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Group Influence & Power in Organizations

Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management Program
Mabini Street, Tagum City
Davao del Norte
Telefax: (084)655-9591 Local 116
Week 6-7 Unit Learning Outcomes (ULO): At the end of the unit, you are expected
1. Differentiate the role of majority and minority, obedience and authority, social
power and social status which play a significant
Big Picture in Focus: ULO. Differentiate the role of majority and minority,
obedience and authority, social power and social status which play a significant
role in leadership.performance
Essential Knowledge
In the field of Psychology the student should display their knowledge on how
one can develop group influence and power in group life.
A. Influence of Groups
The presence of others strongly influences individual behavior,Conversely,
the behavior of individuals is affected by being part of a group.
Business requires groups, therefore how groups work influences how individuals
behave and work.
a. Power - Capacity of one party (the agent) to influence another party (target)
Influence the behavior or attitudes of one or more designated target persons at a
given point in time.b. Authority - The right of the agent to exercise control over things
associated with particular positions.
The scope of authority
➢ The range of requests that can properly be made
➢ The range of actions that can properly be taken
A.1. Outcomes of Influence Attempts Commitment
o The target agrees with a decision or request and makes a great effort to carry
out the request or implement the decision effectively
a. Compliance
o The target is willing to do what the agent asks but is apathetic rather than
enthusiastic about it and will make only a minimal effort
b. Resistance
o The target person opposed to the proposal or request
1. Refuse to carry out the request
2. Make excuses about why the request cannot be carried out
3. Try to persuade the agent to withdraw or change the request
4. Ask higher authorities to overrule the agent’s request
5. Delay acting
6. Make a pretense of complying but try to sabotage the task
Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management Program
Mabini Street, Tagum City
Davao del Norte
Telefax: (084)655-9591 Local 116
c. Influence Processes
1. Instrumental Compliance
o The target carries out a requested action,The purpose is obtaining a
reward or avoiding a punishment. The motivation is instrumental (the
only reason is benefit)
2. Internalization
o The purpose becomes committed to support and implement Because
they appear to be desirable and correct in relation to the target’s
values, beliefs, and self-image.
3. Personal Identification
o Target person imitates the agent’s behavior or adopts the same
attitudes to please the agent and to be like the agent Motivation is
target person’s need of acceptance and esteem
B. Power Types and Sources
a. Position Power
o Legitimate power
o Reward power
o Coercive power
o Information power
o Ecological power
b. Personal Power
o Referent power
o Expert power
c. Legitimate Power
o Power stemming from formal authority over work activities The target
person complies because he/she believes the agent has the right to make
the request and the target person has the obligation to comply
o Higher level managers usually have more authority than lower-level
o The way in which legitimate power is exercised affects the outcome,
Guidelines for Using Legitimate Authority
1. Explain the reasons for a request
2. Do not exceed your scope of authority
3. Make polite clear request
d. Reward Power
Stems in part from formal authority to allocate resources and rewards -- from
control over benefits such as a promotion, a better job, a better work schedule, a
larger operating budget, a larger expense account, larger office.
Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management Program
Mabini Street, Tagum City
Davao del Norte
Telefax: (084)655-9591 Local 116
The target person complies in order to obtain rewards controlled by the agent
Much more over subordinates than over peers or superiors, The way in which reward
power is exercised affects the outcome:
Guidelines for Using Reward Power
1. Offer rewards that are fair and ethical
2. Offer the type of rewards that people desire
3. Do not promise more than you can deliver
4. Explain the criteria for giving rewards
e. Coercive Power
Based on authority over punishments. The target person complies in order to
avoid punishments controlled by the agent, General decline in use of legitimate
coercion by all types of leaders
1. Avoid using coercion except when absolutely necessary
2. Difficult to use, and likely to result in undesirable side effects
3. Arouses anger or resentment
f. Information Power
Results from a person’s position
- Control over information
- Access to vital information
- Control over its distribution
- Actively involved in cultivating a network of information sources and
gathering information.
- Way to enhance their expert power and increase subordinate dependence.
- Easier for a leader to cover up failures and mistakes
- Source of upward influence as well as downward and lateral influence.
g. Ecological Power
Control over the physical environment, technology, and organization
Opportunity for indirect influence over other people
1. Design of subordinate jobs – Improvements in work quality and job
2. Design of formal structure – The grouping of activities into subunits,
determination of reporting relationships, design of information systems.
