LEARNING OUTCOMES LEARNING OUTCOMES 01 Distinguish the concept and importance of learning outcomes 02 Identify the characteristics of a good learning outcomes 03 04 Explain what is student learning outcomes Recognize the student learning outcomes characteristics and 2 sources INTRODUCTION Learning outcomes are descriptions of the specific knowledge, skills, or expertise that the learner will get from a learning activity, such as a training session, seminar, course, or program. The learning outcomes focus more on student performance rather than they do on traditional techniques or courses The most useful learning outcomes include a verb that describes an observable action, a description of what the learner will be able to do and under which conditions they will be able to do it, and the performance level they should be able to reach. TYPES OF LEARNING OUTCOMES TYPES OF LEARNING OUTCOMES 1.INTELLECTUAL SKILLS With this type of learning outcome, the learner will understand concepts, rules or procedures. Put simply, this is understanding how to do something TYPES OF LEARNING OUTCOMES 2.COGNITIVE STRATEGY In this type of learning outcome, the learner uses personal strategies to think, organize, learn and behave. TYPES OF LEARNING OUTCOMES 3.VERBAL INFORMATION This type of learning outcome is when the learner is able to definitively state what they have learned from an organized body of knowledge. TYPES OF LEARNING OUTCOMES 4. MOTOR SKILLS This category is concerned with the physical ability to perform actions, achieving fluidity, smoothness or proper timing through practice. TYPES OF LEARNING OUTCOMES 5. ATTITUDE This is the internal state that reflects in the learner’s behavior. It is complex to quantify but can be shown in the learner’s response to people or situations. CHARACTERISTICS OF A GOOD LEARNING OUTCOMES CHARACTERISTICS OF A GOOD LEARNING OUTCOMES 1. Learning outcomes always use an action verb - These outcomes are usually very specific and use verbs in particular, which makes the expectation clear. It informs students of the standards by which they will be assessed and ensures that student and teacher goals in the course are aligned. 2. Learning outcomes must be written clearly, and should be easy to understand - All learning outcomes clearly indicate what the students should learn. You can facilitate the understanding of your outcome statements through clear and concise terms. CHARACTERISTICS OF A GOOD LEARNING OUTCOMES 3.Learning outcomes should clearly indicate what learners should learn from within the discipline they are studying. - Creating realistic outcomes may increase the chances of achieving the learning program's goals and objectives. One way to achieve this is by drafting a few outcomes to avoid overwhelming learners with information. 4. Learning outcomes help with assessment, and thus should clearly indicate what success looks like for the learner. - After drafting the outcome, you may edit and review it to ensure it's accurate and follows other guidelines. Many instructors use the SMART acronym to determine whether they have created effective outcomes for learning S M A R T SPECIFIC: learning outcomes should address what the learner will know or be able to do at the completion of the course MEASURABLE: learning outcomes must indicate how learning will be assessed APPLICABLE: learning outcomes should emphasize ways in which the learner is likely to use the knowledge or skills gained REALISTIC: all learners who complete the activity or course satisfactorily should be able to demonstrate the knowledge or skills addressed in the outcome TIME-BOUND: the learning outcome should set a deadline by which the knowledge or skills should be acquired CHARACTERISTICS OF A GOOD LEARNING OUTCOMES 5. Learning outcomes must show what the expected level of learning or understanding should be, and it should be reasonable to the level of the learners. - Make sure your assessments align with your learning outcomes. If one of your outcomes is for students to be able to analyze a case study, then your assessment should include a case study analysis Difference between learning OUTCOME and learning OBJECTIVES LEARNING OUTCOMES and LEARNING OBJECTIVES A learning outcome describes the overall purpose or goal from participation in an educational activity. Courses should be planned with a measurable learning outcome in mind. Objectives are used to organize specific topics or individual learning activities to achieve the overall learning outcome.. The learning outcome is a reflection of the desired Example: SKELETAL SYSTEM LEARNING OBJECTIVES LEARNING OUTCOMES 1. To gain knowledge and understanding of the different types of joints in the body, and to learn their structure. 1. Describe the different types of joint and the movements allowed at each 1. To explain the movement allowed of each joint in the body, giving practical examples of what movement is used during specific actions. 