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50 TEST 88p $$$$$

Test 1
1. They were travelling on the same train so they ___. But, of course, we don't
know if they did.
N could meet B/ should probably meet C/ might meet 0/ may have met
2. I'm afraid very few people know about the concert and almost no one will come.
If only the posters ___ on time.
A/ were hanging
B/ were hung
C/ had been hung
D/ were hanged
3. Although at that time my knowledge of German was very poor, I ___ most
of what they said.
B/ have understood
N didn't understand
D/ did understand
C/ managed understand
4. You know how upset she was that night. You ___ her everything was all
right. Why were you so cruel?
N should tell B/ ought tell C/ may have told DI could have told
5. For a person who has ___ Hatvard, she has a rather low salary.
A/ graduated B/ graduated on C/ graduated from D/ graduated at
6. Friday will be a bad day for me - I have an extra session and maybe a pre�
conference. I wish your mother ___ on Saturday or Sunday. But I know it's
not your fault.
A/ were coming
B/ didn't come
CJ came
D/ had come
7. All right, Bob. First ___ the floor. Then tell them to water the garden.
B/ have a few of your friends sweep
N make some of your friends to sweep
C/ have a few of your friends to sweep
D/ order some of your friends sweep
8. "So finally, when shall we meet?"
'�y time you wish. Of course, only after you ___ the matter with Mr Gray."
A/ will settle
B/ have settled
C/ shall settle
D/ will have settled
9. Samuel ___ his collection. I can imagine his wife's fury if be does.
N may have to sell B/ may have sold C/ could have sold D/ must have sold
10. It's time to say goodbye. Well, I'm looking foiward ___ you all again
N to seeing B/ on seeing C/ to see D/ to be seeing
11. So you're quite sure that I ___ the bill myself? But, listen, no one had told
me that before. And, besides, when the meal was over, they all very willingly
handed me their shares.
A/ would pay
B/ ought to pay
C/ must have paid
D/ was to pay
12. Since, at the very beginning, he showed some inclination towards laziness, he
___ of all his duties. Afterwards he worked very well.
A/ must have reminded
Cl had to be reminded
B/ had to remind
D/ must have been reminded
13. I must say I didn't regret when I heard that Bob Hope was being recalled from
the Committee. He ___ my views ever since he became a member. I didn't
know I would be leaving only two months after him.
N has opposed B/ had been opposing C/ was opposing D/ has been opposing
14. Within hours following the crisis the price of coffee ___ 80 cents a barrel.
N rose 8/ has risen CJ raised D/ was rised
15. The auction turned out to be a tremendous success in spite of the fact that there
___ manuscripts than originally planned.
N were a few I�
8/ were slightly fewer
C/ were not so many
D/ was the least
Teat 2
1. They've faxed me I should stay till they ___ a replacement. Well, last time
it took two weeks.
N found B/ will find C/ find D/ had found
2. What about ___ for us? It might be quite interesting, I suppose.
N to have some of them working
Cl to make some of them work
8/ making some of them work
D/ having some of them work
3. Thank God Sue came on time! ___ the keys without her?
A/ Would you find
C/ Could you find
B/ Would you have found
D/ Would you be able to find
4. You are a smoker yourself, Mr Parker. How did you find out someone ___
in your study?
B/ was smoking
A/ bad been smoking
C/ bas been smoking
D/ had to be smoking
5-. At the first sound of the plane engine the soldiers ___ to their feet.
N sprung
B/ sprang
Cl had sprung
D/ have sprung
6. Believe it or not, but these girls ___ that Elvis Presley will be remembered
as the greatest musician of the 20th century.
A/ are really thinking
B/ really are thinking
C/ do think
D/ think really
7. I wish they ___ alone when the operation begins.
A/ haven't been
B/ wouldn't be
CJ won't be
D/ hadn't been
8. One of the men was lying on the ground after ___ down by a piece of rock.
A/ knocking
B/ was knocked
C/ knocking him
D/ being knocked
9. There are still six days to go before the deadline, and so a few of the top players
___ to stay away. Let's hope not too many of them will.
N will still decide
8/ can still decide
C/ may have decided
D/ might still decide
10. "Can we use the court now?"
"Not yet. But as everything is ready, we can start as soon as they ___ "
A/ finished
B/ have finished
C/ will finish
D/ will have finished
11. "I always admire your lawn, Mr Preston. I guess you must cut the grass almost
every day."
"Well, I'm often away for a week or longer, but of course, I must ___,,
B/ have cut it regularly
D/ have regularly cut it
A/ have been cutting it regularly
C/ have it cut regularly
12. "We were ten minutes late."
N none
8/ hardly
C/ not
"Well, it's ___ surprise to me."
D/ no
13. I really think there' s no need to be sorry. The Rangers were so good that it was
not possible to beat them anyway. Even if you and George ___ better in the
first half.
A/ had played
B/ would play
C/ did play
D/ have played
14. She counts on Tom far too much. She doesn't take into account the possibility
that he ___ her, in spite of his willingne� to do so.
A/ might not be able to help
Cl can't have helped
B/ may not have helped
D/ may not want to help
15. Mr Linn has never reappeared in the town since the day his house ___ down.
A/ has been burnt
B/ had burnt
C/ burnt
D/ has burnt
Test 3
1. She ___ you that evening. You should have told her everything.
A/ would help B/ was there to help C/ must have helped D/ wic.hed helping
2. The boy must have learnt a little Spanish during his stay as he ___ the fax.
B/ could hardly understand
A/ did understand
C/ managed understand
D/ understood anything of
3. Since, for some time to come, her promotion ___ back, they decided to
offer her a new car in compensation.
N has been held B/ WJlS holding C/ must have been held D/ had to be held
4. The collision occurred at five in the morning. Soon afteiwards one of the ships
A/ sank
B/ has sunk
C/ has sunken
D/ sunk
5. I didn't know what to think of it, so I suggested ___ again.
N watching her being performing
8/ to watch how she pcrforms
C/ watching her perform
0/ to watch her perform
6. How very lucky you were! You ___ in the crowd.
N could get lost B/ could have lost C/ didn't lose D/ could have got lost
7. He made all sorts of beautiful plans for his tour without taking into consideration
the possibility ___ an entry visa.
A/ of refusing B/ to be refused C/ of refusal of D/ of being refused
8. The reception given by the Adlers before their departure for the States was
a very sad event for us. They ___ our closest friends since they came to live
in our town.
A/ were B/ had been Cl have been D/ have become
9. Ursula and Toss had their little differences at the beginning of their work but now
they seem to be ___ quite nicely.
N getting along 8/ getting through C/ doing up D/ doing by
10. I left my office at four because I was sure Mr Atkins wouldn't come. Now I wish
I ___ for him.
N would have waited B/ did wait C/ had waited D/ would wait
11. I found the idea ___ identical dresses very eccentric.
N to make them all wear
B/ of making them all wear
D/ to make them all to be wearing
Cl of making them aU wearing
12. "Is it true you plan to hold a press conference?"
"Yes, as soon as the first results ___ known. It's important to be quick."
A/ will be 8/ will have been CJ are D/ were
13. Oh, if I ___ about it a little earlier ... Why didn't you tell me?
A/ knew B/ had known C/ could know D/ did know
14. We shouldn't think about new computers before installing ___ system in
the building.
B/ more reliable beating
A/ the reliable heating
D/ reliably heating
Cl a reliable heating
15. What's wonying me is that it's been two weeks since I ___ by a hamster and
my arm is still swollen.
A/ have been bit B/ have been bitten C/ was bit D/ was bitten
Test 4
1. I don't know
Al why did they all look so sadly
CJ what did it make them look so sad
B/ why they all looked so sad
0/ why they all looked so sadly
2. When I met Walters about two years before his death he didn't seem satisfied.
He ___ no major book since he settled in Uganda.
A/ has published B/ could have published CJ had published D/ published
3. Now I know we were just too tired. Even with your help we ___ iL
B/ wouldn't be able to finish
A/ shouJdn 't finish
CJ wouldn't have finished
D/ wouldn't finish
4. "When will they start packing?" "The moment you ___ . But no sooner
than that.''
N let them go B/ will let them to go CJ will let them go 0/ let them to go
5. I don't think I might agree ___ you have said.
N with what B/ with that what CJ with that D/ that which you
6. "I understand you have been reading all the boys' letters. Since when?"
"Since they ___ to me about their weekend plans."
A/ laid
8/ lied
C/ have lied
D/ have laid
7. Won't you be able ___ to the doctor afterwards?
N to make her talking
C/ to get her to talk
B/ to get her talk
D/ and make her talk
8. It is hard to say when the new line will start to bring in a profit. The company's
spokesman has revealed recently that it ___ a year before they actually stop
losing money.
N would take
D/ might take
C/ can take
B/ will have taken
9. Don't believe Peter. He ___ Steve's camera after the game. I was not the
only one to have seen it.
N has been using
Bl were using
CJ did use
D/ may have used
10. A broken leg and some slight injuries! Wasn,t he lucky? Just think about the
consequences if he ___ at the moment of the crash.
C/ was smoking
Bl would be smoking
D/ had been smoking
11. The same thing happened a few years earlier when, after ten days of rain, most
nvers ___ their banks.
N overflew
B/ have overflown
C/ have overtled
DI overflowed
12. I'm not lazy but I think we have ___ public holidays. We ought to have
A/ too little
B/ too few
C/ rather a few
D/ fairly little
13. As a small boy he was used to ___ in the house for an hour or two.
N leaving alone
D/ be left alone
B/ being left alone
CJ leave alone
14. I don't think playing ball ___ weather is much fun.
N in wet
B/ during the wet
CJ in a wet
D/ through a wet
15. I didn't see it myself, but of course, if he ___ so rude to Ann, he'll have to
apologise to her next time she's here. That's all I can say.
A/ was
8/ would be
Cl were
D/ is
Teat 6
1. I appealed to the readers hoping that I would be able to gather at least ___
in the case of Blair Castle.
B/ similar informations like
D/ as much information like
A/ as many infonnations u
C/ as much information as
2. It seems to me that Walter didn't pay all ___ supposed to pay.
A/ which he
8/ which he had
C/ what he was
D/ he was
3. It's a tremendous task so I'm rather pe�imistic about Roger's chances. Even if
he ___ how to begin.
A/ shows
8/ has shown
C/ were shown
D/ showed
4. They ___ married for two years or so when Roy employed a very attractive
Indian secretary in his Glasgow office.
A/ only have been
8/ were only
C/ have only been
D/ had only been
5. Frankly speaking I was a bit surprised myself. I didn't expect ___ before
5 o'clock.
A/ my finishing
8/ to fmisb
C/ fini.,bing
D/ being able to finish
6. Don't blame me for what I did ___ differently in my place?
8/ Wouldn't you act
D/ Would you acted
A/ Would you have acted
C/ Would you act
7. From a strictly medical point of view all the children ought to have been
vaccinated three months ago. Anyway, we should begin vaccinating them the day
the vaccine ___ ready.
N is
8/ was
8. Don't tell me I
C/ would be
D/ had been
--- till 5 o'clock in the afternoon.
A/ was to make them to stay
Cl must have made them stay
B/ could have made them stay
D/ was to have made them stay
9. Could you tell me how you came ___ this unknown letter?
N along
B/ through
C/ to
D/ acres.,
10. We live very far from the station, so she ___ a taxi because she got here just
ten minutes after the arrival of the train.
N must have taken
B/ had to take
CJ would certainly take
D/ had to have taken
11. I can't go fishing with you because my wife is giving a party tomorrow. I wish
N you came
8/ you wouldn't
C/ she were not
0/ she would not
12. Without any warning he ___ the boy on the chest.
N striked B/ stroke CJ stroked D/ struck
13. I guess you would want to work here as a teacher. If so, you ___ a degree
A/ must have got B/ would have got Cl would have to get D/ had got
it several times, I might still believe he has good
14. Well, if I
B/ didn't hear Dino say
A/ hadn't heard Dino say
D/ heard not Dino as saying
C/ hadn't heard Dino to be saying
15. Tony is lying. He ___ money from Alf on the ferry back from Bergen. I'm
absolutely positive about it.
N has borrowed
8/ did borrow
D/ may have borrowed
C/ has been borrowed
Test 8
1. Since they ___ they are getting on very well together.
B/ are in the same age
A/ are the same age
D/ have the same age
C/ have been of the same age
2. If he asks my advice, I'll suggest ___ in the offices on the ground floor.
B/ changing piece of furniture
N to change some furnitures
D/ changing all the furniture
C/ to change part of the furniture
3. Both of them are very busy and cannot devote ___
A/ their children enough time
B/ their children lot of time
0/ enough time to their children
C/ much time for their children
4. Now that you're through with it, you should be more grateful to Ted for all his
help. Do you think ___ without it?
A/ you would succeed
8/ would you succeed
D/ you would have succeeded
C/ you might succeed
5. I was very surprised that nobody reacted ___ he was trying to do.
A/ against that which
B/ to that what
CJ to what
D/ for what
6. For me it's obviom that anyone who ___ to make some changes here would
have to start by gaining local people's confidence.
A/ was wanting
B/ were wanting
C/ had wanted
D/ would want
7. What? Your sister saw Jimmy at The Oasis? Well, if it ___ him, he must
have been dismissed again.
A/ were really B/ was really C/ had really been D/ really had been
8. You should be glad that Fielding, your main opponent, didn't appear. Can you
imagine the verdict if he ___?
C/ had D/ would
A/ did Bl didn't
9. How long is it since our club ___ from the Cup?
N withdrew
Bl has withdrawn
C/ withdrawn
D/ was withdrowned
10. I could never sympathise with ___ only criticised other people's work.
A/ such a persons who
Bl such persons who
Cl persons who
D/ such persons that
11. It's really hard to know when she ___. Maybe next weekend or some
weekend after next. Maybe she won't come at all.
A/ comes B/ will come Cl will have come D/ has come
12. I must admit they ___ far too quickly for me. Anyway, I'm not good at
A/ rowed
B/ rew
C/ have rown
D/ rown
13. Do you really expect him ___ treated in this way?
A/ to not object to be
C/ not to object to being
B/ not to object to be
D/ not object to being
14. "Could we start a little earlier?"
"Well, it depends on the Parkers. I've made arrangements to start as soon H they
A/ have returned
B/ returned
C/ will return
D/ will have returned
15. He is very conservative in his opinions. He says, for example, that he prefers
A/ going by train than to Oy
C/ going by train than flyinJt
8/ going by train to flying
D/ going by train from flying
Test 7
t. Thank goodne&, she isn't your wife. Just ti}' to imagine our cooperation if she
A/ would be
B/ were
DI will be
C/ is
2. I am not puritanical but if I objected ___ such films before 10 pm, it was
because I was thinking about how damaging this might be for young children.
Al to allowing 1V channels show
Cl to allowing TV channels to show
B/ against allowing TV channels to show
DI to allow TV channels for showing
3. "Do you know Mr aark arrived last Monday?"
"Oh, really? Well, I wish ___"
A/ he didn't
B/ I knew earlier
Cl I did earlier
D/ he hadn't
4. What would you think about ___?
A/ to let Smith for reelection
C/ letting Smith for being reelected
Bl letting Smith to be reelected
D/ letting Smith be reelected
5. I can't believe it. She ___ it by herself. It weighs over a ton.
A/ couldn't lift
CJ may not have been able to lift
B/ can't have lifted
0/ might not lift
6. On leaving school the boys gave Mr Jay, their headmaster, an album with the
photographs which they ___ since the first day at school.
A/ have taken
8/ have been taking
Cl had taken
D/ were taking
7. "I'm ready for lunch." "You had ___ I'm not surprised."
A/ so light breakfast that
C/ such light breakfast that
8/ such a light breakfast that
D/ too light breakfast therefore
8. Seeing the headmaster come towards them the pupils ___ themselves.
A/ hidded
B/ have hidden
Cl have hid
D/ hid
9. Without doubt any such incident ___ him in such a difficult situation that
he would have to resign immediately.
A/ had placed
B/ would have placed
C/ would place
D/ has placed
10. It's not difficult to imagine how Dave would react if one of his partners ___
with bankrupttr1'.
N were threatened
Bl were threaten
C/ threatened
D/ threaten
11. Both gangsters were fairly sure there was no danger ___
N of being arrested
B/ of arresting
C/ to be arrested
D/ to have been arrested
12. Did they buy everything ___?
N what they wished buy
Cl which they had planned buying
B/ they wished to buy
D/ what they wished to buy
13. Look at these photos. They ___ in Brazil or Colombia. Certainly not in
N could be taken
C/ might possibly be taken
B/ might possibly have taken
D/ may have been taken
14. I'm sure the timing won't be difficult at all. The band starts playing the moment
you ___
N sec them enter
B/ will sec them being entering
D/ see they will be entering
CJ will see them entering
15. A number of bad contracts and last year's deep recession finally drove him
Al off B/ from
Cl out of D/ outside
Test 8
1. I think ___ the battery before going to Vienna. Do you know Lucy had
problems starting the car last night?
A/ you'd better change
C/ you've better changed
Bl you'd better changed
D/ you will better change
2. "Who ___ this beautiful blouse?" "My Granny did."
N sew
Bl sewn
C/ sewed
D/ sowed
3. If, as Mr Fox says, the repair turned out to be so complicated, they ___
much earlier. But nobody expected it would be so time-consuming.
A/ should start B/ ought to have started C/ might start D/ must have started
4. At the time of our first meeting there was a considerable difference between me
and him; he ___ articles in magazines for over five years while I was
practically unknown.
A/ was publishing B/ had been publishing C/ has been publishing D/ published
5. In principle I have nothing against ___ here. If they are polite, of course.
A/ letting Bob and the other boys come
B/ to let Bob and the other boys come
Cl letting Bob and the other boys to come D/ to let Bob and the other boys to be coming
6. Doesn't she look ___?
A/ elegantly in her new dress
C/ elegant in her new dress on
B/ elegantly wearing her new dress on
D/ elegant in her new dress
7. Let's not discuu this problem now ifwe ___ a decision tomorrow.
B/ needn't to reach
A/ won't need to reach
C/ don't need to reach
D/ needn't to be reaching
8. I didn't manage to copy ___
B/ all what I wanted being copied
A/ all which I wanted to
D/ all I wanted to
C/ all what I wanted to
9. I'm not sure who should be punished for the incident. Certainly not Alice, since
she ___ of possible dangers.
