Welding design DIRK PONS PhD, Tohunga Wetepanga 1 Welding design by Dirk Pons Cover image: Space shuttle Discovery lifts off the launch pad. Any engineering project has both opportunities and threats. Image NASA https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Space_Shuttle#/media/File:STS120LaunchHiResedit1.jpg Public Domain Author biography Dirk Pons, PhD, Master of [Business] Leadership, Master of Science (Medicine), BScEng (Mech), Chartered Professional Engineer (CPEng: IPENZ), International Professional Engineer. Professor, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand. dirk.pons@canterbury.ac.nz Edition 7.18 2024 Except where indicated otherwise, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercialNoDerivatives 4.0 International License. This license allows users to copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format, for non-commercial purposes. 2 Graphical abstract Rapid cooling in welds As the weld cooling is extremely rapid, the microstructure does not have time to fully follow the Iron/Iron carbide phases, and the carbon is trapped in the ferrite to create a different microstructure called martensite or bainite. 3 Heat treatment Heat treatment includes preheating before welding, inter-pass heating during welding, and post-weld heat-treatment. Preheating is used to slow down the formation of martensite, and to reduce residual stresses, hence also to reduce distortion. 4 Heat affected zone The heat affected zone (HAZ) is the region of unmelted parent material either side of the weld. This region experiences a graduation in temperature, and hence variations in microstructure. Close to the weld, the grains are exposed to high temperature and internal diffusion of elements can take place. This can cause depletion of alloying elements, with changes to strength and corrosion resistance. Also the grain size & morphology changes shape. All these effects generally mean that the HAZ is weaker than the parent material. The greater the heat input, the greater the physical extent of the HAZ, and this is undesirable. Preheat also increases the HAZ size. 5 Welding consumables Consumable are designated by a code. For example a common electrode for welding steel by MMA might be E6010. The E refers to an electrode, and first two numbers (e.g. 60 in this case) denote the ultimate tensile strength of the filler material in kpsi (e.g. 60 000 psi). • The third digit shows the positions: • 1electrode can be used in all positions • 2electrode can be used in the down flat position and also for making fillet welds in the horizontal position. 6 Electrode selection • Select an electrode such that the tensile strength of the electrode matches or exceeds that of the plate. 7 Stainless steel electrodes Stainless steel electrodes are designated by a number that includes the composition of the electrode and its usability. • - 15 Lime type covering. Electrode can be used with DCRP current only. Can be used in all welding positions. • - 16 Either a lime type or a titania type covering. Electrode can be used with either DCRP or AC current. Used primarily in the down flat and horizontal welding positions. • Select an electrode with at least as much chrome as the plate, as chrome is depleted during welding. For example use E308 to weld 304 to itself. 8 Welding Symbols Symbols belo w the line ap ply to the arro w side of the jo int. Fillet weld To appl y a wel d to the fa r sid e of the jo int, mirror the symbo l ab ove the lin e. Fillet weld Wel ds on b oth side s of the jo int are sho wn with b oth symbols. Fillet weld Each type of weld has a symbol which is a stylised representation of the weld groove or the weld. The designer need not show the physical weld on the drawing as the symbol alone is adequate. Symbols below the line apply to the arrow side of the joint. Weld symbols are generally an upside-down representation of what the weld joint or the prepared edges look like. 9 If weld preparation (groove) is required on only one part, then make a break in the arrow and point it towards the part to be prepared. This is unnecessary if one part is obviously to be prepared (eg J groove on T joint), or on double welds. BEVEL GROOVE The arrow is broken when it is necessary to show without doubt which side of the joint must be prepared. 10 In thick materials it will be necessary to have multiple weld passes to complete the joint. Each pass may be a different type of weld if necessary, and multiple symbols will be used. It is also permissible to have different welds on each side of the joint. 11 The weld symbol is assumed to apply the full length of the weld line, until the changes in direction at the ends. Specify weld all round if the assembly will be operating in a corrosive environment: this seals the weld crevice off against moisture. However, be aware that this practice also decreases the fatigue strength. Ribs [drg] 12 13 Stresses in Welded Joints t = 0.707 h For fillet welds in tension/compression/axial shear, the relationship is F F σ = t L = 0,707h L In the usual case where fillets are welded on both sides, it is assumed that each side takes half the total force. 14 The correct throat for purposes of calculation is the shorter dimension (right). 15 The codes provide an allowable stress range for a weld (eg 115 MPa). There is a different allowable stress for the parent material (plate), eg 155 MPa. In the case of the butt welds, the joint will have to be designed to the lower stress. 16 Weld orientation to load The basis of the fatigue codes 17 Weld fatigue Fatigue life of welds is not dependent on material properties such as tensile strength, but rather it depends on the type of microscopic weld defects. In turn this depends on the type of weld (butt vs. fillet) and orientation (parallel or transverse to the loading). Thickness of the plate is also a variable. For infinite life, the stress value at 107 cycles is taken as the endurance limit for welded steels in air. There are variants on this, with some codes using 2x10 6 and some having no endurance limit at all. 18 Weld classes This results in the fatigue strength, more accurately the permissible stress range, being defined by weld categories A-D, irrespective of the tensile strength or grade of the material. 19 20 21 20 000 to Category 100 000 cycles 100 000 to 500 000 cycles 500 000 over to 2 000 000 2 000 000 cycles cycles A 276 221 165 165 B 228 172 117 103 C 193 145 97 83 D 165 117 69 62 E 117 83 48 41 F 117 97 76 62 G 103 83 62 55 Table: Allowable stress range π π [MPa] as a function of weld category and desired fatigue life. Adapted from AWS. 22 Aluminium The fatigue mechanisms are the same as for steels. Allowable stresses are approximately one third those of steel (i.e. proportional to the ratio of the elastic moduli). For aluminium, the crack growth rate is an order of magnitude faster, so these materials have a lower fatigue limit. 23 Principles of Reliable Welded Joints Types of joint Butt Tee Corner Lap Edge The designer has to specify both the type of joint, and the type of weld to be used. Just specifying the joint is not enough, as several different welds can be used for any one joint. 24 Use a better type of joint Joint type: poor Joint type: good The fatigue strength of a joint depends heavily on the type of joint and weld. This is shown in the weld classes. Changing the joint can allow a better class, and therefore a higher loading. 25 Type of weld - Ease of preparation Which is easiest to make? Types of weld Single Double Fillet Square Bevel groove V groove J groove U groove The common types of weld are the fillet, square, bevel-groove, and V-groove. The fillet and square weld require no special joint preparation other than a reasonably straight edge. For most purposes this can be achieved with a flame cut edge. The bevel- and V-groove welds require more careful preparation to cut the inclined faces. Usually a flame cut can provide acceptable surface quality. The J- and U-groove welds need special preparation by machining. 26 Easy access for electrode helps make a higher quality weld Poor quality welds with slag inclusions are likely when access is difficult Ensure access 27 Cost of weld material • Material • Time • Defects 28 Position Flat Horizontal Vertical downwards Transverse Vertical upwards Overhead 29 The best weld profiles are made in the workshop rather than on site, and in the flat position. 30 31 Bevel angle choices 60 45 30 1/8" 1/4" 3/8" This is a design choice. The bigger the angle the more accessible the joint is to the welding electrode, and therefore the faster the joint may be made. However a big angle also requires more filler material to close, and this costs more and takes longer to lay down. A 45 o bevel angle is typical 32 Root opening This is the initial separation between the members. Its purpose is to permit the welding electrode to get into the root of the joint. If the root is too small, then there is a possibility of slag being left at the root. If on the other hand the root opening is too large, then the molten weld material will fall through (this is called burnthrough). 33 Root face Root face Root face Root face Root face The purpose of a root face is to provide extra material to resist burn through. The amount of root face is a design choice. It should be noted that preparation of a root face is more complicated than a feather edge. While a feather edge may be cut with a torch, a root face requires at least two torch cuts, and possibly also machining. 34 Move joints out of critical regions Try and move the joint out of the highly stressed region. This may allow it to go up a class or two, and thereby carry greater load. b R>1.25b Shaped transition piece can avoid the above case The example shows replacement of a fillet weld with some butt welds. Change the design 35 UNACCEPTABLE DESIGN Greater throat Symmetrical stress in weld Acceptable designs for STATIC STRESS Larger chamfer reduces stress concentration Weld away from stress concentration Larger chamfer and symmetrical geometry Acceptable designs for DYNAMIC STRESS 36 Consider using Back gouging 37 Design for the thinner member Poor Good Poor Good The weld size is selected on the basis of the thinner member. Weld size on drawing is described by the leg length, which is not necessarily the throat. 38 Non-load carrying welds They typically arise where attachments like brackets are required. As there will always be some load that strays into these welds, they still weaken the structure compared to an unwelded part. The larger the attachment, the more loads stray into it, and the greater the weakening effect. The critical areas are the weld toes and weld ends. 39 Partial strength welds Fillet weld Size Full strength leg = 0.75 x plate thickness 50% strength leg = 0.375 x plate thickness 33% strength leg = 0.25 x plate thickness The 50% and 33% partial strength welds are used where strength is not critical, but rigidity is still required. In many applications a full strength weld is not required. This situation typically arises in the machine fabrication industry (e.g. a base for a generator set). Partial strength welds may be permissible. These are made by providing incomplete penetration, or smaller weld size. 40 Avoiding distortion Distortion is not entirely avoidable in welding, due to the hot nature of the process. However there is quite a bit that can be done, by the designer and the welder, to reduce the effect TRANSVERSE SHRINKAGE Weld cross section 12 12 Process Transverse shrinkage Two runs 2,3 mm Five runs, root gouged two backing runs 1,8 mm 20 Twenty runs 3,2 mm 35 12 41 a ANGULAR SHRINKAGE Weld cross section 12 12 Process Angular shrinkage Five runs 3,5 deg Five runs, root gouged two backing runs 0 deg 20 Twenty runs 13 deg 35 12 42 Reduce weld size, since large welds provide greater shrinkage force when they cool. This can be done by: Avoid over design in welding. Weld in multiple smaller passes. Use a type of joint requiring less weld material. For example a double V is better than a single V in this regard. Consider sub-assemblies, since it is easier to control the distortion in smaller parts. When the sub-assemblies are joined (welding or bolting), then the distortion can be accommodated. Use jigs and fixtures to hold pieces so that they cannot distort so much. Weld on neutral axis, or symmetrically about it Control weld sequence, for example: weld both sides alternatively back stepping, which is to weld a short length, leave a gap and weld another piece, then return and weld the gap, and repeat. This is like a continuous intermittent weld! first weld the joints where distortion will be the worst progress towards the unrestrained parts of the joint 43 Safety considerations 44 45 46 Weld Defects Slag inclusions Slag inclusions Undercut Crater Centreline crack Overfill Parent metal crack Porosity Underbead cracks Arc strike Wormhole porosity Lack of penetration Lack of fusion Underfill 47 48 Glossary penetration: fused depth of the joint throat: distance from root to weld face reinforcement: weld material that is proud (a convex weld has reinforcement) 49 Contents Graphical abstract ......................................................................................................................................................................... 3 Rapid cooling in welds ................................................................................................................................................................... 3 Heat treatment ............................................................................................................................................................................. 4 Heat affected zone ........................................................................................................................................................................ 5 Welding consumables ................................................................................................................................................................... 6 Electrode selection ........................................................................................................................................................................ 7 Stainless steel electrodes ............................................................................................................................................................... 8 Welding Symbols .......................................................................................................................................................................... 9 Stresses in Welded Joints ............................................................................................................................................................. 14 Weld orientation to load ............................................................................................................................................................. 17 Weld fatigue ............................................................................................................................................................................... 18 Weld classes ............................................................................................................................................................................... 19 Principles of Reliable Welded Joints.............................................................................................................................................. 24 Use a better type of joint ............................................................................................................................................................. 25 Type of weld - Ease of preparation ............................................................................................................................................... 26 Cost of weld material .................................................................................................................................................................. 28 Position ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 29 Bevel angle choices ..................................................................................................................................................................... 32 Root opening .............................................................................................................................................................................. 33 Root face .................................................................................................................................................................................... 34 Move joints out of critical regions ................................................................................................................................................ 35 Consider using Back gouging ....................................................................................................................................................... 37 Design for the thinner member .................................................................................................................................................... 38 Non-load carrying welds.............................................................................................................................................................. 39 Partial strength welds ................................................................................................................................................................. 40 Avoiding distortion...................................................................................................................................................................... 41 Safety considerations .................................................................................................................................................................. 44 Weld Defects .............................................................................................................................................................................. 47 Glossary........................................................................................................................................................................................ 49 1 Introduction ............................................................................................... 55 1.1 Welding applications ...................................................................................................................................................... 55 Joint welding .............................................................................................................................................................................. 55 Build-up welding ......................................................................................................................................................................... 55 1.2 Principles ......................................................................................................................................................................... 55 Making a joint ............................................................................................................................................................................ 55 Energy sources ............................................................................................................................................................................ 56 1.3 Welding Processes ........................................................................................................................................................... 57 Open arc welding ........................................................................................................................................................................ 57 Manual metal arc (MMA) ............................................................................................................................................................ 57 Flux cored wire metal arc (FCAW) ................................................................................................................................................ 58 Submerged arc (SAW) ................................................................................................................................................................. 58 Gas shielded arc welding ............................................................................................................................................................ 58 Metal inert gas (MIG) .................................................................................................................................................................. 58 Tungsten inert gas (TIG) .............................................................................................................................................................. 59 Plasma beam welding ................................................................................................................................................................. 59 Gas fusion welding ...................................................................................................................................................................... 59 Oxygen-acetylene welding........................................................................................................................................................... 59 Hot gas welding .......................................................................................................................................................................... 60 Beam welding .............................................................................................................................................................................. 60 Electron beam welding ................................................................................................................................................................ 60 Laser welding ............................................................................................................................................................................. 60 Resistance fusion welding........................................................................................................................................................... 60 Electroslag welding ..................................................................................................................................................................... 60 Resistance pressure welding ...................................................................................................................................................... 60 Spot welding ............................................................................................................................................................................... 61 Seam welding ............................................................................................................................................................................. 61 Resistance butt welding .............................................................................................................................................................. 61 Flash butt welding ...................................................................................................................................................................... 61 50 Projection welding ...................................................................................................................................................................... 61 Other welding .............................................................................................................................................................................. 61 Arc pressure welding ................................................................................................................................................................... 62 Capacitor discharge stud welding ................................................................................................................................................ 62 Friction welding .......................................................................................................................................................................... 