the forest o f Indonesia in 1997-98 was related to drought resulting from strong El N ino event. La Nina is a counter ocean current w hich becom es effective in the tropical western P acific w hen El N ino b ecom es in effectiv e in the tropical eastern Pacific. The dry condition in the western P acific is terminated and w et condition is introduced in the tropical w estern P acific by La Nina. The major E N SO (El N ino-Southern O scil­ lation) events occurred in the years 1899-1 9 0 0 (strong), 1902 (m oderate), 1907 (m oderate), 1991-1912 (strong), 1914 (moderate), 1917 (strong)! 1923 (m oderate), 1925-1926 (very strong), 1932 (strong), 1939 (m oderate), 1940-1941 (strong), 1943 (m oderate), 1953 (m oderate), 1957-58 , ♦ 1965 (m oderate), 1972-73 (strong^ 976 (m oderate), 1982-1983 (very str o n |) 1 9 8 7 (m oderate), 19 9 1 -1 9 9 4 (stron g), 1 9 9 7 -9 8 (very strong) etc. It appears from the ab o v e ch ro n o lo g y o f El N ino events that very strong El N in o ev en ts have occurred only thrice ( 1 9 2 5 - 2 6 ,1 9 8 2 -8 3 and 199798) in the last century. O ut o f 2 0 occu rrences o f El N ino in the 20th century, there h a v e b een 3 very strong events, 7 strong ev en ts and 10 moderate events. Effects of El Nino The occurrence o f El N in o e v e n ts brings far reaching im pacts on w eath er c o n d itio n s, periodic clim atic fluctuations from lo c a l through regional to global le v els. T he norm al w ea th er conditions becom e altogether d ifferen t during E l Nino events. The ch an ges in w ea th er and clim atic conditions a ffect m arine life , v e g e ta tio n on land, agriculture, forest fires, flo o d in g , droughts, hu­ man health and w ealth , fish in g etc. T h e fo llo w in g two exam ples o f very stron g E l N in o events during 1982-83 and 1 9 9 7 -9 8 dem onstrate the effects o f these ev en ts on w ea th er and clim ate and related spheres : (1) 1 9 8 2 - 8 3 El Nino : T h e 1 9 8 2 -8 3 E N SO ( N ino-Southern O sc illa tio n ) e v e n t w a s the strong­ est even t in the record ed h isto ry o f El N ino phenom ena. T his stro n g est E l N in o ca u sed the fo llo w in g e ffe c ts not o n ly a lo n g the Ecuador-Peru coasts, i.e. in the equatorial eastern P a c ific Ocean but also in the fa r-flu n g areas o f th e glob e as m entioned b e lo w : ^ The Peruvian coasts, which are arid areas during normal weather conditions— when El Nino is not active, received more than 3 0 0 0 mm o f rainfall but there was substan­ tial decrease in fish catch which adversely affected the economy o f Peru. It may be mentioned that during strong El Nino upwelling o f cold water o ff the Peru coast is stopped, and hence the supply o f rich nutrients from below is also stopped. In the absence o f nutrients phytoplanktons, which are foods o f fishes, do not thrive and hence fishes die o f starvation. SURFACE o c e a n c u r r e n t s 2 87 The heavy downpour in the Peruvian coasts caused extensive damage through flooding and landslides in the coastal areas. > There w as substantial rise in sea tempera­ ture, w hich caused c oral bleaching in the tropical P acific O cean, with the result there was exten sive dam age to corals. The marine productivity in the tropical P acific O cean w as remarkably reduced, w hich adversely affected marine animals and sea birds. There w as rise in temperature in Canada and A laska and thus winter becam e warm. >■ There w as rise in temperature during w inter in the eastern parts o f the U SA . Severe drought conditions and failure o f m on soon in S.E. and South India, m ainly in Indonesia and India. Spread o f encephalitis disease eastern U .S .A . in the D roughts in M exico, S.E. Africa, Australia and N e w Zealand. M ore southerly extent o f jet streams over U S A resulting into the genesis o f more p o w e r fu l storm s w hich brought more than 3 tim es m ore rainfall than normal rainfall in the south -w estern parts o f the U SA . forests o f Indonesia. India faced very severe drought conditions. On the other hand, the Peruvian coasts received many times more rain­ fall than normal rainfall, the hurricane activities were increased in M exico, California (USA) received 2 times more rainfall than normal which caused severe flooding and landslides etc. It may be concluded that in the year o f strong El N ino, the coastal areas o f Ecuador, Peru and Chile receive copious rainfall which is several times higher than normal rainfall and thus the deserts on the w est coasts o f South America becom e lush green but the weather in the tropical western Pacific Ocean (South and S.E. A sia) becom es dry, m onsoon fails and hence there is extreme drought condition. C onversely, if El N ino is weak, La Nina becom es strong in the western tropical Pacific Ocean and hence the weather conditions during strong El N ino are reversed i.e. the western coastal areas o f South America face extreme drought conditions, w hile South and S.E. A sia receive sufficient rainfall as m onsoon becom es strong. (9) East Australia Current (warm) South equatorial current is bifurcated near the Australian coast into northern and southern branches. The southern branch flo w s as east Australia current from north to south along the H igh sea le v e l and storm surges caused eastern coasts o f Australia. N ew Zealand is co a sta l erosion and exten sive damage to surrounded by this current. It is d eflected ea st­ hum an settlem en ts through flood ing by ward near 40°S latitude due to d eflectiv e force o f storm su rges in the w estern coastal areas o f the earth and flo w s in easterly direction under the the U S A . influence o f the w esterlies. This is a warm and >■ S ev ere c o ld in Europe. more consistent current. It raises the temperature (2) 1 9 9 7 - 9 8 El N in o : caused rise in normal o f east Australian coast for considerable distance sea surface tem perature b y 5°C in the tropical southward. Pacific O cean , 8°C o f f the coasts o f Peru and 2°C in the Indian O cean , w h ich resulted in coral (1 0 ) W est Wind Drift (cold) bleaching and m ass destruction o f corals. About 95 percent sh a llo w w ater corals in Baharin, A strong ocean current, know n as w est wind M aldives, Sri Lanka, Sin gapore and Tanjania drift, flo w s from w est to east under the influence were k illed due to catastrop hic b leach in g, w h ile o f the w esterlies betw een Tasm ania and South 50 to 70 percent corals died due to severe A m erican coast in the zon e o f 4 0 °-5 0 °S latitudes. bleaching in the sea s o f K en ya, S e c h e lle s, Japan, T his current b eco m es m uch stronger b ecause o f Thailand, V ietn am , A ndm an and N icob ar Islands im m ense volu m e o f w aterm ass and high v e lo city ° f India etc. T here w as sev ere w ild fire in the 288 w inds called as roaring forties and thus the current flo w s w ith great velocity. In the far east the current is bifurcated into two branches. One branch enters the Atlantic Ocean through Cape Horn w h ile the second branch turns northward and jo in s Peru current. 