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BMA STD Vehicles and Mobile Equipment Compliance

Vehicles and Mobile Equipment Compliance
Status: Approved
Version: 5.0 (19 October 2022)
Business Owner: BMA BNE AEN
Manager Asset Engineering
Document ID # 000205127
Reserved for Tempo barcode
BMA STD Vehicles and Mobile Equipment Compliance
Document ID # 000205127
Table of Contents
1 Introduction ...............................................................................................3
1.2Scope ...............................................................................................................................................3
2 General Requirements .............................................................................3
2.1General Vehicle and Mobile Equipment Requirements ...................................................................3
2.2Inspections, Maintenance and Repair..............................................................................................3
2.2.1 Equipment Inspections ........................................................................................................3
2.2.2 Modifications .......................................................................................................................4
2.2.3 Maintenance Register and Specifications ...........................................................................4
2.3Fire Suppression Systems ...............................................................................................................4
3 Non-Compliant and Exempt Equipment .................................................5
3.1Vehicles Considered Exempt...........................................................................................................5
4 Equipment Specific Requirements .........................................................6
4.1General Information .........................................................................................................................6
5 References ................................................................................................6
6 Definitions .................................................................................................9
7 Version Management..............................................................................11
8 Appendices .............................................................................................12
8.1Appendix A – General Requirements for Vehicles and Mobile Equipment....................................12
8.2Appendix B – Light Vehicles ..........................................................................................................18
8.3Appendix C – Buses ......................................................................................................................24
8.4Appendix D – Medium Vehicles .....................................................................................................26
8.5Appendix E – Forklifts & Telehandlers...........................................................................................30
8.6Appendix F – Mobile Cranes..........................................................................................................34
8.7Appendix G – Skidsteer Loaders / Backhoes / Tractors ................................................................36
8.8Appendix H – Drill Rigs, Drilling Auxiliary Support and Seismic Equipment ..................................37
8.9Appendix I – Vehicle Loading Cranes (Powered, excluding manually operated VLC) ..................38
Appendix J – Hydraulic Excavators / Shovels..........................................................................39
Appendix K – Track Dozers .....................................................................................................44
8.12 Appendix L – Rubber Tyred Equipment and Compactors (e.g. Grader / Loader / Scraper /
Dozer / IT) ...........................................................................................................................................49
8.13 Appendix M – Rear & Belly Dump / Moxy / Heavy Earth Moving Floats / Water & Service
Truck (excludes all Medium Vehicles).................................................................................................54
Appendix N – Blast Hole Drills .................................................................................................58
Appendix O – Elevated Work Platforms...................................................................................62
Appendix P – Transportable Buildings .....................................................................................64
Appendix Q – Transportable Compressor / Pump ...................................................................65
Appendix R – Transportable Diesel Welder / Generator / Lighting Tower ...............................67
Appendix S – Trailers...............................................................................................................68
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Appendix T – Electrical Equipment (excludes EME)................................................................71
Appendix U – Earth Moving Equipment (Self Powered Electrical)...........................................74
Appendix V – General Requirements Mapping Table..............................................................78
1 Introduction
This document specifies the minimum requirements for the compliance of vehicles, mobile equipment
and ancillary equipment within BMA Operations.
This Standard applies to all vehicles, mobile equipment, and auxiliary equipment operated on BMA
managed operations in both surface and underground operations (excluding vehicles modified for
underground use). BMA non-mining sites may have exclusions to this standard (Hay Point, some
areas of Infrastructure Assets Management as outlined in IAM PRO Vehicles and Mobile Equipment
Compliance – Approved Exemptions). This standard will generally apply in these circumstances,
and where required will be noted and managed by exception.
This standard is not applicable to fixed plant, explosives equipment (non-mobile auxiliary equipment
e.g. tubeveyers), draglines, rope shovels and transportable sub-stations.
2 General Requirements
General Vehicle and Mobile Equipment Requirements
As a minimum requirement, all equipment needing site access must be fitted with the items listed in
the appendix for the relevant equipment type. Refer to site specific restrictions and escort requirements
for non-compliant equipment requiring access to site.
It is the expectation that all Road Going Vehicles entering and operating on BMA operations are
currently or can meet the requirements for registration for operating legally on QLD roads (per ADR
and TMR requirements).
If equipment entering an operation is ‘towable’, a trailer inspection must be completed.
Inspections, Maintenance and Repair
2.2.1 Equipment Inspections
Inspections are to be performed by an Authorised Inspector working for an Authorised Inspection
All Authorised Inspectors are to have the competency RIISAM301, and hold an appropriate recognised
trade qualification (as stated in the BMA PRO Vehicles and Mobile Equipment Compliance).
Inspections are to be conducted as per the frequencies listed in table 1.
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Equipment Type
Initial Inspection
Equipment with a functional location with maintenance managed in
1SAP including compliance items.
Equipment with a functional location with maintenance managed in
1SAP including compliance items via maintenance schedule (does
not require inspection by inspection officer)
Contractor and non-BMA managed maintenance
12 Month
Table 1: Inspection Frequency
2.2.2 Modifications
Modifications are changes to OEM design or intended operation.
For equipment with a functional location with maintenance managed in 1SAP, modifications must be
subject to the site specific Management of Change process.
For contractor and non-BMA managed maintenance, equipment must be submitted for recertification
at an approved inspection station prior to recommencing operation on site.
2.2.3 Maintenance Register and Specifications
All vehicles, mobile equipment and ancillary equipment, must have a documented maintenance
program, relative to the equipment and based on the Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM)
recommendations. All maintenance, inspections and repairs must be recorded and available for audit
when required. Maintenance records must include:
Equipment’s unique identification number (Serial / VIN number),
A record of maintenance actions performed,
Modification and statutory tests (e.g. braking, pressure vessels, etc.),
Fire suppression system details (where fitted) including all maintenance, testing and
A service register(s), 1SAP maintenance history or logbook of vehicle or mobile equipment must be
kept and readily available.
Fire Suppression Systems
The installation of fixed fire suppression is required for mobile equipment operating on coal stockpiles
or reject dumps, or if a risk assessment in accordance with AS 5062 Fire Protection for Mobile and
Transportable Equipment determines the residual risk is not acceptably low. Any fixed system must
be a fail-to-safe design.
Fluorine containing firefighting foams are not allowed.
System documentation must be provided as part of delivery of the equipment and maintained for the
life of the equipment as part of the maintenance record. For additional requirements refer to
maintenance register and specifications.
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Service records must be produced for all fixed fire suppression systems fitted to vehicle and mobile
equipment which includes:
Cylinders are pressure tested every 5 years from year of manufacture
System dump and recharge test every 12 months
System serviced every 6 months, visual inspection
Anti-tamper tags must not be fitted to manual actuators
A visual system pressure gauge must be fitted
3 Non-Compliant and Exempt Equipment
A BMA approved risk assessment and an exemption approved by the SSE / GM must be in place
before non-compliant vehicles or mobile equipment can enter site. Refer to BMA PRO Vehicles and
Mobile Equipment Compliance for further details.
This standard is not applicable for vehicles authorised for site access under the site specific escort
procedure. Site access using the site specific escort procedure is for short term site access only.
Vehicles operated by the external parties listed in table 2 would be considered exempt from this
Vehicles Considered Exempt
External Parties Considered Exempt
Australian Federal Police
Australian Customs and Border Protection
Queensland Police Service
DAFF Biosecurity /AQIS
Australian Maritime Safety Association (AMSA)
Maritime Safety Queensland (MSQ)
Queensland Fire and Emergency Service
Queensland Ambulance Service
Rural Fire Brigade
Australian Defence Force
Queensland Mines Safety
Energy Provider working within their corridor
Rail Provider working within their corridor
NQBP Port Authority (Rubbish Removal truck)
Shipping Providores (Food supplies to vessels)
Stella Maris bus (Sea Farer transport)
Shipping Agents
Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA)
Table 2: Exemptions
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4 Equipment Specific Requirements
General Information
Each equipment classification has a specific appendix with specific applicable compliance items.
The following general information must be gathered & recorded by the Authorised Inspector on the
Inspection Checklist for each piece of equipment:
Equipment Details
Equipment Owner
This is the BMA Equipment Owner or name of external operator applying for the
equipment compliance.
Equipment Owner Phone
Number / Email Address
These details are required for site operations to contact the owner if required.
Equipment Make / Model
Make / Model of equipment, as described by manufacturer.
Call Sign / Equipment ID
Vehicles and mobile equipment which operate across multiple sites (e.g. contractor
equipment) must have BMA specific numbering to prevent duplication of two-way
radio call-signs. Call signs are managed through equipment compliance database.
Ancillary equipment not requiring positive radio contact only requires plant
identification numbers.
Registration Number
Equipment requiring registration is to have that registration validated and
Photos of Equipment
Photographic evidence of the inspected equipment is required. Any defect identified
during the inspection must be photographed and recorded in the inspection report.
Serial Number / VIN
Equipment serial number or Vehicle Identification Number (VIN).
Authorised Inspectors Name
Full name of Authorised Inspector who is conducting the inspection.
Authorised Inspection Station
An Authorised Inspection Station is to issue the vehicle compliance certificate.
Date of Inspection
The date of inspection must be recorded to mark the start of the compliance period.
Table 3: General information required by all equipment types.
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5 References
Document Number
Legislative Requirements Documents
Queensland Coal Mining Safety and Health Regulations 2017
Queensland Transport Operations (Road Use Management – Road Rules)
Regulation 2009
Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads Vehicle Registration
Queensland Code of Practice – Vehicle Modifications v4.2 – Feb 2020
Recognised Standard 13 – Tyre Wheel and Rim Management
Recognised Standard 20 – Dust Control in Surface Mines
Recognised Standard 23 – Fluid Power Safety in Coal Mines
Technical Reference Documents
ADR 4/04
Australian Design Rule 4/04 – Seatbelts
ADR 35/02
Australian Design Rule 35/02 – Commercial Vehicle Brake Systems
ADR 38/05
Australian Design Rule 38/05 – Trailer Brake Systems
ADR 62/02
Australian Design Rule 62/02 - Mechanical Connections Between Vehicles
ADR 59/00
Australian Design Rule 59/00 – Standards for Omnibus Rollover Strength
ADR 91/00
Australian Design Rule 91/00 – Rear Underrun Impact Protection
ANCAP Assessment Protocol
DROPS Recommended Practice [Rev 2]
AS 1636.1
Tractors – Rollover protective structures – Criteria and tests
AS 1657
Fixed Platforms, Walkways, Stairways and Ladders - Design, Construction and
AS 1418
Cranes, Hoists and Winches (series)
AS 1674.1
Safety in Welding and Allied Processes – Fire Precautions
AS 1674.2
Safety in Welding and Allied Processes - Electrical
AS 1851
Routine Service of Fire Protection Systems and Equipment
AS 1892
Portable Ladders (series)
AS 2080
Safety Glazing for Land Vehicles
AS 2321
Short-link Chain for Lifting Purposes
AS/NZS 2293
Emergency Escape Lighting and Exit Signs for Buildings
AS 2294.1
Earth-moving Machinery – Protective Structures - General
AS 2359.6
Powered Industrial Trucks – Self-propelled industrial trucks, other than driverless
trucks, variable-reach trucks and burden-carrier trucks
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Document Number
AS 2359.9
Powered Industrial Trucks – Overheard Guards – Specification and Testing
AS 2550
Cranes, Hoists and Winches - Safe Use (series)
AS/NZS 2596
Seat Belt Assemblies for Motor Vehicles
AS 2865
Confined Spaces
AS 2958.3
Earth-Moving Machinery – Safety – Roller Compactors – Brake Systems
AS 3450
Earth-moving machinery – Wheeled or high-speed rubber-tracked machines –
Performance requirements and test procedures for brake systems
AS/NZS 3000
Electrical Installations - Wiring Rules
AS/NZS 3001
Electrical Installations – Transportable Structures and Vehicles including their
Site Supplies
AS/NZS 3007
Electrical Equipment in Mines and Quarries - Surface Installations and
Associated Processing Plant
AS/NZS 3010
Electrical Installations – Generating Sets
AS/NZS 3012
Electrical Installations - Construction and Demolition Sites
AS/NZS 3760
In-Service Safety Inspection and Testing of Electrical Equipment
AS/NZS 3788
Pressure Equipment – In-service Inspection
AS/NZS 4024.1601
Design of Controls, Interlocks and Guarding - Guards - General Requirements
for the Design and Construction of Fixed and Movable Guards
AS/NZS 4024.1604
Design of controls, interlocks and guarding – Emergency Stop – Principles for
AS 4034
Motor Vehicles – Cargo Barriers for Occupant Protection (Series)
AS 4177.1
Caravan and light trailer towing components Part 1: Towbars and towing
AS 4177.2
Caravan and light trailer towing components Part 2: 50 mm towballs
AS 4177.3
Caravan and light trailer towing components Part 3: Coupling body for ball
AS 4177.4
Caravan and light trailer towing components Part 4: Safety chains up to 3500 kg
AS/NZS 4240
Remote Controls for Mining Equipment (series)
AS 4343
Pressure equipment – Hazard levels
AS 4457
Earth-Moving Machinery— Off-Highway Rims and Wheels, Maintenance and
Repair (series)
AS 4871
Electrical Equipment for Mines and Quarries (series)
AS 4973
Industrial trucks – Inspection and repair of fork arms in service on forklift trucks
AS 5062
Fire Protection for Mobile and Transportable Equipment
AS 5327
Earth-Moving Machinery – Access Systems
AS 60529
Degrees of Protection Provided by Enclosures (IP Code)
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AS 60974.1
Arc Welding Equipment – Welding Power Sources
ISO 3449
Earth-moving machinery – Falling object protective structures – Laboratory tests
and performance requirements
ISO 3471
Roll-Over Protective Structures – Laboratory Tests and Performance
ISO 5005
Earth-Moving Machinery - Method for Locating the Centre of Gravity
ISO 6055
Industrial Trucks – Overhead Guards – Specification and Testing
ISO 6394
Earth-Moving Machinery – Determination of Emission Sound Pressure Level at
Operator’s Position – Stationary Test Conditions
ISO 6396
Earth-Moving Machinery – Determination of Emission Sound Pressure Level at
Operator’s Position – Dynamic Test Conditions
ISO 10262
Earth-Moving Machinery – Hydraulic Excavators – Laboratory Tests and
Performance Requirements for Operator Protective Guards
ISO 10392
Road Vehicles - Determination of Centre of Gravity
AS ISO 12117
Earth-moving Machinery – Tip-Over Protection Structure (TOPS) for Compact
Excavators – Laboratory Tests and Performance Requirements
ISO 12117-2
Earth-Moving Machinery – Laboratory Tests and Performance Requirements for
Protective Structures of Excavators Part 2: Roll-Over Protective Structures
(ROPS) for Excavators of Over 6T
Uniform provisions concerning the approval of vehicles with regard to the
protection of the occupants of the cab of a commercial vehicle
Uniform provisions concerning the approval of large passenger vehicles with
regard to the strength of their superstructure
BHP/BMA Documents
Our Requirements - Safety
BMA PRO Management of Change
BMA PRO Vehicles and Mobile Equipment Compliance
BMA STD Braking Systems Performance
BMA REG Equipment Compliance Bulletins
WRAC – Non-ANCAP Light Vehicles – EM Approval
Correspondence – QLD Coal Light Vehicle Compliance to GLD.010
MAU Geoscience Equipment Compliance Standard
Site Documents
IAM PRO Vehicles and Mobile Equipment Compliance – Approved Exemptions
Table 4: References
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6 Definitions
Australian Design Rules
Australian Institute for the Certification of Inspection Personnel
Auxiliary Equipment
Supporting equipment not requiring positive radio communications, including:
Transportable Diesel Welders / Generators / Lighting Towers
Transportable Compressors / Pumps
Transportable Buildings
Aggregate Trailer Mass – the combined weight of the trailer and its full load when it
is not coupled to a tow vehicle.
Extra Low Voltage
Electric Drive
A type of mobile equipment designed to convert electrical energy into mechanical
energy. For the purposes of this Standard, this definition excludes self-powered
EME (i.e. HV Trucks such as Komatsu 930E)
Earth Moving Equipment - heavy equipment, typically heavy-duty vehicles
designed for construction operations which involve earthworks.
Electronic Stability Control – technology that improves a vehicle’s stability by
detecting and reducing loss of traction
Flashing Beacon /
Both produce light to warn of possible hazards. A flashing light provides a
“blinking” effect, whereas a flashing beacon provides a “revolving” effect.
Gross Trailer Mass – the weight of the fully loaded trailer imposed on the trailer’s
axle when it is coupled to the tow vehicle.
High Occupancy Vehicle (Bus) – A vehicle that can carry 9 or more people.
Light Vehicle
Road going vehicle with a GVM less than 4.5t
Medium Vehicle
Road going vehicle with a GVM greater than 4.5t
Mining Lease LV
Light Vehicles that operate on BMA Mining Leases, including Pipeline vehicles
Management of Change
A change to the Original Equipment Manufacture design or intended use. This
change will require a Management of Change to be completed.
Non-Mining Lease
Light Vehicles that do not operate on BMA Mining Leases, including:
Port Operations
Airport Operations (Airside)
Normal Operations
Typical activities carried out during a shift, including pre-start checks (excludes
maintenance activities).
Original Equipment Manufacturer
PedestrianControlled Forklift
A powered forklift designed to be controlled by an operator, walking with the
equipment by means of, for example, a tiller or remote control.
Note: this type of forklift can be equipped with a stand-on option.
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PTFE Lined Hose
Polytetrafluoroethylene lined hose with advanced chemical resistance and
temperature tolerance.
pV Value
The design pressure of the pressure vessel (MPa) multiplied by the volume (L).
This should be checked on the pressure vessel nameplate.
Rubber-Tyred Equipment
Short Term Access
Access required for vehicles that must undergo the Operation’s escorting
procedure and do not require compliance inspections, which can include:
Oversized vehicles/equipment passing through an Operation that cannot
utilise sections of public roads,
Loads unable to be unloaded at the Operation’s warehouse,
“Hot shot” deliveries,
Supply Department contracted delivery vehicles.
