Classroom Walk Through Teacher’s Name: Mr Mina Many Date of observation __27/ 9 /2023___ Subject areas observed _ Biology__ Topic covered___Fundamentals of biology___ Circle any that apply. Add comments in the space provided. 1. 2. 3. The students are: Receiving information applying skills Reviewing skills synthesizing/evaluating Practicing newly acquired skills task-oriented Engaged in their work other __________________ Activities: Individual work oral/group project Hands-on learning open-ended problem-solving Worksheets norm-referenced tests Teacher made tests discussion self/peer assessments Short/long s term projects/research group work Using technology other______________________ Students are applying the following skills: Reading 4. Speaking Computing Thinking Listening The school mission/vision is evident in the classroom instruction. Yes 5. Writing NO What was the best evidence of learning observed in this class? _____Group work_____________ COMMENTS: _________________Need to improve students’ engagement______________________________ Signature