Script based flashing Version 1.0 2007-03-20 Application Note AN-IMC-1-010 Author(s) Restrictions Abstract Andreas Patzer Public Document Show the flashing possibilities of CANape / CANdito based on scripting Table of Contents 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.3.1 1.3.2 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.2.1 2.2.2 2.2.3 2.2.4 3.0 3.1 3.1.1 3.1.2 3.2 3.2.1 3.2.2 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 5.0 6.0 Overview ..........................................................................................................................................................1 Tool Overview ...............................................................................................................................................2 Development Environment and Script Language .........................................................................................3 ECU integrated Flash Boot Loader (FBL) .....................................................................................................4 Bootloader...................................................................................................................................................4 Flash Driver.................................................................................................................................................4 Introduction ......................................................................................................................................................4 Physical Basics .............................................................................................................................................4 Flash concept ................................................................................................................................................5 Usage of a Flash Boot Loader (FBL) ..........................................................................................................6 Technical flash concept ..............................................................................................................................6 Different places to flash ..............................................................................................................................7 Security .......................................................................................................................................................7 Protocol Overview............................................................................................................................................8 How to use the diagnostic services with CANape / CANdito ......................................................................11 Record the Diagnostic Services with Macro Recorder .............................................................................12 With function / script editor of CANape / CANdito ....................................................................................13 Flash Demo .................................................................................................................................................15 CANape 6.1 / CANdito 2.1 Flash Demo ...................................................................................................15 CANape 6.1 / CANdito 2.1 Flash Demo via COM Interface and with ODX-F Files..................................16 Vector Tools Overview...................................................................................................................................16 CANfbl: ........................................................................................................................................................16 CANdelaStudio:...........................................................................................................................................16 CANdelaFlash: ............................................................................................................................................17 CANdito: ......................................................................................................................................................17 CANape:......................................................................................................................................................17 Additional Resources .....................................................................................................................................17 Contacts .........................................................................................................................................................17 1.0 Overview The goal of this document is to show the flashing possibilities of CANape / CANdito based on the script language of these tools. CANdito is a subset of CANape. The flash process described in this document is not manufacturerspecific, but based on the “KWP2000 on CAN” standard ISO 15765-3. 