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16 November 2023
Bacterial Cell wall inhibitors
How do they work?
➢Parenteral (IV) antibiotics if patient shows signs of systemic infection (i.e.,
fever, hypotension); immunocompromise; rapid progression of infection;
progression despite oral antibiotics; infection near prosthetic material; or
inability to take PO. Vancomycin provides excellent empiric coverage.
➢Otherwise oral therapy is indicated.
➢Non-purulent cellulitis: should cover MSSA and Group A streptococcus, the
most common organisms involved in cellulitis
➢Purulent cellulitis (this patient): include MRSA coverage. Treat with oral
trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (TMP-SMX), clindamycin, or doxycycline
30S subunit
50S subunit
Protein synthesis
DNA Gyrase
Cell membrane
Penicilin G
Penicilin V
(Ampicillin, Amoxicllin)
Generation 1
More gram +
Generation 2
Penicilinase sensitivity
Generation 3
(Oxacilin, nafcillin, methicillin)
Generation 4
More gram Antipseudomonal
(Piperacillin +tazobactam)
Generation 5
Novel (2023)
Penicillin + Beta lactam inhibitors
(Amoxicillin + clavulanic acid)
Side effects:
GI disturbances
Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction
Acute interstitial nephritis/ hem. toxicity
Infectious diseases Page 1
MRSA specific
Folate synthesis
Trimethoprim/ sulfonamide
DNA integrity
Nucleic acid synthesis
Cell wall synthesis
Antibacterial Drugs
16 November 2023
Cell wall synthesis agents:
Do not attack human cells because they don’t have cell walls, are often the first line drug and
are often beta-alactam antibiotics which inihbit peptidoglycan cross-linking - which prevents
formation of the cell wall.
Vocabulary and translations
Therefore, bacteria have evolved antiobiotic resistance through:
1) an enzyme that produces beta lactamae or penicillinase that hydrolyze and destroy
drug activity
2) Structural changes to penicillin binding receptors to have lower affinity to beta lactam
3) Decreasing the permeability of the drug through efflux pumps or porins
They come in 4 types:
Mechanism of action
Penicillin G and V
Beta-lactam rings binds to and
Penicillinase, alteration of binding
competitively inhibits transpeptide enzyme proteins and decreased membrane
which prevents peptidoglycan cross-linking. permeability
Variation in the R group allows stability of
the enzyme or acidic hydrolysis
Which antibiotic is used empirically for gram negative
Cefepime, ceftaroline, piperacillin-tazobactam, meropenem,
aminogylcosides have broad gram-negative coverage and often
empirically used for severe infections.
Which ones cover Pseudomonas?
Antibiotics with Pseudomonas coverage include: some
cephalosporins (ceftazidime and cefepime), piperacillintazobactam, carbapenems, monobactams, fluoroquinolones
Which ones cover MRSA?
Antibiotics with methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA) coverage
include: vancomycin, daptomycin, linezolid, ceftaroline,
doxycycline, trimethoprim-sulfonamide, clindamycin
How about VRE?
Antibiotics with Vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus (VRE)
coverage include: daptomycin and linezolid
How about anaerobic ones?
Antibiotics with anaerobic coverage include: metronidazole,
clindamycin, amoxicillin-clavulanate, piperacillin-tazobactam,
Which are broad spectrum antibiotics used before the agent is
Cephalosporins, Fluoroquinolones, Penicillin, Glycopeptides,
Nitroimidazoles, Oxazolidinone, and Carbapenems.
Which drug is the first choice for otitis media?
Penicillin (IV)
(Diclxacillin, nafcillin,
Acquiring genes that negance for
penicillin binding protein 2a or
expression of PC1 beta lactamase
Adverse effect
• Hypersensitivity from rash to angioedema
Pencillin G (4) or Penicillin PO (5) are given fro syphyllis,
(10% of population)
streptococcal infections of skin, endocarditis and
• Cross allergy with cephalosporins
meningococcal meningtis
and less so with carbapenems but not
with monobactam
• Avoid similar side chains
• GI
• Neurotoxicity
• Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction if in conjuction
with syphilis treatment
• Acute interstitial nephritis, hemotologic
toxicities although rare
Liver function test abnormalies and toxicitis
Very narrow spectrum: Staphyloccous subspecies, and
streptococcus but not enterococcus
Iv onlyh, through urine unchanged
except [nafcillin and oxacillin] they are
metabolized through the liver.
MSSA infections: endocarditis, skin and soft tisuse
infection, osteomyeletis and meningitis
(amoxicillin, ampicillin)
Has an extra amino group to penicillin
which enhaces its gram negative coverage
and is worse against penicillinase so can be
used with beta-lactamase inhibitors to
increase coverage.
(e.g, Piperaccillintazobactam)
Are the most powerful penicillin with
expanded activties against gram positive,
negative and Pseudomonas aeruginosa
(which employs permeability decreasers
and have MDR). Usually added with betalactamase inhibitors to increase coverage
or gram negative negatiove anaerobic
coverage (taxobactam)
Can cause pancytopenia with prolonged use.
Increase risk of Acute Kidney injury when
combine with vancomycin
Empiric and definitive anti-pseudomonal
HAP, VAP, cIAI, Febrile neutropenia, sepsis, SSTIs, UTI
Also inhibits transpeptidase enzyme
• Usually well tolerated
• Hypersensitivity ranging from rash to
angioedema, cross allergy with PCN
• Diarrhea (mostly C.difficile)
• Neurotoxicity (cafepime > renal failure)
• Ceftatroline > (+) positive direct coombs
without hemolysis
• Ceftriaxone causing billiary toxicity
• Hemotoxicity
• Do not use ceftriaxone and IV calciumcontaining solutions ni neonates usae
cefotaxime instead.