1 0 .7 SURFACE CURRENTS OF INDIAN OCEAN The current system s o f the Indian O cean are largely controlled and m odified by landm asses and m onsoon winds. Indian Ocean being sur­ rounded by the Indian subcontinent, A frica and (1 ) N orth -east M onsoon C urrent (w arm ) N orth-east m onsoon w inds b low from land to the ocean during w inter season in the northern hem isphere and thus w estw ard b low in g north­ A ustralia d oes not p resent m o st favourable conditions for the d ev elo p m en t o f perm anent an # c o n s i s t e n t sy stem o f o cea n currents. The currents in the northern Indian O cean ch a n g e their flow direction tw ice a year due to north -east and south­ w est m on soon w in d s. U n lik e P a c ific and A tla n tic O cea n s, Indian O cean has o n ly o n e subtropical circulation gyre w hich is form ed b y the sou th eq u atorial current in the north, M ozam bique current— a w estern boundary current in the w est, w e st w in d drift in the south, and w est A ustralia currents, an eastern boundary current, in the east. east monsoon currents are produced between Andman and Somali (fig. 10.8) This c u r r e n t flows to the south o f 5°N latitude. B esides, son# independent currents originate in the Bay Bengal and Arabian sea and flow in westerly direction. SURFACE OCEAN CURRENTS 100 110 120 \N\SNSW S\W S i\ns\\\NV'\^\wwwww>A nsSNNNN4 | A \ \ \ v n n . s \ s \ \ \ \ w w » ^ m VW L . \W 5 v \v 3 v sv o AVN\>N\\W \VW \W W SW >J1O*W WW <D NNN NSW * 3 cr \wv£} * w \\ \\\\\ wwv \v s v \\v n v v w ^ - ^Jr ^ \\ N"W w" J) -V W W W W W W > \^ W \W \V W \V \y / j WWWWWWjT >/ x w v s s w y P ^ A ,. ,\N \S \V W V (4) Indian Equatorial Current (warm) ^ VwwwwwJ Q ▼w W s x v s v v s v . V V f v Counter Current 4 r---------S. Equatorial Current svvw o — __ - wwv O w w v «C wwwwj W W \N W WNWWY WWWV 'V.s\v\i Indian Ocean wvwy w v>/ developed during winter season disappears due to this current. ) ^ \\\\S S V S S W \S \\S \\N \\|| \V\\<VV \S V ,\V V \\W V V V N \'J / SWWWWWV V >" W > *WNNSN' 7 yX 0 \. ^ W v s s s s s \Y I w w w w w k - ' / -O K ^ \\\s s v w \) I s v w v ^ Ml wvC'V SN V N \ W 289 | West Wind Drift --> ---- -> -- > ---- -> Warm Current L = Leeuwin Current > Cold Current Fig. 10.8 :Surface currents of Indian Ocean during winter. The currents o f the southern Indian Ocean are least affected by seasonal change in the direction o f monsoon winds. The Indian Ocean equatorial current flows from east to w est between 10°S and 15°S latitudes from Australian coast to African coast. After being obstructed by Madagascar this current is divided into many branches. One major branch flow s southward in the name o f Agulhas c u rre n t (warm) while the other branch is directed towards the north. (5) Mozambique Current (warm) Indian counter current is originated during winter season (northern hemisphere). This cur­ rent flow s in easterly direction between 2°-8°S latitudes from Zanzibar to Sumatra. One branch o f the southern Indian Ocean equatorial current m oves southward through Mozambique Channel known as M ozambique current. This current joins the A gulhas current near 30°S latitude and m o v es upto the southern tip o f Africa and is ultimately diverted eastward. (3) S.W. Monsoon Current (warm) (6) West Wind Drift (cold) Th6re is com plete reversal in the direction o f m onsoon w inds during summer season. In other words, north-easterly direction o f winter monsoon winds becom es south-w esterly during summer season in the northern hemisphere. This reversal o f direction o f m onsoon w inds also reverses the Like Pacific and Atlantic Oceans eastward flowing current, known as w est wind drift, is also generated in the Indian Ocean. This current is produced due to eastward blow ing w esterlies along 40°N latitude known as ‘roaring forties*. This current bifurcates in tw o .branches near 110°E longitude. One branch turns northward and (2 ) Indian Counter Current (warm) direction o f ocean currents o f Indian Ocean during sum m er season. North-east m onsoon ocean currents disappear and south-w est m onsoon ocean currents are developed. The general direc­ tion o f m onsoon currents is from south-w est to north-east (fig. 10.7) but several minor branches emerge from the main branch and m ove in the Bay o f Bengal and Arabian Sea. The counter current flow s as W est Australia cold current along the western coast o f Australia and near the Tropic o f Capricorn turns towards w est and north-west and u ltim a tely m erges w ith the south equatorial current near 100°E longitude. The second branch o f the w est w ind drift turns southward. . , ima The w arm cu rren ts, w h en they flora and fa ■ ^ ^ ^ th e ir tem pera-! 290 ;? It m ay be mentioned that like other• su tropical circulation gyres o f the southern and Pacific Oceans, the Indian cean (located to the south o f equator) rotates in cou clock w ise direction. The Indian Ocean gy formed by the westward flow ing equatona current in the north, Agulhas current-the western boundary current, which flow s southward, eas* ward flow ing the West Wind Drift in the south an the W est Australian Current (an eastern boundary current) in the east. It is interesting to note that in the South Pacific and Atlantic Oceans gyres the faH rather they keep th e m relatively ‘“"m er in winter months. T he origin o f id eal and — ble European type o f clim a te o f the western coasts o f Europe is due to the effects of re3Ch to the north Atlantic warm current w hich ,s the extension o f the G ulf Stream . T he temperatures of the coastal countries (e.g. th e G re a t B ritain, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, N e th e rla n d s etc.) are higher during winter than th e av era g e tem pera­ tures for their respective la titu d e s. T he G ulf eastern boundary