GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark* VIe and Mark VIeS Control Systems Volume III: For GE Industrial Applications Dec 2018 Non-Public Information These instructions do not purport to cover all details or variations in equipment, nor to provide for every possible contingency to be met during installation, operation, and maintenance. The information is supplied for informational purposes only, and GE makes no warranty as to the accuracy of the information included herein. Changes, modifications, and/or improvements to equipment and specifications are made periodically and these changes may or may not be reflected herein. It is understood that GE may make changes, modifications, or improvements to the equipment referenced herein or to the document itself at any time. This document is intended for trained personnel familiar with the GE products referenced herein. GE may have patents or pending patent applications covering subject matter in this document. The furnishing of this document does not provide any license whatsoever to any of these patents. Non-Public Information – This document contains proprietary information that belongs to the General Electric Company and is furnished to its customer solely to assist that customer in the installation, testing, operation, and/or maintenance of the equipment described. This document or the information it contains shall not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part or disclosed to any third party without the express written consent of GE. GE provides the following document and the information included therein as is and without warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, including but not limited to any implied statutory warranty of merchantability or fitness for particular purpose. For further assistance or technical information, contact the nearest GE Sales or Service Office, or an authorized GE Sales Representative. Revised: Dec 2018 Issued: March 2009 © 2009 – 2018 General Electric Company. ___________________________________ * Indicates a trademark of General Electric Company and/or its subsidiaries. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. We would appreciate your feedback about our documentation. Please send comments or suggestions to Non-Public Information Document Updates Revision Location Description Acoustic Monitoring Input PAMC processor updates, new Compatibility section, new parameters, new Phase Delta Updates to incorporate BAPB by replacing instances of BAPA with BAPx, UCSA Calculation, Specifications table updates, and SAMB configuration, signal, and Module parameter modifications Updates to incorporate BAPB by replacing instances of BAPA with BAPx BJ PAMC Acoustic Monitoring Input Updated all alarm numbers for 3000 range Module PAMC Specific Alarms Added new alarm 3037 Removed deprecated alarms 3216–3222 Corrections made to the TREASS1A and TREAS3A Output Contacts 125 V dc and PPRO Compatibility 24 V dc Trip Board Compatibility values PSVO Servos Configuration Added an Attention statement notifying users to not run the coil ohm calculation for PSVP Configuration Inlet Guide Vane or Variable Stator Vane servo loops Added content in the following sections for the Rate-based Overspeed (RBOS) feature: • Protective Functions: new section with available protective functions for YSIL (references to PPRO chapter for details) • YSIL Configuration Parameters: added RBOS parameters • YSIL Configuration RBOS Parameter Restrictions: new section with restrictions • YSIL Configuration Variables Vars_Speed: added RBOS variables YSIL Core Safety Protection Module BH PPRA, PPRO, and YPRO Shaft Speed Accel, Decel, and Zero Contacts (used on TREG, TRES, Correction to Zero_Speed logic in the drawing Speed State Boolean Values Updated the available selections in the Choices column for the TripMode parameter TREL) YSIL, WCSA 4–20 ma Inputs Added a Caution statement that connecting AIx_P24V to AIx_20MA could damage the circuit Added content in the following sections for the Rate-based Overspeed (RBOS) feature: • PPRO BG Firmware Overspeed Trip: replaced the diagram Firmware Overspeed, and added functionality • Rate-based Overspeed Trip (RBOS): new section with functional description • Configuration Parameters: added RBOS parameters • RBOS Parameter Restrictions: new section with restrictions • Variables Vars-Speed: added RBOS variables • Alarm 132: RBOS detection not supported alarm • Shaft Speed Accel, Decel, and Zero: added acceleration calculation Updated content in the Thermocouple Inputs table for Cold Junction temperature reading accuracy, including the following sections to accompany the table specifications: • Cold Junction Accuracy Scenarios provides details on three scenarios for SCSA I/O configuration • Cold Junction Internal or Remote Configuration informs the user of the option to use either the internal Cold Junction sensor with the accuracy specification or read the Cold Junction temperature from the controller using the System Output variables, CJRemote_R,S,T YSIL Thermocouple Inputs System Guide GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Non-Public Information 3 Revision BG Location Description YSIL TCSA + WCSA Core Protection Updated the TCSA Contact Input Specifications V dc values from 32 to 140 V dc in Terminal Board TCSA Contact Inputs the section YSIL Speed Repeater Outputs YSIL BF YPRO TTURH#C, S1C TMR Primary Turbine Protection Terminal Board, Specifications BE Corrected the Shipping and Storage temperature to -40 to 85°C (-40 to 185 °F) in the YSIL I/O Pack Specifications table Corrected the Storage temperature to -40 to 85°C (-40 to 185 °F) in the YPRO Specifications table Updated the TTUR Specification table, the Number of Outputs specification, to include close and open values YSIL Added Output Bits PPRO, YPRO, PPRA Updated the description for the LedDiags parameter. UCSA Moved the information about this Mark VIe controller platform into GEH-6721_Vol_II PCMI Moved the information about this Mark VI VME rack gateway to the Mark VIe controls into GEH-6830 YSIL Added the missing TripMode Parameter to the TCSA Contracts configuration. PAMC Dual configuration can use either IONet port PPRA, PPRO, YPRO Updated the section, Hardware Overspeed Trip to include the Speed Pulse Counter YSIL Specific Alarms Updated the solutions for Alarm IDs 2458-2473, 2490 with instructions to unlatch PTUR Updated the specification for Speed sensor accuracy PCAA Updated the following regulator diagrams: Liquid Fuel, Position, Speed Ratio, and Liquid Fuel with Position PPRA, PPRO, and YPRO Updated the figure Steam Turbine Trip Signals TRES Updated the figure TRES Terminal Board, Trip Interlocks, and Trip Solenoids YPRO BC Corrected the configurations listed as supported speed repeater outputs for TB2 of WCSA Updated figure YPRO Speed Difference Detection, the parameter description for OS_Diff, and the figure YPRO Contract Input E-Stop PPRO and PPRA Updated the figure Speed Difference Detection YSIL Core Safety Protection Module New chapter added to provide details for the YSIL module TREA_#A Updated the figure TREA_1A Trip Relays (PPRO, YPRO) PPRA Updated the figure in the section Trip Input PPRO Cycle-power after a hardware overspeed trip is no longer required The following component’s specification was expanded to be -40 to 70°C for ambient Various temperate rating: PCAAH1B, PCLAH1B, PPRAH1B, PPROH1B, PSVOH1B, and PTURH1B 4 TPRO Updated the figure TPRO_#C Board Layout PAMC Updated the figure Dual Acoustic Monitoring PPRO and YPRO Updated the figure in the section K25 Relay Algorithm GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information Safety Symbol Legend Indicates a procedure or condition that, if not strictly observed, could result in personal injury or death. Warning Indicates a procedure or condition that, if not strictly observed, could result in damage to or destruction of equipment. Caution Indicates a procedure or condition that should be strictly followed to improve these applications. Attention GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 5 Non-Public Information Control System Warnings To prevent personal injury or damage to equipment, follow all equipment safety procedures, Lockout Tagout (LOTO), and site safety procedures as indicated by Employee Health and Safety (EHS) guidelines. Warning This equipment contains a potential hazard of electric shock, burn, or death. Only personnel who are adequately trained and thoroughly familiar with the equipment and the instructions should install, operate, or maintain this equipment. Warning Isolation of test equipment from the equipment under test presents potential electrical hazards. If the test equipment cannot be grounded to the equipment under test, the test equipment’s case must be shielded to prevent contact by personnel. Warning To minimize hazard of electrical shock or burn, approved grounding practices and procedures must be strictly followed. To prevent personal injury or equipment damage caused by equipment malfunction, only adequately trained personnel should modify any programmable machine. Warning Warning 6 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Always ensure that applicable standards and regulations are followed and only properly certified equipment is used as a critical component of a safety system. Never assume that the Human-machine Interface (HMI) or the operator will close a safety critical control loop. Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information Contents 1 PAMC Acoustic Monitoring Input Module .................................................................................. 9 1.1 Acoustic Monitoring Input (PAMC) Module .................................................................................................9 1.2 PAMC Specific Alarms........................................................................................................................... 29 1.3 SAMB and BAPx Acoustic Monitoring Input.............................................................................................. 33 2 PCAA Core Analog Module.......................................................................................................... 39 2.1 PCAA Core Analog I/O Pack ................................................................................................................... 39 2.2 PCAA Specific Alarms ........................................................................................................................... 85 2.3 TCAT Core Analog Terminal Board .......................................................................................................... 97 2.4 JGPA Ground and Power Board...............................................................................................................104 3 PCLA Core Analog Module — Aero .........................................................................................107 3.1 PCLA Core Analog I/O for Aero .............................................................................................................107 3.2 PCLA Specific Alarms ..........................................................................................................................128 3.3 SCLS Core Analog Terminal Board..........................................................................................................136 3.4 SCLT Core Analog Terminal Board..........................................................................................................148 4 PEFV Electric Fuel Valve Gateway...........................................................................................157 4.1 PEFV Electric Fuel Valve Gateway Pack...................................................................................................157 4.2 PEFV Specific Alarms...........................................................................................................................160 4.3 TEFV Electric Fuel Valve Terminal Board.................................................................................................161 5 PGEN Turbine Generator Monitor ............................................................................................163 5.1 PGEN Turbine-Generator Monitor I/O Pack...............................................................................................163 5.2 PGEN Specific Alarms ..........................................................................................................................173 5.3 TGNA Turbine-Generator Monitor Terminal Board .....................................................................................176 6 PPRA Emergency Turbine Protection.....................................................................................183 6.1 PPRA Emergency Turbine Protection I/O Pack...........................................................................................183 6.2 PPRA Specific Alarms...........................................................................................................................217 6.3 TREA and WREA Turbine Emergency Trip ...............................................................................................232 7 PPRO, YPRO Backup Turbine Protection ..............................................................................245 7.1 Mark VIe PPRO Backup Turbine Protection I/O Pack..................................................................................245 7.2 PPRO Specific Alarms...........................................................................................................................291 7.3 Mark VIeS YPRO Backup Turbine Protection I/O Pack ...............................................................................302 7.4 YPRO Specific Alarms ..........................................................................................................................339 7.5 TPRO_#C TMR Backup Protection Terminal Board....................................................................................347 7.6 SPROH#A, S1A Simplex Backup Protection Terminal Board........................................................................354 7.7 TREAH#A, S#A Aeroderivative Turbine Trip Board ...................................................................................359 7.8 TREGH#B, S#B Gas Turbine Trip Board ..................................................................................................369 7.9 TREL Large Steam Turbine Trip Board ....................................................................................................376 7.10 TRES Small Steam Turbine Trip Board.....................................................................................................381 8 PSCH Specialized Serial Communication..............................................................................387 8.1 PSCH Specialized Serial Communication I/O Pack .....................................................................................387 8.2 PSCH Specific Alarms...........................................................................................................................393 8.3 Simplex Serial Communication Input/Output (SSCA)..................................................................................397 9 PSVO Servo Control Module .....................................................................................................399 9.1 PSVO Servo Control I/O Pack.................................................................................................................399 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 7 Non-Public Information 9.2 PSVO Specific Alarms ..........................................................................................................................417 9.3 TSVC Servo Input/Output Terminal Board ................................................................................................431 10 PSVP Servo Control – Steam ..................................................................................................441 10.1 PSVP Servo Control I/O Pack for Steam ...................................................................................................441 10.2 PSVP Specific Alarms ...........................................................................................................................491 10.3 SSVP Servo Input/Output Terminal Board.................................................................................................503 11 PTUR, YTUR Turbine Specific Primary Trip.........................................................................513 11.1 Mark VIe PTUR Primary Turbine Protection I/O Pack .................................................................................513 11.2 PTUR Specific Alarms ..........................................................................................................................541 11.3 Mark VIeS YTUR Primary Turbine Protection I/O Pack...............................................................................548 11.4 YTUR Specific Alarms..........................................................................................................................573 11.5 TTURH#C, S1C TMR Primary Turbine Protection Terminal Board................................................................579 11.6 STURH#A Simplex Primary Turbine Protection Terminal Board ...................................................................586 11.7 TRPA_#A Aeroderivative Turbine Primary Trip Board ................................................................................596 11.8 TRPG_#B Gas Turbine Primary Trip Board ...............................................................................................609 11.9 TRPL Large Steam Turbine Primary Trip Board .........................................................................................615 11.10TRPS Small Steam Turbine Primary Trip Board ........................................................................................620 12 YSIL Core Safety Protection Module.....................................................................................625 12.1 YSIL Overview ....................................................................................................................................625 12.2 Mark VIeS YSIL Core Protection I/O Pack................................................................................................629 12.3 YSIL Specific Alarms ...........................................................................................................................649 12.4 TCSA + WCSA Core Protection Terminal Board ........................................................................................666 12.5 SCSA I/O Expansion Board....................................................................................................................689 13 Application-specific Functions ..............................................................................................699 13.1 Mark VIeS Safety Controller Black Channel ..............................................................................................699 13.2 Mark VIe PAIC Compressor Stall Detection ..............................................................................................699 13.3 PIOA ARCNET Interface Module ...........................................................................................................703 14 Remote Services ........................................................................................................................705 14.1 On-Site Monitor (OSM) .........................................................................................................................705 14.2 OnSite Support* Remote Services Gateway (RSG) .....................................................................................705 15 Legacy Equipment .....................................................................................................................707 15.1 UCCx Controllers .................................................................................................................................707 15.2 IONet Switches and SMF .......................................................................................................................725 15.3 PAMB Acoustic Monitoring ...................................................................................................................726 16 Replacement ...............................................................................................................................727 16.1 Replacement Procedures ........................................................................................................................727 16.2 Ordering Parts......................................................................................................................................735 8 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 1 PAMC Acoustic Monitoring Input Module 1.1 Acoustic Monitoring Input (PAMC) Module The Acoustic Monitoring Input (PAMC) module supports combustion dynamics for heavy-duty gas turbines. The PAMC is the Analog Processor board (BAPA or BAPB) and the Acoustic Monitoring terminal board (SAMB) grouped together as an application sub-assembly, with the UCSAH1A controller. The UCSA controller is a processor that mounts as a stand-alone LAN module and serves as the PAMC processing engine. The UCSA controller was selected for acoustic monitoring because it provides the additional processing capacity required for the fast Fourier transform (FFT) analysis, frequency search function, and sensor diagnostics. The BAPx receives dynamic pressure data from the SAMB. The analog signal is conditioned to remove dc bias and amplify ac content (to maximize resolution) before it is digitized by an analog-to-digital (A/D) converter. A field programmable gate array (FPGA) sequences, digitizes, and filters the dynamic pressure signals and controls the high-speed serial link (HSSL) protocol for the Ethernet link between the BAPx and the UCSA controller. Note References to BAPx can indicate either BAPA or BAPB. Two versions of the PAMC module are available: Simplex and Dual. PAMC Acoustic Monitoring Input Module GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 9 Non-Public Information Dual PAMC Configuration The SAMB terminal board fans all 18 inputs to each BAPx. The BAPx 1 (left processor) communicates with the UCSA controller through the IONet R connection. The BAPx 2 (right processor) communicates with the UCSA through the IONet S connection. Either IONet port (ENET1 or ENET2) can provide IONet as long as it is configured correctly in the ToolboxST application. The controller’s application code votes which PAMC data to use, based on the signal health. 10 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information Simplex PAMC Configuration Controller application code is not required to vote signals from the PAMC. The PAMC connects to either the PCB-based charge amplifiers or an Encore-based Charge Converter Signal Amplifier (CCSA). 1.1.1 Compatibility The PAMC is comprised of the UCSAH1A controller, which executes the firmware, and one of two supported Analog Processor boards. Analog Processor Compatibility Analog Processor Board Minimum Firmware Version Minimum ControlST Version IS210BAPAH1A IS410BAPBH1A V04.06 V05.06 V04.06 V07.04 The PAMC also supports the Acoustic Monitoring terminal board (SAMB) with Simplex or Dual redundancy. Acoustic Monitoring Terminal Board Compatibility Terminal Board Description SAMBH1A Terminal board that supports 18–channel CCSA or PCB charge amplifier inputs. Fans signals to one or two BAPx Analog Processor boards for Simplex or Dual redundancy. 1.1.2 Installation Only a qualified GE technician should install the PAMC signal space inputs. For the ToolboxST procedures to add the PAMC I/O module and configure the IP address, refer to the ToolboxST User Guide for Mark Controls Platform (GEH-6700), the chapter Special I/O Functions. PAMC Acoustic Monitoring Input Module GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 11 Non-Public Information 1.1.3 Operation The PAMC provides the following features: • Signal conditioning for up to 18 combustion dynamic pressure inputs: GE Encore-based Charge Converter Signal Amplifier (CCSA) or PCB Piezotronics® charge amplifier for heavy-duty turbines are supported − Differential inputs and adjustable gains − Fast synchronous-sampled A/D with 16x over-sampling − FPGA pre-processor with finite impulse response (FIR) filters − Configurable high pass filter prior to FFT stage to eliminate dc bias − Open wire detection Analysis capability per channel: − • − − − − − − − − − Windowed FFT analysis Rolling average per bin 50/60 Hz rejection filters Frequency band search function providing maximum peak detection for six different frequency bands Maximum peak detect for each frequency band Average channel peak-to-peak amplitudes per frequency band Alarm detection if peak-to-peak amplitude exceeds configurable level for each frequency band List capture for all 18 channels if alarm is detected or user requests capture Phase delta calculation is performed on adjacent channels by showing relative phase difference channel to channel UCSA Controller The UCSAH1A controller provides the following features: • • • High-speed processor with random access memory (RAM) and flash memory Two fully-independent 10/100 Ethernet ports with connectors Enet1 and Enet2 for connecting to the main controllers' IONet ports. Three fully-independent high-speed serial link ports with connectors R/SL1, S/SL2, T/SL3. Note Only R/SL1 is used in the PAMC for connecting to a BAPx Analog Processor board. • • • • • One universal asynchronous receiver-transmitter (UART) type serial port with RJ-45 connector Hardware watchdog timer and reset circuit Status-indication LEDs Electronic ID CompactFlash® support The UCSA controller connects to the BAPx through the R/SL1 high-speed serial link (HSSL) interface. The PAMC is designed so that the UCSA and the BAPx can be located in different locations (up to 100 m, 328.08 ft of HSSL cable length). Each module can be powered independently. At power up, the BAPx waits for the UCSA to initiate communications. After communication is established, the application FPGA is programmed. The processor application code contains the logic to allow a UCSA to operate on one or two IONet inputs. When using two IONet inputs, both network paths are active at all times. A failure of either network does not disturb I/O pack operation and is indicated through the working network connection. This arrangement is more tolerant of faults than a classic hot-backup system in which the second port is only used after a primary port failure is detected. The Ethernet ports on the UCSA auto-negotiate between 10 and 100 mbps speed, and between half-duplex and full-duplex operation. 12 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information Auto-Reconfiguration For details, refer to GEH-6721_Vol_II, the chapter Common Module Content, the section Auto-Reconfiguration. Attention When replacing a PAMC or PMVE, the Auto-Reconfiguration process will not function properly unless the existing CompactFlash® board from the UCSA being replaced is removed and installed into the new UCSA. If a new or blank CompactFlash board is used, complete the procedure to setup the PAMC for IONet communication. Refer to the ToolboxST User Guide for Mark Controls Platform (GEH-6700), the chapter Special I/O Functions. Acoustic Monitoring Firmware The acoustic monitoring firmware supports 18 input channels. The main features are: • RMS Broadband Calculation – Calculates the broadband root-mean-square (RMS) energy of the time-domain sampled data in the frequency range of 0 to 5000 Hz. The output is the input of the RMS Scan Average. RMS Scan Average – Average multiple scans of broadband RMS values. A scan is defined by the amount of time-domain sampled combustion data to calculate a windowed FFT of some defined length. The output is the system input, SIGx (where x is the channel number), passed to the controller. High Pass Filter – A configurable high pass filter is run on the time-domain data to filter out any dc component of the signal prior to the FFT. Windowed FFT – Calculates the frequency domain peak-to-peak magnitude and bin frequency, based on time-domain sampled combustion input data. The configuration defines the type of FFT window function used, the FFT length (amount of input data collected for the calculation), and the sample frequency. The output feeds the Peak-to-Peak Scan Average. Peak-to-Peak Scan Average – Provides a frequency domain peak-to-peak magnitude average per frequency bin, over multiple scans. The configuration defines the number of scans used in the rolling average calculation. The output is the input for the Six-Band Sort function. • • • • • Six-Band Frequency Search – Average frequency domain peak-to-peak data is divided into six separate frequency bands (refer to the following table). Frequency Bands Frequency Band Number Configuration Band Name 1 Low (Low) 2 Middle (Mid) 3 High (High) 4 Low Low (LoLo) 5 Trans (Trns) 6 Screech (Scrch) PAMC Acoustic Monitoring Input Module GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 13 Non-Public Information The maximum of the average peak-to-peak magnitudes from each frequency band and its corresponding frequency bin are selected and output as system inputs for the controller. • • • • Band n Average – Calculates the average peak-to-peak magnitude over all enabled healthy input channels, based on the output of the Six-Band frequency search. Band n Maximum – Calculates the maximum peak-to-peak magnitude over all input channels enabled, based on the Six-Band frequency search. The six frequency band maximums are output for use by the controller. Band n Limit Check – A frequency band limit check based on the Band n Maximum output data. Phase Delta Calculation – Calculates the difference in phase between two adjacent channels at the selected peak frequency. Up to three frequency bands may be selected for the phase delta calculation across all enabled channels. Acoustic Monitoring Block Diagram 14 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information Acoustic Monitoring Parameters Can Overlap? Bands that Can Be Overlapped LowLow_EndPt Yes Low LowMid_BrkPt No N/A LowMid_BrkPt MidHi_Brkpt No N/A MidHi_Brkpt HiScrchBrkPt Scrch_EndPt No N/A No Scrch_EndPt Yes N/A Low, Mid, High Trns_EndPt Yes Low, Mid, High, Screech Band Name Start Frequency End Frequency Low-Low LowLowStrtPt Low_StrtPt Low Mid High Screech HiScrchBrkPt Scrch_StrtPt Transverse Trns_StrtPt All bands may be placed contiguously, as displayed in the following figure. The Transverse band may have a frequency range that overlaps with the Low, Mid, High, or Screech band range by placing its endpoints within the range of those bands. When Transverse overlaps another band, a keep out area of T_FilWidth Hz is employed on both sides of the frequency at which Transverse has discovered its peak amplitude, preventing the overlapped band from discovering the same peak amplitude. When the parameter Trns_Bnd_Enb is disabled and the Transverse band is overlapping another band, Transverse’s frequency search will not take place. If the Transverse band is not overlapping, Trns_ Bnd_Enb is ignored. When contiguous, the Screech band’s endpoint is HiScrchBrkPt. When Screech_Overlap_Enb is set to Enable, the configuration parameter Scrch_StrtPt becomes the new start frequency value and allows for the Screech band to be placed within the Low, Mid, or High band. When Screech overlaps another band, a keep out area of T_FilWidth Hz is employed on both sides of the Screech band peak, preventing the frequency search from finding the same peak in the overlapped band. Note Both Transverse band and Screech band can overlap another frequency band at the same time. PAMC Acoustic Monitoring Input Module GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 15 Non-Public Information The Low-Low band’s independent endpoints allow it to have a frequency range that overlaps with the Low band’s. The Low-Low band end frequency may not exceed the Low band’s and it must have a start frequency that is less than or equal to the Low Band’s. The Low-Low band does not employ a keep out area around the combustion peak when overlapping the Low band A/D Compensation The A/D compensation function eliminates any gain or offset error due to initial component inconsistency. An auto-calibration function runs each time the module is reset. The auto-calibration function compares each of the 18 analog channels against a standard A/D channel. This A/D channel is calibrated using a standard high-precision voltage reference and the A/D common. Dynamic Pressure Probe to PAMC Signal Scaling The signal flow from the dynamic pressure probe to the signal-space inputs involves the following three steps: 1. Probe converts the combustion dynamic pressure in psi to a charge output in pico-coulombs (pC). 2. Either the CCSA or the PCB charge amplifier converts the charge output of the probe to a voltage in millivolts. Note The CCSA signal (InputUse is set to CCSA) is 0 V dc and 0 V ac when the dynamic pressure is 0 psi. The PCB charge amplifier signal (InputUse is set to PCB) is 12 V dc and 0 V ac when the dynamic pressure is 0 psi. 3. The PAMC removes the dc bias portion of the signal (as specified by the input type) before the digitization of the dynamic pressure signal. PAMC offers an internal gain feature to improve the A/D resolution of the signal. Additionally, a high pass filter (enabled by setting HPF_Enable to Enable) will eliminate any residual dc component of the signal. The configuration parameter, InputUse, determines the scaling method used to convert the voltage input to useful Engineering Units, for example psi. 16 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information Scaling CCSA and Custom Inputs When InputUse is set to CCSA, Custom, and File, the configuration parameters used for input scaling are as follows: • • Low_Input and High_Input (mVpk-pk) Low_Value and High_Value (Engineering units [psipk-pk]) Given that 0 V= 0 psi, and a 5 psipk input with a Probe Sensitivity of pC/psi and a Charge Amp Sensitivity of mV/pC, the voltage output from the CCSA can be calculated as follows: PAMC Input Voltage(mVpk-pk) = Dynamic Pressure(psipk-pk) x ProbeSensitivity(pC/psi) x ChargeAmpSensitivity (mV/pC) PAMC Input Voltage(mVpk-pk) = 10 psipk-pk x 17 pC/psi x 10 mV/pC = 1700 mVpk-pk Assign the configuration parameters as follows: • • Low_Input = 0 mVpk-pk and Low_Value = 0 psipk-pk High_Input = 1700 mVpk-pk and High_Value = 10 psipk-pk Attention The CCSA signal generator or the portable signal generator used to test the CCSA charge inputs only provides a single-ended output and no differential output. Therefore, when the test signal is applied to the CCSA, the charge amplifier outputs half the output voltage as compared to the output when the probe’s differential signal is connected to the charge amplifier input. Scaling PCB Inputs When InputUse is set to PCB, the configuration parameters used are PCB_Probe_Gn and PCB_Amp_Gn. For example, assign the following values: PCB_Probe_Gn = 17 pC /psi and PCB_Amp_Gn = 10 mV/pC The PAMC will scale the inputs, SIGx, in Vrms and FFT outputs, FrqBx_PkAmpy in psipk-pk, where x in the variable FrqBx_ PkAmpy is the frequency band number 1 – 6 and y is the input channel number 1 – 18. PAMC Acoustic Monitoring Input Module GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 17 Non-Public Information A/D Gain Adjust The configuration parameter, Gain, controls the channel gain in the hardware. This parameter is defined for each channel. The gain allows low-level signals to be amplified to provide better resolution in the A/D conversion hardware. The gain options are 1x and 2x. The channel control writes the gain setup to the FPGA input amplifier control registers. The PAMC firmware scales the input signal appropriately to result in a net gain of 1 for the signal regardless of the gain factor used. The maximum expected signal level should not exceed 10 V (saturation) after the gain is applied as indicated in the following table. Rules for Selecting Gain Value Gainx Maximum Magnitude of Input Signal after DC Bias Removal (Volts) 1 2 10 5 If the configuration parameter InputUse is set to PCB, Gain must be equal to 1. Attention The PAMC signal-conditioning gain is determined using the following calculation: PAMC A/D VoltageMAX = Pressure PeakMAX(psipk) x ProbeSensitivityMAX(pC/psi) x ChargeAmplifierSensitivityMAX(mVpk/pC) x Gain(mV/mV) ≤ 8000 mVpk where: • • • • ProbeSensitivityMAX is the nominal sensitivity plus worst case variation. ChargeAmplifierSensitivityMAX is the nominal charge amplifier gain with worst case variation added to the nominal. Gain is the internal signal-conditioning gain previously described. 8000 mVpk is the 80% limit for the ±10 Vpk range for A/D. Example: PAMC A/D VoltageMAX = 12.5 psipk x 1.2 x 17 pC/psi x 1.05 x 11.75 mV/pC x 2 x 0.001 V/mV = 6.29 Vpk PAMC A/D VoltageMAX < 8000 mVpk. Therefore, this configuration is OK to use. Note The value 1.2 is the ±20% range in the factory calibrated probe sensitivity and the value 1.05 is the 5% range in the factory calibrated charge amp sensitivity from nominal. RMS Calculation and Rolling Average The RMS calculation function performs an RMS calculation on the ac acoustic information sampled for a given scan. The rolling average function provides smoothing to the signal. 18 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information Capture Buffers Two capture buffers are available: Trip Capture Buffers and User Capture Buffers. Trip Capture Buffers This function provides capture buffers that input internally calculated data, which is selected based on a configuration parameter. The capture buffers can be configured (parameter NumEventScans) to capture up to 32 scans of information for each of 18 channels. Parameter EventListSel can be used to configure the trip capture buffer to collect any one of the following internal data: • • • • • Time-domain sampled input data (in volts) Frequency-domain FFT peak-to-peak magnitude (in volts) FFT output data with transducer compensation (in volts) FFT output data with transducer compensation (in EU) Scan-averaged FFT output data with transducer compensation (in EU) (default) Trip Capture Buffers are pre-triggered; meaning for a 32 scan FFT average, data is scanned 32 times before the triggered event and none after the event. The triggered event is activated by the signal space input, TripCapReq. Running on the HMI or OSM computer, AM Gateway software uploads the captured buffers to the computer on which the Gateway is running. PAMC Acoustic Monitoring Diagnostic Support User Capture Buffers This function provides capture buffers that are only one scan in length (compared to the trip capture with up to 32 scans). The user capture buffers can be configured using parameter OpListSel to collect any of the internal data listed above for trip capture buffers. The AM Gateway software can upload these buffers. User capture buffers are activated through the AM Gateway or other compatible applications. The diagram displayed above for trip capture buffers is the same for user capture buffers except for the trigger source. PAMC Acoustic Monitoring Input Module GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 19 Non-Public Information Phase Delta Calculation FrqBX_PhDelta_Sel, FrqBY_PhDelta_Sel, and FrqBZ_PhDelta_Sel are configuration parameters that allow the user to select frequency bands for which to perform phase delta calculations across all enabled and healthy channels. Each phase delta calculation is performed by taking the difference of the phases of two adjacent channels, where phase values are calculated from the maximum amplitude and corresponding frequency found within a selected band's frequency range. PhaseDelta(X) = Phase(X) – Phase(X-1), where X is a channel number. For X=1, adjacent channel is the maximum enabled channel number. For example, with all channels enabled, channel 1's adjacent channel is channel 18. If channels 16-18 are disabled, channel 1's adjacent channel becomes channel 15. Note Channel corresponds to the signal number, not the Can_Id index. Note If either of the two channels being used for a phase delta calculation go unhealthy, the resulting phase delta value is 0. Bands X and Y display all 18 phase deltas in ToolboxST, while band Z only displays phase deltas 1 – 17. A moving average of stored FFT scans is maintained for each channel, with the parameter ScanPrAvgPhDelta specifying the number of scans to average. Once a maximum amplitude has been identified for each band of a channel, the average FFT output for the corresponding FFT bin for that channel is compared against the average FFT output for the same bin of the adjacent channel. 20 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 1.1.4 Specifications Item Specification Input channels 18 dynamic pressure inputs Output channels 18 buffered outputs Supported frame rates 10 ms, 20 ms, 40 ms, 80 ms, 160 ms Gain adjustment options 1x and 2x Bias - minimum adjust -13.5 ± 0.25 V dc Bias - maximum adjust +13.5 ± 0.25 V dc Input accuracy from terminal point to inputs, SIGx (RMS calc) for passband = 0 to 5 kHz ≤ 2.0 % of full scale = 10 V dc for Gain = 1x ≤ 2.0 % of full scale = 5 V dc for Gain = 2x Input accuracy (dc + ac) from terminal point to ≤ 0.5 % of full scale = 10 V dc for Gain = 1x peak-peak signal -space values through FFT analysis for ≤ 0.5 % of full scale = 5 V dc for Gain = 2x passband = 0 to 3.2 kHz Input accuracy (dc + ac) from terminal point to ≤ 2.0 % of full scale = 10 V dc for Gain = 1x peak-peak signal -space values through FFT analysis for ≤ 2.0 % of full scale = 5 V dc for Gain = 2x passband = 3.2 kHz to 5 kHz Input passband frequency 0 to 5 kHz † Ambient rating for enclosure design 0 to 65°C (32 to 149 °F) Note † For further details, refer to the Mark VIe and Mark VIeS Control Systems System Guide, Volume I (GEH-6721_Vol_ I), the chapter Technical Regulations, Standards, and Environments. Note Gain adjustment options 4x and 8x have been removed due to circuit limitations in the BAPB hardware. In accordance with the ± 0.25 psi accuracy requirement from GEPS Combustion, the signal resolution is 167 counts per 0.25 psi for the PCB configuration and 334 counts per 0.25 psi for the CCSA option. 1.1.5 Diagnostics The I/O module performs the following self-diagnostic tests: • • • • A power-up self test that includes checks of RAM, flash memory, Ethernet ports, and most of the processor board hardware Continuous monitoring of the internal power supplies for correct operation A check of the electronic ID information from the terminal board, acquisition board, and processor board ID to confirm that the hardware set matches, followed by a check that the application code loaded from flash memory is correct for the hardware set. Each input has sensor limit checking, open circuit detection, excessive dc bias detection, and hardware saturation detection. Diagnostic alarms are generated for these conditions. Note If the Continuous_Scan variable is False, the excessive dc bias detection is disabled. For more details on the Continuous_Scan variable, refer to the section SAMB Signal Definitions. Details of the individual diagnostics are available in the ToolboxST application. I/O block SYS_OUTPUTS, input RSTDIAG can be used to direct all I/O modules to clear from the alarm queue all diagnostics in the normal healthy state. PAMC Acoustic Monitoring Input Module GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 21 Non-Public Information • • • • • • • • UCSA LEDs Power displays solid green when the internal 5 V supply is up and regulating. The PAMC converts the incoming 28 V dc to 5 V dc. All other internal supplies are derived from the 5 V. Online displays solid green when the PAMC is online and running application code. Flash flashes amber when any flash device is being accessed. DC is not used in the PAMC application. Diag flashes red when the PAMC has a diagnostic available. The diagnostic can be viewed and cleared using the ToolboxST application. Link displays solid green if the Ethernet hardware interface on the PAMC has established a link with an Ethernet port. Act indicates packet traffic on an Ethernet interface. If traffic is low, this LED may flash but in most systems, it is on solid. On displays solid green when the USB is active. Boot displays solid red or flashing red during the boot process. The boot LED is lit continuously during the boot process unless an error is detected. If an error is detected, the LED flashes at a 1 Hz frequency. While flashing, the LED is on for 500 ms and off for 500 ms. The number of flashes indicates the failed state. After the flashing section, the LED turns off for three seconds. These are flashing codes: 1. Failed Serial Presence Detect (SPD) EEPROM 2. Failed to initialize DRAM or DRAM tests failed 3. Failed NOR flash file system check 4. Failed to load FPGA or PCI failed 5. CompactFlash device not found 6. Failed to start IDE driver 7. CompactFlash image not valid If the CompactFlash image is valid but the runtime firmware has not been loaded, the boot LED flashes continuously at a 1 Hz rate. Once the firmware is loaded, the boot LED turns off. 22 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 1.1.6 Configuration SAMB Level Configuration Parameter Description (SAMB Level Configuration) Choices BinReject Number of side bins to reject from the peak search in adjacent bands when a peak is detected near the band boundary. This prevents the same peak from being detect in two adjacent bands. Zero = no bins rejected. 0 to 6 (default: 3) Config_Mode Defines the source of the currently active configuration. ToolboxST allows only mode Toolbox as a selection. The remote gateway configurator Toolbox forces mode to tuning configurator without user control. Defines the sample site for the event capture list: EventLstSel • Disable: list not used • FFT_Out: FFT output scaled in volts • TC_Out: FFT output after transducer compensation • PSI_Out: FFT outputs scaled in psi • Avg_Out: PSI_Out after averaging filter • Raw_Input: Input time domain data Avg_Out, Disable, FFT_Out, PSI_Out, Raw_ Input, TC_Out (default: Avg_Out) FFT_Length 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192, Length of the FFT Buffer. Defines the number of samples that are used in 16384, 32768 FFT calculation. (default: 8192) FFT_TF_SelA All Channels Source Select. Selects an internal test file as the input to all acoustic monitoring channels for the actual analog input signals. HW_Input or File (default: HW_Input) FrqBX_PhDelta_Sel Selects frequency band X for phase delta calculation Low-Low, Low, Mid, High, Screech, Transverse, None (default: Transverse) FrqBY_PhDelta_Sel Selects frequency band Y for phase delta calculation Low-Low, Low, Mid, High, Screech, Transverse, None (default: None) FrqBZ_PhDelta_Sel Selects frequency band Z for phase delta calculation Low-Low, Low, Mid, High, Screech, Transverse, None (default: None) HPF_Enable Enable High pass filter on acoustic inputs Enable, Disable (default: Enable) HPF_Cutoff_Freq High pass filter cutoff frequency 5 to 30 Hz (default: 5) HiB_Limit Defines the limit for the max peak-peak amplitude signal in the High frequency band 0 to 50 psi (default: 50) HiScrchBrkPt Defines the frequency boundary between the High and Screech frequency bands. When Screech_Overlap_Enb is set to Enable, this value serves only as the upper frequency boundary for the High band. 0 to 5000 Hz (default: 500) LoLoB_Limit Defines the limit for the max peak-peak amplitude signal in the low-low frequency band 0 to 50 psi (default: 50) LowB_Limit Defines the limit for the max peak-peak amplitude signal in the low frequency band 0 to 50 psi (default: 50) LowLow_EndPt Defines the ending frequency of the Low-Low band. The Low-Low band can be placed contiguously, with a gap between itself and any neighboring band, or with a frequency range that overlaps with the Low 0 to 5000 Hz (default: 30) band's. Additionally, this value is bounded by the ending frequency of the Low band (LowMidBrkPt). PAMC Acoustic Monitoring Input Module GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 23 Non-Public Information Parameter Description (SAMB Level Configuration) Choices LowLowStrtPt Defines the starting frequency of the low-low frequency band. This value is bounded by the starting frequency of the Low band (Low_StrtPt). LowLowStrtPt may not be larger than Low_StrtPt. 0 to 5000 Hz (default: 10) LowMid_BrkPt Defines the frequency boundary between low and mid frequency bands 0 to 5000 Hz (default: 120) Low_StrtPt Defines the starting frequency of the low band. Refer to the parameter definition for LowLow_EndPt. 0 to 5000 Hz (default: 30) MaxVoltCCSA Max sensor volts for a CCSA type sensor -30 to 30 V (default: 8.568) MaxVoltCustm Max sensor volts for a custom type sensor -30 to 30 V (default: 5.25) MaxVoltPCB Max sensor volts for a PCB type sensor -30 to 30 V (default: 20) MidB_Limit Defines the limit for the max peak-peak amplitude signal in the mid frequency band 0 to 50 psi (default: 50) MidHi_Brkpt Defines the frequency boundary between mid and high frequency bands 0 to 5000 Hz (default: 240) MinVoltCCSA Minimum sensor volts for a CCSA type sensor -30 to 30 V (default: -8.568) MinVoltCustm Minimum sensor volts for a custom type sensor -30 to 30 V (default: -5.25) MinVoltPCB Minimum sensor volts for a PCB type sensor -30 to 30 V (default: 3.5) Defines the number of scans an event buffer contains. 1 to 100 scans (default: 32) NumEventScns If the sample location is Raw_Input the max scan allowed is 1. Defines sample site for spectrum on demand capture or diagnostic list: OpLstSel • Disable: list not used • Raw_Input: input time domain data • FFT_Out: FFT output scaled in volts • TC_Out: FFT output after transducer compensation • PSI_Out: FFT outputs scaled in psi • Avg_Out: PSI_Out after averaging filter Avg_Out, Disable, FFT_Out, PSI_Out, Raw_ Input, TC_Out (default: Avg_Out) PL_Fil_Freq Defines the power line frequency that the notch filter removes from the spectral content of the FFT output 50_Hz, 60_Hz (default: 60_Hz) PL_Fil_Tol This is the power line frequency notch filter tolerance in per unit, for example 0.1=10%. A higher number de-sensitizes the filter so other energy peaks near the power line frequency are also rejected. 0 to 1.0 (default: 0.1) PL_Fil_Width Defines the bandwidth of the power line notch filter. The bandwidth is ± value centered about the configured power line frequency. 0 to 100 Hz (default: 0.5) SampleRate Defines the FFT sample rate for all the acoustic monitoring channels 12,887 Hz only ScanPrAvgFFT Number of scans per average in acoustic monitoring filtered FFT output 1 to 100 scans (default: 32) ScanPrAvgRMS Number of scans per average in the RMS calculation 1 to 32 scans (default: 1) ScanPrAvgPhDelta Number of scans per average in the phase delta calculation 1 to 64 scans (default: 1) SearchInAvg(1) – SearchInAvg(6) Selects whether the sort function for pk-pk amplitudes uses the present scan or an average value No_Average, Average (default: Average) Session_Time Scheduled time for temporary configuration mode. This time is forced to zero in the ToolboxST entry. This value is set to the user-selected time in the temporary gateway remote configurator. 0 only ScrchB_Limit Defines the limit level for the maximum peak-peak amplitude signal in the 0 to 50 psi (default: 50) screech frequency band Screech_Overlap_ Enb When enabled, allows the Screech band to have a frequency range that overlaps another band’s frequency band 24 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Enable, Disable (default: Disable) Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information Parameter Description (SAMB Level Configuration) Choices Scrch_StrtPt Defines the starting frequency of the screech frequency band when Screech_Overlap_Enb is set to Enable. When enabled, this parameter becomes available and allows for the Screech band to overlap the Low, Mid, or High band. 0 to 5000 Hz (default: 2000) Scrch_EndPt Defines the ending frequency of the screech frequency band. When Screech_Overlap_Enb is set to Enable, the Screech band may overlap the Low, Mid, or High band. 0 to 5000 Hz (default: 3000) T_FilWidth Defines the width (± Hz) of the keep out area around the Transverse/Screech band peak frequency that is ignored by an 0 to 100 Hz (default: 40) overlapped band’s frequency search. In the case of Transverse band, it is used only if Trns_Bnd_Enb is set to Enable. TMC_Gain(1) – TMC_Gain(30) Transducer mounting compensation gain to response 0 to 30 (default: 1) TMC_Freq(1) –TMC_ Frequency corresponding to the gain value entered Freq(30) 0 to 5000 Hz (default: n*100) TrnsB_Limit Defines the limit for the max peak-peak amplitude signal in the Transverse frequency band Trns_Bnd_Enb Determines whether to perform the frequency search in Transverse Disable, Enable band’s range when it is overlapping another band. If the Transverse band (default: Enable) is not overlapping another band, this parameter value is ignored. Trns_EndPt Defines the ending frequency of the Transverse frequency band. The Transverse frequency band’s independent endpoints allow it to overlap the Low, Mid, High, or Screech band range. 0 to 5000 Hz (default: 1150) Trns_StrtPt Defines the starting frequency of the Transverse frequency band. The Transverse frequency band’s independent endpoints allow it to overlap the Low, Mid, High, or Screech band range. 0 to 5000 Hz (default: 950) Selects window function for sampled data for each channel Rectangular Hamming Hanning Triangular Blackman Blackman-Har(ris) Flat Top (default: Hanning) WindowSelect PAMC Acoustic Monitoring Input Module 0 to 50 psi (default: 50) GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 25 Non-Public Information SAMB Variable Definitions and Configuration SIGx Where x = 1 – 18 Analog Input x – Card Point Point Edit (Input FLOAT) Gain Analog input resolution adjustment to amplify signal before digital conversion. Gain factor x (maximum signal peak voltage) must be less than 10 V to prevent saturation. 1x, 2x (default: 1x) Bias DC bias voltage subtracted from the analog signal input for dc bias compensation. Only used when InputUse is Custom or File. -13.5 to 13.5 (default: 0) Bias_Range Allowable deviation of dc bias used for dc bias diagnostics. Only used when InputUse is Custom or File. 0 to 10 (default: 1) Can_Id Combustor can be wired to this terminal board signal. This normally corresponds to the signal number to avoid confusion; wire terminal board signal 1 to can 1. 1 to 18 (default: 1) High_Input Defines point 2 X-axis value in mV for SAMB terminal point that is used -10000 to 10000 (default: 170) to calculate gain and offset for conversion to EU High_Value Defines point 2 Y-axis value in EU for SAMB terminal point that is used Any positive real (default: 1) to calculate gain and offset for conversion from mV to EU Selects the sensor type used on the signal InputUse Unused, CCSA, PCB, Custom, File (default: Unused) If the CCSA in JB1000 is used, set InputUse and the terminal board jumpers to CCSA regardless of the transducer manufacturer. Damage to the CCSA may occur if the PCB jumper setting is used on the terminal board. Caution Low_Input Defines point 1 X-axis value in mV for SAMB terminal point that is used -10000 to 10000 (default: 0) to calculate gain and offset for conversion to EU Low_Value Defines point 1 Y-axis value in EU for SAMB terminal point that is used Any positive real (default: 0) to calculate gain and offset for the conversion from mV to EU PCB_Probe_Gn PCB probe gain, pC per psi Used only if InputUse = PCB 5 to 40 (default: 17) PCB_AmpGain PCB amplifier gain, milli-volts per pC Used only if InputUse = PCB 1 to 20 (default: 10) PL_Fil_En Enables the power line notch filter Disable, Enable (default: Disable) DiagHighEnab Enables high input sensor limit diagnostics Disable, Enable (default: Enable) DiagLowEnab Enables low input sensor limit diagnostics Disable, Enable (default: Enable) DiagOCChk Enables open sensor error diagnostic Disable, Enable (default: Enable) DiagBiasNull Enables excessive dc bias diagnostic Disable, Enable (default: Enable) DiagSigSat Enables signal HW saturation diagnostic Disable, Enable (default: Enable) 26 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information SAMB Signal Definitions Signal Description – Point Edit (Enter Signal Connection) Direction Type L3DIAG_SAMB_R(S or T) Board Diagnostic active (non-voted signal) Input BIT LINK_OK_SAMB_R(S or T) High-speed serial link SL1 is communicating with BAPx Input BIT ATTN_SAMB SAMB has an active alarm Indicates that PAMC can scan and process all the time domain data prior to beginning the next scan. For FFT_Length of 1024 or 2048, this signal may be False if enough channels are enabled. When False, this signal indicates that there will be a gap in the time domain data between scans. The excessive dc bias detection is disabled if Continuous_Scan is False. Input BIT Input BIT BIT Continuous_Scan Test_Config PAMC is temporarily remotely configured Input Test_Mode Signals are from internal test sources, not from terminal board Input BIT TripCapList A capture buffer triggered by TripCapReq is available Input BIT UserCapList A capture buffer manually requested by a user is available Input BIT Num_Of_Scans Scan (block of FFT data) number of this data (1 – 100) Input INTEGER Num_Avg_Scns Number of scans (block of FFT data) averaged (1 – 100) Input INTEGER Session_Tmr Time remaining for remote tuning session Input INTEGER TripCapReq Request for trip capture buffer collection Output BIT FrqBX_PhDelta1 ↓ FrqBX_PhDelta18 (FrqBX_PhDeltam, m=1-18) Phase Delta value for band X between channel m and its adjacent channel Input FLOAT FrqBY_PhDelta1 ↓ FrqBY_PhDelta18 (FrqBY_PhDeltam, m=1-18) Phase Delta value for band Y between channel m and its adjacent channel Input FLOAT Input FLOAT BIT ↓ FrqBZ_PhDelta1 ↓ FrqBZ_PhDelta17 (FrqBZ_PhDeltam, m=1-17) Phase Delta value for band Z between channel m and its adjacent channel Can1_Health Combustor can 1 signal health Input ↓ ↓ ↓ Only 17 Phase Delta values are displayed for FrqBZ. Can18_Health Combustor can 18 signal health Input BIT FrqB1_LmtSet All cans, Low Band, Peak amplitude exceeds LowB_Limit Input BIT FrqB2_LmtSet All cans, Mid Band, Peak amplitude exceeds MidB_Limit Input BIT FrqB3_LmtSet All cans, High Band, Peak amplitude exceeds HiB_Limit Input BIT BIT FrqB4_LmtSet All cans, LoLo Band, Peak amplitude exceeds LoLoB_Limit Input FrqB5_LmtSet All cans, Transverse Band, Peak amplitude exceeds TrnsB_Limit Input BIT FrqB6_LmtSet All cans, Screech Band, Peak amplitude exceeds ScrchB_Limit Input BIT FrqBn_PkAmpm FrqBn_PkHzm Peak amplitude detected in band n can m (psi) Where m=1-18 can number n=1 for low band n=2 for mid band Input n=3 for high band n=4 for lolo band n=5 for transverse band n=6 for screech band Peak frequency for the peak amplitude FrqBn_PkAmpm in can m Input band n (Hz) PAMC Acoustic Monitoring Input Module FLOAT FLOAT GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 27 Non-Public Information Signal FrqBn_AmpMx FrqBn_HzMx Description – Point Edit (Enter Signal Connection) Peak Amplitude detected in all cans in band n (psi) Where n=1 for low band n=2 for mid band n=3 for hi band n=4 for lolo band n=5 for transverse band n=6 for screech band Peak frequency for the peak amplitude FrqBn_PkAmpMx detected in all cans band n (Hz) Direction Type Input FLOAT Input FLOAT FrqBn_AmpAvg Can number for the peak amplitude FrqBn_PkAmpMx detected in Input all cans band n Average peak amplitude in all cans band n (psi) Input FLOAT BAPA_Temptur BAPx module (plugged into terminal board) temperature (deg C) Input FLOAT LowLowStrtPt Starting frequency of Low-Low band (Hz) Input FLOAT LowLow_EndPt Ending frequency of Low-Low band (Hz) Input FLOAT Low_StrtPt Starting frequency of Low band (Hz) Input FLOAT FrqBn_ChMx FLOAT LowMid_BrkPt Breakpoint frequency between Low band and Mid band (Hz) Input FLOAT MidHi_BrkPt Breakpoint frequency between Mid band and High band (Hz) Input FLOAT HiScrchBrkPt Breakpoint between High and Screech band (Hz) Input FLOAT Trns_StrtPt Starting frequency of Transverse band (Hz) Input FLOAT Trns_EndPt Ending frequency of Transverse band (Hz) Input FLOAT FLOAT Scrch_EndPt Ending frequency of Screech band (Hz) Input FFT_Length Length of the FFT Buffer (samples) Input FLOAT Sample_Rate FFT Sample Rate (Hz) Input FLOAT ScanPrAvgFFT Number of Scans Per Average in the FFT output Input FLOAT 28 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 1.2 PAMC Specific Alarms The following alarms are specific for the PAMC. 3037 Description Frequency Band Configuration Error on Band [ ], Error Code: [ ] Possible Cause The frequency band configuration is invalid. Refer to error code descriptions and decoded band indices for details. Band Index: • • • • • • 1 - Low Band 2 - Mid Band 3 - High Band 4 - Low Low Band 5 - Trans Band 6 - Screech Band Band Configuration Error Codes: • • • • • 1 - Multiple Overlap: The band has two other bands who end within its frequency range. Only 1 overlapping band is allowed. 2 - Overlapping Disallowed Band: Trans or Screech band is overlapping a disallowed band. Trans can overlap all but LowLow. Screech can overlap Low, Mid, High. LowLow can overlap Low. 3 - Overlap Overrun: The band is overlapping into the subsequent band (may or may not already be within a band). 4 - Ordering: The band is out of place. 5 - Non-Positive Range: The band has a non-positive frequency range. Solution Fix band ranges to comply with configuration rules. Use the error code and involved band to help diagnose the issue. 3038 Description Flash disk error: Unable to revert to flash configuration after remote access Possible Cause The permanent configuration data on PAMC is corrupted. Solution • • Build and download the firmware and configuration to the PAMC. Replace the PAMC UCSA. PAMC Acoustic Monitoring Input Module GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 29 Non-Public Information 3041-3058 Description SIG[ ]: Open Circuit Failure (or PCB Charge Amp Output Shorted) Possible Cause • • An open circuit for a specified terminal board signal has been detected. For PCB type charge amps, the terminal board signal could be shorted. Solution • • • Check the wiring and sensor. Replace the BAPx. Replace the terminal board. 3061-3078 Description SIG[ ]: Excessive DC Bias Possible Cause • • The configuration does not match the sensor type. The DC bias (DC offset) designated for the sensor type is outside the range detected for the sensor. Solution • • Check the sensor type in the configuration parameter InputUse. Check the dc voltage on the signal. Refer to the PAMC documentation. 3081-3098 Description SIG[ ]: Input Signal Exceeds HW Limit Possible Cause The peak input voltage exceeds the HW limit for the input. Solution • • Decrease the configuration parameter Gain for the designated signal. Check the sensor for issues. 3101-3118 Description SIG[ ]: Sensor Limit Exceeded Possible Cause The peak input voltage exceeds the limit for the selected sensor type. Solution • • • Check the sensor type in the configuration parameter InputUse. Check the MaxVolt and MinVolt settings for selected sensor type for proper sensor range. Check the sensor for issues. 30 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 3120 Description BAPx ADC Reference Input Calibration Failure Possible Cause The BAPx failed the calibration test when powered on. Solution Replace the BAPx. 3121-3138 Description BAPx Chan [ ]: ADC Calibration Failure Possible Cause The BAPx failed the calibration test when powered on. Solution Replace the BAPx. 3139-3156 Description BAPx Chan [ ]: DAC Calibration Failure Possible Cause The BAPx failed the calibration test when powered on. Solution Replace the BAPx. 3157-3174 Description BAPx Chan [ ]: DC Test Failure Possible Cause The BAPx failed the DC test during the manually invoked self-test. Solution Replace the BAPx. 3175-3192 Description BAPx Chan [ ]: Analog Gain Test Failure Possible Cause The BAPx failed the gain test during the manually invoked self-test. Solution Replace the BAPx. 3193-3210 Description BAPx Chan [ ]: AC FFT Test Failure Possible Cause The BAPx failed the AC FFT test during the manually invoked self-test. Solution Replace the BAPx. PAMC Acoustic Monitoring Input Module GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 31 Non-Public Information 3212 Description HSSL Comm link [ ] Communication Failure, Code [ ] Possible Cause The PAMC/UCSA cannot communicate with the remote acquisition hardware (terminal board and BAPx) through the High-speed Serial Link (HSSL) cable. The code indicates a specific failure type. Common Codes: • • • • • • 51xxxxxx: Remote acquisition target returning bad ID 52xxxxxx: Download to BAPx failed 53xxxxxx: Link loss detected 54xxxxxx: Receive packet error detected 55xxxxxx: Transmit packet error (excessive naks) 57xxxxxx: No data received from BAPx in 5 seconds Solution • • • • Verify that the BAPx is connected to the SL1 connector on the PAMC UCSA. Check the HSSL cables. If problem persists, replace the PAMC UCSA module. Check the power on the BAPx. Replace the BAPx. 3213 Description HSSL Comm link [ ] Initialization Failure Possible Cause The PAMC UCSA cannot properly initialize the BAPx through the HSSL. Solution • • • • Verify that the BAPx is connected to the appropriate HSSL connector on the PAMC UCSA. Check the HSSL cables. If the problem persists, replace the PAMC UCSA module. Check the power on the BAPx. Replace the BAPx. 3214 Description HSSL Comm link [ ] Configuration Failure, Code [ ] Possible Cause The PAMC UCSA interface to the HSSL failed to initialize properly. Solution Replace the PAMC UCSA. 3215 Description BAPx Plugged into Wrong SAMB Connector on HSSL [ ] Possible Cause The SAMB connector that the BAPx is plugged into does not agree with the HSSL connector configured in the ToolboxST application. Solution • • • Verify that the HSSL cable is plugged into the PAMC UCSA SL1 connector. Verify that the HSSL cable is plugged into the correct BAPx. Verify that the SAMB TB connector setting in the ToolboxST application matches the BAPx connection to the terminal board. 32 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 3230-3247 Description BAPx Chan [ ]: Anti-alias Rolloff Test Failure Possible Cause The BAPx failed the anti-alias test during the manually invoked self-test. Solution Replace the BAPx. 1.3 SAMB and BAPx Acoustic Monitoring Input The Mark VIe Acoustic Monitoring terminal board (SAMB) provides Dual fanned connections for 18 inputs for the Acoustic Monitoring system. The SAMB provides two terminal points per input channel for a maximum of 18 channels on 36 terminals. It also provides an additional 18 buffered outputs on 36 terminals to connect external instrumentation for monitoring the ac voltage signal that represents the dynamic pressure signals from the combustor. The SAMB includes passive electromagnetic interference (EMI) filters to protect against very high frequency noise generated by external sources. The SAMB provides the following features: • • • • • • • Eighteen signal interface channels for acoustic monitoring, supporting Dual configuration Channels 1 – 18 can be configured to support PCB Piezotronics charge amplifiers or Charge Converter Signal Amplifier (CCSA) outputs. Sensor power for the PCB sensors is independent for channels 1 – 9 and 10 – 18. Eighteen buffered outputs providing ac signal content of the dynamic pressure signals without dc bias voltage Thirty-six Euro style box-type terminal blocks for the customer inputs Thirty-six Euro style box-type terminal blocks for the buffered outputs EMI protection for all inputs EMI filtered inputs fanned to the A and B slots Note The BAPAH1A or BAPBH1A Analog Processor board (BAPx) and the SAMB terminal board are grouped together as application sub-assemblies. 1.3.1 Installation Note Only a qualified GE field service technician should install the PAMC module. The following figure displays the functionality of one of the 18 channels supported by the SAMB and the PAMC. The CCSA voltage output or the PCB constant-current charge amplifiers and the buffered outputs are connected to the terminal blocks. Refer to the SAMB Configuration section. PAMC Acoustic Monitoring Input Module GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 33 Non-Public Information SAMB Acoustic Monitoring Terminal Board 34 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 1.3.2 Operation The SAMB inputs an ac voltage signal from the CCSA proportional to the dynamic pressure sensed by either an Endevco® or PCB probe. SAMB also inputs the dynamic pressure directly from a PCB constant-current charge amplifier connected to a PCB probe as an ac voltage proportional to the combustion dynamics riding on a dc bias voltage. Each channel provides a 3.6 mA constant-current source that can be connected to SIGx (where x is the channel number) for the PCB charge amplifiers. The jumper JPx (where x equals the channel number) is a two-pole jumper that controls the constant-current power supply and whether RETx is tied to the power ground, PCOM. When JPx is in the CCSA position, the constant-current is disabled and RETx is not tied to PCOM. When JPx is in the PCB position, the constant-current is connected to SIGx, providing approximately 3.6 mA of current to power the PCB charge amplifier. The RETx line is tied to PCOM to provide a return path for the constant-current. BAPx Analog Processor The BAPx Analog Processor boards provide the following features: • Eighteen analog signal-conditioning channels • − Differential inputs − Adjustable gains of 1x and 2x − DC bias nulling − Multiplexer to bypass signal input and apply test signal − Anti-alias filters FPGA • − A/D converter control − D/A converter control − Eighteen channels of FIR filtering − Configuration registers − HSSL over Ethernet Power supplies − − − − P28 input P15 and N15 outputs P5 output 3.3 V, 2.5 V, and 1.2 V outputs BAPx LEDs The BAPx has the following LEDs: • • • • PWR displays solid green when 28 volt power is present. ATTN will display solid red for about a half second on power applied and will then go dark. If a valid serial link has been established with the host UCSA, configuration will be downloaded to the BAPx and then the LED will display solid green. Link displays solid green if the HSSL interface on the BAPx has established a proper link with a UCSA serial port. Tx/Rx indicates packet traffic on the HSSL. This LED will flash green when this traffic is present. PAMC Acoustic Monitoring Input Module GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 35 Non-Public Information 1.3.3 Specifications Item SAMB Specification Input channels 18 dynamic pressure inputs Output channels 18 buffered outputs Power inputs 2 P28 inputs, each with a 2-pin connector Bias circuit DC output gain 1 ±0.5% Allowable offset on outputs 30 mV ±10% Output impedance 40 Ω ±50% Test points 2 with > ±10 V dc range, < 0.5% error tolerance, and = 2.5 mV/count resolution Size 14.3 cm high x 23.1 cm wide (5.625 x 9.1 in) Cooling Free air convection Humidity 5 to 95% non-condensing P28 on each channel with < 0.2 % dc error 1.3.4 Diagnostics The SAMB terminal board has its own ID device, which is interrogated by the PAMC. The board ID is coded into a read-only chip containing the terminal board serial number, board type, revision number, and the JA4 or JB4 connector location. This ID is checked as part of the power-up diagnostics. 1.3.5 Configuration Terminal Points Use JP1-18 to select the interface configuration for the SAMB terminal point inputs. Use JPx = CCSA to connect weak pull up resistors to the SIGx and RETx lines. This configuration allows for an out of range voltage detection if an open-wire occurs between the CCSA and SAMB. JPx = PCB is used when the PCB charge amplifier is connected to the SAMB. The PCB configuration provides a 3.6 mA constant-current source to the PCB charge amplifier. The PCB charge amplifier generates a nominal 12 V dc bias voltage with a maximum ac peak of approximately ±5 Vpk riding on top of the dc bias voltage. Open-wire detection or PCB charge amplifier hardware issues are detected by monitoring the bias voltage. Terminal Point Vendor Model Vendor I/O Connection 1– 18 CCSA: Disables constant GE Charge Converter current and does not tie RETx Signal Amp to PCOM CCSA OUT+ OUT- 1 – 18 PCB: Enables constant current and ties RETx to PCOM 682M57 Charge Amp Signal Ground Channels JPx Position (Two-pole) SIGx RETx SIGx RETx 36 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Vendor PCB Piezotronics Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information Terminal Variables Ch. # Variable Signal Description Variable Signal Description 1 1 3 BUFOUT1 BUFRET1 Buffered output, signal Buffered output, return 2 4 SIG1 RET1 Dynamic pressure voltage, signal Dynamic pressure voltage, return 2 5 7 BUFOUT2 BUFRET2 Buffered output, signal Buffered output, return 6 8 SIG2 RET2 Dynamic pressure voltage, signal Dynamic pressure voltage, return 3 9 11 BUFOUT3 BUFRET3 Buffered output, signal Buffered output, return 10 12 SIG3 RET3 Dynamic pressure voltage, signal Dynamic pressure voltage, return 4 13 15 BUFOUT4 BUFRET4 Buffered output, signal Buffered output, return 14 16 SIG4 RET4 Dynamic pressure voltage, signal Dynamic pressure voltage, return 5 17 19 BUFOUT5 BUFRET5 Buffered output, signal Buffered output, return 18 20 SIG5 RET5 Dynamic pressure voltage, signal Dynamic pressure voltage, return 6 21 23 BUFOUT6 BUFRET6 Buffered output, signal Buffered output, return 22 24 SIG6 RET6 Dynamic pressure voltage, signal Dynamic pressure voltage, return 7 25 27 BUFOUT7 BUFRET7 Buffered output, signal Buffered output, return 26 28 SIG7 RET7 Dynamic pressure voltage, signal Dynamic pressure voltage, return 8 29 31 BUFOUT8 BUFRET8 Buffered output, signal Buffered output, return 30 32 SIG8 RET8 Dynamic pressure voltage, signal Dynamic pressure voltage, return 9 33 35 BUFOUT9 BUFRET9 Buffered output, signal Buffered output, return 34 36 SIG9 RET9 Dynamic pressure voltage, signal Dynamic pressure voltage, return 10 37 39 BUFOUT10 BUFRET10 Buffered output, signal Buffered output, return 38 40 SIG10 RET10 Dynamic pressure voltage, signal Dynamic pressure voltage, return 11 41 43 BUFOUT11 BUFRET11 Buffered output, signal Buffered output, return 42 44 SIG11 RET11 Dynamic pressure voltage, signal Dynamic pressure voltage, return 12 45 47 BUFOUT12 BUFRET12 Buffered output, signal Buffered output, return 46 48 SIG12 RET12 Dynamic pressure voltage, signal Dynamic pressure voltage, return 13 49 51 BUFOUT13 BUFRET13 Buffered output, signal Buffered output, return 50 52 SIG13 RET13 Dynamic pressure voltage, signal Dynamic pressure voltage, return 14 53 55 BUFOUT14 BUFRET14 Buffered output, signal Buffered output, return 54 56 SIG14 RET14 Dynamic pressure voltage, signal Dynamic pressure voltage, return 15 57 59 BUFOUT15 BUFRET15 Buffered output, signal Buffered output, return 58 60 SIG15 RET15 Dynamic pressure voltage, signal Dynamic pressure voltage, return 16 61 63 BUFOUT16 BUFRET16 Buffered output, signal Buffered output, return 62 64 SIG16 RET16 Dynamic pressure voltage, signal Dynamic pressure voltage, return 17 65 67 BUFOUT17 BUFRET17 Buffered output, signal Buffered output, return 66 68 SIG17 RET17 Dynamic pressure voltage, signal Dynamic pressure voltage, return 18 69 71 BUFOUT18 BUFRET18 Buffered output, signal Buffered output, return 70 72 SIG18 RET18 Dynamic pressure voltage, signal Dynamic pressure voltage, return PAMC Acoustic Monitoring Input Module GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 37 Non-Public Information Notes 38 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 2 PCAA Core Analog Module 2.1 PCAA Core Analog I/O Pack The Core Analog PCAA and optional Core Analog TCAT terminal board provide a large portion of the analog signal I/O required to operate a gas turbine. The PCAA and TCAT provide thermocouple inputs, 4-20 mA current loop I/O, seismic inputs, Linear Variable Differential Transformer (LVDT) excitation and inputs, pulse rate inputs, and servo coil outputs. The PCAA can be applied in simplex, and TMR systems. A single TCAT terminal board fans signal inputs to one or three connected PCAA modules. The shield ground and 24 V field power terminals on an adjacent JGPA board supplement the terminals on the PCAA and TCAT. The PCAA contains a BPPx processor board, two application I/O boards, and a TCAS terminal board. The complete module is regarded as the least replaceable unit. There is no support provided to diagnose or replace the individual boards making up the module. Input to the module is through dual RJ-45 Ethernet connectors and 28 V dc power connector P5. Field device I/O is through 120 Euro style box-type terminal blocks on the module edge. Power for a JGPA board is through connector P4. Module connection to TCAT is through two 68-pin cables on connectors P1 and P2. 2.1.1 Compatibility The PCAA includes one of the following compatible processor boards: • • The PCAAH1A contains a BPPB processor board. The PCAAH1B contains a functionally compatible BPPC that is supported with ControlST* software suite V04.04 and later. PCAA Core Analog Module GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 39 Non-Public Information The following table defines the redundancy, hardware form, number of IONet connections, maximum frame rate, and TCAT terminal board configurations that are permissible for the PCAA. PCAA Quantity Hardware Form IONet Connections Frame Rate TCAT Connections Comments Simplex H1A Two 40 ms Zero or One TCAT Optional on Simplex applications Simplex H1A One 10 ms Zero or One Only one IONet at 10 ms frame rates for H1A Simplex H1B One or Two 10 ms Zero or One PCAAH1B supports 10 ms and dual networks TMR H1A Two 40 ms One ** If configured as TMR pack dual network (TPDN), PCAAH1A is limited to 40 ms. TMR H1A One 10 ms One At 10 ms, PCAAH1A supports only 1 network connection for TMR configurations. TMR H1B One or Two 10 ms One ** If configured as TMR pack dual network (TPDN) at 10 ms, all three modules must be H1B. ** Normal TMR configurations (TPTN) will have one network per PCAA. TMR pack Dual network (TPDN) configurations will have dual networks connected on the T PCAA. Refer to GEH-6271 Volume I, Chapter 2 System Architecture, the section Redundancy Options, for more information. Signals The signals on the PCAA are separated into two groups. Signal inputs that can be fanned from a single input into a simplex or TMR PCAA modules are routed through the TCAT terminal board. Signals that are dedicated to a single PCAA module are wired to the terminals on PCAA. This creates the signal split displayed in the following table. It is possible to use PCAA without TCAT if the fanned inputs are not required. PCAA Terminals TCAT Terminals # Signals Signal Type Screws/Signal # Signals Signal Type Screws/Signal 25 Thermocouples 2 12 Fanned seismic inputs 2 10 Analog 4-20 mA inputs 2 24 Fanned analog 4-20 mA inputs 2 2 Analog 4-20 mA or ±10 V in 2 12 24 V output power at 25 mA 1 2 Analog 4-20 mA outputs 2 3 Voting 4-20 mA outputs 2 1 ±12 V power output 2 12 Fanned LVDT Feedback 2 6 LVDT Excitation outputs 2 2 Fanned Mag. Pulse Rate Inputs (servo flow meter) 2 6 Servo coil driver outputs 3 1 Common connection 1 1 Servo suicide relay input 2 2 TTL pulse inputs+power 4 40 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information PCAA Core Analog PCAA-TCAT Connection Diagram - Simplex (PCAA cover omitted to display board relationship) PCAA Core Analog Module GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 41 Non-Public Information PCAA-TCAT Connection Diagram - TMR (PCAA cover omitted to display board relationship) 2.1.2 Installation ➢ To install the PCAA module 1. Securely mount the PCAA module. 2. Connect the JGPA power connection to the P4 connector on PCAA. 3. Connect the PCAA module to an optional associated TCAT terminal board using two 68-pin cables on connectors P1 and P2. Connectors on TCAT are paired by a network connection. PR1 and PR2 go to a PCAA connected to the R controller network, PS1 and PS2 go to a PCAA connected to the S controller, and PT1 and PT2 go to a PCAA connected to the T controller. It is important to fully seat the cable mounting screws, finger-tight only, into PCAA and TCAT to ensure proper cable grounding. Failure to secure the cables may result in an inability of PCAA to read the electronic ID on TCAT and may reduce the quality of other signals. Note When removing 68-pin cables, ensure that the hex posts in the board-mounted connectors do not turn when backing out the cable thumbscrews. 4. Plug in one or two Ethernet cables depending on the system configuration. When a single IONet connection is used, the module operates correctly over either port. If dual connections are used, standard practice is to hook ENET1 to the network associated with the R controller. However, the PCAA is not sensitive to Ethernet connections, and negotiates proper operation over either port. If TMR PCAA modules are present, the network connection should match with the connection made to TCAT. For example, the PCAA module with R IONet connection should have cables that go to the TCAT PR1 and PR2 connectors. 42 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 5. Check grounding of the JGPA shield wire terminals. In most applications, JGPA shield ground terminals are electrically tied to the sheet metal the board is mounted on. The mounting then supplies the ground path for the terminals. In some applications, it is required to define a shield ground that is independent of the mounting sheet metal. For these applications, the JGPA is mounted using hardware that isolates the board from the sheet metal. In these applications, it is important to provide a suitable ground wire between one or more JGPA terminals and the required shield ground potential. 6. Apply power to the module through the P5 connector and check the power and Ethernet status indicator lights. 7. Use the ToolboxST* application to configure the PCAA as necessary. For more information, refer to GEH-6700, ToolboxST User Guide for Mark VIe Control. • • • • • Connectors Connectors P1 and P2 provide cable connections to a TCAT terminal board. An RJ-45 Ethernet connector named ENET1 on the module side is the primary system interface. A second RJ-45 Ethernet connector named ENET2 on the module side is the redundant or secondary system interface. A 3-pin power connector P5 on the module is the input point for 28 V dc power for the module and terminal boards. A power connector P4 on the module provides 28 V dc power to a JGPA board located for wire shield termination. Note The module operates from a power source that is applied directly to the module P5 connector, not through the normal power connector located on the processor board. Wiring The PCAA module features 120 pluggable Euro style box-type terminal blocks. A JGPA board mounts adjacent to the PCAA module and uses Euro style box-type terminal blocks to provide forty-eight shield termination points (green) plus twelve 24 V dc output terminals (orange) for 4-20 mA transmitters. The Euro-style box terminals on TCAT accept conductors with the following characteristics: TCAT Conductors Conductor Type Minimum Maximum Conductor cross section solid 0.2 mm² 2.5 mm² Conductor cross section stranded 0.2 mm² 2.5 mm² Conductor cross section stranded, with ferrule without plastic sleeve 0.25 mm² 2.mm² Conductor cross section stranded, with ferrule with plastic sleeve 0.25 mm² 2.5 mm² Conductor cross section AWG/kcmil 24 AWG 12 AWG 2 conductors with same cross section, solid 0.2 mm² 1 mm² 2 conductors with same cross section, stranded 0.2 mm² 1.5 mm² 2 conductors with same cross section, stranded, ferrules without plastic sleeve 0.25 mm² 1 mm² 2 conductors with same cross section, stranded, TWIN ferrules with plastic sleeve 0.5 mm² 1.5 mm² PCAA Core Analog Module GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 43 Non-Public Information TCAS Screw Terminal Assignments Name Function Name Function 1 TC1H Thermocouple1 3 TC2H Thermocouple2 2 TC1L 4 TC2L 5 TC3H 7 TC4H 6 TC3L 8 TC4L 9 TC5H 11 TC6H 10 TC5L 12 TC6L 13 TC7H 15 TC8H 14 TC7L 16 TC8L 17 TC9H 19 TC10H 18 TC9L 20 TC10L 21 TC11H 23 TC12H 22 TC11L 24 TC12L 25 TC13H 27 TC14H 26 TC13L 28 TC14L 29 TC15H 31 TC16H 30 TC15L 32 TC16L 33 TC17H 35 TC18H 34 TC17L 36 TC18L 37 TC19H 39 TC20H 38 TC19L 40 TC20L 41 TC21H 43 TC22H 42 TC21L 44 TC22L 45 TC23H 47 TC24H 46 TC23L 48 TC24L 49 TC25H 51 TFH1 50 TC25L 52 TFL1 55 TFH2 53 TFPWR1 56 TFL2 54 TFL1 57 TFPWR2 59 ASIH1 58 TFL2 60 ASIL1 61 ASIH2 63 ASIH3 62 ASIL2 64 ASIL3 65 ASIH4 67 ASIH5 66 ASIL4 68 ASIL5 69 ASIH6 71 APWRP12 70 ASIL6 72 APWRN12 44 Thermocouple3 Thermocouple5 Thermocouple7 Thermocouple9 Thermocouple11 Thermocouple13 Thermocouple15 Thermocouple17 Thermocouple19 Thermocouple21 Thermocouple23 Thermocouple25 TTLpulserate input #2 Analog 4-20 mA input #2 Analog 4-20 mA input #4 Analog 4-20 mA input #6 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Thermocouple4 Thermocouple6 Thermocouple8 Thermocouple10 Thermocouple12 Thermocouple14 Thermocouple16 Thermocouple18 Thermocouple20 Thermocouple22 Thermocouple24 TTLpulserate input #1 Analog 4-20 mA input #1 Analog 4-20 mA input #3 Analog 4-20 mA input #5 ±12 V power output Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information TCAS Screw Terminal Assignments Name Function Name Function 73 ASIH7 Analog 4-20 mA input #7 75 ASIH8 Analog 4-20 mA input #8 74 ASIL7 76 ASIL8 77 ASIH9 79 ASIH10 78 ASIL9 80 ASIL10 81 ASIH11 83 ASIH12 84 ASIL12 Analog 4-20 mA ±10 V input #12 Note Odd-Even Terminal Grouping 82 ASIL11 85 ASOH1 87 ASOH2 Analog 4-20 mA Output #2 86 ASOL1 88 ASOL2 89 SVO1L 95 SVO3L 90 SVO2L 96 SVO4L 91 SVO1H 97 SVO3H 92 SVO2H 98 SVO4H 93 SVO1X 99 SVO3X 94 SVO2X 100 SVO4X 101 SVO5L 107 SVRL1 102 SVO6L 108 SVRL2 103 SVO5H 109 LVDTEXH1 104 SVO6H 110 LVDTEXL1 105 SVO5X 111 LVDTEXH2 106 SVO6X 112 LVDTEXL2 113 LVDTEXH3 115 LVDTEXH4 114 LVDTEXL3 116 LVDTEXL4 117 LVDTEXH5 119 LVDTEXH6 Analog 4-20 mA input #9 Analog 4-20 mA ±10 V input #11 Analog 4-20 mA Output #1 Servo Output #1 and #2. Note Odd-Even Terminal Grouping Servo Output #5 and #6. Note Odd-Even Terminal Grouping 1 LVDT Excitation Output #3 LVDT Excitation Output #5 Analog 4-20 mA input #10 Servo Output #3 and #4. Note Odd-Even Terminal Grouping Servo Suicide Relay Input LVDT Excitation Output #1 LVDT Excitation Output #2 LVDT Excitation Output #4 LVDT Excitation Output #6 2.1.3 Operation Refer to the following sections in the GEH-6721_Vol_II, the chapter, Common Module Content: • • • • • BPPx Processor Processor LEDs Power Management ID Line Common Module Alarms Note Auto-Reconfiguration is not available with the PCAA module. PCAA Core Analog Module GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 45 Non-Public Information • • • • • Connectors Connectors P1 and P2 provide cable connections to a TCAT terminal board. An RJ-45 Ethernet connector named ENET1 on the module side is the primary system interface. A second RJ-45 Ethernet connector named ENET2 on the module side is the redundant or secondary system interface. A 3-pin power connector P5 on the module is the input point for 28 V dc power for the module and terminal boards. A power connector P4 on the module provides 28 V dc power to a JGPA board located for wire shield termination. Note The module operates from a power source that is applied directly to the module P5 connector, not through the normal power connector located on the processor board. Module Design The PCAA module consists of four separate circuit boards in a single physical assembly. The module is regarded as the least replaceable unit because of the difficulty of isolating a failure to a single board. The module is not designed for replacement of individual boards. 46 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information PCAA Board Relationship Diagram PCAA Core Analog Module GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 47 Non-Public Information BCAA and BCAB Analog Application Boards The BCAA is the main printed circuit board in the PCAA module. This board provides the main ±15 V power and the majority of the digital and analog interface to the processor board. In addition, this board provides the signal conditioning required to interface 12 LVDT sensors, five 4-20 mA and six servo outputs, and two TTL flow sensors to the processor board. The BCAB interface board provides the signal conditioning required to interface the thermocouples, 4-20 mA inputs, pulse rate flow sensors and vibration inputs to the control electronics. Note Inside the module cover the BCAA and BCAB boards provide power, analog signal conditioning, and analog/digital conversion. BCAA Block Diagram 48 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information BCAB Block Diagram TCAS Terminal Board The IS200TCAS terminal board provides the customer terminals and signal routing into the BCAA and BCAB boards. TCAS accepts bulk 28 V control power through the P5 connector. It then provides the power through connector P4 to a JGPA board in the input cable shield termination location. TCAS provides the P1 and P2 68 pin connectors for IS200TCAT terminal board cables. Internal to the module the TCAS terminal board routes signals to connectors for the BCAA and BCAB analog processing boards. Note Refer to the table, TCAS Screw Terminal Assignments for more information. PCAA Core Analog Module GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 49 Non-Public Information Signal Response For each signal type an accuracy specification is listed that includes all effects such as aging, temperature, power supply input variation, and product variation. For each signal type a typical accuracy at 25ºC with mean and standard deviation is also listed. This typical accuracy is similar to the accuracy that can be expected in normal operation while the specified accuracy is an absolute worst case limit on the signal accuracy. Thermocouples PCAA supports the following thermocouple types and temperature ranges: Type Range °F Range °C E -60 to 1150 -51 to 621 J -60 to 1500 -51 to 816 K -60 to 2000 -51 to 1093 T -60 to 750 -51 to 399 S 0 to 3200 -17.78 to 1760 Note The units (°C or °F) are based on the ThermCplUnit settings. Refer to the Configuration, ThermCplUnit Parameter section. A single cold junction is provided with each PCAA module. The module accepts a controller backup cold junction value, CJBackup, in the event a problem is detected with the local sensor. The PCAA may be configured to use a controller provided remote cold junction value, CJRemote. All thermocouple inputs are biased with a dc voltage that will drive the temperature signal full scale negative if an open wire occurs. Accuracy exceeds ±0.1% of full scale over the full specified operating temperature of PCAA. Typical measured mean accuracy at 25ºC is ±0.01% with a standard deviation of 0.016%. Primary source of temperature drift for thermocouple inputs is a precision calibration reference rated at 0.0008%/ºC worst case. 4-20 mA Inputs PCAA meets the specification of ±0.25% for 4-20 mA inputs, ±0.5% for voltage inputs over the full PCAA operating temperature range. Typical measured mean current input accuracy at 25ºC is ±0.05% with a standard deviation of 0.016%. Primary source of temperature drift for analog inputs is a precision calibration reference rated at 0.0008%/ºC worst case. Note Analog inputs 11 and 12 may also be configured as voltage inputs. In support of sensors on legacy systems a single ±12 V power supply output is provided on PCAA with rating of 50 mA. All inputs have a jumper to select grounded or floating measurements. When the Open/GND jumper is in the Open position the input accepts a maximum of 7 volts common mode relative to the PCAA ground. As a group, it is possible to specify an upper and lower current level for a valid input. Each input may then be individually configured to produce a diagnostic when current is outside the specified limits. Analog Inputs 11 and 12 are typically used as P2 pressure inputs for the Speed Ratio Valve. 50 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 4-20 mA Outputs Typical measured mean accuracy at 25ºC is ±0.1% with standard deviation of 0.11%. The two outputs on PCAA behave as typical simplex analog outputs. The three outputs on TCAT, when driven from triple PCAA modules, exhibit full fault tolerance. An output failure on one of the three PCAA modules results in a very short disturbance to the output with full recovery to the commanded value. All five analog outputs are provided with independent read-back of the output current and an output relay. If incorrect operation of the output is detected, the relay is automatically opened to protect the connected device against excessive output current. All analog output circuits have greater than 18 V output drive capability. Seismic Inputs TCAT seismic inputs are biased with a small dc current for open wire detection. Inputs go through a high-pass filter at 4 Hz and low pass filter at 600 Hz. The filtered signal goes through an RMS conversion followed by a 1 Hz filter. The result is sampled and used to perform a calculation to determine inches per second peak vibration. In parallel with the primary signal path, the inputs are monitored for the presence of dc voltage to drive the annunciation of a failed or open sensor. PCAA meets accuracy of ±2% over the full PCAA operating temperature range. Typical measured mean seismic input accuracy at 25ºC is ±0.02% with standard deviation of 0.25%. LVDT Each of six excitation outputs provides a 7 V rms, 3.2 kHz sine wave and is capable of driving 60 mA. Input sampling takes place at 100 Hz. PCAA meets LVDT input voltage accuracy of ±1% over the full range of operating temperature and load impedances. Typical measured mean accuracy at 25ºC is ±0.07% with standard deviation of 0.05%. Position feedback accuracy in the PCAA is dominated by initial calibration quality and any drift experienced in the circuits after calibration. In PCAA, drift is determined by the precision voltage reference used for internal circuit calibration, rated for 0.0008%/ºC worst case temperature drift and almost no measurable aging. LVDT signal conditioning on the PCAA uses the measured value of excitation voltage to correct for excitation changes. One PCAA module may be providing excitation on an LVDT that is being read by all three PCAA modules in a TMR set. Application blockware must be provided to pass the excitation voltage monitor inputs, ServoExcitMonitor_R, ServoExcitMonitor_S, ServoExcitMonitor_T to the ExcMon_fromR and ExcMon_fromS and ExcMon_fromT outputs through the Move block function. Pulse Inputs The Mark VIe control system uses shaft speed inputs on the PTUR and the PPRO, and flow inputs on the PSVO. The PCAA is intended for use with the PTUR and the PPRO, so it does not include shaft speed inputs. The PCAA includes two TTL (5v active) pulse rate inputs with output power. The TCAT has two fanned magnetic pulse rate inputs. All inputs are for flow measurements associated with servo regulation and work up to 20,000 Hz. PCAA Core Analog Module GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 51 Non-Public Information Servo Outputs Servo output features in the PCAA module include: • • • • Six output drivers capable of full scale output of 10 mA. Regulators run at 100 Hz Servo output accuracy ±3.5% Two of the six outputs can be tied to an output signal from a PPRO or PTUR, which removes output drivers and biases the output closed if a trip occurs. PCAA implements four regulator types. The Speed Ratio Valve (SRV) regulator in the PCAA is an enhanced version of the SRV control in the Mark VI product. The PCAA provides support for both the outer P2 pressure loop and the inner position loop. The PCAA can run both loops at 100 Hz compared to 200 Hz for the PSVO’s inner position loop and 25 Hz for the controller’s outer P2 loop. Output current range is fixed at 10 mA. PCAA meets a servo output accuracy of ±3.5% of full scale over the full range of operating temperature and load impedance. Typical measured mean accuracy at 25ºC is ±0.5% with standard deviation of 0.07%. To allow continuous movement of the servo system to avoid sticking, PCAA features adjustable amplitude dither with frequency selected to be 50 Hz, 25 Hz, 16.67 Hz, 12.5 Hz, and 8.13 Hz. The first two servo outputs are equipped with an output shut down relay. Terminals 107 and 108 must be disconnected for servo 1 and 2 to be enabled. If terminals 107 and 108 are shorted together, the servo driver is disconnected from the output terminals and a passive circuit biases the servo closed. This feature is used when it is required to include servo action in a control protective response. The TREG K4CL relay is often used for this purpose in simplex systems. If protective action is not needed on these servos, leave terminals 107 and 108 open. Servos three through six are not affected by the shutdown relay action. Calibrate Valve Function The calibration of LVDTs associated with PSVO, PSVP, PCAA, or PMVE (MVRA or MVRF) servos is required when a new terminal board is used on a system. The controller saves the barcode of the terminal board and compares it to the current terminal board during reconfiguration load time. Any time a recalibration is saved, it updates the barcode name to the current board. Note Refer to the ToolboxST User Guide for Mark Controls Platform (GEH-6700), the chapter Special I/O Functions. the section Calibrate Valve Function. 52 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 2.1.4 PCAA Specifications Item PCAA Specification Number of Inputs 25 thermocouple inputs Ten 4-20 mA inputs Two 4-20 mA or ±10 V configurable inputs Two active pulse rate inputs One servo coil suicide relay input – first two servo outputs Number of Outputs PCAA I/O pack Six servo coil driver outputs Two 4-20 mA outputs One ±12 V dc power output Six LVDT excitation outputs JGPA board Twelve 24 V power outputs for 4-20 mA transmitters Power supply input voltage 28 V dc ±5% Size 33.02 cm high x 17.8 cm wide (13 in x 7 in) Technology Surface-mount † Ambient rating for enclosure design PCAAH1B is rated from -40 to 70ºC (-40 to 158 ºF) PCAAH1A is rated from -30 to 65ºC (-22 to 149 ºF) Note † For further details, refer to the Mark VIe and Mark VIeS Control Systems System Guide, Volume I (GEH-6721_Vol_ I), the chapter Technical Regulations, Standards, and Environments. PCAA Core Analog Module GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 53 Non-Public Information Signal Accuracy Thermocouple inputs Type E, J, K, S and T are supported PCAA ±0.10% including all sources of error for a full scale range of -13.8 to +45.5 mV ±0.06% typical at 25ºC Analog 4-20 mA inputs PCAA and TCAT ±0.25% including all sources of error ±0.10% typical at 25ºC Analog 0-10 V dc inputs PCAA ±0.50% including all sources of error ±0.20% typical at 25ºC Pulse rate inputs TCAS 2-20 khz with accuracy of .05% of reading Flow rate inputs TCAS 2-20 khz with accuracy of .05% of reading Seismic inputs with a range of ± 1.5 V peak TCAT ±2.00% including all sources of error ±0.90% typical at 25ºC LVDT 0-7.07 V rms input TCAT ±1.00% including all sources of error ±0.25% typical at 25ºC LVDT 0-7.07 V rms excitation monitor input PCAA ±1.00% including all sources of error ±0.55% typical at 25ºC LVDT excitation output PCAA 7 V ac RMS ±5.00% including all error sources, ±3.00% typical at 25ºC 3.2 kHz output sine wave frequency. 60 mA output drive current capability. Servo driver output, range of ± 10 mA PCAA ±3.50% including all sources of error ±0.70% typical at 25ºC Analog 4-20 mA output PCAA and TCAT ±0.75% including all sources of error ±0.43% typical at 25ºC 24 V Power output JGPA and TCAT 24 V dc ±0.5% over current ranges of 0 to 25 mA. LVDT position calculation uses monitor value, not excitation output 54 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 2.1.5 Diagnostics The module performs the following self-diagnostic tests: • • • • • • • • • A power-up self-test that includes checks of RAM, flash memory, Ethernet ports, and most of the processor board hardware Continuous monitoring of the internal power supplies for correct operation A check of the electronic ID information from the terminal board, acquisition board, and processor board to confirm that the hardware set matches, followed by a check that the application code loaded from flash memory is correct for the hardware set As a group, the 4-20 mA analog inputs have a specified high and low current range for a valid signal. If a signal falls outside the specified range, the signal health is declared to be bad. The analog input hardware includes precision reference voltages in each scan. Measured values are compared against expected values, and are used to confirm the health of the analog to digital converter circuits. If the reference value does not fall within a defined range, an alarm is generated to indicate a potential problem with signal accuracy. Analog output current is sensed on the terminal board using a small burden resistor. The pack conditions this signal and compares it to the commanded current to confirm the health of the digital to analog converter circuits. The analog output suicide relay is continuously monitored for agreement between commanded state and feedback indication. Thermocouple circuits are biased with a small dc current. If a thermocouple circuit opens, the temperature signal goes to a full-scale negative reading. Seismic input circuits are biased with a small dc current. If a seismic sensor circuit opens, an alarm is generated and the signal health is set to indicate a problem. Details of the individual diagnostics are available from the ToolboxST application. The diagnostic signals can be individually latched, and then reset with the RESET_DIA signal if they go healthy. PCAA Core Analog Module GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 55 Non-Public Information 2.1.6 Configuration Analog Input The PCAA is able to interface to several different types of 4-20 mA transmitters. Each input has a jumper next to the terminals that is used to determine if the return terminal is grounded or floating. The default position of the jumper is floating or open. The JGPA board provides twelve 24 V dc terminals, one for each 4-20 mA transmitter input. The last two 4-20 mA inputs on PCAA feature an additional jumper that removes the 250 Ω burden resistor for ±10 V dc input applications. When the jumper is in the MA position, the input behaves the same as the first ten inputs. When the jumper is in the VOLT position the burden resistor is removed and the input acts as a voltage input. 56 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information Analog Input Jumper Summary Jumper Pos 1-2 Pos 2-3 Notes JP1 OPEN GND Analog In 1 JP2 OPEN GND Analog In 2 JP3 OPEN GND Analog In 3 JP4 OPEN GND Analog In 4 JP5 OPEN GND Analog In 5 JP6 OPEN GND Analog In 6 JP7 OPEN GND Analog In 7 JP8 OPEN GND Analog In 8 JP9 OPEN GND Analog In 9 JP10 OPEN GND Analog In 10 JP11 OPEN GND Analog In 11 JP12 OPEN GND Analog In 12 JP13 MA VOLT Analog In 11 JP14 MA VOLT Analog In 12 Servo Output Correct position selection for servo configuration jumpers are listed under each servo regulator type. Jumper Pos 1-2 Pos 2-3 Notes JP15 TMR Simplex Servo1 output select JP16 TMR Simplex Servo2 output select JP17 TMR Simplex Servo3 output select JP18 TMR Simplex Servo4 output select JP19 TMR Simplex Servo5 output select JP20 TMR Simplex Servo6 output select PCAA Core Analog Module GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 57 Non-Public Information ThermCplUnit Parameter The ThermCplUnit parameter affects the native units of the controller application variable. It is only indirectly related to the tray icon and associated unit switching capability of the HMI. This parameter should not be used to switch the display units of the HMI. Caution Do not change the ThermCplUnit parameter in the ToolboxST application because these changes will require corresponding changes to application code and to the Format Specification or units of the connected variable. This parameter modifies the actual value sent to the controller as seen by application code. Application code that is written to expect degrees Fahrenheit will not work correctly if this setting is changed. External devices, such as HMIs and Historians, may also be affected by changes to this parameter. Position Valve Servo System The Position Valve Servo system is used to control the Gas Control Valves (GCV) on the fuel skids of heavy-duty gas turbines and the Inlet Guide Vanes (IGV) on the compressor of the heavy-duties. Refer to the diagram Position Valve Servo System. GCV or guide vane position is fed back to the digital position regulator in the PCAA using LVDT sensors. The TCAS terminal board provides the six LVDT excitation signal pairs: LVDTEXH1_R/LVDTEXL1_R through LVDTEXH6_ R/LVDTEXL6_R. These excitation outputs are connected to the primary-side of the LVDT position sensor. The primary-side signal is a 3.2 kHz sine wave excitation with a 7.07 V RMS amplitude. The LVDT secondary-side signal amplitude is proportional to the position change in the valve. The LVDT secondary-side is connected to one of the twelve TCAT terminal board LVDT input signal pairs: LVDT1H/LVDT1L through LVDT12H/LVDT12L. The TCAT terminal board is used to fan the LVDT signal pair to the TMR PCAA set: PCAA (R), PCAA (S) and PCAA (T) through cabling. The BCAA acquisition board provides signal conditioning to convert the RMS voltage from the secondary-side of the LVDT to a dc equivalent signal read by the processor through analog-to-digital (A/D) converters. The PCAA firmware can run up to six independent digital servo regulators. Each loop is performed at a 100 Hz sample rate. Details of the Position digital regulator are covered in the next section. The digital regulator output, ServoCurrentRef is written to a digital-to-analog (D/A) converter. The negated output of the D/A is the current command for the analog current regulator. The BCAA acquisition board has six analog current regulators, one per digital servo regulator. All six analog current regulators are rated for 10 mA only. Each current output provides an internal suicide protection relay controlled by the PCAA firmware. Each of the six servo outputs supports either three-coil servos or two-coil servos and each provides a jumper on the TCAS terminal board to configure the output. The jumper is placed in the TMR position for the 3-coil servo and placed in the opposite position for the 2-coil servo. For example, for the 3-coil servo using Servo output 1: • • • TCAS SVO1H_R/SVO1L_R outputs are connected to coil 1. TCAS-R J15 is placed in the 1-2_TMR position. TCAS SVO1H_S/SVO1L_S outputs are connected to coil 2. TCAS-S JP15 is placed the 1-2_TMR position. TCAS SVO1H_T/SVO1L_T outputs are connected to coil 3. TCAS-T JP15 is placed in the 1-2_TMR position. For the simplex 2-coil servo connection, TCAS SVO1H_R/SVO1L_R outputs are connected to coil 1 and SVO1X_ R/SVO1L_R outputs are connected to coil 2. TCAS-R JP15 is placed in the 2-3_Simplex position. Servo outputs 1 and 2 also provide a means to externally suicide the outputs through the TCAS inputs SVRL1/2. For the Mark VIe, the PPRO provides an external contact connected across SVRL1 and SVRL2. If the contact closes, the K1 relay is energized and the servo output is isolated from the digital regulator control, providing a direct connection through a current limiting resistor (15 mA fixed output), as long as the K1 relay is energized. 58 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information Position Valve Servo System PCAA Core Analog Module GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 59 Non-Public Information Digital Servo Regulator_Position The digital Position regulator is a proportional regulator generating a servo current command proportional to the error signal, the difference between the position reference from the controller and the valve position feedback. Refer to the diagram Digital Servo Regulator_Position. Three feedback options are supported: Single position feedback, dual position feedbacks or three position feedbacks. • • • Setting PositionInput1 equal to one of the twelve LVDT inputs can configure the single position feedback option. The dual feedback option is selected when the configuration parameters, PositionInput1 and PositionInput2 are assigned to different LVDT inputs. The three feedback option is enabled by setting each of the following configuration parameters to a unique LVDT input: PositionInput1, PositionInput2 and PositionInput3. Each of the enabled position inputs run through a Position Calculation function that converts the dc volts signal representing RMS volts to a valve position in percent where 0% represents fully closed and 100% represents a fully open valve. The Position Limit function’s input is the following based on the configuration: • • • Equal to the Position Calculation output for a single position feedback. Equal to the maximum select from two Position Calculation outputs for the dual position input configuration. Equal to the median select for the three position input configuration. The Position Limit function checks the feedback range of Reg#_Fdbk. The range defined in percent over nominal is configurable using the parameter, Fdbk_Suicide. The suicide only works if it is enabled by EnabPosFbkSuic. In the next figure, the proportional regulator error, is equal to the position reference command from the controller, Reg#Ref minus the position feedback, Reg#_Fdbk. Proportional regulator error is multiplied by a composite gain defined by the multiplication of the configuration parameter, RegGain and the controller output, Reg#_GainAdj. The product of the gain and position error defines a current in percent. The amount of current required to negate the spring force used to close the valve if the servo fails is compensated by the configuration parameter, RegNullBias. The controller system output, Reg#_NullCor is used to correct the null bias value when one of the TMR servos is suicided. The resultant output from the proportional position regulator is a current command in percent with the Monitor variable name, CurrentOutputCmd. After the initial configuration setting is made for the position loop, the user calibrates the position valve feedbacks. This is done by using ToolboxST to select the LVDT calibration mode and setting the controller output CalibEnab# equal to TRUE. In the calibration mode, the user can use the servo output in the open-loop mode to force the valve to the fully closed position and also to the fully open position. During the calibration mode, the PCAA assigns the RMS voltage that represents the open and closed position to the configuration parameters for each LVDT that is used: MinVrms and MaxVrms. The user selects Calibrate and Save to store the LVDT Excitation output voltage in the LVDT configurable parameter ExcitMonCal. The excitation voltage is used to compensate for excitation voltage changes during runtime. The user must also verify that the LVDT parameter ExcitSelect comes from the proper Excitation voltage source (R, S, or T). 60 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information I/O Configuration PositionInput1 Reg_GainAdj_Enab PositionInput 2 RegType PositionInput3 LVDT1 LVDT2 LVDT3 LVDT4 LVDT5 LVDT6 LVDT7 LVDT8 LVDT9 LVDT10 LVDT11 LVDT12 Select 1 if PositionInput 1 only used. Select 2 if PositionInput 1 & PositionInput 2 used. Select 3 if PositionInput 1, PositionInput 2 & PositionInput 3 used. Position1(%) Position1 Calc (volts to %) M U X RegNullBias RegGain Reg#_GainAdj (%/%) (so) 1 1 Reg#_Error (%) (si) CalibEnab#(so) Reg#_Ref (%) (sso) + + RegOutput Cmd(%) + LVDT1 M U X Position Maximum Select Position2 Calc (volts to %) Position Limit Check 2 M U X LVDT12 Position2(%) LVDT1 M U X Position3 Calc (volts to %) Median Select + - Reg#_NullCor(%) (so) Note: Positive RegOutputCmd (%) generates negative current , neg . ServoOutput (%) opening the servo valve . Reg#_Fdbk(%) (si) 3 Position3(%) Calibrate Function LVDT12 MinVrms(cfg) MaxVrms(cfg) Note: Calculated for all three LVDTs RegCalMode (si) ExcitMonCal (cfg) Note : Calculated for all three LVDTs CalibEnab# (so) Param_Name (cfg) - Servo config parameter (Toolbox view ) Signal_Name - signal from A/D in (no Toolbox view ) Variable_Name - internal vars to Servo (no Toolbox view ) * - indicates a detailed drawing with title per block name . Input _Name (si) - Input to controller from Servo (Toolbox view ) MaxPosValue PositionMargin Output _Name (so)- Output from controller to Servo (Toolbox view ) VarName MinPosValue - Name of Monitor Variable (Toolbox view ) I/O Configuration # = 1 to 6 (Regulator Number) Digital Servo Regulator - Position PCAA Core Analog Module GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 61 Non-Public Information Speed Ratio Valve Servo System The Speed Ratio Valve Servo system is used to control the main fuel-feed Speed Ratio Valve (SRV) whose output feeds the GCVs on the fuel skids of the heavy-duty gas turbines. The SRV control is a multi-loop servo. The P2 pressure provides the outer loop feedback and the valve position provides the inner loop control. Refer to the diagram Speed Ratio Valve Servo System. The outer loop SRV pressure is fed back to the digital pressure loop in the PCAA using pressure sensors. These pressure sensors have 4-20 mA outputs that connect to the dedicated TCAS SRV analog inputs: ASIH11/ASIL11 and/or ASIH12/ASIL12. Note The pressure inputs are not fanned, and redundant pressure inputs are connected to separate PCAA modules when the SRV is configured as TMR. The inner loop P2 valve position is fed back to the digital position loop in the PCAA using LVDT sensors. The LVDT secondary-side is connected to one of the twelve TCAT terminal board LVDT input signal pairs: LVDT1H/LVDT1L through LVDT12H/LVDT12L. The TCAT terminal board is used to fan the LVDT signal pair to the TMR PCAA set: PCAA (R), PCAA (S) and PCAA (T) through cabling. The BCAA acquisition board provides signal conditioning to convert the RMS voltage from the secondary-side of the LVDT to a dc equivalent signal read by the processor through analog-to-digital (A/D) converters. The PCAA firmware uses one of the six independent digital servo regulators. The SRV loop is run at a 100 Hz sample rate. Details of the Speed Ratio Valve digital regulator are covered in the next section. The digital regulator output CurrentOutputCmd is written to a digital-to-analog (D/A) converter. The output of the D/A is the current command for the analog current regulator. 62 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information Speed Ratio Valve Servo System PCAA Core Analog Module GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 63 Non-Public Information Digital Servo Regulator – Speed Ratio The digital Speed Ratio Valve regulator is a proportional plus integral (PI) outer regulator with an inner proportional position regulator generating a servo current command. The SRV output is based on a multi-loop control using the P2 pressure feedback for the outer loop and the valve position for the inner loop feedback. Refer to the diagram Digital Servo Regulator Speed Ratio. The outer P2 pressure loop derives its pressure feedback from either a single pressure input or the maximum select of two pressure inputs. For a single pressure input, the configuration parameter PressureInput1 is assigned to either AnalogInput11 or 12. For a dual pressure input, PressureInput1 is assigned to AnalogInput11 or 12 and PressureInput2 is assigned to AnalogInput11 or 12. The Pressure Limit Check checks the range of the maximum select or the single feedback depending on the configuration. If the pressure feedback, Reg#_Pressure is less than PresFdbkLoLim or Reg#_Pressure is greater than PresFdbkHiLim then the pressure loop is assumed to be open loop and the SRV servo out will suicide if the EnabPressureFbkSuic parameter is set to Enable. The SRV pressure error, Reg#Ref minus Reg#Pressure has an integrator convergence error added to it. The objective of the convergence error is to keep the PI controller between PCAA (R), PCAA (S) and PCAA (T) together. The PI output for (R, S and T), Reg#_IntOut is read by the controller. The average error, Reg#_IntConv is calculated from the three inputs. Each SRV regulator for R, S and T takes the average, subtracts its own PI output value from this, multiplies it by a gain value, K_Conv_ OuterReg to come up with the convergence error to move the integrator for PI R, S and T together. The PI proportional gain, K_OuterReg and the integral time constant, Tau_OuterReg provide the PI adjustments. The clamping is controlled by the parameters: HiLim_OuterReg and LowLim_OuterReg. The PI outer loop output, Reg#_IntOut is the position command for the inner position loop. The inner position loop supports two feedback options: Single position feedback and the maximum select of two position feedbacks. Setting PositionInput1 equal to one of the twelve LVDT inputs can configure the single position feedback option. The maximum select of two position feedbacks is selected when the configuration parameters, PositionInput1 and PositionInput2 are assigned to different LVDT inputs. Each of the position inputs enabled run through a Position Calculation function that converts the dc volts signal representing RMS volts to a valve position in percent where 0% represents fully closed and 100% represents a fully open valve. The Position Limit function’s input is the following based on the configuration: equal to the Position Calculation output for a single position feedback or equal to the maximum select from two Position Calculation outputs for the dual position input configuration. The Position Limit function checks the feedback range of Reg#_Fdbk. The range defined in percent over nominal is configurable using the parameter, Fdbk_Suicide. The proportional regulator error, Reg#_Error is equal to the position reference command from the controller, Reg#Ref minus the position feedback, Reg#_Fdbk. Reg#_Error is multiplied by a composite gain defined by the multiplication of the configuration parameter, RegGain and the controller output, Reg#_GainAdj. The product of the gain and position error defines a current in percent. The amount of current required to negate the spring force used to close the valve if the servo fails is compensated by the configuration parameter, RegNullBias. The controller system output, Reg#_NullCor is used to correct the null bias value when one of the TMR servos suicides for some reason. The resultant output from the proportional position regulator is a current command in percent with the Monitor variable name, CurrentOutputCmd. After the initial configuration setting is made for the position loop, the user calibrates the position valve feedbacks. This is done by using ToolboxST to select the LVDT calibration mode and setting the controller output CalibEnab# equal to TRUE. In the calibration mode, the user can use the servo output in the open-loop mode to force the valve to the fully closed position and also to the fully open position. During the calibration mode, the PCAA assigns the RMS voltage that represents the open and closed position to the configuration parameters: MinVrms and MaxVrms. The user selects Calibrate and Save to store the LVDT Excitation output voltage in the LVDT configurable parameter ExcitMonCal. The excitation voltage is used to compensate for excitation voltage changes during runtime. The user must also verify that the LVDT parameter ExcitSelect comes from the proper Excitation voltage source (R, S, or T). 64 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information I/O Configuration LowLim _OuterReg HiLim_OuterReg Tau_OuterReg K_OuterReg Reg_Kadj_Enab PressureInput 2 K_Conv_OuterReg PressureInput 1 AnalogInput11 1 - + - + Reg#_ByPass (so) OuterReg Err (%) 1 k = proportional gain, T = Time constant of up-break Pressure Max . Select Pressure 2(%) 1 M 2U X 3 LVDT1 Position1 Calc Reg#_PosBiasFF (%) (so) + - RegOutput Cmd(%) + Note: Positive RegOutput Cmd(%) generates negative current , neg. ServoOutpu t (%) opening the servo valve. Reg#_NullCor (%) (so) Reg#_Fdbk(%) (si) Position1(%) a M bU X Position(%) Position Limit Check MinVrms(cfg) MaxVrms(cfg) Note : Calculated for both LVDTs c Position2 (%) Sel a if PositionInput 1 only. Sel b if PositionInput 1 and PositionInput 2 used. Sel c if PositionInput 2 only. M U X + Select 1 if PressureInput 1 only used . Select 2 if PressureInput 1 & PressureInput 2. Select 3 if PressureInput 2 only used . Position2 Calc LVDT1 + Reg#_Pressure (%) (si) Pressure Limit Check Position Maximum Select LVDT12 Reg#_Error (%) (si) k(1+sT) s Pressure 1(%) M U X M U X Reg#_GainAdj (%/%) (so) CalibEnab# (so) + M U X AnalogInput12 RegNullBias + OuterLoop Err (%) Reg#_Ref (so) Reg_GainAdj_Enab RegGain Reg#_IntOut (%) (si) Reg#_Kadj (%/%) (so) Reg#_IntConv (%) (so) RegType Calibrate Function ExcitMonCal (cfg) Note : Calculated for both LVDTs LVDT12 RegCalMode (si) CalibEnab# (so) PositionInput1 PositionInput2 I/O Configuration Param_Name(cfg) - Servo config parameter(Toolbox view) Signal_Name - signal from A/D in (no Toolbox view) Variable _Name - internal vars to Servo (no Toolbox view) * - indicates a detailed drawing with title per block name . Input_Name (si) - Input to controller from Servo(Toolbox view) Output_ Name (so)- Output from controller to Servo(Toolbox view) - Name of Monitor Variable(Toolbox view) VarName MaxPosValue PositionMargin MinPosValue I/O Configuration # = 1 to 6 (Regulator number) Speed Ratio Valve Servo System PCAA Core Analog Module GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 65 Non-Public Information Liquid Fuel Valve Servo System The Liquid Fuel Servo system is used with gas turbines using the liquid fuel option. Refer to the diagram Liquid Fuel Valve Servo System. The flow rate is fed back to the digital flow rate regulator in the PCAA using Liquid Fuel flow meter with magnetic pickup outputs. The flow meter output is connected to one of the two TCAT terminal board magnetic flow sensor input signal pairs: MFI1H/MFI1L through MFI2H/MFI2L or two TCAS terminal board TTL flow sensor input signals: TFH1/L1 through TFH2/L2. The TCAT terminal board is used to fan the magnetic input signal pair to the TMR PCAA set: PCAA (R), PCAA (S) and PCAA (T) through cabling. The BCAA acquisition card provides signal conditioning to convert the variable frequency, variable amplitude input to a digital pulse. The digital pulse from the magnetic flow sensor signal conditioning or the TTL sensor conditioning feeds a counter used to determine the frequency of the pulse train from the flow meter. The processor board uses one of the six independent digital servo regulators. The Liquid Fuel servo regulator is sampled at a 100 Hz rate. Details of the Liquid Fuel digital regulator are covered in the next section. The digital regulator output, ServoCurrentRef is written to a digital-to-analog (D/A) converter. The output of the D/A is the current command for the analog current regulator. The BCAA acquisition board has six analog current regulators, one per digital servo regulator. All six analog current regulators are rated for 10 mA only. Each current output provides an internal suicide protection relay controlled by the processor board software. Each of the six servo outputs supports either three-coil servos or two-coil servos and each provides a jumper on the TCAS terminal board to configure the output. The jumper is placed in the TMR position for the 3-coil servo and placed in the Open position for the 2-coil servo. For the 3-coil servo using Servo output 1, TCAS SVO1H_R/SVO1L_R outputs are connected to coil 1, TCAS SVO1H_S/SVO1L_S outputs are connected to coil 2, and TCAS SVO1H_T/SVO1L_ T outputs are connected to coil 3. For the simplex 2-coil servo connection, TCAS SVO1H_R/SVO1L_R outputs are connected to coil 1 and TCAS SVO1X_R/SVO1L_R outputs are connected to coil 2. Servo outputs 1 and 2 also provide a means to externally suicide the outputs through the TCAS inputs SVRL1/2. For the Mark VIe control, the PPRO provides an external contact connected across SVRL1 and SVRL2. If the contact closes, the K1 relay is energized and the servo output is isolated from the digital regulator control, providing a direct connection through a current limiting resistor (15 mA fixed output), as long as the K1 relay is energized. 66 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information Liquid Fuel Valve Servo System PCAA Core Analog Module GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 67 Non-Public Information Digital Servo Regulator - Liquid Fuel The Digital Liquid Fuel regulator is a proportional regulator generating a servo current command proportional to the error signal, the difference between the Liquid Fuel flow rate reference from the controller and the flow rate feedback. Refer to the diagram Digital Servo Regulator - Liquid Fuel. Two flow rate feedback options are supported: Single flow rate feedback or the dual flow rate option. Setting FlowInput1 equal to one of the four flow rate inputs configures the single flow rate option. The dual feedback option is selected when the configuration parameters, FlowInput1 and FlowInput2 are assigned to different flow inputs. Unlike the LVDT calibration available for the position inputs, there is no ToolboxST calibration function for the flow inputs. Each of the enabled flow rate inputs runs through a Flow Rate Calculation function that converts the revolutions per minute frequency to a flow rate percentage where 0% represents no flow and 100% represents a rated flow. The Flow Rate Limit Check’s input is the following based on the configuration: equal to the flow rate output for a single feedback or equal to the maximum select from two flow rates. The Flow Rate Limit Check looks for the flow rate feedback, Reg#_Fdbk to be out of range. The range is defined using configurable minimum and maximum flow limits in percent of nominal. There is also a configurable delay that must be exceeded before a diagnostic alarm is generated. If the flow feedback exceeds either flow limit for the defined delay the servo will suicide, if enabled. The proportional regulator error, Reg#_Error is equal to the flow rate reference command from the controller, Reg#Ref minus the flow rate feedback, Reg#_Fdbk. Reg#_Error is multiplied by the composite gain defined by the multiplication of the configuration parameter, RegGain and the controller output, Reg#_GainAdj. The product of the gain and flow rate error defines a current in percent. The amount of current required to negate the spring force used to close the valve if the servo fails is compensated by the configuration parameter, RegNullBias. The controller system output, Reg#_NullCor is used to correct the null bias value when one of the TMR servos suicides for some reason. The resultant output from the proportional position regulator is a current command in percent with the Monitor variable name, CurrentOutputCmd. 