Variety of issues, easier to list when you can use them eg. Well distributed into most tissues and
elimated by glomerular filtration with
• Listeria monocytogenes
half life of 1-2 hours [WITH EXCEPTION to
• Atypicals
• MRSA and Enterococci
• Anaerobes (except cephamycins, cefoperazone
and sulbactam)
Gen 1
(cefazolin, cephalexin,
Side Effects:
• Gastrointestinal: diarrhea
• Hypersensitivity reaction
Clinical Use:
• Endocarditis
• Skin and soft tissue infection
• Osteomyelitis
• Septic arthritis
• Urinary tract infection
• Prostatitis
• Surgical prophylaxis
Gen 2
(cefaclor, cefuroxime,
Side Effects:
• Gastrointestinal: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea
• Rash
• Vaginitis
• Elevated liver enzymes
• Hypersensitivity reaction
Clinical Use:
• Community-acquired pneumonia
• Pelvic inflammatory disease
• Lyme disease
• Surgical prophylaxis
Side Effects:
• Gastrointestinal: diarrhea
• Rash
• Vaginitis
• Elevated liver enzymes
• Hypersensitivity reaction
Clinical Use:
• Bloodstream infection
• Meningitis
• Community-acquired pneumonia
• Intra-abdominal infection
• Skin and soft tissue infection
• Osteomyelitis
• Urinary tract infection
• Lyme disease
• Sexually transmitted diseases
Side Effects:
• Gastrointestinal: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea
• Positive direct Coombs test
• Elevated liver enzymes
• Hypersensitivity reaction
Clinical Use:
• Blood stream infection or neutropenic fever (empiric
• Pneumonia (including, community-acquired, hospitalacquired, or
• Intra-abdominal infection
• Urinary tract infection
What about pneumonia?
Axithrrmycin, clarithromycin or tetracycline
• Specific enterococcal subspecies like (E. faecalis) and
Listeria monocytogenes
• H.pylori
• Amoxicillin for patients with otitis, sinusitis and
• Skin and soft tissue infection
• Endocarditis prophylaxis
• Bite wounds, URTI and CAP
As generations; gram negative coverage
and reduce gram positive coverage, more
stability against beta-lactamases
Shhh…. And what about UTI?
Trimethroprim and sulfamethoxazole, fosfomycin
MDR p.aeruginosa need ceftazidime,
cefoperzone, 4th gen cephalosporins and
novel ones
And strep throat?
Gen 3 They cover Pseudomonas, ceftraxione has
(ceftriaxone, cefotaxime, good CNS and blood barrier penetration if
cefpodoxime, ceftazidime)
you have meningitis
Gen 4 Cover pseudomonas
Well distributed and excreted through
Ceftriaxone is 50% hepatically
Novel Against MDR bacteria
(Classics: Doripenem,
ertapenem, imipenemcilastatin, meropenem)
am are treatment of choice
for CRE, MDR Pseudomonas
Broad spectrum with great coverage even
for MDR but no activity against MRSA,
E.faecium and atypical pathogens
Ertapenem has a narrower spectrum "APE"
lacking - acinetobacter, pseudomonas,
enterococcus subspecies.
Side Effects:
• Lowers seizure threshold (imipenem)
• Gastrointestinal: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea,
• Rash, cross-reactivity with penicillin allergy
Clinical Use:
• Important in-hospital agents for empiric use in severe
life-threatening infections
• Blood stream infection or neutropenic fever (empiric
• Meningitis
• Intra-abdominal infection
• Skin and soft tissue infection
Only IV
Excreted from urine
Imipenem always combined with cilastin
(for prevention o renal degrdation by
Ertapenem has a half life of 4 hours
Covers only gram negative coverage
including Pseudomonas
Is monocylic and doesn’t attach the betalactam to another ring .
Inhibits transpeptidase enzyme and is
resistant to beta-lactamase
Adverse Effects:
Neutropenia, elevated liver enzymes,
creatinine, rash
Clinical use:
bloodstream infection, pneumoniae, UTI. Typically
reserved for those patients with a documented PCN
Excreted through urine
(Vancomycin, Teicoplanin)
Inhibits peptidoglycan synthesis by binding Resistance Mechanism:
D-Ala-D-Ala terminal of peptide chain (late alteration in terminal peptide
stages of cell wall synthesis)
chain to D-Ala-D-Lac results in
reduced glycopeptide
covers methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus binding (used in VRE)
aureus (MRSA), streptococci, enterococci
and positive Gram anaerobes
(Peptostreptococcus, Actinomyces,
Propionibacterium, Clostridioides
Adverse Effects:
• Nephrotoxicity
• Ototoxicity
• Diffuse flushing (red man syndrome)
Clinical Use:
• Bloodstream infection
• Endocarditis
• Pneumonia
• Skin and soft tissue infection
• Septic arthritis, osteomyelitis
• Clostridioides difficile infection
Excreted through urine and exists in both
oral and IV forms but the oral version is
porly absorbed through the GI tract
inhibiting the enzyme UDP-Nacetylglucosamine enolpyruvyl transferase,
which catalyzes the first step in
peptidoglycan synthesis
Adverse effect:
• Diarrhea, vaginitis, nausea, and headache
• IV: hyperkalemia, hypernatremia
Clinicals use
• UTI infection,
• systemic infections due to drug -resistant
IV and oral available. Maintains high
concentrations in the urine over several
Broad spectrum: Enterobacteriace, E.
faecalis, Enterococcus faecium,
Staphylococcus aureus.