62 Diffusion bonding........................................................................................................................................................................ 62 Magnetically impelled arc butt .................................................................................................................................................... 62 Heated tool ................................................................................................................................................................................ 62 Explosive cladding ....................................................................................................................................................................... 62 Thermit welding.......................................................................................................................................................................... 62 2 Microstructures of welding ....................................................................... 64 2.1 Phase transitions.............................................................................................................................................................. 64 Rapid cooling in welds ................................................................................................................................................................. 65 2.2 Heat treatment ................................................................................................................................................................ 66 Carbon equivalent ....................................................................................................................................................................... 67 Preheat ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 67 2.3 2.4 3 Heat affected zone........................................................................................................................................................... 67 Welding consumables ..................................................................................................................................................... 68 Types of welded joints ............................................................................... 70 3.1 3.2 Joint geometries ............................................................................................................................................................. 70 Types of Weld.................................................................................................................................................................. 72 FILLET WELD ............................................................................................................................................................................... 72 BEAD WELD ................................................................................................................................................................................ 72 FLANGE WELDS ........................................................................................................................................................................... 73 SURFACING WELD ....................................................................................................................................................................... 73 GROOVE WELDS.......................................................................................................................................................................... 74 FUSION SPOT WELD .................................................................................................................................................................... 75 PLUG AND SLOT WELDS............................................................................................................................................................... 75 STUD WELDS .............................................................................................................................................................................. 76 RESISTANCE WELDS .................................................................................................................................................................... 77 OTHER WELDS ............................................................................................................................................................................ 78 Scarf for brazing ......................................................................................................................................................................... 78 Friction welds ............................................................................................................................................................................. 78 Ultrasonic welds ......................................................................................................................................................................... 78 3.3 4 Welding Symbols............................................................................................................................................................. 79 Principles of Reliable Welded Joints........................................................... 82 4.1 General considerations ................................................................................................................................................... 82 Use a better type of joint ............................................................................................................................................................. 82 Type of weld - Ease of preparation ............................................................................................................................................... 83 Cost of weld material .................................................................................................................................................................. 84 Position ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 85 Consider accessibility for the welder............................................................................................................................................. 86 Bevel angle choices ..................................................................................................................................................................... 87 Root opening .............................................................................................................................................................................. 87 Root face .................................................................................................................................................................................... 87 4.2 Move joints out of critical regions .................................................................................................................................. 89 Avoid high-stressed regions ......................................................................................................................................................... 89 Tips for Fatigue design ................................................................................................................................................................ 89 Avoid welding at large scale stress concentrators ......................................................................................................................... 90 Minimise the small-scale stress risers ........................................................................................................................................... 90 Consider using Back gouging ....................................................................................................................................................... 90 Optimise the use of natural metallurgical benefits ........................................................................................................................ 91 Design for the thinner member .................................................................................................................................................... 92 4.3 Using stronger materials ................................................................................................................................................. 92 51 4.4 Non-load carrying welds................................................................................................................................................. 93 Partial strength welds ................................................................................................................................................................. 94 4.5 Avoiding distortion ........................................................................................................................................................ 95 Some tips for avoiding distortion ................................................................................................................................................. 96 4.6 Typical problem welds.................................................................................................................................................... 97 Moisture is trapped in a weld and causes corrosion ...................................................................................................................... 97 Fillet welds fail in the throat ........................................................................................................................................................ 97 Welded copies of casting designs are not always successful. ......................................................................................................... 98 Failure of welds near rotating equipment. .................................................................................................................................... 98 Cracked built-up shafts................................................................................................................................................................ 98 Cracks near fabrication aids (e.g. brackets) on structures. ............................................................................................................. 98 Cracks near arc strikes................................................................................................................................................................. 98 Backing strips cause failure ......................................................................................................................................................... 98 Sudden changes in stiffness ......................................................................................................................................................... 99 4.7 4.8 Safety considerations ..................................................................................................................................................... 99 Weld procedure specification (WPS) .......................................................................................................................... 101 Drawings .................................................................................................................................................................................. 101 Procedure qualification record (PQR) ......................................................................................................................................... 102 Purpose of a WPS...................................................................................................................................................................... 102 Content of a WPS ...................................................................................................................................................................... 102 4.9 Repair construction ...................................................................................................................................................... 108 Stress relief............................................................................................................................................................................... 108 Weld dressing ........................................................................................................................................................................... 108 Remelt the weld toe .................................................................................................................................................................. 109 Compressive residual stresses .................................................................................................................................................... 109 5 Weld discontinuities and defects ............................................................. 111 5.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................................................... 111 Reduce welding flaws ................................................................................................................................................................ 111 5.2 Classification of Weld Discontinuities ......................................................................................................................... 111 Design Related Discontinuities ................................................................................................................................................... 111 Process Related Discontinuities .................................................................................................................................................. 112 Metallurgical Discontinuities ..................................................................................................................................................... 113 5.3 Causes and elimination of common weld discontinuities ......................................................................................... 114 Undercut .................................................................................................................................................................................. 114 Underfill ................................................................................................................................................................................... 114 Lack of Fusion and Lack of Penetration (LOF & LOP) .................................................................................................................... 115 Slag Inclusions .......................................................................................................................................................................... 115 Porosity .................................................................................................................................................................................... 115 Arc strike .................................................................................................................................................................................. 116 5.4 Detection of Weld Discontinuities ............................................................................................................................... 116 5.4.1 Destructive testing ................................................................................................................................................... 116 5.4.2 Non-destructive testing ........................................................................................................................................... 117 Surface inspection ..................................................................................................................................................................... 117 Ultrasonic testing:..................................................................................................................................................................... 117 Radiographic testing ................................................................................................................................................................. 117 Magnetic testing....................................................................................................................................................................... 117 Liquid penetrant ....................................................................................................................................................................... 117 6 Stresses in Welded Joints ......................................................................... 118 Static stresses ........................................................................................................................................................................... 118 6.1 Weld loading ................................................................................................................................................................. 118 Welds in Tension or compression (F) .......................................................................................................................................... 119 Welds in transverse Shear (V) .................................................................................................................................................... 120 Allowable shear stress ............................................................................................................................................................... 120 Welds in axial shear (P) ............................................................................................................................................................. 121 6.2 Load carrying butt and groove welds .......................................................................................................................... 121 Static loading............................................................................................................................................................................ 122 Groove welds ............................................................................................................................................................................ 122 6.3 Load carrying fillet welds.............................................................................................................................................. 123 52 Application ............................................................................................................................................................................... 123 Load cases ................................................................................................................................................................................ 123 Applications to design ............................................................................................................................................................... 124 Weld Throat ............................................................................................................................................................................. 124 Allowable stress for Fillet welds in static loading ........................................................................................................................ 125 Design ratio .............................................................................................................................................................................. 125 How large to make the fillet weld .............................................................................................................................................. 126 Minimum fillet weld size............................................................................................................................................................ 127 Longitudinal load carrying fillet welds ........................................................................................................................................ 127 6.4 6.5 Allowable stress in weld metal ..................................................................................................................................... 129 Groups of Welds in torsion .......................................................................................................................................... 132 Example: Welded attachment in torsion..................................................................................................................................... 137 6.6 6.7 Groups of Welds in bending......................................................................................................................................... 140 Stresses due to misalignment ....................................................................................................................................... 146 Misalignment ........................................................................................................................................................................... 146 Secondary bending stress due to lateral misalignment ................................................................................................................ 147 Secondary bending stress due to angular misalignment .............................................................................................................. 148 Total stress due to misalignment ............................................................................................................................................... 148 Stress magnification factor due to misalignment ........................................................................................................................ 148 7 Weld fatigue ............................................................................................ 149 Fatigue loading ......................................................................................................................................................................... 149 7.1 Design life ...................................................................................................................................................................... 150 Design procedure ...................................................................................................................................................................... 150 Corrosive Environment .............................................................................................................................................................. 152 High temperature Environment ................................................................................................................................................. 152 Low temperature Environment .................................................................................................................................................. 152 7.2 Classes of Joint .............................................................................................................................................................. 153 Pons design code ...................................................................................................................................................................... 153 Weld groups ............................................................................................................................................................................. 155 7.3 Allowable stress range................................................................................................................................................... 165 Pons allowable stress range in fatigue ....................................................................................................................................... 166 AS3990 permissible stress range ................................................................................................................................................ 166 Fatigue categories per AWSD1.1:2000 ....................................................................................................................................... 167 7.4 Theoretical approach to weld fatigue .......................................................................................................................... 