1 Copyright © 2007 - Vector Informatik GmbH Contact Information: or ++49-711-80 670-0 Script based flashing In the context of flash programming we can identify different parts: • • • Flash Boot Loader (FBL): The primary software in an ECU that allows erasing and to reprograming of the ECU’s flash memory. The FBL receives commands and dates via a serial interface e.g. CAN. Flash Container: A data container containing all information, that is necessary for flashing a new content into the flash memory of the ECU: o FlashJob: the PC based flash tool runs the flash job to transfer a Binary-file from the PC into the ECU flash memory. o Binary-File: the new content that should be transferred into the flash memory. o Flash driver: code that is stored temporarily into the RAM of the ECU. It contains all the functions that are necessary for erasing the flash memory and replacing the content of ECU flash memory. o Diagnostic description: file that at least contains diagnostic services. The description file may also contain the diagnostic data description of the ECU. Flash Tool: In the development stage of an ECU typically PC based tools are used. The Flash Tool performs the OEM-specific flash programming process that either is hard-coded (OEM specific tool) or provided by an OEM-specific job description (script). Picture 1: Flash Overview 1.1 Tool Overview CANape is positioned as a measurement, calibration and diagnostic tool. CANdito is a subset of CANape with the focus on diagnostics. From a certain point of view, calibration and diagnostic purposes have many commonalities to flashing new content into an ECU. Therefore CANape and CANdito were expanded to efficient flash tools for all kind of flash purposes: • • • Flashing data and software Over KWP2000 and UDS on CAN with both tools and Over CAN Calibration Protocol (CCP) and Universal Calibration Protocol (XCP) with CANape Flashing over CCP and XCP is straightforward. Using KWP2000 or UDS allows for more freedom. So the proposed solution is to use our script language to realize individual flash processes. As mentioned before this document is focusing on the usage of scripts to use KWP2000 on CAN. As well as UDS is handled in the same way. The primary usage area of CANape is the optimal parameterization (calibration) of ECUs. For more details about CANape please visit our homepage: 2 Application Note AN-IMC-1-010 Script based flashing CANdito is the diagnostic tester in Vector’s CANdela diagnostic tool chain. CANdito allows symbolic access to all data and functions provided by the diagnostic protocol interface of an ECU. All services, data, and protocol parameters are described in a comprehensive database (CDD- or ODX-format), which is generated by CANdelaStudio. This database is used during all phases of the development process. This ensures that the diagnostic tester’s data supply is up to date, consistent and specific to the ECU. CANdito is able to communicate with electronic control units from all vehicle manufacturers. This means that ECU suppliers in the automotive industry require only one diagnostic tester for different customers. In addition to its use as a diagnostic tester, CANdito can also be used for acquiring and evaluating measurement data from CAN, LIN bus, or external analog and digital measurement devices. 1.2 Development Environment and Script Language The CANape / CANdito script language is very similar to C. The library functions are designed to allow efficient development of flash scripts. Script functions like: FlashParameterSet(), HexFileGetRegionInfo() and HexFileLoad() XmlGetNodeString(), XmlGetNodeNumeric() and XmlGetNumberOfNodes() In that case our flash scripts have the function of a so-called “Flashjob”. Picture 2: The script defines the way to flash the binary file into the ECU The script based on diagnostic services and data. To know what services and data are in the ECU, the solution is based on a diagnostic description file. With this description file, the user has a comfortable access to the services and data. Picture 3: The script uses the described services 3 Application Note AN-IMC-1-010 Script based flashing As an authoring system for diagnostic description files the Vector tool CANdelaStudio fits perfectly. To develop the flash scripts CANape and CANdito have integrated