68 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information Digital Servo Regulator - LiquidFuel PRScale I/O Configuration Reg_GainAdj_Enab FlowInput1 FlowInput2 RegType RegGain RegNullBias Reg#_GainAdj (%/%) (so) FlowRate3 (si) 1 FlowRate1 (si) PR1 PR3 Flow Calc (rpm to %) M U X Flow Calc (rpm to %) Flow1(%) 1 Maximum Select PR2 Flow Calc (rpm to %) PR4 Flow Calc (rpm to %) M U X Flow2(%) M 2U X Note: Positive RegOutputCmd (%) generates negative current , neg . ServoOutput(%) opening the servo valve. Reg#_Ref(%) (so) Reg#_Error(%) (si) + RegOutput Cmd(%) + + - + Reg#_Fdbk(%) (si) Reg#_NullCor(%) (so) Flow Rate Limit Check 3 Select 1 if FlowInput 1 only used . Select 2 if FlowInput 1 and FlowInput 2 used . Select 3 if FlowInput 2 only used . Param_Name(cfg) - Servo config parameter(ToolboxST view) Signal_Name - signal from A/D in (no ToolboxST view) Variable _Name - internal vars to Servo (no ToolboxST view) * - indicates a detailed drawing with title per block name . FlowRate2 (si) Input_Name (si)- Input to controller from Servo(ToolboxST view) FlowRate4 (si) Output_Name (so)- Output from controller to Servo(ToolboxST view) VarName - Name of Monitor Variable(ToolboxST view) # = 1 to 6 (Regulator number) PCAA Core Analog Module GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 69 Non-Public Information Liquid Fuel Valve with Position Feedback Servo System The Liquid Fuel Valve with Position Feedback Servo system is used with gas turbines using the liquid fuel option. The Liquid Fuel Valve with Position Feedback is the multi-loop control system. The fuel flow rate is the feedback for the outer loop and the valve position is the inner loop feedback. Refer to the diagram Liquid Fuel Valve with Position Feedback Servo System. The flow rate is fed back to the digital flow rate regulator in the PCAA using Liquid Fuel flow meter with magnetic pickup outputs. The flow meter output is connected to one of the two TCAT terminal board magnetic flow sensor input signal pairs: MFI1H/MFI1L through MFI2H/MFI2L or one of the PCAA TTL flow sensor input signal pairs. The TCAT terminal board is used to fan the magnetic input signal pair to the TMR PCAA set: PCAA (R), PCAA (S) and PCAA (T) through cabling. The BCAA acquisition card provides signal conditioning to convert the variable frequency, variable amplitude input to a digital pulse. The digital pulse feeds a counter used to determine the frequency of the pulse train from the flow meter. The inner loop valve position is fed back to the digital position loop in the PCAA using Linear Variable Differential Transformer (LVDT) sensors. The TCAS terminal board provides the six LVDT excitation signal pairs: LVDTEXH1_ R/LVDTEXL1_R through LVDTEXH6_R/LVDTL6_R. The primary-side signal is a 3.2 kHz sine wave excitation with a 7.07 V RMS amplitude. The LVDT secondary-side is connected to one of the twelve TCAT terminal board LVDT input signal pairs: LVDT1H/LSVT1L through LVDT12H/LVDT12L. The TCAT terminal board is used to fan the LVDT signal pair to the TMR PCAA set: PCAA (R), PCAA (S) and PCAA (T) through cabling. The BCAA acquisition board provides signal conditioning to convert the RMS voltage from the secondary-side of the LVDT to a dc equivalent signal read by the processor through analog-to-digital (A/D) converters. The processor board will use one of the six independent digital servo regulators. The Liquid Fuel Valve with Position Feedback servo regulator is sampled at a 100 Hz rate. Details of the Liquid Fuel Valve with Position Feedback digital regulator are covered in the next section. The digital regulator output, ServoCurrentRef is written to a digital-to-analog (D/A) converter. The output of the D/A is the current command for the analog current regulator. The BCAA acquisition board has six analog current regulators with a 10 mA rating. Each current output provides an internal suicide protection relay controlled by the PCAA firmware. Each of the six servo outputs supports either three-coil servos or two-coil servos and each provides a jumper on the TCAS terminal board to configure the output. The jumper is placed in the TMR position for the 3-coil servo and placed in the Open position for the 2-coil servo. Servo outputs 1 and 2 also provide a means to externally suicide the outputs the TCAS inputs SVRL1/2. In the Mark VIe control system, the PPRO provides an external contact connected across SVRL1 and SVRL2. If the contact closes, the K1 relay is energized and the servo output is isolated from the digital regulator control, providing a direct connection through a current limiting resistor (15 mA fixed output), as long as the K1 relay is energized. 70 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information Liquid Fuel Valve with Position Feedback Servo System PCAA Core Analog Module GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 71 Non-Public Information Digital Servo Regulator – Liquid Fuel with Position The Digital Liquid Fuel with Position regulator is a proportional plus integral (PI) outer flow rate regulator with an inner proportional position regulator generating a servo current command. The Liquid Fuel with Position output is based on a multi-loop control using the liquid fuel flow rate feedback for the outer loop and the valve position for the inner loop feedback. Refer to the diagram Digital Servo Regulator - Liquid Fuel with Position. The outer flow rate loop derives its feedback from either a single flow rate input or the maximum select of two flow rate inputs. For a single flow rate input, the configuration parameter FlowInput1 is assigned to FlowRate1 through FlowRate4. For the maximum select of two flow rates, the configuration parameter, FlowInput1 is equal to one of four flow rate feedbacks and FlowInput2 is equal to a different one of the four flow feedbacks. The Flow Rate Limit Check checks the range of the maximum select or the single feedback depending on the configuration. If the flow rate feedback, Reg#_FlowFdbk is less than FlowFdbkLoLim or Reg#_PressureFlowFdbk is greater than FlowFdbkHiLim then the flow loop is assumed to be open loop and the SRV servo out will suicide. The flow rate error, Reg#Ref minus Reg#FlowFdbk has an integrator convergence error added to it. The objective of the convergence error is to keep the PI controller between PCAA (R), PCAA (S) and PCAA (T) together. The PI output for (R, S and T), Reg#_IntOut is read by the controller. The median selected value, Reg#_IntConv is calculated from the three inputs. Each LFBV regulator for R, S, and T takes the average, subtracts its own PI output value from this, multiplies it by a gain value, K_Conv_OuterReg to come up with the convergence error to move the integrator for PI R, S, and T together. The PI proportional gain, K_OuterReg and the integral time constant, Tau_OuterReg provide the PI adjustments. The clamping is controlled by the parameters: HiLim_OuterReg and LowLim_OuterReg. The PI outer loop output, Reg#_IntOut is the position command for the inner position loop. The inner position loop supports two feedback options: Single position feedback and the maximum select of two position feedbacks. Setting PositionInput1 equal to one of the twelve LVDT inputs can configure the single position feedback option. The maximum select of two position feedbacks is selected when the configuration parameters, PositionInput1 and PositionInput2 are assigned to different LVDT inputs. Each of the enabled position inputs run through a Position Calculation function that converts the dc volts signal representing RMS volts to a valve position in percent where 0% represents fully closed and 100% represents a fully open valve. The valve percent representation can also be configured for the opposite where 100% is equivalent to fully closed. The Position Limit function’s input is the following based on the configuration: equal to the Position Calculation output for a single position feedback or equal to the maximum select from two Position Calculation outputs for the dual position input configuration. The Position Limit function checks the feedback range of Reg#_Fdbk. The range defined in percent over nominal is configurable using the parameter, Fdbk_Suicide; if enabled. 72 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information The proportional regulator error, Reg#_Error is equal to the position reference command from the controller, Reg#Ref minus the position feedback, Reg#_Fdbk. Reg#_Error is multiplied by a composite gain defined by the multiplication of the configuration parameter, RegGain and the controller output, Reg#_GainAdj. The product of the gain and position error defines a current in percent. The amount of current required to negate the spring force used to close the valve if the servo fails is compensated by the configuration parameter, RegNullBias. The controller system output, Reg#_NullCor is used to correct the null bias value when one of the TMR servos suicides for some reason. The resultant output from the proportional position regulator is a current command in percent with the Monitor variable name, CurrentOutputCmd. After the initial configuration setting is made for the position loop, the user calibrates the position valve feedbacks. This is done by using ToolboxST to select the LVDT calibration mode and setting the controller output CalibEnab# equal to TRUE. In the calibration mode, the user can use the servo output in the open-loop mode to force the valve to the fully closed position and also to the fully open position. During the calibration mode, the PCAA assigns the RMS voltage that represents the open and closed position to the configuration parameters: MinVrms and MaxVrms. The user selects Calibrate and Save to store the LVDT Excitation output voltage in the LVDT configurable parameter ExcitMonCal. The excitation voltage is used to compensate for excitation voltage changes during run time. The user must also verify that the LVDT parameter ExcitSelect comes from the proper Excitation voltage source (R, S, or T). PCAA Core Analog Module GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 73 Non-Public Information Reg_Kadj_Enab K_Conv_OuterReg LowLim_OuterReg HiLim_OuterReg Tau_OuterReg Reg#_GainAdj (%/%) (so) 1 OuterLoop Err (%) Reg#_Ref(%) (so) Reg#_IntOut (%) (si ) + - + + - + RegNullBias Reg_GainAdj_Enab K_OuterReg Reg#_KAdj (so) Reg#_IntConv (%) (so) RegGain RegType OuterReg Err (%) Reg#_ByPass (so) CalibEnab# (so) 1 k(1+sT) sT k = proportional gain, T = Time constant of up-break Reg#_PosBiasFF (%) (so) + + Reg#_Error (%) (si) + - + Reg#_FlowFdbk (%) (si) FlowRate1 (si) M U X FlowRate2 (si) FlowRate3 (si) Flow1(%) FlowRate4 (si) Max Select M U X LVDT1 Flow2(%) Reg#_NullCor(%) (so) Reg#_Fdbk(%) (si) 1 FlowRate Limit Check M 2 U X MinVrms(cfg) MaxVrms(cfg) Note: calculated for all three LVDTs RegCalMode (si) Calibrate Function Position1(%) LVDT12 Position1 Calc Position (%) Position Maximum Select LVDT1 Position2(%) M U X Note: Positive RegOutputCmd (%) generates negative current , neg. ServoOutput (%) opening the servo valve. 3 Select 1 if FlowInput 1 only used . Select 2 if FlowInput 1 and FlowInput 2 used. Select 3 if FlowInput 2 only used . M U X RegOutput Cmd(%) + CalibEnab# (so) Position Limit Check ExcitMonCal (cfg) Note : Calculated for all LVDTs Position2 Calc LVDT12 PositionInput1 Param_Name(cfg) - Servo config parameter(Toolbox view) Signal_Name - signal from A/D in (no Toolbox view) Variable _Name - internal vars to Servo(no Toolbox view) * - indicates a detailed drawing with title per block name . Input_Name (si) - Input to controller from Servo(Toolbox view) Output_ Name (so) - Output from controller to Servo(Toolbox view) FlowInput1 FlowInput2 VarName PositionInput 2 I/O Configuration - Name of Monitor Variable(Toolbox view) # = 1 to 6 (Regulator number) MaxPosValue PositionMargin MinPosValue I/O Configuration Digital Servo Regulator - LiqFuel_wPos 74 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information Parameters Parameter Description Choices Max_MA_Input Maximum MA for Healthy 4/20 ma Input 0 to 21.5 mA Min_MA_Input Minimum MA for Healthy 4/20 ma Input 0 to 21.5 mA LVDT_TMR_DiffLim TMR Input vote difference in % of range.If any of the TMR LVDTs are greater than or less than this difference from the median value in percent, a diagnostic is generated on the errant PCAA. 0 to 200% TCAS Analog Inputs Input Description Choices AnalogInput01_R,S,T First of 10 Simplex Analog inputs on the TCAS board board variable Variable edit (Input FLOAT) InputType Type of Analog Input Unused, 4-20ma Low_Input Input MA at Low Value -10 to 20 Low_Value Input Value in Engineering Units at Low MA -3.4082 e +38 to 3.4028 e +38 High_Input Input MA at High Value -10 to 20 High_Value Input Value in Engineering Units at High MA -3.4082 e +38 to 3.4028 e +38 DiagHighEnab Enable High Input Limit Diagnostic as specified in Parameters tab Enable Low Input Limit Diagnostic as specified in Parameters tab Analog inputs 11, 12 Can be used as pressure inputs to the servo Speed Ratio regulator Enable, Disable DiagLowEnab AnalogInput11_R,S,T Enable, Disable Variable edit (Input FLOAT) InputType Type of Analog Input Unused, 4-20ma, +/-10V, +/-5V Low_Input Input MA (or Volts) at Low Value -10 to 20 Low_Value Input Value in Engineering Units at Low MA (or Volts) -3.4082 e +38 to 3.4028 e +38 High_Input Input MA (or Volts) at High Value -10 to 20 High_Value Input Value in Engineering Units at High MA (or Volts) -3.4082 e +38 to 3.4028 e +38 DiagHighEnab Enable High Input Limit Diagnostic as specified in Parameters tab Enable Low Input Limit Diagnostic as specified in Parameters tab Enable, Disable DiagLowEnab PCAA Core Analog Module Enable, Disable GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 75 Non-Public Information TCAT Analog Inputs Input Description Choices AnalogInput13 First of 24 TMR (13-36) Analog inputs on the TCAT board Variable edit (Input FLOAT) InputType Type of Analog Input Unused, 4-20 ma Low_Input Input MA at Low Value -10 to 20 Low_Value Input Value in Engineering Units at Low MA -3.4082 e +38 to 3.4028 e +38 High_Input Input MA at High Value -10 to 20 High_Value Input Value in Engineering Units at High MA -3.4082 e +38 to 3.4028 e +38 DiagHighEnab Enable High Input Limit Diagnostic as specified in Enable, Disable Parameters tab Enable Low Input Limit Diagnostic as specified in Enable, Disable Parameters tab Diag Limit,TMR Input Vote Difference, in Percent of (High_ 0 to 200 Value - Low_Value) DiagLowEnab TMR_DiffLimit Thermocouples Input Description Choices Thermocouple01_R,S,T First of 10 Simplex Analog inputs on the TCAS board board variable Select thermocouples type or mV input. mV inputs are primarily for maintenance, but can also be used for custom remote CJ compensation. Standard remote CJ compensation also available. Variable edit (Input FLOAT) ThermCplType ThermCplUnit 76 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Unused, mV, E, J, K, S, T The ThermCplUnit parameter affects the native units of Deg_F, Deg_C the controller application variable. It is only indirectly related to the tray icon and associated unit switching capability of the HMI. This parameter should not be used to switch the display units of the HMI. Caution Do not change the ThermCplUnit parameter in the ToolboxST application because these changes will require corresponding changes to application code and to the Format Specifications or units of the connected variable. This parameter modifies the actual value sent to the controller as seen by application code. Application code that is written to expect degrees Fahrenheit will not work correctly if this setting is changed. External devices, such as HMIs and Historians, may also be affected by changes to this parameter. Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information Cold Junctions Input Description Choices ColdJunction_R,S,T Cold junction for TC 1-25 Variable edit (Input FLOAT) ColdJuncType Select CJ Type Local, Remote ColdJuncUnit Select CJ Display Unit Deg_F, Deg_C Analog Outputs Input Description Choices AnalogOutput01_R,S,T Variable edit (Output FLOAT) Output_MA First of 2 simplex Analog outputs on the TCAS terminal board First of 3 TMR (3-5) Analog outputs on the TCAT terminal board Type of output current, mA selection Unused, 0-20ma Suicide_Enab Enable suicide for faulty output current (TMR only) Enable, Disable Low_MA Output MA at Low Value 0 to 20 mA Low_Value Output Value in Engineering Units at Low MA -3.4082 e +38 to 3.4028 e +38 High_MA Output MA at High Value 0 to 20 mA -3.4082 e +38 to 3.4028 e +38 AnalogOutput03 Variable edit (Output FLOAT) High_Value Output Value in Engineering Units at High MA TMR_SuicLimit 0 to 20 mA This is the load sharing Margin for Suicide Threshold (mA), for TMR operation. It is the reference difference for simplex operation. If any of the three individual analog outputs exceeds 50% of the mA output plus this margin, the mA output is allowed to suicide. Additionally, if reference command and total current feedback are mismatching by this threshold, a diagnostic will be generated. OutputState Sets the mA output to a known value when the PCAA is PwrDownMode, HoldLastValue, Output_Value offline. PwrDownMode sets analog output to 0.0 mA. HoldLastVal holds the analog output at the last value in engineering units received before the PCAA went offline. Output_Value allows the user to specify the offline value in engineering units. Output_Value Pre-determined value for the outputs when OutputState Engineering Units is set to Output_Value PCAA Core Analog Module GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 77 Non-Public Information Pulse Rates Input Description Choices FlowRate1 Variable edit (Input FLOAT) PR_Enable 1 of two (1-2) magnetic pickup pulse inputs on the TCAT terminal board 1 of two (3-4) TTL pulse inputs on the TCAS terminal board Enables pulse rate input PRScale Scaling pulses/sec to Engineering units 0 to 1000 TMR_DiffLimit Diag Limit, TMR Input Vote Difference, in Engineering units 0 to 20000 Input Description Choices LVDT01 1 of 12 LVDT inputs on the TCAT terminal board Variable edit (Input FLOAT) Enable LVDT Enable Enable, Disable MinVrms Vrms at Min End Stop – Normally set by Auto-Calibrate 0 to 7.1 MinVrms Vrms at Max End Stop – Normally set by Auto-Calibrate 0 to 7.1 MinPosValue Position at Min End Stop in Eng Units -15 to 150 MaxPosValue Position at Max End Stop in Eng Units -15 to 150 PositionMargin Allowable range exceed error of position in percentage. If 1 to 10 the position exceeds the MaxPosValue or MinPosValue by this percentage, an unhealthy status and a diagnostic is generated. ExcitSelect Excitation monitor selection. Select the Excitation monitor Unused, Excit_fromR, Excit_fromS, signal conditioning command that is used by the LVDT. Excit_fromT For instance, if the LVDT excitation comes from the S TCAS, the setting would be Excit_FromS. If set to Unused, the LVDT uses the local ServoExcitMonitor for signal condition. To receive Excitation signal conditioning from another (TMR) pack, the application blockware must be provided to pass the excitation voltage monitor inputs ServoExcitMonitor_R,S,T to the ExcMon_fromR,S,T outputs through a Move block function. ExcitMonCal Excitation monitor calculated value in Vrms. This is normally populated during Auto-Calibrate and helps to condition the LVDT signals against fluctuations in Excitation voltage FlowRate3 78 Variable edit (Input FLOAT) Enable, Disable LVDTs GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ 1 to 10 Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information Vibration Input Description Choices VibrationFbk01 Variable edit (Input FLOAT) SensorEnab 1 of 12 Vibration feedback inputs on the TCAT terminal board VibrationFbk Enable Vib_Gain Vibration Gain in Vpk/Vipspk 0.04 to 0.5 SensorRes Sensor resistance ohms This resistance is used to calculate a specific minimum voltage working range. If the sensor exceeds this limit, it is declared faulted. Generates diagnostic and unhealthy. 100 to 2000 Enable, Disable Regulators Input Description Choices RegType Servo regulator algorithm type Unused, Position, SpeedRatio, LiquidFuel, LiquidFuel_wPosition RegGain Position loop gain in (% Current/Eng Unit). This adjusts the regulator loop gain response. The higher this value, the faster the servo valve responds. This rate is limited by the valve slew rate. Position loop Null Bias in %Current – Balances Servo Spring Force. This force closes or opens the valve if the power is lost. This parameter compensates to this force. -200 to 200 (FLOAT) RegNullBias -100 to 100 (FLOAT) EnabCurSuic Current Suicide Enable If the Current Feedback Suicide is enabled and the following are True, the servo performs a suicide. a) The difference between the commanded current and the individual current feedback exceeds the Curr_Suicide limit. b) for a period greater than ½ second. Disable, Enable EnabPosFbkSuic Position Feedback Suicide Enable If the Position Feedback Suicide is enabled and the following are True, the servo performs a suicide. a) the position feedback exceeds the position limits of either: MinPosValue - Fdbk_ Suicide MaxPosValue + Fdbk_Suicide b) for a period of PosFailDelay in milliseconds. Disable, Enable EnabPressureFbkSuic Disable, Enable Pressure Feedback Suicide Enable If the Pressure Feedback Suicide is enabled and the following is True, the servo performs a suicide. a) the pressure feedback exceeds the pressure limits of either: PresFbkLowLim PresFbkHighLim b) for a period of PressureFailDelay in ms Flow feedback suicide enable If the flow feedback suicide Disable, Enable is enabled and all the below is True, the servo performs a suicide. a) the flow feedback exceeds the flow limits of either: FlowFbkLowLim FlowFbkHighLim b) for a period of FlowFailDelay in ms EnabFlowFbkSuic Curr_Suicide Short servo output if current error exceeds this amount in percentage 0 to 100 % (FLOAT) Fdbk_Suicide Short servo output if position feedback error exceeds this amount in percentage 0 to 10 % (FLOAT) PCAA Core Analog Module GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 79 Non-Public Information Input Description TMR_DiffLimit -15 to 150% (FLOAT) Diag limit, TMR input vote Difference, servo current in engineering units The controller calculates the median value of the three servo currents values. If any of the three servo currents are greater than or less than this difference in percent, a diagnostic is generated. This notifies the user of a possible fault of that servo output. DitherAmpl Dither in % current. Amplitude of the dither moves a valve from a fixed position and back again. This dithering is to reduce breakaway torque if the valve sits in a fixed position for an extended time. DitherFreq Dither rate in Hertz. Rate at which dithering moves a valve Unused, 8_33 Hz, 12_5 Hz, 16_67 Hz, from a fixed position and back again. This dithering is to 25 Hz, 50 Hz reduce breakaway torque if the valve sits in a fixed position for an extended time. PositionInput1 Position input 1 selection Selected LVDT converted from VRMS to a position by using the LVDT configuration. This selection is valid for the following regulator types: Position, SpeedRatio, LiquidFuel_wPosition. LVDT01, LVDT02, LVDT03, LVDT04, LVDT05, LVDT06, LVDT07, LVDT08, LVDT09, LVDT11, LVDT10, LVDT11, LVDT12, Unused PositionInput2 Position input 2 selection Selected LVDT converted from VRMS to a position by using the LVDT configuration. This selection is valid for the following regulator types: Position, SpeedRatio, LiquidFuel_wPosition. LVDT01, LVDT02, LVDT03, LVDT04, LVDT05, LVDT06, LVDT07, LVDT08, LVDT09, LVDT11, LVDT10, LVDT11, LVDT12, Unused PositionInput3 Position input 3 selection Selected LVDT converted from VRMS to a position by using the LVDT configuration. This selection is valid for the following regulator types: Position, SpeedRatio, LiquidFuel_wPosition. LVDT01, LVDT02, LVDT03, LVDT04, LVDT05, LVDT06, LVDT07, LVDT08, LVDT09, LVDT11, LVDT10, LVDT11, LVDT12, Unused PressureInput1 Pressure input 1 selection Selected pressure input converted from mA to a position by the analog input configuration. This selection is valid for the SpeedRatio regulator type Unused, AnalogInput11, AnalogInput12 PressureInput2 Pressure input 2 selection Selected pressure input converted from mA to a position by the analog input configuration. This selection is valid for the SpeedRatio regulator type Unused, AnalogInput11, AnalogInput12 FlowInput1 Flow rate input 1 selection Selected pulse input converted from a flow rate to a position using the pulse rate configuration. This selection is valid for following regulator types: LiquidFuel, LiquidFuel_wPosition Unused, FlowRate1, FlowRate2, FlowRate3, FlowRate4 FlowInput2 Flow rate input 2 selection Selected pulse input converted from a flow rate to a position using the pulse rate configuration. This selection is valid for following regulator types: LiquidFuel, LiquidFuel_wPosition Unused, FlowRate1, FlowRate2, FlowRate3, FlowRate4 K_OuterReg Outer Regulator Gain -200 to 200 (FLOAT) Choices 0 to 10 % (FLOAT) K_Conv_OuterReg Outer Regulator K_Conv -200 to 200 (FLOAT) Tau_OuterReg Tau for Outer Regulator 0 to 10 (FLOAT) LowLim_OuterReg Outer regulator low limit clamp -200 to 200 (FLOAT) HiLim_OuterReg Outer regulator high limit clamp -200 to 200 (FLOAT) PresFbkLowLim Pressure Feedback Low Limit If pressure feedback is lower than this limit, a diagnostic is generated. The servo is suicided, if the EnabPressureFbkSuic is enabled. -150 to 5000 (FLOAT) 80 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information Input Description Choices PresFbkHiLim Pressure Feedback High Limit If pressure feedback is higher than this limit a diagnostic is generated. The servo is suicided, if the EnabPressureFbkSuic is enabled. -150 to 5000 (FLOAT) FlowFbkLowLim Flow Feedback Low Limit If Flow feedback is lower than this limit, a diagnostic is generated. The servo is suicided, if the EnabFlowFbkSuic is enabled. Flow Feedback High Limit If flow feedback is higher than this limit, a diagnostic is generated. The servo is suicided, if the EnabFlowFbkSuic is enabled. Time delay (msec) before position feedback suicide is generated on a fault. This time delay keeps the firmware from generating a suicide based on a transient condition. -150 to 5000 (FLOAT) FlowFbkHiLim PosFailDelay -150 to 5000 (FLOAT) 0 to 10000 ms (FLOAT) PressFailDelay Time delay (msec) before pressure feedback suicide is generated on a fault This time delay keeps the firmware from generating a suicide based on a transient condition. 0 to 10000 ms (FLOAT) FlowFailDelay Time delay (msec) before flow feedback suicide is generated on a fault. This time delay keeps the firmware from generating a suicide based on a transient condition. 0 to 10000 ms (FLOAT) EnabRegGainAdj If enabled, RegGain will be adjusted according to the Reg_GainAdj setting in the Regulator Variables Tab. If disabled, Reg_GainAdj is ignored and a value of 1 for Reg_GainAdj will leave RegGain as entered in the Regulators Tab. Enable, Disable EnabRegKAdj If enabled, K_OuterReg will be adjusted according to the Reg_KAdj setting in the Regulator Variables Tab. If disabled, Reg_KAdj is ignored and a value of 1 for Reg_ KAdj will leave K_OuterReg as entered in the Regulators Tab. Enable, Disable PCAA Core Analog Module GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 81 Non-Public Information Monitors Input Description Choices RegType Monitor regulator type selection. Allows monitoring of the regulator’s control feedback in percentage. The monitor type must match the regulator type. Unused, Position, SpeedRatio, LiquidFuel, LiquidFuel_wPosition ServoNum Servo number used Select the servo feedback to be monitored. Based upon the selected monitor RegType, only one of the MonVxx parameters is visible or selectable. Monitor variable selection for position regulator. Select one of these to be monitored in percentage. Servo01, Servo02, Servo03, Servo04, Servo05, Servo06 Unused, Position1, Position2, Position3, RegOutputCmd, CurrentOutputCmd MonVarLiqFuel Monitor variable selection for liquid fuel regulator. Select one of these to be monitored in percentage. Unused, Flow1, Flow2, RegOutputCmd, CurrentOutputCmd MonVarSpdRat Monitor variable selection for speed ratio regulator. Select one of these to be monitored in percentage. Unused, Pressure1, Pressure2, Position, Position2, Position1, OuterRegErr, OuterLoopErr, RegOutputCmd, CurrentOutputCmd MonVarLiqFuelPos Monitor variable selection for liquid fuel with position regulator. Select one of these to be monitored in percentage. Unused, Position, Position1, Position2, Flow1, Flow2, OuterRegErr, OuterLoopErr, RegOutputCmd, CurrentOutputCmd MonVarPos Variables Variable Description Direction Type L3DIAG_PCAA I/O diagnostic indication Input BIT LINK_OK_PCAA I/O link okay indication Input BIT ATTN_PCAA I/O Attention Indication Input BIT PS18V_PCAA I/O 18 V Power Supply Indication Input BIT PS28V_PCAA I/O 28 V Power Supply Indication Input BIT IOPackTmpr I/O pack temperature Input FLOAT RegCalMode Regulator calibration mode active Input BIT CalibEnab1 Servo 1 Regulator Calibration Enable Output BIT CalibEnab2 Servo 2 Regulator Calibration Enable Output BIT CalibEnab3 Servo 3 Regulator Calibration Enable Output BIT CalibEnab4 Servo 4 Regulator Calibration Enable Output BIT CalibEnab5 Servo 5 Regulator Calibration Enable Output BIT CalibEnab6 Servo 6 Regulator Calibration Enable Output BIT Monitor1 Servo monitor 1 Input FLOAT Monitor2 Servo monitor 2 Input FLOAT CJRemote Cold Junction Remote value (deg F) Output FLOAT CJBackup Cold Junction Backup value (deg F) Output FLOAT ActivateCalibCmd Internally generated calibration signal. DO NOT connect variable to this signal. Output BIT 82 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information AO Feedbacks Feedback Description Direction Type AOutSuicide1_R,S,T Status of Suicide Relay for Output 1 Input FLOAT AOutSuicide2_R,S,T Status of Suicide Relay for Output 2 Input FLOAT AOutSuicide3 Status of Suicide Relay for Output 3 Input FLOAT AOutSuicide4 Status of Suicide Relay for Output 4 Input FLOAT AOutSuicide5 Status of Suicide Relay for Output 5 Input FLOAT AOut1MA_R,S,T Feedback, Output Current, mA Input FLOAT AOut2MA_R,S,T Feedback, Output Current, mA Input FLOAT AOut3MA Total feedback, Output Current, mA Input FLOAT AOut4MA Total feedback, Output Current, mA Input FLOAT AOut5MA Total feedback, Output Current, mA Input FLOAT Excitation Variables Variable Description Direction Type Excit_Mon1_R,S,T Excitation Ground Health Input BIT Excit_Mon2_R,S,T Excitation Ground Health Input BIT Excit_Mon3_R,S,T Excitation Ground Health Input BIT Excit_Mon4_R,S,T Excitation Ground Health Input BIT Excit_Mon5_R,S,T Excitation Ground Health Input BIT Excit_Mon6_R,S,T Excitation Ground Health Input BIT ServoExcitMonitor_R,S,T Servo Excitation Monitor (Vrms) Input FLOAT ExcMon_fromR Excitation Monitor signal from R PCAA. For TMR applications, application code must be added to attach this signal to the corresponding ServoExcitMonitor_R value through a Move block. Output FLOAT ExcMon_fromS Excitation Monitor signal from S PCAA. For TMR applications, application code must be added to attach this signal to the corresponding ServoExcitMonitor_R value through a Move block. Output FLOAT ExcMon_fromT Excitation Monitor signal from T PCAA. For TMR applications, application code must be added to attach this signal to the corresponding ServoExcitMonitor_R value through a Move block. Output FLOAT PCAA Core Analog Module GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 83 Non-Public Information Regulator Variables Variable Description Direction Type Reg#_Calibrated_R,S,T Regulator has been calibrated status Input BIT Reg#_Suicide_R,S,T Regulator suicide status Input BIT Reg#_SuicForce Regulator Suicide Force Output BIT Reg#_ByPass Bypass Outer Regulator (SpeedRatio, LiqFuel_wPos) Output BIT Reg#_Error Regulator Error Input FLOAT Reg#_Fdbk Regulator Feedback Input FLOAT Reg#_IntOut Outer Regulator Integrator Output (SpeedRatio, LiqFuel_wPos) Input FLOAT Reg#_Pressure Regulator pressure feedback (SpeedRatio) Input FLOAT Reg#_FlowFdbk Regulator flow feedback (LiqFuel_wPos) Input FLOAT Reg#_Ref Regulator Reference Output FLOAT Reg#_GainAdj Regulator Gain Adjust Output FLOAT Reg#_NullCor Regulator Null Correction Output FLOAT Reg#_Kadj Outer Regulator Gain Adjust (SpeedRatio, LiqFuel_wPos) Output FLOAT Reg#_IntConv Outer Regulator Integrator Convergence (for TMR) (SpeedRatio, LiqFuel_wPos) Output FLOAT Reg#_PosBiasFF Position Bias Feedforward (SpeedRatio, LiqFuel_wPos) Output FLOAT Servo Outputs Outputs Description Direction Type ServoOutput1 Servo Output Feedback (% current) Input FLOAT ServoOutput2 Servo Output Feedback (% current) Input FLOAT ServoOutput3 Servo Output Feedback (% current) Input FLOAT ServoOutput4 Servo Output Feedback (% current) Input FLOAT ServoOutput5 Servo Output Feedback (% current) Input FLOAT ServoOutput6 Servo Output Feedback (% current) Input FLOAT 84 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 2.2 PCAA Specific Alarms The following alarms are specific to the PCAA I/O pack. 32 Description Unallowed VarIOCompatCode Change: Old - [ ]; New - [ ] Possible Cause A .dll file (ToolboxST support file) has been installed that is incompatible with the firmware loaded on the I/O processor. Solution • • Confirm the correct installation of the ToolboxST application. Rebuild the application and download firmware, and the application code to the affected I/O pack. 33-67 Description Thermocouple [ ] Unhealthy Possible Cause • • • • Thermocouple millivolt input on terminal board has exceeded the thermocouple range or hardware limit. Refer to the PCAA help documentation for specified thermocouple ranges. The thermocouple is configured as the wrong type. The board has detected a thermocouple open, and has applied a bias to the circuit driving it to a large negative number, or the TC is not connected, or a condition such as stray voltage or noise caused the input to exceed -63 mV. Stray voltage or noise has caused the input to exceed -63 mV. Solution • • • • Check the field wiring, including shields. Check the installation of the PCAA on terminal board. The problem is usually not a PCAA or terminal board failure if other thermocouples are working correctly. Check the thermocouple for an open circuit. Measure the incoming millivolt signal to verify that it does not exceed -63 mV. Verify that the thermocouple type matches the configuration. PCAA Core Analog Module GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 85 Non-Public Information 68 Description Cold Junction Unhealthy, Using Backup Possible Cause The local cold junction signal from the TCAS terminal board is out of range. The normal range is -50 to 85°C (-58 to 185 °F). Solution If the hardware is in the normal temperature range, a possible hardware failure of the cold junction sensor on the TCAS board may have occurred. Replace the PCAA module. 69-80 Description Analog Input (TCAS) [ ] unhealthy Possible Cause • • • • • The excitation to the transducer is wrong or missing. The transducer may be faulty. The terminal board jumper settings do not match the ToolboxST configuration. The analog input current/voltage input is beyond the specified range. There may be an open or short-circuit on the input. Solution • • • • Check the field wiring and connections to the indicated analog input channel. Check the field device for failure. Check the PCAA ground select jumper for the input. Verify that the inputs are in the operable range (3.0-21.5 mA,+/-5.25 V,+/-10.5 V). 81-104 Description Analog Input (TCAT) [ ] unhealthy Possible Cause • • • • • The excitation to the transducer is wrong or missing. The transducer may be faulty. The terminal board jumper settings do not match the ToolboxST configuration. The analog input current input is beyond the specified range. There may be an open or short-circuit on the input. Solution • • • • • Check the field wiring and the connections to the indicated analog input channel. Check the field device for failure. Check the PCAA ground select jumper for the input. Verify that the TCAT - PCAA cables are fully seated in connectors. Verify that the inputs are in the operable range (3.0-21.5 mA) 86 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 105-116 Description Vibration Input for Seismic (Velocity) Sensor [ ] unhealthy Possible Cause • • • The transducer may be faulty. There may be an open circuit. The configuration for sensor resistance (Ohms) is incorrect. Solution • • Check the field wiring, including the shields. The problem is usually not a PCAA or terminal board failure if other vibration inputs are working correctly. Verify that the sensor resistance matches the configured sensor resistance. 117-122 Description LVDT Excitation [ ] Failed Possible Cause • • • There may be an excitation ground fault. There may be a field wiring issue or an LVDT sensor failure. There may be an internal hardware failure. Solution • • • Check the field wiring, including shields, for LVDT excitation output. The problem is usually not a PCAA or terminal board failure if other LVDT excitation outputs are working correctly. Check the LVDT sensor. If the problem is a hardware failure, replace the PCAA. 123-134 Description LVDT [ ] Excitation voltage out of range Possible Cause ExcitMonCal is set during servo regulator calibration, and is a nominal excitation value. If actual LVDT excitation goes out of range (+/- 10% of ExcitMonCal), this alarm is generated. • There may be a terminal board failure. Solution • • • • Measure the excitation voltage, and verify against the configuration parameter. Check the LVDT sensor. Recalibrate the servo. Replace the PCAA. PCAA Core Analog Module GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 87 Non-Public Information 135-146 Description LVDT [ ] Position Out of Limit Possible Cause • • • There may be an issue with excitation to the LVDT, a faulty transducer, or an open or short-circuit. The LVDT input is out of range. The LVDT has not been calibrated. Solution • • • • • • Check the field wiring, including the shields and the LVDT excitation. The problem is usually not a PCAA or terminal board failure if other LVDT inputs are working correctly. Check the LVDT sensor. Calibrate the servo regulator with the proper LVDT. Verify the configuration limits: MinVrms and MaxVrms. Verify that the LVDT excitation terminal board connections match the configured excitation source specified in ExcitSelect. Verify that PositionMargin is set to the proper value. 147-148 Description Invalid Monitor [ ] Configuration Possible Cause • The configuration for the selected servo and regulator type is invalid. Solution • • Verify that the monitor regulator type matches the regulator type of the selected servo. Rebuild and download the configuration. 149 Description More than One Servo Requested for Calibration Possible Cause • The user has requested more than one servo calibration (only one servo can be calibrated at a given time). Solution • Check the variables in the Variables tab to verify that only one CalibEnab# for only one servo is set to True at a given time. 88 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 150 Description Calibration : Selected LVDT Max / Min Pos Limit Out of Range Possible Cause Used to ensure that all selected LVDTs are scaled to the same units. • The parameter MaxPosValue or MinPosValue for the selected LVDT configured in the regulator configuration is out of range (+/-50%, encountered during calibration). Solution • • • • Check the regulator configuration for the parameter PositionInput#1 for the particular servo. Check the parameters MaxPosValue and MinPosValue for the LVDT# selected input in PositionInput#1. The parameter MaxPosValue for LVDT input should be between 50% to 150%. The parameter MinPosValue for LVDT input should be between -50% to 50%. 151-154 Description FlowRate [ ] Input unhealthy Possible Cause • • There may be a broken wire on the flow rate input. There may be a faulty sensor. Solution • • • • Verify the field wiring, including shields. The problem is usually not a PCAA or terminal board failure if other flow rate inputs are working correctly. Check the gap for the magnetic pickup sensor. For the TTL sensor, verify the power to the sensor and the gap. Replace the hardware. PCAA Core Analog Module GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 89 Non-Public Information 155-160 Description Servo [ ] Disabled: Configuration error Possible Cause • • • • • • The servo position input is connected to an unused LVDT. The configuration for the position input is incorrect. The servo flow input is connected to an unused PR. The configuration for the flow input is incorrect. The servo pressure input is connected to an unused analog input. The configuration for the pressure input is incorrect. Solution • • • Check and correct, if necessary, the configuration parameters relating to the list of possible causes. Verify that the regulator inputs are connected to ENABLED sensor inputs in configuration. In the ToolboxST configuration, right-click the PCAA, then select the parameter Troubleshooting->Advanced Diagnostics. Navigate through the PCAA Commands to the parameter Servos->Servo Cfg Error. Send the command to the PCAA for a list of configuration errors that were detected in the servo regulator settings. 161-166 Description Servo [ ] Output Suicide Active Possible Cause • • • • • • • • The servo position input is connected to an unused LVDT. The configuration for the position input is incorrect. The servo flow input is connected to an unused PR. The configuration for the flow input is incorrect. The servo pressure input is connected to an unused analog input. The configuration for the pressure input is incorrect. The regulator feedback is out of range. The servo current feedback differs from the servo current command. Solution • • • • • • Check and correct, if necessary, the configuration parameters relating to the list of possible causes. Verify that the inputs are connected to used sensor inputs in the configuration. It is a LVDT feedback issue; check the position sensor connections. Verify the position sensor mechanical integrity to the valve. Check the wiring of the servo output loop for an open or short circuit. Check for a short or open servo coil. 90 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 167-173 Description Pack internal reference voltage out of limits ([ ]) Possible Cause The calibration reference voltage is more than +/-5% from the expected value, which indicates a hardware failure. Solution • • Cycle power on the PCAA. Replace the PCAA. 174-180 Description Pack internal null voltage out of limits ([ ]) Possible Cause The null voltage is more than +/- 5% from the expected value which indicates a hardware failure. Solution • • Cycle power on the PCAA. Replace the PCAA. 181-183 Description Analog Output [ ] Individual current fdbk unhealthy Possible Cause • • • • • • The commanded output is beyond the range of the output. There may be a field wiring problem. There may be a field device problem. There is an open loop or too much resistance in the loop. There may be an I/O pack failure. There may be a terminal board failure. Solution • • • • Verify that the commanded output is within the range of the output. Confirm the correct I/O pack 28 V input power. Check the field wiring and the device. The problem is usually not a PCAA or terminal board failure if other analog outputs are working correctly. Replace the I/O pack. PCAA Core Analog Module GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 91 Non-Public Information 184-188 Description Analog Output [ ] Total current fdbk unhealthy Possible Cause • • • • The commanded output is beyond the range of the output. There may be a field wiring problem. There may be a field device problem. There may be an open loop or too much resistance in the loop. Solution • • • • • Verify that the commanded output is within the range of the output. Confirm the correct I/O pack 28 V input power. Check the field wiring and the device. Check the PCAA- TCAT cables. The problem is usually not a PCAA or terminal board failure if other analog Inputs are working correctly. Replace the I/O pack. 189-190 Description Analog Output (TCAS) [ ] 20 mA suicide active Possible Cause • • • There may be a field wiring problem. The connected device may have problems that are interfering with the current. There may be a hardware failure. Solution • • Check the field wiring and the status of the connected device. If there is a hardware failure, replace the PCAA. 92 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 191-193 Description Analog Output (TCAT) [ ] 20 mA suicide active Possible Cause • • • • • Review any additional diagnostics for possible causes. The TMR_SuicLimit parameter is set too low. There may be a field wiring problem. The command is beyond the range of the output. There may be a terminal board failure. Solution • • • • • • • Check the field wiring and the status of the connected device. Verify that the TCAT-PCAA cables are fully seated in the connectors. Verify that the value of the parameter TMR_SuicLimit is set correctly. Verify the field wiring connections. Verify that the commanded output is within output range. Replace the PCAA module. Replace the TCAT terminal board. 194-195 Description Analog Output (TCAS) [ ] Suicide relay non-functional Possible Cause The analog output suicide relay command does not match the feedback. • • There may be a relay failure on the acquisition board. There may be a hardware failure. Solution If there is a hardware failure, replace the PCAA. 196-198 Description Analog Output (TCAT) [ ] Suicide relay non-functional Possible Cause The analog output suicide relay command does not match the feedback. • • There may be a relay failure on the acquisition board. There may be a hardware failure. Solution If there is a hardware failure, replace the PCAA. PCAA Core Analog Module GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 93 Non-Public Information 199-204 Description Servo [ ] Position Feedback out of range Possible Cause • The LVDT position feedback is outside the specified range. Solution • • • • • • Check the LVDT configuration settings. Calibrate the affected regulator. Check the field wiring. Check for a shorted or open-position sensor coil. Verify the mechanical integrity of the position sensor. Verify that the TCAT-PCAA cables are fully seated. 205-210 Description Servo [ ] Pressure Feedback out of range Possible Cause • The pressure feedback used in a servo regulator is outside the specified range. Solution • • Check the source of the pressure signal, including the sensor, field wiring, and configuration. Verify the terminal board jumper settings for the analog inputs. 211-216 Description Servo [ ] Flow Feedback out of range Possible Cause • The flow feedback used in a servo regulator is outside the specified range. Solution • • If the out-of-range flow input is connected to the parameter FlowRate3 or FlowRate4 (TTL Pulse input), check the power to device, the field wiring, the sensor, and the configuration. If the out-of-range flow input is connected to the parameter FlowRate1 or FlowRate2 (Magnetic pickup), check the device, the field wiring, the input configuration, and the TCAT-PCAA cables. Check the gap between the sensor and the flow wheel. 94 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ • Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 217 Description TCAT Configuration and Hardware Mismatch Possible Cause This diagnostic is only generated on power-up. • • The TCAT is configured in the ToolboxST application, but the terminal board is not connected. The TCAT is not configured in the ToolboxST application, but the terminal board is connected. Solution • • • • Verify that the TCAT selection in the ToolboxST configuration matches the actual hardware. Verify that the P1 and P2 cable connections are not swapped. Verify the the TCAT terminal board P1 and P2 cable connections are screwed down, and all terminal boards are properly grounded. Perform a power-down reset to clear. 218 Description TCAT Connector P1 and P2 Types Mismatch Possible Cause The Type ( for example, R/R or S/S or T/T) of P1 and P2 connections between the TCAT and the TCAS do not match. The Valid combinations are: • • • P1(TCAS)-PR1(TCAT) & P2(TCAS)-PR2(TCAT) P1(TCAS)-PS1(TCAT), P2(TCAS)-PS2(TCAT) P1(TCAS)-PT1(TCAT), P2(TCAS)-PT2(TCAT) Solution • • Check the ToolboxST configuration, as well as the TCAT terminal board P1 and P2 cable connections between the TCAS and the TCAT. Verify that there is no Type (R/R,S/S,T/T) mismatch. 221 Description Calibration Mode Enabled Possible Cause • One of the CalibEnab# outputs is set to True. Solution • • This alarm is active to annunciate that the board is in a special mode (the servo suicide protection has been disabled, and the user needs to take special precautions). Set CalibEnab# to False. PCAA Core Analog Module GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 95 Non-Public Information 1050-1145 Description Logic Signal [ ] Voting Mismatch Possible Cause N/A Solution N/A 1146-1238 Description Input Signal [ ] Voting Mismatch, Local [ ], Voted [ ]. Possible Cause • A voter disagreement was detected between the R, S and T controllers. Solution Adjust the specified parameter below for each input type: • • • • If the input variable is AnalogInput[ ], adjust the TMR_DiffLimit. If the input variable is PulseInput[ ], adjust the TMR_DiffLimit. If the input signal is LVDT[ ], adjust the LVDT_TMR_DiffLimit on the Parameters tab. If the input variable is ServoOutput[ ]: − − − 96 Adjust the TMR_DiffLimit on the Regulators tab. Also check for a mismatch in the coil resistance between the R, S and T servo coils. Reg#_Gain is set too high for specified TMR_DiffLimit value. GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 2.3 TCAT Core Analog Terminal Board 2.3.1 Functional Description The Core Analog (TCAT) terminal board provides additional I/O terminals for the PCAA module. It handles input signals that are fanned to one or three PCAA modules. Inputs include twelve seismic, twelve LVDT, twenty four 4-20 mA, and two magnetic pulse rate inputs. An individual 24 V dc power source is included for all twenty four 4-20 mA inputs with half on TCAT and half on an adjacent JGPA board. TCAT outputs consist of three 4-20 mA voted signals. Field wire terminal points are provided by 120 pluggable Euro style box-type terminal blocks. Terminal grouping is a set of 48 terminals, a set of 24, and a second set of 48. A JGPA board adjacent to the TCAT field terminals provides twelve additional 24 V dc outputs for 4-20 mA devices as well as shield wire terminals. Power to JGPA is supplied by TCAT connector P3 or P4 and is the diode-or of power from the connected PCAA modules. Pairs of 68 pin cables provide connection between TCAT and one or more PCAA modules. PR1 and PR2 go to a PCAA connected to the R IONet. PS1 and PS2 go to a PCAA connected to the S IONet. PT1 and PT2 go to a PCAA connected to the T IONet. TCAT provides an electronic ID on each cable connection. Cables are always used in pairs and PCAA uses the electronic ID to confirm that correct TCAT cables are in place. PCAA Core Analog Module GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 97 Non-Public Information TCAT Terminal Board 98 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 2.3.2 Installation TCAT with an underlying insulating plastic carrier mounts to a metal back base. Screws are located at the top and bottom of the field terminals with a third screw approximately in the center of the board. Wiring The TCAT terminal board features 120 pluggable Euro style box-type terminal blocks. A JGPA board mounts adjacent to the TCAT terminal board and uses Euro style box-type terminal blocks to provide forty-eight shield termination points plus twelve 24 V dc output terminals for 4-20 mA transmitters. The Euro style box-type terminal blocks on TCAT accept conductors with the following characteristics: TCAT Terminal Conductor Size Range Conductor Type Minimum Maximum Conductor cross section solid 0.2 mm² 2.5 mm² Conductor cross section stranded 0.2 mm² 2.5 mm² Conductor cross section stranded, with ferrule without plastic sleeve 0.25 mm² 2.5 mm² Conductor cross section stranded, with ferrule with plastic sleeve 0.25 mm² 2.5 mm² Conductor cross section AWG/kcmil 24 AWG 12 AWG 2 conductors with same cross section, solid 0.2 mm² 1 mm² 2 conductors with same cross section, stranded 0.2 mm² 1.5 mm² 2 conductors with same cross section, stranded, ferrules without plastic sleeve 0.25 mm² 1 mm² 2 conductors with same cross section, stranded, TWIN ferrules with plastic sleeve 0.5 mm² 1.5 mm² PCAA Core Analog Module GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 99 Non-Public Information TCAT Screw Terminal Assignments # Name Function # Name Function 1 AFT1H Analog Fanned #1 3 AFT2H Analog Fanned #2 2 AFT1L 4 AFT2L 5 AFT3H 7 AFT4H 6 AFT3L 8 AFT4L 9 AFT5H 11 AFT6H 10 AFT5L 12 AFT6L 13 AFT7H 15 AFT8H 14 AFT7L 16 AFT8L 17 AFT9H 19 AFT10H 18 AFT9L 20 AFT10L 21 AFT11H 23 AFT12H 22 AFT11L 24 AFT12L 25 APWR13 24 V power 39 AFT13H no connect 40 AFT13L 26 Analog Fanned # 3 Analog Fanned # 5 Analog Fanned # 7 Analog Fanned # 9 Analog Fanned # 11 27 APWR14 41 AFT14H 28 APWR15 42 AFT14L 29 APWR16 43 AFT15H 30 APWR17 44 AFT15L 31 APWR18 45 AFT16H 32 APWR19 46 AFT16L 33 APWR20 47 AFT17H 34 APWR21 48 AFT17L 35 APWR22 49 AFT18H 36 APWR23 50 AFT18L 37 APWR24 51 AFT19H 38 PCOM Common 52 AFT19L 53 AFT20H Analog Fanned # 20 55 AFT21H 54 AFT20L 56 AFT21L 57 AFT22H 59 AFT23H 58 AFT22L 60 AFT23L 61 AFT24H 63 VFI1H 62 AFT24L 64 VFI1L 65 VFI2H 67 VFI3H 66 VFI2L 68 VFI3L 69 VFI4H 71 VFI5H 70 VFI4L 72 VFI5L 73 VFI6H 75 VFI7H 100 24 V power output for 4-20 mA input devices Analog Fanned # 22 Analog Fanned # 24 Seismic Input # 2 Seismic Input # 4 Seismic Input # 6 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Analog Fanned # 4 Analog Fanned # 6 Analog Fanned # 8 Analog Fanned # 10 Analog Fanned # 12 Analog Fanned # 13 Analog Fanned # 14 Analog Fanned # 15 Analog Fanned # 16 Analog Fanned # 17 Analog Fanned # 18 Analog Fanned # 19 Analog Fanned # 21 Analog Fanned # 23 Seismic Input # 1 Seismic Input # 3 Seismic Input # 5 Seismic Input # 7 Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information TCAT Screw Terminal Assignments (continued) # Name 74 VFI6L 77 VFI8H 78 VFI8L 81 VFI10H 82 VFI10L 85 VFI12H 86 VFI12L 89 MFI2H 90 MFI2L 93 LVDTH2 94 LVDTL2 97 LVDTH4 98 LVDTL4 101 LVDTH6 102 LVDTL6 105 LVDTH8 106 LVDTL8 109 LVDTH10 110 LVDTL10 113 LVDTH12 114 LVDTL12 117 ATOH4 118 ATOL4 Function Seismic Input # 8 Seismic Input # 10 Seismic Input # 12 Mag pickup flow input LVDT Input # 2 LVDT Input # 4 LVDT Input # 6 LVDT Input # 8 LVDT Input # 10 LVDT Input # 12 TMR 4-20 mA # Name Function 76 VFI7L 79 VFI9H 80 VFI9L 83 VFI11H 84 VFI11L 87 MFI1H 88 MFI1L 91 LVDTH1 92 LVDTL1 95 LVDTH3 96 LVDTL3 99 LVDTH5 100 LVDTL5 103 LVDTH7 104 LVDTL7 107 LVDTH9 108 LVDTL9 111 LVDTH11 112 LVDTL11 115 ATOH3 116 ATOL3 119 ATOH5 120 ATOL5 Seismic Input # 9 Seismic Input # 11 Mag pickup flow input LVDT Input # 1 LVDT Input # 3 LVDT Input # 5 LVDT Input # 7 LVDT Input # 9 LVDT Input # 11 TMR 4-20 mA TMR 4-20 mA 2.3.3 Operation TCAT provides fanning of input signals to one or more PCAA modules. This is done with high reliability passive circuits to ensure reliability in redundant applications. TCAT accepts 28 V dc power from connected PCAA modules. It then does a diode-or of the power sources to obtain redundant power input for the 24 V dc outputs. Each 24 V output on TCAT is provided with an individual voltage regulator that includes thermal shutdown for branch circuit protection. Note An over current condition on one 24 V dc output will result in only that output being shut down. When the overload is removed the terminal will return to 24 V dc. TCAT accepts ±15 V dc power from connected PCAA modules. It then does a diode-or of the power sources to obtain redundant power. The ±15 V dc power is then used internally to voltage bias the seismic inputs. PCAA Core Analog Module GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 101 Non-Public Information 2.3.4 Specifications For details of the signals on TCAT, refer to the PCAA section, Specifications. Item TCAT Specification Number of inputs Twenty-four 4-20 mA signals. Twelve seismic signals. Twelve LVDT windings. Two magnetic pulse rate flow signals. Number of outputs Three 4-20 mA hardware voted analog outputs. Twelve 24 V dc outputs with 25 mA capability. Twelve 24 V dc additional outputs on JGPA with 25 mA capability. Power supply voltage 28 V dc ±5% from one or more PCAA modules. ±15 V dc from one or more PCAA modules. (both supplies routed through the cabling between PCAA and TCAT). Pulse rate input sensitivity Required peak-peak (p-p) voltage rises as a function of frequency: 2 Hz requires 66 mV p-p 12 kHz requires 1664 mV p-p 20 kHz requires 3200 mV p-p Size 33.02 cm high x 17.8 cm wide (13 in x 7 in) Technology Surface-mount 102 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 2.3.5 Configuration Analog Input The TCAT is able to interface with several different types of 4-20 mA transmitters. Each input has a jumper next to the terminals that is used to determine if the return terminal is grounded or floating. The default position of the jumper is floating or open. The combination of TCAT + JGPA provides twenty-four 24 V dc terminals, one for each 4-20 mA transmitter input. PCAA Core Analog Module GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 103 Non-Public Information 2.4 JGPA Ground and Power Board 2.4.1 Functional Description The PCAA core analog module and TCAT terminal board each provide twelve 4-20 mA inputs that are not provided with 24 V power for field devices. The Ground and Power (JGPA) board is a long narrow board that mounts adjacent to PCAA where shield wires are terminated. JGPA provides shield wire terminal points that may be tied directly to the underlying functional earth sheet metal or wired to a preferred grounding point. In this respect it is very similar to the JGND board offered as an option with other Mark VIe terminal boards. JGPA also provides twelve individually regulated and protected 24 V field device power outputs. Each output is sufficient to power a single 4-20 mA field device. JGPA receives power from PCAA or TCAT through a 28 V power feed on connector P1. Power passes through twelve regulators and is available on TB3 screws 1-12. TB3 uses terminals colored orange to set them apart from the terminals provided for shield wire termination. Shield terminals are on TB1 and TB2 using twenty-four conventional green Euro style box-type terminal blocks for each. JGPA Terminal Board 104 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 2.4.2 Installation JGPA is installed adjacent to the terminals on PCAA and TCAT. Power is provided to JGPA through a cable from P1 to PCAA or TCAT. JGPA mounts on a sheet metal bracket that is at ground potential. When mounted with conductive hardware the ground path for JGPA shield wires is through the mounting bracket. If alternate shield wire grounding is desired the JGPA may be mounted with non-conductive washers and hardware. With isolated mounting, ground is defined by one or more wires from JGPA shield ground terminals to the desired ground location. The terminals on JGPA have the following conductor capacities. Conductor Type Minimum Maximum Conductor cross section solid 0.2 mm² 2.5 mm² Conductor cross section stranded 0.2 mm² 2.5 mm² Conductor cross section stranded, with ferrule without plastic sleeve 0.25 mm² 2.5 mm² Conductor cross section stranded, with ferrule with plastic sleeve 0.25 mm² 2.5 mm² Conductor cross section AWG/kcmil 24 AWG 12 AWG 2 conductors with same cross section, solid 0.2 mm² 1 mm² 2 conductors with same cross section, stranded 0.2 mm² 1.5 mm² 2 conductors with same cross section, stranded, ferrules without plastic sleeve 0.25 mm² 1 mm² 2 conductors with same cross section, stranded, TWIN ferrules with plastic sleeve 0.5 mm² 1.5 mm² 2.4.3 Operation JGPA provides regulated 24 V dc power to the twelve terminals of TB3. An over current condition on one 24 V dc output results in only that output being shut down. When the overload is removed, the terminal returns to 24 V dc. 2.4.4 Specifications Item JGPA Specification Number of ground points 24 terminals on TB1 and 24 terminals on TB2. Ground points use green terminal housings. Outputs 12 outputs at 24 V dc ±5%, 30 mA capability on TB3. Power outputs use orange terminal housings. Size 33 cm high x 3.2 cm wide (13 in x 1.25 in) Technology Through hole PCAA Core Analog Module GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 105 Non-Public Information Notes 106 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 3 PCLA Core Analog Module — Aero 3.1 PCLA Core Analog I/O for Aero The Core Analog I/O for aeroderivative gas turbines (PCLA) and associated Core Analog (SCLS and SCLT) terminal boards provide a large portion of the analog signal I/O required to operate an engine. PCLA and SCLT provide thermocouple inputs, RTD inputs, voltage inputs, and 4-20 mA current loop inputs and outputs. PCLA can be applied in simplex controller simplex I/O, dual controller simplex I/O, dual controller TMR I/O and TMR controller TMR I/O control systems. A single SCLT terminal board fans signal inputs to one or three connected PCLA(s). PCLA provides the electrical interface between one or two Ethernet I/O networks and the terminal board. Inside the PCLA module is a BCLA acquisition board and a BPPx processor board. Input to the PCLA module is through dual RJ-45 Ethernet connectors and a 28 V dc power connector P1. Field device I/O is connected through 72 Euro style box-type terminal blocks on the SCLS edge and is connected through 48 Euro style box-type terminal blocks on the SCLT edge. Connection to SCLS is through 96-pin J3 and 48-pin J4 connectors on SCLS. The connection between SCLS and SCLT is through one 68-pin cable on the J2 connector on SCLS, and the JR/JS/JT connector on SCLT. 3.1.1 Compatibility The PCLA includes one of the following compatible processor boards. • • The PCLAH1A contains a BPPB processor board. The PCLAH1B contains a functionally compatible BPPC that is supported with ControlST* software suite V04.03 and higher. The PCLA module is fully compatible with other Mark VIe control system I/O packs and controllers. The PCLA module is designed to run at frame rates of 10, 20, 40, 80, 160, 320 ms. PCLA supports frame rates, redundancy, and networking as indicated in the following table. PCLA Quantity IONet Connections SCLT Connections Comments Simplex 0 or 1 SCLT optional on simplex configurations. One or two IONets supported. TMR 1 Normal TMR configurations (TPTN) will have one network per PCLA. TMR pack Dual network (TPDN) configurations will have dual networks connected on the T PCLA. Refer to GEH-6271, Mark VIe Control, Volume I System Guide, Chapter 2 System Architecture, the section, Redundancy Options. 1 or 2 PCLA Core Analog Module — Aero GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 107 Non-Public Information Hardware Options The signals on TMR PCLAs are separated into two groups. Signal inputs that can be fanned from a single input into a TMR PCLA are routed through the SCLT terminal board. Signals that are dedicated to a single TMR PCLA are wired to the terminals on SCLS. This creates the signal split as indicated in the following table. Note It is possible to use TMR PCLAs without SCLT if the fanned inputs are not required.It is possible to use TMR PCLAs without SCLT if the fanned inputs are not required. SCLS Terminals # Signal Type Signals SCLT Terminals Screws/ # Signal Signals Signal Type Screws/ Signal 8 Thermocouples 2 8 Fanned Thermocouples 2 4 Analog 4-20 mA inputs or ±10 4 4 Fanned Analog 4-20 mA inputs or 4 V inputs or ±5 V inputs 8 RTD ±10 V inputs or ±5 V inputs 3 6 TMR (Triple Modular Redundant) 2 Analog 4-20 mA outputs 1 Analog 4-20 mA outputs 2 1 Common connection 6 NC (Not Connected) Screws 8 108 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ 1 Common connection 4 Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information PCLA Core Analog Module 28 V dc power input Ethernet Connectors Terminals for field devices SCLT Connectors PCLA Module fitting screws SCLS Base screws 4 corners SCLS Plates PCLA Core Analog Module — Aero GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 109 Non-Public Information Magnified View of Connectors BCLA is the acquisition board. The processor board resides on BCLA. SCLS is the simplex terminal board. PCLA Simplex with SCLS 110 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information SCLT is the terminal board, which can be used either for simplex Input/Outputs or for fanned inputs, redundant outputs. When the SCLT is used with a simplex PCLA module, the concept of fanning does not apply. Instead, the SCLT serves as a simplex I/O expansion board as displayed in the following figure. PCLA Simplex with SCLT for More I/O Channels PCLA TMR with SCLT PCLA Core Analog Module — Aero GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 111 Non-Public Information 3.1.2 Installation ➢ To install the PCLA module 1. Securely mount the SCLS board with the help of four mounting holes at the four corners. 2. Directly plug the PCLA into the terminal board connectors J3 and J4. 3. Mechanically secure the pack using two-side mounting holes. 4. If SCLT is the part of configuration then the SCLT and a plastic insulator mount on a sheet metal carrier that then mounts on a DIN-rail. Optionally, the SCLT and plastic insulator mounts on a sheet metal assembly and then bolts directly to a cabinet. Note Refer to the PCLA Core Analog figure in the section, Hardware Options. 5. Connect the SCLS to an optional associated SCLT terminal board using one 68-pin cable. The connection between SCLS and SCLT is through one 68-pin cable on the J2 connector on SCLS and the JR/JS/JT connector on SCLT. 6. If using a simplex configuration, connect the JR connector on SCLT to the J2 connector on SCLS through the 68-pin cable. If using a TMR configuration, connectors on SCLT are paired by a network connection. For example, JR1 connects to the SCLS-PCLA through the R controller network, JS connects to the SCLS-PCLA through the S controller, and JT connects to the SCLS-PCLA through the T controller. It is important to fully seat the cable mounting screws, finger-tight only, into PCLA and SCLT to ensure proper cable grounding. Failure to secure the cables may result in an inability of PCLA to read the electronic ID on SCLT and may reduce the quality of other signals. Note When removing 68-pin cables, ensure that the hex posts in the board-mounted connectors do not turn when backing out the cable thumbscrews. 7. Plug in one or two Ethernet cables depending on the system configuration. When a single IONet connection is used, the module operates correctly over either port. If dual connections are used, standard practice is to hook ENET1 to the network associated with the R controller. However, the PCLA is not sensitive to Ethernet connections, and negotiates proper operation over either port. If TMR PCLA modules are present, the network connection should match with the connection made to the SCLT. For example, the PCLA module with R IONet connection should have cables that go to the SCLT JR connector. 8. Check grounding of the SCLS/SCLT shield wire terminals. In most applications, shield ground terminals are electrically tied to the sheet metal the board is mounted on. The mounting then supplies the ground path for the terminals. 9. Apply power to the module through the P1 connector on PCLA and check the power and Ethernet status indicator lights. 10. Use the ToolboxST* application to configure the PCLA as necessary. Refer to GEH-6700, ToolboxST User Guide for Mark VIe Control, for more information. 112 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 3.1.3 Operation The following features are common to the distributed I/O modules: • • • • • • Auto-Reconfiguration BPPx Processor Processor LEDs Power Management ID Line Common Module Alarms Note Refer to GEH-6721_Vol_II, the chapter Common I/O Module Functionality. • • • • PCLA Connectors ENET1 is an RJ-45 Ethernet connector located on the side of PCLA, and used for IONet. ENET2 is a second RJ-45 Ethernet connector located on the side of PCLA, and used for IONet. P1 is a 3-pin power connector on PCLA for 28 V dc input power for the module and terminal boards. J2 is a connector on SCLS that provides cable connections to the SCLT terminal board. Module Overview The PCLA module consists of two separate circuit boards in a single physical assembly: a BCLA acquisition board and a BPPx processor board. The BCLA is interfaced with an SCLS and an optional SCLT in simplex configuration. In TMR, one SCLT is connected to three (SCLS-PCLA) sets. Typical block diagram of the PCLA along with the terminal boards is displayed in the following figure. PCLA Core Analog Module — Aero GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 113 Non-Public Information PCLA-SCLS-SCLT Block Diagram 114 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information BCLA Analog Processing Board Inside the module cover the BCLA board provides power, analog signal conditioning, and analog/digital conversion. BCLA is the main printed circuit board in the PCLA module. This board provides the main ±15 V power and the majority of the digital and analog interface to the processor board. In addition, this board provides the signal conditioning required to interface the thermocouples, analog inputs, RTDs and the analog outputs. Thermocouples The PCLA supports E, J, K, S, and T types of thermocouples. Simplex inputs from field are terminated on SCLS. There are eight simplex thermocouple inputs. TMR inputs from field are terminated on SCLT and then fanned out to three PCLA modules. There are eight fanned (TMR) thermocouple inputs. The PCLA input board accepts 16 (8 each from SCLS and SCLT) signals at mV levels from the thermocouples wired to the terminal board. The thermocouple input section consists of differential multiplexers, amplifier gain stages, a main multiplexer, and a 16-bit analog to digital converter that sends the digital data to the adjacent processor board. Each input has hardware filters, and the converter samples at up to 120 Hz. Thermocouples can be grounded or ungrounded. Thermocouples can be located up to 300 meters (984 feet) from the turbine I/O cabinet with a maximum two-way cable resistance of 450 Ω. Linearization for individual thermocouple types is performed by the PCLA. PCLA TC Section A single cold junction is provided with each SCLS board. Three cold junctions, one for each PCLA, are provided on SCLT. The module accepts a controller backup cold junction value, CJBackup, in the event a problem is detected with the local sensor. The PCLA may be configured to use a controller-provided remote cold junction value, CJRemote. All thermocouple inputs are biased with a dc voltage that will drive the temperature signal full scale negative if an open wire occurs. There is a configuration to report an open thermocouple as fail cold or fail hot. Measurement accuracy for thermocouple is 0.1% full scale, or 53 uV excluding the cold junction reading. PCLA Core Analog Module — Aero GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 115 Non-Public Information Thermocouple Limits Thermocouple inputs support a full-scale input range of -16.0 mV to + 63.0 mV. The following table demonstrates typical input voltages for different thermocouple types versus the minimum and maximum temperature range. The cold junction temperature is assumed to range from -50 to 85°C (-58 to 185 °F). Note The units (°C or °F) are based on the ThermCplUnit settings. Refer to the section, Configuration. Thermocouple Type E J K S T Low range, °F -60 -60 -60 0 -60 -51 -51 -51 -17.78 -51 mV at low range with reference at 70°C (158 °F) -7.174 -6.132 -4.779 -0.524 -4.764 High range, °F 1100 1400 2000 3200 750 593 760 1093 1760 399 44.547 42.922 44.856 18.612 20.801 °C °C mV at high range with reference at 0°C (32 °F) Analog Voltage or Current Inputs ±10 V voltage inputs ±5 V voltage inputs 4-20 mA current inputs The inputs can be configured as current or voltage inputs using jumpers (JP#A) on SCLS or SCLT. The PCLA accepts input voltage signals from the terminal board, four input channels from SCLS and four input channels form SCLT. The analog input section consists of analog multiplexer blocks, several gain and scaling selections, and a 16-bit analog-to-digital converter. PCLA Analog Input Section 116 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information The inputs can be individually configured as ±5 V or ±10 V scale signals or 4-20 mA, depending on the input configuration. The terminal board provides a 250 Ω burden resistor when configured for current inputs yielding a 5 V signal at 20 mA. These analog input signals are first passed through a passive, low-pass filter network with a pole at 75.15 Hz. The measurement accuracy offered by PCLA is 0.1% of the full scale over the operating temperature range. The inputs can be configured as current or voltage inputs using jumpers (JP#A) on the terminal boards SCLA/SCLT. The JP#A jumper removes the 250 Ω burden resistor for voltage input applications. Each input has one more jumper (JP#B) on the board that is used to determine if the return terminal is grounded or floating. RTD Inputs The terminal board supplies a 1 mA dc multiplexed (not continuous) excitation current to each RTD. The eight RTDs can be located up to 300 m (984 ft) from the turbine control cabinet with a maximum two-way cable resistance of 15 Ω. The on-board noise suppression is provided on SCLS. The first two RTD channels (1 and 2) can be configured for either fast or normal mode scanning. Channels 3 to 8 are only normal mode scan channels. Fast RTDs are scanned 25 times per second and slow RTD channels are scanned four times per second using a time sample interval related to the power system frequency. The processor performs linearization for the selection of RTD types. PCLA RTD signals are as follows. RTD Signals on PCLA Note The PCLA accepts eight 3-wire RTD inputs from the SCLS terminal board. PCLA Core Analog Module — Aero GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 117 Non-Public Information The following table indicates the types of RTD used and the temperature ranges. RTD Type Name/Standard Configuration Name ** Range °C Range °F 100 Ω platinum SAMA 100 PT100_SAMA -51 to 593 -60 to 1100 DIN 43760 PT100_DIN -51 to 852 -60 to 1566 MINCO_PA -51 to 630 -60 to 1167 MINCO_PB -51 to 630 -60 to 1166 Rosemount 104 Rosemount 104 -51 to 630 -60 to 1166 MINCO_NA MINCO_NA -51 to 259 -60 to 499 PT 200 MINCO_PK -51 to 629 -60 to 1164 MINCO_PN MINCO_PN -51 to 629 -60 to 1164 IEC-751 MINCO_PD MINCO_PE PT100_DIN MINCO_PA IPTS-68 PT100_PURE MINCO_PB PT100_USIND 120 Ω nickel N 120 200 Ω platinum ** PCLA does not support the MINCO_CA and CU10 RTD types. 118 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information Analog Current Outputs (0-20 mA) The PCLA 0-20 mA analog outputs are capable of 18 V compliance voltages. A 14-bit Digital to Analog converter commands a current reference to the current regulator loop in the PCLA that senses current both in the PCLA and on the terminal board. In TMR mode, the three current regulators in each PCLA share the commanded current loads among themselves. Analog output status feedbacks for each output include: • • • Current reference voltage Individual current (output current sourced from within the PCLA) Total current (as sensed from the terminal board, summed current in TMR mode) Note PCLA supports one simplex 0-20 mA output through SCLS and six 0-20 mA simplex/ TMR (voted) configurable set of outputs through SCLT. Analog Current Outputs Each analog output circuit also includes a normally open mechanical relay to enable or disable operation of the output. The relay is used to remove a failed output from a TMR system allowing the remaining two PCLAs to create the correct output without interference from the failed circuit. When the output enable relay is de-activated, the output opens through the relay, open-circuiting that PCLA's analog output from the customer load that is connected to the terminal board. The mechanical relay’s second normally open contact is used as a status to indicate position of the relay to the control and includes an LED. One amber LED per channel indicates the output enable relay status for each analog output. When the enabled output of a particular channel is normal, the LED is turned on. If incorrect operation of the output is detected, the relay is automatically opened to protect the connected device against excessive output current and the LED is turned off. PCLA Core Analog Module — Aero GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 119 Non-Public Information Conditions for Operating the Output Enable Relay to De-energized State The analog output enable relay is enabled only under the following conditions: Condition 1: • • • PCLA configuration must be TMR SuicEnable must be set to True from configuration Individual current feedback is greater than half of total current feedback plus TMR_DiffLimit set from the ToolboxST application Condition 2: • • • PCLA configuration must be TMR SuicEnable must be set to True from configuration Percentage Difference in commanded AnalogOut value and Reference feedback by Full-scale Analog Output is greater than D/A_ErrLimit set from the ToolboxST application. The accuracy of the output is 0.5% of full scale and the maximum output load supported is 800 Ω. 120 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 3.1.4 Specifications The following table provides information specific to the PCLA module with the SCLS and SCLT terminal boards included. Item PCLA Specification Number of channels Simplex SCLS has 8 thermocouples, 4 analog inputs, 8 RTDs, 1 current output SCLT (Simplex configuration) has 8 thermocouples, 4 analog inputs, 6 current outputs Number of channels TMR SCLT (TMR configuration) has 8 thermocouples, 4 analog inputs, 6 current outputs Power Supply Input voltage 28 V dc ±5% through P1 on PCLA Power consumption 19.8 W maximum Boards BCLA, SCLS, SCLT (optional), processor board Fault detection Incorrect ID chip on each board † Ambient rating for enclosure design PCLAH1B is rated from -40 to 70ºC (-40 to 158 ºF) PCLAH1A is rated from -30 to 65 ºC (-22 to 149 ºF) † Refer to GEH-6721_Vol_I, the chapter Technical Regulations, Standards, and Environments. Technology Surface mount for all boards Thermocouple Number of channels 8 channels on SCLS, 8 channels on SCLT Thermocouple types E, J, K, S, T thermocouples, and mV inputs Span -16.0 mV to +63.0 mV A/D converter resolution 16-bit A/D converter Cold junction compensation Reference junction temperature measured Cold junction temperature accuracy Over the Celsius operating range: 1.1°C Over the Fahrenheit operating range: 2 °F Measurement accuracy 53 µV (excluding cold junction reading). ±0.1% FS for simplex thermocouple inputs Example: For type K, at 1000 °F, including cold junction contribution, RSS error= 3 °F 74.2 µV (excluding cold junction reading). ±0.14% FS for fanned thermocouple inputs Common mode rejection Ac common mode rejection 110 dB at 50/60 Hz, for balanced impedance input. Both hardware and firmware filtering Common mode voltage ±5 Volts Normal mode rejection Rejection of 250 mV rms at 50/60 Hz, ±5%, Both hardware and firmware filtering provides a total of 80 dB NMRR Scan time All inputs are sampled at up to 120 times per second per input Maximum lead resistance 450 Ω maximum two-way cable resistance, cable length up to 300 m (984 ft) Fault detection High/low (hardware) limit check Monitor readings from all thermocouples, cold junctions, calibration voltages, and calibration zero readings Analog Inputs Number of channels 4 channels on SCLS, 4 channels on SCLT Input span ±5 V dc, ±10 V dc, or 0-20 mA Input span, transmitters 1 - 5 V dc across a precision resistor (usually 250 Ω) A/D converter resolution 16-bit A/D converter Scan time 8.33 ms for 60 Hz line frequency, 10 ms for 50 Hz line frequency PCLA Core Analog Module — Aero GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 121 Non-Public Information Item PCLA Specification Measurement accuracy 0.1% of full scale over the full operating temperature range Noise suppression on inputs A hardware filter with cut off frequency at 76 Hz, single pole down break at 500 rad/sec. A software filter, using a two-pole, low-pass filter, is configurable for: 0 Hz, .75 Hz, 1.5 Hz, 3 Hz, 6 Hz, 12 Hz Common mode rejection Ac common mode rejection 60 dB at 60 Hz, with up to ±5 V common mode voltage. Dc common mode rejection 80 dB with from -5 to +7 peak V common mode voltage Common mode voltage range ±5 V (±2 V CMR for the ±10 V inputs) Maximum lead resistance 15 W maximum two-way cable resistance, cable length up to 300 m (984 ft). Outputs 24 V dc outputs rated at 21 mA each RTD Inputs Number of channels 8 simplex channels of 3-wire RTDs on SCLS RTD types 100, and 200 Ω platinum 120 Ω nickel Scan time Normal scan 250 ms (4 Hz) Fast scan 40 ms (25 Hz) Measurement accuracy 0.1% of full scale Common mode rejection Ac common mode rejection 60 dB at 50/60 Hz, Dc common mode rejection 80 dB Common mode voltage range ±5 Volts Normal mode rejection Rejection of up to 250 mV rms is 60 dB at 50/60 Hz system frequency for normal scan Maximum lead resistance 15 Ω maximum two-way cable resistance Fault detection High/low (hardware) limit check Analog Outputs Number of channels 1 simplex channel on SCLS, 6 simplex / TMR channels on SCLT Accuracy 0.5% full scale with respect to the command Load on output currents 800 Ω burden for 4-20 mA output Compliance Voltage 18 V dc (based on output load value) 122 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 3.1.5 Diagnostics The PCLA performs the following self-diagnostic tests: • • • • • • • A power up self test that includes checks of RAM, flash memory, Ethernet ports, and most of the processor board hardware. Continuous monitoring of the internal power supplies for correct operation A check of the electronic ID information from the terminal board, acquisition board, and processor board to confirm that the hardware set matches, followed by a check that the application code loaded from flash memory is correct for the hardware set. As a group, the 4-20 mA analog inputs have a specified high and low current range for a valid signal. If a signal falls outside the specified range, the signal health is declared to be bad. The analog input hardware includes precision reference voltages in each scan. Measured values are compared against expected values, and are used to confirm the health of the analog to digital converter circuits. If the reference value does not fall within a defined range, an alarm is generated to indicate a potential problem with signal accuracy. Analog output current is sensed on the terminal board using a small burden resistor. PCLA conditions this signal and compares it to the commanded current to confirm the health of the digital to analog converter circuits. The analog output enable relay is continuously monitored for agreement between commanded state and feedback indication. Thermocouple circuits are biased with a small dc current. If a thermocouple circuit opens, the temperature signal goes to a full-scale negative reading. There is a configuration to report an open thermocouple as fail cold or fail hot. • • Each RTD type has hardware limit checking based on preset (non-configurable) high and low levels set near the ends of the operating range. If this limit is exceeded, an alarm is generated to indicate a potential problem with the signal. The resistance of each RTD is checked and compared with the correct value. If the resistance is high or low, a fault is created. Details of the individual diagnostics are available from the ToolboxST application. The diagnostic signals can be individually latched, and then reset with the RESET_DIA signal if they go healthy. Additional diagnostic information may be found in the PCLA Diagnostic Alarms section. PCLA Core Analog Module — Aero GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 123 Non-Public Information 3.1.6 Configuration Parameters Parameter Description Choices Min_MA_Input Minimum mA for Healthy 4-20 mA Input 0 to 21 mA Max_MA_Input Maximum mA for Healthy 4-20 mA Input 0 to 21 mA RTDRate Select Scan Rate For RTD 1 and 2 Fast, Slow SysFreq System Frequency (used for noise rejection) 60 Hz, 50 Hz SCLS Analog Inputs Input Description Choices AnalogIn1 First of 10 Analog Inputs – board variable. Variable edit (Input FLOAT) Input Type Current or voltage input type Unused, 4-20 mA, ±5 V, ±10 V Low_Input Value of current at the low end of scale -10 to 20 Low_Value Value of input in engineering units at low end of scale -3.4082 e + 038 to 3.4028 e + 038 High_Input Value of current at the high end of scale -10 to 20 High_Value Value of input in engineering units at high end of scale -3.4082 e + 038 to 3.4028 e + 038 Input _Filter Bandwidth of input signal filter Unused, 0.75, 1.5 Hz, 3 Hz, 6 Hz, 12 Hz DiagHighEnab Enable high input limit Enable, disable DiagLowEnab Enable low input limit Enable, disable SCLT Analog Inputs Input Description Choices AnalogIn1 First of 10 Analog Inputs – board variable. Variable edit (Input FLOAT) Input Type Current or voltage input type Unused, 4-20 mA, ±5 V, ±10 V Low_Input Value of current at the low end of scale -10 to 10 Low_Value Value of input in engineering units at low end of scale -3.4082 e + 038 to 3.4028 e + 038 High_Input Value of current at the high end of scale -10 to 10 High_Value Value of input in engineering units at high end of scale -3.4082 e + 038 to 3.4028 e + 038 Input _Filter Bandwidth of input signal filter TMR Diff Limit Difference limit for voted inputs in % of high-low values Unused, 0.75, 1.5 Hz, 3 Hz, 6 Hz, 12 Hz 0 to 100 DiagHighEnab Enable high input limit Enable, disable DiagLowEnab Enable low input limit Enable, disable 124 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information TC Inputs Input Description Choices ThermocoupleX_(R, S, or First of 8 thermocouples, point signal T) where X = 01 to 08 ThermoCpl Type Select thermocouples type or mV input mV inputs are primarily for maintenance, but can also be used for custom remote CJ compensation. Standard remote CJ compensation also available. Variable Edit (Input FLOAT) ThermCplHot Select Open TC to be reported Failed Hot Disable, Enable ThermCplUnit The ThermCplUnit parameter affects the native units of the controller application variable. It is only indirectly related to the tray icon and associated unit switching capability of the HMI. This parameter should not be used to switch the display units of the HMI. deg_F, deg_C Caution Unused, mV, E, J, K, S, T Do not change the ThermCplUnit parameter in the ToolboxST application because these changes will require corresponding changes to application code and to the Format Specifications or units of the connected variable. This parameter modifies the actual value sent to the controller as seen by application code. Application code that is written to expect degrees Fahrenheit will not work correctly if this setting is changed. External devices, such as HMIs and Historians, may also be affected by changes to this parameter. RTD Inputs Input Description Choices RTD Inputs 8 RTD’s, point signal Variable Edit (Input FLOAT) RTD Type Select RTD type or ohms input RTD linearization supported by RTD Unused, PT100_DIN, MINCO_PA, MINCO_PB, MINCO_PK, MINCO_PA, MINCO_NA, MINCO_ PN OHMS, PT100_SAMA, ROSEMONT_104 RTDUnit Select RTD Display Unit Deg °C or °F deg_F, deg_C PCLA Core Analog Module — Aero GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 125 Non-Public Information CJ Inputs Input Description Choices ColdJunction_(R, S, or T) Cold junction for TC 1- 8 Variable Edit (Input FLOAT) ColdJuncType Select CJ Type Local, Remote ColdJuncUnit Select CJ Display Unit Deg °C or °F This value needs to match units of attached variable. Diag Limit, TMR Input Vote Difference, in Eng Units deg_F, deg_C TMR_DiffLimt 0 to 100 (SCLT only) Analog Outputs Output Description AnalogOut01_(R, S, or T) First of 7 analog outputs is simplex only - board variable Variable edit (Output FLOAT) Output_MA Type of output current, mA selection Unused, 0-20 mA Output_State State of the outputs when offline PwrDownMode Hold Last Value Output_Value Choices Output_Value Pre-determined value for the outputs Low_MA Output mA at low value 0 to 20 mA Low_Value Output in Engineering Units at low mA -3.4082 e + 038 to 3.4028 e + 038 High_MA Output mA at high value 0 to 20 mA High_Value Output value in Engineering Units at high mA -3.4082 e + 038 to 3.4028 e + 038 Suicide_Enab Suicide for faulty output current, TMR only Enable, disable TMR SuicLimit Suicide threshold for TMR operation 0 to 20 mA D/A Err Limit Difference between D/A reference and output, in % for suicide, TMR only 0 to 100% Variables Variable Description-Variable Edit (Enter Signal Connection) Direction Type L3DIAG_PCLA I/O diagnostic indication Input BIT LINK_OK_PCLA I/O link okay indication Input BIT ATTN_PCLA I/O Attention Indication Input BIT PS18V_PCLA I/O 18 V Power Supply Indication Input BIT PS28V_PCLA I/O 28 V Power Supply Indication Input BIT I/O packTmpr I/O pack temperature Input FLOAT CJRemote1 SCLS CJ Remote value (deg °F) Output FLOAT CJBackup1 SCLS CJ Backup value (deg °F) Output FLOAT CJRemote2 SCLT CJ Remote value (deg °F) Output FLOAT CJBackup2 SCLT CJ Backup value (deg °F) Output FLOAT 126 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information AO Feedbacks Feedback Description-Variable Edit (Enter Signal Connection) Direction Type AOutSuicide1_R Status of Suicide Relay for Output 1 Input FLOAT AoutSuicide2 Status of Suicide Relay for Output 2 Input FLOAT AoutSuicide3 Status of Suicide Relay for Output 3 Input FLOAT AoutSuicide4 Status of Suicide Relay for Output 4 Input FLOAT AoutSuicide5 Status of Suicide Relay for Output 5 Input FLOAT AoutSuicide6 Status of Suicide Relay for Output 6 Input FLOAT AoutSuicide7 Status of Suicide Relay for Output 7 Input FLOAT AOutFbk1_R Feedback, Output Current, mA Input FLOAT AoutFbk2 Total feedback, Output Current, mA Input FLOAT AoutFbk3 Total feedback, Output Current, mA Input FLOAT AoutFbk4 Total feedback, Output Current, mA Input FLOAT AoutFbk5 Total feedback, Output Current, mA Input FLOAT AoutFbk6 Total feedback, Output Current, mA Input FLOAT AoutFbk7 Total feedback, Output Current, mA Input FLOAT PCLA Core Analog Module — Aero GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 127 Non-Public Information 3.2 PCLA Specific Alarms The following alarms are specific to the PCLA Core Analog Module - Aero 32 Note This alarm is obsolete. Description Unallowed VarIOCompatCode Change: Old - [ ]; New - [ ] Possible Cause There is a .dll file (ToolboxST support file) installed that is incompatible with the firmware loaded on the PCLA. Solution • • Confirm the correct installation of the ToolboxST application. Rebuild the application, then download the firmware and application code to the affected PCLA. 33-36 Description Analog Input (Simplex) [ ] unhealthy Possible Cause • • • • • Excitation to transducer wrong or missing Transducer faulty Terminal board jumper settings do not match ToolboxST configuration Analog input current/voltage input beyond specified range Open or short-circuit on input Solution • • • • • 128 Check the field wiring and the connections to the indicated analog input channel. Check the field device for failure. Check the ground select jumper for the input. Verify that the inputs are in operable range (3.0-21.5 mA, ±5.25 V, ±10.5 V). Verify that the configuration matches the terminal board jumper settings for the indicated analog input channel. GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 37-40 Description Analog Input (SCLT) [ ] unhealthy Possible Cause • • • • • Excitation to transducer wrong or missing Transducer faulty Analog input current/voltage input beyond specified range Terminal board jumper settings do not match ToolboxST configuration Open or short-circuit on input Solution • • • • • • • Check the field wiring and connections to the indicated analog input channel. Check the field device for failure. Check the ground select jumper for the input. Verify that the cable between the SCLT - PCLA module is fully seated in the connector. Verify that the inputs are in operable range (3.0-21.5 mA, ±5.25 V, ±10.5 V). Verify that the configuration matches the terminal board jumper settings for the indicated analog input channel. Replace the SCLT - PCLA cable. 41-46 Description Analog Output [ ] Individual current feedback unhealthy Possible Cause • • • • • Commanded output beyond range of output Field wiring problem Field device problem I/O pack or module failure Terminal board failure Solution • • • • Verify that the commanded output is within the range of the output. Confirm the correct I/O pack or module 28 V input power. Check the field wiring and the device. Replace the I/O pack or module. PCLA Core Analog Module — Aero GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 129 Non-Public Information 47-53 Description Analog Output [ ] Total current feedback unhealthy Possible Cause • • • • Commanded output beyond range of output Field wiring problem Field device problem Open loop or too much resistance in the loop Solution • • • • • Verify that the commanded output is within the range of the output. Confirm the correct I/O pack or module 28 V input power. Check the field wiring and the device. For the analog outputs 2 through 7, check the cable between the PCLA module and the SCLT. Replace the I/O pack or module. 54-60 Description Analog Output [ ] Internal reference current unhealthy Possible Cause • I/O pack or module failure Solution • • 130 Confirm the correct I/O pack or module 28 V input power. Replace the PCLA module. GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 61 Description Analog Output (Simplex) [ ] 20 mA suicide active Possible Cause • • • • • • Suicide parameter enabled on analog output Review any additional diagnostics for possible causes. Analog output current feedback too high (30 mA) Parameter TMR_SuicLimit set too low Field wiring problem Command is beyond range of output Solution • • • Verify that the value of the parameter TMR_SuicLimit is set correctly. Verify that the value of the parameter D/A_ErrLimit is set correctly. Verify that the commanded output is within output range. 62-67 Description Analog Output (SCLT) [ ] 20 mA suicide active Possible Cause • • • • • • Suicide parameter enabled on analog output Review any additional diagnostics for possible causes. Analog output current feedback too high (30 mA) Parameter TMR_SuicLimit set too low Field wiring problem Command beyond range of output Solution • • • Verify that the value of the parameter TMR_SuicLimit is set correctly. Verify that the value of the parameter D/A_ErrLimit is set correctly. Verify that the commanded output is within output range. PCLA Core Analog Module — Aero GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 131 Non-Public Information 68 Description Analog Output (Simplex) [ ] Suicide relay non-functional Possible Cause • • • Analog output suicide relay command does not match feedback Relay failure on acquisition board There is a hardware failure. Solution Replace the PCLA. 69-74 Description Analog Output (SCLT) [ ] Suicide relay non-functional Possible Cause • • • Analog output suicide relay command does not match feedback Relay failure on acquisition board Hardware failure Solution Replace the PCLA. 75 Description I/O module internal reference voltage out of limits [ ] Possible Cause • Internal calibration of inputs uses internal reference voltage. This reference voltage is more than ±5% from the expected value, and indicates a hardware failure. Solution • • • Check the ground quality through the mounting bolts. Cycle power on the PCLA. Replace the PCLA. 104 Description I/O module internal null voltage out of limits [ ] Possible Cause • Internal calibration of inputs uses internal null voltage. This null voltage is more than ±5% from the expected value, which indicates a hardware failure. Solution • • • 132 Check the ground quality through the mounting bolts. Cycle power on the PCLA. Replace the PCLA module. GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 133-140 Description Thermocouple (Simplex) [ ] Unhealthy Possible Cause • • • Thermocouple millivolt input on terminal board exceeded thermocouple range or hardware limit. Refer to the PCLA module help documentation for specified thermocouple ranges. Thermocouple configured as wrong type. Board detected thermocouple open and applied bias to circuit driving it to large negative number, or TC not connected, or condition such as stray voltage or noise caused input to exceed -63 mV. Solution • • • • Check field wiring including shields. Check installation of PCLA module on terminal board. Problem is usually not a PCLA module or terminal board failure, if other thermocouples are working correctly. Check thermocouple for open circuit. Measure incoming millivolt signal and verify that it doesn't exceed -63 mV. Verify that the thermocouple type matches the configuration. 141-148 Description Thermocouple (SCLT) [ ] Unhealthy Possible Cause • • • Thermocouple millivolt input on terminal board exceeded thermocouple range or hardware limit. Refer to PCLA module help documentation for specified thermocouple ranges. Thermocouple configured as wrong type Board detected thermocouple open and applied bias to circuit driving it to large negative number, or TC not connected, or condition such as stray voltage or noise caused input to exceed -63 mV. Solution • • • • • Ensure cable between SCLT - PCLA module is fully seated in connector. Check field wiring including shields. Check installation of PCLA on terminal board. Problem is usually not a PCLA or terminal board failure if other thermocouples are working correctly. Check thermocouple for open circuit. Measure incoming millivolt signal and verify that it doesn't exceed -63 mV. Verify that the thermocouple type matches the configuration. 149 Description Cold Junction (SCLS) Unhealthy, Using Backup Possible Cause • • Local cold junction signal from SCLS terminal board out of range. The normal range is -50 to 85°C (-58 to 185 °F). Hardware failure of cold junction sensor Solution • • If hardware is in the normal temperature range, replace the SCLS terminal board. Replace PCLA. PCLA Core Analog Module — Aero GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 133 Non-Public Information 150 Description Cold Junction (SCLT) Unhealthy, Using Backup Possible Cause • • Local cold junction signal from SCLT terminal board out of range. The normal range is -50 to 85°C (-58 to 185 °F). Hardware failure of cold junction sensor Solution • • Verify that the cable between the SCLT and PCLA is fully seated in the connector. If hardware is in the normal temperature range, replace the SCLT terminal board. 151-158 Description RTD [ ] Unhealthy Possible Cause • • • • • • • RTD wiring/cabling open or high impedance Open on connections to the terminal board RTD device failed PCLA module internal hardware problem Current source on PCLA for RTD faulty or measurement device failed Wrong type of RTD configured or selected by default High-resistance values created by high voltage and/or low current Solution • • • • • Check the field wiring for open circuit or high impedance. Verify the proper connections to the terminal board. Check the RTD for proper operation. Verify that the RTD type configuration matches the attached device type. Replace the PCLA. 159 Description SCLT Configuration & Hardware Mismatch Possible Cause • • • SCLT terminal board connected in hardware but not configured in ToolboxST application. In ToolboxST application, the PCLA configured with a SCLT terminal board, but SCLT not physically connected. Faulty cable between SCLT - PCLA module Solution • • • • • 134 Verify that the PCLA configuration matches the hardware connected. Replace the cable. Replace the SCLT terminal board. Replace the SCLS terminal board. Replace the PCLA. GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 160-191 Description Logic Signal [ ] Voting Mismatch Possible Cause N/A Solution N/A 192-211 Description Input Signal [ ] Voting Mismatch, Local=[ ], Voted=[ ] Possible Cause Voter disagreement between R, S and T I/O packs or modules. Solution Adjust the TMR threshold limit for the inputs causing the diagnostic or correct the cause of the difference. PCLA Core Analog Module — Aero GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 135 Non-Public Information 3.3 SCLS Core Analog Terminal Board The Core Analog (SCLS) terminal board provides the terminal and signal routing into the BCLA board. Inputs include eight thermocouple inputs, four analog inputs and eight RTD inputs. An individual 24 V dc power source is included for all four 4-20 mA inputs on SCLS. SCLS output channel consist of one 4-20 mA simplex output signal. Seventy-two pluggable Euro style box-type terminal blocks provide field wire terminal points. Terminal grouping is three sets of 24 terminals each. SCLS provides the J2 68 pin connectors for IS200SCLT terminal board cable. Note PCLA supports one simplex 0-20 mA output through SCLS and six 0-20 mA simplex/ TMR (voted) configurable set of outputs through SCLT. 136 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information SCLS Terminal Board PCLA Core Analog Module — Aero GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 137 Non-Public Information 3.3.1 Installation An I/O cable shield terminal is provided adjacent to the terminal blocks. Terminals 23, 24, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, and 48 are NOT Connected terminal points. Field device I/O is through 72 Euro style box-type terminal blocks on the SCLS edge and is through 48 Euro style box-type terminal blocks on the SCLT edge. SCLS and SCLT accept conductors with the following characteristics: SCLS Terminal Conductor Size Range Conductor type Minimum Maximum Conductor cross section solid 0.2 mm2 2.5 mm2 Conductor cross section stranded 0.2 mm2 2.5 mm2 Conductor cross section stranded, with ferrule without plastic sleeve 0.25 mm2 2.5 mm2 Conductor cross section stranded, with ferrule with plastic sleeve 0.25 mm2 2.5 mm2 Conductor cross section AWG/kcmil 24 AWG 12 AWG 2 conductors with same cross section, solid 0.2 mm2 1 mm2 2 conductors with same cross section, stranded 0.2 mm2 1.5 mm2 2 conductors with same cross section, stranded, ferrules without plastic sleeve 0.25 mm2 1 mm2 2 conductors with same cross section, stranded, TWIN ferrules with plastic sleeve 0.5 mm2 1.5 mm2 Note Refer to the PCLA Core Analog Module - Aero, Installation section for more information. SCLS Screw Terminal Assignments Terminal number Signal 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 P24V1 20mA1 VDC1 RET1 P24V2 20mA2 VDC2 RET2 P24V3 20mA3 VDC3 RET3 P24V4 20mA4 VDC4 RET4 PCOM PCOM PCOM PCOM OP1 OR1 NC NC TC 1H TC 1L 138 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Function Analog Input 1 Analog Input 2 Analog Input 3 Analog Input 4 Common points 4-20 mA output 1 No Connect Thermocouple 1 Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information SCLS Screw Terminal Assignments (continued) Terminal number Signal 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 TC 2H TC 2L TC 3H TC 3L TC 4H TC 4L TC 5H TC 5L TC 6H TC 6L TC 7H TC 7L TC 8H TC 8L PCOM PCOM NC NC NC NC NC NC RTD EXC1 RTD SIG1 RTD RET1 RTD EXC2 RTD SIG2 RTD RET2 RTD EXC3 RTD SIG3 RTD RET3 RTD EXC4 RTD SIG4 RTD RET4 RTD EXC5 RTD SIG5 RTD RET5 RTD EXC6 RTD SIG6 RTD RET6 RTD EXC7 RTD SIG7 RTD RET7 RTD EXC8 RTD SIG8 RTD RET8 PCLA Core Analog Module — Aero Function Thermocouple 2 Thermocouple 3 Thermocouple 4 Thermocouple 5 Thermocouple 6 Thermocouple 7 Thermocouple 8 Common points Not connected RTD 1 RTD 2 RTD 3 RTD 4 RTD 5 RTD 6 RTD 7 RTD 8 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 139 Non-Public Information 3.3.2 Operation The SCLS terminal board provides the customer terminals and signal routing into the BCLA board. SCLS provides the J2 68 pin connectors for IS200SCLT terminal board cable. Internal to the module the SCLS terminal board routes signals to connectors for the BCLA analog processing board. Seventy-two pluggable Euro style box-type terminal blocks provide Field wire terminal points. Terminal grouping is 3 sets of 24 terminals each. SCLS Terminals # Signals Signal Type Screws/Signal 8 Thermocouples 2 4 Analog 4-20 mA inputs or ±10 V Inputs or ±5 V inputs 4 8 RTD 3 1 Analog 4-20 mA outputs 2 1 Common connection 6 NC (Not Connected) Screws 8 Thermocouples The PCLA supports E, J, K, S, and T types of thermocouples and mV inputs. Simplex inputs from field are terminated on SCLS. There are eight simplex thermocouple inputs. Connect the thermocouple wires directly to the thermocouple I/O terminal blocks as described in the table. These removable blocks are mounted on the terminal board and held down with two screws. The eight-thermocouple inputs can be grounded or ungrounded. They can be located up to 300 m (984 ft) from the turbine control cabinet with a maximum two-way cable resistance of 450 Ω. SCLS terminal boards feature high-frequency noise suppression and one cold junction reference device. The I/O processor performs the analog-to-digital conversion and the linearization for individual thermocouple types. Thermocouple Inputs and I/O Processor, Simplex 140 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information Analog Voltage or Current Inputs SCLS can accommodate four simplex analog voltage or current inputs. They can be located up to 300 m (984 ft) from the turbine control cabinet with a maximum two-way cable resistance of 15 Ω. Connect the input and output wires directly to two I/O terminal blocks mounted on the terminal board. Each block is held down with two screws. A shield terminal attachment point is located adjacent to each terminal block. SCLS can accommodate the following analog I/O types: • • • • • Analog input, two-wire transmitter Analog input, three-wire transmitter Analog input, four-wire transmitter Analog input, externally powered transmitter Analog input, voltage ±5 V dc, ±10 V dc, current 4-20 mA Analog Inputs PCLA Core Analog Module — Aero GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 141 Non-Public Information Analog Voltage or Current Inputs Configurations The SCLS is able to interface to several different types of 4-20 mA transmitters. SCLS board provides four 24 V dc terminals, one for each 4-20 mA transmitter input. The inputs can be configured as current or voltage inputs using jumpers (JP#A). The JP#A jumper removes the 250 Ω burden resistor for voltage input applications. The following configurations are supported: Analog Input Configurations Each input has a jumper (JP#B) on the board that is used to determine if the return terminal is grounded or floating. The default position of the jumper is floating or open. With the noise suppression and filtering, the input ac CMR is 60 dB, and the dc CMR is 80 dB. Analog Input Jumper Summary Channel Jumper Pos 1-2 Pos 2-3 Analog In 1 JP1A mA VDC Analog In 2 JP2A mA VDC Analog In 3 JP3A mA VDC Analog In 4 JP4A mA VDC Channel Jumper Pos 1-2 Pos 2-3 Analog In 1 JP1B GND OPEN Analog In 2 JP2B GND OPEN Analog In 3 JP3B GND OPEN Analog In 4 JP4B GND OPEN 142 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information RTD Inputs SCLS can accommodate eight simplex 3-wire RTD inputs. The eight inputs feature group isolation from the grounding system. Connect the wires for the eight RTDs directly to the terminal blocks on the SCLS board. A shield terminal strip attached to chassis ground is located immediately to the left of each terminal block. Note Refer to the PCLA Operation section, RTD Inputs. For CE mark applications, double-shielded wire must be used. All shields must be terminated at the shield terminal strip. Do not terminate shields located at the end device. Caution The terminal board supplies a 1 mA dc multiplexed (not continuous) excitation current to each RTD. The eight RTDs can be located up to 300 m (984 ft) from the turbine control cabinet with a maximum two-way cable resistance of 15 Ω. The on-board noise suppression is provided on SCLS. The first two RTD channels (1 and 2) can be configured for either fast or normal mode scanning. Channels 3 to 8 are only normal mode scan channels. Fast RTDs are scanned 25 times per second and slow RTD channels are scanned 4 times in a second using a time sample interval related to the power system frequency. Note RTD open and short circuits are detected by out-of-range values. The processor performs linearization for the selection of RTD types. RTD open and short circuits are detected by out-of-range values. RTD inputs are automatically calibrated using the filtered calibration source and null voltages. The RTD inputs and signal processing are illustrated in the following figure. SCLS RTD Section and Input Processor Board BCLA RTD Section RTD Accuracy RTD Type Accuracy at 400 ºF 120 Ω nickel 2 ºF 200 Ω platinum 2 ºF 100 Ω platinum 4 ºF PCLA Core Analog Module — Aero GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 143 Non-Public Information Analog Output SCLS supports one simplex analog (0-20 mA) output capable of 18 V compliance voltage. It can be located up to 300 m (984 ft) from the turbine control cabinet. Maximum load resistance supported is 800 Ω. Connect output wires directly to two I/O terminal blocks mounted on the terminal board. Each block is held down with two screws. The output channel has noise suppression circuitry to protect against surge and high frequency noise. Analog Outputs 144 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 3.3.3 Specifications Item SCLS Specification Number of channels 8 Thermocouples, 4 Analog inputs, 8 RTDs, 1 Current Output Supply Input P28 Through P1 on PCLA Interface With SCLT and BCLA Fault detection Incorrect ID chip Size 5.625 inch x 9.1 inch Technology Surface mount Thermocouple Number of channels 8 channels on SCLS Thermocouple types E, J, K, S, T thermocouples, and mV inputs Span -16.0 mV to 63.0 mV Cold junction compensation Reference junction temperature measured Cold junction temperature accuracy Over the Celsius operating range: 1.1°C Over the Fahrenheit operating range: 2 °F Fault detection High/low (hardware) limit check Monitor readings from all thermocouples, cold junctions, calibration voltages, and calibration zero readings Analog Inputs Number of channels 4 Channels Input span, transmitters 1 - 5 V dc across a precision resistor (usually 250 Ω) Maximum lead resistance 15 Ω maximum two-way cable resistance, cable length up to 300 m (984 ft). Outputs 24 V dc outputs rated at 21 mA each RTD Inputs Number of channels 8 Channels of 3-wire RTDs RTD types 100, and 200 Ω platinum 120 Ω nickel Maximum lead resistance 15 Ω maximum two-way cable resistance Fault detection High/low (hardware) limit check Analog Output Number of channels 1 Channel Load on output currents 800 Ω burden for 4-20 mA output Compliance Voltage 18 V dc PCLA Core Analog Module — Aero GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 145 Non-Public Information 3.3.4 Diagnostics Each terminal board connector has its own ID device that is interrogated by the I/O board. The board ID is coded into a read-only chip containing the terminal board serial number, board type, revision number. If a mismatch is encountered, a hardware incompatibility fault is created. Thermocouples Thermocouple circuits are biased with a small dc current. If a thermocouple circuit opens, the temperature signal goes to a full-scale negative reading. There is a configuration to report an open thermocouple as fail cold or fail hot. • • Each RTD type has hardware limit checking based on preset (non-configurable) high and low levels set near the ends of the operating range. If this limit is exceeded, an alarm is generated to indicate a potential problem with the signal. The resistance of each RTD is checked and compared with the correct value. If the resistance is high or low, a fault is created. Details of the individual diagnostics are available from the ToolboxST application. The diagnostic signals can be individually latched, and then reset with the RESET_DIA signal if they go healthy. Additional diagnostic information may be found in the PCLA Diagnostic Alarms section. Analog Outputs The board provides the voltage drop across a series resistor to indicate the output current. The I/O processor creates a diagnostic alarm (fault) if the output goes unhealthy. 146 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 3.3.5 Configuration The SCLS is able to interface to several different types of 4-20 mA transmitters. SCLS board provides four 24 V dc terminals, one for each 4-20 mA transmitter input. The inputs can be configured as current or voltage inputs using jumpers (JP#A). The JP#A jumper removes the 250 Ω burden resistor for voltage input applications. The following configurations are supported: Analog Input Configurations Each input has a jumper (JP#B) on the board that is used to determine if the return terminal is grounded or floating. The default position of the jumper is floating or open. Analog Input Jumper Summary Channel Jumper Pos 1-2 Pos 2-3 Analog In 1 JP1A mA VDC Analog In 2 JP2A mA VDC Analog In 3 JP3A mA VDC Analog In 4 JP4A mA VDC Channel Jumper Pos 1-2 Pos 2-3 Analog In 1 JP1B GND OPEN Analog In 2 JP2B GND OPEN Analog In 3 JP3B GND OPEN Analog In 4 JP4B GND OPEN PCLA Core Analog Module — Aero GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 147 Non-Public Information 3.4 SCLT Core Analog Terminal Board 3.4.1 Functional Description The Core Analog (SCLT) terminal board provides additional I/O terminals for the PCLA module. It handles input signals that are fanned to one or three PCLA modules and also handles the voted output signals. Inputs include eight thermocouple inputs, four analog voltage or current inputs, and six 4-20 mA outputs. An individual 24 V dc power source is included for all four 4-20 mA inputs on SCLT. Forty-eight pluggable Euro style box-type terminal blocks provide field wire terminal points. The following table lists I/O supported by SCLT: SCLT Terminals # Signals Signal Type Screws/Signal 8 Fanned Thermocouples 2 4 Fanned Analog 4-20 mA inputs or ±10 V Inputs or ±5 V inputs 4 6 TMR (triple Modular Redundant) Analog 4-20 mA outputs 2 1 Common connection 4 SCLT supports simplex or TMR configurations. The connection diagrams for both the configurations are given below. PCLA Diagram - Simplex board (PCLA cover omitted to display board relationship) 148 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information PCLA-SCLT Connection Diagram - TMR Controller TMR I/O Configuration (PCLA Cover Omitted to Display Board Relationship) SCLT Terminal Board PCLA Core Analog Module — Aero GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 149 Non-Public Information 3.4.2 Installation An I/O cable shield terminal is provided adjacent to the terminal blocks. Field device I/O is through 72 Euro style box-type terminal blocks on the SCLS side and is through 48 Euro -style box terminals on the SCLT side. SCLS and SCLT accept conductors with the following characteristics: SCLT Terminal Conductor Size Range Conductor type Minimum Maximum Conductor cross section solid 0.2 mm2 2.5 mm2 Conductor cross section stranded 0.2 mm2 2.5 mm2 Conductor cross section stranded, with ferrule without plastic sleeve 0.25 mm2 2.5 mm2 Conductor cross section stranded, with ferrule with plastic sleeve 0.25 mm2 2.5 mm2 Conductor cross section AWG/kcmil 24 AWG 12 AWG 2 conductors with same cross section, solid 0.2 mm2 1 mm2 2 conductors with same cross section, stranded 0.2 mm2 1.5 mm2 2 conductors with same cross section, stranded, ferrules without plastic 0.25 mm2 1 mm2 0.5 mm2 1.5 mm2 sleeve 2 conductors with same cross section, stranded, TWIN ferrules with plastic sleeve Note Refer to the PCLA Core Analog Module - Aero Installation section for more information. SCLT Screw Terminal Assignments Terminal # Signal 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 TC 9H TC 9L TC 10H TC 10L TC 11H TC 11L TC 12H TC 12L TC 13H TC 13L TC 14H TC 14L TC 15H TC 15L TC 16H TC 16L PCOM PCOM P24V5 20mA5 VDC5 RET5 P24V6 20mA6 VDC6 RET6 150 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Function Thermocouple 9 Thermocouple 10 Thermocouple 11 Thermocouple 12 Thermocouple 13 Thermocouple 14 Thermocouple 15 Thermocouple 16 Common Points Analog Input 5 Analog Input 6 Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information SCLT Screw Terminal Assignments (continued) Terminal # Signal 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 P24V7 20mA7 VDC7 RET7 P24V8 20mA8 VDC8 RET8 PCOM PCOM OP2 OR2 OP3 OR3 OP4 OR4 OP5 OR5 OP6 OR6 OP7 OR7 Function Analog Input 7 Analog Input 8 Common points 4-20 mA output 2 4-20 mA output 3 4-20 mA output 4 4-20 mA output 5 4-20 mA output 6 4-20 mA output 7 PCLA Core Analog Module — Aero GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 151 Non-Public Information 3.4.3 Operation SCLT provides fanning of input signals to one or more PCLA modules. This is done with high reliability passive circuits to ensure reliability in redundant applications. SCLT accepts 28 V dc power from connected PCLA modules. The power supplies from all PCLAs are connected through diodes (Diode-OR) to obtain redundant power input for the 24 V dc outputs. Each 24 V output on SCLT is provided with an individual voltage regulator that includes thermal shutdown for branch circuit protection. The SCLT terminal board provides the customer terminals and 68 pin connectors for SCLS terminal board cable. Forty-eight pluggable Euro style box-type terminal blocks provide Field wire terminal points. Note An over current condition on one 24 V dc output will result in only that output being shut down. When the overload is removed the terminal will return to 24 V dc. Thermocouples The PCLA supports E, J, K, S, and T types of thermocouples and mV inputs. Simplex/TMR inputs from field are ended on SCLT based on the configuration. There are eight simplex thermocouple inputs. Connect the thermocouple wires directly to the thermocouple I/O terminal blocks as described in the table. These removable blocks are mounted on the terminal board and held down with two screws. The 8-thermocouple inputs can be grounded or ungrounded. They can be located up to 300 m (984 ft) from the turbine control cabinet with a maximum two-way cable resistance of 450 Ω. SCLT-SCLS terminal boards feature high-frequency noise suppression and one cold junction reference device. The I/O processor performs the analog-to-digital conversion and the linearization for individual thermocouple types. Analog Voltage or Current Inputs SCLT can accommodate four simplex / Fanned analog voltage or current inputs. They can be located up to 300 m (984 ft) from the turbine control cabinet with a maximum two-way cable resistance of 15 Ω. Connect the input and output wires directly to two I/O terminal blocks mounted on the terminal board. Each block is held down with two screws. A shield terminal attachment point is located adjacent to each terminal block. SCLT can accommodate the following analog I/O types: • • • • • 152 Analog input, two-wire transmitter Analog input, three-wire transmitter Analog input, four-wire transmitter Analog input, externally powered transmitter Analog input, voltage ±5 V dc, ±10 V dc, current 4-20 mA GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information Analog Voltage or Current Inputs Configurations The SCLT is able to interface to several different types of 4-20 mA transmitters. SCLT board provides four 24 V dc terminals, one for each 4-20 mA transmitter input. The inputs can be configured as current or voltage inputs using jumpers (JP#A). The JP#A jumper removes the 250 Ω burden resistor for voltage input applications. The following configurations are supported: Analog Input Configurations Each input has a jumper (JP#B) on the board that is used to determine if the return terminal is grounded or floating. The default position of the jumper is floating or open. With the noise suppression and filtering, the input ac CMR is 60 dB, and the dc CMR is 80 dB. Analog Input Jumper Summary Channel Jumper Pos 1-2 Pos 2-3 Analog In 5 JP5A mA VDC Analog In 6 JP6A mA VDC Analog In 7 JP7A mA VDC Analog In 8 JP8A mA VDC Channel Jumper Pos 1-2 Pos 2-3 Analog In 5 JP5B GND OPEN Analog In 6 JP6B GND OPEN Analog In 7 JP7B GND OPEN Analog In 8 JP8B GND OPEN PCLA Core Analog Module — Aero GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 153 Non-Public Information Analog Outputs SCLT supports six simplex or voted analog (0-20 mA) outputs capable of 18 V compliance voltage. It can be located up to 300 m (984 ft) from the turbine control cabinet. Maximum load resistance supported is 800 Ω. Connect output wires directly to two I/O terminal blocks mounted on the terminal board. Each block is held down with two screws. The output channels have noise suppression circuitry to protect against surge and high frequency noise. 3.4.4 Specifications Please refer to the signal specifications listed in the PCLA documentation for details of the signals on SCLT. Item SCLT Specification Number of channels 8 Thermocouples, 4 Analog inputs, 6 Current Outputs Interface With SCLS and field wires Fault detection Incorrect ID chip Power supply voltage 28 V dc ±5% from one or more PCLA modules Size 6.25 inch x 7 .00 inch Technology Surface mount Thermocouple Number of channels 8 simplex or fanned channels on SCLT based on the configuration Thermocouple types E, J, K, S, T thermocouples, and mV inputs Span -16.0 mV to 63.0 mV Cold junction compensation Reference junction temperature measured Cold junction temperature accuracy Over the Celsius operating range: 1.1°C Over the Fahrenheit operating range: 2 °F Analog Inputs Number of channels 4 simplex or fanned channels based on the configuration Input span, transmitters 1 - 5 V dc across a precision resistor (usually 250 Ω) Maximum lead resistance 15 Ω maximum two-way cable resistance, cable length up to 300 m (984 ft) Outputs 24 V dc outputs rated at 21 mA each Analog Outputs Number of channels 6 simplex or voted channels based on the configuration Load on output currents 800 Ω burden for 0-20 mA output Compliance Voltage 18 V dc 154 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 3.4.5 Diagnostics Each cable connector on the terminal board has its own ID device that is interrogated by the I/O controller. The ID device is a read-only chip coded with the terminal board serial number, board type, revision number, and the JR, JS, JT connector location. A hardware incompatibility fault is created when the I/O controller reads this chip and a mismatch is encountered. Thermocouples Thermocouple circuits are biased with a small dc current. If a thermocouple circuit opens, the temperature signal goes to a full-scale negative reading. There is a configuration to report an open thermocouple as fail cold or fail hot. Each RTD type has hardware limit checking based on preset (non-configurable) high and low levels set near the ends of the operating range. If this limit is exceeded, an alarm is generated to indicate a potential problem with the signal. The resistance of each RTD is checked and compared with the correct value. If the resistance is high or low, a fault is created. Analog Outputs The board provides the voltage drop across a series resistor to indicate the output current. The I/O processor creates a diagnostic alarm (fault) if any of the outputs go unhealthy. The analog output enable relay is enabled only under following conditions: Condition 1: • • • PCLA configuration must be TMR. SuicEnable must be set to True from configuration. Individual current feedback is greater than half of total current feedback plus TMR_DiffLimit set from The ToolboxST application. Condition 2: • • • PCLA configuration must be TMR. SuicEnable must be set to True from configuration. Percentage Difference in commanded Analogout value and Reference feedback by Full-scale Analog Output is greater than D/A_ErrLimit set from The ToolboxST application. The accuracy of the output is 0.5% of full scale and the maximum output load supported is 800 Ω. PCLA Core Analog Module — Aero GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 155 Non-Public Information Analog Voltage or Current Inputs Configurations The SCLT is able to interface to several different types of 4-20 mA transmitters. SCLT board provides four 24 V dc terminals, one for each 4-20 mA transmitter input. The inputs can be configured as current or voltage inputs using jumpers (JP#A). The JP#A jumper removes the 250 Ω burden resistor for voltage input applications. Following configurations are supported. Each input has a jumper (JP#B) on the board that is used to determine if the return terminal is grounded or floating. The default position of the jumper is floating or open. Analog Input Jumper Summary Channel Jumper Pos 1-2 Pos 2-3 Analog In 5 JP5A ma VDC Analog In 6 JP6A ma VDC Analog In 7 JP7A ma VDC Analog In 8 JP8A ma VDC Channel Jumper Pos 1-2 Pos 2-3 Analog In 5 JP5B GND OPEN Analog In 6 JP6B GND OPEN Analog In 7 JP7B GND OPEN Analog In 8 JP8B GND OPEN 156 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 4 PEFV Electric Fuel Valve Gateway 4.1 PEFV Electric Fuel Valve Gateway Pack 4.1.1 Functional Description The Electric Fuel Valve Gateway (PEFV) is an Ethernet gateway between the Mark* VIe control I/O Ethernet network and an electric fuel valve interface module. The module communicates through the Ethernet Global Data (EGD). The fuel valve interface module is called a Digital Valve Positioner (DVP). It is made by Woodward® Controls. The PEFV contains a processor board common to the distributed I/O packs. One of the dual RJ-45 Ethernet connectors connects to the I/O Ethernet network. The other RJ-45 Ethernet connector connects directly to the DVP. A 3-pin connector supplies power to the I/O pack. Infrared Port Not Used PEFV Simplified Diagram Compatibility Terminal Board TEFVH1A Control mode Simplex-yes Dual-yes TMR-yes Note The PEFV can be configured as simplex, dual, or TMR. By design, the PEFV works specifically with the Woodward Controls DVP. The DVP has three Ethernet connections and must use all three to function properly. Control mode refers to the number of I/O packs used in a signal path: • • • Simplex uses one I/O pack with one network connection on each pack. Dual uses two I/O packs with one network connections on each pack. TMR uses three I/O packs with one network connection on each pack. PEFV Electric Fuel Valve Gateway GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 157 Non-Public Information 4.1.2 Installation ➢ To install the PEFV I/O pack 1. Securely mount the TEFVH1A terminal board. 