currents are cold currents w hich Stream, on the other hand, raises the temperature o f Atlantic and G u lf coastal plains o f the USA flow very close to western coasts o f the continents and thus are responsible for dry conditions as the during sum m er m o n th s and c a u s e s a n d in te n sifie s western parts o f southern continents receive less than 250 mm o f annual rainfall but in the case o f the Southern Indian Ocean gyre, the cold eastern heat w a v es and thus b e c o m e s r e s p o n s ib le for hazardous w ea th er c o n d itio n s . S o m e tim e s, the tem perature rise s so r a p id ly that s e v e r a l p eop le boundary current o f the W est Australian current is die o f sun strok es. T h e c o a s ta l la n d s o f the east pushed away from the coast by southward flow in g and so u th -ea st U S A are n o t b e n e fite d from the warm current i.e. Leeuwin c u rr e n t. Thus, the w arm ing e ffe c ts o f the G u lf S trea m d u rin g w inter impact o f the W est Australian cold current is b ecau se the w in d s are o f f sh o r e i.e. w in d s b low offset by warm Leeuwin current because the from the m ain land to w a rd s th e A tla n tic O cean . former becom es o ff shore current. This is w hy the the tem perature b a la n ce o f o c e a n w a te r as th e warm currents transport w arm w a te rs o f th e tropical zo n es to the c o ld e r areas o f the te m p er a te and polar zo n e s and c o ld currents b rin g c o ld w aters of high latitudes to the areas o f lo w la titu d e s. Thus, ocean currents h elp in b r in g in g h o m o g en eity in the distribu tion o f tem p era tu re o f o cean w ater and thus help in m a in ta in in g th e h o r iz o n ta l heat balance o f th e earth b e c a u s e th ey transfer add ition al heat o f lo w la titu d e s (area o f surplus eat) to h ig h la titu d es (area o f d e fic ie n t heat). south-western Australia has m ild clim atic con d i­ tions and receives around 1250 mm o f annual rainfall. The Leeuwin current becom es more energetic and active when El N ino becom es w eek but La Nina becom es strong. In the event o f strong El N ino this current is weakened and hence the weather becom es dry in south-w est Australia. 1 0 .8 EFFECTS OF SURFACE OCEAN CUR­ RENTS 1. M odifications i n t h e C oastal Clim ate Surface ocean currents while flow ing alone the coasts m od.fy their weather conditions in a num ber o f ways. The m ost effective im pacts o f ocean currents are seen on the tem perature o f affected coastal lands. The effects are both positive (beneficial) and negative (injurious) for O cean currents h e lp in m a in ta in in g C old currents, on th e o th e r h an d , low er own the tem perature co n sid e ra b ly o f th e affected , ^ US cause sn ow fall. L ab rad o r, K urile a an<^ c° ld cu rren ts are resp o n sib le for avy snow fall in the affected areas during w inters. | The w inds blow ing over w arm cu rren ts pick up m oisture and h elp in in creasin g th e am o u n t o f | 291 SURFACE OCEAN CURRENTS precipitation in the affected coastal areas. For exaniple, the N orth A tlantic D rift and K uroshio c u r r e n t bring in su fficien t rainfall along the western coasts o f Europe and eastern coasts o f Japan respectively. On the oth er hand, cold currents discourage rainfall. For exam ple, K ala­ hari desert along the w estern coast o f South A frica and A catam a d esert along the w estern coast o f south A m erica ow e th eir existence to some extent to B enguela and Peru currents respectively but the arrival o f El N ino currents results in w et co n d itio n and four to six tim es more rain fall than the norm al am ount is received w hich m akes the arid P eruvian coast lands green and there is rich harv est o f cotton, banana, coconut etc. 3. Effects on Trade and Navigation The convergence o f w arm and cold currents causes dense fogs w hich pose obstacles in navigation. Such conditions are created near N ew foundland due to convergence o f w arm G u lf Stream and cold L abrador current and near the eastern c o ast o f Japan due to convergence o f K u roshio w arm current and K urile (O yashio) cold current. Circulation gyre : O cean circ u latio n g y res are closed system s o f surface ocean cu rren ts w ith extensive areas o f the oceans in the c en te r surrounded by surface ocean cu rren ts fro m all sides w herein surface currents m ove in clo ck w ise direction in the no rth ern h em isp h ere and a n ti­ clockw ise in the southern h em isp h ere. 2. Effects on Fishing Ocean currents act as distributing agents o f nutrients, oxygen and other elem ents necessary for the existen ce and survival o f fishes. Ocean currents transport planktons from one area to the Ocean currents determ ine m ajor ocean routes for the navigation o f com m ercial ships in ancient tim es but presently pow er-m otored ships do not care for the ocean currents and prevailing winds. The occurrence o f fogs due to convergence o f w arm and cold cu rien ts pose serious threats to navigation. L arger icebergs bro u g h t by cold currents (e.g. by L abrador and F alklan d cold currents) dam age ships. The other effects o f ocean cu rren ts have been discussed in section 10.2 o f th is ch ap ter. 10.9 IMPORTANT DEFINITIONS Circum-polar ocean currents : A sin g le s u r­ face ocean current en circlin g A n ta rc tica is c a lle d circum -polar ocean current. Cold core rin g s: The rin g s or ed d ies o f o c e a n w ater having cold w ater in the core an d w a rm w ater surrounding the core and ro ta tin g c o u n te r­ clockw ise in the loops o f G u lf S tream are c a lle d cold core rings. other area. T hese planktons are useful food for Cold w a ll: T he zone o f co ld w a te r b e tw ee n fishes. G u lf Stream carries planktons from M exi­ the east coast o f the U SA and w arm G u lf S tream is called cold w all. can G u lf to the coasts o f N ew foundland and north­ western Europe. It m ay be pointed out that many Coriolis deflective force : is the force w hich significant fishing grounds have developed in deflects the direction o f surface w inds. C oriolis these areas. Som etim es, a few ocean currents force or effect is not a force in its e lf in real sen se destroy planktons. For exam ple, El N ino current rather it is an effect o f the rotational m ovem ent o f destroys planktons o f f the Peruvian coasts and the earth (nam ed after G .G. coriolis). causes