A/ hasn't warned 8/ wasn't warned Cl hadn't warned D/ wouldn't be warned
10. A� I expected, the prospect ___ to hospital made him feel much worse.
A/ to be taken B/ for taking C/ of taking D/ of being taken
11. You look really tired. You could ___ a week's holiday, I think.
N make for B/ make with C/ do with D/ p� for
12. Her unexpected arrival probably saved his life. Tun minutes later the fire ___
impossible to control.
N had been B/ might be C/ would have been D/ must have been
13. I'm not dogmatic. Before taking a decision I always want to know ___ on the
B/ people's varying opinions
A/ people's varying opinion
D/ peoples' varying opinion
CJ peoples' varying opinions
14. Mr Simpson says it was impossible to finish the job on time. I don't necessarily
agree with this as there were some options he didn't try; for instance, if he
four lorries instead of two.
Al had hired B/ hired C/ would hire D/ were to hire
15. "Where's your green dress?" "Unfortunately it ___ in the first wash."
N shrunk B/ shrinked C/ has shrunken D/ shrank
Test 9
1. There are no problems with Dave. He seems ___ after in a proper way.
B/ to have been looked
N to be looking
Cl to have looked
D/ as if he were to look
2. He knew ___ to express how strongly he felt about it.
A/ too little words in Dutch
8/ too few Dutch words
Cl not enough Dutch allowing
D/ a little Dutch
3. Don't by to stop him. The sooner he ___ the better. I certainly won't mi�
A/ resigns
8/ will resign
C/ will have resigned
D/ had resigned
4. Hearing the sad news, she ___ tears. I'm stiU upset to think about it.
A/ has burst in
B/ burst with
CJ has burst into
D/ burst into
5. By the time I came here all the better jobs ___ taken.
N have been B/ were C/ are D/ had been
6. As for Tina, we can be quite sure she will not say a word, even if she ___
B/ will be spoken to
D/ will be able to speak to
A/ speaks to
C/ is spoken to
7. If I might say something, I'd suggest ___ Adam about it.
N not telling B/ not to tell C/ not saying D/ to not say
8. I didn't hear the voice but if the man ___ Barbara's father, we'll be in
trouble. You shouldn't have told her about our meeting.
A/ had been
B/ were
C/ was
D/ would be
9. My daughters prefer ___ sell top quality goods only.
A/ such shops which
8/ shops which
C/ shops
D/ such a shops which
10. I don't know what they're waiting for. We've agreed to depart once they
N finished
8/ have finished
C/ will finish
D/ will have finished
11. I've just had a quarrel with your father whether ___ fishing.
A/ allow you and your friends go
Cl to allow you and your friends for going
B/ to allow you and your friends go
D/ to allow you and your friends to go
12. Buenos Aires Radio says ___ a twenty-four hour general strike in
Argentina on Friday.
N there is to be
B/ it is to be
D/ there may have been
C/ it has been
13. "Monica has just left. She's sorry about being absent last Monday. She had to
babysit for a neighbour." "It's OK but ___,,
N she could phone
B/ couldn't she have phoned?
CJ she ought have phoned
D/ why she didn't phone?
14. It's great! I've never seen ___ architecture in my life.
A/ so a fantastic
CJ such a fantastic
B/ so fantastic an
D/ such fantastic
15. I can remember she ___ the dining-room table with a white cloth to
celebrate my return.
A/ laid
B/ lay
D/ has laid
C/ has lain
Test 10
1. This news is too good to be true. I'm afraid George has ___ it up
A/ brought
8/ made
C/ put
D/ did
2. Excuse me, Mr Finn, but would you mind if we ___ your front windows?
They're terrible!
A/ got some Scouts to clean
CJ would make some Scouts clean
B/ made some Scouts to clean
D/ got some Scouts clean
3. What great joy it was to receive the news he ___ for such a long time!
N has been waiting for
C/ had been waiting for
8/ has been waiting
D/ has waited
4. She showed ___ intelligence in the handling of the affair.
N a superior B/ superior C/ the superior D/ such superior an
5. We ___ him up at five because be hadn't been sleeping since four.
N needn't have woken
B/ didn't need wake
C/ necdn 't to have woken
DI didn't need to wake
6. I wouldn't have bought it anyway, because it ___ too much.
N cost B/ had costed C/ costed D/ would cost
7. Wme is made ___ grapes.
A/ out of B/ of C/ from D/ with
8. In my opinion the house looked much better before ___ in 1980.
B/ was redecorated
A/ redecorating
0/ being redecorated
C/ redecorating it
9. Be very cautious. Anything ___ could be very harmful to our project.
B/ they might propose
A/ what they might propose
Cl of that they might propose
D/ like they might propose
10. Since no photographs ___ taken during the walk, I left my camera in the
A/ had been B/ have been Cl were to be D/ should have been
11. If Mr Marsh ___ his car to that Irish lawyer, as he thought he
would, I'll have to find another person to drive me to the station in the
A/ sold B/ sells C/ were to sell D/ would sell
12. "It says here the base at North Pass has been receiving supplies only by air."
"Oh really? Since when?" "Since the bay ___ over."
A/ freezed 8/ froze C/ has frozen D/ has frost
13. It's very naive of Adam to expect ___ so much money for such an old
A/ receive
B/ receiving
C/ to receive
D/ his receiving
14. Since, at that time, his name --- secret, we all addressed him "Uncle
N has been kept
Cl must have been kept
8/ was keeping
D/ had to be kept
15. Last year's festival ___ quite the same thing without Danny Rogers. Most
of the audience came only to hear him and left after his concert.
B/ hadn't been
A/ wouldn't be
C/ wasn't
D/ wouldn't have been
Teat 11
1. If the exams are to be taken separately, I can see no point ___ on the same
B/ in having all of them to come
Al to have all of them come
0/ in having all of them come
Cl to have all of them to come
2. It wasn't so bad after all. Eventually there were ___ complaints than
A/ not so many B/ much less CJ far fewer D/ least
3. If, indeed, you ___ a police agent who was following you on the train, the
situation may soon become very serious.
A/ saw Bl had seen C/ have seen D/ see
4. The only incident that night involved two policemen who ___ near
Checkpoint El 1.
A/ had shot at B/ have shot on C/ were shooting at
5. He ___ on the bed and soon went to sleep.
A/ lay down
B/ lied down
C/ laid down
D/ had been shot at
D/ lain down
6. I'm sure they will always object ___ in how their community should be run.
A/ to have no say
Cl to having said nothing
B/ to having no say
D/ against saying nothing
7. We've lost all the games! I've never had ___ before.
A/ such rotten luck
B/ such a rotten luck
C/ so rotten a luck
D/ that rotten luck
8. After that scandal Mr Patterson ___ resign. Just think of some people's joy
if he is.
A/ might have to
C/ may have been forced to
B/ may be forced to
D/ could have been forced to
9. "Will it be all right if I ask Mr Bueno to come in the afternoon?"
"Well, I'm to get the file on his bank tomorrow. And I'd rather not meet him
before I ___ it."
A/ saw
B/ had seen
C/ have seen
D/ will see
10. Don't regret you couldn't come. Your arrival ___ my decision.
- N wouldn't change
C) may not have changed
B/ wouldn't have changed
D/ couldn't change
11. After only two or three days it turned out to be rather unfortunate that
Andrea, my only acquaintance in Puebla, ___ there long enough to be
a good guide.
N hasn't lived B/ didn't live C/ hadn't lived D/ wasn't living
12. There was nothing I could do for Joe in that situation. Even if I ___ I�
A/ were Bl weren't C/ would have been D/ had been
13. I'm afraid he couldn't help being jealous ___ his brother's good fortune.
A/ of B/ about C/ at D/ over
14. Once in Miami I ___ what to do. The problem is there is no way of getting
A/ knew B/ know C/ would know D/ would have known
15. Our experts agree that one tenth ___ the terrorists put into the parcel
would have blown up the judge's car.
N of that what 8/ of that C/ which D/ of what
Test 12
1. Any contract which ___ the ownership of the palace would have to be
approved by the Supreme Court. And I doubt whether such approval would be
N would affect B/ has affected C/ had affected D/ affects
2. One must not forget that in twenty years from now ___ in society needn't
be exactly the same.
N role of women
8/ women's roles Cl woman's role D/ womens' role
3. I wonder where and when he
Al manages to have printed these cards
C/ will manage these cards to be printed
8/ will manage to have printed these cards
D/ will manage to have these cards printed
4. Even if she thought the ride and the tickets would be free, she ___
Jimmy some pocket money. As it was the boy couldn't even buy himself an ice
N could give
B/ should give
Cl had to give
0/ ought to have given
5. The situation has changed and now I wouldn't wait too long with handing in the
resignation. In your place I'd do it exactly the day the new rector ___ office.
A/ took 8/ will take C/ takes D/ had taken
we would never forget our
6. At the General's funeral we
Af swcared
8/ swore
C/ have sweared
D/ have sworn
7. Well, it --- but will it taste the same?
Al � smelling good
B/ smells good
Cl is smelling well
D/ smells well
8. Remember, if you eventually meet Mrs Field, you'll have to speak to her as if you
the real Mr Archer.
--Al were
B/ will be
C/ would be
D/ are
9. The guerrillas are trained in special mountain camps. ___ believed to be at
least ten such camps high up in the Sierras.
N They are B/ It is C/ There are D/ There is
10. I'm sorry, I forgot to tell you the Fergusons drink only water, so really you
___ all that wine. But don't worry, we'll keep it for your birthday party.
A/ needn't have bought
C/ oughtn't to buy
B/ didn't need to buy
D/ didn't need buy
11. Don't get so excited. He did nothing ___
B/ what we couldn't do
N we couldn't do
D/ such important
C/ what we couldn't have done
12. I wish we ___ longer in Antwerp instead of going to Brussels, which I have
seen many times. Do you think it might still be arranged?
A/ have stayed
B/ bad stayed
C/ shall stay
0/ could stay
13. We should be very glad that there were so few policemen on duty that day. But I
prefer not to think about the possible end of our action if there ___ more.
A/ were B/ bad been Cl are D/ would be
14. He got into bed with a hot-water bottle and ___ bis cold out before it could
have developed into flu.
A/ sweat
B/ sweated
CJ has sweated
D/ sweatened
15. He is the kind of person that will always ___ in most impossible ways.
8/ take advantage of
N take advantage
C/ be taken advantage of
D/ be taking advantage of
Teat 13
1. It is now over seventy years since Lindbergh ___ acrcm the Atlantic.
N has Oed B/ has Oown C/ fled D/ flew
2. With a better goalkeeper they ___ almost certain to win the cup. But even
with poor old Joe Wright they are a very likely winner.
N would be B/ would have been Cl were D/ will be
3. What made you think he ___ in the RAF?
N must have to be B/ had been C/ was being D/ had had to be
4. How much did you have to pay ___?
B/ for having painted an the rooms
A/ to have all the rooms painted
D/ for painting all the rooms
CJ to have painted all the rooms
5. I was more and more angered ___ the man was saying.
A/ with all that what
8/ at what
C/ by that
D/ at all that what
6. There is no point asking Bob for information concerning the contest. As far as I
know he ___ about it.
N hasn't told B/ didn't tell C/ hasn't been told D/ wouldn't tell
7. I don't know how you will do it, but one thing is certain: there shouldn't be any
people coming and going after the lecture ___
N began B/ has begun C/ will have begun D/ will begin
8. "Which model ___? We won't be able to buy more than one."
"Oh, I don't know. We would have to carry out a detailed study before making
a decision."
N shall we buy B/ will we buy C/ would we buy D/ we want to buy
9. We arrived very late, only minutes before ___ the ferry to Hamburg.
A/ boarding on B/ boarding for C/ being boarded onto D/ boarding
10. We should not make the final decision yet since ___ two more meetings in
April and May.
A/ there will have been B/ there had been C/ there have been D/ there are to be
11. The Mayor has said that it will take months to repair ___ done to the
buildings by Hurricane Linda.
N damages B/ the damages Cl a damage D/ the damage
12. He pretended ___ Ru.ian, which probably saved his life.
Bl not understanding
D/ didn't understand
A/ not understand
C/ not to understand
13. He's trying to convince me I ___ him. But he doesn't take into
consideration the fact that I was in trouble myself.
A/ could help
C/ was able to help
B/ could have helped
0/ had been able to help
14. I went to see Aunt Mathilda yesterday and found her wearing her best dress. She
said she was waiting for her insurance agent who'd said he would ___
A/ call on her
CJ call her off D/ call her out
B/ call at her
15. I reacted the way I did out of ignorance. Could you imagine my reaction if
I ___ the spider was so dangerous?
A/ knew
B/ did know
C/ had known
D/ would know
Test 14
1. There ___ no price rises till the end of the year. Because of this we
will have to change the name of the product before we can sell it for more
N will have been
B/ are
C/ arc to be
D/ won't be
2. Look at that girl! If only I ___ twenty years later ...
A/ were born
B/ was born
C/ had been born
D/ would have been born
3. Profe�r White, who is ___ to be the best specialist in this field, will give
a lecture on the subject.
N told
8/ said
C/ spoken
D/ talked
4. Miss Archer will be eighty next September. At this age she is still enjoying
Al relatively good
8/ relative good
C/ a relatively good
0/ the relatively good
5. Being on the whole very sceptical about the project, Mr Adams ___ to
cooperate. But he made it clear that his support was only conditional and could
be withdrawn at any moment.
A/ didn't promise
B/ did promise
C/ has promised
D/ wouldn't promise
6. In your situation you need ___ would be cheap but not too ugly.
N such furniture which
B/ such a furniture which
D/ a furniture that
C/ furniture that
7. What I strongly object to is the very principle ___ on one another.
N of getting the boys themselves to inform Bl to get the boys themselves inform
C/ of getting the boys themselves inform
DI to get the boys themselves informing
8. The news ___ be true. That's why until we learn more about it we ought to
behave as if we bad never received it.
A/ doesn't need
B/ needs not to
C/ mustn't
D/ may or may not
9. If at that point the situation ___ well in hand, then why did they react so
A/ had been B/ were C/ was D/ would be
10. Not unexpectedly, the enemy artillery ___ back, killing a number of people
and starting a fire.
A/ has bitted B/ has hit Cl bitted D/ hit
11. Without ___ what to begin with they won't be able to move on.
A/ being shown B/ showing them CJ having shown D/ showing
12. We all rejoiced to hear that the first prize had gone to Willis, who ___
active in this field for longer than any of us.
N bas been B/ had been CJ was D/ is
13. This time of day all the lines are engaged, so I doubt whether she'll be able to
to us.
N get about B/ get down C/ get over D/ get through
14. Over a hundred Embassy staff and their families ___ that there was no
B/ were gathered to be told
N were gathered to tell them
C/ gathered to tell
D/ were gathered for telling them
15. In my opinion we should react as soon as the plan ___ public. Waiting a day
or two would put us in a rather awkward position.
N has been made B/ will be made CJ went D/ bad gone
Teat 16
1. He ___ us on the last day of the congress so his presence at the opening
ceremony was something of a surprise.
A/ must have joined
B/ was to join
C/ had to join
DI should join
2. Mr Oller discussed the details of the project with ___ authority that made
all the listeners forget his young age.
A/ the complete
B/ such a complete authority
C/ such completely
D/ complete
3. I still regret I didn't have a camera. I ___ some photographs of the bird.
A/ would certainly take
C/ could maybe take
B/ would have taken
D/ had better take
4. We've been working in the same shop for a week but I still don't know how to
address her. I wish
N I do one day
B/ I did
C/ I would
D/ to find out soon
S. What a pity I was away! If only the fax ___ me an hour earlier ...
A/ had reached
B/ would reach
C/ reached
D/ did reach
6. Last year's tournament was by far the best. We managed to gather ___ top
A/ hardly all
B/ quite few
CJ quite a few
D/ rather much
7. We didn't know what to do and then Sue had the bright idea ___ their own
N to get every couple cook
Cl of getting every couple cooking
'Bl to get every couple cooking
D/ of getting every couple to cook
8. We were lucky. A television documentary was just being made and we ___
the Chapel, which is not normally shown to the public.
A/ could have seen
8/ did all but see
C/ were able to sec
D/ could see
9. If I suggest ___ the report yet, it's because I am aware how complex the
situation is.
N to not publish
8/ not publishing C/ do not publish
D/ not to publish
10. Pablo ___ on similar equipment since he left school, and therefore he was
not required to attend the afternoon training session.
A/ was working
B/ worked
C/ has been working
D/ bad been working
11. We are not going to stop. The campaign should go on until every bike ___
marked with the new reflective paint. Just think how many lives it may save.
N has been Bl was C/ will have been D/ will be
12. One thing seems rather certain. The advertising campaign ___ in a proper
Al hasn't run
B/ hadn't run
C/ wun't run
D/ wouldn't run
13. Tuking the Duke by surprise, the girl ___ her arms round his neck trying to
kiss him.
A/ threw Bl has thrown C/ thrown D/ was throwing
14. What an amazing coincidence! Bob and Jane are ___
A/ in exactly the same age
B/ at the same age exactly
CJ exactly the same age
D/ exactly in the same age
15. I remember that meeting Andy Sugar was a great occasion for my children.
Since the showing of his film they ___ him as something of a national
N admired B/ have admired Cl have been admiring D/ had admired
Test 18
1. ___ their beads in his direction, he knew they were interested.
A/ When he saw them both to turn
Cl Seeing them both tum
8/ On seeing they both turn
D/ After seeing them both to have turned
2. Nobody looked for a better manager because Geoff ___ considered the
only possible choice.
A/ would have B/ has already O had D/ was
3. We cannot invite her for a tour of the province because her parents have told her
to return home after the last game ___ over.
A/ is B/ will be C/ would be D/ was
4. Doctor Delors was very fluent in English and so I ___ an interpreter, which
greatly reduced the cost of the lecture.