Cell membrane
Mechanism of action
Adverse effect
covers vancomycin-resistant
Enterococcus (VRE) and methicillinresistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)
Inactivated by pulmonary surfactant and
should never be used for pulmonary
Clinical Use:
• Bloodstream infection
• Endocarditis
• Skin and soft tissue infection
Excreted unchange through urine
Mechanism of Action: insertion of
antibiotic molecules within the cell wall
depolarizes the cell membrane which
results in potassium leakage, increased
permeability, and cell death
Side Effects:
• Myopathy, rhabdomyolysis (increased serum
• • Elevated liver enzymes
• Eosinophilic pneumonia
• Gastrointestinal: diarrhea
• Rash
Lipophilic side chain anchors drug to the
cell wall to increase drug half-life and
potency against gram-positive bacteria.
Works by depolarizing cell and causing cell
Adverse effect:
• Infusion-related reactions (Red man
• Nephrotoxicity
• Telavancin: taste disturbances (metallic),
foamy urine, potential fetal harm
Clinical use:
Unchanged through glomerular filtration
(also urine)
Adverse effect
(telavancin. Dalbavancin,
Bacterial ribosome
Mechanism of action
Tetracyclines [30S]
(Tetracyucline, doxycycline,
minocycline, Tigecycline,
Omadacycline, Eravacycline)
broad spectrum of activity, including
MRSA, good activity versus chlamydial and
mycoplasmal species, H. pylori (GI
ulcers), Rickettsia > bacteriostatic
Mechanism of Resistance: efflux by • Avoid Pregnancy
• Avoid Young children under 8
tetracycline-specific pumps,
ribosomal protection protein
• Blood stream infection avoid
• Gastrointestinal intolerance
(dislodges tetracycline)
• Nausea/vomiting is significant with
tigecycline and loading dose of oral
• Tooth discoloration
• Photosensitivity
Combination therapy for H.pylori.
• Tick borne infections (Lyme, Rocky Mountain spotted
fever, etc.)
• Part of therapy in treatment of community acquired
pneumonia in hospitalized patients
(alternative to azithromycin)
• Malaria treatment and prophylaxis
• Skin and soft tissue infections
• Sexually transmitted infections
• Minocycline
• Acinetobacter baumanii
• Stenotrophomonas matolphilia
• Tigecycline, Omadacycline, and Eravacycline
• Multi resistant Gram-negative: Enterobacterales,
Acinetobacter baumanii
• Non-tuberculous mycobacterial infections
excreted through urine, except
• Tetracyclines bound and inactivated by
divalent cations (e.g.,calcium or
Mechanism of Action: inhibits protein
synthesis by binding 30S and prevents
attachment of aminoacyl-tRNA
Pill esophagitis (oral tetracyclines;
counsel patient to take with glass of
water and sit upright for 30 minutes after
Aminoglycosides [50S]
(gentamicin, neomycin,
amikacin, tobramycin,
Used for severe gram negative bacteria
including pseudomonas and is bacterial
Mechanism of Action: binds aminoacyl site
of 16S ribosomal RNA
within the 30S ribosomal subunit to
prevent protein synthesis
inactivation by aminoglycoside
modifying enzymes (e.g.,
acetylation, phosphorylation,
Side Effects: narrow therapeutic range,
therapeutic drug monitoring is required
• Nephrotoxicity
• Ototoxicity
• Neuromuscular blockade
• Contraindicated in pregnancy (teratogenic)
Clinical Use:
• Synergy in patients with infective endocarditis, in
combination with a cell wall active
agent (primarily gentamicin, sometimes streptomycin)
• Treatment of multi-drug resistant Gram-negative
organisms: bloodstream infections,
pneumonia, intra-abdominal infection
• Cystic fibrosis flares (primarily tobramycin, sometimes
• Mycobacterial infections
• Paromomycin for intestinal amebiasis
• IV or topical
• Poor Gi absorption
• Excreted through urine
Macrolides [50S]
wide-spectrum, including atypical
organisms (Chlamydia, Mycoplasma,
Ureaplasma), Legionella pneumophila.
Low side effect profile with good oral
Bacteriostatic, binds 50S subunit to
prevent chain elongation during protein
methylation of 23S rRNA-binding
site, which prevents drug binding
Side Effects:
• QT prolongation
• Gastrointestinal: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea
• Elevated liver enzymes
• Ototoxicity (high dose erythromycin)
Clinical Use:
• Community-acquired pneumonia (covers atypical
Mycoplasma, Chlamydia, Legionella)
• COPD exacerbation (immunomodulator)
• Sexually transmitted infection
• Nontuberculosis mycobacterial infection
• Lyme
• Helicobacter pylori (clarithromycin)
• Infectious diarrhea (azithromycin)
excreted through biliary system > urine
• Erythromycin and clarithromycin
significant CYP450 enzyme inhibitors
(Azithromycin is not) which means they
have trouble being metabolised by the
Erythromicin/ Clindamycin/ E and Clin. Inhibit the translacation of the
chloramphenical/ linezolid 50S subunit so tRNA cant move. Chloram.
Inhibits peptidyle transferase so amino
accids cannot be added. Line. Prevents 50S
binding to 30S so 70S cant be formed.