several diseases resulting into m ass deaths ° f fishes. C o ra l blea c h in g : Coral bleaching refers to the loss o f algae from the corals resulting into OCEA 292 Ocean currents: The general m ovem en t white colour caused by increase in the surface temperature of the oceans and consequent mass death o f corals. mass o f ocean water in a definite direction * called ocean current, which is more or less similar to water stream (river) draining on the land C urrents : The movement or circulation o f surface o f the earth. P y cn o clin e layer : is a zone o f rapid density change in the depth zone o f 3 0 0 m to 1 0 0 0 m in the oceans. Pycnocline simply means the density ocean water in definite direction with greater v elo city is called current, e.g. G ulf Stream. Deep ocean c u r r e n t : The ocean currents below pycnocline layer, which is zone o f rapid density change in the depth zone o f 3 00m- 1000m, are called deep currents. These are also called th erm ohaline c urrents. gradient o f ocean water. S a r g a s s o : The m o tio n le ss se a o f subtropical North A tlantic gyre surrounded b y north equato­ rial current in the south, G u lf Stream in the west, Downweiling : Sinking o f dense and salty North A tlantic D rift in the north and Canary surface water o f the oceans downward is called current in the east is ca lled sa rg a sso sea . T he name downweiling. ‘sargasso’ is derived from P o rtu g u ese word, Downweiling ocean c u r r e n t s : The deep ocean currents caused by sinking or dow nw eiling o f more dense seawater downward are called downweliing ocean currents. ‘s a r g a s s u m ’ m eaning th ereby sea w e e d s. T he said gyre is studded w ith such sea w e e d s. S t r e a m s : O cean stream s in v o lv e m ovem ent o f enorm ous volu m e o f ocea n w ater lik e b ig rivers D r i f t s : The surface ocean currents m oving forward under the influence o f prevailing winds o f the continents, in a d e fin ite d irectio n with greater v elo city , e.g. G u lf Stream . are called drifts, e.g. North Atlantic Drift. S u rfa c e ocean c u r r e n t s : T he o cea n currents East b o u n d a ry cu rre n ts : The surface ocean currents making the eastern boundary o f the ocean circulation gyres and flow ing along the eastern margin o f the ocean basins are called east o f surface w ater o f the o cea n s upto the depth o f 100 m eters are ca lled su rface o cea n currents which in v o lv e o n ly 10 percent o f the total water mass o f all the ocean s. boundary currents. T h e r m o h a li n e c u r r e n t s : T he density-driven Ekm an spirals : The spiralling currents caused by coriolis deflection are called Ekman spirals on the basis o f the name o f noted physicist Ekman. E k m a n t r a n s p o r t : The net or bulk transport o f seawater to the right angle o f wind direction is called Ekman transport. deep ocean currents b e lo w p y c n o c lin e layer are called therm ohaline currents b e c a u se h ig h density o f water is the o u tcom e o f tem perature (thermo) and salinity (h aline). W a r m c o re r i n g s : W arm co re rings are water eddies or v o rtices havin g w arm seaw ater in the center and surround by rings o f c o ld w ater. These G eostrophic c irculation : The circular motion warm core rings are form ed in the c o ld w a ll to the o f seawater around the water hill (m ound) in the north o f the G u lf Stream and rotate in clock w ise direction. circulation gyre is called geostrophic circulation or geostrophic current. W a te r mound : T he p iled up w ater due to Gyres : The closed circulation pattern o f current flow s in the oceans is called circulation gyre or sim ply a gyre. con vergen ce o f surface w ater flo w in the subtropi­ cal circulation gyre is ca lled w ater m ound or water hill h avin g steep gradient tow ards tfce SURFACE OCEAN CURRENTS 293 western boundary current and gentle gradient towards the eastern boundary current. e.g. G ulf Stream and Brazil current in the N orth and South A tlantic subtropical gyres. W ater valley : The w ater depressions around W estern boundary intensification : The high water m ounds (w ater hills) in the subtropical gyres are called w ater valleys. velocity and narrow width o f the western bound­ ary surface currents caused by steep gradient o f central water m ounds (hills) in the w estern arms (w estern parts) o f the circulation gyres in all o f the subtropical circulation gyres o f northern and southern hemispheres, is called the w estern bound­ ary intensification or simply western intensified. W estern bou n d ary currents : The surface ocean currents w ith faster velocities m aking the western boundaries o f subtropical circulation gyres are called the w estern boundary currents, CHAPTER 1 1: WATER MASSES AND DEEP CURRENTS w ater m asses, typ es o f water m asses, sou rces o f water m asses, d eep currents and therm ohaline circulation, c y c lic pattern o f therm ohaline circulation, w ater m asses o f A tlantic O cean, water m asses o f P acific O cean, w ater m asses and therm ohaline circulation in Indian O cean, c o n v e y e r b elt circulation, dow n w eliin g, u p w ellin g , 294-306 2 94 295 296 2 98 2 98 299 3 00 301 ___ 3 0 2 WATER MASSES AND DEEP CURRENTS W ater m asses and deep ocean currents are c lo se ly related. In fact, deep ocean currents in v o lv e subsurface (b elow seawater surface) m ovem ent o f w ater m asses w hich are driven by density variations. A s stated above deep currents are density-driven currents w hich involve the m ovem ent o f im m ense volum e o f ocean water b elow pycnocline layer, w hich is a zone o f rapid density change in the depth zone o f 300 m to 1000 m. Since the density o f ocean water is the function o f its temperature and salinity, and hence deep ocean currents are also called thermohaline cur­ rents. D eep ocean currents involve about 90 percent o f ocean water. D eep ocean currents are generated due to sinking (downwelling) o f denser seaw ater, and hence they may also be called downwelling ocean currents. Since huge water m asses m ove b elow the pycnoclin e layer in deep ocean currents, and hence it is necessary to d iscu ss ocean water m asses first. 