EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition Foreword One of the major challenges faced by electric utilities and transmission companies today is identifying and preventing damage to overhead lines caused by windinduced conductor motion. Probably no other large structure has as much of its mass in highly flexible form and so continuously exposed to the forces of the wind, as does the modern transmission line. This makes the line susceptible to the occurrence of sustained cyclic conductor motions, which can take the form of vibration, galloping, or other types of movement. Because conductors are supported and supplemented by thousands of pieces of hardware, numerous opportunities for damage arise during these motions. The damage is insidious, however, because it is typically very difficult to perceive at any given moment and can often only be truly identified when the conductor is taken out of service and broken strands are discovered under the clamp. Given the budget and manpower limits in today’s utilities, there is a growing tendency for vibration-caused problems to go undiagnosed, even when they result in outages. Crews are dispatched to the outage to repair or replace the failed line component on a “like-for-like” basis, and the cause of the line break may not be investigated. It is important, however, to understand the causes and possible solutions to problems arising from vibration and other conductor motions because they can sometimes represent a broader, more systemic issue than initially indicated by a small number of outages. In the late 1970s, EPRI sponsored development of a state-ofthe-art reference guide to conductor motion. The book, written by experts in the field, covered three primary types of motion: aeolian vibration, conductor galloping, and wake-induced oscillation. For each motion, the book contained detailed information on causes, mechanisms, incidence, factors influencing motion, resulting damage, and protection methods available at that time. The resulting book was entitled Transmission Line Reference Book: Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, and was one of a series of EPRI overhead reference vii books. Published in 1979 with a bright orange cover, it quickly became known in the industry as the “Orange Book.” The book enabled several generations of overhead line designers to anticipate the circumstances in which cyclic conductor motion might be expected, become familiar with protection methods, and refine their inhouse design practices. More than twenty-five years since its publication, the Orange Book is still the industry standard, and is still commonly used by electric utilities to diagnose and solve conductor motion issues. However, over the years, considerable further progress has been made to understand the mechanisms of motion, design new mitigation methods, and analyze the behavior of new conductor technology, including bundled conductors and fiber optic cables. As a result, EPRI sponsored an updating of the Orange Book to include the new information. The objective of updating the book is to provide transmission and distribution line designers with the best practical tool to design overhead lines effectively in order to minimize damages to the lines from wind-induced conductor motion and, to analyze existing lines for improvements of their performance related to such motion. The tasks of the revision involved: • Update existing information in the Orange Book to reflect the state-of-the art knowledge in the field of wind-induced conductor motion. • Add new information to the book to cover new topics, interests, and technology that have been developed since the book was last published. • Acquire global utility experience in conductor motion and share it with the readers. • Provide examples to facilitate the understanding of wind-induced conductor motion and the application of the knowledge to practical uses. Foreword EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition • Provide an index, applets, and other suitable electronic media to facilitate the use of the book. • The project of revising the Orange Book was started in 2003. I was assigned the overall responsibility for the project. To undertake such a monumental task, I immediately formed an Editorial Committee to assist me in guiding the revision and ensuring the high quality of the final product. Consequently, I enlisted technical assistance from Dr. Dave Havard of Toronto, Canada who has extensive experience with conductor motion and, editorial assistance from Mr. Jonas Weisel of California, who was involved in the publication of the third edition of the EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—200 kV and Above (the so-called Red Book). In the following year, we were very fortunate to have Mr. Chuck Rawlins of New York joining our Editorial Committee. Chuck was one of the key authors of the original Orange Book and is well respected in the field of conductor motion. The Editorial Committee first developed a strategy for the revision of the book including an approach and implementation plan that involved peer and user reviews. The Committee then developed an initial revision plan for each chapter of the new edition. These plans were captured in “skeleton outlines.” The outlines indicated the scope of information to be included in each chapter, material from the previous edition that was to be reduced or moved, new areas of information to be added, possible examples and applets, and references. These outlines were intended to be initial positions, for the authors’ use and reference. The Editorial Committee selected a suitable expert for each of the chapters as the lead author, who would receive assistance from co-authors. Assignments were subsequently made as follows: Chapter Lead Author Chapter 1, Introduction Editorial Committee Giorgio Diana, Italy Louis Cloutier, Canada Jean-Louis Lilien, Belgium Claude Hardy, Canada Jeff Wang, United States Anand Goel, Canada Chapter 2, Aeolian Vibration Chapter 3, Fatigue of Overhead Conductors Chapter 4, Galloping Conductors Chapter 5, Bundle Conductor Oscillations Chapter 6, Overhead Fiber Optic Cables Chapter 7, Other Motions viii Information on the lead author and co-authors for each chapter is included at the front of that chapter. Chapters 6 and 7 are new additions to the Orange Book. Chapter 6, Overhead Fiber Optic Cables, reflects the growth of the use of fiber optic cables on overhead transmission lines. It is intended to provide a reference on the types of cable construction in use, and the hardware used to attach overhead fiber optic wires. The chapter describes the aerodynamic problems that can occur with these wires and the vibration control devices available. Test procedures in use to qualify the cables mechanically and optically and the hardware used are presented. Field experience with the cables is also described. Chapter 7, Other Motions, covers transient dynamic motions of overhead lines, which can be damaging to overhead conductors, hardware, and structures. Some of the topics were mentioned briefly in the original volume, but additional experience with several of these phenomena provides new insights. A number of procedures to ameliorate the effects and defer extensive damage have been developed and are described in this chapter. Analysis of some of the instabilities can be used to improve design of lines to reduce the levels of damage that can occur. Work on the first draft of chapters was initiated in May 2005. The new volume was compiled in less than two years. An electronic version of the revised edition is first being published at the end of 2006. The intention of the soft copy is to allow changes and improvements to be made easily. Applets have not been developed. They can be added to the soft copy whenever they are available. A hard copy will be published in the future when there is such a demand. The new revision presents a state-of-art study of conductor fatigue, aeolian vibration, conductor galloping, wake-induced oscillation, and other motions as well as fiber optic cables. Overhead line designers will find this state-of-the-art book a useful reference in the control of conductor motions and will be able to understand and recognize the pitfalls, shortcoming, and uncertainty of various control methods and devices as well as knowledge gaps that require future research. A new “Highlights” section is added to the end of each chapter. The Highlights capture the key points for that chapter that an overhead line designer can put to practical use. EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition Foreword It was a great pleasure and rewarding experience for me to work with all the authors and the Editorial Committee members. I personally would like to thank them all, especially the Editorial Committee members with whom I worked closely together for the last three years. They have shown enormous patience and tremendous effort in guiding and editing the revision of the Orange Book. Without their valuable contributions and dedication, the revision could not have been accomplished. Editorial Committee John K. Chan John K. Chan David Havard Charles B. Rawlins Jonas Weisel Electric Power Research Institute Palo Alto, California USA ix Contents x EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition Contents SYMBOLS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S-1 Chapter 1 2.5 Introduction 1.1 OVERVIEW OF THE CONDUCTOR MOTION PROBLEM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1 1.2 THE BOOK: WIND-INDUCED CONDUCTOR MOTION. 1-2 2.6 Purpose and Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2 Organization and Use of the Book . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-4 1.3 2.7 ASSESSMENT OF CONDUCTOR VIBRATION SEVERITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-113 General. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-113 Analytical Prediction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-113 Outdoor Test Spans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-113 Indoor Test Spans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-114 Actual Lines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-115 Aeolian Vibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-116 Vibration Assessments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-116 Vibration Measurements on Actual Lines . . . . . . . . . . 2-118 REFERENCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-8 Chapter 2 IMPACT OF VIBRATION UPON LINE DESIGN . . . . 2-103 Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-103 Historical Background. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-103 Single Unprotected Conductors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-106 Damped Single Conductors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-109 Bundled Conductors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-111 Effect of Tension on Line Costs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-111 INTRODUCTION TO TYPES OF CONDUCTOR MOTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-4 Aeolian Vibration and Fatigue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5 Conductor Galloping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-6 Wake-Induced Oscillation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-6 Overhead Fiber Optic Cables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-7 Other Motions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-7 Summary of Types of Conductor Motion . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-8 SYSTEM RESPONSE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-65 Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-65 Mechanical Behavior of Single Conductors . . . . . . . . . 2-68 Mechanical Behavior of Single Conductors Plus Dampers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-78 Mechanical Behavior of Bundle Conductors Equipped with Spacers and Dampers . . . . . . . . . 2-86 Aeolian Vibration 2.1 INTRODUCTION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-3 2.2 EXCITATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-5 2.8 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-5 Vortex Shedding in the Case of a Stationary Conductor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-5 The Wind Power Input. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-13 Conductors and Wind Exposure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-15 Appendix 2.1 Numerical Values of Figure 2.2-15 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-132 Appendix 2.2 Calculation of the Bending Stiffness for a 795 kcmil Drake ACSR Conductor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-133 Appendix 2.3 Conductor Self-Damping Data . . . . . . . . . . . 2-134 Appendix 2.4 Deam Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-144 Appendix 2.5 Characterization of the Elastic and Damping Properties of Spacer-Dampers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-145 Appendix 2.6 Natural Frequencies and Modes of Vibration of the Cable Plus Damper System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.147 Appendix 2.7 Recommended Conductor Safe Design Tension with Respect to Aeolian Vibration . . 2-149 2.3 CONDUCTORS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-17 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-17 Types and Basic Properties of Conductors . . . . . . . . . .2-17 Inner Conductor Mechanics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2- 21 Stress Distribution in the Conductor Wires . . . . . . . . . 2-26 Temperature and Creep Effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-27 Conductor Self-Damping. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-28 The Suspension . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-34 2.4 DAMPING DEVICES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-38 Stockbridge-type Dampers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-39 Other Damper Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-45 Testing of Vibration Dampers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-48 The Application of Dampers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-55 Other Protection Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-58 Spacers and Spacer-dampers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-60 xi HIGHLIGHTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-130 REFERENCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-150 Contents Chapter 3 3.1 3.2 EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition Fatigue of Overhead Conductors Interphase Spacers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-80 Aerodynamic Control Devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-85 Torsional Control Devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-88 Bundle Modification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-96 Summary of Galloping Control Devices . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-98 INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-3 FATIGUE ENDURANCE OF CONDUCTORS . . . . . . . .3-6 Conductor Fatigue Mechanisms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-7 Calculation of Idealized Stress . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-9 Comparison of Calculated with Measured Stress . . . . .3-12 Use of Conductor Fatigue Test Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-13 Fatigue Performance Relative to fymax. . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-14 Fatigue Performance Relative to Bending Amplitude . .3-23 Effects of Armor Rods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-29 Other Supporting Devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-33 4.6 HIGHLIGHTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-100 REFERENCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-119 Appendix 4.1 Coordinate System Aerodynamic Coefficients. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-102 Appendix 4.2 The Equations of Galloping . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-102 3.3 HIGH-AMPLITUDE FATIGUE TESTS. . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-33 Appendix 4.3 Estimation of Unstable Conditions . . . . . . . . 4-105 3.4 SPACER AND SPACER-DAMPER CLAMPS. . . . . . . .3-37 Appendix 4.4 Tension Variations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-109 3.5 SPECTRUM LOADING AND CUMULATIVE DAMAGE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-40 Appendix 4.5 Galloping Amplitude Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . 4-112 Appendix 4.6 The Parameters of Galloping . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-115 3.6 TESTS AND INSPECTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-41 Appendix 4.7 Example of Vertical and Torsional Frequencies for Single and Bundle Conductors in Single or MultiSpan Section . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-117 Appendix 4.8 CATV Cable Galloping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-118 Bundle Conductor Oscillations Early Warnings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-41 Measurement of Vibration Intensity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-41 Visual Inspections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-42 Radiographic Inspections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-43 Electro-magneto-acoustic Transducers (EMAT) . . . . . .3-44 Discussion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-44 3.7 REMEDIAL MEASURES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-45 Chapter 5 3.8 HIGHLIGHTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-45 5.1 INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-3 5.2 OVERVIEW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-4 Appendix 3.1 Appendix 3.2 Laboratory Determination of Fatigue Endurance Capability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-46 Types of Motion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-4 Factors Influencing Oscillation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-6 Damage Caused by Wake-Induced Oscillations. . . . . . 5-15 Protection Methods. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-16 A Statistical Analysis of Fatigue Data . . . . . . .3-39 REFERENCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3--51 5.3 Chapter 4 INTRODUCTION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-3 4.2 OVERVIEW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-4 Principal Characteristics of Galloping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-4 Damage and Other Penalties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-8 Causes of Galloping: The Forces in Action . . . . . . . . . .4-10 Causes of Galloping: How the Wind May Transfer its Energy to Vertical Movement? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-12 Causes of Galloping: Factors Influencing Galloping . . .4-15 Protection Methods: Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-20 4.3 TESTING IN NATURAL WIND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-48 Tests Using Artificial Ice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-49 Tests with Natural Ice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-54 Observer Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-58 4.5 GALLOPING PROTECTION METHODS . . . . . . . . . . .4-61 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-61 Ice Prevention, Melting, or Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-64 Alternative Conductor Designs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-71 Increased Clearances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-72 xii 5.4 TESTING IN NATURAL WINDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-36 Visual Inspections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-37 Deformation Gages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-39 Vibration Recorders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-40 Deflection Counters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-40 Automatic Camera Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-41 Dedicated Test Lines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-42 5.5 PROTECTION METHODS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-44 Bundle Separation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-44 Tilting of Bundles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-45 Reduction of Proportion of Conductors in Wakes . . . . . 5-47 Short Subspan Lengths . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-48 Staggered Subspan Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-49 MECHANISMS OF GALLOPING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-21 Basic Mechanisms of Galloping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-21 Influence of Structural Factors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-27 Estimation of Galloping Amplitudes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-39 Tension Variations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-44 How Many Loops Will Occur? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-47 4.4 Mechanisms of Wake-Induced Oscillation . . . . . . . . . . 5-17 Survey of Analytical Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-33 Wind Tunnel Testing for Subconductor Oscillation . . . . 5-35 Galloping Conductors 4.1 ANALYSIS OF WAKE-INDUCED OSCILLATIONS . . . 5-17 5.6 SPACER AND SPACER-DAMPER SYSTEMS . . . . . . 5-52 Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-52 Types of Spacers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-53 Material Used in Spacers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-56 Design Criteria for Spacers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-57 Clamping Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-61 Spacer Articulations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-65 Spacer-Damper Main Framev67 Standard and Recommendation for Spacers . . . . . . . . 5-68 Criteria for Spacer Distribution along the Spans . . . . . 5-69 Damping Systems for Expanded Bundles . . . . . . . . . . 5-72 Spacers for Jumper Loops . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-73 EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition Spacer-Damper Installation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-73 Current Practice and Field Experience . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-74 5.7 HIGHLIGHTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-75 Chapter 7 INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-4 7.2 SHORT-CIRCUIT FORCES IN POWER LINES AND SUBSTATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-5 Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-5 Fault Currents and Interphase Forces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-7 Behavior of Bundle Conductors under Short Circuits . . . 7-9 Interphase Effects under Short Circuits . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-12 Estimation of Design Loads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-13 Interphase Spacers as a Mean to Limit Clearances Problem Linked with Short Circuit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-16 REFERENCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-76 6.1 Overhead Fiber Optic Cables PURPOSE AND OBJECTIVE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-3 Purpose. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-3 Objective . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-3 6.2 7.3 REQUIREMENTS FOR OVERHEAD FIBER OPTIC CABLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-8 Electrical Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-9 Mechanical Requirements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-10 Optical Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-10 Environmental Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-10 Installation Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-11 Hardware and Accessory Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . 6-11 6.4 7.4 7.5 Cable Characteristics Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-17 Installation Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-18 In-Service Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-21 6.6 7.6 FIBER OPTIC CABLE VIBRATION AND CONTROL . .6-26 EXPERIENCE AND OPERATIONAL CONSIDERATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-30 Warning Sphere Vibration Problems on OPGW Lines .6-30 Electric Field Effect for ADSS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-30 Clearance Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-30 Long Spans. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-30 6.8 6.9 7.7 HIGHLIGHTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-38 REFERENCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-39 NOISE FROM OVERHEAD LINES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-39 Sources of Noise from Overhead Lines . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-39 Radio and Audible Noise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-39 Noise Levels and Abatement Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-39 Utility Case: Vibration and Noise Emanating from Steel Pole Structure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-39 CASE STUDIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-31 OPGW Selection for a 345 kV Double-Circuit Transmission Line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-31 ADSS Selection for Retrofitting on a 161 kV Transmission Line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-33 Lashed Cable Solution for a 24 kV Double-Circuit Distribution Line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-34 Parts of the Lashed System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-35 VIBRATION OF TOWER MEMBERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-32 Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-32 Some Cases of Structure Member Damage. . . . . . . . . 7-32 Natural Frequencies of Vibration for Towers and Tower Members . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-35 Vibration of Tower Members Induced by Conductor Motion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-36 Direct Wind-Induced Vibrations of Tower Members . . . 7-37 Mitigation Techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-38 Fiber Optic Cable Vibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-26 Vibration Control of Fiber Optic Cable. . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-28 6.7 GUST RESPONSE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-25 Gust Wind Speed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-25 Width of Right-of-Way. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-26 Effect of Wind Direction on Exposure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-26 Effect of Elevation on Wind Exposure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-26 Mean Blowout of Different Conductor Configurations . 7-27 Effect of Gustiness on Blowout. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-28 Effect of Lateral Scale on Blowout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-29 Concluding Remarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-31 HARDWARE AND ACCESSORIES FOR OVERHEAD FIBER OPTIC CABLES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-12 ACCEPTANCE TESTS FOR OVERHEAD FIBER OPTIC CABLES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-16 ICE AND SNOW SHEDDING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-19 Types of Atmospheric Ice Accretion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-20 Process of Ice and Snow Shedding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-20 Consequences of Ice and Snow Shedding. . . . . . . . . . 7-21 Model Studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-23 Line Protection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-25 Suspension Hardware. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-12 Deadend Hardware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-14 Optical Tension Device (OTD). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-16 Other Accessories. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-16 6.5 BUNDLE CONDUCTOR ROLLING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-16 Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-16 Bundle Rolling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-17 Field Tests and Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-17 Conductor Torsional Stiffness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-18 Bundle Torsional Stiffness and Bundle Collapse . . . . . 7-18 General Theory for Torsional Stiffness of Multispan Bundle Lines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-19 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-19 TYPES AND DESCRIPTIONS OF OVERHEAD FIBER OPTIC CABLES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-3 Optical Ground Wire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-3 All-Dielectric Self-Supporting Cable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-6 Wrapped and Lashed Fiber Optic Cable . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-7 Optical Phase Conductors or Optical Conductors. . . . . .6-8 Optical Attached Cable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-8 6.3 Other Motions 7.1 Appendix 5.1 Instability Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-76 Chapter 6 Contents 7.8 EARTHQUAKE EFFECTS ON OVERHEAD CONDUCTORS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-40 Experience from Past Earthquakes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-40 Current Practices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-41 Earthquake Ground Motion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-41 Behavior of Transmission Lines during Earthquakes . . 7-44 Evaluation of Conductor Motion during Earthquakes . . 7-45 Emergency Preparedness and Training . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-45 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-45 xiii Contents 7.9 7.10 EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition Conductor Tables CORONA VIBRATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-45 Appendix 1 Corona-induced Vibration Phenomenon . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-45 Major Parameters Affecting CIV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-46 Corona-induced Force. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-47 Composition of Corona-induced Forces . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-48 Audible Noise from CIV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-49 Remedies to CIV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-49 A1.1 SCOPE OF CONDUCTOR TABLES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A1-1 A1.2 SOURCES OF DATA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A1-1 A1.3 UNITS USED IN TABLES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A1-2 A1.4 VALUES OF EI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A1-2 STATION BUS VIBRATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-50 A1.5 “K” FACTORS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A1-2 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-50 Operating Experience and Field Observations . . . . . . . 7-50 Aerodynamic Driving Force . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-50 Natural Frequency of Bus Spans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-51 Resonant Wind Speed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-51 Resonant Vibration Amplitudes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-51 Resonant Vibration Bending Stresses . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-52 Damping Requirements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-53 Energy Balance Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-53 Vibration Behavior of a Rigid Bus Span System . . . . . . 7-54 Vibration Control Measures. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-54 Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-55 REFERENCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A1-4 Appendix 2 Units and Conversion Factors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A2-1 Appendix 3 Catenary Effects A3.1 EQUATION FOR THE PARABOLIC FORM . . . . . . . . .A3-2 A3.2 EQUATIONS FOR THE CATENARY FORM . . . . . . . .A3-2 HIGHLIGHTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-56 A3.3 HYBERBOLIC FUNCTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A3-2 REFERENCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-58 A3.4 INCLINED SPANS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A3-2 7.11 Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I-1 xiv EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 OVERVIEW OF THE CONDUCTOR MOTION PROBLEM During the last decade, changing pressures imposed by population growth, changing sources of energy supply, emphasis on short-term economic returns, increased environmental assessment requirements, and changing regulatory environment have strongly affected the demands on and consequently the design of overhead transmission lines. Restricted energy sources, environmental considerations, and the high cost of transporting fuel have sharply limited the number and location of available power plant sites. Many of the available sites are quite remote from the load centers, which must be supplied. Steadily increasing population growth has made necessary the generation and transmission of very large blocks of power. Inflation and environmental concerns have made line rights-of-way far more expensive and difficult to obtain than in prior years. Changes in power flows due the new open market have led to increased loads on some lines. Critical lines have suffered failures during peak loads, leading to major power outages and emphasizing the need for increased reliability of overhead lines. The pressures resulting from these conditions have tended to require the construction of long, high-capacity, high-voltage transmission lines. The line voltages and the requirements for increased capacity per circuit have prompted line designers to use bundles of large conductors. Increased dependency on communication systems has led to the introduction of a wide range of designs of fiber optic cables on overhead power lines. Meanwhile, the costs of material and construction continue to spiral upward. As a result, conductors installed on a major transmission line can involve a very large investment. In addition, these conductors can impose a high degree of structural continuity upon an entire line. Dynamic forces and motions applied to conductors locally can be transmitted through an indefinite number of structures and spans. Probably no other large structure has as much of its mass in highly flexible form, and so continuously exposed to the forces of wind, as does the modern transmission line. This makes the line susceptible to the development of sustained, cyclic conductor motions. These motions may take the form of aeolian vibration, conductor galloping, wakeinduced oscillations or one of several other dynamic effects. In all of them, incremental amounts of mechanical power are repeatedly absorbed from the wind into the conductor. When this happens to a very large elastic mechanical system (i.e., the continuous conductor), which is supported and supplemented by thousands of elastic or semi-elastic mechanical subsystems (i.e., clamps, hardware, insulators, dampers, spacers, and structures), the possibility of eventual damage or failure becomes appreciable. An additional complication is one that is peculiar to overhead electrical lines. Due to the voltages involved, the type of close-range, bare-handed inspection desired for the early 1-1 Chapter 1: Introduction EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition detection of damage to the conductor, or to energized conductor hardware, is generally possible only when the line is taken out of service. (Recently a device called the Electro-Magnetic-Acoustic-Transducer, or EMAT, developed by the Electric Power Research Institute [EPRI] has shown promise of allowing linemen to identify broken conductor strands under a clamp while the line is energized.) The degree of difficulty and cost of loss of transmission capacity to the utility, encountered in arranging for scheduled outages increases as the importance of a line increases. Therefore, problems caused by conductor motion either must be anticipated and prevented during the design and construction stages, or must be resolved at high cost after visible damage or motion has occurred. The difficulty of obtaining outages for climbing inspections has led to increased use of helicopter based fly-by and live line inspections. This has made early detection of minor damage, indicating a progressing failure mode, more difficult and costly. In summary, the conductors and their auxiliaries comprise a vital line component, which is very expensive, which may be subjected to frequent and possibly damaging cyclic motion, and which is very difficult to inspect or repair. Under these conditions, any improvement in the understanding of cyclic conductor motion that may lead to reduction or resolution of the problem is desirable. Developments achieved during the past 25 years have augmented the status of the technology at the time of the writing the first edition of this book. These are summarized in the current volume, by a team of experts involved in the development and application of these technologies. 1.2 THE BOOK: WIND-INDUCED CONDUCTOR MOTION 1.2.1 Purpose and Scope This book presents a state-of-the-art study of aeolian vibration, conductor fatigue, conductor galloping, wake-induced oscillation, fiber optic cables and their associated aerodynamic problems, and other motions. Each conductor behavior is explored in depth in separate chapters that examine the causes, mechanisms, incidence, types of motion, factors influencing motion, resulting damage, and protection methods associated with its particular topic. One or more detailed theoretical analyses are presented for each type of conductor behavior. Whenever possible, supporting (or conflicting) data from laboratory tests 1-2 and field tests are presented. The strengths and limitations of the theories and of the various types of testing methods are discussed. Extensive references to the work of other researchers are also included. Need for a Revised Edition Development of a new edition has been undertaken for several reasons. First, although the book is still a wellused reference for conductor vibrations, it is now almost a quarter of a century old. Since its publication, there have been considerable developments in both approach and technology in this field. Second, there has also been a concern that the original book was too academic and could not easily be put to practical uses. To address these concerns, this revision of the book updates existing information in the first edition to reflect the state-of-the art knowledge in the field of wind-induced conductor motion. The revision process has also added new information to the book to cover topics, interests, and technology that have been developed since the book was last published. In addition, the revision broadens the scope of the book to acquire global utility experience in conductor motion. Developments that have taken place since publication of the first edition include the following. In the area of aeolian vibration, progress has been made in analysis of wind excitation data, behavior of new conductor designs, improved laboratory measurements using laser technology, interpretation of vibration records, and modeling of vibration behavior. Regarding conductor fatigue, there have been considerable developments on inspection tools and fatigue endurance of conductors and clamps. With galloping, field studies have led to improved knowledge of galloping amplitudes, with and without control devices, for single and bundle conductor lines and refinement of application techniques, as well as some new galloping control devices. In the area of bundle conductor oscillation, new information is available on spacer and spacer-damper systems. Experience has shown that the clamping systems require careful selection to avoid loosening wear and ultimately strand and conductor failures. Since publication of the first edition, the use of fiber optic cables has grown, and some information is available on the aerodynamic problems that can occur. Research results are also available for a number of motions not previously covered in the earlier edition, including short-circuit forces, bundle rolling, ice drop, gust response, structural member vibration, acoustic effects, earthquake damage, corona-induced vibration, and station bus vibration. EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition Chapter 1: Introduction The materials, design, and manufacture of conductors have also advanced in the past 25 years. Driven by the increased demand placed on overhead lines from regulation of the power industry, advanced conductors were developed in recent years. These conductors can be used to raise the power capacity of an overhead line quickly by replacing the existing conductor with minimal changes to the structures. This type of advanced conductors possesses the “High-Temperature Low-Sag” characteristics. Aluminum zirconium is used instead of aluminum for the outer strands to attain higher annealing temperatures. As a result, the operating conductor can go beyond 2000C instead of 900C, thus increasing the power transfer capability of the line. The steel used for the center core of the conductor is either replaced with composite materials or steel alloy. Composite materials can either be metallic matrix or carbon fiber. One of the common steel alloys used for the conductor core is Invar, an alloy of steel and nickel. These materials do not expand as much as steel with increasing temperatures and thus produce smaller conductor sag. decisions are guided by data from field tests and field experience. Users of this Guidebook The audience for this book consists primarily of transmission and distribution line designers and staff responsible for maintenance of overhead lines, interpretation of line failures, and correction of poor designs. In the past two decades, changes in the power industry have presented challenges to these utility employees. At many companies, tight budgets have caused fewer resources to be devoted to issues of conductor motion. In addition, retirements and staff attrition have led to a loss of experience and expertise. As a result, users today, who may not have the means to conduct their own tests, need ready access to the results of the latest research and information on control devices. New, less experienced engineers need fundamental information on the mechanisms of conductor motion. The objective of this revised edition is to provide users with the best practical tool to design overhead lines effectively in order to minimize damages to the lines from wind-induced conductor motion, and to analyze existing lines for improvements of their performance related to such motion. The new edition includes worked examples to facilitate the understanding of wind-induced conductor motion and the application of the knowledge to practical uses. In the case of the areas covered in Chapter 7, “Other Motions,” usefulness of existing theories in actual design varies with the area in question. Unpredictability of the phenomenon, without support of an adequate statistical data base, limits application of theory in connection with ice and snow shedding, earthquakes and, to a lesser extent, gust response. Vibration of tower members covers several different mechanisms of excitation, and it is probably fair to say that the technology is still under development in each of them. On the other hand, the theory covering bundle rolling, and effects of short circuits on bundled conductors, distribution lines, and substation flexible and rigid bus is in reasonable agreement with actual test and can be applied at the design stage. The problems of noise from overhead lines and corona vibration do not reach the level where they affect line design. However, when they arise during operation, they must be recognized and dealt with. Although the book must be described as a state-of-theart reference rather than as a design manual, the overhead line designer should find it helpful in: • Recognizing and properly identifying cyclic conductor motion when it occurs • Anticipating the circumstances in which it may be When the first edition of this book was originally planned, it was hoped that it would be possible to present a design manual that would provide specific instructions, formulae, and reference data for the solution of all types of conductor motion problems. However, it soon became apparent that this would be impossible. Theories have been developed to explain virtually all types of conductor motion. However, the volume of laboratory and field testing necessary for the confirmation of these theories has been limited. This has been particularly true for galloping and wakeinduced oscillation. In the case of aeolian vibration, efforts to confirm the technology have met with only limited success. This has required the use of significant safety factors when attempting to apply the technology to design problems. In all three of these areas, design expected • Becoming familiar with protection methods currently in use • Understanding the theoretical principles (where known) upon which currently used protection methods operate • Evaluating the cost-effectiveness of current or proposed protection methods • Soliciting proposals or bids relative to protection of new or existing lines • Critically evaluating such proposals and the claims made for them • Formulating tests or test programs for evaluating proposed protection systems 1-3 Chapter 1: Introduction EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition Meeting the Needs of Different Users One of the challenges in preparing this book is spanning a wide range of technical sophistication in a single volume. To meet this challenge, the authors have organized the chapters to make the information as readily accessible as possible. Each chapter’s opening Introduction provides a broad overview on the subject, with information on developments in the field and areas of primary interest. Also included in this section is a “roadmap” to the chapter, which outlines the sequence of the chapter’s presentation. Section titles and subheadings are used to describe, as clearly as possible, the areas covered and the subordination of information. An index has also been added to this edition to make it easier for users to locate specific topics. In some cases, more technical information is included. This technical information includes background material, discussions of alternate methods, and detailed development of formulae used in the text. However, as much as possible, this information is generally included at the end of chapters in appendices or at the end of the whole book in appendices. 1.2.2 Organization and Use of the Book Chapter Organization This book is divided into seven chapters. Chapter 1 includes an introduction and overview of the conductor motion problem and brief descriptions of each type of motion. Chapters 2 through 7, respectively, provide detailed studies of aeolian vibration, fatigue of overhead conductors, conductor galloping, wake-induced oscillation, fiber optic cables, and other motions. As described below, appendices at the back of the book provide a number of reference tools. Equations, tables, and figures are numbered in each section of each chapter. Citations are made within the text with author’s name and date, and full references are listed at the back of each chapter. Highlights: Practical Information for Users A new feature of this edition, the final section in each chapter includes a brief list of “Highlights.” This section offers a listing of the main points of the chapter for practical application by users. Symbols A listing of symbols used in the book is provided immediately following the Table of Contents. This section lists the symbols for, and definitions of, those mechanical and aerodynamic terms that are used repeatedly 1-4 throughout the text. Other terms, which may have limited or special application, are defined locally. Appendices Three appendices provide reference material at the back of the book. Appendix 1. Conductor Tables. Tables of conductor physical characteristics are provided in Appendix 1. These tables cover most of the available American, Canadian, English, and Australian sizes of ACSR, ACAR, AAAC (6201-T81 Alloy), AAC, Self-Damping ACSR, Alumoweld, and galvanized steel strand. Other conductor types, including some that are limited to short-span applications, and some that appear to be superseded by stronger alloys, have been omitted from the tables. These include “Compacted,” SSAC, and some AAAC (5005-H19 Alloy). All tables are based upon AWG or CM sizes. All conductor dimensions and physical characteristics are described in parallel columns of English and SI units. Appendix 2. Units and Conversion Factors. Appendix 2 provides definitions of the basic units and tables of factors for converting both from English to SI and from SI to English. In most cases throughout this book numerical quantities are shown in both English and SI (metric) units. Many of the equations are presented in both English and SI form, with coefficients adjusted accordingly, and with the units locally described and defined. However, certain equations used in the development of mathematical concepts do not have assigned units. Appendix 3. Catenary Effects. Appendix 3 provides a discussion and an example of the application of catenary formulae for solving span end tension and span arc length. 1.3 INTRODUCTION TO TYPES OF CONDUCTOR MOTION For the purposes of this book, wind-induced conductor motion is considered to include those types of repetitive or cyclic motion that derive their energy from wind forces applied to conductors. Energy absorbed by the conductor may be dissipated by internal friction at the molecular level; by inter-strand friction within the conductor; by transference to clamps, dampers, spacers. spacer-dampers, and suspension assemblies; by transference to adjoining subconductors (in the case of bundled conductors); or by return of energy to the wind. EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition The relative magnitudes of these dissipations, and their phase positions within each motion cycle, determine whether the conductor motion will be suppressed, sustained, or accelerated. Three different categories of cyclic conductor motion are recognized. These are aeolian vibration, conductor galloping, and wake-induced oscillation. They are distinguished from each other by different mechanisms of energy transfer, by different motion patterns, by vastly different frequencies and amplitudes of vibration, and by different effects upon conductors, clamps, and other equipment. Other forms of dynamic motion that affect overhead power lines, and also substations, are included in this book. While many of these, (structural member vibration, noise, station bus vibration, gust response) derive the energy from the wind, not all do so (electromagnetic collapse in bundles, bundle rolling, ice jump, acoustic effects, earthquake damage, and corona-induced vibration). 1.3.1 Aeolian Vibration and Fatigue Although the ancient Greeks had no concern for maintenance of overhead transmission lines, they were evidently aware that movement of air past a tensioned string would cause it to vibrate. Long before the days of radio and TV, they mounted strings on a sounding box. The assembly produced musical tones when placed in a natural air path such as an open window. Aeolus, the god of wind, lent his name to the device, known as the aeolian harp. The tradition is preserved in speaking of aeolian vibration. Obstructions in water streams can produce well-defined trails of eddies, which were at times accurately depicted by observant artists such as Leonardo da Vinci. A problem with vibration of a submarine periscope is noted by von Karman (von Karman 1954). The appearance of nonductile fractures in the strands of transmission conductors in the early 1900s was at first viewed with an air of mystery, but was ultimately recognized as having the properties of fatigue breaks. A few early reports referred to this type of fracture as crystallization, a misnomer that occasionally persists in presentday literature. The implication of this term is that the material has undergone an internal molecular rearrangement causing a loss of ductility. The term stems from the granular appearance of the fractures. Observations in the early 1920s showed that the breaks were properly attributed to metal fatigue resulting from the fact that the lines, under certain wind conditions, Chapter 1: Introduction were vibrating. The instruments and equipment available to early investigators were extremely crude by today’s standards. In spite of this, the quality of the investigation carried out in the period between 1920 and the mid-1930s was very high. Many of the investigators displayed an amazing insight into the phenomenon, demonstrating an understanding and appreciation of details at times rediscovered by others 30 or 40 years later. Varney (Varney 1926), for example, recorded the action of a vibrating line “by attaching one end of a string to a transmission wire and the other end to a light wooden block arranged to slide in a slot in a vertical board which was fastened to a board resting on the ground. The lower end of this block had attached to it a light spring which served to keep the string taut and yet permitted the block, with the pencil attached, to move up and down in response to the vibrations of the transmission line wire. The string was attached as nearly as possible to the middle point of the first node from the insulator clamp. A wooden slide with a strip of paper attached to it was then moved in a direction of right angles to the movement of the pencil and was timed with a stop-watch.” From the records that Varney produced in this manner, it is possible to check the traveling wave return time within 0.1 seconds, since he recognized the importance of traveling wave velocity and included a calculated value together with span length and tension. Early observations also indicated that vibration occurred with relatively low velocity winds, and recognized the fact that air turbulence decreased the severity of the vibration. It was also known that the basic cause of the vibration was the regular shedding of vortices from the conductor whenever the wind blew with a significant component at right angles to the line. Early efforts at protecting overhead lines against the harmful effects of vibration were directed toward reinforcing the conductor at the point of support by means of rods or wire tapes. Concurrent with these efforts was the development of early damping devices which reduced the intensity by dissipating some of the mechanical energy present. The development of some of these devices appears to have been largely intuitive, and detailed investigations years later led to refinement and improvement. The vibration itself is not very evident and may be missed except by those who watch for it. It is most noticeable during early morning or late evening hours when smooth, low-velocity winds are present. Under these conditions the peak-to-peak amplitude rarely exceeds one conductor diameter. For higher velocity 1-5 Chapter 1: Introduction EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition winds, the amplitude generally decreases. In steel structures, vibration can often be felt by placing a hand on the tower leg. At times it may be detected through the rattling of loose parts such as cotter pins in the hardware or components within the structure. Parts within the suspension system that show signs of chafing or rotation may provide evidence that vibration has occurred. Most finely divided metallic powders (aluminum included) are black in color. The appearance of black powder between conductor strands near the suspension indicates that inter-strand motion is taking place. The appearance of broken strands is a definite sign of trouble. Strand fracture may be difficult to detect, often occurring within the clamp on the lower side of the conductor. With conductors that have more than one aluminum layer, first fractures may be within an inner layer. Strand fracture is practically always associated with either the suspension or points of line hardware attachment. Where poor design practice has been followed, fatigue breaks may occur within the first year of construction. Ideally, the first strand fracture would occur on the day after the line has been taken out of service at the end of its amortized life. The survival of a line without fatigue fracture indicates either good design or a design that has been overly cautious. With the increased use of bundled conductor systems, problems in aeolian vibration have decreased somewhat. Other forms of line action associated with bundle systems have occurred, and are covered elsewhere in this book. For single conductors, observations of terrain factors, judgment concerning conductor tension and span length, and the use of vibration dampers where necessary will normally permit design of an adequate and economical line. 1.3.2 Conductor Galloping Conductor galloping is a very low-frequency, highamplitude, primarily vertical conductor motion. It is nearly always caused by moderately strong, steady crosswinds acting upon an asymmetrically iced conductor surface. The ice is normally deposited on the windward surface of the conductor. If an ice deposit has the proper shape, the rotation of the conductor with respect to the wind can lead to a variation in the lift on the conductor, and this can lead to oscillation of the conductor in the vertical direction. Apparent rotation with respect to the wind can result from the conductor’s own motion. After vertical oscillation starts, the vector sum of the true wind velocity and the conductor velocity produces an apparent wind velocity that will be alternately angled above or below the horizontal (see Figure 4.2-14). This has the effect of alternately changing the position of the ice 1-6 deposit relative to the wind that the conductor actually feels. If the upward conductor velocity coincides with a negative aerodynamic lift force, and if the downward velocity coincides with a positive lift, the motion will be suppressed, and the conductor will not gallop. However, if the upward velocity is coincident with a positive aerodynamic lift force, and the downward velocity is coincident with a negative lift force, accelerating galloping can result. Under these conditions the power transmitted from the wind to the conductor is much greater than the power associated with aeolian vibration. The amplitude of the galloping can approach, or even exceed, the sag of the conductor for the span involved. Very thin ice (1 to 2 mm thick) has been known to cause galloping. Protection methods include electrical ice melting, the use of increased conductor spacing, rugged construction, and the use of mechanical devices, such as aerodynamic “drag” and torsional dampers. The occurrence of conductor galloping may be limited to six or eight spans in a 100-mile transmission line. However, at the present state-of-the–art, it is very difficult, if not impossible, to predict which spans will gallop and which will not. Such protection methods as increased conductor spacing, increased structural safety factors, and ice melting use a “broadside” approach to the problem. They are based upon the assumption that galloping can occur any place along a line. If and when the theoretical and practical problems of galloping prediction can be resolved, it should become possible to achieve substantial savings in line cost. It is fortunate that sustained high-amplitude conductor galloping is a rare occurrence because no other type of cyclic conductor motion can cause so much damage in such a short time. Galloping can not only break conductor strands, but can damage dampers, tie-wires, insulator pins, suspension hardware, crossarm hardware, poles and towers. In several instances the losses of revenue due to galloping-induced outages have exceeded $1 million. 1.3.3 Wake-Induced Oscillation Wake-induced oscillation is peculiar to bundled conductors exposed to moderate-to-strong crosswinds, and arises from the shielding effect by windward subconductors on leeward ones. The wake proceeding downwind EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition from a stationary windward subconductor can subject the leeward subconductor to a complex and variable set of forces (see Figures 5.3-4 through 5.3-7). Depending upon the relative magnitudes and phase relationships of the forces involved, they may suppress motion of the leeward subconductor, or may cause it to move in an elliptical or irregular orbit. If the leeward subconductor moves, some forces are transmitted to the windward subconductor through spacers or other hardware. When this occurs, the windward subconductor may move in a pattern which frequently differs in phase and amplitude from that of the leeward subconductor. This further complicates both the aerodynamic and mechanical forces acting upon the leeward subconductor. Wake-induced oscillation can take several forms. The subspan mode (Figure 5.2-1a) involves motion of the subconductors within subspans. The rigid-body modes (Figures –5.2-1b, c, and d) involve vertical or horizontal motion or twisting of the entire bundle throughout the length of the span. Several methods have been used for preventing or reducing wake-induced oscillation. Subspan staggering, with or without damping spacers, has been used effectively to prevent subconductor oscillation. Successful prevention of the rigidbody modes of oscillation appears to require reduction of the exposure of leeward subconductors to the wakes of the windward subconductors. This has been accomplished by tilting the bundles to angles greater than 20° from the horizontal, and by increasing the ratio of subconductor spacing to conductor diameter (a/d). The theoretical analysis of wake-induced oscillation has attracted the attention of a rather large number of competent investigators. However, no proven, workable rules are yet available to the line designer. The principal reasons for this include the great complexity of the phenomenon and the large number of important variables that are involved. Wake-induced oscillation has not been a widespread problem. Significant damage has been restricted to localized sections of a relatively few major lines. At its worst, it may cause suspension hardware failure or crushing of conductor strands due to clashing. In most cases, damage has been limited to rapid wear in suspension hardware, or to fatigue of spacers or other accessories. There is evidence that four-conductor bundles in a Chapter 1: Introduction square configuration are more susceptible to wakeinduced oscillation than are two- or three-conductor bundles. In one case, the use of a four-conductor diamond configuration has been specified in an attempt to alleviate this problem. 1.3.4 Overhead Fiber Optic Cables The use of fiber optic cables on overhead transmission lines has grown since the publication of the first edition of this book. Installations especially proliferated since the mid-1990s, driven by the advent of the Internet and the need of utilities and telecommunication companies for high-speed telecommunication between system control centers. There are five basic types of overhead fiber optic cables, meeting different operational, technical and economic requirements. These types are: Optical Ground Wire (OPGW), All-Dielectric Self-supporting Fiber Optic Cable (ADSS), Lashed Fiber Optic Cable, Wrapped Fiber Optic Cable, and Optical Phase Wire (OPPW). The most common type is OPGW, which is a composite cable serving the double function of a ground wire (also know as shield wire, sky wire, earth wire, or static wire) and a communication link. Overhead fiber optic cables are susceptible to windinduced motions and damage much like conductors are, and appropriate measures must be taken. Motions affecting fiber optic cables include aeolian vibration, galloping, buffeting, and short-circuit forces. Failure of fiber optic cables is more often determined by loss of optical continuity than by mechanical damage to the outer layers. Unfortunately there are few published laboratory or field studies on overhead fiber optic cables, because they are relatively new to the industry and have been treated mainly from a telecommunications perspective. In addition, because fiber optic cables are often custom-engineered for specific applications, the proprietary nature of their designs precludes public disclosure of laboratory tests or problems arising in the field. 1.3.5 Other Motions A number of other motions of overhead lines and structures can occur and be damaging to overhead conductors, hardware, and structures. Some of these topics were mentioned in the first edition, but in the intervening years, additional experience with several of these phenomena has been gained, and procedures have been developed to ameliorate the effects and defer extensive damage. 1-7 Chapter 1: Introduction EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition These phenomena include overhead conductor motions precipitated by causes other than wind; some of these motions are transient, while others are cyclic. One example of these other motions are short-circuit oscillations, which occur when short-circuit currents generate electromagnetic forces within the conductors. Short-circuit forces may be important for high-voltage bundle conductor lines due to the small distance between subconductors, and in distribution lines due to the change in phase-spacing during short-circuit occurrences as well as in substations where conductors are spaced closely together. the various legs of a supporting structure or between different supporting structures. Mechanical vibrations of transmission line conductors may be initiated by corona discharges under rain conditions or under wet snow and intense fog. Other components susceptible to wind-induced motions are hollow tubular aluminum conductors (also called rigid bus), which are used in some transmission substations. 1.3.6 Another conductor motion, not covered in preceding chapters, is bundle rolling, which occurs under heavy ice loads due to nonuniform loading on subconductors of bundle conductors. Rolling can leave the bundle in the collapsed state from which it is very difficult to restore normal alignment. Sudden ice or snow shedding from transmission lines may result in high-amplitude vibrations and the application of transient dynamic forces to the supporting structures, which in turn can lead to severe structural damage or to flashover between conductors. The increase of wind velocity over short time periods during gusts also has the potential to cause conductor damage and flashovers between adjacent phases. Experimental and field work has been conducted to assess gust response and variation of the wind speed with height above ground level. Also worthy of note is the motion of other parts of the overhead line system such as tower members. The supporting structures of transmission lines are very often impacted by the wind-induced conductor motions. In addition, members in lattice towers are subjected to wind-induced motions and can fail under cyclic loadings if not designed properly. Another phenomenon related to overhead line vibration is the noise produced from power lines through vibrating conductors or hardware or other causes. Earthquakes can cause damage to transmission lines due to foundation settlement or movement at supporting structures or due to differential settlement between 1-8 Summary of Types of Conductor Motion Table 1.3-1 provides a cursory comparison of the characteristics of aeolian vibration, conductor galloping, and wake-induced oscillation. Care should be exercised in interpreting this table. The numerical ranges shown for frequency, amplitude, wind velocity, and time required to cause damage are intended to provide a comparison among the three types of motion as they affect all types of overhead lines. These values should not be considered as representing either extreme limits or normal operating conditions for any one particular span or line. Similarly, the verbal descriptions are presented only for qualitative comparison. The relative importance of individual factors may vary widely from line to line. The “other” motions can occasionally cause similar forms of damage to these three main wind-induced motions. The conditions required and the effects produced are presented in Chapter 7. REFERENCES Varney, T. 1926. “Notes on the Vibration of Transmission Line Conductors.” AIEE Transactions. p. 79 1. Von Karman, T. 1954. Aerodynamics, Cornell University Press. EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition Chapter 1: Introduction Table 1.3-1 Comparison of Types of Cyclic Conductor Motion Aeolian Vibration Conductor Galloping Wake-induced Oscillation Limited to lines with bundled conductors Types of Overhead Lines Affected All All Approx. Frequency Range (Hz) 3 to 150 0.08 to 3 0.15 to 10 5 to 300 Rigid-Body Mode: 0.5 to 80 Subspan Mode: 0.5 to 20 Approx. Range of Vibration Amplitudes (Peak-to-Peak) (Expressed in conductor diameters) 0.01 to 1 Weather Conditions Favoring Conductor Motion Wind Character Steady Steady Steady Wind Velocity 1 to 7 m/s (2 to 15 mph) 7 to 18 m/s (15 to 40 mph) 4 to 18 m/s (10 to 40 mph) Conductor Surface Bare or uniformly iced (i.e. hoarfrost) Asymmetrical ice deposit on conductor Bare, dry Design Conditions Affecting Conductor Motion Ratio of vertical natural freSubconductor separation, tilt of Line tension, conductor quency to torsional natural bundle, subconductor arrangeself-damping, use of dampfrequency; sag ratio and supment, subspan staggering ers, armor rods port conditions Damage Approx, time required for severe damage to develop 3 mos to 20 + years 1 to 48 hours 1 mo to 8 + years Direct causes of damage Metal fatigue due to cyclic bending High dynamic loads Conductor clashing, accelerated wear in hardware Line components most affected by damage Conductor and shield wire strands Conductor, all hardware, insulators, structures Suspension hardware, spacers, dampers, conductor strands 1-9 Chapter 1: Introduction 1-10 EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition CHAPTER 2 Aeolian Vibration Giorgio Diana Umberto Cosmai André Laneville Alessandra Manenti David Hearnshaw Konstantin O. Papailiou This chapter describes aeolian vibration of overhead conductors. It includes the physics of the phenomenon, issues related to the properties and mechanics of the conductor itself, damping devices, simulation of the response of the conductor plus damping devices to aeolian vibration, impact of aeolian vibration on line design, and methods of assessing the severity of aeolian vibration. Giorgio Diana obtained his Mechanical Engineering degree in 1961 and became Professor of Applied Mechanics at the Politecnico di Milano in 1971. He is currently a full Professor of ‘Mechanical Systems Modelling and Simulation’, a member of the Senato Accademico and Administration Board, Director of the Mechanical Department, Coordinator of the Department Directors’ Council and Director of CIRIVE (Inter-Department Centre for Wind Engineering) of the Politecnico di Milano. He has carried out extensive research work in the fields of fluid-elasticity, aeroelasticity (vibrations of bridges and structures), rotor-dynamics, vibration problems in mechanical engineering, railway vehicles dynamics and interaction between pantograph and catenary. He has authored more than 200 papers presented at national and international conferences or published in specialised reviews. He is a consultant in several countries for the wind induced vibration of overhead transmission line conductors and, in general, problems of fluid-structure interaction, such as the Messina Straits Bridge and Millenium Wheel in London. He is a member of IEEE and CIGRE SCB2 WG11 and Chairman of TF1 of that working group. Umberto Cosmai is an international independent consultant based in Italy with more than 45 years of experience in overhead transmission lines. He worked for ENEL as a laboratory engineer and researcher for 23 years. In that capacity, he was involved with conductor self-damping measurements and tests on spacer dampers, vibration dampers and other line fittings. Moreover, he designed and operated outdoor test stations for studies on wind-induced conductor motions. In 1982, Umberto Cosmai became technical director of a conductor fitting manufacturer, for which he designed and tested vibration-damping systems for overhead transmission lines up to 1000 kV, including special projects for long crossing spans. He has taught for 12 years and authored several papers and two books. He has conducted seminars on overhead conductor vibrations and performed field vibration measurements in 25 countries worldwide. He is a member of IEC TC7 and TC11 and CIGRE SC B2 WG11. 2-1 Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition André Laneville is a professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the Université de Sherbrooke, Québec, Canada. For over 30 years, his research projects have included fundamental studies of flow-induced oscillation and instability of structures. In 1977, he designed and built a wind tunnel to pursue his basic and applied research projects. In addition to teaching aerodynamic and thermo-fluid courses, he supervised 28 highly trained personnel (9 Ph.D. and 19 M.A.Sc.). He has given general lectures in the field of flow-induced vibrations in international meetings in Japan, France, Greece, and Canada. As a consultant for IREQ, the Research Institute of Hydro-Québec, he worked on the measurement of the power imparted by wind to conductors in single and tandem configurations, as well as on the problem of galloping. He is also a member of CIGRE SCB2 WG11. Alessandra Manenti obtained her Mechanical Engineering degree in 1982 and her Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering in 1987 at the Politecnico di Milano. She became a researcher in Mechanical Measurements in 1986 and since 1998 she has been Associate Professor of Mechanical Measurements. Since 2002 she has been with the Department of Mechanics of the Politecnico di Milano. She is a member of the Department of Mechanics Quality committee. Her research work is in the fields of experimental and analytical behavior of overhead transmission line conductors, rotordynamics and statistical data analysis. She has authored more than 40 papers, which have been presented at national and international conferences or published in specialised reviews. She is a hardware and fittings consultant and she collaborates with the Department of Mechanics research group for analytical and experimental studies of wind-induced vibration. She is a member of CIGRE SCB2 WG11, “Mechanical Behaviour of Conductors and Fittings” and was Secretary of this working group from 1998 to 2004. 2-2 David Hearnshaw obtained a degree in mechanical engineering in 1967 and is a professional engineer. He has been a company director with over 32 years experience in the overhead transmission line industry, including 24 years experience of managing medium-sized manufacturing exporting companies, most recently as Managing Director of Preformed Line Products (GB) Ltd. He is now a consultant and has extensive experience in engineering research and the design and development of overhead transmission line accessories, together with wide experience of associated engineering practices in the United Kingdom, Western and Eastern Europe, the United States, Australasia, the Middle East, and Africa. He has been closely involved with major International Technical Committees, CIGRE, and IEEE, and is Convenor of CIGRE SCB2 WG11, having previously been Secretary for 6 years. He has authored a number of technical papers and has contributed to Guides and Standards for the industry. Konstantin O. Papailiou was born in Athens, Greece. He received his electrical engineering degree from the Technical University of Braunschweig, his civil engineering degree from the University of Stuttgart and his Ph.D. from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zürich. He became involved with transmission line work and high-voltage engineering in 1975 as director of research and development in the Overseas Department of GEA in Fellbach, Germany. Presently he is the Chief Executive Officer of Pfisterer Holding in Winterbach, Germany. He is a member of various working groups of CIGRE, IEC, CENELEC, and SEV and has published several papers in this field. He is also chairman of SEV TK 36 (insulators), a senior member of IEEE, and national member for Greece of CIGRE SCB2 (overhead lines). He was Convenor of the CIGRE SCB2 WG11 from 1998 to 2004, and is a recipient of the CIGRE Technical Committee 2004 Award. EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition 2.1 INTRODUCTION Aeolian vibration is one of the most important problems in transmission lines because it represents the major cause of fatigue failure of conductor strands or of items associated with the support, use, and protection of the conductor. Aeolian vibrations can occur on almost any transmission line and at any time, in low to moderate winds. Measurements and analyses have revealed the following facts: • Aeolian vibrations are characterized by vibration frequencies in the approximate range of 3–200 Hz. The frequency range depends on the size and tensile load of the conductor: lower frequencies are typical of large conductors in low winds, while upper frequencies are typical of small ground wires in moderate winds. • Vibration frequency f in Hz is approximately given by the Strouhal formula: f = S V/D, where S is the Strouhal number (S = 0.18 - 0.22), V is the wind velocity in m/s, and D is the conductor diameter in m. • Vibration amplitudes can be, at maximum, about one conductor diameter. • Records of vibration at a point on a conductor usually show a beat pattern (Figure 2.1-1). • Conductor vibration causes localized bending which, depending on its level, may cause, sometimes in a short period of time, fatigue failures of the conductor strands at the suspension clamps or at the clamps of spacers, spacer dampers, dampers, and other devices installed on the conductor, as shown in Figure 2.1-2. The conductor vibration may also cause fatigue damage of items associated with the support and protection of the conductor itself—i.e., tower arms, spacers, dampers, and warning spheres, etc. Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration • This type of vibration is most serious when the conductor tensions are high, the terrain is smooth, with frequent, low-to-moderate, steady winds, and the spans are long. • Aeolian vibrations can be successfully controlled in most cases using dampers and/or spacer-dampers. Reliable transmission-line design requires that aeolian vibration of the conductors is controlled below critical levels to avoid fatigue damage. Approaches available to guide an assessment of the severity of aeolian vibration can be pragmatic, through design rules based on past experience. Also conditions can be assessed through measurements on existing lines, using special-purpose measuring instruments. Another way is to use an analytical approach to simulate the aeolian vibration behavior of conductor(s) plus damping devices. This approach can be usefully used to investigate alternatives in the design or redesign process and, being aware of its limits, also in the direct design of the damping system for a new line. The most used analytical models are based on the Energy Balance Principle (EBP), and they give an estimate of an upper bound to the expected vibratory motions. The aim of this chapter is to deal with the aeolian vibration phenomenon in such a way to: • give methods of assessment of the vibration severity • assess the influence of the line and environmental parameters on the vibration severity • give methods of assessment of the need for control devices • give methods of assessment of the effectiveness of vibration control devices. Whichever approach is used to assess aeolian vibration severity, it is necessary to have a clear picture of the characteristics of all the elements interacting in the aeolian vibration phenomenon: wind, vortex-shedding mecha- Figure 2.1-1 Record of vibration at a point on a conductor. Figure 2.1-2 Fatigue failure of conductor strands at the suspension clamp. 2-3 Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition nism, conductors, and their mechanical properties, and damping devices. The knowledge of these properties allows an understanding of the phenomenon and the interaction among the system elements and, finally, allows for successful control of the vibration level. As already observed, aeolian vibrations are due to the wind—in particular, forces induced by vortex shedding are the cause of this type of vibration. From an aerodynamic and aeroelastic point of view, vortex shedding is a very complex phenomenon. In addition, some differences arise in the mechanics of the phenomenon depending on whether single or bundled conductors are being considered. These aspects are covered in Section 2.2. The conductor types and properties—together with their mechanical models, self-damping, and bending stiffness—are discussed in Section 2.3. Damping devices used to control aeolian vibration are described in Section 2.4. Once the excitation mechanism and the mechanical system (conductor(s) and damping devices) are characterized, as already observed, the aeolian vibration phenomenon, from an engineering point of view, may be simplified through an approach known as the Energy Balance Principle (EBP). The principle holds that the steady-state amplitude of vibration of the conductor or bundle due to aeolian vibration is that for which the energy dissipated by the conductor and other devices used for its support and protection equals the energy input from the wind. This approach, even if it does not reproduce all the phenomenon’s features, can be used to develop mathematical models. These models are only an approximation of reality. Thus their results are also an approximation of the real system response. However, they can be usefully adopted to estimate an upper bound to the expected vibratory motions and also to perform parametric analyses with the aim of better understanding the sensitivity of the phenomenon to the line and the environmental characteristics and to compare the effectiveness of different damping solutions. Such analyses and comparisons would be very expensive and time consuming if based only on measurements on outdoor test spans and/or laboratory spans or on field measurements. As noted above, however, they are significantly less realistic. The EBP approach requires that the energy dissipated by the conductor and other devices used for its support and protection and the energy input from the wind are known as a function of the vibration frequency and amplitude. 2-4 A good approximation of the energy introduced by the wind to single and bundle conductors can be achieved through wind-tunnel measurements. Section 2.2 provides information on such aspects as vortex-shedding frequency, lock-in, synchronization range, modes of vortex shedding, variables controlling the phenomenon, and energy input for both single and bundle conductors. The energy dissipated by the conductor and damping devices can be determined through laboratory measurements, which are described in Sections 2.3 and 2.4. From the comparison between introduced and dissipated energies, the steady-state amplitude of vibration of the conductor can be evaluated together with strains and stresses in the most significant/critical locations— i.e., at the suspension clamps or at the clamps of the other devices installed on the conductor such as spacers, spacer-dampers, dampers, and other devices. The main features and controlling variables of the computation programs based on the EBP principle are described and discussed in Section 2.5. The effects on line design of the aeolian vibration phenomenon are discussed in Section 2.6. Section 2.7 describes the methods and associated instrumentation to perform aeolian vibration measurements in the field. It is important to underline that, currently, several computation methods have been developed on the basis of the EBP; their performances have been compared by reference to benchmarks and to experimental data by CIGRE SCB2 WG11 TF1 (CIGRE 1998, 2005a). The work of CIGRE SCB2 WG11 TF1 is described in Section 2.5, together with a reliability assessment of the method. Analytical methods are used mainly by damping device manufacturers for the design of damping systems for new transmission lines and in tenders for damping system adjudication. This was not true up to 20 years ago, when computation programs were only at a research stage. However, many damping applications continue to be based on utilities’ in-house guidelines and suppliers’ experience, in the form of damper application guides— tables and nomograms. Efforts continue to improve realism in the analytical approach. The results of the computations are often compared to field measurements to test their accuracy and to guide research to achieve improvements. EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition 2.2 EXCITATION 2.2.1 Introduction This section deals with the physics of the aeolian vibration, which is an instability generated by the wind blowing on conductors; it is concerned with the details of the flow, which interacts with the motion of the conductor. Aeolian vibration is closely related on the wind side, to the vortex-shedding phenomenon and its energy input to the structure and, on the conductor side, to its damping ability. The complexity of this wind-conductor interaction is described by referring to state-of-the-art research findings. With different sets of experimental data, a “maximum” level of the wind energy input to a conductor undergoing aeolian vibration can be defined. Aeolian vibration can be characterized by its amplitude (on the order of the conductor’s diameter) and frequency range (3–200 Hz). If insufficiently damped, the conductor experiences fatigue problems that can result in failure. Subsection 2.2.2 describes the vortex-shedding phenomenon resulting from the wind flowing around a stationary cylindrical structure. Historical contributions are included, as well as a dimensional analysis for a generalization of the available data. In the particular case of a stationary conductor, the vortex-shedding process is observed to generate vortices of the Von Karman type in the wake of the structure. The dimensional analysis of the primary variables identifies two relevant similitude criteria—the Reynolds and Strouhal Numbers. The effect of the Reynolds Number on the configuration of the vortices in the wake is shown using flow visualizations. These criteria, obtained in the case of a stationary structure differing from that an oscillating one, remain relevant since they identify the onset of aeolian vibrations. The criteria are applied to a given span of the Drake conductor to predict the vortex-shedding frequency. Subsection 2.2.3 examines the vortex-shedding process in the case of a vibrating conductor. The onset of this instability occurs at a wind speed for which the vortex-shedding frequency (determined using the Strouhal Number) approaches a natural frequency of the conductor: the conductor is then in resonance and stays in resonance for wind speeds as large as 130% of the onset velocity. The configuration of the vortices is then shown to be modified according to the amplitude of the conductor’s motion. Two new configurations of vortices are reported—the 2S and 2P types. The previous dimensional analysis is extended to take into account the dynamics of the structure: it allows the definition of the additional similitude Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration criteria linking the wind power input or the amplitude of the motion to the conductor properties and the wind characteristics. As can be expected, the level of both the wind power input and the amplitude of motion depend upon the type of vortices acting on the conductor. The “maximum” of these two possible wind power inputs is selected for design purposes. Subsection 2.2.4 presents the available data of the wind power input in the case of single and mechanically coupled conductors. Subsection 2.2.5 underlines the influence of the topography of the terrain, as well as the variability of the direction and the intensity of the wind upon the span of conductors. 2.2.2 Vortex Shedding in the Case of a Stationary Conductor This section deals with the flow in the wake of a stationary conductor: the variables of this interaction between the conductor and the vortices shed in its wake are defined and regrouped under their dimensionless form. Flow visualizations obtained at different velocities show the evolution of the vortex-shedding process. In addition, pressure distributions measured over the cylinder’s surface are used to demonstrate the effect of this process: the pressure fluctuation due to vortex shedding is responsible for a fluctuating lift force with a prevailing frequency equal to the Strouhal frequency fST. First Observations and Variables Controlling the Phenomenon The flow of a fluid interacting with a cylindrical shape has been observed to generate vortices that are shed in a downstream wake. Leonardo da Vinci sketched such vortices downstream from a stationary pile (Figure 2.2-1). Ancient civilizations also knew that aeolian sound was caused by wind blowing over a string. Cenek Vincent Strouhal (1878) formed a dimensionless parameter from his measurements of fST, the frequency of audible tone generated by wires and rods (diameter d) whirled through the air at velocity V; this dimensionless parameter, fSTd/V, was to be defined as the Strouhal Number following a suggestion by Henri Bénard (1926). Adapting Strouhal (1878) data, Zdravkovich (1985) produced a dimensionless graph of the variation of the Strouhal Number in terms of the Reynolds Number, Vd/υ; υ is the kinematic viscosity of the fluid (1.51 × 10-5 m2/s for air at 20°C). In the range of Reynolds’ number at which aeolian vibrations occur, the value of the Strouhal number is 0.18; as a consequence, the vortex-shedding frequency f ST is given by fST = 0.18 V/d. 2-5 Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition parameters, S and R, respectively the Strouhal and Reynolds Numbers. One must note that additional variables may influence the value of the Strouhal Number and the different coefficients. These are, to name a few, and in accordance with the factors influencing the boundary layer: the turbulence content of the oncoming flow, and the proximity of boundaries such as external walls modifying the flow acceleration around the conductor and Table 2.2-1 Independent and Dependent Variables Primary Independent Variables Description Symbol units Flow velocity V m/sec Fluid density ρ kg/m3 Fluid dynamic viscosity µ kg/(m-sec) Cylinder diameter d m m Cylinder length k Roughness surface of the cylinder m Primary dependent variables Figure 2.2-1 Studies of water flow interacting with an obstacle. Circa 1513 by Leonardo da Vinci from Pedretti in Galluzzi (1987). A list of the usual independent and dependent variables in the case of a long stationary cylinder is given in Table 2.2-1 and that of the dimensionless parameters in Table 2.2-2. Strouhal or vortex shedding frequency fST Hz Local surface pressure p Pa or N/ m2 Lift force (normal to the flow direction) L N Drag force (parallel to the flow direction) D N Table 2.2-2 Dimensionless Variables Dimensionless Variables Description This dimensional analysis shows that the loading coefficients and the vortex-shedding process represented by the Strouhal number may be functions of three criteria: the Reynolds Number, the relative surface roughness, and the aspect ratio. In the case of conductors, the span is many orders of magnitude longer than its diameter: for a uniform spanwise wind, the effect of the aspect ratio relative to the vortex-shedding process is expected to be small, and two-dimensional conditions are generally assumed. Secondly, with respect to the relative roughness, experimental data show its effect as small, especially in the range of the Reynolds Numbers of the conductors in usual wind exposure (350 < R < 35000). As indicated in Figure 2.2-2, the effect of the relative roughness is to induce an earlier critical regime on the drag force coefficient but mostly in a Reynolds Number range past that of conductors. Compact conductors have relatively smooth surfaces. Vortex shedding in the case of a stationary cylinder is then a phenomenon controlled by two dimensionless 2-6 Symbol Definition Reynolds Number R ρVd/ µ Strouhal Number S fSTd/V Pressure coefficient Cp (p-pref)/(V2/2)* Lift coefficient CL L/( dV2/2) Drag coefficient CD D/( dV2/2) k/d Relative surface roughness Aspect ratio /d c* pref is the static pressure of the oncoming flow velocity, usually the atmospheric pressure. Figure 2.2-2 Variation of drag force coefficient for a circular cylinder, with rough surface, in smooth flow (after Zdravkovich 1997) with k = surface roughness height. EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition the form of the wake (blockage effects in wind-tunnel tests). The wake downstream from a stationary has been the subject of numerous studies and, with the aid of fast image capture systems, recent flow visualizations have allowed detailed observations of the vortex-shedding process. The wake certainly changes with the Reynolds N u m b e r, a s p r e v i o u s ly r e c o g n i z e d b y s e v e r a l researchers. Table 2.2-3 shows the evolution of the vortex-shedding process as the Reynolds Number is varied. The fluid flows from left to right in all the visualizations. From a Reynolds Number of 1 to 41, the symmetry between the upstream and downstream flow regions is gradually lost, and standing eddies are formed in the wake and become increasingly elongated as the Reynolds Number is increased. The vortex pair appears at R∼6. The standing eddies form a near wake region completed by a steady laminar trail. In the cases of R >35, the trail begins to oscillate in a periodic fashion, and the length of the closed near wake gradually reduces as the Reynolds Number is increased; the wavelength of the trail gradually decreases with rising Reynolds Number, and staggered eddies are formed at the end of the closed near wake (see photo (2,2) of the table). The roll-up of eddies takes place gradually along the wake until the pattern becomes “frozen” and carried downstream Table 2.2-3 Vortex Shedding with Respect to Reynolds Number Variation Identification according to (row, column): (1,1) R=1.1 (Taneda), (1,2) R=9.6 (Taneda), (2,1) R=26 (Taneda), (2,2) R=140 (Taneda), (3,1) R=2000 (Werlé & Gallon), (3,2) R=10000 (Corke & Nagib); sources: Van Dyke (1982) and Nakayama et al. (1988). Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration motionless (if a tracer is injected in the “frozen” wake, it will describe a straight line in the flow direction). Two rows of staggered eddies are generated to form a Kármán-Bénard eddy street. The wake remains laminar until R∼170. As the Reynolds Number is further increased, eddies or vortices will be shed regularly, but their states will be modified because of the occurrence of transition: transition from the laminar to the turbulent states will progressively move upstream—that is, from the wake to the shear layer and then to boundary layer. The photos of the third row of Table 2.2-3 show the typical flow to be expected around a conductor. At R = 2000, the boundary layer is laminar over the front, and then separates to form a shear layer that breaks up into a turbulent wake. At R = 10000, the flow pattern remains almost identical, and one can infer that the dimensionless variables such as the Strouhal Number and the force coefficients will vary slightly in this range. In the particular cases of stationary cylindrical conductors (5 mm < d < 50 mm and 1 m/s < V < 10 m/s), the Reynolds Number may range from a value of 350 to 35000 and, once it has been determined, the Strouhal number can be evaluated using Figure 2.2-3. Consider a 28.143 mm diameter Drake conductor in a 5 m/s wind (10°C): the Reynolds Number is then 9900, and the Strouhal Number is 0.185 according to Figure 2.2-3. The vortices would be shed at the frequency or the Strouhal frequency: fST (Hz) = S∗V(m/s)/d(m) = 0,185∗ 5/0.028 = 33.1Hz 2.2-1 If mixed English units (V in mph, d in inches and f in Hz) are adopted, the value of the Strouhal number remains the same but the formula for the determination of the frequency of the vortex shedding must be modified according to: fST (Hz) = S ∗V(m/s)/d(m) = S∗ V(mph) ∗17.6/d (in.) 2.2-2 Figure 2.2-3 Relationship between Reynolds Number and Strouhal Number (Chen 1972). 2-7 Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition For a 0.75 inch diameter conductor (IBIS/SD) in an 11 mph wind, the value of the Reynolds number is 6700, and that of the Strouhal Number remains close to 0.185 according to Figure 2.2-3; in this case, the Strouhal frequency—that is, the frequency at which vortices are shed downstream from this particular stationary conductor—is 47.8 Hz. The Wake of Vortices and the Aerodynamic Force Transfer The alternate shedding of vortices at the Strouhal frequency in the wake of the stationary conductor induces an unsteady pressure distribution on its surface. Figure 2.2-4 shows the measured unsteady pressure distributions on such a stationary cylinder at nine instants of the period of the vortex-shedding process. The pressure is given in terms of Cp, the pressure coefficient (see Table 2.2-1), and its scale is defined on the upper left part of the figure; its value is positive when the arrow points inside the cylinder, and its intensity is proportional to its length. Superimposed on each distribution is the instantaneous force coefficient (vector sum of CD and CL, the drag and lift coefficients) obtained from the integration of the pressure distribution. Since the cylinder remains fixed, the incoming relative flow velocity does not change during the entire vortexshedding process. Almost three-quarters of the cylinder surface is exposed to negative pressure, the peak suction shifting from one side to the other as the vortex is formed. This alternating pressure unbalance is translated in mean and fluctuating loads: the mean and fluctuating drag and lift forces, respectively, in the streamwise and cross-flow directions. As can be observed in Figure 2.2-4, the process is not fully periodic, but is of random nature; moreover, it does not occur simultaneously along the cylinder axis, as can be clearly seen in Figure 2.2-5—i.e., there is a phase lag among the vortices shed along the cylinder axis. The random nature of the process and a lack of correlation along the cylinder make the value of the lift force due to vortex shedding small, if compared to the case of a vibrating cylinder— as will be better explained in Section 2.2.3. Theodore von Kármán and Henri Bénard for their pioneering work in this field. Figure 2.2-7 shows a flow visualization of the near wake downstream from a stationary circular cylinder using a fog generator, a laser sheet, and a digital high-speed camera; half of the cylinder shows lightly on the left of the figure. The photo, obtained at a Reynolds number matching that of a typical conductor, shows the turbulent nature of vortex shedding in the case of a conductor; it differs significantly from visualizations obtained at much lower Reynolds numbers (Koopmann 1967; Figure 2.2-6), because of the mixing process generated by transition to Figure 2.2-5 Top view of the inclined filaments of a vortex wake shedding from a stationary cylinder (R = 200, Frequency = 28 Hz) (courtesy Journal of Fluid Mechanics and G. H. Koopmann). Vortices shed downstream from a stationary cylindrical conductor are named Kármán-Bénard vortices after Figure 2.2-4 Measured unsteady pressure and force coefficients at nine instants of a period of vortex shedding (case of the stationary cylinder) (Zasso et al. 2005). 2-8 Figure 2.2-6 Cross-sectional view of vortex wake shedding from a vibrating cylinder (R = 200, cylinder frequency = 28 Hz) (courtesy Journal of Fluid Mechanics and G. H. Koopmann). EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition turbulence in the shear layer downstream separation. The length of formation of the vortices can be observed to be on the order of three diameters. In the next section, the vortex street will be shown organized differently in the wake of the conductor as its motion onsets and increases. 2.2.3 Vortex Shedding in the Case of a Vibrating Conductor: Aeolian Vibration This section deals with the effect of the cross-flow motion of the conductor on the process of vortex shedding and the fluid-structure interaction. Measured pressure distributions and forces indicate different characteristics due to two additional modes of vortex shedding, the 2S and 2P modes, as a function of the vibration amplitude. The onset of aeolian vibration is defined by a matching between the Strouhal frequency and one of the natural frequencies of the conductor. A dimensional analysis, taking into account the dynamic of the conductor and the flow, leads to the dimensionless amplitude of motion and to a coefficient of power input by the flow regions. The 2S and 2P modes of vortex shedding are discussed within the general map of the modes of vortex shedding. Physics of the Flow and the Modifications Resulting from the Motion In the particular range of Reynolds Numbers typical of aeolian vibrations (4000 to 15,000), the boundary layer developing from the point of stagnation to the point of separation remains laminar. Nevertheless, the length for which the laminar state can be sustained shortens as the flow speed or Reynolds Number increases. Ballengee and Chen (1971) have measured the location of the separation point: its angle from the stagnation point varies almost linearly with Reynolds Number, from 91° at Re = 104 to 83° at Re = 3.9×104. In the 4000 < R < 15,000 Figure 2.2-7 Kármán-Bénard vortices R = 8800 (Source: photo by P.-O. Dallaire as presented in Laneville [2005]). Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration range, transition occurs in the shear layer proceeding from the point of separation; the shear layer then rolls on itself to form a vortex that is shed downstream in the wake. The state of the boundary layer upstream of separation is expected to influence the amount of vorticity contained in the released vortices as well as their configuration—more certainly, if the cylinder is set in motion and modifies the relative velocity at the edge of the boundary layer. Initiation of Aeolian Vibration: Onset and Lock-in When the velocity of the oncoming flow is such that the frequency of the vortices shed in the wake of the conductor approaches a modal frequency of the conductor, the latter, if insufficiently damped, will initiate a motion—largely in the direction transverse to the flow—excited by the fluctuations of the lift force due to vortex shedding. The motion in the in-line direction is related to the fluctuations of the drag forces that are less important than the fluctuating lift forces. This onset velocity, V S, can be calculated using the Strouhal Number definition (average Strouhal Number ~0.18) and the conductor overhead line’s modal frequency and diameter. For example, if one assumes a line span with given tension, mass per unit length, and diameter, a modal frequency can be determined, say fn = 26.4 Hz; then, if d = 19 mm (0.75 in.), the value of the onset velocity is: VS = fST × d/S = fn×d/S = 26.4×0.75 × 3600/(0.18 × 12 × 5280) = 6.25 mph 2.2-3 VS = fST×d/S = fn × d/S = 26.4 ×19/(0.18 ×1000) = 2.79 m/sec 2.2-4 The experimental evidence shows that aeolian vibrations for a given conductor mode occur rather over a range of velocities than at a unique velocity and that the flow velocity at the onset of the conductor motion corresponds approximately to V S. Once the conductor starts to vibrate, a lock-in effect takes place and the vortex-shedding frequency is controlled by the vibration, even if the wind velocity changes around the Strouhal VS velocity. The range of wind velocities around VS for which the lock-in effect occurs—and vibrations are excited—is between 90 and 130% of VS. More precisely, as A, the amplitude (peak-to-peak displacement/2) of the conductor motion, increases and reaches values on the order of 0.1d to 0.2d, the vortices in the wake become driven by the oscillating frequency of the conductor: their shedding frequency is locked-in or synchronized with that of the conductor and a phase difference can been measured. 2-9 Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition To better understand the process of vortex shedding in the wake of the cylinder at onset, two sets of data are useful—the first set using the signal of hot wire giving the instantaneous velocity in the wake, and the second using the signal of the instantaneous lift force. These data show the transient regime as the cylinder ceases to be stationary and its oscillation grows toward a steadystate condition. Figure 2.2-8 shows the time history of the dimensionless amplitude A/d, the phase between the hot wire signal and the cylinder displacement and the rms and dc values of the hot wire signal. The figure shows clearly that three regimes are present: the first, at small amplitudes (A/d < 0.1) where there is no definite phase, and then two more, each showing a different steady-phase value separated by a sudden jump. The hot wire signal spectrum shows a peak at the Strouhal frequency only in the regime with A/d < 0.1; for the two next regimes, the peak is at the frequency of motion of cylinder. The three regimes will be each associated with a mode of vortex shedding later: the Von Kármán mode for which the vortices are shed at the Strouhal frequency (cylinder almost stationary) and the 2P and 2S modes for which the vortices are shed at the frequency of the vibrating cylinder either in two pairs or in two single vortices. In a map of vortex-shedding modes proposed by Williamson and Roshko (1988), the range 4.4 < V R < 6.7 and dimensionless amplitude A/d, two modes of vortex shedding are possible, the 2S and the 2P modes. The 2S mode of vortex shedding is characterized by the shedding of two single vortices per cycle of oscillation, while the 2P by two pairs of vortices per cycle of oscillation. A boundary separates these two modes of vortex shedding, the critical curve drawn by interpolations of the visualization results. Brika and Laneville (1993), using an aeroelastic model simulating the half wavelength of vibrating conductors at their typical Reynolds Numbers (similar to that of Rawlins [1983]), observed and associated the presence of bifurcations to the crossing of the critical curve: they measured the coordinates of the critical curve as the transient response of the simulated conductors move from the 2P to the 2S modes of vortex shedding. Their tests included flow visualizations in support. The bottom part of Figure 2.2-9 shows a typical bifurcation that they observed in the recordings of the displacement: this displacement can be represented as a single constant frequency, the amplitude of which varies with time. Until a given amplitude is reached (A/d < ~0.1), the phase (not shown in the figure) is irregular, indicating a vortex-shedding frequency changing irregularly from that of the Strouhal frequency to that of the vibrating cylinder. This chaotic behavior ceases once A/d is larger than ~0.1, and on both sides of the bifurcation point, a different excitation or mode of vortex shedding is observed. Visualizations of the flow in the wake region posterior and prior to the bifurcation point are shown in upper parts of Figure 2.2-9. A sketch is included for each visualization. The 2S mode can be observed after the bifurcation point and the 2P mode, prior to bifurcation. Figure 2.2-10 reports time histories of the cylinder dimensionless displacement and of the frequency of the lift force coefficient at a Reynolds Number of 50,000, Figure 2.2-8 Transient behavior at R = 8000; from top, amplitude of the cylinder, phase between the hot wire signal and the displacement of the cylinder, the rms and dc values of the hot wire signal (after Laneville and Dallaire, 2006). 2-10 Figure 2.2-9 Transient response and phase measured at the antinodes of an aeroelastic model of a conductor (VR = 5.47, R = 7114) after Brika and Laneville (1993). EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition larger than in the previous case. Nevertheless, both sets of data are in agreement. At the onset of motion, when the vibration amplitudes are small, the Strouhal frequency is dominant in the lift force spectrum; when the vibration amplitudes are larger, lock-in occurs, and the lift force is synchronized to the natural frequency of the mechanical system. Both figures clearly explain the lock-in phenomenon: cylinder motion drives the vortex-shedding frequency. As can be expected, lock-in occurs at different A/d values for different velocities. Lock-in, or the change from a Von Kármán to a 2P mode of vortex shedding, will be identified as a boundary (Laneville and Dallaire 2006). Figure 2.2-10 shows eight instantaneous surface pressure distributions applied on a conductor within a period of its motion once the lock-in has happened. In this particular case, the cylinder dimensionless vibration amplitude, A/d, is equal to 0.6. This figure is to be compared with Figure 2.2-11 This is the case of the steadystate oscillations. The position of the cylinder on the sinusoidal curve corresponds to its position in the motion cycle. The relative velocity consists of the vector sum of the oncoming horizontal flow velocity and the sinusoidal transverse velocity of the conductor (shown as a solid arrow). The figure shows clearly that this relative velocity causes the pressure distribution to shift position (this is confirmed most of the time by the alignment of the stagnation point with the direction of the relative velocity), but that the resultant force coefficient, shown as an open arrow, is much larger that in the case of the stationary cylinder. Figure 2.2-10 Frequency of the lift force and dimensionless vibration amplitude as function of time (VR = 6.5) (Zasso et al. 2005). Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration The intensity of the local pressure coefficients is also much larger. The shedding of vortices in these conditions of motion will obviously differ from that of the stationary cylinder. The frequency of the process of vortex shedding is now influenced by the frequency of motion and rapidly can lock onto the latter. The configuration of the vortices in the wake will then differ from the von Kármán mode. Considering the details of the flow close to the cylinder’s surface as the structure is set in motion, one deduces that both the stagnation and separation points are displaced and that the shear generated in the boundary layer is modified from that of the stationary structure. This implies that the vorticity at the separation point, and consequently the mode of vortex shedding, should be influenced by both the oncoming flow velocity and that of the moving surface. More precisely, as the vortex is formed, it is fed by fluid from the boundary (shear) layer, the wake, and the external regions. According to the level of motion, the frequency of the moving cylinder should perturbate the fluid near the wall; the larger the velocity of the wall, the more strongly the frequency of the moving structure will influence and control the vortex shedding. This description contains the ingredients required for an aeroelastic instability characterized by: 1. An onset caused by a matching between two frequencies, that of the Strouhal frequency and of the structure modal frequency, followed by: 2. A flutter-type response, where the motion of the structure and its modal frequency control the shedding of vortices. Along this line of reasoning, we Figure 2.2-11 Surface pressure distribution, resultant force coefficient, and resultant velocity at eight instants of a cycle of vibration (A/d = 0.6 and VR = 6.5) (Zasso et al. 2005). 2-11 Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition anticipate some dislocation of the wake in the case of the X-Y motion of the structure. damped structures such as overhead transmission lines, the term 2πζ corresponds to δ, the log-decrement. Once lock-in is established, the phenomenon has become nonlinear and hysteretic. The energy from the oncoming flow has to be shared by both the wake and the conductor, but more importantly, the dissipation of energy by the wake vortices can now bivalued and controlled by the motion of the conductor. To better identify these different modes of vortex shedding, additional variables, describing the interactions between the oncoming flow, the dynamic of the conductor’s system, and the wake, need to be defined. In several references, Sc, the Scruton Number, is a d o p t e d i n l i e u o f t h e “ Re d u c e d D a m p i n g ” o r Additional Variables Controlling the Phenomenon In the case of a stationary conductor, the variables controlling the fluctuating pressures or forces were the Reynolds and Strouhal Numbers, while the dependant variables were the force and pressure coefficients. In the lock-in range, the Strouhal Number remains useful to calculate VS, the velocity at the onset, and the end of the range of excitation. Within the range, the frequency of the vortices does not correspond anymore to the Strouhal frequency. Table 2.2-4 Independent and Dependent Variables Primary Independent Variables Description Symbol units Flow velocity V m/sec Fluid density ρ kg/m3 Fluid dynamic viscosity µ kg/(m-sec) Cylinder diameter and length d, m Cylinder mass per unit length mL kg/m Cylinder system modal frequency (in vacuum) fn Hz Cylinder system vibrating frequency fv Hz Cylinder system structural damping coefficient C N-sec/m Primary Dependent Variables A m Pinput Watts/m CC N-sec/m Amplitude of the oscillations (at antinode) Since the conductor, a vibrating mechanical system, is extracting energy from the flow, additional variables taking into account this facet of the phenomenon must be introduced: fv, the vibrating frequency of the conductor; m L , its mass per unit length; , the length of the conductor; and C, its structural damping. The additional dependent variables are A, the amplitude of motion of the conductor or P input , the average power input by the wind to the conductor over a cycle of vibration and per unit length. For rigorousness sake, a distinction will be maintained between fn , the conductor modal frequency in vacuum, and fv, the vibrating frequency, although these two frequencies are very close to each other if the conductor is exposed to the wind. Table 2.2-4 gives the dimensional analysis of an increased number of variables that control vortex-induced vibrations of a cylinder in the lock-in range. The effect of turbulence is not included but will be discussed later. From the eleven primitive variables, eight dimensionless variables should be deduced. Table 2.2-5 resumes the results of the dimensional analysis. Power per unit length Definition Cylinder system critical damping coefficient Table 2.2-5 Results of the Dimensionless Analysis Dimensionless Variables Description Symbol Definition Reynolds Number R Mass ratio m* ρVd/ µ mL/(ρd2) fv/ fn Frequency ratio Reduced velocity VR V/(fvd) Structural damping Ratio ζ C/ CC A/d Pinput /(ρd4 fv3) Reduced amplitude Power input coefficient per unit length /d Aspect ratio In the lock-in range, the Strouhal Number is then replaced by VR, the reduced velocity, which has the form of the inverse of the Strouhal Number. The critical damping for a taut string and a given mode, C C, is defined as [(2 (m L /2) ωn ) or (4 π (m L /2)f n )], where (mL /2) is the modal mass of a taut string with mass per unit length equal to mL. In the case of lightly 2-12 Combined Dimensionless Variables Logarithmic decrement (lightly damped case) Scruton Number δ 2πζ Sc 2πζm* or δm* EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition “Reduced Decrement.” The value of these dimensionless variables are related according to Sc = “Reduced Damping”/2. Care should be exercised. As already seen in the previous paragraphs, the vortexshedding phenomenon is very complex, and as a consequence, the power input is a function of the A/d amplitude of vibration as well as of the reduced velocity VR. For design purposes or the selection of a damping device to absorb the wind power input to the conductor, it is useful to determine, for a given amplitude of vibration, A/d, the maximum power input coefficient per unit length, Pinput max/(ρd4 fv3), over all the reduced velocities: Pinput max/(ρd4 fv3) = f [A/d] 2.2-5 2.2.4 The Wind Power Input This section deals with the different power inputs absorbed by a conductor undergoing aeolian vibration. Using dimensionless variables defined in previous sections and considering the different modes of vortex shedding, the cases of single conductors and conductors in tandem are discussed. The actual observations and measured data are presented in order to be applied in the section dealing with the system response. Introduction Once a conductor is in motion, as observed in the preceding sections, there are several modes of vortex shedding, each of them being closely linked to its amplitude, A/d, and the reduced velocity VR. The fact that different values of A/d and modes of vortex shedding can be present at the same reduced velocity also implies different wind power input coefficients. Since conductors are mounted relatively close to each other in bundles, additional interactions may influence the responses. Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration The Case of Single Conductors Vortex-induced vibration of cylindrical structures has been the subject of several studies. In the case of a rigid cylinder mounted on an elastic system (such as springs), the steady-state maximum amplitudes of oscillation can be predicted using several empirical correlations. Figure 2.2-13 shows four of these correlations, and the agreement is fairly good. From Figure 2.2-13, once the modal damping for a given cylinder has been determined, the Scruton Number can be easily calculated and the steady-state maximum amplitude is obtained. An alternative and more used approach to determine the amplitude of aeolian vibrations consists in using the Energy Balance Principle (EBP), already mentioned in Section 2.1. This approach allows one to estimate an upper bound to the expected vibratory motions. The steady-state amplitude of vibration of the conductor or bundle due to aeolian vibration is that for which the energy dissipated by the conductor and other devices used for its support and protection equals the energy input from the wind. Figure 2.2-12 Geometry of conductors in tandem. In the case of a vibrating conductor, either solitary or mounted in the upstream position of a tandem, one expects similar amplitude and wind power input in both configurations. The flow picture changes significantly, especially for the downstream conductor in a tandem configuration since its oncoming flow can be the wake of the upstream one (see Figure 2.2-12). The response of the downstream conductor becomes dependent upon the motion of the upstream conductor—the mode of vortex shedding contained in the wake as well as upon the distance and the geometry of the arrangement. To add to this already complicated interaction, the shielding effect produced by the upstream conductor modifies the intensity of the flow velocity “seen” by the downstream conductor. Figure 2.2-13 Amplitude of the aeolian vibrations in the case of single conductors as function of the Scruton Number. 2-13 Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition A methodology adopted to compute the wind power input is based on buildup tests made in still air and in the airflow at different reduced velocities. The first set of data allows for the determination of the system damping (once the aerodynamic damping in still air has been removed), and the second set allows for the calculation of the net transfer of energy from the wind to the mechanical system. A typical set of data is shown in Figure 2.2-14, where the net power input has been calculated at given vibration amplitudes for different reduced wind velocities. The maximum energy input curve is finally determined by the envelope of all the curves, as shown in Figure 2.2-14. Figure 2.2-15 shows the experimental data of the maximum power coefficient measured by several researchers. Most of the data were obtained in wind tunnel measurements with low turbulence, smooth flow, and controlled velocities. Although different methodologies were adopted in these studies, the agreement is fair. Some of these tests are related to a vibrating rigid cylinder, while others are related to a flexible cylinder undergoing a sinusoidal deflection shape. The numerical data underlying the curves in Figure 2.2-15 are reported in Appendix 2.1, together with a table giving the coefficients of a polynomial fit of each set of data. The ordinate of Figure 2.2-15 is not dimensionless because of the absence of the air density at the denominator, as defined in the Table 2.2-2. The dimensionless power input is 20% smaller than the value of the figure, since most of these data were obtained in the case of wind conditions in the range of 10°C to 30°C (ρ = 1.2 kg/m3). Under extreme conditions such as -40°C, the Figure 2.2-14 Wind power input curves measured for different reduced velocities; the value of the reduced velocity VR corresponds to the ratio of V/VS divided by the Strouhal Number (after Belloli et al. 2003). 