N needn't have hired
8/ didn't need to hire
C/ needn't to have hired
D/ didn't need hire
5. Who will pay for the coach if almost two fifths of the p�ngers ___ a free
N will receive 8/ were to give C/ are to be given D/ would receive
6. Laboratory tests carried ___ by three independent teams of experts have
given similar results.
N out
8/ about
C/ forth
D/ up
7. Don't tell me I acted too quickly. I'm sure nobody in my place ___ a minute
N would have to wait
B/ would have waited
C/ would be able to wait D/ would wait
8. We expect that there ought to be ___ accidents when the new traffic lights
are installed.
A/ considerably fewer
B/ few •�
C/ least
D/ much less
9. Now I understand why she spoke English most of the time: this was a way of
avoiding ___ for one of the natives.
Al to take her B/ taking
to be taken D/ being taken
10. The roofs of cottages in the valley below were ___ of Morocco oranges.
A/ the colour
Bl of the colour
CJ in the colour
D/ of colours
11. I invited a lot of people hoping that Helen would help me with the preparations.
Now I wish I ___ only on myself.
A/ counted
B/ had counted
CJ would count
D/ have counted
12. It is my strong principle never to discuss ___ in public.
A/ with my employees about religion
C/ with my employees
B/ about religion with my employees
D/ religion
13. Don't be so pleased with yourself. Remember you would have missed the plane
without Mr Adams giving you a lift to the airport or, if there ___ a traffic
jam in Langley Road.
A/ has been B/ had been Cl were D/ would be
14. I ___ the envelope to the gate, hoping the girl would be clever enough to
find it.
A/ fast B/ have fastened C/ fastened D/ have fast
15. Every day ___ newspaper copies are sold in our city.
N a few millions
C/ over two million
B/ between two and three millions
D/ several millions of
Test 17
1. Why are you so sure Mr Newmark will do anything to help you? In rour place I
___ only on myself.
A/ counted
8/ will count
Cl would count
DJ count
2. He agreed with my opinion that we should not be fully satisfied ___ what
we heard.
N from B/ of C/ about D/ with
3. Of course, all those who ___ can apply again.
A/ didn,t list B/ have not been listed Cl have not listed
D/ will not list
4. The work on the project has been going very well and I hope that if we get
___ financing from the Council, it may be completed very soon.
A/ a little B/ hardly any C/ only little D/ just little
5. To make sure there would be no problems with the program we ___ it
a second time.
B/ had our computer experts run
A/ ordered our computer experts run
C/ made our computer experts to run
D/ had our computer experts to run
6. Nobody answered the phone at the Chairman's office, so I asked the operator to
put me ___ to his deputy.
A/ over
B/ foiward
C/ through
D/ down
7. In my opinion we shouldn't speak to the media at all before the most basic facts
concerning the explosion ___ establqhed.
A/ will have been
B/ being
Cl have been
D/ were
8. His decision to close the firm was ___ no one bad ever taken seriously.
N something of what B/ something that C/ something what D/ something whose
9. With so many different things we are ___ concerning what is good for our
health, we should first of all keep calm.
N being said
B/ speaking
Cl being told
D/ talked to
10. The high turnout was a pleasant surprise for me as I didn't think there would b�
nearly half ___ the first time.
N as many visitors like
B/ so many visitors than
C/ as much visitors like
D/ as many visitors as
11. Thinking over a decision can be a disadvantage: by the time our b� made up
his mind about the price the contract ___ to Brown & Sons.
N bas gone
Bl had gone
C/ did go
D/ would have gone
12. I ___ some soup for Cindy but she said she wasn't hungry.
A/ heated
Bl hit
C/ have heatened
D/ heat
13. Don't forget to ring me up if ___ any changes in the timetable.
A/ they arc
B/ it will be
C/ there will be
D/ there are
14. rm rather surprised that Doris hasn't come. She ___ her mind at the last
minute as only yesterday she promised she would be here.
N must have changed
B/ could change
C/ had to change
D/ had had to change
15. Most children in the area wish that the strike ___ for another week or so.
But I think it may be over tomorrow.
N bas lasted
8/ lasted
C/ will have lasted
D/ would last
Test 18
1. I was careful enough not to promise them ___ their daughter to France for
the summer holiday.
N inviting
Bl invite
C/ to invite
D/ an invitation of
2. In fact the criminals ___ in because the front door was wide open and so
they just walked in.
A/ dido 't need to break
CJ needn't have broken
B/ didn't need break
D/ needn't to have broken
3. Without substantial foreign aid they won't be able to achieve even ___ they
have planned.
N half which
B/ a half of that
O half of that what
D/ half of what
4. This is a documentary which recalls ___ The Lusitania in 1915.
N sinking of
B/ a sinking of
C/ the sinking of
D/ sinking
5. If Karol Wojtyla ___ elected Pope, there wouldn't be so many Poles visiting
Rome every year now.
A/ wasn't to be
B/ hadn't been
Cl weren't
D/ wouldn't have been
6. If you refuse to do it, the bosses will have no difficulty ___ the job.
N to get one of those ambitious young men to do
8/ in getting one of those ambitious young men to do
C/ getting one of those ambitious young men do
D/ with getting one of those ambitious young men do
7. In my opinion there might be some problems on the very day the new system
--- introduced.
N wu
B/ will be
D/ is
C/ had been
8. 1\vo young men were arrested on suspicion of setting fire ___ a police van.
A/ in B/ on C/ with DI to
9. A trade union leader who suggests ___ ! Isn't it strange?
Al to lower the salaries
B/ lowering the salaries
D/ the salaries to lower
C/ the salaries to be lowered
10. If the place where they ___ themselves at the end of the operation doesn't
have electricity, they will have to use their car battery.
N will find
B/ found
C/ find
D/ will have found
11. We sold most of our collection to pay for Luke's surgery. Now I know we
___ it because he would have recovered anyway.
A/ mustn't have done
B/ oughtn't to do
C/ didn't need do
D/ needn't have done
12. As regards farmers and fruit growers, we have never had ___ today
N so few supporters among them as
C/ such a few supporters among them like
B/ as few supporters among them like
D/ fewer supporters among them as
13. We were very disappointed when Dad returned two days earlier than planned
and discovered everything himself. ___ the last.
A/ It was to be told him
C/ He was to be told
B/ He was being told
D/ He was to tell him
14. I couldn't believe my eyes. She ___ in that pink kimono.
A/ looked so perfectly
C/ looked so beautiful
B/ was looking beautifully
D/ looked such nice
15. I know too little Dutch to have understood what they were talking about. What
I ___ though, was that their boss would be there the next morning.
A/ didn't understand
B/ did understand
C/ have understood
D/ could have understood
Teat 19
1. Please don't mention ___ me in Leicester.
Al him you saw
8/ him seeing
Cl to him that you saw
D/ it to him seeing
2. What's the point ___ here if you don't have anything to tell them?
N in getting them all to come
8/ in getting them all come
D/ getting them all come
Cl to get them all come
3. His brother Ken is ___ to have made a fortune on smuggling gold.
N said
B/ spoken
C/ told
D/ talked
4. One thing should be made quite clear: there can't be any last-minute changes
once the program ___ approved by all the people involved.
A/ will be B/ will have been Cl has been D/ would have been
5. It all went so smoothly because nobody said anything about money. But I can
easily imagine the Chairman's reaction if the problem of compensations
Al were 8/ had been C/ is to be D/ was to be
6. His anger ___ as Gloria Craig's husband was such that he remained
speechl� for a while.
A/ on addreaing him
B/ at addressing him
Cl at being addressed
DI to have been addreaed
7. Ifwe ____ the work would have been completed, I'm sure.
Al hadn't disturbed B/ weren't disturbed C/ didn't disturb D/ hadn't been disturbed
8. The second stone was larger: it was ___ of a small watermelon.
N in the size
B/ the size
O at a size
D/ with a size
9. Just as I expected we ___ them easily four to one.
A/ have beaten
Bl have beat
C/ beaten
D/ beat
10. He showed ___ wisdom in solving our problem that we came to consider
him as our leader.
N a great Bl such great CJ so great a D/ such a great
11. After the official demonstration ___ farmers marched on the town hall
cariying green banners and singing patriotic songs.
A/ several hundreds
8/ over six hundred of
Cl hundreds of
D/ over six hundreds
12. I was going to introduce myself but then it turned out I ___ it as the
chairman had already said a few things about my case.
B/ didn't need do
A/ didn't need to do
0 needn't to have done
D/ needn't have done
13. Luckily, Roger's departure was delayed by one day and so we ___ one more
evening together.
N were able to spend
Bl could spend
CJ could have spent
D/ may have spent
14. What I regret is that we only spoke to the boy's father. I wish we ___ to the
mother as well.
N did speak 8/ spoke
CJ could have spoken
D/ had spoken
15. The fire ___ due to faulty insulation. But, for the time being, we cannot
exclude a terrorist attack.
B/ may have started
A/ could start
C/ might be started
D/ must have started
Teat 20
1. The boy ___ the narrow canal in ten minutes to find himself in the base,
out of danger.
N swam 8/ has swum Cl swum D/ had swam
2. "When will Tess be able to leave hospital?"
"Don't be so impatient. We cannot release her before we ___ the last
A/ completed
Bl will have completed
C/ will complete
0/ have completed
3. The ___ reaching us ought to be taken with great caution.
A/ few news that arc
8/ few news which is
C/ little news are
D/ little news which is
4. "How many people ___? Remember we will have to cover their travel
"Well, it's up to you. I can assure you I won't protest."
N will we invite B/ should we invite C/ we want to invite D/ would we invite
5. It's good I got interested in that bottle. Granny ___ the poison taking it for
her asthma medicine because the bottle was unmarked.
A/ could swallow B/ had �allowed C/ might have swallowed D/ was able to swallow
6. I'm afraid he is ___ who will never learn anything.
A/ the type of politician
B/ a type of the politician
D/ type of politician
C/ type of a politician
7. Most people had to go home without seeing Johnny. And even those few lucky
ones who ___ him were not allowed to address him.
A/ have seen B/ did see C/ would see D/ would have seen
8. Don't underestimate it. There have been at least six other cases of typhoid since
Mr Wang ___ ill.
A/ fell B/ has felt C/ has fallen D/ had fallen
9. First we have to find out to what extent the· drop in car imports is related
the increase of interest rates.
N upon 8/ with C/ to D/ over
l 0. Throughout the campaign he avoided ___ on TV with a cigarette or a gl�.
A/ being shown B/ to be shown O to show himself D/ showing
11. Don't be so sure it was Mr Gross himself. You may have seen
B/ the employee of him
N an employee of him
D/ an employee of his
C/ his another employee
12. The base can only be supplied through light biplanes carrying up to a ton of
cargo. An aircraft that ___ large enough to carry ten tons would need
a much longer runway.
A/ would have been B/ would be C/ has been D/ is
13. Model CM2, ___ has only recently visited London, will be shown in Venice
next month.
N which designer Bl whose designer C/ designer of D/ that the designer
14. Although be ___ a fair trial, I don't expect him to return.
A/ has promised B/ had promised O has been promised D/ keeps promising
15. H we ___ the air-conditioning when Amy told us to, the present heat wave
would not be such a big problem.
N would fit 8/ fitted C/ had fitted D/ would have fitted
Teat 21
1. I went to the meeting strongly determined ___ all the questions.
B/ to refuse answering
DI to refuse answer
N to refuse to answer
C/ about refusing to answer
2. Throughout the campaign we ___ our candidate's photographs on the walls
of public buildings, hoping to attract women's votes. However, we were only
moderately suCCC§ful.
N have been banging
Bl hung
CJ hanged
D/ have hung
3. As far as I remember ___ the second text took no more than ten minutes.
A/ the reading
B/ reading of
C/ the reading of
D/ a reading of
4. I suppose in the end they didn't have enough money to carry out all the
redecorations; or the landlord ___ to the changes.
A/ might object
B/ has objected
C/ may have objected
D/ would have objected
5. We agreed to keep all ___ earned until next year's meeting.
A/ what we had
B/ that which we had
C/ we had
D/ of which we had
6. We had to delay recording the title song of the album because of the producer's
last minute decision
N about having rewritten the lyrics
C/ of rewriting the lyrics
Bl to have the lyrics rewritten
DI to have rewritten the lyrics
7. The weather forecast is promising. What about ___ on Saturday?
N going hunting
B/ go hunting
Cl going for hunting
D/ going on hunting
8. After so many years of work I'm really tired ___ ordinary people's egoism
and lack of consideration.
N with
B/ of
C/ at
D/ by
9. It turned out that on Fridays admission to city museums was free, and so we
___ anything and were able to spend the money on fruit.
N didn't need pay
CJ neecln 't to have paid
8/ needn't have paid
D/ didn't need to pay
10. Kate thinks that most of the criticism in today's art magazines is completely
worthless, and ___ that is worthwhile is too difficult.
A/ a little
B/ some little
C/ little
D/ the little
11. ___ your mind about Saturday, please let me know.
A/ Were you to change 8/ Did you change OH you had changed D/ You had changed
12. Why should we wait any longer? We've been told to act once we ___ the
governor's permission.
A/ received B/ will have received C/ will receive D/ have received
13. At one moment everybody was busy looking for Father Francis, but the old man
N nowhere to be found B/ nowhere found Cl found nowhere D/ being found nowhere
14. Of one thing I am sure: at no time ___ her father's name.
A/ didn't she use Bl did she use C/ she did use D/ she has used
15. Frankly speaking I didn't treat Jim as a serious partner. What difference would
it have made if I ___?
N would B/ did C/ did not D/ had
Teat 22
1. It is a pity that we will not be wearing tartan kilts. The ceremony ___ so
much nicer!
N would look B/ will look C/ were looking D/ looked
2. He didn't stop talking even for a moment, which for me was a rather childish way
of avoiding ___ my question.
A/ to answer B/ not to answer Cl answering D/ to have answered
3. The story about the red squirrel going shopping seems all right, on condition that
you ___ to it.
N will make the younger kids listen
C/ make the younger kids to listen
B/ can make the younger kids will listen
D/ can make the younger kids listen
4. We don't want my father to know about the trip. Please, don't give us ___
N off B/ away C/ on D/ in
5. The tickets for the remembrance concert are too expensive for the veterans,
___ most ordinary citizens of our town find deeply offensive.
A/ whom B/ that C/ what D/ which
6. I'm afraid we will not get our money back. As long as Daniel Ash ___ his
seat in the Senate, he is protected by law.
A/ will keep B/ won't keep CJ will have kept D/ keeps
7. The boys we met on the train ___ soldiers on leave. They were young, with
very short haircuts.
N may have been 8/ may be C/ had bad to be D/ could be
8. I was rather surprised seeing Mr Salt's name on the list because he ___
invited. Last time he got drunk and offended our Chinese visitors.
B/ was not to be
A/ was not being
D/ wouldn't be
CJ wouldn't have been
9. Every day British Mail delivers ___ letters and postcards in and out of
B/ between two and three millions
A/ a few millions
C/ over two million of
D/ several million
:o. I didn't think it would clear up so soon and I didn't take my camera. We could
have taken some fascinating pictures of swans if I ___
A/ did B/ would Cl had D/ took
11. Both witnesses, who were giving widely conflicting accounts of the incident,
___ on one important detail: the driver of the van was a young woman in
a baseball cap.
N didn't agree 8/ did agree C/ have been agreeing D/ had agreed
l:?. I didn't buy the model with the electronic control system because it was ___
I was prepared to pay.
A/ twice the price
B/ twice of a price
Cl at twice price of what
D/ for twice a price
13. Well, frankn� is a great thing, but I'd rather you ___ to Miss Wung what
I think about her.
A/ not repeat B/ won't repeat C/ didn't repeat D/ don't repeat
of his duties.
14. Never ask the boss about the firm. He hates
Al to remind him
8/ being reminded
C/ reminding him D/ if you remind
15. Contrary to expectations, the new law ___ the situation of immigrants, who
no longer felt the obligation to learn the language.
A/ worsed B/ did worse C/ worsened D/ worst
Test 23
1. After the party they didn't remember ___ the ashtrays out. The first thing
I did in the morning was to open the windows.
N taking
B/ to take
C/ to have taken
D/ having taken
2. The promotion that my father ___ about for such a long time was
overshadowed by Lucy's accident which forced her to spend several months in
N has been dreaming
B/ has dreamed
C/ was dreaming
D/ had dreamed
3. The weather was perfect and so we ____ the little shelter at the top in just two
hours while nonnally the climbing would have taken at least half an hour longer.
N could reach
B/ were able to reach
C/ could have reached
D/ might have reached
4. The palace is so heavy and massive that no redecoration can make it look like
a little gracious villa. Even if we ____ it pink, which, of course, is out of the
N were to paint
B/ had painted
C/ would paint
D/ paint
5. He was away for two months but if he studies hard, I'm sure, he will soon
___ the group.
N catch on
B/ catch up with
Cl catch on with
D/ catch out in
6. For a person with ___ intelligence, she has acted foolishly, I must say.
N normal
B/ rather normal an
C/ a normal
D/ rather a normal
7. This time I would like to be home no later than 8 pm, so please Miss Hue, make
your valuable suggestions about changes in the text before and not after we
on the final version.
N agreed
B/ will have agreed
C/ have agreed
D/ will agree
8. We ignored the weather forecast and allowed the kids to sleep outdoors. Now I
wish we
N did not
8/ would not have
C/ had not
D/ should not
9. Definitely he cannot be accused of shyne�. Immediately ___ in, he started
criticizing Lady Ald's paintings.
A/ after being let
Bl having let him
Cl on having let him
D/ after letting
10. With trembling hands I ___ both ends of the rope together, hoping it would
be strong enough to hold two people.
N knot
8/ have knot
C/ have been knotting
D/ knotted
11. When the cheating was discovered the boys were expelled without much debate.
But now I think they ___ allowed to stay at our school.
A/ should have been
B/ ought to be
CJ should better be
D/ should rather be
12. Let's accept the timetable as it is. In my opinion, it is something ___ right now.
Bl which we have not to change
0/ what need not be changed
A/ that we don't have to change
C/ what we have no need to change
13. Customs duty ___ wallpaper is almost 50% so I don't think it is a good idea
to buy it abroad.