debugging and protocol analyzing mechanism to simplify the work. 1.3 ECU integrated Flash Boot Loader (FBL) The tools CANape / CANdito can interact with nearly all flash boot loaders, which are based on KWP2000 on CAN or UDS. The Vector Flash Bootloader CANfbl is available for several vehicle manufacturers. CANfbl consists of the Bootloader and the Flash Driver (Flash Algorithms). The Bootloader and the Flash Driver are separate software modules. The Flash Bootloader provides very flexible configuration options to adapt it to the customer’s requirements, e.g. for creating mechanisms to guarantee that the flashed application is valid and to avoid starting a faulty flashed application. The Flash Bootloader supports "flashing" in a networked vehicle. ECUs that are not affected by the reloading process are shifted into a "silent mode", so that the entire bus bandwidth is available for the transmission of flash data. 1.3.1 Bootloader It contains a basic CAN communication layer, a transport protocol (TP) and diagnostics protocol, all optimized to use minimum memory. The Bootloader resides in the protected memory of the controller. The application and the Bootloader never run simultaneously. 1.3.2 Flash Driver The Flash Driver is downloaded shortly before the actual application flashing. For technical reasons, this code resides in RAM; it does not remain permanently in memory. The benefits are that the Flash Driver can easily be changed, and that it is not possible to execute it by accident. The Flash Driver writes the downloaded application into flash. 2.0 Introduction In the context of this document, flashing means to transfer data over the CAN bus from a PC into the flash memory of the electronic control unit (ECU). 2.1 Physical Basics Flash memory is a form of EEPROM (Electrically-Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory) that allows multiple memory locations to be erased or written in one programming operation. In layman's terms, it is a form of rewritable memory chip that, unlike a Random Access Memory chip, holds its content without the need of a power supply. It is also an example of a Non-Volatile Read Write Memory (NVRWM). Flash memory stores information in an array of floating gate transistors, called "cells", each of which traditionally stores one bit of information. There are two main cell technologies: NAND or NOR. Normally only NOR cells are used for automotive purposes. The main reason is, that this technology allows reading information byte-per-byte. NAND structure can only be read block-wise. In NOR flash, each cell looks similar to a standard MOSFET transistor, except that it has two gates instead of just one. One gate is the control gate (CG) like in other MOS transistors, but the second is a floating gate (FG) that is insulated all around by an oxide layer. The FG is between the CG and the substrate. Because its insulating oxide layer isolates the FG, any electrons placed on it get trapped there and thus store the information. When electrons are on the FG, they modify (partially cancel out) the electric field coming from the CG, which modifies the threshold voltage (Vt) of the cell. Thus, when the cell is "read" by placing a specific voltage on the CG, electrical current will 4 Application Note AN-IMC-1-010 Script based flashing either flow or not flow, depending on the Vt of the cell, which is controlled by the number of electrons on the FG. This presence or absence of current is sensed and translated into 1's and 0's, reproducing the stored data. In a multi-level cell device, which stores more than 1 bit of information per cell, the amount of current flow will be sensed, rather than simply detecting presence or absence of current, in order to determine the number of electrons stored on the FG. A NOR flash cell is programmed (set to a specified data value) by starting up electrons flowing from the source to the drain, then a large voltage placed on the CG provides a strong enough electric field to suck them up onto the FG, a process called hot-electron injection. To erase (reset to all 1's, in preparation for reprogramming) a NOR flash cell, a large voltage differential is placed between the CG and source, which pulls the electrons off through quantum tunneling. In single-voltage devices (virtually all chips available today), this high voltage is generated by an on-chip charge pump. One limitation of flash memory is that although it can be read or programmed a byte or a word at a time in a random access fashion, it must be erased a "block" at a time. Starting with a freshly erased block, any byte within that block can be programmed. However, once a byte has been programmed, it cannot be changed again until the entire block is erased. In other words, flash memory (specifically NOR flash) offers random-access read and programming operations, but cannot offer random-access rewrite or erase operations. Most modern NOR flash memory components are divided into erase segments, usually called either blocks or sectors. All of the memory cells in a block must be erased at the same time. Erasing and flashing stresses the insulating oxide layer. So the number of overwriting the content in ECUs is limited. 