LEARNING PLAN Subject: UNDERSTANDING THE SELF Date: May 29, 2024 Time: I. Objectives: At the end of the discussion students are expected to: ● Discuss the different representations and conceptualizations of the self from various models using the cognitive perspective; ● Compare and contrast how the self has been represented across the functionalist psychoanalytic, and social cognitive approaches in psychology; ● Examine the different influences, factors, and forces that shape the self; and ● Critically analyze the development of one’s self and identify by using reflective thought to create a theory of the self II. Subject Matter: Topic : Reference: III. TEACHER’S HINT PREPARATION Review LESSON PROPER Discussion Application PSYCHOLOGY AND THE SELF ALAMON, ARNOLD , et al. UNDERSTANDING the SELF: A COMPILATION of READINGS and ACTIVITIES. TEACHER’S ACTIVITY STUDENT’S ACTIVITY Review the previous discussion (The Self Students in Contemporary Anthropology) participate review actively in the Discuss the different concepts of the self through the different models from different psychological perspectives. a. The self as a Cognitive Construct b. Global vs. differentiated Self c. Real self and ideal self d. Multiple vs. unified selves e. Self as proactive and agentic Students listen actively and take notes during the discussion. Divide students into five groups and assign them one psychological perspective defining the self. Instruct them to differentiate each concept using a venn diagram or any graph they prefer. Let them discuss their answers in class. ● Group A - Me-self and I-self ● Group B Global and Students gather their thoughts as a group and report it to the class. Generalization differentiated selves ● Group C - Real self and ideal self ● Group D. Multiple and unified selves ● Group E - Self as Proactive and agentic Summarize the key Students answer points of the lesson. questions related to the topic to reinforce Encourage students to ask clarifying learning. questions. Students ask questions or seek clarification if needed. CLOSURE Conclude the lesson and provide any announcements. Students listen to announcements and prepare for the next lesson. IV. Evaluation Ask some questions to recap the topic. V. Assignment Write an entry in your journal reflecting which model you believe examines yourself better which allows you to gain a better understanding of yourself. Integrate past experiences as well to further explain your reflection journal. Prepared by: KRISTINE GAY G. LABANG, RPm, CHRA