3. Control over the physical work environment – Lights, on equipment, machinepaced assembly lines set the speed at which employees work.
4. Cultural engineering – Shared norms, values, and beliefs of members. Strong
cultures influence the attitudes and behavior of members.
Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management Program
Mabini Street, Tagum City
Davao del Norte
Telefax: (084)655-9591 Local 116
h. Referent Power
Derived from the desire of others to please an agent toward whom they have
strong feelings of affection, admiration, and loyalty, The target person complies
because he/she admires or identifies with the agent and wants to gain the agent’s
➢ The strongest form - Personal identification
- Greater for someone who is friendly, attractive, charming, and trustworthy,
- Increased by showing concern for the needs and feelings of others.
- Treating people fairly Strong referent power will increase the agent’s
- binfluence even without any explicit effort by the agent to invoke this power.
i. Expert Power
Task-relevant knowledge and skill are a major source of personal power in
organizations, Unique knowledge about the best way to perform a task The target
person complies because he/she believes that the agent has special knowledge
about the best way to do something.
o Target person must recognize this expertise
o Expertise is maintained through a continual process of education and practical
o Remain a source of power only as long as dependence on the person who
possesses them continues.
C. Social Integration and Influence
Groups are not able to function effectively unless there is a fairly high level of
social integration among members.
a. Social Control Mechanisms – the processes by which the group-as-a-whole
gains sufficient compliance and conformity from its members to enable it to function
in an orderly manner.
“Social order and stability are prerequisites for the formation and maintenance
of a cohesive group.”
D. Norms
shared expectations and beliefs about appropriate ways to act in a social
situation such as a group.
➢ increase predictability, stability, and security
➢ result from what is valued, preferred, and accepted behavior
➢ overt or covert
Changing Norms:
o Disequilibrium = “unfreezing”
o Return to equilibrium – new norms replace old norms = “refreezing”
Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management Program
Mabini Street, Tagum City
Davao del Norte
Telefax: (084)655-9591 Local 116
E. Roles
- shared expectations about the functions of individuals in the group
F. Status
- an evaluation and ranking of each member’s position in the group relative to
all other members.
G. Group Culture
- Values, beliefs, customs, and traditions held in common by group members
H. Leadership and Performance
- Leadership, according to Peter DeLisle, is the ability to influence others, with
or without authority.
- All successful endeavors are the result of human effort; thus, the ability to
influence others is a derivation of
➢ Interpersonal Communications
➢ Conflict Management
➢ Problem solving
Interpersonal effectiveness - is the capability of an individual to do this,
influence others, competently.
Leadership is a direct function of three elements of interpersonal
➢ Awareness
➢ Ability
➢ Commitment
Awareness - is a state of consciousness.
➢ It is the ability to recognize yourself, others, events and situations in
real time.
➢ It is the ability to assess the impact of actions on situations and others
and be critically self-reflective.
➢ It is a development process that is a function of experience,
communication, self-discovery and feedback.
Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management Program
Mabini Street, Tagum City
Davao del Norte
Telefax: (084)655-9591 Local 116
Ability - to learn and understand technical issues is the basis of our
Ability to lead is a function of influence:
➢ Ability to communicate
➢ Ability to resolve conflicts
➢ Ability to solve problems and make decisions
As a member of a team, we influence others in a collaborative effort to
find better
ideas or solve problems.
For leaders, the “one thing” that leads to maturity is the fully aware
recognition that one’s decisions make a difference, both positively and
negatively, in the lives of others, and that any attempt to solve a problem
might have a decided negative impact on some, while helping others.
“In no-win scenarios, one must still make a hard decision.”
I. Social Loafing
– The reduced effort of individuals who act as part of a group rather than
a. The antecedents of social loafing
➢ Task visibility
➢ Task interdependence
➢ Cohesiveness
➢ Distributive justice
➢ Procedural justice
➢ Group size and dominance
b. The effects of social loafing
➢ Portrays negativity at work
➢ Infecting organization
➢ It deters development
➢ Lack of motivation
c. Theoretical Concept of social loafing
Social Impact theory
According to Latane et al., they assert that the magnitude of a
social influence is a function of a number, immediacy and strength of
sources of influence as they relate to targets.
d. Factors affecting social loafing
➢ The size of group you are in
➢ The size of task you are doing
➢ The culture to which you belong
Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management Program
Mabini Street, Tagum City
Davao del Norte
Telefax: (084)655-9591 Local 116
J. Group Creativity
- The tendency to generate or recognized ideas, alternatives or posiibilities
that may be useful in solving problems, communicating with others, and entertaining
ourselves and others.