2. Directly plug three PEFVs, for triple modular redundancy (TMR), into the terminal board connectors. 3. Mechanically secure the I/O pack(s) using the threaded inserts adjacent to the Ethernet ports. The inserts connect to a mounting bracket specific to the terminal board type. The bracket should be adjusted so there is no right angle force applied to the DC-37 pin connector between the I/O pack and the terminal board. This adjustment is required once during the service life of the product. 4. Plug one Ethernet cable into the I/O Ethernet network. Connect the other Ethernet cable to the corresponding network connector on the Woodward DVP. The pack will operate with connections made to either port. The pack must reboot if the connections are modified. Standard practice is to connect ENET1 to the network associated with the I/O Ethernet network. 5. Power is applied to the connector on the side of the pack. It is not necessary to insert the connector with power removed from the cable. PEFV has inherent soft-start capability that controls current inrush on power application. 6. Use the ToolboxST* application to configure the I/O pack as necessary. Refer to GEH-6700 for more information. 4.1.3 Operation Refer to the following sections in the GEH-6721_Vol_II, the chapter, Common Module Content: • • • • • • Auto-reconfiguration BPPx Processor Processor LEDs Power Management ID Line Common Module Alarms Electric Fuel Valve Gateway Hardware The PEFV links the Woodward DVP to the Mark VIe through the two network connections on the processor board. The associated terminal board provides a unique board ID identifying PEFV to the Mark VIe control system. The terminal board is not used for any I/O connections. Data from the Mark VIe controller goes to the PEFV through the Ethernet connection to the I/O Ethernet network. Next, the data is passed to the DVP through the other Ethernet connection to the DVP. The IP addresses for these networks must be configured correctly for the communication link to be valid. 158 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 4.1.4 Specifications Item PEFV Specification Transmit time Data from Mark VIe is transmitted once per frame, up to 100 times per second. Receive time Data from DVP is received asynchronously from the Woodward DVP at a rate up to 100 times per second. This data is transmitted to the Mark VIe synchronous to the frame at the frame rate. The PEFV will timeout in 50 ms. Fault detection Ethernet link ok to/from DVP Data link ok to and from DVP EGD Packet diagnostics IP configuration error Size 8.26 cm high x 4.19 cm wide x 12.1 cm deep (3.25 in x 1.65 in x 4.78 in) Technology Surface mount † Ambient rating for Operating: -30 to 65ºC (-22 to 149 ºF) enclosure design Note † For further details, refer to the Mark VIe and Mark VIeS Control Systems System Guide, Volume I (GEH-6721_Vol_ I), the chapter Technical Regulations, Standards, and Environments. 4.1.5 Diagnostics The I/O pack performs the following self-diagnostic tests: • • • A power-up self-test that includes checks of RAM, flash memory, Ethernet ports, and most of the processor board hardware Continuous monitoring of the internal power supplies for correct operation A check of the electronic ID information from the terminal board, acquisition board, and processor board to confirm that the hardware set matches, followed by a check that the application code loaded from flash memory is correct for the hardware set. 4.1.6 Configuration Parameter Description Selections WGC_IP_Addr Valve Driver (DVP) IP addresses on TMR networks should identify defaults. Note: IP address of R network given. For S and T networks, the subnet is incremented by 1 and 2 respectively. For example, the default R value is The S IP address is The T IP address is (Default) Specify IP address WGC_Subnet DVP network subnet mask (Default) Specify subnet mask. Gateway_IP_Addr Gateway IP addresses on TMR should identify defaults (PEFV non-IONet IP address). Follows the same conventions as WGC_IP_Addr for the S and T network IP addresses (Default) Specify IP address PEFV Electric Fuel Valve Gateway GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 159 Non-Public Information 4.2 PEFV Specific Alarms The following alarms are specific to the PEFV I/O pack. 32 Description No Ethernet ports could be setup for WGC valve driver Possible Cause • • Both Ethernet ports on the PEFV pack have already received an IP address through DHCP so the IP address for the Woodward® Governor Controls DVP (WGC) driver network could not be assigned. Both ports may be connected to the IONET-EGD network. Solution • • Verify that network connections are correct. Verify that no DHCP server exists on the network connected to the WGC driver. 33 Description Problem with the WGC valve driver Ethernet port Possible Cause PEFV could not properly configure the Ethernet port. Solution • • Re-download the base load and firmware to the I/O pack. Replace the I/O pack. 34 Description WGC valve driver communication error - packet mismatch Possible Cause The received Ethernet Global data is incorrect. Solution • • • 160 Verify that network addresses are configured correctly. Verify that the WGC_IP_Addr is set to the IP address of the DVP. Verify that the Gateway_IP_Addr is set to the IP address of the PEFV gateway port. GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 35 Description Experiencing delay in reception of data from WGC valve driver Possible Cause The PEFV has not received data from the Woodward Governor Controls DVP for five frames (50 ms). Solution • • Verify that network connections between the PEFV and the Woodward DVP are correct. Check for faulty or loose network cables. 38 Description No communication with WGC valve driver Possible Cause The PEFV has not received data from the Woodward Governor Controls DVP for three seconds. Solution • • • Verify that network connections between the PEFV and the Woodward DVP are correct. Verify that Woodward DVP power is on. Verify that Woodward DVP is sending data correctly. 39 Description Config Error - WGC and Gateway IP address subnet mismatch Possible Cause The subnet of configured IP addresses WGC_IP_Addr and Gateway_IP_Addr do not match. Solution • • Verify that the configured IP addresses WGC_IP_Addr and Gateway_IP_Addr are on the same subnet. Verify that WGC_Subnet is set correctly. 4.3 TEFV Electric Fuel Valve Terminal Board The Electric Fuel Valve Terminal board (TEFVH1A), in this configuration, is used to mount the PEFV only. The connections on the board are for electronic ID only. It uses no other connections. Visual diagnostics are provided through indicator LEDs on the PEFV. PEFV Electric Fuel Valve Gateway GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 161 Non-Public Information Notes 162 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 5 PGEN Turbine Generator Monitor 5.1 PGEN Turbine-Generator Monitor I/O Pack The Mark* VIe control Turbine-Generator Monitor (PGEN) provides the electrical interface between one I/O Ethernet network and the TGNA turbine-generator. The pack contains a processor board common to the distributed I/O packs and an acquisition board. The pack uses 3 analog channels to monitor turbine mechanical power from voltage or 4-20 mA sensors. Each phase of generator armature current is monitored using a current transformer input. The PGEN performs the power load unbalance (PLU) function but it does not include the power calculations (kW, kVARS, KVA) or early valve actuation logic. Input to the I/O pack is through dual RJ-45 Ethernet connectors and a 3-pin power input. The PGEN supports single Ethernet networks for simplex or TMR applications. Output is through a DC-37 pin connector that connects directly with the associated terminal board connector. Visual diagnostics are provided through indicator LEDs. Infrared Port Not Used PGEN Turbine Generator Monitor GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 163 Non-Public Information 5.1.1 Compatibility PGENH1A is compatible with the turbine-generator Terminal Board (TGNA). The following table describes the compatibility: Terminal Board TGNA Control mode Simplex-yes Dual-no TMR-yes Control mode refers to the number of I/O packs used in a signal path: • • Simplex uses one I/O pack with one network connection only TMR uses three I/O packs with one network connection on each I/O pack 5.1.2 Installation ➢ To install the PGEN I/O pack 1. Securely mount the desired terminal board. 2. Directly plug one PGEN I/O pack for simplex or three PGEN I/O packs for TMR into the terminal board connectors. 3. Mechanically secure the I/O pack(s) using the threaded studs adjacent to the Ethernet ports. The studs slide into a mounting bracket specific to the terminal board type. The bracket location should be adjusted such that there is no right angle force applied to the DC-37 pin connector between the I/O pack and the terminal board. The adjustment should only be required once in the service life of the product. Note The PGEN mounts directly to a Mark VIe control terminal board. TMR-capable terminal boards have three DC-37 pin connectors, and can also be used in simplex mode if only one PGEN is installed. The PGEN directly supports all of these connections. 4. Plug in one Ethernet cable only. The I/O pack operates over either port. Note The ToolboxST* configuration of the PGEN does not allow the I/O pack to operate redundantly from the two Ethernet inputs. 5. Apply power by plugging in the connector on the side of the I/O pack. It is not necessary to remove power from the cable before plugging it in because the I/O pack has inherent soft-start capability that controls current inrush on power application. 6. Use the ToolboxST* application to configure the I/O pack as necessary. Refer to GEH-6700 for more information. Connectors The PGEN contains the following connectors: • • A DC-37 pin connector on the underside of the I/O pack connects directly to the turbine generator terminal board. The connector contains six input signals and an ID signal. An RJ-45 Ethernet connector named ENET1 on the side of the I/O pack is the primary system interface. • A second RJ-45 Ethernet connector named ENET2 on the side of the I/O pack can be used as an alternate to ENET1. Note The ToolboxST configuration does not allow the PGEN to operate from two Ethernet inputs simultaneously. • 164 A 3-pin power connector on the side of the I/O pack is for 28 V dc power to the PGEN module. GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 5.1.3 Operation Refer to the following sections in the GEH-6721_Vol_II, the chapter, Common Module Content: • • • • • • Auto-reconfiguration BPPx Processor Processor LEDs Power Management ID Line Common Module Alarms Turbine-Generator Monitoring Hardware The PGEN application-specific hardware consists of an analog filter acquisition board (BPAIH3). The analog filter acquisition board provides the signal conditioning to center and amplify the signal to improve analog-to-digital resolution. The PGEN accepts analog input signals from the terminal board for three mechanical power sensors and three CT currents. The analog input section consists of an analog multiplexer block, several gain and scaling sections, and a 16-bit, analog-to-digital converter (ADC). The three analog mechanical power inputs can be individually configured as ±5 V, ±10 V, or 4-20 mA scaled signals, depending on the input configuration. If configured as 4-20 mA signals, the three current inputs are brought through 250 Ω burden resistors on the terminal board. This resistance generates a 5 V signal at 20 mA. The terminal board provides a 250 Ω burden resistor when configured for current inputs yielding a 5 V signal at 20 mA. These analog input signals are first passed through a passive, low pass filter network with a pole at 75.15 Hz. Voltage signal feedbacks from calibration voltages are also sensed by the PGEN input section. Power Load Unbalance Overspeed Control The Power Load Unbalance (PLU) function monitors the difference between the per unit steam turbine power based on steam pressure and the per unit generator power based on the generator current. A PLU event occurs when turbine per unit power is 40% greater than the generator power and the difference meets both a specified rate of change and a specified duration. When a PLU event is sensed, the steam turbine control valves (CVs) and Intercept valves (IVs) are closed to reduce the power. The PLU monitoring is performed by the PGEN I/O pack and the TGNA terminal board. The PLU function supports either a TMR or Simplex configuration. The Mark VIe Digital Output PDOA I/O pack and the TRLY terminal board controls the steam turbine CV and IV valves. The PGEN commands the state of the relays on the PDOA. The control of the relays in the PDOA is enhanced by a peer-to-peer multicast packet that provides a fast communication path. The fast communication path is in parallel with the normal pack-to-pack communication that is routed through the signal space using the controller to transfer relay commands. The multicast path is only used for the initiating command to the relays. PLU events that are detected in firmware generate logic signals PLU_IV_Event to energize IV relays and PLU_CV_Event to energize CV relays. An additional relay communication paths is provided through PGEN signal space to allow controller application code to control the CV and IV relays. Each relay has a configurable dropout time so that relays can be dropped out in a staggered sequence. The actual dropout time may vary + one IONet frame time (typically 40 ms) due to the asynchronous interaction of the IONet communications and PGEN PLU processing. The following Control Valve and Intercept Valve Control Logic diagram depicts this logic. Note When relays are configured as Test Only, the relay state can only be changed by the corresponding signal space out logical RelayxTest, where x = relay number. PGEN Turbine Generator Monitor GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 165 Non-Public Information Sample Logic for intercept Valves PLU IV Event [C] PLU_Test_Active IV_Trgr (SSO) RelayUse = TstOnly Dropout Delay IV Permissive To PDOA To PDOA Intercept Valve1 Solenoid Control IVT_ Enb (config) RelayDropTim1 (config ) Ext_IV_ Trgr (SSO) Ext_ IVT_Enb (config) Relay01_ Tst (SSO) RelayUse = TstOnly Sample Logic for Control Valves CV Permissive To PDOA PLU CV Event PLU_Test_Active [D] Dropout CV_Trgr (SSO) RelayUse = TstOnly Delay To PDOA Control Valve5 Solenoid Control CVT_Enb (config) Relay Drop Tim5 (config) Relay05 _Tst(SSO) RelayUse = TstOnly Attention 166 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Relay activation is blocked when signal space output PLU_Test is True, so the signal space logicals PLU_Event and PLU_IV_Event can be forced True without activating relays. This is a test mode designed for commissioning tests if needed and should not be used during normal operation. Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 5.1.4 Specifications Item PGEN Specification Input converter resolution 16-bit analog-to-digital converter Common mode voltage range ±5 V (±2 V CMR for the ±10 V inputs) Size 8.26 cm high x 4.19 cm wide x 12.1 cm deep (3.25 in x 1.65 in x 4.78 in) † Ambient rating for enclosure -30 to 65ºC (-22 to 149 ºF) design Technology Surface mount Number of channels TGNA: 6 inputs total consisting of 3 pressure inputs and 3 CT current inputs Measurement Range (V dc + V ac) Noise Suppression Accuracy 76 Hz single pole low pass 0.1% of full scale 507 Hz single pole low pass 0.1% of full scale Analog Inputs (channels 1-3) Pressure ±5 V dc ±10 V dc 4-20 mA All with 5% over range Current Inputs (CT channels 1-3) Current 0 to 1 A rms 0 to 5 A rms All with 100% over range Note † For further details, refer to the Mark VIe and Mark VIeS Control Systems System Guide, Volume I (GEH-6721_Vol_ I), the chapter Technical Regulations, Standards, and Environments. PGEN Turbine Generator Monitor GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 167 Non-Public Information 5.1.5 Diagnostics The I/O pack performs the following self-diagnostic tests: • • • • • • A power-up self-test that includes checks of RAM, flash memory, Ethernet ports, and most of the processor board hardware Continuous monitoring of the internal power supplies for correct operation A check of the electronic ID information from the terminal board, acquisition board, and processor board to confirm that the hardware set matches, followed by a check that the application code loaded from flash memory is correct for the hardware set. Each analog or current input has hardware limit checking based on preset (configurable) high and low levels near the end of the operating range. If this limit is exceeded, a logic signal is set to Unhealthy in signal space, then the unhealthy signal is forced to zero volts or mA. The signal state returns to Healthy if the signal returns to its limits. If any signal is unhealthy, logic signal L3DIAG-PGEN is set. Each input has system limit checking based on configurable high and low levels. These limits can be used to generate alarms, to enable and disable, and as latching and non-latching. The analog input hardware includes precision reference voltages in each scan. Measured values are compared against expected values and are used to confirm health of the analog to digital circuits. Details of the individual diagnostics are available from the ToolboxST application. I/O block SYS_OUTPUTS, input RSTDIAG can be used to direct all I/O modules to clear from the alarm queue all diagnostics in the normal healthy state. 168 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 5.1.6 Configuration The following information is extracted from the ToolboxST application represents a sample of the configuration information for this board. Refer to the actual configuration file within the ToolboxST application for specific information. Parameter Description Sections PLU_Del_Enab Enable the PLU delay Enable, disable (default Enable) IVT_Enab Enable the turbine control-driven IV trigger function Enable, disable (default Enable) PLU_DiagEnab Enable voting disagreement diagnostic for PLU_Event Enable, disable (default Enable) Ext_IVT_Enb Enable customer-driven IV trigger function Enable, disable (default Disable) MechPwrInput Mech power through: TMR (median of 3), dual (max of first two), single Xducer, or signal space DualXducer, Signal Space, TMRXducer, Xducer1, Xducer2 PLU_Unbal PLU unbalance threshold, percent 20 to 80 (default 40) PLU_Delay PLU delay, seconds 0 to 0.5 (default 0) PressRatg Reheat pressure equivalent to 100 % mech power (engineering units) 5 to 1500 (default 200) CurrentRatg Generator current equivalent to 100 % elect power (amps RMS) 1 to 2E6 (default 20000) PowerScale Scale factor that multiplies time per unit current to equate generator power to per unit mechanical power 0 to 2 (default 1.0) Min_MA_Input Minimum MA for healthy 4/20 mA Input 0 to 22.5 (default 4) Max_MA_Input Maximum MA for healthy 4/20 mA Input 0 to 22.5 (default 20.40) SystemFreq System frequency in Hz 60 Hz, 50 Hz (default 60 Hz) CT_Primary Generator CT primary in amperes RMS 1 to 1.2E+06 Arms (default 20000) CT_Secondary Generator CT secondary in amperes RMS (TGNA CT input) 1 to 5 Arms 0 to 1 Arms (default: 0 to 5 Arms) CVT_Enab Enable the turbine control-driven CV trigger function Enable, disable (default Disable) SystemLimits Allows user to temporarily disable all system limit checks for testing purposes. Setting this parameter to Disable will cause a diagnostic alarm to occur. Enable, Disable (default Enable) Note All other I/O configuration parameters are defined under the specific I/O pack or terminal board variables in the following sections. PGEN Turbine Generator Monitor GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 169 Non-Public Information PGEN Variable Definitions Name Description Direction/Type L3DIAG_PGEN PGEN diagnostics (Input non-voted Boolean-3 bits) Cap1_Ready Capture buffer 1 ready for upload-not used (Input non-voted Boolean-3 bits) Cap2_Ready Capture buffer 2 ready for upload-not used (Input non-voted Boolean-3 bits) SysLim2analogInx where x = 1 to 3 Boolean set TRUE if System Limit 1 exceeded for analog input x (Vgen has only 3, 4th TBD) (Input Boolean) SysLim2AnalogInx Boolean set TRUE if system limit 2 exceeded for analog input x (Input Boolean) Boolean set TRUE if system limit 1 exceeded for phase A generator current (Input Boolean) SysLim1GenCTb Boolean set TRUE if system limit 1 exceeded for phase B generator current (Input Boolean) SysLim1GenCTc Boolean set TRUE if system limit 1 exceeded for phase C generator current (Input Boolean) SysLim2GenCTa Boolean set TRUE if system limit 2 exceeded for phase A generator current (Input Boolean) SysLim2GenCTb Boolean set TRUE if system limit 2 exceeded for phase B generator current (Input Boolean) SysLim2GenCTc Boolean set TRUE if system limit 2 exceeded for phase C generator current (Input Boolean) PLU_Diff_Value Equal to the steam turbine per unit power based on the reheat pressure minus the generator per unit power (corrected by power scale) based on generator current. (Input FLOAT) PLU_Event Boolean set TRUE if a PLU has occurred. (Input Boolean) PLU_IV_Event Boolean set TRUE if a PLU intercept valve event has occurred. (Input Boolean) PLU_Current Generator current (amps rms) scaled by power scale (Input Float) SteamPressure Steam pressure (EUs) (Input Float) CVPermissive Boolean set TRUE to leave CV relays de-energized (Input Boolean) IVPermissive Boolean set TRUE to leave IV relays de-energized (Input Boolean) Relay01Test to Relay12Test Solenoid 1 test (Output Boolean) where x = 1 to 3 SysLim1GenCTa PLUTst Boolean to command PLU test. (Output Boolean) IV_Trgr Turbine control-driven IV trigger (Output Boolean) Ext_IV_Trgr Customer-driven IV trigger (Output Boolean) MechPower Mechanical power (percent) when configured through signal space (Output Float) CV_Trgr Control valve trigger (Output Boolean) 170 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information IS200TGNA Variable Definitions Analog input x - Board Point AnalogInputOx where x = 1 through 3 Point Edit (Input FLOAT) InputUse Defines analog input as either as ±10 V, ±5 V, 4-20 mA or unused. ±5 V ±10 V 4-20 mA unused (Default unused) Low_Input Defines point 1 x-axis value in volts or mA for the TGNA terminal point used in calculating the gain and offset for the conversion to engineering units. 0 to 10 volts or -10 to 20 mA (Default 4.0) High_Input Defines point 2 x-axis value in volts or mA for the TGNA terminal point used in calculating the gain and offset for the conversion to engineering units. 0 to 10 V or -10 to 20 mA (Default 20.0) Low_Value ±3.402820 E+38 EUs (Default 0.0) InputFilter Defines point 1 Y-axis value in engineering units for the TGNA terminal point used in calculating the gain and offset for the conversion from volts to EUs Defines point 2 Y-axis value in engineering units for the TGNA terminal point used in calculating the gain and offset for the conversion from volts to EUs Filter bandwidth in Hz (pressure inputs) SysLim1Enabl Enable system Limit 1 fault check Enable, disable (Default disable) SysLim1Latch Latch system Limit 1 fault Latch, Not Latch (Default Latch) SysLim1Type System Limit 1 check type ≥ or ≤ (Default ≤) High_Value ±3.402820 E+38 EUs (Default 100.0) 0.75 Hz, 1.5 Hz, 3 Hz, 6 Hz, 2 Hz or unused (Default 12 Hz) SysLimit1 System Limit 1 – EUs ±3.402820 E+38 EUs (Default 0.0) SysLim2Enabl Enable system Limit 2 (same configuration as for Limit 1) Enable, disable (Default disable) SysLim2Latch Latch system Limit 2 fault Latch, Not Latch (Default Latch) SysLim2Type System Limit 2 check type ≥ or ≤ (Default ≤) SysLimit2 System Limit 2 – EUs ±3.402820 E+38 EUs (Default 0.0) TMR_DiffLmt Difference limit for voted TMR inputs in percent 0 to 100 percent (Default 5) DiagHighEnab Enable high input limit diag Enable, Disable (Default Enable) DiagLowEnab Enable low input limit diag Enable, Disable (Default Enable) GenCTInputOx where x = 1, 2, or 3 Total generator line current x to neutral (amps rms) - Card Point Point Edit (Input FLOAT) SysLim1Enabl Enable system limit 1 fault check Enable, Disable (Default Disable) SysLim1Latch Latch system Limit 1 Fault Latch, Not Latch (Default Latch) SysLim1Type System limit 1 check type ≥ or ≤ (Default ≥) SysLimit1 System limit 1 – EUs ±3.402820 E+38 EUs (Default 0.0) SysLim2Enabl Enable system limit 2 (same configuration as for limit 1) Enable, Disable (Default Disable) SysLim2Latch Latch system limit 2 fault Latch, Not Latch (Default Latch) SysLim2Type System limit 2 check Type ≥ or ≤ (Default ≤) SysLimit2 System limit 2 – EUs ±3.402820 E+38 Eus (Default 0.0) TMR_DiffLmt This is the difference limit for voted TMR inputs in EUs. It is a unit specific, calculated setting. ±3.402820 E+38 EUs (Default 100) This should be set to the recommended minimum of 10% of generator rated phase current in engineering units. PGEN Turbine Generator Monitor GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 171 Non-Public Information Relayx Solenoid x state - board point where x = 1 through 12 Boolean RelayUse Defines relay type CV_FASV_Type (1-4): control valve IV_FASV_Type (5-10): intercept valve TstOnly : test driven Unused Spare CV_Fas_Type(11 only) Spare IV_Fas_Type(12 only) (Default Relay1 – CV 1) (Default Relay2 – CV 2) (Default Relay3 – CV 3) (Default Relay4 – CV 4) (Default Relay5 – IV 1) (Default Relay6 – IV 2) (Default Relay7 – IV 3) (Default Relay8 – IV 4) (Default Relay9 – IV 5) (Default Relay10 – IV 6) (Default Relay11 – Spare CV) (Default Relay12 – Spare IV) RelayDropTim Relay dropout time — actual dropout time can vary + 1 IONet frame time (typically 40 ms) due to the asynchronous interaction of the IONet communications and PGEN PLU processing 0.0 to 5.0 seconds (Default Relay1 – 1.10) (Default Relay2 – 2.00) (Default Relay3 – 3.00) (Default Relay4 – 4.00) (Default Relay5 – 0.35) (Default Relay6 – 0.50) (Default Relay7 – 0.75) (Default Relay8 – 0.35) (Default Relay9 – 0.75) (Default Relay10 – 0.50) (Default Relay11 – 0.00) (Default Relay12 – 0.00) 172 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 5.2 PGEN Specific Alarms The following alarms are specific to the PGEN I/O pack. 32 Description Unallowed VarIOCompatCode Change: Old - [ ]; New - [ ] Possible Cause The .dll for the installed PGEN is incompatible with the firmware loaded on the I/O processor. Solution • • Confirm the correct installation of the PGEN distributed I/O pack. Rebuild the application, then download the firmware and the application code to the affected I/O pack. 33-35 Description Analog Input [ ] Unhealthy Possible Cause The analog input 1-3 signal strength is outside the limits for the sensor type. Solution • • • • For 4-20 mA analog inputs: Check the configuration parameters MaxMAInput and MinMAInput for proper values. For voltage analog inputs: the inputs voltage magnitude is greater than 9.24 V. Check the analog inputs 1-3 at the terminal points for in-range values. Replace the PGEN I/O pack or the TGNA terminal board if inputs are in range. 36-39 Description Generator Current Input [ ] Unhealthy Possible Cause The CT input current exceeds the configured CT input by 200%. Solution • • • • Check the configuration parameter CT_Secondary for the correct setting. Check the compatibility of the generator CT secondary output to the TGNA 1 or the 5 A connections. Check the CT input currents for currents exceeding 200% of the configured (5 or 1 A). Replace the PGEN I/O pack or the TGNA terminal board if the inputs are in range. PGEN Turbine Generator Monitor GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 173 Non-Public Information 40-46 Description Channel [ ] ADC Conversion Error Possible Cause The analog-to-digital conversion for the specified input failed to complete. Solution Replace the PGEN I/O pack. 47 Description ADC Conversion Not Completed Possible Cause The analog-to-digital conversion of the terminal board signals failed to complete before the next conversion cycle was scheduled to start. Solution Replace the PGEN I/O pack. 51 Description Pack internal reference voltage out of limits Possible Cause The calibration reference voltage is more than +/-5% from the expected value, which indicates a hardware failure. Solution • • • Check the terminal board grounding for noise or poor connections. Cycle power on the I/O pack. Replace the I/O pack if the grounding is okay, and if the condition persists through a power cycle. 52 Description Pack internal null voltage out of limits Possible Cause The null calibration voltage exceeds 150 mV, which indicates a hardware failure. Solution • • • 174 Check terminal board grounding for noise or poor connections. Cycle power on the I/O pack. Replace the I/O pack if grounding OK and condition persists through a power cycle. GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 53 Description Peer to Peer communication initialization failure Possible Cause The peer-to-peer communication link between the PGEN and the PDOA failed to initialize. Solution Replace the PGEN I/O pack. 54 Description FPGA Interrupt Time Out Possible Cause Interrupt to read terminal board signals failed to occur at the designated time. Solution Replace the PGEN I/O pack. 55 Description Logic Signal [ ] Voting Mismatch Possible Cause N/A Solution N/A 56-64 Description Input Signal [ ] Voting Mismatch, Local=[ ], Voted=[ ] Possible Cause • • There is a voter disagreement between the R, S, and T I/O packs. The I/O pack is not seated on the terminal board correctly. Solution • • • Adjust the parameter TMR_DiffLimt or correct the cause of the difference. Re-seat the I/O pack to the terminal board. Replace the PGEN I/O pack. PGEN Turbine Generator Monitor GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 175 Non-Public Information 5.3 TGNA Turbine-Generator Monitor Terminal Board The Turbine-Generator terminal board (TGNA) acts as a signal interface board for the PGEN I/O pack. The TGNA provides a direct interface to three analog inputs for sensing turbine steam pressure and three current transformer (CT) feedbacks for sensing generator current. The signals are passed on to the PGEN(s) through 37-pin connectors. The TGNA can be used for either simplex or TMR applications. TMR applications fan the signal to three PGEN(s). The three analog inputs are configurable to be 4-20 mA, ±5 V, or ±10 V inputs. There are two jumpers for each analog input. One jumper is used to select either current (4-20 mA) or voltage feedback. The other jumper can optionally ground the return path for the inputs. The three CT inputs can be fed from 1 A or 5 A rated CT outputs. A separate terminal board point is provided for the two different amp rated inputs. Configuration parameter CT_Secondary designates which terminal board points are used. 176 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information Analog Inputs P 24 Vn P28 V,<R > TGNA TB1 Current Limiter P 28 V P28V ,<S> JR 1 P28V ,<T> ID VDCn P28 V Voltage I/P JPx IDCn 4 -20 mA Cur I/P 250ohms Retn JPy Open Three of the above circuits ( n = 1,2,3 )(x=1, 3, 5) (y=2,4, 6) Ret CT current JS1 ID Inputs Cur_ A_5H 1 TB2 5 A:0. 0025 A Cur_ A_5 L 2 Phase A Cur_ A_1H 3 P 28 V IA 1 TP2 IA 2 TP1 500 ohms 0.01% Cur_ A_1 L 4 1A:0. 0025 A JT 1 ID Cur_B_ 5H 1 TB3 5 A:0. 0025 A Cur_ B_5L 2 Phase B Cur_B_ 1H 3 P28V IB1 TP4 IB2 TP3 500 ohms 0.01% Cur_ B_1L 4 1A:0. 0025 A Cur_C_ 5 H 1 TB4 5 A:0. 0025 A Cur_C_5 L 2 Cur_C_ 1H 3 Phase C IC1 TP6 IC2 TP5 500 ohms 0.01% Cur_C_1L 4 1A:0. 0025 A TGNA Circuits PGEN Turbine Generator Monitor GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 177 Non-Public Information 5.3.1 Installation The TGNA accepts three analog inputs (voltage or current) and three CT inputs. Analog input channels 1 through 3: • • • • Supports voltage or 4-20 mA current turbine pressure inputs Current-limited 24 V power supply per channel JP1 (3, 5) jumper for selecting current or voltage inputs JP2 (4, 6) configures the return as Open for true differential input or connects return to PCOM for a 24 V return. Connect the analog pressure sensors to the variables identified in the table, Terminal Variable Definitions. Voltage-output sensors should use VDCx and Retx as signal connection points. Jumper JP1 (3, 5) should be in the voltage I/P position. JP2 (4, 6) should be in differential input position for differential feedback and in the Return to GND position for sensors supplied with the 24 V output. Configuration parameter InputUse for the analog inputs should be set according to the type of sensor being used, ±10 V, ±5 V, or 4-20 mA. Current-based sensors should use IDCx and Retx as signal connection points. Jumper JP1 (3, 5) should be in the 4-20 mA I/P position. JP2 (4, 6) should be in differential input position. CT current Phase A, B, C • • Supports 0 to 1 A or 0 to 5 A CT secondary currents Separate terminal points for 0 to 1 A or 0 to 5 A CT secondary currents Connect the secondary of the generator current CT sensors to the points identified in the table, Terminal Variable Definitions. The CT sensors should use the pair of signal points corresponding to the secondary rating of the CT sensors, 1 A or 5 A. The configuration parameter CT_Secondary should be set to the rating of the CT secondary. 178 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information Generator Terminal Board TGNA TB1 x P24 V(2) PCOM VDC(2) RET (2) IDC(2) RET (2) NC NC NC NC NC NC x 2 x 4 x 6 x 8 x 10 x 12 x 14 x 16 x 18 x 20 x 22 x 24 x JT1 Analog Input Jumpers x 1 P24V (1) x 3 PCOM x 5 VDC (1) x 7 RET(1) x 9 IDC (1) x 11 RET(1) x 13 P24V (3) x 15 PCOM x 17 VDC (3) x 19 RET(3) x 21 IDC (3) x 23 RET(3) JP1 4-20 mA CUR I/P VOLTAGE I/ P JP2 RETURN TO GND DIFFERENTIAL IN JP3 4-20 mA CUR I/P VOLTAGE I/P JP4 RETURN TO GND DIFFERENTIAL IN JP5 4-20 mA CUR I/P JS1 VOLTAGE I/P JP6 Cur_ A_5 H x 1 Cur_A_5L x 2 Cur_ A_1 H Cur_A_1L x 3 x 4 Cur_ B_5 H x 1 Cur_ B_5L x 2 Cur_ B_1 H x 3 Cur_ B_1L x 4 Cur_ C_5 H x 1 Cur_C_5L Cur_ C_1 H x 2 Cur_C_1L x 4 x 3 RETURN TO GND DIFFERENTIAL IN TB 2 Cur A Test points TB 3 TB 4 JR1 Cur B Test points Cur C Test points Terminal block 1 can be unplugged from terminal board for maintenance . TB2, TB3 , TB4 are not removeable. PGEN Turbine Generator Monitor GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 179 Non-Public Information Terminal Variable Definitions CH # Point Signal Description Analog 1 TB1-1 P24V1 +24 V output feed for pressure sensor TB1-3 PCOM1 Power supply return for the P24 V TB1-5 VDC1 Turbine pressure voltage, signal TB1-7 Ret1 Turbine pressure voltage/current, return TB1-9 IDC1 Turbine pressure 4-20 mA, signal TB1-2 P24V2 +24 V output feed for pressure sensor TB1-4 PCOM2 Power supply return for the P24 V TB1-6 VDC2 Turbine pressure voltage, signal TB1-8 Ret2 Turbine pressure voltage/current, return TB1-10 IDC2 Turbine pressure 4-20 mA, signal TB1-13 P24V3 +24 V output feed for pressure sensor TB1-15 PCOM3 Power supply return for the P24 V TB1-17 VDC3 Turbine pressure voltage, signal TB1-19 Ret3 Turbine pressure voltage/current, return TB1-21 IDC3 Turbine pressure 4-20 mA, signal TB2-1 CUR_A_5H 5 A CT current, high TB2-2 CUR_A_5L 5 A CT current, low TB2-3 CUR_A_1H 1 A CT current, high TB2-4 CUR_A_1L 1 A CT current, low TB3-1 CUR_B_5H 5 A CT current, high TB3-2 CUR_B_5L 5 A CT current, low TB3-3 CUR_B_1H 1 A CT current, high TB3-4 CUR_B_1L 1 A CT current, low TB4-1 CUR_C_5H 5 A CT current, high TB4-2 CUR_C_5L 5 A CT current, low TB4-3 CUR_C_1H 1 A CT current, high TB4-4 CUR_C_1L 1 A CT current, low Analog 2 Analog 3 Phase A current Phase B current Phase C current 180 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 5.3.2 Operation The PGEN monitors generator 3-phase current and turbine mechanical power to provide the PLU over-speed control for large steam turbines. Test points are provided for all CT inputs to verify the phase in the field. Three single-phase CT inputs are provided with a normal current range of 0 to 5 A continuous or 0 to 1 A continuous. The CTs are magnetically isolated on TGNA. CTs connect to non-pluggable terminal blocks with captive lugs accepting up to #10 AWG wires. The total generator current is calculated from these inputs. The three analog inputs accept 4-20 mA inputs or ±5, ±10 V dc inputs. A +24 V dc source is available for all three circuits with individual current limits for each circuit. The 4-20 mA transducers can use the +24 V dc source from the turbine control or a self-powered source. A jumper on TGNA selects between current and voltage inputs for each circuit. In a TMR system, analog inputs fan out to the three I/O packs (PGEN). The 24 V dc power to the transducers comes from all three PGEN packs, and is diode-shared on the TGNA. Note High frequency and 50/60 Hz noise is reduced with an analog hardware filter. 5.3.3 Specifications Item Specification Inputs to TGNA and PGEN 3 one-phase generator CTs 3 analog inputs (4-20 mA, ±5, ±10 V dc) Generator current inputs Normal current range is 0 to 5 A with over-range to 10 A or 0 to 1 A with over-range to 2 A Nominal frequency 50/60 Hz with range of interest 45 to 66 Hz Magnetic isolation to 1,500 V rms Input accuracy 0.5% of full scale (5 A or 1 A) with resolution of 0.1% FS Input burden less than 0.5 Ω per circuit Analog inputs Current inputs: 4-20 mA Voltage inputs: ±5 V dc or ±10 V dc Transducers can be up to 300 m (984 ft) from the control cabinet with a two-way cable resistance of 15 Ω. Input burden resistor on TGNA is 250 Ω. Jumper selection of single ended or self powered inputs Jumper selection of voltage or current inputs Analog Input Filter: Breaks at 72 and 500 rad/sec Ac common mode rejection (CMR) 60 dB Dc common mode rejection (CMR) 80 dB Conversion accuracy Sampling type 16-bit A/D converter, 14 bit resolution Accuracy 0.1% overall Frame rate 720 or 600 Hz Calculated values Total current Mechanical power Size 33.02 cm high x 10.16 cm wide (13 in x 4 in) PGEN Turbine Generator Monitor GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 181 Non-Public Information 5.3.4 Diagnostics Diagnostic tests are made on the terminal board as follows: • • The TGNA provides out of sensor limits checks for each Turbine-Generator input. The PGEN creates a diagnostic alarm (fault) if any one of the inputs has an out-of-range voltage/current. Each cable connector on the terminal board has its own ID device that is interrogated by the PGEN. The ID device is a read-only chip coded with the terminal board serial number, board type, revision number, and the JR, JS, JT connector location. When this chip is read by the PGEN and a mismatch is encountered, a hardware incompatibility fault is created. 5.3.5 Configuration The terminal board is configured with jumpers. For location of these jumpers, refer to the installation diagram. The jumper choices are as follows: • • Jumpers JP1, JP3, and JP5 select either current (4-20 mA) input or voltage input Jumpers JP2, JP4, and JP6 select whether the return is connected to common (Return to GND) or is left open (differential input) The following diagrams illustrate connections for common analog inputs. All other configuration for PGEN is done from the ToolboxST. For the location of these jumpers, refer to the installation diagram. 182 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 6 PPRA Emergency Turbine Protection 6.1 PPRA Emergency Turbine Protection I/O Pack The Emergency Turbine Protection I/O packs (PPRA) and associated TREA terminal board provide an independent backup overspeed protection system. They also provide an independent watchdog function for the primary control and isolated trip contact inputs. A protection system consists of three triple modular redundant (TMR) PPRA I/O packs mounted to a TREA terminal board that has a WREA. The PPRA supports six speed inputs fanned to three protection I/O packs in the following two configurations: • • Two speed sensors on each of three shafts Three speed sensors on each of two shafts. The PPRAS1B is the only version that supports different grouping of speed inputs. The PPRA accepts six speed signals (configured as three sets of two speed inputs, or two sets of three speed inputs) for firmware overspeed, acceleration, deceleration, and a hardware implemented overspeed protection. It monitors the operation of the primary control. The PPRA monitors the status and operation of the TREA trip board through a comprehensive set of feedback signals. If a problem is detected, the PPRA will trip the backup trip relays on the TREA board and activate a trip on the primary control. The Mark VIe control is designed with a primary and backup trip protection systems that interact at the trip terminal board level. Primary protection is provided with the Turbine Primary I/O pack (PTUR) operating a primary trip board (typically TRPA) when paired with PPRA/TREA. Backup protection is provided with PPRA mounted on a TREA terminal board. The PPRA is fully independent of and unaffected by the turbine primary protection. 6.1.1 Compatibility There are currently three versions of the PPRA I/O pack and each contain a functionally compatible BPPx processor board: • • • The PPRAH1A contains a BPPB processor board. The PPRAS1A contains a BPPB processor board. The PPRAS1B contains a functionally compatible BPPC processor board that is supported in the ControlST* software suite V04.07 and later. Refer to GEI-100709, Mark VIe Control PPROS1B and PPRAS1x Functional Safety Instruction Guide for proper safety loop operation and restrictions. The PPRAS1A and S1B are IEC 61508 certified versions for use in IEC 61511 certified safety loops. The PPRAS1A or S1B with TREAS#A and WREAS1A are the safety certified versions. The PPRA mounts directly on TREA, and with TREA it is required to have the WREA option board mounted on the PPRA application specific circuit board Option Header connector. The PPRA mounted on TREA with WREA will only function correctly with three PPRA I/O packs. Single and dual pack operation is not possible. PPRA Emergency Turbine Protection GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 183 Non-Public Information TREA JZ1 DC-62 PPRA PPRA DC-62 JY1 Trip relays, Estop, Overspeed DC-62 JX1 WR EA PPRA Only PPRAS1A and PPRAS1B I/O packs mounted on TREAS1A terminal boards can be configured for SIL applications. Attention 184 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 6.1.2 Installation ➢ To install the PPRA I/O pack 1. Securely mount the TREA terminal board. 2. Directly plug three PPRA I/O packs into the TREA. 3. Slide the threaded posts on PPRA, located on each side of the Ethernet ports, into the slots on the terminal board mounting-bracket. Adjust the bracket location so the DC-62 pin connector on PPRA and the terminal board fit together securely. Tighten the mounting bracket. The adjustment should only be required once in the service life of the product. Securely tighten the nuts on the threaded posts locking PPRA in place. 4. Plug in one or two Ethernet cables depending on the controller and network redundancy. PPRA is not sensitive to Ethernet connections and selects the proper operation over either port. 5. Apply power by plugging in the power connector on the side of the module. The I/O module has inherent soft-start capability that controls current levels upon application. 6. Use the ToolboxST* application to configure the module as necessary. Controller and Network Redundancy In systems with a single controller, the controller R network should be connected to the PPRA on the JX1 connector, the S network should be connected to PPRA on the JY1 connector, and the T network should be connected to the PPRA on the JZ1 connector. All three networks are coming from the single controller. PPRA applications do not support dual network connections for all three PPRAs. In a redundant system there is no additional system reliability gained by adding network connections to the first two PPRAs with dual controllers or any of the three PPRAs with TMR controllers. In systems with dual controllers, the controller R network should be connected to the PPRA on the JX1 connector, the S network should be connected to PPRA on the JY1 connector, and both the R and S networks should be connected to the PPRA on the JZ1 connector. In systems with three controllers, the R network should be connected to the PPRA on the JX1 connector, the S network should be connected to PPRA on the JY1 connector, and the T network should be connected to the PPRA on the JZ1 connector. 6.1.3 Operation Refer to the following sections in the GEH-6721_Vol_II, the chapter, Common Module Content: • • • • • Auto-reconfiguration BPPx Processor Processor LEDs Power Management ID Line PPRA Emergency Turbine Protection GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 185 Non-Public Information • • • • Connectors A DC-62 pin connector on the underside of the PPRA I/O pack connects directly to the terminal board. The connector contains the signals needed to sense inputs and operate a trip terminal board. An RJ-45 Ethernet connector named ENET1 on the side of the pack is the primary IONET-EGD connection. A second RJ-45 Ethernet connector named ENET2 on the side of the pack is the redundant or IONET-EGD connection used on dual network configurations. A 3-pin power connector on the side of the pack is for 28 V dc power for the pack and terminal board. Note The TREA trip terminal board plus WREA features contact trip inputs. The power for those contacts is provided through a separate terminal board connector, not from the 28 V dc power source. Application Hardware The PPRA I/O pack has an internal application specific circuit board that contains the hardware needed for the emergency trip function. The application board connects between the processor and the TREA terminal board and is common between PPRA and PPRO I/O packs. The application board has an option card header that connects to a PPRA-specific option card. The following diagram displays the functions of the application board. To Processor Board To Processor Board PPRA Application Specific Circuit Board In the PPRA not all of the signal conditioning is used. The option card connected to the internal header adds support for three additional pulse rate input channels and support for the speed pulse rate repeater outputs. All boards within the pack contain electronic ID parts that are read during power application. A similar part located with each terminal board connector allows the processor to confirm correct matching of the I/O pack to the terminal board and to report board revision status to the system level control. 186 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information Protective Functions The PPRA performs the following protective functions in a mix of hardware, programmable logic, and firmware. In the following diagram, standard symbols for time delay contacts have been used: In the following diagrams, a standard has been used to indicate signal origin and flow. • • • • • • • Signal names that end with (SS) are created within PPRA and the data flow is out to the controller through signal space. Signal names that end with SS are created in the controller and the data flow is into PPRA through signal space. Signal names that end with (IO) are created within PPRA and the data flow is out to the hardware. Signal names that end with IO indicate the signal is a hardware input into PPRA. Signal names that end with anything containing CFG are part of the PPRA configuration. In this case an attempt has been made to indicate what area of the PPRA configuration contains the variable. When J3 is referenced in a CFG, it refers to the connection point for the trip relay board, TREA, and the corresponding configuration values. The combination IO (SS) indicates a signal that comes from the hardware inputs to PPRA, and is then sent out to the controller as part of signal space. If there is no special ending on a signal name, then the signal is used internal to PPRA and is not part of the hardware or signal-space data movement. This signal is not available or visible to applications, but it is needed to adequately describe the I/O pack's operation. PPRA Emergency Turbine Protection GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 187 Non-Public Information Direct/Conditional Discrete Input Trip PPRA supports the four isolated discrete contact input trip signals provided on the TREA+WREA board. In the following figure, the direct / conditional determination is implemented in firmware while Contact # and L5Cont #_Trip are in hardware logic. When configured for direct trip, the firmware is not in the trip path. When configured for conditional trip, the firmware determines the communication health (displayed as network_keepalive) and populates the programmable logic with the conditional signal from signal space. If the controller communication is lost, the default will permit any conditional trip. Note The contact inputs include an 8 ms contact de-bounce filter to protect against false trips. A Network_ keepalive L3SS_Comm, (SS) Inhbt #_Fdbk , (SS) Trip_Mode, CFG (J3,Contact #) Direct , CNST Conditional, CNST Contact #, (IO) Cont #_ TrEnab Trip #_EnCon L5Cont #_Trip, (SS) L3SS_ Comm, (SS) B 3 Trip #_Inhbt, SS A >= B A A=B B A A =B B Cont #_ TrEnab,(SS) Trip #_EnCon,(SS) L5 Cont #_Trip, (SS) Inhbt #_Fdbk, SS CONTACT # TRIP L86MR, SS Note: The contact circuit in this diagram is duplicated4 times. To obtain the correct signal name, replace the symbol # with the numbers 1-4. Signal names without# appear only once for all 4 circuits (L3SS_COMM, L86MR). PPRA Contact Input Trips 188 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information The resulting contact trip signals are combined into a single contact trip summary, L5Cont_Trip. Contact Input Trip Signal Concentration Trip Input PPRA monitors a trip input signal that is present on the TREA board and uses it to cross trip the main control in the event the trip input is activated. It is also used within the pack logic as part of the trip relay output command. The relays are not required to close if the trip input signal is present. The main control counterpart is also present. If the main control votes to trip, it can also cross-trip the corresponding PPRA. HwTripin, IO J3 = TREA EstopEnab , CFG J3 = TREA KESTOP1_Fdbk , (SS) KESTOP1_Fdbk , (SS) EstopEnab , CFG L5ESTOP1, (SS) TRIP L5ESTOP1, (SS) L86MR, SS Contact Input Trip Input Note There are several inversions in the hardware signal path, but the end result is that KESTOP#_Fdbk is only a 1 when E-Stop is energized. Therefore, 1 = OK. PPRA Emergency Turbine Protection GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 189 Non-Public Information PPRA Speed Input High Select When PRGrouping is set to ThreeGroups, PPRA speed inputs are expected to be in pairs on each shaft with up to three shafts possible (other combinations of speed inputs are not permitted). The following table displays the TREA input screw pairs for the primary (PulseRate_A) and secondary (PulseRate_B) speed signals, signal space (SS). TREA Input Screw Pair (TB#) Speed Variable High-selected value PR1H_X (43) – PR1L_X (44) PR1_Spd (SS) PulseRate1 (SS) (Shaft 1) PR4H (25) – PR4L (26) PR4_Spd (SS) PR2H_X (45) – PR2L_X (46) PR2_Spd (SS) PR5H (27) – PR5L (28) PR5_Spd (SS) PR3H_X (47) – PR3L_X (48) PR3_Spd (SS) PR6H (29) – PR6L (30) PR6_Spd (SS) PulseRate2 (SS) (Shaft 2) PulseRate3 (SS) (Shaft 3) Configuration of the speed inputs is done at the PulseRate1-3 level. PPRA then applies the PulseRate1 configuration values to both PR1_Spd and PR4_Spd. This ensures that the two inputs that go through a high select are configured the same. Paired speed inputs should be the same value during normal operation. Protection for excessive difference between the two inputs is provided. The difference is calculated and compared to a configurable threshold, Dual_DiffLimit (default 25 rpm). If the difference exceeds the threshold a diagnostic alarm is created, Dual speed sensors mismatch. PR1_Spd, IO (SS) A |A -B| PR4_Spd, IO (SS) B A Dual_DiffLimit1, CFG (PulseRate1) A>B Latched AlarmDual speed sensor mismatch B A High Select PulseRate1, IO (SS) B Shaft Speed High Select, Difference Alarm The high select diagram displays the overspeed names used for the first of three pulse rate inputs. The same figure is repeated for PulseRate2 and 3. For all variables where the number 1 displays, simply substitute a 2 or 3 for the 1 to get the signal name. Note Speed inputs are sensitive to the mV level. To avoid speed difference diagnostics, unused speed input screw pairs should be electrically tied together. 190 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information PPRA Speed Input Median Select When PRGrouping is set to TwoGroups, PPRA speed inputs are expected to be in groups of three with up to two shafts possible (other combinations of speed inputs are not permitted). The following table displays the TREA input screw sets for the speed signals, signal space (SS). TREA Input Screw Pair (TB#) Speed Variable Mid-Select value PR1H_X(43) - PR1L_X(44) PR1_Spd (SS) PulseRate1(SS) (Shaft 1) PR2H_X(45) - PR2L_X(46) PR2_Spd (SS) PR4H(25) - PR4L(26) PR4_Spd (SS) PR3H_X(47) - PR3L_X(48) PR3_Spd (SS) PR5H(27) - PR5L(28) PR5_Spd (SS) PR6H(29) - PR6L(30) PR6_Spd (SS) N/A N/A PulseRate2(SS) (Shaft 2) PulseRate3(SS) Configuration of the speed inputs is done at the PulseRate1-2 level. PPRA then applies the PulseRate1 configuration values to PR1_Spd, PR2_Spd, and PR4_Spd. This ensures that the three inputs that go through the median select are configured the same. Grouped speed inputs should be the same value during normal operation. Protection for excessive difference between any two inputs in a group is provided. The difference is calculated and compared to a configurable threshold, Dual_DiffLimit (default 25 rpm). If the difference of any one speed in a group from the voted median value exceeds the threshold, a diagnostic alarm is generated (Dual speed sensors mismatch). A | A- B| PR1_Spd, IO (SS) B PR1_Spd, IO (SS) A Dual_ DiffLimit1, CFG (PulseRate1) |A- B| PR4_Spd, IO (SS) B A A PR2_Spd, IO (SS) Median B Select A >B Latched AlarmDual speed sensor mismatch PR1_Spd PR2_Spd, IO (SS) B A Dual_DiffLimit1, CFG (PulseRate1) AB Latched AlarmDual speed sensor mismatch PR2_Spd B A C |A-B | PR4_Spd, IO (SS) B A Dual_DiffLimit1, CFG (PulseRate1) AB B Latched AlarmDual speed sensor mismatch PR4_Spd PulseRate1, IO (SS) Shaft Speed Median Select, Difference Alarm PPRA Emergency Turbine Protection GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 191 Non-Public Information Firmware Overspeed Trip Firmware overspeed protection is performed on the three values that come out of the high speed select. Although the established standard for naming these three inputs is HP, IP, and LP, the three inputs are free to be applied as needed in a system design. The following pulse rate variables are displayed using a # symbol. Replace the # with 1 for HP, 2 for LP, or 3 for IP. OS1_ Setpoint,SS RPM OS _ Setpoint, CFG (J5,PulseRate #) RPM A A-B |A| A B A A>B 1 RPM B OS1_SP_ CfgEr System Alarm, if the two setpoints do not agree A MIN B OS _Stpt_PR # A A MULT A A+B B MIN B 0.04 OS_Tst_Delta, CFG (J5,PulseRate #) RPM OS _Setpoint_ PR # zero B OfflineOS # tst, SS OnlineOS # tst, SS PulseRate #, IO A OS_ Setpoint _ PR # OS#_SP_CfgEr OS1 A>=B B L5 CFG #_ Trip PR #_Zero OS# HW_ SP_ CfgEr L5 CFG #_Trip L86 MR, SS OS1_ Trip OS1 OS1_Trip Overspeed Trip L86MR,SS Firmware Overspeed Trip 192 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information Firmware Overspeed Trip functions include: • • • • Fault on overspeed threshold match failure between config and signal space values when speed is zero Pick the lower threshold from config or signal space Provide a mechanism to zero the threshold for online overspeed test Provide a mechanism to modify the threshold for offline overspeed test, bounded to limit increases to the threshold to 104% Note Use a negative OS_Tst_Delta value to reduce the threshold during testing. • Compare the threshold to the calculated speed and latch overspeed PPRA Hardware Overspeed Trip The following figure displays the overspeed names used for the first of three pulse rate input groupings. The configuration, alarms, and latched trip are performed for the pair of inputs: PR1_Spd and PR4_Spd. A detected overspeed on either PR1_ Spd or PR4_Spd will latch as OS1HW_Trip. The same groupings are repeated for pairs PR2_Spd, PR5_Spd, and PR3_Spd, PR6_Spd. The pulse rate variables are displayed using a # symbol. Replace the # with 1 for HP, 2 for LP, or 3 for IP. OSHW_ Setpoint #, SS A |A- B| Generate an alarm if the hardware is different than the firmware trip A OSHW _ Setpoint ,CFG OS # HW_ SP_ CfgEr ( SS) B A> B (PulseRate #) 1RPM OS_ Setpoint HW Value B Generate an alarm if the hardware setpoint changes after power - on OS # HW_ SP_ Pend ( SS) A | A- B| B PulseRate #, HWIO A A> =B OS # HW B Hardware OS# HW OS # HW _Trip Overspeed Trip ( SS ) OS # HW _Trip, ( SS) L 86MRX Speed#Updating Hardware Overspeed Trip, HP Shaft Note Refer to the section, Shaft Speed Accel, Decel, and Zero for the definition of Speed#Updating PPRA Emergency Turbine Protection GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 193 Non-Public Information Hardware Overspeed Trip functions include: • • • • • • • Load the independent hardware overspeed set point only when the PPRA pack re-boots or has power cycled Generate an alarm when the hardware config set point is >1 Hz different from the value passed through signal space from the application configuration Generate an alarm and signal space Boolean logic change when the setpoint in config fails to match the value stored in the hardware Implement speed calculation and the trip logic entirely inside programmable logic Overspeed response time will be < 20 ms at trip speed Hardware overspeed response in less than three rotations of the shaft (typically less than 60 ms at normal operating speeds) Hardware overspeed is implemented for each of the six speed inputs. The configuration and trip indication is done using the same groupings identified for firmware overspeed For a PRGrouping of TwoGroups, the configuration, alarms, and latched trip are performed for the group of inputs: PR1_Spd, PR2_Spd, and PR4_Spd. A detected overspeed on either PR1_Spd, PR2_Spd, or PR4_Spd will latch as OS1HW_Trip. The same figure is repeated for the second grouping of PR3_Spd, PR5_Spd, and PR6_Spd. In the signal name for all variables, the number 1 can replaced by a 2, as applicable. Note There is no separate enable or disable signal for this Overspeed protection. The disable signal is created by setting a high overspeed point value. The calculated speed will never reach the value needed to trigger OS1HW. The actual hardware implementation depends on two configuration items: • • OSHW_Setpoint specifies the overspeed trip level in RPM PRScale determines the number of speed sensor pulses per revolution used to convert pulse rate into RPM for both hardware and firmware overspeed value The hardware implementation requires two adjacent revolutions exceeding the OSHW _Setpoint to trip the system. When a trip is present, the setting of OSHW _Setpoint is reduced by a small amount in the hardware to provide a clean trip signal. Because there are set limits to the time integration used in the hardware detector, the minimum RPM setting for the OSHW _Setpoint is approximately four RPM. 194 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information LP Shaft Locked Detection There is another protection function in addition to the overspeed protection displayed on the preceding page. It generates a signal in the event the first pulse rate signal is above minimum speed, and the second pulse rate signal is still at zero. PR1_MIN PR2_Zero, (SS) LockRotorByp , SS LPShaftLock , (SS) LPShaftLock , (SS) L86MR, SS E-Stop The I/O pack monitors the E-Stop trip signal that is present on the TREG or TREA terminal boards and uses it to cross trip the main control in the event E-Stop is invoked. It is also used within the pack logic as part of the trip relay output command. The relays are not required to close if the E-Stop signal is present. The main control counterpart is also present. If the main control votes to trip, it can also cross-trip the corresponding I/O pack. J3= TREA TRIPENAB, CFG KESTOP1_ Fdbk , ( SS) Hw Estop1 , IO J3= TREG L5 ESTOP1 , (SS) KESTOP1_ Fdbk , ( SS) ESTOP1 TRIP L5 ESTOP1 , (SS) L86MR , SS Contact Input E-Stop Note There are several inversions in the hardware signal path, but the end result is that KESTOP#_Fdbk is only a 1 when E-Stop is energized. Therefore, 1 = OK. The TREL and TRES terminal boards do not have E-Stop capability because it is on the primary trip boards TRPL and TRPS. PPRA Emergency Turbine Protection GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 195 Non-Public Information Speed Difference Detection There should never be a reason why the speed calculated by the I/O pack is significantly different from the speed calculated by the main control. Speed difference detection looks at the difference in magnitude between pulse rate 1 from both the pack and the main control. If the difference is greater than the set threshold for three successive samples, a SpeedDifTrip is latched. If the main control recovers for 60 seconds, the trip is removed. This allows the main control to recover with subsequent re-arming of the backup protection. IO Frame Rate Speed 1 , SS PulseRate1 (RPM) , IO A |A - B | B -0 Z A -1 Z B (A & B & C) -2 Z C A A >B OS_Diff, CFG (%) Rated RPM_TA, * B CFG (RPM) 100 Speed 1_ Diff PulseRate 1 ( Hz) , IO A Shaft Turning A >B 75 Hz B 1 Second Delay SpeedDifEn , Card CFG SpeedDiff _ Trip Speed 1_ Diff SpeedDiff _ Trip Enable Enable L 86 MR , SS Speed 1_ Diff Close immediately , 60 sec delay on opening Speed Difference Trip When configured for dual controller, additional logic is added so that separate speed inputs from the two controllers come into the I/O pack. This trip logic acts as if both controllers have a speed error, but continues to run if one controller has a valid speed signal. 196 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information Maximum Speed Hold The I/O pack provides a maximum speed hold function that resets when: • • Using the command PR_Max_RST (from signal space) PR1_Zero changes to false when the shaft first starts turning Output values are PR1_Max, PR2_Max, and PR3_Max. These signals are used to determine the maximum speed obtained while running or after stopping a turbine. Overspeed Test Logic, Steam Turbine The signal OnLineOS1Tst is used for PulseRate1, OnLineOS2Tst is used for PulseRate2, and OnLineOS3Tst is used for PulseRate3. In the following figure, there is another signal, Online OS1X, which initiates an online overspeed test for PulseRate1. This signal also creates a 1.5 second reset pulse when removed. Online Overspeed Test Logic Speed State Boolean Values The I/O pack has detection for zero speed from a set point with 1 RPM hysteresis. The I/O pack calculates a minimum speed signal from a set point. The rate of change of speed from a set point is calculated resulting in a selectable acceleration trip. A deceleration trip is then determined from a fixed 100% / second rate. PPRA Emergency Turbine Protection GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 197 Non-Public Information Shaft Speed Accel, Decel and Zero The I/O pack has detection for zero speed from a set point with 1 RPM hysteresis. The I/O pack calculates a minimum speed signal from a set point. The rate of change of speed from a set point is calculated, resulting in a selectable acceleration trip. A deceleration trip is then determined from a fixed 100% / second rate. The acceleration for a given pulse rate (PR#_Accel) is calculated by computing two adjacent shaft speeds over a period of AccelCalType ms each by computing change in pulse counts, and then computing the difference in these speeds divided by AccelCalType ms to get the acceleration of the shaft. In the following figures, pulse rate variables are displayed using a # symbol. Replace the # with 1 for HP, 2 for LP, or 3 for IP. This figure is the same for PulseRate1, 2, and 3. Simply replace the 1 with a 2 or 3 to get the signal name. The contact, PR#_ Min, in the Acc1_Trip is only present for PR2 (PR2_Min) and PR3 (PR3_Min). It is not used for PR1. Speed State Boolean Values 198 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information The pulse rate inputs have special detection for loss of signal, and special filtering to remove input noise from nearly stationary shaft speeds. PulseRate #, IO Speed Wheel Pulse Detected Window Inactive Counter Based on last speed (Maximum 24 seconds ) (Pulse Rates in Hz ) Speed #Updating Shaft # Turning A Allow Accel / Decel Trip A > B 75 Hz Speed Updating Normally B 1 Second Delay 1 ** Speed # Updating † Shaft # Turning Decel #Trip Decel #Trip Loss of Pulse Rate † can only be reset when Speed #Updating becomes True (pulses are able to be seen ) or after the I/O pack is rebooted ** 1 = Normal Operation Pulse Rate Conditioning PPRA Emergency Turbine Protection GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 199 Non-Public Information Decel#Trip PulseRate# (RPM) PR#_DEC A (From GearSpeed) A B A<B -100%/SEC** S (Der) 0 %/Sec OR Speed#Updating B Shaft#Turning %/Sec PR#_ACC A AND A B A>B Acc_Setpoint, CFG (J5, PulseRate#) B Dec#_Trip, (SS) PR#_DEC Dec#_Trip L86MR,SS Acc_Trip, CFG (J5, PulseRate#) PR#_ACC PR#_MIN ** Acc#_Trip L86MR,SS Enable Acc#_TrEnab Acc#_Trip, (SS) HP, IP and LP Shaft Accel Decel Trip Logic Note: PR#_MIN is not used on ACC1_Trip. PR2_Min is used on ACC2_Trip and PR3_Min is used on ACC3_Trip. **Note: Where 100% is defined as the OS Setpoint. Shaft Speed Accel, Decel and Zero 200 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information Trip Anticipate Function Steam turbine applications provide a speed trip that uses a live set point from signal space. This overspeed trip is vigorously changed as a function of turbine load. This function does the following: • • • • • Input set point is OS1_TATrpSp from signal space. Input rated RPM is specified by RatedRPM_TA as part of the I/O pack configuration. Function test request input is TrpAntcptTst from signal space. If (OS1_TATrpSP is < 103.5% OR > 116% of RatedRPM_TA) then TA_Spd_Sp (the local set point value) = 106% of RatedRPM_TA and TA_StptLoss (Signal space) is true and alarm L30TA is declared. Otherwise, TA_Spd_Sp = OS1_ TATrpSP. If TrpAntcptTst is true, decrease the current value of TA_Spd_Sp by 1RPM / second. Set the minimum value of RatedRPM_TA to 94%. If TrpAntcptTst is false, the value of TA_Spd_Sp from above is immediately used. If PulseRate1 (Speed input 1 from the pulse rate input) > TA_Spd_Sp the internal value Trp_Anticptr is set properly. If the I/O pack is configured for steam turbine application (internal value SteamTurbOnly), then TA_Trip (signal space) equals the value of Trp_Anticptr. Note The I/O pack mounted on a TREA does not toggle the relays for trip anticipate function. PPRA Emergency Turbine Protection GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 201 Non-Public Information Solenoid Voltage / Power Sense The I/O pack provides three comparator voltage inputs used to monitor solenoid power or solenoid voltage depending on the trip card that is connected. SOL1_Vfdbk (SS), SOL2_Vfdbk (SS), and SOL3_Vfdbk (SS) are generated from the input signals. Main Control Watchdog A standard control watchdog function is provided by the I/O pack. In this function, a value from a Device Heartbeat (DEVICE_HB) block is passed from the main controller to the I/O pack each data frame. If the I/O pack stops detecting the value from the main controller, a counter is incremented and, after five data frames, leads to a trip. If the main controller recovers for 60 seconds, the trip is removed, allowing for the recovery of the main controller with subsequent re-arming of the backup protection. The recovery function is provided for typical activities such as cycling power on a controller to perform maintenance. While the controller is offline, the I/O pack associated with that controller will vote to trip. When the controller returns to operation, the I/O pack will remove the vote to trip. The watchdog offers monitoring of two main controllers in the event both Ethernet ports are connected. When configured for two controllers, having one controller active is sufficient to prevent a trip. 202 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information Stale Speed Detection The I/O pack provides an additional main control watchdog function that is based on a live speed signal. The protection works as follows: If the pack PulseRate1 is determined to be zero speed the protection is turned off. If above zero speed, the pack looks at the value of Speed1 from the main control. If the most recent Speed1 value exactly matches the Speed1 value from the last data frame then a counter is incremented. If the counter reaches a threshold then a stale speed trip is declared and latched. If speeds are different the counter is cleared. Although Speed_1, SS is available as a connected variable, it should not be forced. It can cause the protection to trip the system if enabled. Attention This protection is based on the knowledge that a live speed signal always dithers or moves some small amount. If the speed values being read by PPRO from the controller are not changing (dithering), there is loss of speed signal integrity from the controller. If the main control recovers for 60 seconds, the trip is removed allowing for the recovery of the main control with subsequent re-arming of the backup protection. The protection offers monitoring of two main controls in the event both Ethernet ports are connected. When configured for two controls, having one control satisfy the test is sufficient to prevent a trip. PPRA Emergency Turbine Protection GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 203 Non-Public Information Main Control Ethernet Monitor The main control provides time synchronization across the distributed control elements. The time synchronization is tied tightly into the time at which traffic occurs on a given controller's IONet. The I/O pack provides monitoring of this service to ensure it is working correctly. Gross errors in time synchronization are detected by the pack through a number of different means, and if problems persist, the I/O pack will vote to trip. Once the trip is latched, if the problem goes away for 60 seconds the trip shall be reset (this assumes the control recovers from the problem and is back on line). The monitor will offer monitoring of two main controls in the event both Ethernet ports are connected. When configured for two controls, having one control sequencing correctly is sufficient to prevent a trip. In the following diagram, the detection has been simplified to display monitoring of an Ethernet frame number as the means for determining a problem is present. Sync Frame Count Monitor Trip Signal Logic The different trip signals are combined into a composite signal that is used in the relay output logic. The following figure specifies how the signals are combined. This function is partitioned between firmware and programmable logic. The path to trip through hardware overspeed is done completely in hardware so that a firmware malfunction cannot defeat the protection. The same is true of the contact input trip signals when they are configured for direct trip. There are differences between steam turbine protection and other protection. A composite signal SteamTurbOnly is created for ease of use: LargeSteam ** MediumSteam ** SmallSteam ** ** A number of contacts depend on the value of Turbine _Type, CFG. SteamTurbOnly Steam Turbine Trip Signals 204 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information Dec1_Trip OS1_Trip PulseRate1 Trips Acc1_Trip L5CFG1_Trip Dec2_Trip OS2_Trip 1 GT_2Shaft PulseRate2 Trips Acc2_Trip L5CFG2_Trip LM_2Shaft1 1 LPShaftLock LM_3Shaft ComposTrip1, (SS) Dec3_Trip OS3_Trip PulseRate3 Trips 1 LM_3Shaftf Acc3_Trip L5CFG3_Trip L5Cont_Trip SpeedDiff_Trip System Trips Cross_Trip, SS StaleSpdTrip ContWdogTrip FrameSyncTrip Sil_Diag_Trip 2 1 LM_2Shaft 1 LM_3Shaft LMTripZEnable, CFG PR1_Zero HPZeroSpdByp SS 1 SteamTurbOnly Zero Speed Special Case L3Z Hardware Overspeed OS1HW_Trip OS2HW_Trip OS3HW_Trip 1 Notes: CFG values. 2 This trip is generated if a PulseRate signal is broken (such as in the case of no signal) and SilMode is set to enabled, or if a hardware issue is detected regardless of SilMode. There will be an accompanying diagnostic generated to designate the actual cause of the trip. Trip Combine - All Signals (SS) unless Marked PPRA Emergency Turbine Protection GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 205 Non-Public Information Watchdog Trip Function Hardware in the I/O pack monitors local firmware operation, providing a watchdog trip function if the firmware malfunctions. The operation of this watchdog does not display in the normal sequencing figures. The I/O pack hardware is designed to be in a fail-safe or trip mode if it is not properly configured and operating. This means that with power off, while starting up, when in a hardware reset, or otherwise not online, the I/O pack will vote to trip. If the I/O pack watchdog acts, it resets the hardware thereby generating a vote to trip. The processor board used inside the I/O pack has hardware features that allow it to differentiate between a reset caused by the watchdog hardware and a reset caused by cycling of power. This information is available from the pack after it restarts. In the event that an I/O pack votes to trip due to a reset, it is then possible to determine if a watchdog reset or a cycling of control power caused the event. Trip Relay Outputs PPRA provides drivers for three emergency trip relay commands, and provides monitoring for three status feedback signals. Trip is a combination of firmware trip and direct trip implemented in programmable logic. In FPGA TestETR 1 SS ComposTrip1 ETR1_Enab L5ESTOP1(SS) (SS) CFG, K1_Fdbk ETR1 (IO) Trip Relay, Energize to Run, TA_TRIP_ENABL1** CFG (PPRA) In FPGA TestETR 2 SS ComposTrip1 ETR2_Enab L5ESTOP1(SS) (SS) CFG, K2_Fdbk ETR2 (IO) Trip Relay, Energize to Run, TA_TRIP_ENABL2** CFG (PPRA) L97EOST_ONLZ In FPGA ComposTrip1 (SS) TestETR 3 ETR3_Enab L5ESTOP1(SS) SS CFG, K3_Fdbk ETR3 (IO) Trip Relay, Energize to Run, TA_TRIP_ENABL3** CFG (PPRA) Note ** Parameter set to Disable and is not configurable. Trip and Economizing Relay Outputs 206 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 6.1.4 Specifications Item PPRA Specification Speed input quantity Six input signals provided Speed input range Pulse rate frequency range 2 Hz to 20 kHz Speed input accuracy Pulse rate accuracy 0.05% of reading Speed input sensitivity Required peak-peak (p-p) voltage rises as a function of frequency: 2 Hz requires 28 mV p-p 20 kHz requires 300 mV p-p Speed input sensitivity is such that turning gear speed may be observed on a typical turbine application. Frame Rate 100 Hz maximum Size 8.26 cm High x 4.19 cm Wide x 12.1 cm Deep (3.25 in x 1.65 in x 4.78 in) Technology Surface-mount † Ambient rating for enclosure design PPRAS1B is rated from -40 to 70ºC (-40 to 158 ºF) PPRAS1A and PPRAH1A are rated from -30 to 65ºC (-22 to 149 ºF) Note † For further details, refer to the Mark VIe and Mark VIeS Control Systems System Guide, Volume I (GEH-6721_Vol_ I), the chapter Technical Regulations, Standards, and Environments. 6.1.5 Diagnostics The I/O pack performs the following self-diagnostic tests: • • • • • A power-up self-test that includes checks of RAM, flash memory, Ethernet ports, and most of the processor board hardware Continuous monitoring of the internal power supplies for correct operation A check of the analog feedback currents A comparison between the commanded state of each relay drive and the feedback from the commanded output circuit A check of the electronic ID information from the terminal board, acquisition board, and processor board to confirm that the hardware set matches, followed by a check that the application code loaded from flash memory is correct for the hardware set. A failed power-up self-test is indicated by solid red lighting of the power and attention LEDs. Failure to verify the electronic ID will result in a communication failure. Failures of the other tests will result in a generated diagnostic alarm. Details of the individual diagnostics are available from the ToolboxST application. The diagnostic signals can be individually latched, and then reset with the RSTDIAG if they become inactive. PPRA Emergency Turbine Protection GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 207 Non-Public Information PPRA Trip Status Six additional LEDs located on the left side of the faceplate are used for trip status. All six LEDs stay off until all hardware application is complete. The LEDs indicate trip status of the PPRA as follows: RUN is green any time the I/O pack has energized the emergency trip relays. RUN turns red any time the I/O pack has removed power from the emergency trip relays, voting to trip. ESTP is green when the E-STOP input (if applicable) is in the run state. ESTP turns red any time E-STOP is invoked to prevent pick up of the emergency trip relays. If the chosen trip terminal board doesn't support E-STOP then the LED defaults to green. OSPD turns red any time the I/O pack votes to trip in response to a detected overspeed condition on any of the three speed inputs. OSPD is green when an overspeed condition is not present or latched. WDOG turns red when any of the following PPRA trip functions are enabled and active: • • • • Control Watch dog Speed Difference Detection Stale Speed Detection Frame Sync Monitor WDOG turns green to indicate that the trip status of any of these features has been cleared. SIL is green when configured for SIL 2 or SIL 3 safety functionality. When configured for SIL 3 if an internal fault is detected, it turns red. PPRAS1A and S1B with TREAS1A and WREAS1A are required for SIL functionality. Note The SIL and KREA LEDs are only labeled on the PPRAS1A, but are also present on the H1A version. KREA is green when power is detected on the KREA sub-module in the I/O pack. During normal PPRA operation, all six application LEDs display green. An additional feature, rotating LEDs, can be configured for the PPRA. Using this feature, only one LED is turned on at a time and walked up and down the six LEDs creating a synchronized motion. The walking is regulated by the controller IONet and synchronized across a set of three I/O packs. This provides a quick visual indication of the system time synchronization status. 208 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 6.1.6 Configuration The following subsections (Parameters, Pulse Rate, Contacts, E-Stop, ETR Relays, Variables, and so forth) define the choices within the tabs of the ToolboxST configuration. Parameters Parameter Description Choices TurbineType Turbine Type and Trip Solenoid Configuration Unused, GT_1Shaft, LM_ 3Shaft, MediumSteam, SmallSteam,GT_2Shaft, Stag_ GT_1Sh,Stag_GT_2Sh, LM_ 2Shaft LMTripZEnabl On LM machine, when no PR on Z,Enable a vote for Trip Disable, Enable SpeedDifEn Enable Trip on Speed Difference between Controller and PPRA Disable, Enable StaleSpdEn Enable Trip on Speed from Controller Freezing Disable, Enable RotateLeds Rotate the Status LEDs if all status are OK Disable, Enable LedDiags Disable, Enable LedDiags is Disabled by default. Attention When enabled, generates a diagnostic alarm when Trip LEDs are lit. Refer to the section, Diagnostics, PPRA Trip Status for more information on LED operation. SilMode Perform additional SIL diagnostic and trip checks Not_SIL, SIL_2,SIL_3 PRGrouping Whether the six speed inputs are grouped as 3 groups of two (three shafts) or 2 groups of three (two shafts) ThreeGroups, TwoGroups RatedRPM_TA Rated RPM, used for Trip Anticipater and for Speed Diff Protection 0 to 20,000 AccelCalTime Select Acceleration Calculation Time (milliseconds) 10 to 100 OS_Diff Absolute Speed Difference in Percent For Trip Threshold 0 to 10 HwSpdDiff Sensitivity How quickly a trip is caused when the speed differs within a group Normal, High, Low PPRA Emergency Turbine Protection GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 209 Non-Public Information Pulse Rate Parameter Description Choices PRType Selects the type of Pulse Rate Input, (For Proper Resolution) Unused, Speed, Flow, Speed_LM, Speed_High PRScale Pulses per Revolution (outputs RPM) 0 to 1,000 OSHW_Setpoint Hardware Overspeed Trip Setpoint in RPM 0 to 20,000 OS_Setpoint Overspeed Trip Setpoint in RPM 0 to 20,000 OS_Tst_Delta Off Line Overspeed Test Setpoint Delta in RPM -2,000 to 2,000 Zero_Speed Zero Speed for this Shaft in RPM (1 RPM hysteresis), 0 RPM sets PR#_Zero always false 0 to 20,000 Min_Speed Min Speed for this Shaft in RPM 0 to 20,000 Accel_Trip Enable Acceleration Trip Disable, Enable Acc_Setpoint Acceleration Trip Setpoint in RPM / Sec 0 to 20,000 TMR_DiffLimt Diag Limit,TMR Input Vote Difference, in Eng Units 0 to 20,000 Dual_DiffLimit Diag Limit,Dual speed sensor, in Eng Units 0 to 20,000 Contacts Parameter Description Choices ContactInput ContactInput Used, Unused SeqOfEvents Record Contact transitions in Sequence of Events Enable, Disable DiagVoteEnab Enable Voting Disagreement Diagnostic Enable, Disable TripMode TripMode Enable, Disable E-Stop (Used on TREA) Parameter Description Choices EstopEnab Enable E-Stop Detection on TREA Enable, Disable DiagVoteEnab Enable Voting Disagreement Diagnostic Enable, Disable Parameter Description Choices RelayOutput Relay Signal Used, Unused DiagVoteEnab Enable Voting Disagreement Diagnostic Enable, Disable DiagSolEnab Enable Solenoid Voltage Diagnostic Enable, Disable 210 ETR Relays GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information Variables PPRA Variable Description Direction Type L3DIAG_PPRA_R,_S, and _T I/O Diagnostic Indication Input BOOL LINK_OK_PPRA_R,_S, and _T I/O Link Okay Indication Input BOOL ATTN_PPRA_R,_S, and _T I/O Attention Indication Input BOOL PS18V_PPRA_R,_S, and _T I/O 18 V Power Supply Indication Input BOOL PS28V_PPRA_R,_S, and _T I/O 28 V Power Supply Indication Input BOOL IOPackTmpr_R,_S, and _T I/O Pack Temperature (deg °F) AnalogInput REAL K1FLT K1 Shorted Contact Fault Input BOOL K2FLT K2 Shorted Contact Fault Input BOOL K3FLT K3 Shorted Contact Fault Input BOOL Repeater_flt1 RS-232 Speed repeater fault for PR4_Spd Input BOOL Repeater_flt2 RS-232 Speed repeater fault for PR5_Spd Input BOOL Repeater_flt3 RS-232 Speed repeater fault for PR6_Spd Input BOOL SilModErr Sil Mode Configuration modification after going On Line Input BOOL EstopModErr E-Stop Configuration modification after going On Line Input BOOL TA_StptLoss L30TA Input BOOL GT_1Shaft Config – Gas Turb,1 Shaft Enabled Input BOOL GT_2Shaft Config – Gas Turb,2 Shaft Enabled Input BOOL LM_2Shaft Config – LM Turb,2 Shaft Enabled Input BOOL LM_3Shaft Config – LM Turb,3 Shaft Enabled Input BOOL MediumSteam Config – Medium Steam Enabled Input BOOL SmallSteam Config – Small Steam Enabled Input BOOL Stag_GT_1Sh Config – Stag 1 Shaft, Enabled Input BOOL Stag_GT_2Sh Config – Stag 2 Shaft, Enabled Input BOOL L3SS_Comm Communication Status - OK = True Input BOOL LokdRotorByp LL97LR_BYP - Locked Rotor Bypass Output BOOL HPZeroSpdByp L97ZSC_BYP - HP Zero Speed Check Bypass Output BOOL Speed1 Shaft Speed 1 in RPM AnalogOutput REAL ContWdog Controller Watchdog Counter Output DINT PPRA Emergency Turbine Protection GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 211 Non-Public Information Variables Contacts Variable Contact Variable Description Direction Type Contact1 Contact Input 1 Input BOOL Contact2 Contact Input 2 Input BOOL Contact3 Contact Input 3 Input BOOL Contact4 Contact Input 4 Input BOOL Variables E-Stop Variable Description Direction Type KESTOP1_Fdbk ESTOP1,inverse sense,True = Run Input BOOL Variables ETR Relays Variable Description Direction Type K1_Fdbk L4ETR1_FB, Trip Relay 1 Feedback Input BOOL K2_Fdbk L4ETR2_FB, Trip Relay 2 Feedback Input BOOL K3_Fdbk L4ETR3_FB, Trip Relay 3 Feedback Input BOOL Variables Fanned-PR Variable Description Direction Type Fan_Spd_Fbk Fanned Speed Signal Feedback: Fanned = Jumpers Closed Input BOOL Variables Pulse Rate Variable Description Direction Type PulseRate1 HP speed AnalogInput REAL PulseRate2 LP speed AnalogInput REAL PulseRate3 IP speed AnalogInput REAL 212 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information Variables Vars-CI Variable Description Direction Type Cont1_TrEnab Config – Contact 1 Trip Enabled – Direct Input BOOL Cont2_TrEnab Config – Contact 2 Trip Enabled – Direct Input BOOL Cont3_TrEnab Config – Contact 3 Trip Enabled – Direct Input BOOL Cont4_TrEnab Config – Contact 4 Trip Enabled – Direct Input BOOL Inhbt1_Fdbk Trip Inhibit Signal Feedback for Contact 1 Input BOOL Inhbt2_Fdbk Trip Inhibit Signal Feedback for Contact 2 Input BOOL Inhbt3_Fdbk Trip Inhibit Signal Feedback for Contact 3 Input BOOL Inhbt4_Fdbk Trip Inhibit Signal Feedback for Contact 4 Input BOOL Trip1_EnCon Contact 1 Trip Enabled – Conditional Input BOOL Trip2_EnCon Contact 2 Trip Enabled – Conditional Input BOOL Trip3_EnCon Contact 3 Trip Enabled – Conditional Input BOOL Trip4_EnCon Contact 4 Trip Enabled – Conditional Input BOOL Trip1_Inhbt Contact 1 Trip Inhibit Output BOOL Trip2_Inhbt Contact 2 Trip Inhibit Output BOOL Trip3_Inhbt Contact 3 Trip Inhibit Output BOOL Trip4_Inhbt Contact 4 Trip Inhibit Output BOOL Variables Vars-Relay Variable Description Direction Type K1_FdbkNV_R, S, T Non Voted L4ETR1_FB, Trip Relay 1 Feedback Input BOOL K2_FdbkNV_R, S, T Non Voted L4ETR2_FB, Trip Relay 2 Feedback Input BOOL K3_FdbkNV_R, S, T Non Voted L4ETR3_FB, Trip Relay 3 Feedback Input BOOL ETR1_Enab Config – ETR1 Relay Enabled Input BOOL ETR2_Enab Config – ETR2 Relay Enabled Input BOOL ETR3_Enab Config – ETR3 Relay Enabled Input BOOL PTR1 L20PTR1 - Primary Trip Relay CMD versus Voltage - a Mismatch Diagnostic Monitor Output BOOL PTR2 L20PTR2 - Primary Trip Relay CMD versus Voltage - a Mismatch Diagnostic Monitor Output BOOL PTR3 L20PTR3 - Primary Trip Relay CMD versus Voltage - a Mismatch Diagnostic Monitor Output BOOL TestETR1 L97ETR1 - ETR1 test, True de-energizes relay Output BOOL TestETR2 L97ETR2 - ETR2 test, True de-energizes relay Output BOOL TestETR3 L97ETR3 - ETR3 test, True de-energizes relay Output BOOL PPRA Emergency Turbine Protection GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 213 Non-Public Information Variables Vars-Speed Variable Vars-Speed Variable Description Direction Type Acc1_TrEnab Config – Accel 1 Trip Enabled Input BOOL Acc2_TrEnab Config – Accel 2 Trip Enabled Input BOOL Acc3_TrEnab Config – Accel 3 Trip Enabled Input BOOL OS1HW_SP_Pend Hardware HP overspeed setpoint changed after power up Input BOOL OS2HW_SP_Pend Hardware LP overspeed setpoint changed after power up Input BOOL OS3HW_SP_Pend Hardware IP overspeed setpoint changed after power up Input BOOL OS1HW_SP_CfgErr Hardware HP Overspd Setpoint Config Mismatch Error Input BOOL OS2HW_SP_CfgErr Hardware LP Overspd Setpoint Config Mismatch Error Input BOOL OS3HW_SP_CfgErr Hardware IP Overspd Setpoint Config Mismatch Error Input BOOL OS1_SP_CfgEr HP Overspd Setpoint Config Mismatch Error Input BOOL OS2_SP_CfgEr LP Overspd Setpoint Config Mismatch Error Input BOOL OS3_SP_CfgEr IP Overspd Setpoint Config Mismatch Error Input BOOL PR1_Accel HP Accel in RPM/SEC AnalogInput REAL PR2_Accel LP Accel in RPM/SEC AnalogInput REAL PR3_Accel IP Accel in RPM/SEC AnalogInput REAL PR1_Max HP Max Speed since last Zero Speed in RPM AnalogInput REAL PR2_Max LP Max Speed since last Zero Speed in RPM AnalogInput REAL PR3_Max IP Max Speed since last Zero Speed in RPM AnalogInput REAL PR1_Spd PR1 - Speed sensor 1 (1A if three or two groups, see PRGrouping parameter) AnalogInput REAL PR2_Spd PR2 - Speed sensor 2 (2A if three groups, 1B if two groups, see PRGrouping parameter) AnalogInput REAL PR3_Spd PR3 - Speed sensor 3 (3A if three groups, 2A if two groups, see PRGrouping parameter) AnalogInput REAL PR4_Spd PR4 - Speed sensor 4 (1B if three groups, 1C if two groups, see PRGrouping parameter) AnalogInput REAL PR5_Spd PR5 - Speed sensor 5 (2B if three or two groups, see PRGrouping parameter) AnalogInput REAL PR6_Spd PR6 - Speed sensor 6 (3B if three groups, 2C if two groups, see PRGrouping parameter) AnalogInput REAL OnLineOS1Tst L97HP_TST1 - On Line HP Overspeed Test Output BOOL OnLineOS2Tst L97LP_TST1 - On Line LP Overspeed Test Output BOOL OnLineOS3Tst L97IP_TST1 - On Line IP Overspeed Test Output BOOL OffLineOS1Tst L97HP_TST2 - Off Line HP Overspeed Test Output BOOL OffLineOS2Tst L97LP_TST2 - Off Line LP Overspeed Test Output BOOL 214 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information Variable Vars-Speed Variable Description Direction Type OffLineOS3Tst L97IP_TST2 - Off Line IP Overspeed Test Output BOOL PR_Max_Rst Max Speed Reset Output BOOL OnLineOS1X L43EOST_ONL - On Line HP Overspeed Test,with auto reset Output BOOL OS1_Setpoint HP Overspeed Setpoint in RPM AnalogOutput REAL OS2_Setpoint LP Overspeed Setpoint in RPM AnalogOutput REAL OS3_Setpoint IP Overspeed Setpoint in RPM AnalogOutput REAL OS1_TATrpSp PR1 Overspeed Trip Setpoint in RPM for Trip Anticipate Fn AnalogOutput REAL OSHW_Setpoint1 HP Overspeed Setpoint in RPM AnalogOutput REAL OSHW_Setpoint2 LP Overspeed Setpoint in RPM AnalogOutput REAL OSHW_Setpoint3 IP Overspeed Setpoint in RPM AnalogOutput REAL Variables Vars-Trip Variable Vars-Trip Variable Description Direction Type ComposTrip1 Composite Trip 1 Input BOOL WatchDog_Trip Enhanced diag - Watch Dog trip Input BOOL StaleSpeed_Trip Enhanced diag - Stale Speed trip Input BOOL SpeedDiff_Trip Enhanced diag - Speed Difference trip Input BOOL FrameMon_Flt Enhanced diag - Frame Monitor Fault Input BOOL Sil_Diag_Trip SIL Diagnostic Trip Input BOOL PR1_Zero L14HP_ZE - HP shaft at zero speed Input BOOL PR2_Zero L14LP_ZE - LP shaft at zero speed Input BOOL PR3_Zero L14IP_ZE - IP shaft at zero speed Input BOOL OS1_Trip L12HP_TP - HP overspeed trip Input BOOL OS2_Trip L12LP_TP - LP overspeed trip Input BOOL OS3_Trip L12IP_TP - IP overspeed trip Input BOOL Dec1_Trip L12HP_DEC - HP de-acceleration trip Input BOOL Input BOOL Input BOOL Input BOOL Can only be reset when pulses are able to be seen on speed input or after the I/O pack is rebooted. Dec2_Trip L12LP_DEC - LP de-acceleration trip Can only be reset when pulses are able to be seen on speed input or after the I/O pack is rebooted. Dec3_Trip L12IP_DEC - IP de-acceleration trip Can only be reset when pulses are able to be seen on speed input or after the I/O pack is rebooted. Acc1_Trip L12HP_ACC - HP acceleration trip PPRA Emergency Turbine Protection GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 215 Non-Public Information Variable Vars-Trip Variable Description Direction Type Acc2_Trip L12LP_ACC - LP acceleration trip Input BOOL Acc3_Trip L12IP_ACC - IP acceleration trip Input BOOL DualCfgErr Dual sensor cfg mismatch - SIL 3 will trip in 1 hour Input BOOL OS1HW_Trip L12HP_HTP - HP Hardware detected overspeed trip Input BOOL OS2HW_Trip L12LP_HTP - LP Hardware detected overspeed trip Input BOOL OS3HW_Trip L12IP_HTP - IP Hardware detected overspeed trip Input BOOL HW_Spd1_diff HW speed diff PR1 detected - SIL 3 will trip in 1 hour Input BOOL HW_Spd2_diff HW speed diff PR2 detected - SIL 3 will trip in 1 hour Input BOOL HW_Spd3_diff HW speed diff PR3 detected - SIL 3 will trip in 1 hour Input BOOL L5CFG1_Trip HP Config Trip Input BOOL L5CFG2_Trip LP Config Trip Input BOOL L5CFG3_Trip IP Config Trip Input BOOL L5CFG3_Trip E-STOP1 Trip Input BOOL L5Cont1_Trip Contact 1 Trip Input BOOL L5Cont2_Trip Contact 2 Trip Input BOOL L5Cont3_Trip Contact 3 Trip Input BOOL L5Cont4_Trip Contact 4 Trip Input BOOL LPShaftLock LP Shaft Locked Input BOOL Cross_Trip L4Z_XTRP - Control Cross Trip Output BOOL Variables VSen Variable Description Direction Type VSen1 Voltage Sensor 1 Feedback Input BOOL VSen2 Voltage Sensor 2 Feedback Input BOOL VSen3 Voltage Sensor 3 - Power Monitor Feedback Input BOOL 216 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 6.2 PPRA Specific Alarms The following alarms are specific to the PPRA I/O pack. 40 Description Contact Excitation Voltage Test Failure Possible Cause Voltage for the contact inputs on the trip board is not within published limits. Solution Check source of contact excitation voltage applied to trip board. 50 Description Main Terminal Board Mismatch Possible Cause • • The terminal board that was selected in the ToolboxST configuration does not match the actual board found by the PPRA. The WREA daughterboard has not been attached to the TREA. Solution • • • Change the ToolboxST configuration to use the correct board. Replace the terminal board to match the board selected in the ToolboxST configuration. Verify that the WREA is seated correctly on the TREA. 51 Description TREA board mismatch - remain offline Possible Cause The TREA hardware grouping is not compatible with the Sil Capable IS200PPRAS1A I/O pack. The PPRA will not go online in this state. Solution • • Verify that you are using a IS220PPRAS1A module attached to a TREA SxA/WREA SxA terminal board. Either use a SIL capable terminal board or replace the PPRA with an IS200PPRAH1A. PPRA Emergency Turbine Protection GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 217 Non-Public Information 52 Description Grouped speed inputs require fanned speed input jumpers to be in place Possible Cause The JP1 and JP2 jumpers are not set to fan the speed signals to all three packs. This is required for grouped speed inputs. Solution Remove the WREA daughterboard, and set the jumpers to the correct position. 53 Description WREA - Repeater status fault 1/4 Possible Cause The speed repeater output does not match the input speed signal. • • • One of the speed sensors is not connected. The pins on the cable are shorted. The RS-232/RS-485 chip is not functioning. Solution • • • Verify the pins and connections on the cable. Verify the connection of both speed sensors. Replace the WREA daughterboard. 54 Description WREA - Repeater status fault 2/5 Possible Cause The speed repeater output does not match the input speed signal. • • • One of the speed sensors is not connected. The pins on the cable are shorted. The RS-232/RS-485 chip is not functioning. Solution • • • 218 Verify the pins and connections on the cable. Verify the connection of both speed sensors. Replace the WREA daughterboard. GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 55 Description WREA - Repeater status fault 3/6 Possible Cause The speed repeater output does not match the input speed signal. • • • One of the speed sensors is not connected. The pins on the cable are shorted. The RS-232/RS-485 chip is not functioning. Solution • • • Verify the pins and connections on the cable. Verify the connection of both speed sensors. Replace the WREA daughterboard. 56 Description Dual speed sensors mismatch: PR 1=[ ], PR 4=[ ] Possible Cause The dual speed sensors are reporting speeds that differ by more than the configured Dual_DiffLimit value. Solution • • Verify that the Dual_DiffLimit value is set correctly. Note that the value is given in engineering units. Verify the connection and correct operation of the speed sensors. 57 Description Dual speed sensors mismatch: PR 2=[ ], PR 5=[ ] Possible Cause The dual speed sensors are reporting speeds that differ by more than the configured Dual_DiffLimit value. Solution • • Verify that the Dual_DiffLimit value is set correctly. Note that the value is given in engineering units. Verify the connection and correct operation of the speed sensors. 58 Description Dual speed sensors mismatch: PR 3=[ ], PR 6=[ ] Possible Cause The dual speed sensors are reporting speeds that differ by more than the configured Dual_DiffLimit value. Solution • • Verify that the Dual_DiffLimit value is set correctly. Note that the value is given in engineering units. Verify the connection and correct operation of the speed sensors. PPRA Emergency Turbine Protection GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 219 Non-Public Information 59 Description Internal power supply failure - P5 power for WREA Possible Cause The PPRA internal 5 V power supply is unhealthy, causing either a faulty PPRA or TREA+WREA terminal board. Solution • • If all three PPRAs are reporting the problem, replace the TREA+WREA terminal board. If only one pack is reporting the problem, replace the PPRA. 60 Description Internal power supply failure - P15 power for WREA Possible Cause The PPRA internal 15 V power supply is unhealthy, causing either a faulty PPRA or TREA+WREA terminal board. Solution • • If all three PPRAs are reporting the problem, replace the TREA+WREA terminal board. If only one pack is reporting the problem, replace the PPRA. 61 Description Internal power supply failure - N15 power for WREA Possible Cause The PPRA internal -15 V power supply is unhealthy causing either a faulty PPRA or TREA+WREA terminal board. Solution • • If all three PPRAs are reporting the problem, replace the TREA+WREA terminal board. If only one pack is reporting the problem, replace the PPRA. 62-64 Description Hardware speed mismatch: PR[ ], PR[ ] Possible Cause The FPGA detected differences between speed sensors. SIL3 systems will be tripped in one hour. Solution • • 220 SIL 3 systems will trip the emergency trip relays one hour after this condition has been detected. Check the connection and correct the operation of the speed sensors. GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 65 Description Configuration changed after power up - running with old configuration Possible Cause The following configuration parameters may not change after going online: • • • • • • • EstopEnab SILMode PRType cannot go from/to Unused PRScale Contact Input TripMode/Used/Unused PRGrouping SpdDiffSensitivity Note This restriction is in place even if SilMode is set to Not_Sil due to hardware restrictions in the PPRA. Solution • • • Check if the listed parameters have been changed inadvertently. Refer to the error log. From the ToolboxST application, right-click IOPack and select Troubleshooting, Advanced Diagnostics, and Error Log. Set the parameters to their original state and download them to the PPRA if they have been changed inadvertently. Remove power from the I/O pack to get the hardware to accept the new values if changes are required. 66 Description PPRA is not SIL compatible - remain offline Possible Cause One or more of the PPRA(s) are not SIL compatible. The PPRA module will not go online in this condition. Solution • • Verify that the BPPB or BPPC, BPRO, KREA, TREA, and WREA are all S board revision types. Replace all H board revisions with their S board revisions. Change the SilMode parameter to Not_SIL. 69-71 Description Trip Relay (ETR) Driver [ ] does not match commanded state Possible Cause The driver output of the I/O pack for Emergency Trip Relay 1 (K1), ETR2 (K2), or ETR3 (K3) does not match the commanded state. This indicates that the I/O pack does not see the relay command going out the DC-62 connector into the expected terminating impedance on the trip board. Solution • • • Check the I/O pack connector seating on the terminal board. Check the trip board cable seating (if not TREA) and the cable integrity. Replace the cable, the trip board, the main terminal board, and the I/O pack. PPRA Emergency Turbine Protection GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 221 Non-Public Information 72-74 Description Econ Relay Driver [ ] does not match commanded state Possible Cause The driver output of the I/O pack for Economizing Relay KE1, KE2, or KE3 does not match the commanded state. This indicates that the I/O pack does not see the relay command going out the DC-62 connector into the expected terminating impedance on the trip board. Solution • • • Check the I/O pack connector seating on terminal board. Check the trip board cable seating and the cable integrity. Replace the cable, the trip board, the main terminal board, and the I/O pack. 75 Description Servo Clamp Relay Driver does not match commanded state Possible Cause The driver output of I/O pack for K4CL does not match the commanded state. This indicates that I/O pack does not see the relay command going out the DC-62 connector into the expected terminating impedance on the trip board. Solution • • • Check the I/O pack connector seating on terminal board. Check the trip board cable seating and the cable integrity. Replace the cable, the trip board, the main terminal board, and the I/O pack. 76 Description K25A Relay (synch check) Driver does not match commanded state Possible Cause The driver output of I/O pack for K25A does not match the commanded state. This indicates that I/O pack does not see the relay command going out the DC-62 connector into the expected terminating impedance on the trip board. Solution • • • 222 Check the I/O pack connector seating on terminal board. Check the trip board cable seating and the cable integrity. One at a time, replace the following: the emergency trip board cable, the trip terminal board, the terminal board hosting the I/O pack, and the I/O pack. GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 83-85 Description Trip Relay (ETR) Contact [ ] does not match commanded state Possible Cause • • Relay feedback from Emergency Trip Relay ETR1 (K1), ETR2 (K2), or ETR3 (K3) does not match the commanded state. This indicates that the relay feedback from the trip board does not agree with the commanded state. Solenoid power is not applied to the trip board. Solution • • Check the trip board relays, as well as the cable from trip board to main terminal board (if not TREA). Check that solenoid power is applied to the terminal board. 86-88 Description Econ Relay Contact [ ] does not match commanded state Possible Cause The relay feedback from Economizing Relay 1 (KE1), KE2, or KE3 does not match the commanded state. This indicates that the relay feedback from the trip board does not agree with the commanded state. Solution Check the trip board relays, as well as the cable from trip board to main terminal board. 89 Description Servo Clamp Relay Contact does not match commanded state Possible Cause The relay feedback from K4CL does not match the commanded state. This indicates that the relay feedback from the trip board does not agree with the commanded state. Solution • • • Check the I/O pack connector seating on the terminal board. Check the trip board cable seating and the cable integrity. Replace the cable, the trip board, the main terminal board, and the I/O pack. PPRA Emergency Turbine Protection GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 223 Non-Public Information 90 Description K25A Relay Coil Feedback does not match commanded state Possible Cause The relay feedback from K25A does not match the commanded state. This indicates that the relay feedback from the trip board does not agree with the commanded state. Relay feedback is taken after hardware command voting on the trip terminal board has occurred; therefore, a probable cause is that one I/O pack is not commanding the same state as the other two I/O packs. Solution • • • • Confirm that the TMR packs are commanding the same state for K25A. Check the I/O pack connector seating on the terminal board. Check the trip board cable seating and the cable integrity. One at a time, replace the following: the emergency trip board cable, the trip terminal board, the terminal board hosting the I/O pack, and the I/O pack. 97 Description Solenoid Power Source is missing Possible Cause Solenoid power monitoring provided by the trip board indicates the absence of power. Solution • • Check the source of solenoid power. Confirm that the wiring between the trip boards is correct. 99-101 Description Solenoid Voltage [ ] does not match commanded state Possible Cause • • • • The solenoid voltage associated with K1-K3 does not match the commanded state. K1-K3 are closed, but no voltage is detected on the solenoid. Solenoid voltage was removed through another means while the I/O pack expects to detect its presence. The ETR state associated with this PPRA is being out voted by the other two PPRAs. Solution • • • 224 Review the system-level trip circuit wiring and confirm the voltage should be present if the I/O pack energizes the associated trip relay. From the ToolboxST application, verify that the variables (typically L20PTR#) which drive the Primary Trip Relays (PTRs) in the PTUR are correctly assigned to the PPRO or PPRA Variables tab (PTR1, PTR2, and PTR3). Check the pre-voted values for ComposTrip1 under the Vars-Trip tab to verify that all three PPRAs have the same status. If the current PPRA differs from the others, check the pre-vote status of other variables under this tab to determine the exact cause of the composite trip, and correct the condition. GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 105 Description TREL/S, Solenoid Power, Bus A, Absent Possible Cause TRES/TREL solenoid power A is absent. Solenoid power does not match the solenoid state for longer than 40 milliseconds. Solution • • • • Check power applied to the trip board. Check the field wiring. Check the solenoid. Replace the terminal board. 106 Description TREL/S, Solenoid Power, Bus B, Absent Possible Cause TRES/TREL solenoid power B is absent. The solenoid power does not match the solenoid state for longer than 40 milliseconds. Solution • • • • Check power applied to the trip board. Check the field wiring. Check the solenoid. Replace the terminal board. 107 Description TREL/S, Solenoid Power, Bus C, Absent Possible Cause TRES/TREL solenoid power C is absent. The solenoid power does not match The solenoid state for longer than 40 milliseconds. Solution • • • • Check power applied to the trip board. Check the field wiring. Check the solenoid. Replace the terminal board. PPRA Emergency Turbine Protection GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 225 Non-Public Information 6.2.1 108 Description Control Watchdog Protection Activated Possible Cause An alarm indicates that the ContWdog variable has not changed for five consecutive frames. The alarm clears if changes are seen for 60 seconds. Solution • • Verify that the ContWdog is connected to the output of a device_hb block and that the block is located in a task which is run at frame rate. Verify that the output signal from the block is changing at least once a frame. 6.2.2 109 Description Speed Difference Protection Activated Possible Cause This alarm only occurs if the parameter SpeedDifEnable has been enabled. An alarm indicates that the difference between the output signal Speed1 and the first I/O pack pulse rate speed is larger than the percentage OS_DIFF for more than three consecutive frames. The percentage is based off of the parameter RatedRPM_TA. The alarm clears if the difference is within limits for 60 seconds for more than three consecutive frames. Solution Verify that the Speed1 signal is set up correctly in the ToolboxST and that the source of the signal reflects the primary (PTUR/YTUR) pulse rate speed. 6.2.3 110 Description Stale Speed Protection Activated Possible Cause The speed trip protection may be stale. This alarm can only occur if the parameter StaleSpdEn has been enabled. An alarm indicates that the variable Speed1 has not changed for 100 consecutive frames. The alarm clears if the speed dithers for 60 seconds. Solution Verify that the Speed1 signal is set up correctly in the ToolboxST configuration, and that the source of the signal reflects the primary (PTUR/YTUR) pulse rate speed. 6.2.4 111 Description Frame Sync Monitor Protection Activated Possible Cause This alarm indicates that the communication with the controller was lost for at least five consecutive frames after the I/O pack was online. The alarm clears if the frame synch is established for at least 60 seconds. Solution Verify that the IONet is healthy. This indicates that the I/O pack is not synchronized with the Mark VIe start-of-frame signal. 226 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 112-114 Description Overspeed [ ] firmware setpoint configuration error Possible Cause There is a firmware overspeed limit mismatch between IO signal space limit and the configuration. The current configuration file downloaded from the ToolboxST application has a different over-speed limit than the IO signal OS[ ]_Setpoint. Solution Change the output signal designated in OS[ ] _Setpoint (Vars-Speed tab) to match the configuration value OS_ Setpoint (Pulse Rate tab). 115-117 Description Overspeed [ ] hardware setpoint configuration error Possible Cause There is a hardware over-speed limit mismatch between IO signal space limit and the configuration. The current configuration file downloaded from the ToolboxST application has a different over-speed limit than the IO signal OSHW_Setpoint[ ]. Solution Change the output signal designated in OSHW_ Setpoint [ ] (Vars-Speed tab) to match the configuration value in OSHW_Setpoint (Pulse Rate tab). 118-120 Description Overspeed [ ] hardware setpoint changed after power up Possible Cause • • This alarm always occurs when Pulse Rate [ ] HWOS_Setpoint is changed and downloaded to the I/O pack after the turbine has started. It can also change if PRScale is changed to a decimal value and downloaded to the I/O pack after the turbine has started. Solution • • Confirm that the limit or scale change is correct. Restart the I/O pack to force the hardware overspeed to re-initialize the limit. 121 Description TREA - K1 solid state relay shorted Possible Cause The TREA provides voltage-based detection of relays that remain in the energized position in the six voting contacts used to provide K1. Zero voltage has been detected on one or more contacts of K1 when voltage should be present. Solution Replace the TREA. 122 Description TREA - K2 solid state relay shorted Possible Cause TREA provides voltage based detection of relays that remain in the energized position in the six voting contacts used to provide K2. Zero voltage has been deleted on one or more contacts of K2 when voltage should be present. Solution Replace the TREA. PPRA Emergency Turbine Protection GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 227 Non-Public Information 123 Description LED - Turbine RUN Permissives Lost Possible Cause The RUN LED is lit red on the I/O pack because one of the RUN permissives for the turbine has been lost. The LedDiags parameter must be set to Enable to get this alarm. Solution • • • Verify the configuration of the LedDiag parameter. From the Vars-Trip tab, identify the condition that caused the trip. The condition leading to a trip condition must be cleared, and a master reset issued. 124 Description LED - Overspeed fault detected Possible Cause The Overspeed LED is lit on the pack because of a detected Trip condition. The LedDiag parameter must be set to True to get this alarm. Solution • • Verify the configuration of the LedDiag parameter. The condition leading to a trip condition must be cleared, and a master reset issued. 125 Description LED - Estop detected Possible Cause The E-Stop LED is lit on the pack because of a detected E-Stop signal. The LedDiag parameter must be set to True to get this alarm. Solution • • Verify the configuration of the LedDiag parameter. Remove the E-Stop condition and issue a master reset. 126 Description LED - SIL3 trip pending Possible Cause The SIL trip pending LED is lit on the I/O pack because a hardware speed difference has been detected between two redundant sensors. The emergency trip relays (ETR) will fire one hour after the condition has been detected. Solution • • SIL 3 systems will fire the ETR one hour after this condition has been detected. After resolving the issue, cycle power to the I/O pack to reset this alarm. Power down the I/O pack and determine the source of the sensor discrepancy. 127 Description WREA - K3 solid state relay shorted Possible Cause WREA provides voltage based detection of "stuck-on" relays in the six voting contacts used to provide K3. Zero voltage has been deleted on one or more contacts of K3 when voltage should be present. Solution Replace the WREA. 228 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 128 Description Tripped - Missing pulse rate signal Note This diagnostic is generated from hardware detection that is only available on BPPC-based I/O packs. BPPB-based I/O packs will not detect this condition the same way. Possible Cause No speed input detected on a speed sensor due to the following reasons: • • • Broken wire Sensor malfunction Signal conditioning malfunction Solution • • Check the terminal connections for the speed sensor. Check the speed sensor gap. 129 Description Processor hardware error detected (Error Code:[ ]) Possible Cause Hardware error detected by the FPGA due to the following reasons: • • Error code 1: FPGA program changed during runtime, possibly one-time event Error code 2: clock oscillator error Note These conditions cause a trip that can only be cleared with a power cycle. Solution • • • Restart the I/O pack. Download the firmware of the I/O pack. If the problem persists, replace the I/O pack. 130 Description Invalid configuration detected Possible Cause The configuration is not supported due to the following reasons: • • • • TREA not selected TRES/L is selected QC Mode enabled Configured as a Large Steam turbine Note These conditions cause a trip that can only be cleared by changing the configuration and restarting the I/O pack. Solution Change the configuration to be valid. PPRA Emergency Turbine Protection GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 229 Non-Public Information 131-136 Description Speed sensor mismatch for PulseRate [ ]: PR[ ]_Spd [ ] Possible Cause A speed sensor is reporting speeds that differ by more than the configured Dual_DiffLimit value from the voted PulseRate value. Solution • • Verify that the Dual_DiffLimit value is set correctly (value is given in engineering units). Check the connection and correct the operation of the speed sensors. 137-143 Description Hardware speed sensor mismatch PR[ ], PR[ ] Possible Cause The FPGA detected an excessive difference between speed sensors, and the SilMode parameter is set to SIL2 or SIL3. If SilMode is set to SIL3, then the system will trip in 1 hour. Solution • • • SIL 3 systems will trip the emergency trip relays one hour after this condition has been detected. Verify the connection and correct the operation of the speed sensors. If speed sensors appear to match but diagnostic is still active, reduce speed to less than 50% of the HW_OS_Setpoint to reset the diagnostic and trip condition. 144 Description PRGrouping of two groups is not supported by this module Possible Cause The configuration has PRGrouping set to TwoGroups and is trying to run on an H1A/S1A. This configuration is not supported. Solution Change PRGrouping to ThreeGroups or change the H1A/S1A module to an H1B/S1B module. 145 Description HwSpdDiffSensitivity setting invalid for this module Possible Cause HwSpdDiffSensitivity is either Low or High. Only Normal is supported for H1A/S1A modules. Solution Either change HwSpdDiffSensitivity to Normal or change the H1A/S1A module to an H1B/S1B module. 230 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 224-239 Description Input Signal [ ] Voting Mismatch, Local=[ ], Voted=[ ] Possible Cause A problem exists with a status input between the R, S, and T I/O packs and one of the following: • • • Device Connections to the terminal board Terminal board Solution • • • • • • • Adjust the TMR threshold limit or correct the cause of the difference. Verify that the R, S, and T I/O pack configurations are equal to the ToolboxST configuration. Check the I/O pack power and the networking. Check the I/O pack mounting on terminal board. Verify the operation of the device generating the specified signal. Verify the terminal board wiring and connections. Replace the I/O pack. 1064-1255 Description Logic Signal [ ] Voting Mismatch Possible Cause A problem exists with a status input between the R, S, and T I/O packs and one of the following: • • • Device Connections to the terminal board Terminal board Solution • • • • • • Verify that the R, S, and T I/O pack configurations are equal to the ToolboxST configuration. Check the I/O pack power and the networking. Check the I/O pack mounting on the terminal board. Verify the operation of the device generating the specified signal. Verify the terminal board wiring and connections. Replace the I/O pack. PPRA Emergency Turbine Protection GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 231 Non-Public Information 6.3 TREA and WREA Turbine Emergency Trip 6.3.1 Functional Description The Aeroderivative Turbine Emergency Trip (TREA) terminal board combined with the WREA is used with PPRA I/O packs as part of the Mark* VIe control system. The inputs and outputs are as follows: • • • • • • Customer input terminals provided through two 24-point pluggable barrier terminal blocks (H1A or S1A) or 48 pluggable Euro style box-type terminal blocks (H3A or S3A). Six fanned passive pulse rate devices (up to three shafts with two sensors each) sensing a toothed wheel to measure the turbine speed. Three 24 V dc TMR voted solid-state output contacts to trip the system: − TREAH1A or H3A plus WREAH1A − TREAS1A or S3A plus WREAS1A Four 24-125 V dc voltage detection circuits for monitoring trip string. Four 24 V dc WREAH1A or WREAS1A contact inputs provide additional hardware or conditional trip inputs. Wetting power is supplied through the JH1 connector on WREA. One speed repeater output for each of the six speed inputs reproduces the speed pulse rate signals using an RS–232 or RS–422 transmitter. TREA plus WREA requires three PPRA I/O packs for correct operation. In 240 V ac applications, do not inadvertently cross-connect the 240 V ac and the dc voltages. The peak voltage will exceed the Transorb rating, resulting in a failure. Caution 232 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Most ac supplies operate with a grounded neutral, and if an inadvertent connection between the 125 V dc and the ac voltage is created, the sum of the ac peak voltage and the 125 V dc is applied to Transorbs connected between dc and ground. However, in 120 V ac applications, the Transorb rating can withstand the peak voltage without causing a failure. Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information TREA Aeroderivative Turbine Terminal Board PPRA Emergency Turbine Protection GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 233 Non-Public Information WREA 234 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 6.3.2 Installation The WREA is factory installed and mounted to the TREA terminal board. Should the board have to be removed to service the TREA fanning jumpers, perform the following procedure to replace the WREA. ➢ To install the WREA 1. Align the two connectors on the WREA with those on the TREA. When viewing the WREA the bottom of the board is considered to be the end with the row of configuration jumpers. The connectors are keyed such that they will only mate when aligned properly. 2. Once the two boards are aligned, seat the connection by firmly pressing on the four screw heads that surround the connector. The WREA is considered fully mounted when it cannot be pushed any farther. TREA/WREA Terminal Board Wiring For H1 and S1 board variants, voltage detection, trip contact inputs, and relay outputs are wired to the I/O terminal blocks TB1. Passive pulse rate pick-ups are wired to TB2. Each block is held down with two screws and has 24 terminals accepting up to #12 AWG wires. A shield termination strip attached to chassis ground is located immediately to the left of each terminal block. For H3 and S3 board variants, voltage detection, trip contact inputs, and relay outputs are wired to the I/O box terminals at the top of the board. Passive pulse rate pick-ups are wired to the lower terminals. All terminals plug into a header on the TREA board and accept up to a single #12 AWG wire. When used with WREA, the TREA must be configured for fanning of the X section pulse rate pickups to the Y and Z PPRAs. This is done by placing the jumpers on the P1 and P2 pin pairs. Caution PPRA Emergency Turbine Protection GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 235 Non-Public Information In the following table, the speed inputs called PR1_Y through PR3_Z are grayed out. While the signal paths are present as documented for use with PPRO I/O packs they are not used and should not be connected when PPRA I/O packs are used. TREA/WREA Terminal Board Wiring Pin Signal Name Pin Signal Name 1 K1_PDC 2 K1_NDC 3 K2_PDC 4 K2_NDC 5 SOL1_A 6 SOL1_B 7 SOL2_A 8 SOL2_B 9 PWR_A 10 PWR_B 11 TRP_A 12 TRP_B 13 K3_PDC 14 K3_NDC 15 PWET 16 TRP1L 17 PWET 18 TRP2L 19 PCOM 20 PCOM 21 PWET 22 TRP3L 23 PWET 24 TRP4L 25 PR4H 26 PR4L 27 PR5H 28 PR5L 29 PR6H 30 PR6L 31 PR1H_Z 32 PR1L_Z 33 PR2H_Z 34 PR2L_Z 35 PR3H_Z 36 PR3L_Z 37 PR1H_Y 38 PR1L_Y 39 PR2H_Y 40 PR2L_Y 41 PR3H_Y 42 PR3L_Y 43 PR1H_X 44 PR1L_X 45 PR2H_X 46 PR2L_X 47 PR3H_X 48 PR3L_X 236 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information Contact Outputs The contact outputs are polarity sensitive. Wire the circuit carefully to avoid damaging the relays. There is no contact or solenoid suppression, user must add external solenoid suppression to avoid damaging the relays and their contacts. Caution A voltage detection circuit is included on TREA and WREA that is able to detect a shorted relay when voltage is present across the open contact set. Connection to TREA Contact Output • • • • The Trip input is configurable in PPRA to either be required or bypass the signal. When enabled the Trip input works through a hardware path on PPRA and does not act through PPRA firmware. When enabled the Trip input must be powered for the trip relays to close. The Trip input must be connected to a CLEAN dc source battery or filtered (< 5% ripple) rectified ac. There must be a minimum of 18 V dc at the Trip inputs for proper operation. The current required was kept low to minimize drop on long cable runs. As the Trip input is very fast < 5 ms and the output relay contacts are also fast (< 1 ms), best wiring practices should be utilized to avoid misoperation. Use twisted-pair cable when possible and avoid running with ac wiring. • • Trip Input Contact Inputs Wetting power is supplied through the JH1 connector on WREA with the following pin connections: Pin 1 is positive wetting voltage, Pin 2 is ground, and Pin 3 is negative or return wetting voltage. Each contact input has two associated screw terminals on TREA. Odd numbered terminals identified as PWET are directly connected to the JH1 pin 1 input power. Even numbered terminals identified as TRP1L through TRP4L lead to individual voltage detectors that share a return path to JH1 Pin 3. Because all PWET terminals are connected together it is permissible to use a single wire from PWET to a set of remote contacts and then use individual return wires to the TRP_L inputs. PPRA Emergency Turbine Protection GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 237 Non-Public Information Speed Repeater Outputs Each speed repeater output may be configured to provide either RS–232 or RS–485 signal levels. RS–232 provides a bipolar signal that crosses through zero as is required by many speed inputs. It is recommended that RS–232 repeater outputs be limited in wiring length to 10 meters and go to equipment that is grounded at the same potential as TREA / WREA. RS–485 provides a balanced differential signal that is more suitable for long distance transmissions. It is recommended that RS–485 repeater outputs be limited in wiring length to 500 meters. Wire type and termination should comply with published RS–485 standards. The repeater outputs are grouped together on the J3 connector located on WREA. The outputs are arranged to provide a signal ground and chassis ground pin pair between each active signal pair. This makes it possible to ground the individual shields of twisted shielded pair cable and reduces any chance of signal cross talk. The diagram indicates the J3 pin assignments when looking into the connector. 