169 A generalised approach ............................................................................................................................................................. 170 Permitted stress for finite life..................................................................................................................................................... 170 Plate thickness effect ................................................................................................................................................................ 172 Stress ratio ............................................................................................................................................................................... 172 Fatigue strength ....................................................................................................................................................................... 173 Not sure about this section – ignore for now .............................................................................................................................. 175 8 Deeper physics of weld fatigue cracks ..................................................... 176 8.1 8.2 Fatigue Crack growth ..................................................................................................................................................... 176 Probability of failure ..................................................................................................................................................... 179 Fatigue strengths of other welded materials .............................................................................................................................. 179 Aluminium ................................................................................................................................................................................ 180 Stress concentration factors ...................................................................................................................................................... 180 Principal stress.......................................................................................................................................................................... 180 9 A qualitative understanding of fatigue mechanism in welds .................... 180 Fracture surface ........................................................................................................................................................................ 180 9.1 Location of fatigue cracks............................................................................................................................................. 180 Fatigue failure at weld toe......................................................................................................................................................... 180 Fatigue failure at weld roots ...................................................................................................................................................... 181 Fatigue failure at weld ripples ................................................................................................................................................... 182 9.2 Factors affecting fatigue strength ............................................................................................................................... 183 53 Residual stresses ....................................................................................................................................................................... 183 Strength of filler material .......................................................................................................................................................... 184 Type of joint ............................................................................................................................................................................. 185 Stress concentration effects ....................................................................................................................................................... 185 Size effects ............................................................................................................................................................................... 185 Weld overfill-reinforcement ....................................................................................................................................................... 186 Weld root conditions ................................................................................................................................................................. 187 Backing bars ............................................................................................................................................................................. 187 Weld orientation ....................................................................................................................................................................... 188 Weld ends ................................................................................................................................................................................ 189 Welding on edges ..................................................................................................................................................................... 190 Tubular frames ......................................................................................................................................................................... 190 Weld quality ............................................................................................................................................................................. 190 54 1 Introduction 1.1 Welding applications Welding is used for either making a joint, or for building up a part. In general welding can be applied to metals, and the linear (or thermoplastic) polymers. Joint welding Joint welding is the joining together of components by welds, to form assemblies and structures. The competing technologies for making such joints are threaded fasteners (bolt & nut), rivets, and adhesives. Advantages of welding compared to other joining technologies: ο· overlapping material not required, so joints are lighter ο· full strength of the material can be utilised ο· more even stress distribution than localised fasteners ο· eliminates crevices where corrosion can occur ο· smoother surfaces ο· provides reliable pressure tight joints ο· can be more economical than other fasteners Disadvantages of welding compared to other joining technologies: ο· heat sensitive materials cannot be welded ο· relatively less portable ο· application limited to metals and some polymers ο· introduces distortion/ residual stress to the structure ο· internal flaws may not be visible ο· requires operator skill Build-up welding In this application, a layer of material is deposited onto a surface. It is typically done to build up worn areas (resurfacing), or to clad surfaces with a layer of harder or corrosion resistant material (hard facing). 1.2 Principles Making a joint There are several ways of making a welded joint: 55 ο Fusion welding The points of contact of the two parts are heated until they melt. If necessary a filler material of similar composition is added, which melts at the same temperature as the base materials. This is the basis of many common welding processes such as ‘stick’, TIG and MIG welding. It is important to note that a molten zone forms at the joint, and so the local metallurgy is one of cast microstructures. This has certain consequences as will be explained shortly. ο Pressure welding Here the points of contact of the two parts are heated, but not necessarily until they melt. While hot, the parts are pushed together. This type of welding results in large plastic deformation at the joint, and a fine grained microstructure. This is the basis of resistance and forge welding. ο Diffusion welding The parts are heated, while a vacuum (or inert gas) prevents surface oxidisation. Under light pressure, diffusion occurs between the parts, creating a bond. Surface cleanliness is necessary. This type of welding produces very little deformation. ο Cold pressure welding Pressure is applied to the parts while in the cold condition, to create a join. The pressure needs to be high enough to disrupt the oxide film on the surface of the parts. There is considerable plastic deformation, and extensive cold working. Energy sources Welding requires energy input, and over the years many different sources have been used. These are: ο gas flame ο electric arc ο electrical resistance at joint ο induced current ο electrical resistance in slag ο relative motion: friction or ultrasound ο electron beam ο laser beam ο exothermic chemical reaction 56 The most commonly encountered heat sources are gas, arc and electrical resistance. 1.3 Welding Processes Of the various types of welding processes available, probably the most familiar processes are Manual Metal Arc (MMA), Metal Inert Gas (MIG) and Tungsten Inert Gas (TIG). The main welding processes are open arc, shielded arc, gas fusion, beam, resistance, and pressure welding. The basic principles of each are discussed next. Category descriptions are provided to help the understanding, but these divisions are somewhat arbitrary. Open arc welding The following processes use an arc to generate heat. This arc is open, that is it is visible. Manual metal arc (MMA) Process: An arc passes between the work-piece and an electrode, to melt the joint area. Electrode is covered externally with a flux coating, and both melt. Application: All types of welds and positions. Used mainly on steels, typically structures. With appropriate electrodes and heat treatment, the process can be used on other metals. Other terms: Commonly just called "arc welding" although this is a poor term as many of the welding processes use an arc. Sometimes also called "stick" welding. In other countries this is called (shielded) metal arc welding (SMAW or MAW). Details: The coating has several functions. Firstly it forms a gas which shields the melting process from high temperature oxidisation. Secondly it scavenges contaminants from the molten material, and floats them on the surface. The layer of solidified slag on the surface performs the third function of protecting the cooling weld from oxidisation. The coating can also be formulated to increase the metal deposition rate. Metallurgical reaction between the slag and the weld deposit can also be used to advantage. There are two types of electrode coating: cellulose, and mineral. The common electrodes use cellulose coatings. These can tolerate some moisture 57 in the coating: they even require a little. The mineral coatings are used for high strength materials, and they must be baked and kept dry. The reason is that water dissociates into hydrogen during welding, and subsequently causes hydrogen embrittlement of the joint. This appears as under-bead cracks in the base material. The tensile strength of the electrode should meet or exceed the tensile strength of the base material. Welding current 15-20A/mm2 of core wire, at 10-45V. Flux cored wire metal arc (FCAW) Process: An arc passes between the workpiece and an electrode, to melt the joint area. A tubular electrode is used, containing filler and flux. It is consumed. Application: Single run fillet welds, and hard facing Submerged arc (SAW) Process: An arc passes between the workpiece and an electrode, to melt the joint area. Arc is submerged in granular flux. The otherwise bare electrode is consumed. Various refinements of the process exist. Application: Butt and fillet joints, and cladding (e.g. for corrosion resistance). Horizontal position mainly. Suitable for steel, aluminium. Used in ship building. Gas shielded arc welding The following processes use an arc to generate heat. This arc is shielded by an inert gas, but still visible. The purpose of the gas is to shield the weld deposit from oxidisation that would otherwise occur at the high temperature. Metal inert gas (MIG) Process: An arc passes between the workpiece and an electrode, to melt the joint area. Gas is used to shield the hot weld area. Bare electrode wire (metal) is consumed as it is fed into the weld. There are several variations of the process, using other gas mixtures. Application: All joints, all positions. Suitable for most metals, especially steel, aluminium. Other terms: In the USA this is called gas metal arc welding (GMAW). 58 Tungsten inert gas (TIG) Process: Arc melts joint area. Electrode (tungsten rod) is not consumed. Filler rod/wire is fed into molten joint area. Gas (argon and/or helium) is used to shield heated areas. Application: Butt and fillet of welds and in all positions. Suitable for steel, aluminium, stainless steel, copper. High quality weld. Other terms: In the USA this is called gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW). Plasma beam welding Process: Shielding gas is energised into a plasma by an arc from electrode (tungsten rod) to the nozzle wall. Electrode is not consumed. Filler powder is fed into molten joint area. Plasma arc welding is similar except that the arc is between electrode and workpiece. Application: Joints in high-alloy steels, also cladding of high melting temperature alloys (e.g. carbides). In all the arc processes the current has important effects on the weld. Higher current causes greater heat input, and therefore the electrode melts faster, and the base material melts to a greater depth (i.e. greater penetration). The polarity is also important: straight polarity (electrode negative) gives greater melting of the electrode, and therefore greater deposition, but less penetration into the base material. Reverse polarity (electrode positive) gives the opposite effect of greater penetration. Gas fusion welding A jet of hot gas is used to provide heat to the weld. Oxygen-acetylene welding Process: Jet of hot gas is produced by combustion, and heats joint surfaces. Rod added for filler. Other gases may also be used. Burnt gas shields molten pool. Application: Used on metals and linear (thermoplastic) polymers. Relatively large heat input to work pieces, so distortion may be a problem. Suitable for thin sections. Also used for brazing. 59 Hot gas welding Process: Jet of hot gas is produced by combustion/ electrical elements, heats joint surfaces. Rod added for filler Application: Used on linear (thermoplastic) polymers only, as relatively low operating temperature. Beam welding A beam of energy (not hot gas/plasma) is used to provide heat to the weld. Electron beam welding Process: Electron beam is used to heat material, in a vacuum Application: Produces high quality welds (good penetration, low distortion, no contamination). Expensive equipment. Details: Considerable penetration due to focused beam. Local heating is minimal. Laser welding Process: Laser beam is used to heat material. Laser optical ducts are evacuated, but working beam is in the open and shielded with inert gas. Application: Produces high quality welds (good penetration, low distortion, no contamination). Expensive equipment. Details: Can also be used for cutting, e.g. of metal sheet, composites, fabric. Highly reflective materials may be a problem. Resistance fusion welding Heat is generated by electrical resistance. Electroslag welding Process: Slag is heated by the current flowing through it, and heats the workpiece. The pool of slag is contained by copper shoes. Filler wire is fed into molten joint area. The filler wire carries the current. No pressure need be applied. Application: Vertical upwards butt joints, also cladding Resistance pressure welding Heat is generated by electrical resistance, and pressure is used to complete. 60 Spot welding Process: Two work pieces are pressed together by copper electrodes. Current between the electrodes melts (or nearly melts) local spots in the work pieces due to electrical resistance. Pressure is applied at the same time. Electrode is not consumed. No filler is required. Application: Joining metal sheet, (maximum about 12 mm total joint thickness). Typical use is in automobile body fabrication. Seam welding Process: Similar to spot welding, except that electrodes are discs and can rotate. A continuous weld is made by resistance heating and pressure from the electrodes. Application: Joining sheet metal (maximum about 6 mm total joint thickness). Resistance butt welding Process: Two work pieces are machined flat, pressed together, and heated by the electrical resistance at the interface. Temperature is below melting point. The parts are then forced together to complete the join. An upset (or flash) is formed. No filler is required. (Inductive heating may be used instead.) Application: Joining round bar. Other terms: Upset welding Flash butt welding Process: Two work pieces (may be rough) are pressed together lightly, while current flows between them. Heat is generated by the arcing. Then parts are forced together. An upset is formed. Application: Butt joints, dissimilar metals. Projection welding Process: Two work pieces are pressed together and heated by the passage of current. One piece has a pressed projection, and so concentrates the current (and heat). The projection is flattened in the process. Application: Joining components to sheet. Other welding Next are some welding processes that combine features from several divisions, or which are unique. 61 Arc pressure welding Process: Arc forms between stud and flat surface. Once sufficiently hot, the parts are forced together. Application: Studs onto flat surfaces Other terms: Stud welding Capacitor discharge stud welding Process: Capacitors are used to generate arc and resistance heating between two parts, under pressure. Application: Studs, and butt welding wires Other terms: Stud welding Friction welding Process: Torsional Rubbing of components with axial load, forms plastic zone. One part rotates in lathe, other is fixed. Application: Joins dissimilar materials, eg drill bits. Diffusion bonding Process: Clean, shielded surfaces bond at 70% of the melting temperature. Application: Low distortion. Accommodates heavy sections Magnetically impelled arc butt Process: Arc is moved along joint by magnetic field, then joint forced together Application: Welds thin sections. Heated tool Process: Heated tool put against joint surfaces, which soften and are pushed together. Application: Suitable for linear plastics. Similar process used in soldering. Explosive cladding Process: Explosive charge forces layer of material onto substrate Application: Usually used to clad a surface. Thermit welding Process: Aluminium powder is oxidised, to release heat, which melts a granular filler material. The molten material then flows into the weld space 62 Application: Used for joining railway tracks in the field. Many of these welding processes are relatively specialised and uncommon. The most common are the arc welding processes, and these are discussed in more detail following. 63 2 Microstructures of welding 2.1 Phase transitions Typical weldable steels have low carbon, say 0.2% C. A weld cools extremely fast – faster than a water quench – because of the heat conduction out into the plate. Hence at cooling the weld initially comprises austenite, with all the carbon dissolved therein. As the temperature reaches line AB, and then DB, the austenite transforms to ferrite. Austenite is face-centred cubic, whereas Ferrite is body-centred cubic. As ferrite only accepts 0.02% C, the rest of the carbon is pushed out of the grains to form an intergranular iron-carbide called cementite. This combination of ferrite and cementite is called pearlite. 64 Rapid cooling in welds As the weld cooling is extremely rapid, the microstructure does not have time to fully follow the Iron/Iron carbide phases, and the carbon is trapped in the ferrite to create a different microstructure called martensite or bainite. Figure: Iron/iron-carbide diagram for steel. Martensite structures are strong and brittle, and generally undesirable in a weld (though valued in tool steel). This effect is shown by Time - Temperature Transformation (TTT) diagrams. 65 Figure: TTT diagram for plain carbon steel, with water quench. The material alongside the weld – the heat affected zone (HAZ) – is heated into austenite, and depending on the cooling rate will transform to martensite or bainite. 2.2 Heat treatment Heat treatment includes preheating before welding, inter-pass heating during welding, and post-weld heat-treatment. Preheating is used to slow down the formation of martensite, and to reduce residual stresses, hence also to reduce distortion. 66 Carbon equivalent CE is determined as: C.E. = C% + 6xMn% + 5x(Cr% + Mo% + V%) + 15x(Ni% + Cu%) The number of members available to conduct away heat is also important. Butt joints have 2 members, whereas Tee joints have 3 and hence cool faster. Tables of Thermal Severity Number (TSN) are used to determine whether or not preheat is needed. Preheat For steels with up to 0.25% carbon and less than 25mm thickness, preheat is not needed up to a carbon equivalent of CE = 0.4, but for greater CE values a preheat of at least 100 deg C is needed. If the temperature of the plate drops too low during welding, it may be necessary to add inter-pass heating. For steels with high CE, it may be necessary to apply post-weld heat treatment. The welding engineer determines the temperature and the cooling rate. 2.3 Heat affected zone The heat affected zone (HAZ) is the region of unmelted parent material either side of the weld. This region experiences a graduation in temperature, and hence variations in microstructure. Close to the weld, the grains are exposed to high temperature and internal diffusion of elements can take place. This can cause depletion of alloying elements, with changes to strength and corrosion resistance. Also the grain size & morphology changes shape. All these effects generally mean that the HAZ is weaker than the parent material. The greater the heat input, the greater the physical extent of the HAZ, and this is undesirable. Preheat also increases the HAZ size. 67 2.4 Welding consumables Consumable are designated by a code. For example a common electrode for welding steel by MMA might be E6010. The E refers to an electrode, and first two numbers (e.g. 60 in this case) denote the ultimate tensile strength of the filler material in kpsi (e.g. 60 000 psi). Select an electrode such that the tensile strength of the electrode matches or exceeds that of the plate. For high temperature applications, it is also important to match the chemical composition of electrode and plate. For low temperature application, toughness is important. The third digit shows the positions: 1electrode can be used in all positions 2electrode can be used in the down flat position and also for making fillet welds in the horizontal position. The last two digits taken together indicate the type of current with which the electrode can be used and the type of covering on the electrode. 18 means that the electrode operates satisfactorily on DCRP or on AC current. EXX10 has a cellulose coating, which is suitable for general purposes on plate up to about 10mm. For thicker sections or higher tensile strength base material, use EXX18, which has low hydrogen and hence less risk of cracking. EXX12 has a titania coating and is used for rapid production of lap and fillet welds. Stainless steel electrodes are designated by a number that includes the composition of the electrode and its usability. 68 - 15 Lime type covering. Electrode can be used with DCRP current only. Can be used in all welding positions. - 16 Either a lime type or a titania type covering. Electrode can be used with either DCRP or AC current. Used primarily in the down flat and horizontal welding positions. Select an electrode with at least as much chrome as the plate, as chrome is depleted during welding. For example use E308 to weld 304 to itself. 69 3 Types of welded joints The designer has to specify both the type of joint, and the type of weld to be used. Just specifying the joint is not enough, as several different welds can be used for any one joint. 3.1 Joint geometries There are several types of joint which can be made with welding, and for each there are several welds that can be used. Butt joint: may use all the groove welds Corner joint: may use fillet weld, all the groove welds, flange and corner welds. With this type of weld it sit is important not to allow prying. T joint: may use fillet weld, all the groove welds 70 Lap joint: typically uses fillet weld. This is not a strong joint because of the induced bending. Edge joint: uses flange and corner welds. Used on thin materials generally. 