Same as erythromycin covering anaerobic
bacteria and MRSA
Side Effects:
• Clostridioides difficile infection,
• nausea,
• diarrhea
Clinical Use:
• Skin and soft tissue infection
• Osteomyelitis
• Toxic shock syndrome (toxin production suppression)
Metabolised by liver
(linezolid, tedizolid)
MRSA and VRE coverage.
bacteriostatic, binds to the 23S of the 50S
subunit, inhibiting the
formation of the 70S complex
Side Effects:
• GI upset, thrombocytopenia, latic acidosis,
peripheral and optic neuropathy,
Serotonin syndrome
Clinical Use:
• Community acquired pneumonia
• Skin and soft tissue infection
• Bloodstream infection (VRE), Mycobacterial infections,
completely orally absorbed, widely
distributed, is metabolized via
oxidation, excreted through urine
binds 50S to prevent peptide bond
• Active against many types of
microorganisms including chlamydia,
Side Effects:
• Aplastic anemia, bone marrow suppression
• Optic neuritis
• Gray baby syndrome
Clinical Use:
limited use due to side effects, occasionally used for
severe infection
Good penetration into CSF, metabolized
in the liver and excreted through urine
Infectious diseases Page 2
• Gray baby syndrome
• Hypersensitivity reaction
microorganisms including chlamydia,
rickettsia,spirochetes, and anaerobes
Nucleic acid synthesis
Mechanism of action
Adverse effect
("floxacins") (ciproflaxins,
Newer versions improves against gram
positive and aerobic bacteria. Is
bactericidal and inhibitrs DNA gyrase
(topoisomerase 2 and 4)
Mechanism of Resistance:
production of proteins that protect
binding to DNA gyrase, mutations to
DNA gyrase binging site,
efflux pumps
Side Effects:
• Gastrointestinal: nausea
• CNS effect: hallucination
• QT prolongation
• Tendonitis/tendon rupture
• Contraindicated during pregnancy
Clinical Use:
• Urinary Tract Infections, Prostatitis, STD
• Gastrointestinal (Salmonella) infections
• Intra abdominal Infections
• Respiratory Tract Infections
• Bone and Joint Infections
• Skin and Soft Tissue Infections
• Mycobacteria infections
Excellent oral absorption, excreted in
urine (except moxifloxacin, hepatically
Side Effects:
• Hypersensitivity reactions (e.g., StevensJohnson syndrome)
• Bone marrow suppression
• Hemolysis (for patients with G6PD deficiency)
• Nephrotoxicity
• Contraindicated during pregnancy
Clinical Use:
• Pneumonia
• Pneumocystis pneumonia
• Skin and soft tissue infection
• Urinary tract infection
• Sexually transmitted infection
• Toxoplasma gondii prophylaxis
well absorbed, CNS
penetration, metabolized by liver,
excreted in urine
Side Effects:
• Gastrointestinal: nausea, diarrhea
• Disulfiram-like reaction with alcohol (severe
flushing, tachycardia, hypotension)
Clinical Use: Anaerobic Infections and Parasitic
• Intra-abdominal infection (including liver abscess from
• Pelvic inflammatory disease
• Bacterial vaginosis
• Trichomoniasis
completely orally absorption,
metabolized by liver
Has a broad spectrum and good
penetration to prostrate, lng and bone
Broad spectrum that includes MRSA,
Mechanism of Resistance:
nocardia subspecies, pneumocystic jiroveci increased PABA
synthesis, altered enzymes
and s. maltophilia
Mechanism of Action: inhibits folate
synthesis through blocking dihydrofolate
reductase (trimethoprim) and
dihydropteroate synthase
(sulfamethoxazole). Folic acid to make DNA
covers anaerobic bacteria and many
Mechanism of Action: bactericidal, forms
toxic free radical metabolites that damage
DNA and inhibit nucleic acid synthesis
Infectious diseases Page 3
14 December 2023
Antifungal therapy: studies have shown better outcomes with high intensity
(amphotericin B + flucytosine) induction followed by high dose, then low-dose
fluconazole to prevent disease recurrence
If with HIV
Antiretroviral therapy should be delayed, as immune reconstitution can lead to
IRIS, which can lead to worsening CNS symptoms, increased ICP, and death as the
immune system reacts to fungal pathogen
Drug name
Mechanism of Action
Blocks squalene epoxidase, which
prevents formation of rings
needed to make ergosterol
• Topical and oral forms available
• Distributes overwhelmingly to skin and
sebaceous glands with relatively small
amounts in systemic circulation
• Topical: Tinea skin infections
• Oral: Tinea skin infections, onychomycosis
• Safe, well tolerated (particularly
topical form)
• Oral form has infrequent side effects
including headache, rash, GI upset,
and increased AST/ALT
• Safe and well-tolerated
• Occasional GI upse
• Advantages of using azoles include their
broad-spectrum activity against a wide range
of fungal species, their oral and topical
formulations, and their relatively low toxicity.
•Most Azoles are also effective against both
yeasts and molds, making them a versatile
treatment option
•However, there are also some disadvantages to using azoles. One of
the main drawbacks is the potential for drug interactions, particularly
with other medications that are metabolized by the liver.
• Azoles can also cause side effects such as nausea, vomiting, and liver
damage (hepatoxicityt is a class effect), although these are generally
mild and reversible
Squaline -x-> Squalene epoxide
• Binds to ergosterol, preventing
formation of fungal cell
membrane leading to cell death
• No absorption through the skin or GI tract • Cutaneous candidiasis (powder or cream)
• Oral thrush (swish-and-swallow)
Nystatin is a topical antifungal that binds to ergosterol and prevents fungal cell membrane
formation; used for superficial candida infections (intertrigo and thrush)
Inserts ion depleting channels
Terbinafine is an antifungal that concentrates in the skin and blocks synthesis of ergosterol;
used for treatment of dermatophyte infections
• Block conversion of lanosterol to • Contain 2 or 3 nitrogen per azole
ergosterol by interfering with
ring structure (imidazole vs triazole,
cytochrome P-450 dependent
• Imidazoles (topical, 2 nitrogen):
fungal enzyme, lanosterol 14⍺demethylase.
ketoconazole, miconazole,
• lack of ergosterol leads to
• Triazoles (systemic, 3 nitrogen):
disruption of cell membrane and
fluconazole, itraconazole,
cell death.