11.1 WATER MASSES Subsurface water m ass is defined as exten­ siv e hom ogen eou s body o f im m ense volum e ot ocean water in terms o f temperature and salinity. Thus, there is alm ost hom ogeneity o f temperature and salinity in water mass w hich covers very extensive areas across the oceans. In other words, one water mass is not confined to a single ocean, rather it includes extensive regions o f hom ogene­ ous water body below the pycnocline layer in all the oceans. This is w hy w orld oceans are not closed system s rather they are open systems because they are inter-connected by water masses. The source areas o f subsurface water m asses are, in fact, sea surfaces in high latitudes where density o f sea water increases due to very low temperature. Thus, dense surface seawater sinks and forms subsurface water m ass. Sinking o f seawater is called downwelling. Once the surface seawater sinks, it becom es stabilized in terms o f temperature and salinity. In other words, there is more or less uniform ity in temperature and salinity in the subsurface water mass across the oceans. It does not mean that there is no temporal and spatial variation in temperature and salinity in a water m ass. There is slight change in tempera­ ture and salinity o f a water mass with time when there is m ixing o f seawater o f adjoining water m asses. It may be m entioned that the process o m ixing o f adjoining water m asses is very slow an W ATER MASSES & DEEP CURRENTS 295 hence change in tem perature and salinity is negligible. T his is w hy subsurface w ater mass m oves very sluggishly. The follow ing are the m ain characteristic features o f subsurface water m asses : ^ S ubsurface w ater m ass is huge and exten­ sive hom ogeneous w ater body. >• W ate r m asses have definite tem perature and salin ity characteristics i.e. there is a lm o st uniform ity o f tem perature and sa lin ity in a w ater m ass. ^ W a te r m ass is the result o f dow nw eiling o f d e n se r cold w ater and upw elling o f less dense water. This process is called thermohaline circulation because density o f seaw ater is th e fu n c tio n o f tem perature and salinity. ^ W a te r m ass is not confined to a single o c e a n ra th e r it involves extensive water b o d y across the oceans, i.e. it is associated w ith all the oceans. >- W a te r m asses m ove very slowly. T h o u g h there is stability in w ater masses in te rm s o f tem perature and salinity but w h e re v e r there is m ixing o f water o f a d jo in in g w ater m asses, there is slight c h an g e in tem perature and salinity, but sin c e m ix in g is exceedingly a slow proc­ ess, the ch an g e in these two variables is n e g lig ib le . >■ S in ce th e re is uniform ity in tem perature a n d sa lin ity o f a w ater m ass, inspite o f its m o v e m e n t co v erin g distances o f thousands o f k ilo m e te rs, tem perature and salinity are u se d as sig n ific a n t param eters for distin­ g u ish in g d ifferen t w ater m asses. >• U n ifo rm ity o f tem perature and salinity o f a w a te r m ass invo lv in g w ater o f oceans (a c ro ss the o cean s) denotes the fact that o c ea n s are n o t c lo sed system s but are open sy stem s. >• M o st o f the w a ter m asses are cold w ater m a sse s, w hich m eans the subsurface ocean w a te r is cold. In fact, m ore than 75 percent o f o c ea n w a ter o f all the oceans is c h a ra c te riz e d by tem perature ranging be­ tw een 0°C an d 5°C , and salinity ranging between 34%0 to 35%0, which validates the fact that the sinking or downweiling o f cold surface water o f high latitudes pro­ vides all the w ater o f subsurface water masses. >■ Once the surface, as cold water, sinks in the high latitudes and becomes subsurface water mass, it is not affected by atmos­ pheric conditions. ^ The movement o f subsurface water mass through thermohaline circulation is closely linked with the circulation o f surface water through conveyer belt circulation. This means there are interconnected integrated circu­ lation patterns o f surface water (through surface currents) and deep water (through deep ocean currents). >■ W ater masses vary in terms o f their characteristics o f temperature and salinity with depths. Thus, water masses are distinguished in 3 types (categories) with increasing depths e.g. (1) central water mass, (2) intermediate water mass, and (3) deep and bottom water mass. Types of Water M asses Since the source o f subsurface water masses o f the oceans is downweiling or sinking o f cold and denser surface water in high latitudes, and hence the only criterion o f the classification o f subsurface water masses is depth o f oceans. On the basis o f depth water masses are classified into the following 3 types : 1. Central water mass, from 100 meters to 1000 meters i.e. upto the base o f thermocline layer. 2. Intermediate water mass, from 1000 meters (one kilom eters) to 3,000 meters (3 kilometers). 3. Deep and bottom water mass, from 3,000 meters to the bottom o f the oceans. These three m ajor categories o f subsurface w ater m asses are further subdivided into 16 types as follows : IP^m __ tem perature (°C ) w ater m asses salinity <*> 1% C en tral w a ter m aaaea (1 ) SPC W - south Pacific ccntrnl water mass 9°“ 20° 3 4 .3 -3 6 .2 (2 ) N P C D ** north Pacific central water mass 7 ° -2 0 ° 3 4 .1 -3 4 .8 (3 ) N A C W * north Atlantic central water mass 4 ° -2 0 ° 3 5 .0 -3 6 .8 (4 ) SA C W » south A tlantic central water mass 5 °~ I8 ° 3 4 .3 -3 5 .9 (5 ) SICW * south Indian central water mass 6 ° - 16° 3 4 .5 -3 5 .6 4 ° -1 0 ° 3 4 .0 -3 4 .5 23° 40 6 ° - l 1.9° 3 5 .3 -3 6 .5 2 . In term ed iate w ater m a s s e s (6 ) N PIW = north Pacific intermediate water mass (7 ) R SIW = Red Sea intermediate water mass (S) M IW = Mediterranean intermediate water mass (9 ) AJW = A ntarctic interm ediate water mass 0 ° -2 ° 34.9 (1 0 ) A A IW = Antarctic intermediate water mass 2 .2 ° -5 ° 3 3 .8 -3 4 .6 0 .6 ° -1 .3 ° 3 4 .7 3. Deep a n d bottom w ater m a ss e s (1 1 ) C oW = com m on water m ass (1 2 ) P SW = P acific sub-A rctic water mass 5 °-9 ° 3 3 .5 - 3 3 .8 (1 3 ) N A D W = north A tlantic deep water mass 3 °-4 ° 3 4 .9 - 3 5 .0 (1 4 ) A A D W = A ntarctic deep water mass 4.0° 35 (1 5 ) A A B W = Antarctic bottom water mass -0 .4 ° 3 6 .6 (1 6 ) N A B W = north A tlantic bottom water mass 2 .5 °—3 .1 0 3 4 .9 Source : M .U . Sverdrup, M .W . Johnson, and R.M. Flem ing, 1942, A. D efant, 1961, and O.R. M armaev, 1975 1 1 .2 SOURCES OF WATER MASSES A s stated above the major source o f the form ation o f subsurface water m asses is the sinking (d ow n w ellin g) o f denser surface