K. The synergy of a team
- According to Avery et al., individual insight is seldom as broad and deep as
that of a group, team share the credit for victories and the blame for losses. This
fosters genuine humility and authentic.
L. Team Formation
a. Laying the ground rules
–a set of rules is laid down before the team begins a major task.
b. Clarity of the mission
- considered various viewpoints until achieves clarity.
c. Disclosure of dedication
– honestly disclose what it is they need and want from the group
d. Decision making
– clarify how decisions will be made.
e. Communication practice
– establish how and when team members communicate
M. Team structure
- determined team members strength and more importantly interest and how
these can be utilized.
N. Conflict resolution
- create a team constitution of how members should behave.
O. Process management
- Establish guidelines on the designation and tasking.
P. Perseverance
- Invest time in laying the groundwork.
Q. Methods for successful collaboration and creativity
a. Define the goal and to set up the structure for achieving that goal.
Six hats method by Edward de Bono – the attitude with which the
problem is examined changes.
Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management Program
Mabini Street, Tagum City
Davao del Norte
Telefax: (084)655-9591 Local 116
White hat – is cold neutral and objective
Red hat – represents anger and it signals time to listen to your intuition
and emotion.
Black hat– is careful and cautious
Yellow hat – is sunny and positive
Green hat – full of creative and new ideas
Blue hat – organizer of thoughts
b. Changing the Environment – the key characteristic of one environment and
then reintroduce these characteristics characteristic into a different context.
c. Handling around partial solutions – handling incomplete concepts to come
up with unexpected ideas.
d. Forbidding Premature Ideas – during the brain storming phase of group
work, the goal is to generate as many diverse ideas as possible in a divergent
manner that is the ideas should divert from the known or the establish.
Self Help: You can also refer to the sources below to help you further
understand the lesson:
Forsyth, Donelson R. (2019). Group Dynamics (7th ed.). Belmont, CA:Wadsworth ,
Cengage Learning.
Marianne Schneider Corey (2018). Group Process and Practice (10thed). Cengage
Let’s Analyze
Activity 1. In this activity, you are required to elaborate on your answer to each
question below.
1. Awareness, ability and commitment are the Interpersonal effectiveness of a
leader, Cite and discuss how each factor determined the role of the leader
and how it achieves effectiveness.
Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management Program
Mabini Street, Tagum City
Davao del Norte
Telefax: (084)655-9591 Local 116
2. Give a specific strategy on how to overcome social loafing.
In a Nutshell
Based on what you have learned from the context stated above, Answer the
After reading the scenario, answer the questions.
Scenario – What Went Wrong?
Due to illness, Dr. Lamson has not been able to lecture to her clinical
psychology classes for two weeks. Ordered by his physician to not return to class,
Dr. Lamson puts her five teaching assistants in charge of his classes for the last
three weeks of the semester.
First Meeting of the TAs: All group members arrive on time. Phoemela relays
the message that Dr. Lanson is out for the rest of the semester and won’t be back.
Phoemela also notes that she has made a list of all the work that needs to be
accomplished and who will do it. Precious speaks up, noting that she is finishing her
thesis and doesn’t have time for extra teaching assistant responsibilities. She tells
the group that she is in a hurry so just makes some decisions---fast. David agrees
with Precious that he doesn’t need any more work and he refuses the job that
phoemela assigned him. Amber asserts that her workload won’t be that bad, if
everyone just pitches in and does their part. She also reminds the group that they
have to do this for Dr. Lamson’s sake. Elizabeth says she doesn’t care who does
what, just tell her what to do.
Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management Program
Mabini Street, Tagum City
Davao del Norte
Telefax: (084)655-9591 Local 116
Second Meeting of the TAs: All group members, except Elizabeth, show up
on time. Elizabeth drops in 15 minutes late. Phoemela hands out the work
assignments for the next week and reminds the group that in the last three weeks of
class they have to give the fourth exam, collect and grade the final observation
assignment, and give the comprehensive final exam. Phoemela proposes: 1) she
and Precious write the two exams and proctor the tests, 2) Amber and Elizabeth
collect and grade the observations, 3) David grade the two tests. David refuses to
grade two tests by himself. Elizabeth says she still doesn’t care who does what, just
assign the workload and tell her what job to do. She prepares to leave. Amber asks
Elizabeth to please stay and contribute to the discussion. Precious says she is in a
hurry and doesn’t have time to make up two exams, let alone administer them. She
tells the group to make a better decision and let her know. Precious and Elizabeth
leave. David decides that his opinion is not needed, because he was never listened
to; he leaves too.
1. Describe the dynamics of the group such as roles, norms, conflict management,
cooperation, and communication competence.
2. Why didn’t this group achieve its goal?
Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management Program
Mabini Street, Tagum City
Davao del Norte
Telefax: (084)655-9591 Local 116
3. Describe the teamwork that the group exhibited.
4. What advice would you offer the members of this group to improve their
communication and their teamwork?
Question & Answer (Q&A)
You are free to list down all the emerging questions or issues in the provided
spaces below. These questions or concerns may also be raised in the LMS or other
modes. You may answer these questions on your own after clarification. The Q&A
portion helps in the review of concepts and essential knowledge.
Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management Program
Mabini Street, Tagum City
Davao del Norte
Telefax: (084)655-9591 Local 116
Let’s Check
Activity 1 Encircle your answer
1. Leadership today is increasingly associated with the concept of________.
b. control
c. getting others to follow
d. strategy
2. Which statement about leadership is false?
a. leadership does not necessarily within a hierarchical structure of an
b. when people operate as a leader their role is always clearly establish and
c. Not every leader is manager
d.All of the above
3.Approaches to the study of leadership which emphasis the personality of the
leader are termed:
a. contingency theory
b. inspirational theories
c. trait theories
d. group theories
4. on what are contingency theories of leadership based?
a. there are no single style of leadership appropriate to all situations
b. that there are single style of leadership appropriate to all situations
c. there are single style of leadership for manager
d. all of the above
5.referent power is based on the subordinate’s perception that the leader has a right
to exercise influence because of the leaders.
a. expertise and knowledge
b. personal charisma
c. ability to punish or reward
d. role or position within the organization.
Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management Program
Mabini Street, Tagum City
Davao del Norte
Telefax: (084)655-9591 Local 116
Week 8-9: Unit Learning Outcomes (ULO): At the end of the unit, you are
expected to:
1. Describe the fundamentals of decision making, the basic steps and the need
to balance deal and satisfactory decisions.
Big Picture in Focus: ULO. Discuss important decision makingstyles,
emphasizing the effectiveness of each one
In this section, the essential terms relevant to the study of Psychology in
group Process and to demonstrate ULO will be operationally defined to establish a
standard frame of reference. You will encounter these terms as we go through this
course. Please refer to these definitions in case you will face difficulty in
understanding the educational concepts.
1. Working Together –a belief that groups are more effective than individuals
performing tasks.
2. Team Performance – an ability to performed efficiently to performed a task
and make good outcome.
3. Making Process–Steps that the groups are sharing to create a better goal.
4. Groupthink – occurs when a group that is made of members who may
actually be very competent and thus quite capable of making excellent
decisions nevertheless ends up making poor one as a result of a flawed group
process and strong conformity pressures.
5. Social Facilitation – the tendency to perform tasks better or faster in the
presence of others.
Essential Knowledge
To perform the aforesaid big picture (unit learning outcomes) for the first three
(3) weeks of the course, you need to fully understand the following essential
knowledge that will be laid down in the succeeding pages. Please note that you are
not limited to refer to these resources exclusively. Thus, you are expected to utilize
other books, research articles, and other resources that are available in the
university’s library, e.g., e-brary, search.proquest.com, etc.
A. Fundamentals of Decision Making
➢ Decisions are choices of actions from among multiple feasible alternatives.
➢ Making decisions is one of the primary activities of senior managers.
➢ Decisions are also made by managers at all levels and by associates in highinvolvement organizations.
Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management Program
Mabini Street, Tagum City
Davao del Norte
Telefax: (084)655-9591 Local 116
a. Decision - making Process
Define the Problem
Identify criteria
Gather and Evaluate Data
List and Evaluate Alternatives
Select Best alternatives
Implement and follow up
b. Decision Making Styles
Individuals’ predispositions can affect decision process at two critical stages:
➢ Gathering (Perceiving) of Information
➢ Evaluating (judging alternatives)
- A decision style focused on developing abstractions and figurative
examples for use in decision making, with an emphasis on Imagination and
- A decision style focused on gathering concrete information directly through
the senses, with an emphasis on practical and realistic ideas.
- A decision style focused on developing abstractions and figurative examples
for use indecision making, with an emphasis on Imagination and possibilities
c. Gathering Information
- Intuition Style
Valuable when:
- A high level of ambiguity exists
- Few or no precedents exist
- Facts are limited
- Facts don’t clearly indicate which way to go
- Time is limited and there is pressure to make the right decision
- Several plausible alternative solutions exist with good arguments for each
Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management Program
Mabini Street, Tagum City
Davao del Norte
Telefax: (084)655-9591 Local 116
d. Evaluating Alternatives
- A decision style focused on objective evaluation and systematic analysis
- A decision style focused on subjective evaluation and the
emotional reactions of others.
e. Cognitive Biases
- Is a mental shortcut involving simplified ways of thinking.
f. Confirmation bias – seeking information that confirms early beliefs and idea.
g. Sunk Cost Bias – not treating past investments (time, effort, money) as sunkcosts when deciding to continue an investment.
h. Erase of call bias – Relying too much on information that is easy
to recall rom memory.
i. Anchoring Bias – emphasizing too much the first piece of information
B. Group Decision Making
- Some members may arrive with their own expectations
problem definitions, and pre-determined solutions
- Some members may have given more thought to the decision
situation and what is to be accomplished.
- Focus of the team
leader maybe in developing a collaborative team rather than
developing individual decision-making skills
a. Victims of Groupthink
1. INVULNERABILITY. Most or all of the members of the in-group share an
illusion of invulnerability that provides for them some degree of reassurance
about obvious dangers and leads them to become over-optimistic and willing
to take extraordinary risks. It also causes them to fail to respond to clear
warnings of danger.
2. RATIONALE. As we see, victims of groupthink ignore warnings: they also
collectively construct rationalizations in order to discount warnings and other
forms of negative feedback that, taken seriously, might lead the group
members to reconsider their assumptions each time they recommit themselves
to past decisions.
3. MORALITY. Victims of group think believe unquestionably in the inherent
morality of their in-group. This belief inclines the members to ignore the ethical
and moral consequences of their decisions.
Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management Program
Mabini Street, Tagum City
Davao del Norte
Telefax: (084)655-9591 Local 116
4. STEREOTYPES. Victims of group think hold stereotypes views of the leaders
of enemy groups: they are so evil that genuine attempts at negotiating
differences with them are unwarranted, or they are too stupid or too weak to
deal effectively with whatever attempts the in-group makes to defeat their
purposes, no matter how risky the attempts are.
5. PRESSURE. Victims of groupthink apply direct pressure to any individual who
momentarily expressed out about any of the group's shared illusions or who
questions the validity of the arguments supporting a policy alternative favored
by the majority. This gambit reinforces the concurrence-seeking norm that
loyal members are expected to maintain.
6. SELF-CENSORSHIP. Victims of groupthink avoid deviating from what
appears to be group consensus; they keep silent about their misgivings and
even minimize the importance of their doubts.
7. UNANIMITY. Victims of groupthink share an illusion of unanimity within the
group concerning almost all judgments expressed by members who speak in
favor of the majority view. This symptom results partly from the preceding
one, whose affects are augmented by the false assumption that any individual
who remains silent during any part of the discussion is in full accord with what
the others are saying.
8. MINDGUARDS. Victims of groupthink sometimes appoint themselves as mind
guards to protect the leader and fellow member from adverse information that
might break the complacency they shared about the effectiveness and
morality of past decisions.
Risky shift
Group decision
Nominal Group
Delphi technique
Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management Program
Mabini Street, Tagum City
Davao del Norte
Telefax: (084)655-9591 Local 116
C. Conflict and Intergroup Relations
a. Conflict - ls
Ithehe psychological and behavioral reaction to a perception that
another person is either keeping you from reaching a goal, taking away your right
to behave in a particular way, or violating the expectancies of a relationship.
b. Traditional View of Conflict
–The belief that all conflict is harmful and must be avoided
– Prevalent view in the 1930s-1940s
Two major types of conflicts
1. Dysfunctional conflict – keeps people from working together, lessen
productivity, spreads to other areas, and increases turnover.
