U-SO-OR COURSE OUTLINE Course Code Course Title Professor Course Credit Course Classification Course Description Course Specialization Outcomes U-SO-OR Social Orientation Jevy Lou V. Piape 3 units Institutional Course This course deals with inculcating the Licean culture to the students, fostering a deep appreciation for the vision and mission of the university’s founders, and instilling a profound sense of belonging to shape them into true Liceans in mind, heart, and spirit. Through a structured introduction to school policies, an emphasis on mental health and stress management, and the creation of personalized mental health plans, students will gain essential tools for both personal and academic success. The course also offers a thorough exploration of the university’s history, structure, and guiding principles while promoting growth in personal and professional areas through lessons on social graces, developing a growth mindset, and cultural appreciation. By emphasizing mental wellness, moral character, self-discipline, and the pursuit of excellence through targeted training and seminars, this course encourages students to realize their full potential, becoming globally integrated individuals who embody the university's core values, traditions, ideals, and aspirations. By the end of this course, the students will take as their own and accept as binding the university’s core values, traditions, ideals and aspirations needed to participate in a larger community. At the end of the course, the students should be able to: 1. Students will gain a comprehensive understanding of mental health issues, including acknowledging and addressing the stigma surrounding these problems and its impact. By developing personal strategies for managing both positive and negative stress, students will be empowered to create and implement a personalized mental health plan for effective stress management. 2. Students will also become thoroughly familiar with the Document Number LDCU-FORMS-CAS-INSTRUCTION-002 Effectivity Date August 7, 2023 Revision Number 000 university’s policies, campus geography, administrators, history, philosophy, vision, mission, goals, core values, pledge, hymn, and logo. By understanding these elements, students will develop a deep appreciation for the university’s cultural and institutional framework, recognizing key milestones and how they contribute to the Licean identity, fostering a deep appreciation for its guiding principles. 3. Students will articulate their own personal philosophy, vision, mission, and goals. They will identify how these align with the university’s direction and principles, ensuring a harmonious match between their personal aspirations and the university’s objectives. They will demonstrate a profound intellectual and emotional appreciation of the university’s culture, values, and traditions which will be integral in shaping their identity as Liceans. 4. Students will demonstrate effective social graces and etiquette in educational settings, preparing them for future professional interactions. By cultivating a growth mindset, students will embrace challenges, adapt to change, and continuously seek self-improvement, thereby fostering both personal and academic growth. 5. Students will embrace and practice the university’s institutional values, demonstrating a thorough understanding of cultural affairs and cultural appreciation. They will develop a profound understanding of family, societal, and institutional values, and become advocates for positive change. By appreciating global cultural diversity and working to reduce prejudices, students will contribute to a more inclusive and understanding community, embodying the core values, traditions, ideals, and aspirations of the university. Learning Contents: PRELIM Introduction to School/Classroom Rules or Code Of Conduct/ Expectancies Towards Online Class School Policies Mental Health and Coping The Stigma Surrounding Mental Health Problems, and the Impact of Stigma Stress Management Document Number LDCU-FORMS-CAS-INSTRUCTION-002 Effectivity Date August 7, 2023 Revision Number 000 Creation of Personal Mental Health Plan MIDTERM Liceo Structure History Vision Mission Goals Hymn Seal Philosophy Pledge Administrators Campus Geography University Milestones SEMI-FINAL TERM Social Graces/Etiquette, Personal, Career or Personality Development Developing a growth mindset Cultivating the value of teamwork FINAL TERM Institutional Values Understanding Cultural Affairs & Cultural Appreciation Service Learning Course Policies FOR ONSITE CLASS RULES: 1. Every student is expected to be on time during class hours. Students who will came-in late will be subject to the following guidelines: Tardiness: 15 minutes late: 2- point deduction 30 minutes late: 6-point deduction >45 minutes late: considered absent 2. A student with total absences of more than 20% of the total class hours will be dropped from the class. 3. A student who, without the permission of the instructor, leaves the classroom for the remainder of the hour, or stays out for more than 15 minutes is marked absent. Document Number LDCU-FORMS-CAS-INSTRUCTION-002 Effectivity Date August 7, 2023 Revision Number 000 4. Students must show respect and obedience to persons vested with authority and must likewise show respect to and consideration for his/her fellow students. 5. Students must refrain from using vulgar, profane or dirty language. He should not curse anyone. He should not create or cause unnecessary noise or activity that disrupt or disturb the class or any other classes. 6. Students must share in the responsibility of keeping the classroom clean. 7. Smoking, littering and eating inside the classroom are prohibited. 8. Use of Cellular phones and other electronic gadgets for social and other purposes not related to the learning activity are strictly prohibited during class. Doing so may lead to confiscation of the said gadget. 