13 NO CONNECT 12 CHASSIS Shield 11 SPD6 _P Black 10 CHASSIS Shield 9 SPD5 _P Black 8 CHASSIS Shield 7 SPD4_P Black 6 CHASSIS Shield 5 SPD3_P Black 4 CHASSIS Shield 3 SPD2_P Black 2 CHASSIS Shield 1 SPD1_P Black 25 Yellow SPD6_N 24 23 Brown SPD5_N 22 21 Blue SPD4_N 20 19 Green SPD3_N 18 17 White SPD2_N 16 15 RED SPD1_N 14 WREA-J3 Connector 238 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information Speed repeater outputs from the WREA-J3 connector are wired to a transition module ALH#5747.2 through a special 25 pin cable, 259B2434AEPxx, where xx is the cable length in feet. It transmits the six sets of speed signals through six sets of individually shielded, twisted pair wires. The six sets of signals connect pin to pin as displayed in the WREA-J3 connector pin assignment drawing. The shields from each wire pair also connect the chassis connections pin to pin, from the WREA-J3 Sub-D connector to the transition module connector. Signal and chassis connection point numbers carry through from the transition module Sub-D connector to the corresponding points on the box type terminal board. The cable also has an overall shield terminated on the Sub-D connector shells at each end the cable. That shield ties to the chassis ground on the WREA board. The shield wires at the final connection point for the cables should be left un-terminated and properly protected/sheathed to prevent shorting. 6.3.3 Operation The TREA board is designed to use three PPRA I/O packs mounted directly on it. The TREA / WREA / PPRA assembly then forms a self-contained emergency trip function. TREAH1A, S1A, H3A, and S3A plus WREA will only function correctly with three PPRA I/O packs. Single and dual pack operation is not possible. The Trip Anticipate test function does not toggle the ETR relays on the TREA. PPRA Emergency Turbine Protection GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 239 Non-Public Information Speed Inputs Speed inputs are associated with specific shafts. The PRGrouping parameter allows the user to select between two speed inputs in three groups (three shafts) or three speed inputs in two groups (two shafts). For three groups, the PR1_X and PR4 speed inputs must be wired to the two speed sensors on the first shaft. The PR2_X and PR5 speed inputs must be wired to the two speed sensors on the second shaft, if present. The PR3_X and PR6 speed inputs must be wired to the two speed sensors on the third shaft, if present. If two groups are selected for PRGrouping, PR1_X, PR2_X, and PR4 must be wired to the three speed sensors on the first shaft and PR3_X, PR5, and PR6 must be wired to the three speed sensors on the second shaft. PulseRate3 must remain unused. JP1 and JP2 must be placed on the TREA to take the first three speed inputs (those for the X pack) and fan them to the Y and Z packs. When JP1 and JP2 are in place, the terminal board points for Y and Z speed inputs become no-connects and should not be used. As a check, a jumper position feedback signal is provided by TREA. If the jumpers are not in place, a PPRA alarm will be generated. Trip Input The TREA includes a Trip input function. This consists of an optically isolated input circuit designed for a dc input in the range of 24 V to 125 V nominal. When energized, the circuit enables coil drive power in the X, Y, and Z relay circuits through independent hardware paths. The response time of this circuit of less than five ms plus the response time of the trip relays of less than one ms yields very fast response. Trip input status is monitored by PPRA firmware, but the action to remove trip relay coil power is a hardware path in PPRA. It is possible to configure PPRA to turn off the Trip input function. Direct/Conditional Discrete Input Trip TREA / WREA provides four discrete group isolated contact input trip signals to the PPRA I/O packs. The transition threshold of the contacts tracks 50% of the applied wetting voltage. Approximately 1% voltage hysteresis is applied to transitions. A filter with nominal 4 ms delay, max 5 ms is present. PPRA monitors wetting voltage on JH1 and generates an alarm at voltages below approximately 40% of nominal voltage. Voltage Monitors The trip relays on TREA may be freely located anywhere in a trip string. Because the trip string circuit is not fixed, there are three general-purpose isolated voltage sensor inputs on TREA. These can be used to monitor any points in the trip system and drive the voltage status into the system controller where action can be taken. Typical use of these inputs may be to sense the power supply voltage for the two trip strings (PWR) and to sense the solenoid voltage of the device being driven by the relays (SOL1, SOL2). This set of applications is used in the wording of the board symbol, but the sensors may be freely applied to best serve the application. 240 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information Speed Repeaters There are six speed repeater circuits on WREA. Each repeater is associated with a specific speed input signal and may be configured for RS–232 or RS–485 signal levels on the output. The speed repeater is driven by an internal signal after speed input pulse detection has taken place. While the speed sensor input signal may span a wide range of amplitude as speed is changed the repeater output maintains constant output amplitude through all pulse rates. The speed repeaters do add some latency to the speed signal. In addition to copper transmission latencies, the repeater circuitry will add between 1.5 and 2.0 usecs of edge to edge latency. The variation is due to pulse rate input channel (pulse rate 1-3 vs. 4-6) and repeater configuration (RS–232 vs RS–485). Trip Relays The trip relays are made using sets of six individual form A devices arranged in a voting pattern. Any two controllers that vote to close will establish a conduction path through the set. Because detection of a shorted relay is important to preserve tripping reliability, there is a sensing circuit applied to each of the sets of relays. When the relays are commanded to open, and voltage is present across the relays, the circuit will detect if one or more relays are shorted. This signal goes to the PPRA I/O pack to create an alarm. The TREA sensing circuit uses the relay commands from all three packs to avoid a false indication in the event that one PPRA I/O pack votes to close the relay while the other two PPRA I/O packs vote to open. The voting arrangement is displayed in the following TREA diagram. Contacts are polarity-sensitive. External voltage suppression must be used. Caution PPRA Emergency Turbine Protection GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 241 Non-Public Information TREA and WREA Trip Boards 242 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 6.3.4 Specifications Item TREA Specification Number of inputs 6 passive (magnetic) speed pickups 3 voltage detection circuits 1 E-STOP/TRP input 4 contact inputs Number of outputs 3 trip contacts 6 speed repeater drivers Contact ratings NEMA class F. IS200TREAH1A, H3A, SIA, S3A Voltage: 28 V dc max plus WREAH1A, SIA Max. Current 10 A dc at 40ºC (104 ºF) maximum (Trip Relays 1 and 2) de-rate current linearly to 7 A dc at 65ºC (149 ºF) maximum. Max. Current 5 A dc at 40ºC (104 ºF) maximum (Trip Relay 3) No de-rating necessary at 65°C (149 ºF) as traces are limiting factor. Voltage detection inputs Min/max input voltage rating: 16/140 V dc max pk Current Loading (Max leakage): 3 mA Detection delay (max): 60 ms Voltage isolation: Optically isolated: 2500 V rms isolation, for one min. Surge/Spike rating: 1000 V pk for 8.3 ms ESTOP/TRP detection Input Voltage: 24-125 V dc ±10% (18/140 V pk Min/Max) Loading (max): 12 mA (5 typical) Delay (max): 5 ms (<1 typical) Contact input voltage WREAH1A, S1A – nominal 24 V dc input Contact input threshold Tracks 50% of wetting voltage applied to JH1 connector. Hysteresis of 1% applied to transitions. Filter delay of 4 ms nominal, 5 ms maximum. MPU pulse rate range 2 Hz to 20 kHz MPU pulse rate accuracy 0.05% of reading Speed input sensitivity Required peak-peak (p-p) voltage rises as a function of frequency: 2 Hz requires 28 mV p-p 20 kHz requires 300 mV p-p Speed input sensitivity is such that turning gear speed may be observed on a typical turbine application. Size 33.0 cm high x 17.8 cm, wide (13 in x 7 in) Technology Surface mount PPRA Emergency Turbine Protection GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 243 Non-Public Information 6.3.5 Diagnostics Diagnostic tests are made on the terminal board: • • • • • • Feedback from the shorted contact detector is checked, if a shorted relay is detected an alarm will be created. Feedback from speed pickup fanning jumpers is checked; if there is a mismatch between intention and actual position, an alarm is created. Each speed repeater output has a receiver circuit that monitors the output. If the output signal does not closely match the required speed signal an alarm is generated. This diagnostic protects against shorted repeater outputs or repeater output drive failure. If any one of the above signals goes unhealthy, a composite diagnostic alarm xxDIAG_PPRA occurs. The diagnostic signals can be individually latched and then reset with the RESET_DIA signal if they go healthy. Terminal board connectors have their own ID device that is interrogated by the I/O pack. The ID device is a read-only chip coded with the terminal board serial number, board type, revision number, and plug location. When the chip is read by PPRA and a mismatch is encountered, a hardware incompatibility fault is created. Wetting power presence. 6.3.6 Configuration TREA jumpers P1 and P2 select the fanning of the X channel speed inputs to the Y and Z PPRA I/O packs. PPRA operation with TREA and WREA requires that these jumpers be in place. WREA jumpers JP1 through JP12 are used to configure output behavior of the six speed repeater output circuits. The jumpers are located at the bottom of WREA in the same order as displayed in the following diagram. Jumpers JP1 through JP6 are used to select between RS–232 signal level (default) and RS–485 signal level on the repeater output. JP1 through JP6 configure the repeater outputs for PR1 through PR6. Jumpers JP7 through JP12 default to the PR1 through PR6 positions and should remain in these positions when used with PPRA. 244 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 7 PPRO, YPRO Backup Turbine Protection 7.1 Mark VIe PPRO Backup Turbine Protection I/O Pack The Backup Turbine Protection (PPRO) I/O pack and associated terminal boards provide an independent backup overspeed protection system with a backup check for generator synchronization to a utility bus. They also provide an independent watchdog function for the primary control. A typical protection system consists of three triple modular redundant (TMR) PPRO I/O packs mounted to a separate simplex protection (SPRO) terminal board or three PPROs mounted on a TMR TPROH#C terminal board. A cable, with DC-37 pin connectors on each end, connects each SPRO or TPROH#C to the designated emergency trip board: • • • TREG: Gas Turbine Emergency Trip Terminal Board TREL: Large Steam Turbine Emergency Trip Terminal Board TRES: Small/Medium Steam Turbine Emergency Trip Terminal Board An alternate arrangement puts three PPRO I/O packs directly on TREA for a single-board TMR protection system. The PPRO has an Ethernet connection for IONet communications with the control modules. The Mark* VIe control is designed with a primary and backup trip system that interacts at the trip terminal board level. Primary protection is provided with the Turbine Primary I/O pack (PTUR) operating a primary trip board (TRPG, TRPL, TRPS, TRPA). Backup protection is provided with the PPRO I/O pack operating a backup trip board (TREG, TREL, TRES, TREA). The PPRO accepts three speed signals for overspeed protection functions, including basic overspeed, acceleration, deceleration, and a hardware implemented overspeed. The I/O pack monitors the operation of the primary control and can monitor the primary speed as a sign of normal operation. The PPRO monitors the status and operation of the selected trip board through a comprehensive set of feedback signals. If a problem is detected, the PPRO activates the backup trip relays on the trip board and activates a trip on the primary control. The I/O pack is fully independent of and unaffected by the primary control operation. A maximum of three trip solenoids can be connected between the primary and emergency trip terminal boards. Connecting a solenoid between the boards isolates the power on both sides of the solenoid as well as visibility of solenoid voltage as a system feedback. The primary/emergency trip boards TRPG/TREG, TRPL/TREL, and TRPS/TRES are designed to operate as a pair and use cabling between the boards for system connections. The TRPA and TREA are designed with no pairing required and can be used independently of each other. When TRPA and TREA are paired, they function the same as other board pairs. PPRO, YPRO Backup Turbine Protection GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 245 Non-Public Information 7.1.1 Compatibility The PPRO I/O pack includes one of the following compatible BPPx processor boards: • • The PPROH1A contains a BPPB processor board. The PPROS1B contains a functionally compatible BPPC processor board that is supported in the ControlST* software suite V04.07 and later. The PPROS1B is an IEC 61508 certified version for use in IEC 61511 certified safety loops. The safety-certified I/O pack, trip board, and terminal board combinations are as follows: • • • • • PPROS1B, TPROS#C, TREGS1B, 125 V dc PPROS1B, TPROS#C, TREGS2B, 24 V dc PPROS1B, TPROS#C, TREGS3B, 125 V dc, TMR, special 28 V power JX1 PPROS1B, TPROS#C, TREGS4B, 125 V dc , TMR, special 28 V Power JY1 PPROS1B, TPROS#C, TREGS4B, 125 V dc , TMR, special 28 V Power JZ1 Note Refer to the Mark VIe Control PPROS1B and PPRAS1x Functional Safety Instruction Guide (GEI-100709). The PPRO I/O pack mounts directly to the SPRO, TPROS#C, TPROH#C, or TREA. When mounted on the SPRO or TPRO, it is cable-compatible to the TREG, TREL, or TRES trip board. Trip Board Compatibility Board1 TMR Simplex Output Contacts, 125 V dc Output Contacts, 24 V dc E-Stop Input Contacts, 125 V dc Input Contacts, 24 V dc Economy Resistor TREG_1B Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes TREG_2B Yes No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes TREG_3B2 Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes TREG_4B2 Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes TREG_5B2 Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes TRELH1A Yes No Yes Yes No Yes No TRELH2A Yes No Yes Yes No No Yes TRESH1A Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No TRESH2A Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes TREAH1A Yes No No Yes Yes No No TREAH2A Yes No Yes No Yes No No No No Yes Yes No No TREAH3A3 Yes TREAH4A3 Yes No Yes No Yes No No No No Yes Yes No No TREAS1A3 Yes 3 Yes No Yes No Yes No No TREAS2A No No Yes Yes No No TREAS3A3 Yes No Yes No Yes No No TREAS4A3 Yes 1 Underscore ( _ ) indicates the TREG board version may be H or S. 2 The TREG_3A, 4A, and 5A versions are the same as the 1A except that power is provided by JX1, JY1, or JZ1. 3 TREA_#A and _#A are the same as _1A and _2A only Euro versions. 246 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ No No No No No No No No No No No No Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information Simplex Main Control Simplex backup protection is supported by the Mark VIe control trip board TRES. One PPRO network port resides on the controller IONet. TMR backup protection is supported by all Mark VIe control backup trip boards, TREG, TREL, TREA, and TRES. In this configuration, each I/O pack is connected to a separate (R,S,T) controller network. Dual Main Control Simplex backup protection is supported by the Mark VIe control trip board TRES. When used in this configuration, the first network connection is to the R controller. The second network connection is to the S controller. The PPRO is then responsible for monitoring the operation of both controllers. The PPRO supports two options: the pack trips if either controller malfunctions or if both controllers malfunction. TMR backup protection is supported by all Mark VIe control backup trip boards, TREG, TREL, TREA, and TRES. This configuration uses the dual controller TMR output standard network connection. The first PPRO has one network port connected to the R controller network. The second I/O pack has one network port connected to the S controller network. The third pack has one network port connected to the R controller network and one network port connected to the S controller network. The third PPRO monitors the operation of both controllers. The I/O pack activates a trips if either controller malfunctions or both controllers malfunction. Triple Main Control TMR backup protection is supported when operating with a TMR main control (two out of three running). All Mark VIe control backup trip boards (TREG, TREL, TREA, and TRES) support this configuration. The normal network configuration connects the first PPRO I/O pack to the R network, the second PPRO to the S network, and the third PPRO to the T network. PPRO TMR applications do not support dual network connections for all three PPROs. In a redundant system there is no additional system reliability gained by adding network connections to the first two PPROs with dual controllers or any of the three PPROs with TMR controllers. The additional connections simply reduce mean time between failures (MTBF) without increasing mean time between forced outages (MTBFO). Note Simplex backup protection is not supported. One PPRO cannot monitor the health of all three main controls and trip on loss of a single main control. Therefore, one of the fundamental protection features cannot be met with a single I/O pack. PPRO, YPRO Backup Turbine Protection GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 247 Non-Public Information 7.1.2 Installation The PPRO I/O pack mounts directly to the SPRO, TPROS#C, TPROH#C, or TREA. When mounted on the SPRO or TPROH#C, cables with DC-37 pin connectors on both ends are required between the SPRO or TPROH#C and the selected trip terminal board. ➢ To install the PPRO I/O pack 1. Securely mount the SPRO, TPROH#C, or TREA terminal board. Mount the selected trip terminal board if SPRO or TPRO is used. 2. Connect the cable with DC-37 pin connectors on each end between the SPRO or TPRO and the selected trip terminal board (if TREA is not used). 3. Directly plug one PPRO into each SPRO, or three PPROs into the TREA or TPRO. 4. Slide the threaded posts on PPRO, located on each side of the Ethernet ports, into the slots on the terminal board mounting bracket. Adjust the bracket location so the DC-62 pin connector on PPRO and the terminal board fit together securely. Tighten the mounting bracket. The adjustment should only be required once in the service life of the product. Securely tighten the nuts on the threaded posts locking PPRO in place. 5. Plug in one or two Ethernet cables depending on the system configuration. The PPRO module is not sensitive to Ethernet connections and selects the proper operation over either port. 6. Apply power to the module by plugging in the power connector on the side of the module. The I/O module has inherent soft-start capability that controls current levels upon application. 7. Use the ToolboxST* application to configure the module as necessary. For more information, refer to GEH-6700, ToolboxST User Guide for Mark VIe Control. 7.1.3 Operation Refer to the following sections in the GEH-6721_Vol_II, the chapter, Common Module Content: • • • • • • Auto-reconfiguration BPPx Processor Processor LEDs Power Management ID Line Common Module Alarms Overspeed Protection Turbine overspeed protection is available in three levels; control, primary, and emergency. Control protection comes through closed loop speed control using the fuel/steam valves. Primary overspeed protection is provided by the controller. The TTUR terminal board and PTUR I/O pack bring in a shaft speed signal to each controller where the median signal is selected. If the controller determines a trip condition, it sends the trip signal to the TRPG terminal board through the PTUR I/O board. The three PTUR outputs are 2/3 voted in three relay voting circuits (one for each trip solenoid) and power is removed from the solenoids. The following figure displays the primary and emergency levels of protection. 248 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information Primary and Emergency Overspeed Protection Emergency overspeed protection is provided by the independent triple redundant PPRO protection system displayed in the preceding figure. This uses three shaft speed signals from magnetic pickups (MPU), one for each protection module. These are brought into SPRO, a terminal board dedicated to the protection system. Each PPRO independently determines when to trip, and the signals are passed to the TREG terminal board. TREG operates in a similar way to TRPG, voting the three trip signals in relay circuits and removing power from the trip solenoids. This system contains no software voting, making the three PPRO modules completely independent. The only link between PPRO and the other parts of the control system is the IONet cable, which transmits status information. Additional protection for simplex systems is provided by the protection module through the Servo Terminal Board, TSVC. Plug J1 on TREG is wired to plug JD1 on TSVC, and if this is energized, relay K1 disconnects the servo output current and applies a bias to force the control valve closed. PPRO, YPRO Backup Turbine Protection GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 249 Non-Public Information Application-specific Hardware DC - 6 2 To I / O Pack The I/O pack has an internal, application-specific circuit board (BPRO) that contains the hardware needed for the turbine backup trip function. The application board connects between the processor and either the SPRO, TPRO, or TREA terminal board. The application board has provisions for additional hardware expansion options that can be added through a dedicated header. 3 Pulse Rate Input Conditioning ID Chip 2 PT Input Processor 12 Digital Signal Inputs, E-Stop 7 Isolated Contact Inputs 8 Relay Command Outputs Pass Through to Option Processor Local Power Supplies Option Header BPRO Application Board Protective Functions The I/O pack performs the following protective functions in a mix of hardware, programmable logic, and firmware. In the following diagram, standard symbols for time delay contacts have been used: In the following diagrams, a standard has been used to indicate signal origin and flow. • • • • • • • Signal names that end with (SS) are created within the I/O pack and the data flow is out to the controller through signal space. Signal names that end with SS are created in the controller and the data flow is into the I/O pack through signal space. Signal names that end with (IO) are created within the I/O pack and the data flow is out to the hardware. Signal names that end with IO indicate the signal is a hardware input into the I/O pack. Signal names that end with anything containing CFG are part of the I/O pack configuration. In this case an attempt has been made to indicate what area of the I/O pack configuration contains the variable. When J3 is referenced in a CFG, it refers to the connection point for the turbine backup trip relay board, and the corresponding configuration values. The combination IO (SS) indicates a signal that comes from the hardware inputs to the I/O pack, and is then sent out to the controller as part of signal space. If there is no special ending on a signal name, then the signal is used internal to the I/O pack and is not part of the hardware or signal-space data movement. This signal is not available or visible to applications, but it is needed to adequately describe the I/O pack’s operation. 250 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information Direct/Conditional Discrete Input Trip The I/O pack supports the seven isolated discrete contact input trip signals provided on the backup turbine trip board. In the following figure, the direct / conditional determination is implemented in firmware while Contact#, and L5Cont#_Trip are in hardware logic. When configured for direct trip, the firmware is not in the trip path. When configured for conditional trip, the firmware determines the communication health (displayed as network_keepalive) and populates the programmable logic with the conditional signal from signal space. If the controller communication is lost, the default will permit any conditional trip. Note The contact inputs include an 8 ms contact de-bounce filter to protect against false trips. A network _keepalive L3SS_Comm, (SS) B 3 Trip#_Inhbt , SS A>=B L3SS_Comm, (SS) Inhbt#_Fdbk , (SS) A Trip_Mode , CFG (J3, Contact #) A=B Direct, CNST B Cont#_TrEnab , (SS) A A=B Conditional , CNST Contact #, (IO) Includes 8 mSec digital filter on close , no delay on open Cont#_TrEnab Trip#_EnCon L5Cont#_Trip , (SS) B Trip#_EnCon, (SS) L5Cont#_Trip, (SS) Inhbt#_Fdbk , SS CONTACT# TRIP L86MR, SS Note: The contact circuit in this diagram is duplicated 7 times. To obtain the correct signal name, replace the symbol # with the numbers 1-7. Signal names without # appear only once for all 7 circuits (L3SS_COMM, L86MR). Contact Input Trips PPRO, YPRO Backup Turbine Protection GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 251 Non-Public Information The resulting contact trip signals are combined into a single contact trip summary, L5Cont_Trip. Contact Input Trip Signal Concentration 252 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information Firmware Overspeed Trip Firmware overspeed protection is performed on the three values that come out of the high speed select. Although the established standard for naming these three inputs is HP, IP, and LP, the three inputs are free to be applied as needed in a system design. Note The following pulse rate variables are displayed using a # symbol. Replace the # with 1 for HP, 2 for LP, or 3 for IP. Firmware Overspeed Firmware Overspeed Trip functions include: • • • • • Fault on overspeed threshold match failure between config and signal space values when speed is zero Pick the lower threshold from config or signal space Provide a mechanism to zero the threshold for online overspeed test Provide a mechanism to modify the threshold for offline overspeed test, bounded to limit increases to the threshold to 104% Provide a mechanism to modify the threshold based upon current computed acceleration (Rate-based Overspeed feature). Refer to the section Rate-Based Overspeed Trip (RBOS). Note Use a negative OS_Tst_Delta value to reduce the threshold during testing. PPRO, YPRO Backup Turbine Protection GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 253 Non-Public Information • • Compare the threshold to the calculated speed and latch overspeed Active firmware overspeed setpoint (OS_Setpoint_PR#) is available as an input signal Rate-based Overspeed Trip (RBOS) Note Rate-based Overspeed is only supported on PPROS1B. RBOS cannot be enabled if a PPROH1A I/O pack is configured. The Rate-based Overspeed (RBOS) function is an optional feature that is implemented for each shaft independently. It enables the PPRO to modify the firmware overspeed threshold trip setpoint in real-time based upon the current acceleration of the shaft. The purpose of the RBOS feature is to specify an overspeed setpoint profile that lowers the firmware overspeed setpoint dynamically as the shaft acceleration increases. The user has the ability to enable or disable the RBOS feature on a per-shaft basis, and can specify the response curve per shaft. There is also a Test mode that allows the user to insert a test acceleration input to the function. The core of the RBOS feature is a user-specified overspeed setpoint profile composed of five acceleration and overspeed setpoint breakpoints. These breakpoints define a response curve, with the X-axis as acceleration in RPM/s, and the Y-axis as Overspeed setpoint in RPM. The RBOS feature interpolates between these breakpoints to provide an RBOS-driven overspeed setpoint given an input acceleration. The following diagram illustrates this overspeed setpoint profile. RBOS Overspeed Setpoint Profile As shown in the Firmware Overspeed diagram, some simple logic chooses which acceleration to use in the RBOS feature. If the RBOS#_TestEnable is True, then the RBOS#_Accel_Test is used as Accel input for RBOS, unless the actual acceleration (PR#_Accel) is greater. The chosen acceleration is fed into the overspeed setpoint profile and a calculated RBOS#_Setpoint is provided. If the acceleration is less than RBOS#_AccelSetpt1 or greater than RBOS#_AccelSetpt5, the RBOS#_Setpoint is clamped to be equal to RBOS#_OSSetpt1 or RBOS#_OSSetpt5 respectively. Thus, the overspeed setpoint profile does not extrapolate past the setpoint range, but instead clamps the output. Once the RBOS overspeed setpoint profile has calculated a RBOS#_Setpoint, the result is minimum-selected against the firmware overspeed output from the rest of the firmware overspeed logic if the RBOS feature is enabled (RBOS#_Enab). This final selected overspeed setpoint (OS_Setpoint_PR#) is compared against the PulseRate# shaft speed to drive an overspeed trip. It is also available to the user in signal space as OS#_Setpoint_Fbk. Note Refer to the section Parameters for details on configuration parameters for the RBOS feature, and the section Variables Vars-Speed for details on RBOS I/O signals. 254 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information Hardware Overspeed Trip The following pulse rate variables are displayed using a # symbol. Replace the # with 1 for HP, 2 for LP, or 3 for IP. OSHW_ Setpoint only goes into the hardware at I/O pack startup. OSHW_ Setpoint #, SS A |A- B| Generate an alarm if the hardware is different than the firmware trip A OSHW _ Setpoint ,CFG OS # HW_ SP_ CfgEr ( SS) B A> B (PulseRate #) 1RPM OS_ Setpoint HW Value B Generate an alarm if the hardware setpoint changes after power - on OS # HW_ SP_ Pend ( SS) A | A- B| B PulseRate #, HWIO A A> =B OS # HW B Hardware OS# HW OS # HW _Trip Overspeed Trip ( SS ) OS # HW _Trip, ( SS) L 86MRX Speed#Updating Hardware Overspeed Trip, HP Shaft Note Refer to the section Shaft Speed Accel, Decel, and Zero for the definition of Speed#Updating. PPRO, YPRO Backup Turbine Protection GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 255 Non-Public Information Hardware Overspeed Trip functions include: • • Load the independent hardware overspeed set point only when the I/O pack restarts or is power cycled Generate an alarm when the hardware configuration set point is >1 Hz different from the value passed through signal space from the application configuration Note Hardware overspeed detection involves two rotations of the shaft to determine an overspeed condition. • Generate an alarm and signal space Boolean when the set point in configuration fails to match the value stored in the hardware • • Implement speed calculation and the trip logic entirely inside programmable logic Overspeed trip response typically less than 60 ms at normal operating speeds Note There is no separate enable or disable signal for this overspeed protection. The disable signal is created by setting a high overspeed point value. The calculated speed will never reach the value needed to trigger OS1HW. The actual hardware implementation depends on two configuration items: • • OSHW_Setpoint specifies the overspeed trip level in RPM. PRScale determines the number of speed sensor pulses per revolution used to convert pulse rate into RPM for both hardware and firmware overspeed value. The hardware implementation requires two adjacent revolutions exceeding the OSHW_Setpoint to trip the system. When a trip is present, the setting of OSHW_Setpoint is reduced by a small amount in the hardware to provide a clean trip signal. Due to this reduction, speed must be reduced well below the overspeed threshold before a reset may take place. Because there are set limits to the time integration used in the hardware detector, the minimum RPM setting for the OSHW_Setpoint is approximately four RPM. 256 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information LP Shaft Locked Detection This is another protection function that is in addition to the overspeed protection. LP Shaft Locked Detection generates a signal if the first pulse rate signal is above minimum speed, and the second pulse rate signal is still at zero. PR1_MIN PR2_Zero, (SS) LockRotorByp, SS LPShaftLock, (SS) LPShaftLock, (SS) L86MR, SS LP Shaft Locked Detection E-Stop The I/O pack monitors the E-Stop trip signal that is present on the TREG or TREA terminal boards and uses it to cross trip the main control in the event E-Stop is invoked. It is also used within the pack logic as part of the trip relay output command. The relays are not required to close if the E-Stop signal is present. The main control counterpart is also present. If the main control votes to trip, it can also cross-trip the corresponding I/O pack. J3= TREA TRIPENAB, CFG KESTOP1_ Fdbk , ( SS) Hw Estop1 , IO J3= TREG L5 ESTOP1 , (SS) KESTOP1_ Fdbk , ( SS) ESTOP1 TRIP L5 ESTOP1 , (SS) L86MR , SS Contact Input E-Stop Note There are several inversions in the hardware signal path, but the end result is that KESTOP#_Fdbk is only a 1 when E-Stop is energized. Therefore, 1 = OK. The TREL and TRES terminal boards do not have E-Stop capability because it is on the primary trip boards TRPL and TRPS. PPRO, YPRO Backup Turbine Protection GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 257 Non-Public Information Speed Difference Detection There should never be a reason why the speed calculated by the I/O pack is significantly different from the speed calculated by the main control. Speed difference detection looks at the difference in magnitude between pulse rate 1 from both the pack and the main control. If the difference is greater than the set threshold for three successive samples, a SpeedDifTrip is latched. If the main control recovers for 60 seconds, the trip is removed. This allows the main control to recover with subsequent re-arming of the backup protection. IO Frame Rate Speed 1 , SS PulseRate1 (RPM) , IO A |A - B | B -0 Z A -1 Z B (A & B & C) -2 Z C A A >B OS_Diff, CFG (%) Rated RPM_TA, * B CFG (RPM) 100 Speed 1_ Diff PulseRate 1 ( Hz) , IO A Shaft Turning A >B 75 Hz B 1 Second Delay SpeedDifEn , Card CFG SpeedDiff _ Trip Speed 1_ Diff SpeedDiff _ Trip Enable Enable L 86 MR , SS Speed 1_ Diff Close immediately , 60 sec delay on opening Speed Difference Trip When configured for dual controller, additional logic is added so that separate speed inputs from the two controllers come into the I/O pack. This trip logic acts as if both controllers have a speed error, but continues to run if one controller has a valid speed signal. Maximum Speed Hold The I/O pack provides a maximum speed hold function that resets when: • • Using the command PR_Max_RST (from signal space) PR1_Zero changes to false when the shaft first starts turning Output values are PR1_Max, PR2_Max, and PR3_Max. These signals are used to determine the maximum speed obtained while running or after stopping a turbine. 258 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information Overspeed Test Logic, Steam Turbine The signal OnLineOS1Tst is used for PulseRate1, OnLineOS2Tst is used for PulseRate2, and OnLineOS3Tst is used for PulseRate3. In the following figure, there is another signal, Online OS1X, which initiates an online overspeed test for PulseRate1. This signal also creates a 1.5 second reset pulse when removed. Online Overspeed Test Logic Note If the K4CL relay is enabled during an online Overspeed test, use the OnlineOS1X option and not the OnlineOS1Tst. This will avoid an unwanted K4CL activation. Speed State Boolean Values The I/O pack has detection for zero speed from a set point with 1 RPM hysteresis. The I/O pack calculates a minimum speed signal from a set point. The rate of change of speed from a set point is calculated resulting in a selectable acceleration trip. A deceleration trip is then determined from a fixed 100% / second rate. PPRO, YPRO Backup Turbine Protection GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 259 Non-Public Information Shaft Speed Accel, Decel and Zero The I/O pack has detection for zero speed from a set point with 1 RPM hysteresis. The I/O pack calculates a minimum speed signal from a set point. The rate of change of speed from a set point is calculated, resulting in a selectable acceleration trip. A deceleration trip is then determined from a fixed 100% / second rate. The acceleration for a given pulse rate (PR#_Accel) is calculated by computing two adjacent shaft speeds over a period of AccelCalType ms each by computing change in pulse counts, and then computing the difference in these speeds divided by AccelCalType ms to get the acceleration of the shaft. In the following figures, pulse rate variables are displayed using a # symbol. Replace the # with 1 for HP, 2 for LP, or 3 for IP. This figure is the same for PulseRate1, 2, and 3. Simply replace the 1 with a 2 or 3 to get the signal name. The contact, PR#_ Min, in the Acc1_Trip is only present for PR2 (PR2_Min) and PR3 (PR3_Min). It is not used for PR1. Speed State Boolean Values 260 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information The pulse rate inputs have special detection for loss of signal, and special filtering to remove input noise from nearly stationary shaft speeds. PulseRate #, IO Speed Wheel Pulse Detected Window Inactive Counter Based on last speed (Maximum 24 seconds ) (Pulse Rates in Hz ) Speed #Updating Shaft # Turning A Allow Accel / Decel Trip A > B 75 Hz Speed Updating Normally B 1 Second Delay 1 ** Speed # Updating † Shaft # Turning Decel #Trip Decel #Trip Loss of Pulse Rate † can only be reset when Speed #Updating becomes True (pulses are able to be seen ) or after the I/O pack is rebooted ** 1 = Normal Operation Pulse Rate Conditioning PPRO, YPRO Backup Turbine Protection GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 261 Non-Public Information Decel#Trip PulseRate# (RPM) PR#_DEC A (From GearSpeed) A B A<B -100%/SEC** S (Der) 0 %/Sec OR Speed#Updating B Shaft#Turning %/Sec PR#_ACC A AND A B A>B Acc_Setpoint, CFG (J5, PulseRate#) B Dec#_Trip, (SS) PR#_DEC Dec#_Trip L86MR,SS Acc_Trip, CFG (J5, PulseRate#) PR#_ACC PR#_MIN ** Acc#_Trip L86MR,SS Enable Acc#_TrEnab Acc#_Trip, (SS) HP, IP and LP Shaft Accel Decel Trip Logic Note: PR#_MIN is not used on ACC1_Trip. PR2_Min is used on ACC2_Trip and PR3_Min is used on ACC3_Trip. **Note: Where 100% is defined as the OS Setpoint. Shaft Speed Accel, Decel and Zero 262 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information Trip Anticipate Function Steam turbine applications provide a speed trip that uses a live set point from signal space. This overspeed trip is vigorously changed as a function of turbine load. This function does the following: • • • • • Input set point is OS1_TATrpSp from signal space. Input rated RPM is specified by RatedRPM_TA as part of the I/O pack configuration. Function test request input is TrpAntcptTst from signal space. If (OS1_TATrpSP is < 103.5% OR > 116% of RatedRPM_TA) then TA_Spd_Sp (the local set point value) = 106% of RatedRPM_TA and TA_StptLoss (Signal space) is true and alarm L30TA is declared. Otherwise, TA_Spd_Sp = OS1_ TATrpSP. If TrpAntcptTst is true, decrease the current value of TA_Spd_Sp by 1RPM / second. Set the minimum value of RatedRPM_TA to 94%. If TrpAntcptTst is false, the value of TA_Spd_Sp from above is immediately used. If PulseRate1 (Speed input 1 from the pulse rate input) > TA_Spd_Sp the internal value Trp_Anticptr is set properly. If the I/O pack is configured for steam turbine application (internal value SteamTurbOnly), then TA_Trip (signal space) equals the value of Trp_Anticptr. Note The I/O pack mounted on a TREA does not toggle the relays for trip anticipate function. PPRO, YPRO Backup Turbine Protection GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 263 Non-Public Information Solenoid Voltage / Power Sense The I/O pack provides three comparator voltage inputs used to monitor solenoid power or solenoid voltage depending on the trip card that is connected. SOL1_Vfdbk (SS), SOL2_Vfdbk (SS), and SOL3_Vfdbk (SS) are generated from the input signals. Main Control Watchdog A standard control watchdog function is provided by the I/O pack. In this function, a value from a Device Heartbeat (DEVICE_HB) block is passed from the main controller to the I/O pack each data frame. If the I/O pack stops detecting the value from the main controller, a counter is incremented and, after five data frames, leads to a trip. If the main controller recovers for 60 seconds, the trip is removed, allowing for the recovery of the main controller with subsequent re-arming of the backup protection. The recovery function is provided for typical activities such as cycling power on a controller to perform maintenance. While the controller is offline, the I/O pack associated with that controller will vote to trip. When the controller returns to operation, the I/O pack will remove the vote to trip. The watchdog offers monitoring of two main controllers in the event both Ethernet ports are connected. When configured for two controllers, having one controller active is sufficient to prevent a trip. 264 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information Stale Speed Detection The I/O pack provides an additional main control watchdog function that is based on a live speed signal. The protection works as follows: If the pack PulseRate1 is determined to be zero speed the protection is turned off. If above zero speed, the pack looks at the value of Speed1 from the main control. If the most recent Speed1 value exactly matches the Speed1 value from the last data frame then a counter is incremented. If the counter reaches a threshold then a stale speed trip is declared and latched. If speeds are different the counter is cleared. Although Speed_1, SS is available as a connected variable, it should not be forced. It can cause the protection to trip the system if enabled. Attention This protection is based on the knowledge that a live speed signal always dithers or moves some small amount. If the speed values being read by PPRO from the controller are not changing (dithering), there is loss of speed signal integrity from the controller. If the main control recovers for 60 seconds, the trip is removed allowing for the recovery of the main control with subsequent re-arming of the backup protection. The protection offers monitoring of two main controls in the event both Ethernet ports are connected. When configured for two controls, having one control satisfy the test is sufficient to prevent a trip. PPRO, YPRO Backup Turbine Protection GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 265 Non-Public Information Main Control Ethernet Monitor The main control provides time synchronization across the distributed control elements. The time synchronization is tied tightly into the time at which traffic occurs on a given controller's IONet. The I/O pack provides monitoring of this service to ensure it is working correctly. Gross errors in time synchronization are detected by the pack through a number of different means, and if problems persist, the I/O pack will vote to trip. Once the trip is latched, if the problem goes away for 60 seconds the trip shall be reset (this assumes the control recovers from the problem and is back on line). The monitor will offer monitoring of two main controls in the event both Ethernet ports are connected. When configured for two controls, having one control sequencing correctly is sufficient to prevent a trip. In the following diagram, the detection has been simplified to display monitoring of an Ethernet frame number as the means for determining a problem is present. Sync Frame Count Monitor Trip Signal Logic The different trip signals are combined into a composite signal that is used in the relay output logic. The following figure specifies how the signals are combined. This function is partitioned between firmware and programmable logic. The path to trip through hardware overspeed is done completely in hardware so that a firmware malfunction cannot defeat the protection. The same is true of the contact input trip signals when they are configured for direct trip. There are differences between steam turbine protection and other protection. A composite signal SteamTurbOnly is created for ease of use: LargeSteam ** MediumSteam ** SmallSteam ** ** A number of contacts depend on the value of Turbine _Type, CFG. SteamTurbOnly Steam Turbine Trip Signals 266 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information Dec1_Trip OS1_Trip PulseRate1 Trips Acc1_Trip L5CFG1_Trip Dec2_Trip OS2_Trip 1 GT_2Shaft PulseRate2 Trips Acc2_Trip L5CFG2_Trip LM_2Shaft1 1 LPShaftLock LM_3Shaft ComposTrip1, (SS) Dec3_Trip OS3_Trip PulseRate3 Trips 1 LM_3Shaftf Acc3_Trip L5CFG3_Trip L5Cont_Trip SpeedDiff_Trip System Trips Cross_Trip, SS StaleSpdTrip ContWdogTrip FrameSyncTrip Sil_Diag_Trip 2 1 LM_2Shaft 1 LM_3Shaft LMTripZEnable, CFG PR1_Zero HPZeroSpdByp SS 1 SteamTurbOnly Zero Speed Special Case L3Z Hardware Overspeed OS1HW_Trip OS2HW_Trip OS3HW_Trip 1 Notes: CFG values. 2 This trip is generated if a PulseRate signal is broken (such as in the case of no signal) and SilMode is set to enabled, or if a hardware issue is detected regardless of SilMode. There will be an accompanying diagnostic generated to designate the actual cause of the trip. Trip Combine - All Signals (SS) unless Marked PPRO, YPRO Backup Turbine Protection GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 267 Non-Public Information Watchdog Trip Function Hardware in the I/O pack monitors local firmware operation, providing a watchdog trip function if the firmware malfunctions. The operation of this watchdog does not display in the normal sequencing figures. The I/O pack hardware is designed to be in a fail-safe or trip mode if it is not properly configured and operating. This means that with power off, while starting up, when in a hardware reset, or otherwise not online, the I/O pack will vote to trip. If the I/O pack watchdog acts, it resets the hardware thereby generating a vote to trip. The processor board used inside the I/O pack has hardware features that allow it to differentiate between a reset caused by the watchdog hardware and a reset caused by cycling of power. This information is available from the pack after it restarts. In the event that an I/O pack votes to trip due to a reset, it is then possible to determine if a watchdog reset or a cycling of control power caused the event. Backup Synchronizing Check The Mark VIeS YPRO or Mark VIe PPRO provides two PT inputs and performs a backup synchronizing check. The TPRO has fanned PT inputs. The SPRO does not use fanned PT inputs because there are three direct PT paths. 268 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information Generator Synchronizing with TPRO TTUR Cont’d TTURH 1C Generator, PT secondary, nomin. 115 V ac (75 to 130 V ac), 45 to 66 Hz R PTUR 17 P3 PR 3 (0.1 Hz) Fan out connection PS3 to S 19 20 Phase +10 Deg Gen lag Gen lead PT3 to T 2/3 RD (0.25 Hz) +0.12 Hz 18 Bus, PT secondary, nomin. 115 V ac (75 to 130 V ac), 45 to 66 V Hz Slip P3 +0.3 Hz Cont’d PR3 Cont’d Auto Synch Algorithm S PTUR P28 K25P 01 K25 T 2/3 RD S K25A P125/24 V dc From JR 4 03 K25P 02 L52Ga JT4 CB_ Volts_OK 04 K25 CB_K25P_PU L52G 05 K25A CB_K25_PU 52Gb 07 T PTUR JS4 06 CB_K25A_PU 08 Breaker Close Coil JR4 N125 /24 V dc JT1 Generator, PT secondary, nomin. 115 V ac (75 to 130 V ac), 45 to 66 Hz 1 JS1 2 Bus, PT secondary, nomin. 115 V ac (75 to 130 V ac), 45 to 66 V Hz TRPG / TRPL / TRPS JR1 Fan out connection 3 J2 4 J2 TREG / TREL / TRES R PPRO Sync Check Slip Algorithm 2/3 RD TPRO TPROH1C JR1 JX1 JX1 JS1 JY1 JY1 JT1 JZ1 JZ1 K25A Relay Driver +0.3 Hz -10 Deg +10 Deg Phase -0.3 Hz S T PPRO PPRO PPRO, YPRO Backup Turbine Protection GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 269 Non-Public Information Generator Synchronizing with SPRO TTUR Generator PT secondary Nomin . 115 V ac ( 75 to 130 V ac ) 45 to 66 Hz Bus PT secondary nomin. 115 V ac ( 75 to 130 V ac) 45 to 66 Hz R YTUR 17 PR3 18 19 Fan out connection PS3 to S 20 P3 Cont’d +0.3 Hz Slip (0.25Hz) P3 +0. 12 Hz (0.1Hz) Phase + 10 Deg Gen lag Gen lead Auto Synch Algorithm PT 3 to T S Y TUR T Y TUR PR3 Cont’d 01 TTUR P28 Cont’d K 25 P K25 T 2 /3 2/ 3 RD RD S JT 4 JS 4 P125 /24 V dc From JR 4 Volt 02 CB_ s _OK L 52 Ga K25 A CB_K25P_PU L52 G CB_K25_PU 03 K 25P 04 K 25 K 25 A 05 06 07 CB_K25A_PU 08 JR4 52 Gb Breaker Close Coil N 125 /24 V dc JT1 JS1 TRPG JR1 J2 J2 JA 3 JX1 2/3 RD Generator PT secondary Nomin. 115 V ac ( 75 to 130 V ac ) 45 to 66 Hz Bus PT secondary Nomin .115 V ac ( 75 to 130 V ac ) 45 to 66 Hz Generator PT secondary Nomin. 115 V ac ( 75 to 130 V ac ) 45 to 66 Hz Bus PT secondary Nomin. 115 V ac ( 75 to 130 V ac ) 45 to 66 Hz Generator PT secondary Nomin . 115 V ac ( 75 to 130 V ac ) 45 to 66 Hz Bus PT secondary Nomin. 115 V ac ( 75 to 130 V ac ) 45 to 66 Hz 270 R K25 A Relay Driver SPRO 1 R 2 Sync Check Slip Algorithm +0.3 Hz Fan out 3 connection YPRO JA1 -10 Deg +10 Deg -0.3 Hz 4 Phase TREG JY 1 1 S JA3 SPRO 2 Fan out 3 connection S 4 1 YPRO JA1 T JZ 1 JA 3 SPRO 2 Fan out 3 connection T 4 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ YPRO JA1 Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information K25A Sync Check Function The K25A sync check function is based on phase lock loop techniques. The PPRO or YPRO performs the calculations for this function with interfaces to the breaker close circuit located on the TTUR board (not TPRO or SPRO). Its basic function is to monitor two Potential Transformer (PT) inputs, and to calculate generator and bus voltage amplitudes and frequencies, phase, and slip. When it is armed (enabled) from the application code, and when the calculations determine that the input variables are within the requirements, the relay K25A will be energized. The above limits are configurable. The algorithm uses the phase lock loop technique to derive the above input variables, and has a bypass function to provide dead bus closures. The window in this algorithm is the current window, not the projected window (as used on the auto sync function), therefore it does not include anticipation. Limit checks are performed against adjustable constants as follows: • • • • • Generator under-voltage Bus under-voltage Voltage error Frequency error (slip), with a maximum recommended value of 0.5 Hz, typically set to 0.27 Hz Phase error with a maximum rotational value of 30°, typically set to 10°. PPRO, YPRO Backup Turbine Protection GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 271 Non-Public Information The sync check arms logic to enable the function and provides bypass logic for dead bus closure. The following sync window is based on typical settings. Typical Sync Window The PPRO or YPRO provides a command to monitor feedback for the K25A sync relay and K25A coil. The feedback is named K25A_Fdbk, (SS). Sync Check and K25A Sync Relay Command The Sync Check will allow the breaker to close with negative slip. The window is configurable for phase and slip. The following diagnostics relating to the auto sync function are generated by the PPRO or YPRO: • • 272 K25A Relay (sync check) Driver mismatch requested state. This means the PPRO or YPRO cannot establish a current path to the TREx terminal board. K25A Relay (sync check) Coil trouble, cabling to P28 V on TTUR. This means the K25A relay is not functional; it could be due to an open circuit between the TREx and the TTUR terminal boards or to a missing P28 V source on the TTUR terminal board. GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information K25A Relay Algorithm The following figure displays the logic for K25A Relay from the Mark VIeS YPRO, which is the same as from the Mark VIe PPRO. Signal Space, Outputs; Algorithm Inputs YPRO Config SynchCheck SystemFreq FreqDiff TurbRPM PhaseDiff * ReferFreq used/ unused L3_Window Slip PR_Std +0. 3 Hz + 10 Deg Phase PR1/PR2 SPRO Gen Lag Signal Space, inputs; Algorithm Outputs Gen Lead DriveFreq center freq 1 Generator, PT secondary 2 BusFreq GenFreq GenVoltsDiff GenFreqDiff GenPhaseDiff Phase Lock Loop Phase, Slip, Freq, Amplitude Calculations 3 Bus, PT secondary 4 L25A_Command GenVoltsDiff VoltageDiff GenVoltage 2.8 GenVolts 6.9 BusVolts BusVoltage 6.9 A A |A|<B B OR B A A> B B L3_GenVolts A A> B B L3_BusVolts SynCk_Perm SynCk_ByPass AND C D L3_GenVolts L3_BusVolts A B A B C AND D E Dead Bus NOT A OR L25A _ Command B TREG TRPG Y TUR RD TTUR K25A Note *ReferFreq is a configuration parameter, used to make a selection of the variable that is used to establish the center frequency of the Phase Lock Loop. It allows a choice between: • PR_Std – Using PulseRate1 speed input on a single shaft applications – Using PulseRate2 on all multiple shaft applications • SgSpace uses DriveFreq (the generator frequency in Hz) from signal space PR_Std is not applicable. (application code). SgSpace is used when PPRO, YPRO Backup Turbine Protection GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 273 Non-Public Information Servo Suicide Relay Command The I/O pack provides a command to a servo suicide relay, and provides coil-monitoring feedback named K4CL_Fdbk, (SS). This signal is typically used in a simplex control of a gas turbine system where it is highly desirable for the pack emergency protection to have a hardware path to close the fuel valves. It is also used in simplex steam turbines to close the steam valves. Servo Suicide Relay Command Note If the K4CL relay is enabled during an online Overspeed test, use the OnlineOS1X option and not the OnlineOS1Tst. This will avoid an unwanted K4CL activation. Trip and Economizing Relay Outputs The I/O pack provides drivers for three emergency trip relay commands, and provides monitoring for three status feedback signals. Trip is a combination of firmware trip and direct trip implemented in programmable logic. The pack contains drivers for three economizing relay commands and monitoring for three status feedback signals. Economizing relays are used when it is desirable to introduce some series resistance in a solenoid coil path to reduce current once the solenoid is picked up. Note YPROs or PPROs mounted on TREA terminal boards have TA_Trip_Enab# set by default to Disable and this parameter is not configurable. The reset signal applied to this function is not edge triggered. A continuously applied reset can result in output cycling in the presence of an intermittent trip signal. The duration of the reset should only be sufficient to allow the reset to complete and should not be maintained. Logic for the economizing relay drivers is a time-delayed copy of the emergency trip relays as displayed in the following figure. 274 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information In FPGA TA_Trip, (SS) TestETR1 ComposTrip1 ETR1_Enab SS (SS) CFG, K1_Fdbk L5ESTOP1(SS) TA_Trip_Enabl1 CFG (PPRO) ETR1 (IO) Trip Relay, Energize to Run TRES, TREL Used In Firmware ETR1 SOL1_Vfdbk KE1_Enab IO (SS) CFG, KE1_Fdbk TD_KE1 In Firmware 2 Second Delay on Pickup KE1 (IO) Economizing Relay, Energize to Econ TD_KE1 In FPGA TA_Trip(SS) TestETR2 ComposTrip1 ETR2_Enab SS (SS) CFG, K2_Fdbk TA_Trip_Enabl2 CFG (PPRO) L5ESTOP1(SS) ETR2 (IO) Trip Relay, Energize to Run TRES, TREL Used In Firmware ETR2 SOL2_Vfdbk KE2_Enab IO (SS) CFG, KE2_Fdbk TD_KE2 In Firmware 2 Second Delay on Pickup KE2 (IO) TD_KE2 Economizing Relay, Energize to Econ L97EOST_ONLZ Large Steam CFG In FPGA TA_Trip(SS) ComposTrip1 TestETR 3 (SS) SS TA_Trip_Enabl3 CFG (PPRO) ETR3_Enab CFG, K3_Fdbk L5ESTOP1(SS) ETR3 (IO) Trip Relay, Energize to Run TRES, TREL Used In Firmware ETR3 SOL3_Vfdbk KE3_Enab IO (SS) CFG, KE3_Fdbk 2 Second Delay on Pickup TD_KE3 In Firmware KE3 (IO) Economizing Relay, Energize to Econ, TD_KE3 Note: TREL and TRES do not have economizing relays so the KE1, KE2, and KE3 drivers are not used when those boards are configured. Estop is only on TREG so it is bypassed when driving ETR1-3 with TREL and TRES. Trip and Economizing Relay Outputs PPRO, YPRO Backup Turbine Protection GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 275 Non-Public Information 7.1.4 Specifications Item PPRO Specification Speed Input Quantity Three input signals provided Speed input Range Pulse rate frequency range 2 Hz to 20 kHz Speed Input Accuracy Pulse rate accuracy 0.05% of reading Speed Input Sensitivity Speed input sensitivity is such that turning gear speed may be observed on a typical turbine application. Generator and Bus Voltage Inputs Frame Rate Pulse Duration Limitation Size Technology † Ambient rating for enclosure design Seismic Required peak-peak (p-p) voltage rises as a function of frequency: 2 Hz requires 27 mV p-p (TREA, SPRO, TPRO) 20 kHz requires 294 mV p-p (TREA) 20 kHz requires 276 mV p-p (SPRO, TPRO) Input voltage range 75 to 127 V rms. Loading less than 3 VA. Frequency accuracy 0.05% over 45 to 66 Hz range. 100 Hz maximum Trip contact input can only be detected if the pulse contact is greater than 8 ms. 8.26 cm high x 4.19 cm wide (3.25 in x 1.65 in x 4.78 in) Surface-mount PPROS1B is rated from -40 to 70ºC (-40 to 158 ºF) PPROH1A is rated from -30 to 65ºC (-22 to 149 ºF) † Refer to GEH-6721_Vol_I, the chapter Technical Regulations, Standards, and Environments. Vibration Universal Building Code (UBC) – Seismic Code section 2312 Zone 4 with operation without trip Shipping (by road) Bellcore GR-63-CORE Issue 1, 1995 0.5 g, 5-100 Hz, 10 min. per octave, 1 sweep/axis x 3 axes, ~ 42 min./axis 3 shocks of 15 g, 2 ms impulse each repeated for all axes Operating at site 1.0 g horizontal. 0.5 g vertical at 15 to 120 Hz IEC 60721-3-2 276 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information Agency Approvals Type Standards Safety UL 508A Safety Standard Industrial Control Equipment CSA 22.2 No. 14 Industrial Control Equipment EN 61010-1 Safety of Electrical Equipment, Industrial Machines (Low Voltage Directive) Printed Wire Board Assemblies UL 796 Printed Circuit Boards UL recognized Board manufacturer ANSI IPC guidelines ANSI IPC/EIA guidelines Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) EN 61000-4-2 Electrostatic Discharge Susceptibility EN 6100 4-3 (ENV 50140) Radiated RF Immunity EN 61000-6-2 Generic Immunity Industrial Environment EN 61000-4-4 Electrical Fast Transient Susceptibility EN 61000-4-5 Surge Immunity EN 61000-4-6 Conducted RF Immunity EN 55011 Radiated and Conducted RF Emissions ANSI/IEEE C37.90.1 Surge 7.1.5 Diagnostics The I/O pack performs the following self-diagnostic tests: • • • • • A power-up self-test that includes checks of RAM, flash memory, Ethernet ports, and most of the processor board hardware Continuous monitoring of the internal power supplies for correct operation A check of the analog feedback currents A comparison between the commanded state of each relay drive and the feedback from the commanded output circuit A check of the electronic ID information from the terminal board, acquisition board, and processor board to confirm that the hardware set matches, followed by a check that the application code loaded from flash memory is correct for the hardware set Details of the individual diagnostics are available from the ToolboxST application. The diagnostic signals can be individually latched, and then reset with the RESET_DIA signal if they go health. PPRO, YPRO Backup Turbine Protection GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 277 Non-Public Information PPRO Trip Status During normal I/O pack operation, all six trip application LEDs display green. An additional feature, rotating LEDs, can be configured for the I/O pack. Using this feature, only one LED is turned on at a time, and walked up and down the six LEDs creating a synchronized motion. The walking is regulated by the controller IONet, and synchronized across a set of three I/O packs. This provides a quick visual indication of the system time synchronization status. There are six LEDs on the front left side of the I/O pack to indicate trip status. All six LEDs stay off until the I/O pack is completely online. RUN is green any time the I/O pack has energized the emergency trip relays. RUN turns red any time the I/O pack has removed power from the emergency trip relays, voting to trip. ESTP is green when the ESTOP input (if applicable) is in the run state. ESTP turns red any time ESTOP is invoked to prevent pick up of the emergency trip relays. If the selected trip terminal board does not support ESTOP, then the LED defaults to green. OSPD turns red any time the I/O pack votes to trip in response to a detected overspeed condition on any of the three speed inputs. OSPD is green when an overspeed condition is not present or latched. Note WDOG turns green to indicate that the trip status of any of these features has been cleared. WDOG turns red when any of the following I/O pack trip functions are enabled and active: • • • • Control Watchdog Speed Difference Detection Stale Speed Detection Frame Sync Monitor SYNC is green when generator and bus voltage is synchronized and matched in amplitude. SYNC turns red when the I/O pack determines that ac bus and generator bus voltage does not satisfy the synchronization requirements, and synchronization has been requested by the system. OPT is reserved for options that expand the capabilities of the I/O pack. The default display is green. 278 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 7.1.6 Configuration The following subsections (Parameters, Pulse Rate, PT, K25A, and so forth) define the choices within the tabs of the ToolboxST configuration. Parameters Description Choices TurbineType Turbine Type and Trip Solenoid configuration Unused, GT_1Shaft, LM_3Shaft, MediumSteam, SmallSteam,GT_2Shaft, Stag_GT_1Sh,Stag_GT_2Sh, LargeSteam, LM_2Shaft LMTripZEnabl On LM machine, when no PR on Z,Enable a vote for trip Disable, Enable TA_Trp_Enab1 Steam, enable trip anticipate on ETR1 † Disable, Enable TA_Trp_Enab2 Steam, enable trip anticipate on ETR2 † Disable, Enable TA_Trp_Enab3 Steam, enable trip anticipate on ETR3 † Disable, Enable StaleSpdEn Enable trip on speed from controller freezing Disable, Enable Parameter SpeedDifEn DiagSolPwrA DiagSolPwrB DiagSolPwrC RotateLeds Enable trip on speed difference between controller Disable, Enable and PPRO When using TREL/TRES, sol power, bus A, diagnostic Disable, Enable enable When using TREL/TRES, sol power, bus B, diagnostic Disable, Enable enable When using TREL/TRES, sol power, bus C, diagnostic Disable, Enable enable Disable, Enable Rotate the status LEDs if all status are OK LedDiags is disabled by default. LedDiags Attention Disable, Enable When enabled, generates a diagnostic alarm when Trip LEDs are lit. Refer to the section, Diagnostics, PPRO Trip Status for more information on LED operation. SilMode Perform additional SIL diagnostic and trip checks RatedRPM_TA Rated RPM, used for trip anticipater and for speed diff 0 to 20,000 protection Disable, Enable AccelCalType Select acceleration calculation time (milliseconds) 10 to 100 OS_Diff Absolute speed difference in percent for trip threshold 0 to 10 RBOS1_Enab HP Rate-based Overspeed enable Disable, Enable ‡ RBOS1_AccelSetptn, HP Rate-based Overspeed acceleration setpoint n, RPM/s 0 to 20,000 HP Rate-based Overspeed setpoint n, RPM 0 to 20,000 LP Rate-based Overspeed enable Disable, Enable LP Rate-based Overspeed acceleration setpoint n, RPM/s 0 to 20,000 n=1-5 ‡ RBOS1_OSSetptn, n= 1-5 RBOS2_Enab ‡ RBOS2_AccelSetptn, n=1-5 PPRO, YPRO Backup Turbine Protection GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 279 Non-Public Information Parameter ‡ RBOS2_OSSetptn, n= 1-5 RBOS3_Enab Description Choices LP Rate-based Overspeed setpoint n, RPM 0 to 20,000 IP Rate-based Overspeed enable Disable, Enable ‡ RBOS3_AccelSetptn, IP Rate-based Overspeed acceleration setpoint n, 0 to 20,000 n=1-5 RPM/s ‡ RBOS3_OSSetptn, n= IP Rate-based Overspeed setpoint n, RPM 0 to 20,000 1-5 † PPROs mounted on TREA terminal boards have TA_Trp_Enab# set by default to Disable and this parameter is not configurable. ‡ RBOS setpoints have restrictions in their relative values. Refer to the section RBOS Parameter Restrictions for further details. RBOS Parameter Restrictions The following restrictions apply to the relative values of RBOS setpoints (within a given shaft): 1. RBOS#_AccelSetpts must increase in value by at least 0.1 RPM/s (RBOS1_AccelSetpt2 must be 0.1 RPM/s or greater than RBOS1_AccelSetpt1). This prevents an infinite slope calculation in the overspeed setpoint profile. 2. RBOS#_OSSetpts must be either equal to or less than the previous entry (RBOS1_OSSetpt2 must be less than or equal to RBOS1_OSSetpt1). This ensures the functionality of the RBOS feature in that as Acceleration increases the RBOS overspeed setpoint either stays the same or decreases, but never increases. These restrictions are enforced by the build in ToolboxST, with errors that provide help to the user to identify the issues in their configuration. Pulse Rate (used on SPRO, TPRO, TREA) Parameter Pulse Rate Description Choices PRType Selects the type of Pulse Rate Input, (For Proper Resolution) Unused,Speed,Flow,Speed_LM,Speed_ High PRScale Pulses per Revolution (outputs RPM) 0 to 1,000 OSHW_Setpoint Hardware Overspeed Trip Setpoint in RPM 0 to 20,000 OS_Setpoint Overspeed Trip Setpoint in RPM 0 to 20,000 OS_Tst_Delta Off Line Overspeed Test Setpoint Delta in RPM -2,000 to 2,000 Zero_Speed Zero Speed for this Shaft in RPM (1 RPM hysteresis), 0 to 20,000 0 RPM sets PR#_Zero always false Min_Speed Min Speed for this Shaft in RPM 0 to 20,000 Accel_Trip Enable Acceleration Trip Disable, Enable Acc_Setpoint Acceleration Trip Setpoint in RPM / Sec 0 to 20,000 TMR_DiffLimt Diag Limit,TMR Input Vote Difference, in Eng Units 0 to 20,000 PT (used on TPRO, SPRO) Parameter Description PT_Input PT primary in Eng Units (kv or percent) for PT_Output 1 to 1000 Choices PT_Output PT Output in Volts rms for PT_Input - typically 115 0 to 150 TMR_DiffLimt Diag Limit,TMR Input Vote Difference, in Eng Units 1 to 1000 280 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information K25A (used on TREG, TRES, TREL) Parameter K25A Description Choices SynchCheck Synch Check Relay K25A Used Used, Unused DiagVoteEnab Enable Voting Disagreement Diagnostic Enable, Disable SystemFreq System Frequency in hz 50 Hz, 60 Hz ReferFreq Select Freq Refer for PLL, PR_Std input (If single shaft PR1, otherwise PR2) or from Signal Space PR_Std or SgSpace TurbRPM Rated RPM, Load Turbine 0 to 20,000 VoltageDiff Maximum Voltage Diff in Eng Units (kv or percent) for Synchronizing 1 to 1000 FreqDiff Maximum Frequency Difference in hz for Synchronizing 0 to 0.5 PhaseDiff Maximum Phase Difference in degrees for Synchronizing 0 to 30 GenVoltage Allowable Minimum Gen Voltage,Eng Units (kv or percent) for Synchronizing. Typically 50% of rated 1 to 1000 BusVoltage Allowable Minimum Bus Voltage,Eng Units (kv or percent) for Synchronizing. Typically 50% of rated 1 to 1000 Contacts (used on TREG, TRES, TREL) Parameter Description Choices ContactInput ContactInput Used, Unused SeqOfEvents Record Contact transitions in Sequence of Events Enable, Disable DiagVoteEnab Enable Voting Disagreement Diagnostic Enable, Disable TripMode TripMode Disable, Direct, Conditional E-Stop (used on TREG) Parameter Description Choices DiagVoteEnab Enable Voting Disagreement Diagnostic Enable, Disable E-Stop (used on TREA) Parameter Description Choices EstopEnab Enable E-Stop Detection on TREA card Enable, Disable DiagVoteEnab Enable Voting Disagreement Diagnostic Enable, Disable Econ Relays (used on TREG) Parameter Description Choices Signal Relay Signal Used, Unused DiagVoteEnab Enable Voting Disagreement Diagnostic Enable, Disable PPRO, YPRO Backup Turbine Protection GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 281 Non-Public Information K4CL (used on TREG, TRES, TREL) Parameter Description Choices Signal Relay Signal Used, Unused DiagVoteEnab Enable Voting Disagreement Diagnostic Enable, Disable ETR Relays (used on TREA, TREG, TRES, TREL) Parameter Description Choices RelayOutput Relay Signal Used, Unused DiagVoteEnab Enable Voting Disagreement Diagnostic Enable, Disable DiagSolEnab Enable Solenoid Voltage Diagnostic Enable, Disable Variables PPRO Variable PPRO Variable Description Direction Type L3DIAG_PPRO_R,S,T I/O Diagnostic Indication Input BOOL LINK_OK_PPRO_R,S,T I/O Link Okay Indication Input BOOL ATTN_PPRO_R,_S, and _T I/O Attention Indication Input BOOL PS18V_PPRO_R,_S, and _T I/O 18 V Power Supply Indication Input BOOL PS28V_PPRO_R,_S, and _T I/O 28 V Power Supply Indication Input BOOL IOPackTmpr_R,_S, and _T I/O Pack Temperature (deg °F) REAL AnalogInput K1FLT K1 Shorted Contact Fault Input BOOL K2FLT K2 Shorted Contact Fault Input BOOL SilModErr Sil Mode Configuration modification after going On Line Input BOOL EstopModErr E-Stop Configuration modification after going On Line Input BOOL TA_StptLoss L30TA Input BOOL GT_1Shaft Input BOOL Input BOOL Input BOOL Input BOOL LargeSteam Config – Gas Turb,1 Shaft Enabled Config – Gas Turb,2 Shaft Enabled Config – LM Turb,2 Shaft Enabled Config – LM Turb,3 Shaft Enabled Config – Large Steam 1, Enabled Input BOOL MediumSteam Config – Medium Steam Enabled Input BOOL SmallSteam Config – Small Steam Enabled Input BOOL Stag_GT_1Sh Config – Stag 1 Shaft, Enabled Input BOOL Stag_GT_2Sh Config – Stag 2 Shaft, Enabled Input BOOL L3SS_Comm Communication Status - OK = True LL97LR_BYP - Locked Rotor Bypass Input BOOL Output BOOL L97ZSC_BYP - HP Zero Speed Check Bypass Output BOOL GT_2Shaft LM_2Shaft LM_3Shaft LokdRotorByp HPZeroSpdByp 282 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Terminal Boards All TREA All Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information Variable PPRO Variable Description DriveFreq Type Terminal Boards RefrFreq - Drive (Gen) Freq (Hz), AnalogOutput used for non standard drive config REAL TPRO, SPRO Speed1 Shaft Speed 1 in RPM AnalogOutput REAL ContWdog Controller Watchdog Counter Output DINT Direction All Variables Contacts Variable Contact Variable Description Direction Type Terminal Boards Contact1 Contact Input 1 Input BOOL TREG, TRES, TREL Contact2 Contact Input 2 Input BOOL TREG, TRES, TREL Contact3 Contact Input 3 Input BOOL TREG, TRES, TREL Contact4 Contact Input 4 Input BOOL TREG, TRES, TREL Contact5 Contact Input 5 Input BOOL TREG, TRES, TREL Contact6 Contact Input 6 Input BOOL TREG, TRES, TREL Contact7 Contact Input 7 Input BOOL TREG, TRES, TREL Variables Econ Relays Variable Econ Relay Variable Description Direction Type Terminal Boards KE1_Fdbk Current Economizing Relay for Trip Solenoid 1 Input BOOL TREG KE2_Fdbk Current Economizing Relay for Trip Solenoid 2 Input BOOL TREG KE3_Fdbk Current Economizing Relay for Trip Solenoid 3 Input BOOL TREG Type Terminal Boards Input BOOL TREG Input BOOL TREA Variables E-Stop Variable E-Stop Variable Description Direction ESTOP1,inverse sense,K4 relay, True = Run KESTOP1_Fdbk A SOE is generated for this variable, requiring the attachment of an application variable to this signal. Otherwise, a build warning is generated. ESTOP1,inverse sense,True = Run KESTOP1_Fdbk A SOE is generated for this variable, requiring the attachment of an application variable to this signal. Otherwise, a build warning is generated. PPRO, YPRO Backup Turbine Protection GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 283 Non-Public Information Variables ETR Relays Variable ETR Relay Variable Description Direction Type Terminal Boards K1_Fdbk L4ETR1_FB, Trip Relay 1 Feedback L4ETR2_FB, Trip Relay 2 Feedback L4ETR3_FB, Trip Relay 3 Feedback Input BOOL Input BOOL Input BOOL TREA, TREG, TRES, TREL TREA, TREG, TRES, TREL TREG, TRES, TREL K2_Fdbk K3_Fdbk Variables Fanned-PR Variable Description Direction Type Terminal Boards Fan_Spd_Fbk Fanned Speed Signal Feedback :- Fanned = Jumpers Closed Input BOOL TREA Variables K25A Variable Description Direction Type Terminal Boards K25A_Fdbk Synch Check Relay Input BOOL TREG, TRES, TREL When this is set to False, the generator and bus potential transformer (PT) live values are disabled. Variables K4CL Variable Description Direction Type Terminal Boards K4CL_Fdbk Drive Control Valve Servos Closed Input BOOL TREG, TREL, TRES Variable Description Direction Type Terminal Boards BusPT_KVolts Kilo-Volts RMS (Active only if K25A is Enabled) AnalogInput REAL TPRO, SPRO GenPT_KVolts Kilo-Volts RMS (Active only if K25A is Enabled) AnalogInput REAL TPRO, SPRO Variables PT Variables Pulse Rate Variable Description Direction Type Terminal Boards PulseRate1 HP speed AnalogInput REAL TPRO, SPRO,TREA PulseRate2 LP speed AnalogInput REAL TPRO, SPRO,TREA PulseRate3 IP speed AnalogInput REAL TPRO, SPRO,TREA 284 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information Variables Vars-CI Variable Vars-CI Variable Description Direction Type Terminal Boards Cont1_TrEnab BOOL TREG, TRES, TREL BOOL TREG, TRES, TREL BOOL TREG, TRES, TREL BOOL TREG, TRES, TREL BOOL TREG, TRES, TREL BOOL TREG, TRES, TREL BOOL TREG, TRES, TREL BOOL TREG, TRES, TREL BOOL TREG, TRES, TREL BOOL TREG, TRES, TREL BOOL TREG, TRES, TREL BOOL TREG, TRES, TREL BOOL TREG, TRES, TREL BOOL TREG, TRES, TREL BOOL TREG, TRES, TREL BOOL TREG, TRES, TREL BOOL TREG, TRES, TREL BOOL TREG, TRES, TREL BOOL TREG, TRES, TREL BOOL TREG, TRES, TREL BOOL TREG, TRES, TREL Trip1_Inhbt Config – Contact 1 Trip Enabled – Input Direct Config – Contact 2 Trip Enabled – Input Direct Config – Contact 3 Trip Enabled – Input Direct Config – Contact 4 Trip Enabled – Input Direct Config – Contact 5 Trip Enabled – Input Direct Config – Contact 6 Trip Enabled – Input Direct Config – Contact 7 Trip Enabled – Input Direct Input Trip Inhibit Signal Feedback for Contact 1 Input Trip Inhibit Signal Feedback for Contact 2 Input Trip Inhibit Signal Feedback for Contact 3 Trip Inhibit Signal Feedback for Input Contact 4 Trip Inhibit Signal Feedback for Input Contact 5 Input Trip Inhibit Signal Feedback for Contact 6 Trip Inhibit Signal Feedback for Input Contact 7 Input Contact 1 Trip Enabled – Conditional Input Contact 2 Trip Enabled – Conditional Input Contact 3 Trip Enabled – Conditional Input Contact 4 Trip Enabled – Conditional Input Contact 5 Trip Enabled – Conditional Input Contact 6 Trip Enabled – Conditional Input Contact 7 Trip Enabled – Conditional Contact 1 Trip Inhibit Output BOOL TREG, TRES, TREL Trip2_Inhbt Contact 2 Trip Inhibit Output BOOL TREG, TRES, TREL Trip3_Inhbt Contact 3 Trip Inhibit Output BOOL TREG, TRES, TREL Trip4_Inhbt Contact 4 Trip Inhibit Output BOOL TREG, TRES, TREL Trip5_Inhbt Contact 5 Trip Inhibit Output BOOL TREG, TRES, TREL Trip6_Inhbt Contact 6 Trip Inhibit Output BOOL TREG, TRES, TREL Trip7_Inhbt Contact 7 Trip Inhibit Output BOOL TREG, TRES, TREL Cont2_TrEnab Cont3_TrEnab Cont4_TrEnab Cont5_TrEnab Cont6_TrEnab Cont7_TrEnab Inhbt1_Fdbk Inhbt2_Fdbk Inhbt3_Fdbk Inhbt4_Fdbk Inhbt5_Fdbk Inhbt6_Fdbk Inhbt7_Fdbk Trip1_EnCon Trip2_EnCon Trip3_EnCon Trip4_EnCon Trip5_EnCon Trip6_EnCon Trip7_EnCon PPRO, YPRO Backup Turbine Protection GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 285 Non-Public Information Variables Vars-Relay Variable Vars-Relay Variable Description Direction Type K1_FdbkNV_R,S,T Non Voted L4ETR1_FB, Trip Relay 1 Feedback Input BOOL K2_FdbkNV_R,S,T Non Voted L4ETR2_FB, Trip Relay 2 Feedback Input BOOL K3_FdbkNV_R,S,T Non Voted L4ETR3_FB, Trip Relay 3 Feedback Input BOOL TREG, TRES, TREL SOL1_Vfdbk When TREG,Trip Solenoid 1 Voltage Input BOOL TREG SOL2_Vfdbk When TREG,Trip Solenoid 2 Voltage Input BOOL TREG SOL3_Vfdbk When TREG,Trip Solenoid 3 Voltage Input BOOL TREG ETR1_Enab Config – ETR1 Relay Enabled Input BOOL ETR2_Enab Config – ETR2 Relay Enabled Input BOOL ETR3_Enab Config – ETR3 Relay Enabled Input BOOL TREG, TRES, TREL KE1_Enab Config – Economizing Relay 1 Enabled Config – Economizing Relay 2 Enabled Config – Economizing Relay 3 Enabled Config – Servo Clamp Relay Enabled Config – Synch Check Relay Enabled L20PTR1 - Primary Trip Relay CMD vs. Voltage - a Mismatch Diagnostic Monitor Input BOOL TREG Input BOOL TREG Input BOOL TREG Input BOOL TREG, TRES, TREL Input BOOL TREG, TRES, TREL Output BOOL PTR2 L20PTR2 - Primary Trip Relay CMD vs. Voltage - a Mismatch Diagnostic Monitor Output BOOL PTR3 L20PTR3 - Primary Trip Relay CMD vs. Voltage - a Mismatch Diagnostic Monitor Output BOOL TestETR1 L97ETR1 - ETR1 test, True deenergizes relay Output BOOL TestETR2 L97ETR2 - ETR2 test, True deenergizes relay Output BOOL TestETR3 L97ETR3 - ETR3 test, True deenergizes relay Output BOOL KE2_Enab KE3_Enab K4CL_Enab K25A_Enab PTR1 286 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Terminal Boards All All All TREG, TRES, TREL All TREG, TRES, TREL Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information Variables Vars-Speed Variable Vars-Speed Variable Description Direction Acc1_TrEnab Config – Accel 1 Trip Enabled Input BOOL Acc2_TrEnab Config – Accel 2 Trip Enabled Input BOOL Acc3_TrEnab Config – Accel 3 Trip Enabled Input BOOL OS1HW_SP_Pend Hardware HP overspeed setpoint Input changed after power up BOOL OS2HW_SP_Pend Hardware LP overspeed setpoint changed after power up Input BOOL OS3HW_SP_Pend Hardware IP overspeed setpoint changed after power up Input BOOL OS1HW_SP_CfgErr Hardware HP Overspd Setpoint Config Mismatch Error Input BOOL OS2HW_SP_CfgErr Hardware LP Overspd Setpoint Config Mismatch Error Input BOOL OS3HW_SP_CfgErr Hardware IP Overspd Setpoint Config Mismatch Error Input BOOL Input BOOL Input BOOL Input BOOL Type PR1_Accel HP Overspd Setpoint Config Mismatch Error LP Overspd Setpoint Config Mismatch Error IP Overspd Setpoint Config Mismatch Error HP Accel in RPM/SEC AnalogInput REAL PR2_Accel LP Accel in RPM/SEC AnalogInput REAL PR3_Accel IP Accel in RPM/SEC HP Max Speed since last Zero Speed in RPM AnalogInput REAL AnalogInput REAL OS1_SP_CfgEr OS2_SP_CfgEr OS3_SP_CfgEr PR1_Max PR2_Max LP Max Speed since last Zero Speed in RPM AnalogInput REAL PR3_Max IP Max Speed since last Zero Speed in RPM AnalogInput REAL OS1_Setpoint_Fbk Current firmware overspeed setpoint for HP shaft in RPM AnalogInput REAL OS2_Setpoint_Fbk Current firmware overspeed setpoint for LP shaft in RPM AnalogInput REAL OS3_Setpoint_Fbk Current firmware overspeed setpoint for IP shaft in RPM AnalogInput REAL OnLineOS1Tst L97HP_TST1 - On Line HP Overspeed Test Output BOOL OnLineOS2Tst L97LP_TST1 - On Line LP Overspeed Test Output BOOL OnLineOS3Tst L97IP_TST1 - On Line IP Overspeed Test Output BOOL OffLineOS1Tst L97HP_TST2 - Off Line HP Overspeed Test Output BOOL OffLineOS2Tst L97LP_TST2 - Off Line LP Overspeed Test Output BOOL OffLineOS3Tst L97IP_TST2 - Off Line IP Overspeed Test Output BOOL PPRO, YPRO Backup Turbine Protection Terminal Boards All GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 287 Non-Public Information Variable Vars-Speed Variable Description TrpAntcptTst PR_Max_Rst OnLineOS1X Direction Type L97A_TST - Trip Anticipate Test Output BOOL Max Speed Reset Output BOOL L43EOST_ONL - Online HP Overspeed Test,with auto reset Output BOOL OS1_Setpoint Enable Test Mode for RBOS feature for HP. RBOS1_Accel_ Output Test will be used as Accel input to RBOS. Enable Test Mode for RBOS feature for LP. RBOS2_Accel_ Output Test will be used as Accel input to RBOS. Enable Test Mode for RBOS feature for IP. RBOS3_Accel_Test Output will be used as Accel input to RBOS. HP Overspeed Setpoint in RPM AnalogOutput REAL OS2_Setpoint LP Overspeed Setpoint in RPM AnalogOutput REAL OS3_Setpoint IP Overspeed Setpoint in RPM AnalogOutput REAL OS1_TATrpSp PR1 Overspeed Trip Setpoint in RPM for Trip Anticipate Fn AnalogOutput REAL OSHW_Setpoint1 HP Overspeed Setpoint in RPM AnalogOutput REAL RBOS1_TestEnable RBOS2_TestEnable RBOS3_TestEnable TREG, TRES, TREL BOOL BOOL BOOL OSHW_Setpoint2 LP Overspeed Setpoint in RPM AnalogOutput REAL OSHW_Setpoint3 IP Overspeed Setpoint in RPM AnalogOutput REAL RBOS1_Accel_Test Test Accel signal for RBOS feature for HP shaft, RPM/s AnalogOutput REAL RBOS2_Accel_Test Test Accel signal for RBOS feature for LP shaft, RPM/s AnalogOutput REAL RBOS3_Accel_Test Test Accel signal for RBOS feature for IP shaft, RPM/s AnalogOutput REAL Terminal Boards All Variables Vars-Sync Variable Vars-Sync Variable Description Direction Type Terminal Boards L25A_Cmd L25A Breaker Close Pulse Input BOOL TPRO, SPRO BusFreq SFL2 hz AnalogInput REAL TPRO, SPRO GenFreq DF2 hz AnalogInput REAL TPRO, SPRO GenVoltsDiff DV_ERR KiloVolts rms - Gen Low AnalogInput is Negative REAL TPRO, SPRO GenFreqDiff SFDIFF2 Slip hz - Gen Slow is Negative AnalogInput REAL TPRO, SPRO GenPhaseDiff SSDIFF2 Phase degrees - Gen Lag is Negative AnalogInput REAL TPRO, SPRO SynCk_Perm L25A_PERM - Sync Check Permissive L25A_BYPASS - Sync Check ByPass Output BOOL TPRO, SPRO Output BOOL TPRO, SPRO SynCk_ByPass 288 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information Variables Vars-Trip Variable Vars-Trip Variable Description Direction Type ComposTrip1 Composite Trip 1 Input BOOL WatchDog_Trip Enhanced diag - Watch Dog trip Input BOOL StaleSpeed_Trip Enhanced diag - Stale Speed trip Input BOOL SpeedDiff_Trip Enhanced diag - Speed Difference trip Input BOOL FrameMon_Flt Enhanced diag - Frame Monitor Fault SIL Diagnostic Trip Input BOOL Input BOOL Sil_Diag_Trip PR1_Zero L14HP_ZE - HP shaft at zero speed Input BOOL PR2_Zero L14LP_ZE - LP shaft at zero speed Input BOOL PR3_Zero L14IP_ZE - IP shaft at zero speed Input BOOL OS1_Trip L12HP_TP - HP overspeed trip BOOL Input OS2_Trip L12LP_TP - LP overspeed trip Input BOOL OS3_Trip L12IP_TP - IP overspeed trip Input BOOL Dec1_Trip L12HP_DEC - HP de-acceleration trip Input BOOL Terminal Boards All Can only be reset when pulses are able to be seen on speed input or after the I/O pack is rebooted. Dec2_Trip L12LP_DEC - LP de-acceleration Input trip BOOL Can only be reset when pulses are able to be seen on speed input or after the I/O pack is rebooted. Dec3_Trip L12IP_DEC - IP de-acceleration trip Input BOOL Input BOOL Can only be reset when pulses are able to be seen on speed input or after the I/O pack is rebooted. Acc1_Trip L12HP_ACC - HP acceleration trip Acc2_Trip L12LP_ACC - LP acceleration trip Input BOOL Acc3_Trip L12IP_ACC - IP acceleration trip Input BOOL TA_Trip Trip Anticipate Trip,L12TA_TP Input BOOL PPRO, YPRO Backup Turbine Protection TREG, TRES, TREL GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 289 Non-Public Information Variable Vars-Trip Variable Description Direction Type OS1HW_Trip L12HP_HTP - HP Hardware detected overspeed trip Input BOOL OS2HW_Trip L12LP_HTP - LP Hardware detected overspeed trip Input BOOL OS3HW_Trip L12IP_HTP - IP Hardware detected overspeed trip Input BOOL L5CFG1_Trip HP Config Trip Input BOOL L5CFG2_Trip LP Config Trip Input BOOL L5CFG3_Trip IP Config Trip Input BOOL L5ESTOP1 ESTOP1 Trip Input BOOL Terminal Boards All TREG, TREA L5Cont1_Trip Contact 1 Trip Input BOOL TREG, TRES, TREL L5Cont2_Trip Contact 2 Trip Input BOOL TREG, TRES, TREL L5Cont3_Trip Contact 3 Trip Input BOOL TREG, TRES, TREL L5Cont4_Trip Contact 4 Trip Input BOOL TREG, TRES, TREL L5Cont5_Trip Contact 5 Trip Input BOOL TREG, TRES, TREL L5Cont6_Trip Contact 6 Trip Input BOOL TREG, TRES, TREL L5Cont7_Trip Contact 7 Trip Input BOOL TREG, TRES, TREL LPShaftLock LP Shaft Locked Input BOOL Cross_Trip L4Z_XTRP - Control Cross Trip Output BOOL All Variables VSen Variable VSen Variable Description Direction Type Terminal Boards VSen1 Voltage Sensor 1 Feedback Input BOOL TREA VSen2 Voltage Sensor 2 Feedback Input BOOL TREA VSen3 Voltage Sensor 3 - Power Monitor Input Feedback BOOL TREA 290 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 7.2 PPRO Specific Alarms The following alarms are specific to the PPRO I/O pack. 40 Description Contact Excitation Voltage Test Failure Possible Cause Voltage for the contact inputs on the trip board is not within published limits. Solution Check source of contact excitation voltage applied to trip board. 50 Description Main Terminal Board Mismatch Possible Cause The terminal board configured in the ToolboxST application does not match the actual hardware. Solution Verify that the ToolboxST configuration matches the actual hardware. Build and download the configuration to the I/O pack. 51 Description Trip Board Mismatch Possible Cause The trip board configured in the ToolboxST application does not match the actual trip board hardware. Solution Verify that the ToolboxST configuration matches the actual hardware. Build and download the configuration to the I/O pack. 69-71 Description Trip Relay (ETR) Driver [ ] does not match commanded state Possible Cause The driver output of the I/O pack for Emergency Trip Relay 1 (K1), ETR2 (K2), or ETR3 (K3) does not match the commanded state. This indicates that the I/O pack does not see the relay command going out the DC-62 connector into the expected terminating impedance on the trip board. Solution • • • Check the I/O pack connector seating on the terminal board. Check the trip board cable seating (if not TREA) and the cable integrity. Replace the cable, the trip board, the main terminal board, and the I/O pack. 72-74 Description Econ Relay Driver [ ] does not match commanded state Possible Cause The driver output of the I/O pack for Economizing Relay KE1, KE2, or KE3 does not match the commanded state. This indicates that the I/O pack does not see the relay command going out the DC-62 connector into the expected terminating impedance on the trip board. Solution • • • Check the I/O pack connector seating on terminal board. Check the trip board cable seating and the cable integrity. Replace the cable, the trip board, the main terminal board, and the I/O pack. PPRO, YPRO Backup Turbine Protection GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 291 Non-Public Information 75 Description Servo Clamp Relay Driver does not match commanded state Possible Cause The driver output of I/O pack for K4CL does not match the commanded state. This indicates that I/O pack does not see the relay command going out the DC-62 connector into the expected terminating impedance on the trip board. Solution • • • Check the I/O pack connector seating on terminal board. Check the trip board cable seating and the cable integrity. Replace the cable, the trip board, the main terminal board, and the I/O pack. 76 Description K25A Relay (synch check) Driver does not match commanded state Possible Cause The driver output of I/O pack for K25A does not match the commanded state. This indicates that I/O pack does not see the relay command going out the DC-62 connector into the expected terminating impedance on the trip board. Solution • • • Check the I/O pack connector seating on terminal board. Check the trip board cable seating and the cable integrity. One at a time, replace the following: the emergency trip board cable, the trip terminal board, the terminal board hosting the I/O pack, and the I/O pack. 83-85 Description Trip Relay (ETR) Contact [ ] does not match commanded state Possible Cause • • Relay feedback from Emergency Trip Relay ETR1 (K1), ETR2 (K2), or ETR3 (K3) does not match the commanded state. This indicates that the relay feedback from the trip board does not agree with the commanded state. Solenoid power is not applied to the trip board. Solution • • Check the trip board relays, as well as the cable from trip board to main terminal board (if not TREA). Check that solenoid power is applied to the terminal board. 86-88 Description Econ Relay Contact [ ] does not match commanded state Possible Cause The relay feedback from Economizing Relay 1 (KE1), KE2, or KE3 does not match the commanded state. This indicates that the relay feedback from the trip board does not agree with the commanded state. Solution Check the trip board relays, as well as the cable from trip board to main terminal board. 292 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 89 Description Servo Clamp Relay Contact does not match commanded state Possible Cause The relay feedback from K4CL does not match the commanded state. This indicates that the relay feedback from the trip board does not agree with the commanded state. Solution • • • Check the I/O pack connector seating on the terminal board. Check the trip board cable seating and the cable integrity. Replace the cable, the trip board, the main terminal board, and the I/O pack. 90 Description K25A Relay Coil Feedback does not match commanded state Possible Cause The relay feedback from K25A does not match the commanded state. This indicates that the relay feedback from the trip board does not agree with the commanded state. Relay feedback is taken after hardware command voting on the trip terminal board has occurred; therefore, a probable cause is that one I/O pack is not commanding the same state as the other two I/O packs. Solution • • • • • Verify that the K25A Relay is supported on the paired PTUR terminal board. Confirm that the TMR packs are commanding the same state for K25A. Check the I/O pack connector seating on the terminal board. Check the trip board cable seating and the cable integrity. One at a time, replace the following: the emergency trip board cable, the trip terminal board, the terminal board hosting the I/O pack, and the I/O pack. 97 Description Solenoid Power Source is missing Possible Cause Solenoid power monitoring provided by the trip board indicates the absence of power. Solution • • Check the source of solenoid power. Confirm that the wiring between the trip boards is correct. PPRO, YPRO Backup Turbine Protection GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 293 Non-Public Information 99-101 Description Solenoid Voltage [ ] does not match commanded state Possible Cause • • • • The solenoid voltage associated with K1-K3 does not match the commanded state. K1-K3 are closed, but no voltage is detected on the solenoid. Solenoid voltage was removed through another means while the I/O pack expects to detect its presence. The ETR state associated with this PPRO is being out voted by the other two PPROs. Solution • • • • This may be due to removal of solenoid voltage through another means when the I/O pack expects to see it. Review the system-level trip circuit wiring and confirm the voltage should be present if the I/O pack energizes the associated trip relay. From the ToolboxST application, verify that the variables (typically L20PTR#) which drive the Primary Trip Relays (PTRs) in the PTUR are correctly assigned to the PPRO Variables tab (PTR1, PTR2, and PTR3). Check the pre-voted values for ComposTrip1 under the Vars-Trip tab to verify that all three PPROs have the same status. If the current PPRO differs from the others, check the pre-vote status of other variables under this tab to determine the exact cause of the composite trip and correct the condition. 105 Description TREL/S, Solenoid Power, Bus A, Absent Possible Cause TRES/TREL solenoid power A is absent. Solenoid power does not match the solenoid state for longer than 40 ms. Note This diagnostic alarm can be turned off if required. From the PPRO Parameters tab, change the value of DiagSolPwrA to Disable. Solution • • • • 294 Check power applied to the trip board. Check the field wiring. Check the solenoid. Replace the terminal board. GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 106 Description TREL/S, Solenoid Power, Bus B, Absent Possible Cause TRES/TREL solenoid power B is absent. The solenoid power does not match the solenoid state for longer than 40 ms. Note This diagnostic alarm can be turned off if required. From the PPRO Parameters tab, change the value of DiagSolPwrB to Disable. Solution • • • • Check power applied to the trip board. Check the field wiring. Check the solenoid. Replace the terminal board. 107 Description TREL/S, Solenoid Power, Bus C, Absent Possible Cause TRES/TREL solenoid power C is absent. The solenoid power does not match The solenoid state for longer than 40 ms. Note This diagnostic alarm can be turned off if required. From the PPRO Parameters tab, change the value of DiagSolPwrC to Disable. Solution • • • • Check power applied to the trip board. Check the field wiring. Check the solenoid. Replace the terminal board. 108 Description Control Watchdog Protection Activated Possible Cause An alarm indicates that the ContWdog variable has not changed for five consecutive frames. The alarm clears if changes are seen for 60 seconds. Solution • • Verify that the ContWdog is connected to the output of a DEVICE_HB block and that the block is located in a task which is run at frame rate. Verify that the output signal from the block is changing at least once a frame. PPRO, YPRO Backup Turbine Protection GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 295 Non-Public Information 109 Description Speed Difference Protection Activated Possible Cause This alarm only occurs if the parameter SpeedDifEnable has been enabled. An alarm indicates that the difference between the output signal Speed1 and the first I/O pack pulse rate speed is larger than the percentage OS_DIFF for more than three consecutive frames. The percentage is based off of the parameter RatedRPM_TA. The alarm clears if the difference is within limits for 60 seconds for more than three consecutive frames. Solution Verify that the Speed1 signal is set up correctly in the ToolboxST and that the source of the signal reflects the primary (PTUR/YTUR) pulse rate speed. 110 Description Stale Speed Protection Activated Possible Cause The speed trip protection may be stale. This alarm can only occur if the parameter StaleSpdEn has been enabled. An alarm indicates that the variable Speed1 has not changed for 100 consecutive frames. The alarm clears if the speed dithers for 60 seconds. Solution Verify that the Speed1 signal is set up correctly in the ToolboxST configuration, and that the source of the signal reflects the primary (PTUR/YTUR) pulse rate speed. 111 Description Frame Sync Monitor Protection Activated Possible Cause This alarm indicates that the communication with the controller was lost for at least five consecutive frames after the I/O pack was online. The alarm clears if the frame synch is established for at least 60 seconds. Solution Verify that the IONet is healthy. This indicates that the I/O pack is not synchronized with the Mark VIe start-of-frame signal. 112-114 Description Overspeed [ ] firmware setpoint configuration error Possible Cause There is a firmware over-speed limit mismatch between IO signal space limit and the configuration. The current configuration file downloaded from the ToolboxST application has a different over-speed limit than the IO signal OS[]_Setpoint. Solution Change the output signal designated in OS[]_Setpoint (Vars-Speed tab) to match the configuration value OS[]_Setpoint (Pulse Rate tab). 115-117 Description Overspeed [ ] hardware setpoint configuration error Possible Cause There is a hardware over-speed limit mismatch between IO signal space limit and the configuration. The current configuration file downloaded from the ToolboxST application has a different over-speed limit than the IO signal OSHW_Setpoint[ ]. Solution Change the output signal designated in OSHW Setpoint [ ] (Vars-Speed tab) to match the configuration value in OSHW_Setpoint (Pulse Rate tab). 296 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 118-120 Description Overspeed [ ] hardware setpoint changed after power up Possible Cause This alarm always occurs when PulseRate[ ] parameter OSHW_Setpoint is changed and downloaded to the I/O pack after the turbine has started. It can also change if PRScale is changed to a decimal value and downloaded to the I/O pack after the turbine has started. Solution Confirm that the limit or scale change is correct. Restart the I/O pack to force the hardware overspeed to re-initialize the limit. 121 Description TREA - K1 solid state relay shorted Possible Cause The TREA provides voltage-based detection of relays that remain in the energized position in the six voting contacts used to provide K1. Zero voltage has been detected on one or more contacts of K1 when voltage should be present. Solution Replace the TREA. 122 Description TREA - K2 solid state relay shorted Possible Cause TREA provides voltage based detection of relays that remain in the energized position in the six voting contacts used to provide K2. Zero voltage has been deleted on one or more contacts of K2 when voltage should be present. Solution Replace the TREA. 123 Description LED - Turbine RUN permissives lost Possible Cause The RUN LED is lit red on the I/O pack because one of the RUN permissives for the turbine has been lost. The LedDiags parameter must be set to Enable to get this alarm. Solution • • • Verify the configuration of the LedDiag parameter. From the Vars-Trip tab, identify the condition that caused the trip. The condition leading to a trip condition must be cleared, and a master reset issued. 124 Description LED - Overspeed fault detected Possible Cause The Overspeed LED is lit on the I/O pack because of a detected Trip condition. The LedDiag parameter must be set to Enable to get this alarm. Solution • • Verify the configuration of the LedDiag parameter. The condition leading to a trip condition must be cleared, and a master reset issued. PPRO, YPRO Backup Turbine Protection GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 297 Non-Public Information 125 Description LED - Estop detected Possible Cause The Estop LED is lit on the I/O pack because of a detected Estop signal. The LedDiag parameter must be set to Enable to get this alarm. Solution • • Verify the configuration of the LedDiag parameter. Remove the Estop condition, and issue a master reset. 126 Description LED - Synch fault detected Possible Cause • • The Synch LED is lit on the I/O pack because of a failure to synchronize. The LedDiag parameter must be set to Enable to get this alarm. The K25A Relay is not enabled to support synchronization Solution • • • Verify the configuration of the LedDiag parameter. Verify that the K25A Relay is enabled. Issue a master reset to clear the alarm until the next failed attempt to synchronize. 127 Description Configuration changed after power up - running with old configuration Possible Cause SIL related configuration parameters have changed after going online. The following parameters may not change after going online while SilMode is enabled: • • • • • SILMode PRType cannot go from/to Unused Contact Input TripMode/Used/Unused TurbineType EstopEnab (TREA only) Note PRScale may not change regardless of SilMode. Solution • • • 298 From the Parameters tab, verify that SilMode is set correctly. Set the parameters to their original state and download them to the PPRO if they have been changed inadvertently. Refer to the error log to determine which parameter may have changed. From the ToolboxST application, right-click IOPack and select Troubleshooting, Advanced Diagnostics, and Error log. Remove power from the I/O pack to get the hardware to accept the new values if changes are required. GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 128 Description PPRO module is not SIL compatible - remain offline Possible Cause One or more of the boards in the PPRO module is not SIL compatible. The PPRO will not go online in this condition. Solution • • Verify that the I/O pack(s), trip board(s), and terminal board(s) are all S-board revision types. Replace all H-board revisions with their compatible S-board revisions. Refer to the PPRO help file, the section, Compatibility. If SIL is not required, change the SilMode parameter to Disable. 129 Description Tripped - Missing pulse rate signal Note This diagnostic is generated from hardware detection that is only available on PPRO_1B I/O packs. PPROH1A I/O packs will not detect this condition the same way. Possible Cause No speed input detected on a speed sensor due to the following reasons: • • • Broken wire Sensor malfunction Signal conditioning malfunction Note This condition will cause a trip on SIL3 systems. Solution • • • Examine the PreVote values for the PulseRate signals to determine which PulseRate is affected. Check the terminal connections for the failed speed sensor. Check the speed sensor gap. 130 Description Processor hardware error detected (Error Code) [ ] Possible Cause Hardware error detected by the FPGA as follows: • • Error code 1: FPGA program changed during runtime, possibly one-time event Error code 2: clock oscillator error Note These conditions cause a trip that can only be cleared with a power cycle. Solution • • • Restart the I/O pack. Download firmware of the I/O pack. Replace the I/O pack. PPRO, YPRO Backup Turbine Protection GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 299 Non-Public Information 131 Description The configuration is not supported for SIL mode Possible Cause SilMode is Enable and one of the following conditions is true: • • • • TREA is used TRES/L is selected QC Mode enabled Configured as a LargeSteam turbine Note This condition causes a trip that can only be cleared by changing the configuration and restarting the I/O pack. Solution • • Correct the configuration to be valid. Change SilMode to Disable. 132 Description Rate-based Overspeed detection not supported on this hardware Possible Cause The Rate-based Overspeed (RBOS) detection feature is not enabled on this module because it is not supported on the PPROH1A. This is likely caused by installing a PPROH1A in place of a PPROS1B without updating the ToolboxST configuration. Note If this diagnostic alarm is active, the RBOS protection feature is not running on the specified I/O module. Solution • • Install the PPROS1B module. Disable the RBOS feature for all shafts. 224-239 Description Input Signal [ ] Voting Mismatch, Local=[ ], Voted=[ ] Possible Cause Within the TMR I/O pack set, one of the same input signals does not match the other two of the same input signals. Solution • • • • • • • 300 Adjust the TMR threshold limit or correct the cause of the difference. Verify that the R, S, and T I/O pack configurations are equal to the ToolboxST configuration. Check the I/O pack power and the networking. Check the I/O pack mounting on terminal board. Verify the operation of the device generating the specified signal. Verify the terminal board wiring and connections. Replace the I/O pack. GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 1064-1255 Description Logic Signal [ ] Voting Mismatch Possible Cause Within the TMR I/O pack set, one of the same logic signals does not match the other two of the same logic signals. Solution • • • • • • Verify that the R, S, and T I/O pack configurations are equal to the ToolboxST configuration. Check the I/O pack power and the networking. Check the I/O pack mounting on the terminal board. Verify the operation of the device generating the specified signal. Verify the terminal board wiring and connections. Replace the I/O pack. PPRO, YPRO Backup Turbine Protection GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 301 Non-Public Information 7.3 Mark VIeS YPRO Backup Turbine Protection I/O Pack The Backup Turbine Protection (YPRO) I/O pack and associated terminal boards provide an independent backup overspeed protection system with a backup check for generator synchronization to a utility bus. They also provide an independent watchdog function for the primary control. The YPRO has Ethernet connections for IONet communications with the control modules. A typical protection system consists of three TMR YPRO I/O packs mounted to separate simplex protection (SPRO) terminal boards or three TMR YPROs mounted to one TPROS#C terminal board. A cable, with DC-37 pin connectors on each end, connects each terminal board to the designated TREG trip board. An alternate arrangement puts three YPRO I/O packs directly on the TREA for an aeroderivative TMR protection system. The Mark VIeS Safety control is designed with primary and backup trip protection that interacts at the trip terminal board level. Primary protection is provided with the YTUR I/O pack, which operates a primary trip board (TRPG, TRPA). Backup protection is provided with the YPRO I/O pack operating a backup trip board (TREG, TREA). Infrared Port Not Used YPRO accepts three speed signals. It monitors the operation of the primary control and can monitor the primary speed as a sign of normal operation. YPRO monitors the status and operation of the selected trip board through a comprehensive set of feedback signals. If a problem is detected, YPRO will trip the backup trip relays on the trip board and activate a trip on the primary control. The I/O pack is fully independent of and unaffected by the primary control operation. A maximum of three trip solenoids can be connected between the primary and backup trip terminal boards. Connecting a solenoid between the boards isolates the power on both sides of the solenoid and provides visibility of solenoid voltage as a system feedback. The primary/backup trip boards TRPG/TREG are designed to operate as a pair and use cabling between the boards for system connections. TRPA and TREA are designed with no pairing required and can be used independently of each other. When TRPA and TREA are paired, they function the same as other board pairs. In following figure, the YTUR and YPRO I/O packs share in the turbine protection scheme. Either one can independently trip the turbine using the relays on TRPG or TREG. 302 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information Mark VIeS Safety Control Turbine Protection Boards PPRO, YPRO Backup Turbine Protection GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 303 Non-Public Information 7.3.1 Compatibility The YPROS1A I/O pack mounts directly onto the SPRO, TPROS#C, or TREA terminal board. When mounted onto the SPRO or TPROS#C, it is cable-compatible with the TREG. The following table lists all compatible boards. Board TMR Simplex Output Contacts, 125 V dc Output Contacts, 24 V dc ESTOP Input Contacts, 125 V dc Input Contacts, 24 V dc TPROS#C Yes No Yes SPROS1A Yes1 1 with three SPROs TREGS1B Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes No TREGS2B Yes No No Yes Yes No Yes No TREGS3B ** JX1 28 V dc Yes No Yes No TREGS4B ** JY1 28 V dc Yes No Yes No TREGS5B ** JZ1 28 V dc ** TREG S3, S4, and S5 versions are the same as the S1 except that power is provided by JX1, JY1, or JZ1. TREAS1A Yes No No Yes Yes TREAS2A Yes No TREAS3A *** No Yes TREAS4A *** Yes No *** TREA S3 and S4 are the same as S1 and S2, only euro versions. No No Economy Resistor Yes No Simplex Main Control with TMR backup protection is supported by all Mark VIeS backup trip boards. In this configuration, one port on each of three YPRO I/O packs hooks into the controller IONet. Dual Main Control with TMR backup protection is supported by all Mark VIeS backup trip boards (TREG and TREA). This configuration uses the dual controller TMR output standard network connection. The first YPRO pack has one network port connected to the R controller network. The second pack has one network port connected to the S controller network. The third pack has one network port connected to the R controller network and one network port connected to the S controller network. The third YPRO monitors the operation of both controllers. The pack trips if either controller malfunctions or both controllers malfunction. Triple Main Control with TMR Backup protection is supported when operating with a TMR main control, two out of three (2oo3). All Mark VIeS backup trip boards support this configuration. The normal network configuration connects the first YPRO I/O pack to the R network, the second to the S network, and the third to the T network. Note YPRO TMR applications do not support dual network connections for all three YPROs. In a redundant system there is no additional system reliability gained by adding network connections to the first two YPROs with dual controllers or any of the three YPROs with TMR controllers. The additional connections simply reduce mean time between failures (MTBF) without increasing mean time between forced outages (MTBFO). 304 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 7.3.2 Installation The YPRO mounts directly on the SPROS1A, TPROS#C, or TREAS#A terminal board. When mounted on the SPRO or TPRO, cables with DC-37 pin connectors on both ends are required between the terminal board and the selected TREG trip board. The TREG terminal board connects to the SPRO or TPRO terminal board. ➢ To install the YPRO I/O pack 1. Securely mount the SPRO, TPRO, or TREA terminal board. 2. If SPRO or TPRO is used, mount the desired TREG trip terminal board and connect the DC-37 cable between the trip board and terminal board. 3. Depending on terminal boards used, directly plug all three YPRO I/O packs as follows. a. Plug one YPRO I/O pack into each of the three SPROs. b. Plug all three YPRO I/O packs into one TREA. c. Plug all three YPRO I/O packs into one TPRO. 4. Slide the threaded posts on YPRO, located on each side of the Ethernet ports, into the slots on the terminal board-mounting bracket. 5. Adjust the bracket location so the DC-62 pin connector on YPRO and the terminal board fit together securely. Tighten the mounting bracket. The adjustment should only be required once in the life of the product. 6. Securely tighten the nuts on the threaded posts locking YPRO in place. 7. Plug in one or two Ethernet cables depending on the system configuration. The YPRO is not sensitive to Ethernet connections and selects the proper operation over either port. 8. Apply power by plugging in the power connector on the side of the I/O pack. It has inherent soft-start capability that controls current levels upon application. 9. Use the ToolboxST* application to configure the I/O pack as necessary. Refer to GEH-6705, ToolboxST User Guide for Mark VIeS Safety Control for more information. • • • • Connectors A DC-62 pin connector on the underside of the I/O pack connects directly to the terminal board. The connector contains the signals needed to sense inputs and operate a trip terminal board. An RJ-45 Ethernet connector named ENET1 on the side of the pack is the primary system interface. A second RJ-45 Ethernet connector named ENET2 on the side of the I/O pack is the redundant or secondary system interface. A 3-pin power connector on the side of the I/O pack is for 28 V dc power for the I/O pack and terminal board. Note If the trip terminal board features contact trip inputs, the power for those contacts is provided through a separate terminal board connector, not from the 28 V dc power source. PPRO, YPRO Backup Turbine Protection GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 305 Non-Public Information 7.3.3 Operation Refer to the following sections in the GEH-6721_Vol_II, the chapter, Common Module Content: • • • • • BPPx Processor Processor LEDs Power Management ID Line Common Safety Module Alarms Application-specific Hardware DC - 6 2 To I / O Pack The I/O pack has an internal, application-specific circuit board (BPRO) that contains the hardware needed for the turbine backup trip function. The application board connects between the processor and either the SPRO, TPRO, or TREA terminal board. The application board has provisions for additional hardware expansion options that can be added through a dedicated header. 3 Pulse Rate Input Conditioning ID Chip 2 PT Input Processor 12 Digital Signal Inputs, E-Stop 7 Isolated Contact Inputs 8 Relay Command Outputs Pass Through to Option Processor Local Power Supplies Option Header BPRO Application Board 306 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information Protective Functions The I/O pack performs the following protective functions in a mix of hardware, programmable logic, and firmware. In the following diagram, standard symbols for time delay contacts have been used: In the following diagrams, a standard has been used to indicate signal origin and flow. • • • • • • • Signal names that end with (SS) are created within the I/O pack and the data flow is out to the controller through signal space. Signal names that end with SS are created in the controller and the data flow is into the I/O pack through signal space. Signal names that end with (IO) are created within the I/O pack and the data flow is out to the hardware. Signal names that end with IO indicate the signal is a hardware input into the I/O pack. Signal names that end with anything containing CFG are part of the I/O pack configuration. In this case an attempt has been made to indicate what area of the I/O pack configuration contains the variable. When J3 is referenced in a CFG, it refers to the connection point for the turbine backup trip relay board, and the corresponding configuration values. The combination IO (SS) indicates a signal that comes from the hardware inputs to the I/O pack, and is then sent out to the controller as part of signal space. If there is no special ending on a signal name, then the signal is used internal to the I/O pack and is not part of the hardware or signal-space data movement. This signal is not available or visible to applications, but it is needed to adequately describe the I/O pack’s operation. PPRO, YPRO Backup Turbine Protection GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 307 Non-Public Information Direct/Conditional Discrete Input Trip The I/O pack supports the seven isolated discrete contact input trip signals provided on the backup turbine trip board. In the following figure, the direct / conditional determination is implemented in firmware while Contact#, and L5Cont#_Trip are in hardware logic. When configured for direct trip, the firmware is not in the trip path. When configured for conditional trip, the firmware determines the communication health (displayed as network_keepalive) and populates the programmable logic with the conditional signal from signal space. If the controller communication is lost, the default will permit any conditional trip. Note The contact inputs include an 8 ms contact de-bounce filter to protect against false trips. A network _keepalive L3SS_Comm, (SS) B 3 Trip#_Inhbt , SS A>=B L3SS_Comm, (SS) Inhbt#_Fdbk , (SS) A Trip_Mode , CFG (J3, Contact #) A=B Direct, CNST B Cont#_TrEnab , (SS) A A=B Conditional , CNST Contact #, (IO) Includes 8 mSec digital filter on close , no delay on open L5Cont#_Trip , (SS) Cont#_TrEnab Trip#_EnCon B Trip#_EnCon, (SS) L5Cont#_Trip, (SS) Inhbt#_Fdbk , SS CONTACT# TRIP L86MR, SS Note: The contact circuit in this diagram is duplicated 7 times. To obtain the correct signal name, replace the symbol # with the numbers 1-7. Signal names without # appear only once for all 7 circuits (L3SS_COMM, L86MR). Contact Input Trips 308 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information The resulting contact trip signals are combined into a single contact trip summary, L5Cont_Trip. Contact Input Trip Signal Concentration PPRO, YPRO Backup Turbine Protection GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 309 Non-Public Information Firmware Overspeed Trip Firmware overspeed protection is performed on the three values that come out of the high speed select. Although the established standard for naming these three inputs is HP, IP, and LP, the three inputs are free to be applied as needed in a system design. Note The following pulse rate variables are displayed using a # symbol. Replace the # with 1 for HP, 2 for LP, or 3 for IP. OS1_ Setpoint,SS RPM OS _ Setpoint, CFG (J5,PulseRate #) RPM A A-B |A| A B A A>B 1 RPM B OS1_SP_ CfgEr System Alarm, if the two setpoints do not agree A MIN B OS _Stpt_PR # A A MULT A A+B B MIN B 0.04 OS_Tst_Delta, CFG (J5,PulseRate #) RPM OS _Setpoint_ PR # zero B OfflineOS # tst, SS OnlineOS # tst, SS PulseRate #, IO A OS_ Setpoint _ PR # OS#_SP_CfgEr OS1 A>=B B L5 CFG #_ Trip PR #_Zero OS# HW_ SP_ CfgEr L5 CFG #_Trip L86 MR, SS OS1_ Trip OS1 OS1_Trip Overspeed Trip L86MR,SS Firmware Overspeed 310 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information Firmware Overspeed Trip functions include: • • • • Fault on overspeed threshold match failure between config and signal space values when speed is zero Pick the lower threshold from config or signal space Provide a mechanism to zero the threshold for online overspeed test Provide a mechanism to modify the threshold for offline overspeed test, bounded to limit increases to the threshold to 104% Note Use a negative OS_Tst_Delta value to reduce the threshold during testing. • Compare the threshold to the calculated speed and latch overspeed Hardware Overspeed Trip The following pulse rate variables are displayed using a # symbol. Replace the # with 1 for HP, 2 for LP, or 3 for IP. OSHW_ Setpoint only goes into the hardware at I/O pack startup. OSHW_ Setpoint #, SS A |A- B| Generate an alarm if the hardware is different than the firmware trip A OSHW _ Setpoint ,CFG OS # HW_ SP_ CfgEr ( SS) B A> B (PulseRate #) 1RPM OS_ Setpoint HW Value B Generate an alarm if the hardware setpoint changes after power - on OS # HW_ SP_ Pend ( SS) A | A- B| B PulseRate #, HWIO A A> =B OS # HW B Hardware OS# HW OS # HW _Trip Overspeed Trip ( SS ) OS # HW _Trip, ( SS) L 86MRX Speed#Updating Hardware Overspeed Trip, HP Shaft Note Refer to the section Shaft Speed Accel, Decel, and Zero for the definition of Speed#Updating. PPRO, YPRO Backup Turbine Protection GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 311 Non-Public Information Hardware Overspeed Trip functions include: • • Load the independent hardware overspeed set point only when the I/O pack restarts or is power cycled Generate an alarm when the hardware configuration set point is >1 Hz different from the value passed through signal space from the application configuration Note Hardware overspeed detection involves two rotations of the shaft to determine an overspeed condition. • Generate an alarm and signal space Boolean when the set point in configuration fails to match the value stored in the hardware • • Implement speed calculation and the trip logic entirely inside programmable logic Overspeed trip response typically less than 60 ms at normal operating speeds Note There is no separate enable or disable signal for this overspeed protection. The disable signal is created by setting a high overspeed point value. The calculated speed will never reach the value needed to trigger OS1HW. The actual hardware implementation depends on two configuration items: • • OSHW_Setpoint specifies the overspeed trip level in RPM. PRScale determines the number of speed sensor pulses per revolution used to convert pulse rate into RPM for both hardware and firmware overspeed value. The hardware implementation requires two adjacent revolutions exceeding the OSHW_Setpoint to trip the system. When a trip is present, the setting of OSHW_Setpoint is reduced by a small amount in the hardware to provide a clean trip signal. Due to this reduction, speed must be reduced well below the overspeed threshold before a reset may take place. Because there are set limits to the time integration used in the hardware detector, the minimum RPM setting for the OSHW_Setpoint is approximately four RPM. 312 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information LP Shaft Locked Detection This is another protection function that is in addition to the overspeed protection. LP Shaft Locked Detection generates a signal if the first pulse rate signal is above minimum speed, and the second pulse rate signal is still at zero. PR1_MIN PR2_Zero, (SS) LockRotorByp, SS LPShaftLock, (SS) LPShaftLock, (SS) L86MR, SS LP Shaft Locked Detection YPRO E-Stop The I/O pack monitors the E-Stop trip signal that is present on the TREG or TREA terminal boards and uses it to cross trip the main control in the event E-Stop is invoked. It is also used within the pack logic as part of the trip relay output command. The relays are not required to close if the E-Stop signal is present. The main control counterpart is also present. If the main control votes to trip, it can also cross-trip the corresponding I/O pack. HwEstop1 , IO J 3 = TREA EstopEnab, CFG KESTOP 1_Fdbk , (SS ) J3 = TREG J3 = TREA KESTOP1_Fdbk , (SS) EstopEnab, CFG J3 = TREG L5ESTOP1 , ( SS ) L5ESTOP1 , ( SS ) ESTOP 1 TRIP L86MR , SS YPRO Contact Input E-Stop Note There are several inversions in the hardware signal path, but the end result is that KESTOP#_Fdbk is only a 1 when E-Stop is energized. Therefore, 1 = OK. The TREL and TRES terminal boards do not have E-Stop capability because it is on the primary trip boards TRPL and TRPS. PPRO, YPRO Backup Turbine Protection GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 313 Non-Public Information YPRO Speed Difference Detection There should never be a reason why the speed calculated by the I/O pack is significantly different from the speed calculated by the main control. Speed difference detection looks at the difference in magnitude between pulse rate 1 from both the pack and the main control. If the difference is greater than the set threshold for three successive samples, a SpeedDifTrip is latched. If the main control recovers for 60 seconds, the trip is removed. This allows the main control to recover with subsequent re-arming of the backup protection. Speed 1, SS PulseRate1 (RPM), IO A A |A-B| B OS_Diff, CFG (%) 100 Rated RPM_TA, A A>B B CFG (RPM) B (A&B&C) Speed1_Diff C SpeedDifEn , Card CFG Speed1_Diff Enable L86 MR, SS Speed_Diff_Trip Speed Difference Tip Speed1_Diff Close immediately , 60 second delay on opening Speed_Diff_Trip YPRO Speed Difference Detection When configured for dual controller, additional logic is added so that separate speed inputs from the two controllers come into the I/O pack. This trip logic acts as if both controllers have a speed error, but continues to run if one controller has a valid speed signal. 