SUMMER LEARNING PORTFOLIO Academic Session: 2024-25 Class VIII Fazaia Teachers’ Training Institute PAF Complex, E-9, Islamabad May, 2024 FAZAIA SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES GUIDELINES FOR SUMMER LEARNING PORTFOLIO SESSION 2024-25 Dear Parents/Guardians and Students, The summer vacation homework has been planned keeping in view the age of the students. All tasks are to be performed individually and independently by the students. However, parents are requested to supervise their kids to ensure their safety. Read the following instructions carefully before starting the homework: • • • • • • • • • • The assignments of all subjects may please be maintained in separate learning portfolios for each subject. The students may use loose sheets, notebooks or register to submit solved learning portfolios. The institution’s name, student’s name, roll number and grade should be clearly labelled on the learning portfolio. The cover or title page of the portfolio is to be designed by students creatively representing their own choices and preferences. They may paste, draw or colour to make it more unique and attractive. All questions can be copied from the learning portfolio questionnaire in the answer book or sheet before answering. However, tasks like puzzles and pictures may be cut and pasted or drawn in the answer book before answering. The students are required to put date and day daily. All pages must be numbered consecutively from the title page. Homework should be completed neatly and legibly. Make sure all tasks are done according to the given instructions and completed on time. The hard copy of the summer vacation homework should be submitted to the class teachers on the first day of school. Late or incomplete learning portfolios will not be entertained. Note: These guidelines are meant to describe general homework practices. Individual teachers are a source of more guidance and support. Please contact your child's teacher if you have any questions or concerns. Page 3 of 14 Summer Vacation Portfolio – Class VIII جل اضفہیئوکسزلاڈنیاک ز رلگننوپرٹوفویلز/ویٹھچںاکاک زم ت رتحمموادلنی/رسرپساورابلطء ز۔ شیس ز -ز( 25ز 2024-ز) ز ز ت رلگنن وپرٹ وفویل /وہم ورک یک لیکشت ابلطء یکزرمع وک دمرظن رےتھک وہےئ یک یئگ ےہ۔ ابلط ء امتم اکم وک ارفنادی اور آزاداہن وطر رپ ااجنم دںی ےگ۔ تامہ ، وادلنیےسزگارشےہہکوہاےنپوچبںیکافحتظوکینیقیانبےنےکےئلانیکرگناینرکںی۔وہمورکرشوعرکےنےسےلہپدرجذلیدہاتاتزاایتحط ےسڑپںیھز :ز • رلگننوپرٹوفویل/وہمورکوکرتہبنیادنازںیملحرکںی۔ ز یلعدہز ح • براہ رکم امتم اضمنیمزاک اکم وپرٹ وفویل ںیم ح یلعدہ ومضمن ےک تحت ایک اجےئ۔اس ےک ےیل ہر ومضمن ےک ےیل اگل ےحفص صتخم ےیکز اجںیئ۔وحفصںوکوپرٹوفویلزتاررٹسجںیمایےحفصوکوکتنںیمومڑرکایکاجاتکسےہ۔ےلھکےحفصےکےیلافلئںیمایاگلہحفصاورومضمناکز ت ےہ۔ ابلطء لح دشہ رلگنن وپرٹ وفویلز ےک لح اور اُےس عمج رکواےن لیک ےلھک رپیپز ،زوپرٹ وفویلزتا ررٹسج اامعتسل رکتکس ادنارج ایک اج اتکس ز ںیہ۔ • • • • • ادارےاکتام،اطلملعاکتام،رولربمناوررگیدواحضوطررپرلگننوپرٹوفویل،ویٹھچںاکاکمرپرحتبررکںی ز۔ ت وپرٹوفویلاکرسورق،ونعانہحفص()Title Pageابلطءیقیلختوطررپاےنپااختنباوربراحیجتوکدمدِّرظنرےتھکوہےئایتررکںیےگ۔وہ ت ت ت تکسںیہتاوکیئوصتبراپسچںرکتکسںیہ۔ اےس ِّدشکلاوررپششکانبےنےکےئلاِّسےکاُورپڈراگنئرکتکسںیہ،رنرھب ز ت مہایلیہپںاور وجاتاتدےنیےسےلہپیھبسوساالتوکرلگننوپرٹوفویلںیمایہمرکدہوساانلےمےسوجایباکیپتاشںیملقنایکاجاتکسےہ۔ ات ز ت اصتوبرےسیجاکموکہبلطاکٹرکتاوخدڈراگنئرکےکوجایباکیپاپسچںتاایتررکتکسںیہ۔ ت ُلُطاےنپوہمورکرپروزاہنیکاینبدرپتارخیاوردنرضورںیھکل ز۔ ت ت ہبلطامتماحفصترپ(ونعانہحفصےسآخری)ہحفصربمنزبربیتےکاسھتںیھکل۔ • وہمورکوکوخطخشاوررتہبنیادنازںیملمکمرکںی ز۔ ت ت • امتماکمدییئگدہاتاتےکاطمقبوقرپلمکمرکںی۔ ت • وممسرگامیکویٹھچںاکاکملمکمرکےکاوکسلےنلھکےکدعبےلہپیہدناےنپااسیدہوکعمجرکواںیئ۔ ت • تالمکمتادبرےسعمجرکواےئےئگویٹھچںےکاکموکااسیدہںیہنعمجرکںیےگز۔ ز ت ونٹ:زدنمرہجتاالدہاتاتوہمورکرسااجنمدےنیےکومعیمرطوقیںرپلمتشمںیہ۔ارفنادیوطررپہقلعتماَاسیدہارکامرتہبنیاعمونوزدمداگرںیہ۔ارگ ت وچبںےکوہمورکےکوحاےلےسآپےکوکیئوساالتںیہوتبراہرکماےنپےچبےکااسیدہےسراہطبرکںی ز۔ Page 4 of 14 Summer Vacation Portfolio – Class VIII االسایمتز ز ت ت ںی۔ مجرکںی اوردنمرہجذلیوساالتےکوجاتاتد ز ز رقآنِّ دیجمںیمےسوسرةویفسیکالتوتہعمببر ز ۱۔ ( iز) ت ایکتحیصنیک؟اس فسوک ز فسیکآیزربمن۵وکدمرظنرےتھکوہےئاتبےیئہکرضحتوقعیبےناےنپےٹیبرضحتوی ز وسر زۃوی ز یصفتےسیبزنرکںی ز۔ ز ایکاھت ز تحیصناکسپرظنم ز ( iiز) ت ھبکامویسںیہنوہتااچےیہ ز۔ ز ییمہزاتبیتےہہکیمہہشیمہرپادیمرانہاچےیہاور ز فسیکوکنسزآ ز زوسر زۃوی ز ایکیھت۔ ز ھکیاورایکسریبعت ز ایکوخابد ز فسےننپچبںیم ز ( iiiز) زرضحتوی ز ایک؟ ز فس زاکونکاںےسنکلنےاکااظتنمےسیک ز ( ivز) زاہللاعتیلحےنرضحتوی ز ( vز) ایکدیکمھدے ز؟ ز فسوک ز خیلےنرضحتوی ز زز ز ۲۔ لش وسرةادلبل،وسرةا مساوروسرةالیلوکظفحرکںی۔امنزاورامنزےکالعوہزتاینالتوترکںی ز۔ ز ۳ز۔ ت مجتادرکںیاورزتاینڑپںیھ ز۔ زہیداعہعمب رب ز ْصا َ َمَك َ ََحلْ َت ُه عَ ََل َّ ِاَّل َين ِمن قَ ْب ِل َنا َرب َّ َنا َو َال ُ ََت ِِّملْ َنا َما َال َطاقَ َة لَ َنا ِب ِه َرب َّ َنا َال تُ َؤا ِخ ْذَنَ ان ن َّ ِسينَا َأ ْو َأخ َْطأَْنَ َرب َّ َنا َو َال َ َْت ِم ْل عَلَ ْي َنا ا ْ ً ِ ِ ْ ْ نُصَنَ عَ ََل ال َق ْو ِم ال ََك ِف ِرين(-۲۸۶وسرةارقبل زة) ز۔ ز َواع ُْف َعنَّا َوا ْغ ِف ْر لَ َنا َو ْار َ َْح َنأ َأ َنت َم ْو َالَنَ فَا ُ ْ ت ت اےہارےرب!مہرپوہوبھجہنڈالاسیج(وبھج)وتےنانرپڈاالوجمہےسےلہپزگرےںیہ،اےہارےرب!مہرپوہ(وبھج)ہنڈالجزےکااھٹےنیکمہںیماطقںیہناورمہےسدرزگرقراماورہاریششخبقرامز اورمہرپرمحقرام،وتہارااکراسزےہسپاکقروقمےکاقمےلبںیمہاریرصنتقرام۔ز ز ۴ز۔ زذیاجحلےکےلہپدسدونںںیمہرروزایااھچ،یکیناکاکمرکںیاوراسےکقلعتماینپوپرٹوفویلںیمںیھکل ز۔ ز ۵۔ زذیاجحلےکےلہپدسدونںںیمروززتادہےسزتادہریبکتاتںیہکاوردورسوںوکیھبتادداہینرکواںیئ ز۔ ز Page 5 of 14 Summer Vacation Portfolio – Class VIII ُاردو ت زارٹننزتاقریبییشاپےسخریدرکوکیئسدساہکاینںڑپںیھ۔اہکاینںڑپےنھےکدعبوکیئسنیتاہکوینںوکوپرٹوفویلرپاےنپاافلظںیمز ۱۔ ت ںیہ :ز ےیلاسکنلوکیھباامعتسلرکتکس ز یھبرحت زبررکںی۔اہکاینںڑپےنھےک ز ںیاورانےساخددشہاالخیققبس ز رحت زبررک ز ۲ز۔ زاینپاردویکاتکبںیمےسدمح،تعن،اوسۂاکلمیکروینشںیموادلنیاکارتحام،دبعااتسلرایدیھ،ڈاکردبعادقلبراخن،نانِّ دیحریکڑپاھیئ رکںیاوریقشموساالتلحرکےنیکوکششرکںی ز۔ ز ۳۔ ز"دیہشیکوجومتےہوہوقمیکایحتےہ""،اابقلاکشانیھ،آجاکونوجان"،اور"وسلشڈیمتااکبراتھوہااامعتسلاوراسےکابرات"ان ونعاتاترپ۳۰۰اافلظےکاضمنیمرحتبررکںی۔ ز ۴ز۔ ت ںی۔ ز ز ینس۔ہرروزوکیئسدوربخںی ات زرخیےکاسھتاےنپاافلظںیمزرحت زبررک ز زروزاہنربخںی ز ۵۔ زےتفہںیمایتارڈابریںیھکلاوراسےتفہںیموہےنوایلوکیئامہتات،وکیئولعمامت،اےنپدونںےکقلعتم،وجیھبآپانھکلاچےتہںیہ،رحتبر رکںی ز۔ ز Page 6 of 14 Summer Vacation Portfolio – Class VIII ENGLISH Task 1 – Reading and Writing (do any four) • • Book Reading. Select a book of your choice from the nearest library or download it from the internet. Read ten pages each day. While reading the book, make your notes on a separate notebook or any page. After reading the book, write a short summary reviewing the theme, aspects, characters, settings, plot of the book, new ideas mentioned in the book and why do you like it. • Newspaper Article Reading. Choose a newspaper article from a reliable source (newspaper or e-paper) and read it. Write down 30 new vocabulary words you learned from the article. Look for their meanings in dictionary and use each one in your sentences. • Root Words and Derivatives. Look for the root words of the vocabulary words you selected from the newspaper article using your dictionary. Write