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Geography Mock Test 2 Answers

Class 10
H.C.G. Mock Paper - 2
Answer 1
(i) (a) 876950
(b) A lined well near Ganguwada- 915967
(ii) (a) Relative height of the bank stream
(b) Relative depth of the well is 20 m.
(iii) (a) River with a small stream of water
(b) South-east to west
(iv) (a) Open mixed jungle, open scrub and open jungle.
(b) Dendritic
(v) (a) Clustered or nucleated settlement because of large cultivated lands and availability
of water.
(b) Carts are the common means of transportation in the southern part of this map.
Answer 2
Answer 3
(d) Punjab
(ii) (a) It is easy to plough the soil when it is wet.
(iii) (c) Leaching
(iv) (a) Littoral forests
(v) (c) Tropical evergreen forests
(vi) (b) Furrow irrigation
(vii) (d) Biogas
(viii) (c) It is within the reach of the common people.
(ix) (b) Petrochemical industry
(x) (b) Subsistence agriculture
Answer 4
(a) During the winter season, Punjab receives rainfall from temperate cyclones that
originate from the Mediterranean Sea. These cyclones are not of great intensity.
Tamil Nadu receives rainfall from the northeast monsoon winds that blow over the
Bay of Bengal and bring winter rainfall to the state.
(b) Two Benefits that are derived from the local winds that blow in summer in the
following states are:
(i) Kerala: Local winds cause rainfall in the state. This rainfall is popularly known
as ‘mango showers’ as they help in the ripening of mangoes.
(ii) West Bengal: Local winds known as ‘Kalbaisakhi’ bring rainfall to West Bengal
during the summer season. This rainfall is useful for growing jute and rice in
the state.
(c) Geographical reasons:
(i) The Bay of Bengal branch, which brings rainfall to the northeastern states due
to the presence of mountain ranges, sheds its moisture as it travels towards the
west. Thus, there is a decrease in rainfall as one goes from east to west. Since
Kolkata lies in the lower Ganga valley and Kanpur lies further west of Kolkata
hence it rains more in Kolkata than in Kanpur.
(ii) The Arabian Sea branch of the Southwest monsoon blows parallel to the
Aravalli Hills. Since the moisture bearing winds do not strike the mountains,
they do not cause any precipitation in Rajasthan.
(iii) Trivendrum is a coastal region which experiences moderate climate due to the
influence of the sea. It does not experience extreme climate. Hence, it is not cold
even in the month of December.
(d) (i) May and October are the coldest months.
(ii) The annual rainfall= Sum of rainfall in all the twelve months
Therefore, annual rainfall is= 127.6cm.
(ii) Since the climate of the city is moderate throughout the year and it receives
maximum rainfall during the months of Oct and Nov, the city is Chennai.
Answer 5
(a) Tube wells are extensively used in the states of Punjab and Western Uttar Pradesh.
It is an important source of irrigation as it irrigates large areas of land in
comparatively less time and it can irrigate the fields throughout the year.
(b) Surface wells can be constructed at a very low cost while the construction of
inundation canals from the rivers is not within the reach of poor farmers. Secondly,
wells could be used even during summers. Inundation canals can be used only
during the time of floods.
(c) (i) Karnataka lies in the Deccan Plateau and thus has natural depressions, hard
surface rocks and lack of perennial rivers which make tank irrigation important.
(ii) Sprinkle irrigation is practised in arid and semi-arid regions because of its highwater use efficiency.
(iii) Alkaline salts may come upto the ground in areas where canals are used for
irrigation. This happens when the water table is only a few feet below the ground.
This salt when it mixes with the soil makes it unproductive.
(d) Three objectives of rainwater harvesting:
 To meet the increasing demand of water
 To collect rainwater and use it for domestic purposes during summers
 To increase the water table by recharging groundwater
Answer 6
(a) Three characteristics of the montane forests:
 Montane forests thrive in the areas where rainfall ranges between 100cm to
300 cm. and temperature ranges between 120C to 130C.
 Two species of trees are maple and birch.
 These forests have mixed species of broad-leafed evergreen trees and conifers.
Evergreen forests are found in the mountainous regions where rainfall is more
than 200 cm annually. Conifers are found in the regions of high altitude where
precipitation is generally in the form of snow fall.
(b) Two reasons for forests being an important natural resource are:
 They provide valuable timber, food, fuel and other forest products
 Forests absorbs carbon dioxide and release oxygen and hence play an
important role in reducing global warming.
(c) (i) Plants in tropical deserts have waxy leaves to reduce transpiration.
(ii) The underground root system requires oxygen. Trees of the littoral forests have
aerial roots because these are found in wet and marshy regions. The soil is not able
to support the underground root system, and hence, they grow vertically up to the
air above the soil.
(iii) The forest cover in India is shrinking because of rapid population growth,
overgrazing, clearing of forests for building dams, cultivation and making highways
and increase in demand for timber.
(d) Two reasons why Tropical Evergreen Forests are difficult to exploit because these
forests are dense with many plants and climbers tangled to each other in these
forests. Secondly, the lack of transport means to travel deep into these forests has
made their trees difficult to be used commercially.
Answer 7
(a) The soil associated with the Deccan Trap is the Black soil. Two advantages of this
soil are:
 It is fine grained soil and is moisture retentive.
 It is rich in lime, potash, alumina and calcium.
(b) (i) Red soils are found in the states of Tamil Nadu and Karnataka.
(ii) The disadvantages of red soils are that it is poor in humus, nitrogen, lime and
phosphorous. It is also not water retentive.
(c) Two methods of controlling soil erosion:
 Afforestation: The roots of the trees hold on to the soil and prevent soil
 Terrace Farming: In the hilly regions, terrace farming prevents the soil from
being washed away by running water
(d) (i) Alluvial soil is the fertile soil because it has loamy texture and is rich in humus. It
has good water absorbing capacity and water retention capacity.