water o f oceans in high latitude regions where seaw ater attains its higher density through co o lin g o f water due to insign ificant amount o f insolation and high rate o f albedo (reflection o f incom ing solar radiation), and increase in ocean salinity through the process o f ice form ation. Thus, the sinking denser seaw ater m o v e s dow nw ard vertically w herever pycnocline layer is absent. A fter reaching such depth w here the tem perature and salin ity o f sunken water m atch w ith the tem perature and salinity o f p revailing seaw ater at that depth, the dow nward vertical m o v em en t o f w ater changes into horizontal (a d v ectio n a l) m ovem ent. Thus, subsurface water m ass is form ed. The aforesaid process o f the form ation o f ; sub-surface w ater m a sses is m o st a ctiv e in N orfe Jj and South A tlan tic O cean and South P acific f& M 297 WATER MASSES & DEEP CURRENTS 3. Weddell Sea o f A ntarctica Ocean, and moderately active in North Pacific, but it is not active in the Indian Ocean because o f its location in the southern hemisphere. The following are major s >urce areas o f the origin of subsurface water masses (fig. 11.1). 1. Norwegian Sea Area 2. Irminger Sea, o ff south-eastern Greenland and Labrador Sea 1 5 0 °W 4. Antarctic Basin, north o f Lazarev Sea to the north o f A ntarctica 5. Extreme North Pacific betw een 45°—50° N latitudes, to the south o f A leutian Trench 6. Southern Ocean, to the south o f P a c ific Antarctic Ridge 120' North America South ^ ^America Pacific-Antaratic ridge / r A n ta r c n c C ira e Southern Ocean !Antarctica ^V ^ 12 0 °E F,g 111; 150*E / 180' ------------- AABW --------------AAIW --------------PSW --------------NADW Major source areas o f the formation o f subsurface water masses; flow paths o f subsurface writer thermohaline circulation. AABW = Antarctic Bottom water mass, AAIW = Antarctic Intermedin w T ” ’ PSW = Pacific Subarctic Water mass, NADW = North Atlantic Deep Water mass, MIW = Intermediate Water mass, 1 to 6 denote source areas of subsurface water mass : J. Norwegian Sea 7 Irminger Sea area, 3. Weddell Sea area. 4. Antarctic Basin area, 5. Extreme North Pacific area and 6. W r il. Ocean area. Based on A.L Gordon, 1990-91. OCEANOGI 298 11.3 DEEP CURRENTS AND THERMOHALINE CIRCULATION T he density-driven subsurface curren ts in v o lv in g m ovem ent o f extensive w ater m as b elow the pycnocline layer are called deep curren or therm ohaline circulations o f w ater m asses, ince the deep currents are originated due to d en sity v ariatio ns and density o f ocean w ater is the function o f tem perature (therm o = tem p eratu re) and salinity (haline = salt) o f ocean w ater, and hence deep ocean currents are called therm ohaline circulation o f subsurface w ater m asses. L ow tem perature or high salinity or both increase density o f seaw ater, and denser surface w ater o f the ocean sinks, the process o f w hich is called downweiling. Thus, high density o f seaw ater results from the follow ing tw o factors and processes : p ro p e rtie s o f o cea n w ater, are a c tiv e and functional o n ly at the sea su rfa ces, sa y su r fa c e w ater o f t h e o cean s but as the d en se su rfa ce sea w a ter sinks it b eco m es free from th e in flu e n c e s o f external factors and p ro cess, as n am ed a b o v e and hence su n k en subsurface w ater is n o t a ffe c te d b y the said factors, w ith the result there is h o m o g en eity in term s o f tem perature and s a lin ity o f subsurface o cean w ater. It is im portant to n o te that d o w n w e il in g o f surface w ater and u p w e llin g o f d e e p w a ter results in vertical m ix in g o f o c ea n w a ter and th is p ro cess occurs w herever p y c n o c lin e l a y e r is n o t present. This situation also d e v e lo p s in th e h ig h latitude areas. D eep ocean currents are ch ara cterized by the fo llo w in g properties : >- D eep o cea n currents are, in fa ct, su b su r­ face w ater m a sses. >- increase in density through decrease in tem perature and increase in salin ity o f ocean w ater, and >- These currents originate due to d o w n w e liin g o f cold denser su rfa ce w a ter in h ig h latitude areas. >■ increase in salin ity due to excessive e v a p o ­ ration o f w ater or through the process o f ice form ation. >■ D eep ocean currents are v e ry s lu g g is h in forward m o v em en t as th e y m o v e at th e speed o f 1 0 -2 0 km per year. The em pirical studies have show n that increase in density due to low ering o f tem peratu re o f surface w ater o f the ocean due to m inim um am ount o f insolation and increase in salin ity o f ocean w ater due to form ation o f ice occurs in the high latitude regions and hence the source areas o f the origin o f subsurface w ater m asses and deep currents are the sea surfaces o f high latitu d e regions. It is, thus, clear that high density surface w ater in the high latitude regions sinks th ro u g h the p ro cess o f d o w nw eiling beneath the su rface w ater, and originates deep currents w hich take subsurface route. The deep currents carry w ith them the initial c h aracteristics o f tem p eratu re and salinity w hich they gained at the tim e o f dow nw eiling and hence there is u n ifo rm ity o f tem perature and salin ity in the deep cu rren ts and subsurface w ater m ass except m in o r m o d ific a ­ tions due to m ixing o f ad jo in in g w ater m asses. It m ay be m entioned that the p h y sical p ro cess, su ch as insolational heating, ev ap o ratio n , reflectio n etc., w hich change the ph y sical and ch em ical >■ D eep ocean currents are n o t c o n fin e d to only one o cea n , rather th e y m o v e across the o c ea n s. >■ D eep ocean currents c o m p le te cyclic path­ w ays. T his c y c lic path b e g in s fro m the sinking o f d en se su r fa c e w a ter, p a sses through bottom o f th e o c e a n s and is com p leted by m ix in g o f d e e p w a ter w ith surface w ater. T hus th e cycle o f deep ocean currents b eg in s th rou gh downweiling o f surface w ater and en d s w ith upwelling o f deep w ater, th ough the p r o c e ss o f u p w ellin g in high latitu d e areas is n o t properly understood. Cyclic Pattern of Thermohaline Circulation The th erm oh aline c ircu la tio n o f d eep ocean currents and w ater m a sse s tak es a c y c lic pathw ay starting from d o w n w e liin g o f d e n se su rfa ce w ater in high latitude areas, h o rizo n ta l flo w co v erin g WATER MASSES & DEEP CURRENTS thousands o f kilom eters betw een less dense surface w ater and m ore dense bottom w ater, and ending with upw elling o f deep w ater and reap­ pearance on sea surface to com plete the cycle which takes about 1000 years because the movement o f subsurface w ater m ass is very slow. Question arises as to w hen the sinking o f dense surface w ater spreads laterally and m oves hori­ zontally? W hen dense surface w ater sinks and moves vertically it reaches such depth w here the density o f sinking w ater equals the density o f w ater mass lying there and hence the sunken w ater mass is placed betw een upper surface w ater mass o f less density and bottom w ater m ass o f m ore dense w ater, w ith the result sunken w ater mass moves h orizontally as deep currents flow or therm ohaline circulation. 