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Germany 1918-1945 History: Creation, Empire, Ruler, People

The creation of Germany:
Before 1871 the area we call
Germany had been made up of many
separated states. Prussia was the
largest and strongest of these
German states. In 1870-71 it defeated
France in a short war. Prussia then
united all these German states into
the German Reich (empire).
This brought into being a new superstate which soon dominated Europe
with its industrial and military power.
An overseas empire:
All the other major European powers
had an overseas empire. In the 1880s
Germany started building up too. By
1914 it had colonies in Africa and the
The German ruler:
Because Prussia was the strongest
state it controlled Germany, and the
king of Prussia was the Kaiser
(emperor) of Germany. The Kaiser’s
chief minister was called the
Chancellor. Germany also had a
parliament called the Reichstag.
However, from the 1890s on wards
neither the Reichstag nor the
Chancellor was very powerful. Most
power in the hands of the Kaiser. He
could appoint or dismiss the
chancellor. He could dissolve the
Reichstag. From 1888 the kaiser was
Wilhelm II. He was an ambitious ruler
who worried other countries by his
plans to build up the German armed
The German people:
Although Germany was made one
country in 1871. Regional differences
remained very strong. In some areas
there were big cities and flouring
industry. In the mountainous south
there were many small farms. In the
vat plains of north Germany you
would find large farms run by rich