2.2 Flash concept Flash concept describes the process of how to store information into the flash memory. We have to remember, that: • • • • • • • • Before storing a new content into the flash memory, the memory has to be erased. Erasing is only possible in blocks of cells (so called segments). The number of flash erasing is limited by the technology. How to handle the accounting? How to flash on typical places? Are there some special circumstances that must be fulfilled, before flashing is possible? What happened if there is a breakdown of the communication during the flashing? The flash content is corrupt and maybe no communication with the ECU is possible anymore. How can we be sure, that only authorized people are able to flash a new application into the ECU? How can we be sure, that only authorized software will be flashed into the ECU? Even if the software is authorized, how can we be sure that the authorized people will only flash content that fits into the ECU? Maybe the ECU hardware version does not fit to the software release, or the application does not fit to the country- or equipment-variant of the car. All these problems can be solved with the right tool chain selected. 5 Application Note AN-IMC-1-010 Script based flashing Application The Fla sh D r ive r r e- pr ogram m s t he applicat ion via CAN in connect ion wit h t he Flasht ool. The Fla sht ool is an easy t o use PC t ool and cont rols t he download of your applicat ion ( as hex - file) . Addit ionally you need a CAN card, e.g. CANcardXL. Interrupt Vector Table Applikation CANdit o Random Access Memory Protected Area Flash Boot loader Validation Area CANape Flash Driver CAN Bootloader Transport Protocol, KWP2000-Services, CAN Driver IsValid⏐Invalidate⏐Validate Interrupt Vector Table FBL The Boot loa de r cont ains basic CAN com m unicat ion, a Transport Prot ocol and Diagnost ics ( KWP2000) , bot h code opt im ized t o use m inim um m em ory. Picture 4: Basic flash tool chain: Bootloader, Flash Driver and Flash Tool 2.2.1 Usage of a Flash Boot Loader (FBL) Question: What happened if there is a breakdown of the communication during the flashing? The flash content is corrupt and maybe no communication with the ECU is possible anymore. Some ECU implementations are not able to deal with a communication breakdown. This could mean that the ECU is damaged or that a controller specific debugging tool is needed to reprogram it. The Vector Flash Bootloader is designed to recover from a communication breakdown. The FBL is stored in a secure area of the flash memory. “Secure area” means, that nobody is able to erase this area anymore. The FBL is a complete small application. The FBL and the “normal” ECU application will never run at the same time. The FBL at the least contains a basic CAN communication driver, a transport protocol (e.g. ISOTP), a diagnostic protocol like KWP2000 or UDS, and some diagnostic functions to diagnose the flash process. If the content of the flash memory is corrupted, e.g. cause of a communication breakdown at the last flash process, the FBL will stay active and it will wait for a communication partner that will try to download again an application. 2.2.2 Technical flash concept Question: Before storing a new content into the flash memory, the memory has to be erased. Erasing is only possible in blocks of cells (so called segments). The number of flash erasing is limited by the technology. How to handle the accounting? There are special software functions to erase flash segments. The functions are only used to erase the flash. For a couple of reasons, it’s not a good idea to store these functions permanently in the flash. On the one hand, these 6 Application Note AN-IMC-1-010 Script based flashing functions need place in the memory, and on the other hand it’s dangerous. What would happen, if an application error would call this function, while the ECU is working in a car? Normally no one is interested to store this functionality permanently in the ECU. The solution is simple. Prior to the download of the new flash data the flash tool downloads the routines for erasing and reprogramming the flash memory (“Flash Driver”) to the ECU RAM (see picture 1). These routines are removed from RAM as soon as the flash download is finished (at the ECU reset). Pay attention: This will only work, if the controller of the ECU supports the usage of executable code from RAM. There are some controllers on the market, which are not able to handle this. To make sure that the number of flash cycles doesn’t exceed the limits given by the manufacturer of the flash memory, the Vector Flash Boot Loader checks the number of cycles by storing it to EEPROM. 