314 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information Maximum Speed Hold The I/O pack provides a maximum speed hold function that resets when: • • Using the command PR_Max_RST (from signal space) PR1_Zero changes to false when the shaft first starts turning Output values are PR1_Max, PR2_Max, and PR3_Max. These signals are used to determine the maximum speed obtained while running or after stopping a turbine. Overspeed Test Logic, Steam Turbine The signal OnLineOS1Tst is used for PulseRate1, OnLineOS2Tst is used for PulseRate2, and OnLineOS3Tst is used for PulseRate3. In the following figure, there is another signal, Online OS1X, which initiates an online overspeed test for PulseRate1. This signal also creates a 1.5 second reset pulse when removed. Online Overspeed Test Logic Note If the K4CL relay is enabled during an online Overspeed test, use the OnlineOS1X option and not the OnlineOS1Tst. This will avoid an unwanted K4CL activation. Speed State Boolean Values The I/O pack has detection for zero speed from a set point with 1 RPM hysteresis. The I/O pack calculates a minimum speed signal from a set point. The rate of change of speed from a set point is calculated resulting in a selectable acceleration trip. A deceleration trip is then determined from a fixed 100% / second rate. PPRO, YPRO Backup Turbine Protection GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 315 Non-Public Information Shaft Speed Accel, Decel and Zero The I/O pack has detection for zero speed from a set point with 1 RPM hysteresis. The I/O pack calculates a minimum speed signal from a set point. The rate of change of speed from a set point is calculated, resulting in a selectable acceleration trip. A deceleration trip is then determined from a fixed 100% / second rate. The acceleration for a given pulse rate (PR#_Accel) is calculated by computing two adjacent shaft speeds over a period of AccelCalType ms each by computing change in pulse counts, and then computing the difference in these speeds divided by AccelCalType ms to get the acceleration of the shaft. In the following figures, pulse rate variables are displayed using a # symbol. Replace the # with 1 for HP, 2 for LP, or 3 for IP. This figure is the same for PulseRate1, 2, and 3. Simply replace the 1 with a 2 or 3 to get the signal name. The contact, PR#_ Min, in the Acc1_Trip is only present for PR2 (PR2_Min) and PR3 (PR3_Min). It is not used for PR1. Speed State Boolean Values 316 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information The pulse rate inputs have special detection for loss of signal, and special filtering to remove input noise from nearly stationary shaft speeds. PulseRate #, IO Speed Wheel Pulse Detected Window Inactive Counter Based on last speed (Maximum 24 seconds ) (Pulse Rates in Hz ) Speed #Updating Shaft # Turning A Allow Accel / Decel Trip A > B 75 Hz Speed Updating Normally B 1 Second Delay 1 ** Speed # Updating † Shaft # Turning Decel #Trip Decel #Trip Loss of Pulse Rate † can only be reset when Speed #Updating becomes True (pulses are able to be seen ) or after the I/O pack is rebooted ** 1 = Normal Operation Pulse Rate Conditioning PPRO, YPRO Backup Turbine Protection GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 317 Non-Public Information Decel#Trip PulseRate# (RPM) PR#_DEC A (From GearSpeed) A B A<B -100%/SEC** S (Der) 0 %/Sec OR Speed#Updating B Shaft#Turning %/Sec PR#_ACC A AND A B A>B Acc_Setpoint, CFG (J5, PulseRate#) B Dec#_Trip, (SS) PR#_DEC Dec#_Trip L86MR,SS Acc_Trip, CFG (J5, PulseRate#) PR#_ACC PR#_MIN ** Acc#_Trip L86MR,SS Enable Acc#_TrEnab Acc#_Trip, (SS) HP, IP and LP Shaft Accel Decel Trip Logic Note: PR#_MIN is not used on ACC1_Trip. PR2_Min is used on ACC2_Trip and PR3_Min is used on ACC3_Trip. **Note: Where 100% is defined as the OS Setpoint. Shaft Speed Accel, Decel and Zero 318 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information Trip Anticipate Function Steam turbine applications provide a speed trip that uses a live set point from signal space. This overspeed trip is vigorously changed as a function of turbine load. This function does the following: • • • • • Input set point is OS1_TATrpSp from signal space. Input rated RPM is specified by RatedRPM_TA as part of the I/O pack configuration. Function test request input is TrpAntcptTst from signal space. If (OS1_TATrpSP is < 103.5% OR > 116% of RatedRPM_TA) then TA_Spd_Sp (the local set point value) = 106% of RatedRPM_TA and TA_StptLoss (Signal space) is true and alarm L30TA is declared. Otherwise, TA_Spd_Sp = OS1_ TATrpSP. If TrpAntcptTst is true, decrease the current value of TA_Spd_Sp by 1RPM / second. Set the minimum value of RatedRPM_TA to 94%. If TrpAntcptTst is false, the value of TA_Spd_Sp from above is immediately used. If PulseRate1 (Speed input 1 from the pulse rate input) > TA_Spd_Sp the internal value Trp_Anticptr is set properly. If the I/O pack is configured for steam turbine application (internal value SteamTurbOnly), then TA_Trip (signal space) equals the value of Trp_Anticptr. Note The I/O pack mounted on a TREA does not toggle the relays for trip anticipate function. PPRO, YPRO Backup Turbine Protection GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 319 Non-Public Information Solenoid Voltage / Power Sense The I/O pack provides three comparator voltage inputs used to monitor solenoid power or solenoid voltage depending on the trip card that is connected. SOL1_Vfdbk (SS), SOL2_Vfdbk (SS), and SOL3_Vfdbk (SS) are generated from the input signals. Main Control Watchdog A standard control watchdog function is provided by the I/O pack. In this function, a value from a Device Heartbeat (DEVICE_HB) block is passed from the main controller to the I/O pack each data frame. If the I/O pack stops detecting the value from the main controller, a counter is incremented and, after five data frames, leads to a trip. If the main controller recovers for 60 seconds, the trip is removed, allowing for the recovery of the main controller with subsequent re-arming of the backup protection. The recovery function is provided for typical activities such as cycling power on a controller to perform maintenance. While the controller is offline, the I/O pack associated with that controller will vote to trip. When the controller returns to operation, the I/O pack will remove the vote to trip. The watchdog offers monitoring of two main controllers in the event both Ethernet ports are connected. When configured for two controllers, having one controller active is sufficient to prevent a trip. 320 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information Stale Speed Detection The I/O pack provides an additional main control watchdog function that is based on a live speed signal. The protection works as follows: If the pack PulseRate1 is determined to be zero speed the protection is turned off. If above zero speed, the pack looks at the value of Speed1 from the main control. If the most recent Speed1 value exactly matches the Speed1 value from the last data frame then a counter is incremented. If the counter reaches a threshold then a stale speed trip is declared and latched. If speeds are different the counter is cleared. Although Speed_1, SS is available as a connected variable, it should not be forced. It can cause the protection to trip the system if enabled. Attention This protection is based on the knowledge that a live speed signal always dithers or moves some small amount. If the speed values being read by PPRO from the controller are not changing (dithering), there is loss of speed signal integrity from the controller. If the main control recovers for 60 seconds, the trip is removed allowing for the recovery of the main control with subsequent re-arming of the backup protection. The protection offers monitoring of two main controls in the event both Ethernet ports are connected. When configured for two controls, having one control satisfy the test is sufficient to prevent a trip. PPRO, YPRO Backup Turbine Protection GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 321 Non-Public Information Main Control Ethernet Monitor The main control provides time synchronization across the distributed control elements. The time synchronization is tied tightly into the time at which traffic occurs on a given controller's IONet. The I/O pack provides monitoring of this service to ensure it is working correctly. Gross errors in time synchronization are detected by the pack through a number of different means, and if problems persist, the I/O pack will vote to trip. Once the trip is latched, if the problem goes away for 60 seconds the trip shall be reset (this assumes the control recovers from the problem and is back on line). The monitor will offer monitoring of two main controls in the event both Ethernet ports are connected. When configured for two controls, having one control sequencing correctly is sufficient to prevent a trip. In the following diagram, the detection has been simplified to display monitoring of an Ethernet frame number as the means for determining a problem is present. Sync Frame Count Monitor Trip Signal Logic The different trip signals are combined into a composite signal that is used in the relay output logic. The following figure specifies how the signals are combined. This function is partitioned between firmware and programmable logic. The path to trip through hardware overspeed is done completely in hardware so that a firmware malfunction cannot defeat the protection. The same is true of the contact input trip signals when they are configured for direct trip. There are differences between steam turbine protection and other protection. A composite signal SteamTurbOnly is created for ease of use: LargeSteam ** MediumSteam ** SmallSteam ** ** A number of contacts depend on the value of Turbine _Type, CFG. SteamTurbOnly Steam Turbine Trip Signals 322 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information Dec1_Trip OS1_Trip PulseRate1 Trips Acc1_Trip L5CFG1_Trip Dec2_Trip OS2_Trip 1 GT_2Shaft PulseRate2 Trips Acc2_Trip L5CFG2_Trip LM_2Shaft1 1 LPShaftLock LM_3Shaft ComposTrip1, (SS) Dec3_Trip OS3_Trip PulseRate3 Trips 1 LM_3Shaftf Acc3_Trip L5CFG3_Trip L5Cont_Trip SpeedDiff_Trip System Trips Cross_Trip, SS StaleSpdTrip ContWdogTrip FrameSyncTrip Sil_Diag_Trip 2 1 LM_2Shaft 1 LM_3Shaft LMTripZEnable, CFG PR1_Zero HPZeroSpdByp SS 1 SteamTurbOnly Zero Speed Special Case L3Z Hardware Overspeed OS1HW_Trip OS2HW_Trip OS3HW_Trip 1 Notes: CFG values. 2 This trip is generated if a PulseRate signal is broken (such as in the case of no signal) and SilMode is set to enabled, or if a hardware issue is detected regardless of SilMode. There will be an accompanying diagnostic generated to designate the actual cause of the trip. Trip Combine - All Signals (SS) unless Marked PPRO, YPRO Backup Turbine Protection GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 323 Non-Public Information Watchdog Trip Function Hardware in the I/O pack monitors local firmware operation, providing a watchdog trip function if the firmware malfunctions. The operation of this watchdog does not display in the normal sequencing figures. The I/O pack hardware is designed to be in a fail-safe or trip mode if it is not properly configured and operating. This means that with power off, while starting up, when in a hardware reset, or otherwise not online, the I/O pack will vote to trip. If the I/O pack watchdog acts, it resets the hardware thereby generating a vote to trip. The processor board used inside the I/O pack has hardware features that allow it to differentiate between a reset caused by the watchdog hardware and a reset caused by cycling of power. This information is available from the pack after it restarts. In the event that an I/O pack votes to trip due to a reset, it is then possible to determine if a watchdog reset or a cycling of control power caused the event. Servo Suicide Relay Command The I/O pack provides a command to a servo suicide relay, and provides coil-monitoring feedback named K4CL_Fdbk, (SS). This signal is typically used in a simplex control of a gas turbine system where it is highly desirable for the pack emergency protection to have a hardware path to close the fuel valves. It is also used in simplex steam turbines to close the steam valves. Servo Suicide Relay Command Note If the K4CL relay is enabled during an online Overspeed test, use the OnlineOS1X option and not the OnlineOS1Tst. This will avoid an unwanted K4CL activation. Trip and Economizing Relay Outputs The I/O pack provides drivers for three emergency trip relay commands, and provides monitoring for three status feedback signals. Trip is a combination of firmware trip and direct trip implemented in programmable logic. The pack contains drivers for three economizing relay commands and monitoring for three status feedback signals. Economizing relays are used when it is desirable to introduce some series resistance in a solenoid coil path to reduce current once the solenoid is picked up. Note YPROs or PPROs mounted on TREA terminal boards have TA_Trip_Enab# set by default to Disable and this parameter is not configurable. The reset signal applied to this function is not edge triggered. A continuously applied reset can result in output cycling in the presence of an intermittent trip signal. The duration of the reset should only be sufficient to allow the reset to complete and should not be maintained. Logic for the economizing relay drivers is a time-delayed copy of the emergency trip relays as displayed in the following figure. 324 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information In FPGA TA_Trip, (SS) TestETR1 ComposTrip1 ETR1_Enab SS (SS) CFG, K1_Fdbk L5ESTOP1(SS) TA_Trip_Enabl1 CFG (PPRO) ETR1 (IO) Trip Relay, Energize to Run TRES, TREL Used In Firmware ETR1 SOL1_Vfdbk KE1_Enab IO (SS) CFG, KE1_Fdbk TD_KE1 In Firmware 2 Second Delay on Pickup KE1 (IO) Economizing Relay, Energize to Econ TD_KE1 In FPGA TA_Trip(SS) TestETR2 ComposTrip1 ETR2_Enab SS (SS) CFG, K2_Fdbk TA_Trip_Enabl2 CFG (PPRO) L5ESTOP1(SS) ETR2 (IO) Trip Relay, Energize to Run TRES, TREL Used In Firmware ETR2 SOL2_Vfdbk KE2_Enab IO (SS) CFG, KE2_Fdbk TD_KE2 In Firmware 2 Second Delay on Pickup KE2 (IO) TD_KE2 Economizing Relay, Energize to Econ L97EOST_ONLZ Large Steam CFG In FPGA TA_Trip(SS) ComposTrip1 TestETR 3 (SS) SS TA_Trip_Enabl3 CFG (PPRO) ETR3_Enab CFG, K3_Fdbk L5ESTOP1(SS) ETR3 (IO) Trip Relay, Energize to Run TRES, TREL Used In Firmware ETR3 SOL3_Vfdbk KE3_Enab IO (SS) CFG, KE3_Fdbk 2 Second Delay on Pickup TD_KE3 In Firmware KE3 (IO) Economizing Relay, Energize to Econ, TD_KE3 Note: TREL and TRES do not have economizing relays so the KE1, KE2, and KE3 drivers are not used when those boards are configured. Estop is only on TREG so it is bypassed when driving ETR1-3 with TREL and TRES. Trip and Economizing Relay Outputs PPRO, YPRO Backup Turbine Protection GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 325 Non-Public Information Backup Synchronizing Check The Mark VIeS YPRO or Mark VIe PPRO provides two PT inputs and performs a backup synchronizing check. The TPRO has fanned PT inputs. The SPRO does not use fanned PT inputs because there are three direct PT paths. Generator Synchronizing with TPRO TTUR Cont’d TTURH 1C Generator, PT secondary, nomin. 115 V ac (75 to 130 V ac), 45 to 66 Hz R PTUR 17 P3 PR 3 (0.1 Hz) Fan out connection PS3 to S 19 20 Phase +10 Deg Gen lag Gen lead PT3 to T 2/3 RD (0.25 Hz) +0.12 Hz 18 Bus, PT secondary, nomin. 115 V ac (75 to 130 V ac), 45 to 66 V Hz Slip P3 +0.3 Hz Cont’d PR3 Cont’d Auto Synch Algorithm S PTUR P28 K25P 01 K25 T 2/3 S RD K25A P125/24 V dc From JR 4 03 K25P 02 L52Ga JT4 CB_ Volts_OK 04 K25 CB_K25P_PU L52G 05 K25A CB_K25_PU 52Gb 07 T PTUR JS4 06 CB_K25A_PU 08 Breaker Close Coil JR4 N125 /24 V dc JT1 Generator, PT secondary, nomin. 115 V ac (75 to 130 V ac), 45 to 66 Hz Bus, PT secondary, nomin. 115 V ac (75 to 130 V ac), 45 to 66 V Hz 1 JS1 2 JR1 Fan out connection 3 TRPG / TRPL / TRPS J2 4 J2 TREG / TREL / TRES R PPRO Sync Check Slip Algorithm 2/3 RD TPRO TPROH1C JR1 JX1 JX1 JS1 JY1 JY1 JT1 JZ1 JZ1 K25A Relay Driver +0.3 Hz -10 Deg +10 Deg Phase -0.3 Hz S T 326 PPRO PPRO GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information Generator Synchronizing with SPRO TTUR Generator PT secondary Nomin . 115 V ac ( 75 to 130 V ac ) 45 to 66 Hz Bus PT secondary nomin. 115 V ac ( 75 to 130 V ac) 45 to 66 Hz R YTUR 17 PR3 18 19 Fan out connection PS3 to S 20 P3 Cont’d +0.3 Hz Slip (0.25Hz) P3 +0. 12 Hz (0.1Hz) Phase + 10 Deg Gen lag Gen lead Auto Synch Algorithm PT 3 to T S Y TUR T Y TUR PR3 Cont’d 01 TTUR P28 Cont’d K 25 P K25 T 2 /3 2/ 3 RD RD S JT 4 JS 4 P125 /24 V dc From JR 4 Volt 02 CB_ s _OK L 52 Ga K25 A CB_K25P_PU L52 G CB_K25_PU 03 K 25P 04 K 25 K 25 A 05 06 07 CB_K25A_PU 08 JR4 52 Gb Breaker Close Coil N 125 /24 V dc JT1 JS1 TRPG JR1 J2 J2 JA 3 JX1 2/3 RD Generator PT secondary Nomin. 115 V ac ( 75 to 130 V ac ) 45 to 66 Hz Bus PT secondary Nomin .115 V ac ( 75 to 130 V ac ) 45 to 66 Hz Generator PT secondary Nomin. 115 V ac ( 75 to 130 V ac ) 45 to 66 Hz Bus PT secondary Nomin. 115 V ac ( 75 to 130 V ac ) 45 to 66 Hz Generator PT secondary Nomin . 115 V ac ( 75 to 130 V ac ) 45 to 66 Hz Bus PT secondary Nomin. 115 V ac ( 75 to 130 V ac ) 45 to 66 Hz R K25 A Relay Driver SPRO 1 R 2 Sync Check Slip Algorithm +0.3 Hz Fan out 3 connection YPRO JA1 -10 Deg +10 Deg -0.3 Hz 4 Phase TREG JY 1 1 S JA3 SPRO 2 Fan out 3 connection S 4 1 YPRO JA1 T JZ 1 JA 3 SPRO 2 Fan out 3 connection T 4 YPRO JA1 PPRO, YPRO Backup Turbine Protection GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 327 Non-Public Information K25A Sync Check Function The K25A sync check function is based on phase lock loop techniques. The PPRO or YPRO performs the calculations for this function with interfaces to the breaker close circuit located on the TTUR board (not TPRO or SPRO). Its basic function is to monitor two Potential Transformer (PT) inputs, and to calculate generator and bus voltage amplitudes and frequencies, phase, and slip. When it is armed (enabled) from the application code, and when the calculations determine that the input variables are within the requirements, the relay K25A will be energized. The above limits are configurable. The algorithm uses the phase lock loop technique to derive the above input variables, and has a bypass function to provide dead bus closures. The window in this algorithm is the current window, not the projected window (as used on the auto sync function), therefore it does not include anticipation. Limit checks are performed against adjustable constants as follows: • • • • • 328 Generator under-voltage Bus under-voltage Voltage error Frequency error (slip), with a maximum recommended value of 0.5 Hz, typically set to 0.27 Hz Phase error with a maximum rotational value of 30°, typically set to 10°. GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information The sync check arms logic to enable the function and provides bypass logic for dead bus closure. The following sync window is based on typical settings. Typical Sync Window The PPRO or YPRO provides a command to monitor feedback for the K25A sync relay and K25A coil. The feedback is named K25A_Fdbk, (SS). Sync Check and K25A Sync Relay Command The Sync Check will allow the breaker to close with negative slip. The window is configurable for phase and slip. The following diagnostics relating to the auto sync function are generated by the PPRO or YPRO: • • K25A Relay (sync check) Driver mismatch requested state. This means the PPRO or YPRO cannot establish a current path to the TREx terminal board. K25A Relay (sync check) Coil trouble, cabling to P28 V on TTUR. This means the K25A relay is not functional; it could be due to an open circuit between the TREx and the TTUR terminal boards or to a missing P28 V source on the TTUR terminal board. PPRO, YPRO Backup Turbine Protection GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 329 Non-Public Information K25A Relay Algorithm The following figure displays the logic for K25A Relay from the Mark VIeS YPRO, which is the same as from the Mark VIe PPRO. Signal Space, Outputs; Algorithm Inputs YPRO Config SynchCheck SystemFreq FreqDiff TurbRPM PhaseDiff * ReferFreq used/ unused L3_Window Slip PR_Std +0. 3 Hz + 10 Deg Phase PR1/PR2 SPRO Gen Lag Signal Space, inputs; Algorithm Outputs Gen Lead DriveFreq center freq 1 Generator, PT secondary 2 BusFreq GenFreq GenVoltsDiff GenFreqDiff GenPhaseDiff Phase Lock Loop Phase, Slip, Freq, Amplitude Calculations 3 Bus, PT secondary 4 L25A_Command GenVoltsDiff VoltageDiff GenVoltage 2.8 GenVolts 6.9 BusVolts BusVoltage 6.9 A A |A|<B B OR B A A> B B L3_GenVolts A A> B B L3_BusVolts SynCk_Perm SynCk_ByPass A B AND C D L3_GenVolts L3_BusVolts A B C AND D E Dead Bus NOT A OR L25A _ Command B TREG TRPG Y TUR RD TTUR K25A Note *ReferFreq is a configuration parameter, used to make a selection of the variable that is used to establish the center frequency of the Phase Lock Loop. It allows a choice between: • PR_Std – Using PulseRate1 speed input on a single shaft applications – Using PulseRate2 on all multiple shaft applications • SgSpace uses DriveFreq (the generator frequency in Hz) from signal space PR_Std is not applicable. 330 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ (application code). SgSpace is used when Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 7.3.4 Specifications Item YPRO Description Speed Input Quantity Three input signals provided Speed input Range Pulse rate frequency range 2 Hz to 20 kHz Speed Input Accuracy Pulse rate accuracy 0.05% of reading Speed Input Sensitivity Required peak-peak voltage rises as a function of frequency: 2 Hz requires 24 mV p-p (TREA, SPRO, TPRO) 20 kHz requires 294 mV p-p (TREA) 20 kHz requires 276 mV p-p (SPRO, TPRO) Generator and Bus Voltage Inputs Input voltage range 75 to 127 V rms. Loading less than 3 VA. Frequency accuracy 0.05% over 45 to 66 Hz range. Frame Rate Size 25 Hz maximum 8.26 cm High x 4.19 cm Wide x 12.1 cm Deep (3.25 in. x 1.65 in. x 4.78 in.) Technology Surface-mount † Ambient rating for enclosure -30 to 65ºC (-22 to 149 ºF) design Shipping and Storage Temperature -40 to 85ºC (-40 to 185 ºF) Humidity 5 to 95% non-condensing Air Quality Pollution Degree 2, free convection at the module Seismic Vibration Universal Building Code (UBC) – Seismic Code section 2312 Zone 4 with operation without trip Shipping (by road) Bellcore GR-63-CORE Issue 1, 1995 0.5 g, 5-100 Hz, 10 min. per octave, 1 sweep/axis x 3 axes, ~ 42 min./axis 3 shocks of 15 g, 2 ms impulse each repeated for all axes Operating at site 1.0 g horizontal. 0.5 g vertical at 15 to 120 Hz, IEC 60721-3-2 Note † For further details, refer to the Mark VIe and Mark VIeS Control Systems System Guide, Volume I (GEH-6721_Vol_ I), the chapter Technical Regulations, Standards, and Environments. PPRO, YPRO Backup Turbine Protection GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 331 Non-Public Information YPRO Agency Approvals Safety Standards UL 508 A Safety Standard Industrial Control Equipment CSA 22.2 No. 14 Industrial Control Equipment EN 61010-1 Safety of Electrical Equipment, Industrial Machines (Low Voltage Directive) Printed Wire Board Assemblies UL 796 Printed Circuit Boards UL recognized Board manufacturer ANSI IPC guidelines ANSI IPC/EIA guidelines Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) EN 61000-4-2 Electrostatic Discharge Susceptibility EN 61000-4-3 (ENV 50140) Radiated RF Immunity EN 61000-6-2 Generic Immunity Industrial Environment EN 61000-4-4 Electrical Fast Transient Susceptibility EN 61000-4-5 Surge Immunity EN 61000-4-6 Conducted RF Immunity EN 55011 Radiated and Conducted RF Emissions ANSI/IEEE C37.90.1 Surge 7.3.5 Diagnostics The I/O pack performs the following self-diagnostic tests: • • • • • A power-up self-test that includes checks of RAM, flash memory, Ethernet ports, and most of the processor board hardware Continuous monitoring of the internal power supplies for correct operation A check of the analog feedback currents A comparison between the commanded state of each relay drive and the feedback from the commanded output circuit A check of the electronic ID information from the terminal board, acquisition board, and processor board to confirm that the hardware set matches, followed by a check that the application code loaded from flash memory is correct for the hardware set Note Details of the individual diagnostics are available from the ToolboxST application. The diagnostic signals can be individually latched, and then reset with the RESET_DIA signal if they go healthy. 332 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information YPRO Status LEDs During normal I/O pack operation, all six trip application LEDs display green. An additional feature, rotating LEDs, can be configured for the I/O pack. Using this feature, only one LED is turned on at a time, and walked up and down the six LEDs creating a synchronized motion. The walking is regulated by the controller IONet, and synchronized across a set of three I/O packs. This provides a quick visual indication of the system time synchronization status. There are six LEDs on the front left side of the I/O pack to indicate trip status. All six LEDs stay off until the I/O pack is completely online. RUN is green any time the I/O pack has energized the emergency trip relays. RUN turns red any time the I/O pack has removed power from the emergency trip relays, voting to trip. ESTP is green when the ESTOP input (if applicable) is in the run state. ESTP turns red any time ESTOP is invoked to prevent pick up of the emergency trip relays. If the selected trip terminal board does not support ESTOP, then the LED defaults to green. OSPD turns red any time the I/O pack votes to trip in response to a detected overspeed condition on any of the three speed inputs. OSPD is green when an overspeed condition is not present or latched. Note WDOG turns green to indicate that the trip status of any of these features has been cleared. WDOG turns red when any of the following I/O pack trip functions are enabled and active: • • • • Control Watchdog Speed Difference Detection Stale Speed Detection Frame Sync Monitor SYNC is green when generator and bus voltage is synchronized and matched in amplitude. SYNC turns red when the I/O pack determines that ac bus and generator bus voltage does not satisfy the synchronization requirements, and synchronization has been requested by the system. OPT is reserved for options that expand the capabilities of the I/O pack. The default display is green. PPRO, YPRO Backup Turbine Protection GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 333 Non-Public Information 7.3.6 Configuration Note The information in this section is extracted from the ToolboxST application and represents a sample of the configuration information for this board. Refer to the actual configuration file within the ToolboxST application for specific information. Parameters Parameter TurbineType Description Choices Turbine Type and Trip Solenoid Configuration Unused, GT_1Shaft, LM_ 3Shaft, MediumSteam, SmallSteam, GT_2Shaft, Stag_GT_1Sh, Stag_GT_2Sh, LargeSteam, LM_2Shaft LMTripZEnabl On LM machine, when no PR on Z, Enable a vote for Trip Disable, Enable TA_Trp_Enab1 Steam, Enable Trip Anticipate on ETR1 Disable, Enable TA_Trp_Enab2 Steam, Enable Trip Anticipate on ETR2 Disable, Enable TA_Trp_Enab3 Steam, Enable Trip Anticipate on ETR3 Disable, Enable SpeedDifEn Enable Trip on Speed Difference between Controller and YPRO Disable, Enable StaleSpdEn Enable Trip on Speed from Controller Freezing Disable, Enable Rotate the Status LEDs if all status are OK Disable, Enable RotateLeds LedDiags is Disabled by default. LedDiags Disable, Enable Attention When enabled, generates a diagnostic alarm when Trip LEDs are lit. Refer to the section, Diagnostics, YPRO Trip Status for more information on LED operation. RatedRPM_TA Rated RPM, used for Trip Anticipator and for Speed Diff Protection 0 to 20,000 AccelCalType Select Acceleration Calculation Time (milliseconds) 10 to 100 OS_Diff Absolute Speed Difference in Percent For Trip Threshold 0 to 10 Terminal Board SPRO or TPRO Variable Description Direction Type PulseRate1 HP speed AnalogInput REAL PulseRate2 LP speed AnalogInput REAL PulseRate3 IP speed AnalogInput REAL BusPT_KVolts Kilo-Volts rms AnalogInput REAL GenPT_KVolts Kilo-Volts rms AnalogInput REAL 334 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information Terminal Board TREA Variable Description Direction Type PulseRate1 HP speed AnalogInput REAL PulseRate2 LP speed AnalogInput REAL PulseRate3 IP speed AnalogInput REAL Fan_Spd_Fbk Fanned Speed Signal Feedback: - Fanned = Jumpers Closed Input BOOL KESTOP1_Fdbk ESTOP1, inverse sense, True = Run Input BOOL The SOE generated for this variable requires the attachment of an application variable to this signal. Otherwise, a build warning is generated. K1_Fdbk L4ETR1_FB, Trip Relay 1 Feedback Input BOOL K2_Fdbk L4ETR2_FB, Trip Relay 2 Feedback Input BOOL VSen1 Voltage Sensor 1 Feedback Input BOOL VSen2 Voltage Sensor 2 Feedback Input BOOL VSen3 Voltage Sensor 3 - Power Monitor Feedback Input BOOL Terminal Board TREG Variable Description Direction Type KESTOP1_Fdbk ESTOP1, inverse sense, K4 relay, True = Run Input BOOL The SOE generated for this variable requires the attachment of an application variable to this signal. Otherwise, a build warning is generated. Contact1 through 7 Contact Input 1 through 7 Input BOOL K1_Fdbk L4ETR1_FB, Trip Relay 1 Feedback Input BOOL K2_Fdbk L4ETR2_FB, Trip Relay 2 Feedback Input BOOL K3_Fdbk L4ETR3_FB, Trip Relay 3 Feedback Input BOOL KE1_Fdbk Current Economizing Relay for Trip Solenoid 1 Input BOOL KE2_Fdbk Current Economizing Relay for Trip Solenoid 2 Input BOOL KE3_Fdbk Current Economizing Relay for Trip Solenoid 3 Input BOOL K4CL_Fdbk Drive Control Valve Servos Closed. Input BOOL K25A_Fdbk Synch Check Relay Input BOOL PPRO, YPRO Backup Turbine Protection GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 335 Non-Public Information YPRO Signals Board Points (Signals) Description – Point Edit (Enter Signal Connection) Direction Type L3DIAG_YPRO_R, _S, _T I/O Diagnostic Indication Input BOOL LINK_OK_YPRO_R, _S, _T I/O Link Okay Indication Input BOOL ATTN_YPRO_R, _S, _T I/O Attention Indication Input BOOL PS18V_YPRO_R, _S, _T I/O 18 V Power Supply Indication Input BOOL PS28V_YPRO_R, _S, _T I/O 28 V Power Supply Indication Input BOOL IOPackTmpr_R, _S, _T I/O pack Temperature (deg °F) AnalogInput REAL K1_FdbkNV_R, _S, _T Non Voted L4ETR1_FB, Trip Relay 1 Feedback Input BOOL K2_FdbkNV_R, _S, _T Non Voted L4ETR2_FB, Trip Relay 2 Feedback Input BOOL K3_FdbkNV_R, _S, _T Non Voted L4ETR3_FB, Trip Relay 3 Feedback Input BOOL K1FLT K1 Shorted Contact Fault Input BOOL K2FLT K2 Shorted Contact Fault Input BOOL PR1_Zero L14HP_ZE Input BOOL PR2_Zero L14HP_ZE Input BOOL PR3_Zero L14HP_ZE Input BOOL OS1_Trip L12HP_TP Input BOOL OS2_Trip L12HP_TP Input BOOL OS3_Trip L12HP_TP Input BOOL Dec1_Trip L12HP_DEC Input BOOL Dec2_Trip L12HP_DEC Input BOOL Dec3_Trip L12HP_DEC Input BOOL Acc1_Trip L12HP_ACC Input BOOL Acc2_Trip L12HP_ACC Input BOOL Acc3_Trip L12HP_ACC Input BOOL TA_Trip Trip Anticipate Trip, L12TA_TP Input BOOL TA_StptLoss L30TA Input BOOL OS1HW_Trip L12HP_TP Input BOOL OS2HW_Trip L12HP_TP Input BOOL OS3HW_Trip L12HP_TP Input BOOL SOL1_Vfdbk When TREG, Trip Solenoid 1 Voltage Input BOOL SOL2_Vfdbk When TREG, Trip Solenoid 2 Voltage Input BOOL SOL3_Vfdbk When TREG, Trip Solenoid 3 Voltage Input BOOL L25A_Cmd L25A Breaker Close Pulse Input BOOL Cont1_TrEnab through 7 Config – Contact 1 Trip Enabled through 7 Input BOOL Acc1_TrEnab through 3 Config – Accel 1 Trip Enabled through 3 Input BOOL GT_1Shaft Config – Gas Turb, 1 Shaft Enabled Input BOOL GT_2Shaft Config – Gas Turb, 2 Shaft Enabled Input BOOL LM_2Shaft Config – LM Turb, 2 Shaft Enabled Input BOOL LM_3Shaft Config – LM Turb, 3 Shaft Enabled Input BOOL LargeSteam Config – Large Steam 1, Enabled Input BOOL MediumSteam Config – Medium Steam, Enabled Input BOOL 336 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information Board Points (Signals) Description – Point Edit (Enter Signal Connection) Direction Type SmallSteam Config – Small Steam, Enabled Input BOOL Stag_GT_1Sh Config – Stag 1 Shaft, Enabled Input BOOL Stag_GT_2Sh Config – Stag 2 Shaft, Enabled Input BOOL ETR1_Enab Config – ETR1 Relay Enabled Input BOOL ETR2_Enab Config – ETR2 Relay Enabled Input BOOL ETR3_Enab Config – ETR3 Relay Enabled Input BOOL OS1HW_SP_Pend Hardware HP overspeed setpoint changed after power up Input BOOL OS2HW_SP_Pend Hardware LP overspeed setpoint changed after power up Input BOOL OS3HW_SP_Pend Hardware IP overspeed setpoint changed after power up Input BOOL KE1_Enab Config – Economizing Relay 1 Enabled Input BOOL KE2_Enab Config – Economizing Relay 2 Enabled Input BOOL KE3_Enab Config – Economizing Relay 3 Enabled Input BOOL OS1HW_SP_CfgErr Hardware HP Overspd Setpoint Config Mismatch Error Input BOOL OS2HW_SP_CfgErr Hardware LP Overspd Setpoint Config Mismatch Error Input BOOL OS3HW_SP_CfgErr Hardware IP Overspd Setpoint Config Mismatch Error Input BOOL K4CL_Enab Config – Servo Clamp Relay Enabled Input BOOL K25A_Enab Config – Synch Check Relay Enabled Input BOOL L5CFG1_Trip HP Config Trip Input BOOL L5CFG2_Trip LP Config Trip Input BOOL L5CFG3_Trip IP Config Trip Input BOOL OS1_SP_CfgEr HP Overspd Setpoint Config Mismatch Error Input BOOL OS2_SP_CfgEr LP Overspd Setpoint Config Mismatch Error Input BOOL OS3_SP_CfgEr IP Overspd Setpoint Config Mismatch Error Input BOOL ComposTrip1 Composite Trip 1 Input BOOL ComposTrip2 Composite Trip 2 Input BOOL ComposTrip3 Composite Trip 3 Input BOOL L5ESTOP1 ESTOP1 Trip Input BOOL L5Cont1_Trip through 7 Contact 1 Trip 7 Input BOOL LPShaftLock LP Shaft Locked Input BOOL Inhbt1_Fdbk through 7 Trip Inhibit Signal Feedback for Contact 1 through 7 Input BOOL L3SS_Comm Communication Fault Input BOOL Trip1_EnCon through 7 Contact 1 Trip Enabled through 7 – Conditional Input BOOL BusFreq SFL2 Hz AnalogInput REAL GenFreq DF2 Hz AnalogInput REAL GenVoltsDiff DV_ERR KiloVolts rms - Gen Low is Negative AnalogInput REAL GenFreqDiff SFDIFF2 Slip Hz - Gen Slow is Negative AnalogInput REAL GenPhaseDiff SSDIFF2 Phase degrees - Gen Lag is Negative AnalogInput REAL PR1_Accel HP Accel in RPM/SEC AnalogInput REAL PR2_Accel LP Accel in RPM/SEC AnalogInput REAL PR3_Accel IP Accel in RPM/SEC AnalogInput REAL PR1_Max HP Max Speed since last Zero Speed in RPM AnalogInput REAL PPRO, YPRO Backup Turbine Protection GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 337 Non-Public Information Board Points (Signals) Description – Point Edit (Enter Signal Connection) Direction Type PR2_Max LP Max Speed since last Zero Speed in RPM AnalogInput REAL PR3_Max IP Max Speed since last Zero Speed in RPM AnalogInput REAL SynCk_Perm L25A_PERM - Sync Check Permissive Output BOOL SynCk_ByPass L25A_BYPASS - Sync Check ByPass Output BOOL Cross_Trip L4Z_XTRP - Control Cross Trip Output BOOL OnLineOS1Tst L97HP_TST1 - On Line HP Overspeed Test Output BOOL OnLineOS2Tst L97LP_TST1 - On Line LP Overspeed Test Output BOOL OnLineOS3Tst L97IP_TST1 - On Line IP Overspeed Test Output BOOL OffLineOS1Tst L97HP_TST2 - Off Line HP Overspeed Test Output BOOL OffLineOS2Tst L97LP_TST2 - Off Line LP Overspeed Test Output BOOL OffLineOS3Tst L97IP_TST2 - Off Line IP Overspeed Test Output BOOL TrpAntcptTst L97A_TST - Trip Anticipate Test Output BOOL LokdRotorByp LL97LR_BYP - Locked Rotor Bypass Output BOOL HPZeroSpdByp L97ZSC_BYP - HP Zero Speed Check Bypass Output BOOL PTR1 L20PTR1 - Primary Trip Relay CMD, for Diagnostic only Output BOOL PTR2 L20PTR2 - Primary Trip Relay CMD, for Diagnostic only Output BOOL PTR3 L20PTR3 - Primary Trip Relay CMD, for Diagnostic only Output BOOL PR_Max_Rst Max Speed Reset Output BOOL OnLineOS1X L43EOST_ONL - On Line HP Overspeed Test,with auto reset Output BOOL TestETR1 L97ETR1 - ETR1 test, True de-energizes relay Output BOOL TestETR2 L97ETR2 - ETR2 test, True de-energizes relay Output BOOL TestETR3 L97ETR3 - ETR3 test, True de-energizes relay Output BOOL Trip1_Inhbt through 7 Contact 1 Trip Inhibit through 7 Output BOOL OS1_Setpoint HP Overspeed Setpoint in RPM AnalogOutput REAL OS2_Setpoint LP Overspeed Setpoint in RPM AnalogOutput REAL OS3_Setpoint IP Overspeed Setpoint in RPM AnalogOutput REAL OS1_TATrpSp PR1 Overspeed Trip Setpoint in RPM for Trip Anticipate Fn AnalogOutput REAL DriveFreq Drive (Gen) Freq (Hz), used for non standard drive config AnalogOutput REAL Speed1 Shaft Speed 1 in RPM AnalogOutput REAL OSHW_Setpoint1 HP Overspeed Setpoint in RPM AnalogOutput REAL OSHW_Setpoint2 LP Overspeed Setpoint in RPM AnalogOutput REAL OSHW_Setpoint3 IP Overspeed Setpoint in RPM AnalogOutput REAL ContWdog Controller Watchdog Counter Output DINT 338 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 7.4 YPRO Specific Alarms 17 Description Main Terminal Board Mismatch Possible Cause The terminal board configured in the ToolboxST application does not match the actual hardware. Solution • • Verify that the ToolboxST configuration matches the actual hardware. Perform the Build and Download commands to configure the I/O pack. 18 Description Trip Board Mismatch Possible Cause The trip board configured in the ToolboxST application does not match the actual trip board hardware. Solution • • Verify that the ToolboxST configuration matches the actual hardware. Perform the Build and Download commands to configure the I/O pack. 40 Description Contact Excitation Voltage Test Failure Has Health Bit Yes Possible Cause Voltage for the contact inputs on the trip board is not within published limits. Solution Check source of contact excitation voltage applied to trip board. 50 Description Main Terminal Board Mismatch Possible Cause The terminal board configured in the ToolboxST application does not match the actual hardware. Solution • • Verify that the ToolboxST configuration matches the actual hardware. Perform the Build and Download commands to configure the I/O pack. 51 Description Trip Board Mismatch Possible Cause The trip board configured in the ToolboxST application does not match the actual trip board hardware. Solution • • Verify that the ToolboxST configuration matches the actual hardware. Perform the Build and Download commands to configure the I/O pack. PPRO, YPRO Backup Turbine Protection GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 339 Non-Public Information 69–71 Description Trip relay (ETR) driver [ ] does not match commanded state Has Health Bit No Possible Cause The driver output of the I/O pack for Emergency Trip Relay 1 (K1), ETR2 (K2), or ETR3 (K3) does not match the commanded state. This indicates that the I/O pack does not see the relay command going out the DC-62 connector into the expected terminating impedance on the trip board. Solution • • • Check the I/O pack connector seating on the terminal board. Check the trip board cable seating (if not TREA) and the cable integrity. Replace the cable, the trip board, the main terminal board, and the I/O pack. 72–74 Description Econ Relay Driver [ ] does not match commanded state Has Health Bit No Possible Cause The driver output of the I/O pack for Economizing Relay KE1, KE2, or KE3 does not match the commanded state. This indicates that the I/O pack does not see the relay command going out the DC-62 connector into the expected terminating impedance on the trip board. Solution • • • Check the I/O pack connector seating on terminal board. Check the trip board cable seating and the cable integrity. Replace the cable, the trip board, the main terminal board, and the I/O pack. 75 Description Servo Clamp Relay Driver does not match commanded state Has Health Bit No Possible Cause The driver output of I/O pack for K4CL does not match the commanded state. This indicates that I/O pack does not see the relay command going out the DC-62 connector into the expected terminating impedance on the trip board. Solution • • • 340 Check the I/O pack connector seating on terminal board. Check the trip board cable seating and the cable integrity. Replace the cable, the trip board, the main terminal board, and the I/O pack. GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 76 Description K25A relay (synch check) driver does not match commanded state Has Health Bit No Possible Cause The driver output of I/O pack for K25A does not match the commanded state. This indicates that I/O pack does not see the relay command going out the DC-62 connector into the expected terminating impedance on the trip board. Solution • • • Check the I/O pack connector seating on terminal board. Check the trip board cable seating and the cable integrity. One at a time, replace the following: the emergency trip board cable, the trip terminal board, the terminal board hosting the I/O pack, and the I/O pack. 83–85 Description Trip relay (ETR) contact [ ] does not match commanded state Has Health Bit No Possible Cause • • Relay feedback from Emergency Trip Relay ETR1 (K1), ETR2 (K2), or ETR3 (K3) does not match the commanded state. This indicates that the relay feedback from the trip board does not agree with the commanded state. Solenoid power is not applied to the trip board. Solution • • Check the trip board relays, as well as the cable from trip board to main terminal board (if not TREA). Check that solenoid power is applied to the terminal board. 86–88 Description Econ relay contact [ ] does not match commanded state Has Health Bit No Possible Cause The relay feedback fromEconomizing Relay 1 (KE1), KE2, or KE3 does not match the commanded state. This indicates that the relay feedback from the trip board does not agree with the commanded state. Solution Check the trip board relays, as well as the cable from trip board to main terminal board. 89 Description Servo clamp relay contact does not match commanded state Has Health Bit No Possible Cause Check the I/O pack connector seating on the terminal board. Check the trip board cable seating and the cable integrity. Replace the cable, the trip board, the main terminal board, and the I/O pack. Solution Servo Clamp Relay Contactmismatch requested state PPRO, YPRO Backup Turbine Protection GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 341 Non-Public Information 90 Description K25A relay (synch check) coil trouble, cabling to P28 V on TTUR Has Health Bit No Possible Cause • • • • Confirm that the TMR packs are commanding the same state for K25A. Check the I/O pack connector seating on the terminal board. Check the trip board cable seating and the cable integrity. One at a time, replace the following: the emergency trip board cable, the trip terminal board, the terminal board hosting the I/O pack, and the I/O pack. Solution K25A Relay (synch check) Coil trouble, cabling to/P28 V on TTUR 97 Description Solenoid power source is missing Has Health Bit No Possible Cause • • Check the source of solenoid power. Confirm that the wiring between the trip boards is correct. Solution Solenoid Power Source is missing 99–101 Description Solenoid voltage [ ] does not match commanded state Has Health Bit No Possible Cause • • • • • Solenoid voltage associated with K1-K3 does not match the commanded state Removal of solenoid voltage through another means when the I/O pack expects to see it K1-K3 are closed, but no voltage is detected on the solenoid Solenoid voltage was removed through another means while the I/O pack expects to detect its presence ETR state associated with this YPRO is being out voted by the other two YPROs Solution • • • 342 Review the system-level trip circuit wiring and confirm the voltage that should be present if the I/O pack energizes the associated trip relay. From the ToolboxST application, verify that the variables (typically L20PTR#) which drive the Primary Trip Relays (PTRs) in the YTUR are correctly assigned to the YPRO Variables tab (PTR1, PTR2, and PTR3). Check the pre-voted values for ComposTrip1 under the Vars-Trip tab to verify that all three YPROs have the same status. If the current YPRO differs from the others, check the pre-vote status of other variables under this tab to determine the exact cause of the composite trip and correct the condition. GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 108 Description Control Watchdog Protection Activated Has Health Bit No Possible Cause An alarm indicates that the ContWdog signal has not changed for five consecutive frames. The alarm clears if changes are detected for 60 seconds. Solution • • Verify that the ContWdog is connected to the output of a DEVICE_HB block and that the block is located in a task which is run at frame rate. Verify that the output signal from the block is changing at least once a frame. 109 Description Speed Difference Protection Activated Has Health Bit No Possible Cause This alarm only occurs if the SpeedDifEnable parameter has been enabled. An alarm indicates that the difference between the Speed1 output signal and the first I/O pack pulse rate speed is larger than the OS_DIFF percentage for more than three consecutive frames. The percentage is based off of the RatedRPM_TA parameter. The alarm clears if the difference is within limits for 60 seconds for more than three consecutive frames. Solution Verify that the Speed1 signal is set up correctly in the ToolboxST application, and that the source of the signal reflects the primary YTUR pulse rate speed. 110 Description Stale Speed Protection Activated Has Health Bit No Possible Cause The speed trip protection may be stale. This alarm can only occur if the StaleSpdEn parameter has been enabled. An alarm indicates that the Speed1 variable has not changed for 100 consecutive frames. The alarm clears if the speed dithers for 60 seconds. Solution • • • Verify that the source of the Speed1 signal reflects the YTUR primary pulse rate speed. Verify that Speed1 is not set to a static (fixed) value. Verify that Speed1 is not filtered. 111 Description Frame Sync Monitor Protection Activated Has Health Bit No Possible Cause This alarm indicates that the communication with the controller was lost for at least five consecutive frames after the I/O pack was online. The alarm clears if the frame synch is established for at least 60 seconds. Solution Verify that the IONet is healthy. This indicates that the I/O pack is not synchronized with the Mark VIe controller start-of-frame signal. PPRO, YPRO Backup Turbine Protection GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 343 Non-Public Information 112–114 Description Overspeed [ ] firmware setpoint configuration error Has Health Bit No Possible Cause There is a firmware over-speed limit mismatch between the OS[ ]_Setpoint I/O signal space limit and the current configuration file downloaded from the ToolboxST application. This causes the OS[ ]_Setpoint output signal to not match the configuration value of OS_Setpoint. Solution From the Vars Speed tab, change the output signal designated in OS[ ]_Setpoint to match the configuration value of OS_Setpoint (found in the Pulse Rate tab). 115–117 Description Overspeed [ ] hardware setpoint configuration error Has Health Bit No Possible Cause There is a hardware over-speed limit mismatch between the OSHW_Setpoint[ ] I/O signal space limit and the current configuration file downloaded from the ToolboxST application. This causes the OSHW_Setpoint[ ] output signal to not match the configuration value of OSHW_Setpoint. Solution From the Var-Speed tab, change the output signal designated in OSHW_Setpoint[ ] to match the configuration value of OSHW_Setpoint (found in the Pulse Rate tab). 118–120 Description Overspeed [ ] hardware setpoint changed after power up Has Health Bit No Possible Cause This alarm always occurs when PulseRate[ ] OSHW_Setpoint is changed and downloaded to the I/O pack after the turbine has started. Solution Confirm that the limit change is correct. Restart the I/O pack to force the hardware overspeed to re-initialize the limit. 121 Description TREA - K1 solid state relay shorted Has Health Bit No Possible Cause The TREA provides voltage-based detection of relays that remain in the energized position in the six voting contacts used to provide K1. Zero voltage has been detected on one or more contacts of K1 when voltage should be present. Solution Replace the TREA. 122 Description TREA - K2 solid state relay shorted Has Health Bit No Possible Cause TREA provides voltage based detection of relays that remain in the energized position in the six voting contacts used to provide K2. Zero voltage has been deleted on one or more contacts of K2 when voltage should be present. Solution Replace the TREA. 344 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 123 Description LED - Turbine RUN permissives lost Has Health Bit No Possible Cause The RUN LED is lit red on the I/O pack because one of the RUN permissives for the turbine has been lost. The LedDiag parameter must be set to Enable to get this alarm. Solution • • • Verify the configuration of the LedDiag parameter. From the ToolboxST application Vars Trip tab, identify the condition that caused the trip. The condition leading to a trip condition must be cleared, and a master reset issued. 124 Description LED - Overspeed fault detected Has Health Bit No Possible Cause The Overspeed LED is lit on the I/O pack because of a detected Trip condition. The LedDiag parameter must be set to Enable to get this alarm. Solution • • Verify the configuration of the LedDiag parameter. The condition leading to a trip condition must be cleared, and a master reset issued. 125 Description LED - Estop detected Has Health Bit No Possible Cause The Estop LED is lit on the I/O pack because of a detected Estop signal. The LedDiag parameter must be set to Enable to get this alarm. Solution • • Verify the configuration of the LedDiag parameter. Remove the Estop condition, and issue a master reset. 126 Description LED - Synch fault detected Has Health Bit No Possible Cause The Synch LED is lit on the I/O pack because of a failure to synchronize. The LedDiag parameter must be set to Enable to get this alarm. Solution • • Verify the configuration of the LedDiag parameter. Issue a master reset to clear the alarm until the next failed attempt to synchronize. PPRO, YPRO Backup Turbine Protection GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 345 Non-Public Information 224–239 Description Input Signal [ ] Voting Mismatch, Local=[ ], Voted=[ ] Has Health Bit No Possible Cause A problem exists with a status input between the R, S, and T I/O packs and one of the following: • • • The device The connections to the terminal board The terminal board Solution • • • • • • • Adjust the TMR threshold limit or correct the cause of the difference. Verify that the R, S, and T I/O pack configurations are equal to the ToolboxST configuration. Check the I/O pack power and the networking. Check the I/O pack mounting on terminal board. Verify the operation of the device generating the specified signal. Verify the terminal board wiring and connections. Replace the I/O pack. 1064–1255 Description Logic Signal [ ] Voting Mismatch Has Health Bit No Possible Cause A problem exists with a status input between the R, S, and T I/O packs and one of the following: • • • The device The connections to the terminal board The terminal board Solution • • • • • • 346 Verify that the R, S, and T I/O pack configurations are equal to the ToolboxST configuration. Check the I/O pack power and the networking. Check the I/O pack mounting on the terminal board. Verify the operation of the device generating the specified signal. Verify the terminal board wiring and connections. Replace the I/O pack. GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 7.5 TPRO_#C TMR Backup Protection Terminal Board The TMR Backup Protection (TPROH#C, TPROS#C) terminal board conditions speed signal inputs and contains a pair of potential transformers (PTs) for bus and generator voltage input. It has three DC-37 pin connectors, each adjacent to the I/O pack connectors. Each DC-37 accepts a cable leading to a trip relay terminal board. The TPRO has two 24-point terminal blocks (48 points). Compatibility I/O Packs Three Mark VIe PPROs Three Mark VIeS YPROs † or Three Mark VIe PPROS1Bs † TPRO Version Terminal Block Type TPROH1C Barrier, removable TPROH2C Euro Box, removable TPROS1C Barrier, removable TPROS2C Euro Box, removable Available Trip Boards TREG, TREL, TRES TREGS#B † This combination is IEC 61508 safety certified 7.5.1 TPRO _#C Installation The TPRO and a plastic insulator mount on a sheet metal carrier, which mounts on a DIN-rail. Optionally, the TPRO and insulator mount on a sheet metal assembly, which bolts directly in a panel. Speed signals and PT inputs are wired directly to the terminal block using typical #18 AWG wires. The R, S and T I/O packs mount on TPRO connectors JR1, JS1 and JT1, respectively. Three DC-37 pin conductor cables plug into TPRO connectors JX1, JY1 and JZ1 with the other ends attached to the turbine backup trip board. PPRO, YPRO Backup Turbine Protection GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 347 Non-Public Information Transformers (T1 and T 2) Cold junctions (only three used at a time ) Magnetic pickup TPRO_#C Board Layout 348 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information Primary and Backup Turbine Protection In the following figure, the TPRO and three I/O packs (Mark VIe PPROs or Mark VIeS YPROs) are connected to a trip relay board for backup turbine trip protection. Three Mark VIe PTURs or Mark VIeS YTURs, the TTUR terminal board, and a primary trip relay board provide turbine-specific primary trip protection. PPRO, YPRO Backup Turbine Protection GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 349 Non-Public Information YTUR YTUR YTUR TPROS#C YPRO YPRO YPRO Primary and Backup Turbine Protection 350 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 7.5.2 Operation In the following drawing, the PT inputs to TPRO are displayed on terminals 1-4. TPRO Signal Inputs PPRO, YPRO Backup Turbine Protection GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 351 Non-Public Information Nine speed inputs are displayed on terminals 31-48. Terminals 5, 9, and 11 offer P24 output for the customer. Terminal 8 (MARET) acts as the return path for the P24 output. The P24 output is derived by ORing the 28 V power supply of I/O packs R, S, and T. If any of the I/O pack are switched off, P24 V output can still be sourced. If speed inputs are TTL-based, then TB3 terminals are used along with even-numbered terminals 32-48, as displayed in the following table. Input Signal TBConnector Terminal Number Description PulseRate1 MAG1TTL_R TB3 1 For TTL input High MX1L TB2 32 Return for TTL input MAG1TTL_S TB3 4 For TTL input High MY1L TB2 38 Return for TTL input MAG1TTL_T TB3 7 For TTL input High MZ1L TB2 44 Return for TTL input P24V1 TB1 5 For TTL input Sensor Power MARET TB1 8 For TTL input Sensor Power Return PulseRate2 MAG2TTL_R TB3 2 For TTL input High MX2L TB2 34 Return for TTL input MAG2TTL_S TB3 5 For TTL input High MY2L TB2 40 Return for TTL input MAG2TTL_T TB3 8 For TTL input High MZ2L TB2 46 Return for TTL input P24V2 TB1 9 For TTL input Sensor Power MARET TB1 8 For TTL input Sensor Power Return PulseRate3 MAG3TTL_R TB3 3 For TTL input High MX3L TB2 36 Return for TTL input MAG3TTL_S TB3 6 For TTL input High MY3L TB2 42 Return for TTL input MAG3TTL_T TB3 9 For TTL input High MZ3L TB2 48 Return for TTL input P24V3 TB1 11 For TTL input Sensor Power MARET TB1 8 For TTL input Sensor Power Return Note For terminal 8 (MARET) to act as the return path for 24 V output and 4-20 mA input, ensure that JP1B is at position (1-2). 352 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 7.5.3 Specification Item TPRO Specification Generator and bus voltage sensors If K25A_Enab = False, the generator and bus potential transformer (PT) live values are disabled. Two single-phase potential transformers, with secondary output supplying a nominal 115 V rms Each input has less than 3 VA of loading. Allowable voltage range for synch is 75 to 130 V rms Each PT input is magnetically isolated with a 1,500 V rms barrier. Cable length can be up to 1,000 ft. of 18 AWG wiring. Magnetic speed pickup pulse rate range 2 Hz to 20,000 Hz Magnetic speed pickup pulse rate accuracy 0.05% of reading Speed input sensitivity Required peak-peak (p-p) voltage rises as a function of frequency: 2 Hz requires 24 mV p-p 20 kHz requires 276 mV p-p Speed input sensitivity is such that turning gear speed may be observed on a typical turbine application. Size 33.02 cm high x 17.8 cm wide (13 in x 7 in) Technology Surface-mount P24V1 P24V2 P24V3 There are three 24 V outputs for customer (not voted), with each supporting a max current output of 25 mA. 7.5.4 Diagnostics The TPRO board and backup trip relay terminal board contain electronic ID parts that are read during power initialization. This information is used by the I/O pack to confirm a valid hardware arrangement prior to starting normal operation. PPRO, YPRO Backup Turbine Protection GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 353 Non-Public Information 7.6 SPROH#A, S1A Simplex Backup Protection Terminal Board The Simplex Backup Protection (SPRO) terminal board conditions speed signal inputs for the I/O pack and contains a pair of potential transformers (PTs) for bus and generator voltage input. It has a DC-37 pin connector adjacent to the I/O pack connector that accepts a cable leading to a backup trip relay terminal board. Compatibility I/O Packs Board Revision Available Trip Boards 24 removable, barrier SPROH1A One Mark VIe PPRO One Mark VIeS YPRO † Terminal Block TREG, TREL, TRES SPROH2A SPROS1A 24 removable, Euro style box-type TREGS#B 24 removable, barrier † IEC 61508 safety certified with YPRO (not PPROS1B) 7.6.1 Installation The SPRO and a plastic insulator mount on a sheet metal carrier, which mounts on a DIN-rail. Optionally, the SPRO and insulator mount on a sheet metal assembly, which bolts directly in a panel. Speed signals and PT inputs are wired directly to the terminal block using typical #18 AWG wires. The I/O pack mounts directly on connector JA1 of the SPRO. A DC-37 pin conductor cable plugs into connector JA3 of SPRO with the other end attached to a backup trip terminal board. Primary and Backup Turbine Protection The following figure displays the primary and backup trip protection system. Turbine-specific primary trip protection is provided by the Mark VIe PTUR or Mark VIeS YTUR, the TTUR terminal board, and a primary trip relay board. Backup protection is provided by the Mark VIeS YPRO or Mark VIe PPRO, the SPRO, and a backup trip relay board. 354 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information Primary and Backup Turbine Protection PPRO, YPRO Backup Turbine Protection GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 355 Non-Public Information 7.6.2 Operation In the following drawing, the PT inputs to SPRO are displayed on terminals 1-4. Three speed inputs are displayed on terminals 19-24. Terminals 7-15 are reserved for future control feature expansion and are routed to the JA1 I/O pack connector. Terminals 5-6 and 16-18 have no board connection. The JA1 and JA3 connectors provide locations for the I/O pack and the trip terminal board cables. SPRO Signal Inputs 356 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information SPRO Inputs Terminal Signal Name Variable Name Description 1 GENH GenPT_KVolts Generator PT input high. 2 GENL 3 BUSH 4 BUSL Generator PT input low BusPT_KVolts Bus PT input high Bus PT input low 5 Not connected 6 Not connected 7 KPRO1 Unused, left for future control feature expansion. 8 KPRO2 Unused, left for future control feature expansion. 9 KPRO3 Unused, left for future control feature expansion. 10 KPRO4 Unused, left for future control feature expansion. 11 KPRO5 Unused, left for future control feature expansion. 12 KPRO6 Unused, left for future control feature expansion. 13 KPRO7 Unused, left for future control feature expansion. 14 KPRO8 Unused, left for future control feature expansion. 15 KPRO9 Unused, left for future control feature expansion. 16 Not connected 17 Not connected 18 Not connected 19 MAG1H 20 MAG1L 21 MAG2H 22 MAG2L 23 MAG3H 24 MAG3L PulseRate1 Magnetic pickup-1 high input Magnetic pickup-1 low input PulseRate2 Magnetic pickup-2 high input Magnetic pickup-2 low input PulseRate3 Magnetic pickup-3 high input Magnetic pickup-3 low input PPRO, YPRO Backup Turbine Protection GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 357 Non-Public Information 7.6.3 Specifications Item SPRO Specification Generator and bus voltage sensors If K25A_Enab = False, the generator and bus potential transformer (PT) live values are disabled. Two single-phase potential transformers, with secondary output supplying a nominal 115 V rms Each input has less than 3 VA of loading. Allowable voltage range for synch is 75 to 130 V rms Each PT input is magnetically isolated with a 1,500 V rms barrier. Cable length can be up to 1,000 ft. of 18 AWG wiring. Magnetic speed pickup pulse rate range 2 Hz to 20,000 Hz Magnetic speed pickup pulse rate accuracy 0.05% of reading Speed input sensitivity Required peak-peak (p-p) voltage rises as a function of frequency: 2 Hz requires 24 mV p-p 20 kHz requires 276 mV p-p Turning gear speed may be observed on a typical turbine application. Size 15.9 cm high x 17.8 cm wide (6.25 in x 7.0 in) Technology Surface-mount 7.6.4 Diagnostics The SPRO board and backup trip relay terminal board contain electronic ID parts that are read during power initialization. This information is used by the I/O pack to confirm a valid hardware arrangement prior to starting normal operation. 358 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 7.7 TREAH#A, S#A Aeroderivative Turbine Trip Board The Aeroderivative Turbine Emergency Trip (TREA) terminal board inputs and outputs are as follows: • • • • • • Customer input terminals provided through two 24-point terminal blocks (48 points) Nine passive pulse rate devices (three per X/Y/Z section) sensing a toothed wheel to measure the turbine speed. Jumper blocks that enable fanning of one set of three speed inputs to all three I/O packs. Two TMR-voted output contacts to trip the system. Four 24–125 V dc voltage detection circuits for monitoring trip string. Signals fan out to the three I/O packs through JX1, JY1, and JZ1 DC-62 connectors. Compatibility Board Revision Mark VIe control IS220PPRO TREAH1A TREAH2A TREAH3A TREAH4A TREAS1A TREAS2A Mark VIeS Safety control IS200YPRO 24 V dc with barrier terminal blocks 125 V dc with barrier terminal blocks 24 V dc with Euro box terminal blocks 125 V dc with Euro box terminal blocks 24 V dc, barrier, IEC 61508 safety certified with YPRO (not PPROS1B) No Yes TREAS3A Features 125 V dc, barrier, IEC 61508 safety certified with YPRO (not PPROS1B) Yes 24 V dc, Euro box, IEC 61508 safety certified with YPRO (not PPROS1B) TREAS4A 125 V dc, Euro box, IEC 61508 safety certified with YPRO (not PPROS1B) PPRO, YPRO Backup Turbine Protection GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 359 Non-Public Information TREA_1A Turbine Terminal Board 360 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 7.7.1 Installation In 240 V ac applications, do not inadvertently cross-connect the 240 V ac and the dc voltages. The peak voltage will exceed the Transorb rating, resulting in a failure. Caution Most ac supplies operate with a grounded neutral, and if an inadvertent connection between the 125 V dc and the ac voltage is created, the sum of the ac peak voltage and the 125 V dc is applied to Transorbs connected between dc and ground. However, in 120 V ac applications, the Transorb rating can withstand the peak voltage without causing a failure. For H1 / S1 and H2 / S2 board versions, voltage detection and the breaker relay are wired to the I/O terminal blocks TB1. Passive pulse rate pick-ups are wired to TB2. Each block is held down with two screws and has 24 terminals accepting up to #12 AWG wires. A shield termination strip attached to chassis ground is located immediately to the left of each terminal block. For H3 / S3 and H4 / S4 board versions, voltage detection and the breaker relay are wired to the I/O box terminals at the top of the board. Passive pulse rate pick-ups are wired to the lower terminals. All terminals plug into a header on the TREA board and accept up to a single #12 AWG wire. The TREA must be configured for the desired speed input connections using the following table. Jumpers P1 and P2 select fanning of the <R> section pulse rate pickups to the <S> and <T> I/O packs. Attention Speed Input Connections Wiring Function Jumper Wire to all 9 pulse inputs: PR1_X – PR3_Z Each set of three pulse inputs goes to its own dedicated I/O pack Cannot use jumper: place in STORE position. Wire to bottom 3 pulse inputs only: PR1_X – PR3_X NO wiring to PR1_Y-PR3_Z The same set of signals are fanned to all the I/O packs Use jumper: place over pin pairs. PPRO, YPRO Backup Turbine Protection GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 361 Non-Public Information TREA Terminal Board Wiring Screw terminal connections are listed in the following table. Terminal names starting with DBRD are reserved for the addition of an optional daughterboard. Pin Signal Name Pin Signal Name 1 K1_PDC 2 K1_NDC 3 K2_PDC 4 K2_NDC 5 SOL1_A 6 SOL1_B 7 SOL2_A 8 SOL2_B 9 PWR_A 10 PWR_B 11 TRP_A 12 TRP_B 13 K4_PDC 14 K4_NDC 15 K5_PDC 16 K5_NDC 17 K6_PDC 18 K6_NDC 19 DBRD1_A 20 DBRD1_B 21 DBRD2_A 22 DBRD2_B 23 DBRD3_A 24 DBRD3_B 25 DBRD4_A 26 DBRD4_B 27 DBRD5_A 28 DBRD5_B 29 DBRD6_A 30 DBRD6_B 31 PR1H_Z 32 PR1L_Z 33 PR2H_Z 34 PR2L_Z 35 PR3H_Z 36 PR3L_Z 37 PR1H_Y 38 PR1L_Y 39 PR2H_Y 40 PR2L_Y 41 PR3H_Y 42 PR3L_Y 43 PR1H_X 44 PR1L_X 45 PR2H_X 46 PR2L_X 47 PR3H_X 48 PR3L_X 362 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information Contact Outputs The contact outputs are polarity sensitive. Wire the circuit carefully to avoid damaging the relays. There is no contact or solenoid suppression, user must add external solenoid suppression to avoid damaging the relays and their contacts. Caution A voltage detection circuit is included on TREA that is able to detect a shorted relay when voltage is present across the open contact set. Connection to TREA contact output • • • • E-Stop/TRP Input The TRP input is configurable in the I/O pack to either be required or bypass the signal. When enabled, the TRP input works through a hardware path on the I/O pack and does not act through the I/O pack firmware. When enabled, TRP must be powered for the trip relays to close. The E-Stop must be connected to a CLEAN dc source battery or filtered (< 5% ripple) rectified ac. There must be a minimum of 18 V dc at the TRP inputs for proper operation. The current required was kept low to minimize drop on long cable runs. As the TRP is very fast < 5 ms and the output relay contacts are also fast (< 15 ms), best wiring practices should be utilized to avoid disoperation. Use twisted-pair cable when possible and avoid running with ac wiring. PPRO, YPRO Backup Turbine Protection GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 363 Non-Public Information 7.7.2 Operation The TREA is designed for three I/O packs to be mounted directly onto it. This module assembly forms a self-contained emergency trip function. TREA_1A, 2A, 3A, and 4A only functions correctly with three I/O packs. Simplex operation is not possible. Note The Trip Anticipate test function does not toggle the ETR relays on the TREA. Speed Inputs With the three I/O packs mounted directly on the TREA, the speed inputs provide two options. Each I/O pack can receive a dedicated set of three speed inputs from their respective TREA terminal points. As an option, jumpers P1 and P2 can be placed on the TREA to take the first three speed inputs from the <X> I/O pack and fan them to the <Y> and <Z> I/O packs. When this is selected, the terminal board points for the Y and Z speed inputs become no-connects and should not be used. As a check, when the I/O pack is configured for either fanned or direct speed input, a feedback signal is provided by TREA. If there is a mismatch between the jumper position and I/O pack configuration, an alarm will be generated. 364 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information E-Stop The TREA includes an E-Stop function. This consists of an optically isolated input circuit designed for a dc input in the range of 24 V to 125 V nominal. When energized, the circuit enables coil drive power in the X, Y, and Z relay circuits through independent hardware paths. The response time of this circuit of less than five milliseconds plus the response time of the trip relays of less than one millisecond yields very fast E-Stop response. E-Stop is monitored by I/O pack firmware, but the action to remove trip relay coil power is a hardware path in the I/O pack. It is possible to configure the I/O pack to turn off the E-Stop function. Voltage Monitors The trip relays on TREA may be freely located anywhere in a trip string. Because the trip string circuit is not fixed, there are three general-purpose isolated voltage sensor inputs on TREA. These can be used to monitor any points in the trip system and drive the voltage status into the system controller where action can be taken. Typical use of these inputs may be to sense the power supply voltage for the two trip strings (PWR) and to sense the solenoid voltage of the device being driven by the relays (SOL1, SOL2). This set of applications is used in the wording of the board symbol, but the sensors can be freely applied to best serve the application. Trip Relays The trip relays are made using sets of six individual form devices arranged in a voting pattern. Any two controllers that vote to close will establish a conduction path through the set. Because detection of a shorted relay is important to preserve tripping reliability, there is a sensing circuit applied to each of the sets of relays. When the relays are commanded to open, and voltage is present across the relays, the circuit will detect if one or more relays are shorted. This signal goes to the I/O pack to create an alarm. The TREA sensing circuit uses the relay commands from all three I/O packs to avoid a false indication, in the event that one I/O pack votes to close the relay while the other two I/O packs vote to open. The voting arrangement is displayed in the following TREA symbol. Contacts are polarity-sensitive, external voltage suppression MUST be used. Caution Note Many circuit paths in the following drawing have been omitted for clarity. PPRO, YPRO Backup Turbine Protection GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 365 Non-Public Information Trip Relays K1_PDC KX1 KY1 JZ1 Relay V Monitor KY1 KZ1 JX1 JY1 JZ1 KZ1 KX1 K1_NDC K2_PDC KX2 KY2 Relay V Monitor KY2 KZ2 Relay Drivers P28X KZ2 KX2 JX1 K2_NDC SOLn_A SOLn_B TRP_A TRP_B PWR_A PWR_B Trip Voltage Monitor 2 Circuits Estop Monitor 1 Circuit TMR Output JX1 JY1 JZ1 JX1 JY1 JZ1 P28Y KX1 R D KX2 R D KY1 R D KY2 R D KZ1 R D KZ2 R D JY1 P28Z ID JZ1 Solenoid Power Monitor 1 Circuits JX1 JY1 JZ1 JY1 Alternate Sol Input on WTEA X Channel Speed Inputs (3 circuits) MP U PRnH_X JX1 Suppression PRnL_X Y Channel Speed Optional Speed Fanning Jumper P1 JX1 JY1 JZ1 Speed Fan Sense ID Inputs (3 circuits) MP U PRnH_Y JY1 Suppression JX1 PRnL_Y Z Channel Speed Optional Speed Fanning Jumper P2 Inputs (3 circuits) MP U PRnH_Z JZ1 Suppression PRnL_Z ID TREA_1A Trip Relays (PPRO, YPRO) 366 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 7.7.3 Specifications Item TREA Specification Number of inputs 3 x 3 passive (magnetic) speed pickups 3 voltage detection circuits 1 E-STOP/TRP input Number of outputs 2 trip contacts Contact ratings NEMA class F. Minimum operations: 100,000 IS200TREA_1A, 3A Voltage: 28 V dc max Max. Current 10 A dc 40ºC (104 ºF) maximum de-rate current linearly to 7 A dc 65ºC (149 ºF) maximum Leakage: 2.21 mA max IS200TREA_2A, 4A Voltage: 140 V dc max Max. Current 3 A dc 40ºC (104 ºF) maximum de-rate current linearly to 2 A dc 65ºC (149 ºF) maximum Leakage: 3.31 mA max Voltage detection inputs Min/max input voltage rating: 16/140 V dc max pk Current Loading (Max leakage): 3 mA Detection delay (max): 60 ms Voltage isolation: Optically isolated: 2500 V rms isolation, for one min. Surge/Spike rating: 1000 V pk for 8.3 ms ESTOP/TRP detection Input Voltage: 24-125 V dc ±10% (18/140 V pk Min/Max) Loading (max): 12 mA (5 typical) Delay (max): 5 ms (<1 typical) MPU pulse rate range 2 Hz to 20 kHz MPU pulse rate accuracy 0.05% of reading MPU input circuit sensitivity Required peak-peak (p-p) voltage rises as a function of frequency: 2 Hz requires 24 mV p-p 20 kHz requires 294 mV p-p Size 33.0 cm high x 17.8 cm, wide (13 in x 7 in) Technology Surface mount PPRO, YPRO Backup Turbine Protection GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 367 Non-Public Information 7.7.4 Diagnostics Diagnostic tests are made on the terminal board: • • • • Feedback from the shorted contact detector is checked, if a shorted relay is detected an alarm will be created. Feedback from speed pickup fanning jumpers is checked; if there is a mismatch between intention and actual position, an alarm is created. If any one of the above signals goes unhealthy, a composite diagnostic alarm occurs. The diagnostic signals can be individually latched and then reset with the RESET_DIA signal if they go healthy. Terminal board connectors have their own ID device that is interrogated by the I/O pack. The ID device is a read-only chip coded with the terminal board serial number, board type, revision number, and plug location. When the chip is read by the I/O pack and a mismatch is encountered, a hardware incompatibility fault is created. 7.7.5 Configuration Jumpers JP1 and JP2 select the fanning of the 3 X section passive speed pickups to the S and T section I/O packs. Place the jumper over the pin pairs if you want to fan the 3 R speed input to the other two TMR sections. 368 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 7.8 TREGH#B, S#B Gas Turbine Trip Board The Gas Turbine Backup Trip (TREG) terminal board provides power to three emergency trip solenoids and is controlled by the Mark VIe PPRO or Mark VIeS YPRO. Up to three trip solenoids can be connected between the TREG and TRPG terminal boards. The TREG provides the positive side of the dc power to the solenoids and TRPG provides the negative side. The PPRO or YPRO provides emergency overspeed protection, emergency stop functions, and controls the 12 relays on TREG, nine of which form three groups of three to vote inputs controlling the three trip solenoids. TREG Terminal Board P125 V dc JH1 x x x x x x x x x x x x 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 x 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 x x x x x x x x x x x x x 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 x x x x x x x x x x x x To TRPG J1 x x x 2 x 4 x 6 x 8 x 10 x 12 x 14 x 16 x 18 x 20 x 22 x 24 x J2 TREG terminal board Shield bar JZ1 To TSVC terminal boards Cable to SPRO TPRO Cable to or SPRO JY1 JX1 x YPRO I/O pack mounted the SPRO TPRO on the or SPRO CabletotoSPRO TPRO Cable or SPRO Cable to TPRO or SPRO Cable to SPRO 37-pin D shell type connectors with latching fasteners Barrier type terminal blocks can be unplugged from board for maintenance PPRO, YPRO Backup Turbine Protection GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 369 Non-Public Information 7.8.1 Compatibility The TREG trip board connects to the SPRO or TPRO terminal board. Control power from the JX1, JY1, and JZ1 connectors are diode combined to create redundant power on the board for status feedback circuits and powering the economizing relays. Power separation is maintained for the trip relay circuits. The following table lists all compatible versions. Board TMR Simplex Output Output Contacts, Contacts, 125 V dc 24 V dc E-Stop Input Contacts, 125 V dc Input Contacts, 24 V dc Economy Resistor No Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes TREGH1B, S1B‡ Yes No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes TREGH2B, S2B‡ Yes †TREGH3B, S3B‡ Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes JX1 28 V dc †TREGH4B, S4B‡ Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes JY1 28 V dc †TREGH5B, S5B‡ Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes JZ1 28 V dc † TREGH3/S3, H4/S4, and H4/S5 versions are the same as the H1/S1 except that power is provided by JX1, JY1, or JZ1. ‡ S#B versions are IEC 67508 safety certified with Mark VIeS YPRO (SPRO or TPRO) or with Mark VIe PPROS1B (only TPRO) 370 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 7.8.2 Installation The three trip solenoids, economizing resistors, and the emergency stop are wired directly to the first I/O terminal block. Up to seven trip interlocks can be wired to the second terminal block. The wiring connections are displayed in the following figure. To TRPG, 12 wires Power 125 V dc Turbine Emergency Trip Terminal Board TREG J1 J2 JH1 JZ1 x PWR_N1 RES 1B PWR_N2 RES 2B PWR _N3 RES 3B E-TRP (H) E-TRP (L) x x x x x x x x x x x x 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 To servo terminal boards on simplex systems x x x x x x x x x x x x 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 SOL 1 or 4 RES 1A SOL 2 or 5 RES 2A SOL 3 or 6 RES 3A E-TRP (H) JUMPER JY1 TPRO or SPRO SPRO with YPRO I/O pack JX1 TPRO or SPRO SPRO with YPRO I/O pack x x x x PWR_P2 (for probe) x x x Contact TRP1 (L) Contact TRP2 (L) Contact TRP3 (L) Contact TRP4 (L) Contact TRP5 (L) Contact TRP6 (L) Contact TRP7 (L) x x x x x x x 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 x x x x x x x x x x x x 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 PWR_P1 (for probe) Contact TRP1 (H) Contact TRP2 (H) Contact TRP3 (H) Contact TRP4 (H) Contact TRP5 (H) Contact TRP6 (H) Contact TRP7 (H) x Up to two #12 AWG wires per point with 300 volt insulation Terminal blocks can be unplugged from terminal board for maintenance TPRO or SPRO SPRO with YPRO I/O pack TREG Terminal Board Wiring Note TREG_2B is a 24 V dc version of the terminal board. PPRO, YPRO Backup Turbine Protection GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 371 Non-Public Information 7.8.3 Operation The TREG is entirely controlled by the I/O pack. The connections to the control modules are the J2 power cable and trip solenoids. In simplex systems, a third cable carries a trip signal from J1 to the servo terminal board, which provides a servo valve clamp function upon turbine trip. Control of Trip Solenoids Both TRPG and TREG control the trip solenoids so that either one can remove power and actuate the hydraulics to close the steam or fuel valves. The nine trip relay coils on TREG are supplied with 28 V dc from the I/O pack. The trip solenoids are supplied with 125 V dc through plug J2, and draw up to 1 A with a 0.1 second L/R time constant. Note The solenoid circuit has a metal oxide varistor (MOV) for current suppression and an optional 100 Ω, 70 W economizing resistor. A separately fused 125 V dc feeder is provided from the turbine control for the solenoids, which energize in the run mode and de-energize in the trip mode. Diagnostics monitor each 125 V dc feeder from the power distribution module at its point of entry on the terminal board to verify the fuse integrity and the cable connection. Two series contacts from each emergency trip relay (ETR1, 2, 3) are connected to the positive 125 V dc feeder for each solenoid, and two series contacts from each primary trip relay (PTR1, 2, 3 in TRPG) are connected to the negative 125 V dc feeder for each solenoid. An economizing relay (KE1, 2, 3) is supplied for each solenoid with a normally closed contact in parallel with the current limiting resistor. These relays are used to reduce the current load after the solenoids are energized. The ETR and KE relay coils are powered from the I/O pack in each of the R, S, and T sections, which supply an independent 28 V dc source. The 28 V dc bus is current limited and used for power to an external manual emergency trip contact, displayed as E-Stop. Three master trip relays (KX4, KY4, KZ4) disconnect the 28 V dc bus from the ETR, and KE relay coils if a manual emergency trip occurs. Any trip that originates in either the protection module (such as EOS) or the TREG (such as a manual trip) will cause each of the three protection module sections to transmit a trip command over the IONet to the control module, and may be used to identify the source of the trip. In addition, with the Mark VIe PSVO, the K4CL servo clamp relay will energize and send a contact feedback directly from the TREG terminal board to the TSVC servo terminal board. The servo terminal board disconnects the servo current source from the terminal block and applies a bias to drive the control valve closed. This is only used on simplex applications to protect against the servo amplifier failing high. 372 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information TREG Board, Trip Interlocks, and Trip Solenoids Note ** The KCL4 relay is referred to as K4CL within ladder logic, signal names, and descriptions in this document. PPRO, YPRO Backup Turbine Protection GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 373 Non-Public Information Solenoid Trip Tests The Mark VIe or Mark VIeS controller is used to initiate tests of the trip solenoids. Online tests allow each of the trip solenoids to be manually tripped one at a time, either through the PTR relays from the controller, or through the ETR relays from the protection module. A contact from each solenoid circuit is wired back as a contact input to give a positive indication that the solenoid has tripped. Primary and emergency offline overspeed tests are provided too for verification of actual trips due to software simulated trip overspeed conditions. 7.8.4 Specifications Item TREG Specification Number of trip solenoids Three solenoids per TREG (total of six per I/O pack) Trip solenoid rating H1 and S1 are 125 V dc standard with 1 A draw H2 and S2 are 24 V dc alternate with 1 A draw Trip solenoid circuits Circuits rated for NEMA class E creepage and clearance Circuits can clear a 15 A fuse with all circuits fully loaded Solenoid inductance Solenoid maximum L/R time constant is 0.1 second Suppression MOV across the solenoid Relay outputs Three economizer relay outputs, two second delay to energize Driver to breaker relay K25A on TTUR Servo clamp relay on the servo terminal board Solenoid control relay contacts Contacts are rated to interrupt inductive solenoid loads at 125 V dc, 1 A Bus voltage can vary from 70 to 140 V dc Trip inputs Seven trip interlocks to the I/O pack, 125/24 V dc One emergency stop hard wired trip interlock, 24 V dc Trip interlock excitation H1 and S1 are nominal 125 V dc, floating, ranging from 100 to 140 V dc H2 and S2 are nominal 24 V dc, floating, ranging from 18.5 to 32 V dc Trip interlock current H1 and S1 for 125 V dc applications: Circuits draw 2.5 mA (50 Ω) H2 and S2 for 24 V dc applications: Circuits draw 2.5 mA (10 Ω) Trip interlock isolation Optical isolation to 1500 V on all inputs Trip interlock filter Hardware filter, 4 ms Trip interlock ac voltage rejection 60 V rms 50/60 Hz at 125 V dc excitation Size 17.8 cm wide x 33.02 cm, high (7.0 in x 13.0 in) 7.8.5 Diagnostics The I/O pack runs diagnostics on the TREG board and connected devices. The diagnostics cover the trip relay driver and contact feedbacks, solenoid voltage, economizer relay driver and contact feedbacks, K25A relay driver and coil, servo clamp relay driver and contact feedback, and the solenoid voltage source. If any of these do not agree with the desired value, a fault is created. TREG connectors JX1, JY1, and JZ1 have their own ID device that is interrogated by the I/O pack. The ID device is a read-only chip coded with the terminal board serial number, board type, revision number, and the plug location. When the chip is read by the I/O pack and a mismatch is encountered, a hardware incompatibility fault is created. 374 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 7.8.6 Configuration A jumper must be placed across terminals 15 and 17 if the second emergency stop input is not required. There are no switches on the terminal board. PPRO, YPRO Backup Turbine Protection GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 375 Non-Public Information 7.9 TREL Large Steam Turbine Trip Board 7.9.1 Functional Description The Large Steam Turbine Emergency Trip (TREL) terminal board is used for the emergency overspeed protection for large steam turbines. The TREL is controlled by the PPRO I/O pack in the protection module. It provides power to three emergency trip solenoids, which can be connected between the TREL and TRPL terminal boards. The TREL provides the positive side of the 125 V dc (or 24 V dc) to the solenoids and TRPL provides the negative side. The PPRO I/O pack provides emergency overspeed protection, emergency stop functions, and controls the nine relays on TREL, which form three groups of three to vote inputs controlling the three trip solenoids. The three groups are called ETR (emergency trip) 1, 2, and 3. The following also applies to the TREL: • • • 376 TREL is only available in TMR form. TREL has no economizing relay as with TREG. TREL has no E-Stop function as with TREG. GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 7.9.2 Installation The three trip solenoids are wired to the first I/O terminal block. Up to seven trip interlocks are wired to the second terminal block. The wiring connections are displayed in the following figure. Connector J2 carries three power buses from TRPL, and JH1 carries the excitation voltage for the seven trip interlocks. TREL Terminal Board Wiring PPRO, YPRO Backup Turbine Protection GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 377 Non-Public Information 7.9.3 Operation The TREL is entirely controlled by the PPRO I/O pack. The only connections to the turbine control are the J2 power cable and the trip solenoids. In simplex systems, a third cable carries a trip signal from J1 to the servo terminal board, providing a servo valve clamp function upon turbine trip. Control of Trip Solenoids Both TRPL and TREL control the trip solenoids 1 and 2 so that either one can remove power and actuate the hydraulics to close the steam or fuel valves. ETR3 is set up to supply power to trip solenoid #3. The nine trip relay coils on TREL are supplied with 28 V dc from the PPRO . The trip solenoids are supplied with 125 or 24 V dc through plug J2, and draw up to 1 A with a 0.1 second L/R time constant. The solenoid circuit has a MOV for current suppression on TRPL. A separately fused 125 or 24 V dc feeder is provided from the PDM to the solenoids. Diagnostics monitor each dc feeder from the PDM at its point of entry on the terminal board to verify the fuse integrity and the cable connection. Note A normally closed contact from each relay is used to sense the relay status for diagnostics. Two series contacts from each of the emergency trip relays (ETR1, 2, 3) are connected to the positive 125 or 24 V dc feeder for each solenoid, and two series contacts from each of the primary trip relays are connected to the negative dc feeder for each solenoid. The ETR relay coils are powered from a 28 V dc source from the PPRO . Each PPRO in each of the R, S, and T sections supplies an independent 28 V dc source. The K4CL servo clamp relay will energize and send a contact feedback directly from the TREL terminal board to the servo terminal board. The servo terminal board disconnects the servo current source from the terminal block and applies a bias to drive the control valve closed. This is only used on simplex applications to protect against the servo amplifier failing high. The primary and emergency overspeed systems will trip the hydraulic trip solenoids independent of this circuit. Solenoid Trip Tests Software in the Mark VIe controller is used to initiate tests of the trip solenoids. Online tests allow each of the trip solenoids to be manually tripped one at a time, either through the PTR relays from the controller, or through the ETR relays from the protection module. A contact from each solenoid circuit is wired back as a contact input to give a positive indication that the solenoid has tripped. Primary and emergency offline overspeed tests are provided too for verification of actual trips due to software simulated trip overspeed conditions. 378 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information TREL Terminal Board, Trip, Interlocks, and Trip Solenoids PPRO, YPRO Backup Turbine Protection GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 379 Non-Public Information 7.9.4 Specifications Item TREL Specification Number of trip solenoids Three solenoids per TREL (total of six per PPRO I/O pack) Trip solenoid rating 125 V dc standard with 1 A draw 24 V dc is alternate with 3 A draw or 125 V dc standard with 1 A draw Trip solenoid circuits Circuits rated for NEMA class E creepage and clearance Circuits can clear a 15 A fuse with all circuits fully loaded Solenoid inductance Solenoid maximum L/R time constant is 0.1 sec Suppression MOV on TRPL across the solenoid Relay Outputs Driver to breaker relay K25A on TTUR. Servo clamp relay on the servo terminal board. Solenoid control relay contacts Contacts are rated to interrupt inductive solenoid loads at 125 V dc, 1 A. Bus voltage can vary from 70 to 140 V dc Trip inputs Seven trip interlocks to the PPRO protection module, 125/24 V dc Trip interlock excitation H1 - Nominal 125 V dc, floating, ranging from 100 to 140 V dc H2 - Nominal 24 V dc, floating, ranging from 18.5 to 32 V dc Trip interlock current H1 for 125 V dc applications: Circuits draw 2.5 mA (50 Ω) H2 for 24 V dc applications: Circuits draw 2.5 mA (10 Ω) Trip interlock isolation Optical isolation to 1500 V on all inputs Trip interlock filter Hardware filter, 4 ms Trip interlock ac voltage rejection 60 V rms at 50/60 Hz at 125 V dc excitation Size 17.8 cm wide x 33.02 cm high (7.0 in x 13.0 in) 7.9.5 Diagnostics The PPRO protection module runs diagnostics on the TREL board and connected devices. The diagnostics cover the trip relay driver and contact feedbacks, solenoid voltage, K25A relay driver and coil, servo clamp relay driver and contact feedback, and the solenoid voltage source. If any of these do not agree with the desired value, a fault is created. TREL connectors JX1, JY1, and JZ1 have their own ID device that is interrogated by the PPRO. The ID device is a read-only chip coded with the terminal board serial number, board type, revision number, and the plug location. When the chip is read by the PPRO I/O pack and a mismatch is encountered, a hardware incompatibility fault is created. 380 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 7.10 TRES Small Steam Turbine Trip Board 7.10.1 Functional Description The Small Steam Turbine Emergency Trip (TRES) terminal board is used for the emergency overspeed protection for small/medium size steam turbines. The TRES is controlled by the PPRO I/O pack. The TRES provides power to three emergency trip solenoids, which can be connected between the TRES and TRPS terminal boards. TRES provides the positive side of the 125/24 V dc to the solenoids and TRPS provides the negative side. The PPRO I/O pack provides emergency overspeed protection, emergency stop functions, and controls the three relays on TRES, which control the three trip solenoids. The following also applies to the TRES: • • • • TRES has both simplex and TMR form. There are seven dry contact inputs for trip interlocks. TRES has no economizing relays. There are no emergency stop inputs. In the TRES, the seven dry contact inputs excitation and signal are monitored and fanned to the protection module. The board includes the synch check relay driver, K25A, and associated monitoring, the same as on TREG, and the servo clamp relay driver, K4CL, and its associated monitoring. A second TRES board cannot be driven from the protection module. PPRO, YPRO Backup Turbine Protection GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 381 Non-Public Information 7.10.2 Installation The three trip solenoids are wired to the first I/O terminal block. Up to seven trip interlocks are wired to the second terminal block. The wiring connections are displayed in the following figure. Connector J2 carries three power buses from TRPS, and JH1 carries the excitation voltage for the seven trip interlocks. TRES Terminal Board Wiring 382 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 7.10.3 Operation Control of Trip Solenoids Both TRPS and TRES control the trip solenoids 1 and 2 so that either one can remove power and actuate the hydraulics to close the steam or fuel valves. ETR3 is set up to supply power to trip solenoid #3. The nine trip relay coils on TRES are supplied with 28 V dc from the PPRO I/O pack. The trip solenoids are supplied with 125 or 24 V dc through plug J2, and draw up to 1 A with a 0.1 second L/R time constant. In simplex systems, a third cable carries a trip signal from J1 to the servo terminal board, providing a servo valve clamp function upon turbine trip. A separately fused 125 or 24 V dc feeder is provided from the PDM for the solenoids. Diagnostics monitor each 125 or 24 V dc feeder from the PDM at its point of entry on the terminal board to verify the fuse integrity and the cable connection. The solenoid circuit has a MOV for current suppression on TREL. Note A normally closed contact from each relay is used to sense the relay status for diagnostics Two series contacts from each of the emergency trip relays (ETR1, 2, 3) are connected to the positive 125 or 24 V dc feeder for each solenoid, and two series contacts from each of the primary trip relays are connected to the negative 125 or 24 V dc feeder for each solenoid. The ETR relay coils are powered from PPROs in each of the R, S, and T sections, which supply an independent 28 V dc source. The K4CL servo clamp relay will energize and send a contact feedback directly from the TRES terminal board to the servo terminal board. The servo terminal board disconnects the servo current source from the terminal block and applies a bias to drive the control valve closed. This is only used on simplex applications to protect against the servo amplifier failing high. The primary and emergency overspeed systems will trip the hydraulic trip solenoids independent of this circuit. Note To enable solenoid voltage feedbacks on the TRPS board, install jumpers between SUS#A and either SOL#A or SOL#B. Connect SUS#A to the solenoid in the chosen configuration. The solenoids may be connected to the NO or NC contacts of the ETR, and the SUS#A pin should be connected to the same contact to enable the voltage monitoring input. For jumper configurations needed to enable solenoid voltage feedback, refer to GEI-100575, Mark VIe Control Turbine Specific Primary Trip (PTUR) Module Description, the section, TRPS Turbine Primary Trip. Solenoid Trip Tests Software in the Mark VIe controller is used to initiate tests of the trip solenoids. Online tests allow each of the trip solenoids to be manually tripped one at a time, either through the PTR relays from the controller, or through the ETR relays from the protection module. A contact from each solenoid circuit is wired back as a contact input to give a positive indication that the solenoid has tripped. Primary and emergency offline overspeed tests are provided too for verification of actual trips due to software simulated trip overspeed conditions. PPRO, YPRO Backup Turbine Protection GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 383 Non-Public Information JA 1 Simplex system uses JA 1 J 2 , power buses from TRPS Terminal Board TRES PwrA_ N P 28 A P 28 X PwrB_N PwrA_P Terminal Board TRPS PwrC_N PwrB_ P PwrC_P P 28 Y P 28 P 28 Z Sol . To JX1, Power JY1, JZ1, Monitor JA1 ID JX1 I/O Controller 2 3 RD ETR 1 PwrA_P To X , Y, Z, A Mon ETR 1 ID P 28 RD 2 3 SUS1A 01 SUS1B ETR1 SOL1A Trip solenoid 03 + - ETR1 SOL1B 04 02 Several terminals positions for different applications PwrA_P 08 PwrA_N 09 PwrA_N JY1 I /O Controller J2 J2 ETR 2 J2 J2 To X, Y, Z, A Mon ETR 2 PwrB_P SUS2A 11 SUS2B 12 ID P 28 ETR2 SOL 2A ETR2 SOL2B 14 PwrB_P 18 JZ1 PwrB_ N I /O Controller RD 2 3 PwrB_N ETR 3 Mon ETR 3 PwrC_P ID ETR3 P 28 VV ETR3 K4 CL J1 To TTURH 1B To relay K 25 A on TTUR PDM JX1 JY1 JZ1 JA1 J2 PwrC_N SUS3A 21 SUS3B 22 SOL3A Trip solenoid 23 + - SOL 3B 24 PwrC_P 28 PwrC_N 29 To JX 1, JY 1 , JZ 1, JA1 Mon K4 CL J 25 Exc _ P 2 RD 3 J2 JH 1 From 2 RD 3 K4 CL Servo Clamp 19 J2 To X , Y, Z, A To the servo terminal board on simplex systems Trip solenoid 13 + - Excit_ P Mon JX1 JY1 JZ1 JA1 Excitation volts 7 Excitation _ N BCOM 35 TRP1A 36 TRP1B NS NS . . . Trip interlock 7 circuits as above TRES Terminal Board, Trip Interlocks, and Trip Solenoids 384 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 7.10.4 Specifications Item TRES Specification Number of trip solenoids Three solenoids per TRES Trip solenoid rating 125 V dc standard with 1 A draw 24 V dc is alternate with 3 A draw Trip solenoid circuits Circuits rated for NEMA class E creepage and clearance Circuits can clear a 15 A fuse with all circuits fully loaded Solenoid inductance Solenoid maximum L/R time constant is 0.1 sec Suppression MOV on TRPS across the solenoid Relay Outputs Driver to breaker relay K25A on TTUR Servo clamp relay on the servo terminal board. Solenoid control relay contacts Contacts are rated to interrupt inductive solenoid loads at 125 V dc, 1 A. Bus voltage can vary from 70 to 140 V dc. Trip inputs Seven trip interlocks to the PPRO I/O pack Trip interlock excitation H1 - Nominal 125 V dc, floating, ranging from 100 to 140 V dc H2 - Nominal 24 V dc, floating, ranging from 18.5 to 32 V dc Trip interlock current H1 for 125 V dc applications: Circuits draw 2.5 mA (50 Ω) H2 for 24 V dc applications: Circuits draw 2.5 mA (10 Ω) Trip interlock isolation Optical isolation to 1500 V on all inputs Trip interlock filter Hardware filter, 4 ms Trip interlock ac voltage rejection 60 V rms at 50/60 Hz at 125 V dc excitation Size 17.8 cm wide x 33.02 cm high (7.0 in x 13.0 in) 7.10.5 Diagnostics The PPRO runs diagnostics on the TRES board and connected devices. The diagnostics cover the trip relay driver and contact feedbacks, solenoid voltage, K25A relay driver and coil, servo clamp relay driver and contact feedback, and the solenoid voltage source. If any of these do not agree with the desired value, a fault is created. TRES connectors JA1, JX1, JY1, and JZ1 have their own ID device that is interrogated by the PPRO. The ID device is a read-only chip coded with the terminal board serial number, board type, revision number, and the plug location. When the chip is read by the PPRO and a mismatch is encountered, a hardware incompatibility fault is created. PPRO, YPRO Backup Turbine Protection GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 385 Non-Public Information Notes 386 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 8 PSCH Specialized Serial Communication 8.1 PSCH Specialized Serial Communication I/O Pack The Serial Communication Input/Output (PSCH) pack provides specialized communication support for GE Drilling equipment, including the blowout preventer (BOP). The PSCH can have one or two I/O Ethernet networks and mounts to the serial communications terminal board (SSCA). Several unique communication devices (protocols) can be configured to manage I/O points during scans. The PSCH I/O pack contains a processor board used with most distributed I/O modules and a serial communications board (BSCA). The BSCA contains six serial transceiver channels, each of which can be individually configured to comply with RS-232C, RS-422, or RS-485 half-duplex standards. Input to the I/O pack is through dual RJ-45 Ethernet connectors and a 3-pin power input. Output is through a DC-62 pin connector that connects directly with the associated terminal board connector. Visual diagnostics are provided through indicator LEDs. The PSCH does not support frame periods less than 40 ms. For configuration of I/O points, refer to GEH-6763, Mark* VIe Control PSCH Specialized Serial Communication Module Instruction Guide. PSCH Specialized Serial Communication GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 387 Non-Public Information 8.1.1 Installation ➢ To install the PSCH I/O pack 1. Securely mount the SSCA terminal board inside the distributed I/O cabinet. Refer to GEH-6721_Vol_II, the chapter PSCA Serial Communication Module, the section SSCA Simplex Serial Communication Terminal Board. 2. Directly plug one PSCH I/O pack into the SSCA terminal board connector. 3. Mechanically secure the I/O pack using the threaded inserts adjacent to the Ethernet ports. The inserts connect with the mounting bracket specific to the terminal board type (H1 or H2). The bracket location should be adjusted such that there is no right angle force applied to the DC-62 pin connector between the PSCH I/O pack and the terminal board. This adjustment should only be required once in the service life of the PSCH. 4. Plug in one or two Ethernet cables depending on the system configuration. The PSCH operates over either port. If dual connections are used, standard practice is to attach ENET1 to the network associated with the R controller. However, the PSCH is not sensitive to Ethernet connections, and will operate correctly over either port. 5. Apply power to the PSCH by plugging in the connector on the side of the I/O pack. It is not necessary to remove power from the cable before plugging it in because the PSCH has inherent soft-start capability that controls current inrush on power application. 6. From the ToolboxST* application, add the PSCH I/O module and communication devices. Refer to GEH-6700, the chapter Special I/O Functions. 388 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information Rules and Restrictions A summary of device restrictions and configuration rules for the PSCH is as follows: • • • • • • • • Maximum number of subsea POD serial channels per PSCH is 1 Maximum number of surface test POD serial channels per PSCH is 2 No other device types or serial protocols may be used with a POD device Every POD in the system must have a unique POD with Subsea Electronics Module (SEM) configuration setting Maximum number of GPS serial channels per PSCH is 1 No other device types or serial protocols may be used with a GPS device Maximum number of other BOP serial channels per PSCH is 4 PSCH is limited to 4 input exchange buffers and 3 output exchange buffers. Refer to the following table for the number of input and output exchanges used per I/O device. Number of Exchanges Required I/O Device Output Exchange Ethernet Buffers Input Exchange Ethernet Buffers FTI (Panametrics) 1 1 ASK 1 – FTD (OTEK display) 1 – ERA – 1 UPS – 1 The following are examples of valid configurations: • • • • • PSCH with one ERA, one ASK, and two UPS PSCH with two FTIs and one FTD PSCH with one subsea POD PSCH with two surface test PODs PSCH with one GPS Redundancy Protocol Simplex HotBackup FTI, FTD, and GPS Yes No POD, ASK, ERA, and UPS Yes Yes PSCH Specialized Serial Communication GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 389 Non-Public Information 8.1.2 Operation Refer to the following sections in the GEH-6721_Vol_II, the chapter, Common Module Content: Auto-reconfiguration BPPx Processor Processor LEDs Power Management ID Line Common Module Alarms • • • • • • Serial Channels The BSCA board in the pack contains six independently configurable serial channels. The processor board configures the channels with one of three mode inputs as follows: Mode Transceiver 0 RS-232C 1 RS-422 2 RS-485 half duplex only 3 Default/resent state (fail safe) Jumpers on the SSCA terminal board are used to set up the terminal scheme for the selected communication mode. Data Flow For most applications, the system is normally configured to use dual Mark VIe controllers and PSCHs with redundancy configured as HotBackup. The following specialized communication devices provide data flow between equipment, PSCHs, and Mark VIe controllers: • • Automatic Station Keeping (ASK) Electronic Riser Angle (ERA) • Flow Totalizer Display (FTD) • • Flow Totalizer Input (FTI) Global Positioning System (GPS) Note FTD, FTI, and GPS communication devices do not support HotBackup redundancy. • • POD Universal Power Supply (UPS) Note Refer to GEH-6763, Mark VIe Control PSCH Specialized Serial Communication Module Instruction Guide for more information on these communication devices. 390 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information • • • Connectors DC-62 located on the underside of the I/O pack connects directly to a discrete output terminal board. RJ-45 Ethernet connector – ENET1 located on the I/O pack side is the primary system interface. RJ-45 Ethernet connector – ENET2 located on the I/O pack side is the redundant or secondary system interface. Note The terminal board provides fused power output from a power source that is applied directly to the terminal board, not through the I/O pack connector. 8.1.3 Specifications Item PSCH Specification Channels Six independently configurable serial channels One Ethernet Modbus Channel (simplex network) Communication choices RS-232C Mode RS-422 Mode RS-485 Mode half duplex only Ethernet Modbus Mode RS-232C Mode Cable distance: 50 ft (15.24 m) Communication Rate: 115.2 kbps maximum RS-422 Mode Cable distance: 1000 ft (304.8 m) Communication Rate: 375 kbps maximum Number of Drops: 8 RS-485 Mode Cable distance: 1000 ft (304.8 m) Communication Rate: 115.2 kbps maximum Number of drops: 8 Size 8.26 cm high x 4.19 cm wide x 12.1 cm deep (3.25 in x 1.65 in x 4.78 in) Technology Surface-mount † Ambient rating for enclosure design Operating: -30 to 65ºC (-22 to 149 ºF) Note † For further details, refer to the Mark VIe and Mark VIeS Control Systems System Guide, Volume I (GEH-6721_Vol_ I), the chapter Technical Regulations, Standards, and Environments. PSCH Specialized Serial Communication GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 391 Non-Public Information 8.1.4 Diagnostics The I/O pack performs the following self-diagnostic tests: • • • A power-up self-test that includes checks of RAM, flash memory, Ethernet ports, and most of the processor board hardware Continuous monitoring of the internal power supplies for correct operation A check of the electronic ID information from the terminal board, acquisition board, and processor board to confirm that the hardware set matches, followed by a check that the application code loaded from flash memory is correct for the hardware set Details of the individual diagnostics are available from the ToolboxST application. The diagnostic signals can be individually latched, and then reset with the RESET_DIA signal if they go healthy. 8.1.5 Configuration For configuration of I/O points, refer to GEH-6763, Mark VIe Control PSCH Specialized Serial Communication Module Instruction Guide. 392 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 8.2 PSCH Specific Alarms The following alarms are specific to the PSCH. 32-67 Description Comm Port #[ ] Device/Station #[ ] Communication Failure - No Response Possible Cause • • A command was sent to a field device, but no response was received. The connected device is powered-off or rebooting. Solution • • • • • • Verify that the serial or Ethernet cable is connected to the field device. Verify that the device is powered-on and configured for the correct station ID. For serial connections, verify that the baud rate and parity are set correctly. For Ethernet connections, verify that the IP address is set correctly. Cycle power on the field device. Troubleshoot the field device for internal errors, referring to its manual. If the problem persists, replace the field device. 72-107 Description Comm Port #[ ] Device/Station #[ ] Communication Failure - Bad Data Possible Cause The field device responded, but could not provide data for one or more points. Solution • • • • For serial connections, verify that the baud rate and parity are set correctly. Cycle power on the field device. Troubleshoot the field device for internal errors, referring to its manual. If the problem persists, replace the field device. Verify that the slave device is the one expected to be communicating with. 108-113 Description Configuration Problem Port #[ ] Possible Cause The configuration file downloaded from the Toolbox ST application contained an error. Solution • • • Verify that the I/O and configuration compatibility codes agree between the ToolboxST configuration and the PSCH. Build and download the firmware and the configuration to the PSCH. If diagnostic persists, restart the PSCH. PSCH Specialized Serial Communication GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 393 Non-Public Information 120-125 Description Communication Device Failure Port #[ ] Possible Cause Failed to create a task to support the configured communication device Solution • • • Verify that the I/O and configuration compatibility codes agree between the ToolboxST configuration and the PSCH. Build and download the firmware and the configuration to the PSCH. If diagnostic persists, restart the PSCH. 126-131 Description FTI Port #[ ] - Register Set Mismatch Possible Cause • • The Modbus port is connected to a device other than an Ultrasonic Flow Meter. Register 508 is not reporting the correct baud rate. Solution • • • Verify that the serial port is connected to an Ultrasonic Flow Meter. Verify that register 508 is returning the baud rate index for the device. If the diagnostic persists, restart the PSCH. 132-137 Description Simplex Communication Device on Port #[ ] used in a HotBackup PSCH Possible Cause A simplex protocol (GPS, FTI, FTD) was defined in a PSCH that was configured as a HotBackup. This protocol does not support HotBackup. Solution From the ToolboxST application, either remove the communication device from the port specified, or configure the PSCH as simplex. 138-143 Description POD Port #[ ] Communication Device Major Revision Mismatch. PSCH: [ ], POD: [ ] Possible Cause As part of the communications between the PSCH and the POD, certain revision information is exchanged to ensure compatibility. This alarm indicates that there is a mismatch between the PSCH major revision and the major revision currently loaded in the POD. From the ToolboxST application, the PSCH major revision MasterMajorRev displays in the Parameters tab (show advanced rows). Solution The major revisions of the PSCH and POD must match for communication to occur. Perform one of the following: • • 394 Upgrade the POD software to match the major/minor revision implemented in the PSCH. Re-add the PSCH to the system definition, using a firmware revision that implements the major/minor revision of the communication device that matches the current version in the POD. GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 144-149 Description POD Port #[ ] Communication Device Minor Revision Mismatch. PSCH: [ ], POD: [ ] Possible Cause As part of the communications between the PSCH and the POD, certain revision information is exchanged to ensure compatibility. This alarm indicates that there is a mismatch between the PSCH minor revision and the minor revision currently loaded in the POD. From the ToolboxST application, the PSCH minor revision MasterMinorRev displays in the Parameters tab (show advanced rows). Solution The minor revisions of the PSCH and POD must match for communication to occur. Perform one of the following: • • Upgrade the POD software to match the major/minor revision implemented in the PSCH. Re-add the PSCH to the system definition, using a firmware revision that implements the major/minor revision of the communication device that matches the current version in the POD. 150-155 Description ASK Port #[ ] Prefix string requires '$' then 5 characters Possible Cause For the ASK communication device on the PSCH, the port is configured with three prefix code strings for serial communications. These three strings must be six characters in length with the first character being a dollar sign ($). Solution Correct the three prefix code strings and re-download. ➢ To display and correct these strings 1. From the Component Editor Tree View, select the PSCH. 2. Expand and select the ASK port. 3. From the Summary View, select the Parameters tab. 4. Click the lightening bolt (advanced view) icon. 5. Verify that all names beginning with Prefix are six characters in length and start with a $. Defaults: PrefixYellow="$HYRIY", PrefixBlue="$HYRIB", PrefixSurfaceRiser="$HYRIT" 156-161 Description Port #[ ]: Scan period, [ ] millisecond, too small for specified baud rate Possible Cause Based on the number of characters to be transmitted and received on the serial port and the associated baud rate, the specified scan period is too small. Solution Do one of the following: • • • Increase the scan period. Increase the baud rate. Configure the PSCH for less data to be transmitted or received. 162-167 Description Port #[ ]: GPS - Satellite signals are too weak Possible Cause available. Fewer than three satellite signals have been detected by the GPS unit. No position or time information is Solution Verify that the GPS antenna is positioned correctly and is connected to the GPS receiver. PSCH Specialized Serial Communication GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 395 Non-Public Information 168-173 Description Comm Port #[ ]: Communication Failure - Insufficient Data Possible Cause The field device responded, but did not provide enough data for a complete response. Solution • • • • Verify that the serial or Ethernet cable is connected to the field device. Verify that the device is powered-on and configured for the correct station ID. For serial connections, verify that the baud rate and parity are set correctly. For Ethernet connections, verify that the IP address is set correctly. 174-179 Description Comm Port #[ ]: Communication Failure - Excess Data Possible Cause The field device responded, but provided more data than required for a complete response. Solution • • • Verify that the serial cable is connected to the correct field device. Verify that the device is configured for the correct station ID. For Ethernet connections, verify that the IP address is set correctly. 180-185 Description Configuration Problem Port #[ ]: - incorrect scaling values Possible Cause Scaling data was entered incorrectly. Solution • • • Fix Raw Min to be less than the Raw Max value. Fix Eng Min to be less than the Eng Max value. To disable scaling, set all four entries (Raw Min, Raw Max, Eng Min, Eng Max) to 0. 186-191 Description Comm Port #[ ]: No HotBackup Primary Detected Possible Cause No HotBackup Primary was detected for over five seconds. Solution • • • 396 Verify that the primary control bits are being used in the class one variable definition. Verify that the R and S primary control are not both set to true for over five seconds. Verify that the R and S primary control are not both set to false for over five seconds. GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 192-197 Description Comm Port #[ ]: GPS Receiver Configuration Failed Possible Cause Unable to configure the GPS Receiver Solution • • • Verify the connection to the GPS Receiver is correct. Verify the baud rate is 1200, 4800, 9600 or 19200. The auto baud only attempts these values. Verify that the Yellow and Blue Panel Baud rates are the same. The Blue panel does not auto-baud and relies on the Yellow Panel GPS to set the baud rate on the GPS Receiver. 198-203 Description Comm Port #[ ]: - Value exceeds the display's ability, [ ] Possible Cause Solution Trying to display too large a value Change the DigitsAfterPt parameter to a value between 0 and 7. 204-209 Description Comm Port #[ ]: Communication Failure - Incorrect Message Possible Cause The field device responded, but did not provide the correct response. Solution • • • • Verify that the serial or Ethernet cable is connected to the correct field device. Verify that the device is powered on and configured for the correct station ID. For serial connections, verify that the baud rate and parity are set correctly. For Ethernet connections, verify that the IP address is set correctly. 210 Description NTP is not currently running - No time sync available Possible Cause The NTP process is not currently active, which means that UTC clock synchronization is not occurring. Solution Verify that the GPS signals are not weak, and that the GPS device is providing an accurate time source to the PSCH. 8.3 Simplex Serial Communication Input/Output (SSCA) Refer GEH-6721_Vol_II, the chapter PSCA Serial Communication I/O Module, the section, Simplex Serial Communication Input/Output (SSCA). PSCH Specialized Serial Communication GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 397 Non-Public Information Notes 398 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 9 PSVO Servo Control Module 9.1 PSVO Servo Control I/O Pack The Servo Control (PSVO) I/O pack provides the electrical interface between one or two I/O Ethernet networks and a TSVC servo terminal board. The I/O pack contains common processor board and an application board specific to the servo function. The PSVO uses the adjacent WSVO servo driver module to handle two servo valve position loops, with a selection of five servo valve output currents from 10-120 mA dc. The I/O pack supplies LVDT excitation, and accepts eight LVDT feedbacks and two pulse rate inputs from fuel flow meters. Input to the I/O pack is through dual RJ-45 Ethernet connectors, and 28 V dc power is supplied from the terminal board. Output is through a DC-62 pin connector that connects directly with the associated terminal board connector. Visual diagnostics are provided through indicator LEDs. BSVOH1 A board TSVCH1A Servo Terminal Board PSVO I/O Pack Processor board Ethernet connections ENET1 WSVO Servo driver Servo coil outputs LVDT excitation LVDT inputs Pulse rate inputs ENET2 ENET1 ENET2 WSVO ENET1 WSVO PSVO Servo Control Module ENET2 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 399 Non-Public Information 9.1.1 Compatibility The PSVO I/O pack includes one of the following BPPx processor boards. • • The PSVOH1A contains a BPPB processor. The PSVOH1B contains a BPPC processor, and requires firmware V04.09 or later. Terminal Board Option for T1 through T4 Module Redundancy Network Redundancy TSVCH1A With isolation Simplex, 1 I/O pack 1 I/O network with 1 controller TSVCH2A transformers 2 I/O networks with 2 or 3 controllers Excludes isolation TMR, 3 I/O packs transformers TMR controllers: 3 I/O network per pack (R, S, T) Dual controllers: 2 I/O networks with T pack having both networks 9.1.2 Installation ➢ To install the PSVO I/O pack 1. Securely mount the desired terminal board (TSVCH1A or H2A). 2. Directly plug one (simplex) or three I/O packs (for TMR) into the terminal board connectors. 3. Mechanically secure the I/O pack(s) using the threaded inserts adjacent to the Ethernet ports. The inserts connect with a mounting bracket specific to the terminal board type. The bracket location should be adjusted such that there is no right angle force applied to the DC-62 pin connector between the I/O pack and the terminal board. The adjustment should only be required once in the service life of the product. 4. Plug the WSVO servo driver assemblies into the J2 48-pin connectors and secure with the four screws. 5. Plug in one or two Ethernet cables depending on the system configuration. The I/O pack operates over either port. If dual connections are used, standard practice is to hook ENET1 to the network associated with the R controller, however, the PSVO is not sensitive to Ethernet connections and negotiates proper operation over either port. 6. Apply power to the I/O packs and drivers using the power switches on TSVC. Use SW3 for R, SW2 for S, and SW1 for T, and check the indicator lights. Caution 7. 400 For simplex applications that have a connection to the TSVC JD1 or JD2 (the K1 relay is being used) verify that SW1 is in the ON position, and verify that the green DS1 LED is lit. This indicates that the necessary P28T power is available. If the DS1 LED is not lit, then the K1 trip override relay will not provide the intended protection. Use the ToolboxST* application to configure the I/O packs as necessary. GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 9.1.3 Operation Refer to the following sections in the GEH-6721_Vol_II, the chapter, Common Module Content: • • • • • • Auto-reconfiguration BPPx Processor Processor LEDs Power Management ID Line Common Module Alarms • • • Connectors The DC 62-pin connector on the underside of the I/O pack connects directly to a discrete output terminal board. The RJ-45 Ethernet connector (ENET1) on the I/O pack side is the primary system interface. The second RJ-45 Ethernet connector (ENET2) on the I/O pack side is the redundant or secondary system interface. Note The terminal board provides fused power output from a power source that is applied directly to the terminal board, not through the I/O pack connector. Calibrate Valve Function The calibration of LVDTs associated with PSVO, PSVP, PCAA, or PMVE (MVRA or MVRF) servos is required when a new terminal board is used on a system. The controller saves the barcode of the terminal board and compares it to the current terminal board during reconfiguration load time. Any time a recalibration is saved, it updates the barcode name to the current board. Note Refer to the ToolboxST User Guide for Mark Controls Platform (GEH-6700), the chapter Special I/O Functions. the section Calibrate Valve Function. PSVO Servo Control Module GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 401 Non-Public Information BSVO Servo Board The BSVO board multiplexes 24 analog channels into a 16-bit A/D converter. The 100 kHz A/D has a ±10 V dc range, and handles the servo current regulator signals, the LVDT inputs, and power supply monitoring. The current references for the analog current regulators on WSVO are generated on the BSVO by a 14-bit D/A converter. Excitation for the LVDTs uses a digital to analog converter, which outputs a sine wave with a frequency of 3.2 kHz. This is filtered and passed to the WSVO. The board provides signal conditioning for two pulse rate channels and passes the signals to the processor board to determine the pulse rate. WSVO Servo Driver Assembly The servo driver assembly has a power supply that converts the P28 voltage input to a positive 15 V and negative 15 V output for the servo current regulator circuits. There are two servo current regulators working off the current references from the servo I/O pack. The servo driver circuit has a selection of five configurable gains, and the assembly contains the servo suicide relays and excitation output driver circuits. Flow Rate / Speed Pickups An interface is provided for two passive magnetic speed inputs or two TTL active sensor inputs with a frequency range of 2 to 12,000 Hz. The PSVO signal-conditioning circuit is optimized for flow divider sensors, whereas the PTUR circuit is optimized for primary speed inputs. Pulse rate inputs can be configured for a variety of applications. Flow types are used for flow divider fuel flow measurements. Speed type is used for normal single shaft turbines. Speed high type provides extended speed range above the standard speed type. Speed LM type is designed for LM applications. Speed_HSNG type is used for applications where compensation for inconsistent tooth spacing on the speed wheel is desired. This pulse rate type will map the spacing of the teeth on the speed wheel to remove this periodic variation from speed measurements. Mapping locked status bits (HSNGn_Stat) are in signal space so that the mapping status of the algorithm can be observed. If the status indicator for a pulse rate input is false then the mapping algorithm sees too much variation in the tooth-tooth measurements to lock onto the tooth geometry. The Lock_Limit parameter can be adjusted in 1% increments to allow for more tooth-to-tooth variation per revolution. Increasing the Lock_Limit value will allow the next generation speed algorithm to stay locked with increased variation. The following are reasons why this parameter may need to be adjusted: • • • • Magnetized speed wheel Two-piece speed wheel Electro-magnetic interference from outside sources Improper wiring or shielding practices The cost for opening the Lock_Limit is that it will allow for more speed variation. If the speed variation is too high when opening up the Lock_Limit, go to the source of the problem as listed above and correct the issue there. Attention 402 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information Regulators Type Description no_fdk Regx_Ref is directly the Servo mA command. Regn_fdbk is not used and set to 0. This regulator type may be used when the actual servo position regulator is performed in application logic. 1 LV position Position regulator used with a single LVDT Input. 1_PulseRate Pulse rate regulator used with a single pulse rate feedback. 2_LVpilotCyl Pilot Cylinder regulator with two LVDT position feedbacks: LVDT1 (main) and LVDT2 (pilot). 2_LVposMAX Position regulator using the maximum select from 2 LVDT inputs for feedback. 2_LVposMIN Position Regulator using the minimum select from 2 LVDT inputs for feedback. 2_PlsRateMAX Pulse Rate Regulator using the maximum select from two pulse rate feedbacks. 3_LV_LMX Position Regulator using the median select from 3 LVDT inputs for feedback. Originally designed for the LMX100 gas turbine. 3_LVposMID Position Regulator using the median select from 3 LVDT inputs for feedback. Originally designed for heavy-duty gas turbines. 4_LV_LM Position Regulator selecting one of two ratio-metric LVDT pairs for the position feedback. Originally designed for the LM1600, LM2500, and LM6000 gas turbines. 4_LV_LMX Position Regulator selecting from 2 LVDT ratio-metric pairs for feedback. 4_LVp/cylMAX Pilot Cylinder Regulator with four LVDT position feedbacks: LVDT1 (main), LVDT2 (main), LVDT3 (pilot), and LVDT4 (pilot). PSVO Servo Control Module GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 403 Non-Public Information 9.1.4 Specifications Item PSVO Specification Number of inputs Eight LVDT windings Two pulse rate signals Number of outputs Two servo valve currents Two excitation sources for LVDTs Two excitation sources for pulse rate transducers Power supply voltage Nominal 28 V dc LVDT accuracy 1% with 14-bit resolution LVDT input filter Low pass filter with 3 down breaks at 50 rad/sec ±15% LVDT common mode rejection CMR is 1 V, 60 dB at 50/60 Hz LVDT excitation output Frequency of 3.2 ±0.2 kHz Voltage of 7.00 ±0.14 V rms Pulse rate accuracy 0.05% of speed value calculated from 2hz to 12khz with 16-bit resolution at 50 Hz frame rate Noise of acceleration measurement is less than ±50 Hz/sec for a 10,000 Hz signal being read at 10 ms Pulse rate input sensitivity Required peak-peak (p-p) voltage rises as a function of frequency: 2 Hz requires 72 mV p-p 12 kHz requires 1486 mV p-p Magnetic PR pickup signal < 150 V p-p into 60 kΩ Active PR Pickup Signal 5 to 27 V p-p into 60 kΩ Servo valve output accuracy 2% with 12-bit resolution Dither amplitude and frequency adjustable Fault detection Servo current out of limits or not responding Regulator feedback signal out of limits Servo suicided Calibration voltage range fault The LVDT excitation is out of range The input signal varies from the voted value by more than the TMR differential limit Failed ID chip Size 8.26 cm high x 4.19 cm wide x 12.1 cm deep (3.25 in x 1.65 in x 4.78 in) Technology Surface-mount † Ambient rating for enclosure design PSVOH1B is rated from -40 to 70ºC (-40 to 158 ºF) PSVOH1A is rated from -30 to 65ºC (-22 to 149 ºF) Note † For further details, refer to the Mark VIe and Mark VIeS Control Systems System Guide, Volume I (GEH-6721_Vol_ I), the chapter Technical Regulations, Standards, and Environments. 