Split Rims
Rims where two sections of the wheel (typically equal hemispheres) are bolted
Access system, or part of an access system, inclined from the horizontal at an
angle greater than 20° but not more than 50°, consisting of 3 or more steps.
Step Ladder
Ladder with an angle of inclination from the horizontal greater than 50° but not
more than 75°.
Department of Transport and Main Roads – Queensland
Trauma Pack
Kits meant to deal with major injuries, typically life-threatening, and to keep
personnel alive until expert medical care can be reached.
Table 5: Definitions
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7 Version Management
Initial release
25th June 2016
Major change to document, new version. Refer changes captured in document
control system related documents.
20th March 2017
Major changes to document based on risk assessment, new version.
6th October 2017
28 February 2020
Major changes to document based on a series of risk assessments completed
in late 2019.
Modified competency section to match signed off BMA PRO.
Updated document title and cover page and document title on section 2.2.1 (5)
13 March 2020
Updated reference number
18 March 2020
Minor updates
1 June 2020
Minor formatting updates
5 June 2020
Major changes to document based on a series of risk assessments completed
in October/November 2020. Responded to formal feedback received.
26 February 2021
Major changes as identified in end of FY22 Bow Tie Workshops – factoring in
improvement suggestions, Fatality Elimination (FEL) controls, and updates to
the BHP Our Requirements – Safety document.
19 October 2022
Table 6: Versions
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8 Appendices
Appendix A – General Requirements for Vehicles and Mobile
Refer to Appendix V for the table showing which of the following general requirements must be
assessed for each equipment type.
Compliance Item
Air Conditioning
Equipment with enclosed cabins must have Air Conditioning Systems that are operational and
Battery boxes where fitted must be ventilated, drained and of robust construction; terminals
clean & bracket secure; leads properly secured and not showing signs of heat or abrasion; (+)
terminal insulated (one battery fitted), or all terminals insulated (battery bank).
Battery System
The location of batteries must be clear of all ignition sources.
Earth Moving Equipment must have Valve Regulated Lead Acid (VRLA) batteries (also called
‘sealed’ or ‘maintenance free’ batteries) installed.
Blind Spots Removed
Ensure driver has clear field of vision and no obstruction from ancillary equipment (stickers on
If fitted with visual aids (side mirrors, reverse cameras) must be operational and effective.
Brackets, Pins &
Hinge Points
Carry out a functional inspection to identify loose brackets, pins & hinge points and locking
mechanisms e.g. Dozer belly guards, bonnets, doors and tilt cabins.
Check that pin retainers are in place and that the pins are not slipping out.
Check that all mounting bolts are secure by visual inspection.
Braking System Test
Brake testing of wheeled equipment must be completed to the requirement of the BMA STD
Braking Systems Performance.
A copy of the ‘Brake Test Record Form’ as well as the test results (either inertia test and/or
transducer test dockets) must be included.
Cabin Dust Seals
Check door and window seals are in place, and also for cracking and misalignment / tears /
Controls and
Interlock Safety
Where applicable, functionally test all controls and interlocks.
Diesel Fuel Only
Petrol powered equipment is restricted on site.
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Compliance Item
Emergency stop devices must be clearly labelled.
Emergency stops must have the following features: red “push to stop” button / switch,
deliberate on/off activation, manual de-activation. Reactivation will not restart the plant.
Emergency stops are to be tested and verified as operational. Operational test is to be carried
out for all Emergency Stops.
Emergency Stops
(Excluding Light
Vehicles, Buses, and
Medium Vehicles)
As a minimum, emergency stops are to be fitted so there is one in the cab for the operator
within the zone of reach and located so as to minimise the risk of inadvertent operation, and
one accessible at ground level where the cab is accessed by stairs or ladder (unless the
access point is in an articulation zone, emergency stop to be placed at an equal height at the
rear of the machine).
Emergency stops must not be located in front of out blowing fans or air flows.
Emergency stops must not be wired to cut out communications (site two-way radios) upon
Check engine / drive motor for no leaks.
Check mounts, wiring, and piping are secure.
Engine / Drive Motor
Check that the exhaust system is secure, free from damage / leaks and is fit for purpose.
Check that exposed rotating parts that are easily accessible (not behind a cover, under the
machine, or under the bonnet in the case of Light Vehicles) have protection fitted to protect
against inadvertent contact.
Compliance plate must be provided for all modified equipment. Registered Professional
Engineer Queensland (RPEQ) certificates must be provided for structural modifications.
Exposed copper wiring is prohibited. Single insulation at connection plugs is permitted up to
100mm provided that there is adequate support and protection against damage.
Electrical connections must be rated a minimum of IP2X.
Extra Low Voltage
(ELV) <50Volts AC or
<120 Volts DC
Check that all exposed terminals are protected from arcing.
Check that all operator interfaces are ELV.
Check that all connections are terminated so that they cannot loosen or overheat under normal
conditions of service.
Check that disconnected cables have been removed or properly terminated.
If equipment is above ELV an Electrical Inspection must be completed.
Glands / Bushing of
Check that where wiring is threaded through conduits, partition walls etc. should be adequately
glanded or bushed so that wiring and cabling does not come in contact with any surfaces that
may degrade the sheathing or insulation of any wiring.
All wiring should be positioned / secured such that the potential to rub onto vibrating or
abrasive surfaces is minimised.
Label inside operators cabin / transportable building to indicate the maximum height of the
equipment (both travel height and maximum working height if applicable).
Height of Equipment
Inspector must validate the height of the vehicle / equipment / transportable building to confirm
the measurement indicated on the label.
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Compliance Item
Identification must be clearly visible at all times. Identification numbers must be located on both
sides and rear of the vehicle/equipment and must meet the following requirements:
Reflective yellow or green coloured letters and numbers on a black background, as
close as practicable to the format detailed below.
A type face of Helvetica Narrow Bold, with standard spacing (no compression) and a
letter down stroke as close as practicable to 35mm thick at 200mm high lettering.
a (letters)
b (width)
c (height)
Mobile equipment less than
Mobile equipment 120T or
Light vehicles
Medium Vehicles
High Visibility Call
Space between letters and numerals must be an ‘em’ space (relates to typography).
All mobile equipment must be identifiable from 360 degrees in accordance with the
table above.
Where it is impractical for rear facing call signs to meet the size requirements above, the
largest allowable size shall be selected such that it is still readable from a 50m distance. When
fitted on road registrable vehicles they must be made from non-reflective material.
Auxiliary equipment not requiring positive radio contact (complete list provided in Definitions
section) only require plant identification numbers, and are not required to meet the sign size
requirements listed in the above table.
Hot Surfaces,
Exhaust Systems
Where personnel are exposed to hot surfaces (e.g. exhaust / turbo) while carrying out normal
operations, heat shielding / lagging or barriers must also be fitted.
Check that warning signs are fitted to access points, warning personnel of hot surfaces.
Metering and Gauges
Instrumentation, metering and gauges are clearly visible, adequate and operational.
Inverters Isolated
Inverters on vehicles and mobile equipment must be functionally isolated / locked out whilst
operating on site, with labels stating they are prohibited from use on BMA without EEM
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Compliance Item
A suitable lockout system is to be provided to enable physical isolation of the unit as per AS
4871.6. All isolation points must have a means of being secured by isolation locks in the OFF
position. This may be achieved by the use of fit for purpose isolation equipment and/or devices
such as hasps. ON and OFF positions should be clearly identified.
For battery isolators, in circuits at Extra Low Voltage (ELV – below 50Vac or 120Vdc) potential,
dual pole switching is preferred. Where single pole switching is provided, ensure at a minimum,
isolation is achieved by switching the active wire (for example, +12 or +24Vdc driven
equipment) or the negative wire (for example,-12 or -24Vdc driven equipment).
Isolation & Lockout
(including Electrical
Equipment) Except
for Light Vehicles.
All circuits above ELV must achieve positive isolation by switching all active and neutral
Battery isolators are to be red in colour and disconnect power to all electrical loads.
If fitted, Starter Motor Isolators must be yellow in colour.
Systems such as fire protection, communication (site two-way radios), GPS, or tyre monitoring
systems are permitted to not be controlled by the battery isolation switch, provided they have
separate isolator switches for their circuit(s)."
The isolation and lockout systems are to be tested and verified as safe and functional.
Isolation process must include isolation of the jump-start receptacle.
Check that all exposed terminals are protected from arcing.
Isolation switches are not to be positioned in a potential crush zone (e.g. between position 1 or
2 wheels and chassis, or in articulation points).
Mobile Equipment (and where fitted on medium vehicles) must have a jump start receptacle
that can be an Anderson or CAT style plug. These must not bypass the battery or starter motor
Standard configuration is:
Jump Start
12V must utilise a 175 A plug (Anderson style only)
24V must utilise a minimum of a 350 A plug (CAT style only)
These will be clearly labelled
This requirement is not applicable for:
Lights, Indicators and
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Light Vehicles
Electric drive equipment
Forklifts / Telehandlers
Auxiliary equipment
Internal cab lighting must be effective for safe operation including emergency stops, access
and controls.
External lights (headlights, tail lights and indicators) must be clearly visible, adequate and
operational. Lenses must be clean and capable to perform their intended function.
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Document ID # 000205127
Compliance Item
Equipment is to be routinely maintained and records kept to ensure that it remains “fit-forpurpose”.
Maintenance and
Inspection Records
Example copies of documentation must be provided as evidence that the equipment is part of
an ongoing maintenance program and references the OEM maintenance recommendations,
such as;
Completed service sheets with defects repaired,
Evidence of service history within the previous 12 months.
Not applicable for brand new equipment undergoing an Initial inspection.
Operating Manual
A copy of the equipment operating manual is available.
Pre-Start Inspection
A copy of the pre-start inspection booklet / application with defects identified is available.
If fitted, vehicles / mobile equipment with a remote control system (either tethered to the
machine by a flexible cable or separate using a radio transceiver) must be inspected for
condition, and must be function tested for correct operation.
Remote Control
The remote controller shall incorporate a remote shutdown device that is both accessible and
Refer to AS/NZS 4240.1.
The vehicle must have reflective yellow tape on both sides, minimum of 50mm width.
Reflective tape must be positioned to indicate the overall length of machine.
Reflective Yellow
This requirement is not applicable for:
Radiator Pressure
Relief System
Transportable buildings (if it is a rolling/towable transportable building, reflective tape
is required within the Trailer inspection).
The radiator must have a method for relieving pressure build-up prior to the removal of the
radiator cap, such as a pressure relief cap, expansion tank, two stage caps or similar.
All venting must be away from personnel.
This requirement is not applicable for electric drive equipment.
When the machine is in the stationary position and the engine is running the guarding of
rotating components and hot surfaces must not allow any person to touch these parts from the
ground or access-way or platform.
Safety Guards
All guards must require the use of a tool to remove and replace or be fitted with an interlock to
stop motion. The tool can be an implement such as a key or wrench to operate a fastener, in
accordance with AS/NZS 4024.1601.
Where inspection or cleaning covers are provided and their removal exposes dangerous parts
of the machine which are within reach, such covers must be clearly labelled "DANGER –
Isolate drive before removing cover".
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BMA STD Vehicles and Mobile Equipment Compliance
Document ID # 000205127
Compliance Item
All machine controls and service points must be provided with clear signage to indicate
Check that the equipment is fitted with clearly visible permanent markings, signs, compliance
and identification plates on safety devices and systems including, but not limited to: ROPs;
FOPs; pressure vessels; fire suppression systems; emergency exits; electrical
cubicles/enclosure panels; accumulator reliefs, tow, confined space; crush points; rotating and
hot parts; E-stops; pressure reliefs; spring under compression chambers; limits of operation in
cab; hearing protection in noisy environments; unique Hi-Vis plant ID.
All vehicles and trailers having inflated tyres must have a tyre supplier placard.
Where a hazard could exist from misinterpretation of a symbol, the meaning of the symbol
must be clarified in writing.
Check for excessive play or abnormal feel/noise.
Structural Damage
If fitted, check ancillary steering is functional.
Visual check for cracks, deformation or excessive rust.
Towing equipment must have the coupling (hitch) maximum towing capacity clearly indicated
via a placard or label.
Ensure that there are connection points for safety chains.
Towing System
Ensure draw bar is securely mounted and not cracked. Where any part of the coupling or
drawbar is removable ensure the bolts, studs, nuts etc. fastening those parts must have a
locking device such as U clip, split pin, spring washer or nylon nut.
Rudd lugs are not permitted on BMA Operations as towing points.
As a minimum, all vehicles and mobile equipment must have a site compliant, programmable
and operational two-way radio, permanently fitted (hard-wired) to the equipment.
Two-Way Radio
It is the responsibility of the equipment owner to ensure the radio installed is approved for use
on the operating site.
This requirement is not applicable for Pedestrian-controlled Forklifts.
For Autonomous Haulauge (AH) vehicles and mobile equipment, there shall be 2 x
permanently fixed two-way radios provided.
Vehicles and mobile equipment must be fitted with manually operated audible warning device
e.g. Horn.
Warning Device
Equipment fitted with air-horns must also be fitted with a secondary horn (electric).
An automatically operating reversing alarm must be fitted and operational.
Windows, Mirrors and
Check that the windscreen does not have any significant cracks or damage.
Check operation of wipers and water spray are effective.
Windows must be fitted with OEM specification glass (minimum).
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BMA STD Vehicles and Mobile Equipment Compliance
Document ID # 000205127
Appendix B – Light Vehicles
Refer to the below table for General Requirements and specific Light Vehicle Requirements only
applicable to Mining Lease Vehicles. Any requirements not listed are applicable to all Light
Non Mining Lease LV
Mining Lease LV
Braking System Test Record
Cargo Barrier
Elevated Tail Lights
Fire Extinguisher
Flashing Light
High Visibility Flag
Two-Way Radio
Tyres and Wheels
Compliance Item
All Light Vehicles ≤ 3.5t GVM must be 5 star ANCAP rated
5 Star ANCAP
Installation of aftermarket modifications that would impact the safety features of a 5 star
ANCAP vehicle are prohibited.
Accepted modification are listed under the ‘Modification’ section.
Anti-Lock Braking
System (ABS)
Electronic Stability
Control (ESC)
Emergency Braking
Lane Keep Assist
All Light Vehicles must have an Anti-Lock Braking System (ABS).
All Light Vehicles must have Electronic Stability Control (ESC).
All Light Vehicles will be required to have Autonomous Emergency Braking (AEB) or precollision support systems by 1st July, 2025.
[Note: this is for new vehicles; this is not expected to be retrofitted to existing vehicles.]
All Light Vehicles that will travel on demarcated roadways will be required to have a Lane Keep
Assist System (LKAS) by 1st July, 2025.
[Note: this is for new vehicles; this is not expected to be retrofitted to existing vehicles.]
Driver Behaviour
All Light Vehicles will be required to have a driver behaviour monitoring system that includes
speed by 1st July, 2025.
Brake Controller
Where fitted, cabin-mounted brake controllers are to be labelled, operational and within reach
of the driver.
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BMA STD Vehicles and Mobile Equipment Compliance
Document ID # 000205127
Compliance Item
Where fitted, equipment owners need to provide evidence (Certificate / document of proof) that
bulbar fitment does not interfere with the intent of the occupant protection provisions specified
in ADR 69/00.
For vehicles manufactured to comply with Australian Design Rules 69 and / or 73, only bullbars
meeting the following criteria are suitable:
Those that are certified as being suitable for that vehicle by the manufacturer of the
vehicle, or
The bulbar manufacturer has demonstrated that it does not interfere with the critical
air bag timing mechanism or has adversely affected compliance with the ADRs.
Bullbars must not obstruct the driver’s vision or the viewing angles of any lights.
Where lights are obstructed, appropriate additional lights must be fitted.
To reduce the effects on vehicle balance and tyre wear, bullbars should not add
significant load to the vehicle’s front suspension.
Surfaces of the bar that could reflect light from the vehicle’s headlights must be matt
Bullbars must be designed and fitted as per the requirements of Australian Standard AS
Cargo barriers must be fitted to separate personnel and loads.
Wagons registered with third row seating do not require a cargo barrier.
Light Vehicle Wagons must be fitted with cargo barriers complying with AS 4034.
Utilities vehicles must be fitted with barriers behind the rear window (includes vehicles fitted
with canopies and soft tray covers / tonneau).
Hard covers do not require a secondary barrier at the rear window.
Cargo Barrier
External cargo barriers must be constructed of suitable mesh with coverage of the entire rear
window. Mesh aperture size must not allow a 50mm diameter cross section to pass through.
Elevated Tail Lights
A complete set of elevated (roof height) tail lights, brake lights and indicators must be installed
(high lights).
Utility vehicles are required to carry a 4.5kg Dry Chemical Powder (DCP) fire extinguisher
mounted in an easily accessible position external to the cabin at all times.
Fire Extinguisher
Where the fire extinguisher is concealed, external labelling is to be provided.
Fire extinguishers are not mandatory in wagons.
Fire extinguishers must be inspected and tested in accordance with AS 1851.
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BMA STD Vehicles and Mobile Equipment Compliance
Document ID # 000205127
Compliance Item
Flashing Light
Amber flashing light must be fitted, visible from all angles of approach (360°), and be able to be
turned off when public road access is required.
Emergency vehicles must have an additional red flashing light fitted.
High Visibility Colour
The base colour of the LV must be white.
High Visibility Flag
For vehicle less than 3.4m in height a high visibility flag must be fitted. All flags must be a
minimum of 3.4m up to a maximum of 4.2m from the ground and must be removable for public
road usage.
Load Securing
Any equipment with open compartments capable of carrying a load must have restraint
attachment points.
Additional equipment fitted to Light Vehicles must be assessed to ensure the maximum vehicle
allowable mass is not exceeded.
Permitted modifications for light vehicles include;
Fitment of trays, side steps, canopies, driving lights, isolation switches, additional
batteries, roof racks, flashing roof lights, fire extinguishers, two way radios, spare
wheels, long-range fuel tanks, snorkels, reversing alarms, airbag compliant seat
covers, headlights on/tail light function kits;
See the applicable section in this standard for the following permitted modifications;
Cargo barriers, bullbars, suspension lifts, tow bars, tyres
Any additional modifications must follow the approved exemption process. Compliance plates
must be provided for any additional modified equipment.