2.2.3 Different places to flash Question: How to flash on typical places? Are there some special circumstances that must be fulfilled, before flashing is possible? There are different places where a flash memory chip will be flashed in its lifetime: Before a flash chip is integrated into an ECU, it gets the data typically over a debugging interface (e.g. JTAG). In the ECU manufacturing, debugging interfaces and CAN bus is used. In the development phase diagnostic protocols like KWP2000 on K-Line or KWP2000/UDS on CAN are used. Flashing over CCP or XCP is also very common in this phase. In the car manufacturing (end of line) flashing is done with the diagnostic protocols on K-Line or CAN. In the garage only diagnostic protocols are in use. Flashing in the car (regardless post-sales or development phase), is often done by diagnostic protocols. Please pay attention, that flashing should only be allowed, when the speed of the car is zero. 2.2.4 Security Question: How can be assured, that only authorized people are able to flash a new application into the ECU? That only authorized software will be flashed into the ECU? That the new flash data (ECU application) is compatible to the software/hardware equipment and the car configuration? It’s not about safety and reliability of the ECU application. It’s about the IT security. How can we prevent, that anybody is able to manipulate the application? There are many reasons, why it is so attractive to manipulate: A car with less number of miles on the mileage counter has a higher resale value. So let’s decrease the mileage counter in the dashboard. The drive horsepower of a motor is not only a question of the mechanical motor system. It’s also a question of the flashed application. To prevent that the system will be manipulated, there are some security mechanisms like: seed & key for the authorization of people, digital signatures to check the authorization of the software, and some more. The FBL must be able to handle all this security purposes in combination with the flash tool and the other process relevant tools. This extends the scope of the document. Vector has long-term period experiences in the development of tool chains. Please talk to us. 7 Application Note AN-IMC-1-010 Script based flashing 3.0 Protocol Overview KWP2000 on CAN is standardized as ISO 15765-3. The diagnostic protocols KWP2000 and UDS are service oriented. Every service has its own identification number and an individual number of bytes. Example: Service “StartDiagnosticSession” into the Flash Programming Session Request Service ID: $10 First Byte: $85, Flash Programming Session Positive response from ECU: Response Service ID: $50 First Byte: $85, first Byte from Service ID 10 Negative response from ECU: Response Service ID: $7F First Byte: $10, send the Request Service ID back to have a link between request and response Second Byte: $10: General reject, send back the Request Service ID means “total reject” $78: Request correctly received, response pending $80: Service not supported in active diagnostic mode The following table shows an example of a flash sequence over KWP2000 on CAN. Content of the table is copied from the trace window of CANape. Direction TX: From CANape / CANdito to ECU Direction RX: From ECU to CANape / CANdito Time 3m 7.66918s Dir Tx Len 2 Data 10 85 3m 7.67015s Rx 2 50 85 3m 7.67071s Tx 2 27 01 Description LocalID: ($10) StartDiagnosticSession Servicename: Process SID-RQ: 0x10 Diagnostic Mode: ECUProgrammingMode LocalID: ($10) StartDiagnosticSession Servicename: Process SID-PR: 0x50 Diagnostic Mode: ECUProgrammingMode LocalID: ($27) SecurityAccess Servicename: Process SID-RQ: 0x27 AccessMode: requestSeed Key: Start Programming Mode Start seed & key and request the seed from ECU 8 Application Note AN-IMC-1-010 Script based flashing Time 3m 7.67115s Dir Rx Len 4 Data 67 01 cc dd 3m 7.67277s Tx 4 27 02 33 22 3m 7.67316s Rx 2 67 02 3m 7.67417s Tx 2 31 01 3m 7.67524s Rx 2 71 01 3m 7.676s Tx 8 34 e0 00 00 00 00 05 c4 3m 7.67723s Rx 3 74 01 ff 3m 7.68137s Tx 511 36 a0 00 00 01 fa .. 