Uploaded by Shanona Merrell-Settles


Shanona Merrell-Settles
School of Education, Liberty University
Author Note
I have no known conflict of interest to disclose.
Correspondence concerning his article should be addressed to Shanona Merrrell-Settles
Email: smwarthen@liberty.edu
Philippians 4:8 encourages believers to focus their thoughts on things that are true, noble,
right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, and praiseworthy. This verse can provide a valuable
framework for integrating technology into today's classrooms. True is represented through the
use technology to promote accuracy and integrity in information, encourage students to factcheck sources and understand the importance of truth in digital literacy. Reliable Resources
integrate educational tools and platforms that provide reliable and accurate information, avoiding
misinformation. Noble is seen when students learn the ethical use of technology, by discussing
the importance of respecting others online, practicing digital citizenship, and using technology
for noble purposes. Right is when it is ensured that technology is used in a way that promotes
fairness and justice. This includes addressing digital equity, ensuring all students have access to
necessary devices and internet. Pure is when adults monitor the use of technology to ensure it is
free from harmful or inappropriate content. Use filters and other safety measures to protect
students. Lovely is using technology to inspire creativity and the appreciation of beauty. This
could include digital art, music composition software, or virtual field trips to explore natural
wonders. Admirable can be seen when technology is used to showcase exemplary work and
achievements, whether through student projects, inspiring TED Talks, or documentaries that
highlight admirable accomplishments. Excellent is when integrate technology promotes
excellence in education. This includes advanced learning tools, interactive software, and
programs that challenge students to reach their full potential. Praiseworthy is using technology
to recognize and praise student achievements. Digital portfolios, blogs, and social media can be
platforms for sharing and celebrating student work. The principles of Philippians 4:8 can help
educators guide students to use technology in ways that are enriching, responsible, and aligned
with Christian virtues. This approach fosters an environment that promotes holistic growth and
ethical development.
These are all the things I learned in this course. The most challenging aspect for me was
me over think with the assignment especially the instructional video. The most interesting part
of this course was integrating religion with the use of technology in the classroom. I had never
really considered how much of a necessary role religion can play in education. It is hard to say
what needs improvement, but I believe that in all things, there is room for improvement. I would
have liked to see more tools that I can use in my classroom, such as online sites. Additionally, I
would appreciate more suggestions for implementing technology in various ways in the
classroom. I really learned a lot and will be using this information in my classroom this
upcoming school year.