Name: Thembisani. Surname: Mntungwa. Student: 2022103093. Module: EALH1508. Campus: QwaQwa. The effects of electricity crisis into economy growth of South Africa. Too much boosting obviously one of the primary barriers to South Africa’s economic growth is the detrimental effects of the electricity crisis in the commercial sectors. First, it is certain that the power shortage of energy has obligated many commercial sectors to spend largeMW of income to mitigate the consequences of electricity crisis; for instance, the commercials were spent to purchase backup generators , solar systems , and the P period of use its cost such as petrol and diesels; In addition, they spent to install of these systems that cost over the period of use and its preservation costs. In contrast, the power shortage second has compelled commercial sectors to close doors and P operations; In this case, yugen (2023) clearly demonstrates that, ‘‘load shadding and the rise in energy costs have forced many businesses to close operations, thereby affecting sales and causing supply chain disruptions’’. Furthermore, they also spent investing money to repair the generators that were destroyed by the lack of electricity until the doors were closed because they could not run normal companies. Therefore, indeed the electricity crisis at South Africa affected commercials to lost extremely so much money that they ended up closing their doors and operations. References Please revise this according to the study guide and put it on its own page.