1 1 .4 WATER MASSES OF ATLANTIC OCEAN ANDTHERMOHALINE CIRCULATION (Deep C u rren ts) T here are tw o principal source areas o f the fo rm atio n o f w ater m asses o f the A tlantic Ocean as fo llo w s : >■ N o rw eg ian Sea, w here w ater sinks and takes subsurface southw ard route to form N A D W w ater m ass i.e. North Atlantic Deep W ater mass. W eddell Sea o f A n tarctica and o ff the A n ta rc tic coasts, w here dense w ater sinks d ue to high salin ity caused by ice form a­ tion an d alo n g the A n tarctic convergence to form A A D W i.e. Antarctic Deep W ater m ass an d Antarctic Interm ediate W ater mass. T he North Atlantic Deep W ater (N A D W ) m ass is form ed d u e to sin k in g o f su rface w ater in the N o rw egian Sea. H ere d en se su rface w ater form s due to c o o lin g d u rin g n o rth ern w in ter and increase in sa lin ity due to ice form ation. The sunken w a ter m ass u n d e rta k es su b su rface route and enters th e N o rth A tla n tic O ccan w here the N A D W re c eiv e s a d d itio n a l w a te r from the sin k ­ ing o f den se su rfa ce w a te r n e ar Irm in g er Sea located to the s o u th -e a st o f G re en lan d , and L ab rador Sea. T h is m o st e x te n siv e w a te r m ass o f the A tlan tic O cean re c e iv e s fu rth e r su p p ly o f 299 w ater w hich com es from the M editerranea Sea as dense and m ore salty w ater m oves tow ards the A tlantic O cean to strengthen N A D W m ass. T hereafter this w ater m ass spreads laterally and covers m ost o f the bottom s o f the A tlantic O cean. It may be m entioned that the N A B W lies o v er the A ntarctic Bottom W ater (A A B W ) m ass because the form er is less dense than the latter. The Antarctic Bottom W ater (A A B W ) m ass form s due to sinking o f dense surface w ater o f the W eddell Sea o f A ntarctica. The ice form ation during w inter season in the southern h em isp h ere in the W eddell Sea and the n orthern p arts o f the Southern O cean o ff the A ntarctic co asts causes high density o f w ater through lo w erin g o f tem perature and increasing salin ity . T he AABW 7 having high density sinks to the g reatest d ep th o f the South A tlantic O cean and thus form s very extensive deep bottom w ater m ass an d m oves northw ard on the bottom s o f the A tlan tic O cean. The second w ater mass form ed due to sin k in g o f dense w ater o ff the northern co ast o f A n ta rc tica is called Antarctic Deep W ater (A A D W ) m ass w h ich is relatively less dense than the A A B W m ass, and hence it lies over the A A B W . T he A n tarctic Bottom WTater m ass w hile m o v in g n o rth w ard crosses the equator and enters the N o rth A tlan tic Ocean. The A ntarctic D eep w a ter (A A D W ) lies betw een the less dense N o rth A tlan tic D eep W ater (N A D W ) mass and m ore d ense A n tarctic B o tto m W ater m ass (A A B W ). B esides these 3 m ajo r deep w a te r m asses, nam ely A A B W , A A D W and N A D W , th e re are several interm ediate w ater m asses in th e A tla n tic O cean, such as A rctic In term ed iate W ate r (A IW ), A ntarctic Interm ediate W ater (AAIW r), M e d ite r­ ranean In term ed iate W ater (M IW ) etc. 11.5 WATER MASSES OF PACIFIC OCEAN AND THERMOHALINE CIRCULATION The subsurface water masses and thermohaline circulations are not as developed in the P acific Ocean as they are in the A tlantic O cean because o f the follow ing reasons : >■ The m ixing o f the A rctic w ater m ass w ith the water m ass o f the P acific O cean is n ot m OCEANOGRAPHY strong because the flo w o f cold deep water m uss and cold bottom water m ass o f the Arctic O cean into Ihc North Pacific Ocean is stopped by the shallow Bering strait T he Antarctic D eep Water (A A D W ) and the Antarctic Intermediate Water (A A IW ) m asses arc not w ell d eveloped in the extrem e southern P acific O cean. >* Due to uniform ity o f temperature and salinity o f ocean water below the depth o f 20 0 0 m in the Pacific O cean different layers o f water m asses in terms o f varying com bin ations o f temperature and salinity have not d evelop ed . Low salinity o f surface water in the North P acific O ceans docs not encourage sinking o f surface water. In v iew o f the above facts subsurface Pacific w ater m asses are dom inated by Common W ater (C oW ) m asses, w hich have developed due to interm ixing o f Antarctic Bottom W ater(A A BW ) and North A tlantic D eep Water (N A D W ). This is w hy the therm ohaline circulations o f subsurface water m asses o f t h e P acific Ocean are sluggish. B esid e s C om m on W ater (C oW ), the impor­ tant su b s-su rface water m asses o f the Pacific O cean are as fo llo w s : North Pacific C entral W ater (N P C W ) mass h avin g tem perature and salinity range o f 7°-20°C and 34.1-34.8%o respectively. >- South Pacific C entral W ater (SPCW ), with tem perature and salinity ranges o f 9 ° 20°C, and 34.3-36.2%o respectively. >• N orth Pacific Interm ediate W ater (N PIW ), w herein water tem perature ranges betw een 4°-10°C , and salin ity is found betw een 3 4 - 34/.5%o. >■ Pacific Subarctic W ater (P SW ), having tem ­ perature and salin ity ranges from 5 °-9 °C , and 33.5-33.8% o resp ectively. 