melting boiling (or) evaporation (solid)------>(liquid)----->(gas) <------ <----- solidifying condensation (ice)-------->(water)----->(vapour) heat solid--> liquid(Temperature increase) liquid-->gas(Temperature increase) gas--> liquid(Temperature decrease) liquid--> solid(Temperature decrease) Temperature changes(ice to water)--> state doesn't change State changes(ice to water)--> temperature doesn't change If Ice(-10 degree celsius) melts, it goes to 0 degree celsius but state doesn't change After ice is melting, the temperature changes but the state doesn't change. After it reached 100 degree celsuis, the liquid evaporates or boils( the state changes) Difference between boiling and evaporation 1. Evaporation takes place at any temperature, boiling takes place at fixed temperature. 2. Evaporation occurs at the surface of the liquid, boiling occurs throughout the liquid. 3. Evaporation does not form bubbles and boiling forms bubbles. While melting--> temperature constant ice melting to water = 0 degree celsius Mass(instrument)--> balance Volume(instrument)--> can measure volume for regular solid but for irregular solid, first, fill with water, then put irregular object in the measuring cylinder in which there is an increase in volume.