2-14 density of air rises to 1.52 kg/m3 and should be taken into account. The data for the maximum wind power coefficient of the different tests reported in Figure 2.2-15 can be averaged at given values of A/d and then fit with the empirical function: Pinput max /(ρd4 fv3) = 32(A/d)3/2 in the range 0.01 < A/d < 0.6. The Case of Conductors Coupled Mechanically When mechanical coupling is combined with aerodynamic coupling, the response of the cylinders in bundle becomes even more complicated (Laneville and Brika 1999b), because of the mechanical energy transfer within the bundle from one conductor to another. Although much more research needs to be done in this domain, some observations are deduced from the available data: • The steady-state amplitude of the cylinders in bundle has a magnitude similar to that of a single cylinder but occurring at multiple wind velocities, the peak at a different wind velocity. • The phase imposed to the motion of the cylinders plays an important role in the aerodynamic exposure of the downstream cylinder. • The modes of vortex shedding for the individual cylinders resemble that of the conductors coupled aerodynamically but with a different timing. In a reported case (Figure 2.2-16) of two cables of the bundle coupled mechanically by a rigid spacer (Belloli et al. 2003), the specific power input for a single cable and for one cable of the twin bundle has been observed to be similar. However, the report CIGRE WG B2.11.04 2005 (CIGRE 2005b) points out that field recordings have shown that bundled conductors mostly vibrate at ampli- Figure 2.2-15 Maximum wind power input coefficient per unit length in the case of a solitary conductor (after Brika and Laneville 1995). EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition tudes smaller than single conductors of the same size as the subconductors of the bundle. Further research is certainly required to better understand the physics of the flow and its effect on the response of the conductors. 2.2.5 Conductors and Wind Exposure This subsection presents the flow environment to which a conductor is exposed. A conductor is exposed to a multifaceted environment along its route. The wind is an important component of its environment and causes steady and fluctuating loadings and can trigger instabilities such as aeolian vibration. Figure 2.2-17 shows generic wind profiles used to describe natural winds to which a conductor is submitted. These natural winds result from the atmospheric pressure gradients, and meteorological observations indicate that the mean wind velocity varies with altitude as in a boundary layer. As can be deduced from the figure, the roughness of the earth surface (shown using scaled objects) plays an important role in the height of the boundary layer (the gradient height) as well as in the mean and fluctuating (gusting) velocities. In Figure 2.2-17, the mean velocity reaches the value of 100% at the gradient height. Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration others) deal with wind actions on structures; they already provide guidelines and recommend a methodology to define the velocity profile and the turbulence characteristics. The design engineer is referred to the code prevailing in the country of the installation to identify the properties of the incoming flow. A power or logarithmic law is usually adopted to describe the mean wind profile: V(Z)/Vref =(Z/Zref)α or V(Z)/Vbasic=KT ln(Z/Z0) range Zmin Z 200m 2.2-6 where α varies according to the topology of the terrain as does the value of Z0, Zmin, and KT in the case of the logarithmic profile. The meteorological properties are measured in practice at the standard height Zref =10 m. The value of Vbasic and Vref, to be used in order to evaluate the applied static loads on the structure supporting the conductor, are based on probabilistic meteorological data such as the period of return of an event. Instabilities such as aeolian vibration and galloping may be initiated at much lower flow velocities. Nevertheless, the concept of the velocity profile is needed to evaluate the span-wise variation of the flow velocity and turbulence along the conductor. Figure 2.2-18 shows such a Accordingly, the relevant characteristics of the flow at the location of the conductor must be determined in order to evaluate the static and dynamic interactions between the wind and a conductor. They are the mean wind speed and the turbulence. These characteristics, as expected, are functions of the topology of the local terrain and meteorological data. Several national codes (Eurocode, Canadian NBC, and Australian AS among Figure 2.2-17 Typical categories of atmospheric wind profiles according to several national codes for load calculations (Australian Wind Loading Code). Figure 2.2-16 Comparison of the specific maximum power input as function of the dimensionless amplitude in the cases of a single cable and the same cable in the twin bundle mechanically coupled by a rigid spacer (after Belloli et al. 2003); (N.B. u/D = A/d). Figure 2.2-18 Wind velocity profile incoming on the conductor. 2-15 Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition conceptual representation of the span-wise variation of the wind incoming on a conductor, where x is a coordinate along the conductor. In the frame of reference of a stationary conductor, the local wind speed amounts to a function of time. Meteorological observations show that fairly stable mean values of the wind are provided if an averaging period of approximately one hour to ten minutes is chosen. This tendency for the mean to stay relatively steady is of considerable significance since it allows the concept of “local stationarity” to be applied and becomes basic to wind-tunnel testing. Laboratories specialized in wind engineering simulate the local properties of the turbulent wind as shown in Figure 2.2-19. Table 2.2-6 shows the atmospheric boundary layer characteristics in the case of the four typical categories of terrain adopted in several national codes. In the case of a flat terrain, the turbulence intensity (Iu), according to Eurocode 1, can be evaluated using the following approximation: Iu = 1/ln(Z/Z0). 2.2-7 Types 2 and 3 exposures will be used to determine the variation of the flow velocity in the case of a span of Drake conductor with its ends at the same altitude and having a 25.7 m sag; both ends will be mounted at 100 m (typical of a river crossing) in the first example and at 50 m in the second. The Drake conductor (overall diameter = 28.143 mm, mass per unit length = 1.6281 kg/m) adopts a catenary form under its own weight. The sag value (25.7 m) has been calculated for the case of a 600 m horizontal span and a 28.024 kN horizontal ten- Figure 2.2-19 Typical wind velocity time history (Galleria del Vento, Politecnico di Milano). Table 2.2-6 Boundary Layer Characteristics for Four Typical Terrain Categories Boundary Layer Definition Properties Power Law Properties α Type 1 Open terrain Type 2 Farmlands At the higher altitude (100 m), the mean flow velocity over this span of Drake conductor remains fairly uniform (5% variation), while at the lower altitude (50 m), this variation at least doubles for both types of terrain and becomes more important as the terrain roughness increases (15% variation in the case of Type 3). Since aeolian vibration occurs in narrow ranges of velocities (the onset velocity plus or minus 20%, as will be shown in the following sections), the span of the conductor may be partly triggered in resonance because of its exposure to a nonuniform wind speed. With respect to the turbulence characteristics, the span of Drake conductor at 100 m is exposed to lower and more uniform levels of turbulence than at a 50 m altitude: their average and variations are, respectively, for Type 2 and 3 terrains, 13.4%±0.3% and 17.6%±0.5% at 1 0 0 m , t o b e c o m p a r e d wi t h 1 5 . 3 % ± 0 . 9 % a n d 21.1%±1.6% at 50 m. The comparison between the flow characteristics of a first location at 100 m in farmlands terrain and that of a second one at 50 m in suburban region shows that the environmental surroundings expose a given span to widely different fluid-loading conditions. These observations of the widely different types of exposure show the relevance of determining the wind conditions at the location of the conductor and the effect that they may have on the conductor’s response. The turbulent fluctuations of the natural wind cover a wide range of frequencies; the ones susceptible to cause dynamic wind effects on a structure such as a conductor are within the frequency range of 0.001 Hz and 10 Hz, the range known as the micrometeorological peak in the spectrum of the natural turbulent wind. The intensity of these turbulent fluctuations, as indicated earlier, varies with terrain. According to their frequencies, these turbulent fluctuations interact differently with a conductor. Table 2.2-7 Flow Variations for Types 2 and 3 Terrain Exposures Logarithmic Law Exposure Type 2 Farmlands Type 3 Suburban Terrain 0.17 Altitude z 50 m 100 m 50 m 0.19 V(z-sag)/V(z) 89% 95% 85% 94% 8m 0.22 Iu (z) 14.5% 13.1% 19.5% 17.2% 16m 0.24 Iu (z-sag) 16.2% 13.7% 22.7% 18.1% Z0 Zmin Iu 0.12 0.01m 2m 0.16 0.05m 4m Type 3 Suburban terrain 0.22 0.3m Type 4 Urban area 0.30 1m 2-16 sion. Section 2.5.2 gives the details of the methodology to determine the sag. Table 2.2-7 resumes the results. 100 m EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition In the high-frequency range, turbulence, represented as small-scale eddies, modifies the boundary layer that develops from the stagnation point on the conductor and induces an earlier transition in the shear layer by an increased mixing. Small-scale eddies traveling on the upstream stagnation line are responsible for the effect. The eddies located away from the stagnation line deviate outside the boundary layer (Laneville et al. 1975). From their data, Modi and El Sherbiny (1975) conclude that the effect of small-scale turbulence on a stationary cylinder is equivalent to an increase of the Reynolds Number as expected from an increased mixing. In the case of the low-frequency range (< 0.1 Hz), the turbulence, represented as large-scale eddies, may be considered as a slow variation of the mean wind speed. If this slowly varying wind speed is restricted to fw, a single-turbulence frequency, the periodic wind speed becomes simply: Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration Noiseux et al. (1988). The fluctuations of turbulence are represented as a normal distribution around a selected wind mean speed, and the wind energy input for this selected turbulent wind is then calculated as the weighted sum of several energy inputs in nonturbulent steady wind at the different mean wind speeds within the normal distribution. The intensity of turbulence in this simulation corresponds to the standard deviation of the normal distribution. An analytical approach has been used by Diana et al. (1979) to define reduced wind energy input curves in turbulence conditions (see also Section 2.5.2). The unsteady nature of the atmospheric wind and its interaction with a vibrating conductor are still research subjects to be pursued. 2.3 CONDUCTORS 2.3.1 Introduction V(t) = Vmean + ΔV sin(2fw × t) where ΔV and Vmean are, respectively, the intensity of the wind fluctuation and the mean wind speed. Wind tunnel tests of aeolian vibration using such a wind speed control (Laguë and Laneville 2002) indicate the following: • Most of the characteristics of the aeolian vibration observed in steady wind such as the 2S and 2P modes of vortex shedding are present but slightly modified. Bifurcations are observed. • The steady-state amplitude of vibration is modulated at a frequency fw. • If the fluctuation of wind due to turbulence is small enough to stay in the range of synchronization (or lock-in range) previously defined (from 90 to 130% of the Strouhal velocity), it can affect only in a small amount the maximum amplitude of vibration due to vortex shedding. • If the fluctuation of the wind velocity due to turbulence is large enough for the wind speed to exceed the synchronization range, the maximum amplitude of vibration detected in a constant wind cannot be reached in this case, and as a consequence, the maximum power input for a given Vmean is expected to be lower than that measured at the same constant wind speed. Natural wind includes a combination of eddies, from small to large scales, and one concludes that the effect of the time and space variations of the natural wind on the aeolian vibration of a conductor remains a complex problem. An attempt to simulate statically the effect of turbulence is, nevertheless, proposed by Rawlins (1983, 1998) and The conductor of an overhead power line is considered to be the most important component of the overhead line, since its function is to transfer electric power, and its contribution toward the total cost of the line is significant. Conductor cost (material and installation costs) associated with the capital investment of a new overhead power line can contribute up to 40% of total capital costs of the line. Consequently, much attention has to be given to the selection of a conductor configuration to meet present and predicted future load requirements. Continuous changes in the cost of suitable conductive materials for bare conductors, changes in mechanical requirements, changes in electrical requirements, improvements in manufacturing technology, and a more recent focus on line upgrading and the related increase in mechanical tensions in the conductors have led to dynamic development, resulting in a variety of possible options and applications. The move has been from simple copper wire or copper-based bare conductors in the early days to more cost-effective solutions, such as aluminium and variations of aluminium alloy conductors. This section covers four broad areas related to conductors: the geometric, mechanical, and electrical properties of conductors; inner conductor mechanics and, in particular, the bending stiffness of conductors; conductor self-damping; and suspension hardware. 2.3.2 Types and Basic Properties of Conductors Overhead transmission lines transmit electric power using stranded cables called conductors. In fact, conductors are the only power-carrying component of a transmission line and account for a significant propor2-17 Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition tion of the overall costs of the line, which can be up to 40%. Conductors have to sustain a range of electrical, mechanical, and environmental “loads” over the projected life expectancy of a line, which can be well over 50 years of service. As a result, special attention is given to the selection of their constituent materials and their layout and design. As part of this book’s comprehensive coverage of the effects of conductor vibration, this section summarizes the common types and basic properties of conductors employed today in transmission lines in this chapter (Aluminum Association 1982; Southwire Company 1994). The most widely used form of conductors is that of layers of round wires stranded, first, around a so-called core, which can be of the same material or different, and then around each other. In order to keep the integrity of this construction, the stranding takes place in alternating directions from layer to layer. For aluminum conductors, the usual convention is to wrap the outer layer with a right-hand lay, as opposed to copper conductors, which have a left-hand lay in their outer layer. For conductors with equal-diameter wires, each lay has six wires more than the layer beneath it, which provides, in most of the cases, a good “fit” in every layer (see Figure 2.3-1). However, in order to tailor the conductor for various strength-to-weight ratios, unequal-diameter wires are often used with success. Details of conductor design and fabrication are covered extensively in a recent publication (Rawlins 2005a). Most of the requirements for conductor design come from mechanical constraints. The electrical aspects of conductors are usually limited to current density, electrical resistance, and the associated power loss and voltage gradient, which are solved by adding area and adjusting the outside diameter or using multiconductor bundles on the line. Some overhead conductors are constructed from commercially pure aluminum, known as AA1350-H19 and referred to as All Aluminum Conductor (AAC) or Aluminum Stranded Conductor (ASC). Because of its relative low strength-to-weight ratio (which is the most important mechanical criterion), these types of conductors are suitable for short spans in distribution networks, and for areas where ice and wind Figure 2.3-1 Structure of a typical conductor. 2-18 loads are limited (Figure 2.3-2), as well as for flexible bus bars in substations. For added strength, various aluminum alloys have been developed, and these conductors are referred to as All Aluminum Alloy Conductor (AAAC) or Aluminum Alloy Stranded Conductor (AASC). Early versions of these alloys used magnesium as the main alloying element, which had strain-hardening properties. This produced mechanical characteristics that vary with wire diameters, which is not desirable. For this reason, most alloys used today are of the AA6000 series, which are heat-treatable and more consistent. It should be noted that any improvements in strength are usually to the detriment of conductivity (see Figure 2.3-3). When a better strength-to-weight ratio is desired, a strength member has to be added to the conductor. This can be achieved by adding an aluminum alloy core to the AAC to create an ACAR (Aluminum Conductor Alloy Reinforced), but it is usually done with steel wires (see Figure 2.3-4), which offer much higher strength-toweight ratios than aluminum alloys. Aluminum Conductor Steel Reinforced (ACSR), the most commonly used conductor type, and Aluminum Alloy Conductor Steel Reinforced (AACSR) are variations of the above conductors. In a few special cases—for instance, under Figure 2.3-2 Bare conductors—typical use. Figure 2.3-3 Properties of aluminum and some alloys. EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration extreme corrosive (marine) environments—the use of ACAR eliminates the galvanic reaction that is possible between the steel and the aluminum. Copper conductors may be used because of their superior electrical characteristics, but offer very poor mechanical properties and, therefore, are seldom selected. Figure 2.3-4 Properties of steel. Apart from the “standard” conductor designs, there are also a number of special designs, such as conductors with high steel content for very long spans (river crossings), smooth-body conductors, expanded conductors, etc. (see Figure 2.3-5). One way to improve and tailor conductors to special situations is to shape the aluminum wires. Over the past 30 years, the development of trapezoidal, and more recently Z-shaped, wires has contributed to the improvement of conductor design. These conductors make better use of their space compared to Figure 2.3-5 Cross sections of special conductors. 2-19 Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition round-wire conductors, and are, therefore, called “Compact.” The shape of the wires allows for an infinite number of area and strength-to-weight ratios and also allows them to be used with some alloys. Noteworthy is the Self-Damping Conductor (SDC), which allows much higher conductor tensions without the harmful effect of aeolian vibrations, and which, since the 1970s, has seen significant use in North America (McCulloch et al. 1980). A number of national and international standards exist for these conductors—ASTM in the United States, CSA in Canada, CENELEC, and IEC—all of which regulate the various constructions and properties of these conductors. High-Temperature Conductors The need to transport an ever-increasing amount of electrical power, coupled with the difficulties in obtaining approval for new transmission corridors, has forced utilities to find creative ways to increase the capacity of their lines—through so-called uprating (CIGRE 2004a). One of the solutions has been to increase the operating temperature of the conductors. The benefit of hightemperature operation is the added current-carrying capacity gained by exceeding the traditional thermal limits of conductors. The two main disadvantages of high-temperature operation, ignoring the higher electrical losses, are the loss of strength of the aluminum portion of the conductor (at these temperatures a socalled partial annealing takes place) and the added sag produced at high temperature. Whereas in some areas of the world, and in particular in Japan, this difficulty was avoided by the use of special heat-resistant aluminium alloys, in North America, the solution was found to be the use of an ACSS (Asselin 2002). ACSS (Aluminum Conductor, Steel Supported), formerly known as SSAC (Steel Supported Aluminum Conductor) and patented in 1974, is a composite concentric lay-stranded conductor consisting of a stranded steel core with one or more layers of 1350-0 aluminum wires. This high-temperature conductor constitutes approximately 15% of all the American line installed and is gaining some recognition in Europe. At a glance, there is almost no difference in appearance between an ACSR and an ACSS. They have the same geometry, including the possibility of being compacted. There are, however, important differences in the properties and performance of the two constructions. ACSS can carry a significant increase in current compared with ACSR. They can operate continuously at 200°C (392°F), and up to 250°C (482°F). Since the alu- 2-20 minum wires have been annealed in the factory, there is no concern of the conductor losing strength at high temperature. The annealing process also increases the conductivity of the aluminium, from 61% IACS to typically over 63% IACS. When the ACSS is heated up, the aluminum wires elongate and quickly shift their load onto the steel core. At this point, the conductor essentially behaves as a steel conductor—that is, the thermal elongation and the modulus of elasticity are those of the steel core. When the temperature is brought back down, the aluminum wires have been stretched and will not return to their original length Therefore they will carry a lower load. The low stress in the aluminum wires decreases the effects of aeolian vibrations and increases the selfdamping of the conductor, since their relative looseness can act as an impact damper. This is why it is generally recommended to prestress this conductor. In an ACSS, the minimum elongation of the annealed aluminium wires is approximately 20%. Contrary to an ACSR, where the steel core is limited to its strength at 1% elongation, this property allows the conductor to utilize the steel core at its full strength. This fact makes the use of extra-high-strength steel more attractive. The conductor may have a rated strength almost as high as its equivalent ACSR. Moreover, the high elongation of the aluminum means that the creep properties of the conductor are ruled by the steel core, which usually exhibits very low creep. Like most other conductors, ACSS constructions can be compacted. An ACSS compact can carry approximately 20% more current, due to its increase in area. A multitude of conductors developed in Japan use aluminum zirconium alloys. Many variations have been creat e d t o t a i l o r t h e c o n d u c t o r s t o t h e o p e rat i n g temperature. Some of them incorporate a greased gap between the core and the aluminum layers to allow the components to slide better on one another. In addition, there is a great variety of metallic core materials to further reduce the sag at high temperature (CIGRE 2004a). A small addition of zirconium in aluminum tends to increase its recrystallisation temperature, thus retaining its original strength after an excursion at higher temperature. The maximum attainable temperature depends on the amount of zirconium alloyed in the aluminum. The conductivity of these alloys varies from 55 to 60% IACS, with a strength from 170 up to 250 MPa. Elongation is similar to 1350-H19 wires. The continuous maximum temperature can be in excess of 250°C. EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition These conductors usually replace the traditional steel core of the ACSR with a core made of composite material. One of these products consists of alumina fibers in an aluminium matrix. The strength of this core is comparable to a steel core and has a lot of other useful properties. The alumina fibers have a lower ther mal expansion than aluminum or steel, the core has great resistance to corrosion, exhibits no creep, has no undesirable magnetic properties, and can operate at high temperature. The ampacity gains are estimated at 1.5 to 3.0 times the equivalent ACSR. 2.3.3 Inner Conductor Mechanics “Inner conductor mechanics” refers to the calculation of the stresses and strains in the individual conductor wires because of external loads/deformations of the conductor. Science has not yet created a universally accepted and applicable mechanical model to perform this calculation. Definition of the Problem It is well known—and extensively treated in the other parts of this book—that aeolian vibration leads to conductor fatigue. The fatigue mechanism of vibrating conductors is a complicated chemomechanical process called fretting fatigue (see Chapter 3). Fatigue failures frequently occur at fret locations in the vicinity of the last point of contact between overhead electrical conductors and their supporting suspension clamps. Failures occur as minute cracks resulting from fretting, and cyclic strain variations propagate through individual conductor strands. This process is a highly localized phenomenon, involving complex contact stresses between strands in the vicinity of the clamp. However, conductor strand crack initiation and growth are sensitive to the macro-strain levels maintained at the clamp, and hence fatigue failures are sensitive and closely related to macro-strain levels. Fretting fatigue depends on many factors. These factors shown in Figure 2.3-6 are probably the most important ones, because they greatly influence the stress pattern at the interstrand contacts, where as explained above, fatigue is initiated. Because these interstrand stresses evade measurement, it is useful to assess the factors via suitable conductor models and to understand their dependence on the various conductor design parameters, such as number and size of wires, lay angles, etc.— keeping in mind that models always remain more or less crude approximations of reality. A better understanding of inner conductor mechanics could thus lead to a reasonably accurate prediction of the parameters (a) to (c) in Figure 2.3-6, which in turn may enable a quantitative approach to conductor fatigue. The ultimate vision could be (CEA 1986) to Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration reduce full-size conductor fatigue tests to fatigue tests of individual conductor wires and thus significantly reduce the complexity of the problem. In particular, there is a demand to bridge via adequate modeling of a vibrating conductor, the difference existing today between the industry standard for vibration measurements (see Chapter 3), which is based on bending amplitudes Yb—this being defined as the vibration amplitude peak-to-peak of conductor with respect to clamp measured at a distance of 3.5 in. (89 mm) from the last point of contact of the conductor with the clamp— and the endurance limit of the conductors, which is based on stresses σb or strains εb (see Figure 2.3-7). Progress in inner conductor mechanics could also lead to a better analytical description of conductor selfdamping and of the damping properties and thus the modeling of the dynamic behavior of Stockbridge dampers. a)The macroscopic or bulk stresses (or strains) in the individual wires of the conductor. b)The relative movement dx between the wires. c)The normal forces acting FN between two adjacent wires and the resulting contact stresses at the crossing “points.” Figure 2.3-6 Parameters influencing fatigue at the crossing point of two conductor wires. Figure 2.3-7 Parameters describing vibration near the suspension location. 2-21 Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition Bending Stiffness The bending stiffness of a section, EI, is quantified by the product of its moment of inertia relative to a given axis and by the modulus of elasticity of the material of the section. Applied to a stranded conductor, the bending stiffness is the sum of its components’ stiffness, as shown in Equation 2.3-1. EI C = ∑ ( E i I i ) 2.3-1 where EIC is the flexural stiffness of the conductor, and Ii and Ei are the moment of inertia and Young’s modulus of wire i, respectively. The moment of inertia Ii relative to the neutral axis of the conductor, for each wire is given by: I i = I 0 i + Ai d i 2 2.3-2 Where I0i is the moment of inertia of wire i relative to its own axis, Ai is the area of the wire, and di is the distance from the wire's neutral axis to the conductor's neutral axis. Referring to Figure 2.3-8, di is defined as: d i = rn sin(α i ) 2.3-3 EIc then becomes, EI C = ∑ Ei ( I 0i + Ai rn2 sin 2 (α i )) 2.3-4 This is the exact method of calculating EIC for a given rigid section. This method assumes that all the wires act together as a solid. The value that it yields is the maximum attainable value of stiffness for the conductor, and for this reason, it is usually referred to as EImax. It can be shown (Dane and Hard 1977; Appendix II in Papailiou 1995) that the sum of sin 2 (a i) over all k wires of a layer is numerically equal to ki/2, which makes the calculation of Equation 2.3-4 significantly easier. ignores the factor rnsin(ai) in Equation 2.3-3. The calculation of EIC is given by: EI C = ∑ ( E i I 0i ) 2.3-5 Equation 2.3-5 yields a much lower value for EIC. This is the lowest theoretical value that this factor can attain. For this reason, it is called EImin. “Exact” calculation of the bending stiffness also sometimes includes a factor to take into account the lay angle of the conductor. This results in 5 to 10% lower stiffness values, which is not of great concern in the context of the other uncertainties in determining this parameter, as will be explained in the following. As an example, in Appendix 2.2, both bending stiffness values—i.e., EI min . and EI zp — are calculated for a 795 kcmil Drake ACSR. Calculation of EI for conductors with Z-shaped or trapezoidal wires becomes quite tedious, since the flexural rigidity of each wire assumes a different value depending on its location within the conductor cross section. Values to be used for modulus of elasticity of commonly used conductor metals are given in Table 2.3-1. The Conductor Bending Phenomenon Qualitatively, when a conductor is bent, the movement of its wires is suppressed by the friction forces acting between the wires and mainly between the wires of two adjacent layers. Mechanically, this situation is described in a first approximation by the axial force equilibrium of a differential wire element (see Figure 2.3-9) (Papailiou 1997). Table 2.3-1 Modulus of Elasticity for Various Wire Components Component ASTM Designation IEC Designation E (GPa) Aluminum wires • 1350-H19 • 6201-T81 • A1 • A2, A3 68.9 " 210 " Steel wires • Galvanized Steel • S1, S2 (GA) • High-Strength • S3 Galvanized Steel (HS) Another theoretical value of EIC assumes that all the wires act independently of one another and therefore • 20SA Type A • 20SA type B • Aluminum-Clad Steel • 27SA (AW) Aluminium• 30SA clad steel wires • 40SA Figure 2.3-8 Conductor cross section with parameters for bending stiffness calculation. 2-22 Figure 2.3-9 Axial force equilibrium of a differential (d…) wire element. 162 155 140 132 109 EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration Figure 2.3-10 Calculated bending stiffness EI of ACSR Cardinal as a function of the conductor curvature κ with the tension T as parameter. This way, the wires develop a bending strain as if the conductor were behaving as a solid body with the wires sticking to each other. Above a certain bending conductor curvature (or corresponding conductor deflection), the interlayer friction forces R caused by the interlayer compression forces N, which themselves are caused by the wire tension force Z, are not enough to prevent a relative wire movement dx (see also Figure 2.3-10). In this case, the wires slip relative to each other, and their bending strain (and related stress) develops as though they bend around their own neutral axis. Additionally, they retain the maximum strain (and stress) value just before slip, which is constantly distributed over the wire cross section and causes a secondary tensile stress. It can be shown that slip starts at the neutral axis of the conductor, where the maximum wire displacement also takes place (see also Section 3.2.1 and in particular Figures 3.2-1, 3.2-2, and 3.2-3). This process leads to a variation of the conductor bending stiffness during bending. At small bending amplitudes, the bending stiffness can be calculated as though the wires are “welded” together, and is called EImax (Equation 2.3-4). At large bending amplitudes, the bending stiffness can be calculated as though the wires are completely loose and do not interact with each other. and is called EImin (Equation 2.3-5). In between these two extremes, a more or less smooth transition takes place, as indicated in Figure 2.3-10. It is worth noting that—since the bending stiffness varies with curvature and so along the bent conductor (Figure 2.3-13)—classical Bernoulli-Euler bending theory, which postulates that plane sections remain plain during bending, cannot be applied to the conductor as a whole (although it is still valid for the bending behavior of the individual conductor strands). Calculations of the deflection made by this model compared to experimental measurements showed very good correlation, although the model exhibits a relatively high sensitivity to the coefficient of friction chosen. Also the “stiffening” of the conductor—i.e., the dependence of its flexural stiffness on the applied tensile load—and the hysteresis due to friction losses during a loadingunloading cycle could be demonstrated by this model (Papailiou 1997) (Figure 2.3-11). Dastous (2005) and Hong et al. (2005) have recently further developed this concept. In another recently proposed model (Rawlins 2005), the deflection is treated analytically for a singlelayer cable, showing impressively that the deflection curve near the clamp (fixed end) is in reality a 3-D curve with displacements not only in the bending plane but also—though much smaller—perpendicular to it. The fact that the conductor bending stiffness varies during bending also becomes evident in the nonlinearity of the load-deflection curve of a messenger wire (Figure 2.3-12) and is the base for power dissipation in the messenger wire of the Stockbridge dampers (Sturm 1936; Claren and Diana 1969b; Knapp and Liu 2005). Figure 2.3-11 Schematic of load-deflection diagram of a conductor showing hysteresis. 2-23 Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition because it changes the vibration loop length (see also Chapter 1). Figure 2.3-12 Hysteresis loops obtained at 16 Hz on 19-strand cable with four different values of shaker vibration amplitude. The correct values of cable stiffness for the damper messenger wire can be obtained from the hysteresis loops by tracing a line through the center of the x/y axis at the angle of the loop to the x axis. The stiffness decreases with increasing amplitude of rotation (or displacement) and tends to a constant, as predicted by the model. In the case of dampers, a useful gain can be made from messenger cable stiffness nonlinearity. As a result of a decrease in stiffness with increasing cable deformation due to increased vibration amplitudes, the resonance frequencies of the damper move toward lower frequencies. If the conductor excites the damper at a frequency below its nominal lower resonant frequency, then such a resonance frequency shift improves the damper response and partially mitigates the causes of increased vibration amplitude. Also, the fact that the conductor bending stiffness changes along the vibration loop and most significantly near the suspension clamp (Figure 2.3-13) is to be considered during vibration analysis and assessment Figure 2.3-13 Variation of the bending stiffness near the suspension clamp. 2-24 Hardy and Leblond (2003) also described the bending process from the point of view of contact mechanics. The contact interface between wires of adjacent layers is assumed to be an elliptical region (see Figure 2.3-21). At rest, this area is considered to be “stuck”. As soon as bending is applied to the conductor, there is tangential traction created in the contact interfaces between layers, and a “slip” zone develops on their common periphery. This is where microslippage occurs. As bending increases, so does this elliptical ring, to a point where ultimately there is virtually no “stick” area left. This mechanism explains, among other things, some of the variations found in the measurements of the bending stiffness of a conductor. This conductor model was tested on a 380-A1-37 (Petunia AAC) with average values of EIC of around 60% of EI max (for small values of conductor curvature)—i.e., the conductor in this model is assumed never to reach EImax, irrespective of the amount of bending. There is significant literature on the mechanical modelling of stranded ropes, but only a few papers have been presented, specifically for the bending of overhead line conductors. Cardou and Jolicoeur (1997) and more recently Cardou (2006) have published excellent and extensive reviews on this subject, and the interested reader is referred there for more details. Idealized Dynamic Bending Stresses Because of the complexity of the bending process of a conductor under tension, as described above, a simplified model was developed in 1965 (Poffenberger and Swart 1965), and since then, has been used almost exclusively and extensively in order to calculate “idealized” conductor stresses. These are used as a surrogate or reference stresses, in order to compare the vibration intensity of different conductors as determined by bending amplitude measurements in the field. They thus determine the so-called safe stress limits or fatigue endurance limits (accumulated stress or S/N (Wöhler) curves) (CIGRE WG 22.04 1979c) (also see Section 2.7 and Chapter 3). The Poffenberger-Swart approach assumes that the vibrating conductor near the clamp (where the bending amplitudes measurements are also taken (Figure 2.3-2), acts as a fixed cantilever beam under tension, with an imposed deflection (half the bending amplitude) at the free end. The bending stiffness of this beam is taken as the sum of the bending stiffnesses of the individual wires, EI min , which are considered to be parallel, and EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition with the assumption that the wires are loose with no interstrand friction. Using classic bending theory, it is possible to calculate the deflection curve of the conductor near the fixed end (clamp), its curvature at that location, and the resulting stresses in the wires of the outer layer. The outer layer wires are assumed to bend around their own neutral axes, which are coincident with their centers of gravity. It can be shown that the formula for the wire stress (or strain) obtained this way is a good approximation for the stress obtained if the differential equation of a taut vibrating string with constant bending stiffness is used (see Chapter 3, Appendix 3.1). The so-called Poffenberger-Swart formula ultimately relates (measured) bending amplitudes with (calculated) wire stresses in the outer conductor layer and is derived in Chapter 3. The Poffenberger-Swart formula has been an extremely valuable tool for the assessment of vibration severity of overhead line conductors for more than 40 years. Because of its relatively easy and straightforward application, it has been adopted by most researchers in this field and has become the de facto standard for the calculation of a nominal conductor stress at the outer layer for a given (measured) bending amplitude. Because of this quasi-standardization, its main contribution has been to enable approximate but very important comparative statements to be made on the effects of a certain vibration level on the (mechanical) safety level (limit stress) of a conductor. Since the introduction of this formula, certain reservations have been raised regarding its universal application without considering the approximations underlying Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration its development. Small vibration amplitudes accumulate the highest number of cycles in the field and thus have a significant effect on conductor endurance. Poffenberger and Swart noted that there is significant uncertainty in this region. The main reason for this observation is that, intuitively, the individual strands of the conductor would be expected to stick together at small bending amplitudes. Consequently, the conductor would behave as a solid rod, responding to the bending load with its maximum bending stiffness. Theoretically, this should lead to significantly higher stresses in the wires for small bending amplitudes than those predicted by the Poffenberger Swart formula. With increasing bending amplitudes, more and more wires slip and the conductor bending stiffness comes closer to EImin. In this case, the Poffenberger-Swart formula becomes a good approximation for the wire stresses in the outer layer (see Figure 2.3-14). Various approaches have been taken to overcome this problem, such as using empirical factors for the bending stiffness etc., but none of them achieved wide acceptance. Also, there have been some publications (Claren and Diana 1969a; Ramey and Townsend 1981; CEA 1986) presenting strain measurement results on conductors that do not agree with the Poffenberger-Swart formula. Finally the application of the Poffenberger-Swart formula leads to different so-called safe vibration stress levels (limit stresses) for multilayer and single-layer conductors, respectively, differing by almost a factor of three (8.5 MPa for multilayer vs. 22.5 MPa for singlelayer conductors, see Chapter 3). Figure 2.3-14 Bending strain vs. bending amplitude: comparison between strains measured at the clamp (Est 1, Est 2, and Est15 indicate the location of the strain gauges shown in Figure 2.3-12) and strains calculated by the Poffenberger-Swart formula (PoffenSw) for a Drake conductor at 20% RTS. 2-25 Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition Despite being based on rather crude approximations, there are several reasons why the Poffenberger-Swart formula gives reasonable results when checked in the laboratory by simultaneous bending amplitude/stress measurements (see Figure 2.3-15). 1. The formula was initially, and often subsequently, verified on conductors in commercial or custommade suspension clamps, which clearly strongly deviate from the fixed end assumed by the analytical development of the formula. This means that the measured stress, which is compared with the formula, depends heavily on where the strain gauge is placed laterally with respect to the fixed end for the actual clamp—i.e., the location where the tangent to the deflection curve is horizontal (the first derivative being zero there). Even for small distances x away from that location, the stresses σb decline quasiexponentially with distance, showing values closer to the Poffenberger-Swart formula. 2. The maximum stress in the wires is not necessarily on the wire top where the strain gauges are normally placed. This stress depends not only on the change of magnitude of the strand curvature vector but also on its change of direction. Depending on conductor geometry, this stress is displaced along the conductor and the wire perimeter—i.e., measured values tend to be smaller than the actual maximum wire stress val- ues, thus coming closer to stresses calculated with the Poffenberger-Swart formula. 3. Laboratory spans are short compared to field spans, and the tensile stresses before bending in the individual wires tend to differ from each other considerably, although the sum of these stresses over the conductor cross section equate to the external tensile load. Since the bending stresses depend on the tensile stresses, it is probable that the measured stress show much lower values in some wires—i.e., closer to the PoffenbergerSwart formula than expected by the stick-slip model. It is worth noting that the above statements are not to be understood as a criticism to the Poffenberger-Swart formula, the value of which cannot be overemphasized, but as an indication of the complexity of the matter, the limits of the simple conductor model, and possibly also areas of future research. 2.3.4 Stress Distribution in the Conductor Wires The tensile loads and the tensile stresses acting on the individual wires of a conductor are often important to know. For monometallic conductors, these stresses are calculated in a first approximation by dividing the conductor tension T by the total metallic area of the conductor (this being the sum of the areas of the conductor wires). For bimetallic conductors, they are calculated under the assumption of constant strain for all conductor wires. Neglecting the influence of the helical shape of the wire, which has a small effect on the stress distribution, the following formulas apply: σ Al = E Al T E Al AAl + E St ASt 2.3-6 for the aluminum wire stress σAl, and: σ St = E St T E Al AAl + E St ASt 2.3-7 for the steel wire stress σSt, with T the conductor tension, and ΑAl and ΑSt the cross sections of aluminum and steel, respectively. Equation 2.3-6 can be simplified, taking advantage of the fact that in SI units, the modulus of elasticity of steel E St equals approximately three times the modulus of elasticity of aluminum EAl, i.e.: Figure 2.3-15 Sources of possible errors when checking the Poffenberger-Swart formula. 2-26 σ Al = T AAl + 3 ASt and σ St = 3 σ Al 2.3-8 EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition Evidently these simple formulae do not cover many important factors in the stress distribution/redistribution in the wires, such as the different behavior between the core strands and the enveloping strands in the creep, thermal expansion, and material nonlinearities, etc. When these issues have to be considered, the use of dedicated software is recommended. 2.3.5 Temperature and Creep Effects Conductor length in a given span varies when the temperature or the external loads vary, and this variation in conductor length also implies a variation in conductor tension, which has to be taken into account, given the predominant role that conductor tension plays in vibration issues (see Sections 2.3.6 and 2.6). With the socalled state change equation (for details see Kiessling et al. 2003), it is possible that, if the conditions are known (tension of conductor or sag) in one state (defined by a certain temperature), then the conditions of the conductor at any other state (temperature) can be calculated. Special attention is drawn here to the situation of a temperature drop (e.g., in a cold winter night) in relative short spans. In this case, the state change equation leads to a considerable increase in tension in the conductor, which can have detrimental effects on its vibration behavior. This is demonstrated in Figure 2.3-16 for a Drake conductor with a span length of 200 m. For the short span, the tension in the conductor increases by 50% (from 31 to 42 kN) by a temperature drop from to +10 to -20°C. A further issue is related to temperature variations in composite (mainly ACSR) conductors. As the thermal expansion coefficients of steel and aluminum are different (aluminum is twice that of steel), there is a load shift taking place between aluminum and steel, and this is Figure 2.3-16 Tension over ambient temperature in a 200 m for 795 kcmil Drake ACSR. Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration dependent on the temperature. For a temperature increase, the load shifts from aluminum to steel, and the opposite is true for a temperature decrease. In this case, the aluminum strands of the conductor have to carry an extra load (see Figure 2.3-17) (Ziebs 1970). This can be critical in the winter period, where this unfavorable characteristic coincides with the highest tension in the conductor (Figure 2.3-16) and is important for vibration assessment. Creep When a material is subjected to a mechanical stress over an extended period of time, a permanent change occurs in its internal molecular structure. As a direct consequence of this, conductors experience permanent elongation under tension, even if the tension level does not exceed “everyday” levels. This permanent elongation caused by everyday tension levels is called “creep.” Creep can be determined by long-term laboratory tests, which are used to generate creep versus time curves (CIGRE 22.05 1972, 1981; IEC 1995). Creep in aluminum conductors is quite predictable as a function of time and obeys a simple exponential relationship. Creep of steel strands is much less significant and is normally neglected. Due to this fact, creep in the aluminum strands reduces their tensile load and increases the load in the steel core strands. This load shift depends also on the ratio of aluminum to steel (Figure 2.3-18) (Ziebs 1970; CIGRE WG 22.04 1979c). Although there cannot be any load shift but only creepinduced stress relaxation in monometallic conductors like AAAC, this phenomenon is of great advantage for bimetallic conductors in a vibration regime. By reducing Figure 2.3-17 Significant load increase at low temperatures in the aluminum wires of ACSR Drake strung at 20% RTS. 2-27 Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition Figure 2.3-18 Load shift (given as a difference in stress Δσal due to creep in the aluminum wires of ACSR conductors with a constant load of 25% RTS at a temperature of 20°C over time and over aluminium to steel ratio AAl/ASt). the static loads in the aluminum strands, higher vibratory bending stresses may be sustained. At the same time, smaller tensile loads in the aluminum strands facilitate strand movement and result in increased selfdamping because of frictional losses. This and other related issues are covered in Section 2.3.6. 2.3.6 Conductor Self-Damping Conductor self-damping describes a physical characteristic of the conductor that defines its capacity to dissipate energy internally while vibrating. For conventional stranded conductors, energy dissipation is due to structural causes—i.e., reciprocating frictional micro-slip within the multitude of tiny contact patches between overlapping individual wires, as the conductor flexes with the vibration wave shape. This characteristic is important because it governs the response of the otherwise undamped conductor to vortex-induced excitation (aeolian vibrations) over much of the frequency range of interest. It, therefore, determines the range of frequencies where vibration dampers may be needed. Methods for measuring conductor flexural self-damping have been specified in an IEEE Standard, which came into force in 1978: Standard 563-1978 “IEEE Guide on Conductor Self-Damping Measurements” (IEEE 1978) and is practically identical to CIGRE 1979. To some extent, all conductors are able to dissipate a portion of the mechanical energy received from the wind. A single strand of a wire, rod, or tube possesses a small amount of self-dissipation in the form of material damping, which exists as frictional dissipation at a molecular level. This type of self-damping is normally quite low, so vibration problems may be readily anticipated on single-strand systems. With stranded conductors, the damping is considerably greater, since the losses induced by relative motion between strands are added to the material damping. 2-28 Conductor self-damping is nonlinear, appearing as a curve if dissipated power or energy is plotted against resulting conductor strain or amplitude. Plotting of these relationships on log-log paper usually results in a fairly straight line for tests run at a given frequency. If tests are made at various frequencies on a particular conductor at a fixed tension, a series of parallel straight lines is normally observed, each line representing a result from a particular frequency (see Figure 2.3-19). Effect of Tension It may be seen from Figure 2.3-20 that when tension is increased, the self-damping is decreased, and consequently the vibration amplitude is increased, especially for high frequencies, where the difference in self-damping for different tensions is pronounced. It is important to note that the vibration levels would be different were other materials of different strength, such as aluminum alloys and high-strength steel, substituted Figure 2.3-19 Power dissipation characteristics (Power dissipated per unit length) of a Drake conductor tensioned at 28,500 N (20% RTS) versus (antinode amplitude/conductor diameter). EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition for the aluminum or steel of ACSR 564/72, the conductor that is represented in Figure 2.3-20. This point is important, because as discussed in Section 2.6, it has sometimes been assumed that conductors strung at equal percentages of their strength would experience the same level of vibration and would be equally susceptible to aeolian vibration damage. The assumption is reliable for practical purposes within narrow classes of conductor type and size, but certainly not between classes of conductors as dissimilar as ACSR, aluminum alloy conductors, or steel ground wires. For example, serious operational problems have resulted by assuming that EDS limits established for multilayer ACSR conductors could be used with aluminum alloy conductors. The experimental data now available indicate that the self-damping properties are different at the same tension expressed as a percent of rated strength. In addition, the resistance to fatigue damage is different for the two conductor types (see Chapter 3). Dissipation Mechanism Energy in a vibrating conductor is dissipated through friction due to the relative motion of the wires (see Figure 2.3-1). A simple formula to estimate the bending amplitude for which this so-called macroslip starts is given in the discussion by Papailiou (2000) relating to the paper by Diana et al. (2000). It is less evident, however, that energy would still be dissipated at the wirecore interface without any gross slipping over any segment taking place, as described in Section 2.3.3. In practice, examination of conductors from the field and from laboratory fatigue tests does not show the fretting that testifies to gross sliding, except near clamps. Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration This phenomenon is explained by considering that the “points” of contact between two wires are actually elliptically shaped areas (Figure 2.3-21) (Hardy et al. 1999). The capacity of these mating surfaces to drive the wire into a uniform displacement across the contact strip grows from zero on each side of the strip to a maximum at the strip center-line. This means that some slip, called microslip, occurs on each side of the contact strip as soon as some friction forces appear at the contact interface, which causes the energy dissipation leading to selfdamping. As the friction forces grow, the “slip” region also grows, while the inner”stick” region narrows down. It is worth noting that almost all self-damping in a vibrating conductor is associated with the energy dissipation mechanism, as described above, between the wires of the outer layer and the so-called penultimate layer just below it. Measurement of Conductor Self-damping and Associated Problems Conductor self-damping is generally measured in a laboratory test span, as sketched in Figure 2.3-22. The experimental methods described below are also used for the laboratory testing of damping hardware (see Section 2.4). The test span comprises two massive blocks, 30 to 90 m (98 to 295 ft) apart, onto which the conductor to be tested is strung to the required tension and held rigidly. The conductor is then excited at a sequence of resonance frequencies at controlled antinode amplitude by means of an electromagnetic shaker (IEEE 1978). More Figure 2.3-21 Elliptical interface between adjacent layers. Figure 2.3-20 Self-damping of ACSR 564/72 over the frequency for various conductor tensions at a free span angle (for a definition, see Section 3.2, Equation 3.2-6.) of 10 min. (Kiessling et al. 2003). Figure 2.3-22 Test span arrangement for self-damping measurements. 2-29 Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition details on the test arrangement and the measurement procedure are also given in Section 2.4. Several problems exist in dealing with a test program intended to provide data on the self-damping of a particular conductor. Self-damping is influenced by conductor tension, so that tests are necessary at various conductor tensions. It is necessary to be certain that losses assigned to the conductor were not due to other sources. Loss of energy through end fixtures or support hardware must be either reduced to a minimum or properly accounted for in the measurement system. In the artificial excitation of the indoor test span by means of an attached vibration drive system, the vibration exciter becomes a part of the system being measured. If the mass of the moving system within the shaker is high, conductor distortion is induced in that portion of the span where the shaker is attached. Springs or soft couplings are sometimes used to overcome this effect or to allow greater motion at the drive point than the shaker is capable of generating. Apart from the main energy loss due to the cable transversal motion, some other phenomena take place in the experimental span, also giving energy losses; these extraneous effects must be carefully evaluated and or eliminated. Energy dissipation is mainly due to: • Cable clamping system at the span ends • Local deformation induced by the device used to force it to vibrate • Cable motion in the air (aerodynamic drag) • Torsional and other transversal motion; the mode of cable vibration should be examined to ensure the absence of this kind of motion. In an actual span, the contribution to the overall energy dissipation given by the span ends is less significant than in a laboratory testing span due to the reduced length of an experimental span with respect to actual spans. Finally, taking account of the aerodynamic dissipation depends on the methods used to calculate the energy introduced in the line by the wind. Also proper conductor conditioning is an important prerequisite for repeatable test results, itself a formidable task. Any excessive looseness in the aluminum layers should be eliminated from the conductor by artificial aging—i.e., by prestressing it at the highest tension at which the tests are to be made for a minimum of 2 hours and, preferably, overnight. The terminations should be pressed onto the conductor from the span end, in order to prevent looseness from being introduced back into the test length by this very action. 2-30 The methods to measure the self-damping of cables are essentially two: the Power method (PM) and the Inverse Standing Wave Ratio method (ISWR). As these methods are widely described in IEEE (1978) and CIGRE (1979a), only a brief summary is given here. Power Method (PM) The cable is tensioned on the experimental span and is forced to vibrate at one of its resonant frequencies, with both amplitude and frequency being controlled by means of an electrodynamic shaker. When a stationary condition is reached, the energy introduced by the shaker to the span is equal to that dissipated by the span over one cycle of vibration. The energy introduced in the cable—and largely dissipated by its self-damping mechanism—is calculated by measuring the force F developed between the cable and the shaker and the displacement of the forcing point μF. The result is then given by the formula: Eintroduced = Ediss = π F μ F sin(φ ) 2.3-9 where φ is the phase between force F and displacement μF. The power dissipated per unit length (Pdiss) by the cable is then given by: Pdiss = Ediss f /L, where f is the excited natural frequency and L is the laboratory span length. The non-dimensional damping coefficient, ζ, which is another way of expressing conductor self-damping, can be calculated by dividing the energy dissipated by the cable Ediss by the maximum kinetic energy of the cable Ek,max , according to the following relationship (Ginocchio et al, 1998): ζ = 1 Ediss 4π Ek ,max 2.3-10 being the maximum kinetic energy of the cable given by the formula (L =span length, ω = circular natural frequency = 2πf, A = antinode vibration amplitude, m L conductor mass per unit length): Ek ,max = 1 mL Lω 2 A2 4 2.3-11 While the application of this method is quite simple since it requires a limited number of measurements, all the external dissipation is part of the total calculation of the cable self–damping, and special care must, therefore, be devoted to reducing all these external loss sources. For instance, in a laboratory span, it is comparatively easy to determine the total amount of vibration energy EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition dissipation in the span, because it is equal to the total amount of energy introduced into the system. This would be quite sufficient for determining the selfdamping of the conductor if all the loops of the span had equal energy dissipation. Unfortunately, the loops at the ends of the span and at both sides of the shaker behave quite differently from the rest of the span, having an energy dissipation that can be much higher than that of all of the rest of the span. As the energy dissipation of the conductor is, to a first approximation, proportional to the square of the curvature, it is easy to explain the large dissipation of energy near the end of the span. Therefore, in order to provide correct self-damping data, it is absolutely necessary to separate the endpoint damping from the free span self-damping. Also, the largest error in the free span damping occurs at the lowest measured frequencies, because of the difficulty in separating the free span damping from the much larger endpoint losses. The end loop problem can be avoided by mounting the span termination on a wide, flat bar of sufficient strength to accommodate the span tension but also flexible enough in the vertical direction to allow it to bend readily. This procedure has the undesirable effect, though, of including the end termination in the test span. Inverse Standing Wave Ratio Method (ISWR) Another measurement method resulting from the work of Tompkins et al. (1956) is based on the measurement of nodal and antinodal amplitudes along the test span. To understand the principle involved, it is necessary to trace the waves leaving the vibration shaker as they are reflected at the span ends. The shaker is assumed to be attached near one of the span terminations. Impulses induced by the shaker travel to the far end of the span to return as reflected waves. If no losses are present in the system, the incident and reflected waves are equal. Perfect nodes are formed where the two waves meet and pass. That is, zero motion exists at the nodes. The antinodes have an amplitude equal to the sum of the incident and reflected waves. If losses are present in the system, however, motion appears at the nodes. The amplitude of this motion is the difference between the incident and the reflected waves. The ratio between nodal amplitude and antinodal amplitude is indicative of the dissipation within the system. Where low span losses are present, the very fine measurements necessary for determining nodal amplitude can pose a problem. From an electromechanical analogy—but also a mechanical reformulation of the problem is possible (Tompkins et al. 1956)—the mechanical power Pi flowing in one section of the cable is given by: V2 Pi = S i Tm 2 2.3-12 Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration with: V =ω A Si = ai A (inverse standing wave ratio - ISWR) where ai is the amplitude of vibration in a node and A that of an antinode. The power dissipated between the node j and the node k will be: P = Pk – Pj 2.3-13 And the power dissipated per length unit will be: Pdiss = Pk − Pj nv 2.3-14 λ 2 where nv is the number of nodes between k and j, and λ is the wave length. Considering the kinetic energy of the portion of cable between the two nodes: Ek ,max = 1 2 2 mL 1 Aω 2 4 f T nv mL 2.3-15 the value of the nondimensional self-damping coefficient ζ is given by: ζ = Sk − S j π nv 2.3-16 The advantage of this method is that the measured dissipation relates to the considered portion of cable only; therefore, the estimated self-damping value is not affected by the above-mentioned factors (that is, span ends and shaker-cable link). The main problems that the method presents are the correct estimation of the node positions and the measurement of the node amplitude of vibration, which is a very small value on the order of a few micrometers, since as happens with small quantities; an error in the antinode vibration amplitude significantly changes the self-damping estimation. Decay Method Application of the vibration decay test to transmission line conductors provides a simple method of evaluating conductor self-damping in laboratory spans (Hard and 2-31 Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition Holben 1967). This method, if correctly employed, can give a first approximation of the value of the self-damping at all amplitudes in one trial—i.e., it is very quick and easy, requiring in its simplest form just one vibration transducer measuring the decay after the exciter (Diana et al. 1986). The cable is forced to vibrate at one of its natural frequencies, and then the exciter is stopped. The rate of decay is a function of the system losses. If a lightly-damped system (ζ<<1) is left free to vibrate from a forced resonance condition, it undergoes a transient decay of motion that looks like Figure 2.3-23. In highly damped spans, the decay is reported by some authors in the form of a step curve (Slethei and Huse 1965). This is probably due, as observed by the authors themselves, to the transient induced by the exciting force disconnection. A method to avoid this problem is to provide an elastic link between the cable and the exciter. This should be soft enough to dynamically uncouple the cable from the forcing device. Considering two successive peaks (Figure 2.3-23) and the log-decrement δ as: ⎛ ⎞ e −ζω0t X cos(ωt + φ ) ⎛ Xi ⎞ δ = ln ⎜ ⎟ ⎟ = ln ⎜⎜ −ζω0t +T X cos(ω (t + T ) + φ ) ⎟⎠ ⎝ X i +1 ⎠ ⎝e 2.3-17 simplifying: δ = ln ( eζ ω T ) = ζω0T 0 2.3-18 if ζ<<1, as in the case of cables, we can consider T as a function of ω0—i.e.: T = 2π/ω0 giving: ζ = δ 2π The ideal mode of excitation places the shaker within the end loop of the span. Although the shaker need not be at an antinode, it will show significant motion, and the shaker force will be at a relatively low value. The frequency of this type of excitation is slightly lower than the frequency observed for the nodal-type drive. Release Figure 2.3-23 A decay trace. 2-32 of the shaker creates little or no disturbance of the decay pattern. Ideal decay records show an essentially exponential decay, which can be transformed electronically into straight-line recordings through the use of logarithmic converters. In some cases, a transfer of energy may occur between the horizontal and vertical response of the span, although the initial conditions imposed vertical excitation. When this happens, erratic recordings may be observed. Normally, these occur at certain frequencies that are not prevalent enough to influence the entire program, and these frequencies can be avoided. Another possibility is the use of paired vertical and horizontal transducers connected to a vector-resolving circuit. This procedure properly accounts for both vertical and horizontal span losses, but is not generally necessary in most test programs. The main concern that this method presents is that, when the exciter is stopped, it becomes an unwanted loss source if it is not separated from the cable itself. With proper precautions, the shaker can be disconnected without inducing an unwanted impulse into the system. The primary means of avoiding this comes from the observation that for nearly the same frequency, two conditions of drive may exist. The one to be avoided is the nodal drive, in which very small motion exists at the shaker under conditions of high force input. If the shaker is located near one of the span terminations, the short section of conductor between the shaker and the termination is practically motionless, and the span acts as if the shaker were a termination. When the shaker is released, a shift to the true span termination takes place. This induces a traveling wave, which upsets the decay measurements, producing a response of the type reported by some authors (Slethei and Huse 1965). One method of disconnecting the shaker is shown in Figure 2.3-24. The shaker is coupled to the span through a link mechanism that is held shut by a length Figure 2.3-24 Fuse wire system disconnecting a shaker from a test span; this double exposure shows the mechanism both closed and open. EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition of fuse wire. Opening of the link is accomplished by blowing the fuse. To improve the results, it is possible to calculate the energy transferred from the cable to the shaker during the decay with the same setup already described for the power method. However this shaker loss is usually one order of magnitude less than that of the cable. It is, therefore, possible to remove the cable self-damping from the total dissipation, but the end losses are still included in the measurement. Measurement Results Data measured in the laboratory span are generally expressed empirically through a power law: Pdiss = P Al f m =k n L T Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration above empirical rule, self-damping determined in short laboratory spans could be extrapolated to actual much longer spans. IEEE (1978) and CIGRE (1979a) standards recommend that the measurement results be presented in diagrams as illustrated in Figure 2.3-19, showing the power dissipated per unit conductor length, as a function of the ratio of the antinode displacement amplitude to conductor diameter for each loop length and corresponding frequency and tensile load T. Table 2.3-2 from CIGRE 22.11 TF1 (1998) summarizes the exponents obtained by a number of investigators for Equation 2.3-19, together with the method of measurement used, the test span length, span end conditions, and number of conductors and tensions tested. 2.3-19 in which P/L describes the power per unit length dissipated by the conductor, k is a factor of proportionality, A is the antinode displacement of vibration, f is the frequency of vibration, while l, m, and n are the amplitude, frequency, and tension exponent, respectively. Using the The power method for conductor self-damping measurements on laboratory test spans with rigidly fixed extremities produces empirical rules with an amplitude exponent close to 2.0 and a frequency exponent close to 4.0—in comparison to about 2.4 to 2.5 and 5.5, respectively, for the ISWR method and PT method with pivoted extremities. Table 2.3-2 Comparison of Conductor Self-damping Empirical Parameters Investigations End Cond. Span length (m) n° cables x tensions ISWR N.A. 36 1x2 PT M.B. 46 3x3 ISWR N.A. 36 1x8 ISWR N.A. 36 1x1 PT M.B. 46 1x1 l m n Method Tompkings et al. (1956) 2.3-2.6 5.0-6.0 1.9 (1) Claren & Diana (1969b) 2.0 4.0 2.5;3.0;1.5 Seppä (1971), Noiseux (1991) 2.5 5.75 2.8 Rawlings (1983) 2.2 5.4 Lab. A (CIGRE 22.01 1989) 2.0 4.0 Lab. B (CIGRE 22.01 1989) 2.3 5.2 PT P.E. 30 1x1 Lab. C (CIGRE 22.01 1989) 2.44 5.5 ISWR N.A. 36 1x1 Kraus & Hagedorn (1991) 2.47 5.38 2.80 PT P.E. 30 1x? Noiseux (1991) (2) 2.44 5.63 2.76 ISWR N.A. 63 7x4 Tavano (1988) 1.9-2.3 3.8-4.2 PT M.B. 92 4x1 Möcks & Schmidt (1989) 2.45 5.38 2.4 PT P.E. 30 16 x 3 Mech.Lab Politecnico di Milano (2000) 2.43 5.5 2 ISWR P.E. 46 4x2 ISWR: Inverse Standing Wave Method PT: Power Method N.A.: Non applicable M.B.: Massive block P.E.: Pivoted Extremity (1): extrapolated (2): Data corrected for aerodynamic damping 2-33 Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition Such differences in the above exponent values, together with those in the k factor of proportionality, may lead to large differences in the predicted self-damping values. Figure 2.3-25 shows different types of suspension clamps. Figure 2.3-26 shows a special clamp for a long river crossing. It thus appears that the major disparities among conductor self-damping values reported by different laboratories are mainly related to end effects. Therefore, the use of the Power Method for conductor self-damping measurement on laboratory test spans with rigidly fixed extremities is of questionable accuracy. The use of pivoted extremities is suggested whenever this method is used. Because practically 99% of vibration failures take place very near to, or at, the clamp location, clamp design is of great importance for the mechanical integrity of the conductor and thus for the operational safety of a line. Nevertheless the conductor-clamp combination is not susceptible to a quantitative approach, and so there are more practical engineering design rules, which have evolved from experience over the years for a good, practical clamp design (CIGRE 22.11 TF3 1989b). These rules are summarized below, with particular emphasis on the influence of clamps on the stress and strains of the conductors. The influence of the clamps on the fatigue performance of the conductors is discussed in Chapter 3. Finally, Appendix 2.3 (Tavano et al. 1994) gives details of various self-damping measurements of several conductors and OPGWs originating from five different laboratories and carefully collected by the CIGRE 22.11 TF1 in 1994. Self-damping data have always been regarded as difficult to measure and obtain. So, in case no experimental data are available, a possible alternative is to use the approach developed by Noiseux (1992) based on the socalled similarity laws for the internal damping of stranded cables in transverse vibrations. These laws are derived from the assumption of an hysteretic loss factor associated with the flexural rigidity of the conductor (see also Figure 2.3-32) and the assumption that this loss factor is the same for all conductors of the same construction. Noiseux’s findings can be brought in the form of Equation 2.3-20: P = D 4σ Al−2.76 A2.44 f 5.63 L Body and Keeper Profile Theoretically, the profile of the body should follow the natural curvature of the conductor and should not reduce the breaking strength of the conductor. However, since there are different load assumptions, it is not possible to satisfy this theoretical requirement under maximum, minimum, and average turning angles. An optimum profile design of the body and keeper must be found for the different load assumptions and the con- 2.3-20 with D the overall conductor diameter in mm and sAl. the stress in the aluminium wires in N/m2 (see Equation 2.38). 2.3.7 The Suspension Suspension clamps, which are used to suspend the conductors from a suspension tower, have to fulfil a number of duties: Figure 2.3-25 Different types of suspension clamps. • Withstand the mechanical loads imposed by the conductor • Avoid damage to the conductor in the clamp area • Prevent/reduce strand failures because of vibration as much as possible • Offer high corrosion resistance • Provide sufficient corona inception voltage as specified for the respective voltage level of the line • Withstand short circuits, and have low contact resistance and low electrical losses • Allow simple and safe erection 2-34 Figure 2.3-26 Special river crossing clamp made from hard-drawn aluminium alloy material; minimum breaking strength of the clamp: 400 kN. EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition tact length of the suspension clamp. The profile of the body must also cope with asymmetrical adjacent spans— i.e., with different sag angles on each side of the clamp. The manufacturer should explain which criteria have been take into account for the optimization of the shape—for instance, which tests or what type of calculations. The main profile of the body must be rounded and curved into a bell mouth at the ends in order to avoid damage to the conductor in the case of exceptional overloads (see Figure 2.3-25). This consideration should also be applied to the keeper design when conductor uplift is assumed. Because armor rods increase the stiffness of the conductor, they also decrease its bending in the clamp. Mobility A suspension clamp should be able to rotate in a longitudinal vertical plane in order to accommodate asymmetrical loads and different spans on each side of the clamp. The amount of rotation required at the pivot point is generally much greater for earth wires than for phase conductors because of the short link in the support assembly of the former. It is generally believed that the axis of rotation should not be more than a few conductor diameters from the conductor axis. In the case of a slip clamp, the rotational axis of the clamp should correspond as nearly as possible to the longitudinal axis of the conductor—i.e., the moment of inertia related to the rotational axis is minimized in order to reduce dynamic stresses. Keeping the clamp mass low is an advantage; however, the contact area and contact pressure between conductor and clamp must withstand high current flows during flashovers—i.e., in these cases, the suspension clamp has to act as a current-carrying clamp. This requirement may contradict the requirements for good vibration behavior of the clamp, as will be explained later. As is usual in these cases, the design is ultimately a compromise. Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration rods, strains on the order of 500-1000 microstrain have been measured on the aluminum strands with application of the clamp. Because of the many variables that enter into the clamping procedure, the strains from this source cannot be accurately predicted. Strains induced in the aluminum stranding through tensile loading of the conductor can be calculated with reasonable accuracy. In actual conductors, some inequality of strand loading may exist. Long-term static creep tends, in time, to reduce the inequalities. With a short laboratory specimen of conductor, uneven strand loading is probably a greater problem than it is in the field. Laboratory measurements are often made at a suspension, which, of necessity, is close to a conductor termination. Small amounts of bird-caging or uneven strand gripping by the termination cause measurement problems that are less likely to occur in the field, where the suspension clamp is normally separated from a splice or termination by a considerable distance. Fatigue failures frequently occur at fret locations in the vicinity of the last point of contact between overhead electrical conductors and their supporting suspension clamps. Failures occur as minute cracks resulting from fretting, and cyclic strain variations propagate through individual conductor strands. This process is a highly localized phenomenon, involving complex contact stresses between strands in the vicinity of the clamp. However, conductor strand crack initiation and growth are sensitive to the macro strain levels maintained at the clamp, and hence fatigue failures are sensitive and closely related to macro strain levels. Bearing strains are highly localized strains that help to create an adverse strain environment for the conductor at the suspension clamp locations. They are due to the combined effects of conductor tension/sag angle and clamp keeper pressure resulting from torque applied to the clamp keeper bolts. Accumulation of Stresses at the Suspension The highest static and dynamic loading of a conductor span is normally near its suspensions, Figure 2.3-27. If fatigue takes place, it is usually in this locality (Möcks and Swart 1969; see also Chapter 3.). Three primary sources account for the static stresses. These are clamping (σD), stringing (σZ), and bending (σb and σbw). Few experimental data are available on the conductor stresses induced by application of the suspension clamp (Mehta 1968). It is known that with a high torque on the U-bolts, the yield point of the strands can be exceeded on a bare conductor. Even under armor Figure 2.3-27 Stress situation in a conductor at hardware locations. σz tensile stress, σb static bending stress, σD compressive stress, σbW dynamic bending stress. 2-35 Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition Accurate quantitative assessments of strand strains induced by the bearing forces are not possible; however, it is apparent from observations of tested conductors that significant plastic bearing deformations take place adjacent to the keeper, thus indicating high levels of bearing strains at that location (Ramey and Townsend 1981). Qualitatively, the bearing strains are reduced as the conductor support area increases. Also, the closeness of fit between the conductor and clamp affects the level of conductor-bearing strains at the clamp supports. A close fit, or good geometric compatibility, between the clamp and keeper cross section and the conductor cross section minimizes conductor-bearing strains and deformations at the clamp and should, therefore, enhance conductor fatigue performance. The higher interstrand pressure in the inner strands explains why there are a relatively large number of failures of the conductor inner strands in comparison to the outer ones. Experimental Analysis To better understand the effects of clamp geometry and line parameters on conductor strain levels and fatigue performances, an experimental investigation was undertaken (Ramey and Townsend 1981). The tests used a Drake ACSR conductor, which is a multilayered conductor, consisting of two aluminum layers helically wrapped around a steel core composed of seven strands of steel. A brief summary of the results is presented below, with main emphasis on the clamp influence on the conductor strains. monitored to obtain a range and mean of strand strain levels. Effect of Clamp Curvature on Strain Results of the effects of sag angle and line tension on strain levels in the conductor are graphically illustrated in Figure 2.3-29. For each clamp geometry, the general form of the curves is the same for a given tensile load applied to the conductor. The smaller radius clamp exhibits a strain response that is directly proportional to increasing sag angle for a given tension. The larger radius clamps, however, show a softened strain response as the sag angle increases. The softened response continued until the strain values levelled off. This response can be attributed to the fact that the last point of contact between the clamp support and the conductor moves further from the center of the clamp with increasing sag angle. This implies a larger available support area for the conductor with the larger radius clamps. It also indicates that the curvature and, therefore, the bending moment, remains constant at the clamp after a critical sag angle value is reached. Effect of Clamp “Fit” on Strain The effects of clamp groove depth and “fit” on conductor strand strains at different sag angles and tension lev- A set of generic clamps was developed for the testing, Figure 2.3-28. The geometric parameters that were varied in the testing were the longitudinal radius of curvature and the cross-sectional radius or “fit”. Three variations in the longitudinal radius of curvature were incorporated and are referred to as short, medium, and long radius clamps, corresponding to clamp inserts of 15.2-cm (6-in.), 30.5-cm (12-in.), and 61.0-cm (24-in.) longitudinal radii, respectively. Two variations in the cross-sectional “fit” were considered and are classified as either a deepgrooved or shallow-grooved clamp and keeper assembly. The deep-grooved clamp cross section conformed more closely to the actual conductor cross section than did the shallow-grooved clamp cross section. Although commercially available clamps were not used, the generic clamps developed for the testing program had similar geometries to these. Static Testing The static test series involved determining conductor strain levels at the mouth of the various generic clamps. In each static test, four outer-layer strands were straingauged near the support clamp, and these gauges were 2-36 Figure 2.3-28 Line drawings of suspension clamps tested. (a) short radius, deep groove; (b) medium radius, shallow groove; (c) medium radius, deep groove; (d) long radius, deep groove. EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition els are shown in Figure 2.3-30. The data shown is for a clamp with 30.5-cm (12 in.) longitudinal radius and with deep and shallow groove depths as described earlier. From Figure 2.3-30, it is evident that at the higher sag angles, the strain levels associated with the shallowgrooved clamp are higher than the corresponding strain levels in the deep-grooved clamp. In general, this would be expected due to a reduced supporting area being available in the shallow groove, thus resulting in higher localized bearing strains. Also, the shallow-grooved clamp results in greater conductor cross-section “squashing,” with a resulting increase in strand-bending strains. Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration dynamic bending-strain amplitude varies inversely with the clamp radius of curvature. Fatigue Testing Each conductor specimen was subject to approximately 8.2 million cycles of vibration at a constant mid-loop amplitude of 17.8 mm (0.7 in.). At the end of each fatigue test, the conductor was opened and visually inspected for strand breaks. Strand break results for each of the three longitudinal radii of curvature clamps Dynamic Testing The dynamic test series involved resonant vibration testing on approximately 10.67-m (35-ft) long conductor specimens. Effect of Clamp Curvature on Strain Dynamic bending strains induced in the top strands of the Drake ACSR conductor were measured with strain gauges positioned identically to those in the static tests. Maximum and average dynamic bending strains are shown in Figure 2.3-31 for the three clamp radii of curvatures tested. From this figure, it is evident that the Figure 2.3-30 Strain level versus sag angle at various tension levels for two different “groovefits” for a 12-in. radius clamp. Figure 2.3-29 Strain level versus sag angle at various tension levels for various radius clamps. Figure 2.3-31 Dynamic strain amplitude versus clamp radius. 2-37 Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition are summarized in Figure 2.3-32. As is evident in the figure, the fatigue damage increased as the radius of curvature decreased. The effect of clamp groove depth on fatigue performance is summarized in Figure 2.3-33. When looking at the maximum number of strand failures, it appears that the deep groove clamp provides a slightly superior fatigue resistance performance. However, when considering the average number of strand breaks, there is no difference in fatigue performance of the deep and shallow grooved lamp. This result is consistent with the measured strain data in that the shallow-grooved clamp yielded the larger static strains but not the smaller dynamic strains. It appears that these two opposite effects may have cancelled each other and resulted in the same fatigue performance. The influence of the suspension clamp properties on the fatigue endurance of the conductor is covered in more detail in Chapter 3. Armor Rods Armor rods were the first effective means for preventing fatigue failure of conductor strands at points of support. Armor rods were conceived originally with the idea of reinforcing the conductor at points where it undergoes the greatest bending—i.e., at the suspension. By increasing the flexural rigidity of the conductor, it was thought that bending stresses could be reduced, even if there was no reduction in vibration amplitude. This is in fact true, as extensive tests have shown (Aluminum Company of America 1961), where the fatigue life of a Drake Conductor (795 MCM, ACSR 26/7), vibrated at various tensions and at the same vibration amplitude levels (i.e., with and without armor rods), increased, when armor rods were installed, by factors ranging between 5 and 30. Armor rods also contribute significant vibration damping (see Section 2.5). The principal mechanism by which they dissipate vibration energy is the same as that by which the conductor dissipates it (see Section 2.3.6)—that is, there is slipping between armor rods and conductor. 2.4 Figure 2.3-32 Fatigue failures (number of strand breaks) versus clamp radius. Figure 2.3-33 Fatigue failures (number of strand breaks) versus groove depth for a 12-in. (30.5 cm) radius clamp. 2-38 DAMPING DEVICES Since 1923, when conductor strand failures were first recognized as a problem associated with aeolian vibration, a number of protection and mitigating devices have been developed following two main concepts. The first and most intuitive concept sought to provide reinforcement against the effect of vibration of the conductor at the suspension points, where the strand failures occurred. This approach was achieved with an additional layer of strands extending for a short distance at both sides of the suspension clamps (Aluminum Company of America 1961). This method led to the design and application of the so-called armor rods as noted in Section 2.4.5. The second concept took into consideration the application to the conductor of energy-dissipating devices, which were able to reduce the level of conductor aeolian vibration. This approach was soon recognized as the most practical and effective method, and a number of vibration dampers have been developed to date. Coverage of damper types is not intended to be complete here, but rather is intended to indicate designs that have had significant use. Existing damping devices, which perform adequately in practically all problem spans, can currently be obtained. Among these devices, the so-called Stockbridge damper (Figure 2.4-1) has reached a satisfactory level of efficiency at a cost that is difficult to compete with. Therefore, it seems unlikely that, in the near future, new concepts may replace some or all of the models here mentioned. EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition The damper market is highly competitive, and although reliable performance is required in an aggressive environment, economic constraints apply. It is difficult to judge how great a price increase could be justified by even an outstanding improvement in performance. Moreover, the transmission line industry is rather conservative and is reluctant to accept the replacement of devices that performed well for many years, with more modern and promising items that still do not have a convincing service experience. Regardless of how effective a damper is, it cannot be expected to reduce the amplitude of vibration to zero. A small amount of vibration is always necessary to actuate a damper. If this level is sufficiently low through an acceptable range of frequencies, the damper performance is adequate. 2.4.1 Stockbridge-type Dampers The Stockbridge-type damper is one of the earliest commercial damping devices. It dates from about 1924, and is referred to in the December 26, 1925 issue of Electrical World. Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration mode of the cantilever beam, within the frequency range of operation of the damper. Basically, it consists of two shaped masses, rigidly attached at the extremities of a stranded steel cable, which in turn is rigidly clamped to the conductor (Figure 2.4-3). Because of the weight of the masses, the steel supporting cable is not stiff enough to force them to accurately follow the motion of the cable clamp, and this results in flexure of the supporting steel cable. The deflection of the damper cable is amplified by the resonance condition of the damper. The flexure causes slipping between strands of the steel cable and consequent dissipation of energy by interstrand friction. The length of stranded cable is called messenger cable, because Stockbridge’s original model used the type of cable employed, at that time, in overhead telephone lines. The mechanical system on each side of the clamp is a cantilever, with a mass attached at one extremity, presenting to two degrees of freedom (Figure 2.4-4). After its invention by George. H. Stockbridge, the damper has undergone a long period of development and modification, during which it has been the subject of a number of improvements from its original “oneresonance-frequency” design (Figure 2.4-2a). Not long after the first appearance of the Stockbridge damper, Monroe and Templin (1932) enhanced the twodegree of freedom damper (Figure 2.4-2b) in which both the shape and the moment of inertia of the masses were designed to take advantage of the second vibration Figure 2.4-2 Stockbridge damper, and Monroe and Templin damper. Figure 2.4-3 Vibration damper of Stockbridge type. Figure 2.4-1 Vibration dampers of Stockbridge type (courtesy U. Cosmai). Figure 2.4-4 Vibration modes of a two-degree-offreedom cantilever with attached mass. 2-39 Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition For many years since its invention, the Stockbridge damper has been manufactured worldwide, with equal masses supported by two equal lengths of steel stranded cable (Figure 2.4-5). Because conductor vibration frequency changes with the wind velocity, the important characteristic of a damper is its response in term of damping capacity over the range of vibration frequencies expected for the cond u c t o r i nvol ve d . Th e d a mpi n g c ap a c it y c an b e expressed in various ways. One of them is by graphs of the reaction force versus frequency and phase between reaction force and displacement versus frequency. The symmetrical Stockbridge-type damper has two primary modes of response. At the first (lower) natural frequency, the outer ends of the two weights are the points of maximum motion (Figure 2.4-6). At the second (upper) natural frequency, the motion of the weights is a rotation about their own center of gravity. For a given vibration amplitude of the damper clamp, the greatest dissipation occurs at these resonant frequencies. However, they may be not the frequencies providing greatest dissipation when the damper is attached to a span. This happens when the resonances are characterized by sharp force peaks (Figure 2.4-6) that make the damper clamp hard to drive because it presents high mechanical impedance to the vibrating conductor and tends to force a point of low amplitude, a node point, to occur at the damper location. The reduced amplitude at the damper Figure 2.4-5 Symmetrical vibration dampers of Stockbridge type with bell-shaped masses. 2-40 clamp when the damper is resonant results in decreased damper dissipation. Frequencies of reduced performance occur when the damper is too easily driven by the conductor, and does not resist the conductor motion with enough force to induce sufficient dissipation. These frequencies are found between the two resonances noted above, and also below the lower natural frequency and above the upper one. The choice of the best weight of damper, in any case, involves a compromise between performance at those frequencies where it resists conductor motion too weakly, and those frequencies (at resonance) where it resists too strongly. Given the basic design, there is an optimum weight that provides the best overall balance. The efficiency of the damper, even with the optimum choice of weight, depends considerably upon the sharpness of its resonances, and also upon how widely they are separated. Two general approaches to maintaining high performance are currently used. One is to employ closely spaced resonances in the damper, so that at least one is partly excited. This keeps the damper’s resistance to motion from falling too low between resonances. The other approach is to use damper cable processed to achieve a high loss factor, and to thus produce broad, low resonance peaks in the overall damper response. 4-R Stockbridge-type Dampers A significant modification to the basic Stockbridge type was designed by Claren and Diana in 1968. The two halves were made asymmetrical, providing two different Figure 2.4-6 Dynamic response of symmetric Stockbridge-type damper. Test performed at constant displacement of 2 mm peak-to-peak up to 14 Hz and 1 mm peak-to-peak above 14 Hz (courtesy U. Cosmai). EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition masses with different moments of inertia and different lengths of the messenger cable (Figure 2.4-7). The modified damper, known by the acronym 4-R, is a four-resonance system, and the four resonance frequencies are evenly distributed in the frequency range of interest in order to flatten the damper response curve (Figure 2.4-8) and broaden the frequency range of conductor vibration that can be covered with a specific damper size (Claren and Diana 1969a and b). Haro Dampers In 1970, Lauri Haro and Tapani Seppa developed a vibration damper based on the Stockbridge principle, known as the Haro damper (Figure 2.4-9). It was equipped with three weights and two clamps for the Figure 2.4-7 Asymmetrical Stockbridge-type damper with fork-shaped masses. Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration connection to the conductor: the weights were of varying dimensions and at different moment arms on the messenger cable. Each of the two external weights had two degrees of freedom, as in the conventional Stockbridge damper. The central mass had only one degree of freedom; therefore, the device was provided with five resonances. The Haro damper provided satisfactory performance, despite the extreme care required for its installation in order to avoid disturbance of its messenger. It was over a meter in length and was difficult to transport and install. Many became bent and damaged during transportation. Torsional Stockbridge-type Dampers Some elaborations of the Stockbridge-type vibration damper include a symmetrical damper that, in addition to the two flexural resonances, develops a torsional resonance. This is achieved by using weights whose center of gravity is offset with respect to the axis of the messenger cable. Among various solutions, the most popular are the Australian “Dogbone” damper (Figure 2.4-10) and the Japanese Asahi torsional damper. A torsional damper with asymmetrical arms can produce six resonances. However, very few 6-R damper solutions are currently available on the market. Design Characteristics The Stockbridge-type vibration damper has a simple structure, but it cannot be theoretically designed fully, because the dynamic response of the messenger cable cannot be satisfactorily modelled. This is due to the fact that, first, there is a large scatter in the dynamic characteristics of the same cable type produced by different manufacturers, second, the system response is not linear, and the cable dynamic stiffness and damping depend of the amplitude of cable deflection. Nonlinearity in the behavior of Stockbridge-type dampers has important practical effects. This behavior was investigated by Sturm 1936, Tompkins et al. 1956, and others. Figure 2.4-8 Dynamic response of a 4-R Stockbridgetype damper. Test performed at constant displacement of 1 mm peak-to-peak (courtesy U. Cosmai). Figure 2.4-9 Haro damper. Figure 2.4-10 “Dogbone” damper. 2-41 Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition Figure 2.4-11 shows hysterisis loops obtained by applying a load at the center of gravity of the damper weight (Sturm 1936). Nonlinearity is reflected in the variation in the effective stiffness of the damper cable with respect to amplitude of deflection, corresponding to the average slope of the hysterisis loop. This variation causes the resonant frequencies of the damper to vary with the amplitude at which the damper is vibrated. equipped with a messenger cable with insufficient damping capacity. The curve is characterized by sharp resonances with low force and phase values between them, although the resonance frequencies are suitably spaced. For the messenger cable, galvanized steel is generally preferred, although stainless steel is used in very polluted areas. Originally, seven-strand messenger cables Figure 2.4-12 illustrates this effect upon the impedance characteristics of a two-resonance Stockbridge-type damper, where the variation in the two resonant frequencies with damper clamp amplitude can be seen. This variation affects the behavior of the damper as it protects a field span. When the excitation frequency from the wind falls at one of the resonant peaks for small damper clamp amplitude, where damping may be poor, the amplitude of the span increases. The damper clamp amplitude increases with it, shifting the frequency of the resonant peak away from the excitation frequency. The shift continues until a damper amplitude is reached where the damping efficiency is high enough to prevent further increase. This occurs well within the range of vibration amplitudes that are safe for the conductor. Thus, the effect of nonlinearity is to make the damper self-tuning. Calculation methods to be described later in the chapter show that, when the damper of Figure 2.4-12 is applied to Drake ACSR at 25%RS tension, the damping efficiency at 30 Hz shows the trend displayed in Figure 2.4-13 for the five damper amplitudes of Figure 2.4-12. The efficiency more than doubles when the damper amplitude increases from 0.5 to 2.0 mm peak-to-peak. The use of a messenger cable with poor energy-absorbing capacity can cause a bad performance and a poor fatigue endurance of the damper. Figure 2.4-14 shows a typical response curve of a four-resonance damper Figure 2.4-11 Load-deflection curves for a Stockbridge-type damper (Sturm 1936). 2-42 Figure 2.4-12 Mechanical impedance of tworesonance Stockbridge damper. Figure 2.4-13 Effect of damper amplitude on damping efficiency. EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition were employed, but the superior performance of 19 strand cables, in terms of damping capacity and homogeneity of response, was soon recognized (Figure 2.4-15). Among the mechanical characteristics that a cable should have, the tensile strength is not as important as the fatigue resistance. The stainless steel messenger cable has shown practically the same damping capacity as an equivalent galvanized steel cable but a slightly better performance in term of fatigue endurance. Clamps must be as light as possible in order to remain mobile at the higher conductor vibration frequencies. Great care must be taken in selecting the clamp materials, especially those that are in contact with the conductors, to avoid any corrosion problem. For the clamps, primary aluminum alloys are used for aluminum- and steel-based conductors with only a few cases of steel clamps for steel shield wire. Generally, aluminum clamps are also considered more appropriate for steel cable because of their light weight. Aluminum clamps can be either cast directly onto the messenger cable or cast separately in shell molds and then assembled onto the messenger cable by compression. The sec- Figure 2.4-14 Dynamic response of a 4-R Stockbridgetype damper incorporating a messenger cable with poor energy-absorbing capacity. Test performed at constant displacement of 1 mm peak-to-peak (courtesy U. Cosmai). Figure 2.4-15 Stranding of the messenger cables used for Stockbridge-type vibration dampers. Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration ond procedure is preferred by some users on the assumption that the casting process reduces the mechanical strength of the steel messenger cable or, in case of galvanized steel, removes the zinc deposit around the clamp. According to the experience of some manufacturers, the temperature reached by the messenger cable during the casting of the clamp is generally too low to produce the above-mentioned effects. Therefore, both the methods of connecting the clamp to the messenger cable are considered valid. Another type of clamp is manufactured by extrusion and then compressed on the cable. Clamps are generally of the cantilever type; only a few opposed-hinge nutcracker-type clamps have been designed for small conductors (9-10 mm diameter) to provide an increased grip. The clamp is generally designed in a hook shape that allows the damper to be hung on the conductor during the installation (Figure 2.4-16). This automatically places the damper in the right vertical position and facilitates installation, especially for heavy units. Also, in case of clamp loosening, the damper may slip toward the center of the span, but the hook clamp, in most of the cases, prevents the damper from falling to the ground. Damper clamps contain a single bolt, generally equipped with a plain washer and a split washer. The latter is sometimes replaced with a Belleville washer. The bolt is normally made of galvanized steel. Aluminum or stainless steel are also used, especially when breakaway bolts are required. The bolt is either engaged in a captive nut of the same material or in a threaded hole of the clamp body. Thread lubrication can be applied to improve the fastener performance. Boltless open clamps are also used in combination with a set of relatively short helical rods. These clamps can be either of metal-to-metal type or elastomer-lined (or elastomercovered) type. Figure 2.4-16 Hook-shaped clamp of a Stockbridgetype vibration damper. 2-43 Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition The clamp grip must be sufficient to restrain the damper from slipping and rotating on the conductor during normal operating conditions. The clamp loading must not cause damaging deformation of either the conductor or the clamp component, and must be maintained, within appropriate limits, throughout the service temperature range. Therefore, the clamp must be designed to avoid significant losses of clamp pressure, and to prevent loosening under the effect of the clamp embedding on the conductor, thermal cycles, vibrations, and conductor diameter reduction due to creep and cold flow. Cold flow is due to the compressive effect of the clamp on the interstrand crossover point of the conductor. Clamping of the vibration dampers is not as critical as in the case of spacer dampers, because of the lower torque required, and the effect of clamp loosening is less dangerous. For these reasons, damper clamps are generally designed with a relatively wide range of clamping capability. The clamp bore has to be smooth and free of projections, and it is not advisable to subject the bore surfaces to treatment such as sand blasting, grooving, or rifling in order to artificially increase the coefficient of friction between the clamp and the conductor, because these can cause damage to the conductor. The damper masses have been designed and produced in a large variety of shapes, although within a small group of materials. The first were bell-shaped masses made of galvanized cast iron, installed on the messenger cable by means of tapered aluminum sleeves. Later, another assembling technique based on the pouring of a “white metal” between the messenger cable and the mass hole was used, the melted material being zinc alloy or aluminum. In the 1970s, a new technology based on the direct casting of the masses on the messenger cable was developed. Zinc-aluminum alloys (Zamax), whose density was similar to the density of cast iron, were used for the masses, and the shape changed into a fork shape, more suitable for this technology. For many years, the low cost of the zinc alloys and the cheaper process for mass assembly made this solution the most used. In recent years, strong international competition has forced manufacturers to find new, cheaper solutions, using forged steel masses or extruded steel rods or tubes bent upwards (Figure 2.4-17) to avoid corona discharges. These masses are generally compressed onto the messenger cable. An attempt to use concrete for the masses was quickly rejected because of the poor mechanical performance of 2-44 this material, and now some utilities’ specifications expressly forbid its use. Stockbridge-type dampers are also used on vertical members such as cable bridge stays, guy ropes, and similar structures in which the aeolian vibration can assume any transversal orientation in relation to the wind directions. For these applications, vibration dampers with bell-shaped masses can provide the best performance, because they can guarantee the same response for all vibration directions in the plane perpendicular to the cable on which the damper is installed. Some concern has been shown in the past regarding the corrosion of the galvanized steel messenger cable, and some remedies have been applied with few or no positive results. One approach was to cover the messenger cable with a rubber sleeve or with a flexible steel sleeve. The internal parts were filled with grease to make them waterproof. The rubber sleeve was also intended to increase the damping capacity of the damper but with indifferent results. Because of its wide popularity and effectiveness, the Stockbridge-type damper in many respects has become a standard of comparison for other damping concepts. Some degree of caution should be exercised, however, when the claim is made that a particular damper equals or exceeds the performance of the Stockbridge damper. In most cases, the particular size, model, or source of origin of the particular Stockbridge damper used in the comparison is not given. In some cases, a new device may be compared with a Stockbridge-type damper of inadequate size for the particular application, or the damper may not have been placed at its optimum position for the frequency range being investigated. In addition to this, dampers from various sources, although similar in appearance, will not necessarily be equivalent in performance throughout their entire range of frequencies. Figure 2.4-17 Stockbridge-type vibration damper equipped with helical rod attachment and masses obtained using steel round bars (courtesy RIBE). EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition 2.4.2 Other Damper Types A number of vibration mitigation devices other than Stockbridge-type dampers have been used with varying degrees of success. The most common are the following. Torsional Dampers A torsional damper (Figure 2.4-18) was invented by Tebo of Ontario Hydro and used in large numbers in Canada and other countries worldwide for many years. It consists of an arm projecting sideways from the conductor and a dumbbell connected to the arm via an articulation containing rubber inserts. The arm is bolted to the conductor so that it protrudes in a horizontal direction. When vibration occurs, the elastomer is loaded in shear due to the inertia of the dumbbell mass and absorbs energy by deformation. The original concept behind the torsional damper was that it provided an inertial reference promoting torsional rotation of the conductor, thereby activating the conductor’s self-damping in the torsion. Later study showed that the principal source of dissipation is the elastomeric bushing contained in the joint between the arm and the inertial mass at its end. Although these dampers were generally abandoned because of inefficiency at most frequencies and a tendency to freeze up, they are still in service on some lines worldwide. Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration fitted to a vertical shaft. Each mass rests on an elastomeric washer. This damper appears to be an interesting study in extrapolation. Since the elastomer is extremely hard, there is little compression until the masses are able to impact. Before a mass can be lifted from its pad, the acceleration of the damper must exceed 1 g. Tests have shown that this type of damper performs fairly well for accelerations of about 2 g. When the damper was first invented, overhead conductors were somewhat smaller in diameter and, therefore, vibrated at higher frequencies. As conductor diameter increased, the size of the damper was adjusted accordingly. One further problem with the ELGRA damper is that the masses are momentarily able to free themselves electrically from the conductor. During this short time, the conductor voltage changes, so that the conductor and mass acquire different charges, giving rise to radio interference. For this reason, interference skirts were added to the damper on high-voltage lines. Bretelle Dampers The bretelle (Figures 2.4-20 and 2.4-21), a jumper loop connecting two adjacent spans at the suspension points, is widely used in France. Its discovery as a damping device was largely accidental. Originally it was conceived as a safety device, but when the requirement for its use was relaxed on the French system, vibration problems became apparent. Normally it is made from In recent years, Hydro Quebec has designed a new type of torsional damper based on the same principle and equipped with either a cantilever clamp or a helical rod attachment clamp. Impact Dampers A Swedish damper called ELGRA (Figure 2.4-19) consists of a vertical stem having three cast masses loosely Figure 2.4-18 Tebo dumbbell damper. Figure 2.4-19 ELGRA damper. 2-45 Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition The ability of a relatively short length of conductor to damp an entire span is probably due to its extremely low tension. On the French system, the bretelle is installed with a sag of 30 or 40 cm. The distance from the suspension clamp to the end of the bretelle is calculated according to the following empirical formula (Quey and Rols 1976): = d 2 H m 2.4-1 Where = distance (m). d = conductor diameter (m). H = conductor tension (N). m = conductor mass (kg/m). Figure 2.4-20 Bretelle dampers on a bundled conductor line in France (courtesy Preformed Line Products Company). Figure 2.4-21 Bretelle damper profile. pieces of scrap conductor that are the same size as the line on which it is used. Although the bretelle concept may be economically attractive, there are numerous factors to be considered in its use. The configuration does not lend itself to indoor laboratory investigations, making it difficult to conduct a definitive investigation of the design variables. On large conductors, it can become unwieldy and difficult to install. Maintenance of conductor-to-steel clearances can result in higher tower costs. Sometimes, this is avoided by supporting the center of the hanging loop at the suspension clamp, but the effect of interrupting the loop has not been fully evaluated. Since the bretelle is not a commercial product, the user becomes the designer, and must carry out development work without the benefit of a manufacturer’s aid and expertise. Because of its close association with the French electrical system, most of the data available on the use of bretelles are associated with aluminum alloy conductors (Almelec) rather than ACSR, but the basic concept would still apply. 2-46 An analysis indicated that the true units of ( ) are meters squared per second. Generally, these distances appear to be long enough for a node to form at the end of the bretelle within the ordinary range of vibration-producing wind velocities. For the French design, the end of the bretelle could be expected to reach a node at a wind velocity of about 5.4 m/s (12.1 mph). Hautefeville et al. 1964 investigated bretelles of various length and mass under field conditions, but their published values are not complete enough to make a comprehensive analysis possible. Their final design was based on obtaining peak performance for a wind velocity of 2.6 m/s, essentially confirming the previous suppositions. Bretelle dampers were also used in Russia, and a design by Savvaitov (1972) would be nodal for a velocity of 4 m/s (8.9 mph). The French and Russian designs indicate a concern for low frequencies, with possible loss of performance at the higher end of the normal significant range. Possibly, the high frequencies could be improved without seriously affecting the lower frequencies. Because the bretelle is simultaneously influenced by the reaction of two spans, it would seem logical to investigate asymmetry in bretelle design, making the distance on one side of the suspension longer than the other. In many reports, the bretelle is listed as being roughly equivalent to a Stockbridge damper. These comparisons are questionable when the size and source of the Stockbridge damper are not given. EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition A comparative analysis between the efficiency of a bretelle damper and a Stockbridge-type damper suitable for the same application is reported in Section 2.4.3 under “Inverse Standing Wave Ratio (ISWR) Method.” Festoon Dampers Festoon dampers, shown in Figure 2.4-22, have been used on numerous long spans. Their development appears to be partly a matter of intuition, and practically no design rules have been published for their use. Like the bretelle, they consist of scrap conductor and are relatively inexpensive. The primary problems that have been reported in the use of festoons have occurred at their clamps. Some designs have used uniform length loops that could, conceivably, allow a standing wave to be established on the conductor in spite of the festoon. Although this could occur only at one frequency, it would seem more logical to avoid the possibility. In Norway and other cold countries, festoon dampers are preferred to Stockbridge-type dampers on long fjords because the latter can be damaged by both conductor galloping and aeolian vibration of increased severity, during periods of icing. Rawlins (1989) investigated the effect of ice coating on overhead ground wires. Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration Spiral Impact Dampers Several designs that slap, shake, and rattle can be suitably used on small conductors, such as overhead ground wires, because of the high frequencies experienced and the resulting low displacements necessary for exceeding 1 g of acceleration. The “spiral impact damper” is, among the helical designs, the most commonly used (Figure 2.4-24). It is made from one piece of rigid polyvinyl chloride (PVC) rod, helically preformed to obtain a short gripping section with a small helix diameter to grip the conductor and a larger damping section of internal diameter larger that the conductor diameter. This damper, called SVD (spiral vibration damper), is basically an impact damper, and energy is dissipated as the conductor slaps up and down between opposite sides of the preformed helix. It is not necessary to make engineering calculations for placement of an SVD, and lay direction is not critical. Some manufacturers suggest that the gripping section should be placed at approximately one hand’s width from the span end or ends of armor rods or other hard- Festoon dampers have been widely used in long spans usually with satisfactory experience (Ervik et al. 1968) (See Figure 2.4-23). However, in the long crossing spans of the Bay of Cadiz and the Messina Channel (Falco et al, 1973), festoons were installed initially, but after some strand failure on the conductors, they were replaced by Stockbridge-type vibration dampers. Figure 2.4-23 Festoon-type damper on Sognefjord Crossing in Norway. Design configuration by Norwegian Research Institute of Electricity Supply (EFI). Note armor rods on conductor (courtesy Preformed Line Products Company). Figure 2.4-22 Festoon dampers. (a) and (b) are festoon dampers for suspension points; (c) is a festoon damper for tension points. Figure 2.4-24 Spiral impact damper. 2-47 Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition ware. The surface hardness of the rod is designed so as not to damage any kind of conductor. established and can be accomplished by testing a damper mounted directly on a shaker (Figure 2.4-25). This damper is suitable for small conductors and guy ropes with a diameter less than 19 mm and is widely used for shield wires, including OPGW and for ADSS cables. For the latter, due to its low weight, the SVD can be used for larger diameters. Generally, the SVD’s length varies, in accordance to the conductor diameter, between 1.2 and 1.7 m. Special heavy-duty designs can reach 2.5 m. The units can be installed in parallel or in series. The number of SVDs to be installed in each span is recommended by the manufacturers on the basis of the span length and irrespective of the conductor type and tension. One of the leading manufacturers (Preformed Line Products) recommends: Nevertheless, there are several arguments favoring span testing with the damper mounted on a conductor that is similar to or identical with the size and type that it is intended to protect during service. These arguments are based on the concept that both the damper and conductor ultimately act as an integrated system, and because of loop length changes, the damper may go from its ideal position at the antinode to its least-effective location at the node at different frequencies. The mass of the damper on the vibrating loop also exerts an influence on conductor loop shapes, as it would in service. Up to 250 m, two dampers per span (one on each span extremity). From 251 to 500 m, four dampers per span (two on each span extremity). From 501 to 750 m, six dampers per span (three on each span extremity). The design and testing of these dampers are difficult because the behavior of the cable-damper system cannot easily be modelled, and so it is not possible to optimize their characteristics in relation to the required application. Their efficiency can only be tested in a laboratory span (Sunkle 1998) or determined by field testing. Reference can be made also to satisfactory field experience. Acoustic noise may be generated by these devices in action, but normally it is barely audible at ground level. 