UNIVERSIDAD AUTONOMA DE NUEVO LEON. FACULTAD DE CONTADURIA PÚBLICA Y ADMINISTRACION. Auditoria Financiera Prof: Irving Gonzales Martinez Óscar Yusef Rodríguez Arredondo 1900425 ESSAY ON AUDITORS’ ETHICS On this essay I will talk the auditor ethics that refers to the responsibility of the same to the public, towards clients and colleagues and the maximum and minimum levels of conduct that it must possess. Responsibilities to colleagues. The integrity of internal auditors establishes trust and thus provides the basis for reliance on their judgement, The code of ethics states that principals and expectations governing the behavior of individual and organizations in the conduct of internal auditing. It describes the minimum requirements for the conduct and behavioral expectations rather than specific activities. Its purpose is to promote the ethical culture in the profession of internal auditing. Internal auditing is an independent, objective assurance and consulting activity designed to add value and improve an organization's operations. It helps an organization accomplish its objectives by bringing a systematic, disciplined approach to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of risk management, control, and governance processes. Internal auditors exhibit the highest level of professional objectivity in assembling, evaluate and communicate information about the activity or process to be examined. The internal auditors make a balanced assessment of all circumstances relevant and form their judgments without being unduly influenced by their own interests and by other people. A code of ethics is necessary and appropriate for the internal auditing profession, as it is based on the confidence placed in its objective assurance about risk management, control, and direction. The Institute's Code of Ethics covers much more than the definition of internal auditing, including two essential components: 1. Principles that are relevant to the profession and practice of internal auditing. 2. Rules of Conduct that describe the standards of behavior expected to be observed by internal auditors. These rules are an aid to interpreting the Principles in practical applications. It is intended to guide the ethical conduct of internal auditors. An ethical dilemma is a situation that a person faces, and in which they decide about the appropriate or appropriate conduct. Generally, ethical dilemmas include situations in which the well-being of one or more individuals is affected by the results of the decision. Many professional and auditing organizations have issued principles and standards of ethics in the form and name of Codes of Ethics, which are a set of rules of conduct that the organized profession of public accountant has decided to adopt. Before society, they are autonomous rules and before the individuals that are grouped in the professional institution, they constitute mandatory rules based on the legal bond that unites them. The ethics in conducting audit work is the backbone of the development of this function, as evidenced by the fact that audit-related institutions have been interested in this matter for many years. Even before you start paying more attention to public morals. The evidence that has a special interest in the ethics of the auditor is a different tool that is used to regulate the interests of the auditors, among them we can find codes of ethics, statements, guidelines, etc. The International Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing recognize the importance of regulating the work of internal auditing, including both operational and administrative aspects of the audit exercise as well as ethical elements. The main conclusion of the research is that ethics has been a constant concern in various instance of public management that have led to the drafting of letter and other international instruments with commitments in this matter, being of special interest the ethics of government auditor and the SAI official, which is manifested in the multiple standards, codes, declaration, and other instruments that tend to materialize this ethical duty. It can be affirmed that the SAI official and the government auditor must have an impeccable and unquestionable conduct, which leads to a great demand of respect for the cuties and ethical principles, beyond the levels that are required of a public official or common citizen, the auditor is the example of righteousness. CODE OF ETHICS PRINCIPALS ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE This Code of Ethics applies to individuals and entities that provide internal audit services. For members of the Institute and candidates who have obtained or are going to obtain a professional certificate from the Institute, noncompliance with the Code of Ethics will be evaluated and managed in accordance with the Statute and Administrative Regulations of the Institute. In the case of Institute members and those who have received or are candidates to receive professional certifications from the Institute, non-compliance with the Code of Ethics will be evaluated and administered in accordance with the Institute's Statutes and Administrative Regulations. The fact that a particular conduct is not contained in the Rules of Conduct does not prevent it from being considered unacceptable or discrediting, and consequently, it may lead to disciplinary action against the member, holder of a certification or candidate for the same. Internal auditors are expected to apply and adhere to the following principles: • Integrity The integrity of internal auditors establishes trust and, consequently, provides the basis for trusting their judgment. • Objectivity Internal auditors exhibit the