Well-Baby Notes III. Give vaccines safely IMMUNIZATION I. Set up the immunization session Keep in mind the location of the injection sites BCG Outer upper right arm Perform hand hygiene Take vaccines and their diluents out of the refrigerator Inspect the vaccines, and check for: PENTA Outer upper right thigh IPV, PCV Outer upper left thigh (2.5 cm apart) ● ● ● MMR Outer upper right arm Storage under app. cold-chain conditions Expiration date Vaccine Vial Monitor (VVM) For multidose vials: ● ● ● Date and time of initial administration Vaccine vial septum (seal) not been submerged in water Aseptic technique used to withdraw all doses Ask the parent/significant other to hold the infant Cuddle - Expose the infant’s arm and shoulder - Instruct the mother to support the infant’s head and hold the arms close to the body Perform hand hygiene Prepare equipment needed for the session: ● ● ● ● ● ● Syringes and needles Cotton and micropore Safety box and waste container New Child Immunization Records (infant immunization cards) Immunization tally sheets or forms Vaccination area (with tables and chairs) Bed - Lying on back against flat surface Layout the immunization workplace with the following considerations: ● ● ● Separate infants to be immunized from those who have just been immunized Have a distance or barrier between the infant and all needles and sharp objects Immediately dispose of the needles (do not put them down/carry them around) Upright - Sitting upright on s/o’s lap, facing straight outwards II. Assess and screen infants Greet the parent/significant other Determine the s/o’s knowledge about vaccination and encourage questions. Assess infant for immunization Age Vaccines received All vaccines infant is eligible based on the national schedule Screen for immunization Enumerate conditions when vaccination should NOT be withheld ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Mild and minor illness (URI, diarrhea with fever <38.5 C) Malnourished infants Prematurity, low birth weight Treatment with antibiotics Dermatoses, eczema, localized skin infection Allergy, asthma Stable neurological conditions: cerebral palsy, down syndrome Enumerate conditions when it is safer to wait and not vaccinate ● ● High fever and under medication HIV infection (for BCG) Enumerate conditions when a senior health care worker must decide ● ● Very ill infants Needing hospitalization Advise: ● ● ● ● ● on the vaccine(s), its purpose, no. of doses, and timing on the importance of completing the vaccine series on the vaccination procedure and that the needle may hurt, but it is normal s/o’s participation in positioning the infant potential side/adverse effects and what to do Encourage breastfeeding at the time of the vaccination (this helps with relaxation and pain relief) Administer the vaccines Perform hand hygiene Inspect the vaccines Prepare necessary vaccines for each infant Organize vaccines in order of the administration Order of vaccine administration: 1. Oral vaccines (OPV) 2. Intradermal vaccines (BCG) 3. Subcutaneous vaccines (MMR) 4. Intramuscular vaccines (Penta, PCV, IPV) Oral vaccines (OPV) Make sure that the infant’s chin and cheeks should be dry Ask the s/o to hold the infant with head supported and tilted slightly back Open the infant’s mouth gently Squeeze 2 drops of vaccine from the dropper onto the tongue/buccal mucosa Intradermal (BCG) Reconstitute the vaccine immediately before use ● ● ● ● Open the vial/ampoule of vaccine Ensure that the appropriate diluent for the vaccine will be used Aspirate the diluent using a new disposable mixing syringe and needle Insert the mixing syringe with diluent into the vaccine vial/ampoule ● ● Swirl the vial to mix the vaccine with the diluent Indicate the date and time of reconstitution in the vaccine label Locate the injection site: ● ● Penta: outer upper right thigh IPV, PCV: outer upper left thigh Aspirate the prescribed dose using a new special small syringe and needle ● ● BCG: 0.05 mL Change the needle to the 26g 10mm needle Locate the injection site: outer, upper right The infant must be already in a cuddle position Clean and dry the injection site before vaccination Administer the vaccine using app. injection technique ● ● ● Note that the injection sites of IPV and PCV should be 2.5 cm apart Hold the syringe barrel with fingers and thumb on the sides, bevel facing upwards Gently stretch out flat and support the skin with the thumb and forefinger Lay the syringe and needle almost flat along the skin, bevel facing up Gently stretch the skin flat Insert the needle at 90° angle Quickly push the entire needle through the skin and into