B/ for
D/ of
C/ at
14. You may try to talk to them if you want to, although it's hopeless. No matter what
arguments you ___ they will never change their minds.
A/ will have used
B/ will use
C/ would use
D/ use
15. I'm afraid you gain nothing by insisting ___ of every small incident; they'll
just start deceiving you.
N to be informed
B/ on infonning you
CJ on being informed
D/ to inform you
Teat 24
1. Since every penny of the grant ___ spent on equipment, we started looking
for volunteers to do the cleaning.
N must have been
B/ had to be
C/ has been
D/ would have been
2. Don't you think that complaining about the colour of ice cream m ay sound
to others?
N rather childishly
B/ a bit childish
C/ too childlike
D/ childhood like
3. As a rule you shouldn't argue with your hosts unless they ___ something
openly offensive.
N have said
B/ will say
Cl had said
D/ would say
4. As usual the coffee that she ___ for us was too strong. I had to ask for hot water.
N brewed
B/ brew
C/ brown
D/ brcwercd
5. Although the teacher who was in the hall at that time tries ___ nothing,
I don't think we should believe her.
N to pretend seeing
C,/ to pretend to have seen
B/ pretending to see
DI to pretend having seen
6. The fact that Mr Ash ___ about such crucial matters doesn't make him
a very reliable source for the future.
A/ misinformed 8/ bu misinformed C/ was misinforming D/ has been misinformed
7. I remember how gratifying it was to hand the Prince the money which my sisters
and I ___ since we first heard of the Fund.
N have collected B/ have been collecting C/ were collecting D/ had collected
8. I am now less sure about Miss Gwenn's standing on divorce. I just found
___ where she opposes it.'
8/ yet another her article
N yet another article of hers
D/ yet another article of her
C/ another yet of her articles
9. Keep your mouth shut! Remember that what you say may be taken ___ and
used against you.
A/ into
B/ over
C/ through
D/ down
10. In my case Solcopan turned out to be ___ another appointment with the
doctor was unnecessary.
A/ so effective drug that
B/ such effective drug that
C/ so effective that
D/ such effective as drug so that
11. It is true that without loudspeakers the police just couldn't control the crowd.
Well, maybe they ___ acce� to the market place.
A/ could block Bl ought to block C/ should have blocked D/ would be able to block
12. We couldn't play badminton because of the wind. I wish we ___ so windy
on the beach.
N would have been warned there was
C/ bad been warned it was
B/ were warned it is
D/ had been warned there was
13. Next year's auctions should be advertised until 90 per cent of the objects
___ sold. This year we stopped publishing ads too early.
N were
B/ wiU have been
C/ will be
D/ have been
14. I was slow to react because I saw no reason why I should trust the man. I can
imagine myself reacting differently if I ___ him.
A/ had trusted 8/ did trust Cl did trusted D/ have trusted
15. The early, usually mild form of the disease does not interfere ___ vision.
B/ with the patient's
N on the patient's
D/ the patient's
C/ against the patient's
Teat 26
1. Well, it is true that in the row over cholesterol most experts are against butter.
But it is also a fact that there are ___ who support it.
A/ quite few B/ rather few C/ hardly any D/ a few
2. A pocket-sized computer device that ___ spoken language in two directions
would probably reduce the demand for language courses.
A/ were translating B/ would translate C/ would have translated D/ will translate
3. If, as the radio says, there ___ ice on the pools in the morning, the
temperature could have been -2° or lower. At zero no ice is formed on the
surface of water.
A/ had been B/ was CJ were D/ would be
4. I think we should ___ at least as long as they didn't identify themselves as
FBI agents.
N have refused to have our fingerprints taken
B/ then refuse to have taken our fingerprints
C/ have refused to our fmgerprints being taken
D/ have refused to having our fingerprints taken
5. The alarm was raised too late because when the emergency crew arrived no less
than 10,000 gallons of oil ___ into the stream.
A/ has gushed B/ gushed CJ did gush D/ had gushed
6. His wish to enjoy complete freedom ___ social obligations seems rather
immoral to me.
A/ of Bl from Cl against D/ tOViards
7. After so many years of absence I still consider myself a New Yorker and I'll be
the happiest man ever the day we ___ there.
A/ will have returned 8/ will return C/ return D/ returned
8. If, before becoming a journalist, I ___ four years in the Andes, I would find
his story unlikely.
N didn't spend B/ hadn't spent C/ wouldn't spend D/ couldn't spend
9. There was no panic among the villagers who knew they ___ to the mainland
before sunset.
N should have airlifted
B/ were to airlift
CJ were to be airlifted
D/ would be airlifting
10. It was not easy to make Amy swallow the medicine, although I ___ it with
two spoons of honey.
N sweeted B/ have sweeten C/ sweetened D/ have sweeted
11. The robbers packed the diamonds into a suitcase and ___ in a van that
waited for them in the street.
N made off B/ rolled over Cl carried away D/ put through
12. It all depends on individual factors. For some people ___ two grams can be
A/ as little like
8/ so little like
CJ so few only
D/ as little as
because of the noise from the
13. I found it difficult to follow what was
engine room.
A/ spoken B/ talked Cl being told D/ being said
14. Tom Grey, who doesn't know Swedish, ___ this fax. We cannot put the
blame on him.
A/ can't have sent
B/ wouldn't be able to send
C/ hadn't been able to send
DJ couldn't send
15. In that production Hamlet's role was played by a very attractive young actress,
____ many spectators regarded as an unnecessary oddity.
A/ that BJ whom C/ which DJ what
Tesf 28
1. Intellectuals think that if we ___ daily on tolerance and racism, we will end
up killing one another.
Al won't lecture B/ are not lectured C/ don't lecture D/ won't have lectured
2. Programming a robot to pedorm ___ opening a drawer or turning on a tap
is extremely complex.
N such simple acts as
B/ the simple acts such as
CJ such simple acts like
D/ such a simple act like
3. When Mr Hunt took ___ from his father, the firm was near bankruptcy. He
managed to prevent it.
N out B/ on C/ up D/ over
4. Every time Dad and Jim do the pools, we wish they ___ all the results. So
far the best they have had was ten.
N guessed 8/ had guessed C/ guess D/ would gue�
5. I lost my first job at the ARCO because of the rule they had that employees
--- with the firm for the shortest time had to be fired first. I don't know if
that rule still applies.
Af which were B/ that had been
CJ who were
D/ who have been
6. As some of the senior officers had very little English at school, additional
interpreters ___ needed. The exact number should be known on their arrival.
A/ may now be Bl might have been C/ had better been D/ have better been
7. All the children who come here from America are used --- like adults.
A/ to be treated B/ to treat them C/ to being treated D/ to treating
8. Although the wind has now eased, we've warned all the residents ___ all
the windows shut.
A/ it's been better to keep
Bl they'd better keep
Cl they'd better kept
D/ they'd better have kept
9. Personally, I have nothing against Rossi but is he ___ to compete against
the Brits?
A/ really enough experienced B/ enough experienced really
C/ really experienced enough D/ enough really experienced
10. The collision occurred about two miles ___ the Spanish coast and the
rescue operation was mounted by helicopters of the Spanish coastguard.
A/ from B/ of Cl out of D/ off
11. Most critics agree that rather little ___ done by the artist after his illness
has any great value.
A/ of what was B/ of that was C/ of that what was D/ which has been
12. Well, I understand that they couldn't drive on because of the snowstorm. But if
they knew they were going to be late, they ___ me up to save us some
needl� waiting.
N could ring B/ would have to ring C/ were able to ring D/ might have rung
13. He was brought up in a neighbourhood where ___ police was not a shock
for a teenager.
N questioning by 8/ questioning of Cl being questioned by D/ to question
14. It's too late. We won't fix it for the race no matter how fast we ___. You
should've come earlier.
N will work B/ were working C/ work D/ would work
15. The high winds blowing all Monday night ___ very thick trees, breaking
some of them.
N bended B/ bent C/ have been bending D/ have bended
Teat 27
1. I fmd it hard to believe authors whose books are not based on ___ of living
in the tropics.
A/ a first-hand experience
B/ the first-hand experiences
0/ first-hand experience
C/ the experience from first hand
2. What I fear most of all is that we ___ in what refers to the building of a new
market in West Crane. The local people seem to be very wary about it.
B/ might have misinterpreted
A/ might misinterpret
D/ won't be misinterpreting
C/ might be misinterpreted
3. I know too little Dutch to have understood what they were talking about. What
I ___ though was that their boss would be there the next morning.
A/ didn't understand
B/ did understand
D/ could have understood
C/ have understood
4. Well, you see, if I ___ up in a neighbourhood where drink problems were
endemic, I might find these jokes really funny.
A/ wouldn't be brought B/ hadn't been brought Cl didn't bring D/ weren't brought
5. With no respect for my office the kids ___ on me out of the window of their
dad's office, at one point missing my hat by an inch.
A/ spat B/ spitted C/ have spitted 0/ have been spitting
6. I assume a transport helicopter we are talking about ought to be ___ to
carry twenty tons of cargo.
A/ strong sufficiently B/ strong enough C/ sufficient strong D/ enough strong
7. Don't expect that the changes brought ___ by the new law will make
everyone happy.
A/ around B/ over C/ about D/ up
8. If next year's subsidy is not increased, they ___ tickets in both museums.
A/ may have to introduce
B/ can have to introduce
C/ could have introduced
D/ might need introduce
9. Speaking quite frankly, their present accident rate is nothing to be proud ___
A/ of B/ at Cl about D/ with
10. Before the trip I had bought myself a city plan. I ___ it because in the end the
conference kept me so busy that I didn't leave the Congr� Centre even for an hour.
N shouldn't do B/ needn't have done C/ didn't need do DI didn't have to do
11. They cannot make up their minds whether or not ___ camping in the
N allow their teenage daughters go
Bl to allow their teenage daughters go
Cl to allow their teenage daughters to go
DI to allow their teenage daughters for going
12. If so many people ___ about it, how do you want to keep it secret?
A/ are discussing B/ are to be said CJ will be saying D/ are to be told
13. ___ the Carpenters seldom manage to gather large fortunes.
A/ Such a family like
B/ The families such as
Cl Such families like
DI Such families as
14. Instead of wasting so much time trying to locate the fault, I would have ___
it for me.
N ordered a mechanic do
8/ had a mechanic to do
Cl made a mechanic to do
D/ had a mechanic do
15. I cannot understand why nobody is working on the Welsh language version of the
album. With thousands of Welsh-speaking visitors expected to take part, it
a best-seller.
Al will be 8/ would have been C/ would be D/ were
leaf 28
1. We couldn't figure ___ why the headmistress had changed her mind about
the tour.
A/ out B/ up C/ down D/ through
2. Most experts say we should be glad if one third of ___ will be suitable for
further use.
A/ all flooded buildings
8/ the flooded buildings all
C/ all buildings flooded
D/ all the buildings flooded
3. I know how much you dislike him, but when you meet him you should behave as
if you ___ to your best friend.
A/ had been talking B/ would talk C/ were talking D/ talk
4. He sold all his property and went away to America never ___ again.
N hearing of him
8/ being heard about
Cl to hear of him
DI to be heard of
5. There should be no problems with the neighbours as long as nobody ___
A/ gets drunk
B/ will get drunk
C/ won't get drunk
D/ got drunk
6. I didn't go with them since I ___ for a test on the following day.
A/ must have prepared
C/ have been preparing
B/ had to prepare
D/ was being prepared
7. When the accident occurred, they were travelling ___ 30 mph.
A/ with a speed of
Bl with the speed
C/ at the speed of
D/ on the speed of
8. You should be very glad that Bob didn't recognize you that night. Can you
imagine his fury if he ___?
N did
B/ had
C/ did not
D/ would have
9. I must warn you I am not used to ___ so rudely.
A/ speak
B/ being spoken to
Cl speak to me
D/ be spoken to
10. The ceremony was watched by ___ Bristol supporters.
A/ thousands of
B/ five thousands
Cl many thousands
D/ five thousand of
11. It's a pity you didn't take the exam. Professor Wynne was in such excellent spirits
that he ___ you.
A/ wouldn't fail
8/ oughtn't to fail
D/ wouldn't have failed
Cl hadn't failed
12. No single statistics will ever exactly measure inflation because there are too many
products ___ change too often in response to all sorts of market
A/ the prices of
B/ whose prices
C/ which prices
D/ that the prices
13. Don't blame the boys. They couldn't stay at the station after 10. Don't tell me
they ___ the Emba�y.
A/ could contact
Cl should have contacted
B/ ought to contact
0/ would be able to contact
14. In the wake of the revolution hundreds of government officials ___ the
country escaping imprisonment and torture at the hands of the revolutionaries.
N have been fleeing
B/ flew
C/ fled
D/ had flown
15. The first moments of the race, for which we ___ since the beginning of the
school year, were always a bit tense.
A/ have been preparing
B/ have prepared
CJ were preparing
D/ had been preparing
Teat 29
1. Phil and his wife are decent people who would hate ___ about in this way.
A/ talking
B/ being talked
Cl to talk
D/ talk
2. All the afternoon the kids were out on the beach and so Eva and I --some serious talk about what was going wrong in our marriage. With the children
around, such discussion would have been impossible.
N might have B/ were able to have C/ could have had D/ had to have
3. As Joe's roommate I find him a fairly nice fellow, even if at times it is not easy
to ___ his noisy behaviour.
N put down for B/ put off with C/ put up with D/ put in for
4. The fall of the Berlin Wall surprised even people like Prof. Huss, who ___
the fall of communism for a decade or so.
N has announced B/ has been announcing C/ was announcing D/ had announced
5. Being totally opposed to the project, Lady Sarah ___ that it would increase
job opportunities of the local people. But she considered the environmental
objections of far greater importance.
A/ has had to agree
B/ must have agreed
C/ did agree
D/ couldn't agree
6. The post-war decade was excellent for most ranchers. I'm afraid today none of
them may have ___, say, in 1950.
N as many cattle as B/ so much cattle like Cl as many cattle like D/ as much cattle as
7. She appears ___ all the press revelations concerning the funding of the
Al to have read B/ having read C/ that she has read D/ reading
8. We all agree somebody ought to take care of Jane after she ___ released
from hospital. Her full recovery could take longer than six months.
N would have been B/ was C/ is D/ will be
9. As far as I can judge, she was completely unaware ___ the seriousness of
the situation.
N with B/ about C/ concerning D/ of
10. You have to realize that if Joe Hicks ___ you on the beach on Sunday, your
colleagues may have seen you as weU.
N had seen B/ saw C/ secs D/ could see
11. I cannot think of any logical reason why she should ___ her to the studio.
N order all her students accompany
B/ ask all her students to accompany
C/ have all her students to accompany
D/ get all her students accompanying
12. As a result of the deal Jim Buckley has become ___ he could easily double
the area of bis ranch.
N so wealthy that
B/ such wealthy man that
Cl so wealthy man that
D/ very wealthy man and
13. ___ the newspapers have revealed so far can justify the action taken by the
A/ Nothing of that B/ Nothing as Cl Nothing that D/ Nothing what
14. If I ___ a school with a large proportion of Francophone children, the
French pronunciation would now seem much more difficult to me.
Al hadn't attended B/ didn't attend C/ haven't attended 0/ weren't able to attend
15. Several months after the bombing most of the houses ___ in ruins.
N lied B/ laid C/ were laying D/ lay
Test 30
1. Without the Council's subsidy we can't afford ___
A/ having all the texts trdnslated
B/ to have translated all the texts
DI to have all the texts translated
C/ having all the texts to be translated
2. We can win only if we remain united, and so we must support them the moment
they ___ on strike.
N will have gone B/ will go C/ go D/ went
3. A model which ___ all these requirements would cost at least a thousand
pounds more, which means it would be too expensive for us anyway.
Af will meet B/ would meet Cl meets D/ will have met
4. Walking, cycling, and mmming are among the most useful ___ for people
who want to keep fit.
Al form of exercises B/ forms of exercises CJ forms of exercise DI form of exercise
5. The fact of ___ in the grim years of World War II has left deep traces on
her character.
N having brought up B/ having to bring up C/ bringing up D/ having been brought up
6. The Institute, ___ will be celebrated in September, has become one of the
leading cultural institutions of our time.
B/ that 20th anniversary
A/ which 20th anniversary
CJ 20th anniversary of
D/ whose 20th anniversary
7. W hen I arrived on the spot I found out that I ___ the heavy gas bottle on
my back because the camp-site now had electric cookers.
N didn't need to carry
B/ needn't have carried
D/ didn't need carry
Cl might not have carried
8. James, who is one of our bravest men, never loses his temper; and if he ___
so tense during the Friday night operation the situation must have been
extremely dangerous indeed.
Al was B/ were C/ had been D/ has been
9. He felt rather embarrassed at his daughter's willingness ___ in a topless
Al to photograph her
8/ for being photographed
Cl to be photographed
D/ on being photographed
10. The Mayor and the councillors, dressed in their official robes, ___ the hero
on his arrival at the airport.
A/ welcomed B/ welcame C/ have welcomed D/ have welcome
11. All the patients suffering ___ bronchitis were given the same course of
A/ with
8/ on
C/ of
D/ from
12. Most students did not come to my Friday lecture and Marge was not among
who did.
N the few
8/ few
C/ a few
D/ some few
13. It was really funny to see how they avoided ___ in the official media after
his decision to emigrate.
Al to mention his name
C/ his name to be mentioned
B/ mentioning his name
D/ his name being mentioned
14. The authorities have declared ___ no more arrests, but in your place I'd
rather not return to the country for the time being.
A/ there would be
8/ it will be
C/ there are to be
D/ there will have been
15. Look at all those people! We would now be queuing with them if I ___
father to book the seats in advance.
A/ hadn't asked
B/ wouldn't have asked
CJ didn't ask
D/ wouldn't ask
Teat 31
1. It was very difficult ___ interested in what he was saying.
B/ to pretend not being
A/ to pretend not to be
C/ pretending not being
D/ pretend not to be
2. Many of the people who attended Major Gordon's funeral ___ him for
many years.
