6RFLDO%HKDYLRUDQG3HUVRQDOLW\, Volume 51, Issue 8, e12532 KWWSVGRLRUJVES ZZZVESMRXUQDOFRP 6RFLDO PHGLD PDUNHWLQJ FRQWULEXWHV WR FXVWRPHU YDOXH 7KH UROH RI FXVWRPHUHQJDJHPHQW Weifan Wang1, Jie Wei1, Han Xu1, Siming Miao2, Yin Liao2 1 2 School of Design, Jiangnan University, People's Republic of China School of Performing Arts, Long Island University, United States How to Fite: :DQJ : :HL - ;X + 0LDR 6 /LDR < 6RFLDO PHGLD PDUNHWLQJ FRQWULEXWHV WR FXVWRPHU YDOXH 7KH UROH RI FXVWRPHUHQJDJHPHQW6RFLDO%HKDYLRUDQG3HUVRQDOLW\$QLQWHUQDWLRQDOMRXUQDO H Keywords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social media marketing, customer response, customer value, customer engagement Article Highlights Social media marketing was found to be positively related to customer value. Social media marketing had an indirect positive association with customer value through the mediator of customer engagement. It is crucial for marketers to use social media as a tool to enhance customer engagement and customer value. Today’s enterprises are facing tremendous market competition, which forces owners and managers to critically scrutinize ways to provide superior value for customers (Weinstein, 2020). Seeking effective means to trigger positive customer response, marketers in organizations are turning to new technologies, such as social media, for communication (Seo & Park, 2018; Yadav & Rahman, 2018), by integrating links to sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. At the same time, social media sites have become an important part of the lives of more and more people as they use these sites for interaction, communication, sharing information, daily life updates, and entertainment. According to the 'LJLWDO *OREDO 2YHUYLHZ 5HSRUW (Kemp, 2022), as of January 2022 there were 4.62 billion social media users worldwide, which is equivalent to 58.4% of the global population. Customers are increasingly contacting and interacting with firms through social media (Li et al., 2021). An increasing body of research has thereby developed on the antecedents to, mediators of, and consequences of social media marketing (Yadav & Rahman, 2017). &XVWRPHU YDOXH commonly refers to the customer’s interactive relativistic preference experience (Holbrook, 1999). The adoption of digital technologies and tools, such as big data, artificial intelligence, and Industry 4.0 devices, enables &255(6321'(1&( Jie Wei, School of Design, Jiangnan University, No. 1800, Lihu Avenue, Wuxi, 214122, People’s Republic of China. Email: wejoy@126.com © 2023 Scientific Journal Publishers Limited. All Rights Reserved. :DQJ:HL;X0LDR/LDR organizations to innovate their business models by creating new distribution channels and new ways to create and deliver value to their customers (Matarazzo et al., 2021), including via social media (Wu & Li, 2018). Gutounig et al. (2022) argued that social media can be leveraged to enhance customer value, and Chen and Lin (2019) found that social media marketing has a positive effect on customer value. Sorensen et al. (2017) suggested that social media offers opportunities for customers to interact and connect with firms, which facilitates value creation. Even so, there has been little research on the effect of social media marketing on customer value. &XVWRPHU HQJDJHPHQW refers to customers’ positive psychological state, which is characterized by feelings of vigor, dedication, and absorption (Dwivedi, 2015), and describes the intensity of customers’ participation and interaction (Hollebeek, 2013). Customer engagement has significant value for firms by directly affecting company performance, customer intent, and word-of-mouth in the social media setting (de Oliveira Santini et al., 2020). Social media platforms can be used by companies to create direct communication and build good relationships with customers, leading to positive customer outcomes (Wibowo et al., 2021). The importance of customer engagement as a main focal point of social media marketing has attracted academic attention in recent research. For example, Liu et al. (2021) utilized big data analytics and natural language processing to reveal that social media marketing enhances customer engagement. Using data from Twitter, Sashi et al. (2019) observed that social media facilitates the process of customer engagement. Interaction is regarded