71 3.2 Types of Weld There are several types of weld, as shown below. Also given is the symbol used for the weld. FILLET WELD This is a relatively easy weld to make, as it does not require groove preparation. The weld can be applied to T joints (illustrated below), corner, and lap. Double sided joints are possible, and are discussed later. Fillet weld BEAD WELD This weld is similar to a fillet weld, in that it is external and needs only limited penetration. It is largely used as a backing weld, that is it seals the joint so that molten metal from the other side weld (not shown) does not escape. BEAD WELD 72 FLANGE WELDS These are corner and edge welds. Like the fillet weld they do not require joint preparation. These welds are intended for sheet materials only. FLANGE: EDGE WELD FLANGE: CORNER WELD SURFACING WELD Welds are sometimes used to build up a surface, without providing any joining function. Typically a hard weld material is used to provide wear resistance. Applications include working bits of earth moving equipment, knives (industrial sizes) and other high wear situations. Worn shafts are also repaired by surface welding. 73 GROOVE WELDS All these welds (except square groove butt) require groove preparation, which is usually done by machining or grinding. Square welds are unsuitable for very thick materials, as the weld cannot penetrate through the whole joint, hence the use of various joint-shaping profiles to get the weld material into the core of the parts. There are several types of groove welds, depending on the preparation, as shown below. 74 The flare bevel and flare V welds are a bit deceptive: they are usually not machined like that, but arise naturally when a cylindrical part is joined to a plate (or two cylinders together). Groove welds exist so that the weld may be made to near the root of the joint. This also means that the welds often require something to prevent the molten weld material falling out of the joint. This can be provided by a backing strip, or by a bead weld on the other side. All the above figures and symbols are for single sided groove welds. These are a common form of weld in their own right, especially where there is access to only one side of the joint. Double Groove welds are also used: these have both sides prepared, usually though not necessarily in the same way. They offer the advantage of a complete weld (stronger), use of less welding material (hence lower production cost), and less distortion. FUSION SPOT WELD This type of weld is often used for joining thin sheet, e.g. motor car panels. This is a spot weld made with external heat input. The other types of spot weld are the resistance welded spot, and the projection weld. Some standards differentiate between these types, but the American standards do not. In general spot welds are like rivets in function. PLUG AND SLOT WELDS A plug weld is like a spot made in a prepared countersunk hole. A slot weld is a linear weld that is made in a prepared countersunk groove. The same symbol is used for both, although it should be appreciated that the slot weld is long whereas the plug weld is local. 75 STUD WELDS If a stud welding gun is used to weld studs to a substrate, then the symbol shown above may be used. Note that it is unnecessary to show the actual stud in this case. If other welds, such as fillet, are used, then rather show the fillet weld symbol. 76 RESISTANCE WELDS These welds are made by passing an electrical current through the two substrates. The electrical resistance generates heat, and at the same time the substrates are pressed together. The process may be used to generate a spot (local weld) or a linear weld. In the resistance spot weld it is also possible with pressing to make a raised area on one substrate where the weld is to occur. This is called a projection weld. The form and dimensions of the projection must be shown separately on the detailed drawing. The linear version of the spot weld is called the seam weld, and it is made by a moving electrode tip. There is also a resistance butt weld, as shown below. This is also called a flash weld. 77 OTHER WELDS Scarf for brazing Brazing also uses the butt weld. However as brazing is weaker than welding, it may be necessary in thin materials to increase the surface area for bonding. Of course a lap joint achieves this, but alternatively a scarf joint may be used as shown below. Note that this is a USA designation. SCARF JOINT In SOLDERING AND BRAZING the joint is heated, either with a hot tool, or with a jet of hot gas, but (in contrast to welding) the parent materials are not melted. The filler material in rod/wire form is introduced to heat area, where it melts and flows (capillary action) through the joint. The filler must melt at a lower temperature than the parent material(s), and must be able to wet them. Typical applications: electrical component assembly (using lead-silver solder) Friction welds These welds are made by torsional rubbing of components with axial load. A typical application is in drill bits, where a tool steel cutting bit is joined to a softer steel shanks. The resistance butt weld could be an appropriate symbol, with a note attached. Ultrasonic welds This weld is used for plastics. A vibrating tool (called a horn) presses the work pieces together. The high frequency vibration causes softening of the material, and a joint is made. The horn may also be used to press an insert into the polymer. There are no symbols for these welds. 78 3.3 Welding Symbols Each type of weld has a symbol which is a stylised representation of the weld groove or the weld. The designer need not show the physical weld on the drawing as the symbol alone is adequate. Symbols below the line apply to the arrow side of the joint. Weld symbols are generally an upside-down representation of what the weld joint or the prepared edges look like. Note that a weld arrow is broken if necessary to show unambiguously which side of the joint must be prepared. Symbols belo w the line ap ply to the arro w side of the jo int. Fillet weld To appl y a wel d to the fa r sid e of the jo int, mirror the symbo l ab ove the lin e. Fillet weld Wel ds on b oth side s of the jo int are sho wn with b oth symbols. Fillet weld 79 The arrow is broken when it is necessary to show without doubt which side of the joint must be prepared. If weld preparation (groove) is required on only one part, then make a break in the arrow and point it towards the part to be prepared. This is unnecessary if one part is obviously to be prepared (eg J groove on T joint), or on double welds. BEVEL GROOVE In thick materials it will be necessary to have multiple weld passes to complete the joint. Each pass may be a different type of weld if necessary, and multiple symbols will be used. It is also permissible to have different welds on each side of the joint. Figure: Double weld. One plate has been bevelled, followed by a bevel groove weld, and then a fillet weld on top. The weld symbol is assumed to apply the full length of the weld line, until the changes in direction at the ends. The weld notation also provides for size of weld, length, pitch, and other variables. These are summarised in the figure below. 80 Note that only a weld on the arrow side of the joint has been shown, and this symbol is always shown below the line for the close side. The break refers to the close side. A weld may be specified for the opposite side of the joint, by putting the appropriate symbol above the line: symbols above the line refer to the far side. The parameters will be assumed to apply to this weld also, unless otherwise explicitly shown. Specify weld all round if the assembly will be operating in a corrosive environment: this seals the weld crevice off against moisture. However, be aware that this practice also decreases the fatigue strength. 81 4 Principles of Reliable Welded Joints 4.1 General considerations Use a better type of joint The fatigue strength of a joint depends heavily on the type of joint and weld. This is shown in the weld classes. Changing the joint can allow a better class, and therefore a higher loading. Joint type: poor Joint type: good 82 Type of weld - Ease of preparation The common types of weld are the fillet, square, bevel-groove, and V-groove. The fillet and square weld require no special joint preparation other than a reasonably straight edge. For most purposes this can be achieved with a flame cut edge. The square weld is not recommended in thick materials for its poor penetration. Fillet welds also have poor penetration, which reduces their fatigue strength. It is not practical to grind fillet welds to make them smoother. Types of weld Single Double Fillet Square Bevel groove V groove J groove The bevel- and V-groove welds require more careful preparation to cut the inclined faces. Usually a flame cut can provide acceptable surface quality. The JU groove and U-groove welds need special preparation by machining. Bevel is easiest as only one face needs preparation. The groove welds offer best fatigue strength. Often they are ground down. Consequently, on the basis of ease of preparation, the fillet and square welds are the best. However the square weld is limited to use on sheet, as there is insufficient penetration on thicker members. 83 Cost of weld material While the fillet weld is easiest to prepare, it requires a relatively large amount of filler material. The figure below shows welds with the same throat, and therefore the same strength. Note that a single bevel-groove weld has the same area as a fillet weld. But to get this throat with a fillet weld or bevel-groove weld requires more material than with a double bevel-groove weld. More filler material costs more in consumables, and also increases the welding time. Both of these increase the cost. Furthermore, more filler material often means greater tendency to distortion. Of course a double groove weld requires more joint preparation. Therefore a fillet weld is not always the most economical type to use. Generally fillet welds are best in thinner plate, and double bevel-groove welds best in thicker plate. The precise plate sizes for each will depend on the economics of the situation. 84 Position The position in which the weld will have to be made is also a factor in selecting the type of weld. Where possible the designer should try to arrange for welds to be made in the easier positions. Vertical and overhead welds are more difficult than horizontal and flat welds. See the figure for weld positions. For example, it may be possible to replace an overhead double fillet weld with a single bevelgroove weld, as shown in the figure. Sometimes welds can be made in a workshop, using an overhead crane to reposition the pieces to keep them in the flat or horizontal position. Flat Horizontal Vertical downwards Transverse Vertical upwards Overhead The best weld profiles are made in the workshop rather than on site, and in the flat position. 85 Consider accessibility for the welder The groove welds are slightly more complicated than the fillet welds, and the designer has to be aware of several additional effects. Allow access to welding equipment: don’t require welds at inaccessible locations. Ask yourself the question ‘Can I inspect this weld?’. Remember that welds can weaken structures, and so if it can’t be inspected, then how will you know whether the weld contributes or detracts from the overall strength? Consider moving the weld to a more accessible location, or changing the design. Easy access for electrode helps make a higher quality weld Poor quality welds slag inclusions are likely when access difficult Ensure access 86 Bevel angle choices This is a design choice. The bigger the angle the more accessible the joint is to the welding electrode, and therefore the faster the joint may be made. However a big angle also requires more filler material to close, and this costs more and takes longer to lay down. A 45o bevel angle is typical. 60 45 30 1/8" 1/4" 3/8" Root opening This is the initial separation between the members. Its purpose is to permit the welding electrode to get into the root of the joint. If the root is too small, then there is a possibility of slag being left at the root. If on the other hand the root opening is too large, then the molten weld material will fall through (this is called burnthrough). Also, more filler material will be required to make the joint. Typical root openings are shown in the figure. Root face The root face is the flat area at the base of a weld. All U- and J-groove welds have a weld face. Bevel- and V-groove welds may have either a root face or a feather (sharp) edge. The purpose of a root face is to provide extra material to resist burn through. The amount of root face is a design choice. It should be noted that 87 preparation of a root face is more complicated than a feather edge. While a feather edge may be cut with a torch, a root face requires at least two torch cuts, and possibly also machining. Root face Root face Root face Root face 88 4.2 Move joints out of critical regions Avoid high-stressed regions Try and move the joint out of the highly stressed region. This may allow it to go up a class or two, and thereby carry greater load. An extension of this idea is to avoid sudden changes in section: e.g. taper the pieces, or used use shaped transition pieces (e.g. at T joints). b R>1.25b Shaped transition piece can avoid the above case Change the design Tips for Fatigue design The figure below shows some designs for joining different thicknesses. 89 UNACCEPTABLE DESIGN Greater throat Symmetrical stress in weld Acceptable designs for STATIC STRESS Larger chamfer reduces stress concentration Weld away from stress concentration Larger chamfer and symmetrical geometry Acceptable designs for DYNAMIC STRESS Avoid welding at large scale stress concentrators Do not position welds in areas of high stress concentration for the structure as a whole. Minimise the small-scale stress risers Fatigue strength is improved by avoiding stress concentrators. These include: bead roughness, slag inclusions, cavities, excess reinforcement, undercut. The designer should consider machining the welds to flush with the surface, where fatigue is a problem. Avoid welds that intersect. Consider using Back gouging Joints that are welded on both sides may trap some slag inside, which would weaken the joint. To eliminate this problem, the root may be cut out before the second side is welded. The process is called back gouging. It can be done with an angle grinder, by machining, by chipping, or by a special cutting torch. The purpose is to expose sound weld material. It is also important that the shape of the groove be such as to provide sufficient access for the electrode. After back 90 gouging, the gouge is welded up. Back gouging is needed where ever a root face exists, and a full strength weld is desired. A spacer also has to be back gouged. Optimise the use of natural metallurgical benefits Orientate parts when cutting from plate: remember that the best mechanical properties are in the rolling direction. Avoid welding near the core of structural sections, as this is where the segregation of (undesirable) alloy elements occurs. Segregation in core Avoid welding here Stiffening rib Segregation zones 91 Design for the thinner member The weld size is selected on the basis of the thinner member. Weld size on drawing is described by the leg length, which for fillet welds, is not the throat. The figure shows the application of this principle to some joints. Making a larger weld than necessary is not any stronger as the strength is limited by the thinnest member. However a large weld costs more, and will usually cause more distortion of the assembly. Poor Good Poor Good 4.3 Using stronger materials Unfortunately this does not help as much as might be first thought. Observe that the allowable stress in a weld of any class depends on the class alone, and not on any material properties (other than the assumption that it is steel). This is because high strength is only an advantage in preventing cracks starting in the first place, but welds contain abundant crack-like features already. However there is still advantage in using higher strength materials. Firstly the codes are conservative and there is actually some advantage to higher material strength, even if not acknowledged formally. There is a second advantage to higher strength materials, which comes into effect in cases where finite life is being considered. If a finite life can be tolerated, then the use of a stronger material (and corresponding electrode) permits a higher stress. Bear in mind that at low life the permissible fatigue stress for a joint is limited by the static tensile strength. Take for example a weld that needs to have a life of 2x10 5 cycles. A first material might have a permissible static strength of 100 MPa, and therefore the fatigue chart shows that the weld detail would need to be G or better. However even if the weld were B, the permissible stress would still only be 100 92 MPa, and this would determine the weld size. If a second material was used instead, with a static strength of 130 MPa, then it would be possible to design the weld for higher stresses. Using a better class weld would mean that higher weld stresses could be tolerated. This would permit smaller welds and result in some welding economy. Higher strength materials also show greater improvements in fatigue strength when compressive residual stresses can be generated (see below), although again these effects are not accounted for in the codes. 4.4 Non-load carrying welds Non-load carrying welds are those that are not intended to carry the structural loads. They typically arise where attachments like brackets are required. As there will always be some load that strays into these welds, they still weaken the structure compared to an unwelded part. The larger the attachment, the more loads stray into it, and the greater the weakening effect. The critical areas are the weld toes and weld ends. Putting the weld parallel to the loading doesn’t change the possibilities of failure at weld ends. UNDERCUT Weld toes are critical areas for cracks 93 Fillet welds are commonly used for nonload carrying welds, because of the simple weld procedure. Single sided fillet welds are also sometimes used, but these are particularly vulnerable to fatigue cracks starting at the root. The prying (bending) action on this type of weld is harmful. Where possible, this type of weld should be avoided, since there is no such thing as an entirely load free weld. The one sided weld also means that the root crack will not be externally visible when it forms. For most common safety critical structures, there is probably a welding code that could be used. However codes do not exist for unusual or non-critical applications. In such cases welding calculations would be appropriate. As in engineering design generally, the designer has to choose a balance between design effort and residual risk. In many cases the consequences of failure are trivial and the application does not warrant large design effort. In other cases destructive or non-destructive testing may be sufficient. W L Weld ends are also critical Single sided lap joints with fillet welds are weak Partial strength welds In many applications a full strength weld is not required. This situation typically arises in the machine fabrication industry (e.g. a base for a generator set). Partial strength welds may be permissible. These are made by providing incomplete penetration, or smaller weld size. The table below gives some common practices for fillet welds for non-critical applications. It is assumed that the strength of the weld material matches that of the members. Fillet weld Size 94 Full strength 50% strength 33% strength leg = 0.75 x plate thickness leg = 0.375 x plate thickness leg = 0.25 x plate thickness The 50% and 33% partial strength welds are used where strength is not critical, but rigidity is still required. 4.5 Avoiding distortion Distortion is not entirely avoidable in welding, due to the hot nature of the process. However there is quite a bit that can be done, by the designer and the welder, to reduce the effect. First, it’s important to understand why distortion occurs. Consider a single weld, like the V-groove weld, and assume that it is filled in one pass. The weld bead is molten initially, but soon solidifies. As it solidifies, it shrinks, as any material would do. To a first approximation the shrinkage is a constant percentage of the width of the weld. At the root the width of molten material is zero, so there is zero shrinkage. At the surface, the width is a maximum, and so maximum shrinkage occurs here. Therefore a shrinkage gradient is set up, being greatest at the surface. This causes the members to be pulled together at the weld surface, and we see this as distortion. The distortion will be in shortening of the assembly, and in bending. TRANSVERSE SHRINKAGE Weld cross section 12 12 Process Transverse shrinkage Two runs 2,3 mm Five runs, root gouged two backing runs 1,8 mm 20 Twenty runs 3,2 mm 35 12 95 The effect in welds made of multiple passes is similar: the first pass solidifies and pulls the members together as it does. The next pass on top of that applies a little more closing force on top of that provided by the pass below. In the end the greatest joint closing force will be where the last pass is made. Of course the more weld material is molten, the greater the opportunity for distortion, and reducing weld size is a good way of reducing distortion. The figures below give some typical values for distortion. a ANGULAR SHRINKAGE Weld cross section 12 12 Process Angular shrinkage Five runs 3,5 deg Five runs, root gouged two backing runs 0 deg 20 Twenty runs 13 deg 35 12 Some tips for avoiding distortion Reduce the heat input (e.g. turn down the current). Also consider changing to a welding process that gives less heat to the base material or a higher deposition rate (e.g. change from gas to TIG welding). Reduce weld size, since large welds provide greater shrinkage force when they cool. This can be done by: * Avoid over design in welding. * Weld in multiple smaller passes. 96 * Use a type of joint requiring less weld material. For example a double V is better than a single V in this regard. Consider sub-assemblies, since it is easier to control the distortion in smaller parts. When the sub-assemblies are joined (welding or bolting), then the distortion can be accommodated. Use jigs and fixtures to hold pieces so that they cannot distort so much. Control weld sequence, for example: * weld both sides alternatively * back stepping, which is to weld a short length, leave a gap and weld another piece, then return and weld the gap, and repeat. This is like a continuous intermittent weld! * first weld the joints where distortion will be the worst * progress towards the unrestrained parts of the joint Weld on neutral axis, or symmetrically about it Preset the structure: bend it the opposite direction before welding starts. Avoid over stressing. Use double welds (e.g. double bevel-groove, instead of single bevel-groove). The two sides tend to pull each other straight. 