2.4.3 Testing of Vibration Dampers General Technical Considerations The basic engineering approach to the control of aeolian vibration of overhead conductors is the balance between the energy introduced by the wind into the conductor and the energy dissipated by the conductor with and without additional damping. The wind power input and the power loss due to self-damping in conventional conductors can be obtained using the methods described in Section 2.3. For a given conductor span at a given frequency and vibration amplitude, the difference between the wind power input and the conductor self-damping is the amount of power that ideally should be dissipated by the vibration damper (IEEE 1993). In one respect, it is desirable to separate the damper and the conductor during testing, to avoid giving the damper credit for damping due to conductor properties. This allows the dynamic characteristics of the damper to be 2-48 It is clear that testing the damper on the shaker is easier and cheaper than on the span. However, the shaker only imposes a vertical motion to the damper clamp, while on the test span and in service the clamp rotates and translates. The contribution of these motions to the energy dissipation of the dampers has been analyzed by Tompkins et al. 1956, Rawlins 1997, and Diana et al. 2003 (Part I and II). The results show that the clamp rocking provides a contribution to the energy dissipation, which is not negligible, especially when the damper is close to a node of the cable-deflected shape. IEEE and CIGRE cooperated in the development of a guide (IEEE 1993) for the measurement of vibration damper performance on single conductors. The guide was first published in 1980 and then reviewed and republished in 1993 with the title IEEE Guide for Laboratory Measurement of the Power Dissipation Characteristics of Aeolian Vibration Dampers for Single Conductors. The purpose of the guide is to describe the current methodologies, including apparatus, procedures, and measurement accuracies, for the testing of vibration dampers. In addition, some basic guidance is provided to the users about the strengths and weaknesses of the given methods. The guide provides a valuable reference that clarifies Figure 2.4-25 Example of shaker setup for the damper characteristic test. EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition the problem of damper testing, establishing limitations and ranges for approaches that have been in use. In 1998, the International Electrotechnical Commission IEC) published the IEC 61897 Standard, titled: “Overhead Lines Requirement and Test for Stockbridge Type Aeolian Vibration Dampers.” The standard has been adopted by CENELEC as the European standard with no changes. This standard is specifically intended for Stockbridge-type dampers; however, it can also be used for other damper types. Compared to the IEEE Std. 664, the test procedure recommended by the IEC standard has some different parameters and concepts. The main utility specifications require dynamic testing on dampers that is generally derived from the IEC 61897 Standard or from the IEEE Std. 664, quite often with different test parameters and different evaluation criteria. IEEE Standard 664 Four basic test procedures are described in this standard for the measurement of the power dissipated by a vibration damper. Three of them, called “basic methods,” are performed in the laboratory test span. They are: Inverse Standing Wave Ratio (ISWR) test, Power test, and Decay test. The first two generally require that the conductor self-damping properties be established for the span without the damper. The damper is then tested on the span. Although in most cases (with efficient dampers), the span self-damping is considerably less than the damper contribution, decay and power measurements involve the entire length of the span, including losses at both terminations. The Inverse Standing Wave Ratio method, however, is capable of restricting the measured losses to a shorter segment of the span containing the damper. The fourth test procedure, called “direct method,” is the Forced Response test, which is performed with the damper mounted directly on the shaker. It is suggested that the tests on the laboratory span should be performed at a constant free-loop antinode velocity of 200 mm/s and the forced response test at 100 mm/s. Since the responses of the systems under test are not linear, additional tests to cover the free-loop antinode velocities of 100 mm/s, 200 mm/s and 300 mm/s are also recommended to provide a good spectrum of results for end user's evaluation. Moreover, it is suggested to investigate the damper performance in a frequency range corresponding to wind velocities between 1 and 7 m/s. This range, for a given conductor size, can be expressed as 185/d to 1300/d, where d is the conductor diameter in millimeters. Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration Inverse Standing Wave Ratio (ISWR) Method The Inverse Standing Wave Ratio method is described in Section 2.3. It can be used to determine the power dissipation characteristics of a damper by measurement of nodal and antinodal amplitude on the test span at each tunable harmonic. One advantage lies in the fact that measurements made near one span end (which can contain the damper) include the conductor damping losses only for the section of conductor in which the measurements are made. As noted by Rawlins (1958) and Tompkins et al. (1956), the ratio of nodal amplitude to antinodal amplitude is equal to the ratio existing between the power being dissipated by the damper and line section and the maxim u m p o w e r t h at t h e c o n d u c t o r i s c a p ab l e o f transmitting at a particular free-loop amplitude and frequency. For this reason, the Inverse Standing Wave Ratio—i.e., the ratio of nodal amplitude to antinodal amplitude Ymin/Ymax is called “efficiency” and can be practically attributed to the sole damper, when the power losses due to span terminations and conductor self-damping are minimized. The maximum power Pmax that can be transmitted by a conductor vibrating at an amplitude Ymax is: 1 ⎛Y ⎞ Pmax = Z 0ω 2 ⎜ max ⎟ 2 ⎝ 2 ⎠ 2 2.4-2 Z0 in this case is the conductor mechanical impedance, or, ⎛Y ⎞ Tm , and ω ⎜ max ⎟ is the antinode velocity Vu , so ⎝ 2 ⎠ we may write: Pmax = 1 Tm ⋅ Vu2 2 2.4-3 Where T = conductor tension (N). m = conductor mass/unit length (kg/m). ω = 2πf f = frequency (Hz). Y ma x = conductor free-loop amplitude (peak-topeak) (m). Pmax = max power dissipated (W). Following the acquisition of the data, the power PD dissipated by the damper can be calculated by the following formula: PD = ⎛Y ⎞ 1 Tm ⋅ Vu2 ⎜⎜ min ⎟⎟ 2 ⎝ Ymax ⎠ 2.4-4 2-49 Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition Where Vu = velocity of the antinode (m/s). Ymin = amplitude at the node (peak-to-peak) (m). PD = power dissipated by the damper (W). Ymin/Ymax = damper efficiency. Equation 2.4-4 can be written ⎛Y ⎞ PD = Pmax ⎜⎜ min ⎟⎟ ⎝ Ymax ⎠ Thus ⎛Y ⎞ PD = ⎜⎜ min ⎟⎟ = damper efficiency Pmax ⎝ Ymax ⎠ One problem in the system is the determination of true node location. Where the damping is high, the amount of motion at nodes is also large, and therefore, nodes are difficult to find. With low damping, a sensitive measurement system is necessary for accurate determination of the small motion present at a node. Both of these conditions may be encountered (at different frequencies) during the course of a test series on a given damper. Since the nodal and antinodal positions change with frequency, a noncontact measurement system, such as a track-mounted laser displacement transducers, can be used. Recently, lightweight accelerometers with a fast installation system have also been used, since they are less expensive than a laser transducer and so light (3-6 g) that their mass does not alter the shape of the conductor vibration. A method for measuring the damper effectiveness in laboratory spans has been developed by Rawlins (1998). This method, called DEAM (Damping Efficiency Amplitude Measurement), is similar to the Inverse Standing Wave Ratio method but with the remarkable advantage that it does not require the location of nodes and antinodes along the test span and the relocation of the transducers at each vibration frequency. The DEAM method assumes that conductor aeolian vibration takes the form of two opposed travelling wave trains carrying vibration energy: one train moves toward the span end where the damper is installed, and the other is reflected by the span terminations and moves in the opposite direction. The DEAM procedure separately evaluates the amplitudes and powers of these waves. The difference between the power conveyed by the incident waves and the power conveyed by the reflected waves yields the power dissi- 2-50 pated by the damper and the span termination. The wave amplitudes are measured by means of two suitable transducers (generally noncontacting photo-optical devices, although Leblond et al. 1997 did use accelerometers in a field setup), located preferably close to the damping device in order to reduce losses related to conductor self-damping and spaced not too far apart (for example, 305 mm or 1 ft). Rawlins’s theoretical approach is described in Appendix 2.4. A comparative analysis between the efficiency of a bretelle damper and a Stockbridge-type damper suitable for the same application has been performed by Leblond et al. 1997 on a full-scale test line using the DEAM procedure. The results shown in Figure 2.4-26 demonstrate the higher efficiency of the Stockbridge type damper. Power Method The power method, described in Section 2.3, can be used to determine the dissipation characteristics of a damper, at each tunable harmonic of the test span, by the measurement of the force and velocity imparted to the test span at the point of attachment of the shaker (Figure 2.4-28). The force signal is obtained by coupling the shaker to the span through a load cell. The velocity is generally measured by means of an accelerometer, and its signal is integrated to obtain velocity and, when necessary, double-integrated to obtain displacement. Damper reaction at certain frequencies may distort the shape of the force signal. The measurement system is based on sine wave assumptions, and deviations from the assumed shape are undesirable. The component of the signal other than the fundamental are filtered. In this case, the accelerometer signal is also filtered to avoid phase shift between the two signals. Alternatively, an FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) analysis can be performed. A Lissajous figure displayed on an oscilloscope is a convenient method of monitoring, since it combines the two signals, and also provides a phase-angle indication that can be useful in tuning the shaker to the specific span resonant mode. In the system, which uses mechanical force as being equivalent to voltage (EMF), and velocity as equivalent to current (an ampere is a coulomb per second), mechanical power becomes: P = 0.5 FV cos Φ Where 2.4-5 EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration Figure 2.4-27 Example of laboratory test span equipped for the power test. Figure 2.4-28 Laboratory test span. Flexible connection between the shaker and the conductor. (courtesy Damp). F = the force (peak value) (N). V = the drive point velocity (peak value) (m/s). Φ = the phase angle between force and drive point velocity (degrees). If acceleration or displacement is used, Equation 2.4-5 can be converted accordingly. The power method allows the calculation of the damper “efficiency” as the power input to the damper P D divided by the power dissipation of an ideal damper P max that corresponds to the P max given by Equation 2.4-3. Efficiency = PD/Pmax: An example of the test span layout for the power test is given in Figure 2.4-27. Figure 2.4-26 Efficiency of a Stockbridge-type damper (A) and a bretelle damper (B) as a function of predominant vibration frequency on a 450-m test span. A laboratory investigation has been conducted by Sunkle (1998) to determine the energy dissipation of spiral impact dampers. Tests were performed on a test span, in accordance with IEEE 664 on six different cables (Figure 2.4-29), demonstrating that this standard can be usefully employed not only for Stockbridge-type dampers but also for other damper types. The results for a galvanized steel shield wire of 12.7 mm diameter and for an OPGW of 11 mm diameter are shown in Figure 2.4-30. 2-51 Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition Figure 2.4-29 Test setup for spiral damper efficiency tests (the conductor parameters are relevant to the shield wire of 12.7 mm diameter). Decay Method The decay method is described in Section 2.3. It may be used to determine the power dissipation characteristics of a damper, at each tunable harmonic of the test span, by the measurement of the decay rate of the conductor vibration amplitude, following a period of forced vibration at a natural frequency of the test span and fixed amplitude. It is the simplest method, since it requires only one transducer, generally an accelerometer, but also displacement or velocity transducers can be used. However, this procedure is not as straightforward as the IEEE guide suggests. As an example, in highly damped spans, the decay is reported by some authors in the form of a step curve (Slethei and Huse 1965). This is probably due, as observed by the authors themselves, to the transient induced by the exciting force disconnection. A method to avoid this problem is to provide an elastic link between the cable and the exciter. This should be soft enough to dynamically uncouple the cable from the forcing device. Decay testing of dampers is subject to a major limitation. Good vibration dampers are capable of performing satisfactorily on spans of relatively great length, so that a single damper on a short indoor test span normally provides excessively high damping. As a result, the span amplitude during decay may drop to a low level in a small number of cycles, limiting the accuracy of the measurement. This method is more suitable when low damping is present in the system, as is the case with an undamped conductor strung at a normal service tension. Forced Response Method The forced response method determines the dynamic characteristics of a damper mounted directly on a shaker (Figure 2.4-25) by the measurement of the reaction force of the damper driven at constant velocity in the whole range of vibration frequency for which the damper has been designed. Some utility’s specifications require shaker testing performed at constant displacement instead of constant velocity. A typical layout of this type of test makes use of a computer-controlled data acquisition system as indicated in Figure 2.4-31. Figure 2.4-30 Power dissipation of spiral vibration damper(s) vs. 250 m span wind power input. (A) test on 12.27 mm diameter shield wire. (B) test on 11 mm diameter OPGW. 2-52 The damper is installed on a rigid support fixed to the shaker table. Ideally, the damper should be positioned as in service; however, for Stockbridge-type dampers, an inverted position is generally used to simplify the support, with equivalent results (Figure 2.4-25). Through this test, the power dissipated by the damper is evaluated by measuring the damper force and the damper clamp acceleration. The reaction force of the EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition damper is measured by means of two miniature load cells. In the standard procedure, the two signals produced by the cells are summed to obtain the total vertical force. By using two separate cells, it can be assured that the single transducer is not affected by any shear or moment due to damper asymmetry. The use of a single cell may introduce large errors in the measured values because of the transverse sensitivity of the transducers. The displacement of the clamp is measured by means of an accelerometer whose signal is integrated to obtain the corresponding velocity value or when necessary, double integrated to obtain the corresponding amplitude value. This solution is advantageous in terms of measurement setup, because it provides an immediate absolute measurement. Displacement transducers and some velocity transducers are relative, needing an external fixed point, and therefore requiring a more complex test arrangement. Adequate sensitivity is required, especially at the lower frequency, where acceleration reaches its lower values. Following the acquisition of the data, the power dissipated by the damper can be calculated by means of Equation 2.4-5. Evaluating the damper dynamic characteristics through a continuous frequency sweep, even if in a quasi-static condition as suggested by the IEEE 664 Std, may not enable the damper to reach its operating steady-state conditions. Moreover this introduces errors in the Fourier transform of the signals, when it is used. Therefore, it seems more accurate (and faster) to operate at discrete frequency steps generally of 0.5 or 1 Hz. Calibration of the whole system and determination of possible phase shifting between the transducers and resonances of the fixture can be made by using a rigid mass in place of the damper and vibrating it over the frequency range of interest. The rigid mass develops inertia forces that can be easily calculated and gives a phase angle of 90 degrees between force and velocity. Figure 2.4-31 Example of layout for forced response tests. Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration The inertia force developed by the structure holding the damper should be evaluated and subtracted from the force measured to obtain the pure reaction force of the damper. In particular, the weight of the holding structure above the force cells, plus a portion of the weight of the cells corresponding to the part of the cell mass that is sensed by the cell itself, should be considered. The forced response method does not evaluate the performance of the damper in service. The test is generally performed to characterize the damper, while its effectiveness on a specific conductor is determined by tests on laboratory spans because its effectiveness strongly depends on the damper location. However, for conductors of standard use, some utilities have established power limits or force and phase limits (Figure 2.4-32) that can be used as evaluation criteria of the damper effectiveness without the need to perform tests on a laboratory span. These limits are only valid for the given conductor and for standardized line parameters, and require the damper positioning and quantity per span to be specified by the user. In some cases, the tests are performed at constant displacements of 0.5, 1, or 2 mm, depending of the damper size and, generally, the same damper is driven at two displacement levels, with the higher level used at the lower frequencies (Figure 2.4-6). The results of the forced response test are generally expressed by graphs showing one or more of the following quantities in the domain of the vibration frequency: • Reaction force of the damper and phase angle between force and velocity or displacement (examples of these graphs are shown in Figures 2.4-6, 2.4-8, 2.4-14, and 2.4-32) • Damper mechanical impedance and phase angle between force and velocity Figure 2.4-32 Performance limits established by ENEL, Italy, for vibration dampers to be installed on OPGW cable 17.9 mm diameter and response curves of a suitable vibration damper (courtesy U. Cosmai). 2-53 Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition • Damper mechanical reactance and mechanical resistance, as shown in Figure 2.4-12. • Power dissipated by the damper IEC 61897 Standard The IEC 61897 Standard, entitled: “Overhead Lines Requirement and Test for Stockbridge-type Aeolian Vibration Dampers,” specifies mechanical and electrical tests including performance and fatigue tests. Performance tests The assumption of the 150 microstrain as reference value for the test is questionable. In the standard, it is specified that the value of 150 microstrain is only for test purposes, and it is not directly related to life expectancy. However, it seems logical to assume that the value of 150 microstrain is taken as the endurance limit of the conductor—i.e., the maximum bending strain value that can be endured indefinitely by the conductor. In fact, if at this value, the power dissipated by the system exceeds the assumed wind power input, it means that in service the value of 150 microstrain will never be achieved. The performance tests are: • Damper characteristic test • Damper effectiveness evaluation The damper characteristic test is quite similar to the forced response test of the IEEE Std.664. It is performed at a constant velocity of 100 mm/s but in a frequency range between 180/d and 1400/d, d, being the conductor diameter in millimeters. These test results can be used for establishing the effectiveness of the damper for a particular application, when the user specifies performance limits in terms of force and phase or power. These tests results also provide a useful quality control tool and constitute a reference for sample (acceptance) tests of the production lots. The damper effectiveness evaluation is similar to the power test method but with different test parameters and evaluation criteria. The damper is installed on a test span having a minimum free length of 30 m (Figure 2.4-33). Conductor bending strain is monitored at one span extremity and at both sides of the damper(s) by means of strain gauges. The span is excited by a shaker to achieve stable conductor motion at the frequencies for which the resonance occurs. A maximum of 20 tuneable harmonics should be excited. The vibration amplitude is adjusted at each tuneable frequency until the highest bending strain reaches 150 microstrain (single peak). In this condition, the power required to vibrate the span must exceed the assumed wind power input in the real span. Figure 2.4-33 Laboratory test span equipped for the damper effectiveness test as required by IEC 61897 Standard. 2-54 It has been established by several test engineers that 150 microstrains may be difficult to achieve when a damper with high power dissipation is installed on the test span and may require high vibration amplitude. In this case, due to the nonlinear response of the damper, its behavior at high amplitude will be different from that at a lower, more realistic amplitude. It is speculated that the parameters given in IEEE 664, (constant antinode loop velocity at 100, 200, or 300 mm/s) are more realistic. The tolerance allowed for position of the strain gauges has been criticized because large errors in the measurements could result. Some users have suggested the use of the bending amplitude measurements in place of the strain measurements as the most practical method. Damper Fatigue Tests The fatigue tests of dampers are performed with a damper attached directly to a shaker, as shown in Figure 2.4-25. They are required by the IEC61897 Standard and by most of the utility’s specifications. Two alternative methods are proposed in the standard. The first requires sweeping frequency at constant velocity of 100 mm/s and accumulates 100 million cycles, whereas the second excites vibration with constant amplitude of 0.5 mm at the higher resonant frequency of the damper and accumulates 10 million cycles. The swept frequency method can be performed with a linear sweep rate of 0.5 Hz/s or with a logarithmic sweep rate of 0.2 decade/min. Using these test parameters, the test for a medium-size damper may take 60-70 days. The resonant frequency fatigue test, performed at the highest resonance of the damper, can be completed in few days, even for larger dampers. However, the resonant frequency method appears suitable for symmetrical dampers having only two resonances, since both sides are involved, and the messenger cables can be stressed at the maximum bending stress both at the clamp and mass attachments. For asymmetric dampers with four resonances, the test should be performed at the higher EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition resonant frequency of each side. Also, the constant amplitude of 0.5 mm may be considered suitable for a phase conductor damper where the highest resonance frequency is, for example, 30 Hz, but not for an earth wire damper, where the highest frequency can be, for example, around 80Hz and the acceleration and force on the damper increase greatly. This may not represent the practical situation. Further, it is probable that maintaining such a constant amplitude makes the test much more severe on a high-performing damper. Thus, it seems more reasonable and realistic to perform the resonant frequency fatigue test at constant velocity of 100 mm/s as for the sweeping frequency fatigue test. The main utility specifications generally require the resonant frequency fatigue test, with only few exceptions imposing the swept frequency method. Damping Efficiency Evaluation As previously mentioned, the damping efficiency of a vibration damper can be defined as the ratio of power actually dissipated by the damper to that which would be dissipated by a perfect damper: PD/Pmax. The basic criteria for the evaluation of the effectiveness of a vibration damper is to compare the wind power input with the total power dissipated by the damper and by the conductor for all the tunable harmonics of the test span. The power dissipated is measured at a given vibration velocity (IEEE Std 664) or at a given maximum bending stress (IEC 61897). For each test frequency, the dissipated power must exceed the assumed wind power input. The wind power curve is selected from among the various curves available in the literature. Bonneville Power Administration (1982) included a different approach in its specifications based on a simple acceptance curve, shown in Figure 2.4-34, valid for Drake and Bunting conductors. The Tennessee Valley Authority has adopted the same curve for acceptance of dampers fitted to conductors with diameter in the range of 19.58 to 46.36 mm. Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration interaction results in satisfactory efficiency when there is a good impedance match between the damper’s impedance and the conductor’s impedance over the range of frequencies where protection is needed. The acceptance curve presents a standard for minimum acceptable efficiency. The protective capacity of the damper in the intended application depends not only on the damping efficiency achieved, but also on the self-damping characteristics of the conductor and, importantly, the power supplied by the wind. That power is subject to some uncertainty. Different experts rely on different sources of data on it, and they provide for effects of terrain-induced turbulence in different ways. Thus, the damping efficiency is a matter of measurement, but determination of protectable span lengths requires judgement. Generally, it is the responsibility of the damper supplier to provide that judgment, since liability for unsatisfactory protection rests with the supplier. The basic idea for the generation of an acceptance curve has been known since 1956 (Tompkins et al. 1956), and the curve was illustrated for hypothetical situations by Rawlins in 1958. The acceptance curve represents the minimum acceptable values of the damper efficiency determined by either the ISWR test method or the power test method for all the tunable resonance frequencies of the test span corresponding to the wind velocity range of 1 to 7 m/s. 2.4.4 The Application of Dampers As already mentioned, application criteria for vibration dampers are the responsibility of the damper manufacturer, who should provide clear installation instructions and damper distribution tables. The latter contain information about the damper quantity and positioning in This method has been also adopted by other utilities worldwide and included in some National Standards (Australian Standard 1985). The approach separates the protection question into two parts: (1) the quality of the damper; and (2) its protective capacity in terms of the length of span that it can protect. The acceptance curve addresses the first of these. In particular, it concerns how efficient the damper is when applied to the conductor in question. That involves both the quality of the damper’s fundamental design and the interaction between the damper and the conductor. That Figure 2.4-34 Damper efficiency acceptance curve. 2-55 Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition relation to span lengths and for both suspension and tension span extremities. Vibration dampers are normally applied near the span terminations, falling within the end vibration loops of the conductor (see Figure 2.4-35). Because of traveling wave effects, a single damper placed near one end of a span is able to reduce the amplitude of the entire span, providing there are no reflection points, such as warning devices, or other heavy items within the span. For normal suspension spans, or areas of moderate vibration severity, one damper per span can provide adequate protection. The location point in the span is an important factor in the effectiveness of most vibration dampers. Some of the helical-type dampers, which can be used on small-diameter conductors, such as ground wires, are noncritical in this respect, since a significant part of their length always lies in the region of the antinode. Effective distributed mass dampers for larger conductors have not been developed; hence, damper positioni n g i s a n i m p o r t a n t c o n s i d e r at i o n wi t h p h a s e conductors. Because vibration loop length is a function of wind velocity, the relative position of a fixed damper with respect to the optimum position is rarely ideal. It is only possible, within the range of vibration-producing wind velocities, to select a placement that will not be located at a node, where its effectiveness is minimal. As noted previously, the normal range of wind velocities able to generate conductor vibration is about 1-7 m/s, Figure 2.4-35 Distribution of Stockbridge-type vibration dampers along the spans. (A) installation of one damper at one span end, at the distance P from the suspension clamp. (B)Installation of two dampers per span, one at each extremity. (C)Installation of four damper per span, two at each extremity spaced by the distance P1. 2-56 extending to 10 m/s under some conditions. The upper limit is apparently fixed by two factors. Higher velocity winds tend to become more turbulent, and conductor self-damping increases at the higher frequencies. It is, therefore, possible to calculate the significant range of loop lengths for damper performance from known line parameters. The relationships that solve for nodal wind velocity when loop length is known are easily recast to solve for loop length when wind velocity is known: = 2.703 H d Vw w 2.4-6 Where Vw = wind velocity (m/s) = loop length (m) d = conductor diameter (m) H = conductor tension (N) w = conductor mass per meter (kg/m) Solving for loop lengths of a Drake conductor tensioned at 20% of its Rated Strength and for a wind speed of 7 m/s: l= 28,024 2.703 ⋅ 0.02814 ⋅ = 1.43m 1.6281 7 A damper placed at this location would be relatively ineffective near the frequency range that generates this loop length (46 Hz). The avoidance of nodal locations is not the only consideration in damper location, although it does provide one point in the prediction of performance. Most dampers are very nonlinear with respect to performance at various frequencies. This information is not normally provided to the user, although any manufacturer should be expected to have determined the characteristics of their product. Final location may be selected to enhance a strength or to protect a weakness in the damper itself. Manufacturers will usually recommend an installation distance for any particular damper and situation. A generic criterion for the damper positioning considers the installation of the damper at a distance P from the span end equal to 70-80% of the loop length, corresponding to the maximum wind velocity considered. For example, considering the installation point at 80% of the shorter loop, the distance P can be calculated using the following equations. P = 0.31 ⋅ d ⋅ H w for maximum wind speed of 7 m/s 2.4-7 EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition and P = 0.22 ⋅ d ⋅ H w for maximum wind speed of 10 m/s 2.4-8 In suspension spans, when two dampers per span are necessary, the application of one damper per span extremity is preferable to the solution of placing both dampers at one extremity only. Sometimes, the use of different spacings is advocated as a method of increasing the frequency coverage. In long spans, where two dampers per span extremity are necessary, the second damper positioning, P1, is generally taken at a distance from the first damper equal to 80-100% of the distance P. U.S. practice has normally recommended a distance P1 corresponding to about 85% of P, but with newer damper models an even shorter spacing is being recommended. If Equation 2.4-7 is applied to Drake conductor, wherein H = 28024 N, w = 1.628 kg/m, and d = 0.02814 m (28.14 mm), a value of P = 1.14 m (3.49 ft) is obtained. Considering P1 = 0.8P, the distance of the second damper from the first one will be 0.91 m (2.78 ft). If these values of P and P1 are substituted for loop length ( ) in Equation (2.4-6), the solutions indicate that the dampers would be at nodal position, respectively, at winds of 8.75 and 4.91 m/s, or 19.6 and 11 mph. Special considerations apply for the application of dampers near tension clamps. It is recognized that tension clamps are less critical compared to suspension clamps. The jumper loop act somehow as a bretelle damper. Moreover, for low vibration frequencies, a tension clamp articulates, and little or no bending stress is applied on the conductor. With increasing frequency, the inertia of the clamp and its attached jumper reduces gradually its articulation, and it finally becomes a fixed point. For this reason, the application of two dampers at the tension clamp is sometimes suggested on the assumption that one damper will fall near a node for a given vibration frequency. For example, long deadend insulator strings may contain a full loop, and the damper may fall in a node at some frequency. The same concept has been considered for the application of dampers near fittings such as warning spheres and other devices that show a degree of mobility at lower frequencies. For example, on the OPGW of the Orinoco River crossing of the 400-kV Guayana Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration B-Palital, Venezuela, in subspans between warning spheres, two dampers near one of the spheres has been installed rather than one damper near each sphere. Section 2.5.3 also deals with the problem of the damper position optimization: in the case of conductor with only one damper or with more dampers and also in the case the armor rods are present. For the installation of asymmetric Stockbridge-type dampers (4-R) at span extremities, questions have been often formulated about the most convenient orientation of the masses. The difference of the damper performance when the big mass is oriented toward the span center, and when it is oriented toward the span end, is generally unknown, but it is supposed to be small. However, some damper manufacturers suggest installing the units with the big mass oriented toward the center of the span because it, considering the clamp rotation effect discussed in Section 2.4.3, will slightly improve the control of the lower vibration frequencies. Multiple and In-Span Damping The use of a heavy inert mass as a damper can be misleading. Although a heavy mass placed a short distance from the suspension may reduce the conductor strain at the suspension, it is essentially serving as a reflection point, and a high strain level may then exist at the mass. The same problem can be imposed on a line through the addition of heavy warning spheres or catenary lights. Although the span ends may be damped, heavy masses added to a span can create sections (subspans) between them that are isolated from the end span damping. The same effect, sometimes with a more complex distribution of the conductor tension, is determined by the installation of interphase spacers used for the mitigation of the conductor galloping. In these cases, a suitable application of vibration dampers in each subspan should be considered. With very long spans, a single damper near each end may not provide adequate protection. The normal damping procedures use additional dampers at each end, spacing them along the conductor in patterns calculated to minimize the number of dampers that could simultaneously fall near a node. In many cases, this procedure has provided adequate protection, and groups of dampers up to five to six units have been usefully applied. However, this procedure is only effective to a certain limit, since the amount of damping fails to increase in proportion to the number of dampers. The dampers applied at the greatest distance from the suspension tend to receive a higher proportion of the vibration load and, in time, may fail through fatigue. The damper nearest the suspension is protected by the outly- 2-57 Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition ing dampers, and receives little vibration excitation. The multiple damping approach includes the possibility of progressive damper failures, which could, in time, endanger the span. in Section 2.5.3, methods of calculation are available in order to define the type, number and position of the dampers suitable to control aeolian vibrations for a certain application. An alternate procedure is the use of in-span damping (Rawlins 1961; Sellers 1962) that consists of installing vibration dampers in the central part of the span in addition to the dampers installed at the span extremities. 2.4.5 A single damper placed a significant distance from the span termination is likely to become a nodal point at nearly all frequencies. However, if it is given a properly spaced partner—i.e., a second damper placed not too far apart—it becomes impossible for both to be simultaneously nodal within the normal range of wind velocities that generate significant vibration. If the Energy Balance Principle is applied to an in-span damping problem, a safe assumption would be that only one of the paired dampers could act at a time. However, when more damping capacity is deemed necessary, a group of three or more dampers can be considered instead of the paired units. Experience with bundled hardware tends to make complex assemblies within the span more acceptable. However, dampers and their clamps should receive special attention because of their inaccessibility and the damping should err on the side of caution to avoid future maintenance. A combination of multiple and in-span damping has been used for the damping system of the Chacao Channel crossing, a 200-kV single-circuit line section with one alumoweld conductor per phase strung at 34% UTS (Cosmai 1998). The central span of 2682 m, as well as the lateral spans of 450 m, have been equipped with groups of five vibration dampers of Stockbridge type at each span extremity. Each group, as shown in Figure 2.4-36, consists of five dampers: three for low- and mediumvibration frequencies (ST4), and two for high frequencies (ST3). Preliminary calculations demonstrated that inspan damping was also necessary, and due to the presence of warning spheres, two dampers, one ST4 and one ST3, have been installed on each subspan. As explained Other Protection Methods Armor Rods Armor rods are among the earliest methods used for protecting overhead lines from the effects of vibration. When first used, in 1925 (Aluminum Company of America 1961), the armor rods were made from strands of the same conductor on which they were applied, thus providing an additional layer of strand extending a short distance from both sides of the suspension clamp. Varney (1928) experimented with their use on a line that had experienced fatigue breaks within two or three months after construction. Three years after armor rods were installed, no further breaks were reported. His analysis emphasized the reduction in bending at the suspension that could be realized through the use of rods. To avoid an abrupt change in section at the rod ends, he advocated tapered rods. The rods were twisted in place by means of a special tool, and the ends were secured by a bolted two-piece clamp. The use of armor rods became common overhead line practice, either with or without additional damping devices. An additional consideration in the use of armor rods was protection of the conductor during insulator flashover, especially where overhead ground wires were not used. Wrench-Formed Armor Rods Any device added to an overhead line has its own potential hazards, and rods are no exception. Wrenches used for installing armor rods mark the conductor, but normally the marks are far enough from the suspension point to be harmless. However, a report from Sweden (Bovallius et al. 1960) documents a case in which armor rods contributed to conductor damage. Tapered rods had been installed, and the ends secured with a singlepiece annular ferrule, pressed in place. Chafing developed as a result of motion between the rods and the conductor. Ultimately, some rods wore through entirely, the Figure 2.4-36 Chacao Channel Crossing. Distribution of vibration damper at each extremity of the central span (2682 m) and of the lateral spans (450 m). In-span damping was also necessary. 2-58 EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition end ferrule was lost, and considerable conductor damage resulted, most of it caused by abrasion against the armor rods. The area in which this occurred was evidently a severe vibration zone. It is quite possible that the total line damage might have been greater if it had been constructed without rods or dampers, but more secure end clamps would have reduced the damage. Wrench-formed rods without tapered ends were introduced as a means of obtaining some of the benefits of armor rods at reduced cost. Factory-Formed Armor Rods The development of factory-formed armor rods provided for easier installation and a closer fit than was possible with wrench-formed rods. End clamps became unnecessary. Factory-formed rods have not been produced with tapered ends. This has precipitated arguments about the contribution of the tapered section. Factory-formed rods have given good long-term service, and the question of taper has not been completely resolved. The design of armor rods is an engineering compromise. Large-diameter rods reduce conductor bending at the suspension, but can become difficult to apply and may cause high conductor dynamic and static bending strain at the ends of the rods. With the advent of bundled conductor systems, armor rods, where used, have tended to be the factory-formed type. Presently, tapered armor rods are not commercially available, although many units are still in service on old lines (Figure 2.4-37). Factory-formed rods evolved into a family of helical products, which also include splices, repair sleeves for damaged conductors, tension clamps, and so-called hairpin spacers. Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration When used as full tension splices, the rod grip is enhanced by coating the internal parts in contact with the conductor with a conductive aluminium oxide grit. On overhead cables incorporating optical fibers such as OPGW and ADSS, armor rods are also used as a protection under vibration damper clamps, factory-formed suspension and tension clamps, and warning spheres. Factory-formed rods are also applied under the clamps of interphase spacers and in special cases under the clamps of bundle spacers. Materials used in armor rods are aluminum alloy for aluminum-based conductors and galvanized steel or alumoweld for steel-based or alumoweld-based shield wires. Copperweld or phosphor bronze are used for rods to be fitted on copper and copperweld conductors. The rods are factory matched and packed in sets or preassembled in subsets for faster and easier installation (Figure 2.4-38). Armor rods are intended for a single application, as during installation they may be permanently deformed, and the manufacturers recommend the use of new sets of rods in case of replacement. The actual damping realized with factory-formed rods is less than the damping obtained with wrench-formed rods, because the factory-formed rods grip the conductor tightly. Although the damping due to armor rods is low in comparison to that of properly applied dampers, there may be situations in which rods alone will provide adequate protection. The effects of armor rods installed at tangent supports of the conductors is discussed in Chapter 3 in terms of damping and reinforcing of the conductor against the dynamic bending caused by aeolian vibration. In order to obtain the maximum efficiency, it is essential that the lay direction of the armor rod set be identical to Figure 2.4-37 Tapered armor rods (courtesy ISELFA). Figure 2.4-38 Factory-formed rods packed in sets or preassembled in subsets. 2-59 Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition the lay direction of the conductor outer layer strands (Figure 2.4-39). Armor rods are generally produced with right-hand lay. Left-hand lay should be specifically required. Armor rod manufacturers provide users with suitable installation instructions, including tables for the correct choice of the rod sets in terms of number and diameter of the rods in relation to the overall diameter of the conductor to be protected. As illustrated in Figure 2.4-40, the correct number of rods should, after application, provide a slight gap between the rods. The gap should preferably be distributed as in Example 1; however, a gap concentrated in one location (Example 2) can be also accepted. An excessive number of rods installed as in Example 3 produces bridging conditions and can lead to rod abrasion, while, if installed as in Example 4 provide little protection and may damage the rods and the conductor. To meet the corona and RIV requirements and for safe handling, the rod extremities are rounded, which is Figure 2.4-39 Correct lay direction of armor rods in relation to the lay direction of the conductor outer layer. Figure 2.4-40 Examples of correct and incorrect installation of the armor rods. 2-60 known as “ball-ending.” However, for most EHV applications, the rod extremities assume a “parrot bill shape” instead of the standard “ball-end” shape to enhance the electrical performance (Figure 2.4-41). In this regard, the alignment of the rod extremities should be maintained within the tolerances given by the manufacturer. 2.4.6 Spacers and Spacer-dampers General The trend toward bundled conductors in transmission lines (Figure 2.4-42), which began in the early 1950s, was based primarily on electrical considerations but introduced mechanical problems not previously encountered on overhead lines. Most of the troubles were associated with line spacers. Early rigid spacers caused excessive conductor wear and conductor strand failure, and in some cases the spacers themselves fractured. Loose-fitting joints in articulated spacers often showed a high rate of wear. Once the need for some degree of flexibility or articulation was recognized, there was a tendency to design for unrealistic limits. Spacer-testing machines constructed in various countries subjected new designs to motions that were highly improbable in final use, but designs were evolved to meet these tests. Figure 2.4-41 Armor rods with “parrot bill” terminations, for EHV transmission line conductors (courtesy Nuova Elettromeccanica Sud). Figure 2.4-42 Conventional conductor bundles. EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition The accumulation of experience from operating lines and experimental test spans led to a better understanding of spacer requirements, and spacer designs became more realistic (Edwards and Boyd 1965). However, there are still utility specifications requiring performances that the spacers and spacer-dampers will never confront in service. The different types of spacers employed on transmission lines can be classified as follows (Figure 2.4-43): 1. Rigid spacers 2. Semirigid spacers 3. Articulated spacers 4. Flexible spacers 5. Spacer-dampers The characteristics and performance of each type of spacer are fully described in Chapter 5. Here, some notes are given about their main features and about the testing performed on spacer and spacer-dampers with particular regards to the effectiveness of the damping systems against aeolian vibration. Rigid, articulated, and flexible spacers do not contribute any damping or control of aeolian vibration, but provide coupling between the subconductors, which has, per se, a positive effect in reducing vibration or oscillation levels (Hardy and Van Dyke 1995). However, in Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration most of the cases, this reduction is not enough to maintain the vibration levels within limits that do not produce fatigue accumulation on the subconductor strands. Control of the aeolian vibration can be achieved either by combining semirigid, articulated, and flexible spacers with vibration dampers or installing spacer-dampers only. The second solution is generally preferred for economical reasons and for the lower number of items to be installed on the line. However, there are cases in which spacer-dampers alone may be unable to control, within safety limits, the levels of aeolian vibrations. For example, on twin bundles of light and strong conductors such as AAAC, strung with high H/w, and under severe wind conditions, spacer-dampers may be insufficient to mitigate aeolian vibration. In this case, the most rational solution is to apply both spacer-dampers or nonrigid spacers along the span and vibration dampers at span extremities. The spacers employed should be light to avoid the subspan effect—i.e., to prevent entrapment of aeolian vibrations inside the subspans. Thus, the aeolian vibrations will be able to travel along the span and reach the vibration damper locations where they can be damped. For bundles of three or more conductors, spacer-dampers are generally sufficient to control within safety limits the conductor vibrations, and vibration dampers are installed only in special cases involving long crossing spans. Spacing and damping systems for bundled conductors have reached levels of efficiency more than satisfactory in controlling aeolian vibration and subspan oscillation. However, the great number of clamps involved represent a risk for the integrity of the subconductors on which they are installed. In a transmission line, there are thousands of spacer clamps, and if just one of them gets loose, the relevant subconductor will be seriously damaged and, if left unattended, it will break down and fall to the ground. This happens because the subconductor vibrations and oscillations cause a sustained hammering between the loose clamp and the conductor. Spacer clamps are generally made of aluminum silicon alloy, which is harder than the pure aluminum of the conductor outer layer so that, as a result of the continuous clashing, the conductor is the most damaged (Figures 2.7-8 and 2.7-9). Figure 2.4-43 Main types of spacers. The serious consequences of conductor failures, in term of outage and repair costs, are well known. Thus, is very important that the spacer clamps are provided with a reliable locking system able to maintain a suitable clamp grip for the whole life of the line. 2-61 Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition Nevertheless, a good clamp design is not enough when clamps are not correctly installed. So, the two main points to be considered to prevent clamp loosening are: Proper clamp design Correct clamp installation Design characteristics of spacer clamps and the correct installation of the same are reported in Chapter 5. In Figure 2.4-44, the main types of spacer clamps are illustrated. Spacer-dampers Spacer-dampers are articulated spacers that incorporate into the articulations an energy-absorbing mechanism generally consisting of elastomer in shear or compression, but also consisting of cables in bending and, in the past, sliding surfaces. The damping mechanisms are activated by the rotation of the spacer-damper arms. The term “spacer-damper system” identifies the complexity of spacer-damper units, installed on the line together with the relevant in-span distribution scheme, which is an important factor especially for the control of subspan oscillation (Hearnshaw 1974) (see Section 5.6.9). A spacer-damper (Figure 2.4-45) consists of a central frame, a number of clamps for attachment to the subconductors, a number of resilient articulations (one or two per arm) containing the damping elements, and a number of arms connecting the clamps to the central frame via the articulations (see also Figure 5.6-9). It has been illustrated in Section 2.5.4 that, in any bundle, there are resonant vibration modes in which no relative motion between subconductors exists, called rigid modes and other natural vibration modes in which some relative movement between the subconductors can cause an elastic reaction of the spacer articulations with respect to the spacer frame (Claren et al. 1974). The ability of a spacer-damper to control aeolian vibrations is strongly related to the capacity of the main frame to develop inertia forces able to combine rigid modes, where no damping effect can be produced, with one or more of the other natural modes, which can cause spacer arm rotation and consequently dissipation of energy. Spacers and Spacer-damper Tests The laboratory tests usually performed on the components of a spacer system can be classified as follows (Cosmai 1966): 1. Prototype tests 2. Type tests 3. Routine tests 4. Inspection (sample) test The prototype tests are part of an iterative cycle that is usually executed during the spacer-damper design. Test results are intended to optimize the design parameters and suggest modifications that can improve the spacerdamper performance. The type tests are performed to qualify the spacerdamper design. These tests are carried out by the manufacturer and are normally witnessed by the purchaser's representatives. Independent test laboratories are often employed to perform some of the tests. Figure 2.4-44 Main types of spacer clamp. 2-62 Figure 2.4-45 Early design of triple spacer-damper (courtesy U. Cosmai). EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition The routine tests control production and continuously verify its compliance with the design parameters.When routine tests are intended to prove conformance of spacers to a specific requirements, they may be performed on every spacer. Routine tests are generally nondestructive tests. The inspection tests are usually performed by the manufacturer in the presence of the purchaser's representative, on production lots, prior to shipment. The purpose of these tests is to demonstrate that the materials concerned are in compliance with the requirements of the users’ Technical Specification. The prototype and type tests also provide the input data for analytical prediction of the damping system performance. In the calculation, the spacers are defined by the values of the torsional stiffness and damping of the articulations, as well as by the axial stiffness and damping of the same. Moreover, the geometrical characteristics, weight, center of gravity, and inertial moments of each component are considered. In addition to the above laboratory tests, field tests are sometimes requested by the users to verify the behavior of the system including the bundle and the relevant damping system under aeolian vibration on lines under Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration construction and on lines in operation. Sometimes, subspan oscillation is also considered. The flowchart of Figure 2.4-46 shows a possible organization of the investigation methods available for the manufacturer and users of vibration damping units and systems for transmission lines. In 1998, IEC published the first international standard on spacers, the IEC 61854, “Overhead Lines. Requirements and Tests on Spacers.” The standards have been prepared by IEC TC11 WG09 consisting of utility and manufacturer representatives from 10 countries worldwide. Different points of view among the working group members about the performance of the spacer-dampers resulted in the identification of more than one procedure for some tests. Moreover, test parameters were left to agreement between purchaser and supplier when agreement on a specific value was impossible to achieve. Therefore, in the standard, there are tests in which the parameters are fully indicated and tests in which the parameters are left to the agreement between purchaser and supplier. The application of these standards, during the past 7-8 years, demonstrated that the lack of test parameters and Figure 2.4-46 Investigation methods available for the manufacturer and users of vibration damping units and systems for transmission lines. 2-63 Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition the presence of alternative procedures for the same test could create confusion for the users. However, the positive effect of the standard is that it helps to avoid some unrealistic and expensive tests, which are sometimes required by the users. Spacer-damper Tests To ensure a proper performance during their lifetime, spacer-dampers should fulfil the requirements described below. Mechanical Characteristics • Clamping. To prevent the spacer clamp loosening or slipping, the clamping characteristics should be verified by a clamp slip test (longitudinal and torsional), breakaway bolt test, and clamp bolt tightening test. The tests should be performed using the conductors for which the clamps are designed. At the end of fatigue tests (see next section: “Dynamic Characteristics”), the residual tightening torque of the clamp bolts is measured to verify the capacity of the fastening system to resist the loosening effect of conductor vibration and oscillation. Clamping requirements are fully described in Section 5.6.5. • Mechanical Strength. In service, spacers should withstand mechanical loads due to environmental or short-circuit conditions (Manuzio 1967), as reported in Section 5.6.4. These loads can be reproduced in the laboratory by performing compression and tension tests, as well as simulated short-circuit tests. The actual short-circuit test, to be performed at high power test laboratories, is still required by some users, but has not been included in the IEC Standard 61854. Dynamic Characteristics • Flexibility. Longitudinal, vertical, conical, and transversal flexibility tests should be carried out to demonstrate the ability of the spacers to accommodate any expected relative movement or static displacement of the subconductors under normal service conditions, without damage to the conductors or spacers, as reported in more detail in Section 5.6.4. • Fatigue. The fatigue endurance of spacers subjected to the alternating motions and vibrations occurring in service should be in excess of the expected life of the line. A subspan oscillation test and an aeolian vibration test, as prescribed by the IEC Standard 61854 (IEC TC11 1998), are the most representative tests. It should be noted that the IEC Standard 61854 does not specify longitudinal and conical fatigue tests because these movements are considered transient or negligible in service. Fatigue endurance requirements of spacers and spacer-dampers are fully discussed in Section 5.6.6. 2-64 • Elastic and Damping Properties. Tests to determine the damping properties of spacer-dampers can be performed in accordance with three methods proposed by the IEC Standard 61854: —Stiffness-damping method —Stiffness method —Damping method The elastic and damping characteristics determined by the different methods are not equivalent, and none of the methods can provide direct information about the performance of spacer-dampers in service. However, they can be used both to establish acceptance criteria for sample test and to define the analytical model of the spacer-damper to be used in computer programs formulated to predict the behavior of the damping systems with regard to aeolian vibration and subspan oscillation. A description of the three IEC methods is reported in Appendix 2.5, together with an alternative procedure for the stiffness-damping method employed in some computer programs. Damping and stiffness characteristics should also be measured before and after the fatigue tests to determine the fatigue endurance of the spacer articulations. Electrical Characteristics • Electrical Resistance. The spacer-damper components should be electrically conductive as described in Section 5.6.4, under the subsection titled “Electrical Characteristics.” Tests are performed to measure the electrical resistance of the spacer-dampers between clamps and to verify that the conductivity is such that potential differences and current flows do not result in degradation of spacer components or damage to the subconductors. • Corona and Radio Interference Voltage. Tests to verify the electrical behavior of spacers in service conditions (see the same subsection mentioned above) are performed in high-voltage test laboratories, installing one spacer on a length of a tube bundle having the same geometrical characteristics of the real bundle concerned (Figure 2.4-47). • Resistance to Environmental Attacks. Spacers are used worldwide under completely different environmental conditions and levels of pollution. Appropriate climatic and corrosion tests should be carried out to verify the resistance of the metallic materials and the elastomers to various aggressive agents such as ozone, UV, extremes of temperature, and industrial and marine atmosphere. EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition • Galvanized steel is mainly used for the elements of the clamp-locking system and sometimes for other components such as hinge pins and bolts, central frames spring articulations, and steel ropes. The zinc protection is generally made by hot dip galvanization, in accordance, for example, with ISO1471, except when spring steel is used (see also Section 5.6.3). In any case, the thickness of the zinc deposit should guarantee corrosion-resistance for the whole life of the line. Considering an average consumption of zinc of 0.8÷1.5 μm per year, typical of rural areas and coastal areas, a minimum galvanizing thickness of 40÷50 μm may guarantee the protection for the expected life of the line. • Tests on Nonmetallic Components. The chemical composition of the elastomers used in the spacer for the articulation or for the lining of the clamps is seldom disclosed by the manufacturers because it represents the result of long and expensive studies and laboratory tests, and it is kept secret. The elastomers are generally described using laboratory tests that can be divided in two categories. The first includes tests to characterize the elastomer through the measurement of its physical and mechanical characteristics (hardness, density, tensile strength, Modulus of elasticity, etc.). The second category includes tests to define the performance of the elastomer with respect to the stresses applied to the spacer in service (compression set, tear resistance, etc.) and attacks by environmental agents (aging tests). Figure 2.4-47 Corona emission of a triple spacerdamper at 360 kV phase to ground. (courtesy Nuova Elettromeccanica Sud). 2.5 SYSTEM RESPONSE 2.5.1 Introduction Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration This section is aimed at describing the models available to simulate the response of a system conductor(s) plus damping devices to aeolian vibrations. The considered models are based on the Energy Balance Principle (EBP). Basic assumptions, results, and limits of the methods are discussed. As already described in Section 2.2, the onset of aeolian vibration is defined by matching of the Strouhal frequency with one of the natural frequencies of the conductor—i.e., aeolian vibration occurs when the vortexshedding frequency approaches that of a natural mode of the system (single conductor, bundle conductor plus devices etc.) and a resonance condition occurs. When the vibration amplitude increases, lock-in effects occur, and a self-excited mechanism is generated. According to the Energy Balance Principle (EBP) (CIGRE SC22 WG11 TF1. 1998), already introduced in Section 2.1, the maximum steady-state amplitudes of vibration for each of the excited vibration modes (i.e., for each of the excited natural frequencies) are the result of a balance between the wind energy input and the energy dissipated by the system. However, as noted in Section 2.2.1, due to the wind variation in time and along the span, more than one vibration mode at a time can be excited, giving rise to a typical vibration pattern, as shown in Figure 2.5-1, which refers to a vibration amplitude measured on a single conductor of a real transmission line; the typical phenomenon of beating is evident. (Beating may be defined as an alternate increase and decrease in the amplitude of a wave caused by the addition of another component of nearly equal frequency.) The beat frequency depends on the difference between the two excited harmonics. In Figure 2.5-1, the beating period Tb is 1 second (beating frequency fb = 1/Tb = 1 Hz), 10 vibration cycles occur in 1 second, hence the two beating frequencies are 10 and 11 Hz. The vibration severity is characterized by the maximum antinode amplitude found in the time history, which can be related to the maximum bending strain and to the bending amplitude registered by commonly used aeolian vibration recorders. This maximum antinode amplitude (or bending strain on the conductor or bending amplitude) is the value with which theoretical predictions must ultimately be compared. When more than one frequency is excited, the span vibration, from one extremity to the other, is no longer 2-65 Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition Figure 2.5-1 Record of conductor vibration on a 275-m test span equipped with a Drake conductor (EPRI 1979). represented by a sinusoidal function, and no vibration nodes are observed. This condition cannot be reproduced by methods based on the EBP, because the energy input from the wind should account for the wind variations in space and time, and a more realistic model of vortex shedding should be defined. Methods accounting for this aspect of the aeolian vibration phenomenon have been developed both in the time (Diana et al. 1993) and the frequency (Noiseux et al. 1988) domain, but they are still at a research stage. Some authors derived from these methods a simplified approach to aeolian vibration in turbulent conditions, defining a reduced wind energy input to be used in EBP simulation programs (Noiseux et al. 1988; Diana et al. 1979; Rawlins 1983). However, this aspect of the problem has not yet been fully resolved; research is continuing in this area. Consolidated models for the simulation of the aeolian vibration behavior of a system conductor (or bundle) plus damping devices are based on the EBP, considering only one mode of vibration at a time. The laboratory tests allow for a reliable evaluation of the parameters related to the energy dissipated by the conductor and the damping devices. The problem related to the evaluation of the wind energy input is much more difficult: wind tunnel tests to evaluate the maximum energy input are made on rigid or flexible cylinders, leading to different results, as shown in Fig 2.2-15. The curves representing the flexible cylinder tests are in Rawlins (1983) and Brika and Laneville (1995), while all the others represent the rigid cylinder tests. The maximum wind energy input based on a rigid cylinder represents a conservative choice. The maximum wind energy input based on a flexible cylinder is less so in the real case, where, due to the beating phenomenon, no nodes of vibration are present. In the case of single conductors, the conductor vibration modes and the energy dissipated by the conductor for each mode of vibration can be readily identified, as will be shown in Section 2.5.2. 2-66 For a single conductor plus dampers and other devices, the task is more difficult, and this will be explained in Section 2.5.3. Finally, for the case of bundle conductor plus spacerdampers and other devices, the identification of modes of vibration must be achieved by suitable numerical computation models, as will be explained in Section 2.5.4. Once the system vibration modes have been identified, the conductor vibration amplitudes can be defined along the span as a function of a reference amplitude, which then enables the wind energy input to be computed. If the mode of vibration is known, the motion of the dampers, the spacer dampers, and any other device present on the conductor can be determined as a function of the reference amplitude. The energy dissipated may then be computed. The steady-state amplitude for that mode of vibration is the one balancing the wind energy input and the dissipated energy. Most of the empirical functions, derived by wind tunnel tests, for the wind power imparted to a unit length of conductor—Pinput—can be expressed in the form: Pinput = f 3 D 4 fnc( A / D) 2.5-1 where the fnc(A/D) functions are reported in Figure 2.2-15. f is the vibration frequency, and D is the conductor diameter. A/D is the nondimensional antinode amplitude of vibration. An analytical expression for the fnc(A/D) function is given, as an example, in the IEC standard 61897 (IEC 61897 1998): fnc (A/D) = 10z where 8 z = ∑ an X n n=0 X = lg(A/D) a0 = -0.491949 a2 = -43.5532 2.5-2 EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition a3 a4 a1 a5 a6 a7 a8 = -78.5876 = -86.1199 = 11.8029 = -58.1808 = -23.6082 = -5.26705 = -0.495885 Pmax = The power dissipated by a unit length of conductor (P/L), as reported in Section 2.3.6, can be measured on a laboratory span, and the measured data are generally expressed empirically through a power law: P Al f m =k n L T 2.5-3 where T is the conductor tensile load; k is a factor of proportionality, which depends on the conductor characteristics; and l, m, n are the amplitude exponent, frequency exponent, and tension exponent, respectively. Values for the exponents are reported in Table 2.3-2, while an example of the P/L expression including the k factor is given by expression 2.3-20 (Noiseux 1992) in Section 2.3.6. In the case of a single undamped conductor, the steadystate antinode amplitude of vibration A, for each one of the natural frequencies of the system, will be the one balancing the expression Pinput = P/L 2.5-4 For the case of damped conductors and bundles, the balancing process must also account for the energy dissipated by the damping devices, as will be seen in Sections 2.5.3 and 2.5.4: Pinput L = P + Pdd 2.5-5 where Pinput multiplied by L, the span length, ƒ is the power introduced by the wind, P is the power dissipated by the conductor due to self-damping, and P dd is the power dissipated by the damping devices. If the case of a single conductor protected by a damper is considered, a nondimensional expression of the EBP can be obtained: Pw P P = + D Pmax Pmax Pmax Where: Pw = Pinput L Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration 1 TmL ω 2 A2 (see also Equation 2.4-3 2 in Section 2.4) PD is the power dissipated by the damper T is the conductor tensile load. mL is the conductor mass per unit length. ω is the vibration circular frequency (ω = 2πf and f is the vibration frequency). A is the antinode vibration amplitude. and the term P D / P max is recognized as damping efficiency (see Section 2.4.3). Aeolian vibration control is achieved if the system damping, defined as the energy dissipated by conductors and damping devices for all the system vibration modes, is high enough to limit vibration amplitudes to within acceptable levels. As observed in Section 2.2.4, in other fields of engineering, such as the vortex-induced vibrations of risers and stay cables of bridges or other structures, the vortexinduced vibration severity is identified through the Scruton number (Sc) value: 2.5-7 Sc = δ mL/(D2 ρ) Where: mL is the cable mass per unit length. D is its diameter. δ is the damping of the considered mode expressed as log-decrement. ρ is the fluid density. Once the Sc number is defined—i.e., when the system overall damping (in form of δ) is identified—the amplitude of vibration A/D can be easily identified through the Sc versus A/D relation reported in Figure 2.2-13. For the case of a single conductor, this approach can be readily applied, and A/D is the in-span nondimensional (or reduced) antinode amplitude. In case of bundle conductors, reference can be made to the maximum amplitude along the span. In Sections 2.5.2, 2.5.3, and 2.5.4 examples are given to demonstrate the validity of this simple approach. 2.5-6 For clarity’s sake, it is worth recalling that the system damping and its relation with the power extracted from the flow may be expressed in different forms, as already seen in Sections 2.2 and 2.3. In particular, for a certain natural frequency f, let P be the power dissipated by a 2-67 Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition certain length L of a conductor. The energy dissipated E is simply E = P/f. The conductor structural nondimensional damping ζ is defined (Equation 2.3-10) as: ζ = 1 E 4π Ek ,max 2.5-8 where Ek,max is the maximum kinetic energy of the length L of conductor. For lightly damped systems, the following relation between the nondimensional damping and the log decrement holds (Table 2.2-5): δ = 2π ζ 2.5-9 And, finally, the Scruton number Sc, which expresses the relation between the system structural damping and the aerodynamic forces, is related to δ through Equation 2.5-7. In some cases, the “Reduced Damping” or “Reduced Decrement” (Rawlins 1983; Brika and Laneville 1996) is used instead of the Scruton number to express the relation between the system damping and the power extracted from the wind. The following relation (see Section 2.2.3) holds: Sc = (Reduced Damping)/2 2.5.2 2.5-10 Mechanical Behavior of Single Conductors Natural Frequencies and Modes of Vibration T is the propagation velocity of a flexural mL The term perturbation along the string. As an example (EPRI 1979), for a 366-m span equipped with a Drake conductor tensioned at 28,024 N (about 20% of its Ultimate Tensile Strength), the following values are obtained: T = 28024 N mL = 1.628 kg/m L = 366 m T = 131.2 m/s mL fn = 1 λn T n T = = 0.179 n Hz mL 2 L mL (n = 1, 2, ….) 1 λn T n T = mL 2 L mL If wind velocity of 0.75 m/s (V) is considered, which is usually considered as the lowest wind speed at which aeolian vibration on a conductor occurs, the vortex-shedding frequency, according to the Strouhal formula is: f = 0.185 V/d = 0.185 0.75/0.028 ≈ 5 Hz 2.5-11 According to this model, the vibration modes are sinusoidal functions (Figure 2.5-2): 2π λn x) 2.5-12 where An is the antinode amplitude of vibration. Figure 2.5-2 Vibration modes—taut string model. 2-68 2.5-15 which corresponds to the frequency of the 28th mode of vibration. With a wind speed around 3 m/s, we would obtain a frequency around 20 Hz. where L is the span length, λn is the wave length, T is the tensile load, and m L is the cable mass per unit length. yn = An sin( 2.5-14 and then f1 = 0.179 Hz, f2 = 0.358 Hz,... f10 = 1.79 Hz … f28 = 5.012 Hz … f168 = 30.07 Hz Usually a single conductor is modelled as a taut string, and then its natural frequencies, ƒn (where n is the mode number, n = 1, 2, ….) can be evaluated through the following expression (Sturm 1936; Claren and Diana 1969a): fn = 2.5-13 EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition So it is clear that aeolian vibration excites the higher modes of vibration of the cable, not the lower ones, which, on the contrary, can be excited by galloping. In practice, as has been discussed in Section 2.3, a real conductor is not like a string because it is characterized by a certain flexural stiffness (EI). In that case, a more realistic model of a conductor is a tensioned beam. So the natural frequencies and vibration modes are represented by the following equations (Morse 1948; Claren and Diana 1969a): 2 2 ⎛ nπ ⎞ T ⎡ ⎛ nπ ⎞ EI ⎤ ⎢1 + ⎜ ⎥ ⎜ ⎟ ⎟ ⎝ L ⎠ mL ⎢⎣ ⎝ L ⎠ T ⎥⎦ 1 fn = 2π 2.5-16 y n (x) = A n Sh(z n x) + B n Ch (z n x) + C n sin(a n x) + D n cos(anx) where z n = an = − (2π f n ) 2 2.5-17 T T2 m + + L EI EI (2 EI ) 2 (2π f n ) 2 T T2 m + + L EI EI (2 EI ) 2 2.5-18 The shape of the vibration mode (A n , B n , C n , D n ) depends on the span end conditions, and this is, in turn, fundamental to the correct evaluation of the strains and stresses at the span extremities. If the end conditions are hinges, the shape of the vibration modes is the same as for the taut string, and the maximum bending strain on the conductor is found at the antinode (Claren and Diana 1969b). Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration slippage hypothesis, the maximum bending strain (on the cable outer layer) is obtained through: ∂ 2 yn ( x ) D (ε max )n = ∂x 2 2 2.5-19 where D is the cable diameter. In practice, however, a slippage mechanism among the individual wires is present, and as detailed in Section 2.3, the maximum bending strain value is lower than that defined above, and the cable stiffness is not equal to the EImax value, and it is not constant along the span. Usually if (CIGRE WG B2.11.TF1. 2005a) is used, both for the correct evaluation of the conductor natural frequencies and for the strain computation, the EImax value is corrected through a reduction coefficient, whose value is generally around 0.5 (see also Section 2.3.3). Moreover, the static configuration of a conductor is represented by a catenary, and the tensile load is not constant along the span. This fact makes the frequency and related shape of the first vibration mode different from that reported in Figure 2.5-2 (Diana et al. 1999). However, as already observed, aeolian vibration does not excite the first conductor modes, and therefore, this is not important. In both cases, whether the cable flexural stiffness is accounted for or not, in the free span, the cable mode of vibration is represented by a sinusoidal function of the type: yn = An sin( 2π λn x) 2.5-20 If the span extremities are fitted with fixed constraints, the vibration mode shape is as in Figure 2.5-3, and the maximum bending strain is found at the span extremities (Claren and Diana 1969b). The determination of the stresses due to the conductor bending requires evaluation of the conductor flexural behavior, which, in turn, depends on its flexural stiffness. As already discussed in Section 2.3, if no slippage between the single layers of an ACSR stranded conductor is considered, the equation to get the cable flexural stiffness EImax is Equation 2.3-4. The conductor curvature is defined as the second derivative of the conductor displacement, and then in the noFigure 2.5-3 Modes of vibration, beam model, fixed constraints. 2-69 Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition where λn is the wave length. As a consequence, in case of hinged extremities, the maximum bending strain is at the antinode (εa) and is given by: ∂ 2 yn ( x) D 4π 2 D = 2 An ( ε a )n = 2 λn ∂x 2 2 2.5-21 where An represents the conductor antinode amplitude of vibration. In case of clamped extremities (no rotation), the strain (εc)n at the span extremities is higher than the antinode strain, and the following relation applies: ⎛ εc ⎞ T ⎜ ⎟ = K λn EI max ⎝ ε a ⎠n As the cable stiffness increases, considering the same vibration frequency, the loop length increases, as shown in the following example, always related to the case of the Drake conductor, already used. Example: For a Drake conductor: EImax 1600 Nm2 EI = 0.5 1600 ≈ 800 Nm2 Considering a 366-m span (L), the 168th mode has a wave length of 2L/n = 4.36 m Without EI: f n = 1 λn T = 30.07 Hz mL 2.5-23 With EI: 2.5-22 T An D (ε c )n = 4π K EI max λn 2 1 fn = 2π 2 where the K coefficient depends on the λn T EI max value (Claren and Diana 1969b) according to Figure 2.5-4. Also, in this case, the slippage between the single wires of a stranded conductor modifies the above relationships through the EI reduction coefficient previously referred to. A general observation can be made that λn is related to the mode natural frequency fn through a relation with or without the flexural stiffness EI. 2 2 ⎛ nπ ⎞ T ⎡ ⎛ nπ ⎞ EI ⎤ ⎢1 + ⎜ ⎥ ⎜ ⎟ ⎟ ⎝ L ⎠ mL ⎢⎣ ⎝ L ⎠ T ⎥⎦ 2 1 ⎛ 2π ⎞ T ⎡ ⎛ 2π ⎞ EI ⎤ ⎢1 + ⎜ ⎥ = ⎜ ⎟ ⎟ 2π ⎝ λn ⎠ mL ⎢ ⎝ λn ⎠ T ⎥ ⎣ ⎦ = 1 λn 2 ⎛ 2π ⎞ EI T 1+ ⎜ ⎟ mL ⎝ λn ⎠ T = 30.95 Hz, with an increment of about 3%. 2.5-24 Considering a higher stiffness, say EI = 1200 Nm2, the frequency corresponding to a wave length of 4.36 m— i.e., to the 168 th mode—would be 31.38 Hz, with an increment of about 3.4%. As can be seen, the effect of stiffness is not important for the evaluation of the natural frequencies, while, of course, it is of primary importance for the evaluation of the bending strains. The Energy Balance Principle Natural frequencies and related vibration modes can be excited by the wind when the vortex-shedding frequency approaches one of them. However, as already observed, the wind velocity variation in space and time (Figure 2.5-5) is such that more vibration modes can be simultaneously excited, and so the vibration amplitude along the span exhibits the well-known beat pattern. Figure 2.5-4 Ratio between the strain at the clamp and the antinode strain as a function of the λn parameter (Claren and Diana 1969b). 2-70 T EI max Once the aeolian vibration phenomenon is initiated, it is self-sustained due to the lock-in effect. The presence of more than one vibration mode causes the disappearance of the vibration nodes, and the phenomenon can become unsteady and very complex; this EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration makes it difficult to use the maximum energy input from the wind as measured in wind tunnels on rigid cylinders allowed to move or on flexible cylinders allowed to vibrate according to an harmonic function (see Section 2.2). As already observed, the first is a conservative choice, while the second is less so due to the presence of more modes of vibration (Diana et al. 2005). The graphical procedure shown in Figures 2.5-6 and 2.5-7, relevant to the Diana and Falco (rigid cylinder) and to the Rawlins (1958) (rigid cylinder) wind power input curves of Figure 2.2-15 and to conductor self damping measured in laboratory, can be substituted by an automatic evaluation performed by a software based on the EBP (Equation 2.5-4). The phenomenon is not easy to reproduce analytically, and what is generally and cautiously done is to apply an EBP approach; the EBP works in the frequency domain. In its simplest form, one mode of vibration at a time is considered, and the steady-state solutions computed correspond to the maximum vibration amplitude that could be excited on that conductor at that frequency. Each rendition of the EBP technology contains an energy input curve among those in Figure 2.2-15 (or an The reliability of results of these analytical computations is no better than the background data used in them, particularly data on the power supplied by wind during aeolian vibration (see Section 2.2.4) and data of self-damping in stranded conductors (see Section 2.3.6). This point has been already discussed in (CIGRE SC22 WG11 TF1 1998) and will be resumed at the end of this section with some examples. The balancing (Equation 2.5-4) of conductor self-dissipation (2.5-3) against wind power input (2.5-1) to obtain predicted amplitudes of natural vibration basically requires determining the intersection of wind input and conductor dissipation curves. A graphical solution is shown in Figure 2.5-6. Figure 2.5-7 presents the same data in an alternate form. Figure 2.5-5 Wind speed variation in space and time. Figure 2.5-6 Prediction of conductor vibration amplitudes at various frequencies, through cross-points of wind input and conductor self-dissipation. (Values at 10 Hz are extrapolated) (EPRI 1979). Figure 2.5-7 Predicted vibration and amplitudes indicated by Figure 2.5-6 (EPRI 1979). 2-71 Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition analytical expression like Equation 2.5-2) and an empirical relation for conductor self-damping (Equation 2.5-3) with parameter values shown in Table 2.3-2. As an example, the case of the Drake conductor already worked out in Section 2.5 is solved. The maximum antinode amplitudes of vibration (0-peak values) and relevant bending strains at the clamped extremities are shown in Figure 2.5-8 as a function of frequency. As with all analytical tools, the software based on the EBP can also be used to perform a sensitivity analysis— i.e., to evaluate the influence of the different line parameters on the aeolian vibration level. The other way to the sensitivity analysis is to collect data from field measurements and/or experimental spans, with an obvious limitation of the number of conditions that can be considered. Test Drake - Orange Book CONDUCTOR (0 X 0.00 + 0 X 0.00) DIAMETER 28.110 [MM] MASS 1.628 [KG/M] DAMPING CONST.AKAPPA0.324E-04 TENSION 28024.00 [N] STIFFNESS 800.00 [N*M^2] TYPE OF WIND: NO TURBULENCE TYPE OF CONSTRAIN: FIXED CLAMP Figure 2.5-8 Rendition of the EBP Technology: Drake conductor response to aeolian vibrations: maximum antinode amplitudes of vibration (0-peak values) and bending strains at the clamped extremities (0-peak values) as a function of frequency. 2-72 In Figure 2.5-9, which considers a Drake conductor, the influence of the conductor tension is shown. As can be seen in the empirical function used to reproduce the dissipated energy (Equation 2.5-3), a change of tension reflects in a change of dissipated energy and then in a variation of the vibration amplitude. Physically, it happens that, at a given frequency and amplitude of vibration, if the tension increases, the wave length increases, and then the strain at the antinode, given by ( ε ) a n = 4π 2 λ 2 n An D , decreases and, as a conse2 quence, the slippage between the single wires of the conductor and the dissipated energy decrease. If the dissipated energy decreases, the vibration amplitude and related strains increase. Approximately the same trend of variation of the vibration amplitude with respect to the tensile load variation could be found experimentally on the Isles de la Madeleine test line (Hardy and Van Dyke 1995) (see Figure 2.5-10). The tested conductor is the ACSR Bersfort. Both experimental and analytical results confirm that the effect of tensile load on the vibration level is Figure 2.5-9 Conductor tensile load effect. EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition very important: an increment of tensile load causes an enlargement of the frequency spectrum and an increase of vibration amplitude. In Figure 2.5-11, which also considers a Drake conductor, the influence of the wind turbulence level is shown. As observed in Section 2.2.5, the roughness of the earth surface plays an important role in the height of the Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration boundary layer (the gradient height), as well as on the mean and fluctuating (gusting) velocities. Accordingly, the relevant characteristics of the flow at the location of the conductor must be determined in order to evaluate the static and dynamic interactions between the wind and a conductor: they are the mean wind speed and the turbulence. These characteristics, as expected, are functions of the topology of the local terrain and meteorological data. In particular, different turbulence levels—qualified by the turbulence intensity—can be associated with different terrain categories (see Sections 2.2.5 and 2.6). What happens physically is that important wind velocity fluctuations cause the loss of synchronization between conductor vibration and vortex shedding: the wind continuously changes, and the phenomenon is always in transient conditions. This does not allow the vibration amplitude to increase up to the maximum values. Figure 2.5-10 Conductor tension effect, experimental findings, rms aeolian vibration amplitude versus frequency (Hardy and Van Dyke 1995). The phenomenon is reproduced in the EBP-based software by a simplified approach, just reducing the energy input with respect to that relevant to low turbulence (see Figure 2.5-12 for reduced wind power curves [Diana et al. 1979] and also the data in [Rawlins 1998]). At low frequencies, the cable self-damping is so low that, even if the energy input is reduced due to turbulence, the vibration amplitude exhibits a small variation with respect to the low turbulence condition. Moreover, the estimated normalized wind input curves (Figure 2.5-12) converge at the highest vibration amplitudes. Also, in the case of the turbulence effect evaluation, a comparison between experimental and EBP-predicted Figure 2.5-11 Wind turbulence effect. Figure 2.5-12 Wind power input curves and low turbulence curve. (b), (c) are the reduced wind power input curves, (a) is the low turbulence curve (Diana Falco 1971;Diana et al. 1979). 2-73 Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition findings is possible (Hardy and Van Dyke 1995): Figure 2.5-13 shows the results found on the Isles de la Madeleine test line on a Bersfort conductor. For the experimental data, a 10% increase in normal turbulence corresponds roughly to a decrease in amplitude of 20%; however, bigger reductions are predicted by the EBP analysis. However, as observed in Section 2.5.1, this aspect of the problem has not yet been fully resolved, and research is continuing in this area. The last worked example compares the aeolian vibration behavior of the ACSR Drake conductor to that of an ACS OPGW (around 15 mm diameter) and that of an ACAR 1300 cable. For the three different conductors, the T/w parameter (ratio between conductor tension and weight per unit length) is kept constant and equal to 1720 m. The T/w parameter expresses the cable sensitivity to aeolian vibrations (see Section 2.6). What can be observed in Figure 2.5-14 (a, b, c) is the significant enlargement of the aeolian vibration range of frequencies in the case of the ACS cable. As introduced in Section 2.2.4, the evaluation of the aeolian vibration level can also be made by an alternative method to the EBP, adopted in other sectors of engineering. This approach consists of using the relationship between the Scruton number and the vibration amplitude due to vortex shedding. The relationship between the Scruton number and the aeolian vibration amplitude, in the case of a single undamped conductor, can be easily obtained, just applying the EBP—i.e., balancing the equations giving Figure 2.5-14 (a) Aeolian vibration behavior of an ACSR Drake conductor, an ACS OPGW (around 15 mm diameter) and an ACAR 1300 cable, with T/w = 1720 m. Antinode amplitude. (b) Aeolian vibration behavior of an ACSR Drake conductor, an ACS OPGW (around 15 mm diameter) and an ACAR 1300 cable, with T/w = 1720 m. Non-dimensional antinode amplitude. Figure 2.5-13 Wind turbulence effect, experimental findings, rms aeolian vibration amplitude versus frequency (Hardy and Van Dyke 1995). 2-74 (c) Aeolian vibration behavior of an ACSR Drake conductor, an ACS OPGW (around 15 mm diameter) and an ACAR 1300 cable, with T/w = 1720 m. Bending strain. EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition the wind energy input Einput and the energy dissipated E by the cable (for a length L of conductor): Einput = L Pinput /f = fnc(A/D) f2 D4 L (from Equation 2.5-1) E = ζ 4π Ek,max (from Equation 2.5-8) E = 2 (2π ζ) ½ (mL L/2) A2 (2πf)2 (from Equation 2.3-11) and, being δ = 2πζ (from Equation 2.5-9) Then, E = Einput becomes: δ mL f 2 D 2 L 2π 2 ( A / D)2 = fnc(A/D)f 2 D 4 L and δ mL fnc(A/D) = 2 2 2π ( A / D) 2 D 2.5-25 As can be seen the left side of expression 2.5-25 is the Scruton number Sc multiplied by the air density ρ. So, whichever the cable, the Scruton number is a function of the nondimensional amplitude A/D only (remember that the fnc(A/D) functions account for a “normal” air density ρ = 1.25 kg/m3): fnc(A/D) ρ 2π 2 ( A / D)2 Another Sc(A/D) curve would have been obtained if an energy input curve pertinent to a certain turbulence level would have been used. As an example of the use of this approach for the evaluation of the aeolian vibration level, the usual case of the Drake conductor can be considered. E = δ mL (A/D)2 f2 D2 L 2π2 Sc( A / D) = Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration 2.5-26 As an example, from the EBP computations, whose results in terms of amplitudes and strains as a function of frequency are reported in Figure 2.5-14, a certain number of decreasing steady-state amplitudes A/D obtained from the balancing between the wind energy input and the energy dissipated by the cable have been sorted. The corresponding system damping, in form of log-decrement δ (computed by the software from the dissipation empirical low —see Equations 2.5-3, 2.5-7, 2.5-8, and 2.5-9) has been used to compute the Scruton number. The values of Scruton number obtained are reported in Figure 2.5-15, as a function of the nondimensional amplitude A/D. As expected, the points relevant to the three different cables define a single curve; in other words, whatever the cable and its structural damping, the same Scruton numbers give the same steadystate aeolian vibration amplitudes A/D. Obviously the same wind power input fnc(A/D) function has been used for the EBP calculations in the three cases; if another fnc(A/D) function is used, a different Sc(A/D) curve is obtained. The dispersion of the different Sc(A/D) curves to be expected is of the same order as the dispersion of the different fnc(A/D) functions in Figure 2.2-15. In Section 2.3.6, Figure 2.3-19 reports the Drake selfdamping for a tension of 28500 N. The same data are reported in Figure 2.5-16 in the form of nondimensional damping ζ as a function of A/D. The advantage of this way of presenting self-damping data is that the dependence of ζ on the vibration amplitude is small and, for each frequency, a mean value of ζ (and then of δ = 2πζ) can be easily read. For instance, at 33 Hz, we can assume ζ = 0.00055 and then δ = 0.0034. From Equation 2.5-7, the Scruton number can be computed (air density ρ = 1.25 kg/m3): Sc = 5.65. From Figure 2.5-15: A/D = 0.15, which is not so far from what can be read from Figure 2.5-14b, also taking into account a slight difference in the tensile load value relevant to the self-damping measurements (28,500 N) and to the EBP worked example (28,004 N). The same exercise can be repeated for another frequency: if 47 Hz is considered, we can assume ζ = 0.0008 and then δ = 0.005. The value of Scruton is 8.35, and from Figure 2.5-15, we read A/D = 0.05. Also, in this case, this value is close to the one that can be read in Figure 2.5-14b. Figure 2.5-15 Relationship between the Scruton number and the vibration amplitude due to vortex shedding. 2-75 Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition Figure 2.5-16 Drake (Tension = 28,500 N) self-damping expressed as nondimensional damping ζ as a function of A/D. Some final considerations can be made on the value of this approach: 1. Due to the fact that the bending strains at the clamped extremity are proportional to the ratio between antinode amplitude A and wave length λ— i.e., to the product between antinode amplitude and frequency (ε c =k A λ = k1 Af - see Equation 2.5-22)—it comes out that, for each vibration frequency, it is possible to define a limit value of the Scruton number above which aeolian vibration are controlled. 2. From the Scruton definition: Sc = δρ δ mL = (constant) mat it is also possible to 2 D ρ ρ understand that heavy conductors will behave better than light conductors (with the same damping). As a matter of fact, it is well known that aluminum alloy cables are more sensitive to aeolian vibrations than ACSR cables. 3. The usefulness of Figure 2.5-15 is that, once a (safe) limit value for the aeolian vibration amplitude is assumed—say, for example, A/D = 0.1—it is easy to read on the curve in Figure 2.5-15 which is the minimum value of the Scruton number ensuring that value: Sc 6. From the Scruton definition and the type of conductor chosen (diameter and mass per unit length), it is easy to compute the corresponding selfdamping in terms of log-decrement δ or nondimensional damping ζ. For the case of the Drake conductor at 28,500 N: δ = Sc D2 ρ / mL = 0.0036 ζ = δ/2π = 5.7 e-4 2-76 From Figure 2.5-16, it is easy to see that, unless for the highest frequencies, the conductor self-damping cannot ensure the desired amplitude of vibration (A/D = 0.1), and then additional damping in terms of dampers will be required to control the aeolian vibration level within that level. What is also interesting, and it will be shown in Sections 2.5.3 and 2.5.4, is that the same curve reported in Figure 2.5-15 also holds for damped single conductors and bundles. Reliability of EBP Computations In this section, the direct comparison between measured and EBP-computed aeolian vibration level is used to establish the reliability of this technology. Three examples are presented: two of them compare measured and analytical antinode vibration amplitudes, while the third compares measured and computed bending amplitudes (in this case analytical bending amplitude is computed from the bending strain, through the Poffenberger-Swart formula—see Section 2.3.3). In the first two cases, the measured wind turbulence typical of the site is also available. Computed data come from an EBP application. In any case, as shown in (CIGRE SC22 WG11 TF1 1998), different EBP-based software give comparable results in the case of single, undamped conductors. In all three examples, the curve ‘EXP’ is relevant to the measured data, while the other curve(s) are relevant to the predicted values: percentage values refer to the wind turbulence assumed in the simulations. EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition As already found in the CIGRE paper, it can be observed that the EBP gives a good reproduction of the frequency range and of the distribution of vibration amplitudes with frequency. The predicted amplitude level in some cases is quite close to the measured, but in some other cases is quite different, due to several reasons, detailed in (CIGRE SC22 WG11 TF1 1998). Comparing analytical to experimental data, it must be kept in mind that, in reality, the wind structure cannot be represented by a stationary random process with constant mean value. If the mean wind speed changes (independently of the turbulence index), a continuous transient condition is experienced by the cable, and aeolian vibration maximum amplitudes can never be reached. Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration could also be due, in part, to a lack in experimental data. Example 3—Figure 2.5-19 Comments: in this case, the computed vibration level is close to the measured, except for the higher frequencies, where a maximum ratio of 1:2 between predicted and measured values is found. The problem could be due to the particular three-strand cable considered in this case: the empirical law for conductor self-damping used in the software could not perfectly fit the case of this cable type at the higher frequencies. Example 1—Figure 2.5-17. Comments: in this case, the computed vibration level is close to the measured, and if the variation of the wind turbulence with the wind speed (the vibration frequency) is accounted for, the agreement is even better. Example 2—Figure 2.5-18. Comments: in this case, the computed vibration level is not close to the measured. If the variation of the wind turbulence with the wind speed (the vibration frequency) is accounted for, the agreement slightly improves. The big discrepancies found at low frequency Figure 2.5-18 Comparison between experimental aeolian vibration amplitude and EBP technology rendition at various turbulence levels. 240/40 ACSR Earth Wire – diameter 21.9 mm – tension 14 kN – span length 356 m – test line: Near Buren - Germany – terrain category: hilly, low buildings (Kraus and Hagedorn 1990). The measured wind turbulence is reported in the upper part of the figure. Figure 2.5-17 Comparison between experimental aeolian vibration amplitude and EBP technology rendition at various turbulence levels. ACAR 1300 conductor – diameter 33.25 mm – tension 29.1 kN – span length 366 m – test line: Isles de la Madeleine, Canada – terrain category: flat, near the sea (Hardy and Van Dyke 1993). The measured wind turbulence is reported in the upper part of the figure. Figure 2.5-19 Comparison between experimental aeolian vibration amplitude and EBP technology rendition. 3#6 Alumoweld – diameter 8.86 mm – tension 11.6 kN – span length 366 m – test line: Massena, New York, United States – terrain category: on shallow ridge (Rawlins 1988). 2-77 Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition Final observations: In designing the damping system for new lines, it is generally difficult to obtain detailed wind data (wind statistics and wind turbulence) and the terrain crossed by the line is only roughly described. So, if the conservative choice of selecting the maximum wind energy input (low turbulence condition) is made to perform the EBP predictions, it can be expected to always obtain an estimate of the upper bound of the aeolian vibration level (care must be taken in the assessment of the vibratory behavior of particular lines, with conductors whose mechanical properties are poorly defined). The obtained information, through comparison with acceptable amplitudes (or bending strains), is quite valuable, because it allows for assessing the need for additional damping in terms of damping devices. 2.5.3 Mechanical Behavior of Single Conductors Plus Dampers It is well known that if the conductor tensile load (or, more precisely, the ratio between tension and cable unit weight H/w) exceeds certain limit values (i.e., 1000 m) (3280 ft) (CIGRE WG B2.11.04. 2005), aeolian vibration may cause serious damage to both conductor and fittings. The limit value of H/w is generally exceeded on transmission lines; therefore, it is common practice to protect conductors with suitable dampers. For transmission line design, it is important to know how much additional damping is needed to control aeolian vibration within safe levels. To this end, various researchers have developed calculation methods—based on the energy balance principle (EBP)—to predict the aeolian vibration level of a cable plus damper and then to allow for the selection of the suitable damping. It has be pointed out that, for standard and repetitive applications, many utilities and damper manufacturers use simple tables based on conductor size, span length, and tension to design the number of dampers, and this can be identified as a rudimentary design method with generally satisfactory results. produces a damping effect and also modifies the conductor vibration mode—i.e., it creates a distortion (Figure 2.5-20). Consequently, the vibration modes of a cable plus damper differ from those of the cable alone. Figure 2.5-20 shows a vibration mode amplitude (the frequency is around 35 Hz) for a cable plus damper system; the damper is positioned 0.5 m (1.5 ft) from the suspension clamp, and only the part of the span close to the clamp is shown. The antinode vibration amplitude in the free span is normalized to the value 1. The curve “damper A” represents the mode obtained using a d a m p e r s u i t abl e fo r t h e c abl e i n q u e s t i o n ; t h e curve”damper B” represents the case of too heavy a damper. Figure 2.5-20 clearly demonstrates that the bigger the damper force, the higher the cable distortion and the smaller the vibration amplitude at the damper clamp—and as a consequence, the lower the power dissipated by the damper. In fact, the ratio between antinode and node vibration amplitude is higher for curve “damper B” than for curve “damper A,” thus indicating a lower damping efficiency for the system with damper B than for the system with the “correct” damper A (Tompkins et al. 1956). By contrast, if the damper force is too small, the cable vibration mode is only distorted by a small amount but, due to the low force value, the dissipated power is low. It is clear that for a given cable at a particular tensile load, there will be, as a function of frequency, an optimum damper force—i.e., the force giving the maximum dissipated power. Another important fact in determining the damper dissipated power is the position of the damper itself on the cable. If the damper is situated at a node for a particular The most commonly used damping devices on single conductors are the Stockbridge type dampers. As already described in Section 2.4, this type of damper is mounted locally on the conductor and is forced to vibrate due to the conductor motion. When the damper vibrates at a frequency close to one of its natural frequencies, a resonance condition occurs. The damper masses vibrate at high amplitude and dissipate power, which corresponds to the transmission of a force component in phase with the conductor vibration velocity. This force 2-78 Figure 2.5-20 Vibration mode amplitude for a cable plus damper system. EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition vibration frequency, no dissipation takes place and no distortion occurs. As will be shown below, these analyses lead to the choice of the optimum damper for a certain application and to the optimization of its position. As already seen, the actual aeolian vibration behavior of a cable plus damper system depends on the energy introduced by the wind and the energy dissipated by the cable plus damper system. With reference to the evaluation of the energy introduced by the wind, all the considerations described in Sections 2.5.1 and 2.5.2 hold true. However, for the evaluation of the energy dissipated by the cable plus damper system, different possibilities are available as follows: 1. If a wholly analytical procedure is to be used, a mechanical model of the damper must be prepared. Then the modes of vibration of the cable (modelled as reported in Section 2.5.2) plus damper system should be calculated. 2. The need for a mechanical model of the damper can be avoided if the damper response corresponding to a harmonic excitation imparted to the damper clamp is directly measured by mounting the damper on a shaker in a laboratory. The measured response can be introduced into the cable model as a force transmitted by the damper. This procedure is generally referred to as the “direct method” (IEEE 1993). The cable model must be able to correctly reproduce the cable-damper interactioni.e., the mode of vibration distortion due to the damper presence. 3. The power dissipated by the damper is directly measured on a laboratory span as a function of the cable antinode vibration amplitude in the free span at all the vibration modes of interest for the aeolian vibration phenomenon. The span must be equipped with the same cable as that to be used for the transmission line to be studied. This procedure is generally referred to as the “basic method” (IEEE 1993; Rawlins 1988). It has the advantage that it avoids the difficulties associated with the cable-damper interaction simulation. It has the disadvantage of a significantly greater cost of testing. The measurement of the power dissipated depends on the damper position on the cable; a change of position requires that the measurements to be repeated. The measurement of the power dissipated by a combination of many dampers, as in a crossing, could become impractical, because too many tests would be needed in order to optimize the relative position of the dampers. Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration This situation is summarized in the sketch in Figure 2.5-21 (CIGRE WG B2.11. TF1. 2005), where the various elements present in this technology are represented. Each step in the analytical chain is affected by errors caused by assumptions and approximations required by the analytical procedures and by inaccuracies in input data. Thus, accuracy deteriorates with progress down the chain. However, accuracy of the final predictions can be improved by entering the chain with independent data at a lower point. For example, vibration amplitudes are more accurately determined from field recordings than from power balance analysis based on laboratory span testing of dampers. Damping efficiency on the conductor is more accurately determined by direct measurement on a laboratory span than by using impedance matching analysis. Depending on the situation, it is obvious that it is not possible to enter the chain at every point. On an existing transmission line, it is possible to make direct measurements of aeolian vibration amplitudes; if the line and its damping system have to be designed, the technology chain must be entered at a preceding level. It must be noted that field recordings are normally performed only on a “significant” span of the transmission line and for a certain period of time (generally around three months). The chosen spans may not necessarily represent all the possible wind conditions along the transmission line, and the measurement period may not necessarily represent the entire year or the entire lifetime of the line. Therefore, even field measurements should be treated carefully and critically. Analytical simulations based on impedance matching analysis or on laboratory span testing may be considered conservative with respect to the actual situation if the maximum wind energy input is used and if a suitable safety factor for the damping system is introduced. One branch of the technology chain shown in Figure 2.5-21, which started with shaker test data on actual dampers and ended with the predicted vibration amplitudes, has been assessed in a recent study developed by CIGRE B2 WG11 TF1 2005 (CIGRE 2005). The reader can refer to this document in which the technology is critically analyzed and the software developed by different researchers in the field is compared to one set of field measurements. The possible causes of the discrepancies in the results obtained by the different researchers and with respect to the experimental data are also discussed in detail. 2-79 Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition The equation of motion of each section admits a steadystate harmonic solution containing four unknown parameters. End conditions for the first and last section of the conductor, and equilibrium and congruence equations for each of the dampers present along the span, can be written, and an homogenous system in all the unknown parameters can be obtained. By zeroing the determinant of this system, the natural frequencies and modes of vibration are found. More details on this procedure can be found in Appendix 2.6. With this approach, the obtained vibration modes account for the damper presence. Then, in general, with respect to the vibration mode of an undamped cable, a distortion, due to the damper interaction with the cable, can be observed. This aspect is treated below in the section entitled “Effect of the Damper on the Mode of Vibration.” Reference can be made also to Figure 2.5 23. Far from the dampers, in the free span, the vibration mode continues to be represented by an harmonic function. Figure 2.5-21 Chain of data analysis for dissipation of power by dampers (CIGRE WG11 B2 TF1 2005). The conclusions are that: “The strains predicted by the different researchers exhibit considerable variability. Nevertheless analytical methods based on the EBP and shaker-based technology can provide a useful tool for use in design of damping systems for the protection of single conductors against aeolian vibrations. It should be used with circumspection and be supplemented by references to field experience.” As explained in CIGRE B2 WG11 TF1 2005, the renditions of EBP technology developed by various researchers are based on different models, as reported in Table I of the CIGRE paper. The main differences in the models are related to: wind power data, wind power data in turbulence conditions, self-damping data, calculation method, flexural stiffness, damper rocking, energy balance domain, and mode description. These differences are responsible for the dispersion of the various predicted results. The following section describes the model on which the EPRI software is based. Natural Frequencies and Modes of Vibration of the Cable Plus Damper System The natural frequencies and modes of vibration of the cable plus dampers system are computed, assuming that each section of the conductor, as it is divided by the dampers present on it, behaves as a taut homogeneous beam (see Appendix 2.6 for more details). 2-80 Another point to be put in evidence is that the homogenous system, from which natural frequencies and modes of vibration are obtained, contains the force transmitted by the damper, which is a complex quantity, whose real and imaginary parts—or its modulus and phase with respect to the clamp displacement—are measured, as a function of frequency, through laboratory tests (see Section 2.4.3). It is well known that Stockbridge dampers have a significant nonlinear behavior as a function of the clamp amplitude of vibration due to the variation in the relative sliding of the messenger cable wires. This modifies their flexural stiffness and damping and, therefore, the damper dynamic behavior. For example, in Figure 2.5-22, a two-resonance damper response, in terms of dynamic stiffness—amplitude and phase—is reported for different constant velocities of the damper clamp. In order to take these nonlinear effects into account, the damper impedance can be defined at a number of clamp vibration velocities, or clamp vibration amplitudes, and the intermediate velocity, or displacement, values are obtained through interpolation. Energy Balance Principle Once the conductor plus damper (and/or other devices) system natural frequencies and associated vibration modes have been defined, it is possible to compute the steady-state amplitudes of vibration using the EBP, according to the formulation of Equations 2.5-5 and/or 2.5-6. EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition For each natural frequency, the conductor vibration amplitudes can be defined along the span as a function of a reference amplitude, which then enables the wind energy input and the energy dissipated by the conductor to be calculated. With the mode of vibration known, the motion of the dampers is determined as a function of the reference amplitude, and the energy dissipated can then be calculated. According to the EBP, the steady-state amplitudes of vibration for each of the excited vibration modes (i.e., for each of the excited natural frequencies) are obtained through a balance between the wind energy input and the energy dissipated by the system. Considerations of the wind energy input and the energy dissipated by the conductor already described in Sections 2.5.1 and 2.5.2 also hold true in this case. Regarding the energy dissipated by the damper system, the following relationship is used for each one of the Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration dampers present on the cable, and for each natural frequency (Claren and Diana 1969a), 2 Edamper = π Fu i i sin ϕi 2.5-27 Where: Fi is the damper force per unit displacement of the damper clamp, as measured through a shaker test at different vibration velocities. ui is the conductor vibration amplitude at the clamp of damper i. ϕ2 is the phase between force and displacement, as measured through a shaker test. Optimum Damper Changing the damper force, the maximum damping that can be introduced in the system can be evaluated and, from this, the formulation of the “optimum damper” is derived (Tompkins et al. 1956; Rawlins 1958; Claren and Diana 1969a). Fopt = ω Tm ϕopt = π 2 rad Fopt ω = 2π f T m ϕopt 2.5-28 2.5-29 is the optimum force per unit displacement of the damper clamp and is a linear function of the vibration frequency f. is the circular frequency [rad/s]. is the conductor tensile load. is the conductor mass per unit length. is the optimum phase between force and displacement. Effect of the Damper on the Mode of Vibration The approach described here to simulate the dynamic behavior of a conductor plus damper can be extended to simulate conductors fitted with many other types of discontinuities, such as armor rods (in this case, a part of cable with a modified stiffness, EI, must be considered), more dampers distributed close to the span extremities, or even in-span, warning spheres. Figure 2.5-22 Nonlinearity of the damper response (CIGRE WG11 B2 TF1 2005). As an example, in Figure 2.5-23, a comparison between the measured and calculated mode of vibration ampli- Figure 2.5-23 Modes of vibration at 40 and 60 Hz. Case (a): OPGW with armor rods without damper. Case (b): OPGW with armor rods and damper (Consonni et al. 1998). 2-81 Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition tude at two natural frequencies for the system in Figure 2.5-24 is shown. The system consists of an OPGW installed on a laboratory span and forced to vibrate by an electrodynamic shaker. A number of small accelerometers are positioned on the armor rods and on the OPGW to measure the cable deflection shape close to the span extremity fitted with the damper. Two sets of measurement are performed—one relevant to the case without damper (‘a’ in Figure 2.5-23), and the second with the damper installed on the OPGW as shown in Figure 2.5-24 (‘b’ in Figure 2.5-23). The antinode vibration amplitude being imposed by the shaker is kept more or less the same for the two conditions under consideration. The effect of the damper on the vibration mode is clearly evidenced, and the agreement between measured and simulated amplitudes is fairly good. Examples To illustrate the importance of the type of damper and its mounting position for aeolian vibration control, several examples are presented here, including a Drake conductor and a Ground Steel Wire (GSW) equipped with one damper. • In all the applications, the damper dynamic stiffness is not supposed to depend on the vibration amplitude (linear approach). The first simulation refers to a 366-m span equipped with a Drake conductor. The conductor tensile load is 28,024 N. The dynamic stiffness of the damper chosen to damp aeolian vibrations of this cable is reported in Figure 2.5-25, together the optimum damper for this application, evaluated through the relation in Equations 2.5-28 and 2.5-29. Two dampers have been installed on the conductor, one at each side of the span, at the optimum damper position for this application, which has been evaluated as 1.2 m from the suspension clamp. The results of this simulation are reported in Figure 2.5-26 in terms of amplitudes of vibration and bending strains. As can be observed, a suitable damper placed in an optimized The reported results have been obtained by analytical simulations and then must be analyzed from a qualitative, more than a quantitative, point of view. Data common to all the simulations are: • A low turbulence wind is always considered. • The results are given in terms of vibration amplitude and bending strains as a function of frequency. The free-span antinode vibration amplitude is reported together with the vibration amplitude at the damper clamp (mm 0-peak). Strains at the suspension clamp and at the damper clamp are reported (microstrains 0-peak). Figure 2.5-25 Dynamic stiffness of the damper chosen for the Drake conductor simulations. • In all the figures, a reference curve relevant to the undamped conductor is also reported. Figure 2.5-24 Physical and mathematical model relevant to the modes in Figure 2.5-23 (Consonni et al. 1998). 2-82 Figure 2.5-26 (a) Drake at 28,024 N – 366m span – one damper both sides of the span at 1.2m: Aeolian vibration amplitudes of the damped and undamped cable. EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition position practically suppresses the conductor aeolian vibrations. The influence of the damper position on the damper efficiency is shown in Figures 2.5-27 and 2.5-28. Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration Figure 2.5-27 reports the results of a simulation run with the same input data as the first simulation, except for the damper position, which has been now set to 0.6 m from the suspension clamp. The results reported in Figure 2.5-28 are relevant to a simulation with the damper position set to 3 m from the suspension clamp. In the first case (Figure 2.5-27), the damper is too close to the suspension clamp, and it is not in condition to dissipate energy for all the low-frequency modes (the damper amplitude of vibration—compared to the antinode amplitude—is too small at these frequencies). In the second case, the damper is too far from the suspension clamp, and its position is no longer within the first vibration loop of the highest frequency mode to be damped. In this condition, there may be some vibration mode for which the damper is in a node and then cannot dissipate energy. Figure 2.5-26 (b) Drake at 28,024 N – 366m span – one damper both sides of the span at 1.2m: Bending strains of the damped and undamped cable. Figure 2.5-27 Drake at 28,024 N – 366m span – one damper both sides of the span at 0.6 m from the suspension clamp. Both the situations are clearly reproduced by the simulation results, which show high conductor vibration Figure 2.5-28 Drake at 28,024 N – 366m span – one damper both sides of the span at 3.0 m from the suspension clamp. 