as the precursor of engagement (Oviedo-García et al., 2014). Thus, it is interesting to explore the role of customer engagement in understanding the relationship between social media marketing and customer value. China is the country with the largest population of internet users in the world, with 1.05 billion users as of June 2022, and an internet penetration rate of 74.4% (China Internet Network Information Center, 2022). Moreover, a variety of local social media sites, such as WeChat, Douyin, and Xiaohongshu, are available for Chinese people to share content and interact with each other. Given the huge internet-using citizen base in China, this study examined the effect of social media marketing on customer value in China, and sought to establish whether customer engagement mediates this relationship. The research model is shown in Figure 1. Figure 1. Research Model 0DUNHWLQJ FRPPXQLFDWLRQ is the process whereby customers are presented with information intended to produce the perception that the firm or its offering can provide them with value (Finne & Grönroos, 2017). Social media sites have become a crucial component of marketing communication strategy (Li et al., 2021). It is thereby reasonable to infer that social media marketing contributes to customer value. Social media sites allow customers to freely contact and communicate with other users. Thus, customers can easily collect factual information about the quality of a firm’s offering from user-generated sources, and report their emotions and experiences through social media (Heinonen, 2011). This supports the notion that if firms want to attract and retain customers by using social media, they must deliver valuable content on social media sites. Social media marketing can help firms to increase brand awareness, create a positive brand image, and build good relationships with customers (Deshpande & Whiting, 2016; Seo & Park, 2018), which will lead to customers perceiving increased value. Thus, we proposed the following hypothesis: +\SRWKHVLV Social media marketing will have a positive relationship with customer value. © 2023 Scientific Journal Publishers Limited. All Rights Reserved. 2 6RFLDO%HKDYLRUDQG3HUVRQDOLW\DQLQWHUQDWLRQDOMRXUQDO Social media function as a means for marketers to foster customer engagement (Barger et al., 2016). Empirical studies have found support for the positive influence of social media marketing on customer engagement (Liu et al., 2021; Sashi et al., 2019). Social media sites offer a platform for interaction, not only among customers but also between customers and firms (Baumöl et al., 2016). Interactions are viewed as the means of achieving engagement (OviedoGarcía et al., 2014). Moreover, social media marketing can help to create a sense of community among customers, which will ultimately lead to increased engagement (Waqas et al., 2021). Via social networking sites, customers can obtain useful information, perceive a pleasant and relaxing experience, and expand their social network through interaction and participation (Zhang et al., 2017). Yu et al. (2013) argued that customers can perceive utilitarian value, hedonic value, and social value from participation in social networking sites. 8WLOLWDULDQ YDOXH refers to task-specific, efficient, and economical aspects of products or services; KHGRQLF YDOXH is an individual emotional response and results from fun and playfulness (Hirschman & Holbrook, 1982); and VRFLDO YDOXH refers to the utility derived from the product’s ability to enhance social self-concept (Sweeney & Soutar, 2001). Researchers have also found that interactivity in the electronic age is greater than in past ages, and may build relationships and create value for customers (Yoo et al., 2010; Yoon et al., 2008). The Mehrabian-Russell model suggests that environmental stimuli induce customer emotional states, which, in turn, generate behavioral responses (Mehrabian & Russell, 1974). This model has been used in e-commerce and other retailing settings to explore the influence of environmental factors on customer responses (e.g., Yadav & Rahman, 2018; Yang et al., 2022). Thus, we employed the Mehrabian-Russell model to examine the effect of social media marketing on customer engagement and subsequent customer value. On the basis of the above discussion, we proposed the following