2. Explain how joints move during four different types of physical activity E X A M P L E 1.) This class aims to teach students effective collaboration to increase productivity in the classroom. 2.) Students can effectively collaborate to enhance classroom productivity. E X A M P L E 3.) The learner understands how to properly use the microscope. 4.)This training session will discuss the new policy for reporting travel expenses. Benefits of learning outcomes A CLOSE LOOK AT STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES (SLO) S L O The student learning outcomes in the teacher education program are the skills, competencies and values that the students are expected to demonstrate at the end of every course/ subject which are in turn, integrated into the year-end formation of students as they progress towards becoming professional teachers. Periodic assessment helps students determine their strengths and deficiencies and become active participants in outcome attainment. 1. The institution’s mission statement is a relevant source of student learning expectations. Public school system mission or state school charter as source of learning outcomes. Private schools are either sectarian or non-sectarian and their mission may be sourced from their respective religious goals, in the case of on-sectarian schools 2. Policies on competencies and standards issued by government education agencies such as the Department of Education(DepEd), Technical Education and Skills Development Authority( TESDA)and Commission on Higher Education(CHED) are the prescribed sources of student learning outcomes. 3. Expected competencies identified by the different professions, business and industry should be adopted to ensure that graduates are able to perform as expected . in their respective work places and/or professions. 4. The thrusts and development goals of the national government are useful integration in the identified competencies and expectations from all sectors of education 5. International trends and development should also be considered in identifying and determining student learning outcomes to ensure the graduates’ competitiveness in the employment and professional practice abroad. 6. It will be enriching if the identified competencies and expectations of students integrate the basic general education competencies such as the following competencies listed by the Montgomery College” CHARACTERISTICS OF A GOOD LEARNING OUTCOMES CHARACTERISTICS OF GOOD LEARNING OUTCOMES 1. Good student learning outcomes (SLO) are centered on the students, on what the learners are capable of doing, instead of the teaching technique. The teaching strategy will only be guided by the desired competencies of the students. 2. Good learning outcomes are based on the program mission statement agreed upon by the program faculty in consultation with other stakeholders like alumni and other professionals. CHARACTERISTICS OF GOOD LEARNING OUTCOMES 3. Good student learning outcomes are very well understood by both students and faculty. 4. Good learning outcomes include a spectrum of thinking skills from simple to the higher order of application of knowledge and skills. Here are suggested steps that teacher and students can together take in their cooperative monitoring of the progress towards the desired learning outcomes or skills and competencies. H-ooking the students to the desired learning outcome E-xploring and experiencing the supporting student activities A-pplying the ideas/ knowledge required in contrived, simulated or real-life situations R-efining, rehearsing, reviewing the target/skills/ competencies E valuating the degree of learning outcome performance D-eciding on the action, solution or creative project to apply the learning outcome SUMMARY Learning outcomes are descriptions of the specific knowledge, skills, or expertise that the learner will get from a learning activity, such as a training session, seminar, course, or program The most useful learning outcomes include a verb that describes an observable action, a description of what the learner will be able to do and under which conditions they will be able to do it, and the performance level they should be able to reach. The difference between learning outcome and learning objectives is that, a learning outcome describes the overall purpose or goal from participation in an educational activity. Courses should be planned with a measurable learning outcome in mind while objectives are used to organize specific topics or individual learning activities to achieve the overall learning outcome.. The learning outcome is a reflection of the desired The student learning outcomes in the teacher education program are the skills, competencies and values that the students are expected to demonstrate at the end of every course/ subject which are in turn, integrated into the year-end formation of students as they progress towards becoming professional teachers. “Develop a passion for learning. If you do, you will never cease to grow.” -Anthony J. D’Angelo THANKS!