Large modules / components inside Light Vehicle cabins must be assessed against applicable
ADR rules.
Occupant Protection
Additional items mounted within the cab must not obstruct access, egress, deployment of air
bags or other safety devices.
Items must be secured as to not become loose in the event of a vehicle incident.
Park Brake Alarm
Check function of audible and/or visual alarms for when the park brake is applied while the
vehicle is in motion.
All LV >3.5T GVM must be fitted with ROPS.
Roll Over Protection
Structure (ROPS)
All ROPs structures must be designed, manufactured and installed as per National Code of
Practice (NCOP7, LK8/LK9/LK10) and must have a compliance plate mounted on the
If fitted to light vehicles <3.5t GVM, roll hoops integrated into the headboard of utilities trays are
acceptable and will not affect the ANCAP rating of the vehicle. Roll hoops that extend forward
of the headboard and above the occupants cabin space will not be acceptable.
The VIN number on compliance plate must match vehicle compliance number.
Seatbelts and Seating
Ensure all seats are in a roadworthy condition and have three point inertia reel seat belts fitted,
undamaged and functional.
Split Rims
Split rims are prohibited.
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BMA STD Vehicles and Mobile Equipment Compliance
Document ID # 000205127
Compliance Item
Raising the height of the vehicle may be performed providing the overall increase in vehicle
height is not more than 75mm (QCOP v4.2 Code LS9). This may be achieved using the
maximum lift values for tyres and suspension as outlined below.
No body block lift is allowed.
Body Blocks
Total Lift
Up to 50mm
Up to 25mm
Up to 75mm
Note: fitting of tyres with larger diameter increases vehicle height by half that amount. For
example, tyres with 50mm larger diameter increase ride height by 25mm.
If the vehicle has had a GVM upgrade, ensure it complies with QCOP Code LS11.
GVM Upgrade
If prior to vehicle registration, ensure the current compliance plate (silver) is updated to indicate
the new GVM.
If after vehicle registration, (Second Stage Manufacture), ensure the new modification plate
(blue) is fitted that indicates the new GVM.
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BMA STD Vehicles and Mobile Equipment Compliance
Document ID # 000205127
Compliance Item
All tyres must have a minimum tread depth of 3mm and be free of abnormal damage,
deterioration or uneven wear.
All 4x4 vehicles under the “Mining Lease” category must have a minimum of ‘all-terrain’ tread
tyres. Tyres without lateral grooves across the inner and outer shoulders will not be accepted.
Vehicle must not have mismatched wheels and tyres (sizes, ratings or off-sets) on each axle.
All light vehicles must be fitted with a tyre placard that contains information on original tyres for
that vehicle model.
Tyres and Wheels
Light vehicles may be equipped with tyres other than those listed on the tyre placard provided
the load rating of the tyres is not less than the lowest load rating listed on the tyre
placard of the vehicle or equivalent variant of that model vehicle;
the speed rating of the tyres fitted to a passenger vehicle is at least 180 km/h (S)
when the tyre placard requires a higher speed rating than S;
the speed rating of the tyres fitted to vehicles with special features for off-road use is
at least 140 km/h (N) when the tyre placard requires a higher speed rating than N.
Where a vehicle has its GVM re-rated, the tyre load capacity must be capable of the carrying
the revised GVM, both in total and across individual axles.
Replacement tyres must also conform with the following requirements:
The tyres are rated by the tyre manufacturer as being suitable for road use;
When fitting passenger car tyres to light goods vehicles originally fitted with light truck
tyres, the load rating of the replacement tyres must be based on the highest individual
wheel load multiplied by a service factor of 1.10;
Re-treads must not be used.
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BMA STD Vehicles and Mobile Equipment Compliance
Document ID # 000205127
Appendix C – Buses
Note: According to BHP’s definition, a bus / High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) is a vehicle that can
carry 9 or more people.
Compliance Item
5 Star ANCAP
All buses ≤ 3.5t GVM must be 5 star ANCAP rated.
Only applicable for buses greater than 3.5 tonnes:
For non-standard access systems, check for appropriate railing, step/grab handle combinations
and boarding facilities to allow safe and efficient access and egress of the equipment.
Access and Egress
Check that the machine has two means of egress from the coach cabin with at least one
means of easy egress (normal access), and 1 means of emergency egress.
Check that the bottom step of any access stairs/ladder does not exceed 500mm (target
400mm) from ground level with equipment in normal stationary position.
The surface of every tread must be slip-resistant and the edge clearly highlighted.
Where applicable, break glass hammers must be fitted in the coach cabin.
Check that all air hoses are free from damage and are suitably clamped.
Air System
Anti-Lock Braking
System (ABS)
Electronic Stability
Control (ESC)
Emergency Braking
Lane Keep Assist
Check that the connection between the air compressor and air receiver has been achieved
using hard pipe or PTFE lined flexible hose.
All buses must have an Anti-lock braking System (ABS).
All buses (excluding 4x4 buses) must have Electronic Stability Control (ESC).
All buses will be required to have Autonomous Emergency Braking (AEB) or pre-collision
support systems by 1st July, 2025.
[Note: this is for new vehicles; this is not expected to be retrofitted to existing vehicles.]
All buses that will travel on demarcated roadways will be required to have a Lane Keep Assist
System (LKAS) by 1st July, 2025.
[Note: this is for new vehicles; this is not expected to be retrofitted to existing vehicles.]
The use of module style buses that have a separate driver and occupant’s cabin are prohibited.
Only buses where the driver and occupants are housed in the same compartment (traditional
bus style) will be approved for site operation.
Cabin Style
All buses >3.5t GVM must meet or exceed the equivalent of UN ECE R66 for cabin safety.
Cabin Safety
[Note: this requirement will be mandatory from 1st July 2025].
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BMA STD Vehicles and Mobile Equipment Compliance
Document ID # 000205127
Compliance Item
Driver Behaviour
All buses must have a driver behaviour monitoring system that monitors, detects, and provides
in-cabin alerts for distraction, loss of attention, eye closure (drowsiness), and verifies improper
electronic device use.
[Note: this requirement is mandatory from 1st January, 2023]
Only applicable for Buses with < 30 seats:
Elevated Tail Lights
A complete set of elevated (roof height) tail lights, brake lights and indicators must be installed
to buses that do not have OEM lights fitted a minimum 1.5m above ground level.
Emergency Roadside
Triangles / Beacons
Check that all buses carry 3 x reflective triangles or beacons or witches hats in the case of a
Must have either a Fire Extinguisher or Fire Suppression System fitted.
Fire Extinguishers /
Fire Suppression
First Aid Kit
Flashing Beacon
Fire extinguisher must be a minimum 4.5 kg / hand-held, dry chemical powder and located in a
position easily accessible to the operator.
Fire extinguishers and fire suppression systems must be inspected and tested in accordance
with AS 1851.
Verify that a first aid/first response kit is fitted and contains its full complement (as per contents
Flashing beacon must be fitted, visible from all angles of approach (360°), and be able to be
turned off when public road access is required.
Must be an amber flashing beacon.
Check for any degradation in the fuel system.
Fuel System
Check that all fuel pipes are routed in a manner which gives them maximum mechanical
protection and away from hot engine surfaces.
Where required check removable caps are in place.
Check that tank breather is fitted, serviceable and functional.
High Visibility Flag
For vehicle less than 3.4m in height a high visibility flag must be fitted. All flags must be a
minimum of 3.4m up to a maximum of 4.2m from the ground and must be removable for public
road usage.
Any equipment with open compartments capable of carrying a load must either have restraint
attachment points (excluding crib bags), or completely separate personnel and loads through
the use of a cargo barrier.
Load Restraints
Park Brake Alarm
If installed, cargo barriers must be constructed of suitable mesh with coverage of the entire
luggage compartment. Mesh aperture size must not allow a 50mm diameter cross section to
pass through.
Check function of audible and/or visual 'Park Brake Not Activated' alarm. This alarm is to be
interlocked with the driver door or seat/seatbelt.
For buses over 3.5t GVM:
Roll Over Protection
Structure (ROPS)
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Must be compliant with Australian Design Rule 59/00, the fitment of additional ROPS is not
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BMA STD Vehicles and Mobile Equipment Compliance
Document ID # 000205127
Compliance Item
Seatbelt Indication /
Alarm / Seating
Seatbelt alarm/indication to be fitted to all seats and provide all occupants with three point
inertia reel seat belt.
Check that the seat does not have excessive movement and all adjustments are working.
Split Rims
Static Rollover
Threshold (SRT)
Split rims are prohibited from use.
Equipment owners are required to provide evidence indicating the bus has a minimum Static
Rollover Threshold (SRT) of 0.4g.
[Note: this requirement will be mandatory from 1st July 2025].
All tyres must have a minimum tread depth of 3mm, must be free of abnormal damage and
deterioration or uneven wear.
4x4 vehicles must have of a minimum all terrain tread type tyre.
Tyres and rims must meet the load/speed rating of the OEM.
Tyres and Wheels –
Road going
Re-treads are only permitted on the drive axle of buses >30 seats. Confirm that the equipment
owner has a documented tyre management process.
Vehicle must not have mismatched wheels and tyres (sizes, ratings or offsets) on the same
Wheel nut indicators to be fitted to all wheel nuts on buses.
Appendix D – Medium Vehicles
Compliance Item
For non-standard access systems, check for appropriate railing, step/grab handle combinations
and boarding facilities to allow safe and efficient access and egress of the equipment.
Check that the machine has two means of egress from the operators cabin with at least one
means of easy egress (normal access), and 1 means of emergency egress.
Access and Egress
Check that the bottom step of any access stairs/ladder does not exceed 600mm (target
400mm) from ground level with equipment in normal stationary position.
Check that all access steps leading edges are clearly highlighted and non-slip.
Check that personnel are able to maintain three points of contact while ascending or
descending equipment.
Top rails must be not less than 900mm above standing level of a platform or walkway, and the
intermediate rails must be parallel to the top rail with a maximum distance of 450mm between.
Platforms and
Check that all personnel are able to carry out normal duties without leaving a designated
walkway, access platform or the ground, and where this is not practicable and leaves the
potential for a person to fall more than 1.8 metres, a harness attachment point and lanyard
system must be provided and indicated.
If access is required above 1.8m, the work area must have enclosed handrails installed that will
prevent fall from heights.
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BMA STD Vehicles and Mobile Equipment Compliance
Document ID # 000205127
Compliance Item
All Medium Vehicles are required to have the following active safety controls as a minimum by
1st July, 2025:
Active Safety
Anti-Lock Braking System (ABS)
Electronic Stability Control (ESC)
Autonomous Emergency Braking (AEB) or pre-collision support system
Lane Keep Assist (LKAS) when used on demarcated roads
Rollover airbags
Auxiliary braking / transmission retarder
[Note: this is for new vehicles; this is not expected to be retrofitted to existing vehicles.]
Air System
Check that the connection between the air compressor and air receiver has been achieved
using hard pipe or PTFE lined flexible hose.
Check that all air hoses are free from damage and are suitably clamped
Cargo barriers must be fitted to separate personnel and loads.
Cargo Barrier
Elevated Tail Lights
External cargo barriers must be constructed of suitable mesh with coverage of the entire rear
window. Mesh aperture size must not allow a 50mm diameter cross section to pass through.
A complete set of elevated (roof height) tail lights, brake lights and indicators must be installed
to equipment that does not have OEM lights fitted a minimum 1.5m above ground level.
Must have a minimum 4.5 kg / hand-held, dry chemical powder.
Fire Extinguishers
First Aid
Fire extinguishers must be inspected and tested in accordance with AS 1851
Verify that a first aid/first response kit is fitted and contains its full complement (as per contents
Eye wash station (fixed or portable) for all service trucks only.
Flashing Beacon
Amber flashing beacon must be fitted, visible from all angles of approach (360°), and be able to
be turned off when public road access is required.
Emegency vehicles must have an additional red flashing light fitted.
Check for any degradation in the fuel system.
Check that all fuel pipes are routed in a manner which gives them maximum mechanical
protection and away from hot engine surfaces.
Where required check removable caps is in place.
Fuel System
Where high flow / quick fill arrangements are present;
Tank breather/vent overflow hoses must go to ground,
Tank breathers/vents are fitted, serviceable, and functional,
Quick fill couplings (tank receivers) are serviceable, free from damage and functional.
High Visibility Flag
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For vehicle less than 3.4m in height a high visibility flag will be fitted. All flags must be a
minimum of 3.4m up to a maximum of 4.2m from the ground and must be removable for public
road usage.
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Document ID # 000205127
Compliance Item
Inspect all hydraulic hoses/fitting/cylinders/ control valves for visible cuts, signs of wear or
damaged outer casings –all hoses are suitably supported and segregated to prevent rubbing;
all pins and clips for visual signs of wear or damage; jacking rams are fitted with load
locks/locking taps and steel supply pipe.
Check that fitted pressure gauges are operational.
Hydraulic Hoses,
Cylinders and Fittings
That suitable guarding has been installed for hydraulic hoses, located within 1.0 m of the
operator control station(s).
Steel guarding or burst sleeving is adequate where no other component or structure performs
this function however glass is not sufficient for this purpose.
For flexible hydraulic hoses in close proximity to hot engine components (turbo/exhaust)
without suitable lagging, they must be fitted with thermal and/or burst protection. If burst
sleeving has been installed, check that both ends of the hose are secured as per OEM
Park Brake Alarm
Check function of audible and/or visual 'Park Brake Not Activated' alarm. This alarm is to be
interlocked with the door or operator seat/seatbelt.
Medium Vehicle cabins must be performance tested and certified against UN ECE R29, with a
compliance plate / sticker mounted in the cabin.
Roll Over Protection
Structure (ROPS)
For Medium Vehicles without UN ECE R29 certification, externally mounted ROPS must be
designed, manufactured and installed as per AS 2294.1 or ISO 3471, and must have a
modification / compliance plate mounted on the structure.
For Medium Vehicles with permanent modules:
Reels, hoses and hand pieces must be in good working order, free from degradation, cuts,
burrs and leaks.
All hoses are a retractable configuration and set with hose stops.
Door cabinets need to be in good working order, including door catches and/or struts.
Where required by SDS, eye wash stations (fixed or portable) must be labelled and in date,
e.g. all service modules.
Safety Data Sheet (SDS) to be located inside cabin for on-board fluids.
Permanently Fitted
Emergency stop must be in close proximity to service module at operator’s control station.
Second emergency stop must be fitted in an alternative location accessible from ground level.
Emergency stop devices must be clearly marked “EMERGENCY STOP”.
Emergency stop must be clearly marked to identify what it controls on the medium vehicle.
Emergency stops must have the following features: red button / switch, deliberate on/off
activation, manual de-activation. Reactivation will not restart the plant.
Emergency stops are to be tested and verified as operational. Operational test is to be carried
out for all Emergency Stops.
Emergency stops must not be located in front of out blowing fans or air flows.
Emergency stops must not be wired to cut out communications (site two-way radios) upon
Winching Equipment
Winching equipment (e.g. tilt tray, recovery winch) must have a current annual inspection (by
third party specialist) and evidence is supplied.
Ensure there is no damage to either structures or cables.
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Document ID # 000205127
Compliance Item
QRT Hydrant Valve
Raised Body Alarm
Queensland Round Thread (QRT) to be fitted on water trucks. This is to allow access to water
by site emergency vehicle in the event of a fire.
All vehicles fitted with tilt bodies or masts (excluding drill rigs) will be required to have an
audible and/or visual raised body alarm fitted and operational whilst the rear dump body or
mast is elevated and an attempt is made to move the vehicle.
Ensure there is rear underrun protection that will assist in preventing vehicles running under
the back of medium vehicles.
This must be either designed and installed by the OEM, or verified with a blue modification
plate if designed and installed as an aftermarket solution.
[Note: the above requirement will be mandatory from 1st July, 2025. Until then, the following
dimensions must be adhered to:
Rear Under Run
Underrun protection is required when:
With the vehicle unladen, the lower edge of the bumper bar across its width is not
more than 600mm from the ground,
The bumper contact surface is located not more than 600mm forward of the rear of
the vehicle,
The ends of the bumper extend to within 300mm of each side of the vehicle, unless
the rearmost point of the tyres is within 600mm of the rear end of the vehicle, in which
case the tyres will be considered as meeting the requirements over their width.]
Seatbelts and Seating
Provide occupants with three point inertia reel seat belt.
Securing Devices
Any equipment with open compartments capable of carrying a load must have restraint
attachment points.
Signage – Tare
All Medium Vehicles are to have the Tare Weight displayed in an easily identifiable location
(e.g. label / sticker on the door of the cabin or inside cabin).
All tyres must have a minimum tread depth of 3mm, must be free of abnormal damage and
deterioration or uneven wear.
4x4, 6x6 or 8x8 vehicles must have of a minimum all terrain tread type tyre.
Tyres and rims must meet the load/speed rating of the OEM.
Tyres and Wheels –
Road going
Re-treads must not be used.
Vehicle must not have mismatched wheels and tyres (sizes, ratings or offsets) on the same
Check that rims and tyres 600 mm (24 inch) or larger have a unique identification system in
Water Cannons
Where fitted, water cannons must be operational.
Water Truck Control
Systems Positioning
Water Truck dispersal controls must be placed within the peripheral vision of the operator while
in the normal operating position.
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Document ID # 000205127
Appendix E – Forklifts & Telehandlers
Compliance Item
For non-standard access systems, check for appropriate railing, step/grab handle combinations
and boarding facilities to allow safe and efficient access and egress of the equipment.
Check that the machine has two means of egress from the operators cabin with at least one
means of easy egress (normal access), and 1 means of emergency egress.
Access and Egress
Check that the bottom step of any access stairs/ladder does not exceed 400 mm from ground
level with equipment in normal stationary position.
Check that all access steps leading edges are clearly highlighted and non-slip.
Check that personnel are able to maintain three points of contact while ascending or
descending equipment.
Platforms and
Check that all personnel are able to carry out normal duties without leaving a designated
walkway, access platform or the ground, and where this is not practicable and leaves the
potential for a person to fall more than 1.8 metres, a harness attachment point and lanyard
system must be provided and indicated.
Top rails must be not less than 900mm above standing level of a platform or walkway and the
intermediate rails must be parallel to the top rail with a maximum distance of 450mm between.