3m 7.68726s Rx 1 76 3m 7.71014s Tx 1 37 3m 7.71134s Rx 1 77 3m 7.71177s Tx 3 31 03 7d Description LocalID: ($27) SecurityAccess Servicename: Process SID-PR: 0x67 AccessMode: requestSeed Data: 0xCC 0xDD LocalID: ($27) SecurityAccess Servicename: Process SID-RQ: 0x27 AccessMode: sendKey Key: 0x33 0x22 LocalID: ($27) SecurityAccess Servicename: Process SID-PR: 0x67 AccessMode: sendKey Data: LocalID: ($31) StartRoutineByLocalIdentifier Servicename: Process SID-RQ: 0x31 Routine Local Identifier: 0x01 Routine Entry Option: LocalID: ($31) StartRoutineByLocalIdentifier Servicename: Process SID-PR: 0x71 Routine Local Identifier: 0x01 Routine Entry Status: LocalID: ($34) RequestDownload Servicename: Process SID-RQ: 0x34 Memory Address: 14680064 Data Format Identifier: 0x00 uncompressed Memory Size: 1476 LocalID: ($34) RequestDownload Servicename: Process SID-PR: 0x74 Transfer Response Parameter: 0x01FF LocalID: ($36) TransferData Servicename: Process SID-RQ: 0x36 Transfer Request Parameter: 0xA0 0x00 0x00 0x01 0xFA …. LocalID: ($36) TransferData Servicename: Process SID-PR: 0x76 Transfer Response Parameter: LocalID: ($37) RequestTransferExit Servicename: Process SID-RQ: 0x37 Transfer Request Parameter LocalID: ($37) RequestTransferExit Servicename: Process SID-PR: 0x77 Transfer Response Parameter LocalID: ($31) StartRoutineByLocalIdentifier Servicename: Process SID-RQ: 0x31 Routine Local Identifier: 0x03 Routine Entry Option: 0x7D Send back seed Send key to ECU Positive response from ECU (key was correct) Start flash driver download into RAM Ask the slave about the maximum number of block length Return max. number of block length Transfer Flash Driver into RAM. The necessary number of TransferData depends on the amount of data and the max. block length. End transfer flash driver into RAM Jump to the start of the flash driver sequence. Now the further steps, like to erase the flash memory content, is done by the flash driver. 9 Application Note AN-IMC-1-010 Script based flashing Time 3m 7.71234s Dir Rx Len 2 Data 71 03 3m 7.71296s Tx 8 34 c0 80 00 01 00 1b 2e 3m 7.71335s Rx 3 74 01 ff 3m 7.71641s Tx 212 36 f7 03 8e .. 3m 7.71937s Rx 1 76 … 3m 9.71645s Tx Tx … 1 .. 37 3m 9.71668s Rx 1 77 3m 9.71775s Tx 3 31 03 25 3m 9.71874s Rx 2 71 03 3m 9.71917s Tx 2 11 01 3m 9.71975s Rx 2 51 01 Description LocalID: ($31) StartRoutineByLocalIdentifier Servicename: Process SID-PR: 0x71 Routine Local Identifier: 0x03 Routine Entry Status: LocalID: ($34) RequestDownload Servicename: Process SID-RQ: 0x34 Memory Address: 12615680 Data Format Identifier: 0x01 uncompressed Memory Size: 6958 LocalID: ($34) RequestDownload Servicename: Process SID-PR: 0x74 Transfer Response Parameter: 0x01FF LocalID: ($36) TransferData Servicename: Process SID-RQ: 0x36 Transfer Request Parameter: 0xF7 0x03 0x8E … LocalID: ($36) TransferData Servicename: Process SID-PR: 0x76 Transfer Response Parameter: LocalID: ($36) TransferData LocalID: ($37) RequestTransferExit Servicename: Process SID-RQ: 0x37 Transfer Request Parameter: LocalID: ($37) RequestTransferExit Servicename: Process SID-PR: 0x77 Transfer Response Parameter: LocalID: ($31) StartRoutineByLocalIdentifier Servicename: Process SID-RQ: 0x31 Routine Local Identifier: 0x03 Routine Entry Option: 0x25 LocalID: ($31) StartRoutineByLocalIdentifier Servicename: Process SID-PR: 0x71 Routine Local Identifier: 0x03 Routine Entry Status LocalID: ($11) EcuReset Servicename: Process SID-RQ: 0x11 Reset Mode: 0x01 LocalID: ($11) EcuReset Servicename: Process SID-PR: 0x51 Reset Status: 0x01 Servicename: Process SID-RQ: 0x31 Routine Local Identifier: 0x03 Routine Entry Option: 0x25 Ask the slave about the maximum number of block length Return max. number of block length Start the download of the new application into flash memory. TransferData is used until all data are send to the ECU. .. End the download of the new application into the flash memory. Checksum calculation ECU reset 10 Application Note AN-IMC-1-010 Script based flashing 3.1 How to use the diagnostic services with CANape / CANdito A description file in CDD or ODX format drives the ‘diagnostic engine’ of CANape/CANdito that performs the diagnostic ECU communication. The Vector product CANdelaStudio is a dedicated authoring tool to create CDD and ODX files respectively. If no ECU specific CDD/ODX file is available CANape/CANdito provide some generic description files that allow developing flash scripts for KWP2000 and UDS based on native protocol service calls and raw-hex service parameters. In CANape / CANdito we support the access in two special diagnostic windows: The diagnostic window and the fault memory window. Picture 5: Fault Memory Window of CANape / CANdito