Lanosterol -x-> ergosterol
voriconazole, posaconazole,
Class effect: hepatotoxicity, GI disturbance (oral solution), QTc
prolongation, Drug interaction due to affecting metabolic enzymes >
monitor LFTs, bilirubin in first 2 weeks of therapy and then ever 2-4
• Voriconazole and itraconazole have higher rates of AE (CNS)
• Cardiac toxicity: prolong the QT interval, except isavuconazole may
shorten QT. Itraconazole has the additional risk of CHF(negative
inotropic effects)
Spectrum of activity:
• Fluconazole has a narrower spectrum of activity
• Posaconazole and Isavuconazole have the broadest spectrum
Azoles are nitrogen containing antifungals and the primary treatment for non-severe fungal
infections; inhibit cytochrome P-450 enzymes which prevents ergosterol synthesis but also
leads to interactions with many other drugs
Fluconazole Same
(tablet, oral, iV)
• Available as tablet, oral solution, and IV
• Limited spectrum of activity: pathogenic yeasts, including Cryptococcus spp. Notable
resistance :
‒ Candida glabrata (if susceptible, higher doses required)
‒ Candida krusei
‒ NO intrinsic mold activity
Itraconazole same
(capsule, oral, IV)
• Available as capsules, oral solution, and IV
• Capsule requires low pH for absorption,
oral solution absorption improved, active
• Spectrum of activity
‒ Many pathogenic yeasts, including Cryptococcus spp;
‒ Aspergillus spp.
• Notable resistance
‒ Zygomycetes/Mucorales
‒ Variable activity against C. glabrata, C. krusei, and Fusarium spp.
Voriconazole same
(tablet, oral, IV)
• Available as tablets, oral solution, and IV
• Broad spectrum of activity
‒ Nearly all pathogenic yeasts, including fluconazole-resistant Candida and
Cryptococcus spp.
‒ Most pathogenic molds, including Fusarium spp. and Scedosporium spp.
• Notable resistance: Zygomycetes/Mucorales
• Advantages: Excellent oral absorption and
well distributed (include CNS)
• Visual disturbance: transient photopsia, photophobia, color changes
• Neurotoxicity: concentration-dependent visual and auditory
confusion, delirium, agitation, myoclonus, or seizure (trough > 5.5
• Other: photosensitivity rash, alopecia, and periostitis (long-term use)
• Drug Interactions: strong inhibitor of CYP3A4, moderate inhibitor of
Posaconazole same
(oral suspension, tablet,
Poorly absorbed but less
side effects
• Available as oral suspension, delayedrelease tablets (different dosing), and IV
• Broader spectrum of activity
‒ Nearly all pathogenic yeasts, including fluconazole-resistant Candida and Cryptococcus
‒ Nearly all pathogenic molds, including Zygomycetes/Mucorales
• Pharmacology: Suspension is poorly
absorbed; requires high-fat meal and acidic
pH. Suboptimal CNS/ocular penetration
Adverse effects: more favorable than other triazoles
• Class effect (less significant)
• Pseudohyperaldosteronism: hypertension, hypokalemia, and alkalosis
• Drug Interactions: inhibitor of CYP3A4 and P-glycoprotein (P-gp), not
via the P450 enzyme
Isavuconazole same
(capsule, IV)
Prodrug and loading dose
• Available as capsules and IV solution.
Administered as the pro-drug which is
converted to isavuconazole in human
• Broader spectrum of activity – similar posaconazole, especially aspergillosis and
• Pharmacology: Excellent oral absorption,
very long elimination half-life (~130 hours);
requires 2-day loading dose. The IV
formulation does not contain the cyclodextrin
SBECD, which can accumulate in the setting of
renal dysfunction
Adverse effects:
• Class effect: hepatotoxicity, GI (less significant than other azoles)
• QTc shortening: Unclear clinical significance. Avoid in patients with
familial short QT syndrome
• Drug Interactions: Moderate inhibitor of CYP3A4
Echinocandins (IV)
• Inhibit Beta-1,3-glucan synthase, • All in IV form - minimal oral bioavailability • Limited spectrum of activity
Infectious diseases Page 4
• Advantages: Excellent oral absorption and
well distributed (include CNS),
• well tolerated
Adverse effects:
‒ Hepatotoxicity (class effect): reversible transaminase elevation
‒ Gastrointestinal symptoms (class effect): usually mild; nausea/diarrhea
‒ QTc prolongation (class effect : less significant compared to other
‒ Reversible alopecia: typically observed with longer courses
‒ Drug-Drug Interactions (class effect): Strong inhibitor of CYP2C19,
Moderate inhibitor of CYP3A4 and CYP2C9
• “Triad” (hypertension, hypokalemia, peripheral Edema): elderly
• Heart failure: negative inotrope avoid in patients with a history of
ventricular dysfunction
• Drug Interactions: strong inhibitor of CYP3A4, inhibitor of pglycoprotein
Echinocandins (IV)
• Inhibit Beta-1,3-glucan synthase, • All in IV form - minimal oral bioavailability
which prevents fungi from making • Excreted via hepatic metabolism
• Very large molecules that do not
essential components of cell wall
distribute well into CSF, eyes, urine,
• Limited spectrum of activity
‒ Candida spp. (including azole-resistant)
‒ Aspergillus spp.
• Notable resistance
‒ Cryptococcus spp.