9. Students not in proper school uniform shall not be allowed inside the classroom. Wearing of earrings for male students is prohibited inside the classroom. 10. Anyone violating these policies will be sent to the Dean’s Office for disciplinary action. Course Requirements FOR ONLINE CLASS RULES: 1. Attendance will be automatically recorded using the GMeet attendance checker. Deductions will be applied for late arrivals or early departures. 2. The grading breakdown is as follows: attendance and participation constitute 30% of the grade, quizzes, assignments, and classwork account for 35%, and the term exam or performance task makes up 35%. 3. Proper netiquette must be observed at all times. Ensure your camera and audio are functioning, wear appropriate attire and your ID, and be in a distraction-free, learning-conducive environment. 4. Actively participate in class discussions and activities. Stay focused and contribute constructively to group work. 5. Notify the instructor promptly if you encounter technical difficulties that affect your participation. 6. Do not record or take screenshots of class content, and do not post any class materials anywhere without the permission of students and the teacher. Respect the privacy of all participants. Term Exams/Performance Tasks Attendance and Class Participation Individual/Group Activities Document Number LDCU-FORMS-CAS-INSTRUCTION-002 Effectivity Date August 7, 2023 Revision Number 000 Source of Student’s Grade: Attendance and Participation Classworks (Quizzes/Activities) Term Exam/Performance Task Total 35% 30% 35% 100% Grade Equivalent: Grading System INC------------Incomplete NG-------------No Grade NC-------------No Credit FA-------------Failure due to Absences D--------------Dropped W--------------Withdrawn References: Navaro, N.A. (2009).“Rodolfo and Elsa Pelaez: A Legacy of the 20th Century Liceo de Cagayan University. (2020). Student Handbook Suggested Learning Resources (e.g. Textbooks References) Jane Aster, J. (2016). Ladies and Gentleman’s Etiquette Book of the Best Society Harris-Bowlsbey, J. E. and Niles, S.G. (2017). Career Development Interventions 5th Edition Official Website: http://www.liceo.edu.ph Online Resources: Canadian Mental Health Association. (n.d.). Homepage. Retrieved from https://cmha.ca/ Document Number LDCU-FORMS-CAS-INSTRUCTION-002 Effectivity Date August 7, 2023 Revision Number 000 Chopra. (n.d.). Resilience and grit: How to develop a growth mindset. Retrieved from https://chopra.com/articles/resilience-and-grit-how-todevelop-a-growth-mindset City University College of Ajman. (n.d.). Why is it significant for students to develop teamwork skills? Retrieved from https://www.cu.ac.ae/why-is-it-significant-for-students-todevelop-teamworkskills/#:~:text=Teamwork%20allows%20students%20to%20for m,of%20community%20with%20their%20peers Emily Post. (n.d.). The principles of etiquette. https://emilypost.com/advice/the-principles-of-etiquette HelpGuide. (n.d.). Stress management: How to reduce, prevent, and cope with stress. HelpGuide.org. https://www.helpguide.org/articles/stress/stressmanagement.htm Le Selfes. (n.d.). Understanding different cultures. https://www.leselfes.com/understanding-differentcultures/#:~:text=%C2%B7,Understanding%20Cultural%20differences,empathetic%20and %20open%2Dminded%20person. Liceo de Cagayan University. (n.d.). Liceo Office of Cultural Affairs (LOCA). Retrieved from https://liceo.edu.ph/#/loca Liceo Office of Cultural Affairs (LOCA). (n.d.). Facebook page. Retrieved from https://www.facebook.com/Liceo-Office-ofCultural-Affairs-LOCA-111074484023199 The Global College. (n.d.). What is cultural IQ? The Global College. https://theglobalcollege.com/blog/what-is-culturaliq/#:~:text=Enhanced%20Interpersonal%20Skills%3A%20Deve loping%20Cultural,more%20effective%20communicators%20a nd%20collaborators. Mental Health Foundation. (n.d.). How to manage and reduce stress. Mental Health Foundation. https://www.mentalhealth.org.uk/explore-mentalhealth/publications/how-manage-and-reduce-stress Oswal Publishers. (n.d.). Importance of personality development for students. Retrieved from Document Number LDCU-FORMS-CAS-INSTRUCTION-002 Effectivity Date August 7, 2023 Revision Number 000 https://oswalpublishers.com/blog/personality-developmentfor-students/ Theater Fans Manila. (n.d.). Homepage. Retrieved from http://theaterfansmanila.com/ The British School of Excellence. (n.d.). 10 little etiquette rules everyone should know. The British School of Excellence. https://thebritishschoolofexcellence.com/social-etiquette/10little-etiquette-rules-everyone-should-know/ World Health Organization. (2005). Mental health and substance use: Mental health and substance use (Report No. 9789240003927). World Health Organization. https://www.who.int/publications/i/item/9789240003927 Document Number LDCU-FORMS-CAS-INSTRUCTION-002 Effectivity Date August 7, 2023 Revision Number 000 Course Outline Acknowledgment Form Course: U-SO-OR 1st Semester SY 2024-2025 Instructor: Jevy Lou V. Piape I, (your full name), a bonafide student in the above-mentioned course, hereby acknowledge that I have received the course outline for the current semester. I confirm that I have thoroughly reviewed the course outline and understand all the terms, requirements, and expectations outlined therein. By submitting this acknowledgment form, I commit to adhere to the guidelines and policies set forth in the course outline. I understand the importance of attending classes, completing assignments, participating in assessments, and abiding by the academic integrity standards outlined in the course. I acknowledge that any questions or clarifications regarding the course outline should be directed to the instructor, Ms Jevy Lou V. Piape, at jvpiape@liceo.edu.ph. E-Signature over Printed Name Document Number LDCU-FORMS-CAS-INSTRUCTION-002 Effectivity Date August 7, 2023 Revision Number 000