A/ didn't see B/ hadn't seen C/ haven't seen D/ wouldn't see
3. As it turned out, those who insisted ___ extra time were right.
A/ to give them
B/ to be given
C/ on being given
D/ on giving them
4. If, as Mark says, the landlord ___ so surprised seeing the group, he must
have forgotten the arrangement.
A/ has been B/ had been C/ would have been D/ was
5. Since the situation was so bad, she should ___ care of much earlier.
8/ have been taken C/ be taking D/ take
A/ have taken
6. As regards bananas, we managed to pay ___ four pounds a box.
A/ as little as B/ as little like C/ so little only D/ so little than
7. 'if\ren't you going to make a stop at Malta?"
"I wish we ___, but no, we'll only sail along its south coast."
A/ would be B/ were C/ had D/ made
8. As far as I can say, Stonehaven is a small town ___ Aberdeen.
A/ on the south of B/ on the south from Cl south from D/ south of
9. What a fool I was! I ought to ___ all his personal letters.
A/ have had Phil's secretary photocopying
B/ have Phil's secretary's photocopy of
C/ have had Phil's secretary to photocopy
D/ have had Phil's secretary photocopy
10. On leaving the school Gilbert was ___ half of his schoolmates were in love
with him.
B/ such handsome young man that
N so handsome young man that
CJ very handsome young man and
D/ so handsome that
11. I couldn't understand what made them all ___ at the reception.
Bl to sound so formal
D/ sounding very formally
A/ sound so formal
C/ sound so formally
12. The boy ___ stones at the dogs, trying desperately to frighten them away.
A/ thrown
B/ has been throwing
C/ threw
D/ has thrown
13. I'm afraid the prices might still go down in the months to come. That's why the
sooner we ___ the car the better.
A/ sold
8/ shall sell
C/ sell
D/ would sell
14. My knowledge of the local dialect is very poor and I didn't understand what the
man was telling me. It would have been much better if I ___
A/ didn't
B/ did
Cl had
D/ would
15. They ___ to the concert together because Jane had agreed to baby-sit for
N could go
8/ were able to go
CJ could have gone
D/ can go
Test S!Z
1. The first boy or girl who ___ all the questions is to receive the singer's new
N will answer
B/ would answer
C/ answer
D/ answered
2. In my opinion Stan should not be so unrealistic as to expect ___ the first
A/ his winning
B/ winning
Cl win
0/ to win
3. Did you say 'Nathan Goldberg'? Well, ___ person lives here.
A/ not such a
B/ none such
C/ no such
D/ no such a
4. The rain water ___ rapidly along the main street of the village cutting us
off from our coach.
A/ flew
B/ has been flowing
C/ flown
D/ flowed
5. Although no agreement was reached, I do believe he negotiated with us
A/ in good faith
B/ in the good faith
C/ in a good faith
D/ in so good a faith
6. Being so terribly busy, I could do nothing more than meet her at the airport.
Don't tell me I ___ her the city as well.
N must have shown B/ should have shown C/ ought to show 0/ might show
7. I'm not going to interfere. It's really not my job to tell you now who should be
invited and who should not. But remember there shouldn't be any changes after
the invitations --N were sent 8/ have been sent C/ will have been sent D/ will be sent
8. He claims ___ fair treatment, which needn't necessarily be true.
Al to be denying Bl being denied CJ to have denied D/ to have been denied
9. No more than 5,000 people came to the meeting. It was ___ last year.
N double that figure B/ that figure doubled
D/ that figure double
CJ a double figure
10. I was the only person who was upset at the news of Bell's nomination. I ___
with him long enough to know he would be a failure.
N have been working B/ had worked C/ was working D/ would work
11. If, as I'm ready to believe now, the man's heart attack ___ real, I can't
understand why they didn't call an ambulance. It would have saved them so much
A/ were 8/ had been C/ was D/ would have been
12. We need somebody who would effectively describe ___.
N the main points of our project with the public
B/ the public the main points of our project
Cl to the public the main points of our project
0/ the public our project in its main points
13. Both doctors and patients tend to choose ___ do not require special diet.
N such medicines which
8/ such a medicines which
CJ medicines that
D/ medicines
14. When you talk to the IUF people, do not show them we know all about the deal.
Look surprised, as if you ___ about it for the first time.
A/ were hearing 8/ would hear C/ would have heard D/ hear
15. It's not pleasant to think that our grandfather, contrary to his own memoirs, did
participate in the affair. I wish he ___
A/ never did B/ wouldn't have Cl failed to D/ had not
Test 33
1. How can I prove ___ interested in stealing their money?
Al to them that I am not Bl them not to be Cl to them not being D/ them that I am not
2. Why shouldn't I believe him when he says he prefers ___ at home over the
A/ come with us than stay
B/ coming with us to staying
D/ coming with us from staying
Cl to come with us rather than stay
3. With just one exception, the report says, each of the trees that were cut down
___ very expensive treatment for periods of up to ten years.
A/ had to be under B/ was under C/ has undergone D/ had undergone
4. After some debate the Moors have agreed to exclude abstract art ___ their
daughter's wedding list.
A/ out of B/ off Cl from D/ beyond
5. I'm afraid most editors normally favour ____ one way or another, support
their own points of view.
N such letters which B/ letters that Cl such a letters which D/ letters
6. "Where ___ Doctor Lee for the weekend? I'm afraid we will have to invite
his wife, as well". "Well, the place doesn't really matter. Of course, I wouldn't
like to spend a fortune".
N we are to take B/ will we take C/ shall we take D/ would we take
7. We don't know how long the rink was without electricity during the night. If the
power break ___ longer than two hours, the ice at the edges may have
begun to melt down. It is better to check it now.
N lasted B/ had lasted Cl would last D/ has lasted
8. The timing of his suggestion was extremely bad, as at that time the college board
was considering ___ the full cost of the course.
N getting even the poorer students pay
8/ to get even the poorer students to pay
C/ getting even the poorer students to pay
DI to get even the poorer students paying
9. Given Jenny's rather difficult character, I would be very surprised if she ___
very much, even if her stay abroad takes longer than planned.
A/ were to 111m B/ missed C/ was missing D/ were missed
10. If you don't switch the lights off for the day, you risk running the battery
___before the end of the trip.
N out Bl down C/ off D/ through
11. Animal rights is one of the hot issues on which ___ will always show a high
level of disagreement.
A/ people's opinion
B/ peoples' opinion
C/ people's opinions
D/ the opinion of people
12. I don't think Tony's version can be taken seriously. He ___ all his money
on postcards because no one, not even him, can have five hundred pen friends.
So, where is the money?
A/ couldn't spend B/ can't have spent Cl wouldn't be able to spend D/ can't spend
13. Before hanging new wallpaper in my bedroom, I ___ the shelves over my
bed, which took me over two hours.
N have unscrewed B/ unscrew C/ had unscrewn D/ unscrewed
14. Alsatians and boxers, ___ by professional trainers, can be both guard dogs
and pets.
A/ if trained B/ if will be trained C/ if are trained D/ if have been trained
15. The first thing I saw in the morning was Henry's van parked in front of the
museum. I didn't like it at all, as Henry ___ away for another week or so.
A/ was to be B/ would be C/ would have been D/ should be
Teat a4
1. It is my responsibility as a parent to have some say in ___ books my
children will read at school.
N whatever B/ kind of C/ what D/ which
2. Their worst mistake was to have promised every worker ____ their wages.
A/ to double B/ to have doubled CJ doubling D/ the doubling
3. Our lack of interest in the project had nothing to do with money but came from
the fact that since graduation we ____ fairly regularly. Thus, for most of
us an anniversary party had no special attraction.
A/ were meeting 8/ have been meeting C/ had met D/ have been met
4. If I knew how ___ frankly to me about their personal problems, I wouldn't
need a psychologist.
N to get all those distrustful teenagers speak
B/ to make all those distrustful teenagers to speak
Cl best force all those distrustful teenagers to speak
DI to get all those distrustful teenagers to speak
5. The robbery at the ITN Bank was organized by a group of private detectives,
____ let's hope, will remain absolutely exceptional.
N which B/ what C/ who D/ that
6. Let's start by agreeing to one thing: the police should keep away from the place
as long as the fans ____ trouble.
A/ won't make B/ won't be making C/ wouldn't make D/ don't make
7. When it turned out that Alice ____ to hospital before July, I phoned the
agency to cancel the bookin�. I didn't want to risk losing the money, in case she did.
A/ might have to go B/ needed have gone CJ could have gone D/ needed to have gone
8. Finding the missing man without any recent photograph of him may be
impossible. And even if we ___ it, the search could take months, if not years.
A/ would have B/ did have C/ might have D/ bad had
9. I must admit that the problem of noise rarely, if ever, comes ___ at the
Council meetings.
N up B/ off C/ round D/ through
10. li, as some newspapers say, some candidates ___ a chance to correct their
papers after the test, the exam will have to be repeated.
A/ had been given B/ are given Cl were given D/ would be given
11. After arriving in Tunisia, I was amazed to see how quickly my children got used
___ with the local people about the prices of fruit or dried figs.
N to bargain 8/ bargaining Cl to be bargaining D/ to bargaining
12. While it is not an easy book, I'm sure we can find ____ people who could
say something interesting on it.
A/ hardly any B/ quite few C/ a few D/ quite the few
13. Why don't we ask Doris to welcome all the guests? She looked ___ when we
were meeting the Dutch.
A/ simple charmingly B/ simply charming C/ simple charming D/ simply charmingly
14. It is stupid to claim, as some journalists do, that the accident was due to an
extraordinary coincidence, and at the same time that we ___ it.
N could prevent B/ might have prevented Cl ought to prevent D/ were to prevent
15. As far as I know her, Miss Veil is still waiting ____ for the role she played
in the opening of the club. I don't think she wants any money.
N for saying thank you B/ to be thanked Cl to thank her D/ for thanking
1. There were a few dictionaries at the reception desk. But since I knew ___
away, I didn't even look at them.
N they had been taken
8/ they shouldn't have been taken
C/ there weren't taken
D/ they were not to be taken
2. As far as orchids are concerned, the most experienced person is undoubtedly
Miss Ito. She appears ___ all the relevant articles in specialist journals.
A/ she bas read B/ having read C/ reading D/ to have read
3. On top of everything the nurses taking Granddad for X-raying were smoking in
the lift, ___ inevitably, the old man considered a direct threat to his life.
A/ that B/ which C/ what D/ whom
4. I agree that while the soup was OK, the meat was too dry - we ___ it about
20 minutes too long.
N have been roasting B/ roast C/ had roast D/ had roasted
S. I don't think Alistair is our most suitable candidate. But he is the only one who,
hopefully, ___ when the appointments are made in March.
N won't be vetoed 8/ doesn't veto CJ will not be vetoing DJ is not going to veto
6. The Prince's aircraft had to undergo a security check and so we ___ to him
for almost an hour. Father was very impressed as normally he could have counted
on nothing more than a handshake.
N might talk B/ were able to talk C/ could have talked D/ may have talked
7. The students seem rather determined that the rent strike should go on until the
university ___ its policy on students hostels.
A/ will modify 8/ had modified C/ has modified D/ will have modified
8. Most of us found the Mayor's idea ___ their own candidates for royal
honours a little awkward; but he was right, of course.
A/ of having the local people to nominate
B/ of getting the local people nominate
Cl of having the local people nominate
D/ to let the local people for nominating
9. I must say with regret that I was right criticizing the mixing of footpaths and cycle
lanes in the Botley area. The accidents which have since happened there clearly
show that the changes ___ introduced.
N have better not been
B/ should never be
C/ should rather not be
D/ should never have been
10. We were lucky because as we were leaving, the computer at the gate went wrong
and instead of showing how many hours ___ at the car park only read ONE
HOUR for each car. We saved at least 10 pounds.
A/ have we been 8/ were we CJ we had been D/ we have been
11. Rather luckily for the child, the experience ___ to the hospital in London
partly reduced the physical trauma of the accident.
N of airlifting him B/ that airlifted him C/ of being airlifted D/ of airlifting
12. At the end of the campaign all the contributions were listed, with Amanda's
donation being the smallest of all; I wish she ___ more generous on that
particular occasion.
N had been B/ would have been C/ was D/ were
13. What makes Jocelyn so attractive for children is her extraordinary gift ___
imitating animals' voices.
N of 8/ for C/ at D/ in
14. If, as the chairman has said, the other three candidates ___ men with
references from very serious banks, the girl who eventually got the job must have
been very bright, indeed.
A/ are B/ were C/ had been D/ will be
15. Rather conventionally, the dancers representing Indians will be covered in ___
N red body paint B/ body red paint C/ the red body paint D/ a red body paint
Test S8
1. In spite of gathering ____ speakers from abroad, the 1996 conference was
at least as interesting as any of the previous ones.
A/ relatively a few B/ relatively less C/ less relative D/ relatively few
2. Everything should be alJ right now but, of course, call us again if ___ too
noisy in the hall.
N it will get Bl there is Cl it is D/ there would be
3. We all understand that the main purpose of the show should be ___ good
about their contribution.
N to make all those taking part feeling
B/ making that all those taking part will feel
C/ making all those taking part to feel
D/ to make all those taking part feel
4. I suppose that the risk ___ for an indefinite period of time made many of
us more disciplined.
A/ of cutting off Bl to cut us off C/ of being cut off D/ to be cut off
5. One of the sad moments of the cruise was saying goodbye to Mel, who ___
with us since we set sail but whose health problems forced him to leave us at Lagos.
N bad sailed B/ has been sailing C/ was sailing D/ has sailed
6. The producers of this wine ___ imported grapes to it, which would explain its
dryne�. Home varieties containing more sugar were extremely expensive last year.
A/ could add B/ may have added C/ have added D/ ought to have added
7. A short silence should help listeners to concentrate. If you start speaking the
moment your name ___ out, that effect might be lost.
N is called B/ was called Cl will be called D/ would be called
8. Almost without exception politicians of the period believed that regulation was
always bad for the economy. What they ___ though was the production and
sale of alcohol.
A/ didn't regulate B/ have regulated C/ must have regulated D/ did regulate
9. Had it not been for that stupid ___,. we would have had plenty of time at
the airport.
A/ idea of his B/ idea of him Cl George's idea D/ idea of George
10. The soup was all right but the pizza was just as I had feared: canned olives
instead of fresh ones. I'd rather ___ a plate of spaghetti with sauce.
A/ ordered B/ have ordered C/ had ordered D/ order
11. You will see it is not a very difficult job - all ___ is to keep the guests
B/ what really matters
A/ what matters really
D/ which will really matter
Cl that really matters
12. I was going to give up full insurance of my car but my agent finally persuaded me
not to. Just think about my present situation if she ___
N did B/ had not CJ would not D/ did not
13. As long as she continues ___ her part of the debt, we cannot talk to her
about any future projects.
N refusing payment of B/ to refuse paying C/ refusing paying D/ to refuse to pay
14. From my children's point of view, our new home was clearly a change ___
Al to the B/ for the C/ on D/ on the
15. Each time we drove into the sun, my daughter ___ down the window on her
side of the car.
N wound B/ winded CJ has been winding D/ has winded
Test a7
1. It's absurd! In the first section they praise us for preventing a "major epidemic"
and in the next one they write that we ___ so many people.
A/ didn't need to vaccinate
B/ needn't have vaccinated
D/ needn't to have vaccinated
C/ didn't need vaccinate
2. Anna always cared much about her looks and I wasn't surprised that she was
really delighted ___ for her daughter's sister.
A/ by taking her
B/ to take her
Cl to be taken
D/ to have taken her
3. And what shall we do if the meeting ends AFTER ten? I'd rather you ___
alone through the park at night.
A/ don't walk B/ won't walk C/ not walk D/ didn't walk
4. I' m glad I managed to talk Sandra out of buying a dog. If I ___ , we would
now be looking for a pet-friendly hotel.
A/ hadn't B/did C/ didn't D/ wouldn't
.5. Nobody visits the office on Sunday, which means that by the time the first workers
___ the burglary, the burglars may have left the country with the documents.
A/ would have discovered B/ have discovered C/ had discovered D/ did discover
6. In the hospital, the case was diagnosed as pneumonia. Before she had been
treated ___ hay fever.
N for B/ on C/ against D/ from
7. While consistently refusing to go into details of his affair with Rita, the poet
___ several questions about her opinion of his poetry.
A/ didn't answer B/ did answer C/ must have answered D/ has answered
8. The explanation of the birds' behaviour that was put ___ by ornithologists
seems rather awkward.
A/ up 8/ through C/ down D/ forward
9. Tun doesn't seem to be particularly fond of his school but, of course, when he
declares that the very day he ___ he'll make a bonfire to bum all his books,
this is some sort of exaggeration.
A/ will have graduated B/ will graduate C/ graduates D/ is going to graduate
10. Captain Edward Smit� for all bis years at sea, did not understand the ship
___ he was rewarded in recognition of his past services to the line.
A/ with whose command
B/ with which command
D/ which command
C/ the command of which
11. Either we make an effort and invest huge sums in the project or we ___ 10
the not so-distant future.
N will be outperformed
B/ arc outperforming
C/ will be outperforming
D/ will have to outperform
12. Even if scouting has lost most of its appeal for kids, in our school there are
___ boys interested in it.
A/ very few 8/ quite few CJ quite a few D/ rather fewer
13. If the music you heard ___ a Mozart's sonata, we must have been listening
to different radio stations.
A/ were B/ was C/ had been D/ would be
14. Most teens are now crazy about ecology so I don't think we can afford ___
with factory chimneys.
B/ allowing our logo being linked
N allowing our logo to be linked
CJ to allow our logo for being linked
DI to allow our logo to be linked
15. Older employees remember that some time after his nomination James Wills
____ to be involved in the sale of smuggled brandy.
N was told Bl was said C/ had been speaking D/ did talk
Teat S8
1. If the birds Peter saw were larger than geese, he ___ wild swans. Black
storks don't fly this way.
N could see B/ had to see C/ might have seen D/ had rather seen
2. Roy's attraction stemmed from the fact that his Dad ___ to own most of
the land north of the site.
