Background Python programming language is one of dynamic and object-oriented programming languages used for the development of diverse kinds of software developed by the Python Software foundation. Its significant advantage is that facilitates integration with other programing languages and software development tools. In addition, it has in-built standard libraries that are extensive. This means that it facilitates the development of a better source code. The programming paradigm of Python language embarks on the readability of the source code enhanced through clear syntax. Apart from object-oriented programming paradigm, Python can implement other programming methodologies such as functional programing and imperative programming (Beazley 67). Another important feature of Python language that makes it suitable as a software development tool is that it has a dynamic type system and its memory management strategy is automatic. In addition, it can support the implementation of scripting applications. It is important to note that the development model of Python language is community based, implying that its reference implementation is free and bases on the open source platform. There are various interpreters for the language for various systems software, although programs developed by Python are executable in any environment irrespective of operating system environment (Hetland 78).