(ii) India has a vast latitudinal and longitudinal extent. Different climatic conditions
prevail over different parts of the country. The nature and composition of rocks
differ from region to region and hence different regions in India having different
kinds of soil.
(iii) Conservation of soil is essential, as the loss of the top layer of soil with all the
nutrients from the surface of the earth, may result in the reduction of agricultural
Answer 8
(a) Iron ore is found in India in the states of Odisha and Bihar. Its use is that it is an
important raw material in the iron and steel industry as it is used for making steel.
(b) (i) Major coalfields in India are Gondawana coalfields and tertiary coalfields.
(ii) Two disadvantages of using coal are:
 Cost of production and transportation of coal is very high.
 Burning of coal results in large scale pollution.
(c) (i) Mumbai High supplies more than three-fourths of India’s natural gas.
(ii) Two disadvantages of using natural gas are:
 Leaks in natural gas are extremely dangerous. Such leaks may result in
explosion and fire.
 The infrastructure requiring the setting up the production process and
distribution of gas is very expensive.
(d) (i) The Ministry of Non-Conventional Energy Sources has been promoting the Biogas
Programme in India because is a clean, non-polluting and cheap source of energy.
(ii) People have started using solar energy because it is a cleaner source of energy
and reduces electricity bills.
(iii) Copper is used to make electrical wire as it a good conductor of electricity.
Answer 9
(a) Two institutional problems faced by the Indian agriculture are:
 Small and fragmented land holding owned by the farmers
 Farmers are exploited by the corrupt revenue officers.
(b) (i) Two leading rice producing states in the country are West Bengal and Uttar
(ii) Two advantages of growing rice in nurseries are:
 Better development and protection of saplings are ensured in the nurseries.
 Transplantation of saplings from nurseries into the fields results in high
(iii) Rice grows well in clay-like subsoil as the water retention capacity of clayey soil
is very high. Rice crop needs standing water.
(c) (i) Two climatic conditions required for the growth of wheat are:
 It requires a cool climate. It needs a temperature of 10–15°C during sowing and
20–25°C during harvesting.
 About 80 cm of rainfall is ideal for wheat cultivation.
(ii) The yield of wheat is low in Madhya Pradesh and Himachal Pradesh as it is grown
under rain-fed conditions.
(d) (i) In sett method of sowing sugarcane, new canes are taken out from old plants. These
cuttings of new plants known as ‘setts’ are planted and four to five stalks grow from
each cutting
(ii) After harvesting, the sugarcane must be taken to the mill within 24 hours because
its sucrose content starts decreasing after 24 hours of harvesting.
(iii)Tamil Nadu is the largest producer of sugarcane in South India.
Answer 10
(a) (i) Agro-based industries use plant-based products as their raw material. For
example, jute industries while mineral-based industries use mineral ores as their
raw material like automobile industries.
(ii) The raw materials and finished products of heavy industries are heavy and
bulky like iron and steel industry whereas the raw materials and finished products
of light industries are light weight like electrical industries.
(b) (i) The electronics industry contributes to the development of the country because
it manufactures sophisticated products ranging from equipment used in defence,
space exploration, information technology and communication to various
computer systems and has largely contributed to these sectors.
(ii) The production and consumption of iron and steel is one of the most
significant measures of the level of industrialisation and economic growth of a
country. Most of the important industries such as automobile, locomotives, rail
tracks, shipbuilding, machinery and tools and manufacture of defence equipment
depend on iron and steel industry.
(c) (i) Mumbai is known as the ‘cottonpolis’ of India because it is the most important
centre of cotton production.
(ii) Two problems faced by the cotton textile industries in India are:
 Most of the machinery installed in the cotton mills are outdated and needs to be
 Irregular power supply has hampered the production.
(d) (i) The Tata iron and steel plant is located at Jamshedpur about 240 km northwest of
(ii) It gets its supply of coal from Jharia and Bokaro coalfields.
(iii) It gets its source of water supply from rivers Kharkai and Subarnarekha.
Answer 11
(i) The national highways are constructed and maintained by the Central
(ii) There has been an increase in the traffic on national highways because of rapid
(b) Three disadvantages of using waterways are:
 It is dependent on the weather.
 It involves long hours of travel which causes sickness.
 It is limited to areas where rivers are navigable and where an oceanic route exists.
(c) Three advantages of the airways are:
 It is the fastest means of transport.
 It is also a prestigious and comfortable means of transport.
 Regions which are covered with dense forests, deserts and high mountains have
easily become accessible because of air travel.
(d) Two disadvantages of the railways are:
 Railway tracks cannot be laid down in hilly and remote forested regions.
 Every industrial town does not have railway tracks.
Answer 12
(a) There is a need for waste management in India because of the following reasons:
 To control different types of pollution, i.e., land pollution, soil pollution and water
 To prevent the spread of diseases emanating because of waste accumulation.
(b) Recycling is the process of converting waste materials into new materials and objects. It
is important because of the following reasons:
 Recycling helps in keeping the environment clean. Recycling certain kinds of
plastics help in saving the environment.
 Recycling also helps in the conservation of resources. For example, recycling
paper helps in saving trees.
(c) Segregation is a method in which wastes are segregated. Biodegradable and nonbiodegradable wastes are segregated into different bins. Biodegradable wastes are then
converted to useful products like biogas.
(d) Open dumping of wastes is harmful. It is because of the following reasons:
 The dumping of different types of wastes makes such dumping grounds the
breeding ground of mosquitoes and flies.
 Burning of these wastes also pollutes the air. The situation can become worse
during the rains.
 Rainwater may carry these wastes to nearby lakes, rivers or ponds and pollute