Where fitted, the cabin dust control system must reduce the operator’s exposure to respirable
silica and coal dust, ensuring:
Cabin Dust Control
A fresh air supply filtered through a minimum HEPA H13 media,
The cabin pressurisation system operates from the ignition,
Pressurisation to a minimum of either;
50Pa above atmospheric pressure by means of verifying a gauge readout, or
20Pa, if an audible and visual alarm is installed and indicates when
pressurisation drops below 20Pa.
For Forklifts (Vertical Mast):
FOPS / overhead guard must be installed, and be designed and manufactured to AS 2359.9.
Falling Object
Protective Structure
For Telehandlers (Boom Operated):
FOPS must be designed, manufactured and installed as defined in AS 10896.1 / ISO 3449.
For Pedestrian-controlled Forklifts (with a foldable platform):
Shall be provided with means to prevent lifting over 1800mm from the floor when the side
guards are in their protective position. This does not apply if an overhead guard adhering to
ISO 6055 is fitted on the truck.
Must have a 4.5 kg / hand-held, dry chemical powder.
Fire Extinguishers
Fire extinguishers must be inspected and tested in accordance with AS 1851
Electric Drive Forklifts do not require fire extinguishers.
Flashing Beacon
Roof mounted flashing beacon must be fitted, visible from all angles of approach (360°), and
be able to be turned off when public road access is required.
Must be an amber flashing beacon for normal operations.
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Compliance Item
Forklift tines and lifting attachments should be in good condition, free from purpose affecting
Forklift Tines and
Mast Assembly
Tines and attachments are to be confirmed as fit for purpose for the machine, with a label to
identify correct capacity ratings.
Backing Frame, lift chain and rollers in good working order and no structural damage.
Check for any degradation in the fuel system.
Check that all fuel pipes are routed in a manner which gives them maximum mechanical
protection, and away from hot engine surfaces.
Where required, check removable caps are in place.
Fuel System
Where high flow / quick fill arrangements are present;
Tank breather/vent overflow hoses must go to ground,
Tank breathers/vents are fitted, serviceable, and functional,
Quick fill couplings (tank receivers) are serviceable, free from damage and functional.
Inspect all hydraulic hoses/fitting/cylinders/ control valves for visible cuts, signs of wear or
damaged outer casings –all hoses are suitably supported and segregated to prevent rubbing;
all pins and clips for visual signs of wear or damage; jacking rams are fitted with load
locks/locking taps and steel supply pipe.
Check that fitted pressure gauges are operational.
Hydraulic Hoses,
Cylinders and Fittings
That suitable guarding has been installed for hydraulic hoses, located within 1.0 m of the
operator control station (operator seated or standing position). Steel guarding or burst sleeving
is adequate where no other component or structure performs this function.
For flexible hydraulic hoses in close proximity to hot engine components (turbo/exhaust)
without suitable lagging, they must be fitted with thermal and/or burst protection. If burst
sleeving has been installed, check that both ends of the hose are secured as per OEM
Load Indicating, Load
Limiting Devices,
Load Charts
Equipment must have a means of indicating load through digital (on board computer) or
mechanical gauge. For Telehandlers, a load indication system including overload is
A current calibration certificate must be in place.
Load Charts should be prominently displayed in the operator’s cabin or on the lifting
Parking System
Alarm / Motion
Check function of audible and/or visual alarms for when the park brake / parking system is
applied and it is attempted to be put into gear.
If fitted, check function of audible and/or visual ‘Park Brake Not Activated’ alarm or motion
interlock. This alarm is to be interlocked with the door or operator seatbelt.
Not applicable for Electric Reach Forklifts where functions are controlled by traction motors.
For Forklifts (Vertical Mast):
Roll Over Protective
Structures (ROPS)
ROPS are not required.
For Telehandlers (Boom Operated):
ROPS must be designed, manufactured and installed as defined in ISO 3471.
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Compliance Item
Provide occupants with a three point (or greater) inertia reel seat belt or two point inertia reel
seat belt where this is not practical.
Seatbelts and Seating
Check that the seat does not have excessive movement and all adjustments are working.
End Control Reach Trucks are exempt.
Split Rims
Split rims are prohibited from use (excludes solid filled tyres mounted on split rims).
All tyres, rims and track assemblies must be free of abnormal damage, deterioration or uneven
wear. Non-solid-state tyres must have a minimum tread depth of 3mm.
Tyres, Wheels and
Tracks – Non-Road
Check tyre pressures against OEM requirement.
Check that rims and tyre are OEM approved for the equipment.
Check that rims and tyres 600 mm (24 inch) or larger have a unique identification system in
place. Equipment owners must provide evidence of current service hours and/or last rim
inspection report compiling to the requirements of AS 4457.
All tyre handlers must have a functional tyre fall-back arrestor and relief valves in tyre handler
If cameras are fitted, they must be working correctly.
Tyre Handlers
Where tyre handlers are attachments to other equipment types, refer to those equipment type
appendices in addition to Forklifts / Telehandlers.
Truck mounted VLC Tyre Handlers are restricted on all BMA sites, and require an SSEapproved risk assessment for use.
Appendix F – Mobile Cranes
Compliance Item
For non-standard access systems, check for appropriate railing, step/grab handle combinations
and boarding facilities to allow safe and efficient access and egress of the equipment.
Check that the machine has two means of egress from the operators cabin with at least one
means of easy egress (normal access), and 1 means of emergency egress.
Check that the bottom step of any access stairs/ladder does not exceed 600mm (target 400
mm) from ground level with equipment in normal stationary position. (stowed position)
Check that all access steps leading edges are clearly highlighted and non-slip.
Access and Egress
Check that personnel are able to maintain three points of contact while ascending or
descending equipment.
Check that all personnel are able to carry out normal duties without leaving a designated
walkway, access platform or the ground, and where this is not practicable and leaves the
potential for a person to fall more than 1.8 metres, a harness attachment point and lanyard
system must be provided and indicated.
Top rails must be not less than 850mm nor more than 1100mm above standing level of a
platform or walkway, and the intermediate rails must be parallel to the top rail with a maximum
distance of 550mm between.
Platforms above 1.8 metres must have foot barriers (kick rail) installed on handrails, between
50mm and 100mm in height.
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Compliance Item
Cabin controlled cranes must include air conditioning.
Fall prevention systems, such as seat belts and cabin doors, must be provided to prevent the
operator falling from the cabin during crane operations.
Cabin controlled cranes must also display clearly legible signs warning not to distract the
operator when conducting a lift.
All cranes require a ‘Crane Safe’ third party inspection certificate certified in accordance with
AS2550 (series as applicable).
Crane Certification
The inspection station is to verify the crane inspection certificates are in date, match the
equipment being inspected and state that the crane is safe and fit for purpose (crane safe
sticker etc.).
Must have a minimum 4.5 kg / hand-held, dry chemical powder.
Fire Extinguishers
Fire extinguishers must be inspected and tested in accordance with AS 1851.
Flashing Light
Flashing light must be fitted, visible from all angles of approach (360°), and be able to be
turned off.
Must be an amber flashing light for normal operations.
Check degradation of hoses, all hoses are suitably supported and segregated to prevent
rubbing, all pins and clips for visual signs of wear or damage, Jacking rams are fitted with steel
supply pipe. Inspect all hydraulic hoses / fitting / cylinders / control valves for visible cuts, signs
of wear or damaged outer casings.
Hydraulic Hoses,
Cylinders and Fittings
Check that suitable guarding has been installed for hydraulic hoses, located within 1.0 m of the
operator control station(s). Steel guarding or burst sleeving is adequate where no other
component or structure performs this function however glass is not sufficient for this purpose.
For flexible hydraulic hoses in close proximity to hot engine components (turbo/exhaust)
without suitable lagging, they must be fitted with thermal and/or burst protection. If burst
sleeving has been installed, check that both ends of the hose are secured as per OEM
Load Securing
Any equipment with open compartments capable of carrying a load must have restraint
attachment points.
An interlock that detects and limits the potential for overload is required. This must include an
indicator that informs the operator that the interlock is functional.
Overload Interlock
The operator is to be warned before the interlock engages, so there is time to manually stop
controls. If the operator fails to stop, the interlock engages.
[Note: Mandatory requirement from 1st July 2025]
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Compliance Item
Park Brake Alarm
Check function of audible and/or visual ‘Park Brake Not Activated’ alarm. This alarm is to be
interlocked with the door or operator seat/seatbelt.
This excludes the holding brake.
Roll Over Protective
Structure (ROPS)
All driver cabins for rubber tyred mobile cranes are to be performance tested and certified
against UN ECE R29, with a compliance plate / sticker mounted in the cabin.
[Note: this requirement will be mandatory from 1st July, 2025]
Seatbelts and Seating
Main Cabin: Provide occupants with a three point (or greater) inertia reel seat belt or two point
inertia reel seat belt where this is not practical and check that it is operational and free from
Crane/Slew Cabin: If fitted, ensure seat belts are operational and free from damage.
Steering Lock Bar for
Articulated Plant
Articulated Plant requires a means to prevent movement of the articulated joint.
Tyre and wheel assemblies must be free of abnormal damage, deterioration or uneven wear.
Check that rims and tyre are OEM approved for the equipment.
Tyres and Wheels
Under Carriage
(Tracked Cranes)
Check that rims and tyres 600mm (24 inch) or larger have a unique identification system in
place, visible on inspection. Equipment owners must provide evidence of current service hours
and/or last rim inspection report, including the latest crack testing certificates.
Check the track frames, tracks, rollers and idlers for any signs of significant cracks and wear
Check that all bolts and fixings are in good condition and fit for purpose.
Appendix G – Skidsteer Loaders / Backhoes / Tractors
Compliance Item
Check that the machine has two means of egress from the operators cabin with at least one
means of easy egress (normal access), and 1 means of emergency egress.
Check that the bottom step of any access stairs/ladder does not exceed a maximum of 600mm
(target 400mm) from ground level with equipment in normal stationary position.
Access and Egress
For Skidsteer Loaders with attachments, the first step height may be up to 700mm.
Check that all access steps leading edges are clearly highlighted and non-slip.
Check that personnel are able to maintain three points of contact while ascending or
descending equipment.
Falling Object
Protective Structure
Fire Extinguishers
All equipment must have an enclosed cabin.
For Skidsteer Loaders and Backhoes, FOPS must be designed, manufactured, and installed as
per ISO 3449 / AS 2294.1, and there must be a compliance plate mounted on the structure.
Tractors do not require FOPS unless the BMA Operation determines this is a necessary control
through an individual risk assessment.
Must have a 4.5 kg / hand-held, dry chemical powder.
Fire extinguishers must be inspected and tested in accordance with AS 1851.
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Compliance Item
Flashing Beacon
Flashing operational light must be fitted and be able to be turned off. Flashing light must be
mounted to achieve maximum visibility.
Must be an amber flashing beacon for normal operations.
Check for any degradation in the fuel system.
Check that all fuel pipes are routed in a manner which gives them maximum mechanical
protection and away from hot engine surfaces.
Where required check removable caps is in place.
Fuel System
High Visibility Flag
Where high flow / quick fill arrangements are present;
Tank breather/vent overflow hoses must go to ground,
Tank breathers/vents are fitted, serviceable, and functional,
Quick fill couplings (tank receivers) are serviceable, free from damage and functional.
Equipment must have provision for a flag to be fitted.
Inspect all hydraulic hoses/fitting/cylinders/ control valves for visible cuts, signs of wear or
damaged outer casings –all hoses are suitably supported and segregated to prevent rubbing;
all pins and clips for visual signs of wear or damage; jacking rams are fitted with load
locks/locking taps and steel supply pipe.
Check that fitted pressure gauges are operational.
Hydraulic Hoses,
Cylinders and Fittings
That suitable guarding has been installed for hydraulic hoses, located within 1.0 m of the
operator control station(s).
Steel guarding or burst sleeving is adequate where no other component or structure performs
this function however glass is not sufficient for this purpose.
For flexible hydraulic hoses in close proximity to hot engine components (turbo/exhaust)
without suitable lagging, they must be fitted with thermal and/or burst protection. If burst
sleeving has been installed, check that both ends of the hose are secured as per OEM
Implement Safety
Lock (Lift Arm Brace)
Check that the implement safety lock is fitted and functional.
Park Brake Alarm
For tractors and backhoes, check function of audible and/or visual 'Park Brake Not Activated'
alarm. This alarm is to be interlocked with the door or operator seat/seatbelt.
Check that equipment fitted with quick hitches have provision for a safety pin to retain the
implement and that the pin is correctly fitted on the quick hitch.
Quick Hitch
There must be means to prevent the quick hitch from releasing the implement while in
Roll Over Protective
Structure (ROPS)
ROPS must be designed, manufactured, and installed as per either AS 1636, or ISO 3471 / AS
2294.1, and there must be a compliance plate mounted on the structure.
Seatbelts and Seating
Provide occupants with a three point (or greater) inertia reel seat belt or two point inertia reel
seat belt where this is not practical.
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Compliance Item
Tyre wheel and track assemblies must be free of abnormal damage, deterioration or uneven
Tyres, Wheels and
Tracks – Non-Road
Check that rims and tyre are OEM approved for the equipment.
Check that rims and tyres 600mm (24 inch) or larger have a unique identification system in
place. Equipment owners must provide evidence of current service hours and/or last rim
inspection report compiling to the requirements of AS 4457.
Appendix H – Drill Rigs, Drilling Auxiliary Support and Seismic
Compliance Item
Compliance Standard
All drill rigs (excluding Blast Hole Drills), drilling auxiliary support, seismic equipment,
compressors (≥300psi), and water pumps used for drilling purposes will be subject to separate
iAuditor templates derived from the Geoscience Equipment Compliance Standard (D2 Number
011759914), in addition to applicable BMA Equipment Compliance inspections (e.g. Medium
Vehicles inspection, Trailers inspection).
Appendix I – Vehicle Loading Cranes (Powered, excluding manually
operated VLC)
Compliance Item
Control Levers
External to Operators
Vehicle Loading Cranes (VLC) must have OEM recommended operator control panel crush
protection fitted and operational.
All cranes require a ‘Crane Safe’ third party inspection certificate certified in accordance with
AS2550 (series as applicable).
VLC Certification
The inspection station is to verify the crane inspection certificates are in date, match the
equipment being inspected and state that the crane is safe and fit for purpose (crane safe
sticker etc.).
Hard copy of the inspection certificate and report must be available on equipment at all times.
Inspection assessment must be done in Australia.
Height of Equipment
Label inside operator’s cab to indicate the maximum height of the equipment (both travel height
and maximum working height if applicable).
Operator Protective
Hoses must be mechanically restrained or guarded to prevent 'whipping' contact with the
operator in the event of failure.
Stabiliser Interlock
Where an interlock is fitted it must prevent operation unless the stabilisers are out and locked
in position.
All stabiliser extensions should be capable of being locked in the transport position.
Maximum Rated
Capacity (MRC)
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MRC must not exceeding the load carrying capacity of the vehicle.
MRC must be clearly marked on the VLC, at all lifting points.
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Appendix J – Hydraulic Excavators / Shovels
Compliance Item
For non-standard primary access systems, check for appropriate railing, step/grab handle
combinations and boarding facilities to allow safe and efficient access and egress of the
equipment and free of twisted and bent treads / rails.
For retractable access systems:
Access Systems
If the operator cabin is >2m above the ground, the operation of the retractable access
system must be possible from the ground, or a secondary access system must be
The movement of powered retractable access systems must stop when the control is
released (constant positive action).
Controls must not be mounted under the zone of the lowering stairways.
Inserts must be installed within handrails that have the potential to intersect with one
another while the lowering/raising function is active.
Controls must be clearly labelled at the point(s) of intended operation.
An external audible warning alarm shall be activated by the actuation of the control
and continue until the control is released.
Check that the machine has a minimum of two means of access and egress from the
operator’s cabin and all free of twisted and bent treads / rails.
If the height from the ground to the base of the cab is greater 1.8m, then the primary access
must be a stairway type access.
The primary access bottom step shall not exceed 400 mm from ground level with equipment
safely parked on level ground. Where this is not practical, the following alternatives to achieve
400mm shall be provided. Either::
A retractable access system (manual or powered), or
Flexibly mounted access steps complying with AS 5327 clause 8.2.7.
For compact excavators < 8.5T, the first step height may be up to 700mm.
Check that all access steps leading edges are clearly highlighted and non-slip.
Check that personnel are able to maintain three points of contact while ascending or
descending ladders and two points of contact while ascending or descending stairs.
For handrails / handholds on access systems, top rails must be not less than 850mm nor more
than 1100mm above the step or stairway, and the intermediate rails must be parallel to the top
rail with a maximum distance of 550mm between.
Check that openings in guardrails for access stairways or ladders are fitted with a hard barrier
(emergency egress only). Chains are not acceptable as a barrier.
Emergency escape chutes and chain or rope ladders are not allowed.
Egress Systems
The emergency egress point shall be provided at a different location on the machine than that
of the primary access system.
The emergency egress system must provide for egress regardless of the relative position of
different machine parts to each other (e.g. when the upper structure is in a position relative to
the undercarriage such that egress cannot be extended).
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Compliance Item
Top rails must be not less than 1000mm nor more than 1100mm above standing level of a
platform or walkway, and the intermediate rails must be parallel to the top rail with a maximum
distance of 550mm between.
Platforms above 1.8 metres must have foot barriers (kick rail) installed on handrails, between
50mm and 100mm in height.
Platforms and
Check that all personnel are able to carry out normal duties without leaving a designated
walkway, access platform or the ground, and where this is not practicable and leaves the
potential for a person to fall more than 1.8 metres, a harness attachment point and lanyard
system must be provided and indicated.
Any platform or area that has to be accessed during routine operations must have fixed hand
rails. (e.g. engine bay access).
Air System
Check that the connection between the air compressor and air receiver has been achieved
using hard pipe or braided PTFE lined flexible hose.
Check that all air hoses are free from damage and are suitably clamped.