2-83 Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition amplitudes at low frequencies in the first case and around 25 and 50 Hz in the second case. Finally the influence of the damper type on the aeolian vibration response of a single conductor is evaluated, with particular reference to the choice of the damper frequency range with respect to the conductor aeolian vibration frequency range. The case of the GSW already worked out in Section 2.5.2 is considered here. The aeolian frequency range of the ground wire, tensioned at 28,026 N, has been found to be between 12 and 160 Hz (see Figure 2.5-14). The dynamic stiffness of the damper chosen for this simulation is reported in Figure 2.5-29, together with the optimum damper for this application. As can be observed, the damper frequency range is approximately 6-100 Hz, which is not adequate to provide protection in the whole GSW aeolian frequency range. A 366-m span has been considered, and two dampers, one on each side of the span have been installed on the GSW, at 0.9 m from the suspension clamp. The results of the simulation are reported in Figure 2.5-30. Relation Between the Scruton Number and the Aeolian Vibration Amplitude A/D As already reported for the case of the single conductor (Section 2.5.2), an alternative method to the EBP used in other sectors of engineering is to use the relationship between the Scruton number and the vibration amplitude due to vortex shedding. For the case of the single conductor, the points computed through the EBP software for the ACS cable, the ACSR Drake, and the ACAR conductor have been reported on a Scruton–A/d plane. (A/d is the antinode vibration amplitude normalized to the conductor diameter.) It has been observed that all the points define a single curve (see Figure 2.5-15). The results of the simulations performed in Section 2.5.3 for the single conductor plus damper (Drake plus damper and GSW plus damper) have also been processed to be reported on the same graph, and Figure 2.5-31 reports the obtained result. As can be observed, the new points also stay on the same curve previously defined. Hence, as in the case of a damped conductor, once the fnc(A/D) function has been chosen, the existence of a one-to-one relation (Equation 2.5-26) between the Scruton number and the The simulation results clearly show that the damper is not in condition to protect the ground wire at frequencies higher than 80-90 Hz, where the damper force (see Figure 2.5-29) is much smaller than the optimum force, and the phase rapidly decreases to zero degrees—i.e., no power can be dissipated according to the relation shown in Equation 2.5-27. The only solution, in this case, is to change the damper type, choosing a higher frequency damper. Figure 2.5-29 Dynamic stiffness of the damper used for the GSW simulation. 2-84 Figure 2.5-30 GSW with damper. EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition vortex-shedding amplitude of vibration, expressed in normalized form, is confirmed. In this case the nondimensional damping δ in the Scruton relation (Sc = δ mL/(D2 ρ)) refers to the cable plus damper system, and the considered amplitude of vibration is the antinode amplitude in the free span. The use of curve in Figure 2.5-31 is exactly the same as described for the case of the single undamped conductor. In this case, the cable plus damper power dissipation or the nondimensional damping can be measured on a laboratory span (see Section 2.4.3) and then converted into the Scruton number. Referring to the same case treated for the undamped cable (Drake at 28 500 N), it was found that, if a limit aeolian vibration amplitude A/D equal to, for instance, 0.1 has to be ensured, the minimum Scruton results Sc≈6, and then a minimum nondimensional damping ζ of the order of 5.7 e-4 is needed. The difference between the required damping ζ and the cable self-damping ζ c gives the damping ζd that has to be provided by the damper. From this point of view, it is useful to recollect the expression of the energy dissipated by a damper (Equation 2.5-27): 2 Edamper = π Fu i i sin ϕi . The damper contribution ζ d to the nondimensional damping, can be evaluated as: 1 Edamper ζd = 4π Ek ,max Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration Continuing the development of the same test case, assuming A/D = 0.1 and using Equation 2.3-11 for the kinetic energy computation (a 400-m span is considered), we get Edamper = ζd 4π Ek,max = ζd 0.63 f2 2.5-31 where f is the vibration frequency. Considering a frequency of 20 Hz, the cable self-damping contributes to the system nondimensional damping ζ with ζc = 2.5 e-4 (see Figure 2.5-16). So the damper must contribute for ζd = ζ - ζc = 5.7 e-42.5 e-4 = 3.2 e-4, or, in other terms, the energy dissipated by the damper must be at least equal to: Edamper = ζd 0.63 f2 = 0.08 J 2.5-32 To have a qualitative evaluation of this amount of energy, it is possible to compute the energy that would be dissipated by an optimum damper for this application. If one introduces the damper optimum force (Equations 2.5-28 and 2.5-29) in the equation giving the energy dissipated by the damper (Equation 2.5-27) and considers a displacement of the damper clamp equal to one half of the antinode amplitude in the free span, the following equation results (the damper introduces a distortion in the mode of vibration (see Figures 2.5-20 and 2.5-23) and, in a first approximation, for the qualitative evaluation of the energy dissipated by an optimum damper, the damper clamp amplitude of vibration can be assumed to be half of the free span antinode amplitude.): Ed ,optimum damper = π Fi ,opt ui2 sin ϕi ,opt = 0.167 J, which is 2.5-30 more than the required energy (0.08 J), given in Equation 2.5-32). where Ek,max is the cable maximum kinetic energy. This means that one suitable damper should be sufficient to maintain the aeolian vibration level within A/D = 0.1 (A≈2.8mm), at 20 Hz, for the considered case. However, if, instead of a 400-m span, a 1200-m span is considered, the energy dissipated by the damper—to maintain the antinode amplitude A/D lower than 0.1— must be at least equal to (from Equation 2.5-30): Edamper = ζd 4π Ek,max = ζd 1.89 f2 = 0.24 J 2.5-33 which is more than the energy that can be dissipated by the optimum damper (0.167 J). Figure 2.5-31 Relationship between the Scruton number and the vibration amplitude due to vortex shedding. In this case, even if an optimum damper would be available, only one damper would not be enough to limit the aeolian vibration level of the considered span within the desired level (A/D < 0.1). 2-85 Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration 2.5.4 EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition Mechanical Behavior of Bundle Conductors Equipped with Spacers and Dampers As already described in Section 2.5.1, the onset of aeolian vibration on bundle conductors is defined by matching of the Strouhal frequency with one of the natural frequencies of the system, which consists of conductors, spacers, and eventually, other devices. Therefore, it remains of paramount importance to identify the bundle natural frequencies and modes of vibration. To this end, it may be observed that the spacer creates a discontinuity on the conductor, as does a damper. Between one spacer and the next, the conductor vibration is represented by a sinusoidal function with unequal amplitudes in the different sub-spans; in the zones close to a spacer, the deflection shape is controlled by the conductor flexural stiffness. As in the case of a single conductor plus dampers, the bundle system natural frequencies and modes of vibration must be evaluated; therefore, it is important to identify the spacer mechanical impedance. Spacer Dynamic Behavior – Bundle Natural Frequencies and Modes of Vibration For simplicity’s sake, reference is made to a twin and a quadruple bundle spacer. The variables defining the horizontal and vertical displacements of the spacer clamp centers are identified by xi, where i = 1, 2, … 8, as shown in Figure 2.5-32. The vector containing all the xi variables is then defined as: ⎧ x1 ⎫ ⎪ ⎪ x=⎨ ⎬ ⎪x ⎪ ⎩ 2n ⎭ 2.5-34 By analogy, a force vector can be defined, containing the 2 x n components of the forces transmitted by the clamps: ⎧ F1 ⎫ ⎪ ⎪ F =⎨ ⎬ ⎪F ⎪ ⎩ 2n ⎭ 2.5-35 Using the hypothesis of spacer linear behavior, the following equation of motion can be written: Mx + Rx + Kx = F 2.5-36 where M is the 2n x 2n spacer mass matrix dependent on the spacer inertial characteristics, K is the spacer elastic matrix, and R is the damping matrix. This equation allows the relation between the displacements imposed on the spacer clamps and the forces applied to the clamps to be defined. In case of harmonic motion: x = XeiΩt , ⎡⎣ −Ω 2 M + iΩR + K ⎤⎦ X = F F = FeiΩt : 2.5-37 where X represents the complex vector of the displacement amplitudes, and F represents the force amplitudes vector. The equation can be also expressed as: F = [ H (iΩ) ] X 2.5-38 where H(iΩ ) is the harmonic transfer matrix between the input displacements (at the spacer clamps) and the output forces (spacer dynamic stiffness matrix). If H(iΩ) is known, the dynamic behavior of the bundle can be evaluated, independently on the adopted methodology. where n is the number of conductors of the bundle. Different methodologies are available; the finite elements technique (in which the conductors are modelled through tensioned beam elements [Curami et al. 1977]), the matrix transfer technique [Claren et al. 1971; Claren et al. 1974], and the constants transfer technique [Diana and Massa 1969]]. In order to better understand the problem, it is appropriate to analyze the various difficulties as they are encountered. Figure 2.5-32 Variables defining the horizontal and vertical displacements of the spacer clamp centers. 2-86 Returning to Equation 2.5-36, the bundle natural frequencies and vibration modes can be evaluated neglecting damping. In this case Equation 2.5-36 becomes: EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition Mx + Kx = F To better understand the problem, let us neglect the mass matrix—i.e., the spacer inertia effect. Equation 2.5-36 then simply becomes: Kx = F 2.5-39 where K is the spacer elastic matrix, which can be easily defined as a function of the spacer elastic characteristic, as explained in the following (see Figure 2.5-33). Of course, the spacer inertia may only be neglected if the frequencies are very low—around a few Hz—but this simplification is only used here to better understand the nature of the problem. The K matrix for a quad spacer is an 8 x 8 matrix, for a twin spacer, a 4 x 4 matrix, and so forth. Eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the K matrix can be evaluated and are known as spacer eigenvalues and eigenvectors. As the spacer is free to move in the spacer plane, 3 eigenvalues will be null. The corresponding eigenvectors identify rigid modes of vibration—i.e., modes with no relative displacement between the spacer clamps (see Figure 2.5-34 for a twin bundle). For these modes, in the hypothesis of neglecting the spacer mass, no force is transmitted to the spacer clamps. This means that, for these modes, the bundle always behaves as if the spacers are not present. Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration At low frequencies, if all the bundle conductors vibrate with purely horizontal, vertical, or torsional modes, the spacer does not apply any force, and then the bundle vibration modes would be the same as for a single conductor—i.e., with the same amplitude all along the span. An example is given in Figure 2.5-35, where two of the possible modes of vibration associated with a spacer null eigenvalue are represented for a twin bundle with two equally spaced spacers. The spacer position is marked by the two vertical lines in each figure. The deflection shape along the span is the same for the two conductors (only one line is present). The vibration amplitude is constant along the span. Transverse to the bundle axis, the vibration plane will be defined by the associated eigenvector. These types of bundle modes are called rigid modes or typical modes of the conductor, because they are not affected by the spacer characteristics. Considering the other (2n-3) eigenvectors—for instance, in the case of a twin bundle—only one eigenvector can be defined besides the three rigid ones. Let the associated eigenvalue be known as λ1. λ1 represents an equivalent stiffness between the two subconductors for the type of movement, as defined in Figure 2.5-36: or, with vector notation: X1 1 X 0 X (1) = 2 = X 3 −1 X4 0 2.5-40 in which the normalization chosen imposes unit amplitude at the coordinate x1. Figure 2.5-33 Forces and displacements at the spacer clamps. Figure 2.5-35 Rigid modes of vibration for a twin bundle (spacer inertia neglected). Figure 2.5-34 Eigenvectors corresponding to the rigid modes of vibration for a twin bundle (spacer inertia neglected). Figure 2.5-36 Eigenvector associated to the λ1 eigenvalue (twin bundle). 2-87 Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition Figure 2.5-37 Model for the definition of the twin bundle natural frequency and mode of vibration associated to the λ1 eigenvalue (spacer mass matrix ignored). At low frequency, in order to define the twin bundle natural frequencies and modes of vibration associated to this eigenvalue/eigenvector, the simple model shown in Figure 2.5-37 can be adopted. According to this model, each conductor of the bundle can be represented as a single conductor free to move only in the plane defined by the eigenvector and connected to the ground through springs whose stiffness equals λ1 —i.e., the considered eigenvalue (see Figure 2.5-37). The conductor can be modelled as seen in the previous sections—i.e., with mass and a tensile load or with mass, tensile load, and flexural stiffness. The two conductors of the twin bundle vibrate with exactly the same deflection shape, but with opposite sign, as shown in the two lines appearing in Figure 2.5-38. An example is given in Figure 2.5-38, where two of the possible modes of vibration associated to the spacer first eigenvector are represented for a twin bundle with two equally spaced spacers. Transverse to the bundle axis, the vibration planes are defined by the associated eigenvector. It is important to observe that the vibration amplitude is not constant along the span but differs from one sub-span to another. The procedure can be generalized for any type of bundle, for the calculation of the 2n - 3 = m eigenvalues and relevant eigenvectors. These modes of vibration depend on the spacer characteristics (elastic parameters and geometry of the spacer) and are called nonrigid modes or modes typical of the bundle. All the above procedure holds true if the spacer mass can be neglected. If a harmonic motion is taken into account: ⎡⎣ −Ω 2 M + K ⎤⎦ X = F 2.5-41 The term –Ω2M can be neglected if compared to K only for very low frequencies, in the range of a few Hz. The spacer eigenvalues and eigenvectors are given in Figure 2.5-39 for a twin bundle, in Figure 2.5-40 for a three bundle, and in Figure 2.5-41 for a quad bundle— all for a typical, widely used spacer of the type shown in Figure 2.5-42. At low frequencies, the bundle natural frequencies and modes of vibration associated with each non-null eigenvector can be calculated using the procedure explained above for the twin bundle. With increasing the frequency, the spacer inertia must be taken into account; the motion of the masses induces For each of the λi (i = 1, … m) non-null eigenvalues, a model similar to that in Figure 2.5-37 can be adopted; the spring stiffness equals λi, and the bundle natural frequencies and modes of vibration can be readily evaluated. The other conductors of the bundle vibrate with amplitudes defined by the corresponding eigenvector. Figure 2.5-38 Two of the possible modes of vibration associated to the spacer first eigenvector are represented for a twin bundle with two equally spaced spacers. 2-88 Figure 2.5-39 Eigenvalues and eigenvectors for a twin bundle. EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration inertia forces that modify the spacer behavior with respect to that described above. The distinction between modes typical of the conductor and modes typical of the bundle no longer holds true. An example relevant to a twin bundle is considered here. As previously observed, it is possible to have vibration modes typical of the conductor at low frequencies (0– 5 Hz); this means that the bundle can vibrate—for instance, in the vertical direction—without transmission of forces to the spacer clamps. Figure 2.5-40 Eigenvalues and eigenvectors for a triple bundle. With increasing frequency—considering, for example, an harmonic, vertical, equal amplitude, movement of the spacer clamps (see Figure 2.5-43), an inertia force associated to the spacer body mass arises, and as a consequence, forces are developed at the spacer clamps with a relative motion between spacer arms and spacer body. In this situation, the spacer inertia elastic and damping characteristics influence the bundle behavior and define a new vibration mode, given by the spacer equation: ⎡⎣ −Ω 2 M + iΩR + K ⎤⎦ X = F 2.5-42 and by the conductor characteristics. When vibration frequencies are higher than about 5 Hz, the system inertia modifies the vibration modes with respect to the low-frequency analysis. Figure 2.5-42 Type of spacer to which the modes shown in Figures 2.5-39, 2.5-40 and 2.5.41 are relevant. Figure 2.5-41 Eigenvalues and eigenvectors for a quadruple bundle. Figure 2.5-43 Twin bundle: central body inertia force due to the vertical movement of the spacer clamps. 2-89 Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition As previously observed, the definition of the bundle natural frequencies and modes of vibration in the field of aeolian vibration (i.e., over 5 Hz) requires calculation methods based on FEM or on the transfer matrix or transfer constants techniques. In any event, if, as generally applies, the spacers along a span are equal and equally oriented (all the spacers lie in parallel planes and there is no torsion in the bundle), the bundle conductor vibration planes remain the same all along the span for each one of the bundle natural frequencies. Changing the frequency changes the directions of the conductors’ vibration planes. An appropriate way to interpret the component of motion in a plane normal to the bundle axis for these new modes of vibration is to treat them as linear combinations of the spacer eigenvectors previously defined. If rigid modes prevail in the combination, the energy dissipation associated with the spacer is small because no, or small, relative displacements between the spacer parts occur. On the contrary, for modes typical of the bundle, relative movements between the spacer elements take place, with associated stiffness and damping related to the considered spacer dynamic stiffness matrix eigenvalue, and then energy can be dissipated. The elastic and damping properties of the spacer hinges can be optimized to enhance energy dissipation related to this type of modes. The fact that inertia forces modify and couple the bundle vibration modes is very important and helps in the use of spacers to also damp the bundle vertical and torsional rigid modes. In fact, the spacer central body vibrates with respect to the spacer arms and behaves as a damper. For standard values of the central body inertia characteristics, this happens for frequencies higher than about 15 Hz. As the spacer central body mass and moment of inertia increase, the frequency for which this effect becomes important decreases, thus covering the frequency range of aeolian vibration. effectively but has a worse performance at high frequency, and vice versa for high stiffness. This is due to the fact that the central body mass is a vibrating system elastically suspended by the spacer arms through the elastic hinges. The central body, as previously noted, plays the role of a dynamic absorber— i.e., if its resonance is close enough to the excitation frequency, the damping efficiency is high. The central body resonance can be changed by varying the hinge stiffness or the central body mass and moment of inertia. Another fact that has to be noted is that the aeolian vibration behavior of a bundle exhibits vibration amplitudes that remain constant between one spacer and the next, but change from one subspan to the next (see Figure 2.5-44). This happens for the modes typical of the bundle in which the spacer elastic, inertial, and geometrical characteristics play an important role. The behavior of flexible spacers is different from the behavior of rigid spacers; the rigid spacer does not allow for the transmission of vibration from one subspan to the other for modes typical of the bundle. This fact, for some mode of vibration, causes the end subspans to have low amplitudes of vibration. This fact compromises the possibility of controlling the bundle aeolian vibration level through dampers installed close to the span extremities. If the damper amplitude of vibration is low, the dissipated energy is small; on the contrary, if the conductors have high amplitudes of vibration in the central subspans, the energy input from the wind is high, and the phenomenon cannot be controlled. Some examples are provided below to better show the influence of all of these parameters. Identification of the Spacer Dynamic Stiffness Matrix One way to experimentally identify the spacer stiffness matrix is to fix the center of all the spacer clamps, except one at which horizontal or vertical displacements are On the contrary, spacer arms’ mass and moment of inertia should be kept as low as possible, because the arms are directly and rigidly connected to the conductors, and their inertia is directly transmitted to the conductors without coupling with the modes typical of the bundle. Another important parameter is the stiffness of the spacer hinges, reference always being made to a type of spacer similar to the one shown in Figure 2.5-42, which is widely used for transmission line bundles. If the stiffness is small, the spacer damps the low frequencies more 2-90 Figure 2.5-44 For the modes typical of the bundle, the aeolian vibration behavior of a bundle exhibits vibration amplitudes that remain constant between one spacer and the next, but change from one subspan to the next. EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition applied. The arms of the spacer are allowed to rotate around the center of the clamps. If the imposed displacement is static or, at least, a lowfrequency harmonic displacement, below 2 Hz, the effect due to the spacer elements’ mass can be neglected, and the method allows for identifying the spacer elastic matrix. The direct term of the matrix is given by the ratio between the force applied to the moving clamp and the related displacement (if the x 1 displacement is imposed to clamp 1, the direct term is F1/x1 = k11 - see Figure 2.5-45). The ratios between the forces at the other (fixed) spacer clamps and the imposed displacement represent a column of the spacer elastic matrix. If the x1 displacement is imposed on clamp 1, the measurement of F1 at clamp 1, F2 at clamp 1, F3 at clamp 2 and so on, up to F 8 , allows for the calculation of the ratios Fi/x1, with i = 1,.. 8, and thus the identification of the first column of the spacer elastic matrix. The construction of the matrix can exploit the fact that the matrix is naturally symmetrical. If the harmonic displacement applied has a higher frequency, this method allows for the identification of the spacer dynamic stiffness matrix H(iΩ), where Ω is the circular frequency of the applied displacement. The stiffness matrix can also be evaluated via an analytical procedure. Of course, the geometry of the spacer, the mass and moment of inertia of its elements (arms and central body), and the elastic and damping properties of the hinges connecting arms to the central body must be known. The hinges’ elastic and damping properties can be evaluated according to the laboratory procedure presented in Section 2.4.6. Referring, for simplicity sake, to a twin bundle, the procedure consists of defining the potential elastic energy V of the spacer. Figure 2.5-45 Forces and displacements at the spacer clamps. Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration The system in Figure 2.5-46 has five degrees of freedom, and the free coordinates can be assumed as: x1, x2, x3, x4, xc1. The potential elastic energy can be written as: 2 1 V = ∑ ki (φi − φc ) 2 1 2 2.5-43 Where: φi is the arm rotation. φc is the central body rotation. ki is the torsional stiffness of hinge i. φi and φc can be expressed as a function of x1, x2, x3, x4, xc1, solving the system kinematics. Now it is possible to write the following equation system: ⎧ ∂V ⎪ ∂x = F1 ⎪ 1 ⎪ ∂V ⎪ ∂x = F2 ⎪ 2 ⎪ ∂V = F3 ⎨ ⎪ ∂x3 ⎪ ∂V = F4 ⎪ ⎪ ∂x4 ⎪ ∂V =0 ⎪ ∂ x ⎩ c1 (1) (2) (3) 2.5-44 (4) (5) In Equation 2.5-44, part 5 allows xc1 to be expressed as a function of x1, x2, x3, x4. Substituting xc1 = f(x1, x2, x3, x4) in V, parts 1 to 4 allow for the determination of the spacer elastic matrix: k11 = F1/x1, k12 = F1/x2 and so on). If the kinetic energy for the system in Figure 2.5-46 is defined, the spacer mass matrix M can be determined. The same holds true for the determination of the spacer dissipation matrix from the dissipated energy. However, the spacer dissipation matrix, H, is generally considered proportional to the spacer elastic matrix, K, through the hinge damping parameter β = h/k evaluated Figure 2.5-46 Model for the identification of the spacer dynamic stiffness and mass matrices. 2-91 Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition through the laboratory test described in Section 2.4.6, and then [H]=β [Κ]. dles (see Figure 2.5-47), the energy input in one conductor is slightly lower than that relevant to a single one. Energy Balance Principle (EBP) Once the bundle natural frequencies and associated vibration modes have been defined, it is possible to calculate the steady-state amplitudes of vibration using the EBP. Regarding the energy dissipated by the bundle system, the methods to calculate the energy dissipated by conductors and dampers have been already presented in Sections 2.5.1 and 2.5.2. The vibration amplitudes of the conductors can be defined along the span as a function of a reference amplitude, which then enables the wind energy input associated with the vertical component to be calculated. The energy dissipated by the conductors is directly related to their movement, independently on the direction. The motion of the dampers, the spacer dampers, and any other device present on the conductor can be determined as a function of the reference amplitude, and the energy dissipated may then be calculated. According to the EBP, the steady-state amplitudes of vibration for each of the excited vibration modes—i.e., for each of the excited natural frequencies—are obtained through a balance between the wind energy input and the energy dissipated by the system. The energy dissipated by the spacer can be calculated by the relationship: E d , spacer = T 1 [H ] X X 2 2.5-45 where X is a vector defining the displacement at the spacer clamps, and [ H ] is proportional to the spacer stiffness matrix through the damping parameter of the elastic elements of the spacer already defined. Examples As an example, the case of the Drake conductor, already worked out in Section 2.5, is solved, for different bundle configurations and damping systems. Data common to all the simulations are: When a cylinder is in the wake of another, the exciting force on the cylinder in the wake is due to the effect of vortex shedding on the cylinder itself plus the effect of the wake of the upstream cylinder. As seen in Section 2.2.5, experimental tests were carried out in a wind tunnel to define the force on the conductor in the wake. From these experimental tests, it was possible to define in a similar way as for a single conductor, the energy input from the wind with constant velocity on a pair of conductors with one in the wake of the other. • The tensile load of the bundle conductors is 26,545 N. • A low turbulence wind is always considered. • A 366-m span with six spacers is always considered, being the subspan lengths (m) sequence as follows: 40.0, 55.0, 63.0, 51.0, 64.0, 55.0, and 38.0. • The results are given in terms of vibration amplitude and strains as a function of frequency. Antinode Some comments and results of these tests have been reported in Section 2.2.4, in Figure 2.2-16 and here in Figure 2.5-47, where the curve relevant to one conductor of a pair of conductors of a generic bundle (curve b) is compared to the single conductor curve (Diana and Falco curve in Figure 2.2-15) and to bundle curves relevant to two different turbulence levels. These last curves have been evaluated using the same procedure as for the case of the single conductor, as discussed in Section 2.5.1 (Diana et al. 1979), reducing the low-turbulence curve through a simplified approach. Recent measurements (see mainly Figure 2.2-16) have shown that, for the case of twin bundles, the energy input in the conductor in the wake is greater or at least equal to that of a single conductor, while for other types of bun- 2-92 Figure 2.5-47 Wind power input from the wind on a conductor bundle. (c) and (d) are the reduced wind power input curves, (b) is the low-turbulence curve, and (a) is the single–conductor, low-turbulence curve (Diana and Falco 1971; Diana et al. 1982). EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition vibration amplitude in the most vibrating subspan is reported together with the maximum vibration amplitude at the spacer and the damper clamp (mm 0-peak). Strains at the suspension clamp and at the Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration damping devices clamp are reported (microstrains 0-peak). • In all the figures, a reference curve relevant to a single conductor equal to those of the bundle and at the same tensile load is reported. Case (a): Twin bundle equipped with standard spacer-dampers (same type as the quadruple spacer reported in Figure 2.5-42) (see Figure 2.5-48). Torsional stiffness of the spacer hinges measured as a function of frequency according to the method described in Section 2.4.6: 5 Hz: TORS.STIFFNESS 168.00 [N*m/rad] 30 Hz: TORS.STIFFNESS 331.00 [N*m/rad] TORS.DAMPING H/K TORS.DAMPING H/K 0.335 0.29 Figure 2.5-48 Twin bundle equipped with Drake conductors at 26,545 N and standard spacer-dampers. Comments: Due to the physiologic low inertia of the spacer central body, the spacer alone is not in condition to damp aeolian vibrations of the bundle at low frequency (in this case below 20-25 Hz). 2-93 Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition Case (b): Twin bundle equipped with standard spacer-dampers (see Figure 2.5-49). In this case, a very low torsional stiffness of the spacer hinges, constant with frequency, is simulated: Figure 2.5-49 Twin bundle equipped with Drake conductors at 26,545 N and standard spacerdampers: hinges with low torsional stiffness. Comments: A very low (compared to the standard values previously considered) torsional stiffness of the spacer hinge (with the same mass and moment of inertia of the central body) improves the spacer behavior at low frequency, but the spacer behavior at high frequency becomes worse. 2-94 EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration Case (c): Twin bundle equipped with the standard spacer-dampers of case (a), but the central body mass and moment of inertia are increased with respect to standard values: the mass is nearly doubled, and the moment of inertia is nearly ten times greater (see Figure 2.5-50). Figure 2.5-50 Twin bundle equipped with Drake conductors at 26,545 N and standard spacer-dampers: central body mass and moment of inertia increased. Comments: As already explained, a suitable increment of the central body inertia (compared to the standard values previously considered) allows for moving the spacer natural frequencies toward low frequencies. Then the spacer has a good behavior at both low and at high frequencies. 2-95 Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition Case (d): Quad bundle equipped with standard spacer-dampers (see Figure 2.5-51). Torsional stiffness of the spacer hinges as for the twin spacer in case (a). Figure 2.5-51 Quadruple bundle equipped with Drake conductors at 26,545 N and standard spacer-dampers. Comments: Due to the physiologic high inertia of the spacer central body, the quad spacer damper alone is generally in condition to damp aeolian vibrations of the bundle, for standard applications. 2-96 EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration Case (e): Twin bundle equipped with standard rigid spacers (see Figure 2.5-52). Figure 2.5-52 Twin bundle equipped with Drake conductors at 26,545 N and standard rigid spacers. Comments: As can be observed, the spacers do not dissipate energy, and then the vibration amplitudes are similar to those of the single conductor in the whole aeolian vibrations frequency range. 2-97 Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition Case (f): Twin bundle equipped with standard rigid spacers and two suitable dampers per each subconductor, one at each side of the span (see Figure 2.5-53). Figure 2.5-53 Twin bundle equipped with Drake conductors at 26,545 N and standard rigid spacers and two dampers per each sub-conductor, one at each side of the span. Comments: Adequate dampers placed at the span extremities can control the aeolian vibrations of a twin bundle equipped with rigid spacers, because the twin spacer allows for the transmission of vibration from one subspan to the other for modes typical of the bundle. This holds true if the spacer inertia is not substantially higher than that typical of a twin spacer. 2-98 EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration Case (g): Twin bundle equipped with standard spacer-dampers (same as in case [a]) and one suitable damper per each subconductor, at only one side of the span (see Figure 2.5-54). Figure 2.5-54 Twin bundle equipped with Drake conductors at 26,545 N and standard spacer-dampers and one damper per each sub-conductor, at only one side of the span. Comments: Only one damper per subconductor ensures an adequate control of the aeolian vibration level in the whole frequency range of interest. 2-99 Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition Case (h): Triple bundle equipped with rigid spacers (see Figure 2.5-55). Figure 2.5-55 Triple bundle equipped with Drake conductors at 26,545 N and standard rigid spacers. Comments: The spacers do not dissipate energy; many modes of vibration present vibration amplitudes similar to those of a single conductor. 2-100 EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration Case (i): Triple bundle equipped with rigid spacers and two suitable dampers per each subconductor, one at each side of the span (see Figure 2.5-56). Figure 2.5-56 Triple bundle equipped with Drake conductors at 26,545 N and standard rigid spacers and two dampers per each sub-conductor, one at each side of the span. Comments: In the case of triple and quadruple bundles, the rigid spacer does not allow for the transmission of vibration from one subspan to the other for modes typical of the bundle, and this fact causes the end subspans to have low amplitudes of vibration. This fact compromises the possibility of controlling the bundle aeolian vibration level through dampers installed close to the span extremities. This is shown by the software results: vibration amplitudes remain high between one spacer and the other, while vibration amplitudes at the spacer clamps are close to zero (spacers create nodal points in the deflection shape); strains at the suspension clamp are very low due to the fact that end subspans are fitted with dampers, while strains on the conductor at the spacer clamps remain high. 2-101 Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition Case (j): This situation is typical of triple and quadruple bundles equipped with rigid spacers and becomes even worse, increasing the span length—i.e., increasing the spacer number. This is shown in case (j), relevant to the same situation as case (h), except for the span length, which is now 500 m, divided in 10 subspans (see Figure 2.5-57). Figure 2.5-57 Triple bundle equipped with Drake conductors at 26,545 N and standard rigid spacers: the case of a 500m span instead of a 366m span is considered. 2-102 EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration This is true for all conductor systems, whether they are used as single conductors or in bundles, and whether or not they are fitted with damping and/or spacing devices. Therefore, there is a need to set an upper limit to conductor unloaded tension that may prevail for a significant period of time. Figure 2.5-58 Relationship between the Scruton number and the vibration amplitude due to vortex shedding. As already reported for the case of the single conductor and the single conductor plus damper, an alternative method to the EBP used in other sectors of engineering is to use the relationship between the Scruton number and the vibration amplitude due to vortex shedding found by different authors. For the case of the single damped and undamped conductor, the points computed through the EBP software for all the considered cases have been reported on a Scruton – A/d plane ( A/d is the antinode vibration amplitude normalized to the conductor diameter), and it has been observed that all the points define a single curve (see Figures 2.5-15 and 2.5-31). The results of the simulations performed in Section 2.5.4 for the twin bundle equipped with Drake conductors and spacer-dampers or rigid spacers have also been processed to be reported on the same graph. Figure 2.5-58 reports the obtained result: the new points also stay on the same curve previously defined, thereby confirming the existence of a one-to-one relation between the Scruton number and the vortex-shedding amplitude of vibration expressed in normalized form. In this case, the log-decrement δ in the Scruton relation (Sc = δ mL/(D2 ρ)) refers to the cable + spacers system, and the considered amplitude of vibration is the maximum antinode amplitude found in the different subspans. 2.6 IMPACT OF VIBRATION UPON LINE DESIGN 2.6.1 Introduction It is well known that stranded conductors become more vulnerable to aeolian vibration as tension is increased. Unarmored, unprotected single conductors of the most common types are considered in the first part of this section, starting with a critical examination of the socalled EDS (everyday stress) concept, which was put forward in 1962 by CIGRE SC 6, with the intent to provide guidance on such conductor safe design tensions with respect to aeolian vibration (Zetterholm 1960). This question has been addressed recently again by CIGRE (22.11 TF4 2005), which proposed adopting H/w, the ratio between the initial horizontal tensile load H and conductor weight w per unit length, as the limiting parameter, depending on terrain roughness. The addition of dampers calls for the introduction of another parameter, which rates the protective capacities of the damping system. The rating parameter that was selected is LD/m, the ratio of the product of span length L and conductor diameter D to conductor mass m per unit length, which together with the limiting parameter H/w defines certain application zones. Finally, based on field experience and full-scale test line data, a single, probably conservative, value for H/w has been proposed. This is applicable to bundled conductor lines, particularly twin horizontal bundles, triple apex-down bundles, and quad horizontal bundles made up of conventional stranded conductors fitted with either damping or nondamping spacers or a combination of nondamping spacers and span-end Stockbridge-type dampers. This new CIGRE approach is also compared with other design procedures commonly used today. Finally, in the last part of this chapter, the impact of conductor tension selection on the capital line costs is highlighted. 2.6.2 Historical Background 1924-1945 As early as 1924, the first wire failures were observed in the Unites States, and a few years later also in Germany. At that time, systematic examinations of overhead transmission lines were carried out (Nefzger 1933; Ryle 1935), as well as the first scientific studies (Varney 1928; Pape 1930; Monroe and Templin 1932), and by 1932, test lines were erected to observe natural conductor vibrations and to test the effect of various damper designs (Margoulies 1935; Caroll and Koontz 1936). The risk of accumulating damage of individual wires and thus of the conductors in the course of line service was soon recognized (Davidson et al. 1932; Caroll 1936). In the same period, the first wind tunnel measurements of wind power input (Bate and Callow 1934) 2-103 Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition and the first measurements of conductor self-damping (Bate 1935) took place. In 1931, a factor F was introduced as the rate for the vibration hazard (Holts 1931), as an attempt to relate it to line and conductor parameters: F=dT/w≈dσ/γ Where d = conductor diameter (mm). w = weight of conductor (N/m). T = conductor tension (N). γ = specific weight (N/mm3). σ = stress (N/mm2). 2.6-1 In Germany, the Studiengesellschaft für Höchstspannungsanlagen e.V. (Research Association for Extra-High Voltage Installations) endeavored to clarify the vibration problem by a number of meetings and reports (Studiengesellschaft 1927-1950). Scientists, too, participated actively in the investigations of this problem with extended analytical studies (Maas 1933; Pipes 1936; Dahl and Blaess 1950; Helms 1964). Valuable collections and analyses of historical data on existing lines relative to their design tensions and the incidence of fatigued strands have also been published by Zetterholm (1960), Rawlins et al. (1961), Hautefeille et al. (1964), EPRI (1979), and Dulhunty et al. (1982). The bending amplitude method for recording vibration in the field (Tebo 1941) and corresponding fatigue tests on conductors (Bolster and Kanouse 1948) were introduced conceptually at an early stage. CIGRE Activities 1925–1965 For almost 60 years, great importance was attached to the problem of conductor failures due to wind-induced vibrations by the CIGRE organization (CIGRE 22.11 2004). In 1953, the CIGRE Study Committee No. 6 (now B2), overhead lines, set up a special group called the EDS panel, and in 1965, as successors, the Working Group 01 (conductor vibration theories) and the Working Group 04 (endurance capability of conductors) were established (Bückner 1988). EDS Panel Results up to 1961 The EDS panel published reports of the fatigue behavior, based on operational experiences of mainly single conductor lines, and recommended (Zetterholm 1960) certain values for the everyday stress (EDS) (see Table 2.6-1). Although more than 200,000 km of lines were investigated, the predominant detrimental influence of the tensile stress was not detectable in all cases, as is evident from Table 2.6-2. For example, relatively low EDS values of 15% do not guarantee a 100% vibration-damage- 2-104 free line. This table summarizes the results of over 40,000 km of lines, and indicates the percentage of damage for the respective line lengths that have been observed, listed by conductor cross-section and EDS range. In total, damage was found on 6.5% of the 41,565 km of line examined here—i.e., on 2702 km of line. Some doubts as to the validity of the EDS recommendation were published quite early (Bovallius et al. 1960; Bückner 1960; Dassetto 1962) and were expressed in the discussions during the CIGRE SC 22 main meetings held in 1960/61. This is to be expected, since the likelihood of fatigue damage is influenced by a number of other variables than EDS. They include: conductor construction and manufacturing process; effect of topography on incident winds; effect of terrain on wind turbulence; and effects of support structure dynamics and hardware configuration. Survey of Service Failures after 1975 After 1975, the successor of the EDS panel within CIGRE, working group 04 (endurance capability of conductors) of Study Committee 22 (overhead lines), carried out an extensive survey in order to assess conTable 2.6-1 CIGRE EDS Panel Recommendations for Safe Design Tensions in Percent UTS (Zetterholm 1960) Lines Equipped with Unprotected Lines Copper conductors 26 ACSR 18 Aluminum conductors 17 Aldrey conductors 18 Steel conductors 1. Rigid clamps 2. Oscillating clamps 11 13 Armor Armor Rods and Rods Dampers Dampers 22 24 24 26 Table 2.6-2 Evaluation of Vibration Damages 1940-1960 (numbers in parentheses indicate total line length in km) ACSR Conductor Failures in % of Line Length Everyday Stress in % UTS 50-160 160-300 300-600 Total 10-15% 18% (1035) 42% (820) 0% (200) 30% (2055) 15-20% 35% (1150) 3% (29,000) 0% (600) 3% (30,750) 20-25% 100% (40) 12% (6800) 14% (7760) Conductor Cross Section (total mm2) 23% (920) 25-30% 0% (1000) 0% (1000) Total 30% (2225) 4% (30,740) 10% (8600) 6.5% (41,565) EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition ductor damages due to aeolian vibrations. The evaluation of reported damage shows the influence of parameters other than the EDS on conductor safety (CIGRE 22.04 1979). This was also documented within the WG04 work by closely monitored tests on dedicated test lines, as described below. The tests entailed continuous monitoring of the dynamic bending strains at the conductor supports with strain gauges, and was carried out on a test line, actually a non-energized section of an actual line. The tests give a good indication as to which factors influence the vibration stress in the conductors. Figure 2.6-1 demonstrates the relative levels of measured dynamic stress. A single ACSR 560/50 conductor, a size very frequently used for 220- and 380-kV transmission lines, with an EDS of 20.5% was tested for a period of operation of 8 months in a hilly terrain with a span of 400 m. The dynamic stress of this conductor under these conditions was established as the 100% value. Based on the measured data, the percentage changes of the corresponding dynamic bending stresses with the different parameters were then plotted. More details can be found in (Philipps et al. 1972). For example, an increase of EDS from 20.5 to 27.1% results in an increase of the dynamic stress by 21% (see column 1 of Figure 2.6-1. For the conductor in question, the stress during the first month amounted to 170% of the dynamic stress after 8 months (column 2). This effect differs from conductor to conductor and can be caused by wire creep, which then causes an increase in self-damping, although this latter assumption has been questioned (Hard and Holbein 1967). The design of suspension clamps also influences the stress: the three-point suspension clamp decreases the stress to 52%, and the armor grip suspension to 82% (columns 3, 4, and 5). The type of terrain has a strong influence, being a determinative factor for the wind uniformity (column 6). And also the design of the conductor (alu- Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration minum/steel ratio, number, and diameter of aluminium wires) plays an important role (columns 7, 8, and 9 of Figure 2.6-1). Research and testing performed since 1960 have provided information that was not available to the EDS Panel. Self-damping tests on conductors showed that the ratio H/w between the horizontal tensile load and the conductor weight per unit length was a more appropriate parameter than the % of RTS. This may not have been evident to the EDS Panel, because the vast majority of the lines up to 1962 were built with the classical 30/7, 26/7, and 54/7 stranded ACSR. With such conductors, the increase of RTS due to an increase of the conductor diameter also resulted in an equal increase in the conductor weight. The EDS Panel classified the lines on the basis of terrain, (flat, hilly, mountainous, etc.), but it is now well known that surface roughness of the ground, which creates turbulence, influences the wind power. It follows that a parameter often ignored is the occurrence of dangerous winds on the line. In some locales, the occurrence and direction of these winds are only related to general meteorological conditions, but in other locations, the line experiences daily air flows from both directions. Under such conditions, the rate of dynamic stress accumulation can be significantly more than in other areas. All this information better explains the dispersion of the time-to-failure of the lines investigated by the EDS panel and, in general, of present similar lines in service. Design Guides Based on Field Experience Over the years there have been several approaches to improving the EDS rule. Several factors, which are known to influence conductor endurance in the recommendation and selection of a safe design tension, were considered. For example, Rawlins (1962) developed from the analysis of the vibration performance—i.e., Figure 2.6-1 Various influences on the dynamic stresses of ACSR. 2-105 Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition strand failures or not—of existing lines, a system of plotting results by the use of two factors: one related to the wind power input and the other related to the conductor self-damping. boundary between the two is, therefore, logical. The important point to notice, however, is the zone where failures have not occurred. A line constructed with parameters falling within the “no failure” zone should not experience trouble, even in severe exposures. The parameter that was keyed to wind input was L xd kLs = s RS x m 2.6-2 Where Ls = length of span. d = conductor diameter. RS = conductor rated strength. m = conductor mass per unit length. The factor related to self-damping ability was line tension, expressed as a percent of conductor rated strength. The “k” factor is determined from conductor properties, and can thus be calculated for each size and stranding, as has been done in some of the ACSR Conductor Tables included in Appendix 1. Because comparable field experience is not available for other conductors, the listing has been restricted to ACSR. Sample plots are shown in Figures 2.6-2 and 2.6-3. The system cannot be expected to yield precise results for several reasons. Ruling span length has been used rather than span length. Terrain factor is not included, and because of this factor alone, we could expect an intermingling of lines having apparently similar characteristics, some of which have shown failures while others have survived without damage. The lack of a precise Dulhunty et al. (1982) proposed the use of a Nomogram with the wind direction, terrain type, number of dampers, span length, clamp type, and EDS as parameters for lifetime estimation. Similarly, but in more detail, the use of so-called danger factors for a conductor lifetime assessment for bundles was also proposed (CIGRE 22.04 1988). This question has recently been addressed again by CIGR E 22 .11 TF4 200 5, which foll owed a new approach, as will be described in Sections 2.6.3, 2.6.4, and 2.6.5 below. 2.6.3 Single Unprotected Conductors This section aims at recommending safe design tensions for unarmored, unprotected single conductor lines. Methodology Two approaches were followed to determine calculated vibration levels (the span response) with regard to the endurance capability of the conductor to vibration. In the Endurance Limit approach, vibration levels are considered to result in an infinite lifetime of the conductor if they do not exceed a defined limit value (the endurance limit in terms of fymax). Conductor tensions that lead to vibration levels below the endurance limit are regarded as safe. Figure 2.6-2 Relative incidences of fatigue failure and survival of ACSR lines, plotted as (k x span length) vs. percent of rated conductor strength. (ACSR lines with armor rods.) (EPRI 1979). 2-106 EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition All theoretical models that were employed to estimate safe tensions rely basically on the Energy Balance Principle (CIGRE 22.01 1989) to predict steady-state vibration in terms of fymax (the product of vibration frequency and maximum vibration amplitude at antinodes). That is the response of a span when excitation by the wind is balanced by the internal damping of the span. In the Cumulative Damage approach, a certain proportion of fatigue damage is assigned to each vibration cycle. These small fractions of fatigue damage are assumed to accumulate at a certain rate during the service life of the conductor, until fatigue breakage occurs. The usual assumption is that of linear damage accumulation (Miner 1945). This approach requires assumptions on the recurrence of fatigue-inducing stress levels to determine the number of occurrences at different stress levels. Data on the probability of vibration exciting wind also has to be introduced into the model. Probabilistic considerations may be expanded to the S-N-curves that define the fatigue-inducing intensity of different vibration levels, and different S-N-curves may be surmised for different levels of probability of survival. Safe conductor tensions that are calculated on this basis thus relate to a particular predicted fatigue life of the conductor. Lastly, it may be observed that the Cumulative Damage approach leads to a more permissive H/w than the Endurance Limit approach. This is to be expected, because the former approach allows for a certain number of vibration cycles above the conductor endurance limit, while the latter does not. Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration Comparison with Field Experience Since tension, H, for any span is not constant but varies with temperature, ice or wind loading history, and creep, a reference condition has to be selected for determining H. Therefore, the average temperature for the coldest month has been defined as the reference temperature, and the tension, H, has to be determined for initial conditions—i.e., before wind, ice loading, and creep. In doing this, it became evident that the most significant design parameter influencing the probability of fatigue is conductor tension, because of the impact of tension upon conductor self-damping (see Section 2.3.6). However, tension can be expressed in various forms, such as force, stress, % of rated strength, and others. In order to gather as many field cases into each class as possible, the necessity arose to choose a ranking parameter that was not dependent on factors such as conductor diameter. The parameter that was selected was H / w, with H the conductor tension in N, and w the conductor weight per unit length in N/m, so the dimension of H/m is m. It is worth noting that the chosen parameter H/w is, in fact, the catenary constant described in Appendix 3. Field experience cases were collected for undamped spans—i.e., spans equipped with neither dampers nor armor of any type. This database was used to verify the predictions of maximum safe design tensions based on the Energy Balance Principle. Recommendations The maximum safe design tensions with respect to aeolian vibrations of undamped and unarmored conductors are shown in Table 2.6-3 as a function of terrain Figure 2.6-3 Relative incidences of fatigue failure and survival of ACSR lines, plotted as (k x span length) vs. percent of rated conductor strength. (No armor rods or dampers.) ([EPRI 1979). 2-107 Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition category. The table uses H/w, the ratio of horizontal tension in the span to conductor weight per unit length, as the tension parameter. It is important to note that, as explained above, this horizontal tension refers to initial horizontal tension, before wind and ice loading and before creep, at the average temperature of the coldest month on the site of the line. Recommended safe tensions apply to the following round strand conductors: all aluminum A1 /AAC) conductors; all aluminum alloy A2 or A3 (AAAC) conductors; aluminum/aluminum alloy A1/A2 or A1/A3 (ACAR) conductors; and steel-reinforced aluminum A1/Syz /ACSR) conductors. It was decided to give a uniform recommendation for all types of conventional conductors using aluminum and/or aluminum alloy. Although a lower fatigue endurance of A2 (AAAC) conductors may be surmised from (EPRI 1979), there is no well-documented field evidence to support a more pessimistic tension recommendation for these conductors. Also there were not enough cases to indicate safe tension limits using this “new” approach for steel ground wires or OPGW. Terrains have been divided into four categories according to general characteristics. Should there be any doubt about real terrain category, the lowest class should always be selected. The maximum safe design tensions thus recommended should be suitable most of the time. However, special situations require specific attention. Such is the case for extra long spans, or spans exposed to pollutants that may decrease the self-damping or the fatigue endurance of the conductor, or spans often covered with ice, rime, or hoarfrost, or spans operated at high temperature. Generally, the damping of spans is inexpensive and is certainly preferable to risking conductor fatigue breaks. Moreover, use of damping may allow higher tensions, resulting in significant cost savings in line construction (see Section 2.6.6). Table 2.6-3 Recommended Safe Design H/w Values for Single Unprotected Conductors (CIGRE 22.11 TF4 2005) The use of armor rods or special supporting devices, such as cushioned clamps and helical elastomer-lined suspensions, may justify higher design tensions on otherwise unprotected conductors. When these devices are employed, information on safe tensions should be obtained from their suppliers (see Section 2.3.6). In addition, in some countries, the maximum safe design tension may be governed by the maximum climatic loading, such as heavy ice loads, rather than by aeolian vibration. Table 2.6-4 compares the safe design tension (CIGRE 22.11.4 2005) with the original EDS values (Zetterholm 1960) and the values arising from the European norm EN 50-341-3-4 (EN 2001), for various strandings of ACSR conductors and also AA and AAA conductors. The recommended safe H/w values (CIGRE SC22 WG11 TF4 2005) may thus appear overly conservative. Nevertheless, it should be noted that they generally exceed the 17-18% of RTS recommended by the EDS Panel for all aluminum A1 (AAC) conductors and low steel-content aluminum conductors A1/Syz (ACSR), and evidently they are not intended to replace operational experience and engineering judgment. For instance, good operating experience with higher H/w values could be used for a new line in the same area if engineering judgment concludes that this is justifed. In this context, it is also interesting to note, that as far back as 1934, the following “rule” was formulated by Maria Artini (Artini 1934; Niggli 1969): “When the value of the everyday tensile stress of conductors (expressed in kg/mm 2) lies below the value of their specific weight (expressed in kg/dm3), these conductors do vibrate so seldom and so weak, that failure is not to be expected.” That means exactly H/w < 1000 in today’s units. Table 2.6-4 Recommended EDS in Percentage of RTS for Unarmored, Unprotected Conductors (after Kiessling et al. 2003) Conductor Type CIGRE 1960 EN 50 341-3-4 CIGRE 2005 Terrain Category 3 AL1/ST1A 2-108 4.3:1 18 18.5 13 6.0:1 18 18.5 14 7.7:1 18 19.0 15 11.3:1 18 18.4 16 Aluminum 17 18.8 20.8 AlMgSi 18 15.0 11.3 EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition 2.6.4 Damped Single Conductors This section seeks to recommend safe design tensions for single conductor lines protected by means of Stockbridge-type vibration dampers installed at the span extremities, since currently, this is the type of damping most widely used on conductors. Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration the ice and wind load conditions are 12.6 mm radial glaze ice with a 380 Pa wind at -20oC (CIGRE 22.12 2006). Other typical values accepted internationally, as well as in IEC 60826 (2003), are the following: • 60 to 75% RTS under maximum climatic load conditions One of the several sets of parameters that have been applied to ACSR conductors in connection with selective damping is based on anticipated climatic conditions for the region where the line is constructed. It restricts the conductor tension to the conditions shown in Table 2.6-5, depending upon which becomes the limiting factor. It will generally be true that the third condition governs. The values shown should be adjusted to agree with the likelihood of occurrence. If long periods of low temperature are common, the 27% figure should be reduced (EPRI 1979). Other sets of values for these parameters have been employed. The National Electric Safety Code (NESC) (NESC 1987) recommends limits on the tension of bare overhead conductor as a percentage of the conductor’s rated breaking strength. The tension limits are: 60% of RTS under maximum ice and wind loading, 35% initial unloaded (when installed) at 60°F, and 25% final unloaded (after maximum loading has occurred) at 60°F. It is common, however, for lower unloaded tension limits to be used. Except in areas experiencing severe ice loading, it is not unusual to find tension limits of 60% maximum, 25% unloaded initial, and 15% unloaded final. This set of specifications could result in an actual maximum tension on the order of only 35 to 40%, an initial tension of 20%, and a final unloaded tension level of 15%. In this case, the 15% tension limit is said to govern (Southwire Company 1994). The NESC is silent on the need for vibration dampers. This is clearly demonstrated in Table 2.6-6, which shows some results of sag-tension calculations as a function of the initial installed stringing tension. The conductor is 403-A1/S1A-26/7 Drake, the ruling span is 300 m, and Table 2.6-5 Conductor Tensions for Different Climatic Conditions Condition Maximum allowable % of RTS (Rated Tensile Strength) Initial unloaded, no ice or wind, at minimum temperature during stringing 32 Final unloaded-after creep, no ice or wind at 15°C 24 Final unloaded, no ice or wind, at minimum temperature for area 27 Maximum load, worst conditions 35 • 20 to 30% RTS with no ice or wind at 15oC, when the conductor is initially installed under tension. • 15 to 25% RTS with no ice or wind at 15oC, the conductor being in its final condition (after the conductor has been exposed to a heavy ice and wind loading event or has been in place for many years). To avoid conductor system tensile failure under high ice and wind loads, the conductor tension under maximum ice and wind is often limited to between 50% and 60% of RTS in areas experiencing heavy ice and wind loads. In the recent CIGRE work (CIGRE SC22 WG11 TF4 2005), another approach is proposed. Therein, the similarity in damping efficiency levels indicated a particular parameter to use in rating the protective capabilities of dampers. This rating parameter, LD/√(Hm), (where L is actual span length, D is conductor diameter, H is horizontal tension in the conductor, and m is mass of the conductor per unit length) has been already in use in the analyses of collections of field experience data on the fatigue of overhead conductors (Rawlins et al. 1961). So spans have been ranked according to the difficulty in damping them, based on the line design variables span length, conductor size, and tension. The parameter is also proportional to the damping efficiency required to control vibration amplitude to a given level. Since the Task Force had adopted the parameter H/w (where w is weight of the conductor per unit length) to rate the effect of tension on conductor self damping, it was able to simplify the set of rating parameters L D H m and H/m to LD/m and H/w. Field experience has been substantiated by calculating so-called safe boundaries according to the endurance limit approach explained in Section 2.6.3 (see Figure 2.6-4). Table 2.6-6 Tension under Maximum Ice and Wind Loading as a Function of the Initial Stringing Tension for Drake ACSR. Initial Unloaded Tension at 15oC (%RTS) Max. Design Tension under Ice and Wind Load (%RTS) Max. Design Tension under Ice and Wind Load (kN) 10 22.6 31.6 15 31.7 44.4 20 38.4 53.8 25 43.5 61.0 2-109 Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition missive than the corresponding EDS values for low steel content, medium steel content, or high steel content A1/Syz (ACSR) conductors. However, for Aldrey conductors, the calculated safe design tension is definitely much more conservative over the full span range than the value recommended by the EDS Panel—i.e., 26% of RTS or about 3000 m, which correlates well with operating experience (Niggli 1969). Figure 2.6-4 Predicted safe boundaries according to endurance limit approach (CIGRE SC22 WG11 TF4 2005). The safe tensions recommended by the EDS Panel, translated in terms of H/w for different damped A1/Syz (ACSR) and Aldrey (AAAC) conductors are also shown in Figure 2.6-4. As the Panel did not account for the span length, their recommended tensions appear as straight vertical lines in the graphics. For the common range of span parameters, 5 < LD/m < 15 (m 3 /kg), it may be observed that the safe design tensions, as calculated by the endurance limit approach are, respectively, more permissive, about equally permissive, or less per- Recommendations The design recommendations of CIGRE SC22 WG11 TF4 2005 are depicted in Figure 2.6-5 in the form of four sets of curves, each set associated to a particular terrain category described in the legend. The corresponding information is provided in Appendix 2.7 in algebraic form. Terrains have been divided into four categories according to their general characteristics (see also Table 2.6-3). Should there be any doubt about real terrain category, the lowest category should be selected. The “Basic Safe Design Zone–No Damping” applies to undamped and unarmored single conductors, as already shown in the previous section. This zone is defined in terms of the H/w parameter only, and it is unlimited in the LD/m parameter. The “Safe Design Zone–Span End Damping” constitutes a zone where full protection of single conductors against aeolian vibration is achieved by means of one or more Stockbridge-type dampers installed at span extremities. Hence, within the limits of this zone, aeolian vibration should not be a constraint on design tension. For line parameters in the “Special Application Zone”—for example, long spans— aeolian vibration is most probably a constraint, and it is recommended that line designers determine the availability of adequate protection before finalizing the design. As an application example, these recommendations are applied to an ACSR Drake conductor. For unprotected (no armor rods or AGS clamps), round strand single conductors (not bundles nor protected single conductors), the recommended H/w parameter constraint, where vibration dampers are not used, depends on terrain. Recommended maximum values of H/w in Table 2.6-3 range from 1000 to 1425 m, say at -20oC. As can be interpolated from Table 2.6-7, for the Drake ACSR in a 300 m span, this would correspond to an unloaded initial tension of between 11 and 15% RTS. Figure 2.6-5 Recommended safe design tension for single conductor lines. H: initial horizontal tension; w: conductor weight per unit length, L: actual span length, D: conductor diameter, and m: conductor mass per unit length (CIGRE SC22 WG11 TF4 2005). 2-110 If dampers are used, then a higher H/w level would be acceptable. For the example case, LD/m is 5.2 m 3 /kg, and from Figure 2.6-5, the corresponding H/w value for Category 4 terrain is about 2500 m. This corresponds to EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition an unloaded initial tension of 24%RTS. Normal dampers should be adequate up to that tension in this terrain. Maximum safe H/w is smaller for the other terrain categories, as indicated in the figure. 2.6.5 Bundled Conductors This section seeks to recommend safe design tensions for bundled conductor lines. The recommendations cover twin horizontal bundles, triple apex-down bundles, and quad horizontal bundles made up of conventional stranded conductors fitted either with damping or nondamping spacers or a combination of nondamping spacers and span-end Stockbridge-type dampers. Numerous field tests have demonstrated that bundled conductors respond less to aeolian excitation than single conductors of the same size and at the same tension as those of the bundle (Leibfried and Mors 1964; Liberman and Krukov 1968; Phillips et al. 1972). For example, Figure 2.6-6 shows results of simultaneous recordings at an outdoor test line. Bundling reduced vibration amplitudes by about half, with and without dampers on the span. Table 2.6-7 H/w Values for Drake ACSR in a 300 m Span Tension at Initial, Unloaded Initial Unloaded -20oC with Tension at Conductor H/w at Avg Temp Max Ice and Max Ice Tension at 15oC for Coldest Month) Wind Load and Wind Load (kN) (m) (%RTS) (%RTS) 10 900 22.6 31.6 15 1500 31.7 44.4 20 2100 38.4 53.8 25 2700 43.5 61.0 Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration The benefits of bundling are attributed to the effects of mechanical coupling between the subconductors interfering with the vortex excitation mechanism. Initially, Edwards and Boyd (1965) at Ontario Hydro investigated the effect of damping introduced into spacers. They found that damping at a particular level reduced amplitudes by a factor of 5 in a twin bundle, and by a factor of 20 in a quad bundle relative to a comparable single conductor. The advantage of damping was confirmed by Diana et al. (1982) at the Porto Tolle Test Station in Italy. The effect of bundle configuration on the advantage offered by damping was investigated by Hardy et al. (1990) at the Magdalen Island Test Station. Damping in spacers is advantageous in all bundle configurations, but seem most effective in those having vertically related subconductors, such as triple and quad bundles. Recommendations For bundled conductors, the safe H/w value is recommended as a matter of prudence to be limited to 2500, although there is evidence that quite a few bundle lines have operated for many years safely at higher H/w values. It should be noted that this safe design tension limit is supposed to be valid also for bundled conductors fitted with spacer dampers, independently of the span parameter LD/m used for damped single conductors (see Section 2.6.4), because the benefits of damping in the case of bundled conductors are usually well distributed over the span length. Use of armor rods or special supporting devices, such as helical elastomer-lined suspensions, may justify higher design tensions. When these devices are used, information on safe design tension should be obtained from their suppliers. 2.6.6 Effect of Tension on Line Costs Before leaving this section on safe design tension, it should be remembered that in today’s extremely competitive environment in the power industry, the impact of vibration upon line design is an important cost issue, and this is highly dependent on the line tension. Figure 2.6-6 Comparison of vibration in single versus bundled conductors Drake ACSR in 1200-ft span. (MILS = in. x 10-3; CPS = Hertz) 1 – Single conductor. 2, 3 – Subconductors in horizontal two-conductor bundle. A – No dampers. B – One Stockbridge damper at end opposite recorder (Rawlins and Harvey 1960). From experience of fatigue damage with a number of lines throughout the world with high tension, it was found that lines strung at tensions higher than 20% of rated strength were difficult to maintain, since as discussed in Section 2.2.6, if the tension is increased, the self-damping of the conductor is reduced. This will lead to higher vibration levels. Surveys by CIGRE and others have shown that vibration fatigue breaks are more likely to occur with high conductor tensions, even when 2-111 Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition protective measures are applied. This experience generated an attitude of caution throughout the industry. As a result, a great many lines probably exist that might have been constructed with decreased tower height and decreased sag, at considerable cost savings. On the other hand, the adverse consequences of deviating too far from accepted and normal practice can be significant. Once span length, sag, and ground clearance have been established, it becomes more difficult to find satisfactory solutions if fatigue problems develop. In many cases, careful use of available damping systems has made it possible to use higher tensions than those normally considered. For instance, in Russia, the guidelines for components of electrical installations allow values for the initial conductor stress at mid annual temperature (EDS) of up to 30% of RTS for AAC, AAACSR, ACSR, and up to 35% of RTS for steel conductors and earth wires (Shkaptsov 2006). The potential savings that might be realized through the use of higher conductor tensions have been reviewed by Fritz (1960), who found that they could be substantial. On the other hand, it should not be forgotten that there are risks and associated costs of extra maintenance, due to the natural ability of the vibration to develop damage at points of poor installation, associated with these higher tensions. Unnecessary caution can thus be costly. This is illustrated by the results of various studies. Two such studies are described below. The findings of an investigation, which has been carried out in order to determine the optimum conductors and conductor tensions for a twin-bundle 220-kV line, are presented in Figure 2.6-7. It shows the costs of towers, Figure 2.6-7 Initial costs of a 220-kV line (twin conductors ACSR 300/...) versus conductor tension at 10°C (EDS) for different ACSR conductors. Solid lines are valid for 20% tension towers, dotted lines for 10% (Bückner 1966). 2-112 foundations, and conductors related to the EDS. The conductors shown have the same aluminum cross section, 300 mm 2 , but a variable steel content from 9 to 20% of the aluminum cross section (corresponding to the ratios 4.3:1 to 11:1 shown in the figure). Solid lines show the costs for 20% tension towers, and dotted lines show those for 10%. The curves start at a “normal” value for the EDS and end at EDS values that are 20% higher than the CIGRE EDS panel recommendations for unprotected conductors (see Table 2.6-1). It should be noted that these are initial costs, and do not reflect the costs of extra maintenance should vibration control prove inadequate. Important savings can be realized for a low steel content. For instance, the optimum steel-to-aluminum ratio for a 220-kV line is 11:1. Similar calculations have shown that, for 110-kV lines, the optimum aluminiumto-steel ratio is 7.7:1. For all conductors, with the exception of the 4.3:1 ratio conductor, the costs of the 220-kV line decrease slightly with higher EDS values and particularly for the 11:1 ratio conductor. The cost also decreases for a lower proportion of tension towers. For 110-kV lines, the cost savings by increasing the conductor tension are significant. This is true to an even greater extent for 20-kV distribution lines. In a more recent investigation, this trend of decreasing line costs with increasing EDS has been confirmed also for 380-kV lines (Figure 2.6-8). For longer span lengths, the influence of conductor tension on the costs of the line is also high. Figure 2.6-9 shows, as an example, the calculated costs of a river crossing against the EDS. Figure 2.6-9 Costs of the line for a river crossing versus the EDS (Kiessling et al. 2003). EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition Conclusion The examples above have shown that the choice of the conductor tension plays a major role in both in the proper “utilization” of the mechanical properties of the conductor and in the total costs of the line. Current understanding of the various parameters influencing the vibration behavior of a conductor has improved, as well as the knowledge of how to apply vibration-damping measures. Additionally, economies of scale and globalization have resulted in extremely price-competitive vibration-damping hardware. So a possible “economic” approach could be to base the mechanical design of the conductors on both the maximum wind and ice loads and the total line costs, and then, using the recommendations for safe design tension outlined in the previous sections, select the proper damping hardware (see also Section 2.4.) and, if required, check its performance on the actual line, as described in Section 2.7. 2.7 ASSESSMENT OF CONDUCTOR VIBRATION SEVERITY 2.7.1 General Among the various wind-induced motions (EPRI 1979), those due to vortex shedding, called “aeolian vibrations,” are the most recurrent and the most dangerous for conductor integrity. Figure 2.6-8 Influence of conductor tension (EDS) on transmission-line costs for various 380-kV configurations (cost base 1991) (Bückner 2002). Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration For this reason, great efforts are devoted to the assessment of aeolian vibration severity. Four main methods are available for this task: 1. Analytical prediction of conductor vibration severity 2. Field vibration tests on outdoor experimental spans 3. Vibration test on laboratory spans 4. Vibration measurements on actual lines Each offers its own contribution to the total picture. Although they are inter-related, their limitations and concepts are somewhat different. 2.7.2 Analytical Prediction Analytical prediction (Claren et al. 1974; Claren and Diana 1969a; CIGRE SC22 WG01 1989b; CIGRE SC22 WG11 TF1 1998; Ervik 1981; Hagedorn 1990; Tompkins et al. 1956) is mainly used during the design of the line to anticipate the performance of single and bundled conductors under aeolian vibration and to evaluate, when necessary, the amount of additional damping required to maintain the vibration amplitudes within safe limits. Analytical methods to assess conductor vibration behavior are covered in Section 2.5. 2.7.3 Outdoor Test Spans Outdoor experimental spans exposed to natural wind (Annestrand and Parks 1977, Cloutier et al. 1974, Houle et al. 1987) have been built in several countries worldwide for research purposes and for the comparative evaluation of conductor damping systems proposed for important projects. Some test stations have been used also for the evaluation of new damping systems and for the assessment of the vibration behavior of new line configurations. Figure 2.7-1 shows the Hydro Quebec test station at Varennes, Canada, formerly installed at Magdalen Island and widely used for many years. Figure 2.7-1 Outdoor test line of Hydro Quebec at Varennes, Canada. 2-113 Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition These test stations represent an accurate means for the investigation of vibration phenomena; however, the considerable costs involved can be afforded only by power authorities, research institutes, and major manufacturers (Rawlins and Harvey 1960) or justified in some large transmission project. Outdoor spans are normally not energized, and can, therefore, be instrumented in a sophisticated fashion with a large array of recording and monitoring systems. If constructed specifically for testing, they are always available and can closely duplicate actual line construction. Convenient access platforms are possible. Wire links can be used to connect transducers on the line with ground-based recorders, making this phase of the operation less expensive than it would be if telemetry were necessary. One of the disadvantages of an outdoor test span built for a specific project is the cost of constructing a system that may have no use beyond the test program. The generation of significant data is at the mercy of the elements, but the total amount of data can be very large. Improvements in data reduction may make it possible to achieve a balance between data generation and reduction to a useful form. However, it is generally true that total use of the available information is not realized. In order to reduce the travel time required for maintaining the line and gathering its data, the test span may not always be located in a high vibration area, or in an area typical of line construction. Vandalism can be a problem with installations of this type. Outdoor test spans are useful for testing advanced line concepts. Tests can be very rigorous, since line failure will not result in a service interruption. In some high-power laboratories, outdoor test spans have been used for short-circuit simulation. Research on galloping and ice drops (Mather and Hard 1958; Cassan and Nigol 1972; Van Dyke and Laneville 2004) have also been performed. Outdoor test spans can be useful for long-term product demonstration, and for the investigation of fatigue and wear of line hardware under natural conditions. 2.7.4 Indoor Test Spans Laboratory spans for vibration tests are generally 30-50 m (100-165 ft) long. In few cases, spans of 90-100 m (295-330 ft) have been built (Figure 2.7-2). Laboratory test spans can provide important information on the conductor dynamic characteristics such as self-damping (CIGRE 1979a) and dynamic bending stiffness. For special conductors and/or unconventional suspension clamps, the laboratory test spans can be used to establish the relationship between bending amplitude and 2-114 bending stress or strain (see Section 2.7.8). Moreover, intensive tests are performed to assess the fatigue behavior of various conductor–clamp systems (CIGRE SC22 WG04 1985) and the effectiveness of vibration dampers (IEEE 1993). Indoor test spans are generally about one-tenth of the length of the average outdoor span. This means that, within the normal range of frequencies, the natural responses of the indoor span are similarly reduced in number, and the frequency difference between two natural responses will be much greater. Because the indoor span is readily accessible and rarely presents problems of height, precise measurements are normally possible at any point throughout its length. The prime advantages that it offers are the facts that the frequency of excitation can be precisely controlled, and since the excitation depends on a shaker mechanism, the span can be driven with a pure single frequency, completely free of beats. Tension adjustment and measurement can usually be accomplished with relative ease. Although singlefrequency vibration does not duplicate the response normally observed on outdoor spans (see Figure 2.7-3), it does simplify analysis and interpretation of results. The shaker system used for excitation normally provides independent control of frequency and amplitude, so that practically any span response can be observed without waiting for proper weather conditions. Many measurements not possible in other test situations can be made on an indoor span. However, indoor spans cannot realistically replicate low-frequency motions such as galloping or wakeinduced bundle oscillations. Moreover, they cannot be used to reproduce the vibration behaviour of conductor bundles because it is too complex and they are not suit- Figure 2.7-2 Laboratory test span at the University of KwaZulu-Natal (85 m). EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition able for investigations involving the mobility of a suspension clamps because it is impossible to completely simulate the motions of an insulator string between two spans. For example, the evaluation of the influence of the vibration recorder mass attached to the suspension clamp on the conductor vibration shape has been performed by Heics and Havard (1993) on a full-scale outdoor test line. Other important limitations of indoor span testing are related to its shorter length and to the presence of the shaker attached to the line. One problem that may be encountered with indoor testing is that levels of excitation can be achieved far beyond those experienced under natural conditions. The danger here is that a particular device, which may show high performance indoors, may not fare as well in actual use. This could be the case for concepts that rely on high acceleration or displacement for their performance. In this respect, the indoor test span should be guided by results from outdoor testing in order to achieve reasonable results. The ability to overdrive is useful in some cases, as a means of demonstrating extreme conditions, or of accelerating damage. Damper tests must account for the fact that a single damper on a short indoor test span may be much more effective than it is when assigned the task of damping a longer actual span. Static bending tests are also possible on an indoor span. Because of the array of measuring equipment that can be brought to bear on the problem, static and dynamic effects induced by various suspension devices, clamps, and armor rods can be investig a t e d . I n d o o r t e s t s p a n s o p e r a t e d b y fi t t i n g manufacturers are used extensively for product development testing to demonstrate that a new concept or device is more effective than another currently being used. Much of this work is fatigue testing, with the end point being determined by the number of cycles that a component will withstand without breaking or showing signs of excessive wear. Feedback control systems can be used to maintain a uniform level of excitation for periods of weeks or months. The fatigue testing of some components can be conducted at very high frequencies in order to shorten the test time. This is not possible with conductor fatigue tests, because so many variables are involved. A frequency increase will result in a shorter loop length, and probably a higher level of conductor self-dissipation, so that the test results could fall completely outside normal conductor experience. Conductor fatigue testing is, therefore, very time consuming. A certain degree of time compression is obtained by virtue of the fact that the span can be excited continuously over the full 24-hour Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration period, whereas the actual span might experience many quiet periods during the course of the day. Fatigue tests on fittings are generally performed between 10 and 100 megacycles, while the fatigue curve of conductors are determined up to 500 megacycles and above. The megasecond is approximately 11.6 days. A conductor being vibrated at 30 Hz would accumulate 30 megacycles in one megasecond. Performing fatigue tests on an indoor span at 30 Hz would require roughly 4 days for 10 megacycles and 193 days for 500 megacycles. 2.7.5 Actual Lines The third major type of testing employs actual lines under operating conditions. Vibration measurements on overhead lines are commonly performed as a final acceptance test of the conductor damping system, at the end of the line construction, and on lines in operations for assessment of vibration intensity of the conductors. For research purposes, this avoids special construction costs, since the lines are not originally constructed for testing. Areas in which tests are conducted can be selected on the basis of previous experience and observation. The use of actual lines, in many cases, makes it possible to experiment with conductor that has been in service for several years and has experienced long-term static creep and extremes of temperature. Since these lines are in operation, the installation of instruments usually requires a line crew, and possibly an outage, during the installation period. Measurements on the line itself require battery-operated equipment that is selfcontained, or involve the use of telemetry. The limitations of this type of equipment are that it usually requires some form of time sampling, which may miss the recording of significant, but short–term, events. The recording equipment itself generally runs on a time basis and does not predetermine whether the vibration level being recorded is significant or not. As a result, a considerable amount of the recorded information contains insignificant levels of data. Interesting test areas are not always easily accessible, so travel costs for servicing the equipment and gathering the recordings may be relatively high. Vandalism can be a problem only when ground instrumentation is required. The primary advantage in using actual lines for test purposes is that they provide an opportunity to evaluate the designs under conditions of use. For example, if the line had been erected in an area that could be vibration-prone and has been equipped with an insufficient damping system, the test program can indicate the advisability of adding dampers. Damping studies are a common activity on lines used in this way, because it possible to simultaneously test conductors with and without additional damping. 2-115 Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition For these measurements, a variety of instruments have been employed. Among the different test procedures, the “bending amplitude method,” involving a specific live-line vibration recorder, has been widely used for the last 40 years. 2.7.6 Aeolian Vibration The aeolian vibration phenomenon has already been described in Section 2.1. As observed in Section 2.5, and as in many naturally excited systems, two or more vibration frequencies that are close together are often induced simultaneously by the wind in a conductor span. The presence of two or more closely spaced vibration frequencies causes beats at any vibrating point of the conductor, which result in a continuous variation of the vibration amplitude, as shown in the recordings of Figure 2.7-3. The awareness of this aspect of the conductor vibration is necessary for the correct interpretation of the data collected by a specific recorder and for the evaluation of conductor lifetime. 2.7.7 result from galloping and subspan oscillation, but is not the main problem associated with those motions. Fatigue of conductor strands, of any type, is caused by the alternating stresses produced by the vibration at points where the motion of the conductor is constrained—i.e., where the conductor is secured to fittings. Thus, typical locations are: suspension clamps, deadend clamps, splices, and clamps of spacers, dampers, warning devices, and antigalloping devices. Among these locations, the most critical is at the suspension clamp, because of its rigidity in the direction of aeolian vibration (mainly vertical) and the cumulative static stress due to the conductor curvature, tensile load, and clamping effect. All the other fittings show a certain degree of mobility, but poorly designed units, especially spacers and dampers, may produce strand failures at their location (Figure 2.7-5) or may fail themselves under vibrations (Figure 2.7-6). Some inspection procedures are available to assess strand failure or to estimate whether fatigue failures on Vibration Assessments In overhead conductors, fatigue failure of strands is the most common form of damage resulting from aeolian vibration (Figure 2.7-4). Conductor fatigue may also Figure 2.7-4 Strand failures due to aeolian vibration (courtesy U. Cosmai). Figure 2.7-3 Records of natural aeolian vibrations (courtesy U. Cosmai). 2-116 Figure 2.7-5 Strand failure on both sides of a spacer clamp (courtesy U. Cosmai). EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition strands may eventually occur during the economic life of the conductor: The most common are: 1. Visual inspection of conductor surface 2. Radiographic inspection 3. Conductor vibration measurement The need to apply one of these procedures may be indicated by certain “early warnings.” Generic information about excessive vibration levels on an overhead transmission line can be gathered by means of line-crew reports about noise (rattling sounds) from conductor, hardware, or tower members, and visible damage or looseness of hardware components, crossarm members, and conductor fittings. Nevertheless, these reports should be carefully evaluated, since they do not necessarily indicate danger to the line. Further investigation is necessary to clarify whether the damage is isolated to a single event or to a single component, or it is an indicator of a major design problem. Strand failures of Stockbridge-damper messenger cables and loss of damper weights are among the warning signs (Figure 2.7-7). Nevertheless, this symptom should be carefully analyzed, because it can indicate a poor unit design or it can be the result of low-frequency vibrations, unprotected by the damper (e.g., aeolian vibration on conductor covered with hoarfrost or ice). Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration Hardware components having natural responses in the frequency range of conductor aeolian vibration may face fatigue failure. Conductor vibration can excite vibration of hardware components even if the conductor vibration is damped at levels that can be easily endured by the conductor. Slender components such as lattice tower members can also vibrate from the direct action of the wind (Carpena and Diana 1971; Havard and Perry 2000). Hardware components showing signs of chafing or rotation may provide evidence that vibration had occurred. Fretting at the interstrand contact points within conductors produces black metal oxide powder. The appearance of this powder at the surface of the conductor indicates vigorous vibration activity. Visual inspection is appropriate when there is strong or specific evidence that damage has occurred, but it is not usually performed systematically during periodic maintenance or line survey. In any case, strand failures may be difficult to detect, because they occur near the last point of contact between the conductor and clamp. For example, failures at suspension clamps generally occur on the lower side of the conductor inside the clamp mouth. Reliable inspections require that the conductor be separated from the clamp. When armor rods or elastomer-lined clamps with helical rods are used, the search of strand failures requires the removal of these components. Moreover, aluminum-based conductors, having more than one layer of aluminum strands, may show the first strand failure either in the outer layer or in the layer below (EPRI 1979). Figure 2.7-6 Strand failures in the messenger cables of vibration dampers (courtesy U. Cosmai). Since visual inspection allows the detection of outerlayer damage only, it may overlook evidence of excessive vibration severity until significant damage has already occurred. Radiographic inspection can give some results, but it is not a common practice since it is costly and rather complex. Moreover, the interpretation of the radiographs is sometimes difficult, and the failure detection may be not completely reliable. Figure 2.7-7 Vibration dampers with detached weights (courtesy U. Cosmai). Thermographic inspection is not suitable for the detection of strand failure on normal conductors. Tests and calculations conducted in Italy on an ACSR (54/7) conductor (D’Ajello et al. 1994) showed that no difference in temperature can be detected for failure of one and two outer-layer strands and a difference of only one degree for three-strand failure. 2-117 Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition Another problem related to conductor vibration is the loosening of the clamps of spacers, dampers, warning devices, etc. Loosening of spacer clamps causes serious damages to the conductor. It can be due both to aeolian vibration and subspan oscillation. Initially, the movement of the loose clamp causes abrasion on the conductor surface (Figure 2.7-8), and then increasing looseness allows hammering between the conductor and the clamp that leads to complete failure of the conductor (Figure 2.7-9). Looseness of single clamp fittings allows the progressive slipping of the units along the conductor toward the center of the span. Considering the above, and as stated in EPRI 1979, “attentiveness to early warnings and use of vibration recordings” are the most suitable methods for the early detection of conductor failure or risk of failure. 2.7.8 Vibration Measurements on Actual Lines Measurements of aeolian vibration on actual lines can be made in different ways using a variety of instruments that can be classified into four groups: • Generic transducers • Vibration detectors • Optical vibration-monitoring devices • Vibration recorders (bending amplitude recorders) Generic Transducers Generic transducers—such as accelerometers, velocity pick-up, contactless displacement transducers, anemometers, and thermometers—connected to a groundsite data acquisition system, are normally used in outdoor test stations. In the past, they have also been used on several transmission lines to assess the vibration severity or for research purposes (Hard 1958; Elton et al. 1959; Falco et al. 1973; Diana et al. 1982). With the advent of commercial bending amplitude recorders, this practice has been limited to test stations. Vibration Detectors The first conductor vibration recorders, such as Zenith and Servis recorders and Jacquet counters used about 50 years ago, were simply vibration detectors able to provide a quite rough relative index of vibration activity. Modern vibration recorders have replaced them. However, the use of vibration detectors of low cost, lightweight construction and easy installation can be still of interest. One of these devices, for example, has been proposed recently by the Rand Afrikaans University (DuPlessis and Pretorcus 1995). Optical Vibration-monitoring Devices Optical devices are sometimes used to assess the vibration level on overhead line conductors. Two systems are known so far: 1. Opto-electronic recorder (Figure 2.7-10) 2. Laser recorder Figure 2.7-8 Conductor abrasion caused by the loosening of spacer clamps. Figure 2.7-9 Strand failure caused by the loosening of spacer clamps. 2-118 Figure 2.7-10 Opto-electronic recorder (courtesy Pfisterer). EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition Two German companies have developed a similar optoelectronic vibration-monitoring device. Both types are mobile noncontact equipment that consists of three parts: • vibration-monitoring unit • wind-measuring unit • computer-based data acquisition system An electro-optical camera equipped with a telephoto lens is usually directed at the vibrating object from the ground. The camera transforms the vibration images into electrical signals whose frequency spectrum and time history can be displayed on an oscilloscope and stored in the computer system. A dedicated software allows the presentation of the recorded data in terms of time history of the vibrations and antinode amplitude Ymax or angle of vibration versus frequency. The device is normally placed between 40 and 100 m (130 and 330 ft) from the line and oriented perpendicularly to the conductors. When the telescope targets the conductor, the angle of observation to the horizontal introduces an error in the measurements of the vertical vibration amplitude that can be easily corrected. Errors are also introduced by air turbulence and soil vibrations. This device is not suitable for long-term recordings. It can be used only when daylight and favourable weather conditions are present. However, it can be conveniently employed for short measurements of the antinode vibration amplitude, especially on bundled conductors with spacers or shield wires with warning devices, where it allows a comparison between the vibration levels of the various subspans. Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration The first measurements of this quantity were performed applying strain gauges as near as possible to the points of maximum bending (Steidel Jr. 1954; Hard 1958; Buckner et al. 1968). However, this method, which is suitable for laboratory tests, presents serious application problems on the field. Edwards and Boyd 1963 proposed the use of a vibration amplitude called “bending amplitude” as a parameter directly related to the bending strain at the mouth of the suspension clamp and more accessible to measurements. This practice had been used successfully by Ontario Hydro for some 25 years, and the same authors introduced the first live-line recorder to be installed on the suspension clamp and suitable for these measurements. Bending amplitude (Y b ) was defined as the total displacement peak-to-peak of the conductor, measured relative to the suspension clamp, at a point 3.5 in. (89 mm) from the last point of contact between the clamp and the conductor (Figure 2.7-11a). It was found that a linear correlation existed between bending amplitude and the strain measured on the surface of the conductor adjacent to the clamp. In 1966, the IEEE Task Force on the Standardization of Conductor Vibration Measurements, recommended the bending amplitude method (IEEE 1966) as a practical method of assessing the severity of fatigue exposure of overhead conductor in all conventional suspension clamps. A simple but approximate equation was suggested to convert the bending amplitude into bending strain, and evaluation criteria based on the maximum allowable bending strain were proposed. A prototype of a laser-based vibration recorder was developed by ENEL, Italy, in 1984 (Corti et al. year). The device consists of ground equipment emitting a low-power laser beam directed to a “scotchlite” target installed on the conductor. The laser light reflected by the target returns to the instrument and is analyzed by a computer-controlled opto-electronic system. Vibrations of amplitude from 50 micron to 7 m in the frequency range 0-150 Hz can be measured and recorded. Thus, the recorder is suitable for any kind of conductor motion. Bending Amplitude The parameter more closely related to conductor fatigue is the dynamic bending strain measured at the mouth of suspension clamps. Figure 2.7-11 Bending amplitude and inverted bending amplitude. 2-119 Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition Later, Poffenberger and Swart (1965) formulated the dynamic deflection field of the conductor in the vicinity of a fixed clamp and provided relationships to convert the bending amplitude into dynamic curvature and bending stress in the outer-layer strands at the mouth of the suspension clamp. This relationship is considered valid only for conventional conductors in solid metalto-metal suspension clamps without armor rods. For other conductor and conductor clamp combinations, the relationship between bending amplitude and bending stress or strain must be determined through laboratory tests or provided by the clamp manufacturer. An alternative method, known as the “inverted bending amplitude” (Figure 2.7-11b) method, was proposed in 1981 (Hardy et al. 1981; Hardy and Brunelle 1991), together with a relevant measuring device (Figure 2.7-15). According to this method, a lightweight recorder is fixed onto the conductor, where it senses the motion directly above the last point of contact between the conductor and the clamp. The measured inverted bending amplitude can be converted to either bending amplitude or bending stress, in order to express the measurement results in accordance with the IEEE standardization, by means of the Poffenberger and Swart theory. The standardization of conductor vibration measurements provided the industry with the possibility of comparing results obtained from different operating conditions. In 1979, CIGRE WG 22-04 recommended a method to determine the lifetime of conductors under the effect of aeolian vibration (CIGRE SC22 1979). The method makes use of the bending amplitude measurements, and based on Miner’s rule, permits the estimation of the lifetime of a conductor subjected to complex bending strain spectra. However, such estimates are subject to considerable uncertainty, as noted below under “Evaluation Criteria.” Bending Amplitude Recorders The commercial bending amplitude recorders can be divided into two categories: analog and digital devices. The analog recorders are the oldest and can be selfcontained (Ontario Hydro) or require ground instrumentation (Hilda and similar). They can provide the time history of the conductor vibration, which is valuable data but generally involves time-consuming analysis. Digital recorders are microprocessor-based, battery– powered, self-contained devices with a built-in memory in which the data are stored in digital form. They can be connected to a computer for the setup of recorder parameters and functions, before the measurements, and to read out, display, and print measured data after the test. Below, the most common bending amplitude recorders are described. Although some of these recorders are still in use, only two models are currently manufactured and supported by the manufacturers. These are the Vibrec and Pavica recorders. Ontario Hydro Recorders These analog vibration recorders (Figure 2.7-12), developed by Edwards and Boyd (Edwards and Boyd 1963), are no longer available on the market. However, they have been widely used all over the world for many years. The recorder contains an internal clock and is timed to obtain one-second recordings every 15 minutes. The recording system uses a tungsten carbide stylus that marks a trace on a clear 16-mm cellulose film. The trace is mechanically amplified five times. The film is moved by a battery-powered mechanism during the one-second recording at the speed of 6.4 mm/sec. The maximum countable frequency is 150 Hz, and the maximum allowable amplitude is 50 mils (1.27 mm) peak-to-peak. In 1995, another CIGRE document (CIGRE SC22 WG11 TF2 1995) was published to provide a comprehensive guide to vibration measurements on overhead conductors performed by means of bending amplitude recorders. At the time of publication, IEEE was intending to publish a “Guide for Aeolian Vibration Field Measurements of Overhead Conductors.” The draft edition 22.0 of this standard, dated June 2005, was made available for the purposes of this work. 2-120 Figure 2.7-12 Ontario Hydro recorder (courtesy U. Cosmai). EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition The instrument autonomy is about three weeks in a temperature range of –20° to +40°C. The recorder must be taken down to retrieve the data. The weight of the instrument is 4.5 kg (7.8 kg with standard fittings). HILDA (High Line Data Acquisition System) The HILDA analog vibration recorder comprises a sensor/transmitter mounted on a suspension clamp (Figure 2.7-13) and a ground station consisting of a weatherproof cabinet enclosing a high-frequency receiver and recording devices, such as magnetic recorder, paper recorder, etc. The receiver collects the radio signals containing the vibration data, which are sent by the transmitter via a coaxially connected antenna installed on the tower. A wind direction sensor and cup anemometer can be coupled to the vibration sensor to give simultaneous readings. The maximum recordable bending amplitude is 2.54 mm peak-to-peak in a frequency range 1 to 100 Hz. The autonomy of the transmitter is more than 200 days. The weight of the line unit, excluding the attachment clamp, is 0.64 kg. The recorder does not need to be removed to gather vibration information because it is telemetered to the ground station. Extensive data analysis capability is incorporated. Sistemel Recorders Designed in Argentina, this analog vibration recorder has been used for many years but only inside that country. The basic design principles and the performance characteristics are similar to those of the HILDA recorder. The wind velocity and direction transducers and temperature sensor are standard accessories. Scolar III Recorders The Scolar III digital vibration recorder (Figure 2.7-14), made in the United States, uses a rotary encoder as the Figure 2.7-13 HILDA recorder (courtesy U. Cosmai). Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration vibration sensor. Recorded data can be read with a standard audiocassette, through a plug-in connector built into the unit and processed by a computer compatible with the data format. Read-out time is 65 seconds. The recorder is equipped with a liquid crystal display (eight digits, 1 in. high), which can be read from the ground by means of binoculars or a telescope. The display shows the content of each memory cell in sequence. The maximum measurable bending amplitude is 2.54 mm peak-to-peak in a frequency range 1 to 100 Hz. The memory matrix contains 21 amplitude and 10 frequency classes. The autonomy of the recorder is about three months. The weight of the instrument is 3.1 kg (6.1 kg with standard fittings). Pavica Recorders The digital vibration recorder known as the Pavica (Figure 2.7-15) is the last version of a series of Canadian vibration recorders designed to be installed directly on the conductor for the measurement of the inverted bending amplitude. Its lightweight construction enables the recorder to perform measurements at locations other than suspension clamps (Figure 2.7-20). A single bolt clamp and a gauge for the correct positioning incorporated into the recorder allow its fast and easy installation without the need of any further adjustment on the line. The vibration sensor is a blade equipped with strain gauges. A built-in serial interface (RS232) allows direct connection to a personal computer. A utility program, supplied with the recorder, is used to set up recorder parameters, and to read out, display, and print measured data. Moreover, it allows additional graphical presentations and conductor lifetime estimation in Figure 2.7-14 Scolar III vibration recorder installed on an AGS clamp (courtesy D.G. Havard). 2-121 Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition accordance with the CIGRE WG 22-04 method for some conductor-clamp configurations. the ambient temperature. Previous versions still in operation are Vibrec 100 and Vibrec 300. The maximum measurable inverted bending amplitude is 1.3 mm peak-to-peak in a frequency range 1 to 255 Hz (127 Hz in the latest version). The memory matrix contains 64 amplitude and 64 frequency classes. Temperature recordings are also available, and a version with a split vibration sensor is available for measurements on small conductors. A recorder version with a vibration sensor split from the main body is available for use on shield wire and small conductors (Figure 2.7-17). The autonomy of the recorder at the standard sampling rate is between one and three months, depending on the battery type and the environmental temperature. An automatic start/stop function is included. The recorder must be taken down to retrieve the data. The weight of the instrument is about 0.5 kg, and it varies according to the size of the clamp to be used. Vibrec 400 Recorders The digital vibration recorder, Vibrec 400 (Figure 2.7-16), from Switzerland can be used to measure the vibrations of transmission-line conductors as well as the wind velocity component perpendicular to the line and A built-in serial interface (RS232) allows direct connection to a personal computer. A utility program supplied with the recorder is used to set up recorder parameters, and to read out, display, and print measured data. Moreover, it allows additional graphical presentations and conductor lifetime estimation. Time histories of the recorded bending amplitude signal are also available. A tridimensional matrix shows recording of amplitude/frequency data associated with the relevant wind speed. The maximum measurable bending amplitude is 2 mm peak-to-peak in a frequency range of 1 to 200 Hz. The memory matrix can be formed by a maximum of 36 amplitude and 36 frequency classes. An automatic start/stop function is included. The autonomy of the recorder is about six months. The recorder must be taken down to retrieve the data. The weight of the instrument is 1.7 kg; with the fittings needed to attach to the suspension clamp, the mass is increased by 0.5-1 kg. A special version of the Vibrec 400 recorder has been designed for subspan oscillation measurements. Figure 2.7-15 Pavica recorder (courtesy U. Cosmai). Figure 2.7-16 Vibrec 400 recorder (courtesy Pfisterer Sefag). 2-122 Figure 2.7-17 Vibrec 400 recorder with split sensor installed on a shield wire (courtesy U. Cosmai). EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition LVR Vibration Recorders This recorder (Figure 2.7-18), made in Germany, has basic design principles and performance characteristics similar to those of the Vibrec 400. The vibration sensor is an opto-electronic type. No wind and temperature measurements are provided. A built-in serial interface (RS232 C) allows direct connection to a personal computer. A utility program, supplied with the recorder, is used to set up recorder parameters, and to read out, display, and print measured data. The memory matrix contains 16 amplitude and 16 frequency classes. An automatic start/stop function is included. The recorder must be taken down to retrieve the data. Data Sampling and Reduction It has been common practice, since the early application of the bending amplitude method, to perform measurements of a few seconds at regular intervals. The first analog recorders were timed to obtain a 1-second recording every 15 minutes. The Hilda recorder allowed a choice of 1- and 3-second recordings every 15 minutes, while the Scolar III can be set up for 1 to 4 seconds every 10 minutes. Other digital recorders allow the setting up of different measuring and waiting periods. The most commonly used interval is that of a 10-second recording every 15 minutes. The digital recorders perform on-line data reduction because of storage limitation in the self-contained memory. The analog signal is sampled and reduced in digital form. Then the frequency and the amplitude of each vibration cycle are measured by suitable algorithms and stored in a memory matrix according to the procedure suggested by IEEE (IEEE 1966). The matrix contains a number of frequency and amplitude classes forming “cells” in which each amplitude/frequency combination is stored as a single event (Figure 2.7-19). Each cell can contain a practically unlimited number of events. Figure 2.7-18 LVR vibration recorder (courtesy RIBE). Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration Data relevant to temperature and wind speed perpendicular to the conductor, where available, are stored in separate arrays. Recorder Positioning Bending amplitude recorders are generally installed on the suspension clamp. The only exception is the Pavica recorder, which is designed for direct installation on the conductor. The “lever arm”—i.e., the distance between the sensor tip position and the last point of contact between conductor and the suspension clamp is preferably maintained at the standard position of 89 mm (3.5 in.). This may not be possible, for example, on elastomer-lined clamps with helical rod attachment and on long suspension clamps for crossing spans. When rods are used, forming a cage around the clamp, the sensor is located outside the cage area, and a longer lever arm (up to 300 mm [12 in.]) must be used, depending on conductor size (see Figure 2.7-14). Applications of the Pavica recorder along the helical rods and at their extremities, as well as near vibration damper and spacer damper clamps (Figure 2.7-20), have been reported. In the event that the lever arm is set up at a distance other than 89 mm, the measured amplitudes can be converted to the corresponding bending amplitude or bending strains values using the Poffenberger and Swart formula and considering the actual distance of the sensor tip from the suspension clamp. Correction curves are provided with the Ontario Hydro and Scolar III recorders for these cases. Other digital recorders can do this conversion during data elaboration by means of the relevant utility software. Figure 2.7-19 Example of memory matrix (16 x 18 classes). 2-123 Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition The IEEE guide (Draft 22, 2005) suggests that the effect of a shift in the lever arm distance may be approximately corrected by multiplying all recorded amplitudes by (89/xb)2, where xb is the actual lever arm distance. It should be considered that the distance of 89 mm has been chosen to get a measurable displacement while maintaining the sensor tip in a conductor zone whose shape, during vibration, is mainly governed by the conductor stiffness. Outside this zone, the Poffenberger and Swart theory cannot be used to correlate the measured vibration amplitude with the bending stress at the clamp mouth. Installation of the Vibration Recorders The installation of the vibration recorders is a delicate operation. It must be performed or witnessed by an engineer with suitable experience in this field. Generally, these engineers do not directly install the recorder, unless the conductor under test can be reached with a suitable bucket truck. In most of the cases, the engineer instructs linemen to do it. Quite often linemen do not speak English, and the training becomes difficult. The best solution is to arrange a conductor/clamp assembly for installation training at ground level. Each linesman should be invited to install the recorder on the assembly, during which the correct sequence of operations can be carefully explained. In the installation manual, the technique is generally shown by photographs rather than described by text. Generally, the installation and removal of the live-line recorder are done during an outage of few hours. In some cases, the installation has been made on energized lines using hot sticks or the bare-hand technique (Figure 2.7-21). Figure 2.7-20 Pavica recorder installed near a spacer-damper clamp (courtesy U. Cosmai). 2-124 When available, the use of the automatic start/stop function is advantageous, since it prevents the recording of the conductor movements during the linemen’s operations and does not require the manual switching of the recorder after the installation and before the removal. Measurements at Clamps Other than Conventional Suspension Clamps The bending amplitude method has been established for conventional metal-to-metal clamps. It has proved to be reliable for clamps with mouth radii ranging from 0.4 mm to 152 mm (0.015 to 6 in.) (IEEE 1966). However, this method has also been applied to measurements for other suspension clamp types, as well as for tension clamps and some fitting clamps. Elastomer-lined suspension clamps, either bolted or with helical rod attachments, do not behave like metallic clamps, and for them, the relationship between bending amplitude and bending strains should be determined by laboratory vibration tests. The clamp manufacturers should provide recommendations regarding the optimum positioning of the vibration sensor and for the interpretation of the measurements. The CIGRE guide (CIGRE SC22 WG11 TF2 1995) and one manufacturer (Poffenberger et al. 1971) suggest, for practical reasons, that the Poffenberger and Swart formula also be used for clamps incorporating elastomeric inserts by considering the centerline of the suspension as the last point of contact between the conductor and the clamp. Dangerous dynamic bending strains can occur, also, at tension clamps and at the clamps of other fittings such as dampers, spacers, warning spheres, and so on. For these locations, measurements performed at the suspension clamps cannot provide reliable information. Mea- Figure 2.7-21 Installation of a vibration recorder on an energized line using the bare-hand technique (courtesy LITSA, Argentina). EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition surements of dynamic bending amplitudes, at these clamps, are not as simple as the suspension clamp measurements, because they require light recorders or a different measurement approach. Moreover, the fatigue endurance limits of the specific conductor/clamp combination as well as the relationship between bending amplitude and bending stress or strain, if required, have to be determined by laboratory tests. Measurement Inaccuracies In bending amplitude measurements, there are several possible sources of measurement inaccuracies that should be duly considered and, if possible, reduced to a tolerable value. Measurement errors can arise from the instrument performance—e.g., calibration inaccuracy, linearity deviation, electrical noise including corona, magnetic field interference, temperature effect on electronic components, and so on. The recorder manufacturer should provide evidence of the good performance of each unit, together with the individual calibration certificate, and be available for maintenance and periodic recalibration services. Errors can arise from the recorder attachments to the suspension clamps. These mountings are specially designed for each type and size of clamp, and should be as light as possible but also rigid. Cases of resonance of the recorder mountings at frequencies within the measurement range have been reported (Cigada and Manenti 1995). It is advisable to perform a laboratory vibration test on any type of recorder mounting assembly prior to the installation at the site. Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration mass depends on the vibration frequency and is less at low frequency. The phenomenon seems to be more pronounced with small conductors and large additional inertia. For these reasons, the recorders should be as light and compact as possible. The recordings obtained by the bending amplitude recorders should be analyzed in the context of the operating characteristics of the equipment and the variety of conductor motions that occur during the tests. The memory matrices of the digital bending amplitude recorders quite often show entries at frequencies well below the minimum aeolian vibration frequency calculated using the Strouhal formula. The data stored under the lower frequency intervals (0.2 to 3 Hz) may show high amplitudes but for a limited number of cycles. These entries are generally due to transient oscillations of the cable that can occur under the effect of high-speed wind gusts. In these cases, the cable is subjected to variable drag forces inducing transversal oscillations, whose vertical component is detected by the vibration sensor of the recorder. Moreover, the effect of the transverse oscillations increases when the axis of the displacement transducer deviates from its vertical position (Figure 2.7-22). Other causes include movements caused by the linemen when the recorder is switched on manually, after the installation on the line and switched off manually, before the removal. Also, the presence of amplitude filters built into the data reduction algorithm to avoid a great num- Severe imprecision can be caused by the incorrect positioning of the recorder. The distance of the vibration sensor from the clamp must be measured accurately. Errors in evaluating this parameter translate into errors in the resulting bending amplitude. Some recorders are provided with gauges for the correct positioning of the sensor. Distortion of bending amplitude measurements can be caused by loss of mechanical contact between the sensor tip and the conductor or from an excessive reduction of the measurement range due to an incorrect adjustment of the sensor rest position. The mass and moment of inertia of the recorder and relevant mountings may influence the bending amplitude measurements. This effect has been theoretically analyzed, as well as tested in the laboratory and field (Krispin 1992 and 1993; Heics and Havard 1993; Sunkle et al. 1995). The influence of the recorder and mounting Figure 2.7-22 Effect of transverse oscillations on a recorder not vertically positioned 2-125 Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition ber of entries because of signal noises can have an effect. In this case, vibrations with amplitude below a specific value are ignored, but this may cause entries with higher amplitude and lower frequency with respect to the actual vibration parameters as explained below. The measured vibrations are classified using the socalled “peak-valley” algorithm (Figure 2.7-23). When point “A” is passed, a change of the slope of the signal is detected. This causes the time and amplitude of point “A” to be temporarily stored. When point “B” is passed, a change of the slope is detected again. Now the amplitude value “a” is calculated from the difference of the amplitude of point “B” and the amplitude stored for point “A”. The same way, the period of the half-cycle “T/2” is calculated as the difference of the time between point “B” and point “A”. The reciprocal value of the time “T” leads to the frequency of the equivalent fullcycle. In the presence of the amplitude filter, the situation described in Figure 2.7-24 may happen. The algorithm recognizes peak A, ignores all the peaks with an amplitude below the filter value—i.e., B, C, D, E, F, G—and measures the peak H. The frequency measurement is calculated considering the time interval between peak A and peak H. This leads to a frequency value lower than the actual one and to an amplitude value corresponding to the difference between the level A and the level H, which is bigger than the actual amplitudes A-B and G-H. Such low frequency entries have generally no influence on the calculation of conductor lifetime for their limited number of cycles. On the contrary, they are not considered, if they exceed the maximum allowable bending amplitude, when this criterion is used for the evaluation of vibration severity. This misconstruction of the peakvalley algorithm does not affect the reliability of the measurements, since the most significant bending amplitudes for the assessment of vibration severity are measured correctly. Test Locations Vibration measurements are generally performed on a few spans of a transmission line. When, in some locations of the line, there is evidence of conductor strand or fitting failures or doubt of possible damages, the measurements are taken on these points. As a final acceptance test of the conductor damping system, the vibration recording is generally performed on one or two spans of the line, in which the greatest exposure to the vibration-inducing wind can be anticipated. Those are generally the longest suspension spans, with the highest supports, which are stretched in flat desert areas or in open and plain lands, particularly near water, with low and sparse obstacles (trees, buildings, etc.), in areas where the predominant wind direction is perpendicular to the conductors, and where a wide range of wind speeds is likely to occur. Very long spans crossing rivers, channels, and valleys, designed with structural characteristics and parameters different in respect to the rest of the line, are tested separately. Test Period The test period is chosen in accordance with the purpose of the measurements. If the purpose of the test is to measure the maximum bending amplitude, the IEEE standardization (IEEE 1966) suggests a minimum period of two weeks. Figure 2.7-23 “Peak-valley” algorithm. Figure 2.7-24 Effect of amplitude filter. 2-126 For final acceptance testing of the conductor damping system at the end of the line construction, most of the utilities’ specifications require a minimum period of one month. For comparative analysis of different damping systems, the test period is not important, providing the units under examination are tested simultaneously. To obtain results that are statistically meaningful, a minimum period of three months is deemed necessary (CIGRE SC22 WG11 TF2 1995). In areas where seasonal conditions change significantly—e.g., different wind characteristics, different ambient temperature ranges, changes in ground roughness due to cultivation and snow—measurements EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition should include these differing conditions. Alternatively, the test period should be established taking into account the yearly distribution of wind and ambient temperature in order to experience the most severe meteorological conditions during the tests In any case, the vibration measurements should be associated with wind velocity measurements to verify that, during the test period, the whole range of wind velocities able to excite significant aeolian vibrations was present. If not, the test should be repeated. Interpretation of Recorded Data The bending amplitude measurement is, without doubt, the easiest way to investigate the causes of damage already found or to resolve doubts determined by “early warnings.” However, the following must be considered regarding the reliability of these measurements in determining the risk of future fatigue damage. The inherent concept of these measurements is to take, for a few weeks, on one or a few spans, samples of the conductor vibrations. In general, the measurements are performed for about 10 seconds every 15 minutes for a period of one month. This means that information is collected for about 1% of the time elapsed in a month, which covers about the 0.002% of the transmission-line life. Such information is supposed to establish whether or not the conductors in the spans under test will face fatigue risks during their expected service lives (30 to 50 years), and if the conclusion drawn for those conductors and spans can be extended to all the other spans of the line. It must be pointed out that to achieve reliable conclusions, it is necessary that the vibration samples taken do, at least, really represent the predominant conditions that will exist on that line during its service life. Therefore, the correct choice of the test locations and the definition of the test period and duration are of primary importance. Evaluation Criteria The following criteria are commonly used to assess the vibration severity on transmission-line conductors: • IEEE maximum allowable bending strain • EPRI endurance limits • CIGRE WG 22-04 method The IEEE Task Force on the Standardization of Conductor Vibration Measurements suggested, together with the bending amplitude method, a general evaluation criterion based on a maximum allowable bending strain. More precisely, (IEEE 1966) states that: “The maximum bending strain that can be tolerated in ACSR Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration conductors without eventually inducing fatigue damage cannot yet be stated precisely. . . . It is speculated that the value of 150 μ inch/inch (microstrains) peak to peak, which is given here only as a guide, is somewhat conservative and the strains of the order of 200 μinch/inch (peak to peak) may well prove to be safe.” With accumulating experience, this criterion proved to be rather conservative. However, many utilities, in many different countries, still require this procedure for the assessment of vibration severity as an acceptance test of the damping systems for new lines. Since the previous edition of this book (EPRI 1979) has provided the values of the bending amplitude or bending stress that can be endured indefinitely for various types of conductor. (See Chapter 3 of this edition.) These values, defined as “endurance limits,” are valid for combinations of conductors and rigid metallic clamps, without reinforcing rods and with smooth internal profile. The list of conductors includes mainly ACSR conductors, but also some AAAC, steel, and copper conductors are considered. EPRI also suggests that a general endurance limit for multilayer ACSR conductor at the bending amplitude value of 9 mils (0.23 mm) could probably be used, as well as a bending stress value of 8.5 MPa. These limits can be applied to homogeneous aluminum conductors of 1350 and 5005 alloy also, while for 6201 and similar alloys, a lower limit of 5.7 MPa is suggested. Endurance limits for other conductors and for clamps other than metallic suspension clamps are not available in the literature. Bending amplitude measurements on combinations of these conductor and clamps can be evaluated only when the actual endurance limits have been defined by means of laboratory tests. The evaluation of the conductor fatigue danger based on the evidence that the maximum recorded bending amplitudes, or bending stress/strain, do not exceed the above-mentioned safety limits may be considered excessively cautious. In fact, these limits can be exceeded up to a certain level and for a limited number of times with no effect on the conductor integrity. For these reasons, the strict interpretation of the endurance limit criterion is relaxed to reduce the severity of the method. For example, the following empirical limits are proposed in the IEEE guide (draft 22.0, June 2005) as widely used criteria: • The measured bending amplitude may exceed the endurance limit for no more than 5% of the total cycles. 2-127 Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition • No more that 1% of the cycles may exceed 1.5 times the endurance limit. • No cycles may exceed 2 times the endurance limit. The CIGRE method (CIGRE SC22 WG04 1979) for the evaluation of the lifetime of aluminum-based conductors considered the cumulative effect of all the recorded vibration cycles. For this, the bending amplitude data, stored in the recorder memory matrix, are converted into bending stresses and then extrapolated to one year. Finally, the data are presented as an “accumulated stress curve,” showing, for each stress level”σi”, the number of cycles “n i” to be expected in one year. Using Miner’s theory about cumulative damage on structure subjected to alternating stresses, this stress curve is compared with a “universal” fatigue curve worked out by CIGRE WG 22-04 on the basis of the data collected from a large number of laboratory fatigue tests on conductors (Figure. 2.7-25). This fatigue curve, known as “safe border line,” is an S-N curve showing, for each stress level”σi”, the maximum number of cycles “N i ” that can be endured by the conductor without strand failures. The partial damage at each stress level “σi ” is determined from the ratio n/N. Supposing that the damage accumulation is linear and not influenced by the order in which the different stresses occur, the conductor damage D in one year would be tests leading to the “safe border line” was based on stresses determined from bending amplitude (CIGRE 1979c)—that is, on the basis of the Poffenberger-Swart relationship. Thus, uncertainty surrounds the use of the “border line” in estimating expected lifetimes of field spans. (See also Chapter 3, Appendix 3.2.) The actual S-N curve of the conductor clamp system under examination obtained by laboratory tests can be used in lieu of the CIGRE safe border line. Survey on the Evaluation Criteria A survey on the evaluation criteria adopted by the industry for the assessment of vibration severity on transmission-line conductors has been performed by reviewing 80 technical specifications issued by the main utilities worldwide in the past 20 years (Figure 2.7-26). The survey shows that for the evaluation of the vibration severity (Figure 2.7-27): i ni 1 Ni D = ∑ and the lifetime L, in years, of the conductor will be L= 1 n ∑1 Ni i i = 1 n n1 n2 n3 + + + ..... n N1 N 2 N 3 NN Figure 2.7-26 Review of technical specifications (courtesy U. Cosmai). One of the difficulties in applying data from bending amplitude recorders in this process is that none of the Figure 2.7-25 Example of accumulated stress curve and S-N curve. 2-128 Figure 2.7-27 Assessment of vibration severity (courtesy U. Cosmai). EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition • 58% of the specifications adopt the bending strain as endurance limits. • 16% adopt the bending amplitude endurance limits proposed by EPRI. • 6% adopt the CIGRE method for the evaluation of the lifetime. • 20% do not specify any criterion. Among the utilities adopting the bending strain endurance limits (Figure 2.7-28): Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration No utility’s specification requires laboratory tests, which are very expensive and time consuming, to determine the actual endurance limits when they are not available. It is evident that many utilities are not aware of either the development or inherent limitations in the assessment of conductor vibration severity. CIGRE SC22 B2 WG11 and IEEE WG on Conductor Dynamics are committed to provide the industry with detailed and comprehensive guides on the subject. 27% prescribe 150 microstrain peak to peak. 18% prescribe 200 microstrain peak to peak. 4% prescribe 247 microstrain peak to peak (corresponding to 8.5 MPa). 51% prescribe 300 microstrain peak to peak. It was evident during the survey that, in the industry, evaluation criteria of vibration severity are frequently prescribed with no consideration of whether the relevant reference limits available in the literature are applicable or not to a specific conductor-clamp combination. For example, endurance limits for aluminum-based conductors in metallic clamps have been adopted for steel shield wires or OPGW or for measurements taken at the spacer clamps. Figure 2.7-28 Maximum bending stress for aluminumbased conductors (courtesy U. Cosmai). 2-129 Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration 2.8 EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition HIGHLIGHTS Causes and Effects of Aeolian Vibration • When a conductor is not fitted with a suitable damping system, the aeolian vibration level can cause fatigue damage in the conductor at the suspension clamp or at the clamps of the damping devices or other accessories attached to the conductor. • In overhead conductors, fatigue failure of strands is the most common form of damage resulting from aeolian vibration: examples of conductor damage at suspension clamps and spacer-damper clamps are provided in Sections 2.1 and 2.7. • The cause of aeolian vibration is the alternating forces from vortices shed in the wake of the conductor during steady transverse winds. The vibration occurs when the frequency of the alternating forces is close to one of the conductor natural frequencies. The vortex-shedding frequency f (Hz) is given by the Strouhal formula: f = 0.18 V/D, where V is the wind velocity (m/s) and D is the conductor diameter (m). The conductor natural frequencies fn (Hz) are given by: fn = n T where n = 1, 2, 3 …, L is the 2 L mL span length (m), T is the conductor tensile load (N), and mL is the conductor mass per unit length. Design Factors Affecting Aeolian Vibration • The parameter indicating the sensitivity of an undamped conductor to aeolian vibrations is the T/w (m) parameter; the ratio between the conductor tensile load (N) and the conductor unit weight (N/m). When T/w exceeds 1000 m, suitable damping devices are required in order to safely control the aeolian vibration level and avoid fatigue damage of the conductor. Therefore, conductors at greatest risk of fatigue are those tensioned to relative high levels. Long spans, such as crossings, due to different causes (high tensile load, low level of wind turbulence), are also generally in a critical condition with respect to aeolian vibrations. • The wind turbulence plays an important role in the aeolian vibration phenomenon: flat terrains are characterized by a low turbulence, while turbulence increases with the terrain roughness. Transmission lines crossing a flat terrain, due to the low turbulence, will be more sensitive to aeolian vibrations than transmission lines crossing a terrain characterized by high vegetation: due to high turbulence, they will be generally subjected to a low level of vibration. • In the recent years, CIGRE has produced different guidelines for safe tension levels to be assumed for 2-130 conventional conductors in single undamped, single damped, or twin, triple, and quad bundle configurations, according to terrain class. These guidelines are described in Section 2.6. Conductor Construction • Different conductor constructions and materials are used for overhead transmission lines. Their main characteristics are summarized in Section 2.3. Smaller diameter conductors and ground-wires are generally more sensitive to aeolian vibrations than others. Single Conductor versus Bundle Conductors • Spacered bundle conductors, except for twin bundles, undergo lower levels of aeolian vibration than the same-size single conductors. When spacer-dampers are installed, they can contribute to control of the aeolian vibration level. Dampers • Dampers can be added to most conductors to keep vibration levels within safe levels, and thereby avoiding fatigue problems in the conductors. The dampers have to be suitably selected, in relation to the actual application, and correctly positioned on the conductor. • If the damper is not suitable for the application, the conductor may be under-damped and fatigue failures of the conductor and damper will be possible. • Stockbridge-type dampers are the most commonly employed dampers and those for which the main testing procedures have been developed. Techniques for measuring Stockbridge-type damper damping on a shaker and on an indoor test span have been developed and are presented in Sections 2.4 and 2.7. These techniques allow assessment of the damper dynamic performance and evaluation of its suitability for a certain application. • Sample Stockbridge-type damper energy absorption characteristics are provided in Sections 2.4 and 2.5. • Alternative types of dampers—including impact types and Bretelle and festoon dampers—are described in Section 2.4, together with typical applications for these types of dampers. • In Sections 2.4, 2.5, and 2.7 criteria are presented for choosing a damper for a certain application, together with tests and analytical simulations to verify the behavior of the cable plus damper system with respect to aeolian vibrations. Energy Balance Principle • The Energy Balance Principle (EBP) has been used to give an estimate of an upper bound to the expected EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition vibratory motions in single conductors and bundles. This principle is briefly introduced in Sections 2.1 and 2.2 and described in detail in Section 2.5. According to the EBP, the steady-state amplitude of vibration of the conductor or bundle due to aeolian vibration is that for which the energy dissipated by the conductor and other devices used for its support and protection equals the energy input from the wind. Wind Energy Input Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration several researchers: the agreement among the different curves is fair. Conductor Self-Damping • Procedures for determining conductor self-damping in an indoor test span are described in Section 2.3, together with the empirical relations used to approximate the measured self-damping curves. • Sample self-damping data for several conductor sizes are provided in Section 2.3 and Appendix 2.3. • Wind energy input to conductors has been determined from several sets of wind tunnel measurements. The maximum energy input curve is determined by the envelope of all the curves obtained when the test parameters are varied, as shown in the Figure 2.2-14. Figure 2.2-15 shows the experimental data of the maximum power coefficient measured by Conductor Vibration Measurement • Methods of measurement of amplitude of vibration on operating lines are reviewed in Section 2.7 • Procedures for interpreting vibration recorder data are presented in Section.2.7, together with a review of the available vibration recorders and their main features. 2-131 Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration APPENDIX 2.1 EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition NUMERICAL VALUES OF FIGURE 2.2-15 Table A2.1-1 Numerical Values of Figure 2.2-15 [W-m^{-1}/m^{4}Hz^3]') BATE (1930) A/D BRIKA & LANEVILLE (1995) CARROL (1936) DIANA & FALCO (1971) FARQUHARSON & MC HUGH (1956) PON et al. (1989) 0.02 0.04 RAWLINS (1958) RAWLINS (1983) 0.01 0.03 0.03 0.17 0.11 0.23 0.11 0.20 0.18 0.18 0.49 0.40 0.70 0.40 0.60 0.50 0.60 0.85 1.80 0.84 0.06 0.65 0.10 1.60 1.10 0.20 3.90 3.20 1.50 1.20 1.60 5.00 3.00 3.20 4.00 4.50 0.30 5.50 9.00 0.40 6.00 14.00 9.00 6.50 0.50 18.00 10.10 0.60 20.00 10.70 0.70 21.00 10.80 0.80 20.00 Table A2.1-2 Polinomial Approximation of Curves in Figure 2.2-15 Pinput max (W-m-1/m4-Hz3) = B1x(A/d)+ B2x(A/d)2+ B3x(A/d)3+ B4x(A/d)4+ B5x(A/d)5+ B6x(A/d)6+ B7x(A/d)7+ B8x(A/d)8 Coefficient Farquharson and McHugh (1956) Brika and Laneville (1995) Carroll (1936) Rawlins (1958) Bate (1930) Diana and Falco (1971) B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 1,57307 6,51807E-4 114,04078 171,04611 -804,62761 -1746,41902 4979,35418 14889,22968 -87265,23358 -22730,02552 330860,20086 68022,20996 -720484,66135 -117502,97968 678441,92498 88282,53536 0,23555 184,80587 -1166,87118 6226,3429 -25617,4015 71498,14106 -117476,06111 84876,93378 5,51021 144,83611 -879,82668 5524,75028 -29042,90344 97156,06605 -180845,34278 143111,15515 3,12858 208,972 -1048,68829 3894,56424 -8396,67235 9919,9573 -6137,30905 1573,9704 2,26894 88,81312 1,79838 134,82029 -1605,93248 118,93429 312,71115 16034,61109 -432,36754 2188,63016 -80429,61866 -8038,40839 31926,38 -11857,16738 220728,70434 39612,62833 -336499,34504 -40289,96769 79,97553 68607,57765 267919,86997 -40,25253 -87077,79986 45073,019 range 0,01≤A/d≤0,17 0,027≤A/d≤0,26 0,026≤A/d≤0,26 0,04≤A/d≤0,26 0,01≤A/d≤0,85 0,01≤A/d≤0,4 2-132 Rawlins (1983) 0,025≤A/d≤0,7 Pon et al. (1989) 0,01≤A/d≤0,3 EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition APPENDIX 2.2 CALCULATION OF THE BENDING STIFFNESS FOR A 795 KCMIL DRAKE ACSR CONDUCTOR EImin -English units Es = 3 x 107, ns = 7 Ea = 1 x 107, na = 26 ds = 0.136, ds = 0.1749 EI min = 7 x 3 x107 π 0.1364 64 π 0.17494 +26 x107 64 EImax -English units Steel n EImin -SI units Es = 2.068 x 1011 Nm2 Ea = 6.895 x 1010 Nm2 6 10 16 in. 0.1360 0.1360 0.1749 0.1749 R in. 0 0.1360 0.29145 0.46635 E lb/in.2 x 107 3 3 1 1 I in.4 x 10-3 0.0168 0.907 10.66 42. 54 EI lb.in.2 x 103 0.503 27.2 106.6 425.4 d Elmax. = 559,700 ibin.2 EImax -SI Units Steel n Aluminum 1 6 10 16 d m x 10-3 3.45 3.45 4.44 4.44 R m x 10-3 0 3.45 7.395 11.835 20.68 20.68 6.895 6.895 6.95 x 10- 3.76 x 10- 4.4243 x 12 10 10-9 1.7655 x 10-8 d s = 3.45 x 10-3 m E d a = 4.44 x 10-3 m I m4 EI Nm2 7 x 2.068 x 1011π x (3.45 x 10−3 ) 4 64 26 x 6.895 x 1011π x (4.44 x 10−3 ) 4 + 64 = 44.3Nm 2 Aluminum 1 EImin = 15,469 lb•in.2 1 lb•in.2 = 2.87 x 10-3 Nm2 15,469 lb•in.2 = 44.4 Nm2 EI min = Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration n/m2 x 1010 1.438 77.88 305.1 1217.3 Elmax. = 1602 Nm2 2-133 Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration APPENDIX 2.3 EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition CONDUCTOR SELF-DAMPING DATA Data on the measured self-damping of several conductors and OPGWs were collected by the task force. These data are presented in Tables A2.3-2 through A2.3-21. In all cases, the measurements were in general conformity with IEEE Standard 563-1978. However, the full range of amplitude, frequency, and tension recommended by the standard were not covered in most of the data sets, apparently due to the difficulty of the measurements. Both test procedures recommended by the IEEE standard—the Power Method (PT) and the Inverse Standing Wave Ratio Method (ISWR)—are represented in the data sets, some sets employing one and some the other. The standard points out that dissipation at the test span terminations contributes an error when the power method is used. However, this error can be minimized by the use of flexible pivots, which are illustrated in Figure 4 of the standard. Several of the data sets are from tests where this was done, and that is noted in the head- ings for those sets by the comment “End-point damping minimised.” Several data sets are from tests that used the ISWR method. The organizations that contributed these sets applied a correction to the data, a correction not described in the IEEE Standard. The correction subtracts from the measured dissipation that part of it that is due aerodynamic damping—i.e., fanning of the still air of the laboratory by the vibrating test conductor. The use of this correction is noted in the headings for the data sets in question by the comment “Aerodynamic damping removed.” Table A2.3-1 lists the conductors and tensions covered by the collection of data sets. Details of the construction of the non-standard conductors are given in the headings of the data sets. Figures A2.3-1 to A2.3-3 show examples of plots of the data sets. Table A2.3-1 Data Sets 2-134 Table Conductor Condition Tension (% UTS) Figure A2.3-2 7.3 mm Fiber Optic Ground Wire new 9 A2.3-1 A2.3-3 13.8 mm Fiber Optic Ground Wire new 15 A2.3-4 17.9 mm Fiber Optic Ground Wire new 16 A2.3-5 400 sq mm Aldrey (61x 2.9 mm) new 23 A2.3-6 400 sq mm Aldrey (61x 2.9 mm) new 27 A2.3-7 400 sq mm Aldrey (61x 2.9 mm) old 23 A2.3-8 400 sq mm Aldrey (61x 2.9 mm) old 27 A2.3-9 240/40 sq mm ACSR (26/7) new, greased core 10 A2.3-10 240/40 sq mm ACSR (26/7) new, greased core 20 A2.3-11 240/40 sq mm ACSR (26/7) new, greased core 30 A2.3-12 240/40 sq mm ACSR (26/7) old, greased core 10 A2.3-13 240/40 sq mm ACSR (26/7) old, greased core 20 A2.3-14 240/40 sq mm ACSR (26/7) old, greased core 30 A2.3-15 1840 kcmil ACSR (72/7) new 20 A2.3-16 3/0 ACSR (6/1) “Pigeon” new 20 A2.3-17 35.6 mm ACSR (48/7) “Bersfort” new 15 A2.3-18 35.6 mm ACSR (48/7) “Bersfort” new 20 A2.3-19 35.6 mm ACSR (48/7) “Bersfort” new 25 A2.3-20 35.6 mm ACSR (48/7) “Bersfort” new 30 A2.3-21 1033.5 kcmil ACSR (54/7) “Curlew” new 22 A2.3-2 A2.3-3 EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition Table A2.3-2 7.3 mm Fiber Optic Ground Wire Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration Table A2.3-3 13.8 mm Fiber Optic Ground Wire 7.3 mm Fiber Optic Ground Wire 13.8 mm Fiber Optic Ground Wire 23 x 1.3 mm Galvanized Steel 15 x 2.34 mm Alumoweld 1 x 2.1 mm Stainless Steel Tube Extruded aluminium Tube: Outside diameter 9.14 mm Dia = 7.3 mmNew Inside diameter 5.90 mm Mass = 0.222 kg/m UTS = 41023 N Dia = 13.82 mm New Test Tension = 3825 N (9% UTS) Mass = 0.57 kg/m Test Method: Power. Test Span: 92 m UTS = 76500 N Source: ENEL Test Tension = 11474 N (15% UTS) Frequency (Hz) Ymax/D (pk-pk) Pc (mW/m) 74.90 0.205 19.80 40.54 74.90 0.356 35.41 0.685 12.10 35.45 1.027 32.23 Figure A2.3-1 7.3 mm fiber optic ground wire. Test Method: Power. Test Span: 92 m Source: ENEL Frequency (Hz) 20.82 24.10 24.10 24.10 31.04 31.04 34.28 34.28 34.28 38.87 38.87 38.87 38.87 45.48 45.48 45.48 51.30 51.30 51.30 51.30 55.32 55.32 55.32 62.43 62.43 62.43 62.43 62.43 Ymax/D pk-pk 1.035 0.144 0.406 0.759 0.546 0.607 0.333 0.720 0.827 0.197 0.197 0.215 0.217 0.228 0.409 0.535 0.067 0.198 0.253 0.287 0.114 0.174 0.365 0.030 0.124 0.194 0.224 0.260 Pc mW/m 16.70 0.96 5.77 22.25 25.00 31.02 19.46 94.37 141.78 10.49 11.53 15.32 12.94 20.62 99.16 182.84 2.04 19.29 45.03 68.30 7.19 17.97 126.33 1.95 20.67 57.96 90.04 132.48 2-135 Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition Table A2.3-4 17.9 mm Fiber Optic Ground Wire Table A2.3-5 400 sq mm Aldrey (61 x 2.9 mm), New Condition, 23% UTS 17.9 mm Fiber Optic Ground Wire 23 x 2 mm Aldrey 400 sq mm Aldrey (61 x 2.9 mm) 18 x 2 mm Alumoweld Dia = 26 mmNew Extruded aluminium Tube: Mass = 1.111 kg/m Outside diameter 9.9 mm UTS = 118500 N Inside diameter 5.7 mm Test Tension = 26800 N (23% UTS) Test Method: Power. Test Span: 28 m Source: RIBE Dia = 17.9 mmNew Mass = 0.755 kg/m Frequency (Hz) UTS = 91060 N Test Tension = 14710 N (16% UTS) Test Method: Power. Test Span: 92 m Source: ENEL Frequency (Hz) Ymax/D pk-pk Pc mW/m 10.00 0.279 0.52 10.00 0.559 2.10 2-136 Ymax/D pk-pk Pc mW/m 13.2 0.185 0.108 13.2 0.371 0.59 20.7 0.118 0.368 1.997 20.7 0.237 31.85 0.077 1.18 31.85 0.154 6.419 44.7 0.055 2.968 44.7 0.110 16.08 15.84 0.615 13.64 15.84 0.838 28.20 19.31 0.279 4.63 19.31 0.447 14.30 400 sq mm Aldrey (61 x 2.9 mm) 26.67 0.196 10.57 26.67 0.419 52.18 Dia = 26 mmNew 26.67 0.642 107.74 Mass = 1.111 kg/m Table A2.3-6 400 sq mm Aldrey (61 x 2.9 mm), New Condition, 27% UTS 31.27 0.419 83.86 UTS = 118500 N 31.27 0.503 98.79 Test Tension = 31900 N (27% UTS) 31.27 0.726 229.80 41.81 0.168 41.05 Test Method: Power. Test Span: 28 m 48.90 0.101 43.16 End –point damping minimized 48.90 0.140 62.25 Source: RIBE Frequency ([Hz) Ymax/D pk-pk Pc mW/m 14.37 0-170 0.11 14.37 0.341 0.611 22.55 0.109 0.382 22.55 0.217 2.07 30.67 0.080 0.88 30.67 0.160 4.77 44.6 0.055 2.428 45 0.109 13.15 EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition Table A2.3-7 400 sq mm Aldrey (61 x 2.9 mm), Old Condition, 23% UTS Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration Table A2.3-9 240/40 sq mm ACSR (26/7), New Condition, Greased Core, 10% UTS 400 sq mm Aldrey (61 x 2.9 mm) 240/40 sq mm ACSR (26/7) Dia = 26 mmOld Dia = 21.9 mmNew Mass = 1.111 kg/m Mass = 0.987 kg/m Greased UTS = 118500 N UTS = 86400 N Test Tension = 26800 N (23% UTS) Test Tension = 8640 N (10% UTS) Test Method: Power. Test Span: 28 m Test Method: Power. Test Span: 28 m End–point damping minimized End –point damping minimized Source: RIBE Source: RIBE Frequency (Hz) Ymax/D pk-pk Pc mW/m Frequency (Hz) Ymax/D pk-pk Pc mW/m 13.2 0.185 0.116 10.3 0.191 0.067 13.2 0.371 0.564 10.4 0.381 0.503 20.7 0.118 0.389 10.3 0.768 2.35 20.7 0.237 1.888 13.3 0.148 0.159 31.85 0.077 1.237 13.4 0.395 1.01 31.85 0.154 6 13.3 0.595 7.64 44.7 0.055 3.075 19.3 0.102 0.52 44.7 0.110 14.92 19.2 0.206 2.99 19.3 0.410 14.7 Table A2.3-8 400 sq mm Aldrey (61 x 2.9 mm), Old Condition, 27% UTS 22.3 0.088 0.939 22.3 0.177 4.71 22.3 0.355 25 400 sq mm Aldrey (61 x 2.9 mm) 25.5 0.077 1.53 Dia = 26 mmOld 25.3 0.156 6.77 Mass = 1.111 kg/m 25.4 0.312 40 28.6 0.069 2.24 UTS = 118500 N 28.5 0.139 9.77 Test Tension = 31900 N (27% UTS) 28.5 0.278 65.3 Test Method: Power. Test Span: 28 m 31.9 0.062 3.16 End –point damping minimized 31.7 0.125 12.6 31.7 0.250 98.4 35.2 0.056 3.73 34.8 0.114 17.5 34.8 0.227 124 Source: RIBE Frequency (Hz) Ymax/D pk-pk Pc mW/m 14.37 0-170 0.122 14.37 0.341 0.59 22.55 0.109 0.409 22.55 0.217 1.98 30.67 0.080 0.935 30.67 0.160 4.54 44.6 0.055 2.556 45 0.109 12.41 2-137 Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition Table A2.3-10 240/40 sq mm ACSR (26/7), New Condition, Greased Core, 20% UTS Table A2.3-11 240/40 sq mm ACSR (26/7), New Condition, Greased Core, 30% UTS 240/40 sq mm ACSR (26/7) 240/40 sq mm ACSR (26/7) Dia = 21.9 mmNew Dia = 21.9 mmNew Mass = 0.987 kg/m Greased Mass = 0.987 kg/m Greased UTS = 86400 N UTS = 86400 N Test Tension = 17280 N (20% UTS) Test Tension = 25920 N (30% UTS) Test Method: Power. Test Span: 28 m Test Method: Power. Test Span: 28 m End –point damping minimized End –point damping minimized Source: RIBE Source: RIBE Frequency (Hz) Ymax/D pk-pk Pc mW/m Frequency (Hz) 10.6 0.263 0.0838 7.9 0.432 0.105 10.6 0.528 0.503 8 0.857 0.419 2-138 Ymax/D pk-pk Pc mW/m 10.6 1.056 2.51 8 1.714 3.7 14.9 0.187 0.168 13.1 0.261 0.209 14.9 0.376 0.921 13.2 0.519 0.628 14.9 0.751 4.54 13.3 1.031 4.36 19.2 0.145 0.398 18.4 0.186 0.272 19.2 0.291 1.88 18.5 0.370 1.17 19.3 0.580 10.2 18.6 0.737 6.88 23.5 0.119 0.586 23.7 0.144 0.482 23.5 0.238 2.76 23.8 0.288 2.22 23.6 0.474 15.9 23.9 0.574 12.2 27.9 0.100 0.963 29 0.118 0.796 27.8 0.201 4.71 29.2 0.235 3.73 28 0.400 31.6 29.3 0.468 20.6 32.3 0.086 1.49 34.4 0.099 1.24 32.2 0.174 7.78 34.5 0.199 6.14 32.4 0.345 53.6 34.7 0.395 36.1 36.8 0.076 2.24 39.8 0.086 1.99 36.6 0.153 11.8 39.8 0.172 10.2 36.8 0.304 88.8 40.2 0.341 59.5 41.3 0.068 3.31 45.3 0.075 2.79 41.1 0.136 18.6 45.3 0.151 16.4 EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration Table A2.3-12 240/40 sq mm ACSR (26/7), Old Condition, Greased Core, 10% UTS 240/40 sq mm ACSR (26/7) Dia = 21.9 mmOld Mass = 0.987 kg/m Greased UTS = 86400 N Test Tension = 8640 N (10% UTS) Test Method: Power. Test Span: 28 m End –point damping minimized Source: RIBE Figure A2.3-2 240/40 square mm ACSR Figure A2.3-3 3/0 ACSR (6/1). Frequency (Hz) Ymax/D pk-pk Pc mW/m 15.2 0.130 0.38 15.2 0.260 2.02 15.2 0.521 11.3 18.7 0.105 0.81 18.7 0.212 4.65 18.6 0.426 24.7 22.2 0.089 1.36 22.16 0.179 8.14 22 0.360 41.1 25.8 0.076 2.13 25.7 0.154 14.3 25.6 0.309 71.9 29.5 0.067 3.11 29.3 0.135 22 29.2 0.271 122 33.2 0.059 6.47 32.8 0.121 39 32.7 0.242 165 7.78 37.1 0.053 36.1 0.110 263 40.8 0.194 10.8 40.1 0.049 432 2-139 Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition Table A2.3-13 240/40 sq mm ACSR (26/7), Old Condition, Greased Core, 20% UTS Table A2.3-14 240/40 sq mm ACSR (26/7), Old Condition, Greased Core, 30% UTS 240/40 sq mm ACSR (26/7) 240/40 sq mm ACSR (26/7) Dia = 21.9 mmOld Dia = 21.9 mm Old Mass = 0.987 kg/m Greased Mass = 0.987 kg/m Greased UTS = 86400 N UTS = 86400 N Test Tension = 17280N (20% UTS) Test Tension = 25920N (30% UTS) Test Method: Power. Test Span: 28 m Test Method: Power. Test Span: 28 m End –point damping minimized End –point damping minimized Source: RIBE Source: RIBE Frequency (Hz) Ymax/D pk-pk Pc mW/m Frequency (Hz) Ymax/D pk-pk Pc mW/m 11.5 0.487 0.38 14 0.244 0.052 11.6 0.965 2.21 14 0.490 0.52 16.2 0.172 0.07 14 0.979 4.15 16.2 0.345 0.86 19.5 0.175 0.13 0.83 2-140 16.2 0.691 5.53 19.7 0.348 20.8 0.134 0.22 19.5 0.703 8.3 20.7 0.270 2.18 25.1 0.136 0.24 20.8 0.538 12 25.4 0.270 2 25.6 0.109 0.48 25.2 0.544 13.5 0.67 25.7 0.218 3.39 31.1 0.110 25.4 0.441 22.5 31.05 0.221 4.15 30.4 0.092 1.07 31.7 0.432 29.2 30.5 0.183 6.08 36.9 0.093 1.1 30.6 0.366 47 36.7 0.187 7.26 35.2 0.079 1.24 36.9 0.371 50.1 35.3 0.159 10.2 42.8 0.080 1.69 35.4 0.316 84 42.5 0.161 11.6 40.16 0.069 3.07 42.7 0.321 85 40.2 0.139 15.5 48.6 0.070 3.25 40.3 0.278 142 48.4 0.142 19.4 45.15 0.062 3.75 48.5 0.283 138 45.2 0.124 23.6 45.4 0.247 225 EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition Table A2.3-15 1840 kcmil ACSR (72/7) Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration Table A2.3-16 3/0 ACSR (6/1) “Pigeon” 1840 kcmil ACSR (72/7) 3/0 ACSR (6/1) “Pigeon” Dia = 40.6 mm New Dia = 14.31 mm New Mass = 2.91 kg/m Mass = 0.4334 kg/m UTS = 200.6 kN UTS = 27410 N Test Tension = 40.1 kN (20% UTS) Test Tension = 5890 N (20% UTS) Test Method: Power. Test Span: 24 m Test Method: SWR. Test Span: 36 m Source: Ontario Hydro Corrections: Aerodynamic damping removed Source: Alcoa Frequency (Hz) Ymax/D pk-pk Pc mW/m 9.3 0.42 48 9.3 0.27 8.6 Frequency (Hz) Ymax/D pk-pk Pc mW/m Frequency (Hz) Ymax/D pk-pk Pc mW/m 3.27 9.3 0.11 1.34 35 0.398 1.07 70 0.139 13.9 0.28 86 40 0.199 0.38 70 0.199 9.80 13.9 0.18 23 40 0.279 1.15 70 0.289 39.64 13.9 0.06 2.4 40 0.378 2.55 70.2 0.448 167.14 19.7 0.24 310 45 0.120 0.18 75.3 0.112 2.59 19.7 0.12 41 45 0.227 1.08 75.1 0.175 10.98 19.7 0.07 10 45 0.283 2.39 75.3 0.259 56.16 26 0.17 480 45 0.382 3.88 75.5 0.339 164.81 26 0.1 112 50 0.112 0.29 75.9 0.442 419.98 26 0.042 11 50 0.191 1.04 80 0.090 2.13 32.5 0.14 825 50 0.335 6.28 80.1 0.171 17.22 32.5 0.094 256 50 0.408 15.08 80.1 0.239 67.10 32.5 0.041 49 55 0.145 0.95 80 0.359 312.01 55 0.209 2.40 80 0.422 553.42 55 0.279 8.05 84.9 0.088 3.85 55 0.378 21.21 84.9 0.125 12.55 60 0.124 0.88 84.9 0.169 43.76 60 0.199 4.24 84.9 0.203 97.38 60 0.299 16.55 91 0.052 1.52 60 0.452 73.61 91 0.092 10.24 65.2 0.139 1.88 91 0.143 45.12 65.2 0.205 5.05 91 0.199 173.82 65.2 0.299 22.55 65.2 0.398 65.87 2-141 Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition Table A2.3-17 35.6 mm ACSR (48/7) “Bersfort,” New Condition, 15% UTS Table A2.3-19 35.6 mm ACSR (48/7) “Bersfort,” New Condition, 25% UTS 35.6 mm ACSR (48/7) “Bersfort” 35.6 mm ACSR (48/7) “Bersfort” Dia = 35.6 mm New Dia = 35.6 mmNew Mass = 2.37 kg/m Mass = 2.37 kg/m UTS = 180.1 kN UTS = 180.1 kN Test Tension = 27 kN (15% UTS) Test Tension = 45 kN (25% UTS) Test Method: ISWR. Test Span: 63 m Test Method: ISWR. Test Span: 63 m Corrections: Aerodynamic damping removed Corrections: Aerodynamic damping removed Source: IREQ Source: IREQ Frequency (Hz) Ymax/D pk-pk Pc mW/m Frequency (Hz) Ymax/D pk-pk Pc mW/m 6.82 0.328 0.213 6.593 0.339 0.0547 6.82 0.656 1.07 6.593 0.678 0.233 9.46 0.236 0.614 9.91 0.226 0.158 9.46 0.473 3.33 9.91 0.451 0.756 14.9 0.150 2.1 14.406 0.155 0.539 14.9 0.300 10.9 14.406 0.310 2.74 21.6 0.103 6.38 20.2 0.111 1.47 21.6 0.207 37.8 20.2 0.221 7.57 30.1 0.074 16.8 29.85 0.075 5.1 30.1 0.149 93.3 29.85 0.150 27.2 Table A2.3-18 35.6 mm ACSR (48/7) “Bersfort,” New Condition, 20% UTS Table A2.3-20 35.6 mm ACSR (48/7) “Bersfort,” New Condition, 30% UTS 35.6 mm ACSR (48/7) “Bersfort” 35.6 mm ACSR (48/7) “Bersfort” Dia = 35.6 mmNew Dia = 35.6 mmNew Mass = 2.37 kg/m Mass = 2.37 kg/m UTS = 180.1 kN UTS = 180.1 kN Test Tension = 36 kN (20% UTS) Test Tension = 54 kN (30% UTS) Test Method: ISWR. Test Span: 63 m Test Method: ISWR. Test Span: 63 m Corrections: Aerodynamic damping removed Corrections: Aerodynamic damping removed Source: IREQ Source: IREQ Frequency (Hz) Ymax/D pk-pk Pc mW/m Frequency (Hz) 6.89 0.324 0.091 6.89 Pc mW/m 7.22 0.310 0.0287 0.453 7.22 0.619 0.218 0.232 0.0911 9.9 0.226 0.286 9.653 9.9 0.452 1.26 9.653 0.463 0.388 1.11 14.52 0.154 0.344 5.32 14.52 0.308 1.55 2.85 20.73 0.108 1.04 0.216 4.98 15.04 15.04 20.35 0.149 0.297 0.110 20.35 0.220 14.5 20.73 29.42 0.076 10.1 29.84 0.075 2.92 46.8 29.84 0.150 14.1 29.42 2-142 0.649 Ymax/D pk-pk 0.152 EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration Table A2.3-21 1033.5 kcmil ACSR (54/7) “Curlew” 1033.5 kcmil ACSR (54/7) “Curlew” Dia = 31.5 mmNew Mass = 1.951 kg/m UTS = 168400 N Test Tension = 37270 N (22% UTS) Test Method: Power. Test Span: 92 m Source: ENEL Frequency (Hz) Ymax/D pk-pk Pc mW/m 10.45 0.898 14.74 20.12 0.562 78.26 20.30 0.457 45.21 23.10 0.411 71.02 23.10 0.384 44.68 23.10 0.444 91.34 23.25 0.319 30.81 23.30 0.319 48.23 29.60 0.225 59.63 29.80 0.221 59.23 29.80 0.221 59.23 29.80 0.221 47.77 30.70 0.209 49.37 30.80 0.174 30.61 30.80 0.207 51.28 30.80 0.191 49.50 2-143 Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration APPENDIX 2.4 EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition DEAM METHOD we find, The Damping Efficiency Amplitude Measurement, or DEAM, procedure is a method for measuring the flow of vibration power along a vibrating span. It has been used chiefly for evaluating the efficiency of dampers on laboratory spans (Rawlins 1988), but has also been applied for measuring dissipation by damping arrangements in situ in field test spans (Leblond et al. 1997). The DEAM procedure takes advantage of the fact that aeolian vibration, whether natural in field spans or simulated in the laboratory, takes the form of travelling waves. These waves are a form of energy, and it is their movement that conveys the energy of vibration to damping arrangements at the end of the span. Neglecting the effect of the flexural rigidity of the conductor, the waves are governed according to the differential equation, H ⋅ y′′ = m ⋅ y, where the primes indicate differentiation with respect to position x along the conductor, and the dots indicate differentiation with respect to time t. Solutions to this equation take the form, y1 = F1 ( t − x / c ) y2 = F2 ( t + x / c ) , where c = H / m is the wave velocity. F1 and F2 are arbitrary functions describing the profiles of waves moving in the positive and negative directions along the x axis. Suppose a signal y were available representing the motion of the conductor at location x , resulting from these waves: y = y1 + y2 = F1 ( z1 ) + F2 ( z2 ) , where z1 = t − x / c z 2 = t + x / c, Suppose also that a signal were available representing the time integral of the slope y’ at the same location x. This signal Is can be expressed in the following manner: I s = ∫ y′dt = ∫ F ′( z1 )dt + ∫ F ′( z2 )dt. However, using the identities, z1 = z2 = 1, 2-144 1 z1′ = − , c 1 z2′ = , c 1 I s = ⎡⎣ − F1 ( z1 ) + F2 ( z2 ) ⎤⎦ . c The equations for y and Is may be solved simultaneously to obtain, ⎛ x ⎞ y − cI s , F1 ⎜ t − ⎟ = 2 ⎝ c⎠ ⎛ x ⎞ y + cI s . F2 ⎜ t + ⎟ = 2 ⎝ c⎠ Now, in the laboratory span, vibration takes the form of steady, single-frequency travelling waves, and the functions F1 and F2 become F1 = A cos ( t − x / c ) , F2 = B cos ( t + x / c ) . Their signals give the amplitudes of the two travelling waves. These may be used to calculate the amounts of power carried by those waves, PA = 1 Z 0ω 2 A2 , 2 PB = 1 Z 0ω 2 B 2 , 2 where Z 0 = H ⋅ m , the characteristic impedance of the tensioned conductor. They may also be used to calculate damping efficiency, Y P A− B = min = Pmax Ymax A + B The flexural rigidity of the conductor affects the above development. In addition, practical measurement may employ pickups such as accelerometers for signal acquisition, whose mass can distort the shape of the cable. Corrections for these effects are given in Rawlins 1988. As the above equation for damping efficiency suggests, the DEAM approach is closely related to the Inverse Standing Wave Ratio Method. It improves on that method by avoiding the need to seek out the locations of the nodes and antinodes for the measurement of Ymin and Ymax. In the DEAM method, the signals for amplitude and slope are derived from a pair of sensors spaced a short distance apart along the conductor. The sensors may be accelerometers or optical displacement transducers. The span-wise location of the pair is arbitrary vis-à-vis the location of nodes and antinodes. Their signals are conveniently processed by analog circuitry. EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition APPENDIX 2.5 CHARACTERIZATION OF THE ELASTIC AND DAMPING PROPERTIES OF SPACERDAMPERS To characterize the spacer-damper articulations, their elastic and damping properties are defined using one or more of the following methods. 1. Stiffness-Damping Method at low frequency and different arm displacement 2. Stiffness Method Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration Stiffness Method The spacer is held by two adjacent clamps onto horizontal rods, which are free to rotate. One rod is held in position, and a force is applied to the other rod to move the clamp arms to their stops in tension—i.e., increasing the spacing from Xnom to Xmax, which shall be recorded. The above is repeated for the arms in compression for Xmin to be recorded. 3. Damping Method 4. Stiffness-Damping Method at constant velocity and different frequencies Methods 1, 2, and 3 are proposed by the IEC Standard 61854, while Method 4 is used in some computer programs for the formulation of the analytical model of the spacer-damper. Stiffness-Damping Method at Low Frequency and Different Arm Displacement With the central frame restrained, sinusoidal movements at a frequency between 1 and 2 Hz are applied to one clamp at different values of the angle of deflection Φ of the arm (Figure A2.5-1). For each value of the angle Φ, the force F applied to the clamp and the arm deflection are measured, and the relevant signals used to obtain the hysteresis cycle, which area A represents the energy dissipated by the articulation in one oscillation cycle. The phase angle α, between the force and arm rotation, is calculated as follows; α = arcsin A F ⋅ l ⋅π ⋅ Φ Where: A = the energy dissipated in one cycle (J) F = the peak force (N) l = the arm length (m) Φ = the peak arm deflection angle (rad) Spacings Xt and Xc shall then be determined, where: Xt = Xnom + 0.9 (Xmax - Xnom) Xc = Xnom - 0.9 (Xnom - Xmin) The spacer arm is then moved in the following cycle: Starting at Xnom, the spacing is increased to Xt at a uniform rate and held for 60 s before recording the force Ft required to hold this spacing. The spacing is then decreased at a uniform rate to Xnom and then to Xc, where after 60 s, the force FC required to hold this spacing is recorded. The stiffness shall then be determined as (Ft + Fc)/(Xt - Xc). To illustrate the above, assume that the test is carried out on a 400-mm twin spacer, which has stops at spacings of 420 and 370 mm. It will then be necessary to record the tensile force Ft (N) necessary to maintain a spacing of 418 mm and the compression force Fc (N) necessary to maintain a spacing of 373 mm. The stiffness will then be (Ft + Fc) / 45 (N/mm). Damping Method The body of the spacer is fixed rigidly, and mass is added to one arm such that the natural frequency of free From the measurements of F and α, the torsional stiffness Kt and the damping constant Ht can be calculated as follows, F ⋅ l ⋅ cos α ( Nm / rad ) Φ F ⋅ l ⋅ sinα Ht = ( Nm / rad ) Φ Kt = Figure A2.5-1 Sketch of the setup for the measure of the torsional stiffness and damping of the spacer hinges at low frequency and different vibration amplitudes. 2-145 Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition oscillation is between 1 and 2 Hz. The arm is then moved to one of the end stops and, after one minute, suddenly released. The movement of the arm is recorded for at least two complete cycles. If the initial swing (from starting position to maximum deflection in the opposite direction) is Y1 and subsequent swings (peak to peak) are Y2, Y3, and Y4, the log decrement is taken to be equal to: ⎡1⎛Y Y ⎞⎤ ln⎢ ⎜ 1 + 2 ⎟⎥ ⎣ 2 ⎝ Y3 Y4 ⎠⎦ This definition is different from the conventional one (ln[Ao/An]/n), but is less sensitive to measurement error and does not require the zero deflection position to be determined. A suitable test device is illustrated in the sketch of Figure A2.5-2. Stiffness-Damping Method at Constant Velocity and Different Frequencies With the central frame restrained, a spacer clamp is connected to a shaker (see Figure A2.5-3). The spacer arm is vibrated at constant velocity of 100 mm/s in a frequency range of 1-100 Hz. The frequency is changed automatically, with a maximum variation speed of 0.5 Hz/s, or manually with steps of maximum 1 Hz, checking the steady-state condition for each frequency. A sketch of the measurement setup is shown in Figure A2.5-3. The dynamometer in the position indicated in Figure A2.5-3 measures the force F developed between the shaker and spacer arm. The result of the test is a curve giving the force per unit of displacement F/x and the phase ϕ between force and displacement as a function of frequency. The inertia forces due to the masses between dynamometer and spacer clamp is subtracted from the measured force. In this way, the “corrected” force per unit of displacement of the spacer clamp Fd/x can be evaluated. The torsional stiffness Kt and damping Ht of the hinge, as a function of the circular frequency ω (rad/sec), can be calculated with the equations below: Fd J K cos ϕ = −ω 2 20 + 2t x l l Fd sinϕ Ht x = Fd J Kt cos ϕ + ω 2 20 x l In these equations the Ht and Kt values are obtained, respectively, from the real and imaginary part of the “corrected” force (Fd/x cos ϕ and Fd/x sin ϕ); Jo is the inertial moment of the spacer arm with respect to the center of the spacer hinge, and l is the arm length (from the center of the arm clamp to the center of the spacer hinge). An example of spacer-damper hinge stiffness and damping as functions of the frequency is given in the diagrams of Figure A2.5-4. Figure A2.5-2 Device for logarithmic decrement tests on spacer-dampers (courtesy Damp). 2-146 Figure A2.5-3 Sketch of the setup for the measure of the torsional stiffness and damping of the spacer hinges at different vibration frequencies. EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition APPENDIX 2.6 Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration NATURAL FREQUENCIES AND MODES OF VIBRATION OF THE CABLE PLUS DAMPER SYSTEM As explained in Section 2.5.2, dealing with the single conductor, if the damping of the conductor is ignored, the well-known partial differential equation governing the motion of the conductor would be that of a taut homogeneous beam (Claren and Diana 1969a)— i.e.: ∂ 4u ∂ 2u ∂ 2u EI 4 − T 2 = −m 2 ∂x ∂x ∂t A2.6-1 In this equation, EI and T could be complex quantities in order to take into account the internal damping of the conductor. A steady-state harmonic solution is: u(x,t) = W(x)ψ(t) where: ψ(t) = ψ0 eiλt with: λ = α + iω and W(x) = ASh(zx) + BCh (zx) + Csin(ax) + D cos(ax) being: Figure A2.5-4 Example of spacer-damper hinge stiffness and damping as functions of the frequency. z= T T2 λ2 m + + EI EI (2 EI ) 2 a= − T T2 λ2 m + + EI EI (2 EI ) 2 A2.6-2 A2.6-3 In λ, the term α is related to the system overall damping and has a negative value, while ω is the vibration circular frequency. This solution holds true in each one of the sections into which the span is divided by the various dampers. If we suppose that m dampers are applied to one of the conductor extremities and n are applied to the other, it is possible to write p equations of the type (Falco et al. 1973): Wi(xi) = Ai Sh(zxi) + Bi Ch (zxi) + Ci sin(axi) + Di cos(axi) A2.6-4 where p = m + n + l and A i , B i , C i , D i , are complex quantities. 2-147 Chapter 2: Aeolian Vibration EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition End conditions for the first and the last part are found by imposing the condition of rigidly clamped extremities, that is: W1(0) = 0;W’1 (0) = 0; Wm+n+1( m+n+1) = 0; W’m+n+1( where, for simplicity sake: Wi ' = m+n+1) = 0 A2.6-5 dWi dx A2.6-6 Equilibrium and congruence equations for each one of the dampers are found by imposing that displacement, rotation, and bending calculated at the left side of the damper equal those ones calculated at the right side of the damper. (The bending moment is equal at the right and left side of the damper if the torque transmitted by the damper is neglected.) Then, that the share computed at the right side of the damper equals the share at the left side of the damper, plus the force transmitted by the damper itself: W i ( i) = Wi+1 (0) (i=!, 2,….m + n) ’ i) = W i+1(0) W’i( -EIW”i ( i) = -EIW”i+1(0) A2.6-7 - EIW”’i ( i) + SW’i( i) = -EIW”’i+1(0)+SW’i+1(0)+Fai where Fai is the force transmitted by the damper and can be evaluated as Fai = (FRi+iFIi)Wi+1(0) A2.6-8 where FRi is the real part of the force per unit displacement, while FIi is the imaginary part as measured by the experimental tests described in the preceding paragraph, and refers to a unit displacement of the damper clamp. By imposing Equation A2.6-5 in Equations A2.6-6 and A2.6-7, we obtain an homogenous system of -4(m + n + 1) variables - Ai, Bi, Ci, Di – and by zeroing the determinant of this system, the λi = αi + iωi are found. 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Ziebs. 1970. “Über das mechanische Verhalten von Aluminium-Stahl-Freileitungsseilen als Beispiel für Verbundseile.” BAM report no. 3. EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition CHAPTER 3 FATIGUE OF OVERHEAD CONDUCTORS Louis Cloutier Sylvain Goudreau Alain Cardou The chapter covers the fatigue that can occur in overhead conductors. Included in the discussion is information on fatigue mechanisms and characteristics, results from high-amplitude tests and tests with spacer clamps, spectrum loading, inspection of operating lines, and remedial measures. Dr. Louis Cloutier completed Ph.D. studies in mechanical engineering at Laval University, Québec, Canada, in 1966 and pursued postdoctoral work at Cambridge University, England in contact mechanics for a year. He held different functions in research laboratories (National Research Council of Canada and IREQ [Hydro-Quebec's research institute]), industries (Gleason Works, Roctest Ltd., and Sogequa Inc.), and universities (Laval and Sherbrooke). His professional experience of more than 40 years led him to work in several projects related to mechanical power transmission, medical instrumentation, and electrical power transmission. In that last field, his interests have been mainly devoted to problems related to transmission line mechanics: conductors, insulators, spacers, accessories, and more recently line supports. He is the author or coauthor of several publications in related fields and holds two patents. Professor Cloutier is presently chair holder of the industrial chair recently created by Hydro Québec TransÉnergie in collaboration with the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada for studies of the structural and mechanical aspects of overhead transmission lines. He is a member of l'Ordre des ingenieurs du Quebec (OIQ), an active member of several technical and learned societies, a Distinguished Member of CIGRE, and Fellow of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering (CSME). Dr. Sylvain Goudreau is a professor at the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Laval University, Québec City, Canada and principal researcher of GREMCA (Groupe de REcherche en Mécanique des Conducteurs Aériens) research group. He received his bachelor and master degrees in mechanical engineering from École Polytechnique de Montréal, Canada, in 1977 and 1980, respectively, and his Ph.D. degree in mechanical engineering from Laval University in 1990. He is a registered professional engineer in the Province of Québec. Before beginning his Ph.D. studies, he worked at National Research Council of Canada (Institut du génie des matériaux, Montréal), where he was involved in development of a mechanical testing laboratory and in studies on composite materials. In 1988, he joined the Mechanical Engineering Department at Laval University. His research activities are in the field of mechanical behavior of overhead line conductor and their related fatigue problems. He is the author or coauthor of many technical reports and papers on these subjects. 3-1 Chapter 3: Fatigue of Overhead Conductors EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition Dr. Alain Cardou is adjunct professor and, formerly, head of the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Laval University, Quebec City, Canada. He graduated in mechanical engineering from École Nationale Supérieure de Mécanique, now École Centrale de Nantes, France. He received his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in mechanics and materials from the University of Minnesota at Minneapolis. His general research interests are stress and strength analysis, on which he is the author or coauthor of more than 90 3-2 papers. For several years, in collaboration with some power utilities, and within the GREMCA research group, he has been working on overhead electrical conductor fatigue problems. A registered professional engineer in the Province of Quebec (OIQ), he is a Fellow of CSME and a member of the American Academy of Mechanics. Collaborators and internal reviewers John Chan, Claude Hardy, André Leblond, Charles B. Rawlins, Dave Sunkle and Pierre Van Dyke. EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition 3.1 INTRODUCTION Fatigue failure of strands in overhead conductors is the most common form of damage resulting from aeolian vibration. Conductor fatigue may also result from galloping and from wake-induced oscillation, but is not the primary penalty associated with those motions. Aeolian vibration may also cause fatigue of other line components such as armor rods, dampers, ties, insulators, and tower members. Fatigue of conductor strands occurs at points where motion of the conductor is constrained against transverse vibration, such as the vertical motion of aeolian vibration. These points include: support locations, suspension clamps, clamp-top and pin insulators, and deadends. They also include damper and bundle conductor spacer clamps, hot-line taps, splices, and armor rod end clamps. Fatigue failures have occurred on occasion at each of these locations. The incidence of fatigue relative to the above locations is directly associated with the rigidity with which conductor motion is restrained. The vast majority of fatigued strands are found at tangent supports where structural stiffness in the vertical direction is required to support the load associated with the weight span. At the other locations listed above, there is some vertical mobility of the clamp or compression device that grips the conductor. This mobility is often reduced by resonances of the parts involved. For example, fatigue at deadends often involves a resonance of the insulator string and jumper system. Fatigue at damper locations is usually associated with a poorly-damped resonance of the damper, or resonance of the segment of conductor between the damper and the adjacent support. Fatigue failures of strands have occurred in all basic conductor types: Aluminum Conductor Steel Reinforced (ACSR), all-aluminum whether EC (Grade Aluminum) or alloy, copper, copperweld, and steel, whether galvanized or aluminum-clad, as well as in Optical Ground Wire (OPGW) ground wires. Fatigue of conductor strands is caused by the cyclic bending of the conductors where their motion is restrained. However, that fatigue is not a bending fatigue situation, as found in standard fatigue tests on smooth specimens. Rather, it is a case of fretting fatigue occurring at strand surfaces because of the cyclic microslip induced by the conductor motion. This microslip occurs locally at contact points whenever a tangential force acts between the contacting bodies. That small relative displacement may be of the order of a few microns up to tens of microns before gross slip occurs between contacting bodies. Chapter 3: Fatigue of Overhead Conductors Although fretting fatigue life decreases with increasing bending amplitude, beyond a certain amplitude, fretting fatigue gives way to fretting wear, which is generally less critical. Yet, if fretting wear is occurring at some points in a particular conductor, restrained by a particular clamp, fretting fatigue is certainly occurring at other points where relative slip is more restrained (closer to the clamp, or deeper in the conductor). Thus, in a conductor, fretting wear, with the corresponding debris (black powder), is a good indicator of fretting fatigue, a crack propagation phenomenon that is otherwise difficult to detect. Thus, the notions of high-cycle (low-amplitude) and low-cycle (high-amplitude) fatigue found in standard fatigue situations should not be used here. Conductor bending amplitude is merely the controlling factor for the type of slip regime occurring between wires or between a wire and the suspension clamp. Wire breaks occurring at high-bending amplitudes are not different from those at low amplitudes. Cracks will again start at contact points and will propagate more rapidly. Also, at high amplitude, microslip extends to inner layers, which are then involved in the fatigue process. More importantly, for a given conductor-clamp system, there is apparently an amplitude of bending that, if not exceeded, can be endured almost indefinitely. This amplitude corresponds to an endurance limit for the clamp/conductor combination. Because of the complex stress state in a contact area at which microslip occurs, there is no direct relationship between the endurance limit of the material, as found in material handbooks, and that of the clamp-conductor system (Cloutier et al. 1999). A good example of that can be found in (EPRI 1987), where fatigue tests on an Aluminum Conductor Alloy Reinforced (ACAR) conductor are reported. In that conductor, the outer layer is made of 1350-H19 aluminum, while inner strands are made of 6201-T81 alloy, whose reported classical fatigue limit (at 500 Mc—i.e., million of cycles) is almost double the outer one. However, 80% of strand failures were found to be inner strand failures. If the endurance limit is exceeded in a particular line, the rapidity with which failures appear is determined by the degree to which that limit is exceeded, and by the rate at which cycles of high-amplitude accumulate. In some cases, fatigue has appeared within a few months of stringing, while in others, failures have been discovered only after years of service. Figure 3.1-1 shows the distribution of the times for discovery of fatigue, based on a study of U.S. experience made by Alcoa Laboratories in 1962 (Alcoa 1979). 3-3 Chapter 3: Fatigue of Overhead Conductors EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition bending, as measured by the amplitude of the conductor relative to the clamp at a distance of 89 mm from it, was 0.61 mm (24 mils). This particular bending amplitude is a practical parameter used in practice to predict conductor damage and will be analyzed in Section 3.2.2. The nearly linear accumulation of conductor damage with cycles of vibration, shown in the figure, is just an example of that found in such tests and should not be generalized. Figure 3.1-1 Elapsed years between date of construction and date when damage discovered. Severity of damage, in terms of number of broken strands at any location, is also determined by the amplitudes of bending experienced, and their accumulated cycles. Fatigue, once initiated at a location, often spreads to more and more strands if the vibration continues unabated, and can eventually result in fracture of all strands of the same material as that which failed first. Then, if the conductor is an ACSR, fatigue may halt when only the steel core is left. In most cases, however, line current is great enough to heat the steel core and anneal it at the location where it is the only remaining current path. When that happens, the steel core may fail in tension. The progress of fatigue through the aluminum strands under continued vibration is illustrated in Figure 3.1-2. The figure is based on data from a laboratory fatigue test of 795 kcmil ACSR (45/7) (Silva 1976). Conductor tension was 26% of rated strength, and the severity of Figure 3.1-2 Progress of fatigue in 795 kcmil ACSR (45/7). (Silva 1976). 3-4 In multilayer ACSRs, those having more than one layer of aluminum strands, the first strands to break may be in the outer layer or in a layer below it. An example of a line in which initial failure in the outer layer predominated is represented in Table 3.1-1 (Alcoa 1979). The table is based on inspection of all support points at the time that the line was reconditioned after about 25 years of service, and shows the number of support points having various combinations of inner- and outer-layer strand failures. The conductor had two aluminum layers, the outer with 18 strands and the inner with 12. Note that there were no instances in which failures were found in the inner layer when the outer layer was intact. There were no complete conductor failures in the line. In contrast, there have been cases in other lines where inner-layer strands failed before outer-layer strands. This sequence of failure has been reproduced in laboratory fatigue tests of ACSR. For example, Table 3.1-2 shows the sequence of failure by layer in a test on 954 kcmil ACSR (45/7) at Alcoa Laboratories (Alcoa 1979). Conductor tension was 25% of Rated Strength, and the bending amplitude was 0.88 mm (34.5 mils), a rather high amplitude for that size of conductor. In general, on multilayer conductors, bending amplitudes slightly above the endurance limit generate failures on the outer layer or on the next one. Inner-layer failures only occur at higher amplitudes. The lag between first inner-layer failure and first outerlayer failure, and the number of inner strands that break before outer-layer failure occurs, are important relative to inspection of operating lines. Visual inspections detect only outer-layer damage and thus may overlook evidence of inadequate vibration protection until significant damage has already occurred. In the series of tests from which Table 3.1-2 is taken, there were five in which the first outer-layer failure followed inner-1ayer failure. For those tests, the ratio of cycles required to cause outer-layer failure to cycles to cause first inner-layer failure averaged 3.8. The maximum number of inner failures preceding outer failures was 13, as represented in Table 3.1-2. The average for EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition Chapter 3: Fatigue of Overhead Conductors Table 3.1-1 Relative Occurrence of Broken Strands in Inner and Outer Layers of ACSR Cable a Conductor: 397.5 kcmil ACSR (30/7) Broken Inner-layer Strands Broken Outer Strands 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 117 1 55 1 2 66 4 3 53 19 3 4 16 21 13 5 14 8 14 6 2 6 10 8 17 12 3 7 7 6 15 14 3 8 7 5 6 7 7 3 9 4 1 4 8 5 1 1 4 10 11 3 12 2 8 9 10 11 12 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 14 15 7 1 1 13 6 1 1 1 1 16 17 18 a. All strand breaks were found at support clamps after line had been in service for approximately 25 years. Table 3.1-2 Sequence of Strand Failure in Multilayer ACSR Megacycles of Vibration Layer in Which Failure Occurred 5.29 Middle 6.99 Middle 7.56 Middle 8.47 Middle 8.62 Middle 8.81 Middle 9.03 Inner 9.05 Inner 9.25 Inner 11.00 Middle 11.49 Middle 11.79 Middle 11.87 Inner 11.96 Outer the five tests was 5.4, or about 12% of the aluminum strands. In a series of 23 fatigue tests on 397.5 kcmil ACSR (26/ 7) reported by Seppä (Seppä 1969) outer-layer failure followed inner-layer failure in seven tests. In these seven tests, the average ratio of cycles at first outer-layer failure to cycles at first inner-layer failure was 2.4, and the average number of inner breaks preceding outer failure was 1.86 or about 7% of the aluminum strands. There were three additional tests in this series that were terminated before outer-layer failure occurred. Had it occurred just at the time that each of these tests was terminated, then the average ratio of outer- to inner-layer cycles to failure, in the tests where inner failure occurred first, would have been 3.2, and the average number of inner strands broken before outer-strand failure would have been 2.7, or 10% of the aluminum strands. Based on these data, the average time lag between first fatigue and first visible evidence of it may be by a ratio on the order of 3 or 4, and the average loss of aluminum area preceding first outer-layer failure may be about 10 or 15%. The maximum lag in any test was by a ratio of 12 to 1, and the maximum aluminum area loss preceding outer visible evidence was 29%. These figures pertain to conductor-clamp combinations and amplitudes that favor inner-layer failure. In a significant fraction of cases, when amplitude is not too far above the conductor-clamp system endurance limit, outer-layer failures occur first. Transmission engineers are faced with several practical questions with respect to fatigue damage in existing lines. a. Are failures likely to occur? b. Have they occurred yet? c. If so, what should be done? 3-5 Chapter 3: Fatigue of Overhead Conductors EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition These questions are discussed in the following sections, and practical answers based on experimental data are given for a wide range of cases. Section 3.2 describes how to characterize a conductor bending amplitude at a suspension clamp, based on parameters that can be measured in an operating line (see Chapter 2). Fatigue test data obtained under constant vibration amplitude are presented. Endurance limits are found—that is, vibration amplitudes under which a conductor sees practically no fatigue damage. Such values can then be used by the utility engineer to evaluate the critical vibration amplitude for a given conductor at a suspension clamp. High amplitudes such as those found in galloping conductors pose a special problem. Section 3.3 reports data from high constant-amplitude fatigue tests carried out on various suspension clamps. Section 3.4 reports on fatigue tests carried out using spacer clamps instead of suspension clamps. Section 3.5 examines how constant amplitude data can be used in the variable amplitude case (so-called spectrum loading). Section 3.6 discusses testing and inspection of operating lines.Section 3.7 reviews remedial measures. Finally, Section 3.8 presents a synopsis of the practical results of these studies for the benefit of the utility engineer audience. 3.2 FATIGUE ENDURANCE OF CONDUCTORS Relating the measurable vibration of an overhead span of conductor to the likelihood of fatigue of its strands is a complicated matter. The complications arise primarily from two facts. First, the stresses that cause the failures are complex and not related in a simple way to the gross motions of the conductor involved. Second, the failures originate at locations where there is surface contact and fretting between components. Inspection and failure analysis of a large number of fatigue breaks from field and laboratory spans indicate that fatigue cracks always originate at places where the strand that broke was in contact with another strand, with an armor rod, or with the clamping device (Fricke and Rawlins 1968; Seppä 1969; Möcks 1970, Silva 1976, Cardou et al. 1994). The stresses at these locations are combinations of static stresses due to conductor tension, bending, and the compressive force between the members, and of dynamic stresses due to bending, fluctuation of tension, and traction between the contacting members. Theoretical and numerical models are available to evaluate a conductor global bending behavior at a point of fixity such as a suspension clamp, a spacer clamp or a dead end clamp (Papailiou 1997, Rawlins 2005). The 3-6 interested reader will find a summary of such bending behavior analysis in the (CIGRE Task Force B2.11.07 2006) report. Also, cyclic stresses at points of contact between the outer layer and the next have been obtained, under purely elastic behavior hypothesis, and with simple boundary conditions (Leblond and Hardy 2005). However, a realistic analysis relating all these stresses—including contact stresses and microslip for a specific conductor-clamp system—to the vibration of the conductor has yet to be published. The endurance of metals to combined stresses has received considerable attention in recent decades, and several criteria for rating such stresses relative to fatigue have been developed and are in use. A similar effort has been made to obtain criteria for fretting damage to the contacting surfaces (Hills and Nowell 1994; Fouvry et al. 2000). Application of these criteria is generally restricted to specific materials, contact conditions, and loadings. No satisfactory criterion is available yet to analytically evaluate the fatigue behavior of conductors from the fatigue properties of the materials used in their construction and the stresses that occur in them. Thus fatigue characteristics of conductors must be determined by fatigue tests of conductors themselves. These tests should be performed on conductor-clamp systems, reproducing as closely as possible the field loading conditions. In such tests, the fatigue life of the conductor must be determined as a function of some measure of vibration intensity, rather than of the stress or stress combination that causes the failure, since that stress is not accessible to measurement. Several measures of vibration intensity have been employed: a. Free-loop amplitude of vibration, ymax (Little et al. 1950; Alcoa 1961; Hondalus 1964; Smollinger and Siter 1965) b. Angle through which the conductor is bent at the clamp by the vibration, β (Seppä 1969; Bolser and Kanouse 1948; Helms 1964) c. Bending amplitude (amplitude of conductor relative to clamp, measured a short distance from the clamp), Yb (Tebo 1941; IEEE 1966; Josiki et al. 1976; Cloutier et al. 1999) d. Dynamic strain in an outer-layer strand in the vicinity of the clamp, ε (Yamagata et al. 1969; Nakayama et al. 1970) Fatigue curves have been developed through tests in laboratory spans using each of these parameters as the measure of vibration intensity. EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition Four problems arise in applying such fatigue curves in order to assess vibration of field spans. One is that the parameter expressing vibration intensity may be inconvenient to measure reliably in the field (a, b, d) or does not do justice to the complicated behavior found there (a) (Hard 1958; Rawlins and Harvey 1959). Also, a parameter based on global conductor behavior should be preferred to a “local” one, such as dynamic strain on a strand (d), which depends on the selected strand, on the suspension clamp geometry etc. It is because of these problems that bending amplitude (c) is the most widely used parameter for measurement of vibration of operating lines (IEEE 1966). The second problem is that vibration fatigue test data are available for only a small fraction of the conductor sizes and types that are in use, and such data are expensive to acquire. Since none of the above parameters is simply related to the fatigue-initiating stresses, results from tests on one conductor size are not necessarily applicable to others. The third problem is that fatigue tests have to be performed with a particular clamp, which may differ from the one at hand. Although clamps of a generally similar design yield similar results, it has been found that different types of clamps may yield quite different fatigue test results. Finally, the fourth problem arises when field vibration amplitude is not a constant, while available fatigue tests are performed keeping the selected amplitude parameter constant. The second problem has been dealt with in practice by assuming that there is some idealized strain or stress that can be calculated from vibration amplitude, and that correlates well enough with conductor fatigue life to permit its use in establishing a single endurance limit for a range of conductor sizes. To the extent that the approach is valid, fatigue information on one size can be applied throughout that range, or piecemeal fatigue data scattered over a number of sizes within the range of validity can be combined by putting them on a common basis: the calculated stress. Use of such an idealized stress, at present, lacks a fundamental analytical basis. However, ranges of conductor size and support arrangement have been found where its use gives results that are reliable enough to be usefully applied. There is no solution yet to the third problem. The general hypothesis is that, within a given type, clamp geometry is not a primary factor. Some tests, however, have shown that this is not quite the case (McGill and Ramey Chapter 3: Fatigue of Overhead Conductors 1986; EPRI 1987). The best solution is to have fatigue tests performed with the same clamp as the one considered in the application. The fourth problem, variable amplitude, or spectrum loading, will be dealt with in Section 3.5 3.2.1 Conductor Fatigue Mechanisms Before taking up the calculation of idealized stress and its correlation with fatigue, some discussion of actual fatigue mechanisms is worthwhile. Standard overhead conductors consist of concentric layers of helically-laid strands. The tensions of the strands of each layer cause them to embrace the layer or core below with a certain amount of pressure. This pressure lends structural stability to the conductor. It also results in friction forces between strands, and thus impedes their sliding motion relative to one another during vibration. If there were no interstrand friction, there would be no possibility of variation in the tension in a strand along its length. If a conductor having frictionless strands were flexed, the strand tensions in a layer might or might not change. For example, the strand represented at (a) in Figure 3.2-1 would undergo no tension change because its arc length would not be affected by the bending. The arc length of the strand represented at (b) would change, however, resulting in a change in its tension. If the conductor were many lay lengths long, the change in arc length would be dissipated over a great length of strand, and the change in tension would be slight. Thus, for long conductor lengths, in a frictionless conductor, individual strand tensions would not be changed by flexure of the conductor at its ends. In the absence of tension changes in the strands, the flexural rigidity of the conductor would simply be the sum of individual strand flexural rigidities. Dynamic stresses would be only those associated with bending of each strand about its own neutral axis. Figure 3.2-1 Effects of conductor bending upon movement of outer strand. 3-7 Chapter 3: Fatigue of Overhead Conductors EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition Note that when the cable of Figure 3.2-1 (a) is bent, the strand slides along the core in the direction indicated by the small arrow. Sliding also occurs in the cable at (b), indicated by the arrows. Real conductors do not have frictionless strands, and, for the small amounts of flexure experienced due to vibration waves out in the span, the friction present between strands is normally great enough to prevent gross sliding between them. The relative axial movements of the strands are absorbed in largely-elastic shear strains around the small areas of interstrand contact indicated in Figure 3.2-2. However, very small amounts of sliding, called microslip, do take place at the peripheries of the interstrand contacts where the contact pressure tapers to zero. Near supporting clamps, conductor curvatures caused by vibration are much larger than in the free span. The attendant sliding forces there overcome frictional restraint much more readily. Microslip amplitude increases, and even gross sliding may occur, as indicated by the arrow in Figure 3.2-3. A noteworthy situation arises when the interstrand tractions are almost large enough to cause sliding. The interstrand contacts are nominally line contacts between the core and the innermost layer of strands, and point contacts between strands of adjacent layers. Actually, the line contacts expand into strip contacts, and the point contacts into ellipses of finite size because of the bearing forces acting upon them. The sizes of the contact areas expand, mainly through plastic deformation of the strands. Contact pressure distribution is more or less uniform at a value corresponding to the bearing yield strength of the strand material, between two and three times the material yield strength, of about 170 MPa (25 ksi) for conductor-grade aluminum. That pressure decreases to zero on the boundary of the contact region. The tangential surface traction required to cause sliding is this normal stress multiplied by the static coefficient of friction, which is about 0.7 between aluminum strands. Under tangential surface traction, there always is a microslip region near the contact zone boundary (for a circular region, it would be an annulus). That region increases when bending amplitude increases. Then the dynamic shear stresses at the threshold of sliding may become quite high. Because of the cyclic bending of the conductor, microslip direction is reversed, as is the shear stress in the contact region. This cycling often generates small cracks, which propagate up to a certain point. Because of the contact pressure, many cracks are stabilized. However, if the vibration amplitude is large enough, some cracks grow beyond the compression zone and enter in the region where the dominating stress is the tensile stress from the conductor axial load. The small variation of that stress then suffices to grow the crack up to complete strand fracture. The process is easily observed on the broken wire: a crack starts at a small angle with the strand surface (mode II, or normal shear, cracking). Then it rotates and becomes normal to the strand axis (mode I, or opening mode, cracking). Shear stresses are reduced when amplitudes are large enough to cause gross sliding at a contact. In this case, fretting wear occurs instead of fretting fatigue. Wear expands the area of contact, and the tangential tractions are further reduced by the lubricating effect of wear products. In such cases, strand fracture occurs at inner layers where sliding is impeded by the higher contact pressures. Thus, in a conductor-clamp system, occurrence of fretting wear is a definite sign that fretting fatigue is also occurring, if not at the same points of contact. As noted earlier, all fatigue breaks of conductor strands appear to originate at strand contacts where fretting has occurred. There are numerous such contacts in the vicinity of a clamp, between the various strands, and between the outer-layer strands and the clamp or armor rods, if any. Figure 3.2-4 shows the second layer of Figure 3.2-2 Area of interlayer strand contact. Figure 3.2-3 Strand motion adjacent to clamp. 3-8 Figure 3.2-4 Fretting and fatigue of second layer of strands 795 kcmil ACSR (54/7) (Alcoa 1961). EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition strands in a sample of 795 kcmil ACSR (54/7) fatigue tested in the laboratory (Alcoa 1961). The region shown was adjacent to a fixed clamp, and numerous fretted contact points and several fatigue failures are visible. Closer examination of the breaks permits identification of the origins of the cracks. For example, the pattern of radiating ridges and the texture variation in the failure surface of Figure 3.2-5 identify the fretted region as the origin of the crack. Microscopic examination of cross-sections of fretted zones, such as that of Figure 3.2-6, shows a surface layer of highly disordered structure containing a fine lacework of cracks, heavily loaded with aluminum oxide. This layer is created by repeated welding of the high points or asperities of the contacting surfaces, and breaking of virgin metal adjacent to the welds, under Chapter 3: Fatigue of Overhead Conductors repeated small tangential movements of the two surfaces relative to each other. Eventually, a crack may be formed, as in the figure. Depending on the vibration amplitude, it may remain stable in the compression zone, or it may grow beyond that region and become the origin of a fatigue break (Ouaki et al. 2003). As a matter of observation, fatigue breaks in conductor favor those strand locations where movements have caused crack initiation and propagation (fretting fatigue) but not gross wear (fretting wear). The reason for this is that the latter removes material from the strand surface faster than young cracks can propagate, so that the stress raisers are destroyed at inception. Besides, wear debris may act as a lubricant, leading to a decrease in the coefficient of friction, and consequently to smaller contact tangential stresses (Zhou et al. 1992). The cracks created from the zone of fretting drastically reduce the fatigue strength of the strand relative to its unfretted strength. Some tests on individual strands have shown a decrease by a factor of two (Lanteigne et al. 1986). The magnitude of the effect is not the same in all aluminum alloys. In fact, because of the difference in crack propagation properties, the reduction in fatigue strength is greater the stronger the alloy. 3.2.2 Figure 3.2-5 Failure surface of fatigued strand (Alcoa 1961). Calculation of Idealized Stress The mechanisms described above are complex enough that any analysis of the vibration stresses in a conductor has to be approximate. It is generally sufficient, however, to determine one indicator that can be used in conjunction with fatigue tests. The following one, which is based upon convenient assumptions has been employed to arrive at a nominal stress for rating the fatigue-inducing intensity of vibration. The particular stress that is customarily nominated for this purpose is the alternating stress in the topmost fiber of a strand, at the point where the conductor enters, or becomes restrained by, the clamp. There are several ways to assess this stress. One is measurement by strain-gage. Figure 3.2-7 shows fatigue curves for 25.3 mm diameter ACSR (26/7) at three levels of conductor tension, when the conductor was supported by a rigid, square-faced aluminum bushing (Yamagata et al. 1969). The dynamic stresses shown were determined from measured strains on outer layer strands. Figure 3.2-6 Microscopic cross section of fretted strand (Alcoa 1979). Because of the inconvenience of strain measurements (and because it has been found to vary significantly from one strand to the other), it is more common to use a value of the nominal stress that is calculated from an easily-measured vibration amplitude, a characteristic of 3-9 Chapter 3: Fatigue of Overhead Conductors EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition loop is short compared with the loop length, as indicated in the figure. The shape in this region is shown in more detail in Figure 3.2-9, in which a dashed line represents the end of the sine-shape loop, from which the conductor departs. The dashed line is almost straight in this region. The conductor axis, which is assumed to be horizontal at the clamp, becomes asymptotic to the sineshaped loop with increasing distance from the clamp. Figure 3.2-7 Results of fatigue tests on 25.3-mm diameter ACSR (26/7), based on measured outer-layer dynamic strain (Yamagata et al. 1969). the whole conductor. In such calculations, the conductor is treated as a solid rod under tension for purposes of determining the alternating curvature of the conductor at the clamp caused by vibration—i.e., the variation in curvature about the static curvature associated with sag. Some value of flexural rigidity, constant along the conductor, is assumed in the calculations. Dynamic strain is estimated from the alternating curvature The value customarily used for flexural rigidity is the sum of the flexural rigidities of the individual strands, where each strand is assumed to be straight (lay angle is neglected) and to bend about its own neutral axis. Thus, all strands are assumed to undergo the same alternating stress, independently of their distance from the conductor effective neutral axis, a rather drastic assumption. Several similar analyses of the shape of a vibrating stiff wire, rigidly clamped at its ends, have been published (Morse 1948, p. 166 et seq.; Steidel 1959; Scanlan and Swart 1968; Seppä 1969; Claren and Diana 1969). The following simplified analysis takes advantage of several approximations that introduce errors that are generally small enough to be neglected. Assume that the conductor is straight and vibrates in standing waves, as in Figure 3.2-8, and that the supporting clamp is rigidly fixed. Assume further that the region adjacent to the clamp where the shape of the conductor departs significantly from that of a sine-shaped Figure 3.2-8 Standing wave vibration, with rigidly fixed supporting clamp at left end of section (a). 3-10 If the dashed locus is taken to be indeed straight, and the amplitudes of motion are small enough in region (a) that inertia forces can be neglected, then the dashed line may be taken as the line-of-action of the conductor tension. If this is the case, the bending moment acting at any cross-section is equal to the tension H multiplied by the departure yt of the conductor's axis from that line of action, as in Figure 3.2-10. Now the curvature of the conductor is given by: d 2 yt M = dx 2 EI 3.2-1 where M is local bending moment and EI is flexural rigidity. Since M = Hyt, d 2 yt H = yt dx 2 EI 3.2-2 and yt = Ae±px + C1x + C2 where p = H / EI , and A, C1 and C2 are constants of integration to be determined Figure 3.2-9 Enlargement of section (a) (from Figure 3.2-8). Figure 3.2-10 Departure (yt) of conductor centerline from sine-shaped loop, as conductor approaches fixed supporting clamp. EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition by boundary conditions. Since y t approaches zero for large x, yt = Ae-px is the admissible solution. The slope of the conductor axis relative to the line of action of the tension is: dyt = − pAe − px dx ⎛ d 2 yt ⎞ H ⎜ 2 ⎟ = pβ = β dx EI ⎝ ⎠ x =0 3.2-4 The angle β may be determined from the frequency and amplitude of motion of the span. For standing wave vibration, the amplitude y at any location in the span remote from region (a) is: 2π f y = ymax sin ( x − x1 ) VT 3.2-5 in which VT = H / m is the velocity of traveling waves on the conductor, and x1 is the distance from the clamp to the point where the line of action of conductor tension intercepts the x axis. The node angle β is equal to the maximum of dy/dx, and this turns out to be: 2π fymax β= H /m Now the curvature and bending moment at the clamp may be calculated on the basis of an amplitude other than ymax. If that amplitude is measured within region (a) of Figure 3.2-8, the calculation is particularly simple. It can be seen from Figures 3.2-9 and 3.2-10 that this y of the conductor relative to the x axis, assuming a small angle β, is: y = − ya + βx + yt 3.2-3 From Figure 3.2-9, the value of the slope at x = 0 (at the clamp, with respect to the line of action) is equal to the angle β , and the curvature of the conductor as it emerges from the clamp is: 3.2-6 Chapter 3: Fatigue of Overhead Conductors 3.2-9 Now, from Equation 3.2-4: β= 1 ⎛ d2yt ⎞ ⎜ ⎟ = pA p ⎝ dx 2 ⎠ x =0 3.2-10 Also, ya = A, so: y = − A + pAx + Ae − px 3.2-11 ⎛ d2yt ⎞ p2 y 2 ⎜ 2 ⎟ = p A = ( − px ) − 1 + px e ⎝ dx ⎠ x =0 3.2-12 and: Although the general principle of the calculation of y t (x) is due to Isaachsen (Isaachsen 1907), Equation 3.2-12 was first reported by J. C. Poffenberger and R. L. Swart (Poffenberger and Swart 1965) and is called the Poffenberger-Swart Formula. The industry standard position for measuring y is at x = 89 mm (3.5 in.) (IEEE 1966) and, when measured at that position, its peak-to-peak value is called “bending amplitude,” Yb. ( Y = 2 y .) b Thus the conductor curvature at the clamp becomes: ⎛ d2yt ⎞ m fy max ⎜ 2 ⎟ = 2π EI ⎝ dx ⎠ x =0 3.2-7 and the bending moment at that location is: ⎛ d2y ⎞ M o = EI ⎜ 2 t ⎟ = 2π mEI fy max ⎝ dx ⎠ x =0 3.2-8 It is interesting to note in this equation that the bending moment Mo is independent of conductor tension H. The reason is that, referring to Figure 3.2-9, Mo = Hya, but the greater the tension, the more sharply the conductor is curved as it emerges from the clamp, so the smaller ya is. In fact, they vary in inverse proportion, so their effects upon Mo cancel. Equations 3.2-4, 3.2-7, and 3.2-12 provide three means for calculating conductor curvature at the clamp, based upon node point vibration angle, frequency and freeloop amplitude, or bending amplitude, respectively. In practice, the vibration angle β is usually calculated from measured values of f and y max according to Equation 3.2-6. Estimated dynamic strain in the conductor strands at the clamp is calculated by multiplying the dynamic curvature there by an assumed distance from the neutral plane of bending to the outermost fiber. Half of strand diameter, or d/2, is the value usually assumed. Again this is equivalent to assuming that a strand bends with respect to its own neutral axis. Thus the three bases for estimating curvature at the clamp lead to the following 3-11 Chapter 3: Fatigue of Overhead Conductors EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition three equations for estimating the alternating stress in the top surface of a strand at the clamp: σa = dE a 2 H β EI m fymax EI dE p 2 / 4 σ a = − px a Yb e − 1 + px σ a = π dEa 3.2-13 3.2-14 3.2-15 in which Ea is Young's modulus for the strand material. 3.2.3 Comparison of Calculated with Measured Stress The correlation of calculated with measured values of σ a may appear to be somewhat academic, since the stresses that initiate fatigue failures are located at metalto-metal contacts, and σ a is a free-surface stress. The comparisons do, however, provide some measure of the sensitivity of the analysis to the degree of idealization involved in the assumptions employed. For example, the nominal value of EI used here, and by many workers, is the sum of the flexural rigidities of the individual strands, which is its minimum theoretical value (EI)min (if one neglects the strand lay angle). However, dynamically-derived values of EI are sometimes 10 to 50 times as great (Sturm 1936; Scanlan and Swart 1968). Indeed, in small amplitude vibration, there is practically no interlayer slip. Thus, one would expect EI to take a value near its maximum (EI) max , when the section behaves as in a solid beam, plane sections remaining plane. However, microslip does occur at points of contact. Besides, elastic tangential compliance at these points also plays a role in lowering the flexural rigidity (Hardy and Leblond 2003). Thus (EI) max is never obtained. In view of these departures from reality, there is a surprising degree of correlation between measurement and prediction. For example, Figure 3.2-11 shows the alternating stress determined by strain-gage measurement versus fy max from a series of tests of 1/0 ACSR performed at Alcoa Laboratories (Alcoa 1979). The conductor was supported in a square-faced aluminum bushing. The measurements cover tensions of 15%, 25%, and 35% of rated conductor strength, and frequencies ranging from 10 to about 115 Hz. There is a clear one-to-one correspondence between σa and fymax. The factor of proportionality is 0.147 MPa per mm/s, which compares well with the calculated value of 0.171. The ratio of measured to calculated σa/fymax is 0.86. 3-12 Similar measurements on multilayer conductors show some scatter in this ratio, but the scatter is small, considering the crudeness of the assumptions noted above. Table 3.2-1 shows this ratio for several published series of measurements. In the tests by Helms (1964), the clamp was allowed to rock, and an effective bending angle, corresponding to the sum of β and the angle of rocking, was reported. For Table 3.2-1, this angle was treated as β in Equation 3.2-6 to obtain the equivalent fymax. Good correlation is also found between measured σa and that calculated on the basis of bending amplitude Yb using Equation 3.2-15. Comparison between theory and experiment found in the experiments of Poffenberger and Swart (Poffenberger and Swart 1965) is shown in Figure 3.2-12, in which solid points pertain to high conductor tensions, and open points to low tensions. Agreement is excellent, with measured stresses generally being slightly smaller than predicted by theory, except for one “wild” point. However, in a separate series of measurements, Claren and Diana (Claren and Diana 1969) obtained experimentally-determined stresses averaging 30% higher than predicted by Equation 3.2-15, with the total range, found in tests on 13 combinations of conductor size and tension, running Figure 3.2-11 Dynamic bending stress based on strain-gage measurement as function of fymax. 1/0 ACSR (6/1) supported by square-faced bushing. Tensions 15%, 25%, and 35% of rated strength. EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition Chapter 3: Fatigue of Overhead Conductors Table 3.2-1 Ratio of Measured to Calculated Values of σa/fymax References Conductor Diameter (mm) Type Stranding Clamp σ a ⎛ Meas. ⎞ ⎜ ⎟ fy max ⎝ Calc. ⎠ Hard 1958 28.14 ACSR 26/7 Susp. 0.43 Seppä 1969 28.14 ACSR 26/7 Sq. Bushing 1.00 Helms 1964 28.0 AACSR 28/19 Deadend 0.43 Claren and Diana 1969 30.45 ACSR 18/19 Sq. Bushing 0.61 30.45 ACSR 18/19 Sq. Bushing 0.65 30.51 ACSR 42/7 Sq. Bushing 0.59 31.5 ACSR 54/19 Sq. Bushing 0.76 31.5 AACSR 54/19 Sq. Bushing 0.51 35.0 ACSR 42/7 Sq. Bushing 0.78 understood as equivalent to being a life of 500 Mc without a strand failure. These are expressed in the respective sections as fymax and as Yb. The data of these two sections pertain to unarmored conductor. In Section 3.2.7, data from fatigue tests of armored conductor are presented. These data indicate that the relationship between fatigue life and bending amplitude is not greatly changed by the presence of armor rods. It is suggested that bending amplitude endurance limits for unarmored conductor be applied where armor rods are present. Figure 3.2-12 Comparison of theory and measurement for Poffenberger-Swart Formula (Poffenberger and Swart 1965). from 14% low to 73% high. They also found that strain measurements varied a lot from one wire to the other. In either event, correlation with experiments is rather good considering the assumptions under which theoretical stress is calculated, and because of these assumptions, the calculated stress level should be considered as an indicator of conductor vibration severity rather than the actual dynamic bending stress in the strands. 3.2.4 Use of Conductor Fatigue Test Data The two following sections present data from fatigue tests of various conductors in the form of σa-N curves, in which σa is calculated from free-loop amplitude, using Equation 3.2-14 in Section 3.2.5 and on the basis of bending amplitude using Equation 3.2-15, in Section 3.2.6. In both sections, the σa-N curves are used to estimate endurance limits in terms of σa, applicable to certain ranges of conductors. These endurance limits are then used to calculate the corresponding amplitudes that can be endured “indefinitely,” which is usually The results of Section 3.2.5, based on fymax as the measure of vibration, cannot be directly applied in determining whether the vibration of a particular field span is safe, since one of the assumptions underlying Equation 3.2-14 is that the clamp is rigidly supported, and this is seldom the case in the field. That assumption is not inherent in Equation 3.2-15, which is keyed to bending amplitude Yb. Furthermore, ymax is somewhat more difficult to measure on operating lines than is Yb. The curves of Section 3.2.5 are included in spite of these limitations because endurance limits in terms of fymax are available for some conductor types for which endurance limits in terms of Yb are not. These fymax endurance limits may be converted to Yb endurance limits through laboratory determination of the relationship between fymax and Yb as the need arises. That determination entails a cost that is only a very small fraction of the cost of running a new series of fatigue tests. One should also note that, for some types of suspension clamps, it is difficult to determine the “last point of contact” (see Section 3.2.6) of conductor with supporting clamp and hence the appropriate plane at 89 mm, used as a reference for the measurement of bending amplitude Yb. It is preferable to use parameter fymax even if assumptions underlying Equation 3.2-14 are not fully met. 3-13 Chapter 3: Fatigue of Overhead Conductors EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition One should not combine Equations 3.2-14 and 3.2-15 to arrive at a theoretical relationship between fymax and Yb, to convert the fymax endurance limit because, in these equations, bending stiffness EI is given a value a priori, which yields different values for the maximum curvature, using Equation 3.2-14 or 3.2-15. Ratio Yb /fymax should be obtained experimentally for a given axial load. In fact, it may be found that, for a given conductor, it also varies with specimen and vibration amplitude. As a corollary, the σa endurance limits estimated in Section 3.2.5 through use of Equation 3.2-14 should not be used to establish Yb endurance limits through the use of Equation 3.2-15. The values of σ a obtained from the two equations are different surrogates for the actual fatigue-initiating stress at the strand contacts where failures originate. The effects of the simplifying assumptions in Section 3.2.2 can be expected to cancel only if the same equation is used to take endurance limit information out of a σa vs N curve, as was used to put fatigue test information in. 3.2.5 Fatigue Performance Relative to fymax Data for the fatigue curves of this section derive from tests in which ymax was measured or could be determined from reported information. The idealized dynamic stress was thus calculated using Equation 3.2-14. σ a = π dEa m fymax EI 3.2-14 All of the data employed derive from laboratory vibration fatigue tests of conductors supported by rigid clamps. The tests were run with constant amplitude. Analysis of σa-N curves employing available data indicates several things that will be brought out in graphs below. First, the level of tension in the conductor seems to have little effect upon the σa-N relationship, given the conductor and its supporting clamp. Second, the number of layers appears to have some influence upon the σa-N relationship within broad ranges of strandings, given the conductor material and the supporting clamp. Third, the general σa-N relationship is relatively insensitive to clamp contour. However, no conclusion can be drawn from this set of data with respect to the endurance limit, as no run-outs (tests with no strand breaks) were obtained with the square-faced bushings. In the figures that follow, the tests are grouped according to: a. Conductor material b. Stranding class c. Clamp type 3-14 The cycles to failure N is intended to refer to failure of the first strand. Even when such failure occurs inside the conductor, several techniques are available to record it. However, in some tests, detection of failures was made by periodic visual inspection of the conductor outer surface, and in some tests, involving multilayer ACSR, failures were found in inner-layer strands when the conductors were inspected upon discovery of outerlayer fatigue. The multilayer sizes in which this occurred were 397.5 kcmil Lark ACSR (30/7), and 795 kcmil Condor ACSR (54/7). The values of N for these sizes are thus biased on the high side relative to failure of the first strand. Since inner-layer failure occurred in less than half of these tests, the amount of bias is probably less than 2:1 (EPRI 1979). As with all fatigue tests, the number of cycles to first strand failure N at a given amplitude shows a wide scatter, yielding a “cloud” of data points, rather than a “fatigue curve”. As shown in Appendix 3.2, such a curve may be obtained through statistical analysis. Even there, results still depend on the assumptions made with respect to data probability distribution and regression analysis. Multilayer ACSR Figures 3.2-13a and b show calculated σa versus cycles to failure (N) for several sizes of two- and three-layer ACSR, respectively. Two-layer data lie slightly above those for three-layer ACSR, indicating that the connection between calculated σa and the actual fatigue-inducing stresses is different for the two types of stranding. The conductor sizes and the clamps used are indicated. The suspension clamps were common commercial, shortradius clamps (Figures 3.2-14 a and b), generally with 5° tilt to simulate sag angle. The clamps identified as “BM” were aluminum bell-mouthed clamps (Figure 3.2-14c). In Figure 3.2-13a, the groups of points at the same stress represent groups of tests made under identical conditions: clamp, clamping pressure, axial load, and sag angle. This holds true except for the set at 39 MPa. That set (Seppä 1969), containing 15 tests, encompassed variations in sag angle from 0° to 10° and variations in clamp bolt torque from 0 to 54 N-m. It also included tests with the clamp keeper removed. As noted previously, in the tests of 397.5 kcmil Lark ACSR (30/7) and 795 kcmil Condor ACSR (54/7), failures were detected by visual inspection, so the fatigue lives N are biased on the high side, probably by a factor less than 2 (EPRI 1979). In the other tests, failure was detected by distortions of the conductor in the vicinity of the clamp. Seppä (Seppä 1969) used strain-gages attached to several strands to reveal the shift of tensions among strands that follows each strand break. A EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition Chapter 3: Fatigue of Overhead Conductors Figure 3.2-13a Fatigue tests of two-layer ACSR. Figure 3.2-13b Fatigue tests of three-layer ACSR. 3-15 Chapter 3: Fatigue of Overhead Conductors EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition Figure 3.2-14a Typical common commercial short-radius suspension clamp. Figure 3.2-14b Typical common commercial short-radius suspension clamp. Figure 3.2-14c Sketch of a typical aluminum bell-mouthed clamp. method devised at Alcoa laboratories (Silva 1976) is based on monitoring the rotation of the conductor, at the node nearest the clamp, that rotation resulting from loss of torque in a layer due to strand failure. Other laboratories have also used this method (EPRI 1981, Cardou et al. 1994). Figures 3.2-13a and b indicate the scatter among identical tests and show a generally consistent pattern for the several conductors and clamp combinations involved. At high amplitude, for a given conductor, scatter is rather small—lives to first strand failure being in a maximum ratio of about three, at a given amplitude. At lower amplitudes, scatter is much larger, that ratio reaching 25 in some cases. It also shows, for Seppä's data at the 39 MPa stress level, a rather small influence by the variations in clamp tilt and bolt torque. It will be noted, however, that for data encompassing several conductors, scatter is even larger. been obtained at amplitude σa ≈ 24 MPa, showing that endurance limit is not far from this value. In Figure 3.213a (two-layer ACSRs), several run-outs have also been obtained for 100 Mc tests and beyond: • Two 500 Mc run-outs with the Drake ACSR (GREMCA 2001, 2006a; Dalpé 1999) for σa ≈ 33 MPa • One 400 Mc run-out with the Lark ACSR for σa ≈ 28 MPa (Alcoa 1979) • Several 100 Mc run-outs with the Drake ACSR (EPRI 1987; GREMCA 2001, 2006a; Dalpé 1999) for σa in the 29 to 33 MPa range Moreover, in the same stress range, several tests (Alcoa 1979; GREMCA 2001, 2006a; Dalpé 1999) gave first strand failure between 20 and 300 Mc. All these results indicate that two-layer ACSR endurance limit is in the region of σa ≈ 30 MPa. In Figures 3.2-13a and b, BM clamp test data are shown with a “+” mark (first strand break). One can see that these points, even though some points are biased on the high side, lie markedly to the right of other data points, thus indicating a better performance of the BM clamp with respect to the suspension clamp. Because of the lack of run-outs with the BM clamp (only one in the three-layer case), no conclusion can be drawn, however, with respect to the endurance limit. The data from (EPRI 1979) are shown again in Figure 3.2-15, with each group of tests represented by a single point at the logarithmic mean cycles (i.e., mean value of the logarithm of life N) to failure. The number beside each point is the conductor tension, in percent of rated strength, used in the tests of that group. It is evident that the σa-N relationship is influenced slightly, if at all, by conductor tension. In Figure 3.2-13b (three-layer ACSRs), three 500-Mc run-outs (Crow ACSR) (GREMCA 2002, 2005a) have Figure 3.2-16 shows results of fatigue tests in which square-faced aluminum or steel bushings were used as clamps. The points for suspension and bell-mouthed 3-16 EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition Chapter 3: Fatigue of Overhead Conductors Figure 3.2-15 Fatigue tests of multilayer ACSR. 68 tests represented. σa calculated from Equation 3.2-14. Numbers indicate tension in percent of rated strength. Figure 3.2-16 Fatigue tests of multilayer ACSR. σa calculated from Equation 3.2-14. 3-17 Chapter 3: Fatigue of Overhead Conductors EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition clamps are included in the figure for comparison. The conductors that were tested in the square-faced bushings were as shown in Table 3.2-2. with short, medium, and large exit radius—indicate some influence of that radius. Nevertheless, considering: Tensions ranged from 18 to 63% of rated strength. A small but consistent difference between the two groups of data is evident in Figure 3.2-16. The stress required to cause failure at a given number of cycles is slightly less with the square-faced aluminum bushings. In addition, one “sport” occurred at a stress of 28 MPa, failing at about one Mc. At levels down to 28 MPa, Figure 3.2-16 indicates that clamp characteristics have relatively small influence upon the σa versus N relationship. However, although suspension and BM clamps show an endurance limit around 26 MPa, no such conclusion can be drawn for square-faced bushings for lack of data points. Other preliminary fatigue tests reported in (EPRI 1987), using three generic suspension clamps— Table 3.2-2 Conductors in Square-Faced Bushings Size Bushing Material References 397.5 kcmil 30/7 Aluminum Alcoa 1979 477 kcmil 30/7 Aluminum Alcoa 1979 566.5 kcmil 26/7 Aluminum Alcoa 1979 795 kcmil 30/19 Aluminum Alcoa 1979 795 kcmil 54/7 Aluminum Alcoa 1979 1780 kcmil 84/19 Steel Hondalus 1964 • the practical case of suspension and BM clamps, • that fatigue data from two-layer ACSR tests do not show a clear endurance limit value, • that no data are available for four-layer ACSR, it is suggested that the three-layer endurance limit of 22 MPa be taken (Figure 3.2-13b) for multilayer ACSR when calculated on the basis of Equation 3.2-14. Single-Layer ACSR Figure 3.2-17 presents fatigue data (Alcoa 1979) for single-layer ACSR—i.e., the 6/1 and 7/1 strandings, supported in bell-mouthed clamps and suspension clamps. The sizes tested in bell-mouthed clamps were No. 4 (6/1), No. 4 (7/1), and 3/0 (6/1). Log mean (i.e., mean value of the logarithm of life N) cycles to failure are shown for groups of identical tests. Tensions ranged from 20% to 70% of rated strength. Only 1/0 ACSR (6/1) was tested in suspension clamps, and the tension in those tests was 25% of rated strength. For the 1/0 ACSR, a point is shown for each individual test. As in the tests of multilayer ACSR, the bell-mouthed clamps were well-fitted to the conductors involved, and the clamp exits were generously radiused. The suspension Figure 3.2-17 Fatigue tests of single-layer ACSR in bell-mouthed or suspension clamps σa. calculated from Equation 3.2-14. 3-18 EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition clamp used with the 1/0 ACSR was not well-fitting. Its seat was designed to accommodate conductors up to 18.3 mm in diameter, substantially larger than the 10.1 mm diameter of 1/0 ACSR. Clamping pressure caused noticeable distortion of the conductor strands. It is evident from Figure 3.2-17 that all of the data are encompassed by a single σa-N relationship, and a curve has been drawn to represent it. It can be used to compare these single-layer test data with two-layer (Figure 3.2-13a) and three-layer (Figure 3.2-13b) data. It is seen to lie slightly above those for two-layer ACSR, and markedly above those for three-layer ACSR, again indicating that the connection between calculated and the actual fatigue-inducing stresses is different for different types of stranding. The 22 MPa endurance limit, which has already been suggested for the two and three-layer ACSR, can thus be considered as a conservative value when applied to single-layer ACSR . Chapter 3: Fatigue of Overhead Conductors Figure 3.2-18 compares the curve of Figure 3.2-17 with results of several tests of single-layer ACSR supported in square-faced bushings (Alcoa 1979). The conductor sizes represented are those in Figure 3.2-17 (open circles), plus a special 28.6 mm diameter 6/1 ACSR (open triangle). Use of square-faced clamps with single-layer ACSR markedly shortened fatigue life in a number of tests, especially those with the lower levels of σa. Aluminum and Aluminum Alloy Conductors Little data are available on stranded aluminum conductors of conductor-grade metal (1350 alloy), from tests in which failure of the first strand, or first few strands were detected. What data there are correlate best with the multilayer ACSR pattern of Figures 3.2-13a and b, even though they pertain to a seven-strand conductor. Multilayer all-aluminum conductors would be expected to follow the same multilayer ACSR pattern. Thus, it seems reasonable to assign the same σa endurance limit to all stranded aluminum conductors: 22 MPa. Figure 3.2-18 Fatigue tests of single-layer ACSR in square-faced bushings σa. calculated from Equation 3.2-14. 3-19 Chapter 3: Fatigue of Overhead Conductors EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition smaller concentrations. Available data on these two types are collected in Figure 3.2-20. For comparison, a curve is drawn in Figure 3.2-20; it represents the mean curve passing through the ACSR multilayered data (BM and suspension clamps and square-faced bushings), shown in Figure 3.2-16. All points represent individual tests. The data for 7-strand 6201 alloy conductor indicate greater dispersion in fatigue behavior than found in other conductor types, and a lower endurance limit, than for ACSR or 5005 alloy conductor. Only a rough estimate of that endurance limit is possible. Taking a margin of safety, a value of 15 MPa (2.2 ksi) is suggested. Aluminum alloy 5005 has been used to a limited extent in overhead conductors. Fatigue data on multilayer 5005 suitable for construction of a σa-N curve are not available. However, conductor fatigue tests comparing severity of damage after equal numbers of cycles of vibration indicated little difference between 61-strand 5005 alloy conductor and 1780 kcmil ACSR 84/19 of about equal diameter (Hondalus 1964). This result is consistent with vibration fatigue test data (Alcoa 1979) on single-layer 123.3 kcmil 5005 alloy 7-strand conductor shown in Figure 3.2-19, where the ACSR curve from Figure 3.2-17 is based on log mean N values. The tests were made at a tension of 25% of ultimate strength, and utilized the same ill-fitting suspension clamp used in the tests of 1/0 ACSR discussed above. It thus appears reasonable to apply the σa endurance limit for ACSR to the 5005 alloy conductor. The data are not extensive enough to clarify whether Aldrey and 6201 conform to the same σ a -N relationship. Nevertheless, it is suggested that the same endurance limit be applied to both. Few data appear to be available on conductors utilizing heat-treatable aluminum alloys such as 6201 and Aldrey. Aldrey has the same alloying constituents as 6201, but in Fatigue tests on an ACAR 18/19 are reported in (EPRI 1987). The controlling amplitude being Yb, first strand failure data points cannot be included in Figure 3.2-20. Figure 3.2-19 Fatigue tests of 5005 alloy conductor (7-strand) in suspension clamps. σa calculated from Equation 3.2-14. 3-20 EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition Besides, amplitude levels are quite high and yield very short lives, thus giving no indication on endurance limit, which was not the objective of the tests. Steel and Alumoweld Ground Wires Figure 3.2-21 shows data from tests of 5/16-in. (7.94 mm) diameter extra-high-strength galvanized steel ground wire (Little et al. 1950), 5/16-in. (7.94 mm) diameter aluminum-coated steel (“Beth-alume”) (Smollinger and Siter 1965), and 7 No. 8 Alumoweld (Alcoa 1979). The ground wires were supported in standard suspension clamps in all cases. The σa endurance limit for the EHS steel appears to be about 192 MPa (28 ksi). It is of interest that shorter fatigue life would be inferred for lower tension, based upon Figure 3.2-21, for equal values of σa as calculated by means of Equation 3.2-14. The difference is not great enough to justify assignment of different σa endurance limits for different tensions, however. The points representing aluminum-coated steel and Alumoweld are based upon the calculated stress in the steel component of the strand. The two groups of data seem to conform to the same σa -N relationship when plotted on that basis. A common σa endurance limit of about 135 MPa (19.5 ksi) is suggested. Chapter 3: Fatigue of Overhead Conductors Copper, Copperweld, and Copper-Copperweld Figure 3.2-22 summarizes results of vibration fatigue tests (Alcoa 1979) on No. 6A Copper-Copperweld (2/1), 3 No. 12 Copperweld, 4/0 HD copper (7 strand), 1/0 F Copper-Copperweld (6/1), and 500 kcmil MHD copper (37 strand). Bell-mouthed clamps were used in all tests. Test tension was 25, 30, 45, and 60% of rated strength. In the test of No. 6A Cu/Cw, which has two copper strands and one Copperweld strand, fatigue behavior was largely determined by the copper strands. In a series of 49 tests, the Copperweld strand failed first in only 6 of the tests. The test series represented in Figure 3.2-22 did not extend to low enough values of σa to establish knees in the σa-N relationships, so endurance limits are difficult to estimate. However, 35 MPa (5 ksi) is suggested for both 3 strand and 7 and more strand groups. Trapezoidal Wires A few fatigue tests have been reported on trapezoidal ACSR conductors. Sanders (1996) compares the relative fatigue performance of two constructions of three-layer 1431 kcmil ACSR, with an Alumoweld steel core. One was made of trapezoidal wires (Bobolink/AW/TW), while the other was a standard round wire conductor (Bobolink/AW). They were tested with a standard shortradius (6–in.) suspension clamp. The same fymax = 252 mm/s was imposed. According to Equation 3.2-14, Figure 3.2-20 Fatigue tests of Aldrey and 6201 alloy conductors. σa calculated from Equation 3.2-14. 3-21 Chapter 3: Fatigue of Overhead Conductors EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition Figure 3.2-21 Fatigue tests of steel and Alumoweld ground wires. σa calculated from Equation 3.2-14. Figure 3.2-22 Fatigue tests of copper, Copperweld, and Copper-Copperweld conductors. σa calculated from Equation 3.2-14. 3-22 EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition applicable to the round wire case, this corresponds to a bending stress amplitude σa, of 47 MPa, more than double the endurance limit. Two variations of ACSR/AW/TW using different stranding methods were manufactured and tested. In each case, three specimens were tested. Strand break occurrences were recorded, up to nine breaks. It was found that, on average, for the imposed fymax amplitude, trapezoidal wires yielded a better fatigue response than round ones. However, compared with data points in Figure 3.2-13b, reported average first wire breaks did occur in the expected range for that amplitude. Endurance Limits Expressed as fymax In the equation used for calculating the idealized dynamic stress (Equation 3.2-14), σ a = π dEa m fymax EI 3.2-14 the factor preceding fymax on the right is nearly constant within each conductor type. In fact, for homogeneous conductors of a given material in which all strands are of equal size, the calculated ratio σ a /fy max , is constant, regardless of the number of strands and their size. This constancy arises from the simplified assumption that each strand bends independently with respect to its own neutral axis. Thus, EI is proportional to nd4, while m is proportional to nd2, n being the number of strands, and the ratio σa/fymax, only depends on material parameters. For ACSR, σa/fymax ranges from 0.171 to 0.200 MPas/mm for the standard strandings, except for 7/1. That range of variation is small within the context of the assumptions used in deriving the equation, and of the indirect connection between σa and the actual fatigueinducing stresses. It is therefore reasonable to represent all ACSRs, except the 7/1 strandings, by a single value of σa/fymax. Table 3.2-3 lists, for various conductor types, their σa/fymax factors and the resulting fymax endurance limits. Note that σa pertains to the material of the conductor surface, except in the cases of EHS steel and Alumoweld, where σa pertains to the steel component. The endurance limits listed in the table should be treated with a caution commensurate with the weight of data and inference leading to them. For example, data on Aldrey and 6201 alloy conductor are quite thin. Also, application of the steel and Alumoweld endurance limits to multilayer strandings rests primarily upon evidence in the ACSR data that the single- and multilayer strandings have about the same endurance limit. Chapter 3: Fatigue of Overhead Conductors It should be emphasized that fymax is preferred over σa for expressing endurance limits, since both frequency and amplitude were measured in the fatigue tests. In contrast, the stress σa is a derived parameter. 3.2.6 Fatigue Performance Relative to Bending Amplitude The idealized bending stress may be calculated from bending amplitude by means of the Poffenberger-Swart Formula (Equation 3.2-15): dEa p 2 / 4 σ a = − px Yb e − 1 + px 3.2-15 in which Yb is measured 89 mm (3.5 in.) from the last point of contact of conductor with supporting clamp. Since p = H / EI , the calculated σa/ Yb is a function of conductor tension. Data from vibration fatigue tests in which Yb was meas u re d a re ava i l abl e fo r fo u r AC S R c o n d u c t o r s (GREMCA 2006a, 2005a, 2002, 2001, 2000b; Lévesque 2005; Dalpé 1999; EPRI 1987). Several tests of Section 3.2.5 (Multilayer ACSR and Single-layer ACSR) in which only f and ymax were measured can also be used. Such previously-run fatigue tests have been reconstructed and run long enough to permit measurement of Yb, and this has made several sets of data (Alcoa 1979) available for construction of σ a -N relationships. The procedure introduces an additional source of scatter, since no test can be reproduced with exactly the same conditions. Fatigue Characteristics of ACSR Data are available only for ACSR in sufficient quantity to construct σa-N curves. These data are shown in Figures 3.2-23, 3.2-24, and 3.2-25. Most data are plotted with respect to N cycles to first strand failure, although some data from (EPRI 1979) are plotted with respect to log mean N. They indicate that the single-layer, twolayer, and three-layer ACSR constructions have different σa-N relationships, when σa is calculated from bending amplitudes according to Equation 3.2-15. Within each of these groups, however, there appears to be no significant influence of stranding upon the σa-N relationship. The tests represented in the figure had tensions ranging from 16% to 70% of rated strength. The quality of the correlations within each group indicates that Equation 3.2-15 takes tension effects into account adequately. Figure 3.2-23 (single-layer ACSRs) suggests that the single-layer endurance limit of 22.5 MPa be taken when calculated on the basis of Equation 3.2-15. 