4.6 Typical problem welds Here are some weld problems that arise often, and are worth some comment. Moisture is trapped in a weld and causes corrosion The obvious way to solve this is to seal the weld so that the moisture cannot get in. This is often done by welding all round. However welding all round has its problems too: mainly that the fatigue strength of the weld is lowered. It is difficult to entirely avoid undercutting the base material when welding all round, especially at edges. Sealing the joint with adhesive sealant is another option. In some cases it is possible to avoid the problem rather than solve it, by changing the joint so that water can flow away rather than be trapped. Fillet welds fail in the throat 97 Fillet welds naturally have lower strength than other types. Failure in the throat shows that the weld size is possibly inadequate. Also check what the root conditions are like, since this is where such failures originate. The main advantage of fillet welds is not strength but that they are convenient to make. Welded copies of casting designs are not always successful. One of the reasons often is because penetration is poor. However even if the penetration is perfect, welds naturally have lower fatigue strengths than cast material. Failure of welds near rotating equipment. Rotating machines generate load cycles very quickly, pushing the design into the fatigue region. Even the vibration of an engine may be enough. In many cases these loads are mistakenly ignored. Cracked built-up shafts Worn shafts are often built-up by welding. However this often causes hydrogen cracking below the weld, since the shaft materials generally contain high carbon content. Practically any steel can be welded, provided you take enough care. The trick is in the care, and this might involve pre- and post-heat treatment. Cracks near fabrication aids (e.g. brackets) on structures. Contrary to common perception, any component that is welded onto a loaded member will reduce the fatigue strength of the main member, even if there is no load on the attachment. The common culprit is a fabrication aid, like some little support. These have to be ground off completely, otherwise they become the source of fatigue cracks. Cracks near arc strikes Arc strikes on the side of the weld may cause fatigue failure (see previous). Backing strips cause failure Backing strips must be welded with as much care as the main weld, otherwise they become the weakest link in the chain. Backing strips are not used to reinforce a joint as many people mistakenly believe. In fact they weaken a joint. Instead they are used to make welding easier. 98 Sudden changes in stiffness For example, do not support a thin walled tank on a stiff support. Rather reinforce the tank wall about the support region, to transfer the load gradually between the shell and the support. Wherever possible, provide a gradual change in stiffness (this is a general principle of all design, not just welding). 4.7 Safety considerations It is relatively easy for the designer to specify a weld. Whether the operator can make that weld adequately and safely must also be considered. Consider the following safety aspects at the design stage: ο· burns: heat, UV radiation ο· eye damage: UV radiation ο· poisons: fumes, gas, dust, ο· respiratory: fumes, gas, dust ο· hearing loss: noise ο· explosion: fumes, gas, dust ο· shock: electrical equipment ο· injury: power tools ο· radiation: testing equipment ο· preheating can be uncomfortable for the welder ο· falls from working at height Risks are amplified when welding in confined spaces. It is necessary to provide adequate ventilation. For welding in confined spaces, it is necessary to use forced ventilation or respirators. 99 Personal protective equipment is required, as is careful work planning and curation of the workspace. 100 Figure: ‘A man welds a railing for a tuk-tuk in his shop in the Yaowarat (Chinatown) area of Bangkok, Thailand. ’Image Mark Fischer https://www.flickr.com/photos/fischerfotos/16111909245 CC BY-SA 2.0 4.8 Weld procedure specification (WPS) Whatever the means of determining weld size, be it code, calculation, or just guess, there are still many ways to lay down the weld bead. Therefore a fabricator who wishes to do welding for a client will need to define exactly how the welding will be done. Also, the fabricator will need to prove competence to the client. These functions are taken care of in the following documents. Drawings The drawings would be done according to accepted standards. Welding symbols were discussed in the chapter above, and would be included. The welding symbols are reasonably well standardised worldwide. It is recommended that the standard used be written on the drawings, to prevent misunderstanding. 101 Procedure qualification record (PQR) This document is a test report that proves to the client that the fabricator is capable of successfully making the particular type of weld. It describes the exact values of all parameters (see WPS above) that were used, who the welder was, and the results of mechanical tests (ultimate tensile strength, bend tests, hardness) and inspection (radiography, macro examination). Purpose of a WPS A weld procedure specification (WPS) is a welding recipe. It is a document, in table format, that describes the key welding parameters for use by the welder. These parameters are the settings of the welding machine, heat treatment, position of the weld. It is a proven way to make a reliable weld, and hence gives confidence that the weld will have the intended structural quality. Content of a WPS It specifies all the welding parameters necessary, such as: type of welding process (MMA, MIG etc.), welding automation (manual, semi-automatic, etc.), shielding gas (100% Argon etc.), electrical parameters (current, voltage, polarity), position (horizontal, vertical etc.) , base material, material thickness, joint preparation (ground, gouging, flame cut etc.), filler material, code used, backing material (insert, weld pass, strip or none), preheating, post weld heat treatment, joint geometry (root opening, included angle, etc.), and any other relevant factors. It may give permissible ranges for the parameters. For examples see AWS.D1.1:2000 Annex E. Welding Procedure Specification [Document number] [Date of writing] Authorised by: [name of engineer] JOINT DESIGN Type: Butt/Fillet Backing: yes/no Backing material: Root opening distance: Groove angle: Back Gouging: yes/no 102 BASE METAL Material specification and grade: Thickness: 6mm-15mm WELDING METHOD Type: MMA etc. Polarity: AC/DCEP/DCEN/PULSED Electrical current: TECHNIQUE Number of weld passes: Travel speed: Travel mechanism: manual/automatic Interpass cleaning: slag removed WELD POSITION Position: all positions OH/VU/VD/H/F FILLER MATERIAL Material specification: E6010 Consumable size: Shielding: flux/gas 100% Ar Shielding flow rate: 10-20 lt/min HEAT TREATMENT Preheat temperature: Interpass temperature: Min xxx, Max xxx Postweld heat treatment temperature: Postweld heat treatment time: 103 Manual metal arc (MMA), or stick welding, or shielded metal arc welding (SMAW or MAW) Image Weldscientist https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Shielded_Metal_Arc_Welding.jpg Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International used unchanged 104 Submerged arc welding (SAW) Image NearEMPTiness https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Submerged_Arc_Welding.JPG Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported used unchanged 105 Metal inert gas (MIG) or gas metal arc welding (GMAW). Image https://www.dvidshub.net/ Public domain 106 Tungsten inert gas (TIG) or gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW) Image https://www.dvidshub.net/ Public domain 107 Position Note that structures that are welded all around, like pipes, impose the full variety of positions as the welder moves round (unless the structure is rotated). For more description of positions see AWS.D1.1:200 Figure 4.5. 4.9 Repair construction It is a reasonably common occurrence that a welded structure develops a fatigue crack and needs to be repaired. Changing the design geometry of the structure is not usually cost effective, but some method is sought to prolong the life of the repaired part. The part will probably not be loaded any heavier than before, so if the strength of the repaired welds can be increased, then the life will increase. There are several things that can be done about such situations. In fact the methods can also be applied to original construction, but this is not common because there is a cost penalty, and the designer cannot take advantage of the methods to increase the loading under most current design codes. Stress relief Stress relief is a heat treatment process that attempts to alleviate the tensile residual stresses that always form in a welded joint as it cools. However, remember that the process is not always reliable. The design codes do not acknowledge stress relief, so the designer cannot use the process to increase the loading on joints. Nonetheless it is a useful process where a joint needs to have special resistance to fatigue, or is being repaired from a past failure. Weld dressing The objective here is to grind the weld to a smooth profile that blends into the base material, also to remove start/stop discontinuities. This is a post-weld process. Typical tools are an angle grinder or a rotating burr or sanding tube 108 Remelt the weld toe Heat is used to remelt the weld toe, so that a smoother profile is created at the toe (junction between the weld and the plate). This is done either by plasma dressing (less sensitive to positioning), or TIG (arc has to be precisely positioned). Weld dressing works by removing some stress concentrations, and thereby crack initiation has to take place before cracks can propagate. This increases the fatigue life. Note that weld dressing the face has no effect if the failure is going to occur in the weld root. Also, any corrosion adds crack-like features back to the weld, and undoes the benefits of weld dressing. Compressive residual stresses A compressive residual stress is useful since an applied tensile load first has overcome the compressive stress before it can generate a tensile stress. The compressive residual stress tends to keep cracks closed, and this prolongs the fatigue life. There are several ways of introducing compressive residual stresses. Cold working is a common process, and there are various options: O manual peening (hammering) of welded or unwelded material, in regions where fatigue is expected O hammer peening, using a pneumatic or electric machine (very noisy) O needle peening O shot peening (be careful that the surface finish is not degraded) Prior overloading is a less well known way of creating compressive residual stress, but it can be a risky process. The structure is loaded greater than the maximum service tensile load, and in exactly the same way. By overloading the structure in this way, the most highly stressed parts of it will go into yield while the rest is still elastic. Once the overload is removed, the elastic parts will pull back and compress the formerly plastic regions. The method occurs in proof testing of vessels, but is otherwise not very practical. The risk occurs in that the structure may fail during the process. Prior overloading is of no value on either parts that are subject to compression during service, or smooth parts without stress concentrations. The value of prior overloading is that it automatically applies a compressive treatment to all the stress concentrations and flaws in the whole structure, without the fabricator having to individually identify each of them. 109 An unusual method is Spot heating. The areas of stress concentration are identified and an nearby area of unwelded material is rapidly heated (eg with a flame) and then allowed to cool. The heating causes the spot to expand, but the expansion is limited by the surrounding material. This, plus the high temperature, puts the heated spot into compressive yield. Once the heat is removed, the spot cools and shrinks. In doing so it creates tensile residual stresses inside the spot, and compressive residual stresses outside. The method can also be used near the active part of existing cracks. 110 5 Weld discontinuities and defects 5.1 Introduction Modern practice in welding is to avoid the use of the word defect. Defect implies a fault that must be rectified to make a component fit-for purpose. It is impossible to produce a weld that is 100% defect free. Engineers that demand this on drawings and in specifications are firstly expecting the impossible, and secondly going to result in the welded fabrication becoming prohibitively expensive to produce. Fitness-for purpose is a better concept. To this end, the welding industry uses the word discontinuity rather than defect to describe some imperfection found in a weld. The decision as to when the discontinuity becomes classified as a defect (i.e. in need of repair) is made according to code requirements, customer demands and the effect of the discontinuity on fitness-for purpose of the component. The bottom line is that repairing a non-relevant discontinuity will often do more harm to the component than if it was simply left alone - over and above the fact that conducting a repair is costly and time-consuming. Reduce welding flaws It will be noticed that some of the classes require NDT, and if this is not provided, then the joint is downgraded. Therefore reduction of welding flaws (and the means to prove that this has been achieved), is another way of permitting greater weld stress. 5.2 Classification of Weld Discontinuities The best example of classification of weld discontinuities is the one which was developed by the American Society of Metals (ASM). It states that discontinuities can be classified into one of three groups: ο· Design related ο· Process related ο· Metallurgical Design Related Discontinuities These are discontinuities resulting from : 111 ο· ο· ο· ο· Incorrect joint design Poor structural details Incorrect choice of joint design and location for a given application Undesirable changes in cross-section at a joint Process Related Discontinuities Some of the typical discontinuities are listed below and shown graphically: ο· Slag inclusions ο· Porosity ο· Undercut ο· Centre-line crack ο· Under bead cracks ο· Lack of Penetration (LOP) ο· Craters (found at the end of a weld pass) ο· Overfill ο· Arc strikes ο· Lack of Fusion (LOF) ο· Underfill 112 Slag inclusions Slag inclusions Undercut Crater Centreline crack Overfill Parent metal crack Porosity Underbead cracks Arc strike Wormhole porosity Lack of penetration Lack of fusion Underfill Figure: Weld discontinuities of the process variety (Image D Pons). Metallurgical Discontinuities These include all types of cracks found as a result of welding, as well as undesirable micro structures such as hard phases (Martensite) and segregation (in which alloying elements in the weld do not have sufficient time to mix completely before solidification). Cracks include: ο· HAZ cracks (also known as hard cracks) , which are normally associated with the presence of Hydrogen 113 ο· Junction zone cracks, which are caused by differences in thermal expansion between parent metal and weld metal. As the name implies, these cracks are found in the zone where parent and weld metals meet. ο· Lamellar tearing, which occurs in parent metal, and is the result of inadequate ductility as it expands and contracts during welding. ο· Liquation cracks (better known as hot cracking), caused by segregation within the cooling weld deposit. These are also found during the welding of stainless steels. 5.3 Causes and elimination of common weld discontinuities Since there are too many types of discontinuities to discuss all of them here, we will concentrate on a few of the more commonly found examples. Undercut This is typically a small notch found at the toe of a weld. It poses serious problems as regards weld quality goes, as it reduces impact strength, fatigue life and low temperature service behaviour. It is caused by excessive heat concentration at the area in which the undercut was found. To minimize undercut: ο Decrease welding current, travel speed and electrode diameter (any or all of these) ο Alter electrode angle ( to move heat concentration away from affected area) ο Avoid weaving the electrode from side to side ο Maintain constant travel speed ο Use proper backing on the joint Underfill This implies that the weld cross-section is smaller than that of the adjacent parent metal, automatically making the weld a point of weakness. To minimize underfill: ο Reduce voltage ο Reduce travel speed ο Reduce root opening of joint 114 Lack of Fusion and Lack of Penetration (LOF & LOP) LOF implies that the weld metal did not melt the adjacent parent metal. It occurs when insufficient heat has been absorbed by the parent metal. When the weld metal does not penetrate to the bottom of the weld joint, LOP occurs. It is caused by incorrect welding technique or by inadequate root gap. To minimize LOF and LOP: ο Increase amperage ο Reduce electrode diameter ο Reduce travel speed ο Change electrode angle ο Ensure adequate root gap Slag Inclusions These are found when welding with processes that use fluxes to shield the weld metal from the atmosphere (Shielded metal arc, Submerged arc, Flux-core arc). Slag inclusions can occur randomly as isolated inclusions or as long Astringer@ types. Multi-pass welds are more prone to slag becoming trapped in the weld deposit than single pass welds. Slag entrapment is caused by: ο Inadequate inter-pass cleaning ο Excessively rapid cooling ο Welding current parameters set too low (i.e. insufficient heat) ο Poor joint geometry ο Wrong type of electrode coating By correcting any and all of these problems, slag entrapment can be avoided. Porosity This consists of pores or cavities in the weld deposit as a result of gases evolved during welding becoming trapped in the weld metal. Elements such as Sulphur in the parent metal, and the presence of contaminants like paint, grease, oils, rust and water on the joint preparation, as well as contamination of fluxes on electrodes, and inadequate or contaminated shielding gases, are all common causes of porosity. To minimize porosity: ο Ensure that no contaminants are present on joint preparation or in electrode coating ο Ensure that electrode coatings and shielding gases are moisture free ο Use short arc lengths ο Reduce travel speed ο Increase amperage 115 ο ο Provide adequate shielding from atmosphere Use parent metal with lowest possible Sulphur content Arc strike Arc strikes are where the welder attempts to get the arc to form, by tapping elsewhere than the weld region. These bursts of energy cause extremely rapid heating and cooling, hence the formation of martensite. Arc strikes are therefore initiators for fatigue cracks, and should be avoided or ground out or heat treated. 5.4 Detection of Weld Discontinuities Quality checks fall into two major groups: destructive and non-destructive. Non-destructive testing is widely utilized in all types of welding applications, whereas destructive tests are normally only carried out on components which are safety-critical or will be under high stress in service. It is important to realise that there is no such thing as 100% reliable inspection - at least not in the real world! The accuracy of inspection results depends too much on the human factor - the inspector themself. Their level of training, frame of mind, time available for inspection and working and personal environmental conditions will all influence their performance enormously. Inspection cannot catch every discontinuity, and moreover adds cost. It is better to emphasise the prevention of defects by ensuring that sound welding practices are utilized at all times, and adequate training of welders. 5.4.1 Destructive testing This includes impact, tensile, side-bend, drop-weight and fatigue tests amongst others. U-Bend tests are a common and easy form of inspection. See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1kD1wsc56dk 116 5.4.2 Non-destructive testing Surface inspection Check for neatness, porosity, slag inclusions, excessive splatter, excessive reinforcement, undercut. These checks may be done with the naked eye, and do not involved any great expense. Ultrasonic testing: Internal flaws reflect sound, and the time taken for the echo to return is displayed on an oscilloscope. The method requires specialised training in order to set the apparatus and correctly interpret the results. Numerous other echoes are obtained, and the real flaws have to be distinguished from the artefacts. Otherwise the method works reasonably well, and is in common use. The equipment is portable. As with many of the testing methods, one of the limitations is that flaws must be suitably orientated with respect to the probe. Or, to put it the other way, it must be possible to inspect the weld from various angles in order to catch all the flaws, and this is not always possible. Radiographic testing This produces a permanent record of the weld, which is useful for certification purposes. However the method is not without hazard due to the high energy Xrays used. Shields are needed to prevent stray radiation, and so the method can be relatively cumbersome. Technically, the major limitation is that the X-ray must be correctly aligned with the flaw in order to show it. Magnetic testing Magnetised materials attract particles around cracks. However the method can only be used on magnetic material, and only detects surface defects. It is a relatively simple method to use. Liquid penetrant Coloured dye penetrates cracks and shows them up. Can only show surface flaws. 117 6 Stresses in Welded Joints The designer need to consider the stress in the base metal, and separately the weld. It is important to differentiate between the stress in the material (base metal or weld) which depends on the loading and geometry of the structure, the material strength with depends on the weld type and orientation, and weld filler material. For structures that undergo plastic deformation, such as roll-over protection for vehicles, the weld tensile strength needs to be stronger than the base metal tensile strength. This is necessary for the incoming loads, and hence energy absorbance, to be taken by deformation of the entire structure, not only the welds. Thus in general the weld material is often selected to give a greater strength than the base material. Thus static failure is expected in the base material. However, fatigue failure will still probably occur in the weld, since there are still metallurgical imperfections in the weld however good the surface might be. Static stresses Static loading refers to stresses that do not change with time. This is typical of dead weights. Structures that are NOT static include those loaded cyclically, or in shock, or with vibration, or with changing loads. See the fatigue section for these cases. 6.1 Weld loading Welds may be loaded with force in one or more of tension-compression, torsion, bending or shear. Remember that the measurement of weld size is the throat t. The welds that we shall be considering are the groove and fillet types. 118 F t throat Tension/compression load on joint h leg V Transverse (shear) load on joint fillet weld P Axial shear (parallel) load on joint L Welds in Tension or compression (F) Welds that are in tension (or compression) are designed according to the average direct stress in the throat. For groove- and fillet-welds it is F σ= tL where F tension (or compression) force t throat L length of weld Where throat is π‘ = ππππ‘π π‘βππππππ π πππ πππππ£π π€ππππ π‘ = 0.707 π₯ π€πππ πππ πππππ‘β πππ ππππππ‘ π€ππππ NB: Load carrying Fillet welds are not to be used singly for anything safetycritical, as the loading tends to open the root. Instead the joints are welded on both sides, and it is assumed that each side takes half the total force. 119 Welds in transverse Shear (V) Welds that are in shear are designed according to the average shear stress in the throat. For groove welds it is V τ= tL and for fillet welds V τ= hL where V shear force h leg length t throat NB: Load carrying Fillet welds are not to be used singly, as the loading tends to open the root. Instead the joints are welded on both sides, and it is assumed that each side takes half the total force. Allowable shear stress For static loading the allowable shear stress for weld material in a fillet or partial penetration bevel-groove weld is τ = 0,30 Rm Example of application, for a fillet weld with equal legs, the allowable force is F = 0,30 Rm A = 0,30 Rm a.L = 0,30 Rm 0,707 w.L If the strength of the weld material is Rm = 100MPa, and the leg length is w = 10mm, and the length of the weld is L = 150mm, then the permissible force on the joint is F = 0,30 x 100 x 106 x0,707 x 10 x 10-3 x 150 x10-3 = 31,82 x 103 N where Rm is the tensile strength of the weld material (minimum value), as determined from the Table: ‘Permissible stress of weld’. Knowing the electrode type, the designer can determine the weld metal strength (see the chapter on welding consumables for details), and then determine the permissible static shear stress with the above equation. Then this shear stress is related to the throat area A of the weld and the applied force F by τ = F/A 120 from which the weld size or length may be determined, or the permissible force. Welds in axial shear (P) This is loading parallel to the axis of the weld. The shear stress is P τ= tL for both groove-and fillet-welds. P is the parallel shear force. t throat F Tension/compression load on joint V Butt weld P Transverse (shear) load on joint L Axial shear (parallel) load on joint NB: Load carrying Fillet welds are not to be used singly, as the loading tends to open the root. Instead the joints are welded on both sides, and it is assumed that each side takes half the total force. 