A/ had said B/ was said C/ had been told D/ was being told
3. No accidents have been recorded. Well, we've faxed all our customers --us for a quick check.
A/ they'd better contact
B/ it's better to have contacted
Cl they'd better contacted
D/ they'd better have contacted
4. By criticising the firm at the meeting, Leo ___ his own grave. Did you see
how furious the boss was?
A/ digged B/ dug C/ has been digging D/ had digged
5. Well, we should warn them that if they didn't see Ernst Tom's exhibition last
year, they ___ some of his paintings rather shocking.
N might have found B/ might find C/ may have to find D/ would find
6. It's not realistic to hope the local people won't object ___ for a facility they
will never use themselves.
Al to having to pay B/ against having to pay C/ to have to pay
D/ to be paying
7. Every time we are to visit Granny my brother and I wish she ___ silly
remarks about our clothes. Well, most of the times she does.
A/ won't make B/ didn't make C/ wouldn't make D/ doesn't make
8. I'm afraid starting the race today is ___ the question. Look at this snow.
N beyond B/ none C/ out of D/ away
9. When the change is introduced, the law will require that every schoolchild, of
whatever social class, ___ a national exam on leaving the secondary school.
The score will then be used by universities.
A/ was taking B/ took Cl bad taken D/ take
10. For the time being we can only offer courses in ___ mathematics or logic.
Any experimental sciences would require a lab.
A/ such subjects as B/ the subjects such as C/ such subjects like D/ such a subject like
11. Don't spend too much time ___ made in the previous test. It's a waste of
A/ discussing the errors
B/ on discussing with the pupils about errors
Cl discussing with the pupils what errors were D/ to discuss about the errors
12. We certainly didn't expect that so many people would tum ___ to see the
N in B/ over CJ round D/ out
13. Well, as long as Mr Tinn ___ to say thin� we might find embarrassing, his
presence is not a problem.
A/ won't lead B/ won't be lead C/ doesn't lead D/ isn't led
14. At the gallery where I worked before coming here every painting ___ on
exhibition longer than two months had its price automatically reduced. The next
reduction was after half a year.
A/ which bas been B/ that had been C/ which was D/ that would be
15. We should take Dingo with us just in case one of the boys ___ nasty. Not
that I'd like them to.
A/ would tum B/ will tum C/ turns D/ shall tum
Teat a9
1. The aircraft, which originally headed ___ Heathrow, had to make an
emergency landing at Orly.
Al for B/ on CJ at DI into
2. Seeing Peter's handwriting on the envelope, she ___ the letter without
reading it. She has not mentioned it ever since.
N teared
B/ tore
Cl tom
D/ has tom
3. The gangsters avoided arrest for several weeks because they ___ the state.
A/ thought about leaving
B/ were thought to be leaving
D/ were thought to have left
C/ were thinking to leave
4. I was very upset to learn that my first opponent would be Sam Meller, who
___ part in tournaments for no less than ten years.
N was taking 8/ has been taking C/ took D/ had been taking
5. Most correspondents seem to believe that Mr Field ___ the legal battle
over the rights to the patent. If this happens, the situation of his firm may soon
become critical.
N would lose B/ loses C/ will lose D/ will have lost
6. Since she was too weak to walk, we ___ her back to the gallery where her
husband was waiting for her in a rented car.
A/ must have driven B/ have driven C/ had to drive D/ ought to drive
7. Professor Knight came ___ this extraordinary document in the archives of
the War Office.
A/ to Bl across C/ along D/ through
8. What a pity this is only a 19th century copy. Can you imagine the curator's
enthusiasm if we ___ him with the original?
A/ presented B/ would present Cl present D/ have presented
9. We waited over five hours for Sam Willis in the hope ___ the project.
Al to get his sisters and him finance
B/ to get his sisters and him to finance
C/ of getting his sisters and him finance
D/ of getting bis sisters and him to finance
10. Unfortunately Mrs Spikes was away. I only spoke to some ___ who told me
she had gone to Bradbury to visit her daughter.
N neighbour of her
8/ neighbour of hers
Cl of the neighbours of hers
D/ from her neighbours
11. Next Friday, when Cindy ___ her last exam at the college, I'll be taking her
out for dinner at the Continental.
A/ will pass B/ will have passed C/ has passed D/ passed
12. It was very naive on your part ___ aware of the Council's decision.
A/ to pretend not being
B/ pretending not to be
D/ pretend not being
Cl to pretend not to be
13. He may still try to do something to improve his image but I know how it will end:
he ___ to stop coming.
A/ will tell B/ is said Cl will be said D/ will be told
14. I regret I didn't take part because this year's competitors were surprisingly weak.
I ___ the first winner from our university.
N might have become B/ could become C/ would easily become D/ was able to become
15. Wait a minute, Susan! We cannot allow the pupils to read ___ they would
pick themselves. They would end up with S-F and cheap love stories.
N only that what 8/ just what Cl just which D/ only that
Test 40
1. He ___ the umbrella in bis right hand trying to keep his balance.
N hold B/ bas been holding C/ held D/ has held
2. I was prepared to have to give my speech in an almost empty hall so it was
something of a surprise to see that quite ___ students did in fact attend.
N few B/ a few C/ some D/ many
3. It wouldn't be wise to wait till all our weaknesses ___ exposed. Something
ought to be done about it straight away.
A/ have been B/ were Cl will be D/ will have been
4. Even if we had been given much more money for the course, we would, for
obvious reasons, ___ the housework by themselves.
A/ have had our students doing
8/ have to have our students doing
Cl have had our students do
D/ have had our students to do
5. Barbara's letter from Sidney ___ the last one, so I was ver; surprised to find
another blue envelope with Australian stamps in my mail.
N had been 8/ would have been C/ ought to be D/ was to be
6. There may be serious problems if we don't find the box containing the poison.
All we know at present is that it disappeared while ___ to a laboratory in
N was taken 8/ taking C/ taking it D/ being taken
7. There will be a special meeting ___ the new regulations concerning the
N explaining our students
8/ to have explained every student
DI to explain to our students
Cl about explaining our students
8. The company might make much more money if it ___ in a more aggre�ive
A/ had run B/ ran C/ were run D/ would run
9. Asthma is a lung disease which ___
B/ it makes difficult to breathe
N makes it difficult to breathe
D/ makes difficult to breathe
Cl makes it difficult breathing
10. I can't quite understand why the construction of the plant took eight years. I'm
sure they ___ it in half that time.
B/ could have completed
A/ were able to complete
D/ ought to complete
C/ could complete
11. He was not at all interested in what was going on around him, but insisted
___ back to his country on the first flight.
Al to be sent B/ on sending him C/ to send him D/ on being sent
12. Everything should go on as planned unless the weather ___ considerably
N will get B/ got Cl gets D/ had got
13. 1\vo policemen were attacked and hurt by ·a group of Glasgow supporters
___ to the railway station.
A/ on a way B/ on their way C/ by the way 0/ by way
14. As far as I remember, most of last September was sunny and hot. But this might
have been an exception and so my advice is that you ___ some warm
clothes with you.
N should take B/ might have taken C/ oughtn't to take D/ should have taken
15. Let's put it this way: anything ___ should be checked by independent
B/ that the Governor will announce
A/ what the Governor will announce
D/ to have been announced by the Governor
C/ what the Governor announces
Test 41
1. His lecture on country music was something ___ teachers could only dream
A/ other 8/ of what other CJ what other D/ whose other
2. Stop it! I hate ___ what I shouldn't do.
N telling me B/ being said C/ being told D/ talking to me
3. Don't go to sleep with a cigarette or you will set ___
B/ the house on fire
A/ fire on the house
C/ the fire on the house
DI to the house fire
4. After so many defeats the team's manager ___ . Most supporters will be
happy if he does.
B/ may have to go
A/ may have had to go
DI must have gone
C/ might be forced to go
5. The whole operation was a failure. Due to a technical fault in the detonator the
bomb didn't ___ at all.
A/ come off B/ go off C/ burst off
D/ break off
6. The police acted too slowly. By the time the first car arrived the gangsters
___ away with the money.
A/ had driven B/ did drive Cl have driven D/ were driving
7. All through the trial, she ___ some signs of sympathy from her friends.
Most of the time in vain.
N has been seeking
B/ seeked
Cl has sought
D/ sought
8. Well, he ___ his train in the end because twenty minutes later I saw him
once again.
A/ had to miss
B/ had had to miss
D/ could miss
Cl must have missed
9. It was fairly simple. I sorted out the situation simply by ___ a report.
A/ having each of them write
B/ asking each of them write
D/ making each of them to write
C/ having each of them to write
10. Don't worry. After ___ rest she'll be all right.
A/ hardly any
B/ the little
C/ just little
D/ a little
11. Don't ask me to show you the slides before my wife ___ them. Call it
censorship if you like.
N seeing B/ will have seen C/ has seen D/ saw
12. In that situation there was nothing I could do for her; even if I ___ l� busy.
A/ would be B/ were C/ would have been D/ had been
six or seven months.
13. I'm afraid this time we'll have to wait
A/ as long like B/ so long time like C/ as long as D/ such long as
14. I can promise you that unless I ___ to, I will not open my mouth.
N speak B/ will be spoken C/ will have spoken D/ am spoken
15. '½re you going to visit us in Bristol?"
"I wish I ___. Unfortunately, I'll only spend an hour there."
N were 8/ would be C/ did 0/ had
Test 42
1. It's quite possible that James won't remember ___ my medicine on his way
back from work. Then I'll have to drive to the pharmacy myself in the evening.
N to buy B/ buy C/ buying D/ of buying
2. He sometimes forgets to wind ___ her alarm-clock and then gets to school
at the last moment.
N back B/ on C/ up D/ for
3. If the postal strike doesn't end by next week, we ___ to the bank for
a short-term loan.
N may have to tum B/ can have to tum Cl may have turned D/ will have turned
4. The driver ___ violently and managed to stop the car just inches from the
body lying on the road.
N broke
B/ broken
C) brake
D/ braked
5. Since we ___ received by the governor, we were all dressed formally and it
was a great disappointment when the audience was cancelled.
A/ had been B/ were to be C/ have been D/ would have been
6. They are not buying any coal because they expect ___ in their home by the
end of September.
N to have gas heating installed
Cl to have installed gas heating
B/ having gas heating to be installed
D/ having gas heating installed
7. The company's situation is hopeless and I can't see what the new president might
do to improve it; even if he ___ a genius, which he is not.
N would be
8/ is to be
CJ will be
D/ were
8. ___ device was used in a tractor engine in Texas some forty years ago.
N First such a
B/ The first such
C/ First such
D/ The first such a
9. I'm a busy man and I have plenty of work to do. And I strongly object ___
to spend long hours in the waiting-room.
A/ to be forced
B/ against forcing me
Cl to being forced
D/ to force me
10. Even in the first few months the language was not a problem as he ___ it
since his student days.
A/ has been studying
B/ was studying
C/ bad studied
D/ studied
11. We never saw him again because soon afterwards he died in Singapore ___
A/ off
B/ for
Cl with
D/ of
12. You know I have nothing against your relatives, dear, but I'd rather you ___
them for Saturday. I'm going to be very busy over the weekend.
N don't invite
B/ didn't invite
C/ won't invite
D/ not invite
13. The inspectors decided to stop work in the pit because the danger to ___
was too big.
N miner's life
Bl miners's lives
C/ miners' life
D/ miners' lives
14. Recent opinion polls show growing public support for a radical cure that once
___ anathema: censorship.
A/ would have been
B/ may have been
C/ would seem
D/ has seemed
15. Knowing Philip for so many years, I don't think he is feeling any real need
___ for what happened last Saturday.
Al to excuse
B/ to be excused
C/ for excusing
D/ that we excuse
Test 4a
1. They are preparing a new law which will make ___ the State.
A/ it illegal to criticize
Cl it illegal criticizing
B/ illegal criticizing
D/ illegal to criticize
2. If the company's bank account remains blocked, they ___ to pay us back
next month.
A/ might not be able
Cl can't be able
B/ may have been unable
D/ can be unable
3. Even before all our men ___ off, the whole situation seemed absurd to me.
A/ have called B/ had called C/ called D/ were called
4. I don't quite understand why they objected ___ party conferences.
N to let women under thirty attend
Cl to letting women under thirty to attend
B/ to letting women under thirty attend
D/ against letting women under thirty attend
S. At first the idea ___ me as silly; but I may have been wrong.
A/ stroke
B/ has stricken
C/ struck
D/ has striked
6. I agree that children ought to be treated like human beings but I'd rather you
___ for Amy to make up her mind about our holiday plans.
A/ not wait B/ won't wait C/ don't wait D/ didn't wait
7. The worst moment came when Barry bad a sudden idea ___ in every
B/ to have installed cable 1V
A/ for installing cable TV
D/ of cable TV being installed
0 to have cable 1V installed
8. ___ the report was not particularly advantageous to the firm.
A/ Publishing of
B/ A publishing of
C/ Publishing
D/ The publishing of
9. Although Lady Sarah strongly defended her late husband's reputation, she
___ the financial irregularities described by your paper.
N didn't mention B/ did mention C/ has mentioned D/ wouldn't mention
10. Luckily, the passengers were sure this was a drill. Can you imagine their panic if
they ___ the danger was real?
N were told
B/ had been told
Cl would be told
D/ told
11. It may seem interesting, but a large part of ___ on this subject is nonsense.
N that I have found
B/ that what I could find
C/ that which I could find
D/ what I have found
12. Before we decide to support him, he ought to prove ___ good intentions.
A/ to us having Bl to us that he has C/ us to have D/ us that he has
13. There is very little hope for the homeless unless a sponsor ___
A/ will find itself B/ will be found Cl is found D/ would be found
14. The programme ___ at 11: 15 when most people are at work.
A/ was broadcast B/ was broadcasted C/ broadcast D/ was broadcasting
15. I hope the committee will respect its own regulations which are quite clear on
this point: no applications should be accepted after the list signed by the
chairman ___ published.
A/ will be B/ was C/ has been D/ will have been
Test 44
1. If you ___ up before the journey, we wouldn't have lost half an hour
looking for a petrol station in an unknown city.
N had remembered to fill
B/ had remembered filling
D/ remembered filling
C/ remembered to fill
2. The rich banker she married was almost --B/ at twice of her age
N in twice her age
C/ at her age twice
D/ twice her age
3. For a person with such a sense of humour, ___ at should not be a problem.
N to laugh B/ laughing C/ being laughing D/ to be laughed
4. As far as I know, there ___ no more boxing matches at the Sports Palace
till the end of the season. The manager himself has told me so.
A/ won't be Bl are to be C/ will have been D/ have been
5. Don't you think that, since the two brothers do not speak to each other, we
___ big problems getting their wives to sit together at the party?
A/ might have B/ may have had O may be able to have D/ could have got
6. I don't need a car; we live ___ easy reach of the shops.
N upon B/ at C/ within D/ towards
7. After our country joins the EU, competition in this field will get even stronger.
Unless a miracle ____ his firm must fail.
N happens 8/ will happen C/ would happen D/ will have happened
8. She had --- she didn't in fact need a shawl.
B/ such a long hair and
A/ such a long hair that
C/ such long hair that
D/ so long a hair that
9. My application came too late. By the time it reached the Agency, all the funds
A/ were being B/ had been C/ have been D/ would have been
10. I can imagine it's fascinating to be a beauty queen, dear, but I'd rather you
___ a degree in finance after studying it for almost five years.
A/ not give up 8/ won't give up C/ didn't give up D/ don't give up
11. I cannot understand why he suggested ___ earlier.
A/ his friends leaving
C/ his friends they should leave
B/ to his friends that they should leave
0/ his friends to leave
12. Let's be quite frank about it: nothing ___ about the Board was particularly
A/ what we heard B/ which we heard Cl what did we hear D/ that we heard
13. At my wife's mention of the hidden treasure, the boy's eyes ___ with
A/ shone B/ shined C/ have shun D/ have shined
14. For my tooth it tasted a little bit ___. Alice had poured too much vinegar
into the sauce.
N sourly B/ too sourly Cl too sour D/ not sour enough
15. Since, for some time, our service ____ limited to the area of Fulton, we
withdrew the rest of the ads.
A/ must have been B/ had to be C/ has been D/ would have been
Test 46
1. As far as I can say the Chairman was perfectly satisfied with Bob's explanation
of the incident, although to me it didn't sound ___
N too convincingly 8/ enough convincingly C/ convincingfully at all D/ very convincing
2. On that evening the landlady let us into her kitchen and so we ___ the
normal gas cooker with four rings. Making so many pancakes on my two-ring
electric stove would have taken too long.
N could use B/ could have used C/ were able to use D/ may have used
3. We have to complete the film this month. No matter how cold it ___, all
the summer scenes will have to be shot tomorrow.
A/ would be B/ will be Cl were D/ is
4. The school wrote to all the parents asking them if they would help to paint the library
during the next half term. Well, the sad truth is that no parent has come ___
N fotward B/ ahead C/ through D/ down
5. You shouldn't take the content of this booklet too seriously. If over 60 per cent
of university student� ___ opera fans, last year's festival wouldn't have been
such a financial disaster.
N are B/ were C/ would be D/ had been
6. We felt great relief that the heavy traffic of lorries, which since the first days of
the construction work on the bypass ___ us mad, came to an end.
N was driving 8/ has been driving C/ had been driving D/ has nearly driven
7. Reporting such events makes the public more concerned about personal safety.
As a result, ___ teenage girls will want to attend self-defence courses.
N tens of thousands of B/ many thousands CJ several thousand of D/ tens of thousanm
8. I'm trying to imagine the possible reaction of a middle-aged rock singer ___
his latest album will never get played on the radio simply because of his age.
N just told B/ having just been said C/ just saying D/ having just told
9. Instead of condemning John, you ought to try to imagine yourself having to make
the decisions he was forced to make ___ in his position.
N would you be B/ had you been C/ if you would be D/ if you were
10. Last year about 30 per cent of disability benefits went to people with no health
problems; you shouldn't be surprised then if they send you to some medical tests
before your pension ___ extended.
A/ will have been B/ will be C/ is D/ was
11. Even with bed shortage, such things should not happen. Asking old Mr Parks to
wait ___ is a shame.