two derivatives / derived words each from the root words. Derivatives are formed by adding prefixes, suffixes or making changes to the base or root word, resulting in new words with related meanings or different grammatical forms. Example is given below: Root word Care Associate Words Careful (adjective) Caring (adjective) Root word Care Associate Words Caretaker (noun) Carefully (adverb) • Reading Poetry. Select a poem of interest and write a short paragraph about it using the given instructions. − Note the title and poet of the poem. − Read the selected poem carefully and make annotations while reading. − Identify at least three literary devices used in the poem. Provide examples from the poem to support your identification. − Identify the main theme or message of the poem. − Discuss your thoughts, emotions, and any connections you made while reading the poem. • Writing an Informal Letter. Choose a close friend or a family member as the recipient of your letter. Write an informal letter to them sharing news, updates, or just expressing your thoughts. Include a friendly greeting, ask about their well-being, and share your own experiences or stories. Use appropriate language and tone for an informal letter. Conclude the letter with a closing remark and sign off with your name. • Descriptive Writing. Think about a hobby or pastime that you enjoy and want to share with others. Write a descriptive paragraph or short essay describing your chosen hobby or pastime. Explain what it is, why you enjoy it, and how it makes you feel. Include specific details, such as the equipment or materials you use, the locations where you engage in the activity, and any achievements or milestones related to your hobby. Use descriptive language to make your writing engaging and vivid. • Writing a Narrative Account. Imagine an exciting or memorable event or experience that you have had. Write a narrative account of that event, describing Page 7 of 14 Summer Vacation Portfolio – Class VIII the setting, characters, and the sequence of events. Use descriptive language to engage the reader and create a vivid picture of the scene. Include dialogue, thoughts, and feelings to bring the narrative to life. Structure your narrative with an introduction, a series of events, and a clear conclusion. Task 2 – Grammar • Adjective Phrase. Find a newspaper article, magazine, or any text of interest. Identify at least five adjective phrases from the text. Write down the sentences containing the adjective phrases. Underline the adjective phrases and label the noun they modify. • Articles. Read a short passage from the book you have selected and identify all the instances where articles (a, an, the) are used. Rewrite the passage without the articles and see how the meaning changes. • Modal Auxiliary Verbs. Create a dialogue between two characters discussing hypothetical situations or giving advice. Use at least three modal auxiliary verbs (e.g., would, could, should, must, might, ought) in the dialogue. Highlight the modal auxiliary verbs and explain their functions or meanings. • Main Clause and Sub-ordinate Clause. Select a news article or any informative text. Identify three sentences containing a main clause and a subordinate clause. Underline the main clause and circle the subordinate clause in each sentence. Explain the relationship between the main clause and subordinate clause in each sentence. Page 8 of 14 Summer Vacation Portfolio – Class VIII MATHEMATICS Task 1 i. If A = {b, c, d, e, f, g}, B = {a, e, f, i, o, u, t}, U = {a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, o, t, u, v, z}. Perform the following operations on sets. a) A ∪ B e) B ∪ A b) A ∩ B f) B ∩ A c) A′ g) B – A d) A – B ii. Form sets A, B & U by yourselves. Verify De Morgan’s laws (form at least 5 different examples). Also prove by using Venn diagram. a) (A∪B)′=A′∩B′ b) (A∩B)′=A′∪B′ iii. Prove the following properties for any three sets A∩(B∪C)=(A∩B)∪(A∩C) and A∪(B∩C)=(A∪B)∩(A∪C). Also represent by Venn diagram. Task 2 i. Identify the numbers of significant digits/ figures in the following numbers: a) 0.85 b) 22.4 c) 0.849 d) 501.381 e) 0.435 f) 1.233 g) 0.71 h) 0.1473 ii. Write examples of terminating, recurring and non-terminating fractions (at least 5 of each). iii. Round off the following numbers upto 3, 4 and 5 significant figures. a) 612737 c) 289.923 e) 53.3728 b) 18.2990 d) 174374 f) 501.381 iv. Convert the following terminating fractions to decimals and round off to 3 significant digits: a) 1/4 c) 2/9 e) 7/8 b) 3/5 d) 5/6 v. Convert the following non-terminating fractions to decimals and round off to 3 significant 2 significant digits: a) 1/3 c) 2/7 e) 7/11 b) 5/6 d) 4/9 Page 9 of 14 Summer Vacation Portfolio – Class VIII Task 3 i. Find squares and cubes of the following numbers: a) 21 b) 15 c) 12 d) 30 e) 14 f) 13 ii. Calculate the positive square roots of the following decimal fractions, rounded to three decimal places by using division method: a) √0.1445 b) √10.08 c) √320.324 d) √0.0196 e) √120.729 iii. Calculate the cube root of the following decimal fractions up to 3 decimal places: a) 0.008 b) 0.027 c) 0.064 d) 0.125 e) 0.216 f) ∛64 iv. Evaluate the followings: a. ∛343+ ∛729- ∛1728 b. ∛9261- ∛4096 c. ∛6859 + ∛8000 ÷ ∛-216 d. ∛3375+∛-1331÷ ∛-512 e. ∛(27/64)+ ∛(125/216) f. ∛(-27/125) + ∛(-64/343) - ∛1331 g. ∛(64 × 729) + ∛(729/1000 ) + ∛(-512/343). Page 10 of 14 Summer Vacation Portfolio – Class VIII GENERAL SCIENCE Note: Complete any two of the three assigned tasks. All tasks are to be performed individually and independently. Parents are requested to supervise their kids for safety. Task 1 – Environmental Impact Study • • • • • Students are to conduct an environmental impact study during their summer vacation. They are to choose a human (anthropogenic) activity, such as deforestation, pollution, or waste management and examine its impact on the environment. They are encouraged to research the causes, consequences and possible solutions to mitigate the negative effects of the chosen activity. They are also to analyse the role of individuals and communities in promoting environmental sustainability. Following the summer vacations, students will be given an opportunity to present their environmental impact studies to the class or organize an "Environmental Awareness Campaign" where they can share their findings and propose actions for a greener future. Task 2 – Neurotransmitter Research Project • • • • The students are directed to conduct a research project on neurotransmitters during their summer vacation. They will choose a specific neurotransmitter, such as serotonin, dopamine, or acetylcholine and investigate its functions and effects on behaviour and mental health. The students are to explore the role of neurotransmitters in conditions like depression, anxiety, or addiction. They should present their findings in the form of a research report or visual presentation, highlighting the importance of neurotransmitters in the functioning of the nervous system. Task 3 – Mitosis and Meiosis Comparison • • • • Students are to conduct a comparison between mitosis and meiosis. Students are to research and understand the processes of mitosis and meiosis, including their stages and purposes. Create visual representations, such as diagrams or infographics, to illustrate the similarities and differences between mitosis and meiosis. Explain the significance of these cell division processes in growth, reproduction, and genetic diversity. Page 11 of 14 Summer Vacation Portfolio – Class VIII COMPUTER SCIENCE Task – Research on Emerging Technologies a. Identify and select any three emerging technologies from the following list: − Holographic Imaging − 3D Printing − Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its applications in: o E-Commerce o Healthcare o Navigation o Gaming o Data Security o Travel and Transport o Automotive Industry o Robotics o Entertainment o Agriculture − 5G Technology − Machine Learning − Block Chain b. For each selected technology, create MS Word document and write a brief description, working mechanism and explanation on how these emerging technologies are used in various walks of life. Tasks 2 - Research on Computer Networking a. Identify and analyze a network and its core components. − Computer Networks and its important components − Communication media and its different types − Network Architecture − Network Topologies − Types of Networks b. Create a visually appealing presentation (PPT) include images, diagrams, or videos displaying the research findings. Tasks 3 - Research on Spreadsheet Software a. Research on the following spreadsheet software: − Google Sheets − MS Excel b. Create a MS Word document and compare both spreadsheet software with each other. Page 12 of 14 Summer Vacation Portfolio – Class VIII Following the given instructions, create a grade calculator using MS Excel. The grade calculator should allow you to enter your assignment marks/ grades and calculate your overall grade for a specific course. c. • • • • • • • • • • • Create a new Excel workbook and name it "Grade Calculator." Set up the following column headers in cells A1 to C1: A1: Assignment Name, B1: Max Score, C1: Your Score In the subsequent rows, enter the names of the assignments, their maximum scores, and obtained scores. Create a formula in column D (cell D2) to calculate the percentage for each assignment using the formula: (Your Score / Max Score) * 100. Create another column (column E) and use conditional formatting to assign letter grades based on the following scale: 90 or above: A, 80-89: B, 70-79: C, 60-69: D, Below 60: F In cell E1, enter "Grade" as the column header. Calculate the overall course grade by averaging the percentages of all assignments. Place this average in cell D6 and apply appropriate formatting to display it as a percentage. Calculate the corresponding letter grade for the overall course grade in cell E6 using the same conditional formatting rules mentioned above. Save the Excel workbook with an appropriate name. Page 13 of 14 Summer Vacation Portfolio – Class VIII GEOGRAPHY Note: Complete any three of the assigned tasks. All tasks are to be performed individually and independently. Task 1 – Marine Biodiversity Poster Create an informative digital poster on the computer (you can use programs such as PowerPoint, Word, Photoshop, Canva etc.) highlighting the role of marine biodiversity in our environment. Research and gather information about various marine species, ecosystems, and their importance in maintaining a healthy planet. Provide key