2. Functional conflict – moderate levels of conflict can stimulate new ideas, increase
friendly competition and increase team effectiveness
c. Conflict Process
1. Stages 1 – Potential Opposition
Semantic difficulties, misunderstandings, overcommunication and
– Size and specialization of jobs
– Jurisdictional clarity/ambiguity
– Member/ goal incompatibility
– Leadership styles(close or participative)
– Reward systems(win-lose)
– Dependence/interdependence of groups
Personal Variables
Differing individual value systems
2. Stage 2 – cognition and personalization
1. Important stage for two reasons:
o Conflict is defined
2. Perceived Conflict
o Awareness by one or more parties of the existence of
3. conditions that create opportunities for conflict to arise
o Emotions are expressed that have a strong impact on the
eventual outcome
4. Felt Conflict
o Emotional involvement in a conflict creating anxiety, tenseness,
frustration, or hostility
Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management Program
Mabini Street, Tagum City
Davao del Norte
Telefax: (084)655-9591 Local 116
3. Stage 3 – intentions
- Intentions - Decisions to act in a given way
- Note: behavior does not always accurately reflect intent
- Dimensions of conflict-handling intentions:
Cooperativeness - Attempting to satisfy the other party’s concerns
Assertiveness - Attempting to satisfy one’s own concerns
4. Stage 4 Conflict Management
- The use of resolution and stimulation techniques to achieve the desired
level of conflict
➢ Conflict-Intensity Continuum age 4 – behavior
5. Stage 5 – Outcomes
a. Functional Outcomes
– Increased group performance
– Improved quality of decisions
– Stimulation of creativity and innovation
– Encouragement of interest and curiosity
– Provision of a medium for problem solving
b. Dysfunctional Outcomes
- Development of discontent
- Reduced group effectiveness
- Retarded communication
- Reduced group cohesiveness
- Infighting among group members overcomes group goals
D. Managing Functional Conflict
- Reward dissent and punish
- Conflict avoiders
E. Types of Conflict
1. Interpersonal Conflict- Occurs between 2 individuals.
Example- In the workplace interpersonal conflict may occur between two
coworkers, a supervisor and a subordinate, an employee and customer, or an
employee and a vendor.
2. Individual-Group Conflict- Occurs between an individual and a group. It occurs
when the individuals need are different from the group’s needs, goals or norms
3. Group-Group Conflict- Occurs between two or more groups. Example- Banks.
They compete not only with other banks but also with their branches for getting
more customers.
Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management Program
Mabini Street, Tagum City
Davao del Norte
Telefax: (084)655-9591 Local 116
F. Causes of Conflict
1. Competition for resources
- When demand for a resource exceeds its supply, conflict occurs
2. Task Interdependence
- When performance of one small group members depends on the
performance of other group members.
- When 2 groups who rely on each other have conflicting goals.
3. Jurisdictional Ambiguity
- Found when geographical boundaries or lines or authority are unclear
4. Communication Barriers
- Barriers to inter-personal communication can be physical, such as
separate locations on different floors or in different buildings, cultural, such as
different languages, or different customs, or psychological, such as different
styles or personalities.
5. Beliefs
- Conflicts occur when individuals or groups believe that they are:
a. Superior to other people or groups
b. Have been mistreated by others
c. Are vulnerable to others
d. Cannot trust themselves
e. Are helpless or powerless
6. Personality
- Conflict is the result of ppl with incompatible personalities working
G. Conflicting Styles
Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management Program
Mabini Street, Tagum City
Davao del Norte
Telefax: (084)655-9591 Local 116
a. Avoiding Style- People using this choose to ignore the conflict and hope it
will resolve itself.
- Not the best way to handle every type of situation.
- Withdrawal from the situation is one of the easiest ways to handle it
- Triangl-ing- interesting form of avoidance.
- Occurs when the situation is discussed with the third party hoping that
they will talk to the second party and resolve the conflict.
b. Accommodating Style-When a person is so intent on settling a conflict that
he gives in and risks hurting himself.
- People who use this are considered cooperative but weak.
c. Forcing Style- A person who handles conflict in a win-lose fashion and does
what it takes to win, with little regard for the other person.