3-23 Chapter 3: Fatigue of Overhead Conductors EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition Table 3.2-3 Endurance Limits for Various Types of Conductors* (SI Units) Endurance Limit σa/fymax σa Conductor Type MPa-s/mm MPa fymax mm/s All-Aluminum 0.172 22 128 All-5005 Alloy 0.172 22 128 All-Aldrey or 6201 0.172 15 87 ACSR (Except 7 / 1) 0.186 22 118 149 ACSR (7 / 1) 0.148 22 Copper (Cu) 0.409 35 86 Copperweld (Cw) 0.299 35 117 6 Cu/1 Cw 0.377 35 93 2 Cu/1 Cw 0.359 35 97 EHS Steel (Galv.) 0.499 192 385 EHS Steel (Aluminized) 0.497 135 272 Alumoweld 0.498 135 276 English Units Endurance Limit σa/fymax σa Conductor Type ksi-s/in. ksi fymax in./s 5.04 All-Aluminum 0.633 3.19 All-5005 Alloy 0.633 3.19 5.04 All-Aldrey or 6201 0.635 2.18 3.43 ACSR (Except 7 / 1) 0.687 3.19 4.65 ACSR (7 / 1) 0.544 3.19 5.87 Copper (Cu) 1.499 5.08 3.39 Copperweld (Cw) 1.102 5.08 4.61 6 Cu/l Cw 1.386 5.08 3.66 2 Cu/l Cw 1.329 5.08 3.82 EHS Steel (Galv.) 1.837 27.85 15.16 EHS Steel (Aluminized) 1.828 19.58 10.71 Alumoweld 1.802 19.58 10.87 * In these fatigue tests, conductors were supported by rigid clamps. They were common commercial short-radius suspension clamps or aluminum bell-mouthed clamps. For more specific information about fatigue tests, refer to the subsection corresponding to the type of conductor. Endurance limits listed in this table apply to this type of conductor-clamp combination. In Figure 3.2-24 (two-layer ACSRs), several run-outs have also been obtained for 100 Mc tests and beyond: • Two 500 Mc run-outs with the Drake ACSR (GREMCA 2001, 2006a; Dalpé 1999) for σa ≈ 19 MPa • One 400 Mc run-out with the Lark ACSR (Alcoa 1979) for σa ≈ 13 MPa • Several 100 Mc run-outs with the Drake ACSR (EPRI 1987; GREMCA 2001, 2006a, Dalpé 1999) for σa in the 22 to 26 MPa range. Moreover, in the range of 15 to 18 MPa, several tests (Alcoa 1979; GREMCA 2001, 2006a; Dalpé 1999) gave first strand failure at N values exceeding 100 Mc. These results do not permit establishing an accurate endurance 3-24 limit but tend to show that the two-layer endurance limit is higher than the three-layer one. In Figure 3.2-25 (three-layer ACSRs), several run-outs have been obtained for 320 Mc and beyond: • Three 500 Mc run-outs with the Crow ACSR (GREMCA 2002, 2005a) for σa ≈ 13 MPa • One 500 Mc run-out with the Tern ACSR (Alcoa 1979), for σa ≈ 12 MPa • One 320 Mc run-out with the Rail ACSR (Alcoa 1979) for σa ≈ 10 MPa. Moreover, in the same stress range, several tests (Alcoa 1979) gave first strand failure at N values exceeding 80 Mc. All these results indicate that the three-layer ACSR endurance limit is in the region of σa ≈ 10 MPa. EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition Chapter 3: Fatigue of Overhead Conductors Figure 3.2-23 Fatigue tests of single-layer ACSR. Figure 3.2-24 Fatigue tests of two-layer ACSR. Nevertheless, considering • the practical case of suspension and BM clamps, • the uncertainty on endurance limit for two-layer ACSR, • that no data are available for four-layer ACSR, it is suggested that the three-layer endurance limit of 8.5 MPa be taken (Figure 3.2-25) for multilayer ACSR conductors when calculated on the basis of Equation 3.2-15. Results of a few tests performed in Poland (Josiki et al. 1976) conflict with the multilayer data of Figure 3.2-25. 3-25 Chapter 3: Fatigue of Overhead Conductors EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition Figure 3.2-25 Fatigue tests of three-layer ACSR. The tested conductor was similar to a three-layer Curlew ACSR. Although the applied tensile load was not specified, if one assumes a 25% RTS load, their three data points would yield failure points located at about three times the level shown in Figure 3.2-25. The cause of this conflict is not known. In Figures 3.2-24 and 3.2-25, it is interesting to compare test results obtained with BM and suspension clamps. In the two-layer case, BM endurance limit is markedly lower than with suspension clamps. On the contrary, in the three-layer case, BM clamps, even though some tests are biased on the high side, yield a better finite life than with the suspension clamps, although no difference can be detected on the endurance limit. Such results underscore the influence of the type of clamp on conductor fatigue strength. Bending Amplitude Endurance Limits for ACSR The above estimated endurance limits are convertible to Yb by means of Equation 3.2-15. When this is done, the Y b endurance limits turn out to fall generally in the range 0.5 to 1.0 mm endurance limits (20 to 40 mils) for single-layer ACSRs, and 0.2 to 0.3 mm (8 to 12 mils) for multilayer ACSRs. In the latter case, the precision with which the σa endurance limit can be estimated, and the quality of correlation in the σa -N relationship, do not justify an inference of great precision in the calculated Yb endurance limits. This is why only two uniform conservative values of σ a = 22.5 MPa and 8.5 MPa have 3-26 been selected for single-layer, and all standard multilayer ACSRs, respectively, and the corresponding calculated Yb endurance limits are included in Table 3.2-4. If, in a given application, a more realistic value becomes available based on future fatigue tests, the Yb endurance limit given in the table should be multiplied by the appropriate factor, which is simply the ratio between the adopted σa value and the table value (22.5 or 8.5 MPa). Conversion of fymax to Yb Endurance Limits As noted above, endurance limits that have been established in terms of fymax may be converted to Yb endurance limits by experimental determination in a laboratory span of the value of Yb that corresponds to the fymax endurance limit. This should be done at the fymax endurance limit. It may not be sufficient to determine the ratio Yb/fymax at some arbitrary combination of f and ymax, since Yb does not always vary linearly with fymax. Several determinations of this kind, resulting in the Yb endurance limit values, are shown in Table 3.2-5 (EPRI 1979). They are considered applicable where conventional suspension clamps are employed. Safe Border Line Method Based on a number of experimental data sets, the Safe Border Line method has been proposed in (CIGRE SC 22 WG 04 1979) and (CIGRE SC 22 WG 04 1988). Its objective was to replace the corresponding (σa vs N) fatigue curves by a single conservative line. In (CIGRE EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition Chapter 3: Fatigue of Overhead Conductors Table 3.2-4 Maximum Safe Bending Amplitudes For ACSR1 Tension in Percent of Rated Strength2 15% Yb 25% Yb 35% Yb Name Conductor Size (kcmils) Stranding mm mils mm mils mm Turkey #6 6/1 0.97 38. 0.79 31. 0.69 27. Swan 4 6/1 0.92 36. 0.76 30. 0.67 26. Swanate 4 7/1 1.01 40. 0.84 33. 0.74 29. Sparrow 2 6/1 0.86 34. 0.73 29. 0.64 25. Sparate #2 7/1 0.94 37. 0.80 31. 0.71 28. mils Robin #1 6/1 0.82 32. 0.70 28. 0.63 25. Raven # 1/0 6/1 0.79 31. 0.68 27. 0.61 24. Quail 2/0 6/1 0.75 30. 0.66 26. 0.59 23. Pigeon 3/0 6/1 0.71 28. 0.63 25. 0.57 22. Penguin # 4/0 6/1 0.67 26. 0.59 23. 0.54 21. Waxwing 266.8 18 / 1 0.33 13. 0.28 11. 0.26 10. Owl 266.8 6/7 0.22 9. 0.20 8. 0.18 7. Partridge 266.8 26 / 7 0.32 12. 0.26 10. 0.23 9. Merlin 336.4 18 / 1 0.31 12. 0.27 11. 0.24 10. Linnet 336.4 26 / 7 0.30 12. 0.26 10. 0.23 9. Oriole 336.4 30 / 7 0.32 13. 0.27 11. 0.24 9. Chickadee 397.5 18 / 1 0.30 12. 0.26 10. 0.24 9. Brant 397.5 24 / 7 0.29 11. 0.25 10. 0.22 9. Ibis 397.5 26 / 7 0.30 12. 0.25 10. 0.22 9. Lark 397.5 30 / 7 0.31 12. 0.26 10. 0.23 9. Pelican 477.O 18 / 1 0.29 11. 0.25 10. 0.23 9. Flicker 477.0 24 / 7 0.28 11. 0.24 10. 0.22 9. Hawk 477.0 26 / 7 0.28 11. 0.24 10. 0.22 9. Hen 477.0 30 / 7 0.30 12. 0.26 10. 0.23 9. Osprey 556.5 18 / 1 0.27 11. 0.24 10. 0.22 9. Parakeet 556.5 24 / 7 0.27 11. 0.24 9. 0.21 8. Dove 556.5 26 / 7 0.28 11. 0.24 9. 0.21 8. Eagle 556.5 30 / 7 0.29 11. 0.25 10. 0.22 9. Peacock 605.0 24 / 7 0.27 10. 0.23 9. 0.21 8. Squab 605.0 26 / 7 0.27 11. 0.23 9. 0.21 8. Teal 605.0 30 / 19 0.26 10. 0.22 9 0.20 8. Swift 636.0 36 / 1 0.32 13. 0.28 11. 0.26 10. Kingbird 636.0 18/ 1 0.26 10. 0.24 9. 0.22 9. Rook 636.0 24 / 7 0.26 10. 0.23 9. 0.21 8. Grosbeak 636.0 26 / 7 0.27 11. 0.23 9. 0.21 8. Egret 636.O 30/ 19 0.26 10. 0.22 9. 0.20 8. 8. - 653.9 18/3 0.26 10 0.23 9. 0.21 Flamingo 666.6 24 / 7 0.26 10. 0.23 9. 0.21 8. Gannet 666.6 26 / 7 0.26 10. 0.23 9. 0.21 8. 8. Starling 71 5.5 26 / 7 0.26 10. 0.23 9. 0.21 Redwing 71 5.5 30/ 19 0.25 10. 0.22 9 0.20 8. Coot 795.0 36 / 1 0.31 12. 0.27 11. 0.25 10. Tern 795.0 45 / 7 0.30 12. 0.26 10. 0.24 9. Cuckoo 795.0 24 1 7 0.25 10. 0.22 9. 0.20 8. Condor 795.0 54 / 7 0.32 12. 0.27 11. 0.24 10. 1. Calculated safe bending amplitudes listed in this table are based on tests performed with common commercial short-radius suspension clamps and aluminum bell-mouthed clamps. 2. For other tensions, interpolate between values given. 3-27 Chapter 3: Fatigue of Overhead Conductors EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition Table 3.2-4 Maximum Safe Bending Amplitudes For ACSR1 (Continued) Tension in Percent of Rated Strength2 15% Yb 25% Yb 35% Yb Name Conductor Size (kcmils) Stranding mm mils mm mils mm Drake 795.0 26 / 7 0.25 10. 0.22 9. 0.20 8 Mallard 795.0 30 / 19 0.25 10. 0.21 8. 0.19 8 mils Ruddy 900.0 45 / 7 0.30 12. 0.26 10. 0.23 9 Canary 900.0 54 / 7 0.31 12. 0.27 10. 0.24 9 Catbird 954.0 36 / 1 0.29 11. 0.26 10. 0.24 9 Rail 954.0 45 / 7 0.29 12. 0.26 10. 0.23 9 Cardinal 954.0 54 / 7 0.30 12. 0.26 10. 0.24 9 Ortolan 1033.5 45 / 7 0.29 11. 0.25 10. 0.23 9 Curlew 1033.5 54 / 7 0.30 12. 0.26 10. 0.23 9 Bluejay 1113.0 45 / 7 0.28 11. 0.25 10. 0.22 9 Finch 1113.0 54 / 19 0.28 11. 0.24 9. 0.22 9 Bunting 1192.0 45 / 7 0.28 11. 0.24 10. 0.22 9 Grackle 1192.0 54 / 19 0.27 11. 0.24 9. 0.21 8 Bittern 1272.0 45 / 7 0.27 11. 0.24 9. 0.22 9 Pheasant 1272.0 54 / 19 0.27 11. 0.24 9. 0.21 8 Dipper 1351.5 45 / 7 0.27 11. 0.24 9. 0.22 9 8 Martin 1351.0 54 / 19 0.27 11. 0.23 9. 0.21 Bobolink 1431.0 45 / 7 0.26 10. 0.23 9. 0.21 8 Plover 1431.0 54 / 19 0.26 10. 0.23 9. 0.21 8 Nuthatch 1510.5 45 / 7 0.26 10. 0.23 9. 0.21 8 Parrot 1510.5 54 / 19 0.26 10. 0.23 9. 0.21 8 Lapwing 1590.0 45 / 7 0.26 10. 0.23 9. 0.21 8 Falcon 1590.0 54 / 19 0.26 10. 0.23 9. 0.20 8 Chukar 1780.0 84 / 19 0.29 11. 0.25 10. 0.23 9 — 2034.0 72 / 7 0.28 11. 0.25 10. 0.23 9 Bluebird 2156.0 84 / 19 0.28 11. 0.24 10. 0.22 9 Kiwi 2167.0 72 / 7 0.27 11. 0.24 10. 0.22 9 Thrasher 2312.0 76 / 19 0.27 11. 0.24 9. 0.22 9 Joree 2515.0 76 / 19 0.26 10. 0.23 9. 0.21 8 1. Calculated safe bending amplitudes listed in this table are based on tests performed with common commercial short-radius suspension clamps and aluminum bell-mouthed clamps. 2. For other tensions, interpolate between values given. Table 3.2-5 Estimated Bending Amplitude Endurance Limits for Various Types of Conductor Yb Endurance Limit Conductor Tension (%) (mm) (mils) 7 No. 8 Alumoweld 25 0.96 38 7 No. 6 Alumoweld 25 0.96 38 123.3 kcmil 5005 (7 strand) 25 0.59 23 123.3 kcmil 6201 (7 strand) 25 0.40 16 ¾ in. EHS Steel (7 strand) 25 1.96 77 ½ in. EHS Steel (7 strand) 25 1.67 66 SC 22 WG 04 1988), for multilayer ACSR conductors, it was approximated by the equation system: 3-28 σ a = 450 N −0.20 for N ≤ 1.56 × 107 cycles σ a = 263 N −0.17 for N > 1.56 × 107 cycles 3.2-16 where σa is in MPa and N is the number of cycles. For single-layer ACSR conductors, a conservative Safe Border Line is given by: σ a = 730 N −0.20 for N ≤ 2.0 × 107 cycles σ a = 430 N −0.17 for N > 2.0 × 107 cycles 3.2-17 For multilayer conductors, for a 500-Mc life, the second of Equations 3.2-16 yields a safe alternating bending amplitude of 9.1 MPa, which is supposed to apply to any aluminum or aluminum alloy conductor with “welldesigned clamps.” This value is not too far from the 8.5-MPa limit for multilayer conductors proposed in Section 3.2.6 (Bending Amplitude Endurance Limits for ACSR). For single-layer conductors, the same calculation is performed using the second of Equations 3.2-17. For a 500-Mc life, one gets a safe alternating bending EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition amplitude of 14.3 MPa, which looks rather conservative when compared with the 22.5 MPa limit given in Section 3.2.6. A more rigorous comparison of (EPRI 1979) data with the proposed Safe Border Line has been reported by Hardy and Leblond (2001). A summary of their statistical analysis and some of their results are shown in Appendix 3.2. Lines corresponding to a given probability of failure have been drawn. The Safe Border Line is compared with the log mean curve (the 50% survival curve), and with a Safe Limit line corresponding to the 95% survival curve. For multilayer conductors, they find that the Safe Border Line is in fact closer to the log mean curve than to the 95% curve (Figure A3.2-1). For single-layer conductors, on the contrary, and as already found in the 500-Mc case, the Safe Border Line is found to be even more conservative than the 95% curve (Figure A3.2-2). It should be emphasized that, with the Safe Border line approach, there is no endurance limit. For example, for 1000 Mc, a safe bending amplitude would be 7.8 MPa and 12.7 MPa for a multilayer and single-layer ACSR conductors, respectively. However, it should be noted that the Safe Border lines given by Equations 3.2-16 and 3.2-17 are based on fatigue tests, most of which were quite different from those represented in Figures 3.2-23 to 3.2-25. 3.2.7 Effects of Armor Rods Application of armor rods to conductors at tangent supports imparts a small but useful amount of addi- Chapter 3: Fatigue of Overhead Conductors tional damping to vibrating spans. The original intent in use of armor rods, however, was to reinforce the conductor against the dynamic bending caused by aeolian vibration. Their effectiveness as reinforcements has turned out to be small, except for small conductors, and not consistently realized, even there. Until more comprehensive series of laboratory tests are run, the same fymax and Yb endurance limits as determined for bare conductors may be applied to armored conductors without serious risk of significantly overestimating or underestimating the likelihood of fatigue occurring in a particular span. Under laboratory conditions, substantial increases in the number of cycles required to cause strand failure may be achieved by application of armor rods if the test parameter is fymax. The presence of armor rods indeed decreases the bending deformation of the conductor where the fretting fatigue occurs and where the amplitude Yb is measured. On the other hand, tests conducted with Yb taken as parameter will show no significant difference between the two conditions with or without armor rods. This point is illustrated in Figures 3.2-26 and 3.2-27, in which data on two- and three-layer ACSR, respectively, with and without armor rods, are plotted. Although a better fatigue resistance for armored conductor is evident, the fy max shows an increase no more than 15% greater than that for unarmored conductors. In contrast, a decrease in amplitude vibration, and thus in fymax by a factor smaller than 0.5, is sometimes achieved Figure 3.2-26 Effect of armor rods on fatigue of two-layer ACSR (fymax basis). 3-29 Chapter 3: Fatigue of Overhead Conductors EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition in spans of moderate tension by application of armor rods, through damping effects. Figure 3.2-28 shows a corresponding plot for ACSR having 6/1 stranding and supported in bell-mouthed or suspension clamps (Alcoa 1979). Although use of rods Figure 3.2-27 Effect of armor rods on fatigue of three-layer ACSR (fymax basis). Figure 3.2-28 Effect of armor rods on fatigue of single-layer ACSR (fymax basis). 3-30 EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition introduces additional scatter, which always goes in the direction of increased fatigue life, no clear difference in the fymax endurance limit can be observed between the armored and unarmored cases. Both wrench-formed and preformed rods are represented in Figures 3.2-26, 3.2-27, and 3.2-28. There appears to be no significant difference in their effects upon fatigue resistance for equal fymax values. In the fatigue tests with armor rods discussed in this section, conductor strand breaks were detected by different means. In some tests involving multilayer conductors, failures were detected by periodically stopping each test and unlaying the rods for visual inspection of the conductor surface. If failures were not found, the rods were relaid and the test resumed. In the GREMCA tests (2005b), the failures were detected using the Alcoa method—that is, by recording conductor rotation. In most of the tests of single-layer conductor, failures were detected without disturbing the armor rod assembly—for example, by monitoring conductor resistance across the supporting clamp, or by detecting the transfer Chapter 3: Fatigue of Overhead Conductors of tension to armor rods when a strand fails, by straingages attached to the rods. Figure 3.2-29 presents results by Little et al. (Little et al. 1950) on effects of steel preformed armor when applied to 5/16 in. (7.9 mm) EHS steel (7 strand). These data indicate a small but consistent improvement in fatigue resistance, caused by the rods. In this case, the armor rod data do not extend to a long enough fatigue life to show whether the fymax endurance limit with rods is significantly different from that without. Figures 3.2-26 to 3.2-29 showed effects of armor rods for equal values of fymax. Those effects may also be assessed for equal values of bending amplitude Yb. Such comparison indicates little or no improvement in fatigue resistance through use of armor rods. For example, Figures 3.2-30 and 3.2-31 compare armored data for two- and three-layer conductors, with unarmored data, with conductors supported by bell-mouthed or suspension clamps. All of these sizes have about the same Yb endurance limits without rods. All data in Figures 3.2-30 and 3.2-31 derive from tests in which conductor tension was between 25 and 35% of Figure 3.2-29 Effect of armor rods on fatigue of steel conductor (fymax basis) 3-31 Chapter 3: Fatigue of Overhead Conductors EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition Figure 3.2-30 Effect of armor rods on fatigue of two-layer ACSR (bending amplitude basis). Figure 3.2-31 Effect of armor rods on fatigue of three-layer ACSR (bending amplitude basis). ultimate. There is little to distinguish the armored and unarmored groups. Comparisons for other size groupings for which data are available gave the same indication. Unfortunately, these data are restricted to ACSR. Calculation of σa using Equations 3.2-13 to 3.2-15 cannot be applied to armored conductor, since two regions 3-32 should be considered in the analysis, each having its own flexural rigidity. Besides, armor rod diameter, with its corresponding bending stiffness, should have an influence on test results. Unfortunately, there appears to have been no systematic study of that influence. Thus fatigue test results have to be presented in terms of Yb. It seems logical that the same amplitude, near the clamp, will EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition induce practically the same fretting fatigue phenomena within the conductor, with or without armor rods. It remains to be seen if the influence of tension, which is normalized when using σ a , will be noticeable in such presentation. 3.2.8 clamps (i.e., saddle and keeper type, Figures 3.2-14a and 3.2-14b), as well as BM (bell-mouth) clamps (Figure 3.2-14c), under alternating stress amplitudes of σ a (fymax) < 70 Mpa and σa (Yb) < 45 Mpa, which correspond to fy max < 400 mm/s and Y b < 1.1 mm, respectively. Other Supporting Devices Several special devices for supporting conductors are available that are said to allow higher vibration levels than do conventional suspension clamps without fatigue. Armor-Grip suspensions, long-radius clamps, and “Formula” clamps are among such devices. Information on maximum safe vibration levels, when these devices are used, should be obtained from their supplier. A review of various supporting devices has been published by Cloutier and Hardy (1987). Although not strictly a supporting device, spacer clamps may also be a location for conductor fatigue and strand breaks. Some laboratory fatigue tests have been conducted to compare various clamp designs and are reported in Section 3.4. 3.3 Chapter 3: Fatigue of Overhead Conductors HIGH-AMPLITUDE FATIGUE TESTS Transmission-line conductors are normally installed under such conditions that they vibrate at levels below their endurance limit. However, there are conditions where conductors may experience unusual high bending amplitudes, such as the possible time lapse between their installation and the installation of dampers when they are required, a hoarfrost episode, or galloping conditions. For the former case, a bare conductor without damper installed at H/w of 2300 m may experience bending amplitudes as high as 0.5 mm peak-to-peak (Van Dyke et al. 1997). Regarding hoarfrost, Rawlins (1988) pointed out that ice accretion increases the cable diameter and, given the same frequency, aeolian power increases to about the fourth power of diameter, with a corresponding increase in vibration severity. Recent measurements on a full-scale test line (Van Dyke and Laneville 2005) have shown that during galloping events, fymax may reach amplitudes as high as 1200 mm/s. Fortunately, such conditions seldom happen, and the number of accumulated cycles may not be sufficient to harm the conductors. However, the possible hazard associated with those events must be evaluated on a statistical basis. There is apparently very little fatigue data available at such amplitudes. For example, Sections 3.2.5 (Fatigue Performance Relative to fymax), 3.2.6 (Fatigue Performance Relative to Bending Amplitude) and 3.2.7 (Figures 3.2-26, 3.2-27, 3.2-30, and 3.2-31) presented results obtained for ACSR conductors with short commercial In order to study conductor fatigue beyond these limits, a test program with 81 fatigue tests has been conducted at these high amplitudes (GREMCA 2005a). Clamps, however, were of a different kind than short commercial and BM clamps. The test benches used were of the resonance type. Imposed amplitude reached Y b = 3.0 mm and a corresponding fymax < 880 mm/s. The conductor was the 48/7 Crow ACSR. Imposed tensile load was 25% RTS, with a sag angle of 5.5° (except in the case of a spacer clamp, where it was 0°). Depending on the target amplitude, specimens were vibrated at their second, third, or fifth mode (i.e., the mode shape consists, respectively, in two, three, and five loops within the active length of the specimen, see Appendix 3.1). It should be emphasized that the objective of the test program was not to simulate complex dynamic galloping conditions but, rather, to explore the high amplitude range of motion of a conductor in the vicinity of a rigidly held clamp on a resonance type fatigue bench test. It was assumed, however, as it has been eventually verified, that higher bending amplitude would induce more slip at inner layer contact points, thus increasing the proportion of first wire breaks occurring at inner layers. Further studies are still needed to determine how these results relate to the kind of damage incurred by actual galloping conductors. In spite of its limitations, a summary of the results obtained from this test program may be of interest and is given below. For conciseness, each clamp used in the program is referred to using the following codes: • Suspension clamp S1 (Figure 3.3-1): a short metallic suspension clamp with two hinged shells. Internal bore is cylindrically shaped with a small exit radius (92 mm). It can be adjusted to fit any conductor diameter within a given range. • Suspension clamp S2 (Figure 3.3-2): a short metallic clamp made of two hinged shells with a cylindrical internal bore that is made to fit one overall diameter assembly. The clamp has a very small exit radius (12 mm), and it comes with preformed armor rods. • Suspension clamp S3 (Figure 3.3-3): similar to S2, plus elastomer cushions at the clamp exit. • Suspension clamp S4 (Figure 3.3-4): a short bellmouth clamp, made of two hinged half-shells. It is fitted with elastomer cushions over its whole length. It 3-33 Chapter 3: Fatigue of Overhead Conductors EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition comes with preformed armor rods, which are installed between the elastomer cushion and metal half-shell. • Spacer clamp P1 (Figure 3.3-5): a short hollow circular half-cylinder, with an elastomer lining over the “inner” side of the cylinder. It is held in place on the conductor with four preformed tie rods. Fatigue test data are presented in Figures 3.3-6 and 3.3-7, giving bending vibration parameter fymax (mm/s) vs. number of cycles to first strand break (Mc). In these figures, each solid data point corresponds to the first wire break in each test carried out, and data points with right-facing arrows represent run-out tests. Tests were perfor med on the resonance benches described in Appendix 3.1. A clamp was installed at one end, while the taut specimen was vibrated with an electromagnetic shaker located at the other end. A clamp was rigidly bolted to the stiff bench framework. Therefore, clamp translation and rotation displacements were negligible. To simulate a conductor sag angle, the clamp was given a tilt angle of about 5.5°. Shaker frequency was adjusted to a selected resonance frequency of the span. Figure 3.3-1 Suspension clamp S1. Figure 3.3-3 Suspension clamp S3. Figure 3.3-2 Suspension clamp S2. 3-34 Figure 3.3-4 Suspension clamp S4. EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition Because of their cylindrical bore, the conductor may be considered as perfectly clamped at the S1, S2, and S3 suspension clamp. For these metallic clamps, it was possible to define a so-called last point of contact between the clamp and the conductor. It should be noted, however, that the last point of contact was accessible for the S1 and S2 clamps only. Accessibility to the last point of contact is necessary in order to use the Yb amplitude parameter, as it has to be measured at a distance of 89 mm from the last point of contact. For this reason, Figure 3.3-6 Chapter 3: Fatigue of Overhead Conductors uses the fymax vibration parameter in order to plot S1, S2, and S3 data points in the same figure. The situation was quite different with elastomer-lined clamps, like S4 and P1. Because of the elastomer cushions, and also because of the P1 clamp system, perfect clamp conditions were not met. Vibrations could occur on the other side of the clamp, that side being where the test specimen was anchored to the frame through a deadend clamp. Thus, a system had to be devised to hold the conductor rigidly, at least on the dead-end side of the clamp (see Figure 3.4-5). However, it was not possible to find a clearly defined fixed section on the vibrating span side of the clamp. In such a case, where the last point of contact could not be found, vibration parameter fy max had to be used. Fatigue test data with the clamps S4 and P1 are presented in Figure 3.3-7. Furthermore, with armor rods, and for a given antinode amplitude y max, bending amplitude near the clamp is reduced. Thus, as mentioned in Section 3.2.7, the fymax amplitude parameter is the appropriate parameter in order to compare relative performance between clamps with and without preformed armor rods. Figure 3.3-5 Spacer clamp P1 as assembled on the resonance bench (the conductor is rigidly held on the right side). The reported 81 fatigue tests generated 292 wire breaks. Of these, 23 occurred in the S4 clamp armor rods. In all cases, one or more fretting marks were observed at or near the broken section. In most cases, the broken section cut across such a mark; in some cases, it originated at the tip of the mark. In a small number of instances, Figure 3.3-6 Fatigue strength at high amplitude vibration. 3-35 Chapter 3: Fatigue of Overhead Conductors EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition Figure 3.3-7 Fatigue strength at high amplitude vibration. the broken section cut across several fretting marks; in such cases, it may prove difficult to determine which was the crack initiation point. In any case, such observations confirm that, even at high amplitude, conductor fatigue is still a fretting fatigue problem, rather than a standard low-cycle fatigue case induced by alternating plastic strains. During galloping events, conductors are subjected to a combination of bending and axial loads at the clamp. (See Chapter 4 for data on dynamic loads during galloping.) In the present fatigue tests the axial load on a specimen also undergoes a small cyclic variation when the specimen is vibrated. Calling Tmax , Tmin , and Tav the maximum, minimum and average values, respectively, of tension T, this variation amplitude (half the peak-topeak variation) may be defined percentagewise as: Δτ = 100 × (Tmax-Tmin) / (2Tav) = 100 × (Tmax-Tmin) / (Tmax+Tmin). This variation occurs at twice the bending vibration frequency. When bending amplitude increases, Δτ also increases and may have some influence on the fatigue process. In order to quantify that effect, a series of 17 fatigue tests with the Crow ACSR conductor and the S1 clamp only were performed at the same bending amplitude Yb = 1.5 mm (fymax ≅ 440 mm/s). Two tensioning systems were used in order to vary Δτ. The recorded maximum value for Δτ was 10%. Results obtained from 3-36 these 17 tests did not show any correlation between the number of cycles to first wire break and Δτ. Therefore, it seems safe to conclude that the axial load variation influence on fatigue test data, at least at this level, is small and can be neglected. It is well known, however, that field galloping conditions may induce higher alternating tension amplitudes. Generating such amplitudes, together with the high bending amplitudes, would require completely different fatigue test benches. Because of the high stiffness of their bolting on the bench frame, the S1, S2, and S3 data points are shown in Figure 3.3-6, allowing a comparison of their respective performance. For that purpose, three straight lines are drawn. Thirty-nine tests were run with the clamp S1. Line S1 is based on the first breaks obtained only from those 29 tests that correspond to an amplitude fy max higher than 450 mm/s. Lines S2 and S3 use the nine first wire breaks obtained from the nine tests with each clamp. Using these straight lines, and in the fymax range of 450 to 700 mm/s, the best performance in terms of fatigue strength is obtained with the S3 clamp, followed by the S2 and S1 clamps in that order. However, it is noted that the advantage yielded by the more elaborate design (such as shell geometry, armor rods, elastomer cushions) of clamps S3 and S2 tends to decrease at higher vibration amplitudes. There is indeed a crossover between lines S1 and S2 at an amplitude fymax of about 650 mm/s, and the figure also suggests a EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition crossover of line S1 with the projection of line S3 at about 750 mm/s. Test data obtained with clamps S4 and P1 are plotted in Figure 3.3-7; it should be recalled that these clamps present special problems because of their flexibility. Conductor exit angle for those clamps was 5.5° and 0°, respectively. With clamp S4, the first recorded break was always an armor rod break, and a wire break followed much later (a wire break usually happened as the third or the fourth break). In Figure 3.3-7, for the clamp S4, armor rod breaks and wire breaks are given a different symbol. Three straight lines are shown. Line S4W is based on the seven recorded first wire breaks (not considering the armor rods) from the ten tests carried out on clamp S4. Line S4A is based on the ten first armor rod breaks obtained from the ten tests. In the fymax range of 450 to 650 mm/s, one can see that lines S4A and S4W are not parallel, indicating that the fretting fatigue on the armor rods is less severe as fymax decreases. Of the 14 tests performed with clamp P1, only 12 have given wire breaks (the two remaining tests were stopped before the first wire break). First wire breaks are shown in Figure 3.3-7. Straight line P1 is based on these 12 breaks. These results are also shown in Section 3.4. Chapter 3: Fatigue of Overhead Conductors dard suspension clamps. Such extrapolation seems risky, however, for at least two reasons: • There is an inherent uncertainty when no experimental point is available in the extrapolation range and nothing can be said about the precision of the results so obtained. • Fretting fatigue mechanisms may be quite different in each case, depending on the type of clamp and on the vibration amplitude. Instead, it is believed that more tests should be done in order to have a significant overlap between the corresponding fymax amplitude ranges and to see if these supplementary test results are consistent with the results mentioned above. To conclude, it should be emphasized that clamps used in the above high-amplitude test program were of a quite different design (geometrical characteristics and material compliance properties), and such differences may have a notable impact on the conductor fatigue performance. For any other commercially available clamp, priority should be given to information provided by the manufacturer. 3.4 SPACER AND SPACER-DAMPER CLAMPS Additional data (Van Dyke and Laneville 2005) are also available from galloping tests performed on a full-scale test line using artificial ice profiles. The test line consists of three suspension spans and two deadend spans. In one test, a S4 clamp was installed at one end of the central span where galloping was induced and a S1 clamp was installed at the other end. The adjacent spans are about of the same length for both clamps. Moreover, the two clamps were protected against aeolian vibrations by dampers located at each end of each span. Hence, both clamps were exposed to the same galloping amplitudes from the middle span as well as to the reflection of the galloping waves from the adjacent spans. During this test, the conductor was tensioned at 41% and 51% RTS depending on the weight of the D profiles installed on the conductor. During the test, the first aluminium layer of the conductor was broken under the S1 clamp. This portion of the conductor was then replaced, and the test was resumed. At the end of the test, six broken wires were found under the S1 clamp, while there was no damage under the S4 clamp, indicating a better fatigue performance of the S4 clamp over the S1 clamp. Spacers and spacer-dampers (see Chapter 5) are fitted to bundled conductors primarily to maintain the geometry of the bundle and secondarily to control wind-induced vibrations. They usually comprise a number of arms connecting a central frame to each of the subconductors by means of attachment devices or clamps, as they are identified hereafter. As a rule, spacer clamps are much less sturdy than suspension clamps. However, they may give rise to subconductor fatigue in their close vicinity, because the masses of the spacers can induce nodes at these clamps if the vibration of the subconductors is uncontrolled. Looking at Figure 3.3-6, one may wonder if high-amplitude fatigue data could simply be extrapolated from data at lower amplitude, such as those found in Figures 3.2-13a, 3.2-13b, 3.2-26, 3.2-27, and obtained with stan- Resonance bench data are shown in Figure 3.4-4. Three spacer clamp models have been tested: In order to characterize the fatigue performance of some specific spacer clamps, tests have been performed using two different types of fatigue test bench. One type is a slider-crank mechanism, in which the clamp is given a small, calibrated cyclic motion, normal to the conductor axis (Cardou et al. 1990). The other type is a resonance system, such as the one described in Appendix 3.1. In both setups, one spacer arm and its clamp are used, the other end of the arm being bolted to the bench frame. • The first clamp, identified as spacer clamp P1 (Figure 3.4-1), is made of a short, open circular half-cylinder 3-37 Chapter 3: Fatigue of Overhead Conductors EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition covered with an elastomer lining on the inner conductor side. The clamp is attached to the conductor by means of preformed helical tie rods. • The second clamp, identified as P2 (Figure 3.4-2), is a conventional metal-metal clamp fitted onto the conductor with a bolted keeper (GREMCA 2000a). • The third clamp, identified as P3 (Figure 3.4-3), is the same as the P2 clamp, except for an elastomer lining covering both the clamp and the bolted keeper (GREMCA 2000a). The conductor used with the P1 and P2 clamps was a Crow 54/7 ACSR and for the P3 clamp, it was a Curlew 54/7 ACSR. In all cases, the sag angle was 0°, and the tension was 25% of the rated tensile strength. With the P1 clamp, tests were run at a frequency of about 25 Hz, while tests with the P2 and P3 clamps were run at about 62 Hz. As already mentioned in the previous section, it may be difficult on the resonance system to keep those clamps using armor rods or elastomer linings from moving when the conductor is vibrating. In such cases, it is almost impossible to define a fixed section. The same problem may also occur with metal-metal spacer clamps in the following situations: • The clamp-arm connection is too compliant, and no stiffener can be added without drastically modifying the clamp behavior • The clamp itself, and/or the keeper, are too compliant. In order to eliminate residual vibrations on the deadend side of these clamps, the conductor is held fixed by means of a deadend clamp, as already explained in Section 3.3 for the P1 clamp tests. Figure 3.4-1 Spacer clamp P1 as assembled on the resonance bench (the conductor is held rigidly on the right side). Figure 3.4-2 Spacer clamp P2 (without deadend clamp). 3-38 In Figure 3.4-4, comparison of the data for the P2 and P3 bolted clamps shows the beneficial influence of the elastomer lining on the conductor fatigue life. As for the P1 clamp, the test amplitudes were in the range of 440 to 770 mm/s in terms of fymax, which is above the range of amplitudes applied to the P3 clamp. (These test results are also shown in Figure 3.3-7 [GREMCA 2005a]). Even if the set of points relevant to each clamp shows a consistent trend, extrapolation of the results from one range to another is questionable. Thus, more tests should be carried out in order to have a significant overlap between the corresponding amplitude ranges. It should also be noted that, in all these fatigue tests with Figure 3.4-3 Spacer clamp P3 (without deadend clamp). EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition Chapter 3: Fatigue of Overhead Conductors Figure 3.4-5 Spacer clamp fatigue test data (resonance test bench). the P1 and P3 clamps, except for barely visible wire marks, no sign of degradation of the lining was observed. In fact, no particular effort was made to characterize the changes in the elastomer lining surface conditions with respect, say, to cycling frequency. However, and in spite of the apparent lack of degradation, a new lining was used in each test. The slider-crank bench data are shown in Figure 3.4-7 in terms of Yb bending amplitude, as the (fymax) parameter does not apply here. The conductor was the 48/7 Bersfort ACSR, the sag angle of conductor was 0°, and the tension was 25% of the rated tensile strength. Tests were run at a 10-Hz frequency. The results of four series of tests are shown: Figure 3.4-6 Spacer clamp P4 (without elastomer cushions). • In the first test series, a clamp differing slightly from the previous P1 was used. It is identified here as P1b (GREMCA 1988, 1989). • The clamp used in the second test series is identified as P4 (Figure 3.4-5); it is made of two hinged halfcylindrical shells, confining complete elastomer cushions (GREMCA 1991). The locking system between the shells may be adjusted to yield more or less pressure on the conductor. The P4 series corresponds to a lower pressure. • The third test series used the same P4 clamp, but a higher locking pressure was applied. The corresponding data are identified as P4b (GREMCA 1991). • The fourth test series, identified as B1, uses a square- Figure 3.4-7 Square-faced bolted aluminum bushing B1. faced bolted aluminum bushing having a small-radius chamfer at the exit (GREMCA 1988, 1989) (Figure 3.4-6). 3-39 Chapter 3: Fatigue of Overhead Conductors EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition Figure 3.4-8 Spacer clamp fatigue test data (slider-crank test bench). From Figure 3.4-7, it is seen that clamps with an elastomer lining (P1b, P4, P4b clamps) yield a slightly better performance than the bare-metal B1 clamp. The good performance of the P1b clamp should be noted. However, the rather crude metal-metal B1 design could probably be improved to provide a fatigue performance equivalent to the lined clamps. As for the elastomer lining behavior, the same remarks made above for the P2 and P3 clamps still apply, that is, practically no degradation is observed, except for small wire marks. 3.5 SPECTRUM LOADING AND CUMULATIVE DAMAGE Up to this point, the fatigue strength of conductorclamp systems was obtained through tests using constant amplitude cycling; Sections 3.2, 3.3, and 3.4 provide the corresponding fatigue properties for several conductor-clamp combinations, under constant amplitudes typical of aeolian vibration and even higher amplitudes such as those found in galloping conductors. Such fatigue test data are shown in fatigue diagrams similar to a material S/N diagram. Most of them indicate that there exists an endurance limit below which wire breaks may possibly only occur at very high numbers of cycles. Since it is not practical to test for very long lives, the endurance limit is generally based on a 500-Mc life without a wire break. Since actual conductors undergo variable amplitude vibrations, one may wonder how such constant amplitude tests may be of any use to assess their reliability and “life expectancy.” Indeed vibration amplitude can 3-40 be recorded only at a few suspension clamps on a given transmission line; it is impossible to assess the exact vibration conditions at all suspension clamps, and thus the true fatigue loading of that line. Using a “fictitious line” concept, Rawlins (2004) showed how such constant amplitude test data could be applied, provided the data are statistically sound. To go from the constant to the variable amplitude situation, the usual approach is to use a “cumulative damage law.” Rigorously, such a law would have to take into account, not only the load cycle amplitudes, but also the order—that is, the sequence—in which these cycles occur. The simplest cumulative damage law is the PalmgrenMiner law, also referred to, for brevity, as Miner’s rule. Assuming a conductor specimen to be subjected to k stress amplitude levels σi, this rule consists of calculating an equivalent damage parameter D as follows: k ni i=1 N i D=∑ 3.5-1 Where ni is number of cycles at stress amplitude σi. Ni is number of cycles to failure if the specimen was subjected to constant amplitude level σi; Ni is obtained from the S/N diagram of the material being tested According to Miner’s rule, failure occurs when D = Df = 1 (Df being the value of D at failure), which should be satisfied when only one load level (k = 1) is applied. However, Miner’s rule has the following two limitations: EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition • It is independent of the cycle sequence (the load history). • Stress levels below the endurance limit of the material do not contribute any cycle ratio ni / Ni in the calculation of D (Ni being infinite). Tests have shown the shortcomings of Miner’s rule (Schütz and Heuler 2000), and many improved cumulative damage laws have been proposed (Schütz and Heuler 2000). In spite of its limitations, Miner’s rule is widely used because of its simplicity. Its validity for conductor fatigue has been tested to some extent. Details of several test programs with the corresponding results can be found in (EPRI 1987; Cardou et al. 2002; GREMCA 2002, 2006b; Goudreau et al. 2003, 2005; Lévesque 2005; and Luc 2006). Its use has also been recommended in (CIGRE 1979), where it is recognized that the critical value Df may vary from 0.5 to 2. 3.6 TESTS AND INSPECTIONS Four general procedures are available that are suitable for assessing the likelihood of the occurrence of damage from conductor fatigue serious enough to threaten the security of a line during its economic life. The different procedures have strengths and weaknesses that help determine when each is appropriate. The procedures are: • • • • Recording vibration of the line Visual inspection of the conductor surface Radiographic inspection Electro-magnetic-acoustic transducers (still in development). The need to apply one of these procedures may be indicated by certain “early warnings.” 3.6.1 Early Warnings Several types of information can indicate that the safety of an existing line should be questioned due to possible damage caused by fatigue. One source of information is past experience with lines in the same location. If a line of similar design is located in an area where damage has not been experienced previously, then that line is almost certainly safe. If it is in an area where damage has been experienced, then it may or may not be in danger, depending primarily upon local terrain conditions, and an investigation may be appropriate. Another source of early-warning information is reports by line patrols of visible vibration of the line. A line may display amplitudes large enough to be visible even from Chapter 3: Fatigue of Overhead Conductors the ground, especially at the low frequencies that occur in light winds. Mere visibility does not indicate danger to the line. A rough measure of the potential for damage can be obtained, however, if the frequency of the observed vibration can be inferred from the wind velocity or from observed loop lengths, and multiplied by the observed free loop amplitude to obtain fymax. Reference to Table 3.2-3 can then permit a quite approximate estimate of whether dangerous amplitudes are being experienced. The fact that the fymax endurance limits of Table 3.2-3 pertain to conductors supported by rigid clamps tends to exaggerate the estimate of danger, especially where armor rods are the sole means of vibration protection in the line. The fact that the observed fy max is based upon spot observations tends to cause underestimates of danger. Evidence of possibly damaging vibration sometimes appears in components of the line other than the conductor. Loss of cotter pins, loosening of tower bolts, fatigue of redundant tower members, dampers slipped from their original position, and loss of damper weights are among warning signs. Damper weights are dropped more often as a result of galloping or aeolian vibration of conductors when they are covered with hoarfrost. 3.6.2 Measurement of Vibration Intensity Testing methods described in Chapter 2 may be employed to determine the levels of bending amplitude that occur in a line. The estimated endurance limits given in Section 3.2 may then be used to estimate whether fatigue of strands in the conductor may eventually occur. This procedure has one major advantage. It permits an assessment of the likelihood of damage before any damage has occurred. The procedure may be applied any time after the line is sagged and clipped. It affords the greatest lead time during which any needed remedial action may be decided and scheduled. The procedure has several disadvantages. First, it may be economically applied only at a limited number of points in the line. There is considerable dispersion in the vibration activity among the spans of most lines. There is thus a risk that the most active span will not be among those tested, and that the “weak link” in the line will be overlooked. Judgment and experience are important in minimizing this risk. The second disadvantage is that the wind and temperature conditions that cause the most severe vibration will not always occur during the period of recording. For example, in a study of a series of two-week recording 3-41 Chapter 3: Fatigue of Overhead Conductors EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition periods on a 230-kV line in North Dakota, Poffenberger and Komenda found considerable variation in the maximum alternating stress σ a recorded period-to-period (Poffenberger and Komenda 1971). The average of these maxima over 24 two-week periods was 10.3 MPa (1.49 ksi), as calculated from Yb using Equation 3.2-15. However, the maxima ranged from 7.7 to 15.2 MPa (1.12 to 2.17 ksi) over the 24 periods, with standard deviation of 2.2 MPa (0.33 ksi). A similar evaluation reported by Rawlins illustrates the seasonal variation of maximum Yb during 15 successive two-week recording periods, as shown in Figure 3.6-1 (Rawlins 1971). Judgment and experience are required in deciding when and for how long to conduct field measurements. The test period should be representative of the conditions causing the effects to be evaluated.In many instances, a measuring period of three months is sufficient to obtain results that are statistically meaningful. In areas where seasonal conditions change significantly (e.g., high/low temperatures, changing ground surface due to cultivation, snow/ice, etc.), then measurements should include these differing conditions (CIGRE 1995). Each of these disadvantages affects the precision involved in comparison of actual vibration amplitude with that which can initiate failure of a conductor. The smaller the measured amplitude is with respect to the estimated endurance limit, the more confidently the future safety of the line can be viewed. Prolonged recordings on ACSR and single-layer ground wires at selected line locations may permit reasonable confidence in the long-term safety of a line, when maximum recorded amplitudes are only about 20% (EPRI 1979) below the estimated endurance limit of ACSR given in Section 3.2. The other significant disadvantage of vibration measurement as a means for assessing likelihood of fatigue failures is the limited precision of the estimated endurance limits that must be used in interpreting the measurements. That precision is probably great enough in the case of ACSR, for example, that errors associated with estimation of its endurance limit are small compared with those likely to arise from choice of test location in the line, or choice of test period. The confidence that can be assigned the estimated endurance limits for some other conductors, such as ACAR and multilayer steel and Alumoweld, is substantially less, and that lower confidence must reflect upon the reliability assumed for this procedure, where those conductors are involved. • No cycles may exceed two times the endurance limit. When some recorded amplitudes are above the endurance limit, the revised version of the IEEE 1966 “Standardization of Conductor Vibration Measurements” (draft 20.0, June 2005) proposes a “widely used empirical set of criteria”: • The bending amplitude may exceed the endurance limit for no more than 5% of total cycles. • No more that 1% of the cycles may exceed 1.5 times the endurance limit. This view is supported by the authors of (CIGRE 2006) where it is stated that: “The evaluation of the conductor fatigue danger based strictly on the maximum allowable bending amplitude corresponding to the “endurance limit” may be considered excessively cautious. In fact, these limits can be exceeded up to a certain level and for a limited number of times with no practical effect on the conductor integrity. To reduce the severity of the method, some concessions are granted.” For other conductor types, however, some margin of safety is appropriate. No general rules can be given. Study of data contained in (Poffenberger and Komenda 1971; Ruhlman and Poffenberger 1957), and the data of Section 3.2 is useful in dealing with this problem. 3.6.3 Visual Inspections In all but a few cases, a climbing inspection is required to detect fatigue of outer-surface strands or of armor rods or Armor Grips. Reliability of detection for unarmored conductors is about doubled if the conductor can be bare-handed. Fully reliable inspection requires that the conductor be lifted from the clamp. If armor is present, it must be laid back, after the clamp has been removed. If the clamp cannot be removed, the keeper should be. Figure 3.6-1 Maximum bending amplitudes recorded during 15 successive two-week periods. 477 kcmil ACSR (26/7) in a 457 m span (Rawlins 1971). 3-42 Visual inspection has several advantages. First, it lends itself to wholesale inspection of support points more EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition readily than the other procedures. Second, the condition of the conductor reflects all of its service to date, not merely a sample acquired during a limited recording period. Third, it provides information that is useful in deciding which corrective measures are appropriate, tower-by-tower. In fact, if a repair policy has been formulated, it is often possible to carry it out concurrent with the inspection. There are several disadvantages. First, the cost of the procedure is generally high, and it entails an extended period of scheduled outages. Second, information on the extent of damage is incomplete and somewhat speculative relative to damage to inner layers, since only the outer layer can be thoroughly inspected. Finally, the most useful inspections require fortuitous timing. The period between first appearance of visible damage and the first serious threat to the line's integrity due to extensive damage may be viewed as an inspection “window.” An inspection is most valuable when it falls near the beginning of this window. If no damage is found, reliable operation of the line extends at least for the duration of the window. If damage is found, the full period of the window is available for taking corrective action. The duration of this window is not known, but it certainly is influenced by the likelihood of core annealing by line current, and by whether or not the conductor is armored. It is thought to vary from two to ten times the period of service preceding the first occurrence of fatigue in the outer layer. Chapter 3: Fatigue of Overhead Conductors splice. The outer aluminum sleeve (arrow 1) should be centered over the steel-core splice (arrow 2). Radiographic inspections are normally conducted by companies having special capabilities in that area. This type of inspection has several advantages. First, it is capable of revealing damage that would not be detected by visual inspection: failures of inner-layer strands. As noted in Section 3.1, inner- layer failure may precede outer-layer failure by a substantial margin in some lines. In those lines, use of radiographic inspection moves the leading edge of the inspection window forward, thereby improving the chances of early detection of danger to the line. The opportunity to use the most economical remedial measures is less likely to have been foreclosed in such a case. Another advantage of radiographic inspection is the opportunity, in many cases, to conduct the inspection with the line energized. Figure 3.6-3 shows such an inspection in progress. Figure 3.6-2 Radiograph of a conductor splice. (Courtesy Preformed Line Products). The actual timing of visual inspections is determined in almost all cases by evidence that the line is experiencing excessive levels of vibration. The evidence may be chance discovery of damage in the line or in a similar line, records of high bending amplitudes from a test at some location in the line, or line crew reports of visual observations of excessive vibration. The timing of the inspection may be viewed as fortunate if this evidence comes to light early in the inspection window, when damage is still small. 3.6.4 Radiographic Inspections Radiographic inspections (Ruhlman and Poffenberger 1957; Elton 1961; Broschat and Sherman 1967) may be made using X-ray or gamma-ray sources, and have been successfully conducted on energized lines (Elton and Batiste 1965). A sample X-ray of a splice is shown in Figure 3.6-2 (Elton 1961). The splice inspection made on an energized line revealed an incorrectly applied Figure 3.6-3 Radiographic inspection procedure (Courtesy Preformed Line Products). 3-43 Chapter 3: Fatigue of Overhead Conductors EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition Finally, as with visual inspection, the condition of the conductor reflects all of its service, not merely that occurring during a limited period of recording. There are three important disadvantages. First, the cost is too great to permit inspection of large numbers of supports. Second, processing of films introduces a time lag between their exposure and actual detection of damage. Unless films are processed and read in the field, inspection and repair cannot be done concurrently. Finally, failure detection is not completely reliable, due to the difficulty of interpreting the radiographs. Failures are sometimes overlooked. In other cases, films indicate failures that, in fact, are not present. 3.6.5 Electro-magneto-acoustic Transducers (EMAT) Figure 3.6-4 Signature of sound waves traveling on a conductor, with healthy strands and with broken strands. More recently special efforts have been focused on the feasibility of developing portable, nondestructive monitoring and health assessment systems for live line applications. In 1997, the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) undertook the development of a device to identify broken conductor strands for Tri-State Generation and Transmission, Electricité de France, Western Area Power Administration, and Nebraska Public Power District. Working through a research group from the School of Engineering and Computer Science of Denver University (Shoureshi et al. 2004), the project constructed a prototype of the Electro-magneto-acoustic transducer (EMAT) device. It was then tested in the laboratory under simulated environment. The concept of the device is based on the notion that the shape of reflected sound waves traveling downward a conductor with healthy conductor strands is different from that with broken conductor strands (Figure 3.6-4). Since then, the device has been validated from extensive field data collected from the above utilities as well as Southern Company, Tennessee Valley Authority, and New York Power Authority. The EMAT device generates, transmits, and receives electromagnetic waves that allow the lineman to readily identify broken strands under a suspension clamp while the line is energized. In addition to detecting broken conductor strands, the technology can be extended to detect conductor corrosion and poorly installed conductor splices. A picture of the EMAT device is shown in Figure 3.6-5. A similar approach was reported by a research group of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan (Rao et al. 2001). In their case the device uses eddy currents to examine the aluminum strands and the 3-44 Figure 3.6-5 Prototype Electro-magneto-acoustic transducer (EMAT) device for detecting broken conductor strands. magnetic flux leakage (MFL) to test the steel core. This transducer also relies on signature analysis techniques to interpret its results. 3.6.6 Discussion Generally speaking, the above procedures are applied only when existing evidence (or lack of it) raises a question with regard to vulnerability of a line or span to fatigue caused by aeolian vibration. The urgency of that evidence tends to determine which procedure is viewed as most appropriate in any particular case. Recording vibration amplitude is preferred when the evidence is speculative, or when the line has been in operation for only a short time. Radiographic inspection appears to be favored for intermediate levels of urgency, perhaps in response to results of vibration recordings indicating large bending amplitudes. Visual inspection is appropriate when there is strong or specific evidence that damage EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition has occurred. Such evidence may stem from radiographic inspections or from discovery of actual damage in the line or in a similar line. When there is a fracture, the immediate priority is to repair or replace the conductor, damper, or other hardware on a like-for-like basis. The broken conductor or hardware needs to be preserved and labeled for further inspection and analysis to interpret the failure. 3.7 REMEDIAL MEASURES Remedial measures include repairs of damage already experienced and changes in vibration arrangements. Conductor damage may be repaired by addition of suitably chosen armor rods, or by cutting out the damaged area and splicing in a segment of new conductor. In certain cases, armor rods or compression repair sleeves are placed over damaged areas, and the conductor is shifted several meters along the line to bring undamaged conductor into the supporting clamps. The extent of damage that may be repaired using particular armor rod or compression sleeve devices may be determined through enquiry directed to their suppliers. Control of the vibration that occurs may be improved through reductions in conductor tensions, if clearances permit; through addition of vibration dampers; by substitution of damping spacers for non-damping types; or by replacing conventional conductor with self-damping conductor. Ordinarily, one of these steps must be taken if fatigue has already been experienced, or is anticipated. Exceptions occur when the extent of damage is small and the line is scheduled for retirement or reconductoring in a few years. Timeliness in taking remedial action can have a strong influence upon the cost involved, since the cost of repair increases rapidly with the extent of damage. For example, it may be sufficient to apply or retain standard armor rods over conductor having a few broken strands, and to prevent continued breakage, except where cracks have already formed, by reducing vibration levels experienced through application of dampers. Laboratory HI-LO fatigue tests bear on this procedure (Silva 1976; EPRI 1981; EPRI 1987), which consists in cycling at high amplitude until one or more strand failures are obtained, then reducing sharply the amplitude, generally below the endurance limit, and continuing the fatigue test up to a predetermined number of cycles, unless a maximum number of new strand failures is observed. Chapter 3: Fatigue of Overhead Conductors Silva tested 795 kcmil ACSR (45/7) supported by a rigid suspension clamp and tensioned at 26% of rated strength (Silva 1976). In one test the conductor was vibrated at Yb of 0.61 mm until one strand broke at 1.7 million cycles. Y b was then reduced to 0.18 mm, or about 70% of the estimated endurance limit given in Table 3.2-4, and vibration was continued for another 30.3 million cycles. No further failures occurred, and none were discovered in subsequent visual inspection. In a second test, vibration at 0.61 mm was maintained until, at 5 million cycles, four strand failures had accumulated. Bending amplitude was then again reduced to 0.18 mm, and vibration continued for an additional 29 million cycles. Three additional strands failed after 9, 10, and 11 million additional cycles, respectively, but none failed thereafter, nor were cracked strands discovered when the sample was dismantled. The three breaks that occurred after amplitude was reduced are thought to have resulted from cracks that were formed prior to the amplitude reduction. Similar HI-LO tests on three different ACSRs (EPRI 1981) and one ACAR (EPRI 1987) are found in the EPRI reports yielding similar results. These tests suggest that, where damage is slight, and effective damping can be applied, armoring of the damaged areas can be foregone. In a majority of cases the damage is not discovered at such an early stage, and repair, in the form of armoring, is required, along with addition or improvement of damping. In a significant number of cases, damage had progressed to the point where splicing of new conductor is required at some supports. Attentiveness to early warnings, and use of vibration recording appear to be the best defense against such experience, even if their use to obtain a complete overhead line damage evaluation is still quite limited (Rawlins 2004). 3.8 HIGHLIGHTS • Causes of Fatigue Strand Breakages. Fatigue of conductor strands occurs at points where the conductor is constrained against its motion. Most of the reported cases have been related to conductor motion due to aeolian vibrations. However, more recent work indicates some possibility of fatigue strand breakages in presence of galloping. • Location of Fatigue Strand Breakages. At suspension clamps in most cases. However, due attention must also be given in particular to spacer, damper clamps and to marker ball clamps. • Evaluation of Lines. Sections of lines can be evaluated for their susceptibility to fatigue of conductors by evaluation of the likelihood of conductor motion, when at the design stage of the line. For lines in ser- 3-45 Chapter 3: Fatigue of Overhead Conductors EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition vice, vibration recorders can be installed to monitor conductor motions in sections of a line exposed to favorable wind conditions favorable to aeolian vibrations. • Acceptable Limits of Conductor Motion. Several measures of vibration intensity have been employed (Section 3.2). The bending amplitude, Yb, offers the advantage of being practical both for in situ and laboratory measurements. S/N curves (Section 3.2) and Table 3.2-4 are available to analyze the most common cases of ACSR conductors supported in short metallic clamps with keepers. For those cases it is possible to establish the degree of severity of conductor motion with respect to the fatigue breakages of conductor strands. Extrapolation of these results to other cases must be done with caution, and the advice of manufacturers is highly recommended. Table 3.2-3 reviews endurance limits for various types of conductors and ground wires, both in SI and English units. Laboratory results mostly relate to tests carried out at constant amplitudes. When S/N curves are available, it is possible to determine an endurance limit applicable to the cases studied. On actual lines, the conductor motion is not of constant amplitude. The systematic use of the endurance limit as the maximum value acceptable represents a safe design choice but could imply an unnecessary margin of overdesign. An exact and complete analysis of this aspect is yet to come. Some empirical solutions are proposed in Section 3.6.2. • Mechanics of the Phenomenon. In order to correctly apply the results presented in this chapter, it is important to carefully read Section 3.2.1. All fatigue breaks of conductor strands originate at strand contacts where fretting has occurred, implying a fretting fatigue situation. Further analytical considerations are presented in Chapter 2, Section 2.6. • Detection of Fatigue Breaks on Actual Lines. Detection of fatigue breaks is an important subject for the transmission line engineer responsible for the integrity of a line. Sections 3.6.3, 3.6.4, and 3.6.5 review that aspect. New developments, under way, show promise. APPENDIX 3.1 LABORATORY DETERMINATION OF FATIGUE ENDURANCE CAPABILITY Background Either at the design stage or for an evaluation of the residual life of a line, there is a need to relate the potential level of vibration of an overhead conductor to the likelihood of fatigue of its strands. For an endurance assessment, as well as for an improvement of clamp design, fatigue tests are advantageous. The exact modelling of the actual system and of the field conditions is a complicated matter. The failures originate at interlayer strand contacts or at contacts between the outer strands and the line accessories where conditions for fretting are present. The definition of a more appropriate model than the one presently proposed (Section 3.2.2) to represent the actual phenomenon remains to be completed. Thus, it is still necessary to note not only that fatigue characteristics of conductors must be determined by fatigue tests of conductors themselves (EPRI 1979), but also that these tests should be conducted with clamps having similar characteristics to those of the conductor/clamp system being characterized. A guide for endurance tests of conductors inside clamps was prepared by CIGRE WG 22-04 (1985) where it is stated that to arrive at comparable results in different laboratories an agreement on important test parameters and on an uniform method is necessary. Laboratory Conditions Different systems have been developed to simulate conductor motion (Monroe and Templin 1932; Elton et al. 1959; Philips et al. 1972; Goudreau et al. 2003), each presenting specific advantages. However, a test bench of the resonance type imposing a conductor motion in a vertical plane should be preferred. It is important indeed to reproduce as closely as possible the actual situation and to be able to control the parameters evaluated in the tests. Thus only this approach will be described in detail, applied to the case of a conductor supported in a “standard” metallic clamp, normally a short clamp. The limitations of that approach relate to the ability to reproduce the actual conditions experienced by the conductor, the clamp supports, and the range of bending amplitudes associated with the phenomenon reproduced. Figures A3.1-1 and A3.1-2 show a typical installation of a resonance type test bench. The active length of the conductor specimen must be long enough—at least 5 m between the clamp and the point of excitation—to ensure a good distribution of the load within the strands at the test end where the clamp is held. It is placed in a position to reproduce the static bending angle of the conductor. Typically, this angle is 5° to 10° for suspen- 3-46 EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition sion clamps, and 0° for spacer clamps. The length of the conductor specimen is chosen to ensure that the length of the clamp is still small relative to the wave length induced. The minimum distance between the clamp under test and the back deadend of the conductor should be at least 2 m, again to ensure an adequately uniform load distribution in the conductor strands. That section of the conductor experiences no motion. Although suspension clamps in actual lines are generally free to rock, holding the clamp in a fixed position results in a simpler test procedure, because it eliminates the difficulties associated with the dynamic response of a rocking clamp and the ensuing complex motion that remains to be adequately interpreted (Cardou et al. 1990). Of course, the transverse pressure between the clamp keeper and the conductor should be evaluated by a proper measuring device and controlled during the tests. Chapter 3: Fatigue of Overhead Conductors At the other end of the test bench, a load is applied through some tensioning device. The load is held constant within ±2.5% during the test. The load may be applied in different ways, such as dead weight loading with a cantilever, hydraulic piston, or with a pneumatic tensioning device, as shown in Figure A3.1-1. It is advisable to introduce a dynamometer to be able to continuously monitor the tension applied or to have its value checked periodically. It also simplifies the process for the initial setting. The tension level in the conductor should be representative of the actual prevailing line conditions, in order to induce a somewhat similar mean static stress in the system (CIGRE SC22 WG04, 1985). However, according to results reported in (EPRI 1979), this parameter apparently has little effect on the fatigue test data, given a conductor and its supporting clamp. It is noteworthy to add, though, that it is a question that is not yet settled. An attempt was made to include the conductor tension as a conductor fatigue parameter (Cardou et al. 1990). The large scatter of test results makes it difficult to arrive at a conclusive statement. The actual Figure A3.1-1 Resonance fatigue test bench (GREMCA 2005a). Figure A3.1-2 Resonance Fatigue Test benches (GREMCA) 3-47 Chapter 3: Fatigue of Overhead Conductors EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition knowledge of the fretting phenomenon and of the conditions of contact favoring microwelds and crack initiation, however, warrants the requirement for adequate control of a constant tension during a test campaign. An electrodynamic shaker is a good choice as a device to impose conductor vibration in the system because of characteristics well suited for such tests, particularly when they last for several months. Most tests are carried out at constant amplitude and frequency. A frequency in the range of 10 to 50 Hz best fits the field experience and thus simulation of the actual field conditions. But it is optional. However, one should avoid much higher frequencies to avoid strong possibilities of altering the interlayer strand contact conditions responsible for the initiation of the microcracks and their propagation leading to strand failures. Fretting fatigue is a contact phenomenon resulting in wear, as seen in the areas where cracks are initiated. Wear produces debris, which can modify the tribological conditions, and is a function of the sliding velocity at the contact, and hence of the frequency of excitation. In fatigue tests it is important to try to reproduce as closely as possible the actual conditions. Frequencies normally chosen, within that range, are those corresponding to a resonant mode of the tautconductor system. It makes it easier to achieve constant amplitude conductor vibration for long-duration tests. Test Parameters In such tests, the fatigue life of the conductor must be determined as a function of some measure of vibration intensity. The stresses or stress combinations that would characterize the conditions favoring strand failures are not easily accessible to direct measurement. Several measures of vibration have been employed, as previously mentioned in Section 3.2: vibration bending angle β, dynamic strain in an outer-layer strand in the vicinity of the clamp, free-loop amplitude of vibration ymax, and bending amplitude Yb (amplitude of conductor motion relative to clamp at 89 mm from the last point of conductor/clamp contact). Bending amplitude Yb is the most widely used parameter for measurement of vibration in the field (see Chapter 2), and it is recommended to use it as well in laboratory tests to avoid the necessity of converting this bending amplitude into any of the other parameters. That conversion depends strongly on the proper choice of the bending stiffness of the actual conductor (EPRI 1979). However, it is advisable to also measure the free loop amplitude ymax to facilitate the correlation of the test results of conductors supported with clamps of different configuration and also to permit their use in establishing an endurance limit for a range of conductor 3-48 sizes. However, results from tests on one conductor size are not necessarily applicable to all the others of the same size. Two conductors of similar size but of different geometry e.g., two layers of coarse strands as compared to three layers of finer strands, could lead to different fatigue curves (Section 3.2, Fatigue Characteristics of ACSR). The concept that there is some idealized strain or stress that can be calculated from vibration amplitude and that correlates well enough with conductor fatigue life has given the engineer a useful tool to overcome the complexity of the problem and find results that are reliable enough to be usefully applied. The number of cycles to failure N generally refers to failure of the first strand (EPRI 1979). However, in (CIGRE SC22 WG04 1985), one reads that “three broken wires or 10% of the aluminium wires – whatever is smaller – should be used as the damage criterion in respect of the relationship between the stress amplitude and the number of cycles.” In practice it is not a problem, suffice to indicate clearly to what situation one refers to when reporting test results. Due consideration should be given to that point when comparing results from different laboratories. Detection of failures by periodic visual inspection of the conductor outer surface was made in some early tests. It is well established that failures often occur at inner-layer strands, so that this practice is certainly not preferred. The strand failure detector is a solution to this problem. A simple method developed at Alcoa Laboratories (Silva 1976) has been extensively used (Cardou et al. 1994). It consists of a small arm attached to the conductor in order to amplify its relaxation in torsion when a strand failure occurs. The rotational motion of the arm is detected by any suitable sensor (LVDT [Linear Variable Differential Transformer], proximity sensor, optical sensor), and it results in a step signal that may be associated with N, the number of cycles applied. Tests conducted until three and more strand failures have occurred are providing much more useful information, taking into account the inherent scatter of such test results (Hardy and Leblond 2001). Tests should be carried out with different values of the vibration parameters to obtain fatigue endurance curves (similar to the so-called S/N curves or Wöhler curves for a material). Those curves also provide a value for the endurance limit, an amplitude of bending below which a particular clamp-conductor combination will endure almost indefinitely. The endurance limit is defined, as currently accepted for aluminum, as the highest amplitude with no break at 500 Mc. In practice a test is inter- EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition rupted when N failures are observed, it is a choice left to the laboratory responsible of the tests as stated above, or else when 500 Mc are reached. Because of the scatter of fatigue data, three tests per level of vibration amplitude should be considered as a minimum, and four amplitude levels are barely enough to define the fatigue diagram with sufficient accuracy. A good example of a completed S/N diagram for one “ACSR Conductor – short metallic suspension clamp” system is represented by the data of the ACSR Crow conductor (34 points including five 500 Mc run-out points) in Figure 3.2-13b. Analysis of Results After completion of a test, the clamp region of the conductor should be submitted to a dissection process that will permit correlating the strand failures observed with those indicated by the strand failure detector and to produce a map of the failures in the transverse plane as well as in the longitudinal plane (the position of the failure relative to the clamp support). This information is very helpful to improve our comprehension of the complex mechanism responsible for conductor fatigue. In several instances laboratories conducting such tests will further their analysis by a closer examination of the interlayer strand contact area where fretting occurred. This is particularly useful when tests are performed to compare or improve the design of clamps and to evaluate the use of lining materials. The most common form to present conductor fatigue test results is the semilogarithmic fatigue endurance curve mentioned previously as the S/N curve. It is possible to superpose, on the same graph, points indicating the first, second, third, and k th strand failures for a series of tests. It then shows the dispersion of the results and certain particular anomalies when, for instance, an early first failure occurs but is not followed by a second one within the 500-Mc duration of the test. To assist in the interpretation of available data on fatigue endurance of certain conductor/clamp system, a statistical analysis (Hardy and Leblond 2001) was presented that led to the determination of various S/N curves on a sound probabilistic basis (see Appendix 3.2). Fatigue Testing with Other Supporting Devices It is indeed important to be able to use the database available for the evaluation of the performance of “standard” metallic clamps when evaluating the performance of special supporting devices. The temptation to rapidly define an “equivalent” Yb is strong but not necessarily easy. To illustrate the point, let us consider the evaluation of the fatigue endurance characteristics of a special clamp lined with a resilient material between the clamp itself and the conductor. One can see easily that the “last point of contact” between the Chapter 3: Fatigue of Overhead Conductors supporting clamp and the conductor defined to establish a reference length (89 mm) at which one measures the bending amplitude Yb does not exist in the way that it was defined for the standard case of a conductor supported in a short metallic clamp. Moreover, the resilient lining supporting the conductor is likely to affect the profile of deformation of the conductor being flexed and hence the conditions of fretting fatigue. The analysis of such cases requires specific tests that will respect conditions such as the appropriate modelling of the actual situation on the line and the choice of test parameters that could be related to the situation in the field. To compare the performance of these special supports to the one of standard metallic clamps, the fymax vibration parameter is likely to be the best choice. Some special supporting devices use armor rods, which give a longer equivalent contact length of the conductor with the support. This point has to be taken into consideration when designing a test bench for those devices. An active length of 7 m was indicated as a typical value in Figure A3.1-1. It is possible that the length of any special support (e.g. armor rods) imposes a longer active length to satisfy the requirement of a minimum of 5 m between the “support” and the point of excitation at the shaker. APPENDIX 3.2 A STATISTICAL ANALYSIS OF FATIGUE DATA Hardy and Leblond (2001) have presented the following statistical analysis of conductor fatigue test data. A detailed account of the formulas may be found in any elementary book on statistics and, in particular, in the (ASTM 1963) publication. Each data point corresponds to first strand failure at Ni cycles, the alternating stress σa,i being a PoffenbergerSwart stress calculated with Equation 3.2-14 or 3.2-15. A mean life curve is calculated using the so-called Strohmeyer relationship: ⎛ A⎞ σa = σd + ⎜ ⎟ ⎝ N ⎠ C A3.2-1 where σd corresponds to the endurance limit, if it exists, and A and C are constants to be estimated. Ñ is assumed to be the mean life at stress level σa. Equation A3.2-1 may also be written in the form: ln( N ) = a + b ln(σa − σd ) A3.2-2 where a = ln (A) and b = -1/C. These constants are estimated using the least squares method on a linear-log scale. 3-49 Chapter 3: Fatigue of Overhead Conductors EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition Figure A3.2-1 Multi-layer ACSR conductors. It is assumed that all observed fatigue lives N i for a given class of conductors follow a log-normal distribution centered around the predicted life Ñ1 corresponding to the applied Poffenberger-Swart stress σ a,i . The standard deviation, s, is then given by: ∑ ⎡⎣ln( N ) − ln( N )⎤⎦ s= i 2 i n−2 A3.2-3 where n is the number of data points. Safe Limit Line At alternating stress level σa, one may determine the number of cycles Ñα that corresponds to a probability of failure α (5%, for example). It is given by the following expression: ln( N α ) = a + b ln(σa − σ d ) − stα ,n − 2 A3.2-4 where the term tα,n-2 is the αth quantile in the student’s t distribution with (n - 2) degrees of freedom. Application This analysis has been applied to the test data shown in Figure 2-25 of (EPRI 1979), which correspond mostly to the (Alcoa 1979) data of this chapter. Data for singlelayer and multiple-layer have been treated separately. 3-50 First, it has been found by Hardy and Leblond that a best fit for Equation A3.2-1 was obtained by taking σd = 0—that is, no endurance limit. With their own published figures, the resulting log mean curves have been redrawn in Figure A3.2-1 (multilayer ACSR conductors) and Figure A3.2-2 (single-layer ACSR conductors). Also shown in each case are the 95% survival probability Safe Limit Line, as well as the CIGRE Safe Border Line given by Equations 3.2-16 and 3.2-17. As noted in Section 3.2.6 (Safe Border Line Method), for multilayer ACSR conductors, the Safe Border Line is found to lie above the 95% Safe Limit Line. For single-layer ACSR conductors, it is found to lie well below that line. In order to compare with endurance limits suggested in Section 3.2.6 (8.5 MPa for multilayer and 22. 5 MPa for single-layer ACSR conductors), one can use the 95% Safe Limit Lines shown in Figures A3.2-1 and A3.2-2 for a 500-Mc life. They yield 6.5 MPa and 20.2 MPa, respectively. On the other hand, the 95% Safe Limit Lines intersect the 8.5 MPa and 22.5 MPa levels at about 125 Mc and 245 Mc, respectively. Thus, if it is considered that these Safe Limit Lines are too conservative at longer lives, it could be considered to replace them with composite lines having a horizontal plateau beyond these values of N. EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition Chapter 3: Fatigue of Overhead Conductors Figure A3.2-2 Single-layer ACSR conductors. REFERENCES Alcoa. 1961. “Overhead Conductor Vibration.” Aluminum Company of America. Alcoa. 1979. Data courtesy Alcoa Laboratories. ASTM. 1963. “A Guide for Fatigue Testing and the Statistical Analysis of Fatigue Data” ASTM STP 91A. American Society for Testing and Materials. West Conshohocken, PA. Bolser, M. O. and E. L. Kanouse. 1948. “Type HH Cable in Vibration and Bending.” CIGRE Report 215. Broschat, M. and T. E. Sherman. 1967. “Neoprene Cushion May Answer Conductor Fatigue Problems” Electric Light and Power. December. Cardou, A., L. Cloutier, J. Lanteigne, and P. M’Boup. 1990. “Fatigue Strength Characterization of ACSR Electrical Conductors at Suspension Clamps.” Electric Power Systems Research. Vol. 19. pp. 61-71. Cardou, A., A. Leblond, S. Goudreau, and L. Cloutier. 1994 “Electrical Conductor Bending Fatigue at Suspension Clamp: A Fretting Fatigue Problem.” In: R.W. Waterhouse and T.C. Lindley, Eds. Fretting Fatigue. Sheffield, U.K. Mechanical Engineering Publications. pp. 257-266. Cardou A., L. Cloutier, and S. 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It includes an overview on the phenomenon, with information on its characteristics, types of galloping, damage resulting from it, and causes. The chapter also covers the mechanisms of galloping and reviews protection methods. Professor J. L. Lilien, Ph.D., is the head of the unit Transmission and Distribution of Electrical Energy at the Montefiore Institute of Technology, University of Liège, Belgium. He has more than 30 years experience solving the electrical and mechanical engineering problems of power systems. His work involves analysis of problems in “cable dynamics” in general and on overhead power lines in particular. His major activities have been devoted to: (i) vibrations on transmission lines, in particular galloping, including its control; (ii) large movements of cables, such as shortcircuit (both in substations and power lines); (iii) health monitoring of power lines (sag and vibrations); and (iv) low-frequency electric and magnetic field effects on human beings. Jean-Louis is a long-time active member of IEEE and CIGRE, where he has served as convenor of several task forces of CIGRE study committee B2, “Overhead Lines” and B3 “Substations.” He has published more than 100 technical papers in peer-reviewed publications. Since 1995, he has been the initiator and organizer of the CABLE DYNAMICS conference. Dr. David Havard, president of Havard Engineering Inc., has over 45 years experience solving the mechanical and civil engineering problems of power delivery systems. His work involves analysis of problems and finding solutions on station structures, underground cables, overhead distribution and transmission conductors, hardware, and structures. As a senior research engineer in the Mechanical Research Department of Ontario Hydro, he coordinated Ontario Hydro's assessment of older transmission lines for the provincewide refurbishment and upgrading, and he has worked closely with design and maintenance staff to solve problems on vibration and galloping of overhead lines. Since establishing his own company, Dr. Havard continues to provide engineering services to utilities on control of vibration and galloping, and testing and analysis of components of transmission systems, as well as providing training of staff in these topics. Dave is a long-time active member of IEEE, CEA, and CIGRÉ, where he has served as Convenor of CIGRÉ Study B2, “Overhead Lines,” Working Group 11 “Mechanical Behaviour of Conductors and Fittings.” Dr. Havard has authored over 190 published papers and reports and is a Registered Professional Engineer in the Province of Ontario. 4-1 Chapter 4: Galloping Conductors EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition Pierre Van Dyke received his engineering degree and his M.A.Sc. in 1983 and 1985, respectively, from École Polytechnique de Montréal (Canada). He completed a masters certificate in project management at Laval University (Canada) in 2005. While working at IREQ, he is about to complete his Ph.D. at Sherbrooke University (Canada). After working in the field of vibrations at the Quebec Industrial Research Center (CRIQ), he joined, as a researcher, the Hydro-Québec Research Institute (IREQ) in 1990, where he is now project leader. His fields of interest are galloping, aeolian vibrations, wakeinduced oscillations as well as conductor self-damping, fatigue, aerodynamics, and ice accretion. He has con- 4-2 ducted many studies on a full-scale overhead test line and a laboratory test span. He also developed the Hydro-Quebec vibration damper and suspension clamps that are sold throughout the world. He is currently secretary of the CIGRE task force on galloping and is involved in other task forces as well. He represents Hydro-Québec on the scientific committee of the industrial research chair on atmospheric icing of power grid equipment (CIGELE). He has organized or been involved in the organization of conferences related to overhead line dynamics, he has also been invited s p e a ke r a n d c h a i r m a n , a n d h e h a s p u b l i s h e d 30 technical papers. EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition 4.1 INTRODUCTION • Numerous aerodynamic properties of conductors Galloping of iced conductors has been a design and operating problem since the early 1900s. The earliest occurrences of galloping cannot be pinpointed, since a connection between the observed low-frequency, highamplitude motions and the aerodynamic effects of ice deposits on conductors was not recognized until the late 1920s and did not achieve general credibility until 1932, when Den Hartog presented his classic analysis of the mechanisms involved (Den Hartog 1932). Since that time, numerous research programs throughout the world have been mounted, aimed at solving the problem, and various devices and techniques have been proposed for preventing galloping or at least minimizing its effects. Some of these methods have been tested, and many have been applied on operating lines with mixed results. Despite significant improvement in the understanding of galloping since the first edition of this book in 1979, no practical protection method has been developed that is recognized as fully effective for all kinds of galloping under any ice accretion and wind speed. Progress, both in analytical approach to the problem and development of countermeasures, was slow until the 1980s, but has since received more support due to the rapid growth of computer capability. This capability has facilitated the rapid solution of complex systems involved in the analysis of galloping behavior. However, more than 75 years after the publication of Den Hartog’s analysis, important questions remain. Even when all relevant parameters of weather and line construction are known, there are still areas of uncertainty regarding which mechanisms are significant in particular cases, and validation of some parts of galloping theory is still not fully satisfactory. The progress that has been made has resulted from several factors: • Quantitative data on field behavior has been collected during a long campaign of observations, from many test sites, and from some full-scale test spans with natural or artificial ice, particularly in Japan and Canada. • International cooperation has been strongly supported inside CIGRE and IEEE, exchanges of data between experts. Chapter 4: Galloping Conductors facilitating • Analytical/numerical models have been compared to dynamic wind tunnel tests, as well to actual observations on test lines with artificial ice of different shapes or, more rarely, with natural icing. with ice and wet snow have been obtained. It has been demonstrated that any approach to galloping, in particular its analytical and numerical analysis, has to consider a full section (from deadend to deadend towers), inside which many different modes of galloping may occur, with coupling between spans owing to suspension insulator movement. Tension variation during galloping, which is a design load for both dead-end and suspension towers, has been thoroughly investigated, and comparisons between model and observations are in good agreement, both as to magnitude and frequency content. The modeling of tension variations is beyond the scope of this book, but variations themselves are treated in Section 4.3.4 and Appendix 4.4. One major problem is that the varied character of ice and wet snow deposits from one occasion or one location to another makes generalization from a few observations unreliable. Questions remain regarding how well artificial ice sections represent natural ice, and regarding how broadly tests with only a few artificial ice shapes can be generalized with respect to the great variety of natural ice shapes. But a data bank of ice shapes and their aerodynamic characteristics has been obtained with a large range of relative ice thickness. Their effects have been evaluated by numerical simulation, and the results compared with actual on-site observation of several hundred events. Moreover, some significant studies have been performed to evaluate the processes of ice accretion on conductors on a real span, taking into account conductor torsional stiffness as well as the influence of wind speed. It is worth noting that some cases of motion similar to galloping have been reported where ice could not be involved. Some of these involve bundled conductor and are most probably related to wake-induced oscillation. These are generally of limited amplitude and with limited consequences on the line. They are discussed in Chapter 5. In rare cases, such as the famous ice-free galloping of the crossing of the River Severn in England and Wales, a yawed wind to the cable may also have induced significant amplitude at low frequencies. In this case, the round wires of the conductor presented a slightly nonsymmetrical cross section to the oblique wind, which caused the instability. The oscillations were suppressed by taping the conductor, creating a smooth body. There is no general agreement as to whether a fully reliable yet practical method for controlling galloping eventually can be found. It is extremely difficult to assess the 4-3 Chapter 4: Galloping Conductors EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition effectiveness of such countermeasures on a probabilistic basis, because numerous observations need to be obtained. Only one device (the eccentric mass) has received enough study to reveal trends based on largescale results of observation. These observations could be extrapolated to a range of devices based on similar principles of use. It must be noted, nevertheless, that, even for such devices, although the overall trend of performance is statistically positive, there are a few cases of complete lack of effectiveness, even creating some galloping on treated lines in the vicinity of completely still untreated phases. Also some devices have introduced side effects, such as conductor damage related to unexpected strong aeolian vibrations. Experts, today, may evaluate the efficiencies of some antigalloping devices by simulation tools. But these tools are complex. Simulations and other analytical approaches are of interest to designers, because the results can help to identify the types of behavior and interactions that are at work in galloping. These approaches—from analytical to finite element modeling—are aids to insight and understanding. But the designer cannot apply them at this time. Although there appears to be some consensus on bundle line protection methods, there is less common opinion on single-line protection methods, because the mechanism of galloping is generally not the same. Innovations have been made in conductor design, generally to control aeolian vibrations, but also to decrease galloping risk, by changing conductor cross-sectional shape, changing wire shape, or changing conductor characteristics, such as torsional stiffness and self damping. Some of these new conductors may have some effect on galloping, but the degree of benefit is unproven at this time. Galloping is observed on CATV (cable television) cables, lashed fiber optics cables, and other types of cables. In these cases, the ice is not necessary, since an asymmetrical shape already exists. Some information will be given about these cases. Interphase spacers have been widely applied on single and bundle overhead lines. They are designed to limit the approach between conductors, and thereby limit flashovers. However, they do not suppress galloping motions, and dynamic loads and stresses can still cause damage over time. At present, line designers have available to them a menu of protection schemes that differ widely in cost, effec- 4-4 tiveness, degree of evaluation, and level of usage. Several of these schemes are discussed in some detail in Section 4.5, and described briefly in Section 4.2. None of these schemes has been validated as fully effective; some are known to be partly effective; some are thought to be promising. In sum, successful design to control galloping will involve considerable good fortune, and it may involve capital expenditures. This chapter attempts to do four things: 1. Provide insight into the mechanics of galloping of iced conductors and the factors that influence its occurrence, type, and severity. 2. Provide an overview of galloping observation data available. 3. Give a survey of protection methods. 4. Provide data from which new rules of antigalloping clearance design may be developed for lines without protection, including data on maximum amplitudes of motion and dynamic variations of tension at both dead-ends and suspension towers. The chapter has six sections and eight appendices, and is organized as follows: Section 4.2 provides an overview on galloping, with information on its characteristics, types of galloping motion, incidences of galloping, damage resulting from it, the causes of galloping, and protection methods. Section 4.3 covers the mechanisms of galloping and the factors that influence it. Section 4.4 explores testing of galloping behavior. Section 4.5 describes protection methods. Section 4.6 provides a summary of practical information for utility engineers. 4.2 OVERVIEW 4.2.1 Principal Characteristics of Galloping Galloping is a low-frequency (from 0.1 to 1 Hz), largeamplitude (from ± 0.1 to ± 1 times the sag of the span, some cases up to 4 times the sag on distribution lines), wind-induced vibration of both single and bundle conductors, with a single or a few loops of standing waves per span (Figure 4.2-1). It is usually caused by a moderately strong, steady crosswind acting upon an asymmetrically iced conductor surface. The large amplitudes are generally—but not always—in a vertical plane, while frequencies are dependent on the type of line construction and the oscillation mode excited. Winds approximately normal to the line with a speed above a few m/s are usually required, and it cannot be assumed that there is necessarily an upper speed limit. EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition Chapter 4: Galloping Conductors Figure 4.2-1 The three main types of power line vibration (after Orawski 1993), indicating aeolian vibration, wake-induced oscillation and galloping, with their ranges of loop lengths and amplitude. Galloping has a major impact on the design of overhead lines, both for clearances and in some cases (even if not considered actually in most of utilities) tower load. The clearances between conductors need to be sufficient to limit to acceptable levels, contacts, and flashovers between conductors, which are the most common effects of galloping. Large, repeated load variations may occur between phases and even between each side of a given tower, causing horizontal and vertical bending as well as torsional load on towers and crossarms. Due to the repeated large amplitudes, critical loads may be reached, causing wear and fatigue of conductor attachments, as discussed in Section 4.2.2. Tower bolt failures have also been observed, and wear has occurred at some locations (yoke plate, pins of insulator, etc.), which may trigger later more severe consequences. Additionally, torsional motion of the phase or overhead ground wire, single or bundle, may occur with very significant amplitude (up to bundle collapse, in some c a s e s ) , c au s in g d a m ag e t o s p a c e rs a n d s u sp e n sion/anchoring hardware. Types of Galloping Motion Galloping takes one of two basic forms, standing waves and traveling waves, or a combination of them. The standing waves may occur with one, or as many as ten, loops in a span. Data on observed galloping of operating lines, collected by the Galloping Task Force of EEI, shows the distribution of loops in Table 4.2-1 (Edison Electric Institute 1977). Table 4.2-1 Galloping Reported Cases vs. Number of Loops Cases Reported No. of Loops Phase Grd. Wire 1 42 2 2 26 3 3 34 6 4 or more 2 1 Small numbers of loops are clearly favored. Traveling waves are often observed in the course of buildup of actual galloping. The waves may initially be only tens of meters long, with amplitudes of a few centimeters. With repeated passage back and forth along the span, they grow in length and amplitude, and eventually interact with one another to form standing waves. If the standing waves turn out to have a large number of loops within the span, further traveling-wave action usually leads to a shift to a smaller number of loops, and eventually the span settles on three or fewer loops. On occasion, the shift from traveling waves to standing waves does not occur, and a traveling wave with a length of the order of one-fourth of the span length will persist as long as wind conditions do not change. Such waves may incorporate steep wavefronts, causing significant dynamic loads on supports. There is one such example in the accompanying compact disk. On other occasions, standing-wave galloping builds up without travelingwave involvement. 4-5 Chapter 4: Galloping Conductors EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition Observed peak-to-peak amplitudes of galloping are often as great as the sag in the span and are sometimes greater, especially in short spans. Amplitudes approaching in magnitude the sag have been observed with as many as three loops in the span, but beyond that number, the amplitudes become smaller. showed significant torsional motion to be present in two out of five cases of natural galloping of single conductors that were analyzed. Traveling-wave peak-to-peak amplitudes have magnitudes comparable to standing waves of the same length—that is, the longest waves may have amplitudes on the order of span sag, but the shorter waves have smaller amplitudes. Many such movements can be observed in the bundle conductor galloping shown on the videos on the accompanying CD. It must be noted here that a report of large traveling waves by observers may be the superposition of oneand two-loop standing waves, which has a similar appearance. The predominant conductor motions are vertical in galloping, but there is often some horizontal component of motion transverse to the line. The vertical and horizontal motions are often not in phase, so that a point on the conductor near mid-loop traces an elliptical orbit. The data collected by the EEI Task Force indicate that substantially elliptical orbits occur in about 30% of observed cases. Figure 4.2-2 shows the percentage distribution of observed orbit shapes based upon two collections of galloping reports (Edison Electric Institute 1977; Oldacre 1949). When galloping occurs with one loop in the span, there may be significant movement of the conductor in the direction of the line. Peak-to-Peak swings of the insulators on the order of 0.5 m have been observed. These motions are most noticeable in long spans. Many observations in Japan on large bundle conductors showed large horizontal movement. Some examples are shown in Section 4.5.4. Twisting motion is almost always observed during vertical galloping of bundled conductors (Anjo et al. 1974). Incidence of Galloping The frequency with which galloping occurs is, of course, closely related to the frequency of icing, depicted, for the United States, in Figure 4.2-3. Incidence is greatest in the central region of the United States, between the Rockies and the Appalachian Mountains, but not including Louisiana and Arkansas and the states to the east of them. Most utilities that experience galloping at least annually lie in that region. Galloping also occurs annually in parts of California. Utilities in the Northwest experience galloping about every two to five years. Utilities in the Atlantic Seaboard States experience galloping rarely or never, except in New York and New Jersey, where galloping may occur every two to every ten years. Ice storms move with the frontal weather system. Little data appear to be available on the dimensions of the regions affected. Smith (Smith 1966) reports widths from 40 km (25 miles) to 160 km (100 miles), and lengths in the direction of storm movement from 160 km (100 miles) to 320 km (200 miles) in South Dakota. The lengths of line affected by galloping vary from only a single span to as many as 30 km (18 miles.) Twisting motion of single conductors during galloping is difficult to discern from the ground, but it has been detected and measured by means of attachment of suitable targets to the span. Peak-to-peak rotations greater than 100° have been observed, simultaneous with vertical motion. Edwards and Madeyski’s analysis (Edwards and Madeyski 1956) of films of natural galloping Figure 4.2-2 Percentage of observations of various galloping ellipse shapes and tilts. 4-6 Figure 4.2-3 Total number of glaze storms observed during the nine-year period of the Association of American Railroads Study (Tattleman and Gringorten 1973). EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition In Japan, Hokkaido Island as well as Honshu Island, on both the west and east coasts, are very prone to galloping, as can be seen in Figure 4.2-4, showing 776 events during the last 30 years. The frequency of galloping events is related to major winds flowing either from the Pacific Ocean or from the west depending on the period of the year. Chapter 4: Galloping Conductors many observed during the 1998-1999 winter. There were 9 cases of galloping on single conductors, 22 cases on twin bundle lines, and 16 events on quad bundle lines. Germany as well as all of northern Europe is also very prone to galloping. 570 cases were reported and collected in Germany between 1979 and 1999. Figure 4.2.5 shows the locations of the 47 galloping events in Ger- Figure 4.2-4 Location of 776 cases of galloping reported in Japan in the last 30 years (courtesy M. Mito). Figure 4.2-5a Locations of 47 cases of galloping in Germany during the 1998-1999 winter (courtesy C. Jurdens). Figure 4.2-5b 570 galloping cases reported in Germany during the 1980s and 1990s, classified by year and month. 4-7 Chapter 4: Galloping Conductors EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition All these reported cases caused short circuits, and four cases had permanent bundle collapse (through twisting). 4.2.2 are extracted from a video of a galloping event that occurred in England in 1986 and lasted four days. The video of this event is included on the accompanying CD. Damage and Other Penalties Galloping has caused various kinds of structural damage in overhead lines. Some types of damage result directly from the large forces that galloping motion applies to supports. For example, crossarms have failed on wood and on metal structures. Ties on pin-type insulators have been broken. On rare occasions, support hardware has failed. On others, cotter pins have been damaged, permitting insulator strings to uncouple. Repeated dynamic loads, such as the shock that occurs when steep-fronted galloping waves are reflected at a tower, have damaged vibration dampers, sometimes snapping the weights off and sometimes fatiguing the damper cables. The number of miles of line affected by galloping in a particular storm occasionally can be surmised later from assessment of damper damage. Dynamic loads have also caused loosening of crossarm and fatigue of bracing bolts in tower structures (Figure 4.2-6a), and loosening of wood poles themselves in the ground. Jumpers at deadend towers have been broken, and sometimes tossed up on to crossarms (Figure 4.2-6b). Suspension insulator strings undergo heavy dynamic loading, with hammering action that flattens security clips and may permit the connection between insulator units to unlatch (Figure 4.2-6c). These figures The motion has been great enough in some cases to cause broken strands in conductors, and to result in complete failure of ground wires or even phase conductors (Figure 4.2-6d). When galloping amplitudes are great enough to permit flashover between phases or from phase to ground, the resulting damage can include arcing damage to conductor surfaces and strand separation (Figure 4.2-6e). Figure 4.2-6b Damage due to galloping on jumpers in England (courtesy M. Tunstall). Figure 4.2-6c Damage due to galloping on a string of suspension insulators. Figure 4.2-6a Damage due to galloping on towers. 4-8 Figure 4.2-6d Damage due to galloping on a triple bundle conductor in China. EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition Large-cycle fatigue damage can occur in the conductor next to the suspension clamps. Figure 4.2-6f shows such damage to an ACSR “Grackle” conductor, diameter 34 mm, next to the clamp of an inverted V-string, due to galloping in the Netherlands in the 1978-1979 winter (Leppers and Wijker 1979). The use of inverted V-strings amplifies the dynamic bending stresses at the clamps and accelerates the wear and fatigue processes. The ice shape during that event has also been collected, and is shown in Figure 4.3-4. Chapter 4: Galloping Conductors Such severe damage is rare, however, because faults are usually brief, and the arcs usually travel, leaving only a track of pock marks on the conductor surfaces (Edwards 1970). Forced outages caused by galloping result in loss of revenue and sometimes in other costs associated with reestablishing service. Those penalties are generally considered to be more severe than direct damage to lines. Published data on their magnitude do not appear to be available, but a survey of utilities by the T&D Committee of EEI (data courtesy of Transmission and Distribution Committee of Edison Electric Institute) developed the information shown in Table 4.2-2 on effects of the worst ice and/or galloping conditions that each utility had faced (costs in the 1970s). Although line failures due to heavy ice loading may be represented in Table 4.2-2, it is likely that galloping cases predominate. Frequency of outages caused by galloping has been reported by few utilities. During a two-year period, the Central Electricity Generating Board (CEGB) in the United Kingdom experienced an outage rate of 0.24 per 100 km per year, on 132 kV and above (Lowe and Richards 1966). Of 48 utilities reporting outages, in EEI’s collection of galloping case, none reported phase-to-ground faults (Edison Electric Institute 1977). A number of utilities design lines with larger phase and phase-to-ground wire clearances than would otherwise be employed, in order to reduce the frequency with which flashover occurs during galloping. The added Figure 4.2-6e Broken strands resulting from short circuit due to two-phase fault induced by galloping in the Netherlands (Leppers 1981). Figure 4.2-6f Damage to ACSR “Grackle” conductor, diameter 34 mm, next to the clamp of an inverted V-string, due to galloping in the Netherlands in the 1978-1979 winter (Leppers and Wijker 1979). Figure 4.2-6g Damage to ACSR “Groningen” conductor, diameter 22 mm, next to the suspension clamp due to heavy galloping in the Netherlands during the 1978-1979 winter (Leppers 1979). 4-9 Chapter 4: Galloping Conductors EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition Table 4.2-2 Utility Penalties Associated with Ice or Galloping-Caused Outages No. of Customers Affected No. of Utilities 0-10,000 24 As a result, caution is needed in the “after-event” evaluation of the damages, so as not to decide to modify design rules based on galloping when the true cause is static loading. 11,000-50,000 9 51,000-100,000 3 4.2.3 More than 100,000 2 Length of Service Interruption No. of Utilities 1 hour or less 17 1-3 hours 9 3-6 hours 4 The Drag Force The drag is a force induced by the wind on any structure or conductor. It is oriented in the direction of the wind—more exactly, in the direction of the relative wind when the conductor is moving, as indicated in Figure 4.2-7 (See also Figure 4.2-15 and Appendix 4.1.) Fluid forces, particularly the air pressure distribution around the conductor, are the source of the drag force. The static effect of the drag force is to displace the conductor laterally until the wind force is balanced by the internal tension in the conductor. Due to the conductor swing, there is a tension component acting in the wind direction. The dynamic effect of the drag force is the periodic elastic response of the conductor following variations in wind speed and the die-down of these motions due to the damping of the system. Any disturbance caused will disappear after a while. That is because the drag force is oriented in the direction of the relative wind speed, which has a component opposite to the movement of the conductor. There is no way, with constant drag force, that instability can occur. 6-9 hours 5 9-12 hours 6 12-24 hours 5 1/ 5 3 to 1/ 2 days 4-8 days 4 9-11 days 1 Cost of Interruption (thousands of dollars) No. of Utilities Less than 50 27 51-100 7 101-200 1 201-500 3 501-1000 3 4000 1 margins of clearance increase tower costs. Representative figures cited in 1966 for the additional cost were: $8000/mile ($5000/km) for double-circuit 345 kV, and about the same for double-circuit 230 kV in Canada (McMurtrie 1966). Current figures for lines of similar design are thought to be in the $40,000 to $60,000/mile range in 2006. The difference in cost would be even greater between conventional lines with clearances increased because of galloping and compact lines (Barthold et al. 1973). When forced outages due to galloping are anticipated, extra transmission is often provided in the system to make the outages more tolerable. This extra transmission adds to utility costs, and since the increased clearances usually employed do not eliminate all outages, they do not entirely eliminate galloping costs (McMurtrie 1966). Causes of Galloping: The Forces in Action The drag force is given by the formula: D= 1 ρ air .φ .CD .Vr2 2 C D, the drag coefficient, is in fact not a constant and depends on the wind speed and “roughness” (k/h on Figure 4.2-8) of the conductor surface. Moreover, if the surface has an eccentricity due to an asymmetrical Finally, confusion may arise in examining damages after wind/snow events. It is particularly difficult to allocate all of the damages to one particu lar cau se, like galloping. Indeed wind/snow events may also induce many other dangerous phenomena that have no relation with galloping. For example, ice shedding and static wind loads are also dramatic causes of ruptures in power lines. 4-10 4.2-1 Where ρ a i r i s t h e d e n s i t y o f a i r ( ab o u t 1 . 2 k g / m 3 [0.075 lb/ft3] at standard conditions of temperature and pressure. φ is the conductor diameter. Vr is the relative wind speed. Figure 4.2-7 Wind force on bare conductor. EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition Chapter 4: Galloping Conductors Once asymmetry exists, a new parameter has to be defined—namely, the angle of attack. The angle of attack is the angle between the relative wind speed direction and the direction of the asymmetry, generally taken as a straight line joining the bare conductor axis and the center of gravity of the ice coating. This is illustrated in Figure 4.2-10 and designated by ϕ (More details are in Appendix 4.3—e.g., Equation A4.3-2). Figure 4.2-8 Variation of coefficient of Drag (CD) vs. Reynolds number (Re) for smooth and classical stranded conductors, compared to a pure cylinder. To the right, the conductors’ cross-sections are shown. Bottom scale: Equivalent wind speed, U, corresponds to conductor diameter about 31 mm. For Aero-Z conductor k/h ~ 0.005, and for Aster k/h ~ 0.02. Aero-Z: 31.5 mm and Aster: 31.05 mm (courtesy Nexans and EDF). deposit (e.g., ice), C D will become dependent of the angle of attack, which would refer to ice position relative to the wind direction (see Figure 4.2-10). The Lift Force and the Pitching Moment For galloping to occur, the conductor must be subjected to more than just the drag force, which is a purely dissipative force at wind speeds encountered during galloping. As soon as an asymmetric coating is present on a conductor and wind is blowing, lift and drag forces exist. These two aerodynamic forces are effectively applied on a point inside the conductor, which is called “aerodynamic center,” and which is not the center of the conductor (Figure 4.3-19). To facilitate the understanding, measurements, and modeling, the shift of the application point of these forces is replaced by the same forces applied on the axis of the conductor plus an additional pitching moment. In Figures 4.2-9 a, b, and c, this pitching moment is zero, clockwise, and anticlockwise respectively. Wind tunnel measurements are used to determine these three components of the wind action on asymmetrical shapes, giving curves such as those shown in Figure 4.2-10. There are then three aerodynamic coefficients that all depend on the angle of attack. There is also an aerodynamic lift force, which would be able to create, in some particular conditions, negative damping of the conductor motion. The lift force is generated by wind acting on an asymmetrical profile of the conductor. Figure 4.2-9 Lift and drag on iced conductor. Lift is a force perpendicular to the wind direction, which may be zero (a), negative (b), or positive (c), depending on ice position. Figure 4.2-10 Typical aerodynamic coefficients for a conductor with an asymmetric ice accretion. Crescentshaped ice thickness 1.1 cm over a subconductor diameter of 32.4 mm. Lift positive upwards; Pitching moment and torsional angle positive anticlockwise. Zero angle of attack when the ice is facing the wind and in the horizontal position. The symmetry with angle of attack is not perfect as the curves have been measured on a real ice shape, which was not exactly symmetrical. In this case all coefficients have values of the same sign as a typical air-foil near zero angle of attack. 4-11 Chapter 4: Galloping Conductors EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition The two forces and the pitching aerodynamic moment (all per unit of length) have been obtained by similarity laws to be expressed as follows: D= 1 ρ air .φ .Vr2 .CD (ϕ ) 2 1 ρ air .φ .Vr2 .CL (ϕ ) 2 1 M = ρ air .φ 2 .Vr2 .CM (ϕ ) 2 L= 4.2-2 (Notice the square exponent of the conductor diameter on the pitching moment.) These definitions of aerodynamic forces and moment are for single conductors. In the case of bundle conductors, it is generally considered that the values for the bundle as a whole are simply the same formula multiplied by the number of subconductors. (Some screening, due to wake effects, occurs in practice, and ice may not be the same on each subconductor, but the proposed approach is conservative and easy to manage.) Figure 4.2-10 shows the variation of CD, CL, and CM, for a particular ice shape, plotted against ϕ, the angle of attack. The typical amplitudes of these wind actions on power line conductors are, for a wind speed of 10 m/s and a conductor diameter of 30 mm: 4.2.4 Causes of Galloping: How the Wind May Transfer its Energy to Vertical Movement? On-site wind speed is rarely constant, and constant wind speed is not needed for galloping. Figure 4.2-11 shows the wind speed component perpendicular to the line from measurements during one galloping event on an actual 400-kV line in the Ardennes in Belgium in February 1997. The galloping observed was a typical occurrence with large vertical amplitude, and was recorded under 25% turbulent wind. Galloping occurred with amplitudes around 6 m peakto-peak, in a single loop on a dead-end span, at around 710 minutes and another significant event occurred around 830 minutes. The temperature was close to 0°C, and the precipitation was freezing rain with strong wind. One of the two events, for which only tension recordings were available, has been reconstructed as shown in Figure 4.2-12. Tension variations up to 25 kN peak-to-peak were recorded. Based on the quasi-steady theory of fluids, and many observations and simulations, it can be concluded that turbulence level has limited influence on galloping. Galloping may easily occur during moderate to high winds, irrespective of turbulence level. The ten-minute mean wind speed is a good reference wind to evaluate galloping amplitude under steady conditions. (It must be D = 2 to 3 N/m, L = 0 to 1 N/m and M = 0 to 0.03 N.m/m. It is surprising that these small forces and moments are able to generate the huge amplitudes observed during galloping. The large motions are due to the very small internal self-damping of conductors at the frequencies of galloping, and that the aerodynamic forces, owing to their derivatives (see Section 4.3.1 and Appendix 4.3), will be able to change the system damping to negative values. Under those conditions, energy can be transferred from the wind at each cycle of oscillation, thus increasing progressively the amplitude to a maximum level. Nonlinearities in the aerodynamic coefficients govern this maximum amplitude because the negative damping is effective over a limited range of angle of attack. These aerodynamic coefficients of lift and drag are more or less independent of wind speed in the range of Reynolds number for overhead power lines (this is less true for pitching moment). These coefficients are considered to be in the subcritical range of Reynolds number, where the drag would have been constant on a bare conductor. 