facts and statistics about the diversity of marine life and its impact on the overall ecosystem. Explain the threats faced by marine biodiversity, such as overfishing, pollution, and climate change. Task 2 – Comparative Climate Analysis Choose two cities, Lahore and London, and compare their climate patterns. Research and gather information about the weather and climate characteristics of each city. Create a visual presentation or written report highlighting the differences and similarities in climate between the two cities. Include data such as average temperatures, precipitation levels, and seasonal variations. Discuss the effects of climate on the lifestyles of people living in Lahore and London. Analyze how climate influences factors such as clothing choices, outdoor activities, and economic activities in each region. Task 3 – Extreme Weather Diary Keep a diary for one week, documenting any extreme weather events that occur in your local area. Observe and record phenomena such as storms, heatwaves, cold snaps, or heavy rainfall. Use online weather platforms or local weather reports to gather accurate information about these events. Describe the impact of extreme weather on your daily life, activities, and surroundings. Reflect on the possible causes and effects of these extreme weather events. Consider how climate change may contribute to the frequency or intensity of extreme weather phenomena. Task 4 – Virtual Field Trip Choose a destination or landmark you would like to visit virtually. Use GPS and online resources, including Google Maps, to explore the area and gather information about the destination. Plan a virtual field trip itinerary, including specific locations to visit and activities to engage in. Use Google Street View to virtually explore the streets and landmarks of the chosen destination. Create a presentation or written report highlighting your virtual field trip plan, including images and descriptions of the places you would visit. Reflect on the historical, cultural, or geographical significance of the chosen destination. Share your virtual field trip plan with your classmates or present it to your teacher after the summer break. Page 14 of 14 Summer Vacation Portfolio – Class VIII HISTORY Note: Complete any three of the assigned tasks. All tasks are to be performed individually and independently. Task 1 – Make a Poster Explore and create a poster of hospitals and schools in Pakistan which were named after British personalities. Take a picture from the internet and give a brief description of the hospitals/schools. Task 2 – Compare and Contrast Compare and contrast the League of Nations with its successor, the United Nations, in terms of its goals, structure, and effectiveness. Give a detailed response in 450-500 words. Task 3 – Map Making Draw a map, identify and mark key battle sites and campaigns during World War II. Add labels and a brief description to each marked location. Analyze the patterns of the geographical distribution of the battles and write a paragraph of 200-250 words. Task 4 – Analysis Keeping in view the spirit of liberty that Iqbal advocated in his poetry, write a brief analytical note on what should we do today to survive as an independent and sovereign country. Task 5 – Presentation Create a PowerPoint presentation on the legacy and significance of the War of Independence (1857) in shaping the course of nationalism amongst the Indian Muslims and the eventual struggle for independence. Page 15 of 14 Summer Vacation Portfolio – Class VIII