the muscle. Inject slowly to reduce pain. Pull the needle out quickly and smoothly. Press the site gently with cotton. Discard the needle and syringe. Do not rub or massage the site. Document IV. End the session Encourage and praise the parent/caregiver for having the infant vaccinated Provide instructions on aftercare ● ● Press the plunger with your thumb Inject 0.05 mL of the vaccine slowly and smoothly. Create a small wheal. Remove the needle quickly and smoothly at the same angle it was inserted. Discard the needle and syringe. Do not rub or massage the site. Document Alert possible mild side effects after getting the vaccine ● ● ● ● ● ● ● MMR: 0.5 mL Change the needle to the 23-25g 16mm needle Locate the injection site: outer upper right arm Position the infant sideways on the adult’s lap with the whole arm exposed. The adult must also hold the infant’s leg. Pinch the skin, quickly push the needle at a 45° angle Depress the plunger smoothly Pull the needle out quickly and smoothly at the same angle Discard the needle and syringe Do not rub or massage the site Document Intramuscular (Penta, PCV, IPV) Aspirate the prescribed dose ● ● ● ● Penta: 0.5 mL PCV: 0.5 mL IPV: 0.5 mL Change the needle to the 23-25g 25mm needle Position the infant sideways on the adult’s lap with the infant’s whole leg exposed. The adult must hold the infant’s leg. infant being irritable some redness and swelling at the site—may place clean, cold damp cloth to help ease pain mild fever—may take antipyretics as prescribed BCG—flat-toped swelling is normal Measles/MMR—rash or fever after 6-12 days (give extra fluids and keep them cool) When to seek medical attention ● Subcutaneous (MMR) Reconstitute the vaccine immediately before use Aspirate the prescribed dose Breastfeed the infant more frequently Extra hugs and attention but avoiding pressure to the site ● ● ● severe allergic reaction (swelling of face and throat, hives, difficulty of breathing, cyanosis) serious side effects (seizures) BCG-signs of abscess and enlarged glands infant’s condition worsens or reactions continue for more than a day or two Complete the immunization card, write the date of next appoinrment Ask if the parent has any questions Ensure safety and viability of vaccines ● ● ● Follow multi-dose vial policy Label opened vials that can be used for following session “USE FIRST” Discard opened BCG and measles vaccine at the end of each session or after 6 hours, whichever comes first Properly dispose used equipment Document by completing the immunization tally sheet and immunization register sediment that suspends when swirled (do not shake vaccine vials) Side effects: - Soreness or swelling, fever, fussiness, feeling tired, loss of appetite, and vomiting Inactivated Poliovirus (IPV) Left anterolateral thigh 0.5 mL 10 weeks Protects against: Polio Type and appearance: - Ready-to-Use - Clear, colorless Side effects: - Fever and redness or soreness Pneumococc al Conjugate Vaccine(PCV 13) Left anterolateral thigh 0.5 mL Type and appearance: - Ready-to-Use - Clear, colorless 6, 10, 14 weeks Vaccine and Schedule Site and Dosage Oral Poliovirus (OPV) Tongue or buccal mucosa 2 drops Protects against: Polio Type and appearance: - Vial with Oral Dropper - Clear pink or orange liquid 6, 10, 14 weeks Side effects: - Fever and redness or soreness INTRADERMAL VACCINES Bacillus Calmette–Gu érin (BCG) Right Upper Arm 0.05 mL Protects against: Tuberculosis Type and appearance: - Powder + Diluent - White cloudy liquid with sediment that suspends when swirled (do not shake vaccine vials) At birth Side effects: - Flat-toped swelling followed by a small ulcer SUBCUTANEOUS VACCINES Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR) Right Upper Arm 0.5 mL Protects against: Measles, Mumps, Rubella Type and appearance: - Powder + Diluent - Clear, slightly yellow liquid 9, 12 months Side effects: - Sore arm or redness, fever, and a mild rash INTRAMUSCULAR VACCINES Pentavalent (DPT-HepBHib) 6, 10, 14 weeks Right anterolateral thigh 0.5 mL Side effects: - Redness, swelling, pain, or tenderness, and fever, loss of appetite, fussiness (irritability), feeling tired, headache, muscle aches, joint pain, and chills. Description and Side Effects ORAL VACCINE Protects against: Diphtheria, Pertussis, Tetanus, Hepatitis B, Influenza Type and appearance: - Ready-to-Use - White cloudy liquid with Protects against: Pneumonia, meningitis, bacteremia Hepatitis B At birth Vitamin K (not a vaccine) At birth Right anterolateral thigh 0.5 mL Protects against: Hepatitis B Left anterolateral thigh 0.1 mL Protects against: Bleeding Side effects: - Soreness and fever