hypothesis: +\SRWKHVLV Customer engagement will mediate the relationship between social media marketing and customer value. Method Participants and Procedure This study was conducted in accordance with the ethical principles of Jiangnan University. We used Sina Weibo, China’s most popular Twitter-like social media platform, as the research object. The data were collected via a paperbased survey completed by a convenience sample of sports shoes users with the help of staff at Jiangnan University and Jiangsu University in China. The survey form was distributed to students in classrooms along with a cover letter explaining the objectives of the study. Prior to participating, the students were asked whether they had been using a Weibo account for at least 1 year and whether they had logged in to their Weibo account every day for the past 3 months. Those who said “Yes” to both conditions were eligible to participate in the survey. The study product was limited to sports shoes because college students are the main consumers of these shoes. Data from 335 respondents were used for analysis after removing incorrect and incomplete cases, which generated a valid return rate of 83.75%. Among the participant group, 53.73% (Q = 180) were men and 46.27% (Q = 155) were women, with a mean age of 20.37 years (6' = 1.46, range = 18–23). There were 25.37% (Q = 85) freshmen, 29.25% (Q = 98) sophomores, 25.97% (Q = 87) juniors, and 19.41% (Q = 65) seniors. Fifteen sports shoe brands were represented. Among the brands, 28.73% (Q = 102) owned adidas shoes, 25.63% (Q = 91) owned Nike shoes, 19.72% (Q = 70) owned Anta shoes, 12.96% (Q = 46) owned Li-Ning shoes, 5.63% (Q = 20) owned New Balance shoes, and 7.33% (Q = 26) owned other brands. Measures All items used in this study were adopted from existing literature. Some slight modifications were made to fit the context of the current study. All items were measured using a 5-point Likert scale where 1 = VWURQJO\ GLVDJUHH and 5 = VWURQJO\DJUHH. © 2023 Scientific Journal Publishers Limited. All Rights Reserved. 3 :DQJ:HL;X0LDR/LDR Social Media Marketing For the measurement of social media marketing we referred to Cheung et al.’s (2021) Social Media Marketing Scale, which includes four dimensions, each consisting of three items. Sample items are “It is exciting to use this brand’s social media site” (entertainment), “It is easy to convey my opinion through this brand’s social media site” (interaction), “The content on this brand’s social media site is the newest information” (trendiness), and “It is possible to search for customized information on this brand’s social media site” (customization). Customer Engagement We measured customer engagement with Dwivedi’s (2015) scale, which features three dimensions: vigor (six items; e.g., “I am passionate about wearing this brand”), dedication (five items; e.g., “I am proud of this brand”), and absorption (six items; e.g., “I feel happy when I am interacting with this brand”). Translation of the items in the original scale was completed by two bilingual researchers who are native speakers of Chinese. Customer Value The measure of customer value was adopted from Zhang et al. (2017), and comprises three dimensions: functional value (four items; e.g., “The content of this brand’s site on Weibo is useful for me”), hedonic value (three items; e.g., “I gain joy and happiness from using this brand’s site on Weibo”), and social value (three items; e.g., “I can make friends with people sharing common interests with me by using this brand’s site on Weibo”). Data Analysis The data were analyzed using SPSS 22.0 and Amos 24.0 to test the research hypotheses. Results Table 1 shows the descriptive statistics, intercorrelations, and Cronbach’s alphas for the study variables. Cronbach’s alphas ranged from .85 to .88, suggesting the data have good internal consistency reliability. Analysis of the measurement model showed a reasonably good fit to the data, chi square = 40.61, chi square/degrees of freedom = 1.27, comparative fit index = .99, normed fit index = .97, incremental fit index = .99, root mean square error of approximation = .03. Composite reliability values were above .70, the average variance extracted (AVE) for each construct exceeded the threshold level of .50, and the square roots of AVE of the constructs were greater than