Picture 6: Diagnostic window of CANape / CANdito 11 Application Note AN-IMC-1-010 Script based flashing The services can be selected and executed by mouse click. If there is a complete ECU-specific CDD, the services and the data are completely defined and the results of the ECU are displayed clearly. When using a generic CDD, the KWP2000- or UDS-specific services are defined, but not the data. This means, that the services can be selected by symbol, but the data is in a raw format. CANape / CANdito are offering two different ways to generate scripts: Record the diagnostic services, the user select in the diagnostic window and a function editor with a comfortable access to the possible services and data. 3.1.1 Record the Diagnostic Services with Macro Recorder With the integrated macro recorder in the diagnostic window, the selection and execution of services can be stored as a script. (Right mouse click into diagnostic window, “Start macro recording”). Example: Automatic generated code out of the diagnostic window for ($10) StartDiagnosticSession: ________________________________________________________________________________ // *** Script 'macro_CANdela_NAME2.scr' automatically generated on 2006/12/15, 14:16:21 *** // TODO: - add appropriate error handling (communication, pos. / neg. response type, etc.) // - use appropriate (numeric) types and values for DiagSetParameter<Type>(..., ..., <value>); // - get needed (numeric) values with (<numeric value> =) DiagGetParameter<Type>(...); // - if necessary add handling to access e.g. collection parameters or multiple response messages // - for UDS positive response suppression use DiagSendRequest(request, true); long request, response; // message handles //char strParamVal[256]; //int maxStrLen = 256; OpenWriteWindow(); // open write window in case it's closed DiagSetVerbose(1); // verbose mode on request = CANdela.DiagNewRequest("StartDiagnosticSession/StartDiagnosticSession/Process"); DiagSetParameterSymbolic(request, "diagnosticMode", "(reservedByDocument)"); response = CANdela.DiagSendRequest(request); DiagDeleteMessage(request); if (response <= 0) return; // error //DiagGetParameterString(response, "diagnosticMode", strParamVal, maxStrLen); DiagDeleteMessage(response); DiagSetVerbose(0); // verbose mode off _____________________________________________________________________________ request = CANdela.DiagNewRequest ( " St art Diagnost icSession/ St art Diagnost icSe ssion/ Process " ) ; Devicenam e Qualifier out of t he CDD in CANape 12 Application Note AN-IMC-1-010 Script based flashing By using ‘qualifiers’ in your script, the script becomes CDD specific, i.e. the script may not work with other CDD files. A flash job should not be CDD dependant. So it is better to use the raw functions to address the services and not the qualifiers. Example: #define Q_TRANSFER_DATA_SERVICE "TransferData/TransferData/Process" SetCurrentDevice("CANdela"); //”CANdela” is the devicename used in CANdito / CANape request= current_device.DiagNewRequest(Q_TRANSFER_DATA_SERVICE); .. “TransferData/TransferData/Process” is the qualifier from the CDD. By using the definition of “Q_TRANSFER_DATA_SERVICE “, it is simple to change different qualifiers out of different CDDs with one command. 3.1.2 With function / script editor of CANape / CANdito With the integrated function and script language of CANape / CANdito you can use the method of sending raw diagnostic services and services referenced by qualifiers. To start the editor select Tools | Functions and scripts … The editor is divided into 4 sections: Com piler st art Overview Over view t ree - global variables - funct ions - scr ipt s Edit or window Com piler I nform at ion Picture 7: Function and script editor Scripts are defined in the Function Editor, reached via the menu command Tools | Functions and Scripts. Click with the right mouse button on Scripts in the tree view on the left and select New from the popup menu. The Function 13 Application Note AN-IMC-1-010 Script based flashing Editor now places a new script with the default name Script_1() in the tree view and opens the Properties dialog. The default name Script1 in the Name field can be changed. Picture 8: Set script name and path After exiting this dialog with Ok, the user can now define the script in the Editor Window. Former generated macro recorded scripts can be copied into the editor window as well. All scripts, which have not yet been compiled, are flagged in the tree view with the symbol. The script is compiled by clicking on the icon in the toolbar or by choosing the menu command Object | Compile. Compiler error messages and compiler progress