The cabin dust control system must be fitted and must reduce the operator’s exposure to
respirable silica and coal dust, ensuring:
Cabin Dust Control
A fresh air supply filtered through a minimum HEPA H13 media,
The cabin pressurisation system operates from the ignition,
Pressurisation to a minimum of either;
50Pa above atmospheric pressure by means of verifying a gauge readout, or
20Pa, if an audible and visual alarm is installed and indicates when
pressurisation drops below 20Pa.
[Note: For machines < 100T, this requirement is mandatory from 30th June, 2023].
350 tonne excavators / shovels must be fitted with cameras to the rear on side and off side as
a minimum.
Falling Object
Protective Structure
FOPS must be designed, manufactured, and installed as per ISO 10262, and the compliance
plate must be mounted to the structure.
Equipment under 30 tonne must have a 4.5kg, dry chemical powder extinguisher fitted.
Equipment 30 tonne and greater must have a minimum of two 4.5 kg, dry chemical powder
extinguisher fitted.
One located near the house access point (can be located on the platform end of the
access point, if it cannot be mounted within reach of the ground).
One located on the upper deck close to the cab.
Fire Extinguishers
Fire extinguishers must be inspected and tested in accordance with AS 1851.
Fire extinguishers are to be mounted to not impede safe access/egress of the machine, and to
not obstruct walkways.
Fire Suppression
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A Fire Suppression System must be fitted and meets the requirements of Fire Suppression
Systems Section 2.3, for machines where the floor of the operator’s cabin is >1.8m from the
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Compliance Item
Must be a green flashing beacon for normal/tramming operations, and be able to be turned off.
For excavators / shovels less than 60 tonnes:
Flashing Beacon
Roof mounted flashing beacon must be fitted, visible from all angles of approach (360°).
For excavators / shovels greater than 60 tonnes:
Rear mounted flashing beacons to operate when tramming in either direction.
Check for any degradation in the fuel system.
Check that all fuel pipes are routed in a manner which gives them maximum mechanical
protection and away from hot engine surfaces.
Where required check removable caps is in place.
Fuel System
Where high flow / quick fill arrangements are present;
Tank breather/vent overflow hoses must go to ground,
Tank breathers/vents are fitted, serviceable, and functional,
Quick fill couplings (tank receivers) are serviceable, free from damage and functional.
Inspect all hydraulic hoses / fittings / cylinders / control valves for visible cuts, signs of wear or
damaged outer casings. All hoses are suitably supported and segregated to prevent rubbing;
all pins and clips for visual signs of wear or damage; jacking rams are fitted with load
locks/locking taps and steel supply pipe.
Check that fitted pressure gauges are operational.
Hydraulic Hoses,
Cylinders and Fittings
That suitable guarding has been installed for hydraulic hoses, located within 1.0 m of the
operator control station(s).
Steel guarding or burst sleeving is adequate where no other component or structure performs
this function however glass is not sufficient for this purpose.
For flexible hydraulic hoses in close proximity to hot engine components (turbo/exhaust)
without suitable lagging, they must be fitted with thermal and/or burst protection. If burst
sleeving has been installed, check that both ends of the hose are secured as per OEM
Hydraulic Function
Confirm hydraulic function immobiliser is operating as per the OEM specification.
All lifting points (for lifting freely suspended loads, not the machine itself) are painted and
labelled with the Rated Capacity (RC) indicated.
Lifting Points
Lifting points are to be visually inspection for damage.
Earthmoving equipment used for lifting, must be fitted with anti-drop / anti-burst / non-return
valves system or equivalent.
Operator Protective
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Hoses must be mechanically restrained or guarded to prevent ‘whipping’ contact with the
operator in the event of failure.
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Compliance Item
Perform a visual inspection to ensure that the pressure vessel is in a fit and safe condition for
For pressure vessels containing compressed air with a pV value (MPa.L) greater than
Pressure Vessels
Current test certificates must be provided (by owner) for pressure vessels and relief systems
tested in accordance with AS/NZS 3788. Pressure vessels are to be externally inspected every
two years and internally inspected every four years by a competent person.
For accumulators containing oil with a pV value (MPa.L) greater than 200:
Current test certificates must be provided (by owner) for pressure vessels and relief systems
tested in accordance with AS/NZS 3788. Pressure vessels are to be externally inspected every
two years and internally inspected every twelve years by a competent person.
Braking / Hydraulic
Check function of braking / hydraulic interlock to disable controls.
Check that equipment fitted with quick hitches have provision for a safety pin to retain the
implement and that the pin is correctly fitted on the quick hitch.
Quick Hitch
If safety pin is not provided, there must be other means to prevent the quick hitch from
releasing the implement while in operation.
For excavators up to 6 tonnes:
All TOPS must be designed, manufactured and installed as per ISO 12117 and must have a
compliance plate mounted on the structure.
Roll/Tip Over
Protection Structure
For excavators between 6 tonnes and 50 tonnes:
All ROPS must be designed, manufactured and installed as per ISO 12117-2 and must have a
compliance plate mounted on the structure.
For excavators greater than 50 tonnes:
ROPS are not required.
Provide occupants with a three point (or greater) inertia reel seat belt or two point inertia reel
seat belt where this is not practical.
Seatbelts and Seating
Seatbelts are not mandatory for 350 t or larger excavators / shovels.
Check that the seat does not have excessive movement and all adjustments are working.
Tyre wheel and track assemblies must be free of abnormal damage, deterioration or uneven
Tyres, Wheels and
Tracks – Non-Road
Under Carriage
Check that rims and tyre are OEM approved for the equipment.
Check that rims and tyres 600 mm (24 inch) or larger have a unique identification system in
place. Equipment owners must provide evidence of current service hours and/or last rim
inspection report compiling to the requirements of AS 4457.
Check the track frames, tracks, rollers and idlers for any signs of significant cracks and wear
Check that all bolts and fixings are in good condition and fit for purpose.
Wear Plate
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Wear plate material in excess of 500mm long and 200mm wide, excluding horizontal wear
plates typically 200mm wide across the width of the bucket, or wear plate material the requires
additional forming in excess of 20mm to match the required profile of the bucket are prohibited.
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Compliance Item
For excavators/shovels up to 50 tonnes:
Must have OEM specification laminated glass “L” as a minimum.
Window Front
For excavators/shovels greater than 50 tonnes:
Must have high performance “HP” laminated safety glass as a minimum.
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Appendix K – Track Dozers
Compliance Item
For non-standard access systems, check for appropriate railing, step/grab handle combinations
and boarding facilities to allow safe and efficient access and egress of the equipment.
Check that the machine has two means of egress from the operators cabin with at least one
means of easy egress (normal access), and 1 means of emergency egress.
The emergency egress point shall be provided at a different location on the machine than that
of the primary access system.
Check that the bottom step of any fixed access system does not exceed 700 mm from ground
level with equipment in normal stationary position. Where there are retractable access ladders,
this value cannot exceed 400mm.
The maintenance step-down entry onto the tracks does not require a self-closing gate on the
platform unless the distance exceeds 700mm.
Dozers of 70 ton size or larger must have a functional primary access ladder.
Check that all horizontal surfaces accessed by the operator are non-slip.
Access and Egress
Check that personnel are able to maintain three points of contact while ascending or
descending equipment. The surface of every tread must be slip-resistant and the edge clearly
For handrails / handholds on access systems, top rails must be not less than 850mm nor more
than 1100mm above the step or stairway, and the intermediate rails must be parallel to the top
rail with a maximum distance of 550mm between.
Where retractable access systems on Earth Moving Equipment are fitted:
If the operator cabin is >2m above the ground, the operation of the retractable access
system must be possible from the ground, or a secondary access system must be
The movement of powered retractable access systems must stop when the control is
released (constant positive action).
Controls must not be mounted under the zone of the lowering step ladders.
Controls must be clearly labelled at the point(s) of intended operation.
An external audible warning alarm shall be activated by the actuation of the control
and continue until the control is released.
Top rails must be not less than 1000mm nor more than 1100mm above standing level of a
platform or walkway, and the intermediate rails must be parallel to the top rail with a maximum
distance of 550mm between.
Platforms and
Check that all personnel are able to carry out normal duties without leaving a designated
walkway, access platform or the ground; and where this is not practicable and leaves the
potential for a person to fall more than 1.8 metres, where fitted an engineered harness
attachment point must be certified and indicated.
Platforms above 1.8 metres must have foot barriers (kick rail) installed on handrails, between
50mm and 100mm in height.
Bonded Windows
Version 5.0 (19 October 2022)
Mandatory for Underhand Retrieval or Stacker/Reclaimer Dozers.
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Compliance Item
The cabin dust control system must be fitted and must reduce the operator’s exposure to
respirable silica and coal dust, ensuring:
Cabin Dust Control
A fresh air supply filtered through a minimum HEPA H13 media,
The cabin pressurisation system operates from the ignition,
Pressurisation to a minimum of either;
50Pa above atmospheric pressure by means of verifying a gauge readout, or
20Pa, if an audible and visual alarm is installed and indicates when
pressurisation drops below 20Pa.
For Underhand Retrieval or Stacker/Reclaimer Dozers:
Chemically strengthened cabin glass, capable of withstanding engulfment pressure of at least
275kPa (40psi)
For all other Dozers less than 50 tonnes:
Minimum Laminated “L” Safety Glass is required.
For all other Dozers greater than 50 tonnes:
Minimum High Performance “HP” Laminated Safety Glass is required.
Cabin Glass
Example glass label indicating HP testing against AS/NZS 2080.
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Compliance Item
The position of any instrumentation fitted into the cabin must minimize the potential for head
strike, and allow adequate visibility for the operator.
Cabin Mounted
Door Open Catches
Confirm the door is fitted with catches or a means to secure the door in the open position.
External E-Stop
Must be a push-to-stop design, with a protective shroud to prevent unintended activation.
Falling Object
Protective Structure
FOPS must be designed, manufactured, and installed as per ISO 3449 / AS 2294.1, and the
compliance plate must be mounted to the structure.
Must have two 4.5 kg / hand-held, dry chemical powder.
One located near the access point (can be located on the platform end of the access
point, if it cannot be mounted within reach of the ground).
One located on the upper deck.
Fire Extinguishers
Fire extinguishers must be inspected and tested in accordance with AS 1851
Fire Suppression
A Fire Suppression must be fitted and meets the requirements of Fire Suppression Systems
Section 2.3.
Flashing beacon must be fitted and be visible from all angles of approach (360°).
Colour requirements:
Flashing Beacon
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Blue for autonomous equipment,
Green for manually operated equipment.
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Compliance Item
Check for any degradation in the fuel system.
Check that all fuel pipes are routed in a manner which gives them maximum mechanical
protection and away from hot engine surfaces.
Where required check removable caps is in place.
Fuel System
Global Positioning
Where high flow / quick fill arrangements are present;
Tank breather/vent overflow hoses must go to ground,
Tank breathers/vents are fitted, serviceable, and functional,
Quick fill couplings (tank receivers) are serviceable, free from damage and functional.
Mandatory for Underhand Retrieval or Stacker/Reclaimer Dozers.
Check degradation of hoses, all hoses are suitably supported and segregated to prevent
rubbing, all pins and clips for visual signs of wear or damage.
Inspect all hydraulic hoses / fitting / cylinders / control valves for visible cuts, signs of wear or
damaged outer casings.
Hydraulic Hoses,
Cylinders and Fittings
That suitable guarding has been installed for hydraulic hoses, located within 1.0 m of the
operator control station(s).
Steel guarding or burst sleeving is adequate where no other component or structure performs
this function however glass is not sufficient for this purpose.
For flexible hydraulic hoses in close proximity to hot engine components (turbo/exhaust)
without suitable lagging, they must be fitted with thermal and/or burst protection. If burst
sleeving has been installed, check that both ends of the hose are secured as per OEM
Where an immobilising interlock integrated with the park brake system is provided, check that
the interlock functions as intended by the designer or OEM.
Park Brake Interlock /
Where there is no immobilising interlock, check that there is an audible and/or visual alert that
warns the operator when the park brake is not applied and the operator leaves the seat, or
opens the cabin door.
Perform a visual inspection to ensure that the pressure vessel is in a fit and safe condition for
For pressure vessels containing compressed air with a pV value (MPa.L) greater than
Pressure Vessels
Current test certificates must be provided (by owner) for pressure vessels and relief systems
tested in accordance with AS/NZS 3788. Pressure vessels are to be externally inspected every
two years and internally inspected every four years by a competent person.
For accumulators containing oil with a pV value (MPa.L) greater than 200:
Current test certificates must be provided (by owner) for pressure vessels and relief systems
tested in accordance with AS/NZS 3788. Pressure vessels are to be externally inspected every
two years and internally inspected every twelve years by a competent person.
Roll Over Protective
Structure (ROPS)
Version 5.0 (19 October 2022)
ROPS must be designed, manufactured, and installed as per ISO 3471 / AS 2294.1, and the
compliance plate must be mounted to the structure.
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Compliance Item
Seatbelts and Seating
Provide occupants with a three point (or greater) inertia reel seat belt or two point inertia reel
seat belt where this is not practical.
Check that the seat does not have excessive movement and all adjustments are working.
Starter Isolator and
Ground Mounted EStop
Under Carriage
Starter Isolator and Ground Mounted E Stop must be fitted on either the ripper frame, or
mounted at an equivalent height from ground at a similar location.
Check the track frames, tracks, rollers and idlers for any signs of significant cracks and wear
Check that all bolts and fixings are in good condition and fit for purpose.
Wear Plates
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Blade skins / wear plates are not holed or torn.
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Appendix L – Rubber Tyred Equipment and Compactors (e.g.
Grader / Loader / Scraper / Dozer / IT)
Compliance Item
For non-standard access systems, check appropriate railing, step/grab handle combinations and
boarding facilities to allow safe and efficient access and egress of the equipment.
Check that the machine has two means of egress from the operators cabin with at least one
means of easy egress (normal access), and 1 means of emergency egress (the bottom step is a
Max 700mm from the ground).
The primary access bottom step shall not exceed 400mm from ground level with equipment
safely parked on level ground. Where this is not practical, the following alternatives to achieve
400mm shall be provided. Either:
A retractable access system (manual or powered), or
Flexibly mounted access steps complying with AS 5327 clause 8.2.7.
Primary access systems and emergency egress systems shall not be made of wire rope/chain
and can consist of no more than 2 flexible rungs. Where this cannot be achieved for primary
access systems, a powered access system must be fitted. Refer to below table for powered
access system requirements on Rubber Tyred Equipment:
Access and Egress
Access System
Loaders /
Wheeled Dozers
When the cabin floor is less than 2.0m from the ground level
IT Loaders
When the cabin floor height is less than that of a Caterpillar
657 or equivalent.
When the cabin floor height is less than a Caterpillar 16 or
Check that all horizontal surfaces accessed by the operator are non-slip, and that all access
steps leading edges are clearly highlighted and non-slip. Check that personnel are able to
maintain three points of contact while ascending or descending equipment.
For handrails / handholds on access systems, top rails must be not less than 850mm nor more
than 1100mm above the step or stairway, and the intermediate rails must be parallel to the top
rail with a maximum distance of 550mm between.
Check that openings in guardrails for access stairways or ladders are fitted with a hard barrier
(emergency egress only). Chains are not acceptable as a barrier. The emergency egress point
shall be provided at a different location on the machine than that of the primary access system.
Where retractable access systems on Earth Moving Equipment are fitted:
Version 5.0 (19 October 2022)
If the operator cabin is >2m above the ground, the operation of the retractable access
system must be possible from the ground, or a secondary access system must be
The movement of powered retractable access systems must stop when the control is
released (constant positive action).
Controls must not be mounted under the zone of the lowering stairways.
Controls must be clearly labelled at the point(s) of intended operation.
An external audible warning alarm shall be activated by the actuation of the control and
continue until the control is released.
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Compliance Item
Top rails must be not less than 1000mm nor more than 1100mm above standing level of a
platform or walkway, and the intermediate rails must be parallel to the top rail with a maximum
distance of 550mm between.
Platforms and
Check that all personnel are able to carry out normal duties without leaving a designated
walkway, access platform or the ground, and where this is not practicable and leaves the
potential for a person to fall more than 1.8 metres, a harness attachment point and lanyard
system must be provided and indicated.
Platforms above 1.8 metres must have foot barriers (kick rail) installed on handrails, between
50mm and 100mm in height.
Air System
Check that the connection between the air compressor and air receiver has been achieved using
hard pipe or PTFE lined flexible hose.
Check that all air hoses are free from damage and are suitably clamped
The cabin dust control system must be fitted and must reduce the operator’s exposure to
respirable silica and coal dust, ensuring:
A fresh air supply filtered through a minimum HEPA H13 media,
The cabin pressurisation system operates from the ignition,
Pressurisation to a minimum of either;
Cabin Dust Control
50Pa above atmospheric pressure by means of verifying a gauge readout, or
20Pa, if an audible and visual alarm is installed and indicates when pressurisation
drops below 20Pa.
Falling Object
Protective Structure
For Scrapers, Loaders, and Wheeled Dozers, this requirement is mandatory from 30th
June, 2023.
For Graders, IT Carriers, and all other machines; this requirement is only mandatory for
any machines procured after 1st January 2020, or if an existing machine undergoes a
major overhaul.
FOPS must be designed, manufactured, and installed as per ISO 3449 / AS 2294.1, and the
compliance plate must be mounted to the structure.
Must have two 4.5 kg / hand-held, dry chemical powder.
Fire Extinguishers
One located near the access point,
One located on the upper deck.
Fire extinguishers must be inspected and tested in accordance with AS 1851
Fire Suppression
Version 5.0 (19 October 2022)
A fire suppression system must meet the requirements of the Fire Suppression Systems Section
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Compliance Item
Flashing beacon must be fitted, visible from all angles of approach (360°), and be able to be
turned off.
Flashing Beacon
Colour requirements:
Blue for autonomous equipment,
Green for manually operated equipment.
Forklift tines and lifting attachments should be in good condition, free from purpose affecting
Forklift Tines and
Lifting Attachments
Lifting attachments must have a manufactures label and a Working Load Limit diagram and
where required, a compliance plate.
Equipment used for lifting must be fitted with anti-drop / anti-burst / non-return valve systems or
Check for any degradation in the fuel system.
Check that all fuel pipes are routed in a manner which gives them maximum mechanical
protection and away from hot engine surfaces.
Where required check removable caps is in place.
