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Mental Health in Belize: Government Initiatives & Programs

Mental Health, A Priority
The human brain is powerful and can control the way a person talk, act and relate to
people and objects on a daily basis. Our brain is a special and essential part of our body that can
hold memories that are vital for human development. However, these moments can abruptly be
halted by a disease that haunts most humans in many ways- Mental Illness. There are many
forms of mental illness that include; anxiety disorders, depression, bipolar, schizophrenia, eating
disorders, just a few to mention. According to a study, mental health is something that is as
serious as a physical illness but it is still feared and misunderstood by many people including
those who are diagnosed with mental illness (Stuart, 2012). Though mental illness cannot be seen
physically inside the body and mind it can do just as much damage, if not more. Individuals that
suffer from mental illness seek help from doctors, nurses and therapist to help overcome its
challenges. For these reasons the Ministry of Health has been and still is- investing adequate
resources towards the improvement of Mental Health and making it a priority within our society;
by planning a strategic health plan for the years 2009-2011 and 2014-2024, also by enforcing
mental health programs and providing mental health facilities and its location to citizens in the
country of Belize.
Since the year 2008 the Ministry of health has been making mental health a priority in
Belize by extensively planning a Strategic Health Plan for the years 2009-2011 and 2014-2024.
The 2009-2011 strategic health plan, outlined fundamental ways the Ministry of health took
action to improve mental health in Belize, by doing so they first established a Mental Health Unit
within the Ministry of health. In addition, to establishing a Mental Health Unit, the recruiting of
staff for coordination and management was done in order to plan, invest and build rehabilitation
centers, manage and coordinate a Mental Disaster Management Plan and most importantly to
promote Mental Health Awareness across the Country. After accomplishing the set goals for the
years 2009-2011 the Ministry of Health realized that more action was needed to meet the
standards of a well-developed country. Therefore, a long term Strategic Health Plan was set in
place from 2014 and is still gradually being achieved until 2024. This Strategic Health Plan sets
out the blueprint of a dynamic journey as the Ministry of Health forges ahead in the reengineering process of the health sector in Belize. It also laments on the opportunities for
cooperation and joint initiatives in addressing the priority concerns about the health of the
Belizean population. Apart from focusing on enforcing Mental Health awareness the Ministry of
Health involved stakeholders and emphasizes on their responsibilities and importance towards
the development of a framework for wellness that will go a long way in terms of having and
maintaining a strong, productive and healthy Belizean population.
Besides planning and implementing a Strategic Health Plan, the Ministry of Health,
Mental Health Unit has also been fixated on promoting and establishing Mental Health
Programs. According to the Ministry of Health website, the mental health programs serves the
needs of persons with mental disorders by enhancing their quality of life and creating networks
that guarantees the delivery of care within the community. The Mental Health Program provides
services that are organized and implemented throughout the country at the three levels of care:
outpatient services, inpatient services and community services. Outpatient services are services
like individual therapeutic work, mobile clinics and therapeutic work with families that are
provided to individuals at their home making them comfortable and financially convenient for
them. Inpatient services are services that are provided within the hospitals facility for example,
acute care and consultation liaison. Outreach programs and ancillary services falls under
community services these services help those who are unknowingly being affected by a mental
illness or are too afraid to seek help. This service also encourages them partake in the programs
and eventually get the proper medical attention needed to help improve and stabilize one’s
mental health. With the Ministry of Health enforcing and emphasizing the importance of the
three levels of care provided to the general public, they are indeed making mental health a
According to
Cheryl Killion and Claudina Cayetano, Belize is the most sparsely
populated country in Central America, therefore, has taken an enormous steps towards the
improvement of mental health for its citizens by building mental health facilities within each
district and generously providing the facilities phone number in case of an emergency. With a
Mental facility in each district the Belizean people are able to easily access medical care. There
are a total of 10 medical facilities specifically one in Corozal, Orange Walk, Belmopan, San
Ignacio, Dangriga and Punta Gorda and four in Belize City. According to Science Direct, the
article “Making mental health a priority in Belize” profiles mental health in Belize and explicates
contextual factors circumscribing manifestations, treatment, care of mental illness and also
focuses on the importance and roles of psychiatric nurses in Belize at a mental facility. A
psychiatric nurse plays a vital role in the administration of psychiatric treatment and care at a
mental facility. Nurses in this profession work alongside psychiatrists, who are medical doctors
specializing in mental disorders ranging from depression and anxiety to schizophrenia and
personality disorders. Nurses engaged in this profession help develop a treatment plan and use
their therapeutic skills to offer a range of options to patients and their families.
While the Belizean public continuously makes a hasty generalization that the
Government is not investing adequate resources towards the improvement of mental health in
Belize because there are no mental health facilities and very little or no awareness being
promoted at all. The Government on the other hand has indeed been and still is investing
adequate resources to improve mental health in Belize by implementing a strategic plan,
enforcing mental health programs and providing mental facilities within each district. As we can
see the government has made mental health a priority and making sure that those who are
mentally ill get the proper medical care required to have a healthy lifestyle.
In conclusion, mental health is a serious disease especially in Belize, with ongoing
reports of a mother that drowns 3 of 4 kids and a man charged for killing his son and child’s
grandmother has opened eyes of many citizens especially the Government. Though mental health
is not common within our society affected individuals are quietly dying or going rogue like the
mentioned individuals above. As a result, the government prioritizes mental health by ensuring
mental health facilities are readily available and enforcing mental health programs. This way the
Government is looking a brighter future with productive citizens and better health care.
Http://ljournal.ru/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/d-2016-154.pdf. (2016). doi:10.18411/d2016-154
Killion, C., & Cayetano, C. (2009). Making Mental Health a Priority in Belize. Archives
of Psychiatric Nursing, 23(2), 157-165. doi:10.1016/j.apnu.2008.05.005
B. (n.d.). Ministry of Health Belize. Retrieved November 3, 18, from
Ministry of Health Belize. (n.d.). Retrieved November 3, 18, from
Mental Health Clinics / Services in Belize. (n.d.). Retrieved November 22, 18, from
Reid, S. (2016, November 09). Role of Psychiatric Nursing. Retrieved November 23, 18,
from https://work.chron.com/role-psychiatric-nursing-6931.html