Back Propagation & Regression methods Sowndharayaa TABLE OF CONTENTS 01 02 03 04 REVISION BACK PROPAGATION REGRESSION FURTHER MORE Revision 1A 2A Machine learning Trains algorithms to find patterns in data. Deep learning Mimics the brain with complex networks for advanced tasks. 1B 2B Automates tasks by improving its performance over time with more data. Uncovers hidden patterns in massive datasets, enabling breakthroughs in areas like image recognition and natural language processing. 01 02 03 04 Multi-layered N/w Big Data Expertise Automatic Feature Discovery Advanced Applications Deep learning uses stacked layers for complex data analysis. Learns best from massive amounts of data. No need for manual feature selection. Powers image recognition, language processing, and more. BACK PROPAGATION Backpropagation is a training method for neural networks. It adjusts internal connections to minimize errors by analyzing how mistakes flow backward through the network. Guess & Check 01 Backprop analyzes how much each neuron contributed to the error, moving backward through the network Weight adj. 03 These adjustments help the network learn from mistakes and improve its predictions over time Network makes a prediction, then backprop compares it to the answer and calculates the error. 02 Blame Backflow Based on blame, connections between neurons are fine-tuned, strengthening good ones and weakening bad ones. 04 Learning loop Types Static Recurrent Single pass Sequential data Like Image recognition Like sentences Backpropagation helps them learn from errors in those static calculations. Ex. Calculator SNN It analyzes errors not just in the final output, but also across the entire sequence. It considers how errors in earlier parts of the sequence affected the final outcome. Regression A statistical process for estimating the relationship between a dependent variable (usually continuous) and one or more independent variables (predictors). It's used to predict continuous outcomes based on the trends found in the data. Factors Abundant Data Linear Relationship 01 While it can handle some nonlinearity, regression works best when there's a generally linear relationship between the features and the outcome variable. Continuous Outcome excels when predicting continuous values like house prices, stock prices, or customer wait times. 02 03 Regression algorithms typically thrive with large datasets. The more data points your model can analyze, the better it can capture the underlying trends and create accurate predictions. Clean Data Regression models perform better with clean data that has minimal outliers and missing values 04 Further more Predicting House Prices Regression Example Features: Square footage, number of bedrooms, location (zip code) Outcome: Selling price of the house Insights: Regression models can help realtors estimate a fair market price for a house based on these factors. They can also identify which features have the strongest influence on price, allowing sellers to potentially highlight those features (e.g., extra bedrooms) during marketing. Thank you