404 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 9.1.5 Diagnostics The I/O pack performs the following self-diagnostic tests: • • • • A power-up self-test that includes checks of RAM, flash memory, Ethernet ports, and most of the processor board hardware Continuous monitoring of the internal power supplies for correct operation A check of the electronic ID information from the terminal board, acquisition board, and processor board to confirm that the hardware set matches, followed by a check that the application code loaded from flash memory is correct for the hardware set Each input has system limit checking based on configurable high and low levels. These limits can be used to generate alarms, to enable and disable, and as latching and non-latching. RSTSYS resets the out of limits. Details of the individual diagnostics are available from the ToolboxST application. The diagnostic signals can be individually latched, and then reset with the RSTDIAG signal if they go healthy. Servo Application LEDs The ENA1 and ENA2 LEDs indicate that a given servo output is driving current. If a servo is suicided, the corresponding LED will be off. PSVO Servo Control Module GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 405 Non-Public Information 9.1.6 Configuration Parameters Parameter Description Choices SystemLimits Allows the user to temporarily disable all system limit checks for testing purposes. Setting this parameter to Disable will cause a diagnostic alarm to occur. Enable (default), Disable Variables Name where (p = R, S, or T), (x = 1 or 2) Variable Description Type L3DIAG_PSVO_p PSVO I/O Diagnostic indication Input non-voted Boolean-3 bits LINK_OK_PSVO_p PSVO I/O Link OK indication Input non-voted Boolean-3 bits ATTN_PSVO_p PSVO I/O Attention indication Input non-voted Boolean-3 bits PS18V_PSVO_p PSVO I/O 18 V Power Supply indication Input non-voted Boolean-3 bits PS28V_PSVO_p PSVO I/O 28 V Power Supply indication Input non-voted Boolean-3 bits IOPack_Tmpr_p PSVO I/O Pack Temperature (deg °F) Analog Input non-voted -3 real Sx_SuicideNV_p ServoOutputx Suicide relay status Input non-voted Boolean-6 bits Servox_Suicide ServoOutput x Suicide relay status Input voted Boolean-2 bits HSNGx_STAT Pulse rate x high speed next generation stability status (TRUE for tooth – tooth distance inside Lock_Limit for tooth geometry compensation) Input voted Boolean RegCalMode Regulator under Calibration Input voted Boolean Accelx Acceleration value of the board point FlowRatex Analog Input voted REAL Mon# Value assigned to Monx based on configuration parameters found in the Monitor Tab, where # = 1 to 8 Analog Input voted REAL Excit_Monx Excitation Monitor x (V rms) Analog Input voted REAL ServoOutxNV Servo Output x measured current (%) Analog Input non-voted Real ServoxMonitorNV Servo x AvSelection Monitor Analog Input non-voted Real SysLimxPRx Process Alarm Input Boolean ActiveCalibCMd Internally generated calibration signal, do Not connect variable to this signal Output Boolean Regx Variables Name where x = 1 or 2 Regx Variable Description Type Regx_CalibratedNV_p Regulator has been calibrated status Input non-voted Boolean-6 bits RegxFbkFail Regulator x feedback fault status Input non-voted Boolean-6 bits 406 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information Name where x = 1 or 2 Regx Variable Description Type RegxSensorSpreadAlm Regulator x Sensor Spread Alarm status Input voted Boolean-2 bits Regx_PosAFlt Regulator x, LM machine only, Position A failure Input voted Boolean Regx_PosBFlt Regulator x, LM machine only, Position B failure Input voted Boolean Regx_PosDif1 For LM machines, Position Difference 1 failure For 4LVLMX, PosDif1 is ratio-metric pair A position out of limits Input voted Boolean Regx_PosDif2 For LM machines, Position Difference 2 failure For 4LVLMX, PosDif2 is ratio-metric pair B position out of limits Input voted Boolean RegxSenAFlt Regulator x Sensor A fault, LMX machines only Input voted Boolean RegxSenBFlt Regulator x Sensor B fault, LMX machines only Input voted Boolean RegxSenCFlt Regulator x Sensor C fault, 3LVLMX only Input voted Boolean RegCalMode Regulator under Calibration Input voted Boolean RegxSenA2LVSumFlt Regulator x Sensor A 2LV Summation Fault, 4_LV_LMX only Input voted Boolean RegxSenB2LVSumFlt Regulator x Sensor B 2LV Summation Fault, 4_LV_LMX only Input voted Boolean Regx_Fdbk Regulator x position feedback Analog Input voted REAL MiscFdbkxa Regulator x Position A when 2_LVpilotCyl, 4_LV_LM, 4_LV_ LMX, and 4LVp/cylMAX regs Analog Input voted REAL MiscFdbkxb Regulator x Position B when 4_LV_LM, and 4_LV_LMX regs Analog Input voted REAL Regx_Error Position error for the Regulator x position loops and pulse rate error for the Pulse Rate reg Analog Input voted REAL RegxFdbkSelState 3LVLMX or 4LVLMX Tri-select State State = 3 indicates MidSelect from 3 Sensors State = 5 indicates Use single Sensor State = 4 indicates Average 2 Sensors State = 6 indicates Min/Max Select of 2 Sensors State = 7 indicates No Sensor Available Input DINT CalibEnabx Enable Calibration Regulator x Output Boolean SuicidForcex Force Suicide on Reg x Output Boolean PosDiffEnabx Position Difference Enable for Regulator x when configured as 4_LV_LM Output Boolean RegxSenAFReq RegxSenBFReq RegxSenCFReq Force a Sensor fault on Regulator x configured as 3 or 4_LV_ LMX Output Boolean RSuicRegx SSuicRegx TSuicRegx R, S, or T I/O pack Force Suicide for Regulator x Used with LV_LMX regs only Output Boolean Regx_Ref Regulator x Position reference (%) where x = 1 or 2 Output Boolean Regx_NullCor Regulator x Null Bias Correction (%) where x = 1 or 2 Output Boolean PSVO Servo Control Module GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 407 Non-Public Information Servos It is not recommended to run the coil ohm calculation for Inlet Guide Vane or Variable Stator Vane servo loops. The higher gain servo loops introduce an AC component to the coil voltage and current. The calculated coil ohm results will be in error due to the out-of- phase AC portions of the coil voltage and current. To disable the coil ohm calculation, set the following parameters to Disable: • OpenCoilSuic Attention • OpenCoildiag • ShrtCoilSuic • ShrtCoildiag Servo Parameter Description Choices ServoOutput# where # = 1 or 2 Servo Output X measured current in percent. Point Edit (Input Real) RegNumber Maps a specific regulator to a given servo output. Unused, Reg1, Reg2 (default is Unused) Servo_MA_Out Nominal servo current rating in milliamperes. 10 mA, 20 mA, 40 mA, 80 mA, 120 mA (default is 10 mA) EnablCurSuic Enable Current Suicide Function Enable, Disable (default is Disable) EnablFbkSuic Enable Position Feedback Suicide Function Enable, Disable (default is Disable) EnblAutoGain Enable Auto Gain function is approved for 4_LV_LM, 3_LVLMX and 4_LVLMX regulator configurations. The Auto_Gain function modifies the regulator output based on the suicide state of the other two PSVOs. If the total system gain is applied to the configuration parameter, Reg_Gain, then enabling Auto Gain adjusts the gain in each of the three PSVOs to provide 100% of the system gain. For example, G=0.33 for each PSVO if all PSVOs are not suicided, and G=0.5 for each PSVO if only one of the PSVOs is suicided. The objective is to maintain a constant gain and null bias under the condition of a single PSVO output failure. Enable, Disable (default is Disable) Coil_RS_Only Configuration parameter is enabled when the PSVO is driving a 2-coil servo. For 2-coil servo, no load is connected to the SxTH/L where x = 1or 2 terminal screws. Enable, Disable (default is Disable) AV_Selector Configuration selector to map one of the specified variables to the PSVO variable, ServoxMonitorNV where x = 1 or 2. Coil_OHMs = Servo coil resistance (ohms) Compliance_Voltage = Servo driver output voltage (V) LM_Auto_Gain = Gain determined by Auto_Gain function (%/%) MA_CMD_PC = Servo mA command (%). Coil_OHMs, Compliance_Voltage LM_Auto_Gain MA_CMD_PCT (default is Compliance_Voltage) Curr_Suicide Current command is compared to the actual feedback current. If the error exceeds the configuration limit, Curr_Suicide (%), then the Servo output will suicide. 0 to 100 (default is 5) 408 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information Servo Parameter Description Choices Fdbk_Suicide The position feedback, Regx_Fdbk (%) is compared against the value, 100% + Fdbk_Suicide (%). If Regx_Fdbk (%) where x = 1 or 2 exceeds that value, the regulator assumes the feedback has gone open loop and the servo must be suicided if this condition and the EnablFbkSuic = Enable. 0 to 10 (default is 5) OpenCoilSuic If configuration parameter, OpenCoilSuic = Enable, then the servo coil open detection function will suicide the servo if the function detects an open ckt. Enable, Disable (default is Disable) Set this parameter to Enable to receive a diagnostic message as to why the servo suicide occurred. Set this parameter to Disable to disable the coil ohm calculation. Refer to the Attention statement at the beginning of this section for further details. OpenCoildiag If enabled, a specific diagnostic message is generated for why the servo suicide occurred; for example, Servo x Suicide due to Open servo coil. Enable, Disable (default is Disable) Set this parameter to Disable to disable the coil ohm calculation. Refer to the Attention statement at the beginning of this section for further details. ShrtCoilSuic If configuration parameter, ShrtCoilSuic = Enable, then the servo coil short ckt. detection function will suicide the servo if the function detects a short ckt. Enable, Disable (default is Disable) Set this parameter to Enable to receive a diagnostic message as to why the servo suicide occurred. Use of dither with shorted coil detection enabled is not recommended. Attention Set this parameter to Disable to disable the coil ohm calculation. Refer to the Attention statement at the beginning of this section for further details. ShrtCoildiag If enabled, a specific diagnostic message is generated for why the servo suicide occurred; for example, Servo x Suicide due to Short circuit of servo coil. Enable, Disable (default is Disable) Use of dither with shorted coil detection enabled is not recommended. Attention Set this parameter to Disable to disable the coil ohm calculation. Refer to the Attention statement at the beginning of this section for further details. PSVO Servo Control Module GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 409 Non-Public Information Servo Parameter Description Choices TBmAJmpPos TSVC terminal board mA jumper position selection. This should match the jumper selection on the TSVC to allow the open / short circuit servo coil detection to work correctly. 10 mA, 20 mA, 40 mA, 80 mA, 120 mA_A, 120 mA_B (default is 10 mA) RopenTimeLim Time in seconds required for the open circuit condition of the servo coil to be in effect before a diagnostic and / or suicide of the servo (if enabled) occurs. 0 to 100 (default is 1) RShrtTimeLim Time in seconds required for the short circuit condition of the servo coil to be in effect before a diagnostic and / or suicide of the servo (if enabled) occurs. 0 to 100 (default is 1) RcoilOpen This defines the initial value for the open circuit resistance in ohms. After the LVDT calibration, the value for RcoilOpen = 2 * (Servo Compliance Voltage / Servo Current) measured during the calibration mode. 0 to 10000000000 (default is 1000000 simplex or 1000000,1000000,1000000 TMR) There is one value for simplex I/O packs and three values for R, S, and T on TMR systems. RcoilShort This defines the initial value for the short circuit resistance in ohms. After the LVDT calibration, the value for RcoilShort = 0.5 * (Servo Compliance Voltage / Servo Current) measured during the calibration mode. 0 to 10000000000 (default is 0 simplex or 0,0,0 TMR) There is one value for simplex I/O packs and three values for R, S, and T on TMR systems. TMR_DiffLimt Diagnostic limit, TMR Input Vote difference in % 0 to 110 (default is 25) Pulse Rates Pulse Rates Parameter Description Choices FlowRatex where x = 1 or 2 Bipolar input = PRxH – PRxL, Unipolar = TTLx - PRxL Point Edit (Input Real) PRType Define the pulse rate feedback type or basic speed range. See section Speed Pickups for description of types. Flow, Speed, Speed_High, Speed_HSNG, Speed_LM, Unused PRScale Scaling: multiplier to convert pulses per second into desired EU for feedback 0 to 1000 EU/pulse SysLim1Enabl If enabled, System Limit 1 is active. Enable, Disable (default is Disable) SysLim1Latch If enabled, the System Limit 1 function will latch its state if the FlowRate exceeds the limit function defined by SysLim1Type and SysLimit1. Latch, NotLatch (default is Latch) SysLim1Type Defines the compare function used in the Limit1 expression. ≤ or ≥ (default is ≥) SysLimit1 Defines Limit1 value to be used for the input, FlowRate. 0 to 20,000 EU (default is 0) 410 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information Pulse Rates Parameter Description Choices SysLim2Enabl If enabled, System Limit 2 is active. Enable, Disable (default is Disable) SysLim2Latch If enabled, the System Limit 2 function will latch its state if the FlowRate exceeds the limit function defined by SysLim2Type and SysLimit2. Latch, NotLatch (default is Latch) SysLim2Type Defines the compare function used in Limit 2’s expression. ≤ or ≥ (default is ≥) SysLimit2 Defines Limit2 value to be used for the input, FlowRate. 0 to 20,000 EU (default is 0) TMR_DiffLimt Diagnostic limit, TMR Input Vote difference in EU 0 to 20,000 EU (default is 5) TeethPerRev (Speed_HSNG only) Number of teeth on speed wheel (per revolution) 1 to 512 Calculation rate of speed in milliseconds. Speed is calculated at this rate and averaged over the previous time interval specified by this period. 5 to 1000 Speed_x_ms (Speed_HSNG only) Using a value other than an integer multiple of the application frame period can have adverse impact on use of this control. Attention Accel_x_ms (Speed_HSNG only) This is the averaging period for acceleration calculation in milliseconds. The acceleration is calculated every Accel_X_ms. It is based on the difference between two speed samples divided by the sample period. Each acceleration calculation is the average of acceleration over the period specified by this parameter. For example, if Accel_x_ms is 40 then acceleration will be the average acceleration over the previous 80 ms. 10 to 1000 Using a value other than an integer multiple of the application frame period can have adverse impact on use of this control. Attention Lock_Limit (Speed_HSNG only) HSNG speed type locking limit for teeth mapping (percent). Refer to section Speed Pickups for description of Lock_Limit function. PSVO Servo Control Module 1 to 100 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 411 Non-Public Information Regulators Regulators Parameter Description Certain parameters are only available with certain regulator types. Choices Regulator 1 Regulator 2 Select and enable the regulators Enable checkbox Reg_Type Regulator Algorithm Type Unused, no_fbk, 1_ LVposition, 1_ PulseRate, 2_ LVpilotCyl, 2_ LVposMAX, 2_ LVposMIN, 2_ PlsRateMAX, 3_LV_ LMX, 3_LVposMID, 4_ LV_LM, 4_LV_LMX, 4_ LVp/cylMAX Regulator 1, 2 must be enabled before the configuration parameter, Reg_ Type can be selected. Refer to the section Operations, Regulators for more information. Dither rate in hertz. 12_5 Hz, 25 Hz, 33_33 Hz, 50 Hz, 100 Hz, Unused (default is Unused) Dither_Freq Use of dither with shorted coil detection enabled is not recommended. Attention DitherAmpl Dither in % current 0 to 10 (default is 2) Dither magnitudes greater than 2 percent could interfere with the proper operation of the coil ohm calculation. If dither magnitude is a priority, disable the coil ohm calculation. LVDT_Margin Defines the over range in % for the LVDT input. A diagnostic is generated if this value is exceeded. 1 to 100 (default is 2) LVDT1input This is the LVDT input selection. With 2_LVpilotCyl selected, LVDT1 is main and LVDT2 is pilot. With 4_LVp/cylMAX selected, LVDT1 is main, LVDT2 is main, LVDT3 is pilot, and LVDT4 is pilot. LVDT1, LVDT2, LVDT3, LVDT4, LVDT5, LVDT6, LVDT7, LVDT8, Unused (default is Unused) RegGain Position loop Gain in % current / Eng Units or usually % current / % position. -200 to 200 (default is 1) RegNullBias Regulator Null Bias provides a fixed current command in percent to cancel or null the spring force of the valve which will close the valve if the servo suicides or shuts down. -100 to 100 (default is 0) TMR_DiffLimt Diagnostic limit, TMR Input Vote difference in % -15 to 150 (default is 5) MaxPOSvalue Position in Eng. units (usually %) at the maximum end stop of the valve. -15 to 150 (default is 100) MinPOSvalue Position in Eng. Units (usually %) at the minimum end stop of the valve. -15 to 150 (default is 0) 412 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information Regulators Parameter Description Certain parameters are only available with certain regulator types. Choices MnLVDTx_Vrms This is the value of LVDTx V rms at the minimum end stop of the valve. These values are normally set by the Auto-Calibrate function. For TMR, the first value is from PSVO-R perspective, the second from PSVO-S, and the last from PSVO-T 0 to 7.1 (default is 1 simplex or 1,1,1 TMR) There is one value for simplex I/O packs and three values for R, S, and T on TMR systems. MxLVDTx_Vrms This is the value of LVDTx V rms at the maximum end stop of the valve. These values are normally set by the Auto-Calibrate function. For TMR, the first value is from PSVO-R perspective, the second from PSVO-S, and the last from PSVO-T 0 to 7.1 (default is 5 simplex or 5,5,5 TMR) There is one value for simplex I/O packs and three values for R, S, and T on TMR systems. PRateInputx Pulse Rate input selection PR1, PR2, Unused (default is Unused) PilotGain Pilot loop gain in % current / Eng. unit -200 to 200 (default is 1) CurBreak Current break for nonlinear servo current -100 to 100 (default is 0) CurClpNg Servo Current Clamp (%) Negative -300 to 300 (default is -100) CurClpPs Servo Current Clamp (%) Positive -300 to 300 (default is 100) CurSlope1 Slope current gain modifier for low position error values 0 to 10 (default is 1) Position regulator requires CurSlope1 and CurSlope2 equal to a nonzero value for feedback to follow position command. CurSlope2 0 to 10 (default is 1) Slope current gain modifier for position error > CurBreak limit Position regulator requires CurSlope1 and CurSlope2 equal to a nonzero value for feedback to follow position command. DefltValue If all position sensors or LVDTs are bad, the regulator feedback is assigned to this value in percent. -1 to 110 (default is 100) LagTau Position loop Lag Breakpoint (seconds), zero to disable 0 to 10 (default is 0) LeadTau Position loop Lead Breakpoint (seconds), zero to disable 0 to 10 (default is 0) SelectMinMax With regulator type 3 or 4_LV_LMX, If 2 of the 3 LVDTs are healthy, this parameter determines whether a minimum select or maximum select is made for the remaining two sensors. Max, Min (default is Max) With regulator type 4_LV_LM, Select the Min or the Max of PositionA or PositionB when the difference between the two is excessive. Used in conjunction with PosDiffcmp1 and PosDifftime1. PSVO Servo Control Module GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 413 Non-Public Information Regulators Parameter Description Certain parameters are only available with certain regulator types. Choices SensorOofRTD Sensor Out of Range Time Delay (seconds) 0 to 2000 (default is 10) SenSpreadMx Sensor Spread Maximum (%) -2000 to 2000 (default is 1000) SensoSpreadTD Sensor Spread Time Delay (seconds) 0 to 2000 (default is 10) LVDTVsumMarg Allowable rang exceed error (%) for ratio-metric sum 1 to 100 (default is 2) PosDefltEnab Position Default Enable / Disable Enable, Disable (default is Enable) PosDiffcmp1 Position Difference Limit1 (%) -1 to 110 (default is 2) PosDiffcmp2 Position Difference Limit2 (%) -1 to 110 (default is 3) PosDifftime1 Position Difference Limit1 Timeout (seconds) 0 to 10 (default is 0.5) PosDifftime2 Position Difference Limit2 Timeout (seconds) 0 to 10 (default is 0.5) PosSelect Position Selection Mode Avg, Max, Min (default is Avg) SenSumChkTD Volts RMS Sum Check Out of Range Time Delay (seconds) 0 to 2000 (default is 10) 414 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information Monitors Monitors Parameter Description Certain parameters are only available with certain monitor types. Choices MonType Monx will equal sensor position expressed in percent assigned in the 3LVLMX regulator where x = 1 to 8 1_LMposition Monx will equal sensor position expressed in V rms assigned in the 4_LV_ LMX, 3_LV_LMX, or 4_LV_LM regulator where x = 1 to 8 1_LMVRMS Monx will equal the scaled value from the LVDT assigned through LVDT1 input where x = 1 to 8 1_LVposition Monx will equal the maximum selected scaled value from two LVDTs assigned through LVDTyinput where x = 1 to 8 and y = 1 to 2. 2_LVposMAX Monx will equal the minimum selected scaled value from two LVDTs assigned through LVDTyinput where x = 1 to 8 and y = 1 to 2. 2_LVposMIN Monx will equal the median selected scaled value from three LVDTs assigned through LVDTyinput where x = 1 to 8 and y = 1 to 3. 3_LVposMID LMPOSin LMX Position Input Selector Reg1SenAPos, Reg1SenBPos, Reg1SenCPos, Reg1SenDPos (not used), Reg2SenAPos, Reg2SenBPos, Reg2SenCPos, Reg2SenDPos (not used), Unused (default) TMR_DiffLimt Diagnostic limit, TMR Input Vote difference in % -15 to 150 (default is 5) LVRMSin LMX VRMS Input Selection Reg1SenAVrms, Reg1SenBVrms, Reg1SenCVrms, Reg1SenDVrms (4LVLMX only), Reg2SenAVrms, Reg2SenBVrms, Reg2SenCVrms, Reg2SenDVrms (4LVLMX only), Unused (default) LVDT_Margin Defines the over range in % for the LVDT input. A diagnostic is generated if this value is exceeded. 1 to 100 (default is 2) LVDTxinput LVDTx input selection LVDT1, LVDT2, LVDT3, LVDT4, LVDT5, LVDT6, LVDT7, LVDT8, Unused (default) MaxPOSvalue Position in Eng. units (usually %) at the maximum end stop of the valve. -15 to 150 (default is 100) MinPOSvalue Position in Eng. Units (usually %) at the minimum end stop of the valve. -15 to 150 (default is 0) PSVO Servo Control Module GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 415 Non-Public Information Monitors Parameter Description Certain parameters are only available with certain monitor types. Choices MnLVDTx_ Vrms This is the value of LVDTx V rms at the minimum end stop of the valve. These values are normally set by the Auto-Calibrate function, and must be manually entered. For TMR, the first value is from PSVO-R perspective, the second from PSVO-S, and the last from PSVO-T perspective. 0 to 7.1 (default is 1 simplex or 1,1,1 TMR) There is one value for simplex I/O packs and three values for R, S, and T on TMR systems. MxLVDTx_ Vrms This is the value of LVDTx V rms at the maximum end stop of the valve. These values are normally set by the Auto-Calibrate function, and must be manually entered. For TMR, the first value is from PSVO-R perspective, the second from PSVO-S, and the last from PSVO-T perspective. 0 to 7.1 (default is 5 simplex or 5,5,5 TMR) There is one value for simplex I/O packs and three values for R, S, and T on TMR systems. 416 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 9.2 PSVO Specific Alarms The following alarms are specific to the PSVO I/O pack. 33-40 Description LVDT #[ ] RMS voltage for Regulator [ ] out of limits Possible Cause • • • Excitation to LVDT, faulty transducer, or open or short-circuit LVDT [ ] input to the analog to digital converter exceeded the converter limits LVDT scaling configuration (MnLVDT[ ]_Vrms, MxLVDT[ ]_Vrms) has not been calibrated. Solution • • • • • • • Check the field wiring between the TSVC excitation output and the LVDT including shields. Check for approximately 7 V rms at the TSVC Excitation screws. Check the feedback wire between LVDT and TSVC LVDT Input connections (including shields). Check the LVDT for mechanical integrity. Calibrate the regulator with the proper LVDTs. Verify the configuration limits, MnLVDT[ ]_Vrms and MxLVDT[ ]_Vrms for the affected regulator. Problem is usually not a PSVO or terminal board failure if other LVDT inputs are working correctly. 45 Description Calibration Mode Enabled Possible Cause • Variable CalibEnab# set to True and user has selected the Calibration Mode button in the Calibrate Valve dialog. Solution • • This alarm is active to annunciate that the I/O pack is in a special mode where servo suicide protection has been disabled, the user needs to take special precautions in this mode. Exit calibration mode and set CalibEnab# to False. PSVO Servo Control Module GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 417 Non-Public Information 46 Description PSVO not online, Servos suicided Possible Cause Servo outputs suicided because I/O pack offline Solution • • Verify that the controller is online. Verify that network connections to the I/O pack are okay. 47-48 Description Servo current #[ ] disagrees w/ ref, suicided Possible Cause • • • • • Possible open circuit in servo current loop Servo current feedback does not match servo current command within specified (Cur_Suicide) percentage and EnablCurSuic is enabled. Jumper configuration set incorrectly Open circuit to servo coil I/O pack hardware failure Solution • • • • • 418 Check the field wiring for an open loop Check for servo open coil. Verify the proper settings of TSVC hardware jumpers. Verify the proper setting of configuration parameters and tuning of servo. Replace the PSVO and WSVO. GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 52-53 Description Servo current #[ ] short circuit Possible Cause • • • Servo short circuit detection enabled (ShrtCoildiag) and low resistance measured Possible shorted servo coil Shorted coil threshold (RcoilShort) or shorted coil time limit (RShrtTimeLim) set incorrectly. Solution • • • • • • Verify the proper servo ohm value. Set AV_Selector to the value Coil_OHMS (build/download), and view the measured coil resistance displayed in Servo#MonitorNV_R,S,T. Verify that the measured resistance matches the actual coil resistance, and is above RcoilShort value. Verify that the RcoilShort is set to the proper value. Re-calibrate to update measured resistance values. Verify the proper setting on the Servo_MA_Out parameter. Verify that the terminal board jumpers match the configuration. 57-58 Description Servo current #[ ] open circuit Possible Cause • • • Servo short circuit detection enabled (OpenCoildiag) and low resistance measured Possible open servo coil Open coil threshold (RcoilOpen) or open coil time limit (RopenTimeLim) set incorrectly Solution • • • • • Check field wiring for possible open circuit. Verify the proper servo ohm value. Set AV_Selector to value Coil_OHMS (build/download) and view the measured coil resistance displayed in Servo#MonitorNV_R,S,T. Verify that the measured resistance matches actual coil resistance, and is below value. Verify that the RcoilOpen is set to the proper value. Re-calibrate to update measured resistance values. Verify that the terminal board jumpers match the configuration. PSVO Servo Control Module GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 419 Non-Public Information 62-63 Description Servo posititon #[ ] fdbk out of range, suicided Possible Cause • • LVDT position feedback outside specified range LVDT inputs not calibrated or V rms limits incorrect Solution • • • • Check field wiring including shields and LVDT excitation. Problem is usually not a PSVO or terminal board failure if other LVDT inputs are working correctly. Check the LVDT sensor. Calibrate the servo regulator with the proper LVDT. Verify that LVDT_Margin is set to the proper value. 67-68 Description Regulator #[ ] configuration error Possible Cause • • • • • • Regulator LVDTInput connected to unused LVDT LVDT selected by two or more LVDTInputs MnVrms and MxVrms values are equal for LVDTInput Regulator selected by Servo but not enabled Not enough Pulse Rates selected for a regulator For Pilot Cylinder regulators, Servo CurrentRange parameters not equal Solution • • • • • Use Advanced Diagnostics command, Servo Regulator Config Error to display decoded fault code. Verify the regulator configuration settings. Verify the servo configuration settings. Verify that the LVDT input setup (Max/Min limits) matches the regulator configuration. Verify that the configured regulators are used by the proper servos. 72 Description Internal calibration reference voltage range fault Possible Cause Internal voltage reference values out of range. Solution Replace I/O pack hardware. 420 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 73-74 Description Lvdt excitation #[ ] voltage out of range Possible Cause • • Possible short in excitation voltage. Excitation voltage too low. Solution • • • Disconnect LVDT excitation from terminals and check that excitation voltage at TSVC screws is approximately 7 V rms. If proper voltage is verified, check field wiring from terminal board to the LVDT sensor and LVDT electrical integrity for shorted coil. If improper voltage at screws, replace PSVO and WSVO, then TSVC. 77 Description Servo Output Assignment Mismatch Possible Cause • Regulator types 2_LVpilotCyl and 4_LVp/cylMAX require two servos assigned to regulator. These servos must match in configured parameters. Solution • • Verify that both servos specify the configured regulator. Verify that servo configuration parameters (Servo_MA_Out) are both set to the same value. 90-96 Description Power supply [ ] V is out of range, voltage = [ ] Possible Cause • Specified internal power supply voltage incorrect. Solution • • Replace the WSVO. If the problem still exists, replace the PSVO. 97 Description Pack internal null voltage out of limits, voltage = ([ ])V Possible Cause The null voltage is more than +/- 5% from the expected value which indicates a hardware failure. Solution • • Cycle power on the PSVO. Replace the PSVO. PSVO Servo Control Module GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 421 Non-Public Information 108-109 Description LVDT configuration error on Regulator #[ ] Possible Cause • For regulators 4_LV_LM and 4_LV_LMX, the configured LVDT V rms limits configured incorrectly for ratiometric LVDTs. Solution • Verify that ratiometric LVDT pairs have opposite V rms values in the Min/Max limits. 110-111 Description Servo Coil #[ ] not within resistance limits, resulting in Servo Coil Open and Short Detection functions being disabled Possible Cause During calibration, the measured servo coil resistance was out of range. Note As a result of this alarm condition, RCoilShort and RCoilOpen values were not saved during calibration. Solution • • • Verify that Servo_MA_Out setting matches the terminal board jumpers. Verify servo coil resistance. Verify field wiring. 112-119 Description Regulator #[ ] Sensor #[ ] out of range Possible Cause • • LVDT position feedback is outside the specified range. LVDT inputs have not been calibrated or V rms limits are incorrect. Solution • • • • 422 Check field wiring including shields and LVDT excitation. Problem is usually not a PSVO or terminal board failure if other LVDT inputs are working correctly. Check the LVDT sensor. Calibrate the servo regulator with the proper LVDT. Verify that LVDT_Margin is set to the proper value. GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 120-121 Description Servo #[ ] Suicided Possible Cause • • • • Servo suicided. Regulator feedback out of range. Servo Current feedback differs from Servo Current command. Open or shorted coil detected. Solution • • • • LVDT feedback issue: Check LVDT connections. Check LVDT mechanical integrity to the valve. Check for wiring of servo output loop for open or short circuit. Check for a short or an open servo coil. 128 Description Logic Signal [ ] Voting Mismatch Possible Cause N/A Solution N/A 192-215 Description LVDT #[ ] RMS voltage for Monitor [ ] out of limits Possible Cause • • • • After a PSVO calibration, the Min/Max V rms saved values for the LVDTs were not manually copied to the Monitors. Excitation to LVDT, faulty transducer, or open or short-circuit. LVDT [ ] input to analog-to-digital converter exceeded converter limits. LVDT scaling configuration (MnLVDT[ ]_Vrms, MxLVDT[ ]_Vrms) not calibrated. Solution • • • • • • • After calibration, manually copy the saved LVDT Min/Max V rms values from the Regulator tab to the Monitors. Check field wiring between the TSVC excitation output and LVDT, including shields. Check for approximately seven V rms at the TSVC excitation screws. Check the feedback wire between the LVDT and TSVC LVDT input connections, including shields. Check the LVDT for mechanical integrity. Verify the configuration limits, MnLVDT[ ]_Vrms and MxLVDT[ ]_Vrms for the affected regulator. Problem is usually not a PSVO or terminal board failure if other LVDT inputs are working correctly. PSVO Servo Control Module GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 423 Non-Public Information 224-247 Description Input Signal [ ] Voting Mismatch, Local=[ ], Voted=[ ] Possible Cause Voter disagreement between R, S, and T I/O packs. Solution Adjust the specified parameter below for each input type: • • • • • • If input variable is FlowRate[ ], adjust the TMR_DiffLimt. If input signal is Reg[ ]_Fdbk, adjust the TMR_DiffLimt on the Regulators tab. If input variable is Mon[ ], adjust the TMR_DiffLimt on the Monitors tab. If input variable is ServoOutput[ ], adjust the TMR_DiffLimt. Check for a mismatch in the coil resistance. Reg[ ]_Gain is set too high for the specified TMR_DiffLimt value. 1050 Description R Detects S ComFailure on channels 1+2 Possible Cause • • • S I/O pack serial communication to R I/O pack failed S I/O pack rebooted S I/O pack not connected properly Solution • • • • Verify that the S PSVO is seated correctly on the terminal board. Check the S I/O pack for other diagnostics to determine the cause of the reboot. Replace the S I/O pack. Replace the terminal board. 1051 - 1052 Description R Detects S ComError on channel [ ] Possible Cause • • • S I/O pack serial communication to R I/O pack failed S I/O pack rebooted S I/O pack not connected properly Solution • • • • 424 Verify that the S PSVO is seated correctly on the terminal board. Check S I/O pack for other diagnostics to determine cause of reboot. Replace the S I/O pack. Replace the terminal board. GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 1053 Description R Detects T ComFailure on channels 1+2 Possible Cause • • • T I/O pack serial communication to R I/O pack failed T I/O pack rebooted T I/O pack not connected properly Solution • • • • Verify that the T PSVO is seated correctly on the terminal board. Check the T I/O pack for other diagnostics to determine the cause of the reboot. Replace the T I/O pack. Replace the terminal board. 1054 - 1055 Description R Detects T ComError on channel [ ] Possible Cause • • • T I/O pack serial communication to R I/O pack failed T I/O pack rebooted T I/O pack not connected properly Solution • • • • Verify that the T PSVO is seated correctly on the terminal board. Check the T I/O pack for other diagnostics to determine the cause of the reboot. Replace the T I/O pack. Replace the terminal board. 1056 Description R Detects R ComFailure on channels 1+2 Possible Cause R I/O Pack serial communication failure on R feedback indicates internal hardware failure. Solution • • • Verify that the R PSVO is seated correctly on the terminal board. Replace the R I/O pack. Replace the terminal board. PSVO Servo Control Module GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 425 Non-Public Information 1057 - 1058 Description R Detects R ComError on channel [ ] Possible Cause R I/O Pack serial communication failure on R feedback indicates an internal hardware failure Solution • • • • Verify that the R PSVO is seated correctly on the terminal board. Check R I/O pack for other diagnostics to determine cause of reboot. Replace the R I/O pack. Replace the terminal board. 1059 Description S Detects R ComFailure on channels 1+2 Possible Cause • • • R I/O pack serial communication to S I/O pack failed R I/O pack rebooted R I/O pack not connected properly Solution • • • • Verify that the R PSVO is seated correctly on the terminal board. Check the R I/O pack for other diagnostics to determine the cause of the reboot. Replace the R I/O pack. Replace the terminal board. 1060 - 1061 Description S Detects R ComError on channel [ ] Possible Cause • • • R I/O pack serial communication to S I/O pack failed R I/O pack rebooted R I/O pack not connected properly Solution • • • • 426 Verify that the R PSVO is seated correctly on the terminal board. Check the R I/O pack for other diagnostics to determine the cause of the reboot. Replace the R I/O pack. Replace terminal board. GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 1062 Description S Detects T ComFailure on channels 1+2 Possible Cause • • • T I/O pack serial communication to S I/O pack failed T I/O pack has rebooted T I/O pack is not connected properly Solution • • • • Verify that the T PSVO is seated correctly on the terminal board. Check the T I/O pack for other diagnostics to determine the cause of the reboot. Replace the T I/O pack. Replace the terminal board. 1063 - 1064 Description S Detects T ComError on channel [ ] Possible Cause • • • T I/O pack serial communication to S I/O pack failed T I/O pack rebooted T I/O pack not connected properly Solution • • • Verify that the T PSVO is seated correctly on the terminal board. Replace the T I/O pack. Replace the terminal board. 1065 Description S Detects S ComFailure on channels 1+2 Possible Cause S I/O Pack serial communication failure on S feedback indicates internal hardware failure Solution • • • Verify that the S PSVO is seated correctly on the terminal board. Replace the S I/O pack. Replace the terminal board. PSVO Servo Control Module GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 427 Non-Public Information 1066 - 1067 Description S Detects S ComError on channel [ ] Possible Cause S I/O Pack serial communication failure on S feedback indicates internal hardware failure Solution • • • Verify that the S PSVO is seated correctly on the terminal board. Replace the S I/O pack. Replace the terminal board. 1068 Description T Detects R ComFailure on channels 1+2 Possible Cause • • • R I/O pack serial communication to T I/O pack failed R I/O pack rebooted R I/O pack not connected properly Solution • • • • Verify that the R PSVO is seated correctly on the terminal board. Check the R I/O pack for other diagnostics to determine the cause of the reboot. Replace the R I/O pack. Replace the terminal board. 1069 - 1070 Description T Detects R ComError on channel [ ] Possible Cause • • • R I/O pack serial communication to T I/O pack failed R I/O pack rebooted R I/O pack not connected properly Solution • • • • 428 Verify that the R PSVO is seated correctly on the terminal board. Check the R I/O pack for other diagnostics to determine the cause of the reboot. Replace the R I/O pack. Replace the terminal board. GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 1071 Description T Detects S ComFailure on channels 1+2 Possible Cause • • • S I/O pack serial communication to T I/O pack failed S I/O pack rebooted S I/O pack not connected properly Solution • • • • Verify that the S PSVO is seated correctly on the terminal board. Check the S I/O pack for other diagnostics to determine the cause of the reboot. Replace the S I/O pack. Replace the terminal board. 1072 - 1073 Description T Detects S ComError on channel [ ] Possible Cause • • • S I/O pack serial communication to T I/O pack failed S I/O pack rebooted S I/O pack not connected properly Solution • • • • Verify that the S PSVO is seated correctly on the terminal board. Check the S I/O pack for other diagnostics to determine the cause of the reboot. Replace the S I/O pack. Replace terminal board. 1074 Description T Detects T ComFailure on channels 1+2 Possible Cause T I/O Pack serial communication failure on T feedback indicates internal hardware failure. Solution • • • Verify that the T PSVO is seated correctly on the terminal board. Replace the T I/O pack. Replace the terminal board. PSVO Servo Control Module GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 429 Non-Public Information 1075 - 1076 Description T Detects T ComError on channel [ ] Possible Cause T I/O Pack serial communication failure on T feedback indicates internal hardware failure Solution • • • 430 Verify that the T PSVO is seated correctly on the terminal board. Replace the T I/O pack. Replace the terminal board. GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 9.3 TSVC Servo Input/Output Terminal Board 9.3.1 Functional Description The Servo Input/Output (TSVC) terminal board interfaces to two electro-hydraulic servo valves that actuate the steam/fuel valves. Valve position is measured with linear variable differential transformers (LVDT). TSVC is designed specifically for the PSVO I/O pack and the WSVO servo driver. The terminal board supports simplex and TMR configurations. Three 28 V dc supplies come in through plug J28. Plugs JD1 or JD2 are for an external trip from the protection module. TSVC Servo Terminal Board TSVCH1 T1 through T4 isolation transformers provide galvanic isolation between the WSVO's excitation output driver and the primary-side of the LVDT/R position sensor. TSVCH2 excludes the isolation transformers T1 through T4 resulting in no galvanic isolation between the WSVO excitation driver output and the LVDT/R position sensor. PSVO Servo Control Module GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 431 Non-Public Information 9.3.2 Installation Sensors and servo valves are wired directly to two I/O terminal blocks. Each block is held down with two screws and has 24 terminals accepting up to #12 AWG wiring. A shield terminal strip attached to chassis ground is located immediately to the left of each terminal block. External trip wiring is plugged into either JD1 or JD2. Each servo output can have three coils in TMR configuration. The size of each coil current is jumper selected using JP1, 3, 5 for Servo 1, and JP2, 4, 6 for servo 2. Three 28 V dc power supplies for the R, S, and T board functions are connected to J28. Two non-isolated LVDT excitation sources for S and T are wired to terminal block TB3 and TB4. Servo/LVDT Terminal Board Wiring 432 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information The three J1 connectors for the PSVO I/O packs are R, S, and T. These plug into the DC-37 pin connector with latching fasteners, and bolt to a side bracket holding the I/O packs in place. The three J2 connectors for the WSVO servo drivers are R, S, and T. Each WSVO is held down with four screws. The WSVO servo driver and PSVO I/O pack are ordered as a set and should be replaced if diagnostics indicate a servo problem. The PSVO I/O pack and WSVO driver can be replaced with the unit running by removing power from the failed channel with the corresponding manual enable switch, SW1, or SW2, or SW3. Power to each channel is indicated with LEDs on the board and LEDs on each power switch. 9.3.3 Operation The TSVC servo terminal board provides two channels consisting of bi-directional servo current outputs, LVDT position feedback, LVDT excitation, and pulse rate flow inputs. It provides excitation for, and accepts inputs from, up to eight LVDT valve position inputs. There is a choice of one, two, three, or four LVDTs for each servo control loop. The two pulse rate inputs are used for gas turbine liquid fuel flow feedback measurement. Each servo output is equipped with an individual suicide relay under firmware control that shorts the PSVO output signal to signal common when de-energized, and recovers to nominal limits after a manual reset command is issued. Diagnostics monitor the output status of each servo voltage, current, and suicide relay. Each of the servo output channels can drive either one or two-coil servos in simplex applications, or two or three-coil servos in TMR applications. The two-coil TMR applications are for 200# oil gear systems where each of two control PSVOs drive one coil each, and the third PSVO has no servo coil interface. Servo cable lengths up to 300 m (984 ft) are supported with a maximum two-way cable resistance of 15 Ω. Since there are many types of servo coils, a variety of bi-directional current sources are jumper selectable. Note The primary and emergency overspeed systems will trip the hydraulic solenoids independent of this circuit. For simplex applications, a trip override relay K1 is provided on the terminal board, which is controlled from the PPRO protection module. If an emergency overspeed condition is detected in the protection module, the K1 relay will energize, disconnect the servo output, and apply a bias to drive the control valve closed. This is only used on simplex applications to protect against the servo amplifier failing high, and is functional only with respect to the servo coils driven from <R>. For Simplex applications that require this backup protection relay, verify that the JPDM or JPDS wiring includes jumpers between the PR, PS, and PT connectors on either TB1 or TB2 to energize the T bus, and that the TSVC SW1 is in the ON position. The TSVC green DS1 LED (indicating that P28T is available) should be lit if power is being supplied for the K1 relay. Illumination of the DS1 LED is sufficient to demonstrate that power to energize the K1 relay is available. Caution For simplex applications that have a connection to the TSVC JD1 or JD2 (the K1 relay is being used) verify that SW1 is in the ON position, and verify that the green DS1 LED is lit. This indicates that the necessary P28T power is available. If the DS1 LED is not lit, then the K1 trip override relay will not provide the intended protection. LVDT Excitation In TMR applications, the LVDT signals fan out to three I/O packs through JR1, JS1, and JT1. A single 5-pin connector brings power into the TSVC where the three voltages are diode high-selected and current limited to supply 24 V dc to the pulse rate active probes. Note Only two pulse rate probes on one TSVC are used. PSVO Servo Control Module GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 433 Non-Public Information LVDT and Pulse Rate Inputs LVDT ( or LVDR ) LVDT1 H 3.2 kHz , 7 V rms excitation source Mark VIe Controller Application Logic Servo Terminal Board TSVCH1 A Input Portion JR 1 1 8 Ckts . Servo Pack <R > PSVO A / D converter A/ D LVDT1 L 2 Servo Driver < R > WSVO Regulator P28VR SCOM J 28 1 4 2 5 3 28 V dc for R 28 V dc return 28 V dc for S 28 V dc return 28 V dc for T Digital servo regulator JS1 D/ A D/ A converter P28VS JT1 P 28 V Servo driver voltage limit To servo outputs on TSVC E n a b l e swi tch, fu se , a n d l i g h t P28VT P28 V P1 TTL 39 P1H 43 TTL P1L To TSVC excitation Pulse Rate ( PR 3. 2 k Hz JR1 continued PCOM 42 Pulse rate inputs active probes 2 Hz - 12 kHz Configurable Gain CL P24 V1 41 44 JS1 continued P24 V2 CL 45 PSVO Servo Pack <S > WSVO Driver < S> PSVO Servo Pack <T> WSVO Driver <T> 46 2 Hz - 12 kHz JT1 continued ( Pulse rate inputs , magnetic pickups PCOM 40 P2 TTL P2 H 47 PR P2L 48 MPU Noise suppression TSVC continued 434 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information For TMR systems, each servo channel has connections to three output coils with a range of current ratings up to 120 mA, selected by jumper. TSVC Servo Coil Outputs and LVDT Excitation PSVO Servo Control Module GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 435 Non-Public Information Pilot Cylinder Servo Control The pilot cylinder regulator types are used on low-pressure hydraulic systems with an inner pilot position loop. Both servo outputs must be assigned to the same regulator. Each servo output is configured for ±120 mA current, yielding a total current of ±240 mA. The following figure displays approved wiring options and jumper settings. Mark VIe Controller Application logic Servo Terminal Board TSVCH 1A (continued ) Servo Pack R PSVO Digital Servo Regulator Servo Driver R WSVO JD1 P28V A/D converter A/D 1 2 Regulator Trip input from PPRO not used for TMR JD2 Suicide relay D/A D/A Converter Servo Driver (s) JR1 P 28 V J P1 120B 120 80 40 20 10 JR2 Pulse Rate Configurable Gain JS1 WSVO Driver S JS2 JP 2 120B 120 80 40 20 10 J P3 120 B 120 80 40 20 10 J P4 120B 120 80 40 20 10 JT1/2 PSVO Servo Pack T 436 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ 25 S1RH Parallel Servos for Pilot / Cylinder App . ( 240 mA max .) for Servo coil from R 31 26 S1RL Configurable Gain PSVO Servo Pack S 1 2 P 28 V WSVO Driver T J P3 120B 120 80 40 20 10 2 Ckts. 33 S2RH 34 S2 RL 27 S1SH The resistance calculation will measure only half of the current through the coil resistance , so the reported resistance is twice the actual coil resistance of the actuator . Parallel Servos for Pilot / Cylinder App. ( 240 mA max .) for Servo coil from S 28 S1SL 35 S2 SH 36 S2SL 29 30 Pilot / Cylinder App. using PSVO does not use Servo Outs from T (user does not have to put a S 1TL resistor load on T ) S 1TH Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information Servo Coil Resistance The following table defines the standard servo coil resistance and their associated internal resistance, selected with the terminal board jumpers displayed in the previous figures. In addition to these standard servo coils, it is possible to drive non-standard coils by using a non-standard jumper setting. For example, an 80 mA, 125 Ω coil could be driven by using a jumper setting 120B. Note The excitation source is isolated from signal common (floating) and is capable of operation at common mode voltages up to 35 V dc, or 35 V rms, 50/60 Hz. Servo Coil Resistance and Associated Internal Resistance Jumper Label Coil Type Nominal Current Coil Resistance (Ohms) Internal Resistance (Ohms) Application 101 ±10 mA 1000 180 Simplex and TMR 202 ±20 mA 125 442 Simplex 403 ±40 mA 62 195 Simplex 404 ±40 mA 89 195 TMR 805 ±80 mA 22 115 TMR 120A ±120 mA (A) 40 28 Simplex 120B ±120 mA (B) 75 10 TMR This table does not apply when the servo outputs are paralleled. The governing equation for determining if the user needs to select a non-standard terminal board jumper position is R ILIM_Calculated = (12,000 / Servo_MA_OUT) — RCOIL / Coil_Parallel - 10 where: R ILIM_CALCULATED is the maximum terminal board current-limiting resistance in ohms the WSVO servo driver can withstand to push 100% Servo_MA_OUT current through the coil. A negative value implies an unreal resistance highlighting an incorrect value for RCOIL, Servo_MA_OUT, and so forth. Servo_MA_OUT is the configuration parameter in the ToolboxST Servo Component Editor, Hardware tab, PSVO or PSVP, Servo tab. The value in milli-amperes defines the servo actuator nominal current. RCOIL is the servo actuator resistance per coil in ohms. Coil_Parallel value equals 1 for a single coil and equals 2 for two coils paralleled. PSVO Servo Control Module GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 437 Non-Public Information If the following inequality is True, Jumper Setting Internal Resistance (from table above) > R ILIM_CALCULATED then the WSVO will not have the capability to drive 100% current. Select the next lowest terminal board current-limiting resistance from the Internal Resistance column in the Servo Coil Resistance and Associated Internal Resistance table. If the new Internal Resistance value meets the condition Jumper Setting Internal Resistance ≤ R ILIM_CALCULATED then use this terminal board current-limiting resistor jumper setting. The following is an example of this formula: R ILIM_Calculated = (12,000 / 80) - 125 / 1 - 10 = 15 ohms where only one single servo driver output used, the servo actuator resistance is 125 ohms per coil, the nominal current is 80 mA and the servo actuator coils are not paralleled. Based on this calculation, Jumper 120B is selected with the ToolboxST application PSVO or PSVP configuration parameters defined as given in the equation above. Valve Position Control valve position is sensed with either a four-wire LVDT or a three-wire linear variable differential reluctance (LVDR) transducer. Redundancy implementations for the feedback devices are determined by the application software to allow the maximum flexibility. LVDT/Rs can be mounted up to 300 m (984 ft) from the turbine control with a maximum two-way cable resistance of 15 Ω. Two LVDT/R transformer isolated excitation sources are located on the terminal board for simplex applications and another two transformer isolated excitation sources for TMR applications. A fifth and sixth non-isolated excitation source are provided for the customer’s use. Excitation voltage is 7 V rms and the frequency is 3.2 kHz with a total harmonic distortion of less than 1% when loaded. A typical LVDT/R has an output of 0.7 V rms at the zero stroke position of the valve stem, and an output of 3.5 V rms at the designed maximum stroke position (some applications have these reversed). The LVDT/R input is converted to dc and conditioned with a low pass filter. Diagnostics perform a high/low (hardware) limit check on the input signal and a high/low system (software) limit check. 438 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information Pulse Rate Pulse rate inputs support both passive magnetic pickups and active pulse rate transducers (TTL type) interchangeable without configuration. Normally, these inputs are not used on steam turbine applications, but are usually for liquid fuel flow measurement, and monitoring flow divider feedback in gas turbine applications. Pulse rate inputs can be located up to 300 m (984 ft) from the turbine control cabinet. This assumes shielded-pair cable is used with typically 70 nF single ended or 35 nF differential capacitance and 15 Ω resistance. A frequency range of 2 Hz to 12 kHz can be monitored at a normal sampling rate of either 10 or 20 ms. Magnetic pickups typically have an output resistance of 200 Ω and an inductance of 85 MHz excluding cable characteristics. The transducer is a high-impedance source, generating energy levels insufficient to cause a spark. 9.3.4 Specifications Item TSVC Specification Number of inputs Eight LVDT windings Two pulse rate signals, magnetic or TTL External trip signal to shut off servo outputs Number of outputs Two servo valves, three coils each, ±(10, 20, 40, 80, 120) mA Four excitation sources for LVDTs (transformer isolation) Two excitation sources for LVDTs (no transformer isolation) Two 24 V dc excitation sources for pulse rate transducers TSVCH2 has 6 sources with no isolation Power supply voltage Nominal 24 V dc from three supplies P28R, P28S, P28T Power supply current 5 A dc (Poly-Fuse or current limit rating for each input is 1 A dc) LVDT excitation output Frequency of 3.2 ±0.2 kHz Voltage of 7.00 ±0.14 V rms Pulse rate input sensitivity Required peak-peak (p-p) voltage rises as a function of frequency: 2 Hz requires 72 mV p-p 12 kHz requires 1486 mV p-p Magnetic PR pickup signal < 150 V p-p into 60 Ω Active PR pickup signal 5 to 27 V p-p into 60 Ω Fault detection Servo current out of limits or not responding Regulator feedback signal out of limits Failed ID chip Size 33.02 cm high x 17.8 cm wide (13 in x 7 in) Technology Surface-mount PSVO Servo Control Module GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 439 Non-Public Information 9.3.5 Diagnostics PSVO makes diagnostic checks on the terminal board components as follows: • • • • The output servo current is out of limits or not responding, creating a fault. The regulator feedback (LVDT) signal is out of limits, creating a fault. If the associated regulator has two sensors, the bad sensor is removed from the feedback calculation and the good sensor is used. If any one of the above signals go unhealthy a composite diagnostic alarm, L#DIAG_PSVO occurs. Details of the individual diagnostics are available from the ToolboxST* application. The diagnostic signals can be individually latched, and reset with the RESET_DIA signal if they go healthy. Each cable connector on the terminal board has its own ID device that is interrogated by the I/O processor. The ID device is a read-only chip coded with the terminal board serial number, board type, revision number, and the J connector location. When this chip is read by the I/O processor and a mismatch is encountered, a hardware incompatibility fault is created. 9.3.6 Configuration In a simplex system, servo 1 is configured for the correct coil current with jumper JP1, and servo 2 is configured with jumper JP2. In a TMR system, each servo output can have three coils. In this case, each coil current is jumper selected using JP1, JP3, and JP5 for servo 1, and JP2, JP4, and JP6 for servo 2. All other servo board configuration is done from the ToolboxST application. Power must be applied to the three channels, so check that all three switches SW1, SW2, and SW3 are ON, and the power indicators for P28 R, S, and T are lit. 440 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 10 PSVP Servo Control – Steam 10.1 PSVP Servo Control I/O Pack for Steam The PSVP servo I/O pack, WSVO servo driver and the SSVP terminal board provide an electro-hydraulic control for both new and retrofit steam turbine applications. The following are salient features for this product: • • • • Six position sensor input channels Two servo outputs with a parallel feature allowing isolation of a failure in electronics Two excitation outputs with a hot-backup redundancy feature for single position sensor valves A pulse rate input optimized for turbine speed feedback similar to the PTUR and PPRO pulse rate inputs The product firmware supports single, minimum-select or maximum-select dual, and mid-select triple position sensor input position regulators. The single and maximum-select dual pilot cylinder position regulators are available. The product does not support the flowrate regulators for liquid-fuel control or any of the position regulators supporting the land and marine (LM) gas turbines. Infrared Port Not Used Input to the PSVP is through dual RJ-45 Ethernet connectors, and 28 V dc power is supplied from the terminal board. The output is through a 62-pin connector that connects directly with the associated terminal board connector. Visual diagnostics are provided through indicator light emitting diodes (LEDs). PSVP Servo Control – Steam GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 441 Non-Public Information 10.1.1 Compatibility PSVPH1A is only compatible with the DIN-rail mounted servo terminal board SSVP. Terminal Board Control Mode SSVPHxx Simplex, Dual, TMR TSVOHxx Not compatible TSVCHxx Not compatible Note The PSVP is designed in particular for retrofit steam turbine applications. Control mode refers to the number of I/O packs used in a signal path. • • • 442 Simplex uses one PSVP, WSVO, and SSVP set with one or two network connections on each I/O pack. Dual uses two PSVP, WSVO, and SSVP sets with one network connection on each I/O pack. TMR uses three PSVP, WSVO, and SSVP sets with one network connection on each I/O pack. GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 10.1.2 Installation ➢ To install the PSVP I/O pack 1. Securely mount the terminal board. Note The PSVP along with its associated WSVO servo driver assembly mounts directly to SSVP terminal board. 2. Directly plug one PSVP I/O pack into the terminal board connector. 3. Mechanically secure the I/O pack using the threaded inserts adjacent to the Ethernet ports. The inserts connect with a mounting bracket specific to the terminal board type. The bracket location should be adjusted such that there is no right angle force applied to the 62-pin connector between the I/O pack and the terminal board. The adjustment should only be required once in the service life of the product. 4. Plug the WSVO servo driver assembly into the J2 48-pin connector and secure it with the four screws. 5. Plug in one or two Ethernet cables depending on the system configuration. The pack operates over either port. If dual connections are used, standard practice is to hook ENET1 to the network associated with the R controller; however, the PSVP is not sensitive to Ethernet connections and negotiates proper operation over either port. 6. Plug the 28 V power into the SSVP P28IN 2-pin connector. Be sure the high is connected to pin 1 and the low is connected to pin 2. 7. If PSVP redundancy is simplex, insert the plug for suicide protection from the protection module. 8. If PSVP redundancy is dual, plug the RJ-45 connector from SSVP_R JLA to SSVP_S JUA, and from SSVP_R JLB to SSVP_S JUB. 9. Apply power to the PSVP subassembly using the SW1 power switch on the SSVP. Check the indicator lights on the PSVP. 10. Use the ToolboxST* application to configure the I/O pack as necessary. Refer to GEH-6700 for more information. PSVP Servo Control – Steam GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 443 Non-Public Information 10.1.3 Operation Refer to the following sections in the GEH-6721_Vol_II, the chapter, Common Module Content: • • • • • • Auto-reconfiguration BPPx Processor Processor LEDs Power Management ID Line Common Module Alarms • • • Connectors The DC 62-pin connector on the underside of the I/O pack connects directly to a discrete output terminal board. The RJ-45 Ethernet connector (ENET1) on the I/O pack side is the primary system interface. The second RJ-45 Ethernet connector (ENET2) on the I/O pack side is the redundant or secondary system interface. Note The terminal board provides fused power output from a power source that is applied directly to the terminal board, not through the I/O pack connector. PSVP Circuitry The PSVP has a BSVP application board that provides six rms to V dc converters for position feedback. The rms to V dc converters accept a maximum of 7.07 V rms sine wave input. They change the ac input signal into a 10 V dc input, read by the 16-bit analog-to-digital converter. The digitized position information is used in the valve position control loop in the PSVP firmware. The output of the position regulator is written to an analog-to-digital converter located on the BSVP. This analog output feeds the WSVO current regulator. The PSVP also controls the servo suicide relay on the WSVO and the isolation relay on the SSVP. It inputs the servo driver output voltage and the servo current. Coil ohms are calculated in firmware by using the servo current feedback and the voltage monitored at the SSVP servo terminal points. The excitation source for the LVDT/R position sensor is generated using the processor board’s field programmable gate array (FPGA) to control a digital-to-analog converter. The converter’s 3.2 kHz sine wave is outputted to the SSVP terminal board where the excitation driver is located. The excitation redundancy control is performed by a micro-controller located on the BSVP. The decision to switch from one excitation source to the hot backup is determined by the excitation current feedback and excitation voltage feedback from the SSVP terminal board. If the excitation current and/or voltage is outside its prescribed operating window, the micro-controller will send a command to de-energize the KE1 or KE2 switchover relay on one SSVP and energize the KE1 or KE2 switchover relay on the SSVP that has the redundant excitation source. The state information for this switchover control is passed to the other PSVP through a Private Serial Network (PSN). The PSN is a RS-422 based serial network that works in concert with a FPGA / micro-controller excitation switchover function. Note The PSN has a faster response time than what can be achieved through IONet / PSVP firmware. 444 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information Pulse Rate Input The PSVP module has one pulse rate input designed for turbine speed, but not for flow rate feedback used for liquid-fuel control. The pulse rate input circuit in the PSVP enhances the turbine speed signal. The 28 V dc input on the BPPB is not used to power the PSVP I/O module. The 28 V dc source is connected to the P28IN connector on the SSVP to power the PSVP, WSVO servo driver and the SSVP terminal board. Note The PSVP pulse rate input is similar to the PTUR and PPRO pulse rate inputs. An interface is provided for one passive magnetic speed input. There is no provision for active pulse rate sensors or TTL input. A frequency range of 2 to 20,000 Hz is supported. The pulse rate input is not designed for flow divider sensors and the corresponding liquid fuel regulators are not included. Note The PSVP signal-conditioning circuit is designed for the primary speed input, the same as the PTUR or PPRO. Pulse rate inputs can be configured for a variety of applications. Speed type is the default setting normally used with turbine control. Speed_high type provides an extended speed range above the standard speed type. Speed_HSNG type is an improved pulse rate detection method that eliminates discontinuities due to hardware and software gearing, and eliminates alias speed values associated with non-uniform pulse rate. Speed_HSNG should be used for all turbine applications unless otherwise specified. The Speed_HSNG type will map the spacing of the teeth on the speed wheel to remove periodic variation from speed measurements. HSNGn_Stat mapping locked status bits are in signal space so the mapping status of the algorithm can be observed. If the status indicator for a pulse rate input is false, then the mapping algorithm detects too much variation in the tooth-tooth measurements to lock onto the tooth geometry. The Lock_Limit parameter can be adjusted in 1% increments. Increasing the Lock_Limit value will allow the next generation speed algorithm to stay locked with increased variation. This allows greater tooth-to-tooth variation per revolution, which can be caused by some of the following issues: • • • A Magnetized speed wheel Electro-magnetic interference from outside sources Improper wiring or shielding practices The impact of opening the Lock_Limit is increased speed variation. If the speed variation becomes excessive after increasing the Lock_Limit, identify the source of the problem (listed above) and correct the issue. Caution WSVO The WSVO servo driver is used for both the PSVP and PSVO applications. The WSVO has two servo current regulators to drive the servo outputs on the SSVP terminal board. It provides the dc-to-dc converter (28 V dc to +15 / -15 V dc) to power the analog circuitry. It also has two excitation voltage drivers that are not used by the PSVP. The excitation drivers for the PSVP are located on the SSVP to optimize the excitation output for load steps in the excitation switchover scheme used in this module. PSVP Servo Control – Steam GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 445 Non-Public Information Position Feedback The PSVP / SSVP has six Linear Variable Differential Transformer (LVDT) or Linear Variable Differential Reluctance (LVDR) sensor inputs, each of which includes: • • SSVP Open-wire detection circuit and load BSVP rms to V dc converter Note Although there are six LVDT signal inputs, there are only two excitation outputs. Each excitation output can only support two LVDTs, effectively limiting the number of LVDTs that a PSVP can support to four for certain applications. The SSVP open-wire circuitry provides weak pull-up and pull-down resistors to the appropriate power rails, adding approximately one mA of dc current into the feedback windings of the LVDT or LVDR. If the circuit on the feedback side of the position transducer opens, the PSVP detects the absence of this additional dc current. It flags the controller that a position sensor connection has opened using the Out of Range detection logic in the PSVP firmware. The SSVP provides a 20 kilo-ohm resistive load for the feedback winding of the LVDT or LVDR. Note For dual and TMR PSVP redundancy, the position sensor feedbacks must be fanned external to the SSVP. The BSVP rms to V dc converter has a high impedance differential amplifier, providing common mode voltage protection. The rectifier and low-pass filtering is designed to scale the dc signal output where 10 V dc is equivalent to 7.07 V rms at the input. The rms to V dc converter outputs are multiplexed into a single 16-bit analog-to-digital converter. Each converter output is sampled every five ms or at a 200 Hz rate. 446 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information Position Sensor Types Most LVDTs used for sensing valve positions are three-wire with bias winding as displayed in the following figure. LVDT with Bias Winding The LVDT with bias winding has a primary excitation winding defined by the red and blue wire connections. The red wire connects to SSVP EXnH, and the blue wire connects to EXnL where n = 1-2. The two secondary windings are connected in series, providing a position output between the yellow and blue wires. The yellow wire is connected to SSVP LVxH where x = 1-6 and the blue wire is connected to SSVP LVxL. A bias winding has also been added to aid in the detection of sensor failures. A sliding magnetic core or armature is located within the LVDT, coupling the primary and secondary windings. The secondary windings are connected in series, aiding each other electrically. The output voltage is above zero when the core is positioned equally between the two secondary windings. Moving the core from the center position will create a voltage proportional to the distance from the null position. The steam turbine product line normally uses LVDRs. The LVDR is a linear variable differential reluctance transducer, having a single coil and a center tapped with a movable magnetic core or armature. Normally, the excitation source is applied across the entire winding through the black and red wires. The valve position feedback is extracted from the center-tapped point on the coil (white wire) and the low side (red wire) of the excitation. LVDR Position Sensor PSVP Servo Control – Steam GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 447 Non-Public Information Recommended Wiring Practices The excitation black wire is connected to the SSVP EXnH screw. The excitation red wire is connected to the SSVP EXnL screw where n = 1 –2. The position sensing high-side white wire is connected to SSVP LVxH. the red wire is connected to SSVP LVxL where x = 1-6. 448 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information PSVP Servo Control – Steam GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 449 Non-Public Information Servo Outputs The PSVP module has two servo channels. The servo loop is comprised of the following: • • • • • • Firmware position regulator Digital-to-analog converter Current regulator Current limiting resistors Simplex protection Parallel option with failure isolation The PSVP processor runs the firmware position regulator for Servo 1 and Servo 2 every five ms or at a 200 Hz rate. The position reference command is a system output from the controller and the position feedback is the digitized and scaled value from the BSVP / SSVP circuitry. The regulator output is written to a digital-to-analog converter. The converter output is the analog current command for the WSVO analog current regulator. The fixed-gain proportional-plus-integral current regulator provides a voltage-controlled current source output with discrete nominal current ratings of 10, 20, 40, 80, and 120 mA. When the configuration for the PSVP is properly set, a suicide relay on the WSVO limits the current regulator output if the coil ohms calculation function detects any of the following: • • • A coil open or coil short condition A current regulator control loss An open or out-of-range position feedback The SSVP current limiting resistors reduce the power dissipation of the current driver to prevent a shorted output. Berg Jumpers on the SSVP are provided to select the proper nominal current rating for the coil driver application. For simplex controller application of the PSVP module, an externally controlled relay is provided on the SSVP (controlled by the PPRO) to disable the WSVO servo driver and select a positive biased current to drive the valve closed. The PSVO / WSVO / TSVC and the PSVP / WSVO / SSVP servo outputs can be paralleled, but only the PSVP module can isolate a failure of the WSVO. The isolation circuitry is controlled by the PSVP through the KS1 and KS2 relays on the SSVP terminal board. Calibrate Valve Function The calibration of LVDTs associated with PSVO, PSVP, PCAA, or PMVE (MVRA or MVRF) servos is required when a new terminal board is used on a system. The controller saves the barcode of the terminal board and compares it to the current terminal board during reconfiguration load time. Any time a recalibration is saved, it updates the barcode name to the current board. Note Refer to the ToolboxST User Guide for Mark Controls Platform (GEH-6700), the chapter Special I/O Functions. the section Calibrate Valve Function. 450 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 10.1.4 Specifications The following table provides information specific to the PSVP I/O pack and WSVO driver. Item PSVP Specification Number of inputs Six LVDT / R windings** Single pulse rate input ** Although there are six LVDT signal inputs, there are only two excitation outputs. Each excitation output can only support two LVDTs, effectively limiting the number of LVDTs that a PSVP can support to four for certain applications. Number of outputs Two servo valve currents Two excitation sources with redundant control capability for LVDT / Rs. Power supply voltage Nominal 28 V dc LVDT accuracy 1% with 16-bit resolution LVDT input filter Low pass filter with 3 down breaks at 50 rad/sec ±15% LVDT common mode range CMR is 15 V dc, 10 V rms at 50/60 Hz LVDT excitation output Frequency of 3.2 ±0.2 kHz Voltage of 7.07 ±0.14 V rms Pulse rate accuracy 0.05% of reading with 16-bit resolution at 50 Hz frame rate Noise of acceleration measurement is less than ±50 Hz/sec for a 10,000 Hz signal being read at 10 ms Pulse rate input sensitivity Required peak-peak (p-p) voltage rises as a function of frequency: 2 Hz requires 28 mV p-p 20 kHz requires 320 mV p-p Magnetic PR pickup signal Generates 150 V p-p into 60 kΩ Servo valve output accuracy 2% with 12-bit resolution Fault detection Servo current out of limits or not responding Regulator feedback signal out of limits Servo suicide Calibration voltage range fault The LVDT excitation is out of range The input signal varies from the voted value by more than the TMR differential limit Failed ID chip Size 8.26 cm high x 4.19 cm wide x 12.1 cm deep (3.25 in x 1.65 in x 4.78 in) Technology Surface-mount † Ambient rating for Operating: -30 to 65ºC (-22 to 149 ºF) enclosure design Note † For further details, refer to the Mark VIe and Mark VIeS Control Systems System Guide, Volume I (GEH-6721_Vol_ I), the chapter Technical Regulations, Standards, and Environments. PSVP Servo Control – Steam GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 451 Non-Public Information 10.1.5 Diagnostics The I/O pack performs the following self-diagnostic tests: • A power-up self-test that includes checks of RAM, flash memory, Ethernet ports, and most of the processor board hardware. Continuous monitoring of the internal power supplies for correct operation. A check of the electronic ID information from the terminal board, acquisition board, and processor board to confirm that the hardware set matches, followed by a check that the application code loaded from flash memory is correct for the hardware set. Each analog input has hardware limit checking based on preset (non-configurable) high and low levels near the end of the operating range. If this limit is exceeded, a logic signal is set and the input is no longer scanned. The L3DIAG_xxxx logic signal refers to the entire board. The pulse rate input has system limit checking based on configurable high and low levels. These limits can be used to generate alarms, to enable/disable, and as latching/non-latching. RSTSYS in the SYS_OUTPUTS blocks resets the out of limits. Refer to GEI-100682, Mark VIe Controller Standard Block Library, the section, System Outputs (SYS_OUTPUTS) for more information. The analog input hardware includes precision reference voltages in each scan. Measured values are compared against expected values and are used to confirm health of the analog to digital converter circuits. Analog output current is sensed on the terminal board using a small burden resistor. The pack conditions this signal and compares it to the commanded current to confirm health of the digital to analog converter circuits. The analog output suicide relay is continuously monitored for agreement between commanded state and feedback indication. Servo coil resistance is calculated based on servo terminal point voltage and current. The calculated resistance is compared against configurable limits to generate open and/or shorted coil alarms. • • • • • • • • Details of the individual diagnostics are available from the ToolboxST application. The diagnostic alarms can be individually latched and then reset with the RSTDIAG parameter in the SYS_OUTPUTS block when the diagnostic condition becomes inactive. Suicide alarms require a RSTSUIC before the servo relays will un-suicide. Excitation alarms require a RSTDIAG to rearm excitation switchover when excitation sharing is used. PSVP LEDs PSVP LEDs LED Label Description Green SV1 Servo #1 is able to output current and not suicided. Green SV2 Servo #2 is able to output current and not suicided. Green EX1 Excitation Output #1 is active and connected to position sensor. Green EX2 Excitation Output #2 is active and connected to position sensor. 452 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 10.1.6 Configuration Note Only the configurations provided in this document have been approved for use. It is not recommended to run the coil ohm calculation for Inlet Guide Vane or Variable Stator Vane servo loops. The higher gain servo loops introduce an AC component to the coil voltage and current. The calculated coil ohm results will be in error due to the out-of- phase AC portions of the coil voltage and current. To disable the coil ohm calculation, set the following parameters to Disable: • OpenCoilSuic Attention • OpenCoildiag • ShrtCoilSuic • ShrtCoildiag Parameter Description Choices ServoOutput# Where # = 1 or 2 Servo Output X measured current in percent. Point Edit (Input Real) RegNumber Maps a specific regulator to a given servo output Unused, Reg1, Reg2 (Default-Unused) Servo_MA_Out Nominal servo current rating in mA 10 mA (default), 20 mA, 40 mA, 80 mA, 120 mA EnablCurSuic Enable Current Suicide Function Enable, Disable (default) EnablFbkSuic Enable Position Feedback Suicide Function Enable, Disable (default) AV_Selector Configuration selector to map one of the specified variables to the PSVP variable, ServoxMonitorNV where x = 1 or 2. Coil_Ohms, Compliance_Voltage, Excitation_Current, mA_cmd_pct, mA_cmd_pct_limit, RCoilLocalOhms, Servo_Screw_ Voltage Curr_Suicide Current command is compared to the actual feedback current. If the error exceeds the configuration limit, Curr_Suicide (%), then the Servo output will suicide. 0 to 100 (default 5) Fdbk_Suicide The position feedback, Regx_Fdbk(%), where x = 1 or 2, is compared against the values, 100% + Fdbk_Suicide(%) and 0% Fdbk_Suicide(%). If Regx_Fdbk(%) is greater than the positive value or less than the negative value, the Servo output will suicide. 0 to 10 (default 5) PSVP Servo Control – Steam GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 453 Non-Public Information Parameter Description Choices OpenCoilSuic If configuration parameter, OpenCoilSuic = Enable, then the servo coil open detection function will suicide the servo if the function detects an open ckt. Set OpenCoildiag = Enable to receive a diagnostic message as to why the servo suicide occurred. Enable, Disable (default) If the Coil_Parallel parameter is set to Coils_Parallel, set OpenCoilSuic to Disable. This allows the servo to keep generating current if one of the two servo coils fails to open. If one coil fails and remains open, the calculated coil resistance value doubles to a value that is at the nominal open circuit threshold. Set the OpenCoilDiag parameter to Enable so the open coil failure is annunciated for this case. Set this parameter to Disable to disable the coil ohm calculation. Refer to the Attention statement at the beginning of this section for further details. ShrtCoilSuic If configuration parameter ShrtCoilSuic = Enable, then the servo coil short ckt. Detection function will suicide the servo if the function detects a short ckt. Set ShrtCoildiag = Enable to receive a diagnostic message as to why the servo suicide occurred. Enable, Disable (default) Set this parameter to Disable to disable the coil ohm calculation. Refer to the Attention statement at the beginning of this section for further details. OpenCoildiag If enabled, a specific diagnostic message is generated to explain why the servo suicide occurred, such as Servo x Suicide due to Open servo coil. Enable, Disable (default) Set this parameter to Disable to disable the coil ohm calculation. Refer to the Attention statement at the beginning of this section for further details. ShrtCoildiag If enabled, a specific diagnostic message is generated to explain why the servo suicide occurred, such as Servo x Suicide due to Short circuit of servo coil. Enable, Disable (default) Set this parameter to Disable to disable the coil ohm calculation. Refer to the Attention statement at the beginning of this section for further details. Coil_Parallel If set to Coils_Parallel then the servo is connected to 2 servo coils wired in parallel. The coil resistance calculation determines the resistance of a single coil for use with the short and open circuit coil protection. If set to Coils_not_parallel, then the servo is connected to a single servo coil. Coils_parallel, Coils_not_parallel (default) TBmAJmpPos This is the SSVP terminal board mA jumper position selection. It should match the jumper selection on the SSVP 10 mA (default), 20 mA, 40 mA, 80 mA, 120 mA A, 120 mA B RopenTimeLim This is the time in seconds required for the open circuit condition of the servo coil to be in effect before a diagnostic and / or suicide of the servo (if enabled) occurs. 0 to 100 (default 1) 454 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information Parameter Description Choices RShrtTimeLim This is the time in seconds required for the short circuit condition of the servo coil to be in effect before a diagnostic and / or suicide of the servo (if enabled) occurs. 0 to 100 (default 1) RcoilOpen This defines the initial value for the open circuit resistance in ohms. After the LVDT calibration, the value for RcoilOpen is 2 * (Servo_ Screw_Volts / Servo Current) measured during the calibration mode. 1 to 10E+09 (default 1000000) RcoilShort This defines the initial value for the short circuit resistance in ohms. After the LVDT calibration, the value for RcoilShort is 0.5 * (Servo_ Screw_Volts / Servo Current) measured during the calibration mode. 1 to 10E+09 (default 0) TMR_DiffLimt Diagnostic limit, TMR Input Vote difference in % 0 to 110 (default 25) Pulse Rates Bipolar input = PRH – PRL Point Edit (Input Real) PRType This defines the speed algorithm used for the pulse rate input. Speed, Speed_High, Speed_ HSNG, Unused PRScale Scaling: pulses per revolution (outputs RPM) 0 to 1000 TeethPerRev Number of teeth on speed wheel (per revolution) 1 to 512 This is the calculation rate of speed in milliseconds. Speed is calculated at this rate and averaged over the previous time interval specified by this period. 5 to 1000 Speed_x_ms Using a value other than an integer multiple of the associated application frame rate can have an adverse impact on use of this in control. Attention Accel_x_ms This is the averaging period for acceleration calculation in milliseconds. The acceleration is calculated every Accel_X_ms. It is based on the difference between two speed samples divided by the sample period. Each acceleration calculation is the average of acceleration over the period specified by this parameter. For example, if Accel_x_ms is 40 then acceleration is the average acceleration over the previous 80 ms. 10 to 1000 Using a value other than an integer multiple of the associated application frame rate can have an adverse impact on use of this in control. Attention Lock_Limit This is the HSNG speed type-locking limit for teeth mapping (percent). 1 to 100 (must be a positive integer) SysLim1Enabl If enabled, System Limit 1 is active. Enable, Disable (default) PSVP Servo Control – Steam GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 455 Non-Public Information Parameter Description Choices SysLim1Latch If enabled, the System Limit 1 function will latch its state if the PulseRate exceeds the limit function defined by SysLim1Type and SysLimit1. Latch (default), NotLatch SysLim1Type Defines the compare function used in the Limit1 expression. ≥ (default), ≤ SysLimit1 Defines Limit1 value to be used for the input, PulseRate. 0 to 20,000 (default 0) SysLim2Enabl If enabled, System Limit 2 is active. Enable, Disable (default) SysLim2Latch If enabled, the System Limit 2 function will latch its state if the PulseRate exceeds the limit function defined by SysLim2Type and SysLimit2. Latch (default), NotLatch SysLim2Type Defines the compare function used in Limit 2’s expression ≥ (default), ≤ SysLimit2 Defines Limit2 value to be used for the input, PulseRate 0 to 20,000 (default 0) TMR_DiffLimt Diagnostic limit, TMR Input Vote difference in % 0 to 20,000 (default 5) Excitation PSVP supports 2 LVDT excitation channels. An individual set of configuration parameters are supplied for each Excitation x where x = 1 through 2. StandAloneDiag Non-shared diagnostic enable, diagnostics cannot be disabled for excitation outputs that have been configured as shared by the Exc_ Sharing parameter Common The following parameters are common for all regulators RegType Regulator Algorithm Type Unused, no_fbk, 1_LVposition, 2_LVpilotCyl, 2_LVposMAX, 2_LVposMIN, 3_LVposMID, 4_LVp/cylMAX RegGain Position loop Gain in % current / Eng Units or usually % current / % position -200 to 200 (default 1) RegNullBias Regulator Null Bias provides a fixed current command in percent to cancel or null the spring force of the valve which will close the valve if the servo suicides or shuts down. -100 to 100 (default 0) TMR_DiffLimt Diagnostic limit, TMR Input Vote difference in % 0 to 150 (default 5) LVDT Parameters PSVP supports six LVDT input channels. An individual set of configuration parameters as listed below are supplied for each LVDTx where x = 1 through 6. Enable Selects this LVDT to be used by the PSVP monitor or position regulator for servo control use Enable or Disable (default) LVDT_Margin This defines the over range in % for the LVDT input. A diagnostic is generated if this value is exceeded. 0 to 100 (default 2) MinVrms LVDT1 V rms is at the minimum end stop of the valve. These values are normally set by the Auto-Calibrate function. 0 to 7.1 (default 1) MaxVrms LVDT1 V rms is at the maximum end stop of the valve. These values are normally set by the Auto-Calibrate function. 0 to 7.1 (default 1) MaxPOSvalue Position in Eng. units (usually %) at the maximum end stop of the valve -15 to 150 (default 100) 456 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ 1 = enable (default), 0 = disable Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information Parameter Description Choices MinPOSvalue Position in Eng. units (usually %) at the minimum end stop of the valve -15 to 150 (default 0) TMR_DiffLimt Diagnostic limit, TMR Input vote difference in % 0 to 150 (default 5) RegType Position regulator used with a single LVDT Input = 1 LV position LVDT1input Defines which LVDT input from the SSVP will be used by the position regulator for input 1 LVDT1, LVDT2, LVDT3, LVDT4, LVDT5, LVDT6, or Unused (default) RegType Pilot cylinder regulator with two LVDT position feedbacks = 2_LVpilotCyl PilotGain Pilot loop gain in % current / Eng. unit -200 to 200 (default 1) LVDT1input Defines which LVDT input from the SSVP will be used for the cylinder feedback mapped into Regx_Fdbk where x = 1 or 2 LVDT1, LVDT2, LVDT3, LVDT4, LVDT5, LVDT6, or Unused (default) LVDT2input Defines which LVDT input from the SSVP will be used for the pilot feedback mapped into PilotFdbk. LVDT1, LVDT2, LVDT3, LVDT4, LVDT5, LVDT6, or Unused (default) RegType Position regulator using the maximum select from 2 LVDT inputs for feedback = 2_LVposMAX LVDT1input Defines which LVDT input from the SSVP the position regulator will use for input 1. LVDT1, LVDT2, LVDT3, LVDT4, LVDT5, LVDT6, or Unused (default) LVDT2input Defines which LVDT input from the SSVP the position regulator will use for input 2. LVDT1, LVDT2, LVDT3, LVDT4, LVDT5, LVDT6, or Unused (default) RegType Position regulator using the minimum select from 2 LVDT inputs for feedback = 2_LVposMIN LVDT1input Defines which LVDT input from the SSVP the position regulator will use for input 1 LVDT1, LVDT2, LVDT3, LVDT4, LVDT5, LVDT6, or Unused (default) LVDT2input Defines which LVDT input from the SSVP the position regulator will use for input 2 LVDT1, LVDT2, LVDT3, LVDT4, LVDT5, LVDT6, or Unused (default) RegType This is the position regulator using the median select from 3 LVDT inputs for feedback. It was originally designed for heavy-duty gas turbines. = 3_LVposMID LVDT1input Defines which LVDT input from the SSVP the position regulator will use for input 1 LVDT1, LVDT2, LVDT3, LVDT4, LVDT5, LVDT6, or Unused (default) LVDT2input Defines which LVDT input from the SSVP the position regulator will use for input 2 LVDT1, LVDT2, LVDT3, LVDT4, LVDT5, LVDT6, or Unused (default) LVDT3input Defines which LVDT input from the SSVP the position regulator will use for input 3 LVDT1, LVDT2, LVDT3, LVDT4, LVDT5, LVDT6, or Unused (default) PSVP Servo Control – Steam GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 457 Non-Public Information Parameter Description Choices RegType Four LVDT pilot cylinder with maximum select of two LVDTs for cylinder feedback and maximum select of two LVDTs for the pilot feedback =4_LVp/cylMAX PilotGain Pilot loop gain in % current / Eng. unit -200 to 200 (default 1) LVDT1input Defines which LVDT input from the SSVP will be used for the first input into the maximum select of the cylinder feedback mapped into Reg_fdbk. LVDT1, LVDT2, LVDT3, LVDT4, LVDT5, LVDT6, or Unused (default) LVDT2input Defines which LVDT input from the SSVP will be used for the second input into the maximum select of the cylinder feedback mapped into Reg_fdbk. LVDT1, LVDT2, LVDT3, LVDT4, LVDT5, LVDT6, or Unused (default) LVDT3input Defines which LVDT input from the SSVP will be used for the first input into the maximum select of the pilot feedback, PilotFdbk. LVDT1, LVDT2, LVDT3, LVDT4, LVDT5, LVDT6, or Unused (default) LVDT4input Defines which LVDT input from the SSVP will be used for the second input into the maximum select of the pilot feedback, PilotFdbk. LVDT1, LVDT2, LVDT3, LVDT4, LVDT5, LVDT6, or Unused (default) RegType Six LVDT pilot cylinder with median select of three LVDT/Rs for cylinder feedback and median select of three LVDT/Rs for the pilot feedback. =6_LVp/cylMID PilotGain Pilot loop gain in % current / Eng. unit -200 to 200 (default 1) LVDT1input Defines which LVDT/R input from the SSVP will be used for the first input into the median select of the cylinder feedback mapped into Reg_fdbk. LVDT1, LVDT2, LVDT3, LVDT4, LVDT5, LVDT6, or Unused (default) LVDT2input Defines which LVDT/R input from the SSVP will be used for the second input into the median select of the cylinder feedback mapped into Reg_fdbk. LVDT1, LVDT2, LVDT3, LVDT4, LVDT5, LVDT6, or Unused (default) LVDT3input Defines which LVDT/R input from the SSVP will be used for the third input into the median select of the cylinder feedback, Reg_fdbk. LVDT1, LVDT2, LVDT3, LVDT4, LVDT5, LVDT6, or Unused (default) LVDT4input Defines which LVDT/R input from the SSVP will be used for the first input into the median select of the pilot feedback, PilotFdbk. LVDT1, LVDT2, LVDT3, LVDT4, LVDT5, LVDT6, or Unused (default) LVDT5input Defines which LVDT/R input from the SSVP will be used for the second input into the median select of the pilot feedback, PilotFdbk. LVDT1, LVDT2, LVDT3, LVDT4, LVDT5, LVDT6, or Unused (default) LVDT6input Defines which LVDT/R input from the SSVP will be used for the third input into the median select of the pilot feedback, PilotFdbk. LVDT1, LVDT2, LVDT3, LVDT4, LVDT5, LVDT6, or Unused (default) MonType Monx equals the scaled value from the LVDT assigned through LVDT1input where x = 1 to 6 = 1_LVposition LVDTxinput where x = 1 LVDTx input selection LVDT1, LVDT2, LVDT3, LVDT4, LVDT5, LVDT6, Unused (default) MonType Monx equals the maximum selected scaled value from two LVDTs assigned through LVDTyinput where x = 1 to 6 and y = 1 to 2. = 2_LVposMAX 458 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information Parameter Description Choices LVDTxinput where x = 1 to 2 LVDTx input selection LVDT1, LVDT2, LVDT3, LVDT4, LVDT5, LVDT6, Unused (default) TMR_DiffLimt Diagnostic limit, TMR Input Vote difference in % -10 to 150 (default 5) MonType Monx equals the minimum selected scaled value from two LVDTs assigned through LVDTyinput where x = 1 to 6 and y = 1 to 2. = 2_LVposMIN LVDTxinput where x = 1 to 2 LVDTx input selection LVDT1, LVDT2, LVDT3, LVDT4, LVDT5, LVDT6, Unused (default) TMR_DiffLimt Diagnostic limit, TMR Input Vote difference in % -10 to 150 (default 5) MonType Monx equals the median selected scaled value from three LVDTs assigned through LVDTyinput where x = 1 to 6 and y = 1 to 3. = 3_LVposMID LVDTxinput where x = 1 to 3 LVDTx input selection LVDT1, LVDT2, LVDT3, LVDT4, LVDT5, LVDT6, Unused (default) TMR_DiffLimit Diagnostic limit, TMR Input Vote difference in % -10 to 150 (default 5) Valid Servo Configurations with TMR I/O (non Pilot / Cylinder) Servo #1 Configuration Option 1 * Coil_Parallel (cfg) Coils_not_parallel RegType (cfg) 3_LVposMID Servo #2 Configuration Option 1 * Coil_Parallel (cfg) Coils_not_parallel RegType (cfg) 3_LVposMID * The parameter Coil_Parallel is not visible in ToolboxST for a TMR PSVP. It is forced by the firmware to Coils_not_parallel. Note LVDT or LVDR position sensors can be used. 1_LVposition, 2_LVposMIN or 2_LVposMAX are supported but are not normally used. PSVP Servo Control – Steam GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 459 Non-Public Information Option One: TMR LVDR and Triple Coil Servo 460 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information Valid Servo Configurations with Dual LVDR and Dual Coil Servo, Coils Not Paralleled If PSVP-S powers on before PSVP-R, the controller selects the PSVP-S signal-space inputs as the voted data to be used. LVDT or LVDR position sensors can be used. 2_LVposMIN, 2_LVposMAX or 3_LVposMID are supported for two or three sensors per servo but are not normally used. Servo #1 Configuration Option 2 Option 2 with fanned inputs Option 3 Option 4 Coil_Parallel (cfg) Coils_not_parallel Coils_not_parallel Coils_not_parallel Coils_not_parallel RegType (cfg) 1_LVposition 2_LVposMAX 1_LVposition 1_LVposition Servo #2 Configuration Option 2 Option 2 Option 2 Option 2 Coil_Parallel (cfg) Coils_not_parallel Coils_not_parallel Coils_not_parallel Coils_not_parallel RegType (cfg) 1_LVposition 1_LVposition 1_LVposition 1_LVposition PSVP Servo Control – Steam GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 461 Non-Public Information Option Two: Dual LVDR and Dual Coil Servo 462 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information Valid Servo Configurations with Simplex LVDR and Dual Coil Servo, Coils Not Paralleled If PSVP-S powers on before PSVP-R, the controller selects the PSVP-S signal-space inputs as the voted data to be used. LVDT or LVDR position sensors can be used. 2_LVposMIN, 2_LVposMAX or 3_LVposMID are supported for two or three sensors per servo but are not normally used. Servo #1 Configuration Option 3 Option 4 Coil_Parallel (cfg) Coils_not_parallel Coil_parallel RegType (cfg) 1_LVposition 1_LVposition Servo #2 Configuration Option 3 Option 3 Coil_Parallel (cfg) Coils_not_parallel Coils_not_parallel RegType (cfg) 1_LVposition 1_LVposition Option Three: Simplex LVDR and Dual Coil Servo with Coils not Paralleled PSVP Servo Control – Steam GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 463 Non-Public Information Valid Servo Configuration with Simplex LVDR and Dual Coil Servo, Coils Paralleled Servo #1 Configuration Option 4 Option 5 Coil_Parallel (cfg) Coil_parallel Coil_parallel RegType (cfg) 1_LVposition 1_LVposition Servo #2 Configuration Option 4 Option 4 Coil_Parallel (cfg) Coil_parallel Coil_parallel RegType (cfg) 1_LVposition 1_LVposition Option Four: Simplex LVDR and Dual Coil Servo with Coils Paralleled If PSVP-S powers on before PSVP-R, the controller selects the PSVP-S signal-space inputs as the voted data to be used. LVDT or LVDR position sensors can be used. 2_LVposMIN, 2_LVposMAX or 3_LVposMID are supported for two or three sensors per servo but are not normally used. 464 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information Controller Software Support for Dual PSVP I/O Configurations In the dual I/O redundancy configuration, the controller(s) use the I/O pack health to determine which I/O pack inputs to use. For example, assume the controller(s) voted or selected PSVP(R) for system inputs. Also assume that LVDT1 input on PSVP (R) is out of range, resulting in an unhealthy LVDT1 input, and LVDT1 from PSVP(S) is healthy. Because PSVP(R) is the voted I/O pack for system inputs, the controller software is constrained due to the unhealthy LVDT1 input. The dual I/O redundancy configuration can be enhanced by using the Pre-Vote block on PSVP(R) and PSVP(S) system inputs. The Pre-Vote block frees the controller software to determine whether the PSVP(R) or PSVP(S) input should be used. Recommended Controller Software Selection Logic for Pre-Vote Outputs Voted Source <R> Healthy <S> Healthy Vote Mismatch Pre-Vote Output to Use <R> or <S> NO NO NO or YES Default to Safe Value <R> or <S> NO YES NO or YES <S> <R> or <S> YES NO NO or YES <R> <R> YES YES NO <R> <S> YES YES NO <S> <R> or <S> YES YES YES ** Application Dependent ** The application determines whether to use either PSVP(R) system input or PSVP(S) system input. Voted Source PSVP(R) or PSVP(S) system inputs are selected for use by controller <R> Healthy PSVP(R) pack is healthy <S> Healthy PSVP(S) pack is healthy Vote Mismatch PSVP(R) system input – PSVP(S) system input > TMR Diff Limit Pre-Vote Output to Use Result of controller software selection logic PSVP Servo Control – Steam GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 465 Non-Public Information Valid Servo Configuration with Simplex LVDR and Dual Coil Servo, Coils Paralleled Servo #1 Configuration Option 5 Coil_Parallel (cfg) Coil_parallel ** RegType (cfg) 1_LVposition Servo #2 Configuration Option 5 Coil_Parallel (cfg) Coil_parallel ** RegType (cfg) 1_LVposition ** This parameter is forced to Coils_Parallel internal to a Simplex PSVP for all regulator types except Pilot/Cylinder. Note LVDT or LVDR position sensors can be used. 2_LVposMIN, 2_LVposMAX, or 3_LVposMID are supported for two or three sensors per servo but are not normally used. Option Five: Simplex LVDR and Dual Coil Servo with Coils Paralleled Note Dual IONet is permissible for frame rates of 25 and 50 Hz. The 100 Hz frame rate is not permissible due to firmware execution limitations. 466 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information Simplex PSVP: Pilot / Cylinder Configuration The Pilot / Cylinder regulator types are used on low-pressure hydraulic systems with an inner pilot position loop. For pilot / cylinder regulator types, both servo outputs should be assigned to the same regulator. Each servo output is configured for ±120 mA current, yielding a total current of ±240 mA. The 2_LVpilotCyl regulator type configuration uses one position sensor for the outer cylinder valve and one position sensor for the inner pilot cylinder loop. Independent excitation outputs are provided on the SSVP to supply 7.07 V rms at 3.2 kHz to the LVDT or LVDR sensor input. The 4_LVp/cylMAX selects the maximum from two position inputs from both the outer cylinder position loop and the inner pilot position loop. The PSVP / WSVO / SSVP provides two excitation outputs. Each excitation output is designed to support two LVDT/R position sensors assuming the total current does not exceed 60 mA. PSVP Servo Control – Steam GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 467 Non-Public Information Servo with Paralleled Coils For a servo with parallel coils, Servo drive #1 and Servo drive #2 are paralleled. Set the Servo Tab configuration parameter, Coil_Parallel to Coils_Parallel for both servos. With this new configuration, the PSVP module allows the suicide to remain enabled for protection. The servos have an isolation contact provided for each servo circuit located on the SSVP. If Servo drive #1 hardware fails, the WSVO suicides Servo drive #1 output. Simultaneously, the SSVP opens the isolation contact controlled by the KS1 relay. The relay isolates Servo drive #1 from Servo drive #2, allowing Servo drive #2 to continue to run. This results in half the rated current of ±120 mA being supplied to the servo valve. Set the Regulator Tab configuration parameter, RegType to 4_LVp/cylMAX. Note Dual IONet is permissible for frame rates of 25 and 50 Hz. The 100 Hz frame rate is not permissible due to firmware execution limitations. Simplex PSVP: Dual Pilot / Dual Cylinder Valves with Dual Coil Servo (coils paralleled) 468 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information For the Simplex PSVP with single pilot and single cylinder and dual coil servo, set the Regulator Tab configuration parameter, RegType to 2_LVpilotCyl. Simplex PSVP: Single Pilot / Single Cylinder Valves with Dual Coil Servo (coils paralleled) PSVP Servo Control – Steam GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 469 Non-Public Information Servo with Non-paralleled Coils If the pilot cylinder servo coils have separate coil connections, set the PSVP Servo Tab configuration parameter, Coil_ Parallel to Coils_not_parallel. For this case, the isolation contacts are always closed and the suicide contacts work like all other servo products. Set the Regulator Tab configuration parameter, RegType to 4_LVp/cylMAX. Note Dual IONet is permissible for frame rates of 25 and 50 Hz. The 100 Hz frame rate is not permissible due to firmware execution limitations. Simplex PSVP: Dual Pilot / Dual Cylinder Valves with Dual Coil Servo (not paralleled) 470 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information For the Simplex PSVP with single pilot and single cylinder and dual coil servos not paralleled, set the Regulator Tab configuration parameter, RegType to 2_LVpilotCyl. Simplex PSVP: Single Pilot / Single Cylinder Valves with Dual Coil Servo (not paralleled) PSVP Servo Control – Steam GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 471 Non-Public Information Dual PSVP: Pilot / Cylinder Configuration The Dual PSVP redundancy configuration provides paralleled servo outputs per PSVP, and each PSVP drives a single servo coil. The dual PSVP configuration provides redundancy for both of the following: • • Servo driver failure on the PSVP, maintaining 100% forcing for the servo coil Servo coil failure with reduced forcing dependent on the overdrive capability of the servo coil The 2_LVpilotCyl regulator type configuration uses one position sensor for the outer cylinder valve and one position sensor for the inner pilot cylinder loop. Independent excitation outputs are provided on the SSVP to supply 7.07 V rms at 3.2 KHz to the LVDT or LVDR sensor input. The 4_LVp/cylMAX selects the maximum from two position inputs from both the outer cylinder position loop and the inner pilot position loop. The PSVP / WSVO / SSVP provides two excitation outputs. Each excitation output is designed to support two LVDT/R position sensors assuming the total current does not exceed 60 mA. The 6_LVp/cylMID selects the median of the three position inputs from both the outer cylinder position loop and the inner pilot position loop. In this configuration, the Excitation Switchover function allows one of the two PSVPs to be powered off while the other still maintains control of the pilot cylinder loop. 472 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information The configuration parameter(s) for the following figure are: Coil_Parallel = Coils_not_parallel RegType = 4_LVp/cylMAX Dual PSVP: Dual Pilot / Dual Cylinder Valves with Dual Coil Servo PSVP Servo Control – Steam GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 473 Non-Public Information Servo with Non-paralleled Coils The pilot / cylinder servo with individual coil connections and servo outputs paralleled is supported. In this configuration, the PSVP Servo Tab configuration parameter, Coil_Parallel entry is not used. The PSVP firmware overrides this selection, forcing the PSVP servo outputs to be paralleled per PSVP. Note The paralleled servo coils configuration is not supported. 474 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information The configuration parameter(s) for the following figure are: RegType = 2_LVpilotCyl Dual PSVP: Single Pilot / Single Cylinder Valves with Dual Coil Servo PSVP Servo Control – Steam GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 475 Non-Public Information The configuration parameter(s) for the following figure are: RegType = 6_LVp/cylMID Dual PSVP: Triple Pilot / Triple Cylinder LVDRs with Dual Coil Servo 476 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information TMR PSVP: Pilot / Cylinder Configuration The TMR PSVP redundancy for Pilot / Cylinder configuration provides three fully independent sets of PSVP electronics. Each PSVP has its regulator configured as RegType = 2_LVpilotCyl, inputting a single independent position feedback for both the pilot and operating cylinder valves. The 2_LVpilotCyl position regulator output generates a servo current command for Servo drive #1 and Servo drive #2. PSVP <R>, PSVP <S> and PSVP <T> Servo drive #1 outputs are paralleled together to control the current to Coil #1. Likewise, Servo drive #2 outputs are paralleled to drive Coil #2. The maximum current applied to each coil is limited depending upon the number of operating Servo drives paralleled. PSVP Servo Control – Steam GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 477 Non-Public Information The configuration parameter(s) for the following figure are: RegType = 2_LVpilotCyl TMR PSVP: Single Pilot / Single Cylinder Valves with Dual Coil Servo 478 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information PSVP Position Regulators The following seven servo position regulators are supported by the PSVP: • • • • • • • Single LVDT/R position feedback, RegType = 1_LVposition Dual LVDT/R feedback minimum select, RegType = 2_LVposMIN Dual LVDT/R feedback maximum select, RegType = 2_LVposMAX Triple LVDT/R position feedback middle select, RegType = 3_LVposMID Single LVDT/R pilot cylinder, RegType = 2_LVpilotCyl Dual LVDT/R pilot cylinder maximum select, RegType = 4_LVp/cylMAX Triple LVDT/R pilot cylinder middle select, RegType = 6_LVp/cylMID There is an eighth position regulator option, RegType = no_fbk. With this option, a position regulator runs in the control software, and the PSVP provides the position feedback through the system input variable, Regn_fdbk where n = 1 or 2. The controller’s position regulator output can be assigned to the System output, Regn_Ref where the PSVP maps this value to the current regulator command. Each of the position regulator types are comprised of the following blocks: • • • Feedback Conditioning Proportional Regulator Calibration section The configuration parameter RegType determines the number of feedback position sensors. In addition, it determines the initial position feedback selection. Before the selection process takes place, the Reg_Calc_Position block scales the position sensor feedback from V rms to percent, where usually 100% is defined as a fully open valve. An out-of-range check is performed on the V rms position value before the scaling takes place. The out-of-range limit is defined by the configuration parameter LVDT_Margin in units of percent. An out-of-range is declared if the V rms value is less than –LVDT_Margin(%) or greater than LVDT_Margin(%) + 100% of the feedback range. RegType No. of Position Sensors Selection Criteria 1_LVposition 1 No selection required. 2_LVposMIN 2 Select the minimum of the two position sensors. 2_LVposMAX 2 Select the maximum of the two position sensors. 3_LVposMID 3 Select the middle value from the three position values. 2_LVpilotCyl 1 pilot sensor 1 cylinder sensor No selection required. 4_LVp/cylMAX 2 pilot sensors 2 cylinder sensors Select the maximum from the two pilot sensor values, and select the maximum from the two cylinder sensor values. 6_LVp/cylMID 3 pilot sensors 3 cylinder sensors Select the median from the three pilot sensor values, and select the median from the three cylinder sensor values. PSVP Servo Control – Steam GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 479 Non-Public Information After the selection of the sensor feedback is complete, the selected position feedback runs through a limit check function. The limits are defined by the configuration parameter Fdbk_Suicide. The value is units of percent of feedback. A value of 5% would declare an exceeded limit if the selected position feedback is greater than 105% or less than –5% where 100% is usually defined as a fully open valve. For the 2_LVpilotCyl, the 4_LVp/cylMAX, and the 6_LVp/cylMID regulator types, the position feedback PilotFdbkn is used for the limit check. If the configuration parameter EnabFbkSuic = TRUE and the Fdbk_ Suicide limit is exceeded, the servo output will suicide (zero current). This condition implies that the feedback has gone open loop due to either a damaged sensor or a sensor excitation / feedback wiring open or short. The proportional regulator error Regn_Error is equal to the reference command from the controller Regn_Ref minus the resultant position sensor feedback Regn_Fdbk where n is the regulator number 1 or 2. The position regulator output is defined as: Servo_mA_refs(%) = Regn_Error(%) * RegGain(%servo current / % valve position) + (RegNullBias(% current) + Regn_NullCor(% current)) where Servo_mA_refs is the analog current regulator command in percent of servo current nominal of 10, 20, 40, 80, or 120 mA • • • RegGain is the configuration parameter defining the gain from percent position to percent servo current. RegNullBias is the portion of current required to null the spring force of the servo actuator. For 3-coil servos, the null bias will be ⅓ of the total. For 2-coil individual, the null bias will be ½ of the total. For 2-coil paralleled or single coil servos, the null bias is assigned 100% of the total current needed to balance the spring force. Regn_NullCor is used by the controller to correct a null bias imbalance if one of the PSVPs in a dual or TMR redundancy configuration goes offline or the servo output suicides. At startup or when a new PSVP is installed on site, a servo valve calibration should be performed. During the calibration procedure, the servo is used to push the valve to the maximum open-end point and the maximum closed-end point. At these end points, the LVDT/R feedback voltage is read and stored. The PSVP uses this value for scaling purposes when the Reg_ Calc_Position function runs. Note Servo regulator configuration settings (RegGain, and so forth) are application and site specific. Consult the equipment specific Controls Setting Specification or equivalent document for proper configuration. 480 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information PSVP Servo Control – Steam GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 481 Non-Public Information 482 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information PSVP Servo Control – Steam GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 483 Non-Public Information 484 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information PSVP Servo Control – Steam GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 485 Non-Public Information 486 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information PSVP Servo Control – Steam GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 487 Non-Public Information 488 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information Module Level Parameters Parameter Description Choices Exc_Sharing Connections for sharing excitation of LVDT (for dual configuration only) For example: R1_S1 and R2_S2 means Excitation output 1 of R PSVP and output 1 of S PSVP connected to the same LVDT coil Excitation output 2 of R PSVP and output 2 of S PSVP connected to the same LVDT coil Unused R1_S1_only, R2_S2_only, R1_S1_and_R2_S2 Serial_Links These are the serial link cable connections where upper refers to the serial connectors at the top of the SSVP and lower refers to the serial connectors at the bottom of the SSVP. All connections from A labeled connectors must go to A connectors on other SSVPs. All connections from B connectors must go to B connectors on other SSVPs. Upper connectors can only be connected to lower connectors. For dual systems, only R and S can be used with connections R_ Upper_to_S_Lower or R_Lower_to_S_Upper. Unused R_upper_to_S_lower R_lower_to_S_upper For TMR systems, there are only two available combinations of connections. They are uniquely identified by one connection pair selected from the option list. R_Upper_to_S_Lower option configures: R upper connected to S lower S upper connected to T lower T upper connected to R lower R_Lower_to_S_Upper option configures: R upper connected to T lower S upper connected to R lower T upper connected to S lower AccelCalTime This is the acceleration calculation time for speed algorithms Speed and Speed_High. Use integer multiples of controller frame period. 0 to 100 ms (default is 100) SystemLimits Allows user to temporarily disable all system limit checks for testing purposes. Setting this parameter to Disable will cause a diagnostic alarm to occur. Enable (default), Disable PSVP Servo Control – Steam GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 489 Non-Public Information PSVP Variable Definitions Name Description Description Type L3DIAG_PSVP PSVP I/O diagnostic indication Input non-voted Boolean 3 bits LINK_OK_PSVP PSVP I/O Link OK indication Input non-voted Boolean 3 bits ATTN_PSVP PSVP I/O attention indication Input non-voted Boolean 3 bits PS18V_PSVP PSVP I/O 18 V power supply indication Input non-voted Boolean 3 bits PS28V_PSVP PSVP I/O 28 V power supply indication Input non-voted Boolean 3 bits IOPackTmpr PSVP I/O pack temperature in degrees °F Analog input non-voted Real Rx_SuicideNV ServoOutputx suicide relay status where x = 1 or 2 Input non-voted Boolean 3 bits Regx_CalibratedNV Regulator x (x=1 or 2) has been calibrated. Input non-voted Boolean 3 bits Reg1_Suicide ServoOutput1 suicide relay status Input voted Boolean Reg2_Suicide ServoOutput2 suicide relay status Input voted Boolean HSNG_Stat Pulse rate high speed next generation stability status (TRUE for tooth to tooth distance inside Lock_Limit for tooth geometry compensation) Input voted Boolean RegCalMode Regulator under calibration Input voted Boolean Reg1_Fdbk Regulator 1 position feedback Analog input voted REAL Reg2_Fdbk Regulator 2 position feedback Analog input voted REAL PilotFdbk1 Regulator 1 pilot feedback when 2_LvpilotCyl or 4_ LVp/cylMax Analog input voted REAL PilotFdbk2 Regulator 2 pilot feedback when 2_LvpilotCyl or 4_ LVp/cylMax Analog input voted REAL Reg1_Error Position error for the regulator 1 position loops Analog input voted REAL Reg2_Error Position error for the regulator 2 position loops Analog input voted REAL Accel Acceleration value of the variable PulseRate Analog input voted REAL Monx where x = 1 to 6 Value assigned to Monx based on configuration parameters found in the Monitor tab Analog input voted REAL Exn_ActiveNV Excitation #n active(on) where n = 1 or 2 Input non-voted Boolean 3 bits Excit_Monx Excitation monitor x (V rms) where x = 1 or 2 Analog input voted REAL ServoOutx Servo output x measured current (%) where x = 1 or 2 Analog input non-voted Real ServoxMonitorNV Servo x AvSelection monitor where x = 1 or 2 Analog input non-voted Real CalibEnab1 Enable calibration regulator 1 Output Boolean CalibEnab2 Enable calibration regulator 2 Output Boolean SuicidForcex Force suicide on servo x where x = 1 or 2 Output Boolean Regx_Ref Regulator x position reference (%) where x = 1 or 2 Output Boolean Regx_NullCor Regulator x null bias correction (%) where x = 1 or 2 Output Boolean SysLimxPR System limit for pulse rate input X, where x=1 or 2 Input Boolean ActivateCalibCmd Activate calibration command Inputed voted Boolean 490 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 10.2 PSVP Specific Alarms The following alarms are specific to the PSVP I/O pack 45 Description Calibration Mode Enabled Possible Cause • The variable CalibEnab# has been set to True and the user has selected the Calibration Mode button in the Calibrate Valve dialog. Solution • • This alarm is active to annunciate that the pack is in a special mode where servo suicide protection has been disabled, and the user needs to take special precautions in this mode. Exit calibration mode and set CalibEnab# to False. 46 Description PSVP not online, servos suicided Possible Cause Servo outputs suicided because I/O pack was offline. This alarm is not visible until the pack goes back online, so it should be inactive when visible. If the reason for the offline state is unknown, proceed to the solutions. Solution • • Verify that the controller is online. Verify that network connections to the pack are okay. PSVP Servo Control – Steam GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 491 Non-Public Information 47-48 Description Servo current #[ ] disagrees w/ ref, suicided Possible Cause • • • • • Possible open circuit in servo current loop Servo current feedback does not match servo current command within specified Cur_Suicide percentage and EnablCurSuic is enabled. Jumper configuration set incorrectly Open or shorted servo coil I/O pack hardware failure Solution • • • • • Check the field wiring for an open loop. Check for servo open coil. Verify the proper settings of SSVP hardware jumpers. Verify the proper setting of configuration parameters and tuning of servo. Replace the PSVP and WSVO. 52-53 Description Servo current #[ ] short circuit Possible Cause • • • Servo short circuit detection enabled (ShrtCoildiag) and low resistance measured Possible shorted servo coil Shorted coil threshold (RcoilShort) or shorted coil time limit (RShrtTimeLim) set incorrectly Solution • • • Verify the proper servo ohm value. Set AV_Selector to the value Coil_OHMS (build/download), and view the measured coil resistance displayed in Servo#MonitorNV_R,S,T. Verify that the measured resistance matches the actual coil resistance, and it is above RcoilShort value. Note For pilot/cylinder regulator types it may be necessary to lower the value of RcoilShort (calculated by the calibration) if the measured value of Coil_Ohms is noisy enough to cause a short circuit alarm at low currents. • • • 492 Verify that the RcoilShort is set to the proper value. Re-calibrate to update measured resistance values. Verify the proper setting on the Servo_MA_Out parameter. Verify that the terminal board jumpers match the configuration. GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 57-58 Description Servo current #[ ] open circuit Possible Cause • • • • Servo open circuit detection enabled (OpenCoildiag) and low resistance measured Possible open servo coil Open coil threshold (RcoilOpen) or open coil time limit (RopenTimeLim) set incorrectly PPRO K4CL relay activated. Solution • • • Check field wiring for possible open circuit. Verify the proper servo ohm value. Set AV_Selector to value Coil_OHMS (build/download) and view the measured coil resistance displayed in Servo#MonitorNV_R,S,T. Verify that the measured resistance matches actual coil resistance, and is below value. Note For pilot/cylinder regulator types, it may be necessary to raise the value of RcoilOpen (calculated by the calibration) if the measured value of Coil_Ohms is noisy enough to cause an open circuit alarm at low currents. • • • Verify that the RcoilOpen is set to the proper value. Re-calibrate to update measured resistance values. Verify that the terminal board jumpers match the configuration. Check state of K4Cl relay. 62-63 Description Servo position #[ ] fdbk out of range, suicided Possible Cause • • LVDT position feedback outside specified range LVDT inputs not calibrated or V rms limits incorrect Solution • • • • Check field wiring including shields and LVDT excitation. The problem is usually not a PSVP or terminal board failure if other LVDT inputs are working correctly. Check the LVDT sensor. Calibrate the servo regulator with the proper LVDT. Verify that LVDT_Margin is set to the proper value. PSVP Servo Control – Steam GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 493 Non-Public Information 67-68 Description Regulator #[ ] configuration error-Error Category [ ] Possible Cause Configuration settings incorrect for specified regulator type: • • • • • • • Category 0 error = inactive alarm Category 1 error = servo used but no regulator type is assigned to the designated regulator Category 2 error = servo does not have a valid regulator assigned to it Category 3 error = LVDT sensors required for the designated regulator type are unused Category 4 error = LVDT min and max V rms are configured the same Category 5 error = Coil_Parallel parameter value not supported for selected PSVP redundancy Category 6 error = LVDT required for regulator is not enabled Solution • • • • Check the regulator configuration settings. Verify that the LVDT input setup (Max/Min limits) matches the regulator configuration. Verify that the configured regulators are used by the proper servos. Verify that the LVDTs used are enabled. 69 Description Dual Ethernets not supported with 10 msec frame rate Possible Cause The second Ethernet port is connected, but not supported for a 10 ms frame rate. Solution Remove the second Ethernet connection to the I/O pack. 494 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 73-74 Description Lvdt excitation #[ ] voltage or current out of range-Error Category [ ] Possible Cause • • • • Possible short or open inexcitation voltage Excitation diagnostics for unused excitation outputs have not been disabled. Excitation voltage or current too low Loss of serial communications between PSVP modules if excitation sharing is enabled. Solution • • • • • • • • • Check that excitation voltage at SSVP screws is approximately 7 V rms If serial link faults are indicated, correct serial link problems first. Serial link faults may cause shared excitation sources to energize simultaneously. Set parameter StandAloneDiag to 0 for unused excitation outputs. If excitation is shared with another PSVP that has no excitation faults then replace PSVP and WSVO, then replace SSVP. A diagnostic reset is required to reset the fault for shared excitation, and to enable the backup excitation source to be re-armed for excitation switchover. If proper voltage is verified, check field wiring from terminal board to the LVDT sensor and LVDT electrical integrity for shorted or open coil. If improper voltage at screws is detected, replace PSVP and WSVO, then replace SSVP. Category 1 failure = voltage low Category 2 failure = current low Category 3 failure = detection logic failure (replace PSVP) PSVP Servo Control – Steam GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 495 Non-Public Information 77 Description Servo Output Assignment Mismatch Possible Cause • • • Regulator types 2_LVpilotCyl, 4_LVp/cylMAX, and 6_LVp/cylMID require two servos assigned to a single regulator. Only one regulator should be enabled. Servos must have matching parameter (RegNumber) values, as well as matching parameter values for Servo_MA_Out and TBmAJmpPos. Solution • • • Verify that both servos specify the configured regulator. Verify that only one regulator is enabled. Verify that the configuration parameters (RegNumber, Servo_MA_Out , and TBmAJmpPos) are the same for both servos. 80-85 Description LVDT [ ] Position Out of Limit Possible Cause • • • Excitation to LVDT, bad transducer, or open or short-circuit. LVDT input is out of range. LVDT has not been calibrated. Solution • • • • • Check field wiring including shields and LVDT excitation. The problem is usually not a PSVP/SSVP failure if other LVDT inputs are working correctly. Check LVDT sensor. Calibrate servo regulator with the proper LVDT. Verify the configuration limits, MinVrms and MaxVrms. Verify that LVDT_Margin is set to the proper value. 90-97 Description Power supply [ ]V out of range, voltage = [ ]V Possible Cause • Specified internal power supply voltage is incorrect. Solution • • 496 Replace the WSVO. If the problem still exists, replace the PSVP. GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 98 Description Pack internal reference voltage out of limits, voltage = ([ ])V Possible Cause The calibration reference voltage is more than ±5% from the expected value, indicating a hardware failure. Solution • • Cycle power on the PSVP. Replace the PSVP. 99 Description Pack internal null voltage out of limits, voltage = ([ ])V Possible Cause The null voltage is more than ±5% from the expected value, indicating a hardware failure. Solution • • Cycle power on the PSVP. Replace the PSVP. 100-101 Description Lvdt backup excitation #[ ] not available Possible Cause • • Possible short in excitation voltage Excitation voltage too low Solution This diagnostic is only generated for shared excitation where the standby excitation source has failed internally to the PSVP I/O module. Replace the PSVP and WSVO, then replace the SSVP. 110-111 Description Servo Coil #[ ] not within resistance limits Possible Cause • During calibration, the measured servo coil resistance was out of range. Note As a result of this alarm condition, RCoilShort and RCoilOpen values were not saved during calibration, resulting in Servo Coil Open and Short Detection functions being disabled. Solution • • • Verify that Servo_MA_Out setting matches the terminal board jumpers. Verify servo coil resistance. Verify field wiring. PSVP Servo Control – Steam GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 497 Non-Public Information 120-121 Description Servo #[ ] Suicided Possible Cause • • • • Servo suicided Regulator feedback out of range Servo Current feedback differs from Servo Current command Open or shorted coil detected Solution • • • • LVDT feedback issue: Check LVDT connections. Check LVDT mechanical integrity to the valve. Check for wiring of servo output loop for open or short circuit. Check for a short or an open servo coil. 122 Description SSVP Serial Communications Cabling Error: Board Network Ports (#[ ] connected to each other Possible Cause • • #1 - Direct cable connection between upper and lower left serial connectors [Connector JUA cabled to connector JLA] on the same terminal board #2 - Direct cable connection between upper and lower right serial connectors [Connector JUB cabled to connector JLB] on the same terminal board Solution • • • • 498 Remove extraneous cables. Connect private serial network cables to adjacent SSVP board. Adjust configuration data to agree with corrected cable connections. Refer to diagrams in the PSVP Servo Control, Configuration section for proper serial connections between PSVP assemblies. GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 123 Description SSVP Serial Communications Cabling Error: Redundant Cables on Network "A" (Left side) Possible Cause • Private Serial "A" upper and lower connectors are both connected to the same SSVP board. Solution • • • Remove the extra cable connection. Adjust the configuration data to agree with the remaining single connection. Refer to diagrams in the PSVP Servo Control, Configuration section for proper serial connections between PSVP assemblies. 