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grde 11 Grammar Revision

Simple vs. Future Continuous
1. Two girls from our school ----------------------(act) in a play at the moment.
2. Fresh water --------------------
(boil) at 100° Celsius.
3. The plane --------------------
(not leave) until 9 p.m but I have to check
in by 6.30 and I
--------------------- (want) to look into the duty free shop
4. We usually---------------- (go) to the park in the afternoon, but today we--------------- (go) shopping instead.
5. Where is your Dad? – He----------------- (wash) the car in the garage.
6. My brother---------------- (live) in London.
7. The sun----------------- (rise) in the east.
8. Marc usually------------------- (go) to work at 7 but today he------------------ (stay) at home because he----------------- (be) very sick.
9. I think I will have a break now because I--------------- (be) hungry.
10.What book-------------------- (you read) , Brenda? – I--------------------- (read) a Stephen King novel at the moment.
11.When I-------------------- (get) home I make myself a snack but this week
mum-------------------------- (bring) me something to eat because we------------------- (have) examinations at school.
Complete the sentences below by putting the verb in brackets into the past
simple or past perfect.
1While I was away on holiday, my sister (fall)
ill and I had to come
2By the time we reached Frankfurt I (already/be)
very tired of
3There was a terrible atmosphere in the room. They (have)
argument just before I came.
4First she (be)
a teacher, then she became a journalist.
5I gave my friend directions to my house, but later realised that I
to give her the exact address.
6I got to work this morning and was angry when I saw that no one
7He awoke thinking he was in a prison and that he'd been arrested for robbery. He
then realised that it (all/be)
just a bad dream.
8Michael had a black eye. It looked as if he (be)
in a fight.
Past simple – common mistakes
Common mistakes
I was work in London.
He worked in London?
Worked he in London?
Did he wrote a letter?
He didn't wrote a letter.
He writed a letter.
Correct version
I worked in London.
In positive sentences, a
helping verb such
as was or did is not
Did he work in London?
The helping verb did is
used in past simple
Did he work in London?
The helping verb did is
used in past simple
Did he write a letter?
The main verb is used in
the infinitive form
in questions and
He didn't write a letter.
The main verb is used in
the infinitive form in
questions and negatives.
He wrote a letter.
Some verbs are
irregular. Not all verbs
end in -ed in the past
simple form.
Past perfect simple – common mistakes
Common mistakes
I didn't been to London.
When I saw him, I
noticed that he had a
He told me has been to
Correct version
I hadn't been to
We use the helping
verb had (negative
= hadn't) in the past
When I saw him I
noticed that he had
had a haircut.
The action (a haircut)
happened before the
other past action (I
noticed). We use the
past perfect for the
action which happened
first to make the time
order clear to the
He told me he had been
to London.
His original words were:
''I have been to London.''
However, in reported
speech we move the
tense back – the present
perfect (have been)
becomes past perfect
(had been).
Future simple and the Future continuous
Future Simple
We can use will or be going to when using the simple future in English. Keep
reading to review the form and uses of the future simple in English.
We can use will or be going to when using the simple future in English. Keep
reading to review the form and uses of the future simple in English.
Will: Form
Positive: Subject + WILL + V1**
Negative: Subject + WILL + NOT + V1** (won’t)
** The verb is always in the base form.
Will: Use
1. Voluntary action: Are you cold? I will turn off the air conditioning?
2. Promise: I will wash the dishes after I eat. I promise
3. Future Prediction: I think he will come tonight. (Be going to can also be used to
make a prediction.)
Be Going To: Form
I + AM GOING TO + V1 (am not)
He/She/It + IS GOING TO + V1 (is not = isn’t)
They/We/You + ARE GOING TO + V1 (are not = aren’t)
Be Going To: Use
1. Future Plan: We are going to watch a movie tonight.
2. Future Prediction: My daughter is going to get good grades in school. (Both
will and be going to can be used for future predictions.)
Future Continuous
Future Continuous: Form
Both will and be going to have the same meaning when used in the continuous
Will: Form
Positive: Subject + WILL + BE + (V1 + ING)
Negative: Subject + WILL + NOT + BE + (V1 + ING) (won’t)
Be Going To: Form
I + AM GOING TO + (V1 +ING) (am not)
He/She/It + IS GOING TO + (V1 +ING) (is not = isn’t)
They/We/You + ARE GOING TO + (V1 +ING) (are not = aren’t)
Future Continuous Use
1. To show a future action in progress during another shorter future action
or a specific time.
I am going to be sleeping when you arrive.
She will be waiting for us when we arrive.
Stacy is not going to be teaching next week.
They won’t be coming with us on vacation.
He is going to be working at 9:00 tonight.
2. To describe multiple actions happening at the same time in the future.
When you arrive at school tomorrow, Hunter is going to be using the copier,
Denis is going to be making coffee, Amy is going to be talking with Alice, and
Scott is going to be making a call.
When you arrive at school tomorrow, Hunter will be using the copier, Denis will
be making coffee, Amy will be talking with Alice, and Scott will be making a
Future Simple vs. Future Continuous Exercises and Practice
Complete the sentences with an appropriate future form. Choose between
the Future Simple (will or be going to) and the Future Continuous. More than one
answer may be correct.