6.2 Load carrying butt and groove welds The butt and groove welds are made through the thickness of the plate. The weld has nominally the same stress as the parent plate. The extra height of the weld above the surface is called reinforcement. However it is anything but that, rather it creates a stress concentration. Hence there is great advantage in machining welds down to base material. The trouble and cost of doing so usually prevents this being done. Underfill is also a bad weld. 121 Static loading Butt welds can be treated as parent material for strength calculations. Partial penetration butt welds that are welded from one side only (i.e. single bevel, V, J. U) must not be allowed to be loaded in such a way as to open the root. Throat thickness is the minimum depth of penetration. For a U or J weld it is the depth of the groove. For a Bevel or V weld it is the specified penetration less 2 mm. For a partial penetration butt weld, the specified penetration must be at least: a=2 t where t is the thickness of the thinner member. However it is not good practice to use partial penetration butt/groove welds, and these are no allowed in some standards. Groove welds Loading on weld Groove and butt welds – FULL PENETRATION Tension normal to the effective area of the weld Allowable static stress (strength) in welded base material before any safety factor Requirements for filler material Tensile stress of base material Rm Compression Tensile stress of base material Rm Filler metal tensile strength greater than or equal to base metal tensile strength Filler material may be at most 70MPa weaker than base metal Tension or compression parallel to the axis of the weld Tensile stress of base material Rm Filler material may be at most 70MPa weaker than base metal Shear Lower of 0.3 Rm Tensile stress of base material, and 0.4 Re yield strength Filler material may be at most 70MPa weaker than base metal Fatigue category Fatigue strength at 107 cycles Partial (incomplete) penetration butt welds are a bad idea, as they are difficult to verify. They are not permitted in some codes. However AWS.D1.1:2000 does allow incomplete penetration groove welds. 122 6.3 welds Load carrying fillet Leg length h Application Fillet welds are often used for load carrying joints, particularly in T joints. The T joint is relatively common in mechanical design, since it can join various cut plates together. The joint does however have the disadvantage of having a ready-made crack at its base, in the form of the incomplete penetration. Of course there Weld throat and leg are ways of making the joint so that the penetration is complete, but these require an extra effort that might not always be worthwhile. Throat t Load cases A loaded fillet weld develops shear stresses across what is called the throat. The allowable stress is the strength of the weld filler material, for which you need to consult tables of electrodes/filler material. F t throat Tension/compression load on joint h leg V Transverse (shear) load on joint fillet weld P Axial shear (parallel) load on joint L 123 Applications to design For fillet welds in tension/compression/axial shear, the relationship is F F σ= = t L 0,707h L With F force, t throat, L weld length, h leg length. In the usual case where fillets are welded on both sides, it is assumed that each side takes half the total force. In the case of a fillet weld, it is necessary to determine the leg length h, since this is the dimension shown on the drawing. Weld Throat There are two important dimensions in fillet welds, weld throat and leg length. The throat is the vital dimension for design. It is the shortest distance from the root to the face. The overfill (reinforcement) is not included. Penetration is also not counted (except in the submerged arc process). The leg length is the size of the triangle that fits inside the weld section. Note that the penetration and reinforcement are neglected. The figure illustrates the legs and throat of a fillet weld. Figure: When multiple welds are used, then the total throat is NOT the sum of the individual ones. Instead, it is necessary to find the new shortest line through the weld. Sum of individual leg lengths (left) for a compound weld (groove and fillet), and throat (right). The correct throat for purposes of calculation is the shorter dimension (right). 124 Note that for equal leg fillet welds (the most common type of fillet weld), the throat t is related to the leg length h by the following expression. t = 0,707 h For other types of weld the relationship may need to be changed. While design calculations use the THROAT, usually the leg length is more easily measured than the throat, and therefore it is the LEG that is shown on drawings. For butt welds the throat is the same as the plate thickness. Allowable stress for Fillet welds in static loading The allowable stress is 0,3 Rm where Rm is the ultimate tensile strength of the weld metal, with a limit of twice the yield strength of the parent metal. Alternatively, the allowable stress in a fillet weld, is 130 MPa for Grade 43 steel, and 160 MPa for Grade 50 steel. Stress in a fillet weld is calculated as the vector sum of the stresses due to the forces and moments in the weld, based on the throat thickness. Loading on weld Allowable static stress (strength) in welded base material before any safety factor Requirements for filler material Tension normal to the effective area of the weld (shear) Tension or compression parallel to the axis of the weld 0.3 Rm Tensile stress of base material Tensile stress of base material Rm Filler material may be at most 70MPa weaker than base metal Filler material may be at most 70MPa weaker than base metal Fatigue category Fatigue strength at 107 cycles Design ratio The codes provide an allowable stress for a weld (eg 115 MPa). There is a different allowable stress for the parent material (plate), eg 155 MPa. In the case of the butt welds, the joint will have to be designed to the lower stress. 125 However for fillet weld joints, the fillet weld may be designed according to the allowable weld stress, and the plate may be designed to the allowable plate stress. Therefore, for fillet welds the stresses in the plate and the fillet are not necessarily the same. The design ratio is the ratio of plate stress to weld stress. If the designer chooses, the weld stress may be arranged to be the same as the plate stress, that is a design ratio of 1,00. In this case the leg length (for an equal leg fillet weld, welded both side) would h = 0,707B where B is the plate thickness. This is a somewhat conservative approach. How large to make the fillet weld Fillet welds require some care because of their characteristics under fatigue loading. The location of failure depends on the ratio of weld leg size to plate thickness. The optimum is when there is sufficient weld material that the failure starts at the weld toe rather than at the weld root. Cracks in the weld root are very difficult to detect, because they often occur inside, hence failure can occur unexpectedly. In contrast toe cracks are easier to detect, e.g. by discolouration or dye penetrant. This requires that the leg length be h = 0,707 B rd where B is plate thickness, rd = plate stress / weld stress, and is called the design ratio. Generally we design for the thinner plate. 126 An alternative is to use partial penetration fillet welds. Their advantage is that they do not use as much filler material to gain a given throat, and they are therefore less expensive. However their problem is that it is difficult to make sure that the penetration is correct, and this requires testing (which increases the expense). Therefore partial penetration fillet welds are not used as often as might be thought. If the penetration is increased, to the point where the two weld beads merge, then the joint is basically a transverse butt weld. Minimum fillet weld size The AISC specify a minimum size of fillet weld, based on the thickness of the thicker part to be joined. However the weld does not have to be larger than the thickness of the thinner member. Dimensions are in inches. Note 1" = 25,4 mm Thickness of thicker member Minimum fillet size to 1/4" inclusive over 1/4" to 1/2" over 1/2" to 3/4" over 3/4" to 1" over 1" to 2 1/4" over 2 1/4" to 6" over 6" 1/8" 3/16" 1/4" 5/16" 3/8" 2" 5/8" Longitudinal load carrying fillet welds These are welds that are used to make lap joints, and for cover plates. Some strength improvement may be had by welding the end of the lap. But welds on 127 the free edges should be avoided as they severely weaken the fatigue strength of the joint. It is true that they seal the joint from internal corrosion, but they also weaken it. The weld ends are common places where fatigue crack start. Often the cover plate is much narrower than the main plate, and in this case it is necessary to determine an effective width of the main plate for stress calculations. A common method (but totally arbitrary), is shown in the figure. 128 6.4 Allowable stress in weld metal The permissible stress in static loaded welds is shown in the table below. Note that the permissible stress depends on the type of joint, and the direction of loading. Most codes requires that the strength of the weld material be at least that of the parent material. Generally it is better to go for a stronger grade of weld material, to push static failure into the base material rather than the weld. Table: Allowable static stresses in weld material (as opposed to base material), roughly based on AWS D1.1:2000 and also included in Standard Handbook of Machine Design, SHIGLEY J and MISCHKE C. Weld loading Permissible stress in weld metal Groove weld: complete penetration Tension normal to throat same as base metal Compression normal to throat same as base metal Tension or compression parallel to weld axis same as base metal Shear on throat 0,30 x nominal tensile strength of weld metal, except stress on base metal shall not exceed 0,40x yield strength of base metal Groove weld: partial penetration Compression normal to throat same as base metal (see code) Tension or compression parallel to weld axis same as base metal 129 Shear parallel to weld axis 0,30 x nominal tensile strength of weld metal, except stress on base metal shall not exceed 0,40x yield strength of base metal Tension normal to throat 0,30 x nominal tensile strength of weld metal, except stress on base metal shall not exceed 0,60x yield strength of base metal Fillet weld Stress on throat, regardless of 0,30 x nominal tensile strength of weld direction metal, except stress on base metal shall not exceed 0,40x yield strength of base metal Tension or compression parallel to weld axis same as base metal Plug and slot welds Shear of joint 0,30 x nominal tensile strength of weld metal, except stress on base metal shall not exceed 0,40x yield strength of base metal For Allowable stresses from AWS D1.1.200, see Public Resource https://law.resource.org/pub/us/cfr/ibr/003/aws.d1.1.2000.pdf Electrode filler material needs to have a tensile strength the same or greater than the base material. This is called ‘matching’ the base metal. For ASTM steel grades, see corresponding electrodes at Table 3.1 AWS D1.1.200 (https://law.resource.org/pub/us/cfr/ibr/003/aws.d1.1.2000.pdf) E6010: E refers to an electrode, 60 kpi is the ultimate tensile strength, 1 refers to all positions, 10 refers to other factors of cover and current. 130 Table: Steel consumable electrode with samples of designations. Electrode Tensile Example Covering Positions X refers to F – flat strength another designation for chemical composition of the metal E60xx E70xx E80xx E90xx E100xx E110xx E120xx H – horizontal VD – vertical down V – vertical (down or up) OH - overhead 60 ksi = 413 MPa E6010 E6012 cellulose titania F, V, OH, H F, V, OH, H E7010 E7048 cellulose Low hydrogen F, V, OH, H F, V, OH, H, VD E8010-P1 E8016-B2 cellulose Low hydrogen F, V, OH, H F, V, OH, H E9010-G E9016-B3 cellulose Low hydrogen F, V, OH, H F, V, OH, H E10010-X E10016-X cellulose Low hydrogen F, V, OH, H F, V, OH, H E11016-X Low hydrogen F, V, OH, H E12016-X Low hydrogen F, V, OH, H 70 ksi = 482 MPa 80 ksi = 550 MPa 90 ksi = 620 MPa 100 ksi = 689 MPa 110 ksi = 758 MPa 120 ksi = 827 MPa 131 Table: Designations of electrodes and weld consumables E R ER EC EW B RB F IN RG 6.5 Indicates an arc welding electrode, which, by definition, carries the arc welding current. Indicates a welding rod which is heated by means other than by carrying the arc welding current. Filler metal: arc welding electrode or welding rod composite electrode tungsten electrode (not consumed) brazing filler metal Dual use welding and brazing rod flux for submerged arc welding consumable insert welding rod for gas welding Groups of Welds in torsion The weld stresses due to torsion are determined in a slightly different way. It is necessary to take into account the distribution of the weld bead around the axis of torsion/bending. There are two shear stresses that are generated, and these have to be combined. The Primary shear due to the reaction force carried by the weld is: F τ1 = A where F reaction force carried by weld A total throat area of all welds The Primary shear stress is the same on all welds in the group (at least to a first approximation). 132 There is also a Secondary shear due to torsion about the centroid of the weld group: M.r τ2 = J where M bending moment r distance from the centroid of the weld group to the point of interest in the weld J polar moment of area of weld group about its centroid The Secondary shear stress varies depending on the distance between the centroid and the portion of the weld in question. The further away the weld material is from the centroid, the greater will be the secondary shear stress that it carries. 133 The shear stress τ2 acts in a direction perpendicular to r. The two shear stresses are combined by vector addition to find the resultant. It will be necessary to perform this combination at various places along the weld, unless the location of highest stressed is obvious by inspection (it will be at a corner that is furthest away from the centroid). It is usually easier to calculate the Unit polar moment of area Ju , which is the polar moment of area divided by the throat size. The value of J u is available in the table below for some common weld groups. For fillet welds the throat size in turn can be readily determined from the leg length (h), as t = 0.707h. Alternatively, the second moment of area is J = 0.707hJu 134 Weld Throat area Location of centroid x, y A = 0.707h(b + d) x=0 y = dª2 A = 1.414hd x = bª2 y = dª2 x= A = 0.707h(b + d) y= b2 2(b+ d) d2 Unit POLAR moment of area Ju Ju = Ju = d3 12 (3b2 +d2) 6 Ju = (b +d)4 - 6b2d2 12(b+d) 2(b+d) 135 b2 8b3 + 6bd 2 + d 3 b4 2b+ d Ju = 12 2b+ d d y= 2 x= A = 0.707h(2b + d) 136 A = 1.414h(b + d) A = 1.414hπr x = bª2 y = dª2 at centre Ju = (b +d)3 6 J u = 2πr 3 For weld groups not shown, first determine the position of the centroid οͺAi yi οͺAi xi x = and y = οͺAi οͺAi where Ai area of weld I, assuming unit width xi position of centroid of area A i Then determine the unit polar moment of area for an area of unit width, using conventional means. R Ju = ο² r2 dA 0 Example: Welded attachment in torsion The diagram shows a plate that is welded onto a base member. The stresses in the welds are determined as follows. 137 The centroid of the weld group is found, using the previous tables, as x = b2/(2b+d) = 602/(2x60 + 100) = 16.36 mm y = d/2 = 100/2 = 50 mm The bending moment about the centroid is M = F.r = 50 x 103 x (0.060 + 0.200 - 0.016) = 12.2 k Nm The unit polar moment of area is Ju = (8b3 + 6bd2 + d3)/12 - b4/(2b+d) = (8x0.0603 + 6x0.060x0.1002 + 0.1003)/12 - 0.0604/(2x0.060+0.100) = 4.68x 10-4 m3 The polar moment of area is J = 0.707hJu = 0.707x0.006x 4.68 x 10-4 = 1.99x10-6m4 The area of the welds is A = 0.707h(2b+d) = 0.707x0.006x(2x0.060+0.100) = 9.332x10-4m The primary shear stress is τ1 = F/A = 50x103/9.332x10-4 = 5.358x107Pa The secondary shear stress depends on where we consider. It is largest at weld material furthest away from the centroid. 138 Also, as shown in the diagram above, the direction of the secondary shear stress is perpendicular to the radius from the centroid. Therefore it is possible to say beforehand that the greatest final stress (resultant) will arise at point A. It is here that the secondary stress is (1) large and (2) closest in direction to the primary stress. It will not always be as clear as this. We could now determine the radius from the centroid to A, but it is easier to work in co-ordinates as follows xA = 60-x = 60-16.36 = 43.64 mm yA = d = 100mm Then the secondary shear stresses at A are τ2Ax = M.xA/J = 12.2 x 103 x 0.0436/1.99x10-6 = 267.3 x 106Pa τ2Ay = M.yA/J = 12.2 x 103 x 0.1/1.99x10-6 = 613.1 x 106Pa In this case the primary shear stress is in the y direction, and therefore the resultant stress is τA = [τ2Ax2 + {τ2Ay + τ1}2]0.5 = [267.32 + {613.1+ 53.58}2]0.5 = 718.3 MPa This stress would be well over the permissible shear stress for most materials that are likely to be welded. There are materials that can take this type of stress, but generally they have too much carbon to be easily welded. 139 6.6 Groups of Welds in bending This section applies to beams made of welded fabrications. The method is very similar to that for torsion, except that the second moment of area must be used, rather than the polar moment of area. As for torsion, there are two stresses that are generated, as follows. Shear due to the reaction force carried by the weld: F τ1 = A where F reaction force carried by weld A total throat area of all welds Normal stress due to bending about the centroid of the weld group: M.d σ= 2.I where M bending moment d depth of beam I second moment of area of weld group about a section through the neutral axis 140 It is usually easier to calculate the Unit second moment of area Iu , which is available in tables for many common weld types. The value of I is then I = Iu .t where t is the weld throat size. For a fillet weld t = 0.707h where h is the leg length. The normal stress will vary depending on the distance of the weld material being considered. The further the weld material is from the neutral axis (not the centroid), the greater the normal stress. Once the shear stress and bending stress have been determined, they need to be combined. In the case of bending it is necessary to resort to structural mechanics to find the principal stress or the maximum shear stress. This may be done using a Mohr's circle. Alternatively, the following equations can be used. The maximum and minimum principal stresses are: 1 2 σ1,2 = [ (σx+σy) ο’ (σx-σy)2+4τ ] 2 xy and maximum shear stress is given by: σ1-σ2 1 2 τ3 = ο’ =(σx-σy)2 + 4.τ 2 2 xy In most cases only one normal stress exists, say σx and therefore σy = 0. 141 Weld A = 0.707h(b+d) A = 1.414hd Throat area x=0 y = dοͺ2 Location of centroid Unit SECOND moment of area, about a horizontal axis through the centroid d3 Iu = 12 x = bοͺ2 y = dοͺ2 Iu = d3 6 142 b 2 d y= 2 x= A = 1.414hb bd2 Iu = 2 b2 2b+d d2 Iu = .(6b+d) d 12 y= 2 x= A = 0.707h(2b+d) Weld Throat area A = 0.707h(b+2d) Location of centroid Unit SECOND moment of area, about a horizontal axis through the centroid x = bοͺ2 2d3 d2 Iu = - 2d2y + (b+2d)y2 3 y= b+2d 143 as above for U section A = 1.414h(b+d) x = bοͺ2 y = dοͺ2 Iu = d2 .(3b+d) 6 as above for closed rectangle 144 Weld A = 1.414hπr Throat area at centre Location of centroid Iu = Unit SECOND moment of area, about a horizontal axis through the centroid πr3 2 For weld groups not shown, first determine the position of the centroid οͺAi yi οͺAi xi x = and y = οͺAi οͺAi where Ai area of weld I, assuming unit width xi position of centroid of area A i Then determine the unit second moment of area for an area of unit width, using conventional means. y Iu = ο² y2 dA 0 145 6.7 Stresses due to misalignment Misalignment Misalignment can occur in two ways: Angular: plates that are joined at an angle other than 180 degrees. The effect is also called peaking because of the visual effect created. Lateral: where plates are parallel, but their axes are not co-linear. This in turn can occur in two ways: either in plates of the same thickness that are offset, or when joining plates of unequal thickness. Misalignment increases the local stresses because it introduces secondary bending stress on top of the existing axial stress. Consequently the fatigue strength for a misaligned joint is lower than for a flat joint. However this only applies to joints which are transverse to the loading. Longitudinal welds do not feel the effect of misalignment, even if it is present. Also, the effect of misalignment must be only taken into account, where it causes secondary bending. For example when there is lateral support, then secondary bending does not occur. Misalignment can be reduced by careful attention to joint preparation, and the fitting of the parts before welding. It is often impractical to avoid misalignment totally. The effect of misalignment in design is accounted for either by a stress concentration factor, or by calculating the secondary bending stress and adding it to the primary stress. 146 Secondary bending stress due to lateral misalignment The stress depends on the geometry of the joint, as follows. The following parameters are used: H weld leg length Sw stress on the weld throat without secondary bending Sb secondary bending stress Sa primary stress B plate thickness (subscript 1 or 2 are appropriate) v Poisson=s Ratio (0,3 for steel) A1 Lateral misalignment in butt or cruciform joints between flat plates of equal thickness: 3e Sb = .Sa B A2 Lateral misalignment in butt or cruciform joints between flat plates of unequal plate thicknesses with B1 < B2 the equation is 147 B 1 1,5 6e .[ ].S B1 1,5 1,5 a B +B 1 2 A3 Lateral misalignment in fillet welded cruciform joints (root failure): e Sb = .S B+H w where H is the weld leg length, and Sw is the stress on the weld throat without secondary bending. Sb = A4 Lateral misalignment in butt welded seam of vessel or pipe: n B 1 6e Sb = .[ ].Sa B1(1-v2) Bn+Bn 1 2 where for unequal plate thicknesses with B1 < B2, and n = 1,5 for circumferential welds and welds in spheres, and n = 0,6 for longitudinal seams. Secondary bending stress due to angular misalignment Angular misalignment of vessel or pipe 6d Sb = .Sa B where d deviation from true circular shape Total stress due to misalignment The total stress due to the nominal applied stress and the secondary stress due to misalignment is S = Sa+Sb Stress magnification factor due to misalignment If it is necessary to determine a stress magnification factor for misalignment, it is Sb Km = 1 + Sa 148 7 Weld fatigue There are generally accepted design rules for welded structures, and these have been incorporated into the many welding codes that exist. This section describes the underlying principles on which such codes are based. Welds are intrinsically full of cracks waiting to grow. Consequently welded structures are vulnerable to failure by fatigue at stresses that appear to be very low. Fatigue is the dominant mode of failure in welded joints. It shows with cracks in the weld and base material. Fatigue only occurs when there are loads that change with time. In practice this includes practically every structure, since even nominally statically loaded parts are subject to some changing load. Some of the more subtle changing loads include wind forces, vehicle and pedestrian traffic, wave action, and machine induced vibration. There are very few structures that are truly statically loaded, and therefore the consideration of fatigue is usually necessary in safety-critical structures. Welds contain pre-existing crack-like features. Since crack initiation need not take place, only crack growth, the fatigue life is relatively low. Fatigue strengths of welds are primarily determined by geometry, and there is not much value in using stronger materials. The effects of welding flaws and lack of penetration are to provide stress raisers. Misalignment is another important effect. Fatigue loading Fatigue occurs where the stress changes with time. There will exist a maximum stress, and also a minimum stress. The minimum stress can be positive, zero, or negative, where the sign shows the direction relative to the maximum stress. Stress reversal occurs when the minimum stress has the same magnitude as the maximum stress, but opposite direction (-sign). In most of the codes the allowable fatigue strength refers to the range of stress (maximum – minimum) but sometimes it is the amplitude (half the range). If the code is ambiguous about this, as is the case surprisingly often, then make a conservative assumption. 