11.6 W ATER M ASSES AND TH ER M O H ALIN E CIR C U LA TIO N IN INDIAN O CEA N The therm ohaline circulations have poorly d e v elo p ed in the Indian O cean b ecau se o f the location o f m ost parts o f the Indian O cean in the southern hem isphere. Thus there is no sinking o f dense cold surface water in the north and southward m ovem ent o fsu b su rfa cc water masses, say deep ocean currents, as is the situation in there is A tlan tic O cean w here A rctic cold surface dense water sinks to form North A tlantic D eep Water and North A tlantic B ottom W ater. T his is w hy the C om m on Water (C oW ), is produced due to adm ixture o f A ntarctic B ottom W ater (A A B W ) and North A tlantic D eep W ater (N A D W ). Thus C om m on Water o fth e Indian O cean is an exam ple o f hybrid subsurface water m ass b ecause its upper portion carries the properties o f North Atlantic D eep Water m ass w hereas the low er portion is characterized by the properties o f A ntarctic D eep Water. The Antarctic Interm ediate W ater (A A IW ) is also poorly d eveloped in the Indian O cean. The Red Sea Interm ediate W ater (R SIW ) m ass is characterized by the h igh est sa lin ity (m ore than 40%o) o f all the subsurface w ater m a sses o f all the oceans. This water m ass m o v es southw ard below the depth o f 3000m and m ix es w ith the Com m on Water (C oW ). The fo llo w in g are the w ater m a sses o f the Indian Ocean : 1. Common W ater (CoW ) mass, which is formed due to m ix in g o f A ntarctic B ottom Water (A A B W ) m ass, and North A tlan tic D eep Water (N A D W ) m ass, and o c cu p ie s m ost o f the Indian Ocean. 2. Antarctic Bottom Water (A A B W ) is very ex ten siv e deep w ater m ass w h ich exten d s into the A tlantic and Indian O cean. 3. A ntarctic In term ed iate W ater (AAIW) mass is form ed at the A ntarctic co n v e rg e n c e zone and spreads into the A tlan tic and Indian O ceans. 4. Indian Ocean C en tral W ater (ICW) is ; spread to the south o f equator and is located at the depth o f 1000 m eters. T his w ater mass with salin ity ranging b etw een 34.5%o and 36%o is form ed due to d o w n w e llin g o f surface w a t e r mass at the subtropical c o n v erg en ce zo n e near 40°S. latitude. A fter reaching the depth o f 1000 mete*^ the w ater m ass takes horizontal flo w path to w a i^ ^ the equator. . '/ WATER M A SSES & D E E P C U R R E N T S 30! 5. Red Sea Deep W ater (RSDW) m ass is form ed d u e to d o w n w e llin g o f higli d e n sity surface w a te r m a ss. It m a y b e m e n tio n e d th a t th is w ater m a ss c a rrie s v e ry h ig h sa lin ity o f m o re th an 40%o w h ic h is th e re s u lt o f h ig h ra te o f e v a p o ra ­ tion by th e w a rm a n d d ry a ir b lo w in g o v e r R ed Sea. T he w in te r c o o lin g a lso in c re a se s th e d en sity o f su rfa ce w a te r. T h u s, h ig h d e n sity su rfa ce w ater a fte r sin k in g u p to the d ep th o f 300 0 m e te rs m o v e s o u t o f R ed S ea th ro u g h th e S trait o f B a b e l M an ad eb and m ix es w ith th e deep w a te r m a sse s o f the In d ian O cean . , vu 6. Equatorial Shallow W ater (ESW) m carries alm o st u n ifo rm sa lin ity o f 35 to 35.5%o. T his w ater m ass o rig in ate s n o rth o f 10°S la titu d e . 150°W Arctic Circle Alaska North Ame­ rica 30°N Tropic OT Cancer- -Tropic of Cancer A fric a 0° Equator A ----------- < S o u th P acific ^America Arctic" Circle 60°N NorthoJ y '/ Pacific Ocean North America / 120°W —■ Atlantic KOcean y t - - 0° Equator Warm ' ( \ shallow current Tropic o f Capricorn x 30°S I / A u stralia / In d ia n O cean cold and s o l t y j g ^ VTropic o f Capricorn U 30°S South Pacific Ocean D eep h low & & & & $ So ut itarctic C irde Antarctica 150°W F ie 1 1 2 ■ 120°W C onveyer Bell C i r c u l a t i o n o r global deep water circulation across the oceans. After: M.S. M cCartney , 1994. This g lo b a l ocean circulation m odel shows exchange o f warm shallow water and deep cold and more saline water. 11.7 CONVEYER BELT CIRCULATION (Global Ocean Circulation Model) T h e c o n v e y e r b e lt c irc u latio n m odel o f the oceans sim p ly m e a n s e x ch a n g e o f w a ter m asses o f surface w a te r a n d d eep w a te r a cro ss the oceans th ro ugh th e p ro c e ss o f d o w n w ellin g and upw elling w h erein th e fo rm e r d e n o te s sin k in g o t high density su rfa ce w a te r in p o la r areas and the latter indicates reap p earan ce (u p w ellin g ) o f deep w ater. Thus, it is n ecessary to explain the p ro cesses o f dow nw elling and u pw elling. Downwelling D ow nw elling is the p ro cess o f sin k in g o f dense surface w ater d ow nw ard in v e rtic a l m an n er. The d ow nw elling or sin k in g o ccu rs w h e n th e ,' ?. i 302 d e n sity is h ig h e r th a n th e d e n sity o f la y ers ly in g b e lo w . In o th e r w o rd s, d o w n w eliin g o ccu rs o n ly w h e n th e p y n c n o c lin e lay e r, w h ic h d e n o tes sh arp d e n sity c h a n g e (in c re a se ) w ith in the d ep th zo n e o f 3 0 0 m -1000 m e te rs, is ab sen t. S uch d o w n w eilin g m a y b e te rm e d as d e n s ity -d e p e n d e n t dow nw eliing. T h e d e n sity -d e p e n d e n t sin k in g o r d o w n w e lh n g o f d en se su rfa c e w a te r o ccu rs in h ig h la titu d e areas, say p o la r a re as w h ere h ig h d e n sity o f su rface w a te r re s u lts fro m tw o p ro c e sses, n a m ely (1) th ro u g h c o o lin g o f w a te r due to least am o u n t o f in so la tio n re c e iv e d at the sea su rface, and (2) in c re ase in sa lin ity o f sea w ater th ro u g h the p ro c e ss o f ice fo rm atio n . T he sin k in g , a fte r re a c h in g su ch as d ep th w here its te m p e ratu re and sa lin ity are eq u al to the te m p e ratu re and salin ity o f p re v a ilin g w a te r at th a t d ep th , spreads laterally an d ta k es e q u a to rw a rd h o riz o n ta l flow paths. S uch d e n sity -d e p e n d e n t d o w n w eilin g is m ost activ e in th e p o la r areas o f the A rctic O cean and N o rth A tla n tic O cean , and m o d erately active in th e e x tre m e N o rth P a c ific O cean to the south o f B erin g S tra it in the n o rth e rn hem isphere; and in th e S o u th ern O cean, say in the extrem e southern p a rt o f the South A tla n tic O cean (fig. 11.1). T he second type of downweliing o f surface w ater is c au se d due to co n v erg en ce o f surface o cean c u rren ts. Such d o w n w eilin g m ay be term ed c o n v e rg e n c e-d e p en d e n t downweiling. The co n v er­ g en ce o f su rface cu rren ts com ing from opposite d ire c tio n s forces the w ater to sink in the sam e m a n n e r as co n v erg en ce (co llisio n ) o f tw o plates alo n g su b d u c tio n zone forces the relat