‒ Molds other than Aspergillus
‒ Dimorphic fungi (endemic)
• Safe and well tolerated, less toxic compared
to other antifungals
• LOWEST drug interaction potential
Side effects:
• Mild asymptomatic elevation in AST/ALT
• Rare hypersensitivity reactions
• Candidemia (Candida bloodstream infection): 1st line
• Aspergillus: salvage treatment option for invasive pulmonary aspergillosis in
patients unable to tolerate azole therapy
Echinocandins (caspofungin, anidulafungin, micafungin) prevent fungal cell wall synthesis;
well tolerated drugs and first line for Candidemia
Amphotericin B (IV)
Requirings monitoring
and premedication
New evidence: Amphotericin B
forms aggregates that sequester
ergosterolfrom lipid bilayers much
like a sponge, resulting in fungal
cell death rather than inserting a
channel into the membrane
• Poorly absorbed (<5%); requires IV
• Several formulations: non
‒ Conventional Amphotericin B
(deoxycholate) - DAmB
‒ Lipid-based Amphotericin B:
liposomal, lipid complex, and
colloidal dispersion. Generally
higher doses and lower
nephrotoxicity compared to
conventional but more costly
• Large molecule, difficult penetrating
protected sites (e.g., CSF), but at high
doses can achieve therapeutic levels in
these areas
• Drug broken down to inactive
metabolites in serum with excretion in
urine or biliary tree (minimal)
• Broad spectrum of activity
‒ Nearly all pathogenic yeasts
‒ Nearly all pathogenic molds
‒ Dimorphic fungi (endemic)
• Miscellaneous activity
‒ Leishmania spp. (protozoa)
• Notable resistance
‒ Candida lusitaniae
‒ Aspergillus terreus
‒ Scedosporium spp
• Cryptococcal meningitis: 1st line, in combination with flucytosine (for 4-6 weeks, then
narrowed to fluconazole)
• Mucormycosis (invasive fungal sinusitis): 1st line
• Severe endemic infection (histoplasma, coccidioides, blastomyces): 1st line
• Good against/can be used for most other severe fungal infections (Aspergillus,
Candida) but other agents preferred due to toxicity profile
Amphotericin B is a broad-spectrum antifungal agent and treatment of choice for most
severe fungal infections; binds ergosterol and disrupts fungal cell membranes; it has many
side effects including nephrotoxicity and electrolyte wasting
Flucytosine taken up by fungal
cells and deaminated by
fungal enzyme into 5-fluorouracil,
then modified into nucleoside
analogues and incorporated into
DNA/RNA which inhibits
DNA/RNA synthesis
• Oral medication
• Relies on fungal enzymes to be converted • Cryptococcal meningitis: in combination with Amphotericin B
to active metabolites
• Always used in combination: resistance
develops quickly to monotherapy
Flucytosine is a nucleoside analogue that blocks fungal DNA/RNA synthesis; used in
combination with Amphotericin B for treatment of Cryptococcal meningiti
Infectious diseases Page 5
• Broad spectrum activity against almost all
fungal infections
• Due to non-specific binding to cholesterol in
renal tubules, and renal arteriole constriction.
• Often accompanied by electrolyte wasting
(Mg++, K+).
• To minimize effects: pre-hydrate with
normal saline, use lipid-based amphotericin,
avoid other nephrotoxins, and aggressively
replace electrolytes.
Infusion Related Reactions
• May pre-medicate with antipyretic,
• Stop infusion immediately if reaction is
severe (e.g. hypotension)
• Hematologic effects (e.g. cytopenias) and
hepatobiliary effects
• Flucytosine itself generally well tolerated,
however typically combined with
amphotericin which potentiates side effect
Side effects:
• GI upset: diarrhea and nausea common
when combined with amphotericin
• Myelosuppression: -cytopenias
• Hepatotoxicity: typically asymptomatic
AST/ALT elevations
10 December 2023
Against Influenza
• Influenza is SSRna (-) replicating in the nucleus
• Hemagglutin binds sialic acid receptor that permits entry
• Neuramindase degrades protective mucus and cleaves sialic acid to
release the viruse
• Membrane proteins (m-proteins) involved in uncoating
• The virus binds to respiratory epithelial cells and is phagocytosed by
• Endosomes acidify viral protein channels?
Mechanism of action
Adverse effect
Neuramindase inhibitors
(Zanamir, oseltamivir,
• Influenza virions use neuraminidase to
cleave from infected host cells, thereby
releasing viral particles to infect other host
• Neuraminidase inhibitors prevent viral
release by interfering with neuraminidase
function, limiting ability to infect new cells
• Occasional nausea or GI upset → typically
resolve in 1 to 2 days and are preventable by
administration oseltamivir with food
• In some countries, drugs may be expensive
(particularly peramivir)
• Some strains of influenza resistant to
neuraminidase inhibitors
• Used to treat infections caused by Influenza A and
Influenza B (1st-line)
• Shortens duration of infection, but most effective if
used within 48 hours
• Recommended for all patients ill enough to be
hospitalized with influenza
• May be used prophylactically to prevent influenza in
high-risk patients
• Drugs very well tolerated
• Equally effective for both influenza A and B
• Oseltamivir is oral and readily
absorbed, typically taken as 5 day course
• Oral bioavailability of zanamivir is less
than 5% → oral inhalation
• Peramivir is IV, single dose (rarely used)
M2 ion channel inhibitors
(amantadine, rimantadine)
• Inhibits M2 proton channel - an early
High resistance so not commonly
step in viral replication which prevents viral used
uncoating and release of viral RNA into the
• Rimantadine is 4- to 10-fold more active
than amantadine
Mainly associated with CNS, particularly in
elderly patients or for longer courses,
significantly less frequent with rimantadine
• CNS side effects: difficulty focusing,
confusion, lightheadedness, and less
commonly delirium, hallucinations, tremor,
myoclonus, seizures
• GI effects: loss of appetite, and nausea
• Only against influenza A
• Not usually recommended
• Also used to reat parkinsons and movement disorders
• Cost effective
• Well tolerated in young healthhy people
• Both taken orally with high
bioavailability (90%)
• Little effect of meals on AUC
• Elimination of Rimantadine is higher
and is metabolised more
• Amantadine is mostly renally excreted
A prodrug that is a guanisine analog used
to stop viral RNA synthesis and viral mRNA
capping so that the virus cannot replicate
• feeling tired, headache, nausea, fever, muscle • RSV infection, hepatisis C and viral hemorrhagic fevers
pains, and an irritable mood.