- Appropriate in times of emergencies, when there is violation of rules,
ethics and policies.
- Winning at all costs strategy occurs especially when a person regards
his side as correct and other person is regarded as an enemy
d. Collaborating Style- Individual wants to win but also wants to see the other
person win. These people seek win-win solutions.
- Best style to use.
- Time consuming and may not be appropriate during emergencies
e. Compromising style- User tries to adopt give-and-take tactics that enables
each side to get some of what it wants but not every- thing it wants.
- This compromising involves negotiation and bargaining.
- Negotiation begins with each side making an offer that is much more
than what it really wants
H. Conflict Resolution
➢ Organizations should have set policies to handle conflicts.
➢ Employees should first try to resolve their own conflicts and if not
successful can utilize third-party intervention.
➢ Employees should receive training- causes, ways to prevent, handling,
and resolving the conflicts
a. Four Basic Third-Party Roles
1. Mediator- A neutral third party who facilitates a negotiated solution by
using reasoning, persuasion, and suggestions for alternatives
2. Arbitrator- A third party to a negotiation who has the authority to dictate
an agreement.
3. Conciliator- A trusted third party who provides an informal communication
link between the negotiator and the opponent
4. Consultant - An impartial third party, skilled in conflict management, who
attempts to facilitate creative problem solving through communication and
Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management Program
Mabini Street, Tagum City
Davao del Norte
Telefax: (084)655-9591 Local 116
G. Negotiation
➢ A process in which two or more parties exchange goods or services and
attempt to agree on the exchange rate on them.
➢ The terms bargaining and negotiation is used interchangeably.
Two General Approach
1. Distributive Bargaining - Negotiation that seeks to divide up a fixed
amount of resources; a win-lose situation
2. Integrative Bargaining - Negotiation that seeks one or more settlements
that can create a win-win solution
Negotiation Process
Self Help: You can also refer to the sources below to help you further
understand the lesson:
http://ezinearticles.com/?The-Nature-and-Scope- of-OrganizationalPsychology&id=5295782
http://work.chron.com/scope-industrial- psychology-10303.html
http://www.onetonline.org/link/summary/19- 3032.00
Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management Program
Mabini Street, Tagum City
Davao del Norte
Telefax: (084)655-9591 Local 116
Let’s Analyze
Activity 1. In this activity, you are required to elaborate on your answer to each
question below.
1. Explain the role of risk-taking propensity and reference points?
2. Define cognitive bias and explain the effects of common types of cognitive
bias on decision making?
Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management Program
Mabini Street, Tagum City
Davao del Norte
Telefax: (084)655-9591 Local 116
3. Discuss common pitfalls of group decision making.
In a Nutshell
1. Based on what you have learned from the context stated above about conflict
and Interrelation you are free to create your own Structured Learning
experience. Below are the given examples.
Structured Learning Exercise “LETTING GO”
It is believed that we can find more joy in pursuing less than can be found in
pursuing more. We know that earthly possessions don’t necessarily equate with joy
and that our life is more valuable than choosing to waste it in chasing materials
things. Yet some of us choose to work in long hours to make good money and buy
things we want and not share our blessings to other people (Becker, 2016).
Introduce facilitators and let participants introduce themselves.
Make participants sit down in a circular manner.
II. Icebreaker :“Cat and Mouse Game”
Materials : 2 differently-colored handkerchiefs
Rules: From opposite ends, give two participants the handkerchiefs.
Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management Program
Mabini Street, Tagum City
Davao del Norte
Telefax: (084)655-9591 Local 116
The Cat needs to make a knot once around their neck while the Mouse needs
to make the two knots. The objective of the game is for the Cat to chase the
Mouse while music is playing. Game ends when the cat has already caught
the mouse. (Trial game first before game officially starts)
The one who got caught will be the first one to share in the group.
III. Experiencing
1. Let participants take out one material thing which they consider to be the most
valuable, one thing they can’t live without.
2. Let the participants show and tell to the class why it is valuable to them and
ask them why they consider it to be valuable.
3. After sharing, ask participants to put in all their valuable thingson the table.
4. After items have been put into the table, let each participant take one item
which is not theirs, an item they would want to have for themselves.
