Training on HOTS-PLP for English, Science, and Mathematics Teachers Session 1 - Resources Walk-through Title of Session HOTS in the Classroom: Review of Professional Learning Packages Session Objective ● ● Session Outputs Accomplished worksheet 1 Session Duration and Time 60 minutes Key Content HOTS Professional Learning Package ● Mathematics Mentor Guide ● Mathematics Teacher Resource Methodologies Worksheet based reflection Learning Resource Package Program Designs Worksheets Session Guides Slide decks of the sessions To familiarize oneself with the HOTS-PLP To provide feedback to the HOTS-PLPs Time 2 minutes Session Objective Detailed Content Outline Detailed Description of Methodology Learner’s Output Learning Resource Materials At the end of the session, the participants will be able to: Review of the HOTS Professional Learning Package Introduction: Note to the facilitator: Accomplished mind mapping diagram laptop, projector, meta cards, pentel pen, masking tape, manila paper, HOTS PLPs a. familiarize oneself with the HOTS-PLP b. provide feedback to the HOTS-PLPs Greet the participants and make them feel comfortable. Say: Good day everyone, I am ____________, I will be facilitating the session on HOTS in the Classroom: Review of Professional Learning Package. 1. Facilitator greets the participants and introduces herself/himself 2. Facilitator reads the session title 3. Facilitator reads the session's objectives. 4. Facilitator prepares a priming activity to set the participants’ readiness SD # 1-5 PRIMING ACTIVITY: SALUNDIWA 3 minutes 1. Ask the participants to form groups of four (4). 2. Instruct everyone to write the phrase “HIGHER-ORDER THINKING” in the middle of the paper and encircle it. 3. Inform the participants that within 5 minutes, they must write down everything that they can think of that is related to the phrase. Remind them to write what immediately comes to mind and to not erase any words. 4. Ask the participants to share what they have written (3 groups) 5. Let them choose a leader and rapporteur to present their output 6. Take down all significant information and process them after the individual/group reporting. SD#6 SD # 7 Training on HOTS-PLP for English, Science, and Mathematics Teachers - Session 1: Resources Walk-through | Page 1 Note: Instruct the participants to post their outputs in the room. 10 minutes ANALYSIS: Based on your answer on the chart answer the following questions: Faci calls a volunteer to share his/her ideas/thoughts. ● ● ● Part/s of the HOTS Professional Learning Packages that stand/s out the most What are our common understandings about HOT? What things did you not expect to see? Do you agree that we should tap and hone our HOT skills ABSTRACTION: Walkthrough on the HOTS PLPs Resources for mentors Part/s that seem/s not clear Ways the HOTSPLP may support their work as a school leader ● HOTS Professional Learning Packages ● “My role as mentor” SD # 8 Teachers’ Resource Note to Facilitator 5 minutes 1.Facilitator will discuss the parts of the HOTS PLPs APPLICATION 1. Facilitator gives instructions to download the packages. Training on HOTS-PLP for English, Science, and Mathematics Teachers - Session 1: Resources Walk-through | Page 2 2. Participants are given time to scan the package (teachers' resource and mentor’s guide) and answer Worksheet 1 individually. Accomplished Worksheet 1 SD # 9-43 HOTS-PLP 3. Facilitator allows participants to discuss their answers first with seatmates (WS question #4). 25 minutes Worksheet 1 4. Facilitator calls volunteers to share their answers in plenary. 5. Facilitator processes their answers. 6. Facilitator collects the worksheets, reviews answers, and shares some highlights or noteworthy answers HOTS-PLPs copy Training on HOTS-PLP for English, Science, and Mathematics Teachers - Session 1: Resources Walk-through | Page 3