• RBC breakdown, liver problems and allergy
• Do not use during pregnancy
Metabolised by liver and passed through
urine and faeces. . 44hr single dose halflife.
Baloxavir marboxil
Baloxavir is a selective inhibitor of
influenza cap-dependent endonuclease
(part of virus polymerase complex) that
blocks influenza proliferation by inhibiting
the initiation of viral mRNA synthesis.
A prodrug that assumes acid form.
• Diarrhea
• Bronchitis
• Nausea
• Sinusistis
• headache
orally administered prodrug
It may reduce the duration of flu
symptoms by about a day, but is
prone to selection of resistant
mutants that render it ineffectual.
• It is active against both type A and type B influenza
• Activity against oseltamivir-resistant viruses, and may
act synergistically with other agents
- For patients above 12yrs old
About viral mRNA capping
• The presence of the cap ensures stability of the transcript against a variety of cellular 5′–3′ exonucleases and recognition of the
mRNA by the ribosomal protein eIF4E for efficient translation. The capping was also shown to be involved in other cellular
processes such as RNA splicing and export
• RNA capping is mainly a nuclear process, although some RNA re-capping events are suspected to occur in the cytoplasm
Against Herpes, VCV,
• Can develop latent stage
• DSDna, enveloped
• Viral thymidine kinase (non-human)
gbenerals nucleotides for viral DNA
polymerase; which are 2 therapeutic
Mechanism of action
Adverse effect
Acyclovir/ Valacyclovir
• Acyclovir is a guanosine analogue
• Acyclovir brought into cells, where viral
If resistant use foscarnet
Side Effects:
• Nausea, diarrhea, and headache. While rare,
may have serious side effects (IV):
• HSV-1, HSV-2, VZV
• Minimal activity against EBV and CMV
• Drug of choice for essentially all infections caused by
• Valacyclovir is oral prodrug of acyclovir
• Acyclovir available in topical, oral, or IV
• Oral acyclovir has very low
Infectious diseases Page 6
kinase converts it into triphosphate
compound that
inhibits viral DNA polymerase and causes
of DNA strand
If resistant use foscarnet
may have serious side effects (IV):
• CNS toxicity: lethargy, confusion, tremor,
delirium, seizures (usually only with
very high serum concentrations)
• Renal toxicity: may cause crystalline
nephropathy or interstitial nephritis
• Drug of choice for essentially all infections caused by
HSV and VZV (including severe infections like
- Generally well tolerated
• Oral acyclovir has very low
bioavailability, improved with
• Myelosuppression is the principal doselimiting toxicity: neutropenia,
thrombocytopenia common (particularly in
setting of HIV)
• CNS toxicity reported (similar to acyclovir):
headaches, confusion, psychosis,
seizures (relatively rare)
• Deoxyguanosine analogue (similar to acyclovir)
• Activated by virus-specified protein kinase
phosphotransferase into triphosphate that inhibit viral
DNA polymerase and prevents viral DNA synthesis
• Severe CMV infection
• Ganciclovir typically given IV due to
very low oral bioavailability (6-9% with
• Valganciclovir is an oral prodrug with
much higher bioavailability
Ganciclovir/ valganciclover
• Deoxyguanosine analogue (similar to
• Activated by virus-specified protein
kinase phosphotransferase into
triphosphate that inhibit viral DNA
polymerase and prevents viral DNA
First antiviral nucleoside analogue
discovered – largely now replaced by
newer drugs
• Converted to active nucleoside analogue
by human enzymes (not viral enzymes),
active form inhibits viral DNA polymerase
(by slowing and eventually terminating
chain elongation)
• 8-600x higher affinity for viral DNA
polymerase than human DNA polymerase
• Nephrotoxicity: is principal dose-limiting side • Only used for CMV retinitis (particularly if ganciclovireffect. Proximal tubular dysfunction
including proteinuria, azotemia, metabolic
• Alternative option to treat ganciclovir-resistant CMV
acidosis, and occasionally Fanconi syndrome
• Administration of IV fluids and probenicid
required prior to and during cidofovir dosing
• Neutropenia relatively common
• GI upset common with concomitant
probenecid (given to prevent nephrotoxicity)
• Only given IV (very low oral
• Almost entirely excreted unchanged by
• does not undergo activation by cellular
• Interacting directly at HSV DNA
polymerase or HIV reverse transcriptase.
Blocks pyrophosphate binding site of viral
DNA polymerase, inhibiting cleavage of
pyrophosphate from nucleotides and
blocking DNA synthesis
• 100x more affinity for viral DNA
polymerase than human DNA polymerases
Side Effects: Major dose-limiting toxicities are
nephrotoxicity and hypocalcemia
• Nephrotoxicity: can cause significant acute
kidney injury, proteinuria, and acute
tubular necrosis (severe AKI in ~1/3 of
• Electrolyte derangements common:
hypocalcemia, hypomagnesemia, hypokalemia
• CNS toxicity: ranges from headaches to
tremors, hallucinations, delirium
• Anemia
• GI side effects common
• Rashes common
• Ganciclovir-resistant, severe CMV infections
• Acyclovir-resistant, severe HSV and VZV infections
• Effective in nucleoside analogue resistant HSV, VZV,
and CMV
• Given IV (poor oral bioavailability and
gastrointestinal intolerance)
• Over 80% unchanged renally cleared
Mechanism of Action: novel inhibitor of
the CMV viral enzyme DNA terminase →
preventing cleavage of newly synthesized
CMV DNA into individual viral genomes
Does not have cross-resistance with
other anti-CMV drugs
Side effects: tachycardia, atrial fibrillation,
nausea, and diarrhea
• CMV prophylaxis in HSCT (hematopeoic stem cell
transplant) and SOT (solid organ transplant)
• Currently the most active molecule against CMV.
