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BEEE Assignment 4

Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering
1. Explain operation of UJT and draw characteristics.
2. Explain operation of SCR and its V-I characteristics.
3. Explain operation of TRIAC and its V-I characteristics.
4. State and prove De Morgans theorem
5. Convert decimal (625.786) to binary and binary (111011.1101) to decimal.
6. Which are universal gates? Why? Implement AND gate and OR gate using these gates
7. Discuss basic logic gates, universal gates and special gates using symbols and truth table.
8. Why Earthing is necessary? Explain any one Earthing in detail.
9. Explain the concept of FUSE. Explain any one in detail.
10. Converts Following Numbers:
i) (1680)10 = ( )8
ii) (1011001011100)2 = ( )H