124 Description SSVP Serial Communications Cabling Error: Redundant Cables on Network "B" (Right side) Possible Cause • Private Serial "B" upper and lower connectors are both connected to the same SSVP board. Solution • • • Remove extra cable connection. Adjust configuration data to agree with remaining single connection. Refer to diagrams in the PSVP Servo Control, Configuration section for proper serial connections between PSVP assemblies. 125 Description SSVP Serial Communications Failure: Upper Left ("A") Network Possible Cause • • • • Adjacent SSVP connected to upper left "A" network has rebooted Cable not connected properly Communications driver failure on SSVP "A" (Left side) and "B" (Right side) networks are cross connected to each other. Solution • • • • • • Verify that adjacent PSVP pack is operational. Verify cable connection. Replace the adyacent PSVP pack and/or SSVP terminal board. Replace the local PSVP pack and/or SSVP terminal board. Remove left-to-right network cross connections. Refer to diagrams in the PSVP Servo Control, Configuration section for proper serial connections between PSVP assemblies. PSVP Servo Control – Steam GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 499 Non-Public Information 126 Description SSVP Serial Communications Failure: Upper Right ("B") Network Possible Cause • • • • Adjacent SSVP connected to upper left "B" network has rebooted. Cable not connected properly. Communications driver failure on SSVP. "A" (Left side) and "B" (Right side) networks are cross connected to each other. Solution • • • • • • Verify that adjacent PSVP pack is operational. Verify cable connection. Replace the adjacent PSVP pack and/or SSVP terminal board. Replace the local PSVP pack and/or SSVP terminal board. Remove left-to-right network cross connections. Refer to diagrams in the PSVP Servo Control, Configuration section for proper serial connections between PSVP assemblies. 127 Description SSVP Serial Communications Failure: Lower Left ("A") Network Possible Cause • • • • Adjacent SSVP connected to lower left "A" network has rebooted. Cable not connected properly. Communications driver failure on SSVP. "A" (Left side) and "B" (Right side) networks are cross connected to each other. Solution • • • • • • 500 Verify that adjacent PSVP pack is operational. Verify cable connection. Replace the adjacent PSVP pack and/or SSVP terminal board. Replace the local PSVP pack and/or SSVP terminal board. Remove left-to-right network cross connections. Refer to diagrams in the PSVP Servo Control, Configuration section for proper serial connections between PSVP assemblies. GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 128 Description SSVP Serial Communications Failure: Lower Right ("B") Network Possible Cause • • • • Adjacent SSVP connected to lower left "B" network has rebooted. Cable not connected properly Communications driver failure on SSVP "A" (Left side) and "B" (Right side) networks are cross connected to each other. Solution • • • • • • Verify that adjacent PSVP pack is operational. Verify cable connection. Replace the adjacent PSVP pack and/or SSVP terminal board. Replace the local PSVP pack and/or SSVP terminal board. Remove left-to-right network cross connections. Refer to diagrams in the PSVP Servo Control, Configuration section for proper serial connections between PSVP assemblies. 129 Description SSVP Serial Communications Configuration or Wiring Error: Error Category = [ ] Possible Cause • • • • • • • • • • Category #1: excitation sharing defined, but serial comm is Not Used Category #2: unexpected data received on upper left ("A") network, unused port Category #3: unexpected data received on upper right ("B") network, unused port Category #4: unexpected data received on lower left ("A") network, unused port Category #5: unexpected data received on lower right ("B") network, unused port Category #6: unexpected data received on upper left ("A") network, wrong pack sending data Category #7: unexpected data received on upper right ("B") network, wrong pack sending data Category #8: unexpected data received on lower left ("A") network, wrong pack sending data Category #9: unexpected data received on lower right ("B") network, wrong pack sending data Category #10: Regulator Type 2_LVpilotCyl in TMR topology, but serial comm is Not Used Solution • Category #1: • − For Simplex or TMR: from the Parameters tab, set Exc_Sharing to Unused. − For Dual: from the Parameters tab, set Serial_Links to a selection other than Unused. Category #2-9: change Serial_Links from R_Lower_to_S_Upper to R_Upper_to_S_Lower or the other way around as appropriate. Check the cabling between the packs. Ensure that the serial ports are connected in agreement with the Serial_Links setting. Category #10: Set Serial_Links to a selection other than Unused when the TMR 2_LVpilotCyl application is used. • 130 Description Calibration mode permissive cleared because multiple SSVP serial links are faulted PSVP Servo Control – Steam GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 501 Non-Public Information Possible Cause • • LVDT excitation configured for sharing and both SSVP serial links are faulted TMR 2_LVpilotCyl application is used, and multiple SSVP serial links are faulted Solution • • • • • • • Verify that the adjacent PSVP is operational. Check all serial cable connections. Clear alarms 125-128 as appropriate. Replace the adjacent PSVP I/O pack and/or the SSVP terminal board. Replace the local PSVP I/O pack and/or the SSVP terminal board. Remove left-to-right network cross connections. Refer to the section, PSVP Servo Control - Steam, Configuration for proper serial connections between PSVP assemblies. Set the Exc_Sharing parameter to Unused if in TMR configuration for PSVP. 144 Description Logic Signal [ ] Voting Mismatch Possible Cause N/A Solution N/A 224-247 Description Input Signal [ ] Voting Mismatch, Local=[ ], Voted=[ ] Possible Cause • • • Voter disagreement between R, S and T packs Mismatch in the coil resistance Reg[ ]_Gain is set too high for the specified TMR_DiffLimt value Solution • Adjust the parameters for each input type as follows: • • − If input variable is PulseRate[ ], adjust TMR_DiffLimt on the Pulse Rates tab. − If input parameter is Reg[ ]_Fdbk, adjust TMR_DiffLimt on the Regulators tab. − If input variable is Mon[ ], adjust TMR_DiffLimt on the Monitors tab. − If the input parameter is LVDT[ ], adjust the TMR_DiffLimit on the LVDTs tab. − If input variable is ServoOutput[ ], adjust TMR_DiffLimt on the Regulators tab. Check for a mismatch in the coil resistance. Check parameter Reg[ ]_Gain settings and adjust TMR_DiffLimt. 502 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 10.3 SSVP Servo Input/Output Terminal Board 10.3.1 Functional Description The Servo I/O (SSVP) terminal board connects to two electro-hydraulic servo valves that actuate the steam valves. Valve position is measured with linear variable differential transformers (LVDT) or linear variable differential reluctance transformers (LVDR). SSVP is designed specifically for the PSVP I/O pack and the WSVO servo driver. It does not work with the VSVO board or the PSVO pack. The SSVP is a simplex terminal board. Dual redundancy is supported by using two SSVPs and fanning the inputs externally. Likewise, for TMR redundancy, use three SSVPs and fan the LVDT inputs externally by using jumpers to send the signal from one SSVP to another SSVP. A single 28 V dc supply comes in through plug P28IN. Plugs JD1 or JD2 are for an external trip from the protection module. Note T1 through T2 isolation transformers provide galvanic isolation between the SSVP’s excitation output driver and the primary-side of the LVDT/R position sensor. SSVP Terminal Board PSVP Servo Control – Steam GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 503 Non-Public Information Terminal Board Options The SSVP accepts direct mounting of the PSVPH1A I/O pack and the WSVOH1A servo driver module. There are four options for the SSVP terminal board: • • • • SSVPH1A provides the 24-point barrier style input connector. SSVPH2A provides the Euro style box-type terminal blocks. IS230SSVPH1A barrier style with subassembly IS230SSVPH2A Euro style box-type terminal blocks with subassembly The IS230SSVPHxx is a subassembly comprised of the PSVP I/O pack, the WSVO servo driver, the SSVP terminal board, and the DIN-rail mechanical assembly. Subassembly PSVP WSVO SSVP Description IS230SSVPH1A H1A H1A H1A DIN-rail subassembly with a SSVP providing a 24-point barrier-strip type customer connector IS230SSVPH2A H1A H1A H2A DIN-rail subassembly with a SSVP providing a Euro style box-type terminal blocks 10.3.2 Installation Sensors and servo valves are wired directly to the TB1 I/O terminal block. The block is held down with two screws and has 24 terminals accepting up to #12 AWG wiring. A shield terminal strip attached to chassis ground is located immediately to the left of the terminal block. External trip wiring is plugged into either JD1 or JD2. Note The SSVP can only be used with the PSVP I/O pack. Each SSVP servo output can support one coil of a three-coil electro-hydraulic servo-actuator or paralleled-coils from a two-coil servo. Based on the rated coil current, the user selects the current limiting resistor value to limit thermal stress on the current driver in case of a shorted output. Jumper, JP1 selects the resistor value for Servo 1 and JP2 is for Servo 2. The P28 power input for the PSVP and WSVO comes into the servo through the SSVP connector labeled P28IN. Switch, SW1 is used to enable the P28 bus that feeds the PSVP pack and the WSVO servo driver module. The LED labeled P28IN lights if 28 V dc has been applied to the SSVP. The P28ON LED will remain OFF until the user turns SW1 to the P28ON position. The RED LED on SSVP labeled PSVP_ONLY will light if a PSVO instead of a PSVP I/O pack is accidently plugged into the JA1 connector. Connecting to the PSVP The SSVP simplex terminal board has one DC-62 pin connector, JA1 to accommodate the PSVP pack. The JA1 inputs LVDT and the pulse rate signals from the SSVP input circuits. It outputs current command signals to the WSVO and receives feedback status information from the WSVO. It outputs excitation reference to the excitation drivers on the SSVP. It supports I/O from the RS-422 drivers to support the Private Serial Network used to control the excitation switchover and the isolation protection for servos paralleled. 504 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information Connecting to the WSVO The JA2 connector is for the WSVO servo driver module. The WSVO module is held down with four screws. If a diagnostic indicates a servo problem, it is recommended to replace both the PSVP pack and the WSVO servo driver module. Turn the SSVP input power switch, SW1 to OFF before removing the PSVP, WSVO, TB1, P28 connector, and serial connectors. Attention 10.3.3 Operation The SSVP servo terminal board provides two channels consisting of bi-directional servo current outputs, six channels of LVDT/R position feedback, two channels of LVDT/R excitation, and one pulse rate input. There is a choice of one, two, or three LVDT/Rs for each servo control loop. The single pulse rate input is used for the steam turbine primary speed and is not designed for a flow-type pulse-rate input. Each servo output is equipped with an individual suicide relay under firmware control that shorts the current output to common when de-energized, and recovers to nominal limits after a manual reset command is issued. Each servo output also includes an isolation relay on the SSVP to isolate a short from other servos that are connected in parallel to the suicided servo. Diagnostics monitor the output status of each servo voltage, current, and suicide relay. Each of the servo output channels are designed to drive a single coil or parallel coils. The servo outputs are also designed to be paralleled as shown in the PSVP configuration section. Servo cable lengths up to 300 m (984 ft) are supported with a maximum two-way cable resistance of 15 Ω. Since there are many types of servo coils, a variety of bi-directional current sources are jumper selectable. A trip override relay K1 is provided on the terminal board, which is driven from the PPRO protection I/O pack. If an emergency overspeed condition is detected in the protection module, the K1 relay energizes, disconnects the servo output, and applies a bias to drive the control valve closed. This is only used on simplex applications to protect against the servo amplifier failing high, and is functional only with respect to the servo coils driven from <R>. Note The primary and emergency overspeed systems will trip the hydraulic solenoids independent of this circuit. PSVP Servo Control – Steam GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 505 Non-Public Information SSVP Operational Flow 1 of 2 506 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information SSVP Operational Flow 2 of 2 PSVP Servo Control – Steam GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 507 Non-Public Information TMR For Option One: TMR LVDR and Triple Coil Servo (refer to the figure, Option One: TMR LVDR and Triple Coil Servo), the LVDT/R signals are fanned externally through customer wiring to LVDT inputs SSVP_R, SSVP_S, and SSVP_T. For 3-coil servos, SSVP_R servo output connects to coil one, SSVP_S connects to coil two, and SSVP_T connects to the third coil of the 3-coil servo actuator. Redundant power for the TMR configuration is handled by independent 28 V dc sources for each SSVP. The PSVP also provides TMR support for the Pilot/Cylinder configuration. A TMR PSVP: Single Pilot/Single Cylinder Valves with Dual Coil Servos allows for three independent PSVPs, each inputting one Pilot position feedback and one Cylinder position feedback running the 2LVpilotCyl position regulator. Each PSVP provides one servo driver output for Coil #1 and the other servo driver output for Coil #2. This configuration allows Coil #1 servo drivers from PSVP <R>, <S> and <T> to be paralleled; likewise, for Coil #2 servo drivers. Servo Coils The following table defines the standard servo coil resistance and their associated internal resistance, selected with the terminal board jumpers. In addition to these standard servo coils, it is possible to drive non-standard coils by using a non-standard jumper setting. For example, an 80 mA, 125 Ω coil could be driven by using a jumper setting 120B. The excitation source is isolated from signal common (floating) and is capable of operation at common mode voltages up to 15 V dc, or 10 V rms, 50/60 Hz. Note Servo configuration settings (RegGain, jumpers, and so forth) are application and site specific. Consult the equipment specific Controls Setting Specification or equivalent document for proper configuration. Servo Coil Resistance and Associated Internal Resistance Current Rating Current Coil Resistance (Ohms) Internal Resistance (Ohms) 10 ±10 mA 1000 170 ±10% 20 ±20 mA 125 432 ±10% 40 ±40 mA 62 - 89 185 ±10% 80 ±80 mA 22 105 ±10% 120A ±120 mA (A) 40 18 ±10% 120B ±120 mA (B) 75 0 Note This table does not apply when servo driver outputs are paralleled. 508 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information The governing equation for determining if the user needs to select a non-standard terminal board jumper position is R ILIM_Calculated = (12,000 / Servo_MA_OUT) — RCOIL / Coil_Parallel - 10 where: R ILIM_CALCULATED is the maximum terminal board current-limiting resistance in ohms the WSVO servo driver can withstand to push 100% Servo_MA_OUT current through the coil. A negative value implies an unreal resistance highlighting an incorrect value for RCOIL, Servo_MA_OUT, and so forth. Servo_MA_OUT is the configuration parameter in the ToolboxST Servo Component Editor, Hardware tab, PSVO or PSVP, Servo tab. The value in milli-amperes defines the servo actuator nominal current. RCOIL is the servo actuator resistance per coil in ohms. Coil_Parallel is the configuration parameter found in the ToolboxST Component Editor, Hardware tab, PSVO or PSVP, Servo tab. The value equals 1 for a single coil and equals 2 for two coils paralleled. If the inequality Jumper Setting Internal Resistance (from table above) > R ILIM_CALCULATED is True, then the WSVO will not have the capability to drive 100% current. Select the next lowest terminal board current-limiting resistance from the Internal Resistance column in the Servo Coil Resistance and Associated Internal Resistance table. If the new Internal Resistance value meets the condition Jumper Setting Internal Resistance ≤ R ILIM_CALCULATED The following is an example of this formula: R ILIM_Calculated = (12,000 / 80) - 125 / 1 - 10 = 15 ohms where only one single servo driver output used, the servo actuator resistance is 125 ohms per coil, the nominal current is 80 mA and the servo actuator coils are not paralleled. Based on this calculation, Jumper 120B is selected with the ToolboxST application PSVO or PSVP configuration parameters defined as given in the equation above. PSVP Servo Control – Steam GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 509 Non-Public Information Valve Position Control valve position is sensed with either a three or four-wire LVDT, or a three-wire linear variable differential reluctance (LVDR) transducer. Redundancy implementations for the feedback devices are determined by the application software to allow the maximum flexibility. LVDT/Rs can be mounted up to 300 m (984 ft) from the turbine control with a maximum two-way cable resistance of 15 Ω. Note Refer to the section, PSVP Servo Control, Operation, Recommended Wiring Practices. Two LVDT/R transformer-isolated excitation sources are located on the terminal board. Excitation voltage is 7.07 V rms, and the frequency is 3.2 kHz with a total harmonic distortion of less than 1%. A typical LVDT/R has an output of 0.7 V rms at the zero stroke position of the valve stem, and an output of 3.5 V rms at the designed maximum stoke position (some applications have these reversed). The LVDT/R input is converted to dc and conditioned with a low pass filter. Diagnostics perform a high/low (hardware) limit check on the input signal and a high/low system (software) limit check. The pulse rate input supports a single passive magnetic pickup only. The TTL type active pulse rate transducer is not supported. The MPU can be located up to 300 m (984 ft) from the turbine control cabinet. This assumes shielded-pair cable is used with typically 70 nF single ended or 35 nF differential capacitance, and 15 Ω resistance. A frequency range of 2 to 20 kHz can be monitored. Magnetic pickups typically have an output resistance of 200 Ω and an inductance of 85 mH excluding cable characteristics. The transducer is a high-impedance source, generating energy levels insufficient to cause a spark. 510 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 10.3.4 Specifications Item SSVP Specification Number of inputs Six LVDT windings One pulse rate signal, magnetic pickup sensor only External trip signal to shut off servo outputs Number of outputs Two servo valves, ±(10, 20, 40, 80, 120) mA Two excitation sources for LVDT / Rs (transformer isolation) Power supply voltage Nominal 28 V dc from single supply, P28 Pin 1 is Hi Pin 2 is Lo Power supply current 1.5 A dc (Poly-Fuse or current limit rating for each input is 1 A dc) LVDT excitation output Frequency of 3.2 ±0.2 kHz Voltage of 7.07 ±0.14 V rms Pulse rate input sensitivity Required peak-peak (p-p) voltage rises as a function of frequency: 2 Hz requires 28 mV p-p 20 kHz requires 320 mV p-p Magnetic PR pickup signal Generates 150 V p-p into 60 Ω Fault detection Servo current out of limits or not responding Regulator feedback signal out of limits Failed ID chip Size 15.875 cm high x 20.32 cm wide (6.25 in x 8 in) Technology Surface-mount PSVP Servo Control – Steam GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 511 Non-Public Information 10.3.5 Diagnostics PSVP makes diagnostic checks on the terminal board components as follows: • • • The output servo current is out of limits or not responding, creating a fault. The regulator feedback (LVDT) signal is out of limits, creating a fault. If the associated regulator has two sensors, the bad sensor is removed from the feedback calculation and the good sensor is used. If any one of the above signals goes unhealthy a composite diagnostic alarm, L3DIAG_PSVP occurs. Details of the individual diagnostics are available from the ToolboxST application. The diagnostic signals can be individually latched and reset with the RESET_DIA signal if they go healthy. 10.3.6 Configuration In a simplex system, servo 1 is configured for the correct coil current with jumper JP1. Servo 2 is configured with jumper JP2. In a TMR non-pilot/cylinder system, one servo from three different SSVPs provides the drivers needed for three coils. In this case, the LVDT inputs are fanned externally to all three SSVPs. All other servo board configuration is done from the ToolboxST application. Note Power must be applied to P28IN connector. Verify that the P28IN LED is lit, the SW1 switch is ON, and the P28ON power indicator is lit. 512 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 11 PTUR, YTUR Turbine Specific Primary Trip 11.1 Mark VIe PTUR Primary Turbine Protection I/O Pack The Turbine Specific Primary Trip (PTUR) I/O pack provides the electrical interface between one or two I/O Ethernet networks and a turbine control terminal board. The PTUR contains a processor board common to the distributed I/O packs, a board specific to the turbine control function, and an analog acquisition daughterboard. The I/O pack plugs into the TTURH1C terminal board and handles four speed sensor inputs, bus and generator voltage inputs, shaft voltage and current signals, eight flame sensors, and outputs to the main breaker. Input to the pack is through dual RJ-45 Ethernet connectors and a three-pin power input. Output is through a DC-62 pin connector that connects directly with the associated terminal board connector. Visual diagnostics are provided through indicator LEDs. As an alternative to TTURH1C, three PTUR I/O packs can be plugged directly into a TRPAH1A terminal board. This arrangement handles four speed inputs per PTUR, or alternately fans the first four inputs into all three PTURs. Two solid-state primary trip relays are provided by the TRPA. This arrangement does not support bus and generator voltage inputs, shaft voltage or current signals, flame sensors, or main breaker output. For simplex applications, the STUR terminal boards can be used. KTURH1A board BTURH1A board TTURH1C Turbine Terminal Board Processor board Single or dual Ethernet cables ENET1 ENET2 K25 and K25P output Speed Sensor inputs Shaft Voltage Bus & Gen. Voltages External 28 V dc power supply ENET1 ENET2 28 V dc 3 PTUR packs for TMR operation ENET1 1 PTUR pack for Simplex operation ENET2 28 V dc Trip signals, 8 flame detectors, to TRPx PTUR, YTUR Turbine Specific Primary Trip GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 513 Non-Public Information 11.1.1 Compatibility The PTUR I/O pack includes one of the following compatible BPPx processor boards: • • The PTURH1A contains a BPPB processor board. The PTURH1B contains a functionally compatible BPPC processor board that is supported in the ControlST* software suite V04.07 and later. TMR Compatible Trip and Terminal Boards Terminal Board Trip Board TTUR H1C TRPA H1A TRPA H2A No Trip Board X X X TRPA H1A TRPA H2A TRPG H1B TRPG H3B TRPL H1A TRPS H1A X X X X X X Simplex Compatible Trip and Terminal Boards Terminal Board Trip Board TTUR H1C No Trip Board TRPG H2B TRPS H1A 514 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ X X STUR H1A STUR H2A STUR H3A X X X X X STUR H4A X X Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 11.1.2 Installation In 240 V ac applications, do not inadvertently cross-connect the 240 V ac and the dc voltages. The peak voltage will exceed the Transorb rating, resulting in a failure. Caution Most ac supplies operate with a grounded neutral, and if an inadvertent connection between the 125 V dc and the ac voltage is created, the sum of the ac peak voltage and the 125 V dc is applied to Transorbs connected between dc and ground. However, in 120 V ac applications, the Transorb rating can withstand the peak voltage without causing a failure. ➢ To install the PTUR I/O pack 1. Securely mount the desired terminal board. 2. Directly plug the PTUR I/O pack into the terminal board connectors. 3. Mechanically secure the I/O pack(s) using the threaded studs adjacent to the Ethernet ports. The studs slide into a mounting bracket specific to the terminal board type. The bracket location should be adjusted such that there is no right-angle force applied to the DC-62 pin connector between the I/O pack and the terminal board. The adjustment should only be required once in the service life of the product. Note The PTUR mounts directly to a TTUR, STUR, or TRPA terminal board. The TMR TTUR and TRPA have three DC-62 pin connectors for I/O packs. For simplex, either STUR or TTUR can be used. 4. Plug in one or two Ethernet cables depending on the system configuration. The I/O pack will operate over either port. If dual connections are used, the standard practice is to connect ENET1 to the network associated with the R controller. 5. Apply power to the I/O pack by plugging in the connector on the side of the I/O pack. It is not necessary to remove power from the cable before plugging it in because the I/O pack has inherent soft-start capability that controls current inrush on power application. 6. Use the ToolboxST* application to configure the I/O pack as necessary. Refer to GEH-6700, ToolboxST User Guide for Mark VIe Control, for more information. • • • Connectors The DC 62-pin connector on the underside of the I/O pack connects directly to a discrete output terminal board. The RJ-45 Ethernet connector (ENET1) on the I/O pack side is the primary system interface. The second RJ-45 Ethernet connector (ENET2) on the I/O pack side is the redundant or secondary system interface. Note The terminal board provides fused power output from a power source that is applied directly to the terminal board, not through the I/O pack connector. PTUR, YTUR Turbine Specific Primary Trip GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 515 Non-Public Information 11.1.3 Operation Refer to the following sections in the GEH-6721_Vol_II, the chapter, Common Module Content: • • • • • • Auto-reconfiguration BPPx Processor Processor LEDs Power Management ID Line Common Module Alarms Analog Input Hardware In simplex applications, up to four pulse rate signals may be used to measure turbine speed. The PTUR I/O pack contains circuits to convert pulse rate inputs to digital speed. Generator and bus voltages are brought into PTUR for automatic synchronizing in conjunction with the turbine controller and GE excitation system. TTUR has permissive generator synchronizing relays and controls the main breaker relay coil 52G. Shaft voltage is picked up with brushes and monitored along with the current to the machine case. PTUR alarms high voltages and tests the integrity and continuity of the circuitry. In TMR applications there are separate sets of four speed inputs for each PTUR, R, S, and T. All other inputs fan to the three PTUR I/O packs. Control signals from R, S, and T are voted before they actuate permissive relays K25 and K25P. Relay K25A is controlled by the PPRO. All three relays have two normally open contacts in series with the breaker close coil. 516 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information PTUR with TTURH1C Terminal Board, Simplex System PTUR, YTUR Turbine Specific Primary Trip GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 517 Non-Public Information Speed Pickups An interface is provided for four passive, magnetic speed inputs with a frequency range of 2 to 20,000 Hz. Using passive pickups on a sixty-tooth wheel, circuit sensitivity allows detection of 2-RPM turning gear speed to determine if the turbine is stopped (zero speed). If automatic turning gear engagement is provided in the turbine control, this signal initiates turning gear operation. Note The median speed signal is used for speed control and for the primary overspeed trip signal. Pulse rate inputs can be configured for a variety of applications. When using the configuration parameter PRType, flow type is used for flow divider fuel flow measurements. Speed type is used for normal single shaft turbines. Speed_High type provides extended speed range above the standard speed type. Speed_LM type is designed for LM applications. Speed_HSNG type is used for applications where compensation for inconsistent tooth spacing on the speed wheel is desired. This pulse rate type will map the spacing of the teeth on the speed wheel to remove this periodic variation from speed measurements. Mapping locked status bits (HSNGn_Stat) are in signal space so that the mapping status of the algorithm can be observed. If the status indicator for a pulse rate input is false, then the mapping algorithm sees too much variation in the tooth-tooth measurements to lock onto the tooth geometry. Note The primary overspeed trip calculations are performed in the controller using algorithms similar to (but not the same as) those in the PPRO. The optional fast overspeed trip for gas turbines runs in the PTUR. The Lock_Limit parameter can be adjusted in 1% increments to allow for more tooth-to-tooth variation per revolution caused by some of the following issues: • • • Magnetized speed wheel Electro-magnetic interference from outside sources Improper wiring or shielding practices Increasing the Lock_Limit value will allow the HSNG speed algorithm to stay locked with increased variation. The cost for opening the Lock_Limit is that it will allow for more speed variation. If the speed variation is too high when opening up the Lock_Limit, go to the source of the problem as listed above and correct the issue there. Attention 518 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information PTUR I/O Packs with TTURH1C Terminal Board, TMR System PTUR, YTUR Turbine Specific Primary Trip GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 519 Non-Public Information Primary Trip Solenoid Interface The normal primary overspeed trip is calculated in the controller and passed to the PTUR and then to the chosen primary trip terminal board. TRPx contains relays for interface with the electrical trip devices (ETD). TRPx typically works in conjunction with an emergency trip board (TREx) to form the primary and emergency sides of the interface to the ETDs. The PTUR supports up to three ETDs driven from each TRPx/TREx combination. There are a number of different trip boards supported by the PTUR: • • • • TRPG is targeted at gas turbine applications and works in conjunction with TREG for emergency trip. TRPS is used for small and medium size steam turbine systems and is controlled by the PTUR I/O pack. TRPL is intended for large steam turbine systems and is controlled by the PTUR I/O pack for emergency trip. TRPA and TREA are used for Aero applications. In support of the trip board operation, the PTUR provides a number of discrete inputs used to monitor signals, such as trip relay position, synchronizing relay coil drive, and ETD power status. Synchronizing System The synchronizing system interfaces to the breaker close coil through the TTURH1C terminal board. Three Mark VIe control relays must be picked up, plus external permissions must be true, before a breaker can be closed. Both sides of the breaker close coil power bus must be connected to the TTUR board. This provides diagnostic information and measures the breaker closure time, through the normally open breaker auxiliary contact, for optimization. The breaker close circuit is rated to make (close) 10 A at 125 V dc, but to open only 0.6 A. A normally open auxiliary contact on the breaker is required to interrupt the closing coil current. The K25P relay is directly driven from the controller application code. In a TMR system, it is driven from R, S, and T, using 2 out of 3 logic voting. For a simplex system, it may be configured by jumper to be driven from R only. The K25 relay is driven from the PTUR auto sync algorithm, which is managed by the controller application code. In a TMR system, it is driven from R, S, and T, using 2 out of 3 logic voting. For a simplex system, it may be configured by jumper to be driven from R only. The K25A relay is located on TTUR, but is driven from the PPRO sync check algorithm, which is managed by the controller application code. The relay is driven from the PPRO, using 2 out of 3 logic voting in TREG/L/S. The sync check relay driver (located on TREG/L/S) is connected to the K25A relay coil (located on TTUR) through cabling from the J2 connector to TRPG/L/S. It then goes through JR1 (and JS1, JT1) to JR4 (and JS4, JT4) on TTUR. 520 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information Synchronizing Modes There are four basic synchronizing modes: Off, Manual, Auto, and Monitor: Off The breaker cannot be closed by the controller. The K25A check relay will not pick up. Manual The operator initiates breaker close, which is still subject to the K25A Sync Check contacts driven by the PPRO or YPRO. The manual close is initiated from an external contact on the generator panel, normally connected in series with a sync mode in manual contact. Auto The system automatically matches voltage and speed, and then closes the breaker at the right time to hit top dead center on the synchroscope. All three of the following functions must agree for this closure to occur: • • • K25A - sync check relay, checks the allowable slip or phase window, from the PPRO or YPRO K25 - auto sync relay, provides precision synchronization, from the PTUR or YTUR K25P - sync sequence permissive, checks the turbine sequence status, from the PTUR or YTUR The K25A relay should close before the K25 or else the sync check function will interfere with the auto sync optimizing. If this sequence does not run, a diagnostic alarm occurs, a lockout signal is set to True. The application code may prevent any further attempts to synchronize until a reset is issued and the correct coordination is set up. Monitor The monitor mode is identical to the auto sync mode except it blocks the actual closure of the K25 relay contacts. The intended K25 breaker closure command can be monitored using the parameter L25_Command. Monitor mode is used to verify that the performance of the system is correct; it is used as a confidence builder. Automatic Synchronizing All synchronizing connections are located on the TTUR terminal board. The generator and bus voltages are provided by two, single phase, potential transformers (PTs) with a fused secondary output supplying a nominal 115 V rms. The PTs are external to the TTUR, and it is the secondary output of these PTs that ties to the PT inputs of the TTUR. Measurement accuracy between the zero crossing for the bus and generator voltage circuits is 1 degree. Turbine speed is matched against the bus frequency. The generator and bus voltages are matched by adjusting the generator field excitation voltage from commands sent between the turbine controller and the excitation controller over the Unit Data Highway (UDH). A command is given to close the breaker when all permissions are satisfied. The breaker is predicted to close within the calculated phase or slip window. Feedback of the actual breaker closing time is provided by a 52G/a contact from the generator breaker (not an auxiliary relay) to update the database. An internal K25A sync check relay is provided on the TTUR. The independent backup phase or slip calculation for this relay is performed in the PPRO or YPRO. Diagnostics monitor the relay coil and contact closures to determine if the relay properly energizes or de-energizes upon command. PTUR, YTUR Turbine Specific Primary Trip GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 521 Non-Public Information Auto Sync Application Code The application code must sequence the turbine and bring it to a state where it is ready for the generator to synchronize with the system bus. For automatic synchronization, the code must: • • • • • Match speeds Match voltages Energize the sync permissive relay, K25P Arm (grant permission to) the sync check function (PPRO, K25A) Arm (grant permission to) the auto sync function (PTUR, K25) The following illustrations represent positive slip (Gen) and negative phase (Gen). Automatic Synchronizing Algorithm The PTUR or YTUR runs the auto sync algorithm. Its basic function is to monitor two Potential Transformer (PT) inputs, generator and bus, to calculate phase and slip difference, and when armed (enabled) from the application code, and when the calculations anticipate top center, to attempt a breaker closure by energizing relay K25. The algorithm uses the zero voltage crossing technique to calculate phase, slip, and acceleration. It compensates for breaker closure time delay (configurable), with self-adaptive control when enabled, with configurable limits. It is interrupt driven and must have generator voltage to function. The configuration can manage the timing on two separate breakers. The algorithm has a bypass function, two signals for redundancy, to provide dead bus and Manual Breaker Closures. It anticipates top dead center; therefore, it uses a projected window, based on current phase, slip, acceleration, and breaker closure time. To pickup K25, the generator must be currently lagging, have been lagging for the last 10 consecutive cycles, and projected (anticipated) to be leading when the breaker actually reaches closure. Auto sync will not allow the breaker to close with negative slip. In this fashion, assuming the correct breaker closure time has been acquired, and the sync check relay is not interfering, breaker closures with less than 1 degree error can be obtained. Slip is the difference frequency (Hz), positive when the generator is faster than the bus. Positive phase means the generator is leading the bus; the generator is ahead in time, or the right hand side on the synchroscope. The standard window is fixed and is not configurable. However, a special window has been provided for synchronous condenser applications where a more permissive window is needed. It is selectable with a signal space Boolean and has a configurable slip parameter. The algorithm validates both PT inputs with a requirement of 50% nominal amplitude or greater; that is, they must exceed approximately 60 V rms before they are accepted as legitimate signals. This is to guard against cross talk under open circuit conditions. The monitor mode is used to verify that the performance of the system is correct and to block the actual closure of the K25 relay contacts. It is used as a confidence builder. The signal space Input Gen_Sync_Lo will become true if the K25 contacts are closed when they should not be closed, or if the Sync Check K25A is not picked up before the Auto Sync K25. It is latched and can be reset with Sync_Reset. The algorithm compensates for breaker closure time delay, with a nominal breaker close time, provided in the configuration in milliseconds. This compensation is adjusted with self-adaptive control, based upon the measured breaker close time. The adjustment is made in increments of one cycle (16.6/20 ms) per breaker closure and is limited in authority to a configurable parameter. If the adjustment reaches the limit, a diagnostic alarm, Breaker Slower/Faster Than Limits Allows is posted. 522 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information The Auto Sync K25 function uses zero voltage crossing techniques. It compensates for the breaker time delay, which is defined by two adjustable constants with logic selection between the two (for two breaker applications). The calculations, which are done on the PTUR or YTUR I/O pack, include phase, slip, acceleration, and anticipated time lead for the breaker delay. Based on the measured breaker close time, the time delay parameter is adjusted, up to certain limits. In addition, auto sync arms logic to enable the function, and bypasses logic to provide for deadbus or manual closure. The auto sync projected sync window is displayed below, where positive slip indicates that the generator frequency is higher than the bus frequency. Auto Sync Projected Window The projected window is based on current phase, current slip, and current acceleration. The generator must currently be lagging and have been lagging for the last 10 consecutive cycles, and projected (anticipated) to be leading when the breaker actually reaches closure. Auto sync will not allow the breaker to close with negative slip; speed matching typically aims at around + 0.12 Hz slip. PTUR, YTUR Turbine Specific Primary Trip GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 523 Non-Public Information Automatic Synchronizing Algorithm 524 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information Synchronization Testing The hardware interface may be verified by forcing the three synchronizing relays, individually or in combination. If the breaker close coil is connected to the TTUR terminal board, then the breaker must be disabled so as not to actually connect the generator to the system bus. ➢ To verify the hardware interface 1. Operate the K25P relay by forcing output signal Sync Perm found under PTUR, card points. Verify that the K25P relay is functional by probing TTUR screws 3 and 4. The application code has direct control of this relay. 2. Simulate generator voltage on TTUR screws 17 and 18. Operate the K25 relay by forcing TTUR, card point output signals Sync_Bypass1 =1, and Sync_Bypass0 = 0. Verify that the K25 relay is functional by probing screws 4 and 5 on TTUR. 3. Simulate generator voltage on SPRO screws 1 and 2. Operate the K25A relay by forcing SPRO, card point output signals SynCK_Bypass =1, and SynCk_Perm 1. The bus voltage must be zero (dead bus) for this test to be functional. Verify that the K25A relay is functional by probing screws 5 and 6 on TTUR. ➢ To simulate a synchronization 1. Disable the breaker. 2. Establish the center frequency of the PPRO I/O pack PLL. From the Hardware tab Tree View, select the PPRO. 3. Select the K25A tab and locate the signal, K25A_Fdbk, ReferFreq. a. If ReferFreq is configured PR_Std, and the PPRO is configured for a single shaft machine, apply rated speed (frequency) to input PulseRate1. Terminal Board Screw Pairs TPRO 31/32 37/38 43/44 SPRO 19/20 b. If ReferFreq is configured PR_Std, and the PPRO is configured for a multiple shaft machine, apply rated speed (frequency) to input PulseRate 2. Terminal Board Screw Pairs TPRO 33/34 39/40 45/46 SPRO 21/22 c. 4. If ReferFreq is configured SgSpace, force the PPRO signal space output DriveRef to 50 or 60 (Hz), depending on the system frequency. Apply the bus voltage, a nominal 115 V ac, 50/60 Hz, to TTUR screws 19 and 20, and to SPRO screws 3 and 4. PTUR, YTUR Turbine Specific Primary Trip GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 525 Non-Public Information 5. Apply the generator voltage, a nominal 115 V ac, adjustable frequency, to TTUR screws 17 and 18 and to SPRO screws 1 and 2. Adjust the frequency to a value giving positive slip, that is PTUR signal GenFreqDiff of 0.1 to 0.2 Hz. (10 to 5 sec scope). 6. Force the following signals to the TRUE state: − − − PTUR, Sync_Perm, then K25P should pick up PTUR, Sync_Perm_AS, then K25 should pulse when the voltages are in phase PPRO, SynCK_Perm, then K25A should pulse when the voltages are in phase 7. Verify that the TTUR breaker close interface circuit, screws 3 to 7, is being made (contacts closed) when the voltages are in phase. 8. Run a trend chart on the following signals: − − 9. PPRO: GenFreqDiff, GenPhaseDiff, L25A_Command, K25A_Fdbk PTUR: GenFreqDiff, GenPhaseDiff, L25_Command, CB_K25_PU, CB_K25A_PU Use an oscilloscope, voltmeter, synchroscope, or a light to verify that the relays are pulsing at approximately the correct time. 10. Examine the trend chart and verify that the correlation between the phase and the close commands is correct. 11. Increase the slip frequency to 0.5 Hz and verify that K25 and K25A stop pulsing and are open. 12. Return the slip frequency to 0.1 to 0.2 Hz, and verify that K25 and K25A are pulsing. 13. Reduce the generator voltage to 40 V ac and verify that K25 and K25A stop pulsing and are open. Fast Overspeed Trip In special cases where a fast overspeed trip system is required, the PTUR Fast Overspeed Trip algorithms can be enabled. The system employs a speed measurement algorithm using a calculation for a predetermined tooth wheel. The fast trips are linked to the output trip relays with an OR-gate. The PTUR computes the overspeed trip instead of the controller, so the trip is very fast. The time from the overspeed input to the completed relay dropout is 30 ms or less. The following two overspeed algorithms are available: 526 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information PR_Single uses two redundant PTURs by splitting up the two redundant PR transducers, one to each board. PR_Single provides redundancy and is the preferred algorithm for LM gas turbines. Signal Space Outputs Input Config. param. Signal Space Inputs PTUR I/O Pack Firmware Scaling RPM Input, PR1 PR 1Type, PR 1Scale 2 PulseRate2 PulseRate3 PulseRate4 AccelCal Type d RPM/sec dt RPM ------ Four Pulse Rate Circuits ------RPM/sec Accel1 Accel2 RPM Accel3 RPM/sec Accel4 RPM RPM/sec PulseRate1 Accel1 PulseRate2 Accel2 PulseRate3 Accel3 PulseRate4 Accel4 Fast Overspeed Protection FastTripType PR_Single PR1Setpoint PR1TrEnable PR1TrPerm PR2Setpoint PR2TrEnable PR2TrPerm PR3Setpoint PR3TrEnable PR3TrPerm PR4Setpoint PR4TrEnable PR4TrPerm InForChanA PulseRate1 A A >B B S FastOS1Trip R PulseRate2 A A >B B S FastOS2Trip R PulseRate3 A A >B B S FastOS3Trip R PulseRate4 A A >B B S FastOS4Trip R Accel1 Accel2 Input Accel3 cct. Accel4 select AccelA AccASetpoint A A>B B S AccATrip R AccelAEnab AccelAPerm InForChanB Accel1 Accel2 Input Accel3 cct. Accel4 select AccBSetpoint AccelB A A>B B S AccBTrip R AccelBEnab AccelBPerm Master Reset (MRESET) MarkVIe, SYS_OUTPUT block Kq1 PTR1_Output Kq2 OR Fast Trip Path False = Run True = Run Primary Trip Relay, normal Path, True= Run AND Primary Trip Relay, normal Path, True= Run AND True = Run Primary Trip Relay, normal Path, True= Run AND True = Run Output, J4,PTR 1 Output, J4,PTR 2 PTR 2_Output Kq3 Output, J4,PTR 3 PTR 3_Output PTUR, YTUR Turbine Specific Primary Trip GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 527 Non-Public Information PR_Max uses one PTUR connected to the two redundant PR transducers. PR_Max allows broken shaft and deceleration protection without the risk of a nuisance trip if one transducer is lost. Signal Space Outputs Input, PR1 PR1Type, PR1Scale 2 RPM _d dt PulseRate2 Accel1 Accel2 Accel3 Accel4 PulseRate3 PulseRate4 AccelCalType FastTripType Signal Space Inputs Input Config. PTUR I /O Pack Firmware Scaling Param. PulseRate1 PR_Max Four Pulse Rate Circuits RPM/sec RPM RPM/sec RPM RPM/sec RPM RPM/sec PulseRate1 Accel1 PulseRate2 Accel2 PulseRate3 Accel3 PulseRate4 Accel4 Fast Overspeed Protection DecelPerm DecelEnab DecelStpt InForChanA InForChanB Accel1 Accel2 Accel3 Accel4 PulseRate1 PulseRate2 PulseRate3 PulseRate4 AccelA Input cct . Select for AccelA and AccelB A A<B B Neg AccelB Neg PulseRateA PulseRateB PulseRate1 PulseRate2 MAX FastOS1Stpt FastOS1Enab FastOS1Perm S DecelTrip R A A> B B PR1/2Max A A>B B S FastOS 1Trip R PR3/4Max PulseRate3 PulseRate4 MAX A A>B B FastOS2Stpt FastOS2Enab FastOS2Perm S FastOS 2Trip R N/C PR1/2Max PR3/4Max DiffSetpoint DiffEnab DiffPerm Master Reset (MRESET ) MarkVIe, SYS_OUTPUT block Kq1 PTR 1_Output Kq2 PTR 2_Output Kq3 PTR 3_Output 528 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ N/C A |A-B| B A A>B B FastOS 3Trip FastOS 4Trip S FastDiffTrip R OR Primary Trip Relay , normal Path, True=Run AND Primary Trip Relay , normal Path, True=Run AND Primary Trip Relay , normal Path, True=Run AND Fast Trip Path False = Run True=Run True=Run True=Run Output, J4, PTR 1 Output, J4, PTR2 Output, J4, PTR3 Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information Shaft Voltage and Current Monitor Bearings can be damaged by the flow of electrical current from the shaft to the case. This current can occur for several reasons: • • • A static voltage can be caused by droplets of water being thrown off the last stage buckets in a steam turbine. This voltage builds up until a discharge occurs through the bearing oil film. An ac ripple on the dc generator field can produce an ac voltage on the shaft with respect to ground through the capacitance of the field winding and insulation. Note that both of these sources are weak, so high impedance instrumentation is used to measure these voltages with respect to ground. A voltage can be generated between the ends of the generator shaft due to dissymmetries in the generator magnetic circuits. If the insulated bearings on the generator shaft break down, the current flows from one end of the shaft through the bearings and frame to the other end. Brushes can be used to discharge damaging voltage buildup, and a shunt should be used to monitor the current flow. Note The dc test is driven from the R controller only. If the R controller is down, this test cannot be run successfully. The turbine control continuously monitors the shaft to ground voltage and current, and alarms excessive levels. There is an ac test mode and a dc test mode. The ac test applies an ac voltage to test the integrity of the measuring circuit. The dc test checks the continuity of the external circuit, including the brushes, turbine shaft, and the interconnecting wire. Flame Detectors With the TRPG primary trip terminal board, the primary protection system monitors signals from eight flame detectors. With no flame present the detector charges up to the supply voltage. The presence of flame causes the detector to charge to a level and then discharge through the TRPG. As the flame intensity increases, the discharge frequency increases. When the detector discharges, the primary protection system converts the discharged energy into a voltage pulse. The pulse rate varies from 0 to 1,000 pulses/sec. These voltage pulses are fanned out to all three modules. Voltage pulses above 2.5 V generate a logic high. Pulses are counted over a 40 ms period in a counter to generate the flame detector pulse rate. Note Refer to GEH-6721_Vol_II, the chapter Power Distribution Modules, the section, PSFD Flame Detector Power Supply. 11.1.4 Specifications Item PTUR Specification Number of inputs 4 Passive speed pickups 1 Shaft voltage and 1 current measurement 1 Generator and 1 bus voltage Generator breaker status Eight flame detectors from TRPG Number of outputs Automatic synchronizing control to main breaker Primary trip solenoid interface, 3 outputs to TRPG Speed sensor range MPU pulse rate range 2 Hz to 20 kHz Speed sensor accuracy MPU pulse rate accuracy 0.05% of reading from 2 Hz to 20 kHz The voted speed from the TMR-configured PTUR I/O packs meets the UCTE OH – Policy 1, ±10 mHz accuracy requirement for a frequency in the range of 2000 to 5600 hertz. Speed input sensitivity Required peak-peak (p-p) voltage rises as a function of frequency: 2 Hz requires 24 mV p-p Turning gear speed may be observed on a typical turbine application. 20 kHz requires 276 mV p-p PTUR, YTUR Turbine Specific Primary Trip GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 529 Non-Public Information Item PTUR Specification Shaft voltage monitor Signal is frequency of ±5 V dc (0 – 1 MHz) pulses from 0 to 2,000 Hz Shaft voltage dc test Applies a 5 V dc source to test integrity of the circuit. Circuit reads a differential resistance between 0 and 150 Ω within ±5 Ω. Readings above the BrushLimit ohms setting indicate a fault. Returned signal is filtered to provide 40 dB of noise attenuation at 60 Hz. Shaft voltage ac test Applies a test voltage of 2 kHz to the input of the PTUR shaft voltage circuit. Shaft current input Measures shaft current in amps ac (shunt voltage up to 0.1 V pp) Generator and bus voltage sensors Two single phase potential transformers, with secondary output supplying a nominal 115 V rms. These PTs are external to the TTUR, and it is the secondary output of these PTs that ties to the PT inputs of the TTUR. Each PT input on the TTUR has less than 3 VA of loading. Allowable voltage range for sync is 75 to 130 V rms with an accuracy of ±0.5% (of the measurement range). Synchronizing measurements Frequency accuracy 0.05% over 45 to 66 Hz range. Zero crossing of the inputs is monitored on the rising slope. Phase difference measurement is better than ±1°. Contact voltage sensing 20 V dc indicates high and 6 V dc indicates low. Each circuit is optically isolated and filtered for 4 ms. Size 8.26 cm High x 4.19 cm Wide x 12.1 cm Deep (3.25 in x 1.65 in x 4.78 in) † Ambient rating for enclosure design PTURH1B is rated from -40 to 70ºC (-40 to 158 ºF) PTURH1A is rated from -30 to 65ºC (-22 to 149 ºF) Technology Surface mount Note † For further details, refer to the Mark VIe and Mark VIeS Control Systems System Guide, Volume I (GEH-6721_Vol_ I), the chapter Technical Regulations, Standards, and Environments. 530 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 11.1.5 Diagnostics The I/O pack performs the following self-diagnostic tests: • • • • • • • • A power-up self-test that includes checks of RAM, flash memory, Ethernet ports, and most of the processor board hardware. Continuous monitoring of the internal power supplies for correct operation. L3BKR_GXS – the Sync Check Relay on TTUR is Slow. Breaker #1 Slower than Adjustment Limit Allows. Breaker #2 Slower than Adjustment Limit Allows. Synchronization Trouble – the K25 Relay on TTUR Locked Up. A check of the electronic ID information from the terminal board, acquisition board, and processor board to confirm that the hardware set matches, followed by a check that the application code loaded from flash memory is correct for the hardware set. Diagnostic information includes status of the solenoid relay driver, contact, high and low flame detector voltage, and the sync relays. If any one of the signals goes unhealthy a composite diagnostic alarm, L3DIAG_PTUR occurs. The diagnostic signals can be individually latched, and then reset with the RESET_DIA signal if they go healthy. Details of the individual diagnostics are available from the ToolboxST application. PTUR Application LEDs LED Label Description Yellow K25 Indicates the presence of a command to energize the primary synchronizing relay. Yellow K25P Indicates the presence of a command to energize the synchronizing permissive relay. Yellow DCT Indicates the presence of a command to enable the DC Test of shaft voltage and current monitoring. Yellow K1, K2, and K3 Indicates a command to energize the corresponding relay. PTUR, YTUR Turbine Specific Primary Trip GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 531 Non-Public Information 11.1.6 PTUR ToolboxST Configuration Parameters Parameter Name Parameter Description Choices SystemLimits Allows user to temporarily disable all system limit checks for testing purposes. Setting this parameter to Disable will cause a diagnostic alarm to occur. Enable, Disable ResetShuntTest Reset shunt test OK status on SysLimit Reset (TTUR only) Enable, Disable No_T_PS_Req No flame detect power supply required for T (TRPG only) Enable, Disable AccelCalType Select acceleration calculation time (milliseconds) 10 to 100 TripType Select fast trip algorithm Unused, PR_Single, PR_Max DecelStpt Deceleration setpoint, rpm/sec (TripType = PR_Max) 0 to 1500 DecelEnab Deceleration enable (TripType = PR_Max) Disable, Enable FastOS1Stpt Fast Overspeed trip #1 setpoint, Max (PR1, PR2), rpm (TripType = PR_Max) 0 to 20000 FastOS1Enabl Fast Overspeed trip #1 enable (TripType = PR_Max) Disable, Enable FastOS2Stpt Fast Overspeed trip #2 setpoint, Max (PR3, PR4), rpm (TripType = PR_Max) 0 to 20000 FastOS2Enabl Fast Overspeed trip #2 enable (TripType = PR_Max) Disable, Enable DiffSetpoint Difference Speed trip setpoint, rpm (TripType = PR_Max) 0 to 20000 DiffEnable Difference Speed trip, enable (TripType = PR_Max) Disable, Enable PR1Setpoint Fast Overspeed trip #1, setpoint, PR1, rpm (TripType = PR_ Single) 0 to 20000 PR1TrEnable Fast Overspeed trip #1, enable (TripType = PR_Single) Disable, Enable PR2Setpoint Fast Overspeed Trip #2, setput, PR2, rpm (TripType = PR_ Single) 0 to 20000 PR2TrEnable Fast Overspeed trip #2, enable (TripType = PR_Single) Disable, Enable PR3Setpoint Fast Overspeed Trip #3, setput, PR3, rpm (TripType = PR_ Single) 0 to 20000 PR3TrEnable Fast Overspeed trip #3, enable (TripType = PR_Single) Disable, Enable PR4Setpoint Fast Overspeed Trip #4, setput, PR4, rpm (TripType = PR_ Single) 0 to 20000 PR4TrEnable Fast Overspeed trip #3, enable (TripType = PR_Single) Disable, Enable AccASetpoint Acceleration trip setpoint, Chan A, rpm/sec (TripType = PR_ Single) 0 to 1500 AccBSetpoint Acceleration trip setpoint, Chan B, rpm/sec (TripType = PR_ Single) 0 to 1500 AccAEnable Acceleration Trip Enable, Chan A (TripType = PR_Single) Disable, Enable AccBEnable Acceleration Trip Enable, Chan B (TripType = PR_Single) Disable, Enable InForChanA Input change selection for Accel/Decel trip (TripType = PR_Max or PR_Single) Accel, Accel2, Accel3, Accel4 532 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information Parameter Name Parameter Description Choices InForChanB Input change selection for Accel/Decel trip (TripType = PR_Max or PR_Single) Accel, Accel2, Accel3, Accel4 DiagSolPwrA When using TRPL/S, Sol Power, Bus A, Diagnostic enable. Enable, Disable DiagSolPwrB When using TRPL/S, Sol Power, Bus B, Diagnostic enable Enable, Disable DiagSolPwrC When using TRPL/S, Sol Power, Bus C, Diagnostic enable Enable, Disable Pulse Rate Pulse Rate Name Pulse Rate Description Choices PRType Define the pulse rate feedback type or basic speed range (for proper resolution). Refer to section, Speed Pickups for description of types. Flow, Speed, Speed_High, Speed_HSNG, Speed_LM, Unused PRScale Pulses per revolution (outputs rpm) 0 to 1,000 TeethPerRev Number of teeth on speed wheel (per revolution) 1 to 512 Speed_x_ms Calculation rate of speed in milliseconds. Speed is calculated at this rate and averaged over the previous time interval specified by this period. 10 to 1000 Attention Accel_x_ms Using a value other than an integer multiple of the application frame period can have adverse impact on use of this control. This is the averaging period for acceleration calculation in milliseconds. The acceleration is calculated every Accel_X_ms. It is based on the difference between two speed samples divided by the sample period. Each acceleration calculation is the average of acceleration over the period specified by this parameter. For example, if Accel_x_ms is 40 then acceleration will be the average acceleration over the previous 80 ms. Attention 20 to 1000 Using a value other than an integer multiple of the application frame period can have adverse impact on use of this control. Lock_Limit HSNG speed type locking limit for teeth mapping (percent). Refer to the section, Speed Pickups for description of Lock_Limit function. 1 to 100 TMRDiffLimit Diag Limit, TMR input vote difference, in Eng units 0 to 20,000 SysLim1Enable Enable System Limit 1 Fault Check Enable, Disable SysLim1Latch Latch System Limit 1 Fault Latch, NotLatch SysLim1Type System Limit 1 Check Type >=, <= PTUR, YTUR Turbine Specific Primary Trip GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 533 Non-Public Information Pulse Rate Name Pulse Rate Description Choices SysLimit1 System Limit 1 – RPM 0 to 20,000 SysLim2Enable Enable System Limit 2 Fault Check Enable, Disable SysLim2Latch Latch System Limit 2 Fault Latch, NotLatch SysLim2Type System Limit 2 Check Type >=, <= SysLimit2 System Limit 2 – RPM 0 to 20,000 Shaft Volt Mon Parameter Description Choices TMRDiffLimt Diag limit, TMR input vote difference, in Hertz 0 to 100 Shaft Curr Mon Parameter Description Choices ShuntOhms Shunt ohms 0 to 100 ShuntLimit Shunt maximum test ohms 0 to 100 BrushLimit Shaft (Brush + Shunt) maximum ohms 0 to 100 SysLim1Enable Enable System Limit 1 Fault Check Enable, Disable SysLim1Latch Latch System Limit 1 Fault Latch, NotLatch SysLim1Type System Limit 1 Check Type >=, <= SysLimit1 System Limit 1 – Amps 0 to 100 SysLim2Enable Enable System Limit 2 Fault Check Enable, Disable SysLim2Latch Latch System Limit 2 Fault Latch, NotLatch SysLim2Type System Limit 2 Check Type >=, <= SysLimit2 System Limit 2 – Amps 0 to 100 TMR_DiffLimt Diag Limit, TMR Input Vote Difference, in Eng Units 0 to 100 Potential Transformer Parameter Description Choices PT_Input PT primary in Eng units (kV or percent) for PT_Output 0 to 1,000 PT_Output PT output in volts rms, for PT_Input - typically 115 0 to 150 TMR_DiffLimt Diag Limit, TMR Input Vote Difference, in Eng Units 1 to 1000 534 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information Circuit Breaker Parameter Description Choices System Frequency Select frequency in Hz 50 or 60 CB1CloseTime Breaker 1 closing time in milliseconds 0 to 1,000 CB1 AdaptLimit Breaker 1 self adaptive limit in milliseconds 0 to 1,000 CB1 AdaptEnabl Enable breaker 1 self adaptive adjustment Enable, Disable CB1FreqDiff Breaker 1 special window frequency difference, Hz 0.15 to 0.66 CB1PhaseDiff Breaker 1 special window phase Diff, degrees 0 to 20 CB1DiagVoteEnab Enable Voting Disagreement Diagnostic Enable, Disable CB2CloseTime Breaker 2 closing time in milliseconds (as above) 0 to 1,000 CB2 AdaptLimit Breaker 2 self adaptive limit in milliseconds 0 to 1,000 CB2 AdaptEnabl Enable breaker 2 self adaptive adjustment Enable, Disable CB2FreqDiff Breaker 2 special window frequency difference, Hz 0.15 to 0.66 CB2PhaseDiff Breaker 2 special window phase Diff, degrees 0 to 20 CB2DiagVoteEnab Enable Voting Disagreement Diagnostic Enable, Disable Parameter Description Choices FlmDetTime Flame detector time interval 0.160, 0.080, 0.040 sec FlameLimitHI Flame threshold Limit HI (HI detection counts means LOW sensitivity) 0 to 160 FlameLimitLOW Flame threshold Limit Low (Low detection counts means HIGH sensitivity) 0 to 160 Flame_Det Flame detector used/unused Used, Unused TMR_DiffLimt Diag Limit, TMR Input Vote Difference, in Hz 1 to 160 Parameter Description Choices PTR_Output Primary protection relay used/unused Unused, used DiagVoteEnab Enable voting disagreement diagnostic Enable, Disable Parameter Description Choices DiagVoteEnab Enable voting disagreement diagnostic Enable, Disable Flame Relays E-Stop PTUR, YTUR Turbine Specific Primary Trip GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 535 Non-Public Information Variables PTUR Variable Name Variable Description Direction Type L3DIAG_PTUR_R,S,T I/O Diagnostic Indication Input BOOL LINK_OK_PTUR_R,S,T I/O Link Okay Indication Input BOOL ATTN_PTUR_R,S,T I/O Attention Indication Input BOOL PS18V_PTUR_R,S,T I/O 18 V Power Supply Indication Input BOOL PS28V_PTUR_R,S,T I/O 28 V Power Supply Indication Input BOOL IOPackTmpr_R,S,T I/O Pack Temperature (deg °F) AnalogInput REAL Kq1_StatNV_R,S,T Non voted Primary Trip Relay 1 Feedback Input BOOL Kq2_StatNV_R,S,T Non voted Primary Trip Relay 2 Feedback Input BOOL ShShntTst_OK Shaft voltage monitor shunt test OK Input BOOL ShBrshTst_OK Shaft voltage brush + shunt test OK Input BOOL Estop_Signal Raw Estop Signal (unlatched) Input BOOL K1FLT K1 Shorted Contact Fault Input BOOL K2FLT K2 Shorted Contact Fault Input BOOL PR1_HSNGstat Pulse rate 1 HSNG stability status (TRUE for tooth – tooth distance inside Lock_Limit for tooth geometry compensation) Input BOOL PR2_HSNGstat Pulse rate 2 HSNG stability status Input BOOL PR3_HSNGstat Pulse rate 3 HSNG stability status Input BOOL PR4_HSNGstat Pulse rate 4 HSNG stability status Input BOOL Sol1_Vfdbk When TRPL/S, Trip Solenoid #1 Voltage Input BOOL Sol2_Vfdbk When TRPL/S, Trip Solenoid #2 Voltage Input BOOL Sol3_Vfdbk When TRPL/S, Trip Solenoid #3 Voltage Input BOOL ShTestAC L97SHAFT_AC SVM_AC_TEST Output BOOL ShTestDC L97SHAFT_DC SVM_DC_TEST Output BOOL ETR1_Fdbk ETR1 feedback, for TREL/S diag checking Output BOOL ETR2_Fdbk ETR2 feedback, for TREL/S diag checking Output BOOL ETR3_Fdbk ETR3 feedback, for TREL/S diag checking Output BOOL Kq1_Status Primary Trip Relay1 Feedback Input BOOL Kq2_Status Primary Trip Relay2 Feedback Input BOOL Kq3_Status Primary Trip Relay3 Feedback Input BOOL SysLim1PR1 Pulse Rate 1 System Limit 1 Fault Input BOOL ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ SysLim1PR4 Pulse Rate 4 System Limit 1 Fault Input BOOL SysLim1SHV AC Shaft Voltage Frequency High L30TSVH Input BOOL SysLim1SHC AC Shaft Current High L30TSCH Input BOOL 536 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information Variable Name Variable Description Direction Type SysLim1GEN Gen Voltage System Limit 1 Fault Input BOOL SysLim1BUS Bus Voltage System Limit 1 Fault Input BOOL SysLim2PR1 Pulse Rate 1 System Limit 2 Fault Input BOOL ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ SysLim2PR4 Pulse Rate 4 System Limit 2 Fault Input BOOL SysLim2SHV AC Shaft Voltage System Limit 2 Fault Input BOOL SysLim2SHC AC Shaft Current System Limit 2 Fault Input BOOL SysLim2GEN Gen Voltage System Limit 2 Fault Input BOOL SysLim2BUS Bus Voltage System Limit 2 Fault Input BOOL Variables Vars_Sync Variable Vars_Sync Variable Description Direction Type CB_Volts_OK Breaker Closing Coil Voltage is present (L3BKR_ VLT). Used in diagnostics. Input BOOL CB_K25P_PU Breaker Closing Coil Voltage is present downstream of the K25P relay contacts. L3BKR_PRM Sync Permissive Relay Picked Up. Used in diagnostics. Input BOOL CB_K25_PU Breaker Closing Coil Voltage is present downstream of the K25 relay contacts. L3BKR_GES Auto Sync Relay Picked Up. Used in diagnostics. Input BOOL CB_K25A_PU Breaker Closing Coil Voltage is present downstream of the K25A relay contacts. L3BKR_GEX Sync Check Breaker Closed. Used in diagnostics. Input BOOL Gen_Sync_LO Generator Synch Lock out. Traditionally known as L30AS1 or L30AS2; it is a latched signal requiring a reset to clear (Sync_Reset). It detects a K25 relay problem (picked up when it should be dropped out) or a slow Sync Check (relay K25A) function. Input BOOL L25_Command Breaker Close Command to the K25 relay. Traditionally known as L25. Input BOOL GenFreq Generator frequency, Hz. AnalogInput REAL BusFreq Hz frequency AnalogInput REAL GenVoltsDiff KiloVolts rms-Gen Low is negative AnalogInput REAL Gen Freq Diff Slip Hz-Gen Slow is negative AnalogInput REAL Gen Phase Diff Phase Degrees-Gen Lag is negative AnalogInput REAL CB1CloseTime Breaker #1 close time in milliseconds AnalogInput REAL CB2CloseTime Breaker #2 close time in milliseconds AnalogInput REAL Sync_Perm_AS Auto sync permissive. Traditionally known as L83AS. Output BOOL PTUR, YTUR Turbine Specific Primary Trip GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 537 Non-Public Information Variable Vars_Sync Variable Description Direction Type Sync_Perm Sync permissive mode, L25P. Traditionally known as L25P; interface to control the K25P relay. Output BOOL Sync_Monitor Auto Sync monitor mode. Traditionally known as L83S_MTR; enables the Auto Sync function, except it blocks the K25 relays from picking up. Output BOOL Sync_Bypass1 Auto Sync bypass. Traditionally known as L25_ BYPASS; to pickup L25 for Dead Bus or Manual Sync. Output BOOL Sync_Bypass0 Auto Sync bypass. Traditionally known as L25_ BYPASSZ; to pickup L25 for Dead Bus or Manual Sync. Output BOOL CB2_Selected #2 Breaker is selected. Traditionally known as L43SAUTO2; to use the breaker close time associated with Breaker #2 Output BOOL AS_Win_Sel Special Auto Sync window. New function, used on synchronous condenser applications to give a more permissive window. Output BOOL Synch_Reset Auto Sync reset. Traditionally known as L86MR_ TCEA; to reset the Sync Lockout function. Output BOOL Variables Vars-Flame Variable Vars-Flame Variable Description Direction Type FD1_Flame Flame Detect 1 present Input BOOL ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ FD8_Flame Flame Detect 8 present Input BOOL FD1_Level 1=High Detection Counts Level Output BOOL ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ FD8_Level 1=High Detection Counts Level Output BOOL Variables Vars-Speed Variable Vars-Speed Variable Description Direction Type DecelTrip Deceleration Trip (Accel1, Accel2) Input BOOL FastDiffTrip Fast Difference Trip Input BOOL FastOS1Trip Fast Overspeed Trip #1 Input BOOL ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ FastOS4Trip Fast Overspeed Trip #4 Input BOOL AccATrip Acceleration Trip ChanA Input BOOL AccBTrip Acceleration Trip ChanB Input BOOL Accel1 rpm/sec AnalogInput REAL 538 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information Variable Vars-Speed Variable Description Direction Type ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ Accel4 rpm/sec AnalogInput REAL PR1_PulseCnt_R,S,T Pulse Rate 1 – Pulses in the last frame AnalogInput REAL ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ PR4_PulseCnt_R,S,T Pulse Rate 4 – Pulses in the last frame AnalogInput REAL FlmDetPwr1 335 V dc AnalogInput REAL DecelPerm Permissive – Deceleration Trip Output BOOL FastOS1Perm Permissive – Fast Overspeed Trip #1, from Max (PR1, PR2) Output BOOL FastOS2Perm Permissive – Fast Overspeed Trip #2, from Max (PR3, PR4) Output BOOL DiffPerm Permissive – Fast Difference Speed Trip Output BOOL PR1TrPerm Permissive – Fast Overspeed Trip #1, from PR1 Output BOOL ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ PR4TrPerm Permissive – Fast Overspeed Trip #4, from PR4 Output BOOL AccelAPerm Permissive – Acceleration Trip, Chan A Output BOOL AccelBPerm Permissive – Acceleration Trip, Chan B Output BOOL Variables Pulse Rate Variable Pulse Rate Variable Description Direction Type PulseRate1 Pulse rate input, PTUR Connector J#5 AnalogInput REAL PulseRate2 Pulse rate input, PTUR Connector J#5 AnalogInput REAL PulseRate3 Pulse rate input, PTUR Connector J#5 AnalogInput REAL PulseRate4 Pulse rate input, PTUR Connector J#5 AnalogInput REAL Variables Shaft Volt Mon Variable Description Direction Type ShVoltMon Shaft voltage monitor, frequency (Hz) AnalogInput REAL Variables Shaft Curr Mon Variable Description Direction Type ShCurrMon Shaft current monitor, Current (Amps) AnalogInput REAL PTUR, YTUR Turbine Specific Primary Trip GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 539 Non-Public Information Variables Potential Transformer Variable Description Direction Type GenPT_KVolts Kilo-Volts RMS AnalogInput REAL BusPT_KVolts Kilo-Volts RMS AnalogInput REAL Variables Circuit Breaker Variable Description Direction Type Ckt_Bkr Circuit breaker Closed – L52G Contact Feedback Input BOOL Variables E-Stop Variable Description Direction Type KESTOP1_Fdbk When TPRL/S, ESTOP, inverse sense, K4 relay, True = Run Input BOOL Variables Flame Variable Description Direction Type FlameInd1 When TRPG, Intensity (Hz) AnalogInput REAL FlameInd2 When TRPG, Intensity (Hz) AnalogInput REAL FlameInd3 When TRPG, Intensity (Hz) AnalogInput REAL FlameInd4 When TRPG, Intensity (Hz) AnalogInput REAL FlameInd5 When TRPG, Intensity (Hz) AnalogInput REAL FlameInd6 When TRPG, Intensity (Hz) AnalogInput REAL FlameInd7 When TRPG, Intensity (Hz) AnalogInput REAL FlameInd8 When TRPG, Intensity (Hz) AnalogInput REAL Variables Relays Variable Description Direction Type Kq1 L20PTR1 – Primary Trip Relay Output BOOL Kq2 L20PTR2 – Primary Trip Relay Output BOOL Kq3 L20PTR3 – Primary Trip Relay Output BOOL 540 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 11.2 PTUR Specific Alarms The following alarms are specific to the PTUR I/O pack. 32-34 Description Solenoid #[ ] Relay driver Feedback Incorrect Possible Cause The I/O pack monitors the relay command for the correct state and termination into the expected trip board impedance. The I/O pack internal feedback of relay command output does not match the desired state. Solution • • • • Check the mounting of the I/O pack on the terminal board. Check the cable from the TTUR to the trip board, if used. Replace the I/O pack. Replace the TRPx trip board. 38-40 Description Solenoid #[ ] Contact Feedback Incorrect Possible Cause The contact state feedback from the trip board does not match the relay command. Solution • • • Check the mounting of the I/O pack on the terminal board. Check the cable from the TTUR to the TRPx. Check the operation of the relay. 44 Description Trip Board Solenoid Power Absent Possible Cause • • The I/O pack has detected the absence of solenoid power as indicated by the connected TRPx board. The issue could be with the power source applied in TRPx terminal boards. Solution • • • • • • Verify the TRPx on the J1 connector is receiving power. Verify that the voltage at the J1 cable is at an acceptable range. If it is out of range, there could be a problem with the source or the cable connected between source and the terminal board. Check the cabling to the TRPx. If the voltage source is good, change the cable between the power source and TRPx boards. If the problem persists, replace the cable between the TRPx and the TTUR or STUR board. If the problem persists, replace the TRPx board. PTUR, YTUR Turbine Specific Primary Trip GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 541 Non-Public Information 46 Description TRPG Flame Detector Volts Lower than 314.9 V Possible Cause The voltage is less than 314.9 V dc and any flame detector is configured as Used. Note The 335 V dc power required for the Honeywell flame detector is provided by the Flame Detector Power Supply (PSFD). This nominal 335 V power enters the TRPG through the J3, J4, and J5 connectors. Solution • • • • • If no flame detector is being used, verify that all the Flame_Det parameters are set to Unused. If only two PSFDs are being used, set the No_T_PS_Req parameter to True. This disables the check for power on TRPG J5. If the PSFD voltage is less than 314.9 V dc, replace the PSFD. Check the voltage at the TRPG side (J3, J4, and J5). If the voltage is above 314.9 V dc, replace TRPG. If the voltage reading at TRPG side (J3, J4, and J5) is below 314.9 V dc and the voltage at PSFD is nominal, replace the cable connected between the TRPG and the PSFD. 47 Description TRPG Flame Detector Volts Higher than 355.1 V Possible Cause This power comes into the TRPG through the J3, J4, and J5 connectors. If the voltage is greater than 355.1 V dc, this fault is declared. Solution • • If the voltage is higher than 355.1 V dc, check the power supply. Check the voltage on the TRPG. If the voltage is above 355 V, the monitoring circuitry on the TRPG or the cabling to the TRPG may be the problem. 50 Description L3BKRGXS - Sync Check Relay Is Slow Possible Cause • • • The K25 (auto sync) has picked up but the Sync check relay L3BKRGXS, known as K25A, on the TTUR has not picked up. There is no breaker closing voltage source. The K25A relay is not enabled on the PPRO I/O module. Solution • • • • 542 Attempt to perform a Sync Reset (set Synch_Reset to True). Check the breaker to verify closure. Verify that the K25A relay is enabled on the PPRO I/O module. Replace the TTUR. GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 51 Note This alarm is obsolete. Description L3BKRGES - Auto Sync Relay Is Slow Possible Cause • • • The Auto Sync relay L3BKRGES, also known as K25, on the TTUR has not picked up when it should have. The K25P is not picked up. There is no breaker closing voltage source. Solution • • • Attempt to perform a Sync Reset (set Synch_Reset to True). Check the breaker to verify closure. Replace the TTUR. 52-53 Description Breaker #[ ] Slower Than Adjustment Limit Allows Possible Cause • • The self-adaptive function adjustment of the Breaker Close Time has reached the allowable limit and cannot make further adjustments to correct the Breaker Close Time. The breaker is experiencing a problem, or the operator should consider changing the configuration. Both the nominal close time and the self-adaptive limit in milliseconds can be configured. Solution • • • • Increase the limit setting of CBxCloseTime for the breaker in question. Review breaker feedback timing to verify that it meets the documented specifications. Verify that there are no interposing relays causing a delay. Replace the terminal board. 54 Description Synchronization Trouble - K25 Relay Locked Up Possible Cause • • The K25 relay is picked up when it should not be. K25 on TTUR is most likely stuck closed, or the contacts are welded together. Solution • • • Attempt to perform a Sync Reset (set Synch_Reset to True). Isolate which relay (K25A or K25) is causing a problem by checking the diagnostics and correcting the source of the issue. Replace TTUR. PTUR, YTUR Turbine Specific Primary Trip GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 543 Non-Public Information 55 Description Trip Board required by Main Terminal Board Possible Cause When the PTUR is used with a TTUR, STURH3, or STURH4 terminal board, an auxiliary trip board is required. However, the PTUR does not detect that a required trip board has been connected. Solution • • Verify that the proper terminal board and trip board has been configured in the ToolboxST application. Rebuild the application, then download the firmware and application code to the affected I/O pack. Verify the trip board cable connections at both ends. 57 Description Hardware and Configuration Incompatibility - Main Terminal Board Possible Cause The PTUR configuration does not match the actual terminal board hardware. Solution • • • • Verify that the ToolboxST configuration matches the actual hardware. Rebuild the application, then download the firmware and application code to the affected I/O pack. Verify that the PTUR is fully seated on the terminal board. Verify that the installed ToolboxST version supports the configured hardware. 58 Description Hardware and Configuration Incompatibility - Trip Board Possible Cause The configuration does not match the connected trip board. Solution • • • • • • • Review the hardware compatibility information and correct, if necessary. Check the I/O pack configuration to verify that the TTUR board hardware form matches the installed terminal board. Rebuild the application, then download the firmware and application code to the affected I/O pack. If the configuration is correct, rebuild the device and download the firmware and parameters to the affected I/O pack. Verify the trip board cable connections at both ends. Verify that the cable between the TTUR/STUR board and the TRPx terminal board is properly seated. Verify that the installed ToolboxST version supports the configured hardware. 61 Description TRPL/S Solenoid Power on Bus A is absent Possible Cause No solenoid power is detected on the TRPL/S bus A. Solution • • • 544 Verify that power is applied to the terminal board. Verify that the DC-37 cable is fully seated. Replace the terminal board. GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 62 Description TRPL/S Solenoid Power on Bus B is absent Possible Cause No solenoid power is detected on TRPL/S bus B. Solution • • • Verify that power is applied to the terminal board. Verify that the DC-37 cable is fully seated. Replace the terminal board. 63 Description TRPL/S Solenoid Power on Bus C is absent Possible Cause No solenoid power is detected on TRPL/S bus C. Solution • • • Verify that power is applied to the terminal board. Verify that the DC-37 cable is fully seated. Replace the terminal board. 64-66 Description TRPL/S Solenoid #[ ] Voltage Mismatch Possible Cause Power is applied to the solenoid, but the voltage feedback is not detected. Solution • • • Verify that the J2 connector is fully seated between the primary and emergency trip boards. Replace the J2 cable. Replace the TTUR. 67 Description Speed Trip Possible Cause • • • • • • I/O pack has detected that a speed input has exceeded the overspeed threshold Acceleration threshold has been exceeded De-acceleration speed has been exceeded Overspeed configuration is set too low Acceleration limit has been enabled and is set too low Noisy pulse input signal Solution • • • • Verify that the overspeed configuration is correct. Verify that the acceleration configuration is correct. Check the speed sensor. Determine the cause of the overspeed condition; for example, input signal, configuration, or noise. PTUR, YTUR Turbine Specific Primary Trip GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 545 Non-Public Information 68 Description TRPA - K1 solid state relay shorted Possible Cause TRPA provides voltage-based detection of stuck-on relays in the six voting contacts used to provide K1. Zero voltage has been detected on one or more contacts of K1 when voltage should be present. Solution Replace the TRPA. 69 Description TRPA - K2 solid state relay shorted Possible Cause TRPA provides voltage-based detection of stuck-on relays in the six voting contacts used to provide K2. Zero voltage has been deleted on one or more contacts of K2 when voltage should be present. Solution Replace the TRPA. 70 Description Pack internal reference voltage out of limits Possible Cause The calibration reference voltage is beyond the expected value, indicating a hardware failure. Solution • • Cycle power on the I/O pack. Replace the I/O pack. 71 Description Pack internal null voltage out of limits Possible Cause The calibration null voltage is beyond the expected value, indicating a hardware failure. Solution • • Cycle power on the I/O pack. Replace the I/O pack. 128-223 Description Logic Signal [ ] Voting Mismatch Possible Cause A problem exists with a status input between the R, S, and T I/O packs. This could be the device, the wire to the terminal board, or the terminal board. Solution • • • • • • 546 Verify that the R, S, and T I/O pack configurations are equal to the ToolboxST configuration. Check the I/O pack power and networking. Check the I/O pack mounting on the terminal board. Verify the operation of the device generating the specified signal. Verify the terminal board wiring and connections. Replace the I/O pack. GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 224-252 Description Input Signal [ ] Voting Mismatch, Local=[ ], Voted=[ ] Possible Cause A problem exists with a status input between the R, S, and T I/O packs. This could be the device, the wire to the terminal board, or the terminal board. Solution • • • • • • Verify that the R, S, and T I/O pack configurations are equal to the ToolboxST configuration. Check the I/O pack power and networking. Check the I/O pack mounting on the terminal board. Verify the operation of the device generating the specified signal. Verify the terminal board wiring and connections. Replace the I/O pack. PTUR, YTUR Turbine Specific Primary Trip GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 547 Non-Public Information 11.3 Mark VIeS YTUR Primary Turbine Protection I/O Pack The Primary Turbine Protection (YTUR) I/O pack provides the electrical interface between one or two I/O Ethernet networks and a turbine control terminal board. The YTUR contains a processor board common to the distributed I/O packs, a board specific to the turbine control function, and an analog acquisition daughterboard. The I/O pack plugs into the TTUR terminal board and handles four speed sensor inputs, bus and generator voltage inputs, shaft voltage and current signals, eight flame sensors, and outputs to the main breaker. Infrared Port Not Used As an alternative to TTUR, three YTUR I/O packs can be plugged directly into a TRPA terminal board. This arrangement handles four speed inputs per YTUR, or alternately fans the first four inputs into all three YTURs. Two solid-state primary trip relays are provided by TRPA. This arrangement does not support bus and generator voltage inputs, shaft voltage or current signals, flame sensors, or main breaker output. Note Refer to the Turbine Primary Trip TRPA section for more information. Input to the I/O pack is through dual RJ-45 Ethernet connectors and a three-pin power input. Output is through a DC-62 pin connector that connects directly with the associated terminal board connector. Visual diagnostics are provided through indicator LEDs. Compatibility 548 Teminal Board # of I/O Packs Additional Trip Board TTURS1C 1 or 3 TRPAS#A or TRPGS#B TRPAS#A 3 none GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 11.3.1 Installation ➢ To install the YTUR I/O pack 1. Securely mount the desired terminal board. 2. Directly plug one YTUR I/O pack for simplex or three YTUR I/O packs for TMR into the terminal board connectors. 3. Mechanically secure the packs using the threaded studs adjacent to the Ethernet ports. The studs slide into a mounting bracket specific to the terminal board type. The bracket location should be adjusted such that there is no right-angle force applied to the DC62 connector between the pack and the terminal board. The adjustment should only be required once in the life of the product. 4. Plug in one or two Ethernet cables depending on the system configuration. The pack will operate over either port. If dual connections are used, the standard practice is to connect ENET1 to the network associated with the R controller. 5. Apply power to the pack by plugging in the connector on the side of the I/O pack. It is not necessary to insert this connector with the power removed from the cable as the I/O pack has inherent soft-start capability that controls current inrush on power application. 6. Use the ToolboxST application to configure the I/O pack as necessary. Refer to GEH-6705 for more information. Note Three YTURs mounts directly to a Mark VIeS Safety control TTUR or TRPA terminal board, which has three DC-62 pin connectors for TMR I/O packs. The TTUR can also be used in simplex mode if only one YTUR is installed. The YTUR directly supports all of these connections. PTUR, YTUR Turbine Specific Primary Trip GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 549 Non-Public Information 11.3.2 Operation Refer to the following sections in the GEH-6721_Vol_II, the chapter, Common Module Content: • • • • • BPPx Processor Processor LEDs Power Management ID Line Common Safety Module Alarms Analog Input Hardware Circuits to convert pulse rate to digital speed are in the YTUR I/O pack. Generator and bus voltages are brought into YTUR for automatic synchronizing in conjunction with the turbine controller and GE excitation system. TTUR has permissive generator synchronizing relays and controls the main breaker relay coil 52G. Shaft voltage is picked up with brushes and monitored along with the current to the machine case. YTUR alarms high voltages and tests the integrity and continuity of the circuitry. 550 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information In TMR applications there are separate sets of four speed inputs for each YTUR, R, S, and T. All other l inputs fan to the three YTURs. Control signals from R, S, and T are voted before they actuate permissive relays K25 and K25P. Relay K25A is controlled by the I/O controller and TREG boards. All three relays have two normally open contacts in series with the breaker close coil. YTUR I/O Packs with TTURS1C Terminal Board, TMR PTUR, YTUR Turbine Specific Primary Trip GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 551 Non-Public Information In the simplex application, up to four pulse rate signals may be used to measure turbine speed. YTUR I/O Pack with TTURS1C Terminal Board, Simplex 552 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information Speed Pickups An interface is provided for four passive, magnetic speed inputs with a frequency range of 2 to 20,000 Hz. Using passive pickups on a sixty- tooth wheel, circuit sensitivity allows detection of 2-RPM turning gear speed to determine if the turbine is stopped (zero speed). If automatic turning gear engagement is provided in the turbine control, this signal initiates turning gear operation. Note The median speed signal is used for speed control and for the primary overspeed trip signal. The primary overspeed trip calculations are performed in the controller using algorithms similar to (but not the same as) those in the YPRO protection I/O pack. The fast trip option used on gas turbines runs in YTUR. Primary Trip Solenoid Interface The normal primary overspeed trip is calculated in the controller and passed to the YTUR and then to the chosen primary trip terminal board. TRPx contains relays for interface with the electrical trip devices (ETD). TRPx typically works in conjunction with an emergency trip board (TREG) to form the primary and emergency sides of the interface to the ETDs. YTUR supports up to three ETDs driven from each TRPx/TREx combination. TRPG is targeted at gas turbine applications and works in conjunction with TREG for emergency trip. In support of the trip board operation, YTUR provides a number of discrete inputs used to monitor signals such as trip relay position, synchronizing relay coil drive, and ETD power status. Note The reset signal applied to this function is not edge triggered. A continuously applied reset may result in output cycling in the presence of an intermittent trip signal. The duration of the reset should only be sufficient to allow the reset to complete and should not be maintained. Automatic Synchronizing All synchronizing connections are located on the TTUR terminal board. The generator and bus voltages are supplied by two, single phase, potential transformers (PTs) with a fused secondary output supplying a nominal 115 V rms. Measurement accuracy between the zero crossing for the bus and generator voltage circuits is 1 degree. Turbine speed is matched against the bus frequency, and the generator and bus voltages are matched by adjusting the generator field excitation voltage from commands sent between the turbine controller and the excitation controller over the UDH. A command is given to close the breaker when all permissions are satisfied, and the breaker is predicted to close within the calculated phase/slip window. Feedback of the actual breaker closing time is provided by a 52G/a contact from the generator breaker (not an auxiliary relay) to update the database. An internal K25A sync check relay is provided on the TTUR; the independent backup phase/slip calculation for this relay is performed in the <P> protection module. Diagnostics monitor the relay coil and contact closures to determine if the relay properly energizes or de-energizes upon command. PTUR, YTUR Turbine Specific Primary Trip GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 553 Non-Public Information Synchronizing Modes There are three basic synchronizing modes. • • • Off The breaker will not be closed. The check relay will not pickup. Manual The operator initiates breaker close, which is still subject to the K25A Sync Check contacts driven by the I/O controller. The manual close is initiated from an external contact on the generator panel, normally connected in series with a sync mode in manual contact. Auto The system will automatically match voltage and speed, and then close the breaker at the right time to hit top dead center on the synchroscope. All three of the following functions must agree for this closure to occur: − − − K25A sync check relay, checks the allowable slip/phase window, from YPRO. K25 auto sync relay, provides precision synchronization, from YTUR. K25P sync sequence permissive, checks the turbine sequence status, from YTUR. Note These modes are selected from an HMI screen or a generator panel mounted switch. The K25A relay should close before the K25 otherwise the sync check function will interfere with the auto sync optimizing. If this sequence is not executed, a diagnostic alarm will be posted, a lockout signal will be set true in signal space, and the application code may prevent any further attempts to synchronize until a reset is issued and the correct coordination is set up. Details of the various checks are discussed in the following sections. Synchronizing Hardware The synchronizing system interfaces to the breaker close coil through the TTURS1C terminal board. Three TTURS1C relays must be picked up, plus external permissions must be true before a breaker can be closed. The K25P relay is directly driven from the controller application code. In a TMR system, it is driven from R, S, and T, using 2 out of 3 logic voting. For a simplex system, it may be configured by jumper to be driven from R only. The K25 relay is driven from the YTUR auto sync algorithm, which is managed by the controller application code. In a TMR system, it is driven from R, S, and T, using 2 out of 3 logic voting. Again for a simplex system, it may be configured by jumper to be driven from R only. The K25A relay is located on TTUR, but is driven from the YPRO sync check algorithm, which is managed by the controller application code. The relay is driven from YPRO, R8, S8, and T8, using 2 out of 3 logic voting in TREG/L/S. The sync check relay driver (located on TRPG, TRPL, or TRPS) is connected to the K25A relay coil (located on TTUR) through cabling through the J2 connector to TRPG, TRPL, or TRPS. It then goes through JR1 (and JS1, JT1) to JR4 (and JS4, JT4) on TTUR. Both sides of the breaker close coil power bus must be connected to the TTUR board. This provides diagnostic information and measures the breaker closure time, through the normally open breaker auxiliary contact, for optimization. The breaker close circuit is rated to make (close) 10 A at 125 V dc, but to open only 0.6 A. The externally supplied normally open auxiliary contact on the breaker is required to interrupt the closing coil current. 554 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information PTUR, YTUR Turbine Specific Primary Trip GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 555 Non-Public Information Synchronization Display A special synchronization screen is available on the HMI with a real-time graphical phase display and control pushbutton. The display items are listed in table. Sync Display Description Dynamic Parameters Voltages: Generator, Bus, Difference Frequencies: Generator, Bus, Slip (difference) Phase: Difference angle, degrees Status Indication Mode: Sync OFF, MANUAL, AUTO Sync Monitor: OFF, ON Dead bus breaker: Open/close Second breaker if applicable: Open/close Sync permissive: K25P Auto sync enabled Speed adjust: Raise/lower Voltage adjust: Raise/lower Sync Permissive Gen voltage: OK/not OK Bus voltage: OK/not OK Gen frequency: OK/not OK Bus frequency: OK/not OK Difference volts: OK/not OK Difference frequ: OK/not OK Phase: K25, OK/not OK K25A, OK/not OK Limit Constants Upper and lower limits for the above permissive Breaker Performance Diagnostics: Slow check relay Sync relay lockup Breaker #1 close time out of limits Breaker #2 close time out of limits Relay K25P trouble Breaker closing voltage (125 V dc) missing Control Pushbuttons Sync monitor: ON, OFF Speed adjust: RAISE, LOWER Voltage adjust: RAISE, LOWER 556 Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Auto Sync Application Code The application code must sequence the turbine and bring it to a state where it is ready for the generator to synchronize with the system bus. For automatic synchronization, the code must: • • • • • Match speeds Match voltages Energize the sync permissive relay, K25P Arm (grant permission to) the sync check function (YPRO, K25A) Arm (grant permission to) the auto sync function (YTUR, K25) The following illustrations represent positive slip (Gen) and negative phase (Gen). Generator Synchronizing System Automatic Synchronization Control in YTUR (K25) The YTUR runs the auto sync algorithm. Its basic function is to monitor two Potential Transformer (PT) inputs, generator and bus, to calculate phase and slip difference, and when armed (enabled) from the application code, and when the calculations anticipate top center, to attempt a breaker closure by energizing relay K25. The algorithm uses the zero voltage crossing technique to calculate phase, slip, and acceleration. It compensates for breaker closure time delay (configurable), with self-adaptive control when enabled, with configurable limits. It is interrupt driven and must have generator voltage to function. The configuration can manage the timing on two separate breakers. For details, refer to the figure. The algorithm has a bypass function, two signals for redundancy, to provide dead bus and Manual Breaker Closures. It anticipates top dead center; therefore, it uses a projected window, based on current phase, slip, acceleration, and breaker closure time. To pickup K25, the generator must be currently lagging, have been lagging for the last 10 consecutive cycles, and projected (anticipated) to be leading when the breaker actually reaches closure. Auto sync will not allow the breaker to close with negative slip. In this fashion, assuming the correct breaker closure time has been acquired, and the sync check relay is not interfering, breaker closures with less than 1 degree error can be obtained. Slip is the difference frequency (Hz), positive when the generator is faster than the bus. Positive phase means the generator is leading the bus; the generator is ahead in time, or the right hand side on the synchroscope. The standard window is fixed and is not configurable. A special window has been provided for synchronous condenser applications where a more permissive window is needed. The special window is selected when the signal space Boolean AS_Win_Sel is true. When selected, the window will be expanded from the standard window to a new window that is defined by configuration parameters CB#FreqDiff and CB#PhaseDiff, where # is 1 or 2. The algorithm validates both PT inputs with a requirement of 50% nominal amplitude or greater; that is, they must exceed approximately 60 V rms before they are accepted as legitimate signals. This is to guard against cross talk under open circuit conditions. The monitor mode is used to verify that the performance of the system is correct, and to block the actual closure of the K25 relay contacts; it is used as a confidence builder. The signal space Input Gen_Sync_Lo will become true if the K25 contacts are closed when they should not be closed, or if the Sync Check K25A is not picked up before the Auto Sync K25. It is latched and can be reset with Sync_Reset. PTUR, YTUR Turbine Specific Primary Trip GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 557 Non-Public Information The algorithm compensates for breaker closure time delay, with a nominal breaker close time, provided in the configuration in milliseconds. This compensation is adjusted with self-adaptive control, based upon the measured breaker close time. The adjustment is made in increments of one cycle (16.6/20 ms) per breaker closure and is limited in authority to a configurable parameter. If the adjustment reaches the limit, a diagnostic alarm Breaker Slower/Faster than limits allows is posted. The Auto Sync K25 function uses zero voltage crossing techniques. It compensates for the breaker time delay, which is defined by two adjustable constants with logic selection between the two (for two breaker applications). The calculations, which are done on the PTUR or YTUR I/O pack, include phase, slip, acceleration, and anticipated time lead for the breaker delay. Based on the measured breaker close time, the time delay parameter is adjusted, up to certain limits. In addition, auto sync arms logic to enable the function, and bypasses logic to provide for deadbus or manual closure. The auto sync projected sync window is displayed below, where positive slip indicates that the generator frequency is higher than the bus frequency. Auto Sync Projected Window The projected window is based on current phase, current slip, and current acceleration. The generator must currently be lagging and have been lagging for the last 10 consecutive cycles, and projected (anticipated) to be leading when the breaker actually reaches closure. Auto sync will not allow the breaker to close with negative slip; speed matching typically aims at around + 0.12 Hz slip. 558 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information Automatic Synchronizing Algorithm PTUR, YTUR Turbine Specific Primary Trip GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 559 Non-Public Information K25A Sync Check Function Refer to the chapter, YPRO Emergency Turbine Protection, the section, K25A Sync Check Function. Synchronization Simulation ➢ To simulate a synchronization 1. Disable the breaker 2. Establish the center frequency of the YPRO PLL; this depends on the YPRO configuration, under the YPRO K25A tab, signal K25A_Fdbk, parameter ReferFreq. − − − If ReferFreq is configured PR_Std, and YPRO is configured for a single shaft machine, then apply rated speed (frequency) to input PulseRate1; that is SPRO screw pairs 19/20. If ReferFreq is configured PR_Std and YPRO is configured for a multiple shaft machine, then apply rated speed (frequency) to input PulseRate 2, that is SPRO screw pairs 21/22. If ReferFreq is configured SgSpace, force YPRO signal space output DriveRef to 50 or 60 (Hz), depending on the system frequency. 3. Apply the bus voltage, a nominal 115 V ac, 50/60 Hz, to TTUR screws 19 and 20, and to SPRO screws 3 and 4. 4. Apply the nominal 115 V ac generator voltage, adjustable frequency, to TTUR screws 17 and 18 and SPRO screws 1 and 2. Adjust frequency to value giving positive slip, YTUR signal GenFreqDiff of 0.1 to 0.2 Hz. (10 to 5 sec scope). 5. Force the following signals to the TRUE state: − − − YTUR, Sync_Perm, then K25P should pick up YTUR, Sync_Perm_AS, then K25 should pulse when voltages are in phase YPRO, SynCK_Perm, then K25A should pulse when voltages are in phase 6. Verify that the TTUR breaker close interface circuit, screws 3 to 7, is being made (contacts closed) when the voltages are in phase. 7. Run a trend chart on the following signals: − − YPRO: GenFreqDiff, GenPhaseDiff, L25A_Command, K25A_Fdbk YTUR: GenFreqDiff, GenPhaseDiff, L25_Command, CB_K25_PU, CB_K25A_PU 8. Use an oscilloscope, voltmeter, synchroscope, or a light to verify that the relays are pulsing at approximately the correct time. 9. Examine the trend chart and verify that the correlation between the phase and the close commands is correct. 10. Increase the slip frequency to 0.5 Hz and verify that K25 and K25A stop pulsing and are open. Return the slip frequency to 0.1 to 0.2 Hz, and verify that K25 and K25A are pulsing. Reduce the generator voltage to 40 V ac and verify that K25 and K25A stop pulsing and are open. 560 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information Sync Hardware Verification The hardware interface can be verified by forcing the three synchronizing relays, individually or in combination. If the breaker close coil is connected to the TTUR terminal board, then the breaker must be disabled to disconnect the generator from the system bus. ➢ To perform sync hardware verification 1. Operate the K25P relay by forcing output signal Sync Perm found under YTUR, board points. Verify that the K25P relay is functional by probing TTUR screws 3 and 4. The application code has direct control of this relay. 2. Simulate generator voltage on TTUR screws 17 and 18. Operate the K25 relay by forcing TTUR, board point output signals Sync_Bypass1 =1, and Sync_Bypass0 = 0. Verify that the K25 relay is functional by probing screws 4 and 5 on TTUR. 3. Simulate generator voltage on SPRO screws 1 and 2. Operate the K25A relay by forcing SPRO board point output signals SynCK_Bypass =1, and SynCk_Perm 1. The bus voltage must be zero (dead bus) for this test to be functional. Verify that the K25A relay is functional by probing screws 5 and 6 on TTUR. Fast Overspeed Trip In special cases where a faster overspeed trip system is required, the YTUR Fast Overspeed Trip algorithms may be enabled. The system employs a speed measurement algorithm using a calculation for a predetermined tooth wheel. Two overspeed algorithms are available as follows: • • PR_Single. This uses two redundant YTURs by splitting up the two redundant PR transducers, one to each board. PR_ Single provides redundancy and is the preferred algorithm for LM gas turbines. PR_Max. This uses one YTUR I/O pack connected to the two redundant PR transducers. PR_Max allows broken shaft and deceleration protection without the risk of a nuisance trip if one transducer is lost. The fast trips are linked to the output trip relays with an OR-gate. YTUR computes the overspeed trip, not the controller, so the trip is very fast. The time from the overspeed input to the completed relay dropout is 30 ms or less. PTUR, YTUR Turbine Specific Primary Trip GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 561 Non-Public Information Input , PR1 Input Config. param. PR1Type, PR1Scale Signal Space Inputs YTUR I/O Pack Firmware Scaling RPM 2 PulseRate2 PulseRate3 PulseRate4 AccelCal Type d RPM/sec dt RPM ------ Four Pulse Rate Circuits ------RPM/sec Accel1 RPM Accel2 RPM/sec Accel3 RPM Accel4 RPM/sec PulseRate1 Accel1 PulseRate2 Accel2 PulseRate3 Accel3 PulseRate4 Accel4 Fast Overspeed Protection FastTripType PR_Single PR1Setpoint PR1TrEnable PR1TrPerm PR2Setpoint PR2TrEnable PR2TrPerm PR3Setpoint PR3TrEnable PR3TrPerm PR4Setpoint PR4TrEnable PR4TrPerm InForChanA AccASetpoint PulseRate1 A A>B B FastOS1Trip S R PulseRate2 A A>B B S FastOS2Trip R PulseRate3 A A>B B FastOS3Trip S R PulseRate4 A A>B B S FastOS4Trip R Accel1 Accel2 Input Accel3 cct. Accel4 select AccelA A A>B B S AccATrip R AccelAEnab AccelAPerm InForChanB AccBSetpoint Accel1 Accel2 Input Accel3 cct. Accel4 select AccelB A A>B B S AccBTrip R AccelBEnab AccelBPerm Master Reset (MRESET ) MarkVIeS, SYS_OUTPUT block OR PTR1 PTR1_Output Primary Trip Relay, normal Path, True= Run AND PTR2 PTR2_Output Primary Trip Relay, normal Path , True= Run AND PTR3 PTR3_Output PTR4 PTR4_Output PTR5 PTR5_Output PTR6 PTR6_Output -------------Total of six circuits ----- Fast Trip Path False = Run True = Run Output, J4,PTR1 True = Run Output, J4,PTR2 True = Run Output, J4,PTR3 True = Run Output, J4A,PTR4 True = Run Output, J4A,PTR5 True = Run Output, J4A,PTR6 Fast Overspeed Algorithm, PR-Single 562 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information Input, PR1 PR1Type, PR1Scale Input Config . PTUR I/O Pack Firmware Scaling Param. PulseRate1 2 d _ dt PulseRate2 Accel1 Accel2 Accel3 Accel4 PulseRate3 PulseRate4 AccelCalType FastTripType RPM PR_Max Four Pulse Rate Circuits RPM/sec RPM/sec RPM Signal Space Inputs PulseRate1 Accel1 PulseRate2 Accel2 PulseRate3 Accel3 PulseRate4 Accel4 RPM/sec RPM RPM/sec RPM Fast Overspeed Protection DecelPerm DecelEnab DecelStpt InForChanA InForChanB Accel 1 Accel 2 Accel3 Accel 4 PulseRate1 PulseRate2 PulseRate3 PulseRate4 AccelA A A<B B Neg Input cct. Select for AccelA and AccelB AccelB Neg PulseRateA PulseRateB PulseRate1 PulseRate2 MAX S DecelTrip R A A>B B PR 1/2Max A A>B B FastOS1Trip S FastOS1Stpt FastOS1Enab FastOS1Perm R PR3/4Max PulseRate3 PulseRate4 MAX A A>B B S FastOS2Stpt FastOS2Enab FastOS2Perm FastOS2Trip R N/C PR1/2Max PR3/4Max DiffSetpoint DiffEnab DiffPerm Master Reset (MRESET ) MarkVIeS, SYS _OUTPUT block PTR1 PTR1_Output PTR2 PTR2_Output N/C A |A-B| B A A>B B S FastOS3Trip FastOS4Trip FastDiffTrip R OR Primary Trip Relay, normal Path, True=Run AND Primary Trip Relay, normal Path, True=Run PTR3 PTR3_Output PTR4 PTR5 PTR5_Output PTR6 PTR6_Output Fast Trip Path False = Run True=Run Output, J4, PTR1 True=Run Output, J4, PTR2 AND Total of six circuits True=Run Output, J4, PTR3 True=Run Output, J4, PTR4 True=Run Output, J4, PTR5 True=Run Output, J4, PTR6 Fast Overspeed Algorithm, PR-Max PTUR, YTUR Turbine Specific Primary Trip GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 563 Non-Public Information Shaft Voltage and Current Monitor Bearings can be damaged by the flow of electrical current from the shaft to the case. This current can occur for several reasons: • • • A static voltage can be caused by droplets of water being thrown off the last stage buckets in a steam turbine. This voltage builds up until a discharge occurs through the bearing oil film. An ac ripple on the dc generator field can produce an ac voltage on the shaft with respect to ground through the capacitance of the field winding and insulation. Note that both of these sources are weak, so high impedance instrumentation is used to measure these voltages with respect to ground. A voltage can be generated between the ends of the generator shaft due to dissymmetries in the generator magnetic circuits. If the insulated bearings on the generator shaft break down, the current flows from one end of the shaft through the bearings and frame to the other end. Brushes can be used to discharge damaging voltage buildup, and a shunt should be used to monitor the current flow. Note The dc test is driven from the R controller only. If the R controller is down, this test cannot be run successfully. The turbine control continuously monitors the shaft to ground voltage and current, and alarms excessive levels. There is an ac test mode and a dc test mode. The ac test applies an ac voltage to test the integrity of the measuring circuit. The dc test checks the continuity of the external circuit, including the brushes, turbine shaft, and the interconnecting wire. Flame Detectors With the TRPG primary trip terminal board, the primary protection system monitors signals from eight flame detectors. With no flame present the detector charges up to the supply voltage. The presence of flame causes the detector to charge to a level and then discharge through the TRPG. As the flame intensity increases, the discharge frequency increases. When the detector discharges, the primary protection system converts the discharged energy into a voltage pulse. The pulse rate varies from 0 to 1,000 pulses/sec. These voltage pulses are fanned out to all three modules. Voltage pulses above 2.5 V generate a logic high. Pulses are counted over a 40 ms period in a counter to generate the flame detector pulse rate. Note Refer to GEH-6721_Vol_II, the chapter Power Distribution Modules, the section, PSFD Flame Detector Power Supply. • • • • Connectors A DC-62 pin connector on the underside of the YTUR I/O pack connects directly to a discrete output terminal board. An RJ-45 Ethernet connector named ENET1 on the I/O pack side is the primary system interface. A second RJ-45 Ethernet connector named ENET2 on the I/O pack side is the redundant or secondary system interface. A 3-pin power connector on the pack side is the input point for 28 V dc power for the I/O pack and terminal board. Note The terminal board provides fused power output from a power source that is applied directly to the terminal board, not through this I/O pack connector. 564 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 11.3.3 Specifications Item YTUR Specification Number of inputs Passive speed pickups: 4 TRPG, 3 TRPA 3 voltage detection circuits from TRPA Estop from TRPA 1 Shaft voltage and 1 current measurement from TRPG 1 Generator and 1 bus voltage from TRPG Generator breaker status from TRPG Eight flame detectors from TRPG Number of outputs Automatic synchronizing control to main breaker Primary trip solenoid interface: 3 outputs to TRPG, 2 trip contact outputs from TREA Speed sensor range MPU pulse rate range 2 Hz to 20 kHz Speed sensor accuracy MPU pulse rate accuracy 0.05% of reading Speed sensor circuit sensitivity Required peak-peak voltage rises as a function of frequency: 0 to 2 kHz requires 27 mV 2 to 6 kHz requires 50 mV 6 to 10 kHz requires 100 mV 10 to 15 kHz requires 160 mV Above 15 kHz requires 250 mV Shaft voltage monitor Voltage signal is ±5 V dc pulses from 0 to 2,000 Hz Shaft voltage dc test This applies a 5 V dc source to test integrity of the circuit. The circuit reads a differential resistance between 0 and 150 Ω within ±5 Ω. Readings above the BrushLimit ohms setting indicate a fault. The returned signal is filtered to provide 40 dB of noise attenuation at 60 Hz. Shaft voltage ac test Applies a test voltage of 2 kHz to YTUR shaft voltage circuit input. Shaft current input Measures shaft current in amps ac (shunt voltage up to 0.1 V pp) Generator and bus voltage sensors 2 single phase PTs, with secondary output supplying a nominal 115 V rms. Less than 3 VA loading on inputs. Allowable voltage range for sync is 75 to 130 V rms. Synchronizing measurements Frequency accuracy 0.05% over 45 to 66 Hz range. Zero crossing of the inputs is monitored on the rising slope. Phase difference measurement is better than ±1 degree. Contact voltage sensing 20 V dc indicates high and 6 V dc indicates low. Each circuit is optically isolated and filtered for 4 ms. Size 8.26 cm High x 4.19 cm Wide x 12.1 cm Deep (3.25 in. x 1.65 in. x 4.78 in.) † Ambient rating for enclosure design -30 to 65ºC (-22 to 149 ºF) Technology Surface mount Note † For further details, refer to the Mark VIe and Mark VIeS Control Systems System Guide, Volume I (GEH-6721_Vol_ I), the chapter Technical Regulations, Standards, and Environments. PTUR, YTUR Turbine Specific Primary Trip GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 565 Non-Public Information 11.3.4 Diagnostics The I/O pack performs the following self-diagnostic tests: • A power-up self-test that includes checks of RAM, flash memory, Ethernet ports, and most of the processor board hardware. Continuous monitoring of the internal power supplies for correct operation. L3BKR_GXS - the Sync Check Relay on TTUR is Slow L3BKR_GES - the Auto Sync Relay on TTUR is Slow Breaker #1 Slower than Adjustment Limit Allows Breaker #2 Slower than Adjustment Limit Allows Synchronization Trouble - the K25 Relay on TTUR Locked Up. A check of the electronic ID information from the terminal board, acquisition board, and processor board to confirm that the hardware set matches, followed by a check that the application code loaded from flash memory is correct for the hardware set. Diagnostic information includes status of the solenoid relay driver, contact, high and low flame detector voltage, and the sync relays. If any one of the signals goes unhealthy a composite diagnostic alarm, L3DIAG_YTUR occurs. • • • • • • • • The diagnostic signals can be individually latched, and then reset with the RESET_DIA signal if they go healthy. Details of the individual diagnostics are available from the toolbox. YTUR Application LEDs LED Label Description Yellow K25 Indicates the presence of a command to energize the primary synchronizing relay. Yellow K25P Indicates the presence of a command to energize the synchronizing permissive relay. Yellow DCT Indicates the presence of a command to enable the DC Test of shaft voltage and current monitoring. Yellow K1, K2, and K3 Indicates a command to energize the corresponding relay. 566 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 11.3.5 Configuration Note The following information is extracted from the ToolboxST application and represents a sample of the configuration information for this board. Refer to the actual configuration file within the ToolboxST application for specific information. Parameter Description Choices System Limits Enable or disable all system limit checking Enable, disable AccelCalType Select acceleration calculation type Slow, Medium, Fast TripType Select fast trip algorithm Unused, PR_Single, PR_Max Deceleration enable Disable, Enable YTUR_Mod_Cfg Trip Type (PR_Max) DecelEnab DecelStpt Deceleration setpoint, RPM/sec 0 … 1500 FastOS1Stpt Fast Overspeed trip #1 setpoint, Max (PR1, PR2), RPM 0 ... 20000 FastOS1Enabl Fast Overspeed trip #1 enable Disable, Enable FastOS2Stpt Fast Overspeed trip #2 setpoint, Max (PR3, PR4), RPM 0 ... 20000 FastOS2Enabl Fast Overspeed trip #2 enable Disable, Enable DiffSetpoint Difference Speed trip setpoint, RPM 0 ... 20000 DiffEnable Difference Speed trip, enable Disable, Enable PR1Setpoint Fast Overspeed trip #1, setpoint, PR1, RPM 0 ... 20000 PR1TrEnable Fast Overspeed trip #1, enable Disable, Enable AccASetpoint Acceleration trip setpoint, Change A, RPM/sec 0 ... 1500 InForChanA . DiagSo1PwrA . Input change selection for Accel/Decel trip . When using TRPL/S, Sol Power, Bus A, Diagnostic enable. . Accel, Accel2, Accel3, Accel4. . Enable, Disable . Parameter Description Choices Selects the type of pulse rate input, n (for proper resolution) Unused, Speed, Flow, Speed_LM Trip Type (PR_Single) YTUR_PR_Cfg PRType PRScale Pulses per revolution (outputs RPM) 0 to 1,000 SysLim1Enabl Enable system limit 1 fault check Enable, Disable SysLim1Latch Latch system limit 1 fault SysLim1Type System limit 1 check type (= or <=) Latch, Not Latch = or <= SysLimit1 System limit 1 - RPM 0 to 20,000 SysLim2Enabl . TMRDiffLimit Enable system limit 2 fault check (as above) . Diag Limit, TMR input vote difference, in Eng units Enable, Disable . 0 to 20,000 YTUR_ShV_Cfg Shaft voltage monitor SysLim1Enabl Enable system limit 1 Enable, Disable SysLim1Latch Latch system limit 1 fault SysLim1Type System limit 1 check type (= or <=) Latch, Not Latch = or <= SysLimit1 Select alarm level in frequency Hz 0 to 100 SysLim2Enabl Select system limit 2 (as above) Enable, Disable TMRDiffLimt Diag limit, TMR input vote difference, in Hertz 0 to 100 YTURShC_Cfg Shaft current monitor PTUR, YTUR Turbine Specific Primary Trip GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 567 Non-Public Information Parameter Description Choices ShuntOhms ShuntLimit BrushLimit Shunt ohms Shunt maximum test ohms Shaft (Brush + Shunt) maximum ohms 0 to 100 0 to 100 0 to 100 SysLim1Enable Select system limit 1 Enable, Disable SysLim1Latch Select whether alarm will latch SysLim1Type Select type of alarm initiation Latch, Not Latch = or <= SysLimit1 Current Amps, select alarm level in Amps 0 to 100 SysLim2Enable . YTUR_PT_Cfg Select system limit 2 . Generator potential transform Enable, Disable . PT_Input PT primary in Eng units (kv or percent) for PT_Output 0 to 1,000 PT_Output PT output in volts rms, for PT_Input - typically 115 0 to 150 SysLim1 Select alarm level in k volts rms 0 to 1,000 SysLim2 Select alarm level in k volts rms 0 to 1,000 YTUR_CB_Cfg Circuit Breaker System Frequency Select frequency in Hz 50 or 60 CB1CloseTime Breaker 1 closing time, ms 0 to 1,000 CB1 AdaptLimit Breaker 1 self adaptive limit, ms 0 to 1,000 CB1 AdaptEnabl Enable breaker 1 self adaptive adjustment Enable, Disable CB1FreqDiff Breaker 1 special window frequency difference, Hz 0.15 ... 0.66 CB1PhaseDiff Breaker 1 special window phase Diff, degrees 0 to 20 CB2CloseTime . YTUR_Flm_Cfg Breaker 2 closing time, ms (as above) . 0 to 1,000 . 0.160, 0.080, 0.040 sec FlmDetTime Flame detector time interval FlameLimitHI Flame threshold LimitHI with higher detection counter provides lower sensitivity. FlameLimitLOW Flame threshold LimitLOW with lower detection counter provides higher sensitivity. Flame_Det Flame detector used or unused Used, Unused PTR_Output Primary protection relay used or unused Unused, used DiagVoteEnab Enable voting disagreement diagnostic Enable, Disable Enable voting disagreement diagnostic Enable, Disable 1 … 160 YTUR_Rly1_Cfg YTUR_Estop_Cfg DiagVoteEnab 568 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information YTUR Signal Space Outputs Output Description Function Sync_Perm_AS Auto sync permissive Traditionally known as L83AS Sync_Perm Sync permissive mode, L25P Traditionally known as L25P; interface to control the K25P relay Sync_Monitor Auto Sync monitor mode Traditionally known as L83S_MTR; enables the Auto Sync function, except it blocks the K25 relays from picking up Sync_Bypass1 Auto Sync bypass Traditionally known as L25_BYPASS; to pickup L25 for Dead Bus or Manual Sync Sync_Bypass0 Auto Sync bypass Traditionally known as L25_BYPASSZ; to pickup L25 for Dead Bus or Manual Sync CB2 Selected #2 Breaker is selected AS_WIN_SEL Special Auto Sync window Traditionally known as L43SAUTO2; to use the breaker close time associated with Breaker #2 New function, used on Synchronous condenser applications to give a more permissive window When true, selects the special auto sync window Sync_Reset Auto Sync reset Traditionally known as L86MR_TCEA; to reset the Sync Lockout function PTUR, YTUR Turbine Specific Primary Trip GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 569 Non-Public Information YTUR Signal Space Inputs Input Description Function Ckt_BKR Breaker State (feedback) Traditionally known as L52B_SEL CB_Volts_OK Breaker Closing Coil Voltage is present Used in diagnostics CB_K25P_PU Breaker Closing Coil Voltage is present downstream of the K25P relay contacts Used in diagnostics CB_K25_PU Breaker Closing Coil Voltage is present downstream of the K25 relay contacts Used in diagnostics CB_K25A_PU Breaker Closing Coil Voltage is present downstream of the K25A relay contacts Used in diagnostics Gen_Sync_LO Sync Lock out Traditionally known as L30AS1 or L30AS2; it is a latched signal requiring a reset to clear (Sync_Reset). It detects a K25 relay problem (picked up when it should be dropped out) or a slow Sync Check (relay K25A) function L25_Comand Breaker Close Command to the K25 Traditionally known as L25 relay GenFreq Generator frequency Hz BusFreq Bus frequency Hz GenVoltsDiff Engineering units, kV or percent CB1CloseTime CB2CloseTime GenPT_Kvolts Difference Voltage between the Generator and the Bus Difference Frequency between the Generator and the Bus Difference Phase between the Generator and the Bus Breaker #1 measured close time Breaker #2 measured close time Generator Voltage BusPT_Kvolts Bus Voltage Engineering units, kV or percent J4:IS200TRPGS1A TRPG terminal board, 8 flame detectors Connected, not connected GenFreqDiff GenPhaseDiff 570 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Hz Degrees ms ms Engineering units, kV or percent Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information Board Point Signals Board Points Signals Description - Point Edit Direction Type L3DIAG_YTUR I/O Diagnostic Indication Input BIT LINK_OK_YTUR I/O Link Okay Indication Input BIT ATTN_YTUR I/O Attention Indication Input BIT ShShntTst_OK Shaft voltage monitor shunt test OK Input BIT ShBrshTst_OK Shaft voltage brush + shunt test OK Input BIT CB_Volts_OK L3BKR_VLT circuit breaker coil voltage available Input BIT CB_K25P_PU L3BKR_PERM sync permissive relay picked up Input BIT CB_K25_PU L3KBR_GES auto sync relay picked up Input BIT CB_K25A_PU L3KBR_GEX sync check relay picked up Input BIT Gen_Sync_LO Generator sync trouble (lockout) Input BIT L25_Command —————— Input BIT Kq1_Status —————— Input BIT : : Input BIT Kq6_Status —————— Input BIT FD1_Flame —————— Input BIT : : Input BIT FD16_Flame —————— Input BIT SysLim1PR1 —————— Input BIT : : Input BIT SysLim1PR4 —————— Input BIT SysLim1SHV Ac shaft voltage frequency high L30TSVH Input BIT SysLim1SHC Ac shaft current high L30TSCH Input BIT SysLim1GEN —————— Input BIT SysLim1BUS —————— Input BIT SysLim2PR1 (same set as for Limit1 above) Input BIT GenFreq Hz frequency Input FLOAT BusFreq Hz frequency Input FLOAT GenVoltsDiff KiloVolts rms-Gen Low is negative Input FLOAT Gen Freq Diff Slip Hz-Gen Slow is negative Input FLOAT Gen Phase Diff Phase Degrees-Gen Lag is negative Input FLOAT CB1CloseTime Breaker #1 close time in milliseconds Input FLOAT CB2CloseTime Breaker #2 close time in milliseconds Input FLOAT Accel1 RPM/SEC Input FLOAT : : Input FLOAT Accel4 RPM/SEC Input FLOAT FlmDetPwr1 335 V dc Input FLOAT ShTestAC L97SHAFT_AC SVM_AC_TEST Output BIT ShTestDC L97SHAFT_DC SVM_DC_TEST Output BIT FD1_Level 1 = high detection counts level Output BIT : : Output BIT PTUR, YTUR Turbine Specific Primary Trip GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 571 Non-Public Information Board Points Signals Description - Point Edit Direction Type FD16_Level 1 = high detection counts level Output BIT Sync_Perm_AS L83AS - auto sync permissive Output BIT Sync_Perm L25P - sequencing sync permissive Output BIT Sync_Monitor L83S_MTR - monitor mode Output BIT Sync_Bypass1 L25_BYP-1 = auto aync bypass Output BIT Sync_Bypass0 L25_BYPZ-0 = auto sync permissive Output BIT CB2_Selected L43SAUT2 - 2nd breaker selected Output BIT AS_Win_Sel L43AS_WIN - special window selected Output BIT Sync_Reset L86MR_SYNC - sync trouble reset Output BIT Kq1 L20PTR1 - primary trip relay Output BIT : : Output BIT Kq6 L20PTR6 - primary trip relay Output BIT 572 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 11.4 YTUR Specific Alarms 32–34 Description Solenoid #[ ] Relay driver Feedback Incorrect Possible Cause The I/O pack monitors the relay command for the correct state and termination into the expected trip board impedance. The I/O pack internal feedback of relay command output does not match the desired state. Solution • • • • Check the mounting of the I/O pack on the terminal board. Check the cable from the TTUR to the trip board, if used. Replace the I/O pack. Replace the TRPx trip board. 38–40 Description Solenoid #[ ] Contact Feedback Incorrect Possible Cause The contact state feedback from the trip board does not match the relay command. Solution • • • Check the mounting of the I/O pack on the terminal board. Check the cable from the TTUR to the TRPx. Check the operation of the relay. 