N some other six weeks yet
B/ yet another six weeks
C/ yet other six weeks
D/ other six weeks yet
12. Jeremy is a terrible snob; when he takes part in the debates of our Fine Arts
Society, it is typical of him ___ the works of artists he hasn't even heard
N pretending to see
B/ to pretend having seen
Cl to pretend to have seen
D/ pretending having seen
13. We'd better be careful with Lisa. After your phone call, she ___ awake half
the night crying.
A/ has lied B/ lay C/ was laying D/ laid
14. I'm very glad I am going to play on Saturday. But as I'm still rather weak after
my knee injury, I'm not at all sure ___ the whole 90 minutes.
A/ if I'll manage
B/ how I would manage C/ if I have managed D/ I manage
15. The stay in Geneva was quite useful, although the course in Swiss law that
I chose turned out to be a disappointment. I'd rather ____ statistics, which
my girlfriend said was very good.
A/ took B/ had taken CJ take D/ have taken
Test 48
1. It's too early to know whether there are ___ jobs for this year's graduates
or whether there are too few.
A/ too much
B/ sufficiently Cl a lot D/ enough
2. We were both very excited about the visi4 as we ___ each other for ages.
A/ never saw
B/ hadn't seen C/ didn't see D/ haven•t seen
3. For most patients, the new regulations ___ the waiting period, as individual
doctors could no longer make decisions on their own.
N longed B/ have lengthen C/ lengthed D/ lengthened
4. You will have no more than five minutes for placing the animal back in the cage.
Once the drug ___., you should again keep away from it.
N will have ceased to work
B/ ceases to work
C/ will cease working
D/ would cease to work
5. Whenever I take Granny to the railway station, I wish she ___ her honib]e
pink umbrella on the train; but she is very careful about her personal things.
A/ will leave B/ ought to have left C/ would leave D/ left
6. It is not very big: ___, maybe smaller.
B/ at the size of a tennis ball twice
N twice the size of a tennis ball
Cl of the size of a tennis ball twice
D/ twice of a size of a tennis ball
7. They should think we are a group of tourists. Let's look surprised as if we
here for the first time.
Al would be B/ were C/ are D/ have been
8. On the last day we went to see the show, which, contrary ___ the sceptics'
opinions, was fairly amusing.
N to B/ of C/ from D/ against
9. Only six people ___ the exact date of the visit and Bob was not among
them. And so his presence at the airport was a surprise for all of us.
A/ would have been given B/ would be given C/ were to be given D/ were being given
10. Well, since Mr Rawlison doesn't seem to be very cooperative in what regards the
timing of the tour, we ___ our participation in it. Of course, it would be
better not to withdraw.
A/ had had to rethink
B/ might have rethought
Cl may have to rethink
0/ maybe rethink
11. Jenny is an early riser and she shouldn't object ___ the trip before 7 am.
Al to have to start 8/ to starting C/ against starting D/ to start
12. If you believe ___ in the newspapers, you will not be wiser than people who
read nothing at all.
N all that is published
B/ all what is published
Cl all that published
D/ all that which is published
13. All the guests seemed to have enjoyed the party, although Ann ___ some
more attractive records.
N could choose B/ was able to choose Cl should choose D/ could have chosen
14. It is hard to imagine what it was like ___ up at an army base.
Al to have brought B/ having brought Cl being bringing D/ to have been brought
15. What will you do if they don't agree ___? There is no way we can force them.
B/ on having their luggage searched
A/ to have their luggage searched
Cl to having searched their luggage
D/ to have searched their luggage
Test 47
1. Leo didn't remember ___ the heating on when going away for the weekend
and as a result some flowers in the hall were destroyed by the frost.
Al to tum
B/ turning
C/ to have turned
D/ having turned
2. As it turned out, the real hero of the contest was Dave Baker, a schoolboy from
lrent, who ___ on the skateboard for a couple of months.
N only practised
C/ was only practising
B/ has only been practising
D/ had only been practising
3. The salad was uneatable because Lucy ___ it twice.
N had salt
B/ salt
C/ had saltened
D/ had salted
4. If the sceptics ___ before the debate, a lot of people may have second
thoughts about the plan.
A/ cannot be silencing
B/ do not silence
Cl are not silenced
D/ wouldn't silence
5. After paying the bill I had some money left and so I ___ a T-shirt with
Magic Johnson, which my son said was the best present he had ever received.
N might buy
8/ was able to buy
C/ could have bought
D/ might have to buy
6. The situation was a little embarrassing when Alice served roast beef for dinner.
I wish I ___ her that Greg was a vegetarian.
A/ would tell
B/ told
Cl better told
D/ had told
7. Why don't we meet in the evening? I can have a beer with you when I am
___ duty but not now.
N off
B/ out of
C/ after
D/ outside
8. The reports show that our sales have risen more than 20 per cent since we
___ the first posters with the golden nut.
N had hung
8/ hung
C/ hanged
D/ have hung
9. I'm afraid we'll have to start from scratch; nothing ___ thus far can be of
any real use to us.
A/ what they have prepared
C/ they have prepared
B/ has been prepared
D/ of which has been prepared
10. The place was redecorated with great care and looked as if it ___
N bas never been
B/ had never been
C/ never were
D/ were never
11. The day before the demonstration police blocked most access roads to the town
by ___ special barriers.
N setting down B/ setting up C/ putting about 0/ putting fotward
12. She does the typing of our school bulletin, which at times may be ___
N a very hard work 8/ a hardwork CJ very hard work D/ very hard a work
13. If you go on insisting ___ a copy of every report, you'll end up buried under
a pile of paper.
Al to be given
B/ on giving you
Cl on being given
D/ to give you
14. Any changes are possible in the phase of the drafting of the document. But,
please, Adam, don't try to change the text after it ___ upon.
A/ was agreed B/ will have been agreed C/ will be agreed D/ has been agreed
15. After a number of incidents with the police we decided to close down the club
altogether. But now I think that maybe we ___ it open.
N should have kept B/ ought to keep C/ should better keep D/ should rather keep
Test 48
1. You should try to follow the lecture without asking questions unless you
___ something important.
N have missed 8/ will miss C/ had missed D/ would miss
2. Without turning my head in the direction of the gate I ___ a small object
just under the fence.
N spot
B/ have spot
C/ have spotted
D/ spotted
3. Since the Green Contest ___ before the end of the school year, I was
against extending the deadline.
N must have been judged
B/ had to be judged
Cl has been judged
D/ would have been judged
4. You don't have to burst with energy but you shouldn't look ___, either.
N too belpl�ly
B/ such helpless
C/ totally helpless
0/ helplessly enough
5. When I saw that the main prize which I ___ of since the announcement of
the lottery would go to Milly, I started crying.
A/ had dreamt B/ have dreamt C/ have been dreaming 0/ was dreaming
6. Speaking about Mr Monti, I just met ___ who said he was the best lawyer
in town.
N a client of him Bl a client of his C/ the client of his D/ another his client
7. I think we ought to be glad that Bob didn't tum to us for advice. I can't imagine
what it might have been if he ___
N did B/ came C/ would D/ had
8. At the beginning of the book Paula's story is told ___ at one point the
reader is completely lost.
N in such clumsy way that
B/ in so clumsy way that
D/ in very clumsy way and
CJ so clumsily that
9. You will feel better after the fifth pill. But you should go on taking them until
you ___ all twenty. Last year you stopped the treatment too early.
N took B/ have taken C/ will have taken D/ will take
10. What is the point ___ yet another language one year before leaving the
8/ to get some of them take
N of getting some of them take
D/ of getting some of them to take
Cl to get some of them to be taking
11. I didn't risk a shower because of the temperature in the bathroom. I wish
I ___ so cold in the castle.
B/ was told there is
N would have been told there was
D/ had been told there was
C/ had been told it was
12. Now that we are ___ danger, we no longer need police protection.
A/ off B/ out of C/ away from D/ outside
13. Ann is right. She couldn't ask for another set of questions half way through the
examination. Well, maybe she ___ the examiners for some additional
A/ could ask B/ ought to ask C/ should have asked D/ would be able to ask
14. People whose main concern is ____ may eventually develop some serious
health problems.
N not overfeeding
B/ not to be overfeeding
Cl not to overfeed
DI not to be overfed
15. I am rather reluctant to use methods which have not been tried
Al out B/ up C/ on 0/ for
--- before.
Test 49
1. To remain on the safe side, we should not take things for granted and should be
able to cope with all kinds of contingency; in Salts, for instance, the villagers
___ for accommodating all the visitors.
A/ may have been unprepared
Cl may be unprepared
B/ need not to be prepared
D/ must not be prepared
2. Although a majority of authors stand firmly against euthanasia, you will find
in favour of it.
N quite few
Cl hardly none
B/ hardly any
DI quite a few
3. On the last day of the tour we made a stop at the headquarters of the 5th
Regiment and had a meeting with its veterans, ____ for most of us was
a rather moving occasion.
A/ who
B/ that
C/ which
D/ what
4. You won't find a camera with so many functions; it ___ so heavy as to be
hardly usable in field work.
A/ would have to be
B/ would have been
C/ were
D/ bad to be
5. About two miles from the village, the road ___ steeply, considerably
slowing our progress in the direction of the mountain pau.
N has started raising
B/ raised
C/ has risen
D/ rose
6. I fully understand the point you are making about experimenting with soft drugs.
Well, if my parents ___ me to the school where teachers had similar views,
I might perhaps find it convincing.
A/ wouldn't send
8/ didn't send
C/ hadn't sent
D/ wouldn't have sent
7. We were rather surprised ___ this job. We thought she still lacked the
A/ at Fiona to be given
C/ Fiona to be given
B/ by giving Fiona
DJ for Fiona to be given
8. I am a serious man and I really could not ___ by another examiner.
A/ promise Bob to have his son's paper reread
B/ have promised Bob having his son's paper reread
Cl promise to Bob rereading his son's paper
D/ promise Bob rereading his son's paper
9. The best wood for building this type of canoe is oak. But since no oak is
available, we'll have to ___ it.
A/ do without
Bl make without
C/ take without
D/ carry without
10. Knowing Irene as I do, I was certain she would protest about ___ for the defeat.
N holding her responsibility
C/ having held responsibility
B/ being held responsible
D/ holding responsible
11. We should believe what Jim is telling us. If there ___ no post in the
morning, the postman could have begun his round later or the postal van could
have broken down again
A/ had been B/ was Cl were D/ would have been
12. It was not easy to get a general picture out of ___ that started arriving soon
after the incident.
N so much conflicting information
B/ such a lot of informations
C/ so many conflicting informations
0/ all those pieces with information
13. The project, which many people believed to be a major breakthrough, ended
N with B/ in C/ by D/ upon
14. He is just pulling your leg! He ___ here on foot as the railway station is
located some 50 km from here.
N couldn't come
B/ wouldn't be able to come
C/ hadn't been able to come
D/ can't have come
15. As regards the problem of noise, my suggestion is that we should return to it at
our next meeting. By this time each of us ___ all the reports concerning it,
which should make our discussion more rational.
N ought to have read
B/ has read
C/ will have read
D/ will read
Test 60
1. Remember that products not ___ to sell in New York will not find buyers
in Kutno or Donetsk.
A/ enough attractive
C/ attractively sufficient
B/ attractive enough
D/ attractive sufficiently
2. Since Bernie and Alf couldn't take part in the last training games, we ___
some problems with team coordination. Well, we'll find that out tomorrow.
A/ might have expected
8/ might now expect
C/ had better expected
D/ have better expected
3. If you tell the examiners you're allergic ___ poetry, they won't be amused.
N for B/ on C/ against D/ to
4. Like every football fan in Glasgow, I wish that Celtic ___ the first goal in
Wednesday's match. By boosting the players' morale it should decide the final result.
N scores
B/ would score
C/ bad scored
D/ scored
5. The secrecy of the police operation against the gang was complete. It seems only
in jail did its bo�es discover their phone calls ___ listened to for months.
N were being
B/ have been
C/ were
D/ had been
6. Don't include ___ squash or softball. It would make the organization of the
tournament more difficult.
N such games as
B/ the games such as
Cl such games like
D/ such a game like
7. Feeling tired is no excuse for driving to church in a dirty car. Why didn't you take
it to the car wash? Or, if you didn't want to queue, you ___ some money to
your son for washing it.
A/ could give
B/ were to give
C/ might have given
D/ were able to give
8. If they don't ___ my sight at once, I'll go mad or shoot them.
N get away from
B/ get out of
Cl go out from
D/ go off
9. Although no official invitation has come yet, I've told the girls ___ some
long skirts and white blouses.
A/ they've better packed
C/ they'd better pack
B/ they'd better packed
D/ they'd better have packed
10. I'm afraid Archie will get drunk at the party no matter what his wife ___ to
prevent it.
A/ would do
B/ were doing
C/ will do
D/ does
11. Isn't it a bit unwise of Jerry ___ without a proper evaluation?
A/ suggesting to sell the portrait
Cl to suggest selling the portrait
B/ suggest the portrait being sold
D/ suggesting the portrait to be sold
12. The parents' representatives wanted to know why the schools ___ of the
changes in the grading system.
A/ haven't informed B/ hadn't informed Cl weren't informing D/ hadn't been informed
13. We ___ the bill and it might have been worse - each of us had to pay about $ 60.
A/ split B/ have split C/ splined D/ had splittcd
14. Even if we devote ___, we will have to spend about ten hours to complete
the task.
A/ each applicant just ten minutes
0 only ten minutes to every applicant
B/ ten minutes or so for every applicant
D/ just ten minutes on each applicant
15. After 150 years of research in psychology, most ___ known about human
nature can be found in a few books written centuries ago.
A/ of what is 8/ that we do Cl of that is D/ of that what is
Klucz do test6w wyboru
W odsylaczach do komentarza gramatycznego nazwy dzial6w uiywane S<l w for­
mic skr6conej, np. verb zamiast verb pattern. Numery odnOSZcJ si� do numeru regu­
ly w obr�bie danego dzialu.