reports are displayed in the Message Window, the bottom window of the Function Editor. The Function Editor is exited with a click on the icon in the toolbar Running Scripts After scripts have been defined in the Function Editor, there are several ways to execute them: • Usage of the Windows command line syntax “CANape32.exe – b <scriptname>” (or create a Windows short cut) to start a script instantly after the CANape / CANdito is initialized. • Usage of the menu command “Tools | Execute Script” to select and execute a script. • Usage of the script as an AddOn via the menu item Tools | <Script Name>. A script can be linked with an appropriate element on a panel and started by actuating this element. E.g. the start button in the picture beneath. Picture 9: Panel examples of the flash demo The Task Manager can start several scripts. In each case the scripts are run in their own tasks, and CANape / CANdito can run them parallel to a running measurement. 14 Application Note AN-IMC-1-010 Script based flashing Use the menu command “Tools | Task Manager” to run several scripts in parallel and to assign scripts to particular state transitions (start of measurement, after loading projects, etc.) 3.2 Flash Demo Flash demos are part of each CANape and CANdito setup (regular version and demo version). Please use this demo script to get more details about flash scripts. Use the ECU simulator and the demo project to check how the script is controlled by a panel and how the Trace Window supports you to evaluate and analyze the flash process on the level of the diagnostic protocol. 3.2.1 CANape 6.1 / CANdito 2.1 Flash Demo After the installation of CANape / CANdito there is a “\Flash” subfolder. Start “kwpsim.exe” and the CANape / CANdito project out of this folder. KWPsim.exe is the ECU that is flashed via CANape / CANdito. The complete flash demo is divided into 3 scripts: FlashVectorFblData, FlashVectorFblJob, FlashVectorFblMain; And a couple of global parameters. To use the script in a simple way, we integrated a flash panel into the project. Picture 10: Flash project By pressing the start button, CANape / CANdito will jump to the FlashVectorFblMain script. The checkboxes are changing the values of the global parameters. As an “ECU” to flash, our KWP2000 simulator (“KWPsim”) is used. 15 Application Note AN-IMC-1-010 Script based flashing With an activated “Compression” checkbox, the user can test the functionality of our new compression algorithm that is available in the Vector Flash BootLoader. 3.2.2 CANape 6.1 / CANdito 2.1 Flash Demo via COM Interface and with ODX-F Files In the installation phase of CANape / CANdito the user is asked, if the COM-examples should also be installed. In these COM-examples there is also a flash demo using the COM-interface of CANape / CANdito. In the subfolder “\COM\Flash” of CANape / CANdito Start ”KWPsim.exe” and the “Example Flash.exe” out of the “\COM\Flash”-folder. Picture 11: Flash Examples over COM with ODX-F Files The Path in the Working Directory must be correct. By pressing the Start CANape-Button, CANape starts in the ASAP3 mode. The available Sessions and Jobs have to be selected. With the “Start Flash script”-Button, the KWPsim-ECU will be flashed. With “Stop-CANape” CANape will be closed. 4.0 Vector Tools Overview 4.1 CANfbl: The Flash Bootloader is available for many hardware platforms and several car manufacturers. 4.2 CANdelaStudio: Authoring tool for diagnostic description files (CDD- and ODX-format). 16 Application Note AN-IMC-1-010 Script based flashing 4.3 CANdelaFlash: Authoring tool for flash container in ODX-F format. 4.4 CANdito: Authoring tool for script development and test. Running environment for diagnostic test and flash. 4.5 CANape: Same like CANdito plus measurement and calibration with CCP or XCP. 5.0 Additional Resources WWW.CANFBL.COM WWW.CAN-DIAGNOSTICS.COM WWW.VECTOR-INFORMATIK.COM/VI_FLASHDATA_EN.HTML WWW.CAN-BUS.COM WWW.VECTOR-INFORMATIK.COM/VI_ECU_MEASUREMENT_EN.HTML 6.0 Contacts Vector Informatik GmbH Ingersheimer Straße 24 70499 Stuttgart Germany Tel.: +49 711-80670-0 Fax: +49 711-80670-111 Email: Vector CANtech, Inc. 39500 Orchard Hill Pl., Ste 550 Novi, MI 48375 USA Tel: +1-248-449-9290 Fax: +1-248-449-9704 Email: Vector France SAS 168 Boulevard Camélinat 92240 Malakoff France Tel: +33 (0)1 42 31 40 00 Fax: +33 (0)1 42 31 40 09 Email: Vector Japan Co. Ltd. Seafort Square Center Bld. 18F 2-3-12, Higashi-shinagawa, Shinagawa-ku J-140-0002 Tokyo Tel.: +81 3 5769 6970 Fax: +81 3 5769 6975 Email: VecScan AB Lindholmspiren 5 402 78 Göteborg Sweden Tel: +46 (0)31 764 76 00 Fax: +46 (0)31 764 76 19 Email: 17 Application Note AN-IMC-1-010