149 In the case of welds, the crack growth rate is relatively constant for the various mild steels, irrespective of tensile strength. Hence fatigue life of welds is not dependent on material properties such as tensile strength, but rather it depends on the type of microscopic weld defects. In turn this depends on the type of weld (butt vs. fillet) and orientation (parallel or transverse to the loading). Thickness of the plate is also a variable. This results in the fatigue strength, more accurately the permissible stress range, being defined by weld categories A-D, irrespective of the tensile strength or grade of the material. Many definitions of weld categories exist, all slightly different. The familiar SN curve is still used, where life less than infinite life is acceptable. For infinite life, the stress value at 107 cycles is taken as the endurance limit for welded steels in air. There are variants on this, with some codes using 2x106 and some having no endurance limit at all. 7.1 Design life Design life is typically 25 years. It is not always necessary to design for infinite life. Some machines like cranes experience only a few load cycles each day, depending on their purpose. If you are uncertain, then assume π = 107load cycles (conservative), and determine endurance limit from the table below, for different classes of welds. Before using the design rules, you need to decide whether or not the structure warrants it. For non-critical structures where the consequences of failure are relatively minor, then it may be acceptable to use a rule-of-thumb (such as fillet leg length = 0.5 x plate thickness) rather than any serious analysis. Design procedure The procedure that would typically be followed is: 1 Decide which code to use, and get a copy of it. For welds without considerations of beam stresses, probably the best is AWSD1.1:2000 150 For definitive reference please see Table 2.4 Fatigue stress provisions, AWS D1.1.200, source Public Resource https://law.resource.org/pub/us/cfr/ibr/003/aws.d1.1.2000.pdf For simple mechanical structures and a non complicated weld code see (AS 3990, 1993). For cranes design and weld conditions see (NZS/BS 2573.1:1983, 1983). 2 Determine all loads are accurately as possible (directions, magnitudes, frequency). If necessary, use one of the fatigue techniques to determine the effect of random or cumulative loading (e.g. Miners rule, Reservoir method etc.). For cranes, use a load impact factor, typically 1.3 for medium to heavy workshop duty per Table 4 (NZS/BS 2573.1:1983, 1983). The impact factor accounts for the abruptness of the load pickup. 3 Perform preliminary design of structure: positions of welds, and types of welds (‘condition’). Use the better class weld details where possible. Try move welds out of known areas of high stresses, e.g. use bolts rather than welding at root of cantilever (not always possible). 4 Allocate a class to each weld, from tables. For example, if you expect a fillet weld across the load path, then select weld class F. See classes of joints below. 5 Decide on the level of confidence required. Normally used M-2SD, except where reasons exist to go to more or less standard deviations. 6 Decide on the life required. This is usually 25 years life, although lower life can be tolerated if regular and adequate inspection is performed. Determine utilisation – how frequently the load cycles arise. 7 From the desired life, determine the permissible fatigue stress range for each of the weld classes. This is found in tables. The stress range refers to the maximum less the minimum stress, e.g. one load pickup and put down cycle of a crane. The standards are not concerned about mean and amplitude – it is only the stress range that matters. 8 Select structural steel members. These might be plates or beam sections. Calculate stresses when the loads are applied. Use the most severe combination of loads. Determine the thickness or size of the structural members to give a stress less than the appropriate fatigue strength. No safety 151 factors are required. Make sure that the static tensile yield strength of the base materials has not been exceeded. 9 Use the fillet weld equations to determine the required throat and leg lengths of the weld(s), for a given strength of electrode. Check that weld stress is less than the allowable weld stress for the code. Check that the member has sufficient thickness, e.g. in flange, to support the desired weld. Butt welds are simpler - determine appropriate electrode. Corrosive Environment The allowable stresses are based on steel in air. If corrosion is present then the design rules do not generally apply. Unfortunately there are no general design rules for corrosion fatigue, and it is necessary to use test results (and test results take time, since corrosion cannot be hurried up like fatigue!). Corrosion plus fatigue is worse than either of the two acting on their own. Tests on corroded North Sea structures show that fatigue life is reduced by a factor of about two, and the endurance limit S o is so small that it is practically negligible. High temperature Environment Generally the design codes are applied up to about 375 oC for steels, 430oC for austenitic stainless steels, and 100oC for aluminiums. Higher temperature service requires special attention. Also high temperature plus corrosion can be a problem. Low temperature Environment Fatigue lives increase at lower temperatures, as the crack growth is slowed down. However the fracture toughness also decreases. Brittle fracture therefore starts to become a problem. Reference: MADDOX SJ, 1991, Fatigue strength of welded structures, Woodhead. 152 7.2 Classes of Joint There are nine classes of joint, depending on the orientation, type of weld etc. These are named A B C D E F F2 G and W (this designation varies across the codes). For each class there is a given permissible stress based on fatigue. Class A is basically unwelded material, with the highest fatigue strength, and class W has the lowest fatigue strength. Several types of weld detail are put into each class. Each weld in a structure has to be assessed, and put into one of the nine classes. Then the permissible stress may be found (for the required life), and the necessary throat thickness determined. It is quite possible that a joint can fit into more than one class, depending on the ways that it could fail. There are multiple welding codes, each of which is slightly different and has many fussy little rules. This is frustrating divergence arises because the expert committees in each country feel they know best, and the standards organisations want both control of the process (without perceived interference from other countries) and their own copyright code to sell for income purposes. Pons design code This is my code, for illustration & teaching purposes. It includes elements from several other codes. If you use this for design purposes it is your own responsibility as I accept no liability for the outcomes. If you need to cite it, use the title of this book. 153 Figure. Generally accepted weld fatigue classes. Adapted from AWS. 154 Figure. Generally accepted weld fatigue classes. Adapted from AWS. Weld groups Group 1 Plain material free from welding Fatigue cracks generally do not start in the base material as the welds have much lower fatigue strength. If there is fatigue in base material, the cracks start 155 at stress concentrations, such as holes and re-entrant (internal) corners. When plain material is repaired by welding, then it is reclassified as a transverse butt weld. Requirements CLASS Illustration Plate and structural sections with no holes. No subsequent corrosion or surface damage permitted. 1.1 All surfaces and edges machined (not flame cut) and polished. A 1.2 All surfaces and edges B machined or rolled, or extruded. Flame cut surfaces machined in the direction of stressing. Plate and structural sections with holes. 1.3 Flame cut surfaces machined in the direction of stressing. Designers must make allowance for the appropriate stress concentration factor for geometry. B 1.4 Planed or Flame cut surfaces, free from cracks. Designers must make allowance for the appropriate stress concentration factor for geometry. C 1.5 Small holes (drilled or reamed) with Diameter less than plate thickness. Class already includes stress concentration factor. D Crotch corner at branch connection. SCF must be applied by designer. 1.6 Free from welding C 1.7 Repair welds dressed flush and proved free from flaws D 156 Group 2 Butt welds with loading parallel to the weld Fatigue cracks generally start at weld ripples, start-stop positions, and weld flaws. NDT is required to ensure freedom from significant flaws. Permanent backing strips must be continuous, and any joints between pieces must be full penetration butt welds. To avoid yielding of the Backing strip, the material should be of similar strength to the main member. Welds attaching backing strip to main member must be of the same CLASS as those used in the main member. In some codes the presence of a fillet weld within 10 mm of an edge causes the weld to be downgraded to Class G. No undercutting permitted on corners and returns, if it occurs it must be ground flush. Requirements CLASS Illustration Full penetration butt weld. From both sides, or one side onto consumable insert or temporary non-fusible backing. 2.1 Welds dressed flush. Weld proved free of flaws by NDT. B Full penetration butt weld. From both sides, or one side. Continuous Permanent backing (integral or attached by welding) is permitted. 2.2 Automatic process. No stop-starts, and proved free of significant flaws by NDT. Any tack welds on backing must be ground out or buried in weld. C 2.3 With stop-starts. Backing may be attached with continuous fillet weld. D E 157 2.4 Backing may be attached with intermittent fillet weld. Group 3A Full penetration Butt welds in plates with loading across the weld (transverse butt welds) Fatigue cracks generally start at weld toe. If the overfill is dressed flush, then weld flaws become significant as crack initiators. NDT is required to ensure freedom from significant flaws. Effect of misalignment must be taken into account, where it causes secondary bending. There is a plate thickness penalty for thicker plates, which must be used to decrease the permissible stress. Requirements CLASS Illustration Full penetration butt weld. Plates of equal width and thickness. Weld from both sides, or one side onto consumable insert or temporary non-fusible backing. 4.1 Weld overfill dressed flush. Weld proved free of flaws by NDT. Any misalignment blended with slope of 51:4 C (Fatigue cracks usually start at weld flaws.) Full penetration butt weld. Plates of any width and thickness, but changes tapered to slope 1:4. Up to 15% thickness change can be accommodated in the weld without taper. 4.2 Shop welds in flat position. Manual or Automatic process, but not submerged arc. D Field welds, or position welds, or submerged arc welds E 158 4.3 Welds by any process. Weld from both sides, or one side onto consumable insert or temporary non-fusible backing. Overfill profile θ ο€ 150o D 4.4 Overfill profile θ < 150o E 4.5 Weld from one side, full penetration, and proved free of significant flaws by NDT. Not recommended for fatigue loaded joints, as life critically dependent on root condition. E 4.6 Weld from one side, onto Permanent backing (integral or attached by tack or fillet welds). F Full penetration butt weld. Plates of unequal width, which are not tapered. SCF is already included in the classification. 4.7 Weld ends ground to a radius 1,25 times plate thickness. NB This class can be avoided by using shaped transition pieces instead. F2 Group 3B Full penetration Butt welds in Sections with loading across the weld (transverse butt welds) Fatigue cracks generally start at weld flaws. Failure from toe or root is possible in some cases. NDT is required to ensure freedom from significant flaws. There is a plate thickness penalty for thicker materials, which must be used to decrease the permissible stress. Requirements CLASS Illustration Full penetration butt weld between rolled, extruded or built-up sections. 5.1 Advised that Weld overfill be dressed flush. F2 159 If special precautions are taken, it may be possible to assume group 4 welds. 5.2 Weld in web (not flange) at Semi-circular cope hole. Weld end and overfill dressed flush within distance R from edge of cope hole. Class includes a SCF of 2,4, Mitred (450) cope holes are not recommended. D Full penetration butt weld, between hollow sections. Includes cylindrical and conical shapes. 5.3 Weld from both sides. Overfill dressed flush. Proved free of significant flaws by NDT. (Not appropriate for structural work). C 5.4 Weld from both sides, or one side onto consumable insert or temporary nonfusible backing. E 5.5 Weld from one side onto Permanent backing (integral or attached by tack or fillet welds). F 5.6 Weld from one side without backing, but full penetration is assured. F2 160 Group 4 Fillet and T butt welds Fatigue cracks generally start at the toe, and sometimes the root. Weld ends are typical sources for loading parallel to the weld line. In some codes the presence of a fillet weld within 10 mm of an edge causes the weld to be downgraded to Class G. There is a plate thickness penalty for thicker plates, which must be used to decrease the permissible stress. Requirements CLASS Illustration Cruciform or T joints between plates, or sections or built-up members. 6.1 Full penetration butt weld F 6.2 Partial penetration butt or fillet weld. Weld sufficiently large to prevent failure in throat. F2 6.3 Partial penetration butt or fillet weld, failure in throat. Assumes no load is taken in bearing between plates. W Fillet welded lap joints 6.4 Lap joint symmetrically arranged on both surfaces. Determine effective width. F2 6.5 Lap joint symmetrically arranged on one surface. Determine effective width. G 6.6 Any Lap joint W 6.7 Any Lap joint, with undercut ground, and no returns around the laps. G Group 8 Welded attachments Fatigue cracks generally start at the weld ends (for loading parallel to weld), and at the toe (for loading across the weld). One sided welds sometimes fail at the root. In some codes the presence of a fillet weld within 10 mm of an edge 161 causes the weld to be downgraded to Class G. There is a plate thickness penalty for thicker plates, which must be used to decrease the permissible stress. Description Requirements CLASS Attachment of any shape. In contact with stressed member. Weld lies across the direction of loading. 8.1 Fillet or butt + fillet weld. Welds continuous around ends or not. Attachment thickness t ο£ 55 mm F 8.2 Attachment thickness t > 55 mm F2 Attachment to web, in region of combined bending and shear 8.3 Use principal stress range in vicinity of weld. E Attachment of any shape, with surface in contact with stressed member. Fillet weld, continuous around ends or not. Attachment length L and width W: 8.4 L ο£ 160 mm W ο£ 55 mm 8.5 L > 160 mm W ο£ 55 mm 8.6 L > 160 mm W > 55 mm Cover plate of any length, and wider than girder flange. Ensure flange edge is not undercut. Avoid weld returns around corners. Illustration F F2 G G 162 Description Requirements CLASS Attachment of any shape, on or close to the edge of a stressed member. 8.8 Any size fillet or butt weld, continuous around ends or not. Avoid undercut on corners, or remove by grinding. Avoid weld returns around corners. G Attachment of any shape, with edge on contact to a stressed member, with weld parallel to direction of loading. Fillet or butt weld, continuous around ends or not. Attachment length L and width W: 8.9 L ο£ 160 mm W ο£ 55 mm 8.10 L > 160 mm W ο£ 55 mm 8.11 L > 160 mm W > 55 mm Attachment with bending stress 8.12 Local bending stress to be included by designer. Illustration F F2 G F Group 4 Continuous welded attachments parallel to the applied stress Fatigue cracks generally start at weld ripples, start-stop positions, weld ends, and weld flaws. Root failure in fillet welds is also possible, especially for single163 sided welds. In some codes the presence of a fillet weld within 10 mm of an edge causes the weld to be downgraded to Class G. Requirements CLASS Illustration Fillet and butt welds from one or both sides. 3.1 Automatic process. No stop-starts. C 3.2 With stop-starts. D 3.3 Intermittent fillet weld with g/h ο£ 2,5 E 3.4 Intermittent fillet weld with g/h > 2,5 F 3.5 Fillet at cope hole. Weld may or may not continue around plate end F Group 7 Penetrations through stressed members 164 Description Requirements CLASS Slotted throughmember 7.1 Full penetration butt weld. Length of through member ο£ 160 mm. Apply plate thickness penalty. F 7.2 Length of through member > 160 mm. Apply plate thickness penalty. F2 7.3 Fillet or butt welded. Apply SCF and plate thickness penalty. F 7.4 Full penetration butt weld D 7.5 Partial penetration butt or fillet weld F 7.6 Partial penetration butt or fillet weld, with throat failure. W Branch and tube connections and penetrations Illustration 7.3 Allowable stress range Separately the designer has to decide what kind of fatigue life is required, in number of load cycles. Having identified the joint, and found its alphabetic rating, with the fatigue life, the designer can now determine the allowable stress range π π . This is shown in the tables below. The various codes are slightly different. 165 Pons allowable stress range in fatigue 20 000 to Category 100 000 cycles 100 000 to 500 000 cycles 500 000 over to 2 000 000 2 000 000 cycles cycles A (material A514) 310 241 172 172 A 276 221 165 165 B 228 172 117 103 C 193 145 97 83 D 165 117 69 62 E 117 83 48 41 F 117 97 76 62 G 103 83 62 55 Table: Allowable stress range π π [MPa] as a function of weld category and desired fatigue life. Adapted from AWS. AS3990 permissible stress range Table. Permissible stress range [MPa] (max-min) adapted from (AS 3990, 1993). 20 000 to 100 000 Category 100 000 to or cycles 500 000 condition cycles 500 000 over to 2 000 000 2 000 000 cycles cycles Load Load Load Load condition condition condition condition 1 2 3 4 A B 410 310 245 185 165 120 165 110 166 C D E F G 220 185 140 100 130 110 85 80 85 65 55 60 65 45 30 55 See also https://www.imorules.com/GUID-08E7C2C0-C82E-4511-8676232C07928B1A.html#GUID-08E7C2C0-C82E-4511-8676-232C07928B1A For the FAT system see https://www.efatigue.com/welds/background/iiw.html Fatigue categories per AWSD1.1:2000 For definitive reference please see Table 2.4 Fatigue stress provisions, AWS D1.1.200, source Public Resource https://law.resource.org/pub/us/cfr/ibr/003/aws.d1.1.2000.pdf Table: A simplified set of fatigue strengths adapted from AWS D1.1:2000 Table 2.4. See full table for further details and other conditions. This is a conservative table as the life is given at 10^7 cycles. Base metal Base metal Base metal Base metal Weld Allowable stress category range at 10^7 cycles With rolled or cleaned surface. A 138 MPa At Welded cover plates with E 13.8 MPa or without welds across the ends Next to complete penetration B 103.5 MPa groove welds that are ground and NDT Next to details with groove E 13.8 MPa welds under transverse or longitudinal loading or both, with NDT 167 Base metal Welds Groove welds Fillet welds Next to Longitudinal stiffeners with intermittent fillet welds Fillet or groove welds parallel to applied load. Without attachments. Welds must be continuous complete penetration groove welds that are ground and NDT Shear stress on throat E 13.8 MPa B 103.5 MPa B 103.5 MPa F 48.3 MPa 168 7.4 Theoretical approach to weld fatigue The following is the basic theory on which all the codes are constructed. This theory also allows determination of S-N curves and permissible fatigue stress for shorter lives. The S-N curve shows a linear relationship between log(π) and log(π) where π is number of cycles of life before failure, and π is the fluctuating stress range. Figure: Experimental SN curve of 4130 tensile specimens with R_a=0.1 surface finish, Kushagrs, https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Experimental_SN_curve_of_4130_te nsile_specimens_with_smooth_surface_finish.png Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International Hence also log(π) = log(πΎ) − π. log(π) 169 A generalised approach The permissible fatigue stress (strength) π is described by the relationship π π π = πβπ = π΄ where S stress m stress exponent N number of cycles of life before failure a constant Δ standard deviation factor d number of standard deviations (d = 0 for mean, d = 2 for two standard deviations below mean line M-2SD). A parameter for M-2SD. Values of some of the parameters are given in the table below, for M-2SD (d=2). Two standard deviations below the mean M-2SD is 98% confidence. This is the general equation. However this is not commonly used in design. Instead the equation is adapted to give the endurance limit strength π π and this is used for design purposes. Permitted stress for finite life If a finite life is acceptable and desirable, then the permitted stress amplitude (range/2) π ππ or ππ for life N may be determined using 1 π΄ π π ππ = ( ) π and the tabular values for A and m given below. Table. Endurance limits (amplitude based) for structural steels. M-2SD refers to mean less two standard deviations, i.e. is a conservative value. m Δ A [for d=2 i.e. M-2SD] Endurance limit So for 107 cycles for M-2SD [ MPa = N/mm2] B 4,0 0,657 1,10 x 1015 100 C 3,5 0,625 4,22 x 1013 78 Class A Base material (unwelded) 170 Class m Δ A [for d=2 i.e. M-2SD] Endurance limit So for 107 cycles for M-2SD [ MPa = N/mm2] D 3,0 0,617 1,52 x 1012 53 E 3,0 0,561 1,04 x 1012 47 F 3,0 0,605 6,33 x 1011 40 F2 3,0 0,592 4,31 x 1011 35 G 3,0 0,662 2,50 x 1011 29 W 3,0 0,654 1,58 x 1011 25 For example, for a fillet weld class E, m=3.0, A= 1.04 x 1012, and if the required life is N=100,000 cycles, then the permissible stress range (endurance limit) is 1/3 π΄ 1/π 1.04π₯1012 5 π(π = 10 ) = ( ) =( ) π 105 = 218 [πππ] Don’t use this in practice. The codes apply additional safety factors to this. 171 The categories or classes of joint are determined by the orientation of the weld to the load path. Plate thickness effect The effect of plate thickness is taken into account (where required by the tables), by the following factor: (22/B)0.25 where B is the plate thickness in mm. This factor is used to decrease the permissible stress. Stress ratio Generally, tensile stresses produce more fatigue damage than compressive stresses, and therefore it is the type of loading and not only the number of cycles which is important. The type of loading is denoted by the stress ratio R, which is the minimum stress divided by the maximum stress. For reversed 172 bending R=-1. The more positive the stress ratio the more damaging the loading. Fatigue design does not take into account the shape of the stress waveform or the periods of rest in between, or the frequency of loading. For example is high frequency any worse or better than low frequency? There is currently no answer to this, at least not in the form that can reliably be used in design. Instead the values which are used in fatigue analysis are simply the number of load cycles, the peak stress, and the stress ratio. Fatigue strengths of welded structures are much lower than those of unwelded parts. The fundamental reason is that welds introduce a large number of stress raisers and ready-made crack-like features. For an unwelded part, the fatigue life consists of a relatively long period in which the crack is initiated, and then another period when the crack grows. For welded parts the crack is already provided, and the only substantial life is that taken to grow the crack. Fatigue strength Fatigue strength refers to the maximum stress that may be permitted in the part if fatigue cracking is to be avoided. The fatigue strength depends on the number of load cycles. A load cycle is caused each time the load is applied and removed. In the case of structures like rotating shafts subject to bending, then the load cycles come very quickly. For example at 3000 rpm, there are 3000 load cycles per minute. Other structures like pressure vessels may be subject to much less frequent load cycling. In determining the load cycle the designer must consider not only these primary loads, but also vibration loads introduced by rotating or moving machines, wind forces, wave action etc. The greater the frequency of the loading, the shorter will be the time that passes before a certain total number of cycles is past. For example, a million cycles at 3000 rpm takes 5.6 hours, but at 1 Hz it takes 278 hrs. Fatigue strengths are presented on graphs showing the fatigue strength as a function of the total number of cycles. Large number of specimens are required to generate these curves, and each test takes a significant length of time. Results are applied stress [S], plotted against number of stress cycles [N]. Usually log-log axes are used rather than linear. There is scatter in the results, more so than in static tensile tests, which is to be expected given the nature of the fatigue mechanism. For most 173 materials, especially ferrous metals, there is a certain stress below which fatigue failure will not occur however long the alternating stress is applied. This stress is called the endurance limit Rn, and it usually occurs at about 10 6 load cycles. The essence of preventing fatigue is to keep the stresses below the endurance limit so low that no crack growth occurs at all. Alternatively the part can be deliberately designed for a finite life, if this is acceptable. In welding, it is common to take the fatigue strength for infinite life at 2 x 10 6 cycles (or sometimes 107 cycles), and these values are quoted in the various codes. If a finite life is acceptable, then a higher fatigue strength may be used. 174 Not sure about this section – ignore for now Next the allowable maximum stress may be determined from the expression σallow σmax = 1-K where K is the ratio of maximum to minimum loading: σmax Mmax Fmax τmax Vmax K = = = = = σmin Mmin Fmin τmin Vmin where M is moment, F is force, V is shear force. For those categories marked with an asterisk (*), in the case of a stress reversal, use the equation σallow σmax = 1-0,6K The allowable stress calculated for fatigue may not exceed the stress calculated for static loading. Note that the allowable stress values given in the table are in ksi. 1 ksi = 6,89 MPa. 175 8 Deeper physics of weld fatigue cracks 8.1 Fatigue Crack growth It is generally accepted that the process of crack growth under cyclic loading is divided into three phases [36]: crack initiation, crack propagation, and structural fracture, see Figure 8.1. Figure 8.1. Three stages of crack growth. Image [14] used by permission. In wrought steels as used for machine parts, many loading cycles are necessary to get the fatigue crack started and grown to a small-crack size. Even in materials without microscopic defects, it is possible for cracks to be nucleated as follows: dislocations coalesce into thicker slip planes and eventually macroscopic slip bands. These localised hardening effects are irreversible, i.e. not undone by the next loading cycle. Eventually the slip bands protrude to the surface, creating opportunities for stress concentration and crack nucleation. 