5. Let them take the items they chose and instruct them to go back into their
IV. Processing Questions
1. What makes things valuable? How do you define value?
2. Is your perception of value the same as the other participants?
3. When someone else obtained the item you valued, how did you feel?
V. Generalization
Let the participants get to know each other by showing to the class what they
value in life. What may be the most valuable to one may not be to another. When
they had to let go of the item, is it the facilitator’s intent to make them realize that
everything is only temporary in this world. When another person obtained the item
they valued, it is hopefully to let them understand that joy is doubled when shared to
other people.
VI. Integration
Guide Question :What did you learn from the activity?
Debriefing: After the activity, instruct participants to return possessions to their
respective and rightful owners. It is not the facilitators’ intent to deprive participants
of the things they value in life. We just want to convey a message that before that
particular item became valuable, it was just like any other ordinary object.
Objectives of the Activity:
a. To identify what the participants value in life.
b. For the participants to learn how to let go of the things they value
c. To make participants realize that everything is only temporary and that joy is
doubled when shared.
Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management Program
Mabini Street, Tagum City
Davao del Norte
Telefax: (084)655-9591 Local 116
*Lecturette* - after which, end of activity
2.Based on what you have learned, communication is a key in building teams, thus
you are free to create your own Structured Learning experience accordingly.
Below are the given examples.
Topic: Communication: The Key to Success
Learning Objectives:
1. To understand the importance of communication in a group
2. To identify strengths and weaknesses of communication
3. To plan strategies to make communication work
4. To appreciate the value of good communication
Icebreaker: Count on Me
Cloth orLarge handkerchief
20 mins
1. The group will form a large circle.
2. During the first round, all members will cover their eyes with a blindfold. If
there are 20 members in the group, each person needs to say one number
at a time from 1 to 20. No one should repeat the same number and only
one person will utter a specific number. If two or more persons utter the
same number, the counting will go back to 1. If everyone successfully says
the numbers 1 to 20 without errors, then proceed to round 2.
3. On the 2nd round, all blindfolds will be removed, however, the members
are not allowed to speak to one another. They will count again, the same
thing they did during the 1st round. Only non-verbal cues/signals are
allowed. If everyone successfully says the numbers 1 to 20 without errors,
then proceed to the last round.
4. As for the last round, all members are already allowed to talk and
communicate to others. They will do the same thing they did in the
previous rounds. After they successfully do it, the activity is already done.
No Strings Attached
Rope/String, Timer
30 mins
1. The group will form a large circle.
2. Everyone will share a personal experience about miscommunication within
a group and how did they resolve it. One member will be holding the string
first and share his/her experience before passing it to another person.
3. Repeat the process until everyone is already holding a string. Note:
Everybody should be able to hold a string.
Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management Program
Mabini Street, Tagum City
Davao del Norte
Telefax: (084)655-9591 Local 116
4. By that point, the string is already tangled. The next goal is, all the
members should untangle the string without letting go of it. They can make
any strategies they want as long as the string will be untangled and they
can form a straight line after. They will only be given 10 minutes to
untangle it.
Processing Questions:
1. From our activity, how important communication is?
2. What are the difficulties you encounter?
3. What strategies did you make during the activity?
4. Generally, what did you learn from the activity?
Question & Answer (Q&A)
You are free to list down all the emerging questions or issues in the provided
spaces below. These questions or concerns may also be raised in the LMS or other
modes. You may answer these questions on your own after clarification. The Q&A
portion helps in the review of concepts and essential knowledge.
Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management Program
Mabini Street, Tagum City
Davao del Norte
Telefax: (084)655-9591 Local 116
Let’s Check
1. The first step in decision making is;
a. Establish priorities
b. Establish specific goals and objectives
c. Identify and define the problem
d. Determine courses of the problem
2. A process in which a group of individuals generate and state ideas, but in
which the rules prohibit questioning, evaluating, or rejecting any ideas, even if
they seem ridiculous is called:
a.delphi technique
b. brainstorming
c. nominal technique
d. bounded rationality
3. Which of the following is not an attribute of useful information?
a. accessible
b. timely
c. relevant
d. none of the above
4. Effective decision makers do not relay on careful analysis alone. Instead they
also use their intuition which often based on
a.stored information that is reorganized
b. help others of making decision
c. rational model for decision making
d. logic model
5. All of the followings are ways that can be used to improve your creativity
a. stick to the traditional mental state
b. discipline yourself to think laterally
c. conduct brainstorming session
d. concentrate intensely at the task on hand