Fuel System
Hydraulic Function
Where high flow / quick fill arrangements are present;
Tank breather/vent overflow hoses must go to ground,
Tank breathers/vents are fitted, serviceable, and functional,
Quick fill couplings (tank receivers) are serviceable, free from damage and functional.
Confirm operation of hydraulic function immobiliser (where fitted) is operating as per the OEM
Check degradation of hoses, all hoses are suitably supported and segregated to prevent
rubbing, all pins and clips for visual signs of wear or damage, Jacking rams are fitted with steel
supply pipe. Inspect all hydraulic hoses / fitting / cylinders / control valves for visible cuts, signs
of wear or damaged outer casings.
Hydraulic Hoses,
Cylinders and
Check that suitable guarding has been installed for hydraulic hoses, located within 1.0 m of the
operator control station(s). Steel guarding or burst sleeving is adequate where no other
component or structure performs this function however glass is not sufficient for this purpose.
For flexible hydraulic hoses in close proximity to hot engine components (turbo/exhaust) without
suitable lagging, they must be fitted with thermal and/or burst protection. If burst sleeving has
been installed, check that both ends of the hose are secured as per OEM recommendations.
Lifting Points
All lifting points (for lifting freely suspended loads, not the machine itself) are painted and
labelled with the Rated Capacity (RC) indicated.
Lifting points are to be visually inspection for damage.
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Compliance Item
Where an immobilising interlock integrated with the park brake system is provided, check that
the interlock functions as intended by the designer or OEM.
Park Brake
Where there is no immobilising interlock, check that there is an audible and visual alert that
warns the operator when the park brake is not applied and the operator leaves the seat, or
opens the cabin door.
Check function of audible and/or visual alarms for when the park brake is applied and it is
attempted to be put into gear.
Perform a visual inspection to ensure that the pressure vessel is in a fit and safe condition for
For pressure vessels containing compressed air with a pV value (MPa.L) greater than
Pressure Vessels
Current test certificates must be provided (by owner) for pressure vessels and relief systems
tested in accordance with AS/NZS 3788. Pressure vessels are to be externally inspected every
two years and internally inspected every four years by a competent person.
For accumulators containing oil with a pV value (MPa.L) greater than 200:
Current test certificates must be provided (by owner) for pressure vessels and relief systems
tested in accordance with AS/NZS 3788. Pressure vessels are to be externally inspected every
two years and internally inspected every twelve years by a competent person.
Roll Over Protective
Structure (ROPS)
Seatbelts and
Steering Lock Bar
for Articulated Plant
ROPS must be designed, manufactured, and installed as per ISO 3471 / AS 2294.1, and the
compliance plate must be mounted to the structure.
Provide occupants with a three point (or greater) inertia reel seat belt or two point inertia reel
seat belt where this is not practical.
Check that the seat does not have excessive movement and all adjustments are working.
Articulated Plant (excluding scrapers) requires a means to prevent movement of the articulated
Tyre and rim assemblies must be free of abnormal damage, deterioration or uneven wear.
Check that rims and tyre are OEM approved for the equipment.
Tyres and Wheels –
Non-Road Going
Check that rims and tyres 600 mm (24 inch) or larger have a unique identification system in
Equipment owners must provide evidence of current service hours and/or last rim inspection
report compiling to the requirements of AS 4457.
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Appendix M – Rear & Belly Dump / ADT / Heavy Earth Moving Floats
/ Water & Service Truck (excludes all Medium Vehicles)
Compliance Item
For non-standard primary access systems, check for appropriate railing, step/grab handle
combinations and boarding facilities to allow safe and efficient access and egress of the
equipment and free of twisted and bent treads / rails.
Check that the machine has a minimum of two means of egress from the operator’s cabin and
free of twisted and bent treads / rails.
The primary access bottom step shall not exceed 400mm from ground level with equipment
safely parked on level ground. Where this is not practical, the following alternatives to achieve
400mm shall be provided. Either:
A retractable access system (manual or powered), or
Flexibly mounted access steps complying with AS 5327 clause 8.2.7.
Where retractable access systems on Earth Moving Equipment are fitted:
Access and Egress
If the operator cabin is >2m above the ground, the operation of the retractable access
system must be possible from the ground, or a secondary access system must be
The movement of powered retractable access systems must stop when the control is
released (constant positive action).
Controls must not be mounted under the zone of the lowering stairways.
Controls must be clearly labelled at the point(s) of intended operation.
An external audible warning alarm shall be activated by the actuation of the control
and continue until the control is released.
Check that all access steps leading edges are clearly highlighted and non-slip.
Check that personnel are able to maintain two points of contact on stairs and 3 points of
contact on ladders while ascending or descending equipment.
For handrails / handholds on access systems, top rails must be not less than 850mm nor more
than 1100mm above the step or stairway, and the intermediate rails must be parallel to the top
rail with a maximum distance of 550mm between.
Check that openings in guardrails for access stairways or ladders are fitted with a hard barrier
(emergency egress only). Chains are not acceptable as a barrier.
The emergency egress point shall be provided at a different location on the machine than that
of the primary access system.
Top rails must be not less than 1000mm nor more than 1100mm above standing level of a
platform or walkway, and the intermediate rails must be parallel to the top rail with a maximum
distance of 550mm between.
Platforms and
Check that all personnel are able to carry out normal duties without leaving a designated
walkway, access platform or the ground, and where this is not practicable and leaves the
potential for a person to fall more than 1.8 metres, a harness attachment point and lanyard
system must be provided and indicated.
Platforms above 1.8 metres must have foot barriers (kick rail) installed on handrails, between
50mm and 100mm in height.
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Compliance Item
Air System
Check that the connection between the air compressor and air receiver has been achieved
using hard pipe or PTFE lined flexible hose.
Check that all air hoses are free from damage and are suitably clamped.
All Water Trucks must contain baffles.
Body Restraint
(including Doors for
Belly Dumps)
Rear dump, belly dump and water trucks must be provided with a means of restraining the
body when in the raised position for inspection or maintenance.
Restraints must be free from cracks and corrosion with no visible signs of degradation.
The cabin dust control system must be fitted and must reduce the operator’s exposure to
respirable silica and coal dust, ensuring:
Cabin Dust Control
A fresh air supply filtered through a minimum HEPA H13 media,
The cabin pressurisation system operates from the ignition,
Pressurisation to a minimum of either;
50Pa above atmospheric pressure by means of verifying a gauge readout, or
20Pa, if an audible and visual alarm is installed and indicates when
pressurisation drops below 20Pa.
[Note: this requirement is only mandatory for any machines procured after 1st January 2020, or
if an existing machine undergoes a major overhaul].
Driver Behaviour
All EME Haul Trucks, EME Water Trucks, and EME Service Trucks must have a driver
behaviour monitoring system that monitors, detects, and provides in-cabin alerts for distraction,
loss of attention, eye closure (drowsiness), and verifies improper electronic device use.
[Note: this requirement will be mandatory from 1st April, 2023].
Falling Object
Protection Structure
FOPS must be designed, manufactured, and installed as per ISO 3449 / AS 2294.1, and the
compliance plate must be mounted to the structure.
Rear Dump Trays
Any tray with a headboard that extends over the vehicles cabin must have driver mirror
protection from falling rocks e.g. Eyebrow.
Must have two 4.5 kg / hand-held, dry chemical powder.
Fire Extinguishers
One located near the access point
One located on the upper deck
Fire extinguishers must be inspected and tested in accordance with AS 1851.
Fire Suppression
Version 5.0 (19 October 2022)
A Fire Suppression System must be fitted and meets the requirements of Fire Suppression
Systems Section 2.3.
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Compliance Item
Haul trucks require a coloured strobe / chaser light on the front of the truck.
Flashing beacon/strobe to be visible from all angles of approach (360°) (excluding rear dump
haul trucks).
Flashing Beacon
Colour requirements for strobes and flashing beacons:
Blue for autonomous equipment,
Green for manually operated equipment.
Check that all hoses are free from degradation and contamination. Check that hoses are free
from kinking and distortion which could also affect fluid/airflow and are routed in a manner
which gives them maximum mechanical protection and away from hot surfaces.
If a filtered breather system is used, Inspect the serviceable filter element for condition.
Fuel System
Where high flow / quick fill arrangements are present;
Tank breather/vent overflow hoses must go to ground,
Tank breathers/vents are fitted, serviceable, and functional,
Quick fill couplings (tank receivers) are serviceable, free from damage and functional.
Where an immobilising interlock integrated with the park brake system is provided, check that
the interlock functions as intended by the designer or OEM.
Park Brake
Where there is no immobilising interlock, check that there is an audible and visual alert that
warns the operator when the park brake is not applied and the operator leaves the seat, or
opens the cabin door.
Check function of audible and/or visual alarms for when the park brake is applied and it is
attempted to be put into gear.
Inspect all hydraulic hoses / fitting / cylinders / control valves for visible cuts, signs of wear or
damaged outer casings, all hoses are suitably supported and segregated to prevent rubbing;
all pins and clips for visual signs of wear or damage; jacking rams are fitted with load
locks/locking taps and steel supply pipe.
Check that fitted pressure gauges are operational.
Hydraulic Hoses,
Cylinders and Fittings
That suitable guarding has been installed for hydraulic hoses, located within 1.0 m of the
operator control station(s). Steel guarding or burst sleeving is adequate where no other
component or structure performs this function however glass is not sufficient for this purpose.
For flexible hydraulic hoses in close proximity to hot engine components (turbo/exhaust)
without suitable lagging, they must be fitted with thermal and/or burst protection. If burst
sleeving has been installed, check that both ends of the hose are secured as per OEM
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Compliance Item
Perform a visual inspection to ensure that the pressure vessel is in a fit and safe condition for
For pressure vessels containing compressed air with a pV value (MPa.L) greater than
Pressure Vessels
Current test certificates must be provided (by owner) for pressure vessels and relief systems
tested in accordance with AS/NZS 3788. Pressure vessels are to be externally inspected every
two years and internally inspected every four years by a competent person.
For accumulators containing oil with a pV value (MPa.L) greater than 200:
Current test certificates must be provided (by owner) for pressure vessels and relief systems
tested in accordance with AS/NZS 3788. Pressure vessels are to be externally inspected every
two years and internally inspected every twelve years by a competent person.
QRT Hydrant Valve
Queensland Round Thread (QRT) to be fitted on water trucks. This is to allow access to water
by site emergency vehicle in the event of a fire.
Raised Body Alarm
All vehicles fitted with tilt bodies will be required to have an audible and/or visual raised body
alarm fitted and operational whilst the rear dump body is elevated and an attempt is made to
move the vehicle.
ROPS must be designed, manufactured, and installed as per ISO 3471 / AS 2294.1, and the
compliance plate must be mounted to the structure.
Roll Over Protective
Structure (ROPS)
Seatbelts and Seating
For rigid frame dump trucks without a body (e.g. tray or water module), such as a converted
Float, the ROPS compliance plate must indicate it has been tested as a Tractor, not a Dumper,
as the cabin is the highest point of the machine.
Provide occupants with a three point (or greater) inertia reel seat belt or two point inertia reel
seat belt where this is not practical.
For Service Trucks only:
Reels, hoses and hand pieces must be in good working order, free from degradation, cuts,
burrs and leaks.
All hoses are a retractable configuration and set with hose stops.
Service Modules
Door cabinets need to be in good working order, including door catches and/or struts.
Eye wash stations (fixed or portable) must be labelled and in date.
Emergency stop must be in close proximity to service module at operator’s control station.
Safety Data Sheet (SDS) to be located inside cabin for on-board fluids.
Steering Lock Bar for
Articulated Plant
Articulated Plant requires a means to prevent movement of the articulated joint.
Tyre and wheel assemblies must be free of abnormal damage, deterioration or uneven wear.
Tyres and Wheels –
Non-Road Going
Version 5.0 (19 October 2022)
Check that rims and tyre are OEM approved for the equipment.
Check that rims and tyres 600 mm (24 inch) or larger have a unique identification system in
place. Equipment owners must provide evidence of current service hours and/or last rim
inspection report compiling to the requirements of AS 4457.
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Compliance Item
Water Flow Control
Where heavy vehicle water trucks are not fitted with an automatic spray control system (e.g.
Cat System), they must be fitted with an alternative variable water flow system that allows the
operator to effectively control water output.
All water trucks must be fitted with an override functionality to allow full pump operation in an
emergency situation.
Water Cannons
Water Trucks (excluding potable water trucks) must have a water cannon fitted and functional.
Water Truck Control
Systems Positioning
Water Truck dispersal controls must be placed within the peripheral vision of the operator while
in the normal operating position.
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Appendix N – Blast Hole Drills
Compliance Item
For non-standard access systems, check for appropriate railing, step/grab handle combinations
and boarding facilities to allow safe and efficient access and egress of the equipment.
All Blast Hole Drills must have a retractable access system with the below specifications:
If the operator cabin is >2m above the ground, the operation of the retractable access
system must be possible from the ground, or a secondary access system must be
The movement of powered retractable access systems must stop when the control is
released (constant positive action).
Controls must not be mounted under the zone of the lowering stairways.
Inserts must be installed within handrails that have the potential to intersect with one
another while the lowering/raising function is active.
Controls must be clearly labelled at the point(s) of intended operation.
An external audible warning alarm shall be activated by the actuation of the control
and continue until the control is released.
Check that the machine has two means of egress from the operators cabin with at least one
means of easy egress (normal access), and 1 means of emergency egress.
Access and Egress
The emergency egress point shall be provided at a different location on the machine than that
of the primary access system.
Primary access must be a dropdown stairway or ramp. The primary access bottom step shall
not exceed 400mm from ground level with equipment safely parked on level ground. Where
this is not practical, the following alternatives to achieve 400mm shall be provided. Either:
A retractable access system (manual or powered), or
Flexibly mounted access steps complying with AS 5327 clause 8.2.7.
Check that all horizontal surfaces accessed by the operator are non-slip.
Check that all access steps leading edges are clearly highlighted and non-slip.
Check that personnel are able to maintain three points of contact while ascending or
descending ladders/step-ladders.
Check that there are gates/hard barrier to control access to the deck area or where there is any
potential of a 1.8 metre fall. Chains are not acceptable as a barrier.
For handrails / handholds on access systems, top rails must be not less than 850mm nor more
than 1100mm above the step or stairway, and the intermediate rails must be parallel to the top
rail with a maximum distance of 550mm between.
Top rails must be not less than 1000mm nor more than 1100mm above standing level of a
platform or walkway, and the intermediate rails must be parallel to the top rail with a maximum
distance of 550mm between.
Platforms and
Check that all personnel are able to carry out normal duties without leaving a designated
walkway, access platform or the ground, and where this is not practicable and leaves the
potential for a person to fall more than 1.8 metres, a harness attachment point and lanyard
system must be provided and indicated (including Mast Up and Mast Down).
Platforms above 1.8 metres must have foot barriers (kick rail) installed on handrails, between
50mm and 100mm in height.
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Document ID # 000205127
Compliance Item
Air System
Check that the connection between the air compressor and air receiver has been achieved
using hard pipe or PTFE lined flexible hose.
Check that all air hoses are free from damage and are suitably clamped.
Bull Hose Whip
Restraint Fitted
All outlet ends of hoses must have a means of whip restraint to the hose in place and they
must be attached in a safe and secure manner to the body of the machine (chains wrapped
around hoses will not be acceptable) that is not guarded.
Whip check anchor are to be securely mounted at even spacing’s around the flange.
The cabin dust control system must be fitted and must reduce the operator’s exposure to
respirable silica and coal dust, ensuring:
Cabin Dust Control
Controls & Interlock
Safety Devices
A fresh air supply filtered through a minimum HEPA H13 media,
The cabin pressurisation system operates from the ignition,
Pressurisation to a minimum of either;
50Pa above atmospheric pressure by means of verifying a gauge readout, or
20Pa, if an audible and visual alarm is installed and indicates when
pressurisation drops below 20Pa.
Cameras must be operational where fitted.
Interlock switch on the operator’s cabin door to immobilise rotating equipment when accessing
drill deck area.
A lockable isolator to isolate hydraulic operation to be located within the cabin and/or at access
to drill deck to be used during drill bit changes.
All Blast Hole Drills must have a documented Dropped Objects Survey (completed and signed
by a competent Engineer) and evidence of a periodic review process (no greater than 3
Dropped Objects
DROPS Recommended Practice is an accepted reference document.
All dropped objects hazards in the Dropped Objects Survey must be identified, assessed, and
[Note: where modifications to fixed objects >1.8m from ground are conducted, equipment
owners are to ensure the Dropped Objects Survey is re-assessed.]
Emergency Stops
Emergency stops must be uniquely identified and located at a minimum: Cabin, accessible
from ground, drill deck, and engine bay.
Falling Object
Protective Structure
FOPS must be designed, manufactured, and installed as per ISO 3449 / AS 2294, and the
compliance plate must be mounted to the structure.
Must have a minimum of two 4.5 kg / hand-held, dry chemical powder.
one located near the access point (can be located on the platform end of the access
point, if it cannot be mounted within reach of the ground)
one located on the upper deck
Fire Extinguishers
Fire extinguishers must be inspected and tested in accordance with AS 1851.
First Aid Kit
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Check that a first aid kit/trauma pack is available and stocked.
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Compliance Item
Flashing light(s) must be fitted, visible from all angles of approach (360°), and be able to be
turned off.
Flashing Light
Colour requirements:
Blue for autonomous equipment,
Green for manually operated equipment.
Check for any degradation in the fuel system.
Check that all fuel pipes are routed in a manner which gives them maximum mechanical
protection and away from hot engine surfaces.
Where required check removable caps is in place.
Fuel System
Where high flow / quick fill arrangements are present;
GPS Receivers
Tank breather/vent overflow hoses must go to ground,
Tank breathers/vents are fitted, serviceable, and functional,
Quick fill couplings (tank receivers) are serviceable, free from damage and functional.
GPS Receivers shall not be mounted on the mast.
Check degradation of hoses, all hoses are suitably supported and segregated to prevent
rubbing, and all pins and clips for visual signs of wear or damage. Jacking rams are fitted with
load locks/locking taps and steel supply pipe. Inspect all hydraulic hoses / fitting / cylinders /
control valves for visible cuts, signs of wear or damaged outer casings. Pressure gauges are in
place and operational with safe operating pressure clearly identified.