highest level of professional objectivity in gathering, evaluating, and communicating information about the activity or process to be examined. Internal auditors make a balanced assessment of all relevant circumstances and form their judgments without being unduly influenced by their own interests or by others. • Confidentiality Internal auditors respect the value and propriety of the information they receive and do not disclose information without proper authorization unless there is a legal or professional obligation to do so. • Competition Internal auditors apply the necessary knowledge, skills, and experience when performing internal audit services. All auditors according to the ethical standards should: • report all detection of fraud, criminal breaches in the company (if found out), money laundering, and other mischief to Management and the respective regulatory authorities of that country. • remain or seen to be independent, incorruptible, have a good sense of judgement if discovered situations during their audit assignments or during their normal course of work. • develop suitable sample sizes for each and every company they audit in order to maintain high quality auditing and the higher possibilities of discovery of gaps in internal controls and weak business processes. • exercise good rotation of audit teams when planning for audit assignments, so that the audit teams do not become ‘too friendly’ or ‘too familiar’ with the the management and staff of the companies they audit. EXAMPLES 1. In these times where corruption has become part of the daily life of many organizations, whether public or private, the forensic anti-fraud audit is the tool that could mitigate this damage. This is a consideration in which Juan Iván Rogers Harper and Alvin Alberto Ibarra Soto, president and secretary of the International Institute of Anti-Fraud Forensic Auditors agree, who referred to this issue when visiting the Listín Diario with the founder and president of the Latin American Association of Investigators of Fraud and Financial Crimes, Plácido Mercedes Ortiz. These specialists explain that the forensic anti-fraud audit begins when there are suspicions about the financial statements. “This is a prevention issue to combat scourges such as fraud, corruption and money laundering. This is a more comprehensive CPA training,” explains Rogers Harper. The forensic anti-fraud audit guarantees that the material truth is carried out, that due process is achieved and that finances are in order and transparent, which is why around 25 accountants have specialized in these matters in the country. “What we can do now with this type of audit is use it preventively. We can now go to an organization with all that knowledge, not with the traditional that they teach accountants, but go further, says Rogers. It expresses that those who are awarded this certification are people who are committed to ethics, honesty and responsibility at a higher level. “Of course, corruption cannot be eradicated, what can be mitigated. This is where our objective lies both in government and in private companies, Rogers points out. IN POINTS Fraud in public and private Surprisingly, these specialists assure that worldwide there is more fraud in the private sector than in the public sector, although in the government these cases are more officially known. “What happens is that the uncompetitive businessman who wants to achieve goals very quickly, takes his objectives to a political party and there he enters the government and takes his product to the governmental sphere at a higher price and there the problem arises. Corruption is nothing more than the export of a behavior that is born in something particular”, argues Rogers. 2. More than 500 irregular cases. The Office of the Comptroller General of the Republic, as part of the Vaccination Management Control Plan against COVID-19, detected 506 cases in which vaccination problems are noted in different regions of the country. The largest number of cases were registered in the Arequipa region, where the Comptroller's Office evidenced that 283 health workers who had a valid license in various establishments of the Arequipa Healthcare Network of EsSalud were vaccinated on a preferential basis. Additionally, 23 cases were identified corresponding to health professionals who no longer had an employment relationship with the health facilities where they received the COVID-19 vaccine. Another region with the highest number of reported cases is Ucayali, where it was revealed that 107 people appeared on the list to receive the Sinopharm vaccine against COVID-19 even though they were doing remote work, administrative work, or that they no longer had an employment relationship with health establishments, among others. In the Huancavelica region, a total of 43 people who were vaccinated against COVID-19 were identified in three control reports, of which 37 are professionals who have no employment relationship with the Huancavelica Departmental Hospital. In this region, the vaccination of four officials belonging to the Superior Court of Huancavelica and of two professionals working for the Regional Government of Huancavelica was also detected. The Comptroller's auditors also detected that 20 people were vaccinated at the Antonio Lorena Hospital in Cusco, who had no employment relationship with said hospital and even some cases had no employment relationship for three years. BIBLIOGRAFIAS https://na.theiia.org/standards-guidance/mandatory-guidance/Pages/Code-of-Ethics.aspx https://www.investopedia.com/terms/g/gaas.asp https://www.quora.com/According-to-ethics-for-accountants-and-auditors-what-are-norms https://iaiperu.org/codigo-de-etica/