Jumbled Letters Let’s hear the answer from… Jumbled Letters LOPT This refers to the series of events that comprise a story. Jumbled Letters PLOT This refers to the series of events that comprise a story. Let’s hear the answer from… Jumbled Letters HETEM The central idea or meaning of a story. Jumbled Letters THEME The central idea or meaning of a story. Let’s hear the answer from… Jumbled Letters RATECAHRSC They are the players within the story. Jumbled Letters characters They are the players within the story. Let’s hear the answer from… Jumbled Letters tegnits This refers to the time and place in which the events take place. Jumbled Letters setting This refers to the time and place in which the events take place. Let’s hear the answer from… Jumbled Letters NTLIOCC F The struggle between two entities. Jumbled Letters CONFLIC T The struggle between two entities. PLOT THEME SETTING CHARACTERS POINT OF CONFLICT VIEW TONE ELEMENTS OF FICTION PLOT CONFLICT THEME ELEMENTS OF FICTION CHARACTERS TONE POINT OF VIEW SETTING Learning Objectives 1.I can define the elements of fiction; 2.I can Identify elements in sample works of fiction; and 3.I can write a brief story incorporating the elements of fiction. What is fictio n? A literature created from imagination, not presented as fact, though it may be based on a true story or situation. (Britannica) A type of story that is written about imaginary characters and events and not based on real people or facts. (Cambridge Dictionary) It is a literary genre comprised of narratives that aren’t factual but are instead, products of the author’s imaginations. (supersummary.com) What is fictio n? Product of imagination therefore, not real. 7 Key Elements of Fiction Characters • The players within a story. • Humans, animals, aliens, objects. 2 Main Classifications Protagonist Antagonist Characters may also be Flat Round 7 Key Elements of Fiction Point of View • Tells us who is speaking in the story First Person Second Person Third Person Third Person Omniscient Third Person Limited Third Person Neutral 7 Key Elements of Fiction Plot • Series of events or actions that comprise a story. 7 Key Elements of Fiction Plot 7 Key Elements of Fiction Setting •Refers to the time and place in which the events take place. 7 Key Elements of Fiction Conflict •The struggle or problem faced by the main character. 7 Key Elements of Fiction Conflict Man vs Man Man vs Self Man vs Society Man vs Fate Man vs Nature Man vs Technology 7 Key Elements of Fiction Theme •The central idea or concept of the author. 7 Key Elements of Fiction Tone •The attitude that a character, narrator, or author takes toward a given subject. Identifying the elements The Unlucky Winners by Nicky Johnson Each morning, Jim walked to the corner mart for a coffee and lottery ticket. He always passed Pete and gave the same reply to the jangling of coins, “Half when I win.” Pete invariably responded with a tip of his soiled, red hat. When it actually happened, Jim searched everywhere for Pete. After months, his wife finally convinced him to spend the other half, and home renovations began. The following spring, working in the garden, Jim unearthed a familiar red. While lost in astonishment and horror, the faint smell of her perfume permeated among the roses before...darkness. The Unlucky Winners by Nicky Johnson Each morning, Jim walked to the corner mart for a coffee and lottery ticket. He always passed Pete and gave the same reply to the jangling of coins, “Half when I win.” Pete invariably responded with a tip of his soiled, red hat. When it actually happened, Jim searched everywhere for Pete. After months, his wife finally convinced him to spend the other half, and home renovations began. The following spring, working in the garden, Jim unearthed a familiar red. While lost in astonishment and horror, the faint smell of her perfume permeated among the roses before...darkness. Characters Jim Pete Wife Setting Each morning Corner mart Point of View Third Person Omniscient Conflict Man vs Man Tone Sad Sorrowful Plot Exposition Each morning, Jim walked to the corner mart for a coffee and lottery ticket. He always passed Pete and gave the same reply to the jangling of coins. Plot Rising Action Jim won the lottery. Plot Climax Pete was nowhere to be found. Plot Falling Action Jim found a familiar red – the hat. Plot Denouement Jim was killed too. Theme Money can make us do bad things. Wealth leads to greed.