44 Description Trip Board Solenoid Power Absent Possible Cause • • The I/O pack has detected the absence of solenoid power as indicated by the connected TRPx board. The issue could be with the power source applied in the TRPx terminal boards. Solution • • • • • • Verify that the TRPx on the J1 connector is receiving power. Verify that the voltage at the J1 cable is at an acceptable range. If it is out of range, there could be a problem with the source or the cable connected between source and the terminal board. Check the cabling to the TRPx. If the voltage source is good, change the cable between the power source and TRPx boards. If the problem persists, replace the cable between the TRPx and the TTUR or STUR board. If the problem persists, replace the TRPx board. PTUR, YTUR Turbine Specific Primary Trip GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 573 Non-Public Information 46 Description TRPG Flame Detector Volts Lower than 314.9 V Possible Cause The voltage is less than 314.9 V dc and any flame detector is configured as Used. Note The 335 V dc power required for the Honeywell flame detector is provided by the Flame Detector Power Supply (PSFD). This nominal 335 V power enters the TRPG through the J3, J4, and J5 connectors. Solution • • • • • If no flame detector is being used, verify that all the Flame_Det parameters are set to Unused. If only two PSFDs are being used, set the No_T_PS_Req parameter to True. This disables the check for power on TRPG J5. If the PSFD voltage is less than 314.9 V dc, replace the PSFD. Check the voltage at the TRPG side (J3, J4, and J5). If the voltage is above 314.9 V dc, replace TRPG. If the voltage reading at TRPG side (J3, J4, and J5) is below 314.9 V dc and the voltage at PSFD is nominal, replace the cable connected between the TRPG and the PSFD. 47 Description TRPG Flame Detector Volts Higher than 355.1 V Possible Cause This power comes into the TRPG through the J3, J4, and J5 connectors. If the voltage is greater than 355.1 V dc, this fault is declared. Solution • • If the voltage is higher than 355.1 V dc, check the power supply. Check the voltage on the TRPG. If the voltage is above 355 V, the monitoring circuitry on the TRPG or the cabling to the TRPG may be the problem. 50 Description L3BKRGXS - Sync Check Relay Is Slow Possible Cause • • • The K25 (auto sync) has picked up but the Sync check relay L3BKRGXS, known as K25A, on the TTUR has not picked up. There is no breaker closing voltage source. The K25A relay is not enabled on the YPRO I/O module. Solution • • • • 574 Attempt to perform a Sync Reset (set Synch_Reset to True). Check the breaker to verify closure. Verify that the K25A relay is enabled on the YPRO I/O module. Replace the TTUR. GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 51 Description L3BKRGES - Auto Sync Relay Is Slow Possible Cause • • • The Auto Sync relay L3BKRGES, also known as K25, on the TTUR has not picked up when it should have. The K25P is not picked up. There is no breaker closing voltage source. Solution • • • Attempt to perform a Sync Reset (set Synch_Reset to True). Check the breaker to verify closure. Replace the TTUR. 52–53 Description Breaker #[ ] Slower Than Adjustment Limit Allows Possible Cause • • The self-adaptive function adjustment of the Breaker Close Time has reached the allowable limit and cannot make further adjustments to correct the Breaker Close Time. The breaker is experiencing a problem, or the operator should consider changing the configuration. Both the nominal close time and the self-adaptive limit in milliseconds can be configured. Solution • • • • Increase the limit setting of CBxCloseTime for the breaker in question. Review breaker feedback timing to verify that it meets the documented specifications. Verify that there are no interposing relays causing a delay. Replace the terminal board. 54 Description Synchronization Trouble - K25 Relay Locked Up Possible Cause • • The K25 relay is picked up when it should not be. K25 on TTUR is most likely stuck closed, or the contacts are welded together. Solution • • • Attempt to perform a Sync Reset (set Synch_Reset to True). Isolate which relay (K25A or K25) is causing a problem by checking the diagnostics and correcting the source of the issue. Replace TTUR. PTUR, YTUR Turbine Specific Primary Trip GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 575 Non-Public Information 55 Description Trip Board required by Main Terminal Board Possible Cause When the YTUR is used with a TTUR, STURH3, or STURH4 terminal board, an auxilliary trip board is required. However, the YTUR does not detect that a required trip board has been connected. Solution • • Verify that the proper terminal board and trip board has been configured in the ToolboxST application. Rebuild the application, then download the firmware and application code to the affected I/O pack. Verify the trip board cable connections at both ends. 57 Description Hardware and Configuration Incompatibility - Main Terminal Board Possible Cause The YTUR configuration does not match the actual terminal board hardware. Solution • • • • Verify that the ToolboxST configuration matches the actual hardware. Rebuild the application, then download the firmware and application code to the affected I/O pack. Verify that the YTUR is fully seated on the terminal board. Verify that the installed ToolboxST version supports the configured hardware. 58 Description Hardware and Configuration Incompatibility - Trip Board Possible Cause The configuration does not match the connected trip board. Solution • • • • • • • 576 Review the hardware compatibility information and correct, if necessary. Check the I/O pack configuration to verify that the TTUR board hardware form matches the installed terminal board. Rebuild the application, then download the firmware and application code to the affected I/O pack. If the configuration is correct, rebuild the device and download the firmware and parameters to the affected I/O pack. Verify the trip board cable connections at both ends. Verify that the cable between the TTUR/STUR board and the TRPx terminal board is properly seated. Verify that the installed ToolboxST version supports the configured hardware. GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 67 Description Speed Trip Possible Cause • • • • • • I/O pack has detected that a speed input has exceeded the overspeed threshold Acceleration threshold has been exceeded De-acceleration speed has been exceeded Overspeed configuration is set too low Acceleration limit has been enabled and is set too low Noisy pulse input signal Solution • • • • Verify that the overspeed configuration is correct. Verify that the acceleration configuration is correct. Check the speed sensor. Determine the cause of the overspeed condition; for example, input signal, configuration, or noise. 68 Description TRPA - K1 solid state relay shorted Possible Cause TRPA provides voltage-based detection of stuck-on relays in the six voting contacts used to provide K1. Zero voltage has been detected on one or more contacts of K1 when voltage should be present. Solution Replace the TRPA. 69 Description TRPA - K2 solid state relay shorted Possible Cause TRPA provides voltage-based detection of stuck-on relays in the six voting contacts used to provide K2. Zero voltage has been deleted on one or more contacts of K2 when voltage should be present. Solution Replace the TRPA. 70 Description Pack internal reference voltage out of limits Possible Cause The calibration reference voltage is beyond the expected value, indicating a hardware failure. Solution • • Cycle power on the I/O pack. Replace the I/O pack. PTUR, YTUR Turbine Specific Primary Trip GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 577 Non-Public Information 71 Description Pack internal null voltage out of limits Possible Cause The calibration null voltage is beyond the expected value, indicating a hardware failure. Solution • • Cycle power on the I/O pack. Replace the I/O pack. 128–223 Description Logic Signal [ ] Voting Mismatch Possible Cause A problem exists with a status input between the R, S, and T I/O packs. This could be the device, the wire to the terminal board, or the terminal board. Solution • • • • • • Verify that the R, S, and T I/O pack configurations are equal to the ToolboxST configuration. Check the I/O pack power and networking. Check the I/O pack mounting on the terminal board. Verify the operation of the device generating the specified signal. Verify the terminal board wiring and connections. Replace the I/O pack. 224–252 Description Input Signal [ ] Voting Mismatch, Local=[ ], Voted=[ ] Possible Cause A problem exists with a status input between the R, S, and T I/O packs. This could be the device, the wire to the terminal board, or the terminal board. Solution • • • • • 578 Verify that the R, S, and T I/O pack configurations are equal to the ToolboxST configuration. Check the I/O pack power and networking. Check the I/O pack mounting on the terminal board. Verify the operation of the device generating the specified signal. Verify the terminal board wiring and connections. GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 11.5 TTURH#C, S1C TMR Primary Turbine Protection Terminal Board The Primary Turbine Protection (TTUR) terminal board inputs and outputs are as follows: • • • • • • 12 pulse rate devices sensing a toothed wheel to measure the turbine speed Generator voltage and bus voltage signals taken from external potential transformers 125 V dc output to the main breaker coil for automatic generator synchronizing Inputs from shaft voltage and current sensors to measure induced shaft voltage and current Three overspeed trip signals to the trip board Additional I/O signals from the trip board TTUR has three relays, K25, K25P, and K25A, that all have to close to provide 125 V dc power to close the main breaker 52G. The signals to the I/O pack use the PR3 and JR4 connector for simplex systems. For TMR systems, signals fan out to the PR3, PS3, PT3, JR4, JS4, and JT4 connectors. TTUR Primary Turbine Protection PTUR, YTUR Turbine Specific Primary Trip GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 579 Non-Public Information Compatibility Board Revision Mark VIe Control IS220PTUR Mark VIeS Safety Control IS200YTUR TTURH1C Comments Supports connection of TRPG, TRPS, TRPL, or TRPA No TTURH2C Contains altered internal power distribution for special applications and is not interchangeable with Yes a TTURH1C TTURS1C Yes Supports connection of TRPGS, TRPAS, and is IEC 61508 safety certified with YTUR 11.5.1 Installation Pulse rate pick ups, shaft pick ups, potential transformers, and the breaker relay are wired to the two terminal blocks TB1 and TB2. Each block is held down with two screws and has 24 terminals accepting up to #12 AWG wires. A shield terminal strip attached to chassis ground is located immediately to the left of each terminal block. In 240 V ac applications, do not inadvertently cross-connect the 240 V ac and the dc voltages. The peak voltage will exceed the Transorb rating, resulting in a failure. Caution Most ac supplies operate with a grounded neutral, and if an inadvertent connection between the 125 V dc and the ac voltage is created, the sum of the ac peak voltage and the 125 V dc is applied to Transorbs connected between dc and ground. However, in 120 V ac applications, the Transorb rating can withstand the peak voltage without causing a failure. Jumpers JP1 and JP2 select either simplex or TMR for relay drivers K25 and K25P. Removing wire jumper WJ1 isolates the K25A control line to the J8 connector on the terminal board. TB3 is for optional TTL connections to active speed pickups; these devices require an external power supply. Simplex systems use connectors PR3 and JR4. TMR systems use all six connectors. Note Passive or active Pulse rate devices can be used. The I/O pack plugs into the TTUR as displayed in the following figure. Either one or three I/O packs can be used. The turbine primary trip board connects to the J4 connectors. 580 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information TTUR Terminal Board Wiring PTUR, YTUR Turbine Specific Primary Trip GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 581 Non-Public Information 11.5.2 Operation In simplex applications, up to four pulse rate signals can be used to measure turbine speed. Generator and bus voltages are brought into TTUR for automatic synchronizing in conjunction with the PTUR or YTUR, the turbine controller, and the excitation system. The TTUR has permissive generator synchronizing relays and controls the main breaker relay coil 52G. All three relays have two normally open contacts in series with the breaker close coil. In TMR applications, all inputs, except speed, fan to the three PTURs or YTURs. Control signals coming into TTUR from R, S, and T are voted before they actuate permissive relays K25 and K25P. The sync check relay driver (located on TREG, TREL, or TRES) is connected to the K25A relay coil (located on TTUR) through cabling from the J2 connector to TRPG, TREL, or TRES. It then goes through JR1 (and JS1, JT1) to JR4 (and JS4, JT4) on TTUR. This is the primary path. An optional path is through J8 on TREG. Relay K25A is controlled by the PPRO or YPRO. Note The Mark VIeS YTUR does not support the TREL or TRES. 582 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information TTUR and I/O Packs, TMR system PTUR, YTUR Turbine Specific Primary Trip GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 583 Non-Public Information 11.5.3 Specifications Item TTUR Specification Number of inputs 12 passive speed pickups 1 shaft voltage and 1 shaft current measurement 1 generator and 1 bus voltage. Generator breaker status contact. Signal to K25A relay from Mark VIe PPRO or Mark VIeS YPRO Number of outputs Generator breaker coil, make (close) 10 A at 125 V dc, break (open) 0.6 A at 125 V dc Power supply voltage Nominal 125 V dc to breaker coil MPU pulse rate range 2 Hz to 20 kHz MPU pulse rate accuracy 0.05% of reading Speed input sensitivity Turning gear speed can be observed on a typical turbine application. Required peak-peak (p-p) voltage rises as a function of frequency: 2 Hz requires 24 mV p-p 20 kHz requires 276 mV p-p Shaft voltage monitor Signal is frequency of ±5 V dc (0 – 1 MHz) pulses from 0 to 2,000 Hz Shaft voltage wiring Up to 300 m (984 ft), with maximum two-way cable resistance of 15 Ω Shaft voltage dc test This applies a 5 V dc source to test integrity of the circuit. The circuit reads a differential resistance between 0 and 150 Ω within ±5 Ω. Readings above the BrushLimit ohms setting indicate a fault. The returned signal is filtered to provide 40 dB of noise attenuation at 60 Hz. Shaft voltage ac test Applies a test voltage of 2 kHz to the input of the Mark VIe PTUR or Mark VIeS YTUR shaft voltage circuit. Shaft current input Measures shaft current in amps ac (shunt voltage up to 0.1 V pp) Generator and bus voltage sensors Two single phase potential transformers, with secondary output supply a nominal 115 V rms. These PTs are external to the TTUR. Each PT input on the TTUR has less than 3 VA of loading. Each PT input on the TTUR is magnetically isolated with a 1,500 V rms barrier. Cable length can be up to 1,000 ft. of 18 AWG wiring. Generator breaker circuits (synchronizing) External circuits should have a voltage range within 20 to 140 V dc. The external circuit must include a NC breaker auxiliary contact to interrupt the current. Circuits are rated for NEMA class E creepage and clearance. 250 V dc applications require interposing relays. Contact voltage sensing 20 V dc indicates high and 6 V dc indicates low. Each circuit is optically isolated and filtered for 4 ms. Size 33.0 cm high x 17.8 cm wide (13 in x 7 in) Technology Surface mount 584 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 11.5.4 Diagnostics Diagnostic tests are made on the terminal board as follows: • • • • • • Feedback from the solenoid relay drivers is checked; if there is a problem with the control signal a fault is created. Feedback from the relay contacts; if there is a problem with the control signal a fault is created. Loss of solenoid power creates a fault. Slow sync check relay, slow breaker, and locked up K25 relay; all of these create a fault. If any one of the above signals goes unhealthy, a composite diagnostic alarm occurs. The diagnostic signals can be individually latched and then reset with the RESET_DIA signal if they go healthy. Terminal board connectors have their own ID device that is interrogated by the I/O pack. The ID device is a read-only chip coded with the terminal board serial number, board type, revision number, and plug location. When the chip is read by the I/O pack and a mismatch is encountered, a hardware incompatibility fault is created. 11.5.5 Configuration Jumpers JP1 and JP2 select either simplex (SMX) or TMR for relay drivers K25 and K25P. Wire jumper WJ1 is installed; removing this will isolate the K25A control line to the J8 connector on the TTUR board. There are no switches on the board. PTUR, YTUR Turbine Specific Primary Trip GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 585 Non-Public Information 11.6 STURH#A Simplex Primary Turbine Protection Terminal Board The Simplex Primary Turbine Protection Input (STUR) terminal board is a simplex S-type terminal board version of the turbine terminal board (TTUR). It provides a connection for the turbine specific primary trip (PTUR), speed and synchronizing inputs, and trip relay outputs or a cable to drive a primary trip board. Note The STUR terminal board is not compatible with the Mark VIeS YTUR I/O pack. STUR is used for the following: • • • Mechanical drives requiring overspeed protection but no synchronizing function. Generator drive systems requiring overspeed and primary synchronization. Other applications requiring the four pulse input circuits of PTUR. This terminal board has the same physical size, customer terminal locations, and I/O pack mounting as other S-type terminal boards. There will be no components higher than an attached PTUR I/O pack permitting double stacking of terminal boards. There are four groups: • • • • IS200STURH1 omits synchronizing hardware and includes trip relays. IS200STURH2 includes synchronizing hardware and trip relays. IS200STURH3 omits synchronizing hardware and includes a DC-37 pin connector for a cable leading to a trip terminal board. IS200STURH4 includes synchronizing hardware and includes a DC-37 pin connector for a cable leading to a trip terminal board. Note Boards revisions prior to version STURH3ADB and STURH4ADB do not support the third trip relay. STUR provides the following major functions: • • • • • • • Provides a DC-62 pin connector for mounting a single PTUR I/O pack. Accepts up to four speed input signals. A 48 terminal Euro style box-type terminal blocks for customer connection points is supplied on the board. Provides two trip solenoid outputs, K1 and K2, with each composed of a safety relay (H1, H2). Provides a DC-37 pin connector for connecting a TPRG or TPRS primary trip relay (H3, H4). Accepts two PT inputs supporting primary synchronization (H2, H4). They accept generator voltage and bus voltage signals taken from potential transformers. Provides two relay outputs supporting primary synchronization (H2, H4). Two relays, K25 and K25P, have to close to provide 125 V dc power needed to close the main breaker 52G. Note STUR contains no provisions for an E-stop circuit. 11.6.1 Installation STUR and a plastic insulator mount on a sheet metal carrier. The carrier is then mounted to a cabinet by screws. 586 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information Customer Terminal Assignments Terminal Description Signal Name STURH1A STURH2A STURH3A STURH4A 1 K1_NO1_In K1_NO1_In Parallel connection to terminal 2. 2 K1_NO1_In K1_NO1_In Relay K1 Normally Open contact #1 3 K1_Centertap K1_Centertap Relay K1 Common 4 K1_NC_Out K1_NC_Out Relay K1 Normally Closed 5 K1_NO2_In K1_NO2_In Relay K1 Normally Open Contact #2 in 6 K1_NO2_Out K1_NO2_Out Relay K1 Normally Open Contact #2 ret. 7 K1_NO2_Out K1_NO2_Out Parallel connection to terminal 6 8 K2_NO1_In K2_NO1_In Parallel connection to terminal 9 9 K2_NO1_In K2_NO1_In Relay K2 Normally Open contact #1 10 K2_Centertap K2_Centertap Relay K2 Common 11 K2_NC_Out K2_NC_Out Relay K2 Normally Closed 12 K2_NO2_In K2_NO2_In Relay K2 Normally Open Contact #2 in 13 K2_NO2_Out K2_NO2_Out Relay K2 Normally Open Contact #2 ret. 14 K2_NO2_Out K2_NO2_Out Parallel connection to terminal 13 15 SOL1_In SOL1_In Solenoid 1 voltage sensor + input 16 SOL1_Ret SOL1_Ret Solenoid 1 voltage sensor - input PTUR, YTUR Turbine Specific Primary Trip GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 587 Non-Public Information Customer Terminal Assignments (continued) Terminal Signal Name Description 17 SOL2_In SOL2_In Solenoid 2 voltage sensor + input 18 SOL2_Ret SOL2_Ret Solenoid 2 voltage sensor - input 19 no connect 20 no connect 21 GENH GENH Generator PT input high 22 GENL GENL Generator PT input low 23 BUSH BUSH Bus PT input high 24 BUSL BUSL Bus PT input low 25 B52GH B52GH Output (PGEN) to B52G feedback contact 26 B52GL B52GL Return side of B52G feedback contact 27 PGEN PGEN Positive breaker coil power input 28 AUTO AUTO Output of K25P contact closure 29 MAN MAN Output of K25 contact closure 30 BKRH BKRH 52G Breaker Coil positive output. 31 BKRH BKRH Parallel connection to terminal 30 32 NGEN NGEN Negative breaker coil power connection 33 no connect 34 no connect 35 no connect 36 no connect 37 TTL1 TTL1 TTL1 TTL1 Active speed pickup input 1 38 PR1_H PR1_H PR1_H PR1_H Passive speed pickup input 1 39 PR1_L PR1_L PR1_L PR1_L Speed pickup 1 return (active and passive) 40 TTL2 TTL2 TTL2 TTL2 Active speed pickup input 2 41 PR2_H PR2_H PR2_H PR2_H Passive speed pickup input 2 42 PR2_L PR2_L PR2_L PR2_L Speed pickup 2 return (active and passive) 43 TTL3 TTL3 TTL3 TTL3 Active speed pickup input 3 44 PR3_H PR3_H PR3_H PR3_H Passive speed pickup input 3 45 PR3_L PR3_L PR3_L PR3_L Speed pickup 3 return (active and passive) 46 TTL4 TTL4 TTL4 TTL4 Active speed pickup input 4 47 PR4_H PR4_H PR4_H PR4_H Passive speed pickup input 4 48 PR4_L PR4_L PR4_L PR4_L Speed pickup 4 return (active and passive) 588 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 11.6.2 Operation Board Groups STUR is available in four distinct configurations. STUR is not available with fixed box terminals. It uses pluggable type terminals. Two groups offer on-board trip relays and two groups offer DC-37 pin connectors for using an external trip board. Components supporting generator applications will be omitted from two groups used for mechanical applications and added for groups used for generator applications. STUR Board Variations Board Version Generator Application Trip Connections Application STURH1A No Trip relays Mechanical drive turbines STURH2A Yes Trip relays Generator drive turbines STURH3A** No DC-37 pin connector Pulse inputs only, mechanical drive requiring features provided by a separate primary trip board. STURH4A** Yes DC-37 pin connector Generator drive turbines requiring features provided by a separate primary trip board. ** Boards revisions prior to version STURH3ADB and STURH4ADB do not support the third trip relay. PTUR, YTUR Turbine Specific Primary Trip GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 589 Non-Public Information STUR Schematic Speed Input STUR provides four speed input circuits that accept passive speed sensors or active speed sensors. When passive sensors are used the signal is applied between terminals PR#_H and PR#_L where # is 1 through 4. Sensitivity of the passive sensor input is such that the PTUR I/O pack is able to sense speeds as low as 2RPM. When active speed sensors are used the signal is applied between terminals TTL# and PR#_L. 590 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information Trip Relays STUR version H1 and H2 provides two trip solenoid outputs, K1 and K2, with each composed of a safety relay that uses forcibly guided contacts. Relay position feedback is provided to PTUR using one of the contact pairs in the relay. Note The ControlST* software suite V03.01 or later is required for the K1 and K2 trip function. Primary Synchronizing STURH2 and STURH4 used with PTUR provides support for synchronized closure of a 52G primary breaker. Two PT inputs are provided for Bus and Generator voltage on terminals 21 through 24. Breaker positive power at 24, 48, or 125 V dc is applied to terminal 27 (PGEN) and the return is applied to terminal 32 (NGEN). The presence of this voltage is indicated by the BKRVLT signal. Positive power passes through a permissive relay K25P to terminal 28 (AUTO) with power indicated by the BKRPRM signal. Power then passes through the synchronizing pilot relay K25 to terminal 29 (MAN) as indicated by the BKRGES signal. Note All voltage based feedback of synchronizing relay status is based on a voltage return path through terminal 32. If a backup sync-check relay is used it is to be wired between terminals 29 and 30 (BKRH) with closure indicated by signal BKRGXS. If a backup sync-check is not used a jumper between terminals 29 and 30 is used to complete the circuit and BKRGXS and BKRGES both indicate that power is applied to the breaker coil. The breaker coil or a pilot relay is to be wired between terminals 31(BKRH) and 32 (NGEN). Note Refer to the PTUR Operation section, Synchronizing System. PTUR, YTUR Turbine Specific Primary Trip GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 591 Non-Public Information Feedback Signals Feedback signals are dependent on the group of STUR. Possible signals include the following: • • • Relay position feedback from STUR K1 and K2 trip relays. Solenoid voltage feedback associated with K1 and K2. Five voltage feedbacks associated with the sync function. The following signals are formed by testing the voltage between the desired signal and the return side of the power bus or N125GEN. − − BKRVLT – Voltage status of the power bus used to close the breaker. L52G – Voltage feedback from an auxiliary contact on the 52G breaker. A separate set of customer screw terminals provides input. − BKRPRM – Voltage status of the breaker close permissive relay contact, K25P. − BKRGES – Voltage status of the combination of the K25P contacts wired in series with the K25 contacts. − BKRGXS – Voltage status of the series combination of K25P, K25, and an auxiliary backup sync check relay (K25A) which equals the voltage applied to the breaker coil or a pilot relay. Two sync relay coil drive feedback signals. Feedback signals provided by a trip card wired to J2 • • Relationship between Feedback and STUR Group STUR Group Relay Position Solenoid Volts STURH1 Yes Yes STURH2 Yes Yes Sync Circuit Volts Sync Relay Coils Yes Yes STURH3 Yes STURH4 Trip Card Feedback Yes Yes Yes Failure Detection An external test signal is required for speed input testing. Normal running speed signal failure detection is achieved through redundant signals applied to STUR. PT inputs require external test signals for proper feedback. Trip relays, depending on which STUR version is being tested, use forcibly guided contacts ensuring a feedback contact accurately represents the power contact position. Breaker closure relay contact logic includes voltage based status feedback announcing any unexpected behavior. 592 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information Trip Board Comparison The following table compares existing primary trip boards to STUR. Board TMR/Simplex Output Contacts 125 V Output Contacts 24 V E-Stop Sync Support Trip Output Count TRPGH1B TMR 1A No No Yes 3 TRPGH2B Simplex 1A 3A No Yes 3 TRPLH1A TMR 1A 3A Yes Yes 3 TRPSH1A TMR/Simplex 1A 3A Yes Yes 3 TRPAH1A TMR No 5A Yes No 2 TRPAH2A TMR 1A No Yes No 2 STURH1A Simplex 0.5A 5A No No 2 STURH2A Simplex 0.5A 5A No Yes 2 STURH3A** Simplex (TRPx) (TRPx) No No (TRPx) STURH4A** Simplex (TRPx) (TRPx) No Yes (TRPx) ** Boards revisions prior to version STURH3ADB and STURH4ADB do not support the third trip relay. Simplex Turbine Applications In simplex applications STUR accepts up to four pulse rate signals used to measure turbine speed. The PT signals provide voltage input from both sides of a 52G circuit breaker permitting automatic synchronization to be performed. The on-board trip relays provided by the H1 and H2 groups of STUR create a self-contained overspeed and synchronizing function. It is also possible to use the H3 or H4 group of STUR in a simplex application with a simplex trip terminal board cabled into STUR using the DC-37 pin connection. PTUR, YTUR Turbine Specific Primary Trip GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 593 Non-Public Information 11.6.3 Specifications Item STUR Specification Number of inputs 4 passive or active speed pickups 1 generator and 1 bus voltage potential transformer (H2, H4) 1 generator breaker status contact. (H2, H4) Number of outputs 2 Primary trip relays (H1, H2) 2 Synchronizing relays (H2, H4) 1 DC-37 connector for primary trip terminal board (H3, H4) MPU pulse rate range 2 Hz to 20 kHz MPU pulse rate accuracy 0.05% of reading Speed input sensitivity Required peak-peak (p-p) voltage rises as a function of frequency: 2 Hz requires 24 mV p-p 20 kHz requires 276 mV p-p Speed input sensitivity is such that turning gear speed may be observed on a typical turbine application. Generator and bus voltage sensors Two single phase 115 V ac rms potential transformer inputs. Each input has less than 3 VA of loading. Each PT input is magnetically isolated with a 1,500 V rms barrier. Cable length can be up to 1,000 ft. of 18 AWG wiring. Generator breaker circuits (synchronizing, K25, K25p) External circuits should have a voltage range within 20 to 140 V dc. Circuits are rated for NEMA class E225 creepage and clearance. 250 V dc applications require interposing relays. Contact rating 3.15 A at 24 V dc, 1.2 A at 48 V dc, 0.4 A at 125 V dc, resistive. Contact voltage sensing 20 V dc indicates high and 6 V dc indicates low. Each circuit is optically isolated and filtered for 4 ms. Circuits will accept up to 140 V dc input. Trip Relays (K1, K2) Contact Rating: 4 A at 24 V dc, 4 A at 48 V dc, 2 A at 125 V dc for normally open contacts resistive. 4 A at 24 V dc, 4 A at 48 V dc, 0.3 A at 125 V dc for normally closed contacts resistive. Minimum contact load >50 mW. Maximum Switching Rate: 3 operations/minute at rated load, 60 operations/minute at minimum load Associated printed circuit board designed for minimum of 20 A surge rating for 10 ms. Size 15.9 cm high x 17.8 cm, wide (6.25 in x 7 in) Technology Surface mount 594 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 11.6.4 Diagnostics Diagnostic tests are made on the STUR as follows: • • • • • • Feedback from the solenoid relay drivers is checked; if there is a problem with the control signal a fault is created. Feedback from the relay contact position is checked; if there is a problem with the control signal a fault is created. Loss of solenoid power creates a fault. Slow synch check relay, slow breaker, and locked up K25 relay; all of these create a fault. If any one of the above signals goes unhealthy, a composite diagnostic alarm L3DIAG_PTUR occurs. The diagnostic signals can be individually latched and then reset with the RESET_DIA signal if they go healthy. Terminal board connectors have their own ID device that is interrogated by the I/O pack. The ID device is a read-only chip coded with the terminal board serial number, board type, revision number, and plug location. When the chip is read by PTUR and a mismatch is encountered, a hardware incompatibility fault is created. PTUR, YTUR Turbine Specific Primary Trip GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 595 Non-Public Information 11.7 TRPA_#A Aeroderivative Turbine Primary Trip Board The Aeroderivative Turbine Primary Trip (TRPA) terminal board inputs and outputs are as follows: • Twelve passive pulse rate devices (four per R/S/T section) sensing a toothed wheel to measure the turbine speed. Or, six active pulse rate inputs (two per TMR section) Two 24 V dc (H1A) or 125 V dc (H2A) TMR voted output contacts to the main breaker coil for trip coil. Four 24-125 V dc voltage detection circuits for monitoring trip string. One 24-125 V dc ‘Fail-safe’ ESTOP input for removing power from trip relays. • • • With three I/O packs, signals fan out to the PR3, PS3, PT3, JR4, JS4, and JT4 connectors. Compatibility Board Revision Mark VIe control IS220PTUR Mark VIeS Safety control IS200YTUR TRPAH1A 24 V dc output contact rating No TRPAH2A TRPAS1A GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ 125 V dc output contact rating 24 V dc output contact rating, IEC 61508 safety certified with YTUR Yes TRPAS2A 596 Comments Yes 125 V dc output contact rating, IEC 61508 safety certified with YTUR Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 11.7.1 Installation In 240 V ac applications, do not inadvertently cross-connect the 240 V ac and the dc voltages. The peak voltage will exceed the Transorb rating, resulting in a failure. Caution Most ac supplies operate with a grounded neutral, and if an inadvertent connection between the 125 V dc and the ac voltage is created, the sum of the ac peak voltage and the 125 V dc is applied to Transorbs connected between dc and ground. However, in 120 V ac applications, the Transorb rating can withstand the peak voltage without causing a failure. TTL pulse rate pick ups, voltage detection, E-Stop, and the breaker relay are wired to the I/O terminal blocks TB1. Passive pulse rate pick-ups are wired to TB2. Each block is held down with two screws and has 24 terminals accepting up to #12 AWG wires. A shield termination strip attached to chassis ground is located immediately to the left of each terminal block. The TRPA must be configured for the desired speed input connections using the following table. Jumpers JP1 and JP2 select fanning of the R section pulse rate pickups to the S and T I/O packs. Speed Input Connections Function Jumper Wire to all 12 pulse inputs: PR1_R – PR4_T Each set of (4) pulse inputs goes to its own dedicated I/O pack. Cannot use jumper: Place in STORE position Wire to TTL pulse inputs: TTL1_R – TTL2_T Each set of (2) pulse inputs goes to its own dedicated I/O pack. Cannot use jumper: Place in STORE position Wire to bottom 4 pulse inputs only: PR1_R – PR4_R NO wiring to TTL1_R-TTL2_T or PR1_S-PR4_T The same set of signals are fanned to all the I/O packs. Use jumper: Place over pin pairs Wire to bottom 2 pulse inputs: TTL1_R – TTL2-R Cannot fan the TTL signals. Only the R I/O pack will receive data. Cannot use jumper: Place in STORE position PTUR, YTUR Turbine Specific Primary Trip GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 597 Non-Public Information TRPA Terminal Board Wiring 598 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information • • Contact Outputs The contact outputs are polarity sensitive. Wire the circuit carefully to avoid damaging the relays. There is no contact or solenoid suppression, user must add external solenoid suppression to avoid damaging the relays and their contacts. Connection to TRPA contact output • • • • E-Stop/TRP Input The TRP inputs must be powered for the relays to operate. If the user does not need or use an ESTOP, then jumper the local TRP power source (P24O and P24R) to the respective TRP inputs at the terminal board. The ESTOP must be connected to a CLEAN dc source – battery or filtered (< 5% ripple) rectified ac. There must be a minimum of 18 V dc at the TRP inputs for proper operation. The current required was kept low to minimize drop on long cable runs. As the TRP is very fast < 5 ms and the output relay contacts are also fast (< 15 ms), best wiring practices should be utilized to avoid misoperation. Use twisted-pair cable when possible and avoid running with ac wiring and so on. Attention The E-Stop signal that is reported in the ToolboxST E-Stop Tab is latched by firmware and needs a Master Reset to clear that status. A true indicates a completed E-Stop circuit. A false indicates a loss of the E-Stop since the last Master Reset, not the current state of the E-Stop circuit. PTUR, YTUR Turbine Specific Primary Trip GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 599 Non-Public Information Typical E-Stop connection options 600 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 11.7.2 Operation System Design The TRPA board is designed for application in two different ways. When a TTUR terminal board is used to hold three I/O packs, the TRPA terminal board may be connected using three cables with DC-37 pin connectors on each end. In this mode of operation the TRPA provides two contact voted trip relay outputs, ESTOP, and four voltage sensors. TTUR provides the normal set of features described for that board. The TRPA speed inputs are not active and should not be connected with this board arrangement. The TRPA board can also be used with three I/O packs mounted directly to it. In this mode of operation the speed inputs to TRPA become active paths into the I/O pack, allowing for a single terminal board primary trip solution. Simplex operation is not possible. PTUR, YTUR Turbine Specific Primary Trip GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 601 Non-Public Information Speed Inputs When used with I/O packs mounted directly on the TRPA, the speed inputs provide two options. Each I/O pack can receive a dedicated set of four speed inputs from their respective TRPA terminal points as is done on TTUR. As an option, jumpers P1 and P2 can be placed on the TRPA to take the first four speed inputs (those for the R pack) and fan them to the S and T packs. When this is selected the terminal board points for S and T speed input become no-connects and should not be used. Voltage Monitors The trip relays on TRPA can be freely located anywhere in a trip string. Because the trip string circuit is not fixed, there are four general-purpose isolated voltage sensor inputs on TRPA. These can be used to monitor any points in the trip system and drive the voltage status into the system controller where action can be taken. Typical use of these inputs may be to sense the power supply voltage for the two trip strings and to sense the solenoid voltage of the device being driven by the relays. This set of applications is used in the wording of the board symbol, but the sensors can be freely applied to best serve the application. 602 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information E-Stop The TRPA includes an E-Stop function. This consists of an optically isolated input circuit designed for a dc input in the range of 24 V to 125 V nominal. When energized the circuit enables coil drive power in the R, S, and T relay circuits through independent hardware paths. The response time of this circuit (less than five milliseconds) plus the response time of the trip relays (less than one millisecond) yields a very fast E-Stop response. E-Stop is monitored by the I/O pack, but the action to remove trip relay coil power is entirely in the hardware of TRPA. Attention The E-Stop signal that is reported in the ToolboxST E-Stop Tab is latched by firmware and needs a Master Reset to clear that status. A true indicates a completed E-Stop circuit. A false indicates a loss of the E-Stop since the last Master Reset, not the current state of the E-Stop circuit. TRPA E-Stop Function PTUR, YTUR Turbine Specific Primary Trip GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 603 Non-Public Information TRPA Trip Relays The trip relays are made using sets of six individual form A devices arranged in a voting pattern. Any two controllers that vote to close will establish a conduction path through the set. Because detection of a shorted relay is important to preserve tripping reliability there is a sensing circuit applied to each of the sets of relays. When the relays are commanded to open and voltage is present across the relays the circuit will detect if one or more relays are shorted. This signal goes to the I/O pack to create an alarm. The TRPA sensing circuit uses the relay commands from all three packs to avoid a false indication in the event that one I/O pack votes to close the relay while the other two I/O packs vote to open. TRPA and I/O Pack, TMR System The following figure is simplified with many circuit paths omitted for clarity. Refer to the sections, E-Stop/TRP Input and E-Stop. 604 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information TTLn _ T TRPA Pulse Rate Inputs P3T MnTH MPU 8 S MnTL TTLn _S ID P3S MnSH 8 S MnSL Four of above circuits to S , except for TTL , see Table. TTLn _R ID MnRH MnR L K1DCN Pin 9 P3 R 8 S Four of above circuits to R , except for TTL, see Table . Relay V Monitor KR 1 KS1 Circuit duplicated for S and T K4 R KS 1 KT1 KR 1 RD KR2 RD ID KT 1 KR 1 JR 4 KR 2 KS2 Relay V Monitor KS 2 KT2 KT 2 KR 2 ID JS4 Refer to the figure , TRPA E- Stop Function. ID JT4 P 28 R 1 P 28 S1 P 28 T1 g o h ere Primary E - STOP T T U R K2DCP Pin 14 C a bl e s t o K1DCP Pin 10 K2DCN Pin 13 I/ O p a c k s g o h er e Four of above circuits to T, except for TTL, see Table . Monitor Monitor Monitor Solenoid Voltage Monitor x 2 ID Monitors go to TTUR and I /O pack < R >, <S >, < T > connectors Power Voltage Monitor x 2 TRPA Typical Voted Contact Configuration PTUR, YTUR Turbine Specific Primary Trip GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 605 Non-Public Information TRPA Terminal Board Connectors Pin # Signal Name Pin # Signal Name 1 VSEN1_A 2 VSEN1_B 3 VSEN2_A 4 VSEN2_B 5 VSEN3_A 6 VSEN3_B 7 VSEN4_A 8 VSEN4_B 9 K1DCN 10 K1DCP 11 No connection 12 No connection 13 K2DCN 14 K2DCP 15 E-TRP 16 E-TRPR 17 P24O 18 P24R 19 TTL2_T 20 TTL1_T 21 TTL2_S 22 TTL1_S 23 TTL2_R 24 TTL1_R 25 PR1_TH 26 PR1_TL 27 PR2_TH 28 PR2_TL 29 PR3_TH 30 PR3_TL 31 PR4_TH 32 PR4_TL 33 PR1_SH 34 PR1_SL 35 PR2_SH 36 PR2_SL 37 PR3_SH 38 PR3_SL 39 PR4_SH 40 PR4_SL 41 PR1_RH 42 PR1_RL 43 PR2_RH 44 PR2_RL 45 PR3_RH 46 PR3_RL 47 PR4_RH 48 PR4_RL 606 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 11.7.3 Specifications Item TRPA Specification Number of inputs 3x4 passive (magnetic) speed pickups or 3x2 active (TTL) speed pickups. 4 voltage detection circuits 1 ESTOP/TRP input Number of outputs 2 trip contacts: 1 ESTOP/TRP power source. Contact ratings NEMA class F. Minimum operations: 100,000 IS200TRPA_1A Voltage: 24 V dc nominal 5 A dc resistive 3 A dc with L/R = 7 ms and no suppression 3 A dc with L/R = 100 ms with suppression Active Voltage Clamp Limiting max. voltage ≤60 V dc IS200TRPA_2A Voltage: 125 V dc nominal 1 A dc resistive 1 A dc with L/R = 7 ms and no suppression 1 A dc with L/R = 100 ms with suppression Active Voltage Clamp Limiting max. voltage ≤ 200 V dc Voltage detection inputs Min/max input voltage rating: 16/140 V dc max pk Current Loading (Max leakage): 3 mA Detection delay (max): 60 ms Voltage isolation: Optically isolated: 2500 V rms isolation, for one min Surge/Spike rating: 1000 V pk for 8.3 ms ESTOP/TRP voltage source 24 V dc no-load, 0.3 to 1K source impedance ESTOP/TRP detection Input Voltage: 24-125 V dc ±10% (18/140 V pk Min/Max) Loading (max): 12 mA (5 typical) Delay (max): 5 ms (<1 typical) MPU pulse rate range 2 to 20 kHz MPU pulse rate accuracy 0.05% of reading Speed input sensitivity Required peak-peak (p-p) voltage rises as a function of frequency: 2 Hz requires 24 mV p-p 20 kHz requires 276 mV p-p Turning gear speed can be observed on a typical turbine application. Size 33.0 cm high x 17.8 cm, wide (13 in x 7 in) Technology Surface mount PTUR, YTUR Turbine Specific Primary Trip GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 607 Non-Public Information 11.7.4 Diagnostics Diagnostic tests are made on the terminal board: • • • • • Feedback from the shorted contact detector checked; if there is a problem with the control signal an alarm should be created. Feedback from the ESTOP/TRP input is checked; if there is a problem with the signal a fault should be created. Feedback from speed pickup fanning jumpers is checked; if there is a mismatch between intention and actual position, an alarm should be created. If any one of the above signals goes unhealthy, a composite diagnostic alarm occurs. The diagnostic signals can be individually latched and then reset with the RESET_DIA signal if they go healthy. Terminal board connectors have their own ID device that is interrogated by the I/O pack. The ID device is a read-only chip coded with the terminal board serial number, board type, revision number, and plug location. When the chip is read by the I/O pack and a mismatch is encountered, a hardware incompatibility fault is created. 11.7.5 Configuration Jumpers JP1 and JP2 select the fanning of the 4 R section passive speed pickups to the S and T section I/O packs. Place the jumper over the pin pairs to fan the 4 R speed input to the other two TMR sections. 608 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 11.8 TRPG_#B Gas Turbine Primary Trip Board The Gas Turbine Primary Trip (TRPG) terminal board is controlled by Primary Turbine Protection PTUR or YTUR I/O packs that are mounted on the TTUR terminal board, which is cabled to TRPG. The TRPG contains nine magnetic relays in three voting circuits to interface with three trip solenoids (ETDs). The TRPG works in conjunction with the TREG to form the primary and backup sides of the interface to the ETDs. The TRPG also accommodates inputs from eight flame detectors for gas turbine applications. TRPG Terminal Board and Cabling PTUR, YTUR Turbine Specific Primary Trip GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 609 Non-Public Information 11.8.1 Compatibility Board Revision Mark VIe control IS220PTUR Mark VIeS Safety control IS200YTUR Comments TRPGH1B TRPGH3B Yes No TMR applications, has three voting relays per trip solenoid TRPGH2B Yes No Simplex applications TRPGS1B Yes Yes IEC 61508 safety certified TMR application with YTUR and TTURS1C, has three voting relays per trip solenoid TRPGS2B Yes Yes IEC 61508 safety certified simplex applications with YTUR and TTURS1C, has one relay per trip solenoid Version Difference Board TMR Simplex Output contact, 125 V dc, 1 A Output contact, 24 V dc, 3 A 28 V Power use TRPGH1B TRPGS1B Yes No Yes Yes Normal TRPGH2B TRPGS2B No Yes Yes Yes Normal TRPGH3B ** Yes No Yes Yes Special ** TRPGH3B features special handling of 28 V control power and is otherwise identical to a TRPGH1B. 610 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 11.8.2 Installation ➢ To install the TRPG board 1. Connect the wires for the three trip solenoids directly to the first I/O terminal block. 2. Connect the wires for the flame detectors (if used) to the second terminal block. Connect the power for the flame detectors (if used) to the J3, J4, and J5 plug. 3. Connect the 125 V dc power for the trip solenoids to the J1 plug. 4. Transfer power to the TREG board using the J2 plug. Turbine Primary Trip Terminal Board TRPG 125V dc J1 JT1 x x x x x 125 V dc (N) x x x x x x x x Trip Solenoid1 or 4 Trip Solenoid 2 or 5 Trip Solenoid 3 or 6 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 x x x x x x x x x x x x x 1 125 V dc (P) 3 125 V dc (P) 5 125 V dc (P) 7 9 125 V dc (N) 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 J Port Connections JS1 Cables to TTUR JR1 Flame1 (L) Flame2 (L) Flame3 (L) Flame4 (L) Flame5 (L) Flame6 (L) Flame7 (L) Flame8 (L) x x x x x x x x x x x x x 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 x x x x x x x x x x x x x 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 J2 Flame1 (H) Flame2 (H) Flame3 (H) Flame4 (H) Flame5 (H) Flame6 (H) Flame7 (H) Flame8 (H) Up to two #12 AWG wires per point with 300 V insulation PTUR, YTUR Turbine Specific Primary Trip Cable to TREG J4 J5 J3 335 V dc is provided from PSFD PSVP power supply Terminal blocks can be unplugged from terminal board for maintenance GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 611 Non-Public Information 11.8.3 Operation The I/O pack provides the primary trip function by controlling the relays on TRPG, which trip the main protection solenoids. In TMR applications, the three inputs are voted in hardware using a relay ladder logic two-out-of-three voting circuit. The I/O pack monitors the current flow in its relay driver control line to determine its energize or de-energize, vote or status of the relay coil contact status. Supply voltages are monitored for diagnostic purposes. A normally closed contact from each relay on TRPG is monitored by the diagnostics to determine its proper operation. Note A metal oxide varister (MOV) and a current limiting resistor are used for noise suppression in each ETD circuit. 612 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information The primary overspeed trip comes from the controller and is passed to the PTUR or YTUR, and then to TRPG. TRPG works in conjunction with the TREG board, which is controlled by the PPRO or YPRO backup overspeed function. This TRPG/TREG combination can drive three ETDs. PTUR, YTUR Turbine Specific Primary Trip GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 613 Non-Public Information Flame Detectors With the TRPG primary trip terminal board, the primary protection system monitors signals from eight flame detectors. With no flame present the detector charges up to the supply voltage. The presence of flame causes the detector to charge to a level and then discharge through the TRPG. As the flame intensity increases, the discharge frequency increases. When the detector discharges, the primary protection system converts the discharged energy into a voltage pulse. The pulse rate varies from 0 to 1,000 pulses/sec. These voltage pulses are fanned out to all three modules. Voltage pulses above 2.5 V generate a logic high. Pulses are counted over a 40 ms period in a counter to generate the flame detector pulse rate. Note Refer to GEH-6721_Vol_II, the chapter Power Distribution Modules, the section, PSFD Flame Detector Power Supply. 11.8.4 Specifications Item TRPG Specification Trip solenoids 3 solenoids per TRPG Solenoid rated voltage/current 125 V dc standard with up to 1 A draw 24 V dc is alternate with up to 3 A draw Solenoid response time L/R time constant is 0.1 sec Current suppression MOV on TREG Current economizer Terminals for optional 100 Ω, 70 W economizing resistor on TREG Control relay coil voltage supply Relays are supplied with 28 V dc from JR1, JS1, and JT1 Flame detectors 8 detectors per TRPG Flame detector supply voltage/current 335 V dc with 0.5 mA per detector 11.8.5 Diagnostics The I/O pack runs the TRPG diagnostics. These include feedback from the trip solenoid relay driver and contact, solenoid power bus, and the flame detector excitation voltage too low or too high. A diagnostic alarm is created if any one of the signals go unhealthy (beyond limits). Connectors JR1, JS1, and JT1 on the terminal board have their own ID device, which is interrogated by the I/O pack, and if a mismatch is encountered, a hardware incompatibility fault is created. The ID device is a read-only chip coded with the terminal board serial number, board type, revision number, and the plug location. 614 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 11.9 TRPL Large Steam Turbine Primary Trip Board The Large Steam Turbine Primary Trip (TRPL) terminal board is used for the primary overspeed protection of large steam turbines. TRPL is controlled by the Primary Turbine Protection PTUR, and contains nine magnetic relays in three voting circuits to interface with three trip solenoids (ETDs). TRPL works in conjunction with the TREL terminal board to form the primary and emergency sides of the interface to the ETDs. These two terminal boards are used in a similar way as TRPG and TREG are used on gas turbine applications. Note The TRPL is not compatible with the Mark VIeS YTUR. Up to three trip solenoids can be connected between the TREL and TRPL terminal boards. TREL provides the positive side of the 125/24 V dc to the solenoids and TRPL provides the negative side. In addition, two manual emergency stop functions can be connected. 11.9.1 Installation The TRPL is controlled by PTUR I/O packs on the TTURH1C, and it only supports TMR applications. The I/O packs plug into the D-type connectors on TTURH1C, which is cabled to TRPL. ➢ To install the TRPL board 1. Connect the wires for the three trip solenoids directly to the first I/O terminal block. 2. Connect the wires for the primary emergency stop and optional secondary emergency stop to the second terminal block. 3. Connect the trip solenoid power to plugs JP1, JP2, and JP3. 4. Install a jumper across terminals 9 and 11 for the PTR3 trip. 5. If a second emergency stop is required, remove the jumper from terminals 46 and 47 and connect the wires there. PTUR, YTUR Turbine Specific Primary Trip GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 615 Non-Public Information TRPL Terminal Board Wiring 616 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 11.9.2 Operation TRPL is used for TMR applications only. Three separate power buses, PwrA, PwrB, and PwrC for solenoid power, are brought in through connectors JP1, JP2, and JP3, and then distributed to TREL through connector J2. The power buses have a nominal voltage of 125 V dc (70 to 140 V dc) or 24 V dc (18 to 32 V dc). The board includes power bus monitoring (three buses). The maximum current per bus is 3 A. Each of the three trip solenoids is controlled by three relays using 2 out of 3 contact voting. The relay output rating (for 100,000 operations) is as follows: • • At 24 V dc, 3 A, L/R = 100 ms, with suppression At 125 V dc, 1.0 A, L/R = 100 ms, with suppression The trip circuits include solenoid suppression, associated solenoid voltage monitoring, and trip relay contact monitoring. In the TRPL, the hardwired trip (E-Stop) and associated monitoring provides approximately 6.6 V dc to the PTUR when the K4 relays are picked up. Attention The E-Stop signal that is reported in the ToolboxST E-Stop Tab is latched by firmware and needs a Master Reset to clear that status. A true indicates a completed E-Stop circuit. A false indicates a loss of the E-Stop since the last Master Reset, not the current state of the E-Stop circuit. PTUR, YTUR Turbine Specific Primary Trip GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 617 Non-Public Information TRPL Terminal Board 618 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 11.9.3 Specifications Item TRPL Specification Trip solenoids 3 solenoids per TRPL Solenoid rated voltage/current 125 V dc standard with up to 1 A draw 24 V dc is alternate with up to 3 A draw Solenoid response time L/R time constant is 0.1 sec with suppression Current suppression MOVs Control relay coil voltage supply Relays are supplied with 28 V dc from JR1, JS1, and JT1 Primary Emergency Stop, manual One with optional secondary E-Stop 11.9.4 Diagnostics The PTUR runs the TRPL diagnostics. These include feedback from the trip solenoid relay driver and contact, solenoid voltage, and solenoid power bus. A diagnostic alarm is created if any one of the signals goes unhealthy (beyond limits). The Jx1 connectors on the terminal board have their own ID device, which is interrogated by the PTUR, and if a mismatch is encountered, a hardware incompatibility fault is created. Note The ID device is a read-only chip coded with the terminal board serial number, board type, revision number, and the plug location. 11.9.5 Configuration There are no switches or hardware settings on the terminal board. Terminals 9 and 11 must use a jumper to include the PTR 3 trip. Terminals 46 and 47 must use a jumper if only one manual emergency stop is required. PTUR, YTUR Turbine Specific Primary Trip GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 619 Non-Public Information 11.10 TRPS Small Steam Turbine Primary Trip Board The Small Steam Turbine Primary Trip (TRPS) terminal board is used for the primary overspeed protection of small and medium size steam turbines. The TRPS is controlled by the Primary Turbine Protection (PTUR) I/O pack, and it contains three magnetic relays to interface with three trip solenoids (ETDs). The TRPS works in conjunction with the TRES terminal board to form the primary and emergency sides of the interface to the ETDs. These two terminal boards are used in a similar way as TRPG and TREG are used on gas turbine applications, except with the following differences: • • • • Two-out-of-three voting is done in the relay drivers and not using relay contacts as with TRPG and TRPL. In a simplex application, the voting is bypassed and the relay drivers are controlled by a single signal from JA1. There are no economizing relays. There are no flame detector inputs. Note The TRPS is not compatible with the Mark VIeS YTUR. Up to three trip solenoids can be connected between the TRES and TRPS terminal boards. TRES provides the positive side of the 125/24 V dc to the solenoids and TRPS provides the negative side. In addition, two manual emergency stop functions can be connected. 11.10.1 Installation The TRPS is controlled by PTUR I/O packs on the TTURH1C, and it supports simplex and TMR applications. The I/O packs plug into the D-type connectors on TTURH1C, which is cabled to the TRPS. ➢ To install the TRPS board 1. Connect the wires for the three trip solenoids to the first I/O terminal block. 2. Connect the wires for the primary emergency stop and optional secondary emergency stop to the second terminal block. 3. Connect the trip solenoid power to plugs JP1, JP2, and JP3. 4. If a second emergency stop is required, remove the jumper from terminals 46 and 47, and connect the wires there. 620 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information TRPS Terminal Board Wiring PTUR, YTUR Turbine Specific Primary Trip GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 621 Non-Public Information 11.10.2 Operation The TRPS is used for TMR and simplex applications. Three separate power buses, PwrA, PwrB, and PwrC for solenoid power, are brought in through connectors JP1, JP2, and JP3, and then distributed to TRES through connector J2. The power buses have a nominal voltage of 125 V dc (70 to 140 V dc) or 24 V dc (18 to 32 V dc). The board includes power bus monitoring (three buses). The maximum current per bus is 3 A. Each of the three trip solenoids is controlled by a relay driver. The relay output rating (for 100,000 operations) is as follows: • • At 24 V dc, 3 A, L/R = 100 ms, with suppression At 125 V dc, 1.0 A, L/R = 100 ms, with suppression The trip circuits include solenoid suppression, associated solenoid voltage monitoring, and trip relay contact monitoring. In the TRPS, the hardwired trip (E-Stop) and associated monitoring provides approximately 6.6 V dc to the I/O board when the K4 relays are picked up. Attention 622 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ The E-Stop signal that is reported in the ToolboxST E-Stop Tab is latched by firmware and needs a Master Reset to clear that status. A true indicates a completed E-Stop circuit. A false indicates a loss of the E-Stop since the last Master Reset, not the current state of the E-Stop circuit. Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information TRPS Terminal Board PTUR, YTUR Turbine Specific Primary Trip GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 623 Non-Public Information 11.10.3 Specifications Item TRPS Specification Trip solenoids 3 solenoids per TRPS Solenoid rated voltage/current 125 V dc standard with up to 1 A draw 24 V dc is alternate with up to 3 A draw Solenoid response time L/R time constant is 0.1 sec with suppression Current suppression MOVs Control relay coil voltage supply Relays are supplied with 28 V dc from JR1, JS1, and JT1 Primary Emergency Stop, manual One with optional secondary E-Stop 11.10.4 Diagnostics The PTUR runs the TRPx diagnostics. These include feedback from the trip solenoid relay driver and contact, solenoid voltage, and solenoid power bus. A diagnostic alarm is created if any one of the signals goes unhealthy (beyond limits). The Jx1 connectors on the terminal board have their own ID device, which is interrogated by the PTUR, and if a mismatch is encountered, a hardware incompatibility fault is created. Note The ID device is a read-only chip coded with the terminal board serial number, board type, revision number, and the plug location. 11.10.5 Configuration There are no switches or hardware settings on the terminal board. Terminals 46 and 47 must use a jumper if only one manual emergency stop is required; remove jumper if secondary E-Stop is used. To enable the solenoid voltage feedback inputs in the ToolboxST application, connect the SUS#A and SUS#B pins on the TRPS terminal board. If you are not using a TRES for emergency protection, connect a jumper between SUS1A and PwrA_ P1, SUS2A and PwrB_P1, and SUS3A and PwrC_P1. This connection is normally supplied through the J2 connector to the TRES terminal board. SUS#B should be connected to the solenoid in the configuration. The solenoids may be connected to the NO or NC contacts of the PTR, and the SUS#B pin should be connected to the same contact to enable the voltage monitoring input. Note For jumper configurations needed to enable solenoid voltage feedback, refer to GEI-100596 Mark VIe Control Backup Turbine Protection (PPRO) Module Description, the section, TRES Turbine Emergency Trip. 624 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 12 YSIL Core Safety Protection Module 12.1 YSIL Overview The Mark VIeS Safety controller is used in a wide range of process control and turbo-machinery applications. When applied as a control, protection, and monitoring system for heavy duty and aero-derivative gas turbines, it is configured with primary and backup protection systems for tripping reliability. The YSIL module requires ControlST V5.04 or later. The YSIL backup protection is a triple redundant SIL 3 capable system that will trip the turbine independent of the primary protection system. Although it is independent, YSIL monitors each of the primary controllers for speed differential detection, watchdog diagnostics, and to provide cross-tripping capability. In addition, all diagnostics are communicated to the main controllers on the I/O network (IONet), which also facilitates operator-initiated tests such as online and offline overspeed tests. Turbine trips are generated from each of the three YSIL sections, which feed voted relay drivers and trip relays on the TCSA board, and separate hydraulic trip solenoids in the trip manifold. Each trip solenoid is connected between one-out-of-three primary trip sections on the TRPG or TRPA primary trip board and one-out-of-three backup trip sections on the TCSA backup trip board. Therefore, each trip solenoid will de-energize to trip if either its primary trip relay or backup trip relay de-energizes. Then, the turbine will trip if two-out-of-three trip solenoids de-energize. Due to the wide voltage range allowed, external suppression should be provided at the solenoid coil. The backup protection system consists of the following: • • • • TCSA is the main terminal board for the backup protection system. YSIL I/O packs (three total) with local processors and data acquisition boards mount on the TCSA board. WCSA is the required daughter board on the TCSA board. SCSAs are I/O extension boards (three are required) that connect to the WCSA by serial bus. The YSIL module can only be used to control the positive side of the solenoids. YSIL is always used with either a YTUR/TRPx or a PTUR/TRPx primary trip module for control of both sides of the solenoid. This is displayed in the following figure. YSIL Core Safety Protection Module GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 625 Non-Public Information † YTUR TTUR † I/O PTUR I /O packs can be used with a Shared IONet system. IONet Primary Protection System TRPG or TRPA I/O -V dc Three Trip Solenoids Backup Sync Check Protection +V dc TCSA YSIL <T> WCSA I/O IONet < S> I/O <R> Backup Protection System Serial Buses <T> SCSA I/O < S> SCSA I/O <R> I/O SCSA Turbine Protection with YSIL and YTUR or PTUR 626 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information The backup protection system monitors up to nine (9) passive magnetic speed pickups, which enable inputs for up to three (3) sets of three (3) redundant speed sensors from HP, IP, and LP shafts. It also supports interface for up to ten (10) Rueter-Stokes flame detectors with 4-20 mA inputs or eight (8) inputs from Honeywell flame detectors with 335 V dc wetting. Backup trip protection I/O includes: • • • One E-Stop input (TCSA) Nine trip solenoid outputs (TCSA) Two TMR-voted drive contact outputs (TCSA) For synchronizing, YSIL monitors two (2) single-phase PT inputs for the generator and line busses, and performs phase-lock loop calculations for the K25A backup synch check function. Since the tuning constants are adjustable, limit checks are provided to verify: • • • • • Generator under-voltage Bus under-voltage Voltage error Frequency error (slip) Phase error The synch check arms logic to enable the function, and provides bypass logic for dead-bus breaker closure scenarios. Calculations for the primary phase-slip window are performed in the YTUR I/O packs and are independent of the backup protection with separate PT inputs and a different methodology (zero voltage crossing to calculate phase, slip, and acceleration). Different methodologies provide a more robust backup protection system to the primary synchronizing calculations. Additional inputs are available for general-purpose use including: • • • 24, 48, 125 V dc contact inputs with optical isolation (TCSA and SCSA) − Sequence of Events (SOEs), 1 ms time stamps 4-20 mA inputs for loop powered differential inputs and single-end inputs with +24 V dc sensor power provided. Support for HART® communications is provided (SCSA). Thermocouple inputs (SCSA) YSIL Core Safety Protection Module GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 627 Non-Public Information YSIL I/O Types † Configuration Board I/O Type Quantity TCSA E-Stop Input 1 Fanned TCSA Solenoid Contact Outputs 9 3 Fanned 6 Discrete TCSA Voted Contact Outputs 2 Fanned TCSA PT Inputs 2 Fanned TCSA + WCSA Contact Inputs 20 Fanned TCSA Speed Inputs 9 Discrete TCSA Honeywell Flame Detectors 8 Fanned WCSA GE Flame Detectors or Analog Inputs 10 Fanned WCSA Speed Repeater Outputs 6 Discrete SCSA Contact Inputs 3 / SCSA Discrete SCSA Contact Outputs 2 / SCSA Discrete SCSA Externally Powered Analog Inputs 6 / SCSA Discrete SCSA Loop Powered Analog Inputs 10 / SCSA Discrete SCSA Thermocouple Inputs 3 / SCSA Discrete † Fanned Inputs: a field device signal is distributed in parallel to the three protection sections. Fanned Outputs: output signals from the three protection sections are voted to create a singular field output. Discrete Inputs: each signal from three field devices is connected to each of three protection sections. Discrete Outputs: each signal from three protection sections is connected to each of three field devices. 628 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 12.2 Mark VIeS YSIL Core Protection I/O Pack The Core Safety Protection YSIL I/O pack and associated terminal boards provide an independent backup overspeed protection system with a backup check for generator synchronization to a utility bus. They also provide an independent watchdog function for the primary control. The YSIL has Ethernet connections for IONet communications with the control modules. This backup protection system consists of three TMR YSIL I/O packs mounted to one TCSA terminal board with serial cables from the WCSA connected to the three SCSA I/O expansion boards. The YSIL I/O pack accepts three speed signals. It monitors the operation of the primary control, and can monitor the primary speed as a sign of normal operation. The I/O pack monitors the status and operation of the trip board through a comprehensive set of feedback signals. If a problem is detected, YSIL activates the backup trip relays on the trip board and activates a trip on the primary control. YSIL can drop out power to the backup side of the trip relays. It can also send a cross trip signal to the primary protection system. The following redundancy options are supported: • • Triple Main Control with TMR backup protection, two out of three (2oo3), is supported. Connect the first YSIL I/O pack to the R IONet, the second to the S IONet, and the third to the T IONet. Dual Main Control with TMR backup protection is supported. Connect the first YSIL I/O pack to the R IONet, the second to the S IONet, and the third to the R and S IONets. S CS A I/ TCSA Main Board + WCSA Daughter Board OE xpa nsio n Bo ar d s YSIL Backup Protection System YSIL Core Safety Protection Module GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 629 Non-Public Information 12.2.1 Installation Three YSIL I/O packs mount directly on the TCSA terminal board. Connect the WCSA to the three SCSA I/O expansion boards with shielded Cat 6 patch cords plugged into the RJ-45 jacks. ➢ To install the YSIL module 1. Securely mount the TCSA terminal board. 2. Mount the three SCSA boards, and connect the shielded Cat 6 patch cords between them and the WCSA daughter board. For the serial cables, use shielded Cat 6 with a length not more than 2 meters. 3. Directly plug all three I/O packs into the J-ports on the TCSA. 4. Slide the threaded posts on the I/O packs (located on each side of the Ethernet ports) into the slots on the terminal board-mounting bracket. 5. Securely tighten the nuts on the threaded posts locking the I/O pack in place. 6. Connect each YSIL I/O pack Ethernet port to the IONet with shielded Cat 6 patch cords based on network redundancy. 7. Refer to the TCSA and SCSA installation sections of this document for field wiring instructions. 8. Connect P1 on each YSIL I/O pack and SCSA module to the appropriate 28 V dc power supply and apply power. Each one has inherent soft-start capability that permits plugging into a live 28 V dc power supply without affecting the rest of the system. 9. Use the ToolboxST* application to configure the I/O pack as necessary. 12.2.2 Operation Refer to the following sections in the GEH-6721_Vol_II, the chapter, Common Module Content: • • • • • 630 BPPx Processor Processor LEDs Power Management ID Line Common Safety Module Alarms GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information Application-specific Hardware The YSIL I/O pack has an internal, application-specific circuit board (BPRO) that contains hardware needed for the backup trip function. This application board connects to the BPPC processor. Pulse Rate Input Conditioning ID Chip PT Input BPPC Processor Digital Signal Inputs, E-Stop Isolated Contact Inputs Connect to TCSA Relay Command Outputs BPPC Processor Local Power Supplies Pass Through to Option Option Header BPRO Application Board YSIL Core Safety Protection Module GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 631 Non-Public Information Protective Functions The YSIL contains several protective functions that are similar or identical to the PPRO Backup Turbine Protection I/O pack. Refer to the section Mark VIe PPRO Backup Turbine Protection I/O Pack for details about the following protective functions: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Direct/Conditional Discrete Input Trip Firmware Overspeed Trip (including Rate Based Overspeed) Hardware Overspeed Trip LP Shaft Locked Detection E-Stop Speed Difference Detection Maximum Speed Hold Overspeed Test Logic Shaft Speed Accel, Decel, and Zero Trip Anticipate Function Main Control Watchdog Stale Speed Detection Main Control Ethernet Monitor Trip Signal Logic Watchdog Trip Function Backup Synchronizing Check K25A Sync Check Function • • • • Connectors A DC-62 pin connector on the YSIL I/O pack connects directly to the TCSA terminal board. An RJ-45 Ethernet connector named ENET1 on the side of the I/O pack is the primary IONet interface port. The second RJ-45 Ethernet connector named ENET2 on the side of the I/O pack only used to interface a second redundant IONet for Dual Main Control configurations. The 3-pin P1 power connector on the side of the I/O pack is for supplying power to the I/O pack and TCSA and WCSA terminal boards. Each YSIL module requires a power supply of 28 V dc, 1 A. Note Solenoid output and contact input circuits are powered through a separate terminal board connector, not from the I/O pack 28 V dc power source. 632 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 12.2.3 YSIL I/O Pack Specifications Feature Description Speed Input Quantity Three input signals provided Speed Input Range Pulse rate frequency range 2 Hz to 20 kHz Speed Input Accuracy Pulse rate accuracy 0.05% of reading Speed Input Sensitivity 2 to 2000 Hz, 25 mV pk 20 kHz, 300 mV pk Scan rate 1200 Hz Size 8.26 cm High x 4.19 cm Wide x 12.1 cm x Deep (3.25 in. x 1.65 in. x 4.78 in.) Relative humidity 5 to 95% non-condensing Micro-environment Pollution Degree 2 †Rated local ambient operating -30 to 65ºC (-22 to 149 ºF) temperature (for enclosure design) Shipping and Storage Temperature -40 to 85ºC (-40 to 185 ºF) Vibration, seismic Universal Building Code (UBC) – Seismic Code section 2312 Zone 4 with operation without trip Vibration, shipping Bellcore GR-63-CORE Issue 1, 1995 0.5 g, 5-100 Hz, 10 min. per octave, 1 sweep/axis x 3 axes, ~ 42 min./axis 3 shocks of 15 g, 2 ms impulse each repeated for all axes Vibration, operating 1.0 g horizontal. 0.5 g vertical at 15 to 120 Hz, IEC 60721-3-2 Power supply 28 V dc, 1 A dc Safety standards UL 508 Safety Standard Industrial Control Equipment CSA 22.2 No. 14 Industrial Control Equipment EN 61010-1 Safety Requirements for Electrical Equipment for Measurement, Control, and Laboratory Use IEC 61508:2010 parts 1-7 Functional Safety of Electrical/Electronic/Programmable Electronic Safety-Related Systems Printed Wire Board Assemblies UL 796 PWB Components Recognition ANSI/IPC/EIA guidelines Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) EN 61000-4-2 Electrostatic Discharge Susceptibility EN 61000-4-3 (ENV 50140) Radiated RF Immunity EN 61000-6-2 Generic Immunity Industrial Environment EN 61000-4-4 Electrical Fast Transient Susceptibility EN 61000-4-5 Surge Immunity EN 61000-4-6 Conducted RF Immunity EN 55011 Radiated and Conducted RF Emissions ANSI/IEEE C37.90.1 Surge Note † For further details, refer to the Mark VIe and Mark VIeS Control Systems System Guide, Volume I (GEH-6721_Vol_ I), the chapter Technical Regulations, Standards, and Environments. YSIL Core Safety Protection Module GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 633 Non-Public Information 12.2.4 Diagnostics The YSIL module performs the following self-diagnostic tests: • • • • • A power-up self-test that includes checks of RAM, flash memory, Ethernet ports, and most of the processor board hardware Continuous monitoring of the internal power supplies for correct operation A check of the analog feedback currents A comparison between the commanded state of each relay drive and the feedback from the commanded output circuit A check of the electronic ID information from the terminal board, acquisition board, and processor board to confirm that the hardware set matches, followed by a check that the application code loaded from flash memory is correct for the hardware set Note Details of the individual diagnostics are available from the ToolboxST application. The diagnostic signals can be individually latched, and then reset with the RESET_DIA signal if they go healthy. Trip Status LEDs During normal I/O pack operation, all six trip application LEDs display green. An additional feature, rotating LEDs, can be configured for the I/O pack. Using this feature, only one LED is turned on at a time, and walked up and down the six LEDs creating a synchronized motion. The walking is regulated by the controller IONet, and synchronized across a set of three I/O packs. This provides a quick visual indication of the system time synchronization status. There are six LEDs on the front left side of the I/O pack to indicate trip status. All six LEDs stay off until the I/O pack is completely online. RUN is green any time the I/O pack has energized the emergency trip relays. RUN turns red any time the I/O pack has removed power from the emergency trip relays, voting to trip. ESTP is green when the ESTOP input (if applicable) is in the run state. ESTP turns red any time ESTOP is invoked to prevent pick up of the emergency trip relays. If the selected trip terminal board does not support ESTOP, then the LED defaults to green. OSPD turns red any time the I/O pack votes to trip in response to a detected overspeed condition on any of the three speed inputs. OSPD is green when an overspeed condition is not present or latched. WDOG is green when the trip status of all features is cleared. WDOG turns red when any of the following I/O pack trip functions are enabled and active: • • • • Control Watchdog Speed Difference Detection Stale Speed Detection Frame Sync Monitor SYNC is green when generator and bus voltage is synchronized and matched in amplitude. SYNC turns red when the I/O pack determines that ac bus and generator bus voltage does not satisfy the synchronization requirements, and synchronization has been requested by the system. OPT is used for Composite Analog Trip status. If an SCSA Analog Trip is asserted, this LED will be red. When the trip is reset, this LED will be green. 634 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 12.2.5 YSIL Configuration Parameters Default values are in blue. Name Value 2Shafts_3Sensors PRGrouping 3Shafts_2Sensors 3Shafts_3Sensors LMTripZEnabl TA_Trp_Enab1 TA_Trp_Enab2 TA_Trp_Enab3 SpeedDifEn StaleSpdEn No_T_PS_Req RotateLeds LedDiags TemperatureUnits SystemFreq Enable Disable Enable Disable Enable Disable Enable Disable Enable Disable Enable Disable Enable Disable Enable Disable Enable Disable °C °F 50Hz 60Hz Description Select grouping of speed inputs: 2 Shafts (3 speed sensors/shaft), 3 shafts (2 speed sensors/shaft), 3 shafts (3 speed sensors/shaft) On LM machine, when no PR on Z, Enable a vote for Trip Steam, Enable Trip Anticipate on ETR1 Steam, Enable Trip Anticipate on ETR2 Steam, Enable Trip Anticipate on ETR3 Enable Trip on Speed Difference between Controller & YSIL Enable Trip on Speed from Controller Freezing No Flame Detect Power Supply required for T Rotate the Status LEDs if all status are OK Generate diag alarm when LED status lit Used for SCSA Thermocouples and Cold Junctions System frequency in Hz Unused GT_1Shaft GT_2Shaft LargeSteam TurbineType LM_2Shaft LM_3Shaft Turbine Type and Trip Solenoid Configuration MediumSteam SmallSteam Stag_GT_1Sh Stag_GT_2Sh RatedRPM_TA 3600 is default AccelCalType 70 is default Select Acceleration Calculation Time (msec) 5.0 is default Absolute Speed Difference in Percent For Trip Threshold OS_Diff AMS_Mux_Scans_Permitted Enable Disable Rated RPM, used for Trip Anticipater and for Speed Diff Protection AMS mulitplexer scans for command 1 and 2 are allowed (command 3 always allowed). Refer to the section Asset Management System Tunnel Command for Min_MA_Input 3.8 is default more information. Minimum mA for Healthy 4–20 mA Input Max_MA_Input 20.5 is default Maximum mA for Healthy 4–20 mA Input 125V Excitation_Volt 24V 48V RBOS1_Enab Disable, Enable Contact Input Excitation (wetting) Voltage (SCSA and TCSA must use the same voltage level) HP Rate-based Overspeed enable YSIL Core Safety Protection Module GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 635 Non-Public Information Name † RBOS1_AccelSetptn, n=1-5 Value Description 0 to 20,000 HP Rate-based Overspeed acceleration setpoint n, RPM/s † RBOS1_OSSetptn, n=1-5 0 to 20,000 HP Rate-based Overspeed setpoint n, RPM RBOS2_Enab Disable, Enable LP Rate-based Overspeed enable † RBOS2_AccelSetptn, n=1-5 0 to 20,000 LP Rate-based Overspeed acceleration setpoint n, RPM/s † RBOS2_OSSetptn, n=1-5 0 to 20,000 LP Rate-based Overspeed setpoint n, RPM RBOS3_Enab Disable, Enable IP Rate-based Overspeed enable † RBOS3_AccelSetptn, n=1-5 0 to 20,000 IP Rate-based Overspeed acceleration setpoint n, RPM/s † RBOS3_OSSetptn, n=1-5 0 to 20,000 IP Rate-based Overspeed setpoint n, RPM † RBOS setpoints have restrictions in their relative values. Refer to the section RBOS Parameter Restrictions for further details. RBOS Parameter Restrictions The following restrictions apply to the relative values of RBOS setpoints (within a given shaft): 1. RBOS#_AccelSetpts must increase in value by at least 0.1 RPM/s (RBOS1_AccelSetpt2 must be 0.1 RPM/s or greater than RBOS1_AccelSetpt1). This prevents an infinite slope calculation in the overspeed setpoint profile. 2. RBOS#_OSSetpts must be either equal to or less than the previous entry (RBOS1_OSSetpt2 must be less than or equal to RBOS1_OSSetpt1). This ensures the functionality of the RBOS feature in that as Acceleration increases the RBOS overspeed setpoint either stays the same or decreases, but never increases. These restrictions are enforced by the build in ToolboxST, with errors that provide help to the user to identify the issues in their configuration. 636 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information Variables Name Direction Data Type Variable Description L3DIAG_YSIL_R, S, or T Input BOOL I/O Diagnostic Indication LINK_OK_YSIL_R, S, or T Input BOOL I/O Link Okay Indication ATTN_YSIL_R, S, or T Input BOOL I/O Attention Indication PS18V_YSIL_R, S, or T Input BOOL I/O 18V Power Supply Indication PS28V_YSIL_R, S, or T Input BOOL I/O 28V Power Supply Indication SCSA_Comm_Status_R, S, or T Input BOOL SCSA Serial Communication Status L3SS_Comm Input BOOL Controller Communication Status GT_1Shaft Input BOOL Config – Gas Turb,1 Shaft Enabled GT_2Shaft Input BOOL Config – Gas Turb,2 Shaft Enabled LM_2Shaft Input BOOL Config – LM Turb,2 Shaft Enabled LM_3Shaft Input BOOL Config – LM Turb,3 Shaft Enabled LargeSteam Input BOOL Config – Large Steam, Enabled MediumSteam Input BOOL Config – Medium Steam Enabled SmallSteam Input BOOL Config – Small Steam Enabled Stage_GT_1Sh Input BOOL Config – Stage 1 Shaft, Enabled Stage_GT_2Sh Input BOOL Config – Stage 2 Shaft, Enabled IOPackTmpr_R, S, or T AnalogInput REAL IO Pack Temperature (deg F) LockedRotorByp Output BOOL LL97LR_BYP - Locked Rotor Bypass HPZeroSpdByp Output BOOL L97ZSC_BYP - HP Zero Speed Check Bypass DriveFreq AnalogOutput REAL RefrFreq - Drive (Gen) Freq (Hz), used for non standard drive config Can be used for zero speed logic in Dead Bus Closure of breaker Speed1 AnalogOutput REAL Shaft Speed 1 in RPM ControllerWdog Output DINT Controller Watchdog Counter CJBackup_R, S, or T AnalogOutput REAL CJ Backup Value °C/°F Based on configured TemperatureUnits CJRemote_R, S, or T AnalogOutput REAL CJ Remote Value °C/°F Based on configured TemperatureUnits TA_StptLoss Input BOOL (L30TA) True if Trip Anticipate overspeed setpoint from TR_Spd_ Sp is too far from rated RPM RatedRPM_TA Vars-Al Trip Name Direction Data Type Vars-Al Description AnalogInput01_Trip_R, S, or T Input BOOL SCSA Analog Input Trip Status Input BOOL SCSA Analog Input Trip Status ↓ AnalogInput16_Trip_R, S, or T YSIL Core Safety Protection Module GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 637 Non-Public Information Vars-Trip Name Direction Data Type Vars-Trip Description WatchDog_Trip Input BOOL Enhanced diag - Watch Dog trip StaleSpeed_Trip Input BOOL Enhanced diag - Stale Speed trip SpeedDiff_Trip Input BOOL Enhanced diag - Speed Difference trip FrameMon_Flt Input BOOL Enhanced diag - Frame Monitor Fault OverSpd1_Trip Input BOOL L12HP_TP - HP overspeed trip OverSpd2_Trip Input BOOL L12LP_TP - LP overspeed trip OverSpd3_Trip Input BOOL L12IP_TP - IP overspeed trip Decel1_Trip Input BOOL L12HP_DEC - HP de-acceleration trip Decel2_Trip Input BOOL L12LP_DEC - LP de-acceleration trip Decel3_Trip Input BOOL L12IP_DEC - IP de-acceleration trip Accel1_Trip Input BOOL L12HP_ACC - HP acceleration trip Accel2_Trip Input BOOL L12LP_ACC - LP acceleration trip Accel3_Trip Input BOOL L12IP_ACC - IP acceleration trip HW_OverSpd1_Trip Input BOOL L12HP_HTP - HP Hardware detected overspeed trip HW_OverSpd2_Trip Input BOOL L12LP_HTP - LP Hardware detected overspeed trip HW_OverSpd3_Trip Input BOOL L12IP_HTP - IP Hardware detected overspeed trip TA_Trip Input BOOL Trip Anticipate Trip,L12TA_TP TSCA_Contact01_Trip Input BOOL Contact Trip (L5Cont01_Trip) TSCA_Contact20_Trip Input BOOL Contact Trip (L5Cont20_Trip) LPShaftLock Input BOOL LP Shaft Locked PR1_Zero Input BOOL L14HP_ZE - HP shaft at zero speed PR2_Zero Input BOOL L14LP_ZE - LP shaft at zero speed PR3_Zero Input BOOL L14IP_ZE - IP shaft at zero speed CompositeAnalog_Trip Input BOOL Composite Analog Trip Status CompositeTrip Input BOOL Composite Trip Status Estop_Trip Input BOOL ESTOP Trip (L5ESTOP1) Config1_Trip Input BOOL HP Config Trip(L5CFG1_Trip) Config2_Trip Input BOOL LP Config Trip(L5CFG2_Trip) Config3_Trip Input BOOL IP Config Trip(L5CFG3_Trip) Cross_Trip Output BOOL L4Z_XTRP - Control Cross Trip ↓ 638 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information Vars-Flame Name Direction Data Type Vars-Flame Description FlameDetPwrStat Input BOOL 335 V dc status FD1_Flame Input BOOL Flame Detect present FD8_Flame Input BOOL Flame Detect present FD1_Level Output BOOL 1 = High Detection Cnts Level Output BOOL 1 = High Detection Cnts Level ↓ ↓ FD8_Level Vars-Contacts Name Direction Data Type Description Input BOOL Config – Contact Trip Enabled – Direct TCSA_Contact01_TripEnab ↓ TCSA_Contact20_TripEnab Vars-Speed Name Direction Data Type Vars-Speed Description Accel1_TrEnab Input BOOL Config – Accel 1 Trip Enabled Accel2_TrEnab Input BOOL Config – Accel 2 Trip Enabled Accel3_TrEnab Input BOOL Config – Accel 3 Trip Enabled HW_OverSpd1_Setpt_Pend Input BOOL Hardware HP overspeed setpoint changed after power up HW_OverSpd2_Setpt_Pend Input BOOL Hardware LP overspeed setpoint changed after power up HW_OverSpd3_Setpt_Pend Input BOOL Hardware IP overspeed setpoint changed after power up HW_OverSpd1_Setpt_CfgErr Input BOOL Hardware HP Overspd Setpoint Config Mismatch Error HW_OverSpd2_Setpt_CfgErr Input BOOL Hardware LP Overspd Setpoint Config Mismatch Error HW_OverSpd3_Setpt_CfgErr Input BOOL Hardware IP Overspd Setpoint Config Mismatch Error OverSpd1_Setpt_CfgErr Input BOOL HP Overspd Setpoint Config Mismatch Error OverSpd2_Setpt_CfgErr Input BOOL LP Overspd Setpoint Config Mismatch Error OverSpd3_Setpt_CfgErr Input BOOL IP Overspd Setpoint Config Mismatch Error RBOS1_TestEnable Output BOOL Enable Test Mode for RBOS feature for HP. RBOS1_Accel_Test will be used as Accel input to RBOS. RBOS2_TestEnable Output BOOL Enable Test Mode for RBOS feature for LP. RBOS2_Accel_Test will be used as Accel input to RBOS. RBOS3_TestEnable Output BOOL Enable Test Mode for RBOS feature for IP. RBOS3_Accel_Test will be used as Accel input to RBOS. PR1_Accel AnalogInput REAL HP Accel in RPM/SEC PR2_Accel AnalogInput REAL LP Accel in RPM/SEC PR3_Accel AnalogInput REAL PR1_Max AnalogInput REAL IP Accel in RPM/SEC HP Max Speed since last Zero Speed in RPM PR2_Max AnalogInput REAL LP Max Speed since last Zero Speed in RPM PR3_Max AnalogInput REAL IP Max Speed since last Zero Speed in RPM YSIL Core Safety Protection Module GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 639 Non-Public Information Name Direction Data Type Vars-Speed Description PR1_Spd AnalogInput REAL PR1 - Speed sensor 1 (1A if three or two groups, see PRGrouping parameter) PR2_Spd AnalogInput REAL PR2 - Speed sensor 2 (2A if three groups, 1B if two groups, see PRGrouping parameter) PR3_Spd AnalogInput REAL PR3 - Speed sensor 3 (3A if three groups, 2A if two groups, see PRGrouping parameter) PR4_Spd AnalogInput REAL PR4 - Speed sensor 4 (1B if three groups, 1C if two groups, see PRGrouping parameter) PR5_Spd AnalogInput REAL PR5 - Speed sensor 5 (2B if three or two groups, see PRGrouping parameter) PR6_Spd AnalogInput REAL PR6 - Speed sensor 6 (3B if three groups, 2C if two groups, see PRGrouping parameter) OS1_Setpoint_Fbk AnalogInput REAL Current firmware overspeed setpoint for HP shaft in RPM OS2_Setpoint_Fbk AnalogInput REAL Current firmware overspeed setpoint for LP shaft in RPM OS3_Setpoint_Fbk AnalogInput REAL Current firmware overspeed setpoint for IP shaft in RPM OverSpd1_Test_OnLine Output BOOL L97HP_TST1 - OnLine HP Overspeed Test OverSpd2_Test_OnLine Output BOOL L97LP_TST1 - OnLine LP Overspeed Test OverSpd3_Test_OnLine Output BOOL L97IP_TST1 - OnLine IP Overspeed Test OverSpd1_Test_OffLine Output BOOL L97HP_TST2 - OffLine HP Overspeed Test OverSpd2_Test_OffLine Output BOOL L97LP_TST2 - OffLine LP Overspeed Test OverSpd3_Test_OffLine Output BOOL L97IP_TST2 - OffLine IP Overspeed Test TripAnticipateTest Output BOOL L97A_TST - Trip Anticipate Test PR_Max_Reset Output BOOL Max Speed Reset OnLineOverSpd1X Output BOOL OverSpd1_Setpt AnalogOutput REAL L43EOST_ONL - On Line HP Overspeed Test,with auto reset HP Overspeed Setpoint in RPM OverSpd2_Setpt AnalogOutput REAL LP Overspeed Setpoint in RPM OverSpd3_Setpt AnalogOutput REAL IP Overspeed Setpoint in RPM OverSpd1_TATrip_Setpt AnalogOutput REAL PR1 Overspeed Trip Setpoint in RPM for Trip Anticipate Fn HWOverSpd_Setpt1 AnalogOutput REAL HP Hardware Overspeed Setpoint in RPM HWOverSpd_Setpt2 AnalogOutput REAL LP Hardware Overspeed Setpoint in RPM HWOverSpd_Setpt3 AnalogOutput REAL IP Hardware Overspeed Setpoint in RPM RBOS1_Accel_Test AnalogOutput REAL Test Accel signal for RBOS feature for HP shaft, RPM/s RBOS2_Accel_Test AnalogOutput REAL Test Accel signal for RBOS feature for LP shaft, RPM/s RBOS3_Accel_Test AnalogOutput REAL Test Accel signal for RBOS feature for IP shaft, RPM/s Repeater1 Input BOOL Speed Repeater Fault Status Input BOOL Speed Repeater Fault Status ↓ Repeater6 640 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information Vars-Relay The following are the contact feedbacks for the electromechanical safety relays. They must be closed (feedback True) for current to flow in the ETRs. Contact Feedbacks Name Direction Data Type Description Mech1_Fdbk Input BOOL Mechanical relay feedback, controls group 1 (K1–3) Mech2_Fdbk Input BOOL Mechanical relay feedback, controls group 2 (K4–6) Mech3_Fdbk Input BOOL Mechanical relay feedback, controls group 3 (K7–9) The following are the Output Bits, which can be used to open ETR Relays. They are only available when the ETRs are configured as Used and TripMode configuration as Enable (from the ETR Relay tab). Output Bits Name Direction Data Type Description ETR1_Open Output BOOL ETR1 Open Command, True de-energizes relay ETR2_Open Output BOOL ETR2 Open Command, True de-energizes relay ETR3_Open Output BOOL ETR3 Open Command, True de-energizes relay ETR4_Open Output BOOL ETR4 Open Command, True de-energizes relay ETR5_Open Output BOOL ETR5 Open Command, True de-energizes relay ETR6_Open Output BOOL ETR6 Open Command, True de-energizes relay ETR7_Open Output BOOL ETR7 Open Command, True de-energizes relay ETR8_Open Output BOOL ETR8 Open Command, True de-energizes relay ETR9_Open Output BOOL ETR9 Open Command, True de-energizes relay Note When the relay outputs are configured as TripMode Disable, the associated mechanical relay will pick up when any of the three solid state relays pick up within that group, and drops when all the solid state relays are False in that group. Vars-Sync Name Direction Data Type Vars-Sync Description GenFreq AnalogInput REAL DF2 hz BusFreq AnalogInput REAL SFL2 hz GenVoltsDiff AnalogInput REAL DV_ERR KiloVolts rms - Gen Low is Negative GenFreqDiff AnalogInput REAL SFDIFF2 Slip hz - Gen Slow is Negative GenPhaseDiff AnalogInput REAL SSDIFF2 Phase degrees - Gen Lag is Negative SyncCheck_Enab Output BOOL L25A_PERM - Sync Check Permissive SyncCheck_ByPass Output BOOL L25A_BYPASS - Sync Check ByPass Used for dead bus breaker closure feature YSIL Core Safety Protection Module GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 641 Non-Public Information TSCA Contacts Default values are in blue. Name Direction Data Type TCSA_Contact01 ↓ Description ContactInput SeqOfEvents DiagVoteEnab TripMode Used Enable Enable Disable Unused Disable Disable Enable Contact Input 1 Input BOOL TCSA_Contact20 ↓ Contact Input 20 EStop Default values are in blue. Name Direction Data Type Description DiagVoteEnab ESTOP_Fdbk Input BOOL ESTOP, inverse sense, True = Run Enable Disable ETR Relay Default values are in blue. Name Direction Data Type Description RelayOutput TripMode † K4 Output BOOL K4 Relay Ouput, Emergency Trip Relay when Trip Mode Enabled Enable Disable ‡ K5 Output BOOL K5 Relay Ouput, Emergency Trip Relay when K4 Trip Mode Enabled N/A K6 Output BOOL K6 Relay Ouput, Emergency Trip Relay when K4 Trip Mode Enabled N/A K7 Output BOOL K7 Relay Ouput, Emergency Trip Relay when Trip Mode Enabled K8 Output BOOL K8 Relay Ouput, Emergency Trip Relay when K7 Trip Mode Enabled N/A K9 Output BOOL K9 Relay Ouput, Emergency Trip Relay when K7 Trip Mode Enabled N/A Used Unused Enable Disable ‡ Note † TripMode on ETR Relay can only be selected in groups. K4-K6 are in one group, and K7-K9 are in another group. Note ‡ When the relay outputs are configured as TripMode Disable, the associated mechanical relay will pick up when any of the three solid state relays pick up within that group, and drops when all the solid state relays are False in that group. 642 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information ETR Fdbk Default values are in blue. Name Direction Data Type Description K1_Fdbk Input BOOL Trip Relay Feedback K2_Fdbk Input BOOL Trip Relay Feedback K3_Fdbk Input BOOL Trip Relay Feedback K4_Fdbk Input BOOL Normal / Trip Relay Feedback K5_Fdbk Input BOOL Normal / Trip Relay Feedback K6_Fdbk Input BOOL Normal / Trip Relay Feedback K7_Fdbk Input BOOL Normal / Trip Relay Feedback K8_Fdbk Input BOOL Normal / Trip Relay Feedback K9_Fdbk Input BOOL Normal / Trip Relay Feedback SeqOfEvents DiagVoteEnab Enable Disable Enable Disable TSCA Relay Default values are in blue. Name Direction Data Type Description TCSA_Relay01 Output BOOL Under control of SyncCheck if RelayOutput Output_State Output_Value SyncCheck is configured for Relay01 TCSA_Relay02 Output BOOL HoldLastVal Used Under control of SyncCheck if Output_Value Unused PwrDownMode On Off SyncCheck is configured for Relay02 TCSA Relay Fdbk Default values are in blue. Name Direction Data Type Description SeqOfEvents DiagVoteEnab TCSA_Relay01Fdbk Input BOOL Relay Feedback Enable Enable TCSA_Relay02Fdbk Input BOOL Relay Feedback Disable Disable YSIL Core Safety Protection Module GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 643 Non-Public Information K25A Default values are in blue. Name Direction Data Type Description SynchCheck DiagVoteEnab K25A_Cmd_Status Input BOOL Synch Check Relay Relay01 Disable Relay02 Enable Unused GenFreqSource TurbRPM VoltageDiff FreqDiff PhaseDiff GenVoltage BusVoltage PR_Std Default is Default is 2.8 Default is Default is Default is 6.9 Default is 6.9 SgSpace 3600 0.30 10.0 Description PRType PRScale Unused Pulse Rate Default values are in blue. Name Direction Data HwOverSpd_Setpt OverSpd_Setpt Default is 0 Default is 0 Type PulseRate1 AnalogInput REAL HP speed PulseRate2 AnalogInput REAL LP speed PulseRate3 AnalogInput REAL IP speed Speed Default is Speed_High 60 Speed_LM OverSpd_Test_Delta Zero_Speed Min_Speed Default is 0 Default is 0 Default is 0 Accel_Trip Enable Disable Accel_Setpt TMR_DiffLimt Default is 0 Default is 5 Dual_DiffLimit Default is 25 PT Inputs The following PT inputs on the TCSA are fanned, single phase (75 to 130 V rms). Name Direction Data Type Description GenPT_KVolts AnalogInput REAL Kilo-Volts RMS (Active only if PT_Input PT_Output TMR_DiffLimt Default is 13.8 Default is 115 Default is 1 K25A is Enabled) BusPT_KVolts AnalogInput REAL Kilo-Volts RMS (Active only if K25A is Enabled) 644 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information TCSA Analog Inputs Default values are in blue. Name Direction Data Type Description Input Low_Input Low_Value AnalogInput REAL Flame Analog Input Used Unused Default is 4 Default is 0 High_Input High_Value InputFilter DiagHighEnab DiagLowEnab TMR_DiffLimt Default is 20 Default is 100 Used Unused Enable Disable Enable Disable Default is 5 FlameAnalogInput01 ↓ FlameAnalogInput10 Flame Name Direction Data Type Description FlmDetTime REAL Flame Intensity (Hz) 0.040sec 0.080sec 0.160sec FlameInd1 ↓ AnalogInput FlameInd8 FlameLimitHi FlameLimitLow Flame_Det TMR_DiffLimt Default is 5 Default is 3 Used Unused Default is 5 YSIL Core Safety Protection Module GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 645 Non-Public Information SCSA Analog Inputs Default values are in blue. Name Data Type Description AnalogInput01_ REAL 4–20 mA Input Low_Input Low_Value High_Input High_Value InputFilter Default is 4 Default is 0 Default is 20 Default is 100 0.75hz R, S, or T 1.5hz 4–20ma ↓ 3hz Unused AnalogInput16_ REAL 4–20 mA 6hz Default is 4 Default is 0 Default is 20 R, S, or T 646 12hz Unused DiagHighEnab DiagLowEnab TripEnab TripSetPoint TripDelay HART_Enable Enable Enable Default is 0 Default is 100 Enable Disable Disable (milliseconds) Disable GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Default is 100 HART_MfglD HART_DevType HART_DevID Default is 0 Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information SCSA Thermocouple Inputs Default values are in blue. Name Type Thermocouple01_R, S, or T Unused Thermocouple02_R, S, or T Thermocouple03_R, S, or T ReportOpenTC Type_J Fail_Hot Type_K Fail_Cold Type_S ReportOpenTC sets the failed state of an open Type_T thermocouple to either hot (high) or cold (low). This does Type_E not apply when Type = mV. mV SCSA Cold Junction Default values are in blue. Name Direction Data Type Description ColdJuncType ColdJunction_R, S, or T AnalogInput REAL Cold Junction for TCs 1 to 3 Local Remote SCSA Relay Default values are in blue. Name Direction Data Type SCSA_Relay01_ R, S, or T Output BOOL SCSA_Relay02_ R, S, or T Output BOOL RelayOutput Output_State Output_Value Used Unused HoldLastVal Output_Value PwrDownMode On Off SCSA Relay Fdbk Name Direction Data Type Description SCSA_Relay01Fdbk_R, S, or T Input BOOL Relay Feedback SCSA_Relay02Fdbk_R, S, or T Input BOOL Relay Feedback SCSA Contacts Default values are in blue. Name Direction Data Type Description SCSA_Contact01_ R, S, or T Input BOOL Contact Input Used Unused ↓ SCSA_Contact03_ R, S, or T ContactInput Input BOOL Contact Input YSIL Core Safety Protection Module SignalInvert SignalFilter Invert Normal 100ms 10ms 20ms 50ms Unfiltered GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 647 Non-Public Information 12.2.6 Asset Management System Tunnel Command The Asset Management System (AMS) scans the HART-enabled field devices to determine health. This scan command decision is made in the AMS (not the I/O pack). The AMS can send scan commands over channels 1, 2, or 3. The YSIL I/O pack (or if using PHRA/YHRA) can be configured to either only allow for the scan command to occur on the default channel 3 or it can allow these scan commands to occur on any of the three channels (as determined by the AMS). By changing the parameter, AMS_Mux_Scans_Permitted to Enable (it is disabled by default), the I/O pack will accept a change from channel 3 (which is the default channel). From the perspective of the AMS, the multiplexer is the I/O pack (YSIL, YHRA, or PHRA). † In electronics, a multiplexer (or mux) is a device that selects one of several analog or digital input signals and forwards the selected input into a single line. Note † Retrieved Nov 13, 2014 from HMI Asset Management System (AMS) WorkstationST Application UDH YSIL TCSA IONet WCSA Serial B us TMR Mark VIeS Controller Set SCSA HART Field Device SCSA S CSA Tunnel command sent from AMS to I/O pack, then I /O pack sends status of HART field devices to AMS Example of YSIL HART Communications 648 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 12.3 YSIL Specific Alarms The following diagnostic alarms are specific to the YSIL I/O pack. 32 Description Control Watchdog Protection Activated Possible Cause An alarm indicates that the variable ContWdog has not changed for five consecutive frames. The alarm clears if changes are detected for 60 seconds. Solution • • Verify that the ContWdog is connected to the output of a DEVICE_HB block and that the block is located in a task which is run at frame rate. Verify that the output signal from the block is changing at least once a frame. 33 Description Speed Difference Protection Activated Possible Cause This alarm only occurs if the parameter SpeedDifEn has been enabled. An alarm indicates that the difference between the output signal Speed1 and the first I/O pack pulse rate speed is larger than the percentage of parameter Os_Diff for more than three consecutive frames. The percentage is based off of the parameter RatedRPM_TA. The alarm clears if the difference is within limits for 60 seconds for more than three consecutive frames. Solution Verify that the Speed1 signal is set up correctly in the ToolboxST Component Editor and that the source of the signal reflects the primary (PTUR/YTUR) pulse rate speed. 34 Description Stale Speed Protection Activated Possible Cause The speed trip protection may be stale. This alarm can only occur if the parameter StaleSpdEn has been enabled. An alarm indicates that the variable Speed1 has not changed for 100 consecutive frames. The alarm clears if the speed dithers for 60 seconds. Solution Verify that the Speed1 signal is set up correctly in the ToolboxST configuration, and that the source of the signal reflects the primary (PTUR/YTUR) pulse rate speed. YSIL Core Safety Protection Module GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 649 Non-Public Information 35 Description Frame Sync Monitor Protection Activated Possible Cause This alarm indicates that the communication with the controller was lost for at least five consecutive frames after the I/O pack was online. The alarm clears if the frame synch is established for at least 60 seconds. This indicates that the I/O pack is not synchronized with the Mark VIeS controller start-of-frame signal. Solution Verify that the IONet is healthy. 36 Description Configuration changed after power up - running with old configuration Possible Cause SIL related configuration parameters have changed after going online. The following parameters must not change after going online: • • • Pulse Rate tab, PRType Pulse Rate tab, PRScale TCSA Contacts tab, TripMode Solution • • Set the parameters to their original state and download them to the YSIL if they have been changed inadvertently. If changes are required, cycle power from the I/O pack to get the hardware to accept the new values. Note View the error log to determine which parameter may have changed. From the ToolboxST Component Editor Tree View, right-click the I/O pack and select Troubleshooting–>Advanced Diagnostics–>Error log. Expand the tree menu and double-click the error log. 37 Description [ ] SCSA Power supply unhealthy Possible Cause The SCSA power monitor circuit detected a drop in voltage or a failed power supply. Solution • • • 650 If the PPDA is available to monitor control cabinet power, check the PPDA for active alarms. Troubleshoot the power within the control cabinet. Begin with the power supplies and work towards the affected YSIL module. Replace the SCSA. GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 2400-2415 Description SCSA Analog Input [ ] Unhealthy Possible Cause • • • • • wetting to the transducer is wrong or missing. The transducer may be faulty. The analog input, current input is beyond the specified range. There may be an open or short-circuit on the input. Serial link to the SCSA is faulty. Solution • • • Check the field wiring and connections to the indicated analog input channel. Check the field device for failure. Check the serial link connection to the SCSA. 2416-2425 Description TCSA Analog Input [ ] Unhealthy Possible Cause • • • • • wetting to the transducer is wrong or missing. The transducer may be faulty. The current input is beyond the specified range. There may be an open or short-circuit on the input. WCSA daughter board is not seated properly. Solution • • • Check the field wiring and connections to the indicated analog input channel. Check the field device for failure. Verify that the WCSA daughter board is seated properly. 2426-2441 Description HART Input [ ] Not Initialized Possible Cause An enabled HART input channel does not respond. Solution • • Verify that the field device is attached to the correct I/O point. Using a HART handheld communicator, confirm that the field device is operating correctly and communicating. 2442-2457 Description HART Input [ ] Address Mismatch Possible Cause The device ID in the ToolboxST configuration does not match the field device. Solution • • Verify that the correct field device is connected to the I/O point. If so, either set the three ID fields to zero, or upload the device ID from the field device. YSIL Core Safety Protection Module GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 651 Non-Public Information 2458-2473 Description HART Input [ ] Field Device Modified Possible Cause The configuration of the HART field device was externally modified with either an Asset Management System (AMS) or a HART handheld communicator. Solution Determine what change was made and if OK, issue a system diagnostic reset to acknowledge the change and clear the fault. ➢ To unlatch this diagnostic 1. From the ToolboxST application, Component Editor, Software tab, navigate to the SYS_OUTPUTS block (this block is part of the Standard or SIL block library depending on controller type). 2. Set the RSTDIAG input BOOL to TRUE. 3. Wait for the I/O pack diagnostics to become inactive, and then set the RSTDIAG to FALSE. 4. From the Diagnostics tab, click Reset Alarms (as usual) to clear the alarm. 2474-2489 Description HART Input [ ] - field device not write protected in locked mode Possible Cause The field device for this channel is not in a write-protected or secured mode while the controller is in locked mode. Solution Refer to the field device manual to determine how to place the device in the write-protected mode. All devices used in a safety-protected system must be able to be placed in a read-only mode. 2490 Description HART Module Modified Possible Cause The configuration of the HART multiplexer on the I/O pack was externally modified with either an Asset Management System (AMS) or a HART handheld communicator. Solution Determine what change was made and if OK, issue a system diagnostic reset to acknowledge the change and clear the fault. ➢ To unlatch this diagnostic 1. From the ToolboxST application, Component Editor, Software tab, navigate to the SYS_OUTPUTS block (this block is part of the Standard or SIL block library depending on controller type). 2. Set the RSTDIAG input BOOL to TRUE. 3. Wait for the I/O pack diagnostics to become inactive, and then set the RSTDIAG to FALSE. 4. From the Diagnostics tab, click Reset Alarms (as usual) to clear the alarm. 652 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 2491 Description Flame Detector 335 V dc Voltage Supply Is Low Possible Cause • • The 335 V dc voltage is low, (FlameDetPwrStat is False) and any flame detector is configured as Used. The WCSA daughter board is not seated properly. Note The 335 V dc power required for the Honeywell flame detector is provided by the Flame Detector Power Supply (PSFD). Refer to the ExtraCircuits tab for proper 335 V screw connections. Solution • • • • • • If no flame detector is being used, verify that all the Flame_Det parameters are set to Unused. If only two PSFDs are being used, set the No_T_PS_Req parameter to Enable. This disables the check for power on the HV335T connection (ExtraCircuits tab). If the PSFD voltage is low, replace the PSFD. Check the connections from the PSFD to the TCSA terminal board. Check the voltage at the TCSA side. If the voltage is reading proper value, replace TCSA. Verify that the WCSA daughter board is seated properly. 2492-2494 Description Overspeed [ ] firmware setpoint configuration error Possible Cause There is a firmware overspeed limit mismatch between IO signal space limit and the configuration. The current configuration file downloaded from the ToolboxST application has a different overspeed limit than the IO signal OverSpd[ ]_Setpt. Solution From the ToolboxST Component Editor, change the output signal designated in Vars-Speed tab, OverSpd[ ]_Setpt to match the configuration value in Pulse Rate tab, OverSpd_Setpt. 2495-2497 Description Overspeed [ ] hardware setpoint configuration error Possible Cause There is a hardware overspeed limit mismatch between IO signal space limit and the configuration. The current configuration file downloaded from the ToolboxST application has a different overspeed limit than the IO signal HWOverSpd_Setpt[ ]. Solution From the ToolboxST Component Editor, change the output signal designated in HWOverSpd_Setpt[ ] to match the configuration value in Pulse Rate tab, HwOverSpd_Setpt. 2498-2500 Description Overspeed [ ] hardware setpoint changed after power up Possible Cause This alarm always occurs when PulseRate[ ] HwOverSpd_Setpt is changed and downloaded to the I/O pack after the turbine has started. It can also change if PRScale is changed to a decimal value and downloaded to the I/O pack after the turbine has started. Solution Confirm that the limit or scale change is correct. Restart the I/O pack to force the hardware overspeed to re-initialize the limit. YSIL Core Safety Protection Module GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 653 Non-Public Information 2501-2503 Description ETR [ ] local driver from hardware does not match commanded state Possible Cause The driver output of the I/O pack for ETR relay does not match the commanded state. This indicates that the I/O pack does not detect the relay driver feedback from the hardware. Solution • • Reboot the I/O pack. Replace the I/O pack that has the diagnostic. 2510-2518 Description ETR [ ] voted relay driver feedback does not match commanded state Possible Cause • • Feedback from the voted ETR relay driver feedback does not match the commanded state. This indicates that the feedback from the TCSA (for ETRs 1-3) and WSCA hardware (for ETRs 4-9) does not agree with the commanded state sent to the hardware. For ETR 4-9, the serial communications to WSCA could be faulty. Solution • • • • • Verify I/O packs are seated properly. Verify the WSCA is seated properly on the TSCA terminal board. Verify that the serial cables from SCSA to WCSA are properly connected. Replace the I/O pack that has the diagnostic. Replace the TSCA/WSCA terminal board set. 2529 Description LED - Turbine RUN Permissives Lost Possible Cause The RUN LED is lit red on the I/O pack because one of the RUN permissives for the turbine has been lost. The LedDiags parameter must be set to Enable to get this alarm. Solution • • • Verify the configuration of the LedDiags parameter. From the Vars-Trip tab, identify the condition that caused the trip. The trip condition must be cleared, and a master reset issued. 2530 Description LED - Overspeed Fault Detected Possible Cause The Overspeed LED is lit on the I/O pack because of a detected Trip condition. The LedDiags parameter must be set to Enable to get this alarm. Solution • • 654 Verify the configuration of the LedDiags parameter. The trip condition must be cleared, and a master reset issued. GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 2531 Description LED - ESTOP Detected Possible Cause The ESTOP LED is lit on the I/O pack because of a detected E-Stop signal. The LedDiags parameter must be set to Enable to get this alarm. Solution • • Verify the configuration of the LedDiags parameter. Remove the E-Stop condition, and issue a master reset. 2532 Description LED - Synch Fault Detected Possible Cause The Synch LED is lit on the I/O pack because of a failure to synchronize. The LedDiags parameter must be set to Enable to get this alarm. The K25A Relay must be enabled to support synchronization. Solution • • • Verify the configuration of the LedDiags parameter. Verify the K25A Relay is enabled. Issue a master reset to clear the alarm until the next failed attempt to synchronize. 2533-2534 Description SCSA Relay [ ] Driver does not match commanded state Possible Cause SCSA Relay driver output does not match commanded state. Solution • • Check for a serial communication problem (another diagnostic). Replace the SCSA terminal board. 2535-2536 Description TCSA Relay [ ] Driver does not match commanded state Possible Cause TCSA Relay driver output does not match commanded state. Solution • • • Verify that the I/O pack is seated properly. Check the I/O pack configuration. Replace the I/O pack. YSIL Core Safety Protection Module GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 655 Non-Public Information 2537-2538 Description SCSA Relay Contact [ ] Failure Possible Cause SCSA relay contact feedback does not match the commanded state. Solution • • • Check the serial cable between WCSA and SCSA. Replace the I/O pack. Replace the SCSA. 2539-2540 Description TCSA relay [ ] command does not match voted output command Possible Cause TCSA relay command does not match voted output command. Solution • • • Verify that the I/O pack is seated properly. Replace the I/O pack. Replace the TCSA terminal board. 2541 Description SCSA Wetting Voltage Not Valid, SCSA Contact Inputs Not Valid Possible Cause • • • The contact wetting voltage may not be connected to the SCSA through JE1 connector. The contact wetting voltage does not match the Excitation_Volt parameter. The contact wetting voltage applied to the SCSA is not within the acceptable range for the board. Solution • • • Check the contact wetting voltage connections to the SCSA. Verify the applied contact wetting voltage matches the Excitation_Volt parameter setting. Check the power distribution and wiring to ensure that correct wetting voltage is applied to the SCSA. 2542 Description TCSA Wetting Voltage Not Valid, TCSA Contact Inputs Not Valid Possible Cause • • • The contact wetting voltage may not be connected to the TCSA through J1 connector. The contact wetting voltage does not match the Excitation_Volt parameter. The contact wetting voltage applied to the TCSA is not within the acceptable range for the board. Solution • • • 656 Check the contact wetting voltage connections to the TCSA. Verify the applied contact wetting voltage matches the Excitation_Volt parameter setting. Check the power distribution and wiring to ensure that correct wetting voltage is applied to the TCSA. GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 2543-2545 Description SCSA Contact Input [ ] Unhealthy Possible Cause The digital input self-test has failed on the SCSA. • • Serial link issue. Internal hardware issue. Solution • • Check for other diagnostics related to serial links and resolve. Replace the SCSA. 2546-2565 Description TCSA Contact Input [ ] Unhealthy Possible Cause The digital input self-test has failed. • • Serial link issue with the WCSA (for Contact inputs 8-20) Internal hardware issue. Solution • • • • Check for other diagnostics related to serial links and resolve. Verify that the WCSA is seated properly on the TCSA. Replace the I/O pack. Replace the TCSA/WCSA board. 2566 Description LED - Composite Analog Trip Possible Cause The Composite Analog Trip LED is lit on the I/O pack because an Analog Trip is detected. The LedDiags parameter must be set to Enable to get this alarm. Solution • • • Verify that the LedDiags parameter should be set to Enable or Disable. From the Vars-AI Trip tab, examine the analog input that has tripped. Remove the Analog Trip condition, and issue a master reset. YSIL Core Safety Protection Module GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 657 Non-Public Information 2594 Description SCSA Communication Failure Possible Cause • • • SCSA is not connected Serial link cable is faulty or too long Hardware failure on SCSA terminal board Solution Note To clear this diagnostic alarm, first correct the issue that is causing the serial communication failure and then reboot the I/O pack. • • • • Verify that power is applied to the SCSA. Verify that the proper serial cable type and length are being used. Replace the serial cable. Replace the SCSA. 2595 Description WCSA Communication Failure Possible Cause • • • WCSA is not properly seated on the TCSA terminal board Serial link cable between WCSA and SCSA is faulty Hardware failure on WCSA daughter board Solution Note To clear this diagnostic alarm, first correct the issue that is causing the serial communication failure and then reboot the I/O pack. • • • • • 658 Check for and resolve other diagnostics. Verify that the WCSA is properly seated on the TCSA. Verify that proper serial cable type and length are being used. Replace the serial cable. Replace the TCSA/WCSA terminal board. GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 2596-2601 Description Speed Repeater [ ] Unhealthy Possible Cause • • Speed repeater output is shorted. Hardware failure on WCSA daughter board Solution • • • Check the speed repeater wiring connections. Verify that the proper speed repeater jumper settings are being used. Replace the TCSA/WCSA terminal board. 2602 Description SCSA not connected on power up Possible Cause • • The SCSA is not physically connected when the I/O pack powers on. Serial link cable between SCSA and WCSA is faulty Solution • • • • • Verify that the SCSA is connected to the WCSA in the correct serial link connector for R, S, or T. Verify that power is applied to the SCSA. Replace the serial link cable. Replace the SCSA terminal board. Replace the TCSA/WCSA terminal board. 2603 Description SCSA Barcode Mismatch Possible Cause • • Bar code of the connected SCSA terminal board does not match the configuration in the ToolboxST application Failure in the electronic ID on SCSA Solution • • • • Verify that the bar code configuration matches the hardware connected. Verify that the SCSA is connected to the WCSA in the correct serial link connector for R, S, or T. Replace the serial cable. Replace the SCSA terminal board. 2604 Description WCSA not connected on power up Possible Cause WCSA daughter board is not properly seated on TCSA terminal board Solution • • Verify that the WCSA is properly seated on the TCSA terminal board. Replace the TCSA/WCSA terminal board. YSIL Core Safety Protection Module GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 659 Non-Public Information 2605–2606 Description SynchCheck is enabled with TCSA relay [ ], TCSA relay [ ] needs to be configured as Used Possible Cause Synch Check is enabled and has selected one of the TCSA relays for driving K25A relay. The selected TCSA relay is configured as Unused. Solution Enable the respective TCSA relay as Used. 2607 Description Dual speed sensors mismatch: PR 1=[ ], PR 4=[ ] Possible Cause The dual speed sensors are reporting speeds that differ by more than the configured Dual_DiffLimit value. Solution • Verify that the Dual_DiffLimit value is set correctly. Note The value is given in engineering units. • Verify the connection and correct operation of the speed sensors. 2608 Description Dual speed sensors mismatch: PR 2=[ ], PR 5=[ ] Possible Cause The dual speed sensors are reporting speeds that differ by more than the configured Dual_DiffLimit value. Solution • Verify that the Dual_DiffLimit value is set correctly. Note The value is given in engineering units. • Verify the connection and correct operation of the speed sensors. 2609 Description Dual speed sensors mismatch: PR 3=[ ], PR 6=[ ] Possible Cause The dual speed sensors are reporting speeds that differ by more than the configured Dual_DiffLimit value. Solution • Verify that the Dual_DiffLimit value is set correctly. Note The value is given in engineering units. • 660 Verify the connection and correct operation of the speed sensors. GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 2610-2615 Description Speed sensor mismatch for PulseRate[ ]: Voted= [ ], PR{2:F0}_Spd= [ ] Possible Cause A speed sensor is reporting speeds that differ by more than the configured Dual_DiffLimit value from the voted PulseRate value. Solution • Verify that the Dual_DiffLimit value is set correctly. Note The value is given in engineering units. • Verify the connection and correct operation of the speed sensors. 2616-2618 Description Mechanical Relay [ ] driver feedback does not match commanded state Possible Cause The driver output feedback for mechanical relay does not match the commanded state. Solution • • • • Verify that the I/O pack is seated properly. Verify that the WCSA is properly seated on the TCSA. Replace the I/O pack. Replace the TCSA/WCSA terminal board. 2619-2621 Description Mechanical Relay [ ] contact feedback does not match commanded state Possible Cause Feedback from mechanical relay contacts does not match the commanded state. Solution • • • Verify that the I/O pack is seated properly. Replace the I/O pack. Replace the TCSA/WCSA terminal board. YSIL Core Safety Protection Module GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 661 Non-Public Information 2622 Description Invalid TCSA Analog Input Calibration, using defaults. Error [ ] Possible Cause Note Error number is for factory use only. • • • Calculated constants are out of range of full scale analog value. Calculated constants are corrupted or not found on board. Cannot retrieve constants from board, board disconnected Solution • • • Check the hardware connections and reboot the I/O pack. Replace the TCSA/WCSA terminal board. Replace the I/O pack. 2623 Description Invalid SCSA Analog Input Calibration, Using Defaults - Error [ ] Possible Cause Note Error number is for factory use only. • • • Calculated constants are out of range of full scale analog value. Calculated constants are corrupted or not found on board Cannot retrieve constants from board, board disconnected Solution • • • 662 Check the hardware connections and reboot the I/O pack. Replace the SCSA terminal board. Replace the I/O pack. GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 2624-2626 Description Thermocouple [ ] Unhealthy Possible Cause • • • • Thermocouple mV input on terminal board exceeded thermocouple range or hardware limit. Thermocouple is configured as wrong type. Thermocouple is not connected or broken wire. Serial link to the SCSA is faulty. Solution • • • Verify that the thermocouple type matches the configuration. Check the field wiring, including shields. Verify that the I/O pack is seated properly. Note The problem is usually not an I/O pack or terminal board failure if other thermocouples are working correctly. • • • Check the thermocouple for an open circuit. Measure incoming mV signal and verify that it is not less than -63 mV. Check for serial communication problem (another diagnostic). 2627 Description Cold Junction Unhealthy, using backup Possible Cause Local cold junction signal from SCSA is out of range. The normal range is -50 to 85 °C (-58 to 185 °F). • • If hardware is in the normal temperature range, then possible hardware failure of cold junction sensor on the SCSA board. Serial link to the SCSA is faulty. Solution • • Check for serial communication problem (another diagnostic). Replace the SCSA. 2628 Description Cold Junction [ ] value beyond specified temperature range Possible Cause Cold junction temperature exceeded range of linearization (lookup) table. Refer to documentation for specified cold junction ranges. Solution • • Reboot the I/O pack. Replace the SCSA terminal board. YSIL Core Safety Protection Module GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 663 Non-Public Information 2629 Description Could not load programmable logic on TCSA: Error [ ] Possible Cause • • • Corrupted firmware download Corrupted programmable hardware image Hardware failure Solution • • • • Download the firmware and application files. Reboot the I/O pack. Cycle power to all three I/O packs at the same time. Replace the TCSA/WCSA terminal board. 2630 Description Could not load programmable logic on SCSA: Error [ ] Possible Cause • • • Corrupted firmware download Corrupted programmable hardware image Hardware failure Solution • • • Download the firmware and application files. Reboot the I/O pack. Replace the SCSA. 2631-2686 Description Input Signal $V Voting Mismatch, Local=[ ], Voted=[ ] Possible Cause Within the TMR I/O pack set, one of the same input signals does not match the other two of the same input signals. Solution • • • • • • • • 664 Adjust the TMR threshold limit or correct the cause of the difference. Verify that the R, S, and T I/O pack configurations are equal to the ToolboxST configuration. Check the I/O pack power and network connections. Verify that the I/O pack is seated properly. Verify the operation of the device generating the specified signal. Verify the TCSA wiring and connections. Replace the I/O pack. Replace the TCSA terminal board. GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information 2687-2978 Description Logic Signal $V Voting Mismatch Possible Cause • • Within the TMR I/O pack set, one of the same logic signals does not match the other two of the same logic signals. A mismatch in ETR relay feedbacks could be due to a failure of the mechanical relay. Solution • • • • • • • • Verify that the R, S, and T I/O pack configurations are equal to the ToolboxST configuration. Check the I/O pack power and network connections. Verify that the I/O pack is seated properly. Verify the operation of the device generating the specified signal. If mismatch in ETR relay feedback, verify proper operation of the mechanical relay. Check the TCSA wiring and connections. Replace the I/O pack. Replace the TCSA terminal board. YSIL Core Safety Protection Module GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ System Guide 665 Non-Public Information 12.4 TCSA + WCSA Core Protection Terminal Board The Mark VIeS Core Protection TCSA main terminal board hosts three YSIL I/O packs, includes a WCSA daughter board that has serial links to the SCSA I/O expansion boards, and provides the inputs and outputs as listed in the table, YSIL I/O Types. 12.4.1 Installation The TCSA accepts three I/O packs that are mounted directly onto it. This module assembly forms a self-contained backup trip function. The WCSA daughter board comes assembled to TCSA, and is therefore not installed or replaced as a separate part. The WCSA provides serial links to the three SCSAs. Attach a good common ground to the TCSA board. Refer to GEH-6721_ Vol_I for grounding practices. 666 GEH-6721_Vol_III_BJ Mark VIe and VIeS Control Systems for GE Industrial Applications Non-Public Information Connectors