4-12 Figure 4.2-11 Mean wind speed in m/s measured at the line location and appropriate height during all the day of February 13, 1997. Abscissa is time in minutes. Recordings at one-minute intervals. Turbulence was quasi-constant around 25%. EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition Chapter 4: Galloping Conductors It is important to distinguish the conductor motions and lift variations here from those involved in aeolian vibration, discussed in Chapter 2. The frequencies involved in galloping are generally less than 1 Hz, and usually less than 100 times those for aeolian vibration for about the same wind velocity. Conductor movement amplitudes in galloping often exceed a meter, whereas they rarely exceed a few centimeters in aeolian vibration. The two phenomena are not directly related. Figure 4.2-12 Galloping orbits at mid-span, recreated by simulation (10-minute records). The simulation was guided by tension recordings. noted that some authors [Nowak and Tanaka 1974; Chadha and Jaster 1975; Laneville 1977; Hack 1981] pointed out some wind tunnel evidence of turbulence effects on the lift coefficient, particularly near zero angle of attack.) Galloping of iced conductors occurs when wind is able to transfer its energy to vertical, and more rarely to horizontal or even to torsional, movement. This means that a mechanism must be found to progressively inject more energy than the mechanism that is dissipated by selfdamping, which is extremely low at low frequency, and by the drag during each cycle of vibration. But the mere presence of lift is not enough to cause galloping. To destabilize the system, that is to obtain negative damping, the lift force must be such that any disturbance would augment the lift force in the same direction as the starting movement, and the instability condition is created. Disturbances always occur in practice—for example, a conductor movement rising due to buffeting. Thus the derivative of the lift force with respect to angle of attack is a key factor. A mechanism by which the periodic motion of a galloping conductor could cause modulation of aerodynamic lift to sustain the motion was first described by Den Hartog in 1932 and A. E. Davison in 1930. These mechanisms will be detailed in Section 4.3 and Appendix 4.3. The Case of Pure Vertical Motion This mechanism will be discussed with reference to the idealized profile of an iced conductor and the variation of aerodynamic lift with respect to angle of attack, shown in Figure 4.2-13. Den Hartog (Den Hartog 1932) pointed out that the conductor’s vertical velocity y· could modulate the angle of attack of the apparent wind, Vr, since, as shown in Figure 4.2-14, the vector Vr is the true wind vector V, minus the conductor’s velocity vector y· . Figure 4.2-14 shows the effect upon the apparent wind vector of upward and of downward velocity of the conductor. It is apparent that y· modulates both the magnitude and the direction of the apparent wind. The magnitude variations are small enough that they can be ignored for present purposes. The modulation in the vertical component of the apparent wind, indicated by V tan ß in Figure 4.2-14, is significant, however. Suppose that the iced conductor, when not galloping, has zero angle of attack and thus experiences zero lift Figure 4.2-13 Illustration of variation of lift with angle of attack. Clockwise reference for angles. Zero angle facing the wind. Lift values opposite to typical airfoil value near zero angle of attack but valid for D-shape structure, as shown. Figure 4.2-14 Effect of vertical conductor motion on apparent wind. The sign of the angle of attack is obtained depending of reference choice. 4-13 Chapter 4: Galloping Conductors EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition according to Figure 4.2-13. If that conductor is given an upward velocity as in Figure 4.2-14a, it experiences an angle of attack with respect to the apparent wind of –ß, and this results in positive lift corresponding to point a in Figure 4.2-13. The upward velocity thus begets an upward lift force on the conductor. A downward velocity, as in Figure 4.2-14b, results in a downward lift force, such as at b in Figure 4.2-13. If the conductor gallops sinusoidally in the vertical direction, the lift force from the wind assists its motion during each vertical stroke, imparting energy to the conductor to increase its amplitude of motion. In fact, if the motion is given by y = ymax sin ω t . so that y = ω ymax cost ω t . β = − y/ V = − ω ymax V assuming that | y |<< V . cost ω t, 4.2-3 . If the excursions of ß are small enough that angle of attack remains on the straight-line part of Figure 4.2-13 between a and b, then the lift is given approximately by L = − Lα β = − Lα . y V 4.2-4 where Lα = dL/dα, the slope of the lift curve of Figure 4.2-13, between points a and b. The slope illustrated is negative, with the result that the lift is proportional to, and in phase with the conductor’s vertical velocity y· . In effect, the force L is a negative damping force. Note that the lift force has the character of negative damping, making self-exciting galloping motions possible, only when the slope Lα is negative. Were the operating point not at the origin, but at an angle of attack where Lα, is positive, such as point c in Figure 4.2-13, the variations in L resulting from y· would be such as to oppose motions in the vertical direction, and the oscillations would decay. Lift and drag are defined as the components of aerodynamic force, respectively perpendicular and parallel to the relative wind velocity Vr. Consequently both the lift L and the drag D forces have components acting in both vertical and horizontal directions. Thus, when there is vertical velocity, the directions of lift and drag are as shown in Figure 4.2-15, where D is the drag vector. The component of L that acts in the vertical direction is L cos ß. 4-14 The other aerodynamic force that influences the conductor’s galloping in the y direction is the vertical component of drag, D sin ß. This force component always opposes the conductor’s y motion and acts as positive damping. The balance between the negative damping, due to L α and positive damping, caused by D, determines whether galloping can build up or not. Specific a l ly, i f L α + D i s n e g at ive, i n t h e re g i o n o f t h e conductor’s at-rest angle of attack, then galloping can build up from small amplitudes. If Lα+D is positive, it cannot build up. (The at-rest angle of attack is the angle of the ice section with respect to the wind arising solely from the ice’s position of deposit on the conductor.) It is measured with respect to some convenient position in the ice deposit, such as the middle of the ice crescent, as in the insert to Figure 4.2-13.) The preceding paragraphs sketch the elements of Den Hartog’s analysis. Den Hartog also explained how the maximum amplitude of galloping is determined by energy balance considerations when large excursions in ß bring into play parts of the lift versus α curve that have positive slopes or, at least, slopes that are less negative than those responsible for letting the galloping build up. His analysis established a credible connection between the motions observed in ice-coated conductors and the changed aerodynamics resulting from the ice deposits. Den Hartog’s analysis has since been studied, tested, modified, and extended, as will be discussed in Section 4.3 and Appendices 4.1 and 4.3. Coupled Motion An alternative theory to that of Den-Hartog has been developed and will be described in Section 4.3 and Appendix 4.3. Numerous observations of galloping of single and bundle conductors showed the presence of clear torsional movement of the conductor at the same frequency as the vertical motion. This theory has improved the general understanding of galloping under a range of conditions, enhanced the ability to interpret most of observed cases, and facilitated the development and refinement of galloping control methods. Figure 4.2-15 Lift and drag referred to apparent wind. EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition Many scientists through the world have contributed to these new theories. The first published papers came from the United States, Canada, and Japan in the early 1970s (e.g., Richardson et al. 1963; Otsuki 1973; Nigol and Clarke 1974; Otsuki and Kajita 1975; Nigol et al. 1977; Matsubayashi et al. 1976; Richardson 1979). These theories have been deepened and modelled in the 1980s and 1990s owing to increased computer performances and worldwide cooperation through organizations like CIGRE, IEEE, and the Japan Association for Wind Engineering (JAWE). The 1980s/1990s were particularly fruitful with the work performed by (Nakamura 1980; Ottens 1980; Havard and Pohlman 1984; Lilien and Dubois 1989; Diana et al. 1991; Yu et al. 1991 and 1992; Chan et al. 1991; Rawlins 1993; Wang 1996; Chabart and Lilien 1998; Wang and Lilien 1998; Keutgen 1999; etc.). This kind of galloping has been called, may be improperly, “flutter galloping” or “binary flutter” by similitude with airplane and bridge engineering. In that domain instabilities like this are very well known. It is not the aim of this book to relate these theories in detail, although some descriptions will be provided in Section 4.3. Greater detail can be found in the literature, or in the CIGRE brochure that will be published in 2007 on the subject. But it is important to consider the major findings, which can be summarized as follows. • Torsional movement may be the sole origin of wind energy input into the vertical movement. • Flutter galloping is strongly related to the initial ratio of torsional to vertical frequency of the conductor, and thus structural parameters have strong influence. A frequency ratio close to one, within the range of +/30%, is needed to promote galloping. Chapter 4: Galloping Conductors • Flutter galloping is strongly influenced by the phase shift between vertical and torsional movement. Thus torsional damping will play a major role. • The coupling between vertical and torsional movement is related to (i) aerodynamic lift and pitching moment, (ii) torsional stiffness of the system, (iii) torsional moment of inertia of the system with ice, and (iv) position of ice. • The conductor span, or the ratio of conductor diameter to sag of the span, is a key parameter When Den-Hartog-type motion, with no torsional oscillations, occurs, the system is unstable in all its modes— that is, in one, two, three, or more loops. The amplitudes of motion are controlled by Den-Hartog instability range of the angle of attack, the wind speed, and the frequency concerned. In the case of “flutter galloping,” this may be not the case, as the modes with better vertical-to-torsional tuning will grow faster. An example of stability and amplitude analysis for “flutter galloping” is shown in Figures 4.2-16 and Figure 4.2-17. 4.2.5 Causes of Galloping: Factors Influencing Galloping We may summarize these influencing factors as follows: • Environmental Effects • Wind and Ice Figure 4.2-16 The influence of torsional damping (2 and 4% of critical damping) on “flutter-type” galloping on a bundle conductor line according to analysis (courtesy University of Liège). Left: Amplitude of galloping vs. position of ice (0° is facing the wind, anticlockwise). Right: Amplitude vs. wind speed (ratio vertical/torsion = 0.93, conductor/bundle diameter = 0.072, reduced ice inertia = 0.007, conductor span = 0.066), aerodynamic curves as in Figure 4.3-5. 4-15 Chapter 4: Galloping Conductors EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition Certain localized areas, often near lakes or rivers, show a much higher incidence of galloping than do nearby regions. The power line needs to be located in region where: • Most galloping occurs at temperatures near 0°C (Fig- Figure 4.2-17 The influence of detuning, same case as in Figure 4.2-16 according to analysis. A 25% detuning is able to suppress or limit to negligible value the galloping for wind speed up to 10 m/s. The impact of extratorsional damping is clearly visible, as it helps to suppress galloping or to limit its amplitude with fewer detuning effects. The ice profile determines the aerodynamic characteristics of the iced conductor, thus: –Ice accretion type and shape (eccentricity, weight, aerodynamic properties) ure 4.2-18), but some galloping has been observed at much lower values, even at -45°C in Siberia, and some others have been observed at ground level temperature close to +3°C. Figure 4.2-18 shows data from the AMeDAS (Automated Meteorological Data Acquisition System) which records air temperature, wind speed and direction, and sunshine duration at more than 1,300 locations in Japan. • The temperature must be negative on the surface of the conductor, which must be able to accrete ice, wet snow, or rime. Ice is thermally conductive, so that light winds can extract heat from the conductor and permit the deposit to solidify. Heat generated by electrical loads will impede this solidification. Section 4.5.2 reviews ice removal options. • The power line is more or less perpendicular to wind speed (range over 5 m/s) during winter time (Figure 4.2-19) –Position of ice in the presence of wind • Structural Properties –Conductor properties—e.g., mass, diameter, stiffness, tension, self-damping –Span lengths and sags in the line section, and section length between deadends –Structure properties—e.g., longitudinal stiffness of anchoring tower or at fixation point –Yoke plate assembly geometries at anchoring and suspension towers –Bundle properties—e.g., number and arrangement of subconductors, subconductor spacing –Spacer properties—e.g., kind of spacer, locations, stiffness and mass distribution Figure 4.2-18 Number of galloping events vs. temperature in Japan. –Presence of retrofit devices The effect of the ratio vertical/torsional frequency of the span of conductor for each mode, in the presence of wind, is detailed in Section 4.3. Environmental Effects A survey by EEI’s Galloping Task Force found terrain to be “flat” in 71% of reported instances of gallop, “rolling” in 22%, and “mountainous” in 7%. However, the location was described as “urban,” as opposed to “rural” in about half of the cases (Edison Electric Institute 1977). 4-16 Figure 4.2-19 Number of galloping events vs. wind direction in Japan. EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition Terrain Effects • The wind acts similarly on most of the span(s) of the same section (in the same direction) with no significant obstacle in the close vicinity (which would induce turbulence in a part of the span). Very flat areas like deserts, fields, large river, lake or fjord crossings, and tundra are very sensitive to galloping. • A terrain environment that favors wind acceleration, and/or driving wind in a direction close to perpendicular of the power lines may be very sensitive to galloping. Examples are fjord crossings, power lines down a hill from which transverse wind may arrive from the top of the hill over a forest, power lines on the top of hills subject to transverse wind, plateaus in mountainous areas with enough distance (e.g., several hundreds of meters) for the wind to “re-arrange” before arriving on the power lines. • Winter conditions may drastically change from summer conditions as some obstacles may be hidden by the snow. • Near water courses (such as lakes, rivers, seas, or oceans) perpendicular to dominant winds, which are locations very prone to power lines icing, together with significant wind coming, for example, from the sea. • Turbulence intensity may be quite high during galloping events. Records of tension and wind speed, supported by visual observation, during a galloping event in Belgium showed turbulence up to 20% (Lilien et al. 1998). Turbulence may not impede galloping. The Ice Deposit Ice Forms Galloping requires moderate to strong wind at an angle greater than about 45° to the line (Figure 4.2-19), a deposit of ice or rime upon the conductor lending it suitable aerodynamic characteristics, and positioning of Figure 4.2-20 Types of ice deposits (Kuroiwa 1965). Chapter 4: Galloping Conductors that ice deposit (angle of attack) such as to favor aerodynamic instability. The ice, wet snow, or rime deposit has to have strong adhesion to the conductor. A classification of icing forms has been proposed in Technical Brochure No. 109 by a CIGRE working group (CIGRE TB109 2000a). This divides icing into six different types. The different appearances of some of these types are also presented in Figure 4.2-20, and the relevant ranges of temperature condition and droplet diameter are shown in Figure 4.2-21). Precipitation icing includes three types: 1. Glaze, density 0.7 to 0.9, also called “blue ice,” is due to freezing rain. Pure solid ice, it has very strong adhesion, sometimes forms icicles, and occurs in a temperature inversion situation. The accretion temperature condition is -1°C to -5°C. 2. Wet snow, density 0.1 to 0.85, forms various shapes dependent on wind speed and torsional stiffness of the conductor. Depending on temperature, wet snow may easily slip off or if there is a temperature drop after accretion, it may have very strong adhesion. The accretion temperature condition is +0.5°C to +2°C. 3. Dry snow, density 0.05 to 0.1, is a very light pack of regular snow, which is easily removed by shaking. In-cloud icing includes three types: 1. Glaze due to super-cooled cloud/fog droplets (similar to precipitation icing). 2. Hard rime, density 0.3 to 0.7, has a homogenous structure and forms a pennant shape against the wind on stiff objects but forms as a more or less cylindrical coating on conductors with strong adhesion. 3. Soft rime, density 0.15 to 0.3, has a granular “cauliflower-like” structure, creating a pennant shape on any profile, with very light adhesion. Figure 4.2-21 Relation between types of ice and meteorological conditions (Tattleman and Gringorten 1973). 4-17 Chapter 4: Galloping Conductors EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition Hard rime and glaze deposits are tenacious enough, and have sufficient strength and elasticity, that galloping motions do not dislodge them. Wind-driven wet snow may pack onto the windward sides of conductors, forming a hard, tenacious deposit with a fairly sharp leading edge. The resulting ice shape may permit galloping. Ice Incidence The incidence (frequency of occurrence) of glaze icing was studied by Bennett (see Tattelman and Gringorten 1973). Figure 4.2-3 shows the number of glaze storms that occurred in various parts of the country during a nine-year period. Almost all states experienced glaze, but the highest incidences were found in the Northeast, North Central, and Central States and certain localized regions in West Coast states. Corresponding information on incidence of hard rime is not available. It occurs most frequently, but not exclusively, in hilly or mountainous regions. More information on incidences of icing in other countries is given in Technical Brochure No. 291, by a CIGRE working group (CIGRE TB 291 2005). Ice Thickness The thickness of icing varies from storm to storm. Table 4.2-3 shows, to the nearest one-quarter inch reported ice thicknesses, at point of maximum thickness, during 69 cases of galloping (Edison Electric Institute 1977). Galloping has occurred with deposits so thin (1 or 2 mm [0.04 or 0.08 in.]) that the contour of the strand surface was not obliterated. It has also been observed with ice thickness as great as 5 cm (1.97 in.). Apparently quite a wide variety of shapes provide aerodynamic characteristics capable of causing galloping for at least some range of angle of attack. A survey by J. J. Ratkowski (Ratkowski 1968) of wind tunnel data on 18 simulated ice shapes found all but two of them capable of causing galloping, according to Den Hartog’s theory, when suitably oriented. Japan has been particularly active in galloping observations from the early 1970s. 776 cases have been recorded in some detail from all regions of Japan, most of them occurring on Honshu and Hokkaido Islands, particularly in the Tokyo, Hokuriku, and Tohoku regions. The statistics of these events such as single or bundle lines, wind speed and orientation to the line, temperature, altitude, span length, etc. are available in a CIGRE brochure (CIGRE 2007, to be published). Interesting additional details are also provided about ice shape and its eccentricity for 125 cases: • 53 cases were observed with eccentricity less than 1, most of the cases with a crescent shape windward (23 cases). (Eccentricity is defined as the ratio ice thickness over conductor radius.) • 48 cases were observed with eccentricity in the range 1 to 2—34 of these of the cases with a triangle shape with a round tip to windward) • 7 cases were observed with eccentricity in the range 2 to 4—most of these cases with a triangular shape with a round tip windward. • 16 cases were observed with eccentricity in the range 4 and over—12 of these cases with a triangular with a round tip to leeward. Wind tunnel testing of actual ice shapes, and of plastic, metal or polymeric replicas of actual iced conductors, has been largely developed since 1979 all around the world. Examination of ice shapes involved in actual galloping indicates that numerous naturally-occurring shapes have been involved. Ice Location on the Conductor Figure 4.2-22 shows the percentages of observations when the ice was thickest in each of eight sectors around the conductor’s girth, based upon two collections of data on galloping transmission and distribution line span (Edison Electric Institute 1977; Oldacre 1949). Table 4.2-3 Thickness of Icing No. of Cases 4-18 Ice Thickness (in.) Ice Thickness (mm) 42 “Very thin,” “Not visible,” etc. 17 0.25 6 8 0.50 13 0 0.75 19 0 1 25 2 1.25 32 Figure 4.2-22 Percentage of observations in which point of maximum ice thickness fell in various sectors of the conductor surface (Edison Electric Institute 1977; Oldacre 1949). EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition Chapter 4: Galloping Conductors duration of icing conditions. This “wrapped-on” ice shape will be different from that near span ends where little rotation takes place. As ice builds up, the conductor could twist due to the wind pressure, towards another angle α, going through a range where CL α changes significantly in value and sign. Thus, galloping could start during glazing and could cease before glazing stopped. Figure 4.2-23 Effect of rain impingement angle on location of ice deposits. The thickness of ice deposit appears to influence the likelihood of galloping for certain types of span. Galloping is favored if the ice shape is uniform and of constant angle of attack along the span. Glaze ice is usually deposited on the upper windward surface of the conductor as illustrated in Figure 4.2-23. In long single-conductor spans, the eccentric weight of the deposit (see Figure 4.2-24) may be great enough to significantly twist the conductor. Since the conductor span is fixed against rotation at the ends, this eccentric ice load will twist the conductor most at mid-span, and the angle of twist will become progressively smaller going from that point toward the supports. The angle of attack will thus vary along the span. The ice shape will also vary along the span. Near the span extremities, the ice deposit on the top windward surface will progressively thicken with continued impingement of freezing droplets. Ice deposited on that quadrant remains in that quadrant. Near mid-span, however, continued deposition of ice causes progressive rotation of the conductor, so that the ice coating is “wrapped on” (Edwards 1970). Because of this rotation, the first film of ice, which was initially in the upper windward quadrant, may ultimately face directly to windward, or down, or even directly to leeward, depending upon the torsional stiffness of the span and the The twisting of the conductor, discussed above, may have the effect of changing the conductor’s ability to gallop as the ice storm progresses. Early in the storm, the angle of attack of the ice deposit may be nearly constant along the span, and its value may be such that galloping may occur or such that it may not. Subsequent twisting may change the angle of attack, remote from towers, to values where the reverse is true. Ultimately, ice shape and angle of attack may vary so greatly along the span that galloping cannot occur. Thus galloping behavior may change substantially during the storm, even when the wind conditions remain constant. After precipitation ceases, and as long as the ice coating remains intact, galloping behavior should depend only on wind conditions. Galloping behavior may be influenced by the electrical load being transmitted by a line, since a small temperature rise of the conductors can postpone the initiation of deposition, and a large enough temperature rise may prevent icing altogether. There is considerable variety in ice deposits found in the field. It can be expected that the varied deposits found from storm to storm, line to line, and indeed span to span will have different aerodynamic properties characterized by different combinations of CLα and eccentricity (among other parameters). Unfortunately, little data exist on aerodynamic characteristics of conductors with actual ice deposits (Yamaguchi et al. 2005). The videos on galloping on the CD distributed with this book include some good views of some of the events. A recent Japanese overview of galloping observations during the last 30 years gives some additional data (Mito 2003). In this overview, 124 cases of height and shape of the ice were observed. Table 4.2-4 shows observation data of shape of ice and height. Figure 4.2-24 Eccentric ice deposit resulting in torque on conductor. There are not enough such data to develop probability distributions of, for example, CLα. Yet it is such probability distributions, acting through the dynamic charac- 4-19 Chapter 4: Galloping Conductors EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition Table 4.2-4 Number of Galloping Incidents over 30 Years, versus Height and Shape of Ice (Japan) Height of Ice/Conductor Diameter 0 ~ 0.5 Shape 0.5 ~ 1.0 1.0 ~ 2.0 2.0 ~ Wind Lee- Wind Lee- Wind Lee- Wind Leeward ward ward ward ward ward ward ward Triangle 9 10 8 3 1 0 0 0 Triangle with round tip 3 1 34 2 4 0 0 12 Crescent 23 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 Others 7 0 1 4 teristics of exposed spans, that determine the likelihood of galloping occurring. The distribution of actual CLα,, eccentricity ε combinations influences the expected benefit of different galloping control devices. This is discussed in more detail in Section 4.3.) Influence of Torsional Stiffness on Galloping Torsional stiffness (described in Section 4.3) effects are thought to influence the number of loops that occur in natural galloping. Spans with low torsional stiffness, due to large span length or small conductor diameter, tend to experience large rotation at mid-span resulting in a shape of ice having aerodynamic characteristics poorly suited to galloping (Burgsdorf et al. 1964). The amount of rotation is less at locations nearer the towers, such as the quarter points of the span. The distribution of a “gallop-prone” ice shape along the span is thus better able to support two-loop than one-loop galloping. It is, in fact, widely thought that single-loop galloping seldom occurs in long single-conductor spans. However, significant conductor rotation during deposition of ice does not occur in bundled conductors because of their much larger torsional stiffness. In some quarters, bundled conductors are thought to be more prone to galloping than single conductors. But the number of kilometers of single lines being much larger, there are many observations on such cases, too. In Japan, during the last 30 years, 776 case of galloping were recorded, 326 of them being observed on single line 66 kV, 231 cases observed on single conductors at voltage between 66 and 220 kV, and 210 cases on bundle lines of voltage of 220 kV and over, including 53 on 500 kV. These figures correspond to galloping occurrences on about 30% of the 66-kV line route length and 20% of the 275-kV line route length. 4-20 4.2.6 Protection Methods: Overview There are three main classes of countermeasures employed against galloping: 1. Removing, or preventing formation of, ice on conductors. 2. Interfering with the galloping mechanisms to prevent galloping from building up or from attaining high amplitude. 3. Making lines tolerant of galloping through ruggedness in design, provision of increased phase clearances, or controlling the mode of galloping with interphase ties. All of these are treated in detail in Section 4.5. Several utilities have designed ice-melting schemes for their icing prone lines, and mechanical ice removal techniques are practiced, and some novel devices are being developed. Use of galloping-resistant conductors is gaining acceptance in some utilities as part of the lineupgrading program. Provision of increased phase-to-phase and phase-toground wire clearances is the most widely practiced countermeasure against galloping. EEI’s T&D Committee survey (data courtesy of Transmission and Distribution Committee) found this approach employed by 39 of the 48 utilities that reported taking active measures to offset the effects of galloping. Vertical clearances are increased the most. Most designers rely upon “galloping ellipses” in gauging what clearances to use, and feel that very significant reductions in outage rates are achieved. These ellipses, first proposed by A. E. Davison of Ontario Hydro, will be discussed in Section 4.5. New data based on extensive field observations of galloping may lead to improvements to that design approach. Interphase ties are rigid or flexible, phase-to-phase, insulating struts that are placed at one or more points in a span to enforce phase separation. These are the most widely used add-on galloping controls. Galloping is not prevented, but the motion that occurs is forced into a mode that reduces the relative motion of the phases, and thus the likelihood of flashover. Interphase ties have been in use for more than 40 years (Jongerius and Lewis 1970; Becken and Drevlow 1972; Kito et al. 1975), and experience has been quite encouraging. They have been used by 20 of the 48 utilities noted above that reported taking active measures against galloping. Nevertheless, some breakage of interphase spacers has occurred, as well as cases of synchronized galloping of all phases. Further details of field experience with interphase spacers are given in Section 4.5. EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition Chapter 4: Galloping Conductors Devices that have been developed in order to interfere with the galloping mechanisms fall generally into three groups: • No control method can guarantee that it will prevent • those that intervene in the energy balance of a galloping span to damp the motions, in a manner similar to that by which Stockbridge dampers control aeolian vibration, will not occur, but do not necessarily prevent galloping or dynamic stresses at the suspension clamps. Their usage is growing, and their design is undergoing further development. • those that modify the aerodynamics of the conductor • Mechanical dampers to stop vertical motion are still or the ice shape, and galloping under all conditions. • Interphase spacers virtually ensure galloping faults being pursued but only to a very limited extent. • those that seek to control torsional vibrations of the • Torsional devices that either detune or increase tor- conductors in a manner that prevents large vertical amplitudes from developing. sional damping or both are being pursued and actively evaluated. Trials of various devices designed to increase the energy absorption in vertical movement during galloping have not succeeded. Unsuccessful devices are not covered in this survey, but have been listed in a recent CIGRE document (CIGRE 2000b). Several devices have shown some success based on modifying the aerodynamics of iced conductors, including the air-flow spoiler used mainly on single conductors, the AR Windamper on single and bundle conductors, and eccentric masses. Several devices that seek to intervene in galloping mechanisms operate through control of the conductor’s torsional motion. Extensions of Den Hartog’s analysis to include torsional effects, as well as other theories, have led to hypotheses that vertical galloping can be controlled by preventing torsional motion from occurring, or by inducing torsional motion having a certain phase relationship with the vertical motion. A number of devices have been developed for single and bundle conductors based on this approach. These effects will be discussed further in Section 4.5. Survey on Galloping Control Devices A recent survey published in ELECTRA (CIGRE 2000b) showed the following results: • The complexity of galloping is such that control techniques cannot be adequately tested in the laboratory and must be evaluated in the field on real overhead lines. This testing requires a coordinated approach, with observer crews equipped and trained to record the galloping events on their lines. Due to the difficulty in predicting galloping occurrences, this may take years, and the results may be inconclusive. • Analytical tools and field test lines with artificial ice are useful in evaluation of galloping risk, control devices, and appropriate design methods. • Techniques that disrupt either the uniformity of ice accretion by presenting a varying conductor crosssection or the uniformity of the aerodynamics by inducing conductor rotation are being actively pursued. • Methods of ice removal or prevention are not widely used as specific antigalloping practices, but they are in place in utilities where icing is frequent. • For bundled conductors, despacering with hoop spacers, adding vertical offsets to horizontal bundles, or using rotating-clamp spacers are still used extensively in parts of Europe subject to wet snow accretions. • For bundled conductors, the influence of the design of suspension and anchoring deadend arrangements on the torsional characteristics of the bundle and on the occurrence of vertical/torsional flutter-type galloping has been recognized. 4.3 MECHANISMS OF GALLOPING 4.3.1 Basic Mechanisms of Galloping The basic mechanism of galloping, described by Den Hartog, was outlined in Section 4.2, for a springmounted model constrained to move solely in the vertical plane. Appendix 4.6 gives the sign convention, clockwise or anticlockwise, for the aerodynamic forces that will help to better understand the following. Analysis of that mechanism led to the criterion that galloping may occur if: La + D ≤ 0 with clockwise reference for positive angles D – La ≤ 0 with anticlockwise reference for positive angles Figures 4.3-5 to 4.3-7 show the Den Hartog instability zones (highlighted) with actual and artificial ice shapes. Since the drag D and lift L are given by Equations 4.2-1 and 4.2-2 in Section 4.2, the criterion may be expressed 4-21 Chapter 4: Galloping Conductors EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition versus aerodynamic coefficients of lift and drag and their derivatives CLα + CD ≤ 0 (clockwise) CD - CLa ≤ 0 (anticlockwise) 4.3-1 Where CLα = ∂CL / ∂α α = angle of attack. Inequality 4.3-1 is known as the Den Hartog criterion. Tornqist and Becker pointed out that this criterion had actually been derived as early as 1919 in connection with autorotation of airfoils (Tornquist and Becker 1947). Applied to iced conductors of power lines, Equation A4.2-7 (Appendix 4.2) includes the Den Hartog mechanism as already discussed. Efforts have been made to verify the analyses against tests in wind tunnels and on full-span test lines. On the whole, correlation has been good where theory has been tested against experiment in wind-tunnel simulations. Correlation has been less evident where full-span galloping in natural wind is involved, however. A detailed discussion of galloping theory is beyond the scope of this volume, since line designers cannot usefully apply very much of it. Some understanding of the main mechanisms at work in galloping is useful, however, and it is the intent of the present section to provide that. Appendix 4.3 provides a more complete view of galloping instabilities, including other kinds of galloping instability than the Den Hartog type. It is helpful to approach the discussion with specific questions in mind. The first part of this section will deal with the question: when may galloping occur—i.e., under what conditions can galloping of small amplitude build up, rather than decay and disappear? The second part of the discussion will concern the question: if galloping can occur, how severe will it be, how great its amplitudes? The first question involves behavior when amplitudes are small and thus permits the simplifications afforded by linearization. The second question requires consideration of nonlinear effects with their complexities. In much of the discussion, the conductor span, more exactly a specific mode of a multi-span section, will be modelled as a rigid rod hung from springs in such a way that it has one or several of the three degrees of freedom: vertical displacement y (plunging), horizontal displacement x (swinging), and rotation θ (torsion), as depicted 4-22 in Figure 4.3-1. In this lumped parameter representation, the springs k1 and k2 are chosen to give natural frequencies in the x and y directions equal to horizontal and vertical natural frequencies for the span in question, and the torsional spring k3 is chosen to reproduce in the model the torsional natural frequency of the span. It must be noted that such configuration has been used in wind tunnels for dynamic testing, notably by (Mukhopadhyay 1979; Nakamura and Tomanani 1980; Hack 1981; Tunstall and Koutselos 1988; Yu et al. 1992; Chabart and Lilien, 1998; Keutgen 1999), using a rigid rod simulating a piece of conductor by adding the outer layer of strands fitted on to a piece of tube, and on which ice accretion is reproduced by a synthetic material. The same experiment, without springs, helps to determine the aerodynamic coefficients. In one sense, this model reflects one mode of oscillation of a whole overhead line section, in its three degrees of freedom; a fourth degree exists in longitudinal direction, but—despite its dramatic importance for tension variation—we may temporarily neglect its influence on galloping onset mechanisms. Aerodynamics of Some Ice Coatings and Corresponding Potential Incidences of the Den Hartog Instability Condition The Den Hartog instability criterion needs a relationship between the drag and the derivative of lift. Many investigations have been described in the literature on the aerodynamic properties of replicas of actual ice shapes. These shapes were obtained during galloping observations, usually as pieces of ice dropped from the line (Tunstall and Koutselos 1988; Koutselos and Tunstall 1988), or in a wind-tunnel experiment simulating natural icing conditions. This last procedure used a Figure 4.3-1 Lumped mass model of conductor span. EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition piece of conductor fixed in the vertical and horizontal directions but able to rotate with appropriate torsional stiffness. Snow or ice was injected into or created in the wind tunnel to produce the ice accretion shapes, which are dependent on temperature, wind speed, duration of the icing event, and conductor torsional stiffness. Afterward the ice shapes were reproduced and the aerodynamic forces measured in a classical wind tunnel. Most of these complex tests were performed in Japan (Otsuki and Kajita 1975) and Canada (Buchan 1977). In the following, the eccentricity of the ice is defined by similitude based on a quasi-elliptical ice profile. The eccentricity ε is the ratio of the ice thickness to the conductor radius. For example, in Figure 4.2-16, 11 mm (0.4 in.) of ice on 32.4 mm (1.28 in.) diameter conductor gives ε = 0.67. As a general conclusion based on all such tests performed during the last thirty years, the findings can be summarized as follows: Chapter 4: Galloping Conductors Figure 4.3-2 Actual ice shapes causing galloping. Left: on a quad bundle, as observed in Japan (Anjo et al. 1974) extracted from a video record from the KasatoriYama test line. Right: ice accretion on a rigidly reinforced bundle conductor, with eccentric mass. • For instability to occur, the ice shape may have to be an airfoil with significant eccentricity, mainly on bundle conductors (Figures 4.3-2 and 4.3-3). • The ice shape on single conductors, which can generate galloping, may be extremely thin glaze ice (Figure 4.3-4). • The D-shape type of ice almost never occurs. Figure 4.3-3 Freezing rain ice shape fallen from quad bundle line during a galloping event in the United Kingdom in 1986 (courtesy M. J. Tunstall, CEGB, Corech meeting, September 1987). Figure 4.3-4 Ice layers on ACSR conductors. Upper Left: Groningen, diameter 22 mm (0.87 in.). Below: Grackle, diameter 34 mm (1.34 in.), during a galloping event (courtesy P.H. Leppers, Corech meeting 1979). 4-23 Chapter 4: Galloping Conductors EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition It has been shown by laboratory testing (e.g., Tunstall and Koutselos 1988) that extremely thin deposits behave, near the zero angle of attack, completely differently from other ice shapes. They show lift curves with opposite slopes, compared to other thicker deposits, greater than the drag indicating potential Den Hartog instability, similar to D-shape but in a much more restricted range of angle of attack. The aerodynamic curves in Figures 4.3-5 to 4.3-8 have been obtained by the methods described above. Ranges of angles of attack with Den Hartog instability zones are highlighted by a heavier line on the abscissa. The angle of attack is measured in the anticlockwise direction for all curves presented. The left-hand side of each figure shows lift and drag, and the right-hand side shows drag and derivative of lift. The Den Hartog instability zones occur when the curves Figure 4.3-5 Aerodynamic properties of a conductor with ice eccentricity 0.33 (source: P. Buchan, OH report 78-205-K, 1978). Left: lift and drag versus angle of attack. Right: derivative of lift and drag versus angle of attack. There is only one small range of Den Hartog instability zone near 180°. Figure 4.3-6 Aerodynamic properties of a conductor with eccentricity 0.82 (source: Manitoba Hydro, CEA report N°321, T 672, 1992). Left: lift and drag versus angle of attack. Right: derivative of lift and drag versus angle of attack. There is only one small range of Den Hartog instability zone near 180°. Figure 4.3-7 Aerodynamic properties of a conductor with eccentricity 1.39 (source: Fujikura, courtesy T. Oka). Left: lift and drag versus angle of attack. Right: derivative of lift and drag versus angle of attack. There is only one small range of Den Hartog instability zone near 180°, plus one asymmetric instability zone near -40°. 4-24 EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition Chapter 4: Galloping Conductors Figure 4.3-8 Aerodynamic properties of a conductor with a D-Shape accretion (courtesy University of Liège, 1999). Left: lift and drag versus angle of attack. Right: derivative of lift and drag versus angle of attack. There is a large range of Den Hartog instability zone near zero and 90° angles of attack. the Den Hartog criterion. For example, in Figure 4.3.7, with an eccentricity of 1.39 at around -40°. This means that a small asymmetry in the ice shape may create such behavior, but the area of instability, which will be related to the amplitude, is generally very small. Figure 4.3-9 Typical artificial D-shapes (courtesy Hydro Québec). The figure on the bottom has very similar aerodynamic coefficients as in Figure 4.3-8. cross, due to the choice of the anticlockwise sign convention. All curves are smoothed using a high-bandpass Fourier filter with 42 harmonic components. Ice Shapes Tested in Wind Tunnels Many teams have worked around the world to obtain aerodynamic properties of ice shapes. Also, using the quasi-steady hypothesis, they have applied the aerodynamic coefficients assuming that they are independent of wind speed. For these measurements, static wind-tunnel tests are performed by installing the conductor with its ice shape supported rigidly within a wind tunnel with sensors to measure the lift, drag, and moment for the chosen wind speed. The support system can rotate the conductor to provide these aerodynamic properties at each angle of attack. The conductor support must be designed to enable measurement of the appropriate pitching moment. Some of these teams were trying to reproduce actual ice shapes due to wet snow or freezing rain. To obtain these shapes, two methods were used: • Collect ice shapes fallen from the line following galIt must be noted that a conductor with a “classical” crescent-shaped ice coating, such as shown in Figures 4.3-5 to 4.3-7, with any eccentricity has similar aerodynamic lift curves of different amplitudes. There is little or no Den Hartog instability zone, except at 180°, which needs wind from the opposite side to the ice coating. The D-shape (Figure 4.3-8) shows the opposite behavior near the zero angle of attack, and is very unstable (Nakamura and Tomonari 1980). Figure 4.3-9 shows artificial D-shapes used in test stations. Rarely, for some ice shapes, there can be a small range of angle of attack that can become unstable based on loping events. Then they reproduce the ice shape by creating a mold, using low-temperature curing silicone rubber, and further creating replicas of the ice shape using that mold, which are then attached to a simulated conductor for use in the wind tunnel (Nigol and Buchan 1981). • Create ice accretions in an icing wind tunnel in which samples of conductors are placed across the wind tunnel, and freezing rain or snow is deposited on the conductors during a given time. The conductor samples are installed with end fixations able to rotate to correspond to an appropriate conductor torsional stiffness (Manitoba 1992; Fujikura personal communications; Nigol and Buchan 1981). 4-25 Chapter 4: Galloping Conductors EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition Some examples are reproduced here at right. It is useful to note that the aerodynamic lift, drag, and moment are, in principle, reasonably independent of the particular conductor diameter of the sample tested in the wind tunnel. Only the relative size of the ice thickness to the conductor diameter and geometric shape of the ice layer are important. Any other ice profiles that can be obtained by simply a scale factor would have the same aerodynamic coefficients. That is why aerodynamic curves are given by the “eccentricity” of the ice shape, which is a dimensionless coefficient, as shown by Figures 4.3-5 to 4.3-7. Influence of Ice Location on the Conductor The distribution of the actual CLα, eccentricity e combinations, influences the expected benefit of different galloping control devices. The actual distribution of CLα, ε is of direct interest in connection with predicting the probability of galloping, and in connection with assessing proposed protection methods. As noted, data are lacking. The opinion of researchers in the field, although certainly not unanimous, is generally as follows: 1. Ice builds up on the top and windward side of the conductor, unless the wind reverses direction. 2. The wind reverses direction in a small number of ice storms. Then galloping can easily occur based on Den Hartog type instability on any kind of ice. This is a particularly difficult type of galloping to control. From a survey of Japanese utilities (Mito 2003) (Table 4.2-4), about 20% of the galloping occurrences cases were observed with leeward ice. 3. The absolute value of ε is usually less than 0.5. In the same Japanese survey noted above, as reported in Table 4.2-4 in Section 4.2, 53 cases or 43%, had eccentricities lower than 0.5 and 71 cases, or 57%, had higher eccentricities. 4. Both positive and negative values of CLα occur, perhaps with about equal probability. There are widely differing opinions as to the magnitudes of CLα, both positive and negative, that are achieved in nature. The rapid overview of typical cases can be seen in Figures 4.3-5 to 4.3-8, all being in the eccentricity range of the Japanese investigations. These cases show very few windward positions of the ice or wet snow with the Den Hartog instability criterion satisfied. It is felt that CLα may change in a particular span during the ice buildup, due to twisting of the conductor under the eccentric weight of the ice deposit and the force of the wind. This twisting is greatest at mid-span and negli- 4-26 Figure 4.3-10 Wet snow shape 1 (Koutselos and Tunstall 1988 and 1986) obtained on a Zebra ACSR 54/7, conductor diameter 28.6 mm, ice thickness of 12.6 mm (aerodynamics similar to Figure 4.3-6). Den Hartog potential instabilities occur only near 180°—i.e., horizontal, leeward side. Figure 4.3-11 Wet snow shape 2 (Koutselos and Tunstall 1988 and 1986) obtained on a Zebra ACSR 54/7, conductor diameter 28.6 mm, ice thickness of 14.6 mm. Den Hartog potential instabilities near 180°, horizontal, leeward side, and a very narrow zone near 40° windward, which is either upper and lower quadrant. Figure 4.3-12 Thin freezing crescent collected by Koutselos (Koutselos and Tunstall 1986) obtained on a Zebra ACSR 54/7 conductor, diameter 28.6 mm, ice thickness of 3 mm. Den Hartog potential instability near 180° and a very narrow zone near zero° windward. Figure 4.3-13 Ice shape obtained on a 21.5 mm conductor diameter, ice thickness 15 mm (Fujikura, personal communication with M. Oka) (aerodynamics identical to Figure 4.37).Den Hartog potential instabilities near 180° (horizontal, leeward side) and a very narrow zone near 60° windward (upper quadrant). Figure 4.3-14 Ice shape obtained on a 35 mm conductor diameter, ice thickness 38.5 mm (Fujikura personal communication with M. Oka). Den Hartog potential instabilities near 180° (horizontal, leeward side) and a very narrow zone near 60° windward (upper quadrant and down quadrant). Figure 4.3-15 Ice shape obtained on a 13.5 mm conductor diameter, ice thickness 5 mm (Fujikura personal communication with M. Oka) (aerodynamics similar to Figure 4.3-5). Den Hartog potential instabilities near 180° (horizontal, leeward side) only. This shape is quasi-identical to Buchan 1978. EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition gible near the supports. During a period of “natural” ice accretion of progressively increased eccentricity, the initial angle of attack, early in the storm, would correspond to an angle of impingement of the droplets, possibly about 60° above horizontal, where a region of near instability exists. This corresponds to -60° angle of attack with the positive anticlockwise sign convention. In this vicinity, CLα would be positive, reference positive anticlockwise. With buildup of ice and wind force, the conductor could twist toward other angle α , going through a range where CLα is changing significantly in value and sign. Thus, galloping could start during ice build up and could cease before icing stopped. A longer, torsionally more flexible span might twist enough to take α out of the “appropriate range” of the Den Hartog instability, and might thus experience a short galloping period. A shorter, torsionally stiffer span might not twist enough to take α out of the dangerous zone near -60°, and therefore might suffer prolonged galloping. These observations are dramatically influenced by the wind speed, which may shift the ice position away from its position without wind, due to the aerodynamic pitching moment acting on it. For example, depending on torsional stiffness, single conductors would behave completely differently from bundle conductors. It would simply be impossible, in the case of “low” torsional stiffness, for the conductor to twist so that the ice shifts to a position below the wind direction. This depends on a complex mix of wind speed, ice eccentricity, that is, aerodynamic properties and weight, and conductor torsional stiffness. Section 4.3.2 offers an overview of these aspects. Bundle conductors, generally have very strong torsional stiffness, compared to the external forces, so that the ice buildup will generally occur on the upper quadrant facing the wind. This is not true for single conductors. 4.3.2 Influence of Structural Factors Conductor Torsional Stiffness Some details of the torsional stiffness of bundle conductors are explained in Chapter 7 in relation to the bundle rolling instability. The torsional stiffness “GJ”, also called “τ”, is related to the external applied load by Equation 4.3-2. d 2ϑ − GJ 2 = M ( z ) dz 4.3-2 where M (z) is a torque on the span at abscissa z, which can be distributed or localized. Chapter 4: Galloping Conductors “GJ” is given by analogy with beam theory, where G is the shear modulus and J the polar moment of inertia. “GJ” is an intrinsic property of the conductor. For power lines conductors, the conductor is made of assembled wires, most often round wires, and J is determined experimentally. By analogy with beam theory, the parameters involved in the torsional stiffness are: the diameter raised to the power 4 for cylindrical beams, the geometry of the section, and the shear modulus. Most conductors have a round external shape, and their outer layers are made of aluminum. These outer layers contribute most to the torsional stiffness. As a result, a simplified approach could consider the diameter at a power “x” as the only variable of interest. If that equation is applied to the simple case of a concentrated torque “C” applied at the middle of a span of length “L”, the corresponding angle of rotation at midspan is given by the classical formula: ϑL / 2 = C .L 4GJ 4.3-3 This testing arrangement has been used to determine the effective “GJ” value of both single conductors and bundles. To avoid any reference to “G” or “J” this apparent torsional stiffness is generally replaced by one variable “τ”. Single Conductor The torsional stiffness measurements on single and bundle conductors have been reported in several technical publications (Nigol et al.1977; Havard 1976, 1980; McConnel and Zemke 1980; Richardson 1981; Douglass 1981; Tombeur 1984; Susab et al.1985; Wolfs 1988; Wang 1996; Wang and Lilien 1998; Keutgen et al.1998; Keutgen 1999). There is a useful review covering the results of 87 experimental measurements performed in many different countries (Wang and Lilien 1998), which is summarized in Figure 4.3-16. The torsional stiffness measurements are characterized by scatter of the order on a factor of about ± 2 on the average value at each diameter. A good approximation for the torsional stiffness of standard round strand conductors with a diameter between 12 and 60 mm (0.47 and 2.36 in.) AAAC, ACSR, can be estimated by the simple formula: GJ = τ = 0.00028φ 4 4.3-4 4-27 Chapter 4: Galloping Conductors EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition This formula produces conductor torsional stiffness τ in Nm2/rad when the diameter φ is given in mm. Large discrepancies may occur for old conductors. Some over 30-year-old conductor tests showed values two times the value of new conductors. Conductors with noncircular wires, such as trapezoidal or z shape, also have much stronger torsional stiffness. The tests of new conductors with z-shaped strands showed up to two to three times higher torsional stiffness, depending on stranding and the number of z-shaped layers. As an example from Equation 4.3-4, a Drake ACSR, 470 mm 2 , diameter of 28.2 mm, conductor has a torsional stiffness of: τ = 0.00028(28.2)4 = 177 Nm2 / rad It is clear from Figure 4.3-16 that torsional stiffness based on diameter raised to the power “4” remains valid, as for the beam theory, but significant discrepancies may occur, in particular for old conductors. Bundle Conductors The basic minimum torsional stiffness, as explained in Chapter 7, of a bundle of “n” subconductors is given by: GJ = n(τ + r .T ) 2 4.3-5 where “r” is the radius of the bundle. The diameter of the bundle is the diameter of the circle on which all subconductors are placed, for the classical bundle layout, and τ is torsional stiffness of one subconductor. T is the mechanical tension in each subconductor. In the SI unit system, τ is in Nm2/rad, r in meters, and T in Newtons. Based on this simple formula, the torsional stiffness of a bundle is a very much larger value compared to a single conductor, because the conductor tension adds significantly to the stiffness. As an example, a twin Drake conductor with 0.45 m bundle diameter and a 40 kN tension in each subconductor will give a bundle torsional stiffness of: 2(177 + (0.45 / 2) 2 .40000) = 4400 Nm 2 / rad which is 26 times larger than the single Drake conductor. The torsional stiffness of a bundle conductor is unfortunately not so simple. It can even be larger, up to twice that value, depending on end-span conditions, including the yoke plate arrangement on dead end structures. That is because tension differences may appear between subconductors, depending on the yoke plate arrangement at the end of the span. The physics are explained in Chapter 7, including the subspan torsional collapse mechanism. In this section, the discussion covers torsional angles less than the collapse value, because the design must be such than collapse has to be avoided. But it should be noted that some galloping does cause bundle collapse due to large torsional movement. The torsional stiffness of bundle conductors is definitely nonlinear. It depends on conductor tension, which changes during galloping. But for small movement, in any direction including torsion, the tangential stiffness may be used. That is particularly applicable to evaluating the basic oscillation modes of the power line. Influence of Eccentric Masses on the Line On some overhead lines local concentrated masses in the form of various galloping control devices may be present on the single or bundle conductor arrangement, at a number of locations in the span. These masses have a marked impact on torsional stiffness of the conductor. Figure 4.3-16 Torsional stiffness versus diameter for single conductors including ACSR and AAAC, with new and up to over 30-year-old conductors. Based on 87 tests from Belgium, France, Canada, Japan, and the United States. Only round wire conductors. Two curve fits are shown (Lilien and Wang 1998). 4-28 To limit complexities, we will suppose that the additional mass is installed vertically below the conductor, single or bundle, at a distance “lpi” m from the center of gravity of the conductor, just like a pendulum. That mass is rigidly fixed to the conductor, so that rotation of the conductor will force all the system to rotate and the mass will rotate through the same angle. Some simplified evaluation of the additional torsional stiffness on each different mode “k” due to different “Np” masses “mpi” located at different place “zpi” on the EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition span “L” can be given by Equation 4.3-6, where g is the gravitational constant = 9.81 m/s2: kπ z pi 2 ) m pi l pi g sin 2 ( L GJ add = ∑ L 2 1 ⎛ kπ ⎞ ⎜ ⎟ ⎝ L ⎠ Np 4.3-6 For example, a single vertical pendulum of 6 kg with an arm of 0.2 m placed at mid-span, with span length L = 400 m, on a Drake ACSR single conductor, gives an increase of the torsional stiffness for the first galloping mode, k = 1, of about: 2 π 200 (6).(0.2).(9.81) sin 2 ( ) 400 GJ add = ∑ 400 2 1 ⎛ π ⎞ ⎜ ⎟ ⎝ 400 ⎠ = 955 Nm 2 / rad 1 4.3-7 which is quite a large increment compared to the singleconductor intrinsic stiffness of 170 Nm2/rad. The same case has obviously no impact on mode 2 torsional stiffness, because the mass is located at the central point of the span, which is a nodal point. The sine term in Equation 4.3-6, with k = 2, will give a zero contribution. This example emphasizes the importance of added eccentric masses on power line conductors. It must be noted that the same mass will also change the moment of inertia by a significant amount. Interaction of Ice with Conductor Torsional Stiffness Similarly to eccentric masses, a layer of ice coating adds a moment along the span of the conductor and increases the stiffness when the centroid of the ice is below that of the conductor. Inversely, when the ice accumulates on the top of the conductor, the torsional stiffness is reduced. (Nigol and Havard 1978). It must be pointed out also that the angle of attack of the ice accretion—be it glaze, wet snow, or rime—is also strongly dependent on the wind speed. The combination of torsional stiffness of the span with aerodynamic pitching moment causes some conductor rotation all along the span. During moderate to strong winds, say 15 m/s, some positions of ice at mid-span are simply impossible because they are “statically” unstable. The cable cannot maintain the position due to torque applied by Chapter 4: Galloping Conductors the wind. Typically a large highly eccentric ice accretion cannot remain on the windward side of a single conductor in the presence of wind. This points out some of the complexity of galloping and some requirements of modeling. Not all positions of ice are probable, and some are simply impossible depending on wind speed. The inclusion of an appropriate torsional stiffness model is necessary, and this is not a simple exercise, especially for bundle conductors as detailed in Chapter 7. A suitable model, verified by static test on an actual span, can be used to explain bundle collapse in all its aspects, subspan by subspan. The same theory led to the identification of the major effect, of end-span fixation and yoke plates of bundle conductors at suspension and anchoring towers, on the torsional stiffness of bundle conductors (Keutgen 1999; Wang 1996). The influences of the mean wind speed and the inverse pendulum effect are dramatic, even based on a purely static approach. In the following example, assume that ice accretion is created instantaneously all along the span at the same position ϑ = ϑice . Then consider gravity and the wind acting on that accretion, to establish the equilibrium position from a purely static approach. This assumes that the wind is constant, and that there is no inertial effect. Only torsion is considered here. The equation governing the position of ice along a span is given by: −τ d 2ϑ = k M V 2CM (ϑ ) + mice gdice cos(ϑ ) 2 dz 4.3-8 Where τ is the conductor torsional stiffness. z is the coordinate oriented from one end to the other of the span (z = 0 at the origin and z = L at the end). ϑ is the actual position of ice at abscissa z (the initial position of ice on a rigid structure =ϑice.) 1 2 kM a constant, --- ρ air φ (following Equation 4.2-2, 2 definition of aerodynamic pitching moment M) The two right-hand side terms are: First term, the aerodynamic pitching moment acting on the ice, with CM the aerodynamic moment coefficient, and V the wind speed. Second term, the inverse pendulum effect of the ice where mice is the mass of ice, dice is the distance between 4-29 Chapter 4: Galloping Conductors EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition the conductor shear center and the center of gravity of the ice, and g is the gravity constant (9.81 m/s2). It is relatively easy to solve that equation with the two conditions: ϑ (0) = ϑice and the symmetry condition: dϑ = 0 , at mid-span; that is, at z = L/2 dz The effects may be represented by two dimensionless parameters: P2 = L2 k M V 2 and π 2τ P5 = L2 mice gdice π 2τ The general view of the ice distribution along the span can be seen in Figure 4.3-17, giving ice position at the mid-span ordinates versus ice position at the end of the span. CM coefficient is given by its aerodynamic curve depending on the angle of attack; in this case, we chose the same as shown in Figure 4.3-5. Figure 4.3-17 shows the predicted twisting of the ice layer of a 488-m span of single conductor Drake ACSR, having an external diameter 28.2 mm, strung at 40 kN. The Drake conductor has a torsional stiffness around 170 N.m2/rad. For lines 1, 2, and 3, there is assumed to be no inverse pendulum effect—that is, term P5 is inactive. The simple existence of aerodynamic pitching moment gives a value of P2 around 3 as soon as the wind speed is over 2 m/s for an elliptical ice thickness near 10 mm. That means, from curve 2 or 3, depending on wind speed, that many positions of the ice cannot occur near mid-span, for any accretion angle—i.e., the position at the end of the span, as soon as the wind starts blowing. These “potential” positions of the ice accretion, which could exist in the absence of wind, would be moved by the wind to another position. The major influence of the inverse pendulum effect is illustrated by case 2', that is with term P5 active. The situation is completely different for bundle conductors as shown by curve 1. The bundle is at least one order of magnitude stiffer in torsion. For example, a twin Drake conductor with 45 cm separation would have a torsional stiffness close to 4000 Nm2/rad. The P5 parameter has no effect on curve 1. The general case would have to include the appropriate ice accretion procedure, during which wind and gravity are also acting, and which may also include some rotation of the conductor. In conclusion, the shape of the ice accretion across the span is a very complex feature. For a bundle with spacers rigidly connected to the subconductors, each subspan having a length around 40 to 60 m, the eccentricity of ice is probably rather uniformly distributed owing to the much stronger torsional stiffness and distributed spacers. The situation is much more complex on single-conductor lines, where the ice position can differ according to the presence or absence of the wind. Some devices attached to the line, such as eccentric masses, may drastically change the torsional stiffness of a single conductor, thus completely affecting the accretion procedure and the possible position of ice in the presence of the wind. Figure 4.3-17 Evaluation of ice position along the span with an assumed aerodynamic pitching moment, using the curve shown in Figure 4.3-26. Line 1 is for a twin Drake conductor. Lines 2 and 3 are for single Drake conductors with different wind speeds. Line 2 is for a single Drake conductor with both wind and ice mass inverted pendulum effects. In the abscissa, the ice position at the end of the span, on the ordinate, the ice position at mid-span. Angle positive anticlockwise. 4-30 Thus the mechanics of conductor galloping are strongly dependent on the torsional behavior of power line conductors. There is one particular exception for almost all ice profiles—that is, when there is a reverse wind speed, or the ice position is leeward at about the opposite position compared to the wind direction. All known measured aerodynamic coefficients—for example, any of Figures 4.3-5 to 4.3-8—on any ice shape, have a potential Den EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition Hartog instability under these conditions. Moreover, this ice location undergoes very limited influence of either the wind speed or the torsional stiffness of the conductor. Modified Den Hartog Conditions Owing to Torsional Movement Torsional response can expand the ranges of angle-ofattack where Den Hartog type galloping can occur, and in fact open such ranges where the Den Hartog criterion would fail in the absence of torsional response The Den Hartog mechanism of galloping may be significantly influenced by the torsional behavior of the whole span, in the presence of wind and ice. As detailed in Appendix 4.3, the torsional movement, if in phase with the vertical velocity which is typical for a single conductor line, may modify the Den Hartog criterion into a much more complex interaction, depending on structural data which influence the amplitude of torsion. The criterion is then “modified” as the derivative of lift needed to create instability must have the same sign as in Den Hartog evaluation, but its value is now multiplied by a factor that is dependent not only on aerodynamics. That multiplication factor is dependent on pitching moment derivative, ice eccentric mass effect, and some others. Field data (Figure 4.5-22) show that galloping on single conductors will occur mainly for very thin ice shapes, thus with limited “modified Den Hartog” effect, because both pitching moment and ice eccentric mass effect will be negligible. Galloping on single conductors is indeed possible and has been observed many times with very thin windward ice, similar to the sample in Figure 4.2-12. These thin ice shapes, with ice thicknesses lower than about 10% of the conductor diameter, have aerodynamics different from thicker ice deposits, and Den Hartog galloping is possible only near zero angle of attack. The situation is completely different for a bundle conductor line, which is much stiffer in torsion. On these lines, other mechanisms than Den Hartog, or modified Den Hartog, may cause galloping, and torsional movement may not be in phase with the conductor vertical velocity. More details of this mechanism are given in Appendix 4.3. The ice layer generating galloping may be any thickness or density. Power Line Section Eigenmodes Most of the structural factors influencing galloping, as stated in Section 4.3.2, are coupled and can be analyzed in relation to one basic physical property of the whole section of the line—namely, the section eigenmodes. Chapter 4: Galloping Conductors The incidence of single-loop galloping appears to be influenced not only by the twisting of the conductor due to eccentric loading by the ice, as noted above, but also by the sag ratio and the whole section data (from deadend to deadend towers). This needs further clarification. The galloping motion may be correlated to some “eigenmodes” of the whole section. Eigenmodes are the free vibration shapes that are possible in structures. These modes have a clear physical sense. Galloping observed on video or in the field demonstrates the nature of vibration modes. Each mode is a synchronized motion of the conductors in all spans and has a given frequency. The lowest frequency is called the fundamental. For a violin, the fundamental of a string, which is a taut string, has a given frequency, and the corresponding modal shape is a pure sine. For a conductor in an overhead line, the conductor is not a taut string because the sag/span ratio is not negligible, generally 2 to 5%, compared to taut string structures, such as a violin, or a stayed cable in a bridge. The full theory of cable dynamics has been developed, for example by (Irvine 1988). It has introduced a parameter that indicates how far the conductor behavior is from taut string theory. This parameter has been extended to overhead lines (Lilien et al. 1989; Dubois et al. 1991), including tower stiffness, by introducing the following key parameter: If K = tower stiffness (of the deadend towers that terminate the line section (N/m). EA = product of conductor Young modulus by conductor cross-sectional area for one phase, and for bundles, n times the cross section of one conductor, n being the number of subconductors (N). Ls = span length of the span considered in the section (m). L = the whole length of the multi-span section (m). a = the inverse of the catenary parameter (m-1), which means the ratio between conductor weight (product of mass per unit length [kg/m] divided by the gravitational constant g = 9.81 m/s 2 and conductor tension T in Newtons). r = the radius of the bundle (m), all subconductors assumed to be on a circle. σ = angular position of one subconductor, 0° for horizontal twin, 90° for vertical twin. h = the longitudinal dimension of the yoke plate at deadend level, as defined in Figure 4.3-18 (m). Figure 4.3-18 shows two very different yoke plate arrangements for a twin-bundle deadend. 4-31 Chapter 4: Galloping Conductors EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition The following set of definitions will lead to Mv and Mθ factors, this last only for bundle: 1 L 1 = + K v EA K Ns 1 Kϑ ,twin = 1 ⎛ (2r ) 2 L ⎞ + ⎜ ⎟ cos 2 σ ⎝ 2hT EA ⎠ L = ∑ Ls s =1 mg a= T Ωv2 = ( π 2 T Ls ). 2 m 8a .K .L Mv = 2 v 2 π .m.Ωv Ωϑ2 = ( Mϑ = π 2 1 Ls ). mr 2 (τ + r 2T ) 8a 2 .Kϑ .L π 2 .m.Ωϑ2 The correction factor based on “M” factors is the same curve (right diagram of Figure 4.3-19) for vertical and torsion, but refers to different basic formula (Ωv or Ωθ) and different K factors. Some surprising effects become apparent for twin-bundle conductors: Horizontal twin bundles, σ = 0° compared to vertical twin, σ = 90°. For vertical twin bundles, the yoke-plate has no impact, Kθ is always zero as cos (σ) = 0. For horizontal twin, the yoke-plate has a dramatic impact: The minimum value of the influence of the yokeplate on torsional frequency is obtained for h = 0 (full equilibrium between tension in the two conductors). Then Kθ is zero, and the horizontal bundle has the same frequencies as for a vertical bundle, and equal to fundamental theory. The maximum value of the influence of the yokeplate on torsional frequency is obtained for h = infinity, as is shown in the left-hand diagram of Fig- Figure 4.3-18 Yoke-plate arrangements for deadends, showing the definition of “h” and two typical arrangements for a twin bundle. Left: with h quasi infinite. Right: with a typical “h” around 0.1 m. Two cases that would dramatically influence torsional frequencies. 4-32 ure 4.3-19. Kθ is equal to EA/L, which is very large and may induce a significant increase of the pseudoone loop frequency in torsion. An increase of more than 2 is possible. Detuning—that is, separating the vertical and torsional frequencies—is thus possible on horizontal twin bundles by a simple rearrangement of the end-span details. This is less valid for a multi-span section with a large number of spans, because the end-span influence quickly decreases with distance along the line section. Comparing the taut string theory with the exact theory, as detailed by Irvine, may help to draw the Figure 4.3-19 for the four first modes of a single span overhead line, as detailed in (Lilien et al. 1989). Figures such as these, which are for a level span, may become more complex if there is a significant slope to the span. The diagram on the right in Figure 4.3-19 shows that the two-loop mode may have lower frequency than the first mode with some geometries of deadend hardware. This is particularly true for long spans, and thus may explain why these are prone to twoloop galloping. For a span having Mv larger than about 2, the lowest frequency is the two loops mode, the first to be unstable as wind speed increases. This will be discussed in more detail Section 4.3.5. Another notable observation is that the shape of the socalled “one-loop” mode is not a pure sine wave. But it has some “small loops” near the end of the span (Figure 4.3-19 left). This is called the “pseudo-one loop.” In deadend to deadend spans, the normal single- loop case is not possible. This has been clearly observed, for example, in the very detailed monitoring of a full-scale test line (Anjo et al. 1974). Another important feature of galloping is the behavior of a multi-span section An eigenmode of a power line section is the form of the steady-state oscillation of a section of conductor, both in the relative motion of each span, and in the natural frequency. An eigenmode is normally calculated using a linearized representation of the elastic properties of the conductor. For a simulation of galloping, both the vertical and torsional motions are involved. Although a span-by-span estimate may sometimes provide sufficient accuracy in predicting motions, considering a line section between deadends gives a more realistic representation. This is because there is longitudinal motion of the conductor at the suspension towers, due to the motion of the suspension insulator strings. Also, for bundle conductors, the details of the fixity of the yoke plates at the deadends can have an influence on the eigenmodes. The EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition Chapter 4: Galloping Conductors Figure 4.3-19 Modal shape changes for pseudo-one loop galloping vs. Mv factor. Left: profile of possible single loop galloping modes with different structural factor M. Right: frequencies of first three galloping modes versus different structural factor M. differences between the two estimates are greatest when the span lengths are unequal. Figure 4.3-20 illustrates the four lowest-frequency modes for a line section having four suspension spans of 160, 180, 190 and 195 m between deadends. Calculations, using a linear analysis of the motions, show that for the modes at 0.386 and 0.403 Hz, there is only small variation in tension during galloping. This is because, when one span is at its upward extreme of motion, there is another span at the downward extreme. The variations in arc length of the two spans compensate each other through swinging of the suspension support between them. In the mode at 0.516 Hz in Figure 4.3-20, all spans move in phase, so there is less ability for arc length compensa- Figure 4.3-20 Typical one-loop mode shapes in a fourspan line section. In the three first modes, alternate spans move alternately up and down with minimum variations in conductor tension due to insulator movement. In the fourth mode, all spans move in the same direction simultaneously. This mode involves large tension variations, and its shape may deviate from sinusoidal. tion between spans to occur. As a result, this mode displays significant tension variations during galloping, rather like the pseudo-fundamental in a deadended span, which is discussed below. The least common design of overhead transmission line span is that with deadending at both ends. When the galloping takes place in such a span, and if the structures are rigid, the motions are independent of what is taking place in adjacent spans. The galloping may display modes with 1, 2, 3, etc. loops. The modes with even numbers of loops conform in frequency and mode shape to simple taut-string theory. The odd-numbered modes, however, have higher frequencies than predicted by string theory, and their mode shapes take the form of sine waves with an offset, as illustrated in Figure 4.3-19 (left). They are called pseudo-modes, because of these differences, as explained above. These odd modes, especially the pseudo-fundamental, are marked by significant variations in conductor tension, even for small galloping amplitudes. These variations occur because the galloping loops are superimposed upon the curvature of the sagged conductor. This results in a difference in the arc length of the conductor between its upper and lower extremes of motion. Since the supports of a dead ended span are nominally rigid, this variation in arc length must be accommodated through conductor strain, with resulting variations in tension. The lowest odd mode, the pseudofundamental, may have enough offset that it appears to have three loops. Deadend spans experience the highest forces applied to the structures during galloping. 4-33 Chapter 4: Galloping Conductors EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition There are certain modes that, even in suspension spans, are autonomous to the span. These are the modes that have even numbers of loops in the span. These modes cause only slight variations in conductor tension, and thus produce little motion at suspension supports. Thus there is no significant coupling to adjacent spans. Spans are often observed to gallop in a combination of two or more of the modes that are available to them. For example, a suspension span may move simultaneously in a mode of the section and in its own autonomous twoloop mode. The vertical component of galloping, and the longitudinal motions at suspension supports, are important relative to violation of electrical clearances, both in spans and at supports. They are also closely associated with the conductor tension variations, which can be large, and the dynamic forces transmitted to insulators and supporting structures. The above discussion neglects the torsional component of galloping motion, as well as motions lateral to the span. Both of these also have normal modes by span and by line section. Those components can have important effects in relation to aerodynamic mechanisms that cause galloping, and they are discussed in the next part of this section. Further, if the ice formations in adjacent spans are not at an unstable angle of attack, these spans may act as dampers, reducing the amplitude or the likelihood of galloping of the span having the gallop-prone ice formation. Some damping effect may also arise from the varying longitudinal load applied to the tower. As a matter of observation, single-loop galloping of large amplitude is a great deal less frequent in long spans than in short, probably for both of the reasons cited. Some order of magnitudes of frequencies for single deadend spans and multi-span sections, both for single and bundle conductors are given in Appendix 4.7.Torsional frequencies are also given in that appendix. Effect of Vertical Damping If the model of Figure 4.3-1 is constrained to purely vertical vibration, without torsional or horizontal motion, then Den-Hartog’s criterion applies (Equation 4.3-1). Note that the magnitude of wind velocity is not involved in the criterion. The negative damping forces, due to CLa of appropriate sign, and the positive damping, due to the deflection of the drag vector, both vary directly with V2, so if the negative damping overpowers the drag effect at one wind velocity, it does so at all wind velocities. Care- 4-34 ful experiments in wind tunnels indeed show galloping down to quite low wind velocities. If mechanical damping is applied, for example, by paralleling the vertical springs with dashpots, a force that does not vary with wind velocity comes into play, and stability then depends upon V. The equation of motion for the damped system is: ⎡ φ ⎤ my + ⎢q (CD − CLα ) + c ⎥ y + ky = 0 ⎣ V ⎦ 4.3-9 Where m = mass per unit length of conductor. q = ρV2/2 = dynamic pressure. c = damping constant of dashpot. k = system spring constant. φ = conductor diameter. Steady galloping is possible when the coefficient of the y· term is zero, or V =− 2c ρ airφ .(CD − CLα ) 4.3-10 This relationship is conventionally expressed in the form: V 2m 2δ =− • 2 f v .φ ρ airφ (CD − CLα ) 4.3-11 where δ is the logarithmic decrement of the system in 2 still air. The dimensionless parameter 2m/ ρ air φ is roughly 3000 to 3500 for commonly-used ACSRs. To illustrate, if the galloping frequency were 0.5 Hz, the conductor were 25 mm in diameter, CD - CLα were -1, and δ were 0.05, the threshold fvφ would be about 300, and V would be about 3.75 m/s or about 8 mph. Doubling would double the threshold wind velocity. Just how much damping, in terms of δ , a particular span requires to prevent galloping depends very strongly upon what wind speeds are anticipated and upon the characteristics of the ice deposit, since those characteristics determine C Lα and C D. Methods for achieving useful levels of damping will be discussed in Section 4.5. For practical reasons, nobody until now has found any usable ways to increase the vertical damping at galloping frequencies of an amount that could be of interest. Maybe one day active control could do that. Dissipation within the conductor caused by its vertical motion is too small to influence galloping behavior, EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition since the long loops associated with galloping result in only slight flexing of the conductor. As actual mechanical damping has been confirmed to be very close to zero, the onset galloping wind velocity should be extremely low. Practically no galloping has been observed at wind speeds lower than roughly 4 m/s. As this cannot be correlated to possible mechanical source of damping, it must be recognized that another cause may explain the observed onset galloping wind speed. One possible cause is that a certain wind speed is needed to maintain conductor surface at the negative temperature required to retain a glaze ice, wet snow, or rime deposit, despite the electrical load flow in the conductor. Some other causes could be: (i) the wind speed needed to rotate the ice eccentricity to a location to generate galloping, which is seldom possible if it is located at the bottom of the conductor, and (ii) some other mechanisms beside the Den-Hartog instability exist, so that the onset conditions will be different and will depend on other structural data, which may be, due to nonlinearities, influenced by the wind. It must be understood that protection methods against aeolian vibration, which are described in Chapter 2, such as Stockbridge dampers, have absolutely no effect on galloping, because this occurs mainly in a range of frequencies much lower than aeolian vibration, and also because the amount of energy in galloping is much bigger than the amount related to aeolian vibration. The wind energy input during a galloping of a few meters amplitude peak-to-peak is typically in the range of several hundreds of Watts. By comparison, the maximum wind power input during aeolian vibration of amplitude close to the conductor diameter on a span of a few hundred meters is a very few Watts—between two and three orders of magnitude less. On the other hand, aeolian vibration dampers may be subject to damage during galloping, despite their very low response at galloping frequencies. The response may be affected by snow accretion lowering the natural frequencies of the dampers, coupled with large-amplitude motions that can lead to drooped and even fatigued messenger wires. As galloping is a low-frequency, high-power phenomenon, the control of it usually requires the use of systems having significant mass. As shown in Section 4.5, preventive methods with more than 10% of the full-span conductor mass are sometimes used. The overhead line designers have to be cautious about side effects that could be induced by antigalloping devices. A heavy mass Chapter 4: Galloping Conductors in a conductor span acts as a fixed point at high frequencies, which may increase the magnitude of the vibratory stresses due to aeolian vibration, and it may be necessary to add damping or conductor reinforcement. Influence of Conductor Self-Damping in Torsion Stranded conductors possess significant self-damping for torsional motion, even at the low frequencies encountered in galloping. Edwards and Madeyski (Edwards and Madeyski 1956) report experimentally determined torsional log decrement in the range 0.15 to 0.20 in typical conductors, which corresponds to 2.2% to 3.5% of critical damping. More recent testing presented in a CIGRE brochure on galloping, to be published in 2007, confirmed torsional damping from close to 2% up to 4% of critical damping at galloping frequencies. The value is also dependent on conductor stranding. The effect of this torsional damping is to make the rotational motions lag those that would occur in the absence of damping. This effect is most noticeable for quasi-resonance between vertical and torsional movement. As already stated, the limit cycle frequency is close to the vertical frequency, and is also close to the torsional frequency if quasi-resonance exists, which is very possible for bundle conductors. Small structural changes— such as bundle orientation, end-span arrangement, spacer type, subconductor separation, actual tension, etc.—may shift the torsional frequency slightly. This would then shift the ratio of limit cycle frequency to torsional frequency with dramatic consequences on phase shift between movements owing to the torsional damping, which is the only significant structural damping present. For example, the response shown in Figures 4.3-21 and 4.3-22 could become that of Figure 4.3-23 with torsional damping. Figure 4.3-21 Combined vertical and torsional motion, with amplitudes out of and in phase. 4-35 Chapter 4: Galloping Conductors EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition For ice leeward in Figure 4.3-23 (wind from right-hand side), the rotation of the conductor is limited due to wind action on ice and torsional damping is such that torsional movement is delayed compared to vertical one; the reverse is true for windward ice. The importance of these rotational responses is that they may shift the conditions under which galloping may occur relative to those obtaining in the absence of torsional response. The rotational responses may, in fact, permit entirely new instabilities. For example, the rotation component would reduce the excursions in angle of attack of the ice section with respect to the relative wind (effect of torsion on the angle of attack defined in Appendix 4.1 and explained in Appendix 4.3–Equation A4.3-7 and Appendix 4.5 Equation A4.5-6) more or less as depicted in Figure 4.3-21, 4.3-22 and 4.3-23. That reduction could reduce the amplitude of the lift force shown in Equation 4.3-12 enough that the damping effect of CD could not be overcome, and galloping might not be possible. A more positive value of C Lα would be required to permit galloping with the torsional motion indicated by Den Hartog’s criterion. Conversely, if the ice lay to windward in the above case, the excursions in would be amplified by the rotational motion, and a less positive value of C Lα would be required to establish the instability. That is the modified Den-Hartog criterion. (See also Appendix 4.3.) Instability in the form of flutter, not considered in the Den-Hartog analysis, may arise from the mechanical coupling of vertical to torsional motion. As noted in Section 4.2, positive values of CD - CLα are stabilizing; i.e., they tend to damp out purely vertical motions. However, if the rotational .motion is in phase with and large enough relative to y / V, as shown in Equation 4.3-12 and also detailed in Appendix 4.3, the phase of the lift force L may be reversed, such that it sustains, rather than damps, the motion in the y direction. This has been established (Keutgen 1999) by the criterion given in (CD − CLα ) ω ymax V < CLα .ϑmax .sin ϕ 4.3-12 Where ϕ is the phase shift between torsion and vertical movement. The ability to modify the torsional motion, including its damping, would certainly be beneficial for controlling flutter-type galloping. This is the basis of galloping control methods based on torsion, which are described further in Section 4.5. Figure 4.3-22 Combined vertical and torsional motion, with amplitudes in quadrature. Influence of the Ratio of Torsional to Vertical Natural Frequency For typical conductors, the positions of the stability boundaries depend mostly upon wind speed, V, the ratio of torsional to vertical natural frequency ft / fv, and upon the conductor’s torsional damping. Figure A4.3-3 in Appendix 4.3 shows these effects. Figure 4.3-23 Combination of vertical and torsional motion, resulting from eccentric ice load, when torsional damping is present. 4-36 Although ft / fy for bare single conductors that are rigidly supported at towers falls generally in the range 6 to 10, several effects can reduce it (Nigol and Clarke 1974). One is the “inverted pendulum effect” illustrated in Figure 4.3-24. Without ice or wind, the torsional natural frequency is determined by the mass moment of inertia of the conductor about the pivot and by the constant of the torsion spring. With ice is deposited on the top of the conductor, the center of gravity of ice plus conductor lies above the pivot, and the torsional natural frequency is reduced. See, for example, Equation A4.2-8 in Appendix EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition Chapter 4: Galloping Conductors The aerodynamic moment has been defined, and its interaction with torsional stiffness already pointed out. It could cause an increase or a decrease of the torsional natural frequency, depending on the ice location. Figure 4.3-24 Model illustrating inverted pendulum effect. 4.2, with sin(θ0)=sin(-90°)=-1, which decreases the torsional stiffness, thus decreasing the torsional frequency. If enough ice is deposited, the system may be statically unstable and the conductor may twist to a new at-rest position with the ice deposit’s center of gravity somewhere below the altitude of the conductor axis. The inverted pendulum effect comes into play whenever the center of gravity of the ice deposit falls above the altitude of the conductor axis, and is strongest when the deposit is directly on top. Calculations based upon a derivation by Nigol and Havard (Nigol and Havard 1978) indicate that a deposit of only 4 mm thickness over the top surface of a 25 mm diameter conductor would halve the torsional natural frequency of a 250-m (820-ft) span. The thickness required to do this varies roughly as the square of conductor diameter and inversely as the square of span length. Most ice deposits do not fall exactly on top of the conductor, so the frequency reduction usually is more modest but may still be significant. Even with no inverted pendulum effect, the increase in the mass moment of inertia from the ice deposit causes some reduction in torsional frequency. The vertical natural frequency is also reduced by the mass of the ice, but usually by a very small amount. The aerodynamic moment varies with angle of attack α. The effect upon the torsional vibration of the conductor about its axis is the same as that of attaching a torsion spring, additional to k3 in Figure 4.3-1, having a varying spring constant (see also Appendix 4.2, Equation A4.2-8, torsional stiffness term), M being already defined in Section 4.2.5, α being the angle of attack: - dM =-q.φ2 .CMα dα Where C Mα = moment. 4.3-13 dCM , the derivative of the pitching dα If CMα is positive, the net torsional spring constant will be reduced, and thus the torsional natural frequency will be lowered, as shown in Equation A4.2-8 (Appendix 4.2). To illustrate this effect, and compared to Nigol and Havard’s derivation, the torsional natural frequency about the conductor axis, with y motion restrained, would be halved by a value of CMα of about 0.34 under the following conditions: V = 10 m/s, d = 25 mm, span length = 250 m. Such values of CMα are apparently within the range of practical interest (Figure 4.3-26). The torsional coupling due to eccentricity not only changes the boundaries of the regions of instability, but also alters the degree of instability within regions. This is also illustrated in results of wind-tunnel model tests reported by Chadha (Chadha 1974). See Figures 4.3-27 and 4.3-28. The frequency ratio ft / fy may also be altered by direct aerodynamic action of the wind. This can occur when the aerodynamic center, through which the drag and lift forces act, does not coincide with the conductor’s axis. This is illustrated in Figure 4.3-25, and the situation depicted results in an aerodynamic moment about the conductor axis. This effect is the “pitching aerodynamic moment.” The inverted pendulum and aerodynamic moment effects are included in the galloping system Equation A4.2-8 in the torsional stiffness term. Figure 4.3-25 Illustration of displacement of aerodynamic center from center of gravity of iced conductor. 4-37 Chapter 4: Galloping Conductors EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition Purely Torsional Self-Excitation A different torsion-effect mechanism than that outlined above has been suggested by Nigol and Clark (Nigol and Clarke 1974). The mechanism described above relied upon coupling of the vertical and torsional motions to produce either modified Den-Hartog galloping or flutter. In the former case, torsional motion merely modified what is basically a vertical instability, while in the latter case both vertical and torsional motions were necessary for instability to occur. Nigol and Clarke suggest that iced conductors may become unstable and oscillate purely in torsion, without the need for vertical motion. The existence of purely torsional instability has been demonstrated through windtunnel tests in connection with suspension bridges (Scanlan and Tomko 1971) and for models of iced conductors (data courtesy of the Hydro Electric Power Commission of Ontario), although the aerodynamic mechanism bringing the instability about is not yet clear. testing, are based on the concept that CMa may introduce negative damping in the torsional motion (Wang 1996). If this may produce instability when torsional damping is extremely low, this has no practical interest, because on an actual line, torsional self-damping is usually large enough to avoid such situation. Such movement, if any, could be suppressed by preventing the torsional instability through extra torsional damping. Horizontal Motion We have considered above the interaction of torsional and vertical motions of the conductor. Torsional motion may also couple with horizontal swinging motion through the variations in drag induced by CDα = dCD/dα. Vertical and horizontal motions may also couple through CMα, and in fact all three motions—vertical, horizontal, and torsional—may become coupled. The effects of horizontal conductor motions are thought to have considerably less practical effect upon the likeli- The recent view on these mechanisms, as far as it concerns power lines, actually only observed in wind tunnel Figure 4.3-26 Typical aerodynamic pitching moment and its derivative for a crescent ice shape, eccentricity 0.33, angle positive anticlockwise. Figure 4.3-27 Model of iced conductor. Very thin ice deposit as used by Chadha. These shapes induce a Den-Hartog area near zero angle of attack. (Chadha 1974). 4-38 Figure 4.3-28 Effect of small eccentricity of ice deposit upon motion buildup rate at different angles of attack, as found in wind tunnel model test. Negative log decrement indicates buildup, positive indicates decay. EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition Chapter 4: Galloping Conductors hood and expected severity of galloping than the vertical and torsional motions, and will not be pursued here. The reader is referred to the published work of McDaniel 1960; Richardson et al. 1963a, b; Chadha 1974; Keutgen 1999; Lilien and Dubois 1989; and Wang and Lilien 1994, 1998 for three-degree-of-freedom analysis. the presence of ice and wind. Although this is easily obtained for bundle conductors, it seems extremely difficult to obtain in the single-conductor configuration, except for very particular ice shape and wind speed conditions (such effects in fact have been enhanced in Nigol and Buchan 1981). The recent view has been modified by the observations done in the 1970s. In fact, numerous observations, mainly in Japan, have pointed out natural galloping with more horizontal movement, or figure eight, mainly in the horizontal direction, galloping limit cycles, but almost exclusively on large bundle conductors—that is, on bundles of four or more conductors, sometimes with large bundle diameters, up to 2 m in extreme cases. As these cases occurred with bundle geometries that are not widely used, the focus will remain on vertical galloping, with some limited horizontal movement. In the case of bundled conductors, there is wide agreement that torsional motion accompanies vertical galloping all or most of the time (Anjo et al. 1974; Liberman 1974; Nigol and Havard 1978; Matsubayashi et al. 1977). However, problems of properly modeling natural ice are of significance even in the case of bundles. Anjo et al. (1974) found that torsional motion led vertical motion in phase during an episode of galloping with natural ice, but lagged it during galloping with artificial ice having a shape related to the D-section. The authors were testing a four-bundle of 950 mm2 ACSR at the Mt. Kasatori test line, in a series of two spans 310 and 315 m (1017 and 1033 ft) long. Some details are reproduced in Section 4.5.4 Perspective on Excitation Mechanisms Questions surrounding the mechanisms still remain, particularly for single conductors. Some experts are in favor, for single conductors, of the collapsing of the frequencies in vertical and torsion due to the action of wind and ice. But others cannot agree with that, based on possible positions of ice in the presence of wind. In this last case, (modified) Den-Hartog kind of galloping would remain the sole possibility to get instability on single conductors. In the former case, any kind of mechanisms would be possible. That question has a dramatic effect on protection methods. We are sorry not to be able to give a definite answer to that question. The following remarks can, nevertheless, be made: Based on more recent experience and theoretical investigations, most observations on single-conductor test lines can be explained as follows: torsional oscillation is not needed to get Den-Hartog-type galloping. But torsional oscillations, nevertheless, very often appear due to inertial coupling, the inverse pendulum effect, or the presence of a significant pitching moment. In these cases, the torsional oscillation is forced by the vertical movement. Numerous cases of Den-Hartog galloping on single conductor may be observed with very thin ice shape, as shown in Figures 4.3-27, 4.3-28, and 4.3-12 thus with no or very limited inertial ice effect, and no inverse pendulum or pitching moment effects. In these cases, torsion may be very limited. In the other form of galloping, the so-called coupled flutter, torsion is a driven part of the phenomenon and will always be present, but sometimes with very limited amplitudes. These cases need, to be unstable, to have similar values of vertical and torsional frequencies in Adding to uncertainty, it must also be noted that some authors (Nowak and Tanaka 1974; Chadha and Jaster 1975; Laneville 1977; Hack 1981) pointed out some wind-tunnel evidence of turbulence effects on the lift coefficient, particularly near zero angle of attack. 4.3.3 Estimation of Galloping Amplitudes Natural galloping records exist, based on analysis of motion picture film. An example of a waveform of vertical motions versus time is given in Figure 4.3-29. There are some hundreds of field observations of galloping with estimates of the vertical motions, and will be used as part of the input toward a new method of design of clearances between phases (Figure 4.3-30). The practical problem for power line engineers is determination of design clearances able to avoid an excessive number of flashovers during galloping or to limit galloping effects by an appropriate retrofit method. In Figure 4.3-29 Waveform of vertical oscillation during natural galloping in a 256-m span of Grackle ACSR conductor (34 mm diameter), determined from analysis of motion picture film (Edwards and Madeyski 1956). 4-39 Chapter 4: Galloping Conductors EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition practice, these determinations are based on collections of field observations, as described in Section 4.5.4, “increase clearances.” However, methods for analytical estimation of galloping behavior are of value for the insight that they provide into galloping mechanisms. Numerical and analytical tools have been developed to study the complete interaction between all the degrees of freedom involved in galloping of overhead conductors, including all aspects of a multi-span line. An example of this form of treatment is given in Figure 4.3-31. It is possible that the galloping can now be modelled completely through these equations, which are well known and defined, But the complexity of so many interactions and the limited knowledge of many of the inputs dependent on the nature of the ice accretion make it very difficult to obtain a full understanding, even if it is possible to simulate any case with assumed values of the parameters. As far as it concerns torsional amplitudes, Figure 4.3-32 is a record of an actual galloping (extracted from the attached CD), clearly showing significant torsional amplitude on a twin horizontal bundle. Figure 4.3-31, obtained by simulations, is also giving access to tor- sional amplitude and its phase shift with vertical one. In all cases, as already discussed, both movements during the galloping limit cycle are oscillating at the same frequency, but not necessary in phase. Analytical Prediction of Galloping Amplitude The current theory indicates that the nonlinearities of the aerodynamic properties of the ice accretion may determine the limit cycle amplitude. In dead-end span, the mechanical tension variation in the conductor may instead limit cycle amplitude. The aerodynamic nonlinearities can occur at several different angles of attack. Indeed, lift curve, as can be seen in Figures 4.3-5, 4.3-6, and 4.3-7, does not have the same slope for a large range of angle of attack. Thus a growing amplitude corresponds to a change in angle of attack, depending on the vertical component of the relative wind speed, and the derivative of lift, which is the driven part in the instability, is not constant during all positions in the cycle. As an example, consider a conductor with an ice coating with a region of Den-Hartog instability, so that the system is unstable and the galloping amplitude is growing. This condition is exemplified in Figure 4.3-5 around the 180° angle of attack. The wind speed is assumed to be 10 m/s. Assuming, for example, that a span is galloping in a single one-loop mode y (ymax is the maximum amplitude of the mode, i.e. mid-span amplitude for the first mode, which is, roughly speaking, a pure half sine wave on one span) at a Figure 4.3-30 Maximum observed galloping amplitudes versus 30-sec mean wind speed at the Kasatori-Yama test line (Anjo et al. 1974). Bundle of 4 x 410 mm2 ACSR, two-span section, span lengths 312 and 319m, conductor mass = 6.7 kg/m, subconductor diameter 26 mm, tension 123000 N/phase, sag at 0°C = 6.5 m. Pseudo-one loop frequency at 0.36 Hz, twoloop frequency close to 0.46 Hz and three-loop frequency close to 0.68 Hz. Conductor span parameter 0.05. 4-40 Figure 4.3-31 A typical galloping ellipse in a quasivertical plane at mid-span, due to coupled flutter. Points are at approximately 0.1 s intervals. The straight line attached to each square point shows to the ice position at each position in the limit cycle (calculated by University of Liège using analytical tools). EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition Chapter 4: Galloping Conductors Figure 4.3-32 Galloping of a horizontal twin-bundle conductor under natural ice and wind conditions. The vertical amplitude is estimated at 2.5 m, and the torsional amplitude is very significant. A one-loop galloping at about 0.3 Hz. Other phases are also galloping. frequency of about 0.5 Hz. The amplitude cycle is nominally to be a pure sine wave, in purely vertical motion— that is, no torsional or horizontal movement. y = ymax sin ω y t . then y =ωyymaxcosωyt 4.3-14 The excursions in angle of attack become α = –tan–1 y. /V 4.3-15 These excursions grow with the vertical speed, which means that, close to the initial angle of attack, say 180° as stated above, any conductor position during the vertical oscillation has its own speed and thus its own angle of attack: Application: ymax = 0.4m ω = 2π f = 2π (0.5) = 3.14rad / s y max = (3.14).(0.4) = 1.25m / s α = 7° In this example, the angle of attack (at mid-span) changes from (180 - 7)° = 173° to (180 + 7) = 187°. In that range the Den-Hartog instability criterion is still violated, so that the energy transferred by the wind to the vertical movement is still positive. But as the amplitude grows further, there will obviously be a range of angle of attack variation in which the DenHartog criterion will no longer apply, so that energy transferred by the wind to the power lines starts decreasing, and progressively, as amplitude grows the net energy input in each cycle becomes zero. At that point, there are parts of the cycle during which energy is injected in the system and other parts of the cycle during which energy is extracted from the system. The equilibrium of these two parts exists for a particular amplitude, which is the limit cycle amplitude and the major axis of the galloping ellipse. In this rough approach, we have not discussed the variation of the angle of attack along the span, which could easily be taken into account by appropriate integration on the whole span. This does not qualitatively change the former discussion but will have some quantitative impact. For example, the fact that Den-Hartog instability criterion is met on only some part of the span may not be enough to generate galloping, because the other parts of the span will be dissipative, and only the whole span energy has to be considered. Similarly, for the amplitude evaluation, range of angle of attack changes will not be the same all along the span, because parameters, like the vertical speed and torsional amplitude, are 4-41 Chapter 4: Galloping Conductors EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition not constant, thus a whole-span analysis always has to be performed. The analytical evaluation of galloping amplitude is presented in detail in Appendix 4.5. Typical cycles of galloping, including both vertical and torsional motion in twin-bundle conductor lines, are shown in Figures 4.3-31 and 4.3-32. As shown in Appendix 4.5, for a Den-Hartog type of instability, the following maximum amplitude relationship exists: α max = − tan −1 (ω ymax / V ) Eα =0 4.3-16 An implication of this result is that given fy and thus ω, ymax will vary directly with wind speed V. That, in fact, is found to be the case in wind-tunnel tests involving purely vertical galloping (Novak and Tanaka 1974; Parkinson and Santosham 1967), except at such low wind velocities that the galloping motion interacts with the shedding of Karman vortices. The linear relationship between ymax and V is also evident in tests of actual spans equipped with simulated “ice” and exposed to natural wind. Figure 4.3-33, for example, shows recorded values of ymax as a function of the component of wind velocity normal to the conductor for a 244-m (800 ft) vertical two-bundle span of 336.4 kcmil all-aluminum conductor having a 20 x 20 mm (0.8 in. x 0.8 in.) square-shaped polyethylene Figure 4.3-33 Measured single-loop vertical galloping amplitudes vs. wind velocity (km/h). Vertical twoconductor bundle with artificial foils on the subconductors to provide square profiles in a 244 m span. Solid line shows predicted maximum amplitude that could be based on Equation 4.3-16, for a given constant variation of the angle of attack, the value of which being obtained owing to integration of Equation A4.5-5 in Appendix 4.5 (data courtesy Alcoa Laboratories). 4-42 covering (data courtesy Alcoa Laboratories). The conductors were oriented with the sides of the square horizontal and vertical. A bundle was employed with 406mm (16 in.) separation and rigid spacers every 17 m (57 ft), to enforce that orientation. The span was fullydeadended to eliminate support point damping effects, and tension was 50% RS. Interestingly, galloping first occurred in a highfrequency mode with one loop between adjacent spacers. The top and bottom conductors moved vertically, with opposite phase and equal amplitudes, leaving the spacers stationary. Adjacent subspans did not interact, and there was no low-frequency galloping. The top and bottom conductors would sometimes clash. This high-frequency mode was eliminated by applying specially-designed Stockbridge-type dampers, tuned to its frequency, to the bottom conductor in each subspan. The span then galloped in the one-loop full-span mode. Figure 4.3-33 pertains to that galloping. The straight line in Figure 4.3-33 is the predicted relationship between ymax and V based upon integration of Equation A4.5-5 in Appendix 4.5. Figure 4.3-34 shows results of another field test, this one carried out by J. J. Ratkowski (Ratkowski 1963). The “conductor” was a stainless steel ribbon with wooden “ice” attached in the form of a semicircle, or “Dsection,” having 54 mm (2-1/8 in.) diameter. The flat face was positioned vertically and facing the wind. The Figure 4.3-34 Measured single-loop galloping amplitudes in 8.7 m model span having D-shaped cross-section. Solid lines show predicted maximum amplitudes based upon Equation A4.5-5 in Appendix 4.5 (Ratkowski 1963). EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition span was 8.7 m (28.6 ft) long, deadended through springs. The two curves represent predicted ymax versus V, using Equation A4.5-5 in Appendix 4.5, based upon CD CL data published by Cheers (Cheers 1950) and by Harris (Harris 1949). Both field tests show reasonable correlation between theory and experiment for purely-vertical galloping. Section 4.4, “Testing in Natural Wind,” details some additional testing in natural wind conditions, with artificial or natural icing. Traveling-Wave Buildup Ratkowski (Ratkowski 1963), observed that, in his span equipped with flat-faced D-section, the initial stages of buildup involved traveling waves moving back and forth in the span. The waves were of short wavelength and had small amplitude, so their energy was small. A gust could have excited them. Because of their short wavelength, however, their passage over any location along the span caused a brief, but quite significant, pulse of vertical velocity, illustrated in Figure 4.3-35, the magnitude of that velocity being equal to the slope of the wave front multiplied by the velocity of travel of the wave. With enough slope, y could be great enough and permit energy flow from the wind into waves, causing them to build up when there is an appropriate ice shape and ice accretion position. Ratkowski’s observations showed that the small waves did indeed increase in amplitude and length, with repeated travel along the span. They eventually became equal in length to some harmonic of the span and were transformed to a standing wave in that harmonic. Chapter 4: Galloping Conductors When Eα is significantly positive at small amplitudes, galloping can build up from rest without recourse to the wave mechanism. This was the case with the tests using square conductor represented in Figure 4.3-33. Such buildup, without traveling waves, has been reported with natural ice by A. T. Edwards (Edwards 1966). Observations of actual galloping and forced galloping using the ellipse shape of ice have shown that traveling waves are not necessarily present during the buildup procedure. But some have been observed with traveling waves. One is available on the CD accompanying this volume, with no evolution to stationary waves. Appendix 4.5 gives some insights about galloping initiation mechanisms based on observations. Effect of Ice Thickness on Galloping Amplitude Based on former discussions, particularly around Equation 4.3-16 (amplitude relationship), a certain ice shape on a given span should produce different amplitudes depending on wind speed V, but should produce similar excursion in angle of attack α, and thus fYmax/V, independently of V. Thus that parameter is a good one for exploring the effect of other variables, such as ice thickness, as in Figure 4.3-36. Figure 4.3-36 shows the reported fY max /V versus ice thickness from the EEI galloping field data base. It is evident from that figure that galloping occurred much more frequently with thin ice than with thick, and that The process described above has been observed in some cases of actual galloping, some involving natural ice and some involving artificial ice. The process is evidently required for ice shapes for which Eα(the energy per cycle imparted to the conductor by the wind as defined in Appendix 4.5) is small or negative for small excursions in but significantly positive for large excursions. Some shapes experience this condition for some initial orientations but not at others. Figure 4.3-35 Vertical conductor velocity resulting from passage of traveling wave. Figure 4.3-36 Observed combinations of fYmax/ V and maximum ice thickness, based upon field reports. Circled points pertain to bundled conductors. 4-43 Chapter 4: Galloping Conductors EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition fYmax/ V tends to become smaller for thicknesses greater than 6 mm (0.25 in.). the conductor to go slack at some level of the galloping cycle. The tendency would be even more obvious, were the calculations of f based upon loaded sags, which were not available. Frequency and sag D are related by the equations. (These equations are not accurate for single-loop galloping of fully deadended spans with sag ratios greater than about .01 to .015.) If sag is shallow, the tension need not become zero because the conductor passes through the zero sag position. Thus amplitudes of galloping can exceed the sag, as can be seen in our videos of actual galloping. This is particularly true for distribution lines where galloping amplitudes several times the sag may be reached. (See Appendix 4.5, Figure A4.5-1 [left].) f = 0.56n / D for D in meters = 1.00n / D for D in feet, 4.3-17 where n is number of loops. Use of loaded sags would tend to lower the plotted positions of the cases involving larger ice thickness more than those with thinner ice. The apparently reduced aggressiveness of thick ice may arise from several effects. A “wrapped-on” deposit with its less effective lift characteristics would obviously be a thick one. Torsional coupling effects could also be involved. The two cases having greatest fYmax/ V had ice thickness of 6 mm (0.25 in.). In both of these cases, the conductors were fully coated, with the point of greatest thickness directly to leeward. 4.3.4 Tension Variations When a span gallops with one loop in the span, the arc length of the catenary tends to change, as illustrated in Figure 4.3-37. If the span has suspension supports, the supporting insulators swing in the direction of the line, feeding the variations in the secant span length into adjacent spans. If the span is fully-deadended, however, such swings cannot occur, and the conductor experiences longitudinal strain with resulting significant variations in conductor tension. These tension variations are great enough that high galloping amplitudes can cause Figure 4.3-37 Single-loop galloping in span with: (a.) small sag ratio and (b.) large sag ratio. 4-44 But, in general, most of transmission lines have their amplitude limited to magnitudes about the same as the sag. (This is not the case on distribution lines, where amplitudes can reach up to five times the sag [see Appendix 4.5].) A deadended span can only go slack if its arc length can be reduced by more than the elastic stretch in the conductor, by lifting it into a straight, zero sag, position. Now the difference between the arc length Sa and the secant length S of a shallow catenary is well approximated by Equation 4.3-18. ea = S a − S 8D 2 = S 3S 2 4.3-18 where D is sag. ea, is the strain that a conductor would undergo rising from sag D to the straight position. If ea exceeds the elastic strain in the conductor in its at-rest position due to tension, the conductor can go slack before becoming straight. If ea is less, however, the conductor cannot go slack, regardless of amplitude. Most lines are strung with unloaded 0°C tensions in the range 20 to 33% of RS, and their elastic strains are generally in the range .0006 to .0016. These correspond, by the above equation, to bare-wire sag ratios of 0.015 to 0.024. A span that would go slack in the no-sag position with ice will also do it without ice, so the potential for going slack can be judged from bare-wire sags. Thus, if the approach of slackness does, in fact, limit galloping amplitudes, most deadended spans with 0°C sag ratios greater than 0.024 should be incapable of one-loop galloping at amplitudes approaching sag, while deadended spans with sag ratios less than .015 should be capable of much greater amplitudes in the one-loop mode. Figure 4.3-38 contains data on a number of observed cases of galloping, most of them collected by the Galloping Conductor Task Force of T&D Committee of EEI (data courtesy Galloping Conductor Task Force). The points in the figure represent galloping cases in EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition Chapter 4: Galloping Conductors spans that were deadended at both ends, were on pintype insulators, or were supported from strut insulators. The number identifying each point is the number of galloping loops observed in the span. The ordinate is the observed ratio of peak-to-peak amplitude to bare-wire sag, while the abscissa is the bare-wire sag ratio. The data show that single-loop galloping was not observed for sag ratios greater than 0.023. Amplitudes reached as much as four times sag for sag ratios less than 0.018. The slackness effect may come into play in long suspension spans, if the swing of insulator strings is great enough to effectively “deadend” the spans at some point in the galloping cycle. This is illustrated in Figure 4.3-41. The figure shows a three-span section between deadends, and shows the galloping motion at the point where the tangent span is at the top of its travel. At this point the end spans are in effect fully deadended, and the tangent span is slack. Suspension spans may gallop to amplitudes greater than sag without going slack. Figure 4.3-39 shows data similar to that of Figure 4.3-38, but for suspension spans only. Several single-loop cases occurred for sag ratios greater than 0.023, two of them with amplitudes slightly exceeding sag. This effect appears at lower amplitudes of galloping when the insulator string or suspension linkage is short. That fact probably accounts in part for the lower incidence of single-loop galloping in ground wires than in phase conductors, indicated in Section 4.2 under “Types of Motion.” The expected limitation on single-loop amplitudes caused by the mechanism illustrated in Figure 4.3-41 has been used in estimating required phaseto-phase clearances (information courtesy of Commonwealth Edison Company). The slackness effect can be achieved at lower amplitudes by use of inverted V-string supports at tangent towers. Figure 4.3-40 shows the same type of data for spans that are deadended at only one end. The patterns in Figures 4.3-38 to 4.3-40 are distorted by the use of 16°C (60°F) final sags, which were available, rather than 0°C sags existing at the time galloping was observed. Figure 4.3-38 Observed combinations of amplitude divided by sag and sag ratio, for spans with fixed supports. Figure 4.3-39 Same as Figure 4.3-38 but for spans supported in suspension at both ends. 4-45 Chapter 4: Galloping Conductors EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition Order of Magnitude of Tension Variations There are some interesting published papers on the subject of dynamic loads due to galloping, (Anjo et al. 1974; Bekmetyev and Jamanbaev 1985; Havard 2002 [see Tables 4.3-1 and 2]; Lilien et al. 1998; Escarmelle 1997; Krishnasamy 1984; Brokenshire 1979; Eliason personal communication), including measurement on site. Some of these measurements were on short deadended line sections and others cases were on long multispan line sections. The dynamic loads would be expected to be higher for the former situation. More is given in Appendix 4.4. Figure 4.3-40 Same as Figure 4.3-38 but for spans in suspension at only one end. Figure 4.3-41 Illustration of large amplitude galloping permitting a tangent span to go slack. 