Test 1
Test 2
1. D- modal + pi/01; modaV03
1. C - future/04
2. C - conditional /02;
2. D - verb/09
3. D -emphasis
3. B - modal + pi/01
4. D- modal + pi/01; modal/03
4. A - sequence/01
5. C - prepositions/01
6. A-wish
5. B - past simple/01; pres. perf./03
7. B - verb/09
7. B-wish
8. B- future tenses/04
8. D - �ivc/02
9. A - modal/02
9. D -futurc/03; modal/04
10. A-verb/01
10. B - future/04
11. D - be/01; modal/03
11. C-verb/09
12. C- passive/01,03; modal + pi/03
6. C-emphasis; present/02
12. D - determiners/01
13. B-past pcrfcct/01
13. A- conditional/02, 03
14. A - past simple/01
14. A - modal/01, 02, 03
15. B-determiners/02
15. C-present perf./02
Test a
Test 6
1. B-be/01; modal/03
1. C- nouns/01; determiners/03
2. A -emphasis
2. D-relative/04
3. D- modal+ pi/03; conjunctions/02
3. C-passive/01; conditionaV0S
4. A-past simple/01; present perfect/03
4. D-past perfect/01
5. C-verb/01
5. B-verb/03
6. D-modal + pi/01; p�ivc/01
6. A-modal + pi/01; modaJ/03
7. D-verb/01; passive/02
7. A-future/04
8. B-past perfect/01
8. B-modal + pi/01
9. A-phrasal
9. D-phrasal
10. C-wish
10. A -modal + pi/01, 03
11. B-verb/01, 09
11. C-wish
12. C-future/04
12. D-past simple/01
13. B-conditional/02, 03
13. C-modaV0l, 02
14. C-article/01
14. A-conditional/03, 04
15. D-past simple/01; pres. perf./02
15. B-emphasis; present perfect/03
Test 4
Test 8
1. B-verb/11
1. A-prepositions/02
2. C-past perfect/01
2. D-verb/01
3. C-modal+ pi/01; modal/03
3. D- verb/12
4. A-future/04
4. D -modal + pi/01; modal/03
5. A -relative/04
5. C-relative/04
6. B-present perfect/02
6. D-modal/01, 03
7. C-verb/08
7. B-conditional/02, 03, 04
8. D-modal/04; future 03
8. C-conditionaJ/03, 04
9. C- emphasis
9. A -past simple/01; present perfect 02
10. D-conditional/02, 03
10. C-relative/06
11. D-past simple/01
11. B-indirect 02
12. 8 -dctcrmincrs/02
12. A-past simplc/01
13. B-verb/01, 04; passive/02
13. C-verb/01
14. A -nouns /01; article 01
14. A -future/04, 06; present perfect/03
15. A-conditionaJ/02, 03, 04
15. B-verb/04
Test 7
Test 9
1. B -conditionaV03, 05
1. B -passive/01; verb 06
2. C-verb/01, 08
2. B -determiners/02
3. D-wish
3. A-future/04
4. D-vcrb/01, 09
4. D-present pcrfect/03
5. B -modal + pi/01, 02
5. D-past perfect/01
6. C -past pcrfcct/01
6. C-p�ive/01, conditional/02, 03
7. B - determiners/OS
7. A -verb/01
8. D-past simple/01; present perfect/03
8. C-conditional/02, 03
9. C -modal/01, 03
9. 8 -rclativc/06
10. A -passive/01; past simple/02
10. B -future/04; present perfect/03
11. A -verb/01; passive/02
11. D-verb/08
12. B -relative/04
12. A -be/01, 02, 03
13. D-modal+ pi/01
13. B -modal+ pi/01
14. A-future/04
14. D-nouns/01; determiners/OS
15. C -prcpositions/01
15. A - past simple/01; present perfect/OJ
Test 8
Test 10
1. A - idioms/07
1. B - phrasal
2. C-past simplc/01
2. A - verb/08
3. B - modal + pi/01
3. C -past perfect/01
4. B -past perfect/01
4. B -nouns/01; articles/01
5. A-verb/01, 09
5. D-modal + pi/05
6. D-verb/11
6. A -past simple/01
7. C-modal/06; conditional/02, 03
7. C-prcspositions/01
8. D- relativc/04
8. D-p�ive/02
9. B -passive/01; conjunction/02
9. B -relative/04
10. D-verb/01; passive/02
10. C-conjunctions/02; be/01
11. C-phrasal
11. A -conditional/03, 04
12. C - modal + pi/01
12. 8 -past simplc/01; present perfect/02
13. B -nouns/02
13. C - verb/03
14. A -conditional/02, 03
14. D-coojunctions/02; modaV02
15. D-past simple/01
15. D-modal + pi/01; modal/03
Test 11
Test IS
1. D -verb/01. 09
2. C- detenniners/02
3. A- conditional/02, 03
4. D - passive/01
5. A- past simple/01
6. B-verb/01
7. A- nouns/01; determiners/OS
8. B - passive/03
9. C- future/04: present perfect/OJ
10. B - modal + pi/01, 04
11. C - past perfect/01
12. D - conditional/02, 03, 04
13. A - prepositions/01
14. C - modal/01, 03
15. D - relative/04
1. D -past simple/01; 02
2. A- modal/01, 03
3. B-past perfect/01; sequence/01
4. A- verb/09
S. B - relative/04
6. C - passive/QI
7. B - future/04; present perfect/03
8. A -modaVOl, 05
9. D - preposition/02
10. D - be/01, 02; conjunctions/02
11. D -nouns/01; article 04
12. C - verb/03
13. B -modal + pi/01; modal/03
14. A -phrasal
15. C- conditional/02, 03
Test 12
Test 14
1. A-modal/01, 03
2. 8 - nouns/02, 03
3. D -indirect/02; verb/09
4. D -modal + pi/01
S. C - future/04
6. B - past simple/01; present perfect/03
7. B -vcrb/11
8. A - conditionaV02, 03, 04
9. C - be/02, 03; passive/OS
10. A- modal + pi/01, 05
11. A- relative/04
12. D -wish
13. B - conditionaV02, 03
14. B- past simple/01; present perfect/OJ
15. C - passive/01
1. C- be/01, 02
2. C -conditionaV03, 04
3. B - passive/OS
4. A-noun/01
5. B - emphasis; present perfect/03
6. C - relative/06
7. A-verb/01, 08
8. D - moclaVOl, 04, 06
9. C- conditional/02, 03, 04
10. D - past simple/01; present perfect/03
11. A - passive/02
12. B - past perfcct/01
13. D - phrasal
14. B - passivc/01, 03; verb/13
15. A- future/04
Teat 16
Teat 17
1. B-be/01
2. D -noun/01; relative/01
3. B-modal + pi/01
4. B-wish
5. A -conditionaV03, 04
6. C-determiners/04
7. D -verb/01, 08
8. C-modal/04
9. B-verb/01
10. D -past perfect/01
11. A -future/04
12. C-passive/01
13. A-past simple/01; present perfect/03
14. C-preposition/02
1S. D -past perfect/01
1. C-modal/01
2. D -prepositions/01
3. B -passive/01
4. A-detenniners/04
5. B-verb/09
6. C -phrasal
7. C-future/04
8. B -relative/04
9. C -passive/04; verb/13
10. D-determiners/03
11. B-past perfect/01
12. A-past simple/01
13. D-conditional/02, 03
14. A-modal+ pi/01, 03; modal/03
15. D-wish
Test 18
Test 18
1. C-verb/05
2. D-passive/05
3. A - future/04; sequence/03
4. B -modal/06; modal + pi/05
5. C- conditional/02, 03; be/01
6. A -phrasal
7. B-modal + pi/01
8. A -determiners/02
9. D-verb/01; passive/02
10. A - prcpositions/02
11. B-wish
12. D -verb/13
13. B -conditional/02, 03, 04
14. C -past simple/02; present perfect/03
15. C-determiner/06
1. C-verb/03
2. A-modaV06; modal + pi/OS
3. D-relative/04
4. C-anicles/04
5. B-conditionaV02, 03
6. B -verb/01, 08
7. D-future/04
8. D-prepositions/01
9. B-vcrb/01
10. A -relative/OS
11. D -modal + pi/01, 05
12. A-determiners/OJ
13. C - be/01; passive/01
14. C-verb/11
15. B - emphasis
Teat 19
Teat 21
1. C-verb/12
1. A-verb/03
2. A -verb/01, 08
2. B -past simple/01; present perfect/OJ
3. A -verb/13; passive/OS
3. A-article/04
4. C - futurc/04
4. C -modal+ pi/01
5. B -conditional/02, 03
5. C -relative/04
6. C-verb/01; passive/02
6. B -verb/09
7. D-passive/01; conditional/02
7. A-verb/01, 02
8. B - prepositions/02
8. B -prepositions/01
9. D-past simple/01; present perfcct/03
9. D - modal/06; modal+ pi/05
10. 8-noun/01; determiner/OS
10. D-pronoun/02
11. C-determiners/06
11. A-conditional/06
12. A-modal/06; modal + pi/05
12. D - future/04
13. A-modal/02, 03
13. A-passive/06
14. D-wish
14. B -emphasis
15. B -modal + pi/01
15. D -conditional/02, 03
Teat 20
Test 22
1. A -past simple/01; present perfect/03
1. A-modal/01, 03
2. D-futurc/04
2. C - verb/01
3. D-noun/01; determiners/01
3. D -conditional/07
4. B -modal/01
4. B -phrasal
.5. C-modal + pi/01
5. D -relative/07
6. A-article/11
6. D-future/04
7. 8 -emphasis; present perfcct/03
7. A-modal+ pi/01, 03
8. A-past simple/01; present perfect/02
8. B -be/01
9. C-prepositions/01
9. D-detenniners/06
10. A-verbJ{)l; passive/02
10. C-conditional/02, 03
11. D-pronouns/01
11. B -emphasis
12. B - modal/01
12. A-prepositions/02
13. 8 -relative/OS
13. C-would rather/02
14. C-pa�ive/01
14. B -verb/01; passive/02
15. C-conclitional/02, 03
15. C-past simple/02
Test 23
Test 26
1. B -vcrb/04
1. D -determiners/04
2. D - past perfect/01
2. B -modal/01
3. B -modal/01, 03
3. B -conditional/02, 04
4. A - conditional/02, 03; be/01
4. A-modal+ pi/01; verb/03, 09
5. B - phrasal
S. D-past perfect/01
6. A - noun/01
6. B - prepositions/01
7. C -future/04
7. C -future/04
8. C-wish
8. B -conditionaV02, 03
9. A-passive/02
9. C-be/01; passive/01
10. D-pa�t simple/01; present perfect/03
10. C -past simple/02; present perfect/03
11. A - modal + pi/01
11. A-phrasal
12. A -relative/04
12 D - determiners/03
13. A-prepositions/01
13. D -verb/13; pa�ive/04
14. D - future/04
14. A-modal+ pi/01, 02; modal/03
15. C-verb/01; passive/02
1S. C-relative/07
Test 24
Test 28
1. B -modal + pi/03; conjunction/02
1. B -passive/01
2. B -verb/11
2 A -prepositions/03
3. A-conditional/07
3. D-phrasal
4. A - past simple/01
4. D-wish
5. C-verb/03; 06
5. B -past perfect/01; relative/02
6. D - passive/01
6. A -modal/01, 04
7. D -past perfect/01
7. C-verb/01; passive/02
8. A - pronoun,{)1
8. B -idioms/07
9. D - phrasal
9. C - adjectives/13
10. C-determiners/OS
10. D-prepositions/01
11. C - modal + pi/01; modal/03
11. A - rela tive/04
12. C - wish; be/03
12. D - modal + pi/01
13. D -future/04, 06
13. C-pcWive/()1, 02
14. A-conditional/02, 03
14. C-future/04
15. 8 -prepositions/01
15. B -past simple/01, 03; present perfect /03
Test '1.7
Test 29
1. D - nouns/01
2. C-passive/()1
3. B -emphasis
4. B -conditional/02, 03
5. A- past simplc/01, 03; pr�nt perfect/03
6. B- adjectives/13
7. C-phrasal
8. A- modal/01, 02, 04, 06
9. A- prepositions/01
10. B - modal + pi/01, 05
11. C-verb, 03
12. D - be/01; passive/OS; verb/13
13. D -prepositions/03
14. D-verb/09
15. C-modaVOl
1. B- pwive/01, 02; vcrb/03
2. B- modaV03
3. C-phrasal
4. D-past perfcct/01
5. C- emphasis; present perfect/03
6. A -nouns/01; determiners/OJ
7. A -verb/03, 06
8. C-future/04
9. D-prepositions/01
10. B-conditionaV02, 04
11. B-verb/03
12. A - determiners/OS
13. C-relative/04
14. A- conditionaV02, 03
15. D-past simple/01
Test 28
Test 80
1. A-phrasal
2. D - pa�ive/07
3. C-conditional/02, 03
4. D - p�ive/06
S. A- future/04
6. B-conjunctions/02; modal/02
7. C- prepositions/01
8. B -conditional/02, 03
9. B -verb/01, 13; passive/02
10. A -detenniners/06
11. D-modal+ pi/01
12. B- rclativc/05
13. C-modal + pi/01; modal/03
14. C- past simple/01; present perfect/03
15. D - past perfect/01
1. D- verb/03, 09
2. C-futurc/04
3. B- modal/01
4. C- nouns/01
S. D-verb/06; passive/02
6. D-relative/OS
7. B - modal + pi/01, 05
8. A- conditional/02, 04
9. C- verb/03; passive/03
10. A-past simple/01; present perfect/03
11. D -prepositions/01
12. A- pronouns/02
13. B-verb/01
14. C- be/01, 03; sequence/03
15. A -conditional/02, 03
Test 31
Test 33
I. A-verb/03
2. B-past perfect/01
3. C-verb/01; passive/02
4. D -conditional/02, 04
5. B -passive/01
6. A- determiners/03
I. A-verb/12
7. B-wish
8. D - prepositions/02
9. D -verb/09; modal + pi/01
10. D - determiners/OS
11. A-verb/09, 11
12. C-past simple/01; present perfect/03
13. C - future/04
14. C-conditional/02, 03
15. 8 -modal/01, 03
2. B - verb/04
3. D - past perfect/OJ
4. C-prepositions/01
S. B -relative/02, 06
6. C-modal/OS
7. A-conclitional/02, 04
8. C-verb/01, 09
9. D -passive/01
10. B-phrasal
11. C-nouns/02
12. B -modal + pi/01, 02
13. D -past simple/01; past perfect/02
14. A-conjunctions/OS
15. A- be/01; sequence/QI
Test 32
Test 34
1. A-future/01
2. D - verb/03
3. C -determiners/01
4. D -past simple/01; present perfect/03
5. A -nouns/01
6. B-modal + pi/01; modaV03
7. B-future/04
8. D -verb/03, 06; passive 01, 03
9. A- determiners/03; adjcctive�2
10. B- past perfect/01
11. C-conditional/02, 04
12. C-verb/12
13. C - relative/02, 06
14. A-conditional/02, 03
15. D-wish
1. C - determiners/13
2. A-verb/03
3. C-past perfect/01
4. D -verb/08
5. A-relative/07
6. D - future/04
7. A -modal/01, 02
8. B- emphasis; conclitionaV02, 03
9. A-phrasal
10. C-conditional/02, 04
11. D - verb/01
12. C - determiner/04
13. B -verb/11
14. B-modal + pi/01; modal/03
15. B-passive/01, 03
Test 36
Test 37
l. D-conjunctions/02; be/01
:. D-verb/03, 06
3. B -relative/07
4. D-past pcrfcct/01; present perfect/03
5. A-p�ive/01
6. B-modal/02, 03
7. C -future/04
8. C - verb/09
9. D-modal + pi/01
10. C-past perfcct/01
11. C -passive/OJ, 02
12. A-wish
13. B-prepositions/01
14. B-conditional/02, 04
15. A-nouns/01
1. B-modal + pi/01, 05
2. C -passive/01, 03
3. D-would rather/02
4. A-conditional/02, 03
S. C-past perfect/01
6. A-prepositions/01
7. B-emphasis; present perfect/03
8. D-phrasal
9. C-future/04
10. A-relative/OS
11. A-passive/OJ
12. C - determiners/04
13. B -conditional/02, 04
14. D-vcrb/03
15. B-verb/13; passive/OS
Test 38
Test 38
1. D-determiners/01, 04
2. C-conditional/02, 04; be/03
3. D-verb/03, 09
4. C -verb/01; passivc/01, 02
S. A-past perfect/01
6. B-modal + pi/01
7. A-future/04
8. D -emphasis
9. A-pronouns/01
10. B-would rather/01
11. C -relative/04
12. B-conditionaJ/02, 03
13. D-verb/03
14. B-prepmitions/01
15. A-past simple/01
1. C-modal + pi/01, 03
2. B-passive/OS
3. A-idioms/07
4. B -past simple/01; present perfect/03
5. B-modal/01
6. A-verb/01
8. C-prepositions/01
9. D-subjunctive
10. A-prepositions/03
11. A-verb/01, 13
12. D-phrasal
13. D -passive/01; future/04
14. B-past perfect/01
Test ag
Test 41
1. A-prepositions/01
1. A-rclative/04
2. B-past simple/01; present perfect/03
2. C - verb/04; passive/01
3. D-passive/OS; verb/06
3. B-prepositions/01
4. D-past perfect/01
4. B-modal/CH, 02
5. C-future/01
5. B - phrasal
6. C-modal/01, 02; modal+ pi/03
6. A -past perfcct/01
7. B - phrasal
7. D - past simple/01; present perfect/03
8. A -conditional/02, 03
8. C-modal+ pi/01, 03
9. D-verb/01, 08
9. A-verb/09
10. B - pronouns/01
10. D-determiners/04
11. C-future/04, 06
11. C-future/04
12. C - verb/03
12. D - conditional/02, 03
13. D -p�ive/01; verb/13
13. C-adjectives/01
14. A-modal+ pV01; modaV03
14. D-conditionaV07; passive/01
15. B-relative/04
15. A-wish
Test 40
Test 42
1. C - past simple/01; present perfect/03
1. A-vcrb/04
2. B-determiners/04
2. C-phrasal
3. A - future/04
3. A- modal/01, 02, 04
4. C -verb/09
4. D - past simplc/01
5. D-be/01
5. B-conjunctions/02; be/01
6. D-conjunctions/OB; pauive/04
6. A-verb/03, 09
7. D-verb/12
7. D-conditional/02, 03, 05
8. C-passive/01
8. B-article/OS
9. A-verb/14
9. C-verb/01; pmive/02
10. 8-modal + pi/01; modal/03
10. C -past perfect/01
11. D-verb/01; passive/02
11. D-prepositions/01
12. C-conditionaV07
12. B-would rather/02
13. B-prepositions/01
13. D-nouns/02, 03
14. A-modal/01
14. A - modal + pi/01
15. B-relative/04
15. 8-p�ive/01, 03; vcrb/03
Test 49
Test 46
1. A-verb/14
2 A-modaJ/01, 04
3. D-passive/OJ
4. B-verb/01, 09
S. C - past simple/01
6. D -would ratber/02
1. D-verb/11
2. C - modal/01, 03
3. D -future/04
4. A-phrual
5. 8-conditional,'°2, 03
6. C -past perfect/01
7. C -verb/03, 09
8. D-article/04
9. B-emphasis; present perfect/03
10. B-conditional/02, 03
11. D-relative/04
12. B -verb/12
13. C -conditionaV07
14. A-past simple/01
1S. C -future/04
7. A -detenniners/06
8. A-passive/01; conjunctions/OS
9. B-conditional/06
10. C -future/04
11. B -detenniners/07
12. C -verb/03, 06
13. 8-past simple/01, 03
14. A-indirect/02
15. D-wonld rather/01
Test 44
Test 48
1. A -conditional/02, 03; verb/04
2. D-prepositions/02
3. D-passive/01, 03
4. B-be/01
t. D -determiners/01
2. B -past pcrfecUOl
3. D - past simple/02
4. B-future/04
5. C-wish
6. A-prepositions/02
7. B-conditional/02, 03
8. A-prepositions/01
9. C-be/01
5. A-modal/01, 04
6. C -prepositions/OJ
7. A-conditionaV07
8. C-determiners/OS
9. B - past perfect/()!
10. C - would rather/02
11. B-verb/12
12. D-relative/04
13. A-past simple/01; present perfect/03
14. C -verb/11
15. B -conjunctions/02; modal/02
10. C -modaJ/01, 02
11. B-verb/01
12. A-relative/04
13. D-modal + pi/01; modal/03
14. D -passive/01; 03
15. A-verb/03, 09
Test 47
Test 49
1. A- verb/04
1. C - modaVOl, 06
2. D - past perfect/01
2. D - determiners/04
3. D -past simple/01
3. C - relative/07
4. C - pamve/01
4. A- modal/01, 02
5. B - modal/02, 03
5. D - past simple/01; present perfect/03
6. 0-wisb
6. C - conditional/02, 03
7. A - prepositions/01
7. D - verb/07
8. B - past simple/01; present perfect/02
8. A- verb/03, 09
9. C- relative/04
9. A - phrasal
10. B - conditional/02, 03
10. B - passive/01, 02
11. B - phrasal
11. B - conditional/02, 04
12. C - nouns/01
12. A- nouns/01
13. C-verb/01; passive/02
13. B - prepositions/01
14. D - future/04
14. D -modal + pi/01, 02
15. A - modal + pi/01; modaV03
15. C- future/06
Test 48
Teat 60
1. A- conditional/07
1. B- adjectives/13
2. D - past simple/01; present perfect/OJ
2. B- conjunctions/02; modal/01
3. B - conjunctions/02; modal + pi/03
3. D - prepositions/01
4. C - verb/11
4. B-wish
S. A- past perfect/01
5. D - past perfect/01
6. B - pronouns/01
6. A- prepositions/03
7. D - conditional/02, 03
7. C - modal + pi/01; modaL'03
8. C -deterrnincrsA>5; article/01
8. B - prepositions/01
9. B - futurc/04
9. C - idioms/07
10. D - verb/01, 08
10. D - future/04
11. C -wish; be/03
11. C - verb/01, 03
12. B- prepositions/01
12. D - passive/01
13. C - modal + pi/01; modal/03
13. A- past simple/01; present perfect/03
14. D - passive/01, 03
14. C -verb/12
15. A- phrasal
15. A- relative/04