Hydraulic Hoses,
Cylinders and Fittings
Check that suitable guarding has been installed for hydraulic hoses, located within 1.0 m of the
operator control station(s). Steel guarding or burst sleeving is adequate where no other
component or structure performs this function however glass is not sufficient for this purpose.
For flexible hydraulic hoses in close proximity to hot engine components (turbo/exhaust)
without suitable lagging, they must be fitted with thermal and/or burst protection. If burst
sleeving has been installed, check that both ends of the hose are secured as per OEM
All Blast Hole Drills shall have a dual axis inclinometer fitted in the operator’s cabin within clear
visibility of the operator. The inclinometer shall have the ability to set an audible alarm for both
tramming and jacking stability limits (in % and degrees).
[Note: this requirement will be mandatory from 1st January, 2023]
Any Inverter fitted must have an RCD fitted and Electrical inspection.
Winch or lifting device has a current annual inspection (by third party specialist) and evidence
is supplied.
Lifting / Winching
Ensure there is no damage to either structures or cables (check as per winch rope
Condition of Slings and D-shackles should be checked for defects.
Mast Alarm
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Check that the drill rig mast has been fitted with a raise and lower warning alarm that warns all
persons within the work area.
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Compliance Item
Mast Safety Bar /
Ensure the mast has an appropriate method (e.g. bar/chain) of preventing drill rods falling from
the mast when in the upright position. Rod loaders to be fitted with audible alarm and a method
to ensure clamp does not slide.
“Rod in hole” interlock function must be in place to prohibit tramming while a rod is in the hole.
Check mast cable chain for broken links.
Perform a visual inspection to ensure that the pressure vessel is in a fit and safe condition for
For pressure vessels containing compressed air with a pV value (MPa.L) greater than
Pressure Vessels
Current test certificates must be provided (by owner) for pressure vessels and relief systems
tested in accordance with AS/NZS 3788. Pressure vessels are to be externally inspected every
two years and internally inspected every four years by a competent person.
For accumulators containing oil with a pV value (MPa.L) greater than 200:
Current test certificates must be provided (by owner) for pressure vessels and relief systems
tested in accordance with AS/NZS 3788. Pressure vessels are to be externally inspected every
two years and internally inspected every twelve years by a competent person.
Check that the seat does not have excessive movement and all adjustments are working.
Skirts (Dust Control)
Skirting must be fitted and in good condition (no holes).
Stability Angle Plaque
All Blast Hole Drills shall have a plaque / sign in the operator’s cabin indicating indicating the
maximum safe stability angle (in % and degrees), for both tramming and jacking.
Deadman switch must be fitted (hold to Tram).
Under Carriage
Check the track frames, tracks, rollers and idlers for any signs of significant cracks and wear
Check that all bolts and fixings are in good condition and fit for purpose.
Main Drill Deck
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Must have high performance “HP” laminated safety glass as a minimum.
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Appendix O – Elevated Work Platforms
Compliance Item
Must be fitted with self-closing, inward opening gate. The gate will operate at all operating
angles of the machine. Chains or ropes must not be used.
Check that the bottom step of any access stairs/ladder does not exceed 400 mm from ground
level with equipment in normal stationary position.
Check that all horizontal surfaces accessed by the operator are non-slip.
Check that all access steps leading edges are clearly highlighted and non-slip.
Access, Egress,
Platforms and
Check that personnel are able to maintain three points of contact while ascending or
descending equipment.
Top rails must be not less than 900mm nor more than 1100mm above standing level of the
platform, and the intermediate rails must be parallel to the top rail with a maximum distance of
550mm between.
Check that all personnel are able to carry out normal duties without leaving a designated
walkway, access platform or the ground, and where this is not practicable and leaves the
potential for a person to fall more than 1.8 metres, a harness attachment point and lanyard
system must be provided and indicated.
Anchor Points
Anchor points must be fitted. Check for visible cracks and damage to all anchor points. Anchor
points should be clearly marked.
Basket Toe Board
Kick Plates must be fitted to the basket. 100mm high minimum and no more than 10mm
clearance to the floor of the basket.
Control Levers
External to Operators
Elevated Work Platforms must have OEM recommended operator control panel crush
protection fitted and operational.
Dead Man Control
A dead man control must be fitted. It must be functioning and effective.
Electrical Generators
Electrical generators must be functionally locked out/isolated whilst on BMA Operations.
Emergency Lowering
Emergency lowering mechanism is operational as per OEM specification.
Must have a 4.5 kg / hand-held, dry chemical powder, located on the drive unit.
Fire Extinguishers
Flashing Light
Fire extinguishers must be inspected and tested in accordance with AS 1851
Flashing light must be fitted, visible from all angles of approach (360°), and be able to be
turned off.
Must be an amber flashing light for normal operations.
Check for any degradation in the fuel system.
Check that all fuel pipes are routed in a manner which gives them maximum mechanical
protection and away from hot engine surfaces.
Fuel System
Where required check removable caps is in place.
Check that tank breather is fitted.
This requirement is not applicable for electric drive EWPs.
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Compliance Item
Ground Level
Ground level override must be fitted and operational to ensure control can be taken from the
ground and allow the unit to be lowered.
Check degradation of hoses, all hoses are suitably supported and segregated to prevent
rubbing, –and all pins and clips for visual signs of wear or damage. Jacking rams are fitted with
load locks/locking taps and steel supply pipe. Inspect all hydraulic hoses / fitting / cylinders /
control valves for visible cuts, signs of wear or damaged outer casings.
Hydraulic Hoses,
Cylinders and Fittings
Check that suitable guarding has been installed for hydraulic hoses, located within 1.0 m of the
operator control station(s). Steel guarding or burst sleeving is adequate where no other
component or structure performs this function.
For flexible hydraulic hoses in close proximity to hot engine components (turbo/exhaust)
without suitable lagging, they must be fitted with thermal and/or burst protection. If burst
sleeving has been installed, check that both ends of the hose are secured as per OEM
Pneumatic Lines and
Check for conditions of lines and fittings (if fitted).
For Boom Lift EWPs:
Sky Guards, Lift Guards or other proprietary protection devices must be fitted over the
operators control panel to prevent inadvertent operation due to contact with external structures.
Secondary Guards
Where no propriety secondary guard is available, an RPEQ must approve the design which
includes the ability to shut off the controls, when force is exerted on the guard.
For Scissor Lift EWPs:
Confirm that no implement on the operator’s control panel is above the top rail of the handrail.
Split Rims
Split rims are prohibited from use (excludes solid filled tyres mounted on split rims).
Stabiliser Interlock
Where an interlock is fitted it must prevent operation unless the stabilisers are out and locked
in position.
Copies of the current statutory inspections must be available on the equipment.
Statutory Inspections
90 days, Yearly, (if applicable, 10 Yearly, and 5 yearly thereafter).
Tilt Out Alarm
Tyres, Wheels and
Check that a tilt out alarm has been fitted to all EWP and must activate automatically when
travelling on slopes greater than the safe limits.
Tyre wheel and track assemblies must be free of abnormal damage, deterioration or uneven
Check that rims and tyre are OEM approved for the equipment.
Equipment to be fitted with manually operated audible warning device e.g. Horn.
An automatically operating tramming alarm must be fitted and operational.
Warning Device
Working Load
Version 5.0 (19 October 2022)
Note: For JLG Models 660SJ, 860SJ, 1200SJP, 1350SJP, 1500SJ, 1500AJP, 1850SJ confirm
there is an audible alarm which activates in the operators basket to warn about the critical
condition of the EWP (Cable Service Indicator).
The EWP must have a compliance plate stating the maximum working load limit.
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Appendix P – Transportable Buildings
Typically small transportable buildings utilised in operations relate to Class 5 (occupied work spaces that are not
accommodation units) and Class 6 (eating room) as per National Construction Code (NCC) – Part A3.
Compliance Item
Check that access and egress points are free from obstruction and in a safe location.
If the Transportable Building has stairs / platforms (e.g. Mobile Crib Hut), they must adhere to
AS 1657, including:
Access, Egress,
Platforms and
Check that all access steps leading edges are clearly highlighted and non-slip.
Check that personnel are able to maintain three points of contact while ascending or
descending building access.
Top rails must be not less than 900mm above standing level of a platform or walkway
and the intermediate rails must be parallel to the top rail with a maximum distance of
450mm between.
Check that air conditioners are secured and clean.
Air Conditioning
Check that all air conditioners are functional as part of the electrical inspection.
Note: Not mandatory for toilet blocks where there is ventilation present.
Anchor Points
Check that anchor points are fitted and identified.
The anchor points must be attached to, or part of, a structural component of the building.
Building Compliance
Transportable buildings must have a Compliance plate that identifies the maximum wind rating.
For example: Region C (wind speed = 69.3 m/s).
Check for function of hinges, door closer and door furniture.
Confirm the door is fitted with catches or a means to secure the door in the open position.
Check that all door seals are free from cracks / deformation.
Must have a minimum of one 4.5 kg / hand-held, dry chemical powder per 100m2 of floor area.
Fire Extinguishers
Fire extinguishers must be inspected and tested in accordance with AS 1851
First Aid Kits
Check that a wall mounted first aid kit / trauma pack is available in transportable crib rooms.
Glands / Bushing of
Check that where wiring is threaded through conduits, partition walls etc. should be adequately
glanded or bushed so that wiring and cabling does not come in contact with any surfaces that
may degrade the sheathing or insulation of any wiring.
Lifting Points
Where fitted, lifting points are painted and labelled with the Working Load Limit (WLL)
Lifting points are to be visually inspected for cracks or deformation.
Check that all lighting is functional.
Access stairs (if fitted) must be illuminated.
Check that there is emergency evacuation lighting installed.
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Compliance Item
Check plumbing systems for damage.
Plumbing Systems
If fitted check there is a facility for waste pumping.
Buildings with belly tanks for waste must be vented at least 1m above the roof line.
Potable Water
Check that the potable water container has cover to prevent contamination to the water supply.
Smoke Alarms
Smoke alarms must be fitted and operational.
Test and Tag
All Power leads and appliances such as fridges, water boilers and air conditioning units must
have current test and tag label.
Windows and Window
Check that windows and window seals are free from cracks or damage.
Check operation of window frames, locks and latches.
Appendix Q – Transportable Compressor / Pump
Compliance Item
Air System
Check that the connection between the air compressor and air receiver has been achieved
using hard pipe or PTFE lined flexible hose.
Check that all air hoses are free from damage and are securely clamped.
Hose Whip Restraint
All outlet ends of hoses must have a means of whip restraint to the hose in place and they
must be attached in a safe and secure manner to the body of the machine (chains wrapped
around hoses will not be acceptable) that is not guarded.
Whip check anchor are to be securely mounted at even spacing’s around the flange.
Edge Protection
Handrails/Platforms must be in serviceable condition to prevent falls from equipment were the
edge is greater than 1.8 metres above ground.
Fire extinguishers are not required on portable equipment, i.e. equipment that can be carried
by two people or manually handled.
Fire Extinguishers
Fire extinguishers are required on transportable equipment (towed or mounted on skids).
Must have a minimum 4.5 kg / hand-held, dry chemical powder.
Fire extinguishers must be inspected and tested in accordance with AS 1851.
Check for any degradation in the fuel system.
Fuel System
Check that all fuel pipes are routed in a manner which gives them maximum mechanical
protection and away from hot engine surfaces.
Where required check removable caps is in place.
Check that tank breather is fitted.
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Compliance Item
Check: degradation of hoses; all hoses are suitably supported and segregated to prevent
rubbing; all pins and clips for visual signs of wear or damage; Inspect all hydraulic
hoses/fitting/cylinders/ control valves for visible cuts, signs of wear or damaged outer casings;
pressure gauges are in place and operational with safe operating pressure clearly identified.
Hoses, Cylinders and
Check that suitable guarding has been installed for hydraulic hoses, located within 1.0 m of the
operator control station(s). Steel guarding or burst sleeving is adequate where no other
component or structure performs this function however glass is not sufficient for this purpose.
Check that pneumatic hoses and valving outlet and inlets are positioned or guarded to not
pose a line of fire risk to personnel.
For flexible hydraulic hoses in close proximity to hot engine components (turbo/exhaust)
without suitable lagging, they must be fitted with thermal protection. If burst sleeving has been
installed, check that both ends of the hose are secured as per OEM recommendations.
Pump set winch or suction line lifting devices is in a serviceable condition.
Lifting / Winching
Ensure there is no damage to either structures or cables (check as per winch rope
Condition of slings and D-shackles should be checked for defects.
Working Load Limit (WLL) indicated on all Winching Equipment.
All lifting points are painted and labelled with the Working Load Limit (WLL) indicated.
Lifting Points
Lifting points are to be visually inspected for cracks or deformation.
Pontoon Pumps
Check that a pontoon displacement plaque is fitted to the pontoon.
Perform a visual inspection to ensure that the pressure vessel is in a fit and safe condition for
service. This includes verification that the receiver tank is securely mounted, that the receiver
tank element cover is secured, and that there is a suitable earth strap.
Pressure Vessels
For receiver tanks, check registration documentation and tank to ensure registration numbers
match. Receiver tanks made in serial are not required to be registered, but must have a serial
number engraved / stamped on the tank.For pressure vessels containing compressed air
with a pV value (MPa.L) greater than 150:
Pressure vessels are to be externally inspected every two years and internally inspected every
four years by a competent person as per AS/NZS 3788.
For accumulators containing oil with a pV value (MPa.L) greater than 200:
Pressure vessels are to be externally inspected every two years and internally inspected every
twelve years by a competent person as per AS/NZS 3788.
Current test certificates must be provided (by owner) for pressure relief systems in accordance
with AS/NZS 3788. These must be issued by an AICIP inspector.
Pressure Relief
Pressure relief valves must be facing away from hot parts, and be directed to a safe, visible
area away from personnel.
Identification and inspection plate must be fitted with an anti-tamper device.
For Transportable Pumps, verify that a maximum pressure of at most 1000psi is marked on the
identification plate.
Remote Emergency
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If the Transportable Compressor is used for drilling operations, a remote emergency stop is
required and must be able to be activated from the drilling console.
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Compliance Item
Towing Skid Mounted
Towing equipment (e.g. chains, hammer locks and shackles) are in good condition and
correctly rated for the equipment weight (minimum 2:1).
Appendix R – Transportable Diesel Welder / Generator / Lighting
Compliance Item
Boom (Lighting Plant)
Counter weight booms are not acceptable.
Control Levers
Lighting plants must have OEM recommended guarding for potential crushing hazards (i.e.
boom pinch points).
Must have a minimum 4.5 kg / hand-held, dry chemical powder.
Fire extinguishers must be inspected and tested in accordance with AS 1851.
Fire Extinguishers
For frame-mounted generators/welders, 1.5 kg fire extinguishers are permitted where 4.5 kg
extinguishers are not practical.
Check for any degradation in the fuel system.
Fuel System
Check that all fuel pipes are routed in a manner which gives them maximum mechanical
protection and away from hot engine surfaces.
Where required check removable caps is in place.
Check that tank breather is fitted.
Generator Mounting
Glands / Bushing of
For generators mounted to crib rooms, adequate rubber mounting must be present to dampen
vibration and noise protection barriers must be installed.
Check that where wiring is threaded through conduits, partition walls etc. should be adequately
glanded or bushed so that wiring and cabling does not come in contact with any surfaces that
may degrade the sheathing or insulation of any wiring.
Where Diesel Welder umbilical cable bundles are sheathed in lay-flat hose or similar, the
sheathing shall allow for daily removal for visual inspection of cables (e.g. Velcro) and be of
fire-resistant material.
Check degradation of hoses-all hoses are suitably supported and segregated to prevent
rubbing. All pins and clips for visual signs of wear or damage. Inspect all hydraulic
hoses/fitting/cylinders/ control valves for visible cuts, signs of wear or damaged outer casings.
Hydraulic Hoses,
Cylinders and Fittings
Check that suitable guarding has been installed for hydraulic hoses, located within 1.0 m of the
operator control station(s). Steel guarding or burst sleeving is adequate where no other
component or structure performs this function.
For flexible hydraulic hoses in close proximity to hot engine components (turbo/exhaust)
without suitable lagging, they must be fitted with thermal and/or burst protection. If burst
sleeving has been installed, check that both ends of the hose are secured as per OEM
Jacking or Levelling
Jacking rams are to be fitted with non-manually operated safety features to prevent hydraulic
creep and be fitted with steel supply pipes.
Where stabiliser interlocks are fitted, it must prevent operation unless the stabilisers are out
and locked in position.
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Compliance Item
All machine controls must be provided with clear signage to indicate function.
All lifting points are painted and labelled with the Working Load Limit (WLL) indicated.
Lifting Points
Lifting points are to be visually inspected for cracks or deformation.
Push Bar
Output Connections
For skid mounted ancillary equipment, heavy duty push bars must be fitted to both ends, and
they are to be sufficiently clear of the mounted equipment to minimise damage during pushing
into position. Ensure there are no sharp edges that could result in injury.
Check that the output connection for the attachment of the work piece or the electrode is
appropriately identified and in good condition showing no signs of overheating or damage.
Check that is protected from unintentional contact by persons or metal objects.
Generators greater than 5kva must have battery and starter isolation.
Welder Rating Plate
Welding machines must be stamped or identified as compliant to AS60974.1 or AS1674.1.
Appendix S – Trailers
Compliance Item
Check that all access steps leading edges are clearly highlighted and non-slip.
Check that personnel are able to maintain 3 points of contact on ladders while ascending or
Access and Egress
For handrails / handholds on access systems, top rails must be not less than 850mm nor more
than 1100mm above the step or stairway, and the intermediate rails must be parallel to the top
rail with a maximum distance of 550mm between.
Check that openings in guardrails for access stairways or ladders are fitted with inward opening
self-closing gates. Chains are not acceptable as a barrier.
Top rails must be not less than 900mm nor more than 1100mm above standing level of a
platform or walkway, and the intermediate rails must be parallel to the top rail with a maximum
distance of 550mm between.