the correlation coefficients. Thus, the measures used here have good reliability and validity. Table 1. Means, Standard Deviations, Correlations, and Cronbach’s Alphas for Study Variables 1RWH. 1 = 355. ** S < .01. The structural relationships between the constructs were tested using structural equation modeling and 95% biascorrected bootstrapped confidence intervals (CIs) with 3,000 resamples. Social media marketing was significantly and positively related to customer value, .28, S < .01, 95% CI [0.13, 0.40], supporting Hypothesis 1. Likewise, the effects of social media marketing on customer engagement, .44, S < .01, 95% CI [0.31, 0.55], and of customer engagement on customer value, .41, S < .01, 95% CI [0.28, 0.55], were both significant and positive. In addition, we tested the mediating effect of customer engagement. The results showed that the indirect effect of social media marketing on customer value via customer engagement was significant, .18, S < .01, 95% CI [0.12, 0.27], supporting Hypothesis 2. Thus, customer engagement was a significant mediator of the link between social media marketing and customer value. © 2023 Scientific Journal Publishers Limited. All Rights Reserved. 4 6RFLDO%HKDYLRUDQG3HUVRQDOLW\DQLQWHUQDWLRQDOMRXUQDO Discussion Theinfluenceofsocialmediamarketingoncustomervaluehaslargelybeenoverlookedinpriorresearch.Bysurveying usersofWeibo,inthisstudyweexaminedtheassociationbetweensocialmediamarketingandcustomervalueaswell as the mediating effect of customer engagement. From the results of structural equation modeling we can draw two main conclusions that provide contributions to the existing research. First,wefoundthatsocialmediamarketingispositivelyrelatedtocustomervalue.Thisfindingisconsistentwiththose of prior research showing that in the social commerce context, marketing activities can be leveraged to increase customervalue(Chen&Lin,2019;Wu&Li,2018).Thus,socialmediasitesareamarketingcommunicationmeans thatcreatesanddeliverssuperiorvaluetocustomersintermsofusefulinformation,happyexperience,andexpanded social network. Second, in past research the role of customer engagement as a mediator of the relationship between social media marketingandcustomervaluehasbeenignored.Inourstudywefoundthatsocialmediamarketingfosterscustomer engagement,which,inturn,enhancescustomervalue.Thefindingisconsistentwithpriorresearchinwhichithasbeen suggestedthatsocialmediamarketingcanstrengthencommunicationandinteraction(Baumöletal.,2016),allowing customerstoexchangeinformation,sharecontent,andprovidereviews(Yuetal.,2013;Zhangetal.,2017).Therefore, socialmediamarketingcanleadcustomerstofeelstronglyengagedwithparticularfirmsandbrandsand,consequently, these customers perceive great value. Atthepracticallevel,theresultsofthisstudyshowthatmanagersshouldemphasizetheroleofsocialmediamarketing inenhancingcustomervalue.Firmsneedtoprovidesupporttocustomersviathebrand’ssocialmediasites;forinstance, they can create content such as blog posts, videos, infographics, and other types of content relevant to their target audience, and can allow space for sharing experiences and posting comments. In addition, attaching importance to customerengagementisacrucialdriverforenhancementofperceivedcustomervalue.Tothisend,managersneedto findwaystomaketheirsocialmediasitesanactivecommunitytoengagecustomers.Thiscouldconsistofresponding to comments, liking posts, and sharing content. Aclearlimitationinourstudyistheuseofcross-sectionaldata.Futureresearcherscouldusealongitudinaldesignto increaseconfidenceinthecausalinferences.Second,weusedasampleofcollegestudentsandsportsshoebrandsasthe researchcontext.Futureresearcherscouldreplicatethisstudyusinglargersamplesanddifferentproductcategoriesto increasethegeneralizabilityofourfindings.Finally,weviewedcustomervalueasanumbrellaterm.Hollebeek(2013) statedthatcustomerengagementgeneratesgreaterhedonicvalue,ascomparedtoutilitarianvalue.Futureresearchers could incorporate different value forms into the model to enhance understanding of the relationships among social media marketing, customer engagement, and customer value. Acknowledgments ThisresearchwassupportedbyfundingfromthePostgraduateResearchandPracticeInnovationProgramofJiangsu Province (KYCX20_1890). References Barger, V., Peltier, J. W., & Schultz, D. E. (2016). 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