176 Figure 8.2. Crack initiation due to dislocation pile up at the surface of the part. Image [14] used by permission. Below a certain threshold of stress, cracks do not nucleate at all. This corresponds to the endurance strength. Thus the fatigue design for machine parts is primarily aimed at retarding the Crack Initiation stage. In welds by contrast, there are many established small cracks and adverse residual stresses immediately after the weld cools. Hence the Crack Initiation phase is skipped entirely, and the loading cycles are immediately applied to Crack Propagation. In the Propagation stage the crack grows by two mechanisms. One is plastic deformation and damage around the crack tip at each opening & closing load cycle, hence plastic blunting. The other is shear stress ahead of the crack, on planes at 45° to the loading direction. Cracks initially propagating through the grains, and are somewhat delayed at grain boundaries. Hence finer microstructure and internal precipitates are usually beneficial for fatigue resistance. 177 Figure 8.3. Plastic forward destruction, or plastic blunting process. Image [14] used by permission. Around the main crack a set of micro-cracks arise, creating a crack net. At the atomic level the shear stress is not reduced by having more micro-cracks. Thus the crack net probes a larger volume of material for weaknesses than a single crack could do on its own. This promotes the main crack to automatically grow in a direction most favourable to increasing the total strain (hence most injurious to the integrity of the part). This is consistent with the general understanding that cracks always propagate towards the direction which requires the minimum energy (stress). If there is also high temperature then creep occurs by diffusion of vacancies (dislocations) from the bulk of the grain to the grain boundaries, hence creep cracks tend to propagate along the grain boundaries. The Propagation stage shows a relatively steady growth process. This is modelled by Paris’ Law [37], which shows a power-law relationship between the crack growth rate and the range of the stress intensity factor during the fatigue cycle: ππ (1) = πΆ(βπΎ)π ππ ππ where is the crack growth rate; βπΎ is the effective stress intensify factor, ππ which is identified as the difference between maximum and minimum stress intensify factors for one cycle; π is the crack growth length; π is the number of cycles; and C and m are constants. None of these factors is available at early design, except for specific materials and cases. The rate of crack growth is merely a curiosity to an engineering designer, who rather wants to prevent any 178 crack from ever starting in the first place. Hence keeping the stresses below the endurance limit is usually of greater importance than predicting crack length. In the absence of mean stress, the fatigue life of a material which is experiencing pure fatigue may be expressed in the form of stress-life [82, 83]: ππππ = πΆπ π −π½π (2) where ο³ref is the alternating amplitudes of stress strain, Cο³, is the fatigue capacity for one cycle of fatigue life; and ο’ο³, is the fatigue exponent which describes the sensitivity of the fatigue capacities to increasing fatigue life. The subscript “ref” emphasizes the condition of pure fatigue in the absence of any other damage driving forces such as creep. The equation may be rearranged to log(π) = −π log(π) which is the basic shape of the SN life relationship which is well known to design engineers. In the case of welds, the crack growth rate is relatively constant for the various mild steels, irrespective of tensile strength. Hence fatigue life of welds is not dependent on material properties such as tensile strength, but rather it depends on the type of microscopic weld defects. In turn this depends on the type of weld (butt vs. fillet) and orientation (parallel or transverse to the loading). Thickness of the plate is also a variable. 8.2 Probability of failure Extensive tests have been done on steels in various types of joint configuration and loading, and the fatigue strengths determined. The results are plotted as log Stress vs log life. There is always some scatter, as would be expected. A straight line is fitted to the log-log data, at two standard deviations below the mean (M-2SD). This line represents the boundary for about 98% survival, and this is commonly used for design purposes. The same line is used regardless of the stress ratio. It gives the permissible stress range for various lives, regardless of the stress magnitude. Fatigue strengths of other welded materials Fatigue strengths of welded materials are well researched for steels, and to a lesser extent for aluminiums. For other materials there are very much less data available. However it appears that (at least for aluminium and steel), that the fatigue strength is proportional to the elastic modulus: e.g. if a material has an 179 elastic modulus 1/4 that of steel, then the fatigue strength for the weld is likely to be 1/4 of that for steel. Aluminium The fatigue mechanisms are the same as for steels. Allowable stresses are approximately one third those of steel (i.e. proportional to the ratio of the elastic moduli). For aluminium, the crack growth rate is an order of magnitude faster, so these materials have a lower fatigue limit. Stress concentration factors Note that the joint classes take into account the Stress concentration factor due to the weld itself. Some of the classes also take into account the SCF due to holes or other features. However on the whole, the designer has to apply any SCF that is due to the large scale geometry of the structure. Principal stress The stresses that are used for fatigue assessment are traditionally the principal stresses. It is important to take into account the direction of the principal stresses, and therefore a joint could have different classifications in the different directions of stress. 9 A qualitative understanding of fatigue mechanism in welds What happens to cause the fracture of a weld in service? Fracture surface In fatigue failure the fractured surface is often smooth, possibly with visible rings (called beach marks) spreading out from the origin of the crack. The origin is usually a small defect or stress raiser. 9.1 Location of fatigue cracks Is it possible to predict which part of a weld is most likely to suffer a fatigue crack? Fatigue failure at weld toe In most cases the fatigue crack starts at the toe of the weld (where the weld material joins the outside surface of the part), when the loading is transverse to 180 the weld (i.e. loading pulls the weld apart). Failure at the toe is caused by the Stress concentration factor due to: * undercutting of the surface * convex profile * intrusions at the toe: these are ready made cracks which are an inevitable consequence of the welding process The intrusions cause the fatigue strength of a weld to be less than that due to just the undercutting or convex profile. Therefore the use of theoretical Stress concentration factors (Kt) for welds is not appropriate. As there are pre-existing crack like features in any weld, it takes less stress cycles to initiate a crack, and therefore the life is shorter. The three factors listed above, exist in all welds to some extent. Naturally, if one of the factors is particularly bad, or there are additional flaws in a weld (such as hydrogen cracking), then the fatigue situation is made even worse. Fatigue failure at weld roots Failure can also occur from the root of the weld, that is the inside part of the weld cross section, for fillet welds and partial penetration welds. The unpenetrated region of the joint provides a crack-like feature which relatively easily initiates fatigue. 181 Sometimes partial penetration welds (fillet and butt) are deliberate, and at other times they are flaws, depending on the intention. Fatigue failure at weld ripples When the loading is parallel to the weld, then there is no stress concentration effect at the toe, and weld irregularities such as surface ripples become the sources of failure. 182 9.2 Factors affecting fatigue strength Welded structures behave differently to other parts, since there are different principles at work. Residual stresses When a weld bead solidifies, it shrinks. This applies forces to the members on each side, pulling them inwards on the sides, and along the long axis of the weld. However the members are stiff, and cannot accommodate all the strain that the weld requires. Consequently a compensated situation arises where the weld remains partly in tension, and the surrounding members partly in compression. The structure may warp as a result of these forces. The warping forces are especially strong if there is more weld material on one side of the joint that the other. There can also be warping when welding one side, and then coming back afterwards for the other side. Normally an unwelded material is not too much troubled by compressive stresses. These do not contribute much to fatigue, since existing cracks tend to be closed under compressive forces. However in the case of welded material, the fatigue behaviour is very different. The residual stress is so highly tensile that only exceptionally large compressive stress could have any beneficial effect. Often the weld material has such high residual stresses that it is at the point of yielding. Even if an external compressive stress is now applied, it only temporarily relieves the tensile residual stress in the weld, and when the external force is removed the stresses return to the former tensile value. The important consequence of this is that fatigue failure can still occur with compressive loading, since the stress fluctuations are still in the tensile region. Almost all welded joints are assumed to have significant tensile residual stresses in the weld, regardless of any stress relief. Consequently there are two important laws of fatigue in welding. A In welding, it is not the direction of loading (tensile or compressive) that is critical in fatigue of welds, but the stress range. Regardless of the stress ratio, the range (alternating stress) is more important than the mean stress. 183 B Fatigue strength of welded structures does not depend significantly on material strength. Instead it depends largely on weld quality. In unwelded parts the time spent just getting a crack started is a large part of the total fatigue life. Stronger materials help retard crack formation. However in welds the pre-existing crack-like structures in all welds mean that fewer cycles have to be spent developing a crack. Therefore the fatigue of a weld is mostly spent in propagating the crack rather than starting it. Once a crack is started, its subsequent propagation speed does not depend heavily on the material strength, but on the loading. The better the weld quality, the fewer the flaws, and the longer the time taken to get a fatigue crack started. All welds have high residual stresses in the weld material. These are caused by the weld bead cooling and shrinking, which is resisted by the base material. The stresses are tensile in direction, and are the major contribution to the poor fatigue life of welds. Stress relief is a heat treatment process that attempts to alleviate the residual stresses. It involves heating the structure and allowing it to cool slowly. There is a cost to the process, and it is sometimes impractical to perform, particularly on large structures. Anyway, it has been found that stress relief is only beneficial if the loading is at least partially compressive. There is a smaller benefit (15% improvement in fatigue strength) in using stress relief in structures subject to tensile loading. Furthermore, it appears that the stress relief process does not always reliably achieve the purpose. For these reasons, the design codes do not generally acknowledge stress relief. Strength of filler material Weld filler material is usually a better grade than the base material, and therefore has a better static tensile strength. Therefore a full strength joint, like a full penetration butt weld (transverse) will be at least as strong in a static test as the base material. In a static tensile test, failure would be expected to occur in the parent material rather than in the weld. Note that static refers to stresses that do not change fast with time, i.e. this does not include fatigue. The ultimate tensile strengths (UTS) of the parent and the weld materials are much the same, with the weld material being somewhat higher. However, under fatigue loading (dynamic loading) the picture changes very radically. The failure is almost certainly going to occur in or near the weld now. A plain unwelded piece of mild steel plate might have a fatigue strength of say 250 MPa. The same type of plate with a transverse butt weld on it would have 184 a fatigue strength of say 150 MPa. The fatigue strength of a weld will always be less than that of the parent material. There are few structures that are only loaded statically. Most structures have at least some dynamic load, for example from vibration. The dynamic loading can sometimes be deceptive, appearing trivial when in fact it may not be. The steady vibration of an engine through its mountings can sometimes be enough to cause fatigue failure. In such cases the failure of the joint is better predicted from the fatigue strength of the weld rather than the ultimate tensile strength. The question often arises about whether it is always necessary to take fatigue into account, or whether the weld can be designed by quicker and simpler methods. This is not a simple question, and there are several answers. For structures that are covered by codes (such as pressure vessels), then there are specific codes that legally need to be followed, and these take fatigue into account. For safety critical structures for which there are no codes, then of course if in doubt then it is better to take fatigue into account. For structures that are not dangerous if they fail, then sometimes designers just use a rule of thumb. There are many engineering structures where it is difficult if not impossible to predict the loading that the part will be subject to, and without this information many of the weld calculations grind to a halt. Type of joint The fatigue strength largely depends on the type of joint, some joints being intrinsically weaker in this regard than other. It is possible to improve the fatigue strength by grinding welds down to flush with the parent material. However this is not usually practical to do. Even if welds are ground flush, there is still the trouble of the internal flaws which will exist. Stress concentration effects Weld joints have the worst possible combination of stress concentration effects: * severe geometric Stress concentration factors * abundant crack-like discontinuities externally * abundant crack-like discontinuities internally Size effects The basic principle here is that the bigger the part the lower the fatigue strength. This is not an intuitive conclusion, but the mechanism is nonetheless 185 simple. Larger parts have the potential to contain more flaws (and more severe flaws), and so there is a greater chance that one of the flaws may be suitably lined up to start a crack. Also, the larger the feature, the more the temptation for the stress lines to deviate, that is a larger Stress concentration factor. In this regard a small attachment is better than a large one. The current design philosophies for welded joints do not take size into account: they mainly refer to joints of a size common in industrial practice. Weld overfill-reinforcement The reinforcement of a weld is the part that protrudes above the surface of the parent material. This is a bad name, since the feature does not add to the strength of the weld, but actually takes away from it. The better name for the material is overfill. The smoother the transition between the parent- and the weld materials, the better the fatigue strength. In practice it is impossible to create a weld that is completely flat, with no underfill or overfill, by welding alone. As grinding is not always practical, it is assumed that a small overfill will usually result. Design is normally based on such an assumption, and any welds that do not meet the standard may need to be reworked. One of the chief tasks of the designer is to try to give the welder the best practical opportunities of making a good weld. Welding position is important in this, as is access and the type of weld. 186 Weld root conditions The same considerations about reinforcement apply to the shape of the root. The root needs to have a smooth shape, and not have excessive penetration. Crevices (undercut) are also bad for fatigue strength. It is bad practice, but relatively common nonetheless, to take care over the reinforcement, but ignore the root. A fatigue failure can start just as easily in the root as in the top surface of the weld. In practice the root is difficult to control, because access is often limited, and the welding might have to be done from one side only. This situation typically arises in pipe welds. The welding procedure has a significant effect on the shape of the root bead. Certain procedures (eg TIG or oxyacetylene) tend to produce a better shape than others. Furthermore, it is possible to use fusible root inserts, or removable backing strips. More discussion on backing bars follows below. Backing bars Another option to control the root and prevent burn through is to use permanent backing bars. These are a relatively common approach, but they can easily be misused. The main requirement is that backing bars must be fully fused with the parent material. It is in failing to achieve this that a lot of abuse occurs. There is a temptation to attach the backing bar with poor quality welds, in the mistaken belief that it is a strip that does not carry any load. In fact the backing bar becomes an integral part of the joint, and attracts loading to itself (the Stress concentration factor effect). A poorly welded backing bar can severely reduce the fatigue strength of the whole joint. 187 Even a properly attached backing bar, as in the diagram, will be susceptible to failure that originates in the root. The crack will initiate from the ready-made crack provided by the gap between the bar and the parent materials. The fatigue strength of a weld with a backing bar is relatively low, even with good weld practice. The reasons for using backing bars are NOT for strength, but to provide full penetration joints, allow easier welding, and provide location for setting up the joint. Important practices in backing bars are: ο· bars must be continuous in length, or properly welded together (with full penetration joints) if made of joined lengths. There may not be any air gaps between backing bar segments, since such gaps provide instant cracks ο· any tack welds used to locate the backing strip must be buried by subsequent welding ο· attaching a backing bar with intermittent fillet welds causes a significant loss in fatigue strength compared to a continuous fillet weld Other alternatives to backing bars are ο· Consumable inserts, which are thin strips put into the root, and which are completely fused during welding. ο· Temporary non-fusible inserts, made of glass, ceramic or copper. These may be removed after welding. ο· Root face. However use one or the other, not both backup strip and root face, otherwise there will be inadequate penetration. Backup strips are held in position by short tack welds, preferably staggered. The welder should make sure that the strip seals the root properly. Weld orientation Longitudinal welds are ones that run in the same direction as the applied loading. The geometry does not create a stress concentration, so the fatigue 188 strength is higher than welds which are transverse to the applied load. All gaps, lack of penetration, undercut, backing strips, etc, are much less severe in longitudinally loaded welds. Naturally the internal and external defects (especially weld ripples and start/stop positions) still exist, and so the fatigue strength is not as high as an unwelded plate. If a designer can arrange for the welds to be longitudinal, then they will be stronger. However the geometry does not always permit this, and furthermore there is often a fair amount of uncertainty in the direction of the loading. Note that a weld on the long axis of a structure (eg a longitudinal weld on a pipe), is not necessarily loaded in the same axis. In the case of a pipe the hoop (circumferential) stress means that the welds along the axis are actually transverse to the loading, and therefore the critical ones. The circumferential welds will be less critical (providing that there is no axial load to stress them). Weld ends The end of a weld is a problem area for fatigue. The profile of the end creates a stress concentration, which reduces the fatigue strength. Many weld cracks originate from such regions. It is often difficult to eliminate the feature altogether. However it is also possible to avoid intermittent welds which have multiple weld ends. Intermittent welds are suitable for saving fabrication cost, but they are not really compatible with heavily stressed structures. Weld ends are sometimes wrapped round a structure, mainly to seal the joint from corrosion. While this is an advantage for corrosion resistance, it does weaken the joint for fatigue. This is because some part of the weld will now definitely be across the load path. 189 Welding on edges Edge welds are not good for fatigue strength. Attachments on the edges of load carrying members cause low fatigue strength. Tubular frames Structural hollow sections have very high stress concentration due to the bending of the side wall where another tube joins. Weld quality Weld quality is important, but only if the defects introduce more severe Stress concentration factors than those already present in any weld. Typical problems in welds include: O welding flaws: porosity, slag inclusions, lack of fusion (weld bead detaches from base material) O lack of penetration at the root O misalignment 190