4-46 EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition Observations, field measurements, and simple modeling show that the large galloping motions are not symmetrical about the rest position of the conductor. Analysis of films of many galloping events showed that the upward motion is typically three times the downward motion during galloping (Havard and Pon 1994). The tension variations during severe galloping are also asymmetrical and depend on line parameters, especially the ratio of the length of spans on each side of a suspension. The tension deviation from the static value during the downward half cycle can be twice the deviation during the upward half cycle (Havard 2002). For many utilities, the dynamic loads under galloping conditions are less than the maximum design loads, for example, under the heaviest static ice weight or under some ice level plus high wind. However, these dynamic loads are repeated loads, and some rare occurrences of fatigue damage to conductors, hardware, and even supporting structures have been documented. 4.3.5 How Many Loops Will Occur? The several simplified methods described above and in Appendices 4.3 and 4.5, for estimating galloping amplitude (energy balance and that of Hunt and Richards) all lead to an estimate of the parameter fYmax/ V. Amplitude Ymax can only be estimated for some assumed wind velocity if the frequency is known. The fundamental frequency of suspension spans can be calculated from sag, but the actual frequency may be the fundamental or some harmonic of it. The expected amplitude is strongly influenced by the harmonic of the span in which galloping occurs. For example, if wind speed is 10 m/s and sag is 5 m, then by Equation A4.5-9, f is .25 Hz max for oneloop galloping, and by Equation 4.32 in Appendix 4.5, Ymax is 10.4 m. For two-loop galloping, f is 0.50 Hz and Ymax is only 5.2 m. Several effects influence how many loops will actually occur. • Deadending influences the number of loops, as discussed immediately above, tending to exclude the single-loop mode. • Twisting of the conductor under the eccentric weight (in the case of single conductor lines) of the growing ice deposit tends to result in a more aerodynamically stable ice shape at mid-span than near the ends, tending to favor two-loop galloping over single loop. • The most important factor, for deadend spans and for “up-up” modes in multi-spans, is, nevertheless, the coefficient “Mv and Mθ” defined in Section 4.3-2 in the subsection on “power line section eigenmode.” In fact, fundamental mode is not a pure sine wave for typical (but not all) high-voltage power lines. It is Chapter 4: Galloping Conductors called “pseudo-one loop” (Figure 4.2-42). The frequency of the pseudo-one loop may be larger than the two-loops mode. In such cases, the two-loop mode is obviously more quickly excited because it needs a lower wind speed to be launched. • The modes that occur will obviously be those that are unstable, and this may result from a complex mix of structural and aerodynamic data, like torsion/vertical frequencies detuning. It depends on the galloping mechanism. In case of the Den-Hartog type, if the wind speed is strong enough, all the modes are unstable below a certain frequency, which is not true for the coupled flutter-type galloping. • It can happen that the ice shape and wind conditions are such as to favor galloping only in one span of a section. Movements may, nevertheless, occur all along the section, with that span supplying energy to the others through coupling by insulator swing. In bundle conductors, the instability of only certain spans may be due to differences in torsional-to-vertical ratios. With these effects aside, the number of loops appears to be governed by chance, at least for Den-Hartog galloping. That is much less the case for flutter galloping, where the required torsional/vertical frequency ratios may occur in only one or a few of the available modes. Consider a suspension span with uniform ice section along its length, the section having such shape that DenHartog’s criterion is satisfied The statement that the criterion is satisfied means that small motions will grow in amplitude, and the statement applies to motions in one or two or any number of loops. Whatever mode is present initially will grow. That mode will continue to grow until a limit cycle is reached, such as one of the type described by Myerscough (Myerscough 1975). When such a limit cycle is attained, then other modes cannot grow. The mode that has reached limit cycle has, in effect, preempted the wind’s supply of galloping energy and locked other modes out. Note that there must be an initial disturbance in order for galloping to build up. In field spans, such disturbances are thought to arise from gusts striking the span. The choice as to the number of loops in which galloping finally occurs is thought to be governed by two effects. The first has to do with the combinations of modes that are present in disturbances excited by gusts. The second pertains to the relative rates of growth of the different modes. The simplest gust is one that is wide enough that it strikes the whole span uniformly. Such gusts tend to excite primarily the fundamental mode. For example, if 4-47 Chapter 4: Galloping Conductors EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition the operating point of the ice section (its angle of attack) is such that the span experiences lift, then the increase in wind speed that attends the gust will increase that lift, giving the span an impulse in the vertical direction. The span’s response to this impulse will be largely in the one-loop mode, with only small response in higher modes. Buildup is thus an “unfair” race among modes that are given (usually) unequal starts. The outcome varies from one occasion to the next, even in the same span. The starting conditions tend to give the edge to the fundamental mode in short spans and to the two- and threeloop modes in longer spans. Deadending and conductor twisting effects, noted earlier, modify the odds. In natural winds, the gust fronts have randomly distributed widths, with many in the 20 to 100 m range at elevations above ground typical of overhead conductors. These limited width gusts excite disturbances that contain several harmonics of the span simultaneously. Which of these harmonics is dominant in any case depends upon the width and spanwise location of the gust, upon the length of the span, and upon the duration of the gust relative to the span’s fundamental frequency. Regardless of span length, the relative intensities of the several harmonics that are excited vary, gust-to-gust. However, in short spans the fundamental one-loop mode is emphasized more often than the higher modes, whereas in longer spans, the typical run of gust sizes tends to excite the higher modes more strongly. Several of the methods being used or tried for preventing high-amplitude galloping appear to have the effect of “fixing” the race. They prevent or retard the growth of the fundamental, one-loop mode, giving the higher modes a better chance to build up and preempt the limit cycle. The lower amplitudes that attend the higher modes, because of their higher frequencies, are less likely to cause flashover. When the mean wind speed and the ice deposit attain conditions where galloping may occur, all of the gustexcited modes that exist in the span at that moment start to build up. If the one-, two-, and three-loop modes are present in the current gust-induced disturbance, all three begin to grow independently of one another. They do not, however, all grow at the same rate. Energy effects governing their buildup are such that they all experience the same percentage increase in amplitude per cycle of motion; they all experience the same (negative) logarithmic decrement. Thus, if they all start from the same amplitude, the two-loop mode grows twice as fast per unit time as does the one-loop mode, and the three-loop mode grows three times as fast, because of their higher frequencies. The different modes or harmonics grow independently of one another as long as the angle-of-attack excursions that result from their combined motions remain in the linear range of the CL characteristic: region a-b of Figure 4.2-16, for example. When these excursions penetrate the nonlinear regions of the CL characteristic, the energy supply to all modes is reduced, and all grow more slowly. The mode that is dominant at this point is affected least, however, and continues to grow. As it does, it reduces the coherence of the lift forces acting on the span with the motions in the other modes, and they eventually die out. In the end, the mode that won the buildup race settles alone into its limit cycle. 4-48 All of the galloping control systems that attach to and restrain the motion of the conductor at discrete points remote from the span ends (interphase spacers, aerodynamic drag dampers, seismic dampers and torsion control devices) are thought to be affected by this mechanism. 4.4 TESTING IN NATURAL WIND Tests of galloping behavior in full-scale spans exposed to natural winds are normally directed at improved understanding of the phenomenon, at testing theories of galloping or at evaluation of proposed protection schemes. Certain test programs are carried out on spans fitted with artificial ice of some shape. Others are organized on spans of operating lines on which icing is anticipated. Tests motivated by research and development are usually performed on spans equipped with artificial ice, whereas tests aimed at assessing effectiveness of protection methods that are in an advanced state of development are ordinarily carried out on operating lines. Use of artificial ice permits much more rapid testing and better control of test variables. Section 4.3 shows the aerodynamic characteristics of some typical ice shapes, including the “D” shape, which has been used frequently in galloping studies. D shapes (Figures 4.4-1 and 4.3-9) and some “aerodynamicallysimilar” profiles (Figure 4.4-2) are found to be very unstable when the vertical face is presented more or less facing the wind, even when the wind is not necessarily perpendicular to the span. These shapes show a very different aerodynamic behavior compared to crescent-type eccentricity (Figure 4.4-3), particularly when the ice is located on the windward side of the conductor. EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition Chapter 4: Galloping Conductors It is more difficult to create galloping-type instabilities when testing with artificial, crescent-shaped profiles. Only particular angles of attack would allow significant galloping amplitudes, and the specific angle of attack may be dependent on structural properties. But actual ice shapes are more close to these crescent-shaped profiles. Figure 4.4-1 Simulated ice section employed by Tornquist and Becker (Tornquist and Becker 1947). Galloping can be strongly dependent on structural properties, such as torsional stiffness, moment of inertia, natural frequencies, the ratio between frequencies in different directions of movement, etc. Test spans need be designed to reproduce these properties, which is not always easy. For example, testing on a single deadended span will not be able to account for important influences, especially span-to-span motions at suspension insulator strings. For that reason, most of the existing test arrangements have at least two spans in the test section. Tests with artificial ice are usually viewed as not providing strong enough validation to support confident use of proposed protection schemes. In-service testing is required. Finally, antigalloping devices that modify or interfere with the galloping mechanism—which is practically all of them, except perhaps, interphase spacers—should be tested on lines with different conductor sizes and span lengths and in different locations, and over a certain period of time, since they may perform differently with different densities and shapes of ice accretion. 4.4.1 Tests Using Artificial Ice The artificial ice shapes, or airfoils, are generally reproduced in plastic, silicone rubber, or metallic foil in lengths of about 1 to 2 m. These airfoils are fixed on the conductor in a way that their orientation is sufficiently constant on a significant part of the span, as shown in Figure 4.4-4 using the air-foil of Figure 4.4-3. This is particularly difficult on single conductors on long spans Figure 4.4-2 Simulated ice section employed by D.C. Stewart (Stewart 1937). Figure 4.4-3 Typical crescent-type artificial airfoil employed by Vinogradov (Lilien and Vinogradov 2002). Figure 4.4-4 Artificial airfoil installed on twin bundle at Talasker test station (Lilien and Vinogradov 2002). 4-49 Chapter 4: Galloping Conductors EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition because conductors tend to rotate during installation. It must be noted that airfoil weight and center of gravity may be of dramatic importance on instabilities, as shown in Section 4.3. As the instability may be limited to a small range of angles of attack, it may be very cumbersome to change airfoil all along the span(s) and then to wait for an appropriate wind speed(s) and orientation. Some test stations use rotational devices at the support points to permit rotation of the conductor, whether single or bundle, on the whole span. Galloping is readily obtained with many shapes, when the airfoil is installed at an angle of attack of about 180°—that is, on the downwind side of the conductor. The result is the Den Hartog type of galloping under conditions that are rare on real lines, because it would need a reversal of the wind speed compared to that present during ice accretion. This is of limited practical interest in evaluating the performance of antigalloping devices. To reproduce actual galloping conditions, it is strongly recommended to install a crescent-shaped airfoil on the windward side of the conductor. Generally, but not always, unstable positions are found at about 0° and 90°, both upwards and downwards. Figure 4.4-5 shows the zones of instability of a twin-bundle span using the airfoil shown in Figures 4.4-3 and 4.4-4. Figure 4.4-5 A polar representation of zones with no instabilities observed, dark grey, and the three narrow zones where instabilities were observed, light grey with dots, on a twin-bundle span using an airfoil shown in Figure 4.4-4. The radius coordinate indicates the ratio of galloping amplitude/sag (Lilien and Vinogradov 2002). 4-50 It can also be very useful to install a D-shaped airfoil because galloping would occur at lower wind speeds and may be observed during more hours, which helps to measure and to observe many details. Such testing procedure would, nevertheless, not be useful to test antigalloping devices based on the torsional mechanism. But it would be valid to evaluate, for example, interphase spacers or mechanical damping devices. Tests on Single-Conductor Lines with Artificial Ice Shapes The need to use simulated ice, in order to permit yearround controlled testing for research purposes, was evident to early investigators. The first successful test span using artificial ice was apparently that described by D. C. Stewart of Niagara Mohawk (Stewart 1937). Stewart erected a single 32 m (104 ft) span of No. 4 ACSR (6/1) in 1936, and attached to it the wax section shown in Figure 4.4-1. The span galloped in one loop. The trajectory of the conductor was elliptical, with the major axis vertical. Maximum amplitude was about 1 m (3 ft). The motion that occurred included considerable rotation of the conductor, more than 180° over the course of a cycle of motion. Stewart utilized the span for fundamental investigations, including an assessment of the energy balance of the span during limit cycle motions. In 1947, Tornquist and Becker of the Public Service Company of Northern Illinois reported results of tests on two test lines equipped with artificial ice (Tornquist and Becker 1947). 3/0 copper conductor was employed in both lines. The first line had a single 76 m (250 ft) span, which was deadended through springs at each end. The “ice” shape employed is shown in Figure 4.4-2, and was chosen on the basis of extensive wind tunnel model tests. The wooden sections were about 76 cm (30 in.) long and were fastened to the conductor with iron tie wire. The span galloped in two, four, and six vertical loops, generally without significant accompanying torsional motion. Galloping occurred only when the wind struck the flat side of the section, and then only when wind direction was more than 10° off perpendicular to the span. There was no one-loop galloping. Tornquist and Becker’s second line had four 76 m (250 ft) spans and three phases. The middle three supports were in suspension. The same “airfoil” was employed as in the first line. The line galloped in one loop (Figure 4.4-6), in two loops (Figure 4.4-7) and in a combination of these modes. Amplitudes as great as 2.3 m (7.6 ft) were EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition Chapter 4: Galloping Conductors with wooden D-sections and found, like Edwards and Madeyski, that torsional tuning to encourage torsional motion was needed in order to obtain high-amplitude galloping. He concluded that such tuning does occur on occasion with natural ice coatings, and is responsible for the galloping that actually takes place. He investigated use of torsional dampers for preventing galloping. Figure 4.4-6 Coupled one-loop galloping of adjacent spans (Tornquist and Becker 1947). Figure 4.4-7 Two-loop galloping (Tornquist and Becker 1947). achieved. Apparently significant torsional motion did not occur. One of the important problems in tests using artificial ice concerns how well the behavior obtained represents that occurring under conditions of natural icing. The presence or absence of torsional motion, and its role in natural galloping, is one of the central issues involved. Stewart had torsional motion. Tornquist and Becker, in general, did not, using the D-section. In an AIEE paper (Edwards and Madeyski 1956) reported use of the D-section in a span at Ontario Hydro’s Port Credit test line. The conductor was 336.4 kcmil ACSR (30/7) in a 126 m (412 ft) span. They obtained only very small amplitude galloping of the span when torsional motion was absent, but large amplitudes when torsional motion occurred. In certain tests, the torsional frequency was tuned to coincide with vertical natural frequencies, and this had the effect of broadening the conditions under which spontaneous galloping would occur. They interpreted the failure of the span to display torsion-free galloping as an indication that terrain in the vicinity of the Port Credit test line was too obstructed to permit the smooth winds on which Dsection galloping was predicated. Binder reported similar experience with D-sections in a 1962 article in Electric Light & Power (Binder 1962), but drew a different conclusion. He had fitted six 76 m (250 ft) spans of 3/0 and 300 kcmil copper conductor However, Ratkowski also reported in 1963 (Ratkowski 1963) work on a short outdoor model span, demonstrating torsion-free galloping using the D-section. Ratkowski’s “conductor” was a flat steel strip 8.7 m (28.6 ft) long with wooden quarter-rounds attached to its upper and lower surfaces to form the “D.” He concluded that conductor rotation is not required in galloping of iced conductors. Meanwhile, continued investigation at Ontario Hydro pointed toward the damping effect of the wooden airfoils used by Edwards and Madeyski as the explanation for the Port Credit test span’s failure to gallop in the absence of torsional motion. In 1966, Edwards (Edwards 1966) reported use of D-section airfoils of extruded polyethylene on a test line at Scarborough, Ontario. The plastic airfoils caused considerably less damping than had the wooden airfoils. The test line, comprising nine 335 m (1100 ft) spans of 795 kcmil ACSR, displayed frequent high-amplitude galloping, without the need for torsional tuning. Amplitudes as great as 3 m (10 ft) peak-to-peak were obtained in the two-, three-, and four-loop modes. A square-shaped section was also tried, with more limited success. The test line has been used extensively in evaluating proposed systems for controlling galloping. More recently, at the Hydro-Quebec test line, Van Dyke and Laneville (2004) observed that the D-section (Figure 4.3-9) was more prone to gallop with winds having an angle of about 45º from perpendicular to the conductor. They concluded that, in that case, the wind flows around an effectively thicker D-section—that is, it has a different aspect ratio. For example, for a direction of about 50º from the perpendicular to the line, the apparent aspect ratio of the D-section becomes 0.78 instead of 0.5. Based on research by Nakamura and Tomonari (1980), who have measured the aerodynamic characteristics of D-sections with different aspect ratios in a turbulent flow, D-sections with aspect ratios above 0.73 will experience galloping that starts spontaneously from a resting state. This result emphasized the fact that a mathematical model based on aerodynamic coefficients corresponding only to the direction perpendicular to the section considered will not provide adequate results for other wind directions. 4-51 Chapter 4: Galloping Conductors EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition During the same tests, they also found that conductor galloping may induce large bending amplitudes in the conductor (Van Dyke and Laneville 2005). They measured bending amplitudes as high as 3.0 mm (0.1 in.) peak-to-peak in the conductor adjacent to a metal-tometal clamp corresponding to fy max values as high as 1.2 m/s (4 ft/s) peak. Those results are covered with more details in Chapter 3 on conductor fatigue. The D-section’s apparently fickle behavior has roused considerable debate among researchers concerned with galloping. However, the D-section can be quite energetic once it gets going, and the galloping behavior that then occurs is very similar to that observed in natural galloping. This is a considerable virtue because, for a number of years, the “D” was one of the few artificial sections that enjoyed that distinction (square sections had also performed well in a few tests). Attempts to produce high-amplitude galloping with shapes more representative of natural ice had been largely unsuccessful (Edwards and Madeyski 1956; Alcoa Laboratories. In the 1970s, renewed efforts at Ontario Hydro to obtain high-amplitude galloping with sections similar in shape to natural ice have produced more fruitful results. Nigol and Clarke (1974) made silicone rubber casts of actual ice shapes taken from conductors (Figure 4.4-8) and, based on them, had the extruded plastic shapes shown in Figure 4.4-9 manufactured. The sections were fitted to conductors in a test line at Kleinburg, Ontario, having three 244 m (800 ft) spans, the middle one supported Figure 4.4-8 Silicone rubber casts of sections of ice removed from conductor (Nigol and Clarke 1974). in suspension. Extra care was taken to simulate natural conditions, by applying ballast slugs to the span to make up for the smaller density of the plastic shapes relative to natural glaze. Nigol and Clarke obtained high-amplitude galloping similar to that of naturally-iced spans for certain ranges of foil orientation (angle-of-attack). Galloping occurred in one-, two-, and three-loop modes and in higher modes. One-loop amplitude as great as 3 m (12 ft) was obtained. The galloping always involved torsional motion. Nigol and Clarke viewed their experience with these shapes as supporting the hypothesis that torsional motion is required when natural galloping is to occur. They, and later Nigol and Havard (1978), have pursued development of devices to control the torsional motion in such a way as to prevent high-amplitude galloping. Tests with shapes not typical of natural ice (Tornquist and Becker 1947; Ratkowski 1962; Edwards 1966; Alcoa laboratories) have shown that torsion is not in principle necessary. Analyses of films of natural galloping (Edwards and Madeyski 1956) have shown that torsion does not always occur. However, the results of Nigol and Clarke (1974) indicate either: that the most commonly-observed ice shapes require torsional participation; that Nigol and Clarke’s models still do not represent natural ice sufficiently well; or that some important factor is not yet comprehended in existing galloping theory or testing. Most workers pose the question in terms of the percentage of occasions in which torsional motion is crucial to instability. While some have expressed the opinion that the answer is “rarely,” and others that the answer is “always,” objective evidence permitting resolution of the question does not appear to be available. This situation significantly limits the usefulness of tests with artificial ice for evaluating protection methods for single conductors. It seems that more or less all observations, except those with tuning between vertical and torsional frequencies, cited in this subsection on single conductor, are related to Den Hartog type of galloping: • either with a significant ice eccentricity, thus with significant torsion, clearly the case of Figure 4.4-2, but also to a lesser extent with Figure 4.4-9, thus with significant contribution of inertial effect, inverse pendulum effect and pitching moment effect, or • or with a very limited eccentricity, Figure 4.4-1, thus Figure 4.4-9 Plastic test foils used to simulate natural ice deposits (Nigol and Clarke 1974). 4-52 with limited torsion. EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition In addition, Nigol and Buchan (1981) have observed that some ice shapes showing Den Hartog conditions in the quasi-static aerodynamic coefficients have not generated instabilities during dynamic testing. This observation tends to prove that, in some cases at least, the quasi-steady theory used in all modeling today cannot be considered as valid in all cases. Tests on Bundle Conductor Lines In the case of bundled conductors, there is wide agreement that torsional motion accompanies vertical galloping all or most of the time (Anjo et al. 1974; Liberman 1974; Nigol and Havard 1978; Matsubayashi 1977) Problems of properly modeling natural ice are of significance even in the case of bundles. Anjo et al. (1974) found that torsional motion led vertical motion in phase during an episode of galloping with natural ice, but lagged it during galloping with artificial ice having a shape related to the D-section. They were testing a four bundle of 950 mm2 ACSR at the Mt. Kasatori test line, in a series of two spans 310 and 315 m (1017 and 1033 ft) long. This observation is not a definitive claim against D shape testing, as many parameters influence the phase shift between torsion and vertical movement, e.g. ice shapes, torsional damping, ratio between vertical and torsional frequencies. Nevertheless it clearly shows the vast field of possible galloping on actual lines, some of them being easily observed by particular ice shapes, such as the D shape. But these are not necessarily the shapes to be controlled as they are special cases different from actual observed ice profiles. A modified D shaped artificial ice has also been used on bundle conductors. Tsujimoto et al. (1983) conducted tests using such an artificial ice accretion at the Juoh test line to compare the galloping behavior of eightbundled and quad-bundled conductors. Additional tests were also conducted on the eight-bundled conductors with natural ice accretion at the Tsuruga te st line. T he tests dem onstrat ed that the fluctuations of mechanical tension for eight-bundled conductors were similar under both artificial and natural ice conditions. The amplitude of the fluctuation in tension, for eight-bundled conductors, increased less rapidly than for quad-bundled conductors. Furthermore, the ratio of tension fluctuation over static tension for eight-bundled conductors was about 80% of the value for the quad-bundle. The maximum wind velocity reached during those tests was 20 m/s (65.5 ft/s). Asai et al. (1990) performed galloping tests on a deadended test line having a span length of 162 m (531 ft), using modified D artificial ice accretions on a twin bun- Chapter 4: Galloping Conductors dle. With an average wind velocity of 15 m/s (49 ft/s), they obtained a ratio of maximum dynamic tension variation over static tension of the conductor of 2.6. It has to be noticed that the variation in tension is not symmetrical with respect to the average tension. The same configuration was tested with one interphase spacer in the span, and the ratio decreased to 2.0. Oura et al. (1995) obtained the same ratio of dynamic conductor tension over static tension of 2.6. Using a triangular-type artificial ice shape, Ozaka et al. (1996) obtained peak-to-peak galloping amplitudes as large as about 6 m (19.5 ft) on the Mogami test line. Furthermore, horizontal large-amplitude, figure eightshaped galloping was observed. Variation of peak-topeak dynamic conductor tension during galloping reached a maximum of 1.2 times the static tension. Observations, Measurements, and Recordings The procedures employed in conducting tests on spans fitted with artificial ice vary with the purpose of the test and the productivity of the span. Some testing employs simple visual observation for acquiring data. Amplitudes are estimated with reference to known line dimensions, frequencies are timed with a watch, and wind is measured with hand-held anemometers. More often, suitably chosen transducers and recording systems are employed. Conductor motions have been sensed by attaching a string to the conductor, the string being supplied from spring-loaded reels at ground level. A multiturn potentiometer coupled to the reel shaft makes an electrical signal representing vertical amplitude available for recording. This method was developed by A. S. Richardson and was utilized by Alcoa Laboratories. Accelerometers have also been used for sensing vertical, horizontal and torsional amplitudes (Edwards and Madeyski 1956; Nigol and Clarke 1974). The conductor displacement along the span may be inferred from two accelerometers signals (Van Dyke et al. 2006). Bending amplitude recorders of the type normally utilized in aeolian vibration testing have been applied on occasion for galloping recording. It should be noted that some of these bending amplitude recorders have a lower limit to the range of frequencies recorded, which may preclude their registering normal galloping motions. The amplitude of galloping, or its severity, can be inferred from support point load variations and insulator string deflections if conductor tension is known. Clinometers may be added on the insulator string of suspension towers to calculate the components of force transmitted to the tower. 4-53 Chapter 4: Galloping Conductors EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition In addition to instrumentation of the above types, Anjo et al. (1974) employed an optical tracker for studying orbits of motion and for determining the space swept by a conductor during an extended episode of galloping. Finally, to relate the galloping recordings to mathematical models, it is important to measure the wind velocity and direction as well as the temperature. 4.4.2 Tests with Natural Ice Tests involving natural galloping of spans in operating lines are usually aimed at validating the effectiveness of proposed protection methods. Test programs entail the selection of spans in areas that are likely to experience glazing conditions, installation of devices to be tested on one or several conductors in the spans, and provision of the means for determining the behavior of the spans when icing occurs. The main advantage of testing under natural icing conditions is that it is realistic. The interpretation of results does not depend upon theoretical assumptions about which even experts may disagree. In addition, environmental effects found in actual service, such as icing-up of moving parts, are present. There are several disadvantages. The most serious is the low productivity of such test programs. Glazing conditions conducive to galloping occur so infrequently, are so localized, and have such random geographical distribution that a given test area may produce useful data only once in several years. The large number of variables that influence galloping behavior aggravates this disadvantage. A protection method may be used with confidence only if it is known to be effective throughout the range of wind conditions that is anticipated and against the variety of ice shapes, thicknesses, and postures that are likely to occur. Thus a large number of episodes of galloping are required in order to properly evaluate a protection system. A second disadvantage concerns acquisition of data. The low productivity of individual test areas makes it difficult to justify automatic data recording equipment. Such equipment can sense motion at only one support point. Even though a test area may experience galloping, on most occasions all spans or even phases do not participate in it, and when they do, they do not participate to the same degree. Recording at only one support point thus provides only a narrow sample of the activity occurring in the area where it is located. Because of this situation, the most effective method for data acquisition is through observer teams who visit test areas when 4-54 glazing occurs. The observers are able to cover all phases of a line over a length of several miles. This important matter will be treated on Section 4.4.3 As mentioned earlier, most testing conducted with natural ice aims at the validation of antigalloping devices, which are covered in Section 4.5. However, more general results were gathered through such tests that are worth mentioning here. Japanese researchers have been especially active in the field of galloping experimental tests. Yutaka et al. (1998) summarized observations, measurements, and studies conducted in Japan. The authors found that the country has 10 to 100 galloping cases annually. Galloping happens at sea level as well as in high-altitude areas. Galloping with ice accretion is caused chiefly by strong winds. Galloping with snow accretion is identified with a wide range of wind speeds. At the Mt. Kasatori test line, observed oscillations, as shown in Figure 4.3-30, were: • one loop, or more correctly, pseudo-one loop mode • mixed one loop “up and down” and two loops • three loops per span. It was found that large-amplitude oscillation occurs when prevailing modes overlap. The dominant locus drawn by the oscillations was a vertical oval shape. The oscillation amplitude increases with wind speed, and it was observed that the oscillation amplitudes tended to reach a plateau at a certain wind speed. At the Tsuruga test line, large-diameter bundled lines of six conductors were tested, and unusual horizontal oscillations were observed Figure 4.5-33) Studies at the Mt. Sanpo test line found that super-large bundled lines had a lower galloping frequency and smaller oscillation amplitude than conventional quadbundle lines (Morishita et al. 1984). Other tests conducted on the Tsuruga test line (Gurung et al. 2003) have confirmed that galloping of bundle transmission lines involves significant coupling of vertical and torsional motions. On bundles, the most likely galloping mode in deadend spans is the two-loop mode and large amplitudes of galloping occur when the torsion and vertical oscillations are in-phase. Furthermore, deadend span line sections are more prone to galloping than semi-suspension spans. According to Matsuzaki et al. (1991), observations have shown that galloping occurs even in conditions that are stable according to the Den Hartog criterion, and it is consid- EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition ered that this phenomenon is closely linked to the fact that the twisting of conductors creates an unstable area. Hokuriku Electric Power Company experienced galloping (Kasima et al. 1996), and they found that galloping occurred with wet snow and most of the time at temperatures of -1 to +2ºC. Most galloping occurred at a wind velocity of 5 to 7 m/s (16 to 23 ft/s), and the highest wind velocity corresponding to galloping was 14 m/s (46 ft/s). Galloping occurred on spans located at an altitude below 100 m (328 ft) above sea level, but some galloping was also observed at altitudes up to 700 m (2297 ft). Based on the ratio of number of spans experiencing galloping over the total number of spans, it seems that bundles are more prone to galloping than single conductors. In Belgium, a two-circuit 400 kV/220 kV operating line in the Ardennes has been equipped for galloping detection, including instrumentation for recording tension variations. The test length of this line occupies one deadend span and four suspension spans. The deadend span is where an interesting case, with a 6 m (19.5 ft) peak-to-peak galloping amplitude, was observed and is illustrated in Figure 4.2-12. The four spans test section has been studied by eigenmode analysis in Figure 4.3-13 and on which sample of galloping tension records can be seen in Figure 4.4-10 and studied in the next subsection. The recording system was used between the 1980s until end of the 1990s. Some interesting events have been recorded and detailed in the literature and internal reports, and some have been detailed in this book. The dynamic tensions during the galloping event were measured on a twin horizontal bundle (Lilien et al. 1998). Large tension variations of up to 100% peak-to-peak of the sagging tension were recorded. Despite the fact that the span was a deadend span, the galloping was mainly in single loop. Many other observations were made at other times, including some with all of the four spans of the section galloping in one loop, some with two-loop galloping located in only one span of the section, etc. More details are given in a CIGRE galloping brochure to be published in 2007. A Typical Case Recorded on an Operating 220 kV Line A typical case of a recorded galloping event on an actual operating 220-kV line is given here. It occurred on March 4, 1986 in the Ardennes (Belgium) near Villeroux. The galloping occurred on a twin horizontal bundle of normal stranded conductors, 2 x 620 mm2 AMS, all aluminium alloy conductor, with standard spacers. The section of the line has four spans, as detailed in Figure. 4.413. The subconductor diameter was 32.4 mm (1.3 in.). The tension at 0°C was 35000 N per subconductor. Chapter 4: Galloping Conductors There were load sensors at the same deadend tower on five different arrangements of reference conductors or conductors with galloping controls, with one sensor per subconductor. The wind speed during the galloping event was between 3 and 5 m/s (10 to 16 ft/s, measured at 10 m (33 ft) from ground level. The wind direction was not purely perpendicular to the line, but precise data was not available. The temperature was rising from -2.9°C up to -1.8°C during the event. The precipitation was freezing rain. There were several separate periods of galloping during the episode. Tension records were obtained during two of them. In the first, the maximum tension variation in one subconductor observed was 27 kN peak-to-peak at a frequency of 0.36 Hz during 15 minutes. It was very similar in the other subconductor of the same bundle. Much lower tension oscillations were observed in the other phases, with a maximum of 4 kN in one phase and 14 kN in another. The period of strong tension variations lasted for about 50% of the galloping period. The second period of galloping occurred with a maximum tension variation of 18 kN/subconductor but lasted for 30 minutes. The buildup of galloping at the strongest value was in two steps, as illustrated in Figure 4.4-10: 1. A period of about 10 minutes with limited amplitude, 10 kN peak-to-peak, with some beating phenomena. 2. The last “beat” wave was a little bit higher in amplitude,12 kN, and then it started to grow again, with no Figure 4.4-10 A recorded initiation of galloping at the Villeroux test station (courtesy Laborelec, Belgium) on March 4, 1986. Twin spacered horizontal bundle 2 x 620 mm2 AAAC sagged at 35 kN/conductor, sag 7.7 m. The figure shows changes of tension over time in one subconductor at an anchoring tower. The main frequency observed is 0.36 Hz. Natural icing. Two circuit operating line at 400/220 kV. 4-55 Chapter 4: Galloping Conductors EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition Figure 4.4-11 Typical tension variation during actual galloping on untreated phase and phase with galloping control device, as measured on an actual twin-bundle 400-kV line with permanent recording equipment. This recording of tension fluctuations was made at an anchor tower at the Villeroux test station in Belgium. Only relative changes are important. Upper oscillogram shows ±5 kN peak-to-peak for the phase with the antigalloping device. Lower trace shows the tension fluctuation, ± 25 kN peak-to-peak, in the reference phase during the same period of observation. further beating. It reached the maximum amplitude of 27 kN in 5 seconds and stayed at that amplitude for a long time, 20 minutes, without any beating. The frequency was the same (0.36 Hz) throughout the observed oscillations. Galloping Observations by Measurement and Data Analysis In addition to the detailed case of the initiation of galloping on an operating line, illustrated by Figure 4.4-10, many galloping events have been observed and motions measured. Some of these events, which were observed on operating lines under natural wind and icing conditions, will be discussed in this section. Instrumented test lines and instrumented sections of operating lines are particularly valuable in advancing the understanding of galloping, since they produce numerical records. Galloping can occur in a number of different modes, and these often appear in combination (Figure. 4.4-13). Recorded data on the variables that are involved in galloping can be used to determine which modes were present in particular galloping events, and can often permit estimates of galloping amplitudes, even if amplitude was not directly recorded. Doing this requires detailed knowledge of the modes that can occur in the span or line section involved. Figure 4.4-11 shows an example of an oscillogram obtained from a permanently instrumented section of an operating overhead power line on which several types of galloping control devices were installed. 4-56 Figure 4.4-12 Spectrum of conductor tension, Sensor 4, Villeroux, April 4, 1989. Many such oscillograms were obtained during several years in the same test station. One of them is treated here in detail. The FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) of the signal is reproduced in Figure 4.4-12. It was measured in a section of four spans equipped with horizontal twin-spacered bundle. The twin bundle was made of AAAC 620 mm2 conductor of 32.4 mm (1.3 in.) diameter. The subconductors spacing was 0.45 m (1.5 ft). The nominal tension per subconductor was about 35 kN at around 0°C. EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition Figure 4.4-12 is a spectrum obtained during a galloping episode at the Belgian test line at Villeroux. The recorded variable was the conductor tension at one of the deadends of the four-span section. The spectrum shows 12 major peaks, suggesting that 12 different oscillation modes were active. This is not exactly true as explained below. Analysis of the possible normal modes of the section was carried out using the procedures of Rawlins (Rawlins 2001). These modes are determined based on linear elastic behavior, and several are pictured in Figure 4.4-13, identified by their frequencies. It should be noted that the motions that occur in natural galloping are not strictly identical to the undamped free normal modes obtained from the procedures of (Rawlins 2001), since aerodynamic forces are not taken into account. However, those aerodynamic forces are small compared with the inertial and elastic forces at work in the conductors. Thus, they cause only small perturbations in Chapter 4: Galloping Conductors the gross features of the normal modes—i.e., the frequencies and amplitudes of motion and tension variations. The free normal modes provide a good, if imperfect, representation of the major features of actual galloping. Table 4.4-1 lists the major spectral peaks of Figure 4.4-12, and associates many of them with eigenmodes of the section. Some of these peaks reflect the tension variations that are synchronous with the galloping motion, such as the eigenmode at 0.357 Hz, and those at 1.111, 1.316, 1.406, and 2.072 Hz. Other peaks reflect tension variation due to nonlinear effects. When galloping amplitude becomes large enough, stretching of the conductor at its extreme displacements causes increases in tension twice each cycle. This introduces a tension variation at double the frequency of the eigenmode. For example, the peaks at 0.66 and 0.74 Hz arise from autonomous two-loop galloping in the 397.3 and 361.4 m (1303 and 1186 ft) spans, which had resonant frequencies of 0.341 and 0.375, respectively. The eigenmode at 1.316 Hz causes a peak at 1.31 Hz directly, and one at 2.63 Hz due to nonlinear effects. The peak at 0.36 Hz could also be due to the 0.357 Hz eigenmode directly, or to a nonlinear effect of the 0.1819 Hz eigenmode. It would require additional information, such as from an insulator swing transducer, to distinguish between the two possibilities. Figure 4.4-13 First six possible eigenmode shapes and frequencies for the four-span test section at Villeroux. The peaks at 1.53 and 1.89 Hz are not associated with eigenmodes of the recorded phase. A 1.89 Hz peak was present in the tension spectrum of another phase, and probably caused motion in the deadend structure that was reflected in the signal leading to Figure 4.4-12. The 1.53 Hz peak has the same frequency as subspan reso- Table 4.4-1 Correlation of Spectral Peaks with Eigenmodes Spectrum Frequency (Hz) Eigenmode Frequency (Hz) Effect on Tension Estimated. Maximum Peak-to-Peak Amplitude (m) 0.33 0.167 Hz Nonlinear 2.42 0.36 0.182 Hz Nonlinear 2.49 0.36 0.357 Hz Direct 0.19 0.66 2 loops in 397.3 m span Nonlinear 2.38 0.74 2 loops in 361.4 m span Nonlinear 2.91 1.13 1.111 Hz Direct 0.40 1.31 1.316 Hz Direct 0.15 1.38 1.406 Hz Direct 0.014 1.53 Subspan gallop in another phase? 1.89 Transfer from another phase. 2.07 2.072 Hz Direct 0.64 2.63 1.316 Hz Nonlinear 0.27 4-57 Chapter 4: Galloping Conductors EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition nance in another phase. It also corresponds to the longitudinal resonance of the four-span section (CIGRE 1989; Lilien et al. 1998). The peak may be associated with this coincidence. Detailed knowledge of the eigenmodes associated with the spectral peaks permits calculation of the galloping amplitudes from the spectrum ordinates. Table 4.4-1 shows these estimated amplitudes reported as the maximum peak-to-peak amplitude in the section. Note that the source of the 0.36 Hz peak is ambiguous. That peak may mean either 2.5 m (8 ft) in the 0.182 Hz eigenmode, or 0.19 m (0.6 ft) in the 0.357 Hz eigenmode. Fortunately, on-site observers were present during the galloping and could not have failed see the 0.182 Hz mode. Thus, the tension peak at 0.36 Hz must have been from the 0.357 Hz eigenmode directly. The observers did report seeing, and filmed, two-loop galloping in the 361.4 m span with an amplitude of 3 m (10 ft). This is consistent with the 2.91 m (9.5 ft) calculated from the tension spectrum. The combination of recorded data from an instrumented test line, supported by observer reports, with detailed analysis of the possible galloping modes permits greater insight into the complexity of galloping in nature. In the example described here, there are three different modes with amplitudes larger than 2 m (6.5 ft) simultaneously present. The picture that emerges highlights the challenge faced by on-site observers in attempting to describe galloping events verbally and the great value of a video record of the event. 4.4.3 Observer Training Providing trained personnel for the above purpose, during a period when service continuity is being challenged, is a hardship for utilities, but appears at present to be the most widely used method for acquiring data. There has been a clear trend toward programs spanning several utilities in order to speed field evaluations. A significant illustration of this trend has been EPRI’s Research Project 1095, which involved 24 utilities and about 56 test areas, and the Canadian Electrical Association’s similar field programs on control of galloping on distribution lines and on bundle conductor lines. These projects aimed at concentrating enough testing effort on a few devices at a time to permit their speedy evaluation. It appears that programs involving such wide involvement are necessary if in-service testing is to achieve useful objectives. For participating utilities, programs of the above type encompass the following elements, given the choice of one or more protection systems to be evaluated. 4-58 Site Selection The most important criterion in selecting a test area is the expected incidence of galloping. Past experience is the best guide. Smooth, unobstructed terrain is quite desirable. Additional factors are: accessibility from observer crew bases; number of circuits within an area that a crew can reasonably cover; and availability of a series of similar spans in similar terrain. The last of these is important because adjacent suspension spans in the same phase are coupled through support point movements longitudinal to the line. A protection method should be applied in a series of four or more spans, unless deadends permit isolation of the test section from adjacent spans. Installation The particulars of device installation depend upon the device involved, and supplier recommendations should be followed if possible. A short length of pipe or of conductor should be hung parallel to the line from one tower near ground level so that, later, ice thickness and shape can be measured. This sample will not reflect the effect of resistance heating of the conductors or of conductor rotation due to the eccentricity of the deposit, but will probably provide the best available basis for estimating what is on the conductors. Sags should be checked. If targets, such as spacer clamps, are to be installed to aid in estimating amplitudes and modes, it is convenient to do that at the same time devices are installed. Convenient observation points should be noted, along with reference dimensions of the line that might be useful in estimating galloping amplitudes. Choice of these locations may be influenced by whether or not targets are employed. If local inhabitants are to be recruited to report the existence of galloping, it may be most convenient to show them the test area at this time. Observer Training Observers should be provided with suitable report forms, camera and tripod to produce a film record that can be scaled, thermometer, and wind meter; they should also be trained in obtaining the information that is requested. The details of reporting forms vary from case to case. Some or all of the following information may be requested: • • • • • • Identity of observer Date and time Identity of line, circuit, and phase Voltage Location in the line by tower number Weather conditions, including precipitation, temperature, and wind speed and direction EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition • Mode of galloping: standing loops or traveling wave; one mode or several; number of loops; adjacent spans moving synchronously or not; subspan motion in bundles or in spans divided by interphase spacers or other devices • Amplitudes of galloping: vertical, horizontal, and torsional, for bundles and for singles fitted with targets; shape of galloping ellipse • Support point motions longitudinal and lateral to the line • Location in the span where adjacent phases came closest • Frequencies of observed modes of motion • Shape and thickness of ice coating on conductors • Behavior of nearby circuits If the crew can make a video recording of the galloping, the form should include a map of the test area so that camera positions can be noted. The form may provide for later entry of line current and occurrences of trip-outs. The most valuable form of report is a film of the galloping motion, and the observers need to receive guidance on where to stand and point the camera. An effective record of each of the directions of motion requires a different position, and the crew must be encouraged to take all film from a tripod and to expose film that can be scaled to determine amplitudes after the fact. The most difficult items of requested information pertain to modes, amplitudes, and frequencies. It is advisable to use films of past galloping episodes in training observers to assess these items. Modes are most easily classified when viewing along the line where the entire span falls within a narrow field of view, and adjacent phases can be more readily distinguished. Amplitudes are easier to estimate from a broadside position because the middle of the loop can be more accurately located. In addition, known line dimensions, such as insulator string lengths, can be more easily employed because effects of perspective are minimized. One useful technique (Hydro Electric Power Commission of Ontario) is to stand about one span length to the side of the line, hold a pencil vertically at arm’s length, and mark off with the thumb a distance on the pencil that corresponds to panel height, insulator string length, or phase spacing. The pencil is then swung, still at arm’s length, to line up with the middle of the galloping loop, and amplitude is estimated with reference to the known line dimension. Classification of modes is rendered difficult when several are present simultaneously. When observed motions Chapter 4: Galloping Conductors are too confusing, classification can sometimes be achieved by associating each discernible frequency with its amplitude. Later calculation permits the modes corresponding to the several frequencies to be identified. Even when motions are simple and easy to classify as to mode, frequency should be counted, since it permits the loaded sag of the conductor to be calculated. A methodology for collecting data from a galloping event has been carefully described in a report prepared by a CIGRÉ task force (CIGRÉ 1995). Some parts of that document—including examples of galloping mode shapes, how to measure galloping ellipses, and how to install cameras during galloping observations—are shown in Figure 4.4-14, and galloping reporting forms are shown in Figures 4.4-15 to 17. Since galloping instability depends not only on ice shape, aerodynamic force coefficients, and wind conditions, but also sometimes on structural characteristics, it is particularly important to evaluate them adequately. A review of methods and systems for collecting icing data has been completed recently (Fikke 2003). Moreover, there is still some additional information that might be gathered during or after the galloping event, such as the possibility to collect ice samples that have fallen from the cables. In rare cases, because the line collapsed and the cables lie on the ground, the ice samples may be still on conductors. In either case, security of the personnel must be considered first, but this will not be covered here. It should be noted that the orientation of the ice samples remains problematic in either case. When collecting ice samples, the following procedure should be followed: • Identify the conductor or ground wire or OPGW from which the ice sample comes. • Identify the span number. • Measure the distance from the nearest tower, since the ice shape may vary along the span due to the variation of torsional rigidity of the cable. • Cut a section of the ice section and take a photograph with an object of known dimension (a rule is ideal for that purpose). • Make a sketch of the ice sample section with its main dimensions, indicating the orientation of the ice section relative to the horizontal plane. • Put the ice sample in a plastic bag to prevent loss by sublimation and keep it in a cold place. • As soon as possible, measure the mass of the ice sample to deduce its mass per unit length. • Prepare plaster molds of the ice samples for future aerodynamic characterization in a wind tunnel. 4-59 Chapter 4: Galloping Conductors EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition Galloping observed on operating lines in the field often shows variation between responses of apparently identical phases under the same conditions of ice and wind. Table 4.4-2 shows the report of one event on one of Ontario Hydro’s test sites during a freezing rain occurrence in 1977. The test site includes two parallel circuits. One circuit has one phase with detuning pendulums installed and two phases with no devices, while the other circuit has no devices. The report shows that in a 30minute period some phases with no devices remain still while others gallop with amplitudes between 0 and 3 m (10 ft). In the same time period some phases have single loop motion, while others undergo two-loop galloping. Although most testing on operating lines employs observer crews, remote sensing has been used in a few areas experiencing a high incidence of galloping. A system was developed by Ontario Hydro in connection with early detection of conductor icing (Kortschinski 1968). It employs a load cell in series with the suspension string at a selected tower. The signal from the load cell is telemetered to the system control center. Figure 4.4-14 Field observations of overhead line galloping: Guidance for filming galloping motions (CIGRÉ 1995). 4-60 EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition Chapter 4: Galloping Conductors Figure 4.4-15 Galloping reporting forms: On-site observations (CIGRÉ 1995). Figure 4.4-16 Galloping reporting forms: Line and site information (CIGRÉ 1995) The arrangement at the support is shown in Figure 4.4-18. The load cell is restrained against movement lateral to the line, so only the vertical load at the tower is measured. The system is sensitive enough that as little as 1 mm (1/32 in.) of radial ice thickness can be detected. As originally conceived, it served the same purpose as monitoring carrier loss: detection of icing to permit timely ice melting. However, it was found that the dynamic loads caused by galloping in spans either side of the support could be detected and recorded on an oscillograph in the control center. With several load cells located in the same area of high galloping incidence, it was possible to make comparisons between protected and unprotected phases, without dispatching observers. was noted that several galloping events occurred without immediate impact on the operation of the lines, especially on a horizontal circuit. In fact, galloping, being comprised of mostly vertical motions, did not result in any interphase faults, although galloping events were observed. The authors concluded that the dynamic forces associated with these galloping events might contribute to progressive deterioration of the line due to fatigue from the large cyclic motions. In Norway (Halsan et al. 1998; Fikke 1999), a monitoring system using video cameras was installed in a remote location to monitor galloping. Motion of the image of the conductor across the video screen was detected by optical sensors and used to trigger permanent recording of the motions for subsequent analysis. It 4.5 GALLOPING PROTECTION METHODS 4.5.1 Introduction A variety of methods for protecting against galloping or its effects are currently in use or under field evaluation. They fall generally into the following categories: • Ice buildup prevention, ice melting, or ice removal • Special conductors with aerodynamic or ice phobic properties 4-61 Chapter 4: Galloping Conductors EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition list of discontinued methods. This section focuses on control devices that are considered to be practical, and in use, at least on a trial basis, on operating lines. Where possible, practical issues relating to ease of installation and side effects attributable to the devices are summarized. At the end of this section, Table 4.5-8 compiles the key information about the application of each of the devices in current use. The discussion of galloping protection in this section includes, where possible, the following aspects: Figure 4.4-18 Arrangement for sensing vertical load in insulator string (Kortschinski 1968). • Type(s) of weather exposure and line construction for which each device has been tested and applied. Galloping can be caused by a range of different conditions—namely, the type, density, and adhesion of the ice (whether it is glaze, wet snow, or hoar frost), and the speed, direction, and turbulence of the wind. Most of the North American experience is with galloping due to wind acting on glaze ice accretions. Galloping due to wind acting on wet snow has received more attention in Japan and parts of Europe. The type of icing under which each device has been evaluated will be included along with known practical details. Galloping also occurs differently on small versus large single conductors, on bundle conductors versus single conductors, and on dead–end spans versus suspension spans. There are even rare conditions, with wind but without ice, in which other mechanisms create galloping like motions. The common feature of all galloping is the excitation of the • Increased clearances between phases and ground wires • Interphase spacers to reduce phase-to-phase approaches • Aerodynamic drag dampers to modify wind effects during galloping • Torsional motion control devices • Limitation of longitudinal conductor motions • Bundle geometry modification to decouple bundles and to promote twisting of the subconductors. A survey of the various known galloping control methods was recently completed under the aegis of CIGRE and published in ELECTRA (CIGRE 2000b). The various control approaches were classified as “retrofit” or “design” systems. The ELECTRA paper also includes a Table 4.4-2 Sample Report on a Galloping Field Observation (extract from Ontario Hydro Research Division Report No. 78-75-K, Chadha et al.1978) GALLOPING OBSERVATION REPORT OBSERVED BY: PB & AV TEMPERATURE: -1×C CONDUCTOR SIZE: 795 kcmil DATE: Dec 18, 1977 LOCATION: MINDEN LINE WIND DIRECTION: WEATHER: FREEZING RAIN VOLTAGE: 230 kV TIME CIRCUIT & TOWER NUMBERS WIND SPEED ESTIMATE 12:25 M9R 959-956 15-20 mph 24-32 km/h 12:25 12:50 12:55 4-62 M8R 959-956 M8R 958-956 M9R 959-956 15-20 mph 24-32 km/h 15-20 mph 24-32 km/h 15-20 mph 24-32 km/h PHASE CONTROL DEVICE GALLOP MODE PEAK TO PEAK AMPLITUDE ESTIMATE TOP NONE 1 LOOP 6ft 1.8 m MIDDLE NONE - 0 BOTTOM NONE - 0 TOP NONE 1 LOOP 6ft 1.8 m MIDDLE NONE 1 LOOP 0 BOTTOM 4 x 11.3 kg PENDULUMS - 0 TOP NONE 1 LOOP 6ft 1.8 m MIDDLE NONE 1 LOOP 5 ft 1.5 m BOTTOM 4 x 11.3 kg PENDULUMS - 0 TOP NONE 1 LOOP 6ft 1.8m MIDDLE NONE 2 LOOP 10 ft 3m BOTTOM NONE - 0 ELECTRICAL LOAD COMMENTS 88 MW ICE THICKNESS ~ 1/16 INCH ~1.6 MM 88 MW 88 MW 88 MW FREQUENCY 0.25 Hz EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition Chapter 4: Galloping Conductors Data from tests on scaled or full-size test lines, sometimes with airfoils to represent ice, are included where available. More weight should be given to information obtained from observations on actual operating lines—especially where there are systematic trials including untreated phases similar to the phases with the control devices—and such results are included where possible. When galloping does occur in a span of an overhead line, the individual conductors are frequently moving at different amplitudes and in different modes under nominally the same exposure to ice and wind. During an ice storm the galloping amplitudes change as the speed and direction of the wind, as well as the amount of ice deposited, changes. This randomness and variability are inherent in the galloping phenomenon. Conclusions on the overall performance of a device need to be based on a number of separate galloping events. The greatest confidence can be placed on the devices that have been the subjects of the widest exposure and evaluations. At the same time the control device needs to be installed on one or more phases in the same span as nominally identical phases without controls. Galloping motions on all the phases need to be documented in order to obtain statistically supportable conclusions on the performance of the control devices. Figure 4.4-17 Galloping reporting forms: Damage and costs (CIGRÉ 1995). lowest natural frequencies of the spans and the resulting large-amplitude, low-frequency motions. • Proper locations for each galloping control device. The number of devices required for control, or the physical design of the devices, or the manner of application of the devices may also differ according to the expected type of ice accretion and the physical details of the conductor span. Where there are alternative practices, these are identified. Although application practices for some of the devices are public knowledge, these practices for other devices are considered proprietary by the suppliers. • Limitations and precautions required with each galloping control device. The performance of a control device may be acceptable in one range of sizes of conductor while less acceptable in another size range. Also the effectiveness in one weather condition may or may not indicate effectiveness in a different form of icing. • Observed motions without and with each control device. Cautions to be Observed When Applying In-span Galloping Control Devices In-span hardware, including galloping control devices and aircraft warning markers, are concentrated masses, which can act as reflection points of traveling waves of aeolian vibration. This vibration due to wind can occur in the sections of the conductors or overhead ground wires between the in-span devices, and these sections of the span are isolated from any vibration damping systems, which are most often applied to the ends of spans. For spans of conductors with low tension, this does not cause any problems. However, extra precautions are needed for spans with tensions approaching the safe tension limits with no dampers (Hardy et al. 1999). The precautions required are to reduce the stresses concentrated at the metal clamps attaching the hardware to the conductors. Two alternatives for reducing these stresses are installing armor rods under the metal clamps or replacing the metal clamps with elastomer-lined clamps (Van Dyke et al. 1995). A further option is to add vibration dampers within each subspan between the in-span hardware. A second aspect requiring caution applies to galloping control devices based on the control of torsional motions. These are custom–designed, based on the parameters of the conductor span. They are designed to ensure that the torsional natural frequency, after adding 4-63 Chapter 4: Galloping Conductors EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition the devices and a chosen amount of ice and wind, falls within a range necessary for the proper function of the control device. The caution required for this is that the actual parameters of the line need to be known, and that may necessitate a line survey to confirm that the line is installed according to the design. In particular, the tension of the conductors has been found to deviate from the as-designed values, especially in regions where ice loads have occurred thereby increasing the sag, or where repairs have been made in the spans. There are ratios of torsional to vertical oscillation frequency that make a span more likely to gallop. Consequently, it is possible to misapply the devices if they are designed with the wrong input parameters, or if the resonant behavior is not avoided by proper choice of device dimensions. It is, therefore, highly recommended that the design of galloping controls be carried out by experienced practitioners. 4.5.2 Ice Prevention, Melting, or Removal The methods of ice removal from overhead conductors were summarized as part of a review of ice accretion technology, and utility operating and design practices with respect to ice, snow, and wind on overhead lines (Pohlman and Landers 1982). The methods used to deice overhead conductors were categorized as “passive” and “mechanical.” The passive approaches include icephobic coatings, which reduce the adhesion forces attaching the ice to the conductor. However, at that time, no coating would shed ice without additional mechanical action such as abrasion or flexing. Heating by electric current is identified as the commonest utility practice. Guidelines developed in the 1930s suggested that prevention of ice accretion required a current of about 50% of the rating of the conductor, while ice removal required about 125% of the rating. The survey concluded that there was no practical means of ice prevention by coatings or mechanical means. A review focused more tightly on ice and snow removal alternatives (Laforte et al. 1996) covered a total of 28 technologies from other fields, which may be usable or adaptable for use in the overhead line de-icing application. Of these, 13 methods have been adapted for use on overhead conductors. Each deicing system was categorized according to its stage of development, whether it removes or prevents icing, which types of ice it is designed to control, the efficiency of deicing, difficulty of application, and costs of infrastructure and operation. The methods reviewed include thermal, mechanical, passive, or miscellaneous techniques. The more promising of these methods are described in more detail below. 4-64 Ice Melting The protection measure that was utilized earliest was removal of ice, or prevention of its formation, by heating conductors electrically. One of the earliest applications was on the Pennsylvania Water and Power System about 1915 (Shealy et al. 1952). Two of three lines connecting Holtwood Hydro Station and Baltimore were removed from service and connected in series. One end of this combined circuit was short-circuited, and voltage was applied at the other to heat the conductors. Early applications of this and similar procedures were apparently aimed primarily at preventing failures due to the weight of ice on conductors, and faults resulting from contact between phases or a phase and a ground wire when the sudden release of ice from a span caused “sleet jump.” Trends toward larger conductors, and stiffer supports for the smaller ones, and wider use of flat phase configurations have lessened these problems. Prevention of galloping has been the primary objective in ice melting and prevention activities during the last several decades. The procedures are still used by some utilities, but ampacity constraints of the transmission lines and substation equipment prevent their application in many cases. Also, there is a conflict between providing enough resistance in conductors to permit effective heating, on the one hand, and minimization of year-round system losses, on the other hand. The amount of heating required depends upon whether it is applied before icing begins, so that no actual melting of deposited ice is needed, or after some ice has been deposited. In the latter case, the amount of heating and its duration depend upon the thickness of the ice deposit. In both cases, heating power requirements depend upon ambient temperature and wind velocity. The following equations were developed for calculating the temperature rise of a bare conductor's surface over ambient for winds greater than 1 m/s (3 mph) (Clem 1930). ΔT = 4.43x10 −3 Rac I 2 dV 4.5-1 Where ΔT is temperature rise in °C. Rac is conductor ac resistance in ohms/km. I is current in amperes. d is conductor diameter in mm. V is wind speed in m/s. The constant in Equation 4.5-1 is 8.18 x 10-4 if R ac is given in ohms/mile, d in inches, and V in mph. Equation 4.5-1 has been used to estimate currents needed to pre- EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition vent ice formation, and Clem suggests that a 9°C rise may be adequate for most conditions. If ice is already on the conductor, heat must be supplied to melt through it and also to maintain the conductor a few degrees above freezing. Clem gives the following equations for estimating the power per unit conductor surface area, for each of these: d ( ti + 0.11d ) 563m ΔT wc d = d 14980 + 877 log i d Vdi wi d = 4.5-2 4.5-3 Where wi is melt-through power in watts/mm2. wc is power to maintain temperature rise in watts/mm2. ti is ice thickness in mm. m is melt-through time in minutes. di is diameter of conductor with ice in mm. If wi and wc are in watts/in2; ti, di, and d are in inches; and V is in mph: 29.1d ( ti + 0.11d ) m ΔT wc d = d 175 + 34.53l og i d Vdi wi d = 4.5-4 ti mRac I = 64.6d 0.68 4.5-8 using the above metric units, or ti mRac I = 3726d 0.68 4.5-9 using the English units above. The equation correlates well with results of ice melting testing performed by E. K. Lanctot of Alcoa Laboratories, as shown in Table 4.5-1. Table 4.5-1 Currents to Remove 25.4 mm (1 in.) Thickness of Ice in One Hour (Lanctot et al. 1959) Conductor Based Upon Size (kcmil) Diameter (in.) From Test (amp) From Eq’n (4.5-9) (amp) 648a 1.093 1240 1355 795 1.108 1420 1517 954 1.165 1560 1721 1186a 1.60 2070 2382 1346a 1.75 2335 2695 1275a 1.60 2150 2470 1414 1.75 2395 2761 a. Expanded ACSR 4.5-6 in the above metric units, or I = 446.15 ( wi d + wc d ) / Rac ent temperatures near freezing and winds of 1.3 m/s (3 mph) or less: 4.5-5 The current required for melt-through becomes I = 1772.5 ( wi d + wc d ) / Rac Chapter 4: Galloping Conductors 4.5-7 using the above English units. Thus, the choice of current is influenced by wind velocity, how far ambient temperature is below freezing, how quickly the ice must be removed, and how thick it is at the beginning of thawing (Lanctot et al. 1959). Another formula for estimating melt-through currents has been developed by H. E. House of Alcoa for ambi- The increased currents needed for ice prevention or removal may be attained by routing load flow within the system, by removing circuits from service and applying short circuits, or by producing circulating currents within the system by forcing phase shifts over the length of the line (Shealy et al. 1952; Corey et al. 1952; DeSieno et al. 1952; Oehlwein 1953). Each of these methods requires special switching and, sometimes, equipment specifically intended for that purpose. Protective relaying arrangements may have to be altered. Prior arrangements and training are necessary. Arrangements encompass: provisions for obtaining early warning of possible icing conditions from meteorological services; detection of icing, usually by monitoring attenuation of carrier signals; and setting up predetermined strategies to be followed by dispatchers based upon the system load condition, location of icing, and the trend in the weather. The need to make prior arrangements, and limitations on switching options, generally lead to preselection of heating currents, and utilities base these selections upon 4-65 Chapter 4: Galloping Conductors EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition conditions in their own systems. Care must be taken that conductors are not annealed or allowed to sag below required clearances, and that connectors, buses, and other components do not become overheated. An example of a heating current table for sleet melting is shown in Table 4.5-2. Table 4.5-2 Heating Current for Sleet Melting Used at American Gas and Electric System (DeSieno et al. 1952) American Gas and Electric System Range of Sleet Melting Currents for Various Temperatures near 30ºF Ambient Conductor Size (circular mils) Short Circuit Current Minimum Amperes Maximum Amperes 200,000 Cu 475 366,400 ACSR 550 550 700 397,500 ACSR 550 750 800 477,000 ACSR 575 556,500 ACSR 600 900 636,000 ACSR 625 1000 There appear to be no data available on the extent of usage of ice prevention and melting by electrical heating, or on percent effectiveness where used. One utility system used such procedures 202 times in ten years, prior to 1952 (Corey et al. 1952), and another applied them 20 times during a single month in 1956 (Chadha 1974). Utilities that still employ “sleet melting” also still experience galloping, but information is not available on how much more galloping would have occurred without it. An experience of Bonneville Power Administration in the Cascade Mountains (BPA 1974) showed that lower levels of current can still be effective in limiting ice deposition. During an extreme four-day storm, ice buildup was monitored on two parallel lines. One line was loaded at between 15 and 27% of its rating, while the other was loaded at 24 to 43%. Ice buildup occurred 30 hours later on the more heavily loaded line, and that line shed its ice 7 hours earlier. The maximum radial thickness of the ice was 1.9 cm on the heavier loaded line compared to 4.3 cm on the other line. Manitoba Hydro has been employing ice and snow melting as an organized practice for reducing loads on lines for some time (Tymofichuk 1978; Farias 1999). This is a region where serious ice storms are relatively frequent, and the capital expense for additional switching, development of standard operating procedures, and training of staff can be justified. About 60 ice storms of varying severity, from minor to catastrophic, were documented in a 37-year period. Switching equipment has been incorporated into substations to allow sections of their grid to be isolated and current to be circulated in selected lines to melt off the accretion. Three-phase 4-66 shorts are created at predetermined locations. Short customer outages must be taken to enable these procedures. A total of 2628 km (1633 miles) of 33 to 115 kV lines was cleared of ice using ice melting during a major storm period in February 1998. The voltages applied to generate the currents for melting were from 8 to 33 kV. The average duration of each melting period was 11 minutes. In addition to switching ac current, a scheme to inject dc for ice melting is under consideration. Ice-phobic Coatings In the 1980s, EPRI sponsored a study of potential icephobic coatings (Baum et al. 1988). The various coatings were evaluated based on ice adhesion tests. In these tests, a coated cable strand was embedded in a block of ice, and the load required to pull the strand out was measured in a tensile test machine. The test was conducted at a temperature of –10ºC. The shear stress was determined from maximum load required to remove the wire from the ice divided by surface area of the wire embedded in the ice. The coatings with the lowest shear strength were found to be silicones and elastomeric-type materials. Teflon-type coatings were less effective. Several oil-filled coatings were also tested and found to have low adhesive strength. Coatings with low inherent strength could be easily damaged and are, therefore, less suited to use on lines where a certain amount of handling is required. Covered conductors, one example of which is shown in Figure 4.5-1, have also been considered to reduce galloping through prevention of ice accretion. Such conductors consist of cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE) jacketed round strand or compact ACSR or AAAC conductors of various designs, and are used mainly for low-voltage applications in residential areas. Field studies of ice buildup on this type of conductor over an eight-year period (Wareing and Chetwood 2002) showed that, when the conductors are new, they do shed wet snow readily. But after some time exposed to normal weathering, pollution, etc., the surface becomes rough, and the adhesion of wet snow is similar to that on other types of conductor. Figure 4.5-1 Sample covered conductor (Wareing 2002). 1. Compacted AAAC core. 2. Semiconducting layer. 3. Polyethylene layer. 4. XLPE jacket. EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition An alternative method of testing to evaluate adhesion of coatings was developed under contract to HydroQuébec (Laforte and Beisswenger 2005). Samples of coatings were applied to the surfaces of flat blades, which were spun at increasingly high speeds in a centrifuge. The speed at which the coating released was measured, and the shear stress at the surface determined, to give the relative adhesion of different coatings. Eighteen different coatings were evaluated. The results indicate that the greases and nonpermanent coatings are more effective than the solid coatings. Some coatings actually increased the adhesion compared to bare aluminum. Passive Snow Removal Techniques In regions where wet snow accumulates on overhead lines, the accumulation has been found to be reduced by the addition of snow rings around the conductors (Higuchi 1972; Saotomi et al. 1988). The snow tends to form on the top surface of the conductor and slide down in the direction of the strands, as indicated in Figure 4.5-2, top. With increasing accumulation the snow slides around the conductor, following the direction of the conductor stranding. The addition of rings (Figure 4.52, middle) or wires wound around the conductor in opposite direction to the lay of the strands (Figure 4.52, bottom) causes the wet snow to fall off. The rings and wires break the surface tension through which the snow adheres to the bottom of the conductor. Chapter 4: Galloping Conductors counterweights, as shown in Figure 4.5-3. The effectiveness of the snow rings and rings plus counterweights was determined, using automatic monitoring systems installed on 12 sample locations, during wet snowstorms during a period of two years. The instrumentation included lights and video cameras, weather-monitoring devices, and load cells to measure the weight of snow on each conductor with different snow removal schemes. The test program also included some conductors wrapped with a low-Curie-point wire, as shown in Figure 4.5-4. This low-curie point material undergoes a large increase in resistance at a specific temperature, the “curie point.” When aluminum wire with a low-curie-point alloy core is wound around the conductor, and the temperature drops to below this temperature, which is around the freezing point, the induced current increases and heats the conductor locally, and melts any ice or wet snow buildup. A sample of the results obtained on a 314m (1030 ft) span of 52.8 mm (2.0 in.) diameter of TACSR1520 conductor on a 154kV line is illustrated by Figures 4.5-5 and 4.5-6. The conductors all carried a current of 230 amps during the period of the measurements. Figure 4.5-5 shows the snow profiles on the conductors with no treatment, with rings and counterweights, and with lowCurie wires. Figure 4.5-6 shows the weight of snow ver- In the Kanso region of Japan, about 50% of the overhead lines, concentrating on the areas where wet snow most often occurs, have been treated with the snow rings, (Saotome 1988). To improve the torsional stability of the conductors, some are equipped with both rings and Figure 4.5-3 Combination of rings and counterweights for wet snow removal from conductors (Saotome 1988). Figure 4.5-2 Top: Path of wet snow accretion sliding in strand direction. Middle: Snow rings. Bottom: Counterflow wires added to conductors to promote snow shedding (Higuchi 1972). Figure 4.5-4 Conductor wrapped with low-Curie-point wire (Saotome 1988). 4-67 Chapter 4: Galloping Conductors EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition sus time for these three treatments, plus a sampler, a short length of conductor rigidly attached to one of the towers. The diagrams show that the sampler overestimates the snow loads on the conductors, that the highest loads are on the conductor with no treatment, and there are improvements when rings and weights are added. The greatest improvement was seen with the lowCurie wire wrap. In addition to the lower weights of snow, the duration of snow accretion on the conductors was also reduced slightly. To summarize the use of the various methods of ice and snow removal through melting, coatings, and add-on passive devices, there is localized application of some of these techniques. These are in place on lines in locations where icing is frequent and the importance of the lines can justify investment in the capital cost of the special equipment needed. It is not likely that any utility would apply any of these systems widely to their systems because of the high capital costs involved. Mechanical Removal Methods A traditional method of removing ice from lines is by rolling. Manitoba Hydro has used ice rolling routinely for de-icing lines, as they typically have more than one ice storm each winter (Farias 1999). A basic ice roller is illustrated in Figure 4.5-7. The roller is placed over the conductor by a lineman, and a rope attached to a loop below the pulley is pulled along the conductor by hand or from a vehicle. The pulley is aluminum to minimize damage to the conductor. The techniques can be used on live lines at 12 kV, and at 25 kV with an insulated link in the stick. At higher voltages the lines must be deenergized. The rolling method can be used under most weather conditions, and can be applied to phase conductors and overhead ground wires. The procedure is highly labor intensive, time consuming, and expensive. Damage can occur to insulators and conductors, and the roller can get wedged on splices. Figure 4.5-5 Snow profiles observed during field test of snow shedding measures (Saotome 1988). Figure 4.5-6 Measured snow weight during field test of snow shedding Measures (Saotome 1988). 4-68 Figure 4.5-7 Basic Ice Roller (Farias 1999). EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition The severe ice storm that crippled the power system of the Canadian province of Québec in January 1998 caused a resurgence in the research on overhead line icing and in the development of various means of removing ice from conductors and overhead ground wires in similar emergencies. One of these is a remotely operated, mechanized version of the roller described above. This has been developed for Hydro-Québec (Leblond et al. 2002), and Figure 4.5-8 shows this device removing artificially formed ice deposits using the set of steel blades, shown on the right of the vehicle. This device is designed to de-ice overhead ground wires and has evolved from a manually drawn prototype. It has also been successfully tested on conductors of lines at voltages up to 315 kV. The device can operate as far as 1 km away from the ground-based controller. The development of this device is continuing with inclusion of other functions, such as photography of the conductor to show burnt strands and other damage, and infrared thermography to identify hot spots. An impulse device under development (Leblond et al. 2002) takes advantage of the brittle nature of ice at cold temperatures. This is a hydraulic cylinder that can be installed from a helicopter or insulated boom truck. A fast-acting release of gas within the cylinder imparts an impulse to the conductor or overhead ground wire to which it is attached. Figure 4.5-9 shows the device installed on the 100 m (328 ft) 12.7mm (0.5in.) diameter steel cable used as a test line, and Figure 4.5-10 shows a sequence of images of the ice being removed from the test line. The shock wave de-icer sends a traveling wave along the conductor, which decays in energy with distance from the device. The development is continuing toward increased power capacity, and repeated impulses. Figure 4.5-8 Remotely operated de-icing vehicle (Leblond et al. 2002). Chapter 4: Galloping Conductors Another impulse-based device, which eliminates the need for installation from a bucket truck or helicopter, is shown in Figure 4.5-11 (Leblond et al. 2005). This device consists of a piston, which is attached to the conductor, a revolver system carrying six blank cartridges, and an electronic receiver circuit to charge a capacitor on command and fire the cartridge. A ground-based radio frequency system creates the signal used to trigger the charge and explode the cartridge. The device is attached to the line by firing a projectile with a light line attached over the conductor or ground wire to be deiced, using a commercially available line thrower, a device commonly used by Coast Guards during rescue operations. This light line is used to pull a heavier pulling line over the conductor. That line is used to raise the device into place around mid span, and to secure it against the conductor. The device includes a chamber of six cartridges, and one cartridge within the device is fired remotely to produce the desired impulse. The ice is removed by the traveling wave emanating on each side. In field trials this has successfully removed artificially produced ice layers up to 12.7 mm (0.5 in.) thick from a 100m (328 ft) length of 12.7mm diameter steel ground wire. Multiple impulses are recommended for longer lengths. The device has also been investigated for use in de-icing optical ground wires (OPGW). However, there is a concern that the impulse might impair the ability to transmit data after use. In simulated tests without ice, repeated firings were applied, and although high strains were measured at the suspension clamps, no optical degradation was detected. Tests on de-icing OPGW showed that it has Figure 4.5-9 Shock wave de-icing prototype (Leblond et al. 2002). 4-69 Chapter 4: Galloping Conductors EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition higher mechanical impedance than normal overhead ground wire, and the device needed multiple shots to be fully effective. A further alternative mechanical approach to ice removal relies of the weakness of an ice layer in shear created by twisting the conductor (Laforte et al. 2005). The procedure is reported to have been successful in removing naturally formed ice on cables on three occasions. A ratcheting device was developed to facilitate twisting (Figure 4.5-12). The device is clamped to the conductor, and one handle serves as a restraint, while the second is used to turn the conductor. The procedure required up to ten rotations on a 200-m (656-ft) span of 11-mm (0.4-in.) diameter overhead ground wire with fixed ends, and removal was achieved in 2-3 minutes. Figure 4.5-13 shows the ice being removed from a 15-m (49-ft) test span of 11 mm (0.4-in.) diameter steel cable with about 25 mm (1 in.) of radial glaze ice. The method appears to be based on a weakness in the adhesion of ice to conductors, and may be applicable to unenergized conductors and overhead ground wires. The operator needs to be close enough to the conductor to install the Figure 4.5-10 Successive images of de-icing of a 100-m, 12.7-mm diameter steel test line using the shock wave de-icer (Leblond et al. 2002). Figure 4.5-12 Twisting device installed on an iced test conductor (Laforte et al. 2005). Figure 4.5-11 De-icer actuated by cartridge in place on a test line (Leblond et al. 2005). 4-70 Figure 4.5-13 Removal of ice from a test conductor using the twisting device (Laforte et al. 2005). EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition clamp and turn the conductor using the handles. Mechanized versions of the device are being developed. Although there is a significant research effort being applied to the removal of mainly glaze ice by mechanical means, none of these new technologies can be considered practical for de-icing long lengths of operating overhead lines. Melting of accreted ice through the application of higher than normal currents is being used by some utilities, and when suitable switching is in place, fairly long lengths of line can be de-iced. Some utilities, in countries where freezing rain is a regular wintertime occurrence, have resorted to replacing overhead lines by underground lines, but this option is limited to low-voltage circuits. 4.5.3 Alternative Conductor Designs The T2 conductor, introduced in the 1980s, is specifically designed to reduce wind-induced motions, including galloping, through aerodynamic modification (Douglass and Roche 1985) (Figure 4.5-14). A virtually identical conductor design, distributed under the name “VR” conductor, is essentially two smaller, standardconstruction, ACSR or AAC, conductors twisted together with a lay length of about 2.7 m (9 ft). Based on wind tunnel testing and some field trials, it was concluded that this type of conductor can be an effective alternative to normal round conductors for suppression of aeolian vibration and galloping. The presence of the continuous twist in the conductor profile creates counterbalancing alternating upward and downward wind forces, which resist the creation of coordinated wind forces along the span necessary for galloping to occur (Figure 4.5-15). At this time this type of conductor has been used in smaller sizes of new low-voltage single conductor lines and a few twin bundle lines. The T2 conductor was evaluated in comparative field tests in Texas and Illinois, in which the twisted-pair con- Figure 4.5-14 Twisted-pair conductor for vibration and galloping motion reduction (Douglass and Roche 1985). Chapter 4: Galloping Conductors ductor and standard round conductors were mounted in parallel phases of the same span and circuit on operating lines (Shealy 1980). The sizes of T2 ranged from 2 x 0.464 in. diameter to 2 x 0.885 in. diameter. Over a twoyear period, the lines were observed during eight galloping events in which the round strand conductors and the shield wires were seen to gallop while the T2 conductors were quiet. The galloping amplitudes on the standard conductors varied from “very little,” through 1-1.5 to 8 ft, to “substantial.” There was also one event with an estimated 2-in. thickness of ice, with 6–in. icicles, in which all phases including the T2 conductor galloped with up to 3 ft peak-to-peak amplitude. The field studies were also used to assess the aeolian vibration levels occurring with T2 compared to standard round conductors. Vibration recorder measurements showed significant reductions in the bending amplitudes, and the author suggests that the T2 conductor can be safely used without additional dampers. This twisted-pair T2 conductor design has been used in a vertical twin bundle 345-kV arrangement, without spacers or dampers, on a 345-kV line on wooden H-frame structures, in New Mexico by the El Paso Electric Company (Hunter 1994). The line is exposed to seasonal modest to high winds and occasional ice storms. Broken overhead ground wires and extensive wear of the hardware were reported after a few years in service. This damage was accompanied by shield wires pulled along the line and twisted structures. Tower movement on the order of 30 cm (1 ft) along the line, and excessive conductor twisting, were observed. Most of the damage occurred on exceptionally long spans over a region of rolling hills. Less damage was experienced on two other segments of the line with spans lengths about 250 m (800 ft). Vibration recorder traces indicated the presence of high-amplitude vertical conductor motions in a wide range of frequencies. Adding Stockbridge dampers removed the excessive high-frequency vibration. On one Figure 4.5-15 Variation of aerodynamic profile to the wind from twisted-pair conductors (Kaiser 1979). 4-71 Chapter 4: Galloping Conductors EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition occasion, modest galloping was seen after an accretion of about 13 mm (0.5 in.) of radial ice under light winds. It is not likely that the damage in this line occurred due to conductor galloping, although the vibration traces do show low-frequency motions present. However, the case is included here because the twisted-pair conductor can be prescribed for galloping control. But all its peculiarities are not fully understood, and other forms of vibration appear to be possible. The second conductor design that has been recently introduced and is intended to counteract the wind effects is the oval conductor (Sanders 1997). This design also has a continuous twist along the length and consists of strands with different areas and shapes to create the desired outer profile. Figure 4.5-16 shows the crosssectional profile of this conductor. The extent of usage and effectiveness of this design of conductor are unknown at this time. Smooth-body conductors have also been proposed for improved antigalloping performance. These conductors are composed of trapezoidally shaped strands, as shown in Figure 4.5-17. Some limited laboratory measurements suggest that these have higher internal damping than conductors with round strands. However, trapezoidal strand, smooth–profile, self-damping conductors have been in use for several decades in the Canadian provinces of Alberta and Saskatchewan, where galloping occurrences are frequent (Perry et al. 1992). There appears to be no benefit from the smooth-body profiles. Figure 4.5-16 Cross section of a “Linnet/OVAL”conductor for vibration and galloping mitigation (Sanders 1997). Covered conductors have also been considered as possibly less gallop-prone. These are discussed in Section 4.5.2. 4.5.4 Increased Clearances In the absence of active methods to eliminate galloping, the principal opportunity to reduce the effects of galloping occurs at the design stage. These effects are limited by a passive approach, which is to include separations, especially horizontal separations, between conductors, that are sufficient to avoid most phase-to-phase contacts and flashovers. These separations dictate the tower shape that cannot be modified easily once the tower is installed. Many utilities have guidelines aimed at providing sufficient spacing within the tower heads to reduce the probability of overlapping of the galloping motions of the phase conductors and overhead ground wires, thus avoiding contacts between them. A summary of these approaches is given in (EPRI 1980). The design approaches are basically similar to the concepts introduced by Davison (Davison 1939). These are based upon observations of amplitudes and mode shapes in a number of cases of actual galloping. The design methods involve laying out elliptical envelopes around the conductor positions under standardized conditions of wind and ice loading. The envelopes are intended to represent the maximum excursions, during single-loop motions, of the galloping orbits at mid-span. The conductor and overhead ground wire positions are the positions including the sag at mid-span under the chosen ice and wind load. The ellipse sizes vary between the different design methods, but the ellipse axes are normally scaled in terms of the sag under these chosen wind and ice loads. Figure 4.5-18 shows the approach schematically. The symbols in the figure have the following significance, corresponding to Davison’s recommended values: A1 = D L DL = sag under wind and ice load A2 = A1/4 A3 = 0.3 m (1 ft) θ = φ /2 φ = angle of conductor swing out under A5 = 0.4A4 the selected loading Figure 4.5-17 Smooth-body conductors with trapezoidal strands. Left: compact conductor (McCullogh and Ralston 1981). Right: self-damping conductor (Aluminum Association 1989). 4-72 EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition It had been observed that, when certain spans galloped, the motion most often seen was the two-loop mode, and the single-loop mode was rare. These observations were on deadend–deadend spans and very long spans. For these spans alternate lower values of the major, A4 , and minor, A5 , axes of the ellipse have been proposed (Toye 1951). The proposed values are: A4 ≈ DL / 2 2 4.5-10 A5 = 2 A4 4.5-11 These basic shapes for the clearance ellipses have been modified by several utilities based on their own experience. Table 4.5-3 summarizes some of these variants. A more complete description is given in (EPRI 1980). Davison’s suggested value of θ in Figure 4.5-18 had the ellipse tilted opposite to the blowout angle, φ. Other val- Chapter 4: Galloping Conductors ues have been used. It appears from the database of field observations that tilts in both directions are regularly experienced with perhaps a higher incidence of tilts that are in the same direction as the blowout angle. Given A 4 , dimension A 2 in Figure 4.5-18 is of minor importance with respect to phase-to-phase clearances, if all phases are assumed to gallop. An error in estimating A 2 does not affect the relative positions of the phase ellipses. A2 is important to phase-to-ground wire clearances, especially if the ground wire is assumed not to gallop. Simultaneous phase and ground wire galloping was observed in only about 10% of reported cases. For galloping in two and more loops, the galloping ellipse is very nearly centered on the conductor’s blown-out atrest position. All of these galloping ellipse systems have apparently served well in that they have resulted in reduced outage rates. Statistical data on the degrees of reduction do not appear to be available, but the reductions are generally thought to be quite significant. The issue of whether spans are more likely to undergo galloping in single- or two-loop mode was addressed by Anjo (Anjo et al. 1974). From studies of two-and four-conductor bundle lines, the behavior was related to a parameter M given by: M= m2A 2 EA 24T 3 4.5-12 Where E is the final modulus of the conductor. A is the area of cross section of the conductor. A is the span length. M is the mass per length of the conductor. T is the conductor tension. Figure 4.5-18 Generic galloping ellipse envelope inscribed around sagged conductor at mid-span (EPRI 1980). This parameter is equal to ea /e, in which ea is the excess of catenary length over secant span length, expressed as a fraction of the latter, and e is elastic strain of the con- Table 4.5-3 Sample Dimensions of Galloping Clearance Ellipses Source A4 A5 A2 Comment Davison 1939 1.25 DL + 0.3 m (1 foot) 0.4 DL A1/4 Single-loop galloping Toye 1931 DL/2√2 2√A4 DL/2 Two-loop galloping REA 1962 DL + 0.6 m (2 feet) 0.4 DL 0.3 m (1 foot) Single-loop galloping AEP (EPRI 1980) 1.25 DL DL + 0.3 m (1 foot) 0.33 A4 0.3 m (1 foot) Single-loop galloping Ontario Hydro F.DL + 0.3 m (1 foot) 0.4 A4 A4/4 F is a galloping factor between 0.8 and 1.4 Commonwealth Edison 1.4 DL + 0.3 m (1 foot) 1.25 A4 0.4 DL Single-loop galloping Russia (Baikov 1967) 35-220 kV: 0.45DL + 1m 300 kV: 0.9 DL 500 kV: DL 0.33 A4 A4/5 Single-loop galloping 4-73 Chapter 4: Galloping Conductors EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition Table 4.5-4 Guidelines for Galloping Clearance Ellipses Based on Anjo’s Method (Anjo et al. 1974) Deadend Spans Suspension Spans A4 Sag DL < D 0.58 DL DL<0.83 D 1.25 DL D1* < DL < D2* 0.37 DL + 1.3 m 0.83 D1* < DL < D1* 1.04 DL D2* < DL < 27.3 m 0.45 D2* D1* < DL < D2* 0.24 DL + 5.0 m DL > 27.3 m 2.27 DL D2* < DL < 32.8 m 0.54 D2* DL > 32.8 m 0.27 DL * 1 ductor due to its loaded tension. The guidelines developed from this approach differentiate between the expected ellipse sizes for dead-ended and suspension spans. The recommendations are presented in Table 4.5-4 in which D1* and D2* are the sags corresponding to M = 1.5 and 4.0, respectively. A similar approach was taken by the Bonneville Power Administration (Winkelman 1974). Their approach assigns values to the major ellipse axis, A4, according to span length, single or bundle conductor, and dead-end or suspension span type. The approach is summarized in Figure 4.5-19. The asterisks identify span lengths below which single-loop galloping, and above which two-loop galloping, are assumed. The ellipses surrounding the various conductors and overhead ground wires need to be separated by sufficient air gap to eliminate flashovers at the corresponding phase-to-phase or phase-to-ground voltage. Table 4.5-5 shows the separations required. Figure 4.5-19 Bonneville Power Administration guidelines on galloping ellipse amplitude (Winkelman 1974). 4-74 A4 Sag * 1 Table 4.5-5 Clearances Required to Avoid Flashovers Between Conductors and Overhead Ground Wires at Different Voltages (EPRI 1980) Voltage 115 kV 138 kV 230 kV 345 kV 500 kV PhasePhase 0.46 m (1.5 ft) 0.46 m (1.5 ft) 0.76 m (2.5 ft) 1.07 m (3.5 ft) 1.83 m (6.0 ft) PhaseGround 0.30 m (1.0 ft) 0.30 m (1.0 ft) 0.61 m (2.0 ft) 0.76 m (2.5 ft) 1.22 m (4.0 ft) Analyses of Field Data of Conductor Galloping Data from 81 galloping events were gathered over several years by the “Galloping Conductor Task Force” of the Edison Electric Institute (EEI) and documented in the chapter on galloping in the EPRI “Orange Book” (EPRI 1980). The reports include the basic design parameters of the line and the weather and galloping activity on lines without any control devices installed, but not all data were collected in every case. Figure 4.5-20 shows the plot of these results in the form of peak-to-peak galloping amplitude, Ymax, versus span length, S, for conductors supported in spans that are in suspension at at least one end, along with several cases for which the support conditions were not reported. Figure 4.5-21 shows the equivalent values for conductors supported at both ends by dead-end structures. In Figures 4.5-21 and 4.5-22, the small numbers indicate the number of galloping loops reported, and circled values are for bundled conductors. These two plots provide field data for comparison with each of the above design methods. The maximum galloping amplitude reported is about 12 m (39.3 ft). Also there is a slight tendency for more galloping loops in the longest spans and in deadended spans. It is of interest to compare the amplitudes reported in the EEI’s collection of galloping cases, and in previous reports and papers, with the suggested values of A4 discussed above. Unfortunately, the comparison cannot be done in a rigorous manner, since the loaded sags that exist during galloping are usually quite difficult to deter- EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition mine and are rarely reported. Comparison must be based upon bare-wire sags and, since most of these have been referred to 60°F (16°C), that reference temperature has been used. Influence of Ice Thickness and Wind Speed The observed ice thicknesses during 21 different glaze ice galloping events are shown in Figure 4.5-22. This and Figure 4.5-23 show data extracted from reports that include more than one phase and span, and so there can be several points plotted from each event. This figure Figure 4.5-20 Field data from galloping events: Peak to peak galloping amplitude versus span length for suspension spans (EPRI 1980). Figure 4.5-21 Field data from galloping events: peak-topeak galloping amplitude versus span length for deadended spans (EPRI 1980). Chapter 4: Galloping Conductors shows that the majority of galloping events occur with thin layers of ice, and consequently, use of bare-wire sags should be acceptably close in most cases, except where small conductors or short spans are involved. The wind speeds recorded during the same set of 21 galloping events are shown in Figure 4.5-23. This figure shows that most events occur with wind speeds between Figure 4.5-22 Data from 21 galloping events from database compiled during field studies showing that most events occur with low ice thickness (Havard and Pohlman 1984). Figure 4.5-23 Data from 21 galloping events from database compiled during field studies showing that most events occur with wind speeds between 15 and 35 mph (24 and 56 km/h) (Havard 1979). 4-75 Chapter 4: Galloping Conductors EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition 15 and 35 mph (24 and 56 km/h). The corresponding wind pressure is then in the range of 0.6 to 3.1 pounds per square foot (29 to 148 Pa). The value of 2 pounds per square foot (96 Pa), which is the pressure due to a 28-mph (45 km/h) wind, used in the REA guide (REA 1962) then appears to be a reasonable intermediate value. When the area of the conductor including the ice accretion is being considered, the relative positions of phases would be the same, but there could be different positions relative to the overhead ground wire. Influence of Span Parameters There are several dimensionless, or other, ratios between the various parameters that can be used to describe a span of conductor and its galloping behavior. Based on adequate data from observations from the field, the galloping amplitude can be correlated with these various parameter ratios. Some of these are shown below. The same database of field observations of galloping was used in an analysis to relate maximum galloping amplitude to line parameters (Rawlins 1981, 1986; with additional data courtesy of C. B. Rawlins). The resulting set of trend lines is presented in Figure 4.5-24 in the form of curves of equal peak to peak galloping amplitude / span length, Ymax / S, versus catenarity factor, M', and tension / unit weight of conductor, T/w. M ' is expressed by Equation 4.5-13. Here EA' is an adjusted longitudinal stiffness including the flexibility of insulator strings of different length, or deadend strings. M '= w2 S 2 EA' 24T 3 Figure 4.5-24 Estimated maximum peak-to-peak galloping amplitude/sag versus catenarity factor and tension/weight (Rawlins 1986). 4-76 4.5-13 The above database was augmented by additional data from extensive field trials of galloping (Havard and Pohlman 1984; Havard 1996), increasing it to a total of 166 observations of galloping on single, twin, triple, and quad bundle lines. The field observations in the database cover the range of line parameters as follows: • sag/span ratio in the range 1-5% • conductor diameter between 1 and 5 cm (0.4 and 2 in.) • single-conductor span lengths 50 to 450 m (160 to 1500 ft) • bundle conductor span lengths 200 to 450 m (650 to 1500 ft) Conventional expectations of galloping behavior are exceeded, for maximum galloping motions on short spans, and through the existence of single-loop galloping on long spans. Plots of the maximum galloping amplitudes and maximum galloping amplitudes divided by sag, for single conductors, as observed in the field from the above database, are shown as functions of span length, in Figure 4.5-25. Both plots show continuous envelopes around the maximum values. This expanded database has been subjected to further study aimed at improved guides to maximum expected amplitudes. These studies have sought to correlate various parameters, some dimensionless, for expressing amplitude with others expressing aspects of the span’s design. Some of these further analyses are included in a manual for “Gallopmode3” software (courtesy of C. B. Figure 4.5-25 Envelopes encompassing maximum peak-to-peak galloping amplitude and peak-to-peak galloping amplitude/sag versus span length from 95 galloping events on single conductors (Havard 1998). EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition Rawlins). Two examples from that source are shown here as Figures 4.5-26 and 4.5-27, which are plots of galloping amplitude divided by span length versus tension divided by mass for single and bundle conductor lines, respectively. The various correlations are, of course, empirical. Not surprisingly, they lead to somewhat different estimates of maximum expected galloping amplitudes. Natural galloping involves too many variables for its essence to be captured by only two parameters. Thus, the different correlation patterns are simply limited views of the same mass of data taken from different perspectives This diversity of estimates presents a problem to the designer: which to use in designing clearances? In applying the envelopes of these various plots of the same data bank to the development of design guidelines for clearances between phases and overhead ground wires within tower heads, the smallest estimate of amplitude from the various presentations is closest to the true maximum, but also some statistical estimate of variance needs to be applied. While the database, having over a hundred observations, may appear quite large, on examination, the data for lines close to any particular set of parameters is sparse, and the extreme values observed may not reach the potential true maximum for that class of line. Consequently it is prudent to include some margin to account for possible higher galloping motions under exceptional weather conditions. An alternative analysis of the same database (Lilien and Havard 2000) employs the reduced amplitude, which is the ratio of peak-to-peak galloping amplitude (Apk-pk) over conductor diameter (φ), both in m: A pk − pk Figure 4.5-27 Plot of galloping amplitude/span length versus conductor tension/mass for bundle conductor lines (courtesy of C. B. Rawlins). 4.5-14 φ From the observed field data in the database, this reduced amplitude has a range between 0 and 500. The conductor span parameter is a combination of the catenary parameter with the ratio of conductor diameter (φ) over the square of the span length (L), which can also be expressed as the ratio of conductor diameter over the sag (f). The conductor span parameter is dimensionless: 100 T .φ 100.φ = 2 8f mg.L 4.5-15 This conductor span parameter has been used to normalize the maximum galloping amplitudes in the database. The parameter shows a clear distinction between single and bundle conductors, and a similarity among all types of bundle conductor. For the field data from single conductors, this parameter has a range of 0 to 1.0 with tension in N, mass in kg/m, and span length, sag, and diameter in m. For the bundle conductor field data, this span parameter has the range of 0 to 0.12, in the same units. The dimensionless conductor span parameter is useful, because it shows clear trends on the global database. For single conductors, the fitted curve to the maximum amplitude over conductor diameter, which is included in Figure 4.5-28, is given by: A pk − pk Figure 4.5-26 Plot of galloping amplitude/span length versus conductor tension/mass for single-conductor lines (courtesy of C. B. Rawlins). Chapter 4: Galloping Conductors φ = 80. ln 8f 50.φ 4.5-16 Figure 4.5-28 Variation of observed maximum peak-topeak galloping amplitude/diameter on single conductors as a function of the conductor span parameter (Lilien and Havard 2000). 4-77 Chapter 4: Galloping Conductors EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition For bundle conductors, the corresponding fitted curve, which is reproduced in Figure 4.5-29 as the estimated maximum, is given by: A pk − pk φ = 170 . ln 8f 500 .φ 4.5-17 It may be noted that the expressions have the same form, but single conductors have up to about 2.5 times larger values of galloping amplitude/diameter for values of the conductor span parameter between 0.015 and 0.10. Figure 4.5-30 shows the variations of peak-to-peak galloping amplitudes/conductor diameter versus sag/conductor diameter for single and bundle conductors based on the fitted curves describing the maximum observed galloping motions from the field data. These are the same curves, expressed in Equations 4.5-16 and 4.5-17, plotted on semi-logarithmic scales as shown in Figures 4.5-28 and 4.5-29. The points superimposed on the fit- ted lines indicate the extent of the actual field data on which they are based. As shown in those figures, the curve representing the maximum galloping motions on single conductors is a better fit to the data than that for the bundle conductors. These curves offer a contribution toward a potentially improved approach to designing clearance ellipses to accommodate galloping motions within tower heads. Orbit Shape and Orientation The U.S. and Canadian field trials of galloping control devices (Havard and Pohlman 1979; Havard and Pohlman 1984; Havard 1996) produced an extensive archive of films of the events reported. Since that program finished, the clearest of these films were selected for further analysis (Pon and Havard 1994). A total of 44 films were used, showing galloping events on single conductors and twin, triple, and quad bundle lines. The films were carefully scanned and motions scaled to give statistical data on actual conductor orbits during galloping. The key characteristics of the galloping motions extracted from the films were: • peak-to-peak vertical amplitude • peak-to-peak horizontal amplitude • position of the motion relative to the median position of the conductor The main results of this analysis were that, based on films of 12 galloping events, the vertical motions of single conductors were up to 1.7 times the loaded sag. On bundle conductors, the vertical motions extended up to 0.93 times the loaded sag from 17 different films. Figure 4.5-29 Variation of observed maximum peak-topeak galloping amplitude/diameter on bundle conductors as a function of the conductor span parameter (Lilien and Havard 2000). The horizontal motions for the both single and bundle conductors were always less than one-tenth of the loaded sag, and always less than one-fifth of the vertical motions. Thus the observed motions are almost all in the vertical plane. The position of the center of the galloping motion was found to be close to the static position in half of the records. In the other half of the records, the static position was found to be in the lower third of the motion. A compromise average of the film records places the static position at the lower quartile point of the motion. Figure 4.5-30 Peak-to-peak galloping amplitude/conductor diameter versus sag/conductor diameter based on maximum values of field observations on single and bundle conductors. 4-78 These film analyses led to a possible new galloping clearance envelope. Figure 4.5-31 shows this profile, which consists of two ellipses, each with a width that is 10% of the height, and inclined at 5° each side of vertical. They are attached to the sagged position of the conductor at the lower quartile point in the ellipse. The height would be chosen according to the current prac- EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book—Wind-Induced Conductor Motion, Second Edition tice of the utility. In default, the maximum galloping amplitude given as a function of span length, as shown in Figure 4.5-24 can be used. It should be noted that the envelope around the field data does not show lower galloping amplitudes for two-loop galloping than for single-loop galloping. The effect of this profile compared to existing ellipses would be to reduce the amount of horizontal offset between tower crossarms, resulting in lighter tower shafts and foundations because of the lessened requirement for resisting twisting under unbalanced, broken conductor, load. The results of the analysis of films of galloping, described above, are from events due to freezing rain accretion on the conductors. The terrain in most cases was relatively flat. There are some regions where there are transmission lines, which are subject to wet snow accretion, and galloping does occur in those regions. These are often regions in mountains and where there are frequent periods with cold wet winds from a nearby sea. It is unlikely that the orbit shown in Figure 4.5-31 would be appropriate in those locations. Several field sites have been established in regions where galloping is caused by wet snow, with the test sites set up mainly to study the effects of the weather conditions before constructing a new transmission line. Some of these studies are summarized in a comprehensive CIGRÉ paper (Morishita et al. 1984). That paper is mainly focused on the behavior of bundled conductors using three test sites in the mountains. Test lines com- Figure 4.5-31 Clearance envelope derived from analysis of films of galloping (Pon and Havard 1994). Chapter 4: Galloping Conductors prising single conductors, and two-, four-, six-, eightand ten-conductor bundles were installed. The sites included instrumentation and cameras to record loads and movements during galloping events. Results of three winters at two sites and four winters at the other site are summarized. The terrain is irregular, and the winds have significant vertical components rather than being mainly horizontal as in flat terrain. One significant result of this research, from the perspective of design of clearances between conductors, is the extent of conductor motions during galloping in these locations with wet snow accretion. The excursions of the four- and six-bundle conductors are exemplified by the orbits included in Figure 4.5-32. These recordings were obtained under naturally accreted wet snow, with winds of 12 m/s (27 mph), by Chubu Electric Company at their Mount Ryuo test site. The conductors cross a valley between mountains at an elevation of 830 m (2720 ft) and are boldly exposed to transverse winds. The orbits recorded contain much larger horizontal motion than is usually seen during galloping under freezing rain conditions in flat terrain. The tests with an eight-conductor bundle showed an even more elongated orbit as shown in Figure 4.5-33. This record was obtained at an elevation of 750 meters (2460 feet) above sea level at the Mount Tsuruga test site by the Kansai Electric Power Company, under natural wet snow accretion with a wind speed of 18 m/s (40 mph). Some research was conducted by the Tokyo Electric Company at the Mount Takahashi test site with simulated wet snow accretion on six- and ten-conductor bundles. This test site is at an elevation of 1500 m (4920 ft) Figure 4.5-32 Orbit shapes obtained on six- and fourconductor bundles during galloping due to wet snow with a wind velocity of 12 m/s (27 mph) (Morishita et al. 1984). 4-79 Chapter 4: Galloping Conductors EPRI Transmi