• Available oral and injectable
• Multiple potential drug-drug
interactions due to moderate
CYP3A4 inhibition
Adverse effect
• Rare lactic acidosis
• HBV may flare at discontinuation
• Chronic HBV: first-line agent for HBV
• Oral, highly bioavailable, well tolerated
• Resistance rare and slow to emerge
• Dose-related nephrotoxicity and tubular
dysfunction: azotemia and hypophosphatemia,
acidosis, glycosuria, and proteinuria.
• Headache, abdominal discomfort, diarrhea,
and asthenia.
• Chronic HBV
Against Hepatitis B
• Host DNA polymerase convers genome
to covalently closed circular cccDNA
which is the transcribed to mRNAs
• This mRNA makes proteins, one of
which is viral RNA-dependent NA
polymerase (reverse transcriptase) that
converts the mRNA back to DNA
• Drugs only used for patients with high
level of HBV DNA, LFT, cirrhosis and for
prevention of disease during
immunosuppressive therapies
Peg interferon (IFN-a)
Nucleoside/tide analoges
Mechanism of action
(guanosine analogue)
• Guanosine nucleoside analog
• Enters cells, phosphorylated by cellular
enzymes, then interferes with viral reverse
transcriptase to prevent DNA synthesis
(adenosine analogue)
• Adefovir dipivoxil is diester prodrug of
adefovir, a nucleotide analogue of
adenosine monophosphate
• Converted by cellular enzymes to the
diphosphate, then competitively inhibits
HBV DNA polymerase to cause chain
termination after incorporation into viral
(Thymidine analogue)
• ↑ LFTs, headache, nausea, diarrhea,
dizziness, myalgia (rare)
• HBV may flare at discontinuation
• High rate of viral resistance (71% after 5
years of treatment)
• increased creatine kinase, myalgia, and
• Nausea, diarrhea, fatigue, lactic acidosis
• Chronic HBV (not preferred)
• Bioavailability 68%, widely distributed
into tissues
• Well tolerated
(deoxycytidine analogue)
• Deoxycytidine analogue
• Convert to the triphosphate, inhibits HIV
reverse transcriptase and HBV DNA
• ↑ LFTs, headache, nausea, diarrhea,
dizziness, myalgia (rare)
• HBV may flare at discontinuation
• High rate of viral resistance (71% after 5
years of treatment)
• Chronic HBV (not preferred), HIV-1 infection
• Oral, highly bioavailable, well tolerated
Tenofovir (Tenofovir
disoproxil (TDF); Tenofovir
alafenamide (TAFphosphate ester)
• Adenosine analogue, reverse
transcriptase inhibitor
• Resistance exceedingly rare outside of
HIV infection
• TDF: Renal dysfunction, osteopenia
• TAF: newer, less renal insufficiency and bone
toxicity but more expensive
• HBV flare at discontinuation (important to
screen for HBV if using to treat HIV)
• Chronic HBV, HIV-1 infection
Peg interferon alfa
• Interferon: potent cytokines with
complex antiviral and immunomodulatory
• Enhance natural antiviral responses of
host cells, though signaling pathways not
fully clear
• Once weekly SC, finite duration, absence
of selection of resistant variants
• Flu-like illness: fevers, chills, myalgias, GI
upset (within 6 hours, most patients
develop tolerance over weeks)
• Chronic use: bone marrow suppression,
severe fatigue and weight loss, neurotoxicity,
thyroiditis and, rarely heart failure
• HBV: First-line agent
• Interferon alfa historical used for HCV
not a preferred agent because
development of viral
resistance and nephrotoxicity
Infectious diseases Page 7
HCV attaches to cells and enters via endocytosis
Positive-sense RNA released into hepatocyte cytoplasm
Against Hepatitis C
• Viral DNA translated for viral
protease by host (human)
enzymes which cleaves to make
essential proteins RNA
polymerase (NS5B and NS5A)
which regulate RNA polymerase
• Viral protease, viral RNA
polymerase, and viral NS5A new
therapeutic targets for
treatment of HCV infection
• Goal is to cure
• Combination therapy due to
monotherapy having resistance
• Therapy linked to HBV
reactivation so needs to be
4 classes of directing antiviral agents:
1) NS 5A inhibitors
2) NS 5B nucleoside polymerase
3) NS 5B non-nucleoside polymerase
4) NS3/4A protease inhibitors
Combination therapy
HCV genotype
Adverse effect
Mechanism of action
headache and fatigue, bradycardia
Daclatasvir + Sofosbuvir
headache and fatigue, bradycardia
(Velpatasvir + Sofosbuvir
headache, fatigue, nausea, asthenia,
and insomnia
Fatigue, headache, and nausea, ↑
Transaminase > CKD
headache, fatigue, and nausea
Velpatasvir + Sofosbuvir +
headache, nausea and diarrhoea
Ombitasvir + Paritaprevir +
nausea, pruritus, and insomnia, ↑
Ombitasvir + Dasabuvir +
paritaprevir + ritonavir
nausea, pruritus, and insomnia
Ritonaivor inhibits CYP3A4 so has drug-drug
Infectious diseases Page 8