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Nigeria Presentation: Geography, Culture, and Facts

Nigeria presentation
Nigeria is a country in the western Africa
Their capital city is Abuja
Nigeria’s population is approximately 218.54million
Their currency is naira
There are over 520 languages spoken in Nigeria today
The major staple crops in Nigeria are cassava, yam, maize, sorghum,
rice and millet
 These crops together cover 65% of the total cultivated area
 The staple food is fufu
The major languages include;
English and Pidgin English
Democracy Day: Celebrated on June 12
june Solstice: Occurs on June 20
September Equinox: Occurs on September 22
National Day: Public holiday on October 1
December Solstice: Occurs on December 21
Sambisa Memorial Day: Local holiday in Borno on December 22
Ramadan Start (Tentative Date): Observed in March
Ash Wednesday: Observed in March (Christian holiday)
Women’s Day: Observed on March 8
March Equinox: Occurs on March 20
Mothering Sunday: Observed on March 30
`Their nationality
Their flag is a vertical green-white design
with the green representing agriculture
while white is representing peace and unity
They got independence on 1 October 1960
 Their first president was ‘Namdi Azikiwe’
 Their current president is Bola Tinubu
religions practised
 Islam is practised by over half of the population
 And Christianity makes up around 45 percent of the total
 Nigeria is a over populated country due to a high fertility rate and early
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