Platforms and
Version 5.0 (19 October 2022)
Check that all personnel are able to carry out normal duties without leaving a designated
walkway, access platform or the ground, and where this is not practicable and leaves the
potential for a person to fall more than 1.8 metres, a harness attachment point and lanyard
system must be provided and indicated.
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Compliance Item
Braking Systems
Less than 750kg GTM, no brakes are required;
Greater than 750kg and up to 2000kg GTM, an efficient braking system is required to
have brakes operating on the wheels of at least one axle on the towed equipment. Overrun brakes may only be used on trailers that do not exceed 2 tonnes GTM; or
Over 2000kg and up to 4500kg GTM must have brakes operating on all wheels. The brake
system must cause immediate application of the trailer brakes in the event of the trailer
becoming detached from the towing vehicle. Under these circumstances, the brakes must
remain applied for at least 15 minutes. All brakes must be operable and adjustable from
the driver’s seat of the towing vehicle.
Road registered trailers over 4500kg GTM must have operational brakes complying with
ADR 38/05 Trailer Brake Systems 2018. Breakaway Brakes power supply must not be
All other trailers must be fitted with braking systems that includes Service, Park and breakaway brakes.
Brake testing of wheeled equipment must be completed to the requirement of the BMA STD
Braking Systems Performance.
A copy of the ‘Brake Test Record Form’ as well as the test results (either inertia test and/or
transducer test dockets) must be included.
For submerged trailers (e.g.transfer pumps), hydraulic / mechanical brakes are permitted instead
of electric brakes.
Compliance Plate
Jockey Wheel
Ensure a permanent compliance plate is attached to the trailer showing the Aggregate Trailer
Mass (ATM) to ensure the appropriate towing vehicle can be selected.
Trailer must be fitted with adequately sized jockey wheel/jacking or support stand. It must be
free from degradation.
Check that the wheel can be latched up when not in use.
Lights and Indicators
Ensure brake lights, tail lights and indicators are fitted and are functional. All light lenses are to
be clean.
Load Securing
Any equipment with open compartments capable of carrying a load must have restraint
attachment points.
Prestart Booklet
Trailer must be in a roadworthy condition. Even if not road registered. Must have pre-start
inspection booklet available.
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Compliance Item
Trailers with ball or pintle connection must have two safety chains fitted (excluding Ringfeders
and turntables). Each safety chain must be attached as close as possible to the coupling and
have a separate attachment point located either side of the drawbar centreline.
For ATM up to and including 3.5t, safety chains:
May be welded to the drawbar;
Must comply with AS4177.4;
Must be marked “4177 –xx” where ‘xx’ is the chain capacity (i.e.10 = 1t, 16 = 1.6t, 25
= 2.5t and 35 = 3.5t) as per the following table;
ATM (kg)
Nominal Size (mm)
Chain Marking
0 - 1000
Up to 1600
Up to 2500
Up to 3500
Where safety chain shackles are supplied, shackles must be:
Safety Chains
Proof load tested and certified to AS2741;
Either “Dee” or “Bow” type; and,
Of a rated capacity equivalent or greater to the safety chain.
For ATM over 3.5t, safety chains:
Must be constructed using AS2321 Grade T short link chain for lifting purposes;
Must not be welded to the drawbar; and,
Must have a rated capacity according to the ATM as per the table below;
Refer to ADR 62/02 Mechanical Connections between Vehicles for further details.
Split Rims
Split rims are prohibited from use (excludes solid filled tyres mounted on split rims).
Tyre / wheel assemblies must be free of abnormal damage, deterioration or uneven wear and
tyres must be within 6 years of manufactured date. Tyres must have a minimum tread depth of
Tyres and Wheels
Check that rims and tyres are OEM approved for the equipment.
Check that rims and tyres 600 mm (24 inch) or larger have a unique identification system in
place. Equipment owners must provide evidence of current service hours and/or last rim
inspection report compiling to the requirements of AS 4457.
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Compliance Item
For Semi-trailers only (trailers >3.5t GTM with one axle group towards the rear and a
means of attachment to a prime mover):
Ensure that the trailer has rear underrun protection that will assist in preventing vehicles
running under the back of the machine (refer to ADR 91/00 and ADR 42/04 for full list of
Rear Underrun
Wheel Chocks
With the vehicle unladen, the lower edge of the bumper bar across its width is not
more than 600mm from the ground,
The bumper contact surface is located not more than 600mm forward of the rear of
the vehicle,
The ends of the bumper extend to within 300mm of each side of the vehicle, unless
the rearmost point of the tyres is within 600mm of the rear end of the vehicle, in which
case the tyres will be considered as meeting the requirements over their width.
Verify that wheel chocks are present appropriate to the size of the rim/tyre combination,
suitably secured or stored, in good condition, fit for purpose.
Appendix T – Electrical Equipment (excludes EME)
Compliance Item
Earth Continuity
The resistance of the main earthing conductor must not be more than specified in AS/NZS
Welding power sources must be tested in accordance with AS 1674.2.
Earth Fault Loop
Test the earthing system (fault loop) impedance of all circuits. The test must confirm all
measured earth fault impedances are within the values specified within AS/NZS 3000.
All residual current devices (RCD/ELCB) must be tested for correct operation by injection
testing after an initial test using suitable means.
Earth Leakage
All final circuits must possess individual earth leakage devices and must be tested individually.
The testing device serial number and calibration date must be recorded on the inspection
certificate. Refer to AS/NZS 3760. DC systems above ELV must have DC rated earth leakage
The Multiple Earth Neutral point must be accessible in a labelled box which requires tools to
access the connection point. Check that earth bonds, equipotential bonding, straps, stakes
and cables are in position, securely bolted and in good condition and are bonded to the steel
frame with no section isolated by insulating material such as rubber liners or timber decks.
All conductive parts of equipment must be provided with an equipotential bond as per AS/NZS
3000. Enclosure doors, gland plates and escutcheons on electrical apparatus must be
connected to earth.
Earthing System
Confirm that frame of the power source is earthed, the maximum resistance between any
metal part of the equipment’s frame and any hand controllers must be within the values
specified within AS/NZS 3000. The earth pin on the power supply plugs and the earthing
system must be within the values specified within AS/NZS 3000.
Generating equipment above 25kVA requires an independent earth stake.
Generators and inverters which rely on electrical separation (floating systems) are not
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BMA STD Vehicles and Mobile Equipment Compliance
Document ID # 000205127
Compliance Item
All electrical enclosures must be locked or require a tool to gain access to live parts (tilt, limit,
or proximity switches cannot be used to substitute these hard controls). No panels should be
damaged, compromise the IP rating or expose bare conductors.
Damaged fasteners are not acceptable (e.g. burred nut heads, deformed screwdriver slots).
Electrical Enclosures
Electrical equipment is required to be a minimum IP54 rating to protect equipment from water
and dust ingress.
All live parts must be located within enclosures that provide protection against direct contact of
at least IP2X.
Operational tests (including functional testing of safety devices. E.g. Deadman switches,
interlocks, E stops, etc.) must be conducted on all electrical components to ensure that they
are in good working condition, as well as a visual inspection to identify signs of damage or
Electrical - General
The inspector must check that all circuit breakers, RCDs and other protective devices are of
the type and rating as shown on the drawings and /or labels or as stipulated in AS/NZS 3000.
If there are protective devices which are programmable or can be manually set (including
timers, protection relays, pressure switches, thermostats) the inspector must check that they
are set as per the drawings and/or labels. If this information is not shown on the labels and/or
drawings the inspector must record all settings on the inspection report.
All electrical wiring (including colours) must comply with AS/NZS 3000 and AS/NZS 3007.
All electrical equipment must be clearly labelled with weather proof labels in English and
complying with AS 1102 symbols.
Check that Authorised personnel only and Maximum voltage notices within the enclosures are
fixed to the generator, lighting plant and welding machines.
Electrical - Labelling
and Signage
Electrical Drawings
Signage on switchboards must include:
Signage indicating maximum voltage within the enclosure “e.g. Danger 415 or 240
Signage on any cover or door which exposes live conductors “Isolate Elsewhere
Before Removing Cover” and “Authorised Personnel Only”.
Signage for isolation points.
Check that all equipment/buildings has an up-to-date circuit diagram available. Drawings are to
be specific to the equipment. This could be via hard copy on the machine/building or via soft
copy that is easily accessible.
All wiring and terminations must be labelled and confirmed against drawings.
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BMA STD Vehicles and Mobile Equipment Compliance
Document ID # 000205127
Compliance Item
30mA RCD/OCB protection must be provided on all final circuits (e.g. lighting and power /
welding outlet sockets). All outgoing circuits originating from an electrical enclosure must have
earth leakage protection.
Electrical Protection
Each outgoing circuit must have over current protection (OC) which is equal to, or less than,
the current carrying capacity of the conductors being protected. The fault withstand rating of
the OC device must be a minimum of 10kA and at least equal to the prospective fault current
of the generator or inverter.
If fitted with fuses the inspector must check that the correct size fuses are fitted as per the
drawings and/or labels.
The main circuit breaker must be fitted with earth fault protection. RCD’s must interrupt all
active and neutral conductors.
Check that all cables are terminated, secured correctly (not loose) and that terminals are
protected from arcing risk.
Before the escutcheon is opened, check that the main switch board has:
Escutcheon Panel
Electrical interlocking to trip the main switch, or
Mechanical interlocking so main switch must be in the “off “position, or
Requires a key or tool to open the escutcheon, with warning signs applied.
General Propose
Outlets (GPO)
Generating equipment with a supply frequency greater than 50 Hz with GPOs fitted must have
the GPO circuit effectively isolated in such a way the GPOs cannot be operated. (GPO being
of any size that will accept a plug and flexible cable)
Glands / Bushing of
Check that where wiring is threaded through conduits, partition walls etc. that they are
adequately glanded, bushed or protected so that wiring and cabling does not come in contact
with any surfaces that may degrade the sheathing or insulation of any wiring.
All welders must be fitted with a Hazard Reducing Device (HRD) in accordance with AS1674.
All Voltage Reducing Devices VRD must be tested and confirmed as operating correctly in
accordance with AS 1674.
Hazard Reducing
If fitted for dual application machines (e.g. stick/MIG/TIG), HRD bypass switches must be
installed to disable the arc welding mode.
Confirm that all controls, such as current regulation, HRD/VRD indication, wire feeders, remote
controller, etc. function as per the manufactures instructions. Any indicators (voltage and
current) are to be tested to ensure they are within 10% of the true value.
Insulation Resistance
The insulation of all live parts must comply with AS/NZS 3000.
Main Isolator
The Main Isolator must be clearly labelled and isolate all active power conductors (including
neutral) of the plant being isolated from the electricity supply.
Polarity Test
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All electrical equipment, cabling, accessories and devices must be protected from risk of
mechanical damage.
Split conduit and spiral wrap on electrical cabling must not be used as a means of primary
Active and neutral conductors must not be transposed. Ensure socket outlets polarity is correct
(e.g. lighting and power / welding outlet sockets). Refer to AS/NZS 3000.
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BMA STD Vehicles and Mobile Equipment Compliance
Document ID # 000205127
Compliance Item
Segregation of
Voltage Levels
Check that different voltage cables are installed as per AS/NZS 3000.
Record Output
Voltages and
Frequency Readings
For Generators and diesel welders, record the output voltages and the frequency reading for
the listed circuits.
Testing Device
Calibration and Serial
Record the testing device calibration date and serial number.
Appendix U – Earth Moving Equipment (Self Powered Electrical)
Compliance Item
Earth Continuity
The resistance of the main earthing conductor must not be more than specified in AS/NZS
All residual current devices (RCD/ELCB) must be tested for correct operation by applying a
fault to the circuits and testing that it trips the propulsion system to the OEM specifications.
Note: some machines measure in mA, others in kΩ.
Earth Leakage
All final circuits must possess individual earth leakage devices and must be tested individually.
The testing device serial number and calibration date must be recorded on the inspection
certificate. Refer to AS/NZS 3760.
DC systems above ELV must have DC rated earth leakage protection.
Earthing System
(Multiple Earth
If fitted, the Multiple Earth Neutral point must be accessible in a labelled box which requires
tools to access the connection point. This requires:
Physical checks of the connections, or
Positive confirmation that these checks are part of the maintenance strategy.
Check that earth bonds, equipotential bonding, straps and cables are in position, securely
bolted and in good condition and are bonded to the steel frame with no section isolated by
insulating material such as rubber liners.
Earthing System
(Earth Bonds)
All conductive parts of equipment must be provided with an equipotential bond as per AS/NZS
3000. Enclosure doors, gland plates and escutcheons on electrical apparatus must be
connected to earth.
Confirm that frame of the power source is earthed, the maximum resistance between any
metal part of the equipment’s frame and any hand controllers must be within the values
specified within AS/NZS 3000. The earth pin on the power supply plugs and the earthing
system must be within the values specified within AS/NZS 3000.
All electrical enclosures must be locked or require a tool to gain access to live parts (tilt, limit,
or proximity switches cannot be used to substitute these hard controls). No panels should be
damaged, compromise the IP rating or expose bare conductors.
Damaged fasteners are not acceptable (e.g. burred nut heads, deformed screwdriver slots).
Electrical Enclosures
Electrical equipment is required to be a minimum IP54 rating to protect equipment from water
and dust ingress.
All live parts must be located within enclosures that provide protection against direct contact of
at least IP2X.
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BMA STD Vehicles and Mobile Equipment Compliance
Document ID # 000205127
Compliance Item
Operational tests (including functional testing of safety devices. E.g. Deadman switches,
interlocks, E stops, etc.) must be conducted on all electrical components to ensure that they
are in good working condition, as well as a visual inspection to identify signs of damage or
Electrical - General
The inspector must check that all circuit breakers, RCDs and other protective devices are of
the type and rating as shown on the drawings and /or labels or as stipulated in AS/NZS 3000.
If there are protective devices which are programmable or can be manually set (including
timers, protection relays, pressure switches, thermostats) the inspector must check that they
are set as per the drawings and/or labels. If this information is not shown on the labels and/or
drawings the inspector must record all settings on the inspection report.
All electrical equipment must be clearly labelled with weather proof labels in English and
complying with AS 1102 symbols.
Check that Authorized personnel only and Maximum voltage notices within the enclosures are
fixed to the generator, lighting plant and welding machines.
Electrical - Labelling
and Signage
Electrical Drawings
Signage on switchboards must include:
Signage indicating maximum voltage within the enclosure “e.g. Danger 415 or 240
Signage on any cover or door, which exposes live conductors “Isolate Elsewhere
Before Removing Cover” and “Authorised Personnel Only”.
Signage for isolation points.
Check that all equipment has an up-to-date circuit diagram available. Drawings are to be
specific to the equipment. This could be via hard copy on the machine or via soft copy that is
easily accessible.
All wiring and terminations must be labelled and confirmed against drawings
All circuits above ELV must have earth leakage protection.
Electrical Protection
Each outgoing circuit must have over current protection (OC) that turns the system off in the
event of an over load / over current situation.
Check that all cables are terminated, secured correctly (not loose) and that terminals are
protected from arcing risk.
Before the escutcheon is opened, check that the main switch board has:
Escutcheon Panel
Electrical interlocking to trip the main switch, or
Mechanical interlocking so main switch must be in the “off “position, or
Requires a key or tool to open the escutcheon, with warning signs applied.
Glands / Bushing of
Check that where wiring is threaded through conduits, partition walls etc. that they are
adequately glanded, bushed or protected so that wiring and cabling does not come in contact
with any surfaces that may degrade the sheathing or insulation of any wiring.
Insulation Resistance
The insulation of all live parts must comply with AS/NZS 3000.
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BMA STD Vehicles and Mobile Equipment Compliance
Document ID # 000205127
Compliance Item
All electrical equipment, cabling, accessories and devices must be protected from risk of
mechanical damage.
Split conduit and spiral wrap on electrical cabling must not be used as a means of primary
Polarity Test
Active and neutral conductors must not be transposed. Ensure socket outlets polarity is correct
(e.g. lighting and power). Refer to AS/NZS 3000.
Segregation of
Voltage Levels
Check that different voltage cables are installed as per AS/NZS 3000.
Testing Device
Calibration and Serial
Record the testing device calibration date and serial number.
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Transportable Buildings
Elevated Work Platforms
Blast Hole Drills
Transportable Diesel Welder /
Generator / Lighting Tower
Transportable Compressor /
Rear & Belly Dump / Moxy /
Floats / Water Trucks
Rubber Tyred Equipment &
Track Dozers
Hydraulic Excavators /
Vehicle Loading Cranes
Forklifts & Telehandlers
Skidsteer Loaders /
Backhoes / Tractors
Lights, Indicators and Lighting
Mobile Cranes
Instrumentation, Metering and Gauges
Jump Start Receptacle
Medium Vehicles
Glands / Bushing of Cables
Height of Equipment
Inverters Isolated
Isolation & Lockout
High Visibility Call Sign
Air Conditioning System
Battery System
Blind Spots Removed
Brackets, Pins & Hinge Points
Braking System Test Record
Cabin Dust Seals
Controls and Interlock Safety Devices
Diesel Fuel Only
Emergency Stops
Engine / Drive Motor
Equipment Modifications
Extra Low Voltage (ELV)
Light Vehicles
8.22Appendix V – General Requirements Mapping Table
BMA STD Vehicles and Mobile Equipment Compliance
*: Indicates that the requirement is only mandatory where
fitted/applicable for the particular machine.
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Transportable Diesel Welder /
Generator / Lighting Tower
Transportable Compressor /
Transportable Buildings
Elevated Work Platforms
Blast Hole Drills
Rear & Belly Dump / Moxy /
Floats / Water Trucks
Rubber Tyred Equipment &
Track Dozers
Vehicle Loading Cranes
Hydraulic Excavators /
Skidsteer Loaders /
Backhoes / Tractors
Mobile Cranes
Forklifts & Telehandlers
Structural Damage
Towing System
Hot Surfaces, Exhaust Systems
Two-Way Radio
Warning Device
Windscreens, Windows, Mirror, Wipers
Medium Vehicles
Maintenance and Inspection Records
Operating Manual
Pre-Start Inspection Records
Reflective Yellow Tape
Radiator Pressure Relief System
Remote Control System
Safety Guards
Light Vehicles
Document ID # 000205127