1. You look hungry; I _________________________ (make) you a sandwich.
2. John and I probably _________________________ (not / come) to the party
because it looks like it _________________________ (rain).
3. I can’t have lunch at 2:00 because I _________________________ (have) an
operation at that time.
4. You _________________________ (celebrate) your birthday at a beautiful
restaurant and we _________________________ (fly) on a plane to Europe.
5. The class _________________________ (take) an exam at 9:00 tomorrow
6. Promise me you _________________________ (not / call) before 10; I hate
being woken up early!
7. Sarah and Frank _________________________ (go) to the gym after work
8. You guys _________________________ (have) a great time in the Bahamas!
9. I _________________________ (sleep) when you arrive so please try to be
10. When she arrives at the school tomorrow, Michael
_________________________ (teach) the B2 class, Alex
_________________________ (administer) a test,
and Denis_________________________ (probably, talk) to a new student.
Use Will and/or be going to with the verb in parentheses.
1. Sue (graduate)
will graduate /is going to graduate
in June. After that,
she (begin)
will begin /is going to begin
work at an electronics firm.
2. Fred (be)
at the meeting tomorrow. I think Jane (come)
3. A: Can you give Ed a message for me?
B: Sure. I (see, probably)
him at the meeting this evening.
4. The damage we do to our environment today (affect)
of future generations.
the quality of life
5. A: Mr. Swan (be, not)
here next term. He has resigned. Who (be)
the new teacher? Do you know?
B: Yes. Mary Jefferson. Ms. Jefferson (teach)
the same courses Mr.
Swan taught: English, algebra, and geometry. I (be)
in her algebra
class. Do you know which algebra class you (be)
in next term?
use be going to if you think the speaker is expressing a prior plan. If you think
there is no prior plan, use will.
6. A: This letter is in French, and I don’t speak a word of French. Can you help
B: Sure. I (translate)
will translate
it for you.
7. A: Do you want to go shopping with me? I (go)
shopping mall downtown.
B: Sure. What time do you want to leave?
am going to go
to the
8. A: This light doesn’t work. The bulb is probably burned out. Where the new
light bulbs?
B: I (get)
one for you.
9. A: It’s cold in here.
B: I agree. I (turn)
A: That’s a good idea.
the heater on.
10. A: I (enroll)
in the community college next spring.
B: Oh? I didn’t know you wanted to go back to school.
A: I need to sharpen my skills so I can get a better job. I (take)
course in word processing.
11. A: Brrr. Who turned up the air conditioner? It’s really cold in here. My nose is
cold and my fingers are cold.
B: I (make)
you a hot cup of tea.
A: Thanks. That sounds good.
12. A: Oh, oh! I’ve spilled coffee on my shirt.
B: Just a minute. I (get)
a damp cloth for you.
13. A: What do you want to be when you grow up?
B: I (be)
an astronaut.
A: Good for you!
14. A: Do you mind if I turn the TV off? I (place)
it’s hard to hear if the TV is on.
B: No, that’s fine. I wasn’t watching it anyway.
a long distance call, and
15. A: Who wants to erase the board? Are there any volunteers?
B: I (do)
C: I (do)
D: No, no! I (do)
16. A: Why do you have an eraser in your hand?
B: I (erase)
the board.
Use will/be going to or the simple present. (In this exercise, both will and be
going to are possible when a future tense is necessary, with little or no difference
in meaning.)
1. Peter is going to leave in half an hour. He (finish)
all of his work before he (leave)
will finish/is going to
2. I’m going to eat lunch at 12:30. After I (eat)
a nap.
, I (take, probably)
3. I’ll get home around six. When I (get)
home, I (call)
4. I’m going to watch a TV program at nine. Before I (watch)
program, I (write)
a letter to my parents.
5. Gary will come soon. I (wait)
here until he (come)
6. I’m sure it will stop raining soon. As soon as the rain (stop)
to the drugstore to get some film.
, I (walk)
7. Right now I’m a junior in college. After I (graduate)
with a B.A. I
to enter graduate school and work for an M.A. Perhaps I (go)
on for a Ph.D. after I (get)
my Master’s degree.
8. A: How long (stay, you)
in this country?
B: I (plan)
to be here for about one more year. I (hope)
graduate a year from this June.
A: What (do, you)
after you (leave)
B: I (return)
home and (get)
a job. How about you?
A: I (be)
here for at least two more years before I (return)
home and (get)
a job.
Use the future progressive or the simple present.
1. Right now I am attending class. Yesterday at this time, I was attending class.
Tomorrow at this time, I (attend)
2. Tomorrow I’m going to leave for home. When I (arrive)
my whole family (wait)
for me.
at the airport,
3. When I (get)
up tomorrow morning, the sun (shine)
, the birds
, and my roommate (lie, still)
in bed fast asleep.
4. A: When do you leave for Florida?
B: Tomorrow. Just think. Two days from now I (lie)
the sun.
A: Sounds great! I (think)
about you.
on the beach in
5. A: How can I get in touch with you while you’re out of town?
B: I (stay)
at the Pilgrim Hotel. You can reach me there.
6. Next year at this time, I (do)
school and (study)
exactly what I am doing now. I (attend)
hard next year.
7. Look at those dark clouds. When class (be)
8. A: Are you going to be in town next Saturday?
B: No. I (visit)
my aunt in Chicago.
over, it (rain, probably)